1 00:00:01,102 --> 00:00:02,736 Previously on The Americans... 2 00:00:02,836 --> 00:00:04,238 OLEG: Some very powerful people 3 00:00:04,338 --> 00:00:06,040 are out there to get rid of Gorbachev. 4 00:00:06,140 --> 00:00:08,342 We want you to find out what your wife is doing 5 00:00:08,442 --> 00:00:09,377 and tell us. 6 00:00:09,477 --> 00:00:11,845 And if you have to -- stop her. 7 00:00:11,945 --> 00:00:13,714 What do they need the sensor for? 8 00:00:13,814 --> 00:00:15,349 I ca-- I can't. 9 00:00:16,250 --> 00:00:20,588 PHILIP: Things are changing back home. Opening up. 10 00:00:20,688 --> 00:00:23,023 The Americans want us to be just like them. 11 00:00:23,124 --> 00:00:25,926 I don't want to be like them. 12 00:00:26,026 --> 00:00:28,262 ADERHOLT: Codename, Harvest. 13 00:00:28,362 --> 00:00:30,064 Been a gold mine. 14 00:00:30,164 --> 00:00:32,533 We've been getting all sorts of intel on how he operates. 15 00:00:32,633 --> 00:00:35,369 Now, I know you don't want to be down here, Stan. 16 00:00:35,469 --> 00:00:37,771 But look what's going on. 17 00:00:37,871 --> 00:00:39,140 You should be here. 18 00:00:39,240 --> 00:00:41,375 One of us is in trouble in Chicago, Philip. 19 00:00:41,475 --> 00:00:42,876 Someone who's doing his job. 20 00:00:42,976 --> 00:00:44,445 I'm not sure I can accomplish 21 00:00:44,545 --> 00:00:46,814 what I came here for without... 22 00:00:46,914 --> 00:00:48,582 Without what? 23 00:00:48,682 --> 00:00:50,384 (tires screech) Stop, FBI! 24 00:00:50,484 --> 00:00:51,585 (grunts) 25 00:00:52,653 --> 00:00:55,289 (groaning) 26 00:00:55,389 --> 00:00:58,226 ** 27 00:00:58,326 --> 00:00:59,327 (ax clangs) 28 00:00:59,427 --> 00:01:01,629 ELIZABETH: I wanted to check on you. 29 00:01:01,729 --> 00:01:04,465 In the garage... your face...I just... 30 00:01:04,565 --> 00:01:06,500 ** 31 00:01:23,417 --> 00:01:24,985 (keys jangle) 32 00:01:32,526 --> 00:01:34,328 (footsteps approach) 33 00:01:41,034 --> 00:01:42,035 Listen... 34 00:01:42,136 --> 00:01:45,173 I know Chicago was hard. 35 00:01:45,273 --> 00:01:47,608 That's not what I want to talk to you about... I won't need you again. 36 00:01:47,708 --> 00:01:51,345 I promise. I don't -- I don't care about that, Elizabeth. 37 00:01:51,445 --> 00:01:53,314 But you do. 38 00:01:53,414 --> 00:01:55,849 And I know that you worry. 39 00:01:55,949 --> 00:01:57,685 Don't. 40 00:01:57,785 --> 00:02:00,721 Philip, I know what I'm doing. 41 00:02:00,821 --> 00:02:03,191 Do you? 42 00:02:03,291 --> 00:02:06,860 You're wearing a cyanide pill around your neck. 43 00:02:12,900 --> 00:02:15,068 I have to tell you something. 44 00:02:18,472 --> 00:02:19,740 (inhales sharply) 45 00:02:19,840 --> 00:02:21,509 Uh... 46 00:02:21,609 --> 00:02:26,180 A while back, someone from home 47 00:02:26,280 --> 00:02:28,015 reached out to me. 48 00:02:29,183 --> 00:02:30,851 What? 49 00:02:30,951 --> 00:02:33,554 I tried to talk to you about it. 50 00:02:33,654 --> 00:02:35,055 When? 51 00:02:35,155 --> 00:02:37,191 A few times. 52 00:02:37,291 --> 00:02:39,327 Who was it? 53 00:02:39,427 --> 00:02:42,230 Some guy, it doesn't matter. 54 00:02:42,330 --> 00:02:44,232 What did he want? 55 00:02:46,600 --> 00:02:50,070 He said there are people at the Centre 56 00:02:50,170 --> 00:02:52,573 who want to get rid of Gorbachev. 57 00:02:52,673 --> 00:02:56,076 He's trying to prevent that. 58 00:02:56,176 --> 00:02:58,078 What does that have to do with you? 59 00:03:01,782 --> 00:03:04,218 He said you met with a general 60 00:03:04,318 --> 00:03:08,088 from the Strategic Rocket Forces who's a part of it. 61 00:03:10,724 --> 00:03:17,731 He asked me to tell him what you were doing. 62 00:03:20,200 --> 00:03:21,535 And? 63 00:03:24,538 --> 00:03:26,073 I did. 64 00:03:34,315 --> 00:03:36,550 What did you tell him? 65 00:03:47,495 --> 00:03:52,666 I told him 66 00:03:52,766 --> 00:03:55,303 you were the most dedicated, 67 00:03:55,403 --> 00:03:59,307 loyal person ever to serve the organization. 68 00:03:59,407 --> 00:04:00,608 (inhales sharply) 69 00:04:00,708 --> 00:04:03,143 I told him about the sensor. 70 00:04:03,243 --> 00:04:06,146 Rennhull. 71 00:04:06,246 --> 00:04:08,982 That you were looking into one of our negotiators 72 00:04:09,082 --> 00:04:11,151 who you thought was a traitor. 73 00:04:11,251 --> 00:04:14,087 That you were going to Chicago. 74 00:04:23,797 --> 00:04:25,966 So, all those times you were -- 75 00:04:26,066 --> 00:04:28,836 you were pretending to be so worried about me... I wasn't pretending. 76 00:04:28,936 --> 00:04:30,371 You were actually just getting information. 77 00:04:30,471 --> 00:04:32,540 I was worried about you. What they were asking you to do. 78 00:04:32,640 --> 00:04:34,007 Go to hell, Philip. 79 00:04:34,842 --> 00:04:37,711 Breland, Rennhull, that couple with the kid. 80 00:04:37,811 --> 00:04:40,381 It was just one thing after another. 81 00:04:40,481 --> 00:04:43,351 I wasn't sure if you knew why you were doing any of it. 82 00:04:43,451 --> 00:04:44,685 How long? 83 00:04:44,785 --> 00:04:46,987 How long has this been going on? 84 00:04:49,623 --> 00:04:51,325 A couple months. 85 00:04:51,425 --> 00:04:52,993 (scoffs) 86 00:04:57,965 --> 00:05:00,167 You should've told me. 87 00:05:00,267 --> 00:05:03,170 I tried, really. 88 00:05:03,270 --> 00:05:05,339 You love to talk. 89 00:05:05,439 --> 00:05:08,509 If you really wanted to tell me, you would've done it. 90 00:05:08,609 --> 00:05:10,711 I was trying to help you, us. 91 00:05:10,811 --> 00:05:12,380 Oh, bullshit. You may not agree 92 00:05:12,480 --> 00:05:14,348 with everything that Gorbachev is doing, 93 00:05:14,448 --> 00:05:15,849 but he is trying to make things better. 94 00:05:15,949 --> 00:05:18,352 You lied to me for months because of Gorbachev? 95 00:05:18,452 --> 00:05:20,421 You've always done exactly what they tell us to do. 96 00:05:20,521 --> 00:05:22,390 I was trying to get you to think -- 97 00:05:22,490 --> 00:05:23,924 To think? -- I think -- -- to ask questions -- Yeah, to ask questions, 98 00:05:24,024 --> 00:05:25,258 to be a human being about these things. 99 00:05:25,359 --> 00:05:27,828 You don't think I'm a human being? 100 00:05:30,998 --> 00:05:33,066 That's not what I'm saying. 101 00:05:36,370 --> 00:05:38,071 I always... 102 00:05:38,171 --> 00:05:39,873 (inhales sharply) 103 00:05:39,973 --> 00:05:42,042 I would do anything for you. 104 00:05:44,111 --> 00:05:46,547 I did. I just did. 105 00:05:46,647 --> 00:05:47,681 But not anymore. 106 00:05:47,781 --> 00:05:49,082 And you do whatever you want. 107 00:05:49,182 --> 00:05:51,419 But please... some of these things... 