1 00:02:21,620 --> 00:02:25,883 Farouk Omar (Omar Ibn Al-Khattab) 2 00:02:26,780 --> 00:02:30,320 30th Episode (Special, Final Episode) 3 00:02:30,737 --> 00:02:33,727 I see pleasure in your face, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen! 4 00:02:33,912 --> 00:02:35,850 Won't you congratulate me? 5 00:02:35,851 --> 00:02:38,070 Congratulations! But for what? 6 00:02:38,332 --> 00:02:42,691 I have married into the Prophet's household, taking Umm Kulthoom Bint Ali as my wife. 7 00:02:42,692 --> 00:02:44,678 How honourable a marital tie. 8 00:02:44,679 --> 00:02:47,588 You have combined two-way marriages with the Prophet's household. 9 00:02:47,589 --> 00:02:48,901 That's it. 10 00:02:48,902 --> 00:02:52,552 Won't you invite your friends to a dinner, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen? 11 00:02:52,553 --> 00:02:57,780 A dinner of meat stew. I mean real meat stew: meat, sauce and bread, 12 00:02:57,781 --> 00:03:01,802 not the bread and oil stew which almost burnt your stomach. 13 00:03:01,803 --> 00:03:04,310 He even said: if God will not end the drought, 14 00:03:04,311 --> 00:03:07,251 Ameer Al-Mu'mineen is bound to die. 15 00:03:14,228 --> 00:03:16,228 Come in. 16 00:03:21,325 --> 00:03:24,569 Have you requested permission for us to see Ameer Al-Mu'mineen? 17 00:03:24,570 --> 00:03:26,810 Have you told him that we are here? 18 00:03:26,811 --> 00:03:30,531 How couldn't I? Be patient until he gives permission. 19 00:03:31,107 --> 00:03:38,900 But this unknown man you admitted came after us, as did the one before him. 20 00:03:39,806 --> 00:03:43,316 I do as Ameer Al-Mu'mineen bids me. 21 00:04:12,515 --> 00:04:18,043 I have lost patience. I am going out. Whoever wishes may come with me. 22 00:04:38,205 --> 00:04:40,873 I have never seen anything like this. 23 00:04:41,162 --> 00:04:45,671 He admits those who used to be our slaves, and leaves us waiting at his door. 24 00:04:45,672 --> 00:04:49,141 Ask God's forgiveness, Abu Sufyan. Do not let your good deeds be squandered 25 00:04:49,142 --> 00:04:51,100 now after God has blessed us with embracing Islam, 26 00:04:51,101 --> 00:04:54,489 and removed from us the false pride of jahiliyyah. 27 00:04:54,490 --> 00:04:57,772 You, Abu Sufyan, fought hard at Yarmuk. 28 00:04:57,773 --> 00:05:00,553 It behoves you not to let Satan find a way to you. 29 00:05:02,754 --> 00:05:08,830 I seek God's forgiveness. I seek God's forgiveness. 30 00:05:10,958 --> 00:05:17,238 I did feel something like you did, but I strove to suppress Satan's whispers. 31 00:05:18,769 --> 00:05:22,922 Those who were our slaves have only earned their higher position 32 00:05:22,923 --> 00:05:25,365 because of their earlier service of Islam. 33 00:05:25,366 --> 00:05:28,516 They have fairly earned their new positions. 34 00:05:28,648 --> 00:05:32,940 If we are angry, we should be angry with ourselves. 35 00:05:32,941 --> 00:05:36,768 All people were called upon to accept Islam. They went ahead but we left it late. 36 00:05:36,769 --> 00:05:42,349 How will we feel on the Day of Judgement if they are invited and we are left behind? 37 00:05:45,272 --> 00:05:47,272 It is now due. 38 00:05:49,973 --> 00:05:51,973 What is due? 39 00:05:53,691 --> 00:05:58,573 I better go to Syria and be in company with my son, Abu Jandal. 40 00:05:58,574 --> 00:06:01,816 Syria is a place where we need to stay ready for jihad. 41 00:06:01,817 --> 00:06:06,617 It may be that God will make my last days better than earlier ones. 42 00:06:15,133 --> 00:06:18,325 Will you not reconsider, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen? 43 00:06:18,326 --> 00:06:22,479 You removed him from the command of the armies in Syria when you first took office. 44 00:06:22,480 --> 00:06:26,037 He submitted to your orders and continued under Abu Ubaidah. 45 00:06:26,038 --> 00:06:29,998 Had it been someone other than Khalid, he might have beeen rebellious. 46 00:06:30,086 --> 00:06:32,215 Yet his endeavours after being removed 47 00:06:32,216 --> 00:06:35,244 were no less sincere than when he was the overall commander of the army. 48 00:06:35,245 --> 00:06:40,139 He was the main figure in the conquest of Damascus, then the rest of Syria. 49 00:06:40,140 --> 00:06:42,383 It was he who also conquered Qinnisreen. 50 00:06:42,384 --> 00:06:46,337 Abu Ubaidah appointed him governor there and you did not objected. 51 00:06:46,338 --> 00:06:48,639 True. I said then: 52 00:06:48,901 --> 00:06:52,398 May God have mercy on Abu Sulaiman. He appointed himself. 53 00:06:52,399 --> 00:06:57,431 By his tireless efforts. Abu Ubaidah said nothing but praise about him. 54 00:06:57,432 --> 00:07:01,806 Now you are sacking him from the governorship of Qinnisreen. 55 00:07:01,807 --> 00:07:05,963 I fear that you may be encouraging ill feelings in him and his Makhzoom clan. 56 00:07:05,964 --> 00:07:10,524 They will say: 'Why is Umar always finding fault with our man?' 57 00:07:11,532 --> 00:07:14,922 I do not seek to find fault with anyone. 58 00:07:14,984 --> 00:07:18,885 I am only appplying my policy with my officials and governors. 59 00:07:18,886 --> 00:07:22,556 I draw no distinction between them, not even with any of you. 60 00:07:23,171 --> 00:07:25,971 I gave general instructions to him and other officials 61 00:07:25,972 --> 00:07:29,075 that the money available to them should be given only to weak and needy people. 62 00:07:29,076 --> 00:07:33,121 It should not be given to the powerful who have a reputation or are well known. 63 00:07:33,122 --> 00:07:36,982 When he returned from an expedition against the Byzantines, with spoils of war, 64 00:07:36,983 --> 00:07:43,685 he gave a gift of ten thousand to Al-Ash'ath Ibn Qais al-Kindi and his clique! 65 00:07:43,921 --> 00:07:46,874 This is clearly against my instructions. 66 00:07:48,347 --> 00:07:51,842 Shouldn't he have referred first to Abu Ubaidah, 67 00:07:51,843 --> 00:07:55,373 who is in charge of the whole of Syria, or referred to me? 68 00:07:55,467 --> 00:07:59,300 Yet, such is Khalid. He will do what he thinks is right. 69 00:07:59,301 --> 00:08:03,905 - He might have had some good reason. - He should tell me first. 70 00:08:03,906 --> 00:08:06,484 I would either approve or disapprove. 71 00:08:06,869 --> 00:08:10,171 I have explained my policy when I assumed my position. 72 00:08:10,172 --> 00:08:16,712 Anyone who wants to be an officer of mine should follow my instructions, or stay away. 73 00:08:20,830 --> 00:08:24,468 "Damascus" 74 00:08:32,717 --> 00:08:37,893 Do not be upset, Abu Sulaiman. This world is just a passing stage. 75 00:08:37,894 --> 00:08:41,654 The burden of office is greater than its privileges. 76 00:08:41,793 --> 00:08:45,323 With us you retain your very high position of honour. 77 00:08:45,616 --> 00:08:49,526 What is with God is much greater, God willing. 78 00:08:49,538 --> 00:08:55,383 To the end of time, Muslims will speak of the liberation of Syria and Iraq, 79 00:08:55,971 --> 00:08:59,174 and they will always remember God's sword Khalid and his grand efforts. 80 00:08:59,175 --> 00:09:03,719 Every Muslim who lives in these areas owes a debt to you. 81 00:09:04,345 --> 00:09:07,219 Just as you said, Abu Ubaidah. 82 00:09:07,518 --> 00:09:10,378 What is with God is better and longer lasting. 83 00:09:10,379 --> 00:09:15,939 I had my view and Umar had a different one. I was there and he was not, 84 00:09:16,038 --> 00:09:19,131 but he is Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. 85 00:09:24,238 --> 00:09:27,628 Will you not stay with me here in Damascus? 86 00:10:08,549 --> 00:10:12,365 Ameer Al-Mu'mineen appointed me as governor of the whole of Syria. 87 00:10:12,366 --> 00:10:16,016 Then he and I agreed that I'll be at Qinnisreen. 88 00:10:16,479 --> 00:10:21,979 When Syria became comfortable and sweet, he sacked me. 89 00:10:24,723 --> 00:10:28,257 Be patient, commander. It could be case of strife. 