1 00:00:11,600 --> 00:00:14,200 [Shawn] We got dumped on here yesterday. 2 00:00:14,200 --> 00:00:16,967 We got all kinds of fresh snow. 3 00:00:16,967 --> 00:00:19,367 It looks like we're about done with it, though. 4 00:00:19,367 --> 00:00:24,100 It looks like we got a really nice, solid week coming up. 5 00:00:24,100 --> 00:00:26,867 We'll be able to make a lot of gold this week. 6 00:00:26,867 --> 00:00:30,100 [narrator] Shawn Pomrenke is sitting pretty 7 00:00:30,100 --> 00:00:33,867 after making a deal to mine on Vernon's Claim 56. 8 00:00:33,867 --> 00:00:36,867 I'll give you two weeks, no royalties, 9 00:00:36,867 --> 00:00:39,000 and then, after that, 15%. 10 00:00:39,000 --> 00:00:40,266 [Shawn] Sounds like a deal, then. 11 00:00:40,266 --> 00:00:43,433 [narrator] Since then, he's been racking up the ounces. 12 00:00:44,467 --> 00:00:48,000 There's gold, it's yellow. I like it. 13 00:00:48,000 --> 00:00:51,333 [narrator] And currently, he's at the top of the leaderboard. 14 00:00:58,700 --> 00:01:02,300 [Shawn] The price of gold is kicking ass right now. 15 00:01:02,300 --> 00:01:05,600 I got the inland I got to get rolling. 16 00:01:06,467 --> 00:01:09,233 You got to take advantage of these nice days. 17 00:01:09,800 --> 00:01:11,900 The season's starting out strong. 18 00:01:11,900 --> 00:01:15,800 Vernon gave me the first two weeks on 56 royalty free. 19 00:01:15,800 --> 00:01:17,767 So, we've been making it count. 20 00:01:17,767 --> 00:01:21,166 We need every ounce we can get because, starting this inland mine, 21 00:01:21,166 --> 00:01:22,634 it's not gonna be cheap. 22 00:01:22,634 --> 00:01:26,700 We've been working a pastry. And today, we're gonna go hammer it out. 23 00:01:37,266 --> 00:01:39,100 I'm gonna go ahead and get suited up. 24 00:01:45,767 --> 00:01:47,934 [Joe] This thing's giving us some trouble. 25 00:01:49,266 --> 00:01:52,600 Well, we might have a engine issue. 26 00:01:53,467 --> 00:01:55,467 [Joe chuckles] Nope. 27 00:01:55,467 --> 00:01:57,500 We've got a lot of hours on this engine. 28 00:01:58,467 --> 00:02:00,400 [Joe] She's locked up solid. 29 00:02:01,767 --> 00:02:04,000 She's done for, boys. 30 00:02:04,000 --> 00:02:06,433 [man] Well, we'd better break the news to Shawn. 31 00:02:08,600 --> 00:02:09,767 It's pretty bad. 32 00:02:09,767 --> 00:02:11,333 [Shawn] What are you thinking, Joe? 33 00:02:11,800 --> 00:02:12,700 We're [bleep]. 34 00:02:15,500 --> 00:02:17,367 [Shawn] This is a punch in the gut. 35 00:02:17,367 --> 00:02:19,266 Our pump engine's dead. 36 00:02:19,266 --> 00:02:21,400 And without this engine, we're not mining. 37 00:02:21,400 --> 00:02:24,667 Okay. I'll get my clothes back on. 38 00:02:24,667 --> 00:02:28,100 The soonest I can get a new one up here is tomorrow. 39 00:02:28,100 --> 00:02:32,000 So, that means we're gonna burn up royalty-free time. 40 00:02:32,767 --> 00:02:34,400 It's never good to be shut down. 41 00:02:35,300 --> 00:02:37,600 -[narrator] Suddenly... -[Shawn] Man, this sucks. 42 00:02:37,600 --> 00:02:41,300 ...Nome's gold-count leader is knocked out of commission... 43 00:02:43,467 --> 00:02:48,867 creating an opportunity for the rest of the fleet to move up the ladder. 44 00:02:48,867 --> 00:02:52,734 But in mining, you're only as strong as the sum of your parts. 45 00:02:53,600 --> 00:02:57,700 So, which squad has what it takes... 46 00:02:59,100 --> 00:03:02,500 to grab the crown while the king is down? 47 00:03:15,000 --> 00:03:16,500 On the outskirts of town... 48 00:03:21,266 --> 00:03:22,800 [cell phone rings] 49 00:03:23,300 --> 00:03:24,567 [Vernon] Yeah. Hey, Larry. 50 00:03:24,567 --> 00:03:25,834 [Larry] Hey. How's it going? 51 00:03:25,834 --> 00:03:28,667 No new developments since the last time I've talked to you. 52 00:03:28,667 --> 00:03:30,567 Gary is saying he wants an apology. 53 00:03:30,567 --> 00:03:32,767 He's not getting an apology from me. 54 00:03:32,767 --> 00:03:34,700 If an apology is coming, it's coming from him. 55 00:03:34,700 --> 00:03:37,500 -[Larry] All right. Talk to you soon. Let me know. -Yep. 56 00:03:38,867 --> 00:03:41,734 [narrator] All is not well in the Adkison camp. 57 00:03:42,500 --> 00:03:44,567 [Vernon] This is a tough one. 58 00:03:44,567 --> 00:03:46,567 My main diver, Gary, 59 00:03:46,567 --> 00:03:48,300 he's got personal problems at home, 60 00:03:48,300 --> 00:03:52,867 and it's reflecting on all of us because, 61 00:03:52,867 --> 00:03:56,867 well, I mean, you can't bring your personal problems to the job. 62 00:03:56,867 --> 00:03:58,600 [narrator] On the team's first trip to the ice, 63 00:03:58,600 --> 00:04:03,467 tensions erupted between the salty skipper and his lead diver. 