1 00:01:50,541 --> 00:01:54,957 l'll beat the daylights out of you, unless you give my money back. 2 00:01:55,750 --> 00:01:57,624 Who do you think l am?! 3 00:01:59,041 --> 00:02:02,082 l think of you as my big brother. 4 00:02:02,208 --> 00:02:06,165 So you've chosen to swindle your big brother, you idiot. 5 00:02:06,250 --> 00:02:08,124 You're doomed! 6 00:02:09,458 --> 00:02:12,040 You're a first class man, but the gun in your hand is third class. 7 00:02:12,583 --> 00:02:13,915 Go ahead, shoot. l'll be fine. 8 00:02:14,000 --> 00:02:16,790 This will fire, but something else will blow up. 9 00:02:17,291 --> 00:02:20,207 What! What else will blow up? 10 00:02:22,166 --> 00:02:25,874 This pistol is made in Muradabad. lt still looks brand new.. 11 00:02:25,958 --> 00:02:27,707 lt'll explode alright! But think of what can happen. 12 00:02:29,208 --> 00:02:30,832 lf you don't believe me, try it out. 13 00:02:31,666 --> 00:02:34,874 What're you saying? l bought it for 15000 rupees.. 14 00:02:34,958 --> 00:02:38,040 And not from Muradabad, from Ghaziabad. 15 00:02:38,166 --> 00:02:40,124 l wouldn't pay 1500 rupees for this! 16 00:02:40,250 --> 00:02:42,665 And l wouldn't use this to recover dues worth 150,000 rupees! 17 00:02:43,333 --> 00:02:46,582 You want to see what a real pistol looks like? 18 00:02:48,541 --> 00:02:49,874 Look at this. 19 00:02:51,666 --> 00:02:53,915 This is a point 38 revolver. 20 00:02:54,041 --> 00:02:57,290 lf you'd have this, we wouldn't have to sweat it out in a chase. 21 00:02:57,791 --> 00:03:00,332 You could have shot me from afar, and l'd be dead by now. 22 00:03:00,458 --> 00:03:05,207 You wouldn't even need to aim. This is an automatic. 23 00:03:07,166 --> 00:03:10,624 lt looks like good stuff. How much is it for? 24 00:03:11,541 --> 00:03:14,165 Not too much. Just 20000 more than the money taken. 25 00:03:14,291 --> 00:03:15,457 What? 26 00:03:16,250 --> 00:03:18,624 okay fine, l'll give you a discount. Take it for 10000. 27 00:03:18,708 --> 00:03:19,999 All dues settled. 28 00:03:25,083 --> 00:03:28,332 Be careful, and don't shoot. 29 00:03:28,458 --> 00:03:29,707 Why not? 30 00:03:30,083 --> 00:03:33,124 You won't need to. Just show it and the job's done. 31 00:03:34,208 --> 00:03:36,290 How can you shoot without bullets? 32 00:03:36,416 --> 00:03:38,790 Now l've just played you. The real play will come later! 33 00:03:40,416 --> 00:03:43,499 Brother, you're here?! l've been looking all over Delhi for you. 34 00:03:43,791 --> 00:03:47,207 So where else will you look for Sonu Dilli? ln Dubai? 35 00:03:47,750 --> 00:03:50,999 And whenever l'm in trouble, you disappear. 36 00:03:51,125 --> 00:03:52,374 What else should l do, brother? 37 00:03:52,500 --> 00:03:56,040 We're partners in business, not in death. 38 00:03:56,875 --> 00:03:59,332 You know how scared l am of dying. 39 00:03:59,791 --> 00:04:01,332 Still you keep getting me into trouble. 40 00:04:01,458 --> 00:04:03,874 l also save your neck, don't l? 41 00:04:04,000 --> 00:04:07,040 Yes you do. But why do you go out looking for death every day? 42 00:04:07,750 --> 00:04:10,707 Well, we encounter risks in this business.. 43 00:04:11,458 --> 00:04:13,665 and whenever we do, we get something good out of it. 44 00:04:14,458 --> 00:04:16,457 So give me my 2000 rupees now. 45 00:04:18,666 --> 00:04:20,040 You are some partner! 46 00:04:20,125 --> 00:04:22,582 You only know how to take. Learn to give something! 47 00:04:22,708 --> 00:04:26,040 Wait a while. l'll return every penny. 48 00:04:26,208 --> 00:04:28,165 lt's been a long time since l've taken my girl Pooja out. 49 00:04:28,291 --> 00:04:29,207 Give me the money. 50 00:04:29,500 --> 00:04:30,915 l'll take it back, with interest. 51 00:04:31,000 --> 00:04:32,082 Don't forget! 52 00:04:33,500 --> 00:04:35,832 Yes, yes. With interest. 53 00:04:35,916 --> 00:04:39,207 Your nick name's perfect for you. Sonu Dilli KKC.. 54 00:04:39,333 --> 00:04:40,832 You cheeky rogue. 55 00:04:51,875 --> 00:04:55,082 He was right, the rascal. People gave me that nick name. 56 00:04:55,208 --> 00:04:57,540 l don't know who named me Sonu. 57 00:04:57,666 --> 00:05:00,665 My aunt called me 'cheeky' since my childhood. 58 00:05:01,000 --> 00:05:03,415 And l earned the 'rogue' title on my own. 59 00:05:04,125 --> 00:05:05,624 l made a lot of money.. 60 00:05:05,750 --> 00:05:08,749 but spent most of it for my pleasure. 61 00:05:08,875 --> 00:05:13,040 When you're thirsty, you've got to go to the well. 62 00:05:13,125 --> 00:05:17,082 l quench my thirst, l just don't take it home. 63 00:05:20,166 --> 00:05:24,082 The business of guns is booming in lndia today. 64 00:05:24,208 --> 00:05:25,707 And always will be. 65 00:05:25,833 --> 00:05:27,749 Because nowadays, people's anger is rising. 66 00:05:27,875 --> 00:05:31,040 And they derive pleasure from seeing others in pain. 67 00:05:31,791 --> 00:05:36,207 lf they don't have a gun, they'll knife each other. 68 00:05:36,416 --> 00:05:38,790 or they'll use sticks. 69 00:05:39,083 --> 00:05:40,749 But they'll kill for sure. 70 00:05:40,875 --> 00:05:43,332 So if they have to kill, why not with guns? 71 00:05:43,875 --> 00:05:45,915 That's why l sell guns. And make money. 72 00:05:46,208 --> 00:05:48,290 Every rogue wants a gun nowadays. 73 00:05:49,166 --> 00:05:52,665 Thieves, contractors, doctors, engineers.. 74 00:05:52,791 --> 00:05:55,249 ministers, peons, everybody. 75 00:05:55,958 --> 00:05:59,790 Those who can't buy guns, rent them. 76 00:06:00,000 --> 00:06:02,999 Whether for a day, or a month.. 77 00:06:03,083 --> 00:06:05,499 they get status, l get money. 78 00:06:06,000 --> 00:06:09,540 That's why l sell them to everyone, guns, revolvers, rifles, pistols. 79 00:06:10,041 --> 00:06:12,040 l'm not doing anything wrong. 80 00:06:12,875 --> 00:06:15,040 lf everyone has a gun, all will be equal. 81 00:06:15,125 --> 00:06:17,332 And the day everyone is equal.. 82 00:06:17,458 --> 00:06:19,582 society's problems will be solved. 83 00:06:20,125 --> 00:06:23,124 So by selling guns to everyone, society's problems are solved by.. 84 00:06:23,250 --> 00:06:24,749 Sonu Dilli KKC. 85 00:06:25,083 --> 00:06:27,207 The cheeky rogue. 86 00:07:16,833 --> 00:07:17,999 What's this, sir? 87 00:07:19,041 --> 00:07:21,249 Why are you always trying to kill yourself? 88 00:07:21,375 --> 00:07:25,707 This is my effort to keep myself alert and alive. 89 00:07:28,375 --> 00:07:31,415 lt's difficult to understand you. 90 00:07:31,916 --> 00:07:33,332 Another piece of bad news. 91 00:07:33,916 --> 00:07:38,457 Some boys in Dariya Gunj shot a college girl with a gun. 92 00:07:43,125 --> 00:07:46,874 Another slap on the face of the Delhi Police! 93 00:07:48,166 --> 00:07:50,457 Come on sir. 94 00:08:01,291 --> 00:08:04,582 You play, you sing. You're really one of a kind. 95 00:08:08,708 --> 00:08:10,415 Hey, what's this sound? 96 00:08:11,166 --> 00:08:12,457 Are you filming me? 97 00:08:12,958 --> 00:08:16,082 Are you trying to make a MMS and ruin me? 98 00:08:22,458 --> 00:08:26,082 Hey! What's this cold feeling, in the heat of the moment? 99 00:08:30,000 --> 00:08:32,290 Who is behind me? 100 00:08:33,250 --> 00:08:36,332 Pull up your trousers and come out. lt's urgent. 101 00:08:37,708 --> 00:08:38,915 Your brother? 102 00:08:39,458 --> 00:08:42,040 This is more urgent. Can't you see l'm busy? 103 00:08:44,833 --> 00:08:48,957 lf you don't come out now, l'll shoot you right here. 104 00:08:49,500 --> 00:08:52,457 The newspapers won't even print your picture. 105 00:08:54,375 --> 00:08:56,665 Don't think this is a threat. 106 00:08:56,791 --> 00:08:59,249 Because this gun is legal, and so am l. 107 00:08:59,541 --> 00:09:00,874 Sir, if you had told me that you're.. 108 00:09:01,000 --> 00:09:02,207 ..that famous officer from the Delhi police.. 109 00:09:02,333 --> 00:09:04,457 l would have come running. 110 00:09:04,583 --> 00:09:06,332 l swear l won't ever go back to that hotel.. 111 00:09:06,458 --> 00:09:08,290 ..nor ever dream about any girl. 112 00:09:09,041 --> 00:09:11,374 And l'm taking this oath when l'm still young! 113 00:09:16,208 --> 00:09:19,582 Sir, you're a little too angry. l didn't anything so wrong. 114 00:09:20,666 --> 00:09:23,915 ls he a policeman or a mad freak? 115 00:09:24,000 --> 00:09:28,624 This is the first policeman l've seen who neither speaks nor listens. 116 00:09:28,750 --> 00:09:30,874 What does he want from me? 117 00:09:30,958 --> 00:09:35,207 l was so happy with that girl. 118 00:09:35,333 --> 00:09:37,832 She thought l was some big shot. 119 00:09:37,916 --> 00:09:40,374 But this moron came along and made me look like a loser. 120 00:09:40,500 --> 00:09:44,082 lt's okay buddy. You disrespected me in private.. 121 00:09:44,166 --> 00:09:47,332 l'll do it in public, you mad freak! 122 00:09:50,708 --> 00:09:54,415 What? Are you abusing me? 123 00:09:56,166 --> 00:09:59,540 Abusing you? No, sir. Why would you think so? 124 00:10:01,666 --> 00:10:06,957 Because l was abusing you. And badly. 125 00:10:11,833 --> 00:10:13,540 Why did you stop here, sir? 126 00:10:14,000 --> 00:10:16,707 Showing me the new flyover? Did you build it? 127 00:10:19,875 --> 00:10:22,499 Get out, get some fresh air. 128 00:10:34,083 --> 00:10:36,249 Since when have you known Gafoor? 129 00:10:36,958 --> 00:10:39,415 Gafoor? l know a few Kapoors. 130 00:10:39,541 --> 00:10:41,999 But l haven't met a Gafoor in this lifetime. 131 00:10:43,041 --> 00:10:47,374 So should we send you to meet him in the next life? 132 00:10:48,458 --> 00:10:52,290 Gafoor is an illegal arms dealer, and you're his seller. 133 00:10:53,833 --> 00:10:56,415 Sir, wait a minute, what're you saying? 134 00:10:56,541 --> 00:10:59,957 You've got the wrong man. There's been a mistake. 135 00:11:00,041 --> 00:11:03,415 l am scared of toy guns. How can l sell real ones? 136 00:11:03,541 --> 00:11:06,707 l have a clothes business. l spend my days selling clothes. 137 00:11:06,833 --> 00:11:09,915 Kareena Cut Piece is the name of the shop, across the Yamuna river. 138 00:11:10,000 --> 00:11:12,749 Come over once, l'll serve you some great tea. 139 00:11:12,875 --> 00:11:14,249 Can l go now? 140 00:11:21,458 --> 00:11:23,165 Do you see 'moron' written on my face? 141 00:11:27,291 --> 00:11:30,165 Sonu Dilli, l know your every move. 142 00:11:32,833 --> 00:11:35,457 Then what you know is wrong. 143 00:11:36,875 --> 00:11:38,207 okay take this. 144 00:11:39,666 --> 00:11:41,624 Here take 10000 rupees, and let me go. 145 00:11:46,125 --> 00:11:48,790 What's with the knife? Are you making me an encounter victim? 146 00:11:52,708 --> 00:11:55,249 Why did you slash my hand? You're a crazy policeman! 147 00:11:55,666 --> 00:11:58,082 l'll sue you, you watch. All of you. 148 00:11:58,333 --> 00:12:00,124 Catch him.. catch him. 149 00:12:00,250 --> 00:12:01,332 Let me go. 150 00:12:01,791 --> 00:12:05,332 Let me go! What are you doing? 151 00:12:05,458 --> 00:12:07,540 Throw him down! 152 00:12:08,541 --> 00:12:09,832 Let me go. 153 00:12:09,958 --> 00:12:10,957 Don't move. 154 00:12:11,041 --> 00:12:12,582 oh shut up. Are we molesting you that.. 155 00:12:12,708 --> 00:12:14,249 ..you're screaming like a damsel in distress? 156 00:12:14,375 --> 00:12:16,207 This is unfair! 157 00:12:17,083 --> 00:12:18,082 Help! 158 00:12:18,166 --> 00:12:21,624 Help! Help! 159 00:12:21,750 --> 00:12:23,457 What're you doing? Why this chain? 160 00:12:23,583 --> 00:12:24,457 l'll die. 161 00:12:24,583 --> 00:12:28,040 Will you hang me now? You are crazy policemen. 162 00:12:28,083 --> 00:12:31,249 You're gangsters, not policemen. Help! 163 00:12:31,375 --> 00:12:33,957 l'm bleeding, call an ambulance. Ambulance! 164 00:12:34,041 --> 00:12:35,540 Why did you do that? 165 00:12:35,666 --> 00:12:39,374 Wait, l'll tell you about Gafoor, l'll tell you about the business. 166 00:12:39,500 --> 00:12:41,040 Let me go! 167 00:12:41,541 --> 00:12:42,624 Help! 168 00:12:47,708 --> 00:12:49,332 So you know Gafoor now? 169 00:12:52,750 --> 00:12:58,499 Sir, you've managed to convince me, l swear. 170 00:13:04,125 --> 00:13:07,540 A few hours ago you were shouting with joy. 171 00:13:07,666 --> 00:13:09,124 Now how did you cut your hand? 172 00:13:09,250 --> 00:13:12,374 l met this madman who wanted to feed me to the fishes. 173 00:13:12,500 --> 00:13:14,665 And you could only find this hospital?! lt looks awful! 174 00:13:14,791 --> 00:13:17,374 Brother, for this hand with such short notice, this is what you get. 175 00:13:17,500 --> 00:13:19,082 You see the doctor here, l'll meet you downstairs. 176 00:13:19,208 --> 00:13:19,874 Excuse me. 177 00:13:20,000 --> 00:13:22,082 Excuse me, can l go first? l'm bleeding here. 178 00:13:22,208 --> 00:13:23,415 Let's hope l don't have AlDS. 179 00:13:24,375 --> 00:13:25,082 Thank you. 180 00:13:59,958 --> 00:14:01,040 What happened to you? 181 00:14:02,458 --> 00:14:05,499 oh wow! She's breathtaking! 182 00:14:06,250 --> 00:14:08,457 ls she a doctor or a magician? 183 00:14:08,833 --> 00:14:12,249 My hand was wounded, and now it's my heart. 184 00:14:13,208 --> 00:14:15,457 She's a doctor. She won't let me die. 185 00:14:15,583 --> 00:14:18,874 And l know how to survive. A perfect situation! 186 00:14:20,708 --> 00:14:22,832 Hello! l'm talking to you. 187 00:14:23,666 --> 00:14:25,749 oh.. yes. lt's.. this little cut on my hand. 188 00:14:27,166 --> 00:14:28,624 You call that little? 189 00:14:29,708 --> 00:14:31,499 lt looks like someone did it on purpose. 190 00:14:31,625 --> 00:14:35,165 Must be you. Were you thinking of suicide? 191 00:14:38,541 --> 00:14:41,082 You're right. lt was done on purpose. 192 00:14:41,541 --> 00:14:43,874 l can't lie to you. 193 00:14:44,416 --> 00:14:47,790 A policeman mistook me for someone else. 194 00:14:47,916 --> 00:14:50,082 He cut my hand and hung me upside down from a bridge. 195 00:14:51,750 --> 00:14:54,332 l know now how dangerous all these new bridges are. 196 00:15:02,083 --> 00:15:03,249 Does it pain? 197 00:15:04,750 --> 00:15:06,124 lt was earlier. Not anymore. 