1 00:00:05,632 --> 00:00:07,008 (BOTH SPEAKING SPANISH) 2 00:00:42,502 --> 00:00:43,712 (TOOLS CLACKING) 3 00:00:46,589 --> 00:00:49,801 And when were you gonna tell me about the, uh, rebel attack in Panama? 4 00:00:51,177 --> 00:00:53,096 It was nothing. We took care of it. 5 00:00:54,139 --> 00:00:56,224 Do you know what makes the Americans different from us? 6 00:00:58,476 --> 00:00:59,561 Hope. 7 00:01:01,312 --> 00:01:05,817 The Americans think they're special, blessed. 8 00:01:06,526 --> 00:01:08,778 Doesn't matter what tragedy hits them, 9 00:01:09,529 --> 00:01:11,114 they always believe things will get better. 10 00:01:12,282 --> 00:01:13,908 That hope makes them hard to beat. 11 00:01:14,993 --> 00:01:16,828 We can't let them have hope! 12 00:01:19,664 --> 00:01:21,541 And we can't let our people have doubt. 13 00:01:24,377 --> 00:01:25,754 (BOTH SPEAKING SPANISH) 14 00:01:43,980 --> 00:01:47,650 CHANDLER: Not much more we can do about Gustavo's movement in Central America. 15 00:01:48,234 --> 00:01:50,862 Our best use of time and resources is Mexico. 16 00:01:51,529 --> 00:01:54,115 Make a stand there, send a message to the rest of the region, 17 00:01:54,199 --> 00:01:56,034 make 'em think twice about whose side they're on. 18 00:01:57,160 --> 00:01:59,954 Gustavo's gotta know about the oil complex at Costa Hirviendo. 19 00:02:00,371 --> 00:02:02,332 General, what kind of assets could you move into that area? 20 00:02:02,415 --> 00:02:05,752 I have a brigade of 800 soldiers in Corpus Christi, Texas, 21 00:02:05,835 --> 00:02:08,379 but it'll take a few days to organize and supply them across the border. 22 00:02:08,463 --> 00:02:11,508 Meantime, we'll need a convincing show of sea power. (SIGHS) 23 00:02:11,758 --> 00:02:13,426 Oil complex is on the coast. 24 00:02:13,510 --> 00:02:16,846 Place Nathan James there, hold the line until the cavalry arrives. 25 00:02:19,474 --> 00:02:20,725 (TYPING) 26 00:02:21,976 --> 00:02:23,269 (COMPUTER BEEPS) 27 00:02:27,649 --> 00:02:28,691 Two viruses. 28 00:02:29,067 --> 00:02:30,109 Huh. 29 00:02:30,193 --> 00:02:31,194 Due respect to you both, 30 00:02:31,277 --> 00:02:33,822 the Yucatan Strait can't be held by one ship, 31 00:02:34,489 --> 00:02:35,657 even Nathan James. 32 00:02:36,407 --> 00:02:38,535 We're gonna need a reliable partner in the Mexicans. 33 00:02:38,618 --> 00:02:39,661 More than just the Mexicans. 34 00:02:39,744 --> 00:02:41,746 We need help from both sides of the strait. 35 00:02:41,830 --> 00:02:42,914 You're talking about Cuba. 36 00:02:42,997 --> 00:02:45,625 Mexico and Cuba are at war. Have been since the famine. 37 00:02:46,000 --> 00:02:49,087 Both sides accuse the other of invasions and murdering civilians. 38 00:02:49,420 --> 00:02:50,839 There's so much bad blood between them. 39 00:02:50,922 --> 00:02:53,258 We just need to make them understand one simple fact. 40 00:02:54,217 --> 00:02:58,388 Alone, neither country will last a week when Gustavo comes at them. 41 00:02:58,680 --> 00:03:01,474 There's no secure channel to the Mexican or Cuban governments. 42 00:03:01,808 --> 00:03:02,934 But we can talk to Slattery, 43 00:03:03,017 --> 00:03:04,978 and he can reach out locally over HF, 44 00:03:05,061 --> 00:03:06,896 have them come to a parley aboard the James. 45 00:03:07,272 --> 00:03:09,607 I think very highly of Slattery, but do you think he can... 46 00:03:09,691 --> 00:03:11,025 - I'm gonna do it myself. - KINKAID: Admiral, 47 00:03:11,109 --> 00:03:13,611 do you have any idea what kind of morale disaster it would be 48 00:03:13,695 --> 00:03:14,696 if you got hurt down there? 49 00:03:14,779 --> 00:03:16,447 How much of a morale disaster would it be 50 00:03:16,531 --> 00:03:18,449 if we got invaded in a few weeks? 51 00:03:19,576 --> 00:03:21,494 You gotta find a way to get me back on Nathan James. 52 00:03:27,083 --> 00:03:29,085 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) 53 00:03:52,692 --> 00:03:53,693 DANNY: Any word from the US? 54 00:03:53,776 --> 00:03:55,403 There is still no satellite link. 55 00:03:57,780 --> 00:03:58,781 How much Semtex? 56 00:04:00,074 --> 00:04:04,245 It looks like, (SCOFFS) about 12 kilos, barely enough to take down a bridge. 57 00:04:04,329 --> 00:04:06,706 Let's hope they built it quick and sloppy. 