1 00:00:12,378 --> 00:00:13,545 - No one would accuse her 2 00:00:12,378 --> 00:00:13,545 of being fake, 3 00:00:14,314 --> 00:00:17,384 and tonight 4 00:00:14,314 --> 00:00:17,384 she served a boob cake. 5 00:00:17,384 --> 00:00:18,484 It's "Watch What 6 00:00:17,384 --> 00:00:18,484 Happens Live" 7 00:00:18,484 --> 00:00:20,920 with Rachel Hargrove 8 00:00:18,484 --> 00:00:20,920 and Jessica Albert, now. 9 00:00:20,920 --> 00:00:22,655 [cheering and applause] 10 00:00:22,655 --> 00:00:25,910 * Andy Cohen's 11 00:00:22,655 --> 00:00:25,910 got the 411 * 12 00:00:25,910 --> 00:00:27,327 * King king of 13 00:00:25,910 --> 00:00:27,327 midnight fun * 14 00:00:27,327 --> 00:00:29,862 * Midnight MC AC * 15 00:00:29,862 --> 00:00:31,330 * Late night 16 00:00:29,862 --> 00:00:31,330 on Bravo TV * 17 00:00:31,330 --> 00:00:33,133 Hey, everybody! Welcome to 18 00:00:31,330 --> 00:00:33,133 "Watch What Happens Live." 19 00:00:33,133 --> 00:00:35,301 I'm your host, Andy Cohen, 20 00:00:33,133 --> 00:00:35,301 in the Bravo Clubhouse, 21 00:00:35,301 --> 00:00:36,835 following an episode 22 00:00:35,301 --> 00:00:36,835 of "Below Deck" 23 00:00:36,835 --> 00:00:39,472 where the water toys 24 00:00:36,835 --> 00:00:39,472 were unwieldy, 25 00:00:39,472 --> 00:00:41,875 and the yachties 26 00:00:39,472 --> 00:00:41,875 became untethered. 27 00:00:41,875 --> 00:00:42,808 From "Below Deck," 28 00:00:42,808 --> 00:00:45,450 please welcome 29 00:00:42,808 --> 00:00:45,450 Chef Rachel Hargrove! 30 00:00:45,450 --> 00:00:47,947 Hey, Chef Rachel. 31 00:00:45,450 --> 00:00:47,947 [cheering and applause] 32 00:00:47,947 --> 00:00:50,500 And Third Stew, 33 00:00:47,947 --> 00:00:50,500 Jessica Albert! 34 00:00:50,500 --> 00:00:52,786 Hey, Jessica! 35 00:00:50,500 --> 00:00:52,786 [cheering and applause] 36 00:00:52,786 --> 00:00:54,539 - Hi, Andy. 37 00:00:52,786 --> 00:00:54,539 - Drinking game alert! 38 00:00:54,539 --> 00:00:55,854 My guests won't know it, 39 00:00:54,539 --> 00:00:55,854 but anytime you hear 40 00:00:55,854 --> 00:00:58,323 anyone say this word, 41 00:00:55,854 --> 00:00:58,323 if you're 21 or over, 42 00:00:58,323 --> 00:01:01,609 in honor of Jessica 43 00:00:58,323 --> 00:01:01,609 holding down laundry duties, 44 00:01:01,609 --> 00:01:03,362 drink until 45 00:01:01,609 --> 00:01:03,362 you're pressed. 46 00:01:03,362 --> 00:01:04,963 I wanna talk about 47 00:01:03,362 --> 00:01:04,963 tonight's episode, 48 00:01:04,963 --> 00:01:08,701 and I have to start with 49 00:01:04,963 --> 00:01:08,701 Fraser and Jake's makeout. 50 00:01:08,701 --> 00:01:10,700 Now, you know, 51 00:01:10,700 --> 00:01:11,570 we watch the show 52 00:01:10,700 --> 00:01:11,570 all the time, 53 00:01:11,570 --> 00:01:15,275 we see you heteros 54 00:01:11,570 --> 00:01:15,275 making out constantly 55 00:01:15,275 --> 00:01:17,977 with no embarrassment 56 00:01:15,275 --> 00:01:17,977 or shame. 57 00:01:17,977 --> 00:01:21,847 Why do you think, uh, 58 00:01:17,977 --> 00:01:21,847 Fraser was a little embarrassed 59 00:01:21,847 --> 00:01:24,516 by what happened? 60 00:01:21,847 --> 00:01:24,516 Either of you? 61 00:01:26,585 --> 00:01:27,820 - Was he? 62 00:01:27,820 --> 00:01:28,954 I don't know. 63 00:01:28,954 --> 00:01:30,924 - He seemed-- 64 00:01:28,954 --> 00:01:30,924 he seemed like it. 65 00:01:30,924 --> 00:01:32,991 No? 66 00:01:32,991 --> 00:01:34,194 Do you think he was 67 00:01:32,991 --> 00:01:34,194 putting it on? 68 00:01:34,194 --> 00:01:35,762 - I think he was 69 00:01:34,194 --> 00:01:35,762 more concerned-- 70 00:01:35,762 --> 00:01:37,296 I think he was 71 00:01:35,762 --> 00:01:37,296 more concerned 72 00:01:37,296 --> 00:01:39,799 how Jake was gonna 73 00:01:37,296 --> 00:01:39,799 feel about everything. 74 00:01:39,799 --> 00:01:42,335 - Oh, well that's-- 75 00:01:39,799 --> 00:01:42,335 you know, listen, 76 00:01:42,335 --> 00:01:44,170 I haven't met a ton 77 00:01:42,335 --> 00:01:44,170 of straight guys 78 00:01:44,170 --> 00:01:45,371 who are like, 79 00:01:44,170 --> 00:01:45,371 "Yeah, I'm straight, 80 00:01:45,371 --> 00:01:48,108 "but I make out 81 00:01:45,371 --> 00:01:48,108 with a lot of dudes." 82 00:01:48,108 --> 00:01:51,878 I mean that's kind of unusual. 83 00:01:48,108 --> 00:01:51,878 - It's very-- 84 00:01:51,878 --> 00:01:53,947 yeah. 85 00:01:51,878 --> 00:01:53,947 - And it made me love Jake, 86 00:01:53,947 --> 00:01:57,384 by the way. Um, Rachel, 87 00:01:53,947 --> 00:01:57,384 do you think it was a bad move 88 00:01:57,384 --> 00:02:00,530 on Heather's part, 89 00:01:57,384 --> 00:02:00,530 moving Jess to service 90 00:02:00,530 --> 00:02:01,540 for this charter, 91 00:02:01,540 --> 00:02:05,579 considering she didn't 92 00:02:01,540 --> 00:02:05,579 have the experience? 93 00:02:05,579 --> 00:02:07,459 - Um, that's 94 00:02:05,579 --> 00:02:07,459 difficult to say, 95 00:02:07,459 --> 00:02:09,262 'cause especially 96 00:02:07,459 --> 00:02:09,262 if you're used to 97 00:02:09,262 --> 00:02:10,930 a certain part 98 00:02:09,262 --> 00:02:10,930 of your department, 99 00:02:10,930 --> 00:02:13,133 and then you're transferred 100 00:02:10,930 --> 00:02:13,133 over to another section, 101 00:02:13,133 --> 00:02:15,680 and you don't know 102 00:02:13,133 --> 00:02:15,680 where everything is, 103 00:02:15,680 --> 00:02:16,735 or how a style of 104 00:02:15,680 --> 00:02:16,735 service is done, 105 00:02:16,735 --> 00:02:18,337 it can be quite difficult. 106 00:02:18,337 --> 00:02:19,472 - I can see. 107 00:02:18,337 --> 00:02:19,472 - Um, Jess, 108 00:02:19,472 --> 00:02:21,441 why were the charter 109 00:02:19,472 --> 00:02:21,441 guests kind of fending 110 00:02:21,441 --> 00:02:25,844 for themselves in making 111 00:02:21,441 --> 00:02:25,844 their own drinks tonight? 112 00:02:25,844 --> 00:02:28,782 You know, two seconds 113 00:02:25,844 --> 00:02:28,782 in the butler's pantry, 114 00:02:28,782 --> 00:02:30,683 and they find their way 115 00:02:28,782 --> 00:02:30,683 behind the bar. 116 00:02:30,683 --> 00:02:34,888 It happens, and I'm not 117 00:02:30,683 --> 00:02:34,888 proud of it, and-- 118 00:02:34,888 --> 00:02:37,122 sometimes they just 119 00:02:34,888 --> 00:02:37,122 want to help themselves. 