1 00:00:56,640 --> 00:00:58,890 ‫"مقتبس من رواية من تأليف (ويليام لانداي)" 2 00:01:14,780 --> 00:01:17,240 [garage door opening] 3 00:01:18,280 --> 00:01:20,110 [engine starts] 4 00:01:28,040 --> 00:01:29,750 [bird chirping] 5 00:01:49,020 --> 00:01:52,480 ‫اتصلت "جوانا" بي، وقالت إنّ علينا مقابلتها ‫في مرأب المحكمة. 6 00:01:49,020 --> 00:01:52,480 Joanna called. She said we should meet her at the courthouse garage. 7 00:01:53,400 --> 00:01:54,520 ‫"جوانا"؟ 8 00:01:53,400 --> 00:01:54,520 Joanna? 9 00:01:54,610 --> 00:01:56,820 ‫"كلاين"، محامية الدفاع التي أخبرتك عنها. 10 00:01:54,610 --> 00:01:56,820 Klein. The defense attorney I told you about. 11 00:01:58,070 --> 00:02:00,110 ‫تعرف النظام أفضل من غيرها. 12 00:01:58,070 --> 00:02:00,110 She knows the system better than anyone. 13 00:02:14,250 --> 00:02:16,080 [cell phone buzzes] 14 00:02:18,680 --> 00:02:20,520 ‫"مكالمة من (توبي) ‫رفض - قبول" 15 00:02:30,020 --> 00:02:31,180 ‫يا إلهي. 16 00:02:30,020 --> 00:02:31,180 [Laurie] Oh, my God. 17 00:02:31,270 --> 00:02:32,350 ‫"الشرطة" 18 00:02:51,330 --> 00:02:52,370 ‫"آندي". 19 00:02:51,330 --> 00:02:52,370 [Joanna] Andy. 20 00:02:54,710 --> 00:02:57,210 ‫"لاوري"، أنا "جوانا كلاين". 21 00:02:54,710 --> 00:02:57,210 Laurie, I'm Joanna Klein. 22 00:02:57,300 --> 00:02:58,600 ‫تشرفت بلقائك. 23 00:02:57,300 --> 00:02:58,600 Pleased to meet you. 24 00:02:58,670 --> 00:03:01,170 ‫أنا آسفة جداً لما تمرّان به. 25 00:02:58,670 --> 00:03:01,170 I'm so sorry for what you're going through. 26 00:03:01,930 --> 00:03:02,930 ‫أشكرك. 27 00:03:01,930 --> 00:03:02,930 Thank you. 28 00:03:04,260 --> 00:03:06,510 ‫معي قهوة في السيارة إذا أردتما. 29 00:03:04,260 --> 00:03:06,510 I have coffees in the car in case you need one. 30 00:03:06,600 --> 00:03:07,860 ‫لا، شكراً. 31 00:03:06,600 --> 00:03:07,860 No, that's okay. 32 00:03:07,930 --> 00:03:10,260 ‫- هل وصل "جايكوب" بعد؟ ‫- هو في الطريق. 33 00:03:07,930 --> 00:03:10,260 -Has Jacob arrived yet? -He's on his way. 34 00:03:10,350 --> 00:03:11,640 ‫كيف حاله هذا الصباح؟ 35 00:03:10,350 --> 00:03:11,640 How is he this morning? 36 00:03:12,350 --> 00:03:15,270 ‫هو خائف لكنه بخير. 37 00:03:12,350 --> 00:03:15,270 He's scared, but he is okay. 38 00:03:17,030 --> 00:03:19,780 ‫"آندي"، أنت مررت بهذا من قبل، ‫لكن ليس من هذا الجانب. 39 00:03:17,030 --> 00:03:19,780 Andy, you've been through this before, but never from this side. 40 00:03:19,860 --> 00:03:23,990 ‫وسيكون هذا جديداً تماماً عليك يا "لاوري"، ‫لذا سأقول لكما التعليمات. 41 00:03:19,860 --> 00:03:23,990 And, Laurie, this will all be new to you, so I'm gonna read you both the catechism. 42 00:03:24,700 --> 00:03:25,780 ‫بدءاً من هذه اللحظة، 43 00:03:24,700 --> 00:03:25,780 From this moment on, 44 00:03:25,870 --> 00:03:28,580 ‫حتى تعودا إلى المنزل ويُغلق الباب خلفكما، 45 00:03:25,870 --> 00:03:28,580 until you are back home with the door closed behind you, 46 00:03:28,660 --> 00:03:31,990 ‫أريدكما ألّا تظهرا أي مشاعر إطلاقاً. 47 00:03:28,660 --> 00:03:31,990 I want you to show no emotion at all. 48 00:03:32,790 --> 00:03:34,000 ‫لا شيء. 49 00:03:32,790 --> 00:03:34,000 Nothing. 50 00:03:34,080 --> 00:03:37,670 ‫أعرف أنه طلب صعب، لكنه مهم، اتفقنا؟ 51 00:03:34,080 --> 00:03:37,670 I know it's a lot to ask, but it's important, okay? 52 00:03:38,300 --> 00:03:39,680 ‫سنكون كالجماد. 53 00:03:38,300 --> 00:03:39,680 We're potted plants. 54 00:03:39,760 --> 00:03:41,140 ‫"لاوري"؟ 55 00:03:39,760 --> 00:03:41,140 Laurie? 56 00:03:42,800 --> 00:03:43,840 ‫نعم. 57 00:03:42,800 --> 00:03:43,840 Yes. 58 00:03:43,930 --> 00:03:48,400 ‫لسوء الحظ، كل التعبيرات وردود الأفعال ‫ستُؤول ضدكما. 59 00:03:43,930 --> 00:03:48,400 Unfortunately, every expression, every reaction will be interpreted against you. 60 00:03:48,470 --> 00:03:49,470 ‫"شرطة (نيوتن)" 61 00:03:49,560 --> 00:03:53,980 ‫إن ابتسمتما فسيقولون إنكما لا تأخذان الأمر ‫على محمل الجد. 62 00:03:49,560 --> 00:03:53,980 Smile and they'll say you're not taking it seriously. 63 00:03:54,730 --> 00:03:58,270 ‫وإن بكيتما فسيقولون إنكما تتظاهران. 64 00:03:54,730 --> 00:03:58,270 You cry and they'll say you're faking it. 65 00:03:58,780 --> 00:04:02,370 ‫لا تجيبا أي أسئلة يصيحون بها. 66 00:03:58,780 --> 00:04:02,370 Do not answer any questions they shout at you. 67 00:04:02,990 --> 00:04:06,080 ‫في التلفاز، لا يهم إلا الصورة. 68 00:04:02,990 --> 00:04:06,080 On TV, only the pictures matter. 69 00:04:06,160 --> 00:04:07,290 [children chattering] 70 00:04:16,080 --> 00:04:17,870 ‫وأهم شيء 71 00:04:16,080 --> 00:04:17,870 And most important, 72 00:04:17,960 --> 00:04:21,960 ‫أنّ أي علامة على الغضب، ‫لا سيما من "جايكوب"، 73 00:04:17,960 --> 00:04:21,960 any sign of anger, particularly from Jacob, 74 00:04:22,050 --> 00:04:25,060 ‫سوف تؤكد أسوأ شكوك الناس. 75 00:04:22,050 --> 00:04:25,060 will confirm people's worst suspicions. 76 00:04:25,140 --> 00:04:29,810 ‫يجب أن تذكرا أنّ "جايكوب" ‫ليس المذنب الوحيد في نظرهم. 77 00:04:25,140 --> 00:04:29,810 You have to remember that, in their eyes, it isn't just Jacob who's guilty. 78 00:04:30,350 --> 00:04:31,480 ‫بل كلكم كذلك. 79 00:04:30,350 --> 00:04:31,480 You all are. 80 00:04:33,100 --> 00:04:37,230 ‫إنهم يبحثون عن تأكيد، فلا تعطياه لهم. 81 00:04:33,100 --> 00:04:37,230 They're looking for confirmation, so don't give it to them. 82 00:04:38,270 --> 00:04:39,520 ‫حسن. 83 00:04:38,270 --> 00:04:39,520 Okay. 84 00:04:39,610 --> 00:04:42,070 ‫تذكّرا، أظهرا وجهين بلا تعبيرات. 85 00:04:39,610 --> 00:04:42,070 Remember, poker faces. 86 00:04:45,660 --> 00:04:46,870 ‫- جاهزان؟ ‫- نعم. 87 00:04:45,660 --> 00:04:46,870 -You ready? -[mouthing] Yeah. 88 00:04:46,950 --> 00:04:47,960 ‫طيب. 89 00:04:46,950 --> 00:04:47,960 [Joanna] Okay. 90 00:04:54,330 --> 00:04:55,660 ‫ها قد وصلا! 91 00:04:54,330 --> 00:04:55,660 [male reporter] There they are! 92 00:04:55,750 --> 00:04:57,460 ‫آل "باربر". أمسك الكاميرا! 93 00:04:55,750 --> 00:04:57,460 [female reporter] The Barbers. Grab the camera! 94 00:04:57,540 --> 00:05:00,210 ‫السيد والسيدة "باربر"، ‫متى تحدثتما إلى "جايكوب" آخر مرة؟ 95 00:04:57,540 --> 00:05:00,210 [female reporter 2] Mr. and Mrs. Barber, when did you last speak to Jacob? 96 00:05:00,300 --> 00:05:02,180 ‫نحن في بث مباشر! 97 00:05:00,300 --> 00:05:02,180 [male reporter 2] We're live on the air! 98 00:05:03,130 --> 00:05:05,090 [reporters shouting] 99 00:05:05,180 --> 00:05:08,020 ‫سيدة "باربر"، متى رأيت ابنك آخر مرة؟ 100 00:05:05,180 --> 00:05:08,020 [male reporter 3] Mrs. Barber, when was the last time you saw your son? 101 00:05:08,100 --> 00:05:10,100 [shouting continues] 102 00:05:10,180 --> 00:05:11,390 ‫كيف حال الأسرة؟ 103 00:05:10,180 --> 00:05:11,390 How's the family? 104 00:05:12,390 --> 00:05:14,510 ‫كيف أثّر الاعتقال على أسرتكما؟ 105 00:05:12,390 --> 00:05:14,510 [female reporter 3] How's the arrest affected your family? 106 00:05:15,230 --> 00:05:16,690 [shouting continues] 107 00:05:20,480 --> 00:05:22,060 ‫كيف حالكما؟ 108 00:05:20,480 --> 00:05:22,060 [male reporter 4] Just how are you doing? 109 00:05:24,280 --> 00:05:26,660 ‫- يا إلهي. ‫- هل أنت بخير؟ 110 00:05:24,280 --> 00:05:26,660 -Oh, my God. -Are you okay? 111 00:05:26,740 --> 00:05:27,830 ‫نعم. 112 00:05:26,740 --> 00:05:27,830 Yeah. 113 00:05:32,040 --> 00:05:33,330 [chattering] 114 00:05:41,090 --> 00:05:42,930 [chattering] 115 00:06:06,530 --> 00:06:08,490 ‫...بعد 10 دقائق أو ما شابه؟ 116 00:06:06,530 --> 00:06:08,490 [Neal] ...in ten minutes or something like that? 117 00:06:08,570 --> 00:06:11,400 ‫ستنتهي هذه الجلسة بسرعة، ‫ربما ستستغرق 10 دقائق. 118 00:06:08,570 --> 00:06:11,400 This one should go pretty quick. You know, ten minutes or so. 119 00:06:18,460 --> 00:06:19,590 ‫ماذا الآن؟ 120 00:06:18,460 --> 00:06:19,590 Now what? 121 00:06:20,580 --> 00:06:21,790 ‫الآن ننتظر. 122 00:06:20,580 --> 00:06:21,790 Now we wait. 123 00:06:24,800 --> 00:06:26,600 [three notes play on loudspeaker] 124 00:06:26,670 --> 00:06:28,380 ‫يُرجى الانتباه. 125 00:06:26,670 --> 00:06:28,380 [principal] Your attention, please. 126 00:06:28,470 --> 00:06:32,600 ‫كما تعرفون كلكم، المأساة التي حلت بمجتمعنا 127 00:06:28,470 --> 00:06:32,600 As you all know, last night the terrible tragedy that struck our community 128 00:06:32,680 --> 00:06:36,150 ‫تفاقمت بالأمس تفاقماً يصعب استيعابه. 129 00:06:32,680 --> 00:06:36,150 was compounded in a way that is truly difficult to fathom. 130 00:06:36,230 --> 00:06:40,070 ‫أقصد اعتقال "جايكوب باربر"، ‫طالب الصف الـ8 في مدرسة "آرتشر". 131 00:06:36,230 --> 00:06:40,070 I'm referring to the arrest of Jacob Barber, an eighth-grader here at Archer. 132 00:06:42,310 --> 00:06:45,850 ‫أود التأكيد على أهمية عدم التسرع ‫في الوصول إلى استنتاجات. 133 00:06:42,310 --> 00:06:45,850 I want to stress how important it is we not jump to conclusions. 134 00:06:46,280 --> 00:06:49,660 ‫هذا يعني تجاهل الشائعات ‫والامتناع عن نشرها. 135 00:06:46,280 --> 00:06:49,450 This means ignoring rumors and refraining from spreading rumors. 136 00:06:49,530 --> 00:06:50,690 [whispering] 137 00:06:50,780 --> 00:06:52,780 ‫ومع ذلك، 138 00:06:50,780 --> 00:06:52,780 That said, 139 00:06:52,870 --> 00:06:57,000 ‫إن عرفتم أي معلومات ‫تظنون أنها قد تساعد في التحقيق، 140 00:06:52,870 --> 00:06:57,000 if you do have information you feel would be of help to the investigation, 141 00:06:57,080 --> 00:07:00,090 ‫طلبت الشرطة أن تتواصلوا معها فوراً. 142 00:06:57,080 --> 00:07:00,090 the police have asked that you contact them immediately. 143 00:07:00,170 --> 00:07:03,800 ‫تستطيعون فعل هذا مباشرةً ‫أو من خلال مركز الإرشاد. 144 00:07:00,170 --> 00:07:03,800 You can do this directly or through our guidance center. 145 00:07:05,050 --> 00:07:06,680 [hushed chattering] 146 00:07:28,490 --> 00:07:29,530 [distorted voice] 147 00:07:29,610 --> 00:07:30,940 [door opens] 148 00:07:34,450 --> 00:07:37,210 ‫أنصتوا! فلينهض الجميع. 149 00:07:34,450 --> 00:07:37,210 Hear ye! Hear ye! All rise. 150 00:07:37,290 --> 00:07:40,750 ‫سيادة القاضية "ريفيرا" رئيسة المحكمة. 151 00:07:37,290 --> 00:07:40,750 The Honorable Justice Rivera presiding. 152 00:07:40,830 --> 00:07:43,660 ‫بدأت جلسة المحكمة. تفضلوا بالقعود. 153 00:07:40,830 --> 00:07:43,660 This court is now open. Please be seated. 154 00:07:46,210 --> 00:07:48,330 ‫صباح الخير. فلنبدأ. 155 00:07:46,210 --> 00:07:48,330 Good morning. Let's get started. 156 00:07:48,420 --> 00:07:49,880 ‫أحضروا المدّعى عليه. 157 00:07:48,420 --> 00:07:49,880 Bring in the defendant. 158 00:07:49,970 --> 00:07:51,310 [door opens] 159 00:07:53,590 --> 00:07:55,300 [hushed chattering] 160 00:08:10,360 --> 00:08:13,900 ‫القضية رقم 08-44-07. 161 00:08:10,360 --> 00:08:13,900 [clerk] Indictment number 08-44-07. 162 00:08:13,990 --> 00:08:16,210 ‫الكومنولث ضد "جايكوب أوين باربر". 163 00:08:13,990 --> 00:08:16,210 Commonwealth versus Jacob Owen Barber. 164 00:08:17,030 --> 00:08:20,030 ‫التهمة قتل من الدرجة الـ1. 165 00:08:17,030 --> 00:08:20,030 The charge is one count of murder in the first degree. 166 00:08:20,120 --> 00:08:21,830 ‫هل الكومنولث مستعد؟ 167 00:08:20,120 --> 00:08:21,830 Is the Commonwealth ready? 168 00:08:21,910 --> 00:08:23,660 ‫نعم يا سيادة القاضية. 169 00:08:21,910 --> 00:08:23,660 Yes, it is, Your Honor. 170 00:08:27,170 --> 00:08:30,720 ‫- سيدة "كلاين"، ما جواب المدّعى عليه؟ ‫- "جايكوب". 171 00:08:27,170 --> 00:08:30,720 -Ms. Klein, how does the defendant plea? -Jacob. 172 00:08:33,340 --> 00:08:34,840 ‫ينكر التهمة يا سيادة القاضية. 173 00:08:33,340 --> 00:08:34,840 Not guilty, Your Honor. 174 00:08:34,930 --> 00:08:37,060 ‫لنذهب إلى حجج الكفالة. الكومنولث؟ 175 00:08:34,930 --> 00:08:37,060 Let's go to bail arguments. Commonwealth? 