1 00:00:12,711 --> 00:00:14,314 - We can act on a level 2 00:00:12,711 --> 00:00:14,314 that's almost creepy, 3 00:00:15,115 --> 00:00:17,417 and in the hot tub 4 00:00:15,115 --> 00:00:17,417 she brought the fun 5 00:00:17,417 --> 00:00:19,190 and the pee-pee. 6 00:00:19,190 --> 00:00:20,219 It's "Watch What Happens Live" 7 00:00:20,219 --> 00:00:23,230 with Heather and Alex 8 00:00:20,219 --> 00:00:23,230 from "Below Deck" now. 9 00:00:23,230 --> 00:00:24,858 [cheers and applause] 10 00:00:24,858 --> 00:00:27,269 * Andy Cohen's 11 00:00:24,858 --> 00:00:27,269 got the 4-1-1 * 12 00:00:27,269 --> 00:00:29,295 * King king 13 00:00:27,269 --> 00:00:29,295 of midnight fun * 14 00:00:29,295 --> 00:00:33,133 * Midnight emcee AC * 15 00:00:33,133 --> 00:00:35,100 - Hey, everybody, welcome 16 00:00:33,133 --> 00:00:35,100 to "Watch What Happens Live." 17 00:00:35,100 --> 00:00:37,369 I'm your host Andy Cohen 18 00:00:35,100 --> 00:00:37,369 in the Bravo Clubhouse 19 00:00:37,369 --> 00:00:38,204 on "Below Deck" night. 20 00:00:38,204 --> 00:00:40,506 I'm about to hold two yachties' 21 00:00:38,204 --> 00:00:40,506 feet to the fire 22 00:00:40,506 --> 00:00:43,209 like they're the pig 23 00:00:40,506 --> 00:00:43,209 on the beach picnic tonight. 24 00:00:43,209 --> 00:00:44,710 From "Below Deck," 25 00:00:43,209 --> 00:00:44,710 please welcome 26 00:00:44,710 --> 00:00:46,612 chief stew Heather Chase. 27 00:00:46,612 --> 00:00:48,715 Hi, Heather! 28 00:00:46,612 --> 00:00:48,715 [cheers and applause] 29 00:00:48,715 --> 00:00:49,783 - Hi, Andy. 30 00:00:49,783 --> 00:00:52,686 - Oh, my god, Heather, 31 00:00:49,783 --> 00:00:52,686 you are so super glam, 32 00:00:52,686 --> 00:00:54,720 I love it. 33 00:00:54,720 --> 00:00:57,323 - Oh, Andy, this is just 34 00:00:54,720 --> 00:00:57,323 my typical Monday night. 35 00:00:57,323 --> 00:01:00,426 - Yes! And my next guest 36 00:00:57,323 --> 00:01:00,426 is Heather's pal, 37 00:01:00,426 --> 00:01:01,828 but I also like to think 38 00:01:01,828 --> 00:01:04,164 he and I have 39 00:01:01,828 --> 00:01:04,164 a special relationship. 40 00:01:04,164 --> 00:01:07,367 Give it up for Alex Radcliffe 41 00:01:04,164 --> 00:01:07,367 from "Below Deck Med." 42 00:01:07,367 --> 00:01:08,534 You can catch Alex 43 00:01:08,534 --> 00:01:10,537 on "Galley Talk: 44 00:01:08,534 --> 00:01:10,537 Best of 'Below Deck'" 45 00:01:10,537 --> 00:01:12,605 Tuesdays at 7 on Bravo. 46 00:01:12,605 --> 00:01:14,474 Drinking game alert: 47 00:01:12,605 --> 00:01:14,474 my guests won't know it, 48 00:01:14,474 --> 00:01:16,141 anytime you hear anyone 49 00:01:14,474 --> 00:01:16,141 say this word, 50 00:01:16,141 --> 00:01:17,310 if you're 21 or over 51 00:01:17,310 --> 00:01:19,712 in honor of Jake, Rayna, 52 00:01:17,310 --> 00:01:19,712 and Fraser kissing tonight, 53 00:01:19,712 --> 00:01:22,819 sip your drink 54 00:01:19,712 --> 00:01:22,819 and make it a triple. 55 00:01:22,819 --> 00:01:25,951 So the two of you are 56 00:01:22,819 --> 00:01:25,951 actually good buddies, right? 57 00:01:25,951 --> 00:01:27,870 - Yeah, good friends. 58 00:01:27,870 --> 00:01:29,688 We've been friends for, like, 59 00:01:27,870 --> 00:01:29,688 three years now. 60 00:01:29,688 --> 00:01:32,424 I, uh-- once I finished 61 00:01:29,688 --> 00:01:32,424 filming "Below Deck," 62 00:01:32,424 --> 00:01:33,759 like, two years ago, 63 00:01:33,759 --> 00:01:35,662 we worked together 64 00:01:33,759 --> 00:01:35,662 for a crossing 65 00:01:35,662 --> 00:01:37,764 to, like, uh, the Caribbean. 66 00:01:37,764 --> 00:01:39,365 - Wow. 67 00:01:37,764 --> 00:01:39,365 - No, to St. Barts, 68 00:01:39,365 --> 00:01:41,801 which is actually 69 00:01:39,365 --> 00:01:41,801 right next to St. Kitts. 70 00:01:41,801 --> 00:01:43,770 So it's kind of 71 00:01:41,801 --> 00:01:43,770 very serendipitous, 72 00:01:43,770 --> 00:01:46,206 but here we are. 73 00:01:43,770 --> 00:01:46,206 - I love it. 74 00:01:46,206 --> 00:01:50,909 And, Alex, you are joining us 75 00:01:46,206 --> 00:01:50,909 from a locker room of some kind? 76 00:01:50,909 --> 00:01:52,712 - Yeah, I'm coaching 77 00:01:50,909 --> 00:01:52,712 a hockey team, 78 00:01:52,712 --> 00:01:55,215 so we just 79 00:01:52,712 --> 00:01:55,215 finished off practice. 80 00:01:55,215 --> 00:01:57,150 You know, no better way 81 00:01:55,215 --> 00:01:57,150 to smell the-- 82 00:01:57,150 --> 00:01:59,618 you know, the night's 83 00:01:57,150 --> 00:01:59,618 sweaty equipment. 84 00:01:59,618 --> 00:02:00,787 [laughter] 85 00:02:00,787 --> 00:02:02,721 - Wow. And we have-- 86 00:02:02,721 --> 00:02:06,358 what is our 87 00:02:02,721 --> 00:02:06,358 unfinished business? 88 00:02:06,358 --> 00:02:09,962 - Dude, I literally tweeted 89 00:02:06,358 --> 00:02:09,962 at you, like, last week. 90 00:02:09,962 --> 00:02:11,764 I'm like, "Andy, 91 00:02:09,962 --> 00:02:11,764 I need to get into 92 00:02:11,764 --> 00:02:13,299 the effing 93 00:02:11,764 --> 00:02:13,299 Clubhouse already." 94 00:02:13,299 --> 00:02:16,536 And you just left me unread 95 00:02:13,299 --> 00:02:16,536 on Instagram. 96 00:02:16,536 --> 00:02:19,271 If you like this-- yeah, 97 00:02:16,536 --> 00:02:19,271 you know what you did. 98 00:02:19,271 --> 00:02:22,175 And then I'm like, oh, 99 00:02:19,271 --> 00:02:22,175 you're playing hard to get. 100 00:02:22,175 --> 00:02:26,513 Liked it again. 101 00:02:22,175 --> 00:02:26,513 - Sorry, my apologies. 102 00:02:26,513 --> 00:02:28,948 Um, Heather, were you-- 103 00:02:26,513 --> 00:02:28,948 what was your reaction 104 00:02:28,948 --> 00:02:32,849 to hearing Fraser and Rayna 105 00:02:28,948 --> 00:02:32,849 say tonight 106 00:02:32,849 --> 00:02:34,870 that they thought 107 00:02:32,849 --> 00:02:34,870 that you were 42? 108 00:02:34,870 --> 00:02:36,355 I mean, 109 00:02:34,870 --> 00:02:36,355 I don't understand 110 00:02:36,355 --> 00:02:39,526 how one would get 111 00:02:36,355 --> 00:02:39,526 that from you? 112 00:02:39,526 --> 00:02:43,430 - Maybe it's just my maturity 113 00:02:39,526 --> 00:02:43,430 in age over theirs, 114 00:02:43,430 --> 00:02:45,365 and that's 115 00:02:43,430 --> 00:02:45,365 how they got 42? 