120 00:02:37,122 --> 00:02:39,459 - Rachel, uh, what was 121 00:02:37,122 --> 00:02:39,459 your reaction to hearing 122 00:02:39,459 --> 00:02:41,828 Jake and Rayna 123 00:02:39,459 --> 00:02:41,828 going at it, uh, 124 00:02:41,828 --> 00:02:44,463 in tonight's episode 125 00:02:41,828 --> 00:02:44,463 within earshot of the guests? 126 00:02:46,665 --> 00:02:49,199 - Um, you know, 127 00:02:46,665 --> 00:02:49,199 for me, like, 128 00:02:49,199 --> 00:02:52,938 it shouldn't be right there 129 00:02:49,199 --> 00:02:52,938 happening by the guests, um, 130 00:02:52,938 --> 00:02:54,174 plus they're out on deck, 131 00:02:54,174 --> 00:02:57,343 and they're exposed 132 00:02:54,174 --> 00:02:57,343 to the guests from in earshot. 133 00:02:57,343 --> 00:02:59,913 Me, I can keep my vulgar mouth 134 00:02:57,343 --> 00:02:59,913 behind the galley and act nice 135 00:02:59,913 --> 00:03:01,413 when I'm presenting meals. 136 00:02:59,913 --> 00:03:01,413 [laughing] 137 00:03:01,413 --> 00:03:03,883 - Um, Jessica, what was 138 00:03:01,413 --> 00:03:03,883 your reaction to hearing 139 00:03:03,883 --> 00:03:07,554 Heather say that she's 140 00:03:03,883 --> 00:03:07,554 never had to fire a, uh, 141 00:03:07,554 --> 00:03:10,900 stew before? 142 00:03:07,554 --> 00:03:10,900 You overhead that, 143 00:03:10,900 --> 00:03:14,561 did you have any idea that 144 00:03:10,900 --> 00:03:14,561 your job might be on the line? 145 00:03:14,561 --> 00:03:16,763 - You know, I thought 146 00:03:14,561 --> 00:03:16,763 a lot was on the line. 147 00:03:16,763 --> 00:03:19,665 I wasn't really vibing 148 00:03:16,763 --> 00:03:19,665 with the interior crew. 149 00:03:19,665 --> 00:03:22,168 I was working very hard, 150 00:03:19,665 --> 00:03:22,168 but it wasn't obviously 151 00:03:22,168 --> 00:03:24,336 shown on television, 152 00:03:22,168 --> 00:03:24,336 and, you know, 153 00:03:24,336 --> 00:03:27,173 I'm a lot older, 154 00:03:24,336 --> 00:03:27,173 and, you know... 155 00:03:27,173 --> 00:03:29,975 I think this was a little bit 156 00:03:27,173 --> 00:03:29,975 of a shock to my system, 157 00:03:29,975 --> 00:03:31,311 getting thrown 158 00:03:29,975 --> 00:03:31,311 onto a yacht 159 00:03:31,311 --> 00:03:33,379 after a year of 160 00:03:31,311 --> 00:03:33,379 not being on a boat, 161 00:03:33,379 --> 00:03:37,829 and a year in quarantine 162 00:03:33,379 --> 00:03:37,829 without any social interaction 163 00:03:37,829 --> 00:03:38,450 with other people. 164 00:03:38,450 --> 00:03:41,820 - Um, Rachel, did you think 165 00:03:38,450 --> 00:03:41,820 that Heather was being 166 00:03:41,820 --> 00:03:44,924 too hard on Jess 167 00:03:41,820 --> 00:03:44,924 in tonight's episode? 168 00:03:46,920 --> 00:03:48,461 - Um... 169 00:03:48,461 --> 00:03:50,329 I can understand 170 00:03:48,461 --> 00:03:50,329 the frustrations, 171 00:03:50,329 --> 00:03:54,834 but at the same time, too, 172 00:03:50,329 --> 00:03:54,834 I think that, um-- 173 00:03:54,834 --> 00:03:57,569 not understanding that 174 00:03:54,834 --> 00:03:57,569 she'd also been off of boats 175 00:03:57,569 --> 00:03:59,372 for a while, and when 176 00:03:57,569 --> 00:03:59,372 she came back on, 177 00:03:59,372 --> 00:04:01,409 it is a shock 178 00:03:59,372 --> 00:04:01,409 to your system. 179 00:04:01,409 --> 00:04:02,508 Plus she wasn't 180 00:04:01,409 --> 00:04:02,508 very comfortable 181 00:04:02,508 --> 00:04:05,245 with that aspect, um, 182 00:04:02,508 --> 00:04:05,245 that was already 183 00:04:05,245 --> 00:04:07,447 beknownst to her 184 00:04:05,245 --> 00:04:07,447 before prior. 185 00:04:07,447 --> 00:04:09,149 - Well, a chef's 186 00:04:07,447 --> 00:04:09,149 worst nightmare 187 00:04:09,149 --> 00:04:11,784 is usually having a patron 188 00:04:09,149 --> 00:04:11,784 send back a dish, 189 00:04:11,784 --> 00:04:14,920 but Chef Rachel has dished out 190 00:04:11,784 --> 00:04:14,920 a whole buffet of behavior 191 00:04:14,920 --> 00:04:18,658 on "Below Deck" that may 192 00:04:14,920 --> 00:04:18,658 wake her up in a cold sweat. 193 00:04:18,658 --> 00:04:21,610 I wanna see if she would 194 00:04:18,658 --> 00:04:21,610 give anything to re-do-- 195 00:04:21,610 --> 00:04:23,262 I have a feeling I know 196 00:04:21,610 --> 00:04:23,262 how this is gonna go. 197 00:04:23,262 --> 00:04:24,630 We are gonna play... 198 00:04:27,266 --> 00:04:30,336 Okay, Rachel, please 199 00:04:27,266 --> 00:04:30,336 weigh in on the following-- 200 00:04:30,336 --> 00:04:33,730 do you regret uttering 201 00:04:30,336 --> 00:04:33,730 your now infamous phrase, 202 00:04:33,730 --> 00:04:37,209 "Eat my cooter" 203 00:04:33,730 --> 00:04:37,209 in front of Captain Lee? 204 00:04:37,209 --> 00:04:38,812 - I'm-- I'm sorry, 205 00:04:37,209 --> 00:04:38,812 but you know what? 206 00:04:38,812 --> 00:04:40,680 It pays the bills. 207 00:04:38,812 --> 00:04:40,680 [laughing] 208 00:04:40,680 --> 00:04:44,617 - Okay. Do you regret quitting 209 00:04:40,680 --> 00:04:44,617 in a fit of frustration? 210 00:04:46,552 --> 00:04:48,879 - Uh, no, actually. 211 00:04:48,879 --> 00:04:51,257 Um, I felt my duty 212 00:04:48,879 --> 00:04:51,257 to come back, uh, 213 00:04:51,257 --> 00:04:52,992 to finish out the season, 214 00:04:51,257 --> 00:04:52,992 because I owed it 215 00:04:52,992 --> 00:04:55,127 to Captain Lee 216 00:04:52,992 --> 00:04:55,127 and the rest of the crew, 217 00:04:55,127 --> 00:04:58,598 but, um, no, um-- 218 00:04:55,127 --> 00:04:58,598 I-I thought that-- 219 00:04:58,598 --> 00:05:00,567 everything was kind of 220 00:04:58,598 --> 00:05:00,567 laid out absurdly, 221 00:05:00,567 --> 00:05:03,136 and I also kind of didn't like 222 00:05:00,567 --> 00:05:03,136 that cameraman in my face. 223 00:05:03,136 --> 00:05:05,204 - Do you regret 224 00:05:03,136 --> 00:05:05,204 trying to take the stage 225 00:05:05,204 --> 00:05:08,807 for some drunken karaoke 226 00:05:05,204 --> 00:05:08,807 during the cruise beach day? 227 00:05:10,610 --> 00:05:11,911 - Have you not 228 00:05:10,610 --> 00:05:11,911 seen my Cameos? 