1 00:00:04,667 --> 00:00:07,738 Young Ben: Behold my mad skills! 2 00:00:07,838 --> 00:00:11,044 My corner kick against McDuffie in the finals is a thing of legend! 3 00:00:11,144 --> 00:00:13,815 Young Gwen: [ scoffs ] More like fairy tale, 4 00:00:13,915 --> 00:00:15,183 Young Ben: Pfft, Whatever, 5 00:00:15,283 --> 00:00:16,853 [ grunts ] 6 00:00:16,953 --> 00:00:21,259 Stee-rike! And that is how it's done, 7 00:00:21,360 --> 00:00:22,495 Any questions? 8 00:00:22,595 --> 00:00:23,931 Young Gwen: Yeah, 9 00:00:24,031 --> 00:00:26,835 Why is Mr, Baumann wearing a tuxedo? 10 00:00:28,505 --> 00:00:30,708 Young Ben: Hot date, Mr, Baumann? 11 00:00:30,808 --> 00:00:34,080 Housewarming party at the old Collins house, 12 00:00:34,180 --> 00:00:37,018 Fancy dress -- no kids allowed, 13 00:00:37,118 --> 00:00:40,089 The old haunted Collins house? 14 00:00:40,190 --> 00:00:42,294 [ animal howls ] 15 00:00:42,394 --> 00:00:46,900 Really, Lucy, there's no such thing as ghosts, 16 00:00:47,000 --> 00:00:50,506 The house is just old, not haunted, 17 00:00:50,606 --> 00:00:53,277 Young Gwen: Who'd buy that old dump, anyway? 18 00:00:53,377 --> 00:00:56,916 Nobody bought it, Thaddeus J, Collins inherited it, 19 00:00:57,017 --> 00:00:59,052 Don't you kids follow the local news? 20 00:00:59,153 --> 00:01:02,659 Young Ben: Uh, no, 'cause we're kids, Duh, 21 00:01:02,759 --> 00:01:04,561 Mind your manners, young man, 22 00:01:04,662 --> 00:01:09,970 Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm late, and Mr, Collins is serving dim sum, 23 00:01:13,744 --> 00:01:17,882 Young Ben: It's all about eyeball-to-soccer-ball coordination, 24 00:01:17,983 --> 00:01:20,020 Young Gwen: You mean like this? 25 00:01:20,121 --> 00:01:22,624 [ grunts ] 26 00:01:22,724 --> 00:01:26,464 [ grunts ] Yeah! Girls rule! Boys drool! 27 00:01:26,564 --> 00:01:28,333 [ laughs, snorts ] 28 00:01:28,434 --> 00:01:32,006 Young Ben: Oh, So, we're allowed to use our alien powers now? 29 00:01:32,106 --> 00:01:33,842 Stand back, 30 00:01:40,753 --> 00:01:43,190 Young upchuck: [ belches ] 31 00:01:43,290 --> 00:01:45,093 [ horn honking, alarm blaring ] 32 00:01:48,866 --> 00:01:50,903 Young Gwen: [ gasps ] 33 00:01:51,003 --> 00:01:53,373 [ honking and blaring continue ] 34 00:01:53,473 --> 00:01:55,509 [ honking and blaring stop ] 35 00:01:55,609 --> 00:01:59,549 Young Ben: Before you say anything, Mr, Baumann, it was an accident, 36 00:01:59,649 --> 00:02:02,120 I'm so sorry, But it was totally Gwen's fault, 37 00:02:02,220 --> 00:02:03,390 Young Gwen: Hey! 38 00:02:03,490 --> 00:02:06,827 Accidents happen, Ben, 39 00:02:06,928 --> 00:02:09,599 Young Gwen: You're not mad? 40 00:02:09,700 --> 00:02:11,535 Got to get inside, 41 00:02:11,635 --> 00:02:13,471 Too bright out here, 42 00:02:13,571 --> 00:02:16,176 Young Ben: Uh, the sun set an hour ago, 43 00:02:16,276 --> 00:02:22,987 It's so good to see young people playing out in the fresh air, 44 00:02:23,087 --> 00:02:25,758 Young Ben: Uh,,,what just happened? 45 00:02:27,693 --> 00:02:30,398 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ ♪ He's a kid, and he wants to have fun ♪ 46 00:02:30,498 --> 00:02:32,802 ♪ But when you need a superhero, he gets the job done ♪ 47 00:02:32,902 --> 00:02:35,373 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ ♪ With a device that he wears on his arm ♪ 48 00:02:35,473 --> 00:02:37,276 ♪ He can change his shape and save the world from harm ♪ 49 00:02:37,376 --> 00:02:39,046 ♪ When trouble's taking place ♪ 50 00:02:39,146 --> 00:02:40,448 ♪ He gets right in its face ♪ 51 00:02:40,548 --> 00:02:42,017 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 52 00:02:42,117 --> 00:02:43,853 ♪ When lives are on the line ♪ 53 00:02:43,954 --> 00:02:45,956 ♪ It's hero time ♪ ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 54 00:02:49,262 --> 00:02:56,574 Young Ben: [ snoring ] Huh? 55 00:02:56,674 --> 00:02:59,611 Mr, Baumann, it's 1:00 a,m,! 