198 00:15:08,750 --> 00:15:09,874 And now? 199 00:15:10,750 --> 00:15:12,249 Not at all. 200 00:15:13,166 --> 00:15:14,582 What's your name? 201 00:15:15,375 --> 00:15:16,499 S.D. 202 00:15:17,125 --> 00:15:19,624 S.D.? Sanjay Dutt? 203 00:15:20,791 --> 00:15:22,165 Sunil Dhariwal. 204 00:15:22,541 --> 00:15:23,665 Sunil.. 205 00:15:26,333 --> 00:15:28,165 l'm giving you a prescription.. 206 00:15:28,291 --> 00:15:29,957 You'll be fine in a couple of days. 207 00:15:30,333 --> 00:15:32,124 You won't need to come back again. 208 00:15:35,125 --> 00:15:37,124 l don't mind coming back. l'll come whenever you say. 209 00:15:37,250 --> 00:15:38,999 You have so much free time? 210 00:15:39,083 --> 00:15:42,915 Well, l don't. l do treat for free, but l'm not free all the time. 211 00:15:43,166 --> 00:15:44,165 You can go now. 212 00:15:44,291 --> 00:15:46,040 But what about the other hand. 213 00:15:46,291 --> 00:15:50,249 The other hand? lt's fine. 214 00:15:50,375 --> 00:15:52,874 lt isn't fine. See the cut. 215 00:15:55,791 --> 00:15:56,915 Look. 216 00:16:05,916 --> 00:16:07,374 Mr. Banwari.. 217 00:16:08,125 --> 00:16:11,457 stop watching cartoons on TV, and come meet a real one here. 218 00:16:11,750 --> 00:16:12,624 Excuse me.. 219 00:16:12,750 --> 00:16:13,874 Hold it tight. 220 00:16:14,000 --> 00:16:15,915 lf you bleed too much, you could die. 221 00:16:30,583 --> 00:16:32,290 Where did l tell you to hit, and where are you hitting? 222 00:16:32,416 --> 00:16:33,540 Sorry, sorry. 223 00:16:33,666 --> 00:16:35,082 Can't you hit better, you fool? 224 00:16:35,208 --> 00:16:38,874 Sorry, sorry. lt was a mistake, l didn't meant to hit you so hard. 225 00:16:39,291 --> 00:16:42,915 Why do you want to get beaten up anyway? What's wrong? 226 00:16:49,916 --> 00:16:51,374 Balli, l'm in love. 227 00:16:52,125 --> 00:16:55,582 What? ln love? 228 00:16:56,250 --> 00:16:59,374 Stop fooling around with me. 229 00:17:00,250 --> 00:17:05,665 lf a cat says it's stopped eating mice, l'd believe that. 230 00:17:05,791 --> 00:17:08,832 But if Sonu Dilli says this, l can't believe it. 231 00:17:09,958 --> 00:17:11,665 l'm serious, Balli. 232 00:17:13,666 --> 00:17:17,749 There's something about her eyes, her touch. 233 00:17:19,458 --> 00:17:21,207 l felt good with her. 234 00:17:23,583 --> 00:17:25,040 What are you saying? 235 00:17:27,250 --> 00:17:30,915 You won't understand. Go on, hit me. 236 00:17:31,333 --> 00:17:33,374 No problem even if you break my bones. 237 00:17:33,500 --> 00:17:35,499 She's a doctor, she'll fix me. 238 00:17:36,875 --> 00:17:40,207 Just spare my eyes. How will l look at her then? 239 00:17:40,458 --> 00:17:44,915 You've gone mad, totally. You've lost your senses. 240 00:17:45,041 --> 00:17:48,124 My senses, my peace, my heart.. they are all with her. 241 00:18:01,208 --> 00:18:05,249 Your delicate smile 242 00:18:06,500 --> 00:18:10,540 and then your leaving 243 00:18:11,750 --> 00:18:14,457 Your delicate smile 244 00:18:14,541 --> 00:18:17,207 and then your leaving 245 00:18:17,291 --> 00:18:20,165 fate has given me a chance 246 00:18:20,250 --> 00:18:22,915 l saw a glimpse of you 247 00:18:23,000 --> 00:18:25,499 my first love 248 00:18:25,583 --> 00:18:28,624 for the first time 249 00:18:28,708 --> 00:18:30,874 for this heart 250 00:18:30,958 --> 00:18:36,249 without making promises 251 00:18:36,333 --> 00:18:39,374 who knows what happened 252 00:18:39,458 --> 00:18:41,707 to this heart? 253 00:18:54,041 --> 00:18:59,207 l met you, and my prayers were answered 254 00:18:59,291 --> 00:19:04,499 And my eyes worshipped you 255 00:19:04,583 --> 00:19:09,999 heaven has kissed the earth 256 00:19:10,041 --> 00:19:14,540 happiness has gently touched me 257 00:19:14,625 --> 00:19:19,457 every look is heavenly 258 00:19:20,000 --> 00:19:24,582 you are everywhere 259 00:19:24,833 --> 00:19:30,957 you have amazing qualities 260 00:19:31,041 --> 00:19:33,624 l saw a glimpse of you 261 00:19:33,708 --> 00:19:36,332 my first love 262 00:19:36,416 --> 00:19:39,290 for the first time 263 00:19:39,375 --> 00:19:41,707 for this heart 264 00:19:41,791 --> 00:19:46,999 without making promises 265 00:19:47,041 --> 00:19:49,915 who knows what happened 266 00:19:50,000 --> 00:19:52,874 to this heart? 267 00:20:24,791 --> 00:20:29,707 l was lonely every moment without you 268 00:20:30,000 --> 00:20:35,457 my lips were parched 269 00:20:35,541 --> 00:20:40,415 l had no purpose, no dreams 270 00:20:40,666 --> 00:20:45,165 my life was aimless 271 00:20:45,250 --> 00:20:50,124 you are the one merciful to me 272 00:20:50,500 --> 00:20:55,415 you are my path and my destiny 273 00:20:55,666 --> 00:21:01,582 you are like my gift from the Lord 274 00:21:01,666 --> 00:21:04,249 l saw a glimpse of you 275 00:21:04,333 --> 00:21:06,874 my first love 276 00:21:06,958 --> 00:21:09,957 for the first time 277 00:21:10,000 --> 00:21:12,249 for this heart 278 00:21:12,333 --> 00:21:17,624 without making promises 279 00:21:17,708 --> 00:21:20,707 who knows what happened 280 00:21:20,791 --> 00:21:23,874 to this heart? 281 00:21:42,791 --> 00:21:44,040 How do l look? 282 00:21:45,333 --> 00:21:46,207 Good. 283 00:21:48,250 --> 00:21:49,457 Very nice. 284 00:21:59,416 --> 00:22:02,124 This guy, he'll never change. 285 00:22:05,000 --> 00:22:06,790 Brother, l don't understand one thing. 286 00:22:07,416 --> 00:22:09,207 ln the age of mobile phones.. 287 00:22:09,333 --> 00:22:13,582 who is Raghuvanshi sir calling from that booth, using those coins? 288 00:22:15,125 --> 00:22:20,082 There are situations in life through which a person survives.. 289 00:22:20,208 --> 00:22:21,540 but life is never the same. 290 00:22:22,583 --> 00:22:25,457 He often calls that number to listen to the voice of his dead wife. 291 00:22:25,541 --> 00:22:27,290 "Hi. You've reached Meera and Pratap." 292 00:22:27,416 --> 00:22:29,540 "We are not at home right now." 293 00:22:29,625 --> 00:22:31,999 "Please leave a message after the beep, and we'll call you back." 294 00:22:32,750 --> 00:22:33,999 What? You're kidding right? 295 00:22:34,083 --> 00:22:36,540 No. lt's true. 296 00:22:37,666 --> 00:22:40,332 once he was travelling with his wife in a bus. 297 00:22:41,666 --> 00:22:43,832 Some gangsters attacked the bus. 298 00:22:45,541 --> 00:22:47,165 ln that incident his wife was killed. 299 00:22:48,708 --> 00:22:51,457 He survived with a bullet in his head.. 300 00:22:51,583 --> 00:22:52,915 which is still there. 301 00:22:53,666 --> 00:22:56,915 Since that day, he is on a personal vendetta.. 302 00:22:57,000 --> 00:23:00,249 ..to eradicate the illegal guns trade. 303 00:23:01,625 --> 00:23:06,082 Since then, he often listens to his dead wife's voice this way. 304 00:23:07,458 --> 00:23:08,665 What are you saying? 305 00:23:08,791 --> 00:23:09,874 l'm telling you the truth. 306 00:23:10,375 --> 00:23:11,207 ls it? 307 00:23:13,041 --> 00:23:13,874 He's coming. 308 00:23:30,291 --> 00:23:32,332 Sir, filter, filter.. 309 00:23:33,250 --> 00:23:34,457 filter. 310 00:23:36,000 --> 00:23:38,082 Where is he? 311 00:23:38,208 --> 00:23:39,082 Who? 312 00:23:39,208 --> 00:23:41,707 Sonu Dilli. 313 00:23:42,666 --> 00:23:43,374 Sonu? 314 00:23:43,500 --> 00:23:46,290 He's our biggest lead to get to Gafoor. 315 00:23:47,958 --> 00:23:51,332 He's just a pawn in the illegal guns trade. 316 00:23:52,000 --> 00:23:53,749 Why are you after him? 317 00:23:54,875 --> 00:24:00,040 Pawn or king, he'll get us to Gafoor. 318 00:24:00,625 --> 00:24:03,624 lf he has to die after that, let him. 319 00:24:10,958 --> 00:24:14,165 Hey! ls this any place to meet someone? 320 00:24:14,291 --> 00:24:16,624 There's a sofa, bed, chair.. couldn't you wait there? 321 00:24:16,750 --> 00:24:19,790 Why do you always appear when my pants are down? 322 00:24:19,916 --> 00:24:23,082 Because l want to get you, scoundrel. 323 00:24:23,208 --> 00:24:24,999 You dared to cut my call. 324 00:24:25,541 --> 00:24:30,165 Do that again, and l'll slice you right through. 325 00:24:30,791 --> 00:24:32,749 Small time supplier.. 326 00:24:33,291 --> 00:24:36,790 if you don't mend your ways you'll be in trouble as long as you live. 327 00:24:37,791 --> 00:24:40,332 You promised to get me to Gafoor right? 328 00:24:41,291 --> 00:24:42,915 l've come to remind you. 329 00:24:44,083 --> 00:24:45,540 Do you understand? 330 00:24:45,666 --> 00:24:47,874 l will when you get the gun off me. 331 00:24:48,958 --> 00:24:51,082 You point the gun where you shouldn't. 332 00:24:54,583 --> 00:24:56,457 Now can l relieve myself? 333 00:24:56,916 --> 00:24:59,040 Hurry up. You don't have much time. 334 00:25:00,041 --> 00:25:02,040 Call Gafoor and set up a deal. 335 00:25:10,125 --> 00:25:12,207 You scoundrel, have you understood everything? 336 00:25:12,333 --> 00:25:13,165 You get Gafoor out in the open. 337 00:25:13,291 --> 00:25:15,874 Let us get a good look at him, then you do your deal and get lost. 338 00:25:16,375 --> 00:25:18,457 Leave the rest to us. 339 00:25:19,916 --> 00:25:21,207 He's coming for sure right? 340 00:25:22,083 --> 00:25:23,374 lf he isn't, you're dead meat. 341 00:25:24,250 --> 00:25:26,207 Scolding instead of praise? 342 00:25:26,333 --> 00:25:29,707 l'm helping you, putting my life and work at stake. 343 00:25:29,833 --> 00:25:31,999 lf the deal happens, he'll come. Have some faith. 344 00:25:33,375 --> 00:25:34,999 - What a nuisance! - You.. 345 00:25:39,041 --> 00:25:42,457 You think Sonu Dilli's a fool, Pratap Raghuvanshi? 346 00:25:42,583 --> 00:25:45,707 You'll see! l'll put you in such a mess.. 347 00:25:45,833 --> 00:25:47,874 you'll long for salvation but.. 348 00:25:48,000 --> 00:25:50,665 all you'll get is a sweet death. 349 00:26:03,041 --> 00:26:04,499 What's the matter Sonu Sir? 350 00:26:05,000 --> 00:26:08,165 Seems like you're selling guns by the kilo, like a grocer. 351 00:26:08,666 --> 00:26:10,749 l'd supplied you just two weeks ago. 352 00:26:11,291 --> 00:26:13,040 Gafoor sir, the wedding season's almost here. 353 00:26:13,166 --> 00:26:14,415 Demand's gone up. 354 00:26:14,708 --> 00:26:15,457 You know how it is.. 355 00:26:15,583 --> 00:26:18,040 until a gun is fired, the wedding ritual isn't complete. 356 00:26:18,666 --> 00:26:19,832 That's true. 357 00:26:20,083 --> 00:26:23,415 But l can't supply at such short notice. 358 00:26:23,541 --> 00:26:25,582 - That's clear. - okay. 359 00:26:26,791 --> 00:26:27,915 What's the matter? 360 00:26:29,208 --> 00:26:31,540 Your veins are bulging. ls something wrong? 361 00:26:33,041 --> 00:26:36,915 When you take up things that make them bulge, they do. 362 00:26:39,500 --> 00:26:40,999 - The tea was good. - Yes it was. 363 00:26:47,958 --> 00:26:49,374 They were supposed to come later. 364 00:26:54,375 --> 00:26:55,707 Where did these two losers come from? 365 00:27:00,500 --> 00:27:03,457 You get the car, where did those cops come from? 366 00:27:06,708 --> 00:27:09,124 Gafoor sir, go that way. Who informed the police? 367 00:27:09,250 --> 00:27:09,874 Did you inform them? 368 00:27:10,000 --> 00:27:11,040 l swear l didn't. 369 00:27:11,125 --> 00:27:12,582 Then no problem. Just get me out of here. 370 00:27:12,708 --> 00:27:13,915 Go that way. 371 00:27:17,083 --> 00:27:18,749 Hey you, wait! 372 00:27:20,541 --> 00:27:23,374 Get the car and meet me there, hurry.. 373 00:27:27,791 --> 00:27:31,790 Hey you, stop! 374 00:27:36,583 --> 00:27:37,374 Where did he go? 375 00:27:37,500 --> 00:27:41,749 Hey! How dare you enter a ladies washroom? 376 00:27:56,208 --> 00:27:57,332 Sir.. 377 00:27:57,791 --> 00:27:58,499 Back down. 378 00:27:58,625 --> 00:28:00,582 Be careful, he's got a pistol. 379 00:28:00,958 --> 00:28:03,290 lt's either you or me. 380 00:28:25,458 --> 00:28:27,207 Hey stop! 381 00:28:27,333 --> 00:28:28,707 Catch him. 382 00:29:50,250 --> 00:29:51,540 oh, sorry, sorry. 383 00:29:54,833 --> 00:29:55,707 Hello. 384 00:29:55,833 --> 00:29:57,415 You remember me, don't you? 385 00:30:00,041 --> 00:30:01,374 How could l forget? 386 00:30:01,500 --> 00:30:03,457 You don't often meet people who deliberately cut their hand. 387 00:30:05,125 --> 00:30:07,165 l thought you'd be thinking about me. 388 00:30:07,291 --> 00:30:10,124 Remembering you, isn't the same as thinking about you. 389 00:30:10,250 --> 00:30:11,665 You must be thinking about me sometimes at least? 390 00:30:11,791 --> 00:30:13,540 By the way, why're you here, in this situation? 391 00:30:13,666 --> 00:30:14,790 What situation? 392 00:30:14,916 --> 00:30:15,540 Auto. 393 00:30:15,666 --> 00:30:17,165 Didn't you see? l was running. 394 00:30:17,291 --> 00:30:19,832 Yes l saw that. But why were you running? 395 00:30:19,958 --> 00:30:22,332 When the police chase people, they run. 396 00:30:22,916 --> 00:30:23,915 Police? 397 00:30:24,666 --> 00:30:27,749 l told you about the officer who mistook me for someone else? 398 00:30:27,875 --> 00:30:29,124 He still does. 399 00:30:29,458 --> 00:30:31,707 Why don't you complain to a higher authority? 400 00:30:31,833 --> 00:30:34,207 l was just on my way to complain.. but why're you here? 401 00:30:34,333 --> 00:30:35,374 Any special reason? 402 00:30:35,500 --> 00:30:38,540 l'm trying to gather funds for that hospital of mine. 403 00:30:39,541 --> 00:30:41,207 So far, l've been treating people like you for free. 404 00:30:41,333 --> 00:30:42,915 This fund raising is to make sure that can continue. 405 00:30:43,041 --> 00:30:45,415 ls that it? l'll raise the funds for you. 406 00:30:46,625 --> 00:30:49,207 You will? How? 407 00:30:49,750 --> 00:30:51,290 By robbing a bank? 408 00:30:52,500 --> 00:30:53,999 Do you think l'm a thief? 409 00:30:54,083 --> 00:30:55,374 l own a clothing business. 410 00:30:55,500 --> 00:30:57,624 l have a lot of contacts, who are generous like me. 411 00:30:57,750 --> 00:30:59,207 They'll get you the funds in a jiffy. 412 00:31:04,500 --> 00:31:05,790 Give me your number. 413 00:31:05,916 --> 00:31:08,040 l'll contact you after speaking with my contacts. 