229 00:05:11,911 --> 00:05:13,812 That's all I do 230 00:05:11,911 --> 00:05:13,812 is karaoke. 231 00:05:13,812 --> 00:05:15,548 [chuckling] 232 00:05:13,812 --> 00:05:15,548 - Wow, I-- 233 00:05:15,548 --> 00:05:17,182 haven't seen 234 00:05:15,548 --> 00:05:17,182 your Cameos. 235 00:05:17,182 --> 00:05:20,529 Uh, do you regret 236 00:05:17,182 --> 00:05:20,529 letting those omelettes 237 00:05:20,529 --> 00:05:22,922 get the better of you? 238 00:05:22,922 --> 00:05:24,790 - Let me tell you what, 239 00:05:22,922 --> 00:05:24,790 did you see the pans 240 00:05:24,790 --> 00:05:25,891 that I had to 241 00:05:24,790 --> 00:05:25,891 cook them in? 242 00:05:25,891 --> 00:05:27,160 I had no omelette pans. 243 00:05:27,160 --> 00:05:29,129 - I knew we were not 244 00:05:27,160 --> 00:05:29,129 gonna get one regret. 245 00:05:29,129 --> 00:05:32,132 Do you regret not speaking up 246 00:05:29,129 --> 00:05:32,132 sooner when you realized 247 00:05:32,132 --> 00:05:34,901 there was a communication issue 248 00:05:32,132 --> 00:05:34,901 between you and Francesca? 249 00:05:36,502 --> 00:05:39,238 - I felt that if I actually 250 00:05:36,502 --> 00:05:39,238 discussed it with her, 251 00:05:39,238 --> 00:05:41,841 um, to be-- I mean, 252 00:05:39,238 --> 00:05:41,841 completely honest, 253 00:05:41,841 --> 00:05:44,944 I felt that she would become 254 00:05:41,841 --> 00:05:44,944 a little bit more vindictive. 255 00:05:44,944 --> 00:05:48,810 Do you regret freaking out 256 00:05:44,944 --> 00:05:48,810 over the salmon row, 257 00:05:48,810 --> 00:05:50,483 and then dropping that 258 00:05:48,810 --> 00:05:50,483 expensive tin of caviar 259 00:05:50,483 --> 00:05:52,619 on the floor? 260 00:05:52,619 --> 00:05:54,887 - I can't believe 261 00:05:52,619 --> 00:05:54,887 I dropped it, too! 262 00:05:54,887 --> 00:05:57,356 I was like, okay, 263 00:05:54,887 --> 00:05:57,356 whiskey tango foxtrot. 264 00:05:57,356 --> 00:06:00,259 Foxtrot, [indistinct]. 265 00:06:00,259 --> 00:06:03,629 - Is that a regret? 266 00:06:03,629 --> 00:06:04,463 - Yes, I dropped it 267 00:06:03,629 --> 00:06:04,463 on the floor! 268 00:06:04,463 --> 00:06:06,665 - Oh, okay. 269 00:06:04,463 --> 00:06:06,665 You regret it, okay. 270 00:06:06,665 --> 00:06:08,233 - [indistinct] 271 00:06:06,665 --> 00:06:08,233 - We got a regret, folks. 272 00:06:08,233 --> 00:06:09,536 [cheering] 273 00:06:09,536 --> 00:06:11,571 Um, do you regret 274 00:06:09,536 --> 00:06:11,571 getting in the middle 275 00:06:11,571 --> 00:06:14,874 of Francesca and Elizabeth's 276 00:06:11,571 --> 00:06:14,874 drama by advising Elizabeth 277 00:06:14,874 --> 00:06:18,177 to talk to 278 00:06:14,874 --> 00:06:18,177 Captain Lee directly? 279 00:06:18,177 --> 00:06:19,846 - I've been around 280 00:06:18,177 --> 00:06:19,846 crew members that have been 281 00:06:19,846 --> 00:06:21,880 kind of bullied 282 00:06:19,846 --> 00:06:21,880 and harassed before, 283 00:06:21,880 --> 00:06:23,949 and after they go to 284 00:06:21,880 --> 00:06:23,949 the chain of command 285 00:06:23,949 --> 00:06:25,384 and tell department heads, 286 00:06:25,384 --> 00:06:27,286 then they need to 287 00:06:25,384 --> 00:06:27,286 go to the Captain. 288 00:06:27,286 --> 00:06:28,387 - Uh, no regrets. 289 00:06:28,387 --> 00:06:30,560 Do you regret admitting 290 00:06:28,387 --> 00:06:30,560 on camera that you've 291 00:06:30,560 --> 00:06:32,826 crapped your pants 292 00:06:30,560 --> 00:06:32,826 while stuck in traffic? 293 00:06:32,826 --> 00:06:35,194 [laughter] 294 00:06:35,194 --> 00:06:36,896 - No, I-- 295 00:06:35,194 --> 00:06:36,896 sharing's caring. 296 00:06:36,896 --> 00:06:38,798 [laughing] 297 00:06:36,896 --> 00:06:38,798 - Thank you very much! 298 00:06:38,798 --> 00:06:41,100 We got one regret 299 00:06:38,798 --> 00:06:41,100 out of her, 300 00:06:41,100 --> 00:06:43,737 and that's one more than 301 00:06:41,100 --> 00:06:43,737 I thought we were gonna get. 302 00:06:43,737 --> 00:06:46,305 Jessica, while you've spent 303 00:06:43,737 --> 00:06:46,305 most of the charter season 304 00:06:46,305 --> 00:06:49,750 buried in the laundry room, 305 00:06:46,305 --> 00:06:49,750 I hope you got a glimpse 306 00:06:49,750 --> 00:06:51,911 of the drama from behind 307 00:06:49,750 --> 00:06:51,911 the pile of napkins. 308 00:06:51,911 --> 00:06:54,413 It's time to give us 309 00:06:51,911 --> 00:06:54,413 your P.O.V. on each yachtie 310 00:06:54,413 --> 00:06:56,483 and spill 311 00:06:54,413 --> 00:06:56,483 the dirty laundry. 312 00:06:56,483 --> 00:06:59,752 Okay, let's who comes-- 313 00:06:56,483 --> 00:06:59,752 let's see who comes out first. 314 00:07:01,254 --> 00:07:03,288 There's the laundry machine. 315 00:07:03,288 --> 00:07:04,757 All right, Heather! 316 00:07:04,757 --> 00:07:07,600 Do you feel Heather 317 00:07:04,757 --> 00:07:07,600 purposefully pulled you out 318 00:07:07,600 --> 00:07:10,797 of the laundry room to try to 319 00:07:07,600 --> 00:07:10,797 reinvigorate your work ethic, 320 00:07:10,797 --> 00:07:13,766 or do you think she secretly 321 00:07:10,797 --> 00:07:13,766 hoped you would flounder 322 00:07:13,766 --> 00:07:15,401 and she could 323 00:07:13,766 --> 00:07:15,401 give you the cut? 324 00:07:15,401 --> 00:07:18,338 - Oh, I totally feel 325 00:07:15,401 --> 00:07:18,338 like I was set up. 326 00:07:18,338 --> 00:07:21,410 - Wow! Okay, 327 00:07:18,338 --> 00:07:21,410 spin the laundry again. 328 00:07:21,410 --> 00:07:23,610 Let's see who comes out next. 329 00:07:21,410 --> 00:07:23,610 It's Wes. 330 00:07:23,610 --> 00:07:25,449 On a scale of 1-10, 331 00:07:25,449 --> 00:07:28,781 how attracted did you 332 00:07:25,449 --> 00:07:28,781 find yourself to Wes? 333 00:07:28,781 --> 00:07:32,485 - I think Wes is an extremely 334 00:07:28,781 --> 00:07:32,485 attractive person, 335 00:07:32,485 --> 00:07:34,754 and he has 336 00:07:32,485 --> 00:07:34,754 a great personality. 