56 00:02:59,711 --> 00:03:01,715 [ yawning ] What are you doing? 57 00:03:01,815 --> 00:03:02,716 [ squeak! Squeak! ] 58 00:03:02,817 --> 00:03:04,953 Mr, Baumann? 59 00:03:09,627 --> 00:03:11,797 Sounds like a strange dream, all right, 60 00:03:11,898 --> 00:03:14,135 [ laughs, snorts ] Young Ben: It seemed so real, though, 61 00:03:14,235 --> 00:03:15,570 Young Gwen: Yeah -- real boring, 62 00:03:15,670 --> 00:03:16,806 I had an awesome dream last 63 00:03:16,906 --> 00:03:18,141 night where we were fighting 64 00:03:18,241 --> 00:03:18,942 Vilgax, and -- 65 00:03:19,043 --> 00:03:20,478 An invisible dog?! 66 00:03:20,578 --> 00:03:22,815 Young Gwen: [ scoffs ] No, What? 67 00:03:22,915 --> 00:03:25,753 Young Ben: Uh, hey, mister, 68 00:03:25,854 --> 00:03:27,823 You forget something? 69 00:03:27,924 --> 00:03:28,925 [ grunts ] 70 00:03:29,025 --> 00:03:35,001 Young Gwen: Excuse us, 71 00:03:35,101 --> 00:03:36,570 Thank you, dears, 72 00:03:36,670 --> 00:03:38,206 Such well-mannered children, 73 00:03:38,306 --> 00:03:40,677 Here, Have some pickled cow tongues, 74 00:03:40,777 --> 00:03:41,711 [ boing! ] 75 00:03:41,811 --> 00:03:44,483 Young Ben: Blech! 76 00:03:44,583 --> 00:03:45,718 Did you see her eye? 77 00:03:45,818 --> 00:03:47,721 Young Ben: Just like Mr, Baumann, 78 00:03:47,821 --> 00:03:51,762 Young Gwen: Maybe there's a pink-eye epidemic or a high pollen count? 79 00:03:51,862 --> 00:03:55,400 Young Ben: Whatever it is, it's making people act really weird, 80 00:03:55,500 --> 00:03:58,072 Young Gwen: Not people -- just grown-ups, 81 00:03:58,172 --> 00:04:00,475 Yeah! [ laughs, snorts ] We're all fine, aren't we? 82 00:04:00,575 --> 00:04:01,777 Young Ben: Let me see your eyes, 83 00:04:01,877 --> 00:04:03,480 Can you see mine? 84 00:04:03,581 --> 00:04:05,216 [ snorts ] okay? Can you look a little closer? A little closer! 85 00:04:05,316 --> 00:04:07,853 Young Ben: Yeah, you're okay, Looks fine, 86 00:04:07,953 --> 00:04:12,060 How 'bout you, Jonesy have you noticed all the 87 00:04:12,160 --> 00:04:14,630 grown-ups in town suddenly acting crazy? 88 00:04:14,730 --> 00:04:18,570 Grown-ups always act crazy, 89 00:04:18,670 --> 00:04:21,441 Climb aboard,,,children, 90 00:04:21,541 --> 00:04:22,844 All: Aaaaaaaaaaaah! 91 00:04:22,944 --> 00:04:24,880 Aah! Why am I screaming?! 92 00:04:24,980 --> 00:04:26,582 Oh, Whew! Got it, 93 00:04:26,683 --> 00:04:30,523 That darn eyelash has been bothering me all morning, 94 00:04:30,623 --> 00:04:31,991 Children? 95 00:04:32,091 --> 00:04:34,863 Young Ben: You got to believe us, Grandpa Max, 96 00:04:34,963 --> 00:04:37,901 All the grown-ups in town are freaking out! 97 00:04:38,001 --> 00:04:39,437 Max: Well, I'm not, 98 00:04:39,537 --> 00:04:41,574 Young Gwen: But everybody else we've seen is, 99 00:04:41,674 --> 00:04:44,778 I'll agree with them, but I still don't know what's going on, 100 00:04:44,879 --> 00:04:46,448 Max: I'm sure it's nothing, 101 00:04:46,548 --> 00:04:49,653 Sometimes adults can be driven to their wits' end by you kids, 102 00:04:49,754 --> 00:04:51,990 uh, your -- how shall we say? -- 103 00:04:52,090 --> 00:04:53,994 youthful enthusiasm, 104 00:04:54,094 --> 00:04:58,300 But Mr, Baumann was totally fine until he came back from the old Collins house, 105 00:04:58,400 --> 00:05:02,474 Young Ben: Yeah, Suddenly, he was,,,nice, 106 00:05:02,574 --> 00:05:03,876 Young Gwen: To Ben, 107 00:05:03,976 --> 00:05:05,779 Max: [ gasps ] 108 00:05:05,879 --> 00:05:08,584 Something's definitely wrong, 109 00:05:08,684 --> 00:05:10,119 [ crow cawing ] 110 00:05:10,219 --> 00:05:12,455 He's been in there a long time, you guys, 111 00:05:12,555 --> 00:05:14,326 Young Ben: I'm going in after him, 112 00:05:14,426 --> 00:05:17,563 [ all gasp ] [ door opens, closes ] 113 00:05:17,664 --> 00:05:20,836 Max: There's nothing to worry about, children, 114 00:05:20,936 --> 00:05:22,438 All: Aaaaaaaaaah! 