1 00:00:00,221 --> 00:00:02,221 Subs fixed and enhanced by Treviso. Spanish dialog added and translated by Tronar. 2 00:00:02,223 --> 00:00:05,023 My name is Oliver Queen. 3 00:00:05,261 --> 00:00:07,946 After five years on a hellish island... 4 00:00:08,101 --> 00:00:10,832 I have come home with only one goal: 5 00:00:11,021 --> 00:00:13,103 To save my city. 6 00:00:13,461 --> 00:00:16,544 But to do so, I can't be the killer I once was. 7 00:00:18,581 --> 00:00:21,744 To honor my friend's memory, I must be someone else. 8 00:00:23,461 --> 00:00:27,068 I must be something else. 9 00:00:28,861 --> 00:00:30,101 Previously on Arrow: 10 00:00:30,301 --> 00:00:32,110 It can save you or it could kill you. 11 00:00:32,301 --> 00:00:34,110 Slade has the Mirakuru in his system. 12 00:00:34,421 --> 00:00:37,311 The ones who survived, they became someone else. 13 00:00:38,461 --> 00:00:41,908 It's the Mirakuru, it's messing with your head. 14 00:00:42,141 --> 00:00:44,508 I know you and your new friends have the Mirakuru. 15 00:00:44,661 --> 00:00:48,143 In exchange, I'll promise you and your friends safe passage off this island. 16 00:00:48,421 --> 00:00:50,150 Slade's gone and he took the Mirakuru. 17 00:00:50,421 --> 00:00:52,389 You know who he is under that hood, don't you? 18 00:00:52,581 --> 00:00:57,462 Once he has lost everyone and everything he values... 19 00:00:58,501 --> 00:01:01,471 I will drive an arrow through his eye. 20 00:01:18,101 --> 00:01:23,267 Welcome to St. Walker's, alderman. Or should I call you mayor? 21 00:01:23,461 --> 00:01:25,543 Thank you for letting me come by so late. 22 00:01:25,701 --> 00:01:27,703 Oh, I can imagine how busy your schedule is. 23 00:01:27,941 --> 00:01:30,945 It's really great of you taking the time to come visit your aunt. 24 00:01:31,141 --> 00:01:33,109 Her health has taken a bad turn. 25 00:01:33,341 --> 00:01:35,184 Of course. 26 00:01:35,421 --> 00:01:37,469 She's family. 27 00:01:41,861 --> 00:01:46,469 Maya, look who came to see you. It's your nephew, Sebastian. 28 00:01:47,421 --> 00:01:50,072 Don't go, please. 29 00:01:50,221 --> 00:01:53,350 We'll be fine. Thank you. 30 00:01:55,981 --> 00:01:58,382 Still worshipping the old gods, I see. 31 00:01:58,541 --> 00:02:01,021 They're the last thing I have of your father's. 32 00:02:01,221 --> 00:02:03,383 They protect me. 33 00:02:03,581 --> 00:02:06,232 He was supposed to protect you. 34 00:02:06,661 --> 00:02:09,904 A friend of mine, Laurel Lance, came by to visit you a couple days ago. 35 00:02:10,061 --> 00:02:12,061 Do you remember her? 36 00:02:12,521 --> 00:02:14,321 Ella es muy linda. (She is very pretty.) 37 00:02:14,541 --> 00:02:16,350 Yes, she is. 38 00:02:16,701 --> 00:02:18,501 What did you both talk about? 39 00:02:19,121 --> 00:02:20,321 Nada. (Nothing.) 40 00:02:20,341 --> 00:02:23,341 - Nothing. - You know I don't like it when you lie to me. 41 00:02:25,461 --> 00:02:27,361 I told her the truth. 42 00:02:27,581 --> 00:02:32,181 That you... you killed him. Your father. 43 00:02:32,271 --> 00:02:34,271 ¡Mi esposo! (My husband!) 44 00:02:36,941 --> 00:02:42,741 I don't know what came over me. I am so, so sorry. 45 00:02:42,981 --> 00:02:45,381 I hurt you, mijo (my son). 46 00:02:45,921 --> 00:02:47,421 Está bien. (It's okay.) 47 00:02:47,821 --> 00:02:49,421 No te preocupes. (Don't worry.) 48 00:02:50,101 --> 00:02:53,901 But you are my child, my son. 49 00:02:54,101 --> 00:02:56,388 And I hurt you. 50 00:02:57,941 --> 00:03:00,262 I forgive you, Mama. 51 00:03:07,301 --> 00:03:10,101 I forgive you for everything. 52 00:03:17,421 --> 00:03:19,621 La luz de dios me rodea, (The light of God surrounds me,) 53 00:03:19,626 --> 00:03:21,576 el amor de dios me envuelve, (the love of God enfolds me,) 54 00:03:21,608 --> 00:03:23,508 el poder de dios me protege, (the power of God protects me,) 55 00:03:23,521 --> 00:03:26,521 la presencia de dios vela por mí. (the presence of God watches over me.) 56 00:03:28,971 --> 00:03:31,171 Los dioses están muertos. (The Gods are dead.) 57 00:03:44,261 --> 00:03:47,105 Please, I don't... Look, I don't know anything. 58 00:03:47,301 --> 00:03:51,192 - The man in the skull mask. Where is he? - I don't know what you're talking about. 59 00:03:51,421 --> 00:03:53,721 He's been experimenting on people in the Glades. 60 00:03:53,821 --> 00:03:57,143 He's leaving a trail of corpses with blood running from their eyes. 61 00:03:57,341 --> 00:04:01,062 No, no, no. I deal in stolen merchandise. That is it. 62 00:04:02,181 --> 00:04:04,422 Don't. Please. Come on. 63 00:04:04,621 --> 00:04:06,862 - Ask him what color his shoes are. - What? 64 00:04:07,061 --> 00:04:10,304 You want this guy to take a polygraph via Bluetooth, cool... 65 00:04:10,541 --> 00:04:15,263 but I need to hear him establish a baseline. I need to hear him tell the truth just once. 66 00:04:15,501 --> 00:04:18,505 What color are your shoes? 67 00:04:18,701 --> 00:04:20,191 What? 68 00:04:20,381 --> 00:04:21,587 They're blue. 69 00:04:22,821 --> 00:04:24,505 He's not lying. 70 00:04:25,301 --> 00:04:26,712 Please. 71 00:04:30,221 --> 00:04:31,791 He's out there. 72 00:04:33,021 --> 00:04:35,865 - Somewhere. - Come home. 73 00:04:36,101 --> 00:04:38,183 We can't do any more tonight. 74 00:04:41,661 --> 00:04:43,231 Slade? 75 00:04:44,101 --> 00:04:45,751 Slade? 