337 00:07:34,754 --> 00:07:36,189 He's physically attractive. 338 00:07:36,189 --> 00:07:39,920 Let's give him a 10. 339 00:07:39,920 --> 00:07:40,726 - Oh, wow! 340 00:07:39,920 --> 00:07:40,726 [cheering] 341 00:07:40,726 --> 00:07:45,649 Wow, okay. Um, out of 342 00:07:40,726 --> 00:07:45,649 all the comment-- 343 00:07:45,649 --> 00:07:48,468 okay, let's spin it again. 344 00:07:45,649 --> 00:07:48,468 Fraser! 345 00:07:48,468 --> 00:07:49,668 Out of all the comments 346 00:07:49,668 --> 00:07:51,904 Fraser has made about you 347 00:07:49,668 --> 00:07:51,904 behind your back, 348 00:07:51,904 --> 00:07:54,274 which one do you find 349 00:07:51,904 --> 00:07:54,274 the most ridiculous? 350 00:07:54,274 --> 00:07:55,975 There have been a few. 351 00:07:55,975 --> 00:07:58,644 - There have just been 352 00:07:55,975 --> 00:07:58,644 so many, honestly. 353 00:07:58,644 --> 00:08:01,810 I had no idea he was 354 00:07:58,644 --> 00:08:01,810 talking so much sh--. 355 00:08:01,810 --> 00:08:04,718 - Okay, spin it 356 00:08:01,810 --> 00:08:04,718 again, guys. 357 00:08:04,718 --> 00:08:06,185 My man Jake. 358 00:08:06,185 --> 00:08:09,889 Uh, who do you think enjoyed 359 00:08:06,185 --> 00:08:09,889 their backseat hookup more, 360 00:08:09,889 --> 00:08:12,858 Jake or Fraser? 361 00:08:09,889 --> 00:08:12,858 Or me? 362 00:08:12,858 --> 00:08:14,827 - Definitely Fraser. 363 00:08:12,858 --> 00:08:14,827 Definitely Fraser. 364 00:08:14,827 --> 00:08:18,697 - Definitely Fraser. 365 00:08:14,827 --> 00:08:18,697 Really? Interesting, huh. 366 00:08:18,697 --> 00:08:22,235 - I think so. 367 00:08:18,697 --> 00:08:22,235 - Okay, spin it around. 368 00:08:22,235 --> 00:08:23,836 Okay, Rayna. 369 00:08:23,836 --> 00:08:25,237 Do you think Jake 370 00:08:23,836 --> 00:08:25,237 is holding Rayna 371 00:08:25,237 --> 00:08:30,143 to an unfair standard 372 00:08:25,237 --> 00:08:30,143 now that he's lead deckhand? 373 00:08:30,143 --> 00:08:32,479 - I think that management 374 00:08:30,143 --> 00:08:32,479 is something 375 00:08:32,479 --> 00:08:35,181 that is learned 376 00:08:32,479 --> 00:08:35,181 over time. 377 00:08:35,181 --> 00:08:37,884 And he's just 378 00:08:35,181 --> 00:08:37,884 starting out, 379 00:08:37,884 --> 00:08:40,586 so it's only natural that 380 00:08:37,884 --> 00:08:40,586 they're gonna hit some bumps. 381 00:08:40,586 --> 00:08:44,557 - Okay, spin it one more time. 382 00:08:40,586 --> 00:08:44,557 And, oh, Rachel, good. 383 00:08:44,557 --> 00:08:46,525 Do you think 384 00:08:44,557 --> 00:08:46,525 Eddie and Chef Rachel 385 00:08:46,525 --> 00:08:48,595 can truly let 386 00:08:46,525 --> 00:08:48,595 bygones be bygones, 387 00:08:48,595 --> 00:08:51,730 or is Rachel gonna sleep 388 00:08:48,595 --> 00:08:51,730 with one eye open 389 00:08:51,730 --> 00:08:53,365 when around Eddie? 390 00:08:53,365 --> 00:08:56,735 - I think Rachel is always 391 00:08:53,365 --> 00:08:56,735 gonna be very careful 392 00:08:56,735 --> 00:08:58,804 of people who talk sh-- 393 00:08:56,735 --> 00:08:58,804 behind her back. 394 00:08:58,804 --> 00:09:00,907 - There you go. 395 00:08:58,804 --> 00:09:00,907 Is she right, Rachel? 396 00:09:00,907 --> 00:09:03,899 - She's correct. 397 00:09:03,899 --> 00:09:05,412 - Thank you very much, Jess. 398 00:09:03,899 --> 00:09:05,412 [cheers and applause] 399 00:09:05,412 --> 00:09:07,129 Well done. 400 00:09:07,129 --> 00:09:09,649 Well, the only folks 401 00:09:07,129 --> 00:09:09,649 keeping My Seanna 402 00:09:09,649 --> 00:09:11,850 more abuzz with drama 403 00:09:09,649 --> 00:09:11,850 than the crew 404 00:09:11,850 --> 00:09:13,653 are the flies 405 00:09:11,850 --> 00:09:13,653 circling the galley. 406 00:09:13,653 --> 00:09:16,155 So it's time to see 407 00:09:13,653 --> 00:09:16,155 through the eyes 408 00:09:16,155 --> 00:09:18,580 of A Fly on the Wall. 409 00:09:18,580 --> 00:09:19,158 I have questions 410 00:09:18,580 --> 00:09:19,158 about events 411 00:09:19,158 --> 00:09:21,794 that the cameras 412 00:09:19,158 --> 00:09:21,794 may have missed. 413 00:09:21,794 --> 00:09:25,631 Rachel and Jessica, 414 00:09:21,794 --> 00:09:25,631 pick your answers 415 00:09:25,631 --> 00:09:27,701 between the bobbing heads 416 00:09:25,631 --> 00:09:27,701 of your crewmates, 417 00:09:27,701 --> 00:09:32,379 Captain Lee, Eddie, Heather, 418 00:09:27,701 --> 00:09:32,379 Fraser, Rayna, Wes, and Jake. 419 00:09:32,379 --> 00:09:35,750 Okay, um, who do you think 420 00:09:32,379 --> 00:09:35,750 talked the most crap 421 00:09:35,750 --> 00:09:39,578 under their breath 422 00:09:35,750 --> 00:09:39,578 all season long, Rachel? 423 00:09:39,578 --> 00:09:41,880 - Well, I always had 424 00:09:39,578 --> 00:09:41,880 some kind of rebuttal, 425 00:09:41,880 --> 00:09:44,683 but it was mainly Fraser. 426 00:09:41,880 --> 00:09:44,683 - Yeah, it seemed like it. 427 00:09:44,683 --> 00:09:46,219 Um, hey, Jess, 428 00:09:46,219 --> 00:09:49,688 who was on social media the most 429 00:09:46,219 --> 00:09:49,688 during breaks? 430 00:09:49,688 --> 00:09:53,590 - I think Rayna, maybe. 431 00:09:53,590 --> 00:09:55,562 She was always talking 432 00:09:53,590 --> 00:09:55,562 to somebody on the phone. 433 00:09:55,562 --> 00:09:58,298 - Rachel, who's 434 00:09:55,562 --> 00:09:58,298 shuffled the most-- 435 00:09:58,298 --> 00:10:02,402 who shuffled papers the most 436 00:09:58,298 --> 00:10:02,402 while on the job? 437 00:10:02,402 --> 00:10:05,904 - Um... 438 00:10:02,402 --> 00:10:05,904 [chuckling] 439 00:10:05,904 --> 00:10:07,539 I personally think 440 00:10:05,904 --> 00:10:07,539 it was Eddie. 441 00:10:07,539 --> 00:10:09,708 You could never 442 00:10:07,539 --> 00:10:09,708 find him on deck. 443 00:10:09,708 --> 00:10:12,678 - Ooh. Uh, Jess, 444 00:10:12,678 --> 00:10:15,914 who snuck the most shots 445 00:10:12,678 --> 00:10:15,914 during their shifts? 446 00:10:15,914 --> 00:10:20,200 - Shots? Ooh. 447 00:10:15,914 --> 00:10:20,200 I don't know. 448 00:10:20,200 --> 00:10:22,788 Maybe Heather? 