1 00:00:11,054 --> 00:00:13,821 Ben: Come on, Rook, 2 00:00:17,721 --> 00:00:18,954 Hurry, Benjamin, 3 00:00:19,054 --> 00:00:20,421 You haven't much time, 4 00:00:20,521 --> 00:00:21,754 Ben: Ugh, "time" pun, 5 00:00:21,854 --> 00:00:23,387 Good one, Professor Paradox, 6 00:00:23,487 --> 00:00:25,621 Unintended, 7 00:00:25,721 --> 00:00:30,054 Leave now, and you may still catch Maltruent in the time stream, 8 00:00:30,154 --> 00:00:33,554 If not, then this time beast's egg will power your journey to 9 00:00:33,654 --> 00:00:38,221 places beyond even my reach, I know you will not fail, 10 00:00:38,321 --> 00:00:40,687 Ben: I won't, 11 00:00:40,787 --> 00:00:43,021 So serious, 12 00:00:46,854 --> 00:00:49,387 [ time beast grunting ] 13 00:00:55,921 --> 00:00:59,121 Ben: Donuts! 14 00:00:59,221 --> 00:01:00,954 Do maintain a safe distance, 15 00:01:01,054 --> 00:01:03,154 Ben: Maintain, shmaintain, 16 00:01:06,954 --> 00:01:08,354 Rook: Ben, be careful, 17 00:01:08,454 --> 00:01:11,087 We do not want to end up like that time beast, 18 00:01:11,187 --> 00:01:12,921 Ben: We're shielded, right? 19 00:01:13,021 --> 00:01:14,854 Rook: Ben! 20 00:01:22,421 --> 00:01:23,654 Ben: [ groans ] 21 00:01:23,754 --> 00:01:25,821 [ chuckles ] That could've gone worse, 22 00:01:25,921 --> 00:01:30,821 Worse?! You tore through the fabric of existence with no regard for our safety, 23 00:01:30,921 --> 00:01:33,954 Our quarry is gone, and we are lost in time! 24 00:01:34,054 --> 00:01:36,254 Ben: If we're lost, so is Maltruent, 25 00:01:36,354 --> 00:01:39,754 Besides, Paradox put me in charge, so we do this my way, 26 00:01:39,854 --> 00:01:42,654 This is not a democracy, 27 00:01:42,754 --> 00:01:44,221 Rook: Huh? 28 00:01:50,921 --> 00:01:53,621 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ ♪ He's a kid, and he wants to have fun ♪ 29 00:01:53,721 --> 00:01:56,421 ♪ But when you need a superhero, he gets the job done ♪ 30 00:01:56,521 --> 00:01:58,787 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ ♪ With a device that he wears on his arm ♪ 31 00:01:58,887 --> 00:02:00,887 ♪ He can change his shape and save the world from harm ♪ 32 00:02:00,987 --> 00:02:02,687 ♪ When trouble's taking place ♪ 33 00:02:02,787 --> 00:02:03,854 ♪ He gets right in its face ♪ 34 00:02:03,954 --> 00:02:05,721 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 35 00:02:05,821 --> 00:02:07,287 ♪ when lives are on the line ♪ 36 00:02:07,387 --> 00:02:09,854 ♪ It's hero time ♪ ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 37 00:02:12,721 --> 00:02:15,554 Do not move, 38 00:02:15,654 --> 00:02:17,654 Ben: George washington?! 39 00:02:17,754 --> 00:02:19,654 Oh, man, this is amazing! 40 00:02:19,754 --> 00:02:21,487 You have me at a disadvantage, 41 00:02:21,587 --> 00:02:24,521 I have never met you, nor your weapon-toting beast, 42 00:02:24,621 --> 00:02:27,754 If it is any consolation, I don't know you, either, 43 00:02:27,854 --> 00:02:29,554 The muck upon your arm speaks! 