1 00:00:37,706 --> 00:00:39,082 (GUNSHOTS ON TV) 2 00:01:16,578 --> 00:01:17,746 (ENGINE REVVING) 3 00:01:19,873 --> 00:01:21,458 CHANDLER: This is how war begins. 4 00:01:23,126 --> 00:01:26,087 Athens and Sparta fought during a plague 5 00:01:26,171 --> 00:01:27,505 which wiped out much of the population. 6 00:01:27,589 --> 00:01:28,673 Sound familiar? 7 00:01:31,134 --> 00:01:33,219 But the war brought only more death and destruction 8 00:01:33,303 --> 00:01:36,181 because people let their fear, their honor, their interest 9 00:01:36,765 --> 00:01:38,183 cloud their judgment. 10 00:01:39,434 --> 00:01:42,437 The Peloponnesian War may be ancient history, 11 00:01:42,520 --> 00:01:44,022 but its lessons are not. 12 00:01:47,108 --> 00:01:49,986 You, here, will be the first graduating class of midshipmen 13 00:01:50,111 --> 00:01:53,198 to enter the Navy since our own troubles ended just three years ago. 14 00:01:53,698 --> 00:01:55,575 We're in a time of peace, 15 00:01:55,825 --> 00:01:57,494 but peace doesn't keep itself. 16 00:01:58,453 --> 00:02:01,539 Ours is a small navy, which means... 17 00:02:03,041 --> 00:02:05,168 Your importance to the mission is even larger. 18 00:02:05,960 --> 00:02:07,462 And you will take the lessons from history, 19 00:02:07,545 --> 00:02:11,883 both ancient and very recent, with you as you enter service. 20 00:02:12,842 --> 00:02:14,594 When you put on the uniform, 21 00:02:14,719 --> 00:02:16,846 you can't let your fear... 22 00:02:17,722 --> 00:02:19,724 Or your pride or your selfish interest 23 00:02:19,808 --> 00:02:22,018 lead you astray or people die. 24 00:02:22,435 --> 00:02:25,230 We have to think differently because we are different. 25 00:02:26,231 --> 00:02:27,398 We are warriors. 26 00:02:27,482 --> 00:02:28,608 (BELL RINGS) 27 00:02:30,235 --> 00:02:32,195 All right, we'll pick it up after the weekend. 28 00:02:32,278 --> 00:02:33,488 Don't forget your reading. 29 00:02:34,697 --> 00:02:36,449 We're all working from the same edition, 30 00:02:36,533 --> 00:02:38,284 thanks to our friends at the Nimitz Library. 31 00:02:38,368 --> 00:02:39,577 We'll discuss the first hundred pages. 32 00:02:39,661 --> 00:02:41,204 (STUDENTS GROAN) 33 00:02:41,538 --> 00:02:42,747 Don't worry, there's lots of pictures. 34 00:02:42,831 --> 00:02:44,290 (ALL CHUCKLE) 35 00:02:47,001 --> 00:02:48,545 Attention on deck. 36 00:02:50,505 --> 00:02:51,631 Dismissed. 37 00:02:52,507 --> 00:02:55,093 See you on Monday, enjoy the big game, go Navy! 38 00:02:55,176 --> 00:02:56,177 MAN 1: Go Navy! 39 00:02:56,636 --> 00:02:58,721 - CHANDLER: Mr. Swain? - Yes, sir? 40 00:03:00,056 --> 00:03:03,268 How it is my brightest student 41 00:03:03,351 --> 00:03:05,812 is always the last one to turn in his assignments? 42 00:03:06,062 --> 00:03:07,272 Oh, sir, I had a last minute breakthrough. 43 00:03:07,355 --> 00:03:08,690 I wanted to check my numbers. 44 00:03:11,442 --> 00:03:13,862 I'm sorry, sir. It's no excuse. 45 00:03:15,196 --> 00:03:16,364 (SIGHS) 46 00:03:16,698 --> 00:03:19,534 "The Next Virus Will Be Cyber." I thought I was done with viruses. 47 00:03:19,659 --> 00:03:21,160 I hope we are, sir. 48 00:03:21,452 --> 00:03:23,830 Well, I'm docking you one grade for lateness, 49 00:03:23,913 --> 00:03:25,290 but this is excellent work. 50 00:03:25,373 --> 00:03:27,417 And if you don't mind, I'd like to hang on to it for a little bit. 51 00:03:27,500 --> 00:03:30,169 There's some folks at Fleet Command who'd be interested in your research. 52 00:03:30,378 --> 00:03:32,005 I'd like to share it with them, with your permission. 53 00:03:32,130 --> 00:03:35,508 (CHUCKLES) Yeah. (CLEARS THROAT) Yes, sir. Of course. 54 00:03:39,429 --> 00:03:40,555 Um... 55 00:03:42,390 --> 00:03:43,933 Do you miss it, sir? 56 00:03:46,603 --> 00:03:47,937 Miss what? 57 00:03:49,105 --> 00:03:50,773 War, sir. 58 00:03:51,941 --> 00:03:55,361 Son, you really oughta get to my class more often. 59 00:03:55,445 --> 00:03:57,196 I just mean, you retired, 60 00:03:57,280 --> 00:03:59,157 and that's cool and all, but... 61 00:04:00,700 --> 00:04:01,910 Don't you miss the mission? 62 00:04:03,202 --> 00:04:04,662 Clarity of purpose? 63 00:04:05,830 --> 00:04:07,665 I mean, you said it yourself, we're warriors. 64 00:04:09,083 --> 00:04:12,587 Without a war, what's a warrior to do? 65 00:04:18,426 --> 00:04:19,677 Thank you, sir. 66 00:04:49,165 --> 00:04:51,167 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) 67 00:05:10,436 --> 00:05:15,108 ALL: Tavo, Tavo, viva Tavo! Tavo, Tavo, viva Tavo! 68 00:05:15,233 --> 00:05:20,697 Tavo, Tavo, viva Tavo! Tavo, Tavo, viva Tavo! 69 00:05:20,780 --> 00:05:25,034 Tavo, Tavo, viva Tavo! Tavo, Tavo, viva Tavo! 70 00:05:25,118 --> 00:05:27,036 Tavo, Tavo! 71 00:05:27,412 --> 00:05:28,496 DANNY: You get the tickets? 72 00:05:28,579 --> 00:05:29,706 MARCO: Si. 73 00:05:29,789 --> 00:05:30,999 No problem, señor. 74 00:05:31,374 --> 00:05:32,917 I smuggled blue cure into Panama 75 00:05:33,001 --> 00:05:34,544 two weeks before the ship showed up. 76 00:05:34,627 --> 00:05:36,713 This? This was easy. 77 00:05:36,879 --> 00:05:39,966 (SIGHS) "You are cordially invited to the 50th birthday celebration 78 00:05:40,049 --> 00:05:43,761 "of El Presidente Fernando Asturius. Black tie preferred." 