1 00:00:05,194 --> 00:00:07,664 Where are you hiding? 2 00:00:07,664 --> 00:00:10,867 [ cell phone rings ] 3 00:00:10,967 --> 00:00:13,436 Hi, Grandpa, Great to hear your -- 4 00:00:13,536 --> 00:00:17,073 Yes, I'm in Dos Santos, but -- 5 00:00:17,173 --> 00:00:19,642 Now, you know every temple has a legend 6 00:00:19,743 --> 00:00:21,477 warning not to distu-- 7 00:00:21,577 --> 00:00:25,148 No, I don't need his help, 8 00:00:25,248 --> 00:00:27,216 I know, but -- 9 00:00:27,316 --> 00:00:30,253 Yes, but -- But -- 10 00:00:30,353 --> 00:00:31,654 Okay, Grandpa, 11 00:00:31,754 --> 00:00:36,559 Yes, I'll call if it'll make you happy, 12 00:00:39,462 --> 00:00:42,331 [ sighs ] [ people screaming ] 13 00:00:49,638 --> 00:00:51,740 Whoa! That's new, 14 00:00:51,840 --> 00:00:53,676 Yeah, Time Cycles, 15 00:00:53,776 --> 00:00:56,845 They, like, time travel and stuff, 16 00:00:56,945 --> 00:00:59,348 So, what are you doing here? 17 00:00:59,448 --> 00:01:02,218 You called me, Kai, No, 18 00:01:02,318 --> 00:01:03,686 I was just thinking about you, 19 00:01:03,786 --> 00:01:06,689 No, you did, We had a nice conversation, 20 00:01:06,789 --> 00:01:08,624 You practically begged me to come help you, 21 00:01:08,724 --> 00:01:12,295 Why would I -- Well, you did -- Or will, 22 00:01:12,395 --> 00:01:15,598 Did I mention these were Time Bikes? Time travel is weird, 23 00:01:15,698 --> 00:01:18,501 Miss Green, Nice to see you, Rook, 24 00:01:18,601 --> 00:01:20,202 Benjamin, you are a terrible host, 25 00:01:20,303 --> 00:01:22,705 It seems I must introduce myself, 26 00:01:22,805 --> 00:01:25,841 Skurd, the Slimebiote, miss, 27 00:01:25,941 --> 00:01:28,611 I, uh, sort of picked up a parasite, 28 00:01:28,711 --> 00:01:30,078 That is gross, 29 00:01:30,178 --> 00:01:33,348 Wait, You stopped me before I could call, 30 00:01:33,449 --> 00:01:35,017 How did you know to come? 31 00:01:35,117 --> 00:01:37,920 The inherent fractal nature of the time continuum 32 00:01:38,020 --> 00:01:40,055 allows for minor shift adjustments to the -- 33 00:01:40,155 --> 00:01:42,024 To the blah, blah, blah, Sweet map, 34 00:01:42,124 --> 00:01:44,426 I'm looking for alien artifacts in the Temple,,, 35 00:01:44,527 --> 00:01:46,795 ,,,Of the Sky, but your Grandpa's worried because legend 36 00:01:46,895 --> 00:01:48,263 is that anyone who disturbs the temple 37 00:01:48,363 --> 00:01:50,265 will suffer the wrath of its spirit guardians, 38 00:01:50,365 --> 00:01:53,468 We already had this conversation in the future, Remember? 39 00:01:53,568 --> 00:01:56,604 No, I don't, 40 00:01:56,705 --> 00:01:58,540 Are you coming with me or not? 41 00:01:58,641 --> 00:02:00,709 Anything for the future Mrs, Tennyson, 42 00:02:00,809 --> 00:02:02,878 And forget that stuff that Spanner said 43 00:02:02,978 --> 00:02:05,013 about us being a couple someday, 44 00:02:05,113 --> 00:02:07,049 You owe me an orb, Yeah, yeah -- 45 00:02:07,149 --> 00:02:08,851 The orb of pumpkin-pumpkin, 46 00:02:08,951 --> 00:02:11,353 It's on my to-do list, okay? 47 00:02:11,453 --> 00:02:15,858 Miss Green, I would not worry about any spirit guardians, 48 00:02:18,626 --> 00:02:21,864 I am sure that they are just figments of people's imagination, 49 00:02:24,366 --> 00:02:26,969 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ ♪ He's a kid, and he wants to have fun ♪ 50 00:02:27,069 --> 00:02:28,636 ♪ But when you need a superhero 51 00:02:28,736 --> 00:02:30,372 ♪ He