1 00:01:27,573 --> 00:01:29,290 - Unbelievable. - Unbelievable. 2 00:01:29,325 --> 00:01:31,860 That is a subpoena for a reporter to appear before a grand jury. 3 00:01:31,862 --> 00:01:34,128 If they had grand juries in East Germany and East Germany still existed, 4 00:01:34,163 --> 00:01:35,530 then that's where we'd be right now. 5 00:01:35,581 --> 00:01:37,081 Put it away, Rebecca. 6 00:01:37,116 --> 00:01:39,200 And nobody says a word about this to anyone tonight. 7 00:01:39,202 --> 00:01:42,086 - What happens now? - Monday morning, he'll appear before a grand jury. 8 00:01:42,121 --> 00:01:44,672 He'll be asked to name his source and he'll say... 9 00:01:44,707 --> 00:01:46,708 - No problem. - He'll refuse. 10 00:01:46,759 --> 00:01:48,543 Tuesday morning, the prosecutor... 11 00:01:48,545 --> 00:01:50,211 Who wants Will's head hung in his den. 12 00:01:50,213 --> 00:01:53,464 ...will go to a judge to get an order for Will to answer the question. 13 00:01:53,515 --> 00:01:55,266 Wednesday morning, armed with the order, 14 00:01:55,301 --> 00:01:58,186 the prosecutor will ask him again and he'll refuse again. 15 00:01:58,220 --> 00:02:00,972 Thursday morning, we appear before the same judge, 16 00:02:01,056 --> 00:02:02,807 who the prosecutor will inform that Will has refused 17 00:02:02,858 --> 00:02:04,442 to comply with a court order and then... 18 00:02:04,476 --> 00:02:07,362 - Everybody goes home. - Because you're too big to jail? 19 00:02:07,396 --> 00:02:09,731 - That's right. - Will, you've been wrong about everything. 20 00:02:09,782 --> 00:02:12,200 - Every step of the way. - Do you really think this administration is going 21 00:02:12,234 --> 00:02:14,068 - to lock up a reporter... - I didn't think they'd raid a newsroom and that happened. 22 00:02:14,119 --> 00:02:16,120 ...who exposed a disinformation campaign that resulted... 23 00:02:16,155 --> 00:02:18,623 I didn't think Neal would have to flee extradition, and Neal's in Venezuela. 24 00:02:18,657 --> 00:02:20,742 And I didn't think they'd have the sack to subpoena you, 25 00:02:20,744 --> 00:02:23,912 but you've just been served by a kid in a rented tuxedo. 26 00:02:23,914 --> 00:02:25,630 And the reason the kid was wearing a tuxedo 27 00:02:25,664 --> 00:02:27,548 was because they don't want to make any noise. 28 00:02:29,051 --> 00:02:31,552 Or maybe they sent out a press release. 29 00:02:31,587 --> 00:02:33,671 No shit. 30 00:02:33,722 --> 00:02:35,924 - You know what this is gonna be? - Yeah. 31 00:02:35,975 --> 00:02:37,592 "Will McAvoy, hypocrite in a monkey suit." 32 00:02:37,594 --> 00:02:39,811 It's been posted on Carnivore, but it's been picked up by everybody. 33 00:02:39,845 --> 00:02:41,512 Carnivore? It was posted on Carnivore? 34 00:02:41,563 --> 00:02:42,814 Also, what the hell is Carnivore? 35 00:02:42,848 --> 00:02:45,650 It's a new website that just got its first scoop. 36 00:02:45,684 --> 00:02:49,404 "ACN won't be attending the Saturnalia of incestuous ingratiation..." 37 00:02:49,438 --> 00:02:51,522 - I remember that. - "That does little to instill confidence 38 00:02:51,573 --> 00:02:54,943 in the public that the press isn't ensorcelled by the powerful." 39 00:02:54,994 --> 00:02:57,662 - I have to go find someone. Don. - Hmm? 40 00:02:57,696 --> 00:02:59,197 Lead the team on the Kundu story 41 00:02:59,248 --> 00:03:01,282 which has to be on the air by Wednesday night. 42 00:03:01,333 --> 00:03:03,334 That's in four... Why does it have to be on the air by Wednesday night? 43 00:03:03,369 --> 00:03:05,119 Because it does. 44 00:03:05,121 --> 00:03:07,839 - You and I need to talk. - Yeah. Not here. 45 00:03:11,294 --> 00:03:13,378 Will, I'm Mimi Tassler with BuzzFeed. 46 00:03:13,429 --> 00:03:15,263 - Nice to meet you. - Any comment on the story in Carnivore? 47 00:03:15,297 --> 00:03:16,764 I was wrong about the Correspondents' Dinner. 48 00:03:16,799 --> 00:03:19,133 I forgot what a great time I always have. 49 00:03:19,184 --> 00:03:20,969 Will, I'm Zachary Webber with Politico. 50 00:03:21,020 --> 00:03:22,637 Do you want to comment on the story? 51 00:03:22,639 --> 00:03:24,389 Sure. I probably need to read it first. 52 00:03:24,440 --> 00:03:26,307 - I'm going back to the hotel. - You can't. 53 00:03:26,358 --> 00:03:28,142 - No, I can't stay here. - Think for a second. 54 00:03:28,193 --> 00:03:29,894 - What's the reason we came here in... - Pruit. 55 00:03:29,945 --> 00:03:31,479 We have to sit with Pruit. 56 00:03:31,481 --> 00:03:33,948 I've had a minute with him and so far it's going badly. 57 00:03:33,983 --> 00:03:35,616 You don't think he's going to buy the network? 58 00:03:35,651 --> 00:03:38,069 No, I think he is. 59 00:03:38,120 --> 00:03:40,822 - I've never heard of Carnivore. - It's new. 60 00:03:40,824 --> 00:03:42,323 Why do they have names like that? 61 00:03:42,325 --> 00:03:44,826 Carnivore, Vulture, Beast, Gawker. 62 00:03:44,877 --> 00:03:46,661 I don't know. 63 00:03:46,712 --> 00:03:49,247 And why do gossip columnists always sound like gossip columnists? 64 00:03:49,298 --> 00:03:52,667 Finke, Weasel, Snitch, Frump. 65 00:03:52,718 --> 00:03:54,335 I'm not familiar 66 00:03:54,386 --> 00:03:56,671 with Snitch, Weasel, and Frump. What do you read? 67 00:03:56,722 --> 00:03:58,423 Well, I read Jonathan Weasel on a regular basis 68 00:03:58,474 --> 00:04:00,258 before clicking over to AngrySpiders.com. 69 00:04:00,309 --> 00:04:03,011 - Anyway, my answer to your question... - Hey! 70 00:04:03,013 --> 00:04:04,862 You'll tell me later. 71 00:04:04,897 --> 00:04:07,348 - We were thinking about calling it a night. - It's early. 72 00:04:07,399 --> 00:04:09,984 Don and I were just given a new deadline on a story. 73 00:04:10,019 --> 00:04:11,986 - What's the deadline? - Wednesday night. 74 00:04:12,021 --> 00:04:14,272 - Gonna rent a car and drive back to New York tonight. - I'll go with you. 75 00:04:14,323 --> 00:04:16,741 Maggie and I were just discussing an ethical dilemma. 76 00:04:16,775 --> 00:04:19,027 She has a friend who's dating a woman 77 00:04:19,029 --> 00:04:21,529 who just started writing for a website called Carnivore. 78 00:04:21,580 --> 00:04:23,698 - We should go. - I just want to hear what they think. 79 00:04:23,749 --> 00:04:26,701 Maggie's friend thinks that websites like this are toxic 80 00:04:26,703 --> 00:04:28,703 and are poisoning our national conversation and culture, 81 00:04:28,754 --> 00:04:30,288 but he likes the girl. 82 00:04:30,339 --> 00:04:33,708 So my question is, would he date a drug dealer? 83 00:04:37,129 --> 00:04:39,881 How would you like to handle this? 84 00:04:39,883 --> 00:04:41,466 - Wait. - Yeah. 85 00:04:41,517 --> 00:04:43,384 - She works for Carnivore. - Of course she works for Carnivore. 86 00:04:43,386 --> 00:04:45,887 I just said you'll tell me later as I waved them over. 87 00:04:45,938 --> 00:04:47,939 How could you not pick up on that cue? 88 00:04:47,973 --> 00:04:50,391 - I've never been good at that. - You're terrible at that. 89 00:04:50,393 --> 00:04:54,445 Yeah, so we're gonna go get that car and pick you up at the hotel. 90 00:04:54,480 --> 00:04:56,647 Cool. I... 91 00:04:58,367 --> 00:05:00,535 - Listen. - Not yet. 92 00:05:04,873 --> 00:05:07,458 - Drug dealer? - He said that. I didn't say that. 93 00:05:07,493 --> 00:05:08,910 You're talking about this with Maggie? 94 00:05:08,961 --> 00:05:10,828 - It came up at work. - What came up? 95 00:05:10,879 --> 00:05:12,997 It just... 96 00:05:13,048 --> 00:05:14,415 Your new job. 97 00:05:14,417 --> 00:05:16,334 Your disapproval of me came up at work? 98 00:05:16,385 --> 00:05:18,169 The page view incentives in your contract. 99 00:05:18,220 --> 00:05:20,088 They're bonuses, you judgmental prick. 100 00:05:20,090 --> 00:05:21,589 And why don't you believe in me? 101 00:05:21,640 --> 00:05:23,508 Why do you assume that as soon as I take a job like this, 102 00:05:23,559 --> 00:05:25,760 - I'm gonna be an asshole? - I don't think that you're... 103 00:05:25,762 --> 00:05:28,346 Yes, you do. Why? 104 00:05:30,349 --> 00:05:32,150 How did Carnivore get that story about Will? 105 00:05:32,184 --> 00:05:34,318 - Did you see my byline on it? - No. 106 00:05:34,353 --> 00:05:37,605 No. 2,000 reporters and he thought he was going to get away with it? 107 00:05:37,607 --> 00:05:39,240 He didn't knock over a bank. 108 00:05:39,274 --> 00:05:42,160 He sang an aria about how messed up the Correspondents' Dinner was, 109 00:05:42,194 --> 00:05:44,112 said ACN wasn't going and then showed up. 110 00:05:44,114 --> 00:05:47,248 You weren't aware of the aria until I told you about it. 111 00:05:47,282 --> 00:05:50,284 That story was waiting and ready to go and I'm the one who leaked it. 112 00:05:50,286 --> 00:05:51,619 It wasn't going to be a secret. 113 00:05:51,621 --> 00:05:53,788 You had nothing to do with it? 114 00:05:56,875 --> 00:05:58,676 I told them what to look for. 115 00:06:00,212 --> 00:06:02,964 - Yeah. - If I hadn't, I would be betraying my job, 116 00:06:02,966 --> 00:06:04,465 and you know that. 117 00:06:04,516 --> 00:06:07,552 You know that. It's horrible that I got it from you, but... 118 00:06:07,603 --> 00:06:10,805 Listen, the new HR guy at AWM, Wyatt Earp... 119 00:06:10,856 --> 00:06:12,890 - Not his name. - Wyatt Geary. 120 00:06:12,941 --> 00:06:15,776 He's onto us, me and Sloan, and he wants me bad. 121 00:06:15,811 --> 00:06:18,529 He's gonna come asking questions, and when he does, you say... 122 00:06:18,564 --> 00:06:20,398 Don and Sloan are just colleagues. 123 00:06:20,449 --> 00:06:22,400 Should you guys be standing next to each other? 124 00:06:22,451 --> 00:06:23,901 Yeah, what are you doing standing next to me? 125 00:06:23,952 --> 00:06:25,736 I really don't know. 126 00:06:25,787 --> 00:06:28,156 Scatter. 127 00:06:33,245 --> 00:06:35,746 I'm sorry. 128 00:06:35,797 --> 00:06:38,299 I'm sorry, too. 129 00:06:38,333 --> 00:06:41,052 - I get it. - Do you? 130 00:06:45,390 --> 00:06:47,758 - Where have you been? - Looking for someone. 