449 00:10:22,788 --> 00:10:25,557 - Uh, Rachel, 450 00:10:22,788 --> 00:10:25,557 who developed crushes 451 00:10:25,557 --> 00:10:28,227 on the charter guests 452 00:10:25,557 --> 00:10:28,227 the most? 453 00:10:28,227 --> 00:10:32,499 - Oh, I don't know. 454 00:10:28,227 --> 00:10:32,499 I don't know. 455 00:10:32,499 --> 00:10:35,301 - Who do you think 456 00:10:32,499 --> 00:10:35,301 pleasured themselves the most 457 00:10:35,301 --> 00:10:37,903 after lights out? 458 00:10:37,903 --> 00:10:41,140 - Oh, definitely Jakey-poo. 459 00:10:37,903 --> 00:10:41,140 [laughter] 460 00:10:41,140 --> 00:10:45,450 - Really? Who cry-- 461 00:10:41,140 --> 00:10:45,450 I knew he was my favorite. 462 00:10:45,450 --> 00:10:47,713 Who cried in their bunk 463 00:10:45,450 --> 00:10:47,713 the most, Jess? 464 00:10:50,830 --> 00:10:52,818 You? Aww! 465 00:10:52,818 --> 00:10:55,488 Um, Rachel, 466 00:10:52,818 --> 00:10:55,488 who do you think complained 467 00:10:55,488 --> 00:10:59,192 about their respective 468 00:10:55,488 --> 00:10:59,192 work load the most? 469 00:10:59,192 --> 00:11:02,828 - Um, of that delegation, 470 00:11:02,828 --> 00:11:05,597 I actually think that Rayna 471 00:11:02,828 --> 00:11:05,597 did complain more. 472 00:11:05,597 --> 00:11:07,833 - All right, 473 00:11:05,597 --> 00:11:07,833 thank you very much! 474 00:11:07,833 --> 00:11:11,403 Coming up, we'll have more 475 00:11:07,833 --> 00:11:11,403 with Chef Rachel and Jessica. 476 00:11:11,403 --> 00:11:13,730 Here's who's 477 00:11:11,403 --> 00:11:13,730 on the show this week. 478 00:11:13,730 --> 00:11:14,573 We're gonna be 479 00:11:13,730 --> 00:11:14,573 right back, guys. 480 00:11:14,573 --> 00:11:17,277 [cheers and applause] 481 00:11:17,376 --> 00:11:26,485 * Change into your whites * 482 00:11:27,553 --> 00:11:30,899 - All right, welcome back 483 00:11:27,553 --> 00:11:30,899 to "Watch What Happens Live." 484 00:11:30,899 --> 00:11:32,625 I am Andy Cohen 485 00:11:30,899 --> 00:11:32,625 in the Bravo Clubhouse 486 00:11:32,625 --> 00:11:34,894 diving into all 487 00:11:32,625 --> 00:11:34,894 the "Below Deck" dirty laundry 488 00:11:34,894 --> 00:11:37,931 with Chef Rachel 489 00:11:34,894 --> 00:11:37,931 and third stew Jessica Albert. 490 00:11:37,931 --> 00:11:39,732 [cheers and applause] 491 00:11:37,931 --> 00:11:39,732 Drinking game reminder: 492 00:11:39,732 --> 00:11:41,100 anytime you hear this word, 493 00:11:41,100 --> 00:11:44,636 in honor of the deckhands 494 00:11:41,100 --> 00:11:44,636 equipment debacles tonight, 495 00:11:44,636 --> 00:11:46,505 drink until you can't 496 00:11:44,636 --> 00:11:46,505 let it slide. 497 00:11:46,505 --> 00:11:48,341 By the way, 498 00:11:46,505 --> 00:11:48,341 if you miss an episode 499 00:11:48,341 --> 00:11:49,509 of "Below Deck" this season, 500 00:11:49,509 --> 00:11:52,979 you can always stream them 501 00:11:49,509 --> 00:11:52,979 the next day on Peacock. 502 00:11:52,979 --> 00:11:54,913 Let's take questions 503 00:11:52,979 --> 00:11:54,913 from our virtual fans. 504 00:11:54,913 --> 00:11:58,317 Naomi from El Paso has 505 00:11:54,913 --> 00:11:58,317 a question for Rachel. 506 00:11:58,317 --> 00:12:01,287 Hey, Naomi. 507 00:11:58,317 --> 00:12:01,287 - Hi, everyone! 508 00:12:01,287 --> 00:12:03,856 - Hi. 509 00:12:01,287 --> 00:12:03,856 - Question, 510 00:12:03,856 --> 00:12:06,692 do you think 511 00:12:03,856 --> 00:12:06,692 it's hypocritical of Eddie 512 00:12:06,692 --> 00:12:10,964 to be so disgusted 513 00:12:06,692 --> 00:12:10,964 by your drunkeness last season 514 00:12:10,964 --> 00:12:14,299 but yet said nothing 515 00:12:10,964 --> 00:12:14,299 to his lead deckhand Jake 516 00:12:14,299 --> 00:12:17,736 about being drunk 517 00:12:14,299 --> 00:12:17,736 and naked in public? 518 00:12:17,736 --> 00:12:19,272 [laughter] 519 00:12:19,272 --> 00:12:22,609 - Um, yeah, and then also 520 00:12:19,272 --> 00:12:22,609 at the same time, too, 521 00:12:22,609 --> 00:12:25,879 his behavior inside the hot tub 522 00:12:22,609 --> 00:12:25,879 as a leader with Heather. 523 00:12:25,879 --> 00:12:29,448 - There you go. 524 00:12:25,879 --> 00:12:29,448 Okay, that's a few items, 525 00:12:29,448 --> 00:12:31,216 uh, for the reunion. 526 00:12:31,216 --> 00:12:36,889 Julia from New Jersey, 527 00:12:31,216 --> 00:12:36,889 you have a question for Jessica. 528 00:12:36,889 --> 00:12:37,756 - Hey, guys. 529 00:12:37,756 --> 00:12:40,559 So, Jessica, considering Fraser 530 00:12:37,756 --> 00:12:40,559 was so unhappy with Heather 531 00:12:40,559 --> 00:12:41,594 in the beginning 532 00:12:40,559 --> 00:12:41,594 of the season, 533 00:12:41,594 --> 00:12:42,629 what do you think happened 534 00:12:42,629 --> 00:12:43,962 that caused him 535 00:12:42,629 --> 00:12:43,962 to suck up to her 536 00:12:43,962 --> 00:12:46,599 and start badmouthing you 537 00:12:43,962 --> 00:12:46,599 to her? 538 00:12:46,599 --> 00:12:50,403 - You know, I think it was 539 00:12:46,599 --> 00:12:50,403 only a matter of time. 540 00:12:50,403 --> 00:12:52,471 I didn't really have 541 00:12:50,403 --> 00:12:52,471 too much in common, 542 00:12:52,471 --> 00:12:54,441 I didn't feel like, 543 00:12:52,471 --> 00:12:54,441 with the interior crew. 544 00:12:54,441 --> 00:12:56,576 So I felt like 545 00:12:54,441 --> 00:12:56,576 it was only a matter of time 546 00:12:56,576 --> 00:12:59,446 before the two of them 547 00:12:56,576 --> 00:12:59,446 were gonna gang up on me, 548 00:12:59,446 --> 00:13:02,480 or he was gonna find 549 00:12:59,446 --> 00:13:02,480 his nose far up her ass, 550 00:13:02,480 --> 00:13:03,316 one or the other, 551 00:13:02,480 --> 00:13:03,316 I don't know. 552 00:13:03,316 --> 00:13:05,552 - Wow. Thank you, 553 00:13:03,316 --> 00:13:05,552 virtual audience. 