1 00:02:21,350 --> 00:02:25,460 Farouk Omar (Omar Ibn Al-Khattab) 2 00:02:26,720 --> 00:02:30,350 Episode 26. 3 00:02:33,394 --> 00:02:35,934 You are very tired, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen! 4 00:02:36,197 --> 00:02:38,940 Wouldn't you rather go back and have some sleep? 5 00:02:39,652 --> 00:02:43,392 No. I will just rest here a little. 6 00:02:46,484 --> 00:02:51,375 Daughter, get up and add some water to the milk. 7 00:02:51,378 --> 00:02:54,580 In the morning you need to go out and sell it. 8 00:02:54,815 --> 00:02:56,350 God forbids, mother. 9 00:02:56,562 --> 00:03:01,109 Ameer Al-Mu'mineen sent a crier making clear that milk must not be mixed with water. 10 00:03:01,640 --> 00:03:04,491 You cannot be seen here by Umar or his crier. 11 00:03:04,710 --> 00:03:06,552 Get up and do as I told you. 12 00:03:06,783 --> 00:03:10,095 I would not obey him in public and disobey him in private. 13 00:03:10,098 --> 00:03:12,940 A small income with obedience to God is better than plenty with a sin. 14 00:03:13,143 --> 00:03:17,472 If Umar cannot see us, God who never sleeps sees us. 15 00:03:23,979 --> 00:03:26,062 Know the place, Aslam. 16 00:03:26,307 --> 00:03:32,588 Tomorrow, find out who said what to who, and whether they are married or not. 17 00:05:05,953 --> 00:05:09,969 - Ameer Al-Mu'mineen! - May we come in? 18 00:05:23,770 --> 00:05:28,205 What is the matter, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen? I hope it is something good. 19 00:05:28,455 --> 00:05:31,175 Bring in your daughter please. 20 00:06:08,915 --> 00:06:12,852 I went out on night watch last night, then I felt tired. 21 00:06:13,162 --> 00:06:15,592 I reclined against your wall 22 00:06:15,852 --> 00:06:19,058 and God made me hear your conversation concerning that milk you have. 23 00:06:19,352 --> 00:06:22,138 I repent, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. 24 00:06:22,142 --> 00:06:25,042 God forgives sins and accepts repentance. 25 00:06:25,577 --> 00:06:28,569 Indeed, but He is also stern in punishment. 26 00:06:28,772 --> 00:06:31,088 So fear God and never do it again. 27 00:06:31,327 --> 00:06:34,009 I will not. Certainly not. 28 00:06:34,777 --> 00:06:37,632 As for you, how good you are. 29 00:06:37,920 --> 00:06:42,006 I enquired about you and learnt that the young woman is unmarried. 30 00:06:42,529 --> 00:06:47,468 - Would you like to marry... - Zainab. She is Zainab. 31 00:06:47,914 --> 00:06:51,857 This is my son, Asim, and he is unmarried. 32 00:06:52,121 --> 00:06:55,859 I spoke to him about you and encouraged him. He is willing. 33 00:06:57,058 --> 00:07:01,138 Would you like to look at him and let him look at you? 34 00:07:01,497 --> 00:07:05,588 If you both like what you see, we will marry you. 35 00:07:23,486 --> 00:07:28,656 She must look at him first. 36 00:07:44,865 --> 00:07:47,986 Do you accept him as husband? 37 00:07:50,623 --> 00:07:52,732 Why wouldn't she accept Ameer Al-Mu'mineen's son? 38 00:07:53,031 --> 00:07:57,967 You are the guardian of both of them. Silence is the sign of acceptance. 39 00:07:58,284 --> 00:08:01,357 Do not be taken in by his being Ameer Al-Mu'mineen's son. 40 00:08:01,654 --> 00:08:03,155 He has no money of his own. 41 00:08:03,471 --> 00:08:06,721 If he treats you badly, I will give him double punishment. 42 00:08:08,002 --> 00:08:14,279 May God unite you two well and give you good children. 43 00:08:48,291 --> 00:08:52,566 You are not so shy and silnt in Istakhr when I tried a bit of flirtation. 44 00:08:53,447 --> 00:08:56,887 Had I known that you were the Emperor, the king of kings. 45 00:08:57,901 --> 00:09:02,221 I myself did not not know. My mother had told me that 46 00:09:02,522 --> 00:09:05,632 I am the grandson of the great emperor, Khosrau Parvez, 47 00:09:06,040 --> 00:09:09,552 and that she hid me so that my uncle Shirweih could not lay his hands on me 48 00:09:09,836 --> 00:09:12,068 and kill me as he killed his father, brothers 49 00:09:12,340 --> 00:09:14,618 and all male descendents of his father. 