414 00:31:09,791 --> 00:31:11,832 Listen, l don't give my number away like this.. 415 00:31:12,208 --> 00:31:13,624 but l will give it to you.. 416 00:31:14,041 --> 00:31:15,624 See if you can help me. 417 00:31:16,833 --> 00:31:18,040 There he is. 418 00:31:20,000 --> 00:31:22,082 l'm serious. The hospital needs to be saved. 419 00:31:22,208 --> 00:31:23,540 Come on! 420 00:31:27,625 --> 00:31:28,874 Hey you, wait! 421 00:31:31,791 --> 00:31:34,040 Stop waving your hand. 422 00:31:34,625 --> 00:31:36,290 l'm not waving, l'm surrendering. 423 00:31:36,416 --> 00:31:38,332 With your back to us? Stop fooling us, come on. 424 00:31:38,458 --> 00:31:40,665 Why're you arresting me? l'm working for the police. 425 00:31:40,791 --> 00:31:42,457 - What? You're working for the police? - Call Raghuvanshi. He'll explain. 426 00:31:42,583 --> 00:31:43,749 Shall l call the PM as well? 427 00:31:43,875 --> 00:31:46,540 Listen to me, my card.. 428 00:31:46,791 --> 00:31:47,999 My number! 429 00:31:53,583 --> 00:31:54,624 What do you think you're doing? 430 00:31:57,250 --> 00:31:59,457 This is my effort to keep myself alert and alive. 431 00:31:59,875 --> 00:32:03,499 No, you're trying to get yourself and everyone else killed. 432 00:32:04,750 --> 00:32:06,415 Have you looked at yourself lately? 433 00:32:07,208 --> 00:32:08,332 Seriously.. 434 00:32:08,708 --> 00:32:12,040 you need a break. l'm giving you one. 435 00:32:12,791 --> 00:32:15,915 Go on, go home. Get some sleep. 436 00:32:17,083 --> 00:32:18,624 Sir, what do you mean? 437 00:32:19,083 --> 00:32:21,749 l mean, this time you've crossed the line. 438 00:32:23,041 --> 00:32:27,582 You did a sting operation on Gafoor, without any proof against him. 439 00:32:27,708 --> 00:32:28,957 Sit down. 440 00:32:30,583 --> 00:32:32,290 only on a hunch.. 441 00:32:32,416 --> 00:32:36,624 you created chaos in a public place and didn't even inform me. 442 00:32:37,375 --> 00:32:41,749 Pratap, l protect you.. 443 00:32:42,541 --> 00:32:46,249 because l know we need determined and staunch policemen like you. 444 00:32:47,583 --> 00:32:49,790 But this time, there's been too much trouble. 445 00:32:50,791 --> 00:32:52,915 We need to divert the attention of media and ministry. 446 00:32:53,416 --> 00:32:54,749 l'm sorry. 447 00:32:55,708 --> 00:32:57,832 l am forced to take a decision to suspend you. 448 00:32:59,041 --> 00:32:59,749 What? 449 00:32:59,875 --> 00:33:01,207 Relax, relax. 450 00:33:01,666 --> 00:33:03,165 l will reinstate you. 451 00:33:03,541 --> 00:33:05,165 But this time l don't have another choice. 452 00:33:05,791 --> 00:33:07,040 l'm here, don't worry. 453 00:33:07,416 --> 00:33:11,207 But the dealer is dead. Shut the case and move on. 454 00:33:11,791 --> 00:33:15,249 And that boy who was arrested.. what is his name.. Sonu? 455 00:33:15,333 --> 00:33:16,957 We'll charge him. 456 00:33:17,500 --> 00:33:19,165 He'll be locked up for a few years. 457 00:33:19,291 --> 00:33:21,040 Everything will calm down in 3-4 months. 458 00:33:21,625 --> 00:33:23,124 Then everything will be fine. 459 00:33:24,791 --> 00:33:26,249 Nothing will be fine Sir. 460 00:33:28,333 --> 00:33:30,957 Gafoor is a small time dealer Sir. 461 00:33:32,416 --> 00:33:35,540 There's someone bigger who controls this illegal arms racket. 462 00:33:36,708 --> 00:33:40,207 Praise be to almighty lord 463 00:33:40,291 --> 00:33:44,207 The all powerful and supreme 464 00:33:44,291 --> 00:33:51,790 Give us strength and courage to flourish in our business 465 00:33:57,750 --> 00:33:59,082 Brothers.. 466 00:34:01,041 --> 00:34:03,790 if today you can make guns.. 467 00:34:03,916 --> 00:34:06,999 ..pistols and revolvers from these ordinary items here.. 468 00:34:07,541 --> 00:34:12,249 that's only because you inherited the skills from your ancestors. 469 00:34:12,916 --> 00:34:15,499 This is but a boon. 470 00:34:17,916 --> 00:34:21,415 lf it weren't for those cowardly kings who surrendered to the British! 471 00:34:22,208 --> 00:34:23,749 otherwise, the Chinese.. 472 00:34:23,875 --> 00:34:29,540 Russians and the Americans would all be using our weapons today. 473 00:34:32,666 --> 00:34:37,165 And they still can. 474 00:34:37,791 --> 00:34:38,874 For sure. 475 00:34:39,708 --> 00:34:40,832 And this.. 476 00:34:42,916 --> 00:34:46,040 this revolver is that guarantee.. 477 00:34:48,041 --> 00:34:51,582 which was made by this man within hours. 478 00:34:52,500 --> 00:34:53,290 Look. 479 00:34:55,875 --> 00:35:02,415 This revolver is as good as any foreign make. 480 00:35:06,125 --> 00:35:07,790 l am proud of you. 481 00:35:09,916 --> 00:35:11,665 l want to kiss your hands. 482 00:35:12,916 --> 00:35:14,165 Give. 483 00:35:15,458 --> 00:35:16,582 Sir.. 484 00:35:19,500 --> 00:35:20,665 And now.. 485 00:35:23,958 --> 00:35:25,874 l'll have to get rid of them. 486 00:35:26,958 --> 00:35:30,374 Because if anyone else uses the skills in these hands then.. 487 00:35:31,458 --> 00:35:33,874 l won't like it.. 488 00:35:35,791 --> 00:35:37,499 and l can't take a risk on that. 489 00:35:37,625 --> 00:35:40,374 No, sir. l'll always be loyal to you. 490 00:35:40,500 --> 00:35:42,540 You can't guarantee that. 491 00:35:44,208 --> 00:35:46,790 Everyone has a price. 492 00:35:47,875 --> 00:35:50,290 l have seen greed in your eyes. 493 00:35:51,333 --> 00:35:55,457 No, sir! No! 494 00:36:07,166 --> 00:36:10,624 Sir, do take a little care of yourself. 495 00:36:14,208 --> 00:36:15,874 You're here to preach? 496 00:36:17,291 --> 00:36:18,415 No, sir. 497 00:36:19,083 --> 00:36:21,082 l'm here to remind you that.. 498 00:36:21,208 --> 00:36:23,665 ..Sonu's court hearing is in the morning.. 499 00:36:24,291 --> 00:36:29,665 unless we reach the court on time, he'll be released on bail. 500 00:36:30,125 --> 00:36:31,415 Come. 501 00:36:33,416 --> 00:36:36,124 Tomorrow, l won't go to court, nor will you, or the lawyer. 502 00:36:38,041 --> 00:36:39,165 What do you mean? 503 00:36:40,250 --> 00:36:43,082 Sonu Dilli has to come out of prison. 504 00:36:45,333 --> 00:36:47,832 only if he does, will our plan work. 505 00:36:58,416 --> 00:36:59,957 Have you come to pick up Sonu Dilli from prison 506 00:37:00,041 --> 00:37:01,749 or to pick up a kid from school? 507 00:37:04,583 --> 00:37:06,124 What did you do with the Honda City? 508 00:37:06,250 --> 00:37:09,457 Brother, everything's gone. 509 00:37:10,000 --> 00:37:12,249 l gave away the car to the lawyer to get you out of here. 510 00:37:12,375 --> 00:37:15,249 l sold the house to pay the public prosecutor to hear me out. 511 00:37:15,375 --> 00:37:17,999 l sold the shop to pay for the appeal to the judge. 512 00:37:18,666 --> 00:37:19,665 Now let's go. 513 00:37:20,666 --> 00:37:24,249 This is the first time that l feel like crying out loud. 514 00:37:24,375 --> 00:37:25,540 But l won't cry. l'll make others cry. 515 00:37:25,666 --> 00:37:27,540 Especially Raghuvanshi. You wait and watch. 516 00:37:28,416 --> 00:37:30,790 For now, just arrange for me to bathe and eat. 517 00:37:31,500 --> 00:37:32,374 Come on. 518 00:37:38,583 --> 00:37:40,207 What are you staring at? 519 00:37:41,166 --> 00:37:43,832 My luck's cursed anyway. You want to curse my meals as well? 520 00:37:43,958 --> 00:37:46,040 Not just me, everyone's staring. 521 00:37:46,708 --> 00:37:48,999 Look at how you're eating. 522 00:37:49,333 --> 00:37:52,749 The chicken's cooked, it isn't going to run away. 523 00:37:52,875 --> 00:37:54,124 Forget about everyone else. 524 00:37:54,750 --> 00:37:57,374 They don't know that l'm just out of prison. 525 00:37:57,500 --> 00:37:58,665 That's right. 526 00:38:09,000 --> 00:38:10,499 What happened? 527 00:38:14,375 --> 00:38:17,999 So she's the one who got you into trouble that day? 528 00:38:19,958 --> 00:38:20,999 Quite a looker! 529 00:38:21,125 --> 00:38:23,790 You idiot, you shouldn't be checking out your future sister-in-law. 530 00:38:23,916 --> 00:38:25,290 l'll whack you. 531 00:38:25,500 --> 00:38:26,624 Sister-in-law? 532 00:38:31,375 --> 00:38:32,832 But the chicken leg's falling out of your mouth. 533 00:38:32,958 --> 00:38:34,457 How're you going to walk up to that girl like that? 534 00:38:35,375 --> 00:38:36,790 l mean, my future sister-in-law.. 535 00:38:36,916 --> 00:38:38,040 brother! 536 00:38:38,666 --> 00:38:39,874 That's what l'm thinking. 537 00:38:40,000 --> 00:38:41,082 l'll go and meet her? 538 00:38:41,208 --> 00:38:42,457 Yes sure! 539 00:38:50,791 --> 00:38:51,790 Am l looking okay? 540 00:38:54,041 --> 00:38:56,332 You definitely don't look like you just got out of prison. 541 00:38:56,458 --> 00:38:57,999 ls something out here? 542 00:39:16,166 --> 00:39:17,040 Hello. 543 00:39:19,000 --> 00:39:21,040 We seem to be bumping into each other often nowadays. 544 00:39:21,125 --> 00:39:22,415 Nowadays? 545 00:39:22,541 --> 00:39:24,874 lt's been 5-6 months since l last saw you. 546 00:39:25,000 --> 00:39:27,999 And you were going to contact me, right? 547 00:39:28,083 --> 00:39:29,415 But you disappeared. 548 00:39:29,541 --> 00:39:31,040 l didn't disappear. l was in prison. 549 00:39:31,166 --> 00:39:33,374 oh. Prison. okay. 550 00:39:33,875 --> 00:39:35,999 Yes, to meet the bigshots, for your fund. 551 00:39:37,791 --> 00:39:38,915 And did you get the funds? 552 00:39:39,458 --> 00:39:42,582 No? l didn't expect too much from you anyway. 553 00:39:42,708 --> 00:39:45,790 But don't worry, the hospital still survived. 554 00:39:46,625 --> 00:39:49,499 Come by some time. Your treatment will still be free. 555 00:39:50,500 --> 00:39:51,665 You're mocking me? 556 00:39:52,125 --> 00:39:53,999 l'll gather the funds and show you. 557 00:39:55,541 --> 00:40:01,082 Listen, l'm saying this with a lot of thought, so try to understand. 558 00:40:01,583 --> 00:40:03,415 Don't get furious. 559 00:40:03,541 --> 00:40:07,207 l'll raise funds because you are doing a good thing. 560 00:40:07,333 --> 00:40:08,790 And also because.. 561 00:40:10,958 --> 00:40:13,332 l'm not flirting. l'm falling in love with you. 562 00:40:14,375 --> 00:40:15,332 What? 563 00:40:17,125 --> 00:40:19,207 l said it to her, and you all are shocked. 564 00:40:21,333 --> 00:40:26,082 l'll see you soon with the funds. 565 00:40:28,333 --> 00:40:30,415 He's crazy. Don't take him seriously. 566 00:40:30,750 --> 00:40:33,665 They don't have to, you have to take me seriously. 567 00:40:33,791 --> 00:40:35,374 Me, and what l said. 568 00:41:02,958 --> 00:41:09,040 Drowned in your love l remain night and day 569 00:41:09,083 --> 00:41:14,332 May your dreams never leave my eyes 570 00:41:14,416 --> 00:41:19,749 May you write my name on your palms, always 571 00:41:19,833 --> 00:41:24,749 May the Lord bring me that day 572 00:41:24,958 --> 00:42:07,665 You are mine.. 573 00:42:19,416 --> 00:42:24,207 Your love is my need l love you, 574 00:42:24,666 --> 00:42:29,165 My world is quiet without you 575 00:42:30,041 --> 00:42:32,624 l won't be able to 576 00:42:32,708 --> 00:42:35,207 stay away from these 577 00:42:35,375 --> 00:42:37,957 My heaven 578 00:42:38,000 --> 00:42:39,874 are your paths 579 00:42:51,375 --> 00:42:56,207 Your love is my need l love you, 580 00:42:56,541 --> 00:43:00,999 My world is quiet without you 581 00:43:02,041 --> 00:43:04,582 l won't be able to 582 00:43:04,666 --> 00:43:07,290 stay away from these 583 00:43:07,375 --> 00:43:09,957 My heaven 584 00:43:10,000 --> 00:43:11,999 are your paths 585 00:43:12,041 --> 00:43:17,082 With that hope in my heart l live 586 00:43:17,166 --> 00:43:22,124 that we meet and you will say 587 00:43:22,208 --> 00:43:43,332 You are mine.. 588 00:43:43,791 --> 00:43:46,665 Sir, if you will, let's nab him. 589 00:43:47,250 --> 00:43:51,540 No, buddy. Let him float in the clouds of love.. 590 00:43:52,625 --> 00:43:54,915 we'll place our wager when the time is right. 591 00:43:55,416 --> 00:43:58,040 You are my destiny 592 00:43:58,083 --> 00:44:00,624 You are my compassion 593 00:44:00,708 --> 00:44:05,457 All my joys are one with you 594 00:44:05,916 --> 00:44:08,499 You are my love 595 00:44:08,708 --> 00:44:10,957 You are my respite 596 00:44:11,333 --> 00:44:15,749 l love your simplicity 597 00:44:27,291 --> 00:44:29,540 You are my destiny 598 00:44:30,000 --> 00:44:32,249 You are my compassion 599 00:44:32,666 --> 00:44:37,207 All my joys are one with you 600 00:44:38,041 --> 00:44:40,415 You are my love 601 00:44:40,750 --> 00:44:42,957 You are my respite 602 00:44:43,208 --> 00:44:47,832 l love your simplicity 603 00:44:47,916 --> 00:44:50,457 l find myself lonely, 604 00:44:50,541 --> 00:44:53,249 every moment away from you 605 00:44:53,333 --> 00:44:55,832 Hold me, Stop me 606 00:44:55,916 --> 00:44:58,165 l am lost. 607 00:44:58,250 --> 00:45:40,832 You are mine.. 608 00:45:51,708 --> 00:45:53,999 We watched a movie, ate samosas, held hands.. 609 00:45:54,083 --> 00:45:56,457 now it's time to kiss, according to every love story. 610 00:45:56,583 --> 00:45:57,665 Think about it. 611 00:45:59,000 --> 00:46:00,624 l'll talk to you later. 612 00:46:02,958 --> 00:46:08,665 Look, if it isn't the right time to kiss yet, l'm sorry. 613 00:46:09,041 --> 00:46:12,415 l really am. l have no wrong intentions. 614 00:46:13,708 --> 00:46:19,749 Sunil, what's going on between us.. l don't know if it's right or wrong. 615 00:46:20,291 --> 00:46:24,874 l don't know if l'm in love with you or l just like you. 616 00:46:25,458 --> 00:46:28,582 But l like being around you, even your slap. 617 00:46:29,250 --> 00:46:31,165 Because there's a certain unique truth about you. 618 00:46:31,541 --> 00:46:34,957 Maybe l should've figured out before as to what's true and what isn't. 619 00:46:35,708 --> 00:46:37,749 But you didn't leave me much time for thinking. 620 00:46:38,875 --> 00:46:41,915 Then let's get married. Then we will figure out what to do later. 621 00:46:44,083 --> 00:46:44,999 Married? 622 00:46:46,250 --> 00:46:49,790 So as per your calculation, after kissing comes marriage? 623 00:46:50,875 --> 00:46:52,999 But marriage isn't a calculation for me. 624 00:46:53,625 --> 00:46:54,415 Besides.. 