1 00:00:01,366 --> 00:00:04,100 Intruder alert on level 42, 2 00:00:05,759 --> 00:00:09,978 Future Animo: Do that cyber voodoo that you do so well! 3 00:00:09,978 --> 00:00:12,511 Humungoopsaur: Get away from that door, Animo! 4 00:00:12,611 --> 00:00:16,378 Future Animo: That's Dr, Animo! 5 00:00:16,478 --> 00:00:19,578 [ grunting ] 6 00:00:22,911 --> 00:00:26,678 [ beep ] 7 00:00:26,778 --> 00:00:30,245 My pets should keep you two busy, 8 00:00:30,345 --> 00:00:32,945 [ laughs evilly ] 9 00:00:33,045 --> 00:00:34,345 [ both growl and croak ] 10 00:00:34,445 --> 00:00:35,945 What are those things? 11 00:00:36,045 --> 00:00:38,345 Your archenemies are seriously disgusting, 12 00:00:38,445 --> 00:00:42,578 Humungoopsaur: Hey, it's not like I pick them! 13 00:00:44,611 --> 00:00:45,878 [ beeping ] 14 00:00:45,978 --> 00:00:47,945 [ grunting ] 15 00:00:48,045 --> 00:00:49,911 Ugh! Here, Let me, 16 00:00:53,445 --> 00:00:56,978 Humungoopsaur: Two more punches and I would have had it open, 17 00:00:57,078 --> 00:01:00,845 Well, now you can punch him instead, 18 00:01:00,945 --> 00:01:02,811 Future Animo: You're too late, Tennysons! 19 00:01:02,911 --> 00:01:07,145 Thanks to your chronoporter, I shall travel back in time to 20 00:01:07,245 --> 00:01:09,245 retrieve the arc, supplying 21 00:01:09,345 --> 00:01:14,211 myself with enough DNA to create an army of mutant creatures! 22 00:01:14,311 --> 00:01:21,345 Say goodbye to your past and hello to oblivion! 23 00:01:21,445 --> 00:01:26,845 [ laughs evilly ] 24 00:01:26,945 --> 00:01:30,778 [ beeping ] 25 00:01:35,411 --> 00:01:38,478 Did you guys lose somebody? 26 00:01:40,945 --> 00:01:43,245 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ ♪ He's a kid, and he wants to have fun ♪ 27 00:01:43,345 --> 00:01:46,045 ♪ But when you need a superhero, he gets the job done ♪ 28 00:01:46,145 --> 00:01:48,411 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ ♪ With a device that he wears on his arm ♪ 29 00:01:48,511 --> 00:01:50,445 ♪ He can change his shape and save the world from harm ♪ 30 00:01:50,545 --> 00:01:52,311 ♪ When trouble's taking place ♪ 31 00:01:52,411 --> 00:01:55,345 ♪ He gets right in its face ♪ ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 32 00:01:55,445 --> 00:01:56,911 ♪ When lives are on the line ♪ 33 00:01:57,011 --> 00:01:59,478 ♪ It's hero time ♪ ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 34 00:02:01,645 --> 00:02:04,411 Ben 10,000: Spanner? What are you -- where -- 35 00:02:04,511 --> 00:02:06,545 We haven't seen you in decades! 36 00:02:06,645 --> 00:02:10,211 Yeah, I've been really busy, 37 00:02:10,311 --> 00:02:12,578 Ben 10,000: Okay, Uh, well, thanks for the assist, 38 00:02:12,678 --> 00:02:15,311 We're about to leave for plumber headquarters, 39 00:02:15,411 --> 00:02:16,945 We'll drop Animo off on the way, 40 00:02:17,045 --> 00:02:19,678 Oh, yeah, Grandpa Max is retiring today, 41 00:02:19,778 --> 00:02:22,311 You know about that? Uh, y-yeah, 42 00:02:22,411 --> 00:02:24,345 It's all over the extranet, 43 00:02:24,445 --> 00:02:26,911 Ben 10,000: And we're gonna be late if our son can't get his act together, 44 00:02:27,011 --> 00:02:30,311 Ken! Hurry up, buddy! What is with that kid? 45 00:02:30,411 --> 00:02:35,345 Don't look at me, That's all your side of the family, 46 00:02:35,445 --> 00:02:38,711 I'm coming! I'm coming! 