1 00:00:01,920 --> 00:00:02,921 (DISTANT GUNFIRE) 2 00:00:05,757 --> 00:00:06,883 - (BOMB WHISTLES) - (EXPLOSION) 3 00:00:06,966 --> 00:00:08,259 (MILLER GRUNTS) 4 00:00:09,886 --> 00:00:11,346 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 5 00:00:18,561 --> 00:00:20,105 (EXPLOSION) 6 00:00:20,939 --> 00:00:21,981 DANNY: Clear. 7 00:00:22,482 --> 00:00:23,983 MILLER: Clear! BURK: Clear! 8 00:00:24,442 --> 00:00:25,735 Vulture, this is Cobra. 9 00:00:25,860 --> 00:00:27,696 Vulture, this is Cobra, over! 10 00:00:27,779 --> 00:00:28,947 (RADIO STATIC) 11 00:00:29,030 --> 00:00:30,824 Vulture, nothing heard. I send in the blind. 12 00:00:30,907 --> 00:00:33,827 - Cellar's secure. Just the one door. - BURK: It'll make for a decent hideout. 13 00:00:33,910 --> 00:00:37,038 Vulture, this is Cobra, do you copy? Verify position, over! 14 00:00:37,622 --> 00:00:39,207 Damn it! Where the hell are they? 15 00:00:39,290 --> 00:00:41,418 BURK: They must've run into trouble exfiling the HVT. 16 00:00:41,501 --> 00:00:42,627 No one saw this coming. 17 00:00:42,836 --> 00:00:44,295 - (EXPLOSION) - (RUMBLING) 18 00:00:45,171 --> 00:00:46,965 MILLER: The Jamaicans won't be able to hold out much longer. 19 00:00:47,048 --> 00:00:48,967 - If we don't get off this island soon-- - How the hell did Gustavo know 20 00:00:49,050 --> 00:00:50,802 - we were here? - DANNY: Maybe he didn't. 21 00:00:50,969 --> 00:00:54,389 If Gustavo didn't come here for us, he came to invade. 22 00:00:54,931 --> 00:00:56,558 Which means he brought an army. 23 00:00:56,850 --> 00:00:57,934 (EXPLOSION) 24 00:00:58,268 --> 00:01:00,645 No, I do not think we're losing this war. 25 00:01:00,854 --> 00:01:03,022 (SIGHS) We're at a stalemate. 26 00:01:03,106 --> 00:01:05,233 The line is holding here 27 00:01:05,442 --> 00:01:07,902 at the Tropic of Cancer. And in my opinion... 28 00:01:07,986 --> 00:01:10,488 Last Thursday, two US Navy patrol ships, 29 00:01:10,572 --> 00:01:13,158 the USS Cyclone and the USS Firebolt, 30 00:01:13,241 --> 00:01:15,869 defended Nassau from a covert landing attempt 31 00:01:15,952 --> 00:01:17,162 by Gran Colombian troops. 32 00:01:17,245 --> 00:01:21,291 A joint operation did occur yesterday between the Marines and the Army. 33 00:01:21,374 --> 00:01:25,628 A testament to our training, our tactical superiority, 34 00:01:26,004 --> 00:01:27,172 and, frankly, 35 00:01:27,255 --> 00:01:30,550 the resolve of our armed forces and those of our allies. 36 00:01:30,633 --> 00:01:34,637 We encourage everyone to stay vigilant. And please, obey all blackout rules. 37 00:01:34,721 --> 00:01:38,391 The answer to your question is yes, I am back full-time. 38 00:01:39,184 --> 00:01:41,311 But let me be clear. I'm not running the war. 39 00:01:41,853 --> 00:01:43,354 I'm a team player, and I'm here to serve 40 00:01:43,438 --> 00:01:44,939 at the pleasure of the Commander-in-Chief. 41 00:01:45,482 --> 00:01:47,192 This group here is the best and brightest, 42 00:01:47,275 --> 00:01:49,068 and I'm proud to stand with them. 43 00:01:49,652 --> 00:01:52,489 Now, I can't promise the fight won't be hard, 44 00:01:52,572 --> 00:01:54,449 and I can't say it'll end any time soon. 45 00:01:54,783 --> 00:01:56,951 But I can say with absolute certainty, 46 00:01:57,744 --> 00:01:59,287 we will prevail. 47 00:02:01,331 --> 00:02:03,333 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) 48 00:02:23,353 --> 00:02:24,687 (ELECTRICITY CRACKLING) 49 00:02:27,232 --> 00:02:30,735 You did a hell of a job getting our weapons systems back online, Ensign. 50 00:02:30,819 --> 00:02:31,861 Thank you, sir. 51 00:02:31,945 --> 00:02:33,321 Any update on the virus? 52 00:02:33,404 --> 00:02:34,823 I traced the second part of the virus, 53 00:02:34,906 --> 00:02:35,990 the one that did all the damage, 54 00:02:36,074 --> 00:02:38,034 to an Internet cafe in Medellin, Colombia. 55 00:02:38,117 --> 00:02:40,328 - No surprises there. - Not really. 56 00:02:40,411 --> 00:02:43,581 I've been able to create an algorithm to monitor all traffic out of the region 57 00:02:43,665 --> 00:02:46,876 to any cell tower or Internet portal in our region. 58 00:02:47,293 --> 00:02:48,628 It's all thanks to Alisha. 59 00:02:49,003 --> 00:02:50,338 Commander Granderson. 60 00:02:52,173 --> 00:02:55,093 Son, you couldn't have prevented what happened to Alisha. 61 00:02:55,176 --> 00:02:56,344 I was almost there, sir. 62 00:02:56,469 --> 00:02:57,971 If I was able to test her card earlier, 63 00:02:58,054 --> 00:02:59,305 - I could have just-- - Could've what? 64 00:02:59,472 --> 00:03:02,934 Figured out that her live-in girlfriend was a mole for Gustavo? 65 00:03:03,726 --> 00:03:06,020 No, that woman had everyone fooled. 66 00:03:06,271 --> 00:03:08,523 But we're onto her now, thanks to you and Alisha. 67 00:03:08,606 --> 00:03:10,441 She can't make a move without us finding her. 68 00:03:10,525 --> 00:03:11,651 That's right, sir. 69 00:03:12,277 --> 00:03:14,529 Losing friends is what makes war war. 70 00:03:14,612 --> 00:03:17,657 We honor them by continuing to fight, so we don't lose anyone else. 71 00:03:17,740 --> 00:03:20,034 - Yes, sir. - You're doing your part. 72 00:03:20,535 --> 00:03:21,786 Thank you, Admiral. 73 00:03:22,328 --> 00:03:24,873 Yes, I know it's not working. I'm heading there now. 74 00:03:25,081 --> 00:03:26,916 - Hey. - It's looking good, Mike. 75 00:03:27,083 --> 00:03:28,293 Getting there. 76 00:03:28,376 --> 00:03:30,628 - Amazing what a good nose job will do. - And the Michener? 77 00:03:30,712 --> 00:03:33,214 She'll be carrying as many Marines as we can muster in a few weeks' time. 78 00:03:33,339 --> 00:03:35,258 US Navy may be down, but we're not out. 79 00:03:35,341 --> 00:03:36,342 Damn right. 80 00:03:36,426 --> 00:03:38,344 Besides, not the ships that count. 81 00:03:38,428 --> 00:03:40,054 It's the warriors they carry. 82 00:03:40,179 --> 00:03:41,639 MAN: (OVER RADIO) Five-zero-three, roger. 83 00:03:41,723 --> 00:03:43,808 Yeah, say again, I can't hear you. 84 00:03:44,309 --> 00:03:46,686 Vulture, this is Cobra. Come in, Vulture! 85 00:03:46,978 --> 00:03:48,313 It's not letting up. 86 00:03:48,396 --> 00:03:52,400 Well, we got two hammers, a machete... and a shitload of rum. 87 00:03:52,483 --> 00:03:54,360 Vulture, this is Cobra. Over! 88 00:03:54,444 --> 00:03:56,654 We should E and E out of here and find our boys. 89 00:03:56,738 --> 00:03:58,907 No way! Gustavo's got too many men out there. 