176 00:08:37,140 --> 00:08:39,060 ‫نعم يا سيادة القاضية. إذا سمحت لي، 177 00:08:37,140 --> 00:08:39,060 Yes, Your Honor. If I may, 178 00:08:39,140 --> 00:08:42,480 ‫كلنا نعرف والد المدّعى عليه، ‫وهو حاضر معنا اليوم. 179 00:08:39,140 --> 00:08:42,480 we all know the defendant's father, who is here with us today. 180 00:08:42,560 --> 00:08:44,940 ‫كلنا نكنّ المحبة للسيد "باربر". 181 00:08:42,560 --> 00:08:44,940 We all have fond feelings towards Mr. Barber. 182 00:08:45,020 --> 00:08:47,770 ‫أنا نفسي اعتبرته معلماً لي على مدى سنين. 183 00:08:45,020 --> 00:08:47,770 I, for one, have considered him to be a mentor for many years. 184 00:08:47,860 --> 00:08:52,200 ‫سيد "لوجوديس"، أفترض أنك تعرف ‫أنّ السيد "باربر" ليس متهماً بأي شيء. 185 00:08:47,860 --> 00:08:52,200 Mr. Logiudice, I presume you know Mr. Barber isn't accused of anything. 186 00:08:53,070 --> 00:08:54,270 ‫بالتأكيد يا سيادة القاضية. 187 00:08:53,070 --> 00:08:54,270 Of course, Your Honor. 188 00:08:54,360 --> 00:08:56,740 ‫لكنّ لتاريخه مع هذه القضية أهمية عظيمة 189 00:08:54,360 --> 00:08:56,740 But his history with this case is of great relevance 190 00:08:56,820 --> 00:08:58,900 ‫للحجة التي أود طرحها بشأن الكفالة. 191 00:08:56,820 --> 00:08:58,900 to the argument I'd like to make regarding bail. 192 00:08:58,990 --> 00:09:00,410 ‫فلتطرحها إذاً أيها المستشار. 193 00:08:58,990 --> 00:09:00,410 Make it then, counselor. 194 00:09:00,490 --> 00:09:01,990 ‫نعم يا سيادة القاضية. 195 00:09:00,490 --> 00:09:01,990 Yes, Your Honor. 196 00:09:02,080 --> 00:09:05,840 ‫يطالب الكومنولث بكفالة ‫قدرها 500 ألف دولار نقداً، 197 00:09:02,080 --> 00:09:05,840 Commonwealth seeks a bail in the amount of 500,000 cash, 198 00:09:05,920 --> 00:09:07,210 ‫وتأمين قدره 5 ملايين. 199 00:09:05,920 --> 00:09:07,210 five million surety. 200 00:09:07,290 --> 00:09:09,000 ‫بحقك. 201 00:09:07,290 --> 00:09:09,000 Oh, come on. 202 00:09:09,090 --> 00:09:12,050 ‫يرى الكومنولث أنّ المدّعى عليه عرضة للهرب 203 00:09:09,090 --> 00:09:12,050 Commonwealth feels the defendant poses a particular risk of flight 204 00:09:12,130 --> 00:09:13,840 ‫في ضوء وحشية الجريمة 205 00:09:12,130 --> 00:09:13,840 in light of the savagery of the crime 206 00:09:13,920 --> 00:09:15,880 ‫والأرجحية الشديدة لإدانته. 207 00:09:13,920 --> 00:09:15,880 and the overwhelming likelihood of his conviction. 208 00:09:15,970 --> 00:09:20,140 ‫سيادة القاضية، ليس للمدّعى عليه سوابق، ‫وليس له سجل اعتقال. 209 00:09:15,970 --> 00:09:20,140 Your Honor, the defendant has no priors. He has no history of arrests. 210 00:09:20,220 --> 00:09:24,140 ‫المحكمة لا تعتبر المدّعى عليه عرضة للهرب ‫إطلاقاً. 211 00:09:20,220 --> 00:09:24,140 The court does not consider the defendant a flight risk in the least. 212 00:09:24,230 --> 00:09:26,190 ‫مبلغ الكفالة محدد بالضبط كما كان بالأمس. 213 00:09:24,230 --> 00:09:26,190 Bail is set exactly where it was yesterday. 214 00:09:26,270 --> 00:09:28,850 ‫10 آلاف دولار، وتأمين قدره 100 ألف. 215 00:09:26,270 --> 00:09:28,850 Ten thousand. A hundred thousand surety. 216 00:09:28,940 --> 00:09:32,030 ‫سأرسل هذه القضية إلى القاضي "فرينش" ‫للمحاكمة، 217 00:09:28,940 --> 00:09:32,030 I'll be sending this case to Judge French for trial, 218 00:09:32,110 --> 00:09:34,910 ‫وموعد الجلسة التمهيدية 21 أغسطس. 219 00:09:32,110 --> 00:09:34,910 -with pretrial set for August 21st. -[gavel raps] 220 00:09:35,950 --> 00:09:37,240 ‫أشكرك يا سيادة القاضية. 221 00:09:35,950 --> 00:09:37,240 Thank you, Your Honor. 222 00:09:37,780 --> 00:09:40,530 [whispering] 223 00:09:43,040 --> 00:09:45,420 ‫- ماذا سيحدث الآن؟ ‫- لا بأس. سيأخذونه وحسب. 224 00:09:43,040 --> 00:09:45,420 -What happens now? -It's okay. They're just gonna take him. 225 00:09:45,500 --> 00:09:47,800 ‫إنه مجرد إجراء. سنراه بعد قليل. 226 00:09:45,500 --> 00:09:47,800 It's just procedural. We'll see him in a minute. 227 00:09:47,880 --> 00:09:49,130 ‫لنذهب. 228 00:09:47,880 --> 00:09:49,880 -Let's go. -[door opens] 229 00:09:51,090 --> 00:09:53,010 ‫"شيك مصرفي - 10 آلاف دولار" 230 00:09:54,720 --> 00:09:57,470 ‫حين تعودون إلى البيت، ستجدون مراسلين. 231 00:09:54,720 --> 00:09:57,470 When you get home, there are gonna be reporters. 232 00:09:57,550 --> 00:09:59,920 ‫ستمرّ عليكم مساعدتي "إيلين" ‫ومعها أشياء من البقالة، 233 00:09:57,550 --> 00:09:59,920 My assistant Ellen will swing by with some groceries, 234 00:10:00,010 --> 00:10:01,470 ‫لكن لا ينبغي أن تظلوا بالداخل. 235 00:10:00,010 --> 00:10:01,470 but you can't stay shut in. 236 00:10:01,560 --> 00:10:04,730 ‫اذهبوا غداً لقضاء بعض المشاوير، ‫كملء السيارة بالوقود أو أياً كان. 237 00:10:01,560 --> 00:10:04,730 Tomorrow you'll run a couple of errands, you'll fill up the tank. Whatever. 238 00:10:04,810 --> 00:10:07,940 ‫فقط دعوهم يلتقطون الصور وسيتركونكم وشأنكم. 239 00:10:04,810 --> 00:10:07,940 Just let them get their pictures and they'll leave you alone. 240 00:10:10,020 --> 00:10:11,890 ‫عليك توقيع مستند آخر. 241 00:10:10,020 --> 00:10:11,890 There's one more thing for you to sign. 242 00:10:18,530 --> 00:10:20,900 ‫- وقّع هنا من فضلك. ‫- المعذرة. 243 00:10:18,530 --> 00:10:20,900 -Sign here, please. -Sorry. 244 00:10:29,500 --> 00:10:31,080 ‫اقترب، سيخرج. 245 00:10:29,500 --> 00:10:31,080 [male reporter] Get close. He's coming out. 246 00:10:31,170 --> 00:10:32,380 [reporters shouting] 247 00:10:33,500 --> 00:10:34,880 ‫"جايكوب"! 248 00:10:33,500 --> 00:10:34,880 [female reporter] Jacob! Jacob! 249 00:10:34,960 --> 00:10:37,790 ‫مهلاً! اسمعوا. تحركوا من فضلكم. 250 00:10:34,960 --> 00:10:37,790 Hey, hey, hey! Listen. Move, please. 251 00:10:37,880 --> 00:10:39,920 ‫أفسحوا لنا الطريق من فضلكم. 252 00:10:37,880 --> 00:10:39,920 Give us a little room here, please. 253 00:10:40,010 --> 00:10:41,630 [shouting continues] 254 00:10:42,930 --> 00:10:46,220 ‫أفسحوا الطريق. 255 00:10:42,930 --> 00:10:46,220 [Joanna] Out-- Out-- Out of the way. Get out of the way. 256 00:10:47,060 --> 00:10:49,400 ‫أفسحوا لهم من فضلكم. 257 00:10:47,060 --> 00:10:49,400 Give 'em some space, please. 258 00:10:56,110 --> 00:10:57,950 ‫هلا تمنحوننا تعليقاً من فضلكم. 259 00:10:56,110 --> 00:10:57,950 [male reporter] Can we get a comment, please? 260 00:10:59,280 --> 00:11:00,910 ‫"جايكوب"، أخبرنا كيف حالك. 261 00:10:59,280 --> 00:11:00,910 Jacob, tell us how you're doing. 262 00:11:00,990 --> 00:11:02,040 ‫إذاً؟ 263 00:11:00,990 --> 00:11:02,040 [Reiko] Well? 264 00:11:03,490 --> 00:11:06,200 ‫هذا يجعلنا نبدو ‫كأنّ أحدنا يكاد لا يعرف الآخر. 265 00:11:03,490 --> 00:11:06,200 This makes it sound like we hardly know each other. 266 00:11:06,660 --> 00:11:08,830 ‫لا أعرف، أظن أنّ التصريح يبدو جيداً. 267 00:11:06,660 --> 00:11:08,830 I don't know. I thought it read well. 268 00:11:09,750 --> 00:11:11,760 ‫يظن مدير حملتك أنّ هذا هو التوجه الصحيح. 269 00:11:09,750 --> 00:11:11,760 Your campaign manager thinks it's the right tone. 270 00:11:11,830 --> 00:11:14,830 ‫إنه لا يهتم بمن سيُؤذى، ما دام أحد غيرنا. 271 00:11:11,830 --> 00:11:14,830 Well, he doesn't give a shit who gets hurt, so long as it's not us. 272 00:11:15,960 --> 00:11:19,130 ‫آسفة. إنّ... 273 00:11:15,960 --> 00:11:19,130 I'm sorry. It's just... 274 00:11:20,260 --> 00:11:23,310 ‫"آندي" كان الشخص الذي أستشيره ‫بشأن هذه الأشياء. 275 00:11:20,260 --> 00:11:23,310 It's usually Andy whose advice I ask on things like this. 276 00:11:24,680 --> 00:11:26,130 ‫لم أتوقع هذا مطلقاً. 277 00:11:24,680 --> 00:11:26,130 In a million years... 278 00:11:26,640 --> 00:11:28,680 ‫عليك إصدار تصريح ما. 279 00:11:26,640 --> 00:11:28,680 You need to issue some kind of statement. 280 00:11:28,770 --> 00:11:30,360 ‫أعرف. 281 00:11:28,770 --> 00:11:30,360 I know. 282 00:11:30,440 --> 00:11:33,400 ‫هل أرسله إذاً؟ 283 00:11:30,440 --> 00:11:33,400 So, hit send? 284 00:11:40,610 --> 00:11:41,860 ‫إنهم آل "باربر". 285 00:11:40,610 --> 00:11:41,860 [man] It's the Barbers. 286 00:11:41,950 --> 00:11:43,450 [chattering] 287 00:11:43,530 --> 00:11:45,240 ‫لقد وصلوا. فلنذهب. 288 00:11:43,530 --> 00:11:45,240 [man 2] They're here. Let's go. Let's go. 289 00:11:45,330 --> 00:11:50,000 ‫هذا صحيح، انتبه. إنهم قادمون. ‫أقرب، اتفقنا؟ هيا. هل التقطتها؟ 290 00:11:45,330 --> 00:11:50,000 That's right. Look out. They're coming. Closer, okay? Come on. You got it? 291 00:11:50,080 --> 00:11:52,410 [camera shutter clicking] 292 00:11:56,420 --> 00:11:58,000 [chattering] 293 00:12:07,970 --> 00:12:09,720 ‫لا أقدر على إيقاظه. 294 00:12:07,970 --> 00:12:09,720 [Andy] I don't have the heart to wake him. 295 00:12:15,190 --> 00:12:16,320 ‫"جايكوب"، حبيبي. 296 00:12:15,190 --> 00:12:16,320 [Laurie] Jacob, honey. 297 00:12:21,740 --> 00:12:22,870 ‫وصلنا إلى البيت. 298 00:12:21,740 --> 00:12:22,870 We're home. 299 00:12:26,070 --> 00:12:28,910 ‫"(دبليو زي سي آي) - (بوسطن)" 300 00:12:31,160 --> 00:12:33,830 ‫هل أنت جائع؟ أتريد أن أعدّ لك شيئاً؟ 301 00:12:31,160 --> 00:12:33,830 Are you hungry? Can I make you something? 302 00:12:33,920 --> 00:12:35,670 ‫لا، أريد النوم فقط. 303 00:12:33,920 --> 00:12:35,670 No, I just kinda wanna sleep. 304 00:12:35,750 --> 00:12:37,160 ‫نعم. 305 00:12:35,750 --> 00:12:37,160 Yeah. 306 00:12:37,250 --> 00:12:40,210 ‫اسمع، نحن فخوران بك جداً. 307 00:12:37,250 --> 00:12:40,210 Hey. We're really proud of you. 308 00:12:40,710 --> 00:12:43,670 ‫تماسكك هناك تطلّب شجاعة كبيرة. 309 00:12:40,710 --> 00:12:43,670 The way you stood up there today, that took a lot of guts. 310 00:12:43,760 --> 00:12:45,310 ‫كان الأمر مخيفاً جداً. 311 00:12:43,760 --> 00:12:45,310 It was pretty scary. 312 00:12:46,300 --> 00:12:47,800 ‫لا بأس الآن. 313 00:12:46,300 --> 00:12:47,800 It's okay now. 314 00:12:47,890 --> 00:12:49,100 ‫اذهب لتستريح. 315 00:12:47,890 --> 00:12:49,100 Go rest. 316 00:12:53,850 --> 00:12:58,560 ‫و... لم أستعد هاتفي من قسم الشرطة. 317 00:12:53,850 --> 00:12:58,560 And, uh... I never got my phone back from the police. 318 00:12:59,230 --> 00:13:02,730 ‫حسن، سنشتري لك واحداً آخر، ‫وربما حاسوباً محمولاً أيضاً. 319 00:12:59,230 --> 00:13:02,730 All right, we'll get you another one. Maybe a new laptop too. 320 00:13:03,820 --> 00:13:04,980 ‫هل أخذوا حاسوبي؟ 321 00:13:03,820 --> 00:13:04,980 They took my computer? 322 00:13:05,070 --> 00:13:07,150 ‫نعم، هذا يحدث عندما... 323 00:13:05,070 --> 00:13:07,150 Yeah. It's just something that happens when-- 324 00:13:07,990 --> 00:13:09,700 ‫إنه مجرد إجراء. 325 00:13:07,990 --> 00:13:09,700 It's just something that happens. 326 00:13:11,830 --> 00:13:13,000 ‫طيب. 327 00:13:11,830 --> 00:13:13,000 Okay. 328 00:13:14,540 --> 00:13:16,620 [phone rings] 329 00:13:17,630 --> 00:13:18,720 [beeps] 330 00:13:18,790 --> 00:13:19,790 ‫مرحباً؟ 331 00:13:18,790 --> 00:13:19,790 Hello? 332 00:13:21,880 --> 00:13:23,380 ‫يا إلهي. 333 00:13:21,880 --> 00:13:23,380 Oh, my God. 334 00:13:23,470 --> 00:13:24,640 ‫من أنت؟ 335 00:13:23,470 --> 00:13:24,640 Who is this? 336 00:13:24,720 --> 00:13:25,850 [line clicks] 337 00:13:27,930 --> 00:13:28,930 [phone beeps] 338 00:13:32,890 --> 00:13:35,930 ‫سأتصل بشركة الهاتف غداً ‫وأجعلهم يغيرون رقمنا. 339 00:13:32,890 --> 00:13:35,930 I'll call the phone company tomorrow and have them change the number. 340 00:13:45,320 --> 00:13:47,690 [speakers: "Night Shift" playing] 341 00:13:49,280 --> 00:13:51,280 ‫"مدرسة (آرتشر) الإعدادية ‫موقع الواجبات المنزلية" 342 00:13:54,000 --> 00:13:55,670 [notification chimes] 343 00:13:57,000 --> 00:13:58,630 ‫"عجباً يا جماعة! (جايكوب) في كل..." 344 00:13:58,710 --> 00:13:59,970 ‫"الفتى سيشعل شبكات التواصل" 345 00:14:00,040 --> 00:14:01,670 ‫"والداي لا يكفّان عن طرح الأسئلة عليّ..." 