1 00:00:01,160 --> 00:00:03,083 (IF I HAD A HEART PLAYING) 2 00:00:52,320 --> 00:00:54,971 Tell me what it is you want. 3 00:00:55,800 --> 00:00:57,882 Are you unhappy? 4 00:00:58,480 --> 00:01:00,289 Do you think the gods have cheated you? 5 00:01:08,800 --> 00:01:11,246 I want my old position back. 6 00:01:11,680 --> 00:01:14,001 I was never meant to be a servant, 7 00:01:15,080 --> 00:01:17,003 a slave, a friend. 8 00:01:19,440 --> 00:01:22,205 I am bitter and I am angry. 9 00:01:22,280 --> 00:01:25,170 Everything I had, everything I possessed, 10 00:01:25,240 --> 00:01:27,607 everything that I was 11 00:01:27,680 --> 00:01:29,045 has been stripped away from me. 12 00:01:33,960 --> 00:01:36,088 And my anger is like a stone... 13 00:01:41,000 --> 00:01:45,085 A stone that I carry inside me that... 14 00:01:45,160 --> 00:01:46,207 Weighs me down. 15 00:01:49,240 --> 00:01:50,765 I cannot lift it. 16 00:01:50,880 --> 00:01:52,405 In some ways, you are still fortunate. 17 00:01:54,400 --> 00:01:56,004 Ragnar could have had you killed 18 00:01:56,080 --> 00:01:57,605 at the same time as your husband. 19 00:01:57,720 --> 00:02:01,725 I am supposed to be eternally grateful to my husband's killer? 20 00:02:02,520 --> 00:02:04,966 I ask you once more why you have come here 21 00:02:05,680 --> 00:02:08,047 if you do not think I can offer you any comfort. 22 00:02:10,040 --> 00:02:11,610 I want to know, 23 00:02:15,040 --> 00:02:18,487 will the gods ever smile on me again? 24 00:02:19,840 --> 00:02:23,322 The gods will always smile on brave women, 25 00:02:23,920 --> 00:02:26,446 like the Valkyries, 26 00:02:26,560 --> 00:02:31,088 those furies who men fear and desire. 27 00:03:18,040 --> 00:03:19,280 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 28 00:03:24,120 --> 00:03:27,169 You'll have to forgive the poverty of the feast. 29 00:03:27,240 --> 00:03:30,801 It has been a hard winter. 30 00:03:30,880 --> 00:03:32,769 We had to burn our own grain stores 31 00:03:32,840 --> 00:03:34,649 to rid ourselves of Jarl Borg. 32 00:03:34,760 --> 00:03:36,489 So I heard. 33 00:03:39,000 --> 00:03:40,604 Tell us, Erlendur, 34 00:03:40,680 --> 00:03:43,604 what happened in England after we left? 35 00:03:47,120 --> 00:03:48,849 We were betrayed by King Ecbert. 36 00:03:49,360 --> 00:03:50,646 We made contact and 37 00:03:51,200 --> 00:03:54,761 your Christian friend Athelstan arranged for further talks, or so he said. 38 00:03:56,120 --> 00:03:58,726 In retrospect, I wonder who's side he was really on. 39 00:04:00,320 --> 00:04:02,004 In any case, the trickster was at work. 40 00:04:03,320 --> 00:04:05,482 Ecbert never meant to honor his promises to you. 41 00:04:06,720 --> 00:04:09,166 We were betrayed, taken by surprise. 42 00:04:09,240 --> 00:04:11,288 There was a great slaughter. 43 00:04:11,360 --> 00:04:13,931 Erlendur and I barely escaped with our lives. 44 00:04:14,000 --> 00:04:15,684 What about Athelstan? 45 00:04:16,840 --> 00:04:18,490 Where is he now? 46 00:04:18,560 --> 00:04:20,403 If he is fortunate, he died in battle. 47 00:04:21,920 --> 00:04:24,241 In any case, let's not speak of him. 48 00:04:25,160 --> 00:04:27,686 He was a worthless individual. 49 00:04:29,720 --> 00:04:32,200 Poor Athelstan. 50 00:04:32,280 --> 00:04:34,726 My sister and I grew to love him when we were children. 51 00:04:35,320 --> 00:04:37,209 FLOKI: He fooled you, young Bjorn. 52 00:04:38,640 --> 00:04:40,881 He never denounced his Christian God. 53 00:04:41,880 --> 00:04:43,882 He was our enemy. 54 00:04:45,160 --> 00:04:47,970 We should rejoice at his death. 55 00:04:49,240 --> 00:04:54,280 So... What do you intend on doing now? 56 00:04:54,960 --> 00:04:57,804 What do you think, Ragnar? 57 00:04:57,880 --> 00:05:00,884 I intend on gaining revenge on King Ecbert. 58 00:05:01,680 --> 00:05:03,409 We should plan a raid as soon as possible. 59 00:05:04,640 --> 00:05:06,802 ROLLO: I would be very happy to take part in it. 60 00:05:07,560 --> 00:05:09,244 King Ecbert should certainly be punished. 