1 00:00:05,172 --> 00:00:06,967 Operation Lighthouse. 2 00:00:06,991 --> 00:00:12,279 Re: the unsolved murder of Gail Vella on September 10th, 2019. 3 00:00:12,303 --> 00:00:14,268 What was Gail Vella digging into? 4 00:00:14,292 --> 00:00:16,567 Was it something that got her killed? 5 00:00:16,591 --> 00:00:21,431 This programme contains some strong language 6 00:00:21,455 --> 00:00:24,708 Ah! 7 00:00:24,732 --> 00:00:27,348 This was all crossed wires. I'm being scapegoated here. 8 00:00:27,372 --> 00:00:29,751 "Scapegoated"? 9 00:00:29,775 --> 00:00:33,847 Charge him. 10 00:00:33,871 --> 00:00:36,983 What's this? We're going to share. 11 00:00:37,007 --> 00:00:41,148 Overcrowding. 12 00:00:41,172 --> 00:00:45,239 You've become unable to lead your team. 13 00:00:45,263 --> 00:00:46,263 What? 14 00:00:46,287 --> 00:00:49,308 You'll be permitted to retire with your full pension 15 00:00:49,332 --> 00:00:55,031 and avoid the ignominy of disciplinary action and dismissal. 16 00:00:55,055 --> 00:01:03,055 Fortunately, there was John's life insurance. 17 00:01:08,412 --> 00:01:09,623 It's as easy as that, Jo. 18 00:01:09,647 --> 00:01:12,055 I wanted to bring up the other matter, 19 00:01:12,079 --> 00:01:13,668 my concerns with Ryan. 20 00:01:13,692 --> 00:01:17,111 Drop it, Kate. 21 00:01:17,135 --> 00:01:19,548 I don't know where you're getting your figures from, but I... 22 00:01:19,572 --> 00:01:22,788 Well, the figures came from your own office, Chief Constable. 23 00:01:22,812 --> 00:01:27,543 The barefaced liar, promoted to our highest office! 24 00:01:27,567 --> 00:01:28,788 And what about you, 25 00:01:28,812 --> 00:01:31,663 do you still believe there's a fourth man out there? 26 00:01:50,223 --> 00:01:52,788 The analysis detected partial matches to a nominal 27 00:01:52,812 --> 00:01:55,319 whose DNA is stored on other police databases. 28 00:01:55,343 --> 00:01:57,588 There's only one credible explanation for Jo Davidson's 29 00:01:57,612 --> 00:01:59,799 DNA matching this individual. 30 00:01:59,823 --> 00:02:04,668 They're blood relatives. 31 00:02:04,692 --> 00:02:06,903 A prison officer making a routine inspection 32 00:02:06,927 --> 00:02:09,348 found Jimmy Lakewell hanging, 33 00:02:09,372 --> 00:02:12,983 cold, not breathing, pulseless. 34 00:02:13,007 --> 00:02:16,631 Unfortunately, there's no CCTV in here or outside the cell door. 35 00:02:16,655 --> 00:02:18,468 Christ sake. 36 00:02:18,492 --> 00:02:20,988 It wasn't your fault, sir. 37 00:02:21,012 --> 00:02:23,543 It was Lakewell's decision to come back to prison. 38 00:02:23,567 --> 00:02:25,911 In the prison van, he gave me a lead. 39 00:02:25,935 --> 00:02:29,879 Gail Vella was digging into Lawrence Christopher... 40 00:02:29,903 --> 00:02:33,108 the death in custody in 2003. 41 00:02:33,132 --> 00:02:40,823 I'll get right on to it, sir. 42 00:02:40,847 --> 00:02:44,663 We've been looking at any possible links between Gail Vella's murder 43 00:02:44,687 --> 00:02:46,071 and the bookies robbery. 44 00:02:46,095 --> 00:02:48,759 We've established there was a rendezvous for all the armed robbers 45 00:02:48,783 --> 00:02:50,508 in the middle of the night. 46 00:02:50,532 --> 00:02:53,303 Now, Jake Kilorgan described an industrial estate, 47 00:02:53,327 --> 00:02:56,508 it's about ten to 15 minutes' drive from his address in Moss Heath. 48 00:02:56,532 --> 00:02:58,359 The location had metal gates, 49 00:02:58,383 --> 00:03:06,383 there's a short road servicing five to six industrial units. 50 00:03:07,279 --> 00:03:10,199 Industrial sites in a 15-minute radius. 51 00:03:10,223 --> 00:03:12,183 Doesn't look like too many. 52 00:03:12,207 --> 00:03:15,228 Just the first batch, ma'am, the ones we could find online. 53 00:03:15,252 --> 00:03:18,391 The chances are the OCG are using somewhere more covert, 54 00:03:18,415 --> 00:03:20,028 so the team's studying street images 55 00:03:20,052 --> 00:03:21,847 and then they'll recce the best matches. 56 00:03:21,871 --> 00:03:24,279 OK. Keep me updated. Ma'am. 57 00:03:24,303 --> 00:03:26,199 Boss, have you got a minute? 58 00:03:26,223 --> 00:03:31,959 Sorry, Kate, not now. 59 00:03:31,983 --> 00:03:34,711 DSU Davidson traveled by car from the Hill, 60 00:03:34,735 --> 00:03:38,551 arriving at her home address at 20:17 this evening. Right. 61 00:03:38,575 --> 00:03:40,343 Steve. 62 00:03:40,367 --> 00:03:41,687 Thank you for coming, Kate. 63 00:03:41,711 --> 00:03:44,695 This is by far the safest location for you right now. 64 00:03:44,719 --> 00:03:46,039 Understood, sir. 65 00:03:46,063 --> 00:03:49,879 Did the SFC authorise you to carry a concealed firearm? 66 00:03:49,903 --> 00:03:51,108 Good. 67 00:03:51,132 --> 00:03:53,527 Given what we've learned about Ryan Pilkington, 68 00:03:53,551 --> 00:03:55,639 you have to look after yourself. 69 00:03:55,663 --> 00:04:01,463 So, what's happening on the Hill? 70 00:04:01,487 --> 00:04:02,748 Frankly, sir, I don't know. 71 00:04:02,772 --> 00:04:05,148 Jo's become cold and distant towards me. 72 00:04:05,172 --> 00:04:08,567 I don't know what's going on in the background. 73 00:04:08,591 --> 00:04:11,319 Carry on, Chloe. 74 00:04:11,343 --> 00:04:13,668 The surveillance team report 75 00:04:13,692 --> 00:04:17,719 they're unable to observe activity from within the property. 76 00:04:17,743 --> 00:04:20,791 You've put Jo under surveillance? Why? 77 00:04:20,815 --> 00:04:23,388 Yeah, well, this is why we've called you in today, Kate. 78 00:04:23,412 --> 00:04:26,871 We've examined DSU Davidson's family history. 79 00:04:26,895 --> 00:04:30,588 Her personnel file gives next of kin as Samantha Davidson. 80 00:04:30,612 --> 00:04:34,359 However, we've discovered Samantha Davidson is deceased. 81 00:04:34,383 --> 00:04:36,983 Our in-depth forensic examination of Farida Jatri's home 82 00:04:37,007 --> 00:04:41,748 detected Davidson's DNA. 83 00:04:41,772 --> 00:04:47,159 Davidson's DNA's a partial match for Tommy Hunter. 84 00:04:47,183 --> 00:04:48,951 That's not the worst of it. 85 00:04:48,975 --> 00:04:54,647 There's an unusually high percentage match and runs of homozygosity. 86 00:04:54,671 --> 00:04:56,028 Oh, my God. 87 00:04:56,052 --> 00:04:57,732 I know from Steve that you've formed a view 88 00:04:57,756 --> 00:05:00,151 that Davidson isn't bent, Kate. 89 00:05:00,175 --> 00:05:08,175 But I'm sorry, it appears that she's pulled the wool over your eyes. 90 00:05:52,335 --> 00:05:54,828 Yeah? 91 00:05:54,852 --> 00:06:00,503 Sir, we thought you'd want to see what's on the TV. Oh, right. 92 00:06:00,527 --> 00:06:01,719 For too long now, 93 00:06:01,743 --> 00:06:08,508 police officers have had to serve faceless, unaccountable bureaucrats. 94 00:06:08,532 --> 00:06:11,767 We've even had to suffer political opportunists 95 00:06:11,791 --> 00:06:14,647 trying to win votes by vilifying police officers 96 00:06:14,671 --> 00:06:18,551 with false allegations of corruption. 97 00:06:18,575 --> 00:06:24,311 My duty, and the duty of every one of my officers, is very clear. 98 00:06:24,335 --> 00:06:28,791 We serve the public, not politicians, 99 00:06:28,815 --> 00:06:32,823 and it is high time we took back control. 100 00:06:32,847 --> 00:06:36,023 Policing should be left to those who know best, 101 00:06:36,047 --> 00:06:38,071 police officers. 