1 00:00:06,591 --> 00:00:11,680 - (MILLER GRUNTING) - COURTNEY: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. 2 00:00:11,763 --> 00:00:13,723 Rest. (LAUGHS) Here. 3 00:00:13,807 --> 00:00:15,100 (PANTING) Thanks. 4 00:00:16,017 --> 00:00:17,018 You watch. 5 00:00:18,144 --> 00:00:20,814 When I get my new legs fitted, start doing laps around this place. 6 00:00:20,897 --> 00:00:23,400 When you get your new legs fitted, I'm taking you home. 7 00:00:23,817 --> 00:00:24,818 Did you get my dress whites? 8 00:00:25,402 --> 00:00:27,904 I wanna look sharp for the fellas when I see 'em on the James tomorrow. 9 00:00:28,238 --> 00:00:29,239 My first time back on board since my... 10 00:00:29,322 --> 00:00:30,323 Eric. 11 00:00:30,407 --> 00:00:31,658 The James is gone. 12 00:00:32,659 --> 00:00:33,993 Mom and I went down to the pier this morning 13 00:00:34,077 --> 00:00:35,370 to deliver USO packages 14 00:00:35,453 --> 00:00:36,705 before I came here, and... 15 00:00:37,580 --> 00:00:38,665 The ship isn't there. 16 00:00:39,124 --> 00:00:40,125 What? 17 00:00:40,208 --> 00:00:41,835 There were a bunch of other family members down there, 18 00:00:41,918 --> 00:00:42,919 as surprised as we were. 19 00:00:43,002 --> 00:00:44,754 Please, please don't be upset. 20 00:00:44,838 --> 00:00:46,965 I know you... You had your... Your heart set on going, 21 00:00:47,048 --> 00:00:48,049 and... 22 00:00:49,676 --> 00:00:50,844 Hey, are you okay? 23 00:00:51,553 --> 00:00:52,637 It's on. 24 00:00:53,179 --> 00:00:54,264 The invasion, this is it. 25 00:00:55,515 --> 00:00:56,516 D-Day's coming. 26 00:00:57,559 --> 00:00:59,352 The fact that we got out without anyone knowing... 27 00:01:00,895 --> 00:01:02,480 Means we got a shot to win this thing. 28 00:01:07,527 --> 00:01:08,695 KARA: Attention all hands. 29 00:01:09,362 --> 00:01:10,447 This is your captain. 30 00:01:11,740 --> 00:01:14,409 We have now crossed south of the 18th parallel. 31 00:01:15,118 --> 00:01:16,870 In addition to the Marines on board, 32 00:01:16,953 --> 00:01:20,039 we have 300 more following us on USS Michener. 33 00:01:20,415 --> 00:01:24,085 It's ourjob to see to it that they make it safely to their destination. 34 00:01:24,502 --> 00:01:25,712 From this moment forward, 35 00:01:26,004 --> 00:01:29,549 all contacts, surface, subsurface, and airborne, 36 00:01:29,632 --> 00:01:30,884 are to be considered hostile. 37 00:01:31,509 --> 00:01:34,846 The battle before us will most likely alter the course of the war. 38 00:01:35,221 --> 00:01:39,642 The conflict that began in Mayport will end on the beaches of South America. 39 00:01:40,769 --> 00:01:42,103 And we will be victorious. 40 00:01:43,563 --> 00:01:44,564 That is all. 41 00:01:53,656 --> 00:01:55,658 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) 42 00:02:18,223 --> 00:02:19,474 Fresh intel from the rebels. 43 00:02:19,557 --> 00:02:22,018 There are now two divisions of troops stationed in Panama 44 00:02:22,101 --> 00:02:23,853 at the mouth of Gatun Locks. 45 00:02:23,937 --> 00:02:25,772 - It's about 7,000 men. - How? 46 00:02:25,855 --> 00:02:27,857 There's no way they rebuilt the bridge at the Darién Gap. 47 00:02:27,941 --> 00:02:30,693 Must've pulled troops off the front lines in Mexico and Nicaragua. 48 00:02:30,777 --> 00:02:33,446 The canal is Gustavo's center of gravity, and he knows it. 49 00:02:33,696 --> 00:02:35,907 He's hunkering down, waiting for us. 50 00:02:35,990 --> 00:02:37,325 In view of this intelligence, 51 00:02:37,617 --> 00:02:40,620 the planned-on landing on the outskirts of Colón, Panama, will not work. 52 00:02:41,287 --> 00:02:42,288 So we pivot. 53 00:02:42,372 --> 00:02:45,124 Where? Where's a soft spot? Where do we land? Costa Rica? 54 00:02:45,208 --> 00:02:47,043 CHANDLER: Based on Dr. Montano's war plans, 55 00:02:47,126 --> 00:02:50,255 Gustavo likes to hang back until he's certain of where we're striking, 56 00:02:50,338 --> 00:02:51,548 and then mount a counterattack. 57 00:02:51,631 --> 00:02:53,550 Yes, sir. That's the Marines' experience. 58 00:02:53,633 --> 00:02:57,387 So any beach we choose will feel like a soft spot at first. 59 00:02:57,637 --> 00:02:58,680 SASHA: So we don't waste our energy 60 00:02:58,763 --> 00:03:00,723 getting bogged down in a protracted land engagement 61 00:03:00,807 --> 00:03:02,058 when we're outgunned and outmanned. 62 00:03:02,350 --> 00:03:04,853 We go with the beach that leads us straight to the Cape. 63 00:03:05,937 --> 00:03:08,106 What do we know of Gustavo's defenses in Colombia? 64 00:03:08,356 --> 00:03:10,900 Armando's rebels reported peculiar troop concentrations 65 00:03:10,984 --> 00:03:14,195 here, here and here. 66 00:03:14,279 --> 00:03:16,197 That's the area where Gustavo was born. 67 00:03:16,406 --> 00:03:17,949 A town called Rubi. 68 00:03:18,157 --> 00:03:19,325 I bet he's there now. 69 00:03:19,409 --> 00:03:21,327 There are several options for beaches to hit. 70 00:03:21,411 --> 00:03:23,788 The most obvious ones here and here 71 00:03:23,872 --> 00:03:25,915 are most likely heavily mined and protected. 72 00:03:25,999 --> 00:03:27,417 There is a beach area here. 73 00:03:27,667 --> 00:03:28,835 Locals call it Playa Roja. 74 00:03:29,294 --> 00:03:30,295 Red Beach. 75 00:03:30,545 --> 00:03:33,506 It's small, a little steep and rocky for an amphibious landing. 76 00:03:33,590 --> 00:03:35,008 Which means it's probably less guarded. 