116 00:02:45,365 --> 00:02:48,401 - Um, what was more shocking 117 00:02:45,365 --> 00:02:48,401 for you tonight, 118 00:02:48,401 --> 00:02:50,502 the threeway 119 00:02:48,401 --> 00:02:50,502 hot tub makeout 120 00:02:50,502 --> 00:02:53,599 between Rayna, Fraser, 121 00:02:50,502 --> 00:02:53,599 and Jake, 122 00:02:53,599 --> 00:02:57,110 or finding out 123 00:02:53,599 --> 00:02:57,110 that Jake is engaged? 124 00:02:57,110 --> 00:02:59,778 - Definitely 125 00:02:57,110 --> 00:02:59,778 that Jake was engaged. 126 00:02:59,778 --> 00:03:01,781 - Um, also what was 127 00:02:59,778 --> 00:03:01,781 your reaction 128 00:03:01,781 --> 00:03:04,283 to Eddie telling 129 00:03:01,781 --> 00:03:04,283 his girlfriend 130 00:03:04,283 --> 00:03:06,453 that he picked you up 131 00:03:04,283 --> 00:03:06,453 in the hot tub? 132 00:03:06,453 --> 00:03:10,156 It seemed like he kind of 133 00:03:06,453 --> 00:03:10,156 picked a fight for no reason. 134 00:03:11,524 --> 00:03:14,728 - You know what? I have to 135 00:03:11,524 --> 00:03:14,728 give Eddie kudos here. 136 00:03:14,728 --> 00:03:17,629 That was a big move. 137 00:03:14,728 --> 00:03:17,629 That was very, um-- 138 00:03:17,629 --> 00:03:20,400 obviously, 139 00:03:17,629 --> 00:03:20,400 as his past shows, 140 00:03:20,400 --> 00:03:23,689 it was a big move for him 141 00:03:20,400 --> 00:03:23,689 to finally speak up about that 142 00:03:23,689 --> 00:03:24,871 and kind of 143 00:03:23,689 --> 00:03:24,871 get ahead of this one 144 00:03:24,871 --> 00:03:26,538 and tell his girlfriend 145 00:03:24,871 --> 00:03:26,538 what's going on 146 00:03:26,538 --> 00:03:28,807 on the boat this season 147 00:03:26,538 --> 00:03:28,807 versus last time. 148 00:03:28,807 --> 00:03:32,645 - Right. But I mean, it was-- 149 00:03:28,807 --> 00:03:32,645 I mean, I don't know. 150 00:03:32,645 --> 00:03:35,810 It seemed kind of-- 151 00:03:32,645 --> 00:03:35,810 it didn't seem like that-- 152 00:03:35,810 --> 00:03:38,151 I appreciated his honesty, 153 00:03:35,810 --> 00:03:38,151 but it seemed like-- 154 00:03:38,151 --> 00:03:40,453 it didn't seem like 155 00:03:38,151 --> 00:03:40,453 that much of an infraction. 156 00:03:40,453 --> 00:03:44,356 Um, Alex, Deena J. wants to know 157 00:03:40,453 --> 00:03:44,356 if you and Bugsy ever dated 158 00:03:44,356 --> 00:03:46,925 after the season ended? 159 00:03:46,925 --> 00:03:48,293 She said, "I thought 160 00:03:46,925 --> 00:03:48,293 you were awesome 161 00:03:48,293 --> 00:03:50,729 "and had the best attitude 162 00:03:48,293 --> 00:03:50,729 of all deckhands 163 00:03:50,729 --> 00:03:53,766 "in previous seasons." 164 00:03:53,766 --> 00:03:56,368 - No, Bugsy basically 165 00:03:53,766 --> 00:03:56,368 just left me at the dock 166 00:03:56,368 --> 00:03:58,138 with the boat 167 00:03:56,368 --> 00:03:58,138 after the season, so. 168 00:03:58,138 --> 00:04:00,372 [laughter] 169 00:03:58,138 --> 00:04:00,372 - Um, Alex, Christina F. said, 170 00:04:00,372 --> 00:04:02,419 "out of all 171 00:04:00,372 --> 00:04:02,419 the 'Below Deck' alum 172 00:04:02,419 --> 00:04:03,443 "who you've been 173 00:04:02,419 --> 00:04:03,443 hanging out with, 174 00:04:03,443 --> 00:04:05,110 "who do you think 175 00:04:03,443 --> 00:04:05,110 is the thirstiest 176 00:04:05,110 --> 00:04:09,819 "to return to the show?" 177 00:04:09,819 --> 00:04:11,183 - Ooh, the thirstiest. 178 00:04:11,183 --> 00:04:15,550 Um... 179 00:04:11,183 --> 00:04:15,550 I don't-- 180 00:04:15,550 --> 00:04:16,389 I think we're all thirsty. 181 00:04:16,389 --> 00:04:19,589 I think me, Bobby, Kelly. 182 00:04:19,589 --> 00:04:21,610 We all want some sip 183 00:04:19,589 --> 00:04:21,610 of the water, you know? 184 00:04:21,610 --> 00:04:23,629 We wanna come back. 185 00:04:21,610 --> 00:04:23,629 - Okay, I love your honesty. 186 00:04:23,629 --> 00:04:25,665 Well, Fraser's been doing 187 00:04:23,629 --> 00:04:25,665 a lot of sniping 188 00:04:25,665 --> 00:04:27,934 at Heather's work ethic 189 00:04:25,665 --> 00:04:27,934 under his breath, 190 00:04:27,934 --> 00:04:29,168 which probably stung worse 191 00:04:29,168 --> 00:04:31,737 than the charter guest 192 00:04:29,168 --> 00:04:31,737 who told her to go F herself. 193 00:04:31,737 --> 00:04:34,707 So, Heather, I hope you won't 194 00:04:31,737 --> 00:04:34,707 tell me to go F myself, 195 00:04:34,707 --> 00:04:35,975 as we play... 196 00:04:38,944 --> 00:04:42,182 Get ready to respond to your 197 00:04:38,944 --> 00:04:42,182 second stew's criticism. 198 00:04:42,182 --> 00:04:44,117 How fun for you. 199 00:04:44,117 --> 00:04:45,617 When Fraser 200 00:04:44,117 --> 00:04:45,617 was here last week, 201 00:04:45,617 --> 00:04:48,555 he said your tone toward him 202 00:04:45,617 --> 00:04:48,555 was cold and blunt 203 00:04:48,555 --> 00:04:51,909 and never delivered 204 00:04:48,555 --> 00:04:51,909 in a nice way. 205 00:04:51,909 --> 00:04:54,159 Why is he wrong? 206 00:04:54,159 --> 00:04:56,959 - Because as a manager, 207 00:04:56,959 --> 00:04:58,197 I'm not meant to speak to him 208 00:04:56,959 --> 00:04:58,197 as his mother, 209 00:04:58,197 --> 00:05:00,300 I'm meant to speak to him 210 00:04:58,197 --> 00:05:00,300 as a boss. 211 00:05:00,300 --> 00:05:01,533 We're here 212 00:05:00,300 --> 00:05:01,533 to get a job done, 213 00:05:01,533 --> 00:05:04,137 and I didn't realize 214 00:05:01,533 --> 00:05:04,137 he was so sensitive. 215 00:05:04,137 --> 00:05:06,538 - Fraser said one way 216 00:05:04,137 --> 00:05:06,538 you could improve as a leader 217 00:05:06,538 --> 00:05:09,108 would be to actually 218 00:05:06,538 --> 00:05:09,108 do a bit of work. 219 00:05:09,108 --> 00:05:10,643 Do you feel this crew-- 220 00:05:10,643 --> 00:05:13,947 this critique 221 00:05:10,643 --> 00:05:13,947 is unjust? 222 00:05:13,947 --> 00:05:15,949 - Yeah, definitely 223 00:05:13,947 --> 00:05:15,949 a little unjust, 224 00:05:15,949 --> 00:05:18,451 and I think once Fraser 225 00:05:15,949 --> 00:05:18,451 becomes a chief stew, 226 00:05:18,451 --> 00:05:20,286 he'll understand it 227 00:05:18,451 --> 00:05:20,286 a little more. 228 00:05:20,286 --> 00:05:23,889 - Um, Rayna concurred 229 00:05:20,286 --> 00:05:23,889 with Fraser 230 00:05:23,889 --> 00:05:24,824 that he was speaking 231 00:05:23,889 --> 00:05:24,824 nothing but facts. 