1 00:00:06,695 --> 00:00:08,715 Fancy a whirl tonight? 2 00:00:08,735 --> 00:00:12,735 You must be joking. Oh, come on, Twinkle Toes. 3 00:00:12,751 --> 00:00:14,751 Come on. 4 00:02:09,723 --> 00:02:11,631 A Tiger Moth. A Tiger Moth? 5 00:02:11,731 --> 00:02:14,655 And it has a top flying speed of 130 miles per hour. 6 00:02:14,755 --> 00:02:16,651 De Havilland? 7 00:02:16,751 --> 00:02:19,615 The engine, Charlie. It does have one, I hope. 8 00:02:19,715 --> 00:02:20,667 Oh, yes. 9 00:02:20,767 --> 00:02:23,707 And wings? At least two. 10 00:02:23,727 --> 00:02:26,723 How much? Five hundred pounds. 11 00:02:26,739 --> 00:02:28,607 They're over a thousand new. 12 00:02:28,707 --> 00:02:29,691 Mechanic says she's in mint condition. 13 00:02:29,791 --> 00:02:33,687 Only six hours flying time. Why so low? What's wrong with her? 14 00:02:33,787 --> 00:02:36,787 Nothing. Mother bought it for me. 15 00:02:37,707 --> 00:02:41,607 Vic promised to teach me to fly, but he never came back from the war. 16 00:02:41,707 --> 00:02:43,611 Anyway, I get giddy standing on a chair... 17 00:02:43,711 --> 00:02:45,615 ...so it's been gathering dust in a hangar for years. 18 00:02:45,715 --> 00:02:48,723 So why sell it now? I need cash. 19 00:02:48,743 --> 00:02:52,313 Mother keeps the purse strings very tight. 20 00:02:52,695 --> 00:02:54,667 I just need to attend to something. 21 00:02:54,767 --> 00:02:56,675 You promised me a dance, Charlie. 22 00:02:56,775 --> 00:02:59,595 I hope you haven't lured me here under false pretences. 23 00:02:59,695 --> 00:03:04,663 I shouldn't worry about any shortage of potential dance partners. 24 00:03:04,763 --> 00:03:06,763 Back in a jiffy. 25 00:04:05,739 --> 00:04:08,544 Who are those charming gentlemen? 26 00:04:09,783 --> 00:04:12,655 Charles, what's wrong? What's going on? 27 00:04:12,755 --> 00:04:14,783 I'm in a situation. 28 00:04:15,787 --> 00:04:19,442 It's a little sordid. I specialise in those. 29 00:04:23,699 --> 00:04:28,034 I wonder if I might have the pleasure of this dance? 30 00:04:28,735 --> 00:04:30,635 No, you run along. It can wait. 31 00:04:30,735 --> 00:04:32,735 Well, don't go too far. 32 00:04:48,723 --> 00:04:51,647 My compliments on the band, Mr Stone. 33 00:04:51,747 --> 00:04:53,747 The devil's music. 34 00:04:54,775 --> 00:04:58,090 Must compliment the devil on his taste. 35 00:05:12,755 --> 00:05:14,611 Somebody help. 36 00:05:14,711 --> 00:05:17,743 Leonard, speak to me. 37 00:05:17,763 --> 00:05:19,611 Len. - What's going on? 38 00:05:19,711 --> 00:05:21,723 Had he passed out? 39 00:05:21,739 --> 00:05:23,864 Somebody call the police. 40 00:05:27,703 --> 00:05:30,711 Oh, no, no. 41 00:05:30,727 --> 00:05:32,743 Excuse me. Excusez-moi. 42 00:05:32,759 --> 00:05:34,969 Thank you. Excuse me, sir. 43 00:05:36,783 --> 00:05:38,823 Well, well, Miss Fisher. 44 00:05:39,707 --> 00:05:41,683 Nice to see you too, Jack. 45 00:05:41,783 --> 00:05:43,691 Another murder, no less. 46 00:05:43,791 --> 00:05:45,663 Let's not make a habit of it. 47 00:05:45,763 --> 00:05:48,647 His name's Leonard Stevens and he appears to have been stabbed. 48 00:05:48,747 --> 00:05:50,611 Do we know by whom? 49 00:05:50,711 --> 00:05:52,679 We were all dancing and he just collapsed mid-song. 50 00:05:52,779 --> 00:05:55,839 That's his dance partner over there. 51 00:05:56,755 --> 00:05:58,619 Do we have a murder weapon? 52 00:05:58,719 --> 00:06:02,687 No, but rather a suspicious lot of cash to be carrying around, 53 00:06:02,787 --> 00:06:04,635 don't you think? 54 00:06:04,735 --> 00:06:06,611 You went through his pockets. 55 00:06:06,711 --> 00:06:08,611 I have a mind to charge you with interference. 56 00:06:08,711 --> 00:06:11,686 Come on, Jack. I secured the scene. 57 00:06:12,751 --> 00:06:14,615 Log it. 58 00:06:14,715 --> 00:06:16,643 Let's see if we can come up with a weapon. 59 00:06:16,743 --> 00:06:18,623 And I want everybody searched. 60 00:06:18,723 --> 00:06:21,759 The women too, sir? 61 00:06:22,763 --> 00:06:25,631 There's no lady constable to call on, Collins. 62 00:06:25,731 --> 00:06:27,731 Do your best. 63 00:06:30,739 --> 00:06:32,679 He was going to marry me. 64 00:06:32,779 --> 00:06:35,731 Sure he was, sugar. 65 00:06:35,747 --> 00:06:38,042 And I'm the Queen of Sheba. 66 00:06:38,787 --> 00:06:41,791 Look, there ain't nothin' here... 67 00:06:42,711 --> 00:06:45,643 ...and there ain't nothin' here that's good enough for you. 68 00:06:45,743 --> 00:06:47,639 Mm-hm. 69 00:06:47,739 --> 00:06:49,655 Can't you take pity on him? 70 00:06:49,755 --> 00:06:53,580 Make ME an honorary constable. Uh, no, thanks. 71 00:06:53,699 --> 00:06:55,655 Collins could do with the practice. 72 00:06:55,755 --> 00:06:58,691 Has he asked Miss Williams to the Fireman and Policeman's Ball yet? 73 00:06:58,791 --> 00:07:01,627 Not that I'm aware of. Dotty wouldn't keep that to herself. 74 00:07:01,727 --> 00:07:02,675 Hmm. 75 00:07:02,775 --> 00:07:05,410 He tells me he's working on it. 76 00:07:09,775 --> 00:07:12,683 So how well did you know Leonard Stevens? 77 00:07:12,783 --> 00:07:14,635 Who said I did? 78 00:07:14,735 --> 00:07:19,325 I thought from the comment you made to Pansy earlier... 79 00:07:19,719 --> 00:07:20,683 He's been hangin' around this club... 80 00:07:20,783 --> 00:07:22,659 ...since we started out a few weeks back... 81 00:07:22,759 --> 00:07:25,643 ...and, uh, I've seen enough to know he's a creep. 82 00:07:25,743 --> 00:07:27,767 Ah, Miss Fisher. 83 00:07:27,787 --> 00:07:30,651 I see you've made Nerine's acquaintance. 84 00:07:30,751 --> 00:07:33,719 Allow me to introduce Ben Rogers, 85 00:07:33,739 --> 00:07:36,607 the best cornet player in the Southern Hemisphere. 86 00:07:36,707 --> 00:07:38,615 I know it's hardly the time or place, Mr Rogers, 87 00:07:38,715 --> 00:07:40,639 but I enjoyed your solo. 88 00:07:40,739 --> 00:07:44,743 Easy, sugar. He's a married man. 89 00:07:44,759 --> 00:07:46,787 Huh. What's the matter? 90 00:07:47,707 --> 00:07:49,651 Ain't you ever seen a black and white married couple before? 91 00:07:49,751 --> 00:07:51,603 As far as I'm concerned, 92 00:07:51,703 --> 00:07:53,643 everybody should be allowed to marry whomever they choose. 93 00:07:53,743 --> 00:07:57,711 Though, personally, I'm not the marrying kind. 94 00:07:57,731 --> 00:08:01,131 Make your way towards the exits, please. 95 00:08:02,703 --> 00:08:03,663 I understand you're the band leader. 96 00:08:03,763 --> 00:08:06,643 Did you see anything from the stage? 97 00:08:06,743 --> 00:08:08,667 I was dancing with Miss Fisher. 98 00:08:08,767 --> 00:08:11,615 I thought Mr Freeman was your dance partner. 99 00:08:11,715 --> 00:08:12,687 In fact, where is Mr Freeman? 100 00:08:12,787 --> 00:08:14,647 He couldn't cope with the sight of blood... 101 00:08:14,747 --> 00:08:16,687 ...and rushed to the gents to retch his heart out. 102 00:08:16,787 --> 00:08:18,787 Constable. 103 00:08:19,775 --> 00:08:22,647 So, good vantage point from up there. 104 00:08:22,747 --> 00:08:24,631 Do you recall seeing anything? 