108 00:05:52,285 --> 00:05:56,590 We believed in something so big. 109 00:05:58,392 --> 00:06:00,861 And...they tell us what to do and we do it, 110 00:06:00,961 --> 00:06:03,196 I get it, that's how it works, 111 00:06:03,296 --> 00:06:05,265 but...we do it. 112 00:06:05,365 --> 00:06:08,368 We do it, not them, 113 00:06:08,469 --> 00:06:13,306 so -- it's on us -- 114 00:06:13,407 --> 00:06:14,908 all of it... 115 00:06:21,715 --> 00:06:24,918 (footsteps depart) 116 00:06:25,018 --> 00:06:27,087 (breathes deeply) 117 00:06:28,989 --> 00:06:35,095 ** 118 00:06:35,195 --> 00:06:41,268 ** 119 00:06:41,368 --> 00:06:47,475 ** 120 00:06:47,575 --> 00:06:53,814 ** 121 00:06:56,283 --> 00:06:58,486 (piano playing, indistinct conversations) 122 00:06:58,586 --> 00:06:59,820 (laughs) 123 00:06:59,920 --> 00:07:02,990 (piano continues) 124 00:07:05,358 --> 00:07:06,994 Oh. Thanks, Wendy. 125 00:07:07,094 --> 00:07:08,295 Call you after the meeting? 126 00:07:08,395 --> 00:07:09,963 See you next week, Todd. Okay. 127 00:07:10,063 --> 00:07:12,466 (Conversations and music continue) 128 00:07:15,536 --> 00:07:17,304 Okay, so... 129 00:07:17,404 --> 00:07:20,307 (piano continues) 130 00:07:20,407 --> 00:07:21,274 Jackson. 131 00:07:21,374 --> 00:07:22,610 Ms. Gallagher. Wendy. 132 00:07:22,710 --> 00:07:25,513 Please. If you call me Ms. Gallagher I might throw up. 133 00:07:25,613 --> 00:07:26,814 (both laugh) 134 00:07:26,914 --> 00:07:28,716 I'm so sorry. But I can't stay. 135 00:07:28,816 --> 00:07:31,719 I know I said... But then the day just got crazy. Okay. It's no problem. 136 00:07:31,819 --> 00:07:33,353 Why don't you sit for a second while I... 137 00:07:33,453 --> 00:07:35,155 Sure. Yeah. 138 00:07:35,255 --> 00:07:37,324 (Conversations and music continue) 139 00:07:37,424 --> 00:07:39,860 (clears throat) So I, um -- I-I've been thinking a lot 140 00:07:39,960 --> 00:07:42,462 about the management training program at McAlraith. 141 00:07:42,563 --> 00:07:44,031 That's great. Yeah. No, I-I think -- 142 00:07:44,131 --> 00:07:45,533 I think it would be really good for me 143 00:07:45,633 --> 00:07:46,667 and all that, you know? 144 00:07:46,767 --> 00:07:49,169 And help me get out of Marietta, too... 145 00:07:49,269 --> 00:07:50,838 It could take you all over the world. 146 00:07:50,938 --> 00:07:52,806 And you'll be with people who care about culture 147 00:07:52,906 --> 00:07:54,207 as much as you do, 148 00:07:54,307 --> 00:07:56,343 not to mention make a little bit more money 149 00:07:56,443 --> 00:07:57,845 than you would in pavement sealing. 150 00:07:57,945 --> 00:07:59,346 (chuckles) Well, I, uh, 151 00:07:59,446 --> 00:08:00,848 wouldn't be so sure about that. 152 00:08:00,948 --> 00:08:02,349 But where do I sign? 153 00:08:02,449 --> 00:08:03,584 (both laugh) 154 00:08:03,684 --> 00:08:04,985 I'm close with the guy who runs the program 155 00:08:05,085 --> 00:08:06,654 and I know what he's looking for. 156 00:08:06,754 --> 00:08:08,355 I-I brought a résumé, actually. 157 00:08:08,455 --> 00:08:09,489 Great. 158 00:08:09,590 --> 00:08:14,227 ** 159 00:08:14,327 --> 00:08:15,362 Mm-hmm. 160 00:08:15,462 --> 00:08:16,930 Well, this is great. 161 00:08:17,030 --> 00:08:18,065 Okay. 162 00:08:18,165 --> 00:08:20,333 So, what I need from you now is -- 163 00:08:20,433 --> 00:08:22,035 -Here you go. -Thanks. 164 00:08:22,135 --> 00:08:23,503 For you to write up a report 165 00:08:23,604 --> 00:08:25,673 about the work you've been doing in Nunn's office. 166 00:08:25,773 --> 00:08:26,874 I can do that. 167 00:08:26,974 --> 00:08:28,842 Can you turn it over in twenty-four hours? 168 00:08:28,942 --> 00:08:30,077 Sure. 169 00:08:30,177 --> 00:08:32,179 Focus on what's important to the Senator, 170 00:08:32,279 --> 00:08:34,381 I don't know, arms control, the Summit. 171 00:08:34,481 --> 00:08:36,884 You decide. The more detail the better. 172 00:08:36,984 --> 00:08:39,720 They want to see how observant and well organized you are. 173 00:08:39,820 --> 00:08:41,288 And don't worry, 174 00:08:41,388 --> 00:08:44,224 the people who'll see it at McAlraith all have clearances, 175 00:08:44,324 --> 00:08:46,093 so don't worry about that. 176 00:08:47,728 --> 00:08:48,896 Okay. 177 00:08:50,130 --> 00:08:51,732 LOEB: So we got FISA overnight warrants 178 00:08:51,832 --> 00:08:53,266 for eleven of the garages, 179 00:08:53,366 --> 00:08:55,202 but we want to sit on 'em for at least forty-eight hours 180 00:08:55,302 --> 00:08:57,104 before entering, make sure we're okay. 181 00:08:57,204 --> 00:08:58,939 Good. Priests? Ganzel? 182 00:08:59,039 --> 00:09:02,976 Well, we've got ten Russian Orthodox priests active in D.C. 183 00:09:03,076 --> 00:09:05,112 One of them, a Father Victor, 184 00:09:05,212 --> 00:09:07,547 is very close to the Metropolitan. 185 00:09:07,648 --> 00:09:09,216 This guy was promoted to archpriest 186 00:09:09,316 --> 00:09:11,051 over more experienced priests. 187 00:09:11,151 --> 00:09:13,486 Maybe he's really good at waving incense. 188 00:09:13,587 --> 00:09:16,089 CIA says you can't move up the chain that fast 189 00:09:16,189 --> 00:09:18,626 without approval from the powers that be back home. 190 00:09:18,726 --> 00:09:20,427 Bring him in. Okay. 191 00:09:20,527 --> 00:09:23,063 Stan, anything with the cars? 192 00:09:23,163 --> 00:09:25,265 Uh, still going through the papers. Nothing yet. (door opens) 193 00:09:25,365 --> 00:09:28,101 What about Burov? The fact that he's here while all this shit's going down. 194 00:09:28,201 --> 00:09:30,838 (door closes) We haven't forgotten about him. 195 00:09:33,073 --> 00:09:34,975 (speaking Russian) 196 00:09:35,075 --> 00:09:37,110 INTERPRETER: I arrived on this visit to the Soviet -- 197 00:09:37,210 --> 00:09:40,413 to the United States of America in order to complete the work 198 00:09:40,513 --> 00:09:45,152 over the treaty, to sign the treaty on INF, 199 00:09:45,252 --> 00:09:47,354 and, uh -- for lesser range. 200 00:09:47,454 --> 00:09:50,457 That is that agreement which has been anticipated 201 00:09:50,557 --> 00:09:52,259 by all nations and the whole world. 202 00:09:52,359 --> 00:09:53,526 I have arrived in your country... 203 00:09:53,627 --> 00:09:55,696 It's so weird that he's here. 204 00:09:55,796 --> 00:09:57,164 ...to complete work... 205 00:09:57,264 --> 00:09:59,266 Do you... ...and to sign... 206 00:09:59,366 --> 00:10:01,201 You didn't ever meet him, did you? 207 00:10:01,301 --> 00:10:02,670 ...and shorter-range missiles... 208 00:10:02,770 --> 00:10:05,338 No. ...thus completing work on... 209 00:10:05,438 --> 00:10:07,975 Are you finished? Now that he's here? Signing the treaty? 210 00:10:08,075 --> 00:10:09,442 Ah. That was the INF. 211 00:10:09,542 --> 00:10:12,612 They're already working on another treaty, START, 212 00:10:12,713 --> 00:10:14,281 for larger offensive weapons. 213 00:10:14,381 --> 00:10:15,849 They'll be meeting for the next three days. 214 00:10:15,949 --> 00:10:18,051 We need to find out what's being said 215 00:10:18,151 --> 00:10:19,653 and see any documents... 216 00:10:19,753 --> 00:10:22,289 The work never ends. 217 00:10:22,389 --> 00:10:25,192 Actually, could you give Claudia and me a moment alone? 218 00:10:25,292 --> 00:10:26,660 Meet you in the car? 219 00:10:26,760 --> 00:10:27,661 Sure. 220 00:10:27,761 --> 00:10:29,029 (clears throat) 221 00:10:29,129 --> 00:10:30,698 (man speaking Russian on television) 222 00:10:30,798 --> 00:10:32,700 INTERPRETER: At the center of our discussions 223 00:10:32,800 --> 00:10:34,802 with the President of the United States... 