1 00:00:56,550 --> 00:00:58,850 ‫ "مقتبس من رواية من تأليف (ويليام لانداي)" 2 00:01:23,410 --> 00:01:25,580 ‫ "متجر (كروسبي)" 3 00:02:33,190 --> 00:02:36,110 ‫- أردته وحسب. ‫- لكن لم أردته؟ 4 00:02:33,210 --> 00:02:36,130 -I just wanted it. That's all. -But why did you want it? 5 00:02:37,110 --> 00:02:38,610 ‫أردته فقط لأنه كان سكيناً رائعاً. 6 00:02:37,130 --> 00:02:38,630 I just did. It was a cool knife. 7 00:02:39,450 --> 00:02:42,280 ‫المدّعي العام سيقول إنك اشتريته ‫لأنّ "بن" كان يتنمر لك. 8 00:02:39,470 --> 00:02:42,300 The DA will say you bought it because you were being bullied by Ben. 9 00:02:42,370 --> 00:02:43,950 ‫وسيستخدمون هذا بصفته دافعاً. 10 00:02:42,390 --> 00:02:43,970 They're gonna use that as motive. 11 00:02:44,370 --> 00:02:45,370 ‫لكنه لم يكن. 12 00:02:44,390 --> 00:02:45,390 But it wasn't. 13 00:02:45,450 --> 00:02:47,700 ‫يبدو أنّ لصديقك "ديريك" رأياً مختلفاً. 14 00:02:45,470 --> 00:02:47,730 Your friend Derek seems to think otherwise. 15 00:02:47,790 --> 00:02:51,750 ‫أخبرني لما تظن أنّ "ديريك" ربط بين سكينك ‫وبين ما أصاب "بن". 16 00:02:47,810 --> 00:02:51,770 Tell me why you think Derek connected your knife to what happened to Ben. 17 00:02:54,040 --> 00:02:55,300 ‫لا أعرف. 18 00:02:54,070 --> 00:02:55,320 I don't know. 19 00:02:56,090 --> 00:02:58,380 ‫ربما يكون القاتل الحقيقي، ‫ويريد إلقاء اللوم عليّ. 20 00:02:56,110 --> 00:02:58,400 Maybe he's the real killer, and he wants to blame me for it. 21 00:02:58,470 --> 00:02:59,930 ‫- مهلاً! ‫- ماذا؟ 22 00:02:58,490 --> 00:02:59,950 -Whoa. Hold on a minute. -What? 23 00:03:00,010 --> 00:03:01,640 ‫- مجرد فكرة. ‫- هذه ليست لعبة يا "جايكوب". 24 00:03:00,030 --> 00:03:01,660 -I'm just saying. -This isn't a game, Jacob. 25 00:03:01,720 --> 00:03:04,510 ‫إن ظننت أنّ لـ "ديريك" علاقة بالأمر، 26 00:03:01,740 --> 00:03:04,530 If you think Derek had something to do with this, 27 00:03:04,600 --> 00:03:05,600 ‫فعلينا أن نعرف سبب ظنك. 28 00:03:04,620 --> 00:03:05,620 we need to know why you think it. 29 00:03:05,680 --> 00:03:07,680 ‫أتظنّ أنّ لـ "ديريك" علاقة بالأمر؟ 30 00:03:05,700 --> 00:03:07,700 You really think Derek had something to do with this? 31 00:03:09,310 --> 00:03:10,310 ‫لا أظن. 32 00:03:09,330 --> 00:03:10,330 I don't. 33 00:03:11,350 --> 00:03:13,900 ‫سألتني لما يلقي باللوم عليّ. لا أعرف. 34 00:03:11,370 --> 00:03:13,920 You asked me why he's blaming me. I don't know why. 35 00:03:14,980 --> 00:03:17,900 ‫هل ذكرت له من قبل أنك ترغب في إيذاء "بن"؟ 36 00:03:15,000 --> 00:03:17,920 Had you ever said anything to him about wanting to hurt Ben? 37 00:03:19,400 --> 00:03:21,320 ‫- لا أظن هذا. ‫- هذا ليس نفياً. 38 00:03:19,420 --> 00:03:21,340 -I don't think so. -That's not a no. 39 00:03:23,280 --> 00:03:27,200 ‫ربما، لكن ليس بطريقة تعني أي شيء. 40 00:03:23,300 --> 00:03:27,220 Maybe, but not in a way that meant anything. 41 00:03:27,870 --> 00:03:30,370 ‫لم يكن يروق لـ "ديريك" أيضاً، ‫شأنه كشأن كثير من الصبية. 42 00:03:27,890 --> 00:03:30,390 I mean, Derek didn't like him either. A lot of kids didn't. 43 00:03:30,460 --> 00:03:32,080 ‫أين السكين الآن؟ 44 00:03:30,480 --> 00:03:32,100 Where is the knife now? 45 00:03:36,340 --> 00:03:37,460 ‫ "آندي" ، هل تحتفظ به؟ 46 00:03:36,360 --> 00:03:37,480 Andy, you have it? 47 00:03:38,920 --> 00:03:41,090 ‫كان سلاحاً خطراً، فرميته. 48 00:03:38,940 --> 00:03:41,110 It was a dangerous weapon. I threw it away. 49 00:03:42,760 --> 00:03:44,600 ‫فعلت ما كان أي أب ليفعله في مكاني. 50 00:03:42,780 --> 00:03:44,620 I did what any parent would've done. 51 00:03:45,470 --> 00:03:46,810 ‫إذاً فالسكين غير موجود؟ 52 00:03:45,490 --> 00:03:46,830 So the knife is gone? 53 00:03:46,890 --> 00:03:48,850 ‫حدث هذا قبل الاشتباه في "جايكوب" ‫بوقت طويل. 54 00:03:46,910 --> 00:03:48,870 This is well before Jacob was considered a suspect. 55 00:03:48,930 --> 00:03:50,640 ‫ "آندي" ، لا أتهمك بأي شيء. 56 00:03:48,950 --> 00:03:50,660 Andy, I'm not accusing you of anything. 57 00:03:50,730 --> 00:03:52,100 ‫أحاول فقط التثبت مما حدث. 58 00:03:50,750 --> 00:03:52,120 I'm trying to ascertain what happened. 59 00:03:52,190 --> 00:03:54,860 ‫صحيح، نعم، آسف. إنه غير موجود. 60 00:03:52,210 --> 00:03:54,880 Right, right, right. Yes. Sorry. It's gone. 61 00:03:58,480 --> 00:04:01,490 ‫هل أخذته إلى المدرسة يوم قُتل "بن"؟ 62 00:03:58,500 --> 00:04:01,510 Had you taken it to school on the day Ben was killed? 63 00:04:02,400 --> 00:04:03,410 ‫لا. 64 00:04:02,430 --> 00:04:03,430 No. 65 00:04:03,490 --> 00:04:05,450 ‫هل كان معك في الحديقة ذلك الصباح؟ 66 00:04:03,510 --> 00:04:05,470 Have it with you in the park that morning? 67 00:04:06,280 --> 00:04:09,870 ‫حين ذهبت إلى المدرسة، ‫هل سلكت طريقك المعتاد؟ 68 00:04:06,300 --> 00:04:09,890 When you left for school, did you follow your usual route? 69 00:04:10,290 --> 00:04:12,210 ‫ "حديقة (كولد سبرينغ)" 70 00:04:12,290 --> 00:04:13,670 ‫نعم. 71 00:04:12,310 --> 00:04:13,690 Yeah. 72 00:04:13,750 --> 00:04:15,540 ‫إذاً فالبقعة التي قُتل فيها "بن" 73 00:04:13,770 --> 00:04:15,560 So the spot where Ben was killed 74 00:04:15,630 --> 00:04:18,840 ‫صُودف أنها في الطريق الذي تسلكه عادةً؟ 75 00:04:15,650 --> 00:04:18,860 just happened to be on the very same path you normally follow? 76 00:04:20,210 --> 00:04:22,220 ‫أظن هذا. 77 00:04:20,240 --> 00:04:22,240 I guess so. 78 00:04:22,300 --> 00:04:24,050 ‫لم أفكر في الأمر من تلك الزاوية قط. 79 00:04:22,320 --> 00:04:24,070 I never really thought about it that way. 80 00:04:24,130 --> 00:04:28,350 ‫قبل أن تكتشف جثة "بن" ، ‫هل سمعت شيئاً غريباً أو رأيته؟ 81 00:04:24,160 --> 00:04:28,370 Before you discovered Ben's body, did you see or hear anything unusual? 82 00:04:29,560 --> 00:04:30,600 ‫متأكد؟ 83 00:04:29,580 --> 00:04:30,620 You sure? 84 00:04:31,850 --> 00:04:34,440 ‫كنت أمشي فقط، ثم... 85 00:04:31,870 --> 00:04:34,460 I was just walking, and then... 86 00:04:35,900 --> 00:04:36,900 ‫رأيته، 87 00:04:35,920 --> 00:04:36,920 there he was, 88 00:04:37,400 --> 00:04:40,610 ‫كان راقداً عند قاع المنحدر، 89 00:04:37,420 --> 00:04:40,630 just lying there at the bottom of this slope, 90 00:04:41,030 --> 00:04:42,190 ‫وسط كومة من أوراق الشجر. 91 00:04:41,050 --> 00:04:42,220 in a bunch of leaves. 92 00:04:42,280 --> 00:04:43,490 ‫أوراق جافة أم مبللة؟ 93 00:04:42,300 --> 00:04:43,510 Dry leaves or wet leaves? 94 00:04:44,530 --> 00:04:45,530 ‫مبللة. 95 00:04:44,550 --> 00:04:45,550 Wet. 96 00:04:45,950 --> 00:04:49,870 ‫إذاً، وجدت الجثة راقدة على الأرض. ‫ماذا فعلت؟ 97 00:04:45,970 --> 00:04:49,890 So, you found this body lying on the ground. What did you do? 98 00:04:50,620 --> 00:04:53,040 ‫- ناديته، قائلاً... ‫- "بن"؟ 99 00:04:50,640 --> 00:04:53,060 -I kind of called his name, like-- -Ben? 100 00:04:53,410 --> 00:04:55,710 ‫ "(بن)، هل أنت بخير؟" 101 00:04:53,430 --> 00:04:55,730 "Ben? Ben? Are you okay?" 102 00:04:55,790 --> 00:04:57,540 ‫هل ميّزته فوراً؟ 103 00:04:55,810 --> 00:04:57,560 You recognized him right away? 104 00:04:58,590 --> 00:04:59,590 ‫نعم. 105 00:04:58,610 --> 00:04:59,610 Yeah. 106 00:04:59,670 --> 00:05:02,760 ‫في تقرير الشرطة، ‫قلت إنّ وجهه كان منكفئاً على الأرض، 107 00:04:59,690 --> 00:05:02,780 In the police report, you said that he was lying face down, 108 00:05:02,840 --> 00:05:04,510 ‫ورأسه عند قاع المنحدر. 109 00:05:02,860 --> 00:05:04,530 his head at the bottom of the slope. 110 00:05:04,590 --> 00:05:06,430 ‫وإن لم يفتني شيء، فمن تلك الزاوية، 111 00:05:04,610 --> 00:05:06,450 And unless I'm missing something, from that angle, 112 00:05:06,510 --> 00:05:08,680 ‫لم تر إلا أسفل حذائه الرياضي؟ 113 00:05:06,530 --> 00:05:08,700 all you could see was the bottom of his sneakers? 114 00:05:09,680 --> 00:05:12,270 ‫لا، رأيت أكثر من ذلك. 115 00:05:09,700 --> 00:05:12,290 No. I could see more than that. 116 00:05:13,680 --> 00:05:15,520 ‫وماذا بعد؟ 117 00:05:13,710 --> 00:05:15,540 So, then what? 118 00:05:15,600 --> 00:05:17,770 ‫لم يتحرك، لذا نزلت أسفل التل 119 00:05:15,620 --> 00:05:17,790 He wasn't moving, so I went down the hill 120 00:05:17,860 --> 00:05:19,770 ‫لأرى ما إذا كان مجروحاً أو ما شابه. 121 00:05:17,880 --> 00:05:19,790 to see if he was hurt or something. 122 00:05:20,440 --> 00:05:21,780 ‫هل صحت طلباً للمساعدة؟ 123 00:05:20,460 --> 00:05:21,800 Did you cry out for help? 124 00:05:23,070 --> 00:05:24,070 ‫لا. 125 00:05:23,090 --> 00:05:24,090 No. 126 00:05:24,150 --> 00:05:26,240 ‫هل فكرت في الاتصال بالنجدة؟ 127 00:05:24,170 --> 00:05:26,260 Did it occur to you to call 911? 128 00:05:27,910 --> 00:05:29,910 ‫نعم، لكني لم... 129 00:05:27,930 --> 00:05:29,930 Yeah, but I didn't-- 130 00:05:30,660 --> 00:05:32,540 ‫لم أعرف ما حدث في البداية. 131 00:05:30,680 --> 00:05:32,560 I didn't know what it was at first. 132 00:05:32,620 --> 00:05:36,500 ‫ظننت أنه ربما يكون حادثاً. 133 00:05:32,640 --> 00:05:36,520 I thought it could've been an accident. 134 00:05:36,580 --> 00:05:38,210 ‫مثل أنه وقع أو ما شابه. 135 00:05:36,600 --> 00:05:38,230 Like maybe he fell or something. 136 00:05:38,290 --> 00:05:39,960 ‫وقع على ماذا بالضبط؟ 137 00:05:38,310 --> 00:05:39,980 Fell on what exactly? 138 00:05:40,040 --> 00:05:41,460 ‫على... لا أعرف. أقول فقط... 139 00:05:40,060 --> 00:05:41,480 On-- I don't know. I'm just saying-- 140 00:05:41,550 --> 00:05:43,710 ‫ولو كان حادثاً بالفعل، ‫ألم تكن لتتصل بالنجدة؟ 141 00:05:41,570 --> 00:05:43,740 And if it was an accident, you wouldn't need to call 911? 142 00:05:43,800 --> 00:05:46,180 ‫لا. هذا... 143 00:05:43,820 --> 00:05:46,200 No. It's-- That's-- 144 00:05:47,630 --> 00:05:48,890 ‫أنت تلوين كلامي. 145 00:05:47,660 --> 00:05:48,910 You're twisting things. 146 00:05:48,970 --> 00:05:50,220 ‫لماذا لم تتصل بي وحسب؟ 147 00:05:48,990 --> 00:05:50,240 Why didn't you just call me? 148 00:05:50,300 --> 00:05:51,310 ‫ "آندي" ، بعد إذنك... 149 00:05:50,330 --> 00:05:51,330 Andy, if you don't mind... 150 00:05:51,390 --> 00:05:52,930 ‫ظننت أني سأقع في ورطة أو ما شابه. 151 00:05:51,410 --> 00:05:52,950 I thought I'd get in trouble or something. 152 00:05:53,020 --> 00:05:55,100 ‫- في ورطة؟ ‫- "آندي" ، من فضلك. 153 00:05:53,040 --> 00:05:55,120 -In trouble? -Andy, please. 154 00:05:57,850 --> 00:05:58,940 ‫ماذا حدث بعدها يا "جايكوب"؟ 155 00:05:57,870 --> 00:05:58,960 What happened next, Jacob? 156 00:06:00,730 --> 00:06:04,610 ‫نزلت التل، وركعت بجواره. 157 00:06:00,750 --> 00:06:04,630 I went down the hill, and I got down beside him. 158 00:06:04,940 --> 00:06:06,280 ‫ركعت على ركبتيك. 