1 00:00:07,771 --> 00:00:10,733 Are you ready for the ultimate challenge? 2 00:00:10,734 --> 00:00:11,813 I'm always ready! 3 00:00:11,814 --> 00:00:13,812 Then you know what this means! 4 00:00:13,813 --> 00:00:16,741 Syrup race! Ahh... 5 00:00:16,742 --> 00:00:19,725 - Go, sir syrup! - Go, mountie man! 6 00:00:19,728 --> 00:00:21,796 - Go go! Go go! - Almost... Almost... 7 00:00:21,799 --> 00:00:23,812 Yes! 8 00:00:23,813 --> 00:00:25,733 I won! 9 00:00:25,734 --> 00:00:27,724 Bleah. 10 00:00:27,725 --> 00:00:28,799 Ho ho, no way! 11 00:00:28,800 --> 00:00:30,728 Hey, Mabel, check this out. 12 00:00:30,729 --> 00:00:32,703 Human-sized hamster balls? 13 00:00:32,704 --> 00:00:34,762 I'm human-sized! 14 00:00:34,763 --> 00:00:35,817 No, no, Mabel. This. 15 00:00:35,818 --> 00:00:38,749 We see weirder stuff than that every day. 16 00:00:38,750 --> 00:00:40,742 We didn't get any photos of those gnomes, did we? 17 00:00:40,743 --> 00:00:43,770 Nope, just memories. And this beard hair. 18 00:00:43,771 --> 00:00:45,788 - Why did you save that? - Mm-mm-mm. 19 00:00:45,791 --> 00:00:47,783 Uhh! Good morning, knuckleheads. 20 00:00:47,784 --> 00:00:49,741 You two know what day it is? 21 00:00:49,742 --> 00:00:50,750 Um... Happy anniversary? 22 00:00:50,751 --> 00:00:53,717 - Mazel tov! - Baah! 23 00:00:53,720 --> 00:00:55,724 It's family fun day, genius! 24 00:00:55,725 --> 00:00:57,784 We're cuttin' off work and havin' one of those, ya know, 25 00:00:57,785 --> 00:00:59,778 Bonding-type deals. 26 00:00:59,779 --> 00:01:03,737 Grunkle Stan, is this gonna be anything like our last family bonding day? 27 00:01:03,738 --> 00:01:06,799 You call that Ben Franklin? He looks like a woman! 28 00:01:06,800 --> 00:01:08,816 Uh-oh! 29 00:01:08,817 --> 00:01:11,812 Ohh! The county jail was so cold. 30 00:01:11,813 --> 00:01:14,787 All right, maybe I haven't been the best summer caretaker. 31 00:01:14,788 --> 00:01:17,799 But I swear, today we're gonna have some real family fun. 32 00:01:17,800 --> 00:01:21,728 Now, who wants to put on some blindfolds and get into my car? 33 00:01:21,729 --> 00:01:22,738 - Yay! - Yay! 34 00:01:22,741 --> 00:01:23,757 Wait. What? 35 00:01:23,758 --> 00:02:02,696 Subtitles by MemoryOnSmells. http://UKsubtitles.ru. Support Us and Donate. 36 00:02:07,002 --> 00:02:08,638 Whoa! Whoa! 37 00:02:08,713 --> 00:02:10,766 Blindfolds never lead to anything good. 38 00:02:10,767 --> 00:02:14,712 Wow. I feel like all my other senses are heightened. 39 00:02:14,713 --> 00:02:16,775 I can see with my fingers. 40 00:02:16,776 --> 00:02:18,713 - Oh! - Oh! 41 00:02:18,714 --> 00:02:20,738 Grunkle Stan, are you wearing a blindfold? 42 00:02:20,739 --> 00:02:23,737 Ha ha! Nah, but with these cataracts, I might as well be. 43 00:02:23,738 --> 00:02:25,722 What is that, a woodpecker? 44 00:02:27,709 --> 00:02:30,755 Okay, okay, open 'em up. 45 00:02:32,692 --> 00:02:34,737 Ta-da! It's fishin' season! 46 00:02:34,738 --> 00:02:36,738 - Fishing? - What are you playing at, old man? 47 00:02:36,741 --> 00:02:38,741 You're gonna love it! The whole town's out here! 48 00:02:38,742 --> 00:02:41,745 Here, fishy-fishies! Get into the pan. 49 00:02:41,746 --> 00:02:43,687 Say "cheese." 50 00:02:43,688 --> 00:02:44,775 Aaaah! 51 00:02:44,776 --> 00:02:46,750 Uh, is this good? 52 00:02:46,751 --> 00:02:47,779 No!!! 53 00:02:47,780 --> 00:02:50,738 I'll show you how a real man fishes! 