1 00:00:00,936 --> 00:00:04,342 Previously on Marvel's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."... 2 00:00:04,407 --> 00:00:07,967 - We got him. - Hive. He has to be destroyed. 3 00:00:07,968 --> 00:00:10,870 Hive could create a virus that transforms any humans 4 00:00:10,904 --> 00:00:13,676 - into swayed Inhumans. - If he finds a way 5 00:00:13,711 --> 00:00:14,941 to disperse it high enough in the atmosphere. 6 00:00:14,975 --> 00:00:18,578 He could infect a significant percentage of the human race. 7 00:00:20,848 --> 00:00:22,615 I told him everything, 8 00:00:22,649 --> 00:00:24,050 including the plans to the Zephyr. 9 00:00:24,084 --> 00:00:26,452 And the fact that it has high-altitude capabilities. 10 00:00:26,487 --> 00:00:28,187 Hive has his delivery system now. 11 00:00:28,222 --> 00:00:30,790 - I want to find Hive. - And get revenge? 12 00:00:30,824 --> 00:00:32,291 This isn't about revenge. 13 00:00:32,326 --> 00:00:35,495 - Hey. - You're in pain. 14 00:00:40,677 --> 00:00:44,244 3x22 - Ascension 15 00:00:44,972 --> 00:00:48,841 Please... 16 00:00:48,876 --> 00:00:50,977 ...take me back. 17 00:00:51,511 --> 00:00:54,013 Interesting. 18 00:00:58,052 --> 00:01:00,520 Your name. 19 00:01:00,554 --> 00:01:04,390 Something... pretty. 20 00:01:05,259 --> 00:01:10,496 Not pretty like the sky. A flower. 21 00:01:12,199 --> 00:01:16,536 - Daisy. - Please. 22 00:01:25,179 --> 00:01:28,648 What? What is it? 23 00:01:29,783 --> 00:01:33,419 - I can't. - What? Why not? 24 00:01:33,454 --> 00:01:35,455 What did S.H.I.E.L.D. do to you? 25 00:01:35,489 --> 00:01:36,856 It's not what S.H.I.E.L.D. did to me. 26 00:01:36,890 --> 00:01:38,658 It's what that creature stole from you. 27 00:01:40,194 --> 00:01:44,997 - He made you... impervious. - Please. 28 00:01:46,600 --> 00:01:48,067 Just... 29 00:01:48,102 --> 00:01:50,852 No. 30 00:01:54,708 --> 00:01:56,342 I'm sorry, Daisy. 31 00:02:17,563 --> 00:02:20,955 sync & correction by f1nc0 ~ Addic7ed.com ~ 32 00:02:21,068 --> 00:02:22,602 Once the hangar doors are open, 33 00:02:22,636 --> 00:02:24,504 his monster patrol will storm the base. 34 00:02:24,538 --> 00:02:27,206 - Any idea how many Hive has infected? - Everyone in Quadrant D, 35 00:02:27,241 --> 00:02:28,908 along with agents O'Brien and Marshall. 36 00:02:28,943 --> 00:02:31,277 - That's something like 20 agents? - It's 28. 37 00:02:36,583 --> 00:02:37,784 Was that Daisy? 38 00:02:44,491 --> 00:02:46,826 Perhaps this was always meant ... 39 00:02:46,860 --> 00:02:49,796 No more talking, then. 40 00:02:51,398 --> 00:02:53,700 - Daisy's in trouble. - Sir, there's been a malfunction 41 00:02:53,734 --> 00:02:54,901 in Daisy's containment module. 42 00:02:54,935 --> 00:02:56,202 You check the feed from the plane? 43 00:02:56,236 --> 00:02:57,804 Yeah, it's gone dark after the earthquake. 44 00:02:57,838 --> 00:03:00,306 So either the Primitives found their way down to her or ... 45 00:03:00,341 --> 00:03:01,174 She found a way up. 46 00:03:01,208 --> 00:03:02,742 - No. - Take a look. 47 00:03:02,776 --> 00:03:05,011 - Report back ASAP. - Fitz. 48 00:03:06,580 --> 00:03:08,181 What the hell are your Primitives capable of? 49 00:03:08,215 --> 00:03:10,917 Well, it's hard to say, really. I mean, these creatures are in their infancy. 50 00:03:10,951 --> 00:03:13,653 - You did create them, didn't you? - It was either that or be eaten. 51 00:03:13,687 --> 00:03:15,888 I never would've created something so unsophisticated. 52 00:03:15,923 --> 00:03:17,423 I mean, the crudeness of these creatures 53 00:03:17,458 --> 00:03:21,160 is really quite... heartbreaking. 54 00:03:21,195 --> 00:03:23,763 We'll discuss the consequences of your science fair later. 55 00:03:23,797 --> 00:03:26,199 Right now, we need to know exactly what we're up against. 56 00:03:26,233 --> 00:03:28,835 The Primitives possess adrenaline-induced peak-human strength 57 00:03:28,869 --> 00:03:30,403 but rather poor eyesight. 58 00:03:30,437 --> 00:03:32,872 They're connected to Hive in the same way that Daisy was, 59 00:03:32,906 --> 00:03:35,274 but they don't exhibit any original thoughts of their own. 60 00:03:35,309 --> 00:03:36,409 They have memories? 61 00:03:36,443 --> 00:03:40,079 They possess memories of previous talents ... weapon skills and the like. 62 00:03:40,114 --> 00:03:43,016 We have 28 ex-S.H.I.E.L.D. agents that know this base inside out. 63 00:03:43,050 --> 00:03:45,451 How long before they find their way through the hangar doors? 64 00:03:45,486 --> 00:03:46,853 Several hours at least. 65 00:03:50,824 --> 00:03:52,859 They may not have to. 66 00:03:55,696 --> 00:03:59,186 - They're in the vents. - Lock down the armory. 67 00:03:59,466 --> 00:04:03,736 Simmons, secure what you can in the lab and then rendezvous in my office. 68 00:04:03,771 --> 00:04:05,505 Lincoln and I will protect the nerve center. 