1 00:01:49,000 --> 00:01:50,499 MyseIf Rahul. 2 00:01:50,666 --> 00:01:52,124 I am 40 years oId. 3 00:01:52,375 --> 00:01:57,165 Normally at this age in one's Iife there comes a big twist. 4 00:01:58,125 --> 00:01:59,999 I also experienced something big. 5 00:02:00,500 --> 00:02:01,832 I mean, reaIly big. 6 00:02:02,375 --> 00:02:04,207 One that changed my life. 7 00:02:10,208 --> 00:02:12,290 ActuaIly Iet's start at the very beginning. 8 00:02:20,833 --> 00:02:23,874 Since l was a kid l have been Iiving in this house with my... 9 00:02:23,958 --> 00:02:26,082 grandfather, grandmother, mother and father. 10 00:02:26,333 --> 00:02:29,290 My parents passed away when l was eight years oId... 11 00:02:29,541 --> 00:02:31,832 My grandparents took care of me. 12 00:02:32,625 --> 00:02:35,374 When l was a child it was quite obvious that I was rather cute. 13 00:02:35,541 --> 00:02:37,582 PeopIe would pull my cheeks and say... 14 00:02:37,666 --> 00:02:39,415 So Sweet! 15 00:02:39,916 --> 00:02:42,999 And this sweetness was in my grandfathers' shop. 16 00:02:43,166 --> 00:02:45,082 Y. Y. MithaiwaIa (Sweet Seller). 17 00:02:45,333 --> 00:02:48,415 In Mumbai, the outIets of our shop, surpassed the greenery. 18 00:02:48,500 --> 00:02:51,040 Brother, pIease pack six samosas and half a kilo of the fried sweet. 19 00:02:52,916 --> 00:02:53,957 Brother!!?? 20 00:02:54,416 --> 00:02:55,374 Why? 21 00:02:55,458 --> 00:02:56,957 Why? MithaiwaIa!! 22 00:02:57,250 --> 00:03:00,290 And my grandfather wouId aIso interfere in my IoVe Iife... 23 00:03:00,375 --> 00:03:01,832 at times he wouId caIl... 24 00:03:02,041 --> 00:03:05,165 and at times he himself would show up in person in person. 25 00:03:05,625 --> 00:03:07,499 I never got the chance to be in a relationship... 26 00:03:07,666 --> 00:03:09,582 and cIearIy marriage was out of the question. 27 00:03:11,291 --> 00:03:12,957 Six, six!! 28 00:03:14,000 --> 00:03:16,082 RahuI, did you see the way Sachin plays! Wow!! 29 00:03:16,250 --> 00:03:19,499 Though my grandfather was a die hard fan of Sachin TenduIkar... 30 00:03:19,583 --> 00:03:22,540 he never applied the word 'die' in his life. 31 00:03:23,000 --> 00:03:25,540 Time passed on but he did not. 32 00:03:25,791 --> 00:03:27,915 All my reIatiVes settIed abroad. 33 00:03:28,000 --> 00:03:30,082 And then came 2013. 34 00:03:30,333 --> 00:03:32,957 My grandfathers' 100th birthday! 35 00:03:33,041 --> 00:03:37,540 Apart from my grandfather I haVe two more tragedies in my Iife... 36 00:03:37,625 --> 00:03:39,915 my friends Bobby and SaIim. 37 00:03:40,333 --> 00:03:40,832 Hi Rahul. 38 00:03:40,916 --> 00:03:41,582 Hi. 39 00:03:41,666 --> 00:03:42,999 All set for Goa? 40 00:03:43,083 --> 00:03:43,832 Goa? 41 00:03:43,916 --> 00:03:46,040 Once you reach there don't be naughty at forty huh! 42 00:03:46,500 --> 00:03:48,749 And both of you, mind your own business! 43 00:03:48,875 --> 00:03:51,290 Tanu, can you just help me for a minute here? 44 00:03:51,541 --> 00:03:53,707 What is this new story you two haVe been cooking? 45 00:03:53,791 --> 00:03:56,707 Not just the two, this includes aII of us. 46 00:03:57,000 --> 00:04:00,582 RahuI, it's grandpa's birthday but the gift is for you. 47 00:04:00,666 --> 00:04:02,249 Hot NRI women! 48 00:04:02,375 --> 00:04:03,749 I'Ve aIready spoken to them. 49 00:04:03,833 --> 00:04:07,790 In Goa we will be with them for a 6 days - 7 nights fixed package! 50 00:04:07,875 --> 00:04:09,749 What sort of friends are you? One week! 51 00:04:10,083 --> 00:04:12,082 How will grandpa Iet me go for a week? 52 00:04:13,208 --> 00:04:13,832 Just a minute. 53 00:04:13,916 --> 00:04:14,874 He's an idiot! 54 00:04:14,958 --> 00:04:16,457 - But you are aIso an idiot! - Rahul... 55 00:04:16,541 --> 00:04:18,082 Come here. 56 00:04:18,166 --> 00:04:19,165 Grandpa. 57 00:04:20,541 --> 00:04:22,415 Sir, you come with me. 58 00:04:24,416 --> 00:04:25,415 Yes, grandpa. 59 00:04:25,958 --> 00:04:28,040 Yes, you brought me a gift didn't you? 60 00:04:29,125 --> 00:04:33,332 You haVen't yet opened the gifts giVen by VimaI, Renu and the others.. 61 00:04:33,666 --> 00:04:36,790 They are others, not 'ours'. 62 00:04:37,041 --> 00:04:38,874 I am going to be a 100. 63 00:04:39,041 --> 00:04:40,915 I wilI say very important things. 64 00:04:41,000 --> 00:04:44,332 They only Iike me because we're related. 65 00:04:44,875 --> 00:04:48,915 You IoVe me which is why we are reIated! 66 00:04:49,625 --> 00:04:54,999 I wonder what will happen to you once pass on. 67 00:04:55,166 --> 00:04:55,999 Grandpa... 68 00:04:56,083 --> 00:04:59,207 Here we go! I've also begun to talk about Ieaving... 69 00:04:59,375 --> 00:05:01,082 its hardly my age to taIk of Ieaving... 70 00:05:02,458 --> 00:05:05,999 Why do we taIk about what is to happen 20 to 25 years later. 71 00:05:07,333 --> 00:05:09,124 Come on, giVe it to me. 72 00:05:10,250 --> 00:05:11,249 Yes. 73 00:05:12,833 --> 00:05:14,124 Wow! 74 00:05:15,250 --> 00:05:17,540 A bat autographed by Sachin! 75 00:05:21,208 --> 00:05:22,665 Come on, hit! 76 00:05:23,416 --> 00:05:28,124 It was Rahul's idea to open a franchise of your shop in Goa. 77 00:05:28,291 --> 00:05:30,582 Yes go ahead and open it. Why are you wasting your time here? 78 00:05:30,666 --> 00:05:33,665 Grandpa, we have aIready seen an amazing land plot in Panjim. 79 00:05:33,833 --> 00:05:36,665 We are going with RahuI to finalize the pIot. 80 00:05:36,750 --> 00:05:38,249 Go. 81 00:05:38,791 --> 00:05:42,290 Oh come on, Sachin, hit it beyond the boundary! 82 00:05:44,750 --> 00:05:47,999 Six! Sachin is on 99. 83 00:05:48,375 --> 00:05:52,124 Sachin is on 99!! 84 00:06:07,000 --> 00:06:09,374 What grandma? So much excitement for a century. 85 00:06:09,541 --> 00:06:11,249 It's just a game. He wiII make it again. 86 00:06:18,541 --> 00:06:19,540 Grandpa! 87 00:06:20,750 --> 00:06:24,207 Both grandpa and Sachin were knocked out at 99! 88 00:06:27,083 --> 00:06:28,874 It was a strange feeIing. 89 00:06:29,708 --> 00:06:31,707 But then I read somewhere that... 90 00:06:32,583 --> 00:06:35,957 a person's death is already predestined before his birth. 91 00:06:36,375 --> 00:06:38,624 I thought to myself if what has to... 92 00:06:38,750 --> 00:06:41,124 happen has already happened what difference does it make? 93 00:06:41,416 --> 00:06:43,415 After all grandpa was alive... 94 00:06:43,500 --> 00:06:45,915 since the inVention of aII lndia radio to the advent of Twitter. 95 00:06:46,166 --> 00:06:47,999 He lived a good life. 96 00:06:48,166 --> 00:06:48,957 That's it! 97 00:06:49,000 --> 00:06:50,332 At that very moment... 98 00:06:50,416 --> 00:06:51,915 I had made a decision. 99 00:06:52,708 --> 00:06:53,957 Goa is on! 100 00:06:59,791 --> 00:07:01,999 Grandma, l want to do something more in life. 101 00:07:02,500 --> 00:07:04,832 I want to do something my heart teIls me to do. 102 00:07:06,000 --> 00:07:09,124 I cannot handIe Y. Y. Mithaiwala now. 103 00:07:09,875 --> 00:07:13,832 Grandma, eVen l have some dreams. Till now I've just let my age catch on. 104 00:07:15,291 --> 00:07:17,665 But now I want to see the world and Iearn things. 105 00:07:19,166 --> 00:07:22,540 Grandma, l reaIIy want to live life on my own terms. 106 00:07:23,208 --> 00:07:28,415 RahuI, with the property you've aIready begun to Iive Iife on your own terms. 107 00:07:28,583 --> 00:07:32,332 LiVe your Iife the way you want to, nobody is stopping you. 108 00:07:34,416 --> 00:07:37,874 But you wiIl have to do me a faVor. 109 00:07:38,416 --> 00:07:39,582 Yes teIl me, grandma. 110 00:07:39,833 --> 00:07:42,082 It was your grandfather's Iast wish... 111 00:07:42,833 --> 00:07:44,415 that after he died... 112 00:07:44,708 --> 00:07:48,707 half of his ashes would be immersed into the Ganga... 113 00:07:49,708 --> 00:07:52,499 and the other half in Rameshwaram. 114 00:07:53,000 --> 00:07:53,915 Rameshwaram? 115 00:07:54,000 --> 00:07:57,999 Yes. I wilI go aIong with Anshu and immerse his ashes into the Ganga... 116 00:07:58,291 --> 00:08:03,415 but you wiIl have to go to Rameshwaram to pour out the other haIf of his ashes. 117 00:08:03,583 --> 00:08:04,957 Grandma, me? 118 00:08:05,250 --> 00:08:06,415 Yes, you! 119 00:08:06,666 --> 00:08:10,624 This was your grandfather's Iast wish, you will haVe to fuIfil it. 120 00:08:14,916 --> 00:08:17,749 This Rameshwaram is at the end of lndia! 121 00:08:17,916 --> 00:08:19,915 That too in the exact opposite direction as Goa! 122 00:08:22,416 --> 00:08:23,457 One minute guys! 123 00:08:23,625 --> 00:08:24,874 Salim, give me that. 124 00:08:26,125 --> 00:08:30,332 The waters of Goa must be fIowing up to Rameshwaram, right? 125 00:08:31,083 --> 00:08:32,082 What do you mean? 126 00:08:32,250 --> 00:08:36,207 What he means is that if we pour out Grandpa's ashes in the waters of Goa... 127 00:08:36,375 --> 00:08:39,082 It wiII eVentuaIIy float and reach Rameshwaram. 128 00:08:39,333 --> 00:08:41,540 Yes, but Goa and Rameshwaramare miIes away. 129 00:08:41,666 --> 00:08:44,082 Oh, we are going to make them coincide.. 130 00:08:44,625 --> 00:08:45,749 What does that mean? 131 00:08:45,833 --> 00:08:48,332 Goa is on! 132 00:08:49,083 --> 00:08:49,582 Yes, RahuI. 133 00:08:49,666 --> 00:08:50,790 Bobby, change of pIan. 134 00:08:50,875 --> 00:08:52,249 What? You're coming to Goa right? 135 00:08:52,500 --> 00:08:53,540 Of course, l'm coming. 136 00:08:53,708 --> 00:08:56,999 But to fooI grandma we haVe to begin our journey by train. 137 00:08:57,208 --> 00:08:58,207 What? 138 00:08:58,291 --> 00:09:00,999 Grandma is going to come to see me off. 139 00:09:01,333 --> 00:09:04,790 So in the next two hours l wiII buy a ticket to any train going to South India. 140 00:09:05,000 --> 00:09:07,665 I wilI get on the train, and l will get off at the kaIyan station. 141 00:09:07,875 --> 00:09:11,999 You guys wait for me there, we wiII travel by road from there. 142 00:09:13,041 --> 00:09:16,499 Which means, Goa is on! 143 00:09:22,166 --> 00:09:23,582 Let's go, grandpa. 144 00:09:34,333 --> 00:09:35,540 Chennai Express? 145 00:09:35,958 --> 00:09:37,582 Yes, Chennai Express. 146 00:09:38,750 --> 00:09:42,707 As much as l know, l don't think Chennai Express goes to Rameshwaram. 147 00:09:44,500 --> 00:09:45,665 You did not understand. 148 00:09:45,750 --> 00:09:49,374 Didn't I teIl you that l want to spend more time with grandpa? 149 00:09:49,791 --> 00:09:53,249 So I am taking the Iong route not the wrong route. 150 00:09:53,958 --> 00:09:57,374 I wilI get off at Chennai and take the road to Rameshwaram. 151 00:09:57,916 --> 00:09:58,915 RahuI... 152 00:09:59,583 --> 00:10:04,457 do you know why I am taking your grandpa's ashes to the Ganga? 153 00:10:05,458 --> 00:10:08,207 It's because I don't trust anyone here. 154 00:10:08,916 --> 00:10:13,207 But I have complete faith... 155 00:10:14,083 --> 00:10:16,874 that you will immerse your grandpa's ashes... 156 00:10:16,958 --> 00:10:20,582 with most sincerity in the waters of Rameshwaram. 157 00:10:31,333 --> 00:10:35,082 I did not Iike lying to grandma one bit. 158 00:10:36,208 --> 00:10:38,415 But by then, I had already done that. 159 00:10:50,291 --> 00:10:50,790 Hello. 160 00:10:50,875 --> 00:10:53,124 RahuI, where are you, man? We haVe aIready reached Kalyan. 161 00:10:53,333 --> 00:10:55,374 Yes, I'm aIready in the train after bidding fareweII to Grandma. 162 00:10:55,458 --> 00:10:56,457 I wilI be reaching shortly. 163 00:11:13,166 --> 00:11:14,457 RahuI's arriVed. 164 00:11:16,458 --> 00:11:17,665 RahuI, where were you? 165 00:11:17,750 --> 00:11:19,582 I'Ve come, right? 166 00:11:19,666 --> 00:11:21,582 - Now it's going to be fun! - Yes!! 167 00:11:21,666 --> 00:11:23,582 - Ash! - What happened now? 168 00:11:23,666 --> 00:11:25,082 The ashes! 169 00:11:25,333 --> 00:11:26,165 Granpa's ash! 170 00:11:26,250 --> 00:11:27,582 No RahuI... No. 171 00:11:27,666 --> 00:11:28,957 - Granpa! - Rahul, listen to us! 172 00:12:55,458 --> 00:12:56,374 Thanks. 173 00:12:56,458 --> 00:12:57,457 No, It's okay. 174 00:12:57,541 --> 00:12:58,957 I'Ve done this before. 175 00:12:59,000 --> 00:13:01,790 ActuaIly I've. Sorry l should go. 176 00:13:46,041 --> 00:13:47,999 Meenamma, what did you think? 177 00:13:48,333 --> 00:13:50,165 That you could get away from us? 178 00:13:50,333 --> 00:13:51,874 What you are doing is totally wrong! 179 00:13:51,958 --> 00:13:54,415 Don't try to preach to us. 180 00:13:54,500 --> 00:13:56,874 Excuse me. What are you guys fighting about? 181 00:13:57,000 --> 00:14:00,124 PeopIe miss catching trains, because of you people I missed my platform. 182 00:14:00,833 --> 00:14:01,832 Hi! 183 00:14:05,333 --> 00:14:06,332 Meenama. 184 00:14:09,583 --> 00:14:11,082 It's aII right. 185 00:14:20,375 --> 00:14:21,374 Hi. 186 00:14:23,916 --> 00:14:25,415 That's my seat. 187 00:14:26,583 --> 00:14:27,749 My seat - um. 188 00:14:28,416 --> 00:14:29,415 May I? 189 00:14:29,916 --> 00:14:30,915 Thank you. 190 00:14:35,416 --> 00:14:36,415 Sorry! 191 00:14:36,750 --> 00:14:37,999 Sorry to you, sir. One second... 192 00:14:38,041 --> 00:14:39,915 Take it out... nonsense. 193 00:14:41,083 --> 00:14:42,749 I am sorry. 194 00:14:44,083 --> 00:14:45,374 I am a littIe fat. 195 00:14:59,583 --> 00:15:00,582 It's mine. 196 00:15:02,000 --> 00:15:02,499 Hello. 197 00:15:02,583 --> 00:15:03,915 RahuI, where are you? 198 00:15:04,083 --> 00:15:05,207 I am in the train. 199 00:15:05,416 --> 00:15:06,207 In the train? 200 00:15:06,291 --> 00:15:08,207 I didn't have the chance to get out. 201 00:15:08,333 --> 00:15:10,040 So, this is what we are going to do... 202 00:15:10,708 --> 00:15:12,540 we wiII meet at Karjat Station. 203 00:15:13,000 --> 00:15:13,999 And Iisten... 204 00:15:14,583 --> 00:15:16,082 don't worry about me... 205 00:15:16,833 --> 00:15:18,415 I'Ve got great company. 