54 00:02:51,742 --> 00:02:53,691 Grr! Aaah! 55 00:02:53,692 --> 00:02:54,738 Ha ha ha ha ha! 56 00:02:54,739 --> 00:02:56,704 Hyeah! Uhh! 57 00:02:56,705 --> 00:02:58,754 - Dead! Dead! - Dead! Dead! 58 00:02:58,755 --> 00:03:00,741 Get him! Get him! 59 00:03:00,742 --> 00:03:02,738 That's some quality family bonding! 60 00:03:02,739 --> 00:03:05,733 Uncle Stan, why do you want to bond with us all of a sudden? 61 00:03:05,734 --> 00:03:07,725 Come on, this is gonna be great! 62 00:03:07,726 --> 00:03:09,694 I've never had fishin' buddies before. 63 00:03:09,695 --> 00:03:11,692 The guys from the lodge won't go with me. 64 00:03:11,693 --> 00:03:13,721 They don't like or trust me. 65 00:03:13,722 --> 00:03:16,683 I think he actually wants to fish with us. 66 00:03:16,684 --> 00:03:18,733 Hey, I know what'll cheer you sad sacks up. 67 00:03:18,734 --> 00:03:21,704 Pow! Pines family fishin' hats. 68 00:03:21,705 --> 00:03:23,745 That's hand-stitching, ya know. 69 00:03:23,746 --> 00:03:27,766 It's just gonna be you, me, and those goofy hats on a boat for ten hours! 70 00:03:27,767 --> 00:03:28,771 Ten hours?! 71 00:03:28,772 --> 00:03:31,745 I brought the joke book. 72 00:03:31,746 --> 00:03:33,687 No. No! 73 00:03:33,688 --> 00:03:34,742 There has to be a way out of this. 74 00:03:34,743 --> 00:03:36,712 I seen it! 75 00:03:36,713 --> 00:03:38,684 I seen it again! 76 00:03:42,701 --> 00:03:43,750 Hoo hoo hoo! 77 00:03:43,751 --> 00:03:45,762 The Gravity Falls gobblewonker! 78 00:03:45,763 --> 00:03:48,750 Come quick before he scramdoodles away! 79 00:03:48,751 --> 00:03:50,758 Ha ha hoo-ah! 80 00:03:50,759 --> 00:03:53,758 Aw. He's doing a happy jig. 81 00:03:53,759 --> 00:03:56,766 No!!! It's a jig of grave danger! 82 00:03:56,767 --> 00:03:58,746 - Hey! Hey! - Aaah! 83 00:03:58,747 --> 00:04:00,780 Now, what did I tell you about scaring my customers? 84 00:04:00,781 --> 00:04:02,779 This is your last warning, dad. 85 00:04:02,780 --> 00:04:06,721 But I got proof this time, by gummity! 86 00:04:06,722 --> 00:04:08,729 Behold! 87 00:04:08,730 --> 00:04:11,691 It's gobbledywonker what done did it! 88 00:04:11,692 --> 00:04:13,684 It had a long neck like a gee-raffe, 89 00:04:13,685 --> 00:04:16,730 and wrinkly skin like... like this gentleman right here. - Huh? 90 00:04:16,733 --> 00:04:19,712 It chopped my boat up to smitheroons! 91 00:04:19,713 --> 00:04:22,737 It shim-shammed over to scuttlebutt island! 92 00:04:22,738 --> 00:04:24,733 Ya gotta believe me!!! 93 00:04:24,734 --> 00:04:26,729 Attention, all units. 94 00:04:26,730 --> 00:04:29,692 We got ourselves a crazy old man. 95 00:04:32,776 --> 00:04:36,713 Aw, donkey spittle! Banjo Polish... 96 00:04:37,780 --> 00:04:39,745 Well, that happened. 97 00:04:39,746 --> 00:04:42,691 Now, let's untie this boat and get out on that lake! 98 00:04:42,692 --> 00:04:44,741 Mabel, did you hear what that old dude said? 99 00:04:44,742 --> 00:04:46,741 "Aw, donkey spittle!" 100 00:04:46,742 --> 00:04:48,734 The other thing... about the monster. 101 00:04:48,735 --> 00:04:52,683 If we can snag a photo of it, we could split the prize fifty-fifty. 102 00:04:52,684 --> 00:04:54,708 That's two fifties! 103 00:04:54,709 --> 00:04:57,772 Imagine what you could do with five hundred dollars! 104 00:05:02,705 --> 00:05:04,754 Not so high and mighty anymore. 