69 00:04:08,075 --> 00:04:11,357 So I'll just stay here? 70 00:04:15,115 --> 00:04:18,885 - Daisy took the module into the plane. - To stop Hive. 71 00:04:18,919 --> 00:04:20,319 You think that she can do it? 72 00:04:20,354 --> 00:04:24,057 Get us some rope in case she can't. 73 00:05:15,209 --> 00:05:18,644 You know killing me won't make the pain go away. 74 00:05:18,679 --> 00:05:21,047 Or will it? I can't remember. 75 00:05:26,820 --> 00:05:29,622 I don't want you to die. I want you to suffer. 76 00:05:32,659 --> 00:05:34,861 Seems you're the one who's suffering. 77 00:05:37,064 --> 00:05:39,065 I'm sorry you won't feel our connection... 78 00:05:41,168 --> 00:05:42,969 ...pieces solving a puzzle. 79 00:05:55,649 --> 00:05:58,050 But we must continue without you. 80 00:06:08,395 --> 00:06:10,530 Bones don't hold me up. 81 00:06:10,564 --> 00:06:13,733 I'm held up by all the parts working as one. 82 00:06:23,677 --> 00:06:24,944 Glad we found you, boss. 83 00:06:24,978 --> 00:06:27,213 We got communication coordinates from S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. 84 00:06:27,247 --> 00:06:29,315 How did we manage to... 85 00:06:29,349 --> 00:06:31,551 Right. That's how. 86 00:06:31,585 --> 00:06:34,320 Absolution. I'll load the warhead in. 87 00:06:38,525 --> 00:06:42,428 So, she, uh, back on the team? 88 00:06:42,462 --> 00:06:45,481 I believe her presence guarantees they won't try 89 00:06:45,482 --> 00:06:48,501 to blow us out of the sky before we reach altitude. 90 00:06:48,535 --> 00:06:50,836 What about the rest of these friendly faces? 91 00:06:50,871 --> 00:06:54,407 All but a few will stay behind 92 00:06:54,441 --> 00:06:56,509 to destroy the last of S.H.I.E.L.D. 93 00:07:00,948 --> 00:07:02,923 When in doubt, follow the leader. 94 00:07:03,784 --> 00:07:05,751 Then try to keep up. 95 00:07:06,720 --> 00:07:11,481 The armory's up ahead. I'll secure the weapons rack while ... 96 00:07:23,570 --> 00:07:27,306 No, no... No. No. 97 00:07:27,341 --> 00:07:29,709 Yo-Yo, what'd you do? 98 00:07:29,743 --> 00:07:31,744 What'd you do? 99 00:07:50,631 --> 00:07:54,333 - I can fly this. - You have experience with this thing? 100 00:07:54,368 --> 00:07:56,002 It looks a little sophisticated. 101 00:07:56,036 --> 00:08:00,406 Between Will Daniels and Grant Ward, I have enough. 102 00:08:09,883 --> 00:08:12,785 - Help me get her into the workshop. - They're right behind us. 103 00:08:18,759 --> 00:08:21,027 Close the door! Close the door! 104 00:08:24,898 --> 00:08:27,433 - What the hell happened? - The Primitives got to the armory first. 105 00:08:27,467 --> 00:08:29,168 Yo-Yo took a bullet in the gut for me. 106 00:08:29,202 --> 00:08:32,371 Sir, where's everyone else? 107 00:09:14,754 --> 00:09:16,354 Did we just stop midair? 108 00:09:16,389 --> 00:09:19,958 I've transitioned the aircraft into vertical flight. 109 00:09:19,992 --> 00:09:23,662 We're ascending. Straight up to 100,000 feet. 110 00:09:25,097 --> 00:09:30,001 Calculations are, uh, helping me collect my thoughts. 111 00:09:30,036 --> 00:09:32,871 We'll set the timer to blow the warhead at the optimal elevation... 112 00:09:32,905 --> 00:09:35,106 Dispersing the formula into the stratosphere. 113 00:09:35,141 --> 00:09:38,443 And by dawn, it will descend onto most of Europe. 114 00:09:38,477 --> 00:09:40,512 Hang on. Hang on. 115 00:09:40,546 --> 00:09:42,848 We're still riding this bloody space elevator. 116 00:09:42,882 --> 00:09:45,167 How are we supposed to connect to all our new brothers 117 00:09:45,168 --> 00:09:47,452 and sisters if we're blowing ourselves to bits? 118 00:09:47,486 --> 00:09:51,089 We'll drop in the containment module to safety 119 00:09:51,123 --> 00:09:53,391 before it detonates. 120 00:09:53,426 --> 00:09:58,063 Unless you want to stay behind, make sure nothing goes wrong. 121 00:10:15,047 --> 00:10:16,481 Look. It's really bad. 122 00:10:16,515 --> 00:10:19,451 She's bleeding out. I can't see. 123 00:10:19,485 --> 00:10:21,186 Hey, "Electric Company," can you light things up? 124 00:10:21,220 --> 00:10:22,988 I got it. 125 00:10:23,022 --> 00:10:25,824 Oh, that's not good. She's bleeding way too fast. 126 00:10:25,858 --> 00:10:27,492 Her metabolism must've increased 127 00:10:27,526 --> 00:10:30,896 - to compensate for her Inhuman speed. - Can you fix it? 128 00:10:30,930 --> 00:10:32,797 If we can get her an injection of Acebutolol from the lab. 129 00:10:32,832 --> 00:10:34,867 We can't get to the lab 'cause this idiot turned good 130 00:10:34,868 --> 00:10:36,902 agents into kill zombies, so come up with something else. 131 00:10:36,936 --> 00:10:39,571 I'd been kidnapped, repeatedly threatened. 132 00:10:39,605 --> 00:10:41,640 Yeah, well, Daisy said you were more than happy to play mad scientist. 133 00:10:41,674 --> 00:10:43,408 - I need tools, medicine. - Well, the alternative was death. 