90 00:10:28,258 --> 00:10:32,518 In no way, as long as Umar Ibn Al-Khattab is alive. 91 00:10:41,775 --> 00:10:45,324 What has caused you to sack (fire) Khalid Ibn Al-Waleed again? 92 00:10:45,325 --> 00:10:48,288 It was not for any personal grudge or any misdeed of his. 93 00:10:48,289 --> 00:10:53,849 This is what you said the first time. Now you say it again, yet you sacked him. 94 00:10:53,853 --> 00:10:57,343 I instructed him to give the money only to the weaker people in society, 95 00:10:57,344 --> 00:11:02,042 but he gave it to the honourable and famous people. This is contrary to our agreement. 96 00:11:02,043 --> 00:11:06,198 Yet, by God, I respect and love him. 97 00:11:06,560 --> 00:11:10,558 No one will take issue with me concerning him in future. 98 00:11:10,559 --> 00:11:12,589 By God, you are not justified, Umar. 99 00:11:12,590 --> 00:11:15,026 You sacked a highly honourable man from Makhzoom 100 00:11:15,027 --> 00:11:17,216 who was given a command by God's Messenger. 101 00:11:17,217 --> 00:11:21,948 You have blunted a sword of God, undone something God's Messenger did, 102 00:11:21,949 --> 00:11:25,779 and disregarded your bond with your maternal uncles, the Makhzooms. 103 00:11:26,044 --> 00:11:30,262 This will make people realize that I apply my policy to all people equally. 104 00:11:30,263 --> 00:11:33,873 As for my bond with my relatives, this is my personal matter 105 00:11:33,874 --> 00:11:36,214 and does not fall under state matters. 106 00:11:36,249 --> 00:11:39,869 You have been hard on Ameer Al-Mu'mineen, young man. 107 00:11:39,993 --> 00:11:44,324 That is alright. He is closely related to Abu Sulaiman, 108 00:11:44,853 --> 00:11:48,503 and he is young and feeling angry on account of his cousin. 109 00:12:00,739 --> 00:12:03,133 Is this the capital of your king? 110 00:12:03,134 --> 00:12:08,644 Haven't we said that he is not a king? He is Ameer Al-Mu'mineen, the Caliph. 111 00:12:11,918 --> 00:12:16,408 These are the Companions of the Prophet and Advisors Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. 112 00:12:16,607 --> 00:12:18,607 Who? 113 00:12:19,992 --> 00:12:22,179 Peace be to you with God's mercy. 114 00:12:22,180 --> 00:12:25,415 And to you be peace with God's mercy. 115 00:12:30,743 --> 00:12:33,664 He is an emissary of the Byzantine Emperor. 116 00:12:33,665 --> 00:12:36,963 He comes with a message of peace, acting as an Ambassador of the Emperor, 117 00:12:36,964 --> 00:12:39,174 seeking peaceful relations, 118 00:12:39,774 --> 00:12:46,822 and to collect information about Ameer Al-Mu'mineen and his policies. 119 00:12:50,810 --> 00:12:55,766 Where's your ruler? Umar? Will you take me to him? 120 00:13:21,603 --> 00:13:26,502 - Is this him? - He is Umar, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. 121 00:13:32,076 --> 00:13:35,607 He is the representative of the king of Byzantium coming 122 00:13:35,925 --> 00:13:39,152 with a message of peace and friendship to you. 123 00:13:39,153 --> 00:13:42,703 Our Lord, You are peace and from You comes peace. 124 00:13:48,656 --> 00:13:50,702 Well, sit down. 125 00:14:01,727 --> 00:14:06,687 Completely surprised what I see! No words can describe. 126 00:14:08,971 --> 00:14:11,548 I came here wondering: 127 00:14:12,360 --> 00:14:17,411 did those armies that took Syria away from us come out of here? 128 00:14:18,224 --> 00:14:26,581 Now my surprise, wonder and ignorance have become: humble submission, 129 00:14:26,832 --> 00:14:29,464 certainty and true knowledge. 130 00:14:30,160 --> 00:14:36,162 I speak only for myself, expressing my own view. 131 00:14:39,191 --> 00:14:44,758 Man has always sought wisdom, but was misguided by following his own desire. 132 00:14:44,759 --> 00:14:51,760 One can learn from an opponent what one cannot learn from a friend. True. 133 00:14:53,225 --> 00:14:57,715 A man who has silenced kings and defeated large armies; 134 00:14:58,444 --> 00:15:03,284 a man who has absolutely terrified kings, lives in such conditions? 135 00:15:07,838 --> 00:15:13,319 Yet, why do I wonder? Those kings have ruled unjustly and became dictators. 136 00:15:13,320 --> 00:15:18,655 Hence, they cannot sleep because of their fears and apprehensions. 137 00:15:18,937 --> 00:15:24,463 You, Caliph... may I address you by your name? 138 00:15:28,382 --> 00:15:36,668 You, Umar, ruled fairly, felt secure and slept. 139 00:16:18,765 --> 00:16:22,172 What's caused you to come here with speed when we agreed to meet in Damascus, 140 00:16:22,173 --> 00:16:24,892 then we would go to the various areas and cities of Syria 141 00:16:24,893 --> 00:16:26,788 to get a feeling of people's conditions. 142 00:16:26,789 --> 00:16:29,659 The land is unhealthy, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. 143 00:16:31,658 --> 00:16:35,939 It is the plague. It started at Amwas in Palestine, 144 00:16:36,286 --> 00:16:40,356 and spread all over the country. There are many deaths. 145 00:16:42,475 --> 00:16:46,112 My friends here have left... 146 00:16:46,178 --> 00:16:51,085 ...that we better meet you here at Sar' and tell you about the epidemic. 147 00:16:51,086 --> 00:16:55,896 We leave it to you whether you wish to come with us or go back to Madinah. 148 00:16:56,741 --> 00:16:59,642 Consult and decide. 149 00:17:01,471 --> 00:17:05,311 As for myself, I think it is better to go in. 150 00:17:05,880 --> 00:17:10,382 You have started seeking God's pleasure and reward. 151 00:17:10,755 --> 00:17:14,721 I do not think that you should stop because of an unexpected adversity. 152 00:17:14,722 --> 00:17:18,082 I think you better go back with the people, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. 153 00:17:18,083 --> 00:17:20,542 It is a case of a widespread disease. 154 00:17:20,833 --> 00:17:23,551 It is not right that we go into the place where the disease is spreading, 155 00:17:23,552 --> 00:17:25,597 until God has removed it. 156 00:17:28,452 --> 00:17:33,455 - We will go back, God willing. - Do you flee from God's will, Umar? 157 00:17:33,456 --> 00:17:36,906 It is not you, Abu Ubaidah, that should say this. 158 00:17:37,273 --> 00:17:41,734 Yes, we flee from God's will into God's will. 159 00:17:44,032 --> 00:17:47,822 Suppose a man arrives at a valley, with two areas, 160 00:17:47,828 --> 00:17:51,563 one with plentiful vegetation and the other is poor. 161 00:17:51,564 --> 00:17:54,759 Is it not true that if he lets his sheep graze in the fertile area he does so by God's will, 162 00:17:54,760 --> 00:17:56,673 and if he goes to the other one he does so by God's will? 163 00:17:56,674 --> 00:18:00,109 May you always be guided right. I have evidence in support. 164 00:18:00,110 --> 00:18:03,200 I heard God's Messenger (Peace Be Upon Him) saying: 165 00:18:04,110 --> 00:18:08,861 "If you hear of an epidemic in a city, do not go in. 166 00:18:09,189 --> 00:18:15,128 And if you are there when it occurs, do not leave it to escape the disease." 167 00:18:15,129 --> 00:18:20,929 All Praise be to God. You have removed all doubt. Let us go. 168 00:20:29,019 --> 00:20:32,499 I pray you will be all right, Abu Yazeed. 169 00:20:32,857 --> 00:20:36,255 Let us hope that it is a means to ensure forgiveness of all sins 170 00:20:36,256 --> 00:20:38,608 and purification of all ills. 171 00:20:38,967 --> 00:20:41,779 We have a term of life and it ends. 172 00:20:42,084 --> 00:20:46,016 After this life there is only a better company... 173 00:20:46,725 --> 00:20:50,880 and better neighbours. 174 00:21:28,510 --> 00:21:31,477 May God grant you forgiveness, father. 175 00:21:32,986 --> 00:21:39,055 I pray that we will meet together in Heaven. 176 00:21:39,362 --> 00:21:44,305 The best condolences to you, Abu Jandal, and to us. 177 00:21:45,806 --> 00:21:50,587 To God belongs what He takes and what He gives. 178 00:21:52,061 --> 00:21:57,262 To Him we all belong and to Him we shall all return. 