346 00:14:01,750 --> 00:14:04,250 ‫"رأيت فتاة هنا تقول إنه مثير، أمر مضحك" 347 00:14:04,340 --> 00:14:06,050 ‫"هذا مضحك جداً!" 348 00:14:07,180 --> 00:14:08,220 [music stops] 349 00:14:11,560 --> 00:14:13,230 [phone rings] 350 00:14:16,310 --> 00:14:19,470 ‫"(ديريك يو) يريد الاتصال ‫عبر (فيس تايم)" 351 00:14:22,270 --> 00:14:24,610 ‫مرحباً، اضطُررت إلى التكلم ‫مع ذلك المحامي مجدداً. 352 00:14:22,270 --> 00:14:24,610 Hey. Uh, I had to speak to that lawyer again today. 353 00:14:24,690 --> 00:14:26,230 ‫المسؤول عن قضية "جايكوب". 354 00:14:24,690 --> 00:14:26,230 The one in charge of Jacob's case. 355 00:14:26,820 --> 00:14:28,280 ‫لا يكفّ عن الاتصال بي. 356 00:14:26,820 --> 00:14:28,280 He keeps calling me. 357 00:14:30,240 --> 00:14:32,650 ‫- "سارا"، هل تسمعينني؟ ‫- نعم. 358 00:14:30,240 --> 00:14:32,650 -Sarah, are you there? -Yeah. Uh-- 359 00:14:33,490 --> 00:14:36,410 ‫اسمع، لديّ واجبات منزلية، ‫لذا عليّ إنهاء المكالمة. 360 00:14:33,490 --> 00:14:36,410 Listen, I got homework, so I gotta go. 361 00:14:43,630 --> 00:14:45,510 ‫في ضوء خبرتي، ما رأيناه اليوم، 362 00:14:43,630 --> 00:14:45,510 [woman on TV] In my experience, what we saw today, 363 00:14:45,590 --> 00:14:48,310 ‫لغة الجسد والتحديق البارد ‫وتجنب التواصل بالعينين 364 00:14:45,590 --> 00:14:49,770 the body language, the cold stare, the avoidance of any eye contact, 365 00:14:48,380 --> 00:14:50,380 ‫"ابن مدّع متهم بقتل زميله في الفصل عمداً" 366 00:14:49,840 --> 00:14:53,180 it's not a good look for someone accused of a crime of this magnitude. 367 00:14:50,470 --> 00:14:53,190 ‫ليست سمات جيدة لشخص متهم بجريمة ‫على هذا القدر من الخطورة. 368 00:14:53,260 --> 00:14:56,550 ‫إنه غارق في النوم. ‫غالباً سينام الليل بطوله. 369 00:14:53,260 --> 00:14:56,550 [Andy] He's out cold. Probably sleep through the whole night. 370 00:14:57,600 --> 00:14:59,600 ‫وبصراحة شديدة، هذا يؤكد كثيراً... 371 00:14:57,600 --> 00:14:59,600 [woman on TV] And quite frankly, it confirms a lot... 372 00:14:59,690 --> 00:15:01,490 ‫لا أظن هذه فكرة جيدة. 373 00:14:59,690 --> 00:15:01,490 [Andy] I don't think this is a good idea. 374 00:15:02,810 --> 00:15:05,440 ‫أرأيت ما يقولون على الإنترنت؟ بم يصفونه؟ 375 00:15:02,810 --> 00:15:05,440 Have you seen what they're saying online? What they're calling him? 376 00:15:05,530 --> 00:15:06,990 ‫علينا الكفّ عن التفكير في هذا. 377 00:15:05,530 --> 00:15:06,990 We gotta block this stuff out. 378 00:15:07,070 --> 00:15:09,120 ‫يقولون إنه يبدو متعجرفاً وقاسياً. 379 00:15:07,070 --> 00:15:09,120 They're saying he looks smug and remorseless. 380 00:15:09,200 --> 00:15:11,330 ‫- وهو لم يبلغ الـ15 حتى. ‫- حبيبتي، 381 00:15:09,200 --> 00:15:11,330 -He's not even 15 years old. -Oh, honey, 382 00:15:11,410 --> 00:15:13,080 ‫هذا متوقع. 383 00:15:11,410 --> 00:15:13,080 it's par for the course. 384 00:15:13,160 --> 00:15:14,830 ‫ماذا سيحدث حين يرى هذا؟ 385 00:15:13,160 --> 00:15:14,830 What's gonna happen when he sees this? 386 00:15:14,910 --> 00:15:16,910 ‫كل شيء سيتغير في حياته. 387 00:15:14,910 --> 00:15:16,910 Nothing's ever going to be the same for him again. 388 00:15:17,000 --> 00:15:19,500 ‫هذه التهمة ستطارده طوال حياته. 389 00:15:17,000 --> 00:15:19,500 This is gonna follow him around for the rest of his life. 390 00:15:19,580 --> 00:15:20,830 ‫"لاوري". 391 00:15:19,580 --> 00:15:20,830 Laurie. 392 00:15:21,960 --> 00:15:23,010 ‫ماذا؟ 393 00:15:21,960 --> 00:15:23,010 What? 394 00:15:30,590 --> 00:15:31,840 ‫ماذا يا "آندي"؟ 395 00:15:30,590 --> 00:15:31,840 What, Andy? 396 00:15:32,890 --> 00:15:33,890 ‫اسمعي. 397 00:15:32,890 --> 00:15:35,350 Listen. [sighs] 398 00:15:37,270 --> 00:15:39,360 ‫عليّ إخبارك شيئاً. 399 00:15:37,270 --> 00:15:39,360 I have to tell you something. 400 00:15:39,430 --> 00:15:41,430 ‫شيئاً سيُكشف قريباً. 401 00:15:39,430 --> 00:15:41,430 Something that's gonna come out soon. 402 00:15:43,020 --> 00:15:44,230 ‫عن "جايكوب"؟ 403 00:15:43,020 --> 00:15:44,230 About Jacob? 404 00:15:45,520 --> 00:15:46,730 [distorted voice] 405 00:15:48,190 --> 00:15:49,310 ‫عني. 406 00:15:48,190 --> 00:15:49,310 About me. 407 00:15:51,280 --> 00:15:52,610 ‫وأسرتي. 408 00:15:51,280 --> 00:15:52,610 My family. 409 00:15:54,990 --> 00:15:55,990 ‫وأبي. 410 00:15:54,990 --> 00:15:55,990 My father. 411 00:16:03,750 --> 00:16:06,710 [chattering] 412 00:16:10,420 --> 00:16:13,800 ‫"جايكوب"، قبل أن نبدأ، أريد توضيح شيء. 413 00:16:10,420 --> 00:16:13,800 Jacob, before we begin, I wanna make something clear. 414 00:16:13,890 --> 00:16:15,480 ‫أنت موكلي هنا. 415 00:16:13,890 --> 00:16:15,480 You're the client here. 416 00:16:15,550 --> 00:16:19,850 ‫هذا يعني أنك صاحب القرار قدر المستطاع. 417 00:16:15,550 --> 00:16:19,850 That means that as much as possible, you are the decision maker. 418 00:16:19,930 --> 00:16:22,390 ‫لا والداك ولا أنا، بل أنت. 419 00:16:19,930 --> 00:16:22,390 Not your parents, not me. You. 420 00:16:23,480 --> 00:16:27,070 ‫إن أردت ترك مسؤولية اتخاذ القرارات ‫في أيدي أمك وأبيك، 421 00:16:23,480 --> 00:16:27,070 To the extent you want to leave the decision-making up to your mom and dad, 422 00:16:27,150 --> 00:16:28,200 ‫فهذا مفهوم. 423 00:16:27,150 --> 00:16:28,200 that's understandable. 424 00:16:28,280 --> 00:16:30,120 ‫لكن بموجب قانون "ماساتشوستس"، 425 00:16:28,280 --> 00:16:30,120 But by law in Massachusetts, 426 00:16:30,190 --> 00:16:34,900 ‫حين يُتهم صبي في سنك بالقتل من الدرجة الـ1 ‫يُحاكم بصفته راشداً. 427 00:16:30,190 --> 00:16:34,900 a kid your age charged with first-degree murder is tried as an adult. 428 00:16:35,410 --> 00:16:39,290 ‫لذا سأبذل قصارى جهدي ‫لأعاملك بصفتك راشداً أيضاً، اتفقنا؟ 429 00:16:35,410 --> 00:16:39,290 So I'm gonna do my best to treat you as an adult too, okay? 430 00:16:40,330 --> 00:16:41,710 ‫- حسن. ‫- إذاً. 431 00:16:40,330 --> 00:16:41,710 -Okay. -Now then. 432 00:16:42,290 --> 00:16:46,840 ‫يبدو أنّ النظرية المطروحة ‫أنّ "بن ريفكن" كان يتنمر لك. 433 00:16:42,290 --> 00:16:46,840 The theory seems to be that Ben Rifkin was bullying you. 434 00:16:46,920 --> 00:16:48,090 ‫فاشتريت سكيناً، 435 00:16:46,920 --> 00:16:48,090 You got a knife, 436 00:16:48,170 --> 00:16:51,380 ‫وحين سنحت لك الفرصة، انتقمت منه. 437 00:16:48,170 --> 00:16:51,380 and, when the opportunity presented itself, took your revenge. 438 00:16:51,470 --> 00:16:53,310 ‫مهلاً، أكان يتنمر لك؟ 439 00:16:51,470 --> 00:16:53,310 Wait, he was bullying you? 440 00:16:54,050 --> 00:16:56,800 ‫ليس تماماً. أقصد أنه فعل نوعاً ما، لكن... 441 00:16:54,050 --> 00:16:56,800 Not really. I mean, kind of, but-- 442 00:16:56,890 --> 00:16:59,230 ‫- ماذا تقصد بـ"نوعاً ما"؟ ‫- لم تقل أي شيء قط حتى الآن. 443 00:16:56,890 --> 00:16:59,230 -What do you mean, kind of? -You never said anything until now. 444 00:16:59,310 --> 00:17:01,270 ‫- لماذا لم تخبرنا؟ ‫- لا... 445 00:16:59,310 --> 00:17:01,270 -Why haven't you told us? -I don't-- 446 00:17:02,430 --> 00:17:04,930 ‫كان يسيء معاملة الكثيرين. ‫لم يقتصر الأمر عليّ. 447 00:17:02,430 --> 00:17:04,930 He was a dick to a lot of people. Not just me. 448 00:17:05,020 --> 00:17:07,020 ‫هذا لا ينفي أنه كان عليك إخبارنا. ‫كيف كان يتنمر لك؟ 449 00:17:05,020 --> 00:17:07,020 Well, you still should've told us. How was he bullying you? 450 00:17:07,100 --> 00:17:08,810 ‫"آندي"، "لاوري"، من فضلكما. 451 00:17:07,100 --> 00:17:08,810 Andy, Laurie. Please. 452 00:17:10,610 --> 00:17:13,030 ‫والآن، بخصوص الهجوم نفسه، 453 00:17:10,610 --> 00:17:13,030 Now, as for the attack itself, 454 00:17:13,650 --> 00:17:16,280 ‫لا يبدو وجود أي شهود. 455 00:17:13,650 --> 00:17:16,280 there don't seem to be any witnesses. 456 00:17:16,360 --> 00:17:18,780 ‫اعترفت بوجودك في الحديقة. 457 00:17:16,360 --> 00:17:18,780 You have admitted to being in the park. 458 00:17:18,870 --> 00:17:21,210 ‫ويزعم أحد زملائك أنك كنت تملك سكيناً 459 00:17:18,870 --> 00:17:21,210 And a fellow student alleges you had a knife 460 00:17:21,290 --> 00:17:22,840 ‫وكنت تجلبه معك إلى المدرسة أحياناً. 461 00:17:21,290 --> 00:17:22,840 you would bring to school on occasion. 462 00:17:22,910 --> 00:17:24,830 ‫زميله "ديريك يو". 463 00:17:22,910 --> 00:17:24,830 That would be Derek. Derek Yoo. 464 00:17:24,920 --> 00:17:28,130 ‫لذا فهي قضية ظرفية جداً. 465 00:17:24,920 --> 00:17:28,130 So it is a very circumstantial case. 466 00:17:28,210 --> 00:17:30,050 ‫وتُوجد بصمة الإصبع. 467 00:17:28,210 --> 00:17:30,050 Now, there's the fingerprint. 468 00:17:30,130 --> 00:17:32,890 ‫لكنّ بصمات الأصابع نوع محدود جداً ‫من الأدلة. 469 00:17:30,130 --> 00:17:32,890 But fingerprints are a very limited form of evidence. 470 00:17:32,970 --> 00:17:35,180 ‫فغالباً ما يكون لها تفسير بريء. 471 00:17:32,970 --> 00:17:35,180 Often there's an innocent explanation. 472 00:17:35,970 --> 00:17:37,430 ‫أتشعرين بالثقة إذاً؟ 473 00:17:35,970 --> 00:17:37,430 So you feel confident? 474 00:17:39,260 --> 00:17:40,880 ‫يُوجد شيء آخر. 475 00:17:39,260 --> 00:17:40,880 There's one other thing. 476 00:17:41,560 --> 00:17:42,690 ‫"لاوري"؟ 477 00:17:41,560 --> 00:17:42,690 [Joanna] Laurie? 478 00:17:45,190 --> 00:17:46,820 ‫عليّ إخبارك شيئاً. 479 00:17:45,190 --> 00:17:46,820 I have to tell you something. 480 00:17:56,910 --> 00:18:00,330 ‫قلت بنفسك إنه سيُكشف، ‫وسنُضطر إلى التعامل معه. 481 00:17:56,910 --> 00:18:00,330 You said yourself it's going to come out. We're going to have to deal with it. 482 00:18:00,410 --> 00:18:02,830 ‫أن يسمعه منا الآن خير من أن يراه ‫في الأخبار. 483 00:18:00,410 --> 00:18:02,830 Better he hear it from us now than see it on the news. 484 00:18:02,910 --> 00:18:05,200 ‫المعذرة. التعامل مع ماذا؟ 485 00:18:02,910 --> 00:18:05,200 I'm sorry. Deal with what? 486 00:18:09,790 --> 00:18:10,790 ‫أمي؟ 487 00:18:09,790 --> 00:18:10,790 Mom? 488 00:18:14,550 --> 00:18:17,760 ‫اتضح أنّ في عائلتنا تاريخ للعنف. 489 00:18:14,550 --> 00:18:17,760 Apparently, there's a history of violence in our family. 490 00:18:19,050 --> 00:18:22,180 ‫حبيبي، أنا آسفة لأنك اضطُررت لاكتشاف الأمر ‫بهذه الطريقة، لكنه حقيقي. 491 00:18:19,050 --> 00:18:22,180 Honey, I'm sorry you have to find out this way, but it's true. 492 00:18:23,020 --> 00:18:25,230 ‫أنا آسف بشأن هذا يا "جوانا". هذا خطئي. 493 00:18:23,020 --> 00:18:25,230 Sorry about this, Joanna. This is my fault. 494 00:18:25,310 --> 00:18:28,190 ‫- لم تعلم "لاوري" بالأمر إلا أمس. ‫- بم علمت؟ 495 00:18:25,310 --> 00:18:28,190 -Laurie just heard about this last night. -Heard about what? 496 00:18:31,150 --> 00:18:33,360 ‫أبي، جدك... 497 00:18:31,150 --> 00:18:33,360 My father, your grandfather... 498 00:18:36,070 --> 00:18:37,160 ‫في السجن. 499 00:18:36,070 --> 00:18:37,160 He's in prison. 500 00:18:37,610 --> 00:18:39,530 ‫وهو هناك منذ وقت طويل جداً. 501 00:18:37,610 --> 00:18:39,530 He's been there for a very long time. 502 00:18:39,620 --> 00:18:41,710 ‫آخر مرة رأيته كنت في الـ6 من عمري. 503 00:18:39,620 --> 00:18:41,710 Last time I saw him I was six years old. 504 00:18:41,780 --> 00:18:44,320 ‫أخذتني أمي إلى السجن لزيارته ‫بعد اعتقاله مباشرةً. 505 00:18:41,780 --> 00:18:44,320 My mother took me to see him in prison right after his arrest. 506 00:18:44,410 --> 00:18:46,330 ‫قلت إنه رحل وأنت رضيع. 507 00:18:44,410 --> 00:18:46,330 You said he left when you were just a baby. 508 00:18:46,410 --> 00:18:50,200 ‫هذا ما قلته لكل الناس وأنا صغير. ‫إنها الكذبة نفسها التي تقولها أمي للناس. 509 00:18:46,410 --> 00:18:50,200 That's what I told everybody growing up. It's the same lie my mother told people. 510 00:18:51,170 --> 00:18:53,720 ‫لكنك قلت إنك لم تعرف أباك قط. 511 00:18:51,170 --> 00:18:53,720 But you said you never knew your father. 