79 00:05:47,181 --> 00:05:49,434 DANNY: You know, it seems odd El Presidente throws a blow-out party 80 00:05:49,517 --> 00:05:51,019 while the people curse him in the street. 81 00:05:52,478 --> 00:05:55,565 That's Panama. El Presidente isn't afraid of Gustavo Barros 82 00:05:55,648 --> 00:05:57,066 or his Gran Colombian goons. 83 00:05:57,442 --> 00:05:59,360 Whoever controls the Panama Canal... 84 00:05:59,527 --> 00:06:00,528 Is king. 85 00:06:00,611 --> 00:06:02,655 And for now, that man is El Presidente. 86 00:06:03,197 --> 00:06:05,491 Well, killing El Presidente would change all that. 87 00:06:07,118 --> 00:06:08,661 You guys are crazy. 88 00:06:09,620 --> 00:06:11,664 What are you? Defense Intelligence? 89 00:06:11,748 --> 00:06:13,207 CIA? 90 00:06:13,708 --> 00:06:16,210 Yeah, you guys are crazy. 91 00:06:19,464 --> 00:06:20,590 Adiós, Marco. 92 00:06:32,018 --> 00:06:33,436 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 93 00:06:33,895 --> 00:06:35,772 (CHUCKLES) I gotta go! 94 00:06:35,855 --> 00:06:38,441 No, I'm going through security. 95 00:06:38,566 --> 00:06:39,567 I'll see you tonight. 96 00:06:39,650 --> 00:06:41,027 I will do the cooking. 97 00:06:41,319 --> 00:06:44,197 You're the best ever. Ever, ever, ever! 98 00:06:44,280 --> 00:06:47,158 And the cutest and the sweetest and the smartest. 99 00:06:47,658 --> 00:06:49,035 - I gotta go! - Wait! 100 00:06:49,118 --> 00:06:50,453 I'm sending you something super important. 101 00:06:50,661 --> 00:06:52,955 - Hang on! - Okay, okay, okay. 102 00:06:55,291 --> 00:06:56,292 (CELL PHONE CHIMES) 103 00:06:57,585 --> 00:06:58,961 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 104 00:07:04,717 --> 00:07:05,760 (LAUGHS) 105 00:07:05,843 --> 00:07:06,886 Did you get it? 106 00:07:07,011 --> 00:07:08,012 I got it. 107 00:07:08,513 --> 00:07:09,680 Now you have it. 108 00:07:09,806 --> 00:07:11,724 You're so weird. I love you. 109 00:07:12,391 --> 00:07:14,060 I love you. Bye. 110 00:07:14,268 --> 00:07:15,269 Bye. 111 00:07:15,353 --> 00:07:16,437 (CELL PHONE BEEPS) 112 00:07:17,855 --> 00:07:18,898 (LOCKER BEEPS) 113 00:07:22,693 --> 00:07:23,861 (DOOR BEEPS) 114 00:07:24,779 --> 00:07:26,364 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 115 00:07:33,121 --> 00:07:34,831 MEYLAN: Commander Granderson? ALISHA: Yes, sir. 116 00:07:35,081 --> 00:07:36,249 You're right on time. 117 00:07:38,918 --> 00:07:40,586 Put it up on the big screens. 118 00:07:44,423 --> 00:07:45,633 They made it. 119 00:07:45,716 --> 00:07:46,926 Almost here. 120 00:07:47,468 --> 00:07:48,761 The great fleet. 121 00:07:56,185 --> 00:07:59,814 USS Michener, this is fleet command, come in, over. 122 00:07:59,897 --> 00:08:03,985 SLATTERY: This is Zulu actual. It is another beautiful day at sea. 123 00:08:04,443 --> 00:08:05,570 As I'm sure you've been watching, 124 00:08:05,653 --> 00:08:08,781 we're currently 200 miles north of Naval Station Mayport. 125 00:08:09,031 --> 00:08:11,576 Should be in port and all tucked in by nightfall. 126 00:08:11,993 --> 00:08:13,870 Ships in the fleet, why don't you give our friends 127 00:08:13,953 --> 00:08:16,122 in Florida a proper Navy hello? 128 00:08:16,205 --> 00:08:19,667 This is USS Jeffrey Michener actual. All systems go. 129 00:08:19,792 --> 00:08:22,336 We have onboard a full complement of surface warriors, 130 00:08:22,420 --> 00:08:25,965 aviators, and more marines than you can shake a stick at. Over. 131 00:08:26,507 --> 00:08:30,803 MAN 2: This is the USS Oliver actual. All systems are a go. 132 00:08:30,887 --> 00:08:33,598 MAN 3: This is Michael O'Connor actual. All systems go. 133 00:08:33,681 --> 00:08:36,642 MAN 4: This is the Javier Cruz actual. Smooth sailing. 134 00:08:37,018 --> 00:08:38,352 KARA: Good day, fleet command. 135 00:08:38,436 --> 00:08:41,230 This is Nathan James actual. All systems go. 136 00:08:41,480 --> 00:08:44,066 We are ready and proud to no longer be the only ship in the fleet. 137 00:08:44,692 --> 00:08:45,943 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 138 00:08:47,612 --> 00:08:49,739 Ships of the fleet, your route is clear. 139 00:08:50,114 --> 00:08:52,617 We wish you fair winds and following seas. 140 00:08:52,950 --> 00:08:55,077 Much obliged, Master Chief. 141 00:08:55,536 --> 00:08:58,581 It's a great day for the Navy, and the red, white, and blue. 142 00:08:59,749 --> 00:09:01,250 This is Zulu actual out. 143 00:09:04,378 --> 00:09:05,588 (CHUCKLES) 144 00:09:05,713 --> 00:09:07,256 (CELL PHONE RINGING) 145 00:09:10,718 --> 00:09:12,595 We're up a touchdown but it's early. 146 00:09:12,678 --> 00:09:13,930 SASHA: Taking nothing for granted. 147 00:09:14,096 --> 00:09:15,723 Army's got ground game. For once. 148 00:09:15,806 --> 00:09:16,807 (CHUCKLES) 149 00:09:17,141 --> 00:09:18,351 SASHA: What time's your flight? 150 00:09:18,434 --> 00:09:19,644 CHANDLER: Couple hours. 151 00:09:19,769 --> 00:09:20,853 You pack your whites? 152 00:09:20,937 --> 00:09:22,855 It's hot in Florida, even in December. 153 00:09:23,272 --> 00:09:24,482 (EXHALES) 154 00:09:25,983 --> 00:09:27,610 Sam moved out, Sasha. 155 00:09:28,819 --> 00:09:30,404 He wants to live with Ashley in St. Louis. 