1 00:00:02,436 --> 00:00:04,338 Previously on "The Americans"... 2 00:00:04,438 --> 00:00:06,340 PHILIP: There's no easy way to say this, Henry, but... 3 00:00:06,440 --> 00:00:09,410 we've been having a -- a rough patch at work... 4 00:00:09,510 --> 00:00:11,379 I thought you said things were looking up. 5 00:00:11,479 --> 00:00:14,215 I know, but...they're not. 6 00:00:14,315 --> 00:00:16,117 ELIZABETH: One of our negotiators has been 7 00:00:16,217 --> 00:00:19,453 secretly meeting with a CIA officer in the Soviet Division. 8 00:00:19,553 --> 00:00:21,722 We've got to find out what he's saying, 9 00:00:21,822 --> 00:00:23,023 but I'd need your help. 10 00:00:23,124 --> 00:00:25,559 You'd have to meet Kimmy in Greece. 11 00:00:25,659 --> 00:00:26,727 Was that out of line? 12 00:00:26,827 --> 00:00:28,762 I-I liked it. (chuckles) 13 00:00:28,862 --> 00:00:31,099 STAN: Have we ever gotten one good thing off that X-ray? 14 00:00:31,199 --> 00:00:33,301 Aw, come on. You're like a goddamn broken record. 15 00:00:33,401 --> 00:00:34,802 STAN: Our job was to protect them. 16 00:00:34,902 --> 00:00:36,404 Aah! (glass shatters) 17 00:00:36,504 --> 00:00:38,306 Promised we'd keep them safe. 18 00:00:38,406 --> 00:00:40,441 Now they're killed. 19 00:00:40,541 --> 00:00:41,609 7 years old. 20 00:00:41,709 --> 00:00:44,445 Finds his mom and dad... covered in blood. 21 00:00:44,545 --> 00:00:47,381 Hey. You okay? Yeah. 22 00:00:47,481 --> 00:00:49,617 You know, just sounds awful. 23 00:00:49,717 --> 00:00:53,421 I can't meet you in Greece, Kimmy. 24 00:00:53,521 --> 00:00:56,257 If somebody tries to get you 25 00:00:56,357 --> 00:01:00,494 to go to a communist country with them, 26 00:01:00,594 --> 00:01:02,796 don't. 27 00:01:05,733 --> 00:01:07,468 (door closes) 28 00:01:07,568 --> 00:01:10,238 ELIZABETH: Oh, hi. 29 00:01:10,338 --> 00:01:13,006 Hi. 30 00:01:13,107 --> 00:01:15,143 How was work? 31 00:01:16,510 --> 00:01:18,979 Nothing new to report. 32 00:01:20,414 --> 00:01:22,783 Okay. 33 00:01:28,622 --> 00:01:31,325 (water runs, stops) 34 00:01:35,763 --> 00:01:38,299 I'm tired, going to bed. (sighs) 35 00:01:38,399 --> 00:01:40,768 Stan came by. 36 00:01:43,704 --> 00:01:45,773 He was very upset about a couple that was murdered 37 00:01:45,873 --> 00:01:48,209 right in front of their seven-year-old kid. 38 00:01:48,309 --> 00:01:49,477 Defector and his wife. 39 00:01:49,577 --> 00:01:52,180 I didn't do it in front of their kid. 40 00:01:52,280 --> 00:01:55,149 He was in another room. I-I didn't see him. 41 00:01:55,249 --> 00:01:58,852 He saw them covered in blood. 42 00:02:00,621 --> 00:02:02,623 What do you want me to say? 43 00:02:04,192 --> 00:02:07,361 I'm not doing the thing with Kimmy. 44 00:02:09,797 --> 00:02:12,132 Of course you aren't. 45 00:02:12,233 --> 00:02:13,967 You were never going to do it. 46 00:02:14,067 --> 00:02:16,870 No, I was. 47 00:02:18,572 --> 00:02:20,374 You got me. 48 00:02:20,474 --> 00:02:22,410 Somehow you got me. 49 00:02:22,510 --> 00:02:23,811 You just wanted to fuck her. 50 00:02:23,911 --> 00:02:25,679 You weren't getting enough action here. 51 00:02:25,779 --> 00:02:27,648 You can think whatever you want. 52 00:02:27,748 --> 00:02:30,484 Fine. I'll take care of Kimmy. Don't agonize over it. 53 00:02:32,520 --> 00:02:37,225 I warned her not to go to any communist countries. 54 00:02:38,592 --> 00:02:40,361 I'm never gonna see her again. 55 00:02:40,461 --> 00:02:44,198 It's over. That's over. 56 00:02:44,298 --> 00:02:51,071 ** 57 00:02:51,171 --> 00:02:57,878 ** 58 00:02:57,978 --> 00:03:04,718 ** 59 00:03:04,818 --> 00:03:11,559 ** 60 00:03:11,659 --> 00:03:18,466 ** 61 00:03:18,566 --> 00:03:25,306 ** 62 00:03:25,406 --> 00:03:32,246 ** 63 00:03:32,346 --> 00:03:39,052 ** 64 00:03:39,152 --> 00:03:45,926 ** 65 00:03:46,026 --> 00:03:52,766 ** 66 00:03:52,866 --> 00:03:59,840 ** 67 00:04:04,177 --> 00:04:05,779 The guy who showed up in the cream-colored 68 00:04:05,879 --> 00:04:07,247 Rolls-Royce? That guy owns a motel? 69 00:04:07,348 --> 00:04:09,983 It's a wreck. But the mayor's good to his friends. 70 00:04:10,083 --> 00:04:12,152 Gave the guy a city contract to house D.C.'s homeless there. 71 00:04:12,252 --> 00:04:14,455 Yeah, but that doesn't buy you a Rolls. 72 00:04:14,555 --> 00:04:17,124 It does if you let him slap a four-star rating on the motel 73 00:04:17,224 --> 00:04:19,427 and get the city to pay the new room rates. 74 00:04:19,527 --> 00:04:20,861 Sorry to interrupt... 75 00:04:20,961 --> 00:04:23,797 Hey, you guys know Dennis Aderholt, 76 00:04:23,897 --> 00:04:25,098 he runs CI -- 77 00:04:25,198 --> 00:04:27,635 the most screwed up division in the Bureau. 78 00:04:27,735 --> 00:04:28,636 Ahh. 79 00:04:28,736 --> 00:04:30,304 Not that it's his fault. 80 00:04:30,404 --> 00:04:31,605 Thanks for that. 81 00:04:31,705 --> 00:04:34,107 I gotta talk to you. Downstairs. 82 00:04:34,207 --> 00:04:36,043 I don't know, man, every time I go down there, 83 00:04:36,143 --> 00:04:37,445 someone winds up dead. 84 00:04:37,545 --> 00:04:39,480 Easy there, Stan. 85 00:04:46,286 --> 00:04:50,157 Uh... 86 00:04:56,730 --> 00:04:58,666 (elevator bell dings) 87 00:04:58,766 --> 00:05:00,868 (mail robot beeping) 88 00:05:05,873 --> 00:05:07,875 (beeping continues) 89 00:05:13,246 --> 00:05:16,584 You got any more steam you want to blow off? 90 00:05:16,684 --> 00:05:17,718 No. 91 00:05:17,818 --> 00:05:21,489 I mean, get it out now. 92 00:05:22,890 --> 00:05:24,358 I'm fine. 93 00:05:27,060 --> 00:05:29,397 (sighs deeply) 94 00:05:29,497 --> 00:05:34,101 (indistinct conversations) 95 00:05:34,201 --> 00:05:37,170 (telephone rings in distance) 96 00:05:42,042 --> 00:05:43,411 What's going on? 97 00:05:43,511 --> 00:05:45,546 Bystrov. 98 00:05:45,646 --> 00:05:47,448 Before he died. 99 00:05:47,548 --> 00:05:49,049 One of his diplomatic pouches 100 00:05:49,149 --> 00:05:52,219 had a circuit board for some kind of sensor in it. 101 00:05:52,319 --> 00:05:53,921 Sensor? 102 00:05:54,021 --> 00:05:56,924 Yeah, picks up radioactivity, or... 103 00:05:57,024 --> 00:05:59,393 Brooks knows more about it, ask him. 104 00:05:59,493 --> 00:06:01,529 Altheon makes them. 105 00:06:01,629 --> 00:06:03,363 They've got a plant in Chicago, 106 00:06:03,464 --> 00:06:06,634 and a warehouse here out in Newington. 