131 00:06:47,809 --> 00:06:49,477 We're supposed to be talking to Pruit. 132 00:06:49,511 --> 00:06:52,180 Listen, a little while ago... 133 00:06:53,098 --> 00:06:54,649 - Nothing. - You sure? 134 00:06:54,683 --> 00:06:56,651 Yeah. Let's talk to Pruit. 135 00:07:07,496 --> 00:07:09,363 Lucas. 136 00:07:09,365 --> 00:07:12,366 Books are like the new art, don't you think? 137 00:07:12,417 --> 00:07:15,369 Yes. No. I have no idea what you mean. 138 00:07:15,420 --> 00:07:17,205 We don't need them anymore, but they look nice. 139 00:07:17,207 --> 00:07:19,457 - We don't need books? - Not on paper. 140 00:07:19,508 --> 00:07:22,760 I'll send you a Kindle, Grandpa Joe. You'll like it. 141 00:07:22,794 --> 00:07:25,179 - I'm Will McAvoy. - MacKenzie McHale. 142 00:07:25,214 --> 00:07:27,131 If you say you're not gonna come to a party 143 00:07:27,182 --> 00:07:29,433 and you say it loud to a million people, 144 00:07:29,468 --> 00:07:32,386 you can't show up to the party. 145 00:07:32,471 --> 00:07:35,439 He came to talk to you because you said you wanted to meet him at the party. 146 00:07:35,474 --> 00:07:38,276 Why did you want to meet him at the party? 147 00:07:38,310 --> 00:07:40,561 - Are you fucking kidding me? - Take it easy. 148 00:07:40,563 --> 00:07:43,281 I won't take it easy. The position you put him in, 149 00:07:43,315 --> 00:07:44,732 all of us, for a laugh? 150 00:07:44,783 --> 00:07:47,535 It was not for a laugh. Don't be a child. 151 00:07:47,569 --> 00:07:49,537 It was an exercise of power. 152 00:07:49,571 --> 00:07:51,572 You shoved the Lansings around for years 153 00:07:51,623 --> 00:07:54,575 and I wanted to let you know right off the bat that I'm not impressed by ratings. 154 00:07:54,577 --> 00:07:58,462 Second, I want you to know that I'm not in this for the trophy. 155 00:07:58,497 --> 00:08:00,831 I'm in it for the ratings. I'm just kidding. 156 00:08:00,882 --> 00:08:03,251 But really, second place does nothing for me. 157 00:08:03,302 --> 00:08:05,469 Good, 'cause as of last week, we're in fourth. 158 00:08:05,504 --> 00:08:07,588 I don't know how you managed to swing that. 159 00:08:07,590 --> 00:08:09,590 I was very proud of our Boston coverage. 160 00:08:09,592 --> 00:08:12,426 Proud is generally what people pretend they are when they've lost. 161 00:08:12,428 --> 00:08:13,928 Cryptic is generally what people are 162 00:08:13,930 --> 00:08:16,847 when they're trying to pretend they possess supernatural powers. 163 00:08:16,898 --> 00:08:19,150 Okay, we've gotten off to a rough start. 164 00:08:19,184 --> 00:08:21,936 Lucas, we're naturally curious about your plans for the network. 165 00:08:21,987 --> 00:08:24,272 What if I told you you could be the number one news network 166 00:08:24,323 --> 00:08:25,856 and change the world at the same time? 167 00:08:25,907 --> 00:08:27,775 Change it into what? 168 00:08:27,777 --> 00:08:30,444 A place where people say snappy, sardonic things like that. 169 00:08:30,446 --> 00:08:33,447 Hey, we really have to do better at talking to each other right now. 170 00:08:33,498 --> 00:08:35,283 - Who are you looking for? - Me? 171 00:08:35,334 --> 00:08:37,084 You've glanced around a couple of times. 172 00:08:37,119 --> 00:08:39,420 - Nothing, I'm here. - Is that accent real? 173 00:08:39,454 --> 00:08:40,755 Can we please cut the shit? 174 00:08:40,789 --> 00:08:42,540 I'm gonna infuse ACN with tens of millions 175 00:08:42,591 --> 00:08:44,592 of new dollars in your budget. How does that sound? 176 00:08:44,626 --> 00:08:46,794 I'm gonna get 18 to 25-year-olds to watch the news 177 00:08:46,845 --> 00:08:49,547 so it can support itself and so it doesn't die when you do. 178 00:08:49,598 --> 00:08:51,299 The news gathering and newscasts 179 00:08:51,350 --> 00:08:53,134 will have tentacles in every reach of the Internet. 180 00:08:53,185 --> 00:08:56,270 Interactives, podcasts, live streams, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter. 181 00:08:56,305 --> 00:08:57,688 We'll make our audience reporters in the field 182 00:08:57,723 --> 00:09:00,308 through Instagram and Vine, Snapchat and blogs. You still with me? 183 00:09:00,359 --> 00:09:01,942 Our users become the audience 184 00:09:01,977 --> 00:09:03,944 and our audience becomes contributors. 185 00:09:03,979 --> 00:09:05,279 That's my plan. 186 00:09:05,314 --> 00:09:08,316 Needless to say, I'm impressed by your indifference 187 00:09:08,318 --> 00:09:10,735 to talent, experience, and credentials. 188 00:09:10,786 --> 00:09:13,821 And I assume the absence of the words truth, trust, 189 00:09:13,872 --> 00:09:17,992 and professionalism in your mission statement was an oversight. 190 00:09:18,043 --> 00:09:21,495 Your contempt for the second-rate seems to be a contradiction, too, 191 00:09:21,497 --> 00:09:23,831 since you believe the best reporting 192 00:09:23,833 --> 00:09:25,833 is done by anyone with a phone 193 00:09:25,835 --> 00:09:28,085 and the time it takes to write "epic fail." 194 00:09:28,136 --> 00:09:30,871 And as an old guy, I've got a lot more respect 195 00:09:30,906 --> 00:09:33,174 for 18 to 25-year-olds than you do 196 00:09:33,225 --> 00:09:36,227 'cause I don't believe their heads will explode 197 00:09:36,261 --> 00:09:39,063 if you stop patronizing them for an hour a night 198 00:09:39,097 --> 00:09:41,482 and tell them what the fuck's going on in their lives 199 00:09:41,516 --> 00:09:44,185 and maybe even in the lives of other people. 200 00:09:44,187 --> 00:09:47,021 The air up on that pedestal must be pretty thin, 201 00:09:47,023 --> 00:09:48,689 'cause you are delusional, sir. 202 00:09:48,691 --> 00:09:52,360 If I am, I plan on staying that way. 203 00:09:52,362 --> 00:09:54,528 And my network's staying, too. 204 00:09:54,530 --> 00:09:57,114 We've got a problem now, you and me. 205 00:09:57,165 --> 00:09:59,200 Have a good evening. 206 00:10:04,999 --> 00:10:07,172 _ 207 00:10:11,113 --> 00:10:13,381 You knew that the documents were stolen by the source? 208 00:10:13,383 --> 00:10:15,466 - Yes, sir. - You knew the documents were classified? 209 00:10:15,517 --> 00:10:18,386 - Yes, sir. - Did Mr. Sampat tell you anything about the source? 210 00:10:18,437 --> 00:10:20,855 - Yes, sir. - Did Mr. Sampat tell you his name? 211 00:10:20,889 --> 00:10:22,890 - Yes, sir. - Will you tell us the name of your source? 212 00:10:22,892 --> 00:10:26,193 - No, sir. - Let me phrase that differently. 213 00:10:26,228 --> 00:10:28,295 Would you tell the grand jury the name of the person 214 00:10:28,330 --> 00:10:31,232 you know to have stolen classified government documents 215 00:10:31,234 --> 00:10:33,534 containing secrets, which if made public, 216 00:10:33,568 --> 00:10:36,320 could calamitously threaten our national security? 217 00:10:36,371 --> 00:10:38,372 No, sir, I won't. 218 00:10:38,407 --> 00:10:41,792 At this time I'll excuse the grand jury until 10:00 AM Wednesday, 219 00:10:41,827 --> 00:10:44,412 at which time I will return with a court order 220 00:10:44,414 --> 00:10:46,580 compelling the witness to answer that question. 221 00:10:46,631 --> 00:10:48,132 Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. 222 00:10:48,166 --> 00:10:50,251 And, Mr. McAvoy, you can step down. 223 00:11:05,100 --> 00:11:06,934 Hey. 224 00:11:06,936 --> 00:11:09,103 Does anybody know if they got that guy out of the country? 225 00:11:09,154 --> 00:11:11,739 The writer. The guy who wrote the fake story. 226 00:11:11,773 --> 00:11:13,941 Been over a week since the government's known about the breach. 227 00:11:13,992 --> 00:11:15,159 They would have pulled him, right? 228 00:11:15,193 --> 00:11:17,995 You would think so, but we need to find out. 229 00:11:19,197 --> 00:11:21,832 Oh, come on! 230 00:11:21,867 --> 00:11:23,617 Come on in. 231 00:11:23,668 --> 00:11:25,653 Don't look at any of these papers, don't look down, 232 00:11:25,687 --> 00:11:27,872 - and don't ask anyone what they're doing. - Got it. 233 00:11:27,923 --> 00:11:29,457 I just wanted to ask you in person 234 00:11:29,459 --> 00:11:32,626 why you haven't accepted my friend request on Instagram. 235 00:11:34,880 --> 00:11:36,931 It was the very next thing I was gonna do. 236 00:11:36,965 --> 00:11:39,016 - How about now? - Sure. 237 00:11:39,050 --> 00:11:41,218 Gary, toss me my phone. 238 00:11:41,269 --> 00:11:43,304 Martin, can you read this over, 239 00:11:43,355 --> 00:11:45,306 and if it looks good to you, take it to Mac? 240 00:11:45,357 --> 00:11:47,141 Sure. 241 00:11:49,678 --> 00:11:52,146 - Accepted. - Awesome. 242 00:11:55,901 --> 00:11:57,651 Come in. 243 00:11:57,653 --> 00:11:59,820 It's from Don and it says "Take to Sloan" 244 00:11:59,822 --> 00:12:01,355 and then it says "Sabbith" in quotes. 245 00:12:01,389 --> 00:12:03,374 I was told to read it. Do you think it meant take to Sloan Sabbith... 246 00:12:03,408 --> 00:12:04,708 Was the new HR guy just down there? 247 00:12:04,743 --> 00:12:07,161 - Yeah, how did you know? - It's his Instagram password. 248 00:12:10,799 --> 00:12:14,301 Nice try, but my mama didn't raise a fool unless you count my brothers. 249 00:12:14,336 --> 00:12:16,754 So I don't know what we just did, but I'm gonna go back to work. 250 00:12:16,805 --> 00:12:18,339 - Yeah. - Hey. 251 00:12:18,390 --> 00:12:19,757 Have you been outside today? 252 00:12:19,808 --> 00:12:21,675 How do you think I got from where I live to where I work? 253 00:12:21,726 --> 00:12:23,344 - I just mean it's a gorgeous day. - Shut up. 254 00:12:23,346 --> 00:12:24,678 All right. 255 00:12:24,729 --> 00:12:27,648 There has to be another way. 256 00:12:27,682 --> 00:12:30,918 There has to be another buyer for this network in the next... 257 00:12:30,952 --> 00:12:33,354 - Few hours? - Few days. 258 00:12:36,658 --> 00:12:39,159 Elon Musk, Larry Ellison, Antoinette Dodd, 259 00:12:39,194 --> 00:12:40,995 Michael... Michael Bloomberg? 260 00:12:41,029 --> 00:12:42,780 - Do you know any of those people? - I know all of them. 261 00:12:42,831 --> 00:12:44,498 But Leona and Reese told you they exhausted 262 00:12:44,533 --> 00:12:46,033 all their options before they went to Pruit. 