44 00:02:29,654 --> 00:02:33,054 Ben: Yeah, but he never says anything worth listening to, 45 00:02:33,154 --> 00:02:35,087 Rook: That is Ben Tennyson, 46 00:02:35,187 --> 00:02:36,787 And I am no beast, sir, 47 00:02:36,887 --> 00:02:39,887 I am Rook Blonko, a visitor from the stars, 48 00:02:39,987 --> 00:02:44,554 Well, your conveyance does support your claim, 49 00:02:44,654 --> 00:02:46,021 Are you from earth? 50 00:02:46,121 --> 00:02:49,787 Ben: Mm-hmm, But from the future! 51 00:02:49,887 --> 00:02:51,854 Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Smile for me! 52 00:02:51,954 --> 00:02:53,487 Pardon? Ben: Please? 53 00:02:53,587 --> 00:02:57,587 Rook: I apologize -- for whatever he is doing, 54 00:02:57,687 --> 00:02:59,254 Very well, 55 00:03:02,021 --> 00:03:04,954 Ben: Hey, I thought they were wooden, 56 00:03:05,054 --> 00:03:06,787 Wooden teeth? Are you mad? 57 00:03:06,887 --> 00:03:11,154 If you two are from where you say, then what are you doing here? 58 00:03:16,054 --> 00:03:22,254 Maltruent: [ groans ] 1773, 59 00:03:22,354 --> 00:03:25,821 Still so far, 60 00:03:25,921 --> 00:03:27,221 Putrid human, 61 00:03:27,321 --> 00:03:30,521 He will wish he were never born, 62 00:03:30,621 --> 00:03:34,087 Or,,,he never will be, 63 00:03:39,987 --> 00:03:43,354 Ohh, That will do nicely, 64 00:03:43,454 --> 00:03:48,387 I'll own curiosity about your "time-war," but I have my orders, 65 00:03:48,487 --> 00:03:52,487 I hunt a poor soul, trapped in a deathlike state, 66 00:03:52,587 --> 00:03:54,821 Ben: Like a zombie? If that is what you call it, 67 00:03:54,921 --> 00:03:58,587 It's my duty to keep my countrymen safe from the things that go bump in the night, 68 00:03:58,687 --> 00:04:02,787 Rook: That sounds similar to the original earth plumbers directive, 69 00:04:02,887 --> 00:04:07,287 My society calls itself plumbiers -- french for "ironworkers," 70 00:04:07,387 --> 00:04:09,921 [ moaning ] 71 00:04:10,021 --> 00:04:13,121 Perhaps my hunt is at an end, 72 00:04:13,221 --> 00:04:14,854 Shouldn't we be going? 73 00:04:14,954 --> 00:04:16,987 Ben: Shh! I want to see a zombie! 74 00:04:17,087 --> 00:04:18,687 Rook: We have seen zombies, 75 00:04:18,787 --> 00:04:20,187 In fact, I have been one, 76 00:04:20,287 --> 00:04:23,254 Ben: But not a zombie Redcoat! 77 00:04:23,354 --> 00:04:25,721 [ moans ] 78 00:04:25,821 --> 00:04:27,154 At the ready! 79 00:04:27,254 --> 00:04:29,054 Ben: Don't worry, Wash, I got this, 80 00:04:29,154 --> 00:04:31,254 [ beep ] 81 00:04:31,354 --> 00:04:32,654 A specter! 82 00:04:32,754 --> 00:04:34,654 What witchcraft is this?! 83 00:04:34,754 --> 00:04:36,387 Rook: Ben is not a ghost, 84 00:04:36,487 --> 00:04:39,821 He has only turned into an extraterrestrial that resembles one, 85 00:04:39,921 --> 00:04:42,954 Incredible, 86 00:04:43,054 --> 00:04:45,221 [ moaning ] 87 00:04:47,954 --> 00:04:50,421 Ghostfreak: Okay, time to take charge, 88 00:04:50,521 --> 00:04:52,121 Aah! 89 00:04:52,221 --> 00:04:54,687 Ghostfreak: Ha! Gotcha! 90 00:04:54,787 --> 00:04:57,754 [ grunting ] 91 00:04:57,854 --> 00:04:59,721 Ghostfreak: Aah! 92 00:04:59,821 --> 00:05:02,787 He has no mind to control! 