1 00:01:17,412 --> 00:01:18,413 I listened to the tape. 2 00:01:20,707 --> 00:01:21,833 The sonar. 3 00:01:22,751 --> 00:01:26,504 The battleship you said you heard... It wasn't there. 4 00:01:27,255 --> 00:01:28,298 You played the tape back? 5 00:01:28,465 --> 00:01:31,134 I had to understand how you got the classification so wrong. 6 00:01:31,968 --> 00:01:34,929 But there was nothing, and when a ship did show up, 7 00:01:35,013 --> 00:01:38,016 it was in an entirely different class... smaller. 8 00:01:38,600 --> 00:01:39,934 Sonar can barely hear it. 9 00:01:40,018 --> 00:01:42,479 So, what... I made it up? 10 00:01:44,564 --> 00:01:47,233 Tom, you said yourself 11 00:01:47,317 --> 00:01:50,028 you've been seeing and hearing that ship in your dreams. 12 00:01:50,361 --> 00:01:51,863 It's been haunting you, 13 00:01:52,155 --> 00:01:54,115 and the way you've been acting lately, 14 00:01:54,240 --> 00:01:55,450 the risks you've been taking, 15 00:01:55,533 --> 00:01:57,243 it's like you're courting your own death. 16 00:01:57,327 --> 00:01:58,578 I heard it, Sasha. 17 00:01:59,162 --> 00:02:00,538 I'm worried about you, Tom. 18 00:02:01,831 --> 00:02:03,625 I'm worried to leave you on Nathan James. 19 00:02:06,127 --> 00:02:09,339 In less than five hours, you're gonna hit that beach in Colombia 20 00:02:09,422 --> 00:02:11,299 with 300 Sailors and Marines. 21 00:02:12,342 --> 00:02:13,760 Don't be afraid for me. 22 00:02:17,305 --> 00:02:19,933 Just tell me you're gonna be okay. 23 00:02:27,565 --> 00:02:29,108 We're gonna be okay. 24 00:02:38,117 --> 00:02:39,244 Spotters, relay target one. 25 00:02:41,454 --> 00:02:46,960 Lima, Bravo, three-eight-five-five-niner seven-zero-three. Over. 26 00:02:47,710 --> 00:02:48,711 Position confirmed. 27 00:02:48,878 --> 00:02:50,588 Good morning, Colombia. 28 00:02:50,755 --> 00:02:51,756 Fire. 29 00:03:24,497 --> 00:03:25,790 Right, 50, add 50. 30 00:03:39,596 --> 00:03:41,264 We caught them by surprise, sir. 31 00:03:41,347 --> 00:03:43,474 Yeah. They know we're here now. 32 00:03:44,392 --> 00:03:46,477 Brawler, this is Mother. Report posit and TOT. 33 00:03:47,103 --> 00:03:49,689 IP forward and holding. No tally. 34 00:03:49,772 --> 00:03:51,774 Their navy's out there somewhere. Keep an eye out. 35 00:03:51,858 --> 00:03:52,859 Roger that. 36 00:04:09,500 --> 00:04:11,002 Tracks are at the waterline. 37 00:04:13,379 --> 00:04:14,422 Good luck. 38 00:04:16,716 --> 00:04:18,051 Navy's lighting 'em up pretty good. 39 00:04:19,093 --> 00:04:20,094 How much longer? 40 00:04:23,306 --> 00:04:25,934 Hey, reporter. You stay in my pocket, all right? 41 00:04:26,017 --> 00:04:27,727 You keep your head down and your armor on. 42 00:04:27,810 --> 00:04:29,437 I don't care how heavy it is. You got me? 43 00:04:29,520 --> 00:04:30,521 Yeah. Yeah. 44 00:04:30,939 --> 00:04:33,066 Devil Dogs, get those mortars up and running. 45 00:04:33,149 --> 00:04:34,150 Yes, sir. 46 00:05:17,110 --> 00:05:18,861 Let's go! Move, move, move, move! 47 00:05:47,849 --> 00:05:48,850 I got you. 48 00:05:51,436 --> 00:05:54,355 Lima, Charlie, three-eight-one five-zero-one six-one. 49 00:05:55,606 --> 00:05:57,233 - Stay down! Stay down! - I'm good, I'm good. 50 00:06:00,570 --> 00:06:01,612 Shit. 51 00:06:05,074 --> 00:06:06,325 Targeteers down. 52 00:06:07,452 --> 00:06:10,246 Our troops are too close to the action for us to fire blind. 