64 00:04:03,467 --> 00:04:05,467 [Gary] If it ain't gonna [bleep] work, it ain't gonna [bleep] work. 65 00:04:05,467 --> 00:04:07,700 If you don't want to do it, then don't do it. 66 00:04:07,700 --> 00:04:12,200 [narrator] ...leading to a day on the ice with no dive. 67 00:04:18,567 --> 00:04:21,467 The result is, he's got a bad attitude. 68 00:04:21,467 --> 00:04:24,667 And it doesn't seem like he wants to roll. 69 00:04:24,667 --> 00:04:29,166 [narrator] Now, the jury is out as to whether Gary stays or goes. 70 00:04:29,166 --> 00:04:31,500 He think he's running the [bleep] damn show. 71 00:04:32,266 --> 00:04:34,100 You know, it's like on a ship. 72 00:04:34,100 --> 00:04:37,133 You've got a captain. You've got a chief mate. You've got a boat. 73 00:04:38,867 --> 00:04:41,900 You know, you don't step over the lines. 74 00:04:43,900 --> 00:04:46,900 Generally, what happens, when you get a good diver, 75 00:04:46,900 --> 00:04:51,166 it's hard for them not to cop a prima donna attitude. 76 00:04:51,166 --> 00:04:52,867 You've got to have your head in the game, 77 00:04:52,867 --> 00:04:55,000 and you've got to have a good attitude. 78 00:04:55,767 --> 00:04:58,133 And that's not happening. 79 00:04:59,166 --> 00:05:02,166 So, today is D-day. 80 00:05:02,166 --> 00:05:03,967 Either we get this straightened out 81 00:05:03,967 --> 00:05:06,333 or he gets on a plane and gets the hell out of here. 82 00:05:11,667 --> 00:05:17,467 I'm on the best claim in town, and we've got some of the only workable ice in Nome. 83 00:05:17,467 --> 00:05:21,266 I've got guys mining on 56 paying me royalties. 84 00:05:21,266 --> 00:05:23,233 I should be living like a king. 85 00:05:25,600 --> 00:05:28,367 But my own operation is a dumpster fire right now. 86 00:05:28,367 --> 00:05:30,900 I need to sort this out right quick. 87 00:05:50,166 --> 00:05:51,233 Perfect. 88 00:06:03,400 --> 00:06:06,567 Hey, guys, yo! 89 00:06:06,567 --> 00:06:09,200 Let's have a morning shape up over here. 90 00:06:20,000 --> 00:06:24,233 Everybody try to stay focused, keep your head in the game, 91 00:06:24,967 --> 00:06:27,300 and let's all try to have a decent attitude. 92 00:06:27,300 --> 00:06:28,900 -Yep. -[Vernon] Okay? 93 00:06:28,900 --> 00:06:30,133 Yep. 94 00:06:30,133 --> 00:06:33,200 Some days, you wake up and, you know, you spill your coffee. 95 00:06:33,200 --> 00:06:35,066 You drop everything, you know. 96 00:06:35,066 --> 00:06:37,266 You just kind of, like, want to just call it... 97 00:06:37,266 --> 00:06:42,000 You know, I mean, when you get a couple of hard-headed alpha type males, 98 00:06:42,000 --> 00:06:43,800 they're going to bump heads every now and then. 99 00:06:43,800 --> 00:06:46,700 -Yeah. -So, let's put that behind us and get on with our job... 100 00:06:46,700 --> 00:06:48,800 -[men] Yeah. -...all right? 101 00:06:51,166 --> 00:06:53,667 -Let's shake, rattle, and roll. -[Gary] Yeah. 102 00:06:53,667 --> 00:06:55,367 It's all good. It's all good. 103 00:06:55,367 --> 00:06:59,333 We had some ruffled feathers. 104 00:07:01,467 --> 00:07:06,934 But we're all big boys, and get past that [bleep] and get on about our business. 105 00:07:08,667 --> 00:07:12,567 Hopefully, all that garbage is behind us, and we can get back to mining. 106 00:07:12,567 --> 00:07:15,967 I need Gary to get down there and do what he does best... 107 00:07:15,967 --> 00:07:17,033 Captain! 108 00:07:17,033 --> 00:07:19,667 ...because we need to find some gold of our own. 109 00:07:19,667 --> 00:07:21,767 That's how you make the big money. 110 00:07:21,767 --> 00:07:24,266 -All right, we ready? -[Larry] Let's fire it up, Kevin. 111 00:07:24,266 --> 00:07:26,033 [engine rumbling] 112 00:07:26,700 --> 00:07:28,200 [Vernon] We got the flow. 113 00:07:28,200 --> 00:07:29,567 It's working. 114 00:07:29,567 --> 00:07:31,767 Kind of excited. We might have 115 00:07:31,767 --> 00:07:33,834 some money in our box at the end of the day. 116 00:07:41,066 --> 00:07:42,400 [Larry speaking] 117 00:07:43,300 --> 00:07:45,033 [Gary speaking] 118 00:07:47,800 --> 00:07:50,200 [air mask hissing] 119 00:08:01,567 --> 00:08:03,233 [breath hissing] 120 00:08:09,467 --> 00:08:11,500 [water gurgling] 121 00:08:24,500 --> 00:08:26,400 [breath continues hissing] 122 00:08:42,367 --> 00:08:45,000 [Gary speaking] 123 00:08:45,000 --> 00:08:46,934 [Vernon] It's all good. It's all good. 124 00:08:52,066 --> 00:08:53,700 [Gary speaking] 125 00:08:53,700 --> 00:08:54,767 Full throttle. 126 00:08:54,767 --> 00:08:56,834 [motor whining] 127 00:09:01,467 --> 00:09:02,767 [Vernon] Tell him to throttle up. 128 00:09:02,767 --> 00:09:04,300 [Larry] Okay, full throttle. 129 00:09:12,700 --> 00:09:15,867 [Gary speaking] 130 00:09:15,867 --> 00:09:17,433 [Larry speaking] 131 00:09:18,300 --> 00:09:20,500 -[Vernon] Boulders are good. -[Larry] Big boulders. 