1 00:00:12,211 --> 00:00:13,212 - She inspired "All of Me," 2 00:00:13,813 --> 00:00:15,849 and he's the stud of the sea. 3 00:00:15,849 --> 00:00:17,170 It's "Watch What Happens Live" 4 00:00:17,170 --> 00:00:19,853 with Chrissy Teigen 5 00:00:17,170 --> 00:00:19,853 and Captain Lee now. 6 00:00:19,853 --> 00:00:22,219 [cheers and applause] 7 00:00:22,219 --> 00:00:24,423 * Andy Cohen's 8 00:00:22,219 --> 00:00:24,423 got the 4-1-1 * 9 00:00:24,423 --> 00:00:26,693 * King king 10 00:00:24,423 --> 00:00:26,693 of midnight fun * 11 00:00:26,693 --> 00:00:29,228 * Midnight emcee AC * 12 00:00:29,228 --> 00:00:30,730 * Late night 13 00:00:29,228 --> 00:00:30,730 on Bravo TV * 14 00:00:30,730 --> 00:00:32,399 - Hey, everybody, welcome 15 00:00:30,730 --> 00:00:32,399 to "Watch What Happens Live." 16 00:00:32,399 --> 00:00:34,933 I'm your host Andy Cohen 17 00:00:32,399 --> 00:00:34,933 with one hot mama 18 00:00:34,933 --> 00:00:37,469 and a man who Eddie 19 00:00:34,933 --> 00:00:37,469 called Boat Daddy. 20 00:00:37,469 --> 00:00:39,204 My first guest 21 00:00:37,469 --> 00:00:39,204 runs an empire 22 00:00:39,204 --> 00:00:40,106 in the food space, 23 00:00:40,106 --> 00:00:41,573 but her most 24 00:00:40,106 --> 00:00:41,573 enormous appetite 25 00:00:41,573 --> 00:00:43,375 is the one 26 00:00:41,573 --> 00:00:43,375 she reserves for Bravo. 27 00:00:43,375 --> 00:00:45,512 Her newest cookbook, 28 00:00:43,375 --> 00:00:45,512 it's so good, 29 00:00:45,512 --> 00:00:48,515 it's "Cravings: All Together: 30 00:00:45,512 --> 00:00:48,515 Recipes to Love." 31 00:00:48,515 --> 00:00:50,216 All of your cookbooks 32 00:00:48,515 --> 00:00:50,216 are amazing. 33 00:00:50,216 --> 00:00:52,652 Hi, Chrissy Teigen! 34 00:00:50,216 --> 00:00:52,652 - Hi, Andy! 35 00:00:52,652 --> 00:00:54,487 - Good to see you. 36 00:00:54,487 --> 00:00:57,222 This is a great cookbook. 37 00:00:54,487 --> 00:00:57,222 You guys are gonna wanna get it. 38 00:00:57,222 --> 00:00:58,924 And, oh, captain, my captain, 39 00:00:58,924 --> 00:01:02,829 our fearful trip with 40 00:00:58,924 --> 00:01:02,829 substitute Captain Sean is done. 41 00:01:02,829 --> 00:01:05,165 From "Below Deck" 42 00:01:02,829 --> 00:01:05,165 it's Captain Lee Rosbach. 43 00:01:05,165 --> 00:01:07,099 Hey, Captain Lee. 44 00:01:05,165 --> 00:01:07,099 [cheers and applause] 45 00:01:07,099 --> 00:01:08,600 - Thank you. 46 00:01:07,099 --> 00:01:08,600 - Great to see you. 47 00:01:08,600 --> 00:01:10,837 Haven't seen either of you 48 00:01:08,600 --> 00:01:10,837 in so long. 49 00:01:10,837 --> 00:01:13,406 It's wonderful to see you both. 50 00:01:10,837 --> 00:01:13,406 - I'm on with Boat Daddy! 51 00:01:13,406 --> 00:01:15,442 I'm so excited! 52 00:01:13,406 --> 00:01:15,442 [cheers and applause] 53 00:01:15,442 --> 00:01:16,742 - Captain Lee 54 00:01:15,442 --> 00:01:16,742 knows tacking, 55 00:01:16,742 --> 00:01:18,578 but tonight's 56 00:01:16,742 --> 00:01:18,578 bartender knows tacky. 57 00:01:18,578 --> 00:01:20,879 It's the author 58 00:01:18,578 --> 00:01:20,879 of "Tacky: Love Letters 59 00:01:20,879 --> 00:01:22,649 From the Worst Culture 60 00:01:20,879 --> 00:01:22,649 We Have to Offer." 61 00:01:22,649 --> 00:01:24,350 Out tomorrow. 62 00:01:22,649 --> 00:01:24,350 Rax King. 63 00:01:24,350 --> 00:01:26,486 Hi, Rax. Great to see you. 64 00:01:26,486 --> 00:01:28,454 And she's a big 65 00:01:26,486 --> 00:01:28,454 "Below Deck" fan. 66 00:01:28,454 --> 00:01:29,555 How does it feel 67 00:01:29,555 --> 00:01:31,557 being in the Clubhouse 68 00:01:29,555 --> 00:01:31,557 with Captain Lee tonight? 69 00:01:31,557 --> 00:01:34,259 - I've been trying so hard 70 00:01:31,557 --> 00:01:34,259 to hold it together. 71 00:01:34,259 --> 00:01:36,763 [laughter] 72 00:01:34,259 --> 00:01:36,763 I'm not doing so good. 73 00:01:36,763 --> 00:01:38,164 - His wife is here. 74 00:01:36,763 --> 00:01:38,164 - Yes. 75 00:01:38,164 --> 00:01:40,165 - Yeah, sure! 76 00:01:38,164 --> 00:01:40,165 [laughter] 77 00:01:40,165 --> 00:01:43,168 The queen of the sea 78 00:01:40,165 --> 00:01:43,168 is here as well. 79 00:01:43,168 --> 00:01:44,837 Drinking game alert: 80 00:01:43,168 --> 00:01:44,837 my guests won't know it, 81 00:01:44,837 --> 00:01:46,740 anytime you hear 82 00:01:44,837 --> 00:01:46,740 anyone say this word, 83 00:01:46,740 --> 00:01:49,241 if you're 21 or over, 84 00:01:46,740 --> 00:01:49,241 in honor of the sex act 85 00:01:49,241 --> 00:01:51,110 discussed on "Below Deck" 86 00:01:49,241 --> 00:01:51,110 tonight, 87 00:01:51,110 --> 00:01:53,346 drink until you're 88 00:01:51,110 --> 00:01:53,346 knocked down a peg. 89 00:01:53,346 --> 00:01:55,115 Oh, yeah, 90 00:01:53,346 --> 00:01:55,115 I'm very interested in that. 91 00:01:55,115 --> 00:01:56,783 By the way, in case 92 00:01:55,115 --> 00:01:56,783 you missed any episodes 93 00:01:56,783 --> 00:01:58,450 of "Below Deck" this season, 94 00:01:56,783 --> 00:01:58,450 they'll be available 95 00:01:58,450 --> 00:02:00,453 on Peacock 96 00:01:58,450 --> 00:02:00,453 the day after they air. 97 00:02:00,453 --> 00:02:03,790 And I just have to say, 98 00:02:00,453 --> 00:02:03,790 tomorrow my new book comes out. 99 00:02:03,790 --> 00:02:06,590 It's called 100 00:02:03,790 --> 00:02:06,590 "Glitter Everyday: 101 00:02:06,590 --> 00:02:09,962 365 Quotes From Women 102 00:02:06,590 --> 00:02:09,962 That I Love." 103 00:02:09,962 --> 00:02:12,699 It's a quote-a-day book. 104 00:02:09,962 --> 00:02:12,699 It's so fun. 105 00:02:12,699 --> 00:02:14,700 And you guys 106 00:02:12,699 --> 00:02:14,700 are going to love it. 107 00:02:14,700 --> 00:02:17,771 Chrissy, you're in the book. 108 00:02:14,700 --> 00:02:17,771 - Oh, amazing. 109 00:02:17,771 --> 00:02:19,271 - Yes, you are. 110 00:02:17,771 --> 00:02:19,271 - I'm still going through-- 111 00:02:19,271 --> 00:02:21,140 I'm still going through all-- 112 00:02:19,271 --> 00:02:21,140 [mumbling] 113 00:02:21,140 --> 00:02:25,177 - The Housewives book, yes. 114 00:02:21,140 --> 00:02:25,177 - Oh, my god, it's so good. 115 00:02:25,177 --> 00:02:26,780 - Anyway, 116 00:02:25,177 --> 00:02:26,780 great Christmas present, 117 00:02:26,780 --> 00:02:28,548 and I hope 118 00:02:26,780 --> 00:02:28,548 you enjoy it. 119 00:02:28,548 --> 00:02:30,449 Let's take questions about 120 00:02:28,548 --> 00:02:30,449 tonight's "Below Deck." 121 00:02:30,449 --> 00:02:32,618 I'm wondering, 122 00:02:30,449 --> 00:02:32,618 how did Captain Sean do? 123 00:02:32,618 --> 00:02:34,621 I mean, that had to be 124 00:02:32,618 --> 00:02:34,621 so surreal for you 125 00:02:34,621 --> 00:02:38,490 even to see last week's episode. 126 00:02:34,621 --> 00:02:38,490 - It was a little strange. 127 00:02:38,490 --> 00:02:39,626 - Yes. 128 00:02:38,490 --> 00:02:39,626 - I think 129 00:02:39,626 --> 00:02:41,161 it actually caught 130 00:02:39,626 --> 00:02:41,161 the crew off guard. 131 00:02:41,161 --> 00:02:43,496 - I'm sure. 132 00:02:41,161 --> 00:02:43,496 - 'Cause, uh, our styles 133 00:02:43,496 --> 00:02:46,566 are very, very different. 134 00:02:43,496 --> 00:02:46,566 - Yes! 135 00:02:46,566 --> 00:02:48,935 I mean, I thought 136 00:02:46,566 --> 00:02:48,935 the axe reference... 