90 00:03:59,115 --> 00:04:01,910 Better to go straight for extract Alpha, hope Vulture's already there. 91 00:04:01,993 --> 00:04:04,120 - And if they're not? - Cross that bridge. 92 00:04:05,038 --> 00:04:07,540 WOLF: (OVER RADIO) Cobra, Vulture. Do you copy? 93 00:04:08,082 --> 00:04:09,417 Yeah, we copy! 94 00:04:09,667 --> 00:04:11,127 What's your goddamn whiskey? 95 00:04:11,210 --> 00:04:14,672 We ran into trouble. The Jamaicans' line... crumbling. 96 00:04:14,756 --> 00:04:15,798 Yeah, we know. 97 00:04:15,882 --> 00:04:17,091 We ducked into a hideout, 98 00:04:17,175 --> 00:04:19,552 a rum cellar six mikes east of the compound. 99 00:04:19,636 --> 00:04:20,887 Can you make it? 100 00:04:20,970 --> 00:04:23,431 Affirmative. We're on our way. 101 00:04:23,640 --> 00:04:25,308 And the high-value target? 102 00:04:25,391 --> 00:04:26,893 (STATIC) 103 00:04:29,479 --> 00:04:31,064 Vulture, do you copy? 104 00:04:31,314 --> 00:04:32,732 The high-value target? 105 00:04:33,107 --> 00:04:34,525 SASHA: Dr. Manuel Montano, 106 00:04:35,401 --> 00:04:38,529 Gustavo's chief war strategist, author of Plan Azul. 107 00:04:38,613 --> 00:04:40,406 My team just received intel from the rebels 108 00:04:40,490 --> 00:04:41,908 that Montano's in Jamaica. 109 00:04:41,991 --> 00:04:43,076 All right, why Jamaica? 110 00:04:43,159 --> 00:04:45,662 They've been aggressively neutral since the war started. 111 00:04:45,745 --> 00:04:48,581 Gustavo must have sent Montano to show them his plans, 112 00:04:48,665 --> 00:04:50,041 try to get them to join his side. 113 00:04:50,124 --> 00:04:51,834 ANITA: Maybe they're already considering flipping. 114 00:04:51,918 --> 00:04:54,671 I met Montano once at a conference pre-plague. 115 00:04:54,754 --> 00:04:56,547 He's a brilliant tactical theorist. 116 00:04:56,631 --> 00:04:58,132 If you hadn't stolen Plan Azul, 117 00:04:58,216 --> 00:05:00,385 we'd most likely be in full retreat by now. 118 00:05:00,593 --> 00:05:02,136 Word is he's working on a sequel. 119 00:05:02,220 --> 00:05:05,348 Mr. President, Montano could be the key to breaking the stalemate. 120 00:05:05,431 --> 00:05:08,434 Now, assemble a team, extract Montano from Jamaica, 121 00:05:08,518 --> 00:05:09,852 find out what he knows. 122 00:05:09,936 --> 00:05:11,145 I'll lead the team myself. 123 00:05:14,357 --> 00:05:16,275 I know the man. I can get him to talk to me. 124 00:05:16,442 --> 00:05:18,528 You could talk to him once he's on US soil. 125 00:05:18,611 --> 00:05:19,904 We do it in Jamaica, sir, 126 00:05:19,988 --> 00:05:22,073 Gustavo won't have to know we have his man. 127 00:05:22,156 --> 00:05:23,408 That'll buy us time. 128 00:05:23,491 --> 00:05:25,618 We could break the stalemate with Gran Colombia 129 00:05:25,702 --> 00:05:27,787 before they have a chance to change their war plans. 130 00:05:30,498 --> 00:05:31,624 Give us the room. 131 00:05:47,265 --> 00:05:50,768 I keep expecting Alisha to walk in here with that big smile of hers and... 132 00:05:52,145 --> 00:05:54,897 Three months, and they're no closer to catching her killer. 133 00:05:54,981 --> 00:05:57,066 You mean her fiancée. 134 00:05:59,944 --> 00:06:02,363 Meylan has NCIS scouring the country for her. 135 00:06:02,780 --> 00:06:04,198 She won't get away with this. 136 00:06:04,574 --> 00:06:06,325 Sometimes bad people do. 137 00:06:09,120 --> 00:06:11,873 (SIGHS) There's a full-on war happening out there... 138 00:06:15,293 --> 00:06:17,003 And I'm not a part of it. 139 00:06:19,714 --> 00:06:22,633 I went back on active duty to fight this thing until the end, 140 00:06:23,176 --> 00:06:24,469 and it's three months. 141 00:06:24,719 --> 00:06:26,679 Three months, and I'm still pushing papers. 142 00:06:26,971 --> 00:06:28,431 I mean, we gotta make a move. 143 00:06:29,140 --> 00:06:30,683 You need to come see Frankie. 144 00:06:31,225 --> 00:06:33,311 Use the time while you're still home. 145 00:06:35,146 --> 00:06:36,773 Yeah. Yeah, I will. 146 00:06:36,981 --> 00:06:39,942 You've only seen him twice. He knows you're around. 147 00:06:40,777 --> 00:06:42,320 - I know. - How am I supposed to explain that 148 00:06:42,403 --> 00:06:43,488 to a five-year-old? 149 00:06:45,073 --> 00:06:47,200 You're his father, Danny. 150 00:06:48,993 --> 00:06:50,870 Please, don't turn me into the bad guy here. 151 00:06:50,953 --> 00:06:53,039 - But we keep having this conversation-- - You're not the bad guy, I know that. 152 00:06:57,418 --> 00:06:58,795 I'll come see him. 153 00:06:59,170 --> 00:07:00,379 I promise. 154 00:07:10,723 --> 00:07:12,016 What was that about? 155 00:07:12,100 --> 00:07:14,352 POTUS doesn't want me going after Montano. 156 00:07:14,435 --> 00:07:16,687 I'm a symbol of the war effort now. 157 00:07:17,814 --> 00:07:19,440 He thinks it's too dangerous. 158 00:07:20,483 --> 00:07:21,734 And what did you say to that? 159 00:07:22,110 --> 00:07:23,402 I said he was right. 160 00:07:24,570 --> 00:07:26,030 - CHANDLER: Give me a hand. - I got him. Here. 161 00:07:26,114 --> 00:07:27,323 (MONTANO GROANING) 162 00:07:27,406 --> 00:07:29,408 BURK: You guys okay? CHANDLER: We're fine. 163 00:07:29,492 --> 00:07:30,618 What's wrong with him? 164 00:07:30,701 --> 00:07:33,121 WOLF: He took a bullet. Put him down over here. 165 00:07:34,205 --> 00:07:36,249 - (BREATHING HEAVILY) - (OBJECTS CLATTERING) 166 00:07:36,374 --> 00:07:38,459 Gustavo's men are taking the island. 167 00:07:38,543 --> 00:07:40,044 Salem Beach is blown. 168 00:07:40,128 --> 00:07:41,462 That was our extract. 169 00:07:42,130 --> 00:07:43,422 Not anymore. 170 00:07:58,896 --> 00:08:00,481 (OLD JAZZ MUSIC PLAYING) 171 00:08:03,359 --> 00:08:04,861 (DOORBELL RINGS) 172 00:08:05,361 --> 00:08:06,904 You've done this 35 times? 173 00:08:06,988 --> 00:08:08,531 (SIGHS) Give or take. 174 00:08:10,533 --> 00:08:12,034 You nervous, little brother? 175 00:08:12,326 --> 00:08:13,369 Hell no. 176 00:08:15,496 --> 00:08:17,290 (GASPS) They're here! 177 00:08:17,373 --> 00:08:19,083 Everyone, they're here! 178 00:08:19,250 --> 00:08:21,294 Come on in, come on in. 179 00:08:21,627 --> 00:08:26,340 - Well, aren't you boys a sight! - CAMERON: Afternoon, ma'am. Miss Abbott. 180 00:08:26,424 --> 00:08:27,508 Charlene. 181 00:08:27,925 --> 00:08:30,428 You gentlemen are far more handsome than your photos, 182 00:08:30,511 --> 00:08:31,929 if that's even possible. 