132 00:09:20,500 --> 00:09:22,400 [Vernon] Big boulders are even better. 133 00:09:26,266 --> 00:09:28,000 There is marine growth that's showing, 134 00:09:28,000 --> 00:09:31,734 which indicates that this ground has not been worked before. 135 00:09:34,600 --> 00:09:36,367 If it had been worked before, 136 00:09:36,367 --> 00:09:39,300 those rocks had been run through a sluice box, 137 00:09:39,300 --> 00:09:41,266 and dropped into a tailings pile, 138 00:09:41,266 --> 00:09:43,967 you wouldn't see them scattered around like this. 139 00:09:43,967 --> 00:09:46,367 And you wouldn't see that marine growth like you're seeing. 140 00:09:46,367 --> 00:09:47,467 [Larry] I see a lot of it, yeah. 141 00:09:47,467 --> 00:09:49,333 [Vernon] We're on virgin ground here. 142 00:09:51,000 --> 00:09:53,600 [Gary speaking] 143 00:09:58,600 --> 00:10:00,600 [Vernon] Everything is working good. 144 00:10:01,367 --> 00:10:03,800 The box is looking good. 145 00:10:03,800 --> 00:10:07,900 I got high hopes this is gonna be a gold-bearing hole. 146 00:10:08,967 --> 00:10:10,233 Finally! 147 00:10:27,100 --> 00:10:30,600 [Chris] So, this year, I'm happy, I'm stoked. 148 00:10:30,600 --> 00:10:35,300 I got married, and I started a family. I got a baby boy now. 149 00:10:35,300 --> 00:10:39,233 It's... He's a month and two weeks. So, and... 150 00:10:40,300 --> 00:10:44,967 just like... I wanna run a pro style industrious, 151 00:10:44,967 --> 00:10:49,000 you know, really, you know, all about mining and making money, and... 152 00:10:49,000 --> 00:10:51,000 Because, at the end of the day, 153 00:10:51,000 --> 00:10:52,867 I have a lot of things on the line. 154 00:10:52,867 --> 00:10:56,100 I'm trying to dial in which crew 155 00:10:56,100 --> 00:10:58,400 that I should keep this winter, you know? 156 00:10:58,400 --> 00:11:00,867 So far, the current crew I got, 157 00:11:00,867 --> 00:11:02,567 I'm not so sure about them, 158 00:11:02,567 --> 00:11:05,467 and I really need that... that crew that I... 159 00:11:05,467 --> 00:11:09,266 Because this is a different ice season this year. 160 00:11:09,266 --> 00:11:12,300 Cap, who put the spark plugs in here last night? 161 00:11:12,300 --> 00:11:13,667 The threads are stripped. 162 00:11:13,667 --> 00:11:16,367 [narrator] Last time out, mistakes by the crew 163 00:11:16,367 --> 00:11:19,166 pushed young gun, Chris McCully, to the brink... 164 00:11:19,166 --> 00:11:21,066 Nobody's brave enough to tell me, 165 00:11:21,066 --> 00:11:23,300 "Chris, I crossed the threads of the plug." 166 00:11:23,300 --> 00:11:26,100 You guys don't even know how to put a spark plug back on. 167 00:11:26,100 --> 00:11:30,567 ...leaving the team's future twisting in the frigid Nome air. 168 00:11:30,567 --> 00:11:33,333 I might have to go through a crew change. 169 00:11:35,700 --> 00:11:38,900 [narrator] Now, it's decision time for the boss. 170 00:11:40,867 --> 00:11:46,100 I had to make a strong call to where I can say, 171 00:11:46,100 --> 00:11:48,767 "You know what? I don't like you. You gotta go." 172 00:11:48,767 --> 00:11:51,266 You know, I need to have that kind of attitude, 173 00:11:51,266 --> 00:11:54,266 because if I keep being that nice guy, 174 00:11:54,266 --> 00:11:57,467 even though it's slowing me down... you know, I'm done with that. 175 00:11:57,467 --> 00:12:00,367 This year is all about new Chris. 176 00:12:00,367 --> 00:12:05,867 It's, like, you know, it's gonna be better, it's going to be badder. 177 00:12:05,867 --> 00:12:09,300 This is the beginning of it, you know? This year is the beginning of it. 178 00:12:09,300 --> 00:12:14,467 Ever since I got that baby boy, I feel like my life has changed a lot, you know. 179 00:12:14,467 --> 00:12:17,834 I've got more than ever on the line this season. 180 00:12:21,467 --> 00:12:23,100 It's that simple. 181 00:12:32,467 --> 00:12:34,700 I fixed the motor that my team screwed up. 182 00:12:34,700 --> 00:12:38,700 But if they're gonna make another mistake, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to let them go. 183 00:12:40,500 --> 00:12:43,600 All right. You know, I don't really like it, but it's how it's gonna be. 184 00:12:43,600 --> 00:12:47,233 I will talk to them today, and we'll see where things stand. 185 00:13:17,000 --> 00:13:20,233 I get to the camp and there were no signs of those two guys. 186 00:13:20,967 --> 00:13:22,700 They literally bailed on me. 187 00:13:25,667 --> 00:13:28,634 So, I... you know, I know I can be tough sometimes. 188 00:13:29,100 --> 00:13:30,967 [man speaking] 189 00:13:30,967 --> 00:13:33,166 [Chris] It was fine when we first started it. 190 00:13:33,166 --> 00:13:36,800 [bleep] cam, man. I swear to [bleep]. We're [bleep] around, dude. 191 00:13:36,800 --> 00:13:39,100 What the [bleep] is this [bleep] operation? 