50 00:09:15,818 --> 00:09:19,615 She kept telling me not to let anyone know this truth. 51 00:09:19,920 --> 00:09:22,590 She told me that I must remain an ordinary person. 52 00:09:22,874 --> 00:09:24,865 Then you know what happened. 53 00:09:26,763 --> 00:09:32,661 Now we are here in the white palace which belonged to my forefathers. 54 00:09:32,882 --> 00:09:37,172 How do you feel, your majesty, now that you have regained your heritage? 55 00:09:38,649 --> 00:09:40,133 I don't know. 56 00:09:40,594 --> 00:09:44,931 I mean... sometimes I feel a stranger. 57 00:09:45,431 --> 00:09:50,545 I have been used to ordinary life. I look around me 58 00:09:50,766 --> 00:09:55,304 and see princes, commanders, nobility and servants prostrating themselves to me. 59 00:09:55,602 --> 00:09:58,495 I have the treasures of my forefathers. 60 00:09:58,798 --> 00:10:02,700 I only have to give a signal for someone to be killed, 61 00:10:02,966 --> 00:10:07,922 or to fall from luxury to misery, or to rise from misery to luxury. 62 00:10:08,399 --> 00:10:12,812 This makes me feel that I am bigger than life, greater than death, 63 00:10:13,212 --> 00:10:16,734 and that a light of the Great Spirit is now inside me. 64 00:10:17,031 --> 00:10:19,767 It is what brought me to the throne of my forefathers 65 00:10:20,093 --> 00:10:23,466 and to the White Palace. Why wouldn't all this please me? 66 00:10:25,791 --> 00:10:31,917 I do know now why princes have fought each other for the throne, killing one another. 67 00:10:36,045 --> 00:10:37,704 Enter please. 68 00:10:41,798 --> 00:10:44,704 Peace be to you, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. - And to you two be peace. 69 00:10:44,937 --> 00:10:46,623 Sit down, both of you. 70 00:10:49,158 --> 00:10:51,566 My Lord, help me against them both. 71 00:10:51,782 --> 00:10:54,703 Each one of them wants me to slip in his favor. 72 00:10:57,578 --> 00:11:00,345 Fear God concerning your dispute. 73 00:11:01,138 --> 00:11:04,120 We only judge in accordance with what appears to us to be right. 74 00:11:04,454 --> 00:11:06,292 We have no knowledge of what is in people's hearts. 75 00:11:07,657 --> 00:11:14,276 Remember what the Prophet said: "You come to me with your disputes. 76 00:11:14,557 --> 00:11:23,541 Some of you may have a better argument, and I may judge for him according to what I hear. 77 00:11:23,920 --> 00:11:27,360 If I give a person something that rightfully belongs to his brother, 78 00:11:27,686 --> 00:11:32,206 he should not take it. I am only giving him a brand of fire." 79 00:11:34,435 --> 00:11:37,669 Present your complaint, Dahhak, before your opponent. 80 00:11:38,013 --> 00:11:40,450 I have at Al-Urayyid a spring of water. 81 00:11:40,765 --> 00:11:45,279 In between the spring and my farm 82 00:11:45,578 --> 00:11:48,110 lies a plot of land belonging to Muhammad Ibn Maslamah. 83 00:11:48,513 --> 00:11:54,340 If I want to run the water to my land, it must go through Muhammad's land, 84 00:11:54,673 --> 00:11:56,289 but he denied me that. 85 00:11:57,406 --> 00:12:02,315 I said to him, "It is a benefit for you: You can have your drinking water 86 00:12:02,645 --> 00:12:06,659 and irrigate your land if you wish. It will not be of any disadvantage to you." 87 00:12:07,030 --> 00:12:08,584 But he still refuses. 88 00:12:09,060 --> 00:12:11,469 Why do you deny your brother something that benefits him 89 00:12:11,802 --> 00:12:15,423 when it is of benefit to you too? You can use it without any disadvantage. 90 00:12:16,614 --> 00:12:19,807 It is my land, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen, 91 00:12:20,114 --> 00:12:24,377 I am free to do whatever I like with it, permitting anything or refusing it. 92 00:12:24,694 --> 00:12:29,283 I fear that if I let this go that he and his family take advantage of that, 93 00:12:29,598 --> 00:12:35,409 enter it and spoil my things there. It is as if I leave it to any passerby. 