159 00:06:04,960 --> 00:06:06,300 Got down on your knees. 160 00:06:06,900 --> 00:06:09,570 ‫- أظن هذا، نعم. ‫- وسط الأوراق المبللة؟ 161 00:06:06,930 --> 00:06:08,090 I think so. Yeah. 162 00:06:08,180 --> 00:06:09,590 In the wet leaves? 163 00:06:10,530 --> 00:06:13,240 ‫- أو ربما كنت واقفاً. ‫- ظللت واقفاً؟ 164 00:06:10,550 --> 00:06:11,680 Or maybe I was standing. 165 00:06:11,760 --> 00:06:13,260 Stayed standing? 166 00:06:13,580 --> 00:06:15,330 ‫بصراحة لا أذكر. 167 00:06:13,600 --> 00:06:15,350 I honestly don't remember. 168 00:06:16,160 --> 00:06:18,080 ‫رآك "ديريك" في المدرسة بعدها بقليل. 169 00:06:16,180 --> 00:06:18,100 Derek saw you at school a short while later. 170 00:06:18,170 --> 00:06:20,460 ‫وقال إنّ ملابسك بدت نظيفة تماماً. 171 00:06:18,190 --> 00:06:20,480 He said that your clothes looked perfectly clean. 172 00:06:22,460 --> 00:06:24,000 ‫إذاً أظن أني كنت واقفاً. 173 00:06:22,480 --> 00:06:24,030 I guess I was standing, then. 174 00:06:25,170 --> 00:06:26,340 ‫وماذا بعد؟ 175 00:06:25,190 --> 00:06:26,360 Then what? 176 00:06:27,840 --> 00:06:31,050 ‫ثم قلبته لأطمئن عليه. 177 00:06:27,860 --> 00:06:31,070 Then I rolled him over to check on him. 178 00:06:31,140 --> 00:06:33,390 ‫كيف قلبته؟ بقدمك أم يديك؟ 179 00:06:31,160 --> 00:06:33,410 How did you roll him over? With your foot? Your hands? 180 00:06:33,470 --> 00:06:35,970 ‫- بيدي. ‫- مع أنك كنت واقفاً؟ 181 00:06:33,490 --> 00:06:36,000 -Hand. -Even though you were standing? 182 00:06:36,060 --> 00:06:40,310 ‫انحنيت. أذكر أني انحنيت لأقلبه. 183 00:06:36,080 --> 00:06:40,330 I bent down. I remember bending down to turn him over. 184 00:06:40,400 --> 00:06:43,360 ‫أهكذا طُبعت بصمة إصبعك على ملصق سترة "بن"؟ 185 00:06:40,420 --> 00:06:43,380 Is that how your fingerprint wound up on the tag of Ben's sweatshirt? 186 00:06:43,770 --> 00:06:45,110 ‫ربما. أظن هذا. 187 00:06:43,800 --> 00:06:45,130 Maybe. I guess. 188 00:06:45,190 --> 00:06:47,650 ‫إذاً قلبته من ياقته. 189 00:06:45,210 --> 00:06:47,670 So you rolled him over by his collar. 190 00:06:48,150 --> 00:06:49,200 ‫نعم، صحيح. ثم... 191 00:06:48,170 --> 00:06:49,220 Yes, right. So... 192 00:06:50,360 --> 00:06:53,660 ‫حينها رأيت الدم، وبدأت أفزع. 193 00:06:50,390 --> 00:06:53,680 that's when I saw the blood, and I started freaking out. 194 00:06:53,740 --> 00:06:57,410 ‫لأنّ وجهه حين ظهر، اتضح أنّ "بن" قد هُوجم. 195 00:06:53,760 --> 00:06:57,430 Because face up, it was now apparent that Ben had been attacked. 196 00:06:58,710 --> 00:07:01,500 ‫- نعم. ‫- أرأيت دماً كثيراً؟ 197 00:06:58,730 --> 00:07:01,520 -Yeah. -Was there a lot of blood? 198 00:07:03,040 --> 00:07:04,040 ‫نعم. 199 00:07:03,060 --> 00:07:04,070 Yes. 200 00:07:04,800 --> 00:07:08,340 ‫ومع ذلك، لم تخرج هاتفك من جيبك. 201 00:07:04,820 --> 00:07:08,360 And still, your phone remained in your pocket. 202 00:07:08,420 --> 00:07:12,680 ‫خفت وفكرت في أنّ شخصاً آخر سيجده ‫بعد قليل على أي حال. 203 00:07:08,440 --> 00:07:12,700 I got scared, and I figured someone else would find him pretty soon anyways. 204 00:07:13,800 --> 00:07:15,510 ‫قلت إنك فزعت. 205 00:07:13,830 --> 00:07:15,540 You said you were freaking out. 206 00:07:16,180 --> 00:07:17,520 ‫نعم، فعلت. 207 00:07:16,200 --> 00:07:17,540 Yes, I was. 208 00:07:17,600 --> 00:07:19,100 ‫حين رآك "ديريك" في المدرسة بعدها، 209 00:07:17,620 --> 00:07:19,120 When Derek saw you later at school, 210 00:07:19,180 --> 00:07:21,940 ‫وصفك بأنك كنت في مزاج جيد ذلك الصباح. 211 00:07:19,210 --> 00:07:21,960 he described you as being in a good mood that morning. 212 00:07:24,690 --> 00:07:25,940 ‫لم أرد أن يعرف. 213 00:07:24,710 --> 00:07:25,960 I didn't want him to know. 214 00:07:26,570 --> 00:07:30,530 ‫لم لا؟ أليس صديقك المقرب؟ ‫لماذا لم تشعر بأنك تستطيع... 215 00:07:26,590 --> 00:07:30,550 Why not? He's your good friend, isn't he? Why didn't you feel like you could tell-- 216 00:07:30,610 --> 00:07:32,070 ‫لا أعرف السبب. لم أعرف وحسب، حسن؟ 217 00:07:30,630 --> 00:07:32,090 I don't know why. I just didn't, okay? 218 00:07:32,160 --> 00:07:33,320 ‫- مهلاً. ‫- ماذا؟ 219 00:07:32,180 --> 00:07:33,340 -Hey. -What? 220 00:07:33,410 --> 00:07:34,660 ‫واضح أنها لا تصدّقني. 221 00:07:33,430 --> 00:07:34,680 It's obvious she doesn't believe me. 222 00:07:34,740 --> 00:07:37,870 ‫ "جايكوب" ، دعني أخبرك شيئاً. ‫لا يهم ما إذا كنت أصدّقك. 223 00:07:34,760 --> 00:07:37,890 Jacob, let me tell you something. It doesn't matter if I believe you. 224 00:07:37,950 --> 00:07:39,790 ‫أنا محاميتك ولست أمك ولا أباك. 225 00:07:37,970 --> 00:07:39,810 I'm your lawyer, not your mom or dad. 226 00:07:41,250 --> 00:07:42,790 ‫حسن، هذا ما حدث حقاً. 227 00:07:41,270 --> 00:07:42,810 Well, that's what really happened. 228 00:07:42,880 --> 00:07:44,170 ‫لم يقل أحد إنه لم يحدث. 229 00:07:42,900 --> 00:07:44,190 No one's saying it didn't. 230 00:07:44,250 --> 00:07:46,750 ‫صحيح. ‫ألا تظنين أني أميّز طريقة طرحك الأسئلة؟ 231 00:07:44,270 --> 00:07:46,770 Yeah, right. You don't think I can tell the way you're asking those questions? 232 00:07:46,840 --> 00:07:47,960 ‫أي طريقة تقصد؟ 233 00:07:46,860 --> 00:07:47,980 What way is that? 234 00:07:48,050 --> 00:07:50,470 ‫- كأنك تحاولين خداعي. ‫- أي سؤال كان مخادعاً؟ 235 00:07:48,070 --> 00:07:50,490 -I feel like you're trying to trick me. -What question was a trick? 236 00:07:50,550 --> 00:07:52,340 ‫- تعرفين قصدي. ‫- في الواقع، لا أعرفه. 237 00:07:50,570 --> 00:07:52,360 -You know what I mean. -Actually, I don't. 238 00:07:52,430 --> 00:07:54,470 ‫على أي نحو أحاول خداعك؟ 239 00:07:52,450 --> 00:07:54,490 In what way am I trying to trick you? 240 00:07:54,550 --> 00:07:57,390 ‫ "جوانا" ، أرجوك. وضّحت قصدك. 241 00:07:54,570 --> 00:07:57,410 Joanna, please. You made your point. 242 00:08:02,600 --> 00:08:05,270 ‫ "جايكوب" ، أنا آسفة لأني أزعجتك، ‫لكني أعدك، 243 00:08:02,620 --> 00:08:05,290 Jacob, I am sorry that I upset you, but I promise you, 244 00:08:05,360 --> 00:08:09,230 ‫إنّ ما نفعله هنا أبسط بكثير ‫مما سيفعله بك السيد "لوجوديس" 245 00:08:05,380 --> 00:08:09,260 what we are doing here is nothing compared to what Mr. Logiudice will do to you 246 00:08:09,320 --> 00:08:10,570 ‫إن قعدت على منصة الشهود. 247 00:08:09,340 --> 00:08:10,590 if you take the stand. 248 00:08:11,240 --> 00:08:13,240 ‫قصتك بها ثغرات. 249 00:08:11,260 --> 00:08:13,260 Your story has holes in it. 250 00:08:13,910 --> 00:08:16,280 ‫لا أعرف السبب، وربما لا تعرفه أنت أيضاً. 251 00:08:13,930 --> 00:08:16,300 I don't know why, and maybe you don't either. 252 00:08:16,370 --> 00:08:19,450 ‫غالباً لا نستطيع الاعتماد على ذكرياتنا ‫بعكس ما نظن، 253 00:08:16,390 --> 00:08:19,470 Our memories are often less reliable than we think, 254 00:08:19,540 --> 00:08:22,500 ‫لا سيما في لحظات الضغط. 255 00:08:19,560 --> 00:08:22,520 particularly in moments of stress. 256 00:08:23,620 --> 00:08:27,540 ‫لكن لو كنت من هيئة المحلفين، ‫لراودني كثير من الأسئلة. 257 00:08:23,650 --> 00:08:27,570 But if I were a juror, I'd have a lot of questions. 258 00:08:29,340 --> 00:08:30,760 ‫إنها الحقيقة. 259 00:08:29,360 --> 00:08:30,780 It's the truth. 260 00:08:31,920 --> 00:08:34,090 ‫ليست بكل تفاصيلها، ‫فقدت تسببت أنت في حيرتي. 261 00:08:31,950 --> 00:08:34,110 Not all the details. You messed me up on those. 262 00:08:34,840 --> 00:08:36,720 ‫حسن. 263 00:08:34,860 --> 00:08:36,740 Okay. Okay. 264 00:08:36,800 --> 00:08:40,810 ‫ليس حسناً. قالت للتو ‫إنّ هيئة المحلفين لن تصدّقني، لذا... 265 00:08:36,820 --> 00:08:40,830 It's not okay. She just said the jury won't believe me, so... 266 00:08:40,890 --> 00:08:42,770 ‫لهذا لن نضعك على منصة الشهود. 267 00:08:40,910 --> 00:08:42,790 That's why we're not gonna put you on the witness stand. 268 00:08:42,850 --> 00:08:44,350 ‫أظن هذا قراراً حكيماً. 269 00:08:42,870 --> 00:08:44,370 I think that's wise. 270 00:08:45,850 --> 00:08:47,110 ‫كيف سأحكي قصتي؟ 271 00:08:45,880 --> 00:08:47,130 How will I tell my story? 272 00:08:47,650 --> 00:08:49,270 ‫هذه وظيفتي أنا وليست وظيفتك. 273 00:08:47,670 --> 00:08:49,300 That's my job, not yours. 274 00:08:49,360 --> 00:08:51,900 ‫- فما حجة دفاعه؟ ‫- لا يحتاج إليها. 275 00:08:49,380 --> 00:08:51,920 -Then what's his defense? -He doesn't need one. 276 00:08:52,570 --> 00:08:53,610 ‫ماذا؟ 277 00:08:52,590 --> 00:08:53,630 What? 278 00:08:53,700 --> 00:08:55,280 ‫البيّنة على من ادّعى. 279 00:08:53,720 --> 00:08:55,300 Burden of proof is on the prosecution. 280 00:08:55,360 --> 00:08:57,620 ‫بالضبط. سنردّ على قضيتهم بقوة وحسب 281 00:08:55,390 --> 00:08:57,640 Exactly. We're just going to attack their case 282 00:08:57,700 --> 00:09:00,660 ‫حتى لا يتبقى لهم أي حجج. 283 00:08:57,720 --> 00:09:00,680 until there is nothing left to attack. 284 00:09:00,740 --> 00:09:02,000 ‫هذا دفاعنا. 285 00:09:00,770 --> 00:09:02,020 That's our defense. 286 00:09:04,670 --> 00:09:08,170 ‫طيب، سنجتمع ثانيةً الأسبوع المقبل ‫أيها الشاب. 287 00:09:04,690 --> 00:09:08,190 All right, we'll convene again next week, young man. 288 00:09:10,130 --> 00:09:11,210 ‫هلا تنتظران في السيارة. 289 00:09:10,150 --> 00:09:11,230 You guys go wait in the car. 290 00:09:11,300 --> 00:09:13,260 ‫سأتكلم مع "جوانا" سريعاً، اتفقنا؟ 291 00:09:11,320 --> 00:09:13,280 I'm just gonna talk to Joanna for a second, okay? 292 00:09:20,220 --> 00:09:21,220 ‫إنها غلطة. 293 00:09:20,240 --> 00:09:21,240 It's a mistake. 294 00:09:21,310 --> 00:09:23,770 ‫لا تقل إنك تظن أنّ المنصة مناسبة له. 295 00:09:21,330 --> 00:09:23,790 Oh, you don't honestly think he belongs on the stand. 296 00:09:23,850 --> 00:09:25,810 ‫بالتأكيد لا، ‫لكننا لا نستطيع الاكتفاء بالرد. 297 00:09:23,870 --> 00:09:25,830 No, of course not, but we can't just deflect. 298 00:09:25,890 --> 00:09:28,770 ‫هيئة المحلفين تريد قصة، ‫وعلينا منحهم قصة أفضل. 299 00:09:25,920 --> 00:09:28,790 Juries want a story, and we gotta give 'em one. A better one. 300 00:09:28,860 --> 00:09:32,530 ‫لا أختلف معك، ‫لكنّ كل الأدلة حالياً تشير إلى اتجاه واحد. 301 00:09:28,880 --> 00:09:32,550 I don't disagree, but right now, all the evidence points one way. 302 00:09:33,240 --> 00:09:35,990 ‫اعذرني، أنا أتكلم معك بصفتنا محاميين. 303 00:09:33,260 --> 00:09:36,010 And I'm sorry, I'm speaking to you lawyer-to-lawyer here. 304 00:09:36,070 --> 00:09:37,490 ‫السكين الذي وجدوه في الحديقة... 305 00:09:36,090 --> 00:09:37,510 The knife they found in the park-- 306 00:09:37,570 --> 00:09:40,200 ‫رأيت التقرير الجنائي. ‫إنه لا يطابق سلاح الجريمة. 