192 00:13:39,100 --> 00:13:42,667 You guys are [bleep] around, man! 193 00:13:42,667 --> 00:13:45,467 I just want people to be good at their jobs. 194 00:13:45,467 --> 00:13:47,734 And now, I'm here on my own. 195 00:13:49,600 --> 00:13:51,800 Those two guys quit. 196 00:13:51,800 --> 00:13:54,400 I'm not gonna let them slow me down. 197 00:13:54,400 --> 00:13:57,567 It's gonna take a little bit of time to get things set up. 198 00:13:57,567 --> 00:14:00,567 But I'm gonna get my dive today, no matter what, you know. 199 00:14:00,567 --> 00:14:02,700 Because I'm gonna put four hours in today, 200 00:14:02,700 --> 00:14:05,667 and get myself some three to four ounces. 201 00:14:05,667 --> 00:14:07,600 You know, you never know. 202 00:14:07,600 --> 00:14:11,367 That's the mission. I'm gonna give my 100% today. 203 00:14:11,367 --> 00:14:13,700 I got my battery, I got gas. 204 00:14:13,700 --> 00:14:15,433 So, I'm ready to rock and roll. 205 00:14:19,567 --> 00:14:22,500 [narrator] Solo diving in the Bering Sea is rare. 206 00:14:22,500 --> 00:14:24,667 [generator buzzes] 207 00:14:24,667 --> 00:14:27,100 But not for Chris McCully... 208 00:14:27,100 --> 00:14:29,400 [Chris over radio] Even though I don't have a tender, that's okay. 209 00:14:29,400 --> 00:14:33,000 ...as he's thrown caution to the wind numerous times. 210 00:14:33,000 --> 00:14:34,800 [Chris] But for me, I'm going to get it. 211 00:14:34,800 --> 00:14:38,700 [narrator] Without the benefit of anyone topside, in case of emergency. 212 00:14:38,700 --> 00:14:40,900 [Chris speaking] 213 00:14:43,767 --> 00:14:46,266 [narrator] But those solo dives were in the summer, 214 00:14:46,266 --> 00:14:48,433 never under the ice, 215 00:14:50,166 --> 00:14:53,867 where dangers are multiplied. 216 00:14:53,867 --> 00:14:59,900 If anything should go wrong with the hot water, the air, or reaching the dive hole, 217 00:14:59,900 --> 00:15:04,133 Chris' decision to go it alone could be his last. 218 00:15:05,867 --> 00:15:08,133 [engine rumbling] 219 00:15:49,266 --> 00:15:50,900 [Chris speaking] 220 00:17:14,367 --> 00:17:17,133 [Kris] Okay. You ready to rock and roll? Let's do this. 221 00:17:18,166 --> 00:17:20,900 [narrator] After an ice cold start to the season... 222 00:17:20,900 --> 00:17:23,233 [diver speaking] 223 00:17:27,400 --> 00:17:32,367 [narrator] Kris Kelly's plan to work a seldom mined claim finally bore fruit. 224 00:17:32,367 --> 00:17:35,500 [diver laughs, speaks in sing song tone] 225 00:17:37,166 --> 00:17:38,567 Yeah! 226 00:17:38,567 --> 00:17:41,967 I gotta get my hat on. It's a little windy. 227 00:17:41,967 --> 00:17:46,000 [narrator] Now, the captain's ready to make his first dive of the season... 228 00:17:46,000 --> 00:17:48,700 [Kris] Let's get this heating up. 229 00:17:48,700 --> 00:17:52,967 ...and he's intent on showing the team how to rake in the gold. 230 00:17:52,967 --> 00:17:56,600 [Kris] You really need to preheat most of your equipment 231 00:17:56,600 --> 00:17:59,600 before you start running it or it's gonna blow up on you. 232 00:18:01,200 --> 00:18:02,300 Preheat the equipment. 233 00:18:02,300 --> 00:18:05,900 Get the hot water system going. Chip out the hole. 234 00:18:09,000 --> 00:18:10,634 Bam, that's how we do it. 235 00:18:12,467 --> 00:18:14,767 This season's been rocky so far. 236 00:18:14,767 --> 00:18:16,867 It's taken too long to get us on gold. 237 00:18:16,867 --> 00:18:20,000 But now that we're on it, it's up to me as team leader 238 00:18:20,000 --> 00:18:22,300 to put in a good dive and make up for lost time. 239 00:18:22,300 --> 00:18:25,500 I'm gonna step up, do my dive, and crush it. 240 00:18:33,000 --> 00:18:34,400 You got this, right? 241 00:18:35,467 --> 00:18:36,600 -What? -Everything. 242 00:18:36,600 --> 00:18:39,233 About what, [bleep]. This is what I do for a living. 243 00:18:41,100 --> 00:18:43,266 I got this. 244 00:18:43,266 --> 00:18:45,900 Oh, I need a little piece of rope because I broke the weight belts. 245 00:18:45,900 --> 00:18:47,467 [Andy laughs boisterously] 246 00:18:47,467 --> 00:18:50,100 So, you need something, huh? 247 00:18:50,100 --> 00:18:52,233 Yeah, the plan is get down there, 248 00:18:53,967 --> 00:18:56,100 move a lot of material, 249 00:18:57,467 --> 00:18:58,800 and just get gold. 250 00:19:03,367 --> 00:19:05,900 [air mask hissing] 251 00:19:47,600 --> 00:19:51,000 [Kris breathing over radio] 252 00:19:51,000 --> 00:19:53,233 [Andy speaking] 253 00:19:53,867 --> 00:19:56,000 [Kris speaking] 254 00:19:56,000 --> 00:19:57,233 [Andy speaking] 255 00:20:07,266 --> 00:20:08,867 [Kris speaking] 256 00:20:08,867 --> 00:20:10,233 Idle up! 257 00:20:15,767 --> 00:20:17,367 It's the [bleep] power to be. 258 00:20:17,367 --> 00:20:19,800 Hook it up, get down, start working. 