58 00:04:07,498 --> 00:04:09,584 I don't know how much longer I can depend on these men. 59 00:04:10,585 --> 00:04:12,045 I gotta get them a victory, soon. 60 00:04:12,378 --> 00:04:13,546 Pablo thought we could do it. 61 00:04:14,464 --> 00:04:17,467 Yeah, that was before we lost half our men and gear. 62 00:04:18,676 --> 00:04:19,719 The bridge is the thing. 63 00:04:20,136 --> 00:04:22,180 We take that out, we stop Gustavo's march north, 64 00:04:22,263 --> 00:04:23,973 and we show your people he can be beaten. 65 00:04:24,349 --> 00:04:25,475 It's our only option. 66 00:04:26,059 --> 00:04:27,060 Okay. 67 00:04:27,518 --> 00:04:30,229 We camp here tonight, head out at dawn. 68 00:04:34,609 --> 00:04:36,277 (RECEIVING MESSAGE IN MORSE CODE) 69 00:04:41,240 --> 00:04:44,452 VALDEZ: Page 101, paragraph four, 70 00:04:44,744 --> 00:04:47,205 line two, word 14. 71 00:04:54,128 --> 00:04:55,254 Radar's up and running. 72 00:04:55,505 --> 00:04:57,674 And the five-inch now has full range of motion. 73 00:04:58,424 --> 00:05:00,927 That's good. (EXHALES) I suspect we'll need it. 74 00:05:01,427 --> 00:05:04,430 Captain, we have an unidentified low slow-flier approaching. 75 00:05:04,514 --> 00:05:07,725 Bearing 205, range six miles. 76 00:05:10,311 --> 00:05:12,522 Airship approaching. Identify yourself, 77 00:05:12,605 --> 00:05:15,024 and prepare to alter course on my command. Over. 78 00:05:15,608 --> 00:05:18,236 Happy to alter course on your command, Captain, 79 00:05:18,319 --> 00:05:20,780 but we're requesting permission to land in a minute, 80 00:05:20,863 --> 00:05:22,532 so don't send us too far off. 81 00:05:26,786 --> 00:05:27,787 Permission granted. 82 00:05:28,329 --> 00:05:29,330 Right on time. 83 00:05:29,664 --> 00:05:32,083 MADDIE: Nathan James, this is Brawler. Much appreciated. 84 00:05:32,583 --> 00:05:34,669 Admiral, do you mind leanin' back a little? 85 00:05:35,378 --> 00:05:36,462 Won't be a second. 86 00:05:38,548 --> 00:05:40,174 Forward bearing's a little wonky. 87 00:05:40,591 --> 00:05:41,592 We're good. 88 00:05:42,260 --> 00:05:43,636 Do you need to throttle down? 89 00:05:44,429 --> 00:05:46,055 Nah, she'll be fine. 90 00:05:46,139 --> 00:05:47,807 These old Hueys, you can't kill 'em. 91 00:05:48,224 --> 00:05:50,643 Hell, Slider and I have run her on everything 92 00:05:50,727 --> 00:05:52,311 from bonded bourbon to salad oil. 93 00:05:52,395 --> 00:05:54,022 She still spins like a top. 94 00:05:54,564 --> 00:05:57,859 Can you believe this thing sat out in a field in Pensacola for 15 years? 95 00:05:58,735 --> 00:05:59,736 You don't say. 96 00:06:00,111 --> 00:06:01,195 Hang on. 97 00:06:23,092 --> 00:06:25,386 - CHANDLER: Mike. - How was your flight? 98 00:06:25,720 --> 00:06:26,929 You have no idea. 99 00:06:27,555 --> 00:06:30,058 Maddie Rawlings. His lieutenant junior grade. 100 00:06:30,308 --> 00:06:33,644 Call sign, Brawler. This is my co-pilot, Slider, and that's Stinger. 101 00:06:33,936 --> 00:06:35,938 - Pleased to meet you, sir. - Well, welcome aboard. 102 00:06:36,481 --> 00:06:38,232 Your analog Huey's about the only thing in the Navy 103 00:06:38,316 --> 00:06:39,525 that didn't get hit by the virus. 104 00:06:39,609 --> 00:06:41,402 So she's a fighter. 105 00:06:41,819 --> 00:06:44,030 You're hungry, still servin' dinner on the mess decks. 106 00:06:44,363 --> 00:06:46,449 Thank you, sir. Chow time! 107 00:06:48,868 --> 00:06:49,994 (CLEARS THROAT) 108 00:06:53,164 --> 00:06:55,583 Sir. Still tryin' to find a place to store everything, sir. 109 00:06:56,042 --> 00:06:57,210 Uh-huh. 110 00:06:59,837 --> 00:07:01,589 Reps from Mexico and Cuba are boarding. 111 00:07:01,672 --> 00:07:02,673 Excellent. 112 00:07:03,049 --> 00:07:05,051 I hear they absolutely hate each other. 113 00:07:05,343 --> 00:07:06,928 - Any ideas? - One or two. 114 00:07:07,470 --> 00:07:09,097 - Think they'll work? - Think they have to. 115 00:07:09,639 --> 00:07:11,474 They both arrived on patrol craft. 116 00:07:11,557 --> 00:07:14,352 Two ships armed to the teeth from two countries at war. 117 00:07:14,435 --> 00:07:16,020 With us in between. What could go wrong? 118 00:07:16,104 --> 00:07:18,689 Thank you. Sirs. 119 00:07:19,565 --> 00:07:21,567 What a pleasure it is to meet you both. 120 00:07:21,901 --> 00:07:23,111 I've heard so much about... 