47 00:02:38,811 --> 00:02:40,411 I was looking for this, 48 00:02:40,511 --> 00:02:42,311 The omnitrix? Unh-unh, 49 00:02:42,411 --> 00:02:44,245 You're still grounded, kiddo, 50 00:02:44,345 --> 00:02:48,978 It's an official function, so one of us should wear it, for old times' sake, 51 00:02:49,078 --> 00:02:53,378 For old times' sake? Wow, That is a real stretch, even for you, 52 00:02:53,478 --> 00:02:57,245 Aw, come on! What if there's an alien attack or something? 53 00:02:57,345 --> 00:03:00,678 Ben 10,000: If there's an alien attack -- hey, where'd Spanner go? 54 00:03:00,778 --> 00:03:04,645 The man said he was busy, Now grab the mad doctor and let's get going, 55 00:03:04,745 --> 00:03:08,511 Ben 10,000: Yes, dear, 56 00:03:08,611 --> 00:03:09,645 Ben to plumber base, 57 00:03:09,745 --> 00:03:11,045 Four to teleport, 58 00:03:11,145 --> 00:03:13,911 Future Animo: I'm not mad, 59 00:03:18,278 --> 00:03:22,145 Blukic: You are now arriving at plumber base, 60 00:03:22,245 --> 00:03:23,745 Barf bags are on your right, 61 00:03:23,845 --> 00:03:27,545 Any lingering dizziness is perfectly normal, 62 00:03:27,645 --> 00:03:32,745 [ indistinct conversations ] 63 00:03:32,845 --> 00:03:36,211 Wow, There is some serious political power in this room, 64 00:03:36,311 --> 00:03:40,511 Tell me about it, Isn't that the guy from the Happysnax commercial? 65 00:03:40,611 --> 00:03:43,011 Future Rook: Ben, you made it -- and on time, 66 00:03:43,111 --> 00:03:45,611 Ben 10,000: Don't have to sound so surprised, 67 00:03:45,711 --> 00:03:47,945 Are you ready to fill Grandpa Max's shoes? 68 00:03:48,045 --> 00:03:51,711 Future Rook: I do not believe an exchange of footwear will be required, 69 00:03:51,811 --> 00:03:54,578 Ben 10,000: No, Rook, That's a figure of -- 70 00:03:54,678 --> 00:03:56,111 Oh, you got me again, 71 00:03:56,211 --> 00:03:58,145 Future Rook: That comedic ruse never gets old, 72 00:03:58,245 --> 00:04:00,678 But it will be a challenge to perform the duties of 73 00:04:00,778 --> 00:04:03,411 magistratus as well as your grandfather has, 74 00:04:03,511 --> 00:04:04,611 Future Max: Nonsense, Rook, 75 00:04:04,711 --> 00:04:06,245 You're gonna do just fine, 76 00:04:06,345 --> 00:04:08,545 Truth is you've been top man around here for years, 77 00:04:08,645 --> 00:04:10,811 Future Rook: That is kind of you to say, magis-- 78 00:04:10,911 --> 00:04:12,711 Future Max: Ah, Call me "Max," 79 00:04:12,811 --> 00:04:14,178 Might as well get used to it, 80 00:04:14,278 --> 00:04:16,478 Ben 10,000: I know the invitation said no gifts, 81 00:04:16,578 --> 00:04:18,311 but I just couldn't show up emptyhanded, 82 00:04:18,411 --> 00:04:21,011 Future Animo: You're finally retiring, Maxwell? 