179 00:22:23,086 --> 00:22:25,293 This is a letter from Umar. 180 00:22:45,887 --> 00:22:48,056 He says... 181 00:22:48,854 --> 00:22:52,278 that you placed the people in a valley 182 00:22:53,246 --> 00:22:57,450 and that you should place them on high grounds with lighter air. 183 00:22:57,451 --> 00:23:00,215 By God, he is right. 184 00:23:00,813 --> 00:23:04,933 I even heard this from some wise men in Jerusalem. 185 00:23:05,653 --> 00:23:08,501 This requires good management. 186 00:23:08,879 --> 00:23:11,415 Moving the people to the mountains 187 00:23:11,717 --> 00:23:16,277 requires the provision of places where they will sleep, eat and drink. 188 00:23:16,734 --> 00:23:21,813 If God grants me life, I will certainly do that. 189 00:23:41,192 --> 00:23:43,922 Do you notice how weak he is? 190 00:23:44,551 --> 00:23:50,316 He has worn himself out, visiting the sick and comforting people. 191 00:23:51,676 --> 00:23:54,716 I hope to God that it is only as you said. 192 00:24:56,598 --> 00:24:59,274 Leave this and go home. 193 00:24:59,721 --> 00:25:04,048 Do not come back until I send for you. 194 00:26:18,244 --> 00:26:20,569 May God grant you health. 195 00:26:20,570 --> 00:26:28,672 God, The All-Healer, is the only One who can heal him. 196 00:26:29,941 --> 00:26:33,093 You see my condition. 197 00:26:34,406 --> 00:26:40,499 I will give you some advice. If you take it, 198 00:26:40,860 --> 00:26:45,116 you will be well for the rest of your lives. 199 00:26:46,359 --> 00:26:50,821 Attend regularly to your prayers, and pay your zakat. 200 00:26:51,300 --> 00:26:58,056 Fast and offer the Pilgrimage (Hajj) and the Umrah. 201 00:26:59,516 --> 00:27:03,917 Counsel and love each other. 202 00:27:05,082 --> 00:27:10,182 Be honest with your leaders and never cheat them. 203 00:27:10,531 --> 00:27:14,122 Don't let the comforts of this world lure you. 204 00:27:14,718 --> 00:27:20,452 If a person lives a thousand years, 205 00:27:20,786 --> 00:27:27,375 he will meet an end like mine, 206 00:27:28,531 --> 00:27:31,236 as you can see. 207 00:27:49,783 --> 00:27:54,303 May God comfort you and all of us for the loss of Abu Ubaidah. 208 00:27:54,611 --> 00:27:58,893 We have not lost a better man since Abu Bakr's death. 209 00:27:58,894 --> 00:28:02,019 He had the purest of hearts, 210 00:28:02,694 --> 00:28:06,429 never harbouring an ill thought. 211 00:28:07,244 --> 00:28:10,149 He used to give people advices. 212 00:28:10,942 --> 00:28:15,055 He was most caring and most faithful. 213 00:28:17,184 --> 00:28:21,374 - May God bestow His mercy on him. - May God bestow His mercy on him. 214 00:28:21,910 --> 00:28:27,210 What has Amr Abn Al-Aas done now that he is in charge of Syria? 215 00:28:27,349 --> 00:28:33,856 He did what I instructed Abu Ubaidah to do: to move people to the mountains. 216 00:28:34,326 --> 00:28:38,605 Perhaps God will then remove this epidemic. 217 00:28:38,890 --> 00:28:42,350 Pray much for them. 218 00:28:52,200 --> 00:28:53,385 Look. 219 00:28:53,500 --> 00:28:59,976 "Egypt - 20th year after Hijra" 220 00:29:31,076 --> 00:29:34,931 With God's help, we managed to defeat the Byzantines at Al-Farma, Bilbies, Umm Danin 221 00:29:34,932 --> 00:29:39,402 and the fort of Babylon. All towns in those areas came under us. 222 00:29:39,403 --> 00:29:44,101 We did not encounter any hostility from the Copts of Egypt as we marched on. 223 00:29:44,102 --> 00:29:46,935 Whatever towns and cities we took, 224 00:29:47,218 --> 00:29:50,400 we extended peace agreements to their populations, ensuring safety for themselves 225 00:29:50,435 --> 00:29:54,040 their property, land, churches and crucifixes. 226 00:29:55,924 --> 00:29:59,940 As they realized that we do not impose on them anything regarding their faith, 227 00:29:59,941 --> 00:30:03,244 they gave us what they never agreed to give to the Byzantines. 228 00:30:03,245 --> 00:30:07,323 Some of them helped us against the Byzantines, guiding us along the roads, 229 00:30:07,324 --> 00:30:12,474 and pointing to us the vulnerable points of our enemy and their forts. 230 00:30:14,278 --> 00:30:17,388 When all this came under our authority, 231 00:30:17,417 --> 00:30:22,397 the way to their capital city, Alexandria, became open to us. 232 00:30:24,147 --> 00:30:28,987 We are marching towards it. Muslims have never seen a city like it. 233 00:30:31,842 --> 00:30:34,113 God is Supreme! 234 00:30:35,372 --> 00:30:40,692 How good is Amr Ibn Al-Aas! He fights with words and justification, 235 00:30:40,863 --> 00:30:43,053 while others fight with swords. 236 00:30:43,719 --> 00:30:46,233 His war is certainly soft, 237 00:30:46,531 --> 00:30:50,782 unlike other wars characterized by dominating power and violence. 238 00:30:50,783 --> 00:30:55,489 The people in Egypt, as we heard, have deep grievance against the Byzantines. 239 00:30:55,490 --> 00:30:58,799 So, they genuinely hope to get rid of them. 240 00:30:58,800 --> 00:31:03,020 Only the Byzantines are armed in Egypt, while the Copts are not. 241 00:31:03,021 --> 00:31:07,881 The only fighters Amr has to contend with are the Byzantine garrisons. 242 00:31:07,882 --> 00:31:11,852 And the Byzantines are demoralized after they have lost Syria, 243 00:31:12,114 --> 00:31:15,470 from where they can have no reinforcements. 244 00:31:15,971 --> 00:31:18,906 You seem to make light of Amr's achievement. 245 00:31:18,907 --> 00:31:20,516 By no means, but... 246 00:31:20,517 --> 00:31:24,865 The greatest victory is that which costs little bloodshed from both sides. 247 00:31:24,866 --> 00:31:28,579 Our aim is neither to push the Muslims into a ruinous war, 248 00:31:28,580 --> 00:31:31,358 nor to proudly crush others. 249 00:31:32,264 --> 00:31:38,953 If we win with such methods, people will only adopt Islam for ulterior motives 250 00:31:39,185 --> 00:31:41,454 while harbouring lasting grudges against it. 251 00:31:41,455 --> 00:31:44,335 They will never be honest with us. 252 00:31:44,544 --> 00:31:47,652 We are simply carrying the Islamic message to people, 253 00:31:47,653 --> 00:31:50,719 hoping to deliver them from the narrowness of this life, 254 00:31:50,720 --> 00:31:54,390 to the expanse of both this life and the life to come. 255 00:31:55,938 --> 00:32:02,068 I am certainly amazed at the delay you have shown in conquering of Alexandria. 256 00:32:02,264 --> 00:32:05,392 You have been in Egypt for nearly two years already. 257 00:32:05,674 --> 00:32:11,547 This is only because you seem to incline to the comfort of this life, as your enemy does. 258 00:32:11,548 --> 00:32:17,344 God Almighty grants victory to people only when their intentions are sincere. 259 00:32:17,766 --> 00:32:20,508 When you have received this letter of mine, 260 00:32:20,711 --> 00:32:25,132 speak to the people encouraging them to fight the enemy 261 00:32:25,133 --> 00:32:27,703 and to show resolve and perseverance. 262 00:32:27,704 --> 00:32:31,895 Tell them that they should strike like one man. 263 00:32:34,312 --> 00:32:37,386 Let this be at noon on Friday. 264 00:32:59,863 --> 00:33:04,481 For it is the time when God bestows His mercy and answers prayers. 265 00:33:04,482 --> 00:33:10,032 Let the people pray to Him, urgently appealing for victory. 266 00:33:20,657 --> 00:33:24,147 "Alexandria" 267 00:33:24,404 --> 00:33:28,782 Wisdom. This is the city of wisdom and faith, 268 00:33:29,094 --> 00:33:35,233 heart and mind, matter and spirit, religion and life. 269 00:33:35,517 --> 00:33:40,422 It behoves us, then, to be true to its great heritage. 270 00:33:40,757 --> 00:33:45,813 Consider rationally and consult your hearts. 271 00:33:46,154 --> 00:33:52,254 People say that Al-Muqawqis has grown old and become weaker. 272 00:33:52,532 --> 00:33:55,552 He wants to surrender the city. 273 00:33:55,833 --> 00:34:00,283 Not only that. Some accuse me of betraying my faith, 274 00:34:00,419 --> 00:34:03,989 saying that I have been appeasing the Muslims. 