105 00:08:24,731 --> 00:08:28,739 I remember Nerine, all those glasses smashing... 106 00:08:28,755 --> 00:08:30,679 When my baby's hopped up on jazz, 107 00:08:30,779 --> 00:08:32,659 he don't remember nothin'. 108 00:08:32,759 --> 00:08:35,309 No-one left in the gents, sir. 109 00:08:36,723 --> 00:08:40,123 Left the scene of the crime. Interesting. 110 00:08:40,711 --> 00:08:42,611 It's all over the newspaper, miss. 111 00:08:42,711 --> 00:08:46,635 Your friend, Mr Freeman, he's wanted for questioning. 112 00:08:46,735 --> 00:08:50,735 Did he do it? Mr Freeman? The murder? 113 00:08:51,787 --> 00:08:55,707 I wouldn't have thought Charles the type, 114 00:08:55,727 --> 00:09:00,643 but then I have no idea why he chose to escape out the bathroom window. 115 00:09:00,743 --> 00:09:02,687 Was Constable Collins there, miss? 116 00:09:02,787 --> 00:09:06,779 Yes, Dot. Dashing as ever. 117 00:09:11,791 --> 00:09:14,755 And I must tell you, Dot, 118 00:09:14,775 --> 00:09:18,639 Mr Collins wants to invite you to the Fireman and Policeman's Ball. 119 00:09:18,739 --> 00:09:20,739 Oh. 120 00:09:22,719 --> 00:09:26,619 Well, he's leaving his run a bit late. It's this Saturday. 121 00:09:26,719 --> 00:09:30,374 Yes, well, he might need some encouragement. 122 00:09:30,695 --> 00:09:32,703 Like what? 123 00:09:32,719 --> 00:09:34,679 You might need to invite him instead. 124 00:09:34,779 --> 00:09:37,719 Me ask him? 125 00:09:37,739 --> 00:09:40,969 It's just not how it's done. Poppycock. 126 00:09:43,727 --> 00:09:46,643 A Mrs Adele Freeman on the telephone. 127 00:09:46,743 --> 00:09:52,013 She's most insistent she speak with you about her son, Charles. 128 00:09:57,739 --> 00:09:59,949 Mrs Freeman won't be long. 129 00:10:21,719 --> 00:10:24,747 If only Vic was still with us. 130 00:10:24,763 --> 00:10:27,483 Thank you for coming so quickly. 131 00:10:27,711 --> 00:10:28,667 I've been worried sick about Charles. 132 00:10:28,767 --> 00:10:31,639 Still no word, I take it? No, nothing. 133 00:10:31,739 --> 00:10:34,374 Oh, Phryne, I can't believe it. 134 00:10:34,707 --> 00:10:37,699 They think my Charlie a murderer. 135 00:10:37,715 --> 00:10:39,639 They'll hang him. I know they will. 136 00:10:39,739 --> 00:10:42,034 I-I can't lose another son. 137 00:10:42,775 --> 00:10:45,607 I'll do whatever you want, pay any fee. 138 00:10:45,707 --> 00:10:47,595 Don't worry, Mrs Freeman. 139 00:10:47,695 --> 00:10:49,643 I'll do my best to protect Charles. Thank God. 140 00:10:49,743 --> 00:10:52,548 And no payment will be necessary. 141 00:10:52,699 --> 00:10:56,659 Vic and I were very close once. That's enough for me. 142 00:10:56,759 --> 00:10:59,703 Well, thank you, child. Thank you. 143 00:10:59,719 --> 00:11:01,727 Oh... A-a-a sherry? 144 00:11:03,759 --> 00:11:06,394 Did you know a Leonard Stevens? 145 00:11:06,707 --> 00:11:08,771 The murdered man? No. 146 00:11:08,787 --> 00:11:10,651 Charles never mentioned him? 147 00:11:10,751 --> 00:11:12,787 Not that I recall. 148 00:11:13,791 --> 00:11:17,191 I saw them talking together at the club. 149 00:11:17,727 --> 00:11:20,617 The conversation got quite heated. 150 00:11:23,699 --> 00:11:27,864 I need you to prove my son's innocence, not guilt. 151 00:11:28,699 --> 00:11:29,687 Do you have any idea where he is? 152 00:11:29,787 --> 00:11:31,679 Charles has a set of friends... 153 00:11:31,779 --> 00:11:35,651 ...frivolous, idle young men who have no thought to work. 154 00:11:35,751 --> 00:11:38,603 Life for them is one big celebration. 155 00:11:38,703 --> 00:11:40,603 Anyone he might have confided in? 156 00:11:40,703 --> 00:11:42,663 You could try speaking with Bobby Sullivan. 157 00:11:42,763 --> 00:11:45,643 He and Charles are thick as thieves. 158 00:11:45,743 --> 00:11:47,687 So all we've got to go on is this Sullivan bloke, 159 00:11:47,787 --> 00:11:49,639 lodges somewhere in Richmond? 160 00:11:49,739 --> 00:11:52,691 From what I know. But he's not fond of work and likes a bit of a party. 161 00:11:52,791 --> 00:11:54,643 And Mrs Freeman mentioned... 162 00:11:54,743 --> 00:11:56,603 ...that Charles and Bobby play competition darts... 163 00:11:56,703 --> 00:11:59,611 ...at a hotel somewhere near Sullivan's flat every Thursday. 164 00:11:59,711 --> 00:12:02,655 Gonna be hard to track him down on that much information. 165 00:12:02,755 --> 00:12:04,691 Kingston Pub runs a big darts comp. 166 00:12:04,791 --> 00:12:07,771 Good. Now someone's thinking. 167 00:12:07,791 --> 00:12:11,701 I'll leave it in your capable hands, gentlemen. 168 00:12:11,771 --> 00:12:15,711 This wound is small and unusually neat. 169 00:12:15,727 --> 00:12:17,611 There's no tearing present, 170 00:12:17,711 --> 00:12:22,615 suggesting that the angle of attack was more likely horizontal... 171 00:12:22,715 --> 00:12:24,715 ...like a rapier. 172 00:12:24,771 --> 00:12:27,627 There was no swordplay at the Green Mill last night. 173 00:12:27,727 --> 00:12:28,679 Horseplay on the other hand... 174 00:12:28,779 --> 00:12:30,671 Hello, Jack, Constable Collins, Doctor Johnson. 175 00:12:30,771 --> 00:12:33,727 I-I'm afraid this won't do. 176 00:12:33,747 --> 00:12:37,607 I have never seen a woman set foot inside this building in my time. 177 00:12:37,707 --> 00:12:38,679 Miss Fisher is under the mistaken impression... 178 00:12:38,779 --> 00:12:40,643 ...she's part of the Victorian Constabulary. 179 00:12:40,743 --> 00:12:42,595 Come on, Jack. 180 00:12:42,695 --> 00:12:43,675 Mrs Freeman asked me to look for her son, 181 00:12:43,775 --> 00:12:45,691 and I promise to share any leads I come up with... 182 00:12:45,791 --> 00:12:48,426 ...during my own investigation. 183 00:12:48,751 --> 00:12:50,631 You may stay... 184 00:12:50,731 --> 00:12:54,216 ...on the proviso you utter not one word. 185 00:12:54,719 --> 00:12:56,719 Do you follow? 186 00:12:57,735 --> 00:13:02,763 Most likely the weapon was some sort of thin knife, 187 00:13:02,779 --> 00:13:04,779 a stiletto, perhaps. 188 00:13:10,699 --> 00:13:12,699 Or a hat pin? 189 00:13:13,699 --> 00:13:14,659 It's possible. 190 00:13:14,759 --> 00:13:16,599 Constable? 191 00:13:16,699 --> 00:13:21,743 Uh, I'm afraid there were so many women, sir, 192 00:13:21,759 --> 00:13:23,969 I-I didn't think to check. 193 00:13:24,735 --> 00:13:27,595 You seem so certain that Charles is guilty... 194 00:13:27,695 --> 00:13:29,595 ...but pray, tell me, what was his motive? 195 00:13:29,695 --> 00:13:31,659 Witnesses saw them arguing. Perhaps his motive was money? 196 00:13:31,759 --> 00:13:33,663 Then why did he leave the cash behind? 197 00:13:33,763 --> 00:13:36,599 Perhaps because you fished it out of the deceased's pockets... 198 00:13:36,699 --> 00:13:38,631 ...before he had the opportunity, Miss Fisher. 199 00:13:38,731 --> 00:13:41,639 Charles needed cash. He practically begged me to buy his plane. 200 00:13:41,739 --> 00:13:43,679 But I don't believe he's capable of violence. 201 00:13:43,779 --> 00:13:45,691 His record speaks otherwise. 