137 00:02:48,935 --> 00:02:50,670 - Yes. 138 00:02:48,935 --> 00:02:50,670 - Was just a little-- 139 00:02:50,670 --> 00:02:53,439 - And was he being 140 00:02:50,670 --> 00:02:53,439 too hard on Eddie? 141 00:02:53,439 --> 00:02:55,974 - Uh, I don't know. 142 00:02:53,439 --> 00:02:55,974 He thought Eddie was maybe 143 00:02:55,974 --> 00:02:58,377 not a first officer, 144 00:02:55,974 --> 00:02:58,377 maybe a go-fer. 145 00:02:58,377 --> 00:03:00,280 - Right, right. 146 00:02:58,377 --> 00:03:00,280 [laughter] 147 00:03:00,280 --> 00:03:02,314 - What's the difference between 148 00:03:00,280 --> 00:03:02,314 a first officer and a bosun? 149 00:03:02,314 --> 00:03:04,550 - And a bosun? 150 00:03:02,314 --> 00:03:04,550 Uh, one stripe 151 00:03:04,550 --> 00:03:06,586 and an awful lot 152 00:03:04,550 --> 00:03:06,586 of responsibility. 153 00:03:06,586 --> 00:03:08,121 - There you go. 154 00:03:06,586 --> 00:03:08,121 - Okay. 155 00:03:08,121 --> 00:03:10,189 - Who's at fault 156 00:03:08,121 --> 00:03:10,189 for the early issues 157 00:03:10,189 --> 00:03:13,659 arising in the interior, 158 00:03:10,189 --> 00:03:13,659 Heather or Fraser? 159 00:03:13,659 --> 00:03:17,730 - Uh, I think Heather 160 00:03:13,659 --> 00:03:17,730 had expectations, 161 00:03:17,730 --> 00:03:21,700 and she knew that 162 00:03:17,730 --> 00:03:21,700 you can't just 163 00:03:21,700 --> 00:03:25,305 isolate yourself to one 164 00:03:21,700 --> 00:03:25,305 department on a yacht. 165 00:03:25,305 --> 00:03:26,772 - Right. 166 00:03:25,305 --> 00:03:26,772 - You have to pitch in 167 00:03:26,772 --> 00:03:29,575 wherever it's needed, 168 00:03:26,772 --> 00:03:29,575 whenever it's needed. 169 00:03:29,575 --> 00:03:33,379 And Fraser was like, 170 00:03:29,575 --> 00:03:33,379 "I'm head of interior. 171 00:03:33,379 --> 00:03:36,182 "I'm housekeeping. 172 00:03:33,379 --> 00:03:36,182 No, I don't do service." 173 00:03:36,182 --> 00:03:37,182 - Right. 174 00:03:37,182 --> 00:03:38,852 - Does she look 175 00:03:37,182 --> 00:03:38,852 just like Sarah Paulson? 176 00:03:38,852 --> 00:03:41,653 - I mean, another one that looks 177 00:03:38,852 --> 00:03:41,653 just like Sarah Paulson. 178 00:03:41,653 --> 00:03:44,123 - She is beautiful. 179 00:03:41,653 --> 00:03:44,123 - Because also Angie 180 00:03:44,123 --> 00:03:45,859 on "Salt Lake" looks like 181 00:03:44,123 --> 00:03:45,859 Sarah Paulson. 182 00:03:45,859 --> 00:03:47,127 - Oh, yeah! 183 00:03:45,859 --> 00:03:47,127 - Yes. 184 00:03:47,127 --> 00:03:48,694 - I thought the eyes, 185 00:03:47,127 --> 00:03:48,694 everything. 186 00:03:48,694 --> 00:03:51,531 - Thoughts about Rayna 187 00:03:48,694 --> 00:03:51,531 and Luke's make-out 188 00:03:51,531 --> 00:03:53,667 on their first night 189 00:03:51,531 --> 00:03:53,667 out?[giggling] 190 00:03:53,667 --> 00:03:55,100 - I like it. 191 00:03:55,100 --> 00:03:56,135 - Yeah, you like it. 192 00:03:55,100 --> 00:03:56,135 - Just get it over with. 193 00:03:56,135 --> 00:03:57,236 - Yeah, exactly. 194 00:03:56,135 --> 00:03:57,236 - Don't tease us. 195 00:03:57,236 --> 00:03:58,570 - Yes. 196 00:03:57,236 --> 00:03:58,570 - And now we have cameras 197 00:03:58,570 --> 00:04:00,840 in the laundry room, right? 198 00:03:58,570 --> 00:04:00,840 - Yes! 199 00:04:00,840 --> 00:04:03,610 - Is that gonna show anything? 200 00:04:00,840 --> 00:04:03,610 - That's the Eddie rule. 201 00:04:03,610 --> 00:04:05,812 - Yes, it is. 202 00:04:03,610 --> 00:04:05,812 Chrissy, when you're not 203 00:04:05,812 --> 00:04:07,546 cooking up new recipes 204 00:04:05,812 --> 00:04:07,546 in the kitchen, 205 00:04:07,546 --> 00:04:10,783 you're stewing on a buffet 206 00:04:07,546 --> 00:04:10,783 of Bravo hot takes, 207 00:04:10,783 --> 00:04:13,887 so I wanna get a taste 208 00:04:10,783 --> 00:04:13,887 of what you are thinking, okay? 209 00:04:13,887 --> 00:04:17,389 Um, reaction to the news 210 00:04:13,887 --> 00:04:17,389 of Teresa's engagement 211 00:04:17,389 --> 00:04:19,358 in "New Jersey"? 212 00:04:17,389 --> 00:04:19,358 - I think I'm happy. 213 00:04:19,358 --> 00:04:21,326 I think I like him. 214 00:04:19,358 --> 00:04:21,326 But I don't know him. 215 00:04:21,326 --> 00:04:23,930 But I'm happy for her. 216 00:04:21,326 --> 00:04:23,930 I really am happy for her. 217 00:04:23,930 --> 00:04:25,598 - "Below Deck," 218 00:04:23,930 --> 00:04:25,598 initial thoughts 219 00:04:25,598 --> 00:04:28,680 on the gone-too-soon 220 00:04:25,598 --> 00:04:28,680 Captain Charley? 221 00:04:28,680 --> 00:04:29,369 - First thought, 222 00:04:28,680 --> 00:04:29,369 I was like, 223 00:04:29,369 --> 00:04:31,709 I didn't know that 224 00:04:29,369 --> 00:04:31,709 you were coming in. 225 00:04:31,709 --> 00:04:32,872 I watched the second episode 226 00:04:31,709 --> 00:04:32,872 then the first episode. 227 00:04:32,872 --> 00:04:35,341 - Okay. 228 00:04:32,872 --> 00:04:35,341 - So I was confused. 229 00:04:35,341 --> 00:04:36,608 And then I kinda 230 00:04:35,341 --> 00:04:36,608 really liked him. 231 00:04:36,608 --> 00:04:38,444 When he was saying his goodbyes 232 00:04:36,608 --> 00:04:38,444 he was so sweet and kind. 233 00:04:38,444 --> 00:04:40,312 And he gets 234 00:04:38,444 --> 00:04:40,312 his hands dirty. 235 00:04:40,312 --> 00:04:41,814 There's no job 236 00:04:40,312 --> 00:04:41,814 too small for him. 237 00:04:41,814 --> 00:04:43,382 - There you go. 238 00:04:43,382 --> 00:04:47,420 With only one episode left 239 00:04:43,382 --> 00:04:47,420 of the explosive reunion, 240 00:04:47,420 --> 00:04:49,855 what are your final hopes 241 00:04:47,420 --> 00:04:49,855 for that last hour, 242 00:04:49,855 --> 00:04:52,692 something that you're 243 00:04:49,855 --> 00:04:52,692 looking for from Erika to hear? 244 00:04:52,692 --> 00:04:55,394 - Ooh, I think in the last one 245 00:04:52,692 --> 00:04:55,394 she really acknowledged-- 246 00:04:55,394 --> 00:04:57,497 she's like, "I did, 247 00:04:55,394 --> 00:04:57,497 I'm upset about the victims." 248 00:04:57,497 --> 00:05:00,329 I think that was big. 249 00:04:57,497 --> 00:05:00,329 I thought the second-- 250 00:05:00,329 --> 00:05:01,935 I thought two and three reunion 251 00:05:00,329 --> 00:05:01,935 were gonna be filler, 252 00:05:01,935 --> 00:05:04,336 but they were not at all. 253 00:05:01,935 --> 00:05:04,336 They were very important. 254 00:05:04,336 --> 00:05:06,538 - Yes. 255 00:05:04,336 --> 00:05:06,538 - This one, oh, I don't know. 256 00:05:06,538 --> 00:05:08,141 - Are you 257 00:05:06,538 --> 00:05:08,141 believing her? 258 00:05:08,141 --> 00:05:09,942 Are you believing everything 259 00:05:08,141 --> 00:05:09,942 that she's saying? 260 00:05:09,942 --> 00:05:11,845 - Um, I believe there's 261 00:05:09,942 --> 00:05:11,845 definitely a way 262 00:05:11,845 --> 00:05:15,781 to totally separate yourself 263 00:05:11,845 --> 00:05:15,781 from whatever he was up to. 264 00:05:15,781 --> 00:05:17,917 I think he was probably doing, 265 00:05:15,781 --> 00:05:17,917 like, long hours at the office, 266 00:05:17,917 --> 00:05:22,389 I imagine, and I don't know. 267 00:05:17,917 --> 00:05:22,389 I really-- I don't know. 268 00:05:22,389 --> 00:05:24,624 I just don't live her life, 269 00:05:22,389 --> 00:05:24,624 and I wouldn't have any idea. 270 00:05:24,624 --> 00:05:26,492 But she was getting 271 00:05:24,624 --> 00:05:26,492 all this glam done 272 00:05:26,492 --> 00:05:27,726 and doing shows 273 00:05:26,492 --> 00:05:27,726 and stuff, 274 00:05:27,726 --> 00:05:29,295 and she seemed really busy 275 00:05:27,726 --> 00:05:29,295 with that stuff. 