156 00:09:31,155 --> 00:09:33,866 I know. I spoke with Ashley last week. 157 00:09:34,116 --> 00:09:35,660 Oh, great, so I'm the last to know? 158 00:09:35,743 --> 00:09:37,995 They have a great school there. They have continuity. 159 00:09:38,079 --> 00:09:39,956 - Don't take it personally. - How can I not? 160 00:09:40,331 --> 00:09:42,458 It's just easier for them. They... 161 00:09:42,833 --> 00:09:44,627 They're used to you not being there full-time. 162 00:09:44,752 --> 00:09:47,171 What do you mean? I've been here full-time for the last three years. 163 00:09:47,463 --> 00:09:48,589 Not in your head. 164 00:09:50,841 --> 00:09:52,093 I'm sorry. 165 00:09:52,718 --> 00:09:53,844 (SIGHS) 166 00:09:54,095 --> 00:09:55,096 How's Panama? 167 00:09:56,806 --> 00:09:58,933 Hot, getting hotter. 168 00:09:59,141 --> 00:10:01,269 I'm hoping to settle things quick. 169 00:10:01,978 --> 00:10:03,729 We should visit the kids at Christmas. 170 00:10:04,188 --> 00:10:05,523 Yup, okay. 171 00:10:08,067 --> 00:10:09,193 Tom, things are good. 172 00:10:09,986 --> 00:10:12,238 Considering everything, they're real good. 173 00:10:12,405 --> 00:10:15,408 Just go have fun with your old friends and I'll call you soon. 174 00:10:15,700 --> 00:10:16,867 I love you. 175 00:10:16,951 --> 00:10:17,952 Be safe. 176 00:10:23,207 --> 00:10:24,542 (ENGINE REVVING) 177 00:10:49,984 --> 00:10:51,235 Viva Tavo. 178 00:10:52,194 --> 00:10:53,404 Viva Tavo! 179 00:10:53,487 --> 00:10:54,613 (GUNSHOT) 180 00:10:56,615 --> 00:10:57,825 (ENGINE REVVING) 181 00:11:17,011 --> 00:11:19,555 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 182 00:11:32,026 --> 00:11:33,194 DOC RIOS: Welcome to the helo bay. 183 00:11:33,277 --> 00:11:35,905 This is where Dr. Scott set up her lab. 184 00:11:35,988 --> 00:11:38,741 It was in this small, sealed space 185 00:11:38,824 --> 00:11:42,036 that she developed the cure and eventually tested it... 186 00:11:45,039 --> 00:11:46,957 On some of our crew. 187 00:11:47,041 --> 00:11:51,003 Come, step through this door and imagine yourself 188 00:11:51,087 --> 00:11:53,172 in a bio-secure space, 189 00:11:53,255 --> 00:11:55,466 one where you would have to wear a suit like this 190 00:11:55,925 --> 00:11:57,635 in order to protect yourself from the virus. 191 00:11:57,718 --> 00:12:01,889 Excuse me, sir. So sorry to be a bother, but would you mind? 192 00:12:02,348 --> 00:12:04,642 - Not at all. - Oh, thanks much! 193 00:12:05,309 --> 00:12:06,310 (CHUCKLES) 194 00:12:06,394 --> 00:12:08,687 You just press that button right there. 195 00:12:15,528 --> 00:12:16,570 (CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS) 196 00:12:41,053 --> 00:12:42,638 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 197 00:12:47,435 --> 00:12:49,061 (LAUGHS) Okay, right. 198 00:12:49,145 --> 00:12:50,688 And all the kids across the street, 199 00:12:50,771 --> 00:12:52,773 you know, just start sprayin' him with the hose. 200 00:12:52,857 --> 00:12:54,358 He said, "Daddy, Daddy, I wanna be like you." 201 00:12:54,442 --> 00:12:55,818 I'm, like, "What are you? What?" 202 00:12:55,901 --> 00:12:57,194 I rush out staring at him, 203 00:12:57,278 --> 00:13:00,072 and he's waving his shorts over his head at the kids. 204 00:13:00,489 --> 00:13:02,241 - Attention on deck! - SLATTERY: There he is. 205 00:13:02,324 --> 00:13:04,160 Don't stop the reunion on my account. 206 00:13:05,035 --> 00:13:06,579 - Sir. - Good to see you, Ray. 207 00:13:06,662 --> 00:13:07,788 Likewise, sir. 208 00:13:07,872 --> 00:13:09,790 (CHUCKLES) Gator! 209 00:13:09,874 --> 00:13:11,375 How's civilian life treating you? 210 00:13:11,459 --> 00:13:14,420 Well, I can't say it's less stressful than being out at sea. 211 00:13:14,503 --> 00:13:15,504 My boy turned two yesterday. 212 00:13:15,588 --> 00:13:17,756 (CHUCKLES) That's terrific. Congrats. 213 00:13:17,840 --> 00:13:19,133 MILLER: He's retired, 214 00:13:19,216 --> 00:13:20,509 but he's gonna put on that uniform 215 00:13:20,593 --> 00:13:22,636 and be Gator one last time tomorrow, right? 216 00:13:22,720 --> 00:13:25,055 Yeah, if I can find my sextant. 217 00:13:25,139 --> 00:13:27,600 They just can't leave. I keep promoting 'em, they keep comin' back. 218 00:13:27,683 --> 00:13:28,934 (ALL LAUGHING) 219 00:13:29,768 --> 00:13:32,313 Captain. Nathan James has never looked better. 220 00:13:32,396 --> 00:13:33,481 Thank you, sir. 221 00:13:33,564 --> 00:13:35,357 I'm just CO for the launch of the fleet. 222 00:13:35,524 --> 00:13:38,611 Then I'm on shore duty and mom duty. 223 00:13:39,069 --> 00:13:41,030 Well, Sasha says Danny's doin' all right. 224 00:13:41,113 --> 00:13:42,740 Well, you know more about him than I do. 225 00:13:43,407 --> 00:13:45,117 He's doin' what makes him happy, 226 00:13:45,784 --> 00:13:47,119 or at least what keeps him sane. 227 00:13:48,037 --> 00:13:49,830 GATOR: No, I wouldn't have it any other way. 228 00:13:51,957 --> 00:13:53,792 - Hey, so how's school? - (INHALES) 229 00:13:53,876 --> 00:13:55,961 Got a fresh crop of sailors, ready to serve. 230 00:13:56,212 --> 00:13:57,546 That's what I like to hear. 231 00:13:57,630 --> 00:14:00,049 - You still teachin' Moby Dick? - One day I'm gonna make you read it. 232 00:14:00,132 --> 00:14:01,800 Well, I think I've been through enough torture. 