102 00:06:38,095 --> 00:06:39,948 Thank you. 103 00:06:39,972 --> 00:06:47,972 Right, everybody back to work. Come on. 104 00:06:58,212 --> 00:07:01,239 Thank you, Charlotte. 105 00:07:01,263 --> 00:07:02,903 Good of you to see me, sir. 106 00:07:02,927 --> 00:07:04,668 No need to call me "sir" any more. 107 00:07:04,692 --> 00:07:06,871 The Chief's thrown me under a bus. 108 00:07:06,895 --> 00:07:08,919 Do nothing, I'm weakened. 109 00:07:08,943 --> 00:07:12,183 Fire him, I lose the support of rank-and-file officers. 110 00:07:12,207 --> 00:07:14,807 I'm resigning. 111 00:07:14,831 --> 00:07:17,047 But why is the Chief doing this? 112 00:07:17,071 --> 00:07:21,348 I'd been fighting his plan to scale back AC-12. 113 00:07:21,372 --> 00:07:22,999 Frankly, it's not been easy. 114 00:07:23,023 --> 00:07:25,188 You've been a bull in a china shop. 115 00:07:25,212 --> 00:07:28,668 I appreciate that, sir, but you know me. 116 00:07:28,692 --> 00:07:32,628 If I see a bent copper, I only know one way and that's full throttle. 117 00:07:32,652 --> 00:07:34,711 So prove it. 118 00:07:34,735 --> 00:07:41,148 It's down to you now, Ted, in whatever time you've got left. 119 00:07:41,172 --> 00:07:49,172 Sir. 120 00:07:59,567 --> 00:08:07,567 Sir. Cheers, Fletch. 121 00:09:12,015 --> 00:09:13,719 Mate, I've nothing new. 122 00:09:13,743 --> 00:09:16,343 Every time we get close, we get knocked back. 123 00:09:16,367 --> 00:09:18,007 Well, not entirely. 124 00:09:18,031 --> 00:09:19,479 Lakewell feared for his life. 125 00:09:19,503 --> 00:09:21,591 In transit, he agreed to reveal some of what he knew, 126 00:09:21,615 --> 00:09:23,831 knowing it could never be attributed to him in court. 127 00:09:23,855 --> 00:09:26,455 The case Gail Vella was researching at the time of her death 128 00:09:26,479 --> 00:09:29,271 was the murder of Lawrence Christopher. 129 00:09:29,295 --> 00:09:31,788 That was, what, 20 years ago? 17. 130 00:09:31,812 --> 00:09:34,428 Is that what your text was about? 131 00:09:34,452 --> 00:09:37,463 No, something else. 132 00:09:37,487 --> 00:09:39,895 I carried out an unlawful search. 133 00:09:39,919 --> 00:09:45,783 You'll understand why. 134 00:09:45,807 --> 00:09:48,599 A banknote recovered from a private residential property, 135 00:09:48,623 --> 00:09:49,943 part of a much larger sum, 136 00:09:49,967 --> 00:09:54,108 easily tens of thousands of pounds. 137 00:09:54,132 --> 00:09:57,559 And this property? 138 00:09:57,583 --> 00:09:59,991 Merseyside. 139 00:10:00,015 --> 00:10:01,399 Steph Corbett. 140 00:10:01,423 --> 00:10:03,228 I checked her financial records. 141 00:10:03,252 --> 00:10:05,303 There's no legit source for the money. 142 00:10:05,327 --> 00:10:07,068 So, where's it come from? 143 00:10:07,092 --> 00:10:09,948 Forensic analysis gives a 99.9% probability 144 00:10:09,972 --> 00:10:13,367 the banknote comes from the same batch as £50,000 found last year 145 00:10:13,391 --> 00:10:15,735 in a bedroom of the Edge Park Hotel. 146 00:10:15,759 --> 00:10:17,988 The 50 grand the Gaffer was duped into accepting 147 00:10:18,012 --> 00:10:20,988 and intended to return. Ah, shit. 148 00:10:21,012 --> 00:10:22,583 At the time, there was an allegation 149 00:10:22,607 --> 00:10:24,348 the true amount had been a 100 grand. 150 00:10:24,372 --> 00:10:26,999 The allegation was dismissed given the Gaffer's credibility 151 00:10:27,023 --> 00:10:29,943 and the fact the other 50 couldn't be found. 152 00:10:29,967 --> 00:10:37,967 Until now. 153 00:10:39,375 --> 00:10:42,231 Steve, it's me, Steph. 154 00:10:42,255 --> 00:10:45,468 I, uh, haven't heard from you in a couple of weeks 155 00:10:45,492 --> 00:10:48,951 and I'm just checking to see if everything's OK. 156 00:10:48,975 --> 00:10:52,471 I know you're busy and that. Sorry. 157 00:10:52,495 --> 00:10:57,295 Call me back. 158 00:11:02,351 --> 00:11:04,668 Hiya. 159 00:11:04,692 --> 00:11:09,111 Sorry for rabbiting on, I hate leaving messages. 160 00:11:09,135 --> 00:11:10,839 No, no. 161 00:11:10,863 --> 00:11:12,503 No, sorry I haven't called. 162 00:11:12,527 --> 00:11:14,295 You OK? Yeah. 163 00:11:14,319 --> 00:11:16,308 You? 164 00:11:16,332 --> 00:11:19,548 Yeah. 165 00:11:19,572 --> 00:11:22,615 This week isn't great for me, I'm kind of snowed under. 166 00:11:22,639 --> 00:11:26,268 You OK if we leave it? 167 00:11:26,292 --> 00:11:28,311 For this week like, or... 168 00:11:28,335 --> 00:11:30,588 or leave it leave it? 169 00:11:30,612 --> 00:11:33,828 I just meant this week. 170 00:11:33,852 --> 00:11:38,268 Why, do you want to leave it? 171 00:11:38,292 --> 00:11:42,348 Do you? 172 00:11:42,372 --> 00:11:44,631 Look, Steph, I'm still at work, 173 00:11:44,655 --> 00:11:47,388 I can't really talk right now. 174 00:11:47,412 --> 00:11:52,119 I'll call you when I get the chance, OK? 175 00:11:52,143 --> 00:11:54,108 OK. 176 00:11:54,132 --> 00:11:56,151 Bye. 177 00:11:56,175 --> 00:12:04,175 Bye. 178 00:13:02,735 --> 00:13:10,735 Steve, it's me. 179 00:13:14,412 --> 00:13:19,223 Boss... 180 00:13:19,247 --> 00:13:23,028 I think we might have located the OCG workshop. 181 00:13:23,052 --> 00:13:24,151 That's great. 182 00:13:24,175 --> 00:13:26,327 Look, given the problem we've had with leaks, 183 00:13:26,351 --> 00:13:28,375 I'd like to brief the entire team straight away, 184 00:13:28,399 --> 00:13:30,039 with your permission, of course. 185 00:13:30,063 --> 00:13:31,831 Sure. 186 00:13:31,855 --> 00:13:34,391 Thanks, boss. 187 00:13:34,415 --> 00:13:36,348 Right, can everybody report to the Incident Room 188 00:13:36,372 --> 00:13:44,372 for a briefing, please? 189 00:13:54,639 --> 00:13:58,007 Thank you. DI Fleming. Boss. 190 00:13:58,031 --> 00:14:00,631 I believe I've identified a site matching the description 191 00:14:00,655 --> 00:14:04,548 given to us by Jake Kilorgan of the OCG firearms workshop. 192 00:14:04,572 --> 00:14:07,351 Now, as you know, recommissioned firearms and tailored ammunition 193 00:14:07,375 --> 00:14:11,639 were used in the murder of Gail Vella and the recent OCG ambush. 194 00:14:11,663 --> 00:14:14,391 The workshop could provide crucial forensic evidence 195 00:14:14,415 --> 00:14:16,759 in the hunt to find Gail's killer. 196 00:14:16,783 --> 00:14:21,303 The location is Lochside Yard, an industrial estate in Moss Heath. 197 00:14:21,327 --> 00:14:24,828 We need to move quick and ensure complete security on comms. 198 00:14:24,852 --> 00:14:27,639 Plus, I'd like all officers to surrender their phones. 199 00:14:27,663 --> 00:14:29,111 What? What? 200 00:14:29,135 --> 00:14:30,519 Come on, ma'am, seriously? 201 00:14:30,543 --> 00:14:33,228 Look, whatever way word got out on the op to arrest Carl Banks 202 00:14:33,252 --> 00:14:38,327 isn't happening this time. 203 00:14:38,351 --> 00:14:41,911 Phones... 204 00:14:41,935 --> 00:14:49,935 Please do as DI Fleming says. 205 00:14:51,732 --> 00:14:58,308 Bullshit. 206 00:14:58,332 --> 00:15:00,023 Thank you. 207 00:15:00,047 --> 00:15:03,671 We'll need a search warrant, plus all relevant authorities 208 00:15:03,695 --> 00:15:05,911 for ARVs fully crewed with AFOs. 209 00:15:05,935 --> 00:15:08,087 Deployment roles will come from DI Fleming. 210 00:15:08,111 --> 00:15:10,199 I'd like to TL within the hour. 211 00:15:10,223 --> 00:15:14,628 Nobody leaves these rooms except myself and DI Fleming. 