105 00:05:04,755 --> 00:05:07,734 - Ohh. - Aha-ha ha ha ha! 106 00:05:12,755 --> 00:05:14,741 Hey, boys. 107 00:05:14,742 --> 00:05:18,775 You can look... But you can't touch. 108 00:05:18,776 --> 00:05:20,712 Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! 109 00:05:20,713 --> 00:05:21,722 Squeak squeak... 110 00:05:21,723 --> 00:05:23,716 Awesome! 111 00:05:23,717 --> 00:05:25,733 Mabel. Mabel? 112 00:05:25,734 --> 00:05:29,741 Dipper, I am one million percent onboard with this! 113 00:05:29,742 --> 00:05:31,775 Grunkle Stan! Change of plans! 114 00:05:31,776 --> 00:05:34,754 We're taking that boat to scuttlebutt island, 115 00:05:34,755 --> 00:05:37,712 and we are gonna find that gobblewonker. 116 00:05:37,713 --> 00:05:39,721 - Monster Hunt! - Monster Hunt! 117 00:05:39,722 --> 00:05:40,763 - Monster... - Monster Hunt! 118 00:05:40,766 --> 00:05:42,758 Monster... eh... 119 00:05:42,759 --> 00:05:43,776 I'll go. 120 00:05:45,746 --> 00:05:47,766 You dudes say something about a monster Hunt? 121 00:05:47,767 --> 00:05:50,734 - Zeus! - What's up, hambone? 122 00:05:50,737 --> 00:05:53,696 - Kapoosh! - Pow! Explode! 123 00:05:53,697 --> 00:05:55,755 Dude, you could totally use my boat for your Hunt. 124 00:05:55,756 --> 00:05:58,750 It's got a steering wheel, chairs... normal boat stuff. 125 00:05:58,751 --> 00:06:00,744 All right, let's think this through. 126 00:06:00,745 --> 00:06:02,738 You kids could go waste your time 127 00:06:02,739 --> 00:06:05,733 on some epic monster-finding adventure, 128 00:06:05,734 --> 00:06:09,716 or you could spend the day learning how to tie knots and skewer worms 129 00:06:09,717 --> 00:06:10,746 with your great uncle Stan! 130 00:06:23,726 --> 00:06:24,772 So, whaddya say? 131 00:06:26,746 --> 00:06:28,772 We made the right choice! 132 00:06:30,742 --> 00:06:32,771 Ingrates! Ah, who needs 'em? 133 00:06:32,772 --> 00:06:36,734 I got a whole box of creepy fishin' lures to keep me company. 134 00:06:37,751 --> 00:06:39,696 Uhh! 135 00:06:40,742 --> 00:06:41,763 Hoist the anchor! 136 00:06:43,738 --> 00:06:45,691 Raise the flag! 137 00:06:45,692 --> 00:06:47,766 We're gonna find that gobblewonker! 138 00:06:47,767 --> 00:06:50,721 We're gonna win that photo contest! 139 00:06:50,722 --> 00:06:52,754 Do any of you dudes have sunscreen? 140 00:06:52,755 --> 00:06:55,741 We're gonna... Go get sunscreen! 141 00:06:55,742 --> 00:06:56,772 Yay! 142 00:07:07,728 --> 00:07:09,711 All right, if we want to win this contest, 143 00:07:09,712 --> 00:07:11,668 we've gotta do it right. 144 00:07:11,669 --> 00:07:13,732 Think. What the #1 problem with most monster hunts? 145 00:07:13,733 --> 00:07:17,672 You're a side character and you die in the first five minutes of the movie. 146 00:07:17,673 --> 00:07:20,643 Dude, am I a side character? Do you ever think about stuff like that? 147 00:07:20,644 --> 00:07:21,732 No, no, no... camera trouble. 148 00:07:21,733 --> 00:07:24,711 Say bigfoot shows up. Zeus, be bigfoot. 149 00:07:26,690 --> 00:07:28,647 There he is! Bigfoot! 150 00:07:28,648 --> 00:07:30,672 Uh-oh! No camera! 151 00:07:30,673 --> 00:07:32,660 Oh, wait! Here's one! 152 00:07:32,661 --> 00:07:33,701 Aw, no film! 153 00:07:33,702 --> 00:07:35,656 You see what I'm doing here? 154 00:07:35,657 --> 00:07:36,736 - Uh-huh. - Dude's got a point. 155 00:07:36,739 --> 00:07:41,643 That's why I bought seventeen disposable cameras. 