93 00:05:02,887 --> 00:05:04,187 Aah! Aaaah! 94 00:05:04,287 --> 00:05:07,987 Ghostfreak: I might need some help! 95 00:05:12,454 --> 00:05:16,987 [ groans ] Oof! Zounds, What happened? 96 00:05:17,087 --> 00:05:19,721 You were enthralled by an ancient curse, 97 00:05:19,821 --> 00:05:21,787 But you are well now, 98 00:05:21,887 --> 00:05:23,921 Thank you, Thank you, sir, 99 00:05:24,021 --> 00:05:25,087 Ghostfreak: Hey, 100 00:05:25,187 --> 00:05:26,821 Aaah! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah! 101 00:05:26,921 --> 00:05:28,221 [ omnitrix powers down ] 102 00:05:28,321 --> 00:05:30,021 Ben: Why didn't you take him prisoner? 103 00:05:30,121 --> 00:05:31,987 To what end? He is a soldier of the king, 104 00:05:32,087 --> 00:05:34,387 Ben: Wait, wait, wait, Isn't the king the bad guy? 105 00:05:34,487 --> 00:05:38,587 Rook: Perhaps your Revolutionary War has not started yet, 106 00:05:38,687 --> 00:05:40,554 War? Rook: Yes, 107 00:05:40,654 --> 00:05:45,221 Judging by the position of Alpha Centauri, we are in the early 1770s, 108 00:05:47,054 --> 00:05:48,621 Ben: What is it? 109 00:05:48,721 --> 00:05:50,254 Rook: Plumber records show that the first recorded sighting 110 00:05:50,354 --> 00:05:54,854 of an alien craft on earth was in 1773, 111 00:06:06,187 --> 00:06:07,921 And what kind of ship was it? 112 00:06:08,021 --> 00:06:11,487 Rook: The record does not specify, but they called it the cherry tree, 113 00:06:11,587 --> 00:06:16,021 Hmm, I think I shall join you in your mission, 114 00:06:22,287 --> 00:06:24,387 Vilgax: I received a distress signal, 115 00:06:24,487 --> 00:06:28,254 Is someone in need of assistance? 116 00:06:30,287 --> 00:06:34,221 Maltruent: Vilgax, What a pleasant surprise, 117 00:06:34,321 --> 00:06:37,221 Vilgax: You know me, chronosapien? 118 00:06:37,321 --> 00:06:40,454 Maltruent: Your,,, reputation precedes you, 119 00:06:40,554 --> 00:06:44,287 Vilgax: From a time traveler, that's high praise, 120 00:06:44,387 --> 00:06:50,087 The only reputation I've earned thus far is one of ambitious disobedience, 121 00:06:50,187 --> 00:06:54,354 which is why I've been exiled to this armpit of the universe, 122 00:06:54,454 --> 00:06:57,354 What are you doing in this sector? 123 00:06:57,454 --> 00:07:02,487 Maltruent: I am currently stranded, 124 00:07:02,587 --> 00:07:07,487 Vilgax: I have the tech you need, but why should I help you? 125 00:07:09,387 --> 00:07:14,321 Maltruent: I assume a chronosapien time bomb would be payment enough? 126 00:07:14,421 --> 00:07:16,787 Ben: Do we seriously have to walk? 127 00:07:16,887 --> 00:07:19,421 My horses are stabled for the night, 128 00:07:19,521 --> 00:07:21,121 Else, we would ride, 129 00:07:21,221 --> 00:07:24,021 Ben: Sarcasm, dude, You and Rook should hang out sometime, 130 00:07:24,121 --> 00:07:28,154 Oh, well, if you're in such a rush, you could have taken your time cycles, 131 00:07:28,254 --> 00:07:30,854 Ben: Why didn't you say anything earlier?! 