206 00:15:18,875 --> 00:15:20,415 You found her, huh? 207 00:15:21,208 --> 00:15:23,624 Yes, she is sitting right in front of me. 208 00:15:24,875 --> 00:15:25,999 What hair! 209 00:15:26,083 --> 00:15:27,082 What amazing eyes! 210 00:15:27,166 --> 00:15:28,165 What Iips! 211 00:15:28,541 --> 00:15:30,540 You are naming parts of her body in front of her... 212 00:15:30,625 --> 00:15:31,957 does she not have her sandaIs on? 213 00:15:32,791 --> 00:15:34,415 She doesn't understand Hindi. 214 00:15:35,125 --> 00:15:37,374 Hey wait, she's looking at me. 215 00:15:38,250 --> 00:15:40,124 She's probabIy looking at me with Iove. 216 00:15:40,208 --> 00:15:42,290 Make sure you check she's not blind. 217 00:15:42,375 --> 00:15:43,374 Shut up man. 218 00:15:43,833 --> 00:15:46,749 But its possibIe that she may get bIinded by my love. 219 00:15:49,666 --> 00:15:52,040 Okay Iisten, Iets meet at Karjat Station na... 220 00:15:52,666 --> 00:15:54,540 till then I will keep myseIf busy here. 221 00:15:55,333 --> 00:15:57,915 Hopefully, I should be abIe to get her along. 222 00:16:05,500 --> 00:16:09,207 When l saw you l knew my dear... 223 00:16:12,208 --> 00:16:16,290 that IoVe is crazy my dear... 224 00:16:17,750 --> 00:16:18,999 Now where do l go... 225 00:16:19,083 --> 00:16:26,540 What makes you think don't understand Hindi? 226 00:16:28,875 --> 00:16:37,415 The ones who you helped are here to kidnap me. 227 00:16:37,500 --> 00:16:38,499 kidnap? 228 00:16:40,375 --> 00:16:43,957 I'm in big trouble. 229 00:16:45,166 --> 00:16:48,707 So wiII you heIp me? 230 00:16:49,041 --> 00:16:53,249 So that they don't suspect anything... 231 00:16:53,666 --> 00:16:58,124 talk to me through songs. 232 00:17:01,500 --> 00:17:04,749 Grant me forgiveness, for I haVe wronged you. 233 00:17:04,875 --> 00:17:07,999 I had no idea you knew the Ianguage. 234 00:17:08,041 --> 00:17:11,249 I wilI do as you say now. 235 00:17:11,375 --> 00:17:14,999 Since l've made a mistake, I should pay the penalty. 236 00:17:15,041 --> 00:17:16,040 Hi... 237 00:17:18,583 --> 00:17:21,624 Don't you worry! 238 00:17:21,708 --> 00:17:24,874 I am here! 239 00:17:28,541 --> 00:17:29,540 Meenamma. 240 00:17:30,125 --> 00:17:31,124 You sing. 241 00:17:33,375 --> 00:17:38,540 So you go to... go to the toilet. 242 00:17:40,958 --> 00:17:45,540 So you go to... you go to the toilet. 243 00:17:46,791 --> 00:17:47,790 Toilet... 244 00:17:49,000 --> 00:17:52,665 but why are you sending me to the toilet? 245 00:17:53,958 --> 00:17:58,415 What is it that you intend to do, tell me? 246 00:17:59,125 --> 00:18:00,124 Your... 247 00:18:00,708 --> 00:18:03,749 I wilI use your phone to make a caII. 248 00:18:04,041 --> 00:18:07,790 I wilI inform my friends. 249 00:18:08,041 --> 00:18:11,707 Toilet toiIet... go to the toilet. 250 00:18:16,791 --> 00:18:17,790 Toilet! 251 00:18:18,250 --> 00:18:20,415 Call! Nature's call. 252 00:18:21,375 --> 00:18:23,749 Hello, Nature? l am calling... 253 00:18:24,166 --> 00:18:25,249 How are you? 254 00:18:34,708 --> 00:18:35,707 RahuI... 255 00:18:37,083 --> 00:18:38,582 you must not haVe heard the name before. 256 00:18:38,666 --> 00:18:39,665 Phone. 257 00:18:41,041 --> 00:18:42,790 Nokia Lumia 920. 258 00:18:43,125 --> 00:18:44,665 Advanced floating Iens technoIogy. 259 00:18:44,750 --> 00:18:45,957 Fat boy piIIow recharge. 260 00:18:46,000 --> 00:18:47,790 WireIess recharging docking station. 261 00:18:47,916 --> 00:18:49,540 High quaIity audio in retro styIing. 262 00:18:49,625 --> 00:18:52,707 Rupees 34,249. 263 00:18:53,083 --> 00:18:54,582 Can I make a caII from this? 264 00:18:55,625 --> 00:18:56,915 Of course, you can. 265 00:19:03,166 --> 00:19:05,207 Meenamma, what did you think... 266 00:19:05,375 --> 00:19:07,165 You wouId caII and we wouldn't notice? 267 00:19:11,458 --> 00:19:13,415 What the heck? That was my phone. 268 00:19:13,500 --> 00:19:15,874 My friends are waiting for me at the karjat Station, how will I contact them? 269 00:19:16,000 --> 00:19:18,707 35,000 rupee phone! 270 00:19:19,500 --> 00:19:21,707 Okay... 34,249. 271 00:19:21,916 --> 00:19:22,999 I wilI sue you! 272 00:19:23,208 --> 00:19:24,790 That was my phone, my phone! 273 00:19:24,875 --> 00:19:26,540 Meenamma, what is he saying? 274 00:19:27,000 --> 00:19:28,415 It was his phone. 275 00:19:29,000 --> 00:19:30,374 If l knew that earlier... 276 00:19:30,458 --> 00:19:32,207 I wouId have thrown him out with the phone. 277 00:19:33,000 --> 00:19:34,957 What pai pai is he doing? 278 00:19:35,208 --> 00:19:37,082 He's saying had they known the phone beIonged to you... 279 00:19:37,166 --> 00:19:38,499 they wouId throw you out with the phone. 280 00:19:38,583 --> 00:19:39,582 Oh really? 281 00:19:39,791 --> 00:19:42,957 Is this your father's kingdom? Are you trying to scare me? 282 00:19:43,000 --> 00:19:44,207 Are you threatening me? 283 00:19:44,291 --> 00:19:45,624 I wilI show you! 284 00:19:48,000 --> 00:19:49,165 Meenamma! 285 00:19:55,416 --> 00:19:57,874 Enough! This is too much. 286 00:19:58,458 --> 00:20:02,665 You haVe made me so angry that l wiII sit down. 287 00:20:03,875 --> 00:20:06,832 And if l sit down don't think I won't be abIe to stand up again. 288 00:20:07,041 --> 00:20:08,707 And if l stand up don't think... 289 00:20:09,458 --> 00:20:10,665 I cannot sit down again. 290 00:20:17,125 --> 00:20:19,749 And I forgive you for the mobile too. 291 00:20:20,000 --> 00:20:21,957 I can buy out the entire mobiIe company if I want to. 292 00:20:22,000 --> 00:20:25,790 4G, 5G, I haVe a Iot of money. 293 00:20:26,833 --> 00:20:27,957 Poor peopIe. 294 00:20:29,958 --> 00:20:30,957 Okay! 295 00:20:42,583 --> 00:20:43,582 Ticket. 296 00:20:45,958 --> 00:20:47,207 Brother, Ticket. 297 00:20:47,916 --> 00:20:48,832 No. 298 00:20:48,916 --> 00:20:50,582 What ille? no? 299 00:20:50,666 --> 00:20:51,707 Ticket No. 300 00:20:52,791 --> 00:20:54,999 If you don't have a ticket then you will have to pay a fine. 301 00:21:01,625 --> 00:21:03,332 I have my ticket. 302 00:21:05,416 --> 00:21:06,999 You call this a ticket. 303 00:21:07,333 --> 00:21:09,040 If you don't have a ticket then you will have to pay a fine. 304 00:21:09,125 --> 00:21:09,999 From where have you boarded the train? 305 00:21:10,041 --> 00:21:11,040 Are they with you? 306 00:21:11,125 --> 00:21:13,707 Listen to me very carefuIIy TC... 307 00:21:13,916 --> 00:21:16,374 don't take it easy on these hooligans. 308 00:21:16,916 --> 00:21:19,374 Something is very, very fishy. 309 00:21:19,458 --> 00:21:20,457 Fishy? 310 00:21:22,000 --> 00:21:27,790 I swear alI four of them are carrying long weapons. 311 00:21:29,208 --> 00:21:34,665 These four friends haVe abducted this girl and taking her very far away. 312 00:21:35,083 --> 00:21:36,457 Very carefuIly. 313 00:21:40,291 --> 00:21:41,415 Come on, get up. 314 00:21:42,333 --> 00:21:43,665 Come, come. 315 00:21:43,833 --> 00:21:44,540 Come on. 316 00:21:44,625 --> 00:21:46,874 Hey... song? 317 00:21:48,083 --> 00:21:50,290 Hey... song... 318 00:21:50,833 --> 00:21:53,499 Now you will be in troubIe. 319 00:21:53,583 --> 00:21:56,165 You can go to jail and pIay ping pong! 320 00:21:56,333 --> 00:21:58,499 You think you are king kong? 321 00:21:59,625 --> 00:22:00,874 What aaa? 322 00:22:01,375 --> 00:22:04,874 Don't underestimate the power of a common man. 323 00:22:06,166 --> 00:22:09,374 And Meenamma, you are on my watch now. 324 00:22:09,791 --> 00:22:11,332 Now the TC is on our side... 325 00:22:11,750 --> 00:22:13,832 you see how he straightens them out. 326 00:22:31,166 --> 00:22:32,249 Enough! 327 00:22:32,916 --> 00:22:34,124 This is too much. 328 00:22:34,875 --> 00:22:39,624 You aIl have made me so angry that now l have to sit. 329 00:22:40,916 --> 00:22:43,124 You sing and dance. 330 00:22:43,333 --> 00:22:45,832 We are going by Chennai Express. 331 00:22:46,250 --> 00:22:50,040 You Iaugh and cry. We are going by Chennai Express. 332 00:22:52,750 --> 00:22:53,915 Meenamma? 333 00:22:54,125 --> 00:22:57,707 WhateVer happened with the TC, you are the soI witness to it. 334 00:22:58,500 --> 00:23:01,749 That is why you wiII come with us to komban viIlage on Chennai Express. 335 00:23:02,000 --> 00:23:03,957 On Chennai Express! 336 00:23:26,500 --> 00:23:28,749 All my hearts wishes were washed away with these ashes. 337 00:23:29,041 --> 00:23:32,915 I had come to Goa to wash away the ashes but instead drowned the TC. 338 00:23:33,083 --> 00:23:36,165 My friends tried to get in touch with me. 339 00:23:36,250 --> 00:23:38,124 But they could not track me down because... 340 00:23:38,208 --> 00:23:41,999 my 35,000 rupee celI phone was Iying somewhere on a train track.. 341 00:23:42,166 --> 00:23:45,915 Okay 34,249! 342 00:24:20,625 --> 00:24:21,749 I want to sIeep. 343 00:24:21,916 --> 00:24:23,124 Okay... you sleep. 344 00:24:23,500 --> 00:24:26,332 Periyanna, check on the next station. 345 00:24:26,708 --> 00:24:27,749 I am hungry. 346 00:24:27,833 --> 00:24:28,832 Okay. 347 00:24:35,041 --> 00:24:36,124 Meenamma... 348 00:24:37,750 --> 00:24:38,874 what is happening? 349 00:24:39,000 --> 00:24:40,249 I cannot understand a thing. 350 00:24:40,625 --> 00:24:41,707 You are scolding your kidnappers? 351 00:24:41,791 --> 00:24:43,415 And they are quietIy Iistening to you? 352 00:24:43,958 --> 00:24:45,665 I'm confused! 353 00:24:46,750 --> 00:24:49,415 I wilI clear your confusion. 354 00:24:49,583 --> 00:24:50,582 Thank you. 355 00:24:52,166 --> 00:24:54,124 Let me start by introducing myself. 356 00:24:54,208 --> 00:24:56,749 My name is Meena Lochini Adhaghu Sundaram. 357 00:24:56,833 --> 00:24:57,832 Hello. 358 00:24:58,750 --> 00:25:00,874 Daughter of Durgeshwara Adhagh Sundaram. 359 00:25:02,541 --> 00:25:05,790 My father is a highIy respected man in the Komban area. 360 00:25:06,125 --> 00:25:07,124 Good... 361 00:25:07,291 --> 00:25:09,249 He is a... you know periyathaIai. 362 00:25:10,625 --> 00:25:12,207 PeriyathaIai... Teacher? 363 00:25:12,833 --> 00:25:13,832 No. 364 00:25:14,583 --> 00:25:15,582 Don! 365 00:25:17,625 --> 00:25:20,915 These four are Iistening to my pechi because... 366 00:25:21,000 --> 00:25:22,749 - Pechi? - TaIk. 367 00:25:22,833 --> 00:25:24,124 Talk... pechi. 368 00:25:24,208 --> 00:25:28,624 So they were listening to me talk because they're my father's goons. 369 00:25:28,708 --> 00:25:31,665 Goons... goons? 370 00:25:31,791 --> 00:25:35,082 Yes but don't worry they are my cousin brother. 371 00:25:35,500 --> 00:25:36,499 Oh! It's Iike that. 372 00:25:38,541 --> 00:25:40,832 So mean okay! You can't do that. 373 00:25:41,541 --> 00:25:42,540 Sorry. 374 00:25:43,708 --> 00:25:48,874 My father had asked them to kidnap me and bring me back to Komban. 375 00:25:49,041 --> 00:25:50,040 Oh God! 376 00:25:50,583 --> 00:25:52,540 That means your father is the Godfather of the South. 377 00:25:52,708 --> 00:25:53,707 Yes. 378 00:25:54,208 --> 00:25:56,290 And he wants my kalyanam to be done. 379 00:25:56,375 --> 00:25:57,207 kal... 380 00:25:57,291 --> 00:25:58,249 You know marriage. 381 00:25:58,333 --> 00:25:59,082 Yes, Marriage. 382 00:25:59,166 --> 00:26:00,040 With TangabaIIi. 383 00:26:00,125 --> 00:26:01,207 Tingabilla? What is Tingabilla? 384 00:26:01,291 --> 00:26:04,124 Yes, that is why l ran away! 385 00:26:04,208 --> 00:26:05,332 I didn't understand. 386 00:26:06,041 --> 00:26:09,040 TangabalIi is my father's friend's son. 387 00:26:09,125 --> 00:26:09,999 Okay. 388 00:26:10,083 --> 00:26:13,749 If l get married then my father will own his friend's VilIage too. 389 00:26:13,875 --> 00:26:14,374 Okay. 390 00:26:14,458 --> 00:26:16,707 Then father wiII become doubIe powerfuI. 391 00:26:16,916 --> 00:26:17,915 Good. 392 00:26:18,041 --> 00:26:20,290 That's why my father wants to get me married. 393 00:26:24,875 --> 00:26:26,915 I don't even want to get married. 394 00:26:27,416 --> 00:26:29,165 He just doesn't understand! 395 00:26:32,333 --> 00:26:34,332 Now did you understand the entire situations? 396 00:26:36,541 --> 00:26:40,915 No. 397 00:26:41,541 --> 00:26:45,749 This is your father, your goons, your marriage; what's my fauIt? 398 00:26:47,041 --> 00:26:49,040 The probIem is also yours, kidnapping is aIso yours... 399 00:26:49,125 --> 00:26:51,999 that ppppaammbbb...kkambb village is aIso yours and it's my neck on the Iine? 400 00:26:52,250 --> 00:26:54,457 That means, what is yours is mine? 401 00:26:55,000 --> 00:26:56,665 No, Meenamma. 402 00:26:56,916 --> 00:27:01,249 PeopIe fly kites in the air, your goons throw mobiIes and TCs in the air! 403 00:27:01,541 --> 00:27:03,832 I was quietIy and happiIy going to Goa. 404 00:27:04,666 --> 00:27:06,665 Goa is on! But no! 405 00:27:08,458 --> 00:27:11,832 Take the Chennai Express. Huh? 406 00:27:12,708 --> 00:27:15,582 Now my whole...whoIe Iife is ruined! 407 00:27:16,083 --> 00:27:17,165 I am ruined! 408 00:27:50,666 --> 00:27:53,749 At night I thought of running away! 409 00:28:26,708 --> 00:28:28,999 When l opened my eyes in the morning... 410 00:28:35,166 --> 00:28:36,874 - WiII you have an IdIi? - No. 411 00:28:44,791 --> 00:28:45,874 Just need to go. 412 00:28:46,000 --> 00:28:47,790 - WiII you eat? - No, just need to go. 413 00:28:50,750 --> 00:28:52,290 Why is he not eating ldlis? 414 00:29:00,083 --> 00:29:01,499 Inspector sir... 415 00:29:01,916 --> 00:29:02,957 Wake up... 416 00:29:03,333 --> 00:29:04,624 Inspector sir. I am being kidnapped. 417 00:29:04,708 --> 00:29:05,999 kidnapped by 4 cousin brothers... 418 00:29:06,166 --> 00:29:07,665 Please come and catch them. They are criminals. 419 00:29:07,750 --> 00:29:08,999 Periya. 420 00:29:12,000 --> 00:29:13,124 What officer... 421 00:29:14,000 --> 00:29:16,790 Did you hear the sound of this chicken? 422 00:29:18,458 --> 00:29:19,457 He said... 423 00:29:19,541 --> 00:29:21,374 Have you ever heard chickens? 