1 00:00:05,891 --> 00:00:09,258 Well, hello, and good day to you,,, sir, 2 00:00:09,258 --> 00:00:10,991 Pa Vreedle: Well, hello, 3 00:00:10,991 --> 00:00:13,258 Might this be the great vault of Sulcus, 4 00:00:13,258 --> 00:00:18,491 the most secure repository of legal tender 'round these here parts? 5 00:00:18,491 --> 00:00:19,991 It is, 6 00:00:19,991 --> 00:00:21,691 Pa Vreedle: And does it also hold an enormous stockpile 7 00:00:21,691 --> 00:00:26,224 of taydenite, the most valuable, valuable in the universe? 8 00:00:26,224 --> 00:00:27,358 [ chuckles ] 9 00:00:27,358 --> 00:00:29,124 Did you just come in to chat, 10 00:00:29,124 --> 00:00:31,158 or is there a point to this? 11 00:00:31,158 --> 00:00:36,258 Pa Vreedle: Only that I am the notorious Pa Vreedle, and this here's a stickup, 12 00:00:36,258 --> 00:00:37,724 Oh, for goodness sake! 13 00:00:43,424 --> 00:00:45,291 [ metal clinks ] 14 00:00:45,291 --> 00:00:47,691 Pa Vreedle: So long, sulkus! 15 00:00:47,691 --> 00:00:49,491 [ laughs maniacally ] 16 00:00:49,491 --> 00:00:50,991 [ alarm ringing ] 17 00:00:50,991 --> 00:00:55,291 Take away my livelihood, and you only tip one tayden?! 18 00:00:55,291 --> 00:00:57,258 Now, that's just tacky, 19 00:00:57,258 --> 00:01:00,624 Pa Vreedle: [ grunting ] Ahh! 20 00:01:00,624 --> 00:01:05,158 Floor it, parallelogram, before the constabulary gets after us! 21 00:01:05,158 --> 00:01:06,658 [ snarl, grunts ] 22 00:01:06,658 --> 00:01:09,658 Pa Vreedle: Do not fret, isosceles right triangle, 23 00:01:09,658 --> 00:01:13,658 They will be otherwise occupate-o, for I have affixed 24 00:01:13,658 --> 00:01:17,024 an explodable device to the wall of the vault, 25 00:01:17,024 --> 00:01:20,591 You does mean the wall of the bank, doesn't you, pa? 26 00:01:20,591 --> 00:01:21,624 [ poink! ] 27 00:01:21,624 --> 00:01:23,058 [ bomb ticking ] 28 00:01:23,058 --> 00:01:25,424 All: Aah! 29 00:01:25,424 --> 00:01:26,991 Pa Vreedle: Ohh, 30 00:01:26,991 --> 00:01:30,158 [ gasps ] See? Not a total loss, 31 00:01:30,158 --> 00:01:35,258 Aw, pa! The Vreedle nest egg has done been scrambled, 32 00:01:35,258 --> 00:01:36,658 [ babbles ] 33 00:01:36,658 --> 00:01:40,491 Pa Vreedle: Parry, Sceles, this calls for a 34 00:01:40,491 --> 00:01:43,258 last-ditch-resort action of a 35 00:01:43,258 --> 00:01:47,124 dangerous and horrifying nature! 36 00:01:47,124 --> 00:01:48,191 [ gasps ] 37 00:01:48,191 --> 00:01:49,591 You don't mean? 38 00:01:49,591 --> 00:01:51,491 Pa Vreedle: Yep, 39 00:01:51,491 --> 00:01:56,691 I gots to go reconcile [gulps] with your ma! 40 00:02:00,224 --> 00:02:01,658 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 41 00:02:01,658 --> 00:02:03,458 ♪ He's a kid, and he wants to have fun ♪ 42 00:02:03,458 --> 00:02:05,191 ♪ But when you need a superhero, he gets the job done ♪ 43 00:02:05,191 --> 00:02:06,658 ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 44 00:02:06,658 --> 00:02:08,424 ♪ With a device that he wears on his arm ♪ 45 00:02:08,424 --> 00:02:09,991 ♪ He can change his shape and save the world from harm ♪ 46 00:02:09,991 --> 00:02:11,924 ♪ When trouble's taking place ♪ 47 00:02:11,924 --> 00:02:14,424 ♪ He gets right in its face ♪ ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 48 00:02:14,424 --> 00:02:15,891 ♪ When lives are on the line ♪ 49 00:02:15,891 --> 00:02:18,258 ♪ It's hero time ♪ ♪ Ben 10 ♪ 50 00:02:18,258 --> 00:02:20,691 Rook: [ grunting ] 51 00:02:20,691 --> 00:02:23,058 Mrs, Tennyson, Ben keeps touching me! 52 00:02:23,058 --> 00:02:24,824 Ben: I do not! Rook: You do, too! 53 00:02:24,824 --> 00:02:28,624 Ben, stay on your side, Rook, stop narking Ben out, 54 00:02:28,624 --> 00:02:30,491 I can't believe you two are acting like this, 55 00:02:30,491 --> 00:02:34,391 Ben: And I can't believe you accepted Ma Vreedle's dinner invitation, 56 00:02:34,391 --> 00:02:35,458 Why is that a problem? 