83 00:04:21,111 --> 00:04:23,545 This place won't be the same without you, 84 00:04:23,645 --> 00:04:27,445 Future Max: We've kept your room just like you left it, 85 00:04:30,811 --> 00:04:32,345 Future Kevin: Tennyson, 86 00:04:32,445 --> 00:04:36,878 Ben 10,000: Levin, 87 00:04:36,978 --> 00:04:39,278 Ha, So, you're taking over Rook's old job, huh? 88 00:04:39,378 --> 00:04:42,245 Future Kevin: Hey, somebody's got to keep the rooters in line, 89 00:04:42,345 --> 00:04:46,345 And, Gwen, I hear you finally completed your second doctorate, 90 00:04:46,445 --> 00:04:48,278 Future Gwen: I know, I know, 91 00:04:48,378 --> 00:04:51,478 Seriously, I would have finished a year ago if I hadn't been named high magus, 92 00:04:51,578 --> 00:04:52,778 [ cheers and applause ] 93 00:04:52,878 --> 00:04:55,211 Future Kevin: You guys are just in time, 94 00:04:55,311 --> 00:04:57,011 The president of earth is arriving, 95 00:04:57,111 --> 00:04:59,878 Ben 10,000: This I got to see, 96 00:04:59,978 --> 00:05:02,445 J, Jonah Jones here, bringing you exclusive Jones network 97 00:05:02,545 --> 00:05:04,545 coverage of the president's speech, 98 00:05:04,645 --> 00:05:07,511 Harrangue: Uh, can we do that again, Mr, Jones? 99 00:05:07,611 --> 00:05:09,711 I, uh, forgot to put in a sim card, 100 00:05:09,811 --> 00:05:13,611 Harrangue! Remind me why I don't fire you, 101 00:05:13,711 --> 00:05:14,578 [ elevator clacking ] 102 00:05:14,678 --> 00:05:19,445 [ elevator beeps ] 103 00:05:19,545 --> 00:05:23,478 Greetings, fellow earth-dwellers! 104 00:05:25,478 --> 00:05:28,745 Subdora: Okay, I'm ready inside, 105 00:05:42,411 --> 00:05:44,278 I'm outside the vault, 106 00:05:44,378 --> 00:05:45,878 Maltruant: Well done, Subdora, 107 00:05:45,978 --> 00:05:51,945 You will wait for precisely 37,362 seconds and then proceed, 108 00:05:52,045 --> 00:05:55,378 Exo-Skull: Hey, I know you're the evil mastermind and all, 109 00:05:55,478 --> 00:05:57,711 but, uh, this place is plumber central, 110 00:05:57,811 --> 00:05:59,411 What are we waiting around for? 111 00:05:59,511 --> 00:06:01,578 Maltruant: A random event, a twist of fate, 112 00:06:01,678 --> 00:06:05,078 an occurrence no one could possibly foresee -- 113 00:06:05,178 --> 00:06:10,645 unless, of course, you're a time traveler who's been there before, 114 00:06:12,978 --> 00:06:14,811 Ben 10,000: Greetings, Mr, President, 115 00:06:14,911 --> 00:06:17,511 "greetings"? Come on, you guys, 116 00:06:17,611 --> 00:06:24,078 Granted, I am the most powerful man on the planet, but I'm still the same old Argit, 117 00:06:24,178 --> 00:06:26,411 Future Kevin: That's what we're afraid of, 118 00:06:26,511 --> 00:06:28,045 Hey, hey, hey! Uncle Argit! 119 00:06:28,145 --> 00:06:32,345 Kenny! Look at you -- practically a juvenile delinquent! 120 00:06:32,445 --> 00:06:35,411 Hey, uh, where's the, um, uh,,, 121 00:06:35,511 --> 00:06:38,578 Ah, my parents won't let me wear it, 122 00:06:38,678 --> 00:06:41,545 I'll take care of it, I mean, hello! 123 00:06:41,645 --> 00:06:43,211 President of earth! 124 00:06:43,311 --> 00:06:44,511 [ alarm blaring ] 125 00:06:44,611 --> 00:06:46,511 [ all gasp ] 126 00:06:46,611 --> 00:06:49,245 [ crowd murmuring ] 127 00:06:49,345 --> 00:06:51,811 Future Rook: It appears a massive solar flare has released 128 00:06:51,911 --> 00:06:53,578 a stream of high-energy particles, 129 00:06:53,678 --> 00:06:55,178 [ murmuring continues ] 130 00:06:55,278 --> 00:06:56,778 There is no cause for alarm, 131 00:06:56,878 --> 00:06:59,545 This station if fully shielded from ionizing radiation, 132 00:06:59,645 --> 00:07:02,211 At the very worst, we might experience,,, 133 00:07:02,311 --> 00:07:04,511 [ all screaming ] 134 00:07:04,611 --> 00:07:07,945 Hey, watch the jacket! 