512 00:18:53,800 --> 00:18:54,970 ‫أعرف. 513 00:18:53,800 --> 00:18:54,970 I know. 514 00:18:56,630 --> 00:18:57,960 ‫كنت أخجل منه. 515 00:18:56,630 --> 00:18:57,960 I was ashamed of him. 516 00:18:58,930 --> 00:19:00,180 ‫إذاً فقد كذبت عليّ. 517 00:18:58,930 --> 00:19:00,180 So you lied to me. 518 00:19:00,260 --> 00:19:01,720 ‫إذاً فقد كنت تكذب عليّ. 519 00:19:00,260 --> 00:19:01,720 So you've been lying to me. 520 00:19:01,800 --> 00:19:03,510 ‫أنا آسف جداً يا "لاوري". 521 00:19:01,800 --> 00:19:03,510 I'm so sorry, Laurie. 522 00:19:04,680 --> 00:19:07,180 ‫لم أخبرك الحقيقة كلها. 523 00:19:04,680 --> 00:19:07,180 I did not tell you the whole truth. No. 524 00:19:08,350 --> 00:19:09,770 [sighs] 525 00:19:10,980 --> 00:19:12,150 ‫ماذا فعل؟ 526 00:19:10,980 --> 00:19:12,150 What did he do? 527 00:19:15,650 --> 00:19:17,270 [sighs] 528 00:19:20,740 --> 00:19:22,000 ‫قتل فتاة. 529 00:19:20,740 --> 00:19:22,000 He killed a girl. 530 00:19:24,200 --> 00:19:25,700 ‫من كانت؟ 531 00:19:24,200 --> 00:19:25,700 Who was she? 532 00:19:25,790 --> 00:19:27,840 ‫كانت طالبة في كلية المجتمع. 533 00:19:25,790 --> 00:19:27,840 She was a student at the community college. 534 00:19:27,910 --> 00:19:31,410 ‫وجدوا جثتها في منزل مغطى بألواح خشبية ‫في شارع "كونغرس". 535 00:19:27,910 --> 00:19:31,410 They found her body in a boarded-up row house on Congress Ave. 536 00:19:31,880 --> 00:19:33,840 ‫طُعنت حتى الموت. 537 00:19:31,880 --> 00:19:33,840 She had been stabbed to death. 538 00:19:33,920 --> 00:19:35,300 ‫ماذا؟ 539 00:19:33,920 --> 00:19:35,300 What? 540 00:19:38,670 --> 00:19:41,340 ‫أردت إخبارك عدة مرات يا "لاوري". أقسم لك. 541 00:19:38,670 --> 00:19:41,340 I wanted to tell you so many times, Laurie. I swear. 542 00:19:42,640 --> 00:19:43,680 ‫فلماذا لم تفعل؟ 543 00:19:42,640 --> 00:19:43,680 Then why didn't you? 544 00:19:43,760 --> 00:19:45,930 ‫هذا أصلي، لكنه ليس أنا. 545 00:19:43,760 --> 00:19:45,930 It's just what I come from. It's not who I am. 546 00:19:46,010 --> 00:19:48,600 ‫قضينا 17 سنة معاً يا "آندي"، ‫ولم تثق بأني سأتفهم ذلك؟ 547 00:19:46,010 --> 00:19:48,600 Seventeen years, Andy? You didn't trust me to understand that? 548 00:19:48,680 --> 00:19:52,220 ‫خشيت أن يتغير رأيك فيّ إن أخبرتك. 549 00:19:48,680 --> 00:19:52,220 I was afraid that if I said anything it would change the way you saw me. 550 00:19:52,310 --> 00:19:54,730 ‫ولا يستحق الأمر ذلك لأنه لا يعني شيئاً. 551 00:19:52,310 --> 00:19:54,730 And then it would have been for nothing because it means nothing. 552 00:19:54,820 --> 00:19:56,200 ‫حقاً؟ 553 00:19:54,820 --> 00:19:56,200 Does it? 554 00:20:07,080 --> 00:20:08,710 ‫فهمت الآن. 555 00:20:07,080 --> 00:20:08,710 Now I understand. 556 00:20:11,120 --> 00:20:14,620 ‫لا أقول إنّ "لوجوديس" ‫لن يحاول استغلال هذه المعلومة، 557 00:20:11,120 --> 00:20:14,620 I'm not saying Logiudice won't try to dredge this up in some capacity, 558 00:20:14,710 --> 00:20:16,330 ‫لكنها لن تنفعه. 559 00:20:14,710 --> 00:20:16,330 but he won't get anywhere with it. 560 00:20:16,880 --> 00:20:19,220 ‫ربما باستثناء في محكمة الرأي العام. 561 00:20:16,880 --> 00:20:19,220 Except maybe in the court of public opinion. 562 00:20:19,300 --> 00:20:20,760 ‫متأكدة؟ 563 00:20:19,300 --> 00:20:20,760 [Laurie] Are you sure? 564 00:20:21,300 --> 00:20:23,670 ‫تخشى "لاوري" أنّ الادّعاء ربما يجادل 565 00:20:21,300 --> 00:20:23,670 Laurie's concerned that the prosecution will somehow argue 566 00:20:23,760 --> 00:20:26,010 ‫بوجود استعداد وراثي. 567 00:20:23,760 --> 00:20:26,010 a genetic predisposition. 568 00:20:26,100 --> 00:20:28,190 ‫قرأت عن الأمر على الإنترنت هذا الصباح. 569 00:20:26,100 --> 00:20:28,190 I was reading about it online this morning. 570 00:20:28,720 --> 00:20:30,760 ‫واتضح أنه في قضايا مشابهة لهذه 571 00:20:28,720 --> 00:20:30,760 Apparently, there have been cases like this 572 00:20:30,850 --> 00:20:33,180 ‫استُخدم هذا الأمر دليلاً. 573 00:20:30,850 --> 00:20:33,180 where that kind of thing has been used as evidence. 574 00:20:33,270 --> 00:20:34,470 ‫يسمّونه "جين القتل". 575 00:20:33,270 --> 00:20:34,470 They call it the "murder gene." 576 00:20:34,560 --> 00:20:36,020 ‫هذا سخف. 577 00:20:34,560 --> 00:20:36,020 That's ridiculous. 578 00:20:36,110 --> 00:20:38,030 ‫أتظنين أنّ لديّ جين القتل؟ 579 00:20:36,110 --> 00:20:38,030 You think I have the murder gene? 580 00:20:38,110 --> 00:20:39,910 ‫لا، إنه مجرد مصطلح. 581 00:20:38,110 --> 00:20:39,910 No. It's just a phrase. 582 00:20:40,320 --> 00:20:43,790 ‫لا يقلقنا إلا أنّ شيئاً كهذا ‫ربما يُستخدم ضدك. 583 00:20:40,320 --> 00:20:43,790 Our only worry is if something like this could be used against you. 584 00:20:43,860 --> 00:20:45,940 ‫أشك بشدة في أنّ هذا قد يُقبل. 585 00:20:43,860 --> 00:20:45,940 [Joanna] I highly doubt it would be admissible. 586 00:20:46,030 --> 00:20:47,450 ‫لا يعني هذا أنهم لن يحاولوا، 587 00:20:46,030 --> 00:20:47,450 That doesn't mean they wouldn't try, 588 00:20:47,530 --> 00:20:49,450 ‫لكن إن فعلوا، فسنحاربه بضراوة. 589 00:20:47,530 --> 00:20:49,450 but if they do, we will fight it tooth and nail. 590 00:20:49,540 --> 00:20:51,920 ‫عليّ الذهاب إلى الحمام. لست مرتاحاً. 591 00:20:49,540 --> 00:20:51,920 I have to go to the bathroom. I don't feel good. 592 00:20:52,000 --> 00:20:55,050 ‫"ماري"، هلا ترشدين "جايكوب" إلى الحمام. 593 00:20:52,000 --> 00:20:55,050 Mary, would you please show Jacob where the bathroom is? 594 00:20:55,130 --> 00:20:56,170 ‫نعم، بالتأكيد. 595 00:20:55,130 --> 00:20:56,170 Yeah, of course. 596 00:20:57,790 --> 00:20:58,920 ‫من هنا. 597 00:20:57,790 --> 00:20:58,920 Right this way. 598 00:21:02,630 --> 00:21:05,130 ‫يا إلهي. أكان عليك فتح الموضوع الآن؟ 599 00:21:02,630 --> 00:21:05,130 Jesus Christ. Did you have to bring it up right now? 600 00:21:05,890 --> 00:21:07,430 ‫لديه الحق في معرفة الحقيقة. 601 00:21:05,890 --> 00:21:07,430 He has a right to the truth. 602 00:21:07,890 --> 00:21:10,560 ‫لن أتسامح مع الكذب مجدداً، لا منك ولا منه. 603 00:21:07,890 --> 00:21:10,560 I won't tolerate any more lying. Not from you, not from him. 604 00:21:10,640 --> 00:21:14,140 ‫- منه؟ أتقصدين التنمر؟ ‫- لم يقل أي شيء عنه قط. 605 00:21:10,640 --> 00:21:14,140 -From him? What, the bullying? -He never said a word about it. 606 00:21:14,230 --> 00:21:16,400 ‫أوحى كلامه بأنّ أحدهما كاد لا يعرف الآخر. 607 00:21:14,230 --> 00:21:16,400 He made it sound like they barely knew each other. 608 00:21:16,480 --> 00:21:18,440 ‫- وبصمة الإصبع... ‫- لقد فسّر البصمة. 609 00:21:16,480 --> 00:21:18,440 -And the fingerprint-- -He explained the fingerprint. 610 00:21:18,520 --> 00:21:21,940 ‫- وجد الجثة، وفزع. ‫- لم يقل قط أي شيء عن هذا أيضاً. 611 00:21:18,520 --> 00:21:21,940 -He found the body, and he panicked. -He never said a word about that either. 612 00:21:22,030 --> 00:21:24,700 ‫أظن فقط أنّ علينا كلنا أن نتصارح. 613 00:21:22,030 --> 00:21:24,700 I just think we all need to come clean with each other. 614 00:21:25,360 --> 00:21:26,740 ‫كفانا أسرار. 615 00:21:25,360 --> 00:21:26,740 No more secrets. 616 00:21:32,620 --> 00:21:34,990 ‫ربما يكفينا هذا القدر اليوم. 617 00:21:32,620 --> 00:21:34,990 Maybe this is enough for today. Hmm? 618 00:21:38,790 --> 00:21:40,960 -[rock music playing] -[chattering] 619 00:21:41,050 --> 00:21:42,930 ‫- تفضل. ‫- شكراً. 620 00:21:41,050 --> 00:21:42,930 -Here you go. -[man] Appreciate it. 621 00:21:44,010 --> 00:21:45,680 ‫كان عليك إخباري. 622 00:21:44,010 --> 00:21:45,680 You should've told me. 623 00:21:46,090 --> 00:21:49,130 ‫حبيبي، ما زلنا نحاول استيعاب الأمر. 624 00:21:46,090 --> 00:21:49,130 Sweetheart, we're all still figuring out how to process all of this. 625 00:21:49,220 --> 00:21:50,630 ‫لم أخبر أي أحد يا "جايكوب". 626 00:21:49,220 --> 00:21:50,630 I didn't tell anyone, Jake. 627 00:21:51,220 --> 00:21:53,220 ‫خشيت من نظرة الناس إليّ. 628 00:21:51,220 --> 00:21:53,220 I was afraid of how people would look at me. 629 00:21:53,310 --> 00:21:55,270 ‫كما أخشى الآن من نظرة الناس إليك. 630 00:21:53,310 --> 00:21:55,270 Just like now I'm afraid of how people will look at you. 631 00:21:55,350 --> 00:21:56,680 ‫ما المانع في أن ينظروا إليّ هكذا؟ 632 00:21:55,350 --> 00:21:56,680 Why shouldn't they? 633 00:21:57,900 --> 00:21:58,990 ‫هذه حقيقتي، صحيح؟ 634 00:21:57,900 --> 00:21:58,990 It's who I am, right? 635 00:21:59,060 --> 00:22:00,730 ‫- "جايكوب". ‫- لا بأس. 636 00:21:59,060 --> 00:22:00,730 -Jacob. -It's okay. 637 00:22:01,780 --> 00:22:03,820 ‫هو غاضب مني، ولا ألومه. 638 00:22:01,780 --> 00:22:03,820 He's angry at me, and I don't blame him. 639 00:22:07,570 --> 00:22:08,900 ‫هذه ليست حقيقتك. 640 00:22:07,570 --> 00:22:08,900 That's not who you are. 641 00:22:10,160 --> 00:22:11,710 ‫كيف تعرف هذا؟ 642 00:22:10,160 --> 00:22:11,710 How do you know? 643 00:22:13,120 --> 00:22:15,370 ‫ربما أمي محقة. ربما أنا... 644 00:22:13,120 --> 00:22:15,370 Maybe Mom is right. Maybe I'm-- 645 00:22:15,460 --> 00:22:17,710 ‫- ربما لديّ جين القتل. ‫- لم أقل ذلك قط. 646 00:22:15,460 --> 00:22:17,710 -Maybe I've got the murder gene. -I never said that. 647 00:22:17,790 --> 00:22:19,370 ‫جين القتل كلام فارغ. 648 00:22:17,790 --> 00:22:19,370 The murder gene is bullshit. 649 00:22:19,460 --> 00:22:21,010 ‫ربما لا. ربما أكون مثله. 650 00:22:19,460 --> 00:22:21,010 Maybe not. Maybe I'm just like him. 651 00:22:21,090 --> 00:22:22,180 ‫اسمع! 652 00:22:21,090 --> 00:22:22,180 Hey! 653 00:22:23,260 --> 00:22:24,800 ‫كفى، اتفقنا؟ 654 00:22:23,260 --> 00:22:24,800 Enough, okay? 655 00:22:24,880 --> 00:22:28,130 ‫إنه مجرد رجل سيئ، ولا علاقة له بك. 656 00:22:24,880 --> 00:22:28,130 He's one guy, one bad man. He has nothing to do with you. 657 00:22:28,220 --> 00:22:30,270 ‫ألا ترى؟ هذا ما خشيته. 658 00:22:28,220 --> 00:22:30,270 Don't you see? This is what I was worried about. 659 00:22:30,350 --> 00:22:31,810 ‫لهذا أخفيت الأمر عنك. 660 00:22:30,350 --> 00:22:31,810 This is why I kept it from you. 661 00:22:31,890 --> 00:22:33,560 ‫كان لديك الحق في عدم المعرفة. 662 00:22:31,890 --> 00:22:33,560 You had a right to not know. 663 00:22:33,640 --> 00:22:37,010 ‫في أن تبدأ بصفحة بيضاء، ‫لا أن تحمل عبء الأمر على كتفيك مثل... 664 00:22:33,640 --> 00:22:37,010 To start with a clean slate. Not have it hanging over your head like-- 665 00:22:38,440 --> 00:22:39,780 ‫أشكرك. 666 00:22:38,440 --> 00:22:39,780 [Laurie] Thank you. 667 00:22:43,650 --> 00:22:44,650 ‫أشكرك. 668 00:22:43,650 --> 00:22:44,650 Thank you. 669 00:22:44,740 --> 00:22:46,490 [chattering] 670 00:22:49,570 --> 00:22:50,570 ‫تباً. 671 00:22:49,570 --> 00:22:50,570 Shit. 672 00:22:50,660 --> 00:22:52,960 [hushed chattering] 673 00:22:58,040 --> 00:22:59,160 [no audible dialogue] 674 00:23:02,460 --> 00:23:03,500 ‫تجاهل نظراتهم وحسب. 675 00:23:02,460 --> 00:23:03,500 Just ignore it. 676 00:23:31,070 --> 00:23:32,690 [cricket chirping] 677 00:23:35,160 --> 00:23:36,280 ‫"آندي". 678 00:23:35,160 --> 00:23:36,280 Andy. 679 00:23:37,080 --> 00:23:39,380 ‫آسف، لم... ظننت أنك ستكونين وحدك. 680 00:23:37,080 --> 00:23:39,380 I'm sorry. I didn't-- I thought you'd be alone. 681 00:23:39,460 --> 00:23:41,260 ‫تمكث معي كل أسبوعين. 682 00:23:39,460 --> 00:23:41,260 I get her every other week. 683 00:23:41,670 --> 00:23:43,800 ‫لا بأس يا حبيبتي. إنه صديق من العمل. 684 00:23:41,670 --> 00:23:43,800 It's okay, sweetheart. It's a friend from work. 685 00:23:44,880 --> 00:23:45,970 ‫انتظر هنا. 686 00:23:44,880 --> 00:23:45,970 Wait here. 687 00:23:46,050 --> 00:23:48,600 ‫هيا، لندخل. تستطيعين مشاهدة التلفاز. 688 00:23:46,050 --> 00:23:48,600 Come on. Let's go inside. You can watch some TV. 689 00:23:57,680 --> 00:23:58,890 [sighs] 690 00:24:05,230 --> 00:24:06,480 ‫لقد كبرت. 691 00:24:05,230 --> 00:24:06,480 She's gotten big. 692 00:24:06,570 --> 00:24:07,990 ‫لنتكلم في الخلف. 