gets the job done ♪ ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 52 00:02:30,472 --> 00:02:32,540 ♪ With a device that he wears on his arm ♪ 53 00:02:32,640 --> 00:02:34,276 ♪ He can change his shape and save the world from harm ♪ 54 00:02:34,376 --> 00:02:36,144 ♪ When trouble's taking place ♪ 55 00:02:36,244 --> 00:02:39,114 ♪ He gets right in its face ♪ ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 56 00:02:39,214 --> 00:02:40,915 ♪ When lives are on the line ♪ 57 00:02:41,015 --> 00:02:43,451 ♪ It's hero time ♪ ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 58 00:02:47,089 --> 00:02:50,125 [ people shouting indistinctly ] 59 00:02:55,530 --> 00:02:59,234 Rook, your breath is so bad, it's scaring the locals, 60 00:03:00,602 --> 00:03:02,570 [ blows ] [ beep ] 61 00:03:02,670 --> 00:03:04,472 My breath is not odious, 62 00:03:04,572 --> 00:03:05,840 Don't listen to him, 63 00:03:05,940 --> 00:03:07,975 In a remote village like Dos Santos, 64 00:03:08,075 --> 00:03:10,578 people are naturally wary of outsiders, 65 00:03:10,678 --> 00:03:12,880 Hey, there, No need to be afraid, 66 00:03:12,980 --> 00:03:16,183 Ben 10, superhero, [ people screaming ] 67 00:03:16,283 --> 00:03:19,320 Fortunately, Ben does not speak Spanish, 68 00:03:19,421 --> 00:03:21,523 He can only embarrass himself in one language, 69 00:03:21,623 --> 00:03:25,226 Speak for yourself, You're not attached to the fellow, 70 00:03:25,326 --> 00:03:27,361 Hey! 71 00:03:34,569 --> 00:03:36,070 Why is she looking over here? 72 00:03:36,170 --> 00:03:38,072 I am a blue, fur-covered alien, 73 00:03:38,172 --> 00:03:40,775 so if I had to venture a guess -- 74 00:03:40,875 --> 00:03:42,977 You're right -- Kai's making fun of me 75 00:03:43,077 --> 00:03:45,612 because she can speak Spanish and I can't! 76 00:03:45,713 --> 00:03:47,381 I got to hear what she's saying, 77 00:03:47,481 --> 00:03:50,952 [ speaking Spanish ] 78 00:03:58,926 --> 00:04:00,627 I can't understand a word, 79 00:04:00,727 --> 00:04:02,363 Why isn't the translator working? 80 00:04:02,463 --> 00:04:03,831 Oh, right, 81 00:04:03,931 --> 00:04:05,766 Hmm? Listen up, Skurd, 82 00:04:05,867 --> 00:04:07,701 I need the Omnitrix to translate for me, 83 00:04:07,801 --> 00:04:10,237 and I'm thinking your slimy butt is stopping that from happening, 84 00:04:10,337 --> 00:04:12,373 Oh, don't get your DNA in a twist, 85 00:04:12,473 --> 00:04:15,042 I'll activate the translation function for you, 86 00:04:15,142 --> 00:04:16,443 [ inhales deeply ] 87 00:04:16,543 --> 00:04:18,212 Ugh! [ beeps ] 88 00:04:18,312 --> 00:04:19,313 Macho pinata! 89 00:04:19,413 --> 00:04:23,184 Llamo aeropuerto gracias sombrero jalapeño? 90 00:04:23,284 --> 00:04:26,387 Agua, churro rodeo, Ole con bueno burro, 91 00:04:26,487 --> 00:04:28,222 Es burrito grande! 92 00:04:30,224 --> 00:04:32,893 Yucca? Yucca machette dos ponchos? 93 00:04:32,993 --> 00:04:34,395 [ chuckles ] 94 00:04:34,495 --> 00:04:36,630 [ clears throat ] What's that you're saying? 95 00:04:36,730 --> 00:04:38,131 Quesadilla, matador, 96 00:04:38,232 --> 00:04:40,467 chihuahuas, bravo, San Diego, 97 00:04:40,567 --> 00:04:42,068 Oh, dear friend, I'm sorry, 98 00:04:42,168 --> 00:04:44,538 I'm a parasite, not a technician, 99 00:04:44,638 --> 00:04:46,006 It's the best I could do, 100 00:04:46,106 --> 00:04:49,276 ♪ La cucaracha, La cucaracha ♪ 101 00:04:49,376 --> 00:04:50,611 Ow! 102 00:04:50,711 --> 00:04:52,145 Okay, okay! 103 00:04:52,245 --> 00:04:53,914 I'm not sure which hurts more -- 104 00:04:54,014 --> 00:04:55,649 The whacking or your singing, 105 00:04:55,749 --> 00:04:57,751 What is wrong with you, Ben? 106 00:04:57,851 --> 00:05:00,354 How much time do you have, darling? 