135 00:07:08,045 --> 00:07:12,311 Future Rook: ,,,a complete shutdown of all electronic systems, 136 00:07:12,411 --> 00:07:14,911 Everyone, please -- do not panic! 137 00:07:15,011 --> 00:07:16,378 [ all shouting ] 138 00:07:16,478 --> 00:07:17,811 Future Kevin: Hey, settle down 139 00:07:17,911 --> 00:07:19,078 or I'll start knocking heads together! 140 00:07:19,178 --> 00:07:20,678 Future Gwen: Kevin! 141 00:07:20,778 --> 00:07:23,478 Ben 10,000: Your people skills have improved, 142 00:07:23,578 --> 00:07:25,145 In the absence of light or gravity, 143 00:07:25,245 --> 00:07:28,611 the wealthy and powerful of earth float like, uh,,, 144 00:07:28,711 --> 00:07:31,011 Harrangue: Very important balloons? 145 00:07:31,111 --> 00:07:35,045 [ clears throat ] You know, you can be replaced by a tripod and a remote control, 146 00:07:35,145 --> 00:07:37,478 Future Max: Everyone, please, You are in no danger, 147 00:07:37,578 --> 00:07:41,345 The flare just knocked out the lights and the artificial gravity, 148 00:07:41,445 --> 00:07:44,578 We'll have everything back on in a moment, 149 00:07:44,678 --> 00:07:48,178 Future Rook: You did not mention that life support is also shut down, 150 00:07:48,278 --> 00:07:50,878 Future Kevin: I'm thinking we should probably keep the 151 00:07:50,978 --> 00:07:53,711 "running out of oxygen" part to ourselves, 152 00:07:55,811 --> 00:07:57,545 Subdora: 37 seconds, 153 00:07:57,645 --> 00:08:02,911 He may be crazy and evil, but the boss has a great sense of timing, 154 00:08:20,836 --> 00:08:25,936 There you are, Come to mama, little Annihilargh! 155 00:08:30,034 --> 00:08:32,895 Future Max: I'll go down to the power core and reset the breakers, 156 00:08:32,895 --> 00:08:35,062 That should bring gravity and life support back online, 157 00:08:35,162 --> 00:08:36,829 Ben 10,000: I'll go with you, 158 00:08:36,929 --> 00:08:39,029 Future Max: No, Ben, I need all of you to keep everyone calm 159 00:08:39,129 --> 00:08:41,329 and start moving them down to the hangar deck, 160 00:08:41,429 --> 00:08:46,129 Be ready to launch the emergency pods just in case, 161 00:08:46,229 --> 00:08:51,795 Subdora: Hey, I got the annihilargh, but this star core -- she's a fake! 162 00:08:51,895 --> 00:08:53,662 Maltruant: A fake?! 163 00:08:53,762 --> 00:08:55,195 Impossible! 164 00:08:55,295 --> 00:08:58,762 I know I sensed the star core on this station, 165 00:08:58,862 --> 00:09:01,529 One moment, 166 00:09:04,162 --> 00:09:05,629 [ indistinct conversations ] 167 00:09:05,729 --> 00:09:07,529 Future Gwen: This way! This way, please! 168 00:09:07,629 --> 00:09:09,762 [ gasps ] It's Maltruant, 169 00:09:09,862 --> 00:09:11,995 He's on top of the station, looking for something, 170 00:09:12,095 --> 00:09:15,129 Like what? Future Gwen: I don't know, I just felt his mind searching, 171 00:09:15,229 --> 00:09:18,995 Ben 10,000: Whatever he's looking for, he's gonna find a serious beatdown, 172 00:09:19,095 --> 00:09:20,862 Future Gwen: You guys head for the upper airlock, 173 00:09:20,962 --> 00:09:25,429 I'll tell Kevin where we're going and meet you there, 174 00:09:25,529 --> 00:09:28,595 Maltruant: Ah! I have located the star core, 175 00:09:28,695 --> 00:09:32,795 You will proceed to the hangar level and wait for instructions, 176 00:09:32,895 --> 00:09:35,529 Subdora: [ sighs ] Whatever you say, bossman, 177 00:09:38,195 --> 00:09:41,329 It's Max Tennyson, He's coming right this way, 178 00:09:41,429 --> 00:09:43,095 Exo-Skull: Max Tennyson? 