233 00:14:01,967 --> 00:14:03,469 - Ready for your big speech? - Mmm. 234 00:14:03,552 --> 00:14:06,263 We were one ship. Now we're a fleet. 235 00:14:06,347 --> 00:14:07,848 - Life is good. - See? 236 00:14:07,932 --> 00:14:09,892 Don't need 800 pages. Keep it simple. 237 00:14:09,975 --> 00:14:11,268 MAN 5: Captain Garnett? Come in. 238 00:14:11,352 --> 00:14:12,436 This is Captain Garnett. 239 00:14:12,520 --> 00:14:13,604 Your presence is requested on the... 240 00:14:13,729 --> 00:14:16,190 Besides, you don't have to say a thing, Admiral. 241 00:14:16,315 --> 00:14:19,026 Just being here, with all of us, there are no words. 242 00:14:19,193 --> 00:14:20,528 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 243 00:14:28,244 --> 00:14:29,745 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 244 00:14:34,708 --> 00:14:36,335 - Have a good night, señora. - Gracias. 245 00:14:49,932 --> 00:14:53,269 Marco was right. This is the place to be. 246 00:14:53,769 --> 00:14:55,563 I'm offended we weren't invited. 247 00:14:58,399 --> 00:14:59,525 I could use a drink. 248 00:15:10,160 --> 00:15:11,412 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 249 00:15:31,890 --> 00:15:32,933 (GRUNTING) 250 00:15:33,809 --> 00:15:35,603 Sleep tight, amigo. 251 00:15:36,020 --> 00:15:38,272 KANDIE: It is a shame, I know. 252 00:15:38,480 --> 00:15:40,941 I have never been through the Canal, 253 00:15:41,025 --> 00:15:44,153 but from what I hear, it is beautiful. 254 00:15:44,236 --> 00:15:45,863 - You must go! - Mmm. 255 00:15:46,155 --> 00:15:47,364 I could take you on a drive. 256 00:15:48,032 --> 00:15:52,369 Through the rainforest to a place, a la cima de Volcan Baru. 257 00:15:52,453 --> 00:15:55,039 From there, you can see both oceans at once. 258 00:15:55,748 --> 00:15:57,333 Both oceans at once? 259 00:15:57,416 --> 00:15:58,667 - Mmm-hmm. - Mmm-hmm. 260 00:15:58,751 --> 00:16:00,419 To Volcan Baru. 261 00:16:00,502 --> 00:16:01,795 (GLASSES CLINK) 262 00:16:04,131 --> 00:16:05,674 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 263 00:16:19,355 --> 00:16:21,440 I'm afraid you will have to wait your turn. 264 00:16:22,483 --> 00:16:24,318 The Presidente has many friends. 265 00:16:24,735 --> 00:16:26,278 Those are not friends, 266 00:16:26,362 --> 00:16:30,240 but as long as Fernando Asturius controls the Panama Canal, 267 00:16:30,324 --> 00:16:32,076 he'll have many well-wishers. 268 00:16:32,534 --> 00:16:33,786 I'll take it as a good sign. 269 00:16:34,453 --> 00:16:36,121 The world is still getting back on its feet 270 00:16:36,205 --> 00:16:38,749 and global trade is a key factor in promoting progress. 271 00:16:39,625 --> 00:16:41,001 - You're American? - (CHUCKLES) 272 00:16:41,251 --> 00:16:42,711 Sasha Cooper. 273 00:16:42,920 --> 00:16:44,088 Hector Martinez. 274 00:16:45,172 --> 00:16:47,132 Republica de la Gran Colombia. 275 00:16:47,424 --> 00:16:49,134 Gran Colombia? Mmm... 276 00:16:49,718 --> 00:16:51,679 So those are your protesters out on the street. 277 00:16:51,762 --> 00:16:52,763 Not mine. 278 00:16:52,846 --> 00:16:56,016 Those are Panamanians who seek to keep Panama free. 279 00:16:56,350 --> 00:16:58,268 While holding up photos of your leader. 280 00:16:58,852 --> 00:17:01,855 Well, Gustavo Barros has inspired all of South America 281 00:17:01,939 --> 00:17:05,234 to put aside centuries of mistrust and come together. 282 00:17:05,484 --> 00:17:09,196 Tavo speaks for us all, because he puts the people first. 283 00:17:09,697 --> 00:17:11,156 He's a revolutionary. 284 00:17:11,240 --> 00:17:12,366 (LAUGHS) 285 00:17:12,449 --> 00:17:16,036 It's funny. When the U.S. flexes its muscle, 286 00:17:16,120 --> 00:17:17,871 it is to protect world order. 287 00:17:18,288 --> 00:17:21,375 But when Latin Americans stand up for their rights, 288 00:17:21,458 --> 00:17:22,918 they are revolutionaries. 289 00:17:25,879 --> 00:17:27,089 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 290 00:17:30,634 --> 00:17:31,927 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 291 00:17:49,945 --> 00:17:51,697 (ALL LAUGHING) 292 00:17:51,780 --> 00:17:52,906 - Well? - Well? 293 00:17:52,990 --> 00:17:54,575 We have our connections. 294 00:17:55,868 --> 00:17:58,120 HECTOR: We support El Presidente Asturius. 295 00:17:58,203 --> 00:18:01,623 We only ask for the respect from the north that we well-deserve. 296 00:18:02,249 --> 00:18:04,042 How long will you be in Panama City? 297 00:18:04,877 --> 00:18:07,129 (SIGHS) Not long, I'm afraid. 298 00:18:07,212 --> 00:18:09,131 Oh, but I see El Presidente is free, 299 00:18:09,214 --> 00:18:10,924 so I'm going to wish him a happy birthday. 300 00:18:11,300 --> 00:18:12,551 I hope to see you again. 301 00:18:13,469 --> 00:18:15,179 I look forward to it. 302 00:18:23,729 --> 00:18:25,105 (PIANO MUSIC PLAYING) 303 00:18:32,529 --> 00:18:33,781 (GUN COCKING) 304 00:18:52,674 --> 00:18:54,718 It was easy, Mr. President. 305 00:18:55,260 --> 00:18:57,554 In fact, it was too easy. 306 00:18:57,638 --> 00:19:00,516 There's enough C-Four explosives to kill everyone in this room. 307 00:19:00,766 --> 00:19:02,059 Including you, sir. 308 00:19:03,227 --> 00:19:04,228 Uh-huh. 309 00:19:04,520 --> 00:19:06,313 - Careful. - (COUGHS) 310 00:19:06,730 --> 00:19:08,315 That's the second breach of your security. 