275 00:34:05,916 --> 00:34:11,925 Ever since I sent a gentle reply to their Prophet's letter and sent him a gift. 276 00:34:12,174 --> 00:34:17,166 Yes, I did, but neither to appease the Muslims 277 00:34:17,509 --> 00:34:20,144 nor because of any weakness of faith. 278 00:34:20,401 --> 00:34:26,590 Indeed, the wisdom that I learnt in this city... 279 00:34:26,848 --> 00:34:31,648 and the spirit of my heart both told me 280 00:34:31,881 --> 00:34:37,818 that the one who dictated that letter has come up with something great 281 00:34:38,363 --> 00:34:42,363 in which he believes as firmly as earlier Messengers. 282 00:34:42,465 --> 00:34:44,868 How would a rational person hope 283 00:34:44,869 --> 00:34:48,990 that Alexandria alone will remain outside their dominance? 284 00:34:48,991 --> 00:34:52,755 It is only a matter of time before they gain control of the coastal cities, 285 00:34:52,756 --> 00:34:56,320 which means that we will receive no supplies by the sea route. 286 00:34:56,321 --> 00:34:58,709 Where do we go then? 287 00:34:58,989 --> 00:35:02,909 We do not expect any reinforcements from Constantinople, 288 00:35:03,007 --> 00:35:06,039 as it appears to have left us to our destiny. 289 00:35:07,053 --> 00:35:10,258 The only choice is to seek peace. 290 00:35:11,163 --> 00:35:15,773 Otherwise, go out and fight with them. 291 00:35:16,054 --> 00:35:21,040 You either exterminate them, if you can, or they exterminate you. 292 00:35:22,327 --> 00:35:29,982 But to say that we will neither fight nor make peace, only means a slow death. 293 00:36:32,178 --> 00:36:34,747 In the name of God, the Lord of Grace, the Ever Merciful. 294 00:36:35,020 --> 00:36:38,859 This is the pledge given by Amr Ibn Al-Aas to the people of Egypt. 295 00:36:38,860 --> 00:36:43,268 They will enjoy peace and security for themselves, their religion, property, 296 00:36:43,269 --> 00:36:47,295 churches and crucifixes both at land and at sea. 297 00:36:47,534 --> 00:36:52,383 The signatories to this document, hereby grant a pledge of God, His Messenger 298 00:36:52,384 --> 00:36:56,952 and the Caliph Ameer Al-Mu'mineen, as well as the pledge of all Muslims. 299 00:37:32,951 --> 00:37:37,575 All come to prayer. 300 00:37:38,136 --> 00:37:42,900 All come to prayer. 301 00:37:43,735 --> 00:37:46,215 All come to prayer. 302 00:37:51,766 --> 00:37:53,855 Stand up and tell the people. 303 00:37:56,295 --> 00:38:01,717 I am a messenger from Amr Ibn Al-Aas to Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. 304 00:38:02,638 --> 00:38:07,466 I am bringing you the happy news that God has handed over Alexandria to us. 305 00:38:07,467 --> 00:38:10,640 Now Egypt is under Muslim authority. 306 00:38:10,895 --> 00:38:14,457 All praise be to God at the beginning and at the end. 307 00:38:18,843 --> 00:38:21,987 "Homs - 21 years after Hegira" 308 00:38:22,285 --> 00:38:25,298 May God give you a speedy recovery, Abu Sulaiman. 309 00:38:25,299 --> 00:38:28,516 You will be better soon, with God's willing. 310 00:38:28,798 --> 00:38:36,126 When Umar dies, Abu al-Darda', you will see things that are unacceptable. 311 00:38:36,615 --> 00:38:38,690 I fully agree. 312 00:38:40,468 --> 00:38:43,718 I felt upset with him concerning certain matters. 313 00:38:43,862 --> 00:38:47,792 But when I thought about them during this illness, 314 00:38:48,348 --> 00:38:52,510 and as God enabled me to do, 315 00:38:52,545 --> 00:38:56,923 I realized that Umar was acting only for God's sake. 316 00:38:57,973 --> 00:39:00,814 Whatever he did to me, 317 00:39:01,080 --> 00:39:05,410 he also did to people who were among the early Muslims. 318 00:39:05,814 --> 00:39:10,521 He took half of my property putting it into the state treasury, 319 00:39:11,379 --> 00:39:17,489 but he did the same with earlier Muslims who took part in the Battle of Badr. 320 00:39:19,050 --> 00:39:27,506 He was hard on me, but he was equally hard on others. 321 00:39:30,041 --> 00:39:34,099 I used to press the bond of family relation with him, 322 00:39:34,396 --> 00:39:37,958 but I realize that he disregarded any claim for such relations. 323 00:39:37,959 --> 00:39:41,821 He did not care for anyone's blame unless it be for God's sake. 324 00:39:41,822 --> 00:39:47,457 He sacked me, but then I learnt that he sacked someone who is better than me: 325 00:39:47,850 --> 00:39:52,793 Saad Ibn Abi Waqqas, the Prophet's own maternal uncle. 326 00:39:54,395 --> 00:39:59,497 This is what removed my feeling of grievance. 327 00:40:00,530 --> 00:40:03,940 We only had diffferences of opinion, 328 00:40:05,155 --> 00:40:09,555 and each opinion had its validity. 329 00:40:13,309 --> 00:40:18,144 When I die, please tell Ameer Al-Mu'mineen 330 00:40:19,168 --> 00:40:25,715 that it entrust to him my will, inheritance, daughters 331 00:40:25,917 --> 00:40:29,247 and the fulfillment of the pledges I gave. 332 00:40:31,920 --> 00:40:33,939 Help me to stand up. 333 00:40:35,578 --> 00:40:37,966 Help me to stand up. 334 00:40:45,097 --> 00:40:51,892 After the declaration of my belief that there is no deity other than God, 335 00:40:52,138 --> 00:41:00,051 my best deed was on a very cold night when I was with an expedition of jihad, 336 00:41:00,671 --> 00:41:07,281 when I was fully armed, and the sky was pouring with rain. 337 00:41:07,594 --> 00:41:13,249 I was just waiting for the daybreak (dawn) to attack the unbelievers. 338 00:41:20,784 --> 00:41:24,181 I have been through so many battles. 339 00:41:24,584 --> 00:41:31,821 There is hardly a stretch of my body without a scar made by a sword, 340 00:41:32,228 --> 00:41:37,293 a spear or an arrow. 341 00:41:41,372 --> 00:41:45,640 Yet here I am dying on my bed, 342 00:41:47,563 --> 00:41:50,954 just like an old camel. 343 00:41:52,081 --> 00:41:55,813 Let cowards take heed. 344 00:42:24,310 --> 00:42:28,070 For the death of Abu Sulaiman let women weep. 345 00:42:30,448 --> 00:42:34,028 Your case with him is like what a poet describes: 346 00:42:34,322 --> 00:42:38,202 "Let it not be that you write my obituary when I die," 347 00:42:38,611 --> 00:42:42,871 "yet during my life, you withhold my dues from me." 348 00:42:45,030 --> 00:42:50,930 I do grieve for his death. It is an irreparable loss for Islam. 349 00:42:51,119 --> 00:42:54,698 He was certainly hard on the enemy, 350 00:42:56,500 --> 00:43:00,158 and a man of fine character. 351 00:43:04,018 --> 00:43:07,061 May God bestow His mercy on Abu Sulaiman. 352 00:43:09,811 --> 00:43:15,251 What God has in store for him is much better than what he had. 353 00:43:16,440 --> 00:43:22,938 His loss is felt; his life was well praised. 354 00:43:26,880 --> 00:43:31,046 I see that this life does not release anyone. 355 00:43:33,328 --> 00:43:35,778 May God grant mercy to Abu Bakr. 356 00:43:39,782 --> 00:43:42,364 May God grant mercy to Abu Bakr. 357 00:43:47,080 --> 00:43:50,190 He knew people's characters better than me. 358 00:44:23,341 --> 00:44:25,759 Ameer Al-Mu'mineen is not at home. 359 00:44:25,760 --> 00:44:27,165 Where do we find him? 360 00:44:27,166 --> 00:44:30,089 He went to the mosque to meet a delegation from Kufah. 361 00:44:30,090 --> 00:44:32,090 You may find him there. 362 00:44:49,121 --> 00:44:50,712 Where is Umar? 363 00:44:50,713 --> 00:44:52,713 Shsh! Quiet please. 364 00:45:06,858 --> 00:45:10,284 Where are his guards and assistants? 365 00:45:10,733 --> 00:45:14,123 He has no guards, assistants, or government office. 366 00:45:14,232 --> 00:45:17,091 Then he must be a prophet. 367 00:45:18,098 --> 00:45:21,158 No. He acts like one. 368 00:45:25,790 --> 00:45:27,660 Peace be to Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. 369 00:45:28,847 --> 00:45:30,847 And to you be peace. 370 00:45:33,156 --> 00:45:36,843 I seek refuge with God from the Fire. 371 00:45:36,844 --> 00:45:40,626 This is Al-Hurmuzan, the governor of Tustur and Al-Ahwaz. 