76 00:04:47,021 --> 00:04:48,591 Thought maybe he'd come back here. 77 00:04:48,821 --> 00:04:52,223 He has the Mirakuru serum in his bloodstream. He's not thinking clearly. 78 00:04:52,461 --> 00:04:54,589 So, what do we do now? 79 00:04:55,501 --> 00:04:57,424 I don't know, Sara. 80 00:04:59,741 --> 00:05:01,231 The sensor grid is still active. 81 00:05:01,421 --> 00:05:04,903 So at least we're gonna know if Ivo and his men come back to the island. 82 00:05:05,141 --> 00:05:07,428 So we just sit here and wait? 83 00:05:07,621 --> 00:05:11,910 Do you have any other ideas? Because right now, I'm open to suggestions. 84 00:05:13,181 --> 00:05:18,426 We find Slade and maybe we consider Ivo's offer. 85 00:05:18,661 --> 00:05:19,742 What? 86 00:05:20,021 --> 00:05:23,264 Look, if we get the serum back from Slade, then we can go home. 87 00:05:23,501 --> 00:05:26,425 And I can try to talk to Ivo. I can get him to listen to me. 88 00:05:26,621 --> 00:05:29,386 Like he listened before he shot Shado in the head? 89 00:05:29,581 --> 00:05:33,142 - He's just tired and he's frustrated. - What? 90 00:05:34,421 --> 00:05:37,789 You don't understand what finding the Mirakuru serum has meant to him. 91 00:05:38,021 --> 00:05:39,864 You're right, Sara. I don't understand. 92 00:05:40,061 --> 00:05:43,543 And I don't get how you could even consider trusting him after what he did. 93 00:05:43,741 --> 00:05:45,470 He's not evil. 94 00:05:46,261 --> 00:05:48,628 He kept me safe on that ship for over a year. 95 00:05:49,221 --> 00:05:52,942 And I mean, not just safe. He taught me things. 96 00:05:53,181 --> 00:05:56,708 - And I learned a lot. - I learned a lot too. 97 00:05:57,261 --> 00:06:00,629 This island taught me that you can't trust anyone. 98 00:06:15,061 --> 00:06:17,985 Ms. Lance? I have a call for you on line two. 99 00:06:18,221 --> 00:06:20,144 Thank you, Katherine. 100 00:06:23,061 --> 00:06:24,222 Laurel Lance. 101 00:06:24,421 --> 00:06:26,788 This is Nurse Downey from St. Walker's. 102 00:06:26,941 --> 00:06:30,946 You asked me to call if there was any changes in Maya Resik's condition. 103 00:06:31,181 --> 00:06:33,991 I'm sad to report she passed away. 104 00:06:34,221 --> 00:06:38,112 - What? - Her heart gave out on her, poor soul. 105 00:06:38,301 --> 00:06:40,827 You think Sebastian Blood, the saint of Starling City... 106 00:06:41,101 --> 00:06:44,025 - killed his own mother? - He was the last person to see her alive. 107 00:06:44,261 --> 00:06:47,131 - That isn't a coincidence. - He's the devoted nephew visiting a sick relative. 108 00:06:47,141 --> 00:06:50,463 - You're right, that's very suspicious. - He didn't go there to visit her. 109 00:06:50,701 --> 00:06:54,865 He went there to kill her, to cover up the fact that as a child, he killed his father. 110 00:06:55,101 --> 00:06:57,991 - Maya Resik told me what happened. - From inside a padded room. 111 00:06:58,181 --> 00:07:02,982 He had her forcibly committed. She tells me the truth and two days later, has a heart attack. 112 00:07:03,261 --> 00:07:04,213 You don't find that strange? 113 00:07:04,223 --> 00:07:06,223 For one thing, there's no record that Maya Resik... 114 00:07:06,341 --> 00:07:08,594 was even Blood's mother, and according to the hospital 115 00:07:08,619 --> 00:07:10,495 she was in the late stages of heart disease. 116 00:07:10,661 --> 00:07:12,823 I need you to call in a favor with Judge Carlin. 117 00:07:13,021 --> 00:07:16,389 Get a search warrant for Sebastian's campaign headquarters. His phone records... 118 00:07:16,621 --> 00:07:19,750 - I have to start somewhere. - Laurel, this isn't some casual request. 119 00:07:19,941 --> 00:07:22,467 I'm the ADA who took Vertigo on live TV. 120 00:07:22,661 --> 00:07:26,552 I take a shot at Sebastian Blood and miss, my career is done. 121 00:07:27,021 --> 00:07:28,511 Adam. 122 00:07:29,261 --> 00:07:31,389 - Please. - I'm sorry, Laurel. 123 00:07:31,621 --> 00:07:33,305 You're on your own. 124 00:07:38,181 --> 00:07:39,990 Hello, Roy. 125 00:07:42,861 --> 00:07:45,910 Lurking in an alley, that's not at all creepy. 126 00:07:46,141 --> 00:07:49,588 When I ran the club, I learned all the secret entrances. 127 00:07:49,781 --> 00:07:53,149 I never got a chance to thank you for saving my mother's life. 128 00:07:53,581 --> 00:07:57,825 Thea told me. She said that you were very brave. 129 00:07:58,301 --> 00:08:02,101 - I did what anyone would have done. - Not anyone. 130 00:08:02,301 --> 00:08:06,067 Takes a lot to run towards danger, not away from it. 131 00:08:06,781 --> 00:08:08,590 That sounded like praise. 132 00:08:08,861 --> 00:08:11,228 I thought where I was concerned, you didn't approve. 133 00:08:12,341 --> 00:08:15,709 Thea said that you also got hit by some falling debris. 134 00:08:16,541 --> 00:08:20,227 - How you feeling? - Actually, it mostly missed me. 135 00:08:20,421 --> 00:08:22,389 I'm fine. Look, I gotta get back to work. 136 00:08:29,341 --> 00:08:32,823 Has Roy mentioned anything about the man in the skull mask who injected him? 137 00:08:33,021 --> 00:08:36,309 Roy is not the kind of guy who is comfortable discussing his feelings. 138 00:08:36,461 --> 00:08:38,543 Not like you and me. 139 00:08:39,461 --> 00:08:42,943 Don't yell at me, but I really think we need a new plan to find this creepy mask guy. 140 00:08:43,221 --> 00:08:45,251 Scaring the crap out of lowlifes isn't yielding results. 