276 00:05:29,295 --> 00:05:30,963 And I don't know 277 00:05:29,295 --> 00:05:30,963 if she knew. 278 00:05:30,963 --> 00:05:32,132 - Back to "Below Deck," 279 00:05:32,132 --> 00:05:35,869 we're seeing Fraser's 280 00:05:32,132 --> 00:05:35,869 patience wearing thin 281 00:05:35,869 --> 00:05:38,504 with his chief stew. 282 00:05:35,869 --> 00:05:38,504 - Very early on, too. 283 00:05:38,504 --> 00:05:40,372 - How long before he goes 284 00:05:38,504 --> 00:05:40,372 in full attack mode to Heather? 285 00:05:40,372 --> 00:05:41,507 - It's very early 286 00:05:40,372 --> 00:05:41,507 for that, too. 287 00:05:41,507 --> 00:05:44,769 I mean, he does 288 00:05:41,507 --> 00:05:44,769 a lot of backtalking. 289 00:05:44,769 --> 00:05:45,377 You know, like a mumbling 290 00:05:44,769 --> 00:05:45,377 under his breath 291 00:05:45,377 --> 00:05:47,579 when he leaves, so it's-- 292 00:05:45,377 --> 00:05:47,579 - He's so subtle about it. 293 00:05:47,579 --> 00:05:50,115 - I know. 294 00:05:47,579 --> 00:05:50,115 - Oh, yeah. 295 00:05:50,115 --> 00:05:53,319 It's just like, really? 296 00:05:50,115 --> 00:05:53,319 - I can't see her losing it, 297 00:05:53,319 --> 00:05:55,879 but I can see him 298 00:05:53,319 --> 00:05:55,879 losing it soon. 299 00:05:55,879 --> 00:05:58,223 - "Vanderpump," thoughts 300 00:05:55,879 --> 00:05:58,223 about what Tom's new bar 301 00:05:58,223 --> 00:05:59,324 should be called? 302 00:05:59,324 --> 00:06:01,127 Do you like 303 00:05:59,324 --> 00:06:01,127 Schwartz and Sandy's? 304 00:06:01,127 --> 00:06:03,663 - I prefer 305 00:06:01,127 --> 00:06:03,663 Schwartz and Sandy's over-- 306 00:06:03,663 --> 00:06:06,319 definitely over 307 00:06:03,663 --> 00:06:06,319 Once Upon a Tom. 308 00:06:06,319 --> 00:06:07,800 - You do? 309 00:06:06,319 --> 00:06:07,800 - I do. 310 00:06:07,800 --> 00:06:09,689 - Okay, all right. 311 00:06:09,689 --> 00:06:10,403 - Because I like that I feel 312 00:06:09,689 --> 00:06:10,403 like I could get a sandwich 313 00:06:10,403 --> 00:06:13,105 at Schwartz and Sandy's. 314 00:06:10,403 --> 00:06:13,105 - Yeah, I like that. 315 00:06:13,105 --> 00:06:16,742 - You like that. Thoughts on 316 00:06:13,105 --> 00:06:16,742 Scheana's new beau Brock? 317 00:06:16,742 --> 00:06:19,449 Is he truly the one? 318 00:06:16,742 --> 00:06:19,449 - I like him! 319 00:06:19,449 --> 00:06:20,713 He has a lot of heart. 320 00:06:19,449 --> 00:06:20,713 He cried on the show, 321 00:06:20,713 --> 00:06:23,149 and I like men who cry. 322 00:06:20,713 --> 00:06:23,149 John cries daily. 323 00:06:23,149 --> 00:06:25,285 - Does he? 324 00:06:23,149 --> 00:06:25,285 - No. 325 00:06:25,285 --> 00:06:26,952 - Thank you very much, 326 00:06:25,285 --> 00:06:26,952 Chrissy Teigen. 327 00:06:26,952 --> 00:06:28,521 [cheers and applause] 328 00:06:28,521 --> 00:06:32,292 Captain Lee, you are giving 329 00:06:28,521 --> 00:06:32,292 Chef Rachel a second shot 330 00:06:32,292 --> 00:06:34,827 post cooter eating 331 00:06:32,292 --> 00:06:34,827 directive fiasco, 332 00:06:34,827 --> 00:06:36,620 so I wanna see who else 333 00:06:36,620 --> 00:06:37,596 you'd be down 334 00:06:36,620 --> 00:06:37,596 to give a second helping. 335 00:06:37,596 --> 00:06:40,699 I'm gonna run through former 336 00:06:37,596 --> 00:06:40,699 "Below Deck" situations. 337 00:06:40,699 --> 00:06:43,235 Tell us if you'd give 338 00:06:40,699 --> 00:06:43,235 the yachtie a second shot 339 00:06:43,235 --> 00:06:44,771 or absolutely not. 340 00:06:44,771 --> 00:06:46,773 Okay, second shot 341 00:06:44,771 --> 00:06:46,773 or absolutely not, 342 00:06:46,773 --> 00:06:50,242 a chef having 343 00:06:46,773 --> 00:06:50,242 a breakdown in the galley. 344 00:06:50,242 --> 00:06:52,612 - Um, acceptable. 345 00:06:52,612 --> 00:06:55,581 - Okay, what about a bosun 346 00:06:52,612 --> 00:06:55,581 not telling the captain 347 00:06:55,581 --> 00:06:57,783 that a deckhand 348 00:06:55,581 --> 00:06:57,783 injured himself. 349 00:06:57,783 --> 00:07:01,321 These are all 350 00:06:57,783 --> 00:07:01,321 "Below Deck Med" incidents. 351 00:07:01,321 --> 00:07:04,357 - That's a tough one, but yeah, 352 00:07:01,321 --> 00:07:04,357 the captain has to know. 353 00:07:04,357 --> 00:07:07,269 - Okay, what about a chief stew 354 00:07:04,357 --> 00:07:07,269 having a weed pen 355 00:07:07,269 --> 00:07:09,728 and undocumented Valium 356 00:07:07,269 --> 00:07:09,728 in her room? 357 00:07:09,728 --> 00:07:12,432 [laughter] 358 00:07:09,728 --> 00:07:12,432 - Um... 359 00:07:12,432 --> 00:07:14,300 was it a weed pen? 360 00:07:14,300 --> 00:07:15,935 - Appar-- yes! 361 00:07:14,300 --> 00:07:15,935 - CBD. 362 00:07:15,935 --> 00:07:18,379 - I-- I don't know 363 00:07:15,935 --> 00:07:18,379 what it was. 364 00:07:18,379 --> 00:07:19,706 - Okay. 365 00:07:18,379 --> 00:07:19,706 - So that-- that would 366 00:07:19,706 --> 00:07:22,542 be something that I would 367 00:07:19,706 --> 00:07:22,542 have to document myself, 368 00:07:22,542 --> 00:07:24,244 and then make 369 00:07:22,542 --> 00:07:24,244 a decision on it. 370 00:07:24,244 --> 00:07:26,879 - Um, okay, what about 371 00:07:24,244 --> 00:07:26,879 a chef serving nachos 372 00:07:26,879 --> 00:07:29,249 made with prepackaged 373 00:07:26,879 --> 00:07:29,249 cheese and canned corn? 374 00:07:29,249 --> 00:07:30,649 [chuckling] 375 00:07:30,649 --> 00:07:34,870 - Wouldn't even make it 376 00:07:30,649 --> 00:07:34,870 past clearing the plates. 377 00:07:34,870 --> 00:07:35,689 - Uh, a chief stew 378 00:07:34,870 --> 00:07:35,689 having a fling 379 00:07:35,689 --> 00:07:37,956 with a charter guest? 380 00:07:37,956 --> 00:07:40,726 - Oh. When the charter 381 00:07:37,956 --> 00:07:40,726 guest left, 382 00:07:40,726 --> 00:07:42,562 they could take 383 00:07:40,726 --> 00:07:42,562 the stew with them. 384 00:07:42,562 --> 00:07:44,863 - Ooh! First officer 385 00:07:42,562 --> 00:07:44,863 who hooks up with 386 00:07:44,863 --> 00:07:47,670 his female deckhand 387 00:07:44,863 --> 00:07:47,670 the first night of charter, 388 00:07:47,670 --> 00:07:49,369 and then friendzones her. 389 00:07:49,369 --> 00:07:51,870 [chuckling] 390 00:07:49,369 --> 00:07:51,870 - Oh, it is a long season. 391 00:07:51,870 --> 00:07:53,872 [laughing] 392 00:07:51,870 --> 00:07:53,872 - Uh, a stew getting into fights 393 00:07:53,872 --> 00:07:56,308 with every single crew member 394 00:07:53,872 --> 00:07:56,308 during a drunken night 395 00:07:56,308 --> 00:07:58,644 on the boat's hot tub? 396 00:07:56,308 --> 00:07:58,644 This was wild. 397 00:07:58,644 --> 00:08:00,879 Lexi was a wild ride. 398 00:07:58,644 --> 00:08:00,879 - Time to go. 399 00:08:00,879 --> 00:08:02,149 [laughing] 400 00:08:00,879 --> 00:08:02,149 - Time to go. 401 00:08:02,149 --> 00:08:03,750 Thank you very much, 402 00:08:02,149 --> 00:08:03,750 Captain Lee. 403 00:08:03,750 --> 00:08:05,250 [cheering and applause] 404 00:08:05,250 --> 00:08:06,752 I knew you would 405 00:08:05,250 --> 00:08:06,752 have opinions. 