9 00:00:00,350 --> 00:00:02,800 Previously on "Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D."... 10 00:00:02,800 --> 00:00:04,720 I need to control this or stop it. 11 00:00:04,720 --> 00:00:06,480 Otherwise, I don't know what happens to me. 12 00:00:06,480 --> 00:00:08,450 You weren't stopping your powers, Skye. 13 00:00:08,450 --> 00:00:10,180 You were... directing them inWard. 14 00:00:10,190 --> 00:00:12,790 I'm recommending Skye leave S.H.I.E.L.D. altogether. 15 00:00:12,790 --> 00:00:14,770 No, I know you're keeping something from me. 16 00:00:15,580 --> 00:00:17,340 Bobbi and I work for an organization, 17 00:00:17,340 --> 00:00:19,260 that came out of the wreckage from what Fury left. 18 00:00:19,260 --> 00:00:20,690 Who the hell are you working for? 19 00:00:20,690 --> 00:00:22,330 The real S.H.I.E.L.D. 20 00:00:22,550 --> 00:00:23,710 Agent 33. 21 00:00:23,710 --> 00:00:25,890 She was wearing a nanomask, disguised as May, 22 00:00:25,890 --> 00:00:28,070 But May electrocuted her right in the face. 23 00:00:29,690 --> 00:00:31,210 Never turn your back on the enemy. 24 00:00:31,210 --> 00:00:32,210 Whitehall's dead. 25 00:00:32,220 --> 00:00:33,180 So you're free. 26 00:00:33,180 --> 00:00:34,260 I don't know what to do. 27 00:00:34,260 --> 00:00:35,370 I can get us out of here. 28 00:00:35,370 --> 00:00:36,740 Then we'll figure it all out. 29 00:00:44,740 --> 00:00:45,690 You like fried chicken? 30 00:00:45,700 --> 00:00:47,330 Ours is the best in the county. 31 00:00:47,330 --> 00:00:49,050 Oh, I-I'm not sure. 32 00:00:49,050 --> 00:00:51,210 I -- I guess I need another minute. 33 00:00:51,210 --> 00:00:54,240 Of course. And what about you, handsome? 34 00:00:55,270 --> 00:00:57,180 Think I'll try the pumpkin pancakes. 35 00:00:57,710 --> 00:00:58,620 Good choice. 36 00:00:58,620 --> 00:01:00,010 How about I grab you some pecan syrup 37 00:01:00,010 --> 00:01:01,590 while your friend makes up her mind? 38 00:01:03,190 --> 00:01:05,720 Pumpkin pancakes. For dinner? 39 00:01:05,720 --> 00:01:08,150 Did you not hear what she said about the pecan syrup? 40 00:01:08,160 --> 00:01:10,320 Well, you are just full of surprises. 41 00:01:10,320 --> 00:01:13,620 Hey, I tried being the meat-and-potatoes guy. 42 00:01:15,280 --> 00:01:17,590 Well, I didn't know that guy, but... 43 00:01:18,180 --> 00:01:20,520 The guy sitting across from me isn't so bad. 44 00:01:21,370 --> 00:01:25,610 Says the girl who saved my ass back in Puerto Rico, 45 00:01:25,840 --> 00:01:27,450 nursed me back to health... 46 00:01:28,260 --> 00:01:30,480 Well, what else was I going to do? 47 00:01:31,210 --> 00:01:33,210 After Whitehall was killed, I was... 48 00:01:33,730 --> 00:01:36,630 just...lost. 49 00:01:37,920 --> 00:01:39,780 Then I guess we're both lucky you found me. 50 00:01:46,890 --> 00:01:47,940 Looks like we're a go. 51 00:01:50,660 --> 00:01:52,470 I was really looking forWard to those pancakes. 52 00:01:54,510 --> 00:01:56,860 All right! Everybody on the ground now! 53 00:01:59,480 --> 00:02:01,490 Do as she says, and nobody gets hurt. 54 00:02:02,430 --> 00:02:05,460 Don't worry, Rhonda. Everything's gonna be just fine. 55 00:02:05,520 --> 00:02:06,650 Even left you a tip. 56 00:02:07,030 --> 00:02:08,470 You. Get up. 57 00:02:08,580 --> 00:02:11,820 Please, just take it. There's over $200 in there. 58 00:02:11,980 --> 00:02:14,400 Put that away. You're coming with us. 59 00:02:14,720 --> 00:02:15,540 Why? 60 00:02:18,030 --> 00:02:19,640 You're gonna fix my face. 61 00:02:25,710 --> 00:02:28,000 Well, the bruising has started to fade, 62 00:02:28,000 --> 00:02:29,230 though I'm afraid these stress fractures 63 00:02:29,230 --> 00:02:31,680 will require a bit more time to heal. 64 00:02:31,920 --> 00:02:32,760 Great. 65 00:02:32,760 --> 00:02:34,630 Tried to go zen to keep my powers in check 66 00:02:34,630 --> 00:02:38,540 only to find myself -- aah -- back on the D.L. 67 00:02:39,270 --> 00:02:40,150 The "down low"? 68 00:02:40,150 --> 00:02:41,330 The "disabled list." 69 00:02:42,060 --> 00:02:43,180 Oh, yeah. That makes more sense. 70 00:02:43,180 --> 00:02:44,470 Yeah, and now I'm all... 71 00:02:45,770 --> 00:02:47,520 You know, it could just be growing pains 72 00:02:47,600 --> 00:02:48,630 - from the new powers. 73 00:02:48,630 --> 00:02:49,130 It's okay, Fitz. 74 00:02:49,130 --> 00:02:50,930 You don't have to put a positive spin on this. 75 00:02:50,940 --> 00:02:53,340 I'm not doing that. I would never patronize the -- 76 00:02:56,270 --> 00:02:57,190 Well, the -- 77 00:02:57,550 --> 00:02:58,880 things change. That's what I'm saying. 78 00:02:58,880 --> 00:03:02,310 So maybe if you can learn to control this, then... 79 00:03:03,300 --> 00:03:05,080 You could have avengers-level powers, 80 00:03:05,080 --> 00:03:06,770 something like Captain America, even. 81 00:03:07,290 --> 00:03:08,520 I think it best we keep in mind 82 00:03:08,520 --> 00:03:10,500 the unstable nature of Skye's power. 83 00:03:10,500 --> 00:03:12,000 If there is an avenger equivalent, 84 00:03:12,000 --> 00:03:14,270 right now I'm afraid it's the Hulk. 85 00:03:15,420 --> 00:03:17,200 Well, Hulk saved the world, last I checked. 86 00:03:17,200 --> 00:03:18,430 You're absolutely right. 87 00:03:18,520 --> 00:03:20,810 But given the choice, I believe Bruce Banner 88 00:03:20,810 --> 00:03:23,130 would not hesitate to cure himself once and for all. 89 00:03:23,130 --> 00:03:25,580 Well, then, I guess we should be thankful 90 00:03:25,590 --> 00:03:27,060 that nobody's given him the choice. 91 00:03:27,060 --> 00:03:27,950 Oh, Fitz -- 92 00:03:27,950 --> 00:03:29,580 Don't "oh, Fitz" me. I'm be-- 93 00:03:34,600 --> 00:03:35,400 I'm sorry, Skye. 94 00:03:35,400 --> 00:03:36,750 This really isn't about you. 95 00:03:37,090 --> 00:03:38,930 I'm pretty sure it is. 96 00:03:39,450 --> 00:03:40,760 I'll go back to the Cage. 97 00:03:44,230 --> 00:03:46,620 Andrew's recommending Skye be removed from S.H.I.E.L.D., 98 00:03:46,710 --> 00:03:47,960 effective immediately. 99 00:03:47,960 --> 00:03:49,610 I agree with his recommendation. 100 00:03:51,500 --> 00:03:52,590 I've got to admit... 