141 00:08:45,261 --> 00:08:47,468 Felicity, I am open to any and all suggestions. 142 00:08:47,701 --> 00:08:49,221 Oliver, maybe we're overthinking this. 143 00:08:49,301 --> 00:08:53,147 What if the mask simply got wind that you were after him and decided to skip town? 144 00:08:53,381 --> 00:08:55,653 He didn't go to the trouble of re-creating the 145 00:08:55,678 --> 00:08:58,093 serum and testing it on people just to walk away. 146 00:08:58,261 --> 00:09:00,832 He is still out there and we need to locate him. 147 00:09:04,581 --> 00:09:07,107 Lance. For the Arrow. 148 00:09:08,501 --> 00:09:10,629 - Yes, detective. - Can we meet? 149 00:09:10,821 --> 00:09:12,311 What is it? 150 00:09:12,621 --> 00:09:14,669 Someone wants to talk to you. 151 00:09:21,501 --> 00:09:23,185 Hello, Laurel. 152 00:09:23,381 --> 00:09:24,746 You're late. 153 00:09:24,941 --> 00:09:28,991 I had to circle around to make sure there wasn't a SWAT team waiting for me again. 154 00:09:29,181 --> 00:09:30,512 That's fair. 155 00:09:30,661 --> 00:09:32,805 Trust me, I wouldn't have asked my father to put 156 00:09:32,830 --> 00:09:34,929 me in touch with you if I had any other choice. 157 00:09:35,101 --> 00:09:36,671 - What do you need? - Sebastian Blood. 158 00:09:36,941 --> 00:09:39,103 He's about to be the new mayor of Starling City. 159 00:09:39,301 --> 00:09:43,192 - I know who he is. - No, you don't. No one does. 160 00:09:43,821 --> 00:09:48,304 A few weeks ago, I was approached by your groupie, Roy Harper, and his girlfriend. 161 00:09:48,541 --> 00:09:52,387 They asked me to investigate the death of Max Stanton. 162 00:09:54,101 --> 00:09:56,547 You think Blood was involved in Stanton's death? 163 00:09:56,701 --> 00:09:59,944 Blood or a man that worked for him named Cyrus Gold. 164 00:10:02,861 --> 00:10:07,708 Gold killed four cops, including my father's partner, Lucas Hilton. 165 00:10:09,061 --> 00:10:12,349 Blood and Gold knew each other from the orphanage that Blood was raised at. 166 00:10:12,701 --> 00:10:16,387 He would do anything to keep the truth about his past hidden. 167 00:10:17,141 --> 00:10:19,064 Including murdering his own mother. 168 00:10:20,021 --> 00:10:21,182 Why would he do that? 169 00:10:21,661 --> 00:10:23,743 To cover up the fact that he killed his father. 170 00:10:25,661 --> 00:10:29,507 I tried going to the DA. No one will believe me. 171 00:10:29,701 --> 00:10:32,705 I swear to you, Sebastian Blood is dangerous. 172 00:10:32,901 --> 00:10:36,587 And you're the only person in this city who can stop him. 173 00:10:41,701 --> 00:10:44,591 Laurel was right. I hacked Blood's cell phone records. 174 00:10:44,821 --> 00:10:47,331 The alderman and Gold have stayed buddies since Zandia orphanage. 175 00:10:47,341 --> 00:10:48,672 So, what? They kept in touch. 176 00:10:48,861 --> 00:10:51,661 Doesn't exactly mean that Sebastian Blood is the man in the skull mask. 177 00:10:51,741 --> 00:10:54,984 His last name is Blood. That can't be a good sign. 178 00:10:55,181 --> 00:10:58,583 Felicity, he's dedicated his life, risked his life, to help the people of the Glades. 179 00:10:58,861 --> 00:11:02,582 And in his spare time, he's a murderer trying to create an army of human weapons? 180 00:11:02,781 --> 00:11:05,990 You're a personal bodyguard who fights crime at night with his billionaire boss. 181 00:11:06,181 --> 00:11:09,105 Not a lot of people show their real face in public. 182 00:11:10,101 --> 00:11:12,103 Oliver, what are you thinking? 183 00:11:12,981 --> 00:11:15,632 Laurel gave me a case number to start with. 184 00:11:17,021 --> 00:11:19,547 We need to know if Sebastian really killed his father. 185 00:11:19,741 --> 00:11:22,381 Then we figure out if there's a chance he has the Mirakuru formula. 186 00:11:22,421 --> 00:11:26,267 - I'm on it. - What if this is just another trap set by Laurel? 187 00:11:26,461 --> 00:11:30,591 She could be setting you up, and this time you wouldn't have Sara to save you. 188 00:11:35,301 --> 00:11:37,747 Asking a cute girl to meet you down by the tracks, Harper? 189 00:11:37,981 --> 00:11:40,951 - Good thing Thea and I are tight. - I have to show you something. 190 00:11:41,141 --> 00:11:42,905 Easy there, tiger. 191 00:11:46,901 --> 00:11:48,062 You're not even bleeding. 192 00:11:48,261 --> 00:11:50,309 - When did you start juicing? - I'm not. 193 00:11:50,541 --> 00:11:53,067 Then how do you explain what I just saw? 194 00:11:56,101 --> 00:11:58,538 You remember that night around Christmas I went missing? 195 00:11:58,563 --> 00:12:00,016 Yeah, Thea and I were pissed. 196 00:12:00,141 --> 00:12:03,145 I never told you guys what really happened. 197 00:12:03,341 --> 00:12:05,912 You were right about your friend Max. He didn't OD. 198 00:12:06,141 --> 00:12:08,826 He was murdered. He was injected with something... 199 00:12:09,101 --> 00:12:14,187 and I was injected with the same thing. But it didn't kill me, it made me stronger. 200 00:12:14,341 --> 00:12:16,469 - Thea must be freaking. - No, she doesn't know. 201 00:12:16,661 --> 00:12:18,868 - I don't want her to. - Why not? 202 00:12:19,061 --> 00:12:22,543 I can't. Not yet. Not until I know more about what happened to me. 203 00:12:22,781 --> 00:12:25,864 - I don't wanna scare her. - And you're not worried about scaring me? 204 00:12:26,061 --> 00:12:28,189 Come on, I was going crazy not telling someone. 