259 00:20:25,567 --> 00:20:26,600 [Kris speaking] 260 00:20:41,000 --> 00:20:42,133 [Andy speaking] 261 00:20:52,967 --> 00:20:54,300 [Kris speaking] 262 00:20:54,300 --> 00:20:57,100 That's what I like to hear. About time. 263 00:20:59,066 --> 00:21:00,300 [Kris speaking] 264 00:21:01,567 --> 00:21:03,567 Everything's going smoothly. 265 00:21:03,567 --> 00:21:07,266 Rummage down there and sucking up the material, and he sees gold, 266 00:21:07,266 --> 00:21:10,066 which is a relief, because if he sees gold, 267 00:21:10,066 --> 00:21:12,000 then we're on good gold. 268 00:21:13,867 --> 00:21:16,000 [Kris speaking] 269 00:21:24,667 --> 00:21:26,233 [over radio] Yeah! 270 00:21:28,166 --> 00:21:29,834 [narrator] Across the ice... 271 00:21:43,400 --> 00:21:48,000 [Vernon] Okay, Gary, why don't you try to give me an assessment? 272 00:21:48,000 --> 00:21:49,433 [breath hissing over radio] 273 00:21:50,367 --> 00:21:52,233 [Gary speaking] 274 00:21:56,166 --> 00:21:59,467 [narrator] The Adkison team may be back on the same page, 275 00:21:59,467 --> 00:22:01,100 but after three hours, 276 00:22:01,100 --> 00:22:03,967 the gold hasn't gotten the memo. 277 00:22:03,967 --> 00:22:05,634 [Gary speaking] 278 00:22:09,367 --> 00:22:12,367 [Vernon] The good news is, Gary is focused again, 279 00:22:12,367 --> 00:22:14,400 and he and I are back in rhythm. 280 00:22:16,100 --> 00:22:19,800 The bad news is, he doesn't think there's much gold on the spot. 281 00:22:20,467 --> 00:22:22,867 Singing "Kumbaya" is fine and dandy, 282 00:22:22,867 --> 00:22:26,233 but if you're not making money, who gives a damn? 283 00:22:28,700 --> 00:22:30,233 [Gary speaking] 284 00:22:33,667 --> 00:22:35,233 [Vernon speaking] 285 00:22:39,166 --> 00:22:41,500 [Kevin] Pull it in! Pull it in! 286 00:22:47,000 --> 00:22:49,000 [engine rumbling] 287 00:22:52,567 --> 00:22:54,033 All right. You good? 288 00:22:55,000 --> 00:22:56,600 I know I didn't really see much gold. 289 00:23:01,467 --> 00:23:03,000 Over there looks better. 290 00:23:03,000 --> 00:23:06,000 It looks like it starts to turn into, like, a sand cobble. 291 00:23:06,000 --> 00:23:07,667 -Go get warm. -Go get warm, man. 292 00:23:09,000 --> 00:23:12,533 [Vernon] Gary covered a ton of ground and moved a lot of material. 293 00:23:14,000 --> 00:23:16,934 He thinks it will be better just a little ways away. 294 00:23:18,266 --> 00:23:21,400 But before we move, we'll clean up what we've got. 295 00:23:22,367 --> 00:23:23,834 Maybe it will surprise us. 296 00:23:25,400 --> 00:23:26,900 I still got my fingers crossed 297 00:23:27,567 --> 00:23:29,400 this is gonna be a good hole. 298 00:23:41,467 --> 00:23:45,667 [narrator] Time now for another Social Hour with Vernon. 299 00:23:45,667 --> 00:23:49,800 I'll check my social media and see what the trolls are doing today. 300 00:23:51,767 --> 00:23:54,300 [Vernon reading post] 301 00:23:59,800 --> 00:24:02,367 Well, what I do with it, net it up. 302 00:24:02,367 --> 00:24:05,467 I can work 56 for the rest of the time I'm on this planet. 303 00:24:05,467 --> 00:24:07,100 I've had some successful seasons 304 00:24:07,100 --> 00:24:09,166 and some seasons that were not successful. 305 00:24:09,166 --> 00:24:11,066 Here we are, sitting at the dock. 306 00:24:11,066 --> 00:24:12,400 I've got no divers. 307 00:24:14,200 --> 00:24:17,600 On average, it's been like break-even. 308 00:24:18,500 --> 00:24:20,400 Two ounces? Well, I'll be damned. 309 00:24:20,400 --> 00:24:22,867 And what do I do with any profit I make? 310 00:24:22,867 --> 00:24:24,967 The same thing I've done with all my other money. 311 00:24:24,967 --> 00:24:27,100 I roll it back into the operation. 312 00:24:27,100 --> 00:24:30,166 I've bought properties, I've bought claims, I've bought equipment. 313 00:24:30,166 --> 00:24:32,066 Comes equipped with a toilet. 314 00:24:32,066 --> 00:24:34,300 -[beeping noise] -Bells and whistles. 315 00:24:34,300 --> 00:24:37,467 I'm investing in the future of my mining operation. 316 00:24:37,467 --> 00:24:39,300 I'm a risk taker. Always have been. 317 00:24:39,300 --> 00:24:41,166 I may fail, but guess what? 318 00:24:41,166 --> 00:24:43,667 [bleep] damn it! I'll fail while I'm trying. 319 00:24:43,667 --> 00:24:46,467 If I do make it, what good's it gonna do me? 320 00:24:46,467 --> 00:24:48,567 I'm coming up on 80 here in a couple of years. 321 00:24:48,567 --> 00:24:51,667 What am I going to do? Buy a [bleep] jet or something? 322 00:24:51,667 --> 00:24:53,367 I mean, this is what I like to do. 323 00:24:53,367 --> 00:24:55,266 I find it interesting, challenging. 