115 00:05:22,539 --> 00:05:24,541 Max: Mr, Collins is a good neighbor, 116 00:05:24,642 --> 00:05:27,714 Young Gwen: Yeah, good at stealing your brain! 117 00:05:27,814 --> 00:05:29,382 And messing with your eyeball! 118 00:05:29,482 --> 00:05:33,289 Max: It's so nice to see young people using their 119 00:05:33,389 --> 00:05:35,626 imaginations again these days, 120 00:05:35,726 --> 00:05:37,595 Young Gwen: Grandpa? 121 00:05:37,695 --> 00:05:41,536 Young Ben: We're gonna need backup, 122 00:05:41,636 --> 00:05:42,971 [ ringing ] 123 00:05:43,071 --> 00:05:44,975 [ cellphone ringing ] Hello? 124 00:05:45,075 --> 00:05:48,212 Young Ben: Cooper, I need you to build something high-techy to 125 00:05:48,312 --> 00:05:50,415 spy inside the old Collins house, 126 00:05:50,516 --> 00:05:54,322 Come on, Ben, Haunted houses are a bunch of superstitious nonsense, 127 00:05:54,422 --> 00:05:55,791 I got better things to do, 128 00:05:55,891 --> 00:05:57,728 Young Ben: Sorry, Gwen! 129 00:05:57,828 --> 00:05:59,064 Cooper can't help! 130 00:05:59,164 --> 00:06:01,533 He's got better things to do! 131 00:06:01,633 --> 00:06:02,569 Gwen? 132 00:06:02,669 --> 00:06:05,707 [ doorbell rings ] 133 00:06:05,807 --> 00:06:06,976 Hey, 134 00:06:07,076 --> 00:06:09,981 [ cellphone beeps ] 135 00:06:10,082 --> 00:06:11,449 Wow! [ snorts ] 136 00:06:11,550 --> 00:06:14,153 Your techno-pathetic powers are awesome! 137 00:06:14,253 --> 00:06:17,960 Technopathic, and, yes, they are, 138 00:06:18,060 --> 00:06:20,631 Behold the surveillance spider! 139 00:06:20,731 --> 00:06:23,035 How's it work? Perfectly, 140 00:06:23,135 --> 00:06:26,106 Oh, you mean,,, it'll go look inside the old 141 00:06:26,207 --> 00:06:27,508 Collins' house while we watch a 142 00:06:27,609 --> 00:06:29,879 live video feed on Gwen's computer, 143 00:06:29,979 --> 00:06:32,182 Young Gwen: That's amazing, 144 00:06:32,282 --> 00:06:35,288 You're amazing, Young Ben: Ugh, 145 00:06:35,388 --> 00:06:37,891 Just say, "thanks," Gwen, 146 00:06:37,991 --> 00:06:40,695 [ whirring ] 147 00:06:47,942 --> 00:06:50,411 They say the guy who built the old Collins house was a 148 00:06:50,511 --> 00:06:52,348 werewolf and that he's immortal, 149 00:06:52,448 --> 00:06:55,954 kept young and hungry by a painting of a bowl of fruit in 150 00:06:56,054 --> 00:07:00,662 the attic that ages instead of him, 151 00:07:02,130 --> 00:07:06,103 It's what,,,they,,,say, 152 00:07:06,203 --> 00:07:07,205 [ yowls ] 153 00:07:07,305 --> 00:07:08,540 All: Aaaaah! [ yowls ] 154 00:07:08,640 --> 00:07:10,843 Young Ben: Relax, It's just a cat, 155 00:07:10,944 --> 00:07:13,182 Young Gwen: Then why did you scream? 156 00:07:13,282 --> 00:07:16,853 Young Ben: I didn't want you guys to be embarrassed if no one else screamed, 157 00:07:16,953 --> 00:07:18,322 Just trying to help, 158 00:07:18,422 --> 00:07:19,959 Young Gwen: Keep telling yourself that, 159 00:07:20,059 --> 00:07:21,828 Huh? [ static ] 160 00:07:21,928 --> 00:07:25,033 What happened? 161 00:07:25,133 --> 00:07:26,403 This can't be right, 162 00:07:26,503 --> 00:07:27,971 These readings say the surveillance spider is 163 00:07:28,071 --> 00:07:29,307 1,300 feet underground, 164 00:07:29,407 --> 00:07:31,009 Young Gwen: Underground? 165 00:07:31,109 --> 00:07:32,713 What could be down there? 166 00:07:32,813 --> 00:07:35,917 Young Ben: Let's go inside and find out for ourselves, 167 00:07:36,017 --> 00:07:37,352 On a school night? 