134 00:10:43,442 --> 00:10:45,443 Stop! 135 00:10:45,478 --> 00:10:48,847 We can either argue or we can save her ... not both. 136 00:10:48,881 --> 00:10:50,181 We're trapped in this room, 137 00:10:50,216 --> 00:10:51,783 so we need to stop the bleeding with something in here. 138 00:10:53,420 --> 00:10:54,624 You can't get away. 139 00:10:58,491 --> 00:11:00,425 I didn't say it was a good idea, but it may be our best. 140 00:11:00,459 --> 00:11:01,860 - It could kill her. - We can do better. 141 00:11:01,894 --> 00:11:03,495 Not in the time we have. 142 00:11:06,432 --> 00:11:08,600 Hold this. 143 00:11:10,269 --> 00:11:13,672 No. Mack. 144 00:12:06,559 --> 00:12:08,460 The heat. 145 00:12:20,206 --> 00:12:21,740 There are a lot of agents still out there. 146 00:12:21,774 --> 00:12:27,545 - At least Yo-Yo's stabilized. - Hey. Don't do that to me. 147 00:12:27,580 --> 00:12:29,314 Don't take a bullet in the gut for me. 148 00:12:29,348 --> 00:12:32,917 I try and catch them. Too slow. 149 00:12:34,120 --> 00:12:36,821 This is very impressive. Is this the young Scotsman's work? 150 00:12:36,856 --> 00:12:39,491 Huh. Of course. Huh. 151 00:12:39,525 --> 00:12:41,026 Know if has a working model yet? 152 00:12:42,294 --> 00:12:44,295 Are you serious? 153 00:12:45,531 --> 00:12:47,665 Oh, this is stunning. 154 00:12:51,570 --> 00:12:53,371 Must be looking for another way in. 155 00:13:08,387 --> 00:13:10,221 What are you doing here? 156 00:13:10,256 --> 00:13:12,290 Grabbing you, taking back the Zephyr. 157 00:13:13,459 --> 00:13:14,692 No, Fitz, don't open that. 158 00:13:14,727 --> 00:13:18,263 - What? - I should be in here. I'm a liability. 159 00:13:20,599 --> 00:13:24,169 Okay, well, I think there's some weapons in the back. 160 00:13:27,473 --> 00:13:29,040 Guys, she's burning up. 161 00:13:29,075 --> 00:13:32,844 Could be a sign of infection, which means we'll need antibiotics. 162 00:13:32,878 --> 00:13:35,980 No, it's hot as hell in here. I'm sweating like a horse. 163 00:13:36,015 --> 00:13:38,049 It is. I thought the power was off. 164 00:13:38,084 --> 00:13:40,985 Uh, the heating system's old school. It doesn't need electricity. 165 00:13:41,020 --> 00:13:43,088 What? They crank up the heat? Why would they do that? 166 00:13:43,122 --> 00:13:45,924 Trying to flush us out? Why else? 167 00:13:45,958 --> 00:13:47,826 She's blinding them. 168 00:13:47,860 --> 00:13:49,961 Simmons. Genius, you say? 169 00:13:49,995 --> 00:13:52,030 She must've figured it out. 170 00:13:52,064 --> 00:13:54,232 Their eyes were damaged, clouded over. 171 00:13:54,266 --> 00:13:55,800 I suspected they could see somehow, 172 00:13:55,835 --> 00:13:57,035 - but it must be ... - Infrared. 173 00:13:57,069 --> 00:14:00,738 Must be infrared. Clever girl. 174 00:14:00,773 --> 00:14:02,807 Crank the heating up to 110 degrees Fahrenheit, 175 00:14:02,842 --> 00:14:04,742 and we're free to move around as we please. 176 00:14:04,777 --> 00:14:06,211 So you want us to go out there on a hunch 177 00:14:06,245 --> 00:14:08,046 and hope those things don't rip us apart? 178 00:14:08,080 --> 00:14:10,515 It's not a hunch. It's science. 179 00:14:13,352 --> 00:14:16,265 It's a science hunch. 180 00:14:16,300 --> 00:14:18,051 Doctor. 181 00:14:42,982 --> 00:14:48,153 Well, we better follow him. He has no idea where he's going. 182 00:14:52,758 --> 00:14:55,727 It's like he scraped me out of my own skull. 183 00:14:59,965 --> 00:15:03,168 Even when I tried killing him, he beat me. 184 00:15:03,202 --> 00:15:05,470 My powers are nothing compared to Hive. 185 00:15:07,206 --> 00:15:09,340 I don't give a damn about your powers. 186 00:15:09,375 --> 00:15:12,043 They're not what made you an agent. 187 00:15:12,077 --> 00:15:13,611 I did. 188 00:15:13,646 --> 00:15:19,651 May, you ... you have no idea what I did. 189 00:15:19,685 --> 00:15:22,587 - I have nothing left. - Then why did Andrew save you? 190 00:15:22,621 --> 00:15:28,276 Yeah, you did a lot of bad things. All you can do now 191 00:15:28,277 --> 00:15:31,829 is balance the scales, do some good. 192 00:15:31,864 --> 00:15:35,066 You want to give up, live in a box? Go ahead. 193 00:15:35,100 --> 00:15:39,671 But that hurt stays in there with you. Believe me. 194 00:15:39,705 --> 00:15:43,675 Listen, I may not always show it, but I ... 195 00:15:44,376 --> 00:15:45,043 May! 196 00:16:01,253 --> 00:16:02,787 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! 197 00:16:02,821 --> 00:16:04,588 If you kill me, you'll die. I swear. I swear. 198 00:16:04,623 --> 00:16:08,659 I have a weapon in place on this plane that's designed to kill you. 199 00:16:08,694 --> 00:16:14,699 So if you shoot me, I can't tell you what that is. 200 00:16:14,733 --> 00:16:15,766 But you won't see it coming. 201 00:16:15,801 --> 00:16:17,835 Leave him alone! Giyera, listen to me. 202 00:16:17,869 --> 00:16:19,103 Look at me. 203 00:16:19,137 --> 00:16:22,573 - You and I have a connection, right? - Not anymore. 