183 00:08:32,013 --> 00:08:34,640 Right this way, let's not keep your fans waiting. 184 00:08:35,266 --> 00:08:37,602 The Southern Women's Society has been working hard 185 00:08:37,685 --> 00:08:39,353 to set up this function for y'all. 186 00:08:39,437 --> 00:08:41,355 There are some deep pockets here, 187 00:08:41,439 --> 00:08:44,317 and everyone just wants to do their part for the war effort. 188 00:08:44,525 --> 00:08:47,445 We are grateful, ma'am, and we're honored to be here. 189 00:08:47,528 --> 00:08:49,655 CHARLENE: Oh, we're just thrilled to have you. 190 00:08:50,156 --> 00:08:52,158 All right, y'all, gather round. 191 00:08:52,241 --> 00:08:54,994 Let's show these fine fellows from the Nathan James 192 00:08:55,077 --> 00:08:57,830 some good Southern hospitality. 193 00:08:57,914 --> 00:08:59,332 (ALL CLAPPING) 194 00:08:59,415 --> 00:09:00,917 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 195 00:09:01,584 --> 00:09:03,294 Where the hell are we? 196 00:09:03,377 --> 00:09:05,171 Forget where are we. When are we? 197 00:09:05,296 --> 00:09:07,131 Just smile and be who they want you to be. 198 00:09:07,506 --> 00:09:09,634 Every dollar raised is another sailor fed, 199 00:09:09,717 --> 00:09:11,177 and another shell in the five-inch. 200 00:09:11,719 --> 00:09:15,223 It's such an honor to meet a true American hero, Commander. 201 00:09:15,306 --> 00:09:16,307 Well, thank you, ma'am. 202 00:09:16,390 --> 00:09:18,100 And thank you for all you do for the cause. 203 00:09:18,184 --> 00:09:19,769 - Of course! - (CHUCKLES) 204 00:09:24,106 --> 00:09:25,483 I am amazed. 205 00:09:25,566 --> 00:09:29,195 I mean, you all have saved the world three times now. 206 00:09:29,278 --> 00:09:31,155 How on earth do you do it? 207 00:09:31,614 --> 00:09:34,033 Nothing special about any of us, sir. 208 00:09:34,116 --> 00:09:36,827 Just following the training provided by your United States Navy. 209 00:09:36,911 --> 00:09:38,913 Just happened to be, uh, in the right place at the right time. 210 00:09:38,996 --> 00:09:40,957 MAN: Well, I've missed the last few wars. 211 00:09:41,040 --> 00:09:43,542 Would've signed up for this one, bad knees. 212 00:09:44,043 --> 00:09:45,753 God, I really wanted to be in it. 213 00:09:46,128 --> 00:09:48,047 Edmund, go make a donation. 214 00:09:48,256 --> 00:09:49,674 - (CHUCKLES) - Don't mind Edmund. 215 00:09:49,757 --> 00:09:51,842 He's got chickens in the yard, if you know what I mean. 216 00:09:57,390 --> 00:09:59,517 GRANDMA ABBOT: Do you miss being out at sea, son? 217 00:09:59,642 --> 00:10:02,061 I'm just happy to do my part, ma'am, wherever that may be. 218 00:10:02,144 --> 00:10:04,522 Oh, I bet you're happy to be at home for a spell, 219 00:10:04,605 --> 00:10:08,025 sleeping in your own bed, wearing a set of clean underwear. 220 00:10:08,109 --> 00:10:09,819 (LAUGHS) Yes, ma'am, I sure am. 221 00:10:09,986 --> 00:10:11,946 Tell me, to whom do I write the check? 222 00:10:12,029 --> 00:10:14,532 Oh, the US War Bonds Department. Thank you, ma'am. 223 00:10:14,615 --> 00:10:15,908 (SIGHS) 224 00:10:16,158 --> 00:10:18,160 Now, where is that checkbook? 225 00:10:18,244 --> 00:10:19,787 COURTNEY: Let me help you with that, Grandma. 226 00:10:22,164 --> 00:10:23,791 Oh. Thank you. 227 00:10:23,874 --> 00:10:25,001 Hi. 228 00:10:26,252 --> 00:10:27,253 Hello. 229 00:10:28,879 --> 00:10:30,214 CHARLENE: Courtney Ann, 230 00:10:30,506 --> 00:10:32,758 you didn't offer our guest any of our sweet tea. 231 00:10:32,842 --> 00:10:34,135 Mother. 232 00:10:34,844 --> 00:10:36,137 MILLER: Oh, thank you, ma'am. 233 00:10:38,055 --> 00:10:39,432 (SLURPING) 234 00:10:41,058 --> 00:10:44,437 DANNY: Pegasus two-eight-eight, Vulture, extract Alpha's been blown. 235 00:10:44,520 --> 00:10:47,231 Must divert to Bravo. Do you copy? Over. 236 00:10:47,356 --> 00:10:50,985 So we got peaches, tomatoes, beans, 237 00:10:51,485 --> 00:10:54,071 and enough rum to throw one hell of a victory party. 238 00:10:54,697 --> 00:10:56,073 Oh, snap! Is that rhubarb? 239 00:10:57,575 --> 00:10:58,868 (MOUSE SQUEAKS) 240 00:10:59,702 --> 00:11:00,745 Hey, there. 241 00:11:02,621 --> 00:11:03,956 Hey, buddy. 242 00:11:04,915 --> 00:11:06,334 Hey. 243 00:11:07,460 --> 00:11:10,504 Come in, Pegasus two-eight-eight. This is Vulture, over. 244 00:11:11,005 --> 00:11:12,965 CAPTAIN: (OVER RADIO) Reading you now, Vulture. Adjusting course. 245 00:11:13,049 --> 00:11:14,967 New coordinates, extract Bravo, over. 246 00:11:15,468 --> 00:11:17,345 We got 40 minutes to get him moving, 247 00:11:17,428 --> 00:11:19,430 less if the Jamaicans can't hold the line. 248 00:11:19,847 --> 00:11:21,432 But we still don't have a clear path out. 249 00:11:21,724 --> 00:11:23,267 MONTANO: I'm not going anywhere. 250 00:11:23,517 --> 00:11:25,978 And I'm not saying anything! (GRUNTS) 251 00:11:26,645 --> 00:11:27,772 WOLF: Looks infected. 252 00:11:27,897 --> 00:11:29,899 - He might not live, sir. - He'll live. 253 00:11:30,483 --> 00:11:32,109 We got things to talk about. 254 00:11:33,235 --> 00:11:34,737 - WOLF: Hey! - Harder! 255 00:11:34,820 --> 00:11:35,946 - WOLF: Hey! - Harder! 256 00:11:36,030 --> 00:11:37,490 (YELLING, GRUNTING) 257 00:11:37,573 --> 00:11:39,325 Keep it going! Harder, harder! 258 00:11:39,408 --> 00:11:42,453 Come on, let's go. I said harder! Harder! 259 00:11:42,536 --> 00:11:44,538 - (SCREAMING) - Much more than this! 260 00:11:45,122 --> 00:11:46,957 (GRUNTS) 261 00:11:48,876 --> 00:11:50,336 (WOLF PANTING) 262 00:11:52,088 --> 00:11:53,464 How do you feel? 263 00:11:53,589 --> 00:11:55,758 I'm good. It's pretty good. 264 00:11:55,966 --> 00:11:58,928 KANDIE: You're more than good. You are a weapon, baby. 265 00:11:59,095 --> 00:12:00,846 Nothing can stop you. 266 00:12:01,764 --> 00:12:03,849 Not with you around, anyway. 267 00:12:09,271 --> 00:12:10,898 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 268 00:12:15,528 --> 00:12:17,488 Daddy, do you see me? 269 00:12:18,155 --> 00:12:20,282 Yeah, I see you, bud. 270 00:12:26,705 --> 00:12:28,582 I thought Clay already swept Alisha's laptop. 271 00:12:29,041 --> 00:12:30,292 Six times. 272 00:12:30,668 --> 00:12:32,128 The woman can't just disappear. 273 00:12:32,378 --> 00:12:34,839 What about her sister, huh? Anyone talk to her? 274 00:12:34,922 --> 00:12:36,424 She hasn't heard from Kelsi in years, 275 00:12:36,507 --> 00:12:38,342 which I guess makes sense. 