132 00:07:30,954 --> 00:07:32,154 Nobody asked, 133 00:07:32,254 --> 00:07:33,887 Ben: Rook, go back and get the bikes, 134 00:07:33,987 --> 00:07:35,321 Rook: You are right, 135 00:07:35,421 --> 00:07:39,521 If we are to fight Maltruent, we will need them, 136 00:07:42,954 --> 00:07:45,021 Ben: That's Maltruent, 137 00:07:47,621 --> 00:07:51,021 And that's Vilgax! So not good, 138 00:07:51,121 --> 00:07:53,254 We need to stop them -- now, 139 00:07:53,354 --> 00:07:58,654 I want to believe you, but I have naught but your word that these creatures pose a threat, 140 00:07:58,754 --> 00:08:00,254 Perimeter breached, 141 00:08:00,354 --> 00:08:02,354 Ben: That enough of a threat for ya?! 142 00:08:02,454 --> 00:08:06,587 All right, these are two of the most powerful bad guys I have ever faced, 143 00:08:06,687 --> 00:08:08,987 so here's the pl-- huh? 144 00:08:12,787 --> 00:08:14,821 Vilgax: Who is this savage? 145 00:08:14,921 --> 00:08:16,887 Maltruent: I have no idea, 146 00:08:16,987 --> 00:08:19,121 Dispose of him! 147 00:08:27,721 --> 00:08:29,054 Ben: He's good, 148 00:08:29,154 --> 00:08:31,087 Well? Aren't you going to help? 149 00:08:31,187 --> 00:08:34,487 Ben: If Vilgax sees me, it might mess up the whole future, 150 00:08:34,587 --> 00:08:35,587 Or,,,something, 151 00:08:35,687 --> 00:08:37,887 That's only if he sees you, 152 00:08:37,987 --> 00:08:39,621 Ben: Ohhhhh, 153 00:08:39,721 --> 00:08:41,821 [ beep ] 154 00:08:47,787 --> 00:08:49,087 Maltruent: Ignore the human, 155 00:08:49,187 --> 00:08:51,187 The speedster is the true threat, 156 00:08:51,287 --> 00:08:56,287 Vilgax: First a chronosapien, and now a kineceleran? 157 00:08:56,387 --> 00:08:58,687 What an unexpected turn of events, 158 00:08:58,787 --> 00:09:02,621 XLR8: Yeah, well, this "turn of events" is about to kick your butt! 159 00:09:02,721 --> 00:09:03,721 [ omnitrix powers down slowly ] 160 00:09:03,821 --> 00:09:05,387 Now?! 161 00:09:15,321 --> 00:09:17,254 Vilgax: It,,, transformed? 162 00:09:17,354 --> 00:09:20,787 Mole-Stache: Skurd, give Mole-Stache the upper 'stache, 163 00:09:20,887 --> 00:09:23,287 And away we go! 164 00:09:27,321 --> 00:09:31,021 Mole-Stache: I guess you aren't quite so Vilgaxy yet, 165 00:09:47,754 --> 00:09:49,954 Maltruent: What?! 166 00:10:08,854 --> 00:10:12,554 Back to the stars with you, beast! 167 00:10:18,721 --> 00:10:20,821 Thank you, Dr, Franklin, 168 00:10:25,721 --> 00:10:28,087 [ omnitrix powers down ] 169 00:10:28,187 --> 00:10:31,087 Vilgax: The ability to transform at will, 170 00:10:31,187 --> 00:10:35,321 The power of that device will be mine, 171 00:10:35,421 --> 00:10:37,754 Rook: Maltruent is getting away, 172 00:10:37,854 --> 00:10:39,754 We must leave immediately, 173 00:10:39,854 --> 00:10:43,821 Ben: Thanks for your help, It was amazing to meet you and everything, 174 00:10:43,921 --> 00:10:45,487 Oh, And a suggestion, 175 00:10:45,587 --> 00:10:48,187 Maybe you guys should change your name from "plumbiers" to 176 00:10:48,287 --> 00:10:50,887 "plumbers," Mr, President, 177 00:10:52,687 --> 00:10:54,087 President? 