224 00:10:34,902 --> 00:10:36,569 I'm so sorry about Marilyn. (door opens) 225 00:10:36,670 --> 00:10:38,806 ...pivotal questions of Soviet-American relations... 226 00:10:38,906 --> 00:10:40,340 Yeah. (door closes) 227 00:10:40,440 --> 00:10:42,342 ...questions of reducing strategic offensive arms. 228 00:10:42,442 --> 00:10:43,643 (inhales deeply) 229 00:10:43,744 --> 00:10:46,413 I saw something in Haskard's calendar. 230 00:10:46,513 --> 00:10:49,516 Nesterenko's meeting with a group of important Americans 231 00:10:49,616 --> 00:10:52,419 at Main State on Wednesday. Day two of the Summit. 232 00:10:52,519 --> 00:10:55,723 It looks like he'll be the only Soviet there. 233 00:10:55,823 --> 00:10:57,157 Haskard's going to the meeting. 234 00:10:57,257 --> 00:10:58,892 I'm going to put a listening device 235 00:10:58,992 --> 00:11:00,327 in his briefcase. 236 00:11:00,427 --> 00:11:02,863 (birds chirping) 237 00:11:45,705 --> 00:11:49,409 (Erica breathing raggedly) 238 00:11:52,880 --> 00:11:54,114 (sniffles) 239 00:11:54,214 --> 00:11:55,615 I did it. 240 00:11:57,284 --> 00:11:59,252 I did it. 241 00:11:59,352 --> 00:12:00,553 Something went wrong. 242 00:12:02,322 --> 00:12:04,825 You said this was gonna happen. 243 00:12:06,326 --> 00:12:08,461 It's my fault, but... 244 00:12:09,797 --> 00:12:11,799 I just -- I couldn't wait... 245 00:12:11,899 --> 00:12:14,134 What did you give her? The morphine. 246 00:12:14,234 --> 00:12:15,769 Everything I saved. 247 00:12:15,903 --> 00:12:18,972 She was begging me -- begging -- 248 00:12:19,072 --> 00:12:23,143 the pain, she -- she just couldn't take it anymore. 249 00:12:23,243 --> 00:12:24,744 How long has she been like this? 250 00:12:24,845 --> 00:12:26,313 Since yesterday. 251 00:12:26,413 --> 00:12:29,582 Nobody's seen her. 252 00:12:29,682 --> 00:12:33,486 I was going to call the hospital, but then... 253 00:12:33,586 --> 00:12:35,422 I was waiting for you. 254 00:12:35,522 --> 00:12:37,791 That was good. 255 00:12:37,891 --> 00:12:41,194 (breathes raggedly) 256 00:12:41,294 --> 00:12:42,495 Why isn't she dying? 257 00:12:42,595 --> 00:12:45,198 Her system's built up a tolerance. 258 00:12:47,100 --> 00:12:50,670 I waited too long. 259 00:12:50,770 --> 00:12:54,141 I knew I waited too long. 260 00:12:54,241 --> 00:12:57,277 So selfish. 261 00:12:57,377 --> 00:13:00,013 I had to go to my goddamn meetings. 262 00:13:00,113 --> 00:13:01,481 She said so. 263 00:13:01,581 --> 00:13:05,518 She was hurting so much, she actually said that to me. 264 00:13:05,618 --> 00:13:07,554 And she was right. 265 00:13:09,356 --> 00:13:13,460 I called my office, said I'm done. 266 00:13:13,560 --> 00:13:16,329 I can't come in anymore. 267 00:13:16,429 --> 00:13:19,666 And I -- I gave it to her. 268 00:13:21,468 --> 00:13:22,669 Now this. 269 00:13:22,769 --> 00:13:25,205 (ragged breathing continues) 270 00:13:29,843 --> 00:13:32,645 Glenn. It's going to be all right. 271 00:13:32,745 --> 00:13:35,515 (ragged breathing continues) 272 00:13:35,615 --> 00:13:37,817 Say goodbye to her now. 273 00:13:37,918 --> 00:13:41,054 (sobs) 274 00:13:44,091 --> 00:13:46,493 Say goodbye, then leave. 275 00:13:48,495 --> 00:13:49,930 (sniffles) 276 00:13:50,030 --> 00:13:52,365 (ragged breathing continues) 277 00:14:13,086 --> 00:14:16,356 (footsteps depart) 278 00:14:16,456 --> 00:14:17,357 (door closes) 279 00:14:17,457 --> 00:14:19,726 (ragged breathing continues) 280 00:14:37,377 --> 00:14:44,217 ** 281 00:14:44,317 --> 00:14:51,091 ** 282 00:14:51,191 --> 00:14:58,098 ** 283 00:14:58,198 --> 00:15:05,005 ** 284 00:15:05,105 --> 00:15:11,979 ** 285 00:15:12,079 --> 00:15:18,952 ** 286 00:15:19,052 --> 00:15:25,792 ** 287 00:15:25,892 --> 00:15:32,665 ** 288 00:15:32,765 --> 00:15:34,667 (breathes deeply) 289 00:15:34,767 --> 00:15:36,836 ** 290 00:15:36,936 --> 00:15:40,273 (gagging) 291 00:15:40,373 --> 00:15:44,477 ** 292 00:15:44,577 --> 00:15:48,648 ** 293 00:15:48,748 --> 00:15:51,985 (gasping) 294 00:15:52,085 --> 00:15:57,690 ** 295 00:15:57,790 --> 00:16:03,463 ** 296 00:16:03,563 --> 00:16:07,034 (bed creaking) 297 00:16:07,134 --> 00:16:12,672 ** 298 00:16:12,772 --> 00:16:18,345 ** 299 00:16:18,445 --> 00:16:24,017 ** 300 00:16:24,117 --> 00:16:29,722 ** 301 00:16:29,822 --> 00:16:35,562 ** 302 00:16:39,032 --> 00:16:41,201 (vehicle passing) 303 00:16:46,539 --> 00:16:48,741 (birds chirping) 304 00:17:25,312 --> 00:17:28,248 (footsteps approach) 305 00:17:39,892 --> 00:17:41,060 She's gone. 306 00:17:41,161 --> 00:17:42,629 (sighs) 307 00:17:42,729 --> 00:17:44,797 (sniffles) 308 00:17:45,798 --> 00:17:49,636 You should head upstairs. And spend some time with her. 309 00:17:49,736 --> 00:17:51,238 It's your last chance. 310 00:17:51,338 --> 00:17:53,340 (sniffling) 311 00:17:57,310 --> 00:17:59,446 (exhales heavily) 312 00:18:05,585 --> 00:18:08,288 (vehicles passing) 313 00:18:34,281 --> 00:18:37,984 ** 314 00:18:38,084 --> 00:18:41,721 ** 315 00:18:41,821 --> 00:18:43,156 (latches click) 316 00:18:43,256 --> 00:18:47,460 ** 317 00:18:47,560 --> 00:18:51,698 ** 318 00:18:51,798 --> 00:18:55,335 (camera shutter clicking) 319 00:18:55,435 --> 00:19:02,309 ** 320 00:19:02,409 --> 00:19:09,148 ** 321 00:19:09,249 --> 00:19:11,351 (indistinct conversations) 322 00:19:11,451 --> 00:19:15,021 ** 323 00:19:15,121 --> 00:19:16,389 Did we show the old ones 324 00:19:16,489 --> 00:19:18,991 to the guy who was driving Harvest's car? 325 00:19:19,091 --> 00:19:21,594 Yeah. After he did his. He said maybe. 326 00:19:21,694 --> 00:19:23,062 He said maybe, 327 00:19:23,162 --> 00:19:24,864 after describing them this way? 328 00:19:24,964 --> 00:19:26,766 It's impossible. 329 00:19:26,866 --> 00:19:28,568 Those disguises. 330 00:19:28,668 --> 00:19:32,205 ** 331 00:19:32,305 --> 00:19:35,575 ** 332 00:19:35,675 --> 00:19:40,847 Well, they're either all the same people, 333 00:19:40,947 --> 00:19:43,115 or all different people. 334 00:19:43,216 --> 00:19:49,889 ** 335 00:19:49,989 --> 00:19:53,092 (birds chirping, vehicles passing) 336 00:19:53,192 --> 00:19:55,928 GLENN: Stephanie? 337 00:19:56,028 --> 00:19:58,064 Can you come up here? 338 00:19:58,164 --> 00:20:00,066 Coming. 339 00:20:18,751 --> 00:20:21,488 She really... 