94 00:12:41,871 --> 00:12:46,502 That it is your property is acknowledged. 95 00:12:47,099 --> 00:12:50,458 However, your refusal harms him. 96 00:12:50,754 --> 00:12:53,879 It is as if you are preventing him to benefit by his land. 97 00:12:54,196 --> 00:12:56,669 This does not brings you any benefit, 98 00:12:56,973 --> 00:13:00,444 while letting the water through will benefit both of you, 99 00:13:00,737 --> 00:13:04,488 without giving you any disadvantage. Do you give priority to harm over benefit? 100 00:13:05,585 --> 00:13:09,739 We are only in charge of what God has given us. 101 00:13:10,365 --> 00:13:14,934 We should use it for benefit to ourselves and others. 102 00:13:15,182 --> 00:13:17,879 The purpose is to build the earth. 103 00:13:18,693 --> 00:13:25,051 You may stipulate that he must not harm your land. If he does, I will punish him. 104 00:13:26,533 --> 00:13:29,521 Won't you let me have a choice in my own land, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen? 105 00:13:29,771 --> 00:13:31,443 There is no choice in this matter. 106 00:13:31,740 --> 00:13:35,679 He shall have his water running despite your objections. This is final. 107 00:13:36,474 --> 00:13:39,754 - Peace be to you. - And to you be peace. 108 00:13:43,204 --> 00:13:45,001 Enter! 109 00:13:47,941 --> 00:13:50,380 - Is is a complaint? - Yes, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. 110 00:13:50,676 --> 00:13:53,224 - Against Hatib Ibn Abi Balta'ah? - Against these servants of his. 111 00:13:53,442 --> 00:13:55,036 They work for me, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. 112 00:13:55,440 --> 00:13:57,628 - What have they done? - They stole my she-camel. 113 00:13:57,883 --> 00:14:00,199 - Did you? - We did, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. 114 00:14:05,202 --> 00:14:09,357 Then we will implement the punishment for theft against you. 115 00:14:12,570 --> 00:14:14,900 Tell me first, what have you done with his she-camel? 116 00:14:16,914 --> 00:14:21,053 We slaughtered it, ate of it and fed other people. 117 00:14:23,023 --> 00:14:25,037 Why did you do that? 118 00:14:27,349 --> 00:14:29,865 Speak out. Do not worry about him. 119 00:14:30,359 --> 00:14:33,712 Because of hunger, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. It has bitten hard at us. 120 00:14:35,383 --> 00:14:37,920 Don't you give your servants enough to eat, Hatib? 121 00:14:41,136 --> 00:14:46,538 All power operates by God's will. Where has compassion gone? 122 00:14:47,495 --> 00:14:50,607 You employ them and leave them hungry? 123 00:14:50,854 --> 00:14:54,892 Even if any of them eats what God has forbidden, he will incur no sin, 124 00:14:55,148 --> 00:14:59,365 as God says: "He who is driven by necessity, not intending to transgress 125 00:14:59,637 --> 00:15:04,956 nor exceeding his need, incurs no sin. God is Much-Forgiving, Merciful." (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 173) 126 00:15:05,337 --> 00:15:08,662 I am sparing them the mandatory punishment because of suspected necessity. 127 00:15:08,944 --> 00:15:11,434 In case of doubt, it is better to suspend mandatory punishments 128 00:15:11,713 --> 00:15:15,225 than to implement them. All three of you leave now. 129 00:15:16,459 --> 00:15:18,318 What about my she-camel, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen? 130 00:15:18,629 --> 00:15:21,628 By God, as I have spared them the punishment, 131 00:15:21,836 --> 00:15:26,338 I shall fine you heavily. You are the one who caused this offence. 132 00:15:27,116 --> 00:15:28,867 How much were you offered for your she-camel? 133 00:15:29,849 --> 00:15:33,227 - Four hundred dirhams. - Go and give him eight hundred. 