178 00:10:55,921 --> 00:10:57,421 Ben: We got him this time, 179 00:10:57,521 --> 00:11:00,887 Without a time beast, Maltruent definitely can't outrun us, 180 00:11:06,521 --> 00:11:08,421 [ time beast growls ] 181 00:11:10,254 --> 00:11:11,987 Must you always jinx us? 182 00:11:12,087 --> 00:11:15,354 Rook: In my experience, yes, he must, 183 00:11:15,454 --> 00:11:16,987 Ben: Hey! 184 00:11:25,821 --> 00:11:27,154 Rook: Brace yourself! 185 00:11:28,754 --> 00:11:30,887 [ alarms beeping ] 186 00:11:36,887 --> 00:11:39,387 [ both screaming ] 187 00:11:41,654 --> 00:11:42,687 Rook: Do you see Maltruent? 188 00:11:42,787 --> 00:11:44,954 Ben: I don't see anything, 189 00:11:47,521 --> 00:11:48,421 Rook: Is that,,, 190 00:11:48,521 --> 00:11:49,454 Ben: No, No way, 191 00:11:49,554 --> 00:11:51,387 Is that what? 192 00:11:52,954 --> 00:11:55,354 Rook: A Contumelia ship, What is it doing here? 193 00:11:55,454 --> 00:11:58,021 Ben: I think we're about to find out! 194 00:12:06,121 --> 00:12:07,921 Ben: [ grunts ] 195 00:12:08,021 --> 00:12:10,021 Rook: [ grunts ] 196 00:12:10,121 --> 00:12:13,187 Ben: [ weakly ] Don't worry, I got it, 197 00:12:13,287 --> 00:12:14,554 Rook: Yes, 198 00:12:14,654 --> 00:12:17,021 Now let us find Maltruent, 199 00:12:19,054 --> 00:12:23,021 If I remember correctly, this is the bridge, 200 00:12:25,021 --> 00:12:29,154 If he is here, Maltruent is most likely ready for us, 201 00:12:29,254 --> 00:12:33,154 Ben: I'm good, Let's clean his clock! 202 00:12:35,887 --> 00:12:37,487 Rook: [ sighs ] 203 00:12:39,287 --> 00:12:43,087 Ben: You are going down, ma-ma-ma,,, 204 00:12:43,187 --> 00:12:45,821 [ high-pitched ] Are you seeing what I'm seeing? 205 00:12:45,921 --> 00:12:47,521 Rook: Father? Ben: Exactly, 206 00:12:47,621 --> 00:12:49,154 Wait, What? 207 00:12:51,321 --> 00:12:52,521 Mr, Smoothy! 208 00:12:52,621 --> 00:12:55,987 Or "smoothies" or,,,whatever, 209 00:12:56,087 --> 00:12:58,362 Rook: I see three of my father, 210 00:12:58,462 --> 00:12:59,962 Ben: No, I've met your dad, 211 00:13:00,062 --> 00:13:02,562 He doesn't have a straw coming out of his head, 212 00:13:02,662 --> 00:13:04,295 You are both correct, 213 00:13:04,395 --> 00:13:06,229 We are the Contumelia, but our 214 00:13:06,329 --> 00:13:09,995 5th-dimensional forms cannot be seen by your eyes, 215 00:13:10,095 --> 00:13:13,462 What you are seeing is only a projection of the thing that 216 00:13:13,562 --> 00:13:15,962 holds the most sway in your hearts, 217 00:13:16,062 --> 00:13:18,729 Then why am I seeing three masses of energy? 218 00:13:18,829 --> 00:13:21,595 A genetometaformorphic, How interesting, 219 00:13:21,695 --> 00:13:25,595 Do you have anything to do with our other guest? 220 00:13:25,695 --> 00:13:27,329 Ben: Maltruent, Where is he? 221 00:13:27,429 --> 00:13:29,862 Rook: Why have you not tried to stop him? 222 00:13:29,962 --> 00:13:35,095 What can he do? He is as inconsequential to the experiment as you are, 223 00:13:35,195 --> 00:13:37,695 Rook: They are no help, We need to move, 224 00:13:37,795 --> 00:13:39,595 Ben: What experiment? 