101 00:03:53,700 --> 00:03:55,040 I'm surprised to hear you say that. 102 00:03:55,040 --> 00:03:56,580 I can agree with my ex. 103 00:03:56,860 --> 00:03:59,280 Skye's too dangerous to be out there right now. 104 00:03:59,280 --> 00:04:00,530 You just brought her into the field. 105 00:04:00,530 --> 00:04:02,220 I had no other choice. You were in danger. 106 00:04:02,220 --> 00:04:03,250 I made a call. 107 00:04:03,310 --> 00:04:04,610 And Skye's injuries 108 00:04:04,780 --> 00:04:06,710 were something neither of us saw coming. 109 00:04:07,440 --> 00:04:08,990 What won't we see next time? 110 00:04:09,200 --> 00:04:10,280 Hard to say. 111 00:04:10,300 --> 00:04:13,010 Which is why you need to remove Skye from the equation. 112 00:04:14,970 --> 00:04:16,470 I know it's difficult, Phil. 113 00:04:18,170 --> 00:04:19,100 S.H.I.E.L.D.'s always wrestled 114 00:04:19,100 --> 00:04:21,220 with how to handle people who are enhanced. 115 00:04:21,220 --> 00:04:23,660 And add Skye's alien dna to the mix, 116 00:04:23,660 --> 00:04:26,300 it's a whole new category we have to deal with. 117 00:04:26,370 --> 00:04:28,730 This isn't about categories on the index, May. 118 00:04:28,730 --> 00:04:30,280 We're talking about Skye. 119 00:04:30,280 --> 00:04:32,630 And as her S.O., I am telling you, 120 00:04:33,450 --> 00:04:35,290 I have no idea how to handle her. 121 00:04:35,290 --> 00:04:37,330 You'll find a way. You always do. 122 00:04:37,790 --> 00:04:38,910 Not always. 123 00:04:39,560 --> 00:04:42,490 This isn't Bahrain. Okay? 124 00:04:42,490 --> 00:04:44,140 We know who we're dealing with here. 125 00:04:44,680 --> 00:04:48,180 Don't fool yourself. Skye's changed. 126 00:04:48,900 --> 00:04:51,150 Maybe not on the surface, but inside. 127 00:04:52,650 --> 00:04:54,860 She doesn't know herself anymore. 128 00:05:23,590 --> 00:05:25,080 I want you to blink twice for me. 129 00:05:26,930 --> 00:05:28,990 Did the facial-scan diagnostic appear? 130 00:05:29,190 --> 00:05:31,270 - Yes. - Now close your eyes for two seconds, 131 00:05:31,270 --> 00:05:32,870 and the change should take effect. 132 00:05:40,580 --> 00:05:42,360 That reminds me of my Berkeley days. 133 00:05:43,620 --> 00:05:45,270 Well, the effect would be far more convincing, 134 00:05:45,270 --> 00:05:47,550 if you were to replicate the face of another woman. 135 00:05:47,870 --> 00:05:50,520 And don't forget -- I stabilized your vocal processor. 136 00:05:54,200 --> 00:05:58,100 Admittedly, it's not quite as precise as my original nanomask. 137 00:05:58,480 --> 00:06:00,460 But regardless, I think you're going to find it 138 00:06:00,460 --> 00:06:03,660 extremely useful for any on-the-go S.H.I.E.L.D. -- 139 00:06:04,540 --> 00:06:06,470 ...or Hydra operations. 140 00:06:09,950 --> 00:06:12,120 I see you figured out how to reset the mask. 141 00:06:13,470 --> 00:06:15,190 Just remember the program's memory 142 00:06:15,190 --> 00:06:18,000 can only store up to three facial scans at a time. 143 00:06:18,000 --> 00:06:20,650 And you're sure there's no way to remove the mask? 144 00:06:20,650 --> 00:06:22,040 There's nothing I can do. 145 00:06:22,480 --> 00:06:24,400 But if you want your old face, just turn the machine off -- 146 00:06:24,400 --> 00:06:26,910 No! You've seen what's underneath. 147 00:06:26,910 --> 00:06:29,600 Please, I know this is difficult. 148 00:06:29,840 --> 00:06:33,230 But look at the bright side -- now you can be anyone you want. 149 00:06:40,630 --> 00:06:43,710 Maybe you can find an old photo from before the accident. 150 00:06:43,920 --> 00:06:45,610 Use that for the facial scan. 151 00:06:46,080 --> 00:06:47,400 Let the mask do the rest. 152 00:06:47,400 --> 00:06:49,110 Not sure where I'd find one. 153 00:06:49,410 --> 00:06:51,480 To be honest, I haven't even seen her face. 154 00:06:53,240 --> 00:06:54,020 I see. 155 00:06:55,360 --> 00:06:57,010 Well, then I guess it's fair to say 156 00:06:57,010 --> 00:06:59,320 we all hide our true selves, don't we? 157 00:07:00,160 --> 00:07:04,200 Or we just...wait for the right time to reveal the truth. 158 00:07:07,590 --> 00:07:10,810 So this is what all the fuss is about -- another S.H.I.E.L.D.? 159 00:07:10,810 --> 00:07:13,310 Lower your voice. It'll all get worked out momentarily. 160 00:07:13,360 --> 00:07:16,220 Lower my voice? You must be joking. 161 00:07:16,300 --> 00:07:19,280 So, where now? To see the wizard? 162 00:07:19,460 --> 00:07:21,010 Eh, something like that. 163 00:07:33,520 --> 00:07:34,520 Priceless. 164 00:07:34,840 --> 00:07:37,120 I guess one boss wasn't enough for you and Bobbi. 165 00:07:37,410 --> 00:07:40,730 Seems the road trip hasn't dampened your friend's spirits. 166 00:07:44,570 --> 00:07:47,500 Gonzalez. It's good to see you, sir. 167 00:07:47,500 --> 00:07:49,350 - It's been too long, Mack. - Yeah. 168 00:07:49,350 --> 00:07:51,070 It's good to have you back on board. 169 00:07:52,650 --> 00:07:54,250 You must be Lance Hunter. 170 00:07:55,500 --> 00:07:56,820 And you must be crazy. 171 00:07:59,130 --> 00:08:02,410 I assure you, none of us wanted this. 172 00:08:06,220 --> 00:08:07,570 I think I preferred you acting alone 173 00:08:07,570 --> 00:08:10,050 instead of taking orders from the clown academy. 174 00:08:10,590 --> 00:08:14,740 This is not about blindly following orders, Mr. Hunter. 175 00:08:14,740 --> 00:08:17,480 This is about leaders being held accountable. 176 00:08:18,000 --> 00:08:19,750 To the men and women they serve, 177 00:08:20,390 --> 00:08:22,540 as well as those that govern alongside them. 178 00:08:23,050 --> 00:08:25,240 Thanks for the democracy lesson, Lady Thomas Jefferson. 179 00:08:25,240 --> 00:08:27,840 But if it's all the same, spare me the sales pitch. 180 00:08:27,950 --> 00:08:29,170 That's great. 181 00:08:29,370 --> 00:08:30,780 We should throw him in the brig. 182 00:08:30,780 --> 00:08:32,300 Let's not be hasty, Tomás. 183 00:08:32,300 --> 00:08:34,850 We at least owe him an explanation. 184 00:08:35,030 --> 00:08:37,790 We founded S.H.I.E.L.D. -- the real S.H.I.E.L.D. 185 00:08:37,850 --> 00:08:41,850 on the belief that leadership should operate with transparency 186 00:08:41,850 --> 00:08:43,370 and not from the shadow. 187 00:08:43,370 --> 00:08:45,680 Nick Fury simply kept too many secrets. 188 00:08:46,480 --> 00:08:47,150 Got it. 189 00:08:47,970 --> 00:08:49,350 Couldn't agree more, actually. 