57 00:02:35,458 --> 00:02:36,958 Ben: Uh, let's see -- she's a 58 00:02:36,958 --> 00:02:39,824 criminal mastermind who almost destroyed your own son, 59 00:02:39,824 --> 00:02:42,591 Rook: And her sons blew up the plumber academy, 60 00:02:42,591 --> 00:02:47,724 I know there's a complicated history here, but she and I have really bonded, 61 00:02:47,724 --> 00:02:49,691 Trust me, people can change, 62 00:02:49,691 --> 00:02:51,824 Both: Not the Vreedles, 63 00:03:02,291 --> 00:03:03,924 Rook: Ben! Big pretty boys! 64 00:03:03,924 --> 00:03:05,658 Ben: Mom, stay in the car, 65 00:03:05,658 --> 00:03:07,624 Looks like we've got a fight on our -- 66 00:03:07,624 --> 00:03:09,524 [ both grunting ] 67 00:03:13,958 --> 00:03:15,191 Mm, 68 00:03:16,691 --> 00:03:19,191 [ car doors close ] 69 00:03:19,191 --> 00:03:20,391 You were saying? 70 00:03:20,391 --> 00:03:24,424 Ma Vreedle: Well, there you are! 71 00:03:24,424 --> 00:03:27,691 I was startin' to think we was stood up, 72 00:03:27,691 --> 00:03:31,424 Oh, no, we wouldn't miss this for the world, 73 00:03:31,424 --> 00:03:33,691 What do you say to our hostess? 74 00:03:33,691 --> 00:03:36,258 Both: Hello, Mrs, Vreedle, 75 00:03:36,258 --> 00:03:38,224 Ma Vreedle: Hi, boys, 76 00:03:38,224 --> 00:03:39,724 [ whistles ] 77 00:03:39,724 --> 00:03:43,258 Rhomboid, Octagon, get your sorry patooties out here! 78 00:03:43,258 --> 00:03:45,758 Both: Hello, Mrs, Tennyson, 79 00:03:48,724 --> 00:03:50,458 A little hostess present, 80 00:03:50,458 --> 00:03:51,491 [ screams ] 81 00:03:51,491 --> 00:03:53,658 [ all munching ] 82 00:03:53,658 --> 00:03:54,958 Ohh, [ chuckles nervously ] 83 00:03:54,958 --> 00:03:57,391 Well, okay, then, 84 00:03:57,391 --> 00:03:59,224 [ spits, babbles ] 85 00:03:59,224 --> 00:04:02,691 Ma Vreedle: Now, what I tell ya about eatin' snacks before dinner? 86 00:04:02,691 --> 00:04:03,958 But what'll we do? 87 00:04:03,958 --> 00:04:06,024 Truly, ma, that smacks of favoritism, 88 00:04:06,024 --> 00:04:11,124 Ma Vreedle: Hush your petty grievances and strap on the feed bag, 89 00:04:11,124 --> 00:04:12,591 Wash up! 90 00:04:17,658 --> 00:04:19,924 [ laughs ] When in Rome,,, 91 00:04:19,924 --> 00:04:20,824 [ chuckles ] 92 00:04:20,824 --> 00:04:22,258 Ben: Uh, mom, that's not -- 93 00:04:22,258 --> 00:04:23,491 Rook: Shall I inform her of 94 00:04:23,491 --> 00:04:25,291 the toxins likely to be found in that stream? 95 00:04:25,291 --> 00:04:26,858 Ben: Too late, 96 00:04:34,291 --> 00:04:37,358 [ indistinct babbling ] 97 00:04:37,358 --> 00:04:39,191 [ both grunting ] 98 00:04:46,691 --> 00:04:49,258 Ma Vreedle: Somebody's got a big appetite! 99 00:04:49,258 --> 00:04:50,591 Rook: Mmm! 100 00:04:51,691 --> 00:04:53,591 Ma Vreedle: Not like this little rascal, 101 00:04:53,591 --> 00:04:55,758 [ chuckles ] What's the matter, Ben 10? 102 00:04:55,758 --> 00:04:56,858 Don't you like home cookin'? 