202 00:13:45,791 --> 00:13:49,615 He has a record? He was recently charged with affray. 203 00:13:49,715 --> 00:13:50,687 Punched a man in a public bar. 204 00:13:50,787 --> 00:13:55,717 Do we know who this man was? The deceased, Leonard Stevens. 205 00:14:00,723 --> 00:14:02,615 Who's our guest? 206 00:14:02,715 --> 00:14:04,599 Won her in the darts comp. 207 00:14:04,699 --> 00:14:06,699 Congratulations. 208 00:14:06,719 --> 00:14:09,663 We tracked down your Sullivan bloke. He's waiting in the parlour, miss. 209 00:14:09,763 --> 00:14:13,715 Thank you. 210 00:14:13,731 --> 00:14:15,603 Chicken fricassee tonight, Mr Butler? 211 00:14:15,703 --> 00:14:19,715 Don't you listen to her, Mildred. 212 00:14:19,735 --> 00:14:22,623 I went to a party directly from the Green Mill. 213 00:14:22,723 --> 00:14:23,691 Didn't get in till the wee hours. 214 00:14:23,791 --> 00:14:27,723 Paying for it now, of course. Ghastly hangover. 215 00:14:30,707 --> 00:14:32,675 A murder? Not long after you left. 216 00:14:32,775 --> 00:14:34,775 Good God. 217 00:14:34,791 --> 00:14:36,639 Who was the victim? 218 00:14:36,739 --> 00:14:39,204 A man called Leonard Stevens. 219 00:14:39,695 --> 00:14:41,627 The police think Charles is guilty. 220 00:14:41,727 --> 00:14:42,675 What?. 221 00:14:42,775 --> 00:14:45,695 Charlie wouldn't hurt a fly. 222 00:14:45,711 --> 00:14:48,091 Apparently, that's not true. 223 00:14:49,735 --> 00:14:51,687 What was going on between Charles and Leonard Stevens? 224 00:14:51,787 --> 00:14:54,691 I don't know anyone by that name. That's odd. 225 00:14:54,791 --> 00:14:57,671 I swear I saw the three of you in a rather heated discussion... 226 00:14:57,771 --> 00:14:59,623 ...at the Green Mill. 227 00:14:59,723 --> 00:15:03,615 I think you've got me mistaken for someone else. 228 00:15:03,715 --> 00:15:06,605 Now, if you've finished with me... 229 00:15:06,739 --> 00:15:08,751 I'm late for a lunch. 230 00:15:08,767 --> 00:15:10,767 Don't let me keep you. 231 00:15:11,747 --> 00:15:13,759 Bye, Mr Sullivan. 232 00:15:21,739 --> 00:15:23,627 It was a fluke. Come on, then. 233 00:15:23,727 --> 00:15:24,675 Show me how it's done. 234 00:15:24,775 --> 00:15:27,920 We need to put a tail on Mr Sullivan. 235 00:15:30,711 --> 00:15:35,726 As much as I like to live dangerously, let's lose the darts. 236 00:15:39,771 --> 00:15:41,787 Good. Stay back. 237 00:15:52,767 --> 00:15:55,711 I'll be fine from here. 238 00:16:02,727 --> 00:16:05,631 Stevens had no listing, sir, but I asked around. 239 00:16:05,731 --> 00:16:07,731 I'll drive, Collins. 240 00:16:08,743 --> 00:16:10,783 Take the next left, sir. 241 00:16:19,783 --> 00:16:23,715 That looks like it. Corner of Highbury Road. 242 00:16:25,787 --> 00:16:28,783 And I believe that's Miss Fisher. 243 00:17:01,787 --> 00:17:04,751 Oh. Miss Fisher. 244 00:17:05,775 --> 00:17:09,603 What are you doing here? I could ask you the same question. 245 00:17:09,703 --> 00:17:12,783 Please give that back. 246 00:17:13,699 --> 00:17:14,651 It belongs to me. 247 00:17:14,751 --> 00:17:17,615 Most interesting, given that this is Leonard Stevens's apartment. 248 00:17:17,715 --> 00:17:19,659 I don't want to have to hurt you. 249 00:17:19,759 --> 00:17:23,611 Turning to break and enter, are we, Miss Fisher? 250 00:17:23,711 --> 00:17:25,711 Hello, Jack. 251 00:17:28,739 --> 00:17:30,639 Actually, I don't think I've broke anything. 252 00:17:30,739 --> 00:17:31,691 The window was already open. 253 00:17:31,791 --> 00:17:34,851 And like Peter Pan, you just flew in. 254 00:17:35,739 --> 00:17:39,615 Actually, Bobby came in first and I just followed him. 255 00:17:39,715 --> 00:17:43,030 Bobby Sullivan, meet Inspector Robinson. 256 00:17:43,767 --> 00:17:46,671 Bobby was at the Green Mill last night... 257 00:17:46,771 --> 00:17:49,671 ...and he's a very good friend of Charles Freeman's. 258 00:17:49,771 --> 00:17:51,771 What's your story? 259 00:17:53,779 --> 00:17:55,779 Hand it over. 260 00:18:07,759 --> 00:18:09,619 Is that... 261 00:18:09,719 --> 00:18:12,719 Oh. Dear God. 262 00:18:15,787 --> 00:18:20,547 Break and enter? You're not seriously going to charge me? 263 00:18:24,719 --> 00:18:26,759 Uh, Miss Fisher, please. 264 00:18:27,731 --> 00:18:28,687 If you could stand as still as possible, 265 00:18:28,787 --> 00:18:30,647 that would be much appreciated. 266 00:18:30,747 --> 00:18:33,727 Thank you. Steady, and one, two... 267 00:18:34,791 --> 00:18:36,791 Miss Williams. 268 00:18:37,727 --> 00:18:39,747 At last, my visitor. 269 00:18:39,767 --> 00:18:41,627 Dot, what have you brought me for lunch? 270 00:18:41,727 --> 00:18:43,663 I thought you were telephoning your solicitor. 271 00:18:43,763 --> 00:18:46,723 My solicitor can't cook. Oh. 272 00:18:46,743 --> 00:18:48,655 Will that be all, miss? Yes. Thank you, Dot. 273 00:18:48,755 --> 00:18:51,900 Why don't you show Miss Williams out? 274 00:19:05,779 --> 00:19:07,627 Just... It's alright if you're busy. 275 00:19:07,727 --> 00:19:10,763 I can... wait. OK. 276 00:19:13,727 --> 00:19:14,675 Ci... 277 00:19:14,775 --> 00:19:18,599 City South Police Station. Constable Collins speaking. 278 00:19:18,699 --> 00:19:20,715 Let's see. 279 00:19:23,755 --> 00:19:25,755 Try this gratin, Jack. 280 00:19:26,723 --> 00:19:29,595 You're not taking the situation seriously. 281 00:19:29,695 --> 00:19:33,520 I haven't taken anything seriously since 1918. 282 00:19:40,735 --> 00:19:43,627 Shouldn't you be clapping me in irons? 283 00:19:43,727 --> 00:19:45,727 Too much paperwork. 284 00:19:47,699 --> 00:19:52,727 If I feed you some more, may I see what's in that folder? 285 00:19:59,727 --> 00:20:01,727 Mmm. 286 00:20:01,727 --> 00:20:04,623 Did you know Charles was a homosexual? 287 00:20:04,723 --> 00:20:06,679 Well, I do enjoy having SOME effect on a man, 288 00:20:06,779 --> 00:20:09,639 and my powder was clearly wasted on Charles. 289 00:20:09,739 --> 00:20:11,619 The photos were taken by Leonard Stevens. 290 00:20:11,719 --> 00:20:14,679 He was extorting money from them both. 291 00:20:14,779 --> 00:20:17,635 So you think that gives Charles a motive? 292 00:20:17,735 --> 00:20:20,683 It gives Bobby Sullivan a motive too. 293 00:20:20,783 --> 00:20:22,647 What will become of them? 294 00:20:22,747 --> 00:20:24,603 Aside from being murder suspects, 295 00:20:24,703 --> 00:20:30,058 they'll stand trial for sodomy and, if found guilty, serve time. 296 00:20:30,715 --> 00:20:32,659 A jail sentence for loving someone. 297 00:20:32,759 --> 00:20:35,643 I am the servant of the law, not its master. 298 00:20:35,743 --> 00:20:38,888 Well, in this case, the law is an ass. 299 00:20:40,719 --> 00:20:43,864 He'd been blackmailing us for months. 300 00:20:44,731 --> 00:20:46,595 Up until last night, 301 00:20:46,695 --> 00:20:50,651 Charles had been the one making all the payments to Leonard. 