212 00:15:14,652 --> 00:15:17,431 Carry on. Boss. Ma'am. 213 00:15:17,455 --> 00:15:20,311 Right, we'll deploy two ARVs to the white aspect, 214 00:15:20,335 --> 00:15:23,988 no black in play, plus GPD if required. 215 00:15:24,012 --> 00:15:26,199 Chris, can you arrange route planning? 216 00:15:26,223 --> 00:15:29,028 We'll also need full forensic deployment available. 217 00:15:29,052 --> 00:15:31,908 Boss. Ma'am. 218 00:15:31,932 --> 00:15:34,548 Crack on. 219 00:15:34,572 --> 00:15:36,119 What now, Kate? 220 00:15:36,143 --> 00:15:44,143 Boss, there's something I need to tell you. 221 00:16:05,412 --> 00:16:13,412 PC Pilkington, you're with us. 222 00:16:16,655 --> 00:16:19,703 Mike India, Three Seven, Control, TL the Hill. 223 00:16:19,727 --> 00:16:27,727 Control received, Three Seven. 224 00:16:50,575 --> 00:16:53,148 Get back, get back! 225 00:16:53,172 --> 00:17:01,172 Armed police, get back! 226 00:17:07,727 --> 00:17:10,199 Armed police! 227 00:17:10,223 --> 00:17:16,188 Armed police! 228 00:17:16,212 --> 00:17:19,548 Tango Oscar Seven Five, site secure, unarmed, clear to enter. 229 00:17:19,572 --> 00:17:21,591 Mike India Two Zero, received. 230 00:17:21,615 --> 00:17:24,012 Let's go! 231 00:17:39,855 --> 00:17:46,308 Shit. 232 00:17:46,332 --> 00:17:48,948 Mike India, Two Zero, sit rep. 233 00:17:48,972 --> 00:17:50,647 Control, go ahead, Two Zero. 234 00:17:50,671 --> 00:17:56,279 Two Zero, premises entered and secured, no workshop detected. 235 00:17:56,303 --> 00:18:00,951 Control received, Two Zero. 236 00:18:00,975 --> 00:18:08,975 Two Zero, received. Continuing search of site. 237 00:18:10,332 --> 00:18:18,332 Control, received, Two Zero. 238 00:18:44,687 --> 00:18:46,711 Anything at all? 239 00:18:46,735 --> 00:18:49,463 Nothing in any other unit, boss, sorry. 240 00:18:49,487 --> 00:18:51,127 We'll move on to the other sites. 241 00:18:51,151 --> 00:18:53,388 What other sites? 242 00:18:53,412 --> 00:18:56,268 Kate informed me three locations match the criteria, 243 00:18:56,292 --> 00:18:58,231 this was the nearest. 244 00:18:58,255 --> 00:19:00,536 I'm sorry, Chris, but I was worried about potential leaks, 245 00:19:00,560 --> 00:19:03,948 so I only informed Acting DSU Davidson of the other two. 246 00:19:03,972 --> 00:19:05,911 Right. God's sake. 247 00:19:05,935 --> 00:19:07,447 It's nothing personal, Sarge. 248 00:19:07,471 --> 00:19:08,791 We'll split the team. 249 00:19:08,815 --> 00:19:10,839 I'll lead the deployment to White Rock Park, 250 00:19:10,863 --> 00:19:13,463 DI Fleming will lead the deployment to Knights' Courtyard. 251 00:19:13,487 --> 00:19:16,599 Ma'am. Chris, you come with me. I'm going with the Boss. 252 00:19:16,623 --> 00:19:20,388 Right... One AFO, one MIT vehicle with me. 253 00:19:20,412 --> 00:19:26,903 I'll brief en route 254 00:19:26,927 --> 00:19:34,927 PC Pilkington, you're in this one. 255 00:19:51,503 --> 00:19:53,748 Alpha Charlie, Five Two, 256 00:19:53,772 --> 00:19:57,175 site one sit rep. 257 00:19:57,199 --> 00:19:59,671 Site two, go ahead, site one. 258 00:19:59,695 --> 00:20:02,679 Five Two, MIT TL, site one. 259 00:20:02,703 --> 00:20:06,135 We had visual with Pilkington making a call via concealed burner. 260 00:20:06,159 --> 00:20:10,188 Received. Come in, site three. 261 00:20:10,212 --> 00:20:14,268 Site three, Alpha Charlie One Zero receiving. 262 00:20:14,292 --> 00:20:16,668 Site one have got obs on Pilkington possibly leaking 263 00:20:16,692 --> 00:20:18,615 information on the MIT operation. 264 00:20:18,639 --> 00:20:20,388 Received. 265 00:20:20,412 --> 00:20:28,412 Site three standing by for obs. 266 00:20:35,343 --> 00:20:43,343 Stand by. 267 00:20:48,975 --> 00:20:51,959 Site two, obs on possible OCG activity. 268 00:20:51,983 --> 00:20:54,348 Site three, received. 269 00:20:54,372 --> 00:20:55,991 Move in. 270 00:20:56,015 --> 00:21:03,228 Six Six, moving in. 271 00:21:03,252 --> 00:21:11,252 Police, get back. Get back. 272 00:21:13,167 --> 00:21:15,511 Armed police! Armed police! 273 00:21:15,535 --> 00:21:23,535 Shit! Go, go! 274 00:21:27,695 --> 00:21:29,463 Armed police! 275 00:21:29,487 --> 00:21:36,183 Armed officers inside, clear to enter! 276 00:21:36,207 --> 00:21:39,959 Get the defib. Sir. 277 00:21:39,983 --> 00:21:42,839 Alpha Charlie, Four Five, Control, active message. 278 00:21:42,863 --> 00:21:45,348 Shots fired, repeat, shots fired. 279 00:21:45,372 --> 00:21:48,471 Two non-police casualties with serious GSWs, 280 00:21:48,495 --> 00:21:52,247 require urgent paramedic support, location White Rock Park. 281 00:21:52,271 --> 00:21:55,447 Repeat, two casualties, White Rock Park. 282 00:21:55,471 --> 00:21:58,007 Control, received, Four Five, stand by for ETA. 283 00:21:58,031 --> 00:21:59,671 Four Five, standing by. 284 00:21:59,695 --> 00:22:02,359 Also request Duty Officer be informed to start PIM. 285 00:22:02,383 --> 00:22:04,151 Received, Four Five. 286 00:22:04,175 --> 00:22:12,175 Force incident manager informed, stand by for PIM update. 287 00:22:27,279 --> 00:22:29,047 DI Arnott, AC-12. 288 00:22:29,071 --> 00:22:30,839 This is an active MIT operation. 289 00:22:30,863 --> 00:22:33,271 What the hell are you doing here? And get those people back! 290 00:22:33,295 --> 00:22:34,428 Ma'am... Police, get back! 291 00:22:34,452 --> 00:22:38,071 Control, Alpha Charlie, Four Five, ambulance is TA. 292 00:22:38,095 --> 00:22:39,863 Four Five, received. 293 00:22:39,887 --> 00:22:41,911 Ma'am... Ambulance? Christ sake! 294 00:22:41,935 --> 00:22:44,279 Ma'am, we attempted to arrest two suspects at this site 295 00:22:44,303 --> 00:22:47,031 and, unfortunately, our AFOs were forced to open fire. 296 00:22:47,055 --> 00:22:48,708 It gets worse. 297 00:22:48,732 --> 00:22:50,871 You still haven't told me how you came to be here. 298 00:22:50,895 --> 00:22:53,508 We were led to this site by an AC-12 surveillance operation 299 00:22:53,532 --> 00:22:55,612 of OCG men believed to be linked to the recent ambush 300 00:22:55,636 --> 00:22:57,015 of a prisoner transport 301 00:22:57,039 --> 00:23:01,943 in which an AC-12 officer lost her life. 302 00:23:01,967 --> 00:23:09,967 Inside the unit, two men, serious high-velocity GSWs. 303 00:23:10,332 --> 00:23:12,468 No respiration, nothing's going to help. No. 304 00:23:12,492 --> 00:23:14,231 GSWs with severe haemorrhaging. 305 00:23:14,255 --> 00:23:15,639 We'll start resus and see what... 306 00:23:15,663 --> 00:23:17,047 All right, guys, stand down. 307 00:23:17,071 --> 00:23:21,108 You'll need to surrender yourself for full forensic recovery. Sir. 308 00:23:21,132 --> 00:23:23,148 This is what we've been looking for. 309 00:23:23,172 --> 00:23:24,599 Yeah, we found it first. 310 00:23:24,623 --> 00:23:27,108 This location's of high value to MIT's inquiry 311 00:23:27,132 --> 00:23:30,039 into the murder of Gail Vella. It's ours, DI Arnott. 312 00:23:30,063 --> 00:23:32,508 Ma'am, we need full access and full sharing of evidence. 313 00:23:32,532 --> 00:23:34,711 You've just ordered your AFOs to stand down, 314 00:23:34,735 --> 00:23:42,735 I'm ordering you to do the same. 315 00:23:47,172 --> 00:23:49,559 Chris, as soon as the casualties have been evacuated, 316 00:23:49,583 --> 00:23:52,375 cordon off this unit and bring in a full forensic deployment. 