340 00:20:28,227 --> 00:20:31,130 (sighs) 341 00:20:31,230 --> 00:20:32,799 Pick one. 342 00:20:34,166 --> 00:20:36,403 What? No. I can't. 343 00:20:36,503 --> 00:20:39,839 No. It -- It's important to me. 344 00:20:39,939 --> 00:20:42,409 I want you to take one. 345 00:21:02,862 --> 00:21:03,996 Take it. 346 00:21:09,336 --> 00:21:11,604 (vehicles passing) 347 00:21:19,211 --> 00:21:22,782 (train passes in distance) 348 00:22:04,156 --> 00:22:10,897 ** 349 00:22:10,997 --> 00:22:17,704 ** 350 00:22:17,804 --> 00:22:24,444 ** 351 00:22:24,544 --> 00:22:31,217 ** 352 00:22:31,317 --> 00:22:38,024 ** 353 00:22:38,124 --> 00:22:44,864 ** 354 00:22:44,964 --> 00:22:51,604 ** 355 00:22:51,704 --> 00:22:58,445 ** 356 00:22:58,545 --> 00:23:05,217 ** 357 00:23:05,317 --> 00:23:11,924 ** 358 00:23:12,024 --> 00:23:18,765 ** 359 00:23:18,865 --> 00:23:25,605 ** 360 00:23:25,705 --> 00:23:32,411 ** 361 00:23:32,512 --> 00:23:39,151 ** 362 00:23:39,251 --> 00:23:45,958 ** 363 00:23:46,058 --> 00:23:52,665 ** 364 00:23:52,765 --> 00:23:59,506 ** 365 00:23:59,606 --> 00:24:06,312 ** 366 00:24:06,412 --> 00:24:08,848 (fire crackles) 367 00:24:08,948 --> 00:24:13,285 ** 368 00:24:13,385 --> 00:24:17,857 ** 369 00:24:24,396 --> 00:24:25,732 (gasps) There he is... 370 00:24:25,832 --> 00:24:26,666 Hey. 371 00:24:26,766 --> 00:24:28,000 Come on in. 372 00:24:28,100 --> 00:24:29,669 How you doing? Good. 373 00:24:29,769 --> 00:24:31,470 (door closes) 374 00:24:34,040 --> 00:24:35,041 Ta da! 375 00:24:35,141 --> 00:24:36,342 Ooh, what's this? 376 00:24:36,442 --> 00:24:38,344 Your new briefcase. Which you're going to need 377 00:24:38,444 --> 00:24:40,346 in the McAlraith management training program. 378 00:24:40,446 --> 00:24:42,014 (laughing) Oh, my God. 379 00:24:42,114 --> 00:24:43,082 (chuckles) 380 00:24:43,182 --> 00:24:44,817 Whoa, it's got my initials on it. 381 00:24:44,917 --> 00:24:46,819 Well, your bag is cool, 382 00:24:46,919 --> 00:24:48,721 but I couldn't send you into the big, bad world 383 00:24:48,821 --> 00:24:50,757 without making you look like a real grown-up. 384 00:24:50,857 --> 00:24:51,924 (chuckles) 385 00:24:52,024 --> 00:24:53,560 This is great. Thank you. 386 00:24:53,660 --> 00:24:55,227 You're welcome. 387 00:24:55,327 --> 00:24:56,896 Come on in. It's a little chaotic in here, 388 00:24:56,996 --> 00:24:59,899 I'm always half living out of a suitcase. 389 00:24:59,999 --> 00:25:01,400 Ooh. Yikes. 390 00:25:01,500 --> 00:25:02,769 (chuckles) 391 00:25:02,869 --> 00:25:04,003 Hey. Let's celebrate. 392 00:25:04,103 --> 00:25:06,205 Do you drink? I don't want to corrupt you. 393 00:25:06,305 --> 00:25:08,007 (chuckles) Um... 394 00:25:08,107 --> 00:25:09,742 Yeah, I drink. I'm twenty-one. 395 00:25:09,842 --> 00:25:11,177 Good. 396 00:25:11,277 --> 00:25:15,414 (cork pops) Oh, yeah, I brought a copy 397 00:25:15,514 --> 00:25:18,250 of, uh, The Big Heat if you have a VCR. 398 00:25:18,350 --> 00:25:19,285 Oh, great. 399 00:25:19,385 --> 00:25:20,519 Yeah. 400 00:25:20,620 --> 00:25:22,421 Uh, my colleague loved your report, by the way. 401 00:25:22,521 --> 00:25:23,623 (liquid pours) Yeah? 402 00:25:23,723 --> 00:25:24,891 Said you're a great writer. 403 00:25:24,991 --> 00:25:26,859 (chuckles) All the detail was perfect. 404 00:25:26,959 --> 00:25:28,761 So expect a call from him next week. 405 00:25:28,861 --> 00:25:31,598 Although don't tell anyone until you get the official offer. 406 00:25:31,698 --> 00:25:32,932 (chuckles) Of course. 407 00:25:33,032 --> 00:25:34,867 To Jackson! Yeah. And to you. 408 00:25:34,967 --> 00:25:36,102 (glasses clink) 409 00:25:37,937 --> 00:25:39,371 Mmm. Mmm. 410 00:25:39,471 --> 00:25:41,874 You know, this is such an exciting time. 411 00:25:41,974 --> 00:25:44,376 I'm a small town girl myself. 412 00:25:44,476 --> 00:25:49,048 And, uh, McAlraith just really changed my whole life. 413 00:25:49,148 --> 00:25:51,083 Yeah? Oh. Totally. 414 00:25:51,183 --> 00:25:54,220 Just made me feel like a grown-up: 415 00:25:54,320 --> 00:25:58,257 traveling all over the world, and meeting new people, 416 00:25:58,357 --> 00:26:01,460 I just wasn't my parents' little kid anymore... 417 00:26:01,560 --> 00:26:03,062 Thank God I went to Rififi. 418 00:26:03,162 --> 00:26:04,230 (both laugh) 419 00:26:04,330 --> 00:26:06,098 Hey, you made me look good too. 420 00:26:06,198 --> 00:26:07,433 Believe me, at my age... (chuckles) 421 00:26:07,533 --> 00:26:09,769 I don't think you need to worry about that. 422 00:26:09,902 --> 00:26:10,837 What? 423 00:26:10,937 --> 00:26:13,072 Oh. Heyyy... 424 00:26:13,172 --> 00:26:14,974 Oh, I didn't -- I didn't mean... Oh, you didn't? 425 00:26:15,074 --> 00:26:16,643 Oh (chuckles) that's sad. 426 00:26:16,743 --> 00:26:17,844 No, I mean, I -- 427 00:26:17,944 --> 00:26:20,179 You know, I did, I just... 428 00:26:21,147 --> 00:26:22,414 What? 429 00:26:27,086 --> 00:26:29,455 You what, Jackson? 430 00:26:37,196 --> 00:26:43,435 ** 431 00:26:43,535 --> 00:26:49,776 ** 432 00:26:49,876 --> 00:26:56,115 ** 433 00:26:56,215 --> 00:27:02,388 ** 434 00:27:02,488 --> 00:27:08,695 ** 435 00:27:08,795 --> 00:27:15,234 ** 436 00:27:32,885 --> 00:27:35,254 (doorknob rattling, door opens) 437 00:27:35,354 --> 00:27:36,655 Hi, honey. Hey. 438 00:27:36,756 --> 00:27:38,057 (keys jangle) 439 00:27:38,157 --> 00:27:40,760 I got hung up at work, wanna go out for Thai food? 440 00:27:40,860 --> 00:27:42,895 Ah, that sounds good. 441 00:27:47,599 --> 00:27:49,601 What is it? 442 00:27:49,702 --> 00:27:51,403 Did Dennis do this? 443 00:27:51,503 --> 00:27:53,105 Do what? 444 00:27:54,106 --> 00:27:57,376 I got a job interview at the FBI next week. 445 00:27:57,476 --> 00:27:58,677 In Personnel. 446 00:27:58,778 --> 00:28:00,679 Wow. That's great. 447 00:28:00,780 --> 00:28:02,181 Lemme see. 448 00:28:02,281 --> 00:28:03,716 Dennis said he spoke to Wolfe, 449 00:28:03,816 --> 00:28:07,787 but I didn't think it would happen this fast. 450 00:28:07,887 --> 00:28:09,555 I told you they don't get too many applicants 451 00:28:09,655 --> 00:28:11,557 with your experience in management. 452 00:28:11,657 --> 00:28:12,892 What'll they ask me? 453 00:28:12,992 --> 00:28:14,927 Oh, same things they'd ask you anywhere else -- 454 00:28:15,027 --> 00:28:17,296 except they'll want to know if you're a loyal American. 455 00:28:17,396 --> 00:28:18,965 And if you can keep a secret. 456 00:28:19,799 --> 00:28:21,700 I don't have to memorize state capitals or something? 457 00:28:21,801 --> 00:28:22,935 Oh, you're going to do great. 458 00:28:23,035 --> 00:28:24,570 Just be yourself, tell the truth 459 00:28:24,670 --> 00:28:26,806 and they will love you, like I do. 460 00:28:26,906 --> 00:28:29,141 Well, okay, maybe not like that. 461 00:28:29,241 --> 00:28:30,910 But you will knock them dead! 462 00:28:31,010 --> 00:28:32,378 (sighing) Yeah. 463 00:28:32,478 --> 00:28:34,113 JANE PAULEY: The INF agreement signed yesterday 464 00:28:34,213 --> 00:28:36,415 was only the backdrop for the superpower meeting. 465 00:28:36,515 --> 00:28:38,751 I'm sorry I have to rush out, my day's packed. 466 00:28:38,851 --> 00:28:40,753 (chuckles) Me too. Everyone's running around 467 00:28:40,853 --> 00:28:42,755 like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off. 468 00:28:42,855 --> 00:28:44,556 (both laugh) Yeah, the Summit. 469 00:28:44,656 --> 00:28:47,226 A lot of my clients, too. Mm. 470 00:28:47,326 --> 00:28:50,129 Actually, I wonder if you could do me a favor. 471 00:28:50,229 --> 00:28:52,264 Oh. Uh, what? 472 00:28:52,364 --> 00:28:54,166 Well, no, you probably can't just 473 00:28:54,266 --> 00:28:55,835 waltz in and out of the State Department. 