77 00:03:35,341 --> 00:03:36,676 So we'll make our landing there, 78 00:03:36,968 --> 00:03:40,305 take out any troop bases, fight our way to Rubi and take out Tavo. 79 00:03:40,555 --> 00:03:42,098 Sir? Ma'am. 80 00:03:42,181 --> 00:03:44,350 We had eyes on our Panama landing for weeks. 81 00:03:44,684 --> 00:03:46,853 We had every detail of that place mapped out. 82 00:03:47,061 --> 00:03:49,647 No one's sending any Marines in without a solid plan, Colonel. 83 00:03:50,064 --> 00:03:51,649 We'll send in a recon and surveillance team 84 00:03:51,733 --> 00:03:53,359 to give us a complete picture of the beach. 85 00:03:53,443 --> 00:03:55,486 If that checks out, come morning, 86 00:03:56,362 --> 00:03:59,449 we're invading Colombia, Navy and Marines, side by side. 87 00:04:01,534 --> 00:04:02,535 I'll brief the team, sir. 88 00:04:03,369 --> 00:04:04,370 (ALL SPEAKING SPANISH) 89 00:04:21,888 --> 00:04:24,766 (IN ENGLISH) Tavo, the Americans have been planning an invasion 90 00:04:24,849 --> 00:04:26,225 from Cuba for months now. 91 00:04:26,851 --> 00:04:29,604 But now they know that they are not strong enough to take Panama. 92 00:04:30,396 --> 00:04:33,608 They are going to look for a place less strongly defended. 93 00:04:34,233 --> 00:04:36,152 We need to protect our base in Colombia. 94 00:04:36,319 --> 00:04:38,529 - At the expense of the canal? - Forget the canal. 95 00:04:38,613 --> 00:04:40,907 They cannot threaten the canal with two or three ships. 96 00:04:41,491 --> 00:04:43,034 They are going to try to win 97 00:04:43,117 --> 00:04:45,328 - with a single strike. - (ALL CONTINUE IN SPANISH) 98 00:04:59,342 --> 00:05:00,927 HECTOR: (IN ENGLISH) We do agree, Tavo. 99 00:05:01,594 --> 00:05:03,846 We all agree that we are vulnerable. 100 00:05:04,973 --> 00:05:06,140 But it is up to you. 101 00:05:06,307 --> 00:05:09,560 (SIGHS) Either we move our troops back to Colombia, 102 00:05:10,311 --> 00:05:13,439 or we find someplace safe to move you. 103 00:05:14,273 --> 00:05:15,400 (SPEAKING SPANISH) 104 00:05:30,039 --> 00:05:31,249 (IN ENGLISH) Then what do you want to do? 105 00:05:35,211 --> 00:05:36,504 (BOTH SPEAKING SPANISH) 106 00:05:53,146 --> 00:05:54,772 Nine hundred miles to the Colombian coast. 107 00:05:55,314 --> 00:05:58,317 I wonder how many ships Gustavo's got patrolling between here and there. 108 00:05:58,776 --> 00:05:59,861 JETER: Two, maybe three. 109 00:06:00,194 --> 00:06:02,697 Losing that Mexican oil terminal had to slow him down. 110 00:06:06,868 --> 00:06:08,369 - What's wrong? - That beach. 111 00:06:10,204 --> 00:06:12,623 We don't have any larger-scale charts of our landing zone? 112 00:06:20,214 --> 00:06:21,507 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 113 00:06:21,966 --> 00:06:23,634 (RUMBLING) 114 00:06:37,482 --> 00:06:38,483 MONTANO: You... 115 00:06:39,317 --> 00:06:41,486 You look different than the first time we met. 116 00:06:42,820 --> 00:06:44,030 You are haunted. 117 00:06:45,490 --> 00:06:46,657 Or maybe hunted. 118 00:06:47,450 --> 00:06:50,286 This is what war has done to you. 119 00:06:54,165 --> 00:06:56,167 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 120 00:07:08,638 --> 00:07:11,265 Cool movie projector. Old school. 121 00:07:11,349 --> 00:07:13,101 Yeah, my old man sent it to me. 122 00:07:13,684 --> 00:07:16,104 He teaches film appreciation at my old high school. 123 00:07:16,479 --> 00:07:18,064 Hi, Dad. Hi, Cherry Hill. 124 00:07:18,481 --> 00:07:22,985 Dad wanted students to see films as they were made. 125 00:07:23,694 --> 00:07:24,695 On film. 126 00:07:25,238 --> 00:07:26,405 So that's what we're gonna do. 127 00:07:26,864 --> 00:07:28,074 We got a classic tonight. 128 00:07:28,407 --> 00:07:30,701 These guys are about to storm the beaches of South America. 129 00:07:30,785 --> 00:07:32,787 I mean, a lot of them probably won't come back alive. 130 00:07:33,496 --> 00:07:34,747 Think they're in the mood for a movie? 131 00:07:36,040 --> 00:07:37,458 (SIGHS) Well... 132 00:07:39,001 --> 00:07:40,086 That's sort of the point. 133 00:07:42,880 --> 00:07:44,549 The way I see it, I'm just lucky to be alive. 134 00:07:45,591 --> 00:07:48,803 The virus, famine, the war. 135 00:07:50,763 --> 00:07:52,598 Everybody I know is dead except for these guys. 136 00:07:53,599 --> 00:07:54,600 You know what I'm talking about? 137 00:07:55,184 --> 00:07:56,936 People are freaking out at home right about now. 138 00:07:57,603 --> 00:07:58,604 NINA: Should they be? 139 00:07:58,813 --> 00:08:00,481 I don't know. Maybe. 140 00:08:01,816 --> 00:08:03,317 I mean, if we lose down here, 141 00:08:03,943 --> 00:08:05,778 there's not much to stop the enemy from, 142 00:08:06,237 --> 00:08:08,823 I don't know, moving in. 143 00:08:09,532 --> 00:08:11,159 So yeah, freaking out sounds about right. 144 00:08:11,242 --> 00:08:12,243 NINA: You ever get afraid? 145 00:08:13,452 --> 00:08:14,662 Afraid, sure. 146 00:08:14,745 --> 00:08:15,913 Um... 147 00:08:16,497 --> 00:08:19,917 Fear is something you carry around with the rest of your gear. 148 00:08:20,334 --> 00:08:23,129 You know, it's, uh, it's a lot like my boy Miller used to say. 149 00:08:23,588 --> 00:08:25,131 You know, you, um... 150 00:08:26,048 --> 00:08:28,301 When you're on a mission, and your pack gets too heavy, 151 00:08:28,634 --> 00:08:30,052 you gotta dump the stuff that's useless, 152 00:08:30,136 --> 00:08:31,596 and fear is just one of those things. 153 00:08:32,722 --> 00:08:33,723 Where's Miller now? 154 00:08:39,770 --> 00:08:41,063 Is this gonna get broadcast? 155 00:08:41,814 --> 00:08:42,815 Yes, of course. 