205 00:12:29,101 --> 00:12:31,024 So, what are you gonna do? 206 00:12:31,661 --> 00:12:34,983 Well, the Arrow once told me all I was good for was taking a beating. 207 00:12:36,341 --> 00:12:39,390 Maybe it's time I started handing out a few of my own. 208 00:12:39,621 --> 00:12:40,668 I don't follow. 209 00:12:41,341 --> 00:12:46,029 Now I don't need his help to protect this city. Let's find us a bad guy. 210 00:12:47,781 --> 00:12:50,182 I have good news and bad news. 211 00:12:50,381 --> 00:12:53,703 I suggest the good news first. Tends to soften the blow of the bad news. 212 00:12:53,861 --> 00:12:59,186 Okay, dealer's choice. Good news is we found the case file on Sebastian's dad's murder. 213 00:12:59,381 --> 00:13:02,703 - Anything in it to suggest he killed him? - Oliver, meet bad news. 214 00:13:02,981 --> 00:13:04,471 That file was sealed years ago. 215 00:13:04,661 --> 00:13:08,825 And since the file is over 27 years old, there is no digital copy for me to hack. 216 00:13:09,021 --> 00:13:12,742 The only hard copy is stored the old-fashioned way in the city archives. 217 00:13:12,901 --> 00:13:15,381 So I go in and take it the old-fashioned way. 218 00:13:15,661 --> 00:13:19,746 Except security in the file room is so old-school, you need a keycard to get in... 219 00:13:19,901 --> 00:13:23,667 which even if you had, you wouldn't know where to start looking for the file. 220 00:13:26,221 --> 00:13:27,985 An assistant DA would. 221 00:13:44,861 --> 00:13:48,070 You said you needed my help. Now I need yours. 222 00:13:48,261 --> 00:13:51,105 - What do you need? - You. 223 00:14:01,381 --> 00:14:04,430 Know what I really miss about being home? 224 00:14:05,861 --> 00:14:07,784 My bed. 225 00:14:09,741 --> 00:14:13,712 I don't know if I even remember what a bed feels like anymore. 226 00:14:14,141 --> 00:14:16,462 And you probably never will. 227 00:14:16,941 --> 00:14:18,784 And neither will I. 228 00:14:18,981 --> 00:14:20,551 Sara. 229 00:14:20,981 --> 00:14:22,631 We are gonna... 230 00:14:23,101 --> 00:14:25,308 We're gonna find a way off the island. 231 00:14:29,741 --> 00:14:32,824 You just have to trust me. 232 00:14:35,181 --> 00:14:39,311 Last time I trusted you was right before the Gambit went down. 233 00:14:39,941 --> 00:14:42,706 I haven't gotten a chance to say this. 234 00:14:43,181 --> 00:14:44,342 I'm sorry. 235 00:14:45,421 --> 00:14:46,661 I know this is my fault. 236 00:14:46,821 --> 00:14:50,826 And that none of this would have happened if I hadn't invited you on the boat with me. 237 00:14:53,781 --> 00:14:55,306 That's not exactly true. 238 00:14:56,261 --> 00:14:59,822 I mean, I was the one who said yes. 239 00:15:00,101 --> 00:15:03,742 - And it was only half because of your charm. - The other half? 240 00:15:04,021 --> 00:15:07,230 Do you remember when you spilled that beer on me at Tommy's party? 241 00:15:07,501 --> 00:15:13,668 No. But I never left one of Tommy's parties with my memory intact. 242 00:15:13,861 --> 00:15:15,784 Well, I wasn't even supposed to go. 243 00:15:15,981 --> 00:15:19,110 But I snuck out of the house because I knew you were gonna be there. 244 00:15:19,301 --> 00:15:24,705 I mean, I had this... Heh. I had this embarrassing crush on you. 245 00:15:26,101 --> 00:15:27,865 And Laurel, she knew it. 246 00:15:28,621 --> 00:15:31,465 I think that's why the party got broken up by the cops. 247 00:15:31,661 --> 00:15:33,550 She tipped off our dad. 248 00:15:33,981 --> 00:15:37,542 And I was grounded for a month and the next thing I knew... 249 00:15:38,061 --> 00:15:40,632 you and Laurel were together. 250 00:15:42,061 --> 00:15:43,984 You think she did all that on purpose? 251 00:15:46,381 --> 00:15:49,066 Not everybody is what they seem. 252 00:15:51,301 --> 00:15:52,985 We should get some sleep. 253 00:16:23,181 --> 00:16:26,071 - You ready for this? - Whatever it takes. 254 00:16:29,021 --> 00:16:30,068 We're going in. 255 00:16:30,541 --> 00:16:33,431 At least the security cameras are from this century. 256 00:16:34,421 --> 00:16:35,832 And now they're toast. 257 00:16:36,021 --> 00:16:38,831 You have exactly seven minutes until the system reboots. 258 00:16:41,861 --> 00:16:43,226 Hey, check it out. 259 00:16:46,941 --> 00:16:48,943 This could take a while. 260 00:16:49,941 --> 00:16:52,308 You have six minutes. 261 00:16:58,941 --> 00:17:02,627 I'm rebooting the monitors. There's a Trojan plugging our system. 262 00:17:02,861 --> 00:17:05,102 It's probably some punk. 263 00:17:15,421 --> 00:17:16,582 Uh-oh. 264 00:17:19,461 --> 00:17:21,623 - Oliver. - What's wrong? 265 00:17:21,821 --> 00:17:24,506 It looks like we got the one rent-a-cop with a brain here. 266 00:17:24,741 --> 00:17:27,142 If there's a camera nearby, I recommend hiding. 267 00:17:27,981 --> 00:17:29,506 Look, there. 268 00:17:31,421 --> 00:17:32,991 You gotta send some officers here. 269 00:17:33,141 --> 00:17:36,131 Starling's finest will be there any minute. You need to get out of there now. 270 00:17:36,141 --> 00:17:38,621 We're not leaving without the file. 271 00:17:38,821 --> 00:17:39,868 Laurel. 272 00:17:40,061 --> 00:17:41,984 I can't find it. 273 00:17:43,621 --> 00:17:45,430 Up there. Third floor. 274 00:17:52,501 --> 00:17:53,627 Hurry, Oliver. 