53 00:06:10,329 --> 00:06:12,457 Brawler, we need eyes on and suppressive fire. 54 00:06:12,540 --> 00:06:14,542 Aye, sir. Coming in hot. 55 00:06:18,337 --> 00:06:19,338 Move! 56 00:06:55,041 --> 00:06:56,292 Stinger! 57 00:06:59,879 --> 00:07:02,006 Mayday. Mayday. Mayday. 58 00:07:02,090 --> 00:07:04,592 This is Brawler. We've been hit. Going down. 59 00:07:04,675 --> 00:07:07,845 Marking location, Hotel Victor. Three souls on board. 60 00:07:07,929 --> 00:07:09,680 I say again, we're going down. 61 00:07:18,022 --> 00:07:19,190 Go, go! 62 00:07:21,818 --> 00:07:23,027 Corpsmen, up! 63 00:07:50,263 --> 00:07:52,098 There's another gun emplacement! 64 00:07:52,181 --> 00:07:54,767 Shift fire north! Everyone on me! 65 00:07:55,935 --> 00:07:56,936 Move! 66 00:07:58,521 --> 00:07:59,564 Move! 67 00:08:00,523 --> 00:08:01,607 Move! 68 00:08:04,777 --> 00:08:07,947 - Should we retreat? - Retreat? Hell, we just got here! 69 00:08:16,122 --> 00:08:17,582 Go, go, go, go! 70 00:08:42,982 --> 00:08:45,151 We're gonna run to that hill! You hear me? 71 00:08:45,234 --> 00:08:46,319 - Yeah. - On me! 72 00:08:57,747 --> 00:08:58,915 Hey! 73 00:09:39,372 --> 00:09:43,292 Hey, hey, I got you! Hey, hey, hey! 74 00:09:43,376 --> 00:09:46,420 All right. I got you! Calm down! I'm not gonna leave you, Marine! 75 00:09:47,171 --> 00:09:49,423 No! No! 76 00:09:52,510 --> 00:09:53,552 No! 77 00:10:02,937 --> 00:10:04,397 Six. 78 00:10:04,480 --> 00:10:07,608 - At least two buried gun emplacements. - We need to take them out ourselves. 79 00:10:07,692 --> 00:10:08,943 Yes, that's the plan! 80 00:10:09,026 --> 00:10:12,738 Nathan James, Vulture Three. Too close for fire support. 81 00:10:12,822 --> 00:10:14,073 We'll take it from here. 82 00:10:14,156 --> 00:10:15,157 Good luck. 83 00:10:15,241 --> 00:10:20,246 You, you, and you, take care of those assholes up right! 84 00:10:20,329 --> 00:10:21,539 The rest of you with me. 85 00:10:21,622 --> 00:10:24,375 We're gonna break left and take that goddamn hill. 86 00:10:24,458 --> 00:10:29,088 Mortarmen, you lay down cover fire, and take out their big guns. On my mark. 87 00:10:29,171 --> 00:10:30,172 Now! 88 00:10:30,256 --> 00:10:31,549 - Fire! - Fire! 89 00:10:34,135 --> 00:10:36,137 Move! Move, move, move! 90 00:10:45,771 --> 00:10:46,856 Fire! 91 00:10:47,773 --> 00:10:48,774 Move it! 92 00:11:45,915 --> 00:11:47,458 Let's go, Marines! Go, go, go! 93 00:12:23,327 --> 00:12:26,705 Vulture, this is Taylor. Barracks are clear. 94 00:12:27,331 --> 00:12:30,584 - We've got two dozen EPW. - Vulture, copy. 95 00:12:33,379 --> 00:12:36,257 Raider Two, Alpha Team leader. Southern beach is clear. 96 00:12:36,340 --> 00:12:40,261 All teams, this is Charlie chief gunny. Team leader is KIA. 97 00:12:40,344 --> 00:12:43,097 We have multiple casualties, but there is no more hostile activity. 98 00:12:44,557 --> 00:12:48,394 Stonewall Six, Raider Two. Red Beach is secure. 