225 00:13:39,695 --> 00:13:43,295 We are about to create a universe, 226 00:13:43,395 --> 00:13:45,862 The countdown has already begun, 227 00:13:45,962 --> 00:13:48,762 Rook: Ben, in the stories I have heard since childhood, 228 00:13:48,862 --> 00:13:53,662 the Contumelia go from universe to universe destroying them, not creating them, 229 00:13:53,762 --> 00:13:57,162 I suspect that if a universe already exists in this dimension, 230 00:13:57,262 --> 00:13:59,162 the Annihilargh will destroy it, 231 00:13:59,262 --> 00:14:03,229 Ben: But if there isn't one, the Annihilargh will create it, 232 00:14:03,329 --> 00:14:07,329 How do you know of the Annihilargenesistoria- thimiorgost? 233 00:14:07,429 --> 00:14:10,062 Ben: Maltruent has one of his own that he's gonna use, 234 00:14:10,162 --> 00:14:11,995 Interesting, 235 00:14:18,495 --> 00:14:22,529 Maltruent: A second too late, as usual, Tennyson, 236 00:14:22,629 --> 00:14:26,829 And ha! Three alternate versions of myself, 237 00:14:26,929 --> 00:14:32,662 Come, We shall relish in the victory together, 238 00:14:32,762 --> 00:14:34,662 Ben: Do something! 239 00:14:34,762 --> 00:14:36,695 Maltruent: The Contumelia?! 240 00:14:36,795 --> 00:14:40,762 That extradimensional field protects us from the upcoming release of energy, 241 00:14:40,862 --> 00:14:43,229 It is impossible to breach or turn off, 242 00:14:43,329 --> 00:14:47,529 Ben: [ groans ] Well, if you're not going to do anything, I am! 243 00:14:47,629 --> 00:14:52,295 Rook, you keep Maltruent busy while I find a way through that field, 244 00:14:52,395 --> 00:14:56,795 Maltruent: Haven't you learned by now that your attacks are fruitless? 245 00:14:58,862 --> 00:15:00,062 What?! 246 00:15:02,629 --> 00:15:06,629 Rook: Your powers are time-based, correct? 247 00:15:06,729 --> 00:15:09,729 Too bad that time has not begun yet, 248 00:15:16,862 --> 00:15:18,729 Would you like me to give it a go? 249 00:15:18,829 --> 00:15:21,862 Ben: Eh, What difference does it make? 250 00:15:23,329 --> 00:15:25,129 And voilà, 251 00:15:26,629 --> 00:15:27,962 [ beep ] 252 00:15:29,962 --> 00:15:35,829 Chromastone: Holy moly! It's Chromastone! Nice! 253 00:15:37,629 --> 00:15:39,962 Rook: [ grunting ] 254 00:15:41,862 --> 00:15:43,795 Chromastone: No! 255 00:15:53,129 --> 00:15:55,129 It can't end like this, 256 00:15:56,329 --> 00:15:57,495 What are you doing? 257 00:15:57,595 --> 00:15:59,195 Making a point, 258 00:15:59,295 --> 00:16:02,595 You never told me you had celestialsapien DNA in here, 259 00:16:02,695 --> 00:16:03,695 So elusive, 260 00:16:03,795 --> 00:16:05,062 Chromastone: Skurd! 261 00:16:05,162 --> 00:16:07,129 You slimy genius! 262 00:16:12,695 --> 00:16:14,562 Maltruent: Impossible! 263 00:16:14,662 --> 00:16:15,995 Interesting, 264 00:16:17,895 --> 00:16:19,595 Chromastone: Rook! 265 00:16:19,695 --> 00:16:23,262 Rook: It has been an honor to fight at your side, 266 00:16:31,562 --> 00:16:33,729 Maltruent: You vermin! 