474 00:28:55,935 --> 00:28:57,303 (chuckles) Uh, no. 475 00:28:57,403 --> 00:28:59,471 I mean, sure I can. I can -- I can get in anywhere. 476 00:28:59,571 --> 00:29:00,807 Wh-What do you need? 477 00:29:00,907 --> 00:29:02,641 Well, one of my clients is working closely 478 00:29:02,741 --> 00:29:03,976 with the Department of Defense. 479 00:29:04,076 --> 00:29:06,678 They have this major meeting at Main State today. 480 00:29:06,779 --> 00:29:08,781 I'm supposed to get them these documents before, 481 00:29:08,881 --> 00:29:10,516 but his flight got delayed 482 00:29:10,616 --> 00:29:12,418 and I'm supposed to be at these meetings all over this morning. 483 00:29:12,518 --> 00:29:14,020 I can do it. Really? 484 00:29:14,120 --> 00:29:15,621 Yeah. (chuckles) Oh. 485 00:29:15,721 --> 00:29:17,323 That would be such a life-saver. 486 00:29:17,423 --> 00:29:20,793 Um, I just have all these little things all over the city. 487 00:29:20,893 --> 00:29:24,263 You'd just have to leave this for him in room 6226. 488 00:29:24,363 --> 00:29:25,164 Okay. 489 00:29:25,264 --> 00:29:26,765 Just put it in a corner. 490 00:29:26,866 --> 00:29:29,635 Or actually maybe put a piece of Senator Nunn's stationery on top 491 00:29:29,735 --> 00:29:32,371 with "Fred Sperber, DoD" so no one takes it. 492 00:29:32,471 --> 00:29:34,874 Fred Sperber. Okay. Yeah, sure. 493 00:29:34,974 --> 00:29:36,675 (sighs) My knight in shining armor. 494 00:29:36,775 --> 00:29:38,444 (both chuckle) 495 00:29:39,979 --> 00:29:42,148 Oh, I wish I could stay. 496 00:29:42,248 --> 00:29:43,149 Later. 497 00:29:43,249 --> 00:29:44,150 (chuckles) 498 00:29:44,250 --> 00:29:46,385 (chuckles) Bye. 499 00:29:46,485 --> 00:29:48,020 Bye. (chuckles) 500 00:29:48,120 --> 00:29:51,157 And then the President says that's all well and good, 501 00:29:51,257 --> 00:29:53,459 but that's not what... 502 00:30:00,399 --> 00:30:02,701 (indistinct conversations) 503 00:30:04,736 --> 00:30:07,306 (telephone ringing) (sighs) 504 00:30:12,178 --> 00:30:13,479 (ringing stops) 505 00:30:13,579 --> 00:30:16,382 Yes. This is Johnny from Dupont Circle Travel. 506 00:30:16,482 --> 00:30:18,851 (indistinct conversation) 507 00:30:25,324 --> 00:30:28,594 (dialing) 508 00:30:28,694 --> 00:30:29,896 (sighs) 509 00:30:29,996 --> 00:30:31,663 (ringing) (sniffs) 510 00:30:31,763 --> 00:30:33,032 YOUNG MAN: Hello? 511 00:30:33,132 --> 00:30:35,701 Hi. Is Henry Jennings there? It's his father calling. 512 00:30:35,801 --> 00:30:37,836 I think he's at hockey practice. 513 00:30:38,871 --> 00:30:40,839 Uh, can you check? 514 00:30:40,940 --> 00:30:42,942 Sure. 515 00:30:43,042 --> 00:30:45,011 Hey, is Henry around? 516 00:30:45,111 --> 00:30:47,679 His dad's on the phone! 517 00:30:49,281 --> 00:30:51,050 No. Sorry. He's not here. 518 00:30:51,150 --> 00:30:53,886 Okay, uh, just, uh -- Just tell him I called. 519 00:30:53,986 --> 00:30:55,554 Nothing important. Just saying hi. 520 00:30:55,654 --> 00:30:57,957 Okay. Thanks. 521 00:30:58,057 --> 00:30:59,258 (receiver clicks) 522 00:30:59,358 --> 00:31:01,193 (inhales sharply) 523 00:31:02,794 --> 00:31:05,597 (exhales sharply) 524 00:31:05,697 --> 00:31:07,866 (sighs) 525 00:31:11,137 --> 00:31:13,572 (up-tempo music playing) 526 00:31:13,672 --> 00:31:15,774 (door closes) MAN: Thanks. 527 00:31:15,874 --> 00:31:18,210 (music continues) 528 00:31:18,310 --> 00:31:19,278 What can I get for you? 529 00:31:19,378 --> 00:31:22,448 Curtis, remember me? 530 00:31:23,615 --> 00:31:24,750 Yeah. 531 00:31:24,850 --> 00:31:26,485 You're not in trouble, it's nothing like that. 532 00:31:26,585 --> 00:31:28,554 I just want to ask you a few questions. 533 00:31:28,654 --> 00:31:30,422 Won't take long. 534 00:31:30,522 --> 00:31:32,891 Hey, Melvin, gimme a second over here. 535 00:31:32,992 --> 00:31:34,093 Mm-hmm. 536 00:31:34,193 --> 00:31:36,395 (music continues) 537 00:31:45,237 --> 00:31:47,773 (sighs) 538 00:31:47,873 --> 00:31:50,842 When you were working with Gregory Thomas, 539 00:31:50,943 --> 00:31:54,146 you remember the woman he was hanging out with? 540 00:31:55,414 --> 00:31:57,149 It was a long time ago. 541 00:31:57,249 --> 00:31:59,418 There was a lot of women. 542 00:31:59,518 --> 00:32:02,288 At the time, you said there was one in particular, 543 00:32:02,388 --> 00:32:03,655 a white woman -- 544 00:32:03,755 --> 00:32:06,825 you saw them hanging out together a bunch of times. 545 00:32:10,029 --> 00:32:11,863 Is that her? 546 00:32:16,768 --> 00:32:18,604 I never really... 547 00:32:20,706 --> 00:32:24,043 Gregory kept her coming and going pretty private. 548 00:32:26,112 --> 00:32:29,781 It could be her. It could not. 549 00:32:30,882 --> 00:32:33,052 Do you remember anything about her, 550 00:32:33,152 --> 00:32:34,953 anything at all? 551 00:32:36,655 --> 00:32:39,691 She was beautiful. 552 00:32:39,791 --> 00:32:43,795 Had incredible hair. Like those Vidal Sassoon ads. 553 00:32:43,895 --> 00:32:45,231 Anything else? 554 00:32:45,331 --> 00:32:49,035 (music continues) 555 00:32:49,135 --> 00:32:50,802 She smoked like a chimney. 556 00:32:54,573 --> 00:32:58,477 I gotta get back to work, if we're done here. 557 00:32:58,577 --> 00:33:00,212 Yeah. 558 00:33:00,312 --> 00:33:02,181 Yeah, thanks. 559 00:33:02,281 --> 00:33:06,918 (music continues) 560 00:33:07,019 --> 00:33:08,154 Hold on a second. 561 00:33:08,254 --> 00:33:10,522 I got something for ya. 562 00:33:10,622 --> 00:33:12,891 (music continues) 563 00:33:19,865 --> 00:33:22,834 You kept your word. 564 00:33:22,934 --> 00:33:26,605 I did a little time after, but never for that. 565 00:33:26,705 --> 00:33:28,774 (music continues) 566 00:33:37,549 --> 00:33:39,451 JACKSON: Hello? Jackson? 567 00:33:39,551 --> 00:33:40,886 Yeah. Hey! It's Wendy. 568 00:33:40,986 --> 00:33:42,221 Oh, hey. So, listen. 569 00:33:42,321 --> 00:33:44,056 After all that, the meeting was cancelled. 570 00:33:44,156 --> 00:33:45,357 (scoffs) Oh. 571 00:33:45,457 --> 00:33:47,793 I'm hate to ask you this, but is there any way 572 00:33:47,893 --> 00:33:50,462 you could swing by the room and pick up that stuff for me? 573 00:33:50,562 --> 00:33:51,530 Um, yeah, sure. 574 00:33:51,630 --> 00:33:53,632 Oh, you're the best. Thanks. 575 00:33:53,732 --> 00:33:54,766 (chuckles) 576 00:33:54,866 --> 00:33:56,568 Just meet me at my car. Okay. 577 00:34:09,715 --> 00:34:11,383 (door opens) 578 00:34:13,319 --> 00:34:14,486 (sighs) 579 00:34:16,255 --> 00:34:18,090 Can I come in? 580 00:34:19,825 --> 00:34:21,627 No. 581 00:34:23,329 --> 00:34:25,063 (sighs) 582 00:34:28,434 --> 00:34:31,002 I just want you to know how sorry I am. 583 00:34:31,837 --> 00:34:34,640 Yeah. You said this. At the office. 584 00:34:38,744 --> 00:34:40,579 (sighs) 585 00:34:40,679 --> 00:34:43,115 You were there from the beginning, Stavos. 