317 00:23:52,399 --> 00:23:54,828 Ma'am. 318 00:23:54,852 --> 00:23:56,868 Mike India Five three, Control. 319 00:23:56,892 --> 00:24:01,591 State Six, White Rock Park. 320 00:24:01,615 --> 00:24:04,471 No resps, carotid pulse absent. 321 00:24:04,495 --> 00:24:07,223 MIT carried out a successful operation. 322 00:24:07,247 --> 00:24:10,231 I was conscious a possible leak would alert the OCG. 323 00:24:10,255 --> 00:24:12,535 Only one site was disclosed to MIT officers. 324 00:24:12,559 --> 00:24:15,159 However, I took the decision to inform DSU Davidson 325 00:24:15,183 --> 00:24:16,788 of all three possible sites. 326 00:24:16,812 --> 00:24:18,167 It's a big call, Kate. 327 00:24:18,191 --> 00:24:19,831 Well, I believe it paid off, sir. 328 00:24:19,855 --> 00:24:22,263 You said yourself the information on Jo's family history 329 00:24:22,287 --> 00:24:24,951 strongly suggests she's colluding with organised crime, 330 00:24:24,975 --> 00:24:27,639 but that doesn't fit with what I've witnessed first-hand. 331 00:24:27,663 --> 00:24:29,628 We needed to know one way or another. 332 00:24:29,652 --> 00:24:32,508 She had plenty of time to tip off the OCG and she didn't. 333 00:24:32,532 --> 00:24:36,023 As far as I'm concerned, that's proof she's not bent. 334 00:24:36,047 --> 00:24:38,071 Look, Davidson led the deployment to White Rock, 335 00:24:38,095 --> 00:24:40,311 where the workshop just happened to be located. 336 00:24:40,335 --> 00:24:41,783 Then she ordered me to stand down, 337 00:24:41,807 --> 00:24:44,535 enabling her to take control of the crime scene. 338 00:24:44,559 --> 00:24:46,308 For all we know, she played it that way, 339 00:24:46,332 --> 00:24:47,991 to appear straight while still being able 340 00:24:48,015 --> 00:24:50,039 to manipulate the investigation. 341 00:24:50,063 --> 00:24:51,895 Steve's right, Kate. 342 00:24:51,919 --> 00:24:54,948 In my book, the jury's still out. 343 00:24:54,972 --> 00:24:56,567 Sir. 344 00:24:56,591 --> 00:25:00,228 So, what do we know about these OCG suspects? 345 00:25:00,252 --> 00:25:02,647 White Rock Park. 346 00:25:02,671 --> 00:25:05,399 The suspects entered the factory unit. 347 00:25:05,423 --> 00:25:07,447 AFOs were deployed on my order 348 00:25:07,471 --> 00:25:10,199 and, unfortunately, the suspects failed to surrender. 349 00:25:10,223 --> 00:25:11,927 They were both pronounced dead on arrival 350 00:25:11,951 --> 00:25:14,679 at City General Hospital, 15:27. 351 00:25:14,703 --> 00:25:16,279 Fingerprints taken from their bodies 352 00:25:16,303 --> 00:25:18,839 match Lewis Polkard and Darren Morgan, 353 00:25:18,863 --> 00:25:20,311 both known violent criminals 354 00:25:20,335 --> 00:25:23,191 with longstanding links to organised crime. 355 00:25:23,215 --> 00:25:25,943 But we got there before they could destroy any evidence, right? 356 00:25:25,967 --> 00:25:27,287 Yes, sir. 357 00:25:27,311 --> 00:25:29,508 So what about Ryan Pilkington? 358 00:25:29,532 --> 00:25:30,999 At site one, Chloe and her team 359 00:25:31,023 --> 00:25:33,175 captured images of PC Ryan Pilkington 360 00:25:33,199 --> 00:25:34,839 producing a concealed burner phone 361 00:25:34,863 --> 00:25:37,463 and appearing to make a call at 14:24 today. 362 00:25:37,487 --> 00:25:39,959 A burner phone was recovered from the body of Lewis Polkard, 363 00:25:39,983 --> 00:25:42,711 which showed a received call at 14:24 today. 364 00:25:42,735 --> 00:25:44,508 Now, we believe Pilkington tipped them off, 365 00:25:44,532 --> 00:25:46,188 but, obviously, we can't close the loop 366 00:25:46,212 --> 00:25:47,988 without recovering Pilkington's phone. 367 00:25:48,012 --> 00:25:50,268 Sir, the surveillance team have obs on Ryan Pilkington. 368 00:25:50,292 --> 00:25:53,079 I've got AFOs standing by to bring him in. Great work, Chloe. 369 00:25:53,103 --> 00:25:55,548 Could you just give us a moment, Chloe? Thanks. 370 00:25:55,572 --> 00:26:02,871 Of course, sir. 371 00:26:02,895 --> 00:26:05,879 Let's look at the big picture here. 372 00:26:05,903 --> 00:26:09,143 Ryan Pilkington has been groomed since childhood 373 00:26:09,167 --> 00:26:11,063 as a fixer for organised crime - 374 00:26:11,087 --> 00:26:14,071 exactly the same history as Dot Cottan. 375 00:26:14,095 --> 00:26:16,823 Now, Pilkington has inside information, 376 00:26:16,847 --> 00:26:18,743 you can be sure of that. 377 00:26:18,767 --> 00:26:22,135 But I can guarantee you, if we bring him in now, 378 00:26:22,159 --> 00:26:24,119 he will say nothing 379 00:26:24,143 --> 00:26:29,628 and we will be left holding a sprat when we should've landed a mackerel. 380 00:26:29,652 --> 00:26:32,439 Sir, Ryan Pilkington's embedded within MIT. 381 00:26:32,463 --> 00:26:34,788 He's in a position to sabotage ongoing operations 382 00:26:34,812 --> 00:26:37,687 and, in my view, he's a danger to other officers, not least Kate. 383 00:26:37,711 --> 00:26:39,588 I know, listen, he should be arrested. 384 00:26:39,612 --> 00:26:42,039 Of course, he should be arrested, and the door locked 385 00:26:42,063 --> 00:26:45,047 and the key thrown away, but he is the new Caddy 386 00:26:45,071 --> 00:26:49,847 and I can guarantee you he did not join MIT by accident. 387 00:26:49,871 --> 00:26:52,343 The Fourth Man put him there. 388 00:26:52,367 --> 00:26:55,671 Now, we are so close, so close. 389 00:26:55,695 --> 00:26:59,868 And that is why we're going to keep Ryan Pilkington under surveillance, 390 00:26:59,892 --> 00:27:02,148 and he will lead us to the big fish. 391 00:27:02,172 --> 00:27:06,828 Do I make myself clear? 392 00:27:06,852 --> 00:27:09,559 Sir. 393 00:27:09,583 --> 00:27:11,671 Sir. 394 00:27:11,695 --> 00:27:18,588 Now we're sucking diesel. 395 00:27:18,612 --> 00:27:20,772 I thought the gaffer was the one wanting to pull him in 396 00:27:20,796 --> 00:27:22,807 and you talked him out of it? 397 00:27:22,831 --> 00:27:30,831 Looks like he's changed his mind. 398 00:27:49,332 --> 00:27:52,188 As you all know, the Gail Vella murder weapon was never recovered. 399 00:27:52,212 --> 00:27:55,511 However, the cartridge and bullet were recovered at the crime scene. 400 00:27:55,535 --> 00:27:57,348 NABIS concluded the cartridge and bullet 401 00:27:57,372 --> 00:28:00,439 were tailored ammunition for a workshopped firearm. 402 00:28:00,463 --> 00:28:02,871 The White Rock unit is equipped with the exact machinery 403 00:28:02,895 --> 00:28:04,471 required for this process. 404 00:28:04,495 --> 00:28:06,108 Excellent. 405 00:28:06,132 --> 00:28:09,719 This is clearly a location closely linked to OCG activity. 406 00:28:09,743 --> 00:28:12,983 It needs to be thoroughly examined for fingerprints and DNA 407 00:28:13,007 --> 00:28:15,228 that might match Carl Banks, or Terry Boyle, 408 00:28:15,252 --> 00:28:18,039 or any accomplices in Gail Vella's murder. 409 00:28:18,063 --> 00:28:20,151 We've never been closer to finding who killed Gail 410 00:28:20,175 --> 00:28:22,135 and who plotted her murder. 411 00:28:22,159 --> 00:28:24,311 Well done, everyone, get to it. 412 00:28:24,335 --> 00:28:32,335 Boss. Boss. 413 00:28:34,575 --> 00:28:37,943 Before he was found dead, Jimmy Lakewell revealed to DI Arnott 414 00:28:37,967 --> 00:28:42,468 that Gail Vella was investigating the murder of Lawrence Christopher. 