324 00:24:55,266 --> 00:24:58,467 And I don't want to sit home on my duff, watching TV, 325 00:24:58,467 --> 00:25:01,667 or out there on the golf course, playing that foolish game of golf! 326 00:25:01,667 --> 00:25:04,800 I'm playing the game of gold. That's serious business, baby. 327 00:25:06,767 --> 00:25:10,734 [narrator] We hope you enjoyed another Social Hour with Vernon. 328 00:25:25,867 --> 00:25:28,100 [Chris speaking] 329 00:25:30,400 --> 00:25:33,567 [narrator] After two hours solo diving under the ice... 330 00:25:33,567 --> 00:25:35,500 [Chris speaking] 331 00:25:37,867 --> 00:25:40,567 [narrator] ...so far, Chris McCully is enjoying 332 00:25:40,567 --> 00:25:42,700 the alone time with his gold. 333 00:25:42,700 --> 00:25:44,800 [Chris speaking] 334 00:25:51,300 --> 00:25:53,600 [engine rumbling] 335 00:26:05,166 --> 00:26:06,533 [Chris groans] 336 00:26:19,266 --> 00:26:20,934 [Chris groans] 337 00:26:51,166 --> 00:26:52,834 [engine rumbling] 338 00:26:57,166 --> 00:26:59,133 Let's go check the box before we get out of here. 339 00:27:10,266 --> 00:27:13,367 I'm owning great gold, but I can't get it without a team. 340 00:27:13,367 --> 00:27:15,066 In the summer, maybe. 341 00:27:15,066 --> 00:27:18,967 But in the winter, with all this ice, it's just too risky. 342 00:27:18,967 --> 00:27:21,634 So, I really gotta come up with a team quick. 343 00:27:33,600 --> 00:27:35,433 [narrator] Five miles east... 344 00:28:00,100 --> 00:28:01,900 [Andy speaking] 345 00:28:02,600 --> 00:28:03,934 How do you feel? 346 00:28:04,400 --> 00:28:05,900 [Kris speaking] 347 00:28:07,367 --> 00:28:09,767 [narrator] After two hours under the ice... 348 00:28:09,767 --> 00:28:11,967 [Kris speaking] 349 00:28:11,967 --> 00:28:15,700 ...the captain's setting an impressive example for the team. 350 00:28:15,700 --> 00:28:17,500 [Kris speaking] 351 00:28:53,200 --> 00:28:54,900 [Andy speaking] 352 00:28:56,300 --> 00:28:59,033 We're having an issue with one of my dive gloves. 353 00:29:01,300 --> 00:29:03,400 [Kris speaking] 354 00:29:04,367 --> 00:29:06,400 [Andy] So, I don't think he's gonna last too long today 355 00:29:06,400 --> 00:29:09,700 because his hand's already cold and he's already bitching. 356 00:29:11,000 --> 00:29:14,133 [Kris speaking] 357 00:29:25,367 --> 00:29:27,667 [Andy speaking] 358 00:29:27,667 --> 00:29:29,400 [Kris speaking] 359 00:29:42,266 --> 00:29:43,800 [Andy speaking] 360 00:29:46,000 --> 00:29:47,700 [Kris speaking] 361 00:29:48,600 --> 00:29:49,800 [Andy speaking] 362 00:29:50,367 --> 00:29:52,500 Sounds good, Jay. 363 00:29:52,500 --> 00:29:55,900 See? That's all you gotta say. "Sounds good, Jay." 364 00:30:01,867 --> 00:30:04,233 [Kris speaking] 365 00:30:05,467 --> 00:30:07,400 PJ! Coming up! 366 00:30:29,100 --> 00:30:32,567 [Kris] You see that? Right here. I can't feel my left hand anymore. 367 00:30:32,567 --> 00:30:35,200 [Andy] Yeah, that's a big hole, dude. 368 00:30:35,200 --> 00:30:38,266 My fingers, now that I'm dethawed, they hurt bad. 369 00:30:38,266 --> 00:30:40,000 I pushed it too far. 370 00:30:42,166 --> 00:30:43,667 [Andy] Come on now. [bleep] happens. 371 00:30:43,667 --> 00:30:45,900 [Kris] I can't dive anymore today. 372 00:30:45,900 --> 00:30:47,400 There's nothing I can do. 373 00:30:48,300 --> 00:30:50,000 [John speaking] 374 00:30:50,000 --> 00:30:51,600 [Kris] Oh, ground's hot. 375 00:30:53,100 --> 00:30:55,867 As the boss, I wanted to blow everyone away. 376 00:30:55,867 --> 00:30:59,000 This glove situation screwed me. 377 00:30:59,000 --> 00:31:02,133 But I got us on the gold and I got the team to keep us there. 378 00:31:03,000 --> 00:31:05,667 Reaper Nation is strong as hell. 379 00:31:05,667 --> 00:31:09,166 John's gonna jump down, he's got everything ready to rock and roll. 380 00:31:09,166 --> 00:31:10,333 Yeah. 381 00:31:11,166 --> 00:31:13,000 [Kris] Okay, good. You pull your weight. 382 00:31:13,000 --> 00:31:16,000 Pull us along behind you, too. And everything's going good. 383 00:31:16,000 --> 00:31:17,900 I'm gonna go start the pump. 384 00:31:22,767 --> 00:31:24,700 Yukon John is going down. 385 00:31:27,300 --> 00:31:28,934 The ground is really good. 386 00:31:31,066 --> 00:31:34,200 We've got lots of gold and it's time to make some money. 387 00:31:34,200 --> 00:31:37,000 All right. It's game time. I'm warmed up now. 388 00:32:05,767 --> 00:32:07,700 [engine rumbling] 389 00:32:10,000 --> 00:32:11,734 [breath hissing] 390 00:32:17,867 --> 00:32:19,500 Hey, John, how's it going? 391 00:32:22,000 --> 00:32:23,900 [John speaking] 392 00:32:24,700 --> 00:32:26,166 See any gold? 393 00:32:26,166 --> 00:32:29,667 [John speaking] 394 00:32:29,667 --> 00:32:33,400 Yukon John's doing good. He's on the nozzle, sucking up material. 395 00:32:46,867 --> 00:32:48,400 Yeah, I got it. 396 00:32:48,867 --> 00:32:51,900 [groans] It's always something. 