307 00:09:37,590 --> 00:09:40,220 You saw the forensics report. It's not a match. 308 00:09:40,990 --> 00:09:42,490 ‫لم يفعلها يا "جوانا". 309 00:09:41,010 --> 00:09:42,520 He didn't do it, Joanna. 310 00:09:43,290 --> 00:09:45,710 ‫أعرف أنّ قصته رديئة، لكنه صبي. 311 00:09:43,310 --> 00:09:45,730 I know his story sucks, but he's a kid. 312 00:09:45,790 --> 00:09:47,420 ‫الصبية يحتارون ويقولون أشياء غبية. 313 00:09:45,810 --> 00:09:47,440 They get confused. They say dumb things. 314 00:09:47,500 --> 00:09:48,630 ‫أعرف. 315 00:09:47,520 --> 00:09:48,650 I know. 316 00:09:48,710 --> 00:09:49,710 ‫إنه بريء. 317 00:09:48,730 --> 00:09:49,730 He's innocent. 318 00:09:51,420 --> 00:09:53,010 ‫أعدك بأننا سنقوده إلى بر الأمان، 319 00:09:51,440 --> 00:09:53,030 We're gonna get him through this, I promise, 320 00:09:53,090 --> 00:09:56,050 ‫لكن حين تقول ‫إنّ علينا منح هيئة المحلفين قصة أفضل... 321 00:09:53,110 --> 00:09:56,070 but when you start talking about giving the jury a better story... 322 00:09:56,130 --> 00:09:57,590 ‫القصة هي "لينرد باتز". 323 00:09:56,150 --> 00:09:57,610 The story is Leonard Patz. 324 00:09:58,010 --> 00:09:59,930 ‫لا شيء يربط بينه وبين القضية. 325 00:09:58,030 --> 00:09:59,950 There is nothing connecting him to this case. 326 00:10:00,010 --> 00:10:02,600 ‫نعم، إذ لم يبحث أحد. لم يجرب أحد. 327 00:10:00,030 --> 00:10:02,620 Yeah, 'cause no one's looked. No one's taken the time. 328 00:10:03,080 --> 00:10:06,210 I know there's something there, and I'm not gonna stop until I find it. 329 00:10:03,180 --> 00:10:06,190 ‫أعرف أنّ هناك شيئاً ما، ‫ولن أتوقف حتى أجده. 330 00:10:07,810 --> 00:10:09,940 ‫تصرّف بحذر، اتفقنا؟ 331 00:10:07,830 --> 00:10:09,960 Just tread carefully, okay? 332 00:10:10,860 --> 00:10:11,860 ‫اتفقنا. 333 00:10:10,880 --> 00:10:11,880 Okay. 334 00:10:12,900 --> 00:10:16,030 ‫نسيت أن أذكر أني تلقيت بريداً صوتياً ‫من مراسلة من مجلة "غلوب". 335 00:10:12,920 --> 00:10:16,050 Oh, and I forgot to mention, I got a voice mail from a Globe reporter. 336 00:10:16,110 --> 00:10:18,610 ‫أظن أنهم جاؤوا إلى البلدة ‫ليعدّوا تقريراً عن القضية. 337 00:10:16,130 --> 00:10:18,640 I think they're in town doing some magazine piece on this. 338 00:10:18,700 --> 00:10:20,660 ‫إن تواصلوا معك أنت و "لاوري" ، فلا... 339 00:10:18,720 --> 00:10:20,680 If you and Laurie get approached, do not-- 340 00:10:20,740 --> 00:10:21,950 ‫نعم، بالطبع. 341 00:10:20,760 --> 00:10:21,970 Yeah, yeah. Obviously. 342 00:10:22,030 --> 00:10:24,450 ‫أي تعامل مع الصحافة الآن سيكون مضراً. 343 00:10:22,060 --> 00:10:24,470 Any press is bad press right now. 344 00:10:25,500 --> 00:10:26,580 ‫أشكرك يا "جوانا". 345 00:10:25,520 --> 00:10:26,600 Thanks, Joanna. 346 00:10:36,670 --> 00:10:38,590 ‫قالت السيدة "هايزن" أن آتي إلى مكتبك. 347 00:10:36,690 --> 00:10:38,610 Mrs. Hazen said to come to the office. 348 00:10:54,610 --> 00:10:55,780 ‫قيل لي... 349 00:10:54,630 --> 00:10:55,800 I was told-- 350 00:10:55,860 --> 00:10:57,950 ‫تعال يا "ديريك". اقعد بجوار أمك. 351 00:10:55,880 --> 00:10:57,970 Come on in, Derek. Have a seat next to your mom. 352 00:11:07,750 --> 00:11:10,500 ‫ "كان عليك قتل نفسك بدلاً من (بن)!" 353 00:11:12,840 --> 00:11:14,590 ‫"تستحق التعفن في السجن أيضاً! ‫تحياتي، أب حقيقي" 354 00:11:23,640 --> 00:11:24,810 ‫ "السيدة (أغنيس مارتن)" 355 00:11:24,890 --> 00:11:28,020 ‫أمي، هل يُعتبر "الشرق الأوسط" ‫في "أفريقيا" أم "آسيا"؟ 356 00:11:24,910 --> 00:11:28,040 Ma, is Middle East considered Africa or Asia? 357 00:11:30,730 --> 00:11:32,230 ‫أظنه جزءاً من كلتيهما. 358 00:11:30,750 --> 00:11:32,250 I think it's part of both. 359 00:11:55,590 --> 00:11:57,420 ‫لا أعرف لما علينا فعل هذا كل ليلة. 360 00:11:55,610 --> 00:11:57,440 I don't get why we have to do this every night. 361 00:11:57,960 --> 00:11:58,960 ‫الأكل؟ 362 00:11:57,980 --> 00:11:58,990 Eat? 363 00:11:59,050 --> 00:12:01,510 ‫لا، اجتماع العشاء الكبير. 364 00:11:59,070 --> 00:12:01,530 No, have this big sit-down dinner. 365 00:12:02,720 --> 00:12:04,470 ‫لم نعتد فعل ذلك هكذا. 366 00:12:02,740 --> 00:12:04,490 We never used to. Not like this. 367 00:12:05,100 --> 00:12:07,140 ‫صرنا نفعله الآن. 368 00:12:05,120 --> 00:12:07,160 Well, we do now. 369 00:12:09,600 --> 00:12:11,560 ‫كأننا نحاول التظاهر بأننا في وضع عادي. 370 00:12:09,620 --> 00:12:11,580 It's like we're trying to pretend we're normal. 371 00:12:11,640 --> 00:12:12,900 ‫أهذا سيئ جداً؟ 372 00:12:11,660 --> 00:12:12,920 Is that so bad? 373 00:12:12,980 --> 00:12:14,020 ‫نعم، حين يكون مصطنعاً. 374 00:12:13,000 --> 00:12:14,040 It is when it's fake normal. 375 00:12:14,100 --> 00:12:16,060 ‫ "جايكوب" ، ماذا تريد أن نفعل؟ 376 00:12:14,130 --> 00:12:16,090 Jacob, what do you want us to do? 377 00:12:16,980 --> 00:12:18,610 ‫لم نتعرض لهذا الموقف من قبل قط. 378 00:12:17,000 --> 00:12:18,630 We've never been in this situation before. 379 00:12:18,690 --> 00:12:21,610 ‫ماذا على الوالدين أن يفعلا؟ أخبرني وسأفعل. 380 00:12:18,710 --> 00:12:21,630 What does a parent do? Just tell me, and I'll do it. 381 00:12:21,950 --> 00:12:25,160 ‫أتريد تناول البرغر في مطعم "لي" ‫وجعل البلدة بأكملها تحدق إلينا؟ 382 00:12:21,970 --> 00:12:25,180 You wanna go for burgers at Lee's and have the whole town stare at us? 383 00:12:25,240 --> 00:12:27,030 ‫لا بأس، نستطيع فعل ذلك. 384 00:12:25,260 --> 00:12:27,060 That's fine. We can do that. 385 00:12:27,410 --> 00:12:29,240 ‫- حبيبتي. ‫- لا! أعني ما أقول. 386 00:12:27,430 --> 00:12:29,270 -Honey. -No! I mean it. 387 00:12:29,330 --> 00:12:30,870 ‫ربما نتعامل مع الأمر تعاملاً خاطئاً، 388 00:12:29,350 --> 00:12:30,890 Maybe we're doing this wrong, 389 00:12:30,950 --> 00:12:33,170 ‫إذ نتصرف كالسجناء في بيتنا، 390 00:12:30,980 --> 00:12:33,190 acting like prisoners in our own home, 391 00:12:33,250 --> 00:12:36,170 ‫ونتسلل في كل وقت لنقضي مشاويرنا. 392 00:12:33,270 --> 00:12:36,190 sneaking out at all hours just to get a simple errand done. 393 00:12:36,630 --> 00:12:40,920 ‫أخبرني ما عليّ فعله، ‫فلم تعد لديّ أدنى فكرة، اتفقنا؟ 394 00:12:36,650 --> 00:12:40,940 Just tell me what to do, because I have absolutely no idea anymore. Okay? 395 00:12:46,510 --> 00:12:49,390 ‫طيب، أنا آسف. 396 00:12:46,530 --> 00:12:49,410 Okay. I'm sorry. 397 00:12:50,930 --> 00:12:52,350 ‫لم يكن عليّ قول أي شيء. 398 00:12:50,950 --> 00:12:52,370 I shouldn't have said anything. 399 00:12:54,900 --> 00:12:55,940 ‫لا بأس. 400 00:12:54,920 --> 00:12:55,960 It's fine. 401 00:12:59,570 --> 00:13:01,570 ‫نستطيع طلب بيتزا غداً. 402 00:12:59,590 --> 00:13:01,590 We can order pizza tomorrow. 403 00:13:14,920 --> 00:13:17,840 ‫أسمعتما عن محب المظاهر ‫الذي أحرقت البيتزا لسانه؟ 404 00:13:14,940 --> 00:13:17,860 You guys hear about the hipster who burned his mouth on his pizza? 405 00:13:20,300 --> 00:13:22,550 ‫لأنه أكلها قبل نشر صورتها على الإنترنت. 406 00:13:20,320 --> 00:13:22,570 He ate it before it was considered cool. 407 00:13:28,930 --> 00:13:31,100 ‫تلقيت برقية من القيادة اليوم. 408 00:13:28,950 --> 00:13:31,120 Got a telegram from headquarters today. 409 00:13:31,640 --> 00:13:32,850 ‫من القيادة؟ وما هي؟ 410 00:13:31,660 --> 00:13:32,870 Headquarters? What is it? 411 00:13:33,310 --> 00:13:37,060 ‫مبنى كبير يجتمع فيه الجنرالات، ‫لكنّ هذا لا يهم الآن. 412 00:13:33,330 --> 00:13:37,080 Well, it's a big building where generals meet, but that's not important right now. 413 00:13:37,520 --> 00:13:40,150 ‫لقد برّؤوك من أي لوم يخص ما حدث ‫في تلك المداهمة. 414 00:13:37,540 --> 00:13:40,170 They cleared you of any blame for what happened on that raid. 415 00:13:40,230 --> 00:13:42,730 ‫- أهذا خبر جيد؟ ‫- لا أصدّق أنك لم تشاهد هذا من قبل. 416 00:13:40,250 --> 00:13:42,760 -Isn't that good news? -I can't believe you've never seen this. 417 00:13:42,820 --> 00:13:45,280 ‫علينا تكرار هذا، ‫كأن نخصص ليلة لمشاهدة الأفلام. 418 00:13:42,840 --> 00:13:45,300 We should make this a thing, like movie night or something. 419 00:13:45,360 --> 00:13:46,360 ‫أنا موافق. 420 00:13:45,380 --> 00:13:46,380 Works for me. 421 00:13:46,450 --> 00:13:48,780 ‫بسبب خطئي، لم يعد 6 رجال من تلك المداهمة. 422 00:13:46,470 --> 00:13:48,800 Because of my mistake, six men didn't return from that raid. 423 00:13:48,870 --> 00:13:51,370 ‫بل 7، إذ مات الملازم "زيب" هذا الصباح. 424 00:13:48,890 --> 00:13:51,390 Seven. Lieutenant Zipp died this morning. 425 00:13:52,700 --> 00:13:56,370 ‫يقول الدكتور "ساندلر" إنك ستخرج بعد أسبوع. ‫أليس هذا رائعاً؟ 426 00:13:52,720 --> 00:13:56,390 Well, Dr. Sandler says you'll be out in a week. Isn't that wonderful? 427 00:13:57,920 --> 00:14:00,040 ‫ليتني أستطيع قول الشيء ذاته عن "جورج زيب". 428 00:13:57,940 --> 00:14:00,060 Wish I could say the same for George Zipp. 429 00:14:01,210 --> 00:14:05,220 ‫اصبر يا "تيد". ‫لا أحد يتوقع منك تجاوز الأمر فوراً. 430 00:14:01,230 --> 00:14:05,240 Be patient, Ted. Nobody expects you to get over this immediately. 431 00:14:05,840 --> 00:14:08,680 ‫يا "سترايكر" ، ما رأيك في الاستراحة؟ ‫بدأت أتعب. 432 00:14:05,860 --> 00:14:08,700 Hey, Striker, how about a break? I'm gettin' tired. 433 00:14:10,140 --> 00:14:11,930 ‫حسن، استرح 5 دقائق. 434 00:14:10,160 --> 00:14:11,950 Yeah, all right. Take five. 435 00:14:13,100 --> 00:14:14,100 ‫شكراً. 436 00:14:13,120 --> 00:14:14,120 Thanks. 437 00:14:14,980 --> 00:14:18,150 ‫وجدت شقة رائعة لنا. 438 00:14:15,000 --> 00:14:18,170 I found a wonderful apartment for us. 439 00:14:18,520 --> 00:14:21,270 ‫بها مدفأة حجرية وغرفة نوم صغيرة جميلة 440 00:14:18,540 --> 00:14:21,290 Has a brick fireplace and a cute little bedroom 441 00:14:21,360 --> 00:14:23,190 ‫بها مرايا على السطح و... 442 00:14:21,380 --> 00:14:23,210 with mirrors on the ceiling, and... 443 00:14:23,860 --> 00:14:25,650 ‫ "ريد ليدر"! طائرتي تسقط! 444 00:14:23,880 --> 00:14:25,670 Red Leader! Red Leader, I'm going down! 445 00:14:26,610 --> 00:14:27,700 ‫النقيب "جيلين". 446 00:14:26,630 --> 00:14:27,720 Captain Geline. 447 00:14:29,780 --> 00:14:31,910 ‫يظن أنه ما زال طياراً يحارب. 448 00:14:29,800 --> 00:14:31,930 He thinks he's a pilot still fighting the war. 449 00:14:34,080 --> 00:14:35,790 ‫وجدت النفق يا "جونسون"! 450 00:14:34,100 --> 00:14:35,810 I found the tunnel, Johnson! 