276 00:12:39,718 --> 00:12:40,719 (KARA SIGHS) 277 00:12:43,889 --> 00:12:45,182 (KARA SIGHS) 278 00:12:45,808 --> 00:12:48,102 God. Danny, I let that girl babysit for me. 279 00:12:48,477 --> 00:12:50,938 Yeah, well, it just goes to show, you never really know people. 280 00:12:54,608 --> 00:12:55,651 Frankie! 281 00:12:55,943 --> 00:12:56,986 (GASPS) 282 00:12:57,445 --> 00:12:58,571 Give me that. 283 00:12:58,654 --> 00:13:01,490 - Mama! - It's okay, sweetie. It's okay. 284 00:13:09,457 --> 00:13:11,000 (EXHALES) 285 00:13:15,588 --> 00:13:17,673 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 286 00:13:18,007 --> 00:13:19,508 (TELEPHONE RINGING) 287 00:13:30,478 --> 00:13:31,854 MEYLAN: We'll find Montano here, 288 00:13:31,937 --> 00:13:34,190 an old resort two klicks south of Runaway Bay. 289 00:13:34,523 --> 00:13:38,027 Our intel suggests he's traveling without security under an assumed name. 290 00:13:38,110 --> 00:13:39,653 The Jamaican Defense Force has agreed 291 00:13:39,737 --> 00:13:42,114 to help infil you to the target, then get you out again. 292 00:13:42,198 --> 00:13:43,574 They're our allies on this. 293 00:13:43,657 --> 00:13:44,742 Okay. (EXHALES) 294 00:13:44,825 --> 00:13:47,453 We drop the team here, short swim from the beach. 295 00:13:47,536 --> 00:13:50,206 If the Jamaicans keep that clear, we'll set extract Alpha here. 296 00:13:50,289 --> 00:13:53,876 Good. We'll put Bravo here, but let's hope we don't need it. 297 00:13:53,959 --> 00:13:54,960 ANITA: Worse comes to worst, 298 00:13:55,044 --> 00:13:57,171 we have a forward operating Marine base in Haiti 299 00:13:57,254 --> 00:13:59,840 with three Super-Stallions packed up and ready to move. 300 00:13:59,924 --> 00:14:01,675 Helos, good. 301 00:14:02,635 --> 00:14:03,802 Ash? 302 00:14:04,762 --> 00:14:06,347 Ash, wait. 303 00:14:07,681 --> 00:14:08,766 Where are you going? 304 00:14:09,016 --> 00:14:11,560 If you didn't have time to see me, you should've just told me. 305 00:14:11,644 --> 00:14:14,396 - I've been here for an hour and a half. - (SIGHS) I know, I'm sorry. 306 00:14:15,231 --> 00:14:16,565 It won't be much longer. 307 00:14:16,649 --> 00:14:18,817 You hungry? I can have someone run down to the commissary. 308 00:14:18,901 --> 00:14:20,236 Dad, it's fine. 309 00:14:21,320 --> 00:14:22,321 Okay. 310 00:14:23,197 --> 00:14:24,448 I'll be done here soon. 311 00:14:25,074 --> 00:14:26,367 I'll see you at home. 312 00:14:39,713 --> 00:14:42,049 We gotta move now. How's Montano? 313 00:14:42,132 --> 00:14:43,634 We're gonna have to carry him out. 314 00:14:43,842 --> 00:14:45,594 Fever's down, but he's out cold. 315 00:14:46,387 --> 00:14:48,013 Last report from the Jamaicans 316 00:14:48,097 --> 00:14:50,307 had an enemy QRF coming in from the west. 317 00:14:50,432 --> 00:14:52,351 I recommend this route to Bravo. 318 00:14:52,643 --> 00:14:55,646 CAPTAIN: (OVER RADIO) Vulture, this is Pegasus, requesting a sit-rep, over. 319 00:14:55,729 --> 00:14:58,607 Roger that, Pegasus. We're ten minutes out, over. 320 00:14:59,358 --> 00:15:00,693 Pegasus, do you copy? 321 00:15:00,776 --> 00:15:02,319 Stand by, Vulture, stand by. 322 00:15:02,403 --> 00:15:04,655 We're picking up three contacts approaching our PIM. 323 00:15:05,781 --> 00:15:07,616 Pegasus, report, over! 324 00:15:07,700 --> 00:15:10,119 Vulture, incoming torpedo! We took a hit! 325 00:15:12,246 --> 00:15:13,956 Marine FOB Haiti, 326 00:15:14,039 --> 00:15:17,459 this is Vulture requesting emergency extract from our location. 327 00:15:17,543 --> 00:15:18,752 Send the helo. 328 00:15:19,545 --> 00:15:20,671 (GRUNTS) 329 00:15:21,797 --> 00:15:23,257 (BOTH GRUNTING) 330 00:15:25,801 --> 00:15:27,052 (GUNSHOT) 331 00:15:27,177 --> 00:15:28,345 (GROANS) 332 00:15:28,470 --> 00:15:29,680 Burk! 333 00:15:30,180 --> 00:15:31,265 Shit! 334 00:15:31,348 --> 00:15:32,433 Burk's hit! 335 00:15:32,516 --> 00:15:35,185 Hang on, buddy. I got you, I got you. It's okay. Okay? Hold on. 336 00:15:35,269 --> 00:15:36,312 (EXHALES) 337 00:15:41,692 --> 00:15:43,152 (BURK GROANING) 338 00:15:44,528 --> 00:15:45,654 Is it bad? 339 00:15:45,863 --> 00:15:47,281 No, man. It ain't bad. 340 00:15:47,364 --> 00:15:49,158 It ain't bad at all, all right? You're gonna be fine. 341 00:15:49,241 --> 00:15:51,160 I can feel something. I think it's metal. 342 00:15:51,243 --> 00:15:53,120 It's the slug. You gotta dig it out. 343 00:15:53,203 --> 00:15:54,330 WOLF: Green. 344 00:15:56,040 --> 00:15:57,041 (GRUNTS) 345 00:15:57,124 --> 00:15:58,584 DANNY: All right, this isn't gonna feel good. 346 00:15:58,667 --> 00:15:59,793 - It's fine. - You're gonna be fine, 347 00:15:59,877 --> 00:16:01,170 but it's time to cowboy up. 348 00:16:01,295 --> 00:16:03,005 Now, Miller. Use your finger. 349 00:16:03,380 --> 00:16:05,049 - Oh... - I'm sorry, man. 350 00:16:05,549 --> 00:16:07,176 (GROANING) 351 00:16:07,259 --> 00:16:08,886 Got two slugs here, 352 00:16:08,969 --> 00:16:11,972 then again in the stomach, fourth one, scuffed my thigh. 353 00:16:12,181 --> 00:16:13,474 (WHISTLES) 354 00:16:13,641 --> 00:16:16,393 Yeah, I've, uh, had a few close calls. 355 00:16:17,519 --> 00:16:20,439 I took one in the Kevlar, knock wood. 356 00:16:21,106 --> 00:16:22,358 It's nothing too serious. 357 00:16:22,441 --> 00:16:24,610 This bastard came over to read me last rites, 358 00:16:24,693 --> 00:16:26,070 and he got one in the spine. 359 00:16:26,153 --> 00:16:29,073 (CHUCKLES) I guess you didn't want me going to heaven alone. 360 00:16:29,281 --> 00:16:31,617 I was afraid you might get lost. (CHUCKLES) 361 00:16:31,784 --> 00:16:33,077 Might have. 362 00:16:37,790 --> 00:16:39,291 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 363 00:16:49,343 --> 00:16:50,803 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 364 00:16:54,473 --> 00:16:55,808 CAMERON: Go ahead, touch it. 365 00:16:58,060 --> 00:16:59,269 (CHUCKLES) 366 00:17:04,066 --> 00:17:05,359 (CAMERON CHUCKLES) 367 00:17:08,112 --> 00:17:09,446 Can you feel that? 368 00:17:10,531 --> 00:17:12,825 CAMERON: Yeah. Of course I can. 369 00:17:14,952 --> 00:17:16,578 Come here, let me tell you a little secret. 370 00:17:20,082 --> 00:17:21,500 I'm a superhero. 371 00:17:23,001 --> 00:17:24,002 Whoa. 372 00:17:24,253 --> 00:17:25,504 Shh. 373 00:17:39,351 --> 00:17:42,563 War has a flavor the protected will never taste. 374 00:17:42,646 --> 00:17:43,689 BURK: Mmm. 375 00:17:43,856 --> 00:17:45,190 They look at the Purple Hearts, 376 00:17:45,441 --> 00:17:47,234 and they talk about valor. 