168 00:07:37,453 --> 00:07:39,824 Young Ben: Don't come if you're scared, 169 00:07:39,924 --> 00:07:43,195 I'm not, Mom and dad like me to get a good night's sleep so I can do my best at school, 170 00:07:43,295 --> 00:07:47,736 Well, if your mom and dad are pod people, they're not gonna care how you do in school, 171 00:07:47,836 --> 00:07:49,104 [ laughs, snorts ] 172 00:07:49,204 --> 00:07:52,544 [ hinges creak ] 173 00:07:52,644 --> 00:07:56,316 We could hold hands, Gwen, you know, I-if you want, 174 00:07:56,416 --> 00:07:58,286 Young Gwen: I'm good, Thanks, 175 00:07:58,386 --> 00:08:02,092 Young Ben: [ smooching ] 176 00:08:02,192 --> 00:08:04,429 Guys, where's Lucy? 177 00:08:06,867 --> 00:08:10,873 I was trying to sneak a peek at whatever's going on in here, 178 00:08:10,974 --> 00:08:12,642 until you blew my cover, 179 00:08:12,742 --> 00:08:16,015 Well, excuse me for being concerned about your safety, 180 00:08:16,115 --> 00:08:17,617 Do me a favor -- don't, 181 00:08:17,717 --> 00:08:20,154 Young Ben: Everyone just chill and follow me, 182 00:08:20,254 --> 00:08:21,556 All: Aaaaaaah! 183 00:08:21,656 --> 00:08:24,261 We're about to become human pancakes! 184 00:08:24,361 --> 00:08:26,163 I hate pancakes! 185 00:08:26,263 --> 00:08:27,966 Young Ben: Come on, omnitrix! 186 00:08:28,066 --> 00:08:34,845 Give me something that can fly! and for the record, pancakes rule! 187 00:08:34,945 --> 00:08:37,081 Young way big: Way big? Way awesome! 188 00:08:37,181 --> 00:08:41,054 We're falling a quarter of a mile at the rate of 30 feet per second! 189 00:08:41,155 --> 00:08:42,289 You know what that means?! 190 00:08:42,389 --> 00:08:44,159 Pancakes! 191 00:08:44,259 --> 00:08:45,929 Would you quit it?! 192 00:08:46,029 --> 00:08:47,998 Young way big: Whoa! 193 00:08:48,099 --> 00:08:50,769 Whoa! 194 00:08:52,739 --> 00:08:55,845 [ all grunt ] 195 00:08:55,945 --> 00:08:59,416 Young Gwen: Looks like Way Big is way too big, 196 00:08:59,516 --> 00:09:04,258 Young way big: Oh, that was so funny, I forgot to laugh, 197 00:09:04,358 --> 00:09:07,329 [ all gasp ] 198 00:09:07,429 --> 00:09:09,532 All: Aaah! 199 00:09:09,632 --> 00:09:13,606 Young Gwen: Illuminatis, 200 00:09:13,706 --> 00:09:14,440 Whoa, 201 00:09:14,540 --> 00:09:16,744 What is this place? 202 00:09:16,844 --> 00:09:18,746 Looks like a whole system of underground caves, 203 00:09:18,847 --> 00:09:21,151 Young Ben: Who knew this was under Bellwood? 204 00:09:21,251 --> 00:09:27,094 Young Kevin: Never thought I'd be glad to see your ugly face again, Tennyson, 205 00:09:27,195 --> 00:09:28,663 Young Ben: Kevin?! 206 00:09:31,802 --> 00:09:33,137 Young Gwen: Kevin Levin? 207 00:09:33,237 --> 00:09:35,207 You know this guy? 208 00:09:35,307 --> 00:09:38,446 Young Ben: Unfortunately, but he's supposed to be locked away in the null void, 209 00:09:38,546 --> 00:09:40,381 The what what? 210 00:09:40,482 --> 00:09:42,451 Young Kevin: I hitched a ride out with Thaddeus J, Collins, 211 00:09:42,552 --> 00:09:43,954 He brought me here to mine hedorium, 212 00:09:44,054 --> 00:09:45,990 Young Ben: Sure, he did, 213 00:09:51,734 --> 00:09:54,270 You can create an endless supply of this stuff? 214 00:09:54,370 --> 00:09:56,707 Young Gwen: What does Mr, Collins want it for? 215 00:09:56,807 --> 00:09:58,410 Young Kevin: Beats me, 216 00:09:58,510 --> 00:10:00,313 So, you're mining an unknown 217 00:10:00,413 --> 00:10:02,283 substance for a total stranger 218 00:10:02,383 --> 00:10:03,986 for unknown reasons in a 219 00:10:04,086 --> 00:10:05,588 mysterious underground tunnel? 220 00:10:05,689 --> 00:10:08,526 Young Kevin: Well, when you put it that way,,, 221 00:10:08,626 --> 00:10:11,565 Young Ben: And you just decided to help him out of the 222 00:10:11,665 --> 00:10:14,135 goodness of your heart, huh, Mr, Nice guy? 223 00:10:14,235 --> 00:10:15,571 Young Kevin: You got me, 224 00:10:15,671 --> 00:10:17,307 Thaddeus said once I make him 225 00:10:17,407 --> 00:10:22,949 enough hedorium, he'll sever my connection to the null void, okay? 226 00:10:23,049 --> 00:10:24,018 Plumbers' snake, 227 00:10:24,118 --> 00:10:25,587 Keeps me from straying too far 228 00:10:25,687 --> 00:10:28,391 from that interdimensional monkey on my back, 229 00:10:28,491 --> 00:10:30,728 The science behind this is amazing! 