61 00:05:11,560 --> 00:05:13,688 I agree. 62 00:05:13,760 --> 00:05:15,125 We should return to Wessex. 63 00:05:17,200 --> 00:05:19,646 But first, Jarl Borg must pay the price 64 00:05:19,720 --> 00:05:23,167 for what he did to my family and to our people. 65 00:05:26,480 --> 00:05:27,481 (GASPS) 66 00:05:29,280 --> 00:05:30,327 Forgive me, master. 67 00:05:30,920 --> 00:05:32,410 No, it doesn't matter. 68 00:05:34,240 --> 00:05:35,526 HORIK: I understand, completely, 69 00:05:35,600 --> 00:05:37,682 and if I were you, I would feel the same way. 70 00:05:37,760 --> 00:05:41,606 But we must remember our agreement and what it was for. 71 00:05:42,480 --> 00:05:48,601 We would sail west to raid and to colonize. That was your dream, Ragnar, 72 00:05:49,760 --> 00:05:52,127 and I have come to share it. 73 00:05:52,560 --> 00:05:56,281 But now we have neither the men nor the ships 74 00:05:56,360 --> 00:05:58,442 to realize our dreams. 75 00:06:00,120 --> 00:06:01,360 What are you saying? 76 00:06:01,440 --> 00:06:04,011 I think we should go back to Jarl Borg. 77 00:06:04,080 --> 00:06:06,924 He is licking his wounds. He is no longer as strong as he was. 78 00:06:07,000 --> 00:06:11,085 And, yet, we need him. 79 00:06:11,160 --> 00:06:14,369 We cannot go west without his ships. 80 00:06:14,440 --> 00:06:16,204 And so, once again, 81 00:06:16,280 --> 00:06:19,011 we should ask him to join our alliance. 82 00:06:24,440 --> 00:06:28,365 Don't listen to him. 83 00:06:28,440 --> 00:06:30,886 But who should go to Jarl Borg? 84 00:06:30,960 --> 00:06:34,009 I think it should be you, Rollo. 85 00:06:34,160 --> 00:06:37,926 After all, you know him better than anyone. 86 00:06:39,840 --> 00:06:40,966 What do you think? 87 00:06:49,600 --> 00:06:51,204 Farewell, my love. 88 00:06:51,320 --> 00:06:54,403 I will pray to Thor that he grant you safe passage. 89 00:06:54,480 --> 00:06:55,720 MAN: Throw that. 90 00:06:58,320 --> 00:07:01,847 May you have success, Rollo, for the sake of all of us. 91 00:07:02,280 --> 00:07:03,725 MAN: Man your stations. 92 00:07:03,800 --> 00:07:05,165 MAN 2: Stores aboard. 93 00:07:14,200 --> 00:07:16,123 MAN 3: All the men aboard! 94 00:07:16,200 --> 00:07:18,407 Rollo. 95 00:07:18,480 --> 00:07:20,130 MAN: Try the sail then. 96 00:07:20,200 --> 00:07:21,406 I, too, wish you well. 97 00:07:23,240 --> 00:07:25,447 Those words mean a lot coming from you. 98 00:07:25,520 --> 00:07:26,681 They were hard to say. 99 00:07:27,840 --> 00:07:29,251 Now they are said. 100 00:07:35,760 --> 00:07:37,046 Cast away! 101 00:07:37,120 --> 00:07:38,451 MAN: Ready the oars! 102 00:08:06,600 --> 00:08:10,207 It has an unusual taste, wine. 103 00:08:10,280 --> 00:08:13,090 But then, you're an unusual woman, Siggy. 104 00:08:16,760 --> 00:08:17,966 You don't like wine? 105 00:08:18,920 --> 00:08:19,921 It's horrible. 106 00:08:20,080 --> 00:08:22,242 The finer things in life are an acquired taste. 107 00:08:23,440 --> 00:08:25,488 I hope you do not mind I brought my son with me? 108 00:08:27,080 --> 00:08:30,721 I want him to start to understand the game. 109 00:08:31,680 --> 00:08:32,727 The game? 110 00:08:32,800 --> 00:08:34,450 The game you and I play. 111 00:08:36,080 --> 00:08:38,811 The game Ragnar tries to play. 112 00:08:40,920 --> 00:08:42,763 Are you sure it is a game? 113 00:08:45,760 --> 00:08:48,286 Why do you invite me to your bed? 114 00:08:50,000 --> 00:08:52,606 Why do you tell me things about Ragnar? 115 00:08:57,640 --> 00:09:01,611 Everything I do, I do for Rollo. 116 00:09:04,600 --> 00:09:06,284 And not for yourself? 117 00:09:06,960 --> 00:09:09,088 If Rollo rises, I rise also. 118 00:09:11,320 --> 00:09:12,845 And you need my help. 119 00:09:13,040 --> 00:09:14,041 (CHUCKLING) 120 00:09:14,800 --> 00:09:16,325 Well, what do you think, 121 00:09:17,440 --> 00:09:18,441 King Horik? 