121 00:07:24,195 --> 00:07:25,863 You invited Cuba? 122 00:07:26,697 --> 00:07:28,449 - FUENTES: Mexico. - What is this? 123 00:07:29,617 --> 00:07:32,703 It's called "diplomacy," and it starts now. 124 00:07:33,913 --> 00:07:34,997 This way. 125 00:07:35,498 --> 00:07:36,791 (BOTH SPEAKING SPANISH) 126 00:07:39,460 --> 00:07:42,046 Okay. There we go. 127 00:07:55,017 --> 00:07:56,310 (DOOR LOCK BUZZES) 128 00:07:56,394 --> 00:07:57,770 Hey. 129 00:07:58,104 --> 00:08:01,607 Hey, I brought fresh clothes, khakis, toothbrush, whatever I could find. 130 00:08:02,400 --> 00:08:03,484 How you doin'? 131 00:08:04,318 --> 00:08:05,319 This place... 132 00:08:06,112 --> 00:08:07,613 They took your computer, wouldn't let me in. 133 00:08:07,697 --> 00:08:09,115 Yeah, it's a security thing. 134 00:08:09,866 --> 00:08:11,492 I'm sorry. I can't let you back there. 135 00:08:11,909 --> 00:08:13,077 Hey, have you heard from anybody? 136 00:08:13,703 --> 00:08:15,705 Kara? Your friends from Nathan James? 137 00:08:15,955 --> 00:08:19,375 It's been so chaotic. I think everyone's just tryin' to catch their breath. 138 00:08:19,917 --> 00:08:22,295 But thank you so much for doing this. 139 00:08:23,671 --> 00:08:25,214 How long before you can come back home? 140 00:08:25,298 --> 00:08:26,716 It's too soon to tell. 141 00:08:28,342 --> 00:08:30,511 - I gotta get back to work. - But I just got here. 142 00:08:30,595 --> 00:08:32,346 - I know. Why don't you call your sister? - No. 143 00:08:32,430 --> 00:08:34,265 - You shouldn't be home alone... - No! 144 00:08:37,977 --> 00:08:40,855 I'm sorry. Jesus! 145 00:08:41,814 --> 00:08:43,357 Look at me, the damsel in distress. 146 00:08:43,441 --> 00:08:44,859 I don't wanna make things harder for you. 147 00:08:44,942 --> 00:08:46,360 Look at me. Hey! 148 00:08:47,820 --> 00:08:48,905 We got hit hard, 149 00:08:49,488 --> 00:08:51,240 but we have a plan and a way to win. 150 00:08:52,992 --> 00:08:53,993 Yeah? 151 00:08:54,076 --> 00:08:55,661 We still got some tricks up our sleeve. 152 00:08:57,288 --> 00:08:58,497 You're safe at home, 153 00:08:58,581 --> 00:09:01,042 and if anything changes, I will call you first. 154 00:09:01,375 --> 00:09:02,460 You better. 155 00:09:03,169 --> 00:09:04,587 I'll have security walk you to your car. 156 00:09:08,841 --> 00:09:09,967 (ELEVATOR BELL DINGS) 157 00:09:21,062 --> 00:09:23,731 KANDIE: The bridge is built, and they are already moving forward. 158 00:09:23,814 --> 00:09:25,441 Looks like they're setting up camp. 159 00:09:26,359 --> 00:09:27,485 (PANTING) 160 00:09:27,568 --> 00:09:28,653 We don't have much time. 161 00:09:29,403 --> 00:09:30,613 This is just the advance team. 162 00:09:31,239 --> 00:09:32,740 Soon, there'll be tens of thousands. 163 00:09:32,823 --> 00:09:34,158 Jeeps, tanks, soldiers. 164 00:09:34,575 --> 00:09:36,494 If they get across to the Panama side of the bridge, 165 00:09:37,245 --> 00:09:38,412 we won't be able to stop 'em. 166 00:09:40,289 --> 00:09:42,375 When you're invaded, you defend yourself! 167 00:09:42,458 --> 00:09:44,460 "Invaded"? You coward. 168 00:09:44,543 --> 00:09:47,171 There was no Cuban government, so how could there be an army? 169 00:09:47,255 --> 00:09:49,590 These were hungry, terrified families 170 00:09:49,674 --> 00:09:52,969 arriving on your shores in broken-down rafts and boats! 171 00:09:53,052 --> 00:09:54,095 And what did they do then? 172 00:09:54,178 --> 00:09:56,055 They murdered Cuban refugees. 173 00:09:56,138 --> 00:09:58,099 And then they turned around and invade us. 174 00:09:58,182 --> 00:09:59,267 Gentlemen. 175 00:10:00,518 --> 00:10:02,770 The plague is over. So is the famine. 176 00:10:04,063 --> 00:10:06,941 We're here to talk about how to defend you both from Gustavo's army. 177 00:10:07,024 --> 00:10:09,443 He's coming north, sinking your shipping as we speak. 178 00:10:10,444 --> 00:10:12,822 US is offering an alliance, boots on the ground. 179 00:10:13,197 --> 00:10:15,408 - An occupying force... - A protecting force. 180 00:10:16,325 --> 00:10:18,828 Gustavo's movement races up from Panama. 181 00:10:19,245 --> 00:10:20,746 Soon, it'll be at your borders. 182 00:10:22,665 --> 00:10:23,791 A real invasion. 183 00:10:24,166 --> 00:10:25,209 Sounds like Mexico's problem. 184 00:10:25,293 --> 00:10:27,753 I cannot work with this, this war criminal! 185 00:10:27,837 --> 00:10:29,422 Look, 186 00:10:29,505 --> 00:10:32,091 at this point, neither of you has much choice. 187 00:10:33,050 --> 00:10:36,470 Señor Aguilar, your hold on southern Mexico is already faltering. 188 00:10:37,680 --> 00:10:38,931 They want independence. 