156 00:07:41,644 --> 00:07:42,719 Two on my ankle, three in my jacket, 157 00:07:42,720 --> 00:07:44,722 four for each of you, three extras in this bag, 158 00:07:44,723 --> 00:07:46,689 and one under my hat. 159 00:07:46,690 --> 00:07:48,689 There's no way we're gonna Miss this. 160 00:07:48,690 --> 00:07:51,656 Okay, everybody, let's test our cameras out. 161 00:07:51,657 --> 00:07:52,722 Ahh! Dude! 162 00:07:52,723 --> 00:07:55,697 You see? This is exactly why you need backup cameras. 163 00:07:55,698 --> 00:07:56,702 We still have sixteen. 164 00:07:56,703 --> 00:07:58,727 Ahh! Bird! 165 00:07:58,728 --> 00:08:02,689 Fifteen. Okay, guys, I repeat, don't lose your cameras. 166 00:08:02,690 --> 00:08:04,644 - Wait. Lose the cameras? - Don't! 167 00:08:04,645 --> 00:08:05,694 Dude, I just threw two away. 168 00:08:05,695 --> 00:08:06,706 Thirteen! 169 00:08:06,707 --> 00:08:09,665 All right, we still have thirteen camera... 170 00:08:10,665 --> 00:08:12,718 Twelve. We have twelve cameras. 171 00:08:12,719 --> 00:08:15,718 So what's the plan? Throw more cameras overboard or what? 172 00:08:15,719 --> 00:08:17,727 No! No. Okay. 173 00:08:17,728 --> 00:08:19,732 You'll be lookout, Zeus can work the steering wheel, 174 00:08:19,733 --> 00:08:21,702 - and I'll be captain. - What?! 175 00:08:21,705 --> 00:08:23,714 Why do you get to be captain? 176 00:08:23,715 --> 00:08:25,727 What about Mabel, huh? 177 00:08:25,728 --> 00:08:27,710 Ma-bel! Ma-bel! 178 00:08:27,711 --> 00:08:29,660 Ma-bel! Ma-bel! 179 00:08:29,661 --> 00:08:30,711 I'm not sure that's a good idea. 180 00:08:30,712 --> 00:08:32,656 What about co-captain? 181 00:08:32,657 --> 00:08:33,715 There's no such thing as co-captain. 182 00:08:33,716 --> 00:08:35,651 Ohh. Whoops! 183 00:08:35,652 --> 00:08:37,672 Okay, fine! You can be co-captain! 184 00:08:37,673 --> 00:08:38,723 Can I be associate co-captain? 185 00:08:38,724 --> 00:08:41,672 As co-captain, I authorize that request. 186 00:08:41,673 --> 00:08:44,718 Well, as first co-captain, our #1 order of business 187 00:08:44,719 --> 00:08:46,722 is to lure the monster out with this. 188 00:08:46,723 --> 00:08:48,722 Permission to taste some? 189 00:08:48,723 --> 00:08:51,640 - Granted. - Permission co-granted. 190 00:08:51,643 --> 00:08:53,661 Permission associate go-granted. 191 00:08:56,678 --> 00:09:00,710 Dude, I don't know what I expected that to taste like. 192 00:09:00,711 --> 00:09:04,690 Traitors! I'll find my own fishin' buddies. 193 00:09:06,732 --> 00:09:07,735 Ah! 194 00:09:07,736 --> 00:09:10,669 There's my new pals! 195 00:09:15,648 --> 00:09:17,639 Now that we're alone, rosanna, 196 00:09:17,640 --> 00:09:20,710 there's a burning question which my heart longs to ask of you. 197 00:09:20,711 --> 00:09:22,728 - Oh, Reginald! - Hey! 198 00:09:23,728 --> 00:09:25,702 Wanna hear a joke? 199 00:09:26,723 --> 00:09:27,719 Here goes. 200 00:09:27,720 --> 00:09:30,660 My ex-wife still misses me, 201 00:09:30,661 --> 00:09:32,665 but her aim is gettin' better! 202 00:09:33,678 --> 00:09:36,685 Her aim is gettin' better! 203 00:09:36,686 --> 00:09:40,693 Ya see, it's... it's funny because marriage is terrible. 204 00:09:40,694 --> 00:09:41,715 What?! 205 00:09:48,682 --> 00:09:49,723 Hey, how's it going? 206 00:09:49,724 --> 00:09:51,693 It's going awesome. 207 00:09:51,694 --> 00:09:53,668 ♪ Bow bow, ba-bow bow ♪ 208 00:09:53,669 --> 00:09:54,719 Mabel, leave that thing alone. 