107 00:06:06,734 --> 00:06:10,370 Eight days after Bystrov's pouch leaves the country, 108 00:06:10,471 --> 00:06:12,773 there's a break-in at the warehouse, 109 00:06:12,873 --> 00:06:15,943 three guards get killed -- Jesus. 110 00:06:16,043 --> 00:06:19,312 They're obviously after one of these sensors, but they didn't get it. 111 00:06:19,413 --> 00:06:21,048 This circuit board in Bystrov's pouch 112 00:06:21,148 --> 00:06:23,050 came from the Altheon plant in Chicago. 113 00:06:23,150 --> 00:06:25,553 So our people out there started looking at the employees, 114 00:06:25,653 --> 00:06:27,220 consultants, anyone who could have had access. 115 00:06:27,320 --> 00:06:31,459 We get onto this one engineer. Forty-two years old. 116 00:06:31,559 --> 00:06:35,429 He folds in like five minutes, tells us about this man 117 00:06:35,529 --> 00:06:37,765 he met in a bar, who ended up recruiting him. 118 00:06:37,865 --> 00:06:41,902 They were apparently very intimate. 119 00:06:42,836 --> 00:06:44,104 No shit. 120 00:06:44,204 --> 00:06:46,440 So we had him set up another meeting. 121 00:06:46,540 --> 00:06:49,643 Or date, whatever. 122 00:06:49,743 --> 00:06:51,311 We were there. 123 00:06:51,411 --> 00:06:53,581 An illegal? 124 00:06:54,782 --> 00:06:57,985 ** 125 00:06:58,085 --> 00:07:00,821 Codename, Harvest. 126 00:07:00,921 --> 00:07:05,859 ** 127 00:07:05,959 --> 00:07:09,296 Lives in Skokie, runs an accounting business in Chicago. 128 00:07:09,396 --> 00:07:11,832 Him, two other accountants, and a secretary. 129 00:07:12,800 --> 00:07:16,637 We've had a team on him out there for almost two weeks now. 130 00:07:16,737 --> 00:07:22,009 ** 131 00:07:22,109 --> 00:07:24,444 It's been a gold mine. 132 00:07:24,545 --> 00:07:26,614 We've been getting all sorts of intel on how he operates. 133 00:07:26,714 --> 00:07:30,217 Most of it's tradecraft we've never seen before. 134 00:07:30,317 --> 00:07:34,522 We're starting to use it to track down the rest of them. 135 00:07:34,622 --> 00:07:37,290 Now, I know you don't want to be down here, Stan. 136 00:07:37,390 --> 00:07:39,026 But look what's going on. 137 00:07:39,126 --> 00:07:41,495 We got Rennhull, 138 00:07:41,595 --> 00:07:43,463 a key general in the SDI program, 139 00:07:43,564 --> 00:07:45,465 once accused of being a Soviet spy, 140 00:07:45,566 --> 00:07:47,668 commits suicide in a public park. 141 00:07:47,768 --> 00:07:50,003 Then Bystrov and Sofia, the -- 142 00:07:50,103 --> 00:07:52,740 the sensor in his pouch... this illegal... 143 00:07:52,840 --> 00:07:55,375 Burov shows up out of nowhere... 144 00:07:55,475 --> 00:07:58,311 studying traffic, or whatever it is... 145 00:07:58,411 --> 00:08:01,014 The Russians are sitting down with us in public, 146 00:08:01,114 --> 00:08:03,517 trying to negotiate this big treaty, but behind our backs, 147 00:08:03,617 --> 00:08:07,487 they're stealing our weapons and our technology, as usual. 148 00:08:07,588 --> 00:08:08,989 They want to look peaceful, 149 00:08:09,089 --> 00:08:11,024 but, really, they're just trying to screw us. 150 00:08:11,124 --> 00:08:13,594 We're close, we're really close. 151 00:08:13,694 --> 00:08:16,063 We got this guy in Chicago, 152 00:08:16,163 --> 00:08:17,831 we're gonna get the illegals here and all over the country, 153 00:08:17,931 --> 00:08:19,332 based on what we're learning. 154 00:08:19,432 --> 00:08:21,101 It's gonna happen fast. 155 00:08:21,201 --> 00:08:23,737 You've been mad about this a long time. 156 00:08:23,837 --> 00:08:26,106 I get why. 157 00:08:26,206 --> 00:08:29,910 But this is it now. 158 00:08:30,010 --> 00:08:32,212 You should be here. 159 00:08:32,312 --> 00:08:35,215 ** 160 00:08:35,315 --> 00:08:38,451 MAN: Have your tickets ready, please. 161 00:08:38,552 --> 00:08:40,954 Bus to New York. 162 00:08:48,361 --> 00:08:50,598 -Hey! -Hey. 163 00:08:50,698 --> 00:08:51,732 How are you? 164 00:08:51,832 --> 00:08:53,100 -Oh, good. How are you? -Good. 165 00:08:53,200 --> 00:08:55,936 Hungry? -Yeah. 166 00:08:56,036 --> 00:08:57,605 ( country music plays, rock music plays ) 167 00:08:57,705 --> 00:09:00,040 Leave it. Hey, stop. Keep your eyes on the road. 168 00:09:00,140 --> 00:09:01,942 -Leave it. -No. (scoffs) 169 00:09:02,042 --> 00:09:04,444 ( country music playing ) 170 00:09:04,544 --> 00:09:06,313 How're finals going? 171 00:09:06,413 --> 00:09:08,381 Oh, everyone is panicking. 172 00:09:08,481 --> 00:09:10,217 -(Chuckles) You? -No. 173 00:09:10,317 --> 00:09:12,085 Me and a couple of guys from my team 174 00:09:12,185 --> 00:09:14,922 started this study group, so we're fine. 175 00:09:15,022 --> 00:09:17,958 I do have to finish this Thoreau book, though, 176 00:09:18,058 --> 00:09:22,262 so don't be mad if I'm stuck in my room. 177 00:09:26,499 --> 00:09:30,237 (sighs) Um... 178 00:09:30,337 --> 00:09:34,274 Dad, I don't -- I don't want to leave school. 179 00:09:34,374 --> 00:09:37,310 I know you don't. I know you don't. 180 00:09:37,410 --> 00:09:40,480 I'm doing the best I can, Henry. 181 00:09:40,580 --> 00:09:43,917 I -- I talked to Mr. Sato about it. 182 00:09:44,017 --> 00:09:47,254 And he said that there were still a few scholarships 183 00:09:47,354 --> 00:09:49,189 that I could apply for. Okay. 184 00:09:50,691 --> 00:09:52,993 Oh, also, I'm gonna get a summer job. 185 00:09:56,964 --> 00:09:59,299 I know you're trying to help, 186 00:09:59,399 --> 00:10:01,501 but, Henry, tuition alone is almost nine thou-- 187 00:10:01,601 --> 00:10:02,936 Nine thousand. 188 00:10:03,036 --> 00:10:07,274 I know, Dad, but I'm not talking about a job at the mall. 189 00:10:07,374 --> 00:10:11,144 My friend Jason's dad owns this tannery in West Virginia, 190 00:10:11,244 --> 00:10:15,683 and Jason goes down there every year to work. 191 00:10:15,783 --> 00:10:18,819 And he said I can come, too, so... 192 00:10:18,919 --> 00:10:23,490 Look, they pay seven-ten an hour, and they put you up. 193 00:10:26,827 --> 00:10:30,998 Look, I -- I know it's not enough, 194 00:10:31,098 --> 00:10:34,702 but I was thinking there might be some stuff 195 00:10:34,802 --> 00:10:36,536 that we could do to help the business. 