263 00:12:46,035 --> 00:12:48,669 They exhausted all their options for keeping control of AWM 264 00:12:48,703 --> 00:12:51,171 before selling us, but they didn't necessarily 265 00:12:51,206 --> 00:12:53,340 exhaust their options of who to sell us to. 266 00:12:53,375 --> 00:12:55,509 Look, I want what you want, 267 00:12:55,544 --> 00:12:57,962 but this is big business and you're a news director. 268 00:12:58,013 --> 00:12:59,296 You don't know what you're doing. 269 00:12:59,347 --> 00:13:00,848 You can't just write down names of rich people. 270 00:13:00,882 --> 00:13:02,850 I didn't just write down... Those are all people 271 00:13:02,884 --> 00:13:05,052 who would be interested in media buys. 272 00:13:05,054 --> 00:13:06,637 Elon Musk isn't interested. 273 00:13:06,688 --> 00:13:08,806 Michael Bloomberg has his own media company. 274 00:13:08,857 --> 00:13:11,275 Larry Ellison is busy winning the America's Cup. 275 00:13:11,309 --> 00:13:13,444 Toni Dodd... 276 00:13:14,980 --> 00:13:17,531 - Antoinette Dodd. - What? 277 00:13:17,566 --> 00:13:19,984 - This is unbelievable. - What? 278 00:13:20,035 --> 00:13:21,485 It's just... So help me Hannah... 279 00:13:21,536 --> 00:13:23,237 I read in Page Six, like, two weeks ago 280 00:13:23,239 --> 00:13:24,705 that Toni Dodd was looking to buy a media group. 281 00:13:24,739 --> 00:13:26,907 I remember because I thought, 282 00:13:26,909 --> 00:13:29,410 "This is exactly what happens to Melanie Griffith in Working Girl." 283 00:13:29,412 --> 00:13:32,246 And, hand to God, I was on the Staten Island Ferry at the time. 284 00:13:32,297 --> 00:13:34,331 But there was nothing I could do with that information, 285 00:13:34,382 --> 00:13:37,418 so my mind went to how good a young Alec Baldwin was in the movie. 286 00:13:37,420 --> 00:13:39,803 And whatever happened to that Carly Simon song? 287 00:13:39,838 --> 00:13:41,922 You think Toni Dodd wants to buy a news network? 288 00:13:41,924 --> 00:13:44,508 Page Six wouldn't say it unless it was true. 289 00:13:44,559 --> 00:13:46,927 And she has in the area of $4 billion? 290 00:13:46,978 --> 00:13:49,513 That's not how it works. Nobody has $4 billion. 291 00:13:49,564 --> 00:13:51,265 But, yes, she has $4 billion. 292 00:13:51,316 --> 00:13:54,268 - Are you able to call her? She'll take your call? - Yeah. 293 00:13:54,270 --> 00:13:57,938 You need to set up a meeting for her and Leona as soon as humanly possible. 294 00:13:57,989 --> 00:14:00,741 Leona can't meet with another buyer while she's negotiating with Pruit. 295 00:14:00,775 --> 00:14:03,577 Friendly, informal, off-the-record meeting. 296 00:14:03,612 --> 00:14:06,914 - Pruit will go away. - Not fast or far enough. 297 00:14:06,948 --> 00:14:08,282 I know you don't like the guy, but... 298 00:14:08,333 --> 00:14:09,950 It doesn't matter that I don't like him. 299 00:14:10,001 --> 00:14:11,669 It matters that I'm scared of him. 300 00:14:11,703 --> 00:14:13,420 You were scared of Reese and Leona, 301 00:14:13,455 --> 00:14:14,989 but you turned them around. 302 00:14:15,023 --> 00:14:17,257 You'll fight with Pruit and you'll win. 303 00:14:17,292 --> 00:14:19,927 I don't want to fight with anybody, Sloan. I'm tired. 304 00:14:19,961 --> 00:14:21,929 I don't want to expand the definition of the news. 305 00:14:21,963 --> 00:14:23,297 I want to narrow it. 306 00:14:23,348 --> 00:14:26,216 We'll be right back at the beginning, only worse. 307 00:14:26,267 --> 00:14:28,435 I can't fight these fights with this guy. 308 00:14:28,470 --> 00:14:30,688 I won't win. 309 00:14:30,722 --> 00:14:32,640 We can meet with her. 310 00:14:33,942 --> 00:14:36,110 - You and me? - Yeah. 311 00:14:36,144 --> 00:14:37,778 But quietly. 312 00:14:37,812 --> 00:14:39,730 'Cause there's one option worse than Pruit, 313 00:14:39,781 --> 00:14:43,317 and that's this place getting sold for parts and a lot of people out of work. 314 00:14:43,319 --> 00:14:45,402 Very quietly. 315 00:14:45,453 --> 00:14:47,488 And now. 316 00:14:49,708 --> 00:14:52,292 - How'd it go? - Exactly the way we said it would. 317 00:14:52,327 --> 00:14:53,877 Now Lasenthal goes to a judge 318 00:14:53,912 --> 00:14:55,913 to get court to compel Will to answer the question. 319 00:14:55,964 --> 00:14:58,582 Now, tell me what's happening in here. 320 00:14:58,633 --> 00:15:00,300 Tell me we'll be able to run the story by Wednesday night. 321 00:15:00,335 --> 00:15:01,969 We've got the motive, but we don't have the ringleader. 322 00:15:02,003 --> 00:15:03,470 The motive is what we thought it was? 323 00:15:03,505 --> 00:15:05,639 To disrupt and delay their elections. We've got that cold. 324 00:15:05,674 --> 00:15:07,925 Elections that would have yielded a hard-line Islamic government. 325 00:15:07,976 --> 00:15:09,510 Democracy is good as long as we like the outcome. 326 00:15:09,544 --> 00:15:11,679 - Yes. - How do you circle that square? 327 00:15:11,730 --> 00:15:13,681 By knowing that Islam is a religion and not a form of government. 328 00:15:13,683 --> 00:15:16,350 - When it becomes one, it is fascism. - And the 38 dead bodies? 329 00:15:16,401 --> 00:15:18,819 Are a bargain compared to what it'll cost us in blood and money 330 00:15:18,853 --> 00:15:20,688 when we have to bomb the place five years from now 331 00:15:20,739 --> 00:15:22,106 because it's al-Qaeda's new home office. 332 00:15:22,157 --> 00:15:24,274 But we've got a different problem. 333 00:15:24,325 --> 00:15:26,527 The writer of the story, we think he's still on the ground. 334 00:15:26,529 --> 00:15:28,696 Don and I are each talking to a different source at State. 335 00:15:28,698 --> 00:15:31,281 When I asked my source if the writer was out, he said, "I don't know. Is he?" 336 00:15:31,332 --> 00:15:33,167 They're trying to slow down the story. 337 00:15:33,201 --> 00:15:34,702 Then my guy said, "No, the writer is not out." 338 00:15:34,704 --> 00:15:37,204 - Do you believe him? - 50-50. 339 00:15:37,255 --> 00:15:40,040 But when our story comes out that this guy worked with the US, 340 00:15:40,091 --> 00:15:41,959 they're gonna slit the throats of his children right in front of him 341 00:15:42,010 --> 00:15:43,677 and then drag them down Main Street, 342 00:15:43,712 --> 00:15:46,046 so I don't want to pick the wrong 50. 343 00:15:46,097 --> 00:15:49,049 - Extend your arbitrary deadline. - It's not arbitrary. 344 00:15:49,100 --> 00:15:51,885 Work with State, get the guy and his family out today. 345 00:15:51,936 --> 00:15:55,472 - It's night in Kundu. - The phones don't work at our embassy at night? 346 00:16:04,115 --> 00:16:06,817 - What are you working on? - A piece. 347 00:16:10,739 --> 00:16:12,623 You're not allowed to tell me? 348 00:16:12,657 --> 00:16:14,658 I don't want to fight right now. 349 00:16:16,244 --> 00:16:18,462 I don't either. 350 00:16:18,496 --> 00:16:20,164 I'm really glad you said that. 351 00:16:21,132 --> 00:16:23,133 Do you mean that? 352 00:16:25,253 --> 00:16:27,638 I have to go back to the office tonight. 353 00:16:29,090 --> 00:16:31,925 We're crashing on a deadline I don't even understand. 354 00:16:31,927 --> 00:16:35,012 I just want to eat my sandwich near you for a while. 355 00:16:35,063 --> 00:16:38,766 Sometimes you say that and then you ambush me. 356 00:16:40,068 --> 00:16:42,019 What are you working on? 357 00:16:42,070 --> 00:16:44,438 My editor wants me to write more personally. 358 00:16:44,489 --> 00:16:46,406 - Like an op-ed? - Yeah. 359 00:16:46,441 --> 00:16:48,859 - What's wrong with op-eds? - Nothing. 360 00:16:48,910 --> 00:16:50,944 What are you writing about? 361 00:16:50,995 --> 00:16:52,946 I pitched a few, but the only one they liked 362 00:16:52,997 --> 00:16:55,332 was my experience with the Plan B pill. 363 00:16:57,619 --> 00:16:59,453 Cool. 364 00:17:01,706 --> 00:17:04,541 - Come on. - I said cool. 365 00:17:04,592 --> 00:17:07,127 You said more than that. What's wrong with writing in the first person? 366 00:17:07,178 --> 00:17:09,296 What's wrong with sex? And what's wrong with my new job? 367 00:17:09,347 --> 00:17:12,132 Hallie, I said cool. 368 00:17:12,134 --> 00:17:14,301 You're not going to give me a hard time about this? 369 00:17:15,804 --> 00:17:18,722 I'm your boyfriend. It is my role to support you. 370 00:17:18,773 --> 00:17:22,142 It's a role I'm grateful to have and I want to do it well. 371 00:17:23,895 --> 00:17:25,646 Thank you. 372 00:17:25,648 --> 00:17:28,065 - Sorry I jumped the gun. - No problem. 373 00:17:40,545 --> 00:17:42,212 Does your piece begin, "Dear Penthouse, 374 00:17:42,247 --> 00:17:45,299 - I've never written a letter like this before"? - Motherfucker! 375 00:17:53,377 --> 00:17:55,545 _ 376 00:18:04,519 --> 00:18:07,104 You know how this is gonna end, right? 377 00:18:07,155 --> 00:18:09,323 Please don't directly address my client. 378 00:18:09,357 --> 00:18:10,908 We're in chambers, Counselor. 379 00:18:10,942 --> 00:18:12,359 I don't care if we're in your fucking hot tub. 380 00:18:12,361 --> 00:18:15,078 Hey, I'm on a government salary. I barely have a bathtub. 381 00:18:15,113 --> 00:18:16,580 Good morning. 382 00:18:16,614 --> 00:18:18,782 - Morning, Judge. - Good morning, sir. 383 00:18:18,833 --> 00:18:21,702 Does anybody need any coffee or anything? 384 00:18:21,753 --> 00:18:23,420 - No, thank you, Judge. - No, thank you. 385 00:18:23,454 --> 00:18:26,206 Mr. Lasenthal, how can a man with your resume 386 00:18:26,208 --> 00:18:27,541 possibly let this happen? 387 00:18:27,592 --> 00:18:30,127 Your Honor, there's a limit to my ability 388 00:18:30,178 --> 00:18:32,045 to let or not let things happen. 389 00:18:32,047 --> 00:18:34,214 Not much of a limit. 390 00:18:34,216 --> 00:18:37,050 Mr. McAvoy is aware of the identity of someone 391 00:18:37,052 --> 00:18:40,137 who has committed in excess of 27,000 counts of theft 392 00:18:40,188 --> 00:18:43,640 of government property, disclosure of classified documents, 393 00:18:43,691 --> 00:18:46,393 and conspiracy to commit espionage. 