451 00:14:45,380 --> 00:14:46,720 ‫ "(ميريدن مسنجر)" 452 00:14:46,800 --> 00:14:48,930 ‫"يُرجى تفقّد كل تقارير الأرشيف ‫عن (ويليام جيمس باربر)" 453 00:14:49,010 --> 00:14:51,180 ‫ "(ويليام باربر)، مدان بالقتل" 454 00:14:52,140 --> 00:14:54,010 ‫ "رجل محلي يقتل طالبة جامعية شابة" 455 00:15:02,730 --> 00:15:06,940 ‫أوجّه انتباهكم إلى تلك المستندات ‫التي تُعد الدليل الـ12. 456 00:15:02,750 --> 00:15:06,970 Directing your attention to those documents collectively marked Exhibit 12. 457 00:15:08,450 --> 00:15:10,320 ‫يوم 30 مايو من العام الماضي، 458 00:15:08,470 --> 00:15:10,340 On May 30th of last year, 459 00:15:10,410 --> 00:15:13,740 ‫تلقت "ميريدن مسنجر" بريداً إلكترونياً ‫على موقعها 460 00:15:10,430 --> 00:15:13,760 the Meriden Messenger received an e-mail through its website 461 00:15:13,830 --> 00:15:18,500 ‫يطلب كل التقارير المتاحة عن النزيل السابق ‫ "ويليام جيمس باربر" 462 00:15:13,850 --> 00:15:18,520 requesting any and all reporting on former resident William James Barber 463 00:15:18,580 --> 00:15:24,170 ‫بين ديسمبر 1986 ويناير 1988. 464 00:15:18,600 --> 00:15:24,190 between the dates of December 1986 and January 1988. 465 00:15:24,250 --> 00:15:26,340 ‫أُرسلت النسخ إلى سيدة تُدعى "أغنيس مارتن". 466 00:15:24,270 --> 00:15:26,360 Copies were sent out to a Ms. Agnes Martin. 467 00:15:27,260 --> 00:15:30,470 ‫- أتعرف هذا العنوان؟ ‫- هذا منزلنا. 468 00:15:27,280 --> 00:15:30,490 -Do you recognize this address? -It's our home. 469 00:15:31,180 --> 00:15:33,100 ‫ومن هي "أغنيس مارتن"؟ 470 00:15:31,200 --> 00:15:33,120 And who's Agnes Martin? 471 00:15:34,430 --> 00:15:37,140 ‫إنها رسامة تجريدية. ‫تخصصت "لاوري" في تاريخ الفن بالجامعة. 472 00:15:34,450 --> 00:15:37,160 She's an abstract painter. Laurie was an Art History major. 473 00:15:37,220 --> 00:15:38,390 ‫إذاً فهو اسم مستعار. 474 00:15:37,250 --> 00:15:38,410 A pseudonym then. 475 00:15:40,690 --> 00:15:42,940 ‫أكنت على علم بأنها فعلت هذا؟ 476 00:15:40,710 --> 00:15:42,960 Were you aware that she had done this? 477 00:15:44,060 --> 00:15:45,150 ‫لا، لم أعلم وقتها. 478 00:15:44,090 --> 00:15:45,170 Not at the time. No. 479 00:15:45,650 --> 00:15:47,230 ‫ولماذا فعلت هذا في رأيك؟ 480 00:15:45,670 --> 00:15:47,260 And why do you believe she did? 481 00:15:49,150 --> 00:15:52,820 ‫غالباً لم تجد الكثير على الإنترنت. ‫لم يكن الأمر خبراً شائعاً وقتها. 482 00:15:49,170 --> 00:15:52,840 Probably wasn't very much online. Wasn't really big news when it happened. 483 00:15:53,200 --> 00:15:55,660 ‫أي أمر تقصد؟ 484 00:15:53,220 --> 00:15:55,680 What wasn't very big news? 485 00:16:00,000 --> 00:16:01,000 ‫جريمة القتل. 486 00:16:00,020 --> 00:16:01,020 The murder. 487 00:16:02,170 --> 00:16:03,580 ‫هلا تشرح بالتفصيل. 488 00:16:02,190 --> 00:16:03,610 Could you be more specific? 489 00:16:05,250 --> 00:16:06,630 ‫جريمة القتل التي ارتكبها أبي. 490 00:16:05,270 --> 00:16:06,650 The murder my father committed. 491 00:16:06,710 --> 00:16:10,670 ‫والاغتصاب. ‫لقد اغتصب ضحيته ذات الـ19 سنة أيضاً، صحيح؟ 492 00:16:06,730 --> 00:16:10,700 And rape. He raped his 19-year-old victim as well. Is that right? 493 00:16:15,550 --> 00:16:16,560 ‫نعم. 494 00:16:15,580 --> 00:16:16,580 Yes. 495 00:16:20,020 --> 00:16:23,440 ‫هل صحيح أنّ زوجتك لم تعرف أي شيء ‫عن تاريخ أبيك 496 00:16:20,040 --> 00:16:23,460 Is it true that your wife had no knowledge of your father's history 497 00:16:23,520 --> 00:16:25,440 ‫- قبل اعتقال "جايكوب" ؟ ‫- نعم. 498 00:16:23,540 --> 00:16:25,460 -prior to Jacob's arrest? -Yes. 499 00:16:26,150 --> 00:16:29,230 ‫في الحقيقة، لم تعرف بوجود أبيك أصلاً. 500 00:16:26,170 --> 00:16:29,260 In fact, she didn't even know the man existed. 501 00:16:30,570 --> 00:16:32,070 ‫لا بد من أنها صُدمت بشدة. 502 00:16:30,590 --> 00:16:32,090 That must've been quite a shock. 503 00:16:32,990 --> 00:16:35,950 ‫تعاملت مع الأمر ببساطة، ‫فقد كنا قلقين بشأن أمور أهم. 504 00:16:33,010 --> 00:16:35,970 She took it in stride. We had bigger things to worry about. 505 00:16:36,370 --> 00:16:40,080 ‫لكنّ هذا لا ينفي أنّ اكتشافها ‫أنّ أباك كان... 506 00:16:36,390 --> 00:16:40,100 Still. To find out that your husband's father was none other than... 507 00:16:41,500 --> 00:16:45,500 ‫ماذا كان اسم الشهرة الذي أطلقوه عليه؟ ‫ظهر في بعض من هذه المقالات. 508 00:16:41,520 --> 00:16:45,520 What was the nickname they call him? Comes up in a few of these articles. 509 00:16:46,670 --> 00:16:47,880 ‫ "بيلي الدموي". 510 00:16:46,690 --> 00:16:47,900 Bloody Billy. 511 00:16:48,800 --> 00:16:51,510 ‫صحيح. "بيلي باربر الدموي". 512 00:16:48,820 --> 00:16:51,530 Right. Bloody Billy Barber. 513 00:17:13,030 --> 00:17:14,200 ‫مرحباً يا "بيلي". 514 00:17:13,050 --> 00:17:14,220 Hey, Billy. 515 00:17:14,280 --> 00:17:15,490 ‫كيف حالك يا "آندي"؟ 516 00:17:14,300 --> 00:17:15,510 How you doing, Andy? 517 00:17:16,700 --> 00:17:18,740 ‫ماذا بك يا فتى؟ هل تخشاني؟ 518 00:17:16,720 --> 00:17:18,760 What's the matter, kid? Afraid of me? 519 00:17:18,820 --> 00:17:20,370 ‫- توقّف يا "بيلي". ‫- انظر إليّ. 520 00:17:18,850 --> 00:17:20,390 -Billy, stop. -Look at me. 521 00:17:20,450 --> 00:17:21,910 ‫- أنت تخيفه. ‫- اخرسي. 522 00:17:20,470 --> 00:17:21,930 -You're scaring him. -Shut up. 523 00:17:22,370 --> 00:17:24,750 ‫أخبرتك أن تنظر إليّ. 524 00:17:22,390 --> 00:17:24,770 I said look at me. 525 00:17:26,080 --> 00:17:28,920 ‫هل تخشاني؟ 526 00:17:26,100 --> 00:17:28,940 You scared of me? Huh? 527 00:17:29,500 --> 00:17:30,750 ‫إنه خجول، حسن؟ 528 00:17:29,520 --> 00:17:30,780 He's shy, okay? 529 00:17:30,840 --> 00:17:32,670 ‫- انظر إليّ. ‫- توقّف يا "بيلي". 530 00:17:30,860 --> 00:17:32,690 -Look at me. -Stop. 531 00:17:32,760 --> 00:17:34,300 ‫- هل تخشاني يا "آندي" ؟ ‫- توقّف. 532 00:17:32,780 --> 00:17:34,320 -You afraid of me, Andy? -Stop it. 533 00:17:34,380 --> 00:17:36,470 ‫- انظر إلى أبيك. ‫- طفح الكيل. سنرحل. 534 00:17:34,400 --> 00:17:36,490 -Look at your old man. -That's it. We're going. 535 00:17:36,570 --> 00:17:38,830 -Look at me now! -Stop it! Billy, stop! 536 00:17:36,840 --> 00:17:38,800 ‫- توقّف يا "بيلي"! ‫- انظر إليّ الآن! 537 00:18:34,650 --> 00:18:35,650 ‫ "آندي"؟ 538 00:18:34,670 --> 00:18:35,670 Andy? 539 00:18:36,700 --> 00:18:37,700 ‫نعم؟ 540 00:18:36,720 --> 00:18:37,720 Yeah? 541 00:18:39,280 --> 00:18:43,240 ‫هل بداخلك جزء، ولو ضئيل... 542 00:18:39,300 --> 00:18:43,260 Is there a part of you, even a tiny part... 543 00:18:45,200 --> 00:18:46,710 ‫يظن أنه ربما فعلها؟ 544 00:18:45,230 --> 00:18:46,730 thinks he might've done it? 545 00:18:52,460 --> 00:18:53,590 ‫بالتأكيد لا. 546 00:18:52,480 --> 00:18:53,610 Of course not. 547 00:20:08,700 --> 00:20:11,250 ‫- السيدة "ماكغراث" ؟ ‫- من السائل؟ 548 00:20:08,730 --> 00:20:11,270 -Mrs. McGrath? -Who's asking? 549 00:20:11,750 --> 00:20:14,710 ‫أنا أمثّل "جايكوب باربر". ‫أود التحدث إلى ابنك "ماثيو". 550 00:20:11,770 --> 00:20:14,730 I represent Jacob Barber. I was hoping I could speak to your son, Matthew. 551 00:20:14,790 --> 00:20:15,960 ‫ "جايكوب" من؟ 552 00:20:14,810 --> 00:20:15,980 Jacob who? 553 00:20:17,250 --> 00:20:18,630 ‫جريمة القتل في حديقة "كولد سبرينغ". 554 00:20:17,280 --> 00:20:18,650 The murder in Cold Spring Park. 555 00:20:19,130 --> 00:20:22,470 ‫صحيح، الفتى. هل أنت محاميه؟ 556 00:20:19,150 --> 00:20:22,490 Oh, right. The kid. You his lawyer? 557 00:20:23,140 --> 00:20:24,220 ‫أنا أبوه في الواقع. 558 00:20:23,160 --> 00:20:24,240 His father, actually. 559 00:20:25,350 --> 00:20:26,350 ‫عجباً! 560 00:20:25,370 --> 00:20:26,370 No shit. 561 00:20:27,140 --> 00:20:28,270 ‫هل "ماثيو" هنا؟ 562 00:20:27,160 --> 00:20:28,290 Is Matthew here? 563 00:20:29,180 --> 00:20:31,560 ‫نعم، هو هنا. ما علاقته بالأمر؟ 564 00:20:29,200 --> 00:20:31,580 Yeah, he's here. What's he got to do with it? 565 00:20:31,640 --> 00:20:34,440 ‫ليس هو، بل "لينرد باتز". 566 00:20:31,660 --> 00:20:34,460 No, not him. Leonard Patz. 567 00:20:37,150 --> 00:20:38,150 ‫طيب. 568 00:20:37,170 --> 00:20:38,170 All right. 569 00:20:43,950 --> 00:20:46,370 ‫هذه "أميليا". ‫لكن لا تحاول تدليلها، فهي كلبة حقيرة. 570 00:20:43,970 --> 00:20:46,390 That's Amelia. Don't try to pet her, though. She's a bitch. 571 00:20:46,450 --> 00:20:47,530 ‫ "مات"! 572 00:20:46,470 --> 00:20:47,560 Matt! 573 00:20:47,620 --> 00:20:50,040 ‫هو بالداخل مع صاحبته، ‫والرب وحده يعرف ماذا يفعلان. 574 00:20:47,640 --> 00:20:50,060 He's in there with his girlfriend, doing God knows what. 575 00:20:50,120 --> 00:20:51,370 ‫هذان الشابان اللعينان. 576 00:20:50,140 --> 00:20:51,390 These freaking kids. 577 00:20:51,460 --> 00:20:54,040 ‫ليس عليّ إخبارك. انظر مع من أتكلم. 578 00:20:51,480 --> 00:20:54,060 Well, I don't have to tell you. I mean, look who I'm talking to. 579 00:20:54,120 --> 00:20:55,130 ‫ "مات"! 580 00:20:54,150 --> 00:20:55,150 Matt! 581 00:20:55,500 --> 00:20:57,250 ‫اسمع، كيف عرفت اسمينا أصلاً؟ 582 00:20:55,520 --> 00:20:57,270 Hey, how'd you get our names, anyway? 583 00:20:57,340 --> 00:20:59,800 ‫ظننت أنّ ضحايا الاعتداءات الجنسية ‫يُفترض الحفاظ على سرّيتهم. 584 00:20:57,360 --> 00:20:59,820 I thought sex victims are supposed to be confidential. 585 00:20:59,880 --> 00:21:01,760 ‫كنت أعمل مع مكتب النائبة العامة. 586 00:20:59,900 --> 00:21:01,780 I used to work with the DA's office. 587 00:21:02,630 --> 00:21:05,050 ‫أحاول فقط جمع بعض المعلومات ‫عن "لينرد باتز". هذا كل شيء. 588 00:21:02,650 --> 00:21:05,070 I'm just trying to get some information on Leonard Patz. That's all. 589 00:21:06,010 --> 00:21:07,850 ‫تعرف ما فعله بـ "مات" ، صحيح؟ 590 00:21:06,030 --> 00:21:07,870 You know what he did to Matt, right? 591 00:21:09,390 --> 00:21:12,480 ‫- تحسّسه في المكتبة. ‫- أمسك بخصيتيه. 592 00:21:09,410 --> 00:21:12,500 -He groped him in the library. -He groped him in the balls. 593 00:21:12,940 --> 00:21:14,940 ‫- "مات"! ‫- ماذا؟ 594 00:21:12,960 --> 00:21:14,960 -Matt! -What? 595 00:21:15,440 --> 00:21:17,190 ‫أنادي اسمك اللعين! 596 00:21:15,460 --> 00:21:17,210 I'm calling your goddamn name! 597 00:21:17,270 --> 00:21:19,530 ‫يُوجد رجل يريد التكلم معك! 598 00:21:17,290 --> 00:21:19,550 There's a man here who wants to speak to ya! 599 00:21:29,790 --> 00:21:32,830 ‫- هل أنت "ماثيو ماكغراث"؟ ‫- "مات". من أنت؟ 600 00:21:29,810 --> 00:21:32,850 -You're Matthew McGrath? -Matt. Who are you? 601 00:21:32,910 --> 00:21:35,460 ‫عجباً! انتظر، لقد رأيتك في التلفاز. 602 00:21:32,930 --> 00:21:35,480 Oh, shit. Wait. I've seen you on TV. 603 00:21:35,870 --> 00:21:38,040 ‫يظنون أنّ ابنه قتل صبي مدرسة "آرتشر". 604 00:21:35,900 --> 00:21:38,060 His kid's the one they think killed that kid at Archer. 