693 00:24:06,570 --> 00:24:07,990 Let's talk out back. 694 00:24:10,860 --> 00:24:11,980 [Duffy sighs] 695 00:24:12,070 --> 00:24:14,400 ‫ماذا تفعل هنا بحق اللعنة؟ ‫أتحاول التسبب في إبعادي عن العمل؟ 696 00:24:12,070 --> 00:24:14,400 The fuck are you doing here? You trying to get me suspended? 697 00:24:14,490 --> 00:24:16,450 ‫- أحتاج إلى مساعدتك. ‫- بشأن ماذا؟ 698 00:24:14,490 --> 00:24:16,450 -I need your help. -With what? 699 00:24:16,540 --> 00:24:17,670 ‫"لينرد باتز". 700 00:24:16,540 --> 00:24:17,670 Leonard Patz. 701 00:24:17,740 --> 00:24:18,910 ‫عجباً يا "آندي"! 702 00:24:17,740 --> 00:24:18,910 Jesus Christ, Andy. 703 00:24:19,000 --> 00:24:21,170 ‫بحقك يا "داف". كلانا نعرف أنه مشبوه. 704 00:24:19,000 --> 00:24:21,170 Come on, Duff. We both know there were red flags there. 705 00:24:21,250 --> 00:24:22,460 ‫لا تقل ذلك. 706 00:24:21,250 --> 00:24:22,460 Don't say that. 707 00:24:22,540 --> 00:24:24,120 ‫- أقول ماذا؟ ‫- تفاهات مثل "كلانا نعرف". 708 00:24:22,540 --> 00:24:24,120 -Say what? -Shit like "we both know." 709 00:24:24,210 --> 00:24:26,300 ‫تعرفين أنّ "لين" لو لم تتهم "جايكوب" ‫بهذه السرعة، 710 00:24:24,210 --> 00:24:26,300 You know that if Lynn hadn't moved on to Jacob so fast, 711 00:24:26,380 --> 00:24:28,930 ‫- لظل "باتز" تحت مراقبتنا. ‫- كيف تعرف أنه ليس كذلك؟ 712 00:24:26,380 --> 00:24:28,930 -Patz would still be on your radar. -How do you know he's not? 713 00:24:29,970 --> 00:24:30,970 ‫أهو كذلك؟ 714 00:24:29,970 --> 00:24:30,970 Is he? 715 00:24:31,470 --> 00:24:33,720 ‫لم أنس أمره، إن كان هذا سؤالك. 716 00:24:31,470 --> 00:24:33,720 I haven't forgotten about him, if that's what you're asking. 717 00:24:34,220 --> 00:24:35,890 ‫لكنه ليس أولوية. 718 00:24:34,220 --> 00:24:35,890 But he's not a priority. 719 00:24:36,890 --> 00:24:38,100 ‫لم يعد كذلك. 720 00:24:36,890 --> 00:24:38,100 Not anymore. No. 721 00:24:38,180 --> 00:24:40,260 ‫- أعتبره كذلك. ‫- لا أشك في هذا. 722 00:24:38,180 --> 00:24:40,260 -He is to me. -I don't doubt that. 723 00:24:41,140 --> 00:24:42,640 ‫ماذا تريد بالضبط؟ 724 00:24:41,140 --> 00:24:42,640 What exactly are you getting at? 725 00:24:42,730 --> 00:24:45,400 ‫أريد التعمق في التحري عن "لينرد باتز". ‫أريد رؤية ملف قضيته. 726 00:24:42,730 --> 00:24:45,400 I wanna dig deeper into Leonard Patz. I wanna see his case file. 727 00:24:45,480 --> 00:24:46,600 ‫وإن يكن؟ 728 00:24:45,480 --> 00:24:46,600 So? 729 00:24:46,690 --> 00:24:48,150 ‫أنت صادرت حاسوبي. 730 00:24:46,690 --> 00:24:48,150 So, you seized my computer. 731 00:24:49,070 --> 00:24:50,660 ‫لا حاجة إلى إخبار أحد. 732 00:24:49,070 --> 00:24:50,660 No one would need to know. 733 00:24:50,740 --> 00:24:52,870 ‫ولو عرف أحد، ‫فهذا ليس مخالفاً للقانون، بل غير لائق فقط. 734 00:24:50,740 --> 00:24:52,870 Even if they did, it's not illegal. It's just improper. 735 00:24:52,950 --> 00:24:55,700 ‫نعم، سأذكر ذلك حين أُبعد عن عملي ‫وأصير شرطية مرور. 736 00:24:52,950 --> 00:24:55,700 Yeah, I'll remember that when I'm writing speeding tickets on the Pike. 737 00:24:55,780 --> 00:24:57,110 ‫- أرجوك يا "داف". ‫- لا. 738 00:24:55,780 --> 00:24:57,110 -Please, Duff. -No. 739 00:24:57,200 --> 00:24:58,360 ‫أفهم سبب سعيك وراء الأمر. 740 00:24:57,200 --> 00:24:58,360 I get why you're pursuing this. 741 00:24:58,450 --> 00:25:01,450 ‫وغالباً لو كنت في مكانك لفعلت الشيء نفسه، ‫لكني لست في مكانك. 742 00:24:58,450 --> 00:25:01,450 I'd probably do the same thing if I was in your shoes, but I'm not. 743 00:25:02,960 --> 00:25:04,800 ‫أسألك بصفتي صديقاً. 744 00:25:02,960 --> 00:25:04,800 I'm asking you as a friend. 745 00:25:05,290 --> 00:25:06,620 ‫لا يلزمني إلا ملفه. 746 00:25:05,290 --> 00:25:06,620 All I need is his file. 747 00:25:08,630 --> 00:25:09,800 ‫صديق؟ 748 00:25:08,630 --> 00:25:09,800 A friend? 749 00:25:10,300 --> 00:25:11,390 ‫ماذا؟ 750 00:25:10,300 --> 00:25:11,390 What? 751 00:25:11,470 --> 00:25:14,350 ‫بحقك يا رجل. نعمل معاً فقط، ‫ولا نقضي أي وقت معاً. 752 00:25:11,470 --> 00:25:14,350 Come on, man. We worked together. It's not like we ever hung out. 753 00:25:14,930 --> 00:25:17,810 ‫أول مرة دخلت بيتك كنت أحمل مذكرة تفتيش. 754 00:25:14,930 --> 00:25:17,810 The first time I set foot in your house was with a warrant. 755 00:25:20,310 --> 00:25:21,690 ‫عجباً! هذا... 756 00:25:20,310 --> 00:25:21,690 Wow, that's-- 757 00:25:23,230 --> 00:25:26,610 ‫لطالما اعتبرتنا صديقين. ‫آسف لأنك لم توافقيني الشعور. 758 00:25:23,230 --> 00:25:26,610 I always thought we were friends. I'm sorry you didn't feel the same way. 759 00:25:27,310 --> 00:25:28,940 ‫اسمع، لا تسئ فهمي. أنت رجل طيب. 760 00:25:27,310 --> 00:25:28,940 Look, don't get me wrong. You're a good guy. 761 00:25:29,020 --> 00:25:31,690 ‫لكن إن كانت هذه فكرتك عن الصداقة، 762 00:25:29,020 --> 00:25:31,690 But if this is what you think an actual friendship is, 763 00:25:31,780 --> 00:25:33,780 ‫فأنا أشعر بالأسف تجاهك. 764 00:25:31,780 --> 00:25:33,780 it's you I feel sorry for. 765 00:25:37,490 --> 00:25:38,490 ‫أمي؟ 766 00:25:37,490 --> 00:25:38,490 Mama? 767 00:25:39,030 --> 00:25:40,910 ‫- أنا قادمة يا حبيبتي. ‫- طيب. 768 00:25:39,030 --> 00:25:40,910 -Yeah, I'm coming, sweetheart. -Okay. 769 00:25:42,000 --> 00:25:43,090 ‫أهذا كل شيء؟ 770 00:25:42,000 --> 00:25:43,090 Is that all or... 771 00:25:45,710 --> 00:25:47,260 [Duffy sighs] 772 00:25:47,330 --> 00:25:48,750 [door opens] 773 00:25:49,670 --> 00:25:50,870 [door closes] 774 00:25:51,510 --> 00:25:52,510 ‫"آندي". 775 00:25:51,510 --> 00:25:52,510 [Neal] Andy. 776 00:25:54,260 --> 00:25:55,350 ‫"آندي"؟ 777 00:25:54,260 --> 00:25:55,350 Andy? 778 00:25:57,180 --> 00:25:58,230 ‫"آندي". 779 00:25:57,180 --> 00:25:58,230 Andy. 780 00:26:02,720 --> 00:26:06,720 ‫سألتك عما إذا كنت تستطيع أن تصف لنا ‫الأسابيع الأولى بعد اعتقال "جايكوب". 781 00:26:02,720 --> 00:26:06,720 I asked if you could describe for us the first few weeks after Jacob's arrest. 782 00:26:11,780 --> 00:26:13,160 ‫دعني أرى. 783 00:26:11,780 --> 00:26:13,160 Let's see, uh... 784 00:26:15,990 --> 00:26:18,200 ‫أظن أنها كانت تبدأ بيوم الأحد. 785 00:26:15,990 --> 00:26:18,200 I think it started with a Sunday. 786 00:26:18,280 --> 00:26:19,700 ‫ثم الاثنين. 787 00:26:18,280 --> 00:26:20,570 -Then a Monday. -[people laughing] 788 00:26:20,660 --> 00:26:22,830 ‫وأعتقد أنّ الثلاثاء كان يليه. 789 00:26:20,660 --> 00:26:22,830 Pretty sure a Tuesday came next. 790 00:26:25,960 --> 00:26:27,130 ‫الزم الدقة دائماً يا "نيل". 791 00:26:25,960 --> 00:26:27,130 Always stay precise, Neal. 792 00:26:27,210 --> 00:26:29,840 ‫على نطاق أي استفسار أن يكون ضيقاً ‫قدر المستطاع. 793 00:26:27,210 --> 00:26:29,840 The scope of any query should be as narrow as possible. 794 00:26:29,920 --> 00:26:32,300 ‫نعم، هذه إحدى أفكارك القيمة الكثيرة. 795 00:26:29,920 --> 00:26:32,300 One of your many nuggets, yes. 796 00:26:33,510 --> 00:26:35,890 ‫حسن، سأعيد صياغة السؤال. 797 00:26:33,510 --> 00:26:35,890 All right. I'll rephrase the question. 798 00:26:37,630 --> 00:26:41,130 ‫أتستطيع أن تصف لنا الأجواء في منزلك 799 00:26:37,630 --> 00:26:41,130 Could you describe for us the atmosphere in your household 800 00:26:41,220 --> 00:26:42,930 ‫في الأسابيع التالية لاعتقال "جايكوب"؟ 801 00:26:41,220 --> 00:26:42,930 in the weeks after Jacob's arrest? 802 00:26:43,020 --> 00:26:45,440 ‫- الأجواء؟ ‫- يا إلهي. 803 00:26:43,020 --> 00:26:45,440 -The atmosphere? -Oh, God. 804 00:26:45,520 --> 00:26:48,190 ‫اجعلني أقول ما تريده. ‫الأمر ليس بهذه الصعوبة. 805 00:26:45,520 --> 00:26:48,190 Just make me say what you want me to say. It's not that hard. 806 00:26:48,270 --> 00:26:51,640 ‫تريد معرفة ما إذا كان "جايكوب" ‫قد بدا مذنباً. كن رجلاً واطرح السؤال. 807 00:26:48,270 --> 00:26:51,640 You wanna know if Jacob seemed guilty. Have the balls to ask it. 808 00:26:51,730 --> 00:26:54,190 ‫حسن. هل بدا كذلك؟ 809 00:26:51,730 --> 00:26:54,190 All right. Did he? 810 00:26:54,280 --> 00:26:55,870 ‫ليست لديّ فكرة. 811 00:26:54,280 --> 00:26:55,870 I have no idea. 812 00:26:56,650 --> 00:27:00,150 ‫إنه في الـ14، وقد سُلب حياته كلها للتو. 813 00:26:56,650 --> 00:27:00,150 He was 14 years old. He had just been ripped away from his whole life. 814 00:27:00,240 --> 00:27:04,530 ‫- زملاؤه في الفصل وأنشطته... ‫- المعذرة. زملاؤه في الفصل؟ 815 00:27:00,240 --> 00:27:04,530 -His classmates, activities-- -I'm sorry. His classmates? 816 00:27:05,080 --> 00:27:06,130 ‫نعم. 817 00:27:05,080 --> 00:27:06,130 Yes. 818 00:27:06,210 --> 00:27:09,800 ‫أستغرب أنّ رجلاً شديد الاهتمام بالدقة ‫لم يقل أصدقاء. 819 00:27:06,210 --> 00:27:09,800 For a man so concerned with precision, I find it curious you didn't say friends. 820 00:27:10,290 --> 00:27:11,660 ‫بحقك يا "نيل". 821 00:27:10,290 --> 00:27:11,660 Oh, come on, Neal. 822 00:27:11,750 --> 00:27:13,670 ‫- أكان لـ"جايكوب" أصدقاء إذاً؟ ‫- نعم. 823 00:27:11,750 --> 00:27:13,670 -Jacob had friends then? -Yes. 824 00:27:15,550 --> 00:27:16,640 ‫بضعة أصدقاء. 825 00:27:15,550 --> 00:27:16,640 Some, yes. 826 00:27:16,720 --> 00:27:18,350 ‫هل كان "بن ريفكن" صديقه؟ 827 00:27:16,720 --> 00:27:18,350 Was Ben Rifkin a friend? 828 00:27:18,430 --> 00:27:21,770 ‫لا. قال إنّ "بن" كان يسيء معاملته أحياناً. 829 00:27:18,430 --> 00:27:21,770 No. He said that Ben could be a jerk to him sometimes. 830 00:27:22,390 --> 00:27:25,480 ‫كان يشتمه. 831 00:27:22,390 --> 00:27:25,480 You know, just... name-calling. 832 00:27:25,970 --> 00:27:27,470 ‫أي شتائم؟ 833 00:27:25,970 --> 00:27:27,470 What sort of names? 834 00:27:29,440 --> 00:27:31,190 ‫لا أعرف. الشتائم المعتادة. 835 00:27:29,440 --> 00:27:31,190 I don't know. The usual stuff. 836 00:27:31,610 --> 00:27:33,240 ‫هل وصف "جايكوب" بأنه مخنث؟ 837 00:27:31,610 --> 00:27:33,240 Did he call Jacob a "faggot"? 838 00:27:34,730 --> 00:27:35,770 ‫نعم. 839 00:27:34,730 --> 00:27:35,770 Yes. 840 00:27:35,860 --> 00:27:37,280 ‫أكثر من مرة؟ 841 00:27:35,860 --> 00:27:37,280 More than once? 842 00:27:39,400 --> 00:27:41,190 ‫حسبما أعرف. 843 00:27:39,400 --> 00:27:41,190 That's my understanding. 844 00:27:43,780 --> 00:27:48,450 [clears throat] So, Jacob being removed from his routine affected his demeanor. 845 00:27:44,120 --> 00:27:48,460 ‫إذاً، إبعاد "جايكوب" عن حياته المعتادة ‫أثّر على سلوكه. 846 00:27:48,540 --> 00:27:49,960 ‫- أهذا صحيح؟ ‫- نعم. 847 00:27:48,540 --> 00:27:49,960 -Is that right? -Yeah. 848 00:27:51,750 --> 00:27:54,080 ‫إضافةً إلى انتشار الكلام عنه ‫في التلفاز والإنترنت، 849 00:27:51,750 --> 00:27:54,080 Plus, being all over TV and the Internet, 850 00:27:54,750 --> 00:27:59,130 ‫جعله ذلك ينغلق على نفسه بعض الوقت. 851 00:27:54,750 --> 00:27:59,130 just sort of... shut down for a little while. 852 00:28:00,220 --> 00:28:01,560 ‫في البداية على الأقل. 853 00:28:00,220 --> 00:28:01,560 At least initially. 854 00:28:03,680 --> 00:28:06,270 ‫إذاً كان يدرك شهرته المتزايدة. 855 00:28:03,680 --> 00:28:06,270 So he was aware of his burgeoning celebrity. 856 00:28:07,020 --> 00:28:08,060 ‫نعم. 857 00:28:07,020 --> 00:28:08,060 Yeah. 858 00:28:09,100 --> 00:28:10,850 ‫حثثناه على عدم النظر إلى ذلك. 859 00:28:09,100 --> 00:28:10,850 We urged him not to look. 860 00:28:12,270 --> 00:28:15,810 ‫ظل مشغولاً بواجبات الدراسة. ‫فلن ينتهي العام الدراسي قبل 8 أسابيع. 861 00:28:12,270 --> 00:28:15,810 He stayed busy with schoolwork. Still eight weeks left in the school year. 862 00:28:15,900 --> 00:28:17,070 ‫المدرسة؟ 863 00:28:15,900 --> 00:28:17,070 School? 864 00:28:19,570 --> 00:28:21,070 ‫نعم، استأجرنا له معلمة خصوصية. 