275 00:18:00,341 --> 00:18:05,711 Wait. "Case number SC-43878." This is it. 276 00:18:05,941 --> 00:18:09,832 Vigilante, we know you're here! Close everything off, now! 277 00:18:12,781 --> 00:18:14,269 They're blocking our only way out. 278 00:18:14,294 --> 00:18:17,015 It's not our only way. Go to the east wall and wait for me. 279 00:18:20,181 --> 00:18:21,421 Hands where I can see them! 280 00:19:00,301 --> 00:19:02,771 I tried going through all the security footage at the city archives... 281 00:19:02,781 --> 00:19:05,891 - to see if anyone swiped the file over the last few days. - Did you see anyone? 282 00:19:05,901 --> 00:19:07,551 Just this. 283 00:19:10,541 --> 00:19:11,588 It's all been erased. 284 00:19:11,781 --> 00:19:14,981 So what happened when you reversed the footprint to see who hacked in before you? 285 00:19:15,101 --> 00:19:18,105 - I struck out again. Must have been an inside job. - Meaning? 286 00:19:18,301 --> 00:19:20,542 As a city alderman, Blood would have access to the files. 287 00:19:20,547 --> 00:19:22,728 Oliver, anyone on city payroll could have done this. 288 00:19:22,941 --> 00:19:24,737 He's running for mayor. One hint that he killed his 289 00:19:24,747 --> 00:19:26,691 father, his political future is dead in the water. 290 00:19:26,701 --> 00:19:28,781 Wait, I thought you two were supposed to be friends. 291 00:19:28,861 --> 00:19:31,785 Don't you think you ought to give him the benefit of the doubt? 292 00:19:31,981 --> 00:19:35,952 Please keep digging into Blood's past and see if there's anything that can help us. 293 00:19:36,101 --> 00:19:39,469 - Where are you going? - To give a friend the benefit of the doubt. 294 00:19:43,381 --> 00:19:45,702 What, are you still giving me the cold shoulder? 295 00:19:45,941 --> 00:19:48,785 You still not telling me what the hell is going on with you? 296 00:19:48,981 --> 00:19:50,471 Am I interrupting? 297 00:19:50,661 --> 00:19:54,029 He and I would actually have to be talking for you to be interrupting. 298 00:19:54,221 --> 00:19:55,461 Can I try? 299 00:19:55,661 --> 00:19:57,709 Be my guest. 300 00:19:59,061 --> 00:20:01,302 - Tell her. - No. 301 00:20:01,501 --> 00:20:02,787 What have you got for me? 302 00:20:02,981 --> 00:20:05,302 This guy in the Glades, the Starling Slasher... 303 00:20:05,501 --> 00:20:08,186 word on the street is he's got a thing for prostitutes. 304 00:20:08,381 --> 00:20:11,066 And by "thing," I mean he has a thing for slicing them up. 305 00:20:11,261 --> 00:20:14,071 - Mostly hunts in Crescent Circle. - Sounds like a great guy. 306 00:20:14,261 --> 00:20:17,982 Mm. Yeah, problem is, he's some big-shot lawyer, so no one has the sack to ID him. 307 00:20:18,141 --> 00:20:20,411 Wait, this sounds exactly like someone the Arrow would go after. 308 00:20:20,421 --> 00:20:22,771 - We don't need the Arrow anymore. - We're gonna have to bait him. 309 00:20:22,781 --> 00:20:26,581 What pro is gonna let us dangle her in front of a psycho? 310 00:20:26,781 --> 00:20:29,022 - No. No. No way. No. - Hey, Thea. Uh. 311 00:20:29,501 --> 00:20:33,426 Sin has a date. She was hoping to borrow an outfit. 312 00:20:33,621 --> 00:20:35,385 You know, something slutty. 313 00:20:35,821 --> 00:20:39,746 I have the perfect first-date outfit. Guarantees a second one. 314 00:20:40,021 --> 00:20:42,501 - Great. - This guy won't know what hit him. 315 00:20:42,661 --> 00:20:45,790 Or girl. Whatever you're into. 316 00:20:46,021 --> 00:20:49,628 - I could do your makeup or your hair. - You are not touching the hair, Queen. 317 00:20:49,821 --> 00:20:51,346 Okay. 318 00:21:01,941 --> 00:21:05,548 - You looking for me? - Sebastian. Good to see you. 319 00:21:05,701 --> 00:21:09,751 You too, man. Listen, I'm so sorry but I'm right in the middle of a polling snafu. 320 00:21:09,941 --> 00:21:12,262 I'll be quick. I just had a question about Laurel. 321 00:21:12,461 --> 00:21:14,341 - Of course. Is everything okay? - I'm not sure. 322 00:21:14,381 --> 00:21:16,741 I ran into her the other day. And something just seemed off. 323 00:21:16,941 --> 00:21:19,381 I know the two of you've been spending a lot of time together. 324 00:21:19,461 --> 00:21:21,748 I just wanted to know if you knew anything. 325 00:21:21,981 --> 00:21:25,542 Well, we've traded phone calls, but she's in trial, I've been campaigning. 326 00:21:25,741 --> 00:21:30,190 - We haven't really been able to connect. - Nothing happened between the two of you? 327 00:21:30,381 --> 00:21:32,952 Not an argument or a fight or something? 328 00:21:33,141 --> 00:21:36,907 If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were coming to me like a jealous ex-boyfriend. 329 00:21:37,101 --> 00:21:41,151 No, just... No, I'm just looking out for a friend. 330 00:21:41,381 --> 00:21:43,668 - And I hope you'd do the same. - Of course. 331 00:21:43,861 --> 00:21:46,626 Listen, I will take care of Laurel. 332 00:21:46,821 --> 00:21:49,062 Thank you for letting me know. 333 00:22:06,741 --> 00:22:08,470 You're new. 334 00:22:09,141 --> 00:22:11,382 - Got to start somewhere, right? - Get in. 335 00:22:21,261 --> 00:22:23,025 Romantic. 336 00:22:24,621 --> 00:22:27,943 - You're pretty. - You're disgusting. 337 00:22:29,821 --> 00:22:32,267 I see you'd like to play rough. 