554 00:13:05,552 --> 00:13:08,120 By the way, um, you know... 555 00:13:05,552 --> 00:13:08,120 [cheers and applause] 556 00:13:08,120 --> 00:13:10,856 Jessica, Heather's been vocal 557 00:13:08,120 --> 00:13:10,856 to other people on the boat 558 00:13:10,856 --> 00:13:12,792 about how unhappy 559 00:13:10,856 --> 00:13:12,792 she is with you. 560 00:13:12,792 --> 00:13:17,364 Were you surprised to hear her 561 00:13:12,792 --> 00:13:17,364 talking to others about you? 562 00:13:17,364 --> 00:13:20,767 - Yeah, considering 563 00:13:17,364 --> 00:13:20,767 she didn't really come to me 564 00:13:20,767 --> 00:13:22,869 too many times 565 00:13:20,767 --> 00:13:22,869 unless the camera was there. 566 00:13:22,869 --> 00:13:24,403 - What was your reaction 567 00:13:22,869 --> 00:13:24,403 when you saw 568 00:13:24,403 --> 00:13:28,441 Lee congratulate Fraser 569 00:13:24,403 --> 00:13:28,441 on cleaning the laundry room? 570 00:13:28,441 --> 00:13:31,711 - I think it was great 571 00:13:28,441 --> 00:13:31,711 that he was given a few hours 572 00:13:31,711 --> 00:13:35,914 to do solely that job, 573 00:13:31,711 --> 00:13:35,914 and he did a great job doing it. 574 00:13:35,914 --> 00:13:37,517 - Rachel, 575 00:13:35,914 --> 00:13:37,517 did you ever find out 576 00:13:37,517 --> 00:13:41,453 why there were so many flies 577 00:13:37,517 --> 00:13:41,453 in the galley tonight? 578 00:13:41,453 --> 00:13:45,225 - I don't know. I think it was 579 00:13:41,453 --> 00:13:45,225 just because the door was open, 580 00:13:45,225 --> 00:13:48,940 or you know, 581 00:13:45,225 --> 00:13:48,940 it's the Caribbean, 582 00:13:48,940 --> 00:13:51,530 if doors are open of if we're 583 00:13:48,940 --> 00:13:51,530 by something on land, like, 584 00:13:51,530 --> 00:13:53,265 they come in. 585 00:13:53,265 --> 00:13:54,801 - By the way, Rachel, 586 00:13:54,801 --> 00:13:58,404 how awkward on a scale 587 00:13:54,801 --> 00:13:58,404 of 1-10 was it 588 00:13:58,404 --> 00:14:02,174 planning that titty party 589 00:13:58,404 --> 00:14:02,174 with Captain Lee? 590 00:14:02,174 --> 00:14:06,245 [laughter] 591 00:14:02,174 --> 00:14:06,245 - He's a motorboatin' SOB. 592 00:14:06,245 --> 00:14:08,847 I love him. 593 00:14:06,245 --> 00:14:08,847 [laughter] 594 00:14:08,847 --> 00:14:11,951 - Are you saying 595 00:14:08,847 --> 00:14:11,951 that Captain Lee 596 00:14:11,951 --> 00:14:16,355 is a motoboating SOB? 597 00:14:16,355 --> 00:14:18,692 - In a good way. 598 00:14:16,355 --> 00:14:18,692 I love him to death, 599 00:14:18,692 --> 00:14:20,360 so you know what? 600 00:14:18,692 --> 00:14:20,360 - Listen, I don't take that 601 00:14:20,360 --> 00:14:21,628 in a bad way. 602 00:14:23,663 --> 00:14:26,265 Um, Jessica, 603 00:14:23,663 --> 00:14:26,265 Brooke W. wants to know 604 00:14:26,265 --> 00:14:29,690 what you thought about Fraser 605 00:14:26,265 --> 00:14:29,690 blaming you for the smelly bag 606 00:14:29,690 --> 00:14:33,239 of bread fruits that was found 607 00:14:29,690 --> 00:14:33,239 in the laundry room? 608 00:14:33,239 --> 00:14:35,750 - I honestly would love 609 00:14:33,239 --> 00:14:35,750 to rewind the tape 610 00:14:35,750 --> 00:14:37,476 and find out who put it there 611 00:14:35,750 --> 00:14:37,476 and when it was there, 612 00:14:37,476 --> 00:14:41,809 because I-- it was-- 613 00:14:37,476 --> 00:14:41,809 I had no idea. 614 00:14:41,809 --> 00:14:43,883 We came from not 615 00:14:41,809 --> 00:14:43,883 being on the boat, 616 00:14:43,883 --> 00:14:46,860 so it could've been 617 00:14:43,883 --> 00:14:46,860 any number of people 618 00:14:46,860 --> 00:14:47,287 who put it there. 619 00:14:47,287 --> 00:14:52,359 - What are bread fruits 620 00:14:47,287 --> 00:14:52,359 again, Rachel? 621 00:14:52,359 --> 00:14:53,259 - Um, they're normally 622 00:14:52,359 --> 00:14:53,259 predominantly 623 00:14:53,259 --> 00:14:54,326 in the Caribbean. 624 00:14:54,326 --> 00:14:56,895 You can find them here 625 00:14:54,326 --> 00:14:56,895 down in South Florida. 626 00:14:56,895 --> 00:15:01,801 But they're very fibrous, 627 00:14:56,895 --> 00:15:01,801 almost like yucca a little bit, 628 00:15:01,801 --> 00:15:04,203 but softer, kind of like 629 00:15:01,801 --> 00:15:04,203 a sour salt. 630 00:15:04,203 --> 00:15:05,705 - Okay. 631 00:15:04,203 --> 00:15:05,705 - It can be a vegetable 632 00:15:05,705 --> 00:15:08,140 or savory 633 00:15:05,705 --> 00:15:08,140 or whatever. 634 00:15:08,140 --> 00:15:10,476 - Well, Rachel, while you 635 00:15:08,140 --> 00:15:10,476 famously popularized 636 00:15:10,476 --> 00:15:12,450 the word "cooter", 637 00:15:12,450 --> 00:15:15,280 the rest of your vocabulary 638 00:15:12,450 --> 00:15:15,280 isn't typically cuter. 639 00:15:15,280 --> 00:15:18,384 I wanna play a round 640 00:15:15,280 --> 00:15:18,384 of "Yachtie Mouths." 641 00:15:18,384 --> 00:15:19,586 You're gonna 642 00:15:18,384 --> 00:15:19,586 read off statements 643 00:15:19,586 --> 00:15:21,855 that you may or may not 644 00:15:19,586 --> 00:15:21,855 have said on Below Deck. 645 00:15:21,855 --> 00:15:25,557 Jessica and I will guess 646 00:15:21,855 --> 00:15:25,557 if they are real or fake. 647 00:15:25,557 --> 00:15:30,797 Okay, give us 648 00:15:25,557 --> 00:15:30,797 the first one, Rachel. 649 00:15:30,797 --> 00:15:35,100 - "I can sniff out hot turds. 650 00:15:30,797 --> 00:15:35,100 He is a steaming one." 651 00:15:35,100 --> 00:15:38,370 - I think she said it. 652 00:15:35,100 --> 00:15:38,370 You do too, Jess. 653 00:15:38,370 --> 00:15:40,240 - Yeah, I do too. 654 00:15:40,240 --> 00:15:42,142 - Did you? 655 00:15:40,240 --> 00:15:42,142 - No. 656 00:15:42,142 --> 00:15:47,379 - All right, okay, 657 00:15:42,142 --> 00:15:47,379 give me another one. 658 00:15:47,379 --> 00:15:49,849 - "I want some ----ing 659 00:15:47,379 --> 00:15:49,849 dirty-ass crab. 660 00:15:49,849 --> 00:15:52,418 "I want some dirty-ass music." 661 00:15:49,849 --> 00:15:52,418 - Yes, I think 662 00:15:52,418 --> 00:15:56,389 she said that, 663 00:15:52,418 --> 00:15:56,389 when she was drunk. 664 00:15:56,389 --> 00:16:00,159 What do you think? Yes. 665 00:15:56,389 --> 00:16:00,159 - Drunk, yeah. On stage. 666 00:16:00,159 --> 00:16:03,129 - There you g-- Yes? 667 00:16:03,129 --> 00:16:04,264 Rachel? 