406 00:08:06,752 --> 00:08:08,654 Well, Rayna is 407 00:08:06,752 --> 00:08:08,654 making a big gamble 408 00:08:08,654 --> 00:08:11,757 on her early season boatmance 409 00:08:08,654 --> 00:08:11,757 not going up in smoke, 410 00:08:11,757 --> 00:08:13,692 so I want to decide 411 00:08:11,757 --> 00:08:13,692 which potential couples 412 00:08:13,692 --> 00:08:15,762 you two would 413 00:08:13,692 --> 00:08:15,762 go all in on. 414 00:08:15,762 --> 00:08:17,596 It's time to play 415 00:08:15,762 --> 00:08:17,596 Boatmance or Nomance? 416 00:08:17,596 --> 00:08:20,329 The slot machine is going 417 00:08:17,596 --> 00:08:20,329 to reveal pairs of yachties 418 00:08:20,329 --> 00:08:21,668 from the "Below Deck" universe. 419 00:08:21,668 --> 00:08:25,137 Tell us whether it's a match 420 00:08:21,668 --> 00:08:25,137 or, uh, that you'd bet on. 421 00:08:25,137 --> 00:08:27,473 Let's see the first one, okay? 422 00:08:27,473 --> 00:08:29,209 First one is... 423 00:08:31,110 --> 00:08:34,480 Hannah and Chef Ben. 424 00:08:31,110 --> 00:08:34,480 What do we think? 425 00:08:34,480 --> 00:08:36,816 - Hell no. 426 00:08:34,480 --> 00:08:36,816 - Hell no. Chrissy? 427 00:08:36,816 --> 00:08:39,184 - Oh, not to-- 428 00:08:36,816 --> 00:08:39,184 uh, no! 429 00:08:39,184 --> 00:08:40,153 - You don't see it. 430 00:08:39,184 --> 00:08:40,153 - No. 431 00:08:40,153 --> 00:08:41,388 - Okay, very good. 432 00:08:41,388 --> 00:08:43,322 Uh, flip 'em again. 433 00:08:43,322 --> 00:08:44,857 It is... 434 00:08:44,857 --> 00:08:48,394 Sustainable Shane 435 00:08:44,857 --> 00:08:48,394 and Elizabeth Frankini. 436 00:08:48,394 --> 00:08:50,596 - Match made in heaven. 437 00:08:48,394 --> 00:08:50,596 [laughing] 438 00:08:50,596 --> 00:08:53,659 - Yes, I agree. 439 00:08:50,596 --> 00:08:53,659 - Okay, keep going. 440 00:08:55,769 --> 00:08:58,104 I love the wheel. 441 00:08:55,769 --> 00:08:58,104 Okay, Eddie, 442 00:08:58,104 --> 00:09:00,572 and Chef Rachel. 443 00:08:58,104 --> 00:09:00,572 Oy, I-- 444 00:09:00,572 --> 00:09:03,759 [laughing] 445 00:09:00,572 --> 00:09:03,759 Seems like a bad idea, right? 446 00:09:03,759 --> 00:09:04,677 - Eat mah cooter. 447 00:09:03,759 --> 00:09:04,677 - Yes. 448 00:09:04,677 --> 00:09:05,745 - Yeah. 449 00:09:04,677 --> 00:09:05,745 [laughing] 450 00:09:05,745 --> 00:09:08,214 - Right. 451 00:09:05,745 --> 00:09:08,214 - How-- how is that prepared? 452 00:09:08,214 --> 00:09:10,159 [laughing] 453 00:09:08,214 --> 00:09:10,159 - Thank you. 454 00:09:10,159 --> 00:09:12,850 Okay, spin it again. 455 00:09:10,159 --> 00:09:12,850 [chuckling] 456 00:09:14,821 --> 00:09:18,240 Okay, that is Kate Chastain 457 00:09:14,821 --> 00:09:18,240 and James. 458 00:09:18,240 --> 00:09:20,125 - Oh! James, oh my gosh. 459 00:09:18,240 --> 00:09:20,125 - Oh... 460 00:09:20,125 --> 00:09:22,195 she would eat him alive. 461 00:09:20,125 --> 00:09:22,195 - She would eat him alive! 462 00:09:22,195 --> 00:09:24,697 - Yeah, she would. I love Kate! 463 00:09:22,195 --> 00:09:24,697 - Okay, uh-- 464 00:09:24,697 --> 00:09:27,330 thank you. Okay, 465 00:09:24,697 --> 00:09:27,330 let's do one more. 466 00:09:27,330 --> 00:09:28,868 Okay, it's Simone 467 00:09:27,330 --> 00:09:28,868 and Nico. 468 00:09:30,302 --> 00:09:31,571 - Oh, actually-- 469 00:09:30,302 --> 00:09:31,571 - Actually, that's interesting. 470 00:09:31,571 --> 00:09:32,739 - I think they'd be good. 471 00:09:31,571 --> 00:09:32,739 - Yeah. 472 00:09:32,739 --> 00:09:33,940 - I like that couple, yeah. 473 00:09:33,940 --> 00:09:35,408 - All right, 474 00:09:33,940 --> 00:09:35,408 there you go. 475 00:09:35,408 --> 00:09:37,476 [cheering and applause] 476 00:09:37,476 --> 00:09:41,809 Oh my god, so funny. 477 00:09:37,476 --> 00:09:41,809 [laughing] 478 00:09:41,809 --> 00:09:43,350 Chrissy, you-- 479 00:09:41,809 --> 00:09:43,350 by the way, 480 00:09:43,350 --> 00:09:45,518 I do just wanna say, I mean, 481 00:09:43,350 --> 00:09:45,518 you've had quite a year, 482 00:09:45,518 --> 00:09:46,552 and I just want 483 00:09:45,518 --> 00:09:46,552 you to know 484 00:09:46,552 --> 00:09:47,886 we all have been 485 00:09:46,552 --> 00:09:47,886 thinking of you. 486 00:09:47,886 --> 00:09:49,355 - Thank you. 487 00:09:47,886 --> 00:09:49,355 - Praying for you. 488 00:09:49,355 --> 00:09:51,570 - Thank you. 489 00:09:49,355 --> 00:09:51,570 - And lovin' on you. 490 00:09:51,570 --> 00:09:52,826 - Thank you so much. 491 00:09:51,570 --> 00:09:52,826 - Yes, you're welcome. 492 00:09:52,826 --> 00:09:54,226 - Thank you, thank you. 493 00:09:52,826 --> 00:09:54,226 [cheering and applause] 494 00:09:54,226 --> 00:09:55,161 - Um-- 495 00:09:54,226 --> 00:09:55,161 - You guys have been 496 00:09:55,161 --> 00:09:56,730 an amazing refuge, 497 00:09:55,161 --> 00:09:56,730 here at Bravo. 498 00:09:56,730 --> 00:09:57,797 - Oh, good! 499 00:09:56,730 --> 00:09:57,797 - You really have. 500 00:09:57,797 --> 00:09:58,898 - Is Bravo keeping your-- 501 00:09:57,797 --> 00:09:58,898 - Oh! 502 00:09:58,898 --> 00:10:00,133 - Yes. 503 00:09:58,898 --> 00:10:00,133 - All hours. 504 00:10:00,133 --> 00:10:01,701 - All hours. 505 00:10:00,133 --> 00:10:01,701 - Really. Truly. 506 00:10:01,701 --> 00:10:04,336 - That's-- that's good. 507 00:10:01,701 --> 00:10:04,336 Um, okay, coming up, 508 00:10:04,336 --> 00:10:06,139 we have more with Chrissy 509 00:10:04,336 --> 00:10:06,139 and Captain Lee. 510 00:10:06,139 --> 00:10:07,539 Here's who's on 511 00:10:06,139 --> 00:10:07,539 the show this week, 512 00:10:07,539 --> 00:10:09,341 we're gonna be right back. 513 00:10:09,341 --> 00:10:12,445 [cheering and applause] 514 00:10:12,544 --> 00:10:21,153 * Aye aye Captain * 515 00:10:21,653 --> 00:10:24,323 [cheering and applause] 516 00:10:24,323 --> 00:10:26,192 - All right, welcome back to 517 00:10:24,323 --> 00:10:26,192 "Watch What Happens Live." 518 00:10:26,192 --> 00:10:27,927 I'm Andy Cohen 519 00:10:26,192 --> 00:10:27,927 in the Bravo Clubhouse, 520 00:10:27,927 --> 00:10:29,620 with Chrissy Teigen. 521 00:10:29,620 --> 00:10:31,663 Chrissy's new book 522 00:10:29,620 --> 00:10:31,663 is wonderful, it's a cookbook. 523 00:10:31,663 --> 00:10:35,434 It's called "Cravings: 524 00:10:31,663 --> 00:10:35,434 All Together: Recipes To Love." 525 00:10:35,434 --> 00:10:37,703 It's out now. 526 00:10:35,434 --> 00:10:37,703 [cheering and applause] 527 00:10:37,703 --> 00:10:40,774 And from "Below Deck," 528 00:10:37,703 --> 00:10:40,774 it's Captain Lee Rosbach. 529 00:10:40,774 --> 00:10:42,799 - Woo! 530 00:10:40,774 --> 00:10:42,799 - Hi, Captain Lee. 531 00:10:42,799 --> 00:10:43,475 - How ya doin', Andy. 532 00:10:42,799 --> 00:10:43,475 - Great. 533 00:10:43,475 --> 00:10:45,644 Over at the bar, 534 00:10:43,475 --> 00:10:45,644 she's a-- 535 00:10:45,644 --> 00:10:48,139 writer, serving us drinks 536 00:10:45,644 --> 00:10:48,139 until we lose our words. 