302 00:20:50,751 --> 00:20:53,896 Each one was supposed to be the last. 303 00:20:54,699 --> 00:20:56,779 But it never was. No. 304 00:20:57,695 --> 00:21:00,670 I told Leonard we had nothing left. 305 00:21:01,695 --> 00:21:03,735 Not that he believed us. 306 00:21:04,755 --> 00:21:07,631 He said he would go to the papers with the photographs. 307 00:21:07,731 --> 00:21:10,281 Is that when you'd had enough? 308 00:21:12,739 --> 00:21:14,687 He had the plates hidden somewhere. 309 00:21:14,787 --> 00:21:19,462 Couldn't go to the police or we'd end up in jail anyway. 310 00:21:19,791 --> 00:21:21,791 We were trapped. 311 00:21:22,771 --> 00:21:26,623 And that's why you broke into Leonard's apartment? 312 00:21:26,723 --> 00:21:28,655 Once I knew Leonard was dead, 313 00:21:28,755 --> 00:21:32,920 I knew the police would be going over his affairs. 314 00:21:33,703 --> 00:21:37,188 I wanted to beat them to the photographs. 315 00:21:37,747 --> 00:21:41,402 Do you think Charles killed Leonard Stevens? 316 00:21:42,763 --> 00:21:45,398 I wouldn't blame him if he had. 317 00:21:48,735 --> 00:21:51,743 Poor dear Charlie. 318 00:21:53,771 --> 00:21:57,599 If the money on Leonard Stevens's body wasn't Charles's, 319 00:21:57,699 --> 00:21:58,651 whose was it? 320 00:21:58,751 --> 00:22:01,619 I suspect Leonard had quite a number of unwilling contributors... 321 00:22:01,719 --> 00:22:02,667 ...to his bank account, 322 00:22:02,767 --> 00:22:04,807 including a Mrs Freeman. 323 00:22:05,755 --> 00:22:07,651 Charles's mother? 324 00:22:07,751 --> 00:22:09,655 I contacted Leonard Stevens's bank... 325 00:22:09,755 --> 00:22:11,687 ...for a copy of his financial transactions. 326 00:22:11,787 --> 00:22:14,639 Apart from a whole lot of unexplained cash, 327 00:22:14,739 --> 00:22:17,635 it seems Mrs Freeman had been sending a cheque every month... 328 00:22:17,735 --> 00:22:19,683 ...for the last two years. 329 00:22:19,783 --> 00:22:21,639 Maybe Charles persuaded her to help him. 330 00:22:21,739 --> 00:22:23,603 A mother's shame, perhaps? 331 00:22:23,703 --> 00:22:25,615 And she grew tired of digging him out of trouble. 332 00:22:25,715 --> 00:22:28,603 So his lifeline ran dry. And he became desperate. 333 00:22:28,703 --> 00:22:31,647 Desperate enough to try and sell you a plane you don't want. 334 00:22:31,747 --> 00:22:34,679 Perhaps desperate enough to kill someone. 335 00:22:34,779 --> 00:22:37,763 Who says I don't want that plane? 336 00:22:37,783 --> 00:22:41,691 Here. You take this. You have that lean, hungry look. 337 00:22:41,791 --> 00:22:44,695 Come on, Dot. - Yes, miss. 338 00:22:48,759 --> 00:22:52,647 So, Collins, did you ask Miss Williams to the ball? 339 00:22:52,747 --> 00:22:55,699 I, uh... 340 00:22:55,715 --> 00:22:56,679 I'm not sure about her, sir. 341 00:22:56,779 --> 00:23:00,611 Good God, man. It's just a dance, not a proposal of marriage. 342 00:23:00,711 --> 00:23:02,763 I-I think... 343 00:23:02,783 --> 00:23:05,687 I think she might be a Catholic, sir. 344 00:23:05,787 --> 00:23:09,687 Oh, for God's sake. It's not as if she were born with two heads. 345 00:23:09,787 --> 00:23:14,462 Well, that would be preferable in the eyes of my mother. 346 00:23:15,767 --> 00:23:19,599 I telephoned. Bert and Cec should be here any minute now. 347 00:23:19,699 --> 00:23:20,647 I've got a job for you, Dot. 348 00:23:20,747 --> 00:23:22,631 Is it dangerous, deceitful or dodgy? 349 00:23:22,731 --> 00:23:24,663 This one's almost devout. 350 00:23:24,763 --> 00:23:28,611 St. Anthony's in Alphington. Sound like your lot? 351 00:23:28,711 --> 00:23:30,679 Definitely. The one by the railway line. 352 00:23:30,779 --> 00:23:32,679 Find out if any wedding banns have been posted recently... 353 00:23:32,779 --> 00:23:34,675 ...under the names of our dead man Leonard Stevens... 354 00:23:34,775 --> 00:23:37,691 ...and a Miss Pansy Annabelle Shore. 355 00:23:37,791 --> 00:23:39,643 You take the cab. 356 00:23:39,743 --> 00:23:44,503 When you're done at the church, meet me at Mrs Freeman's. 357 00:23:45,747 --> 00:23:50,783 Mrs Freeman, you told me you didn't know Leonard Stevens. 358 00:23:51,699 --> 00:23:53,647 I don't see how it's relevant. 359 00:23:53,747 --> 00:23:55,599 Not relevant? 360 00:23:55,699 --> 00:23:59,099 Your son has been accused of his murder. 361 00:23:59,779 --> 00:24:02,671 Leonard Stevens used to work for the family, 362 00:24:02,771 --> 00:24:05,236 claimed he was an accountant, 363 00:24:05,695 --> 00:24:08,627 but he was nothing but a scoundrel and a cheat. 364 00:24:08,727 --> 00:24:11,687 I dismissed him. That was a long time ago. 365 00:24:11,787 --> 00:24:15,687 Well, he's been paid a princely sum from your personal cheque account... 366 00:24:15,787 --> 00:24:17,997 ...for the past two years. 367 00:24:18,707 --> 00:24:20,917 You clearly knew him well. 368 00:24:21,771 --> 00:24:26,106 And you have remarkably few regrets about his death. 369 00:24:27,743 --> 00:24:29,743 I don't like your tone. 370 00:24:30,703 --> 00:24:33,338 And I don't like being lied to. 371 00:24:34,703 --> 00:24:37,083 Were you protecting Charles? 372 00:24:37,751 --> 00:24:41,695 Charles was also paying off Leonard Stevens. 373 00:24:42,755 --> 00:24:44,755 Charles? 374 00:24:44,755 --> 00:24:48,743 I presumed you knew all about it. 375 00:24:48,763 --> 00:24:54,735 Leonard Stevens was in possession of compromising photographs. 376 00:24:56,715 --> 00:25:00,625 Evidence of Charles's particular disposition... 377 00:25:00,711 --> 00:25:02,615 ...when it came to his choice in lovers. 378 00:25:02,715 --> 00:25:06,727 Charles is of no particular disposition. 379 00:25:06,747 --> 00:25:09,647 He has just not found the right woman yet. 380 00:25:09,747 --> 00:25:12,651 I don't know that he will ever intend to find the right woman... 381 00:25:12,751 --> 00:25:17,735 ...or... any woman at all... 382 00:25:17,755 --> 00:25:21,495 ...if the photographs are anything to go by. 383 00:25:23,767 --> 00:25:26,635 Oh. Where are these photographs now? 384 00:25:26,735 --> 00:25:28,787 With the police. 385 00:25:29,703 --> 00:25:32,719 My Charlie? 386 00:25:36,791 --> 00:25:38,791 So, how was church? 387 00:25:39,711 --> 00:25:42,651 Mr Stevens and Miss Shore's wedding was cancelled... 388 00:25:42,751 --> 00:25:45,595 ...a day after the banns were posted. 389 00:25:45,695 --> 00:25:47,663 Father Kenny thinks the groom got cold feet. 390 00:25:47,763 --> 00:25:50,751 So Pansy's a jilted bride? 391 00:25:50,767 --> 00:25:52,767 How interesting. 392 00:25:52,783 --> 00:25:54,783 Thank you, Dot. 393 00:25:57,739 --> 00:25:59,771 'Pansy'. 394 00:25:59,791 --> 00:26:02,691 It's a very appropriate name for someone in your line of business. 395 00:26:02,791 --> 00:26:05,627 I've already told the coppers everything I know. 396 00:26:05,727 --> 00:26:08,595 Clear off. I've got a living to make. 397 00:26:08,695 --> 00:26:10,627 Your fiance made a very comfortable living... 398 00:26:10,727 --> 00:26:13,599 ...out of keeping other people's secrets nice and safe... 399 00:26:13,699 --> 00:26:14,651 ...for a price. 