99 00:12:49,145 --> 00:12:51,772 This is Stonewall Six reading you loud and clear. 100 00:12:51,856 --> 00:12:56,318 Sending medical support and logistics. Sailors and Marines, well done. 101 00:15:47,114 --> 00:15:51,910 Last gasp of a dying dictator, inciting his people to rise up. 102 00:15:51,994 --> 00:15:55,706 Gonna force us to kill civilians just to protect his own ass. Coward. 103 00:15:55,789 --> 00:15:57,291 Swain, can you trace the broadcast? 104 00:15:57,374 --> 00:16:00,210 - I've got a general area. - All right, give me whatever you got. 105 00:16:04,465 --> 00:16:08,010 Vulture Team, Navy Spear. We have coordinates for a possible HQ. 106 00:16:08,093 --> 00:16:11,555 Mark one-zero decimal eight-five-six north, 107 00:16:11,639 --> 00:16:15,351 negative seven-four decimal one-eight-three west. 108 00:16:16,185 --> 00:16:17,227 Copy that. 109 00:16:17,311 --> 00:16:18,437 Go get 'em. 110 00:16:18,520 --> 00:16:19,688 All right, we've identified 111 00:16:19,772 --> 00:16:22,274 three enemy critical capabilities inland. 112 00:16:22,358 --> 00:16:25,569 Alpha, Bravo, Charlie Companies, you each head out and destroy them. 113 00:16:25,653 --> 00:16:27,279 - Weapons, you have everything you need? - Yes, ma'am. 114 00:16:27,363 --> 00:16:30,658 Good. And we have more assets unloading as we speak. 115 00:16:30,741 --> 00:16:33,619 - Uh, Captain, you did good today. - Thank you, sir. 116 00:16:33,702 --> 00:16:37,581 - These are some brave Marines, sir. - You're right about that. Damn right. 117 00:16:37,665 --> 00:16:39,875 Find that son of a bitch Gustavo Barros. 118 00:16:40,417 --> 00:16:42,169 When you do, we'll send in reinforcements. 119 00:16:42,670 --> 00:16:43,962 - Yes, ma'am. - That is all. 120 00:16:51,178 --> 00:16:54,431 - Nice work, Steve. - Thank you, ma'am. 121 00:17:16,787 --> 00:17:17,788 No. 122 00:17:27,715 --> 00:17:29,883 - Tavo. - Felipe. 123 00:17:36,557 --> 00:17:37,558 No. 124 00:18:14,136 --> 00:18:15,220 General quarters, general quarters. 125 00:18:15,304 --> 00:18:17,389 All hands, man your battle stations. 126 00:18:17,473 --> 00:18:19,349 We just picked up a ship coming out of the north. 127 00:18:20,267 --> 00:18:21,393 What kind of ship? 128 00:18:21,477 --> 00:18:23,020 Don't know yet, but she's heading our way. 129 00:18:24,188 --> 00:18:26,440 Sounds like the Espora class corvette we jammed on the way down. 130 00:18:26,523 --> 00:18:27,524 Called in from the beach. 131 00:18:27,608 --> 00:18:29,234 Michener doesn't have the firepower to take 'em on. 132 00:18:29,318 --> 00:18:30,652 We're gonna have to do it without our helo. 133 00:18:30,736 --> 00:18:33,071 TAO, put a RHIB in the water at 25 knots, 134 00:18:33,155 --> 00:18:35,407 blasting surface radar to pull 'em off our scent, 135 00:18:35,491 --> 00:18:36,492 and keep the turns wide. 136 00:18:36,575 --> 00:18:37,743 I want it to look like we're running away. 137 00:18:37,826 --> 00:18:38,827 Aye, sir. 138 00:18:38,911 --> 00:18:39,912 Man the boat deck. I say again, man the boat deck. 139 00:18:39,995 --> 00:18:41,330 With the corvette's eyes on our RHIB, 140 00:18:41,413 --> 00:18:43,665 we send two Mark 54s down her bearing line. 141 00:18:43,749 --> 00:18:46,126 Smart. Mask ourselves in the noise of the torps, 142 00:18:46,210 --> 00:18:48,086 follow in close behind, hit 'em with some harpoons. 