338 00:22:42,661 --> 00:22:43,901 Wait. 339 00:22:44,141 --> 00:22:45,427 - I've got money. - Keep it. 340 00:22:56,341 --> 00:22:58,947 Roy. Roy, stop it, you're killing him. 341 00:23:02,821 --> 00:23:05,188 Sin? Sin, I'm sorry. 342 00:23:05,901 --> 00:23:07,232 We have to call an ambulance. 343 00:23:15,861 --> 00:23:17,351 "Point-blank range. 344 00:23:17,541 --> 00:23:21,068 Single shot to the heart from a low angle." 345 00:23:22,021 --> 00:23:25,867 Obviously the handiwork of someone quite scared... 346 00:23:26,061 --> 00:23:27,108 and very small. 347 00:23:28,981 --> 00:23:30,904 How come the police didn't arrest you? 348 00:23:31,101 --> 00:23:33,103 I knew how to cover my tracks. 349 00:23:33,301 --> 00:23:36,748 A skill you've obviously lost since you've gotten bigger. 350 00:23:36,941 --> 00:23:41,503 You know how close you came to allowing the vigilante to destroy everything? 351 00:23:41,701 --> 00:23:43,988 Someone spoke out of turn. 352 00:23:44,181 --> 00:23:45,945 I've taken care of the problem. 353 00:23:47,861 --> 00:23:51,070 Your mother was not our problem. 354 00:23:51,301 --> 00:23:54,430 - Laurel Lance is. - You're the one who told me to get close to her. 355 00:23:54,621 --> 00:23:57,386 You said that it was part of the plan to hurt the vigilante. 356 00:23:57,581 --> 00:24:01,745 It is. But you being sloppy isn't. 357 00:24:02,501 --> 00:24:04,822 Fix this, Mr. Blood. 358 00:24:05,461 --> 00:24:08,465 You don't want me to fix it for you. 359 00:24:13,101 --> 00:24:16,992 Brother Daily. I need you to take care of something. 360 00:24:30,581 --> 00:24:33,551 Whoever you are, I'm calling the police. 361 00:24:33,741 --> 00:24:35,186 No need to. 362 00:24:35,381 --> 00:24:38,669 - Remember me? - Officer Daily, right? 363 00:24:38,861 --> 00:24:40,750 What's this all about? 364 00:24:41,581 --> 00:24:44,790 - What are you doing in my apartment? - We have a warrant. 365 00:24:45,021 --> 00:24:47,991 - A warrant for what? - Found these in your bedroom, Ms. Lance. 366 00:24:48,181 --> 00:24:50,468 These aren't prescribed to you. That's a felony. 367 00:24:50,661 --> 00:24:52,789 This is ridiculous. 368 00:24:53,301 --> 00:24:56,145 You're under arrest for possession of a controlled substance. 369 00:24:56,341 --> 00:24:58,025 You have the right to remain silent. 370 00:24:58,261 --> 00:25:00,941 Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. 371 00:25:15,821 --> 00:25:17,346 I know what this looks like... 372 00:25:17,781 --> 00:25:20,148 but you have to listen to me. 373 00:25:21,981 --> 00:25:24,109 I know what's happening. 374 00:25:24,461 --> 00:25:27,624 Sebastian Blood, he's setting me up... 375 00:25:27,821 --> 00:25:31,143 because he knows I'm onto him. He's trying to frame me. 376 00:25:31,341 --> 00:25:33,389 So he planted drugs in your apartment? 377 00:25:34,421 --> 00:25:37,948 No, no. Forget about the drugs. The point is... 378 00:25:38,141 --> 00:25:41,224 is that he is the one behind this witch hunt. 379 00:25:41,421 --> 00:25:45,665 Sebastian called your boss. He's worried about you. 380 00:25:46,621 --> 00:25:50,467 No, no. He wasn't worried about me. 381 00:25:50,661 --> 00:25:53,062 He's just trying to discredit me. 382 00:25:53,341 --> 00:25:54,831 Don't you see what he's doing? 383 00:25:54,981 --> 00:25:57,021 What I see is that you tested positive for opiates. 384 00:25:57,221 --> 00:26:01,545 I see that you have been lying to me and I see that you have been stealing from me. 385 00:26:03,981 --> 00:26:05,062 I can explain that. 386 00:26:05,261 --> 00:26:09,027 Every person that stands where you're standing now says the same thing. 387 00:26:10,221 --> 00:26:12,986 - Dad... - The DUI, the paranoia about Blood... 388 00:26:13,181 --> 00:26:15,104 you looking like hell. 389 00:26:18,181 --> 00:26:20,991 - You got a problem, Laurel. - No. 390 00:26:21,381 --> 00:26:25,545 It's addiction. It runs in our family. 391 00:26:27,541 --> 00:26:30,112 You can't pin it on Sebastian Blood. 392 00:26:30,581 --> 00:26:32,902 Daddy, please, you have to believe me. 393 00:26:34,221 --> 00:26:37,942 Please. Please. 394 00:26:39,101 --> 00:26:40,865 I don't, baby. 395 00:26:44,301 --> 00:26:45,587 No, Dad... 396 00:26:53,181 --> 00:26:54,785 How is she? 397 00:26:55,541 --> 00:26:57,225 I don't know. 398 00:26:57,901 --> 00:26:59,983 I don't know anything anymore. 399 00:27:03,701 --> 00:27:05,385 I'll get her home. 400 00:27:08,621 --> 00:27:10,225 Thanks. 401 00:27:19,941 --> 00:27:21,705 Anthony? 402 00:27:23,581 --> 00:27:26,824 - Are you there? - I'm here, Sara. 403 00:27:27,061 --> 00:27:30,429 I was hoping that you would reach out to me. Are you alone? 404 00:27:30,981 --> 00:27:32,585 Yes. 405 00:27:36,621 --> 00:27:38,942 Are you all right? 406 00:27:39,101 --> 00:27:40,785 You're not hurt, are you? 407 00:27:40,981 --> 00:27:44,224 Do you even care? You were gonna shoot me. 408 00:27:44,421 --> 00:27:49,632 No. No, Sara, I swear. You were never in danger, I swear. 409 00:27:49,821 --> 00:27:53,109 So it's okay because you were just planning on murdering Shado? 410 00:27:56,861 --> 00:27:59,944 - Her name was Shado? - Yes. 411 00:28:00,461 --> 00:28:02,384 And you killed her, Anthony. 412 00:28:02,581 --> 00:28:06,472 And I'm gonna have to live with that for the rest of my life. 413 00:28:06,621 --> 00:28:09,272 I never set out to hurt anyone. 