107 00:05:00,454 --> 00:05:02,656 Ay! Mi cabeza! 108 00:05:02,756 --> 00:05:04,991 Not my fault! 109 00:05:05,091 --> 00:05:07,260 Blame the Slimebiote with the sick sense of humor, 110 00:05:07,360 --> 00:05:09,996 Was the elderly woman of any help? 111 00:05:10,096 --> 00:05:11,565 She was about to be, 112 00:05:11,665 --> 00:05:14,568 but now that the village thinks we're gringos locos, 113 00:05:14,668 --> 00:05:15,969 nobody's gonna talk to us, 114 00:05:16,069 --> 00:05:17,804 Ah, Great, 115 00:05:17,904 --> 00:05:19,573 Now can we get out of this oven with streets 116 00:05:19,673 --> 00:05:21,975 and back to good old air-conditioned Bellwood? 117 00:05:22,075 --> 00:05:23,343 Fine! Then go! 118 00:05:23,443 --> 00:05:25,111 Asking you here was my grandpa's idea, 119 00:05:25,211 --> 00:05:26,947 not mine, Whatever! 120 00:05:27,047 --> 00:05:29,115 Have fun finding your temple, 121 00:05:29,215 --> 00:05:30,350 [ beep ] 122 00:05:30,450 --> 00:05:32,652 I'm out, 123 00:05:32,753 --> 00:05:34,654 Is Ben coming back? 124 00:05:34,755 --> 00:05:37,791 He is my ride, 125 00:05:37,891 --> 00:05:38,992 Kai thinks she's smart 126 00:05:39,092 --> 00:05:40,093 because she knows stuff, 127 00:05:40,193 --> 00:05:42,295 Yes, knowledgeable -- 128 00:05:42,395 --> 00:05:44,397 How revolting, 129 00:05:45,365 --> 00:05:47,400 XLR8: Aah! 130 00:05:48,701 --> 00:05:51,637 Hey, what's the big -- Aah! 131 00:05:51,737 --> 00:05:55,008 Guide to the Temple of the Sky, 132 00:05:55,808 --> 00:05:57,010 So annoying, 133 00:05:57,110 --> 00:05:59,245 I really don't care if I ever see him again, 134 00:05:59,345 --> 00:06:01,814 Then I believe you are about to be disappointed, 135 00:06:01,914 --> 00:06:03,883 [ zoom! ] 136 00:06:03,984 --> 00:06:06,152 Okay, Let's hear it, 137 00:06:06,252 --> 00:06:08,154 Hear what? Your apology, 138 00:06:08,254 --> 00:06:10,023 That's why you came back, isn't it? 139 00:06:10,123 --> 00:06:12,058 What do I need to apologize for? 140 00:06:12,158 --> 00:06:13,893 I beg you not to involve me, 141 00:06:13,993 --> 00:06:15,595 I was just trying to -- Try harder! 142 00:06:15,695 --> 00:06:18,664 Not everything's about you, Benjamin Tennyson! 143 00:06:18,764 --> 00:06:19,832 This is important to me! 144 00:06:19,932 --> 00:06:21,934 [ sighs ] Hey! 145 00:06:22,034 --> 00:06:24,970 [ zoom! ] 146 00:06:25,070 --> 00:06:27,273 Personal space, dude! 147 00:06:28,140 --> 00:06:29,775 Look, [ gasps ] 148 00:06:29,875 --> 00:06:32,512 The guide to the temple isn't somewhere in the village, 149 00:06:32,612 --> 00:06:34,380 It is the village! 150 00:06:34,480 --> 00:06:36,916 You just needed to see it from high enough to make out the details, 151 00:06:37,016 --> 00:06:39,619 Thank you! [ smooches ] 152 00:06:39,719 --> 00:06:43,222 Oooooooh! 153 00:06:43,322 --> 00:06:44,524 Oh, my, 154 00:06:44,624 --> 00:06:46,258 [ beeping ] What -- 155 00:06:46,359 --> 00:06:48,561 I mean, yeah, sure, Whatever, 156 00:06:49,729 --> 00:06:53,933 [ camera shutter clicks ] Thanks a lot! 157 00:06:54,033 --> 00:06:56,502 What, you wanted to kiss the poor girl? 158 00:06:56,602 --> 00:06:58,337 Yes! I mean, no! 159 00:06:58,437 --> 00:07:01,674 I mean, none of your business, snot-pocket, 160 00:07:01,774 --> 00:07:07,446 The mystery of this temple has got nothin' on the mystery of Kai Green, 161 00:07:12,284 --> 00:07:14,086 These bugs are eating me alive! 