424 00:29:35,291 --> 00:29:37,790 - Check, if there anything to eat? - Okay. 425 00:29:39,083 --> 00:29:40,124 Meenamma... 426 00:29:40,916 --> 00:29:43,374 that policeman instead of heIping me, he... 427 00:29:43,958 --> 00:29:46,415 my father's reign begins from here. 428 00:29:47,041 --> 00:29:49,374 The policemen are helpless. 429 00:29:49,458 --> 00:29:50,624 What? What do you mean? 430 00:29:51,250 --> 00:29:54,874 It means that no one can do anything to these four. 431 00:29:55,000 --> 00:29:57,290 That means from here on anything can happen to me? 432 00:29:57,916 --> 00:29:58,707 Yes. 433 00:29:58,791 --> 00:30:00,915 That means l could even Iose my life here? 434 00:30:01,000 --> 00:30:02,915 - Yes. - All you are saying is - yes! 435 00:30:03,500 --> 00:30:05,957 Do you know you should never teII a dying person that he's about to die. 436 00:30:06,291 --> 00:30:09,999 At least give me some sort of faIse hope that I will be saved. 437 00:30:10,791 --> 00:30:11,790 Okay. 438 00:30:12,083 --> 00:30:13,082 You can be saved. 439 00:30:15,000 --> 00:30:15,999 Feeling better? 440 00:30:16,416 --> 00:30:17,249 Feeling better! 441 00:30:17,333 --> 00:30:19,207 Now along with Grandpa's ashes my ashes wilI also be washed away. 442 00:30:19,375 --> 00:30:21,415 I don't know why I gaVe you my hand? 443 00:30:23,208 --> 00:30:24,624 You gaVe me your hand? 444 00:30:24,708 --> 00:30:27,749 In a bid to save myseIf I was running, why did you heIp those four? 445 00:30:28,000 --> 00:30:30,082 Had I known that your brothers were goons... 446 00:30:30,166 --> 00:30:31,374 I wouId have kicked them instead of helping them. 447 00:30:31,500 --> 00:30:32,999 Anyway, you are the root cause of this entire probIem. 448 00:30:33,083 --> 00:30:35,249 EVer since you've come into my life, my Iife sucks! 449 00:30:36,250 --> 00:30:37,290 - What?- Sucks! 450 00:30:37,791 --> 00:30:39,040 - Same here. - Okay. 451 00:30:44,166 --> 00:30:45,457 Why have you come to me? 452 00:30:45,916 --> 00:30:47,665 You've come to my side. 453 00:30:47,750 --> 00:30:50,582 Forget about sides, Meenamma. Come to the point. 454 00:30:51,375 --> 00:30:54,249 Is there any way for the two of us to get out? TeII me, please! 455 00:30:55,208 --> 00:30:57,124 - Please! - Yes, there is. 456 00:30:57,958 --> 00:30:59,290 What is it? Please teIl me... 457 00:31:00,458 --> 00:31:03,332 But you wiIl have to do as l say. 458 00:31:04,125 --> 00:31:06,249 As if eVerything was going my way tiIl now. 459 00:31:06,916 --> 00:31:08,749 I'll do it, tell me what has to be done? 460 00:31:10,583 --> 00:31:13,665 Once we reach Komban, in front of my father... 461 00:31:13,750 --> 00:31:16,749 wheneVer l look towards you, you just nod your head. 462 00:31:16,833 --> 00:31:18,707 Okay. Nod what? 463 00:31:19,875 --> 00:31:21,749 - Head. - What? 464 00:31:22,041 --> 00:31:23,207 - Head! - Okay. 465 00:31:23,291 --> 00:31:27,915 Nod my head. 466 00:31:28,250 --> 00:31:30,124 I wilI eat idIis, I will eat dosas, I wilI nod my head. 467 00:31:30,208 --> 00:31:31,749 I wilI eat dosas... 468 00:31:32,041 --> 00:31:34,290 I am okay... 469 00:31:34,583 --> 00:31:36,540 Take the Chennai express. 470 00:31:50,333 --> 00:31:51,332 Hey Chinna... 471 00:31:51,625 --> 00:31:53,165 We reached our Village... come! 472 00:31:58,416 --> 00:31:59,415 Let's go. 473 00:32:00,333 --> 00:32:01,999 What are you doing? 474 00:32:02,250 --> 00:32:03,874 Meenamma, why did he puII the chain? 475 00:32:04,000 --> 00:32:06,999 When we arrive at my village we pull the chain. 476 00:32:08,375 --> 00:32:10,582 Don't worry, it's very common. 477 00:32:11,791 --> 00:32:14,707 The station begins from where we stand. 478 00:32:14,791 --> 00:32:15,790 Come on! 479 00:33:25,000 --> 00:33:26,374 Hey... move on! 480 00:34:24,625 --> 00:34:25,832 Who is this? 481 00:34:27,458 --> 00:34:28,457 Father. 482 00:35:04,958 --> 00:35:06,999 How many times wiII you try to escape! 483 00:35:08,750 --> 00:35:11,624 Why are you doing this? For what? 484 00:35:14,125 --> 00:35:14,999 I don't want to marry Tangaballi... 485 00:35:15,083 --> 00:35:17,790 Meena kept making her father understand, emotionaIIy. 486 00:35:18,500 --> 00:35:20,249 Her father heard what Meena had to say. 487 00:35:20,333 --> 00:35:21,540 I am in love with somebody. 488 00:35:22,291 --> 00:35:23,040 Who is he? 489 00:35:23,125 --> 00:35:23,999 And I was... 490 00:35:24,083 --> 00:35:24,540 He. 491 00:35:24,625 --> 00:35:27,165 And I was as cIueless as you alI are. 492 00:35:28,291 --> 00:35:29,999 He loves me too. 493 00:35:33,000 --> 00:35:33,999 Am I right? 494 00:35:35,000 --> 00:35:39,624 The pIan was to just nod my head. That is why... 495 00:35:43,416 --> 00:35:47,040 After such a reaction one thing was certain. 496 00:35:47,541 --> 00:35:49,957 In the future, I wouIdn't be abIe to nod my head... 497 00:35:50,958 --> 00:35:52,332 because it wouId be cut off! 498 00:35:53,625 --> 00:35:55,207 My dear... 499 00:35:58,291 --> 00:35:59,790 Is Tamil your mother tongue? 500 00:36:03,291 --> 00:36:05,499 What is your father asking me about my mother? 501 00:36:07,958 --> 00:36:10,207 He's asking you if TamiI is your mother tongue? 502 00:36:13,166 --> 00:36:16,665 Appa, he settled in the North... 503 00:36:17,250 --> 00:36:19,915 I wilI teach him TamiI after our marriage. 504 00:36:20,166 --> 00:36:23,499 Meena likes this boy...bring him. 505 00:36:40,000 --> 00:36:43,332 Meenamma, l thought they were going to kill me... 506 00:36:43,416 --> 00:36:45,665 but your fathers goons Iifted me up on their shoulders. 507 00:36:45,875 --> 00:36:47,374 Passing the parcel. ShouIder to shoulder. 508 00:36:47,541 --> 00:36:48,790 What did you say to them? 509 00:36:48,875 --> 00:36:50,332 I just told them three lies. 510 00:36:50,541 --> 00:36:51,249 You Iied? 511 00:36:51,333 --> 00:36:53,124 At least teII me what you said? 512 00:36:53,333 --> 00:36:56,457 My first lie was that we are very much in love with each other. 513 00:36:56,541 --> 00:36:57,540 What? 514 00:36:57,875 --> 00:37:00,790 My second lie was that we wanted to get married to each other. 515 00:37:00,875 --> 00:37:01,874 What! 516 00:37:02,583 --> 00:37:04,082 That's when you nodded your head. 517 00:37:04,208 --> 00:37:06,415 Yes, I nodded. But that... 518 00:37:06,833 --> 00:37:08,540 So aII of them haVe accepted this? 519 00:37:08,666 --> 00:37:09,832 No. 520 00:37:10,208 --> 00:37:12,999 The pIan only worked when l toId them the third lie. 521 00:37:13,208 --> 00:37:14,040 What was that? 522 00:37:14,125 --> 00:37:16,457 That you Iived up north since you were a chiId 523 00:37:16,666 --> 00:37:18,415 which is why you don't know TamiI. 524 00:37:18,666 --> 00:37:20,832 He thought my story was genuine. 525 00:37:21,083 --> 00:37:24,457 So they've gone to the viIlage to decide about our future. 526 00:37:24,541 --> 00:37:27,040 Not to decide on the future but to destroy my future. 527 00:37:27,125 --> 00:37:28,207 I am not going to be a part of this. 528 00:37:28,291 --> 00:37:28,915 Hey brother... 529 00:37:29,000 --> 00:37:31,749 Think about it RahuI, I wilI get married. 530 00:37:31,958 --> 00:37:33,957 - But that is my problem! - Go brother go. 531 00:37:34,000 --> 00:37:36,415 At first there were just four of them running after you... 532 00:37:36,541 --> 00:37:38,540 now the whole village will chase you. 533 00:37:39,791 --> 00:37:42,165 I did aIl this drama so we couId buy some time. 534 00:37:42,333 --> 00:37:44,790 We wiIl run away as soon as we get an opportunity at night. 535 00:37:44,875 --> 00:37:45,915 Run away... 536 00:37:46,208 --> 00:37:48,999 Don't worry, I have a lot of experience in running away. 537 00:38:23,000 --> 00:38:24,165 My family. 538 00:38:33,500 --> 00:38:37,999 Meena's smalI famiIy reminded me of the popuIation in China. 539 00:38:38,458 --> 00:38:41,207 Meena began teIling them the story of Chennai Express. 540 00:38:41,375 --> 00:38:45,040 As the story progressed everyone seemed to be more impressed with me. 541 00:38:45,375 --> 00:38:46,624 But I was depressed. 542 00:38:46,750 --> 00:38:47,999 My mind was stressed. 543 00:38:48,041 --> 00:38:53,790 The pIace where l had arrived was a very dangerous one! 544 00:39:00,791 --> 00:39:02,790 EVeryone was treating me weII. 545 00:39:03,541 --> 00:39:07,249 But a goat is aIso weIl fed before it is sacrificed! 546 00:39:09,833 --> 00:39:14,749 98... 982136... 98213... 547 00:39:15,791 --> 00:39:17,749 I'Ve asked Bobby to geta fancy number many times... 548 00:39:17,833 --> 00:39:18,915 but no, he'll just be cheap. 549 00:39:19,000 --> 00:39:22,415 All the mobile service providers I tried to contact were aII 550 00:39:22,583 --> 00:39:25,249 to my brain... 551 00:39:26,208 --> 00:39:30,040 This mobiIe technoIogy definitely connected us with our mothers and sisters but... 552 00:39:30,250 --> 00:39:32,999 it had also messed with our heads. 553 00:39:33,625 --> 00:39:34,790 At first when there were no mobile phones... 554 00:39:34,875 --> 00:39:36,540 then we would remember aIl teIephone numbers. 555 00:39:36,750 --> 00:39:39,457 Now that we have a mobiIe phone we don't remember any numbers! 556 00:39:40,291 --> 00:39:41,290 Meena... 557 00:39:42,250 --> 00:39:43,915 So when do we get out of here? 558 00:39:48,291 --> 00:39:50,249 Meena, don't ignore this please. 559 00:39:50,333 --> 00:39:52,374 This drama has gone on for too Iong, it's quite enough now. 560 00:39:52,458 --> 00:39:53,874 - l'm Iosing patience. - Rahul. 561 00:39:55,750 --> 00:39:56,749 Hello sir. 562 00:39:57,750 --> 00:40:00,749 Coffee... I was asking... 563 00:40:01,125 --> 00:40:02,124 Coffee. 564 00:40:03,250 --> 00:40:05,124 - Get him a coffee. - Thank you, sir. 565 00:40:24,375 --> 00:40:25,374 Coffee. 566 00:40:34,666 --> 00:40:37,332 The food is ready, caIl everybody. 567 00:40:47,500 --> 00:40:49,290 Madhi, come here. 568 00:41:15,291 --> 00:41:19,165 RahuI. 569 00:41:46,375 --> 00:41:47,374 Oh no! 570 00:41:59,250 --> 00:42:00,249 Hello. 571 00:42:00,958 --> 00:42:02,874 Hey, you are so smart. 572 00:42:02,958 --> 00:42:05,249 What are you jabbering on in TamiI? Talk in Hindi. 573 00:42:05,333 --> 00:42:07,415 Hey, you are very beautifuI. 574 00:42:07,500 --> 00:42:11,249 Wow, you Iearnt Tamil in a day? I Iove you so much. 575 00:42:14,041 --> 00:42:16,082 Hey... l am not this sort of a guy... Please! 576 00:42:21,041 --> 00:42:21,915 - Meena. - Rahul. 577 00:42:22,000 --> 00:42:23,290 - Madhi. - Puvi. 578 00:42:28,000 --> 00:42:29,249 They came. 579 00:42:29,333 --> 00:42:32,707 We just foIIowed them. 580 00:42:33,000 --> 00:42:34,040 Yes... 581 00:42:34,708 --> 00:42:35,707 Let's go. 582 00:42:41,000 --> 00:42:43,749 You naughty... 583 00:42:47,000 --> 00:42:50,374 What's the hurry? 584 00:42:50,583 --> 00:42:53,374 You naughty! 585 00:42:56,166 --> 00:42:58,707 Meena l want to get out of here, please do something. 586 00:42:59,791 --> 00:43:03,165 Do?? Naughty!! 587 00:43:03,250 --> 00:43:04,499 Not naughty. 588 00:43:13,041 --> 00:43:14,915 Do in fine? Vanakkam. 589 00:43:16,333 --> 00:43:17,332 Coffee? 590 00:43:17,791 --> 00:43:19,790 Oh man! Joking! 591 00:43:21,875 --> 00:43:23,082 Singh. 592 00:43:23,500 --> 00:43:25,124 We need to take a decision in some of these matters. 593 00:43:25,208 --> 00:43:26,915 A Punjabi? Here? 594 00:43:27,500 --> 00:43:30,332 We need to take a decision in some matter. 595 00:43:30,875 --> 00:43:32,540 So we should think and take a decision. 596 00:43:32,625 --> 00:43:33,624 You are right... 597 00:43:33,750 --> 00:43:35,999 but teIl Meennamma that... 598 00:43:36,041 --> 00:43:37,707 This Punjabi man is speaking in TamiI. 599 00:43:37,916 --> 00:43:39,415 with the boy she should not... 600 00:43:40,708 --> 00:43:41,790 giVe me a minute... 601 00:43:47,125 --> 00:43:49,332 This is just great, you're Rahul right? 602 00:43:49,458 --> 00:43:51,124 Yes, how did you know? 603 00:43:51,250 --> 00:43:54,249 It's the work of poIicemen, to identify a corpse. 604 00:43:54,875 --> 00:43:56,207 A corpse? But l am still.. 605 00:43:56,291 --> 00:43:58,290 If it's not been done already, it wiII be done. 606 00:43:58,375 --> 00:44:01,790 Anyways, myseIf inspector Samsher from Punjab. 607 00:44:02,125 --> 00:44:03,624 - Okay, Sir. - Which part? 608 00:44:03,708 --> 00:44:05,957 Which part? The whole body my friend. 609 00:44:06,500 --> 00:44:08,290 I'm in charge of this area. 610 00:44:09,541 --> 00:44:12,124 You haVe a lot of guts. 611 00:44:12,541 --> 00:44:16,832 Fell in love with Meena, knowing that you'II be in the bad books of TangabaIIi. 612 00:44:16,916 --> 00:44:19,457 Oh no, not at aII. PeopIe here have misunderstood. 613 00:44:19,708 --> 00:44:21,040 ActuaIly these guys want to frame me. 614 00:44:21,125 --> 00:44:23,499 You will be framed up on this waII... 615 00:44:23,708 --> 00:44:25,665 and a garIand will aIso be pIaced on your photograph. 616 00:44:25,750 --> 00:44:28,249 Garland! No sir. This is against the law. 617 00:44:28,333 --> 00:44:32,124 Here you go, you should have thought about all this before falling in Iove! 618 00:44:36,416 --> 00:44:37,415 TangabalIi... 619 00:45:18,291 --> 00:45:22,415 I have heard that this time somebody has come with Meena. 620 00:45:23,125 --> 00:45:24,624 Yes! What can we do? 621 00:45:26,500 --> 00:45:27,457 What is he saying? 622 00:45:27,541 --> 00:45:28,999 TangabalIi is asking about you. 623 00:45:29,125 --> 00:45:30,082 What is the father saying? 624 00:45:30,166 --> 00:45:31,540 The father is saying you are the one because... 625 00:45:31,625 --> 00:45:33,082 of who Meena keeps running away from home time and again. 626 00:45:33,166 --> 00:45:33,790 Oh not me! 627 00:45:33,875 --> 00:45:36,290 My marriage with Meena was already fixed. 628 00:45:37,541 --> 00:45:39,124 You are right my dear... 629 00:45:40,416 --> 00:45:41,040 Now what is he saying? 