189 00:10:39,640 --> 00:10:41,142 Gustavo's promised them that. 190 00:10:42,018 --> 00:10:43,227 And Señor Fuentes, 191 00:10:44,186 --> 00:10:46,897 how much oil and natural gas does Cuba have in reserve 192 00:10:46,981 --> 00:10:48,149 to fight a wider war? 193 00:10:48,399 --> 00:10:49,567 SLATTERY: I can answer that. None. 194 00:10:52,945 --> 00:10:54,196 You two have your differences. 195 00:10:55,614 --> 00:10:56,699 Once victory is achieved, 196 00:10:56,782 --> 00:10:59,368 we'll let our civilian leadership figure out the right thing to do. 197 00:11:00,036 --> 00:11:02,788 But for now, we have a single agenda. 198 00:11:03,831 --> 00:11:06,917 Unite and fight, or let Gustavo march north. 199 00:11:07,001 --> 00:11:08,085 It's that simple. 200 00:11:08,711 --> 00:11:09,712 Excuse me, sir. 201 00:11:11,088 --> 00:11:12,173 You need to see this. 202 00:11:26,437 --> 00:11:27,772 Costa Rica has fallen. 203 00:11:29,482 --> 00:11:30,941 (GUSTAVO SPEAKING SPANISH) 204 00:12:41,971 --> 00:12:43,222 ALL: Al Norte. 205 00:12:43,597 --> 00:12:44,640 Al Norte. 206 00:12:45,015 --> 00:12:46,016 Al Norte. 207 00:12:46,100 --> 00:12:49,228 Al Norte. Al Norte. Al Norte. 208 00:12:49,311 --> 00:12:50,563 Al Norte. 209 00:12:50,646 --> 00:12:51,981 Al Norte. 210 00:12:52,064 --> 00:12:53,315 Al Norte. 211 00:12:54,316 --> 00:12:55,401 Things have changed. 212 00:12:57,236 --> 00:12:58,404 I need to think. 213 00:12:59,405 --> 00:13:00,739 I need to talk to my people. 214 00:13:17,715 --> 00:13:18,966 KANDIE: We have a problem. 215 00:13:19,675 --> 00:13:21,343 Look at the size of the bridge supports. 216 00:13:28,517 --> 00:13:29,727 Damn. 217 00:13:29,810 --> 00:13:32,480 We don't have enough Semtex. Not even close. 218 00:13:32,980 --> 00:13:35,149 But it's enough to blow a hole in the bridge's deck. 219 00:13:35,524 --> 00:13:37,276 - Make it unusable. - With what we've got? 220 00:13:37,693 --> 00:13:40,321 Any hole we make, they could repair it in a few hours. 221 00:13:41,322 --> 00:13:42,323 ARMANDO: We need a new plan. 222 00:13:43,782 --> 00:13:44,783 SASHA: Danny. 223 00:13:50,122 --> 00:13:51,332 DANNY: Perez. 224 00:13:54,001 --> 00:13:55,294 He's the target now. 225 00:13:56,879 --> 00:13:59,548 We're gonna use him to draw away those guards. 226 00:14:00,925 --> 00:14:04,220 And give you two a chance to take that fuel truck. 227 00:14:05,971 --> 00:14:07,223 Attach your Semtex to it. 228 00:14:07,306 --> 00:14:09,058 Drive it onto the bridge. 229 00:14:09,642 --> 00:14:10,935 And turn the whole thing 230 00:14:11,018 --> 00:14:12,686 into a fuel oil bomb. 231 00:14:12,770 --> 00:14:14,522 (CONVERSING IN SPANISH) 232 00:14:20,319 --> 00:14:21,320 PEREZ: Bueno. 233 00:14:29,745 --> 00:14:31,956 Armando, we need two of your best men, 234 00:14:32,039 --> 00:14:33,582 we'll meet up with the rest when the time is right. 235 00:14:34,291 --> 00:14:35,459 You have us. 236 00:14:35,543 --> 00:14:36,961 You two get as close as you can. 237 00:14:37,419 --> 00:14:39,672 Do not make your move until you see that it's clear. 238 00:14:40,839 --> 00:14:42,216 (BOTH SPEAKING SPANISH) 239 00:14:43,759 --> 00:14:44,802 (TRUCK ENGINE STARTING) 240 00:14:46,178 --> 00:14:47,263 Let's do this. 241 00:14:53,060 --> 00:14:54,478 (INDISTINCT CHATTERING) 242 00:14:58,732 --> 00:14:59,817 (SPEAKING SPANISH) 243 00:15:00,276 --> 00:15:01,277 (SPITS) 244 00:15:01,694 --> 00:15:02,903 (INDISTINCT SHOUTING) 245 00:15:05,447 --> 00:15:07,157 - Hey! - Come here! Hey, come here. 246 00:15:07,491 --> 00:15:09,535 - Chill out! - Come here! 247 00:15:10,077 --> 00:15:12,037 Master at Arms? Send me three... 248 00:15:12,121 --> 00:15:13,330 - Hey, hey, come here! - BURK: Chill out! 249 00:15:15,291 --> 00:15:16,375 Make that six men! 250 00:15:18,586 --> 00:15:19,962 - Stay back! - MADDIE: Hey! 251 00:15:20,296 --> 00:15:21,297 Sit down! 252 00:15:24,633 --> 00:15:26,385 Disgrace to the uniform! 253 00:15:26,969 --> 00:15:28,387 Check that. We got it covered. 254 00:15:29,179 --> 00:15:30,264 Hey, you, come here. 255 00:15:30,347 --> 00:15:33,225 - (SPEAKING SPANISH) - Outside! Move! 256 00:15:35,811 --> 00:15:36,979 Now, you listen to me. 257 00:15:37,313 --> 00:15:39,106 You and your men are gonna cut this shit out. 258 00:15:39,189 --> 00:15:41,275 You're gonna bury the hatchet, you're gonna make a deal, 259 00:15:41,567 --> 00:15:43,777 or I promise you, you will be swimming home. 260 00:15:44,445 --> 00:15:46,071 Escort them to the wardroom. Move! 261 00:15:47,656 --> 00:15:49,408 Ma'am? I've got something. 