143 00:18:48,170 --> 00:18:51,632 Underwater batteries, ready port and starboard tubes, and roll FIS green. 144 00:18:51,715 --> 00:18:53,258 Let's sink this son of a bitch. 145 00:19:07,689 --> 00:19:08,774 Simon. 146 00:19:34,675 --> 00:19:35,676 Gustavo. 147 00:19:37,845 --> 00:19:38,846 He's here. 148 00:19:41,265 --> 00:19:44,434 Apache One, this is Raider Actual. We have a visual on target. 149 00:19:44,518 --> 00:19:48,021 Commencing point PL recon, checking weapons and forces. 150 00:19:48,105 --> 00:19:50,941 Requesting any available unit. 151 00:19:52,693 --> 00:19:53,777 Let's check around front. 152 00:20:01,410 --> 00:20:02,703 Wolf, you're hit. 153 00:20:03,871 --> 00:20:06,206 Uh, it's nothing. It's just a scrape. 154 00:20:06,290 --> 00:20:07,833 Doc. Doc. 155 00:20:07,916 --> 00:20:09,543 Azima, it's nothing. 156 00:20:17,551 --> 00:20:19,136 Enemy contact approaching RHIB. 157 00:20:20,679 --> 00:20:22,180 It worked. 158 00:20:22,264 --> 00:20:25,100 RHIB now transmitting enemy vessel's bearing and range. 159 00:20:25,183 --> 00:20:26,852 TAO, she's all yours. 160 00:20:28,186 --> 00:20:31,565 Ready torpedoes, ceiling zero feet. Down Bravo's bearing line. 161 00:20:31,648 --> 00:20:35,277 Aye, sir. Torpedoes ready. Ceiling zeroed out. 162 00:20:35,360 --> 00:20:36,445 Batteries release. 163 00:21:03,347 --> 00:21:06,391 I have detonations. Alpha contact is hit. 164 00:21:06,475 --> 00:21:08,268 - Finish her. - Firing. 165 00:21:19,696 --> 00:21:22,366 I count three entrances to the main house. 166 00:21:22,449 --> 00:21:23,700 Charlie Company can come in from the south. 167 00:21:23,784 --> 00:21:25,118 They won't see us till we're up their asses. 168 00:21:27,704 --> 00:21:28,830 Contact! Front! 169 00:21:30,332 --> 00:21:32,584 All teams, Raider Two! Requesting immediate backup! 170 00:21:32,668 --> 00:21:36,797 Vulture Team is under fire! I say again, Vulture needs backup now! Over! 171 00:21:36,880 --> 00:21:38,674 Damn it, we've been compromised! 172 00:21:42,803 --> 00:21:44,096 - Out here! - Move! 173 00:21:44,179 --> 00:21:45,180 Go! 174 00:21:59,528 --> 00:22:01,989 Admiral Chandler, I'm getting something else on radar. 175 00:22:02,072 --> 00:22:04,241 - Alpha contact? - Negative, sir. 176 00:22:04,324 --> 00:22:09,079 This one's different. I cannot identify. Loading O-scope to read signal manually. 177 00:22:20,590 --> 00:22:21,883 What the hell was that? 178 00:22:23,176 --> 00:22:24,302 The battleship. 179 00:22:30,559 --> 00:22:32,102 Boat deck and repair five are gone. 180 00:22:32,185 --> 00:22:33,895 We got a 10-foot hole you can see the hangar through, 181 00:22:33,979 --> 00:22:36,606 and fires reported in aft IC and main two. 182 00:22:36,690 --> 00:22:38,358 Repair reports six casualties. 183 00:22:39,026 --> 00:22:40,986 Get personnel back there to monitor missile temps. 184 00:22:41,069 --> 00:22:44,072 Ensure deluge system is working, and station all lookouts. 