209 00:09:54,720 --> 00:09:56,731 Aw, I don't mind none! 210 00:09:56,732 --> 00:09:58,706 Hey, look, I'm drinking water! 211 00:09:58,707 --> 00:10:00,657 ♪ Grinkle, grinkle, little... ♪ 212 00:10:02,728 --> 00:10:04,727 Aren't you supposed to be doing lookout? 213 00:10:04,728 --> 00:10:06,697 Look out! 214 00:10:06,698 --> 00:10:07,710 Ha ha! 215 00:10:07,711 --> 00:10:09,727 But seriously, I'm on it. 216 00:10:09,728 --> 00:10:11,640 - Whoa! - Whoa! 217 00:10:11,641 --> 00:10:12,711 See? We're here. 218 00:10:12,712 --> 00:10:14,677 I'm a lookout genius! 219 00:10:14,678 --> 00:10:16,682 Hamster ball, here we come! 220 00:10:26,669 --> 00:10:27,719 Dude, check it out. 221 00:10:27,720 --> 00:10:28,731 Butt island. 222 00:10:28,732 --> 00:10:31,685 Zeus, you rapscallion! 223 00:10:31,686 --> 00:10:33,685 Hey, why aren't you laughing? 224 00:10:33,686 --> 00:10:35,701 Are you scared? 225 00:10:35,702 --> 00:10:36,732 Yeah, right. I'm not... 226 00:10:36,733 --> 00:10:38,698 - Yeah, you are! - Hey... 227 00:10:38,701 --> 00:10:39,727 Quit it... 228 00:10:39,728 --> 00:10:42,652 stop, Mabel! Uhh! Uhh! 229 00:10:45,711 --> 00:10:47,718 Dude, did you guys hear that? 230 00:10:47,719 --> 00:10:49,727 What was that? Was it your stomach? 231 00:10:49,728 --> 00:10:52,711 No, my stomach normally sounds like whale noises. 232 00:10:56,682 --> 00:10:59,661 Wow! So majestic! 233 00:11:01,669 --> 00:11:02,706 Our lantern! 234 00:11:02,707 --> 00:11:05,639 Ahh! I can't see anything! 235 00:11:05,640 --> 00:11:08,651 Dude, I don't know, man, maybe this isn't worth it. 236 00:11:08,652 --> 00:11:10,711 Not worth it? Guys, imagine what would happen 237 00:11:10,712 --> 00:11:13,706 if we got that picture! 238 00:11:13,707 --> 00:11:16,701 Tonight, we're here with adventure-seeker Dipper pines 239 00:11:16,702 --> 00:11:19,677 who bravely photographed the elusive gobblewonker. 240 00:11:19,678 --> 00:11:22,672 Tell me, Dipper, what's the secret to your success? 241 00:11:22,673 --> 00:11:25,660 Well, I run away from nothing... 242 00:11:25,661 --> 00:11:28,689 Nothing except for when I ran away from my annoying Grunkle Stan 243 00:11:28,690 --> 00:11:31,672 who I ditched in order to pursue that lake monster. 244 00:11:31,673 --> 00:11:34,693 How right you were to do so. He looked like a real piece of work. 245 00:11:34,694 --> 00:11:38,661 I don't often do this, but I feel the need to give you an award. 246 00:11:40,652 --> 00:11:42,661 Charlie! 247 00:11:43,732 --> 00:11:46,678 Why won't you interview me?! 248 00:11:48,715 --> 00:11:51,673 - I'm in! - Me too! 249 00:11:52,723 --> 00:11:55,644 All right, dudes, I'm comin! 250 00:11:59,669 --> 00:12:02,643 ♪ My name is mable, it rhymes with "table" ♪ 251 00:12:02,644 --> 00:12:03,736 ♪ It also rhymes with "glable" ♪ 252 00:12:03,737 --> 00:12:05,736 ♪ It also rhymes with "schmable" ♪ 253 00:12:05,737 --> 00:12:08,656 Dude, we should be writing this down. 254 00:12:08,657 --> 00:12:11,652 Guys! Guys, guys. You hear something? 255 00:12:12,707 --> 00:12:14,706 This is it. This is it! 256 00:12:14,707 --> 00:12:17,711 - Uh. Uh... - This is cooooool! 257 00:12:24,648 --> 00:12:25,652 Oh! 258 00:12:27,732 --> 00:12:30,686 Everyone... Get your cameras ready. 259 00:12:33,711 --> 00:12:35,689 Ready? Go! 260 00:12:35,690 --> 00:12:37,639 Whaaaaa! 261 00:12:37,640 --> 00:12:38,644 Aaaaaah! 262 00:12:46,682 --> 00:12:49,651 But... but what was that noise, then? 263 00:12:49,652 --> 00:12:50,723 I heard a monster noise. 