162 00:07:14,186 --> 00:07:16,856 I suggest you return the favor, 163 00:07:16,956 --> 00:07:19,091 Ohh! Ohh! Dude, seriously? 164 00:07:19,191 --> 00:07:21,293 In many cultures throughout the galaxy, 165 00:07:21,393 --> 00:07:23,228 insects are considered a delicacy, 166 00:07:23,328 --> 00:07:25,197 I've had these, 167 00:07:25,297 --> 00:07:26,866 They're better toasted, 168 00:07:26,966 --> 00:07:29,034 And she calls me "gross," 169 00:07:29,134 --> 00:07:31,670 [ rumbling ] [ all scream ] 170 00:07:31,770 --> 00:07:33,038 Ugh! 171 00:07:33,138 --> 00:07:34,773 Ugh! Ugh! 172 00:07:34,874 --> 00:07:36,508 Rook: Huh? 173 00:07:36,608 --> 00:07:39,078 [ growls ] 174 00:07:39,178 --> 00:07:40,712 Kia: A jungle guardian -- 175 00:07:40,812 --> 00:07:46,485 One of the legendary protectors of the Temple of the Sky! 176 00:07:50,089 --> 00:07:51,856 [ growls ] 177 00:07:51,956 --> 00:07:53,358 [ all grunt ] 178 00:07:53,458 --> 00:07:55,427 Normally, I don't like yardwork, 179 00:07:55,527 --> 00:07:57,962 but I'm gonna enjoy mowing this thing down, 180 00:07:58,063 --> 00:08:01,133 [ beep ] 181 00:08:09,574 --> 00:08:12,377 [ roars ] 182 00:08:12,477 --> 00:08:15,179 Okay, New plan, 183 00:08:15,814 --> 00:08:17,616 [ groans, whimpers ] 184 00:08:17,716 --> 00:08:20,852 Not optimal, 185 00:08:20,952 --> 00:08:23,622 [ grunts ] [ grunts ] 186 00:08:39,971 --> 00:08:42,641 [ chuckles nervously ] 187 00:08:42,741 --> 00:08:45,276 Ben, run! 188 00:08:45,376 --> 00:08:50,715 [ roars ] [ growls ] 189 00:08:50,815 --> 00:08:53,752 [ chuckles ] What a blowhard, 190 00:08:53,852 --> 00:08:55,186 You know, if I go down, 191 00:08:55,286 --> 00:08:56,988 you're going down with me, 192 00:08:57,088 --> 00:08:58,923 Hmm? True, 193 00:08:59,023 --> 00:09:01,292 [ gasps ] 194 00:09:02,493 --> 00:09:05,229 An echo echo bullhorn? 195 00:09:05,329 --> 00:09:07,699 Now we're talkin', booger-face! 196 00:09:07,799 --> 00:09:09,567 Don't call that thing a name! 197 00:09:09,667 --> 00:09:11,269 Use it! 198 00:09:11,369 --> 00:09:13,704 Attention, please, 199 00:09:13,805 --> 00:09:17,141 [ roars ] 200 00:09:21,079 --> 00:09:23,047 You found it -- 201 00:09:23,147 --> 00:09:25,116 The Temple of the Sky! 202 00:09:25,216 --> 00:09:27,318 Oh, good boy! 203 00:09:27,418 --> 00:09:30,388 Hey, I'm not really a dog, you know, 204 00:09:30,488 --> 00:09:32,623 Then why is your tail wagging? 205 00:09:32,723 --> 00:09:34,392 [ beep ] 206 00:09:34,492 --> 00:09:37,361 Desist, you addled adolescents! 207 00:09:37,461 --> 00:09:39,397 Onward! 208 00:09:40,464 --> 00:09:42,700 Definitely extraterrestrial, 209 00:09:42,800 --> 00:09:45,269 It appears to predate the Earth itself, 210 00:09:45,369 --> 00:09:47,371 I don't see an entrance, 211 00:09:47,471 --> 00:09:51,275 It's here, You just need to know where to look, 212 00:09:51,375 --> 00:09:53,844 And waste our time like you did in town? 213 00:09:53,944 --> 00:09:56,580 [ beep ] 214 00:10:02,420 --> 00:10:04,221 I'll just tunnel down a couple hundred feet, 215 00:10:04,322 --> 00:10:05,923 then work my way back up from the base, 216 00:10:06,023 --> 00:10:08,859 searching for a structural weakness where I can -- 217 00:10:08,959 --> 00:10:10,193 [ rumbling ] Found it! 218 