134 00:15:33,512 --> 00:15:35,910 - Am I to give him double its price? - Yes, you will. 135 00:15:36,228 --> 00:15:40,230 I shall be enquiring about your servants. If I hear that you have kept them hungry, 136 00:15:40,464 --> 00:15:43,921 causing them to incur a mandatory punishment, you will suffer that punishment. 137 00:15:45,362 --> 00:15:47,707 The case is settled. 138 00:16:01,151 --> 00:16:05,795 - Peace be to Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. - And to you be peace with God's mercy. 139 00:16:06,206 --> 00:16:08,448 - I am seeking your advice. - Speak! 140 00:16:10,544 --> 00:16:18,204 I have a daughter. In pre-Islamic days I took her out aiming to bury her alive. 141 00:16:21,575 --> 00:16:25,577 When I put her under the dust, I was overwhelmed with compassion 142 00:16:25,903 --> 00:16:30,815 and I took her out. Then we embraced Islam. 143 00:16:31,855 --> 00:16:38,909 When she was a young woman, she incurred a grave sin. 144 00:16:43,862 --> 00:16:45,781 You mean adultery? 145 00:16:49,434 --> 00:16:52,933 She took a blade to commit suicide. 146 00:16:53,495 --> 00:16:57,188 We saved her after she had cut some of her veins. 147 00:16:57,858 --> 00:17:00,921 I had treated her until she regained her health. 148 00:17:03,343 --> 00:17:07,656 Subsequently she truly repented and she is of good character. 149 00:17:08,576 --> 00:17:12,522 She is thus one of those whose bad actions God changes into good ones. 150 00:17:12,864 --> 00:17:19,861 Now someone wants to marry her. Should I inform him of what happened? 151 00:17:19,868 --> 00:17:23,720 Would you expose something God wants to remain hidden? 152 00:17:23,972 --> 00:17:26,452 If you tell anyone of what she did, 153 00:17:26,738 --> 00:17:29,904 I will make of you an example to all people in all provinces. 154 00:17:33,068 --> 00:17:35,312 Give her in marriage as a chaste Muslim woman. 155 00:17:40,737 --> 00:17:43,310 You have removed my burden, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. 156 00:17:44,448 --> 00:17:48,120 May God remove all worry from you in this life and in the hereafter. 157 00:17:48,700 --> 00:17:51,884 Do not do that. It will be a negative point for you, 158 00:17:52,157 --> 00:17:54,993 and an act of pride on my part, which God dislikes. 159 00:17:55,265 --> 00:17:57,565 I am only one of the Muslim community, 160 00:17:57,999 --> 00:18:01,967 but my test is harder than yours because of my position. 161 00:18:04,105 --> 00:18:06,724 Go to your business, may God bless you. 162 00:18:50,466 --> 00:18:55,591 My Lord, I have tried my best to arrive at the right rulings 163 00:18:55,901 --> 00:18:58,013 on questions to which nothing in the Qur'an or the Sunnah 164 00:18:58,113 --> 00:19:00,005 of the Prophet appeared applicable. 165 00:19:03,416 --> 00:19:06,761 My aim is to set things to right, as far as far as I can. 166 00:19:07,604 --> 00:19:13,310 This is my understanding of Your Faith. If I am right, 167 00:19:13,717 --> 00:19:16,001 It is because of Your guidance, 168 00:19:17,251 --> 00:19:20,611 and if I am wrong, it is because of my own faulty understanding. 169 00:19:20,923 --> 00:19:23,531 In You I place my trust, and to You I turn. 170 00:19:34,436 --> 00:19:40,639 Abu Al-Hasan, I have been having too many cases of complaints to look into. 171 00:19:43,185 --> 00:19:45,975 I would love that you will share these with me, 172 00:19:46,263 --> 00:19:48,906 so that you judge in disputes as I do. 173 00:19:49,157 --> 00:19:52,833 You are the depository of knowledge of Islam and a guide to the Truth. 174 00:19:55,064 --> 00:19:57,812 Suppose that I give a ruling on a certain case, 175 00:19:58,059 --> 00:20:02,582 and you hear of my ruling but disagree with it. What will you do? 176 00:20:04,815 --> 00:20:09,141 Where there is a clear statement in God's Book or the Prophet's sunnah, 177 00:20:09,440 --> 00:20:10,733 we can have no dispute. 178 00:20:11,144 --> 00:20:14,034 You know them better than anyone else. 179 00:20:14,315 --> 00:20:17,784 On cases left to personal discretion, we are equal. 180 00:20:18,033 --> 00:20:20,407 Everyone judges as he sees right. 