394 00:18:46,395 --> 00:18:48,645 The suspect remains at large and presents 395 00:18:48,696 --> 00:18:51,281 a clear and present danger to national security. 396 00:18:51,316 --> 00:18:54,117 Why is he not protected by the First Amendment? 397 00:18:54,152 --> 00:18:56,570 Because the court in Branzburg denied the press 398 00:18:56,572 --> 00:18:58,455 First Amendment protection when they're subpoenaed 399 00:18:58,489 --> 00:19:00,908 to testify before a grand jury in a criminal case. 400 00:19:00,959 --> 00:19:02,659 Counsel? 401 00:19:02,710 --> 00:19:04,077 Sir, the court in Branzburg also said 402 00:19:04,128 --> 00:19:06,830 that a journalist need not comply with a grand jury subpoena 403 00:19:06,881 --> 00:19:08,916 where there's bad faith or harassment. 404 00:19:08,918 --> 00:19:11,835 The government has raided my client's newsroom, 405 00:19:11,886 --> 00:19:14,171 seized hard drives, and threatened him 406 00:19:14,222 --> 00:19:16,306 with criminal prosecution under the Espionage Act. 407 00:19:16,341 --> 00:19:18,926 In this case, a journalist participated in the crime. 408 00:19:18,977 --> 00:19:21,845 He didn't pull on a ski mask, Judge. 409 00:19:21,896 --> 00:19:24,564 - He may have unwittingly... - He didn't do anything unwittingly. 410 00:19:24,599 --> 00:19:26,149 He is the senior editor of ACN Digital. 411 00:19:26,184 --> 00:19:27,985 You are speculating on whether a third party... 412 00:19:28,019 --> 00:19:29,353 All right, all right. 413 00:19:29,404 --> 00:19:31,772 Mr. McAvoy, is there anything you'd like to say? 414 00:19:31,774 --> 00:19:34,608 I haven't heard a request from the prosecutor, sir. 415 00:19:34,642 --> 00:19:37,744 Am I crazy, or have you argued in my court? 416 00:19:37,779 --> 00:19:40,864 You're not crazy, sir. Brooklyn Criminal Court, Part C. 417 00:19:40,915 --> 00:19:44,284 - How'd I do? - You were very fair. 418 00:19:44,286 --> 00:19:46,820 Does Your Honor need to recuse himself? 419 00:19:46,854 --> 00:19:48,839 I want counsel to take care of this. 420 00:19:48,873 --> 00:19:52,342 I don't want to see the press on the steps when I come in to work tomorrow. 421 00:19:52,377 --> 00:19:56,296 And I absolutely don't want to see you in my courtroom on Thursday, 422 00:19:56,298 --> 00:19:59,016 which I strongly suspect is what's going to happen 423 00:19:59,050 --> 00:20:01,601 as Mr. McAvoy does not strike me 424 00:20:01,636 --> 00:20:03,971 as someone who is likely to cave, 425 00:20:03,973 --> 00:20:06,023 especially with everybody watching. 426 00:20:06,057 --> 00:20:08,308 It was foolish of you, Mr. Lasenthal. 427 00:20:08,310 --> 00:20:10,777 The DOJ should not have let it go this far. 428 00:20:10,812 --> 00:20:13,814 The Department of Justice, Your Honor, is not playing a strategic game. 429 00:20:13,865 --> 00:20:17,117 We have to arrest his source and the government of the United States 430 00:20:17,151 --> 00:20:20,070 will avail itself of every legal measure to do that. 431 00:20:20,121 --> 00:20:22,322 The government's request is granted. 432 00:20:22,373 --> 00:20:24,992 Mr. McAvoy, you're directed to appear 433 00:20:25,043 --> 00:20:27,961 before the grand jury at 10:00 AM tomorrow. 434 00:20:29,664 --> 00:20:31,999 - I have a logic problem. - Maggie, what's going on over there? 435 00:20:32,001 --> 00:20:35,252 - His logic is inconsistent. - How? 436 00:20:35,303 --> 00:20:37,671 He doesn't believe the source should have leaked classified documents. 437 00:20:37,722 --> 00:20:40,724 - Neither do I. - But he's unwilling to help law enforcement 438 00:20:40,758 --> 00:20:42,309 capture the source by identifying him. 439 00:20:42,343 --> 00:20:44,394 He can't. I'd be unwilling and so would you. 440 00:20:44,429 --> 00:20:46,229 I know, but following that logic, 441 00:20:46,264 --> 00:20:48,265 he should also not be willing to broadcast the story. 442 00:20:48,316 --> 00:20:50,734 If he believes no one should ever leak because it poses 443 00:20:50,768 --> 00:20:53,186 a critical threat, then why is he broadcasting the story? 444 00:20:53,188 --> 00:20:54,905 Well, I can't speak for Will, but I will. 445 00:20:54,939 --> 00:20:56,990 This leak, he believes, is a good leak. 446 00:20:57,025 --> 00:20:59,026 What he's very reasonably worried about is the bad leaks. 447 00:20:59,028 --> 00:21:00,243 So he'd prefer there are no leaks. 448 00:21:00,278 --> 00:21:01,862 You and Will are making the same unilateral decision 449 00:21:01,913 --> 00:21:03,196 you don't want a leaker to make. 450 00:21:03,198 --> 00:21:05,282 I trust strangers less than I trust me. 451 00:21:05,333 --> 00:21:06,750 Your logic is consistent, though horrifying. 452 00:21:06,784 --> 00:21:08,535 No one's gonna ever guess you guys are a couple. 453 00:21:08,586 --> 00:21:10,087 All right, listen. Listen up. 454 00:21:10,121 --> 00:21:11,671 He's refusing to leave without his kids 455 00:21:11,706 --> 00:21:13,874 - and his youngest kid doesn't have a passport. - Jesus. All right. 456 00:21:13,925 --> 00:21:15,542 We got to get the kid a passport. The State has to expedite that. 457 00:21:15,544 --> 00:21:17,377 The State Department can only issue US passports. 458 00:21:17,428 --> 00:21:19,129 - They've got to walk over to the embassy... - And tell them what? 459 00:21:19,180 --> 00:21:21,598 - Where are we? - Just... 460 00:21:21,632 --> 00:21:24,935 We need a favor. Whatever it is they do. Can I talk to you a minute? 461 00:21:31,059 --> 00:21:33,693 The youngest of his three kids doesn't have a passport. 462 00:21:33,728 --> 00:21:35,395 State's got 30 hours to get him one. 463 00:21:35,446 --> 00:21:38,065 We are talking to mid-level people and the US Department of State 464 00:21:38,116 --> 00:21:39,900 isn't hopping to it when we give them instructions. 465 00:21:39,951 --> 00:21:42,569 You have to tell me why we have to air the story 466 00:21:42,620 --> 00:21:45,288 tomorrow night and not a week from tomorrow night. 467 00:21:53,915 --> 00:21:56,716 All right, I'm gonna be out for about four hours. 468 00:21:56,751 --> 00:21:59,920 Once we run the story, we've shot the hostage. Will has no more leverage. 469 00:21:59,922 --> 00:22:02,722 If we don't run the story, why don't we all just go home? 470 00:22:02,757 --> 00:22:05,926 Four hours. Don't ask me where I was when I come back. 471 00:22:08,429 --> 00:22:12,099 And what we say is important is important. 472 00:22:12,150 --> 00:22:14,901 The news reflects back to us our national character 473 00:22:14,936 --> 00:22:18,822 and I don't like seeing a bored and boring teenager in the mirror. 474 00:22:18,856 --> 00:22:21,942 What we say is important is important. 475 00:22:21,944 --> 00:22:23,577 It's a solid business, Toni. 476 00:22:23,611 --> 00:22:26,613 Locked-in carriage contracts with every MVPD and they're staggered. 477 00:22:26,615 --> 00:22:28,198 The carriage fees are due for a hike 478 00:22:28,249 --> 00:22:30,951 that could double revenues by itself over the next decade. 479 00:22:30,953 --> 00:22:34,871 Can you talk about valuation? Earnings before interest? 480 00:22:34,922 --> 00:22:36,623 You'll look at our books and see it's in the sweet spot 481 00:22:36,625 --> 00:22:38,125 and the deal would be accretive to your earnings. 482 00:22:38,176 --> 00:22:40,927 - It would pay for itself? - And then some. 483 00:22:42,213 --> 00:22:44,464 Have you decided what you would like? 484 00:22:44,466 --> 00:22:47,017 A news network. 485 00:22:55,193 --> 00:22:58,111 You were on fire in there. 486 00:22:58,146 --> 00:23:01,848 I didn't understand half or really any of what you were saying, but... 487 00:23:01,883 --> 00:23:04,367 You were able to follow when she said she's meeting with her board on Thursday 488 00:23:04,402 --> 00:23:07,237 and she thinks we'll have an answer we'll like? 489 00:23:07,288 --> 00:23:10,457 Just tell me one thing. Is she eccentric? 490 00:23:10,491 --> 00:23:12,909 - How do you mean? - She didn't eat her food. 491 00:23:12,960 --> 00:23:16,329 She pushed it around a little, but she plainly doesn't like sushi. 492 00:23:16,331 --> 00:23:19,216 Why set a meeting at a restaurant where they only serve sushi? 493 00:23:19,250 --> 00:23:21,168 Boss, you may be overthinking that. 494 00:23:21,170 --> 00:23:23,420 That's hardly ever the problem. 495 00:23:23,471 --> 00:23:25,589 We'll find out Thursday. 496 00:23:31,979 --> 00:23:33,230 It's ahead on the left. 497 00:23:33,264 --> 00:23:35,732 Just here. 498 00:23:48,279 --> 00:23:50,664 You can keep the meter running. 499 00:23:56,037 --> 00:23:59,039 - No umbrella? - You either. 500 00:23:59,041 --> 00:24:00,874 Should we sit in your car? 501 00:24:00,876 --> 00:24:03,093 They may be tapping my car. 502 00:24:03,127 --> 00:24:05,795 I disabled the GPS, but they can still get in. 503 00:24:05,846 --> 00:24:08,798 - We need more time. - I told you tomorrow night. 504 00:24:08,849 --> 00:24:11,184 - Lilly. - Tomorrow night or I just have to upload the documents. 505 00:24:11,219 --> 00:24:13,136 - The writer of the story... - We're the writer of the story. 506 00:24:13,187 --> 00:24:15,388 Joseph Bartho, who physically wrote the story, 507 00:24:15,439 --> 00:24:18,024 whose name is on it, and who is paid by the US government, 508 00:24:18,059 --> 00:24:22,145 is still on the ground because one of his kids doesn't have a passport yet. 509 00:24:22,196 --> 00:24:25,732 If we run the story before Bartho and his family are out, 510 00:24:25,783 --> 00:24:28,902 the best-case scenario is he gets a trial before he's executed. 511 00:24:28,953 --> 00:24:31,821 And if you dump the documents without them being vetted, 512 00:24:31,872 --> 00:24:34,541 there's a very good chance other people will be in danger. 513 00:24:34,575 --> 00:24:36,409 You really don't need to speak to me like I'm dim-witted. 514 00:24:36,411 --> 00:24:39,579 - Please lift the deadline. - Give me a reason to trust you. 515 00:24:39,630 --> 00:24:42,332 You already did. You reached out to us. 516 00:24:42,383 --> 00:24:44,584 - Not the other way around. - But you've been talking to the government. 