00:10:10,294 --> 00:10:12,129 Found what? 219 00:10:12,229 --> 00:10:14,598 The access code to the temple entrance, 220 00:10:19,637 --> 00:10:22,139 Typical, You can't see the answer, 221 00:10:22,239 --> 00:10:24,207 even when it's right in front of your face, 222 00:10:24,307 --> 00:10:25,876 Skurd: It is true, 223 00:10:25,976 --> 00:10:29,046 I was the one who saw the guide first, after all, 224 00:10:29,146 --> 00:10:31,214 [ blink! ] What?! 225 00:10:32,449 --> 00:10:35,953 And to think I kissed you for that, 226 00:10:36,053 --> 00:10:38,021 Armodrillo: [ grunts ] 227 00:10:38,121 --> 00:10:41,592 Can't you keep your mouth shut for just one minute? 228 00:10:41,692 --> 00:10:44,227 [ beeping ] 229 00:10:44,327 --> 00:10:45,896 Ben: [ grunts ] 230 00:10:45,996 --> 00:10:48,899 Exo-Skull: [ growls ] They are good, [ chuckles ] 231 00:10:48,999 --> 00:10:53,336 Gonna be a shame to slab them all when this is done, 232 00:10:56,840 --> 00:10:58,275 I don't get it, 233 00:10:58,375 --> 00:11:00,077 One second, she's patting my head, 234 00:11:00,177 --> 00:11:01,845 and the next second, she's stepping on it, 235 00:11:01,945 --> 00:11:05,448 Yes, Neither of you is at ease around the other, 236 00:11:05,548 --> 00:11:07,150 What could it mean? 237 00:11:07,250 --> 00:11:08,718 This should be the reliquary 238 00:11:08,818 --> 00:11:11,154 where the most important artifacts are stored, 239 00:11:11,254 --> 00:11:14,191 I don't understand what I did wrong, 240 00:11:14,291 --> 00:11:17,260 I assume you are going to zing Kai 241 00:11:17,360 --> 00:11:18,728 for her lack of success, 242 00:11:18,828 --> 00:11:19,762 Why would I do that? 243 00:11:19,862 --> 00:11:21,764 I have often wondered the same thing, 244 00:11:21,864 --> 00:11:25,002 yet that is what you usually do in these situations, 245 00:11:25,102 --> 00:11:28,305 I do? No worries, Kai, 246 00:11:28,405 --> 00:11:30,440 I'm sure there's a secret passageway here, 247 00:11:30,540 --> 00:11:33,610 just like outside, 248 00:11:34,944 --> 00:11:37,847 Ben, don't! [ gasps ] 249 00:11:43,420 --> 00:11:45,722 You have triggered a boo-boo trap! 250 00:11:45,822 --> 00:11:47,990 That's "booby trap," 251 00:11:48,090 --> 00:11:50,627 Yes, Kudos, dear friend, 252 00:11:50,727 --> 00:11:52,161 [ grunting ] 253 00:11:52,262 --> 00:11:53,996 Well, untrigger it! 254 00:11:54,096 --> 00:11:56,866 [ Omnitrix beeping ] 255 00:11:56,966 --> 00:11:58,100 Aah! 256 00:11:58,200 --> 00:12:00,470 [ rumbling ] 257 00:12:00,570 --> 00:12:02,872 Eeny, meeny, miny,,, 258 00:12:02,972 --> 00:12:05,608 One mo'! 259 00:12:06,342 --> 00:12:09,211 [ all screaming ] 260 00:12:09,311 --> 00:12:11,448 [ beep ] 261 00:12:19,455 --> 00:12:22,491 Both: Aah! [ grunts ] 262 00:12:23,225 --> 00:12:24,460 Walls are too slimy! 263 00:12:24,560 --> 00:12:26,495 I can't get a grip! Maybe if I -- 264 00:12:26,596 --> 00:12:28,530 Will you just do it?! 265 00:12:32,201 --> 00:12:33,803 [ both screaming ] 266 00:12:33,903 --> 00:12:36,739 [ both grunting ] 267 00:12:39,742 --> 00:12:42,178 If only you were as good at being normal 268 00:12:42,278 --> 00:12:43,980 as you are at being alien, 269 00:12:44,080 --> 00:12:48,117 Snare-oh: If only nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, 270 00:12:48,217 --> 00:12:50,987 [ gasps ] Hey, check this out, 271 00:12:51,087 --> 00:12:55,992 These carvings all reference only one alien artifact, 272 00:13:05,634 --> 00:13:08,604 It must be very