414 00:28:11,021 --> 00:28:14,821 I started this quest to save people. To save the human race. 415 00:28:16,541 --> 00:28:17,906 I know. 416 00:28:19,861 --> 00:28:20,908 Sara. 417 00:28:21,381 --> 00:28:24,703 I know you think that this ship rescued you... 418 00:28:24,901 --> 00:28:27,507 when you were stranded at sea. 419 00:28:29,061 --> 00:28:31,143 The truth is... 420 00:28:34,501 --> 00:28:35,548 you rescued me. 421 00:28:38,261 --> 00:28:41,310 But now the darkness is threatening me again. 422 00:28:43,381 --> 00:28:45,543 I need you, Sara. 423 00:28:47,061 --> 00:28:48,711 Please. 424 00:28:49,341 --> 00:28:51,150 Save me. 425 00:29:07,421 --> 00:29:08,502 How's he doing? 426 00:29:08,701 --> 00:29:11,022 The damage done to his head and lower abdomen is severe. 427 00:29:11,221 --> 00:29:14,668 He ruptured his spleen and he has massive swelling in his brain. 428 00:29:14,861 --> 00:29:19,264 Thankfully, he got medical attention quickly, so he's got a shot. 429 00:29:19,541 --> 00:29:21,031 You did a good thing here, Roy. 430 00:29:27,261 --> 00:29:29,548 What happened to you out there? 431 00:29:29,741 --> 00:29:32,221 - I don't know. - We nearly killed this guy. 432 00:29:32,421 --> 00:29:33,946 Roy? 433 00:29:34,421 --> 00:29:36,264 - Are you okay? - What are you doing here? 434 00:29:36,461 --> 00:29:37,542 Sin called me. 435 00:29:37,701 --> 00:29:41,069 - Why did you do that? - Because she was worried about you. 436 00:29:43,101 --> 00:29:44,546 Who is that guy? 437 00:29:44,781 --> 00:29:48,388 He was my date. We put him there. 438 00:29:49,981 --> 00:29:51,062 You did this? 439 00:29:51,221 --> 00:29:54,862 - Just drop it, please? - Roy, something is happening to you. 440 00:29:55,061 --> 00:29:56,790 I'm not judging you. 441 00:29:56,981 --> 00:29:58,745 I'm not angry with you. 442 00:29:58,941 --> 00:30:01,103 I'm on your side. 443 00:30:01,301 --> 00:30:03,588 I just want to help you. 444 00:30:03,741 --> 00:30:05,470 You can't. 445 00:30:06,341 --> 00:30:09,470 I... I got to go. 446 00:30:10,821 --> 00:30:12,425 Roy. 447 00:30:36,221 --> 00:30:38,383 You haven't said much. 448 00:30:38,621 --> 00:30:40,623 Quietly working on your lecture? 449 00:30:40,821 --> 00:30:42,550 No lecture. 450 00:30:42,741 --> 00:30:45,824 Suppose you think I was wrong about Sebastian too, then? 451 00:30:46,021 --> 00:30:47,705 I think... 452 00:30:48,341 --> 00:30:50,821 that you have everyone fooled... 453 00:30:51,021 --> 00:30:54,389 because you want people to think that none of this gets to you. 454 00:30:55,141 --> 00:30:57,906 And that you don't need anyone's help. 455 00:30:58,141 --> 00:31:00,303 - I don't. - Except I know you. 456 00:31:04,181 --> 00:31:06,024 This isn't you. 457 00:31:10,261 --> 00:31:12,389 What happened to no lectures? 458 00:31:17,141 --> 00:31:19,792 I just... I need a glass of water. 459 00:31:20,541 --> 00:31:22,987 Do you mind? Please. 460 00:31:42,861 --> 00:31:45,705 Leave him. He's not important. 461 00:31:45,941 --> 00:31:48,023 Hello, Laurel. 462 00:31:55,261 --> 00:31:56,865 Laurel. 463 00:32:01,861 --> 00:32:03,625 It's me. Someone kidnapped Laurel. 464 00:32:03,821 --> 00:32:06,984 - Do you know where they took her? - I think I have a pretty good idea. 465 00:32:36,061 --> 00:32:38,985 If that mask is supposed to scare me... 466 00:32:39,181 --> 00:32:44,904 all that it's doing is confirming what I've already known for a while now. 467 00:32:47,021 --> 00:32:49,592 You're one sick son of a bitch, Sebastian. 468 00:32:49,781 --> 00:32:53,911 Thirty thousand years ago, masks invested their wearer with authority. 469 00:32:54,061 --> 00:32:56,063 - Like a god. - You're insane. 470 00:32:56,301 --> 00:33:00,351 I'm not the one making drug-addled unsubstantiated accusations... 471 00:33:00,541 --> 00:33:02,225 against Starling's favorite son. 472 00:33:02,421 --> 00:33:06,426 If I can find out the truth, then others can too. 473 00:33:06,941 --> 00:33:08,591 You found out nothing. 474 00:33:08,861 --> 00:33:11,671 - You know nothing. - Ugh! 475 00:33:12,941 --> 00:33:15,182 Get away from her... 476 00:33:15,501 --> 00:33:19,904 or I will put you down. 477 00:33:20,101 --> 00:33:24,629 And to think, a few short months ago, you were trying to arrest him. 478 00:33:24,821 --> 00:33:28,348 You wanted me here. I'm here. 479 00:33:28,581 --> 00:33:31,391 Let her go. 480 00:33:33,541 --> 00:33:36,465 No, I think she should witness this. 481 00:34:32,301 --> 00:34:34,349 Take off his mask. 482 00:34:35,661 --> 00:34:37,629 I need to see. 483 00:35:24,541 --> 00:35:26,145 Sweetheart. 484 00:35:27,581 --> 00:35:29,151 Are you all right? 485 00:35:30,061 --> 00:35:31,586 Yeah. 486 00:35:31,981 --> 00:35:34,746 Looks like Daily was behind this whole thing. 487 00:35:34,941 --> 00:35:38,070 The son of a bitch volunteered for the raid that got Hilton killed. 488 00:35:38,301 --> 00:35:42,625 And we found the accelerant that he used to torch the Langford Institute in his apartment. 489 00:35:43,901 --> 00:35:46,381 I thought it was Sebastian. 490 00:35:47,821 --> 00:35:50,028 I was so sure. 491 00:35:50,781 --> 00:35:51,987 Yeah. 492 00:35:52,181 --> 00:35:54,832 Well, that's the thing about the booze and the pills. 493 00:35:55,061 --> 00:35:57,871 You know, the same thing that dulls your pain... 494 00:35:58,381 --> 00:36:00,145 clouds the judgment. 495 00:36:08,461 --> 00:36:10,429 Can we have a minute? 