517 00:24:44,635 --> 00:24:47,837 We got an invitation to talk to the government. It's called a subpoena. 518 00:24:47,888 --> 00:24:50,557 They also made an unannounced drop-by called a raid. 519 00:24:50,591 --> 00:24:52,759 I'm not talking about that. 520 00:24:52,761 --> 00:24:55,011 You said that you've been working with the government to vet the material. 521 00:24:55,062 --> 00:24:56,896 - Of course we are. - You trust them? 522 00:24:56,931 --> 00:25:00,567 - In my way. - You don't trust them any more than I do. 523 00:25:00,601 --> 00:25:03,069 Please lift the deadline. 524 00:25:04,155 --> 00:25:06,106 I reached out to Neal, not to you. 525 00:25:06,108 --> 00:25:09,526 Well, Neal's in Venezuela, Lilly. 526 00:25:09,577 --> 00:25:11,328 And you know what? 527 00:25:11,362 --> 00:25:13,196 Why aren't you? 528 00:25:13,247 --> 00:25:16,082 Why haven't you said, "This has gone too far. Let's switch places. 529 00:25:16,117 --> 00:25:18,451 I'll go to a country with no extradition treaty. 530 00:25:18,502 --> 00:25:20,120 You're now free to disclose my name. 531 00:25:20,122 --> 00:25:22,789 Neal can come home and Will can stop spending his days 532 00:25:22,840 --> 00:25:25,292 in front of a grand jury." Why hasn't that happened? 533 00:25:25,343 --> 00:25:27,677 You really think the price for telling the truth should be that high? 534 00:25:30,848 --> 00:25:32,716 No, I don't. 535 00:25:34,135 --> 00:25:37,554 I promise the story will be reported. 536 00:25:38,773 --> 00:25:40,106 Well, I can't promise anything. 537 00:25:40,141 --> 00:25:42,309 - Really? - Look, McAvoy's a Republican. 538 00:25:42,360 --> 00:25:44,894 - I know he thinks I'm a criminal. - He's a journalist. 539 00:25:44,945 --> 00:25:46,229 His politics don't have anything... 540 00:25:46,280 --> 00:25:48,114 "Worst-period-generation- period-ever-period." 541 00:25:48,149 --> 00:25:49,983 That was spoken in the middle of a very difficult... 542 00:25:50,034 --> 00:25:52,569 I reached out to Neal, so I can't promise anything. 543 00:25:55,740 --> 00:25:58,375 You know, it wouldn't matter if you did. 544 00:25:58,409 --> 00:26:00,377 I trust you less than I trust them. 545 00:26:00,411 --> 00:26:03,747 Dump the documents and I'll quit my job, 546 00:26:03,798 --> 00:26:07,384 walk to the FBI, and give them your name. 547 00:26:07,418 --> 00:26:09,636 - Trust that. - Fuck you. 548 00:26:12,340 --> 00:26:14,841 We can go back to the airport now. 549 00:26:18,704 --> 00:26:20,745 _ 550 00:26:20,865 --> 00:26:23,650 Mr. McAvoy, I have here a court order directing you 551 00:26:23,684 --> 00:26:25,352 to tell us the name of the individual 552 00:26:25,403 --> 00:26:27,187 that is the target of this investigation. 553 00:26:27,238 --> 00:26:29,606 - Will you comply with the court order? - No, sir. 554 00:26:29,657 --> 00:26:33,793 - You won't comply with the court order? - No, sir. 555 00:26:38,199 --> 00:26:39,999 I saw a lot of spirit in that shot, a lot of guts. 556 00:26:40,034 --> 00:26:41,701 Shut it, Fast Eddie. 557 00:26:41,752 --> 00:26:44,671 Why are hot women in movies always great at pool? 558 00:26:44,705 --> 00:26:47,590 Is that what men like? A hot girl who plays nine-ball? 559 00:26:47,625 --> 00:26:49,175 You could have said anything after "hot girl" 560 00:26:49,210 --> 00:26:50,844 - and the answer would have been... - All right. 561 00:26:54,799 --> 00:26:58,051 - Oh, brother. - What happened? 562 00:26:58,053 --> 00:27:00,553 - Hallie posted a column. You ready? - Mm-hmm. 563 00:27:00,604 --> 00:27:03,556 "Old Media Guy and New Media Girl: 564 00:27:03,558 --> 00:27:05,108 An Analog Romance." 565 00:27:05,142 --> 00:27:07,060 - What's it about? - What do you think it's about? 566 00:27:07,062 --> 00:27:08,895 - Him? - Yeah. 567 00:27:08,946 --> 00:27:12,232 It's pretty personal, but in her defense, she doesn't use his name. 568 00:27:12,283 --> 00:27:14,200 - What does she call him? - Jim? 569 00:27:14,235 --> 00:27:16,653 - Yeah. - Tim. 570 00:27:17,738 --> 00:27:19,572 Hallie is an excellent reporter. 571 00:27:19,574 --> 00:27:21,875 And she's reporting on a fight she's having with her boyfriend. 572 00:27:21,909 --> 00:27:24,043 - She's working a tough beat. - It's a lot more than that. 573 00:27:24,078 --> 00:27:25,412 Okay, read it. 574 00:27:25,414 --> 00:27:27,797 "My boyfriend loves me, but he doesn't like me. 575 00:27:27,832 --> 00:27:31,301 He definitely doesn't follow me. He disapproves of me." 576 00:27:31,335 --> 00:27:34,471 Maybe he just disapproves of using the word "me" four times in the lead. 577 00:27:34,505 --> 00:27:36,589 How would you have written it instead? 578 00:27:36,591 --> 00:27:39,592 I'm not a professional writer, but I'd have maybe tweaked the opening so it read, 579 00:27:39,643 --> 00:27:41,394 "I am not making my private life 580 00:27:41,429 --> 00:27:43,430 and the private lives of others available for entertainment 581 00:27:43,481 --> 00:27:46,065 so I can get comments like, 'You stay strong, Hallie. 582 00:27:46,100 --> 00:27:48,601 He doesn't deserve you.'" Seven in the corner. 583 00:27:48,603 --> 00:27:51,738 I have been a witness to Jim being a condescending... 584 00:27:52,907 --> 00:27:54,240 Look, there's nothing wrong with this. 585 00:27:54,275 --> 00:27:56,860 It's relatable and interesting and she can write like crazy. 586 00:27:56,911 --> 00:27:59,612 Did she ask Jim's permission before deputizing him into her well-written... 587 00:27:59,663 --> 00:28:01,915 Why are you so quick to defend Jim? 588 00:28:01,949 --> 00:28:03,700 Why are you so quick to defend Hallie? 589 00:28:03,751 --> 00:28:05,835 Because she's going to be attacked by Jim. 590 00:28:05,870 --> 00:28:08,505 Probably not in print, but I don't think that's the reason. 591 00:28:08,539 --> 00:28:11,708 I'm always grateful when a man can tell me why I'm thinking what I'm thinking. 592 00:28:11,759 --> 00:28:14,177 You're into Jim and you don't want to be a jealous cliché, 593 00:28:14,211 --> 00:28:16,463 so you defend Hallie for show. 594 00:28:16,465 --> 00:28:18,548 And it's a classy thing to do, 595 00:28:18,599 --> 00:28:21,518 but at some point we're going to have to discuss how that makes me feel 596 00:28:21,552 --> 00:28:24,020 to know that any man in your life is going to be the runner-up. 597 00:28:26,056 --> 00:28:27,524 You really believe that? 598 00:28:59,006 --> 00:29:00,974 Still got my security key. 599 00:29:09,733 --> 00:29:11,684 This place has gone to hell without me. 600 00:29:11,686 --> 00:29:13,853 Mm-hmm. 601 00:29:21,495 --> 00:29:23,029 It's almost 1:00 in the morning, Jim. 602 00:29:23,080 --> 00:29:27,000 Are you not coming home or answering my calls or texts? 603 00:29:30,921 --> 00:29:33,957 I told you my editor wanted me to write more personally. 604 00:29:37,212 --> 00:29:39,379 There are classified documents in this room. 605 00:29:39,430 --> 00:29:41,431 You can't be in here. 606 00:29:59,066 --> 00:30:01,818 It was an invasion of privacy. I'm really sorry for that. 607 00:30:01,869 --> 00:30:03,736 I was mad. We had just had the last fight 608 00:30:03,738 --> 00:30:06,322 and I went into the other room and wrote it. 609 00:30:06,373 --> 00:30:08,374 You know my computer doesn't trust me. 610 00:30:08,409 --> 00:30:10,660 It always asks are you sure you want to do this? 611 00:30:10,711 --> 00:30:12,245 But it never asks before I hit... 612 00:30:12,247 --> 00:30:15,415 I don't care about the invasion of privacy. I wish I did. 613 00:30:17,051 --> 00:30:19,052 I've been here for hours 614 00:30:19,086 --> 00:30:22,305 trying to make myself mad because it was an invasion of privacy. 615 00:30:22,389 --> 00:30:24,424 And the crowd would be on my side. That's a no-brainer. 616 00:30:24,426 --> 00:30:27,927 - You don't like me very much. - And I wish I didn't like you so much. 617 00:30:29,763 --> 00:30:31,681 Took five fucking days, Hallie, 618 00:30:31,732 --> 00:30:33,433 for you to give yourself your own reality show. 619 00:30:33,435 --> 00:30:36,402 I understand your wanting to insult me right now, 620 00:30:36,437 --> 00:30:38,104 but that's not what I did. 621 00:30:38,106 --> 00:30:40,857 Writing about the media, writing about the New York elite, 622 00:30:40,908 --> 00:30:43,493 telling personal stories that resonate with readers 623 00:30:43,527 --> 00:30:46,279 doesn't take one cent away from covering Syria 624 00:30:46,330 --> 00:30:48,364 and Afghanistan and Washington. 625 00:30:48,415 --> 00:30:49,866 There are foreign correspondents, 626 00:30:49,917 --> 00:30:51,534 sports correspondents, fashion correspondents. 627 00:30:51,585 --> 00:30:53,286 And an unbearable correspondent. 628 00:30:53,288 --> 00:30:56,205 Jealous of the New York elites? I've got you covered. 629 00:30:56,256 --> 00:30:58,841 A movie star was at an environmental fundraiser 630 00:30:58,876 --> 00:31:00,426 and they rode on a private jet? 631 00:31:00,461 --> 00:31:02,178 Here's your phony outrage. 632 00:31:02,262 --> 00:31:04,764 Feeling a little like you didn't make the cut? 633 00:31:04,798 --> 00:31:07,300 I hereby declare that amateurs are awesome 634 00:31:07,351 --> 00:31:10,186 and professionals are so 20 years ago. 635 00:31:10,220 --> 00:31:12,855 Only instead of professionals, I'm gonna say old media, 636 00:31:12,890 --> 00:31:14,440 and instead of Jim, I'm gonna say Tim 637 00:31:14,475 --> 00:31:16,943 because I'm Hallie Shea, Senior Fuck You Correspondent 638 00:31:16,977 --> 00:31:19,729 - and I've decided to become a star. - Are you drunk? 639 00:31:19,780 --> 00:31:22,815 Did you out yourself about the Boston tweet to make sure no one suspected anyone else 640 00:31:22,817 --> 00:31:24,867 or did you do it to let our enemies know you were available? 641 00:31:24,902 --> 00:31:26,736 Do you hear the way you're talking right now? 642 00:31:26,787 --> 00:31:28,955 - Our enemies? - Did you? 643 00:31:28,989 --> 00:31:31,240 I'm gonna stay at my place tonight. 644 00:31:32,459 --> 00:31:33,993 Do you mind if I tell you something? 