415 00:28:42,492 --> 00:28:46,199 In April 2003, Lawrence Christopher was attacked 416 00:28:46,223 --> 00:28:50,551 outside Edge Park Railway Station by a gang of white youths. 417 00:28:50,575 --> 00:28:53,303 A passer-by found Christopher wandering nearby 418 00:28:53,327 --> 00:28:56,759 in a confused state and called triple nine. 419 00:28:56,783 --> 00:28:59,511 Officers found Christopher to be uncooperative 420 00:28:59,535 --> 00:29:03,588 and took him into custody, where he died later that night. 421 00:29:03,612 --> 00:29:07,068 Custody suite video shows officers mocking Christopher 422 00:29:07,092 --> 00:29:09,468 while he lay unresponsive in his cell. 423 00:29:09,492 --> 00:29:12,348 A disgrace to the uniform, every single one of them. 424 00:29:12,372 --> 00:29:18,391 The postmortem detected an undiagnosed skull fracture. 425 00:29:18,415 --> 00:29:21,911 The wound on Christopher's head contained deposits of lead, 426 00:29:21,935 --> 00:29:25,111 suggesting he'd been struck by a piece of lead piping. 427 00:29:25,135 --> 00:29:29,783 The initial police inquiry concluded that the attack was gang-related. 428 00:29:29,807 --> 00:29:33,047 Following protests from Christopher's family, 429 00:29:33,071 --> 00:29:35,351 the inquiry team eventually accepted 430 00:29:35,375 --> 00:29:38,295 that the victim had no gang connections. 431 00:29:38,319 --> 00:29:40,343 In fact, Lawrence Christopher was an architect 432 00:29:40,367 --> 00:29:42,391 who'd never been in trouble with the law. 433 00:29:42,415 --> 00:29:45,228 By the time officers redirected the case, 434 00:29:45,252 --> 00:29:47,268 already two weeks had passed by. 435 00:29:47,292 --> 00:29:50,071 In this time, police received a number of tip-offs 436 00:29:50,095 --> 00:29:52,311 naming a small group of white youths 437 00:29:52,335 --> 00:29:55,068 with a history of racially aggravated violence. 438 00:29:55,092 --> 00:29:57,239 Despite this, witnesses weren't interviewed 439 00:29:57,263 --> 00:29:58,668 for at least another week. 440 00:29:58,692 --> 00:30:00,183 And most damning of all, 441 00:30:00,207 --> 00:30:04,279 forensic evidence from the suspects homes was never secured. 442 00:30:04,303 --> 00:30:07,031 The SIO at the time claimed he wasn't aware 443 00:30:07,055 --> 00:30:11,511 it was lawful to arrest the suspects purely on suspicion of the crime. 444 00:30:11,535 --> 00:30:13,068 Astonishing. 445 00:30:13,092 --> 00:30:15,031 Absolutely beggars belief. 446 00:30:15,055 --> 00:30:16,951 Who was the SIO? 447 00:30:16,975 --> 00:30:22,583 Detective Chief Inspector Marcus Thurwell. 448 00:30:22,607 --> 00:30:26,551 As a result of the failure to secure any forensic evidence, 449 00:30:26,575 --> 00:30:30,468 the case against the suspects was extremely flimsy. 450 00:30:30,492 --> 00:30:33,975 An identification parade took place more than a month after 451 00:30:33,999 --> 00:30:35,831 Christopher's murder. 452 00:30:35,855 --> 00:30:41,271 By this time, all suspects had shaved and had short hair cuts. 453 00:30:41,295 --> 00:30:44,535 Witnesses were unable to provide a positive ID. 454 00:30:44,559 --> 00:30:46,967 All five suspects were released without charge 455 00:30:46,991 --> 00:30:49,591 and granted anonymity. 456 00:30:49,615 --> 00:30:51,831 Family and friends of Lawrence Christopher 457 00:30:51,855 --> 00:30:55,095 successfully campaigned for an inquiry into police failings. 458 00:30:55,119 --> 00:30:57,719 The subsequent report released in 2005 459 00:30:57,743 --> 00:31:00,151 concluded that procedural errors 460 00:31:00,175 --> 00:31:02,903 had occurred due to institutional racism 461 00:31:02,927 --> 00:31:06,468 and the assumption that he was an active participant in crime 462 00:31:06,492 --> 00:31:09,948 rather than an innocent victim. 463 00:31:09,972 --> 00:31:14,423 It's a shameful episode, and no mistake, but I really... 464 00:31:14,447 --> 00:31:17,751 I don't see how it could lead to Gail Vella's murder. 465 00:31:17,775 --> 00:31:19,671 We'll keep digging, sir. 466 00:31:19,695 --> 00:31:23,988 Yes. Good work, good work. 467 00:31:24,012 --> 00:31:31,692 Carry on, you two. 468 00:31:37,359 --> 00:31:39,831 Sorry you had to dredge all that up. 469 00:31:39,855 --> 00:31:42,647 You OK? 470 00:31:42,671 --> 00:31:46,231 The custody officers were laughing and 471 00:31:46,255 --> 00:31:50,327 making monkey noises while Christopher lay dying. 472 00:31:50,351 --> 00:31:52,788 They were all cleared of misconduct, 473 00:31:52,812 --> 00:31:55,428 took early retirement for stress 474 00:31:55,452 --> 00:31:58,071 and claimed tens of thousands in compensation 475 00:31:58,095 --> 00:32:00,911 on top of their pension. 476 00:32:03,855 --> 00:32:11,855 How could anyone be OK? 477 00:32:37,092 --> 00:32:42,359 Chloe. 478 00:32:42,383 --> 00:32:44,343 Marcus Thurwell's name came up in connection 479 00:32:44,367 --> 00:32:45,828 with Sands View Boys' Home. 480 00:32:45,852 --> 00:32:47,351 It was before your time. 481 00:32:47,375 --> 00:32:50,551 Child Sexual Exploitation involving Councillor Dale Roach, 482 00:32:50,575 --> 00:32:54,348 Chief Superintendent Patrick Fairbank and others. 483 00:32:54,372 --> 00:32:56,868 Gail Vella interviewed the PCC about this. 484 00:32:56,892 --> 00:32:59,268 She wanted to know why there hadn't been a public inquiry. 485 00:32:59,292 --> 00:33:00,599 That's the one. 486 00:33:00,623 --> 00:33:02,455 A social worker named Oliver Stephens-Lloyd 487 00:33:02,479 --> 00:33:04,695 tried to report the abuse. 488 00:33:04,719 --> 00:33:08,343 He was found dead in 1998 at the same location, where, more recently, 489 00:33:08,367 --> 00:33:11,031 we found the bodies of ACC Hilton and Maneet Bindra. 490 00:33:11,055 --> 00:33:13,399 Despite strong forensic evidence of murder, 491 00:33:13,423 --> 00:33:15,639 Stephens-Lloyd's death was written off as suicide. 492 00:33:15,663 --> 00:33:19,351 The SIO was Marcus Thurwell. 493 00:33:19,375 --> 00:33:22,551 So you've investigated Thurwell before? 494 00:33:22,575 --> 00:33:24,919 By the time of our inquiry in 2015, 495 00:33:24,943 --> 00:33:29,079 Thurwell had taken early retirement, believed to be living in Spain. 496 00:33:29,103 --> 00:33:34,135 The Spanish authorities were able to capture a surveillance image for us. 497 00:33:34,159 --> 00:33:36,183 Then Thurwell vanished again. 498 00:33:36,207 --> 00:33:38,679 And anyway our inquiry had convicted the prime suspect, 499 00:33:38,703 --> 00:33:41,148 Chief Superintendent Patrick Fairbank, 500 00:33:41,172 --> 00:33:44,868 the senior officer most closely linked to child sexual exploitation. 501 00:33:44,892 --> 00:33:47,148 Sir, I wonder if Gail discovered the link 502 00:33:47,172 --> 00:33:49,668 between Thurwell and the Lawrence Christopher case. 503 00:33:49,692 --> 00:33:52,439 Maybe she was interested in Fairbank, too. 504 00:33:52,463 --> 00:34:00,463 Find out. Sir. 505 00:34:24,207 --> 00:34:26,359 Kate, have you got a minute? 506 00:34:26,383 --> 00:34:28,471 Sure. 507 00:34:28,495 --> 00:34:31,223 Steve Arnott claimed AC-12 happened to be at White Rock 508 00:34:31,247 --> 00:34:36,023 because they were tracking the OCG men. 509 00:34:36,047 --> 00:34:38,199 Yeah. 510 00:34:38,223 --> 00:34:40,951 As well as informing you of the three possible sites, 511 00:34:40,975 --> 00:34:45,623 I informed AC-12. 