156 00:08:44,609 --> 00:08:45,610 What's up, Miller? 157 00:08:47,737 --> 00:08:50,489 Do your reps and don't get lazy. 158 00:08:52,867 --> 00:08:54,118 I'ma see you stateside. 159 00:08:55,119 --> 00:08:56,204 And if you're outta shape... 160 00:08:59,040 --> 00:09:00,041 I'ma kick your ass. 161 00:09:05,546 --> 00:09:06,839 (INDISTINCT CHATTERING) 162 00:09:09,175 --> 00:09:10,426 (CHACON SPEAKING SPANISH) 163 00:09:16,015 --> 00:09:17,642 (IN ENGLISH) This man makes battle decisions 164 00:09:17,725 --> 00:09:19,227 based on seeing a bird in the sky. 165 00:09:19,310 --> 00:09:20,645 It's his wife. 166 00:09:20,728 --> 00:09:23,439 He executes loyal officers based on his fortune-teller's reading. 167 00:09:23,522 --> 00:09:26,067 Hector, how many of our troops have to die for this... 168 00:09:26,150 --> 00:09:27,151 For this madman? 169 00:09:27,235 --> 00:09:29,403 Gentlemen, please, have some respect. 170 00:09:30,404 --> 00:09:31,489 He brought us this far. 171 00:09:31,572 --> 00:09:34,242 You started this, and now you're afraid to pull the trigger? 172 00:09:34,492 --> 00:09:37,328 - What is your problem? - I have known this man my whole life. 173 00:09:38,120 --> 00:09:39,497 We were kids together. 174 00:09:39,580 --> 00:09:41,582 The man you knew is gone. 175 00:09:42,416 --> 00:09:44,168 General, you know this is true. 176 00:09:44,502 --> 00:09:46,128 He is a danger to us all now. 177 00:09:46,212 --> 00:09:50,466 Every hour we wait is another hour he puts our entire continent at risk. 178 00:09:51,467 --> 00:09:52,468 I say we vote. 179 00:09:53,177 --> 00:09:54,178 Here and now. 180 00:10:00,559 --> 00:10:01,560 All right. 181 00:10:02,270 --> 00:10:03,521 Raise your hands if you agree. 182 00:10:08,609 --> 00:10:09,777 (SIGHS) 183 00:10:09,986 --> 00:10:11,070 (HECTOR SPEAKING SPANISH) 184 00:10:14,865 --> 00:10:16,701 (IN ENGLISH) At the commanding officers' dinner, 185 00:10:18,661 --> 00:10:21,247 Gustavo Barros will die. 186 00:10:24,709 --> 00:10:26,544 Admiral, I have something at SLQ-32. 187 00:10:26,627 --> 00:10:27,628 Bearing? 188 00:10:27,920 --> 00:10:29,005 NISHIOKA: Zero-one-five. 189 00:10:29,755 --> 00:10:30,756 Set general quarters. 190 00:10:31,132 --> 00:10:32,133 Aye-aye, sir. 191 00:10:33,175 --> 00:10:34,260 All hands, set general quarters. 192 00:10:34,343 --> 00:10:37,513 Michener on semaphore reports contact at zero-one-seven relative bearing. 193 00:10:38,097 --> 00:10:39,473 Gator, calculate range. 194 00:10:39,557 --> 00:10:40,558 Calculating. 195 00:10:41,726 --> 00:10:45,396 With current bearing lines, I have them at 27 miles. 196 00:10:45,730 --> 00:10:46,731 Contact? 197 00:10:47,106 --> 00:10:49,608 Didn't expect he'd have ships patrolling this far north. 198 00:10:50,443 --> 00:10:52,403 Maybe he has a fleet bigger than we figured. 199 00:10:52,486 --> 00:10:53,487 WRIGHT: I have two ships. 200 00:10:53,571 --> 00:10:54,989 Noviembre class corvettes, 201 00:10:55,573 --> 00:10:57,825 doing a crossing pattern up ahead, separating now. 202 00:10:59,035 --> 00:11:01,120 Sentries stalking the waters, looking for us. 203 00:11:01,579 --> 00:11:03,205 Stop the ship. All stop. 204 00:11:04,957 --> 00:11:07,626 Bridge, TAO. Admiral's orders, all stop. 205 00:11:07,710 --> 00:11:10,046 All stop. Zero turns, port and starboard. 206 00:11:14,216 --> 00:11:16,135 Can't see 'em. They're still over the horizon. 207 00:11:16,427 --> 00:11:17,762 Gator, any sign they heard us? 208 00:11:17,845 --> 00:11:20,097 GATOR: No deviation from established tracks as yet. 209 00:11:20,181 --> 00:11:21,515 Speeds are unchanged. 210 00:11:22,641 --> 00:11:23,851 JETER: Admirals on the bridge. 211 00:11:24,352 --> 00:11:25,811 How the hell are we gonna get past these guys? 212 00:11:25,895 --> 00:11:28,272 If it was just us, we might be able to slip through, 213 00:11:28,356 --> 00:11:29,523 but with the Michener behind us... 214 00:11:29,607 --> 00:11:32,485 It's like wearing a big flashing sign, "We're here." 215 00:11:32,568 --> 00:11:33,694 And we can't let 'em know we're here. 216 00:11:33,778 --> 00:11:36,655 Even if we sink them, they'll radio back to Gustavo that we're coming. 217 00:11:36,739 --> 00:11:37,823 The invasion's off. 218 00:11:38,324 --> 00:11:39,367 Ideas? 219 00:11:39,450 --> 00:11:40,451 Sirs, ma'am. 220 00:11:42,244 --> 00:11:46,582 If we calculate a moving plot of the area of awareness of each ship, 221 00:11:46,916 --> 00:11:50,252 and we slip along the edges of the two zones by starting and stopping, 222 00:11:50,753 --> 00:11:53,422 veering sharply, and occasionally going backwards, 223 00:11:54,423 --> 00:11:55,841 I think we can just miss each one. 224 00:11:58,844 --> 00:12:00,513 It's like Frogger. 225 00:12:03,474 --> 00:12:04,558 The old video game? 226 00:12:08,020 --> 00:12:10,314 All right, tell Michener to tuck in behind us as close as they can. 227 00:12:10,398 --> 00:12:11,399 Course? 228 00:12:12,358 --> 00:12:14,318 - One-nine-five. - KARA: OOD, I have the conn. 229 00:12:14,402 --> 00:12:15,403 STEWART: Aye. Captain has the conn. 230 00:12:15,486 --> 00:12:17,113 - Helm, set course one-nine-five. - Aye, ma'am. 231 00:12:17,196 --> 00:12:18,406 Setting course one-nine-five. 232 00:12:18,489 --> 00:12:21,200 Signalman, alert Michener to come 200 yards astern. 233 00:12:21,283 --> 00:12:22,284 Aye, sir. 234 00:12:23,702 --> 00:12:24,703 We're gonna Frogger. 235 00:12:35,506 --> 00:12:37,800 First ship approaching CPA in one minute. 236 00:12:38,509 --> 00:12:39,718 Slow her down. Trail shafts. 