190 00:08:49,620 --> 00:08:52,070 Just one little detail that you seem to have overlooked 191 00:08:52,070 --> 00:08:54,490 in your otherwise spot-on assessment. 192 00:08:54,730 --> 00:08:57,610 Guy with the eye patch and the secrets, Nick Fury -- 193 00:08:58,020 --> 00:08:59,050 he's dead. 194 00:08:59,050 --> 00:09:01,930 Fury is dead, but coulson's alive and well. 195 00:09:02,050 --> 00:09:04,010 Thanks to one of those secrets. 196 00:09:04,010 --> 00:09:06,860 And it seems that instead of learning from those mistakes, 197 00:09:06,880 --> 00:09:08,960 Coulson's heading down the same path. 198 00:09:08,960 --> 00:09:09,660 All right. 199 00:09:10,830 --> 00:09:12,810 So that's what this is about. 200 00:09:13,340 --> 00:09:15,150 You guys don't want Coulson in charge. 201 00:09:15,540 --> 00:09:17,930 I'll be the first to admit the guy's not perfect. 202 00:09:18,410 --> 00:09:20,320 Sometimes chews with his mouth open, 203 00:09:20,320 --> 00:09:22,320 tends to hog the mike on karaoke nights. 204 00:09:22,650 --> 00:09:26,290 But other than that, he's not so bad, really. 205 00:09:26,670 --> 00:09:29,200 Well, I'm afraid we don't share that opinion. 206 00:09:31,440 --> 00:09:32,570 This is rubbish. 207 00:09:32,570 --> 00:09:34,430 Maybe you've drunk the conspiracy kool-aid, 208 00:09:34,430 --> 00:09:35,550 but there's not a chance in hell 209 00:09:35,550 --> 00:09:37,850 Bobbi would ever bow down to any of this. 210 00:10:05,270 --> 00:10:07,480 Perhaps we could have discussed this alone... 211 00:10:08,330 --> 00:10:10,120 without all of Hufflepuff looking on. 212 00:10:10,120 --> 00:10:12,240 Hunter...Please. 213 00:10:16,350 --> 00:10:17,110 Okay, then. 214 00:10:19,170 --> 00:10:20,410 Indoctrinate away. 215 00:10:21,150 --> 00:10:23,130 It may come as a surprise to you, 216 00:10:23,890 --> 00:10:26,750 but I was very close to Isabelle Hartley. 217 00:10:26,880 --> 00:10:30,340 You see, she saved my life in this very facility. 218 00:10:30,930 --> 00:10:32,910 Hydra had me dead to rights. 219 00:10:32,950 --> 00:10:35,100 You're not the first person Izzy helped out of a pinch. 220 00:10:35,100 --> 00:10:37,280 But I may have been the last. 221 00:10:38,630 --> 00:10:40,270 By all accounts, Isabelle's death 222 00:10:40,330 --> 00:10:41,630 could have been avoided 223 00:10:41,630 --> 00:10:44,330 if Agent Coulson hadn't been so relentless 224 00:10:44,340 --> 00:10:46,220 in his pursuit of alien tech. 225 00:10:46,460 --> 00:10:48,800 Added to that, the tragedy in Puerto Rico -- 226 00:10:49,090 --> 00:10:50,890 the death of Agent Triplett, 227 00:10:51,160 --> 00:10:53,340 the transformation of the young woman, Raina. 228 00:10:54,480 --> 00:10:56,720 Even Agent Skye seems to have been affected. 229 00:10:57,050 --> 00:11:00,100 And all because of Coulson's search for a city 230 00:11:00,100 --> 00:11:03,320 that his own alien writing drove him to find. 231 00:11:03,320 --> 00:11:05,120 Yeah, he's put all that scribbling behind him. 232 00:11:06,490 --> 00:11:08,680 Should we all just get up and go home now? 233 00:11:08,680 --> 00:11:12,290 This is not a decision that we arrived at lightly. 234 00:11:13,440 --> 00:11:16,400 I know Coulson. He was a good agent. 235 00:11:16,590 --> 00:11:20,130 At least, he was before Fury injected him with alien DNA. 236 00:11:20,250 --> 00:11:24,910 Ever since, his behavior's grown increasingly more troubling. 237 00:11:25,300 --> 00:11:27,250 Can you honestly tell me 238 00:11:27,250 --> 00:11:30,150 that you don't share any of these concerns? 239 00:11:35,810 --> 00:11:39,080 I won't deny you have a few good points. 240 00:11:40,160 --> 00:11:42,530 But why not just take it up with the man himself? 241 00:11:42,700 --> 00:11:44,780 We wanted all the facts first. 242 00:11:44,800 --> 00:11:48,670 Which is what Bobbi and I have been doing -- gathering intel. 243 00:11:49,200 --> 00:11:51,830 Bobbi, you're an awfully quiet member of this coup d'etat. 244 00:11:53,210 --> 00:11:54,330 What's your take? 245 00:11:57,920 --> 00:11:59,090 I believe they're right. 246 00:12:00,310 --> 00:12:02,090 Coulson has been compromised. 247 00:12:21,870 --> 00:12:22,490 Come in. 248 00:12:29,900 --> 00:12:30,600 It's all there? 249 00:12:31,480 --> 00:12:32,270 Yes, sir. 250 00:12:36,940 --> 00:12:37,980 Is there something else? 251 00:12:38,860 --> 00:12:39,940 It's just... 252 00:12:41,620 --> 00:12:43,210 possible repercussions. 253 00:12:43,450 --> 00:12:45,150 We've been over this, Agent Simmons, 254 00:12:45,520 --> 00:12:47,250 and I'm aware of the consequences, 255 00:12:47,500 --> 00:12:49,180 but this is my decision to make. 256 00:12:50,520 --> 00:12:51,210 Yes, sir. 257 00:13:03,040 --> 00:13:03,700 No. 258 00:13:04,210 --> 00:13:05,710 Ankle bone's always the toughest. 259 00:13:05,710 --> 00:13:06,360 Yeah. 260 00:13:06,360 --> 00:13:08,790 Maybe a game of nerves isn't the best idea for me. 261 00:13:10,700 --> 00:13:12,180 You and I need to take a ride. 263 00:13:12,350 --> 00:13:15,450 Okay. But why am I suddenly feeling like old yeller right now? 264 00:13:15,810 --> 00:13:17,340 Kind of surprised you know the reference. 265 00:13:17,340 --> 00:13:18,980 I've had a lot of downtime lately. 266 00:13:19,070 --> 00:13:20,780 That and Fitz really wants a dog. 267 00:13:20,810 --> 00:13:21,940 Thought he wanted a monkey. 268 00:13:21,940 --> 00:13:24,170 Guess he readjusted his expectations. 269 00:13:26,580 --> 00:13:28,710 You can't tell me where we're going, can you? 270 00:13:29,250 --> 00:13:30,670 You're gonna want to pack a bag. 271 00:14:03,280 --> 00:14:03,940 So... 272 00:14:08,780 --> 00:14:09,750 Everything all right? 273 00:14:10,150 --> 00:14:12,670 Uh, yeah, I'm just deciding on what to wear. 274 00:14:12,700 --> 00:14:14,150 Why don't you let me take care of that? 275 00:14:17,660 --> 00:14:18,600 Where you going? 276 00:14:18,620 --> 00:14:20,250 Pick up another surprise for you. 277 00:14:21,280 --> 00:14:23,500 But wait. We just finished with the doctor. 278 00:14:24,840 --> 00:14:26,470 It was important he not talk. 279 00:14:29,180 --> 00:14:31,820 Now it's time for the next phase. 280 00:14:32,260 --> 00:14:32,850 Wait. 281 00:14:38,520 --> 00:14:41,700 I appreciate what you're doing, really. 