103 00:04:56,858 --> 00:05:00,558 Ben: As a matter of fact,,, 104 00:05:00,558 --> 00:05:01,891 [ burps ] 105 00:05:04,658 --> 00:05:08,024 Ben: ,,, I was just going to ask for more, 106 00:05:09,458 --> 00:05:11,524 Ma Vreedle: There you go, 107 00:05:13,924 --> 00:05:15,491 [ all burping ] 108 00:05:18,091 --> 00:05:22,324 Ma Vreedle: Yep, moving my brood to earth was the best thing I ever done, 109 00:05:22,324 --> 00:05:26,758 Hey, peanut! Remember when I tried to suck your oceans dry? 110 00:05:26,758 --> 00:05:28,558 Ben: Yeah, and we stopped you, 111 00:05:28,558 --> 00:05:29,591 Ma Vreedle: Mm-hmm, 112 00:05:29,591 --> 00:05:30,991 And what about that time me and 113 00:05:30,991 --> 00:05:33,691 the boys was fixin' to blow up your sun? 114 00:05:33,691 --> 00:05:36,191 Rook: Yes, and we stopped you, 115 00:05:36,191 --> 00:05:37,758 Ma Vreedle: Yeah, 116 00:05:37,758 --> 00:05:42,091 You done lowered my family's quality of life, all right, 117 00:05:42,091 --> 00:05:44,291 Ben: Can we leave now? 118 00:05:44,291 --> 00:05:45,691 [ ting! ] 119 00:05:47,658 --> 00:05:48,991 [ growling ] 120 00:05:54,891 --> 00:05:55,891 [ roars ] 121 00:05:55,891 --> 00:05:57,924 Ohh! Ben: Mom, get behind me! 122 00:05:57,924 --> 00:06:01,058 Ma Vreedle: Aw, shucks, We got pests, 123 00:06:01,058 --> 00:06:05,424 Deal with it, boys, 124 00:06:05,424 --> 00:06:06,758 [ roars ] 125 00:06:09,391 --> 00:06:10,758 Gutrot: Excuse me, 126 00:06:10,758 --> 00:06:15,258 Could you look after my mom, Rook? Thank you, 127 00:06:15,258 --> 00:06:20,358 Creature of the depths, prepare for a snootful of sleepin' gas! 128 00:06:20,358 --> 00:06:21,924 [ machinery powering up ] 129 00:06:21,924 --> 00:06:23,224 Yee-haw! 130 00:06:25,424 --> 00:06:29,258 Ma Vreedle: Isosceles Right Triangle? 131 00:06:29,258 --> 00:06:34,091 My little baby girl! 132 00:06:34,091 --> 00:06:36,058 [ roaring ] 133 00:06:36,058 --> 00:06:37,458 Yee-haw! 134 00:06:37,458 --> 00:06:39,858 Rook: Who is that? 135 00:06:39,858 --> 00:06:42,691 Uh, guess she's a girl Vreedle, 136 00:06:42,691 --> 00:06:44,058 Rook: Nonsense, 137 00:06:44,058 --> 00:06:45,524 [ roaring ] 138 00:06:47,691 --> 00:06:49,691 Rook: I mean, obviously,,, 139 00:06:51,924 --> 00:06:53,558 [ growls ] 140 00:06:57,691 --> 00:07:01,058 Aww, Who's a good boy? Yeah, you are, You are, 141 00:07:01,058 --> 00:07:03,258 [ growls ] 142 00:07:03,258 --> 00:07:08,291 Gutrot: [ gags ] Ah, Excuse me, I, uh, just had to neutralize something, 143 00:07:08,291 --> 00:07:11,091 [ chuckles ] [ footsteps approach ] 144 00:07:11,091 --> 00:07:14,758 Ma Vreedle: And Parallelogram, too, 145 00:07:14,758 --> 00:07:17,291 What are you kids doing here? 146 00:07:17,291 --> 00:07:19,191 Pa Vreedle: I brought 'em, 147 00:07:19,191 --> 00:07:20,624 Ma Vreedle: You! 148 00:07:20,624 --> 00:07:24,091 Pa Vreedle: [ laughs ] That's right, honey bum, 149 00:07:24,091 --> 00:07:26,124 I is home! 150 00:07:33,024 --> 00:07:34,158 [ roars ] 151 00:07:38,358 --> 00:07:41,891 Gutrot: Uh, listen, I don't want to say I told you so, but, uh,,, 152 00:07:41,891 --> 00:07:44,224 I told you we should've left, 153 00:07:46,824 --> 00:07:50,524 Ma Vreedle: You got your nerve up and gone, Vreedle, 154 00:07:50,524 --> 00:07:53,191 Pa Vreedle: Oh, puddin' pants, 155 00:07:53,191 --> 00:07:55,391 I come bearing good tidings, 156 00:07:55,391 --> 00:07:57,824 having just swiped a ginormous haul! 157 00:07:57,824 --> 00:08:00,591 Ma Vreedle: You couldn't steal spit from a sidewalk, 158 00:08:00,591 --> 00:08:03,524 Pa Vreedle: [ laughs ] Au contrary, 159 00:08:03,524 --> 00:08:06,924 I am flush with ill-gotten gains, 160 00:08:06,924 --> 00:08:08,658 I'll prove it, 161 00:08:08,658 --> 00:08:11,358 [ metal clinks ] 162 00:08:11,358 --> 00:08:13,358 But, pa, ain't that the only piece? 