237 00:12:39,802 --> 00:12:40,803 Aye, aye, ma'am. 238 00:12:40,886 --> 00:12:42,179 (ENGINES POWERING DOWN) 239 00:12:45,307 --> 00:12:46,392 What's your current wind? 240 00:12:47,268 --> 00:12:48,769 Sir, 14 knots on the port beam. 241 00:12:49,437 --> 00:12:51,605 If we slow down any more, we're gonna start to yaw, 242 00:12:51,689 --> 00:12:54,400 and then we'll be presenting a great big radar reflection to them. 243 00:12:54,483 --> 00:12:55,860 Let her skid if the wind starts to turn her. 244 00:12:55,943 --> 00:12:56,944 Aye, aye, sir. 245 00:12:57,027 --> 00:12:58,737 I've got a light on the horizon, dead ahead. 246 00:12:59,196 --> 00:13:00,865 GATOR: That's them, but they're passing. 247 00:13:01,782 --> 00:13:04,952 They're passing CPA in 10 seconds. 248 00:13:06,245 --> 00:13:09,415 Now seven, now five. 249 00:13:09,874 --> 00:13:11,375 KARA: Take your rudder left four degrees. 250 00:13:11,459 --> 00:13:12,501 Aye, aye, ma'am. 251 00:13:12,585 --> 00:13:13,794 Rudder's left four degrees. 252 00:13:13,878 --> 00:13:15,045 Passing on my mark. 253 00:13:16,130 --> 00:13:17,131 Now! 254 00:13:17,882 --> 00:13:20,259 - But here comes the second one. - Back one-third now! 255 00:13:20,342 --> 00:13:22,219 Signalman, tell Michener to back off one-third. 256 00:13:22,303 --> 00:13:23,304 Aye, sir! 257 00:13:24,221 --> 00:13:25,556 (ENGINE POWERING UP) 258 00:13:47,661 --> 00:13:48,871 (EXHALES) 259 00:13:49,455 --> 00:13:50,623 That was way too close. 260 00:13:50,915 --> 00:13:53,751 Second vessel is passing CPA... 261 00:13:55,961 --> 00:13:56,962 Now. 262 00:13:59,173 --> 00:14:01,008 - KARA: All ahead full. - Aye, aye, ma'am. 263 00:14:01,592 --> 00:14:02,593 All ahead full. 264 00:14:02,927 --> 00:14:04,553 (ENGINE REVVING) 265 00:14:06,722 --> 00:14:07,723 I think it worked. 266 00:14:08,432 --> 00:14:09,433 They didn't see us. 267 00:14:12,102 --> 00:14:13,729 KARA: Helm, come to course two-six-five. 268 00:14:13,812 --> 00:14:15,314 BELL: Aye, ma'am, setting course two-six-five. 269 00:14:15,397 --> 00:14:16,398 Nice job. 270 00:14:16,941 --> 00:14:17,983 (SIGHS) 271 00:14:19,860 --> 00:14:21,862 GUSTAVO: I've thought it over, Hector, 272 00:14:22,863 --> 00:14:24,031 and I've made my decision. 273 00:14:24,281 --> 00:14:27,785 We're going to move a battalion of troops back to Colombia. 274 00:14:28,869 --> 00:14:30,079 Conchita showed me the signs, 275 00:14:30,162 --> 00:14:32,581 and they're auspicious for moving in this direction. 276 00:14:33,332 --> 00:14:35,084 - Please send my thanks to your oracle. - (ALL SPEAKING SPANISH) 277 00:14:52,893 --> 00:14:53,894 (IN ENGLISH) Thank you. 278 00:14:55,229 --> 00:14:56,313 For everything. 279 00:14:57,648 --> 00:15:00,067 Of course. Always. 280 00:15:05,072 --> 00:15:06,490 (INDISTINCT CHATTERING) 281 00:15:13,747 --> 00:15:15,332 Sorry, ma'am, this is off limits. 282 00:15:15,624 --> 00:15:16,625 No cameras. 283 00:15:21,672 --> 00:15:23,591 Unlike our initial target in Panama, 284 00:15:23,674 --> 00:15:26,677 this beach hasn't been mapped closely. 285 00:15:27,219 --> 00:15:28,887 And it's right in Gustavo's backyard. 286 00:15:29,263 --> 00:15:32,349 I want intel on the surf, the sand, and the landing area. 287 00:15:32,725 --> 00:15:36,729 We need to know if and where the enemy has placed guns or troops. 288 00:15:37,605 --> 00:15:41,025 A few hundred souls will be storming that beach tomorrow before dawn. 289 00:15:41,108 --> 00:15:42,735 I don't want any surprises. 290 00:15:42,818 --> 00:15:44,653 - Are we clear? - ALL: Yes, sir! 291 00:15:44,945 --> 00:15:47,281 Green, Burk, Wolf, you'll be headed back to the ship tonight. 292 00:15:47,781 --> 00:15:50,117 Good luck, see you in a few hours. 293 00:15:50,200 --> 00:15:52,786 Kandie, Barco, you're staying ashore to set targets. 294 00:15:52,870 --> 00:15:54,204 Stay safe, stay quiet. 295 00:15:55,956 --> 00:15:56,957 See you at dawn. 296 00:16:05,299 --> 00:16:06,550 Got your swim legs? 297 00:16:07,134 --> 00:16:08,677 You know I do. 298 00:16:10,346 --> 00:16:11,347 What is it? 299 00:16:12,931 --> 00:16:14,016 This is my last mission. 300 00:16:16,060 --> 00:16:17,061 I mean it. 301 00:16:18,312 --> 00:16:20,981 After this, after we do what we came here to do... 302 00:16:22,691 --> 00:16:24,193 I'm out. I'm done with war. 303 00:16:25,361 --> 00:16:27,196 And if after all this, you and Frankie 304 00:16:27,279 --> 00:16:29,281 can stand being around whatever's left of me, 305 00:16:30,240 --> 00:16:31,325 I'd love to come home. 306 00:16:34,578 --> 00:16:35,579 You mean that? 307 00:16:37,539 --> 00:16:38,707 What do you say, Captain? 308 00:16:42,961 --> 00:16:44,380 We'll talk about it when you come back. 309 00:16:47,216 --> 00:16:48,217 Okay. 310 00:16:48,717 --> 00:16:50,719 You just make damn sure you come back. 311 00:17:04,483 --> 00:17:05,859 - Gear up, rookie. - (CHUCKLES) 312 00:17:06,318 --> 00:17:07,319 We're outta here. 313 00:17:13,826 --> 00:17:14,827 Bird is away. 314 00:17:14,910 --> 00:17:16,787 - Can we reach 'em on one watt? - Yes, sir! 315 00:17:16,870 --> 00:17:17,955 For another minute or two. 316 00:17:19,540 --> 00:17:21,542 Brawler, this is Nathan James. You got your radio on? 317 00:17:21,625 --> 00:17:24,837 Nathan James, we are currently six miles from target. 318 00:17:25,337 --> 00:17:26,547 Horizon's clear. 