232 00:05:24,824 --> 00:05:28,795 How would a deckhand know how 233 00:05:24,824 --> 00:05:28,795 you were running your interior? 234 00:05:28,795 --> 00:05:30,463 - Well, it's easy. 235 00:05:28,795 --> 00:05:30,463 They're best friends, 236 00:05:30,463 --> 00:05:32,966 so obviously they're gonna kinda 237 00:05:30,463 --> 00:05:32,966 have each other's back. 238 00:05:32,966 --> 00:05:34,500 And I can understand that, 239 00:05:34,500 --> 00:05:38,338 but she's never 240 00:05:34,500 --> 00:05:38,338 on the interior, so. 241 00:05:38,338 --> 00:05:40,673 You know, obviously. 242 00:05:40,673 --> 00:05:42,709 - Fraser was adamant 243 00:05:40,673 --> 00:05:42,709 that you were pulling him 244 00:05:42,709 --> 00:05:45,177 in too many different directions 245 00:05:42,709 --> 00:05:45,177 the first charter 246 00:05:45,177 --> 00:05:48,314 and not running the interior 247 00:05:45,177 --> 00:05:48,314 as smoothly as he expected. 248 00:05:48,314 --> 00:05:52,685 To what do you attest 249 00:05:48,314 --> 00:05:52,685 to his feeling this way? 250 00:05:52,685 --> 00:05:54,454 - I can understand 251 00:05:52,685 --> 00:05:54,454 his frustration. 252 00:05:54,454 --> 00:05:56,456 He came off 253 00:05:54,454 --> 00:05:56,456 of a 90-meter boat 254 00:05:56,456 --> 00:05:59,459 where he usually only has 255 00:05:56,456 --> 00:05:59,459 two guests on at a time. 256 00:05:59,459 --> 00:06:02,528 He's not used to having 257 00:05:59,459 --> 00:06:02,528 eight guests being on charter 258 00:06:02,528 --> 00:06:05,649 and have to be a stew 259 00:06:02,528 --> 00:06:05,649 on a smaller boat. 260 00:06:05,649 --> 00:06:07,334 On a smaller boat, 261 00:06:05,649 --> 00:06:07,334 you have to wear many hats. 262 00:06:07,334 --> 00:06:09,134 You have to jump 263 00:06:07,334 --> 00:06:09,134 through service, 264 00:06:09,134 --> 00:06:12,379 go back to beds and heads, 265 00:06:09,134 --> 00:06:12,379 go back to helping Rachel, 266 00:06:12,379 --> 00:06:13,238 do some laundry. 267 00:06:13,238 --> 00:06:14,641 You have to be 268 00:06:13,238 --> 00:06:14,641 all over the place. 269 00:06:14,641 --> 00:06:15,675 And if you can't 270 00:06:14,641 --> 00:06:15,675 handle that, 271 00:06:15,675 --> 00:06:17,776 maybe you shouldn't be 272 00:06:15,675 --> 00:06:17,776 on a charter yacht. 273 00:06:17,776 --> 00:06:20,747 - Um, why was it 274 00:06:17,776 --> 00:06:20,747 that Fraser, uh, 275 00:06:20,747 --> 00:06:23,382 knew where to locate 276 00:06:20,747 --> 00:06:23,382 the dust pan on the vessel, 277 00:06:23,382 --> 00:06:25,617 but when Rayna radioed you 278 00:06:23,382 --> 00:06:25,617 looking for it, 279 00:06:25,617 --> 00:06:26,720 you told her 280 00:06:25,617 --> 00:06:26,720 you didn't know 281 00:06:26,720 --> 00:06:29,221 and didn't have time 282 00:06:26,720 --> 00:06:29,221 to look for her? 283 00:06:29,221 --> 00:06:32,125 - It was the first 48 hours 284 00:06:29,221 --> 00:06:32,125 I'd been on that boat 285 00:06:32,125 --> 00:06:34,827 dealing with an all-new crew, 286 00:06:32,125 --> 00:06:34,827 charter guests, 287 00:06:34,827 --> 00:06:36,862 trying to make sure 288 00:06:34,827 --> 00:06:36,862 everything's going smoothly. 289 00:06:36,862 --> 00:06:38,639 At the end of the day 290 00:06:36,862 --> 00:06:38,639 I was like, 291 00:06:38,639 --> 00:06:39,531 go grab a piece of paper 292 00:06:38,639 --> 00:06:39,531 from the bridge 293 00:06:39,531 --> 00:06:40,766 and make that 294 00:06:39,531 --> 00:06:40,766 your dust pan. 295 00:06:40,766 --> 00:06:43,136 Like, there's bigger fish 296 00:06:40,766 --> 00:06:43,136 to fry right now. 297 00:06:43,136 --> 00:06:46,172 It's all bigger picture. 298 00:06:43,136 --> 00:06:46,172 - Well done, Heather. 299 00:06:46,172 --> 00:06:48,141 Thank you very much. 300 00:06:46,172 --> 00:06:48,141 [cheers and applause] 301 00:06:48,141 --> 00:06:50,810 Uh, well, Captain Lee 302 00:06:48,141 --> 00:06:50,810 was so mad 303 00:06:50,810 --> 00:06:52,678 at his unruly charter guests, 304 00:06:52,678 --> 00:06:55,281 that he said pissed-on chickens 305 00:06:52,678 --> 00:06:55,281 can't compare. 306 00:06:55,281 --> 00:06:56,548 But if Alex 307 00:06:55,281 --> 00:06:56,548 doesn't answer 308 00:06:56,548 --> 00:06:57,983 my next set of questions 309 00:06:56,548 --> 00:06:57,983 carefully, 310 00:06:57,983 --> 00:07:01,286 he might piss off a few 311 00:06:57,983 --> 00:07:01,286 mother hens in the interior. 312 00:07:01,286 --> 00:07:03,790 Alex, it's time 313 00:07:01,286 --> 00:07:03,790 to Choose Your Chief. 314 00:07:03,790 --> 00:07:05,425 Pick your answers 315 00:07:03,790 --> 00:07:05,425 to my questions 316 00:07:05,425 --> 00:07:07,560 between your chief stew 317 00:07:05,425 --> 00:07:07,560 pal Heather 318 00:07:07,560 --> 00:07:10,196 and your chief stew 319 00:07:07,560 --> 00:07:10,196 from "Below Deck Med" Hannah. 320 00:07:10,196 --> 00:07:11,398 Here we go. 321 00:07:11,398 --> 00:07:15,668 Which chief do you find yourself 322 00:07:11,398 --> 00:07:15,668 the most attracted to? 323 00:07:15,668 --> 00:07:16,802 - Well, uh, Heather. 324 00:07:16,802 --> 00:07:19,172 I tried to serenade her 325 00:07:16,802 --> 00:07:19,172 the first time I met her. 326 00:07:19,172 --> 00:07:20,706 [laughing] 327 00:07:19,172 --> 00:07:20,706 - Uh, who is 328 00:07:20,706 --> 00:07:22,442 the bigger micromanager? 329 00:07:24,439 --> 00:07:26,178 - Um, probably Hannah. 330 00:07:26,178 --> 00:07:28,247 - Who do you believe 331 00:07:26,178 --> 00:07:28,247 runs a tighter ship? 332 00:07:30,550 --> 00:07:31,850 - Heather. 333 00:07:31,850 --> 00:07:35,187 - Uh, who do you feel 334 00:07:31,850 --> 00:07:35,187 has a stankier attitude 335 00:07:35,187 --> 00:07:37,891 during charters? 336 00:07:37,891 --> 00:07:39,259 - Oh, Hannah. 337 00:07:39,259 --> 00:07:41,961 - Uh, who has a better 338 00:07:39,259 --> 00:07:41,961 bedside manner with guests? 339 00:07:44,497 --> 00:07:46,432 - Probably, uh-- 340 00:07:44,497 --> 00:07:46,432 probably, um-- 341 00:07:46,432 --> 00:07:48,435 Heather. 342 00:07:46,432 --> 00:07:48,435 She flirts a lot. 343 00:07:48,435 --> 00:07:50,769 - Who buckled the most 344 00:07:48,435 --> 00:07:50,769 under pressure? 