400 00:26:14,751 --> 00:26:16,655 Leonard never talked shop with me. 401 00:26:16,755 --> 00:26:19,619 I suppose you were too busy making wedding plans... 402 00:26:19,719 --> 00:26:22,014 ...that never came to pass. 403 00:26:22,771 --> 00:26:25,711 Must have been disappointing, 404 00:26:25,731 --> 00:26:27,655 ordering the invitations for your big day... 405 00:26:27,755 --> 00:26:30,643 ...only to have Leonard get the jitters and call the whole thing off. 406 00:26:30,743 --> 00:26:32,683 It wasn't called off, it was postponed. 407 00:26:32,783 --> 00:26:36,635 Leonard had a business trip. Shows how much you know. 408 00:26:36,735 --> 00:26:39,727 A business trip? 409 00:26:39,743 --> 00:26:42,771 Still, if I'd been in your shoes... 410 00:26:42,791 --> 00:26:44,635 My shoes? 411 00:26:44,735 --> 00:26:46,667 What would you know about anything? 412 00:26:46,767 --> 00:26:49,659 You, with your fancy clothes and your good looks. 413 00:26:49,759 --> 00:26:51,671 You can have any man you like. 414 00:26:51,771 --> 00:26:53,687 Girls like me, it's not so easy. 415 00:26:53,787 --> 00:26:55,912 Irises for the wife, sir? 416 00:26:56,703 --> 00:26:58,703 I'll take the lot. 417 00:27:00,791 --> 00:27:03,643 Did Leonard have other girlfriends? 418 00:27:03,743 --> 00:27:05,675 Oh, what do you reckon? He was a charmer. 419 00:27:05,775 --> 00:27:10,450 Then I wouldn't blame you for wanting to wring his neck. 420 00:27:12,731 --> 00:27:14,731 There was one girl. 421 00:27:14,731 --> 00:27:18,301 Could smell her perfume on him a mile off. 422 00:27:18,695 --> 00:27:22,711 Sickly smell. Like dead roses. 423 00:27:39,735 --> 00:27:42,671 I don't recall inviting you into my dressing room. 424 00:27:42,771 --> 00:27:44,659 I'll overlook it just this once. 425 00:27:44,759 --> 00:27:47,723 Nice fragrance. What is it? 426 00:27:48,727 --> 00:27:50,615 Midnight Rose. 427 00:27:50,715 --> 00:27:52,715 Did Len like it? 428 00:27:52,775 --> 00:27:55,643 Sorry, your husband's name's Ben, isn't it? 429 00:27:55,743 --> 00:27:59,723 Girl, you must be half-fried, 430 00:27:59,739 --> 00:28:02,739 'cause you ain't makin' any sense. 431 00:28:02,759 --> 00:28:06,754 His fiancee seemed to think he was sweet on you. 432 00:28:06,791 --> 00:28:10,663 I am a happily married woman, and even if I wasn't, 433 00:28:10,763 --> 00:28:12,639 I would hardly break the bonds of a marriage... 434 00:28:12,739 --> 00:28:14,679 ...for a sap like Leonard Stevens. 435 00:28:14,779 --> 00:28:16,687 Nobody I know liked that man. 436 00:28:16,787 --> 00:28:18,659 Even the night he was bumped off, 437 00:28:18,759 --> 00:28:21,599 someone had him cornered out back with a pistol in his neck. 438 00:28:21,699 --> 00:28:23,679 Do you mean Charles Freeman? Not that Ethel. 439 00:28:23,779 --> 00:28:29,775 I know Charlie. It was some, uh, mug with a big hat and a scarf. 440 00:28:30,695 --> 00:28:33,655 Why didn't you tell the police? Why would I tell the cops anything? 441 00:28:33,755 --> 00:28:36,643 I hardly got a look at the mystery man. 442 00:28:36,743 --> 00:28:41,695 But you know if I did, and if he did pull that trigger, 443 00:28:41,711 --> 00:28:44,346 I still wouldn't tell the cops. 444 00:28:45,715 --> 00:28:47,687 What on Earth did Leonard Stevens have on you? 445 00:28:47,787 --> 00:28:50,743 Everything alright? 446 00:28:50,759 --> 00:28:52,884 Everything's fine, honey. 447 00:28:53,699 --> 00:28:57,184 Miss Fisher was just admiring my perfume. 448 00:29:21,791 --> 00:29:24,659 So were they married here or in America? 449 00:29:24,759 --> 00:29:27,783 Here. Nerine's from Virginia. 450 00:29:28,703 --> 00:29:32,018 They don't allow interracial marriages. 451 00:29:32,735 --> 00:29:35,115 I hosted the wedding myself. 452 00:29:35,759 --> 00:29:39,731 That's kind of you. 453 00:29:39,747 --> 00:29:41,599 I was looking after number one. 454 00:29:41,699 --> 00:29:45,609 I secured the best jazz singer in the business. 455 00:29:59,743 --> 00:30:01,599 May I borrow this photograph? 456 00:30:01,699 --> 00:30:02,647 I'll consider it, 457 00:30:02,747 --> 00:30:05,807 if you'll consider allowing me to... 458 00:30:06,751 --> 00:30:08,751 ...escort you home. 459 00:30:12,763 --> 00:30:16,775 Sonny Clay's Plantation Orchestra. 460 00:30:17,695 --> 00:30:21,611 Hit the Tivoli circuit in Sydney a few weeks ago. 461 00:30:21,711 --> 00:30:25,281 But then they're heading down to Melbourne. 462 00:30:25,751 --> 00:30:27,791 I've read about them. 463 00:30:28,707 --> 00:30:30,763 35 black musicians. 464 00:30:30,779 --> 00:30:32,779 Must be quite a band. 465 00:30:34,711 --> 00:30:36,623 A big hit with the ladies, so I hear. 466 00:30:36,723 --> 00:30:39,675 Must have made them very popular with the authorities. 467 00:30:39,775 --> 00:30:43,735 Ah, that's nothing a jazz man can't handle. 468 00:30:47,791 --> 00:30:51,711 You have me thoroughly syncopated, Mr Stone, 469 00:30:51,727 --> 00:30:54,787 but I'm not ready to swoon just yet. 470 00:30:56,731 --> 00:30:58,763 That's a shame. 471 00:30:58,783 --> 00:31:04,478 How about you tell me what Leonard Stevens knew about Nerine Rogers? 472 00:31:07,699 --> 00:31:13,139 You're the band manager. What you don't know isn't worth knowing. 473 00:31:13,723 --> 00:31:16,613 He must have had something on her. 474 00:31:19,755 --> 00:31:21,671 A skeleton in the closet? 475 00:31:21,771 --> 00:31:24,695 A shameful secret? 476 00:31:28,731 --> 00:31:31,706 Maybe she was wanted by the police. 477 00:31:32,715 --> 00:31:34,687 I'm gonna have to get my head right. I'm not quite following you. 478 00:31:34,787 --> 00:31:37,703 What's the matter, Mr Stone? 479 00:31:39,703 --> 00:31:41,711 Cat got your tongue? 480 00:31:52,787 --> 00:31:55,703 Still no firm suspects, miss? 481 00:31:55,723 --> 00:31:59,731 Too many suspects, Dot. That's the problem. 482 00:32:00,747 --> 00:32:03,611 There's Bobby, Pansy, Charles, Nerine. 483 00:32:03,711 --> 00:32:05,635 Mrs Freeman has her reasons, 484 00:32:05,735 --> 00:32:09,691 and Tintagel Stone knows more than I can coax out of him. 485 00:32:09,791 --> 00:32:13,631 It's as if Leonard Stevens had a target on his back. 486 00:32:13,731 --> 00:32:17,301 Could you pass me my magnifier please, Dot? 487 00:32:20,703 --> 00:32:25,595 Nerine said she saw a man threatening Leonard Stevens in the laneway. 488 00:32:25,695 --> 00:32:28,783 A man with a large hat and a scarf. 489 00:32:29,699 --> 00:32:31,703 It can't be. 490 00:32:32,779 --> 00:32:35,671 That's a fly-boy's scarf if ever I've seen one. 491 00:32:35,771 --> 00:32:37,775 Aviators wear them. 492 00:32:39,715 --> 00:32:41,627 And is that so mysterious, miss? 493 00:32:41,727 --> 00:32:45,467 It is when the aviator's supposed to be dead. 494 00:32:47,763 --> 00:32:52,353 Dot, get me the number for the Repatriation Department. 495 00:32:53,723 --> 00:32:55,723 Oh, and, Dot, 496 00:32:55,731 --> 00:32:57,643 Constable Collins will be coming to collect this photograph. 497 00:32:57,743 --> 00:32:59,627 Would you mind dealing with him? 498 00:32:59,727 --> 00:33:01,727 I'll try my best, miss. 499 00:33:12,787 --> 00:33:15,703 Victor Freeman. 