181 00:20:20,692 --> 00:20:24,053 I will not abrogate a ruling given by Abu Al-Hassan on the basis of his discretion, 182 00:20:24,344 --> 00:20:28,297 even though I may have a different view. We pray for God's guidance. 183 00:20:29,017 --> 00:20:32,379 Then I will do, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. 184 00:20:33,751 --> 00:20:38,019 May God always keep me where Abu Al-Hasan is. 185 00:20:38,960 --> 00:20:44,197 We are witnessing events 186 00:20:45,725 --> 00:20:49,649 with no parallel that happened during the Prophet's lifetime. 187 00:20:50,707 --> 00:20:54,527 We do not find in God's Book rulings applicable to them. 188 00:20:55,209 --> 00:20:57,612 We judge them as we see fit, 189 00:20:57,880 --> 00:21:00,785 according to our understanding of the objectives of our religion 190 00:21:01,494 --> 00:21:03,506 and the interests of the people. 191 00:21:03,887 --> 00:21:07,432 Personal judgement by the Prophet was right, 192 00:21:07,438 --> 00:21:12,224 because God showed him, but revelation has ceased. 193 00:21:14,812 --> 00:21:17,063 When we judge on the basis of personal discretion, 194 00:21:17,491 --> 00:21:22,818 no one may say that his own judgement is God's judgement. 195 00:21:23,115 --> 00:21:25,794 Anyone who says so claims to be privy to God's own knowledge 196 00:21:26,078 --> 00:21:28,047 and purposes while others are not. 197 00:21:28,478 --> 00:21:32,646 If you disagree with him you will be as if you disagree with God. 198 00:21:32,894 --> 00:21:36,331 Soon enough, he will brand you as disbeliever. 199 00:21:36,660 --> 00:21:39,613 He may even consider that you deserve to be killed. 200 00:21:39,929 --> 00:21:42,861 That is certainly a disastrous state of affairs. 201 00:21:44,472 --> 00:21:47,805 Discretion is available to all. 202 00:21:48,053 --> 00:21:52,088 People may have different views on the same question. 203 00:21:52,438 --> 00:21:54,893 Besides, one may have a certain view today, 204 00:21:55,196 --> 00:22:01,136 but then discovers that a different view is better, so he abandons his first one. 205 00:22:03,006 --> 00:22:06,273 I ruled on a particular question according to my discretion, 206 00:22:06,585 --> 00:22:11,628 and then I heard someone saying: 'This is God's ruling and Umar's ruling'. 207 00:22:11,837 --> 00:22:15,618 I was about to punish him severely. It was a bad utterance. 208 00:22:17,677 --> 00:22:24,109 That was Umar's judgement. If it is right, then that is by God's grace, 209 00:22:24,378 --> 00:22:29,070 and if it is wrong, then it is Umar's mistake. 210 00:22:31,751 --> 00:22:39,253 O people! O people! Follow the Sunnah! 211 00:22:39,738 --> 00:22:43,456 Follow the course which is defined by God and His Messenger. 212 00:22:43,703 --> 00:22:46,395 What is determined on the basis of personal Discretion must not be considered... 213 00:22:46,640 --> 00:22:48,628 in the same status. 214 00:23:02,051 --> 00:23:04,755 - Peace be to you with God's mercy. - And to you be peace with God's mercy. 215 00:23:05,038 --> 00:23:08,926 You must be meeting for something special. Let us hope it is good. 216 00:23:09,193 --> 00:23:12,628 I received news that the Bishop of the city had a son 217 00:23:12,849 --> 00:23:18,152 and he is hosting a celebration tonight, giving people much to eat and drink. 218 00:23:18,476 --> 00:23:20,601 And are we to celebrate with him? 219 00:23:21,739 --> 00:23:23,520 Yes, in our own way. 220 00:23:24,008 --> 00:23:28,186 I also learnt that he will send much food and drink to the city guards. 221 00:23:28,497 --> 00:23:33,115 When these drink, they are excessive and they get drunk or nearly so. 222 00:23:33,410 --> 00:23:35,194 This gives us an opportunity we must not miss. 223 00:23:35,708 --> 00:23:38,900 - You mean... - Yes, it seems it is time. 224 00:23:39,161 --> 00:23:42,302 Deep into the night, they will be much less alert, 225 00:23:42,539 --> 00:23:46,742 due to their drunkenness and sleepiness. We can climb the wall then. 226 00:23:47,069 --> 00:23:51,023 At the Eastern Gate? But it is the most difficult. 