345 00:07:55,274 --> 00:07:56,576 - Hannah. 346 00:07:56,576 --> 00:08:00,612 - Uh, who's the better wingwoman 347 00:07:56,576 --> 00:08:00,612 when out at a bar? 348 00:08:00,612 --> 00:08:02,415 - Oh, Heather all day. 349 00:08:02,415 --> 00:08:03,682 - Uh, who was 350 00:08:02,415 --> 00:08:03,682 the biggest potstirrer? 351 00:08:07,721 --> 00:08:10,230 - Oh, Hannah. 352 00:08:10,230 --> 00:08:12,125 - Who's more involved-- 353 00:08:10,230 --> 00:08:12,125 who's more likely 354 00:08:12,125 --> 00:08:14,793 to be involved in 355 00:08:12,125 --> 00:08:14,793 a hot tub triple kiss? 356 00:08:16,730 --> 00:08:18,365 - Heather. 357 00:08:16,730 --> 00:08:18,365 [laughing] 358 00:08:18,365 --> 00:08:20,667 - Thank you very much, 359 00:08:18,365 --> 00:08:20,667 Alex Radcliffe. 360 00:08:20,667 --> 00:08:23,302 [cheering and applause] 361 00:08:20,667 --> 00:08:23,302 Well, my guests might think 362 00:08:23,302 --> 00:08:25,372 I'm shady, but a certain 363 00:08:23,302 --> 00:08:25,372 someone's about to go 364 00:08:25,372 --> 00:08:28,608 so ham on them, they might 365 00:08:25,372 --> 00:08:28,608 wish they could shove an apple 366 00:08:28,608 --> 00:08:32,177 in his mouth. 367 00:08:28,608 --> 00:08:32,177 Oh, Shady Roast Pig! 368 00:08:32,177 --> 00:08:33,446 [oinking] 369 00:08:33,446 --> 00:08:36,515 - Who's ready to feast 370 00:08:33,446 --> 00:08:36,515 on these questions? 371 00:08:36,515 --> 00:08:40,419 - Oh my god. This porky fella 372 00:08:36,515 --> 00:08:40,419 has jumped off his spit 373 00:08:40,419 --> 00:08:42,822 to spit shady questions 374 00:08:40,419 --> 00:08:42,822 to both of you 375 00:08:42,822 --> 00:08:44,390 until your tails curl. 376 00:08:44,390 --> 00:08:46,960 What's the first one, 377 00:08:44,390 --> 00:08:46,960 Shady Pig? 378 00:08:46,960 --> 00:08:50,929 - Heather, since he had 379 00:08:46,960 --> 00:08:50,929 so much to say about yours, 380 00:08:50,929 --> 00:08:53,700 what are three complaints 381 00:08:50,929 --> 00:08:53,700 you have about 382 00:08:53,700 --> 00:08:55,735 Fraser's work ethic? 383 00:08:53,700 --> 00:08:55,735 [oinking] 384 00:08:57,236 --> 00:08:59,720 - I wouldn't say 385 00:08:57,236 --> 00:08:59,720 I have any complaints 386 00:08:59,720 --> 00:09:01,640 about his work ethic. I would 387 00:08:59,720 --> 00:09:01,640 more say I have complaints 388 00:09:01,640 --> 00:09:04,244 about his integrity, 389 00:09:01,640 --> 00:09:04,244 his lack of willing 390 00:09:04,244 --> 00:09:07,681 to speak up 391 00:09:04,244 --> 00:09:07,681 in person, and, um, 392 00:09:07,681 --> 00:09:09,215 his lack to see 393 00:09:07,681 --> 00:09:09,215 the bigger picture, 394 00:09:09,215 --> 00:09:11,250 which are all pretty 395 00:09:09,215 --> 00:09:11,250 big characteristics 396 00:09:11,250 --> 00:09:14,453 if you look to be 397 00:09:11,250 --> 00:09:14,453 a successful chief stew one day. 398 00:09:14,453 --> 00:09:16,822 - All right, c'mon, pig. 399 00:09:14,453 --> 00:09:16,822 What's your que-- uh, 400 00:09:16,822 --> 00:09:18,240 question for Alex? 401 00:09:16,822 --> 00:09:18,240 [oinking] 402 00:09:18,240 --> 00:09:21,860 - Alex, what's one way 403 00:09:18,240 --> 00:09:21,860 Captain Sandy could improve 404 00:09:21,860 --> 00:09:24,330 as a leader? 405 00:09:24,330 --> 00:09:28,168 - I love the-the-- 406 00:09:24,330 --> 00:09:28,168 the New York accent on the pig. 407 00:09:28,168 --> 00:09:30,336 As a lead-uh! 408 00:09:30,336 --> 00:09:32,605 - Uh, as a lead-uh, 409 00:09:30,336 --> 00:09:32,605 dude. Wicked! 410 00:09:32,605 --> 00:09:36,775 Uh, probably not-- 411 00:09:32,605 --> 00:09:36,775 not micromanage, uh, 412 00:09:36,775 --> 00:09:38,912 micromanage so much. 413 00:09:38,912 --> 00:09:42,480 - Okay. Shady Pig, 414 00:09:38,912 --> 00:09:42,480 gimme another one. 415 00:09:42,480 --> 00:09:45,751 [oinking] 416 00:09:42,480 --> 00:09:45,751 - Heather, marry, shag, kill: 417 00:09:45,751 --> 00:09:49,389 Jake, Wes, Eddie. 418 00:09:49,389 --> 00:09:50,823 [laughing] 419 00:09:50,823 --> 00:09:54,626 - I would marry Eddie, 420 00:09:54,626 --> 00:09:58,431 shag Wes, 421 00:09:54,626 --> 00:09:58,431 and kill Fraser. 422 00:09:58,431 --> 00:10:02,101 - Oh. Okay, 423 00:09:58,431 --> 00:10:02,101 one more, Shady Pig. 424 00:10:02,101 --> 00:10:04,169 - Alex, you admitted that 425 00:10:04,169 --> 00:10:06,873 you're a grower, 426 00:10:04,169 --> 00:10:06,873 not a shower, 427 00:10:06,873 --> 00:10:10,143 but which former "Below Deck" 428 00:10:06,873 --> 00:10:10,143 cast member 429 00:10:10,143 --> 00:10:12,979 do you think is 430 00:10:10,143 --> 00:10:12,979 the biggest dick? 431 00:10:15,280 --> 00:10:17,549 - Oh, Kelly Johnson. 432 00:10:15,280 --> 00:10:17,549 It's all over line. 433 00:10:17,549 --> 00:10:19,885 It's all online, 434 00:10:17,549 --> 00:10:19,885 all day. 435 00:10:20,986 --> 00:10:23,255 - It's a good picture. 436 00:10:23,255 --> 00:10:25,580 - Yeah, no, yeah, 437 00:10:23,255 --> 00:10:25,580 it's my screensaver. 438 00:10:25,580 --> 00:10:26,826 It's-- it-- it doesn't fit 439 00:10:25,580 --> 00:10:26,826 on the whole screen. 440 00:10:26,826 --> 00:10:28,495 - Yeah. 441 00:10:26,826 --> 00:10:28,495 [chuckling] 442 00:10:28,495 --> 00:10:30,429 Thanks, Shady Roast Pig! 443 00:10:28,495 --> 00:10:30,429 We appreciate it. 444 00:10:30,429 --> 00:10:31,798 [oinking] 445 00:10:30,429 --> 00:10:31,798 - Bye, babes! 446 00:10:31,798 --> 00:10:33,298 - All right, coming up 447 00:10:31,798 --> 00:10:33,298 we have more with these two. 448 00:10:33,298 --> 00:10:35,100 Here's who's stopping by 449 00:10:33,298 --> 00:10:35,100 later this week. 450 00:10:35,100 --> 00:10:37,504 Don't go anywhere. 451 00:10:37,504 --> 00:10:40,373 [cheering and applause] 452 00:10:41,740 --> 00:10:46,645 * Below deck 453 00:10:41,740 --> 00:10:46,645 below deck * 454 00:10:47,413 --> 00:10:49,481 * Come along with us 455 00:10:47,413 --> 00:10:49,481 below deck * 456 00:10:49,481 --> 00:10:50,950 [cheering and applause] 457 00:10:49,481 --> 00:10:50,950 - Hey, everybody, 458 00:10:50,950 --> 00:10:52,719 welcome back to 459 00:10:50,950 --> 00:10:52,719 "Watch What Happens Live." 460 00:10:52,719 --> 00:10:54,653 I'm Andy Cohen in 461 00:10:52,719 --> 00:10:54,653 the Bravo Clubhouse, 462 00:10:54,653 --> 00:10:56,956 with a "Below Deck" 463 00:10:54,653 --> 00:10:56,956 crewmate crossover. 