179 00:09:43,195 --> 00:09:46,129 Listen, sweetie, I'll get the star core, 180 00:09:46,229 --> 00:09:47,762 You just stay put, 181 00:09:47,862 --> 00:09:50,429 I don't want you taking any chances with that guy, 182 00:09:50,529 --> 00:09:54,662 Subdora: [ gasps ] Mm, Don't you worry about me, my darling, 183 00:09:54,762 --> 00:09:59,695 I just found an old friend to help me out, 184 00:09:59,795 --> 00:10:02,062 Future Animo: Magistratus! 185 00:10:02,162 --> 00:10:05,729 What say we make your retirement permanent?! 186 00:10:05,829 --> 00:10:07,062 Future Max: [ grunts ] 187 00:10:07,162 --> 00:10:10,062 Subdora: That should keep him busy, 188 00:10:28,362 --> 00:10:33,395 Note to self -- reinforce neck bolts, 189 00:10:36,795 --> 00:10:41,162 Future Max: I still got it, Phew! 190 00:10:41,262 --> 00:10:44,329 Ladies and gentlemen and others, please float in a calm 191 00:10:44,429 --> 00:10:48,095 and orderly fashion through the access tunnel to the hangar deck! 192 00:10:48,195 --> 00:10:50,195 Exo-Skull: [ grunts ] [ all scream ] 193 00:10:50,295 --> 00:10:53,462 Okay, Everybody out, Thank you for flying the plumber express, 194 00:10:53,562 --> 00:10:57,595 Exo-Skull: The star core -- where is it? 195 00:10:57,695 --> 00:11:01,829 [ growls ] 196 00:11:01,929 --> 00:11:04,395 [ beeping, whirring ] 197 00:11:07,762 --> 00:11:08,695 [ grunts ] 198 00:11:08,795 --> 00:11:10,629 [ crashing ] 199 00:11:10,729 --> 00:11:12,229 Well, ex-no-skull, don't think 200 00:11:12,329 --> 00:11:17,162 it hasn't been a swell time had by all, 'cause it hasn't, 201 00:11:17,262 --> 00:11:21,229 Maltruant: What are you doing, you hapless clod?! 202 00:11:21,329 --> 00:11:24,429 I told you the star core is on the hangar deck! 203 00:11:24,529 --> 00:11:28,662 What part of that is so difficult to understand?! 204 00:11:28,762 --> 00:11:31,629 Exo-Skull: Overgrown wind-up toy, 205 00:11:36,329 --> 00:11:41,762 Future Gwen: That should give us some breathing room, 206 00:11:41,862 --> 00:11:43,462 Two Maltruants? 207 00:11:43,562 --> 00:11:47,162 Maltruant: Or so it would appear to your primitive eyes, 208 00:11:47,262 --> 00:11:50,829 True -- I cannot be in two places at once, but if I 209 00:11:50,929 --> 00:11:56,195 time-shift rapidly enough, I appear to be everywhere! 210 00:11:56,295 --> 00:11:59,429 Ben 10,000: One for each of us, How considerate, 211 00:11:59,529 --> 00:12:00,495 Okay, It's hero time! 212 00:12:00,595 --> 00:12:01,795 [ biomnitrix beeps ] 213 00:12:01,895 --> 00:12:03,395 Oh, come on! What now?! 214 00:12:03,495 --> 00:12:06,195 Maybe that solar flare knocked everything out, 215 00:12:06,295 --> 00:12:09,295 Ben 10,000: He's a clock, How come he's still working? 216 00:12:09,395 --> 00:12:15,095 Maltruant: Ah, You see? I skipped over that moment in time, so I still have power, 217 00:12:15,195 --> 00:12:18,795 Future Gwen: So do I! 218 00:12:18,895 --> 00:12:21,495 [ warble! ] 219 00:12:21,595 --> 00:12:23,095 [ warble! ] 220 00:12:23,195 --> 00:12:24,695 Maltruant: Please! 