227 00:23:51,263 --> 00:23:54,381 Yes, but it is the least guarded, as our scouts have confirmed. 228 00:23:54,524 --> 00:23:57,948 They rely on the strength of the gate and the thickness of the wall next to it. 229 00:28:07,200 --> 00:28:09,294 The Muslims! The Muslims! 230 00:28:09,591 --> 00:28:11,677 They stormed through the Eastern Gate. 231 00:28:25,216 --> 00:28:26,874 Move away! 232 00:28:29,327 --> 00:28:34,340 You have not protected the city, and now you want to ruin us all. 233 00:28:34,623 --> 00:28:38,121 A division of the Muslim Army has entered through the Eastern Gate. 234 00:28:38,426 --> 00:28:43,748 Unless we rush to their commander now and sue for peace, we will all be ruined. 235 00:28:58,327 --> 00:29:03,627 - The Muslims have conquered the city! - They entered through the Eastern Gate! 236 00:29:03,633 --> 00:29:06,415 Peace! Peace! 237 00:29:07,900 --> 00:29:10,744 Peace, Sir! 238 00:29:12,700 --> 00:29:16,126 We have opened the gates for you willingly, 239 00:29:16,416 --> 00:29:19,511 on the basis of the conditions of security you have promised us. 240 00:29:19,728 --> 00:29:25,373 We did this before your men who entered through the Eastern Gate reached us. 241 00:31:57,815 --> 00:32:00,205 Would you like to sit there, Sir? 242 00:32:39,769 --> 00:32:42,140 The Covenant of Peace, Sir! 243 00:32:51,874 --> 00:32:55,113 Yes, we entered from our side by force, 244 00:32:55,347 --> 00:32:58,140 but I faced little resistance by the Bizantine guards. 245 00:32:58,740 --> 00:33:03,344 Soon after that, a group of the residents came to me peacefully. 246 00:33:03,725 --> 00:33:06,157 They had expelled the Byzantine force close to them, 247 00:33:06,164 --> 00:33:08,031 and prevented them from fighting us. 248 00:33:08,314 --> 00:33:10,705 In doing so, they exposed themselves to retaliation by the Byzantines. 249 00:33:10,990 --> 00:33:13,373 Prior to that, they helped us. 250 00:33:13,627 --> 00:33:15,063 I gave them a pledge of safety and security for themselves, 251 00:33:15,298 --> 00:33:19,064 their property, churches and walls of the city, 252 00:33:19,279 --> 00:33:23,254 a pledge by God and according to the practice of God's messenger, 253 00:33:23,469 --> 00:33:26,313 his successors and the believers. No one approaches them with anything but good. 254 00:33:26,463 --> 00:33:30,451 They have to pay the tribute, the jizyah, and we will protect them against any enemy. 255 00:33:41,978 --> 00:33:45,087 A commitment by any Muslim is binding on the Muslim community. 256 00:33:46,010 --> 00:33:50,856 Khalid is a leader. We honour his pledge. 257 00:34:12,063 --> 00:34:14,561 Tell me, people, am I dreaming? 258 00:34:14,916 --> 00:34:19,010 Is this Damascus where we used to come and do our trade? 259 00:34:19,289 --> 00:34:22,043 We might hear some Byzantines referring to us in their coversation. 260 00:34:22,366 --> 00:34:26,337 We learnt from those of us who spoke their language that they have contempt for us. 261 00:34:27,606 --> 00:34:30,304 They described us as uncouth Bedouins. 262 00:34:30,610 --> 00:34:33,836 They allow us into their city only because they profit by our trade. 263 00:34:34,194 --> 00:34:36,397 Here we are now: we are its kings. 264 00:34:36,866 --> 00:34:41,183 Our Caliph is not a king, Abu Sufyan, so that we become kings with him. 265 00:34:42,399 --> 00:34:47,663 Call us what you will. The people here are now under our rule. 266 00:34:47,993 --> 00:34:50,327 This is what was promised by God and His Messenger. 267 00:34:50,711 --> 00:34:52,556 True is their promise. 268 00:34:57,148 --> 00:34:59,994 Would that Abu Sufyan came early to Islam. 269 00:35:00,544 --> 00:35:03,806 He would have been a leader under Islam as he was a leader before it. 270 00:35:11,522 --> 00:35:13,694 But here is my son, Yazeed. 