267 00:16:37,029 --> 00:16:39,429 Well, we had a good run, dear friend, 268 00:16:39,529 --> 00:16:42,995 Chromastone: Sorry I called you a snot rocket, 269 00:16:46,629 --> 00:16:47,862 You never called me a snot rocket, 270 00:16:47,962 --> 00:16:49,262 Chromastone: I thought it, 271 00:16:49,362 --> 00:16:51,229 [ omnitrix powers down ] 272 00:16:53,362 --> 00:16:58,129 Ben: I can't believe my last words are "snot rocket"! 273 00:17:01,762 --> 00:17:02,795 Rook: Ben! 274 00:17:02,895 --> 00:17:04,929 Maltruent: He failed! 275 00:17:05,029 --> 00:17:08,462 I have dreamed for millennia of this moment -- 276 00:17:08,562 --> 00:17:12,195 an entire universe in my image! 277 00:17:15,595 --> 00:17:18,262 What is happening?! 278 00:17:18,362 --> 00:17:20,462 You are supposed to be observers, 279 00:17:20,562 --> 00:17:26,529 You are not supposed to involve yourselves in any event that transpires! 280 00:17:33,862 --> 00:17:35,629 What are you doing?! 281 00:17:35,729 --> 00:17:37,729 We are observing, 282 00:17:40,762 --> 00:17:41,762 Rook: Ben? 283 00:17:41,862 --> 00:17:44,062 Feedback: [ grunting ] 284 00:18:02,762 --> 00:18:05,295 Maltruent: You cannot do this! 285 00:18:05,395 --> 00:18:08,995 Feedback: You wanted your very own big bang! 286 00:18:12,595 --> 00:18:15,995 Maltruent: N-o-o-o-o-o-o! 287 00:18:17,895 --> 00:18:20,129 [ omnitrix powers down ] 288 00:18:23,829 --> 00:18:28,262 Ben: And that, as they say, is that, 289 00:18:28,362 --> 00:18:29,895 Rook: I thought you were -- 290 00:18:29,995 --> 00:18:31,729 Ben: Nah, I always figured the omnitrix had a fail-safe 291 00:18:31,829 --> 00:18:33,995 that wouldn't let me die, and sure enough, 292 00:18:34,095 --> 00:18:36,662 it kicked in right when the big bang started -- 293 00:18:36,762 --> 00:18:39,595 gave me just the alien I needed, 294 00:18:39,695 --> 00:18:42,495 Your recklessness never ceases to amaze, 295 00:18:42,595 --> 00:18:44,495 Ben: Not reckless, 296 00:18:44,595 --> 00:18:48,695 It always seems to give me the right alien, even when I want something else, 297 00:18:48,795 --> 00:18:50,262 Guess I should stop fighting it, 298 00:18:50,362 --> 00:18:54,395 It seems to know me better than,,, me, 299 00:18:54,495 --> 00:18:57,995 Would you like to view the creation of your own universe? 300 00:18:58,095 --> 00:19:02,095 It seems this may be the most interesting one yet, 301 00:19:14,329 --> 00:19:17,595 Ben: This is the most amazingest thing anyone could ever see, 302 00:19:17,695 --> 00:19:19,462 Rook: "amazingest" is not a word, 303 00:19:19,562 --> 00:19:22,362 Ben: Do you have a better word for it? 304 00:19:22,462 --> 00:19:23,629 Rook: No, [ beep ] 305 00:19:23,729 --> 00:19:25,862 Ben: Huh? 306 00:19:28,995 --> 00:19:30,895 [ gasps ] [ gasps ] 307 00:19:30,995 --> 00:19:35,429 More of me! I thought I was alone in the universe, 308 00:19:35,529 --> 00:19:40,062 No, Your species is the most important in all of creation, 309 00:19:40,162 --> 00:19:45,662 For eons, these slime-biots will carry, gather, mix, and deposit 310 00:19:45,762 --> 00:19:50,462 DNA across the growing universe, 311 00:19:50,562 --> 00:19:52,629 Would you like to join your ancestors? 