645 00:31:34,044 --> 00:31:36,079 Your problem isn't with me and it isn't with the site. 646 00:31:36,130 --> 00:31:38,998 It's with the audience. You don't like that they like what they like 647 00:31:39,049 --> 00:31:41,050 because you need them to like you and that's no different... 648 00:31:41,085 --> 00:31:43,219 I don't give a shit about me or liking me 649 00:31:43,253 --> 00:31:47,173 or following me or friending me or trending. 650 00:31:47,175 --> 00:31:48,591 It's just ugly. 651 00:31:48,642 --> 00:31:50,343 I think you're threatened by technology. 652 00:31:50,345 --> 00:31:52,011 I beam a signal into outer space every night. 653 00:31:52,062 --> 00:31:54,514 I'm not scared of your Samsung Galaxy. What else you got? 654 00:31:54,565 --> 00:31:57,066 I want to be part of the digital revolution. I want to be part of... 655 00:31:57,101 --> 00:32:00,570 Oh, my God! I am not talking about the apparatus. 656 00:32:04,024 --> 00:32:05,491 Just tell me you know I'm right. 657 00:32:05,526 --> 00:32:07,243 Please. Please. 658 00:32:07,277 --> 00:32:09,162 At least tell me that. 659 00:32:09,196 --> 00:32:12,415 Tell me when you knock away the digital revolution bullshit... 660 00:32:12,449 --> 00:32:15,201 "We're not beholden to corporate masters." 661 00:32:15,252 --> 00:32:17,086 Yeah, or any standard of good taste. 662 00:32:17,121 --> 00:32:19,422 Tell me, please, that you know all you did 663 00:32:19,456 --> 00:32:22,425 was have a fight with your boyfriend and litigate it in public. 664 00:32:22,459 --> 00:32:24,544 Because I have spent time with hardcore drug movers 665 00:32:24,595 --> 00:32:26,879 and they don't pretend they're selling medicine. 666 00:32:38,192 --> 00:32:40,143 Yeah, I'm drunk. 667 00:33:21,568 --> 00:33:24,821 - I'm gonna miss you. - You're gonna miss a lot of things, Jim. 668 00:33:42,623 --> 00:33:46,292 - Yeah? - If he sentences you, where do you go? 669 00:33:46,343 --> 00:33:48,628 Nowhere. He's not gonna find me in contempt. 670 00:33:48,630 --> 00:33:50,847 - But if he does? - Manhattan Correctional Center. 671 00:33:50,881 --> 00:33:54,217 - That's a real jail. - And you've been shot at and you've been stabbed. 672 00:33:54,268 --> 00:33:57,436 It's 1:30. 673 00:33:57,471 --> 00:33:59,272 I think that's your phone. 674 00:34:08,148 --> 00:34:10,650 We need a table or a dresser 675 00:34:10,652 --> 00:34:12,535 where I can put my phone. 676 00:34:12,569 --> 00:34:14,821 Also walls and electricity. 677 00:34:14,872 --> 00:34:16,739 Hello. 678 00:34:16,790 --> 00:34:18,708 Is it Rebecca? Is it Charlie? 679 00:34:18,742 --> 00:34:20,877 It wouldn't be Charlie. It'd be Rebecca. Is it work? 680 00:34:20,911 --> 00:34:22,962 It would've been my phone if it was work. Is it Rebecca? 681 00:34:22,996 --> 00:34:25,298 Hang on. 682 00:34:27,634 --> 00:34:29,669 Yeah? 683 00:34:30,804 --> 00:34:32,388 Okay. 684 00:34:32,422 --> 00:34:35,341 No court tomorrow. The hearing's been moved to Friday. 685 00:34:35,392 --> 00:34:38,177 Cedarman wants Lasenthal and Rebecca to work on a deal. 686 00:34:38,179 --> 00:34:41,180 Does he know there won't be a deal that involves not airing the story? 687 00:34:41,231 --> 00:34:44,684 What he knows is he doesn't want to be the judge who locked up a news anchor. 688 00:34:47,271 --> 00:34:49,438 I find your Irish stoicism... 689 00:34:49,489 --> 00:34:51,641 - Sexy? - Irritating. 690 00:34:51,761 --> 00:34:54,332 _ 691 00:34:55,612 --> 00:34:57,029 Thank you. 692 00:34:57,031 --> 00:34:59,498 He's out. 693 00:35:01,585 --> 00:35:03,870 Everybody. The whole family. Everybody's out. 694 00:35:03,921 --> 00:35:06,038 Here we go, tonight. 695 00:35:06,040 --> 00:35:08,507 Show me a rough sketch to time by 3:00. 696 00:35:08,542 --> 00:35:10,543 Good job, everybody. Thank you. 697 00:35:10,627 --> 00:35:13,129 We're not done yet. Good job, Don. 698 00:35:13,180 --> 00:35:15,631 Jim, you look sleepier than usual. 699 00:35:15,682 --> 00:35:18,384 Tess, Gary, Kendra, Martin, Sloan, you did nothing. 700 00:35:18,435 --> 00:35:20,052 - Maggie... - Mac. 701 00:35:20,103 --> 00:35:21,687 Jenna, your future is limitless. 702 00:35:21,722 --> 00:35:23,022 Reese wants to see you in his office. 703 00:35:23,056 --> 00:35:25,308 Now? 704 00:35:36,987 --> 00:35:38,788 Reese? 705 00:35:38,822 --> 00:35:41,290 Come on in. Close the door, please. 706 00:35:41,325 --> 00:35:45,745 Joseph Bartho and the Joseph Bartho Family Singers are out. 707 00:35:45,796 --> 00:35:47,213 We just got the word. They're heading to France 708 00:35:47,247 --> 00:35:50,166 via 14 connecting flights and a team of oxen. 709 00:35:50,217 --> 00:35:51,717 So we're running the story tonight. 710 00:35:51,752 --> 00:35:54,921 You can't. I'm sorry, you can't run it at all. 711 00:35:59,343 --> 00:36:01,093 Why? 712 00:36:01,095 --> 00:36:02,895 Pruit. He signs a deal at the end of the day 713 00:36:02,930 --> 00:36:04,847 and he won't if we run the story. 714 00:36:09,319 --> 00:36:11,070 Because of Will? 715 00:36:11,104 --> 00:36:13,439 Says he doesn't think there's a chance Cedarman's gonna send him. 716 00:36:13,490 --> 00:36:16,158 It's not because of Will. He likes that Will's going to jail. 717 00:36:16,193 --> 00:36:18,194 He wants him to broadcast from there. 718 00:36:18,245 --> 00:36:20,279 - I'm certain they won't allow that. - I'm certain they won't, too. 719 00:36:20,330 --> 00:36:22,198 - What's the problem, Reese? - The fines. 720 00:36:22,249 --> 00:36:23,833 His lawyers had to be told about the story 721 00:36:23,867 --> 00:36:26,369 and they've advised him that if the story was gathered illegally, 722 00:36:26,420 --> 00:36:30,456 the Justice Department can and probably will impose crippling criminal fines. 723 00:36:37,764 --> 00:36:39,966 - This is horseshit. - I know. 724 00:36:40,017 --> 00:36:43,686 The source risked everything. 725 00:36:43,720 --> 00:36:46,605 Neal's hiding in South America. 726 00:36:46,640 --> 00:36:48,190 Will is facing a grand jury. 727 00:36:48,225 --> 00:36:49,775 Bartho and his family fled the country. 728 00:36:49,810 --> 00:36:51,310 - And it was for nothing? - Mac. 729 00:36:51,361 --> 00:36:54,897 - It was for nothing? - Yeah. 730 00:36:56,014 --> 00:36:59,318 Selling the company is the only way you get to live to fight another day. 731 00:36:59,320 --> 00:37:01,821 Do we ever get to win one? 732 00:37:05,542 --> 00:37:07,159 I've got to go and tell the staff. 733 00:37:07,210 --> 00:37:11,464 Hey, Mac. You know, the fight with the grand jury isn't over. 734 00:37:11,498 --> 00:37:13,632 - They still want his source. - I know. 735 00:37:13,667 --> 00:37:16,635 Since the day you got here, Will's been having a battle with himself. 736 00:37:16,670 --> 00:37:19,005 Is he a real journalist or just good on TV? 737 00:37:19,056 --> 00:37:21,724 You ever think he might be doing this for you? 738 00:37:21,758 --> 00:37:25,177 Because I don't think there's not a chance he's gonna be sent to jail. 739 00:37:25,179 --> 00:37:26,929 I've got his ring on my finger. 740 00:37:26,980 --> 00:37:29,565 He's not doing this to win my approval. 741 00:37:29,599 --> 00:37:32,852 Then it would be the first thing I've seen him do that wasn't. 742 00:37:39,276 --> 00:37:41,027 I'm going to tell the staff. 743 00:37:41,029 --> 00:37:43,446 - I'm sorry. - Thank you. 744 00:38:19,483 --> 00:38:23,202 Can I make a suggestion which, if you think about it, makes a lot of sense? 745 00:38:24,404 --> 00:38:25,821 Don't say anything. 746 00:38:25,872 --> 00:38:27,656 Have Rebecca go to Lasenthal and say we're willing 747 00:38:27,707 --> 00:38:29,825 to kill the story in exchange for everybody's off the hook. 748 00:38:29,876 --> 00:38:33,212 Do you think there's a chance Will would let Rebecca utter those words? 749 00:38:33,246 --> 00:38:37,666 No. 750 00:38:39,252 --> 00:38:41,504 Let's pack the documents up in cartons 751 00:38:41,555 --> 00:38:43,005 and label everything. 752 00:38:43,056 --> 00:38:45,841 Yep. 753 00:38:47,427 --> 00:38:49,595 Who's the most responsible reporter you can name? 754 00:38:49,597 --> 00:38:51,480 - You. - Thank you. 755 00:38:51,515 --> 00:38:53,766 Who doesn't work here. 756 00:38:53,768 --> 00:38:56,268 Maybe someone who could use a break. 757 00:38:57,270 --> 00:38:58,938 Responsible how? 758 00:39:04,861 --> 00:39:06,946 There is an old teacher of mine from Columbia. 759 00:39:06,948 --> 00:39:09,832 She mostly gets garbage assignments now 'cause she's in her 70s. 760 00:39:09,866 --> 00:39:12,001 Write her name down. 761 00:39:20,127 --> 00:39:22,761 I just heard. Sorry, Bubba. 762 00:39:23,947 --> 00:39:25,798 Good afternoon. 763 00:39:29,636 --> 00:39:32,438 I'll tell you, Mr. Geary, this isn't the best time. 764 00:39:32,472 --> 00:39:34,306 You two are a couple. 765 00:39:34,308 --> 00:39:35,941 We're not, but maybe we can do this later. 766 00:39:35,976 --> 00:39:38,894 No, you are. I have a signed letter declaring that you are. 767 00:39:38,945 --> 00:39:42,031 It was sitting in my office in a pile of things I hadn't gotten to yet. 768 00:39:42,065 --> 00:39:44,316 - Somebody ratted us out? - Yes. 769 00:39:44,318 --> 00:39:46,368 Nobody around here would drop a dime. You're blowing smoke. 770 00:39:46,403 --> 00:39:47,369 - Who cheesed? - Okay, Mugsy. 771 00:39:47,404 --> 00:39:48,904 - You did. - Huh? 772 00:39:48,955 --> 00:39:51,657 - You did. - Which one of us are you talking to? 773 00:39:51,659 --> 00:39:53,626 - I think you know. - What's he talking about? 774 00:39:53,660 --> 00:39:56,495 Sloan wrote a letter to HR declaring the two of you a couple. 775 00:39:56,497 --> 00:39:59,999 Yeah, it was after you made $125 on the Chipotle trade I tipped you off to. 776 00:40:00,001 --> 00:40:02,668 We spent the last two weeks trying to conceal from this man that we're dating 777 00:40:02,670 --> 00:40:05,054 and the whole time you knew you'd sent him a letter saying we were dating? 778 00:40:05,088 --> 00:40:06,388 - Mm-hmm. - Why? 779 00:40:06,423 --> 00:40:08,090 Well, obviously I was hoping he'd never find out. 780 00:40:08,141 --> 00:40:09,758 But you knew he was gonna read the letter eventually. 