significant indeed, 273 00:13:10,172 --> 00:13:13,609 Hmm, 274 00:13:16,178 --> 00:13:17,846 Snare-oh: Doesn't look like much, 275 00:13:17,946 --> 00:13:20,149 Skurd: Benjamin! Kai: Stop! 276 00:13:20,249 --> 00:13:23,785 You still don't get the whole booby-trap thing, do you? 277 00:13:23,885 --> 00:13:25,521 [ rumbling ] 278 00:13:34,363 --> 00:13:37,766 Snare-oh: Es burrito grande, 279 00:13:39,468 --> 00:13:42,804 [ rumbling ] [ all scream ] 280 00:13:42,904 --> 00:13:45,541 All will perish who dare violate 281 00:13:45,641 --> 00:13:47,876 the sanctity of the Temple of the Sky, 282 00:13:47,976 --> 00:13:51,346 Snare-oh: Kai, stay back! Aah! 283 00:13:51,447 --> 00:13:54,382 Ben! [ growls ] 284 00:13:55,651 --> 00:13:57,352 [ pop! ] Ohh, 285 00:13:57,453 --> 00:13:59,454 Skurd: I do not do well under pressure, 286 00:13:59,555 --> 00:14:01,957 Snare-oh: Well, I do, 287 00:14:04,726 --> 00:14:08,363 That which is hidden must remain so throughout time, 288 00:14:08,463 --> 00:14:11,833 Aah! [ gasps ] 289 00:14:11,933 --> 00:14:15,904 None of you will ever see the light of day again, 290 00:14:20,809 --> 00:14:22,310 Snare-oh: Kia, get out of here! 291 00:14:22,410 --> 00:14:24,145 I got this! 292 00:14:24,245 --> 00:14:26,214 [ grunting ] 293 00:14:26,314 --> 00:14:28,449 Rook! The arms! 294 00:14:28,549 --> 00:14:30,751 Rook: [ grunting ] 295 00:14:35,390 --> 00:14:37,492 Aaaaaaaaaah! 296 00:14:37,592 --> 00:14:39,460 [ both scream ] 297 00:14:39,560 --> 00:14:43,731 [ zap! ] [ both grunt ] 298 00:14:45,433 --> 00:14:47,102 [ beep ] 299 00:14:47,202 --> 00:14:49,470 [ both coughing ] 300 00:14:49,570 --> 00:14:51,706 [ grunts ] [ gasps ] 301 00:14:51,806 --> 00:14:54,242 Nothing can defeat me! 302 00:14:54,342 --> 00:14:56,311 I am invincible, 303 00:14:56,411 --> 00:14:57,645 [ grunts ] 304 00:14:57,745 --> 00:15:01,048 Hey! Put me down! 305 00:15:02,983 --> 00:15:06,921 [ both gasp ] Dearest host, what just happened? 306 00:15:07,021 --> 00:15:10,858 That was me! Look who I found playing puppet master, 307 00:15:10,958 --> 00:15:14,729 A Galvan? Unhand me, you foul ape! 308 00:15:14,829 --> 00:15:18,933 Ugh! And he's a mouthy little thing, isn't he? Detestable, 309 00:15:19,033 --> 00:15:22,703 Little?! I'll knock you Neanderthals into next week! 310 00:15:22,803 --> 00:15:26,206 Easy there, You take it easy, gorilla grip! 311 00:15:26,307 --> 00:15:28,175 'Fess up! Why are you pretending 312 00:15:28,275 --> 00:15:30,978 to be the guardian spirit of the Temple of the Sky? 313 00:15:31,078 --> 00:15:32,513 Pretending?! 314 00:15:32,613 --> 00:15:35,049 I am the guardian! 315 00:15:35,149 --> 00:15:36,383 Huh? 316 00:15:36,484 --> 00:15:39,053 You'd have to be, like, Mesoamerican Ancient, 317 00:15:39,153 --> 00:15:40,588 How old do Galvans get? 318 00:15:40,688 --> 00:15:44,859 Older than your pathetic "modern civilization," 319 00:15:44,959 --> 00:15:46,160 obviously, 320 00:15:46,260 --> 00:15:47,828 This object you protect -- 321 00:15:47,928 --> 00:15:49,797 It's none of your business, miscreant, 322 00:15:49,897 --> 00:15:51,666 I was asked to protect it, 323 00:15:51,766 --> 00:15:55,169 and it's my duty as a galactic citizen to do so, 324 00:15:55,269 --> 00:15:57,137 Asked? By who? 325 00:15:57,237 --> 00:15:59,940 Hello, Benjamin, 326 00:16:02,209 --> 00:16:05,145 Paradox, [ grunts ] 327 00:16:05,245 --> 00:16:08,148 So, you lummoxes are good guys? 328 00:16:08,248 --> 00:16:09,516 Who is that? 