630 00:45:41,125 --> 00:45:44,040 The father is saying his first choice for Meena is Tangaballi but he is helpIess. 631 00:45:44,208 --> 00:45:46,540 What can he do if Meena's first choice is you!? No, no... 632 00:45:46,625 --> 00:45:47,999 - No...- Yes! 633 00:45:48,125 --> 00:45:51,624 I am not here to decide what is right and wrong... 634 00:45:52,291 --> 00:45:54,165 it's a prestige issue. 635 00:45:54,708 --> 00:45:56,082 Sir, what is he saying now? 636 00:45:56,250 --> 00:45:57,415 The father is saying that... 637 00:45:57,583 --> 00:45:59,915 to soIve this matter now they will aIl get together and take a decision. 638 00:46:00,000 --> 00:46:01,415 Not him, what is the giant saying? 639 00:46:01,541 --> 00:46:03,749 He's saying... 640 00:46:04,166 --> 00:46:05,915 Now it's not about right or wrong... 641 00:46:06,416 --> 00:46:07,624 It's a matter of his prestige. 642 00:46:11,833 --> 00:46:13,290 If it's a matter of his prestige... 643 00:46:14,000 --> 00:46:15,957 then why is he trying to take away mine? 644 00:46:16,083 --> 00:46:17,665 Sir, don't worry. I can handIe this. 645 00:46:19,458 --> 00:46:20,457 Hi. 646 00:46:22,166 --> 00:46:24,165 Are you the one who wants to marry Meena? 647 00:46:25,791 --> 00:46:26,999 Yeah. 648 00:46:27,375 --> 00:46:29,207 At least hear him out... 649 00:46:30,750 --> 00:46:34,165 Who do you think you are? A hero? 650 00:46:35,208 --> 00:46:36,165 Yeah. 651 00:46:36,250 --> 00:46:38,165 Its okay, he is joking with me... 652 00:46:38,750 --> 00:46:41,540 If you are a reaI man, fight with me! 653 00:46:42,791 --> 00:46:44,790 Natural! God's gift! Like you... 654 00:46:45,416 --> 00:46:46,874 We fight tonight... 655 00:46:47,250 --> 00:46:49,332 If you win, Meena is yours... 656 00:46:50,458 --> 00:46:52,874 If l win Meena is mine. 657 00:46:53,458 --> 00:46:54,457 What do you say? 658 00:46:55,416 --> 00:46:56,915 Yo Bro. 659 00:47:00,583 --> 00:47:02,707 He is so taII right! What gibberish was he taIking? 660 00:47:03,625 --> 00:47:05,332 I can't hear you - pIease speak up. Don't be scared. 661 00:47:05,416 --> 00:47:07,457 He has chaIlenged you. 662 00:47:07,541 --> 00:47:07,999 What? 663 00:47:08,041 --> 00:47:09,499 You and he wiII haVe a fight tonight. 664 00:47:09,583 --> 00:47:10,374 Why? 665 00:47:10,458 --> 00:47:12,082 - WhoeVer wins, wiII get Meena. - Why? 666 00:47:12,166 --> 00:47:14,540 My friend you haVe just accepted the challenge!! 667 00:47:14,625 --> 00:47:16,749 But I don't even understand TamiI, I just nod my head. 668 00:47:19,250 --> 00:47:20,165 You came here alive. 669 00:47:20,250 --> 00:47:21,249 Okay. 670 00:47:21,625 --> 00:47:22,957 You will not leave here aIive. 671 00:47:23,000 --> 00:47:23,999 Never sir. 672 00:47:24,208 --> 00:47:27,665 I wilI cut you into severaI pieces and parcel it. 673 00:47:39,916 --> 00:47:42,707 Tingu sir, that's what I'm saying, peace, IoVe, affection, friendship, Gandhi. 674 00:47:43,125 --> 00:47:44,582 Why didn't you teII me what he was saying before? 675 00:47:44,666 --> 00:47:46,624 You were tickling me instead! 676 00:47:48,583 --> 00:47:49,790 - Let's see. - What? 677 00:47:49,875 --> 00:47:50,999 - We will see. - What? 678 00:47:51,250 --> 00:47:52,249 We wiIl see. 679 00:47:52,666 --> 00:47:54,999 Who is stronger. 680 00:47:55,750 --> 00:47:57,082 Who is stronger? 681 00:47:57,208 --> 00:47:58,790 What do you mean who is stronger, sir? 682 00:47:58,875 --> 00:48:00,915 I am not at all strong. Make them understand. 683 00:48:08,291 --> 00:48:09,290 RahuI! 684 00:48:11,416 --> 00:48:11,957 Sit. 685 00:48:12,000 --> 00:48:14,832 - l know there's a little problem. - A little probIem? 686 00:48:15,041 --> 00:48:17,582 The fight has been fixed for tonight with that TV tower Tingu. 687 00:48:17,708 --> 00:48:20,040 And your father also wants to find out who amongst the two of us is stronger.. 688 00:48:20,416 --> 00:48:22,207 - Strong? - Yes, strong... 689 00:48:22,458 --> 00:48:24,999 Look Meenamma... if l get angry... 690 00:48:25,083 --> 00:48:26,290 Then what wilI you do Rahul? 691 00:48:26,375 --> 00:48:27,374 I wilI commit suicide. 692 00:48:27,791 --> 00:48:28,749 I wilI consume poison.. 693 00:48:28,833 --> 00:48:30,665 tie a noose around my neck and be run over by the Chennai Express. 694 00:48:30,750 --> 00:48:32,499 - No. - The train is caIIing me. 695 00:48:32,625 --> 00:48:33,749 RahuI... RahuI! 696 00:48:33,833 --> 00:48:34,999 - Don't panic. - But he's so tall. 697 00:48:35,083 --> 00:48:36,332 I wilI make a pIan to run away tonight. 698 00:48:36,416 --> 00:48:37,874 He's very hairy and scary. 699 00:48:37,958 --> 00:48:40,249 - TilI then you remain normal. - No l cannot remain normal. 700 00:48:40,333 --> 00:48:42,499 Normal Rahul 701 00:48:43,000 --> 00:48:43,999 - Normal!- Okay. 702 00:48:47,000 --> 00:48:48,832 I am normaI. 703 00:48:49,750 --> 00:48:51,707 You pIace a time bomb inside a person and ask them to be normaI! 704 00:48:51,791 --> 00:48:53,832 Okay, l am normal. Hi, I am NormaI. 705 00:48:53,916 --> 00:48:55,165 You must have heard that name before. 706 00:49:00,000 --> 00:49:00,624 - Meenamma! - Yes. 707 00:49:00,708 --> 00:49:01,749 So many peopIe. 708 00:49:01,958 --> 00:49:04,040 They are preparing for your fight with TangabaIIi. 709 00:49:04,125 --> 00:49:06,832 I know... but how are we going to get away with so many people around? 710 00:49:06,916 --> 00:49:07,790 Don't worry. 711 00:49:07,875 --> 00:49:09,249 My escape plan is ready. 712 00:49:09,333 --> 00:49:10,374 It's ready? What is it? 713 00:49:10,750 --> 00:49:12,999 You just go out and behave normaI. 714 00:49:13,166 --> 00:49:14,874 - l am normal.- Normal. 715 00:49:15,000 --> 00:49:17,040 I wilI come in a while and signaI to you. 716 00:49:17,125 --> 00:49:19,665 - Okay. - Then the two of us wiII run away. 717 00:49:19,750 --> 00:49:22,832 Till then you don't make any mistakes. 718 00:49:29,458 --> 00:49:31,290 No mistakes. 719 00:49:40,833 --> 00:49:42,124 I am normaI. 720 00:49:44,791 --> 00:49:45,832 No mistakes. 721 00:50:09,083 --> 00:50:11,749 Dude, where are you going? 722 00:50:11,833 --> 00:50:14,332 You are the one for me. 723 00:50:14,958 --> 00:50:17,707 Come and hug me 724 00:50:17,791 --> 00:50:20,082 My body craVes for you 725 00:50:20,166 --> 00:50:24,665 Hey I don't know Tamil. Okay, shouId I sing in Hindi? 726 00:50:24,750 --> 00:50:25,999 Just a second... 727 00:50:31,250 --> 00:50:33,915 My exotic beauty 728 00:50:34,041 --> 00:50:36,332 I have VeiIed it 729 00:50:36,958 --> 00:50:42,124 And brought it for you, hidden it from the world 730 00:50:42,583 --> 00:50:45,124 I am stuck between the deVil and the deep sea 731 00:50:45,375 --> 00:50:47,999 Will someone tell me what to do? 732 00:50:48,166 --> 00:50:50,915 I wonder who has cursed me 733 00:50:51,000 --> 00:50:53,624 How have l landed here - in this situation? 734 00:50:53,875 --> 00:50:56,499 Don't worry, be happy 735 00:50:56,666 --> 00:50:59,457 Come and groove on the beat 736 00:50:59,541 --> 00:51:05,040 1 2 3 4 - get on the dance floor 737 00:51:05,125 --> 00:51:06,582 Booty shake, booty shake 738 00:51:06,666 --> 00:51:07,874 Dappan goothu hard core Let's dance hard core 739 00:51:08,000 --> 00:51:09,082 Move your shoulders up and down 740 00:51:09,166 --> 00:51:10,749 Move your body all around 741 00:51:10,833 --> 00:51:13,582 GiVe me... giVe me... giVe me give me... giVe me... giVe me some more 742 00:51:13,666 --> 00:51:16,415 1 2 3 4 - get on the dance floor 743 00:51:16,500 --> 00:51:17,790 Booty shake, booty shake 744 00:51:17,875 --> 00:51:19,249 Dappan goothu hard core Let's dance hard core 745 00:51:19,333 --> 00:51:20,582 Move your shoulders up and down 746 00:51:20,666 --> 00:51:21,999 Move your body all around 747 00:51:22,041 --> 00:51:24,999 GiVe me... giVe me... giVe me give me... giVe me... giVe me some more 748 00:51:55,458 --> 00:52:01,499 I can sense trouble. 749 00:52:01,833 --> 00:52:06,457 There seems to be bad Iuck writtenin my future 750 00:52:06,750 --> 00:52:11,999 My walk is the focus of everyone's attention 751 00:52:12,375 --> 00:52:17,999 Don't hide your racing heart from me, don't act Iike a saint. 752 00:52:18,166 --> 00:52:23,999 The tinkling of your ear rings come as a warning bell to me 753 00:52:24,041 --> 00:52:26,999 1 2 3 4 - get on the dance floor 754 00:52:27,041 --> 00:52:28,415 Booty shake, booty shake 755 00:52:28,500 --> 00:52:29,790 Dappan goothu hard core Let's dance hard core 756 00:52:29,875 --> 00:52:31,165 Move your shoulders up and down 757 00:52:31,250 --> 00:52:32,582 Move your body all around 758 00:52:32,666 --> 00:52:35,457 GiVe me... giVe me... giVe me give me... giVe me... giVe me some more 759 00:52:35,541 --> 00:52:38,124 1 2 3 4 - get on the dance floor 760 00:52:38,333 --> 00:52:39,665 Booty shake, booty shake 761 00:52:39,750 --> 00:52:40,957 Dappan goothu hard core Let's dance hard core 762 00:52:41,125 --> 00:52:42,499 Move your shoulders up and down 763 00:52:42,583 --> 00:52:43,957 Move your body all around 764 00:52:44,000 --> 00:52:46,832 GiVe me... giVe me... giVe me give me... giVe me... giVe me some more 765 00:53:03,375 --> 00:53:06,082 I don't care if your name is Pushpa or ChampakaIi 766 00:53:06,583 --> 00:53:08,874 I wouId rather run for my Iife than stick around with you. 767 00:53:08,958 --> 00:53:14,999 where ever you go, you will hear the -1, 2, 3, 4 768 00:53:15,041 --> 00:53:17,832 1,2,3,4 listen to it hardcore. 769 00:53:17,916 --> 00:53:20,624 All doors are cIosed my friend, taIk less, dance more 770 00:53:20,708 --> 00:53:23,374 1 2 3 4 - get on the dance floor 771 00:53:23,458 --> 00:53:24,915 Booty shake, booty shake 772 00:53:25,000 --> 00:53:26,249 Dappan goothu hard core Let's dance hard core 773 00:53:26,333 --> 00:53:27,665 Move your shoulders up and down 774 00:53:27,750 --> 00:53:28,999 Move your body all around 775 00:53:29,083 --> 00:53:31,915 GiVe me... giVe me... giVe me give me... giVe me... giVe me some more 776 00:53:32,000 --> 00:53:34,749 1 2 3 4 - get on the dance floor 777 00:53:34,833 --> 00:53:36,082 Booty shake, booty shake 778 00:53:36,166 --> 00:53:37,582 Dappan goothu hard core Let's dance hard core 779 00:53:37,666 --> 00:53:38,999 Move your shoulders up and down 780 00:53:39,041 --> 00:53:40,374 Move your body all around 781 00:53:40,458 --> 00:53:43,582 GiVe me... giVe me... giVe me give me... giVe me... giVe me some more 782 00:53:47,583 --> 00:53:56,082 Meena Lochini Azzadddddha Sundaram. 783 00:53:56,500 --> 00:54:00,457 Addresses are shorter than this name! 784 00:54:01,333 --> 00:54:04,624 I had gone on a hoIiday, and you took me on a trip! 785 00:54:05,791 --> 00:54:08,874 No, I won't nod my head now. 786 00:54:08,958 --> 00:54:09,957 Nope! 787 00:54:10,208 --> 00:54:11,832 Hey pot king! 788 00:54:12,041 --> 00:54:14,374 Why are you sitting on that bike and staring at me? 789 00:54:15,625 --> 00:54:19,374 I had full pIans of having fun, because of your ashes... 790 00:54:19,583 --> 00:54:21,457 I'Ve gotten into so much trouble. 791 00:54:22,125 --> 00:54:27,707 Grandpa, I had full pIans to immerse your ashes in the waters of Goa but... 792 00:54:27,791 --> 00:54:30,249 you changed my entire pIan! 793 00:54:30,500 --> 00:54:33,040 Why? Y. Y. MithaiwaIa? 794 00:54:34,166 --> 00:54:36,124 Hey brother... 795 00:54:37,208 --> 00:54:38,332 Hold this! 796 00:54:41,291 --> 00:54:45,665 You were scaring me by showing me your gun, weren't you? 797 00:54:46,250 --> 00:54:49,040 Now l wilI also show you something. Look! 798 00:54:53,000 --> 00:54:55,415 Saw that? Can you do that? 799 00:54:55,833 --> 00:54:57,624 No right? 800 00:54:58,000 --> 00:55:02,540 That's because your three MicheIlin tyres come in between 801 00:55:04,666 --> 00:55:07,332 Fatty. 802 00:55:08,208 --> 00:55:10,290 Hey Don! 803 00:55:12,208 --> 00:55:15,290 You threaten me? 804 00:55:15,500 --> 00:55:16,499 Wait. 805 00:55:23,375 --> 00:55:25,832 Can you do this? 806 00:55:27,041 --> 00:55:28,874 No right? So then? 807 00:55:30,208 --> 00:55:31,624 Boss! 808 00:55:33,250 --> 00:55:36,290 Mr. Durgeshwara Azzadddddha Sundaram. 809 00:55:36,583 --> 00:55:38,082 TamiI is not my mother tongue! 810 00:55:38,166 --> 00:55:40,040 Enamma kanne? 811 00:55:40,500 --> 00:55:41,957 You haVe become a referee? 812 00:55:42,166 --> 00:55:44,874 You fixed a match betweenTingu and me. 813 00:55:44,958 --> 00:55:46,915 Where's Tingu, where's... bring Tingu. 814 00:55:48,958 --> 00:55:51,457 Tingu. 815 00:55:55,875 --> 00:55:58,832 Hey you bIack cIoth hanging on a hanger! 816 00:56:01,125 --> 00:56:03,582 Will you fight with me? Why? 817 00:56:04,458 --> 00:56:07,999 You are so talI and I'm so smaIl. 818 00:56:10,291 --> 00:56:12,415 Okay you can fight... 819 00:56:12,541 --> 00:56:14,499 but before that show me if you can do this? 820 00:56:17,958 --> 00:56:20,999 Tingu look... Can you do this? 821 00:56:42,500 --> 00:56:43,707 Catch him. 822 00:57:00,958 --> 00:57:03,290 TangabalIi, can you do this? 823 00:57:03,916 --> 00:57:04,999 - Hey Sir! - Rahul. 824 00:57:05,333 --> 00:57:06,332 What has happened? 825 00:57:06,416 --> 00:57:08,374 You and me wiII haVe some buttermiIk! 826 00:57:08,458 --> 00:57:10,624 I wilI have some buttermilk, come on get up! 827 00:57:11,041 --> 00:57:12,332 - Come on get up! - Okay, sir. 828 00:57:12,416 --> 00:57:14,790 Oh! You are completely drunk. 829 00:57:15,250 --> 00:57:17,249 Careful! 830 00:57:17,583 --> 00:57:18,582 Come. 831 00:57:20,041 --> 00:57:21,290 Hey don't falI again! 832 00:57:21,833 --> 00:57:23,415 Careful! 833 00:57:24,583 --> 00:57:25,749 Come here sit. 834 00:57:26,041 --> 00:57:27,332 Sit, Iisten... 835 00:57:28,000 --> 00:57:29,457 The station is on the opposite side. 836 00:57:29,791 --> 00:57:31,999 Tomorrow morning at 5:30 you need to leave by the first train. 837 00:57:32,041 --> 00:57:32,999 Understood? 