464 00:10:56,956 --> 00:11:00,460 From "Below Deck," it's 465 00:10:56,956 --> 00:11:00,460 My Seanna's chief stew, Heather. 466 00:11:00,460 --> 00:11:04,639 And Alex, from "Galley Talk: 467 00:11:00,460 --> 00:11:04,639 Best of Below Deck." 468 00:11:04,639 --> 00:11:07,701 Boy, Alex, you really 469 00:11:04,639 --> 00:11:07,701 dressed up tonight, huh? 470 00:11:07,701 --> 00:11:11,710 - Um, so Andy, I said 471 00:11:07,701 --> 00:11:11,710 I will never dress up again 472 00:11:11,710 --> 00:11:12,672 on your show unless 473 00:11:11,710 --> 00:11:12,672 I'm in person. 474 00:11:12,672 --> 00:11:15,642 So I'm wearing a sweatshirt 475 00:11:12,672 --> 00:11:15,642 and sweatpants. 476 00:11:15,642 --> 00:11:17,443 - I didn't get that memo. 477 00:11:17,443 --> 00:11:18,745 - Well, you look 478 00:11:17,443 --> 00:11:18,745 beautiful, Heather, 479 00:11:18,745 --> 00:11:21,313 and we thank you 480 00:11:18,745 --> 00:11:21,313 for dressing for us tonight. 481 00:11:21,313 --> 00:11:24,384 Drinking game reminder, 482 00:11:21,313 --> 00:11:24,384 anytime you hear this word, 483 00:11:24,384 --> 00:11:28,187 in honor of Heather serving 484 00:11:24,384 --> 00:11:28,187 "linner," aka lunch and dinner, 485 00:11:28,187 --> 00:11:29,522 if it's legal 486 00:11:28,187 --> 00:11:29,522 where you are, 487 00:11:29,522 --> 00:11:32,359 get "hunk," as in 488 00:11:29,522 --> 00:11:32,359 high and drunk. 489 00:11:32,359 --> 00:11:34,293 And guess what? If you 490 00:11:32,359 --> 00:11:34,293 haven't watched tonight's 491 00:11:34,293 --> 00:11:37,263 "Below Deck" yet, it'll drop 492 00:11:34,293 --> 00:11:37,263 on Peacock tomorrow, 493 00:11:37,263 --> 00:11:41,100 check it out. Let's go 494 00:11:37,263 --> 00:11:41,100 to our virtual fans. 495 00:11:41,100 --> 00:11:44,370 Okay, our question for Heather 496 00:11:41,100 --> 00:11:44,370 just dropped out, 497 00:11:44,370 --> 00:11:46,438 but we have 498 00:11:44,370 --> 00:11:46,438 a question for Alex. 499 00:11:46,438 --> 00:11:49,442 Uh, Tanya and Christine 500 00:11:46,438 --> 00:11:49,442 from Chicago are here. 501 00:11:49,442 --> 00:11:51,911 What's your question 502 00:11:49,442 --> 00:11:51,911 for Alex? 503 00:11:51,911 --> 00:11:54,114 - Andy, congrats on 504 00:11:51,911 --> 00:11:54,114 "Glitter Every Day." 505 00:11:54,114 --> 00:11:56,115 - Thank you so much! 506 00:11:54,114 --> 00:11:56,115 [cheering and applause] 507 00:11:56,115 --> 00:11:59,119 - Cheers! 508 00:11:56,115 --> 00:11:59,119 - It's out now! 509 00:11:59,119 --> 00:12:03,559 - Hi, Heather. 510 00:11:59,119 --> 00:12:03,559 - Hi! 511 00:12:03,559 --> 00:12:06,919 - Alex, our question is for you. 512 00:12:03,559 --> 00:12:06,919 - Ooh! 513 00:12:06,919 --> 00:12:07,793 - Do you think it was 514 00:12:06,919 --> 00:12:07,793 a mistake on Eddie's part 515 00:12:07,793 --> 00:12:11,970 to name a lead deck 516 00:12:07,793 --> 00:12:11,970 so early in the season? 517 00:12:11,970 --> 00:12:12,399 - Uh-- 518 00:12:11,970 --> 00:12:12,399 - Especially since 519 00:12:12,399 --> 00:12:14,967 Jake and Rayna started 520 00:12:12,399 --> 00:12:14,967 having issues immediately after? 521 00:12:16,870 --> 00:12:20,139 - So, I see Eddie's standpoint 522 00:12:16,870 --> 00:12:20,139 that he-- he just wants to-- 523 00:12:20,139 --> 00:12:22,908 you know-- you know, 524 00:12:20,139 --> 00:12:22,908 bite the bullet right away 525 00:12:22,908 --> 00:12:24,576 and-and get that 526 00:12:22,908 --> 00:12:24,576 lead deck in, so it-- 527 00:12:24,576 --> 00:12:26,245 you know, there's not 528 00:12:24,576 --> 00:12:26,245 a lot of drama. 529 00:12:26,245 --> 00:12:28,748 I get that, but, uh-- 530 00:12:26,245 --> 00:12:28,748 no, yeah, I'm on Eddie's side. 531 00:12:28,748 --> 00:12:30,783 I'm on Eddie's side. 532 00:12:30,783 --> 00:12:32,885 - All right, thank you 533 00:12:30,783 --> 00:12:32,885 so much in Chicago. 534 00:12:32,885 --> 00:12:34,120 [cheering and applause] 535 00:12:34,120 --> 00:12:37,790 By the way, today's quote 536 00:12:34,120 --> 00:12:37,790 is from Celine Dion. 537 00:12:37,790 --> 00:12:40,826 "Some people do drugs 538 00:12:37,790 --> 00:12:40,826 and go out every weekend. 539 00:12:40,826 --> 00:12:43,996 "I built a water park." 540 00:12:43,996 --> 00:12:45,999 That being said, 541 00:12:43,996 --> 00:12:45,999 I don't know that she did. 542 00:12:45,999 --> 00:12:48,600 But, uh, what-- 543 00:12:48,600 --> 00:12:51,136 I-I'm so curious, Heather, 544 00:12:48,600 --> 00:12:51,136 what your reaction 545 00:12:51,136 --> 00:12:53,306 watching the show 546 00:12:51,136 --> 00:12:53,306 back has been 547 00:12:53,306 --> 00:12:56,475 to Fraser talking 548 00:12:53,306 --> 00:12:56,475 under his breath, 549 00:12:56,475 --> 00:12:59,546 uh, and, you know, he's talking 550 00:12:56,475 --> 00:12:59,546 under his breath a lot, 551 00:12:59,546 --> 00:13:03,490 and saying shady things. 552 00:12:59,546 --> 00:13:03,490 Did you know that was happening 553 00:13:03,490 --> 00:13:06,785 at the time, or is this 554 00:13:03,490 --> 00:13:06,785 all news to you? 555 00:13:06,785 --> 00:13:09,589 - I'm actually very shocked, 556 00:13:06,785 --> 00:13:09,589 I had no idea he was 557 00:13:09,589 --> 00:13:11,957 speaking under his breath 558 00:13:09,589 --> 00:13:11,957 so much, but you know what? 559 00:13:11,957 --> 00:13:13,592 Power to him. We all 560 00:13:11,957 --> 00:13:13,592 have to get it out 561 00:13:13,592 --> 00:13:15,950 in some way 562 00:13:13,592 --> 00:13:15,950 or another. 563 00:13:15,950 --> 00:13:18,331 - And did you have any idea 564 00:13:15,950 --> 00:13:18,331 that Fraser and Jessica 565 00:13:18,331 --> 00:13:21,668 were Team Anti-Heather 566 00:13:18,331 --> 00:13:21,668 so quickly? 