230 00:10:30,829 --> 00:10:32,331 Plumber techs must be geniuses, 231 00:10:32,431 --> 00:10:34,367 Young Kevin: Study it later, man, 232 00:10:34,467 --> 00:10:35,937 First, disconnect me, 233 00:10:36,037 --> 00:10:38,140 Young Ben: How dense do you think we are? 234 00:10:38,240 --> 00:10:40,977 Young Gwen: You were sent to the null void for a reason, Kevin, 235 00:10:41,077 --> 00:10:42,781 Young Ben: Crazy, evil, tried 236 00:10:42,881 --> 00:10:44,851 to destroy me -- any of this ring a bell? 237 00:10:44,951 --> 00:10:47,054 Young Kevin: But you have to help me, 238 00:10:47,154 --> 00:10:48,089 You're the good guys, 239 00:10:48,189 --> 00:10:49,258 Young Ben: Try again, 240 00:10:49,358 --> 00:10:50,627 Young Kevin: Thaddeus captured me, 241 00:10:50,727 --> 00:10:52,430 You said you volunteered, 242 00:10:52,530 --> 00:10:56,136 Young Kevin: Dude, what if the world is doomed or something? 243 00:10:56,236 --> 00:10:57,604 Are you gonna pass on saving the 244 00:10:57,704 --> 00:11:00,007 entire earth from Collins just to get back at me? 245 00:11:00,108 --> 00:11:03,614 Does this stuff happen to you guys all the time? 246 00:11:03,714 --> 00:11:05,784 'cause this is, like, crazy! 247 00:11:05,884 --> 00:11:11,293 Young Ben: You' better hope the world really is doomed, or you're toast, man, 248 00:11:11,393 --> 00:11:12,963 Jonesy, Lucy, let's get out of here, 249 00:11:13,063 --> 00:11:15,567 We've got to find out what Mr, Collins is up to, 250 00:11:15,667 --> 00:11:17,435 Young Gwen: What about Cooper and me? 251 00:11:17,535 --> 00:11:20,040 Young Ben: You two stay here and deal with Kevin, 252 00:11:20,140 --> 00:11:22,177 Thank you, universe, 253 00:11:24,480 --> 00:11:28,854 Young Ben: He's using hedorium to control all the grown-ups' minds, I know it, 254 00:11:28,954 --> 00:11:31,057 I don't think hedorium can even do that, 255 00:11:31,157 --> 00:11:34,930 Seriously, are we not gonna talk about how nothing going on here is normal? 256 00:11:35,030 --> 00:11:38,770 What? You already know about Ben's watch [giggles] and that I'm an alien, 257 00:11:38,870 --> 00:11:40,139 [ snorts, laughs ] 258 00:11:40,239 --> 00:11:41,608 Yeah, but mind control? 259 00:11:41,708 --> 00:11:44,312 I just hope the grown-ups are okay, 260 00:11:44,413 --> 00:11:45,748 Max: Hello, children, 261 00:11:45,848 --> 00:11:48,519 Young Ben: Grandpa, no! 262 00:11:50,856 --> 00:11:53,994 Young Eye Guy: It's Ben, Lucy, and Jonesy! 263 00:11:54,094 --> 00:11:57,066 You've got hedorium on the brain! 264 00:11:57,166 --> 00:11:58,902 Max: That's nice, 265 00:11:59,002 --> 00:12:02,173 Young Kevin: So, you're Gwen's little boyfriend, 266 00:12:02,273 --> 00:12:03,744 You've got good taste, my man, 267 00:12:03,844 --> 00:12:06,080 Young Gwen: Leave him alone, Kevin, 268 00:12:06,180 --> 00:12:07,349 We're just friends, 269 00:12:07,449 --> 00:12:09,184 Young Kevin: Ooh, Sorry, dude, 270 00:12:09,284 --> 00:12:11,155 Girls like guys with an edge, 271 00:12:11,255 --> 00:12:14,726 And -- no offense -- you wouldn't know an edge if you fell off of one, 272 00:12:14,826 --> 00:12:16,430 Young Gwen: Hey! 273 00:12:16,530 --> 00:12:19,634 A lot you know! One time I tried my friend's skateboard! 274 00:12:19,734 --> 00:12:21,103 Just don't tell my mom, 275 00:12:21,204 --> 00:12:23,808 Young Kevin: You don't get it, do you? 276 00:12:23,908 --> 00:12:26,112 I'm the cool bad boy, and you're the doughy nerd, 277 00:12:26,212 --> 00:12:29,885 Young Gwen: [ sighs ] Shut it before I shut it for you! 278 00:12:29,985 --> 00:12:32,722 Young Kevin: See? Emotional reaction, 279 00:12:34,993 --> 00:12:36,796 Teach me how you did that, 280 00:12:38,965 --> 00:12:41,168 Max: That's not nice, 281 00:12:41,269 --> 00:12:42,305 Psych! 