196 00:10:36,636 --> 00:10:39,506 But don't get mad. 197 00:10:39,606 --> 00:10:40,874 What? 198 00:10:40,974 --> 00:10:44,311 Jason's dad owns a couple of different companies. 199 00:10:44,411 --> 00:10:46,213 And I told him 200 00:10:46,313 --> 00:10:48,716 we were having some problems with the travel agency. 201 00:10:48,816 --> 00:10:49,917 Henry... 202 00:10:50,017 --> 00:10:52,085 W-- Look, he was totally cool with it. 203 00:10:52,185 --> 00:10:55,188 He said he'd had a few failures himself. 204 00:10:55,288 --> 00:10:58,525 I-I haven't failed. I haven't failed. 205 00:10:58,625 --> 00:11:01,161 I j-- All -- You -- 206 00:11:01,261 --> 00:11:02,696 (sighs) You told him I failed? 207 00:11:02,796 --> 00:11:06,499 No, but it doesn't matter. He doesn't care. 208 00:11:06,599 --> 00:11:09,402 Look, he said he'd be happy to talk to you about it 209 00:11:09,502 --> 00:11:10,704 and give you some advice. 210 00:11:10,804 --> 00:11:12,940 Well, I don't -- I don't know this guy. 211 00:11:13,040 --> 00:11:14,374 He's really nice. 212 00:11:14,474 --> 00:11:19,279 And you might end up, you know, planning a trip for him. 213 00:11:19,379 --> 00:11:21,749 And then he'll tell his rich friends, 214 00:11:21,849 --> 00:11:25,252 and then you'll have more clients. 215 00:11:25,352 --> 00:11:26,787 Are you mad? 216 00:11:26,887 --> 00:11:29,256 (sighs) No. 217 00:11:29,356 --> 00:11:32,392 I just wish you'd talked to me...first. 218 00:11:32,492 --> 00:11:35,095 It wasn't like I was trying to talk about it behind your back or anything. 219 00:11:35,195 --> 00:11:39,099 It was -- We were just talking about the job and it came up. 220 00:11:39,199 --> 00:11:40,533 I'm sorry. 221 00:11:40,633 --> 00:11:44,437 Look, can you please just talk to him? 222 00:11:46,039 --> 00:11:47,640 I don't know. Maybe. 223 00:11:47,741 --> 00:11:51,244 Dad, I busted my ass for three years, 224 00:11:51,344 --> 00:11:53,947 and if I don't actually graduate from St. Edward's, 225 00:11:54,047 --> 00:11:56,116 it doesn't mean anything. 226 00:11:56,216 --> 00:12:01,221 So please just think about it, okay? 227 00:12:02,489 --> 00:12:04,157 Yeah. 228 00:12:04,257 --> 00:12:06,794 Thank you. 229 00:12:06,894 --> 00:12:13,400 ** 230 00:12:13,500 --> 00:12:16,436 (indistinct conversation) 231 00:12:17,504 --> 00:12:20,440 Excuse me. Thanks. 232 00:12:20,540 --> 00:12:24,311 ** 233 00:12:24,411 --> 00:12:27,514 This is "Rififi," right? Uh, yeah. 234 00:12:27,614 --> 00:12:31,484 Oh, good. I walked into "Bob le Flambeur" by accident. 235 00:12:31,584 --> 00:12:33,353 It's a great movie, but... I've already seen it. 236 00:12:33,453 --> 00:12:34,988 Oh. You'll like this. 237 00:12:35,088 --> 00:12:36,489 Oh, you've seen it? 238 00:12:37,524 --> 00:12:39,326 Uh, thi-- third time. 239 00:12:39,426 --> 00:12:40,794 -Wow. -Yeah. 240 00:12:40,894 --> 00:12:42,529 It's the greatest heist movie in history. 241 00:12:42,629 --> 00:12:43,630 Ah. 242 00:12:43,730 --> 00:12:45,365 Can't believe it's not more packed. 243 00:12:45,465 --> 00:12:47,500 Is anybody sitting here? 244 00:12:47,600 --> 00:12:51,138 -Oh, no. Go -- Go ahead. -Thank you. 245 00:12:51,238 --> 00:12:54,808 ** 246 00:12:54,908 --> 00:12:57,010 I guess everyone's saving their money 247 00:12:57,110 --> 00:12:58,846 for "Three Men and a Baby." 248 00:12:58,946 --> 00:13:00,981 Yeah, right. 249 00:13:01,081 --> 00:13:03,516 Although the original, "Trois Hommes et un Couffin," 250 00:13:03,616 --> 00:13:05,218 isn't bad. 251 00:13:05,318 --> 00:13:08,388 Surprisingly good, in fact. 252 00:13:09,656 --> 00:13:10,858 LOEB: There are thousands of places 253 00:13:10,958 --> 00:13:12,792 they could be renting as garages here 254 00:13:12,893 --> 00:13:15,963 that match the kind of places we tracked Harvest to in Chicago. 255 00:13:16,063 --> 00:13:18,065 We've found about two hundred so far, to check out. 256 00:13:18,165 --> 00:13:19,566 We've cleared a hundred and eighty. 257 00:13:19,666 --> 00:13:22,202 We're on the other twenty, and we're trying to find more. 258 00:13:22,302 --> 00:13:24,571 -Can I hang on to this? -Sure. 259 00:13:24,671 --> 00:13:26,306 Now, the guys in Chicago 260 00:13:26,406 --> 00:13:28,675 may have identified one of Harvest's safehouses. 261 00:13:28,775 --> 00:13:32,012 Someone there is paying the utilities in advance, 262 00:13:32,112 --> 00:13:34,581 so that could be how they do things everywhere. 263 00:13:34,681 --> 00:13:36,683 We'll want to check the utility records here, 264 00:13:36,783 --> 00:13:39,486 find out which accounts are being paid the same way. 265 00:13:39,586 --> 00:13:42,722 Now, take Llewelyn and Vignau if you need help. 266 00:13:42,822 --> 00:13:44,357 Okay. Come here. Let me show you this. 267 00:13:44,457 --> 00:13:46,193 Hey, anything on the wiretaps out there? 268 00:13:46,293 --> 00:13:48,361 Well, they've been picking up something, 269 00:13:48,461 --> 00:13:51,531 maybe telemarketers, maybe coded signals. 270 00:13:51,631 --> 00:13:53,033 Nothing definitive. 271 00:13:53,133 --> 00:13:57,070 But they figured out how he gets some of his cars. 272 00:13:57,170 --> 00:14:00,707 They found two vehicles in undercover garages. 273 00:14:00,807 --> 00:14:04,878 Both bought for cash, from listings in the classified ads. 274 00:14:04,978 --> 00:14:08,081 Legally? Fake ID on the registration. 275 00:14:08,181 --> 00:14:09,950 How the hell do you track that? 276 00:14:10,050 --> 00:14:12,953 You track down the registration of every single car 277 00:14:13,053 --> 00:14:15,355 bought with cash in the D.C. area. 278 00:14:16,456 --> 00:14:21,394 Anything sold from a newspaper ad, a Pennysaver, Autotrader... 279 00:14:21,494 --> 00:14:24,764 you start in 1987, work back to '78 -- 280 00:14:24,864 --> 00:14:26,967 you pull together a list of likely fake IDs, 281 00:14:27,067 --> 00:14:29,436 you cross-reference them with the rest 282 00:14:29,536 --> 00:14:31,538 of what we're getting from the illegals' tradecraft... 283 00:14:31,638 --> 00:14:37,110 maybe they used the same name on a lease or a utility bill... 284 00:14:37,210 --> 00:14:39,612 Why don't you take this one, Stan -- 285 00:14:39,712 --> 00:14:42,049 work with Samuels. 