262 00:15:50,034 --> 00:15:52,369 Uh, the body of code that hit us here in the command center, 263 00:15:52,911 --> 00:15:54,038 I think I've cracked it. 264 00:15:54,121 --> 00:15:55,331 I've isolated the first part. 265 00:15:55,414 --> 00:15:57,750 It's a set of servo-motor instructions, 266 00:15:59,001 --> 00:16:01,670 - to a machine of some kind. - A machine in our building? 267 00:16:04,590 --> 00:16:06,050 United States on deck! 268 00:16:14,266 --> 00:16:18,020 I know dictators, and I've dealt with my share. 269 00:16:19,605 --> 00:16:21,023 There's one thing they all have in common. 270 00:16:21,106 --> 00:16:22,483 Whatever they have, it's never enough. 271 00:16:22,566 --> 00:16:25,152 Gustavo won't stop at Costa Rica. 272 00:16:25,861 --> 00:16:27,696 I just need you both to help me, 273 00:16:28,614 --> 00:16:30,949 and each other, for a few days, 274 00:16:31,617 --> 00:16:33,577 to close the strait to whoever's coming north. 275 00:16:33,661 --> 00:16:35,913 I need mines, and I need ships to lay them. 276 00:16:36,372 --> 00:16:39,083 We use them to force the enemy to a location of our choosing. 277 00:16:39,166 --> 00:16:40,751 Nathan James will handle the rest. 278 00:16:42,461 --> 00:16:43,504 (CHANDLER SIGHS) 279 00:16:44,213 --> 00:16:47,633 Maybe someday we'll see the end of war, 280 00:16:47,716 --> 00:16:50,010 but for now, once again, 281 00:16:51,553 --> 00:16:52,971 we have to fight together. 282 00:16:54,723 --> 00:16:55,891 I'm gonna leave the room. 283 00:16:56,350 --> 00:16:58,268 You two are gonna settle your differences. 284 00:16:58,352 --> 00:16:59,520 (DOOR OPENS) 285 00:16:59,603 --> 00:17:03,107 But do it fast. If there's a fleet headed this way, I intend to stop it. 286 00:17:05,693 --> 00:17:06,777 Don't go. 287 00:17:09,780 --> 00:17:10,864 I understand. 288 00:17:20,290 --> 00:17:24,253 If you're willing, honestly, to stand by this man, 289 00:17:25,045 --> 00:17:26,213 I will do the same. 290 00:17:27,631 --> 00:17:29,967 And we can work out our dispute after the fight is over. 291 00:17:31,593 --> 00:17:32,594 What do you say? 292 00:17:37,933 --> 00:17:39,101 REISS: Tom Chandler. 293 00:17:40,018 --> 00:17:42,938 The man is Washington, FDR, 294 00:17:43,564 --> 00:17:46,191 Eisenhower, with a touch of Lincoln rolled into one. 295 00:17:47,693 --> 00:17:50,112 You sent him onto the front lines, 296 00:17:50,529 --> 00:17:52,948 into a battle space we cannot see, 297 00:17:53,615 --> 00:17:55,033 without my authorization. 298 00:17:58,746 --> 00:17:59,997 (SIGHS) 299 00:18:00,289 --> 00:18:02,291 Toy ships and paper maps. 300 00:18:05,002 --> 00:18:07,087 It's like we're back fighting World War II. 301 00:18:07,838 --> 00:18:11,008 Is it true that you're using a 19th century novel 302 00:18:11,091 --> 00:18:12,760 as some kind of codebook? 303 00:18:13,135 --> 00:18:14,636 Yes, sir. Moby Dick. 304 00:18:16,597 --> 00:18:17,765 I hated that book. 305 00:18:19,016 --> 00:18:20,225 It is a bit of a slog, sir. 306 00:18:21,894 --> 00:18:23,145 What is it, Master Chief? 307 00:18:23,228 --> 00:18:25,314 Sir, excuse me. We just heard from Nathan James. 308 00:18:25,773 --> 00:18:27,858 Admiral Chandler's managed to bring Mexico and Cuba together 309 00:18:27,941 --> 00:18:29,401 to blockade the Yucatan strait. 310 00:18:29,485 --> 00:18:30,569 Terrific. 311 00:18:31,153 --> 00:18:33,572 And I imagine we'll coordinate the mission 312 00:18:33,655 --> 00:18:36,241 through a careful reading of War and Peace. 313 00:18:38,410 --> 00:18:39,495 Sir, it's... 314 00:18:40,871 --> 00:18:41,955 It's possible... 315 00:18:42,706 --> 00:18:43,791 That my... 316 00:18:44,625 --> 00:18:48,504 Personal feelings at the loss of our fleet have clouded my judgment. 317 00:18:49,755 --> 00:18:51,632 If you don't have full confidence in me, 318 00:18:51,715 --> 00:18:54,384 I'm prepared to tender my resignation right here and right now. 319 00:18:54,968 --> 00:18:56,386 The attack happened on my watch. 320 00:18:57,846 --> 00:19:02,267 Sir, the responsibility should not lie solely on the Admiral's shoulders. 321 00:19:02,893 --> 00:19:04,478 We all supported his decision. 