282 00:12:42,405 --> 00:12:44,975 Young Eye Guy: I got it! 283 00:12:45,075 --> 00:12:46,411 Max: Aah! 284 00:12:46,511 --> 00:12:48,548 That wasn't very polite, young man, 285 00:12:48,648 --> 00:12:51,385 Young Eye Guy: You'll thank me for it later! 286 00:12:51,485 --> 00:12:52,887 Jonesy! [ grunts ] 287 00:12:52,987 --> 00:12:55,258 Max: [ grunts ] 288 00:12:57,562 --> 00:13:01,135 [ grunting ] Ugh! 289 00:13:01,235 --> 00:13:02,637 [ breathing heavily ] 290 00:13:02,737 --> 00:13:04,940 Young Kevin: Don't you think that was the first thing I tried? 291 00:13:05,040 --> 00:13:08,947 If I can't sever your connection to the gateway, maybe I can make the portal mobile, 292 00:13:09,047 --> 00:13:11,083 Young Kevin: Uh,,, you lost me, kid, 293 00:13:11,183 --> 00:13:13,420 If I could reprogram the snake's cartographic stasis grid, 294 00:13:13,520 --> 00:13:16,592 you should be able to pull the portal around behind you 295 00:13:16,692 --> 00:13:17,693 like a kite on a string, 296 00:13:17,794 --> 00:13:19,129 Young Kevin: Sweet, 297 00:13:19,230 --> 00:13:20,666 [ creaking ] 298 00:13:20,766 --> 00:13:21,967 any other bright ideas? 299 00:13:22,068 --> 00:13:23,536 I didn't say I was done, 300 00:13:23,636 --> 00:13:25,372 We need a powerful burst of 301 00:13:25,474 --> 00:13:29,179 energy to loosen the gateway's ionic bonds at a molecular level, 302 00:13:31,648 --> 00:13:34,654 Young Gwen: Good job, Cooper, Now we can't waste any more time, 303 00:13:34,754 --> 00:13:38,060 Let's go, 304 00:13:38,160 --> 00:13:40,964 Young Kevin: Yes! I'm free -- kind of, 305 00:13:41,064 --> 00:13:44,504 Young Gwen: Haven't got all day, Kevin, 306 00:13:44,604 --> 00:13:46,039 [ mechanical humming ] 307 00:13:46,139 --> 00:13:47,641 Does anyone else hear that? 308 00:13:47,741 --> 00:13:49,244 No, It's just you, 309 00:13:49,344 --> 00:13:50,478 [ laughs, snorts ] Psych! 310 00:13:50,578 --> 00:13:52,049 Maybe some kind of machine? 311 00:13:52,149 --> 00:13:53,851 Young Ben: Or killer robots! 312 00:13:53,951 --> 00:13:56,588 Any bad guy worth his salt has got to have killer robots, 313 00:13:56,688 --> 00:13:59,327 It's, like, in the villains' handbook or something, 314 00:13:59,427 --> 00:14:02,732 Remind me to stop hanging out with you guys, 315 00:14:05,169 --> 00:14:08,875 Young Ben: [ laughs ] Levin is still locked up? Perfect, 316 00:14:08,975 --> 00:14:11,246 Young Kevin: Laugh all you want, Tennyson, 317 00:14:11,346 --> 00:14:14,050 This is way better than being chained to one spot, 318 00:14:14,150 --> 00:14:16,354 [ clears throat ] Killer robots? 319 00:14:16,454 --> 00:14:17,656 Young Ben: Right, 320 00:14:17,756 --> 00:14:20,961 What was that about killer robots? 321 00:14:31,744 --> 00:14:33,914 Young Gwen: That,,, is not a robot, 322 00:14:34,015 --> 00:14:36,787 Young Ben: Aww, How about that? 323 00:14:38,389 --> 00:14:42,929 That would be an open transmat portal, 324 00:14:43,029 --> 00:14:47,436 A wormhole that links two points in the universe by way of transmat connection, 325 00:14:49,407 --> 00:14:52,244 It's a portal bad things come out of, 326 00:14:52,344 --> 00:14:55,549 Young Ben: Why didn't you say so? 327 00:14:55,650 --> 00:14:58,420 We need to stop it, 328 00:15:01,226 --> 00:15:03,995 The hedorium collider must be fed, 329 00:15:04,096 --> 00:15:07,468 Nothing must impede our progress, 330 00:15:09,371 --> 00:15:11,474 Thaddeus: What do we have here? 331 00:15:13,245 --> 00:15:16,015 Ben Tennyson, We meet again, 332 00:15:16,115 --> 00:15:18,352 Young Ben: Again? I've pummeled a lot of bad guys, 333 00:15:18,452 --> 00:15:21,023 but I don't remember punching that face, 334 00:15:21,123 --> 00:15:24,227 Thaddeus: Oh, tsk, Forgotten me already? 