282 00:14:43,320 --> 00:14:44,640 But you have to stop. 283 00:14:46,490 --> 00:14:49,600 I'm too, um... I-it's just... 284 00:14:52,820 --> 00:14:55,970 I have nothing to give to you in return. 285 00:14:56,020 --> 00:14:57,600 That's not why I'm doing this. 286 00:14:59,290 --> 00:15:00,470 Just be patient. 287 00:15:02,550 --> 00:15:03,860 I'll be back in a couple of hours. 288 00:15:12,530 --> 00:15:14,500 I'm sorry about everything that's happening, Skye. 289 00:15:15,760 --> 00:15:18,910 Not your fault. The blame begins and ends with my dad. 290 00:15:19,150 --> 00:15:20,490 Well, you wouldn't be the first person 291 00:15:20,490 --> 00:15:22,640 to have parents with misguided intentions. 292 00:15:22,640 --> 00:15:25,010 Nope, just the first whose crazy dad 293 00:15:25,010 --> 00:15:27,790 lured her to an alien city to get earthquake powers. 294 00:15:29,640 --> 00:15:30,290 Yeah. 295 00:15:31,840 --> 00:15:33,750 I got us a little something for the trip. 296 00:15:43,000 --> 00:15:45,820 Thing I remember most about my dad is he was a car guy. 297 00:15:46,960 --> 00:15:51,090 Always working on this junker he insisted I help him fix. 298 00:15:51,110 --> 00:15:53,770 While my friends were outside, playing ball, having fun, 299 00:15:53,820 --> 00:15:57,030 there I was, stuck at home with him, fixing that damn car. 300 00:15:58,400 --> 00:16:00,100 Wasn't till we finished that it hit me. 301 00:16:00,420 --> 00:16:03,580 That car was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. 302 00:16:04,980 --> 00:16:07,000 And all the time we'd spent together working on it 303 00:16:07,170 --> 00:16:09,780 gave me an appreciation I never would have had otherwise. 304 00:16:11,040 --> 00:16:11,710 Hold on. 305 00:16:12,070 --> 00:16:16,630 Was that car a red 1962 corvette? 306 00:16:17,990 --> 00:16:18,620 Yeah. 307 00:16:21,150 --> 00:16:23,030 Well, he'd be very proud. 308 00:16:23,030 --> 00:16:25,830 Your red corvette flies. How cool is that? 309 00:16:25,830 --> 00:16:26,800 It's pretty cool. 310 00:16:28,930 --> 00:16:31,330 But I think the thing he'd like most about it -- 311 00:16:32,060 --> 00:16:35,730 at her core, she's still just a red '62 corvette. 312 00:16:38,640 --> 00:16:42,570 Just to be clear, I-I'm the corvette in this story. 313 00:16:43,200 --> 00:16:43,840 Right? 314 00:16:44,880 --> 00:16:46,580 Now you want to tell me where we're going? 315 00:16:50,380 --> 00:16:51,300 We're almost there. 316 00:16:56,640 --> 00:16:58,370 Have a seat. I'll be right in. 317 00:17:03,020 --> 00:17:04,850 Pumpkin pancakes? 318 00:17:08,730 --> 00:17:10,570 When you left, it got me thinking... 319 00:17:11,760 --> 00:17:14,630 what do I have to offer that you would even want? 320 00:17:23,070 --> 00:17:24,070 Surprise. 321 00:17:41,180 --> 00:17:43,040 Wait. What are you doing? 322 00:17:43,150 --> 00:17:44,760 I'm giving you what you want. 323 00:17:45,990 --> 00:17:46,740 You're wrong. 324 00:17:47,920 --> 00:17:49,470 We both know that's not true. 325 00:17:50,400 --> 00:17:52,800 You took skye off that S.H.I.E.L.D. Plane for a reason. 326 00:17:52,800 --> 00:17:54,440 I made her a promise. 327 00:17:54,700 --> 00:17:56,400 You don't have to pretend. 328 00:17:57,990 --> 00:17:59,690 I saw the way you looked at her. 329 00:17:59,850 --> 00:18:03,070 And you also picked me up from the floor after she shot me. 330 00:18:04,150 --> 00:18:06,440 Whatever I may have thought there was between me and Skye, 331 00:18:06,440 --> 00:18:09,260 She made it pretty clear the feeling wasn't mutual. 332 00:18:10,060 --> 00:18:11,230 I'm not insane. 333 00:18:11,430 --> 00:18:13,810 Uh, I'm...Sorry. 334 00:18:15,120 --> 00:18:16,450 Please, you have to forgive me. 335 00:18:16,450 --> 00:18:17,880 This is so stupid. 336 00:18:22,250 --> 00:18:22,930 It's okay. 337 00:18:26,410 --> 00:18:28,630 I -- I ju-- 338 00:18:28,640 --> 00:18:32,660 I thought that if... I looked like her, then maybe... 339 00:18:35,370 --> 00:18:37,670 Maybe there's a chance we could be together. 340 00:18:37,850 --> 00:18:39,170 Well, maybe we could. 341 00:18:39,650 --> 00:18:42,890 But not this...Skye or May. 342 00:18:43,490 --> 00:18:45,310 No. It has to be with you. 343 00:18:46,100 --> 00:18:46,760 Me? 344 00:18:47,240 --> 00:18:47,840 Yeah. 345 00:18:48,390 --> 00:18:49,760 There is no me. 346 00:18:51,100 --> 00:18:54,210 Whoever I was before is just gone! 347 00:18:56,940 --> 00:18:58,550 Whitehall wiped her all away. 348 00:19:05,040 --> 00:19:06,940 Mack, how's your cover with Coulson? 349 00:19:07,570 --> 00:19:09,160 We're giving him updates once a day, 350 00:19:09,160 --> 00:19:10,560 painting in broad strokes. 351 00:19:10,560 --> 00:19:13,380 Heartbroken ex-husband, finding comfort in a bottle, 352 00:19:13,390 --> 00:19:14,230 that kind of thing. 353 00:19:14,230 --> 00:19:16,540 - It's time for you to get back, then. - Ok. 354 00:19:16,700 --> 00:19:18,890 Play it as ships passing in the night. 355 00:19:19,280 --> 00:19:19,950 Roger that. 356 00:19:22,190 --> 00:19:23,700 What's your take on Hunter? 357 00:19:24,280 --> 00:19:25,160 It's hard to say. 358 00:19:25,230 --> 00:19:26,780 He's not really the type to show his cards, 359 00:19:26,780 --> 00:19:28,190 especially in front of an audience. 360 00:19:28,190 --> 00:19:29,980 Would you tell me if he was? 361 00:19:30,330 --> 00:19:31,590 What are you implying, Robert? 362 00:19:31,670 --> 00:19:34,360 I know that you and Hunter have been reconnecting lately. 363 00:19:34,360 --> 00:19:36,800 Maybe that's taken your focus off the big picture. 364 00:19:36,800 --> 00:19:38,240 You really want to play that angle, 365 00:19:39,120 --> 00:19:41,170 after the hell you and I have been through here together? 366 00:19:41,490 --> 00:19:44,110 I need to make sure that you're all-in, Barbara. 367 00:19:44,650 --> 00:19:46,610 - I'm all-in. - Good. 368 00:19:46,660 --> 00:19:49,380 Then you'll understand why we're keeping Hunter on the base 369 00:19:49,380 --> 00:19:51,870 till the Coulson situation has been resolved. 370 00:19:54,990 --> 00:19:56,230 I know what you're going through. 371 00:19:56,770 --> 00:19:58,320 My family did a number on me... 372 00:19:59,070 --> 00:20:03,360 Stripped me down, left me...hollow. 373 00:20:03,930 --> 00:20:04,960 I was a shell. 