377 00:17:47,651 --> 00:17:50,529 They don't wanna hear about the guilt, the nightmares, 378 00:17:50,612 --> 00:17:52,614 or the 30 years of headaches that come with it. 379 00:17:53,949 --> 00:17:56,577 Yeah, my dad fought in Vietnam, did three tours. 380 00:17:57,077 --> 00:18:00,622 Sixth Marines, Con Thien, Mekong, Cambodia. 381 00:18:00,706 --> 00:18:04,376 Man, I used to hear him up at all hours of the night, 382 00:18:04,460 --> 00:18:06,545 just pacing the house, pacing the house. 383 00:18:08,005 --> 00:18:09,423 Whenever I asked him about it, 384 00:18:09,506 --> 00:18:11,717 you know, he'd never say nothing. 385 00:18:11,925 --> 00:18:13,427 TERRY: Now you know why. 386 00:18:13,677 --> 00:18:16,680 Your old man kept his mouth shut because he knew 387 00:18:16,930 --> 00:18:19,057 you weren't there, you couldn't understand. 388 00:18:25,773 --> 00:18:27,232 Amen to that. 389 00:19:23,205 --> 00:19:24,665 COURTNEY: She's pretty. 390 00:19:27,417 --> 00:19:28,836 Yeah, she was. 391 00:19:29,586 --> 00:19:31,463 It must've been hard for you out there, all alone, 392 00:19:31,547 --> 00:19:33,549 not knowing what was going on back here. 393 00:19:34,758 --> 00:19:37,427 MILLER: I can't imagine it was any tougher than it was for you. 394 00:19:39,304 --> 00:19:40,931 It was quick for some. 395 00:19:41,473 --> 00:19:43,141 My dad survived the longest. 396 00:19:43,767 --> 00:19:47,020 After my brothers died, he just hung on, sleeping in the guesthouse. 397 00:19:49,273 --> 00:19:50,566 The hardest part wasn't losing him, 398 00:19:50,649 --> 00:19:52,317 it was watching him get sicker and sicker 399 00:19:52,401 --> 00:19:53,944 and not being able to go to him. 400 00:19:55,529 --> 00:20:00,325 We used signs, uh, made from old cardboard boxes to talk to each other. 401 00:20:00,409 --> 00:20:01,410 (CHUCKLES) 402 00:20:05,956 --> 00:20:08,250 One morning, I went outside, 403 00:20:08,333 --> 00:20:10,752 and there he was, on the porch, just standing there. 404 00:20:13,338 --> 00:20:15,173 Virus took his mind and... 405 00:20:16,592 --> 00:20:19,094 he was suffering so much, so my mom... 406 00:20:21,805 --> 00:20:23,599 Took out the shotgun and... 407 00:20:29,730 --> 00:20:31,148 And then you got sick. 408 00:20:32,357 --> 00:20:33,525 (EXHALES) 409 00:20:37,821 --> 00:20:40,532 But then you came back with the cure, just in time. (CHUCKLES) 410 00:20:43,869 --> 00:20:46,538 Anyway, I didn't mean to take up all your day 411 00:20:46,622 --> 00:20:48,874 with my Gothic stories of the plague... 412 00:20:49,416 --> 00:20:50,792 but you should know... 413 00:20:52,836 --> 00:20:54,671 I understand your pain. 414 00:20:55,797 --> 00:20:58,300 And even if you're thinking you're all alone, 415 00:20:59,718 --> 00:21:01,136 you're not. 416 00:21:08,727 --> 00:21:10,979 It's probably time for dessert. (CHUCKLES) 417 00:21:12,397 --> 00:21:14,191 - (EXHALES) - Okay. 418 00:21:22,866 --> 00:21:24,076 (SIGHS) 419 00:21:24,326 --> 00:21:25,410 See that? 420 00:21:26,411 --> 00:21:27,913 Told you you'd make it. 421 00:21:28,372 --> 00:21:29,957 I'm gonna call him Rhubarb. 422 00:21:31,083 --> 00:21:33,543 Miller, you keep that rodent away from me. 423 00:21:34,044 --> 00:21:35,963 Gunfire's getting closer. 424 00:21:36,088 --> 00:21:38,048 They must have broken through the line at Grand Bahia. 425 00:21:38,131 --> 00:21:39,216 (DISTANT GUNSHOTS) 426 00:21:39,299 --> 00:21:41,760 Gustavo's army will be all over us in no time. 427 00:21:41,885 --> 00:21:44,137 Helos left Haiti at 0330. 428 00:21:44,221 --> 00:21:45,681 We should be hearing from them soon. 429 00:21:46,264 --> 00:21:47,557 (DISTANT EXPLOSION) 430 00:21:48,183 --> 00:21:50,352 I was gonna wait till we were on the flight home, 431 00:21:50,435 --> 00:21:51,853 but it looks like we got a couple minutes, 432 00:21:51,937 --> 00:21:53,230 so let's take some time. 433 00:21:53,814 --> 00:21:56,024 You're the architect of Gustavo's war machine. 434 00:21:56,817 --> 00:21:58,443 What's the sequel to Plan Azul? 435 00:21:58,610 --> 00:22:02,030 - (SCOFFS) - Haiti? Puerto Rico? Bahamas? 436 00:22:02,114 --> 00:22:04,574 I fight for the Latin American people, 437 00:22:04,866 --> 00:22:08,286 so that we will no longer be dependent on the whims of the north. 438 00:22:08,370 --> 00:22:11,540 - Now you sound like your boss. - You're a man of war, Admiral. 439 00:22:11,748 --> 00:22:13,792 And a professor, as I understand. 440 00:22:13,875 --> 00:22:15,085 You tell me. 441 00:22:15,460 --> 00:22:18,255 How many invasions, bombings, coups, 442 00:22:18,547 --> 00:22:22,676 CIA black ops and other interventions does it take before people push back? 443 00:22:22,759 --> 00:22:24,094 CHANDLER: America's not your enemy. 444 00:22:24,177 --> 00:22:26,430 America is a continent, not a country, Admiral. 445 00:22:26,888 --> 00:22:27,889 Learn that, 446 00:22:29,016 --> 00:22:31,309 maybe you'll understand la revolución. 447 00:22:31,393 --> 00:22:33,311 Gustavo's not a revolutionary. 448 00:22:33,937 --> 00:22:36,398 He's not fighting to right old wrongs. 449 00:22:36,898 --> 00:22:38,900 He's a strongman and an opportunist, 450 00:22:38,984 --> 00:22:40,902 and he's killed more of your people than ours. 451 00:22:41,028 --> 00:22:43,238 I did not say I support Gustavo. 452 00:22:51,955 --> 00:22:54,875 You're not in Jamaica guarding Gustavo's secrets. 453 00:22:56,585 --> 00:22:57,961 You're running away. 454 00:22:58,128 --> 00:22:59,421 Yes, Admiral. 455 00:23:00,464 --> 00:23:03,633 In another of the great post-plague ironies, 456 00:23:04,885 --> 00:23:09,681 one of the great strategists of war has become a pacifist. 457 00:23:18,356 --> 00:23:21,276 MONTANO: The first time I heard him speak was in his hometown. 458 00:23:22,861 --> 00:23:24,821 A little place called Rubi. 459 00:23:26,448 --> 00:23:28,533 He was a man of humble beginnings, 460 00:23:29,076 --> 00:23:31,661 speaking of hope and belonging. 461 00:23:32,370 --> 00:23:34,664 Listening to Tavo was a revelation. 462 00:23:35,499 --> 00:23:39,628 He put words to the pain and the shame of the South American experience, 463 00:23:40,420 --> 00:23:42,589 all we'd been feeling for so long. 464 00:23:43,381 --> 00:23:45,467 The plans we made together 465 00:23:45,926 --> 00:23:47,552 were going to do great good. 466 00:23:47,636 --> 00:23:48,762 So what changed? 467 00:23:49,888 --> 00:23:51,264 Tavo changed. 