204 00:16:24,976 --> 00:16:27,912 I swept the plane. Didn't see anything. 205 00:16:27,946 --> 00:16:30,247 I'm telling the truth, I swear. You won't see it. 206 00:16:33,785 --> 00:16:36,954 - Show me. - Okay. Okay. 207 00:16:36,988 --> 00:16:39,223 Okay, just let me put this down. 208 00:16:40,659 --> 00:16:43,461 Remember, we don't want to hurt you if we don't have to. 209 00:16:43,495 --> 00:16:44,628 People that are under sway ... 210 00:16:44,663 --> 00:16:47,898 they're not in control of their actions. 211 00:16:49,301 --> 00:16:50,901 They're not bad people. 212 00:16:52,571 --> 00:16:56,040 Well... except you. 213 00:16:56,074 --> 00:16:58,442 You were a murderous wank before all this. 214 00:17:09,054 --> 00:17:11,756 I did tell you. A few times. 215 00:17:16,728 --> 00:17:19,997 Well? 216 00:17:22,000 --> 00:17:24,135 I'm okay. 217 00:17:25,704 --> 00:17:28,339 We disabled the containment module. 218 00:17:28,373 --> 00:17:31,575 - Hive can't escape. - So you're with us? 219 00:17:33,311 --> 00:17:36,647 - You okay? You're shaking. - She's going through withdrawals. 220 00:17:36,681 --> 00:17:38,682 Plus, the Zephyr can handle high altitude, 221 00:17:38,717 --> 00:17:41,035 but it's not designed for it. It's subfreezing outside, 222 00:17:41,036 --> 00:17:43,154 - which also means ... - The air's getting thin in here. 223 00:17:43,188 --> 00:17:48,125 So we should limit our movements and try and keep warm. 224 00:17:54,065 --> 00:17:58,135 - So, what do we do next? - This is as far as we got. 225 00:17:59,704 --> 00:18:03,641 I sealed off the stairs. Not sure how long it'll hold, but, hey. 226 00:18:08,046 --> 00:18:11,549 - Oh. Thank God. - Thank God you missed. 227 00:18:12,384 --> 00:18:17,087 - Is she okay? - She's stable for now. 228 00:18:17,122 --> 00:18:19,557 - Have you seen the others? - I checked the containment room. 229 00:18:19,591 --> 00:18:21,792 By the looks of it, Fitz and May climbed up into the Zephyr. 230 00:18:21,827 --> 00:18:23,093 Then there's hope they'll stop them. 231 00:18:23,128 --> 00:18:26,797 Or be blown to bits. Did you notice the heat? 232 00:18:26,832 --> 00:18:29,433 - I increased the temperature because ... - We figured it out, yeah. 233 00:18:29,468 --> 00:18:31,035 Yeah, I did. Picked up on it straight away. 234 00:18:31,069 --> 00:18:34,071 We make a pretty good team here at the Strategic Homeland ... 235 00:18:34,105 --> 00:18:37,508 - What comes after "Homeland"? - Just say S.H.I.E.L.D. 236 00:18:37,542 --> 00:18:38,943 Are you all right? 237 00:18:38,977 --> 00:18:42,913 - What happened? - Mack lit me on fire. 238 00:18:42,948 --> 00:18:43,981 It's a long story. 239 00:18:44,015 --> 00:18:45,883 - She needs a hospital. - There's no way out. 240 00:18:45,917 --> 00:18:47,551 Took me a while to open the lock-down window, 241 00:18:47,586 --> 00:18:48,719 but it's a 40-foot drop. 242 00:18:48,753 --> 00:18:50,852 - What about the underground tunnels? - Sealed shut. 243 00:18:50,887 --> 00:18:54,291 - I have a way. - Hey. Who came up with ... 244 00:18:54,326 --> 00:18:55,726 Fitz was inspired by your work, 245 00:18:55,760 --> 00:18:59,864 put a few new tricks up my sleeve. 246 00:18:59,898 --> 00:19:01,966 - Remote Quinjet? - Hell yeah. 247 00:19:02,000 --> 00:19:05,269 It's on its way, but let's be clear. 248 00:19:05,303 --> 00:19:09,273 I'll get you to medical, to safety, we'll contact Talbot, 249 00:19:09,307 --> 00:19:11,108 have him authorize military force to take back our base, 250 00:19:11,142 --> 00:19:14,578 but then I take the Quinjet to intercept the Zephyr... on my own. 251 00:19:14,613 --> 00:19:16,680 Sir, I have to get to Fitz. You're not doing this by yourself. 252 00:19:16,715 --> 00:19:18,983 - You can't expect us to just ... - It's not up for discussion. 253 00:19:19,017 --> 00:19:21,685 You're agents, I'm the director. 254 00:19:21,720 --> 00:19:25,022 I brought Hive to this planet. It's on me to stop it. 255 00:19:25,056 --> 00:19:28,592 - If May were here ... - She'd give me a very dirty look, yeah. 256 00:19:28,627 --> 00:19:30,928 I'll get them out, get them home, 257 00:19:30,962 --> 00:19:34,488 but I'm not gonna lose anyone else. 258 00:19:37,235 --> 00:19:40,371 I have to say, I really enjoy the way you do things. 259 00:19:54,719 --> 00:19:56,620 I'm starting to think clearly. 260 00:20:00,225 --> 00:20:01,859 Adjusting for wind speed. 261 00:20:01,893 --> 00:20:04,194 Setting the last of the coordinates now. 262 00:20:04,229 --> 00:20:08,966 So, uh, when we blow this thing, 263 00:20:09,000 --> 00:20:10,768 three continents' worth of people 264 00:20:10,802 --> 00:20:13,437 are gonna end up looking like these buggers, yeah? 265 00:20:15,073 --> 00:20:17,897 Even the ladies? 266 00:20:21,813 --> 00:20:24,048 Look, I don't want to seem ungrateful. 