374 00:20:06,120 --> 00:20:08,130 So, when someone finally did come along 375 00:20:08,140 --> 00:20:10,570 and offer to build me back up, I didn't resist... 376 00:20:11,820 --> 00:20:15,320 Even though what he really did was make me a killer. 377 00:20:16,680 --> 00:20:18,480 But you seem so well-adjusted. 378 00:20:21,300 --> 00:20:22,480 It was a long road. 379 00:20:23,960 --> 00:20:27,130 Took getting locked up to give me some perspective. 380 00:20:28,140 --> 00:20:30,010 But then I paid my family a visit. 381 00:20:30,160 --> 00:20:34,850 They were surprised to see me, but I think that eventually, 382 00:20:35,540 --> 00:20:38,860 we were able to...dig in, really... 383 00:20:39,530 --> 00:20:41,140 express our feelings. 384 00:20:42,590 --> 00:20:43,300 That's it? 385 00:20:44,460 --> 00:20:45,830 I haven't looked back since. 386 00:20:52,890 --> 00:20:57,680 You are the only one who can find yourself. 387 00:20:59,120 --> 00:21:00,130 But maybe... 388 00:21:02,570 --> 00:21:03,850 ...this will help. 389 00:21:05,270 --> 00:21:06,440 What is it? 390 00:21:06,520 --> 00:21:07,610 Closure. 391 00:21:09,670 --> 00:21:11,260 Sunil bakshi? 392 00:21:12,480 --> 00:21:15,710 He's in air force custody under a guy named Talbot. 393 00:21:15,710 --> 00:21:19,760 I was thinking you and I should drop by and say hello. 394 00:21:19,850 --> 00:21:23,150 Bakshi was the one who dragged me from my safe house, 395 00:21:23,560 --> 00:21:25,150 prepped me for Whitehall. 396 00:21:25,150 --> 00:21:27,900 Which is why you need a face-to-face... 397 00:21:28,060 --> 00:21:29,670 to get all this out. 398 00:21:30,160 --> 00:21:33,730 Let him know how you really feel. 399 00:21:38,060 --> 00:21:40,270 I...I-I -- I'm sorry. I just -- I can't -- 400 00:21:40,270 --> 00:21:43,120 Hey. It's okay. 401 00:21:43,910 --> 00:21:45,360 We'll do this together. 402 00:21:45,500 --> 00:21:47,140 I'll be there every step of the way. 403 00:21:52,970 --> 00:21:53,990 Okay. 404 00:21:55,140 --> 00:21:56,160 Okay. 405 00:21:58,140 --> 00:21:59,300 But how? 406 00:21:59,610 --> 00:22:01,900 You said he's in air force custody. 407 00:22:02,920 --> 00:22:04,470 Got that all worked out. 408 00:22:05,780 --> 00:22:06,950 First... 409 00:22:09,540 --> 00:22:10,590 You... 410 00:22:12,620 --> 00:22:13,930 are gonna need this. 411 00:22:20,200 --> 00:22:22,470 I could have swore it was in here somewhere. 412 00:22:23,350 --> 00:22:25,760 Unless maybe I put it in my other purse. 413 00:22:25,840 --> 00:22:27,740 Is everything okay, mrs. Talbot? 414 00:22:27,990 --> 00:22:29,450 Well, obviously not. 415 00:22:29,450 --> 00:22:31,270 I can't find my I.D. anywhere. 416 00:22:31,270 --> 00:22:34,880 It's not that, ma'am. It sounds like you have a cold. 417 00:22:37,110 --> 00:22:39,220 Can't seem to shake the damn thing. 418 00:22:39,920 --> 00:22:43,190 Probably got it from my son, the little germ factory. 419 00:22:44,960 --> 00:22:46,390 How about I just call the general, 420 00:22:46,390 --> 00:22:47,870 get this all straightened out? 421 00:22:49,580 --> 00:22:51,240 The thing about a riding mower 422 00:22:51,240 --> 00:22:53,310 is it gives you a superior cut, 423 00:22:53,310 --> 00:22:55,470 lets you control the terrain. 424 00:22:56,050 --> 00:22:58,010 That's very informative, sir. 425 00:22:59,000 --> 00:23:02,610 You got two hands, four wheels... 426 00:23:02,610 --> 00:23:04,140 one saddle. 427 00:23:04,140 --> 00:23:06,650 That's really what it's all about, lieutenant. 428 00:23:08,520 --> 00:23:10,010 General Talbot's office. 429 00:23:10,520 --> 00:23:13,200 I see. It's security. 430 00:23:13,200 --> 00:23:15,340 Your wife left her I.D. at home again. 431 00:23:17,110 --> 00:23:20,010 It's a little early for taco tuesday, isn't it? 432 00:23:25,950 --> 00:23:28,790 All right. Send her up. 433 00:23:29,330 --> 00:23:30,330 Yes, ma'am. 434 00:23:31,910 --> 00:23:34,030 Sorry about the wait, mrs. Talbot. You're all set. 435 00:23:34,030 --> 00:23:35,160 I hope you feel better. 436 00:23:35,160 --> 00:23:36,230 Thank you. 437 00:23:41,190 --> 00:23:43,110 It's one of Fury's old retreats. 438 00:23:43,350 --> 00:23:45,140 Haven't been in here in years. 439 00:23:45,220 --> 00:23:48,140 Fury's not the kind of guy who has a cabin just to relax. 440 00:23:48,140 --> 00:23:49,600 What is this place? 441 00:23:49,640 --> 00:23:51,560 It's a safe house for people with powers. 442 00:23:51,560 --> 00:23:55,480 Rogers even spent a few weeks here after he defrosted. 443 00:23:55,780 --> 00:23:57,400 Okay, but who's it supposed to keep safe -- 444 00:23:57,400 --> 00:23:59,860 The people with powers or everyone else? 445 00:24:00,380 --> 00:24:01,460 Both. 446 00:24:02,910 --> 00:24:05,590 Skye, I'm afraid I have to pull you from active duty. 447 00:24:07,900 --> 00:24:08,520 I get it. I do. 448 00:24:08,520 --> 00:24:11,620 I just didn't think that you'd lock me up 449 00:24:11,620 --> 00:24:13,680 like a werewolf during full moon. 450 00:24:13,680 --> 00:24:14,820 You're not alone here. 451 00:24:14,820 --> 00:24:16,200 Feels pretty isolated to me. 452 00:24:16,200 --> 00:24:18,030 There's a direct video link to the base, 453 00:24:18,030 --> 00:24:20,150 and May will keep dropping by every couple of days. 454 00:24:20,160 --> 00:24:21,970 What am I supposed to do? Go fishing? 455 00:24:21,970 --> 00:24:23,920 Well, if you do go outside, be careful, 456 00:24:23,920 --> 00:24:26,280 There's a laser fence around the perimeter. 457 00:24:27,970 --> 00:24:31,900 Look, this is a safe place. You can relax here. 458 00:24:31,910 --> 00:24:34,930 You can use this time to get a handle on your abilities. 459 00:24:34,930 --> 00:24:37,200 Yeah, 'cause that's worked great so far. 460 00:24:37,200 --> 00:24:39,550 Well, maybe it's time we give you a hand with that. 461 00:24:40,500 --> 00:24:43,090 Simmons has been working around the clock on these. 462 00:24:43,090 --> 00:24:46,500 She assures me they'll cut your recovery time in half. 463 00:24:47,460 --> 00:24:48,870 How do they work? 464 00:24:49,870 --> 00:24:52,130 The internal wiring emits a surge of electricity 465 00:24:52,130 --> 00:24:53,920 to inhibit your powers. 466 00:24:54,210 --> 00:24:55,670 So these take my powers away? 467 00:24:55,670 --> 00:24:56,960 More like decrease their magnitude 468 00:24:56,960 --> 00:24:58,910 to keep you from hurting yourself. 