221 00:12:24,795 --> 00:12:27,395 I travel back and forth through time! 222 00:12:27,495 --> 00:12:29,995 You don't think I saw that coming? 223 00:12:30,095 --> 00:12:34,462 Ben 10,000: Well, it's been a while since I was in a good, old-fashioned fistfight, 224 00:12:34,562 --> 00:12:37,395 [ shing! ] 225 00:12:37,495 --> 00:12:39,462 [ warble! ] 226 00:12:54,529 --> 00:12:55,562 [ both grunt ] 227 00:12:55,662 --> 00:12:57,195 Ben 10,000: Aaaaah! 228 00:12:57,295 --> 00:12:58,395 [ biomnitrix beeps ] 229 00:12:58,495 --> 00:13:01,395 About time! 230 00:13:03,995 --> 00:13:06,095 [ all screaming ] 231 00:13:06,195 --> 00:13:10,862 Future Rook: Please board the escape vehicles in an orderly fashion, 10 to a ship, 232 00:13:10,962 --> 00:13:15,029 We've got trouble, Exo-skull is on his way down to the hangar deck, 233 00:13:15,129 --> 00:13:17,529 and walls seem to be optional! 234 00:13:17,629 --> 00:13:19,329 [ grunting ] 235 00:13:19,429 --> 00:13:20,629 [ creak! Pop! ] 236 00:13:20,729 --> 00:13:22,862 They're after me! They're after me, I tell ya! 237 00:13:22,962 --> 00:13:25,395 Future Kevin: Why does everything always have to be about you? 238 00:13:25,495 --> 00:13:28,362 Hello! Is your name "Mr, President"?! 239 00:13:28,462 --> 00:13:33,829 They're gonna hold me for ransom -- or worse! 240 00:13:33,929 --> 00:13:39,362 Secret service, protect your president! 241 00:13:39,462 --> 00:13:43,062 Future Rook: How did you ever get elected? 242 00:13:45,562 --> 00:13:47,262 Aah! Aah! Aah! 243 00:13:47,362 --> 00:13:50,529 Watch the face! Watch the face! 244 00:13:52,929 --> 00:13:54,862 Future Kevin: Wait, 245 00:13:54,962 --> 00:13:57,129 He's after your jewelry? 246 00:13:57,229 --> 00:13:59,429 Exo-Skull: Oh, yeah, 247 00:13:59,529 --> 00:14:01,395 [ laughs evilly ] 248 00:14:01,495 --> 00:14:03,362 That's the stuff, 249 00:14:09,162 --> 00:14:11,595 Future Kevin: Argit, what did you do? 250 00:14:11,695 --> 00:14:17,195 I kind of, sort of took the star core and had it made into a necklace, 251 00:14:17,295 --> 00:14:21,462 The one in the plumber vault is a fake, but I swear I only wear 252 00:14:21,562 --> 00:14:22,829 it on special occasions, 253 00:14:22,929 --> 00:14:25,229 It brings out the color of my eyes, 254 00:14:25,329 --> 00:14:28,795 Exo-Skull: [ grunting ] 255 00:14:28,895 --> 00:14:29,829 [ all scream ] 256 00:14:29,929 --> 00:14:33,995 Exo-Skull: [ growls ] 257 00:14:34,095 --> 00:14:36,129 Kev, buddy, I'd love to stay, 258 00:14:36,229 --> 00:14:40,329 but I have a responsibility to the people of earth, you know? 259 00:14:43,862 --> 00:14:47,962 Re-elect Argit, 2032! 260 00:14:50,362 --> 00:14:52,162 And we've just seen the 261 00:14:52,262 --> 00:14:55,729 president making a heroic retreat from this donnybrook -- 262 00:14:55,829 --> 00:14:59,229 Future Kevin: Aah! Ugh! 263 00:14:59,329 --> 00:15:01,562 Subdora: Ohh, I missed all the fun, 264 00:15:01,662 --> 00:15:04,129 Exo-Skull: Aw, don't worry, honey bunny, 265 00:15:04,229 --> 00:15:06,995 I think the boss has some action topside, 266 00:15:07,095 --> 00:15:10,062 Shall we? 267 00:15:22,929 --> 00:15:24,395 Ugh! 268 00:15:35,562 --> 00:15:38,329 Atomic x: Spanner, what are you -- look out! 269 00:15:38,429 --> 00:15:40,195 Dad! Ben 10,000: Wait, 270 