122 00:09:19,920 --> 00:09:21,922 And what would you do, Sissy, 123 00:09:23,160 --> 00:09:25,527 for my continued and active support? 124 00:09:28,720 --> 00:09:29,721 (LAUGHING) 125 00:09:29,920 --> 00:09:32,241 My son is ignorant of the game 126 00:09:32,320 --> 00:09:36,530 and strangely ignorant of other things as well. 127 00:09:36,600 --> 00:09:39,570 He's only been with a few women, and they were nothing... 128 00:09:39,680 --> 00:09:41,682 Slaves, girls. 129 00:09:44,640 --> 00:09:48,167 I want him to enjoy the attentions 130 00:09:48,240 --> 00:09:52,086 of an experienced, free woman. 131 00:09:52,360 --> 00:09:53,361 (EXHALING) 132 00:10:29,120 --> 00:10:32,203 Erlendur, come. 133 00:11:22,960 --> 00:11:26,282 SIGVARD: She sees a hall more fair than the sun, 134 00:11:26,360 --> 00:11:29,045 thatched with gold, at Gimle. 135 00:11:29,120 --> 00:11:32,522 There shall the gods in innocence dwell, 136 00:11:33,160 --> 00:11:35,970 and live forever a life of bliss. 137 00:11:36,120 --> 00:11:37,121 (BURPING) 138 00:11:38,520 --> 00:11:40,522 Why don't we have poets here anymore? 139 00:11:42,600 --> 00:11:45,001 Poets to entertain us. 140 00:11:45,120 --> 00:11:46,963 Sing to us. 141 00:11:47,040 --> 00:11:49,202 Make us laugh. 142 00:11:49,800 --> 00:11:53,282 I remember when this great hall was always full of laughter. 143 00:11:55,840 --> 00:11:58,969 Laughter and good fellowship. 144 00:12:00,680 --> 00:12:02,125 WOMAN: You can see it in her eyes. 145 00:12:02,240 --> 00:12:04,846 My wife has returned to me. 146 00:12:06,000 --> 00:12:07,081 (CHUCKLING) 147 00:12:07,160 --> 00:12:08,889 That's good. 148 00:12:09,080 --> 00:12:10,491 (SCATTERED LAUGHTER) 149 00:12:10,680 --> 00:12:13,763 She went without my permission. 150 00:12:13,840 --> 00:12:18,004 But, as you can all see, she has come back, and I love her for it. 151 00:12:19,280 --> 00:12:24,161 After all, what man wouldn't be pleased 152 00:12:25,280 --> 00:12:27,726 at the return of such a wife? 153 00:12:31,320 --> 00:12:32,321 Skal. 154 00:12:32,680 --> 00:12:34,170 ALL: Skal! 155 00:12:36,880 --> 00:12:39,326 Skal, husband. 156 00:12:48,680 --> 00:12:53,527 Unfortunately, you left my stepson behind. 157 00:12:56,240 --> 00:12:57,651 MAN: It's time to leave. 158 00:13:02,040 --> 00:13:03,724 Gerta, take my hand. Come. Come. 159 00:13:05,520 --> 00:13:07,727 He wanted to stay with his father. 160 00:13:09,120 --> 00:13:10,610 He's old enough to decide. 161 00:13:10,720 --> 00:13:12,609 Is it not enough that I came back? 162 00:13:12,720 --> 00:13:16,725 No, it's not enough, my dear wife, 163 00:13:16,800 --> 00:13:18,768 it's... It's not enough. 164 00:13:18,880 --> 00:13:21,724 Of course it's not enough. It's an insult to me. 165 00:13:21,800 --> 00:13:24,371 What else could I have done? 166 00:13:24,440 --> 00:13:26,408 His father is Ragnar Lothbrok. 167 00:13:31,880 --> 00:13:36,010 Who is this Ragnar Lothbrok? 168 00:13:36,080 --> 00:13:39,641 Nothing but a windbag, an opportunist. 169 00:13:39,720 --> 00:13:41,961 A man so bloated with self-importance 170 00:13:42,040 --> 00:13:45,169 he pretends to be descended from Odin! 171 00:13:45,240 --> 00:13:46,287 (ALL LAUGHING) 172 00:13:47,920 --> 00:13:49,649 He doesn't need to pretend anything. 173 00:13:57,080 --> 00:14:01,802 Now I know for sure why you went to defend him. 174 00:14:01,880 --> 00:14:05,646 Not to repulse a foreign invader, as you lied to me, 175 00:14:06,960 --> 00:14:09,804 but because you're still in love with him. 176 00:14:11,760 --> 00:14:15,765 You're still in love with Ragnar Lothbrok, 177 00:14:18,160 --> 00:14:21,164 aren't you, wife? 178 00:14:28,440 --> 00:14:31,250 You can sleep alone tonight. 179 00:14:31,320 --> 00:14:34,130 I have made other arrangements. 180 00:14:38,960 --> 00:14:40,007 (DOOR CREAKING) 181 00:14:49,320 --> 00:14:50,321 (FOOTSTEPS) 182 00:15:00,640 --> 00:15:01,766 (ALL GRUNTING) 183 00:15:25,960 --> 00:15:28,531 Master, can I help you? 184 00:15:29,280 --> 00:15:32,602 I was going to ask you the same question. 