865 00:28:19,570 --> 00:28:21,070 Yeah, we hired him a tutor. 866 00:28:22,070 --> 00:28:23,110 ‫السيدة "مانديل". 867 00:28:22,070 --> 00:28:23,110 Mrs. Mandel. 868 00:28:23,200 --> 00:28:25,210 ‫كانت مدرّسة "جايكوب" في الصف الـ2، ‫وهي متقاعدة الآن. 869 00:28:23,200 --> 00:28:25,210 Was Jacob's second grade teacher, now retired. 870 00:28:25,280 --> 00:28:27,360 ‫فكّرنا في أنّ هذا سيخفف من الإحراج. 871 00:28:25,280 --> 00:28:27,360 We figured that would make it less awkward. 872 00:28:27,450 --> 00:28:28,700 ‫وهل فعل؟ 873 00:28:27,450 --> 00:28:28,700 [Neal] And did it? 874 00:28:28,790 --> 00:28:31,130 ‫لا أعرف. ربما. 875 00:28:28,790 --> 00:28:31,130 [Andy] I don't know. Maybe. 876 00:28:31,210 --> 00:28:34,590 ‫كما قلت، لقد انغلق على نفسه. 877 00:28:31,210 --> 00:28:34,590 Like I said, he just kinda retreated into himself. 878 00:28:34,670 --> 00:28:36,010 ‫كلنا فعلنا إلى درجة ما. 879 00:28:34,670 --> 00:28:36,010 We all did, to some degree. 880 00:28:39,010 --> 00:28:40,720 ‫إنه وقت عصيب جداً. 881 00:28:39,010 --> 00:28:40,720 It's just a really hard time. 882 00:28:42,680 --> 00:28:43,890 ‫على "لاوري" أيضاً؟ 883 00:28:42,680 --> 00:28:43,890 For Laurie too? 884 00:28:50,230 --> 00:28:54,360 ‫كل ما قصدته أنك إن نظرت ‫إلى تكلفة البرنامج الحقيقية هكذا، 885 00:28:50,230 --> 00:28:54,360 [woman] All I meant was that if you look at the true cost of a program like that, 886 00:28:54,440 --> 00:28:59,320 ‫ليس إلى النفقات المباشرة فقط، ‫بل رواتب العاملين والمصروفات... 887 00:28:54,440 --> 00:28:59,320 not just our direct expenses, but the staff salary, the additional-- 888 00:29:00,190 --> 00:29:01,400 ‫"لاوري". 889 00:29:00,190 --> 00:29:01,400 Laurie. 890 00:29:07,530 --> 00:29:08,820 ‫كيف حالك يا "لاوري"؟ 891 00:29:07,530 --> 00:29:08,820 How are you, Laurie? 892 00:29:10,750 --> 00:29:14,000 ‫لست بأفضل حال، لكني سعيدة بعودتي. 893 00:29:10,750 --> 00:29:14,000 Not great, but glad to be back. 894 00:29:15,750 --> 00:29:16,870 ‫أتسمحن لي... 895 00:29:15,750 --> 00:29:16,870 May I... 896 00:29:17,460 --> 00:29:19,790 Oh. Sure, yes. 897 00:29:18,500 --> 00:29:19,790 ‫أكيد، نعم. 898 00:29:19,880 --> 00:29:21,960 ‫"حفل الربيع" 899 00:29:27,470 --> 00:29:29,720 ‫كلنا كنا نفكر فيك. 900 00:29:27,470 --> 00:29:29,720 We've all been thinking about you. 901 00:29:29,810 --> 00:29:32,310 ‫لم نتوقع عودتك بهذه السرعة. 902 00:29:29,810 --> 00:29:32,310 We didn't expect to see you back so soon. 903 00:29:32,390 --> 00:29:35,180 ‫نعم، أنا بحاجة إلى إلهاء. 904 00:29:32,390 --> 00:29:35,180 Yeah, well, I could use the distraction. 905 00:29:35,850 --> 00:29:40,270 ‫كنت أقضي نصف وقتي في التحديق إلى الجدران، ‫فقررت أن أفعل شيئاً مفيداً. 906 00:29:35,850 --> 00:29:40,270 Staring at the walls half the day, I figured I could at least do some good. 907 00:29:43,150 --> 00:29:47,070 ‫كنا نراجع ميزانية رحلتنا الميدانية ‫للعام المقبل. 908 00:29:43,150 --> 00:29:47,070 We were just, uh, reviewing our field trip budget for next year. 909 00:29:47,160 --> 00:29:48,370 ‫حسن. 910 00:29:47,160 --> 00:29:48,370 Oh, okay. 911 00:29:50,200 --> 00:29:51,450 ‫ما هذا بحق اللعنة؟ 912 00:29:50,200 --> 00:29:51,450 [mouthing] What the fuck? 913 00:29:58,040 --> 00:29:59,870 ‫"حفل الربيع" 914 00:30:01,590 --> 00:30:02,890 [knocking] 915 00:30:04,590 --> 00:30:06,670 ‫- أتسمحين لي بدقيقة؟ ‫- أكيد. 916 00:30:04,590 --> 00:30:06,670 -Do you have a minute? -Sure. 917 00:30:13,980 --> 00:30:18,900 ‫أنهيت للتو مكالمة جماعية ‫مع أعضاء مجلس إدارتنا، 918 00:30:13,980 --> 00:30:18,900 I just got off of a conference call with some of our board members, 919 00:30:18,980 --> 00:30:21,020 ‫بمن فيهم المستشارون القانونيون. 920 00:30:18,980 --> 00:30:21,020 including legal advisory. 921 00:30:21,610 --> 00:30:26,660 ‫لدى الجميع اعتقاد راسخ بأنّ عودتك للعمل ‫ربما تكون سابقة لأوانها. 922 00:30:21,610 --> 00:30:26,660 They all feel strongly that your return to work might be premature. 923 00:30:26,740 --> 00:30:28,750 ‫اسمعي، أنا بخير. أقسم لك. 924 00:30:26,740 --> 00:30:28,750 Look, I'm fine. I swear. 925 00:30:28,820 --> 00:30:30,530 ‫لم تفهميني يا "لاوري". 926 00:30:28,820 --> 00:30:30,530 You're not hearing me, Laurie. 927 00:30:32,410 --> 00:30:36,370 ‫هذا لن يناسبنا في هذا الوقت. 928 00:30:32,410 --> 00:30:36,370 This isn't gonna work for us. Not right now. 929 00:30:38,380 --> 00:30:41,300 ‫تعرفين قدر حبنا لك. 930 00:30:38,380 --> 00:30:41,300 You know how much we love you here. 931 00:30:41,960 --> 00:30:48,210 ‫وقدر امتناننا لكل شيء فعلته على مدى، ‫كم، 7 سنين؟ 932 00:30:41,960 --> 00:30:48,210 How grateful we are for everything you've done over these past, what, seven years? 933 00:30:48,300 --> 00:30:49,300 ‫8. 934 00:30:48,300 --> 00:30:49,300 Eight. 935 00:30:50,350 --> 00:30:51,730 ‫نحن... 936 00:30:50,350 --> 00:30:51,730 We just... 937 00:30:52,600 --> 00:30:54,520 ‫نحن ملاذ آمن لأولئك الأطفال. 938 00:30:52,600 --> 00:30:54,520 We're a haven for these kids. 939 00:30:55,640 --> 00:30:58,310 ‫يُفترض بنا أن نكون آمن مكان متاح لهم. 940 00:30:55,640 --> 00:30:58,310 We're supposed to be the safest place available to them. 941 00:30:58,400 --> 00:31:00,940 ‫أتشعرون بأنّ وجودي هنا... 942 00:30:58,400 --> 00:31:00,940 And you feel my being here is somehow-- 943 00:31:01,020 --> 00:31:02,600 ‫لا، ليس بسببك. 944 00:31:01,020 --> 00:31:02,600 No. Not you. 945 00:31:03,570 --> 00:31:04,820 ‫وإنما... 946 00:31:03,570 --> 00:31:04,820 It's more-- 947 00:31:06,650 --> 00:31:12,030 ‫تخشى الإدارة وجود أي ارتباط سلبي. 948 00:31:06,650 --> 00:31:12,030 The board is worried about any kind of negative association. 949 00:31:13,620 --> 00:31:16,540 ‫نحن في وضع ماليّ حرج بالفعل. 950 00:31:13,620 --> 00:31:16,540 We're skating on thin ice financially as it is. 951 00:31:19,920 --> 00:31:21,050 ‫فهمت. 952 00:31:19,920 --> 00:31:21,050 I see. 953 00:31:22,380 --> 00:31:25,220 ‫لن يدوم هذا الوضع بالضرورة. 954 00:31:22,380 --> 00:31:25,220 This isn't necessarily permanent. 955 00:31:25,300 --> 00:31:27,800 ‫لا أحد سيفصلك. 956 00:31:25,300 --> 00:31:27,800 No one is firing you. 957 00:31:27,880 --> 00:31:31,300 ‫لكننا نشعر فقط بأنّ الوقت ليس مناسباً. 958 00:31:27,880 --> 00:31:31,300 We just feel that now isn't the time. 959 00:31:32,470 --> 00:31:33,590 ‫ليس بعد. 960 00:31:32,470 --> 00:31:33,590 Not yet. 961 00:31:37,940 --> 00:31:38,980 ‫فمتى إذاً؟ 962 00:31:37,940 --> 00:31:38,980 Well, when then? 963 00:31:41,610 --> 00:31:42,610 ‫أنا... 964 00:31:41,610 --> 00:31:42,610 I-- 965 00:31:48,320 --> 00:31:50,400 ‫أنا آسفة يا عزيزتي. 966 00:31:48,320 --> 00:31:50,400 I'm sorry, honey. 967 00:31:51,320 --> 00:31:53,900 ‫على كل شيء تمرّين به. 968 00:31:51,320 --> 00:31:53,900 For everything you're going through. 969 00:31:58,710 --> 00:32:00,000 ‫أشكرك. 970 00:31:58,710 --> 00:32:00,000 Thank you. 971 00:32:07,010 --> 00:32:08,640 [door opens] 972 00:32:09,300 --> 00:32:12,560 [children chattering] 973 00:32:17,720 --> 00:32:19,050 ‫مرحباً يا سيدة "باربر". 974 00:32:17,720 --> 00:32:19,050 [girl] Hi, Mrs. Barber. 975 00:32:34,240 --> 00:32:37,160 ‫حسن، سأقتله. ادخل. 976 00:32:34,240 --> 00:32:37,160 [Jacob] All right. I'm shooting him. I'm shooting him. Go in. Go in. Go in. 977 00:32:37,240 --> 00:32:38,740 ‫سوف تموت. 978 00:32:37,240 --> 00:32:38,740 You're dead. 979 00:32:39,830 --> 00:32:41,160 ‫اقتله. 980 00:32:39,830 --> 00:32:41,160 Shoot him. 981 00:32:41,250 --> 00:32:42,300 [knocking] 982 00:32:42,370 --> 00:32:44,000 ‫كيف صرت فاشلاً هكذا في هذه اللعبة؟ 983 00:32:42,370 --> 00:32:44,000 How are you so bad at this game? 984 00:32:44,880 --> 00:32:46,050 ‫سوف تموت بالتأكيد. 985 00:32:44,880 --> 00:32:46,050 You're so dead. 986 00:32:46,130 --> 00:32:48,970 [machine gun fire on TV] 987 00:32:49,050 --> 00:32:50,140 ‫مرحباً يا صديقي. 988 00:32:49,050 --> 00:32:50,140 Hey, bud. 989 00:32:51,930 --> 00:32:52,970 Hmm? 990 00:32:53,680 --> 00:32:56,520 ‫ما رأيك في الاستراحة؟ أنت تلعب منذ ساعات. 991 00:32:53,680 --> 00:32:56,520 How 'bout taking a break? You've been playing for a couple hours. 992 00:32:58,770 --> 00:32:59,810 Mm-hmm. 993 00:33:05,770 --> 00:33:06,940 ‫"جايك". 994 00:33:05,770 --> 00:33:06,940 Jake. 995 00:33:12,450 --> 00:33:15,080 ‫حسن، عليّ الذهاب. 996 00:33:12,450 --> 00:33:15,080 Okay, I have to go. All right. 997 00:33:20,830 --> 00:33:22,790 ‫- متى موعد العشاء؟ ‫- فور أن تعود أمك إلى البيت. 998 00:33:20,830 --> 00:33:22,790 -When's dinner? -Soon as Mom gets home. 999 00:33:22,870 --> 00:33:24,410 ‫مع من تلعب؟ 1000 00:33:22,870 --> 00:33:24,410 Who you playing with? 1001 00:33:24,500 --> 00:33:26,250 ‫لا أعرف. فتى ما. 1002 00:33:24,500 --> 00:33:26,250 Uh, I don't know. Just some guy. 1003 00:33:26,340 --> 00:33:27,470 ‫ألا تعرف اسمه؟ 1004 00:33:26,340 --> 00:33:27,470 You don't know his name? 1005 00:33:28,210 --> 00:33:32,750 ‫أظن أنه "تيم" أو "توم". 1006 00:33:28,210 --> 00:33:32,750 Uh, I think he said it was like, uh, Tim or Tom. 1007 00:33:32,840 --> 00:33:34,000 ‫هل أخبرته اسمك؟ 1008 00:33:32,840 --> 00:33:34,000 You tell him your name? 1009 00:33:35,090 --> 00:33:37,050 ‫لا أعرف. نعم، غالباً. 1010 00:33:35,090 --> 00:33:37,050 I don't know. Yeah, probably. 1011 00:33:39,890 --> 00:33:42,470 ‫عليك أن تنتبه لما تقول في اللعبة يا صديقي. 1012 00:33:39,890 --> 00:33:42,470 You gotta be careful what you say on there, buddy. 1013 00:33:42,560 --> 00:33:44,190 ‫إنه مجرد كلام بذيء. 1014 00:33:42,560 --> 00:33:44,190 It's just trash talk. 1015 00:33:44,270 --> 00:33:47,320 ‫أعرف، لكنّ الناس يقتطعون الأشياء ‫من سياقاتها، ويسجلون الأشياء. 1016 00:33:44,270 --> 00:33:47,320 I know, but people take things out of context, they record stuff. 1017 00:33:47,400 --> 00:33:48,990 ‫لهذا لا تستطيع استخدام شبكات التواصل. 1018 00:33:47,400 --> 00:33:48,990 This is why you can't be on social media. 1019 00:33:49,070 --> 00:33:52,070 ‫كل هذه الأشياء تُخزن في مكان ما. ‫هذا ما يرغب فيه أي مدّع. 1020 00:33:49,070 --> 00:33:52,070 All this stuff gets stored somewhere. It's a prosecutor's fantasy. 1021 00:33:52,150 --> 00:33:53,690 ‫- تكلمنا عن هذا الأمر. ‫- أعرف. 1022 00:33:52,150 --> 00:33:53,690 -We've talked about this. -I know. 1023 00:33:53,780 --> 00:33:55,660 ‫- إذاً هل ستبقى بعيداً عنها؟ ‫- نعم. 1024 00:33:53,780 --> 00:33:55,660 -So you're staying off it? -Yes. 1025 00:34:03,410 --> 00:34:04,490 ‫طيب. 1026 00:34:03,410 --> 00:34:04,490 Okay. 1027 00:34:05,920 --> 00:34:08,670 ‫اسمع، أنا آسف. أعرف أنّ الوضع عصيب، ‫لكنّ الأمر مهم جداً. 1028 00:34:05,920 --> 00:34:08,670 Look, I'm sorry. I know this is tough, but it's really important. 1029 00:34:08,750 --> 00:34:11,170 ‫لا أمانع أن تلعب، لكنّ عليك التزام الحذر. 1030 00:34:08,750 --> 00:34:11,170 I don't mind if you play the games. You just gotta be careful. 1031 00:34:11,630 --> 00:34:13,580 ‫في استخدام هاتفك ورسائلك وكل شيء. 1032 00:34:11,630 --> 00:34:13,580 With your phone, with your texts. Everything. 1033 00:34:13,670 --> 00:34:15,590 ‫نعم، فهمت. 1034 00:34:13,670 --> 00:34:15,590 Yeah. No, I get it. 1035 00:34:18,220 --> 00:34:19,220 ‫طيب. 1036 00:34:18,220 --> 00:34:19,220 Okay. 1037 00:34:19,300 --> 00:34:21,930 ‫أتعرف؟ يقول "ديلان" إني شهير. 1038 00:34:19,300 --> 00:34:21,930 You know, uh, Dylan says I'm famous. 1039 00:34:24,020 --> 00:34:25,110 ‫هل تتكلم مع "ديلان"؟ 1040 00:34:24,020 --> 00:34:25,110 Talking to Dylan? 1041 00:34:25,190 --> 00:34:26,690 ‫نعم، كنا نلعب. 1042 00:34:25,190 --> 00:34:26,690 Yeah, we were playing before. 1043 00:34:26,770 --> 00:34:32,690 ‫كان يقول إنّ على الإنترنت صفحة محبين. 1044 00:34:26,770 --> 00:34:32,690 He, uh-- He was saying there's, like, a fan page online. 