322 00:19:05,145 --> 00:19:06,980 I bear as much responsibility as he does. 323 00:19:07,064 --> 00:19:08,065 - As I do, sir. - REISS: No, 324 00:19:08,148 --> 00:19:09,733 none of you are gonna get off that easy. 325 00:19:10,442 --> 00:19:11,527 Sit! 326 00:19:12,945 --> 00:19:14,488 Make no mistake, I don't mind 327 00:19:14,571 --> 00:19:16,156 replacing every damn one of you, 328 00:19:16,573 --> 00:19:18,909 (SIGHS) but I want you to finish what you started 329 00:19:18,992 --> 00:19:21,787 and prove to me that I have the right team in place. 330 00:19:21,870 --> 00:19:25,499 Move your army into Mexico and proceed with the naval blockade. 331 00:19:27,709 --> 00:19:30,087 Now, let's save that goddamned oil complex, 332 00:19:30,170 --> 00:19:32,089 and stop Gustavo in his tracks. 333 00:19:32,172 --> 00:19:33,173 ALL: Yes, sir. 334 00:20:15,674 --> 00:20:17,467 (INDISTINCT RADIO CHATTER) 335 00:20:28,478 --> 00:20:30,314 (ALL SPEAKING SPANISH) 336 00:20:57,883 --> 00:20:59,176 (DOORS CLOSE) 337 00:21:02,346 --> 00:21:03,680 (PEREZ SPEAKING SPANISH ON RADIO) 338 00:21:16,610 --> 00:21:18,070 (BOTH GRUNT) 339 00:21:18,445 --> 00:21:19,738 Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah! 340 00:21:27,537 --> 00:21:28,622 Remember me? 341 00:21:29,748 --> 00:21:30,832 (GROANS) 342 00:21:37,631 --> 00:21:41,259 SLATTERY: We're gonna need mines from here to here, and here to here. 343 00:21:42,678 --> 00:21:44,680 Cuba, you're gonna handle in the east. 344 00:21:44,763 --> 00:21:46,348 Mexico, the west. 345 00:21:47,099 --> 00:21:49,017 We only have another patrol boat in the region. 346 00:21:50,102 --> 00:21:51,436 I can have 'em here in 12 hours. 347 00:21:51,853 --> 00:21:54,356 Whatever Mexico has, it's also at your disposal. 348 00:21:55,065 --> 00:21:58,276 With your permission, I need to use your radio room. 349 00:21:58,360 --> 00:22:00,696 This way I can authorize my men to begin laying mines. 350 00:22:00,779 --> 00:22:01,863 Of course. 351 00:22:02,698 --> 00:22:03,782 This way. 352 00:22:05,534 --> 00:22:07,035 - Watch him. - I will. 353 00:22:14,710 --> 00:22:15,794 Hey, hey. 354 00:22:16,253 --> 00:22:17,295 (BOTH SPEAKING SPANISH) 355 00:22:22,759 --> 00:22:23,844 You won't get far. 356 00:22:24,302 --> 00:22:26,138 We'll have checkpoints every few miles. 357 00:22:26,221 --> 00:22:28,140 They won't bother us with the Colonel up front, 358 00:22:28,223 --> 00:22:29,766 and we only need to move a few miles. 359 00:22:29,850 --> 00:22:30,851 Put the shirt on. 360 00:22:32,686 --> 00:22:34,438 Your companion still looks angry. 361 00:22:36,189 --> 00:22:37,232 That surprises you? 362 00:22:38,650 --> 00:22:39,735 You killed my friend. 363 00:22:41,028 --> 00:22:42,279 Your friend? 364 00:22:43,155 --> 00:22:44,156 Pablo. 365 00:22:44,239 --> 00:22:45,365 (SCOFFS) 366 00:22:45,866 --> 00:22:47,576 I've killed 1,000 Pablos. 367 00:22:51,538 --> 00:22:52,539 What's another? 368 00:22:57,711 --> 00:22:58,754 Call your second in command. 369 00:22:58,837 --> 00:23:01,089 Tell him to stop the convoy crossing the bridge. 370 00:23:01,173 --> 00:23:02,841 Everyone stays on the south side. 371 00:23:02,924 --> 00:23:04,551 Move your sentries north of the bridge. 372 00:23:06,678 --> 00:23:07,888 I will do no such thing. 373 00:23:08,638 --> 00:23:10,807 Even if I did, such an order would be ridiculous. 374 00:23:11,308 --> 00:23:12,517 No one will obey it. 375 00:23:12,601 --> 00:23:14,352 Tell them you've located a rebel encampment 376 00:23:14,436 --> 00:23:15,562 10 kilometers north. 377 00:23:15,645 --> 00:23:18,356 Tell them to move, now! 378 00:23:18,815 --> 00:23:20,525 I don't feel like doing that. 379 00:23:22,986 --> 00:23:24,237 (SCREAMING) 380 00:23:25,822 --> 00:23:26,823 Feel like it now? 381 00:23:32,996 --> 00:23:34,164 Start talkin', Lefty. 382 00:23:52,849 --> 00:23:53,850 (MAN SPEAKING SPANISH ON RADIO) 383 00:23:57,104 --> 00:23:59,356 Your march al norte ends today, Colonel. 384 00:24:03,985 --> 00:24:07,405 FUENTES: Tell me, Admiral, what am I doing today? 385 00:24:09,533 --> 00:24:10,700 Am I making an ally? 386 00:24:11,493 --> 00:24:13,954 A new partner in peace? 387 00:24:14,037 --> 00:24:16,289 Or am I choosing one tyrant over another? 388 00:24:17,833 --> 00:24:18,917 In many ways, 389 00:24:19,459 --> 00:24:20,961 Cuba's a brand-new nation, 390 00:24:22,254 --> 00:24:23,922 a new, democratic government, 391 00:24:25,048 --> 00:24:27,134 a new life for our people. We thought we were saved. 392 00:24:28,927 --> 00:24:32,764 And this is the welcome we get to the brotherhood of nations. 393 00:24:34,599 --> 00:24:38,103 War, theft, murder. 