286 00:14:43,650 --> 00:14:45,052 Lotta cars. 287 00:14:45,152 --> 00:14:49,489 You can pull in as many guys as you need on this. 288 00:14:52,292 --> 00:14:54,827 (indistinct conversations) 289 00:14:56,930 --> 00:14:59,299 And that heist, I mean what was that? 290 00:14:59,399 --> 00:15:01,935 Like a half-hour of silence? -Twenty-eight minutes. 291 00:15:02,035 --> 00:15:03,303 -It's incredible. -I know. 292 00:15:03,403 --> 00:15:05,405 -I couldn't believe it. -I know. 293 00:15:05,505 --> 00:15:06,906 Uh, uh, smoke? 294 00:15:07,007 --> 00:15:09,242 I can't say no after a French movie. 295 00:15:09,342 --> 00:15:10,477 (both laugh) 296 00:15:10,577 --> 00:15:11,844 -Thanks. -He's, uh, not French. 297 00:15:11,945 --> 00:15:13,413 -Who? -He's not French. 298 00:15:13,513 --> 00:15:15,682 -The -- The director. -Oh. 299 00:15:15,782 --> 00:15:17,784 Jules Dassin. 300 00:15:17,884 --> 00:15:20,120 Here you go. 301 00:15:21,254 --> 00:15:23,623 Thanks. Grew up in Harlem. 302 00:15:23,723 --> 00:15:25,792 Then was then blacklisted by McCarthy, 303 00:15:25,892 --> 00:15:27,760 so that's why he had to go and work in France. 304 00:15:27,860 --> 00:15:29,462 -Crazy. -Yeah. 305 00:15:29,562 --> 00:15:30,863 -Have you seen "The Naked City"? -No. 306 00:15:30,964 --> 00:15:33,766 Okay. That's him too. It's film noir. 307 00:15:33,866 --> 00:15:36,136 It's shot completely on location in New York in 1948, 308 00:15:36,236 --> 00:15:38,271 when, like, no one did that. It's really amazing. 309 00:15:38,371 --> 00:15:41,508 -You know a lot about film. -(chuckling) Yeah. 310 00:15:41,608 --> 00:15:43,943 It's the greatest art form of the 20th century. 311 00:15:44,711 --> 00:15:49,016 I was gonna go get some pizza. You want to tell me more? 312 00:15:49,116 --> 00:15:50,984 Oh, um... 313 00:15:51,084 --> 00:15:54,521 I have to be up really early for work. (chuckles) 314 00:15:54,621 --> 00:15:56,023 But it was good talking to you, though. 315 00:15:56,123 --> 00:15:58,325 -You too. -Yeah. 316 00:15:58,425 --> 00:16:03,496 ** 317 00:16:03,596 --> 00:16:08,668 ** 318 00:16:08,768 --> 00:16:14,041 ** 319 00:16:16,076 --> 00:16:18,411 -Hi. -Hey, Mom. 320 00:16:22,815 --> 00:16:24,717 Can I bum one? 321 00:16:31,391 --> 00:16:33,726 Whoa. What are you -- Mom, what are you doing? 322 00:16:33,826 --> 00:16:36,429 No. Holy shit, I was jo-- I was joking. 323 00:16:36,529 --> 00:16:39,566 Put them away. Are you trying to give me cancer? 324 00:16:39,666 --> 00:16:42,435 (chuckles) 325 00:16:43,536 --> 00:16:45,272 So, you been smoking a lot? 326 00:16:46,273 --> 00:16:48,775 I smoke. 327 00:16:48,875 --> 00:16:50,610 I always smoked. 328 00:16:50,710 --> 00:16:54,047 It relaxes me. 329 00:16:54,147 --> 00:16:55,682 I get it. 330 00:16:58,718 --> 00:17:02,055 I guess I smoke more now than I used to. 331 00:17:03,856 --> 00:17:05,225 But you're an adult now. 332 00:17:05,325 --> 00:17:07,960 I don't have to hide things from you anymore. 333 00:17:10,863 --> 00:17:12,099 Did you eat anything? 334 00:17:12,199 --> 00:17:14,267 No, not really. 335 00:17:14,367 --> 00:17:17,104 I'll make you something. 336 00:17:17,204 --> 00:17:19,606 Okay. 337 00:17:35,655 --> 00:17:37,924 -Hey, Dad. -Hey. 338 00:17:45,832 --> 00:17:48,235 (water running) 339 00:18:00,513 --> 00:18:02,081 (birds chirping) 340 00:18:03,450 --> 00:18:06,319 Morning. 341 00:18:06,419 --> 00:18:08,521 You're up early. 342 00:18:08,621 --> 00:18:10,657 Yeah. 343 00:18:18,465 --> 00:18:19,799 Is Paige home? 344 00:18:19,899 --> 00:18:21,668 I don't think so. Why? 345 00:18:21,768 --> 00:18:23,436 Someone was sleeping in her bed last night. 346 00:18:23,536 --> 00:18:25,338 I was just wondering. 347 00:18:25,438 --> 00:18:28,208 That was Mom. She had to get up early... 348 00:18:28,308 --> 00:18:30,810 Mm. 349 00:18:34,214 --> 00:18:37,650 Mm. Aren't you late for work? 350 00:18:39,286 --> 00:18:41,554 Yeah. 351 00:18:41,654 --> 00:18:43,456 Unless... 352 00:18:43,556 --> 00:18:46,559 I am the boss. 353 00:18:50,497 --> 00:18:51,864 PHILIP: How'd he wind up in the hospital? 354 00:18:51,964 --> 00:18:54,334 His shirt was off in the tray over the back wheel. 355 00:18:54,434 --> 00:18:57,036 (laughter) 356 00:18:57,136 --> 00:19:00,207 And then, uh, it slipped into the spokes. 357 00:19:03,576 --> 00:19:06,012 -Man. -ANNOUNCER: Another wipeout. 358 00:19:06,112 --> 00:19:08,648 WOMAN: Alright, let's try it again, okay? 359 00:19:08,748 --> 00:19:09,982 Thanks. 360 00:19:10,082 --> 00:19:12,685 HENRY: Yeah, he lost control of the bike, 361 00:19:12,785 --> 00:19:16,223 and he flew over the handle bars. 362 00:19:16,323 --> 00:19:18,825 And he smashed his hip into a metal pole. 363 00:19:18,925 --> 00:19:21,027 That's terrible. 364 00:19:21,127 --> 00:19:23,062 Yeah, the doctor said that it was like the equivalent 365 00:19:23,162 --> 00:19:24,364 of stepping on a cracker. 366 00:19:24,464 --> 00:19:25,865 (sighs) Thanks. 367 00:19:25,965 --> 00:19:27,267 He gonna be alright? 368 00:19:27,367 --> 00:19:29,001 I don't know, I hope so. 369 00:19:29,101 --> 00:19:32,572 ANNOUNCER: Five more laps to go. 370 00:19:33,740 --> 00:19:37,076 Can't even walk, either, so he's not gonna be back into school 371 00:19:37,176 --> 00:19:38,411 until after Christmas. 372 00:19:38,511 --> 00:19:41,548 Unh! 373 00:19:41,648 --> 00:19:43,716 Fuck! 374 00:19:43,816 --> 00:19:45,552 I got it. 375 00:19:45,652 --> 00:19:49,021 ANNOUNCER: Car 3 did not slow down. 376 00:19:54,627 --> 00:19:56,529 -You okay? -Yeah. 377 00:19:56,629 --> 00:19:58,030 Sorry. 378 00:19:58,130 --> 00:19:59,599 Is it work? 379 00:19:59,699 --> 00:20:03,470 Uhh...no. I mean, yeah, yes, but... 380 00:20:05,071 --> 00:20:07,039 Is it Mom? 381 00:20:07,139 --> 00:20:08,975 -What do you mean? -I don't know. 382 00:20:09,075 --> 00:20:11,043 It's just that you don't really talk or... 383 00:20:11,143 --> 00:20:13,880 Henry, everything's fine. 384 00:20:13,980 --> 00:20:15,748 Look, I love your mother. She loves me. 385 00:20:15,848 --> 00:20:17,984 It's just, sometimes... 386 00:20:19,386 --> 00:20:21,087 Everything's fine. 387 00:20:22,455 --> 00:20:24,657 Okay. 388 00:20:24,757 --> 00:20:30,930 ** 389 00:20:31,030 --> 00:20:33,400 MAN ON P.A.: Orange Line train to Vienna/Fairfax. 