586 00:34:44,116 --> 00:34:46,485 It's not like you don't mean anything to us. 587 00:34:46,585 --> 00:34:48,320 You do. 588 00:34:48,420 --> 00:34:51,923 And you probably look at me and you think I'm doing great 589 00:34:52,023 --> 00:34:54,126 with all these fancy clothes and a nice car, 590 00:34:54,226 --> 00:35:01,167 and the agency's remodeled... but the truth is 591 00:35:01,267 --> 00:35:02,668 we're in trouble. 592 00:35:04,436 --> 00:35:07,773 And I don't know if the business is going to survive. 593 00:35:08,707 --> 00:35:12,211 And we're doing pretty bad personally. 594 00:35:12,311 --> 00:35:14,346 Financially. 595 00:35:14,446 --> 00:35:16,682 In a way, it is better 596 00:35:16,782 --> 00:35:19,451 you got out earlier than later. 597 00:35:19,551 --> 00:35:22,354 You can start to look for a job. 598 00:35:25,691 --> 00:35:29,795 I-I started working for you when the business was small. 599 00:35:31,230 --> 00:35:34,500 I watched your kids grow up. 600 00:35:34,600 --> 00:35:38,670 (whispering) Whatever was going on in the back room, 601 00:35:38,770 --> 00:35:40,539 I never called the police. 602 00:35:40,639 --> 00:35:42,007 ** 603 00:35:42,107 --> 00:35:45,043 I never said anything to anyone. 604 00:35:45,143 --> 00:35:46,878 And I never will. 605 00:35:46,978 --> 00:35:50,081 ** 606 00:35:50,182 --> 00:35:52,551 I was raised to be loyal. 607 00:35:52,651 --> 00:35:58,357 ** 608 00:35:58,457 --> 00:35:59,991 (door closes) 609 00:36:00,091 --> 00:36:04,696 ** 610 00:36:04,796 --> 00:36:09,401 ** 611 00:36:09,501 --> 00:36:14,072 ** 612 00:36:14,172 --> 00:36:17,376 (indistinct conversations) 613 00:36:17,476 --> 00:36:22,881 ** 614 00:36:22,981 --> 00:36:28,354 ** 615 00:36:28,454 --> 00:36:33,859 ** 616 00:36:33,959 --> 00:36:39,365 ** 617 00:36:39,465 --> 00:36:44,803 ** 618 00:36:44,903 --> 00:36:50,208 ** 619 00:36:50,309 --> 00:36:52,411 My knight in shining armor. 620 00:36:52,511 --> 00:36:53,912 (laughs) 621 00:36:55,547 --> 00:36:56,615 What? 622 00:36:57,816 --> 00:37:00,218 Come on. Let's go. Get in the car. 623 00:37:12,130 --> 00:37:14,300 (engine starts) 624 00:37:24,075 --> 00:37:27,012 What, Jackson? I'm not a mind-reader. 625 00:37:28,580 --> 00:37:29,948 When I picked up your documents... 626 00:37:30,048 --> 00:37:32,518 there was this meeting going on in 6226 627 00:37:32,618 --> 00:37:33,985 about water resources in Ghana. 628 00:37:34,085 --> 00:37:35,587 It was really packed. 629 00:37:35,687 --> 00:37:37,923 And so then I went in, and I got the stuff out of the corner. 630 00:37:38,023 --> 00:37:40,258 And then on the way out, I noticed, 631 00:37:40,359 --> 00:37:41,860 on the clipboard by the door -- that they'd -- 632 00:37:41,960 --> 00:37:43,295 they'd been in there since eleven o'clock, 633 00:37:43,395 --> 00:37:45,130 and that there was just one meeting before them. 634 00:37:45,230 --> 00:37:46,632 Some, like, Summit thing. 635 00:37:46,732 --> 00:37:47,966 So? 636 00:37:49,167 --> 00:37:51,136 There was no cancelled meetings. 637 00:37:51,236 --> 00:37:55,040 Well, I don't know the way the rooms work at State, Jackson. 638 00:37:59,110 --> 00:38:01,146 Well, I looked in the files. 639 00:38:11,990 --> 00:38:15,661 Okay, listen. This is not a big deal. 640 00:38:15,761 --> 00:38:17,896 You had me bug a meeting at the State Department! 641 00:38:17,996 --> 00:38:19,030 Bug a meeting? 642 00:38:19,130 --> 00:38:21,733 (chuckling) Okay, first of all, 643 00:38:21,833 --> 00:38:23,234 the meeting never happened, right? 644 00:38:23,335 --> 00:38:26,738 And secondly...my client was supposed to be there. 645 00:38:26,838 --> 00:38:28,674 This is like... a way of taking notes. 646 00:38:28,774 --> 00:38:30,175 What are you talking about?!? This is illegal! 647 00:38:30,275 --> 00:38:33,512 Jackson, my client wanted the details 648 00:38:33,612 --> 00:38:36,348 of a meeting to help prepare a bid for a contract. 649 00:38:36,448 --> 00:38:38,083 I know you're young and it might seem strange 650 00:38:38,183 --> 00:38:39,518 because you've never done it before, 651 00:38:39,618 --> 00:38:41,186 but this is the real world. 652 00:38:41,286 --> 00:38:43,755 I mean, this is what you do to get a competitive edge. 653 00:38:43,855 --> 00:38:45,424 So then that's what the police would call this? 654 00:38:45,524 --> 00:38:46,492 A competitive edge? 655 00:38:46,592 --> 00:38:50,095 Okay, just hang on a second. 656 00:38:50,195 --> 00:38:56,334 ** 657 00:38:56,435 --> 00:38:57,403 (brakes squeal) 658 00:38:57,503 --> 00:38:58,870 JACKSON: What is going on here? 659 00:38:58,970 --> 00:39:01,039 Who are you? I mean, I don't -- 660 00:39:01,139 --> 00:39:03,041 I don't get it, I thought that maybe you -- Okay. Okay. 661 00:39:03,141 --> 00:39:05,176 Hey, listen to me. 662 00:39:05,276 --> 00:39:07,779 Jackson, you're a -- you're a sensitive guy. 663 00:39:07,879 --> 00:39:09,381 And I understand -- I'm not sensitive. 664 00:39:09,481 --> 00:39:12,384 And I'm not an idiot, either, okay? People don't do this. 665 00:39:12,484 --> 00:39:14,853 I know. My father is in business. He would not do this. 666 00:39:14,953 --> 00:39:17,789 I will -- I'll call him right now and ask him, okay? 667 00:39:17,889 --> 00:39:18,757 Jackson! 668 00:39:18,857 --> 00:39:21,460 ** 669 00:39:21,560 --> 00:39:23,094 Close the door. 670 00:39:23,194 --> 00:39:27,399 ** 671 00:39:27,499 --> 00:39:31,603 ** 672 00:39:31,703 --> 00:39:33,271 I wanna go. 673 00:39:33,371 --> 00:39:38,777 ** 674 00:39:38,877 --> 00:39:44,215 ** 675 00:39:44,315 --> 00:39:49,721 ** 676 00:39:49,821 --> 00:39:50,922 Listen to me. 677 00:39:51,022 --> 00:39:53,291 ** 678 00:39:53,391 --> 00:39:56,227 Don't mention this to your father. 679 00:39:56,327 --> 00:40:00,666 You're old enough now to keep some things to yourself. 680 00:40:00,766 --> 00:40:03,602 Don't mention this to anybody. 681 00:40:03,702 --> 00:40:05,170 Do you understand? 682 00:40:05,270 --> 00:40:07,606 Can I go? 683 00:40:07,706 --> 00:40:09,975 Tell me that you understand. 684 00:40:10,075 --> 00:40:12,511 ** 685 00:40:12,611 --> 00:40:15,146 I don't understand. 686 00:40:15,246 --> 00:40:20,351 ** 687 00:40:20,452 --> 00:40:25,624 ** 688 00:40:25,724 --> 00:40:30,829 ** 689 00:40:30,929 --> 00:40:34,265 Go back to school. 690 00:40:34,365 --> 00:40:38,003 Enjoy your last semester. 691 00:40:38,103 --> 00:40:40,972 And go into the pavement business. 692 00:40:41,072 --> 00:40:44,009 I don't think McAlraith is the right fit for you. 693 00:40:44,109 --> 00:40:48,146 ** 694 00:40:48,246 --> 00:40:49,147 Go. 695 00:40:49,247 --> 00:40:54,352 ** 696 00:40:54,452 --> 00:40:57,989 ** 697 00:40:58,089 --> 00:41:02,360 (engine idling) 698 00:41:02,460 --> 00:41:04,530 (breathing heavily) 699 00:41:04,630 --> 00:41:10,235 ** 700 00:41:14,005 --> 00:41:16,307 (classical music playing) 701 00:41:26,051 --> 00:41:28,520 SALESMAN: That hangs perfectly. 702 00:41:30,556 --> 00:41:32,323 I love this cut on you. 703 00:41:32,423 --> 00:41:35,226 (music continues) 704 00:41:35,326 --> 00:41:37,763 You don't like it? 705 00:41:37,863 --> 00:41:39,765 It's fine. 706 00:41:39,865 --> 00:41:42,267 We just need to take up the sleeve, hem the trousers, 707 00:41:42,367 --> 00:41:44,335 that's it. 708 00:41:44,435 --> 00:41:45,671 It's beautiful. 