668 00:16:03,129 --> 00:16:04,264 - Huh? 669 00:16:04,264 --> 00:16:06,320 Oh, that is real, 670 00:16:04,264 --> 00:16:06,320 oh yeah. 671 00:16:06,320 --> 00:16:10,302 - Okay. 672 00:16:06,320 --> 00:16:10,302 Give us another. 673 00:16:10,302 --> 00:16:12,538 - "I would rather 674 00:16:10,302 --> 00:16:12,538 flick my own bean 675 00:16:12,538 --> 00:16:17,476 "than deal with this goddamn 676 00:16:12,538 --> 00:16:17,476 conversation with you ----s." 677 00:16:17,476 --> 00:16:21,715 - Um, I think she said it. 678 00:16:17,476 --> 00:16:21,715 What do you think, Jess? 679 00:16:21,715 --> 00:16:22,881 - I think it's 680 00:16:21,715 --> 00:16:22,881 definitely something 681 00:16:22,881 --> 00:16:24,951 that she probably said. 682 00:16:22,881 --> 00:16:24,951 - Did you say 683 00:16:24,951 --> 00:16:28,388 you wrould rather 684 00:16:24,951 --> 00:16:28,388 flick your own bean? 685 00:16:28,388 --> 00:16:31,570 - I'm a chef, I have 686 00:16:28,388 --> 00:16:31,570 to prepare it somehow. 687 00:16:31,570 --> 00:16:35,294 - Is that what you 688 00:16:31,570 --> 00:16:35,294 were referring to? 689 00:16:35,294 --> 00:16:37,629 - Yup. 690 00:16:37,629 --> 00:16:39,231 - Give us another 691 00:16:37,629 --> 00:16:39,231 one, Rachel. 692 00:16:39,231 --> 00:16:43,802 - "I make a souffle so sexy, 693 00:16:39,231 --> 00:16:43,802 you'll wanna bang it." 694 00:16:43,802 --> 00:16:46,840 - Okay, I think 695 00:16:43,802 --> 00:16:46,840 she would say that, 696 00:16:46,840 --> 00:16:48,575 but I don't think 697 00:16:46,840 --> 00:16:48,575 she said it. 698 00:16:48,575 --> 00:16:50,744 What do you think, Jess? 699 00:16:50,744 --> 00:16:52,445 - I think that 700 00:16:50,744 --> 00:16:52,445 it sounds too much 701 00:16:52,445 --> 00:16:54,179 like something that could 702 00:16:52,445 --> 00:16:54,179 come out of her mouth, 703 00:16:54,179 --> 00:16:56,582 but I think you're right, Andy. 704 00:16:54,179 --> 00:16:56,582 - Ahh, interesting. 705 00:16:56,582 --> 00:16:58,618 And? 706 00:16:58,618 --> 00:17:00,886 - It's fake! 707 00:16:58,618 --> 00:17:00,886 - It's fake, very good. 708 00:17:00,886 --> 00:17:04,624 Okay, all right, 709 00:17:00,886 --> 00:17:04,624 give us another one. 710 00:17:04,624 --> 00:17:09,695 - "Nobody wants the squirts 711 00:17:04,624 --> 00:17:09,695 during dinner service." 712 00:17:09,695 --> 00:17:11,730 - While true, I don't think 713 00:17:09,695 --> 00:17:11,730 she said it. 714 00:17:11,730 --> 00:17:16,359 What do you think? Jess? 715 00:17:11,730 --> 00:17:16,359 - Mmm, no. 716 00:17:16,359 --> 00:17:18,404 - Did you? 717 00:17:16,359 --> 00:17:18,404 - Yep. 718 00:17:18,404 --> 00:17:22,307 - Oh, wow. 719 00:17:18,404 --> 00:17:22,307 Uh, you're a poet. 720 00:17:22,307 --> 00:17:25,577 - I guess I just 721 00:17:22,307 --> 00:17:25,577 don't know it. 722 00:17:25,577 --> 00:17:29,148 - Yeah, okay, give us 723 00:17:25,577 --> 00:17:29,148 another one. 724 00:17:29,148 --> 00:17:30,500 - "Get the (BEEP) 725 00:17:29,148 --> 00:17:30,500 out of my galley 726 00:17:30,500 --> 00:17:32,519 "before I rip 727 00:17:30,500 --> 00:17:32,519 your dick off." 728 00:17:32,519 --> 00:17:34,253 - Yes, I think 729 00:17:32,519 --> 00:17:34,253 she said it. 730 00:17:34,253 --> 00:17:39,125 Did sh-- Yes, so it was Jess-- 731 00:17:34,253 --> 00:17:39,125 Did you say it, Rachel? 732 00:17:39,125 --> 00:17:41,560 - I totally thought it 733 00:17:39,125 --> 00:17:41,560 more than once, but no. 734 00:17:41,560 --> 00:17:44,364 - All right, thank you 735 00:17:41,560 --> 00:17:44,364 for playing "Yachtie Mouths." 736 00:17:44,364 --> 00:17:47,567 Stick around, after the break, 737 00:17:44,364 --> 00:17:47,567 more with these two, 738 00:17:47,567 --> 00:17:49,969 and Watch What Happens Five. 739 00:17:47,567 --> 00:17:49,969 We'll be right back. 740 00:17:49,969 --> 00:17:51,710 Don't go anywhere. 741 00:17:51,171 --> 00:18:01,815 * AC in the NYC 742 00:17:51,171 --> 00:18:01,815 NYC AC * 743 00:18:02,382 --> 00:18:03,817 - All right, 744 00:18:02,382 --> 00:18:03,817 we're back. 745 00:18:03,817 --> 00:18:06,586 I'm Andy, here with Rachel 746 00:18:03,817 --> 00:18:06,586 and Jessica. 747 00:18:06,586 --> 00:18:09,422 [cheers and applause] 748 00:18:09,422 --> 00:18:12,791 You know, Jessica, you said 749 00:18:09,422 --> 00:18:12,791 you thought Wes was so hot, 750 00:18:12,791 --> 00:18:15,279 and he clearly thought 751 00:18:12,791 --> 00:18:15,279 you were very attractive. 752 00:18:15,279 --> 00:18:18,980 I'm wondering why we haven't 753 00:18:15,279 --> 00:18:18,980 seen anything happen, 754 00:18:18,980 --> 00:18:22,349 if you've gave him a ten! 755 00:18:22,349 --> 00:18:23,869 - You know, I think 756 00:18:22,349 --> 00:18:23,869 that he's a great catch, 757 00:18:23,869 --> 00:18:26,705 but, you know, sometimes 758 00:18:23,869 --> 00:18:26,705 it takes something 759 00:18:26,705 --> 00:18:30,109 other than attractiveness, 760 00:18:26,705 --> 00:18:30,109 you know? 761 00:18:30,109 --> 00:18:32,144 It's not all that. 762 00:18:30,109 --> 00:18:32,144 - Okay. 763 00:18:32,144 --> 00:18:33,913 BaileyBlue02 said, 764 00:18:32,144 --> 00:18:33,913 "Chef Rachel, 765 00:18:33,913 --> 00:18:36,490 "don't you think Eddie's 766 00:18:33,913 --> 00:18:36,490 criticism of you 767 00:18:36,490 --> 00:18:39,352 "was justified last season, 768 00:18:36,490 --> 00:18:39,352 considering your outbursts? 769 00:18:39,352 --> 00:18:43,522 "You weren't exactly easy to 770 00:18:39,352 --> 00:18:43,522 get along with all the time." 771 00:18:43,522 --> 00:18:46,920 - You know, that's fine, 772 00:18:43,522 --> 00:18:46,920 but, you know, 773 00:18:46,920 --> 00:18:48,260 considering the fact that 774 00:18:46,920 --> 00:18:48,260 I looked at him as a friend, 775 00:18:48,260 --> 00:18:50,462 I thought that he would have 776 00:18:48,260 --> 00:18:50,462 more respect for me 777 00:18:50,462 --> 00:18:52,164 to come to me and 778 00:18:50,462 --> 00:18:52,164 discuss things, 779 00:18:52,164 --> 00:18:54,634 like, sitting down. 780 00:18:52,164 --> 00:18:54,634 - Um, Jessica, 781 00:18:54,634 --> 00:18:57,269 Macy L. wants to know 782 00:18:54,634 --> 00:18:57,269 if you think-- 783 00:18:57,269 --> 00:18:59,772 "Do you know if Jake 784 00:18:57,269 --> 00:18:59,772 told his fiancee 785 00:18:59,772 --> 00:19:04,440 "that he made out with both 786 00:18:59,772 --> 00:19:04,440 Fraser and Raina?" 