625 00:46:54,541 --> 00:46:58,374 l don't know why l am afraid of being around you. 626 00:46:58,500 --> 00:47:02,540 l live in truth and reality, l hate cheats, their lies.. 627 00:47:02,666 --> 00:47:04,540 l have a simple life and small dreams.. 628 00:47:05,041 --> 00:47:08,374 that's why l left home and cut all ties with my father. 629 00:47:08,500 --> 00:47:10,207 l built a life for myself on my own terms. 630 00:47:10,875 --> 00:47:12,790 l've built my life on my own too. 631 00:47:12,916 --> 00:47:14,374 We'll make a perfect couple. 632 00:47:15,333 --> 00:47:16,957 Still, we're different. 633 00:47:17,625 --> 00:47:19,332 Look, l don't understand philosophy. 634 00:47:20,041 --> 00:47:21,832 We're different now.. 635 00:47:21,958 --> 00:47:23,374 ls there any chance of becoming one? 636 00:47:23,916 --> 00:47:24,790 one in a million. 637 00:47:27,583 --> 00:47:28,624 That's enough. 638 00:47:32,041 --> 00:47:33,832 Look, from now on call me Sonu.. 639 00:47:35,916 --> 00:47:37,540 My friends calls me Sonu, lovingly. 640 00:47:37,666 --> 00:47:39,165 You call me that too. 641 00:47:42,583 --> 00:47:46,290 l understood that you need a simple, homely, decent man. 642 00:47:47,083 --> 00:47:48,540 l will become that for you. 643 00:47:50,291 --> 00:47:51,540 You'll see. 644 00:47:53,750 --> 00:47:54,999 See you later. 645 00:47:58,500 --> 00:48:01,207 Brother, l don't understand what you're saying. 646 00:48:01,333 --> 00:48:03,082 Yesterday you said it was love.. today you've even discussed marriage. 647 00:48:03,208 --> 00:48:04,790 So go ahead and do it. Who's stopping you? 648 00:48:06,666 --> 00:48:09,582 Balli, l should've led a honest life right from the start. 649 00:48:09,708 --> 00:48:10,540 Honest life? 650 00:48:10,666 --> 00:48:12,915 You'd be munching leftovers sitting outside a temple. 651 00:48:13,250 --> 00:48:16,624 Sir, it's Salman Khan's movie. 652 00:48:19,166 --> 00:48:21,624 Will you only talk, or even do some work today? 653 00:48:24,083 --> 00:48:27,790 Balli, l've been hustling people with my words so far.. 654 00:48:28,500 --> 00:48:30,165 today her words have put me in a tizzy. 655 00:48:31,708 --> 00:48:33,957 l swear, l feel like such a rogue today. 656 00:48:34,041 --> 00:48:35,540 Felt like it today? 657 00:48:36,250 --> 00:48:37,749 Don't laugh. l'm serious. 658 00:48:39,791 --> 00:48:42,999 Balli, she always believed what l told her. 659 00:48:44,250 --> 00:48:45,957 l lied even about my name. 660 00:48:47,583 --> 00:48:49,999 Balli, l want to get out of this mess. 661 00:48:50,583 --> 00:48:52,540 l want to be a good man, with a respectable business. 662 00:48:53,416 --> 00:48:54,999 l want to buy a small house.. 663 00:48:55,125 --> 00:48:57,249 ..and have the right sort of friends, not like you. 664 00:48:57,375 --> 00:48:58,999 oh really?! So because of this girl l'm not the right sort of friend? 665 00:48:59,125 --> 00:49:01,957 Don't call herjust another girl, that hurts me. 666 00:49:03,250 --> 00:49:06,582 l mean, l want to introduce her to some decent people.. 667 00:49:07,458 --> 00:49:09,707 if she meets you she'll figure out my whole history. 668 00:49:10,375 --> 00:49:12,540 Do you understand? 669 00:49:13,875 --> 00:49:15,749 Your phone is ringing. 670 00:49:15,875 --> 00:49:17,124 My phone? 671 00:49:19,125 --> 00:49:20,082 Raghuvanshi? 672 00:49:20,208 --> 00:49:21,374 What a nuisance! 673 00:49:24,041 --> 00:49:27,374 "The number you are trying to reach is currently unavailable." 674 00:49:35,000 --> 00:49:36,124 Take the DVD's and get lost. 675 00:49:36,250 --> 00:49:37,332 Take the shop and get lost. 676 00:49:37,458 --> 00:49:38,290 Get going! 677 00:49:38,416 --> 00:49:41,790 Sonu Dilli, you cut my call again? 678 00:49:44,000 --> 00:49:45,290 You've forgotten me so soon? 679 00:49:46,125 --> 00:49:48,165 Yes, as if you kept thinking of me. 680 00:49:48,291 --> 00:49:50,457 You sent me to prison for no reason and didn't even come to see me. 681 00:49:51,375 --> 00:49:53,082 This is what l get for helping you? 682 00:49:53,208 --> 00:49:54,790 Why so upset? 683 00:49:55,916 --> 00:49:58,957 Come on, l'll fix this. 684 00:50:02,458 --> 00:50:03,290 Get in the car. 685 00:50:03,416 --> 00:50:04,499 l don't want to go. 686 00:50:05,458 --> 00:50:07,374 l've changed now, l swear. Ask around. 687 00:50:09,333 --> 00:50:10,540 l know. 688 00:50:11,000 --> 00:50:14,790 But you can still talk to me. 689 00:50:19,750 --> 00:50:23,207 You're a good man. 690 00:50:25,750 --> 00:50:27,082 You've mended your ways too. 691 00:50:27,500 --> 00:50:29,915 l should help you. 692 00:50:32,333 --> 00:50:33,457 l will. 693 00:50:35,250 --> 00:50:37,540 But l need your help, one more time. 694 00:50:38,000 --> 00:50:39,040 This illegal guns syndicate.. 695 00:50:39,125 --> 00:50:41,624 Shoot me if you will! But l won't do it. 696 00:50:41,708 --> 00:50:43,124 l don't want to listen to this anymore. 697 00:50:43,416 --> 00:50:44,540 All right.. 698 00:50:45,625 --> 00:50:48,290 then l'll talk to the one you're in love with. 699 00:50:48,541 --> 00:50:49,749 Should l get her here? 700 00:50:49,833 --> 00:50:51,207 What? What did you say? 701 00:50:51,750 --> 00:50:54,915 Relax. l know everything. 702 00:50:56,083 --> 00:50:57,415 She's a doctor right? 703 00:50:57,666 --> 00:50:58,790 You dare.. ! 704 00:51:01,458 --> 00:51:05,165 l mean.. Listen, she must not know any of this. 705 00:51:05,250 --> 00:51:08,082 Don't worry. Not just her, no one will find out. 706 00:51:08,833 --> 00:51:12,915 Look, you know how big the illegal gun market is. 707 00:51:13,750 --> 00:51:15,165 The head of the syndicate is close by, 708 00:51:15,375 --> 00:51:18,874 and there's some huge plan taking shape. 709 00:51:21,708 --> 00:51:23,582 You are a gun supplier.. 710 00:51:23,666 --> 00:51:25,582 okay. You used to be. 711 00:51:28,541 --> 00:51:31,290 You can easily slip in undercover as my informer. 712 00:51:32,375 --> 00:51:33,915 My work will be done then. 713 00:51:35,708 --> 00:51:37,249 And l'll be finished. 714 00:51:39,000 --> 00:51:40,415 l won't let that happen. 715 00:51:42,291 --> 00:51:45,207 l promise nothing will happen to you this time. 716 00:51:46,166 --> 00:51:49,915 You will lead a tension-free life. 717 00:51:51,291 --> 00:51:55,124 Just don't tell anyone that you're my informer.. 718 00:51:55,791 --> 00:51:57,290 for your safety. 719 00:51:57,375 --> 00:51:59,915 And you can continue to run your side business. 720 00:52:00,000 --> 00:52:02,165 And have a decent, simple life. 721 00:52:04,291 --> 00:52:07,749 Then the doctor will be happy and so will you. 722 00:52:09,000 --> 00:52:11,707 Think about it, your life will be wonderful. 723 00:52:15,416 --> 00:52:19,040 Have a drink and think about it. 724 00:52:29,875 --> 00:52:31,374 You do have a point. 725 00:52:32,791 --> 00:52:34,499 Jaanvi too wishes for such a life. 726 00:52:39,791 --> 00:52:43,040 okay. l'll play your game, but for my love and our happiness. 727 00:52:43,458 --> 00:52:45,374 Brother, this party is for the rich and classy. 728 00:52:46,083 --> 00:52:47,624 Why are we commoners here? 729 00:52:47,708 --> 00:52:49,040 To become big men. 730 00:52:49,208 --> 00:52:51,582 l rang Gafoor's driver lrfaan. He invited us here. 731 00:52:51,875 --> 00:52:53,915 We'll move higher up in the syndicate now. 732 00:52:54,250 --> 00:52:55,999 Higher up in the syndicate? 733 00:52:56,916 --> 00:52:58,082 Way to go, buddy! 734 00:52:58,916 --> 00:53:00,040 But tell me, yesterday you said.. 735 00:53:00,125 --> 00:53:02,665 Forget about yesterday. Listen to me now. 736 00:53:03,333 --> 00:53:05,999 This kind of opportunity to raise one's status, is given to very few. 737 00:53:06,708 --> 00:53:08,957 Great. Even l'm sick of doing these small jobs 738 00:53:09,250 --> 00:53:10,707 and always borrowing money from you. 739 00:53:10,916 --> 00:53:13,040 Now if money comes in, l can finally pay you back. 740 00:53:13,416 --> 00:53:15,790 And besides, l like this 'mosphere' a lot. 741 00:53:15,875 --> 00:53:18,082 "Atmosphere", man! Come on. 742 00:53:24,166 --> 00:53:27,040 You drink a lot nowadays. 743 00:53:27,125 --> 00:53:31,957 - Sarfaraz sir, this is Sonu Dilli KKC. - The cheeky scoundrel. 744 00:53:32,916 --> 00:53:35,499 l'm Balli, his right hand. 745 00:53:36,000 --> 00:53:37,290 Hand or something else? 746 00:53:41,500 --> 00:53:43,540 You've called us here for small talk, Sarfaraz sir? 747 00:53:44,000 --> 00:53:46,374 Don't take it so badly. 748 00:53:46,958 --> 00:53:48,665 You seem to honour friendship a lot. 749 00:53:49,375 --> 00:53:52,457 Not just friendship, every relationship, every promise. 750 00:53:52,916 --> 00:53:54,415 That's all well and good.. 751 00:53:54,750 --> 00:53:56,540 But do you know anything about this business? 752 00:53:56,625 --> 00:53:57,874 or do you just claim to be an honest worker? 753 00:54:00,541 --> 00:54:01,957 lf a boss asks me this, then it's okay.. 754 00:54:02,041 --> 00:54:04,749 but l don't answer such ridiculous questions from lowly assistants. 755 00:54:06,916 --> 00:54:09,540 You think l'm a lowly assistant? 756 00:54:11,708 --> 00:54:13,249 Whoever agrees for a meeting in 15 minutes can.. 757 00:54:13,333 --> 00:54:15,207 ..only be a lowly assistant and a stupid one. 758 00:54:15,291 --> 00:54:17,999 What did you call me? 759 00:54:19,000 --> 00:54:20,082 Stupid? 760 00:54:21,666 --> 00:54:22,457 What? 761 00:54:23,958 --> 00:54:27,957 56 bore, lightweight star. lt's come from Pakistan, via Nepal. 762 00:54:28,166 --> 00:54:30,915 lt sells for 25000. But l can sell this for 300000. 763 00:54:31,000 --> 00:54:31,790 What? 764 00:54:31,875 --> 00:54:33,207 This is what l know about the business. 765 00:54:33,291 --> 00:54:35,415 There's no paperwork for this. lt's illegal. 766 00:54:35,708 --> 00:54:36,915 l'll forge some papers and make it legal.. 767 00:54:37,000 --> 00:54:39,249 then sell it proudly for as much as you want. 768 00:54:46,083 --> 00:54:50,040 Even when looking death in the face, you're talking business. 769 00:54:51,541 --> 00:54:54,415 Come, you're a part of our business now. 770 00:55:03,500 --> 00:55:04,915 What's the matter Jaanvi? 771 00:55:05,125 --> 00:55:06,999 Where has your smile gone these days? 772 00:55:08,541 --> 00:55:10,332 l don't know. 773 00:55:10,791 --> 00:55:14,540 l had one chance at happiness. And l think l lost it. 774 00:55:14,625 --> 00:55:16,457 You know what's wrong with you.. 775 00:55:16,875 --> 00:55:20,374 your fear of your past makes you afraid of your future. 776 00:55:21,291 --> 00:55:24,957 Jaanvi, Sonu loves you. 777 00:55:25,541 --> 00:55:27,165 Trust him. 778 00:55:41,791 --> 00:55:50,415 Come on shake it.. shake it momma. 779 00:55:50,791 --> 00:55:53,749 Bring on.. bring on 780 00:55:53,833 --> 00:55:56,707 Bit by bit.. 781 00:55:59,791 --> 00:56:02,624 You seem a little upset 782 00:56:05,833 --> 00:56:08,249 Bit by bit.. 783 00:56:11,791 --> 00:56:14,332 Drop the reason 784 00:56:16,625 --> 00:56:22,540 l am separated only for you 785 00:56:22,625 --> 00:56:28,540 Have the heavens ever been destroyed? 786 00:56:41,208 --> 00:56:42,707 Just two of us 787 00:56:44,416 --> 00:56:47,415 l want to live with the girl of my dream 788 00:56:49,250 --> 00:56:53,374 lt's me, and you against this world 789 00:56:53,458 --> 00:56:56,249 You're the only love that l breathe.. breathe.. breathe 790 00:56:56,333 --> 00:56:59,374 You're the only love that l need.. need.. need 791 00:56:59,458 --> 00:57:01,707 Nothing ever will come between us 792 00:57:01,791 --> 00:57:05,332 Even though l'm from Mars and you're from Venus 793 00:57:17,458 --> 00:57:20,374 l appear like a thick fog 794 00:57:20,458 --> 00:57:26,040 Whatever l write, why is it erased? 795 00:57:26,291 --> 00:57:27,040 those nights, 796 00:57:27,083 --> 00:57:27,790 those memories 797 00:57:27,875 --> 00:57:29,540 are joining, 798 00:57:29,791 --> 00:57:35,082 are breaking 799 00:57:35,166 --> 00:57:37,790 every link. 800 00:57:37,875 --> 00:57:41,999 This breath, these paths, 801 00:57:42,041 --> 00:57:46,499 are paying the price of my crimes 802 00:57:46,583 --> 00:57:52,749 Have the heavens ever been destroyed? 803 00:58:05,708 --> 00:58:07,332 lf you don't have the money, take all this stuff and get out. 804 00:58:07,416 --> 00:58:08,832 l'm trying to arrange for the money. 805 00:58:08,916 --> 00:58:10,207 l've given you enough warning. 806 00:58:10,291 --> 00:58:11,582 Throw all the stuff out, now! 807 00:58:11,666 --> 00:58:13,040 Don't you touch anything. l'm trying to arrange it. 808 00:58:13,125 --> 00:58:14,290 Get lost! 809 00:58:18,500 --> 00:58:19,999 Trying to scare an innocent girl? 810 00:58:20,583 --> 00:58:22,957 So we'll scare you then. 811 00:58:24,250 --> 00:58:28,790 Before scaring me, tell me have you seen the movie 'Naam'? 812 00:58:31,250 --> 00:58:33,499 No, why? 813 00:58:34,291 --> 00:58:36,165 Then we're all set. 814 00:58:38,083 --> 00:58:39,665 Listen to me carefully. 815 00:58:41,291 --> 00:58:42,874 There are five of you, l'm alone. 816 00:58:43,458 --> 00:58:44,999 l can't win against all of you. 817 00:58:46,458 --> 00:58:47,665 But l'll tell you this.. 818 00:58:49,666 --> 00:58:51,374 the first one to hit me.. 819 00:58:52,041 --> 00:58:54,415 l'll hunt him down and kill him. 820 00:58:55,000 --> 00:58:57,040 l swear, l can write that down for you. 821 00:58:58,208 --> 00:59:02,290 Let's see who goes first. 822 00:59:02,375 --> 00:59:04,457 He's a madman! 823 00:59:05,041 --> 00:59:07,915 Listen mate, we have no issues with you. 824 00:59:08,000 --> 00:59:11,332 But Rawat sir wants the rent for this place. 825 00:59:12,291 --> 00:59:13,790 Now you're making sense. 826 00:59:14,333 --> 00:59:15,499 Take the money. 827 00:59:17,375 --> 00:59:20,082 l'd saved it for the wedding, but you can take it. Now get going. 828 00:59:20,750 --> 00:59:22,207 And don't come back here ever again. 829 00:59:32,416 --> 00:59:34,040 l was bluffing about the wedding part. 830 00:59:34,083 --> 00:59:35,999 l'd saved that money for your hospital. 