605 00:21:38,130 --> 00:21:40,380 ‫اسمع، ‫أريد فقط بعض المعلومات عن "لينرد باتز". 606 00:21:38,150 --> 00:21:40,400 Listen, I just wanted to get some information on Leonard Patz. 607 00:21:40,460 --> 00:21:42,590 ‫ربما من الأفضل أن نتحدث على انفراد. 608 00:21:40,480 --> 00:21:42,610 Maybe there's somewhere you and I can talk in private. 609 00:21:42,670 --> 00:21:44,050 ‫من قال إني أريد التكلم معك؟ 610 00:21:42,690 --> 00:21:44,070 Who says I wanna talk to you at all? 611 00:21:44,470 --> 00:21:46,430 ‫- "ماثيو". ‫- اخرسي يا أمي. 612 00:21:44,490 --> 00:21:46,450 -Hey, Matthew. -Shut up, Ma. 613 00:21:47,340 --> 00:21:49,510 ‫اسمع، لا أعرف أي شيء عن الأمر، طيب؟ 614 00:21:47,370 --> 00:21:49,530 Look, I don't know anything about it, okay? 615 00:21:49,600 --> 00:21:51,680 ‫لا أعرف ما سمعت، لكنه خطأ أياً كان. 616 00:21:49,620 --> 00:21:51,700 I don't know what you heard. But whatever it was, was wrong. 617 00:21:51,770 --> 00:21:52,810 ‫طيب. 618 00:21:51,790 --> 00:21:52,830 Okay. 619 00:21:55,480 --> 00:21:58,360 ‫ماذا إذاً؟ أتظن أنّ "باتز" هو من قتل الطفل ‫في الحديقة؟ 620 00:21:55,500 --> 00:21:58,380 So, what? You think Patz was the one who killed that kid in the park? 621 00:21:58,940 --> 00:22:01,570 ‫لا أعرف. أتظن أنت ذلك؟ 622 00:21:58,960 --> 00:22:01,590 I don't know. Do you? 623 00:22:01,650 --> 00:22:03,530 ‫يا رجل، قلت للتو إني لا أريد التكلم معك. 624 00:22:01,670 --> 00:22:03,550 Dude, I just said I don't wanna talk to you. 625 00:22:04,900 --> 00:22:06,660 ‫سأصارحك يا "مات". 626 00:22:04,920 --> 00:22:06,680 Well, I'm gonna level with you, Matt. 627 00:22:07,660 --> 00:22:09,120 ‫لا يعنيني إطلاقاً ما تريده. 628 00:22:07,680 --> 00:22:09,140 I don't really give a shit what you want. 629 00:22:09,200 --> 00:22:12,740 ‫قرأت تصريحك للشرطة، ولم أصدّقه. 630 00:22:09,220 --> 00:22:12,770 I read that statement you gave to the police. I didn't buy it. 631 00:22:12,830 --> 00:22:15,750 ‫وبالنظر إلى كيفية إسقاطهم التهمة، ‫أظن أنهم أيضاً لم يصدّقوه. 632 00:22:12,850 --> 00:22:15,770 Seeing as how they dropped the case, I'm guessing they didn't buy it either. 633 00:22:15,830 --> 00:22:19,290 ‫قلت إنّ "باتز" اقترب منك في مكتبة ‫وتكلم معك ساعةً تقريباً 634 00:22:15,850 --> 00:22:19,310 You said Patz approached you in a library, chatted you up for about an hour, 635 00:22:19,380 --> 00:22:21,420 ‫وتبعك إلى حمام وأمسك بما بين رجليك 636 00:22:19,400 --> 00:22:21,440 followed you into a bathroom, grabbed your crotch, 637 00:22:21,500 --> 00:22:23,630 ‫ثم رحل. أهذا صحيح؟ 638 00:22:21,520 --> 00:22:23,650 and then took off. Is that right? 639 00:22:24,260 --> 00:22:25,340 ‫نعم، وإن يكن؟ 640 00:22:24,280 --> 00:22:25,360 Yeah, so? 641 00:22:25,420 --> 00:22:27,800 ‫أيُفترض بي تصديق أنّ متحرشاً جنسياً مسجلاً ‫تحت المراقبة 642 00:22:25,450 --> 00:22:27,610 So, I'm supposed to believe a registered sex offender, on probation, 643 00:22:27,700 --> 00:22:29,990 is gonna risk ten years in prison to cop a feel on a kid 644 00:22:27,890 --> 00:22:29,970 ‫سيخاطر بقضاء 10 سنين في السجن ‫ليتحسس فتى 645 00:22:30,050 --> 00:22:32,180 ‫لن يتوانى عن ضربه ضرباً مبرحاً؟ 646 00:22:30,070 --> 00:22:32,200 that wouldn't think twice about beating the shit out of him? 647 00:22:32,260 --> 00:22:33,850 ‫بحقك، القصة ليست منطقية. 648 00:22:32,290 --> 00:22:33,870 Come on. That doesn't track. 649 00:22:34,520 --> 00:22:38,480 ‫في الحقيقة، أكثر ما يصعب عليّ تصديقه ‫أنك كنت في مكتبة. 650 00:22:34,540 --> 00:22:38,500 The only thing I'd have a harder time believing is that you were in a library. 651 00:22:39,020 --> 00:22:42,270 ‫ما صلتك بـ "باتز" ؟ هل تبيع له المخدرات؟ ‫هل أنت حبيبه؟ 652 00:22:39,040 --> 00:22:42,300 What's your connection to Patz? You his dealer? Lover? 653 00:22:42,360 --> 00:22:43,360 ‫تباً لك. 654 00:22:42,380 --> 00:22:43,380 Fuck you. 655 00:22:43,440 --> 00:22:46,400 ‫أقال "باتز" أي شيء عن ذهابه إلى الحديقة ‫صباح وقوع الجريمة؟ 656 00:22:43,460 --> 00:22:46,420 Did Patz say anything about being in the park the morning of the murder? 657 00:22:48,070 --> 00:22:49,410 ‫لا تنظر إليها. انظر إليّ. 658 00:22:48,090 --> 00:22:49,430 Don't look at her. Look at me. 659 00:22:50,120 --> 00:22:52,160 ‫إن كنت تعرف شيئاً عن القضية المرفوعة ‫ضد ابني، 660 00:22:50,140 --> 00:22:52,180 If you know something about the case against my son, 661 00:22:52,240 --> 00:22:54,330 ‫فعليك إخباري، الآن. 662 00:22:52,260 --> 00:22:54,350 you have to tell me. Now. 663 00:23:02,670 --> 00:23:04,250 ‫أمي، اجعليه يرحل. 664 00:23:02,690 --> 00:23:04,280 Ma, make him go. 665 00:23:04,340 --> 00:23:06,630 ‫- حياة ابني على المحك يا "مات". ‫- عليك الخروج من هنا. 666 00:23:04,360 --> 00:23:06,650 -My son's life is on the line, Matt. -You gotta get outta here. 667 00:23:06,720 --> 00:23:08,720 ‫- لا أعرف أي شيء. ‫- حياته على المحك، هل تسمعني؟ 668 00:23:06,740 --> 00:23:08,740 -I don't fucking know anything. -His life is on the line. You hear me? 669 00:23:08,800 --> 00:23:10,010 ‫- ادخل غرفتك. ‫- حرية ابني. 670 00:23:08,820 --> 00:23:10,030 -You go to your room. -My son's freedom. 671 00:23:10,090 --> 00:23:11,760 ‫- لا أعرف أي شيء. ‫- أعطني أي معلومة. 672 00:23:10,110 --> 00:23:11,780 -I don't know anything. -Give me any bit of information. 673 00:23:11,850 --> 00:23:13,180 ‫- اغرب عن وجوهنا! ‫- اخرس! 674 00:23:11,870 --> 00:23:13,200 -Get the fuck out! -Shut up! Shut your face! 675 00:23:13,260 --> 00:23:14,930 ‫اخرج من البيت! لا أريدك هنا! 676 00:23:13,280 --> 00:23:14,950 You get out of my house! I don't want you here! 677 00:23:15,020 --> 00:23:16,230 ‫يجب أن تفعل الصواب. 678 00:23:15,040 --> 00:23:16,250 I need you to do the right thing. 679 00:23:16,310 --> 00:23:18,520 ‫اخرج. من تظن نفسك أيها اللعين؟ 680 00:23:16,330 --> 00:23:18,370 Get out. I don't know who the fuck you think you are. 681 00:23:22,480 --> 00:23:25,860 ‫افعل الصواب يا "مات". رقمي مع أمك. 682 00:23:22,500 --> 00:23:25,880 Just do the right thing, Matt. Your mother has my number. 683 00:23:51,760 --> 00:23:53,470 ‫ "مقياس التأكسج النبضي" 684 00:24:37,470 --> 00:24:42,020 ‫ "(بيير بونار): (ذا سين آت فيرنون)" 685 00:24:46,480 --> 00:24:51,570 ‫"حفل ربيع (كوخ الأطفال) ‫الليلة في الـ7 مساءً" 686 00:24:55,820 --> 00:24:57,530 ‫آسفة على الإطالة. 687 00:24:55,850 --> 00:24:57,560 Sorry. We ran a little long. 688 00:24:57,620 --> 00:25:01,290 ‫سعدت بلقائك يا "جايكوب". ‫أتطلع إلى لقائك ثانيةً الثلاثاء المقبل. 689 00:24:57,640 --> 00:25:01,310 Really nice meeting you, Jacob. I look forward to us talking again next Tuesday. 690 00:25:01,370 --> 00:25:02,410 ‫حسن. 691 00:25:01,390 --> 00:25:02,440 All right. 692 00:25:03,670 --> 00:25:07,250 ‫إنه فتى طيب. كان مركّزاً جيداً وكان... 693 00:25:03,690 --> 00:25:07,270 He's a very good sport. He was really focused and he was-- 694 00:25:09,090 --> 00:25:10,130 ‫هل كل شيء بخير؟ 695 00:25:09,110 --> 00:25:10,150 Is everything okay? 696 00:25:11,010 --> 00:25:14,130 ‫- نعم. أنا... نعم، آسفة. ‫- طيب. 697 00:25:11,030 --> 00:25:14,160 -Yeah. I... Yeah. Sorry. -Okay. 698 00:25:14,220 --> 00:25:15,220 ‫لا عليك. 699 00:25:14,240 --> 00:25:15,240 Don't worry about it. 700 00:25:16,720 --> 00:25:19,640 ‫- سنتأخر على معلّمته. ‫- نعم، أكيد. 701 00:25:16,740 --> 00:25:19,660 -We're going to be late for his tutor. -Yeah, okay. Of course. 702 00:25:21,520 --> 00:25:23,940 ‫- توخي الحذر، اتفقنا؟ ‫- نعم. 703 00:25:21,540 --> 00:25:23,960 -You take care, okay? -Yeah. 704 00:25:27,690 --> 00:25:29,570 ‫ "متجر (فريمان) للأجهزة" 705 00:26:14,900 --> 00:26:16,780 ‫ "(لينرد)" 706 00:26:46,850 --> 00:26:48,810 ‫ "بيتزا (سي آند إم)" 707 00:27:40,530 --> 00:27:41,530 ‫حبيبتي؟ 708 00:27:40,550 --> 00:27:41,550 Honey? 709 00:28:01,260 --> 00:28:02,970 ‫نعم، اقتليه. إنه هناك. 710 00:28:01,280 --> 00:28:02,990 Yeah. Shoot him. Shoot him, right there. 711 00:28:03,050 --> 00:28:03,890 ‫نعم، اقتليه. 712 00:28:03,070 --> 00:28:03,910 Yeah, shoot him. 713 00:28:03,970 --> 00:28:05,430 ‫ماذا قلت لك بحق الجحيم... 714 00:28:03,990 --> 00:28:05,450 What the hell did I tell you abo-- 715 00:28:08,140 --> 00:28:09,480 ‫آسف. 716 00:28:08,250 --> 00:28:09,500 Sorry. 717 00:28:10,890 --> 00:28:13,400 ‫هذه "سارا" زميلتي في المدرسة. 718 00:28:10,920 --> 00:28:13,420 This is Sarah from school. 719 00:28:14,520 --> 00:28:16,150 ‫صحيح. طيب، أهلاً. 720 00:28:14,540 --> 00:28:16,170 Right. Okay, hi. 721 00:28:16,940 --> 00:28:19,570 ‫التقينا من قبل، حين جئت إلى مدرسة "آرتشر". 722 00:28:16,960 --> 00:28:19,590 We met before. When you came to Archer that day. 723 00:28:19,650 --> 00:28:22,320 ‫- أكيد. كيف حالك؟ ‫- أنا بخير، شكراً. 724 00:28:19,670 --> 00:28:22,340 -Of course, of course. How are you? -I'm fine, thanks. 725 00:28:22,410 --> 00:28:23,660 ‫سُررت بلقائك. 726 00:28:22,430 --> 00:28:23,680 Nice to see you. 727 00:28:26,370 --> 00:28:28,370 ‫كنت... أطمئن وحسب. 728 00:28:26,390 --> 00:28:28,390 I was just... checking in. 729 00:28:30,580 --> 00:28:31,710 ‫أين أمك؟ 730 00:28:30,600 --> 00:28:31,730 Where's Mom? 731 00:28:31,790 --> 00:28:35,090 ‫لست متأكداً. ذكرت شيئاً عن لقاء زميلة عمل. 732 00:28:31,810 --> 00:28:35,110 I'm not sure. She said something about meeting someone from work. 733 00:28:35,630 --> 00:28:38,260 ‫طيب. حسن... 734 00:28:35,650 --> 00:28:38,280 Okay. Well... 735 00:28:39,840 --> 00:28:40,880 ‫استمتعا. 736 00:28:39,860 --> 00:28:40,900 have fun. 737 00:28:43,340 --> 00:28:44,510 ‫صحيح، آسف. 738 00:28:43,360 --> 00:28:44,530 Right. Sorry. 739 00:28:47,720 --> 00:28:49,930 ‫طيب، ذلك الرجل هناك إلى اليسار. 740 00:28:47,740 --> 00:28:49,700 All right. That guy right there. To the left. 741 00:28:51,600 --> 00:28:52,940 ‫لا، نعم. 742 00:28:51,620 --> 00:28:53,250 No, no, no. Yeah. Okay. 743 00:28:55,060 --> 00:28:56,520 ‫- مرحباً. ‫- أهلاً، أشكرك. 744 00:28:55,080 --> 00:28:56,540 -Welcome. -Hi, thank you. 745 00:28:56,980 --> 00:28:58,360 ‫وواحدة لي. 746 00:28:57,000 --> 00:28:58,000 And one for me. 747 00:28:59,740 --> 00:29:01,030 ‫مساء الخير. تفضلوا. 748 00:28:59,760 --> 00:29:01,050 Good evening. Come on in. 749 00:29:03,070 --> 00:29:04,450 ‫ "حفل الربيع السنوي الـ12" 750 00:29:42,950 --> 00:29:44,320 ‫ "(آندي)، الهاتف المحمول" 751 00:29:47,070 --> 00:29:48,200 ‫أهلاً. 752 00:29:47,100 --> 00:29:48,220 Hi. 753 00:29:49,910 --> 00:29:51,080 ‫نعم، أعرف. 754 00:29:49,930 --> 00:29:51,100 Yeah, I know. 755 00:29:52,450 --> 00:29:54,120 ‫دعتني "كارا" إلى العشاء. 756 00:29:52,480 --> 00:29:54,140 Cara asked me to dinner. 