267 00:20:24,082 --> 00:20:26,383 I'm pumped to be changing the world and all that, 268 00:20:26,418 --> 00:20:32,205 but down the road, can we still look at tweaking the formula? 269 00:20:34,960 --> 00:20:36,794 I've had some not so "Golden Girls" in my time. 270 00:20:36,828 --> 00:20:38,329 You know, I had too much booze in the mix. 271 00:20:38,363 --> 00:20:41,332 I'm just trying to manage expectations moving forward. 272 00:20:41,366 --> 00:20:42,566 It's done. 273 00:20:42,601 --> 00:20:46,885 Let's tell Giyera to prepare the containment module. 274 00:20:49,441 --> 00:20:50,741 What is this? 275 00:20:50,775 --> 00:20:54,478 Stowaways. Tenacious little rat bags, aren't they? 276 00:20:56,214 --> 00:20:58,282 Find them. 277 00:21:13,331 --> 00:21:17,434 - The Quinjet ... it's here. - Yeah, the Quinjets fly themselves. 278 00:21:17,469 --> 00:21:19,303 Director Coulson must've called one to him. 279 00:21:19,337 --> 00:21:21,505 They're ducks in a barrel until they deplane, though. 280 00:21:21,539 --> 00:21:23,807 We need to get to the docking station. 281 00:21:27,445 --> 00:21:30,748 Let's just hope whoever's on the Quinjet 282 00:21:30,782 --> 00:21:34,418 has an idea about what happens next. 283 00:21:34,452 --> 00:21:37,510 I know exactly what happens next. 284 00:21:56,235 --> 00:21:58,704 You came alone. 285 00:21:58,738 --> 00:22:01,073 I gave the order for the others to stay behind. 286 00:22:01,107 --> 00:22:04,509 I don't need anymore agents dying for my lapses in judgment. 287 00:22:05,678 --> 00:22:10,048 - So you acknowledge that you'll die. - I'm prepared to. 288 00:22:12,819 --> 00:22:15,821 If you plan on blowing this plane up with both of us onboard, 289 00:22:15,855 --> 00:22:20,358 it won't end this. Millions will still be turned. 290 00:22:20,393 --> 00:22:22,995 Yeah, they won't be handsome, but at least they won't 291 00:22:22,996 --> 00:22:25,597 be swayed and stuck with your winning personality. 292 00:22:25,631 --> 00:22:28,100 - I'll end you first. - And sense of humor. 293 00:22:28,134 --> 00:22:29,701 Look, I'll do whatever it takes. 294 00:22:29,736 --> 00:22:33,972 I crossed a line with you ... a line I vowed never to cross. 295 00:22:34,006 --> 00:22:35,540 I hunted you down and killed you, 296 00:22:35,575 --> 00:22:39,077 unleashing this Ward reboot nightmare hell beast on the planet. 297 00:22:39,112 --> 00:22:41,947 You give yourself too much credit. 298 00:22:41,981 --> 00:22:43,615 Every Inhuman has a purpose. 299 00:22:43,649 --> 00:22:46,118 - My fate is to do what I'm doing... - Yeah, yeah. 300 00:22:46,152 --> 00:22:49,054 ...to crusade for all Inhumans. 301 00:22:49,956 --> 00:22:53,925 - Your real mistake was opposing us. - It's ironic. 302 00:22:53,960 --> 00:22:56,495 I actually set out to protect Inhumans. 303 00:22:56,529 --> 00:22:59,131 In fact, lost friends over it. 304 00:22:59,165 --> 00:23:03,068 Even good old Agent Blake said my policy on the matter made him sick. 305 00:23:03,102 --> 00:23:07,939 - You're hiding something. - A few stowaways, yeah. 306 00:23:07,974 --> 00:23:10,008 Probably already made their presence felt. 307 00:23:10,042 --> 00:23:14,813 I'm just here to offer a helping hand. Pun absolutely intended. 308 00:23:14,847 --> 00:23:18,416 Or have you given me exactly what I need to finally defeat them? 309 00:23:20,386 --> 00:23:24,156 - Your body. - Oh. 310 00:23:25,658 --> 00:23:28,393 I'll shed this host and take you 311 00:23:28,427 --> 00:23:30,796 and march down to announce to the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents 312 00:23:30,830 --> 00:23:34,266 that I finally succeeded in defeating the great Alveus. 313 00:23:34,300 --> 00:23:36,368 The day is won. 314 00:23:36,402 --> 00:23:40,639 No need to remain concealed in the shadows. 315 00:23:40,673 --> 00:23:43,742 Yeah. You sound just like me. 316 00:23:43,776 --> 00:23:49,815 Oh, I will... once I'm in that head of yours. 317 00:23:49,849 --> 00:23:51,750 I can't wait. 318 00:23:51,784 --> 00:23:56,188 We're two sides of the same coin, Coulson ... 319 00:23:56,222 --> 00:23:57,722 commanders leading soldiers. 320 00:23:57,757 --> 00:24:00,458 The only difference is, when you give an order, 321 00:24:00,493 --> 00:24:03,628 you followers have no choice but to obey. 322 00:24:03,663 --> 00:24:05,797 But when I gave my team the order to stay behind, 323 00:24:05,832 --> 00:24:09,055 they just wouldn't listen. 324 00:24:10,269 --> 00:24:13,371 They got out right before docking was complete ... 325 00:24:13,406 --> 00:24:16,374 climbed along the top of the fuselage to a maintenance hatch. 326 00:24:16,409 --> 00:24:18,777 I'm just a distraction. 327 00:24:22,815 --> 00:24:27,085 I said I was willing to die, sure, but I certainly don't want to. 328 00:24:27,119 --> 00:24:30,622 I picked up this little move from my misguided buddy Blake. 