335 00:15:24,328 --> 00:15:27,300 Perhaps this will jar your memory, 336 00:15:27,400 --> 00:15:30,104 [ snarls ] 337 00:15:30,204 --> 00:15:31,706 Young Gwen: Zs'skayr! 338 00:15:31,807 --> 00:15:35,980 Young Ben: You were right, Earth is doomed, Happy now? 339 00:15:40,087 --> 00:15:42,123 Young Gwen: You've been helping Zs'skayr? 340 00:15:42,223 --> 00:15:43,692 Young Kevin: Not on purpose, 341 00:15:43,792 --> 00:15:46,130 Zs'Skayr: This planet was born in radiance, 342 00:15:46,230 --> 00:15:48,166 Now I shall bring on the night! 343 00:15:48,266 --> 00:15:52,072 Young Ben: That black fog your machine is pumping out is 344 00:15:52,172 --> 00:15:53,308 rising to the surface, 345 00:15:53,408 --> 00:15:55,377 Zs'Skayr: Into the atmosphere 346 00:15:55,477 --> 00:15:59,150 of your lovely planet, where it will create an impenetrable 347 00:15:59,251 --> 00:16:03,123 cloak of darkness, engulfing the earth in a dark shadow for all 348 00:16:03,223 --> 00:16:10,201 eternity so the rest of my kind can claim our new home! 349 00:16:12,972 --> 00:16:16,678 Young Ben: Dude, those aren't your kind, They're people, 350 00:16:16,779 --> 00:16:20,784 Young Gwen: People who are possessed by Zs'skayr's creepy relatives! 351 00:16:20,884 --> 00:16:24,357 That transmat portal must be an open link to their home world, 352 00:16:30,400 --> 00:16:33,572 Seriously? If we survive this, I am out! 353 00:16:33,672 --> 00:16:37,211 No more aliens, no more you guys, no more ghosts -- out! 354 00:16:37,311 --> 00:16:39,647 We've got to get through this first, 355 00:16:39,747 --> 00:16:43,388 Young Ben: Which means it's hero time, 356 00:16:48,696 --> 00:16:51,000 Young Upgrade: Figure out how to shut down that evil 357 00:16:51,100 --> 00:16:55,072 smoke-creating thingy and the portal while I kick some ectonurite butt! 358 00:16:55,173 --> 00:16:57,009 Young Kevin: Do ectonurites have butts? 359 00:16:57,109 --> 00:16:59,045 Young Gwen: Not helpful, Kevin, 360 00:16:59,145 --> 00:17:02,618 Zs'Skayr: So, we're showing off our alternate forms now, are we? 361 00:17:02,718 --> 00:17:04,721 [ roars ] 362 00:17:04,821 --> 00:17:10,897 Alien Zs'skayr: Welcome to the end of the world, Ben Tennyson! 363 00:17:10,997 --> 00:17:13,168 Young Gwen: [ grunts ] 364 00:17:16,640 --> 00:17:20,913 Alien Zs'skayr: What's the matter, Ben -- afraid of the dark? 365 00:17:21,014 --> 00:17:23,016 [ laughs evilly ] 366 00:17:23,117 --> 00:17:24,719 Young Upgrade: Uh-oh, 367 00:17:26,857 --> 00:17:29,894 Young Gwen: Grandpa! Mr, Baumann! We have to save them! 368 00:17:29,994 --> 00:17:33,067 Is there a magic spell that'll separate the ectonurites 369 00:17:33,167 --> 00:17:34,168 from their human hosts? 370 00:17:34,268 --> 00:17:35,871 Young Gwen: I think so, 371 00:17:35,971 --> 00:17:38,476 While I work on that, you go sever the transmat connection, 372 00:17:38,576 --> 00:17:42,281 Right, Once the connection's cut, the energy reversal will send 373 00:17:42,381 --> 00:17:44,284 our unwelcome guests back to where they belong, 374 00:17:44,384 --> 00:17:46,120 We'll keep them off you, 375 00:17:46,221 --> 00:17:48,691 We will? 376 00:17:48,791 --> 00:17:50,226 [ grunts ] 377 00:17:53,799 --> 00:17:55,668 Yeah, we will! 378 00:17:55,768 --> 00:17:58,440 Young Gwen: I need you to keep them busy while I figure out a spell, 379 00:17:58,540 --> 00:17:59,775 You ready to be a hero, Kevin? 380 00:17:59,875 --> 00:18:06,920 Young Kevin: Do I have to? 381 00:18:07,020 --> 00:18:11,528 Somebody needs to shut down the hedorium collider! 382 00:18:16,068 --> 00:18:18,705 Me? 383 00:18:18,805 --> 00:18:21,509 Young Upgrade: Huh? 384 00:18:26,752 --> 00:18:28,688 Hello, there, 385 00:18:30,624 --> 00:18:34,129 Got to figure out how this thing works, 386 00:18:34,229 --> 00:18:35,566 Gwen's counting on me, 387 00:18:35,666 --> 00:18:41,174 Young Gwen: [ speaking foreign language ] 388 00:18:41,275 --> 00:18:44,780 Young Upgrade: Hey, Zs'skayr! 