185 00:15:32,680 --> 00:15:34,011 Those buckets look very heavy. 186 00:15:34,680 --> 00:15:36,330 I'm used to it. 187 00:15:41,040 --> 00:15:42,121 What is your name? 188 00:15:43,400 --> 00:15:44,526 Porunn. 189 00:15:47,520 --> 00:15:48,965 Sit a moment. 190 00:15:49,840 --> 00:15:51,330 I have to finish my work. 191 00:15:51,400 --> 00:15:53,004 It is all right. 192 00:16:10,960 --> 00:16:13,247 Where do you sleep? 193 00:16:13,320 --> 00:16:14,606 In that barn 194 00:16:15,200 --> 00:16:18,124 with the other servants and animals. 195 00:16:19,160 --> 00:16:22,881 Do you...have a boyfriend? 196 00:16:26,800 --> 00:16:28,290 Of course! 197 00:16:33,040 --> 00:16:35,088 I must finish my work. 198 00:16:47,640 --> 00:16:50,086 ASLAUG: She is remarkably good looking. 199 00:16:54,280 --> 00:16:56,044 If you say so. 200 00:17:02,480 --> 00:17:06,246 Why do you let Horik decide everything? 201 00:17:09,320 --> 00:17:11,800 Can you really forgive Jarl Borg? 202 00:17:14,440 --> 00:17:17,683 Do you know how much I suffered because of him? 203 00:17:17,760 --> 00:17:19,842 How much your son suffered? 204 00:17:22,120 --> 00:17:25,966 Yes, I know. 205 00:17:26,080 --> 00:17:28,287 But you do nothing about it! 206 00:17:29,200 --> 00:17:30,884 By insulting and humiliating me, 207 00:17:30,960 --> 00:17:34,442 he insulted and humiliated you. 208 00:17:35,800 --> 00:17:38,326 My father never would have allowed such a thing. 209 00:17:38,400 --> 00:17:40,641 He would have been revenged. 210 00:17:43,440 --> 00:17:46,842 Your father cannot do too much now, 211 00:17:46,960 --> 00:17:48,530 being dead. 212 00:18:15,000 --> 00:18:16,001 What is wrong? 213 00:18:18,520 --> 00:18:19,760 You are quite safe. 214 00:18:23,920 --> 00:18:24,921 Where is he? 215 00:18:48,640 --> 00:18:50,210 Sit down. 216 00:19:05,120 --> 00:19:06,281 What is that? 217 00:19:11,160 --> 00:19:14,607 The skull of my first wife. 218 00:19:14,680 --> 00:19:16,569 She continues to advise me. 219 00:19:21,560 --> 00:19:22,641 Is that fair to her? 220 00:19:25,600 --> 00:19:30,640 So... Your brother wants me to come and fight for him? 221 00:19:32,080 --> 00:19:35,004 He wants to rebuild the original alliance 222 00:19:35,080 --> 00:19:36,605 between himself, King Horik, and you. 223 00:19:39,520 --> 00:19:45,209 He believes that, in our small countries, 224 00:19:45,280 --> 00:19:47,760 cooperation is the only way forward. 225 00:19:49,600 --> 00:19:53,207 So, he does not want revenge upon me? 226 00:19:53,280 --> 00:19:55,760 After all, I invaded his lands. 227 00:19:56,960 --> 00:19:59,850 Men like you and I will always look for revenge. 228 00:20:02,280 --> 00:20:03,725 Ragnar looks beyond. 229 00:20:04,120 --> 00:20:08,762 Then he is a most extraordinary man indeed. 230 00:20:08,840 --> 00:20:11,207 As forgiving as a Christian! 231 00:20:12,960 --> 00:20:15,770 He is also a practical man. 232 00:20:16,760 --> 00:20:19,650 He and King Horik have lost a lot of men. 233 00:20:20,560 --> 00:20:23,404 They need you to help them raid. 234 00:20:30,240 --> 00:20:32,322 BORG: What do you say, my love? 235 00:20:39,160 --> 00:20:40,161 (SNIFFING) 236 00:20:44,680 --> 00:20:47,490 You think I should go? 237 00:20:52,640 --> 00:20:54,927 She thinks I should go. 238 00:20:56,320 --> 00:20:57,845 Torvi, bring some mead. 239 00:20:58,480 --> 00:20:59,481 Yes, Jarl Borg. 240 00:21:00,560 --> 00:21:04,690 You and I must drink to this most unexpected 241 00:21:04,760 --> 00:21:06,285 but not unwelcome event. 242 00:21:06,960 --> 00:21:08,200 My wife will join us. 243 00:21:11,560 --> 00:21:12,721 Pour it in here. 244 00:21:20,880 --> 00:21:21,881 Skal. 245 00:21:27,520 --> 00:21:28,521 Skal. 246 00:22:08,680 --> 00:22:10,842 You have a great gift, Athelstan. 247 00:22:10,920 --> 00:22:14,641 I believe it is a... A divine gift. 248 00:22:16,320 --> 00:22:18,322 Thank you, sire. 249 00:22:18,440 --> 00:22:20,920 I thought I might have forgotten, but... 250 00:22:22,640 --> 00:22:24,927 I love these materials. 