1045 00:34:32,780 --> 00:34:35,910 ‫أنشأتها فتاة في "أوهايو" أو "آيوا" ‫أو ما شابه. 1046 00:34:32,780 --> 00:34:35,910 Started by some girl in Ohio or Iowa or something like that. 1047 00:34:35,990 --> 00:34:37,200 ‫يا إلهي. 1048 00:34:35,990 --> 00:34:37,200 Jesus Christ. 1049 00:34:37,280 --> 00:34:38,740 ‫لكني أريد رؤيتها. 1050 00:34:37,280 --> 00:34:38,740 Kinda wanna see it though. 1051 00:34:38,820 --> 00:34:40,200 ‫لا تفعل. 1052 00:34:38,820 --> 00:34:40,200 Don't. 1053 00:34:40,280 --> 00:34:45,120 ‫اتفقنا؟ هذه فكرة سيئة. فقط... لا تفعل. 1054 00:34:40,280 --> 00:34:45,120 -Okay? It's a bad idea. Just... don't. -[cell phone vibrates] 1055 00:34:45,960 --> 00:34:48,010 ‫"(بام دافي): تفقّد صندوق بريدك." 1056 00:34:51,800 --> 00:34:53,300 ‫ألم يحن وقت رجوع أمي بعد؟ 1057 00:34:51,800 --> 00:34:53,300 Shouldn't Mom be home by now? 1058 00:34:53,380 --> 00:34:55,590 ‫سأتصل بها. هلا تعدّ الطاولة. 1059 00:34:53,380 --> 00:34:55,590 I'm gonna call her. Why don't you set the table? 1060 00:35:07,100 --> 00:35:09,220 ‫"(لينرد باتز)" 1061 00:35:12,730 --> 00:35:13,850 [vehicle approaches] 1062 00:35:26,910 --> 00:35:28,830 ‫كنت أتساءل أين كنت. 1063 00:35:26,910 --> 00:35:28,830 [Andy] Starting to wonder where you were. 1064 00:35:28,920 --> 00:35:30,300 ‫كنت أقود. 1065 00:35:28,920 --> 00:35:30,300 I was driving. 1066 00:35:30,880 --> 00:35:31,880 ‫ماذا تقصدين؟ 1067 00:35:30,880 --> 00:35:31,880 What do you mean? 1068 00:35:32,710 --> 00:35:34,120 ‫احتجت إلى... 1069 00:35:32,710 --> 00:35:34,120 I just needed to-- 1070 00:35:35,550 --> 00:35:36,640 ‫لا أعرف. 1071 00:35:35,550 --> 00:35:36,640 I don't know. 1072 00:35:38,840 --> 00:35:40,050 ‫كيف سار الأمر في العمل؟ 1073 00:35:38,840 --> 00:35:40,050 How'd it go at work? 1074 00:35:40,510 --> 00:35:42,010 ‫كان... 1075 00:35:40,510 --> 00:35:41,590 That was... 1076 00:35:43,680 --> 00:35:44,930 ‫يا إلهي! 1077 00:35:43,680 --> 00:35:44,930 Oh, my God. 1078 00:35:52,150 --> 00:35:54,110 ‫ادخلي البيت. سأتصرف. 1079 00:35:52,150 --> 00:35:54,110 Go inside. I'll handle this. 1080 00:36:00,990 --> 00:36:04,790 ‫"قاتل - تعفّن في الجحيم" 1081 00:36:17,090 --> 00:36:19,300 -[keys clink] -Hey, Mom. 1082 00:36:18,130 --> 00:36:19,290 ‫مرحباً يا أمي. 1083 00:36:20,300 --> 00:36:21,460 ‫سآتي فوراً. 1084 00:36:20,300 --> 00:36:21,590 [Laurie] I'll be right there. 1085 00:36:23,470 --> 00:36:24,970 [cutlery clattering] 1086 00:36:30,140 --> 00:36:31,810 [sobbing] 1087 00:36:36,780 --> 00:36:40,660 [sobbing continues] 1088 00:37:01,180 --> 00:37:03,100 [sobbing continues] 1089 00:37:16,480 --> 00:37:17,770 [sniffles] 1090 00:37:32,920 --> 00:37:35,800 [chuckles] All right. I get it. You love me. 1091 00:37:33,870 --> 00:37:36,080 ‫طيب، فهمت. أنت تحبينني. 1092 00:37:35,880 --> 00:37:36,920 [kisses] 1093 00:37:39,840 --> 00:37:41,600 [scrubbing] 1094 00:37:55,060 --> 00:37:56,350 [exhales] 1095 00:38:04,660 --> 00:38:07,540 ‫"الجحيم" 1096 00:38:18,540 --> 00:38:20,750 ‫"قاتل - تعفّن في الجحيم" 1097 00:38:47,410 --> 00:38:48,790 [boy laughing] 1098 00:38:48,870 --> 00:38:50,790 [children chattering] 1099 00:38:50,870 --> 00:38:53,000 ‫عيد ميلاد سعيداً! 1100 00:38:50,870 --> 00:38:53,000 [women, children] Happy birthday! 1101 00:38:53,080 --> 00:38:56,340 [chatter echoing] 1102 00:38:56,420 --> 00:38:57,840 [no audible dialogue] 1103 00:39:04,460 --> 00:39:06,000 ‫"جايكوب"! 1104 00:39:04,460 --> 00:39:06,000 [Laurie echoing] Jacob! 1105 00:39:19,190 --> 00:39:21,200 ‫"حديقة (كولد سبرينغ)" 1106 00:39:22,270 --> 00:39:24,520 [panting] 1107 00:39:47,260 --> 00:39:48,810 [bowling pins rattle] 1108 00:39:48,880 --> 00:39:51,090 [dog barking] 1109 00:39:55,680 --> 00:39:58,140 ‫من اقترح استشارة الدكتورة "فوغل"؟ 1110 00:39:55,680 --> 00:39:58,140 [Neal] Whose idea was it to consult Dr. Vogel? 1111 00:39:59,650 --> 00:40:01,690 ‫نصحتنا بها محامية "جايكوب". 1112 00:39:59,650 --> 00:40:01,690 Jacob's lawyer recommended her. 1113 00:40:01,770 --> 00:40:06,810 ‫تُعدّ الدكتورة "فوغل" عالمة متخصصة ‫في الوراثة الجينية في السلوك، 1114 00:40:01,770 --> 00:40:06,810 Dr. Vogel is considered an authority in genetic inheritance in behavior, 1115 00:40:06,900 --> 00:40:08,860 ‫- أليست كذلك؟ ‫- بلى. 1116 00:40:06,900 --> 00:40:08,860 -is she not? -She is. 1117 00:40:08,950 --> 00:40:13,370 ‫ظننت أنّ السيدة "كلاين" ‫تعتبر الدليل الوراثي بلا قيمة. 1118 00:40:08,950 --> 00:40:13,370 I thought Ms. Klein was of the opinion that hereditary evidence had no value. 1119 00:40:13,450 --> 00:40:16,530 ‫ظنت أننا قد نحتاج إلى مواجهة الأمر ‫إن ذُكر في المحاكمة. 1120 00:40:13,450 --> 00:40:16,530 Well, she thought we might need to confront it if it came up in trial. 1121 00:40:16,620 --> 00:40:18,450 ‫هكذا يفعل المحامون الجيدون. 1122 00:40:16,620 --> 00:40:18,450 It's called being a good lawyer. 1123 00:40:20,960 --> 00:40:25,300 ‫وكانت جلستها الأولية مع "جايكوب" ‫يوم 25 مايو؟ 1124 00:40:20,960 --> 00:40:25,300 And her initial session with Jacob was on May 25th? 1125 00:40:25,380 --> 00:40:26,510 ‫أهذا صحيح؟ 1126 00:40:25,380 --> 00:40:26,510 Is that right? 1127 00:40:27,380 --> 00:40:28,630 ‫يبدو كذلك. 1128 00:40:27,380 --> 00:40:28,630 Yeah, that sounds right. 1129 00:40:33,470 --> 00:40:35,220 ‫التقيناها قبله. 1130 00:40:33,470 --> 00:40:35,220 [Andy] We met with her first. 1131 00:40:37,060 --> 00:40:38,900 [crow squawking] 1132 00:40:44,270 --> 00:40:45,520 [car alarm chirps] 1133 00:40:46,730 --> 00:40:49,310 ‫"فريق بحث (بيو سايك)" 1134 00:40:51,530 --> 00:40:53,400 [phone ringing in distance] 1135 00:40:55,410 --> 00:40:58,040 ‫تريد "توبي" جلب العشاء لنا الليلة. 1136 00:40:55,410 --> 00:40:58,040 [Laurie] Toby wants to drop off dinner for us tonight. 1137 00:40:58,120 --> 00:40:59,410 ‫حقاً؟ 1138 00:40:58,120 --> 00:40:59,410 Really? 1139 00:40:59,500 --> 00:41:01,340 ‫هذا ما يفعله المرء حين يموت شخص. 1140 00:40:59,500 --> 00:41:01,340 It's what you do when someone dies. 1141 00:41:02,460 --> 00:41:04,210 ‫تريد دعمك. 1142 00:41:02,460 --> 00:41:04,210 She wants to be there for you. 1143 00:41:04,290 --> 00:41:06,370 ‫إن لم تسمحي للناس بالاقتراب، ‫فسيظنون أنك لا تريدينهم. 1144 00:41:04,290 --> 00:41:06,370 If you don't let people in, they're gonna think you don't want 'em. 1145 00:41:06,460 --> 00:41:07,880 ‫أعرف. 1146 00:41:06,460 --> 00:41:07,880 I know. 1147 00:41:09,630 --> 00:41:12,250 ‫نفّذت "دافي" طلبي بالمناسبة، ‫بخصوص ملف "باتز". 1148 00:41:09,630 --> 00:41:12,250 Duffy came through, by the way. With the Patz file. 1149 00:41:12,930 --> 00:41:14,600 ‫أتظن أنّ "باتز" فعل هذا؟ 1150 00:41:12,930 --> 00:41:14,600 Does she think that Patz did this? 1151 00:41:14,680 --> 00:41:17,140 ‫هي لا تستطيع قول ذلك، لكننا نستطيع. 1152 00:41:14,680 --> 00:41:17,140 Well, she can't say that, but we can. 1153 00:41:17,220 --> 00:41:18,390 ‫تنطبق عليه كل المواصفات. 1154 00:41:17,220 --> 00:41:18,390 Patz checks all the boxes. 1155 00:41:18,470 --> 00:41:20,430 ‫علينا فقط إقناع هيئة المحلفين. 1156 00:41:18,470 --> 00:41:20,430 We just gotta make a credible case to the jury. 1157 00:41:20,520 --> 00:41:21,520 [elevator bell dings] 1158 00:41:21,600 --> 00:41:24,180 ‫- كان هذا لطفاً منها. ‫- نعم. 1159 00:41:21,600 --> 00:41:24,180 -That was nice of her. -Yeah. 1160 00:41:24,270 --> 00:41:27,480 ‫أرأيت؟ الناس يعتنون بنا. 1161 00:41:24,270 --> 00:41:27,480 See, people are looking out for us. 1162 00:41:30,280 --> 00:41:32,120 ‫كان "آندي" لم يزل في كلية الحقوق. 1163 00:41:30,280 --> 00:41:32,120 [Laurie] Andy was still in law school. 1164 00:41:32,200 --> 00:41:34,410 ‫لم نكن قد أكملنا سنة معاً. 1165 00:41:32,200 --> 00:41:34,410 We hadn't even been together a year. 1166 00:41:34,490 --> 00:41:36,370 ‫فهل حدث الحمل بلا تخطيط؟ 1167 00:41:34,490 --> 00:41:36,370 So was the pregnancy unplanned? 1168 00:41:36,450 --> 00:41:38,570 ‫نعم، لكننا سعدنا بالخبر. 1169 00:41:36,450 --> 00:41:38,570 Yeah, but we were happy about it. 1170 00:41:38,660 --> 00:41:40,490 ‫كنا نُعتبر مخطوبين وقتها. 1171 00:41:38,660 --> 00:41:40,490 We were practically engaged at that point. 1172 00:41:40,580 --> 00:41:42,340 ‫كنا متحمسين. 1173 00:41:40,580 --> 00:41:42,340 We were excited. 1174 00:41:42,410 --> 00:41:44,950 ‫لكننا كنا صغيري السن، واحتجنا إلى التعلم. 1175 00:41:42,410 --> 00:41:44,950 But we were just kids ourselves. We had a lot to learn. 1176 00:41:45,040 --> 00:41:46,080 Mm. 1177 00:41:47,290 --> 00:41:50,380 ‫إذاً، كيف تصفان "جايكوب" وهو طفل؟ 1178 00:41:47,290 --> 00:41:50,380 So, how would you describe Jacob as an infant? 1179 00:41:50,460 --> 00:41:51,630 ‫- جميل. ‫- صعب. 1180 00:41:50,460 --> 00:41:51,840 -[Andy] Beautiful. -Difficult. 1181 00:41:53,130 --> 00:41:55,550 ‫بالتأكيد كان جميلاً، لكنّ هذا ليس... 1182 00:41:53,130 --> 00:41:55,550 Of course he was beautiful, that's not what she-- 1183 00:41:56,220 --> 00:41:57,970 ‫لم يكن هذا سؤالك، صحيح؟ 1184 00:41:56,220 --> 00:41:57,970 That's not what you were asking, was it? 1185 00:41:58,060 --> 00:42:00,060 ‫ماذا تقصدين بكونه صعباً؟ 1186 00:41:58,060 --> 00:42:00,060 Well, when you say difficult, in what way? 1187 00:42:00,930 --> 00:42:02,640 ‫كان يبكي باستمرار. 1188 00:42:00,930 --> 00:42:02,640 Well, he cried constantly. 1189 00:42:02,730 --> 00:42:04,270 ‫كأنه كان يُعذب. 1190 00:42:02,730 --> 00:42:04,270 You'd think he was being tortured. 1191 00:42:04,770 --> 00:42:08,390 ‫في البداية ظننا أنه يبكي بسبب المغص ‫لكنه لم يكفّ عن ذلك قط. 1192 00:42:04,770 --> 00:42:08,390 At first we chalked it up to colic, but it never really went away. 1193 00:42:08,480 --> 00:42:10,060 ‫أقصد وهو طفل. 1194 00:42:08,480 --> 00:42:10,060 As a baby, I mean. 1195 00:42:10,150 --> 00:42:11,730 ‫هل كان سهل المواساة؟ 1196 00:42:10,150 --> 00:42:11,730 Was he quick to console? 1197 00:42:11,820 --> 00:42:13,450 ‫- معظم الوقت. ‫- ليس تماماً. 1198 00:42:11,820 --> 00:42:13,910 -For the most part, yeah. -[Laurie] Not really. 1199 00:42:16,570 --> 00:42:18,900 ‫كانت تعتريه نوبات الغضب أحياناً، ‫وما إلى ذلك. 1200 00:42:16,570 --> 00:42:18,900 There were a few temper tantrums. Things like that. Yeah. 1201 00:42:18,990 --> 00:42:20,530 ‫كانت أكثر من مجرد نوبات. 1202 00:42:18,990 --> 00:42:20,530 Well, they were more than just tantrums. 1203 00:42:21,500 --> 00:42:22,500 Mm-hmm? 1204 00:42:23,710 --> 00:42:25,170 ‫كان يرمي الأشياء علينا. 1205 00:42:23,710 --> 00:42:25,170 Well, he'd throw things at us. 1206 00:42:25,250 --> 00:42:29,090 ‫ويظل يصرخ ساعات. لم نقدر على إيقافه. 1207 00:42:25,250 --> 00:42:29,090 Scream for hours maybe. You couldn't get him to stop. 1208 00:42:29,170 --> 00:42:31,050 ‫هذا لا يبدو غريباً جداً. 1209 00:42:29,170 --> 00:42:31,050 That doesn't sound too unusual. 1210 00:42:31,130 --> 00:42:34,050 ‫لم يكن كذلك. ‫أظن أنّ "لاوري" تبالغ بعض الشيء. 1211 00:42:31,130 --> 00:42:34,050 It wasn't. I think Laurie's being a little dramatic. 1212 00:42:37,930 --> 00:42:41,350 ‫كيف كان "جايكوب" يتعامل ‫مع الأطفال الآخرين؟ 1213 00:42:37,930 --> 00:42:41,350 How was Jacob with other children as a toddler? 1214 00:42:44,940 --> 00:42:46,020 ‫"لاوري"؟ 1215 00:42:44,940 --> 00:42:46,020 Laurie? 1216 00:42:49,110 --> 00:42:51,950 ‫حسن، دعاني أتوقف لحظةً وأوضح شيئاً. 1217 00:42:49,110 --> 00:42:51,950 Okay. Let me just pause here for a second and make something really clear. 1218 00:42:52,030 --> 00:42:53,780 ‫استأجرني فريق دفاعكم. 1219 00:42:52,030 --> 00:42:53,780 I was hired by your defense team. 1220 00:42:54,360 --> 00:42:55,610 ‫أعمل لصالحكم. 