163 00:08:13,358 --> 00:08:16,558 Pa Vreedle: Only a tiny piece of a great, big booty! 164 00:08:16,558 --> 00:08:22,924 [ laughs ] There's more where that came from, right, childrens? 165 00:08:22,924 --> 00:08:24,558 Right, 166 00:08:24,558 --> 00:08:26,058 [ babbles ] 167 00:08:28,124 --> 00:08:29,624 Ma Vreedle: Oh, yeah! 168 00:08:29,624 --> 00:08:30,724 Pa Vreedle: Ohh! 169 00:08:30,724 --> 00:08:32,691 Ma Vreedle: Daddy's home! 170 00:08:32,691 --> 00:08:34,691 Pa Vreedle: Ohh! 171 00:08:34,691 --> 00:08:38,258 Oh, my, Octagon, I need a tissue, 172 00:08:38,258 --> 00:08:39,824 It is downright poignant, 173 00:08:39,824 --> 00:08:41,624 [ machinery powering down ] 174 00:08:41,624 --> 00:08:42,958 Ben: And disturbing, 175 00:08:42,958 --> 00:08:44,124 Rook: I agree, 176 00:08:44,124 --> 00:08:46,824 This reunion could have unforeseen consequences, 177 00:08:46,824 --> 00:08:49,691 Oh, they're a family again, 178 00:08:49,691 --> 00:08:51,691 What could go wrong? 179 00:08:51,691 --> 00:08:54,124 [ people screaming ] 180 00:09:01,224 --> 00:09:04,124 Look out! Get back! 181 00:09:04,124 --> 00:09:05,058 Call for backup! 182 00:09:05,058 --> 00:09:06,758 Alpha team, hold your position! 183 00:09:06,758 --> 00:09:09,691 Gamma team, see if you can -- look out, beta team! 184 00:09:09,691 --> 00:09:11,724 Fall back, Delta team, behind ya, 185 00:09:11,724 --> 00:09:13,258 Can anybody read me?! 186 00:09:13,258 --> 00:09:14,724 Delta team?! Anybody?! 187 00:09:14,724 --> 00:09:18,258 Rook: [ grunts ] Mrs, Tennyson, Ben is doing it again, 188 00:09:18,258 --> 00:09:22,358 Ben: [ grunting ] I'm just trying to get you out of the car! 189 00:09:22,358 --> 00:09:23,824 [ alarm ringing in distance ] 190 00:09:23,824 --> 00:09:26,658 Mom, your BFFS, the Vreedles, are wrecking Bellwood, 191 00:09:26,658 --> 00:09:28,724 Now, would you go hide someplace safe? 192 00:09:28,724 --> 00:09:34,924 Be nice, Ben, Rook, you go introduce yourself to that cute one -- you know, Sceles? 193 00:09:34,924 --> 00:09:36,024 [ tink! ] 194 00:09:36,024 --> 00:09:38,391 Ben: Really? 195 00:09:38,391 --> 00:09:39,891 [ explosion ] 196 00:09:39,891 --> 00:09:40,724 Billions tower! 197 00:09:40,724 --> 00:09:42,158 [ explosion, elephant trumpets ] 198 00:09:42,158 --> 00:09:43,691 Rook: The zoo! 199 00:09:46,691 --> 00:09:49,324 [ hinges squeak ] Ben: What are you doing? 200 00:09:49,324 --> 00:09:52,024 Pa Vreedle: We has extrapolinated that that there 201 00:09:52,024 --> 00:09:56,624 letter -- by all reports, the letter "b" -- is in fact a 202 00:09:56,624 --> 00:09:59,424 giant, foil-wrapped chocolate, 203 00:09:59,424 --> 00:10:01,158 Ben: It's a sign! 204 00:10:01,158 --> 00:10:03,558 Why would somebody stick giant chocolates on a building? 205 00:10:03,558 --> 00:10:07,324 Pa Vreedle: [ chuckling ] well, they won't hardly fit inside, now, will they? 206 00:10:07,324 --> 00:10:08,658 [ rumbling ] Ben: [ gasps ] 207 00:10:08,658 --> 00:10:10,458 [ grunts ] 208 00:10:10,458 --> 00:10:13,191 [ chomp! ] 209 00:10:13,191 --> 00:10:14,224 [ spits ] 210 00:10:14,224 --> 00:10:15,891 [ growls ] 211 00:10:17,891 --> 00:10:18,891 [ all scream ] 212 00:10:18,891 --> 00:10:20,058 [ beeping ] 213 00:10:22,591 --> 00:10:24,124 Bullfrag: [ spits ] 214 00:10:24,124 --> 00:10:25,491 [ grunting ] 215 00:10:32,891 --> 00:10:35,724 [ stifled ] Whoa, that hurt, 216 00:10:35,724 --> 00:10:38,724 [ siren wailing ] 217 00:10:38,724 --> 00:10:41,458 [ bird cries, tiger growls ] 218 00:10:41,458 --> 00:10:42,558 [ tiger roars ] 219 00:10:42,558 --> 00:10:43,558 [ elephant trumpets ] 220 00:10:43,558 --> 00:10:46,424 Yee-haw! 221 00:10:46,424 --> 00:10:49,424 Rook: What are you doing? 