251 00:22:25,000 --> 00:22:30,086 Brushes, the paints, the colors. 252 00:22:30,680 --> 00:22:33,570 I had not appreciated how much I missed my work. 253 00:22:33,640 --> 00:22:36,723 The pagans have nothing like it? 254 00:22:36,800 --> 00:22:41,328 No. They have no art. 255 00:22:41,400 --> 00:22:43,129 They can neither read nor write, 256 00:22:43,200 --> 00:22:45,646 except for their carved runes. 257 00:22:45,720 --> 00:22:46,767 Hmm. 258 00:22:48,480 --> 00:22:50,926 And their gods? 259 00:22:51,000 --> 00:22:55,881 Uh, Odin and Thor and Freyr. (CHUCKLING) 260 00:22:55,960 --> 00:22:58,406 How strange you must have found them. 261 00:23:00,920 --> 00:23:02,331 In some ways, yes. 262 00:23:03,680 --> 00:23:04,681 In other ways... 263 00:23:06,160 --> 00:23:07,571 In other ways? 264 00:23:11,000 --> 00:23:13,651 Their gods are very old. 265 00:23:13,720 --> 00:23:16,405 And sometimes I could not help noticing some similarities 266 00:23:16,480 --> 00:23:19,086 with our own God, and his son. 267 00:23:20,800 --> 00:23:22,564 For example, their god, Odin, 268 00:23:22,640 --> 00:23:25,405 whom they call the All-father, the god of gods, 269 00:23:26,280 --> 00:23:28,442 wanted to discover what it was like to die. 270 00:23:29,400 --> 00:23:32,085 So, according to their stories and traditions, 271 00:23:32,160 --> 00:23:34,083 Odin hung himself from a tree 272 00:23:35,360 --> 00:23:38,330 and a pagan servant stabbed him in his side with a spear, 273 00:23:39,000 --> 00:23:40,809 just like the Romans did to Christ. 274 00:23:46,480 --> 00:23:47,845 Come with me. 275 00:23:53,400 --> 00:23:54,401 Tell me honestly. 276 00:23:56,200 --> 00:23:58,441 What do you think of these works? 277 00:24:01,840 --> 00:24:04,923 I find them indescribably beautiful. 278 00:24:05,000 --> 00:24:06,843 But they are clearly pagan. 279 00:24:09,160 --> 00:24:10,161 (LAUGHING) 280 00:24:11,960 --> 00:24:13,371 You are only a monk, Athelstan, 281 00:24:13,440 --> 00:24:17,490 and yet, somehow, I begin to trust you. 282 00:24:17,600 --> 00:24:19,364 I feel you... 283 00:24:20,720 --> 00:24:23,451 You are a kindred spirit. 284 00:24:27,400 --> 00:24:32,361 Who? Who painted these images? 285 00:24:32,680 --> 00:24:35,923 What race of man was ever so glorious 286 00:24:36,000 --> 00:24:38,287 that they filled our world with such, 287 00:24:38,840 --> 00:24:42,242 as you say, indescribable beauty? 288 00:24:44,280 --> 00:24:46,806 I have been told, sire, 289 00:24:46,920 --> 00:24:47,967 that you served at the court 290 00:24:48,040 --> 00:24:50,202 of the emperor Charlemagne, 291 00:24:50,280 --> 00:24:52,886 which I have also visited. 292 00:24:52,960 --> 00:24:54,325 I cannot imagine, therefore, 293 00:24:54,400 --> 00:24:58,200 that you do not know what I know. 294 00:24:58,280 --> 00:25:00,851 That these images were painted by the Romans. 295 00:25:00,920 --> 00:25:03,082 They conquered these lands a long time ago. 296 00:25:03,160 --> 00:25:04,924 They conquered the whole world. 297 00:25:06,760 --> 00:25:10,765 But they were pagans. They worshipped false gods. 298 00:25:14,400 --> 00:25:18,962 Never speak of our conversation to any other man here. 299 00:25:19,040 --> 00:25:21,850 Nobody else would understand it. 300 00:25:21,920 --> 00:25:23,251 They would fear it. 301 00:25:23,520 --> 00:25:26,444 (LAUGHING) They accept an interpretation 302 00:25:26,520 --> 00:25:29,569 that a race of giants once lived here. 303 00:25:30,000 --> 00:25:31,001 (LAUGHING) 304 00:25:31,120 --> 00:25:33,122 And that we have nothing to do with them. 305 00:25:35,960 --> 00:25:38,042 The fact is, Athelstan, 306 00:25:39,840 --> 00:25:43,925 we have lost more knowledge than we ever had! 307 00:25:45,760 --> 00:25:49,731 These Romans knew things that we will never know. 308 00:25:49,800 --> 00:25:53,805 Their pagan gods allowed them to rule the world. 