500 00:33:16,787 --> 00:33:18,787 Miss Williams... 501 00:33:19,763 --> 00:33:21,675 Morning, Constable Collins. 502 00:33:21,775 --> 00:33:24,667 Uh, Miss Fisher asked to me to give this to you. 503 00:33:24,767 --> 00:33:26,892 Thank you, Miss Williams. 504 00:33:28,719 --> 00:33:32,603 And I'm sure she wouldn't mind you borrowing this magnifying glass... 505 00:33:32,703 --> 00:33:34,631 ...should you need to see the details. 506 00:33:34,731 --> 00:33:36,691 Well, we have magnifiers down at the station. 507 00:33:36,791 --> 00:33:38,691 Uh, much appreciated, all the same. 508 00:33:38,791 --> 00:33:41,783 Oh. Oh, well, suit yourself then. 509 00:33:42,699 --> 00:33:44,595 And these scones. 510 00:33:44,695 --> 00:33:45,647 They're warm from the Kooka... 511 00:33:45,747 --> 00:33:48,647 ...with Mr Butler's mulberry jam and clotted cream. 512 00:33:48,747 --> 00:33:50,747 Thank you. 513 00:33:50,759 --> 00:33:53,779 Um, I-I was wondering if... 514 00:33:54,695 --> 00:33:56,695 I mean, would you... 515 00:33:57,747 --> 00:34:00,659 I suppose what I'm trying to ask is... is would you... 516 00:34:00,759 --> 00:34:02,655 Oh, for goodness sake, Hugh Collins. 517 00:34:02,755 --> 00:34:04,659 Would you do me the honour of accompanying me... 518 00:34:04,759 --> 00:34:06,671 ...to the Fireman and Policeman's Ball? 519 00:34:06,771 --> 00:34:08,639 No. I mean, yes. 520 00:34:08,739 --> 00:34:11,611 Yes. But no, I'm supposed to ask you. 521 00:34:11,711 --> 00:34:15,643 Well, we could all die waiting for that to happen. 522 00:34:15,743 --> 00:34:17,687 And I have to sew my dress. 523 00:34:17,787 --> 00:34:21,683 And all this time, I thought you'd never be seen with a Protestant. 524 00:34:21,783 --> 00:34:24,723 Um... Protestant? 525 00:34:24,739 --> 00:34:26,691 You being Catholic, that is? 526 00:34:26,791 --> 00:34:31,755 Oh, well... Um... 527 00:34:31,775 --> 00:34:34,651 Well, it's not like I was born with two heads, is it? 528 00:34:34,751 --> 00:34:35,651 No. 529 00:34:35,751 --> 00:34:38,695 And it's just a dance, after all. 530 00:34:38,711 --> 00:34:40,711 That's right. 531 00:34:40,711 --> 00:34:43,739 No harm in a dance. 532 00:34:51,763 --> 00:34:53,763 Anyone home? 533 00:34:57,763 --> 00:34:59,631 Hello? 534 00:34:59,731 --> 00:35:01,627 Stop this nonsense at once. 535 00:35:01,727 --> 00:35:02,683 Leave me alone, Mother. I'm warning you. 536 00:35:02,783 --> 00:35:05,603 Charlie, this is a fool's business. 537 00:35:05,703 --> 00:35:08,615 You must turn yourself in before the situation gets out of hand. 538 00:35:08,715 --> 00:35:10,687 It's already out of hand. I'm a wanted man, Mother. 539 00:35:10,787 --> 00:35:13,603 Half the Victorian Police are hunting me. 540 00:35:13,703 --> 00:35:15,663 You can't outrun them, Charles. 541 00:35:15,763 --> 00:35:17,615 What are you doing here? 542 00:35:17,715 --> 00:35:18,663 Your mother's right. Running's not the solution. 543 00:35:18,763 --> 00:35:20,683 I'm not gonna let them slip a noose around my neck. 544 00:35:20,783 --> 00:35:23,599 You'll never make it. All the ports are on alert. 545 00:35:23,699 --> 00:35:25,599 Then I shall go out in a blaze of glory. 546 00:35:25,699 --> 00:35:28,635 I don't think that's an option your brother would approve of. 547 00:35:28,735 --> 00:35:30,735 Is it, Mrs Freeman? 548 00:35:30,771 --> 00:35:32,683 I made a telephone call to Repatriation. 549 00:35:32,783 --> 00:35:35,619 Oh, no, please. This is unnecessary. 550 00:35:35,719 --> 00:35:38,224 You weren't the only one being blackmailed by Leonard Stevens, 551 00:35:38,324 --> 00:35:38,603 Charles. 552 00:35:38,703 --> 00:35:41,695 He got to your mother too. 553 00:35:41,711 --> 00:35:42,663 She has secrets of her own. 554 00:35:42,763 --> 00:35:44,691 Don't listen to her, Charlie. Tell him. 555 00:35:44,791 --> 00:35:47,699 It's the only way to stop this. 556 00:35:50,703 --> 00:35:52,913 Vic didn't die in the war. 557 00:35:54,747 --> 00:35:57,127 He was shot down over Ypres. 558 00:35:57,731 --> 00:35:59,603 He was wounded, 559 00:35:59,703 --> 00:36:01,703 but he didn't die. 560 00:36:02,719 --> 00:36:04,647 He's been living on a war pension. 561 00:36:04,747 --> 00:36:07,127 No, he was killed in action. 562 00:36:10,739 --> 00:36:13,969 For seven long years, I thought so too. 563 00:36:15,735 --> 00:36:19,671 When I found out he was alive, I was over the moon. 564 00:36:19,771 --> 00:36:21,896 An old neighbour saw him. 565 00:36:22,707 --> 00:36:24,619 He was shearing up in Talbotville. 566 00:36:24,719 --> 00:36:26,691 I don't understand. Why didn't he come home? 567 00:36:26,791 --> 00:36:30,759 Well, I don't understand either. 568 00:36:30,775 --> 00:36:33,240 You know, I pleaded with him. 569 00:36:33,699 --> 00:36:36,635 But it was no good. He wanted his solitude more than his own family. 570 00:36:36,735 --> 00:36:39,715 That's what the war did to him. 571 00:36:39,731 --> 00:36:41,683 You let me think he was dead?. 572 00:36:41,783 --> 00:36:44,603 He didn't want anything to do with us, Charlie. 573 00:36:44,703 --> 00:36:47,615 How could I tell you that? - I deserved the truth. 574 00:36:47,715 --> 00:36:50,647 I paid up to keep your brother's secret, 575 00:36:50,747 --> 00:36:52,639 until Stevens wanted more. 576 00:36:52,739 --> 00:36:54,595 That's when Vic came to town. 577 00:36:54,695 --> 00:36:56,639 I was so afraid he'd do something terrible. 578 00:36:56,739 --> 00:36:58,659 What has he done? He was seen at the Green Mill... 579 00:36:58,759 --> 00:36:59,639 ...the night Stevens died. 580 00:36:59,739 --> 00:37:01,603 No, Vic wouldn't kill a man. 581 00:37:01,703 --> 00:37:03,599 We don't know him anymore, Charlie. 582 00:37:03,699 --> 00:37:05,627 He may have done it, he may know who did. 583 00:37:05,727 --> 00:37:06,687 Either way, we have to find him. 584 00:37:06,787 --> 00:37:10,017 Where is he? Charlie, there's no point. 585 00:37:10,703 --> 00:37:12,619 Where in Talbotville? I want the exact address. 586 00:37:12,719 --> 00:37:14,719 Charlie. 587 00:37:17,723 --> 00:37:19,723 I'll find it. 588 00:37:29,699 --> 00:37:32,844 Talbotville's at least a day's drive. 589 00:37:33,735 --> 00:37:35,735 You know how to fly. 590 00:37:35,747 --> 00:37:37,747 I'm a bit rusty. 591 00:38:02,711 --> 00:38:04,775 Contact. Contact. 592 00:38:28,739 --> 00:38:30,675 It was considerate of Miss Fisher... 593 00:38:30,775 --> 00:38:32,679 ...to provide a photograph of the night in question, 594 00:38:32,779 --> 00:38:35,707 though I'm not sure how it helps. 595 00:38:35,723 --> 00:38:37,659 This telegram might, sir. 596 00:38:37,759 --> 00:38:40,623 It's from the police department in Jamestown, Virginia. 597 00:38:40,723 --> 00:38:42,647 I made inquiries about Nerine Rogers. 598 00:38:42,747 --> 00:38:44,615 Bigamy? 599 00:38:44,715 --> 00:38:46,647 Her previous husband is a Jacob Reid... 600 00:38:46,747 --> 00:38:50,595 ...and he's listed on the marriage certificate as deceased. 