389 00:18:44,881 --> 00:18:47,317 Let there be light! 390 00:18:49,955 --> 00:18:52,726 Go ahead, you overblown smokestack! 391 00:18:52,826 --> 00:18:56,099 Make,,,my,,,day! Ugh! 392 00:18:56,199 --> 00:18:59,203 We can't hold them much longer! 393 00:18:59,303 --> 00:19:02,742 Young Gwen: [ speaking foreign language ] 394 00:19:02,842 --> 00:19:04,812 Young Kevin: Looks like we won't have to, 395 00:19:04,912 --> 00:19:08,451 [ all moaning ] 396 00:19:11,456 --> 00:19:13,693 Cooper! 397 00:19:27,114 --> 00:19:28,383 [ whistle! Thud! ] 398 00:19:28,483 --> 00:19:31,487 [ clatter! Crash! ] 399 00:19:37,897 --> 00:19:40,502 Go, Jonesy! 400 00:19:54,591 --> 00:19:58,230 Who's cool now, huh, Kevin? 401 00:19:58,331 --> 00:19:59,632 Alien Zs'skayr: [ snarls ] 402 00:19:59,733 --> 00:20:03,840 This is not over between us, Ben Tennyson! 403 00:20:03,940 --> 00:20:06,977 Revenge will be mine! 404 00:20:09,114 --> 00:20:12,720 [ all cheering ] 405 00:20:15,357 --> 00:20:17,428 Young Kevin: Aaaaah! 406 00:20:17,528 --> 00:20:18,495 Young Upgrade: Gotcha! 407 00:20:18,596 --> 00:20:20,498 Young Ben: Ya-a-a-a-a-h! 408 00:20:20,598 --> 00:20:21,967 Young Gwen: [ grunts ] 409 00:20:22,068 --> 00:20:23,871 [ grunts ] 410 00:20:23,971 --> 00:20:24,840 [ grunts ] 411 00:20:24,940 --> 00:20:27,543 Kevin: Cooper! 412 00:20:27,644 --> 00:20:28,478 Ya-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-h! 413 00:20:28,578 --> 00:20:29,513 Young Ben: Ugh! 414 00:20:29,613 --> 00:20:32,017 Young Kevin: Ugh! 415 00:20:34,287 --> 00:20:35,423 Young Ben: Ugh! 416 00:20:35,523 --> 00:20:37,593 Young Kevin: Be-e-e-e-e-n! 417 00:20:37,693 --> 00:20:39,663 Young Ben: Aah! Ugh! [ groans ] 418 00:20:39,763 --> 00:20:44,437 We tried, but he's supposed to be in the null void, like you said, 419 00:20:44,537 --> 00:20:45,873 He's a bad guy, yeah? 420 00:20:45,973 --> 00:20:47,575 Young Gwen: Yeah, 421 00:20:47,676 --> 00:20:49,845 Young Ben: Look on the bright side -- 422 00:20:49,945 --> 00:20:52,183 we saved grandpa and the rest of the grown-ups and, 423 00:20:52,283 --> 00:20:55,689 you know, the entire earth, so that's something, 424 00:20:55,789 --> 00:20:59,795 Max: Thank you, everyone, 425 00:20:59,895 --> 00:21:01,498 Oh, Right, 426 00:21:01,598 --> 00:21:04,568 Thanks, kids -- even you, Ben, 427 00:21:04,669 --> 00:21:06,907 Young Ben: Such good manners, Mr, Baumann, 428 00:21:07,007 --> 00:21:11,546 [ rumbling ] 429 00:21:11,647 --> 00:21:14,018 [ horn honking ] 430 00:21:14,118 --> 00:21:15,921 [ horn powers down ] 431 00:21:16,021 --> 00:21:18,324 Tennyson! 432 00:21:18,424 --> 00:21:23,533 Young Ben: Another evil alien plot foiled by the greatest hero in the galaxy, 433 00:21:23,633 --> 00:21:24,700 Young Gwen: Thanks! 434 00:21:24,800 --> 00:21:26,504 You were pretty good, too, 435 00:21:26,604 --> 00:21:28,507 Young Ben: Seriously, though, 436 00:21:28,607 --> 00:21:30,944 everything's back to normal, and we even got rid of,,, 437 00:21:31,044 --> 00:21:33,915 Kevin Levin? 438 00:21:34,016 --> 00:21:36,219 Young Kevin: What up, my peeps? 439 00:21:36,319 --> 00:21:38,590 Young Gwen: How did you get out of the null void? 440 00:21:38,690 --> 00:21:40,793 Young Kevin: Your love brought me back, Gwen, 441 00:21:40,893 --> 00:21:45,401 Young Gwen: [ chuckles ] What? 442 00:21:45,501 --> 00:21:46,736 Psych, 443 00:21:46,836 --> 00:21:49,039 [ laughing and snorting ] 444 00:21:49,139 --> 00:21:52,445 You're totally in love with Kevin Levin! 445 00:21:52,545 --> 00:21:53,814 Just admit it! 446 00:21:53,914 --> 00:21:55,963 Young Gwen: Ugh! Young Ben: Aah! 447 00:21:56,063 --> 00:21:57,396 Gwen's an ectonurite! 448 00:21:57,496 --> 00:21:58,963 [ laughs ] 449 00:21:59,063 --> 00:22:00,263 Young Gwen: Lucy! 450 00:22:00,363 --> 00:22:01,729 [ laughs, snorts ]