00:15:40,295 --> 00:15:44,695 What did you call me? 271 00:15:44,795 --> 00:15:48,162 It was you all this time? Why didn't you tell me? 272 00:15:48,262 --> 00:15:51,462 After you took away my omnitrix, I wanted to prove to 273 00:15:51,562 --> 00:15:53,829 you that I was ready to be a hero, 274 00:15:53,929 --> 00:15:57,162 When paradox gave me this time-shifter gizmo -- 275 00:15:57,262 --> 00:15:59,395 Ben 10,000: Paradox gave that to you? 276 00:15:59,495 --> 00:16:02,795 Then he must -- listen, Ken, I need you to go get help, 277 00:16:02,895 --> 00:16:04,429 I'm not leaving you! 278 00:16:04,529 --> 00:16:06,895 Ben 10,000: Ken, do what your dad tells you for once! 279 00:16:06,995 --> 00:16:10,529 There's only one person in the universe who can help us now, 280 00:16:10,629 --> 00:16:12,229 [ both grunt ] 281 00:16:12,329 --> 00:16:18,229 Maltruant: Ben Tennyson, savior of the universe, 282 00:16:18,329 --> 00:16:22,795 [ laughs ] It's really quite laughable, you know? 283 00:16:22,895 --> 00:16:25,929 Ben 10,000: [ grunting ] 284 00:16:43,395 --> 00:16:45,362 Future Gwen: [ grunts ] 285 00:16:45,462 --> 00:16:49,329 Maltruant: Honestly, you're just becoming tiresome, 286 00:16:49,429 --> 00:16:56,962 And now nothing can throw a Spanner into my devious clock workings! 287 00:17:03,095 --> 00:17:05,929 Ach! Me and my big mouth, 288 00:17:09,362 --> 00:17:11,062 Ben: Time's up, Maltruant, 289 00:17:11,162 --> 00:17:14,295 Maltruant: Somehow I remember your quips being better, 290 00:17:14,395 --> 00:17:16,762 No, They're always this bad, believe me, 291 00:17:16,862 --> 00:17:18,362 Ben: Aw, who asked you? 292 00:17:18,462 --> 00:17:24,162 Don't you remember that I always win in these situations? 293 00:17:24,262 --> 00:17:26,629 Maltruant: Yes, always, 294 00:17:26,729 --> 00:17:28,729 But not this time! 295 00:17:28,829 --> 00:17:32,729 Exo-Skull: I got to tell you, boss, the star core is something else, 296 00:17:32,829 --> 00:17:34,529 I mean, the sheer power,,, 297 00:17:34,629 --> 00:17:36,062 Maltruant: Of course! 298 00:17:36,162 --> 00:17:39,429 Did you think I wanted it for just grins and giggles? 299 00:17:39,529 --> 00:17:43,895 Subdora: And your annihilargh, 300 00:17:43,995 --> 00:17:45,829 Both: The annihilargh?! 301 00:17:45,929 --> 00:17:49,595 Now how 'bout getting it away from the crazy villain and 302 00:17:49,695 --> 00:17:51,029 saving the universe, hmm? 303 00:17:51,129 --> 00:17:53,029 Maltruant: Keep these three busy, 304 00:17:53,129 --> 00:17:54,795 My work must not be disturbed! 305 00:17:54,895 --> 00:17:59,829 Oh, we're gonna do some disturbing, 306 00:17:59,929 --> 00:18:02,329 Attack! 307 00:18:21,062 --> 00:18:22,695 Save them! 308 00:18:30,029 --> 00:18:34,162 Exo-Skull: [ growls ] Batter up! 309 00:18:34,262 --> 00:18:38,729 Ben: Come on, omnitrix, Give me something that can fly, 310 00:18:38,829 --> 00:18:41,362 Whampire: Yes! Thank you! 311 00:18:46,395 --> 00:18:48,829 Okay, big, bad, and brooding, 312 00:18:48,929 --> 00:18:52,329 Time for a little mind control! 313 00:18:56,029 --> 00:18:57,829 Sleep! 314 00:18:57,929 --> 00:18:59,429 Sleep! 