537 00:10:48,139 --> 00:10:49,515 Rax King, 538 00:10:48,139 --> 00:10:49,515 her book, "Tacky: 539 00:10:49,515 --> 00:10:52,519 "Love Letters to the Worst 540 00:10:49,515 --> 00:10:52,519 Culture We Have to Offer" 541 00:10:52,519 --> 00:10:54,854 is out tomorrow. 542 00:10:52,519 --> 00:10:54,854 - I can't go on till I... 543 00:10:54,854 --> 00:10:56,990 [laughing] 544 00:10:54,854 --> 00:10:56,990 - It's a Samuel Beckett quote. 545 00:10:56,990 --> 00:10:59,359 It says "I can't go on, 546 00:10:56,990 --> 00:10:59,359 I'll go on." 547 00:10:59,359 --> 00:11:00,693 - Nice. 548 00:10:59,359 --> 00:11:00,693 - Absolutely. 549 00:11:00,693 --> 00:11:03,129 - Thank you. Probably would have 550 00:11:00,693 --> 00:11:03,129 put it somewhere else on my body 551 00:11:03,129 --> 00:11:04,464 if I had it to 552 00:11:03,129 --> 00:11:04,464 do over again. 553 00:11:04,464 --> 00:11:06,432 [laughing] 554 00:11:04,464 --> 00:11:06,432 - Drinking game reminder! 555 00:11:06,432 --> 00:11:07,866 Anytime you hear this word, 556 00:11:07,866 --> 00:11:09,936 in honor of our 557 00:11:07,866 --> 00:11:09,936 cookbook author guest, 558 00:11:09,936 --> 00:11:13,730 drink until you're 559 00:11:09,936 --> 00:11:13,730 a recipe for disaster. 560 00:11:13,730 --> 00:11:14,841 Let's take a question 561 00:11:13,730 --> 00:11:14,841 from our-- 562 00:11:14,841 --> 00:11:16,475 questions from 563 00:11:14,841 --> 00:11:16,475 our virtual fans. 564 00:11:16,475 --> 00:11:19,479 Here's Addie from Texas 565 00:11:16,475 --> 00:11:19,479 with a question for Chrissy. 566 00:11:19,479 --> 00:11:21,715 - Hi, everyone. 567 00:11:19,479 --> 00:11:21,715 So Chrissy, 568 00:11:21,715 --> 00:11:25,850 what was the craziest thing 569 00:11:21,715 --> 00:11:25,850 you and John saw 570 00:11:25,850 --> 00:11:27,253 at Barack Obama's 571 00:11:25,850 --> 00:11:27,253 60th birthday party? 572 00:11:27,253 --> 00:11:28,988 - Oh! 573 00:11:27,253 --> 00:11:28,988 [laughing] 574 00:11:28,988 --> 00:11:32,392 - And how happy were you 575 00:11:28,988 --> 00:11:32,392 that you weren't uninvited 576 00:11:32,392 --> 00:11:34,159 from the guest list? 577 00:11:32,392 --> 00:11:34,159 - Oh my goodness! 578 00:11:34,159 --> 00:11:37,496 Well they had a party 579 00:11:34,159 --> 00:11:37,496 for the-- the-the rejects party, 580 00:11:37,496 --> 00:11:39,765 and that seemed like 581 00:11:37,496 --> 00:11:39,765 the place to be too, right? 582 00:11:39,765 --> 00:11:41,735 - Oh, really? 583 00:11:39,765 --> 00:11:41,735 - Yeah, there was a bit of a-- 584 00:11:41,735 --> 00:11:42,802 - That's so funny. 585 00:11:41,735 --> 00:11:42,802 - They kind of hung out 586 00:11:42,802 --> 00:11:43,736 on their own, 587 00:11:42,802 --> 00:11:43,736 and I was like, 588 00:11:43,736 --> 00:11:45,371 that sounds like 589 00:11:43,736 --> 00:11:45,371 it would be so fun. 590 00:11:45,371 --> 00:11:48,307 Um, but, uh, yeah, 591 00:11:45,371 --> 00:11:48,307 very happy to be invited. 592 00:11:48,307 --> 00:11:51,411 I-I-- um, oh god, 593 00:11:48,307 --> 00:11:51,411 the craziest thing-- 594 00:11:51,411 --> 00:11:55,215 oh! I mean the guy 595 00:11:51,411 --> 00:11:55,215 that was-- the guy that was-- 596 00:11:55,215 --> 00:11:58,118 like smoking and posting 597 00:11:55,215 --> 00:11:58,118 everything, like-- 598 00:11:58,118 --> 00:11:59,885 our phones were 599 00:11:58,118 --> 00:11:59,885 checked so heavily, 600 00:11:59,885 --> 00:12:02,855 there was so much security, 601 00:11:59,885 --> 00:12:02,855 and then to see this kid 602 00:12:02,855 --> 00:12:06,292 that nobody knew, 603 00:12:02,855 --> 00:12:06,292 like, rapping, 604 00:12:06,292 --> 00:12:08,394 and-and posting everything. 605 00:12:08,394 --> 00:12:10,730 Like, phone in the air, and-- 606 00:12:08,394 --> 00:12:10,730 - No way! 607 00:12:10,730 --> 00:12:12,831 - And no-- truly, 608 00:12:10,730 --> 00:12:12,831 nobody had a phone. 609 00:12:12,831 --> 00:12:14,868 And I was just like, 610 00:12:12,831 --> 00:12:14,868 "Who's this?" 611 00:12:14,868 --> 00:12:16,369 - Who was he? 612 00:12:14,868 --> 00:12:16,369 - It was wild. 613 00:12:16,369 --> 00:12:18,738 Um, he had actually come out, 614 00:12:16,369 --> 00:12:18,738 he, uh-- Barack loved 615 00:12:18,738 --> 00:12:21,106 one of his happy birthday song-- 616 00:12:18,738 --> 00:12:21,106 a happy birthday song from him, 617 00:12:21,106 --> 00:12:23,342 and they surprised him with him. 618 00:12:21,106 --> 00:12:23,342 - Wow! That's a-- 619 00:12:23,342 --> 00:12:25,412 - They didn't know that 620 00:12:23,342 --> 00:12:25,412 it would come with the whole-- 621 00:12:25,412 --> 00:12:27,246 - Social media world seeing it. 622 00:12:25,412 --> 00:12:27,246 - Social media frenzy. 623 00:12:27,246 --> 00:12:29,381 - Wow, that's-- 624 00:12:27,246 --> 00:12:29,381 - Yeah, so, yeah. 625 00:12:29,381 --> 00:12:31,583 And we all wanna post things. 626 00:12:29,381 --> 00:12:31,583 - Yes, yes! 627 00:12:31,583 --> 00:12:32,985 - We all want our phones, 628 00:12:31,583 --> 00:12:32,985 so it's so brutal. 629 00:12:32,985 --> 00:12:34,354 But-- but, yeah. 630 00:12:32,985 --> 00:12:34,354 - Wow. 631 00:12:34,354 --> 00:12:37,256 - Uh, let's go to Franchesca 632 00:12:34,354 --> 00:12:37,256 and Anna from New York City. 633 00:12:37,256 --> 00:12:40,726 What's your question 634 00:12:37,256 --> 00:12:40,726 for Captain Lee? 635 00:12:40,726 --> 00:12:43,960 - Hi, Andy, hi, Chrissy, 636 00:12:40,726 --> 00:12:43,960 hi, Captain Lee. 637 00:12:43,960 --> 00:12:45,565 We love you guys so much. 638 00:12:43,960 --> 00:12:45,565 - Thank you. 639 00:12:45,565 --> 00:12:48,600 - All right, so our question 640 00:12:45,565 --> 00:12:48,600 is, if Rachel and Eddie 641 00:12:48,600 --> 00:12:51,337 both gave you an ultimatum, 642 00:12:48,600 --> 00:12:51,337 in which they refused 643 00:12:51,337 --> 00:12:53,105 to work with 644 00:12:51,337 --> 00:12:53,105 each other anymore, 645 00:12:53,105 --> 00:12:55,642 who would you ultimately 646 00:12:53,105 --> 00:12:55,642 decide to work with? 647 00:12:55,642 --> 00:12:58,110 - Oooh!! 648 00:12:55,642 --> 00:12:58,110 - Ooh, that's a really good-- 649 00:12:58,110 --> 00:13:02,480 - Eddie already knows that 650 00:12:58,110 --> 00:13:02,480 I don't deal with ultimatums. 651 00:13:02,480 --> 00:13:04,884 [chuckling] 652 00:13:02,480 --> 00:13:04,884 So if I get an ultimatum 653 00:13:04,884 --> 00:13:08,879 from both of them, odds are 654 00:13:04,884 --> 00:13:08,879 both of them are gonna end up 655 00:13:08,879 --> 00:13:10,155 in the same boathouse. 656 00:13:08,879 --> 00:13:10,155 - All right. 657 00:13:10,155 --> 00:13:12,625 Thank you virtual fans. 658 00:13:10,155 --> 00:13:12,625 - Ooh! Brutal! 659 00:13:12,625 --> 00:13:14,360 [cheering and applause] 660 00:13:12,625 --> 00:13:14,360 - Okay. 661 00:13:14,360 --> 00:13:16,962 Did I-- did I hear from you 662 00:13:14,360 --> 00:13:16,962 that you just recently 663 00:13:16,962 --> 00:13:19,865 binged Orange County 664 00:13:16,962 --> 00:13:19,865 from the very beginning? 665 00:13:19,865 --> 00:13:21,634 - Twice. 666 00:13:19,865 --> 00:13:21,634 - Twice?! 