372 00:45:40,975 --> 00:45:42,944 We managed to capture him 373 00:45:42,945 --> 00:45:46,687 after we had faced great trouble overcoming his resistance, 374 00:45:46,688 --> 00:45:49,348 until God has delivered Tustur to us. 375 00:45:49,423 --> 00:45:51,086 He barricaded himself in his castle, 376 00:45:51,087 --> 00:45:54,975 and his army surrendered to us and the fighting was over. 377 00:45:54,976 --> 00:45:56,925 When we were close to the castle, 378 00:45:56,926 --> 00:46:00,126 in a narrow place between the castle and its moat, 379 00:46:00,319 --> 00:46:03,249 he began to aim him arrows at anyone getting closer. 380 00:46:03,250 --> 00:46:07,227 You have heard of the death of Al-Bara' Ibn Malik and Majza'ah Ibn Thawrah. 381 00:46:07,228 --> 00:46:10,668 He was the one who killed them. 382 00:46:11,097 --> 00:46:13,097 He shouted to us. 383 00:46:13,699 --> 00:46:16,669 You and I are in this tight situation. 384 00:46:16,799 --> 00:46:19,368 I have a hundred arrows. 385 00:46:21,270 --> 00:46:27,086 I swear that you shall not reach me while I have at least one arrow. 386 00:46:27,754 --> 00:46:30,128 Then, what good is it for you to capture me 387 00:46:30,129 --> 00:46:33,709 after I have killed and wounded a number of you? 388 00:46:33,710 --> 00:46:35,710 What do you want, then? 389 00:46:35,989 --> 00:46:40,665 I give myself up to you, provided that your Caliph personally will judge me 390 00:46:40,666 --> 00:46:43,244 and do whatever he wants with me. 391 00:46:44,506 --> 00:46:47,426 Here he is front of you, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. 392 00:46:47,427 --> 00:46:50,130 Let him speak and then judge him. 393 00:46:52,306 --> 00:46:56,245 Not until he has taken off all this fancy attire. 394 00:47:10,303 --> 00:47:14,429 How did you find the outcome of treachery, Hurmuzan, 395 00:47:14,430 --> 00:47:16,663 and how God determines results? 396 00:47:16,664 --> 00:47:20,977 Before you became Muslims, Umar, we defeated you 397 00:47:20,978 --> 00:47:23,776 as God was neither with us nor with you. 398 00:47:23,777 --> 00:47:28,010 When He was with you, you defeated us. 399 00:47:28,260 --> 00:47:30,736 You only defeated us in our days of ignorance 400 00:47:30,737 --> 00:47:33,897 and because you were united and we were not. 401 00:47:34,126 --> 00:47:38,886 Now, what justification can you have for your repeated treachery? 402 00:47:39,400 --> 00:47:42,218 Every time you make a peace agreement, you resort to treachery. 403 00:47:42,219 --> 00:47:44,781 You gave yourself up only after killing some of the best Muslims 404 00:47:44,816 --> 00:47:46,781 and the Prophet's own companions. 405 00:47:47,013 --> 00:47:49,277 I will kill you in retaliation. 406 00:47:53,760 --> 00:47:55,410 My throat is dry. 407 00:47:56,643 --> 00:47:58,761 Could I have some water, please? 408 00:48:17,878 --> 00:48:20,309 Why is your hand shaking? 409 00:48:21,684 --> 00:48:23,904 Because of fear, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. 410 00:48:24,927 --> 00:48:32,891 Will you kill me before I drink this water and explain my reasons? 411 00:48:34,956 --> 00:48:37,926 You shall be safe until you drink it. 412 00:48:43,236 --> 00:48:46,847 Give him another one. Let him not be thirsty when he dies. 413 00:48:48,210 --> 00:48:50,210 I do not need the water. 414 00:48:50,342 --> 00:48:53,142 I only wanted to have your promise of safety. 415 00:48:53,143 --> 00:48:54,471 I will kill you. 416 00:48:54,472 --> 00:48:56,358 - You have promised me safety. - You lie. 417 00:48:56,359 --> 00:49:00,709 He is right Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. You have promised him safety. 418 00:49:01,009 --> 00:49:05,800 Anas, he is the one who killed your brother Al-Bara' and others with him. 419 00:49:05,801 --> 00:49:09,173 Would I promise safety to the killer of Al-Bara' Ibn Malik and Majza'ah? 420 00:49:09,174 --> 00:49:13,714 A testimony for the truth, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen, not for revenge. 421 00:49:17,175 --> 00:49:20,893 Yes, you told him that he was safe until he had drunk the water, 422 00:49:20,894 --> 00:49:22,894 and he did not. 423 00:49:25,977 --> 00:49:28,159 Anas Ibn Malik is right. 424 00:49:30,353 --> 00:49:32,349 You have tricked me. 425 00:49:32,350 --> 00:49:36,090 I am not one to be tricked, except by a Muslim. 426 00:49:36,807 --> 00:49:40,743 By God, I have been thinking about converting to Islam for some time. 427 00:49:40,744 --> 00:49:46,314 I saw much of your soldiers at Al-Qadisiyyah, Tustur and elsewhere. 428 00:49:46,989 --> 00:49:51,179 I realized that you did not defeated us with numbers of people and weapons. 429 00:49:51,180 --> 00:49:55,442 The Creator of the Universe does what He wills with His creation. 430 00:49:55,443 --> 00:49:58,573 He favoured you with victory over us. 431 00:49:58,630 --> 00:50:02,490 But I was a man of high position among my people. 432 00:50:02,590 --> 00:50:07,554 When I remembered our great days and how we subdued you, 433 00:50:07,555 --> 00:50:10,100 I find it difficult to change. 434 00:50:10,101 --> 00:50:14,057 I was overwhelmed by rage and grudge because of what happened to my people. 435 00:50:14,058 --> 00:50:18,163 So I chose to fight you so I would have an excuse, 436 00:50:18,164 --> 00:50:21,914 and not to be blamed neither by myself nor by my people. 437 00:50:21,949 --> 00:50:26,905 Now I have nothing of all this. 438 00:50:29,116 --> 00:50:33,981 Whatever was left of Persia came to an end after the battles of Tustur and Nahawand. 439 00:50:33,982 --> 00:50:37,512 My people have been converting to Islam in large numbers. 440 00:50:37,870 --> 00:50:41,949 It will not be long before the rest follow suit. 441 00:50:41,950 --> 00:50:46,233 It will be said that the kingdom of Khosrau disappeared, 442 00:50:46,703 --> 00:50:48,743 but the Persians remained. 443 00:50:49,058 --> 00:50:51,952 Yet these are not the same Persians of Khosrau, 444 00:50:51,953 --> 00:50:54,439 they are the Persians of Islam. 445 00:50:54,715 --> 00:50:56,885 It is just the same with you, Arabs. 446 00:50:56,933 --> 00:50:59,986 You were the Arabs of idolatry and jahiliyyah, as you call it. 447 00:50:59,987 --> 00:51:03,002 Then idolatry has gone while the Arabs remained. 448 00:51:03,003 --> 00:51:05,576 These, however, are the Muslim Arabs. 449 00:51:05,971 --> 00:51:10,487 So why shouldn't I be a Muslim? Yes, I will be. 450 00:51:12,590 --> 00:51:15,090 And you stay here with us in Madinah, 451 00:51:15,091 --> 00:51:17,936 and we will give you an allowance to live on. 452 00:51:17,937 --> 00:51:21,794 But it will be a small fraction of the extravagance you are used to. 453 00:51:21,795 --> 00:51:25,830 Why would I need extravagance when all its causes have gone? 454 00:51:25,831 --> 00:51:29,171 Teach your brother how to be a Muslim. 455 00:51:33,036 --> 00:51:35,691 I never saw anything like I did today. 456 00:51:35,692 --> 00:51:40,822 The brother of a man I killed testifies for me to save my life! 457 00:51:41,914 --> 00:51:46,162 It is such behaviour that brought people to Islam. 458 00:52:14,538 --> 00:52:18,888 - Where can I find the Caliph, Umar? - He is in the mosque, right there. 459 00:52:44,320 --> 00:52:46,700 This is the style of the Copts of Egypt. 460 00:52:48,570 --> 00:52:50,882 Who is the Caliph? 461 00:52:51,450 --> 00:52:53,916 What made you come to us here? 462 00:52:55,195 --> 00:52:57,399 To appeal to you, Caliph. 463 00:52:57,804 --> 00:53:00,852 You appeal to one who listens and protects. 464 00:53:01,131 --> 00:53:03,714 Sit down and tell me. 465 00:53:05,836 --> 00:53:08,212 We had a horse race in Egypt. 466 00:53:08,213 --> 00:53:12,045 The race included my horse and that of Muhammad Ibn Amr Ibn Al-Aas, 467 00:53:12,046 --> 00:53:14,446 son of your governor of Egypt. 