271 00:35:14,543 --> 00:35:18,021 He achieved under Islam what I could not achieve in Muslim leadership. 272 00:35:18,477 --> 00:35:23,115 I hope that my son, Mu'awiyah, will attain what his father could not. 273 00:35:23,412 --> 00:35:26,270 Will you settle here, Abu Sufyan? 274 00:35:28,226 --> 00:35:29,794 In Damascus? 275 00:35:31,365 --> 00:35:37,646 I am too old for that, Abu Yazeed. I yearn for Makkah and Madinah. 276 00:35:39,082 --> 00:35:40,492 What about you? 277 00:35:41,809 --> 00:35:43,882 Maybe I will stay for a while. 278 00:35:44,475 --> 00:35:48,598 Jihad in Syria is not over yet. Damascus is the crown jewel, 279 00:35:48,955 --> 00:35:53,580 but we shall not rest, nor let the enemy rest, until we take Jerusalem, God willing. 280 00:36:00,760 --> 00:36:03,508 Most warm welcome to you, Abu Yazeed. 281 00:36:06,613 --> 00:36:10,269 You look as one in his prime, despite your long journey. 282 00:36:10,629 --> 00:36:12,408 Is this the effect of the air of Damascus? 283 00:36:13,315 --> 00:36:16,270 Couldn't this great victory have come ten years earlier? 284 00:36:19,293 --> 00:36:22,944 All praise be to God, as I now see you a fighter for God's cause. 285 00:36:23,694 --> 00:36:26,298 He has shown you how His promise comes true. 286 00:36:26,565 --> 00:36:31,031 And I still have my front teeth which Umar wanted to pull out, 287 00:36:31,259 --> 00:36:32,860 so that I could not speak. 288 00:36:33,192 --> 00:36:35,864 God's Messenger (Peace Be Upon Him), 289 00:36:36,158 --> 00:36:39,179 was without equal in magnanimity (generosity), wisdom and knowledge. 290 00:36:41,407 --> 00:36:45,519 You know that we hardly received the happy news of the fall of Damascus 291 00:36:46,269 --> 00:36:49,598 when I received a letter from Al-Muthanna in Iraq 292 00:36:50,440 --> 00:36:55,314 telling me that the Persians have appointed a descendant of Khosrau as their king. 293 00:36:56,237 --> 00:36:59,425 They compete in serving him. 294 00:37:00,081 --> 00:37:04,955 Thus, the rivalry between them is over. 295 00:37:05,547 --> 00:37:11,765 They have gathered their armies, and sent advance forces to the rural areas, 296 00:37:12,518 --> 00:37:16,297 coercing people to abandon their agreements with our brothers (brethren). 297 00:37:17,531 --> 00:37:21,814 Al-Muthanna and his army cannot stand up to such a great force. 298 00:37:22,462 --> 00:37:28,884 They want it a decisive battle, which we also want. 299 00:37:30,652 --> 00:37:36,751 I am instructing Abu Ubaidah to dispatch Al-Qa'qa and Khalid's units to Iraq. 300 00:37:38,619 --> 00:37:40,873 I have also written to Al-Muthanna, 301 00:37:41,245 --> 00:37:45,227 instructing him to take his forces out of the urban Persian areas 302 00:37:45,617 --> 00:37:47,715 and move to the open places, 303 00:37:47,994 --> 00:37:52,244 dividing his forces in the locations close to the Persians. 304 00:37:53,180 --> 00:37:58,060 They must recruit everyone in the Tribes of Rabeeah and Mudar 305 00:37:58,540 --> 00:38:03,851 and their allies, 306 00:38:04,132 --> 00:38:07,712 either willingly or unwillingly. 307 00:38:08,544 --> 00:38:12,695 They must get the Arabs to mobilize their all as the Persians are doing. 308 00:38:13,010 --> 00:38:17,320 Whatever calamity befalls the Arabs will apply to all of them. 309 00:38:18,257 --> 00:38:24,400 Any bounty and blessing God grants them will similarly apply to all. 310 00:38:24,727 --> 00:38:31,712 Therefore, they must rise in total when their enemy is all out against them. 311 00:38:32,027 --> 00:38:34,195 Yes. Yes. 312 00:38:34,523 --> 00:38:37,757 I will be going out to meet them when they have gathered. 313 00:38:38,866 --> 00:38:41,334 Abu Al-Hassan will deputize for me here in Madinah. 314 00:38:41,711 --> 00:38:47,927 That you march at the head of the army to Iraq is not a well advised plan. 315 00:38:48,228 --> 00:38:51,743 Should you be killed or defeated in such a decisive battle, 316 00:38:51,993 --> 00:38:55,243 we fear that Muslims will not be able to hold their own after that. 317 00:38:55,523 --> 00:39:01,911 You better stay in Madinah, directing armies and managing the state. 