787 00:19:04,440 --> 00:19:05,811 - I think that 788 00:19:04,440 --> 00:19:05,811 he probably did. 789 00:19:05,811 --> 00:19:09,819 They have a pretty open 790 00:19:05,811 --> 00:19:09,819 relationship, I think. 791 00:19:09,819 --> 00:19:13,286 - Um, it was 792 00:19:09,819 --> 00:19:13,286 really something 793 00:19:13,286 --> 00:19:16,923 hearing Raina's, um, story 794 00:19:13,286 --> 00:19:16,923 about the racism and abuse 795 00:19:16,923 --> 00:19:20,359 that, uh, she's 796 00:19:16,923 --> 00:19:20,359 experienced, um, 797 00:19:20,359 --> 00:19:25,365 did she ever open up 798 00:19:20,359 --> 00:19:25,365 to you about that, Jess? 799 00:19:25,365 --> 00:19:27,901 - Um, things came up 800 00:19:25,365 --> 00:19:27,901 here and there. 801 00:19:27,901 --> 00:19:31,403 Uh, I never got, you know, 802 00:19:27,901 --> 00:19:31,403 full stories like that, 803 00:19:31,403 --> 00:19:33,807 but hearing it is just 804 00:19:31,403 --> 00:19:33,807 heartbreaking, you know? 805 00:19:33,807 --> 00:19:35,709 You don't want anybody to go 806 00:19:33,807 --> 00:19:35,709 through that, you know? 807 00:19:35,709 --> 00:19:39,612 Especially if someone's-- like 808 00:19:35,709 --> 00:19:39,612 Raina, who's an amazing girl. 809 00:19:39,612 --> 00:19:41,470 She doesn't deserve 810 00:19:39,612 --> 00:19:41,470 something like that. 811 00:19:41,470 --> 00:19:44,217 - No, no one does. 812 00:19:41,470 --> 00:19:44,217 Um, Rachel, Garrison H. 813 00:19:44,217 --> 00:19:46,251 wants to know 814 00:19:44,217 --> 00:19:46,251 if you agree with Raina 815 00:19:46,251 --> 00:19:48,488 that Heather is 816 00:19:46,251 --> 00:19:48,488 a fake-ass bitch, 817 00:19:48,488 --> 00:19:52,224 or do you find her 818 00:19:48,488 --> 00:19:52,224 to be genuine? 819 00:19:52,224 --> 00:19:54,394 - Uh, I think she's genuine 820 00:19:52,224 --> 00:19:54,394 in her own way, 821 00:19:54,394 --> 00:19:56,162 um, how she is, 822 00:19:56,162 --> 00:19:59,699 that she tries to keep 823 00:19:56,162 --> 00:19:59,699 a bright face on sometimes, too, 824 00:19:59,699 --> 00:20:04,104 but, um, sometimes that's 825 00:19:59,699 --> 00:20:04,104 people's coping mechanisms. 826 00:20:04,104 --> 00:20:05,971 - Genuine in 827 00:20:04,104 --> 00:20:05,971 her own way. 828 00:20:05,971 --> 00:20:08,708 It is time for Watch 829 00:20:05,971 --> 00:20:08,708 What Happens Five. 830 00:20:08,708 --> 00:20:10,143 Jake and Fraser sealed 831 00:20:10,143 --> 00:20:13,380 the crew's dysfunctional 832 00:20:10,143 --> 00:20:13,380 relationship with a kiss, 833 00:20:13,380 --> 00:20:15,781 but their makeout isn't 834 00:20:13,380 --> 00:20:15,781 the first kiss on Bravo 835 00:20:15,781 --> 00:20:17,500 to make waves. 836 00:20:17,500 --> 00:20:20,819 Tonight, I'm counting down 837 00:20:17,500 --> 00:20:20,819 the Top Five Kisses on Bravo. 838 00:20:20,819 --> 00:20:23,559 Our number five kiss 839 00:20:20,819 --> 00:20:23,559 is the number one memory 840 00:20:23,559 --> 00:20:26,326 that replays on a loop 841 00:20:23,559 --> 00:20:26,326 in my head, 842 00:20:26,326 --> 00:20:29,828 it's when Frederick 843 00:20:26,326 --> 00:20:29,828 kissed me at BravoCon. 844 00:20:29,828 --> 00:20:35,934 [cheers and applause] 845 00:20:35,934 --> 00:20:40,606 I was very shocked, 846 00:20:35,934 --> 00:20:40,606 as you can see. 847 00:20:40,606 --> 00:20:42,842 Uh, our number four kiss 848 00:20:42,842 --> 00:20:45,644 is enough to get all 849 00:20:42,842 --> 00:20:45,644 your candle wicks burning. 850 00:20:45,644 --> 00:20:49,182 Remember Karen and 851 00:20:45,644 --> 00:20:49,182 Reyes' make out? Wow! 852 00:20:49,182 --> 00:20:50,849 That was amazing. 853 00:20:50,849 --> 00:20:53,353 Our number three kiss 854 00:20:50,849 --> 00:20:53,353 proves that couponing 855 00:20:53,353 --> 00:20:55,555 is an aphrodisiac. 856 00:20:55,555 --> 00:20:58,991 It is Tinsley and Scott 857 00:20:55,555 --> 00:20:58,991 making out on their first date. 858 00:20:58,991 --> 00:21:00,527 Oh, that was amazing. 859 00:21:00,527 --> 00:21:03,762 Our number two kiss 860 00:21:00,527 --> 00:21:03,762 is from a sleepover 861 00:21:03,762 --> 00:21:06,833 that may have inspired 862 00:21:03,762 --> 00:21:06,833 some sexual awakenings, 863 00:21:06,833 --> 00:21:10,403 it's the Vanderpump ladies 864 00:21:06,833 --> 00:21:10,403 making out at the slumber party. 865 00:21:10,403 --> 00:21:11,637 That was maj. 866 00:21:11,637 --> 00:21:13,573 Our number one kiss 867 00:21:11,637 --> 00:21:13,573 is just a woman 868 00:21:13,573 --> 00:21:15,107 trying to support 869 00:21:13,573 --> 00:21:15,107 other women. 870 00:21:15,107 --> 00:21:18,345 It's Sonja attempting 871 00:21:15,107 --> 00:21:18,345 to make out with LuAnn 872 00:21:18,345 --> 00:21:23,829 and Bethenny in Mexico. 873 00:21:18,345 --> 00:21:23,829 See, Jake and Fraser? 874 00:21:23,829 --> 00:21:26,618 You stand on 875 00:21:23,829 --> 00:21:26,618 the shoulders of giants. 876 00:21:26,618 --> 00:21:28,721 I wanna thank Rachel and Jessica 877 00:21:26,618 --> 00:21:28,721 for being here. 878 00:21:28,721 --> 00:21:30,190 The word of the night 879 00:21:28,721 --> 00:21:30,190 was "Heather." 880 00:21:30,190 --> 00:21:31,391 Said it twelve times. 881 00:21:31,391 --> 00:21:33,559 If you've been playing 882 00:21:31,391 --> 00:21:33,559 our drinking game, no driving. 883 00:21:33,559 --> 00:21:35,795 Tomorrow night, Ariana 884 00:21:33,559 --> 00:21:35,795 and Tom are here live 885 00:21:35,795 --> 00:21:38,980 after Vanderpump Rules. 886 00:21:38,980 --> 00:21:42,201 Watch our aftershow on Twitter. 887 00:21:38,980 --> 00:21:42,201 See you guys later. 888 00:21:42,201 --> 00:21:42,268 **