838 00:57:33,041 --> 00:57:36,582 And don't telI anyone that I helped you. 839 00:57:36,666 --> 00:57:38,540 - lt's a secret. - Yes and Iet it remain a secret. 840 00:57:38,875 --> 00:57:40,499 Else, the entire village will cut me into pieces. 841 00:57:40,583 --> 00:57:41,249 Okay? 842 00:57:41,333 --> 00:57:43,415 The rest, the AImighty wiII take care of. Now, go to sIeep. 843 00:57:59,375 --> 00:58:00,957 Oh my God! Earthquake! 844 00:58:04,791 --> 00:58:05,832 Sir! 845 00:58:31,791 --> 00:58:32,874 Life of Pi? 846 00:58:36,666 --> 00:58:37,832 Hey! Look! 847 00:58:39,125 --> 00:58:41,999 How did you come here? From where have you come? 848 00:58:42,083 --> 00:58:43,999 - Where is this boat going? - Sri Lanka. 849 00:58:44,041 --> 00:58:45,499 Sri Lanka! Why? 850 00:58:45,958 --> 00:58:47,082 To get diesel. 851 00:58:47,166 --> 00:58:49,582 Have you gone mad? Why are you going to Sri Lanka to get diesel? 852 00:58:52,041 --> 00:58:54,499 We're going to Sri Lanka to smuggle dieseI. 853 00:58:55,041 --> 00:58:56,874 Smuggling! But that is iIIegaI. 854 00:58:57,000 --> 00:58:58,874 EVerything is fair when one has to surviVe. 855 00:58:58,958 --> 00:59:00,624 If the Sri Lanka Marine police catch us, we will be jaiIed. 856 00:59:00,708 --> 00:59:02,749 If the lndian Marine police catch us, we wiII be jailed here. 857 00:59:02,833 --> 00:59:05,874 If poIice don't catch us, aIl is well. 858 00:59:06,416 --> 00:59:07,415 Oil is welI!! 859 00:59:15,333 --> 00:59:17,165 Help me, I'Ve gotten on to the wrong boat. 860 00:59:18,916 --> 00:59:20,915 Bring out the gun. Get me the gun. 861 00:59:21,041 --> 00:59:22,040 Help me! 862 00:59:22,750 --> 00:59:23,582 Gun! 863 00:59:23,666 --> 00:59:26,415 Why are you taking out a gun? This is illegal. Don't do that! 864 00:59:54,750 --> 00:59:57,832 Very good, sir, well done, sir. Catch them and arrest them. 865 00:59:58,291 --> 01:00:01,290 You're the first smuggler who is so happy about being arrested. 866 01:00:01,833 --> 01:00:03,457 No, sir. I'm not a smuggler. 867 01:00:03,541 --> 01:00:04,790 I am not with them, sir. 868 01:00:04,875 --> 01:00:06,082 I am an Indian, sir. 869 01:00:06,166 --> 01:00:08,207 Okay. Then show me your passport! 870 01:00:08,458 --> 01:00:09,957 Passport! Why, sir? 871 01:00:10,125 --> 01:00:12,540 To verify whether you are an lndian or Sri Lankan. 872 01:00:12,833 --> 01:00:13,999 These are international waters. 873 01:00:14,041 --> 01:00:15,249 International waters! 874 01:00:15,416 --> 01:00:17,082 But sir, I am not with them. 875 01:00:17,166 --> 01:00:19,207 I talk in Hindi, sir, Hindi!! 876 01:00:19,291 --> 01:00:20,999 We can aIso taIk in Hindi. 877 01:00:21,458 --> 01:00:23,874 Listen in Hindi! 878 01:00:24,333 --> 01:00:26,457 What? We aII speak in Hindi! 879 01:00:26,541 --> 01:00:27,874 Sir, he's one of our men. 880 01:00:28,041 --> 01:00:29,999 - And you are my woman! - What? 881 01:00:30,208 --> 01:00:32,207 Shut up. 882 01:00:34,166 --> 01:00:35,874 What are you Iooking at? Arrest him. 883 01:00:36,000 --> 01:00:37,165 What does that mean? 884 01:00:39,500 --> 01:00:42,915 They say if you suffix word, Ji, ( Yes)to any other word... 885 01:00:43,000 --> 01:00:44,040 you gain respect. 886 01:00:44,666 --> 01:00:46,457 Refu... Ji. 887 01:00:46,750 --> 01:00:48,207 I did not gain anything! 888 01:00:48,750 --> 01:00:52,499 Here my fate was being written by my grandpa sitting in heavens... 889 01:00:52,958 --> 01:00:56,332 whereas Meena's fatewas being written by her father. 890 01:00:57,166 --> 01:01:00,707 He decided to get her married off to TangabaIIi. 891 01:01:01,166 --> 01:01:04,207 Meena was neither happy with it nor was it her choice. 892 01:01:05,291 --> 01:01:07,957 Who wouId have thought that the tip of India... 893 01:01:08,250 --> 01:01:13,040 wouId begin a new chapter in Meena's and my Iife. 894 01:01:35,250 --> 01:01:38,665 Brother, what are you Iooking at with such fear? 895 01:01:38,833 --> 01:01:40,207 - ls this yours? - Yes. 896 01:01:40,291 --> 01:01:41,999 I'm sure there is RDX in this. 897 01:01:42,375 --> 01:01:44,040 He is... no he was! 898 01:01:44,416 --> 01:01:45,499 I mean it was! 899 01:01:45,583 --> 01:01:46,790 My grandfather is in it... 900 01:01:46,875 --> 01:01:48,249 I mean my grandfather's ashes are in that.. 901 01:01:48,333 --> 01:01:49,207 Allow me to show you. 902 01:01:49,291 --> 01:01:51,040 Don't move. 903 01:01:51,125 --> 01:01:52,249 Okay, Sir... 904 01:01:52,833 --> 01:01:54,957 I have been teIIing you that I am not a smuggler, haVen't I? 905 01:01:55,000 --> 01:01:56,249 I'm an lndian. 906 01:01:56,333 --> 01:01:58,457 My name is Rahul and I'm not a terrorist. 907 01:02:02,791 --> 01:02:07,332 You know, sir I came from Mumbai to immerse my grandfather's ashes, that's all. 908 01:02:08,500 --> 01:02:10,374 I told the police everything truthfulIy. 909 01:02:10,458 --> 01:02:12,374 My history. The geography of my travel. 910 01:02:12,458 --> 01:02:14,624 And my chemistry with the peopIe of komban. 911 01:02:14,708 --> 01:02:18,249 After hearing aII this, alI the Marine poIice officer said was... 912 01:02:18,416 --> 01:02:20,499 So, the people of komban know you, right? 913 01:03:04,750 --> 01:03:06,415 - HeIIo sir! - HeIIo, dummy. 914 01:03:06,500 --> 01:03:07,999 So nice to see you... 915 01:03:08,083 --> 01:03:09,874 your fellow brothers are dropping me to Mumbai. 916 01:03:10,000 --> 01:03:10,999 GiVe me a hug! 917 01:03:11,708 --> 01:03:14,040 You Ieft me right? 918 01:03:14,208 --> 01:03:16,374 Because of some smuggIers I went away to Sri Lanka. 919 01:03:16,458 --> 01:03:17,582 You didn't go away. You came back... 920 01:03:17,750 --> 01:03:18,624 to komban. 921 01:03:18,708 --> 01:03:20,249 How can that happen? 922 01:03:20,333 --> 01:03:21,749 Look... 923 01:03:30,333 --> 01:03:32,207 Look there... 924 01:03:32,958 --> 01:03:34,249 - All the best. - Brother, me too. 925 01:03:34,333 --> 01:03:35,165 Catch him. 926 01:03:35,250 --> 01:03:37,874 What are you doing, man? Please. 927 01:03:38,291 --> 01:03:41,665 Sir, pIease Ieave me for heaven's sake! 928 01:03:43,000 --> 01:03:43,999 Namaste, sir. 929 01:03:44,291 --> 01:03:45,665 Namaste. 930 01:03:46,625 --> 01:03:47,915 Do you know him? 931 01:03:48,750 --> 01:03:49,999 know him? 932 01:03:50,125 --> 01:03:53,874 We know him. 933 01:03:54,500 --> 01:03:55,915 - Periya. - Yes. 934 01:03:56,083 --> 01:03:57,415 He is our famiIy member, isn't it? 935 01:03:57,500 --> 01:04:00,999 Yes, he is one of us. 936 01:04:01,125 --> 01:04:03,124 Hey, where had you disappeared? 937 01:04:03,583 --> 01:04:06,249 There's such tension since you went missing. 938 01:04:06,333 --> 01:04:09,332 Oh family!! So you are an Indian after all. 939 01:04:09,500 --> 01:04:11,374 I wilI release you here and leave. 940 01:04:11,458 --> 01:04:13,665 Officer, you cannot leave me here and go. 941 01:04:13,833 --> 01:04:14,915 I am Sri lankan. 942 01:04:15,000 --> 01:04:17,582 I am Sri... Devi 943 01:04:21,541 --> 01:04:23,249 Ennama kannu... 944 01:04:23,916 --> 01:04:24,999 referee? 945 01:04:25,083 --> 01:04:26,957 No, sir l meant, PeriyathaIe sir... 946 01:04:27,083 --> 01:04:28,915 What... hanger? 947 01:04:29,250 --> 01:04:30,457 I meant strong sir. 948 01:04:30,541 --> 01:04:32,624 - Michellin Tyre? - No, sir. 949 01:04:32,708 --> 01:04:33,832 Chewing gum, huh? 950 01:04:33,916 --> 01:04:35,707 Sweet, sir. l mean sweet. 951 01:04:39,708 --> 01:04:41,332 Do not step forward. I am warning you. 952 01:04:41,416 --> 01:04:42,915 I wilI cut aII bonds of friendship. 953 01:04:44,000 --> 01:04:45,249 Hold this. 954 01:04:46,333 --> 01:04:48,165 Nobody come forward. 955 01:04:48,250 --> 01:04:51,457 If anybody comes forward, l wiIl... 956 01:04:51,916 --> 01:04:53,832 cut myseIf. 957 01:04:54,000 --> 01:04:55,165 Okay, cut yourself. 958 01:04:56,500 --> 01:04:57,707 Cut yourseIf. 959 01:04:58,083 --> 01:04:59,540 I wilI cut Meenamma. 960 01:05:21,208 --> 01:05:22,207 Stop. 961 01:05:24,583 --> 01:05:25,957 I wilI cut Meenamma. 962 01:05:29,416 --> 01:05:31,707 Meenamma, open the door. 963 01:05:33,666 --> 01:05:34,999 Don't move any of you! 964 01:05:40,000 --> 01:05:41,082 Move! 965 01:05:43,958 --> 01:05:45,290 What do I do? 966 01:05:45,375 --> 01:05:46,999 Sorry, Tingu sir. Sorry. 967 01:05:51,708 --> 01:05:52,707 Catch him. 968 01:06:46,916 --> 01:06:48,582 - Come on, get out. - What? 969 01:06:49,458 --> 01:06:51,999 First you get drunk and run away aIl by yourself. 970 01:06:52,250 --> 01:06:54,207 Then you get into troubIe and use me to... 971 01:06:54,291 --> 01:06:55,749 get out of it and then you say get out of the car. 972 01:06:55,833 --> 01:06:57,374 Yes that's what l said. Get out pIease. 973 01:06:57,458 --> 01:06:59,540 I won't get out. This car beIongs to my father. 974 01:06:59,625 --> 01:07:01,290 If you don't get out, I wilI take you back there. 975 01:07:01,375 --> 01:07:02,540 Then from Miss you wilI become Mrs. 976 01:07:02,625 --> 01:07:05,124 Before that, from Rahul you will become Late Rahul. 977 01:07:05,833 --> 01:07:08,207 No! I mean, l don't think there's any parking here, Iets go. 978 01:09:19,000 --> 01:09:20,915 What happened? Has the vehicle broken down? 979 01:09:22,083 --> 01:09:23,665 No, who told you that? 980 01:09:25,583 --> 01:09:27,124 - What is with the smoke, then? - Smoke? 981 01:09:27,291 --> 01:09:28,540 The car is smoking a cigarette. 982 01:09:28,958 --> 01:09:30,249 And do you know why I came outside? 983 01:09:30,333 --> 01:09:33,582 I thought to myself, that l couId wait and relax here and TangabalIi wouId come by. 984 01:09:33,666 --> 01:09:36,124 And, when he does come, the three of us can pIay together. 985 01:09:37,333 --> 01:09:38,499 Can't you see? 986 01:09:39,083 --> 01:09:41,332 Your father's car is even worse than your Hindi. 987 01:09:41,416 --> 01:09:42,499 You haVe wrecked the car! 988 01:09:42,583 --> 01:09:44,624 Don't caII this a car, it'd be a sin to calI this a car. 989 01:09:44,833 --> 01:09:46,374 This car has saved your Iife. 990 01:09:46,458 --> 01:09:48,582 It's not a car, it's a wreck! 991 01:09:50,375 --> 01:09:51,999 My father's favorite car! 992 01:09:53,500 --> 01:09:54,499 Go... 993 01:09:59,000 --> 01:10:01,207 Catch it, RahuI... 994 01:10:02,500 --> 01:10:04,832 Catch it, RahuI. What are you... run. 995 01:10:05,166 --> 01:10:07,707 It's Appa's favorite car, RahuI. Catch. 996 01:10:17,500 --> 01:10:18,499 Oh no! 997 01:10:31,750 --> 01:10:32,749 Here you go... 998 01:10:33,250 --> 01:10:35,165 Here, Meenamma baby. 999 01:10:35,500 --> 01:10:37,124 Your father's faVorite car. 1000 01:10:37,333 --> 01:10:39,790 ActuaIly the problem wasn't your father's, neither was it his wrecked car... 1001 01:10:39,875 --> 01:10:40,874 the problem is yours. 1002 01:10:40,958 --> 01:10:43,999 You see wherever you go, you carry a free trouble pack aIong with you. 1003 01:10:44,083 --> 01:10:46,040 Bad Iuck! ActuaIly you are like a bIack cat. 1004 01:10:47,000 --> 01:10:48,332 Worse than a bIack cat! 1005 01:10:48,416 --> 01:10:51,249 If you cross the path of the bIack cat, the bIack cat wiII get cursed. 1006 01:10:52,250 --> 01:10:53,207 Then why are you with me? 1007 01:10:53,291 --> 01:10:54,290 Why am I with you? 1008 01:10:54,500 --> 01:10:55,790 Why are you with me? 1009 01:10:56,000 --> 01:10:58,040 Please, Meenamma. Stop stalking me. 1010 01:10:58,166 --> 01:11:01,124 From now on. I wilI go my way, you go your way! 1011 01:11:01,291 --> 01:11:02,999 Alright. Fine by me. 1012 01:11:03,291 --> 01:11:06,082 But by the way. You stoIe the car and drove in the wrong direction. 1013 01:11:06,166 --> 01:11:08,082 Now we have only one way out. 1014 01:11:08,250 --> 01:11:09,999 You will have to cross komban again! Komban! 1015 01:11:10,041 --> 01:11:11,832 Don't scare me with Komban. 1016 01:11:12,166 --> 01:11:14,957 If you are not with me, I wilI manage on my own, Iike this! 1017 01:11:15,000 --> 01:11:15,915 ImpossibIe. 1018 01:11:16,000 --> 01:11:18,790 There's no word caIIed impossibIe in my dictionary. 1019 01:11:19,000 --> 01:11:21,790 ReaIIy? From where did you buy sucha rubbish dictionary? 1020 01:11:24,041 --> 01:11:26,915 Don't underestimate the power of a common man. 1021 01:11:28,708 --> 01:11:29,707 Get Iost. 1022 01:11:39,333 --> 01:11:43,249 I thought l wouId never meet Meenamma ever again... 1023 01:11:43,833 --> 01:11:46,624 but fate had decreed something else altogether. 1024 01:12:57,916 --> 01:12:59,165 Hello, sir. 1025 01:13:00,000 --> 01:13:02,415 I need to find the road. 1026 01:13:02,583 --> 01:13:06,540 Where... is... the highway? 1027 01:13:08,083 --> 01:13:09,082 Okay. 1028 01:13:14,416 --> 01:13:15,624 Why are you doing that? 1029 01:13:16,250 --> 01:13:19,665 I want to see the road. 1030 01:13:22,666 --> 01:13:26,999 Where is the highway? 1031 01:13:34,916 --> 01:13:35,915 Okay. 1032 01:13:36,333 --> 01:13:37,665 Meaning. 1033 01:13:38,250 --> 01:13:39,290 Meaning! 1034 01:13:46,375 --> 01:13:49,124 My child, quiet. 1035 01:13:50,500 --> 01:13:52,665 Don't take so much trouble. I feeI bad, then. 1036 01:13:55,125 --> 01:13:56,999 The two of us haVe the same probIem. 1037 01:13:57,166 --> 01:13:59,124 At this age there is no need for a new Ianguage. 1038 01:13:59,750 --> 01:14:04,332 Okay. 1039 01:14:29,750 --> 01:14:30,999 Excuse me brother. 1040 01:14:34,291 --> 01:14:36,082 Brother, stop. 1041 01:14:38,875 --> 01:14:40,707 Brother, hello 1042 01:14:40,916 --> 01:14:42,624 What do you want? What is your work here? 1043 01:14:42,708 --> 01:14:44,374 I'm not AngeIina JoIie. 1044 01:14:44,791 --> 01:14:46,874 I'm a boy, Rahul. I need a lift! 1045 01:14:47,958 --> 01:14:49,249 You're from Mumbai right? 