222 00:10:49,424 --> 00:10:51,658 I gots me a hankerin' for a new pet, 223 00:10:51,658 --> 00:10:54,358 Rook: Those are dangerous, wild animals, 224 00:10:54,358 --> 00:10:55,524 They're not pets, 225 00:10:55,524 --> 00:10:57,491 [ grunts ] [ elephant trumpets ] 226 00:10:57,491 --> 00:10:58,891 They is to me, 227 00:10:58,891 --> 00:11:01,391 How about you, plumber man? 228 00:11:01,391 --> 00:11:02,458 You a wild animal? 229 00:11:02,458 --> 00:11:03,891 Rook: I have a girlfriend, 230 00:11:03,891 --> 00:11:07,824 [ clears throat ] She,,, lives on another planet, 231 00:11:07,824 --> 00:11:10,724 Ohh, Then why leave your guard down 'round me? 232 00:11:10,724 --> 00:11:12,091 [ elephant trumpets ] 233 00:11:12,091 --> 00:11:14,058 Rook: Aah! 234 00:11:14,058 --> 00:11:14,891 No, really, 235 00:11:14,891 --> 00:11:17,658 Rayona -- she is quite attractive, 236 00:11:17,658 --> 00:11:21,058 And you are a Vreedle, my sworn enemy, 237 00:11:21,058 --> 00:11:22,691 [ sighs ] 238 00:11:22,691 --> 00:11:24,924 Not cool, blonko, 239 00:11:24,924 --> 00:11:30,558 Whew! Ma is gonna be mighty proud when we show her what we brung, 240 00:11:33,758 --> 00:11:35,524 We has been upstaged, 241 00:11:35,524 --> 00:11:36,991 By our own kin! 242 00:11:36,991 --> 00:11:40,991 Pa Vreedle: Oh, You ought to be used to that by now, 243 00:11:40,991 --> 00:11:43,358 It ain't your fault, sons of mine, 244 00:11:43,358 --> 00:11:47,624 You just come from a long line of incomp-tenence is all, 245 00:11:47,624 --> 00:11:48,624 We does? 246 00:11:48,624 --> 00:11:50,724 Ooh, I don't like long lines, 247 00:11:50,724 --> 00:11:56,524 Pa Vreedle: You see, ma gots a gift for felony, but generation after generation, 248 00:11:56,524 --> 00:12:03,091 clone after clone, some of y'all Vreedle brothers never got too good at it, 249 00:12:03,091 --> 00:12:06,191 So, basically what you're saying is that we just hopeless, 250 00:12:06,191 --> 00:12:08,858 Pa Vreedle: Oh, they ain't no reason to give up, 251 00:12:08,858 --> 00:12:11,291 Just keep trying like I do, 252 00:12:11,291 --> 00:12:13,291 [ laughs ] 253 00:12:13,291 --> 00:12:17,224 Mm, [ sniffles ] We done missed a lot by not having a daddy in our lives, 254 00:12:18,624 --> 00:12:20,491 Mm, hmm, 255 00:12:20,491 --> 00:12:25,558 Apropos of missing, it appears pa just pickpocketed our favorite blasters, 256 00:12:25,558 --> 00:12:29,191 Well, ain't that ironical? 257 00:12:29,191 --> 00:12:30,591 Ain't it? 258 00:12:30,591 --> 00:12:34,024 [ siren wailing in distance ] 259 00:12:34,024 --> 00:12:38,358 Ben: Ma's got to be around here some-- whoa! 260 00:12:38,358 --> 00:12:43,624 [ munching ] Dody teethin', 261 00:12:43,624 --> 00:12:44,958 [ beeping ] 262 00:12:44,958 --> 00:12:51,091 Feedback: You want something to chew on? 263 00:12:51,091 --> 00:12:53,058 Hey, 264 00:12:54,024 --> 00:12:55,624 Dody, Dody, 265 00:12:55,624 --> 00:12:57,024 Look at me, Dody, 266 00:13:06,591 --> 00:13:09,458 [ sighs ] This day could not get any worse, 267 00:13:09,458 --> 00:13:11,191 Vilgax: Ben Tennyson! 268 00:13:13,191 --> 00:13:18,524 I, vilgax, conqueror of billions, have returned to exact 269 00:13:18,524 --> 00:13:20,824 my revenge for your impudence! 270 00:13:20,824 --> 00:13:26,724 Cower before me, or this time your defeat will be absolute! 