311 00:19:13,737 --> 00:19:15,489 That's three ways. 312 00:19:15,572 --> 00:19:16,949 Three ways to kill you, sir. 313 00:19:18,951 --> 00:19:20,077 (KNOCK ON DOOR) 314 00:19:21,703 --> 00:19:23,080 SASHA: It's not poison. 315 00:19:23,455 --> 00:19:25,123 But it could have been. 316 00:19:26,291 --> 00:19:30,170 Your military leadership, they should not drink with strangers. 317 00:19:33,048 --> 00:19:37,177 Your security and the security of the Panama Canal, are at great risk. 318 00:19:37,553 --> 00:19:39,596 I'm asking that you reconsider our offer. 319 00:19:39,763 --> 00:19:41,723 Let us help you identify your vulnerabilities, 320 00:19:41,807 --> 00:19:43,350 protect you while we train your detail-- 321 00:19:43,433 --> 00:19:46,979 And you think that this, this trick of yours, will convince me? 322 00:19:47,437 --> 00:19:50,148 To embarrass me in front of my soldiers, 323 00:19:50,232 --> 00:19:52,901 my friends, at my own party? 324 00:19:53,819 --> 00:19:54,862 (SIGHS) 325 00:19:54,945 --> 00:19:59,074 No, Miss Cooper, I told you, I cannot accept your help. 326 00:20:00,617 --> 00:20:03,954 If I'm seen clutching at the knees de Los Estados Unidos, 327 00:20:04,037 --> 00:20:05,706 my own people will push me out! 328 00:20:05,831 --> 00:20:07,457 It can be done in secret. 329 00:20:08,625 --> 00:20:10,544 There are no secrets in Panama. 330 00:20:10,627 --> 00:20:15,132 So, unless you plan to kill me on my birthday, 331 00:20:16,174 --> 00:20:17,843 I suggest you leave. 332 00:20:21,013 --> 00:20:22,222 (ALL CHEERING) 333 00:20:41,033 --> 00:20:42,451 (MILITARY BAND PLAYING) 334 00:20:52,628 --> 00:20:53,754 (ENGINE REVVING) 335 00:20:54,046 --> 00:20:55,297 (ALL CHEERING) 336 00:21:05,265 --> 00:21:06,642 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 337 00:21:19,446 --> 00:21:21,073 Burk! 338 00:21:21,156 --> 00:21:22,574 - What the hell are you doin' here? - (LAUGHING) 339 00:21:22,658 --> 00:21:24,409 I thought you were XO on the James. 340 00:21:24,493 --> 00:21:26,662 I am. My CO wanted me here representin' the ship 341 00:21:26,745 --> 00:21:28,705 while she took some tourists on a cruise around the harbor. 342 00:21:28,789 --> 00:21:30,457 Yeah, I managed to get outta that one, too. 343 00:21:30,582 --> 00:21:34,670 Uh, it's good fun. I mean, people seem to like it, so, I don't know... 344 00:21:35,629 --> 00:21:37,714 Christ, Burk, when did I become a museum exhibit? 345 00:21:37,798 --> 00:21:39,299 No, not an exhibit. 346 00:21:39,383 --> 00:21:40,884 A legend, sir. 347 00:21:50,936 --> 00:21:52,688 Subsurface, you hear anything? 348 00:21:53,355 --> 00:21:54,940 I'm picking up something. 349 00:21:55,023 --> 00:21:56,400 Could be biologics. 350 00:21:56,858 --> 00:21:58,235 Surface, what do you see? 351 00:21:58,318 --> 00:21:59,987 No contacts on surface. 352 00:22:01,113 --> 00:22:03,198 Bridge, TAO. 353 00:22:03,281 --> 00:22:04,741 - I think we found 'em. - KARA: Copy. 354 00:22:07,744 --> 00:22:09,121 You're all in for a treat. 355 00:22:09,204 --> 00:22:13,208 Seems our sonar operator found a pod of dolphins 1,000 yards off our port bow. 356 00:22:14,042 --> 00:22:16,044 We'll take you for a closer look. 357 00:22:16,128 --> 00:22:17,129 Commander? 358 00:22:17,212 --> 00:22:19,297 Ma'am, recommend new course 0-3-0. 359 00:22:19,506 --> 00:22:21,591 - Very well. - That's Gator. 360 00:22:21,675 --> 00:22:23,135 I know, Grandpa. 361 00:22:25,721 --> 00:22:28,390 REPORTER: We are here at Fleet Week and we are very excited. 362 00:22:28,473 --> 00:22:31,226 As you can see, there is a crowd building behind me, 363 00:22:31,309 --> 00:22:34,730 and the Navy is going to be showing off the strength of its fleet. 364 00:22:35,105 --> 00:22:38,608 And we are going to be talking to Admiral Tom Chandler. 365 00:22:38,692 --> 00:22:40,569 And we'll have that for you, coming up next. 366 00:22:41,486 --> 00:22:43,280 (ENGINE REVVING) 367 00:22:44,990 --> 00:22:46,366 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 368 00:22:56,334 --> 00:22:59,087 Well, this is a great day for the Navy, 369 00:22:59,171 --> 00:23:00,839 and for our country. 370 00:23:01,089 --> 00:23:04,634 It's, uh, proof of the resilience of the American people. 371 00:23:29,159 --> 00:23:30,786 (KEYBOARD CLACKING) 372 00:23:37,042 --> 00:23:39,586 That we could muster up limited-- 373 00:23:39,669 --> 00:23:41,254 (STATIC) 374 00:23:43,465 --> 00:23:44,966 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 375 00:23:51,056 --> 00:23:52,140 What just happened? 376 00:23:54,976 --> 00:23:57,646 I can't get fleet command on the line. Something's wrong with the satellite. 377 00:23:57,729 --> 00:24:00,607 - Well, we got bigger problems. - What's going on? 378 00:24:13,453 --> 00:24:14,871 My God. 379 00:24:16,039 --> 00:24:18,083 Looks like we've been followed since we got in the country. 