469 00:24:58,940 --> 00:25:00,360 Like I said, we want you to heal. 470 00:25:00,360 --> 00:25:02,130 Seems like a no-brainer. 471 00:25:02,480 --> 00:25:04,270 It's a personal call. 472 00:25:04,400 --> 00:25:05,910 What do you mean? Are there side effects? 473 00:25:05,910 --> 00:25:06,940 A few. 474 00:25:07,200 --> 00:25:09,270 Simmons can go over them with you later. 475 00:25:10,960 --> 00:25:12,770 Are these gloves really my best option? 476 00:25:12,770 --> 00:25:14,710 I can't answer that question for you, Skye. 477 00:25:14,710 --> 00:25:16,010 Stop. 478 00:25:16,180 --> 00:25:19,750 Stop being this S.H.I.E.L.D. guy for just one second, okay? 479 00:25:19,750 --> 00:25:22,030 Please. We've been through way too much together. 480 00:25:22,030 --> 00:25:24,460 I just need you to be my friend right now. 481 00:25:25,250 --> 00:25:27,230 What would you do if you were me? 482 00:25:28,330 --> 00:25:29,420 I don't know. 483 00:25:29,650 --> 00:25:31,490 These are uncharted waters, 484 00:25:31,490 --> 00:25:34,550 but if anybody can find a way through them, it's you. 485 00:25:36,110 --> 00:25:37,440 'cause I'm the red corvette. 486 00:25:37,440 --> 00:25:40,830 Because you're one of the few people I know I can trust. 487 00:25:52,080 --> 00:25:54,830 Do something to your hair, major? Looks good. 488 00:26:14,900 --> 00:26:15,950 What the hell? 489 00:26:16,260 --> 00:26:17,480 Feed go out? 490 00:26:17,520 --> 00:26:20,480 Yeah, and I can't figure out why. Any ideas? 491 00:26:20,480 --> 00:26:21,970 Might know a little something. 493 00:26:26,300 --> 00:26:29,350 Hey, honey. Get lost on the way to my office? 494 00:26:29,350 --> 00:26:32,240 No, I'm not lost. I'm just stuck in some traffic. 495 00:26:33,640 --> 00:26:35,440 Wait, you're telling me you're still in the car? 496 00:26:35,440 --> 00:26:36,060 Yes. 497 00:26:36,060 --> 00:26:39,740 I swear, this construction on 5th has been going on forever. 498 00:26:40,670 --> 00:26:41,940 But I just s... 499 00:26:45,880 --> 00:26:47,290 she's not really here. 500 00:26:47,290 --> 00:26:49,920 - Excuse me, sir? - I need you to lock down 501 00:26:49,920 --> 00:26:51,890 the base for me right now, Lieutenant. 502 00:26:51,890 --> 00:26:54,980 And if you see me someplace I'm not supposed to be, 503 00:26:55,830 --> 00:26:57,260 I'm not there. 504 00:26:58,900 --> 00:27:01,510 It's that damn mask again. 505 00:27:05,310 --> 00:27:08,000 Get to the sat room. Make contact with Phil Coulson. 506 00:27:08,010 --> 00:27:10,180 Tell him the nanomask is in play. 507 00:27:12,900 --> 00:27:15,040 No one comes in here without my permission. 508 00:27:15,040 --> 00:27:16,020 No one. 509 00:27:22,210 --> 00:27:23,220 Is that everybody? 510 00:27:23,220 --> 00:27:25,420 All female personnel are accounted for, sir. 511 00:27:25,420 --> 00:27:26,600 Outstanding. 512 00:27:27,300 --> 00:27:30,900 At ease. We have a situation. 513 00:27:31,300 --> 00:27:33,870 There is a mole on our base. 514 00:27:33,910 --> 00:27:37,170 This mole infiltrated security by posing as my wife 515 00:27:37,170 --> 00:27:39,650 and could be anyone in this room right now. 516 00:27:40,330 --> 00:27:41,560 Make no mistake -- 517 00:27:41,570 --> 00:27:46,110 This is an enemy combatant, one not to be taken lightly. 518 00:27:46,280 --> 00:27:50,020 But rest assured, I will find this perpetrator. 519 00:27:50,060 --> 00:27:53,420 Because if there is one thing that I cannot stand, 520 00:27:53,420 --> 00:27:55,730 it is a spy in my house. 521 00:27:55,730 --> 00:27:56,820 Mack. 522 00:27:59,940 --> 00:28:01,550 You want to tell me what's going on? 523 00:28:02,180 --> 00:28:02,930 Excuse me? 524 00:28:02,940 --> 00:28:05,630 You've been off-campus several days babysitting Hunter. 525 00:28:05,630 --> 00:28:07,050 Yet here you are. 526 00:28:07,500 --> 00:28:09,460 What? Oh, and still no Hunter, yeah. 527 00:28:09,460 --> 00:28:10,870 Well, I mean, what can I say? 528 00:28:10,870 --> 00:28:13,290 I spent the last 48 hours in Athens, Georgia, 529 00:28:13,290 --> 00:28:14,480 Keeping the guy out of bar fights. 530 00:28:14,490 --> 00:28:17,260 I mean, the guy's in no shape to return. 531 00:28:17,500 --> 00:28:19,220 Well, then we've got a problem. 532 00:28:19,240 --> 00:28:20,340 I'm not sure I'm seeing it. 533 00:28:20,350 --> 00:28:22,910 Hunter didn't resign or take a leave of absence. 534 00:28:22,910 --> 00:28:24,360 He went AWOL. 535 00:28:25,180 --> 00:28:27,400 Yeah, a broken heart will make a guy do dumb things. 536 00:28:27,470 --> 00:28:29,750 So will money and opportunity. 537 00:28:29,930 --> 00:28:31,590 Oh. No, uh... 538 00:28:31,640 --> 00:28:34,020 What, you think Hunter might sell S.H.I.E.L.D. secrets? 539 00:28:34,210 --> 00:28:35,200 No, no, trust me -- 540 00:28:35,200 --> 00:28:37,720 The only threat this guy poses is to himself. 541 00:28:39,690 --> 00:28:41,220 Bobbi there when you left? 542 00:28:41,220 --> 00:28:42,860 No, I didn't see her. 543 00:28:43,560 --> 00:28:45,720 Two ships pass in the night, I suppose. 544 00:28:47,230 --> 00:28:49,660 Call Coulson. He's waiting for your report. 545 00:28:49,660 --> 00:28:52,240 Will do. Is there anything else? Uh... 546 00:28:53,770 --> 00:28:54,690 No. 547 00:28:55,200 --> 00:28:56,730 You've done enough already. 548 00:28:56,830 --> 00:28:57,810 Okay. 549 00:29:05,450 --> 00:29:06,800 Thanks for the update, Mack. 550 00:29:07,470 --> 00:29:08,690 Is everything okay? 551 00:29:08,900 --> 00:29:10,480 I'm afraid I have to get back. 552 00:29:11,740 --> 00:29:12,550 I get it. 553 00:29:12,550 --> 00:29:15,050 Didn't expect you to stay and roast marshmallows. 554 00:29:15,130 --> 00:29:17,550 This is temporary, Skye. I'll be back in a couple days. 555 00:29:17,550 --> 00:29:19,350 - If you need anything-- - I'll let you know. 556 00:29:22,950 --> 00:29:24,390 We'll figure this out. 557 00:29:27,200 --> 00:29:28,300 I promise. 558 00:29:37,070 --> 00:29:38,270 Captain Andersen. 559 00:29:39,420 --> 00:29:42,980 I believe your daughter goes to school with my boy. 560 00:29:43,300 --> 00:29:45,440 I don't have a daughter, sir. 561 00:29:45,770 --> 00:29:47,200 No, you do not. 562 00:29:56,750 --> 00:29:57,890 Lieutenant... 563 00:29:59,020 --> 00:30:01,370 when was the last time I got your name right? 