709 00:41:45,771 --> 00:41:48,073 (music continues) 710 00:41:51,577 --> 00:41:53,411 FYODOR: ...unusual to call this meeting, 711 00:41:53,511 --> 00:41:56,782 but General Secretary Gorbachev asked me to convey a message, 712 00:41:56,882 --> 00:41:59,585 outside regular channels. 713 00:41:59,685 --> 00:42:04,055 Now that INF has been signed and we are moving on to START, 714 00:42:04,155 --> 00:42:06,892 he wants you to understand he's completely sincere 715 00:42:06,992 --> 00:42:11,229 about what he told President Reagan in Reykjavik. 716 00:42:11,329 --> 00:42:13,031 His goal is not only reducing 717 00:42:13,131 --> 00:42:15,601 number of long-range nuclear missiles 718 00:42:15,701 --> 00:42:18,536 that our two countries have pointed at each other. 719 00:42:18,637 --> 00:42:23,642 What he wants is total elimination of nuclear weapons. 720 00:42:23,742 --> 00:42:25,276 In order to accomplish this, 721 00:42:25,376 --> 00:42:27,713 he is now ready to go even further. 722 00:42:27,813 --> 00:42:31,316 At Reykjavik, he expressed a strong opposition to SDI. 723 00:42:31,416 --> 00:42:33,919 He's not yet willing to change that position publicly, 724 00:42:34,019 --> 00:42:38,089 but I am authorized to tell the people in this room, 725 00:42:38,189 --> 00:42:42,460 if you agree to complete nuclear disarmament, 726 00:42:42,560 --> 00:42:46,064 he will drop all opposition to SDI. 727 00:42:46,164 --> 00:42:48,634 He will agree to all American requirements 728 00:42:48,734 --> 00:42:50,969 for a verification regime. 729 00:42:51,069 --> 00:42:56,975 Full elimination -- this is his greatest dream. 730 00:42:57,075 --> 00:43:00,478 For his legacy, for President Reagan, 731 00:43:00,578 --> 00:43:02,313 for the world. 732 00:43:04,115 --> 00:43:06,284 (birds chirping) 733 00:43:06,384 --> 00:43:08,687 (footsteps approaching) 734 00:43:13,491 --> 00:43:15,426 You smoke too much. 735 00:43:15,526 --> 00:43:17,595 So I've been told. 736 00:43:19,597 --> 00:43:20,666 (inhales sharply) 737 00:43:20,766 --> 00:43:23,201 From Haskard's briefcase? 738 00:43:23,301 --> 00:43:24,703 No. 739 00:43:24,803 --> 00:43:26,337 Erica died, 740 00:43:26,437 --> 00:43:28,807 Haskard stopped working before the meeting. 741 00:43:28,907 --> 00:43:31,710 I got in with my contact at Sam Nunn's office. 742 00:43:31,810 --> 00:43:36,147 Nesterenko didn't say anything suspicious at the meeting. 743 00:43:36,247 --> 00:43:39,017 It doesn't matter. We got new orders. 744 00:43:39,117 --> 00:43:42,988 You need to take care of him. 745 00:43:43,088 --> 00:43:45,056 Today or tomorrow. 746 00:43:52,230 --> 00:43:54,499 (indistinct conversations) 747 00:44:04,976 --> 00:44:06,745 (I Was a Male War Bride plays in background) CATHERINE GATES: I'll cooperate by getting the map 748 00:44:06,845 --> 00:44:08,847 and finding out where we are. 749 00:44:08,947 --> 00:44:10,682 HENRI ROCHARD: Who put us on the river in the first place? 750 00:44:10,782 --> 00:44:12,417 I knew you were going to say that. 751 00:44:12,517 --> 00:44:14,853 You're tiresome. You're subnormal. 752 00:44:14,953 --> 00:44:16,387 I don't propose to argue with you any further. 753 00:44:16,487 --> 00:44:18,757 Oh, dear. That darn road 754 00:44:18,857 --> 00:44:20,558 doesn't come within 10 kilometers of here. 755 00:44:20,658 --> 00:44:22,928 What? Across open country in that thing? 756 00:44:23,028 --> 00:44:24,562 Oh, it'll just be a little bumpy. 757 00:44:24,662 --> 00:44:26,732 Only for a couple of hours. We'll make it by 3:00. 758 00:44:26,832 --> 00:44:28,599 Ha. We won't get there before dark, 759 00:44:28,700 --> 00:44:31,569 if we get there at all. This motorcycle'll go anywhere. 760 00:44:31,669 --> 00:44:34,072 If you'll get your pants off that grass and help me get it... 761 00:44:34,172 --> 00:44:37,508 (indistinct conversations) 762 00:44:37,608 --> 00:44:44,182 ** 763 00:44:44,282 --> 00:44:50,789 ** 764 00:44:50,889 --> 00:44:57,462 ** 765 00:44:57,562 --> 00:45:04,102 ** 766 00:45:04,202 --> 00:45:10,776 ** 767 00:45:10,876 --> 00:45:17,415 ** 768 00:45:17,515 --> 00:45:24,089 ** 769 00:45:24,189 --> 00:45:30,628 ** 770 00:45:30,728 --> 00:45:33,298 (indistinct conversation) 771 00:45:33,398 --> 00:45:39,604 ** 772 00:45:39,704 --> 00:45:45,777 ** 773 00:45:45,877 --> 00:45:52,183 ** 774 00:46:02,527 --> 00:46:04,495 (soft jazz music plays) 775 00:46:04,595 --> 00:46:09,968 ** 776 00:46:10,068 --> 00:46:15,340 ** 777 00:46:15,440 --> 00:46:20,812 ** 778 00:46:20,912 --> 00:46:26,184 ** 779 00:46:26,284 --> 00:46:31,656 ** 780 00:46:31,756 --> 00:46:37,028 ** 781 00:46:37,128 --> 00:46:38,864 (door opens) 782 00:46:38,964 --> 00:46:42,033 ** 783 00:46:55,346 --> 00:46:58,149 I didn't do it. 784 00:46:58,249 --> 00:46:59,985 Nesterenko. 785 00:47:01,352 --> 00:47:02,888 What happened? 786 00:47:04,822 --> 00:47:07,092 Did you listen to the recording? 787 00:47:07,993 --> 00:47:10,028 He seems like a decent man. 788 00:47:10,128 --> 00:47:11,897 Not a traitor. 789 00:47:11,997 --> 00:47:15,000 We haven't seen or heard him do anything to prove -- 790 00:47:15,100 --> 00:47:16,767 -- It needs to be done. 791 00:47:16,868 --> 00:47:18,870 What do you mean? 792 00:47:20,171 --> 00:47:24,442 It needs to be done, whether you're convinced or not. 793 00:47:25,843 --> 00:47:28,413 I don't understand. 794 00:47:28,513 --> 00:47:30,681 (sighs) 795 00:47:34,920 --> 00:47:37,022 I've been protecting you. 796 00:47:38,223 --> 00:47:40,391 We protect you from knowing everything, 797 00:47:40,491 --> 00:47:43,028 so you can do your job. 798 00:47:43,128 --> 00:47:45,096 But if you've lost your confidence... 799 00:47:45,196 --> 00:47:47,698 I haven't lost my confidence. 800 00:47:47,798 --> 00:47:50,201 Then what? 801 00:47:54,272 --> 00:47:57,943 I just... 802 00:47:58,043 --> 00:47:59,877 this time... 803 00:47:59,978 --> 00:48:02,113 I need to know. 804 00:48:04,482 --> 00:48:07,452 (inhales sharply) 805 00:48:07,552 --> 00:48:11,389 Back home, 806 00:48:11,489 --> 00:48:16,127 we have a leader who has no sense of our history, 807 00:48:16,227 --> 00:48:18,429 no sense of our ideals. 808 00:48:18,529 --> 00:48:21,432 No sense of how we've sacrificed to build a great nation, 809 00:48:21,532 --> 00:48:23,601 and the price we've paid. 810 00:48:23,701 --> 00:48:25,336 He's giving it all away. 811 00:48:25,436 --> 00:48:30,275 Some right here, this week, to the Americans. 812 00:48:30,375 --> 00:48:34,912 Some back home, month by month, week by week. 813 00:48:35,013 --> 00:48:37,448 It's almost too late to stop him. 814 00:48:40,251 --> 00:48:43,021 What does this have to do with Nesterenko? 815 00:48:43,121 --> 00:48:45,156 After you've taken care of him, 816 00:48:45,256 --> 00:48:47,758 we'll make a slight alteration 817 00:48:47,858 --> 00:48:50,028 to the reports you've been making on him, 818 00:48:50,128 --> 00:48:53,131 so it appears he was trading away 819 00:48:53,231 --> 00:48:57,268 a highly classified defense program for Gorbachev. 