380 00:24:18,166 --> 00:24:19,417 And now we are public enemy number one. 381 00:24:19,501 --> 00:24:20,502 (BANGING ON DOOR) 382 00:24:23,296 --> 00:24:24,631 (INDISTINCT CHATTER OVER TV) 383 00:24:30,428 --> 00:24:32,973 Time to go. The Federales are on their way here now! 384 00:24:37,853 --> 00:24:39,521 (BAND MUSIC PLAYING) 385 00:24:41,857 --> 00:24:42,899 SLATTERY: Is the military smaller now? 386 00:24:42,983 --> 00:24:44,818 Sure, but so is the country. 387 00:24:45,193 --> 00:24:47,112 Look back throughout our military history, 388 00:24:47,195 --> 00:24:49,739 you'll find plenty of examples where we're at a diminished capacity-- 389 00:24:49,823 --> 00:24:52,868 Sorry. We lost our satellite feed. 390 00:24:53,034 --> 00:24:54,619 I'm talkin' to the guys in the van. 391 00:24:55,162 --> 00:24:57,289 Okay. I'm so sorry, we're gonna get it fixed 392 00:24:57,455 --> 00:24:58,874 and we'll get right back to you. 393 00:24:59,541 --> 00:25:00,584 (STATIC) 394 00:25:06,631 --> 00:25:10,594 TAO, Aegis weapons, fire control and navigational radar are failing. 395 00:25:10,886 --> 00:25:12,846 Something is frying our 400 hertz switchboards. 396 00:25:12,929 --> 00:25:14,806 Emergency shut-down, all systems. 397 00:25:14,973 --> 00:25:16,308 Shut everything now! 398 00:25:16,391 --> 00:25:17,767 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 399 00:25:20,520 --> 00:25:22,022 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 400 00:25:34,367 --> 00:25:35,702 Those aren't ours. 401 00:25:35,785 --> 00:25:37,204 (ENGINES REVVING) 402 00:25:38,580 --> 00:25:39,956 And their wings aren't clean. 403 00:25:43,251 --> 00:25:45,086 - Holy shit! - It's an attack. 404 00:25:48,673 --> 00:25:49,966 (EXPLOSIONS) 405 00:26:05,941 --> 00:26:07,317 (GUNSHOTS) 406 00:26:09,402 --> 00:26:11,071 Take cover! 407 00:26:11,738 --> 00:26:12,989 Move! 408 00:26:13,281 --> 00:26:14,491 (EXPLOSIONS) 409 00:26:14,991 --> 00:26:16,326 (PEOPLE SCREAMING) 410 00:26:22,290 --> 00:26:23,416 Clear the deck! 411 00:26:23,500 --> 00:26:24,584 Take cover! Move it! 412 00:26:24,668 --> 00:26:27,295 - Move, move, move! - Move, off the deck! 413 00:26:30,382 --> 00:26:31,633 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 414 00:26:45,939 --> 00:26:47,148 God, no. 415 00:26:51,569 --> 00:26:54,614 Move, move, move! Move! 416 00:26:55,407 --> 00:26:57,325 Come on! Move, move! Off the deck! 417 00:26:57,617 --> 00:26:58,910 Clear the deck! 418 00:27:04,833 --> 00:27:06,167 (GUNSHOTS) 419 00:27:08,169 --> 00:27:09,671 (EXPLOSION) 420 00:27:10,297 --> 00:27:11,756 (GUNSHOTS) 421 00:27:20,265 --> 00:27:21,683 Sir, sir! 422 00:27:21,766 --> 00:27:23,518 TC reports massive fires port-side 423 00:27:23,601 --> 00:27:25,186 on decks two and three. The hull has been breached. 424 00:27:25,270 --> 00:27:26,730 How the hell did we not see this coming? 425 00:27:26,813 --> 00:27:28,857 Early warning and radar systems went dark across 426 00:27:28,940 --> 00:27:30,066 the base right before the attack. 427 00:27:30,150 --> 00:27:32,027 And our weapons systems are down. I think we were hacked! 428 00:27:32,110 --> 00:27:33,820 - You have stingers in the armory? - Yes, sir! 429 00:27:33,903 --> 00:27:35,113 Get the civilians off! 430 00:27:35,196 --> 00:27:36,990 I want all gunners and crew-served weapons 431 00:27:37,073 --> 00:27:38,783 manned by SCAT teams up here now! 432 00:27:38,867 --> 00:27:40,535 - Move! - All gunners, to the rails! 433 00:27:40,618 --> 00:27:42,037 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 434 00:27:42,746 --> 00:27:46,166 ANITA: No, no, we've lost contact and reports are just coming in. 435 00:27:46,541 --> 00:27:47,542 This is the commander second MEF. 436 00:27:47,625 --> 00:27:49,461 I need a Marine on the ground to tell me what's going on. 437 00:27:49,544 --> 00:27:51,921 Colonel, this is General Kinkaid. I need all available assets 438 00:27:52,005 --> 00:27:54,090 mobilized to Naval Station Mayport. 439 00:27:54,174 --> 00:27:55,383 We believe we're under attack. 440 00:27:55,467 --> 00:27:57,635 MEYLAN: Let's get these systems back on-line, team! 441 00:27:57,719 --> 00:27:59,262 I want eyes on that battlefield! 442 00:27:59,346 --> 00:28:00,930 Sir, DISN has been compromised. 443 00:28:01,014 --> 00:28:03,141 Satellites are not responding and our planes have been grounded. 444 00:28:03,224 --> 00:28:05,685 KARA: Fleet command, this is Nathan James, come in. 445 00:28:05,769 --> 00:28:06,978 We are under attack. 446 00:28:07,062 --> 00:28:09,064 Hang tight, Nathan James. We're doing what we can. 447 00:28:09,272 --> 00:28:11,524 We switch over to civilian band. We need our comms. 448 00:28:11,608 --> 00:28:13,234 Admiral, we got Nathan James! 449 00:28:13,526 --> 00:28:15,904 KARA: Weapons and ISR are down! We cannot defend! 450 00:28:16,154 --> 00:28:20,492 Enemy aircraft appear to be Pucara-class attack planes, but we have no radar. 451 00:28:21,076 --> 00:28:22,494 Get these people out of here! 452 00:28:22,577 --> 00:28:23,828 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 453 00:28:33,088 --> 00:28:34,547 (GUNSHOTS) 454 00:28:41,638 --> 00:28:42,806 (ALL GRUNTING) 455 00:28:45,725 --> 00:28:47,769 Over there! Gunners, cover the bow! 456 00:28:50,688 --> 00:28:52,107 I have CIWS back up. 457 00:28:52,399 --> 00:28:54,109 And the five-inch? 458 00:28:55,110 --> 00:28:56,403 Not yet. 459 00:28:56,569 --> 00:28:57,737 Bridge, TAO. 460 00:28:57,821 --> 00:29:00,323 We have CIWS, but we're at the edge of maximum firing range. 