512 00:34:45,647 --> 00:34:50,167 Credit for not trying to insult my intelligence. 513 00:34:50,191 --> 00:34:53,988 They're conducting a lawful inquiry, it's my duty to cooperate. 514 00:34:54,012 --> 00:34:58,615 Look, I'm telling you the truth, Jo, because I trust you with it. 515 00:34:58,639 --> 00:35:01,367 I wouldn't want to harm your career, Kate. 516 00:35:01,391 --> 00:35:03,543 It's best if you request a transfer. 517 00:35:03,567 --> 00:35:07,788 I'm sure AC-12 would take you back. 518 00:35:07,812 --> 00:35:11,268 You've been distant with me for days. Is this personal? 519 00:35:11,292 --> 00:35:13,079 I'm your senior officer, 520 00:35:13,103 --> 00:35:14,679 I should be distant. 521 00:35:14,703 --> 00:35:18,775 I thought we were friends. What's happening here? 522 00:35:18,799 --> 00:35:20,508 So you can tell AC-12? 523 00:35:20,532 --> 00:35:22,679 No. I wouldn't tell them personal stuff. 524 00:35:22,703 --> 00:35:25,068 And, as for requesting a transfer, I respectfully decline. 525 00:35:25,092 --> 00:35:33,092 I'm not leaving. 526 00:35:39,492 --> 00:35:41,559 Sir. Yeah? 527 00:35:41,583 --> 00:35:43,991 Patrick Fairbank was moved to Queen's Chase Open Prison 528 00:35:44,015 --> 00:35:47,191 in 2016 due to declining health. 529 00:35:47,215 --> 00:35:50,868 Gail Vella made a request to interview him last year. 530 00:35:50,892 --> 00:35:53,207 It was set for September 11th but never took place, 531 00:35:53,231 --> 00:35:56,791 as she was murdered the night before. 532 00:35:56,815 --> 00:36:04,815 Call them, set up an interview. Sir. 533 00:36:07,932 --> 00:36:11,191 DI Arnott, DC Bishop, AC-12. 534 00:36:11,215 --> 00:36:19,215 Go ahead, sir. 535 00:36:24,975 --> 00:36:29,687 I know where I'm going! 536 00:36:29,711 --> 00:36:32,508 See?! 537 00:36:32,532 --> 00:36:34,615 I told you! 538 00:36:34,639 --> 00:36:40,908 We'll shout if we need you. 539 00:36:40,932 --> 00:36:43,319 Chief Superintendent Fairbank. 540 00:36:43,343 --> 00:36:47,799 DI Steve Arnott. 541 00:36:47,823 --> 00:36:51,708 I was a DS when you last saw me. 542 00:36:51,732 --> 00:36:56,439 I don't mean to be rude, I get very... 543 00:36:56,463 --> 00:36:59,703 mixed up. We've got some questions. 544 00:36:59,727 --> 00:37:02,519 OK. 545 00:37:02,543 --> 00:37:09,623 We're interested in one of your former officers, Marcus Thurwell. 546 00:37:09,647 --> 00:37:11,868 Right. 547 00:37:11,892 --> 00:37:14,508 He worked under you on the Sands View case. 548 00:37:14,532 --> 00:37:21,719 He was a DI back then. 549 00:37:21,743 --> 00:37:26,391 Here's Thurwell after he became a DCI. 550 00:37:26,415 --> 00:37:29,079 You recognise him now? 551 00:37:29,103 --> 00:37:31,191 I should know the face... 552 00:37:31,215 --> 00:37:34,071 I'm sorry... 553 00:37:34,095 --> 00:37:36,348 Well, our current inquiries have linked Thurwell 554 00:37:36,372 --> 00:37:39,959 to the Lawrence Christopher murder case. 555 00:37:39,983 --> 00:37:41,239 Who? 556 00:37:41,263 --> 00:37:45,468 Lawrence Christopher. 557 00:37:45,492 --> 00:37:46,871 Sorry. 558 00:37:46,895 --> 00:37:50,391 What about Gail Vella? 559 00:37:50,415 --> 00:37:51,948 Who is she again? 560 00:37:51,972 --> 00:37:53,748 Gail Vella. 561 00:37:53,772 --> 00:37:55,575 She was a journalist. 562 00:37:55,599 --> 00:37:59,351 She was investigating the Sands View scandal. Sands View! 563 00:37:59,375 --> 00:38:03,708 Boys in care abused by Dale Roach and his cronies, including you! 564 00:38:03,732 --> 00:38:06,348 There were complaints to police, 565 00:38:06,372 --> 00:38:07,991 but you made sure they went nowhere, 566 00:38:08,015 --> 00:38:16,015 so those kids just carried on suffering! Sir... 567 00:38:18,383 --> 00:38:20,988 Sir... 568 00:38:21,012 --> 00:38:29,012 Get the prison officer. Sir. 569 00:38:38,735 --> 00:38:42,423 I'm sorry about that, Chloe, just... 570 00:38:42,447 --> 00:38:46,583 you want him to remember what he did, to acknowledge his crimes. 571 00:38:46,607 --> 00:38:48,348 Yeah. 572 00:38:48,372 --> 00:38:50,628 Yeah, I get it, sir. 573 00:38:50,652 --> 00:38:53,303 I'm sorry that he wasn't more help. 574 00:38:53,327 --> 00:38:56,508 I'll keep digging. 575 00:38:56,532 --> 00:39:04,532 Thank you. 576 00:40:50,383 --> 00:40:56,439 Sorry, boss, I know it's a bit late. No, what you got? 577 00:40:56,463 --> 00:40:59,767 I've been looking into all of Gail Vella's prison visits. 578 00:40:59,791 --> 00:41:02,071 Before seeking an interview with Patrick Fairbank, 579 00:41:02,095 --> 00:41:03,479 she went to Blackthorn. 580 00:41:03,503 --> 00:41:05,223 Yeah, we know. She talked to Jimmy Lakewell. 581 00:41:05,247 --> 00:41:06,871 That was always over the phone. 582 00:41:06,895 --> 00:41:09,367 She requested face-to-face interviews 583 00:41:09,391 --> 00:41:12,828 with a number of inmates - Manish Prasad, Hari Bains. 584 00:41:12,852 --> 00:41:15,767 She did the same at Brentiss Prison with Roz Huntley, 585 00:41:15,791 --> 00:41:18,519 Tina Tranter and Jane Cafferty. 586 00:41:18,543 --> 00:41:21,719 Makes sense, all officers with past links to organised corruption. 587 00:41:21,743 --> 00:41:23,748 She even put in a request to Witness Protection 588 00:41:23,772 --> 00:41:26,839 to interview Gill Biggeloe and Lisa McQueen. 589 00:41:26,863 --> 00:41:29,463 It was still going through the pipeline at the time of her death. 590 00:41:29,487 --> 00:41:32,599 Only one person agreed to be interviewed by Gail - 591 00:41:32,623 --> 00:41:34,135 Lee Banks, 592 00:41:34,159 --> 00:41:36,951 Carl Banks' brother. 593 00:41:36,975 --> 00:41:43,095 Lee Banks agreed to talk? 594 00:41:43,119 --> 00:41:48,348 This was two weeks before we believe Carl Banks murdered Gail. 595 00:41:48,372 --> 00:41:55,959 Christ. 596 00:41:55,983 --> 00:41:59,799 Lee Banks, DI Steve Arnott, AC-12. 597 00:41:59,823 --> 00:42:03,895 Yeah, you nicked me. 598 00:42:03,919 --> 00:42:06,647 Did you think I'd forget? 599 00:42:06,671 --> 00:42:09,079 I'm looking into the murder of Gail Vella. 600 00:42:09,103 --> 00:42:11,748 Your brother Carl is our prime suspect. 601 00:42:11,772 --> 00:42:13,559 Of course he is, 602 00:42:13,583 --> 00:42:15,588 blame the dead guy. 603 00:42:15,612 --> 00:42:17,028 You do not have to say anything, 604 00:42:17,052 --> 00:42:19,668 but it may harm your defense if you don't mention when questioned 605 00:42:19,692 --> 00:42:21,468 something you later rely on in court. 606 00:42:21,492 --> 00:42:24,228 Anything you do say may be used in evidence. 607 00:42:24,252 --> 00:42:27,383 Now, we know Gail Vella attempted to interview a number of individuals 608 00:42:27,407 --> 00:42:29,388 in relation to organised corruption. 609 00:42:29,412 --> 00:42:33,079 You agreed to be interviewed on the 26th of August, 2019. 610 00:42:33,103 --> 00:42:36,228 15 days later, Gail Vella was found murdered. 611 00:42:36,252 --> 00:42:38,071 And? 612 00:42:38,095 --> 00:42:42,359 So you learned Gail Vella was talking to people about OCG crimes. 613 00:42:42,383 --> 00:42:45,623 You took responsibility for drawing out of her what she knew. 614 00:42:45,647 --> 00:42:49,399 You shared the information with Carl, who passed it up the chain. 615 00:42:49,423 --> 00:42:55,095 The top man, or woman, gave Carl the order to silence Gail. 616 00:42:55,119 --> 00:42:58,359 How's that for a theory? 