781 00:40:09,809 --> 00:40:12,178 Eventually is a wonderful time of day. 782 00:40:12,262 --> 00:40:14,480 This was a cross that bridge when we get to it situation for me. 783 00:40:14,514 --> 00:40:16,432 And here we are. We're at the bridge. 784 00:40:16,483 --> 00:40:18,984 - Wyatt... - Is lying to corporate something you do habitually? 785 00:40:19,019 --> 00:40:21,937 Don and I like to make decisions about lying on a case-by-case basis. 786 00:40:21,988 --> 00:40:23,439 Maybe you've helped enough. 787 00:40:23,473 --> 00:40:26,192 Please, don't transfer one of us. 788 00:40:26,194 --> 00:40:28,827 We don't work together enough, but the little we do works. 789 00:40:28,862 --> 00:40:31,163 And if you ask Sloan to choose between me and her job, 790 00:40:31,198 --> 00:40:33,866 you wouldn't be able to get that sentence out before she said her job, 791 00:40:33,868 --> 00:40:36,368 and I really like her and I'm trying to be good enough. 792 00:40:36,419 --> 00:40:38,170 And this here is the best thing that I do. 793 00:40:38,205 --> 00:40:40,539 And can I say one more thing? It's just occurred to me 794 00:40:40,590 --> 00:40:43,676 that your company is only going to own my network until the end of the day, 795 00:40:43,710 --> 00:40:45,878 so what the hell has this all been about? 796 00:40:45,880 --> 00:40:48,931 - Come to think of it... - I'm blown away you let me do it this long. 797 00:40:48,965 --> 00:40:50,716 Why did you do it this long? 798 00:40:50,767 --> 00:40:52,518 Fun. 799 00:40:52,552 --> 00:40:54,470 I work in HR. 800 00:40:54,521 --> 00:40:57,640 Our days aren't scored by the "Hallelujah Chorus." 801 00:40:59,276 --> 00:41:02,811 I don't know anything about the story you were all working on, 802 00:41:02,862 --> 00:41:05,397 but I know enough to say sorry. 803 00:41:06,900 --> 00:41:08,817 Good luck to the two of you. 804 00:41:08,868 --> 00:41:11,654 I'm a big fan. 805 00:41:11,705 --> 00:41:14,123 Put those Instagram photos back. 806 00:41:14,157 --> 00:41:16,909 - Yes, sir. - Why haven't we heard anything yet? 807 00:41:16,911 --> 00:41:19,211 - The board's still meeting. - Pruit just walked into the building. 808 00:41:19,246 --> 00:41:21,163 - He's an hour early. - Yeah. 809 00:41:21,214 --> 00:41:22,982 What are you guys talking about? 810 00:41:23,016 --> 00:41:25,834 The Bloomberg terminal will tell us everything we need to know. 811 00:41:28,138 --> 00:41:31,890 Bloomberg terminal, tell us what's going on with Toni Dodd's board meeting. 812 00:41:31,925 --> 00:41:33,142 It's not a Ouija board. 813 00:41:33,176 --> 00:41:35,728 I wasn't... I was just, you know, praying. 814 00:41:35,762 --> 00:41:37,179 - What are you two... - Hang on. 815 00:41:37,230 --> 00:41:39,598 Their press rep just tweeted, 816 00:41:39,649 --> 00:41:42,234 "Exciting announcement about major media acquisition 817 00:41:42,269 --> 00:41:44,236 coming at 5:00 PM." 818 00:41:44,271 --> 00:41:46,655 Go. Tell Reese. 819 00:41:46,690 --> 00:41:48,107 So what's going on? 820 00:41:48,109 --> 00:41:50,993 We found a white knight. Antoinette Dodd's gonna buy ACN. 821 00:41:51,027 --> 00:41:52,411 - Are you kidding? - Hang on. 822 00:41:52,445 --> 00:41:54,113 - No, seriously. - Hang on. 823 00:41:54,164 --> 00:41:56,699 - How did you do that? - Shit. 824 00:41:56,750 --> 00:41:58,584 - What? - This can't be happening. 825 00:41:58,618 --> 00:41:59,835 I don't know what you're looking at. 826 00:41:59,869 --> 00:42:01,670 Options on Halifax just started trading up. 827 00:42:01,705 --> 00:42:05,291 - The Halifax Group. - Halifax Group options... 828 00:42:05,293 --> 00:42:07,042 Fuck! 829 00:42:07,093 --> 00:42:08,844 She's buying Halifax. 830 00:42:08,878 --> 00:42:10,629 She met... I don't believe this. 831 00:42:10,680 --> 00:42:12,181 She met with us. She wanted them to think... 832 00:42:12,215 --> 00:42:14,266 We were leverage. 833 00:42:15,969 --> 00:42:18,020 God damn it! 834 00:42:19,272 --> 00:42:21,690 There's no need for airports. 835 00:42:21,725 --> 00:42:23,609 Just runways and a fence. 836 00:42:23,643 --> 00:42:25,611 That's a hell of a plan, Lucas. 837 00:42:25,645 --> 00:42:28,981 Dude, I told you in college that one day I was gonna buy a company out from under you. 838 00:42:29,032 --> 00:42:30,616 I gave you, like, 15 years' warning. 839 00:42:30,650 --> 00:42:33,902 I remember you telling me you were sleeping with my girlfriend, 840 00:42:33,953 --> 00:42:35,487 but not the second thing. 841 00:42:35,489 --> 00:42:37,239 You were probably in shock from the first thing. 842 00:42:37,290 --> 00:42:41,327 Call it off! You don't have to sell us to this pretentious ponce. 843 00:42:41,329 --> 00:42:43,996 Toni Dodd just got out of her board meeting 844 00:42:43,998 --> 00:42:46,165 and she's gonna make a competitive offer. 845 00:42:46,216 --> 00:42:50,002 So fuck you and fuck you again, you fiber-optic yak. 846 00:42:50,004 --> 00:42:53,305 Charlie. Charlie. 847 00:42:55,342 --> 00:42:58,227 What Sloan's telling Charlie is that people are buying Halifax 848 00:42:58,261 --> 00:43:00,679 at the current stock price with an expiration on the assumption 849 00:43:00,730 --> 00:43:02,681 that Toni's about to announce she's buying it. 850 00:43:02,683 --> 00:43:04,433 It was leverage, Charlie. 851 00:43:04,484 --> 00:43:06,568 She wanted people to think she was looking at ACN. 852 00:43:06,603 --> 00:43:08,404 That's why she had you guys eat at that sushi place. 853 00:43:08,438 --> 00:43:10,105 She knew there was a Halifax board member there. 854 00:43:10,156 --> 00:43:12,191 - You're gonna love me, Charlie. - No, I'm not. 855 00:43:12,193 --> 00:43:13,692 Yeah, you are. 856 00:43:13,694 --> 00:43:16,028 I'm gonna take you into the 21st century 857 00:43:16,079 --> 00:43:18,914 right after I drag you through the 19th and 20th. 858 00:43:18,948 --> 00:43:21,500 - You couldn't have gotten here 10 seconds sooner? - I just saw it. 859 00:43:21,534 --> 00:43:24,169 - What's the point of having a Bloomberg terminal... - It's not the terminal's fault. 860 00:43:24,204 --> 00:43:25,287 You want a ceremonial pen? 861 00:43:25,338 --> 00:43:27,423 It can write in a zero gravity environment. 862 00:43:27,457 --> 00:43:29,792 Yeah, I plan to take a trip through the ionosphere. 863 00:43:29,843 --> 00:43:32,878 Keep that sense of humor. You're very entertaining. 864 00:43:32,880 --> 00:43:35,214 - No, whoa. Come on. - Whoa. Whoa. 865 00:43:35,265 --> 00:43:37,132 We're sworn enemies now, he and I. 866 00:43:37,183 --> 00:43:38,684 He can still hear you. 867 00:43:40,553 --> 00:43:43,522 - Did you see Charlie? - After the show. 868 00:43:43,556 --> 00:43:45,557 He was cleaning his 12-gauge with Maker's Mark 869 00:43:45,559 --> 00:43:47,476 and muttering, "Kill the wabbit." 870 00:43:51,731 --> 00:43:54,566 It's not Irish stoicism, is it? 871 00:43:56,403 --> 00:44:00,239 This is some kind of internal baptism for you, 872 00:44:00,290 --> 00:44:04,076 which would be heartbreaking enough, except I think maybe it's a little for me. 873 00:44:04,078 --> 00:44:07,246 Don't you know that anything that can be proven 874 00:44:07,297 --> 00:44:10,549 by courage and character, you proved to me a long time ago? 875 00:44:10,583 --> 00:44:12,251 You want me to give up the source? 876 00:44:12,302 --> 00:44:13,919 I just want you to say you're scared. 877 00:44:13,970 --> 00:44:15,721 All right, here's the thing, MacKenzie. 878 00:44:15,755 --> 00:44:18,390 'Cause I love you, but you've had me on your couch for three years 879 00:44:18,425 --> 00:44:20,592 and this one time we're switching places. 880 00:44:20,594 --> 00:44:22,511 You're tearing yourself up 881 00:44:22,562 --> 00:44:24,813 because you either prioritize the story over me, 882 00:44:24,848 --> 00:44:26,432 which you think makes you a bad person, 883 00:44:26,483 --> 00:44:28,066 or you prioritize me over the story, 884 00:44:28,101 --> 00:44:29,601 which you think makes you a bad reporter. 885 00:44:29,603 --> 00:44:32,438 Either way, you're wrong. The source came to Neal 886 00:44:32,489 --> 00:44:34,740 and then I asked Neal for his name and then... 887 00:44:34,774 --> 00:44:37,192 - You can stop saying "his." - What do you mean? 888 00:44:37,243 --> 00:44:40,162 His name. The source is a woman. 889 00:44:40,196 --> 00:44:42,364 I've spoken to her in person twice. 890 00:44:42,415 --> 00:44:43,832 I know just as much about her as you do. 891 00:44:43,867 --> 00:44:46,502 Why are you standing in front of a judge and not me? 892 00:44:46,536 --> 00:44:48,420 Oh, God. 893 00:44:49,756 --> 00:44:52,040 You can't ever repeat what you just said. 894 00:44:52,876 --> 00:44:55,558 _ 895 00:44:57,213 --> 00:44:59,131 - Mr. - McAvoy refused to comply 896 00:44:59,133 --> 00:45:00,799 with an order of this court. 897 00:45:00,801 --> 00:45:04,136 Title 28, Section 1826 898 00:45:04,187 --> 00:45:06,388 of the United States Code directs this court 899 00:45:06,439 --> 00:45:08,807 to hold a grand jury witness in contempt 900 00:45:08,809 --> 00:45:12,945 if he refuses the order and does so without just cause. 901 00:45:12,979 --> 00:45:14,646 We're here today to determine 902 00:45:14,697 --> 00:45:17,149 if the witness can show just cause. 903 00:45:17,151 --> 00:45:19,868 Miss Halliday, I'll hear argument for the witness. 904 00:45:19,903 --> 00:45:22,404 Thank you, Your Honor. And may it please the court. 905 00:45:22,455 --> 00:45:26,041 Mr. McAvoy's cause exists because he is protected 906 00:45:26,075 --> 00:45:28,293 by a reporter's privilege to withhold information, 907 00:45:28,328 --> 00:45:31,997 a privilege that's been recognized by a wide range of courts. 908 00:45:45,011 --> 00:45:47,346 If we were to apply that test here, 909 00:45:47,348 --> 00:45:50,265 we would find that the information given by the reporter's source 910 00:45:50,316 --> 00:45:51,984 poses no harm to the public 911 00:45:52,018 --> 00:45:53,352 and we would weigh that 912 00:45:53,403 --> 00:45:55,571 against the newsworthiness of the US government 913 00:45:55,605 --> 00:45:58,991 swift-boating a foreign election with disinformation 914 00:45:59,025 --> 00:46:02,194 that got 38 people, including three Americans, killed. 