394 00:24:40,730 --> 00:24:41,815 When this is over... 395 00:24:44,276 --> 00:24:48,029 I'll be there for you, and for Cuba, if you need me. 396 00:25:18,310 --> 00:25:19,603 - Armed. - Armed. 397 00:25:51,801 --> 00:25:52,802 (ALL SPEAKING SPANISH) 398 00:26:37,472 --> 00:26:38,473 SASHA: Hola. 399 00:27:07,544 --> 00:27:08,920 (GROANING) 400 00:27:40,618 --> 00:27:41,619 SOLDIER: Hey! 401 00:28:03,183 --> 00:28:04,434 (BOTH GRUNTING) 402 00:28:15,362 --> 00:28:16,363 Hurry. 403 00:28:27,290 --> 00:28:28,291 SASHA: Danny! 404 00:28:29,250 --> 00:28:30,251 I see him. 405 00:28:46,518 --> 00:28:48,103 Ma'am, by my calculations, 406 00:28:48,603 --> 00:28:50,730 in 24 hours we'll have sufficient closure east and west of us. 407 00:28:50,814 --> 00:28:51,815 (RUMBLING) 408 00:28:55,610 --> 00:28:56,611 (DOOR OPENS) 409 00:29:06,538 --> 00:29:07,831 (RUMBLING) 410 00:29:21,845 --> 00:29:24,431 - KARA: Sir? Everything okay? - (RUMBLING STOPS) 411 00:29:31,271 --> 00:29:33,648 XO, I'm getting traffic from Mexican Coast Watchers, 412 00:29:33,731 --> 00:29:36,526 just southwest of us. They're pickin' up enemy aircraft. 413 00:29:36,609 --> 00:29:37,986 - Heading north? - Yes, sir. 414 00:29:38,069 --> 00:29:39,070 It's comin' right at us. 415 00:29:39,154 --> 00:29:41,531 Set General Quarters! All ahead flank! 416 00:29:41,614 --> 00:29:42,991 Aye, ma'am. All ahead flank. 417 00:29:43,074 --> 00:29:44,159 (ALARM BLARING) 418 00:29:44,242 --> 00:29:46,411 Set General Quarters and man battle stations! 419 00:29:46,494 --> 00:29:48,788 All crew-served weapons engaged on my order. 420 00:29:48,872 --> 00:29:49,873 STEWART: Man your battle stations. 421 00:29:49,956 --> 00:29:51,332 TAO, ready the five-inch and stand by to fire. 422 00:29:51,416 --> 00:29:54,419 STEWART: On starboard side, down and aft on the port side. 423 00:29:54,502 --> 00:29:55,628 I give you my word. 424 00:29:55,712 --> 00:29:57,881 Mexico did not betray your position. 425 00:29:57,964 --> 00:29:59,340 (ALARM CONTINUES BLARING) 426 00:29:59,424 --> 00:30:00,508 Let our men fight. 427 00:30:01,509 --> 00:30:03,428 Let our men fight beside you. 428 00:30:11,936 --> 00:30:13,271 Bring all contacts to my screen! 429 00:30:13,354 --> 00:30:15,565 Fire control radar, activate! Sonar, go quiet now. 430 00:30:15,690 --> 00:30:18,485 Aye, aye. Securing all active sonar. Now on passive. 431 00:30:20,069 --> 00:30:21,154 (GUNFIRE) 432 00:30:21,237 --> 00:30:22,697 (INDISTINCT SHOUTING) 433 00:30:40,590 --> 00:30:42,342 BURK: Three planes turnin' back for another run. 434 00:30:42,884 --> 00:30:44,719 - One peelin' off. - Hard right rudder! 435 00:30:46,054 --> 00:30:47,305 (FUENTES AND CAPTAIN SPEAKING SPANISH) 436 00:30:50,934 --> 00:30:52,143 They just hit our gun boat. 437 00:31:06,074 --> 00:31:08,493 All right. Come on, come on. 438 00:31:08,993 --> 00:31:11,663 (GRUNTS) There's gotta be a kill switch here somewhere. 439 00:31:12,622 --> 00:31:13,957 We're gonna have to hot-wire it. 440 00:31:14,290 --> 00:31:16,709 Brace! Shift your rudder! 441 00:31:22,465 --> 00:31:24,801 It's no good. They're standing our cutouts. 442 00:31:25,385 --> 00:31:26,386 Five-inch won't bear! 443 00:31:26,469 --> 00:31:27,929 Get the helo in the air. 444 00:31:33,893 --> 00:31:35,478 We got this! Go get Perez! 445 00:31:35,562 --> 00:31:38,064 Go, go, go! Go, go, go, go, go! 446 00:31:38,189 --> 00:31:39,399 (YELPS) 447 00:31:51,411 --> 00:31:52,662 (BOTH SPEAKING SPANISH) 448 00:31:56,833 --> 00:31:58,001 (YELPS) 449 00:32:02,547 --> 00:32:03,715 WOLF: Come on. 450 00:32:05,300 --> 00:32:07,844 Hurrying would be good now. They are heading this way. 451 00:32:08,303 --> 00:32:09,637 (GRUNTS) 452 00:32:10,555 --> 00:32:12,265 (PANTING) 453 00:32:17,604 --> 00:32:18,896 - (ENGINE STARTS) - All right! Let's go. 454 00:32:48,426 --> 00:32:49,510 (GROANS) 455 00:32:52,013 --> 00:32:53,097 Come on, baby. 456 00:32:53,640 --> 00:32:54,974 Let's get behind the ship. 457 00:32:57,769 --> 00:32:59,646 - Arm missiles! - Arming now! 458 00:32:59,729 --> 00:33:01,147 Stinger, they're comin' back. 459 00:33:02,815 --> 00:33:03,983 (MEXICAN CAPTAIN SPEAKING SPANISH ON RADIO) 460 00:33:04,442 --> 00:33:06,069 One of the gang. We got one. 461 00:33:11,783 --> 00:33:12,784 Fire missiles! 462 00:33:19,582 --> 00:33:21,125 - Whoo! - (ALL CHEERING) 463 00:33:27,674 --> 00:33:28,675 We got 'em. 464 00:33:29,926 --> 00:33:32,595 MADDIE: Seven-ten split. Nice shootin', ladies. 