757 00:29:56,420 --> 00:29:58,090 ‫نعم، ظننت هذا أيضاً. 758 00:29:56,440 --> 00:29:58,110 Yeah, I thought so too. 759 00:30:01,090 --> 00:30:02,340 ‫لا أعرف. 760 00:30:01,110 --> 00:30:02,360 I don't know. 761 00:30:04,840 --> 00:30:06,550 ‫ربما الساعة 8 أو 8:30. 762 00:30:04,860 --> 00:30:06,570 Maybe 8:00, 8:30. 763 00:30:08,600 --> 00:30:10,310 ‫طيب، أنت أيضاً. 764 00:30:08,620 --> 00:30:10,330 Okay. You too. 765 00:30:16,850 --> 00:30:17,860 ‫السلطة والبطاطس المقلية. 766 00:30:16,880 --> 00:30:17,880 Salad and fries up. 767 00:30:23,240 --> 00:30:25,740 ‫لم تقولي ما إذا كنت تريدين الصلصة ‫مختلطة بالسلطة أم بجانبها، 768 00:30:23,260 --> 00:30:25,760 You didn't say if you wanted the dressing mixed in or on the side, 769 00:30:25,820 --> 00:30:27,110 ‫فوضعتها بجانبها. 770 00:30:25,840 --> 00:30:27,140 so I just put it on the side. 771 00:30:27,570 --> 00:30:28,620 ‫- أشكرك. ‫- استمتعي. 772 00:30:27,590 --> 00:30:28,640 -Thank you. -Enjoy. 773 00:30:44,340 --> 00:30:45,550 ‫المعذرة. 774 00:30:44,360 --> 00:30:45,570 Excuse me. 775 00:30:47,220 --> 00:30:48,430 ‫أنا آسفة، المعذرة. 776 00:30:47,240 --> 00:30:48,450 I'm sorry. Excuse me. 777 00:30:53,310 --> 00:30:54,980 ‫هل تستخدمين هذا السكر؟ 778 00:30:53,330 --> 00:30:55,000 Are you using that sugar? 779 00:30:57,350 --> 00:30:58,350 ‫تفضلي. 780 00:30:57,370 --> 00:30:58,370 Help yourself. 781 00:31:03,570 --> 00:31:04,940 ‫هل سلطتهم جيدة؟ 782 00:31:03,590 --> 00:31:04,960 Is their salad any good? 783 00:31:07,530 --> 00:31:09,910 ‫في الواقع، نعم. أفضل مما ظننت. 784 00:31:07,550 --> 00:31:09,930 Actually, yeah. Better than I thought. 785 00:31:11,530 --> 00:31:12,910 ‫ربما أجرّبها. 786 00:31:11,550 --> 00:31:12,930 Maybe I'll give it a try. 787 00:31:15,290 --> 00:31:19,920 ‫هذا غريب، فقد مررت بجوار هذا المكان ‫100 مرة، ولم أدخله ولا مرة. 788 00:31:15,310 --> 00:31:19,940 It's funny. I've driven by here 100 times, but I've never been inside one of these. 789 00:31:21,630 --> 00:31:24,000 ‫كل تلك المطاعم متماثلة تقريباً. 790 00:31:21,650 --> 00:31:24,030 They're pretty much the same all over. 791 00:31:26,300 --> 00:31:27,300 ‫يعجبني. 792 00:31:26,320 --> 00:31:27,320 I like it. 793 00:31:28,970 --> 00:31:29,970 ‫أشكرك. 794 00:31:28,990 --> 00:31:29,990 Thank you. 795 00:31:30,050 --> 00:31:31,220 ‫ "(مانهاتن بيتش)" 796 00:31:31,300 --> 00:31:34,140 ‫- هل تقرئين "مانهاتن بيتش" ؟ ‫- ما زلت في بدايتها. 797 00:31:31,320 --> 00:31:34,160 -You're reading Manhattan Beach? -Just starting it. 798 00:31:34,640 --> 00:31:37,390 ‫قرأتها العام الماضي في نادي الكتب. ‫إنها رائعة. 799 00:31:34,660 --> 00:31:37,410 I read it last year for my book club. It's wonderful. 800 00:31:38,270 --> 00:31:41,060 ‫لم أحب روايتها السابقة، ‫لذا كنت متشككة بعض الشيء. 801 00:31:38,290 --> 00:31:41,080 I didn't love her last one, so I was pretty skeptical. 802 00:31:41,900 --> 00:31:43,400 ‫لكنها مختلفة جداً. 803 00:31:41,920 --> 00:31:43,420 But it's very different. 804 00:31:44,230 --> 00:31:45,530 ‫بالمناسبة، أنا "لاوري". 805 00:31:44,250 --> 00:31:45,550 I'm Laurie, by the way. 806 00:31:46,860 --> 00:31:49,610 ‫- أنا "جينين". تشرفت بلقائك. ‫- وأنا أيضاً. 807 00:31:46,880 --> 00:31:49,630 -Jeanine. Nice to meet you. -You too. 808 00:32:03,290 --> 00:32:06,380 ‫أريد السلطة التي طلبتها هي، ‫مع صلصة إلى جانبها. 809 00:32:03,310 --> 00:32:06,400 I'll have the same salad she ordered. Dressing on the side. 810 00:32:06,460 --> 00:32:08,550 ‫سأجلبها لك. أتريدين بطاطس مقلية أيضاً؟ 811 00:32:06,480 --> 00:32:08,570 Coming up. French fries too? 812 00:32:09,590 --> 00:32:12,800 ‫أفضّل ألّا أفعل. إنها نقطة ضعفي. 813 00:32:09,610 --> 00:32:12,820 No, I'd better not. They're my weakness. 814 00:32:15,060 --> 00:32:18,730 ‫تستطيعين تناول ما تبقى من طبقي. ‫لم أرد إلا القليل. 815 00:32:15,080 --> 00:32:18,750 You can have the rest of mine if you want. I really only wanted a few. 816 00:32:20,140 --> 00:32:22,310 ‫- متأكدة؟ ‫- طبعاً. 817 00:32:20,160 --> 00:32:22,330 -Are you sure? -Absolutely. 818 00:32:34,070 --> 00:32:35,370 ‫المعذرة. 819 00:32:34,100 --> 00:32:35,390 Excuse me. 820 00:32:37,910 --> 00:32:39,870 ‫أتودين... 821 00:32:37,930 --> 00:32:39,890 Would you like to... 822 00:32:42,790 --> 00:32:43,920 ‫أكيد. 823 00:32:42,810 --> 00:32:43,940 Sure. 824 00:32:55,970 --> 00:32:57,430 ‫ألم ترد البقاء حتى العشاء؟ 825 00:32:55,990 --> 00:32:57,450 She didn't wanna stay for dinner? 826 00:32:59,350 --> 00:33:00,850 ‫أرادت أمها أن تعود إلى البيت. 827 00:32:59,370 --> 00:33:00,870 Her mom wanted her back home. 828 00:33:02,640 --> 00:33:03,850 ‫بدت لطيفة. 829 00:33:02,670 --> 00:33:03,880 She seemed nice. 830 00:33:04,520 --> 00:33:07,400 ‫نعم، لكنها غريبة بعض الشيء. 831 00:33:04,540 --> 00:33:07,420 Mm-hmm. She's a little weird though. 832 00:33:09,190 --> 00:33:10,320 ‫غريبة؟ 833 00:33:09,210 --> 00:33:10,340 Weird? 834 00:33:11,990 --> 00:33:13,530 ‫نعم، ذات ميول فنية، أتفهمني؟ 835 00:33:12,010 --> 00:33:13,550 Yeah. Like artsy, you know? 836 00:33:14,910 --> 00:33:17,990 ‫كثير من الصبية يضايقونها أحياناً بسبب ذلك. 837 00:33:14,930 --> 00:33:18,010 A lot of kids give her crap for it sometimes. 838 00:33:18,830 --> 00:33:20,410 ‫لطيف أنها جاءت لرؤيتك. 839 00:33:18,850 --> 00:33:20,430 Well, it's nice she came to see you. 840 00:33:21,710 --> 00:33:25,790 ‫نعم، كنا نتراسل، ‫وسألتني عما أفعله معظم الأيام، 841 00:33:21,730 --> 00:33:25,810 Yeah. We were just texting, and she asked me what I do most days, 842 00:33:25,880 --> 00:33:27,790 ‫وقلت: "لا أفعل الكثير"، 843 00:33:25,900 --> 00:33:27,820 and I said, "Nothing much," 844 00:33:27,880 --> 00:33:31,130 ‫فقالت إنها تستطيع المجيء وقضاء الوقت معي. 845 00:33:27,900 --> 00:33:31,150 so she said she can come over, hang out. 846 00:33:35,140 --> 00:33:37,350 ‫لكني أظن أنها فقط تشعر بالأسف تجاهي. 847 00:33:35,160 --> 00:33:37,370 But I think she just feels sorry for me. 848 00:33:39,970 --> 00:33:41,640 ‫ربما تكون معجبة بك وحسب. 849 00:33:39,990 --> 00:33:41,660 Maybe she just likes you. 850 00:33:43,020 --> 00:33:46,020 ‫أظن أنّ الأقرب أنها تشعر بالذنب أو... 851 00:33:43,040 --> 00:33:46,040 I think it's more like she feels guilty or... 852 00:33:46,100 --> 00:33:47,480 ‫ماذا تقصد بالذنب؟ 853 00:33:46,130 --> 00:33:47,500 What do you mean, guilty? 854 00:33:48,400 --> 00:33:50,530 ‫قالت إنّ "ديريك" كان يخبرها عني أشياء 855 00:33:48,420 --> 00:33:50,550 She said Derek was saying some stuff about me to her 856 00:33:50,610 --> 00:33:52,400 ‫وهي تشعر بالسوء حيالها. 857 00:33:50,630 --> 00:33:52,420 and she just feels bad about it. 858 00:33:52,860 --> 00:33:54,820 ‫لأنها صدّقته، أو أياً كان. 859 00:33:52,880 --> 00:33:54,840 For believing him, whatever. 860 00:33:56,780 --> 00:33:58,370 ‫لكنها لا تصدّقه الآن؟ 861 00:33:56,800 --> 00:33:58,390 She doesn't believe him now though? 862 00:33:58,950 --> 00:34:01,200 ‫أظن هذا، وإلا لما جاءت. 863 00:33:58,970 --> 00:34:01,220 I guess not, if she came over. 864 00:34:04,250 --> 00:34:05,870 ‫لكنه معجب بها منذ وقت طويل. 865 00:34:04,270 --> 00:34:05,900 But he's been into her forever. 866 00:34:08,040 --> 00:34:09,290 ‫من، "ديريك"؟ 867 00:34:08,060 --> 00:34:09,320 Who, Derek? 868 00:34:09,380 --> 00:34:12,050 ‫نعم، إنه مهووس بها. 869 00:34:09,400 --> 00:34:12,070 Yeah. He's, like, obsessed with her. 870 00:34:17,760 --> 00:34:19,890 ‫أظن أنها تظن أنه ربما فعلها. 871 00:34:17,780 --> 00:34:19,910 I think she thinks maybe he did it. 872 00:34:22,140 --> 00:34:25,270 ‫مهلاً. ماذا قلت للتو؟ 873 00:34:22,160 --> 00:34:25,290 Wait a minute. Wait a minute. What'd you just say? 874 00:34:27,730 --> 00:34:31,440 ‫تظن أنه ربما فعلها. ‫لكنها لم تقل ذلك، أتفهمني؟ 875 00:34:27,750 --> 00:34:31,460 She thinks he might have done it. But she didn't say that, you know. 876 00:34:31,530 --> 00:34:34,610 ‫قالت فقط إنها سمعت أنّ الشرطة كانت ‫في المدرسة وتكلموا معه. 877 00:34:31,550 --> 00:34:34,630 She just said she heard the cops were at school and had talked to him. 878 00:34:35,440 --> 00:34:37,990 ‫- واستدعوا أمه أيضاً. ‫- هذا لا يعني أنهم يشتبهون به. 879 00:34:35,470 --> 00:34:38,010 -They called in his mom too. -That doesn't mean he's a suspect. 880 00:34:38,070 --> 00:34:41,080 ‫أعرف، لكنّ هذا ما تظنه هي. 881 00:34:38,090 --> 00:34:41,100 I know, but that's what she thinks it was. 882 00:34:43,750 --> 00:34:47,500 ‫لا أعرف. ربما تريد فقط إشعاري بتحسّن. 883 00:34:43,770 --> 00:34:47,520 I don't know. Maybe she just wants to make me feel better. 884 00:34:56,420 --> 00:35:00,010 ‫أنا؟ لا. لا أجيد الرسم إطلاقاً. 885 00:34:56,450 --> 00:35:00,030 Me? No. I could barely draw a stick figure. 886 00:35:01,010 --> 00:35:02,350 ‫أحببته فقط. 887 00:35:01,030 --> 00:35:02,370 I just loved it. 888 00:35:03,020 --> 00:35:06,940 ‫أقسم إني قضيت نصف عامي الـ3 بالخارج ‫في متحف "أورسيه" فقط. 889 00:35:03,040 --> 00:35:06,960 I swear I spent half my junior year abroad just in the Musée d'Orsay. 890 00:35:07,850 --> 00:35:09,020 ‫ "ذا واتر ليليز". 891 00:35:07,870 --> 00:35:09,040 The Water Lilies. 892 00:35:10,860 --> 00:35:13,280 ‫أعرف أنه من المبتذل أني أحب الانطباعية، 893 00:35:10,880 --> 00:35:13,300 I know it's a total cliché to love impressionism, 894 00:35:13,360 --> 00:35:18,660 ‫لكنّ بها... عاطفية بلا خجل 895 00:35:13,380 --> 00:35:18,680 but there's this... unabashed emotionality to it 896 00:35:18,740 --> 00:35:20,120 ‫وهي... 897 00:35:18,760 --> 00:35:20,140 that is just so... 898 00:35:21,280 --> 00:35:25,540 ‫لا أعرف. الشجاعة غالباً كلمة خاطئة، لكن... 899 00:35:21,300 --> 00:35:25,560 I don't know. Brave is probably the wrong word, but... 900 00:35:26,160 --> 00:35:29,710 ‫- أتفهمين قصدي؟ ‫- أظنني أفهم. 901 00:35:26,180 --> 00:35:29,730 -Do you know what I mean? -I think I do, yes. 902 00:35:30,130 --> 00:35:31,540 ‫آسفة على الثرثرة. 903 00:35:30,150 --> 00:35:31,560 Sorry, I'm rambling. 904 00:35:31,630 --> 00:35:33,380 ‫لا بأس، حقاً. 905 00:35:31,650 --> 00:35:33,400 It's fine, really. 906 00:35:34,250 --> 00:35:37,090 ‫مثل أني رأيت ملصقاً قبل أيام ‫لإحدى لوحات "بونار"... 907 00:35:34,280 --> 00:35:37,110 It's like I saw this poster the other day of a Bonnard... 908 00:35:46,350 --> 00:35:47,350 ‫ "لاوري"؟ 909 00:35:46,370 --> 00:35:47,370 Laurie? 910 00:35:48,560 --> 00:35:50,270 ‫أعتذر. أنا... 911 00:35:48,580 --> 00:35:50,290 I apologize. I-- 912 00:35:55,480 --> 00:35:57,570 ‫أسرتي تمرّ بفترة عصيبة. 