185 00:22:44,990 --> 00:22:47,367 Class Charlie fires in the p-way. 186 00:22:47,451 --> 00:22:50,412 Shift to aux power. Commence CSOSS. 187 00:22:50,495 --> 00:22:54,583 Main navigation feed to weapon system down. We're leaking coolant. 188 00:22:54,666 --> 00:22:55,876 I've lost sonar. 189 00:22:58,920 --> 00:23:01,173 - That was too close. - Aim's only gonna get better. 190 00:23:01,256 --> 00:23:03,300 OOD, they can't hit the same spot twice. 191 00:23:03,383 --> 00:23:04,676 - Drive for the splashes. - Aye, sir. 192 00:23:05,343 --> 00:23:07,471 Helm, right five degrees, ahead two-thirds. 193 00:23:07,554 --> 00:23:09,765 Helm, aye. My rudder's five degrees right and ahead two-thirds. 194 00:23:09,848 --> 00:23:13,435 Bastard came in dark when we were busy with the corvette. Never saw it coming. 195 00:23:13,518 --> 00:23:14,519 Goddamn clever. 196 00:23:33,747 --> 00:23:36,416 This is Raider Two! Where the hell is that backup? 197 00:23:41,338 --> 00:23:42,339 - I'm good, I'm good. - Okay. 198 00:23:44,549 --> 00:23:48,095 Okay! Split up on my mark! Now! 199 00:23:55,352 --> 00:23:57,979 I've lost all controls. Jamming and tracking are down. 200 00:23:58,480 --> 00:24:01,483 VLS door failure. Missiles inoperable. 201 00:24:03,443 --> 00:24:04,653 Engage mount five-one. 202 00:24:43,191 --> 00:24:44,943 There's fires throughout the main deck. 203 00:24:45,026 --> 00:24:47,863 We got Sailors trapped below decks and ocean water pouring in fast. 204 00:24:47,946 --> 00:24:49,614 No one can get close enough to stop the flooding. 205 00:24:49,698 --> 00:24:53,493 CIC, Bridge. I need weapons. Come in. 206 00:24:54,161 --> 00:24:56,037 CIC, this is the Captain. Come in. 207 00:27:01,037 --> 00:27:02,914 - Is that everyone? - Yes, ma'am! 208 00:27:06,293 --> 00:27:09,629 Captain, helm. We're losing propulsion. Main engines are offline. 209 00:27:09,713 --> 00:27:12,132 USS Michener is 12 nautical miles and closing. 210 00:27:12,215 --> 00:27:15,051 Turn them back! That battleship will blow her outta the water. 211 00:27:15,927 --> 00:27:17,846 Ma'am, all weapons systems are down. 212 00:27:18,930 --> 00:27:23,643 Navigational systems are dark... and Nathan James is sinking. 213 00:27:24,602 --> 00:27:26,146 We can no longer fight the ship. 214 00:27:46,833 --> 00:27:48,001 Captain. 215 00:27:49,919 --> 00:27:51,171 It's time. 216 00:28:08,813 --> 00:28:14,819 All hands, this is the Captain. Abandon ship without delay. 217 00:28:14,903 --> 00:28:21,743 Securing and Salvage detail, abandon ship. All hands... abandon ship. 218 00:28:37,342 --> 00:28:39,803 That monster ship of yours is coming for us all now. 219 00:29:16,798 --> 00:29:20,844 Destroy it all. Nothing classified stays behind. 220 00:29:20,927 --> 00:29:26,266 Burn it... and then get outta here. Shut down any weapons systems. 221 00:29:26,349 --> 00:29:27,475 Nothing stays hot. 222 00:29:42,615 --> 00:29:43,908 Ooh-rah. 223 00:29:51,416 --> 00:29:52,500 We're back. 224 00:30:00,925 --> 00:30:04,429 All ship's company accounted for, including 17 dead. 225 00:30:04,512 --> 00:30:07,474 - We couldn't get them off. - Where's Chandler? 