617 00:42:58,383 --> 00:43:00,151 Can't help you. 618 00:43:00,175 --> 00:43:02,268 The only problem was your brother couldn't help 619 00:43:02,292 --> 00:43:07,383 shouting his mouth off about it all. There's no way Carl was a rat! 620 00:43:07,407 --> 00:43:08,407 We're done here, mate. 621 00:43:08,431 --> 00:43:10,839 Lee, you're protecting the people who killed your brother. 622 00:43:10,863 --> 00:43:14,268 You want to talk about rats? Ask your boss. 623 00:43:14,292 --> 00:43:17,148 Superintendent Hastings? You've lost me. 624 00:43:17,172 --> 00:43:19,351 Well, he told me there was a rat in our crew 625 00:43:19,375 --> 00:43:23,268 and that rat turned out to be an undercover copper, 626 00:43:23,292 --> 00:43:26,628 John Corbett. 627 00:43:26,652 --> 00:43:34,652 So have that. 628 00:44:08,463 --> 00:44:11,575 All right? 629 00:44:11,599 --> 00:44:13,815 Kate, sorry, I... 630 00:44:13,839 --> 00:44:16,567 I probably shouldn't bother you, 631 00:44:16,591 --> 00:44:18,231 but I didn't know who else to call. 632 00:44:18,255 --> 00:44:21,559 What's up, mate? 633 00:44:21,583 --> 00:44:23,927 I think I've found the real reason the gaffer gave 634 00:44:23,951 --> 00:44:26,628 50 grand to Steph Corbett. 635 00:44:26,652 --> 00:44:31,671 Go on, I'm listening. 636 00:44:31,695 --> 00:44:39,695 Steve? 637 00:44:43,279 --> 00:44:46,308 Kate. 638 00:44:46,332 --> 00:44:49,719 I want to address the personal issues we discussed. 639 00:44:49,743 --> 00:44:53,388 I think it's best to do that outside of a work setting. 640 00:44:53,412 --> 00:44:56,868 Yeah, yeah, we need to talk. 641 00:44:56,892 --> 00:44:59,748 I'll let you know the details later. 642 00:44:59,772 --> 00:45:07,772 Thanks, Jo. 643 00:45:59,892 --> 00:46:02,388 The gang accused of killing Lawrence Christopher 644 00:46:02,412 --> 00:46:06,228 were granted anonymity, but I've uncovered old witness statements 645 00:46:06,252 --> 00:46:10,039 that consistently named the same suspects. 646 00:46:10,063 --> 00:46:15,228 One of these suspects was Darren Hunter. 647 00:46:15,252 --> 00:46:22,071 Darren Hunter was Tommy Hunter's son. 648 00:46:22,095 --> 00:46:26,039 Which raises the distinct possibility that Tommy Hunter 649 00:46:26,063 --> 00:46:27,831 ordered Marcus Thurwell to sabotage 650 00:46:27,855 --> 00:46:31,308 the Lawrence Christopher murder inquiry to protect his son Darren. 651 00:46:31,332 --> 00:46:33,948 Sir, I've got no problem believing Tommy Hunter 652 00:46:33,972 --> 00:46:35,988 manipulated corrupt officers back in 2003, 653 00:46:36,012 --> 00:46:38,711 but, by the time of Gail Vella's murder, Tommy was long dead 654 00:46:38,735 --> 00:46:42,588 and his son, Darren, I mean, he seems too much like a small fry. 655 00:46:42,612 --> 00:46:45,751 So, what are you thinking, son? 656 00:46:45,775 --> 00:46:47,868 I think Gail Vella could only have been murdered 657 00:46:47,892 --> 00:46:49,591 to protect someone involved in the original 658 00:46:49,615 --> 00:46:51,127 Lawrence Christopher inquiry, 659 00:46:51,151 --> 00:46:52,983 which means that officer still wields 660 00:46:53,007 --> 00:46:54,839 a high level of influence over the OCG. 661 00:46:54,863 --> 00:46:57,348 He's still important enough to warrant the fallout 662 00:46:57,372 --> 00:46:59,988 from killing someone as high-profile as Gail Vella. 663 00:47:00,012 --> 00:47:02,028 Thurwell. 664 00:47:02,052 --> 00:47:03,607 Sorry, sir, um, 665 00:47:03,631 --> 00:47:05,463 I don't know if this is relevant, 666 00:47:05,487 --> 00:47:08,535 but I've been looking into other members of Thurwell's team, 667 00:47:08,559 --> 00:47:10,327 all the officers that were involved 668 00:47:10,351 --> 00:47:17,239 in the Lawrence Christopher murder inquiry. Yeah. 669 00:47:17,263 --> 00:47:25,263 Detective Constable Ian Buckells. 670 00:47:26,223 --> 00:47:31,319 Inspector Philip Osborne. 671 00:47:31,343 --> 00:47:33,879 Obviously, Osborne's now... 672 00:47:33,903 --> 00:47:37,911 It isn't only Thurwell who benefits from Gail Vella's murder, 673 00:47:37,935 --> 00:47:41,388 so do Buckells and the Chief Constable. 674 00:47:41,412 --> 00:47:44,148 It could've been any one of them who gave the order. 675 00:47:44,172 --> 00:47:45,847 Mother of God. 676 00:47:45,871 --> 00:47:53,871 Could all officers and staff please report to the unit office? 677 00:47:59,055 --> 00:48:00,887 Thank you. 678 00:48:00,911 --> 00:48:02,999 One or two familiar faces. 679 00:48:03,023 --> 00:48:06,199 One or two conspicuous by their absence. 680 00:48:06,223 --> 00:48:09,847 For those of you for whatever inexplicable reason don't know, 681 00:48:09,871 --> 00:48:14,903 I am Detective Chief Superintendent Patricia Carmichael. 682 00:48:14,927 --> 00:48:16,951 I don't mind "ma'am" or "boss". 683 00:48:16,975 --> 00:48:20,599 I'm not a big fan of "guvnor" or "gaffer". 684 00:48:20,623 --> 00:48:22,839 Speak of the devil. 685 00:48:22,863 --> 00:48:25,911 Superintendent Hastings. 686 00:48:25,935 --> 00:48:28,428 Sorry to barge in on you like this. 687 00:48:28,452 --> 00:48:33,975 All will become clear if I could have a moment in your office. 688 00:48:33,999 --> 00:48:39,735 As you were. 689 00:48:39,759 --> 00:48:41,748 I take it you've been informed about 690 00:48:41,772 --> 00:48:43,703 the restructuring of anti-corruption. 691 00:48:43,727 --> 00:48:45,111 Yes. 692 00:48:45,135 --> 00:48:46,455 But my officers haven't, 693 00:48:46,479 --> 00:48:50,039 so I would thank you for your discretion, ma'am. 694 00:48:50,063 --> 00:48:52,343 Well, they'll figure it out soon enough. 695 00:48:52,367 --> 00:48:54,519 This is a kick in the teeth. 696 00:48:54,543 --> 00:48:56,148 My team are the best in the business. 697 00:48:56,172 --> 00:48:58,188 Really? 698 00:48:58,212 --> 00:48:59,575 Hm. 699 00:48:59,599 --> 00:49:01,431 I've reviewed your case against 700 00:49:01,455 --> 00:49:03,159 Detective Superintendent Ian Buckells. 701 00:49:03,183 --> 00:49:05,719 The only evidence you have are files that you recovered 702 00:49:05,743 --> 00:49:09,239 from the boot of his car, none of which bear his prints or DNA. 703 00:49:09,263 --> 00:49:13,591 Buckells' Solicitor has lodged a claim for wrongful imprisonment. 704 00:49:13,615 --> 00:49:15,831 Where's the courage of our convictions, ma'am? 705 00:49:15,855 --> 00:49:20,268 We have a very strong case against Buckells, a very strong case. 706 00:49:20,292 --> 00:49:23,191 Watertight? No, not watertight, but... 707 00:49:23,215 --> 00:49:25,623 Therefore, I've recommended to the Crown Prosecutor 708 00:49:25,647 --> 00:49:28,068 that proceedings against Ian Buckells are dropped, 709 00:49:28,092 --> 00:49:32,407 so as to avoid the humiliation of a cracked trial. 710 00:49:32,431 --> 00:49:35,991 Ma'am, you are undermining AC-12's work. 711 00:49:36,015 --> 00:49:37,591 We have just pulled off 712 00:49:37,615 --> 00:49:41,268 a major, highly successful surveillance operation 713 00:49:41,292 --> 00:49:43,908 that has stretched our manpower to the limit 714 00:49:43,932 --> 00:49:45,828 and that is all going to go for a burton 715 00:49:45,852 --> 00:49:49,188 the second that the Chief Constable starts swinging his axe. 716 00:49:49,212 --> 00:49:51,108 Yes, since you've raised surveillance, 717 00:49:51,132 --> 00:49:54,359 you've requested an upgrade to Intrusive Surveillance on MIT's SIO. 718 00:49:54,383 --> 00:49:56,663 Yes, because we've learned she has long-standing links 719 00:49:56,687 --> 00:49:58,071 to organised crime. 