390 00:20:33,500 --> 00:20:35,768 Next stop, McPherson Square. 391 00:20:35,902 --> 00:20:38,271 Doors open on the right. 392 00:20:38,371 --> 00:20:40,740 (indistinct conversations) 393 00:20:49,081 --> 00:20:50,983 "Rififi." 394 00:20:51,083 --> 00:20:52,652 Oh, yeah. 395 00:20:52,752 --> 00:20:56,122 I haven't seen "The Naked City" yet. 396 00:20:56,222 --> 00:20:58,190 Oh, hey, you've got to. You've got to. 397 00:20:58,291 --> 00:21:00,360 Yeah, I know. Too much work. 398 00:21:00,460 --> 00:21:03,129 I know. Yeah, tell me about it. 399 00:21:03,229 --> 00:21:05,131 What do you do? 400 00:21:05,231 --> 00:21:09,702 Um, I'm a -- I'm an intern for, um, Sam Nunn, the senator. 401 00:21:09,802 --> 00:21:12,138 -Oh, I know Sam. -You do? 402 00:21:12,238 --> 00:21:15,141 Well, not directly, but he works with some people in my firm. 403 00:21:15,241 --> 00:21:18,010 Oh. W-Which firm's that? 404 00:21:18,110 --> 00:21:19,846 McAlraith. 405 00:21:19,946 --> 00:21:22,114 Yeah, I think I -- Yeah, I've heard of them. 406 00:21:22,214 --> 00:21:24,717 Um...what is it -- What is it you guys do again? 407 00:21:24,817 --> 00:21:26,486 Consulting. 408 00:21:26,586 --> 00:21:29,489 Which no one ever really knows what that means, but... (chuckles) 409 00:21:29,589 --> 00:21:31,658 Corporate strategizing, management advice... 410 00:21:31,758 --> 00:21:35,828 Okay. So what -- what does that all have to do with Senator Nunn? 411 00:21:35,928 --> 00:21:38,631 Well, someone has to tell him what to do. 412 00:21:38,731 --> 00:21:40,667 I'm kidding. Sort of. 413 00:21:40,767 --> 00:21:42,735 (chuckles) Right. 414 00:21:46,873 --> 00:21:49,175 (brakes squealing) 415 00:21:50,977 --> 00:21:53,012 (doors open) 416 00:21:54,246 --> 00:21:57,183 Orange Line train to Vienna/Fairfax. 417 00:21:57,283 --> 00:21:59,251 Next stop... 418 00:21:59,352 --> 00:22:02,321 So, your friends don't like foreign films? 419 00:22:02,422 --> 00:22:04,156 (chuckles) 420 00:22:04,256 --> 00:22:06,058 Uh, no. No, not really. 421 00:22:06,158 --> 00:22:09,195 Yeah. It was the same when I was younger. 422 00:22:09,295 --> 00:22:11,364 I always had to go alone. 423 00:22:11,464 --> 00:22:14,934 So, you planning on getting into politics? 424 00:22:15,034 --> 00:22:16,369 Um... 425 00:22:16,469 --> 00:22:18,705 Not -- Not really my thing. Mm. 426 00:22:18,805 --> 00:22:20,339 Just I'm -- I'm just kind of here for the semester. 427 00:22:20,440 --> 00:22:22,041 Putting off going home to work for my dad. 428 00:22:22,141 --> 00:22:24,511 What's he do? 429 00:22:24,611 --> 00:22:27,514 We make pavement sealers and maintenance products. 430 00:22:27,614 --> 00:22:30,182 And you don't find that interesting? 431 00:22:30,282 --> 00:22:33,219 (both laugh) Um... 432 00:22:33,319 --> 00:22:34,887 Well, let's just put it this way. 433 00:22:34,987 --> 00:22:38,224 No one in Marietta, Georgia, is going to "Rififi." Right. 434 00:22:38,324 --> 00:22:39,926 But, you know, it's -- it's not like they're backwards. 435 00:22:40,026 --> 00:22:41,761 It's just kind of like a very small town. Yeah. 436 00:22:41,861 --> 00:22:44,431 You know, like, the, uh -- the one big family trip we took 437 00:22:44,531 --> 00:22:46,933 was to, like, London once when I was 15. 438 00:22:47,033 --> 00:22:49,702 -That must have been exciting. -(chuckles) 439 00:22:49,802 --> 00:22:52,371 Yeah, uh...I came back home with an English accent. 440 00:22:52,472 --> 00:22:55,475 -(laughs) -You know, my Dad couldn't stop 441 00:22:55,575 --> 00:22:57,143 talking about how "They drive 442 00:22:57,243 --> 00:23:00,212 on the wrong side of the street" the whole time. 443 00:23:01,814 --> 00:23:05,418 You know what? You should give me a call. 444 00:23:05,518 --> 00:23:07,720 McAlraith's a cool place. 445 00:23:07,820 --> 00:23:10,289 Your dad would be really impressed with the business side of it. 446 00:23:10,389 --> 00:23:13,259 But we also figure out ways to bring culture to corporations: 447 00:23:13,359 --> 00:23:14,627 make them more human. 448 00:23:14,727 --> 00:23:18,230 And we've got a great management training program. 449 00:23:18,330 --> 00:23:20,600 -Really? -Yeah. 450 00:23:20,700 --> 00:23:22,268 MAN ON P.A.: Farragut West. 451 00:23:22,368 --> 00:23:25,304 And besides, us film nerds need to stick together. 452 00:23:25,404 --> 00:23:27,474 -(chuckles) -What's your name? 453 00:23:27,574 --> 00:23:29,341 Oh, it's Jackson. Barber. 454 00:23:29,442 --> 00:23:30,677 Give me a call, Jackson. 455 00:23:30,777 --> 00:23:32,679 (doors open) 456 00:23:32,779 --> 00:23:35,081 ELIZABETH: Excuse me. Sorry. 457 00:23:35,615 --> 00:23:37,917 MAN: Oh. Hold that, please? 458 00:23:38,017 --> 00:23:40,653 (indistinct conversations) 459 00:23:43,756 --> 00:23:46,325 Uh, you wanted to see me, Mr. Philip? 460 00:23:46,425 --> 00:23:48,461 Yeah, um... 461 00:23:48,561 --> 00:23:51,297 Have a seat, Stavos. 462 00:23:57,670 --> 00:24:01,040 Um... 463 00:24:01,140 --> 00:24:05,211 As you know, we've been under pressure lately. 464 00:24:06,112 --> 00:24:07,814 And the bottom line is... 465 00:24:07,914 --> 00:24:09,516 I -- I know this. 466 00:24:09,616 --> 00:24:11,784 You do? 467 00:24:12,652 --> 00:24:14,220 I know you, Mr. Philip. 468 00:24:14,320 --> 00:24:17,289 I see stress on your face all the time. 469 00:24:17,389 --> 00:24:19,826 Yeah, it's -- it's been a hard year. 470 00:24:19,926 --> 00:24:21,528 Really hard. 471 00:24:21,628 --> 00:24:22,995 (sighs) 472 00:24:23,095 --> 00:24:25,364 I'm gonna have to let some people go. 473 00:24:25,464 --> 00:24:27,800 Oh, no. 474 00:24:27,900 --> 00:24:31,003 I've been over the books a thousand times. 475 00:24:31,103 --> 00:24:33,540 There's no way around it. 476 00:24:33,640 --> 00:24:38,244 And I wanted...you to be one of the first to hear 477 00:24:38,344 --> 00:24:40,747 because you've been here a long time. 478 00:24:40,847 --> 00:24:45,985 And I think of you as a friend, Stavos. 479 00:24:48,054 --> 00:24:50,322 Wait. Uh... 480 00:24:50,422 --> 00:24:53,926 Me? You -- You're firing me? 481 00:24:54,994 --> 00:24:57,063 You and Lacey and Steve. 