315 00:18:59,529 --> 00:19:01,429 Exo-Skull: But I'm not sleepy, 316 00:19:01,529 --> 00:19:05,029 Subdora: He doesn't have enough of a mind to control, 317 00:19:05,129 --> 00:19:06,795 Exo-Skull: Oh, you, too?! 318 00:19:06,895 --> 00:19:10,729 [ scoffs ] Come on, It's the armor, 319 00:19:10,829 --> 00:19:12,995 Subdora: [ grunting ] 320 00:19:14,929 --> 00:19:18,062 Future Rook: I would advise you not to use that, 321 00:19:18,162 --> 00:19:20,529 Subdora: I don't take advice! Aaaah! 322 00:19:20,629 --> 00:19:26,162 Future Rook: A positron blaster has quite a kick, 323 00:19:26,262 --> 00:19:28,062 Get them inside! 324 00:19:44,161 --> 00:19:48,061 Subdora: Let go of me, you! 325 00:19:48,161 --> 00:19:50,094 Whampire: Rook, behind you! 326 00:19:55,328 --> 00:19:56,361 Future Rook: [ gasps ] 327 00:19:56,461 --> 00:19:58,994 Whampire: Attack! 328 00:19:59,094 --> 00:20:01,428 Subdora: Aah! 329 00:20:01,528 --> 00:20:04,894 Exo-Skull: Ow! Oh, honey bunch, not with the claws! 330 00:20:04,994 --> 00:20:06,328 Subdora: [ hisses ] 331 00:20:06,428 --> 00:20:09,894 [ roars ] 332 00:20:09,994 --> 00:20:12,561 Future Rook: Ugh! 333 00:20:12,661 --> 00:20:15,428 Whampire: It's like trying to stop a train with a wet cat, 334 00:20:15,528 --> 00:20:19,528 Oh, for pete's sake! If anyone cares to listen, I may have a solution, 335 00:20:19,628 --> 00:20:21,528 Whampire: Fine, 336 00:20:21,628 --> 00:20:22,594 What do I do with this? 337 00:20:22,694 --> 00:20:24,194 Use your head, dear boy, 338 00:20:24,294 --> 00:20:26,761 Whampire: I was afraid you were going to say that, 339 00:20:26,861 --> 00:20:29,061 Rook, target Subdora, 340 00:20:29,161 --> 00:20:30,761 Release him, 341 00:20:34,861 --> 00:20:37,728 [ both groan ] 342 00:20:37,828 --> 00:20:38,861 [ shatter! ] 343 00:20:38,961 --> 00:20:41,928 Exo-Skull: [ groaning ] 344 00:20:42,028 --> 00:20:44,661 Ben: Ow, I'm gonna feel that in the morning, 345 00:20:44,761 --> 00:20:48,761 Maltruant: Drop your weapons! 346 00:20:48,861 --> 00:20:51,094 No! Forget me! Save the u-- 347 00:20:51,194 --> 00:20:53,794 Maltruant: This has all been very amusing, 348 00:20:53,894 --> 00:20:57,994 but you now need to drop your weapons or I will 349 00:20:58,094 --> 00:21:01,461 turn little time teen here into dust, ja? 350 00:21:01,561 --> 00:21:03,361 Ben: What is it that you want? 351 00:21:03,461 --> 00:21:08,528 Maltruant: Eh, nothing, really -- just a little more time, 352 00:21:08,628 --> 00:21:12,761 3,,,2,,,1, 353 00:21:12,861 --> 00:21:16,961 [ roars ] 354 00:21:17,061 --> 00:21:20,261 Whoa! Maltruant: Oh, thank you, Eon, 355 00:21:20,361 --> 00:21:23,628 Your timing is impeccable, as always, 356 00:21:23,728 --> 00:21:27,461 And now back to your own dimension you go, 357 00:21:27,561 --> 00:21:31,094 What are you doing? We had a deal, 358 00:21:31,194 --> 00:21:38,328 Maltruant: We did, Oh, life can be so unfair, 359 00:21:38,428 --> 00:21:42,494 I wish I could say I will remember you all fondly, 360 00:21:42,594 --> 00:21:48,694 but when I'm finished, there will be no you to remember! 361 00:21:48,794 --> 00:21:50,828 [ laughs evilly ] 362 00:22:05,694 --> 00:22:08,161 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 363 00:22:10,561 --> 00:22:12,328 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 364 00:22:17,861 --> 00:22:19,361 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 365 00:22:22,694 --> 00:22:25,161 ♪ Ben 10 ♪