329 00:24:30,656 --> 00:24:32,023 Figured I could get an egomaniac 330 00:24:32,058 --> 00:24:34,159 who'd been alone for 1,000 years to chat. 331 00:24:34,193 --> 00:24:38,129 Plus, I always wanted to do this. 332 00:24:38,164 --> 00:24:41,833 Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only ... 333 00:24:48,875 --> 00:24:50,942 He'll be coming soon. Let's go. 334 00:24:50,977 --> 00:24:52,944 We need to get to the cargo bay. 335 00:25:18,170 --> 00:25:19,604 Lincoln! 336 00:25:25,394 --> 00:25:29,044 - I'll get him... - To over get this wound. 337 00:25:29,079 --> 00:25:30,923 Lincoln! 338 00:25:31,951 --> 00:25:35,037 - Is he okay? - Lincoln! Stay with us. 339 00:25:35,172 --> 00:25:36,688 Tell me he's gonna be okay. 340 00:25:36,722 --> 00:25:40,292 Yes, yeah, he'll live, um, if there's no internal hemorrhage. 341 00:25:40,326 --> 00:25:41,726 Siloxane. 342 00:25:41,761 --> 00:25:43,428 Sorry, sorry. 343 00:25:43,462 --> 00:25:46,131 Okay. Stay with me, hey? 344 00:25:46,165 --> 00:25:48,133 Yeah. You're okay. You're okay. 345 00:25:48,167 --> 00:25:51,202 Hey, look at me. You should be fine. 346 00:25:51,237 --> 00:25:53,271 But you need to remain as still as possible 347 00:25:53,306 --> 00:25:55,440 until we can get to ground, properly dress it, okay? 348 00:25:55,474 --> 00:25:59,997 I'm sorry, Lincoln. I'm sorry. 349 00:26:00,032 --> 00:26:02,881 I never meant to turn against you. 350 00:26:02,915 --> 00:26:04,883 - I never ... - I know. 351 00:26:04,917 --> 00:26:07,819 I don't blame you. You weren't yourself. 352 00:26:07,853 --> 00:26:10,805 I am now. 353 00:26:12,892 --> 00:26:15,994 You never came to see me in my cell. 354 00:26:16,028 --> 00:26:17,963 I knew what you were going through 355 00:26:17,997 --> 00:26:21,900 and that you needed time 356 00:26:21,934 --> 00:26:25,070 to put yourself back together. 357 00:26:25,104 --> 00:26:31,042 D-Did I ruin this? Us? 358 00:26:33,412 --> 00:26:34,980 I just think... 359 00:26:35,014 --> 00:26:39,818 we need to work on ourselves before we can talk about us. 360 00:26:39,852 --> 00:26:44,589 Yeah. 361 00:26:45,925 --> 00:26:49,094 The stuff that I did, Lincoln, 362 00:26:49,128 --> 00:26:53,598 - I can't live with it. - I remember that pain ... 363 00:26:53,632 --> 00:26:56,434 sick with guilt, anger. 364 00:26:56,469 --> 00:27:00,505 I know why you went to face Hive alone. 365 00:27:00,539 --> 00:27:03,108 I tried. I tried to defeat him. 366 00:27:03,142 --> 00:27:05,777 - I did, but I ... - Daisy. Daisy. 367 00:27:05,811 --> 00:27:07,512 I know why you went to him. 368 00:27:10,316 --> 00:27:15,020 Like I said, I've been through it. I've hit bottom. 369 00:27:16,389 --> 00:27:19,491 I know what it's like to be so addicted to something... 370 00:27:20,893 --> 00:27:23,661 ...that you'd do anything to get her back. 371 00:27:29,902 --> 00:27:31,870 Hive and his worker bees will be down here any second. 372 00:27:31,904 --> 00:27:35,874 - And then? - Even if we could steal the warhead, 373 00:27:35,908 --> 00:27:38,443 it's probably on a timer by now, timed with their ascent. 374 00:27:38,477 --> 00:27:41,312 I don't suppose you came with any concrete ideas. 375 00:27:41,347 --> 00:27:42,614 I have one. 376 00:27:42,648 --> 00:27:45,150 Coulson's gonna need your help. 377 00:27:45,184 --> 00:27:46,785 I don't know what he's planning, but ... 378 00:27:46,819 --> 00:27:49,754 - I do. - What are you ... 379 00:27:49,789 --> 00:27:53,291 He ... He had the Quinjets fly here remotely, right? 380 00:27:53,325 --> 00:27:55,927 - So he probably... - Set new coordinates for outer space. 381 00:27:55,961 --> 00:27:58,430 The Quinjet will disconnect from the Zephyr 382 00:27:58,464 --> 00:28:00,665 and then fly straight up until it leaves the atmosphere. 383 00:28:00,699 --> 00:28:02,067 If we can steal the warhead 384 00:28:02,101 --> 00:28:04,302 and load it onto the Quinjet somehow, 385 00:28:04,336 --> 00:28:06,471 - it'll blow in the... - Vacuum of space, 386 00:28:06,505 --> 00:28:08,506 and the pathogen will disperse harmlessly... 387 00:28:08,541 --> 00:28:11,242 Solving at least that part of the problem. 388 00:28:12,244 --> 00:28:14,712 What are you ... That's ... 389 00:28:16,215 --> 00:28:19,374 Where did you get that? 390 00:28:19,518 --> 00:28:23,354 - Daisy? What are you ... - I'm accepting fate. 391 00:28:23,389 --> 00:28:26,291 No. Don't try to do this yourself. 392 00:28:26,325 --> 00:28:28,726 Hive will come down here looking for us. 393 00:28:28,761 --> 00:28:30,628 If the others can keep him occupied, I'll be able ... 394 00:28:30,663 --> 00:28:33,098 No, I remember what you said about your vision. 395 00:28:34,433 --> 00:28:37,168 Someone will be in that Quinjet with the warhead. 396 00:28:38,571 --> 00:28:41,706 - Only if I have to. - Do not go in there. 397 00:28:41,740 --> 00:28:44,375 That thing will fly itself if nobody touches the controls. 398 00:28:44,410 --> 00:28:46,980 I know. I know. 399 00:28:49,582 --> 00:28:52,884 I ... I know what you're thinking. 