264 00:12:56,686 --> 00:12:58,718 Sweet! Beaver with a chainsaw! 265 00:12:58,719 --> 00:13:01,660 Maybe that old guy was crazy after all. 266 00:13:01,661 --> 00:13:04,686 He did use the word "scrapdoodle." 267 00:13:06,678 --> 00:13:07,723 Look, when you're threading the line... 268 00:13:07,724 --> 00:13:09,656 a lot of people don't know this... 269 00:13:09,657 --> 00:13:10,736 but you want to use a barrel knot. 270 00:13:10,737 --> 00:13:13,693 That's a secret from one fishin' buddy to another. 271 00:13:13,694 --> 00:13:14,719 - Heh heh! - Uh... 272 00:13:14,722 --> 00:13:17,660 I, uh... who are you, exactly? 273 00:13:17,661 --> 00:13:19,693 Just call me your Grunkle Stan! 274 00:13:19,694 --> 00:13:20,714 Sir... sir! 275 00:13:20,715 --> 00:13:22,685 Why are you talking to our son?! 276 00:13:22,686 --> 00:13:25,681 If you don't leave right now, I'm calling the police! 277 00:13:25,682 --> 00:13:27,727 Ha ha! Ya see, the thing about that is... 278 00:13:27,728 --> 00:13:30,686 - Arrrr! - Go bother your own kids! 279 00:13:30,689 --> 00:13:32,731 Ooh, yeah, work it, work it! Nice! Nice! 280 00:13:32,732 --> 00:13:35,735 Give me another one of those. Yeah, I like that one. 281 00:13:35,736 --> 00:13:38,710 What are we gonna say to Grunkle Stan? 282 00:13:38,711 --> 00:13:41,644 We ditched him over nothing. 283 00:13:43,698 --> 00:13:45,672 Hey. Guys, do you feel that? 284 00:13:45,673 --> 00:13:47,719 - Wha... - Hey, hey! Whoa, whoa! 285 00:13:47,722 --> 00:13:49,665 Aaah! 286 00:13:51,644 --> 00:13:53,668 This is it! 287 00:13:53,669 --> 00:13:55,657 Come on, this is our chance! 288 00:13:57,707 --> 00:14:00,651 What's wrong with you guys? 289 00:14:00,652 --> 00:14:01,673 - Dipper... - Dude... 290 00:14:01,674 --> 00:14:02,732 It's not that hard, all right? 291 00:14:02,733 --> 00:14:06,648 All you gotta do is point and shoot. Like this. 292 00:14:10,711 --> 00:14:12,648 Run! 293 00:14:21,686 --> 00:14:23,735 Get back to the boat! Hurry!!! 294 00:14:23,736 --> 00:14:25,652 Aaah! Ooh! 295 00:14:28,669 --> 00:14:30,639 The picture! 296 00:14:30,640 --> 00:14:31,711 Dude, if it makes you feel any better, 297 00:14:31,712 --> 00:14:34,656 I got tons of pictures of those beavers, dude! 298 00:14:34,657 --> 00:14:36,732 Why would that make me feel better?! 299 00:14:42,303 --> 00:14:44,336 Let's get out of here, dudes! 300 00:14:47,282 --> 00:14:49,290 All right, this is it! 301 00:14:49,291 --> 00:14:52,273 Cracked lens?! Zeus, get a photo! 302 00:14:52,274 --> 00:14:54,285 Hyuh! Nyeah! Nyeah! 303 00:14:54,286 --> 00:14:56,349 - Unhh! - What are you doing?! 304 00:14:56,352 --> 00:14:59,302 I still got one left. Don't worry, dude. Here. 305 00:14:59,303 --> 00:15:00,341 Aaah! 306 00:15:08,303 --> 00:15:10,362 - Whoa! - Aaah! 307 00:15:12,370 --> 00:15:14,274 Go go go go go! 308 00:15:17,332 --> 00:15:19,311 Grr! Gaa! Mollycoddling... 309 00:15:19,312 --> 00:15:23,298 Can you please tell me more funny stories, pop-pop? 310 00:15:23,299 --> 00:15:26,356 Anything for my fishin' buddies! Ho ho ho ho! 311 00:15:26,357 --> 00:15:28,327 Arghh! 312 00:15:28,328 --> 00:15:33,315 Pop-pop, I just weawized that... I wuv you. 313 00:15:33,316 --> 00:15:36,340 Aw, come on! Boo! Boo! 314 00:15:36,341 --> 00:15:39,294 Hey, there! What's the big idea? 315 00:15:39,295 --> 00:15:42,361 Maybe has no one who wuvs him, pop-pop. 316 00:15:42,362 --> 00:15:44,303 Yeah, well, I-I... 317 00:15:48,286 --> 00:15:49,348 nahh! 318 00:15:49,349 --> 00:15:51,274 Ahhh. 319 00:15:53,282 --> 00:15:54,345 Zeus! Beavers! 