667 00:13:21,634 --> 00:13:23,102 - I went in circles doing it, 668 00:13:23,102 --> 00:13:26,720 because then I went to Miraval, 669 00:13:23,102 --> 00:13:26,720 and then I, like, 670 00:13:26,720 --> 00:13:28,274 went back to the Miraval 671 00:13:26,720 --> 00:13:28,274 again of it all, 672 00:13:28,274 --> 00:13:32,278 and I am a freakin' 673 00:13:28,274 --> 00:13:32,278 expert on OC. Old OC. 674 00:13:32,278 --> 00:13:34,313 - Wow. Wow. 675 00:13:32,278 --> 00:13:34,313 - Like, oh my gosh, yeah. 676 00:13:34,313 --> 00:13:35,548 I sure love it. 677 00:13:34,313 --> 00:13:35,548 - Was there anyone that you saw 678 00:13:35,548 --> 00:13:38,384 that you think we should 679 00:13:35,548 --> 00:13:38,384 be looking at closer now, 680 00:13:38,384 --> 00:13:41,870 or giving a second chance to, 681 00:13:38,384 --> 00:13:41,870 as you've rewatched it? 682 00:13:41,870 --> 00:13:43,756 - I think Tamra was so critical 683 00:13:41,870 --> 00:13:43,756 to the show, um-- 684 00:13:43,756 --> 00:13:45,991 - Yes, majorly. 685 00:13:43,756 --> 00:13:45,991 - Yeah, Tamra, uh-- 686 00:13:45,991 --> 00:13:47,860 I think Tamra would be 687 00:13:45,991 --> 00:13:47,860 my big bring-back. 688 00:13:47,860 --> 00:13:50,797 Um, uh, but yeah, most of-- 689 00:13:47,860 --> 00:13:50,797 most of 'em you made 690 00:13:50,797 --> 00:13:52,599 the right decisions on, 691 00:13:50,797 --> 00:13:52,599 I think, um-- 692 00:13:52,599 --> 00:13:54,234 and they admit it. 693 00:13:52,599 --> 00:13:54,234 Admit so in your book. 694 00:13:54,234 --> 00:13:55,534 - Right, right. 695 00:13:54,234 --> 00:13:55,534 - They're like, yeah, 696 00:13:55,534 --> 00:13:56,669 I wasn't bringing it all 697 00:13:55,534 --> 00:13:56,669 to the table, 698 00:13:56,669 --> 00:13:58,303 and it's so funny how 699 00:13:56,669 --> 00:13:58,303 the more honest they are-- 700 00:13:58,303 --> 00:14:00,472 I think you said something 701 00:13:58,303 --> 00:14:00,472 about, um, uh-- 702 00:14:00,472 --> 00:14:02,750 people don't want you 703 00:14:00,472 --> 00:14:02,750 to be right, 704 00:14:02,750 --> 00:14:03,809 they want you to be honest. 705 00:14:02,750 --> 00:14:03,809 - Right. 706 00:14:03,809 --> 00:14:05,345 - Or they want you to be-- 707 00:14:03,809 --> 00:14:05,345 - Authentic. 708 00:14:05,345 --> 00:14:06,613 - Yeah, authentic. 709 00:14:05,345 --> 00:14:06,613 - Yes. 710 00:14:06,613 --> 00:14:08,248 - And it's really true, 711 00:14:06,613 --> 00:14:08,248 and, like, Lizzie and everyone 712 00:14:08,248 --> 00:14:10,582 that didn't, you know, 713 00:14:08,248 --> 00:14:10,582 show enough of themselves, 714 00:14:10,582 --> 00:14:11,784 it really-- 715 00:14:10,582 --> 00:14:11,784 - Right. 716 00:14:11,784 --> 00:14:13,419 - It-- it didn't make-- 717 00:14:11,784 --> 00:14:13,419 it didn't get them very far. 718 00:14:13,419 --> 00:14:16,221 - Chrissy, you have learned 719 00:14:13,419 --> 00:14:16,221 a lot about social media 720 00:14:16,221 --> 00:14:17,524 in the last year. 721 00:14:17,524 --> 00:14:21,610 Any advice 722 00:14:17,524 --> 00:14:21,610 for Bravo folks 723 00:14:21,610 --> 00:14:25,649 who are renegades 724 00:14:21,610 --> 00:14:25,649 behind the keyboard. 725 00:14:25,649 --> 00:14:28,335 - I would say 726 00:14:25,649 --> 00:14:28,335 the number one job-- 727 00:14:28,335 --> 00:14:31,571 to me, the Bravo family 728 00:14:31,571 --> 00:14:34,707 are entertainers, 729 00:14:31,571 --> 00:14:34,707 and they are 730 00:14:34,707 --> 00:14:37,177 the world's finest entertainers, 731 00:14:34,707 --> 00:14:37,177 if you ask me, 732 00:14:37,177 --> 00:14:39,846 but I think the best thing 733 00:14:37,177 --> 00:14:39,846 an entertainer is can d-- 734 00:14:39,846 --> 00:14:41,914 the entertainers can do 735 00:14:39,846 --> 00:14:41,914 is bring people joy, 736 00:14:41,914 --> 00:14:44,283 and I think, 737 00:14:41,914 --> 00:14:44,283 you know, when they-- 738 00:14:44,283 --> 00:14:47,354 people don't wanna see the-- 739 00:14:44,283 --> 00:14:47,354 such nasty fights all the time, 740 00:14:47,354 --> 00:14:48,355 I think people 741 00:14:47,354 --> 00:14:48,355 really love it 742 00:14:48,355 --> 00:14:49,422 when they go on 743 00:14:48,355 --> 00:14:49,422 the trips together 744 00:14:49,422 --> 00:14:50,956 and they genuinely enjoy 745 00:14:49,422 --> 00:14:50,956 each other's company, 746 00:14:50,956 --> 00:14:53,225 and they call each other out, 747 00:14:50,956 --> 00:14:53,225 and get real and everything, 748 00:14:53,225 --> 00:14:56,395 but it is difficult 749 00:14:53,225 --> 00:14:56,395 to see it play out 750 00:14:56,395 --> 00:14:57,596 on social media, 751 00:14:57,596 --> 00:14:59,832 as someone that knows it well, 752 00:14:57,596 --> 00:14:59,832 you know, it's just, 753 00:14:59,832 --> 00:15:01,835 it's so much better-- 754 00:14:59,832 --> 00:15:01,835 - Be positive. 755 00:15:01,835 --> 00:15:04,370 - To be positive and 756 00:15:01,835 --> 00:15:04,370 to make people happy 757 00:15:04,370 --> 00:15:06,139 and laugh and smile, 758 00:15:04,370 --> 00:15:06,139 it's so much better. 759 00:15:06,139 --> 00:15:07,706 - There you go. 760 00:15:06,139 --> 00:15:07,706 [cheering and applause] 761 00:15:07,706 --> 00:15:10,476 Captain Lee, you went 762 00:15:07,706 --> 00:15:10,476 to Congress last week, 763 00:15:10,476 --> 00:15:14,313 and testified about 764 00:15:10,476 --> 00:15:14,313 the opioid epidemic, 765 00:15:14,313 --> 00:15:17,182 a cause very close 766 00:15:14,313 --> 00:15:17,182 to your heart, obviously. 767 00:15:17,182 --> 00:15:20,529 How incredible that 768 00:15:17,182 --> 00:15:20,529 you're using your platform 769 00:15:20,529 --> 00:15:21,955 that way. 770 00:15:20,529 --> 00:15:21,955 - It's incredible 771 00:15:21,955 --> 00:15:24,857 that I actually get 772 00:15:21,955 --> 00:15:24,857 this opportunity, 773 00:15:24,857 --> 00:15:26,960 because there's 774 00:15:24,857 --> 00:15:26,960 so many parents out there 775 00:15:26,960 --> 00:15:28,727 like Mary Anne and I, 776 00:15:28,727 --> 00:15:31,264 who have lost 777 00:15:28,727 --> 00:15:31,264 not only parents, 778 00:15:31,264 --> 00:15:35,402 but husbands, wives, 779 00:15:31,264 --> 00:15:35,402 the list is endless. 780 00:15:35,402 --> 00:15:38,804 - Yeah. 781 00:15:35,402 --> 00:15:38,804 - That just don't get a voice. 782 00:15:38,804 --> 00:15:41,674 - And you're buying a barge 783 00:15:38,804 --> 00:15:41,674 in hopes to start 784 00:15:41,674 --> 00:15:44,244 a rehab facility on the barge, 785 00:15:41,674 --> 00:15:44,244 is that right? 786 00:15:44,244 --> 00:15:48,313 - Yes, it's a 470-foot barge 787 00:15:48,313 --> 00:15:50,283 to 85 feet wide. 788 00:15:50,283 --> 00:15:53,318 It'll house 200 patients 789 00:15:50,283 --> 00:15:53,318 at a time, 790 00:15:53,318 --> 00:15:56,822 and we're also converting it 791 00:15:53,318 --> 00:15:56,822 into a vocational 792 00:15:56,822 --> 00:15:59,426 rehabilitation center, 793 00:15:56,822 --> 00:15:59,426 so that not only 794 00:15:59,426 --> 00:16:03,196 do we try to get them clean, 795 00:15:59,426 --> 00:16:03,196 but they-- we try 796 00:16:03,196 --> 00:16:06,320 to get them back into 797 00:16:03,196 --> 00:16:06,320 the mainstream of the community 798 00:16:06,320 --> 00:16:10,700 with a... an ability 799 00:16:06,320 --> 00:16:10,700 to make a living. 