564 00:30:01,960 --> 00:30:04,130 Never. Sir. 565 00:30:04,980 --> 00:30:06,090 You are correct. 566 00:30:26,310 --> 00:30:28,730 I think we have a winner, folks. 567 00:30:32,250 --> 00:30:34,010 This is not your face. 568 00:30:35,950 --> 00:30:37,520 General, please... 569 00:30:41,910 --> 00:30:43,770 Sorry about that, Meredith. 570 00:30:45,900 --> 00:30:46,890 Damn it! 571 00:30:46,890 --> 00:30:48,010 Where is she?! 572 00:30:57,800 --> 00:30:59,290 Uniform's a little big. 573 00:30:59,290 --> 00:31:00,830 Shortest guy I could find. 574 00:31:01,090 --> 00:31:02,830 Any luck with security clearance? 575 00:31:04,350 --> 00:31:06,250 Come on. Follow me. 576 00:31:13,560 --> 00:31:14,860 What is it you want? 577 00:31:19,920 --> 00:31:21,730 Agent 33. 578 00:31:22,330 --> 00:31:24,500 Loyal to the very end. 579 00:31:29,560 --> 00:31:30,820 What are you doing here? 580 00:31:31,070 --> 00:31:33,020 Just lending a hand. 581 00:31:34,420 --> 00:31:35,760 Whose orders are you following? 582 00:31:36,030 --> 00:31:37,090 My own. 583 00:31:38,600 --> 00:31:41,210 Agent 33, you need to listen to me very carefully. 584 00:31:41,650 --> 00:31:44,450 You've lost your way. Take a deep breath. 585 00:31:44,450 --> 00:31:46,280 Calm your mind... 586 00:31:46,330 --> 00:31:48,090 And your compliance will be -- 587 00:31:54,050 --> 00:31:55,520 Seems they all check out. 588 00:31:56,150 --> 00:31:59,310 Then who the hell was that masquerading as my wife? 589 00:31:59,540 --> 00:32:01,010 Uh, sir... 590 00:32:01,290 --> 00:32:03,490 - Hi, honey. - Stop right there! 591 00:32:03,730 --> 00:32:06,050 Th-the guard wasn't at the front, so I just walked in. 592 00:32:06,050 --> 00:32:07,150 Get down! 593 00:32:07,250 --> 00:32:08,550 Glenn, you're scaring me. 594 00:32:08,550 --> 00:32:10,150 - Now! - Okay. 595 00:32:10,230 --> 00:32:11,920 Put your face on the carpet! 596 00:32:11,920 --> 00:32:15,320 Okay! God! What is wrong with you?! 597 00:32:15,850 --> 00:32:18,040 God, I-I-I even brought those little pork taquitos 598 00:32:18,040 --> 00:32:20,120 that you like so much. 599 00:32:21,410 --> 00:32:22,550 Honey... 600 00:32:24,970 --> 00:32:26,150 Carla? 601 00:32:39,770 --> 00:32:40,860 I'm sorry. 602 00:32:41,660 --> 00:32:43,510 You could have just told me, Bob. 603 00:32:44,240 --> 00:32:46,130 I was hoping to keep you out of this. 604 00:32:48,370 --> 00:32:49,340 You're right. 605 00:32:50,120 --> 00:32:51,500 I totally blew that one. 606 00:32:54,320 --> 00:32:58,300 I gave your name to Coulson because Hartley needed backup. 607 00:32:59,580 --> 00:33:02,990 I never thought you'd stay, let alone care. 608 00:33:03,540 --> 00:33:04,590 Then you started asking questions 609 00:33:04,590 --> 00:33:05,830 about what Mack and I were up to. 610 00:33:05,830 --> 00:33:09,350 And the next thing I know, he has you tied up in his trunk. 611 00:33:11,970 --> 00:33:14,220 Least fun road trip of my life. 612 00:33:15,620 --> 00:33:17,040 Forgetting Arizona? 613 00:33:17,900 --> 00:33:19,640 More like repressing the memory. 614 00:33:20,310 --> 00:33:23,090 Still can't listen to the Eagles without getting the chills. 615 00:33:27,180 --> 00:33:29,470 I should have known it wouldn't work out between us. 616 00:33:30,550 --> 00:33:31,860 I mean, we first hit it off 617 00:33:31,860 --> 00:33:33,620 when you were sent to steal intel from me. 618 00:33:33,630 --> 00:33:35,390 Well, I made it worth your while. 619 00:33:36,070 --> 00:33:37,760 Time of my life, really. 620 00:33:39,450 --> 00:33:41,500 But maybe not the bedrock foundation 621 00:33:41,500 --> 00:33:43,620 upon which a marriage is built. 622 00:33:44,480 --> 00:33:48,610 Everything I felt for you -- that was real. 623 00:33:50,710 --> 00:33:52,020 Yeah, maybe so. 624 00:33:54,130 --> 00:33:56,480 But in the end, you still got that intel, didn't you. 625 00:33:56,480 --> 00:33:57,600 Hunter... 626 00:33:59,140 --> 00:34:01,050 It's always the same pattern, love. 627 00:34:01,580 --> 00:34:02,760 I fall for you, only to discover 628 00:34:02,760 --> 00:34:04,190 you got something else up and running. 629 00:34:04,190 --> 00:34:05,550 There was no hidden agenda with you. 630 00:34:05,550 --> 00:34:06,570 Yeah, you say things like that, 631 00:34:06,570 --> 00:34:08,550 but your actions clearly suggest otherwise. 632 00:34:08,560 --> 00:34:09,950 Can't you just meet me halfway? 633 00:34:09,950 --> 00:34:13,180 I want to. Just tell me how. 634 00:34:13,190 --> 00:34:15,790 Walk away. Right now. 635 00:34:15,800 --> 00:34:17,690 You and I -- we can leave all this mess behind, 636 00:34:17,690 --> 00:34:21,540 just start over, be new people, be better people. 637 00:34:27,780 --> 00:34:28,940 I'm sorry. 638 00:34:32,500 --> 00:34:34,000 I need to finish this. 639 00:34:41,790 --> 00:34:42,860 Fine. 640 00:34:44,810 --> 00:34:46,340 Well, I'm leaving, Bob. 641 00:34:48,440 --> 00:34:50,090 So don't try and stop me. 642 00:34:51,820 --> 00:34:52,830 I won't. 643 00:35:01,140 --> 00:35:02,630 Everybody else will. 644 00:35:08,530 --> 00:35:10,120 There's nowhere to go! 645 00:35:14,320 --> 00:35:15,570 Damn it, Hunter. 646 00:35:31,880 --> 00:35:33,260 Bloody hell. 647 00:36:13,060 --> 00:36:15,270 Sir. Where's Skye? 648 00:36:16,240 --> 00:36:17,850 I'm afraid that's confidential. 649 00:36:17,910 --> 00:36:20,120 'Cause you're keeping her prisoner somewhere, aren't you? 650 00:36:21,230 --> 00:36:22,940 Skye is safe, Agent Fitz. 651 00:36:23,120 --> 00:36:24,560 That's all you need to know. 652 00:36:33,500 --> 00:36:34,860 You took something... 653 00:36:37,650 --> 00:36:39,110 up to Coulson earlier. 654 00:36:40,570 --> 00:36:42,730 - What was it? - It was nothing. 655 00:36:42,730 --> 00:36:44,010 Didn't look like nothing. 656 00:36:45,720 --> 00:36:47,250 What was in the case, Jemma? 657 00:36:47,250 --> 00:36:48,700 Something to help Skye. 658 00:36:49,150 --> 00:36:51,380 Because you want to change her. 659 00:36:51,380 --> 00:36:51,940 Is that it? 660 00:36:51,940 --> 00:36:54,170 Stop it. I don't want to change Skye. 661 00:36:54,170 --> 00:36:56,940 The diviner did that. I'm just trying to fix her. 662 00:36:59,230 --> 00:37:01,560 You never used to be this scared. You know that? 663 00:37:01,560 --> 00:37:03,290 Trip died, Fitz, 664 00:37:03,310 --> 00:37:05,920 All because we didn't take the necessary precautions. 