482 00:24:57,163 --> 00:25:01,367 I -- I looked at everyone, and I just had to see 483 00:25:01,467 --> 00:25:04,336 who wasn't pulling their weight on the sales side. 484 00:25:04,436 --> 00:25:08,040 I'm -- I'm so sorry, Stavos. 485 00:25:29,596 --> 00:25:31,864 (door closes) 486 00:25:33,099 --> 00:25:35,267 Hey, where you going? They got me outnumbered. 487 00:25:35,367 --> 00:25:36,468 I have to take a shower. 488 00:25:36,569 --> 00:25:38,771 We'll be done by then. Just wash your hands. 489 00:25:38,871 --> 00:25:40,940 PAIGE: Mom, can you preheat the oven? Three-fifty? 490 00:25:41,040 --> 00:25:42,408 Mm-hmm. 491 00:25:45,745 --> 00:25:47,914 (water runs) 492 00:25:48,881 --> 00:25:50,717 PAIGE: We need to make them into crumbs. 493 00:25:50,817 --> 00:25:54,120 (telephone rings) 494 00:25:54,220 --> 00:25:57,724 Hello? This is Mrs. Jennings. 495 00:25:59,892 --> 00:26:01,961 Alright. Thank you. 496 00:26:02,061 --> 00:26:03,730 (receiver hangs up) 497 00:26:03,830 --> 00:26:07,266 That was work. I have to go. 498 00:26:07,366 --> 00:26:10,069 We can handle the rest. 499 00:26:10,169 --> 00:26:11,470 I'll be back as soon as I can. 500 00:26:11,570 --> 00:26:14,406 (water running) 501 00:26:14,506 --> 00:26:17,243 (door opens, closes) 502 00:26:17,343 --> 00:26:19,311 CLAUDIA: We have someone in Chicago. 503 00:26:19,411 --> 00:26:21,480 Just sent an emergency signal. 504 00:26:21,580 --> 00:26:24,016 He's under surveillance. 505 00:26:24,116 --> 00:26:26,352 See if you can get him out. 506 00:26:27,153 --> 00:26:28,988 Apparently, he's been working on 507 00:26:29,088 --> 00:26:31,090 whatever it is you're working on. 508 00:26:31,190 --> 00:26:33,525 Mexico. 509 00:26:33,626 --> 00:26:37,797 It means he can't get arrested. 510 00:26:37,897 --> 00:26:41,968 Bulgaria isn't gonna happen. Philip wouldn't do it. 511 00:26:43,502 --> 00:26:47,807 (sighs) We need to talk strategy about Nesterenko 512 00:26:47,907 --> 00:26:49,441 as soon as you get back. 513 00:26:51,343 --> 00:26:54,781 I may have someone in Sam Nunn's office. 514 00:26:54,881 --> 00:26:57,349 Good. 515 00:27:20,006 --> 00:27:21,173 Where are you going? 516 00:27:21,273 --> 00:27:22,574 Chicago. 517 00:27:22,675 --> 00:27:26,478 Now? That's not gonna look good. It's Thanksgiving. 518 00:27:26,578 --> 00:27:28,514 Figure it out. 519 00:27:28,614 --> 00:27:30,883 What's going on? 520 00:27:34,020 --> 00:27:37,189 We should talk, because it's better not to let bad feelings fester. 521 00:27:37,289 --> 00:27:40,259 You can take your Forum bullshit, and you can shove it up your ass. 522 00:27:40,359 --> 00:27:43,696 One of us is in trouble in Chicago, Philip. 523 00:27:43,796 --> 00:27:46,933 I'm going there to help him. Someone who's doing his job. 524 00:27:47,033 --> 00:27:50,102 Someone who still gives a shit. 525 00:28:06,685 --> 00:28:08,187 You sure I can't come? 526 00:28:08,955 --> 00:28:11,423 It would raise too much suspicion at Stan's. 527 00:28:11,523 --> 00:28:12,859 Should I -- 528 00:28:12,959 --> 00:28:14,961 Houston, business emergency. 529 00:28:15,061 --> 00:28:18,731 -Okay. -I'll see you when I get back. 530 00:28:21,868 --> 00:28:24,236 Bye, Mom. 531 00:28:26,272 --> 00:28:28,607 (door closes) 532 00:28:31,210 --> 00:28:32,611 Mmm. 533 00:28:32,711 --> 00:28:35,114 So, how's it going at school? 534 00:28:35,214 --> 00:28:38,918 It's good. You know, just classes, hockey, the usual. 535 00:28:39,018 --> 00:28:41,587 -Girls? -Eh. 536 00:28:41,687 --> 00:28:42,989 Oh? Anyone, uh... 537 00:28:43,089 --> 00:28:46,793 Well, I dated this one girl for a bit, but... 538 00:28:46,893 --> 00:28:48,560 didn't really last long. 539 00:28:48,660 --> 00:28:49,796 Oh. Why not? 540 00:28:49,896 --> 00:28:51,630 I have no idea. 541 00:28:51,730 --> 00:28:54,300 You want to come up and interrogate her, though? 542 00:28:54,400 --> 00:28:56,168 -(chuckles) -The wine's poured. 543 00:28:56,268 --> 00:28:57,770 We put the baby to sleep. 544 00:28:57,870 --> 00:28:59,005 Did he help? 545 00:28:59,105 --> 00:29:00,506 Are you kidding? 546 00:29:00,606 --> 00:29:02,174 I coached. 547 00:29:02,274 --> 00:29:05,244 Oh, and Dennis. Thanks for putting in a good word. 548 00:29:05,344 --> 00:29:06,913 -Oh, sure. -Is this about the job? 549 00:29:07,013 --> 00:29:08,180 Yeah. (doorbell rings) 550 00:29:08,280 --> 00:29:09,849 I can't believe it. Dennis told me. 551 00:29:09,949 --> 00:29:11,250 You want to go to the dark side? 552 00:29:11,350 --> 00:29:15,855 -That's what I said. -(chuckles) 553 00:29:16,355 --> 00:29:18,357 Hey. 554 00:29:18,457 --> 00:29:21,493 -Happy Thanksgiving. -Thanks. Come in, come in. 555 00:29:21,593 --> 00:29:24,496 -Thanks. Hi, Stan. -Oh, thank you. 556 00:29:24,596 --> 00:29:26,532 Yeah. 557 00:29:26,632 --> 00:29:29,301 Perfect timing. Where's Elizabeth? 558 00:29:29,401 --> 00:29:32,471 Hi. Oh. On her way to Houston. 559 00:29:32,571 --> 00:29:34,040 -Oh no. -Oh, what happened? 560 00:29:34,140 --> 00:29:38,177 We have this client, organized a big family reunion. 561 00:29:38,277 --> 00:29:40,446 The damn airline stranded 562 00:29:40,546 --> 00:29:44,016 Uncle Somebody and Cousin Whoever in Atlanta. 563 00:29:44,116 --> 00:29:45,852 He's pissed. He's a CEO, 564 00:29:45,952 --> 00:29:47,987 one of our biggest clients, threatened to drop us. 565 00:29:48,087 --> 00:29:49,788 He finally agreed to meet her, 566 00:29:49,889 --> 00:29:51,858 but she has to fly down there. So... 567 00:29:51,958 --> 00:29:54,026 -Oh, that's too bad... -Yeah. 568 00:29:54,126 --> 00:29:56,295 I know how it is when work gets in the way. 569 00:29:56,395 --> 00:29:58,464 We'll make sure she gets leftovers, at least... 570 00:29:58,564 --> 00:29:59,798 Great. 571 00:30:00,566 --> 00:30:03,502 All right, everybody to the table. 572 00:30:03,602 --> 00:30:06,205 Wow. 573 00:30:06,305 --> 00:30:08,707 Mmm. Mmm-mmm. 574 00:30:11,510 --> 00:30:13,345 (glass clinks) 575 00:30:13,445 --> 00:30:16,582 Uh, hi. Hi, everybody. 576 00:30:16,682 --> 00:30:19,418 I'm sorry not everyone could be here today. 577 00:30:19,518 --> 00:30:22,588 But I am grateful to be with friends. 578 00:30:25,657 --> 00:30:27,659 And family. 579 00:30:28,560 --> 00:30:33,432 Grateful for everything we have in this country. 