226 00:30:07,557 --> 00:30:09,100 He wouldn't be part of ship's company. 227 00:30:11,060 --> 00:30:12,979 Anyone have eyes on Chandler? 228 00:30:13,062 --> 00:30:14,564 He was going back in as I got off. 229 00:30:29,662 --> 00:30:35,001 Wolf! Hey. Corpsman! Corpsman! 230 00:30:35,084 --> 00:30:39,339 Ecker! Hey, hey. I'm here. I'm here. I'm here, Wolf. 231 00:31:05,156 --> 00:31:07,158 Where is he? 232 00:31:07,242 --> 00:31:09,953 Tom Chandler. Where is he? 233 00:31:16,167 --> 00:31:17,418 He couldn't be bothered. 234 00:31:22,131 --> 00:31:23,299 The war's over. 235 00:31:24,092 --> 00:31:25,552 Your army surrendered. 236 00:31:27,929 --> 00:31:29,097 Your turn. 237 00:31:30,598 --> 00:31:34,811 I will only surrender to Tom Chandler, soldier to soldier. 238 00:31:37,105 --> 00:31:40,900 - We'll send your regards. - Get on the floor. 239 00:31:48,032 --> 00:31:49,033 Now. 240 00:32:07,510 --> 00:32:08,636 Viva Tavo. 241 00:32:19,188 --> 00:32:20,898 Ready? One, two, three. 242 00:32:45,298 --> 00:32:46,466 Tom, are you in there? 243 00:32:49,761 --> 00:32:51,679 Whatever it is you think you have to do, you don't. 244 00:32:53,598 --> 00:32:55,683 Nathan James is going down. Get off the ship! 245 00:33:00,647 --> 00:33:02,148 I have visions, too, Tom. 246 00:33:03,691 --> 00:33:09,447 Sometimes when it's quiet... I picture an alternate life... for us. 247 00:33:10,657 --> 00:33:12,241 What do you see? 248 00:33:15,912 --> 00:33:16,954 A sailboat. 249 00:33:18,414 --> 00:33:21,084 You and me... the kids... 250 00:33:22,835 --> 00:33:24,837 Setting off for parts unknown. 251 00:33:27,090 --> 00:33:29,217 Everywhere we make port, people are happy. 252 00:33:30,510 --> 00:33:31,511 We're happy. 253 00:33:32,345 --> 00:33:33,596 Sounds pretty good. 254 00:33:37,058 --> 00:33:39,727 And then I wake up and I realize... 255 00:33:42,438 --> 00:33:43,481 how lucky we are. 256 00:33:45,900 --> 00:33:49,153 We're still here. We have each other. 257 00:33:51,155 --> 00:33:52,865 That has to account for something. 258 00:33:56,327 --> 00:33:58,454 Stop punishing yourself for being alive. 259 00:34:09,716 --> 00:34:13,928 Nathan James, this is Vulture Team. The king is dead. 260 00:34:22,311 --> 00:34:26,482 I say again, Nathan James, this is Vulture. Do you read? 261 00:34:30,778 --> 00:34:31,946 Nathan James, come in. 262 00:34:34,407 --> 00:34:35,408 Tom. 263 00:34:44,751 --> 00:34:46,002 What are you doing, Tom? 264 00:35:56,823 --> 00:35:58,032 How's that feel, sir? 265 00:36:01,911 --> 00:36:03,204 You okay with the break? 266 00:36:34,068 --> 00:36:36,362 We'll be all right between the devil and the deep 267 00:36:36,571 --> 00:36:39,156 We'll be all right between the devil and the deep 268 00:36:39,240 --> 00:36:42,159 We'll be all right between the devil and the deep 269 00:36:42,243 --> 00:36:43,327 Rachel? 270 00:36:43,911 --> 00:36:45,079 I'll see you when I see you. 271 00:36:51,961 --> 00:36:54,422 Damage control. Set condition zebra throughout the ship. 272 00:36:54,714 --> 00:36:58,050 We can do it, sir. It's not too late... is it? 273 00:37:10,146 --> 00:37:11,397 Is this what you wanted, sir? 274 00:37:21,657 --> 00:37:24,035 All it takes is the will, the courage, and a good plan. 275 00:37:24,702 --> 00:37:26,245 If you say so, man. 276 00:37:26,329 --> 00:37:28,039 - Bibbity bop. - Exactly. 