319 00:17:27,047 --> 00:17:29,049 Try to keep that bird in one piece till you get back. 320 00:17:29,174 --> 00:17:31,218 (CHUCKLES) Copy that, sir. 321 00:17:31,301 --> 00:17:34,304 Unless you see something that threatens the mission, go radio silent now. 322 00:17:34,388 --> 00:17:36,223 Godspeed. Nathan James out. 323 00:17:36,890 --> 00:17:38,392 Going zip lip now, sir. 324 00:17:38,767 --> 00:17:40,018 Catch you on the flip side. 325 00:17:40,561 --> 00:17:41,645 TAO, mark the time. 326 00:17:41,729 --> 00:17:43,605 Recon team will drop in three minutes. 327 00:18:00,664 --> 00:18:02,291 SLIDER: Drop zone in 10 seconds! 328 00:18:02,374 --> 00:18:04,585 Gonna have a 15-foot jump. 329 00:18:19,558 --> 00:18:21,977 My grandfather piloted a landing craft into Normandy. 330 00:18:22,186 --> 00:18:24,730 A year later, he joined the Seventh Fleet in the Pacific. 331 00:18:24,980 --> 00:18:27,149 And here we are, doing it all over again. 332 00:18:27,649 --> 00:18:28,859 History tends to repeat. 333 00:18:30,277 --> 00:18:32,863 A lesson you can share with your class next semester, Professor. 334 00:19:04,686 --> 00:19:05,938 NISHIOKA: They should be on the beach by now. 335 00:19:14,446 --> 00:19:17,449 This is Cobra One, commencing periphery scout. 336 00:19:18,784 --> 00:19:21,995 Cobra Two and Four, establishing hide site. 337 00:19:23,914 --> 00:19:26,542 Cobra Three and Five commencing hydrographic survey. 338 00:19:36,051 --> 00:19:37,094 (EXHALES) 339 00:20:11,753 --> 00:20:13,505 WOLF: Ah, that's right, boys. 340 00:20:15,299 --> 00:20:16,884 Just another night at the beach. 341 00:20:24,057 --> 00:20:26,310 Cobra Team, this is Cobra Five. 342 00:20:26,393 --> 00:20:27,728 Well, the good news is, so far, 343 00:20:27,811 --> 00:20:29,980 everything is consistent with what we expected to find. 344 00:20:30,439 --> 00:20:31,773 Copy that, Cobra Five. 345 00:20:32,357 --> 00:20:33,358 And the bad news? 346 00:20:34,234 --> 00:20:37,154 Oh, so far, everything is consistent with what we expected to find. 347 00:20:37,738 --> 00:20:40,449 We have steep inclines and various near-surface obstructions. 348 00:20:40,532 --> 00:20:43,869 I'm gonna suggest the Admiral rename this operation "Less Than Ideal." 349 00:20:44,244 --> 00:20:45,245 WOLF: This is Cobra One. 350 00:20:45,329 --> 00:20:48,749 I've got two observation posts with machine gun placements. 351 00:20:49,124 --> 00:20:52,461 Looks like 240s, 250 meters apart, 352 00:20:52,836 --> 00:20:55,464 33 and 36 yards from shore. 353 00:20:56,506 --> 00:20:59,176 A dozen or so military-age males standing watch. 354 00:21:00,427 --> 00:21:03,263 And some kind of makeshift barracks on the bluff. 355 00:21:03,931 --> 00:21:05,766 Hard to tell how many more could be up there. 356 00:21:06,224 --> 00:21:07,309 Copy that, Cobra One. 357 00:21:09,186 --> 00:21:10,270 - Ready. - Ready! 358 00:21:15,567 --> 00:21:17,819 Cobra Two, antenna is set. 359 00:21:18,236 --> 00:21:20,447 Establishing connection with Navy Spear. 360 00:21:23,367 --> 00:21:25,702 I count swell periods of five to seven seconds. 361 00:21:26,745 --> 00:21:28,664 Direction is north-northwest. 362 00:21:28,914 --> 00:21:30,499 It's gonna be a bumpy climb up the beach. 363 00:21:31,375 --> 00:21:32,376 I got the pucks. 364 00:21:32,834 --> 00:21:33,919 (PANTING) 365 00:21:36,755 --> 00:21:37,839 XO, you all right? 366 00:21:39,216 --> 00:21:40,300 Ah, 367 00:21:40,384 --> 00:21:42,386 it's so beautiful here, man. 368 00:21:43,095 --> 00:21:44,179 It's peaceful. 369 00:21:45,055 --> 00:21:48,475 It's hard to believe how different this place is gonna be in a few hours. 370 00:21:51,144 --> 00:21:52,229 Let's go. 371 00:21:58,527 --> 00:22:00,278 Navy Spear, this is Cobra Four. 372 00:22:00,529 --> 00:22:01,947 Drinks are on the house. Over. 373 00:22:02,239 --> 00:22:03,740 Cobra Four, this is Stonewall Six. 374 00:22:03,824 --> 00:22:04,825 Go ahead with sit-rep. 375 00:22:05,075 --> 00:22:09,746 BARCO: Two anti-air artillery pieces, half a dozen men with AK-47s. 376 00:22:10,122 --> 00:22:11,748 Change of command TBD, 377 00:22:12,332 --> 00:22:14,001 regular patrol every 15 minutes. 378 00:22:14,835 --> 00:22:17,754 Conbeachrep consistent with previous satellite imagery. 379 00:22:18,213 --> 00:22:21,091 Coral outcroppings and obstructions currently being marked in the water 380 00:22:21,174 --> 00:22:22,175 with infrared pucks. 381 00:22:22,259 --> 00:22:23,260 CHANDLER: Cans. 382 00:22:28,974 --> 00:22:30,726 - Hear that? - Marking. 383 00:22:34,146 --> 00:22:35,981 I'm sorry, sir. I'm not hearing anything. 384 00:22:37,482 --> 00:22:38,984 - A vessel, sir? - A battleship. 385 00:22:39,443 --> 00:22:40,986 No sign of her since the spring. 386 00:22:41,069 --> 00:22:42,154 She's back. 387 00:22:46,992 --> 00:22:48,326 WRIGHT: Enhancing low frequencies. 388 00:22:50,829 --> 00:22:52,080 Maybe they cut their engines, sir. 389 00:23:02,883 --> 00:23:05,719 Admiral, surface contact on passive bearing zero-four-four. 390 00:23:06,136 --> 00:23:07,345 Now zero-four-three. 391 00:23:07,429 --> 00:23:09,222 Unable to identify on SLQ-32. 392 00:23:09,306 --> 00:23:10,348 - There is a ship out there. - Yeah, 393 00:23:10,432 --> 00:23:11,975 and it's right between us and our team on the beach. 394 00:23:12,059 --> 00:23:13,143 NISHIOKA: Sonar. WRIGHT: I have it. 395 00:23:13,435 --> 00:23:14,644 Scanning profiles now. 396 00:23:17,314 --> 00:23:18,315 It's a corvette. 397 00:23:18,607 --> 00:23:20,192 - They followed us south? - No, sir. 398 00:23:20,275 --> 00:23:21,693 Previous contacts were Noviembres. 399 00:23:21,777 --> 00:23:23,737 This... This is an Espora class. 400 00:23:23,820 --> 00:23:25,030 Another ship. 401 00:23:25,280 --> 00:23:26,615 This far east of Panama? 