461 00:29:00,407 --> 00:29:01,658 Recommend moving closer to base. 462 00:29:03,910 --> 00:29:04,994 Here comes another wave! 463 00:29:07,664 --> 00:29:08,832 (EXPLOSION) 464 00:29:16,005 --> 00:29:18,716 Hey, come this way! Come this way! 465 00:29:18,967 --> 00:29:21,302 Keep your head down! Head down, guys. 466 00:29:21,386 --> 00:29:23,221 Toward the door! Go, go, go! 467 00:29:25,014 --> 00:29:26,015 (GUNSHOTS) 468 00:29:33,940 --> 00:29:34,983 Ammo! 469 00:29:48,955 --> 00:29:50,081 No! 470 00:29:52,959 --> 00:29:54,377 (GRUNTING) 471 00:29:54,586 --> 00:29:56,254 Ma'am, I'm here! 472 00:29:56,713 --> 00:29:58,298 You're gonna be just fine, you're gonna be just fine. 473 00:29:58,381 --> 00:30:00,925 Just stay calm. We can fix this like we always do, right? 474 00:30:02,886 --> 00:30:04,012 (GRUNTS) 475 00:30:07,515 --> 00:30:08,892 (GRUNTS) 476 00:30:20,904 --> 00:30:23,323 GATOR: Ma'am, suggest bearing 2-2-5 for five knots 477 00:30:23,406 --> 00:30:25,074 to get inside effective CIWS range. 478 00:30:29,621 --> 00:30:31,122 - Ma'am? - Negative. 479 00:30:31,414 --> 00:30:32,832 CIWS won't be enough. 480 00:30:32,916 --> 00:30:35,043 If we get ourselves seen, we get ourselves sunk. 481 00:30:36,127 --> 00:30:37,170 Keep us out of sight and out of the line of fire. 482 00:30:37,253 --> 00:30:38,296 But... 483 00:30:38,379 --> 00:30:41,007 I'm responsible for every soul on this ship. 484 00:30:41,090 --> 00:30:43,426 And we're no good to the Navy at the bottom of the bay. 485 00:30:43,593 --> 00:30:46,179 Our job is to be ready to fight the battle to come. 486 00:30:48,348 --> 00:30:50,099 (GUNSHOTS) 487 00:30:59,943 --> 00:31:01,319 (EXPLOSION) 488 00:31:18,670 --> 00:31:20,004 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 489 00:31:20,213 --> 00:31:21,297 (SIGHS) 490 00:31:47,073 --> 00:31:48,366 All right. 491 00:31:54,080 --> 00:31:56,749 O'Connor and Cruz sank within an hour. 492 00:31:57,709 --> 00:32:00,545 God knows how many were trapped on board when they went down. 493 00:32:00,628 --> 00:32:01,879 My God. 494 00:32:01,963 --> 00:32:04,591 Still can't get an accurate report from the base. 495 00:32:04,799 --> 00:32:07,468 There were sailors and marines all over the place for the event. 496 00:32:07,552 --> 00:32:09,679 So, we're talkin' hundreds, if not thousands, dead. 497 00:32:10,388 --> 00:32:12,890 And for all we know, this was just the first wave. 498 00:32:13,474 --> 00:32:15,268 There may be more going on as we speak. 499 00:32:15,518 --> 00:32:18,354 Are you saying this is a full-scale invasion of the United States? 500 00:32:18,479 --> 00:32:22,150 I'm saying I can't get one goddamn Army base to report in! 501 00:32:22,233 --> 00:32:24,777 Our entire digital platform's been wiped out 502 00:32:24,861 --> 00:32:26,487 and we have no idea what's going on. 503 00:32:26,571 --> 00:32:29,449 Look, we have landlines. 504 00:32:30,158 --> 00:32:32,910 We don't know if they're still secure, but they work. 505 00:32:33,578 --> 00:32:35,913 We need to get every single person in uniform 506 00:32:35,997 --> 00:32:38,166 online and prepared to defend this nation. 507 00:32:41,377 --> 00:32:44,088 Commander, get to work on the computers. 508 00:32:44,380 --> 00:32:47,634 Find out who did this, how they did it, and how to fix it. 509 00:32:47,759 --> 00:32:49,177 Aye, sir. 510 00:32:50,678 --> 00:32:52,847 Now somebody bring me a goddamn map! 511 00:32:54,432 --> 00:32:55,933 (ENGINE REVVING) 512 00:33:38,434 --> 00:33:39,560 (DOOR OPENS) 513 00:33:40,228 --> 00:33:41,604 (DOOR CLOSES) 514 00:33:52,573 --> 00:33:54,033 (SIRENS WAILING) 515 00:34:17,640 --> 00:34:18,850 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 516 00:34:21,394 --> 00:34:23,896 CHANDLER: Airmen, can your birds fly? 517 00:34:23,980 --> 00:34:25,106 No, sir. 518 00:34:25,189 --> 00:34:26,899 Anything with an onboard computer was hacked. 519 00:34:26,983 --> 00:34:29,235 They wiped us out on the ground. I need a corpsman. 520 00:34:29,318 --> 00:34:31,195 - My chief, he's hit bad. - Go, go. 521 00:34:36,117 --> 00:34:37,493 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 522 00:34:41,414 --> 00:34:43,332 We'll get you all back to land as soon as possible. 523 00:34:43,916 --> 00:34:45,251 But is it safe? 524 00:34:45,334 --> 00:34:47,420 Sir, we'll make sure, but everyone, just hang tight, okay? 525 00:34:47,503 --> 00:34:48,963 We're all in this together. 526 00:34:49,797 --> 00:34:51,507 Gator? 527 00:34:52,842 --> 00:34:54,802 (SIGHS) You should go back with the guests. 528 00:34:54,886 --> 00:34:57,013 - Ma'am, I-- - You put on the uniform for the cruise. 529 00:34:57,513 --> 00:35:00,558 But this isn't your fight. Your family needs you. 530 00:35:00,975 --> 00:35:04,312 My family knows we're all alive because of Nathan James, 531 00:35:04,395 --> 00:35:05,563 and if it's all the same to you, Captain, 532 00:35:05,646 --> 00:35:07,732 I didn't fight by your side just to give up now. 533 00:35:09,066 --> 00:35:11,611 I'd like to return to active duty... 534 00:35:11,694 --> 00:35:13,070 If you'll have me. 535 00:35:15,698 --> 00:35:16,783 Thank you. 536 00:35:21,412 --> 00:35:25,249 Command, come in. This is intercept team Delta, over. 537 00:35:26,000 --> 00:35:28,419 I say again, this is intercept team Delta. 