1046 01:14:49,625 --> 01:14:51,790 How do you know so much about me? 1047 01:14:52,000 --> 01:14:53,999 The entire South knows you. 1048 01:14:54,125 --> 01:14:58,915 One fair boy has eloped with Durgeshwara Azagsundaram's daughter in a car. 1049 01:14:59,000 --> 01:15:01,374 Oh no, what have you done! 1050 01:15:01,458 --> 01:15:03,790 Today you are in a car tomorrow you will be the headIine of a newspaper. 1051 01:15:03,875 --> 01:15:04,790 No, Iisten to me. 1052 01:15:04,875 --> 01:15:08,999 You don't know, the ViIIage peopIe are chasing you with sticks! 1053 01:15:09,083 --> 01:15:10,832 Once you're caught... 1054 01:15:11,000 --> 01:15:13,957 they will separate your head from your body and put that as a headline! 1055 01:15:14,000 --> 01:15:16,499 Let it be... ls it their kingdom? 1056 01:15:16,625 --> 01:15:20,332 The girl you have eIoped with, this is her father's kingdom! 1057 01:15:20,458 --> 01:15:21,707 Brother, pIease help me. 1058 01:15:21,916 --> 01:15:23,415 Go away. 1059 01:15:24,500 --> 01:15:26,499 Brother heIp me. 1060 01:15:26,666 --> 01:15:28,332 I am AngeIina Jolie! 1061 01:15:29,458 --> 01:15:30,749 Brother! 1062 01:15:33,833 --> 01:15:38,582 I became numb after hearing this... 1063 01:15:39,291 --> 01:15:40,915 I couId see the road ahead... 1064 01:15:41,666 --> 01:15:43,457 But there was no way out. 1065 01:15:45,083 --> 01:15:46,207 Except one. 1066 01:15:47,875 --> 01:15:58,540 Meenamma... 1067 01:16:03,166 --> 01:16:03,707 What is it? 1068 01:16:03,791 --> 01:16:05,207 What? 1069 01:16:05,750 --> 01:16:07,124 You've come back to me after all? 1070 01:16:08,791 --> 01:16:11,374 Figured it out, didn't you? How does it feeI to be aIone? 1071 01:16:11,875 --> 01:16:13,124 Look at your face. 1072 01:16:13,250 --> 01:16:16,249 It seems Iike you are getting a fever because you are so frightened. 1073 01:16:16,750 --> 01:16:18,582 Come on now, l'Ve come to take you. 1074 01:16:19,416 --> 01:16:21,749 We wiIl go together. Come! Come! 1075 01:16:23,958 --> 01:16:25,874 Again you'Ve taken the wrong route. 1076 01:16:26,166 --> 01:16:28,540 This is the safer route, that side you wiIl find Tangaballi. 1077 01:16:28,833 --> 01:16:29,832 Come on! 1078 01:16:31,041 --> 01:16:33,249 Listen, I can save you. 1079 01:16:33,625 --> 01:16:36,415 Listen don't underestimate the power of a common man! 1080 01:17:20,000 --> 01:17:21,165 Vidamba viIlage. 1081 01:17:22,375 --> 01:17:23,374 Come on. 1082 01:17:37,458 --> 01:17:39,040 A wedding ceremony is going on here. 1083 01:17:39,875 --> 01:17:41,665 We wiIl roam around here and speak to people. 1084 01:17:42,291 --> 01:17:44,040 We can stay here for a few days... 1085 01:17:44,583 --> 01:17:47,749 till then father and TangabalIi's tension wiII get a bit diffused.. 1086 01:17:47,833 --> 01:17:50,415 Then why are you standing here and taIking Ms. Subtitle. 1087 01:17:50,500 --> 01:17:51,957 Go, go ahead and taIk to peopIe. 1088 01:17:53,708 --> 01:17:54,874 So much style!! 1089 01:17:54,958 --> 01:17:56,290 Why don't you go and taIk? 1090 01:17:56,375 --> 01:17:57,374 I can talk. 1091 01:17:57,541 --> 01:17:59,165 This 'Kunjam kunjam'... what? 1092 01:17:59,250 --> 01:18:01,290 Apadiya sapadiya po. 1093 01:18:02,250 --> 01:18:04,249 Your grandfather can go take a hike! (ln Marathi) 1094 01:18:05,000 --> 01:18:06,457 You speak in Marathi too? 1095 01:18:06,541 --> 01:18:09,540 Why? lf you can speak in TamiI, why can't l speak in Marathi? 1096 01:18:09,625 --> 01:18:12,874 Oh mother! Meenamma. For now just go and talk in Tamil. 1097 01:18:13,125 --> 01:18:14,874 Ready steady go! 1098 01:18:20,708 --> 01:18:29,415 It seemed very pIeasant. As though nothing couId go wrong. 1099 01:18:39,916 --> 01:18:42,957 Once bitten, twice shy... 1100 01:18:43,083 --> 01:18:46,749 that's why this time l did not nod in agreement to anything! 1101 01:18:56,000 --> 01:19:00,749 The second time when the viIIagers looked at me... 1102 01:19:05,041 --> 01:19:06,374 Now what happened? 1103 01:19:07,958 --> 01:19:10,540 Hey hey, don't come in front of me... 1104 01:19:33,541 --> 01:19:35,957 Open the window. Let the fresh air in. 1105 01:19:37,041 --> 01:19:39,374 Here is the towel and some cIothes. 1106 01:19:39,666 --> 01:19:40,957 Rest well. 1107 01:19:41,166 --> 01:19:45,874 In the morning, after your bath, we wiII arrange the prayers. 1108 01:19:46,291 --> 01:19:50,207 Rest well. Take care of him. Bye. -Thanks. 1109 01:19:51,375 --> 01:19:53,540 You know, a film should be made on me. 1110 01:19:53,791 --> 01:19:55,415 I Iaugh my way into a mess. 1111 01:19:55,541 --> 01:19:57,290 WheneVer peopIe are wiIIing to gladIy lift me upon their shouIders... 1112 01:19:57,375 --> 01:19:58,540 I know l am in a trouble. 1113 01:19:59,000 --> 01:20:00,332 And you, Meenamma... 1114 01:20:02,708 --> 01:20:04,457 what are the lies you haVe spun around this time? 1115 01:20:04,916 --> 01:20:07,374 I told them we got married and ran away. 1116 01:20:07,916 --> 01:20:11,999 Have you copyrighted this story of getting married and running away? 1117 01:20:16,166 --> 01:20:17,457 Then what did you say? 1118 01:20:19,333 --> 01:20:20,999 The second lie that... 1119 01:20:21,083 --> 01:20:24,415 I told them was that you are so good that you will never IeaVe me and go. 1120 01:20:24,750 --> 01:20:25,332 Never! 1121 01:20:25,416 --> 01:20:29,999 You only said that you wouldn't Ieave me. 1122 01:20:30,166 --> 01:20:31,165 Yes. 1123 01:20:31,666 --> 01:20:39,624 Then l said you got so tired with the journey that you felt faint. 1124 01:20:39,833 --> 01:20:40,915 That's why... 1125 01:20:44,375 --> 01:20:45,707 Head!! 1126 01:20:47,000 --> 01:20:48,707 That's why l'm getting this speciaI treatment. 1127 01:20:48,791 --> 01:20:49,665 No. 1128 01:20:49,750 --> 01:20:51,374 The speciaI treatment is because l toId them... 1129 01:20:51,458 --> 01:20:54,957 the reason why we eIoped is because my father has a huge problem... 1130 01:20:55,000 --> 01:20:57,665 with you being poor and me being rich. 1131 01:20:57,750 --> 01:20:58,707 Yeah. 1132 01:20:58,791 --> 01:21:00,499 I am very rich. 1133 01:21:00,583 --> 01:21:03,874 - Of course. - And you are a Sweet SeIIer. 1134 01:21:07,166 --> 01:21:09,624 How did you know I was a Sweet SeIIer? 1135 01:21:10,291 --> 01:21:11,290 What? 1136 01:21:12,666 --> 01:21:14,624 You are a Sweet SeIIer? 1137 01:21:18,625 --> 01:21:19,624 No. 1138 01:21:20,333 --> 01:21:21,332 Say. 1139 01:21:24,250 --> 01:21:25,249 Yes. 1140 01:21:26,041 --> 01:21:27,582 I am a Sweet SeIIer. 1141 01:21:29,625 --> 01:21:31,374 What is so funny about that? 1142 01:21:32,333 --> 01:21:33,999 A Sweet Seller is better than being a Don. 1143 01:21:34,041 --> 01:21:35,957 You understand? Quiet. 1144 01:21:41,083 --> 01:21:42,749 Okay... Very funny. 1145 01:21:42,916 --> 01:21:44,999 That means my third Iie is actuaIIy the truth. 1146 01:21:45,833 --> 01:21:47,707 Very funny. You are making fun of me now? 1147 01:21:47,791 --> 01:21:49,874 Earlier, your father made a fool out of me. 1148 01:21:50,000 --> 01:21:51,707 What a great father daughter combination. 1149 01:21:51,833 --> 01:21:54,290 I wonder how your mother tolerates the two of you. 1150 01:21:54,833 --> 01:21:56,749 Does she ever protest or does she also... 1151 01:22:00,375 --> 01:22:01,999 I don't have a mother. 1152 01:22:08,416 --> 01:22:09,624 She passed away. 1153 01:22:23,416 --> 01:22:24,457 I am sorry. 1154 01:22:26,833 --> 01:22:27,999 I had no idea. 1155 01:22:33,916 --> 01:22:35,374 I am really very sorry. 1156 01:22:38,041 --> 01:22:41,665 I know what it feels Iike to not have a mother. 1157 01:22:44,125 --> 01:22:45,124 Why? 1158 01:22:46,458 --> 01:22:47,749 Your mother? 1159 01:22:50,000 --> 01:22:51,582 They died in a car accident. 1160 01:22:53,125 --> 01:22:54,540 I was eight years old then. 1161 01:22:57,083 --> 01:22:59,999 Since then you'Ve been aIl alone? 1162 01:23:03,041 --> 01:23:03,999 I am sorry. 1163 01:23:04,083 --> 01:23:05,082 No. 1164 01:23:05,875 --> 01:23:06,999 It's aIright! 1165 01:23:09,041 --> 01:23:11,999 ActuaIly I never reaIIy missed my parents because... 1166 01:23:13,041 --> 01:23:16,207 my grandparents took their pIace. Especially grandpa. 1167 01:23:17,791 --> 01:23:19,749 He was aIways happy when l was happy. 1168 01:23:20,458 --> 01:23:22,082 He couldn't live without me. 1169 01:23:22,541 --> 01:23:24,415 RahuI this Rahul that... RahuI... 1170 01:23:27,000 --> 01:23:28,540 He was aIways there for me! 1171 01:23:29,416 --> 01:23:30,499 My grandpa. 1172 01:23:35,500 --> 01:23:36,874 Still RahuI... 1173 01:23:38,000 --> 01:23:41,915 to go through fifty years of your life without parents... 1174 01:23:42,625 --> 01:23:43,957 it's not an easy thing! 1175 01:23:44,000 --> 01:23:47,249 Yes Meenamma, it is hard, but... 1176 01:23:49,708 --> 01:23:50,832 Fifty years? 1177 01:23:51,833 --> 01:23:52,832 Yes. 1178 01:23:54,166 --> 01:23:56,165 Do I Iook Iike I'm fifty years oId? 1179 01:23:56,958 --> 01:23:58,915 Why? You're not? 1180 01:24:00,625 --> 01:24:02,540 Don't teII me you're more than that? 1181 01:24:04,041 --> 01:24:05,874 I get it. 1182 01:24:07,000 --> 01:24:08,457 Pathetic, corny joke. 1183 01:24:09,833 --> 01:24:11,290 Bloody single screen humour! 1184 01:24:11,541 --> 01:24:13,290 Because you have no class. You are cheap. 1185 01:24:13,416 --> 01:24:14,707 You are cheap! 1186 01:24:35,666 --> 01:24:39,207 Meenamma, will you sIeep on the floor? 1187 01:24:39,708 --> 01:24:41,957 This is not for me, it's for you. 1188 01:24:42,083 --> 01:24:42,749 Why? 1189 01:24:42,833 --> 01:24:46,249 Won't you be able to controI yourself if l sleep with you on the bed? 1190 01:24:46,416 --> 01:24:48,624 Shut up, okay! l have a problem. 1191 01:24:49,000 --> 01:24:52,707 Yes exactIy, you won't be abIe to control yourseIf. 1192 01:24:53,000 --> 01:24:55,332 - Stop your nonsense. - What does that mean? 1193 01:24:55,416 --> 01:24:56,915 - lt means stop your nonsense. - Do? 1194 01:24:57,000 --> 01:25:01,499 Oh my naughty! Aunty! Remember! Do... 1195 01:25:02,000 --> 01:25:04,332 I wilI sleep on the bed because I am your spouse... 1196 01:25:04,416 --> 01:25:05,582 your husband. 1197 01:25:05,666 --> 01:25:08,915 Your mate and don't they say that there is no business Iike show-her business. 1198 01:25:09,000 --> 01:25:12,165 Come on Meenamma. Let us sIeep-amma. 1199 01:25:12,583 --> 01:25:14,374 Fine, sleep if you want. 1200 01:25:14,916 --> 01:25:16,957 Don't teII me I didn't warn you. 1201 01:25:17,208 --> 01:25:19,665 It's quite Iate at night. I can giVe no guarantees. 1202 01:25:19,875 --> 01:25:22,582 RahuI, think about yourself you will be taken advantage of... 1203 01:25:22,666 --> 01:25:24,957 tonight because your wife has no controI. 1204 01:25:25,000 --> 01:25:29,999 Shut up.- Baby good night. Don't let the bed bugs bite. 1205 01:25:39,375 --> 01:25:43,040 TangabalIi... don't come closer. 1206 01:25:43,791 --> 01:25:47,332 I wilI kick you. 1207 01:25:48,041 --> 01:25:51,332 TangabalIi... don't come closer. 1208 01:25:51,625 --> 01:25:54,832 I wilI kick you. 1209 01:26:13,166 --> 01:26:15,874 I wilI not IeaVe you. 1210 01:26:15,958 --> 01:26:17,665 I'm sorry but I don't know your Ianguage. 1211 01:26:17,750 --> 01:26:19,999 Do not come cIoser. 1212 01:26:23,833 --> 01:26:26,999 Do not come cIoser... I wilI kick you. 1213 01:26:30,416 --> 01:26:31,665 Help me. 1214 01:26:31,750 --> 01:26:33,999 Meena has gone crazy. Meena has gone mad. 1215 01:26:34,250 --> 01:26:35,874 Meena has gone mad! 1216 01:26:41,416 --> 01:26:43,374 Didn't I teIl you not to sleep next to me? 1217 01:26:44,000 --> 01:26:45,165 Childhood problem... 1218 01:26:45,541 --> 01:26:47,707 I kick in my sleep. 1219 01:26:48,583 --> 01:26:50,665 Am I your father's scooter that you wiII kick? 1220 01:26:51,125 --> 01:26:53,499 You're not the daughter of a don. You're the daughter of a donkey! 1221 01:26:53,708 --> 01:26:54,790 Sorry... 1222 01:26:55,416 --> 01:26:56,624 Come and sleep now! 1223 01:26:56,791 --> 01:26:59,040 Never... I wilI never sleep with you. 1224 01:27:00,041 --> 01:27:01,832 You're mad! 1225 01:27:02,333 --> 01:27:03,082 Get Iost. 1226 01:27:03,166 --> 01:27:04,165 You get lost. 1227 01:28:12,916 --> 01:28:15,915 Are you dressed up for your morning jog? 1228 01:28:16,125 --> 01:28:17,165 No. 1229 01:28:17,250 --> 01:28:19,457 It's the viIIage rituaI for newlyweds. 1230 01:28:19,541 --> 01:28:20,540 RituaI? 1231 01:28:21,375 --> 01:28:25,082 The husband carries his wife in his arms, up the steps to the tempIe. 1232 01:28:25,500 --> 01:28:27,957 They believe it strengthens the maritaI bond. 1233 01:28:28,000 --> 01:28:28,999 Okay. 1234 01:28:29,583 --> 01:28:32,124 Are you strong? 1235 01:28:33,041 --> 01:28:34,999 What is the need to be strong to watch a ritual? 1236 01:28:35,083 --> 01:28:37,415 We don't have to watch, we have to do it. 1237 01:28:38,250 --> 01:28:40,332 We are husband and wife for them. 1238 01:28:40,916 --> 01:28:43,415 No, I will not be forced into doing anything. 1239 01:28:43,625 --> 01:28:45,499 No... the situation is like that. 1240 01:28:45,583 --> 01:28:46,582 What? 1241 01:28:47,666 --> 01:28:49,415 - ObIigation! - What obIigation? 1242 01:28:50,208 --> 01:28:51,999 Do you want to stay here or not? 1243 01:28:52,041 --> 01:28:53,249 Yes, I want to stay. 1244 01:28:53,333 --> 01:28:55,999 Then you will haVe to carry me. You won't drop me right? 1245 01:28:57,375 --> 01:28:59,832 Meenamma, perhaps you are forgetting. 1246 01:29:00,000 --> 01:29:01,957 Don't underestimate the power of a... 1247 01:29:02,000 --> 01:29:02,999 Sweet SeIIer? 1248 01:29:05,000 --> 01:29:06,040 Common man. 1249 01:29:08,875 --> 01:29:13,249 Where is the temple? 1250 01:29:17,875 --> 01:29:20,290 Meenamma, where is the tempIe? 1251 01:29:20,708 --> 01:29:22,749 We wiIl reach the temple after climbing three hundred steps. 1252 01:29:22,833 --> 01:29:23,832 Three hundred! 1253 01:29:24,000 --> 01:29:25,832 I wilI reach heaven after climbing a hundred. 1254 01:29:25,916 --> 01:29:26,999 What happened? 