831 00:59:36,083 --> 00:59:37,749 Now l'll start saving for us. 832 00:59:39,041 --> 00:59:41,290 Give me a little time. 833 00:59:42,666 --> 00:59:43,832 l'll see you. 834 00:59:45,416 --> 00:59:47,040 But, will you give me time? 835 00:59:50,708 --> 00:59:52,540 So much that even time will complain. 836 00:59:52,625 --> 00:59:54,415 Will you always protect me this way? 837 00:59:55,583 --> 00:59:56,749 l would die for you. 838 00:59:57,416 --> 00:59:59,040 Will you heed what l say? 839 01:00:01,000 --> 01:00:02,499 Yes, even if you call night day and day night. 840 01:00:03,666 --> 01:00:05,499 Then let's get married. 841 01:00:07,458 --> 01:00:08,582 What? 842 01:00:10,541 --> 01:00:11,874 Did l hear you right? 843 01:00:15,083 --> 01:00:16,665 My ears aren't playing tricks on me? 844 01:00:27,083 --> 01:00:29,124 At least congratulate me for my wedding. 845 01:00:31,875 --> 01:00:34,332 You can't get married. 846 01:00:36,583 --> 01:00:37,832 Why not? 847 01:00:41,000 --> 01:00:42,832 Because l'll shoot you. 848 01:00:43,625 --> 01:00:47,999 And the doctor will have to marry a corpse then. 849 01:00:49,666 --> 01:00:52,124 only you can say such bad things. 850 01:00:53,625 --> 01:00:55,040 Why do you keep scaring me? 851 01:00:55,416 --> 01:00:56,915 For the first time l'm in love.. 852 01:00:57,041 --> 01:00:59,415 for first time l want to give happiness to a girl.. 853 01:00:59,500 --> 01:01:02,207 and you are out to ruin this joy with your venom. 854 01:01:02,833 --> 01:01:05,332 Have you taken an oath to never let me be happy? 855 01:01:09,250 --> 01:01:15,207 our lives are connected by a string now. 856 01:01:16,833 --> 01:01:21,790 lf you stretch it too much, you'll fall flat. 857 01:01:23,125 --> 01:01:27,249 You can't get married until this operation is over. 858 01:01:29,916 --> 01:01:32,707 So until the dog gets it's bone it won't let me cross the road. 859 01:01:33,583 --> 01:01:34,499 What? 860 01:01:35,083 --> 01:01:35,999 Then listen. 861 01:01:36,708 --> 01:01:37,874 The head of the syndicate.. 862 01:01:37,958 --> 01:01:40,124 Mangal Singh Tomar is coming to Delhi tomorrow. 863 01:01:40,375 --> 01:01:41,665 Who? 864 01:01:41,875 --> 01:01:43,415 Mangal Singh Tomar. 865 01:01:44,458 --> 01:01:46,957 This means that an important deal is coming up. 866 01:01:47,000 --> 01:01:49,374 When it happens, l'll tell you. 867 01:01:50,291 --> 01:01:52,832 once l get this gangster Mangal Singh arrested.. 868 01:01:52,916 --> 01:01:56,540 Then l go my way, and you go yours. There will no string between us. 869 01:01:57,166 --> 01:01:59,624 We won't be in touch at all. No 'hello-goodbyes'. 870 01:01:59,708 --> 01:02:02,999 Don't even try to come close. Now can l get married? 871 01:02:06,541 --> 01:02:07,999 And don't come for the wedding. 872 01:02:10,541 --> 01:02:11,832 Now congratulate me. 873 01:02:24,166 --> 01:02:27,665 Hello sir! Welcome to Delhi. 874 01:02:30,500 --> 01:02:31,582 Please come. 875 01:02:36,958 --> 01:02:37,915 okay. 876 01:02:38,000 --> 01:02:40,124 No one else knows that l'm here right? 877 01:02:42,333 --> 01:02:44,165 How could anyone find out? 878 01:02:47,416 --> 01:02:52,249 You tried to save Gafoor, but couldn't. 879 01:02:54,875 --> 01:03:00,040 Sir, one can only try. They say the rest is destiny's will. 880 01:03:01,541 --> 01:03:03,707 l can't figure one thing out. 881 01:03:04,791 --> 01:03:06,832 You're working for us.. 882 01:03:07,541 --> 01:03:10,249 but someone's been trying to harm us too. 883 01:03:16,666 --> 01:03:18,707 Sir.. harm you? 884 01:03:19,333 --> 01:03:20,790 Yes. Some links have been exposed, 885 01:03:21,666 --> 01:03:23,165 some people have been arrested. 886 01:03:24,708 --> 01:03:27,207 Sir, they were arrested because of their stupidity.. 887 01:03:27,958 --> 01:03:30,165 l mean, their own fault. 888 01:03:36,000 --> 01:03:37,915 l think we'll get along well. 889 01:03:38,416 --> 01:03:39,790 You seem to be sharp! 890 01:03:40,500 --> 01:03:42,957 You'll do well in our business. 891 01:03:43,833 --> 01:03:45,665 You can leave now. 892 01:03:45,750 --> 01:03:46,707 okay. 893 01:03:46,791 --> 01:03:50,040 l'll be with Delhi for a while.. 894 01:03:50,875 --> 01:03:53,707 and with the memory of your face. 895 01:03:54,750 --> 01:03:56,707 okay Sir. 896 01:04:34,583 --> 01:04:36,915 Listen, l think my father's found out about our wedding. 897 01:04:37,125 --> 01:04:38,790 he's coming to meet us here. 898 01:04:38,875 --> 01:04:40,665 But l don't want to meet him. 899 01:04:40,750 --> 01:04:43,374 What are you saying? He won't come armed right? 900 01:04:44,791 --> 01:04:47,124 No problem, We'll meet him proudly. 901 01:04:49,125 --> 01:04:51,624 - Congratulations. - Thank you. 902 01:04:53,500 --> 01:04:55,040 Now do l have the right to.. ? 903 01:05:02,541 --> 01:05:04,124 You won't slap me? 904 01:05:06,375 --> 01:05:08,040 Come on. 905 01:05:15,000 --> 01:05:17,040 Here? ln front of everyone? 906 01:05:18,458 --> 01:05:19,540 So what! 907 01:05:31,625 --> 01:05:32,790 Dad! 908 01:07:01,458 --> 01:07:05,540 "oh God, what a surprise gift for the wedding!" 909 01:07:05,791 --> 01:07:09,499 l still can't believe that the main villain is my wife's father! 910 01:07:10,041 --> 01:07:12,082 Why did he have to be Jaanvi's father?! 911 01:07:13,000 --> 01:07:15,665 "Love at first sight is cruel, l swear." 912 01:07:16,083 --> 01:07:18,332 This is like bitter medicine.. 913 01:07:19,166 --> 01:07:22,790 "which l can't spit out, nor can l swallow." 914 01:07:25,208 --> 01:07:30,040 l'll just get out of here! 915 01:07:31,875 --> 01:07:34,749 "Sonu, l've made an account for 80% of the stock." 916 01:07:34,833 --> 01:07:39,957 "Even if the sales are average, we will have a good profit margin." 917 01:07:40,250 --> 01:07:42,415 "l don't know much about this business, 918 01:07:42,500 --> 01:07:44,582 but my calculations never go wrong." 919 01:07:46,083 --> 01:07:47,624 But mine did. 920 01:07:50,000 --> 01:07:51,749 Why are you packing suddenly? 921 01:07:51,833 --> 01:07:52,999 Are you going somewhere? 922 01:07:53,041 --> 01:07:56,124 Not me.. us. how can l go for the honeymoon alone? 923 01:07:56,625 --> 01:07:59,582 Honeymoon? but we are going next week! 924 01:08:00,083 --> 01:08:01,207 Jaanvi.. 925 01:08:02,875 --> 01:08:04,957 "if we wait for a week, it'll be too late." 926 01:08:05,125 --> 01:08:06,207 Let's go for our honeymoon now. 927 01:08:06,291 --> 01:08:08,040 "lf the place is nice, we'll stay there." 928 01:08:08,125 --> 01:08:09,499 "lt must be good, you picked it out." 929 01:08:09,583 --> 01:08:10,582 What's the name? 930 01:08:10,666 --> 01:08:11,665 Digha. 931 01:08:11,750 --> 01:08:14,707 "Yes, it's the perfect time. You start packing too." 932 01:08:15,125 --> 01:08:19,624 "Sonu, l can't take decisions like you so impulsively." 933 01:08:20,083 --> 01:08:21,749 l'll have to take leave from the hospital.. 934 01:08:21,833 --> 01:08:23,540 and even you have to handle this new stock. 935 01:08:23,625 --> 01:08:25,249 So be practical and relax. 936 01:08:25,458 --> 01:08:27,915 "And by the way, that envelope was delivered for you." 937 01:08:55,791 --> 01:08:58,540 "Sonu Dilli, you're in big trouble." 938 01:08:59,333 --> 01:09:01,165 "Sonu, what's the matter?" 939 01:09:01,250 --> 01:09:02,665 Are you all right? 940 01:09:02,750 --> 01:09:05,124 And what's with all that noise? 941 01:09:06,291 --> 01:09:09,082 That's the sound of my stomach churning. 942 01:09:09,166 --> 01:09:10,624 Do you need a medicine? 943 01:09:12,041 --> 01:09:13,874 "l need prayers, not medicine." 944 01:09:14,500 --> 01:09:15,874 l'm coming. 945 01:09:17,666 --> 01:09:20,749 "That scoundrel, l'd like to tie him up and burn him.. " 946 01:09:21,208 --> 01:09:23,665 beat him and dance on him. 947 01:09:24,333 --> 01:09:25,999 Who are you cursing? 948 01:09:26,083 --> 01:09:28,040 Someone is trying to blackmail me.. 949 01:09:28,375 --> 01:09:30,499 That rogue.. once l find him.. 950 01:09:30,583 --> 01:09:32,124 "l'll beat him to pulp, l swear." 951 01:09:33,208 --> 01:09:35,249 "Go ahead, do it." 952 01:09:38,750 --> 01:09:39,624 What?! 953 01:09:39,708 --> 01:09:41,665 When l saw your face at the court that day.. 954 01:09:41,750 --> 01:09:45,624 "l knew you were terrified, and you would try to make a run for it." 955 01:09:45,916 --> 01:09:48,332 So l thought l'd warn you.. 956 01:09:48,875 --> 01:09:52,457 don't even think about it. 957 01:09:55,041 --> 01:09:57,790 Then don't even imagine that l'll work for you anymore! 958 01:09:58,333 --> 01:10:02,290 Really! So you don't want a decent life anymore? 959 01:10:02,375 --> 01:10:03,832 "lf l won't even stay alive.." 960 01:10:03,916 --> 01:10:05,790 "..then what 'decent life' are you talking about!" 961 01:10:05,875 --> 01:10:07,832 Even if l survive Mangal Singh's sword.. 962 01:10:07,916 --> 01:10:09,624 l won't be able to save my marriage. 963 01:10:09,916 --> 01:10:12,165 lf Jaanvi comes to know.. 964 01:10:13,333 --> 01:10:14,999 "No, no. l can't help you anymore." 965 01:10:15,041 --> 01:10:17,124 l have a few more pictures. 966 01:10:20,208 --> 01:10:23,999 "This time l'll give them straight to her, without an envelope." 967 01:10:26,166 --> 01:10:27,999 You're blackmailing me! 968 01:10:28,041 --> 01:10:29,165 l had mended my ways. 969 01:10:29,250 --> 01:10:31,374 You drew me back in with all the talk of a 'decent life'. 970 01:10:31,458 --> 01:10:32,665 And now you are digging my grave? 971 01:10:32,750 --> 01:10:35,165 "You'll be fine, don't worry." 972 01:10:36,000 --> 01:10:38,249 l've promised you that you'll be fine. 973 01:10:39,750 --> 01:10:40,915 l guarantee it. 974 01:10:41,000 --> 01:10:42,957 Will you also guarantee that you won't die? 975 01:10:43,625 --> 01:10:45,082 What if you die and l survive? 976 01:10:45,166 --> 01:10:47,790 "l'll still be in trouble, like Amitabh Bachchan in Don." 977 01:10:48,125 --> 01:10:49,999 "l'll be like a homeless dog," 978 01:10:50,375 --> 01:10:52,124 "with the police chasing me, Mangal looking to kill me.. " 979 01:10:52,208 --> 01:10:53,999 and my wife as well.. l'll be in trouble. 980 01:10:58,000 --> 01:11:00,124 There! lt's my nemesis calling! 981 01:11:01,166 --> 01:11:02,915 "Yes, sir." 982 01:11:04,500 --> 01:11:06,874 Hello sir. l'm just trying to run away from.. 983 01:11:06,958 --> 01:11:08,332 ..a mad dog that's chasing me. 984 01:11:08,625 --> 01:11:10,874 "l'm safe, but he's still around." 985 01:11:12,750 --> 01:11:15,165 "Yes, l'm on my way." 986 01:11:25,750 --> 01:11:27,332 Does Jaanvi know who you are? 987 01:11:27,583 --> 01:11:29,499 You ask me questions? 988 01:11:32,041 --> 01:11:36,499 "Yes, you can, you are Jaanvi's beloved husband now." 989 01:11:38,500 --> 01:11:40,040 "But tell me, does she know who you are?" 990 01:11:42,083 --> 01:11:43,207 No. 991 01:11:44,625 --> 01:11:47,457 "But l know that l love her, beyond measure." 992 01:11:47,875 --> 01:11:49,082 And she loves me too. 993 01:11:49,791 --> 01:11:50,707 So if you think.. 994 01:11:50,791 --> 01:11:54,124 l don't know what to think. l don't understand the tricks of destiny. 995 01:11:54,958 --> 01:11:57,207 What a mess! 996 01:11:57,916 --> 01:12:01,290 What're you going to do now? 997 01:12:05,541 --> 01:12:07,207 l'll do whatever you say. 998 01:12:08,791 --> 01:12:10,540 There are just two things l can't do. 999 01:12:11,666 --> 01:12:15,707 "l can't divorce Jaanvi, and l can't stop loving her." 1000 01:12:16,375 --> 01:12:18,665 l'm in two minds. 1001 01:12:22,166 --> 01:12:25,665 The father of the girl wants to give his son-in-law a lot of money.. 1002 01:12:25,750 --> 01:12:28,124 to take her far away and settle down. 1003 01:12:31,625 --> 01:12:34,249 But the boss of the syndicate wants to.. 1004 01:12:35,250 --> 01:12:39,957 keep a useful man in his team. 1005 01:12:42,125 --> 01:12:43,749 Now you choose.. 1006 01:12:45,208 --> 01:12:48,540 Here? Or there? 1007 01:12:52,583 --> 01:12:54,999 "Sir, l can't take the money and go away.. " 1008 01:12:55,500 --> 01:12:56,624 because Jaanvi won't come. 1009 01:12:57,250 --> 01:12:58,582 "Also, she'll figure out the truth about us if.. 1010 01:12:58,666 --> 01:13:00,040 ..she sees that much money." 1011 01:13:01,875 --> 01:13:04,332 "As for me, l can't live off charity." 1012 01:13:04,708 --> 01:13:05,624 l earn my own bread. 1013 01:13:05,708 --> 01:13:07,040 "And this is what l'm good at, so l'll do it." 1014 01:13:11,750 --> 01:13:17,832 "Welcome to the family, and the business, son-in-law!" 1015 01:13:20,666 --> 01:13:27,582 "Family is an obstacle for the saint, the criminal and the leader." 1016 01:13:29,458 --> 01:13:31,290 That's why l killed my wife. 1017 01:13:32,500 --> 01:13:34,374 My business is booming. 1018 01:13:35,541 --> 01:13:39,040 l want to cast iron using the skills of our ancestors. 1019 01:13:41,333 --> 01:13:46,624 But once again my family is in my way. 1020 01:13:49,666 --> 01:13:50,915 lf Jaanvi finds out.. 1021 01:13:51,000 --> 01:13:52,790 "Sir, you don't worry about that. Jaanvi.. " 1022 01:13:52,875 --> 01:13:53,874 Sonu.. 1023 01:13:56,833 --> 01:13:58,040 What are you doing here? 1024 01:13:58,791 --> 01:13:59,874 Me? 1025 01:13:59,958 --> 01:14:01,707 l called him. 1026 01:14:02,833 --> 01:14:04,874 l knew you wouldn't tell me anything. 1027 01:14:05,375 --> 01:14:07,915 So l thought l'd get to know him myself. 1028 01:14:08,583 --> 01:14:09,749 "What he does for a living, what.. " 1029 01:14:09,833 --> 01:14:14,040 "Whatever he does, he's honest and that matters to me." 1030 01:14:15,750 --> 01:14:16,874 l'll leave.. 1031 01:14:17,000 --> 01:14:19,457 l have to go to the shop. See you at home. 1032 01:14:19,916 --> 01:14:21,707 Bye. 1033 01:14:24,875 --> 01:14:26,249 He's a good boy. 1034 01:14:27,000 --> 01:14:29,249 l thought l'd learn more about his business. 1035 01:14:29,500 --> 01:14:31,290 Just to check if he can take care of you well. 1036 01:14:31,375 --> 01:14:34,249 "l can take care of myself, you know that well." 1037 01:14:34,333 --> 01:14:36,707 And now you know that he has a textile business.. 1038 01:14:36,791 --> 01:14:38,874 and you can't help him there at all. 1039 01:14:39,291 --> 01:14:41,790 Because l wouldn't want you to help him. 1040 01:14:44,083 --> 01:14:47,415 "You called him here today, don't ever do that again." 