402 00:23:30,368 --> 00:23:32,204 There's no sign they've changed course or speed. 403 00:23:32,287 --> 00:23:33,497 I don't think they've seen us yet. 404 00:23:33,705 --> 00:23:34,956 Even if we stayed Emcon Alpha, 405 00:23:35,040 --> 00:23:37,084 chances are she'll find us or Michener very soon. 406 00:23:37,167 --> 00:23:39,503 We move, we're found out, and the operation is blown. 407 00:23:39,878 --> 00:23:41,171 We stay put, same outcome. 408 00:23:41,254 --> 00:23:43,340 And Cobra team is stranded on the beach. 409 00:23:43,673 --> 00:23:44,841 We have to be ready to fight. 410 00:23:46,802 --> 00:23:47,844 CIC, bridge. 411 00:23:47,928 --> 00:23:50,263 Enable all manual bypass settings for weapons. 412 00:23:50,347 --> 00:23:51,848 TAO, aye, dispatching now. 413 00:23:52,933 --> 00:23:54,351 Don't energize until my command. 414 00:23:55,018 --> 00:23:56,019 Worse comes to worst, 415 00:23:56,103 --> 00:23:58,271 we're gonna have to sacrifice Nathan James to save Michener. 416 00:23:58,355 --> 00:23:59,648 Keep those Marines on mission. 417 00:23:59,731 --> 00:24:02,359 By that time, Gustavo's entire army will be at the beach. 418 00:24:02,651 --> 00:24:03,860 There won't be any mission. 419 00:24:04,611 --> 00:24:07,614 Uh, ma'am? Sirs? If I may? 420 00:24:08,698 --> 00:24:10,283 I think I know a way for us to stay invisible. 421 00:24:10,367 --> 00:24:11,743 Jamming? They'll sense that. 422 00:24:11,827 --> 00:24:13,036 Sir, I can do it without them even knowing 423 00:24:13,120 --> 00:24:14,955 - that their system's being jammed. - CHANDLER: How? 424 00:24:15,831 --> 00:24:17,916 Send out the helo, line it with their bow, 425 00:24:17,999 --> 00:24:19,918 and emit a custom-coded HF signal. 426 00:24:20,001 --> 00:24:22,879 Now, the software doesn't kill the radar entirely, 427 00:24:22,963 --> 00:24:25,882 but it creates a loop, giving them false imagery. 428 00:24:26,133 --> 00:24:27,717 Software? I never heard of it. 429 00:24:28,051 --> 00:24:30,220 It's new, sir. 430 00:24:30,929 --> 00:24:32,514 And full disclosure, untested. 431 00:24:33,140 --> 00:24:35,976 I started developing it in my JMO course before we got called up. 432 00:24:36,393 --> 00:24:37,727 Kind of a pet project. 433 00:24:37,936 --> 00:24:38,937 Show us. 434 00:24:39,396 --> 00:24:40,522 MADDIE: Mother, this is Brawler. 435 00:24:40,605 --> 00:24:41,690 Radar jammer on board. 436 00:24:41,773 --> 00:24:43,108 We are ready for action. 437 00:24:43,191 --> 00:24:44,276 NISHIOKA: Copy that, Brawler. 438 00:24:44,818 --> 00:24:47,654 So, once the HF signal's picked up on enemy radar, 439 00:24:47,737 --> 00:24:49,239 they won't be able to see us, 440 00:24:49,698 --> 00:24:51,283 even though our helo's right in front of 'em? 441 00:24:51,366 --> 00:24:54,161 Yes, sir. I've only been able to test this on commercial radar, 442 00:24:54,244 --> 00:24:56,413 but it was designed to operate above 1,000 megahertz. 443 00:24:57,372 --> 00:24:59,124 It'll render, sir. I know it. 444 00:25:00,292 --> 00:25:01,293 We good? 445 00:25:01,376 --> 00:25:03,920 Going in low, slow, and without a glow. 446 00:25:04,004 --> 00:25:05,797 Let's hope this nerd knows what he's doing. 447 00:25:05,881 --> 00:25:07,090 Here we go, girls! 448 00:25:07,716 --> 00:25:10,302 Mother, we are seven mikes to target. 449 00:25:10,719 --> 00:25:13,722 The entire war effort is riding on an untested invisibility cloak. 450 00:25:14,431 --> 00:25:16,266 This programmer hasn't failed us yet. 451 00:25:24,733 --> 00:25:25,942 (INDISTINCT CHATTERING) 452 00:25:30,989 --> 00:25:33,408 The corvette's still in its standard search pattern, ma'am. 453 00:25:33,867 --> 00:25:35,785 Good. Let's hope we can keep it that way. 454 00:25:39,539 --> 00:25:41,708 Helo should be coming up on corvette's radar range soon. 455 00:25:42,167 --> 00:25:43,418 Brawler, Mother. 456 00:25:43,501 --> 00:25:44,669 Initiate jamming sequence. 457 00:25:45,003 --> 00:25:46,171 (BEEPING) 458 00:25:51,259 --> 00:25:53,386 Uh, Ensign? 459 00:25:54,471 --> 00:25:57,098 Shouldn't this thing be whooshing or something? 460 00:25:57,682 --> 00:25:59,142 Negative, ma'am. Don't worry. 461 00:25:59,226 --> 00:26:00,227 It's engaged. 462 00:26:05,023 --> 00:26:07,317 DANNY: I marked three areas of obstruction. 463 00:26:07,400 --> 00:26:10,153 IR signals are set to turn on just before we launch. 464 00:26:10,445 --> 00:26:11,780 We got about a dozen pucks left. 465 00:26:12,364 --> 00:26:13,782 Let's carve out a lane for the tracks. 466 00:26:37,973 --> 00:26:39,975 Mother, this is Brawler. We are in position. 467 00:26:53,446 --> 00:26:54,531 Here she comes. 468 00:27:00,495 --> 00:27:03,498 And we're live, Mother. 469 00:27:08,253 --> 00:27:10,505 Corvette should be panning the helo as we speak. 470 00:27:10,922 --> 00:27:12,757 - Is it working? - Yes, sir, Admiral. 471 00:27:13,174 --> 00:27:14,175 It should be. 472 00:27:14,259 --> 00:27:16,428 Monitoring their corvette's HF chatter now. 473 00:27:17,178 --> 00:27:18,179 They're silent. 474 00:27:18,263 --> 00:27:19,472 No alerts, no alarms. 475 00:27:26,354 --> 00:27:27,897 We're drowning in radar right now. 476 00:27:27,981 --> 00:27:29,649 I can't believe they can't see us. 477 00:27:33,778 --> 00:27:34,863 I got something! 478 00:27:45,457 --> 00:27:46,458 Biologicals. 479 00:27:46,750 --> 00:27:47,792 (GASPS) 480 00:27:47,917 --> 00:27:49,252 Dolphins. 481 00:27:56,468 --> 00:27:57,635 NISHIOKA: Corvette is changing course. 482 00:27:58,303 --> 00:27:59,471 Toward Nathan James! 