468 00:53:14,695 --> 00:53:17,835 When my horse won, and people witnessed that, 469 00:53:17,836 --> 00:53:20,024 Muhammad Ibn Amr disputed this with me. 470 00:53:20,025 --> 00:53:21,992 Then he stood up and beat me with his whip. 471 00:53:21,993 --> 00:53:25,923 He said: "Take this from me, the son of the noble ones". 472 00:53:27,015 --> 00:53:29,949 I have come to you for justice. 473 00:53:30,454 --> 00:53:32,644 He is the son of the governor, 474 00:53:32,781 --> 00:53:36,338 and I feared that he might just lean towards his son. 475 00:53:36,339 --> 00:53:39,082 You are the ruler whose justice is widely known. 476 00:53:39,083 --> 00:53:44,233 I am still under the pledge of your Prophet, yourself and the believers. 477 00:53:55,515 --> 00:54:00,330 Stay with us until he comes. 478 00:54:08,063 --> 00:54:10,906 What have you perpretrated so that Ameer Al-Mu'mineen 479 00:54:10,907 --> 00:54:13,597 instructs me to travel with you to see him? 480 00:54:13,598 --> 00:54:16,200 Have you committed a crime and I am unaware of it? 481 00:54:16,201 --> 00:54:18,201 No. 482 00:54:18,859 --> 00:54:21,759 Then why is Umar writing to summon you? 483 00:55:12,009 --> 00:55:15,222 - Where is the Egyptian? - Here I am. 484 00:55:24,840 --> 00:55:28,350 Take this whip and beat "the son of the nobles". 485 00:55:58,654 --> 00:56:00,654 Beat him up! 486 00:56:03,413 --> 00:56:05,591 Beat him up! 487 00:56:05,821 --> 00:56:08,102 Beat "the son of the noble ones". 488 00:56:24,404 --> 00:56:26,454 Have you had your full right? 489 00:56:29,651 --> 00:56:32,027 Yes, very fully. 490 00:56:33,352 --> 00:56:36,451 Now use it over Amr's head. 491 00:56:36,869 --> 00:56:41,079 By God, he only could beat you because of his father's authority. 492 00:56:45,809 --> 00:56:49,269 Ameer Al-Mu'mineen! I have taken my right, 493 00:56:49,485 --> 00:56:51,439 and beaten the one who beat me up. 494 00:56:51,440 --> 00:56:53,577 I seek no more. 495 00:56:55,034 --> 00:56:57,594 By God, if you beat him, 496 00:56:57,595 --> 00:57:01,856 we would not have stopped you until you stop. 497 00:57:04,998 --> 00:57:06,998 Amr! 498 00:57:07,045 --> 00:57:12,971 How can you enslave people when their mothers delivered them as free people? 499 00:57:21,552 --> 00:57:24,392 You were hard on me, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. 500 00:57:24,393 --> 00:57:27,691 Don't you fear that people will be too forward with their governors? 501 00:57:27,692 --> 00:57:32,467 If that is in support of what is right, then it is what we want. 502 00:57:33,318 --> 00:57:38,644 Amr, the dignity of government is not enhanced by scaring people, 503 00:57:39,443 --> 00:57:42,470 but by making them feel safe and respected, 504 00:57:42,471 --> 00:57:45,754 preventing injustice and ensuring that the weak have their rights. 505 00:57:45,755 --> 00:57:49,780 Thus, the powerful will be deterred and the weak will feel safe. 506 00:57:49,781 --> 00:57:52,130 People will thus feel that the state is their means of protection, 507 00:57:52,131 --> 00:57:54,768 rather than what they need to be protected from. 508 00:57:54,769 --> 00:57:58,038 They will support their strong and just governor 509 00:57:58,039 --> 00:58:00,126 so that they will be safe. 510 00:58:00,995 --> 00:58:06,432 Otherwise, both ruler and ruled will be lost. 511 00:58:20,603 --> 00:58:23,098 I intended to write to you 512 00:58:23,346 --> 00:58:26,555 suggesting that we move west of Cyrenaica and Tripoli 513 00:58:26,556 --> 00:58:28,457 after God has delivered these to us, 514 00:58:28,458 --> 00:58:32,160 but then I received your summons. What do you think? 515 00:58:32,439 --> 00:58:34,439 Do not do that. 516 00:58:34,737 --> 00:58:37,627 You know that I fear that we overstretch ourselves. 517 00:58:37,628 --> 00:58:39,989 The land of Islam has increased in area. 518 00:58:39,990 --> 00:58:44,250 It is better that we concentrate our efforts on looking after the people 519 00:58:44,491 --> 00:58:47,991 and ensure consolidation in our areas. 520 00:58:48,084 --> 00:58:51,715 As more and more people in these areas become Muslims 521 00:58:51,716 --> 00:58:53,931 and their faith becomes stronger, 522 00:58:53,932 --> 00:58:56,933 they will be helping us in moving into neighbouring areas. 523 00:58:56,934 --> 00:59:01,647 Let us not increase our burden until we can better shoulder it. 524 00:59:01,648 --> 00:59:04,248 Isn't that Al-Mugheerah Ibn Shu'bah? 525 00:59:05,725 --> 00:59:07,851 Yes. 526 00:59:08,631 --> 00:59:10,422 Peace be to you with God's mercy. 527 00:59:10,423 --> 00:59:12,824 And to you be peace with God's mercy. 528 00:59:12,825 --> 00:59:15,275 What brings you from Egypt, Amr? 529 00:59:18,376 --> 00:59:23,031 Ameer Al-Mu'mineen has sacked you. No? 530 00:59:23,066 --> 00:59:25,704 Then it must be a complaint he is investigating. 531 00:59:25,705 --> 00:59:27,705 I can see this is Amr's face. 532 00:59:27,960 --> 00:59:31,569 Don't worry Amr. You are not the only one. 533 00:59:31,782 --> 00:59:36,442 He does not wrong you who treats you on equal footing with himself and others. 534 00:59:38,055 --> 00:59:43,942 Governors appointed by Ameer Al-Mu'mineen are always on their guard, 535 00:59:44,191 --> 00:59:46,706 fearing that someone will report them to Ameer Al-Mu'mineen 536 00:59:46,707 --> 00:59:51,037 for any excess or omission in what they do or say. 537 00:59:52,207 --> 00:59:54,488 This is Fairuz, Abu Lu'lu'ah. 538 00:59:54,801 --> 00:59:58,909 He was taken captive at the Battle of Nahawand, with many Persian soldiers. 539 00:59:58,910 --> 01:00:03,864 He became mine. When I came back to Madinah, I brought him with me. 540 01:00:03,865 --> 01:00:05,979 He works in manufacturing mills. 541 01:00:05,980 --> 01:00:09,379 He gives me four dirhams of his daily earnings, and keeps the rest. 542 01:00:09,380 --> 01:00:11,943 No one produces mills like his. 543 01:00:12,552 --> 01:00:16,222 Yet, he is an ironmonger, decorator and carpenter. 544 01:00:16,443 --> 01:00:18,528 He is very dextrous with his hands. 545 01:00:47,258 --> 01:00:49,587 My master, the great Hurmuzan. 546 01:00:49,588 --> 01:00:53,188 I am master of no one. Those days are gone. 547 01:00:53,795 --> 01:00:56,245 Have you forgotten where we are now? 548 01:00:56,859 --> 01:01:00,059 I wish I can forget, but it is no use. 549 01:01:00,228 --> 01:01:03,463 When I come out and look right and left, 550 01:01:03,464 --> 01:01:07,447 my sorrow is at its sharpest, and fire fills my heart. 551 01:01:07,448 --> 01:01:10,969 It is as though the fire that the Muslims have put out in our temples 552 01:01:10,970 --> 01:01:13,526 is being lit again in my heart, mind and soul. 553 01:01:13,561 --> 01:01:16,203 Haven't you become a Muslim, man? 554 01:01:16,238 --> 01:01:18,846 I surrendered, but did not convert to Islam. 555 01:01:18,847 --> 01:01:24,617 I wish I had been killed at Nahawand, before I got reduced to this. 556 01:01:29,107 --> 01:01:33,057 Yet, the Arabs have not put out the fire in our temples. 557 01:01:34,951 --> 01:01:38,184 They do not force people to convert to their faith. 558 01:01:38,185 --> 01:01:40,686 But those of our people who have converted to Islam, 559 01:01:40,687 --> 01:01:42,394 or are converting, are the ones... 560 01:01:42,395 --> 01:01:45,060 Had it not been for the Arab victory and their subjugation of Persia, 561 01:01:45,061 --> 01:01:47,061 our people would not have flocked to Islam 562 01:01:47,062 --> 01:01:50,762 and started to put out the Zoroastrian sacred fire with their own hands. 563 01:01:50,763 --> 01:01:53,742 Just like the Arabs who used to worship idols 564 01:01:53,743 --> 01:01:56,343 were the ones who destroyed them with their own hands 565 01:01:56,344 --> 01:01:58,060 when they accepted Islam. 566 01:01:58,061 --> 01:02:01,356 Sir, I did not go often to our temples, 567 01:02:01,357 --> 01:02:03,309 and I did not care much for religion, 568 01:02:03,310 --> 01:02:06,030 until the kingdom of Persia was gone. 569 01:02:06,031 --> 01:02:10,657 I felt that extinguishing the holy fire signalled the end of our old kingdom. 