820 00:48:59,037 --> 00:49:01,272 They told me you didn't know about that. 821 00:49:01,372 --> 00:49:03,941 We were protecting you. 822 00:49:04,042 --> 00:49:05,810 I'm sure you understand there's a chance 823 00:49:05,943 --> 00:49:08,179 that this could go badly. 824 00:49:08,279 --> 00:49:11,482 As long as you didn't know all of these details, 825 00:49:11,582 --> 00:49:14,619 nothing would happen to you, if it didn't work out. 826 00:49:14,719 --> 00:49:17,655 You were just doing your job. 827 00:49:19,190 --> 00:49:21,159 And if it does work out? 828 00:49:22,027 --> 00:49:23,828 We quietly take these reports 829 00:49:23,928 --> 00:49:27,498 to certain members of the Central Committee, 830 00:49:27,598 --> 00:49:31,369 key military leaders, and regional party secretaries 831 00:49:31,469 --> 00:49:35,206 who understand the situation we're in -- 832 00:49:35,306 --> 00:49:38,309 enough of them will be outraged. 833 00:49:38,409 --> 00:49:41,079 Gorbachev will be removed. 834 00:49:43,081 --> 00:49:46,417 He probably won't even come back home. 835 00:49:48,853 --> 00:49:51,389 So, Mexico... 836 00:49:51,489 --> 00:49:54,659 everything... 837 00:49:54,759 --> 00:49:57,395 it was all this. 838 00:49:57,495 --> 00:49:59,097 To get rid of Gorbachev. 839 00:49:59,197 --> 00:50:00,998 We also had to get Dead Hand to work. 840 00:50:01,099 --> 00:50:03,068 I'm sure you understand that. 841 00:50:06,271 --> 00:50:08,406 Who ordered this? 842 00:50:08,506 --> 00:50:10,208 The Centre. 843 00:50:10,308 --> 00:50:14,045 The very top leaders there are all behind this. 844 00:50:14,145 --> 00:50:16,281 They're also working with 845 00:50:16,381 --> 00:50:18,849 certain high-level military leaders, 846 00:50:18,949 --> 00:50:20,951 like your friend from Mexico. 847 00:50:22,253 --> 00:50:24,589 But not the Party. 848 00:50:25,456 --> 00:50:28,059 We're all in the Party. 849 00:50:31,028 --> 00:50:32,930 I won't do it. 850 00:50:36,701 --> 00:50:39,137 I can't make you do anything. 851 00:50:41,372 --> 00:50:44,442 But Elizabeth -- 852 00:50:44,542 --> 00:50:46,411 keep quiet. 853 00:50:47,612 --> 00:50:52,583 After all these years, serving your country, 854 00:50:52,683 --> 00:50:56,053 don't throw it all away, now. 855 00:51:18,476 --> 00:51:20,678 (speaking Russian) 856 00:51:28,919 --> 00:51:31,189 (speaking Russian) 857 00:51:31,289 --> 00:51:32,790 (conversations in Russian) 858 00:51:32,890 --> 00:51:35,193 (speaking Russian) 859 00:51:37,695 --> 00:51:38,696 (laughter) 860 00:51:38,796 --> 00:51:40,198 (woman speaking Russian) 861 00:51:40,298 --> 00:51:43,168 (inhales sharply) 862 00:51:51,876 --> 00:51:54,712 What are you looking at? 863 00:51:54,812 --> 00:51:56,381 The moon. 864 00:52:00,050 --> 00:52:02,119 Pretty tonight. 865 00:52:02,220 --> 00:52:04,189 Yeah. 866 00:52:04,289 --> 00:52:06,157 (inhales sharply) 867 00:52:08,893 --> 00:52:11,162 (breathes deeply) 868 00:52:13,464 --> 00:52:14,665 You coming? 869 00:52:16,066 --> 00:52:17,568 In a minute. 870 00:52:20,838 --> 00:52:22,340 (switch clicks) 871 00:52:22,440 --> 00:52:24,909 (vehicle approaching) 872 00:52:31,582 --> 00:52:33,884 (woman speaking Russian) 873 00:52:39,824 --> 00:52:42,227 (woman shouting in Russian) 874 00:52:47,432 --> 00:52:49,700 (man speaking Russian) 875 00:52:51,736 --> 00:52:53,404 (TV turns off) 876 00:52:54,239 --> 00:52:56,741 I need to talk to your guy. 877 00:52:57,608 --> 00:52:59,544 What? 878 00:52:59,644 --> 00:53:00,711 Why? 879 00:53:00,811 --> 00:53:03,180 Just tell me how to get in touch with him. 880 00:53:04,849 --> 00:53:06,617 (sighs) 881 00:53:08,786 --> 00:53:09,720 Dead drop. 882 00:53:09,820 --> 00:53:11,722 I thought you met with him. 883 00:53:11,822 --> 00:53:14,225 He's being watched now. 884 00:53:14,325 --> 00:53:15,726 I need the contact plan. 885 00:53:15,826 --> 00:53:18,095 What do you want to say to him? 886 00:53:26,571 --> 00:53:27,538 Look -- 887 00:53:27,638 --> 00:53:28,773 No. 888 00:53:28,873 --> 00:53:34,979 ** 889 00:53:35,079 --> 00:53:36,614 I was just trying to figure out the best way 890 00:53:36,714 --> 00:53:38,583 to deal with all this crap. 891 00:53:38,683 --> 00:53:39,917 ** 892 00:53:40,017 --> 00:53:42,086 And you settled on betraying me? 893 00:53:42,186 --> 00:53:43,754 I was putting our country first. 894 00:53:43,854 --> 00:53:45,423 Which is what you would have done. 895 00:53:45,523 --> 00:53:49,093 ** 896 00:53:49,193 --> 00:53:50,628 I'm sorry. 897 00:53:50,728 --> 00:53:54,999 ** 898 00:53:55,099 --> 00:53:58,403 Can you get him a message for me? 899 00:53:58,503 --> 00:53:59,804 Yes. 900 00:53:59,904 --> 00:54:05,476 ** 901 00:54:05,576 --> 00:54:11,582 Tell him that what he's worried about is happening. 902 00:54:11,682 --> 00:54:12,783 The leaders at the Centre 903 00:54:12,883 --> 00:54:15,486 are trying to get rid of Gorbachev. 904 00:54:15,586 --> 00:54:17,322 Claudia just told me. 905 00:54:17,422 --> 00:54:19,457 They want me to kill that negotiator 906 00:54:19,557 --> 00:54:22,627 that I was worried about -- Fyodor Nesterenko. 907 00:54:22,727 --> 00:54:24,429 But he's not bad. 908 00:54:24,529 --> 00:54:26,631 I've been watching him. 909 00:54:26,731 --> 00:54:28,132 They want to falsify my reports, 910 00:54:28,232 --> 00:54:30,267 make it seem like he's trading away 911 00:54:30,368 --> 00:54:33,137 a highly classified military system to the U.S. 912 00:54:33,237 --> 00:54:35,306 But he's not. 913 00:54:35,406 --> 00:54:37,308 Our people are working with the military, 914 00:54:37,408 --> 00:54:40,445 like that general I met with in Mexico, Kovtun. 915 00:54:41,812 --> 00:54:43,514 They want to get this done so that Gorbachev 916 00:54:43,614 --> 00:54:46,216 doesn't even come back from the Summit. 917 00:54:47,184 --> 00:54:50,555 Can you relay that message for me? 918 00:54:50,655 --> 00:54:52,823 He checks the signal site late morning. 919 00:54:52,923 --> 00:54:55,526 He'll have it by two, three o'clock. 920 00:54:55,626 --> 00:54:58,363 ** 921 00:54:58,463 --> 00:54:59,864 I have to go back out. 922 00:54:59,964 --> 00:55:01,499 They might still go after this guy. 923 00:55:01,599 --> 00:55:02,667 Do you need my help? 924 00:55:02,767 --> 00:55:04,335 ** 925 00:55:04,435 --> 00:55:05,970 No. Wait. 926 00:55:06,070 --> 00:55:08,005 ** 927 00:55:08,105 --> 00:55:10,074 This came in while you were out. 928 00:55:10,174 --> 00:55:11,509 Father Andrei. 929 00:55:11,609 --> 00:55:14,479 ** 930 00:55:14,579 --> 00:55:15,680 I can't. 931 00:55:15,780 --> 00:55:17,982 You meet him. 932 00:55:18,082 --> 00:55:20,651 Maybe he'll give you absolution. 933 00:55:20,751 --> 00:55:24,722 ** 934 00:55:24,822 --> 00:55:25,756 (door closes) 935 00:55:25,856 --> 00:55:27,525 ** 936 00:55:31,762 --> 00:55:37,568 ** 937 00:55:37,668 --> 00:55:43,374 ** 938 00:55:43,474 --> 00:55:49,213 ** 939 00:55:49,313 --> 00:55:55,052 ** 940 00:55:55,152 --> 00:56:01,091 ** 941 00:56:04,294 --> 00:56:07,398 -- Captions by VITA --