397 00:32:59,266 --> 00:33:02,000 We had a couple of massive icebergs 398 00:33:02,000 --> 00:33:05,400 come right underneath the hole and try to plug it up a little bit. 399 00:33:10,900 --> 00:33:14,000 [narrator] Mining in the Bering Sea is always risky. 400 00:33:14,000 --> 00:33:20,166 But when you dive in winter, there's only one way down and one way up. 401 00:33:20,166 --> 00:33:21,934 And that's through the hole in the ice. 402 00:33:22,767 --> 00:33:24,767 If the dive hole gets blocked... 403 00:33:24,767 --> 00:33:26,367 [Shawn groans] 404 00:33:26,367 --> 00:33:29,400 ...then your only way out has disappeared. 405 00:33:29,400 --> 00:33:32,100 [Shawn speaking] 406 00:33:34,000 --> 00:33:36,266 While we're diving, we do not want that. 407 00:33:36,266 --> 00:33:38,300 [man speaking] 408 00:33:40,266 --> 00:33:42,367 -[chainsaw buzzing] -[narrator] With the boss down, 409 00:33:42,367 --> 00:33:45,667 Shawn's team takes the time to reduce the chance 410 00:33:45,667 --> 00:33:48,200 of that happening on his next dive. 411 00:34:13,767 --> 00:34:16,500 [Kris speaking over radio] 412 00:34:18,667 --> 00:34:20,500 [John speaking] 413 00:34:20,500 --> 00:34:23,000 All right! 414 00:34:23,000 --> 00:34:27,266 [narrator] After two hours, pinch hitter, Yukon John, continues to deliver 415 00:34:27,266 --> 00:34:29,867 from off the bench for the captain. 416 00:34:29,867 --> 00:34:31,634 [Kris speaking] 417 00:34:43,800 --> 00:34:46,800 Hey, you seem to be breathing a little heavy. Everything okay? 418 00:34:47,867 --> 00:34:49,600 [John speaking] 419 00:34:53,867 --> 00:34:55,600 [Kris speaking] 420 00:34:55,600 --> 00:34:57,000 Idle down the pump. 421 00:35:13,166 --> 00:35:14,900 PJ, go grab him. 422 00:35:15,467 --> 00:35:16,900 Don't fall in. 423 00:35:21,266 --> 00:35:24,100 -You fall in, you're fired! -[Andy chuckles] 424 00:35:24,100 --> 00:35:27,634 Hey, we're done! We're gonna pack up and go. 425 00:35:28,100 --> 00:35:29,667 There you go. 426 00:35:29,667 --> 00:35:34,100 I think I learned today that I have the team to pull this off this winter. 427 00:35:34,100 --> 00:35:37,700 I'm confident in my skills and their strength in numbers. 428 00:35:40,000 --> 00:35:43,000 [John] Good ground, had a good dive, made some money. 429 00:35:43,000 --> 00:35:45,567 -See that gold? -[Kris] How's it looking? 430 00:35:45,567 --> 00:35:49,133 [John] That looks pretty good. A little trail coming down there. 431 00:35:51,467 --> 00:35:53,567 [Kris] I saw really good gold down there. 432 00:35:53,567 --> 00:35:55,800 -Oh? -[Kris] Oh, yeah. 433 00:35:55,800 --> 00:35:58,133 We had a great day today. 434 00:35:59,667 --> 00:36:00,800 We got gold. 435 00:36:00,800 --> 00:36:04,300 It looks like we're gonna hit 50 ounces for sure. 436 00:36:04,300 --> 00:36:06,600 Good job together, team. 437 00:36:06,600 --> 00:36:09,500 But, yeah, tomorrow is... it's just gonna get better every single day. 438 00:36:12,100 --> 00:36:13,867 All right! 439 00:36:13,867 --> 00:36:16,300 [narrator] While Kris Kelly's team came through... 440 00:36:22,900 --> 00:36:25,100 [Chris] I'm gonna see what I have today here. 441 00:36:25,100 --> 00:36:27,867 Without those boys that they quit. 442 00:36:27,867 --> 00:36:30,200 [narrator] ...solitary man, Chris McCully 443 00:36:30,200 --> 00:36:34,266 is ready to see how going it alone is going. 444 00:36:34,266 --> 00:36:37,100 [Chris] It's really hard to find good divers, right? 445 00:36:37,100 --> 00:36:38,800 One guy can only do so much. 446 00:36:39,500 --> 00:36:41,166 So, I wish I could put some more hours. 447 00:36:41,166 --> 00:36:44,100 But... at least, I'm on the gold. 448 00:36:44,100 --> 00:36:45,300 That's all that matters. 449 00:36:46,667 --> 00:36:48,400 So far, it's looking good. 450 00:36:51,500 --> 00:36:53,400 Okay, here we go. 451 00:36:54,867 --> 00:36:56,600 Let's see what I did in one dive. 452 00:37:03,567 --> 00:37:06,300 And we have 165 grams. 453 00:37:06,300 --> 00:37:11,533 165 divided by 31.1, plus... 454 00:37:13,200 --> 00:37:14,800 Five and a quarter. 455 00:37:15,300 --> 00:37:16,834 Sweet. 456 00:37:18,066 --> 00:37:21,100 So, I got 5.3 ounces in that one dive. 457 00:37:21,100 --> 00:37:24,166 [narrator] 5.3 ounces is worth over 12 grand. 458 00:37:24,166 --> 00:37:26,767 Not bad for a one man team. 459 00:37:26,767 --> 00:37:30,900 And Chris McCully is clawing at the gold-count lead. 460 00:37:38,467 --> 00:37:40,967 [Chris] It's a good haul, but moving forward, 461 00:37:40,967 --> 00:37:42,800 I really need to come up with a crew. 462 00:37:42,800 --> 00:37:45,300 I'm a dad now, and I've got a family. 463 00:37:45,300 --> 00:37:48,000 And I can't really take these kind of risks anymore. 