800 00:16:10,700 --> 00:16:12,438 - That's great. 801 00:16:10,700 --> 00:16:12,438 - Usually when they 802 00:16:12,438 --> 00:16:15,741 get out of, you know, 803 00:16:12,438 --> 00:16:15,741 they burned all 804 00:16:15,741 --> 00:16:17,210 of their bridges, 805 00:16:17,210 --> 00:16:20,713 when it comes to employment, 806 00:16:17,210 --> 00:16:20,713 because of their drug use. 807 00:16:20,713 --> 00:16:22,716 And they have nothing 808 00:16:20,713 --> 00:16:22,716 to fall back on, 809 00:16:22,716 --> 00:16:24,551 so you can't really just 810 00:16:22,716 --> 00:16:24,551 kick them back out 811 00:16:24,551 --> 00:16:26,852 into society, say "Okay, 812 00:16:24,551 --> 00:16:26,852 you're on your own." 813 00:16:26,852 --> 00:16:28,554 - Right. 814 00:16:26,852 --> 00:16:28,554 - So we want to give them 815 00:16:28,554 --> 00:16:30,590 something viable 816 00:16:28,554 --> 00:16:30,590 that they can count on 817 00:16:30,590 --> 00:16:33,293 and then go out there 818 00:16:30,590 --> 00:16:33,293 and become productive members. 819 00:16:33,293 --> 00:16:37,263 - That's great! That is awesome. 820 00:16:33,293 --> 00:16:37,263 [cheers and applause] 821 00:16:37,263 --> 00:16:39,832 Keep going, Mary Anne, 822 00:16:37,263 --> 00:16:39,832 keep 'em going. 823 00:16:39,832 --> 00:16:41,835 Our show tonight 824 00:16:39,832 --> 00:16:41,835 has been smooth sailing, 825 00:16:41,835 --> 00:16:44,169 but-- oh no, 826 00:16:41,835 --> 00:16:44,169 I spoke too soon. 827 00:16:44,169 --> 00:16:47,941 You both just got 828 00:16:44,169 --> 00:16:47,941 Caught in the Sean Surf. 829 00:16:47,941 --> 00:16:51,769 A sea of Captain Seans 830 00:16:47,941 --> 00:16:51,769 is gonna rise beneath you. 831 00:16:51,769 --> 00:16:52,511 Captain Lee, 832 00:16:51,769 --> 00:16:52,511 you're gonna toss out 833 00:16:52,511 --> 00:16:56,816 the lifeline, a series 834 00:16:52,511 --> 00:16:56,816 of Bravo trivia questions 835 00:16:56,816 --> 00:16:58,183 directed at Chrissy. 836 00:16:56,816 --> 00:16:58,183 - All right. 837 00:16:58,183 --> 00:16:59,719 - For every answer 838 00:16:58,183 --> 00:16:59,719 she gets wrong, 839 00:16:59,719 --> 00:17:02,220 Captain Sean's 840 00:16:59,719 --> 00:17:02,220 sea level will rise. 841 00:17:02,220 --> 00:17:04,656 Answer seven right 842 00:17:02,220 --> 00:17:04,656 in sixty seconds, 843 00:17:04,656 --> 00:17:06,526 or you'll both 844 00:17:04,656 --> 00:17:06,526 go underwater. 845 00:17:06,526 --> 00:17:08,260 - We're gonna test you. 846 00:17:06,526 --> 00:17:08,260 - Okay. 847 00:17:08,260 --> 00:17:10,730 Here we go... go! 848 00:17:08,260 --> 00:17:10,730 - All right, 849 00:17:10,730 --> 00:17:14,233 what is Ramona Singer's 850 00:17:10,730 --> 00:17:14,233 maiden name: 851 00:17:14,233 --> 00:17:16,769 Mazure or Floyd? 852 00:17:19,471 --> 00:17:20,640 The clock is ticking. 853 00:17:19,471 --> 00:17:20,640 - Mazure? 854 00:17:20,640 --> 00:17:23,308 - Yes, that's correct. 855 00:17:20,640 --> 00:17:23,308 - That's correct. 856 00:17:23,308 --> 00:17:26,246 Since Porsha always 857 00:17:23,308 --> 00:17:26,246 got it confused, 858 00:17:26,246 --> 00:17:29,516 which title 859 00:17:26,246 --> 00:17:29,516 did Kenya hold? 860 00:17:29,516 --> 00:17:31,951 - What title was Kenya? 861 00:17:29,516 --> 00:17:31,951 - Miss America. 862 00:17:31,951 --> 00:17:33,519 - No, Miss U.S.A.! 863 00:17:31,951 --> 00:17:33,519 - Miss Universe! 864 00:17:33,519 --> 00:17:35,549 Dahh!!! 865 00:17:33,519 --> 00:17:35,549 - Okay. 866 00:17:35,549 --> 00:17:37,569 - Too late. 867 00:17:35,549 --> 00:17:37,569 - I know. 868 00:17:37,569 --> 00:17:39,893 - What is the name of the book 869 00:17:37,569 --> 00:17:39,893 featuring Danielle Staab 870 00:17:39,893 --> 00:17:43,863 that ignited the Teresa-- 871 00:17:39,893 --> 00:17:43,863 - "Badge Without A Gun." 872 00:17:43,863 --> 00:17:45,650 - What? 873 00:17:43,863 --> 00:17:45,650 - "Cop Without A Badge." 874 00:17:45,650 --> 00:17:46,465 - "Cop Without A Badge." 875 00:17:45,650 --> 00:17:46,465 [laughing] 876 00:17:46,465 --> 00:17:47,733 Give her the point, 877 00:17:46,465 --> 00:17:47,733 give her the point. 878 00:17:47,733 --> 00:17:48,968 - She got that? 879 00:17:47,733 --> 00:17:48,968 Close enough? 880 00:17:48,968 --> 00:17:50,804 - Go on, we're being timed. 881 00:17:48,968 --> 00:17:50,804 - Okay. 882 00:17:50,804 --> 00:17:53,605 What was Countess Luann's 883 00:17:50,804 --> 00:17:53,605 first song? 884 00:17:53,605 --> 00:17:56,108 - Um, "Money Can't 885 00:17:53,605 --> 00:17:56,108 Buy You Class." 886 00:17:56,108 --> 00:17:59,913 - Bingo. What was the name 887 00:17:56,108 --> 00:17:59,913 of Cherie's party planner 888 00:17:59,913 --> 00:18:03,415 in the iconic "Who gonna 889 00:17:59,913 --> 00:18:03,415 check me, boo?" scene? 890 00:18:03,415 --> 00:18:05,719 Anthony or Antoine? 891 00:18:03,415 --> 00:18:05,719 - Antoine. 892 00:18:05,719 --> 00:18:08,288 [buzzes] 893 00:18:05,719 --> 00:18:08,288 - Ahh! 894 00:18:08,288 --> 00:18:10,789 - Oh god, we're being 895 00:18:08,288 --> 00:18:10,789 swept away by Sean! 896 00:18:10,789 --> 00:18:13,660 - No, Sean! 897 00:18:10,789 --> 00:18:13,660 No, Sean!!! 898 00:18:13,660 --> 00:18:15,627 - All right. 899 00:18:13,660 --> 00:18:15,627 - It should have been just OC. 900 00:18:15,627 --> 00:18:17,596 - Wow, stick around, 901 00:18:15,627 --> 00:18:17,596 after the break, 902 00:18:17,596 --> 00:18:19,833 we have more with these two, 903 00:18:17,596 --> 00:18:19,833 and we'll be right back. 904 00:18:19,833 --> 00:18:22,134 [cheering and applause] 905 00:18:22,134 --> 00:18:26,172 ** 906 00:18:26,271 --> 00:18:33,445 * Watch what happens live 907 00:18:26,271 --> 00:18:33,445 watch what happens live * 908 00:18:34,513 --> 00:18:37,384 - All right, welcome back 909 00:18:34,513 --> 00:18:37,384 to "Watch What Happens Live." 910 00:18:37,384 --> 00:18:39,419 It's Andy, here with 911 00:18:37,384 --> 00:18:39,419 Chrissy, Captain Lee, 912 00:18:39,419 --> 00:18:43,390 and Rax King 913 00:18:39,419 --> 00:18:43,390 behind the bar. 914 00:18:43,390 --> 00:18:45,157 I mean, Rax, 915 00:18:43,390 --> 00:18:45,157 the question is, 916 00:18:45,157 --> 00:18:47,930 you got the quote 917 00:18:45,157 --> 00:18:47,930 right here, 918 00:18:47,930 --> 00:18:48,894 you said you regretted 919 00:18:47,930 --> 00:18:48,894 getting it there. 920 00:18:48,894 --> 00:18:51,263 Where would you 921 00:18:48,894 --> 00:18:51,263 have rather put it? 922 00:18:51,263 --> 00:18:54,701 - Someplace so hidden. 