320 00:15:57,286 --> 00:15:59,285 Aaaaah!!! 321 00:15:59,286 --> 00:16:01,320 Ohh! Beavers... 322 00:16:04,320 --> 00:16:06,352 Aaah! Oooooh... 323 00:16:06,353 --> 00:16:07,370 Aaaah! 324 00:16:10,370 --> 00:16:12,349 Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow! 325 00:16:22,282 --> 00:16:23,366 - Headlock! - Dead! Dead! Dead! 326 00:16:30,349 --> 00:16:33,356 The fishes?! They seek revenge! 327 00:16:33,357 --> 00:16:35,349 Swim, boys, swim!!! 328 00:16:41,286 --> 00:16:43,344 Aaah! Look out! 329 00:16:43,345 --> 00:16:45,370 Easy, easy... 330 00:16:47,357 --> 00:16:49,290 My glass! 331 00:16:49,291 --> 00:16:50,353 Where do I go?! 332 00:16:54,274 --> 00:16:56,273 Um... uh... go to the falls! 333 00:16:56,274 --> 00:16:58,349 - I think there might be a cave behind there! - "Might" be?! 334 00:17:04,332 --> 00:17:06,370 - Brr. Ahh. - Ooh. - Ahhh. 335 00:17:13,282 --> 00:17:14,340 It's stuck! 336 00:17:14,341 --> 00:17:16,298 Ha ha! Yeah! 337 00:17:16,299 --> 00:17:17,345 Wait. It's stuck? 338 00:17:21,299 --> 00:17:23,316 - Boop. - Ha ha ha! 339 00:17:27,295 --> 00:17:29,298 Did you get a good one? 340 00:17:29,299 --> 00:17:30,357 They're all good ones! 341 00:17:30,358 --> 00:17:32,320 - Whoo-hoo! - Hamster ball! 342 00:17:38,286 --> 00:17:39,341 What the...? 343 00:17:42,278 --> 00:17:43,319 Huh? 344 00:17:43,320 --> 00:17:45,295 - Uh! - What's wrong? 345 00:17:45,298 --> 00:17:46,352 Hmm. 346 00:17:46,353 --> 00:17:48,273 Careful, dude! 347 00:17:48,274 --> 00:17:50,291 I've got this! Hold on! 348 00:17:51,316 --> 00:17:54,299 Hey, guys! Come check this out! 349 00:18:03,362 --> 00:18:06,335 Work them bellows in the... huh?! 350 00:18:06,336 --> 00:18:08,348 Aw, banjo Polish! 351 00:18:08,349 --> 00:18:10,327 Wha... you? 352 00:18:10,328 --> 00:18:12,311 You made this? 353 00:18:12,312 --> 00:18:13,319 Wha... why? 354 00:18:13,320 --> 00:18:14,369 Well, I... 355 00:18:14,370 --> 00:18:16,294 I, uh... 356 00:18:16,295 --> 00:18:19,365 I just wanted attention! 357 00:18:19,366 --> 00:18:21,344 I still don't understand. 358 00:18:21,345 --> 00:18:23,305 Well, first I just hootenannied up 359 00:18:23,306 --> 00:18:25,297 a bio-mechanical brain wave generator, 360 00:18:25,298 --> 00:18:27,320 and then I learned to operate a stick shift with my beard. 361 00:18:27,321 --> 00:18:30,340 Okay, yeah, but why did you do it? 362 00:18:30,341 --> 00:18:33,302 Well, when you get to be an old fella like me, 363 00:18:33,303 --> 00:18:35,315 nobody pays any attention to you anymore. 364 00:18:35,316 --> 00:18:38,306 My own son hasn't visited me in months! 365 00:18:38,307 --> 00:18:40,303 So I figured maybe I'd catch his fancy 366 00:18:40,304 --> 00:18:42,319 with a 15-ton aquatic robot. 367 00:18:42,320 --> 00:18:44,344 Wha-ha-ha-ha! Aha-ha-ha! 368 00:18:44,345 --> 00:18:47,285 Aha-ha! Aha-ha... ahh... 369 00:18:47,286 --> 00:18:50,273 In retrospect, it seems a bit contrived. 370 00:18:50,274 --> 00:18:52,366 You just don't know the lengths us old-timers go through 371 00:18:52,367 --> 00:18:56,278 for a little quality time with our family. 