538 00:35:28,503 --> 00:35:29,712 (DOOR OPENS) 539 00:35:30,421 --> 00:35:31,422 Where have you been? 540 00:35:31,506 --> 00:35:33,424 The streets are crawling with Federales, man. 541 00:35:33,591 --> 00:35:34,884 - We gotta get out of here. - Uh... 542 00:35:35,134 --> 00:35:36,928 I have some bad news. 543 00:35:37,303 --> 00:35:39,180 The U.S. Navy fleet in Florida was just attacked. 544 00:35:39,639 --> 00:35:42,016 All the ships were sunk, and thousands are dead. 545 00:35:42,475 --> 00:35:43,476 What did you just say? 546 00:35:43,976 --> 00:35:45,394 Tavo is taking credit for it, 547 00:35:45,478 --> 00:35:48,022 as revenge for the murder of El Presidente by los Americanos! 548 00:35:48,105 --> 00:35:49,607 That's no coincidence. 549 00:35:50,983 --> 00:35:53,820 You don't overthrow Panama while the U.S. fleet is a threat. 550 00:35:53,903 --> 00:35:55,696 No, this was a coordinated attack. 551 00:35:55,780 --> 00:35:58,950 Panama is now under the protection of Tavo and Gran Colombia. 552 00:35:59,909 --> 00:36:01,828 We have to get back to the States. 553 00:36:02,453 --> 00:36:04,247 There's no point in rushing home now. 554 00:36:05,206 --> 00:36:08,000 Danny, our fleet was hit. Our friends, our family-- 555 00:36:08,084 --> 00:36:09,460 They may be dead, 556 00:36:10,378 --> 00:36:12,672 but for what comes next we're on the front line. 557 00:36:13,631 --> 00:36:15,341 We have no orders from home, 558 00:36:15,675 --> 00:36:17,134 but we know who the enemy is. 559 00:36:19,095 --> 00:36:21,681 I say we go south, toward Colombia. 560 00:36:22,014 --> 00:36:24,767 (EXHALES) We gather intelligence, allies, anything. 561 00:36:25,017 --> 00:36:29,313 We put ourselves in a position to be the tip of the spear until backup arrives. 562 00:36:42,660 --> 00:36:43,953 Can you get us to Colombia? 563 00:36:44,412 --> 00:36:46,247 Sí, I know some people. 564 00:37:46,891 --> 00:37:50,186 (SPEAKING SPANISH) 565 00:37:52,647 --> 00:37:55,191 I will now speak directly to our enemies 566 00:37:55,816 --> 00:37:58,194 in a language they can understand. 567 00:37:58,945 --> 00:38:01,614 Americans, you are on notice. 568 00:38:01,739 --> 00:38:05,701 The people of Central and South America are united! 569 00:38:05,910 --> 00:38:09,413 We will no longer cower in fear of your big stick. 570 00:38:09,747 --> 00:38:14,418 For you do not offer us protection, but enslavement. 571 00:38:15,002 --> 00:38:18,923 Today marks the beginning of a new equilibrium. 572 00:38:20,424 --> 00:38:24,220 Gran Colombia will no longer sit at the children's table 573 00:38:24,303 --> 00:38:25,972 of international politics. 574 00:38:26,222 --> 00:38:28,224 It is our turn! 575 00:38:28,307 --> 00:38:29,892 Be warned. 576 00:38:29,976 --> 00:38:33,312 If the United States wants a fight, you will lose. 577 00:38:35,231 --> 00:38:37,733 For in the words of Simón Bolivar, 578 00:38:38,526 --> 00:38:43,364 a people who love their freedom will, 579 00:38:43,447 --> 00:38:45,074 in the end, be free. 580 00:38:47,910 --> 00:38:52,289 And we are united as a continent 581 00:38:53,499 --> 00:38:55,042 to fight for that freedom. 582 00:38:58,337 --> 00:39:00,756 We are one nation under God! 583 00:39:01,173 --> 00:39:03,801 La Gran Colombia! 584 00:39:14,603 --> 00:39:17,064 - El norte! - El norte! 585 00:39:17,148 --> 00:39:20,192 - El norte! - El norte! 586 00:39:23,821 --> 00:39:24,947 Viva Tavo. 587 00:39:25,031 --> 00:39:26,657 ALL: Viva Tavo! 588 00:39:26,741 --> 00:39:28,534 Viva Gran Colombia! 589 00:39:32,163 --> 00:39:33,497 Turn it off. 590 00:39:37,168 --> 00:39:38,502 We must've been hacked. 591 00:39:38,586 --> 00:39:41,756 Comms, ground and air defenses, even our weapons systems. 592 00:39:41,922 --> 00:39:43,215 We're at war. 593 00:39:43,299 --> 00:39:46,177 I have to get back to Fleet Command, get eyes on the battlefield. 594 00:39:46,469 --> 00:39:47,470 Admiral Chandler. 595 00:39:47,595 --> 00:39:48,888 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 596 00:39:50,473 --> 00:39:51,932 (ENGINE REVVING) 597 00:40:07,948 --> 00:40:11,202 Diaz, is the James still afloat? 598 00:40:11,285 --> 00:40:12,286 Yes, sir! 599 00:40:12,369 --> 00:40:15,164 - Make a hole. I'm goin' back with you! - DIAZ: Yes, sir! 600 00:40:15,247 --> 00:40:17,583 - I'm goin' too! Tell Meylan-- - Mike-- 601 00:40:17,666 --> 00:40:20,461 I lost my fleet, Tom. It went down on my watch. 602 00:40:20,544 --> 00:40:22,922 (PANTING) If I'm gonna die, I'm goin' down with the ship. 603 00:40:23,714 --> 00:40:25,966 You heard that speech, you know where to start. 604 00:40:26,050 --> 00:40:27,384 We head south. 605 00:40:27,468 --> 00:40:30,304 Look for weapons and fuel. Stay off comms. 606 00:40:30,638 --> 00:40:31,639 I'll be in touch! 607 00:40:31,722 --> 00:40:34,475 I don't hear from you soon, I'm gonna come lookin' for you! 608 00:40:34,558 --> 00:40:36,519 I don't doubt that! You stay safe! 609 00:40:51,742 --> 00:40:53,494 (BUGLE PLAYING "TAPS") 610 00:41:44,003 --> 00:41:46,005 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) 611 00:42:12,114 --> 00:42:13,115 English - SDH