913 00:35:55,510 --> 00:35:57,590 My family's been going through a hard time. 914 00:36:00,110 --> 00:36:01,950 ‫حدث شيء فظيع و... 915 00:36:00,130 --> 00:36:01,970 Something terrible's happened and... 916 00:36:02,910 --> 00:36:05,990 ‫الأصدقاء الذين أتكلم معهم عادةً لا... 917 00:36:02,930 --> 00:36:06,020 the friends I would usually talk to, they aren't... 918 00:36:08,750 --> 00:36:10,210 ‫لقد تخلوا عنا. 919 00:36:08,770 --> 00:36:10,230 Well, they've given up on us. 920 00:36:13,460 --> 00:36:17,970 ‫يقول زوجي إني لا ينبغي أن أهتمّ، ‫لكنه لم يكن له أصدقاء قط. 921 00:36:13,480 --> 00:36:17,990 My husband says I shouldn't care. But he's never really had friends. 922 00:36:20,300 --> 00:36:21,760 ‫أقصد أصدقاء مقربين. 923 00:36:20,320 --> 00:36:21,780 Not real ones. 924 00:36:23,140 --> 00:36:26,810 ‫أهذا غريب؟ لم أفكر في الأمر حتى وقت قريب. 925 00:36:23,160 --> 00:36:26,830 Is that strange? I never really thought about it until recently. 926 00:36:28,180 --> 00:36:31,350 ‫كانت لديه صداقات عابرة، أناس في حياته، 927 00:36:28,200 --> 00:36:31,370 I mean, he's had casual friends, people in his life, 928 00:36:31,440 --> 00:36:35,070 ‫لكن لم يكن له أي أصدقاء مقربون سواي. 929 00:36:31,460 --> 00:36:35,090 but no one he was truly close to, other than me. 930 00:36:37,320 --> 00:36:39,240 ‫ربما راق لي كوني الوحيدة. 931 00:36:37,340 --> 00:36:39,260 Maybe I liked that I was the only one. 932 00:36:40,740 --> 00:36:42,700 ‫مع أنه حتى معي... 933 00:36:40,760 --> 00:36:42,720 Although even with me, he-- 934 00:36:47,080 --> 00:36:48,790 ‫آسفة، أنت... 935 00:36:47,100 --> 00:36:48,810 I'm sorry. You just-- 936 00:36:49,160 --> 00:36:51,790 ‫لم تريدي إلا أن تتناولي عشاءً هادئاً ‫وتقرئي كتابك. 937 00:36:49,180 --> 00:36:51,810 You just wanted a quiet dinner and to read your book. 938 00:36:52,540 --> 00:36:53,670 ‫أرجوك. 939 00:36:52,560 --> 00:36:53,690 Please. 940 00:36:54,790 --> 00:36:56,750 ‫أنا أفهمك. لا بأس. 941 00:36:54,810 --> 00:36:56,770 I understand. It's okay. 942 00:37:00,130 --> 00:37:03,050 ‫غالباً سمعت عن الصبي الذي قُتل في "نيوتن". 943 00:37:00,150 --> 00:37:03,070 You probably heard about the boy who was killed in Newton. 944 00:37:05,430 --> 00:37:07,060 ‫إنّ ابني... 945 00:37:05,450 --> 00:37:07,080 Well, my son, he... 946 00:37:09,310 --> 00:37:10,430 ‫أعرف. 947 00:37:09,330 --> 00:37:10,460 I know. 948 00:37:12,310 --> 00:37:13,400 ‫آسفة. 949 00:37:12,330 --> 00:37:13,420 I'm sorry. 950 00:37:13,480 --> 00:37:16,820 ‫كنت أحاول إيجاد طريقة أخبرك بها ‫دون أن أقلق راحتك. 951 00:37:13,500 --> 00:37:16,840 I've been trying to find a way to tell you without making this uncomfortable. 952 00:37:16,900 --> 00:37:18,730 ‫كان عليّ قول شيء في وقت مبكر. 953 00:37:16,920 --> 00:37:18,760 I should have said something sooner. 954 00:37:19,320 --> 00:37:20,490 ‫كنت تعرفين. 955 00:37:19,340 --> 00:37:20,510 You knew. 956 00:37:21,530 --> 00:37:26,280 ‫بصراحة، كنت آمل التحدث إليك عن القضية. 957 00:37:21,550 --> 00:37:26,300 To be honest, I was hoping to speak with you about the case. 958 00:37:26,370 --> 00:37:27,950 ‫إذا وافقت على ذلك. 959 00:37:26,390 --> 00:37:27,970 If you'd be open to that. 960 00:37:31,500 --> 00:37:32,790 ‫أنا كاتبة. 961 00:37:31,520 --> 00:37:32,810 I am a writer. 962 00:37:33,500 --> 00:37:37,090 ‫أكتب تقريراً مستقلاً لمجلة "غلوب صنداي". 963 00:37:33,520 --> 00:37:37,110 I'm doing a freelance piece for the Globe Sunday magazine. 964 00:37:37,630 --> 00:37:40,710 ‫- لا. ‫- "لاوري" ، لم أقصد... 965 00:37:37,650 --> 00:37:40,740 -No. -Laurie, I didn't mean to-- 966 00:37:40,800 --> 00:37:42,260 ‫عليّ الذهاب. 967 00:37:40,820 --> 00:37:42,280 I need to go. 968 00:37:44,970 --> 00:37:47,470 ‫أتريدين اعتبار أي شيء مما قلت ‫غير قابل للنشر؟ 969 00:37:44,990 --> 00:37:47,490 Is there anything you said that you'd like kept off-the-record? 970 00:37:47,550 --> 00:37:49,310 ‫ماذا؟ أنا لا... 971 00:37:47,580 --> 00:37:49,330 What? I don't-- 972 00:37:49,850 --> 00:37:51,020 ‫هل تبعتني إلى هنا؟ 973 00:37:49,870 --> 00:37:51,040 Did you follow me here? 974 00:37:51,930 --> 00:37:53,230 ‫هل تبعتني إلى هنا؟ 975 00:37:51,960 --> 00:37:53,250 Did you follow me here? 976 00:37:54,100 --> 00:37:56,440 ‫أرجوك، أعطيني بضع دقائق لأشرح. 977 00:37:54,120 --> 00:37:56,460 Please. Just give me a few minutes to explain. 978 00:38:28,300 --> 00:38:30,680 ‫مرحباً، كيف كان العشاء؟ 979 00:38:28,320 --> 00:38:30,700 Hi. How was dinner? 980 00:38:32,060 --> 00:38:33,060 ‫جيداً. 981 00:38:32,080 --> 00:38:33,080 Good. 982 00:38:37,690 --> 00:38:40,400 ‫أظنني حققت اليوم بعض التقدم بخصوص "باتز". 983 00:38:37,710 --> 00:38:40,420 I might have made some progress today on the Patz front. 984 00:38:41,400 --> 00:38:43,570 ‫نعم، تكلمت مع الفتى المتورط معه. 985 00:38:41,420 --> 00:38:43,840 Yeah. I talked to this kid who's mixed up with him. 986 00:38:43,650 --> 00:38:45,240 ‫أظنه يخفي شيئاً. 987 00:38:43,920 --> 00:38:45,260 I think he's hiding something. 988 00:38:48,490 --> 00:38:49,830 ‫هل أنت بخير؟ 989 00:38:48,510 --> 00:38:49,850 You okay? 990 00:38:52,620 --> 00:38:53,790 ‫أنا متعبة وحسب. 991 00:38:52,640 --> 00:38:53,810 I'm just tired. 992 00:38:55,870 --> 00:38:59,040 ‫طيب، سأخرج القمامة، وسأصعد سريعاً. 993 00:38:55,890 --> 00:38:59,060 Okay. I'm gonna take out this recycling. I'll be up in a minute. 994 00:39:00,340 --> 00:39:01,340 ‫طيب. 995 00:39:00,360 --> 00:39:01,360 Okay. 996 00:39:12,970 --> 00:39:15,270 ‫"سجّل لترى الصور والمنشورات ‫إنشاء حساب - (جاي كوبز)" 997 00:39:15,350 --> 00:39:18,230 ‫ "اسم المستخدم (جاي كوبز)" 998 00:39:22,770 --> 00:39:23,780 ‫ "رفع صورة الملف الشخصي" 999 00:39:23,860 --> 00:39:24,780 ‫ "(فيدي نايس)" 1000 00:39:27,110 --> 00:39:28,200 ‫مرحباً. 1001 00:39:27,130 --> 00:39:28,220 Hey. 1002 00:39:29,660 --> 00:39:32,330 ‫أنا وأمك سننام. غالباً عليك النوم أيضاً. 1003 00:39:29,680 --> 00:39:32,350 Mom and I are gonna hit the hay. You should probably do the same. 1004 00:39:32,410 --> 00:39:34,620 ‫طيب، تصبح على خير. 1005 00:39:32,430 --> 00:39:34,640 All right. Good night. 1006 00:39:35,000 --> 00:39:36,120 ‫ماذا تشاهد؟ 1007 00:39:35,020 --> 00:39:36,140 What are you watching? 1008 00:39:37,580 --> 00:39:38,870 ‫متزلجين يسقطون. 1009 00:39:37,600 --> 00:39:38,900 Skateboarding fails. 1010 00:39:40,670 --> 00:39:44,130 ‫كوميديا راقية. طيب، لا تسهر كثيراً. 1011 00:39:40,690 --> 00:39:44,150 High comedy. Okay. Don't stay up too late. 1012 00:39:44,550 --> 00:39:45,550 ‫طيب. 1013 00:39:44,570 --> 00:39:45,570 Okay. 1014 00:39:58,140 --> 00:40:01,690 ‫شعور بأنّ الظروف طبيعية نوعاً ما. 1015 00:39:58,160 --> 00:40:01,710 Just kind of a sense of normalcy, in a way. 1016 00:40:02,520 --> 00:40:04,860 ‫صحيح أنه لم تأت فتيات لزيارته من قبل، 1017 00:40:02,540 --> 00:40:04,880 I mean, it's not like he ever had girls over before, 1018 00:40:04,940 --> 00:40:06,940 ‫لكنك تفهمين قصدي. 1019 00:40:04,960 --> 00:40:06,970 but you know what I mean. 1020 00:40:08,990 --> 00:40:10,360 ‫أكان العشاء لطيفاً؟ 1021 00:40:09,010 --> 00:40:10,390 So dinner was nice? 1022 00:40:11,780 --> 00:40:16,080 ‫جيد. يا إلهي، أنا سعيد. تستحقين ذلك. 1023 00:40:11,800 --> 00:40:16,100 Good. Good, I'm glad. You deserve it. 1024 00:40:21,210 --> 00:40:23,040 ‫ "(سارا غرول) - متابعة" 1025 00:40:23,130 --> 00:40:24,550 ‫ "أُرسل الطلب" 1026 00:40:28,760 --> 00:40:30,720 ‫"أرسل إليك (جاي كوبز) طلب متابعة ‫سماح - رفض" 1027 00:40:35,970 --> 00:40:38,140 ‫ "(فيدي نايس)، صافحيني" 1028 00:40:38,230 --> 00:40:42,230 ‫"أهذا أنت؟ هذا مضحك! ‫أليس هذا ممنوعاً عليك؟" 1029 00:40:42,940 --> 00:40:45,360 ‫ "أردت مشاهدة أغنياتك" 1030 00:40:51,200 --> 00:40:52,700 ‫ "متابعة" 1031 00:41:01,710 --> 00:41:04,920 ‫مرحباً يا جماعة. إليكم أغنية جديدة ‫كتبتها للتو. آمل أن تعجبكم. 1032 00:41:01,730 --> 00:41:04,940 Hey, guys. Here's a new one I just wrote. I hope you like it. 1033 00:41:06,210 --> 00:41:10,340 ‫ "أمسك يدي" 1034 00:41:06,230 --> 00:41:10,360 Hold my hand 1035 00:41:16,100 --> 00:41:18,430 ‫سأتابع مع "دافي" غداً. 1036 00:41:16,120 --> 00:41:18,450 I'm gonna check in again with Duffy tomorrow. 1037 00:41:19,140 --> 00:41:22,560 ‫"سارا" أخبرت "جايكوب" أنها رأت الشرطة ‫في المدرسة تستجوب "ديريك". 1038 00:41:19,160 --> 00:41:22,580 Sarah told Jacob she saw the police at school questioning Derek. 1039 00:41:23,400 --> 00:41:24,400 ‫بشأن ماذا؟ 1040 00:41:23,420 --> 00:41:24,420 About what? 1041 00:41:24,860 --> 00:41:29,230 ‫لا أعرف. يبدو أنّ "سارا" تظن ‫أنه ربما يكون مشتبهاً به. 1042 00:41:24,880 --> 00:41:29,260 I don't know. Sarah seems to think that he might be a suspect. 1043 00:41:29,320 --> 00:41:30,320 ‫ "ديريك"؟ 1044 00:41:29,340 --> 00:41:30,340 Derek? 1045 00:41:30,900 --> 00:41:33,110 ‫نعم، أي شيء ممكن. 1046 00:41:30,920 --> 00:41:33,130 Yeah. Anything's possible. 1047 00:41:37,990 --> 00:41:38,990 ‫ماذا؟ 1048 00:41:38,010 --> 00:41:39,020 What? 1049 00:41:40,870 --> 00:41:42,790 ‫هذا ما يقوله كل الناس عن "جايكوب". 1050 00:41:40,890 --> 00:41:42,810 That's what everyone says about Jacob. 1051 00:41:44,170 --> 00:41:47,710 ‫لهذا لا نستطيع ترك مصيره ‫في أيدي الشرطة والمحكمة. 1052 00:41:44,190 --> 00:41:47,730 Well, that's why we can't leave his fate up to the cops and a courtroom. 1053 00:41:47,790 --> 00:41:49,760 ‫علينا إيجاد الإجابات بأنفسنا. 1054 00:41:47,820 --> 00:41:49,780 We gotta get answers for ourselves. 1055 00:41:50,590 --> 00:41:51,970 ‫أليست هذه وظيفة "جوانا"؟ 1056 00:41:50,610 --> 00:41:51,990 Isn't that Joanna's job? 1057 00:41:54,590 --> 00:41:57,220 ‫ "جوانا" محامية عظيمة، ‫لكنّ للمحامين حدوداً. 1058 00:41:54,610 --> 00:41:57,240 Joanna's a great lawyer, but lawyers have boundaries. 1059 00:41:57,800 --> 00:41:59,560 ‫أما أنا فلم تعد لي حدود. 1060 00:41:57,830 --> 00:41:59,580 I don't. Not anymore. 1061 00:42:01,020 --> 00:42:03,640 ‫وظيفتي الوحيدة الآن محاولة حماية ابننا. 1062 00:42:01,040 --> 00:42:03,670 My only job now is trying to protect our son. 1063 00:42:06,770 --> 00:42:08,110 ‫مهما تطلّب الأمر. 1064 00:42:06,790 --> 00:42:08,130 Whatever it takes. 1065 00:42:12,280 --> 00:42:14,820 ‫"لم يهدأ بال والدي الآنسة (راوس)، 1066 00:42:12,300 --> 00:42:14,840 "The parents of Ms. Rouse remained inconsolable, 1067 00:42:15,490 --> 00:42:18,490 ‫حتى بعد الحكم بالسجن المؤبد ‫بلا إطلاق سراح مشروط. 1068 00:42:15,510 --> 00:42:18,510 even as a verdict of life without parole was delivered. 1069 00:42:18,580 --> 00:42:21,540 ‫وكانت في المحكمة أيضاً ‫زوجة (ويليام باربر)، (ماريان)، 1070 00:42:18,600 --> 00:42:21,560 Also in court was William Barber's wife, Marianne, 1071 00:42:21,620 --> 00:42:25,170 ‫وابنهما ذو الـ5 سنوات، (آندرو). 