1255 01:29:27,083 --> 01:29:28,665 Where has the power of the common man gone? 1256 01:29:28,750 --> 01:29:29,999 Meenamma please! 1257 01:29:30,125 --> 01:29:31,624 I know you wiII drop me after fifty. 1258 01:29:31,708 --> 01:29:32,582 Never! 1259 01:29:32,666 --> 01:29:34,999 Don't underestimate the common of a power man... 1260 01:29:35,333 --> 01:29:36,999 I mean the power of a common man. 1261 01:31:58,375 --> 01:32:02,124 RahuI, you carried your wife to the temple... 1262 01:32:02,250 --> 01:32:03,457 Bravo. 1263 01:32:03,541 --> 01:32:06,790 Meena, he will take care of you all your Iife. 1264 01:32:09,083 --> 01:32:10,249 What is he saying? 1265 01:32:11,458 --> 01:32:14,999 He's saying that you've proved you wiII Iook after me for the rest of our lives. 1266 01:32:16,166 --> 01:32:16,874 Ya. 1267 01:32:16,958 --> 01:32:19,582 Raaja, may you IiVe for a hundred years. 1268 01:32:20,083 --> 01:32:23,332 you both will Iive together for seven generations. 1269 01:32:25,041 --> 01:32:27,290 Miss Subtitle. What? 1270 01:32:28,041 --> 01:32:31,124 They believe that the couples who are abIe to complete this rituaI... 1271 01:32:31,500 --> 01:32:33,624 God will keep them together for the next seven Iives. 1272 01:32:36,916 --> 01:32:39,207 Why haven't you put kumkum? 1273 01:32:39,875 --> 01:32:41,124 What is he saying? 1274 01:32:43,666 --> 01:32:46,249 Without the vermilIion the ritual is not complete. 1275 01:32:47,000 --> 01:32:48,999 What? You shouId've mentioned it earlier. 1276 01:32:49,041 --> 01:32:50,582 That means alI of this has gone to waste? 1277 01:32:50,791 --> 01:32:52,290 My hands and my hips are hurting so much! 1278 01:32:52,375 --> 01:32:53,999 Put this kumkum my son. 1279 01:32:55,666 --> 01:32:56,957 Oh! She's got it. 1280 01:32:57,708 --> 01:32:59,665 Thank you, aunty. Thank you very much. 1281 01:33:00,958 --> 01:33:01,957 No, RahuI. 1282 01:33:19,666 --> 01:33:20,665 What happened? 1283 01:33:22,208 --> 01:33:23,790 This rituaI won't be complete without the vermillion. 1284 01:33:23,875 --> 01:33:25,082 These people wiIl take us out from here. 1285 01:33:25,166 --> 01:33:27,040 Come on and Iisten. Hurry up. 1286 01:33:27,125 --> 01:33:29,374 We haVe to descend 300 steps and this time you wiII heIp me. 1287 01:34:15,666 --> 01:34:42,290 My heart, Iike a butterfly has taken flight far away 1288 01:34:42,458 --> 01:34:50,249 With sweet fragrances it has gone to stay 1289 01:34:50,416 --> 01:34:56,249 I have never feIt this way a ray of light 1290 01:34:56,333 --> 01:35:03,082 kisses the darkness away 1291 01:35:03,208 --> 01:35:12,332 My heart, Iike a butterfly has taken fIight far away... Far, far away 1292 01:35:12,416 --> 01:35:18,374 ShouId I say it in words or inscribe it on the sky 1293 01:35:18,583 --> 01:35:25,207 Praise be to you 1294 01:35:25,416 --> 01:35:33,957 My heart, Iike a butterfly has taken flight far away 1295 01:35:34,291 --> 01:35:43,207 With sweet fragrances it has gone to stay 1296 01:36:21,708 --> 01:36:25,999 Your deep brown eyes 1297 01:36:26,166 --> 01:36:30,165 Tease me with a glance 1298 01:36:30,500 --> 01:36:34,874 Your soothing words can 1299 01:36:35,083 --> 01:36:38,957 Also put the birds in a trance 1300 01:36:39,291 --> 01:36:41,832 A littIe incompIete without you, 1301 01:36:42,250 --> 01:36:45,082 Now l feeI complete 1302 01:36:45,416 --> 01:36:51,290 Your simpIicity has swept me off my feet 1303 01:36:51,375 --> 01:37:00,374 My heart, Iike a butterfly has taken fIight far away... Far, far away 1304 01:37:00,708 --> 01:37:06,374 ShouId I say it in words or inscribe it on the sky 1305 01:37:06,708 --> 01:37:13,332 Praise be to you 1306 01:37:52,250 --> 01:37:53,415 What happened Rahul? 1307 01:37:54,125 --> 01:37:55,290 What? l am packing. 1308 01:37:56,250 --> 01:37:57,249 Why? 1309 01:37:59,250 --> 01:38:01,207 Do you on liVing here in this Vidamba Village? 1310 01:38:01,541 --> 01:38:02,957 Look Meenamma, this is enough. 1311 01:38:03,000 --> 01:38:04,999 We wiIl quietly slip away without teIling anyone. 1312 01:38:05,041 --> 01:38:07,082 Otherwise these people will keep making us do weird rituaIs. 1313 01:38:07,166 --> 01:38:09,207 - You also get ready. Let's go - No RahuI. 1314 01:38:09,333 --> 01:38:12,040 If we run away from here then what will the viIIagers think? 1315 01:38:12,250 --> 01:38:13,999 They will think that we've run away. 1316 01:38:14,083 --> 01:38:16,624 It's no big deaI. Come on. You aIso get ready. 1317 01:38:18,166 --> 01:38:19,999 It's about the villagers feelings RahuI. 1318 01:38:20,666 --> 01:38:21,832 They will feel hurt! 1319 01:38:22,208 --> 01:38:25,040 What about when they find out that we lied about being married? 1320 01:38:25,291 --> 01:38:26,999 Will they help anyone the next time? 1321 01:38:27,583 --> 01:38:28,999 Will these peopIe be able to trust anyone again? 1322 01:38:29,541 --> 01:38:30,582 As it is... 1323 01:38:33,625 --> 01:38:37,415 Do you want to stay here? Is that it? 1324 01:38:38,750 --> 01:38:39,707 I'Ve noticed that... 1325 01:38:39,791 --> 01:38:41,499 ever since you've started playing the roIe of being my wife... 1326 01:38:41,583 --> 01:38:42,957 you haVe been haVing a Iot of fun. 1327 01:38:43,541 --> 01:38:45,665 Look, just because I put vermiIIion on your head... 1328 01:38:45,750 --> 01:38:47,874 doesn't mean you start getting serious about it. 1329 01:38:48,000 --> 01:38:49,582 - That was a stupid rituaI. - Rahul! 1330 01:38:51,250 --> 01:38:53,415 Only you can think this way! 1331 01:38:54,708 --> 01:38:56,874 Have you thought about how the viIIagers would feel? 1332 01:38:57,583 --> 01:39:00,540 Forget the Village, haVe you thought about your grandmother's feeIings? 1333 01:39:03,666 --> 01:39:07,207 Didn't you say that your grandfather had replaced your parents. 1334 01:39:09,125 --> 01:39:10,207 And what did you do? 1335 01:39:10,291 --> 01:39:13,040 You changed the pIace where he wanted his ashes immersed. 1336 01:39:13,375 --> 01:39:16,040 - Rameshwaram to Goa! - Yes! l changed the place. 1337 01:39:16,166 --> 01:39:17,165 Do you know why? 1338 01:39:17,333 --> 01:39:18,999 Because I... I don't have any feeIings. 1339 01:39:19,750 --> 01:39:21,665 I am bad... actuaIIy... l am a Very bad man! 1340 01:39:21,833 --> 01:39:23,499 Only you are very good, these villagers are very good... 1341 01:39:23,583 --> 01:39:24,957 Grandma is. Grandpa is. 1342 01:39:25,083 --> 01:39:27,207 And a bad person has no right to stay amongst good peopIe. 1343 01:39:27,291 --> 01:39:29,790 So I'II just go. You know what, you keep this with you. 1344 01:39:30,166 --> 01:39:31,915 You are good, he was good. 1345 01:39:32,000 --> 01:39:34,165 All of you make a company of good peopIe and IiVe together. 1346 01:39:34,250 --> 01:39:36,165 I am not going to live in this VilIage right. 1347 01:39:39,375 --> 01:39:40,707 Spare me pIease! 1348 01:39:58,500 --> 01:40:03,082 EVen though I was mad, I had a sinking feeling... 1349 01:40:04,583 --> 01:40:06,124 about leaving Meenamma all aIone. 1350 01:40:35,375 --> 01:40:36,374 You've come? 1351 01:40:41,833 --> 01:40:43,207 RahuI! This... 1352 01:41:31,166 --> 01:41:33,332 This is too much! 1353 01:41:41,708 --> 01:41:44,665 One minute, yes. One minute. 1354 01:41:45,041 --> 01:41:46,540 I'll come there. 1355 01:41:47,291 --> 01:41:48,790 Hi Tangaballi sir. 1356 01:41:49,125 --> 01:41:50,374 You and me... 1357 01:41:51,166 --> 01:41:53,915 No personal enmity here, sir. 1358 01:41:55,416 --> 01:41:57,915 Why take me, go to Komban village and kilI? 1359 01:41:58,041 --> 01:41:59,457 No point, sir. 1360 01:42:00,250 --> 01:42:02,332 You've... you've got your lady, sir. 1361 01:42:03,750 --> 01:42:05,790 Leave me. 1362 01:42:06,541 --> 01:42:08,915 I ready steady go, sir! 1363 01:42:10,916 --> 01:42:11,915 Sir! 1364 01:42:25,166 --> 01:42:25,999 What? 1365 01:42:26,041 --> 01:42:27,040 From my heart, sir. 1366 01:42:27,250 --> 01:42:28,832 I am speaking from my heart, sir. 1367 01:42:29,250 --> 01:42:32,082 Forgive me and forget me. 1368 01:42:32,416 --> 01:42:33,415 Throw it away, sir. 1369 01:42:33,708 --> 01:42:35,457 Do whatever you want with your Iady, sir. 1370 01:42:35,625 --> 01:42:36,999 Do... do get married. 1371 01:42:37,083 --> 01:42:38,665 Do what you want to do, sir. 1372 01:42:38,750 --> 01:42:40,165 Just Iet me go. Thank you. 1373 01:42:41,583 --> 01:42:43,165 Sir, she's your girl. 1374 01:42:43,375 --> 01:42:45,665 You can sing any song you want to with her. 1375 01:42:46,000 --> 01:42:47,832 Now Meena is aIl yours, my friend. 1376 01:42:49,208 --> 01:42:50,124 Hey you! 1377 01:42:50,208 --> 01:42:52,540 You're a number stupid, parasite and an opportunist! 1378 01:42:52,625 --> 01:42:53,957 What? - You are IeaVing me and running? 1379 01:42:54,041 --> 01:42:55,707 - Try and understand. - Understand what? 1380 01:42:55,791 --> 01:42:56,707 - That... - What that? 1381 01:42:56,791 --> 01:42:58,374 - That onIy... - What that onIy? 1382 01:43:04,125 --> 01:43:06,040 I'Ve pIayed such a game... 1383 01:43:06,125 --> 01:43:11,207 that I fooI the opponent and the game comes into my hands. 1384 01:43:12,958 --> 01:43:15,290 To save you... 1385 01:43:17,208 --> 01:43:19,332 I'Ve pIayed a ruse. 1386 01:43:35,000 --> 01:43:37,790 So this was your strategy? 1387 01:43:38,500 --> 01:43:45,165 Since when did you become braVe enough to defend me? 1388 01:43:45,250 --> 01:43:46,249 Meena! 1389 01:43:46,750 --> 01:43:48,082 Washing powder, Meena! 1390 01:43:48,166 --> 01:43:48,790 What? 1391 01:43:48,875 --> 01:43:51,790 No matter how wicked I am, I am human after alI. 1392 01:43:51,875 --> 01:43:54,790 I thought to myself that I must heIp you Meena. 1393 01:43:54,875 --> 01:43:57,582 Now did you understand what l'm saying... 1394 01:43:58,041 --> 01:43:59,040 Meena! 1395 01:44:01,250 --> 01:44:04,415 Pick up the sickIe that's... 1396 01:44:06,291 --> 01:44:14,624 right in front of you and beside TangabaIIi 1397 01:44:16,125 --> 01:44:19,290 Yes! I wilI take it. 1398 01:44:29,500 --> 01:44:31,874 I'Ve understood my Iady IoVe. 1399 01:44:33,541 --> 01:44:35,707 You two think l don't understand... 1400 01:44:37,916 --> 01:44:40,540 and that you can make a fooI out of me. 1401 01:44:41,666 --> 01:44:42,749 TangabalIi is singing in Hindi? 1402 01:44:42,833 --> 01:44:43,832 Yes! 1403 01:44:44,125 --> 01:44:47,207 Balli Balli l am TangabalIi! 1404 01:44:47,500 --> 01:44:50,832 I know your pIan... 1405 01:44:52,083 --> 01:44:54,499 now you're in troubIe. 1406 01:44:54,583 --> 01:44:56,832 You will not sing to him anymore. 1407 01:44:56,916 --> 01:45:00,665 Now you will bid fareweII to this worId, while doing disco! 1408 01:45:01,291 --> 01:45:03,665 - Okay, that's enough! - Hey Tangu... 1409 01:45:15,000 --> 01:45:16,374 Hey Tangu... 1410 01:45:16,458 --> 01:45:19,415 Touch and show Anna, I wilI cut you. 1411 01:45:36,916 --> 01:45:41,874 You do not know... whom you are fighting with. 1412 01:45:41,958 --> 01:45:47,082 We are good for good people and at the same time bad for... 1413 01:45:47,291 --> 01:45:48,999 bad peopIe... understand. 1414 01:45:49,416 --> 01:45:54,249 We are in South, but we are in the center of people's hearts. 1415 01:45:54,750 --> 01:45:58,165 Whoever ridicuIes our honor and culture, we teach them such a lesson that... 1416 01:45:58,250 --> 01:45:59,665 they wet their pants. 1417 01:46:00,250 --> 01:46:01,249 RahuI! 1418 01:46:04,041 --> 01:46:06,749 Meenamma, ready steady go! 1419 01:46:46,166 --> 01:46:47,624 Meena... 1420 01:46:48,125 --> 01:46:49,624 nobody can understand women. 1421 01:46:49,708 --> 01:46:51,665 At a time Iike this she's worried about her things! 1422 01:47:10,166 --> 01:47:12,999 ReaIIy, no one can understand women. 1423 01:47:32,708 --> 01:47:33,707 Come on. 1424 01:48:02,416 --> 01:48:04,457 Here you go, your ticket to Mumbai. 1425 01:48:06,083 --> 01:48:07,082 And you? 1426 01:48:07,708 --> 01:48:12,957 I am going to immerse Grandpa's ashes in Rameshwaram. 1427 01:48:16,250 --> 01:48:19,249 You know Meenamma, I just realized... 1428 01:48:20,541 --> 01:48:24,499 the best way to escape your probIems is to...is to face them. 1429 01:48:27,791 --> 01:48:31,332 No matter how wicked I am,I am human after all, Meena. 1430 01:48:37,958 --> 01:48:39,165 You are right about all... 1431 01:48:40,500 --> 01:48:42,082 just one thing is wrong. 1432 01:48:44,416 --> 01:48:46,165 I wilI also come with you to Rameshwaram. 1433 01:48:46,500 --> 01:48:48,082 What? Have you gone mad? 1434 01:48:48,250 --> 01:48:49,374 This is wrong. 1435 01:48:49,875 --> 01:48:51,624 - l'm doing the right thing. - Right, how? 1436 01:48:51,916 --> 01:48:53,540 You've got the chance to run away with such difficulty. 1437 01:48:53,625 --> 01:48:56,707 I couId have run away when you were drunk in the viIIage, if I wanted. 1438 01:48:57,125 --> 01:48:58,957 I didn't run away then. So how wiII l, now? 1439 01:49:00,125 --> 01:49:02,165 Its final Rahul, I wilI also come with you. 1440 01:49:02,333 --> 01:49:03,874 Meenamma, try to understand... 1441 01:49:03,958 --> 01:49:06,332 I'Ve taken a decision, let me compIete it on my own accord, please. 1442 01:49:06,708 --> 01:49:08,124 And you might be in danger there. 1443 01:49:08,750 --> 01:49:10,207 -What if Tangaballi reaches there? - Exactly. 1444 01:49:10,500 --> 01:49:12,082 I wilI saVe you from TangabalIi. 1445 01:49:13,708 --> 01:49:15,290 That's why l should come with you! 1446 01:49:23,708 --> 01:49:24,707 Okay? 1447 01:49:28,666 --> 01:49:33,082 Okay. 1448 01:50:07,666 --> 01:50:11,915 Sometimes two roads traveI side by side. 1449 01:50:12,166 --> 01:50:16,415 They slowIy converge at the end of the ride. 1450 01:50:16,708 --> 01:50:20,832 Sometimes when troubles become twice their size... 1451 01:50:21,166 --> 01:50:24,999 They are halVed when shared with someone nice 1452 01:50:25,375 --> 01:50:29,832 Our IoVe story is so strange. 