329 00:16:09,616 --> 00:16:11,085 Professor Paradox, 330 00:16:11,185 --> 00:16:13,453 I feel a time-travel headache coming on, 331 00:16:13,553 --> 00:16:15,823 Maybe you can explain what's going on here, 332 00:16:15,923 --> 00:16:17,691 because this archaeological quest 333 00:16:17,792 --> 00:16:19,593 is getting really unquesty, 334 00:16:19,693 --> 00:16:23,030 Explain I shall and always do, 335 00:16:23,130 --> 00:16:25,966 after a fashion, 336 00:16:26,967 --> 00:16:29,937 Ben, do you recognize this figure? 337 00:16:30,704 --> 00:16:32,406 It kind of looks like -- 338 00:16:32,506 --> 00:16:34,274 Oh, no, Indeed -- 339 00:16:34,374 --> 00:16:37,077 Maltruant, the rogue chronosapien 340 00:16:37,177 --> 00:16:39,879 bent on ruling all of time and existence, 341 00:16:39,979 --> 00:16:42,616 I believe I am getting your time headache, Ben, 342 00:16:42,716 --> 00:16:44,184 Possibly, 343 00:16:44,284 --> 00:16:45,752 After his first defeat, 344 00:16:45,852 --> 00:16:49,523 I divided Maltruant's physical being into parts 345 00:16:49,623 --> 00:16:52,626 and hid them in the form of certain artifacts, 346 00:16:52,726 --> 00:16:55,061 which I then spread across time and space 347 00:16:55,162 --> 00:16:57,631 so his followers could never find them, 348 00:16:57,731 --> 00:17:00,667 The secret of the Temple of the Sky! 349 00:17:00,767 --> 00:17:02,669 If I had known, I wouldn't have -- 350 00:17:02,769 --> 00:17:05,372 Hold that thought, Everybody, duck! 351 00:17:05,472 --> 00:17:07,974 [ zap! ] 352 00:17:09,008 --> 00:17:10,677 Exo-Skull! 353 00:17:12,379 --> 00:17:14,514 Rook: [ grunts ] 354 00:17:14,614 --> 00:17:16,483 Watching you suckers do all the hard work 355 00:17:16,583 --> 00:17:18,051 was sa-weet! 356 00:17:18,151 --> 00:17:21,087 Now hand over the temporal mainspring 357 00:17:21,187 --> 00:17:23,423 so I can wipe the floor with ya! 358 00:17:23,523 --> 00:17:25,792 I'd like to see you try! 359 00:17:25,892 --> 00:17:29,729 Skurd: Silence, you bellicose old toad! 360 00:17:32,031 --> 00:17:34,167 Aren't you going to do something?! 361 00:17:34,267 --> 00:17:35,635 But I am! 362 00:17:35,735 --> 00:17:37,604 I am assessing the resilience 363 00:17:37,704 --> 00:17:39,072 of this time stream, 364 00:17:39,172 --> 00:17:41,240 Paradox, sometimes you can really be 365 00:17:41,340 --> 00:17:42,942 a pain in the time fractal, 366 00:17:43,042 --> 00:17:44,778 [ grunts ] 367 00:17:45,679 --> 00:17:46,913 Don't worry, I'll get it, 368 00:17:47,013 --> 00:17:49,615 Wish me luck? Oooh, 369 00:17:49,716 --> 00:17:52,118 Ben, you're not getting a kiss, 370 00:17:52,218 --> 00:17:53,552 Whatever, 371 00:17:53,652 --> 00:17:55,855 [ beeps ] 372 00:18:00,326 --> 00:18:05,965 [ speaking broken Spanish ] 373 00:18:06,065 --> 00:18:12,438 [ speaking broken Spanish ] 374 00:18:12,538 --> 00:18:14,273 De nada, 375 00:18:14,373 --> 00:18:19,678 [ growls ] All right, let's do this, kitty-cat, 376 00:18:20,613 --> 00:18:23,682 [ speaking broken Spanish ] 377 00:18:23,782 --> 00:18:27,520 [ speaking broken Spanish ] 378 00:18:27,620 --> 00:18:31,757 [ both grunting ] 379 00:18:33,959 --> 00:18:36,795 Maybe if you hadn't destroyed the temple's safeguards, 380 00:18:36,895 --> 00:18:39,898 that Rhino wouldn't have made it this far, 381 00:18:39,998 --> 00:18:42,335 I'm -- I'm just sayin', 382 00:18:42,435 --> 00:18:43,736 Rath: Ooh! 383 00:18:43,836 --> 00:18:45,238 Excellent, Benjamin! 