1221 00:42:54,360 --> 00:42:55,610 I work for you. 1222 00:42:55,700 --> 00:42:57,870 ‫- أنا بجانب "جايكوب". ‫- نعرف ذلك. 1223 00:42:55,700 --> 00:42:57,870 -I'm on Jacob's side. -We know that. 1224 00:42:57,950 --> 00:43:00,750 ‫حسن، ‫تعرفون أنّ هذه المحادثات سرّية تماماً، 1225 00:42:57,950 --> 00:43:00,750 Okay. So you know these conversations are entirely confidential, 1226 00:43:00,830 --> 00:43:03,000 ‫لذا فلا حاجة إطلاقاً إلى إخفاء أي شيء. 1227 00:43:00,830 --> 00:43:03,000 so there's absolutely no reason to hold back. 1228 00:43:03,080 --> 00:43:04,080 ‫ليس في هذه الغرفة. 1229 00:43:03,080 --> 00:43:04,080 Not in this room. 1230 00:43:04,160 --> 00:43:07,040 ‫أحاول فقط أن أفهم الصورة كاملة ‫قدر المستطاع. 1231 00:43:04,160 --> 00:43:07,040 I'm just trying to get the most complete picture possible. 1232 00:43:14,130 --> 00:43:16,000 ‫لم يكن بخير في حضانة الأطفال. 1233 00:43:14,130 --> 00:43:16,000 Well, he didn't do well in day care. 1234 00:43:17,010 --> 00:43:20,140 ‫كان يتصرف بعنف بالغ مع الأطفال، ‫وجاءتنا شكاوى. 1235 00:43:17,010 --> 00:43:20,140 He got too rough with the other kids. There were complaints. 1236 00:43:20,220 --> 00:43:22,720 ‫- شكاوى؟ ‫- من بعض الآباء غير العقلانيين. 1237 00:43:20,220 --> 00:43:22,720 -Complaints? -It was a few neurotic parents. 1238 00:43:22,810 --> 00:43:24,810 ‫ذات مرة دفع فتاة من فوق هيكل ألعاب. 1239 00:43:22,810 --> 00:43:24,810 He once pushed a girl off a play structure. 1240 00:43:24,890 --> 00:43:26,510 ‫واحتاجت إلى غرز. 1241 00:43:24,890 --> 00:43:26,510 She needed stitches. 1242 00:43:26,600 --> 00:43:29,310 ‫واتهمه صبي بالعض، ‫ولم ينكر الأمر إلا "جايكوب". 1243 00:43:26,600 --> 00:43:29,310 And one boy accused him of biting, only Jacob denied it. 1244 00:43:29,400 --> 00:43:31,450 ‫كان صبياً في الـ4 من عمره. عمّ نتكلم هنا؟ 1245 00:43:29,400 --> 00:43:31,450 He was a four-year-old boy. What are we talking about here? 1246 00:43:31,520 --> 00:43:34,270 ‫دعها تتكلم يا "آندي". سيأتي دورك. ‫واصلي يا "لاوري". 1247 00:43:31,520 --> 00:43:34,270 Okay, Andy. Let her speak. You'll have your turn. Go on, Laurie. 1248 00:43:34,360 --> 00:43:36,120 ‫أحاول فقط التكلم بصراحة يا "آندي". 1249 00:43:34,360 --> 00:43:36,120 I'm just trying to talk honestly, Andy. 1250 00:43:36,200 --> 00:43:38,700 ‫لا، تجعلين "جايكوب" يبدو كأنه اقترف ذنباً. 1251 00:43:36,200 --> 00:43:38,700 No. You're making it seem like Jacob has something to answer for. 1252 00:43:38,780 --> 00:43:39,900 ‫وهو لم يفعل. 1253 00:43:38,780 --> 00:43:39,900 And he doesn't. 1254 00:43:39,990 --> 00:43:42,030 ‫كان طفلاً صغيراً. ‫أنت تبالغين في تفسير الأشياء. 1255 00:43:39,990 --> 00:43:42,030 He was a little boy. You're reading into every little thing. 1256 00:43:42,120 --> 00:43:43,370 ‫لطالما قلت لي هذا. 1257 00:43:42,120 --> 00:43:43,370 That's what you always said. 1258 00:43:43,450 --> 00:43:45,780 ‫لم ترد قط الاعتراف ‫باحتمالية وجود أي مشكلة. 1259 00:43:43,450 --> 00:43:45,780 You never wanted to admit anything could ever be wrong. 1260 00:43:45,870 --> 00:43:48,830 ‫كان طفلاً عادياً بمشكلات عادية. 1261 00:43:45,870 --> 00:43:48,830 He was an ordinary boy with ordinary problems. 1262 00:43:49,630 --> 00:43:51,090 ‫كأي طفل آخر. 1263 00:43:49,630 --> 00:43:51,090 Like any other boy. 1264 00:43:52,040 --> 00:43:53,830 ‫قالت طبيبة الأطفال الشيء نفسه. 1265 00:43:52,040 --> 00:43:53,830 Our pediatrician said the same thing. 1266 00:43:55,460 --> 00:43:58,920 ‫رأت أنّ "جايكوب" كان غير ناضج شعورياً، 1267 00:43:55,460 --> 00:43:58,920 She thought that Jacob was young, emotionally, 1268 00:43:59,010 --> 00:44:01,810 ‫وأنّ عليه تكرار سنة في الحضانة ‫ليواكب أقرانه. 1269 00:43:59,010 --> 00:44:01,810 and that he should repeat a year of kindergarten to catch up. 1270 00:44:01,890 --> 00:44:04,390 ‫- وأنّ المشكلة ستنتهي. ‫- وقد انتهت. 1271 00:44:01,890 --> 00:44:04,390 -And it would pass. -And it did pass. 1272 00:44:04,470 --> 00:44:06,140 ‫- كانت طبيبة الأطفال محقة. ‫- حقاً؟ 1273 00:44:04,470 --> 00:44:06,140 -The pediatrician was right. -Was she? 1274 00:44:06,230 --> 00:44:07,690 ‫حبيبي، انظر أين نحن. 1275 00:44:06,230 --> 00:44:07,690 Honey, look where we are. 1276 00:44:12,860 --> 00:44:14,450 ‫ماذا تقصدين بذلك يا "لاوري"؟ 1277 00:44:12,860 --> 00:44:14,450 What do you mean by that, Laurie? 1278 00:44:16,030 --> 00:44:18,030 ‫ألديك أي شكوك بشأن براءة "جايكوب"؟ 1279 00:44:16,030 --> 00:44:18,030 Do you have any doubts about Jacob's innocence? 1280 00:44:18,110 --> 00:44:20,730 ‫- بالتأكيد لا. ‫- وإن كان لديك، فلا بأس. 1281 00:44:18,110 --> 00:44:20,730 -No. Of course not. -And if you do, that's okay. 1282 00:44:20,820 --> 00:44:22,740 ‫ليس لديّ أدنى شك. 1283 00:44:20,820 --> 00:44:22,740 I don't. Not in the slightest. 1284 00:44:22,820 --> 00:44:24,990 ‫كنت أحاول فقط إجابة أسئلتك بصراحة. 1285 00:44:22,820 --> 00:44:24,990 I was just trying to answer your questions honestly. 1286 00:44:25,080 --> 00:44:26,580 ‫هذا ما أخبرتنا أن نفعله. 1287 00:44:25,080 --> 00:44:26,580 It's what you told us to do. 1288 00:44:26,660 --> 00:44:28,120 ‫- مفهوم. ‫- أعني ما أقول. 1289 00:44:26,660 --> 00:44:28,120 -Understood. -[Laurie] I mean it. 1290 00:44:28,210 --> 00:44:30,380 ‫أعرف ما يمكنه أن يفعل وما لا يمكنه. 1291 00:44:28,210 --> 00:44:30,380 I know what he is capable of and what he isn't. 1292 00:44:30,460 --> 00:44:32,420 ‫- حسن. ‫- الأم تعرف ابنها. 1293 00:44:30,460 --> 00:44:32,420 -Okay. -A mother knows her child. 1294 00:44:52,440 --> 00:44:53,650 [sighs] 1295 00:44:58,530 --> 00:45:00,080 ‫"توبي" هنا. 1296 00:44:58,530 --> 00:45:00,080 Toby's here. 1297 00:45:06,990 --> 00:45:08,320 [car doors close] 1298 00:45:10,580 --> 00:45:12,040 ‫- مرحباً يا عزيزتي. ‫- أهلاً. 1299 00:45:10,580 --> 00:45:12,040 -Hey, honey. -Hi. 1300 00:45:14,000 --> 00:45:15,750 ‫هذا لطف منك. أشكرك. 1301 00:45:14,000 --> 00:45:15,750 This is really sweet of you. Thank you. 1302 00:45:15,840 --> 00:45:16,840 ‫عفواً. 1303 00:45:15,840 --> 00:45:16,840 Please. 1304 00:45:20,590 --> 00:45:21,590 ‫كيف حالك؟ 1305 00:45:20,590 --> 00:45:21,590 How are you? 1306 00:45:22,090 --> 00:45:26,050 ‫أنا صامدة. الأمر فقط... 1307 00:45:22,090 --> 00:45:26,050 -Hanging in. It's just all so-- -[door opens] 1308 00:45:26,140 --> 00:45:27,350 ‫أكيد. 1309 00:45:26,140 --> 00:45:27,350 Oh, I'm sure. 1310 00:45:27,430 --> 00:45:28,510 [door closes] 1311 00:45:28,600 --> 00:45:30,360 ‫حبيبتي. 1312 00:45:28,600 --> 00:45:30,360 Oh, sweetheart. 1313 00:45:31,770 --> 00:45:32,860 ‫ستكونون بخير. 1314 00:45:31,770 --> 00:45:32,860 It's gonna be okay. 1315 00:45:33,810 --> 00:45:35,480 ‫لا أعرف. 1316 00:45:33,810 --> 00:45:35,480 I don't know. 1317 00:45:36,110 --> 00:45:37,360 ‫لا أعرف حقاً. 1318 00:45:36,110 --> 00:45:37,360 I really don't. 1319 00:45:40,320 --> 00:45:42,620 ‫مرحباً يا صديقي. ماذا درست اليوم؟ 1320 00:45:40,320 --> 00:45:42,620 Hey, bud. What was today? 1321 00:45:43,030 --> 00:45:45,440 ‫الدراسات العالمية والأحياء والإسبانية. 1322 00:45:43,030 --> 00:45:45,440 Uh, Global, Bio, and Spanish. 1323 00:45:46,160 --> 00:45:47,790 ‫أظن أنها كانت تروق لي أكثر في الصف الـ2. 1324 00:45:46,160 --> 00:45:47,790 I think I liked her better in second grade. 1325 00:45:47,870 --> 00:45:52,670 ‫إنها لطيفة، لكنها تشرح الأشياء ببطء شديد. 1326 00:45:47,870 --> 00:45:52,670 I mean, she's nice and all, but she takes forever explaining things. 1327 00:45:52,750 --> 00:45:54,420 ‫ولا أظن أنها تتكلم الإسبانية حتى. 1328 00:45:52,750 --> 00:45:54,420 Plus, I don't think she even knows Spanish. 1329 00:45:55,080 --> 00:45:57,580 ‫فهي تنطق الكلمة التي تعني "سنة" ‫كالكلمة التي تعني "مؤخرة". 1330 00:45:55,080 --> 00:45:58,420 -She pronounces años "anus." -[chuckles] 1331 00:46:00,090 --> 00:46:01,800 ‫يا حبيبتي، يبدو أنّ "جايكوب"... 1332 00:46:00,090 --> 00:46:01,800 Hey, honey. Sounds like Jacob's-- 1333 00:46:03,590 --> 00:46:05,800 ‫- ماذا يحدث؟ ‫- أمي؟ 1334 00:46:03,590 --> 00:46:05,800 -What's going on? -Mom? 1335 00:46:08,310 --> 00:46:11,560 ‫ما حدث أنّ "غاري" ‫لا يريدها أن تراني مجدداً. 1336 00:46:08,310 --> 00:46:11,560 What happened is that Gary doesn't want her seeing me anymore. 1337 00:46:12,560 --> 00:46:14,730 ‫أرادت إخباري وجهاً لوجه. 1338 00:46:12,560 --> 00:46:14,730 She wanted to tell me face-to-face. 1339 00:46:15,230 --> 00:46:16,780 ‫هذا جنون. أنت صديقتها المقربة. 1340 00:46:15,230 --> 00:46:16,780 That's insane. You're her best friend. 1341 00:46:16,860 --> 00:46:19,070 ‫نعم، لكنّ "غاري" زوجها، 1342 00:46:16,860 --> 00:46:19,070 Yeah, well, Gary's her husband, 1343 00:46:19,150 --> 00:46:21,700 ‫وقد درس في "كورنيل" مع "دان ريفكن". 1344 00:46:19,150 --> 00:46:21,700 and he went to Cornell with Dan Rifkin, so-- 1345 00:46:24,860 --> 00:46:26,530 ‫تبقّى طعام من عشاء الأمس. 1346 00:46:24,860 --> 00:46:26,530 There are leftovers from last night. 1347 00:46:27,870 --> 00:46:29,410 [footsteps departing] 1348 00:46:42,460 --> 00:46:44,380 [police radio chatter] 1349 00:46:51,770 --> 00:46:53,270 [chattering] 1350 00:46:55,310 --> 00:46:57,180 [chattering] 1351 00:46:59,820 --> 00:47:01,820 ‫"حفل مجتمعيّ لجمع التبرعات" 1352 00:47:01,900 --> 00:47:05,190 ‫"لدعم صندوق تمويل ‫منحة (بن ريفكن) التذكارية" 1353 00:47:05,280 --> 00:47:07,240 ‫"متجر (فريمان) للأجهزة - (لينرد)" 1354 00:47:07,950 --> 00:47:12,830 [chattering, laughing] 1355 00:47:13,450 --> 00:47:14,910 ‫تستطيع الانتقال بهذه. 1356 00:47:13,450 --> 00:47:14,910 You could tool around in this. 1357 00:47:15,000 --> 00:47:16,800 ‫لكني لا أنصح بها. 1358 00:47:15,000 --> 00:47:16,800 But I got-- No, I'd recommend this one. 1359 00:47:17,460 --> 00:47:19,420 ‫أكيد، عليك ربح المال. 1360 00:47:17,460 --> 00:47:19,420 [man] Of course. You gotta earn your money. 1361 00:47:20,750 --> 00:47:25,960 [chattering] 1362 00:47:33,350 --> 00:47:34,520 ‫مرحباً يا "سارا". 1363 00:47:33,350 --> 00:47:34,520 [girl] Hey, Sarah. 1364 00:47:34,600 --> 00:47:35,930 ‫"مدرسة (آرتشر) الإعدادية" 1365 00:47:36,020 --> 00:47:37,230 ‫كيف حال التدريب؟ 1366 00:47:36,020 --> 00:47:37,230 How's practice going? 1367 00:47:37,310 --> 00:47:39,220 [chattering] 1368 00:47:50,910 --> 00:47:52,250 [phone rings] 1369 00:47:53,790 --> 00:47:55,540 ‫معك المحققة "دافي". 1370 00:47:53,790 --> 00:47:55,540 This is Detective Duffy. 1371 00:47:56,580 --> 00:47:57,580 ‫مرحباً؟ 1372 00:47:56,580 --> 00:47:57,580 Hello? 1373 00:47:58,670 --> 00:47:59,760 ‫مرحباً؟ 1374 00:47:58,670 --> 00:47:59,760 Hello? 1375 00:48:00,170 --> 00:48:02,550 ‫أخبرتنا أن نتصل إذا عرفنا أي شيء ‫عن مقتل "بن". 1376 00:48:00,170 --> 00:48:02,550 [Sarah] You said to call if we knew anything about Ben's murder. 1377 00:48:04,300 --> 00:48:06,180 ‫نعم، صحيح. مع من أتكلم؟ 1378 00:48:04,300 --> 00:48:06,180 Yes. Right. Who am I speaking with? 1379 00:48:09,380 --> 00:48:13,220 ‫اسمي "سارا غرول". 1380 00:48:09,380 --> 00:48:13,220 My name is Sarah. Sarah Grohl. 1381 00:48:15,270 --> 00:48:17,610 [speaking Spanish] 1382 00:48:17,680 --> 00:48:19,010 ‫"أين القبعة؟" 1383 00:48:17,680 --> 00:48:19,010 "Where's the hat?" 1384 00:48:20,190 --> 00:48:22,150 ‫يا صديقي، العشاء. 1385 00:48:20,190 --> 00:48:22,150 Hey, buddy. Dinner. 1386 00:48:22,730 --> 00:48:26,020 Uh... [speaking Spanish] 1387 00:48:28,740 --> 00:48:31,040 ‫حبيبتي! العشاء! 1388 00:48:28,740 --> 00:48:31,040 Honey! Dinner! 1389 00:48:32,240 --> 00:48:34,320 [speaking Spanish] 1390 00:48:37,580 --> 00:48:38,710 ‫حبيبتي! 1391 00:48:37,580 --> 00:48:38,710 Honey! 1392 00:48:40,460 --> 00:48:42,670 ‫"50 دولاراً." 1393 00:48:40,460 --> 00:48:42,670 "Fifty dollars." [speaking Spanish] 1394 00:48:44,130 --> 00:48:46,590 ‫"لاوري"! العشاء! 1395 00:48:44,130 --> 00:48:46,590 Laurie! Dinner! 1396 00:48:53,720 --> 00:48:54,880 ‫"لاوري"! 1397 00:48:53,720 --> 00:48:54,880 Laurie! 1398 00:49:02,860 --> 00:49:04,070 ‫"لاوري"؟ 1399 00:49:02,860 --> 00:49:04,070 Laurie? 1400 00:50:25,900 --> 00:50:27,900 ‫ترجمة "عمر خضر"