309 00:25:56,800 --> 00:25:59,610 And what is the lesson that we can learn from that? 310 00:26:02,520 --> 00:26:04,488 (MUSIC PLAYING) 311 00:26:12,080 --> 00:26:13,081 (MUSIC STOPS) 312 00:26:24,200 --> 00:26:25,690 What do you want, master? 313 00:26:27,680 --> 00:26:30,286 Forgive me. I just came to listen. 314 00:26:31,280 --> 00:26:32,691 You won't like our music. 315 00:26:33,480 --> 00:26:34,641 It's rough. 316 00:26:37,600 --> 00:26:39,011 I would still like to stay. 317 00:26:40,160 --> 00:26:41,730 That is, if you allow it. 318 00:26:44,400 --> 00:26:45,526 (MUSIC PLAYING) 319 00:28:33,520 --> 00:28:36,967 Monk, my father desires to see you. 320 00:28:52,240 --> 00:28:54,447 Father's waiting for you behind this door. 321 00:29:12,320 --> 00:29:13,321 Come and see. 322 00:29:16,760 --> 00:29:18,603 Look around. 323 00:29:23,880 --> 00:29:27,646 You thought those paintings were all that there was. 324 00:29:35,880 --> 00:29:40,044 But of all Roman things, these are the most precious. 325 00:29:42,800 --> 00:29:45,280 Tales of the Caesars. 326 00:29:45,360 --> 00:29:47,408 The fall and ruin of Roman Britain. 327 00:29:48,320 --> 00:29:51,369 Tales of emperors and empires... 328 00:29:52,680 --> 00:29:55,763 It's the stuff of dreams, Athelstan. 329 00:29:56,640 --> 00:29:59,723 It's the very fabric of dreams. 330 00:30:03,560 --> 00:30:06,040 You can read them, of course. 331 00:30:18,040 --> 00:30:21,328 Yes. Yes, I can read them. 332 00:30:21,400 --> 00:30:24,688 Good. That is why I've chosen you. 333 00:30:31,920 --> 00:30:33,410 What do you mean? 334 00:30:33,480 --> 00:30:36,484 Well, I've chosen you to be the guardian of these books 335 00:30:36,600 --> 00:30:37,806 and their secrets. 336 00:30:37,920 --> 00:30:40,400 I want you to copy them. 337 00:30:40,480 --> 00:30:42,801 You speak Latin, not many do. 338 00:30:43,200 --> 00:30:46,443 Your job will be to preserve these works 339 00:30:46,520 --> 00:30:51,606 and these... Fragments, 340 00:30:51,680 --> 00:30:54,160 for all eternity. 341 00:30:57,400 --> 00:31:00,847 But if you ever tell anyone about them, 342 00:31:01,600 --> 00:31:04,251 I will let them crucify you. 343 00:31:34,800 --> 00:31:39,203 I hope you were telling me the truth, Rollo. 344 00:31:39,280 --> 00:31:41,123 Why don't you ask her? 345 00:31:50,640 --> 00:31:52,130 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS) 346 00:32:04,240 --> 00:32:05,651 Jarl Borg. 347 00:32:16,920 --> 00:32:18,365 Please. 348 00:32:22,040 --> 00:32:24,520 Earl Ragnar Lothbrok, 349 00:32:27,160 --> 00:32:29,288 can I say, in all honesty, 350 00:32:32,120 --> 00:32:34,521 you're a greater man than I am. 351 00:32:36,120 --> 00:32:37,929 I know I don't deserve the chance you have given me 352 00:32:38,000 --> 00:32:39,331 to raid and work with you, 353 00:32:39,400 --> 00:32:42,802 but I swear on my ring, 354 00:32:42,880 --> 00:32:44,723 from henceforth, you've no reason 355 00:32:44,800 --> 00:32:46,211 to doubt my loyalty, 356 00:32:46,320 --> 00:32:48,561 or my commitment to our common cause. 357 00:32:50,280 --> 00:32:51,566 If we are being honest, 358 00:32:53,760 --> 00:32:55,888 I can tell you that it was King Horik 359 00:32:55,960 --> 00:33:00,522 who argued for a renewal of our alliance. 360 00:33:00,600 --> 00:33:03,649 As you can imagine, 361 00:33:03,720 --> 00:33:07,725 I was not, at first, enthusiastic. 362 00:33:11,040 --> 00:33:14,761 But then... Then I realized 363 00:33:14,840 --> 00:33:17,684 what could be gained by inviting you. 364 00:33:19,920 --> 00:33:23,322 We have much to gain if we work together, 365 00:33:24,040 --> 00:33:26,441 and a lot to lose if we don't. 366 00:33:28,640 --> 00:33:31,086 Even I can see that now. 367 00:33:31,520 --> 00:33:32,521 (SCOFFS) 368 00:33:35,440 --> 00:33:36,441 (LAUGHING) 369 00:33:39,400 --> 00:33:40,447 Torstein. 370 00:33:42,160 --> 00:33:43,650 Yes, My Lord. 371 00:33:43,720 --> 00:33:47,611 Put Jarl Borg's men in the barn which the servants use. 372 00:33:47,720 --> 00:33:49,768 And treat them with respect. 