496 00:36:13,621 --> 00:36:15,305 Yeah. 497 00:36:21,181 --> 00:36:22,910 Are you here to say "I told you so"? 498 00:36:23,101 --> 00:36:27,311 We're dropping the possession charges and you won't be charged in Daily's shooting. 499 00:36:27,501 --> 00:36:29,105 It was clearly self-defense. 500 00:36:30,141 --> 00:36:31,791 You don't seem that thrilled for me. 501 00:36:33,781 --> 00:36:35,670 Are you gonna look me in the eye... 502 00:36:35,901 --> 00:36:39,030 and tell me you don't have a substance-abuse problem? 503 00:36:42,901 --> 00:36:45,871 The DA's office has a generous severance package. 504 00:36:46,061 --> 00:36:49,065 Wait. Wait, let me explain to DA Spencer. 505 00:36:49,261 --> 00:36:52,788 - I can... I can tell her everything. - This isn't coming from Spencer, Laurel. 506 00:36:52,981 --> 00:36:55,507 This is me. I'm the one that hired you. 507 00:36:57,541 --> 00:36:59,111 I'm sorry... 508 00:36:59,701 --> 00:37:00,987 but you're done. 509 00:37:11,181 --> 00:37:13,502 Did Laurel really shoot him? 510 00:37:14,541 --> 00:37:18,182 - She saved my life. - That's a good thing, Oliver. 511 00:37:19,501 --> 00:37:21,230 You okay? 512 00:37:22,341 --> 00:37:26,062 She really had me believing that Sebastian Blood was a criminal mastermind... 513 00:37:26,261 --> 00:37:31,427 and the only reason that I nearly believed her was because it was Laurel. 514 00:37:34,421 --> 00:37:37,504 I do have a blind spot where she's concerned. 515 00:37:39,541 --> 00:37:40,588 Not anymore. 516 00:37:40,781 --> 00:37:43,944 Certainly know how to talk yourself out of a victory. 517 00:37:44,381 --> 00:37:47,032 - It's a gift. - Take the win, man. 518 00:37:47,261 --> 00:37:50,071 Daily's dead. You destroyed the serum. It's over. 519 00:37:56,461 --> 00:37:58,623 No, it isn't. 520 00:38:05,541 --> 00:38:06,986 Hey. 521 00:38:08,181 --> 00:38:09,865 Slow night? 522 00:38:13,501 --> 00:38:16,789 - Something I said? - Don't take it personally. 523 00:38:16,981 --> 00:38:19,791 He won't even make eye contact with me. 524 00:38:20,941 --> 00:38:22,864 Something happen? 525 00:38:23,061 --> 00:38:25,462 He put someone in the hospital. 526 00:38:27,821 --> 00:38:33,351 He's a little stingy with the details, but you should've seen this guy. 527 00:38:33,541 --> 00:38:37,546 I don't understand how any human could've done that to another. 528 00:38:37,741 --> 00:38:43,783 Each day he becomes more and more like somebody I don't even know. 529 00:38:44,341 --> 00:38:46,025 He won't even listen to me. 530 00:38:46,221 --> 00:38:48,906 I know someone he'll listen to. 531 00:38:51,141 --> 00:38:52,905 Sara, are you still there? 532 00:38:53,101 --> 00:38:54,512 When you first found me... 533 00:38:55,581 --> 00:38:58,107 I felt like you were my savior. 534 00:38:58,301 --> 00:39:01,862 And letting me into your work, I felt like I was a part of something bigger. 535 00:39:02,061 --> 00:39:03,142 You are, Sara. 536 00:39:03,381 --> 00:39:07,067 It was only because I didn't want to see what you were really doing. 537 00:39:07,541 --> 00:39:10,351 I mean, what you did to those people on the boat... 538 00:39:10,541 --> 00:39:13,590 and how you tortured them for science. 539 00:39:14,461 --> 00:39:18,182 How I was glad that I wasn't one of them. 540 00:39:21,461 --> 00:39:23,111 But now... 541 00:39:24,141 --> 00:39:28,112 I'd rather be dead than keep being a part of this. 542 00:39:30,141 --> 00:39:33,224 You ungrateful bitch. 543 00:39:33,421 --> 00:39:35,549 You think you know what torture is? 544 00:39:35,781 --> 00:39:39,547 You have no idea. But I will show you. 545 00:39:39,741 --> 00:39:43,302 I am gonna hunt you down, both of you, and I will show... 546 00:40:04,061 --> 00:40:06,348 Let's go find Slade. 547 00:40:08,741 --> 00:40:10,072 It's done. 548 00:40:10,701 --> 00:40:13,352 They think it was all Daily. 549 00:40:13,541 --> 00:40:15,782 He sacrificed himself for our cause. 550 00:40:15,981 --> 00:40:17,983 A good start. 551 00:40:18,181 --> 00:40:22,709 But the magnitude of your negligence requires a greater sacrifice. 552 00:40:31,461 --> 00:40:35,466 Your incompetence has now cost four lives, alderman. 553 00:40:38,021 --> 00:40:43,152 Fail me again, and yours will be the fifth. 554 00:40:55,901 --> 00:40:58,745 If that was supposed to go through my other leg, you missed. 555 00:40:59,181 --> 00:41:01,866 You seem to be healing pretty well. 556 00:41:07,461 --> 00:41:12,308 You're stronger, you heal faster, but you're not in control. 557 00:41:12,501 --> 00:41:14,230 The serum that you were exposed to... 558 00:41:14,421 --> 00:41:17,948 it changes your body, but it also warps your mind. 559 00:41:18,181 --> 00:41:21,469 - How do you know so much about it? - I've seen it before. 560 00:41:21,661 --> 00:41:26,542 It twists men. Turns them into someone they don't recognize. 561 00:41:27,741 --> 00:41:29,903 Someone dangerous. 562 00:41:30,661 --> 00:41:33,346 Maybe you should put another arrow through me. 563 00:41:33,781 --> 00:41:35,271 This time through my heart. 564 00:41:35,461 --> 00:41:37,828 There's another way, Roy. 565 00:41:38,301 --> 00:41:43,148 I can teach you to control your new ability. 566 00:41:43,941 --> 00:41:46,103 To control yourself. 567 00:41:46,741 --> 00:41:48,550 Let me help you. 568 00:41:51,701 --> 00:41:53,590 When do we start?