580 00:30:34,333 --> 00:30:36,535 You know, not everybody around the world 581 00:30:36,635 --> 00:30:38,437 wants us to be able to live in peace. 582 00:30:38,537 --> 00:30:41,007 And freedom. 583 00:30:41,107 --> 00:30:42,408 But aren't those the things 584 00:30:42,508 --> 00:30:45,044 the Pilgrims came here for in the first place? 585 00:30:46,112 --> 00:30:47,679 You ask me, we should all be willing 586 00:30:47,779 --> 00:30:49,949 to fight to hold onto them. 587 00:30:51,017 --> 00:30:53,886 Because there are people out there 588 00:30:53,986 --> 00:30:57,023 who don't like our way of life... 589 00:30:59,225 --> 00:31:03,062 They're afraid of it. Of us. 590 00:31:03,930 --> 00:31:05,898 And we have an administration right now -- 591 00:31:05,998 --> 00:31:07,766 President Reagan and his people... 592 00:31:07,866 --> 00:31:11,270 they know that the only way to get to peace 593 00:31:11,370 --> 00:31:15,441 is to stand firm against those who wish us harm. 594 00:31:15,541 --> 00:31:17,809 And believe me, they do wish us harm. 595 00:31:17,910 --> 00:31:20,046 Make no mistake about that. 596 00:31:28,720 --> 00:31:30,089 Happy Thanksgiving. 597 00:31:30,189 --> 00:31:33,392 -Happy Thanksgiving. -Happy Thanksgiving. 598 00:31:33,492 --> 00:31:35,227 (glasses clink) Cheers. 599 00:31:38,597 --> 00:31:41,000 Okay. Let's eat. 600 00:31:41,100 --> 00:31:44,103 -Sweet potatoes. -Pass these down. 601 00:31:47,906 --> 00:31:50,609 (Tears for Fears' "Ideas as Opiates" plays) 602 00:31:50,709 --> 00:31:56,448 ** 603 00:31:56,548 --> 00:32:02,288 ** 604 00:32:02,388 --> 00:32:08,127 ** 605 00:32:08,227 --> 00:32:13,966 ** 606 00:32:14,066 --> 00:32:19,671 ** 607 00:32:19,771 --> 00:32:22,374 * Say what you want 608 00:32:22,474 --> 00:32:24,643 * Say what you want 609 00:32:24,743 --> 00:32:27,346 * Say what you will 610 00:32:31,017 --> 00:32:33,719 * Say what you want 611 00:32:33,819 --> 00:32:35,854 * Say what you want 612 00:32:35,954 --> 00:32:39,158 * Say what you will 613 00:32:39,258 --> 00:32:43,062 * 'Cause I find 614 00:32:43,162 --> 00:32:50,069 * You think, what makes it easier? * 615 00:32:50,169 --> 00:32:54,406 * And I find 616 00:32:54,506 --> 00:33:00,979 * You think, what makes it easier? * 617 00:33:01,080 --> 00:33:05,184 * Say what you want 618 00:33:05,284 --> 00:33:07,486 * Say what you want 619 00:33:07,586 --> 00:33:10,389 * Say what you will 620 00:33:13,692 --> 00:33:17,496 * 'Cause I find 621 00:33:17,596 --> 00:33:24,436 * You think, what makes it easier? * 622 00:33:24,536 --> 00:33:30,709 * And lies spread on lies 623 00:33:32,010 --> 00:33:36,115 * We don't care 624 00:33:36,215 --> 00:33:42,454 * Belief is our relief 625 00:33:43,289 --> 00:33:47,726 * We don't care 626 00:33:47,826 --> 00:33:51,963 ** 627 00:33:52,064 --> 00:33:56,102 ** 628 00:33:56,202 --> 00:33:59,805 * 'Cause I find 629 00:33:59,905 --> 00:34:06,878 * You think, what makes it easier? * 630 00:34:06,978 --> 00:34:11,317 * And I find 631 00:34:11,417 --> 00:34:18,290 * You think, what makes it easier? * 632 00:34:18,390 --> 00:34:24,896 * And lies spread on lies 633 00:34:25,664 --> 00:34:29,601 * We don't care 634 00:34:29,701 --> 00:34:35,006 * Belief is our relief 635 00:34:37,176 --> 00:34:41,913 * We don't care 636 00:34:44,783 --> 00:34:47,018 I think this is our best bet. 637 00:34:47,119 --> 00:34:50,756 I wish his commute was a little less straightforward. 638 00:34:50,856 --> 00:34:52,924 Makes it easy for them to cover. 639 00:34:53,024 --> 00:34:55,694 But we should be able to get him right here. 640 00:34:56,695 --> 00:34:59,465 This plan, 641 00:34:59,565 --> 00:35:01,800 I don't know... 642 00:35:03,869 --> 00:35:07,639 Just between us, what are the chances we'll pull this off? 643 00:35:10,209 --> 00:35:12,611 Not great. 644 00:35:26,492 --> 00:35:28,727 (sighs) 645 00:35:28,827 --> 00:35:31,697 You should get Erica more patchouli oil. 646 00:35:31,797 --> 00:35:33,332 Patchouli oil? 647 00:35:33,432 --> 00:35:35,634 She likes having her feet rubbed with it. 648 00:35:35,734 --> 00:35:38,069 She let you touch her feet? 649 00:35:43,709 --> 00:35:45,143 (sighs) 650 00:35:45,244 --> 00:35:47,846 You should get some rest. We both should. 651 00:35:48,880 --> 00:35:51,149 Yeah. 652 00:35:55,721 --> 00:35:59,090 (door opens, closes) 653 00:35:59,191 --> 00:36:05,897 ** 654 00:36:05,997 --> 00:36:12,604 ** 655 00:36:12,704 --> 00:36:19,378 ** 656 00:36:19,478 --> 00:36:25,717 ** 657 00:36:25,817 --> 00:36:32,224 ** 658 00:36:32,324 --> 00:36:37,896 ** 659 00:36:37,996 --> 00:36:43,435 ** 660 00:36:43,535 --> 00:36:49,074 ** 661 00:36:49,174 --> 00:36:54,646 ** 662 00:36:54,746 --> 00:36:57,082 Mmm. 663 00:36:57,182 --> 00:36:58,650 Mmm. 664 00:36:58,750 --> 00:37:02,821 (indistinct conversations) 665 00:37:02,921 --> 00:37:05,223 -How's it going? -Oh. 666 00:37:05,324 --> 00:37:09,428 We got fifty guys spread out in seven offices working the phones. 667 00:37:09,528 --> 00:37:11,330 Don't ever buy your car from Pennysaver. 668 00:37:11,430 --> 00:37:12,931 It's not a completely reputable bunch. 669 00:37:13,031 --> 00:37:16,268 (chuckles) Hey, we just need one hit... Yeah. 670 00:37:16,368 --> 00:37:19,338 And listen, can you handle this without Samuels? 671 00:37:19,438 --> 00:37:21,773 I need him to help with the priests. 672 00:37:21,873 --> 00:37:23,309 Priests? 673 00:37:23,409 --> 00:37:24,976 Yeah, they saw Harvest 674 00:37:25,076 --> 00:37:27,579 meeting with a Russian Orthodox priest last week, 675 00:37:27,679 --> 00:37:29,848 so we're looking at the ones around here. 676 00:37:29,948 --> 00:37:31,417 Okay. 677 00:37:31,517 --> 00:37:35,621 Hey. Yesterday. That -- That was nice. 678 00:37:35,721 --> 00:37:37,323 -Yeah. -Sorry about the rug. 679 00:37:37,423 --> 00:37:38,757 Oh, it'll come out. 680 00:37:38,857 --> 00:37:40,492 Renee is so crazy about Calvin, 681 00:37:40,592 --> 00:37:43,495 he could pour a bowl of soup on the rug, she wouldn't mind. 682 00:37:43,595 --> 00:37:44,796 (laughs) 683 00:37:44,896 --> 00:37:47,633 So, y-you guys thinking maybe...? 684 00:37:47,733 --> 00:37:51,136 Uh, we're pretty old, Dennis. 