720 00:49:58,095 --> 00:50:00,311 Meanwhile, you're also maintaining surveillance 721 00:50:00,335 --> 00:50:02,748 on a probationary constable - Ryan Pilkington. 722 00:50:02,772 --> 00:50:05,628 I'm sure surveillance of Pilkington will lead to bigger fish, 723 00:50:05,652 --> 00:50:07,223 I'm sure of it. 724 00:50:07,247 --> 00:50:10,551 Meanwhile, you're also maintaining surveillance on Terry Boyle, 725 00:50:10,575 --> 00:50:13,111 the prime suspect in the Gail Vella murder. 726 00:50:13,135 --> 00:50:15,159 Yes, for his own protection! 727 00:50:15,183 --> 00:50:17,719 What needs protecting is the anti-corruption budget, 728 00:50:17,743 --> 00:50:19,831 which you're going through like there's no tomorrow, 729 00:50:19,855 --> 00:50:21,468 which in your case does actually apply. 730 00:50:21,492 --> 00:50:26,871 It takes 24 officers to maintain surveillance on a single target. 731 00:50:26,895 --> 00:50:30,228 There'll be no money left by the time I assume command. 732 00:50:30,252 --> 00:50:32,759 And so, for that reason, and the Chief Constable agrees, 733 00:50:32,783 --> 00:50:35,191 I shouldn't start cold next month. 734 00:50:35,215 --> 00:50:40,119 Pending a budget review by the Chief Constable and me... 735 00:50:40,143 --> 00:50:42,679 I gave orders a short while ago for all 736 00:50:42,703 --> 00:50:45,751 AC-12 surveillance operations to be suspended immediately. 737 00:50:45,775 --> 00:50:47,868 Ma'am, I must protest. 738 00:50:47,892 --> 00:50:49,788 I have officers in the field. 739 00:50:49,812 --> 00:50:53,388 We are so close to breaking open Operation Lighthouse 740 00:50:53,412 --> 00:50:56,823 and OCG involvement in Gail Vella's murder! 741 00:50:56,847 --> 00:50:58,807 Which is to be commended, 742 00:50:58,831 --> 00:51:04,311 but I do need to inherit a department that's fit for purpose. 743 00:51:04,335 --> 00:51:07,068 What's going on? 744 00:51:07,092 --> 00:51:14,039 Nothing good. 745 00:51:14,063 --> 00:51:18,839 Hi, sorry, Jo, just coming in now. 746 00:51:18,863 --> 00:51:21,143 Sorry, Kate, change of plan. 747 00:51:21,167 --> 00:51:25,687 I don't feel comfortable meeting somewhere so public. 748 00:51:25,711 --> 00:51:28,951 I've just got here. I'm happy to wait. 749 00:51:28,975 --> 00:51:35,543 I'll text you an address when I think of somewhere better. 750 00:51:35,567 --> 00:51:36,951 Kate... 751 00:51:36,975 --> 00:51:39,831 you still there? 752 00:51:39,855 --> 00:51:42,519 Yeah, um, OK. 753 00:51:42,543 --> 00:51:45,271 Text me. 754 00:51:45,295 --> 00:51:53,295 Bye. 755 00:51:54,895 --> 00:52:02,895 Nice one. Good work. 756 00:53:10,932 --> 00:53:12,503 Kate. 757 00:53:12,527 --> 00:53:14,679 Steve, I just wondered if the surveillance team 758 00:53:14,703 --> 00:53:17,988 had reported anything suspicious on Jo's obs? 759 00:53:18,012 --> 00:53:19,799 Surveillance just got pulled. 760 00:53:19,823 --> 00:53:21,655 What? Why? 761 00:53:21,679 --> 00:53:23,895 AC-12's being cut back and merged. 762 00:53:23,919 --> 00:53:25,495 Carmichael's taking command. 763 00:53:25,519 --> 00:53:27,948 It's on the Chief Constable's orders and we just learned 764 00:53:27,972 --> 00:53:30,231 he could've been a beneficiary of Gail Vella's murder. 765 00:53:30,255 --> 00:53:34,071 Jesus Christ. Listen, Steve, I'm going to forward you an address. 766 00:53:34,095 --> 00:53:36,119 Jo asked to meet me in the city centre 767 00:53:36,143 --> 00:53:38,103 and she's last minute changed her mind - 768 00:53:38,127 --> 00:53:39,639 she's got me in some lorry park. 769 00:53:39,663 --> 00:53:43,223 OK, mate, you should pull out. 770 00:53:43,247 --> 00:53:46,487 Can you hand me your phone? 771 00:53:46,511 --> 00:53:50,071 That's an order. 772 00:53:50,095 --> 00:53:54,743 Thank you. 773 00:53:54,767 --> 00:53:56,535 DI Fleming, DCS Carmichael. 774 00:53:56,559 --> 00:53:58,199 On the orders of the Chief Constable, 775 00:53:58,223 --> 00:54:02,039 I'm now SIO on the anti-corruption inquiry into Operation Lighthouse. 776 00:54:02,063 --> 00:54:10,063 What's your sit rep? 777 00:54:26,447 --> 00:54:34,447 Shit, shit. 778 00:54:46,932 --> 00:54:49,719 Sir, Kate's just sent through a location. 779 00:54:49,743 --> 00:54:52,068 Let's go. Chloe, with me. Sir. 780 00:54:52,092 --> 00:54:56,887 Fletch, get AFO's deployed urgently to this address. Sir. 781 00:54:56,911 --> 00:54:58,359 Let's just take a breath, shall we? 782 00:54:58,383 --> 00:55:06,383 That's my officer out there. I'll breathe when she's safe. 783 00:55:21,615 --> 00:55:23,703 Well... 784 00:55:23,727 --> 00:55:26,583 this wasn't what I expected. 785 00:55:26,607 --> 00:55:27,863 Let's not hang around here, Jo. 786 00:55:27,887 --> 00:55:30,108 We'd rather be indoors with a glass of wine. 787 00:55:30,132 --> 00:55:31,831 I'm sorry, Kate. 788 00:55:31,855 --> 00:55:34,071 Jo? 789 00:55:34,095 --> 00:55:36,247 I'm so sorry. 790 00:55:36,271 --> 00:55:39,127 What is going on? 791 00:55:39,151 --> 00:55:44,311 Jo wanted to give you a way out. 792 00:55:44,335 --> 00:55:47,028 Should've put in for that transfer. 793 00:55:47,052 --> 00:55:50,327 You've got the bottle if somebody's already half-drowned. 794 00:55:50,351 --> 00:55:53,591 Put the gun down, stop trying to act like a big man. You're a little boy. 795 00:55:53,615 --> 00:55:56,028 Try asking John Corbett. 796 00:55:56,052 --> 00:56:02,679 Try asking Maneet Bindra. 797 00:56:02,703 --> 00:56:04,215 You pull that trigger, 798 00:56:04,239 --> 00:56:07,095 there's going to be blood and gunshot powder all over you, 799 00:56:07,119 --> 00:56:09,399 plus the cartridge and bullet could go anywhere, 800 00:56:09,423 --> 00:56:10,679 you're never going to find it. 801 00:56:10,703 --> 00:56:12,023 Don't need to. 802 00:56:12,047 --> 00:56:14,839 It's a workshopped gun, tailored ammunition. 803 00:56:14,863 --> 00:56:15,948 It's untraceable. 804 00:56:15,972 --> 00:56:20,791 Right, you've thought of everything - except surveillance. 805 00:56:20,815 --> 00:56:23,671 AC-12 were watching the workshop. 806 00:56:23,695 --> 00:56:25,911 They saw you make the call to the OCG. 807 00:56:25,935 --> 00:56:28,087 They've been tracking you both. 808 00:56:28,111 --> 00:56:30,519 You're never going to get away with this. 809 00:56:30,543 --> 00:56:32,508 You knew about the surveillance? 810 00:56:32,532 --> 00:56:34,807 No, but it makes sense. 811 00:56:34,831 --> 00:56:36,228 It's what I'd do. 812 00:56:36,252 --> 00:56:37,815 Why would she come here otherwise? 813 00:56:37,839 --> 00:56:39,828 Christ sakes, Jo, you set me up! 814 00:56:39,852 --> 00:56:43,383 Don't move! AH! 815 00:56:43,407 --> 00:56:45,431 Drop the gun! 816 00:56:45,455 --> 00:56:47,159 I've done my bit. 817 00:56:47,183 --> 00:56:48,828 I don't have to stay here and watch. 818 00:56:48,852 --> 00:56:51,348 Ryan, drop the gun! 819 00:56:51,372 --> 00:56:53,508 Drop yours! Drop the gun! Drop it, Kate! 820 00:56:53,532 --> 00:56:55,548 Drop it. No! Ryan! Put your gun down! 821 00:56:55,572 --> 00:56:57,172 Drop the gun! Put your gun down! Drop it! 822 00:56:57,196 --> 00:57:00,535 One more chance Ryan, one more chance. No! Drop it now! 823 00:57:00,559 --> 00:57:02,172 Drop the fucking...