1072 00:42:21,640 --> 00:42:25,190 and the couple's 5-year-old son, Andrew. 1073 00:42:25,790 --> 00:42:29,880 ‫خلال الإجراءات، لم يعبّر المدّعى عليه ‫عن شعوره بتأنيب الضمير إطلاقاً. 1074 00:42:25,810 --> 00:42:29,900 Throughout the proceedings, the defendant refused to display any remorse whatsoever. 1075 00:42:29,960 --> 00:42:34,380 ‫ووصف أحد أعضاء هيئة المحلفين نظرات المتهم ‫بأنها قاتلة." 1076 00:42:29,980 --> 00:42:34,400 'If looks could kill,' one of the jurors later commented." 1077 00:42:35,510 --> 00:42:39,470 ‫لا بد من أنه كان مرعباً ‫أن تنشأ مع أب كهذا. 1078 00:42:35,530 --> 00:42:39,490 Must've been terrifying, growing up with a father like that. 1079 00:42:40,390 --> 00:42:43,770 ‫لم أتواصل معه إطلاقاً، ‫إلا مرةً بعد المحاكمة وحسب. 1080 00:42:40,410 --> 00:42:43,790 I didn't have any contact with him. Just once after the trial. That's it. 1081 00:42:43,850 --> 00:42:48,310 ‫هذا لا ينفي كلامي. ‫لقد سقط شعر أبي وهو في العشرينيات. 1082 00:42:43,870 --> 00:42:48,330 Still. My father lost his hair in his 20s. 1083 00:42:49,110 --> 00:42:52,860 ‫وأعرف أني قضيت سنوات مراهقتي ‫وأنا أتساءل متى سيسقط شعري. 1084 00:42:49,130 --> 00:42:52,880 I know I spent my teens wondering when I was gonna lose mine. 1085 00:42:56,240 --> 00:42:59,410 ‫هل تقول إنك لم تنشأ خائفاً... 1086 00:42:56,260 --> 00:42:59,430 Are you telling me you didn't grow up scared... 1087 00:43:00,780 --> 00:43:05,330 ‫من أنه في أعماقك، ‫ربما يكون بداخلك جزء منه؟ 1088 00:43:00,810 --> 00:43:05,350 that, deep inside, there might be some part of him in you? 1089 00:43:08,080 --> 00:43:13,380 ‫بالتأكيد، لا بد من أنك فكرت بهذا ‫في لحظات محورية محددة. 1090 00:43:08,100 --> 00:43:13,400 Surely, it must have occurred to you at certain pivotal moments. 1091 00:43:14,880 --> 00:43:16,380 ‫كميلاد طفل. 1092 00:43:14,900 --> 00:43:16,400 The arrival of a child. 1093 00:43:18,550 --> 00:43:20,300 ‫أن تراقب طفلك الصغير وهو يكبر. 1094 00:43:18,570 --> 00:43:20,330 Watching your little boy grow. 1095 00:43:22,390 --> 00:43:27,940 ‫وتنشغل بهوس بكل تصرفاته حتى أكثرها براءةً. 1096 00:43:22,410 --> 00:43:27,960 Privately obsessing over even his most innocent behaviors. 1097 00:43:29,350 --> 00:43:31,360 ‫وتبحث دائماً عن أي مؤشر 1098 00:43:29,380 --> 00:43:31,380 Always on the lookout for any indication 1099 00:43:31,440 --> 00:43:34,990 ‫على أنّ دم أبيك يجري في عروقه. 1100 00:43:31,460 --> 00:43:35,010 that your father's blood might run in his veins. 1101 00:43:36,900 --> 00:43:39,620 ‫وفجأةً، تورّط في جريمة عنيفة. 1102 00:43:36,930 --> 00:43:39,640 Then, lo and behold, he's implicated in a violent crime. 1103 00:43:40,120 --> 00:43:42,030 ‫الطعن تحديداً. 1104 00:43:40,140 --> 00:43:42,060 Stabbing, no less. 1105 00:43:43,410 --> 00:43:46,160 ‫أسوأ مخاوفك تحقق أخيراً. 1106 00:43:43,430 --> 00:43:46,180 Your worst fears finally realized. 1107 00:43:50,460 --> 00:43:52,090 ‫لا، على العكس تماماً. 1108 00:43:50,480 --> 00:43:52,110 No, it's just the opposite. 1109 00:43:54,130 --> 00:43:56,470 ‫حين تعاني ما عانيته وقتاً طويلاً... 1110 00:43:54,150 --> 00:43:56,490 When you live with what I've lived with for so long... 1111 00:43:58,510 --> 00:44:01,600 ‫وتنظر إلى طفلك من خلال تلك العدسة ‫1000 مرة. 1112 00:43:58,530 --> 00:44:01,620 you look at your kid through that lens 1000 times. 1113 00:44:01,680 --> 00:44:03,350 ‫تتخذ قراراً. 1114 00:44:01,700 --> 00:44:03,370 You've made your determination. 1115 00:44:08,230 --> 00:44:11,230 ‫عرفت أنّ "جايكوب" ليس قاتلاً ‫كما عرفت أني لم أكن. 1116 00:44:08,250 --> 00:44:11,250 I knew Jacob wasn't a murderer the way I knew I wasn't. 1117 00:44:13,150 --> 00:44:14,610 ‫إذا كان هذا رأيك. 1118 00:44:13,170 --> 00:44:14,630 If you say so. 1119 00:44:16,320 --> 00:44:18,700 ‫لكنك استغرقت في اتخاذ هذا القرار 14 سنة. 1120 00:44:16,340 --> 00:44:18,720 But you had 14 years to come to that conclusion. 1121 00:44:20,410 --> 00:44:22,240 ‫أما "لاوري"... 1122 00:44:20,430 --> 00:44:22,260 Laurie, on the other hand... 1123 00:44:23,580 --> 00:44:25,660 ‫فكانت قصتها مختلفة، أليس كذلك؟ 1124 00:44:23,600 --> 00:44:25,680 Laurie was a different story, wasn't she? 1125 00:44:28,620 --> 00:44:31,880 ‫حسن يا صديقي. لن يأخذ هذا وقتاً طويلاً، ‫لكن حاول الثبات، اتفقنا؟ 1126 00:44:28,640 --> 00:44:31,900 Okay, buddy. This won't take too long, but just try to stay still, all right? 1127 00:44:32,960 --> 00:44:37,050 ‫هل من مشكلة في توتري؟ ‫هل... سيرون هذا في عقلي؟ 1128 00:44:32,980 --> 00:44:37,070 Is it okay if I'm nervous? Will I, like-- Will they see it in my brain? 1129 00:44:38,260 --> 00:44:40,590 ‫لا بأس إطلاقاً. لا نستطيع قراءة أفكارك. 1130 00:44:38,280 --> 00:44:40,610 It's totally fine. We can't read your thoughts. 1131 00:44:42,300 --> 00:44:43,470 ‫استرخ فقط، اتفقنا؟ 1132 00:44:42,320 --> 00:44:43,490 Just relax, okay? 1133 00:44:47,850 --> 00:44:52,480 ‫سيأخذ هذا نصف ساعة تقريباً، ‫لذا هلا ننتظر في مكتبي. 1134 00:44:47,870 --> 00:44:52,500 So this will take about half an hour, so why don't we just wait in my office? 1135 00:44:57,360 --> 00:45:00,860 ‫إذاً، غالباً علينا مناقشة ‫نتيجة تحليل الحمض النووي. 1136 00:44:57,380 --> 00:45:00,880 So, we should probably discuss the DNA test. 1137 00:45:00,950 --> 00:45:03,120 ‫أخذت العينة التي أحتاج إليها من "جايكوب". 1138 00:45:00,970 --> 00:45:03,140 I've already gotten what I need from Jacob. 1139 00:45:03,200 --> 00:45:05,950 ‫ "آندي" ، سأحتاج إلى عينة منك أيضاً. 1140 00:45:03,220 --> 00:45:05,970 Andy, I'm gonna need a sample from you as well. 1141 00:45:06,620 --> 00:45:08,370 ‫هل تجرين التحليل بحثاً عن جين القتل؟ 1142 00:45:06,640 --> 00:45:08,390 You're testing for the murder gene? 1143 00:45:08,450 --> 00:45:09,660 ‫الأمر ليس بهذه البساطة. 1144 00:45:08,470 --> 00:45:09,680 It's not as simple as that. 1145 00:45:09,750 --> 00:45:12,750 ‫وهذا مجرد مصطلح يُستخدم ‫لكتابة عناوين رئيسية ملفتة. 1146 00:45:09,770 --> 00:45:12,770 And that's just a coy phrase used to grab some headlines. 1147 00:45:12,830 --> 00:45:13,960 ‫مع ذلك، 1148 00:45:12,850 --> 00:45:13,980 That said, 1149 00:45:14,040 --> 00:45:17,630 ‫أظن أنّ "جوانا" كانت حكيمة ‫حين جعلتكم تجرون هذه التحليلات تحسّباً. 1150 00:45:14,060 --> 00:45:17,650 I think Joanna was wise to have you pursue these results, just in case. 1151 00:45:18,340 --> 00:45:19,510 ‫لا أفهم. 1152 00:45:18,360 --> 00:45:19,530 I don't understand. 1153 00:45:19,590 --> 00:45:23,720 ‫إن وُجد "جايكوب" مذنباً، وهذا مجرد احتمال، 1154 00:45:19,610 --> 00:45:23,740 Well, if Jacob is found guilty, and I'm saying if, 1155 00:45:24,340 --> 00:45:28,060 ‫فربما تريدون تقديم دليل وراثي للتخفيف. 1156 00:45:24,370 --> 00:45:28,080 then you may wanna present genetic evidence as mitigation. 1157 00:45:28,560 --> 00:45:29,850 ‫التخفيف؟ 1158 00:45:28,580 --> 00:45:29,870 Mitigation? 1159 00:45:30,600 --> 00:45:33,190 ‫- لتخفيض الجريمة إلى الدرجة الـ2، صحيح؟ ‫- مضبوط. 1160 00:45:30,620 --> 00:45:33,210 -To get it reduced to second. Right? -Correct. 1161 00:45:33,270 --> 00:45:35,270 ‫عقوبة القتل من الدرجة الـ1 السجن المؤبد ‫بلا إطلاق سراح مشروط. 1162 00:45:33,290 --> 00:45:35,290 First degree murder is mandatory life without parole. 1163 00:45:35,360 --> 00:45:38,030 ‫أما في الدرجة الـ2، فتُوجد إمكانية ‫لإطلاق السراح المشروط بعد 20 سنة. 1164 00:45:35,380 --> 00:45:38,050 Second degree, he becomes eligible in 20 years. 1165 00:45:38,110 --> 00:45:40,530 ‫سيكون في الـ35 فقط، ‫وسيكون أمامه عمر طويل. 1166 00:45:38,130 --> 00:45:40,550 He'd only be 35. He'd have his whole life in front of him. 1167 00:45:41,650 --> 00:45:45,820 ‫- نعم، ما تبقى منه. ‫- أكرر أنّ هذا مجرد احتمال. 1168 00:45:41,670 --> 00:45:45,850 -Yeah, what's left of it. -Again, if. Only if. 1169 00:46:02,050 --> 00:46:05,970 ‫إذاً، غالباً علينا التحدث بشأن أبيك. 1170 00:46:02,070 --> 00:46:05,990 So, we should probably talk about your father. 1171 00:46:07,100 --> 00:46:08,100 ‫ماذا عنه؟ 1172 00:46:07,120 --> 00:46:08,120 What about him? 1173 00:46:08,180 --> 00:46:10,930 ‫بالطبع سأحتاج إلى عينة منه أيضاً. 1174 00:46:08,200 --> 00:46:10,950 Well, obviously, I'm gonna need a swab from him as well. 1175 00:46:11,430 --> 00:46:14,650 ‫تفضلي. هو في السجن الشمالي ‫ببلدة "سومرز" في "كونيتيكت". 1176 00:46:11,450 --> 00:46:14,670 Go ahead. He's in Northern Prison in Somers, Connecticut. 1177 00:46:14,730 --> 00:46:17,020 ‫أعرف. حاولت زيارته هناك. 1178 00:46:14,750 --> 00:46:17,040 I know. I tried to visit him there. 1179 00:46:18,070 --> 00:46:21,940 ‫- حقاً؟ ‫- نعم، لكن توُجد مشكلة. 1180 00:46:18,090 --> 00:46:21,970 -You did? -I did. And there's an issue. 1181 00:46:22,950 --> 00:46:26,450 ‫- أي مشكلة؟ ‫- لم يوافق على التحليل. 1182 00:46:22,970 --> 00:46:26,470 -What kind of issue? -He wouldn't agree to the test. 1183 00:46:26,910 --> 00:46:28,200 ‫ماذا تقصدين؟ 1184 00:46:26,930 --> 00:46:28,220 What do you mean? 1185 00:46:29,160 --> 00:46:31,160 ‫قال إنّ عليك أن تطلب منه بنفسك. 1186 00:46:29,180 --> 00:46:31,180 He says you have to ask. 1187 00:46:32,120 --> 00:46:33,120 ‫أنا؟ 1188 00:46:32,140 --> 00:46:33,140 Me? 1189 00:46:34,290 --> 00:46:37,250 ‫- هو لا يعرفني. ‫- واضح أنه يريد تغيير هذا. 1190 00:46:34,310 --> 00:46:37,270 -He doesn't know me. -Apparently he wants to change that. 1191 00:46:41,210 --> 00:46:42,340 ‫لا بد من أنّ هذه مزحة. 1192 00:46:41,230 --> 00:46:42,360 You gotta be kidding. 1193 00:46:42,420 --> 00:46:44,760 ‫ "آندي" ، أنا آسفة، ‫لكننا بحاجة إلى تعاونه لكي... 1194 00:46:42,440 --> 00:46:44,780 Andy, I'm sorry, but we need his cooperation to-- 1195 00:46:44,840 --> 00:46:46,340 ‫قولي له تباً لك. 1196 00:46:44,860 --> 00:46:46,360 Tell him he can fuck off. 1197 00:46:54,060 --> 00:46:55,060 ‫آسف. 1198 00:46:54,080 --> 00:46:55,080 Sorry. 1199 00:46:59,980 --> 00:47:01,900 ‫لا أظنني أستطيع فعل ذلك. لا أستطيع. 1200 00:47:00,000 --> 00:47:01,920 I don't think I can do that. I can't. 1201 00:47:01,980 --> 00:47:03,070 ‫تستطيع. 1202 00:47:02,010 --> 00:47:03,090 You can. 1203 00:47:05,900 --> 00:47:06,910 ‫سيذهب. 1204 00:47:05,930 --> 00:47:06,930 He'll go. 1205 00:47:08,950 --> 00:47:10,410 ‫ستفعلها لأجل "جايكوب". 1206 00:47:08,970 --> 00:47:10,430 You'll do it for Jacob. 1207 00:47:12,620 --> 00:47:14,830 ‫كما قلت، مهما تطلّب الأمر. 1208 00:47:12,640 --> 00:47:14,850 It's like you said. Whatever it takes. 1209 00:48:34,990 --> 00:48:37,000 ‫ترجمة "عمر خضر"