1041 01:14:48,125 --> 01:14:50,874 Don't get so worked up. You still haven't changed. 1042 01:14:51,833 --> 01:14:55,790 "Fine, l won't call him here. Happy?" 1043 01:14:58,458 --> 01:15:00,165 "You moron, is the deal happening or not?" 1044 01:15:00,250 --> 01:15:02,582 lt isn't some garbage deal that'll get cancelled. 1045 01:15:02,791 --> 01:15:04,499 lt will happen today. 1046 01:15:04,750 --> 01:15:06,374 "When l find out, l'll tell you." 1047 01:15:06,833 --> 01:15:10,165 "Don't keep calling and scaring me, l'm hanging up." 1048 01:15:18,458 --> 01:15:19,874 "Sir, that was Jaanvi." 1049 01:15:20,458 --> 01:15:24,207 "She knows it's the first big deal, so she's very excited." 1050 01:15:26,375 --> 01:15:27,624 You've been to Meerut before right? 1051 01:15:27,708 --> 01:15:28,874 Yes. 1052 01:15:29,000 --> 01:15:32,874 "There's a Begum park near Begum bridge, deal will happen there." 1053 01:15:33,041 --> 01:15:34,540 Come Tomar sir. 1054 01:15:41,208 --> 01:15:42,832 "Listen, the deal is happening." 1055 01:15:42,916 --> 01:15:44,040 lt's on the way to Meerut. 1056 01:15:44,125 --> 01:15:46,040 "The guns are in the water tanker, l'm going after them." 1057 01:15:46,166 --> 01:15:47,124 okay! 1058 01:15:47,208 --> 01:15:48,124 "okay, sir." 1059 01:15:52,750 --> 01:15:53,624 - Hello. - Hello. 1060 01:15:53,708 --> 01:15:55,374 Hello. 1061 01:15:55,458 --> 01:15:58,249 "lf l snatch your phone ever, l won't give it back, remember that." 1062 01:16:01,083 --> 01:16:01,915 Hello. 1063 01:16:02,000 --> 01:16:03,290 What's going on? 1064 01:16:03,458 --> 01:16:05,957 "You didn't answer the phone first, and now who was that?" 1065 01:16:06,416 --> 01:16:08,790 l told you l'm busy. l'll call back. 1066 01:16:09,000 --> 01:16:12,832 "okay, Sonu, l just called to tell you 1067 01:16:13,041 --> 01:16:14,582 to please stay away from my dad." 1068 01:16:14,875 --> 01:16:15,999 Don't ever meet him. 1069 01:16:16,291 --> 01:16:18,499 "Yes, l'll stay far away." 1070 01:16:19,833 --> 01:16:20,957 l'm hanging up now. 1071 01:16:23,000 --> 01:16:23,915 "That was your daughter, 1072 01:16:24,000 --> 01:16:25,207 she was getting worked up because of him." 1073 01:16:25,791 --> 01:16:28,832 "You sound like a thief, she got suspicious." 1074 01:16:29,166 --> 01:16:30,249 "Yeah, as if she knows it well!" 1075 01:16:30,333 --> 01:16:33,332 "Sarfaraz, don't do that again." 1076 01:16:33,416 --> 01:16:34,249 okay Sir. 1077 01:16:34,333 --> 01:16:37,332 And you.. switch off your phone. 1078 01:16:38,333 --> 01:16:40,540 - Just increase the radio volume. - Yes. 1079 01:16:57,000 --> 01:16:59,457 Lower the volume. 1080 01:17:01,541 --> 01:17:02,374 Hello? 1081 01:17:03,375 --> 01:17:04,957 Greetings sir. 1082 01:17:05,375 --> 01:17:07,665 one of your men works for the police. 1083 01:17:07,916 --> 01:17:09,332 Get out of there quick. 1084 01:17:14,583 --> 01:17:16,582 Forget about the deal. 1085 01:17:18,041 --> 01:17:19,582 The police have found out. 1086 01:17:21,041 --> 01:17:24,374 Someone amongst us is an informer.. 1087 01:17:25,083 --> 01:17:26,874 he's given us away. 1088 01:17:27,458 --> 01:17:30,040 But how can you be so certain that 1089 01:17:30,458 --> 01:17:32,124 someone amongst us has informed the police? 1090 01:17:32,208 --> 01:17:34,332 Because a policeman told me so! 1091 01:17:37,625 --> 01:17:39,207 Stupid rascal. 1092 01:17:39,916 --> 01:17:41,415 - Sarfaraz.. - Yes sir? 1093 01:17:41,500 --> 01:17:42,624 Turn the tanker around. 1094 01:17:42,708 --> 01:17:43,624 okay sir. 1095 01:17:51,416 --> 01:17:52,582 - Listen.. - Sir? 1096 01:17:52,958 --> 01:17:54,457 Both of Sonu's phones are switched off. 1097 01:17:55,666 --> 01:17:57,165 Something's wrong. 1098 01:17:57,750 --> 01:17:59,582 Stay with the tankers. 1099 01:17:59,833 --> 01:18:01,207 And follow plan C. 1100 01:18:01,291 --> 01:18:02,499 "Copy, sir." 1101 01:18:02,583 --> 01:18:04,374 - Follow the tanker.. - Yes sir. 1102 01:18:42,208 --> 01:18:45,540 "You've parked the Scorpio in front of the wrong car, Sarfaraz." 1103 01:18:45,875 --> 01:18:47,207 Yes Sir. 1104 01:18:47,458 --> 01:18:48,832 The ACP looks confused. 1105 01:18:49,041 --> 01:18:50,749 That's the way he looks.. confused. 1106 01:18:51,833 --> 01:18:53,957 l'm not confused at all. 1107 01:18:56,125 --> 01:18:57,999 l know you people well. 1108 01:18:59,500 --> 01:19:01,124 This is Sonu Dilli right? 1109 01:19:04,750 --> 01:19:07,707 "No, this is Shah Rukh Khan." 1110 01:19:09,250 --> 01:19:12,874 And that one is Salman Khan. 1111 01:19:14,083 --> 01:19:17,832 And l am Amitabh Bachchan. 1112 01:19:21,375 --> 01:19:22,332 Now what? 1113 01:19:24,125 --> 01:19:25,999 Then we'll have to make a blockbuster. 1114 01:19:27,958 --> 01:19:31,624 Such a movie that'll never go out of theatres. 1115 01:19:32,916 --> 01:19:35,124 People will garland your photos. 1116 01:19:36,000 --> 01:19:37,457 "okay, do call us for the inaugural ceremony." 1117 01:19:37,916 --> 01:19:39,165 We'll bring the garlands ourselves. 1118 01:19:40,541 --> 01:19:42,374 Do you understand? 1119 01:19:43,333 --> 01:19:45,582 Here's the first scene of the movie. 1120 01:19:57,500 --> 01:20:00,124 "Let's go then, bye." 1121 01:20:01,791 --> 01:20:03,040 Let's go. 1122 01:20:09,583 --> 01:20:10,874 l need revenge. 1123 01:20:10,958 --> 01:20:12,207 Just shut your phone. 1124 01:20:13,625 --> 01:20:15,624 l need revenge. 1125 01:20:15,791 --> 01:20:18,665 Revenge? That scoundrel policeman. 1126 01:20:18,750 --> 01:20:20,957 We should've killed him right there.. 1127 01:20:21,458 --> 01:20:25,499 that would be perfect! You just said 'bye' and left. 1128 01:20:25,583 --> 01:20:28,915 "We would've killed him, and then?" 1129 01:20:29,625 --> 01:20:30,707 What then? 1130 01:20:30,791 --> 01:20:32,832 "The deal would have been saved, what else!" 1131 01:20:33,541 --> 01:20:36,874 "lf we've lost millions today, 1132 01:20:37,375 --> 01:20:42,582 that isn't because of the policeman.. " 1133 01:20:43,416 --> 01:20:47,290 it's because of that informer! 1134 01:20:48,083 --> 01:20:52,374 He works for us and for the police. 1135 01:20:53,458 --> 01:20:55,124 What do we do now? 1136 01:20:58,166 --> 01:21:02,540 Now we need to find that traitor.. 1137 01:21:03,458 --> 01:21:05,957 and exact our revenge! 1138 01:21:07,833 --> 01:21:09,874 "First of all, l'll gather everyone's mobile phones." 1139 01:21:09,958 --> 01:21:10,999 That's it.. 1140 01:21:11,541 --> 01:21:14,290 finally you've spoken something intelligent. 1141 01:21:14,375 --> 01:21:16,749 "Surrender your phones, everyone." 1142 01:21:16,833 --> 01:21:18,957 "Come on, give me your phone." 1143 01:21:19,833 --> 01:21:23,874 "You too, Sonu Dilli. Get your phone here." 1144 01:21:24,375 --> 01:21:27,540 "lf l'm among everyone, then why aren't you?" 1145 01:21:28,333 --> 01:21:29,707 "You keep your phone first, then l will." 1146 01:21:30,083 --> 01:21:33,624 You're ordering me? Let me tell you this.. 1147 01:21:34,208 --> 01:21:39,124 "He might be the boss, but l run the business!" 1148 01:21:39,375 --> 01:21:40,999 And l expand it. 1149 01:21:41,583 --> 01:21:45,999 What? Are you comparing yourself to me? 1150 01:21:46,166 --> 01:21:49,832 "Sarfaraz, he makes sense." 1151 01:21:51,000 --> 01:21:52,165 Come on.. 1152 01:21:53,166 --> 01:21:54,457 Boss.. 1153 01:21:54,666 --> 01:21:57,957 "You keep your phone there, so will he." 1154 01:21:58,375 --> 01:21:59,499 okay. 1155 01:21:59,916 --> 01:22:01,915 l want to talk to you in private. 1156 01:22:02,000 --> 01:22:03,082 Come on! 1157 01:22:04,041 --> 01:22:07,290 You should've been called 'madman'. 1158 01:22:09,000 --> 01:22:11,874 - Go! - Why're you still here? 1159 01:22:13,333 --> 01:22:18,082 "He may be your son-in-law, but l suspect him." 1160 01:22:29,166 --> 01:22:32,290 "Don't call on my phone under any circumstances, it's with them." 1161 01:22:32,583 --> 01:22:33,832 "l've saved your number as 'wife'.." 1162 01:22:33,916 --> 01:22:35,749 "..but they'll figure out if they hear your voice.. " 1163 01:22:35,833 --> 01:22:37,790 "That you're not my wife, but her brother." 1164 01:22:38,750 --> 01:22:40,082 Understood? 1165 01:22:40,375 --> 01:22:41,999 Now l'm hanging up. 1166 01:23:00,416 --> 01:23:01,957 Who are you off to marry now? 1167 01:23:03,166 --> 01:23:04,415 You. 1168 01:23:05,708 --> 01:23:06,832 Me? 1169 01:23:08,750 --> 01:23:11,040 So what happened in court that day then? 1170 01:23:11,125 --> 01:23:12,915 "We got married, as far as l remember." 1171 01:23:13,125 --> 01:23:14,665 But you don't remember. 1172 01:23:15,000 --> 01:23:18,082 "Because for you, signing a document does not mean getting married." 1173 01:23:18,166 --> 01:23:21,749 "That's why you don't take my calls, don't give me time." 1174 01:23:21,833 --> 01:23:24,124 You've forgotten that we're husband and wife. 1175 01:23:24,625 --> 01:23:27,415 So this is my way of reminding you. 1176 01:23:27,958 --> 01:23:29,957 Maybe if we do the rituals. 1177 01:23:34,166 --> 01:23:36,165 ..there is stability. 1178 01:23:36,250 --> 01:23:39,082 Thank you Lord. 1179 01:23:39,166 --> 01:23:42,040 My breath is intoxicated 1180 01:23:42,125 --> 01:23:43,999 .. leaving me with its effects. 1181 01:23:44,250 --> 01:23:46,832 Thank you Lord. 1182 01:23:46,916 --> 01:23:49,790 You are my day 1183 01:23:49,875 --> 01:23:52,082 .. my religion. 1184 01:23:52,166 --> 01:23:54,957 Thank you Lord. 1185 01:23:55,083 --> 01:23:57,915 You are my chant 1186 01:23:58,000 --> 01:23:59,915 .. my call for prayer. 1187 01:24:00,000 --> 01:24:03,082 Thank you Lord. 1188 01:24:20,041 --> 01:24:23,582 l got you and gained everything 1189 01:24:23,958 --> 01:24:27,499 How can l complain? 1190 01:24:27,750 --> 01:24:29,874 Let us fuse together, 1191 01:24:29,958 --> 01:24:31,915 let me decimate, 1192 01:24:32,000 --> 01:24:39,874 let me get destroyed in your arms. 1193 01:24:39,958 --> 01:24:44,915 lt is a speech of emotions 1194 01:24:45,166 --> 01:24:48,165 Thank you Lord. 1195 01:24:48,250 --> 01:24:50,999 lt is my recent speech 1196 01:24:51,041 --> 01:24:53,040 .. my new pride. 1197 01:24:53,125 --> 01:24:56,499 Thank you Lord. 1198 01:25:03,500 --> 01:25:05,290 Now we deserve the honeymoon. 1199 01:25:06,125 --> 01:25:07,582 Let's go some place far away. 1200 01:25:10,333 --> 01:25:12,707 l feel like l'm starting all over. 1201 01:25:13,083 --> 01:25:14,707 l'm getting closer to heaven. 1202 01:25:14,958 --> 01:25:16,540 "Let's settle down in Digha, forever." 1203 01:25:16,750 --> 01:25:19,374 Let's find our spot in some corner of the world. 1204 01:25:19,666 --> 01:25:22,207 "No horns, no sirens, no shouts, just love." 1205 01:25:22,583 --> 01:25:23,582 okay? 1206 01:25:23,666 --> 01:25:25,124 You'll like Digha. 1207 01:25:25,208 --> 01:25:26,957 The place is perfect. 1208 01:25:27,083 --> 01:25:29,499 "You know, there are no mobile towers in Digha." 1209 01:25:29,708 --> 01:25:32,874 Mobile phones can't work there. Your phone won't ring at all. 1210 01:25:33,708 --> 01:25:35,207 Yours is ringing. 1211 01:25:35,291 --> 01:25:36,540 Hello? 1212 01:25:36,625 --> 01:25:38,749 l need to speak with Sonu. 1213 01:25:38,833 --> 01:25:40,707 Just a minute. lt's for you. 1214 01:25:40,791 --> 01:25:42,124 on your phone? 1215 01:25:42,625 --> 01:25:43,749 Hello. 1216 01:25:43,833 --> 01:25:46,124 lsn't Metro a convenient way to travel. 1217 01:25:46,208 --> 01:25:47,249 Hello? 1218 01:25:47,333 --> 01:25:48,915 Meet me at gate no 8. 1219 01:25:49,000 --> 01:25:49,999 Hello? 1220 01:25:51,125 --> 01:25:52,499 Wrong number. 1221 01:25:53,041 --> 01:25:55,749 Do the check-in. l'll just go to the washroom. 1222 01:26:03,875 --> 01:26:04,999 Shoot me! 1223 01:26:05,625 --> 01:26:07,374 l had come to shoot you, really. 1224 01:26:09,291 --> 01:26:14,124 But l saw you with the doctor, and l calmed down. 1225 01:26:14,625 --> 01:26:17,707 l got reminded of the time l was off for my honeymoon, like you. 1226 01:26:20,125 --> 01:26:21,915 You make a nice couple. 1227 01:26:22,000 --> 01:26:23,457 That's why you want to break us up? 1228 01:26:23,541 --> 01:26:24,707 No.. 1229 01:26:26,291 --> 01:26:27,999 l'm not so stonehearted. 1230 01:26:29,541 --> 01:26:32,249 l just want Mangal Singh in my grasp! 1231 01:26:32,583 --> 01:26:34,207 Then l'll see you two off myself. 1232 01:26:34,291 --> 01:26:36,249 So should l put him on a platter and bring him to you? 1233 01:26:36,333 --> 01:26:37,290 l'd set everything up properly, 1234 01:26:37,375 --> 01:26:38,999 but one of your policemen works for him. 1235 01:26:40,625 --> 01:26:43,040 First find out who's the traitor then we'll talk. 1236 01:26:46,208 --> 01:26:48,040 l will, but you hang around. 1237 01:26:48,083 --> 01:26:51,082 l can't. Sarfaraz suspects me.. 1238 01:26:51,166 --> 01:26:53,165 he's taken my phone away. l told you already. 1239 01:26:54,416 --> 01:26:56,457 He'll even figure out that l'm your informer. 1240 01:26:56,541 --> 01:26:57,707 What if he knows already? 1241 01:26:57,791 --> 01:26:59,165 He may have started hunting me already. 1242 01:26:59,250 --> 01:27:01,082 l can't live on the edge anymore. 1243 01:27:01,166 --> 01:27:02,957 Calm down, catch your breath. 1244 01:27:03,041 --> 01:27:05,790 You don't stop talking. 1245 01:27:06,916 --> 01:27:08,874 They can't find out. 1246 01:27:09,791 --> 01:27:12,165 l've destroyed all the phone records. 1247 01:27:13,666 --> 01:27:15,124 l blew up their tanker so that they.. 1248 01:27:15,208 --> 01:27:16,915 would be forced to do the deal again. 1249 01:27:17,000 --> 01:27:19,874 And l won't go wrong this time, just come back. 1250 01:27:21,125 --> 01:27:25,915 This time l'm not blackmailing you, l'm requesting you. 1251 01:27:32,250 --> 01:27:34,040 And what do l tell Jaanvi? 1252 01:27:35,500 --> 01:27:37,915 Who can beat you at making excuses? 1253 01:27:38,000 --> 01:27:39,165 Say anything! 1254 01:28:18,000 --> 01:28:20,749 Hardeep, we need to track a phone. 