483 00:28:00,055 --> 00:28:01,306 Prepare to drop Emcon Alpha! 484 00:28:03,850 --> 00:28:05,935 SASHA: Hold on. They're talking. 485 00:28:06,644 --> 00:28:08,646 Gran Colombia Reina, reporting in. 486 00:28:10,815 --> 00:28:13,151 Minor adjustment to avoid marine interference. 487 00:28:14,944 --> 00:28:16,446 Resuming the search pattern. 488 00:28:18,114 --> 00:28:19,157 (SIGHS) 489 00:28:19,240 --> 00:28:21,242 NISHIOKA: Nathan James is now cleared of enemy ship. 490 00:28:21,910 --> 00:28:22,994 The jamming worked. 491 00:28:24,788 --> 00:28:25,789 Sir? 492 00:28:26,206 --> 00:28:27,457 If you don't mind my saying, 493 00:28:29,376 --> 00:28:31,127 you sailors sure know how to put on a show. 494 00:28:32,212 --> 00:28:33,546 Just another day at sea, Colonel. 495 00:28:45,392 --> 00:28:46,518 (SHIP APPROACHING) 496 00:28:51,272 --> 00:28:52,273 Shit. 497 00:28:53,691 --> 00:28:55,860 Cobra Team, we have contact. 498 00:29:06,579 --> 00:29:07,831 (BANGING) 499 00:29:08,498 --> 00:29:09,499 (ALL SPEAKING SPANISH) 500 00:29:43,867 --> 00:29:45,034 (IN ENGLISH) Should we engage? 501 00:29:45,368 --> 00:29:46,369 Negative. 502 00:29:46,786 --> 00:29:48,037 We can't give up our position. 503 00:29:48,496 --> 00:29:49,497 They can handle it. 504 00:29:56,337 --> 00:29:57,338 Come on, boys. 505 00:30:14,022 --> 00:30:15,023 Oh, no. 506 00:30:15,607 --> 00:30:16,691 They found the marker! 507 00:30:24,741 --> 00:30:25,825 (ALL SPEAKING SPANISH) 508 00:30:35,793 --> 00:30:36,878 Fernando? 509 00:30:41,257 --> 00:30:42,342 Fernando? 510 00:30:44,469 --> 00:30:45,595 (SPLASHING) 511 00:30:51,643 --> 00:30:52,852 (GROANS) 512 00:30:53,645 --> 00:30:55,480 (IN ENGLISH) You take the forepeak. I'll clear below aft. 513 00:31:05,240 --> 00:31:06,533 (INDISTINCT RADIO CHATTER) 514 00:31:08,993 --> 00:31:10,328 (GROANING) 515 00:31:26,469 --> 00:31:27,804 (BREATH TREMBLING) 516 00:31:29,889 --> 00:31:31,349 (BURK WHEEZING) 517 00:31:31,683 --> 00:31:32,767 Okay, Burk! 518 00:31:34,102 --> 00:31:35,853 You're good? 519 00:31:36,604 --> 00:31:37,605 Come on, man. 520 00:31:38,273 --> 00:31:39,941 - You gotta get up. - (GROANING) 521 00:31:40,024 --> 00:31:41,276 Come on. Come on. 522 00:31:44,237 --> 00:31:45,238 Come on, I got you. 523 00:31:46,739 --> 00:31:48,074 (CONTINUES GROANING) 524 00:31:50,994 --> 00:31:52,245 Goddamn, Danny. 525 00:31:52,704 --> 00:31:53,746 (GROANING) 526 00:31:54,080 --> 00:31:55,081 Goddamn. 527 00:31:58,585 --> 00:32:00,670 Come on, buddy. Hey, stay with me now. 528 00:32:02,213 --> 00:32:03,214 - Burk. - (COUGHS) 529 00:32:27,196 --> 00:32:28,197 Burk. 530 00:32:33,494 --> 00:32:34,495 Burk. 531 00:33:00,396 --> 00:33:01,606 Hector! Brother! 532 00:33:02,565 --> 00:33:04,317 Welcome. Come in. 533 00:33:06,194 --> 00:33:07,612 Felipe already started. He's hungry. 534 00:33:08,196 --> 00:33:09,364 But we can eat now. 535 00:33:10,406 --> 00:33:11,407 Sit. 536 00:33:17,246 --> 00:33:19,332 The generals, unfortunately, won't be joining us. (SPEAKING SPANISH) 537 00:33:24,420 --> 00:33:25,421 Sí, Tavo. 538 00:33:27,548 --> 00:33:29,384 (IN ENGLISH) Tavo, what is going on? 539 00:33:31,678 --> 00:33:32,762 Bad news, Hector. 540 00:33:33,513 --> 00:33:34,514 The generals? 541 00:33:35,515 --> 00:33:36,766 They were plotting against me. 542 00:33:38,434 --> 00:33:40,520 - Who, Tavo? - Eat, Hector. 543 00:33:40,812 --> 00:33:43,231 Gazpacho shouldn't be allowed to warm to room temperature. 544 00:33:43,439 --> 00:33:44,440 It's good. 545 00:33:47,026 --> 00:33:48,277 HECTOR: There must be a mistake. 546 00:33:48,903 --> 00:33:52,156 You're telling me there was a coup, amongst my generals? 547 00:33:52,490 --> 00:33:53,491 "Your" generals? 548 00:33:54,242 --> 00:33:56,077 I hope they aren't your generals, Hector. 549 00:33:56,661 --> 00:33:57,662 No. 550 00:33:58,037 --> 00:33:59,038 They're cowards. 551 00:33:59,247 --> 00:34:00,581 - And I warned you against them. - (ALL SPEAKING SPANISH) 552 00:34:06,671 --> 00:34:07,755 (IN ENGLISH) Are you sure? 553 00:34:08,756 --> 00:34:11,300 I've known these men a very long time. 554 00:34:11,384 --> 00:34:13,261 I would have heard something! 555 00:34:13,344 --> 00:34:14,679 There is no mistake, Hector. 556 00:34:15,138 --> 00:34:16,222 So you have proof? 557 00:34:19,517 --> 00:34:21,686 Conchita saw it in the cards. 558 00:34:26,858 --> 00:34:27,900 (SPEAKING SPANISH) 559 00:34:31,863 --> 00:34:33,281 (LAUGHS) 560 00:34:37,952 --> 00:34:38,953 Tavo. 561 00:34:48,212 --> 00:34:50,006 (IN ENGLISH) We cannot play with men's lives. 562 00:34:50,089 --> 00:34:51,841 These cards cannot always be trusted. 563 00:34:51,924 --> 00:34:53,092 GUSTAVO: They confessed. 564 00:34:56,554 --> 00:35:00,892 Chacon, Bianchi, Rodriguez, Muños, Moreno. 565 00:35:00,975 --> 00:35:02,727 Every single one of them. 566 00:35:04,520 --> 00:35:05,521 My God. 567 00:35:06,063 --> 00:35:07,064 GUSTAVO: But it doesn't matter. 568 00:35:08,191 --> 00:35:09,192 Not really. 569 00:35:09,358 --> 00:35:11,486 All I wanted to know, the only thing I asked them 570 00:35:11,569 --> 00:35:15,072 before I removed their intestines was, "Did Hector know?" 571 00:35:19,869 --> 00:35:22,205 Of course, none of them gave you up. 572 00:35:23,456 --> 00:35:25,374 But they gave each other up real quick. 