567 00:13:23,269 --> 00:13:25,871 - You know what? 568 00:13:23,269 --> 00:13:25,871 In your first week on a boat, 569 00:13:25,871 --> 00:13:27,841 you're looking for 570 00:13:25,871 --> 00:13:27,841 anything to bond over, 571 00:13:27,841 --> 00:13:30,759 and if it has to be 572 00:13:27,841 --> 00:13:30,759 hating me for-- 573 00:13:30,759 --> 00:13:32,644 to get them to do work, 574 00:13:30,759 --> 00:13:32,644 then so be it. 575 00:13:32,644 --> 00:13:35,381 - All right. Alex, 576 00:13:32,644 --> 00:13:35,381 Monica N. wants to know 577 00:13:35,381 --> 00:13:38,840 how you think Malia did 578 00:13:35,381 --> 00:13:38,840 during her second season 579 00:13:38,840 --> 00:13:42,522 as bosun, and if you would 580 00:13:38,840 --> 00:13:42,522 wanna work with her again? 581 00:13:42,522 --> 00:13:45,424 - Yeah, I thought Malia 582 00:13:42,522 --> 00:13:45,424 came back, and after 583 00:13:45,424 --> 00:13:47,427 all the drama and stuff 584 00:13:45,424 --> 00:13:47,427 she had to deal with, 585 00:13:47,427 --> 00:13:48,861 I thought she-- 586 00:13:47,427 --> 00:13:48,861 I thought she killed it. 587 00:13:48,861 --> 00:13:50,363 I thought she was 588 00:13:48,861 --> 00:13:50,363 a really good leader. 589 00:13:50,363 --> 00:13:53,667 She was-- she was very vocal, 590 00:13:50,363 --> 00:13:53,667 very understanding, 591 00:13:53,667 --> 00:13:55,934 and yeah, I would work 592 00:13:53,667 --> 00:13:55,934 with her in a heartbeat. 593 00:13:55,934 --> 00:13:58,538 - Heather, did you think 594 00:13:55,934 --> 00:13:58,538 Justin's apology to you 595 00:13:58,538 --> 00:14:02,442 was sincere, and have you 596 00:13:58,538 --> 00:14:02,442 ever had-- been in a situation 597 00:14:02,442 --> 00:14:05,412 where a charter guest has 598 00:14:02,442 --> 00:14:05,412 had to apologize to you? 599 00:14:07,799 --> 00:14:10,216 - I've never been in a situation 600 00:14:07,799 --> 00:14:10,216 where a charter guest 601 00:14:10,216 --> 00:14:13,552 needs to apologize to me. 602 00:14:10,216 --> 00:14:13,552 Was it genuine? 603 00:14:13,552 --> 00:14:16,789 Yeah, I genuinely think his tail 604 00:14:13,552 --> 00:14:16,789 was between his legs, 605 00:14:16,789 --> 00:14:18,457 and at the end of the day 606 00:14:16,789 --> 00:14:18,457 I just want them 607 00:14:18,457 --> 00:14:21,461 to have a great 608 00:14:18,457 --> 00:14:21,461 rest of their trip. 609 00:14:21,461 --> 00:14:22,928 Take the apology and run. 610 00:14:21,461 --> 00:14:22,928 - Should you-- 611 00:14:22,928 --> 00:14:26,966 should you have received 612 00:14:22,928 --> 00:14:26,966 a larger tip from them, 613 00:14:26,966 --> 00:14:28,967 given what horrible 614 00:14:26,966 --> 00:14:28,967 guests they were? 615 00:14:28,967 --> 00:14:33,306 You guys got $19,800. 616 00:14:33,306 --> 00:14:34,407 [whistling] 617 00:14:34,407 --> 00:14:38,345 - You know, 618 00:14:34,407 --> 00:14:38,345 it's not a wow sum tip. 619 00:14:38,345 --> 00:14:39,879 Should we have gotten more? 620 00:14:38,345 --> 00:14:39,879 Of course. 621 00:14:39,879 --> 00:14:42,182 There's always money 622 00:14:39,879 --> 00:14:42,182 left on the table. 623 00:14:42,182 --> 00:14:43,682 And especially after the way 624 00:14:42,182 --> 00:14:43,682 they treated 625 00:14:43,682 --> 00:14:45,585 every single one 626 00:14:43,682 --> 00:14:45,585 of our crew members, 627 00:14:45,585 --> 00:14:47,886 but you know what, 628 00:14:47,886 --> 00:14:50,423 let's just look at their class 629 00:14:47,886 --> 00:14:50,423 and let that answer for it. 630 00:14:50,423 --> 00:14:53,326 - Ooh. Heather, by the way, 631 00:14:50,423 --> 00:14:53,326 how did you become 632 00:14:53,326 --> 00:14:55,961 a chief stew 633 00:14:53,326 --> 00:14:55,961 at only 26 years old? 634 00:14:55,961 --> 00:14:59,990 You must be 635 00:14:55,961 --> 00:14:59,990 one of the youngest. 636 00:14:59,990 --> 00:15:02,235 - She's a rock star. 637 00:14:59,990 --> 00:15:02,235 - I've been in the indust-- 638 00:15:02,235 --> 00:15:03,470 Thank you, Alex. 639 00:15:03,470 --> 00:15:05,471 I've been in this industry 640 00:15:03,470 --> 00:15:05,471 for five years. 641 00:15:05,471 --> 00:15:06,572 Look, it wasn't easy. 642 00:15:06,572 --> 00:15:09,475 I haven't had a single holiday 643 00:15:06,572 --> 00:15:09,475 with my family. 644 00:15:09,475 --> 00:15:11,510 I haven't done Christmas, 645 00:15:09,475 --> 00:15:11,510 New Year's. 646 00:15:11,510 --> 00:15:13,546 I've been working 647 00:15:11,510 --> 00:15:13,546 every step of the way. 648 00:15:13,546 --> 00:15:17,500 So for five years straight, 649 00:15:13,546 --> 00:15:17,500 no vacations back home. 650 00:15:17,500 --> 00:15:19,686 It really goes to show 651 00:15:17,500 --> 00:15:19,686 why I've moved up so quickly. 652 00:15:19,686 --> 00:15:22,221 But the youngest there is? 653 00:15:22,221 --> 00:15:23,789 That's just because 654 00:15:22,221 --> 00:15:23,789 the majority of people 655 00:15:23,789 --> 00:15:26,292 don't start yachting 656 00:15:23,789 --> 00:15:26,292 'til they're in their 30s, 657 00:15:26,292 --> 00:15:28,961 so it's not my fault 658 00:15:26,292 --> 00:15:28,961 I started at a younger age. 659 00:15:28,961 --> 00:15:31,297 It doesn't mean that I didn't 660 00:15:28,961 --> 00:15:31,297 put in the work to get there. 661 00:15:31,297 --> 00:15:32,664 - Very good. 662 00:15:31,297 --> 00:15:32,664 [cheers and applause] 663 00:15:32,664 --> 00:15:34,334 Alex, Serena S. said, 664 00:15:34,334 --> 00:15:37,700 "in honor of tonight's 665 00:15:34,334 --> 00:15:37,700 threeway makeout in the hot tub, 666 00:15:37,700 --> 00:15:39,720 have you ever indulged 667 00:15:37,700 --> 00:15:39,720 in a threesome?" 668 00:15:39,720 --> 00:15:41,774 Well, we know 669 00:15:39,720 --> 00:15:41,774 the answer to this. 670 00:15:41,774 --> 00:15:42,841 - Yeah. 671 00:15:42,841 --> 00:15:44,376 - Alex, are you 672 00:15:42,841 --> 00:15:44,376 a good hockey coach? 673 00:15:44,376 --> 00:15:47,799 - Uh, no. 674 00:15:44,376 --> 00:15:47,799 [laughter] 675 00:15:47,799 --> 00:15:50,750 - Re-- what age group 676 00:15:47,799 --> 00:15:50,750 are you a hockey coach for? 677 00:15:52,850 --> 00:15:54,486 - These kids are 17-20, 678 00:15:54,486 --> 00:15:57,356 so a lot of them, they already 679 00:15:54,486 --> 00:15:57,356 graduated high school, 680 00:15:57,356 --> 00:15:58,658 and they are 681 00:15:57,356 --> 00:15:58,658 playing juniors. 682 00:15:58,658 --> 00:16:01,494 We travel all around, like, 683 00:15:58,658 --> 00:16:01,494 New England and the East Coast 684 00:16:01,494 --> 00:16:02,796 to get them to colleges. 