570 01:02:10,658 --> 01:02:15,688 Excuse me, Sir. I was only a soldier in the army at Nahawand. 571 01:02:15,939 --> 01:02:19,780 But you, the great Commander, Al-Hurmuzan, 572 01:02:20,053 --> 01:02:22,251 the governor of Tustur and Ahwaz. 573 01:02:22,521 --> 01:02:25,664 How could you reconcile yourself to accept Islam? 574 01:02:25,665 --> 01:02:28,415 You are saying something very serious, Fairuz. 575 01:02:29,817 --> 01:02:31,599 Do you realize? 576 01:02:31,600 --> 01:02:34,486 I could not say this to anyone else, Sir. 577 01:02:34,897 --> 01:02:39,393 But it has been simmering in my heart and I cannot express it. 578 01:02:39,394 --> 01:02:41,394 It has burnt my heart. 579 01:02:42,314 --> 01:02:47,457 Whenever I look at these Arabs, I compare the present with the past. 580 01:02:47,708 --> 01:02:50,362 The rough Arabs with their camels, 581 01:02:50,586 --> 01:02:56,033 whose kings at Al-Heerah were servants of our kings, are today our masters. 582 01:02:56,034 --> 01:03:01,004 Now they say: "This is Fairuz Abu Lu'lu'ah the servant of Al-Mugheerah Ibn Shu'bah." 583 01:03:04,758 --> 01:03:11,508 "We deal out days of different fortunes, in turn among people," (Ali-Imran/verse 140) 584 01:03:13,451 --> 01:03:15,811 as it is said in the Qur'an. 585 01:03:16,576 --> 01:03:21,483 Let it be. It is their day now, but our turn may come again. 586 01:03:32,076 --> 01:03:35,656 Despite what you said about the fire inside you, 587 01:03:36,687 --> 01:03:39,172 you are more comfortable than me. 588 01:03:40,922 --> 01:03:43,203 You sleep on one side, 589 01:03:43,486 --> 01:03:48,226 but I turn from side to side, without comfort on neither. 590 01:03:48,844 --> 01:03:54,657 My heart is split between conflicting opposites. 591 01:03:57,060 --> 01:04:00,173 Yes, I have become a Muslim, 592 01:04:00,532 --> 01:04:03,851 and I know that it is the message of truth from God. 593 01:04:03,852 --> 01:04:06,289 But this is one part. 594 01:04:06,861 --> 01:04:09,674 When I remember my nation's power that has gone away 595 01:04:09,675 --> 01:04:11,970 and what I have been reduced to in this city, 596 01:04:11,971 --> 01:04:14,566 I am overwhelmed by sadness, anger and hatred. 597 01:04:14,567 --> 01:04:16,567 This is the other part. 598 01:04:17,706 --> 01:04:19,706 I have accepted Islam, 599 01:04:19,956 --> 01:04:23,770 but I reject the rule of the Arabs who brought it to us. 600 01:04:23,771 --> 01:04:28,381 What is a man to do who loves the Message given to all mankind, 601 01:04:28,398 --> 01:04:31,698 but hates the one who brings him that message? 602 01:04:37,380 --> 01:04:39,522 What am I saying? 603 01:04:43,740 --> 01:04:47,463 Go out, man. Do not help Satan against me. 604 01:04:47,730 --> 01:04:50,694 Do not open my wound which I am trying to heal. 605 01:04:50,695 --> 01:04:53,199 I am not your master, nor a master of anyone. 606 01:04:53,200 --> 01:04:55,200 Go out; go out! 607 01:05:06,921 --> 01:05:16,065 "Makkah, Dhu Al-Hijjah, 23rd year after Hijra" 608 01:06:00,679 --> 01:06:04,435 My Lord, give me neither too much nor too little of the riches of this world, 609 01:06:04,436 --> 01:06:08,533 so that I may neither overstep my limits nor forget my responsibilities. 610 01:06:08,534 --> 01:06:13,506 A small but sufficient amount is better than what is plentiful but causes distraction. 611 01:06:14,495 --> 01:06:17,631 My Lord, I have advanced in age, 612 01:06:18,574 --> 01:06:21,382 and lost much of my strength, 613 01:06:22,027 --> 01:06:25,254 while my subjects have increased. 614 01:06:25,707 --> 01:06:33,117 Gather me to You while I am able to fulfill my responsibilities, abandoning none. 615 01:06:53,959 --> 01:06:58,689 Would you like to stop here for rest, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen? 616 01:06:59,701 --> 01:07:02,761 What makes you tearful, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen? 617 01:07:05,654 --> 01:07:09,764 My feeling of gratitude to God for His boundless grace, 618 01:07:10,662 --> 01:07:13,772 and my fear of being tested with it. 619 01:07:16,514 --> 01:07:20,014 There is no deity other than God Almighty, 620 01:07:21,368 --> 01:07:25,819 who grants whatever He pleases to whomever He wills. 621 01:07:29,180 --> 01:07:34,590 I can look at myself tending Al-Khattab's camels in this valley, 622 01:07:35,511 --> 01:07:41,671 He was a rough, hard man, working me to exhaustion, 623 01:07:43,216 --> 01:07:47,006 and beating me up if I slackened. 624 01:07:48,211 --> 01:07:50,211 Now... 625 01:07:52,419 --> 01:07:57,149 I am in my position with no one to stand between me and God. 626 01:08:12,217 --> 01:08:14,747 We will go back to Al-Madinah, God willing. 627 01:08:44,138 --> 01:08:46,628 Peace be to you with God's mercy. 628 01:08:47,628 --> 01:08:50,118 Peace be to you with God's mercy. 629 01:09:19,088 --> 01:09:21,397 Where are you going, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen? 630 01:09:21,398 --> 01:09:26,248 One of the charity camels has run loose. I am chasing it. 631 01:09:42,808 --> 01:09:44,808 Have you found your camel? 632 01:09:51,614 --> 01:09:56,344 You have humbled the Caliphs who come after you, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. 633 01:09:57,099 --> 01:09:59,149 Do not blame me, Abu Al-Hasan. 634 01:10:01,834 --> 01:10:05,834 By Him who sent Muhammad with the message of the truth, 635 01:10:05,838 --> 01:10:09,248 if a sheep is unfairly taken in Iraq, 636 01:10:10,091 --> 01:10:14,821 I fear that Umar will have to account for it, on the Day of Judgement, 637 01:10:14,849 --> 01:10:17,865 and if a mule stumbles in Iraq, 638 01:10:19,163 --> 01:10:23,966 I fear that God will ask me why I have not paved its way. 639 01:10:29,420 --> 01:10:32,109 May I help you? 640 01:10:32,781 --> 01:10:35,262 I am nearly finished. 641 01:10:52,044 --> 01:10:54,056 What do you think of this? 642 01:10:54,485 --> 01:10:57,841 Have you come to ask my opinion about it, or to sell it to me? 643 01:10:57,842 --> 01:11:00,343 - I do not need it. - It is not for sale. 644 01:11:00,344 --> 01:11:02,166 What do you need it for? 645 01:11:02,167 --> 01:11:04,447 A man's need for a weapon. 646 01:11:06,185 --> 01:11:08,935 Weapons are not needed here. 647 01:11:09,948 --> 01:11:12,276 They are needed everywhere. 648 01:11:12,792 --> 01:11:16,602 Was it not from here that the Arabs swords came to Persia? 649 01:11:16,607 --> 01:11:20,094 Armed people act as their master tells them. 650 01:11:20,095 --> 01:11:22,095 Their master is here. 651 01:11:22,324 --> 01:11:24,594 He is now yours and my master. 652 01:11:24,882 --> 01:11:28,307 I am my own master. And you are, if you wish. 653 01:11:28,308 --> 01:11:31,356 I told you I am nobody's master. 654 01:11:31,357 --> 01:11:33,876 You may refuse to be master if you wish, 655 01:11:33,877 --> 01:11:36,393 but I have the right to choose my master. 656 01:11:36,394 --> 01:11:39,244 To me, you are still my master. 657 01:11:42,284 --> 01:11:44,284 Show me. 658 01:11:45,358 --> 01:11:47,268 What is wrong? 659 01:11:47,269 --> 01:11:50,099 Don't you like me to touch it and look at it? 660 01:11:50,428 --> 01:11:52,952 I just do not want you to be hurt. 661 01:11:53,833 --> 01:12:01,853 What, man! Can't I hold a knife, with all my experience in Persian armies? 662 01:12:03,132 --> 01:12:06,242 By God, you must have dipped it in poison! 663 01:12:09,539 --> 01:12:12,080 What are you plotting, man? 664 01:12:13,647 --> 01:12:17,971 Go away! Go away! 665 01:12:19,986 --> 01:12:21,986 Go away. 666 01:12:28,639 --> 01:12:33,175 I have heard nothing and seen nothing. 667 01:12:38,845 --> 01:12:42,708 And I bear witness that Muhammad is His Messenger. 668 01:12:43,208 --> 01:12:46,687 Hurry to the prayer (Rise up for prayer). 