573 00:35:26,584 --> 00:35:27,585 But you? 574 00:35:29,879 --> 00:35:30,880 Not you. 575 00:35:32,465 --> 00:35:33,633 Then I started feeling bad... 576 00:35:36,093 --> 00:35:37,094 For doubting you. 577 00:35:38,012 --> 00:35:40,932 - It's... It's okay-- - No, no, no, no. 578 00:35:41,390 --> 00:35:43,226 With all the pressure from the war, I've... 579 00:35:45,269 --> 00:35:46,687 I know I've gone a little crazy, 580 00:35:47,897 --> 00:35:48,981 and I'm sorry about that. 581 00:35:49,524 --> 00:35:51,108 You don't have to apologize, Tavo. 582 00:35:52,568 --> 00:35:54,487 I support you. Always. 583 00:35:54,946 --> 00:35:56,989 Of course you do. Of course, I know. 584 00:35:57,073 --> 00:36:00,243 That is why I want you to lead the investigation 585 00:36:00,326 --> 00:36:02,328 to see just how far down this conspiracy goes. 586 00:36:02,411 --> 00:36:03,996 I want it torn out by the roots! 587 00:36:05,623 --> 00:36:06,624 Sí, Tavo. 588 00:36:07,542 --> 00:36:08,876 I will handle it personally. 589 00:36:09,794 --> 00:36:10,795 Like always. 590 00:36:12,964 --> 00:36:13,965 Like always. 591 00:36:18,678 --> 00:36:19,846 - Conchita. - (ALL SPEAKING SPANISH) 592 00:36:49,250 --> 00:36:50,251 (IN ENGLISH) Hector... 593 00:36:51,085 --> 00:36:52,086 My friend. 594 00:36:54,046 --> 00:36:55,131 My brother. 595 00:37:00,511 --> 00:37:02,263 If you're gonna stab a man in the back, 596 00:37:02,680 --> 00:37:05,516 the least that you can do is look him in the eye! 597 00:37:06,058 --> 00:37:07,226 (GROANING) 598 00:37:10,771 --> 00:37:11,772 Tavo. 599 00:37:17,028 --> 00:37:18,154 Vivos. 600 00:37:29,790 --> 00:37:30,875 Viva Tavo. 601 00:38:08,287 --> 00:38:10,122 MAN 1: (ON SCREEN) You can wear your uniform home, 602 00:38:10,206 --> 00:38:11,999 but not longer than 30 days. 603 00:38:12,083 --> 00:38:13,668 MAN 2: Suppose they paid you off in South Africa. 604 00:38:13,751 --> 00:38:14,752 MAN 3: And you went home on foot. 605 00:38:14,835 --> 00:38:16,045 They can't tell you how to go home. 606 00:38:16,128 --> 00:38:17,546 Well, you can go home on a pogo stick. 607 00:38:17,630 --> 00:38:19,048 You gotta think of your mother. 608 00:38:19,131 --> 00:38:20,675 MAN 1: The regulations clearly state-- 609 00:38:20,758 --> 00:38:22,259 MAN 3: That only applies to Marines. 610 00:38:22,343 --> 00:38:23,678 You ain't really a Marine anymore. 611 00:38:23,761 --> 00:38:25,805 Besides, the regulations is very elastic. 612 00:38:25,888 --> 00:38:27,807 I was even a colonel once for a couple of days. 613 00:38:27,890 --> 00:38:29,558 MAN 2: And a brighound for a couple of months. 614 00:38:31,560 --> 00:38:34,480 Back it up 20 seconds, please. 14:22. 615 00:38:41,445 --> 00:38:42,947 You're sure that's the correct marker? 616 00:38:43,948 --> 00:38:46,450 Admiral Chandler says he heard the battleship between these frames. 617 00:38:46,534 --> 00:38:47,618 I'm positive, ma'am. 618 00:38:48,119 --> 00:38:49,787 I've studied the recording from end to end, 619 00:38:49,870 --> 00:38:51,956 and I can't find anything. 620 00:38:57,169 --> 00:38:58,587 (MEN CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY ON SCREEN) 621 00:39:00,965 --> 00:39:02,466 NINA: Guess Gator's got the right idea. 622 00:39:03,217 --> 00:39:05,886 Try and keep their minds off things, even just for a few hours. 623 00:39:08,848 --> 00:39:10,016 So tell me, Admiral. 624 00:39:11,017 --> 00:39:12,935 What's going through your head on the night before D-Day? 625 00:39:15,479 --> 00:39:16,480 Nathan James. 626 00:39:17,148 --> 00:39:18,149 NINA: The ship? 627 00:39:18,816 --> 00:39:19,817 The sailor. 628 00:39:20,484 --> 00:39:21,485 The ship's namesake. 629 00:39:24,113 --> 00:39:27,616 Captain Nathan James skippered a PT boat during the war in the Pacific. 630 00:39:29,118 --> 00:39:30,286 His fleet was decimated. 631 00:39:31,829 --> 00:39:35,249 His boat was all that was left standing against nine Japanese destroyers. 632 00:39:36,542 --> 00:39:37,877 The boat sank beneath him. 633 00:39:39,628 --> 00:39:42,715 Not before he stopped the enemy's advance. 634 00:39:43,549 --> 00:39:46,135 He single-handedly saved a fleet 635 00:39:46,469 --> 00:39:48,220 of newly-repaired American destroyers 636 00:39:48,304 --> 00:39:49,597 coming out of Pearl Harbor, 637 00:39:51,390 --> 00:39:53,476 carrying thousands of sailors into the fight. 638 00:39:56,562 --> 00:39:58,314 Captain James said, "War is a beast. 639 00:39:59,482 --> 00:40:00,900 "It appears in many forms. 640 00:40:02,902 --> 00:40:05,071 "Sometimes it's the beast you face head on... 641 00:40:07,615 --> 00:40:11,368 "Out on the field of battle, as equals, 642 00:40:12,244 --> 00:40:14,080 "and sometimes the beast hides out, 643 00:40:15,247 --> 00:40:17,625 "lurking somewhere in the deep, 644 00:40:18,375 --> 00:40:20,795 "biding his time until, 645 00:40:21,629 --> 00:40:24,381 "when your guard is dropped, he comes for you... 646 00:40:27,093 --> 00:40:28,594 "Bloodthirsty and merciless. 647 00:40:34,141 --> 00:40:35,392 "And it drags you under. 648 00:40:37,144 --> 00:40:40,648 "On any given day, you never know which beast you're gonna face." 649 00:40:43,192 --> 00:40:44,527 Which beast is it for you, Admiral? 650 00:40:44,985 --> 00:40:46,904 MAN 3: All aboard! 651 00:40:47,279 --> 00:40:49,365 MAN 1: I knew the Marines could do almost anything, 652 00:40:49,448 --> 00:40:51,700 but I never knew they could do anything like this. 653 00:40:52,034 --> 00:40:53,369 You've got no idea. 654 00:40:53,536 --> 00:40:55,287 (MUSIC PLAYING ON SCREEN) 655 00:41:08,801 --> 00:41:10,219 (MELANCHOLY MUSIC PLAYING) 656 00:41:18,936 --> 00:41:20,688 (INAUDIBLE) 657 00:41:43,961 --> 00:41:45,963 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) 658 00:42:13,199 --> 00:42:14,200 English-US-Template