465 00:33:32,679 --> 00:33:33,680 Thanks, boss. 466 00:33:36,516 --> 00:33:38,309 - Damn it! - SLIDER: Brawler, you all right? 467 00:33:38,643 --> 00:33:40,687 (EXHALES) Yeah, I'm fine. 468 00:33:46,317 --> 00:33:47,568 (GUNFIRE) 469 00:33:52,407 --> 00:33:53,825 Jump when I say, "Jump!" 470 00:33:53,908 --> 00:33:55,159 I'll jump when you jump! 471 00:33:56,744 --> 00:33:57,912 (COUGHS) 472 00:34:12,427 --> 00:34:13,761 (SHOUTING IN SPANISH) 473 00:34:15,012 --> 00:34:16,013 Alonso! 474 00:34:20,268 --> 00:34:21,352 Alonso! 475 00:34:23,604 --> 00:34:24,689 Jump! 476 00:34:38,870 --> 00:34:39,996 (GROANS) 477 00:34:46,002 --> 00:34:47,003 (SHOUTS IN SPANISH) 478 00:34:58,473 --> 00:35:00,308 (SPEAKING SPANISH) 479 00:35:11,277 --> 00:35:12,278 Now! 480 00:35:58,616 --> 00:35:59,617 It's encrypted. 481 00:36:00,368 --> 00:36:02,995 I'm takin' it. Maybe someone up north could use it. 482 00:36:03,955 --> 00:36:05,790 Give me long-range HF radio. 483 00:36:05,873 --> 00:36:08,459 Got a message for Gustavo. I want the world to hear it. 484 00:36:11,546 --> 00:36:12,547 STEWART: You're live, sir. 485 00:36:15,716 --> 00:36:18,344 This is Nathan James, calling Gustavo Barros. 486 00:36:20,096 --> 00:36:21,848 We just took out your air wing, 487 00:36:22,598 --> 00:36:24,016 and you didn't lay a glove on us. 488 00:36:25,101 --> 00:36:27,311 And you can mark that up, along with your Corvette. 489 00:36:28,312 --> 00:36:29,480 Payback for Mayport. 490 00:36:30,773 --> 00:36:32,108 You may have hit us hard, 491 00:36:33,067 --> 00:36:34,902 but you didn't finish us. You know why? 492 00:36:36,362 --> 00:36:37,446 Because you can't. 493 00:36:39,323 --> 00:36:41,325 And now Mexico and Cuba have joined the fight, 494 00:36:41,409 --> 00:36:45,329 so this message goes out to all of Central and South America. 495 00:36:46,330 --> 00:36:47,832 There is a choice now. 496 00:36:48,875 --> 00:36:49,959 Join us. 497 00:36:50,418 --> 00:36:53,504 Send Gustavo back into the dirt hole he crawled out of. 498 00:36:55,631 --> 00:36:56,841 We fight for peace. 499 00:36:58,092 --> 00:37:00,094 But make no mistake, we will fight. 500 00:37:01,012 --> 00:37:03,681 And this ship, and this crew, 501 00:37:04,557 --> 00:37:05,808 they're damned good at it. 502 00:37:06,601 --> 00:37:09,437 So, Gustavo, 503 00:37:10,813 --> 00:37:11,981 come at us again. 504 00:37:12,607 --> 00:37:15,026 I dare you. This is Nathan James. Out. 505 00:37:17,778 --> 00:37:20,197 Now, they know who we are, 506 00:37:21,073 --> 00:37:22,158 where we are. 507 00:37:23,242 --> 00:37:25,077 Let's be ready for what they throw at us. 508 00:37:25,453 --> 00:37:26,621 ALL: Aye, sir. 509 00:37:29,165 --> 00:37:30,583 Nobody's talkin' about going home now. 510 00:37:31,918 --> 00:37:33,085 It's a good day. 511 00:37:35,296 --> 00:37:36,547 (ARMANDO SHOUTING IN SPANISH) 512 00:37:37,131 --> 00:37:38,674 (ALL CHEERING) 513 00:37:51,979 --> 00:37:53,147 Oh, thank you. 514 00:37:54,357 --> 00:37:55,900 Good evening, Mr. President. 515 00:37:57,276 --> 00:37:58,277 Master Chief. 516 00:37:58,736 --> 00:37:59,904 Today was a good day. 517 00:38:01,656 --> 00:38:02,740 Or a lucky one. 518 00:38:06,494 --> 00:38:07,495 Have a seat. 519 00:38:09,497 --> 00:38:10,748 (REISS SIGHS) 520 00:38:13,793 --> 00:38:14,794 I get it. 521 00:38:15,628 --> 00:38:17,713 The world needs Tom Chandler. 522 00:38:19,632 --> 00:38:21,550 And nobody respects him more than I do. 523 00:38:23,761 --> 00:38:27,181 But rumor is he's tired, burned out. 524 00:38:28,808 --> 00:38:31,602 He's been out of the fight for, what? Three years? 525 00:38:33,437 --> 00:38:35,189 They even tried to run him for President. 526 00:38:35,940 --> 00:38:36,941 Turned it down. 527 00:38:37,858 --> 00:38:39,276 And now he's down there, 528 00:38:40,403 --> 00:38:43,239 back in it, and I'm allowing it. 529 00:38:46,283 --> 00:38:48,953 Putting him in this position, I could be setting him up to fail. 530 00:38:51,747 --> 00:38:52,915 And if he does, 531 00:38:55,584 --> 00:38:57,211 I don't think the country could bear that. 532 00:39:03,634 --> 00:39:05,386 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 533 00:39:16,188 --> 00:39:17,565 (BOTH SPEAKING SPANISH) 534 00:41:13,430 --> 00:41:14,431 Beso. 535 00:41:29,947 --> 00:41:31,157 (RUMBLING) 536 00:41:43,878 --> 00:41:45,880 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) 537 00:42:12,615 --> 00:42:13,616 English - SDH