601 00:38:50,695 --> 00:38:51,647 Only he's not dead. 602 00:38:51,747 --> 00:38:55,619 Could be the secret that Leonard Stevens wanted to blackmail her with. 603 00:38:55,719 --> 00:38:57,719 Good work, Collins. 604 00:38:57,727 --> 00:38:59,731 Let's get her in. 605 00:39:07,783 --> 00:39:12,033 Better start looking for somewhere to put her down. 606 00:40:04,699 --> 00:40:06,659 Ten years I thought you were dead, Vic. 607 00:40:06,759 --> 00:40:12,695 I can't sleep without waking up in a lather imagining you all alone, 608 00:40:12,711 --> 00:40:13,675 dying in a ditch somewhere. 609 00:40:13,775 --> 00:40:15,615 Charles is on the run from the Victorian Police... 610 00:40:15,715 --> 00:40:16,659 ...on suspicion of murder. 611 00:40:16,759 --> 00:40:18,969 He's a little overwrought. 612 00:40:19,735 --> 00:40:21,751 Hello, Vic. 613 00:40:21,767 --> 00:40:23,775 It's been a while. 614 00:40:27,759 --> 00:40:29,759 Tell me why you did it. 615 00:40:31,723 --> 00:40:33,671 Give me the gun, Charlie. 616 00:40:33,771 --> 00:40:36,695 Tell me why you made us suffer. 617 00:40:41,731 --> 00:40:43,731 I'll put the billy on. 618 00:40:44,723 --> 00:40:46,727 Not one letter. 619 00:40:46,743 --> 00:40:49,755 Did you wonder about us, about me? 620 00:40:49,775 --> 00:40:52,783 All the time. Some way to show it. 621 00:40:53,703 --> 00:40:55,651 I came back to Melbourne. When? 622 00:40:55,751 --> 00:40:58,667 Three years ago, when Mother tracked me down. 623 00:40:58,767 --> 00:41:00,647 She could hardly look at me. 624 00:41:00,747 --> 00:41:02,775 All she did was sob. 625 00:41:02,791 --> 00:41:06,703 I saw you arrive from the window. 626 00:41:06,719 --> 00:41:09,695 I left before you came in. 627 00:41:09,711 --> 00:41:11,679 But you saw him again, Vic. 628 00:41:11,779 --> 00:41:14,695 A few days ago, at the Green Mill. 629 00:41:14,715 --> 00:41:17,755 Yes, I was there. Why? 630 00:41:17,771 --> 00:41:19,667 To see Leonard Stevens. 631 00:41:19,767 --> 00:41:23,651 He was blackmailing Mother, said he'd tell you I was alive. 632 00:41:23,751 --> 00:41:25,655 But money was never gonna be enough to end it. 633 00:41:25,755 --> 00:41:29,715 She was frightened. I had to do something. 634 00:41:29,731 --> 00:41:32,703 Did you kill him? Leonard Stevens? 635 00:41:32,719 --> 00:41:33,667 No, of course not. 636 00:41:33,767 --> 00:41:35,635 Well, somebody did, Vic. 637 00:41:35,735 --> 00:41:37,651 And right now your brother is a wanted man... 638 00:41:37,751 --> 00:41:40,615 ...because he also had a motive to kill Stevens. 639 00:41:40,715 --> 00:41:42,715 What motive? 640 00:41:43,719 --> 00:41:46,739 Charlie? He found out I had a lover. 641 00:41:48,731 --> 00:41:49,691 You might remember him. 642 00:41:49,791 --> 00:41:52,695 Bobby Sullivan. 643 00:41:56,727 --> 00:41:58,763 You see? 644 00:41:58,783 --> 00:42:02,615 Mother wanted her hero, but you never came back, Vic. 645 00:42:02,715 --> 00:42:04,687 Not for her, not for me. Look at you. 646 00:42:04,787 --> 00:42:08,607 And look... look at the kind of man I turned out to be. 647 00:42:08,707 --> 00:42:10,707 That's all she's got. 648 00:42:10,719 --> 00:42:12,719 Charlie... 649 00:42:14,739 --> 00:42:16,739 He won't get far. 650 00:42:17,715 --> 00:42:20,435 Not unless he learns how to fly. 651 00:42:25,755 --> 00:42:28,050 You flew my mother's plane? 652 00:42:29,703 --> 00:42:35,483 Luckily, my skills have improved since the first time you took me up. 653 00:42:39,771 --> 00:42:43,936 Do you remember asking me to visit your brother... 654 00:42:44,699 --> 00:42:46,824 ...if you didn't make it? 655 00:42:49,791 --> 00:42:53,446 It took me ten years, but I kept my promise. 656 00:42:56,759 --> 00:42:58,759 You haven't changed. 657 00:42:59,779 --> 00:43:01,779 Neither have you. 658 00:43:03,747 --> 00:43:06,743 Still dashingly handsome... 659 00:43:06,759 --> 00:43:08,783 ...in the right light. 660 00:43:17,755 --> 00:43:19,623 What's this all about? 661 00:43:19,723 --> 00:43:22,679 We just have a few questions, Mrs Rogers. 662 00:43:22,779 --> 00:43:24,631 Or is it Mrs Reid? 663 00:43:24,731 --> 00:43:26,643 Nerine, you don't have to say anything. 664 00:43:26,743 --> 00:43:28,595 They can't force you. 665 00:43:28,695 --> 00:43:29,675 I suggest you stick to playing the banjo... 666 00:43:29,775 --> 00:43:31,647 ...and leave the law to me, Mr Stone. 667 00:43:31,747 --> 00:43:35,651 Look, anything you want to ask her, you can say in front of me. 668 00:43:35,751 --> 00:43:37,643 If that's the way you both want it. 669 00:43:37,743 --> 00:43:40,687 Maybe you should wait outside, honey. 670 00:43:40,787 --> 00:43:44,723 Why? You've... you've got nothing to hide. 671 00:43:49,747 --> 00:43:52,691 We've finally found out what you didn't want anyone to know. 672 00:43:52,791 --> 00:43:54,791 What? 673 00:43:55,783 --> 00:43:57,679 What are you talking about? 674 00:43:57,779 --> 00:44:00,651 In this country, and, I believe, in yours, 675 00:44:00,751 --> 00:44:03,719 bigamy is a jailable offence. 676 00:44:06,719 --> 00:44:09,269 What? You're already married?. 677 00:44:09,695 --> 00:44:11,695 It's not how you think. 678 00:44:11,699 --> 00:44:13,627 I was 16 and a fool when I married Jake. 679 00:44:13,727 --> 00:44:15,611 I didn't know what I was getting into. 680 00:44:15,711 --> 00:44:16,659 No. No, no, no. 681 00:44:16,759 --> 00:44:19,699 No, I don't want to hear this. 682 00:44:19,719 --> 00:44:21,667 What else have you lied about? Nothin'. 683 00:44:21,767 --> 00:44:26,675 None of this changes what we have. I've only ever loved you. 684 00:44:26,775 --> 00:44:29,750 Jake Reid was a drunken animal, OK? 685 00:44:29,759 --> 00:44:31,623 He used to beat her like a dog. 686 00:44:31,723 --> 00:44:33,675 He wouldn't give her a divorce. Hey. Hey. 687 00:44:33,775 --> 00:44:36,667 You let me marry her knowing she was already taken, hmm? 688 00:44:36,767 --> 00:44:39,663 You guys wanted to be together. I was just trying to help. 689 00:44:39,763 --> 00:44:41,635 You helped yourself. 690 00:44:41,735 --> 00:44:43,639 Getting us hitched was good for the business, wasn't it? 691 00:44:43,739 --> 00:44:45,739 You mercenary bastard. 692 00:44:45,739 --> 00:44:47,679 You know, I always thought you were a hack musician, 693 00:44:47,779 --> 00:44:49,779 but you sure played me. 694 00:44:59,735 --> 00:45:02,710 Stay here, Collins, and take notes. 695 00:45:03,727 --> 00:45:07,771 Let's move onto the topic of Mr Leonard Stevens. 696 00:45:07,791 --> 00:45:11,755 You recall him - large, boorish, dead. 697 00:45:12,759 --> 00:45:15,054 Let's call a spade a spade. 698 00:45:15,699 --> 00:45:16,683 You wanna know if I killed him. 699 00:45:16,783 --> 00:45:18,783 Did you? 700 00:45:19,751 --> 00:45:23,731 Well, sure I did, and I'd do it again. 701 00:45:23,747 --> 00:45:25,651 Low-down dog deserved it. 702 00:45:25,751 --> 00:45:27,639 What did you do with the weapon? 703 00:45:27,739 --> 00:45:30,711 Smuggled it out in my garter. 