669 01:12:47,859 --> 01:12:51,381 Hurry to the prayer (Rise up for prayer). 670 01:12:52,640 --> 01:12:56,467 Hurry to success (Rise up for salvation). 671 01:12:57,194 --> 01:13:00,613 Hurry to success (Rise up for salvation). 672 01:13:02,018 --> 01:13:04,018 God is Supreme! 673 01:13:04,413 --> 01:13:06,413 God is Supreme! 674 01:13:07,990 --> 01:13:12,246 There is no deity other than God! 675 01:13:12,485 --> 01:13:14,740 There is no deity other than God! 676 01:13:26,898 --> 01:13:28,898 Make your rows straight. 677 01:13:31,513 --> 01:13:34,803 Straighten your rows. May God have mercy on you. 678 01:13:44,059 --> 01:13:46,343 God is Supreme! 679 01:13:50,634 --> 01:13:53,586 In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. 680 01:13:54,557 --> 01:13:57,517 "All the praises and thanks be to God, the Lord of Alamin (All The Worlds)." 681 01:13:58,749 --> 01:14:01,281 "The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful." 682 01:14:01,779 --> 01:14:04,078 "The only owner of the Day of Recompense." 683 01:14:04,641 --> 01:14:07,948 "You alone we worship, and You Alone we ask for help." 684 01:14:09,653 --> 01:14:12,089 "Guide us to the Straight Way." 685 01:14:13,830 --> 01:14:17,360 "The way of those on whom You bestowed Your Grace," 686 01:14:17,999 --> 01:14:24,278 "not the way of those who earned Your Anger, nor of those who went astray." 687 01:14:33,389 --> 01:14:35,468 You, damned one! 688 01:15:54,832 --> 01:15:57,788 I praise God for not letting my death be 689 01:15:57,789 --> 01:16:00,709 at the hands of someone who is a true Muslim. 690 01:16:03,199 --> 01:16:05,199 May God fight him. 691 01:16:09,120 --> 01:16:14,036 The wicked man complained to me that Al-Mugheerah charged him heavily. 692 01:16:17,176 --> 01:16:20,101 I said a good word for him. 693 01:16:28,450 --> 01:16:30,450 Oh, Abdullah Ibn Umar! 694 01:16:30,757 --> 01:16:33,224 Here I am, father; here I am. 695 01:16:33,454 --> 01:16:38,440 Do not weaken. 696 01:16:40,736 --> 01:16:45,696 I have prayed to be a martyr in God's Messenger's city 697 01:16:45,845 --> 01:16:48,627 and I was granted that. 698 01:16:50,941 --> 01:16:57,316 Go to Aishah, the mother of believers and say: 699 01:16:59,506 --> 01:17:02,581 Umar sends you his greetings. 700 01:17:04,479 --> 01:17:06,871 Do not say Ameer Al-Mu'mineen, 701 01:17:10,225 --> 01:17:13,979 as I am no longer a leader of the believers. 702 01:17:15,598 --> 01:17:21,113 Say: "Umar Ibn Al-Khattab seeks your permission" 703 01:17:26,350 --> 01:17:30,181 "to be buried with his two companions." 704 01:17:30,747 --> 01:17:35,086 We pray for your recovery, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. 705 01:17:35,682 --> 01:17:38,043 May God reward you well. 706 01:17:38,386 --> 01:17:40,448 Your acceptance of Islam gave it a real boost, 707 01:17:40,449 --> 01:17:43,137 and you have extended justice to the whole world. 708 01:17:43,138 --> 01:17:47,958 A really conceited person is he who thinks too well of his own actions. 709 01:17:48,696 --> 01:17:52,010 I was God's Messenger companion 710 01:17:53,006 --> 01:17:55,576 and he was pleased with me. 711 01:17:58,258 --> 01:18:00,498 I accompanied Abu Bakr 712 01:18:02,221 --> 01:18:09,648 and I obeyed him until he passed away. 713 01:18:16,161 --> 01:18:23,930 I do not fear of anything for myself other than being your ruler. 714 01:18:25,890 --> 01:18:29,526 I would love that I end up on an even keel, 715 01:18:31,301 --> 01:18:34,291 with nothing for or against me. 716 01:18:36,292 --> 01:18:40,647 Now, what I am suffering should not distract me 717 01:18:40,929 --> 01:18:43,039 from attending to the business of the Muslims, 718 01:18:43,853 --> 01:18:46,506 and the succession, 719 01:18:48,005 --> 01:18:51,733 so that people will not be in dispute over it. 720 01:18:52,132 --> 01:18:54,599 I can tell you whom to appoint, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. 721 01:18:54,600 --> 01:18:58,087 Appoint your son, Abdullah Ibn Umar. 722 01:18:58,373 --> 01:19:04,146 By God, you have not said this to please God. 723 01:19:05,334 --> 01:19:08,264 We have no interest in your rule. 724 01:19:08,516 --> 01:19:13,358 I have never thought well of it so as to love it for anyone of my family. 725 01:19:13,359 --> 01:19:17,947 If it is good, we have taken our share of it, 726 01:19:19,589 --> 01:19:24,637 and if it is evil, it is enough for Umar's household 727 01:19:24,994 --> 01:19:28,574 that one of them should be accountable for it 728 01:19:28,748 --> 01:19:33,468 and be questioned about managing the affairs of the Muslim community. 729 01:19:35,358 --> 01:19:41,419 I have worked tirelessly and deprived my family of things, 730 01:19:43,182 --> 01:19:49,590 and if I attain safety, with neither reward nor punishment, 731 01:19:51,184 --> 01:19:53,637 I will be happy. 732 01:19:56,286 --> 01:20:01,748 I am leaving the matter of succession for consultation among six of you, 733 01:20:02,042 --> 01:20:07,381 for I know that God's Messenger was well pleased with them when he passed away: 734 01:20:07,382 --> 01:20:09,382 Uthman, 735 01:20:11,259 --> 01:20:13,656 Ali, 736 01:20:14,132 --> 01:20:16,697 Talhah, Al-Zubair, 737 01:20:17,132 --> 01:20:19,711 Abd Al-Rahman Ibn Awf, 738 01:20:20,199 --> 01:20:23,013 and Saad Ibn Abi Waqqas. 739 01:20:23,636 --> 01:20:29,383 Let them meet in the home of one of them and consult among themselves. 740 01:20:30,103 --> 01:20:32,931 They should choose one of them. 741 01:20:35,339 --> 01:20:39,290 Give them three days to come up with a decision. 742 01:20:41,390 --> 01:20:48,203 You must have your Caliph by the fourth day. 743 01:20:49,400 --> 01:20:52,860 We have understood and we obey, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. 744 01:20:54,705 --> 01:20:58,019 Whoever of you succeeds me, 745 01:21:01,806 --> 01:21:03,681 let him fear God; 746 01:21:03,911 --> 01:21:07,990 and not give his own relatives authority over the Muslim community. 747 01:21:07,991 --> 01:21:11,191 I urge him to look after the early Muhajireen 748 01:21:12,536 --> 01:21:16,186 and to value their being the earliest Muslims. 749 01:21:16,824 --> 01:21:19,624 I urge him to treat the Ansar well, 750 01:21:20,618 --> 01:21:23,708 giving due value to those of them who do good 751 01:21:23,791 --> 01:21:26,136 and overlook their mistakes. 752 01:21:29,370 --> 01:21:33,276 I urge him to treat the Ansar well. 753 01:21:33,700 --> 01:21:38,457 They are the ones who swell our numbers and the ones who bring us victory. 754 01:21:44,125 --> 01:21:47,950 I urge him to treat the people of the desert well, 755 01:21:48,492 --> 01:21:52,435 as they are the roots of the Arabs and the material Islam depends upon. 756 01:21:52,961 --> 01:21:57,117 I also urge him to extend good treatment to non-Muslim subjects of the Muslim state. 757 01:21:57,118 --> 01:21:59,883 He should fight those who are beyond their areas. 758 01:21:59,884 --> 01:22:04,144 He must not impose on them what they cannot reasonably bear. 759 01:22:13,332 --> 01:22:18,208 I appeal to you all to pray for mercy for the Muslim community: 760 01:22:19,926 --> 01:22:25,740 treat their elderly with respect, their young with compassion, 761 01:22:26,771 --> 01:22:30,128 and their scholars with reverence. 762 01:22:31,318 --> 01:22:35,306 Do not beat people up to humiliate them, 763 01:22:35,601 --> 01:22:40,451 nor deprive them of their shares of spoils of war for they will be angry. 764 01:22:40,615 --> 01:22:45,292 Do not let wealth circulate only among the rich. 765 01:22:46,121 --> 01:22:49,761 Do not close your doors against people, 766 01:22:50,520 --> 01:22:54,524 for this will lead to that the powerful will deprive the weak of their rights. 767 01:22:55,605 --> 01:23:00,246 This is my recommendation to whoever succeeds me. 768 01:23:02,963 --> 01:23:06,590 I ask God to be my witness. 769 01:23:28,852 --> 01:23:33,887 Subtitles Prepared by: abdul_ydz