318 00:39:02,231 --> 00:39:07,100 If victory is achieved, this is what we all hope for. 319 00:39:08,381 --> 00:39:12,411 Otherwise, you can send other troops to engage the enemy 320 00:39:13,006 --> 00:39:16,643 - until Allah grants us victory. - Yes. Yes. 321 00:39:18,294 --> 00:39:23,255 If this is is the accepted view, who shall we appoint as army commander? 322 00:39:26,226 --> 00:39:28,650 The lion himself. 323 00:39:31,025 --> 00:39:33,192 Saad Ibn Abi Waqqas. 324 00:39:54,349 --> 00:39:56,505 I do not want to lose all this! 325 00:39:57,565 --> 00:40:03,222 I heard a wise man saying: 'A person who owns much, fears for much. 326 00:40:03,565 --> 00:40:05,505 The one who experiences the happiness of kingship 327 00:40:05,814 --> 00:40:08,243 will be the most distressed for losing it. ' 328 00:40:08,549 --> 00:40:10,938 The sense of loss is proportionate to what is lost. 329 00:40:12,143 --> 00:40:15,426 Today, I am the most worried, that I may lose this one. 330 00:40:16,583 --> 00:40:19,475 Are you referring to the Muslim army which has encamped at Al-Qadisiyyah? 331 00:40:19,800 --> 00:40:22,975 Rustom has not yet marched with the army. Why the delay? 332 00:40:24,143 --> 00:40:26,254 Every time I call him he says: 333 00:40:26,494 --> 00:40:29,598 "Perhaps the state will be more stable with me if I do not take part in the war, 334 00:40:29,844 --> 00:40:31,940 and that patience is better than haste." 335 00:40:32,282 --> 00:40:36,875 It is better to engage only in skirmishes until their omen becomes a a bad one. 336 00:40:37,190 --> 00:40:40,877 He advised that Jalinous could march at the head of an army to meet them. 337 00:40:41,142 --> 00:40:43,426 You should not call Rustom or consult him. 338 00:40:43,675 --> 00:40:45,626 You command him and he obeys. 339 00:40:45,844 --> 00:40:48,906 I learnt that he consults the stars and believes in them. 340 00:40:49,282 --> 00:40:52,409 Let him and his stars perish if the Muslims were to take Persia. 341 00:40:56,282 --> 00:40:59,676 The stars write what we do. It is not that we do what the stars write. 342 00:41:00,081 --> 00:41:03,765 Those who read the stars only read what is in their own minds. 343 00:41:04,098 --> 00:41:07,125 Show them that YOU, not his stars, hold command. 344 00:41:08,579 --> 00:41:13,031 A month! A whole month since the Arabs encamped at Al-Qadisiyyah. 345 00:41:13,615 --> 00:41:17,060 They have rested and recuperated. They ate of the good food of the country, 346 00:41:17,065 --> 00:41:22,904 regained their strength, went all over Iraq and brought it back under their control. 347 00:41:24,874 --> 00:41:27,160 Every time I ordered you to march to them... 348 00:41:27,404 --> 00:41:29,434 at the head of an army the like of which the Arabs have never seen, 349 00:41:29,731 --> 00:41:33,531 you have excuses and delayed matters. I don't know what goes on in your mind. 350 00:41:33,904 --> 00:41:37,609 You may think: "He is a lad who was one of the masses 351 00:41:37,618 --> 00:41:39,748 and whose only hope was to survive. We brought him here... 352 00:41:40,049 --> 00:41:43,921 and placed him on his ancestors throne. He does not know what kingship means." 353 00:41:44,171 --> 00:41:48,824 No, I never sought this, and I was content with what I had. 354 00:41:49,936 --> 00:41:54,859 However, now that I am on the throne of my ancestors, 355 00:41:55,481 --> 00:42:01,887 I have the command and I will never abandon my throne to my last breath. 356 00:42:05,246 --> 00:42:07,731 We are all your servants, your majesty! 357 00:42:10,264 --> 00:42:14,093 If you fear to face the Arabs, then resign 358 00:42:14,223 --> 00:42:18,340 and find for yourself some place far away in Persia where you may tend sheep. 359 00:42:19,309 --> 00:42:23,091 Farouk Omar