312 00:19:52,729 --> 00:19:58,062 It seems you have forgotten who you are, which is understandable after billions of years, 313 00:20:00,529 --> 00:20:03,995 When I first met you, I saw you as nothing more than a free lunch, 314 00:20:04,095 --> 00:20:06,595 Ben: Are you talking to me or the omnitrix? 315 00:20:06,695 --> 00:20:08,429 If I hadn't found antagonizing you so much fun, 316 00:20:08,529 --> 00:20:10,595 I would have never stuck with you, 317 00:20:10,695 --> 00:20:13,995 Thank you for everything, dear boy, 318 00:20:15,895 --> 00:20:17,462 Ben: Thank you, Skurd, 319 00:20:17,562 --> 00:20:20,095 I owe you my life, 320 00:20:20,195 --> 00:20:21,562 And I owe you mine, 321 00:20:21,662 --> 00:20:23,129 Rook: Goodbye, Skurd, 322 00:20:33,795 --> 00:20:35,162 Well done, Benjamin, 323 00:20:35,262 --> 00:20:37,029 I knew you wouldn't fail, 324 00:20:37,129 --> 00:20:38,462 Ben: I knew it, too, 325 00:20:38,562 --> 00:20:40,262 Rook: You did? 326 00:20:41,729 --> 00:20:43,962 Ben: See, Maltruent is stuck in a time loop, 327 00:20:44,062 --> 00:20:47,429 And he is doomed to failure, over and over, 328 00:20:47,529 --> 00:20:49,195 Every time he pulls himself together, 329 00:20:49,295 --> 00:20:52,395 he returns to the beginning of time and is defeated by Ben, 330 00:20:52,495 --> 00:20:56,095 I gather up the pieces of Maltruent and scatter them 331 00:20:56,195 --> 00:20:59,695 across the universe, and the loop begins again, 332 00:20:59,795 --> 00:21:04,195 Ben: The only person who doesn't know about the time loop is Maltruent himself, 333 00:21:04,295 --> 00:21:07,162 Oh, And,,,you, I,,,guess, 334 00:21:07,262 --> 00:21:08,829 Pardon us for the intrusion, 335 00:21:08,929 --> 00:21:10,729 We'll be on our way soon, 336 00:21:10,829 --> 00:21:13,762 Now, help me pick up the rest of Maltruent, 337 00:21:13,862 --> 00:21:18,262 We have a lot to do before I take you home, 338 00:21:19,562 --> 00:21:22,095 [ birds chirping ] 339 00:21:22,195 --> 00:21:24,295 [ both slurping ] 340 00:21:24,395 --> 00:21:29,762 Ben: After what we just saw, sitting around sipping smoothies seems a bit,,, 341 00:21:29,862 --> 00:21:31,495 Rook: Mundane, I agree, 342 00:21:31,595 --> 00:21:35,595 Nothing seems to be happening in Bellwood or Undertown lately, 343 00:21:35,695 --> 00:21:37,695 Ben: [ slurps ] You're right! 344 00:21:37,795 --> 00:21:39,995 This place will be fine and dandy without us, 345 00:21:40,095 --> 00:21:42,529 We just helped create the universe, 346 00:21:42,629 --> 00:21:43,829 Let's go check it out! 347 00:21:43,929 --> 00:21:47,595 Rook: That does sound less mundane, 348 00:21:47,695 --> 00:21:48,895 [ speed-dialing ] 349 00:21:48,995 --> 00:21:50,129 Ben: Gwen, 350 00:21:50,229 --> 00:21:52,162 Okay, fine -- Gwendolyn, 351 00:21:52,262 --> 00:21:54,529 You and Kevin -- pack your bags, 352 00:21:54,629 --> 00:21:56,729 We're going on a road trip! 353 00:22:05,462 --> 00:22:07,729 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 354 00:22:10,295 --> 00:22:11,929 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 355 00:22:17,495 --> 00:22:18,995 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 356 00:22:22,462 --> 00:22:24,695 ♪ Ben 10 ♪