923 00:18:51,263 --> 00:18:54,701 - Okay, we respect that. 924 00:18:54,701 --> 00:18:56,836 Um, Chrissy, 925 00:18:54,701 --> 00:18:56,836 Zander Z. wants to know 926 00:18:56,836 --> 00:18:57,836 if John ever gets mad 927 00:18:57,836 --> 00:19:01,700 when you say your household 928 00:18:57,836 --> 00:19:01,700 is Team Ari. 929 00:19:01,700 --> 00:19:03,410 - No, he knows 930 00:19:01,700 --> 00:19:03,410 we really are. 931 00:19:03,410 --> 00:19:07,614 Um, yeah, anything-- I asked her 932 00:19:03,410 --> 00:19:07,614 for, like, social media assets 933 00:19:07,614 --> 00:19:09,382 so I could be 934 00:19:07,614 --> 00:19:09,382 more Team Ari, 935 00:19:09,382 --> 00:19:11,684 and she's so sweet, 936 00:19:09,382 --> 00:19:11,684 she didn't send them. 937 00:19:11,684 --> 00:19:14,287 Um, but I really just-- 938 00:19:11,684 --> 00:19:14,287 we love her. 939 00:19:14,287 --> 00:19:16,890 Me and Luna 940 00:19:14,287 --> 00:19:16,890 are just, like, we-- 941 00:19:16,890 --> 00:19:17,222 between her 942 00:19:16,890 --> 00:19:17,222 and Dua Lipa, 943 00:19:17,222 --> 00:19:19,558 we're set with music, 944 00:19:17,222 --> 00:19:19,558 we don't need John. 945 00:19:19,558 --> 00:19:20,926 - Is Luna a big 946 00:19:19,558 --> 00:19:20,926 Dua Lipa fan? 947 00:19:20,926 --> 00:19:23,630 - Yes, yes, I'm a big 948 00:19:20,926 --> 00:19:23,630 Dua Lipa fan. 949 00:19:23,630 --> 00:19:24,830 - John, don't listen to that. 950 00:19:23,630 --> 00:19:24,830 [laughing] 951 00:19:24,830 --> 00:19:26,319 - Yeah, right, exactly. 952 00:19:26,319 --> 00:19:27,534 - It's just-- I mean, 953 00:19:26,319 --> 00:19:27,534 it's-it's nice. 954 00:19:27,534 --> 00:19:29,568 I went back listening 955 00:19:27,534 --> 00:19:29,568 to his older albums too, 956 00:19:29,568 --> 00:19:31,710 and they get so connected 957 00:19:29,568 --> 00:19:31,710 back to those, 958 00:19:31,710 --> 00:19:33,405 and it's so wonderful, 959 00:19:31,710 --> 00:19:33,405 so we do that. But-- 960 00:19:33,405 --> 00:19:35,442 - Do you have a favorite 961 00:19:33,405 --> 00:19:35,442 and least favorite 962 00:19:35,442 --> 00:19:37,430 John Legend song? 963 00:19:35,442 --> 00:19:37,430 - Yeah, definitely. 964 00:19:37,430 --> 00:19:38,577 - Favorite? 965 00:19:37,430 --> 00:19:38,577 - Um, favorite? 966 00:19:38,577 --> 00:19:40,947 I love, um, ooh, 967 00:19:40,947 --> 00:19:44,718 uh, I like-- I love, uh, 968 00:19:40,947 --> 00:19:44,718 "Heaven Only Knows," 969 00:19:44,718 --> 00:19:47,220 I love the "Once Again" 970 00:19:44,718 --> 00:19:47,220 album so much. 971 00:19:47,220 --> 00:19:48,855 Least favorite, 972 00:19:47,220 --> 00:19:48,855 "Green Light," hands down. 973 00:19:48,855 --> 00:19:51,423 - Wow, there you go. 974 00:19:48,855 --> 00:19:51,423 - Yeah, yeah. 975 00:19:51,423 --> 00:19:52,826 [laughing] 976 00:19:51,423 --> 00:19:52,826 - Okay, she didn't even 977 00:19:52,826 --> 00:19:54,126 have to think about that. 978 00:19:52,826 --> 00:19:54,126 - Sorry, his biggest hit, 979 00:19:54,126 --> 00:19:55,461 by the way. 980 00:19:54,126 --> 00:19:55,461 Other than "All Of Me." 981 00:19:55,461 --> 00:19:57,529 - There you go. 982 00:19:55,461 --> 00:19:57,529 - Yeah. So, I was wrong. 983 00:19:57,529 --> 00:19:58,932 - I mean, remember 984 00:19:57,529 --> 00:19:58,932 when you brought us 985 00:19:58,932 --> 00:20:00,599 his Grammy for the Clubhouse? 986 00:19:58,932 --> 00:20:00,599 - I do! 987 00:20:00,599 --> 00:20:01,968 Yeah! 988 00:20:00,599 --> 00:20:01,968 - That was so great. 989 00:20:01,968 --> 00:20:04,400 Then he stole it back. 990 00:20:01,968 --> 00:20:04,400 - I know! 991 00:20:04,400 --> 00:20:06,390 - It's time for Watch 992 00:20:04,400 --> 00:20:06,390 What Happens Five. 993 00:20:06,390 --> 00:20:09,308 Chrissy, uh, you recently 994 00:20:06,390 --> 00:20:09,308 visited Miraval, 995 00:20:09,308 --> 00:20:12,211 the site of Shannon's 996 00:20:09,308 --> 00:20:12,211 famous head trauma, 997 00:20:12,211 --> 00:20:15,848 so I wanna knock out 998 00:20:12,211 --> 00:20:15,848 a bucket list of yours, 999 00:20:15,848 --> 00:20:18,451 and count down the Top Five 1000 00:20:15,848 --> 00:20:18,451 Bravo Landmarks 1001 00:20:18,451 --> 00:20:20,886 That You Want to Visit Next. 1002 00:20:18,451 --> 00:20:20,886 You made this list. 1003 00:20:20,886 --> 00:20:22,821 You've thought about it. 1004 00:20:20,886 --> 00:20:22,821 - It's so great, by the way. 1005 00:20:22,821 --> 00:20:24,156 Like, oh my god. 1006 00:20:24,156 --> 00:20:26,759 They did not like our jokes 1007 00:20:24,156 --> 00:20:26,759 about Miraval very much. 1008 00:20:26,759 --> 00:20:28,528 - Right, yes, they're 1009 00:20:26,759 --> 00:20:28,528 very serious about it. 1010 00:20:28,528 --> 00:20:29,729 - They're very 1011 00:20:28,528 --> 00:20:29,729 serious about it. 1012 00:20:29,729 --> 00:20:33,732 Okay, so, um, 1013 00:20:29,729 --> 00:20:33,732 in no particular order, 1014 00:20:33,732 --> 00:20:36,169 the Quiet Woman 1015 00:20:33,732 --> 00:20:36,169 in Corona Del Mar. Of course. 1016 00:20:36,169 --> 00:20:37,770 "This isn't 1017 00:20:36,169 --> 00:20:37,770 even my plate!" 1018 00:20:37,770 --> 00:20:39,105 [laughing] 1019 00:20:39,105 --> 00:20:40,406 Um, that was amazing. 1020 00:20:40,406 --> 00:20:43,430 Posche by Kim D. 1021 00:20:40,406 --> 00:20:43,430 - Of course! 1022 00:20:43,430 --> 00:20:45,779 - I mean, I need to see, 1023 00:20:43,430 --> 00:20:45,779 I need to see 1024 00:20:45,779 --> 00:20:48,815 every sequined item in there. 1025 00:20:45,779 --> 00:20:48,815 Villa Rosa, 1026 00:20:48,815 --> 00:20:50,849 which I feel like 1027 00:20:48,815 --> 00:20:50,849 is doable. 1028 00:20:50,849 --> 00:20:53,859 I'm surprised you've 1029 00:20:50,849 --> 00:20:53,859 never been to Villa Rosa. 1030 00:20:53,859 --> 00:20:55,989 - I would love to, and I loved 1031 00:20:53,859 --> 00:20:55,989 that dinner party show she had. 1032 00:20:55,989 --> 00:20:58,958 - Quite beautiful. 1033 00:20:55,989 --> 00:20:58,958 - Then Dorit's capris room 1034 00:20:58,958 --> 00:21:01,940 at the Buca di Beppo 1035 00:20:58,958 --> 00:21:01,940 in Encino. 1036 00:21:01,940 --> 00:21:03,229 - I feel like that's 1037 00:21:01,940 --> 00:21:03,229 in your future too. 1038 00:21:03,229 --> 00:21:05,298 - Absolutely, 1039 00:21:03,229 --> 00:21:05,298 like, tomorrow? 1040 00:21:05,298 --> 00:21:08,268 Um, and then-- oh! 1041 00:21:08,268 --> 00:21:10,103 I have to visit Andalaise 1042 00:21:10,103 --> 00:21:12,739 in Puerto Vallarta! 1043 00:21:10,103 --> 00:21:12,739 - Absolutely. 1044 00:21:12,739 --> 00:21:15,107 - Andale! 1045 00:21:15,107 --> 00:21:16,542 Andale! 1046 00:21:15,107 --> 00:21:16,542 - Look out, world, 1047 00:21:16,542 --> 00:21:18,411 Chrissy's coming for you. 1048 00:21:18,411 --> 00:21:20,846 We're gonna send Rax 1049 00:21:18,411 --> 00:21:20,846 on My Sienna, 1050 00:21:20,846 --> 00:21:22,781 we're gonna thank 1051 00:21:20,846 --> 00:21:22,781 Captain Lee. 1052 00:21:22,781 --> 00:21:24,451 Thanks all of you 1053 00:21:22,781 --> 00:21:24,451 for being here. 1054 00:21:24,451 --> 00:21:26,385 The word of the night 1055 00:21:24,451 --> 00:21:26,385 was "deck." 1056 00:21:26,385 --> 00:21:28,721 We said it nine times. 1057 00:21:28,721 --> 00:21:29,823 If you've been playing 1058 00:21:28,721 --> 00:21:29,823 our drinking game, no driving. 1059 00:21:29,823 --> 00:21:30,957 We'll see you tomorrow night 1060 00:21:30,957 --> 00:21:32,959 with Scheana Shay 1061 00:21:30,957 --> 00:21:32,959 and Brock Davies. 1062 00:21:32,959 --> 00:21:35,929 Thanks Lee, thanks Rax, 1063 00:21:32,959 --> 00:21:35,929 thanks Chrissy. 1064 00:21:35,929 --> 00:21:40,099 [cheering and applause] 1065 00:21:40,099 --> 00:21:45,971 **