400 00:28:52,918 --> 00:28:55,220 You said you can't live with what you've done, 401 00:28:55,254 --> 00:28:59,824 but you have to. Okay? 402 00:28:59,859 --> 00:29:01,126 Promise me you won't ... 403 00:29:01,160 --> 00:29:04,129 you won't try to... atone for your sins 404 00:29:04,163 --> 00:29:06,164 with some kind of sacrifice. 405 00:29:08,667 --> 00:29:10,768 Now all we have to do is decide who goes 406 00:29:10,803 --> 00:29:14,439 and who stays to hold off a wave of Primates and Hive the Terrible. 407 00:29:15,508 --> 00:29:17,342 Well, I'd like to be in a fight. 408 00:29:20,446 --> 00:29:23,114 Built this damn thing for a reason. 409 00:29:25,451 --> 00:29:29,254 - Where's Daisy? - I couldn't stop her. 410 00:29:58,884 --> 00:29:59,851 He's here! 411 00:29:59,885 --> 00:30:02,187 It's time to finish these guys off! 412 00:30:29,748 --> 00:30:34,906 - No. - He went for Daisy! 413 00:30:54,947 --> 00:30:57,548 Well, isn't this poetic? 414 00:30:57,583 --> 00:31:00,451 Feels like it was meant to be. 415 00:31:00,486 --> 00:31:02,487 You're easy to find. I smelled your blood. 416 00:31:02,521 --> 00:31:05,857 - Led me right here. - Every Inhuman has a purpose. 417 00:31:05,891 --> 00:31:08,092 Lash saved me so I could end this. 418 00:31:08,127 --> 00:31:10,294 S.H.I.E.L.D. has you fighting their wars again. 419 00:31:10,329 --> 00:31:12,497 We plan to end wars, remember? 420 00:31:12,531 --> 00:31:16,067 - Bring peace. - You mean absolute power. 421 00:31:17,002 --> 00:31:18,136 Well, not today. 422 00:31:18,170 --> 00:31:20,505 The autopilot coordinates have been set. 423 00:31:20,539 --> 00:31:24,475 This thing is going to outer space... with you in it. 424 00:31:24,510 --> 00:31:28,079 Ward is still here. He can just manually override the controls. 425 00:31:31,484 --> 00:31:33,851 That's why I had to come. 426 00:31:34,428 --> 00:31:37,088 I shorted the manual controls. 427 00:31:54,606 --> 00:31:56,741 No! 428 00:32:07,419 --> 00:32:09,921 Lincoln, come in. 429 00:32:11,123 --> 00:32:12,323 Damn it, Lincoln! Do you copy? 430 00:32:12,357 --> 00:32:16,427 - Lincoln. Lincoln. - I'm here. 431 00:32:16,462 --> 00:32:17,862 What are you doing? This is crazy. 432 00:32:17,896 --> 00:32:22,066 This is my purpose. I know that now. 433 00:32:22,101 --> 00:32:24,619 - W-Why ... Why would you ... - I was the only one who 434 00:32:24,620 --> 00:32:25,470 could fry the manual controls 435 00:32:25,504 --> 00:32:29,674 to make sure this worked and to make sure... 436 00:32:29,708 --> 00:32:31,642 - you didn't try to do this yourself. - No. 437 00:32:31,677 --> 00:32:34,979 No. It's supposed to be me. 438 00:32:35,013 --> 00:32:37,949 I saw the future. This is my destin... 439 00:32:39,251 --> 00:32:44,288 Yeah, sorry. I stole it from you. 440 00:33:05,477 --> 00:33:08,146 This is not how it's supposed to be. 441 00:33:08,180 --> 00:33:10,848 It should be me to fix the damage to my friends, to you. 442 00:33:10,883 --> 00:33:15,887 You can't just die for me like this. It's ... It's wrong. 443 00:33:15,921 --> 00:33:17,188 I don't know. 444 00:33:17,222 --> 00:33:20,525 Saving the girl that I love and the world at the same time? 445 00:33:20,559 --> 00:33:22,560 Feels pretty right to me. 446 00:33:32,237 --> 00:33:33,905 The jet's shaking pretty good. 447 00:33:33,939 --> 00:33:35,373 I hope it... together. 448 00:33:35,407 --> 00:33:36,541 Lincoln, you're breaking up. 449 00:33:36,575 --> 00:33:41,279 The communication system's dying. I must've fried that, too. 450 00:33:41,313 --> 00:33:45,716 Lincoln, I can't take it if you... 451 00:33:45,751 --> 00:33:49,654 You... can't do this. 452 00:33:49,688 --> 00:33:53,824 I wouldn't have thought so, either, but here I am. 453 00:33:53,859 --> 00:33:55,459 No, you ca... you ca... you can't do this. 454 00:33:55,494 --> 00:33:57,662 Not like this. I can't just ... 455 00:33:57,696 --> 00:34:00,031 I can't just say goodbye. 456 00:34:00,065 --> 00:34:03,467 I ... I have too much I want to say. 457 00:34:03,502 --> 00:34:06,237 Me, too. 458 00:34:07,873 --> 00:34:13,678 Come to think of it, I just did. I mean, I tried, 459 00:34:13,712 --> 00:34:15,513 and we didn't even realize it. 460 00:34:15,547 --> 00:34:18,816 Realize what? 461 00:34:18,850 --> 00:34:20,084 A moment ago. 462 00:34:20,118 --> 00:34:24,055 The first time I said I lo... 463 00:34:25,891 --> 00:34:29,760 Daisy? 464 00:34:29,795 --> 00:34:31,729 Daisy? 465 00:34:55,454 --> 00:34:58,623 Try to sway me if you want, 466 00:34:58,657 --> 00:35:01,892 but there's no turning this thing back around. 467 00:35:01,927 --> 00:35:03,594 I can see that. 468 00:35:03,629 --> 00:35:06,564 I think we're already gonna share a connection 469 00:35:06,598 --> 00:35:08,633 as we experience the one thing 470 00:35:08,667 --> 00:35:11,269 that's eluded me all these years. 471 00:35:15,140 --> 00:35:17,742 Death. 