685 00:16:02,796 --> 00:16:06,599 - Wow, and are you 686 00:16:02,796 --> 00:16:06,599 a good hockey player? 687 00:16:06,599 --> 00:16:08,934 - Uh, I haven't played 688 00:16:06,599 --> 00:16:08,934 in four years. 689 00:16:08,934 --> 00:16:10,703 But I just like-- 690 00:16:10,703 --> 00:16:13,389 I just like to hit people 691 00:16:10,703 --> 00:16:13,389 and fight people. 692 00:16:13,389 --> 00:16:14,173 [laughter] 693 00:16:13,389 --> 00:16:14,173 - I love it. 694 00:16:14,173 --> 00:16:16,775 All right, 695 00:16:14,173 --> 00:16:16,775 at only 26 years old, 696 00:16:16,775 --> 00:16:20,447 Heather's basically 697 00:16:16,775 --> 00:16:20,447 a baby in chief stew years, 698 00:16:20,447 --> 00:16:22,615 which explains 699 00:16:20,447 --> 00:16:22,615 why she's had no problem 700 00:16:22,615 --> 00:16:24,783 peeing in the hot tub 701 00:16:22,615 --> 00:16:24,783 in front of everyone. 702 00:16:24,783 --> 00:16:27,870 So I wanna put questions 703 00:16:24,783 --> 00:16:27,870 about her age to bed 704 00:16:27,870 --> 00:16:30,923 just like the crew tried 705 00:16:27,870 --> 00:16:30,923 to put Justin to bed tonight, 706 00:16:30,923 --> 00:16:32,225 as we play... 707 00:16:35,294 --> 00:16:37,263 We're gonna present you both 708 00:16:35,294 --> 00:16:37,263 with some famous faces. 709 00:16:37,263 --> 00:16:40,299 You'll guess if they're 710 00:16:37,263 --> 00:16:40,299 older or younger than Heather. 711 00:16:40,299 --> 00:16:44,700 Okay, Timothy Chalamet, 712 00:16:40,299 --> 00:16:44,700 older or younger than Heather? 713 00:16:44,700 --> 00:16:45,938 Heather. 714 00:16:44,700 --> 00:16:45,938 - Younger. 715 00:16:45,938 --> 00:16:48,540 - Alex. 716 00:16:45,938 --> 00:16:48,540 - Older, older. 717 00:16:48,540 --> 00:16:50,610 - He is younger; he's 25. 718 00:16:48,540 --> 00:16:50,610 [bell dings] 719 00:16:50,610 --> 00:16:51,845 Heather gets a point. 720 00:16:51,845 --> 00:16:54,813 Lil' Nas X, is he older 721 00:16:51,845 --> 00:16:54,813 than Heather? 722 00:16:54,813 --> 00:16:57,283 Heather. 723 00:16:54,813 --> 00:16:57,283 - Older. 724 00:16:57,283 --> 00:17:01,120 - Alex. 725 00:16:57,283 --> 00:17:01,120 - Yeah, I think he's 28. 726 00:17:01,120 --> 00:17:03,230 - No, younger; he's 22. 727 00:17:01,120 --> 00:17:03,230 [buzzer] 728 00:17:03,230 --> 00:17:05,759 Is Pete Davidson older 729 00:17:03,230 --> 00:17:05,759 than Heather? 730 00:17:05,759 --> 00:17:07,259 Heather. 731 00:17:05,759 --> 00:17:07,259 - Yeah. 732 00:17:07,259 --> 00:17:09,229 - Oh, yeah. 733 00:17:09,229 --> 00:17:11,330 - Yes, he is; he's 27 734 00:17:09,229 --> 00:17:11,330 [bell dings] 735 00:17:11,330 --> 00:17:13,900 Hailey Bieber, 736 00:17:11,330 --> 00:17:13,900 older than Heather? 737 00:17:13,900 --> 00:17:16,201 Heather. 738 00:17:13,900 --> 00:17:16,201 - No. 739 00:17:16,201 --> 00:17:19,720 - Alex. 740 00:17:16,201 --> 00:17:19,720 - No. 741 00:17:19,720 --> 00:17:20,440 - No, she's not; she's 24. 742 00:17:19,720 --> 00:17:20,440 [bell dings] 743 00:17:20,440 --> 00:17:24,344 What about Dakota Fanning? 744 00:17:20,440 --> 00:17:24,344 Is she older than Heather? 745 00:17:25,845 --> 00:17:28,248 We celebrated 746 00:17:25,845 --> 00:17:28,248 her 21st birthday 747 00:17:28,248 --> 00:17:30,884 in the Clubhouse 748 00:17:28,248 --> 00:17:30,884 with Lisa Rinna. 749 00:17:30,884 --> 00:17:35,654 We had a luge, like, 750 00:17:30,884 --> 00:17:35,654 a shotski luge or something. 751 00:17:35,654 --> 00:17:37,356 - Very Cat in the Hat. 752 00:17:35,654 --> 00:17:37,356 I like it. 753 00:17:37,356 --> 00:17:40,926 - Yeah. 754 00:17:37,356 --> 00:17:40,926 - Yeah, she's definitely older. 755 00:17:40,926 --> 00:17:42,228 - No, she's younger. 756 00:17:42,228 --> 00:17:44,970 - She is older; she's 27. 757 00:17:42,228 --> 00:17:44,970 [bell dings] 758 00:17:44,970 --> 00:17:46,900 What about Jaden Smith? 759 00:17:44,970 --> 00:17:46,900 Is he older than you, Heather? 760 00:17:46,900 --> 00:17:50,636 What do you think, 761 00:17:46,900 --> 00:17:50,636 Heather? 762 00:17:50,636 --> 00:17:52,971 - No, he's younger. 763 00:17:52,971 --> 00:17:56,209 - What about you, Alex? 764 00:17:52,971 --> 00:17:56,209 - Yeah, he's younger. 765 00:17:56,209 --> 00:17:58,243 - Yes, he is younger; he's 23. 766 00:17:56,209 --> 00:17:58,243 [bell dings] 767 00:17:58,243 --> 00:18:00,145 What about our friend 768 00:17:58,243 --> 00:18:00,145 Keke Palmer? 769 00:18:00,145 --> 00:18:04,351 Is she older than you, Heather? 770 00:18:00,145 --> 00:18:04,351 - Yeah, she is. 771 00:18:04,351 --> 00:18:07,653 - Alex. 772 00:18:04,351 --> 00:18:07,653 - Yeah, she's older. 773 00:18:07,653 --> 00:18:09,388 - She is; she's 28. 774 00:18:07,653 --> 00:18:09,388 [bell dings] 775 00:18:09,388 --> 00:18:13,159 All right, thank you very much! 776 00:18:09,388 --> 00:18:13,159 Heather wins the game. 777 00:18:13,159 --> 00:18:14,193 We're gonna be right back. 778 00:18:14,193 --> 00:18:16,863 We've got 779 00:18:14,193 --> 00:18:16,863 a Watch What Happens Five 780 00:18:16,863 --> 00:18:18,565 you're gonna love. 781 00:18:18,664 --> 00:18:28,775 * AC in the NYC 782 00:18:18,664 --> 00:18:28,775 NYC * 783 00:18:28,807 --> 00:18:29,342 [cheering and applause] 784 00:18:30,175 --> 00:18:32,878 - Isn't this a gorgeous 785 00:18:30,175 --> 00:18:32,878 audience tonight? 786 00:18:32,878 --> 00:18:35,809 Welcome back to 787 00:18:32,878 --> 00:18:35,809 "Watch What Happens Live." 788 00:18:35,809 --> 00:18:38,651 I am Andy here 789 00:18:35,809 --> 00:18:38,651 with Heather and Alex. 790 00:18:38,651 --> 00:18:40,319 Great to see you both. 791 00:18:38,651 --> 00:18:40,319 [cheers and applause] 792 00:18:40,319 --> 00:18:42,422 Heather, have you watched 793 00:18:40,319 --> 00:18:42,422 "Below Deck" 794 00:18:42,422 --> 00:18:45,525 before joining the show? 795 00:18:45,525 --> 00:18:47,359 - I dabbled a bit 796 00:18:45,525 --> 00:18:47,359 back in the day 797 00:18:47,359 --> 00:18:51,230 when I shagged Nico, yeah. 798 00:18:47,359 --> 00:18:51,230 - Oh! 799 00:18:52,464 --> 00:18:55,101 - Oh, you shagged Nico. 800 00:18:57,971 --> 00:18:59,806 - Sorry, sorry, 801 00:18:57,971 --> 00:18:59,806 moving on? 802 00:18:59,806 --> 00:19:03,676 [laughter] 803 00:18:59,806 --> 00:19:03,676 - Wow, I like it. 804 00:19:03,676 --> 00:19:06,278 Um, well, you know, that 805 00:19:03,676 --> 00:19:06,278 brings me to my next question. 