468 00:23:52,474 --> 00:23:54,851 Or he stopped hiding his true intentions. 469 00:23:55,519 --> 00:23:57,229 And it wasn't just rebels being killed. 470 00:23:57,312 --> 00:23:58,522 It was whole villages, 471 00:23:58,605 --> 00:24:00,982 anyone who fed into Tavo's paranoia. 472 00:24:03,735 --> 00:24:06,696 You can only see a child be burned alive so many times 473 00:24:06,780 --> 00:24:08,782 before you question your part in it all. 474 00:24:10,909 --> 00:24:12,702 You know his next moves. 475 00:24:13,286 --> 00:24:15,455 Help me stop him, help me end this. 476 00:24:15,997 --> 00:24:17,249 If I help you... 477 00:24:17,707 --> 00:24:19,292 will it save my nation? 478 00:24:19,584 --> 00:24:23,255 If you don't, will your nation still be worth saving? 479 00:24:24,881 --> 00:24:26,091 If I join you... 480 00:24:26,925 --> 00:24:28,844 I'm still an instrument of death. 481 00:24:28,927 --> 00:24:31,638 The only difference is the person delivering it. 482 00:24:33,348 --> 00:24:35,308 PILOT: (OVER RADIO) Vulture, this is Scorpion one-three, over. 483 00:24:35,559 --> 00:24:36,643 The Marines are here! 484 00:24:38,979 --> 00:24:42,607 Scorpion, this is Vulture. Are you in position to extract? Over. 485 00:24:42,899 --> 00:24:44,025 Negative, Vulture. 486 00:24:44,109 --> 00:24:46,987 Scorpion one-two has gone down over enemy territory. 487 00:24:47,070 --> 00:24:49,990 We just lost contact with one-six. It's too hot. 488 00:24:50,073 --> 00:24:53,201 We're returning to base. Expect return at 0930. 489 00:24:53,285 --> 00:24:55,579 Order extract three klicks south of Alpha. Over. 490 00:24:55,829 --> 00:24:58,790 Scorpion one-three, we have a high-value package 491 00:24:58,874 --> 00:25:02,127 that requires immediate evac. Please advise. Over. 492 00:25:02,210 --> 00:25:03,211 Copy, Vulture. 493 00:25:03,295 --> 00:25:06,256 We're dropping CRRC nine klicks west of your whiskey. Over. 494 00:25:09,885 --> 00:25:11,636 No. Scorpion one-three, 495 00:25:11,720 --> 00:25:14,389 drop location is deep behind enemy lines. Over. 496 00:25:14,639 --> 00:25:17,851 Roger, Vulture, it's the best we can do. Scorpion one-three out. 497 00:25:18,393 --> 00:25:19,853 By the sound of it, 498 00:25:19,936 --> 00:25:22,480 whatever I say will not matter much anyway. 499 00:25:24,649 --> 00:25:25,901 (SQUEAKING) 500 00:25:28,778 --> 00:25:30,113 (DISTANT EXPLOSION) 501 00:25:30,447 --> 00:25:31,656 (GUNSHOTS) 502 00:25:34,326 --> 00:25:36,369 (SIGHS) We need that CRRC. 503 00:25:36,995 --> 00:25:39,414 BURK: Well, it's the opposite direction of the open beach, 504 00:25:39,497 --> 00:25:42,417 and it's too dangerous for us all to go, especially carrying him. 505 00:25:43,210 --> 00:25:44,294 I'll go. 506 00:25:44,419 --> 00:25:46,087 I'll get the CRRC to the beach and then come back here. 507 00:25:46,171 --> 00:25:47,255 We all go together. 508 00:25:47,505 --> 00:25:49,216 - I'll go with. - WOLF: No, mate. 509 00:25:49,674 --> 00:25:51,092 Frankie needs his dad. 510 00:25:51,176 --> 00:25:53,637 Come on, we're looking at an army of heavily armed assholes out there, 511 00:25:53,720 --> 00:25:55,639 - and your leg's-- - Is a little stiff is all. 512 00:25:55,847 --> 00:25:57,390 It just needs some working in. 513 00:25:58,350 --> 00:25:59,601 Good luck. 514 00:25:59,851 --> 00:26:00,977 Sir. 515 00:26:04,940 --> 00:26:06,024 Come on. 516 00:26:06,900 --> 00:26:09,110 Let's go. Come on. Come on, come on. 517 00:26:13,573 --> 00:26:14,783 (EXHALES) 518 00:26:16,326 --> 00:26:17,410 I got it. 519 00:26:21,665 --> 00:26:22,791 (EXHALES) 520 00:26:33,343 --> 00:26:34,844 - (GLASS SHATTERS) - Ow! (INHALES SHARPLY) 521 00:26:35,303 --> 00:26:36,596 Ash, you okay? 522 00:26:36,680 --> 00:26:38,014 I'm fine. It's not that bad. 523 00:26:38,139 --> 00:26:40,558 Come back to the table. Let's at least keep talking about this. 524 00:26:40,642 --> 00:26:41,685 There's nothing left to say. 525 00:26:41,768 --> 00:26:44,062 Come on, guys. You can't end this conversation like this. 526 00:26:44,145 --> 00:26:46,022 There's no conversation to have. 527 00:26:46,106 --> 00:26:48,024 - Why do you have to be such a bitch? - Sam. 528 00:26:48,108 --> 00:26:50,151 - What? We're only home for a few-- - Yeah, well, at least I'm honest. 529 00:26:50,235 --> 00:26:51,528 - Yeah, since when? - I'm not the one who told my new school 530 00:26:51,611 --> 00:26:52,988 my last name was "Jerome"! 531 00:26:53,071 --> 00:26:54,948 What the hell, Ash? Shut up! 532 00:26:55,365 --> 00:26:56,658 You did that, buddy? 533 00:26:58,535 --> 00:27:01,037 It's a lot of pressure being Tom Chandler's kid. 534 00:27:01,371 --> 00:27:03,957 - You knew about this? - It wasn't my place to say anything. 535 00:27:04,040 --> 00:27:06,459 How am I suddenly a stranger in my own home? 536 00:27:06,543 --> 00:27:08,086 ASHLEY: When haven't you been a stranger? 537 00:27:08,169 --> 00:27:10,839 The two of you, you're like these war machines. 538 00:27:10,922 --> 00:27:13,341 Everything is this mission for you. 539 00:27:14,301 --> 00:27:16,803 So you are mad about what happened in Southcom today. 540 00:27:16,886 --> 00:27:18,305 (SCOFFS) You are unbelievable. 541 00:27:18,388 --> 00:27:21,516 - I'm gonna eat in the kitchen. - Sit down. 542 00:27:24,060 --> 00:27:26,187 I came home from work to see you. 543 00:27:26,771 --> 00:27:29,399 I just want one peaceful dinner. 544 00:27:31,943 --> 00:27:33,862 I'm trying to be here for you. 545 00:27:33,945 --> 00:27:35,030 And it shows. 546 00:27:35,780 --> 00:27:37,449 You shouldn't have to try, Dad. 547 00:27:37,907 --> 00:27:39,951 When you're here, you're miserable, and everyone knows it. 548 00:27:44,080 --> 00:27:45,999 (EXHALES) I need a bandage. 549 00:27:46,374 --> 00:27:48,126 - Here, let me. - I got it. 550 00:27:54,174 --> 00:27:55,508 (EXPLOSION) 551 00:27:56,593 --> 00:27:58,011 (COUGHS) 552 00:28:00,722 --> 00:28:02,015 DANNY: How's the neck? 553 00:28:03,141 --> 00:28:04,142 Eh... 554 00:28:04,225 --> 00:28:06,102 Looks like you earned yourself another medal. 555 00:28:06,186 --> 00:28:08,438 (CHUCKLES) Yeah. 556 00:28:09,064 --> 00:28:10,148 For valor, huh? 557 00:28:12,942 --> 00:28:14,819 Miller and Wolf should be back by now. 558 00:28:14,903 --> 00:28:18,114 We're running outta time. If the sun comes up, game's over. 559 00:28:21,409 --> 00:28:22,744 (SPEAKING SPANISH) 560 00:28:23,161 --> 00:28:25,622 (GRUNTS) I never liked rum. 561 00:28:25,705 --> 00:28:27,040 (COUGHS) 562 00:28:27,749 --> 00:28:29,834 We're gonna have to move soon. How do you feel? 563 00:28:29,959 --> 00:28:31,044 I'm sick. 564 00:28:31,753 --> 00:28:33,254 I'm sick of war. 565 00:28:33,588 --> 00:28:35,715 Sometimes war is the only way to keep the peace. 