915 00:46:04,030 --> 00:46:07,866 No one disputes that this is a tragic story of unintended consequences. 916 00:46:07,917 --> 00:46:09,835 No one intended for anyone to die 917 00:46:09,869 --> 00:46:11,870 and no one did anything illegal. 918 00:46:11,905 --> 00:46:14,923 Our intelligence professionals engage in covert operations 919 00:46:14,958 --> 00:46:17,876 all over the world to keep us safe. It's their job. 920 00:46:17,927 --> 00:46:20,879 It's how we won World War II. It's how we won the Cold War. 921 00:46:20,881 --> 00:46:22,548 It's how the Berlin Wall fell 922 00:46:22,599 --> 00:46:25,884 and it's why more buildings didn't fall on September 12. 923 00:46:25,886 --> 00:46:28,687 But not only can't they do their jobs if their identities 924 00:46:28,721 --> 00:46:30,939 are revealed by a rogue government worker, 925 00:46:30,974 --> 00:46:33,525 their lives and the lives of their families 926 00:46:33,560 --> 00:46:35,360 will be put at great risk immediately 927 00:46:35,395 --> 00:46:37,062 and perhaps without even their knowledge. 928 00:46:37,064 --> 00:46:40,198 Judge, when they do their jobs recklessly, the public has a right to know. 929 00:46:40,233 --> 00:46:42,951 And how does someone who isn't an experienced professional 930 00:46:42,986 --> 00:46:45,571 in the clandestine services presume to know 931 00:46:45,622 --> 00:46:47,322 when one of our agents is doing their job well? 932 00:46:47,373 --> 00:46:51,243 In this case, we can put a stethoscope on the 38 bodies. 933 00:46:51,245 --> 00:46:54,663 The court is sufficiently convinced of the news value of this story. 934 00:46:54,747 --> 00:46:57,666 Mr. Lasenthal, please speak to any harm it poses. 935 00:46:57,750 --> 00:47:00,469 Judge, someone with a high level of security clearance 936 00:47:00,503 --> 00:47:02,387 has committed an act of espionage. 937 00:47:02,422 --> 00:47:03,972 That fact is not in dispute. 938 00:47:04,007 --> 00:47:05,924 This person is still inside the government, 939 00:47:05,975 --> 00:47:08,677 still has access to classified materials. 940 00:47:08,728 --> 00:47:10,562 This person must be apprehended. 941 00:47:10,597 --> 00:47:13,899 Law enforcement doesn't know the identity. Mr. McAvoy does. 942 00:47:13,933 --> 00:47:17,402 And I can't imagine what other argument the court needs to hear. 943 00:47:19,822 --> 00:47:22,324 Mr. McAvoy. 944 00:47:22,358 --> 00:47:24,276 What do you want me to do? 945 00:47:26,863 --> 00:47:29,031 Your Honor, if you're leaving it up to me, 946 00:47:29,082 --> 00:47:30,832 I'd just as soon go home. 947 00:47:32,835 --> 00:47:36,338 It's funny, but the first time the Supreme Court ever supported a claim 948 00:47:36,372 --> 00:47:40,208 of protection under the First Amendment wasn't until 1919. 949 00:47:40,259 --> 00:47:42,461 The amendment says Congress shall make no law 950 00:47:42,512 --> 00:47:45,097 abridging freedom of speech or of the press. 951 00:47:45,131 --> 00:47:47,182 And we went 125 years 952 00:47:47,216 --> 00:47:50,268 without that law protecting critical expression. 953 00:47:50,303 --> 00:47:53,472 The legislation that sparked the dissent? 954 00:47:53,474 --> 00:47:55,223 The Espionage Act. 955 00:47:57,060 --> 00:47:59,695 I just thought that was interesting. 956 00:48:01,981 --> 00:48:04,783 I appreciate the defense my attorney mounted, 957 00:48:04,817 --> 00:48:07,069 but my heart is with the prosecutor. 958 00:48:07,120 --> 00:48:08,704 I'm sorry, Rebecca, it just is. 959 00:48:08,738 --> 00:48:10,572 It didn't used to be that so much damage 960 00:48:10,623 --> 00:48:12,407 could be done by so few people. 961 00:48:12,458 --> 00:48:15,193 It just used to be harder. It took more manpower. 962 00:48:15,228 --> 00:48:18,296 So, for me, I don't like the cost benefit. 963 00:48:18,331 --> 00:48:22,050 But I can't give you the name of my source. 964 00:48:22,085 --> 00:48:24,336 I'm just not allowed to, Your Honor. 965 00:48:24,338 --> 00:48:27,005 It's as simple as that. I'm not allowed to. 966 00:48:27,974 --> 00:48:29,224 And as Your Honor well knows, 967 00:48:29,258 --> 00:48:31,643 prison time in a civil contempt case 968 00:48:31,678 --> 00:48:33,395 can't be punitive, only coercive. 969 00:48:33,429 --> 00:48:37,015 So with that in mind, I'm telling the government and the court 970 00:48:37,066 --> 00:48:39,351 that there are no number of prison days 971 00:48:39,402 --> 00:48:43,572 after which I will reveal my source's identity. 972 00:48:47,860 --> 00:48:51,863 Well, I hate to say this, but we're just going to have to find out. 973 00:48:51,914 --> 00:48:55,283 Mr. McAvoy, I find you in contempt of court 974 00:48:55,334 --> 00:48:58,253 and order you to surrender yourself to the US Marshals 975 00:48:58,287 --> 00:49:01,256 in this building on this day at 5:00 PM. 976 00:49:01,290 --> 00:49:04,259 Yes, sir. 977 00:49:17,557 --> 00:49:20,108 Hey, you know this is bullshit. 978 00:49:22,895 --> 00:49:24,479 I don't think you should wait for me. 979 00:49:24,530 --> 00:49:25,981 I think you should forget about me and move on. 980 00:49:26,032 --> 00:49:28,200 - Okay. - Listen, remember, 981 00:49:28,234 --> 00:49:31,119 only my conversations with my lawyer are privileged. 982 00:49:31,154 --> 00:49:33,038 Right? What we were talking about last night. 983 00:49:33,072 --> 00:49:35,874 - Yeah, or your wife. - Yeah, but you wanted to be a June bride... 984 00:49:35,908 --> 00:49:37,626 I don't anymore. I want to get married now. 985 00:49:37,660 --> 00:49:39,745 I think you should have thought about that... Wait. 986 00:49:39,747 --> 00:49:42,214 - Are you serious? - I'm more than serious. 987 00:49:42,248 --> 00:49:43,799 We get a waiver from the mayor's office 988 00:49:43,833 --> 00:49:45,550 and use the chapel at City Hall. 989 00:49:45,585 --> 00:49:47,669 Honey, we've got 300 people coming to a wedding 990 00:49:47,720 --> 00:49:49,554 you've been planning for 25 years. 991 00:49:49,589 --> 00:49:52,174 Remember the seven weeks I spent picking the invitations? 992 00:49:52,225 --> 00:49:55,427 - I really do. - Done. 993 00:49:55,478 --> 00:49:58,597 "I'm marrying Will today at 3:30 PM at City Hall..." 994 00:49:58,599 --> 00:50:00,348 "...if you guys want to come." 995 00:50:00,399 --> 00:50:02,651 - Congratulations! - Finally! 996 00:50:02,735 --> 00:50:04,820 That... That's what... I was begging... 997 00:50:04,854 --> 00:50:06,688 for seven weeks we were looking... 998 00:50:06,739 --> 00:50:09,441 Different cardboard... Okay. 999 00:50:09,443 --> 00:50:11,409 For that little stunt, I'm gonna marry your ass off. 1000 00:50:11,444 --> 00:50:14,329 Charlie, Don, Gary, Jim, Martin, we're putting on a wedding. 1001 00:50:14,363 --> 00:50:16,581 - This is men's work. - All right. 1002 00:50:16,616 --> 00:50:19,618 - Let's go. City Hall, here we come. - You finally grew a brain. 1003 00:52:20,261 --> 00:52:23,839 _ 1004 00:52:49,101 --> 00:52:52,237 - I saw on the news. - Thanks for seeing me, Phil. 1005 00:52:52,271 --> 00:52:54,105 You really want to spend your last hours of freedom 1006 00:52:54,156 --> 00:52:56,491 arguing with me about something that's 2,000 years old? 1007 00:52:56,525 --> 00:52:59,327 No, we can do that another time. I wanted to ask a favor. 1008 00:52:59,362 --> 00:53:02,197 Mac and I have moved our wedding up from June to this afternoon. 1009 00:53:02,248 --> 00:53:05,000 MacKenzie, while not being as religious as, say, you are, 1010 00:53:05,034 --> 00:53:07,619 - she's not a full-on whack job or anything... - Yeah. 1011 00:53:07,670 --> 00:53:11,289 She is devout and a Catholic service would mean a lot to her. 1012 00:53:11,324 --> 00:53:13,341 I can do that. Where are you being married? 1013 00:53:13,376 --> 00:53:15,710 At the chapel at City Hall. 1014 00:53:15,761 --> 00:53:18,630 Catholic service has to be performed in a Catholic church. 1015 00:53:18,632 --> 00:53:21,433 Doesn't that sound like one of those rules we've talked about? 1016 00:53:21,467 --> 00:53:25,220 God's omniscient, but He's only willing to work in certain buildings? 1017 00:53:25,271 --> 00:53:28,223 - That's not... - Like it's a union thing. 1018 00:53:28,274 --> 00:53:29,975 Fine. 1019 00:53:29,977 --> 00:53:33,194 Thank you. I'll have a car waiting at 3:15. 1020 00:53:37,366 --> 00:53:38,733 Will. 1021 00:53:38,784 --> 00:53:40,485 You want to pray with me? 1022 00:53:51,964 --> 00:53:54,564 ♪ Ave Maria ♪ 1023 00:54:06,262 --> 00:54:08,862 ♪ Gratia plena... ♪ 1024 00:54:14,520 --> 00:54:16,855 You have to make a grand apology to her. 1025 00:54:16,857 --> 00:54:18,740 - Really grand. - I know. 1026 00:54:18,774 --> 00:54:22,027 - Canyon grand. - I know. 1027 00:54:22,078 --> 00:54:24,913 - Where's Professor Ethics? - We had a fight. 1028 00:54:24,947 --> 00:54:27,582 About what? 1029 00:54:27,616 --> 00:54:29,284 Nothing. 1030 00:54:39,512 --> 00:54:42,714 Rejoice with those who rejoice. 1031 00:54:42,765 --> 00:54:45,550 Weep with those who weep. 1032 00:54:45,552 --> 00:54:47,635 Have the same regard for one another. 1033 00:54:47,686 --> 00:54:51,022 Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. 1034 00:54:51,057 --> 00:54:53,808 Do not be wise in your own estimation. 1035 00:54:58,731 --> 00:55:01,733 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. 1036 00:55:01,784 --> 00:55:04,736 Be concerned for what is noble in the sight of all. 1037 00:55:04,738 --> 00:55:08,073 If possible, on your part, 1038 00:55:08,075 --> 00:55:10,241 live at peace with all. 1039 00:55:10,292 --> 00:55:13,294 - The word of the Lord. - Thanks be to God. 1040 00:55:27,309 --> 00:55:29,978 Do you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband? 1041 00:55:31,514 --> 00:55:33,431 I do. 1042 00:55:33,482 --> 00:55:36,768 Do you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife? 1043 00:55:38,237 --> 00:55:40,021 I do.