373 00:33:49,920 --> 00:33:52,366 Of course, My Lord. 374 00:33:55,480 --> 00:33:57,164 Thank you. 375 00:34:03,760 --> 00:34:05,330 HORIK: Siggy. 376 00:34:05,400 --> 00:34:06,606 I never once for a moment 377 00:34:06,680 --> 00:34:09,604 imagined Ragnar would take my advice 378 00:34:09,680 --> 00:34:13,480 and invite Jarl Borg to rejoin our alliance. 379 00:34:13,560 --> 00:34:16,530 As I told you, Ragnar is different. 380 00:34:16,600 --> 00:34:18,807 Whatever you think he will do, 381 00:34:18,880 --> 00:34:21,406 he will always do the opposite. 382 00:34:22,000 --> 00:34:24,571 And I wanted to thank you 383 00:34:24,640 --> 00:34:27,086 for what you did for my son. 384 00:34:27,160 --> 00:34:28,491 You made him a man. 385 00:34:28,840 --> 00:34:32,970 Do not ask me to do it for your other sons. 386 00:34:33,040 --> 00:34:34,405 I am not a whore. 387 00:34:34,720 --> 00:34:37,610 No. Just for me. 388 00:34:52,520 --> 00:34:54,522 Can you keep a secret? 389 00:34:54,600 --> 00:34:56,648 (CHUCKLING) No. 390 00:35:04,160 --> 00:35:05,161 (MUSIC PLAYING) 391 00:35:12,280 --> 00:35:13,281 (SIGHING) 392 00:35:15,680 --> 00:35:18,126 What's the matter with you, my love? 393 00:35:20,920 --> 00:35:23,730 You don't talk, you don't smile. 394 00:35:48,720 --> 00:35:52,725 My love, you must do better than this. 395 00:35:54,920 --> 00:35:57,491 You know something? 396 00:35:58,920 --> 00:36:03,084 My wife has got the most beautiful breasts. 397 00:36:03,720 --> 00:36:07,008 I keep telling her, 398 00:36:07,080 --> 00:36:08,570 but she doesn't believe me. 399 00:36:09,760 --> 00:36:14,448 She has the most beautiful breasts in the world. 400 00:36:14,960 --> 00:36:16,246 (INDISTINCT MURMURING) 401 00:36:17,640 --> 00:36:19,642 They're like Freya's breasts. 402 00:36:20,600 --> 00:36:22,807 The breasts of a goddess. 403 00:36:25,280 --> 00:36:27,248 Let me show you. 404 00:36:29,920 --> 00:36:30,921 (ALL GASP) 405 00:36:31,080 --> 00:36:32,081 (SCREAMING) 406 00:36:46,840 --> 00:36:47,841 (ALL GASP) 407 00:36:51,520 --> 00:36:52,521 (HUSHED CHATTERING) 408 00:37:04,440 --> 00:37:06,329 ASLAUG: The giant king's servants 409 00:37:06,800 --> 00:37:08,564 carried a trencher into the hall 410 00:37:08,640 --> 00:37:11,723 and set it down before the throne. 411 00:37:12,440 --> 00:37:15,922 They heaped it with hunks of chopped meat, 412 00:37:16,000 --> 00:37:19,288 and it reminded Thor that rather too long had gone by 413 00:37:19,360 --> 00:37:20,850 since they had last eaten. 414 00:37:22,120 --> 00:37:23,246 Thor was so hungry! 415 00:37:24,400 --> 00:37:29,122 A chair was provided for Loki at one end of the trencher, 416 00:37:29,200 --> 00:37:31,567 and for Logi at the other. 417 00:37:37,480 --> 00:37:39,050 (EAGLE CALLING) 418 00:37:55,680 --> 00:37:59,127 ASLAUG: At the word from the giant king, 419 00:37:59,200 --> 00:38:02,329 they both began to eat. 420 00:38:02,400 --> 00:38:06,121 They gobbled and consumed and... 421 00:38:06,360 --> 00:38:07,361 (BOTH LAUGHING) 422 00:38:08,960 --> 00:38:12,089 Each of them ate as fast as they could, 423 00:38:12,200 --> 00:38:14,123 edging their chair forward, 424 00:38:14,200 --> 00:38:18,888 and they met at the middle of the trencher. 425 00:38:18,960 --> 00:38:22,248 Loki had eaten every scrap of meat 426 00:38:22,360 --> 00:38:24,727 and left nothing but the bones. 427 00:38:36,600 --> 00:38:37,601 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 428 00:38:42,760 --> 00:38:44,364 Where are you going? 429 00:38:57,080 --> 00:39:01,290 But Logi had not only eaten the meat, 430 00:39:01,400 --> 00:39:05,086 he had eaten the bones and the trencher as well. 431 00:39:05,880 --> 00:39:07,609 I think Logi won. 432 00:39:09,520 --> 00:39:10,521 (GRUNTING) 433 00:39:26,960 --> 00:39:27,961 (WATER DRIPPING) 434 00:39:34,360 --> 00:39:35,646 (FOOTSTEPS) 435 00:39:38,920 --> 00:39:40,285 Who is it? 436 00:39:44,640 --> 00:39:49,407 SEER: Yes, I can see, and I see an eagle. 