1255 01:28:21,666 --> 01:28:23,999 l think this is what l'll do all day. 1256 01:28:24,458 --> 01:28:27,540 There are 14 phones to track. See.. 1257 01:28:42,291 --> 01:28:43,665 Who gave you this phone? 1258 01:28:43,750 --> 01:28:46,999 l think Rajender gave it. 1259 01:28:47,666 --> 01:28:48,999 Where is he? 1260 01:28:49,250 --> 01:28:51,249 He went towards your table. 1261 01:29:26,375 --> 01:29:28,332 Where did you get this phone? 1262 01:29:29,750 --> 01:29:32,249 Who has asked for this phone to be tracked urgently? 1263 01:29:33,000 --> 01:29:36,332 Sir it's the most expensive in the lot. 1264 01:29:37,708 --> 01:29:40,749 Rathore sir of Pahandganj sent this over. 1265 01:29:41,291 --> 01:29:43,207 His people confiscated this from somewhere. 1266 01:29:47,666 --> 01:29:50,040 Why is your hand in a cast? 1267 01:29:51,541 --> 01:29:53,707 My wrist has broken. 1268 01:29:54,000 --> 01:29:55,040 What's broken? 1269 01:29:55,958 --> 01:29:57,207 My wrist. 1270 01:29:58,875 --> 01:30:01,582 Sir! Sir, what are you doing? 1271 01:30:02,125 --> 01:30:03,957 Have you gone mad? 1272 01:30:04,541 --> 01:30:07,499 Sir, just leave him. 1273 01:30:08,541 --> 01:30:12,374 Who are you working for? 1274 01:30:12,708 --> 01:30:13,832 You traitor! 1275 01:30:13,916 --> 01:30:15,832 Have you gone mad? 1276 01:30:30,666 --> 01:30:33,207 Sir, someone amongst us works for Mangal Singh. 1277 01:30:33,291 --> 01:30:35,082 Who keeps him informed of all our activities. 1278 01:30:35,166 --> 01:30:37,040 l will find him! 1279 01:30:37,250 --> 01:30:39,457 And is this your method of finding him? 1280 01:30:40,208 --> 01:30:42,790 To treat your colleagues like criminals? 1281 01:30:43,333 --> 01:30:44,999 l'm just doing my duty, sir. 1282 01:30:46,458 --> 01:30:47,624 Duty? 1283 01:30:48,291 --> 01:30:50,207 You aren't doing your duty, Pratap. 1284 01:30:50,666 --> 01:30:53,707 You're just trying to get revenge. 1285 01:30:54,750 --> 01:30:58,207 You can't sleep right? 1286 01:30:58,666 --> 01:31:00,915 Not because you're doing your duty. 1287 01:31:01,250 --> 01:31:05,915 But because you're still carrying your wife's corpse around. 1288 01:31:06,375 --> 01:31:08,915 You're such a selfish man. 1289 01:31:10,666 --> 01:31:12,374 You are not an angel in any sense. 1290 01:31:13,291 --> 01:31:15,540 Just another ACP. 1291 01:31:16,833 --> 01:31:19,082 Who was only determined and staunch so far.. 1292 01:31:19,916 --> 01:31:24,082 and who is now going mad. 1293 01:31:24,166 --> 01:31:25,540 Crazy. 1294 01:31:26,291 --> 01:31:27,999 Enough is enough, Pratap.. 1295 01:31:28,791 --> 01:31:31,249 l can't protect you anymore. 1296 01:31:31,750 --> 01:31:33,790 lf you do something like this again.. 1297 01:31:33,875 --> 01:31:35,499 You'll fire me right? 1298 01:31:50,458 --> 01:31:52,874 "Hi. You've reached Meera and Pratap." 1299 01:31:52,958 --> 01:31:54,582 "We are not at home right now. 1300 01:31:54,666 --> 01:31:57,749 Please leave a message after the beep, and we'll call you back." 1301 01:32:13,625 --> 01:32:23,415 l have run out of coins again! 1302 01:32:24,583 --> 01:32:26,749 - ldiot! - Don't be offended, sir. 1303 01:32:27,916 --> 01:32:29,415 But think about the living today. 1304 01:32:30,208 --> 01:32:31,915 Think about Sonu. 1305 01:32:36,041 --> 01:32:37,707 What happened to Sonu Dilli? 1306 01:32:37,791 --> 01:32:39,874 Sarfaraz has his men following him.. 1307 01:32:40,500 --> 01:32:42,207 keeping an eye on his every move. 1308 01:32:42,958 --> 01:32:44,499 at any moment now they may.. 1309 01:32:44,791 --> 01:32:46,082 l am telling you Sir. 1310 01:32:49,958 --> 01:32:51,124 No.. 1311 01:32:53,208 --> 01:32:55,290 Sonu Dilli must not be harmed. 1312 01:32:56,583 --> 01:33:00,707 l've promised him that nothing will hurt him. 1313 01:33:02,416 --> 01:33:03,707 What's the matter, sir? 1314 01:33:04,625 --> 01:33:06,790 l've worked with you for several years. 1315 01:33:07,791 --> 01:33:10,790 You haven't ever felt this way for an informer.. 1316 01:33:14,375 --> 01:33:20,707 No.. that no-good rogue Sonu Dilli. 1317 01:33:22,666 --> 01:33:26,499 Him and his wife, l feel like they're my own. 1318 01:33:28,916 --> 01:33:32,415 lf either of them are hurt.. 1319 01:33:34,708 --> 01:33:36,999 there will be trouble. 1320 01:33:37,750 --> 01:33:38,999 Nothing will happen. 1321 01:33:39,041 --> 01:33:40,290 Do you understand? 1322 01:33:40,875 --> 01:33:41,874 l understand, sir. 1323 01:33:41,958 --> 01:33:43,457 There will be trouble. 1324 01:34:21,041 --> 01:34:22,249 What's the matter? 1325 01:34:22,333 --> 01:34:23,874 You look like you've seen a ghost! 1326 01:34:27,416 --> 01:34:28,999 Balli, l feel like.. 1327 01:34:29,083 --> 01:34:30,582 someone's following me. 1328 01:34:31,041 --> 01:34:33,040 ls it? You feel like that? 1329 01:34:33,083 --> 01:34:35,290 Are you the informer that everyone's looking for? 1330 01:34:38,041 --> 01:34:39,457 l'm joking. 1331 01:34:39,541 --> 01:34:41,665 But can l say something? 1332 01:34:42,666 --> 01:34:45,582 You aren't the same Sonu Dilli KKC. 1333 01:34:46,250 --> 01:34:48,707 You seem different since the last few weeks. 1334 01:34:48,791 --> 01:34:50,249 That drive is missing. 1335 01:34:50,333 --> 01:34:51,374 You would say that in our business.. 1336 01:34:51,458 --> 01:34:52,790 the one who gets scared dies quickly. 1337 01:34:52,875 --> 01:34:54,165 Stop lecturing! 1338 01:34:56,041 --> 01:34:57,749 l'm worried for Jaanvi. 1339 01:35:02,833 --> 01:35:06,249 Have you seen me behind those four walls of the house? 1340 01:35:08,125 --> 01:35:12,540 When l'm there, l'm like ordinary people. Not like this. 1341 01:35:14,625 --> 01:35:18,207 l even pick up the towel after a bath otherwise she gets angry. 1342 01:35:21,583 --> 01:35:23,790 l haven't felt like this before. 1343 01:35:26,708 --> 01:35:28,582 l'm scared l might end up losing her. 1344 01:35:31,083 --> 01:35:34,790 Brother, we're street hustlers. 1345 01:35:35,958 --> 01:35:37,749 We aren't meant to get married.. 1346 01:35:38,166 --> 01:35:41,165 but l don't understand how you became the Romeo suddenly. 1347 01:35:44,125 --> 01:35:45,290 Another thing.. 1348 01:35:45,958 --> 01:35:48,957 that girl.. l won't call her sister-in-law.. 1349 01:35:50,541 --> 01:35:52,040 that girl who you've gotten married to.. 1350 01:35:52,583 --> 01:35:53,874 the day she finds out the whole truth.. 1351 01:35:53,958 --> 01:35:55,499 she'll dump you and walk away. 1352 01:35:55,583 --> 01:35:56,832 remember this. 1353 01:36:12,250 --> 01:36:15,499 You? You're queuing up with a token? 1354 01:36:18,250 --> 01:36:20,707 l wanted to meet you like a patient.. 1355 01:36:21,291 --> 01:36:22,374 Really? 1356 01:36:22,708 --> 01:36:24,374 What have you cut today? 1357 01:36:39,333 --> 01:36:40,707 Are you all right? 1358 01:36:41,541 --> 01:36:43,332 l don't know why l feel like there's something you.. 1359 01:36:43,416 --> 01:36:45,540 are trying to say, but can't. 1360 01:36:51,708 --> 01:36:54,207 l just want to hold you close once.. 1361 01:36:59,375 --> 01:37:04,665 l think of you night and day 1362 01:37:04,750 --> 01:37:10,749 how more can l love you? 1363 01:37:11,166 --> 01:37:16,332 l am drowned in your thoughts 1364 01:37:16,583 --> 01:37:22,665 how more can l love you? 1365 01:37:23,250 --> 01:37:28,915 l am with you, in all your sorrows 1366 01:37:29,166 --> 01:37:35,040 l am with you, in all seasons 1367 01:37:35,125 --> 01:37:41,124 Don't test me so 1368 01:37:49,791 --> 01:37:59,207 l am with you 1369 01:38:32,333 --> 01:38:35,457 Now l'm sure that Jaanvi is my life. 1370 01:38:35,541 --> 01:38:37,624 My universe, my bliss. 1371 01:38:38,208 --> 01:38:40,749 Raghuvanshi and Mangal Singh, you can go to hell. 1372 01:38:41,041 --> 01:38:43,540 once l get out of this mess, l'll go away with Jaanvi. 1373 01:38:44,000 --> 01:38:46,207 There is no further movement.. 1374 01:38:47,333 --> 01:38:49,707 There is no deal planned after that fiasco. 1375 01:38:49,958 --> 01:38:52,707 You aren't planning something, are you? 1376 01:38:53,500 --> 01:38:55,040 You aren't fooling me right? 1377 01:38:55,416 --> 01:38:57,290 What are you saying, sir? 1378 01:38:58,041 --> 01:39:00,374 Call me if there's any update, all right. 1379 01:39:00,625 --> 01:39:02,207 Yes, l will. l'm hanging up. 1380 01:39:04,375 --> 01:39:05,957 l am fooling you, you idiot. 1381 01:39:06,041 --> 01:39:08,040 l'm not called a cheeky rogue for nothing. 1382 01:39:09,083 --> 01:39:14,332 You are where l reside, your home 1383 01:39:14,500 --> 01:39:17,582 Every dusk, 1384 01:39:17,958 --> 01:39:23,582 l come to you. 1385 01:39:23,791 --> 01:39:26,874 don't go anywhere. 1386 01:39:27,041 --> 01:39:29,665 You are safe there, 1387 01:39:29,750 --> 01:39:32,790 the world is a cruel place. 1388 01:39:32,875 --> 01:39:38,374 l am with you, in all your sorrows 1389 01:39:38,666 --> 01:39:44,207 l am with you, in all seasons 1390 01:39:44,666 --> 01:39:50,540 Don't test me so 1391 01:39:53,500 --> 01:40:08,499 l am with you 1392 01:41:05,000 --> 01:41:07,082 Perfect. Take it. 1393 01:41:08,500 --> 01:41:10,332 Your life is set now. 1394 01:41:10,416 --> 01:41:13,082 Because where you are going is heaven. 1395 01:41:13,166 --> 01:41:14,999 Don't jinx it.. 1396 01:41:15,375 --> 01:41:17,374 nobody else knows about this plan, apart from you. 1397 01:41:18,250 --> 01:41:20,249 l'm planning to surprise Jaanvi today. 1398 01:41:20,666 --> 01:41:22,874 And by tomorrow we'll both have gotten out of here. 1399 01:41:27,666 --> 01:41:30,040 lt seems his phone book has only my contact number. 1400 01:41:30,083 --> 01:41:30,999 Yes sir? 1401 01:41:31,041 --> 01:41:34,040 l've not seen your pretty face for quite some time. Meet me tonight. 1402 01:41:34,083 --> 01:41:35,165 Sir not tonight.. 1403 01:41:35,250 --> 01:41:39,582 Come to the mosque at 8 pm, we'll pray for you. 1404 01:41:40,500 --> 01:41:42,290 okay l'll be there. 1405 01:41:43,916 --> 01:41:46,749 After tonight l'll be rid of him and Delhi once and for all. 1406 01:41:47,416 --> 01:41:49,332 Thank you. 1407 01:41:54,250 --> 01:41:56,124 Listen, you wait here. l'll be back. 1408 01:41:56,208 --> 01:41:58,499 What's going on? Tell me.. ? 1409 01:42:08,958 --> 01:42:10,707 Greetings sir. 1410 01:42:11,291 --> 01:42:14,749 Pratap is meeting his informer at the mosque right now. 1411 01:42:22,500 --> 01:42:24,249 - Give me a shawl. - Yes sir. 1412 01:42:25,875 --> 01:42:27,499 You don't meet me nowadays. 1413 01:42:28,958 --> 01:42:31,082 So tell me where and when this deal is happening? 1414 01:42:31,541 --> 01:42:34,582 Sarfaraz has the details, he has kept me out of it. 1415 01:42:34,666 --> 01:42:36,124 He is suspicious of me. 1416 01:42:38,291 --> 01:42:41,249 only he can help you. Follow him. 1417 01:42:42,625 --> 01:42:44,457 - Please excuse me. - Give me change sir. 1418 01:43:09,625 --> 01:43:11,040 Come on. 1419 01:43:17,666 --> 01:43:21,207 Balli, where are you and Sonu? His phone is switched off. 1420 01:43:21,541 --> 01:43:23,540 We're at the mosque. Get here quick! 1421 01:43:23,625 --> 01:43:24,665 The informer is here. 1422 01:43:24,750 --> 01:43:28,290 We're at Vasant Vihar. We're on our way. 1423 01:44:24,041 --> 01:44:26,457 You rascal! Traitor! 1424 01:44:57,458 --> 01:44:58,915 Let's go. 1425 01:45:03,500 --> 01:45:06,207 You're losing a lot of blood. go see a doctor. 1426 01:45:07,833 --> 01:45:09,499 You saved me from that bullet. 1427 01:45:10,375 --> 01:45:12,749 But if Mangal's men see us together.. 1428 01:45:12,833 --> 01:45:14,749 there will be more bullets.. 1429 01:45:14,833 --> 01:45:16,207 how will you save me from that? 1430 01:45:16,625 --> 01:45:20,749 No one has seen us together, and Sarfaraz is with us now. 1431 01:45:23,750 --> 01:45:25,790 Now you're Mangal Singh's only close aide. 1432 01:45:26,291 --> 01:45:28,124 He'll definitely trust you now. 1433 01:45:30,041 --> 01:45:31,249 Now listen.. 1434 01:45:32,083 --> 01:45:34,749 l saved your life for my sake.. 1435 01:45:36,250 --> 01:45:37,915 for the deal. 1436 01:45:39,666 --> 01:45:43,082 Go now, finish the deal. 1437 01:45:49,041 --> 01:45:50,915 "The number you have called is switched off. 1438 01:45:51,000 --> 01:45:52,374 Please try again later." 1439 01:45:54,500 --> 01:45:56,624 "The number you have called is switched off. 1440 01:45:56,708 --> 01:45:58,249 Please try again later." 1441 01:46:11,791 --> 01:46:13,624 So will you tell us about this deal on your own.. 1442 01:46:13,708 --> 01:46:16,124 or should l twist it out of you? 1443 01:46:18,375 --> 01:46:24,207 l have policemen like you eating out of my hand. 1444 01:46:26,791 --> 01:46:31,499 You're lucky that the bullet only hit your hand.. 1445 01:46:32,541 --> 01:46:36,624 ..go bandage it well. 1446 01:46:38,041 --> 01:46:39,624 or you'll lose the whole arm. 1447 01:46:41,333 --> 01:46:42,457 Disabled. 1448 01:46:52,541 --> 01:46:54,957 Then this will be the hand to talk to you. 1449 01:47:17,666 --> 01:47:19,082 Why're you questioning me about the deal? 1450 01:47:20,250 --> 01:47:22,082 You have an informer. 1451 01:47:22,750 --> 01:47:24,165 He is Tomar's son-in-law. 1452 01:47:25,541 --> 01:47:27,374 He's been planning it right from the start. 1453 01:47:27,666 --> 01:47:28,874 He's going to do the deal. 1454 01:47:38,375 --> 01:47:39,499 Why? 1455 01:47:41,833 --> 01:47:43,457 What did he tell you? 1456 01:47:44,625 --> 01:47:47,457 He's made a fool out of you! 1457 01:47:51,125 --> 01:47:54,040 And what are you going to do about it. 1458 01:48:14,375 --> 01:48:17,707 You're more innocent than we all thought. 1459 01:48:19,458 --> 01:48:20,624 Where have you been? 1460 01:48:20,916 --> 01:48:21,999 Yes, sir. l was.. 1461 01:48:22,083 --> 01:48:23,457 So it turned out to be one of us after all. 1462 01:48:25,625 --> 01:48:30,332 This is like looking all over for the spectacles atop your head. 1463 01:48:34,416 --> 01:48:35,582 l didn't get you. 1464 01:48:37,125 --> 01:48:38,874 We found the one we were looking for, the police informer.. 1465 01:48:40,000 --> 01:48:41,124 your close friend.. 1466 01:48:47,291 --> 01:48:49,457 No, sir. There's been a misunderstanding. 