372 00:18:58,282 --> 00:19:00,277 Dude. 373 00:19:00,278 --> 00:19:03,273 I guess the real lake monster is you two. Heh heh. 374 00:19:03,274 --> 00:19:06,277 Sorry, it just, like, boom, just popped into my head here. 375 00:19:06,278 --> 00:19:09,335 So... Did you ever talk to your son about how you felt? 376 00:19:09,336 --> 00:19:12,277 No, sir, I got to work straight on the robot. 377 00:19:12,278 --> 00:19:14,273 I made lots of robots in my day. 378 00:19:14,274 --> 00:19:17,294 Like when my wife left me and I created a homicidal pterodactyl-tron, 379 00:19:17,295 --> 00:19:19,353 or when my pal Ernie didn't come to my retirement party 380 00:19:19,354 --> 00:19:21,369 and I constructed an 80-ton shame-bot 381 00:19:21,370 --> 00:19:25,306 that exploded the entire downtown area! 382 00:19:25,307 --> 00:19:26,348 Aha-ha-ha-ha! 383 00:19:26,349 --> 00:19:30,357 Aha... well, time to get back to work on my death ray! 384 00:19:33,286 --> 00:19:34,362 Any you kids got a screwdriver? 385 00:19:34,363 --> 00:19:38,277 Well, so much for the photo contest. 386 00:19:38,278 --> 00:19:39,370 We still have one roll of film left. 387 00:19:39,371 --> 00:19:41,307 What do you want to do with it? 388 00:19:44,282 --> 00:19:46,273 Ahh. 389 00:19:46,274 --> 00:19:47,362 Hey! Over here! 390 00:19:50,291 --> 00:19:52,290 What the... kids? 391 00:19:52,291 --> 00:19:55,319 I thought you two were off playin' spin the bottle with Zeus. 392 00:19:55,320 --> 00:19:58,369 Well, we spent all day trying to find a legendary dinosaur. 393 00:19:58,370 --> 00:20:02,298 But we realized the only dinosaur we want to hang out with 394 00:20:02,299 --> 00:20:03,361 is right here. 395 00:20:03,362 --> 00:20:05,356 Save your sympathy! 396 00:20:05,357 --> 00:20:07,336 I been having a great time without ya... 397 00:20:07,337 --> 00:20:10,281 makin' friends, talkin' to my reflection... 398 00:20:10,282 --> 00:20:11,349 I had a run-in with the lake police! 399 00:20:11,350 --> 00:20:14,290 Guess I gotta wear this ankle bracelet now, so that'll be fun. 400 00:20:14,291 --> 00:20:17,366 So I guess there isn't room in that boat for three more? 401 00:20:21,303 --> 00:20:25,273 You knuckleheads ever seen me thread a hook with my eyes closed? 402 00:20:25,274 --> 00:20:27,295 - Five bucks says you can't do it. - You're on! 403 00:20:27,298 --> 00:20:30,273 Five more bucks says you can't do it with your eyes closed 404 00:20:30,274 --> 00:20:33,294 plus me singing at the top of my lungs! 405 00:20:33,295 --> 00:20:35,319 I like those odds! 406 00:20:35,320 --> 00:20:38,274 - Whoa! What happened to your shirt? - Long story, dude. 407 00:20:38,275 --> 00:20:40,328 All right. Everybody get together, say "fishing." 408 00:20:40,329 --> 00:20:41,349 - Fishing! - Fishing! 409 00:20:41,352 --> 00:20:43,353 Dude, am I in the frame? 410 00:20:58,299 --> 00:21:00,273 Whaa! 411 00:21:00,274 --> 00:21:01,370 - What was that? - Mm-mm. 412 00:21:16,278 --> 00:21:18,320 - Who wants to hear a joke? - Not me. 413 00:21:18,323 --> 00:21:21,315 Huh huh! Yeah, you do! Here it goes. 414 00:21:21,316 --> 00:21:23,327 Why did the pelican 415 00:21:23,328 --> 00:21:26,302 get kicked out the restaurant? 416 00:21:26,303 --> 00:21:27,320 I don't care. 417 00:21:27,321 --> 00:21:30,290 Because he had a very big bill! 418 00:21:30,291 --> 00:21:33,274 - ♪ LA LA LA LA ♪ yuk yuk yuk! - Ooh. Boo. 419 00:21:33,277 --> 00:21:35,274 - Blah blah bluh. - Bad joke. Bad pelican joke. 420 00:21:35,299 --> 00:21:39,341 Subtitles by MemoryOnSmells http://UKsubtitles.ru. Support Us and Donate.