704 00:45:31,727 --> 00:45:34,532 Honey, it was so far up my thigh, 705 00:45:34,699 --> 00:45:36,663 I would have slugged you if you even tried. 706 00:45:36,763 --> 00:45:39,763 Later that night, I got rid of it. 707 00:45:39,779 --> 00:45:41,779 Where? 708 00:45:41,783 --> 00:45:44,611 Inside the cistern above the ladies' john. 709 00:45:44,711 --> 00:45:47,755 How'd you kill him? I stabbed him. 710 00:45:47,771 --> 00:45:49,771 Show me. Stand up. 711 00:45:50,711 --> 00:45:52,921 Pretend this is the knife. 712 00:45:53,731 --> 00:45:55,595 Show me how you did it. 713 00:45:55,695 --> 00:45:57,695 Imagine I'm Stevens. 714 00:45:58,755 --> 00:46:00,607 I was moving through with my drinks, 715 00:46:00,707 --> 00:46:03,611 and as I passed him, I just stabbed him. 716 00:46:03,711 --> 00:46:05,711 One more time. 717 00:46:05,755 --> 00:46:07,639 Are you sure you remember correctly? 718 00:46:07,739 --> 00:46:10,667 It ain't something I'm likely to forget. 719 00:46:10,767 --> 00:46:13,739 A word outside, Collins. 720 00:46:13,755 --> 00:46:15,755 One moment, Mrs Rogers. 721 00:46:22,783 --> 00:46:24,691 The angle of attack is all wrong. 722 00:46:24,791 --> 00:46:27,611 You don't think she did it? No, she's protecting someone. 723 00:46:27,711 --> 00:46:28,659 Question is, who? 724 00:46:28,759 --> 00:46:30,647 Her husband, the cornet player? 725 00:46:30,747 --> 00:46:33,603 That's what I thought too, but he was on stage the whole time. 726 00:46:33,703 --> 00:46:35,703 And too far away. 727 00:46:35,771 --> 00:46:37,663 Better take a car to the Green Mill. 728 00:46:37,763 --> 00:46:41,588 See if you can find the weapon where she said. 729 00:46:58,775 --> 00:47:02,603 The police really think Charles is capable of murder? 730 00:47:02,703 --> 00:47:04,703 My money was on you. 731 00:47:04,715 --> 00:47:06,655 I gave him a scare, that's all. 732 00:47:06,755 --> 00:47:10,580 I keep trying to piece together what happened. 733 00:47:13,711 --> 00:47:16,516 Nerine looked back at the band... 734 00:47:16,767 --> 00:47:18,635 ...the glasses smashed, 735 00:47:18,735 --> 00:47:20,611 the cornet went awry, 736 00:47:20,711 --> 00:47:22,679 Pansy screamed, Leonard slumped, 737 00:47:22,779 --> 00:47:24,683 and then all hell broke loose. 738 00:47:24,783 --> 00:47:29,703 So what was Ben doing that worried Nerine so much? 739 00:47:44,711 --> 00:47:46,611 You must be half-fried... 740 00:47:46,711 --> 00:47:49,941 'cause, uh, you ain't making any sense. 741 00:47:50,751 --> 00:47:52,679 I think we should head home at first light. 742 00:47:52,779 --> 00:47:54,631 How will you clear Charles's name? 743 00:47:54,731 --> 00:47:56,663 I think I know who killed Leonard, 744 00:47:56,763 --> 00:47:58,763 and I have an idea how. 745 00:47:59,743 --> 00:48:01,671 Stay here with me, Charlie. 746 00:48:01,771 --> 00:48:03,691 Even if Phryne can get you off this murder charge, 747 00:48:03,791 --> 00:48:06,511 they're still gonna lock you up. 748 00:48:06,775 --> 00:48:10,687 So what do I do? Hide out here while Bobby faces jail by himself? 749 00:48:10,787 --> 00:48:12,787 I can't do that. 750 00:48:24,743 --> 00:48:27,699 You're right, Charlie. 751 00:48:27,715 --> 00:48:29,735 Hiding's for cowards. 752 00:48:31,739 --> 00:48:34,289 You're a braver man than I am. 753 00:48:49,743 --> 00:48:53,615 Dear Lord, I beseech you to look after the little orphans... 754 00:48:53,715 --> 00:48:56,603 ...and those with less than I and those without good health... 755 00:48:56,703 --> 00:48:57,675 ...and the zebra in the zoo... 756 00:48:57,775 --> 00:49:00,619 ...you know, the one with the gammy leg... 757 00:49:00,719 --> 00:49:06,791 ...and... if after all that, Lord, you still have some time, 758 00:49:07,711 --> 00:49:13,707 perhaps... perhaps you could send Mr Collins some kind of sign. 759 00:49:14,719 --> 00:49:18,715 You know, to let him know you're Catholic. 760 00:49:29,695 --> 00:49:33,787 See, he's made modifications here and here. 761 00:49:46,707 --> 00:49:49,643 I don't know who has the more fanciful imagination... 762 00:49:49,743 --> 00:49:52,679 Rogers for coming up with it, or you for working it out. 763 00:49:52,779 --> 00:49:56,719 Jack. Me, obviously. Hmm. 764 00:49:57,727 --> 00:50:00,787 Show in Mr Rogers please, Constable. 765 00:50:01,715 --> 00:50:03,715 Man himself. 766 00:50:05,711 --> 00:50:08,647 Your instrument, I believe. And our murder weapon. 767 00:50:08,747 --> 00:50:11,382 So what? Doesn't prove a thing. 768 00:50:11,735 --> 00:50:14,603 You're jumping the gun. No-one's accusing you. 769 00:50:14,703 --> 00:50:17,779 We already have our murderer. 770 00:50:18,695 --> 00:50:20,675 Your wife gave us a full confession. 771 00:50:20,775 --> 00:50:24,719 Nerine? I don't believe you. 772 00:50:25,731 --> 00:50:28,671 Your wife's statement. It's all there in black and white. 773 00:50:28,771 --> 00:50:31,151 She confessed to everything. 774 00:50:32,715 --> 00:50:36,611 She killed him because he was blackmailing her about the bigamy. 775 00:50:36,711 --> 00:50:41,607 He demanded sexual favours and she had no choice but to submit. 776 00:50:41,707 --> 00:50:44,599 Stevens is the real scoundrel in this. 777 00:50:44,699 --> 00:50:45,671 Damn shame she'll hang. 778 00:50:45,771 --> 00:50:49,711 Why... why would she... 779 00:50:49,727 --> 00:50:52,872 Amazing what people will do for love. 780 00:50:59,711 --> 00:51:01,719 She didn't do it. 781 00:51:05,759 --> 00:51:09,584 We were hoping you'd do the gentlemanly thing. 782 00:51:11,695 --> 00:51:12,671 Stevens started sniffing around... 783 00:51:12,771 --> 00:51:14,683 ...the first night we played at the Green Mill. 784 00:51:14,783 --> 00:51:16,908 Come in, please, Collins. 785 00:51:21,699 --> 00:51:25,727 But Nerine always had her gaggle of admirers. 786 00:51:25,743 --> 00:51:28,803 So I didn't pay him too much notice. 787 00:51:30,747 --> 00:51:33,042 But one day, I caught them. 788 00:51:42,783 --> 00:51:46,739 She denied it, of course, but I knew. 789 00:52:07,739 --> 00:52:10,723 Help. Somebody help. 790 00:52:11,731 --> 00:52:13,771 I thought she loved him. 791 00:52:48,743 --> 00:52:52,663 Absolutely divine, Dot. You're such a clever girl. 792 00:52:52,763 --> 00:52:55,143 Now for the finishing touch. 793 00:53:12,739 --> 00:53:14,739 Beautiful. 794 00:53:17,727 --> 00:53:20,671 Oh, no, miss. I'll go and take it off. It's too much. 795 00:53:20,771 --> 00:53:23,743 A Mr Collins for Miss Williams. 796 00:53:28,743 --> 00:53:30,743 Hello, Hugh. 797 00:53:33,775 --> 00:53:35,775 Not bad for a Catholic. 798 00:53:45,771 --> 00:53:47,687 You summoned me, Inspector Robinson. 799 00:53:47,787 --> 00:53:49,791 Yes. 800 00:53:51,695 --> 00:53:53,611 Found these plates underneath the floorboards... 801 00:53:53,711 --> 00:53:55,691 ...of Leonard Stevens's apartment. 802 00:53:55,791 --> 00:53:58,603 And what do you want me to do with them? 803 00:53:58,703 --> 00:54:00,599 Have them incinerated. 804 00:54:00,699 --> 00:54:03,707 I thought your hands were tied. 805 00:54:03,723 --> 00:54:05,727 Yes, but yours are not.