384 00:18:45,338 --> 00:18:48,274 Stay inside his reach or he'll use the horn, 385 00:18:48,374 --> 00:18:50,576 [ grunting ] Miss Green, 386 00:18:50,676 --> 00:18:53,245 Ben has yet to secure the mainspring! 387 00:18:53,346 --> 00:18:55,314 Excuse me, 388 00:18:55,414 --> 00:18:56,815 [ stammering ] 389 00:18:56,915 --> 00:18:59,385 For a tiger, you don't pack much of a bite, 390 00:19:03,422 --> 00:19:04,490 [ groans ] 391 00:19:04,590 --> 00:19:06,525 Hey, slimy, Ben's outgunned! 392 00:19:06,625 --> 00:19:07,893 Could you please come through 393 00:19:07,993 --> 00:19:10,095 with one of those special accessories, 394 00:19:10,195 --> 00:19:12,164 Rath: No! 395 00:19:12,264 --> 00:19:15,133 [ speaking Spanish ] 396 00:19:15,233 --> 00:19:18,837 Well, as long as my pussycat host doesn't want me to,,, 397 00:19:18,937 --> 00:19:20,873 [ inhales deeply, grunts ] 398 00:19:22,074 --> 00:19:23,542 Oooh! 399 00:19:23,642 --> 00:19:25,611 [ speaks Spanish ] 400 00:19:25,711 --> 00:19:27,179 Huh? [ grunting ] 401 00:19:27,279 --> 00:19:28,647 You got guts, girly, 402 00:19:28,747 --> 00:19:32,885 Now, let's see what they look like, [ laughs evilly ] 403 00:19:32,985 --> 00:19:35,387 Rath: [ speaking Spanish ] 404 00:19:37,622 --> 00:19:41,894 [ speaking Spanish ] 405 00:19:41,994 --> 00:19:45,463 [ speaking Spanish ] 406 00:19:50,836 --> 00:19:52,838 I'm gonna shish-kabob you, 407 00:19:52,938 --> 00:19:57,175 [ speaking Spanish ] 408 00:20:00,345 --> 00:20:02,514 You're good -- 409 00:20:02,614 --> 00:20:05,417 Too good, 410 00:20:06,651 --> 00:20:10,655 [ speaking Spanish ] [ beeps ] 411 00:20:10,755 --> 00:20:13,658 Ugh! Gotcha! What? 412 00:20:13,758 --> 00:20:16,361 Thanks, sweetie, Ohh! 413 00:20:16,461 --> 00:20:19,631 No problem, 414 00:20:19,731 --> 00:20:21,633 And everything is on track, 415 00:20:21,733 --> 00:20:26,504 I apologize for the damage to your magnificent temple, 416 00:20:26,604 --> 00:20:27,872 Please, continue to guard -- 417 00:20:27,972 --> 00:20:31,075 [ whirring ] 418 00:20:31,175 --> 00:20:33,378 The temporal mainspring! 419 00:20:38,182 --> 00:20:41,453 Professor, should we not be pursuing the thieves? 420 00:20:41,553 --> 00:20:43,054 In good time, Rook, 421 00:20:43,154 --> 00:20:46,057 The future unfolds as it must, 422 00:20:46,157 --> 00:20:49,461 Wait, You stick me in this hole for eons, 423 00:20:49,561 --> 00:20:51,062 guarding that piece of junk, 424 00:20:51,162 --> 00:20:52,363 and then when it gets jacked, 425 00:20:52,464 --> 00:20:54,966 all you got to say is, "In good time"?! 426 00:20:55,066 --> 00:20:58,836 Did I mention it's 5th season on Galvan Prime? 427 00:20:58,936 --> 00:21:01,005 A hot wind blows from the north, 428 00:21:01,105 --> 00:21:04,942 and the females' faces become dry and crusty, 429 00:21:05,042 --> 00:21:07,912 Whoop! Time to go home, folks! 430 00:21:09,213 --> 00:21:12,950 Yes, till we meet again! 431 00:21:18,923 --> 00:21:21,192 You're okay to ride? No, please, 432 00:21:21,292 --> 00:21:24,295 Why don't you two keep steaming up South America with -- 433 00:21:24,395 --> 00:21:25,662 I'm good, Kai, 434 00:21:25,763 --> 00:21:28,733 All right, Mr, Tennyson, 435 00:21:28,833 --> 00:21:31,335 Later, Mrs, Tennyson, 436 00:21:31,435 --> 00:21:33,270 Ugh! That again?! 437 00:21:33,270 --> 00:21:36,251 Ben, there is no way we are married in the future! 438 00:21:36,251 --> 00:21:37,885 Ben: I was teasing! 439 00:21:37,985 --> 00:21:43,051 I know! Stop being so -- Ugh!