685 00:37:53,171 --> 00:37:55,474 -Emily's sweet potatoes. -Hey, hey! 686 00:37:55,574 --> 00:37:57,008 Mm. Finally. 687 00:37:57,108 --> 00:37:59,978 (telephone ringing) 688 00:38:04,616 --> 00:38:05,717 Hello? 689 00:38:05,817 --> 00:38:08,186 Hi. It's Mom. 690 00:38:08,286 --> 00:38:11,357 Hey, Mom. Uh, Dad's not home right now. 691 00:38:11,457 --> 00:38:13,959 Th-That's okay. I'm calling for you. 692 00:38:14,059 --> 00:38:15,361 Uh... 693 00:38:15,461 --> 00:38:20,666 Oh...uh, great. Okay. 694 00:38:20,766 --> 00:38:23,068 (sighs) How's Houston? 695 00:38:23,168 --> 00:38:26,171 Um...hot. 696 00:38:26,271 --> 00:38:28,173 (chuckles) 697 00:38:28,273 --> 00:38:29,508 How's everything there? 698 00:38:29,608 --> 00:38:32,678 Cold. But it's better than New Hampshire. 699 00:38:32,778 --> 00:38:37,516 Well...h-how's everything going? 700 00:38:37,616 --> 00:38:40,352 Uh, it's okay. School's good. 701 00:38:40,452 --> 00:38:45,156 It can be great sometimes and a drag others. 702 00:38:45,256 --> 00:38:48,927 Do you have a favorite class this year? 703 00:38:49,027 --> 00:38:51,530 Uh...American Lit, I guess, 704 00:38:51,630 --> 00:38:54,366 but we're reading a book right now called "Walden," 705 00:38:54,466 --> 00:38:59,438 and it is literally the most boring book ever written. 706 00:38:59,538 --> 00:39:00,906 I ne-- I never read it. 707 00:39:01,006 --> 00:39:04,042 Well, it's about this guy who sits at a pond 708 00:39:04,142 --> 00:39:07,779 and just thinks about how boring it is. 709 00:39:07,879 --> 00:39:11,216 (chuckles) 710 00:39:11,316 --> 00:39:13,785 Why do they have you read that? 711 00:39:13,885 --> 00:39:15,220 I don't know. 712 00:39:15,320 --> 00:39:19,425 It's important literature, apparently. 713 00:39:21,393 --> 00:39:23,294 Got any girlfriends? 714 00:39:24,430 --> 00:39:27,265 Uh, working on it. 715 00:39:27,365 --> 00:39:30,536 ** 716 00:39:30,636 --> 00:39:33,238 Well, uh... 717 00:39:33,338 --> 00:39:35,707 Okay. 718 00:39:35,807 --> 00:39:37,709 Yeah. 719 00:39:37,809 --> 00:39:39,878 Yeah. 720 00:39:41,146 --> 00:39:43,915 Okay. (chuckles) Good night, Henry. 721 00:39:44,015 --> 00:39:45,651 Good night. 722 00:39:47,819 --> 00:39:50,255 (receiver hangs up) 723 00:39:50,355 --> 00:39:52,458 (coin clinks) 724 00:39:52,558 --> 00:39:59,397 ** 725 00:39:59,498 --> 00:40:03,502 (thunder rumbles) 726 00:40:03,602 --> 00:40:06,905 (siren wailing in distance) 727 00:40:14,646 --> 00:40:16,314 Is that the last piece? 728 00:40:16,414 --> 00:40:17,683 Second to last. 729 00:40:17,783 --> 00:40:20,118 Whew. 730 00:40:20,218 --> 00:40:22,020 Oh. Mom called. 731 00:40:22,954 --> 00:40:24,623 What'd she say? 732 00:40:24,723 --> 00:40:26,324 She called for me. 733 00:40:26,424 --> 00:40:28,494 Oh. 734 00:40:28,594 --> 00:40:30,462 That's nice. 735 00:40:30,562 --> 00:40:31,963 Yeah. 736 00:40:32,063 --> 00:40:35,801 But she was asking about, like, school and the weather. 737 00:40:37,135 --> 00:40:38,870 It was weird. 738 00:40:38,970 --> 00:40:41,773 'Cause she never really calls me. 739 00:40:41,873 --> 00:40:43,374 We barely ever talk. 740 00:40:43,475 --> 00:40:46,645 But all of a sudden, she's calling me from a business trip 741 00:40:46,745 --> 00:40:50,181 and asking about English class... 742 00:40:50,281 --> 00:40:53,451 I don't know. Whatever. 743 00:40:53,552 --> 00:40:57,155 I just really don't understand why she's so unhappy. 744 00:40:57,255 --> 00:40:58,824 What? 745 00:40:58,924 --> 00:41:00,826 I don't understand why she's so unhappy. 746 00:41:00,926 --> 00:41:04,195 She has a nice life, right? 747 00:41:04,295 --> 00:41:06,464 Yeah. 748 00:41:06,565 --> 00:41:08,800 I think so. 749 00:41:12,871 --> 00:41:19,678 ** 750 00:41:19,778 --> 00:41:26,652 ** 751 00:41:26,752 --> 00:41:33,559 ** 752 00:41:33,659 --> 00:41:40,532 ** 753 00:41:40,632 --> 00:41:47,405 ** 754 00:41:47,505 --> 00:41:54,345 ** 755 00:41:54,445 --> 00:42:01,219 ** 756 00:42:01,319 --> 00:42:08,193 ** 757 00:42:08,293 --> 00:42:15,100 ** 758 00:42:15,200 --> 00:42:22,073 ** 759 00:42:22,173 --> 00:42:28,947 ** 760 00:42:29,047 --> 00:42:35,887 ** 761 00:42:35,987 --> 00:42:38,657 (ringing) 762 00:42:41,827 --> 00:42:44,663 Hello? 763 00:42:44,763 --> 00:42:47,165 PHILIP: Hi. 764 00:42:47,265 --> 00:42:49,434 Hi... 765 00:42:49,534 --> 00:42:52,170 Is everything okay? 766 00:42:52,270 --> 00:42:54,405 Yeah. I just, uh... 767 00:42:54,505 --> 00:42:59,310 Just calling to see if everything's all right. 768 00:42:59,410 --> 00:43:00,779 I don't know. 769 00:43:03,114 --> 00:43:04,783 Not really. 770 00:43:06,451 --> 00:43:07,653 What do you mean? 771 00:43:07,753 --> 00:43:12,257 It's just a, uh...hard one. 772 00:43:16,427 --> 00:43:18,664 You might lose the client? 773 00:43:18,764 --> 00:43:24,102 I'm not sure I can accomplish what I came here for without... 774 00:43:26,337 --> 00:43:28,506 Just gonna be tough. 775 00:43:32,343 --> 00:43:35,013 Without what? 776 00:43:35,113 --> 00:43:37,315 More help. 777 00:43:39,350 --> 00:43:41,820 Are you asking me to come? 778 00:43:41,920 --> 00:43:45,356 I'll handle it. This is my side of the business. 779 00:43:48,459 --> 00:43:52,397 I don't think that's been working these last few months. 780 00:43:52,497 --> 00:43:56,968 A-And he's not the only client in the world. 781 00:43:58,403 --> 00:44:01,639 Why don't you come home? 782 00:44:04,843 --> 00:44:06,878 What's happened to you? 783 00:44:07,913 --> 00:44:09,848 (sighs) Nothing. 784 00:44:09,948 --> 00:44:11,717 Still the same asshole as always. 785 00:44:11,817 --> 00:44:14,485 Doesn't care about anyone but himself, right? 786 00:44:14,585 --> 00:44:18,256 I'm not coming home. 787 00:44:19,891 --> 00:44:22,560 Okay. 788 00:44:22,660 --> 00:44:25,897 I'll come. 789 00:44:26,832 --> 00:44:29,901 N-Nobody's asking you to do that. 790 00:44:32,003 --> 00:44:34,072 I know. 791 00:44:34,172 --> 00:44:36,674 Just sit tight. 792 00:44:36,775 --> 00:44:38,844 I'm on my way. 793 00:44:40,178 --> 00:44:42,447 (coin clinks) 794 00:44:48,787 --> 00:44:54,559 ** 795 00:44:54,659 --> 00:45:00,431 ** 796 00:45:00,531 --> 00:45:06,304 ** 797 00:45:06,404 --> 00:45:12,143 ** 798 00:45:12,243 --> 00:45:18,216 ** 799 00:45:21,052 --> 00:45:24,255 -- Captions by VITA --