665 00:37:05,920 --> 00:37:09,030 No, it's not that. You're afraid. 666 00:37:10,610 --> 00:37:12,050 'Cause of what happened to me and Skye, 667 00:37:12,060 --> 00:37:13,150 how we both changed. 668 00:37:13,160 --> 00:37:15,470 Well, you know what the scariest change is, Jemma? 669 00:37:16,110 --> 00:37:17,220 It's you. 670 00:37:26,810 --> 00:37:28,490 Agent 33 infiltrated your base 671 00:37:28,500 --> 00:37:30,180 to break out Sunil Bakshi? 672 00:37:30,180 --> 00:37:32,440 Turns out she wasn't working alone, either. 673 00:37:32,520 --> 00:37:34,120 We managed to track down video 674 00:37:34,120 --> 00:37:35,880 of the vehicle leaving the premises. 675 00:37:36,220 --> 00:37:37,940 Guess who was behind the wheel. 676 00:37:39,010 --> 00:37:40,440 Grant Ward. 677 00:37:40,830 --> 00:37:44,050 Agent 33 must have dragged him out of puerto rico. 678 00:37:44,100 --> 00:37:46,130 Guessing we haven't heard the last of this. 679 00:37:46,500 --> 00:37:48,070 Your wife -- how's she holding up? 680 00:37:48,070 --> 00:37:50,990 Rattled, which is to be expected. 681 00:37:50,990 --> 00:37:53,810 Damn experience nearly cost me my marriage. 682 00:37:53,960 --> 00:37:55,740 I'm gonna be up to my ears in edible arrangements 683 00:37:55,740 --> 00:37:57,680 trying to make this thing right. 684 00:37:58,520 --> 00:38:01,170 I lost two men to those psychopaths. 685 00:38:01,970 --> 00:38:03,000 Good men. 686 00:38:03,220 --> 00:38:05,570 My condolences. It's never easy. 687 00:38:05,570 --> 00:38:08,250 Just tell me we'll get those sons of bitches, Coulson. 688 00:38:08,250 --> 00:38:09,640 You have my word, general. 689 00:38:09,640 --> 00:38:12,410 All right, then. I'll be in touch. 690 00:38:15,350 --> 00:38:16,680 It's a lot to process. 691 00:38:16,680 --> 00:38:18,260 Throw it on the heap. 692 00:38:21,770 --> 00:38:23,170 Everything all right, Phil? 693 00:38:23,570 --> 00:38:25,990 Earlier today, with Skye... 694 00:38:27,580 --> 00:38:29,010 Just didn't feel right. 695 00:38:29,020 --> 00:38:30,660 You made the right call. 696 00:38:30,920 --> 00:38:32,420 There's just too many things in play right now 697 00:38:32,420 --> 00:38:33,670 for her to be here. 698 00:38:33,670 --> 00:38:35,080 Yeah, maybe. 699 00:38:35,860 --> 00:38:37,550 But you ever get that feeling... 700 00:38:38,560 --> 00:38:40,650 like you mishandled something important? 701 00:38:42,950 --> 00:38:43,940 Yeah. 702 00:38:44,880 --> 00:38:47,160 It's how I felt after leaving Andrew. 703 00:38:50,780 --> 00:38:53,700 So, Mack -- you believe him? 704 00:38:53,860 --> 00:38:54,530 Nope. 705 00:38:54,530 --> 00:38:55,610 Me, neither. 706 00:38:55,980 --> 00:38:58,090 Guess it's time we find out what he's up to. 707 00:38:58,980 --> 00:39:00,040 Hey, it's me. 708 00:39:00,040 --> 00:39:01,760 Something happened with Skye. 709 00:39:01,950 --> 00:39:03,560 I think we have a situation. 710 00:39:04,480 --> 00:39:05,340 It appears Hunter escaped 711 00:39:05,340 --> 00:39:07,870 using one of the ship's submersible pods. 712 00:39:08,130 --> 00:39:09,380 We've managed to scramble communications, 713 00:39:09,380 --> 00:39:11,800 but he's disabled the gps. 714 00:39:11,800 --> 00:39:12,900 So we don't know where he is. 715 00:39:12,900 --> 00:39:14,250 Or where he's going. 716 00:39:14,610 --> 00:39:16,630 Once he reaches shore, he's a free man, 717 00:39:16,630 --> 00:39:18,820 able to communicate with whomever he pleases. 718 00:39:19,250 --> 00:39:22,090 We approximate 12 hours till he reaches the coast. 719 00:39:22,090 --> 00:39:24,010 We may have a bigger problem. 720 00:39:24,150 --> 00:39:26,210 I just got off the phone with Mack. 721 00:39:26,270 --> 00:39:28,940 Seems Coulson's put Skye in hiding. 722 00:39:28,940 --> 00:39:30,680 Stockpiling enhanced people? 723 00:39:30,680 --> 00:39:31,920 I doubt that. 724 00:39:31,920 --> 00:39:34,150 Skye and Coulson -- they're close. 725 00:39:34,150 --> 00:39:35,990 She's more than just some asset to him. 726 00:39:35,990 --> 00:39:38,870 So says the person whose ex-husband just flew the coop. 727 00:39:38,870 --> 00:39:40,030 Agent Calderon... 728 00:39:40,030 --> 00:39:41,380 Oh, come on. 729 00:39:41,710 --> 00:39:44,050 We all know Bobbi could have taken out that tea cup 730 00:39:44,050 --> 00:39:45,120 anytime she wanted -- 731 00:39:45,130 --> 00:39:46,970 I might just have to test that theory out on your face. 732 00:39:46,970 --> 00:39:48,150 Enough. 733 00:39:49,400 --> 00:39:51,470 Bobbi gave me her word she's still committed, 734 00:39:51,470 --> 00:39:53,390 and I have no reason to doubt her. 735 00:39:59,170 --> 00:40:01,330 This is your op, Morse, so tell me -- 736 00:40:01,330 --> 00:40:02,850 How do you want to proceed? 737 00:40:05,270 --> 00:40:07,010 Skye's not the main concern. 738 00:40:07,010 --> 00:40:10,280 Coulson and his secrets -- that's the threat. 739 00:40:10,840 --> 00:40:13,060 And I think it's time that we remove that threat. 740 00:40:14,680 --> 00:40:16,060 I want to go back in. 741 00:40:17,030 --> 00:40:18,800 You got to be crazy. 742 00:40:19,280 --> 00:40:22,070 You know that Hunter could blow your cover at any moment. 743 00:40:22,160 --> 00:40:26,410 And Weaver? She gave you 12 hours. 744 00:40:30,560 --> 00:40:32,280 I only need six. 745 00:40:35,130 --> 00:40:36,900 We'll return in a moment. 746 00:41:08,290 --> 00:41:09,810 Nice to finally meet you. 747 00:41:12,970 --> 00:41:14,190 I'm Grant. 748 00:41:16,450 --> 00:41:17,610 Kara. 749 00:41:19,240 --> 00:41:20,530 I'm proud of you, Kara. 750 00:41:24,270 --> 00:41:25,800 Thank you so much. 751 00:41:28,250 --> 00:41:29,410 You did this. 752 00:41:30,470 --> 00:41:32,460 And it is just the beginning. 753 00:41:35,130 --> 00:41:36,370 Guess that's true. 754 00:41:37,070 --> 00:41:39,030 It's going to be a long night. 755 00:41:40,350 --> 00:41:42,090 Guess we should get started, then. 756 00:41:50,770 --> 00:41:52,370 You really think this'll work? 757 00:41:53,610 --> 00:41:54,680 We'll see. 758 00:42:01,800 --> 00:42:05,810 If I obey, will my compliance be rewarded? 759 00:42:09,810 --> 00:42:11,230 To be honest, 760 00:42:11,780 --> 00:42:14,320 it really won't make a difference.