1467 01:48:49,541 --> 01:48:50,874 He's my childhood friend. 1468 01:48:51,500 --> 01:48:52,790 He's a total coward. 1469 01:48:52,875 --> 01:48:54,082 He can never be an informer. 1470 01:48:55,125 --> 01:48:56,457 Release him! 1471 01:48:56,666 --> 01:48:58,665 So why was he at the mosque then? 1472 01:48:59,541 --> 01:49:01,374 - He lied to us. - Let me explain. 1473 01:49:01,458 --> 01:49:02,540 No. 1474 01:49:03,583 --> 01:49:04,874 Let him explain. 1475 01:49:05,625 --> 01:49:06,790 open his gag. 1476 01:49:22,541 --> 01:49:23,665 Yes, l went to the mosque. 1477 01:49:25,333 --> 01:49:26,832 With Sarfaraz. 1478 01:49:27,333 --> 01:49:29,040 l was working for him.. 1479 01:49:29,083 --> 01:49:30,374 and he was working for the police. 1480 01:49:30,458 --> 01:49:32,374 What rubbish! You were with me.. 1481 01:49:32,458 --> 01:49:36,832 l've made a mistake, please forgive me. 1482 01:49:39,291 --> 01:49:40,540 He's lying! 1483 01:49:40,625 --> 01:49:42,165 He was your friend. 1484 01:49:44,041 --> 01:49:45,207 Now he's a traitor. 1485 01:49:48,166 --> 01:49:50,790 Sarfaraz had spoken of parting ways. 1486 01:49:51,375 --> 01:49:53,540 l know the police have arrested Sarfaraz.. 1487 01:49:57,333 --> 01:49:58,790 they cannot protect him. 1488 01:50:00,541 --> 01:50:01,790 but before that.. 1489 01:50:02,791 --> 01:50:05,040 we have to get Balli out of the way. 1490 01:50:07,000 --> 01:50:07,874 Sir, listen to me. 1491 01:50:07,958 --> 01:50:08,999 Get on with it! 1492 01:50:23,041 --> 01:50:23,915 Wait! 1493 01:50:24,000 --> 01:50:25,082 Let me do it. 1494 01:50:25,625 --> 01:50:27,624 ls this your solution to settle all dues?! 1495 01:50:29,375 --> 01:50:30,665 Have you become so brave? 1496 01:51:41,291 --> 01:51:43,832 We're partners in business, not in death. 1497 01:51:44,541 --> 01:51:46,582 You know how scared l am of dying. 1498 01:51:48,375 --> 01:51:51,707 Wait a while. l'll return every penny. 1499 01:52:41,250 --> 01:52:42,457 l can explain. 1500 01:52:44,458 --> 01:52:45,582 l'm listening. 1501 01:52:52,333 --> 01:52:53,665 l'm a police informer. 1502 01:52:56,333 --> 01:52:58,832 And l'm working for them because.. 1503 01:52:59,291 --> 01:53:01,165 l wanted to live an honest life with you. 1504 01:53:04,000 --> 01:53:06,082 ACP Pratap Raghuvanshi promised me.. 1505 01:53:06,166 --> 01:53:08,040 ..that he'll give me a chance to lead a decent life. 1506 01:53:12,875 --> 01:53:13,999 Jaanvi.. 1507 01:53:14,666 --> 01:53:17,665 Jaanvi, l wanted to take you away from here, long ago. 1508 01:53:18,208 --> 01:53:19,707 But now l'm stuck in a huge mess. 1509 01:53:22,625 --> 01:53:24,165 lf you'd prefer.. 1510 01:53:24,375 --> 01:53:25,832 l'll request Pratap to speak to you. 1511 01:53:25,916 --> 01:53:26,999 He'll explain everything to you. 1512 01:53:27,083 --> 01:53:28,957 Will you believe me then? 1513 01:53:31,958 --> 01:53:33,040 Lies. 1514 01:53:34,250 --> 01:53:35,665 Every word is a lie. 1515 01:53:37,458 --> 01:53:38,624 l don't believe you. 1516 01:53:39,041 --> 01:53:40,540 Jaanvi l'm not lying. 1517 01:53:40,791 --> 01:53:41,915 Trust me. 1518 01:53:43,458 --> 01:53:45,124 l always wanted to keep you happy. 1519 01:53:47,375 --> 01:53:48,499 Fine. 1520 01:53:50,250 --> 01:53:51,374 Get him. 1521 01:53:53,375 --> 01:53:55,415 But l give you only one day to do it. 1522 01:53:55,500 --> 01:53:57,624 That's enough. l'll get Pratap.. 1523 01:53:57,708 --> 01:53:58,999 He'll make you understand. 1524 01:54:00,000 --> 01:54:02,999 Then we'll leave this city and go somewhere far away. 1525 01:54:25,708 --> 01:54:26,832 Wait for me.. 1526 01:54:29,666 --> 01:54:30,915 Don't give up on us. 1527 01:54:41,958 --> 01:54:42,749 Come with me, now. 1528 01:54:42,833 --> 01:54:44,415 Come and tell Jaanvi that l work for you. 1529 01:54:44,500 --> 01:54:45,624 Not for Mangal Singh. 1530 01:54:46,333 --> 01:54:47,457 Don't you? 1531 01:54:50,083 --> 01:54:52,207 You lied to me. 1532 01:54:54,125 --> 01:54:56,332 l kept asking you about the deal and.. 1533 01:54:56,416 --> 01:54:58,915 To hell with the deal! Deal, deal.. all the time! 1534 01:55:00,291 --> 01:55:03,249 Here my entire life could be ruined.. my marriage is breaking down. 1535 01:55:05,333 --> 01:55:07,165 Yes, l kept things from you. 1536 01:55:07,458 --> 01:55:09,832 Because l wanted to run away from here.. from all of you. 1537 01:55:11,041 --> 01:55:13,124 l'm sick of living like a dog.. 1538 01:55:13,583 --> 01:55:15,582 being kicked between Mangal Singh and you! 1539 01:55:17,583 --> 01:55:20,749 l don't want anything to do with either of you.. 1540 01:55:23,000 --> 01:55:24,915 l've already lost my Balli. 1541 01:55:25,375 --> 01:55:28,082 Now l don't want to lose Jaanvi over your callousness. 1542 01:55:28,458 --> 01:55:29,582 Do you understand? 1543 01:55:38,041 --> 01:55:40,374 Today your friend was killed and you're a mess. 1544 01:55:41,833 --> 01:55:44,374 Your wife's about to leave you, so you're crying.. 1545 01:55:45,250 --> 01:55:47,415 So you now want to be honourable, Sonu Dilli? 1546 01:55:49,666 --> 01:55:50,790 Have you forgotten who you are? 1547 01:55:55,041 --> 01:56:00,499 Do you know, my wife was killed by the same weapon that killed Balli. 1548 01:56:03,750 --> 01:56:06,957 Whether Balli dies or other innocent people die, what do you care? 1549 01:56:07,166 --> 01:56:08,749 you only want your own happiness. 1550 01:56:09,458 --> 01:56:10,624 So go on.. 1551 01:56:11,041 --> 01:56:13,790 Find your bliss hiding in Jaanvi's skirt. 1552 01:56:17,541 --> 01:56:19,207 You wanted to make her happy right? 1553 01:56:20,791 --> 01:56:22,124 But you won't be able to. 1554 01:56:26,291 --> 01:56:29,957 Just like the bullet in my head doesn't let me sleep. 1555 01:56:31,125 --> 01:56:34,040 Balli's death won't let you live. 1556 01:56:35,625 --> 01:56:36,999 And l'll see.. 1557 01:56:37,541 --> 01:56:41,624 how a man with a dead soul can keep someone else happy. 1558 01:56:43,666 --> 01:56:46,832 Go on. Send your wife to me. 1559 01:56:47,500 --> 01:56:50,999 l will tell her you work for us, you coward! 1560 01:57:01,041 --> 01:57:03,082 The deal will take place in the abandoned ruin. 1561 01:57:08,500 --> 01:57:09,624 Guns will be loaded there. 1562 01:57:12,166 --> 01:57:14,499 only Sarfaraz knows where the guns are going. 1563 01:57:16,583 --> 01:57:18,499 This is the last time l'm helping you. 1564 01:57:21,083 --> 01:57:22,457 l'm going there now. 1565 01:57:22,750 --> 01:57:24,207 Are you telling me this after hearing my words,.. 1566 01:57:24,291 --> 01:57:25,832 ..or is this your conscience speaking? 1567 01:57:28,625 --> 01:57:29,790 Both. 1568 01:57:32,500 --> 01:57:34,207 one thing l know for sure.. 1569 01:57:35,000 --> 01:57:37,124 Sonu Dilli may be a cheeky rogue.. 1570 01:57:38,166 --> 01:57:39,457 but never a coward. 1571 01:58:09,750 --> 01:58:12,082 l hope that rascal Sarfaraz didn't let out too much. 1572 01:58:13,083 --> 01:58:15,624 l haven't heard dead men speak yet. 1573 01:58:17,666 --> 01:58:19,165 Have you explained everything to Jaanvi? 1574 01:58:21,125 --> 01:58:22,457 Very well. 1575 01:58:32,166 --> 01:58:34,040 This gun's rusted.. 1576 01:58:35,541 --> 01:58:36,749 Are all of them like this? 1577 01:58:37,666 --> 01:58:38,874 Check all of them. 1578 01:58:39,541 --> 01:58:42,082 Are you going to check every single gun? 1579 01:58:44,000 --> 01:58:47,290 The ceremony is at 4 PM, the inauspicious time starts after that. 1580 01:58:47,375 --> 01:58:49,249 You'll risk losing face over superstition? 1581 01:58:50,458 --> 01:58:51,790 We're the largest dealers in guns. 1582 01:58:52,041 --> 01:58:53,665 There's some responsibility to it. 1583 01:58:54,166 --> 01:58:57,165 See, see for yourself. 1584 01:59:00,208 --> 01:59:01,290 Check them all. 1585 01:59:01,500 --> 01:59:02,749 Get rid of this. 1586 01:59:04,000 --> 01:59:05,999 oh no! What's this? 1587 01:59:11,833 --> 01:59:12,957 He's dead. 1588 01:59:16,750 --> 01:59:19,249 Who else knew that he was here? 1589 01:59:19,708 --> 01:59:20,999 No one. 1590 01:59:23,250 --> 01:59:24,499 Whoever killed him.. 1591 01:59:24,583 --> 01:59:27,582 would now know that Sonu works for us 1592 01:59:37,458 --> 01:59:40,457 No no no! 1593 01:59:41,208 --> 01:59:43,415 lsn't this the type of cigarette Rajender smokes? 1594 01:59:44,375 --> 01:59:45,499 Where is he? 1595 01:59:46,166 --> 01:59:47,790 He is out with Unit No 3. 1596 01:59:48,625 --> 01:59:53,040 Sonu's life is in danger! 1597 02:00:07,666 --> 02:00:09,040 Greetings sir. 1598 02:00:58,833 --> 02:01:00,249 Catch hold of him. 1599 02:01:06,916 --> 02:01:08,749 The police is here. 1600 02:01:08,833 --> 02:01:11,207 Just leave them, Sonu is more important. 1601 02:01:16,416 --> 02:01:17,624 Check there. 1602 02:01:31,000 --> 02:01:32,040 Go there. 1603 02:01:50,458 --> 02:01:51,790 Get me out of here quickly! 1604 02:01:52,000 --> 02:01:53,540 Come at the back-roads of the ruins. 1605 02:01:53,625 --> 02:01:55,707 l'm coming, just get here! 1606 02:01:56,333 --> 02:01:57,790 You filthy police.. 1607 02:02:47,625 --> 02:02:49,874 Hey, don't move. Stop! 1608 02:02:49,958 --> 02:02:51,457 - Call Pratap. - Leave him. 1609 02:02:52,416 --> 02:02:53,499 Hey you.. 1610 02:02:53,833 --> 02:02:55,082 Move aside. 1611 02:03:04,041 --> 02:03:05,499 Don't move! 1612 02:03:08,500 --> 02:03:10,790 Constable, handcuff him! Quickly! 1613 02:03:13,000 --> 02:03:14,457 Pratap was right. 1614 02:03:15,041 --> 02:03:16,374 one of us was a traitor. 1615 02:03:16,875 --> 02:03:18,332 l should've trusted him. 1616 02:03:18,958 --> 02:03:21,165 You've done good work for us today. 1617 02:03:21,916 --> 02:03:23,415 You'll be rewarded well. 1618 02:03:23,791 --> 02:03:25,915 Sir, if my name is cleared, that's enough reward for me. 1619 02:03:26,583 --> 02:03:28,915 okay, l'll take your leave. 1620 02:03:31,291 --> 02:03:33,207 Go call everyone else. 1621 02:03:58,333 --> 02:04:01,790 Greetings.. 1622 02:04:24,291 --> 02:04:25,582 Sir, perfect timing! 1623 02:04:25,833 --> 02:04:27,124 Now please speak with my Jaanvi quickly. 1624 02:04:28,791 --> 02:04:30,874 Now l'll finally go home to her. 1625 02:04:45,083 --> 02:04:46,290 Pratap.. ! 1626 02:04:55,541 --> 02:04:56,790 Sonu! Sonu! 1627 02:04:59,083 --> 02:05:04,915 lt's an emergency! lt's an emergency! 1628 02:05:13,083 --> 02:05:15,999 Call his family. His condition is critical. 1629 02:05:50,125 --> 02:05:51,290 Thank you.. 1630 02:06:01,916 --> 02:06:05,207 Today, l finally did a good deed thanks to you. 1631 02:06:12,750 --> 02:06:15,082 But l don't have much time left.. 1632 02:06:25,041 --> 02:06:26,832 My life wasn't a complete waste, was it? 1633 02:06:26,916 --> 02:06:29,707 No.. No.. 1634 02:06:40,875 --> 02:06:45,415 l will tell Jaanvi the truth. 1635 02:06:47,041 --> 02:06:48,457 No, please don't tell her the truth. 1636 02:06:51,833 --> 02:06:54,249 That will be too heavy a burden. 1637 02:06:56,500 --> 02:06:57,999 She will not be able to live freely.. 1638 02:07:00,791 --> 02:07:02,415 Just like you are not able to. 1639 02:07:06,625 --> 02:07:07,874 Understand? 1640 02:07:12,875 --> 02:07:14,040 Understand?! 1641 02:07:28,833 --> 02:07:29,999 Thank you. 1642 02:07:57,541 --> 02:07:58,290 Search the place! 1643 02:07:58,375 --> 02:07:59,040 Who are you? 1644 02:07:59,125 --> 02:08:01,040 - Search everywhere thoroughly. - What's the matter? 1645 02:08:02,000 --> 02:08:04,165 You sit down. Sit! 1646 02:08:05,291 --> 02:08:06,040 Where is he? 1647 02:08:06,125 --> 02:08:07,082 Who? 1648 02:08:07,166 --> 02:08:08,499 Sonu Dilli, who else? 1649 02:08:08,916 --> 02:08:09,999 Who are you? 1650 02:08:10,083 --> 02:08:11,874 ACP Pratap Raghuvanshi. 1651 02:08:12,375 --> 02:08:13,832 Pratap Raghuvanshi? 1652 02:08:16,750 --> 02:08:18,540 This is the name he had mentioned. 1653 02:08:19,083 --> 02:08:21,207 He told me, he works for you. 1654 02:08:22,250 --> 02:08:24,624 He's your informer. So why are you looking for him? 1655 02:08:24,833 --> 02:08:25,999 He's not my informer. 1656 02:08:28,291 --> 02:08:29,999 He gave you this tall story? 1657 02:08:31,375 --> 02:08:33,249 He doesn't have enough honor to work for me. 1658 02:08:34,416 --> 02:08:36,707 He's a third class criminal.. 1659 02:08:36,791 --> 02:08:38,207 Check the police records. 1660 02:08:38,291 --> 02:08:40,832 Sonu Dilli, the cheeky scoundrel. That's what he's known as. 1661 02:08:42,375 --> 02:08:44,374 He's the biggest supplier of illegal guns in Delhi. 1662 02:08:44,458 --> 02:08:45,665 What? 1663 02:08:45,750 --> 02:08:46,915 See this? 1664 02:08:51,000 --> 02:08:53,290 He didn't even spare his own home. 1665 02:08:54,166 --> 02:08:56,457 What did he tell you? That he had a clothes business? 1666 02:08:57,000 --> 02:08:58,790 He's traded in death.. 1667 02:08:58,875 --> 02:09:01,374 with your father, Mangal Singh, for the past five years. 1668 02:09:02,583 --> 02:09:04,124 And now he's absconding. 1669 02:09:05,875 --> 02:09:07,540 He must have fled the country by now. 1670 02:09:14,000 --> 02:09:15,582 So he lied to me? 1671 02:09:19,500 --> 02:09:20,957 of course he lied. 1672 02:09:26,041 --> 02:09:29,624 Be grateful that you found out sooner than later! 1673 02:09:31,958 --> 02:09:33,207 Forget him. Move on. 1674 02:09:35,750 --> 02:09:36,915 Let's go. 1675 02:10:23,250 --> 02:10:24,790 Drive me to the airport. 1676 02:11:10,083 --> 02:11:13,415 You really did turn out to be a cheeky rogue, Sonu Dilli! 1677 02:11:16,208 --> 02:11:17,457 Let's go. 1678 02:11:53,833 --> 02:11:56,332 Bit by bit.. 1679 02:11:59,875 --> 02:12:02,707 You seem a little upset 1680 02:12:06,500 --> 02:12:08,999 Bit by bit.. 1681 02:12:12,791 --> 02:12:15,290 Drop the reason 1682 02:12:17,958 --> 02:12:24,290 l am separated only for you 1683 02:12:24,375 --> 02:12:30,624 Have the heavens ever been destroyed? 1684 02:13:09,666 --> 02:13:12,457 Bit by bit.. 1685 02:13:16,041 --> 02:13:18,290 Like a thick fog on the road 1686 02:13:21,041 --> 02:13:27,374 l am separated only for you 1687 02:13:27,458 --> 02:13:33,749 Have the heavens ever been destroyed?