271 00:13:26,724 --> 00:13:30,958 Ma Vreedle: Hey, squid-diddly! Git, 272 00:13:30,958 --> 00:13:32,858 Vilgax: [ gasps ] Mrs, Vreedle, 273 00:13:32,858 --> 00:13:35,424 [ chuckles, clears throat ] Nice seeing you, 274 00:13:35,424 --> 00:13:36,891 [ chuckles, clears throat ] 275 00:13:36,891 --> 00:13:39,158 So, anyway, Ben, I-I have to go, 276 00:13:45,758 --> 00:13:49,958 Ma Vreedle: Okay, babies, as you was, 277 00:13:54,091 --> 00:13:56,258 [ tires screech ] 278 00:13:56,258 --> 00:13:57,291 Rook: [ grunts ] 279 00:13:57,291 --> 00:13:58,758 [ bubbling ] 280 00:14:01,258 --> 00:14:03,191 [ babbles ] 281 00:14:03,191 --> 00:14:05,424 [ all babbling excitedly ] 282 00:14:05,424 --> 00:14:06,824 Ma Vreedle: Where you going? 283 00:14:06,824 --> 00:14:08,758 It's just a bunch of bubble wrap, 284 00:14:08,758 --> 00:14:10,891 [ bubble wrap popping ] 285 00:14:10,891 --> 00:14:12,658 Wait for me! 286 00:14:12,658 --> 00:14:15,824 [ both grunt ] 287 00:14:15,824 --> 00:14:18,058 Ben: You sent them "packing," 288 00:14:18,058 --> 00:14:20,624 [ chuckles ] 289 00:14:20,624 --> 00:14:21,958 Get it? "Packing"? 290 00:14:21,958 --> 00:14:22,958 [ chuckles ] 291 00:14:22,958 --> 00:14:24,291 Packing material? 292 00:14:24,291 --> 00:14:26,091 Eh, never mind, 293 00:14:26,091 --> 00:14:27,691 [ popping continues ] 294 00:14:29,758 --> 00:14:33,391 [ all groaning, babbling ] 295 00:14:33,391 --> 00:14:35,658 Ma, we was looking all over for you, 296 00:14:35,658 --> 00:14:38,891 Ma Vreedle: [ slurring ] I is right here, 297 00:14:38,891 --> 00:14:42,091 Whew! You gonna be so proud of us, ma, 298 00:14:42,091 --> 00:14:46,624 We done stole a whole load of bouillon, see? 299 00:14:46,624 --> 00:14:48,524 Ma Vreedle: Huh? 300 00:14:48,524 --> 00:14:52,658 That's bullion, not bouillon! 301 00:14:52,658 --> 00:14:55,324 I am not fully comprehensive of the distinction, 302 00:14:55,324 --> 00:14:58,691 Ma Vreedle: One is a soup mix, The other is gold bricks, 303 00:14:58,691 --> 00:15:00,658 [ elephant trumpeting ] 304 00:15:07,891 --> 00:15:09,524 Now you get it?! 305 00:15:09,524 --> 00:15:12,624 Octagon! We done it wrong again, 306 00:15:12,624 --> 00:15:18,191 Sad but true, However, there is still one place we know that is crammed 307 00:15:18,191 --> 00:15:20,091 with theft-worthy assets, 308 00:15:20,091 --> 00:15:21,391 We do? 309 00:15:21,391 --> 00:15:26,124 [ groans ] 310 00:15:26,124 --> 00:15:27,824 [ explosion ] 311 00:15:27,824 --> 00:15:31,758 [ all shouting, laughing ] 312 00:15:31,758 --> 00:15:33,558 [ indistinct chatter ] 313 00:15:35,891 --> 00:15:40,591 Rook: Man, I may be infatuated with a sociopathic monster, 314 00:15:40,591 --> 00:15:43,691 Ben: Sceles? That is so gross, man, 315 00:15:43,691 --> 00:15:45,158 Rook: Yes, But -- 316 00:15:45,158 --> 00:15:46,991 Ben: No buts, Gross, 317 00:15:46,991 --> 00:15:47,991 Rook: But -- 318 00:15:47,991 --> 00:15:49,424 Ben: No,,, buts, 319 00:15:49,424 --> 00:15:53,124 [ sighs ] Next time an intergalactic supervillain invites me to dinner, 320 00:15:53,124 --> 00:15:54,591 I'm giving a firm "no," 321 00:15:54,591 --> 00:15:56,958 Rook: It was your mother who accepted, 322 00:15:56,958 --> 00:15:59,891 Uh, speaking of which, where is she? 323 00:15:59,891 --> 00:16:00,691 [ bell dings ] 324 00:16:00,691 --> 00:16:02,091 [ cellphone rings ] 325 00:16:02,091 --> 00:16:04,458 BEN: Ma, are you okay? I'm fine, 326 00:16:04,458 --> 00:16:05,658 I'm across from the park, 327 00:16:05,658 --> 00:16:07,058 BEN: Museum park?! 328 00:16:07,058 --> 00:16:08,691 Yes, Why? 329 00:16:14,124 --> 00:16:15,591 [ gasps ] 330 00:16:20,258 --> 00:16:25,024 [ gasping ] 331 00:16:25,024 --> 00:16:26,391 Oh! You saved me! 332 00:16:26,391 --> 00:16:30,591 Ma Vreedle: Moms got to look out for one another, right? 