1453 01:50:30,125 --> 01:50:34,165 Sometimes we progress, sometimes we curb. 1454 01:50:34,333 --> 01:50:38,749 Though I am the north pole and you are the south 1455 01:50:39,041 --> 01:50:43,207 Yet our love has brought us together. 1456 01:50:43,333 --> 01:50:47,832 Though I am the north pole and you are the south 1457 01:50:48,083 --> 01:50:53,665 We are equal partners in every situation. 1458 01:51:37,666 --> 01:51:39,540 Though we fight 1459 01:51:39,833 --> 01:51:41,790 Our partnership is aIright 1460 01:51:42,083 --> 01:51:46,415 With you everything seems aIright. 1461 01:51:46,833 --> 01:51:51,040 We are two different people with different attitudes. 1462 01:51:51,333 --> 01:51:54,999 We wander the worId in style. 1463 01:51:55,041 --> 01:51:59,499 Sometimes we go apart and come back. 1464 01:51:59,583 --> 01:52:03,999 We Iive our lives in the moment our moods change Iike the seasons 1465 01:52:04,083 --> 01:52:08,499 Though I am the north pole and you are the south 1466 01:52:08,833 --> 01:52:12,999 The naughty north has given south a wink. 1467 01:52:13,083 --> 01:52:17,499 Though I am the north pole and you are the south 1468 01:52:17,833 --> 01:52:22,082 We wiIl be together, forget about the whole world. 1469 01:52:22,291 --> 01:52:26,540 Sometimes two roads traveI side by side. 1470 01:52:26,791 --> 01:52:30,874 They slowIy converge at the end of the ride. 1471 01:52:31,208 --> 01:52:35,374 Sometimes when troubles become twice their size... 1472 01:52:35,750 --> 01:52:39,457 They are halVed when shared with someone nice 1473 01:52:39,958 --> 01:52:44,207 Our IoVe story is so strange. 1474 01:52:44,666 --> 01:52:48,915 Sometimes we progress, sometimes we curb. 1475 01:52:49,000 --> 01:52:53,290 Though I am the north pole and you are the south 1476 01:52:53,625 --> 01:52:57,832 Yet our love has brought us together. 1477 01:52:57,916 --> 01:53:02,374 Though I am the north pole and you are the south 1478 01:53:02,708 --> 01:53:07,374 We are equal partners in every situation. 1479 01:53:36,000 --> 01:53:38,665 Tomorrow morning we can compIete the immersion rituaI. 1480 01:53:38,916 --> 01:53:41,582 For tonight we will haVe to stay in this Iodge. 1481 01:54:50,916 --> 01:54:52,665 It's Iike this, Meena... 1482 01:54:52,916 --> 01:54:55,290 we are all so busy running around in this fast paced Iife. 1483 01:54:56,750 --> 01:55:00,249 Our Iives are no Iess than a marathon... 1484 01:55:00,333 --> 01:55:03,082 we're all running to gain something in Iife. 1485 01:55:04,583 --> 01:55:10,874 Then someday we leaVe everything and go away. 1486 01:55:16,791 --> 01:55:19,124 Just Iike I will IeaVe you and go tomorrow. 1487 01:55:22,083 --> 01:55:24,540 All your worries will come to an end. 1488 01:55:27,458 --> 01:55:29,207 I'm going away forever, RahuI. 1489 01:55:37,125 --> 01:55:39,874 But where wilI you go? 1490 01:55:42,875 --> 01:55:43,874 Puna... 1491 01:55:47,083 --> 01:55:48,999 My childhood friend liVes there. 1492 01:55:49,250 --> 01:55:50,249 Chitra. 1493 01:55:58,833 --> 01:56:01,374 I was wondering Meenamma whether you will be safe there or not... 1494 01:56:02,291 --> 01:56:05,040 I mean what if you father's goons or your cousins reach there? 1495 01:56:11,083 --> 01:56:12,457 Meenamma you come with me to Mumbai... 1496 01:56:12,541 --> 01:56:14,165 My house is there... grandma is there... 1497 01:56:14,250 --> 01:56:16,124 You can stay there peacefully. 1498 01:56:16,458 --> 01:56:19,040 Thereafter, you can decide for yourself, as to what you want to do. 1499 01:56:20,708 --> 01:56:22,749 You can start afresh. 1500 01:56:26,750 --> 01:56:28,665 And what if my father's goons reach there? 1501 01:56:29,250 --> 01:56:30,374 That's not his kingdom. 1502 01:56:30,625 --> 01:56:32,749 That is not Komban village, it's Mumbai. 1503 01:56:32,958 --> 01:56:34,207 Nobody can do such a thing there. 1504 01:56:34,375 --> 01:56:37,874 And if my father asks you, what l am doing in your house... 1505 01:56:40,458 --> 01:56:41,832 what will you say then? 1506 01:56:44,250 --> 01:56:47,207 Then l wiII tell him... both of us, you know... 1507 01:56:47,958 --> 01:56:48,999 You and me. 1508 01:56:53,041 --> 01:56:54,207 It's okay, RahuI. 1509 01:56:58,000 --> 01:56:59,332 Pune is fine for me. 1510 01:57:04,083 --> 01:57:05,874 Anyway I haVe troubIed you a Iot. 1511 01:57:06,250 --> 01:57:12,374 It's not your sympathy, but your IoVe that I seek 1512 01:57:17,750 --> 01:57:22,999 I ask for your Iove as I know you IoVe me too 1513 01:57:23,375 --> 01:57:25,624 Because of the fear of the worId 1514 01:57:26,208 --> 01:57:33,165 I promise I wilI never forfeit you, my dear 1515 01:57:34,791 --> 01:57:55,665 I wilI never Iet you go 1516 01:57:56,166 --> 01:57:59,124 If this isn't love 1517 01:58:00,000 --> 01:58:04,290 Then what is love? 1518 01:58:04,833 --> 01:58:07,915 Now that l have won your love 1519 01:58:08,458 --> 01:58:13,082 I don't care if I Iose the world 1520 01:58:13,291 --> 01:58:18,707 I wilI never Iet you go 1521 01:58:19,583 --> 01:58:24,999 My life has lost its meaning 1522 01:58:28,083 --> 01:58:33,207 Since you are not there with me 1523 01:58:36,166 --> 01:58:38,915 Love is renowned 1524 01:58:39,041 --> 01:58:41,624 Since on this path I have waIked down. 1525 01:58:41,875 --> 01:58:47,040 I wilI not IeaVe it mid way... 1526 01:58:47,875 --> 01:58:52,290 From the path of your IoVe, l wiII not stray 1527 01:58:53,875 --> 01:59:34,665 I wilI never Iet you go 1528 02:00:25,708 --> 02:00:27,457 Where have we come, RahuI...I don't know... 1529 02:00:27,541 --> 02:00:29,040 We've come to the right place, Meenamma. 1530 02:00:29,333 --> 02:00:30,624 They will kiIl you... 1531 02:00:30,875 --> 02:00:32,707 - Without thinking twice... - No, Meena. 1532 02:00:33,750 --> 02:00:35,832 I have come to a decision after a lot of consideration. 1533 02:00:39,166 --> 02:00:41,165 RahuI, you have gone mad. We had run away from here. 1534 02:00:41,250 --> 02:00:44,457 But for how long wiII you run? 1535 02:00:44,666 --> 02:00:46,582 Don't you have any dreams or a Iife of your own? 1536 02:01:02,125 --> 02:01:03,124 Hello, sir. 1537 02:01:03,666 --> 02:01:06,624 You must be wondering how I am back here by myself? 1538 02:01:07,000 --> 02:01:09,207 - Dad... he means to say... - No, Meenamma. 1539 02:01:10,333 --> 02:01:13,165 Today your father and me don't need any transIation. 1540 02:01:13,916 --> 02:01:15,040 No subtitIes! 1541 02:01:15,333 --> 02:01:16,415 We're good. 1542 02:01:18,125 --> 02:01:23,124 Because today l wiII talk and you wiIl have to Iisten. 1543 02:01:25,500 --> 02:01:27,332 Mr. Durgeshwara Azag... 1544 02:01:29,458 --> 02:01:30,457 Sir! 1545 02:01:31,250 --> 02:01:33,374 The most import and man of komban VilIage. 1546 02:01:33,666 --> 02:01:34,665 Don! 1547 02:01:35,250 --> 02:01:36,207 Good, sir... 1548 02:01:36,291 --> 02:01:37,457 It's very good to be important, sir. 1549 02:01:37,541 --> 02:01:40,124 But it's more important to be good. 1550 02:01:43,291 --> 02:01:45,124 You must be thinking why I have come here? 1551 02:01:45,333 --> 02:01:46,999 Who is he? 1552 02:01:48,666 --> 02:01:49,749 Am I mad? 1553 02:01:49,916 --> 02:01:51,207 Or am l drunk? 1554 02:01:51,291 --> 02:01:53,332 No sir, not mad. And no drinks. 1555 02:01:53,416 --> 02:01:54,665 Not drunk. 1556 02:01:55,500 --> 02:01:56,540 Sober, sir. 1557 02:01:57,666 --> 02:02:00,665 I just came to find out why you are being so harsh towards Meena. 1558 02:02:00,750 --> 02:02:02,415 Why? 1559 02:02:03,541 --> 02:02:06,665 Don't you love your daughter? 1560 02:02:07,333 --> 02:02:08,332 No? 1561 02:02:09,708 --> 02:02:12,165 Because in a wedding yougive your daughter's hand in marriage. 1562 02:02:12,500 --> 02:02:15,124 But you tried to sacrifice her life. 1563 02:02:16,166 --> 02:02:17,665 WouId a father do such a thing? 1564 02:02:21,291 --> 02:02:23,165 No father shouId be Iike you. 1565 02:02:25,458 --> 02:02:27,374 No father will be like you. 1566 02:02:27,875 --> 02:02:28,874 Sir... 1567 02:02:32,750 --> 02:02:34,040 I am sorry, sir. 1568 02:02:35,000 --> 02:02:37,249 I am a Sweet SeIIer. Sweet. 1569 02:02:40,333 --> 02:02:41,790 But I will say something bitter. 1570 02:02:42,791 --> 02:02:45,082 You can be the father of this village, the God father of this viIIage... 1571 02:02:45,375 --> 02:02:47,790 but you cannot be your daughter's father. NeVer, sir. 1572 02:02:50,250 --> 02:02:54,332 Your pull and power, full marks for that, very good, sir. 1573 02:02:55,000 --> 02:02:57,499 But in one subject you haVe failed, zero... 1574 02:02:57,833 --> 02:02:58,915 full zero, sir. 1575 02:03:01,000 --> 02:03:02,124 Emotion, sir. 1576 02:03:02,750 --> 02:03:04,957 Don't you have any value for your daughter's emotions... 1577 02:03:05,000 --> 02:03:06,582 her wish, her happiness? No value? 1578 02:03:08,000 --> 02:03:08,999 No importance? 1579 02:03:09,916 --> 02:03:10,915 Why sir? 1580 02:03:12,375 --> 02:03:13,624 Let me teII you, sir. 1581 02:03:14,791 --> 02:03:17,624 We are in the sixty sixth year of independence. 1582 02:03:18,708 --> 02:03:20,915 But just Iike Meena the others girls in this ViIIage haVe... 1583 02:03:21,041 --> 02:03:22,915 no right to ceIebrate that independence. 1584 02:03:23,875 --> 02:03:24,874 No right! 1585 02:03:25,416 --> 02:03:26,415 And you peopIe too... 1586 02:03:26,833 --> 02:03:29,540 if you don't care for your daughter's emotions... 1587 02:03:29,666 --> 02:03:30,957 then this entire village... 1588 02:03:31,541 --> 02:03:33,332 this unity, PeriyathaIai! 1589 02:03:33,541 --> 02:03:35,415 This power is nothing, sir. 1590 02:03:36,208 --> 02:03:37,540 I say it's nothing! 1591 02:03:42,250 --> 02:03:43,665 And you Mr. Tangaballi. 1592 02:03:44,083 --> 02:03:48,207 You're so tall, so big! But with a smaII heart. 1593 02:03:49,041 --> 02:03:51,540 Now what do we do? Do we fight? Come on... 1594 02:03:51,750 --> 02:03:53,207 Come on. Let's fight. 1595 02:03:53,500 --> 02:03:54,665 Hit me. 1596 02:03:56,208 --> 02:03:58,999 I wilI not fight back because I want to do the right thing. 1597 02:03:59,375 --> 02:04:00,374 No. 1598 02:04:00,625 --> 02:04:01,874 It is straight and simple. 1599 02:04:02,000 --> 02:04:03,540 I am a common man. l get angry. 1600 02:04:03,958 --> 02:04:06,374 And don't underestimate the power of a common man. 1601 02:04:07,541 --> 02:04:09,249 What is it that you had said? 1602 02:04:09,708 --> 02:04:12,457 "You have come here aIive. But you won't leave here alive", wasn't it? 1603 02:04:12,750 --> 02:04:15,499 "I will cut you into pieces and parcel it" 1604 02:04:15,708 --> 02:04:16,582 Ya? 1605 02:04:16,666 --> 02:04:18,749 I wilI fight now. I wilI fight with you. 1606 02:04:19,625 --> 02:04:21,207 I wilI fight with each of your men. 1607 02:04:21,666 --> 02:04:22,999 Fight eVeryone! 1608 02:04:23,333 --> 02:04:25,874 Fight the entire Village if l have to. OnIy for Meena. 1609 02:04:27,250 --> 02:04:28,707 Because I IoVe her. 1610 02:04:32,083 --> 02:04:33,082 I do. 1611 02:04:59,541 --> 02:05:00,540 RahuI! 1612 02:05:30,541 --> 02:05:31,665 Father, pIease! 1613 02:09:09,875 --> 02:09:20,374 RahuI! 1614 02:12:28,125 --> 02:12:29,124 Come on. 1615 02:12:30,458 --> 02:12:31,457 Fight me. 1616 02:12:34,166 --> 02:12:35,957 Come on everyone. 1617 02:12:46,875 --> 02:12:47,874 Enough. 1618 02:12:49,583 --> 02:12:50,832 No more fights. 1619 02:12:52,875 --> 02:13:03,249 My body is no doubt Very big but your courage is eVen bigger! 1620 02:13:05,458 --> 02:13:06,874 Very big. 1621 02:13:34,916 --> 02:13:36,207 You are like us! 1622 02:13:38,500 --> 02:13:39,499 ReaI man! 1623 02:13:41,375 --> 02:13:46,999 You win! 1624 02:13:49,000 --> 02:13:51,749 Go, Meena is yours. 1625 02:13:53,000 --> 02:13:54,249 Meena is yours. 1626 02:14:10,083 --> 02:14:14,249 RahuI and Meena wiII get married. 1627 02:14:42,833 --> 02:14:46,207 Will Iook after me for the rest of our Iives. 1628 02:14:48,333 --> 02:14:51,207 Those who complete the rituaI... 1629 02:14:51,708 --> 02:14:54,082 are kept together by God, for next seVen IiVes. 1630 02:15:32,041 --> 02:15:33,457 You IoVe me a Iot, don't you? 1631 02:15:41,000 --> 02:15:43,540 Then we shouId have just eIoped from Rameshwaram. 1632 02:15:44,583 --> 02:15:46,749 Why did you risk coming to komban? 1633 02:15:46,875 --> 02:15:51,290 Meenamma, don't underestimate the power of a... 1634 02:15:51,625 --> 02:15:52,624 Sweet SeIIer? 1635 02:15:56,541 --> 02:15:57,540 Sweet SeIIer. 1636 02:16:01,916 --> 02:16:05,874 Now will you nod your head for what I am about to ask you? 1637 02:16:10,000 --> 02:16:14,915 Do you love me as much as I IoVe you? 1638 02:16:21,541 --> 02:16:22,832 Meena Lochini... 1639 02:16:25,708 --> 02:16:27,290 will you marry me? 1640 02:16:34,000 --> 02:16:38,624 Will you kick me at night, mistaking me for your father's scooter? 1641 02:16:55,750 --> 02:17:00,832 Sixteen hundred and thirty five Ianguages are spoken in our country. 1642 02:17:01,166 --> 02:17:05,707 But today l reaIized, that the most important language is - IoVe! 1643 02:17:06,750 --> 02:17:08,915 Indeed, love has no Ianguage... 1644 02:17:09,458 --> 02:17:11,665 And I wouId give the entire credit for the common man... 1645 02:17:11,750 --> 02:17:14,290 becoming the hero of komban VilIage to my grandfather 1646 02:17:14,541 --> 02:17:15,915 My grandfather! 1647 02:17:16,250 --> 02:17:18,124 He gave me a wake up caII when... 1648 02:17:18,333 --> 02:17:20,999 I was immersing his ashes in the waters of Rameshwaram. 1649 02:17:22,000 --> 02:17:23,082 WelI aIl said and done. 1650 02:17:23,333 --> 02:17:27,207 One wrong train. Chennai Express showed me the right way. 1651 02:17:28,083 --> 02:17:29,415 And today this Rahul... 1652 02:17:29,500 --> 02:17:34,040 will surely tell Meenamma that those who IoVe, are the one's who get the girI.