277 00:37:54,941 --> 00:37:55,942 I need help! 278 00:38:00,279 --> 00:38:01,322 Come on. We need all hands. 279 00:38:02,490 --> 00:38:03,574 I got it! I got it! 280 00:38:07,954 --> 00:38:08,955 No, don't! No! 281 00:38:25,763 --> 00:38:29,183 There he is. Right on time. Commodore. 282 00:38:31,894 --> 00:38:33,813 Welcome to Davy Jones' locker. 283 00:38:40,486 --> 00:38:41,821 You're a good man. 284 00:38:49,245 --> 00:38:51,122 We are playing with the house's money. 285 00:38:54,000 --> 00:38:55,251 Feeling lucky? 286 00:38:56,168 --> 00:38:57,920 Luck's about all I've ever had. 287 00:38:58,963 --> 00:38:59,964 You think so? 288 00:39:00,673 --> 00:39:04,093 - Am I the only one coming? - Nah. They're all there. 289 00:39:04,176 --> 00:39:09,181 The man who brought back hope from disease, from famine, from war. 290 00:39:10,433 --> 00:39:14,103 A hero... a father... a fighter. 291 00:39:15,563 --> 00:39:16,564 That's not me. 292 00:39:18,524 --> 00:39:19,692 Sure it is. 293 00:39:19,775 --> 00:39:20,776 No. 294 00:39:22,820 --> 00:39:25,072 I get it. You didn't ask for this. 295 00:39:25,906 --> 00:39:29,326 You're not what everyone thinks you are. Well, boo-hoo, pal. 296 00:39:29,410 --> 00:39:32,204 Them's the breaks. You sure as hell can't run from it. 297 00:39:33,080 --> 00:39:34,957 - I can't go back. - Mmm-hmm. 298 00:39:35,416 --> 00:39:36,917 Staying here won't change a thing. 299 00:39:38,502 --> 00:39:40,880 You are... who you are. 300 00:39:41,756 --> 00:39:43,674 I'm proud to honor you today for your service 301 00:39:43,758 --> 00:39:48,262 to the US Navy, our great nation... and the world. 302 00:39:49,388 --> 00:39:52,850 Captain Chandler, are you ready to be relieved of command? 303 00:39:54,852 --> 00:39:56,479 Who am I passing off command to? 304 00:40:00,399 --> 00:40:01,776 We have the watch, sir. 305 00:40:06,447 --> 00:40:07,531 We have the watch. 306 00:40:08,741 --> 00:40:09,742 We have the watch. 307 00:40:10,576 --> 00:40:11,619 We have the watch. 308 00:40:15,372 --> 00:40:16,373 We have the watch. 309 00:40:18,375 --> 00:40:19,418 We have the watch. 310 00:40:22,129 --> 00:40:23,214 We have the watch, sir. 311 00:40:28,094 --> 00:40:30,638 Bosun, stand by to pipe the side. 312 00:40:32,890 --> 00:40:34,141 Shipmate's going ashore. 313 00:40:42,399 --> 00:40:43,400 It's time, pal. 314 00:40:46,237 --> 00:40:48,823 God bless you and God bless America. 315 00:41:01,836 --> 00:41:02,837 You heard 'em. 316 00:41:06,090 --> 00:41:07,091 Go on. 317 00:41:08,509 --> 00:41:10,636 - What about you? - Me? 318 00:41:10,719 --> 00:41:11,929 Come with me. 319 00:41:13,472 --> 00:41:14,682 No. 320 00:41:15,891 --> 00:41:16,892 Commodore. 321 00:41:17,560 --> 00:41:18,978 I'll see you when I see you. 322 00:41:21,522 --> 00:41:22,815 I'll see you when I see you. 323 00:42:02,188 --> 00:42:03,230 Dad. 324 00:42:05,566 --> 00:42:08,944 I want you to find peace. 325 00:43:42,871 --> 00:43:43,872 English - SDH