472 00:35:26,725 --> 00:35:28,092 Turn it back. 473 00:35:28,127 --> 00:35:32,330 - Turn it back. Turn it back. - Can't. Remote access is offline. 474 00:35:32,364 --> 00:35:35,133 You have to. You have to. Help me, Coulson. 475 00:35:35,167 --> 00:35:38,269 Even then, the Quinjet's not designed to maneuver in space, Daisy. 476 00:35:38,303 --> 00:35:42,273 No. We have to at least try, Coul... 477 00:35:42,307 --> 00:35:44,242 He wouldn't want us to. 478 00:35:49,281 --> 00:35:53,584 - He's paying for my mistake. - No. 479 00:35:55,220 --> 00:35:58,068 He's paying for all our mistakes. 480 00:36:09,101 --> 00:36:15,173 - Well, I got to see the world. - It's beautiful. 481 00:36:16,575 --> 00:36:21,612 - Smaller than you imagine. - Yeah. 482 00:36:21,647 --> 00:36:26,653 - I only wanted to make it better. - I know. 483 00:36:28,487 --> 00:36:30,588 To feel a connection. 484 00:36:30,622 --> 00:36:33,591 But you must feel that already... 485 00:36:33,625 --> 00:36:39,597 to sacrifice for them... with all their flaws. 486 00:36:40,999 --> 00:36:43,100 They're only human. 487 00:37:53,238 --> 00:37:55,139 So, what now? 488 00:37:55,173 --> 00:37:57,126 _ 489 00:37:57,759 --> 00:38:00,471 __ 490 00:38:00,546 --> 00:38:03,052 _ 491 00:38:02,787 --> 00:38:05,946 __ 492 00:38:15,794 --> 00:38:17,662 Hey, I got us some sandwiches. 493 00:38:17,696 --> 00:38:20,865 - You should ... - They're here. Early today. 494 00:38:22,934 --> 00:38:27,772 - Well, you should eat. - I will. 495 00:38:27,806 --> 00:38:29,907 After the meet. 496 00:38:29,941 --> 00:38:32,243 I don't know why you're so sure today's the day. 497 00:38:32,277 --> 00:38:33,744 I mean, you said the same thing a week ago. 498 00:38:33,779 --> 00:38:36,647 - Just got a feeling. - Okay. 499 00:38:38,183 --> 00:38:41,352 Well, I'm gonna eat. 500 00:38:48,226 --> 00:38:51,429 I wanted to thank you. 501 00:38:53,131 --> 00:38:58,035 The money was too generous, and to help us relocate... 502 00:38:58,070 --> 00:39:00,805 I was treated as a pariah back home. 503 00:39:13,318 --> 00:39:16,787 - Do you like animals? - Yeah. 504 00:39:19,157 --> 00:39:20,891 Your dad made this. 505 00:39:21,993 --> 00:39:25,629 It's a robin. Like you. 506 00:39:29,201 --> 00:39:33,037 She's here! All units move in. Go, go, go! 507 00:39:33,071 --> 00:39:36,474 You've been a real friend. 508 00:39:38,210 --> 00:39:41,011 I actually wanted to introduce you to a friend of mine. 509 00:39:41,046 --> 00:39:44,415 He has a practice near here. I think you'd get along. 510 00:39:44,449 --> 00:39:46,384 He likes animals, too. 511 00:39:46,418 --> 00:39:48,352 You're too kind. 512 00:39:51,089 --> 00:39:53,393 I'm just keeping a promise. 513 00:40:34,733 --> 00:40:38,602 Seal the perimeter! But you won't find her. 514 00:40:38,637 --> 00:40:41,639 Call the Director. We struck out again. 515 00:40:41,673 --> 00:40:45,843 - That'll take us off her trail. - And call in the National Guard, yeah. 516 00:40:45,877 --> 00:40:47,278 Where will we be assigned? 517 00:40:47,312 --> 00:40:50,381 Guess we'll have to wait and see. 518 00:40:51,983 --> 00:40:54,493 We'll return in a moment. 519 00:40:59,258 --> 00:41:01,292 Welcome back, Dr. Radcliffe. 520 00:41:01,327 --> 00:41:04,362 Hold my calls, Aida. Today is a special day. 521 00:41:04,396 --> 00:41:06,864 Where's my boy Fitz? Did he get the invite? 522 00:41:06,899 --> 00:41:10,968 Leopold had to decline. He's organizing a surprise for Jemma. 523 00:41:11,003 --> 00:41:13,004 Right. All right. 524 00:41:13,038 --> 00:41:14,872 Well, we'll just have to celebrate alone, my dear. 525 00:41:14,907 --> 00:41:16,641 What will we be celebrating? 526 00:41:16,675 --> 00:41:18,876 Today was your last day of hearings. 527 00:41:18,911 --> 00:41:23,081 Yes, name's been cleared ... with a few stipulations, of course, 528 00:41:23,115 --> 00:41:25,650 but that's not why I am cracking open 529 00:41:25,684 --> 00:41:29,320 a 40-year-old... Balvenie. 530 00:41:29,355 --> 00:41:32,724 I don't see anything else on the calendar. 531 00:41:32,758 --> 00:41:35,326 I had hoped to bring Fitz in on this. 532 00:41:35,361 --> 00:41:37,829 You are fond of Agents Fitz and Simmons. 533 00:41:37,863 --> 00:41:40,382 That I am. Put the two of them together, 534 00:41:40,383 --> 00:41:41,466 and you've got a younger me. 535 00:41:41,500 --> 00:41:44,569 Plus, it would be fitting. 536 00:41:44,603 --> 00:41:47,538 This is based on an old S.H.I.E.L.D. program. 537 00:41:49,041 --> 00:41:52,777 Poor kids have had a lot of friends die. 538 00:41:52,811 --> 00:41:54,946 Maybe they didn't have to. 539 00:41:54,980 --> 00:41:57,048 Is that what we're celebrating today ... 540 00:41:57,082 --> 00:41:59,984 the inclusion of your new colleague Fitz on this project? 541 00:42:00,018 --> 00:42:03,201 No, Aida. Today... 542 00:42:12,631 --> 00:42:15,032 Today's your birthday. 543 00:42:19,948 --> 00:42:23,577 sync & correction by f1nc0 ~ Addic7ed.com ~