806 00:19:06,278 --> 00:19:07,646 Brittany T. wants to know, 807 00:19:07,646 --> 00:19:09,148 "if you're still 808 00:19:07,646 --> 00:19:09,148 with your boyfriend 809 00:19:09,148 --> 00:19:13,219 whom you met when he was 810 00:19:09,148 --> 00:19:13,219 a guest on your charter?" 811 00:19:13,219 --> 00:19:16,355 - Actually, 812 00:19:13,219 --> 00:19:16,355 unfortunately, I'm not. 813 00:19:16,355 --> 00:19:20,326 You know, filming takes a-- 814 00:19:16,355 --> 00:19:20,326 working on a charter season 815 00:19:20,326 --> 00:19:22,194 takes a toll 816 00:19:20,326 --> 00:19:22,194 on any relationship, 817 00:19:22,194 --> 00:19:24,730 and that one, uh, 818 00:19:22,194 --> 00:19:24,730 just didn't cut it. 819 00:19:24,730 --> 00:19:26,298 - Al-- excuse me, Alex, 820 00:19:26,298 --> 00:19:28,339 what happened between 821 00:19:26,298 --> 00:19:28,339 you and Heather Gay 822 00:19:28,339 --> 00:19:30,359 after we tried 823 00:19:28,339 --> 00:19:30,359 to set you up 824 00:19:30,359 --> 00:19:34,340 after our Christmas show 825 00:19:30,359 --> 00:19:34,340 last year? 826 00:19:34,340 --> 00:19:37,309 - Me and my boo thang, Heather? 827 00:19:34,340 --> 00:19:37,309 [laughter] 828 00:19:37,309 --> 00:19:40,913 Um, yeah, yeah, we still haven't 829 00:19:37,309 --> 00:19:40,913 seen each other in person yet. 830 00:19:40,913 --> 00:19:42,715 I might be going 831 00:19:40,913 --> 00:19:42,715 to Salt Lake City 832 00:19:42,715 --> 00:19:45,117 to go skiing this winter, 833 00:19:42,715 --> 00:19:45,117 so I might see her. 834 00:19:45,117 --> 00:19:49,255 - Wow, and are you single 835 00:19:45,117 --> 00:19:49,255 right now, Alex? 836 00:19:49,255 --> 00:19:52,157 - No, I just started 837 00:19:49,255 --> 00:19:52,157 a relationship with someone 838 00:19:52,157 --> 00:19:53,926 for the first time 839 00:19:52,157 --> 00:19:53,926 in, like, four years. 840 00:19:53,926 --> 00:19:57,797 - Wow, how does she feel about 841 00:19:53,926 --> 00:19:57,797 you flirting with older men? 842 00:19:59,465 --> 00:20:01,934 - Oh, she loves it. 843 00:19:59,465 --> 00:20:01,934 [laughter] 844 00:20:01,934 --> 00:20:05,305 Guy-- guys only, that's it. 845 00:20:05,305 --> 00:20:08,340 [laughter] 846 00:20:08,340 --> 00:20:10,910 - It's time for 847 00:20:08,340 --> 00:20:10,910 Watch What Happens Five. 848 00:20:10,910 --> 00:20:11,911 All yachties know 849 00:20:11,911 --> 00:20:14,799 that it's a bad idea 850 00:20:11,911 --> 00:20:14,799 to screw the crew. 851 00:20:14,799 --> 00:20:16,819 But Eddie's long-distance 852 00:20:14,799 --> 00:20:16,819 relationship 853 00:20:16,819 --> 00:20:18,218 means he can't even 854 00:20:16,819 --> 00:20:18,218 screw his boo. 855 00:20:18,218 --> 00:20:20,553 In honor of Eddie 856 00:20:18,218 --> 00:20:20,553 trying to keep no secrets 857 00:20:20,553 --> 00:20:22,489 from his long-distance 858 00:20:20,553 --> 00:20:22,489 girlfriend tonight, 859 00:20:22,489 --> 00:20:25,258 we are counting down 860 00:20:22,489 --> 00:20:25,258 the top five long-distance 861 00:20:25,258 --> 00:20:28,361 or secretive relationships 862 00:20:25,258 --> 00:20:28,361 on Bravo. 863 00:20:28,361 --> 00:20:30,497 The #5 pair must be 864 00:20:28,361 --> 00:20:30,497 wearing joggers, 865 00:20:30,497 --> 00:20:32,965 because they've been jogging 866 00:20:30,497 --> 00:20:32,965 through our minds for years. 867 00:20:32,965 --> 00:20:36,102 Sheree and her 868 00:20:32,965 --> 00:20:36,102 prison boyfriend Tyrone. 869 00:20:36,102 --> 00:20:39,500 Despite the fact that one half 870 00:20:36,102 --> 00:20:39,500 of our #4 relationship 871 00:20:39,500 --> 00:20:40,773 was called 872 00:20:39,500 --> 00:20:40,773 the "coupon king," 873 00:20:40,773 --> 00:20:43,308 these two sadly 874 00:20:40,773 --> 00:20:43,308 couldn't crack the code. 875 00:20:43,308 --> 00:20:45,779 It's Tins and Scott. 876 00:20:45,779 --> 00:20:47,747 And as the saying goes, 877 00:20:45,779 --> 00:20:47,747 behind every stud of the sea 878 00:20:47,747 --> 00:20:50,416 is an extremely patient 879 00:20:47,747 --> 00:20:50,416 woman on land. 880 00:20:50,416 --> 00:20:51,651 Do people say that? 881 00:20:51,651 --> 00:20:54,119 It's Captain Lee 882 00:20:51,651 --> 00:20:54,119 and his wife Mary Anne. 883 00:20:54,119 --> 00:20:55,788 That's #3. 884 00:20:55,788 --> 00:20:58,724 People accuse the man 885 00:20:55,788 --> 00:20:58,724 in our #2 relationship 886 00:20:58,724 --> 00:21:00,259 of living inside a phone, 887 00:21:00,259 --> 00:21:04,931 and not long after the romance 888 00:21:00,259 --> 00:21:04,931 was abruptly disconnected. 889 00:21:04,931 --> 00:21:08,680 It is Gizelle 890 00:21:04,931 --> 00:21:08,680 and Jamal Bryant. 891 00:21:08,680 --> 00:21:10,470 And when it comes to 892 00:21:08,680 --> 00:21:10,470 secretive relationships, 893 00:21:10,470 --> 00:21:13,807 first place goes to the man 894 00:21:10,470 --> 00:21:13,807 who never showed his face. 895 00:21:13,807 --> 00:21:16,375 Who can forget Kim Z. 896 00:21:16,375 --> 00:21:19,412 and Big Papa?! 897 00:21:19,412 --> 00:21:21,548 All of that is to say 898 00:21:19,412 --> 00:21:21,548 best of luck 899 00:21:21,548 --> 00:21:23,115 with your romance, Eddie. 900 00:21:23,115 --> 00:21:25,652 I wanna thank Heather 901 00:21:23,115 --> 00:21:25,652 and Alex for being here. 902 00:21:25,652 --> 00:21:27,869 The word of the night 903 00:21:25,652 --> 00:21:27,869 was "Fraser." 904 00:21:27,869 --> 00:21:28,387 We said it 16 times. 905 00:21:28,387 --> 00:21:31,691 If you've been playing 906 00:21:28,387 --> 00:21:31,691 our drinking game, no driving. 907 00:21:31,691 --> 00:21:32,791 Tomorrow night we've got 908 00:21:32,791 --> 00:21:36,960 the Real Housewives 909 00:21:32,791 --> 00:21:36,960 Ultimate Girls Trip ladies 910 00:21:36,960 --> 00:21:37,497 at 10 o'clock. 911 00:21:37,497 --> 00:21:39,499 See you on the aftershow 912 00:21:37,497 --> 00:21:39,499 on Twitter Live. 913 00:21:39,499 --> 00:21:42,200 Stick around. 914 00:21:39,499 --> 00:21:42,200 Thanks, you two.