566 00:28:35,799 --> 00:28:36,800 (EXPLOSION) 567 00:28:36,883 --> 00:28:38,510 You heard my lecture? 568 00:28:38,593 --> 00:28:40,220 We used to share that theory. 569 00:28:40,720 --> 00:28:42,639 I'm not so sure of it anymore. 570 00:28:43,556 --> 00:28:45,517 Sometimes I think peace 571 00:28:46,518 --> 00:28:48,978 is the awkward pause between wars. 572 00:28:50,021 --> 00:28:51,314 Maybe peace 573 00:28:51,856 --> 00:28:54,818 is the time for the world to reload its weapons. 574 00:28:55,652 --> 00:28:56,820 And you, 575 00:28:58,154 --> 00:29:00,615 you look different than the first time we met. 576 00:29:00,990 --> 00:29:02,325 (EXPLOSIONS) 577 00:29:02,617 --> 00:29:03,868 Older. 578 00:29:04,160 --> 00:29:05,245 No. 579 00:29:05,328 --> 00:29:06,621 That is not it. 580 00:29:07,539 --> 00:29:09,249 You are haunted. 581 00:29:10,250 --> 00:29:11,793 Or maybe hunted. 582 00:29:12,168 --> 00:29:15,463 This is what war has done to you. 583 00:29:16,756 --> 00:29:18,133 (RUMBLING) 584 00:29:21,761 --> 00:29:23,596 Doctor, this isn't about me. 585 00:29:25,181 --> 00:29:27,559 My country's not perfect. I am not perfect. 586 00:29:28,017 --> 00:29:30,186 I can't promise you there'll be no more killing. 587 00:29:31,396 --> 00:29:32,856 But if you agree to help me... 588 00:29:33,481 --> 00:29:35,275 maybe we can find real peace. 589 00:29:37,735 --> 00:29:41,072 Now I understand why Gustavo hates you so much. 590 00:29:42,490 --> 00:29:43,908 Promise me, 591 00:29:45,034 --> 00:29:47,120 soldier to soldier, 592 00:29:49,289 --> 00:29:50,623 end this quickly. 593 00:29:53,710 --> 00:29:55,462 Whatever is hunting you, 594 00:29:56,880 --> 00:29:59,591 I pray it never finds you. (GRUNTS) 595 00:30:00,550 --> 00:30:01,551 - (DOOR OPENS) - WOLF: Coming in! 596 00:30:06,431 --> 00:30:08,183 The good news, we have an extract. 597 00:30:08,308 --> 00:30:11,060 - And the bad? - Expect company. 598 00:30:11,269 --> 00:30:12,812 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 599 00:30:21,696 --> 00:30:23,281 CRRC's on the beach about a mile from here. 600 00:30:23,364 --> 00:30:25,825 - That's a long way to carry him, sir. - We gotta try. 601 00:30:25,909 --> 00:30:27,243 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 602 00:30:27,368 --> 00:30:29,996 - Too late! They're here. - Wolf, Green, on the door. 603 00:30:30,079 --> 00:30:31,372 Miller, with Burk. 604 00:30:36,169 --> 00:30:37,837 - Come here, buddy. It's okay. - (MOUSE SQUEAKING) 605 00:30:38,880 --> 00:30:41,341 Yeah, there you go. 606 00:30:52,560 --> 00:30:54,854 I'm gone, she's mad, I'm here, she's mad. 607 00:30:54,938 --> 00:30:56,689 I don't know how to make her happy. 608 00:30:56,773 --> 00:30:59,150 You just need to be a little more patient with her. 609 00:30:59,234 --> 00:31:00,485 She just wants a normal life. 610 00:31:00,568 --> 00:31:01,569 And who doesn't? 611 00:31:01,819 --> 00:31:04,072 I just feel like all I do is make things worse. 612 00:31:04,155 --> 00:31:05,240 Ash. 613 00:31:06,157 --> 00:31:07,617 Ashley, come back here. 614 00:31:10,578 --> 00:31:11,704 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 615 00:31:12,872 --> 00:31:13,998 (EXHALES) 616 00:31:25,677 --> 00:31:26,678 (SQUEAKS) 617 00:31:26,761 --> 00:31:27,887 Rhubarb! 618 00:31:28,471 --> 00:31:29,973 (HEAVY METAL MUSIC PLAYING) 619 00:31:31,099 --> 00:31:34,435 Jesus, Ash, what is it you want? I'm doing the best... 620 00:31:34,519 --> 00:31:35,979 Turn around and talk to me! 621 00:31:36,062 --> 00:31:37,188 (GUNSHOTS) 622 00:31:37,397 --> 00:31:38,690 DANNY: Move it! 623 00:31:39,524 --> 00:31:40,817 (INDISTINCT SHOUTING) 624 00:31:45,822 --> 00:31:46,990 (PLATES SHATTER) 625 00:31:47,073 --> 00:31:49,659 - You're not listening to me! - Ashley, what are you doing? 626 00:31:49,742 --> 00:31:51,703 You are not listening! You're not listening! 627 00:31:51,786 --> 00:31:53,037 Was that necessary? 628 00:31:53,121 --> 00:31:54,539 (INAUDIBLE) 629 00:31:55,748 --> 00:31:57,083 (GUNFIRE) 630 00:31:59,127 --> 00:32:00,128 (GRUNTS) 631 00:32:04,048 --> 00:32:05,216 (MAN SHOUTING) 632 00:32:12,807 --> 00:32:14,851 I just don't know what it is you're telling me! 633 00:32:14,934 --> 00:32:16,060 What are you telling me? 634 00:32:16,144 --> 00:32:19,439 - You are nuts! You are a hypocrite! - I'm a hypocrite? 635 00:32:30,992 --> 00:32:32,285 (GUNSHOTS) 636 00:32:34,329 --> 00:32:36,873 CHANDLER: You're mad at me because I provide for you? 637 00:32:36,956 --> 00:32:39,042 - Just, Dad, I can't-- - I don't have that choice! 638 00:32:39,125 --> 00:32:40,460 I don't have that luxury! 639 00:32:40,543 --> 00:32:42,920 You are a hypocrite! I want a dad! 640 00:32:49,010 --> 00:32:50,303 (GUNFIRE) 641 00:33:14,160 --> 00:33:15,745 I don't have that luxury! 642 00:33:16,663 --> 00:33:18,122 Get back here, I'm talking to you! 643 00:33:25,797 --> 00:33:29,217 - Come back here, Ashley, and tell me-- - I don't have to! You're not... 644 00:33:33,179 --> 00:33:34,889 - Grenade! - WOLF: Drop! 645 00:33:35,390 --> 00:33:36,683 (EXPLOSION) 646 00:33:38,142 --> 00:33:39,519 (INDISTINCT SHOUTING) 647 00:33:40,561 --> 00:33:41,979 (GRUNTING) 648 00:33:49,070 --> 00:33:50,363 (GRUNTING) 649 00:33:55,451 --> 00:33:56,661 (GUNSHOTS) 650 00:33:58,204 --> 00:33:59,288 (GLASS SHATTERS) 651 00:34:02,417 --> 00:34:06,421 (CRYING) Mom knew it, too! She knew you hated being home. 652 00:34:06,587 --> 00:34:09,340 You were never happy unless you were on your damn ship! 653 00:34:09,424 --> 00:34:11,759 I'm sorry I'm the one you got stuck with. 654 00:34:11,843 --> 00:34:13,469 I'm sorry your mom died! 655 00:34:13,636 --> 00:34:15,054 And you weren't here. 656 00:34:25,106 --> 00:34:28,276 Montano's dead. We gotta move. On me. 657 00:34:29,485 --> 00:34:30,778 (GRUNTS) 658 00:34:52,091 --> 00:34:53,593 (SIGHS HEAVILY) 659 00:34:53,760 --> 00:34:54,844 Ashley. 660 00:34:57,513 --> 00:34:58,681 Ashley. 661 00:35:01,476 --> 00:35:02,602 (ASHLEY INHALES SHARPLY) 662 00:35:04,020 --> 00:35:05,229 (SIGHS) 663 00:35:06,397 --> 00:35:07,982 ASHLEY: (VOICE BREAKS) You don't belong here. 664 00:35:11,235 --> 00:35:13,362 You belong out there. 