333 00:16:30,591 --> 00:16:35,624 Now, if you'll excuse me, I got some thievin' and rampagin' to resume, 334 00:16:35,624 --> 00:16:38,124 Now, boys! Hit it with a shovel! 335 00:16:38,124 --> 00:16:43,191 Oh! I have to tell Ben, 336 00:16:43,191 --> 00:16:44,191 [ beeping ] 337 00:16:44,191 --> 00:16:45,358 Ben: Hello? 338 00:16:45,358 --> 00:16:46,924 Ben, I had to tell you, 339 00:16:46,924 --> 00:16:49,191 Mrs, Vreedle just saved my life, 340 00:16:49,191 --> 00:16:50,424 Ben: Uh, what?! 341 00:16:50,424 --> 00:16:51,991 You say she's just a crook, 342 00:16:51,991 --> 00:16:54,391 but there's more to her than that, and she loves her kids, 343 00:16:54,391 --> 00:16:59,691 Ben: Oh, yeah? The kids who are trashing the town, or the kids who are shooting at us? 344 00:16:59,691 --> 00:17:02,258 Rook: Ben, the proto-tool is nearly depleted, 345 00:17:02,258 --> 00:17:03,424 Ben: Shush! 346 00:17:03,424 --> 00:17:05,191 I'm telling you to look deeper, 347 00:17:05,191 --> 00:17:06,758 You have to get into her head, 348 00:17:06,758 --> 00:17:08,524 Ben: Get into her head? 349 00:17:08,524 --> 00:17:12,124 Mom, you're a tofu stir-fry genius, 350 00:17:12,124 --> 00:17:15,891 Ma Vreedle: Eh, too small, Oh, this one's nice, 351 00:17:15,891 --> 00:17:17,591 Oh! Shiny, 352 00:17:17,591 --> 00:17:18,891 Ben: Hey, ma! 353 00:17:18,891 --> 00:17:20,458 [ plink! ] 354 00:17:20,458 --> 00:17:21,958 [ beeping ] 355 00:17:27,458 --> 00:17:31,624 Ghostfreak: Thanks for saving my mom, but you're still going down! 356 00:17:31,624 --> 00:17:34,858 Ma Vreedle: Boy's crazier than I thought, 357 00:17:36,858 --> 00:17:39,291 Ohh! 358 00:17:39,291 --> 00:17:43,624 [ echoing ] Listen up, Vreedle spawn, Chill out, 359 00:17:43,624 --> 00:17:46,658 I mean cease and desist, I mean,,, 360 00:17:46,658 --> 00:17:49,424 Huh? Huh? 361 00:17:49,424 --> 00:17:50,658 Dody? 362 00:17:50,658 --> 00:17:52,758 Somethin' ain't right with ma, 363 00:17:52,758 --> 00:17:55,058 That ain't her usual style of talking, 364 00:17:55,058 --> 00:18:00,024 Boid, you has correctly fingered the anomaly, Get her! 365 00:18:00,024 --> 00:18:01,058 [ all babbling ] 366 00:18:01,058 --> 00:18:04,691 Ma Vreedle: Get off me! Ow! Stop that! 367 00:18:04,691 --> 00:18:08,291 [ babbling continues ] 368 00:18:08,291 --> 00:18:11,058 Now everybody just settle down, 369 00:18:15,058 --> 00:18:18,858 [ normal voice ] There's gonna be serious reconcussions, young man, 370 00:18:18,858 --> 00:18:22,191 [ vehicle approaches, tires screech ] 371 00:18:22,191 --> 00:18:25,724 Enough! No more fighting by anyone at all! 372 00:18:25,724 --> 00:18:27,791 Ma Vreedle: Are you telling me what to do? 373 00:18:27,791 --> 00:18:29,958 Yes, as your friend, 374 00:18:29,958 --> 00:18:33,724 Ma Vreedle: Never actually had one of them before, 375 00:18:33,724 --> 00:18:36,091 [ siren wailing in distance ] 376 00:18:36,091 --> 00:18:40,958 Oh, now, ain't that a beautiful thing, 377 00:18:40,958 --> 00:18:43,624 Ma Vreedle: Zip it, you half-wit dope! 378 00:18:43,624 --> 00:18:47,691 Which reminds me, where's your pa at? 379 00:18:47,691 --> 00:18:52,091 Pa Vreedle: Sceles, you cannot bring a elephant, 380 00:18:52,091 --> 00:18:55,691 Aw, daddy! The earth kind don't get any bigger, 381 00:18:55,691 --> 00:18:58,758 Pa Vreedle: Now, don't you "daddy" me, 382 00:18:58,758 --> 00:19:02,491 You know the rule, puddin' -- no loot what needs to breathe, 383 00:19:02,491 --> 00:19:07,358 [ voice breaking ] all right, Back to the zoo now, Wrinkles, 384 00:19:07,358 --> 00:19:08,458 Go on! Scoot! 