464 00:37:48,000 --> 00:37:50,000 The stakes are way too high. 465 00:37:50,000 --> 00:37:53,166 I can't be solo diving like I did in the past. 466 00:37:53,166 --> 00:37:57,266 Now that I have a family now, all that risk is not worth it. 467 00:37:57,266 --> 00:38:00,100 Safety is first, gold is second, 468 00:38:00,100 --> 00:38:03,800 and Chris BG cannot be replaced. You know what I mean? 469 00:38:03,800 --> 00:38:05,400 So, um... [chuckles] 470 00:38:06,800 --> 00:38:09,934 I think I'm slowly getting this figured out. 471 00:38:15,266 --> 00:38:16,233 [narrator] Down the street... 472 00:38:20,667 --> 00:38:25,700 [Vernon] Okay. This will be our first weigh. 473 00:38:29,000 --> 00:38:31,567 But this is looking pretty good. 474 00:38:31,567 --> 00:38:35,166 [narrator] A pleasant surprise may be emerging for Vernon Adkison 475 00:38:35,166 --> 00:38:38,700 after the season's first dive appeared to be a downer. 476 00:38:38,700 --> 00:38:40,266 -[man] Yeah. -[Vernon] All right. 477 00:38:40,266 --> 00:38:44,200 [Gary] I got my test mat. This right here is our chunky. 478 00:38:44,200 --> 00:38:47,767 So, now, we're down to fine gold here. 479 00:38:47,767 --> 00:38:52,100 [Vernon] Sometimes you think you're on hot gold, and then, the scale breaks your heart. 480 00:38:52,100 --> 00:38:54,867 Yeah, let's start weighing this stuff up. 481 00:38:54,867 --> 00:38:58,600 But there are other times when you think the ground is nothing special. 482 00:38:58,600 --> 00:39:00,066 Come on, come on. 483 00:39:00,066 --> 00:39:03,266 But those hours on the box pay off. 484 00:39:03,266 --> 00:39:05,033 Let's see what it comes out to. 485 00:39:06,367 --> 00:39:09,567 Well, there's one, two ounces. 486 00:39:09,567 --> 00:39:12,967 Three. Four. 487 00:39:12,967 --> 00:39:15,767 Come on, baby. Five. 488 00:39:15,767 --> 00:39:17,634 Six. 489 00:39:23,967 --> 00:39:25,367 6.39. 490 00:39:25,367 --> 00:39:26,967 That's pretty [bleep] good. 491 00:39:26,967 --> 00:39:28,266 Wow. 492 00:39:28,266 --> 00:39:30,767 We were getting a lot more gold than we thought we were getting. 493 00:39:30,767 --> 00:39:34,367 [narrator] 6.4 ounces ring in at over 14 grand. 494 00:39:34,367 --> 00:39:37,000 And just like that, the gatekeeper of Nome 495 00:39:37,000 --> 00:39:41,000 makes his own contribution to Claim 56's revenue. 496 00:39:49,100 --> 00:39:51,900 Ooh, man, that's just like a weight lifted off my shoulders, dude. 497 00:39:51,900 --> 00:39:53,133 [Vernon] That's a fine number. 498 00:39:53,133 --> 00:39:56,600 -[man] That's a lot better than I was expecting it. -[bleep] 499 00:39:56,600 --> 00:40:00,367 I mean, look. Gary's actually smiling over here. 500 00:40:00,367 --> 00:40:02,266 [Gary] I'm stoked. This is awesome. 501 00:40:02,266 --> 00:40:05,567 This puts a big smile on my face, you know. 502 00:40:05,567 --> 00:40:09,000 [Vernon] This proves that 56 is the real deal. 503 00:40:09,000 --> 00:40:12,400 If we can keep it together, the sky's the limit. 504 00:40:12,400 --> 00:40:16,400 You're a new guy, but I'm impressed with your work ethic. 505 00:40:16,400 --> 00:40:20,767 And then, Gary... I mean, he's been my mainstay for years. 506 00:40:20,767 --> 00:40:22,100 [man] You guys are like an old married couple. 507 00:40:22,100 --> 00:40:24,400 [Vernon feigns laughter] Uh... Yeah. 508 00:40:24,400 --> 00:40:26,967 -I mean, we haven't killed each other yet. -[Gary] Yet. 509 00:40:26,967 --> 00:40:28,800 Close, a few times. 510 00:40:30,000 --> 00:40:31,800 [sighs in relief] Okay. 511 00:40:32,767 --> 00:40:35,834 Drinks and dinner on me tonight. 512 00:40:37,100 --> 00:40:38,667 [narrator] With Shawn out of the action, 513 00:40:38,667 --> 00:40:41,867 the fleet fought hard to steal the crown. 514 00:40:41,867 --> 00:40:44,166 Though it still belongs to Mr. Gold. 515 00:40:44,166 --> 00:40:46,700 With Chris McCully hot on his heels, 516 00:40:46,700 --> 00:40:48,834 it may not be Shawn's for long. 517 00:40:49,900 --> 00:40:50,834 Next time... 518 00:40:50,834 --> 00:40:53,767 -[Kris] Idle up! -...on Bering Sea Gold. 519 00:40:53,767 --> 00:40:55,567 You know the job. 520 00:40:55,567 --> 00:40:59,467 We're on gold and now we've got to track it down like wild hounds. 521 00:40:59,467 --> 00:41:01,000 [Shawn] The days are burning. 522 00:41:01,000 --> 00:41:04,100 We're almost at the end of our free royalties. 523 00:41:04,100 --> 00:41:05,200 [yells in frustration] 524 00:41:05,200 --> 00:41:06,800 All right, G. It's showtime. 525 00:41:06,800 --> 00:41:07,900 [Chris speaking] 526 00:41:07,900 --> 00:41:09,200 [man] The air compressor shut off. 527 00:41:11,000 --> 00:41:13,166 Time to get some gold, baby. 528 00:41:13,166 --> 00:41:14,600 [Kris] Let's rock and roll! 529 00:41:15,100 --> 00:41:16,767 [John speaking]