665 00:35:26,417 --> 00:35:29,045 Five years of plague, famine, and war 666 00:35:29,128 --> 00:35:30,546 have brought this country together 667 00:35:30,630 --> 00:35:33,466 in a way not seen since the Second World War. 668 00:35:34,175 --> 00:35:36,385 In a population laid low, 669 00:35:36,969 --> 00:35:41,808 tens of thousands have volunteered their time, their passion, 670 00:35:41,891 --> 00:35:43,017 their lives. 671 00:35:49,941 --> 00:35:51,108 (SWAIN SIGHS) 672 00:36:04,413 --> 00:36:06,707 Looks like Cuba's not as hopeless as we thought. 673 00:36:06,791 --> 00:36:08,125 According to Dr. Montano, 674 00:36:08,209 --> 00:36:11,087 there's a rebellion forming under a man who goes by "El Gallo." 675 00:36:11,170 --> 00:36:12,672 That name mean anything to anyone? 676 00:36:12,755 --> 00:36:15,967 We had heard rumors about an anti-Gustavo movement in Cuba, 677 00:36:16,050 --> 00:36:17,677 but nothing confirmed. 678 00:36:17,760 --> 00:36:18,845 MEYLAN: Probably intentional. 679 00:36:19,262 --> 00:36:21,222 El Gallo wouldn't want Gustavo to see him coming. 680 00:36:21,305 --> 00:36:23,099 But Montano knew about them. 681 00:36:23,599 --> 00:36:25,268 Do you think he kept that from his boss? 682 00:36:25,351 --> 00:36:26,519 I do. 683 00:36:26,602 --> 00:36:28,980 Montano preferred stalemate over slaughter. 684 00:36:30,189 --> 00:36:31,983 Well, even if this intel is correct, 685 00:36:32,400 --> 00:36:34,485 El Gallo and his men are still vastly outnumbered 686 00:36:34,569 --> 00:36:36,362 by Gustavo's forces in Cuba. 687 00:36:36,445 --> 00:36:37,697 Not if they have backup. 688 00:36:38,072 --> 00:36:40,199 If we work with the rebels, take control of the island, 689 00:36:40,283 --> 00:36:41,868 we can use it as a staging ground. 690 00:36:42,159 --> 00:36:43,953 Install troops, planes, ships. 691 00:36:44,245 --> 00:36:47,039 From there, Panama and Colombia are within striking distance. 692 00:36:47,123 --> 00:36:48,541 We take Cuba, 693 00:36:50,418 --> 00:36:51,752 we can win this war. 694 00:36:52,795 --> 00:36:54,922 And Dr. Montano just gave us the key. 695 00:37:01,262 --> 00:37:02,388 (SNIFFS) 696 00:37:03,431 --> 00:37:05,766 (SIGHS) This is Daddy's tool. 697 00:37:07,685 --> 00:37:08,769 Very sharp. 698 00:37:09,270 --> 00:37:11,355 But it can be used to make really cool stuff. 699 00:37:12,690 --> 00:37:14,025 Like this. 700 00:37:14,859 --> 00:37:16,068 See? 701 00:37:17,570 --> 00:37:18,988 And when you get older, 702 00:37:19,864 --> 00:37:21,115 you can have a knife, too. 703 00:37:21,824 --> 00:37:22,867 Okay? 704 00:37:22,950 --> 00:37:24,035 Wow. 705 00:37:28,039 --> 00:37:29,373 (MIMICKING GUNSHOTS) 706 00:37:29,832 --> 00:37:31,042 (CHUCKLES) 707 00:37:31,125 --> 00:37:33,377 I'm getting the bad guys, Daddy. 708 00:37:35,046 --> 00:37:36,589 You sure are, pal. 709 00:37:44,305 --> 00:37:45,598 (DOORBELL RINGS) 710 00:37:46,849 --> 00:37:47,934 (DOOR OPENS) 711 00:37:52,521 --> 00:37:53,731 Hi there. 712 00:37:55,191 --> 00:37:56,484 Hi yourself. 713 00:37:58,110 --> 00:37:59,987 You got any more of that sweet tea? 714 00:38:01,572 --> 00:38:02,907 I think I might. 715 00:38:09,789 --> 00:38:11,415 SASHA: So, we'll come visit for the Fourth. 716 00:38:11,499 --> 00:38:14,460 That'd be cool. There's this huge fireworks show up in Forest Park. 717 00:38:14,669 --> 00:38:16,128 Oh, that's awesome. 718 00:38:17,046 --> 00:38:18,881 - Pack your summer clothes? - Yeah. 719 00:38:19,215 --> 00:38:22,093 Rain gear? Spring in St. Louis is always wet. 720 00:38:22,760 --> 00:38:24,553 - I've got that, too, Dad. - All right. 721 00:38:25,096 --> 00:38:26,472 Call me if you need anything. 722 00:38:30,476 --> 00:38:31,602 (CAR DOOR OPENS) 723 00:38:33,980 --> 00:38:35,272 I love you, Dad. 724 00:38:35,523 --> 00:38:37,108 I love you, too, baby. 725 00:38:42,154 --> 00:38:43,239 (SIGHS) 726 00:38:52,873 --> 00:38:54,166 Ash? 727 00:38:56,585 --> 00:38:57,837 Stay safe. 728 00:39:00,548 --> 00:39:02,216 I want you to stay safe, too, Dad. 729 00:39:03,092 --> 00:39:04,427 (CAR DOOR CLOSES) 730 00:39:05,094 --> 00:39:06,679 But more than that... 731 00:39:08,431 --> 00:39:10,349 I want you to find peace. 732 00:39:21,736 --> 00:39:22,987 (ENGINE STARTS) 733 00:39:34,915 --> 00:39:38,711 - (LAUGHTER) - Wait, wait, wait, this freaking mouse! 734 00:39:38,836 --> 00:39:40,588 - A mouse! - I never saw anything like it. 735 00:39:40,796 --> 00:39:43,007 Miller was in love! 736 00:39:43,090 --> 00:39:44,633 (ALL LAUGHING) 737 00:39:45,468 --> 00:39:46,677 You didn't see this little guy, sir. 738 00:39:46,761 --> 00:39:49,263 Okay, he was so perfect and innocent. 739 00:39:49,346 --> 00:39:50,765 (ALL LAUGH) 740 00:39:51,265 --> 00:39:53,350 - What, was he your little buddy? - DANNY: Beauty and the beast. 741 00:39:53,434 --> 00:39:55,770 - Oh, come on! - I think I'm gonna cry. I can't... 742 00:39:56,020 --> 00:39:57,521 BURK:...in my life. 743 00:39:58,022 --> 00:39:59,607 SLATTERY: Hey, there he is! 744 00:39:59,815 --> 00:40:01,484 Hail the conquering hero. 745 00:40:01,567 --> 00:40:03,277 - Don't let me interrupt. - Grab a cold one. 746 00:40:03,360 --> 00:40:06,280 We got, what, grape soda and what is that, cherry cola? 747 00:40:06,363 --> 00:40:07,490 - Cherry. - Cherry. 748 00:40:07,573 --> 00:40:09,742 - Cherry cola. - Don't mind if I do. 749 00:40:10,284 --> 00:40:11,911 So, finish the story. What happened to the mouse? 750 00:40:11,994 --> 00:40:14,622 Okay, so Rhubarb escapes out of the cage 751 00:40:14,705 --> 00:40:18,084 right when we get under fire, okay? Bullets are flying around me, 752 00:40:18,167 --> 00:40:19,585 - and there he goes. - SLATTERY: "Rhubarb"? 753 00:40:20,294 --> 00:40:21,670 - Rhubarb? - That's what I'm telling you. 754 00:40:21,754 --> 00:40:23,464 What? Hey, that's his name. 755 00:40:23,964 --> 00:40:27,426 I'm telling you, that little varmint, he made it out of there. 756 00:40:27,968 --> 00:40:29,095 He's a survivor. 757 00:40:29,220 --> 00:40:30,971 WOLF: To Rhubarb. ALL: To Rhubarb. 758 00:40:31,097 --> 00:40:32,723 BURK: To Rhubarb. ALL: To Rhubarb. 759 00:40:34,600 --> 00:40:37,186 ("I'VE HEARD THAT SONG BEFORE" PLAYING) 760 00:41:12,429 --> 00:41:13,514 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 761 00:41:32,950 --> 00:41:34,618 (LAUGHTER) 762 00:41:44,003 --> 00:41:46,005 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) 763 00:42:12,907 --> 00:42:13,908 English - SDH