385 00:19:08,458 --> 00:19:10,691 [ wrinkles trumpets ] 386 00:19:10,691 --> 00:19:14,524 Ben: Mom! Rhomboid's touching me! 387 00:19:14,524 --> 00:19:16,991 Ma! Ben's a tattletale! 388 00:19:16,991 --> 00:19:18,824 Both: Quiet! 389 00:19:18,824 --> 00:19:22,391 Ma Vreedle: You are a lousy rat, 390 00:19:22,391 --> 00:19:23,858 You done scammed me! 391 00:19:23,858 --> 00:19:26,524 Pa Vreedle: [ chuckles ] Correct on both counts, 392 00:19:26,524 --> 00:19:29,324 Ma Vreedle: What were you thinkin'?! 393 00:19:29,324 --> 00:19:30,858 Pa Vreedle: Aw, babyflakes, 394 00:19:30,858 --> 00:19:34,258 I was having a bad run heist-wise, 395 00:19:34,258 --> 00:19:37,991 I decided to use you all to replenish our family fortune, 396 00:19:37,991 --> 00:19:41,658 Ma Vreedle: Then grab it all and skedaddle, 397 00:19:41,658 --> 00:19:43,191 Say it ain't so! 398 00:19:43,191 --> 00:19:48,258 Pa Vreedle: Admittedly, I is a poor role model, 399 00:19:48,258 --> 00:19:51,424 And with that, I bid you adieu, 400 00:19:51,424 --> 00:19:52,724 Ha ha! 401 00:19:52,724 --> 00:19:57,358 Ben: Yeah, like we'd just let you leave, 402 00:19:57,358 --> 00:19:59,224 Ma Vreedle: Stay out of it, peanut, 403 00:19:59,224 --> 00:20:01,358 This here is a family problem, 404 00:20:01,358 --> 00:20:05,558 Ben: You wrecked the city, That makes it my problem, 405 00:20:05,558 --> 00:20:06,924 [ beeps ] 406 00:20:11,391 --> 00:20:13,691 Kickin hawk: [ squawking ] 407 00:20:22,358 --> 00:20:23,658 [ whistles ] 408 00:20:26,358 --> 00:20:29,458 [ roars ] 409 00:20:29,458 --> 00:20:30,891 Kickin hawk: [ squawks ] 410 00:20:30,891 --> 00:20:31,924 [ gurgles ] 411 00:20:31,924 --> 00:20:32,924 Ben! 412 00:20:32,924 --> 00:20:34,024 [ growling ] 413 00:20:36,358 --> 00:20:37,724 [ roars ] 414 00:20:51,224 --> 00:20:52,624 Ben: You saved us? 415 00:20:52,624 --> 00:20:56,224 Ma Vreedle: I saved my friend, Sandra, 416 00:20:56,224 --> 00:20:58,058 You just got the benefit, 417 00:20:58,058 --> 00:20:59,924 Now, as for you three,,, 418 00:21:03,458 --> 00:21:05,391 [ screams ] 419 00:21:05,391 --> 00:21:06,691 Mwah! 420 00:21:06,691 --> 00:21:08,691 See you later, plumber man! 421 00:21:08,691 --> 00:21:16,558 I'll message ya -- if'n I learn to write! 422 00:21:16,558 --> 00:21:17,958 [ horn honks ] 423 00:21:17,958 --> 00:21:19,858 Think Ben 10's gonna come after us? 424 00:21:19,858 --> 00:21:22,458 Pa Vreedle: He ain't following nobody, 425 00:21:22,458 --> 00:21:27,291 Amidst the confusion, I done affixed a explodable device to 426 00:21:27,291 --> 00:21:30,224 that there vehicle of his, Ha ha! 427 00:21:30,224 --> 00:21:32,224 Aw, pa! 428 00:21:32,224 --> 00:21:33,691 [ bomb ticking ] 429 00:21:35,891 --> 00:21:37,091 Whew-whee! 430 00:21:37,091 --> 00:21:39,991 Pa sure do blow stuff up real good, don't he? 431 00:21:39,991 --> 00:21:42,591 He do indeed, boid, He do indeed, 432 00:21:42,591 --> 00:21:45,924 Ma Vreedle: Up and gone, you dirty dealer, 433 00:21:45,924 --> 00:21:50,091 That was the nastiest double cross you ever done, 434 00:21:50,091 --> 00:21:51,524 [ crying ] 435 00:21:51,524 --> 00:21:55,091 I-I miss you already! Ohh! 436 00:21:55,091 --> 00:21:56,524 Shh, it's okay, 437 00:21:56,524 --> 00:21:59,891 Ben: [ sighs ] Mom's got to get new friends, 438 00:21:59,891 --> 00:22:02,991 [ sirens wailing in distance ]