437 00:39:51,600 --> 00:39:55,321 I see that an eagle hovers over you. 438 00:39:57,160 --> 00:40:03,122 But I also see that you yourself are the eagle. 439 00:40:22,600 --> 00:40:27,970 ASLAUG: "I would say," proclaimed the giant king, 440 00:40:28,040 --> 00:40:31,362 "that Loki is the loser." 441 00:40:32,560 --> 00:40:36,007 (WHISPERING) Hush, Ubbe. Hvitserk is nearly asleep. 442 00:40:36,120 --> 00:40:37,531 Now you go to sleep. 443 00:40:37,600 --> 00:40:38,965 I don't want to. 444 00:40:40,080 --> 00:40:41,161 Why not? 445 00:40:41,960 --> 00:40:43,564 Because whenever you dream, 446 00:40:43,640 --> 00:40:46,962 you never know what is going to happen. 447 00:41:05,880 --> 00:41:06,847 (MEN GROANING) 448 00:41:06,920 --> 00:41:07,967 MAN: What's happening? 449 00:41:08,040 --> 00:41:09,201 What? 450 00:41:09,880 --> 00:41:12,042 All you folk in the barn. 451 00:41:12,120 --> 00:41:14,851 If you want to live, stay silent. 452 00:41:15,600 --> 00:41:17,887 Nothing will happen to you. 453 00:41:28,400 --> 00:41:29,845 ALL: No! No! Fire! 454 00:41:31,600 --> 00:41:32,601 (MEN SHOUTING) 455 00:41:35,560 --> 00:41:37,642 WOMAN: Let us out! WOMAN 2: Let us out! 456 00:41:44,680 --> 00:41:46,489 ROLLO: Where have you been? 457 00:41:46,600 --> 00:41:49,251 Here and there. Up and down. 458 00:41:50,160 --> 00:41:55,121 Where is Bjorn? He is supposed to be with you. 459 00:41:55,280 --> 00:41:57,601 I don't know, Rollo. 460 00:41:59,360 --> 00:42:00,691 Let's go. 461 00:42:07,520 --> 00:42:09,284 It is fine, come. 462 00:42:20,400 --> 00:42:22,084 You can sleep here. 463 00:42:26,360 --> 00:42:28,488 No, I can't. 464 00:42:29,320 --> 00:42:31,288 Of course you can. Why not? 465 00:42:33,480 --> 00:42:36,768 This is your place. I cannot sleep here. 466 00:42:37,760 --> 00:42:38,841 Well, don't you want to? 467 00:42:40,320 --> 00:42:43,164 What does it matter what I want to do? 468 00:42:45,560 --> 00:42:48,723 Well, what if I ordered you to stay here? 469 00:42:50,880 --> 00:42:56,205 Then I would have to heed your command. 470 00:42:59,840 --> 00:43:01,729 I don't want to order you. 471 00:43:03,800 --> 00:43:06,041 I want you to choose to stay here. 472 00:43:16,160 --> 00:43:19,721 Is this what you want? Master? 473 00:43:30,520 --> 00:43:32,204 Good evening, Jarl Borg. 474 00:43:35,000 --> 00:43:36,001 (GRUNTING) 475 00:43:47,160 --> 00:43:48,161 (SIGHING) 476 00:43:48,760 --> 00:43:51,286 I told you... 477 00:43:51,360 --> 00:43:53,931 I always look for revenge. 478 00:43:55,400 --> 00:43:56,447 (GROANING) 479 00:44:02,880 --> 00:44:03,881 (GROANING) 480 00:44:08,200 --> 00:44:09,201 No! 481 00:44:10,800 --> 00:44:12,370 Not necessary. 482 00:44:16,720 --> 00:44:17,721 (GRUNTING) 483 00:44:37,960 --> 00:44:38,961 (ROARING) 484 00:44:43,480 --> 00:44:45,608 What is all the commotion? 485 00:44:48,800 --> 00:44:49,961 LOTHBROK: lam sorry, 486 00:44:51,760 --> 00:44:56,766 that the ambiance of Kattegat has awoken you. 487 00:44:57,960 --> 00:44:59,200 What is the cause of this? 488 00:44:59,920 --> 00:45:00,921 MAN: In here! 489 00:45:14,680 --> 00:45:17,809 HORIK: Is he dead? FLOKI: No, no, no. 490 00:45:17,920 --> 00:45:21,288 He's not dead... Yet. 491 00:45:21,880 --> 00:45:22,881 (GRUNTING) 492 00:45:30,080 --> 00:45:31,491 Why have you done this? 493 00:45:31,880 --> 00:45:34,281 Did you really think that I could ever forgive this man 494 00:45:35,400 --> 00:45:38,370 for threatening to kill my family? 495 00:45:39,360 --> 00:45:40,600 So, what will you do now? 496 00:45:52,680 --> 00:45:54,682 Since you consort with eagles, 497 00:45:55,600 --> 00:45:58,809 I will draw a blood eagle on your back. 498 00:46:01,760 --> 00:46:02,761 No. 499 00:46:03,520 --> 00:46:05,807 And your ribcage 500 00:46:05,880 --> 00:46:07,689 will spring apart. 501 00:46:16,360 --> 00:46:17,691 No. 502 00:46:20,080 --> 00:46:21,445 Yes. 503 00:46:30,640 --> 00:46:33,690 Like wings.