1 00:00:03,987 --> 00:00:06,488 Oh, I'm so bummed out. Hate to go to work 2 00:00:06,507 --> 00:00:08,415 without being able to kiss a beautiful woman. 3 00:00:08,509 --> 00:00:10,400 That, uh... (gasps) Wait a minute. 4 00:00:10,419 --> 00:00:12,402 -(laughs) -There is one right here. 5 00:00:12,421 --> 00:00:14,738 -Oh, you are, you... Morning. -Good morning. 6 00:00:14,757 --> 00:00:17,090 -Yay. -Look at. Wait a minute. 7 00:00:17,243 --> 00:00:19,018 Oh. Silver dollar pancakes. 8 00:00:19,169 --> 00:00:21,795 All the breakables are gone out of the living room. 9 00:00:21,856 --> 00:00:25,599 So my conclusion is our granddaughter is coming over. 10 00:00:25,751 --> 00:00:27,509 -Yeah, she'll be here any minute. -Mm-hmm. 11 00:00:27,528 --> 00:00:29,844 I get to spend the day with our little 12 00:00:29,864 --> 00:00:32,514 Sarah-sweetie-squiggly squirmy-worm. (laughs) 13 00:00:32,608 --> 00:00:36,035 Yeah, just like the worm in the movie Tremors. Huh. 14 00:00:36,186 --> 00:00:37,778 Uh, yeah, yeah, well, 15 00:00:37,930 --> 00:00:39,446 she has been getting a little frisky, that one. 16 00:00:39,598 --> 00:00:42,190 Yeah, a little frisky. She put all the ceramic mugs 17 00:00:42,209 --> 00:00:45,360 in the dryer and turned the dryer on. 18 00:00:45,379 --> 00:00:49,048 -Yeah. -Yeah, yeah. She has been getting a little more, um... 19 00:00:49,275 --> 00:00:51,124 Revved up? Crazy? Hannibal Lecter-like? 20 00:00:51,277 --> 00:00:53,535 Uh, no. I was going to say "spirited." 21 00:00:53,554 --> 00:00:55,554 -Yeah. -Do you think this is becoming a problem? 22 00:00:55,781 --> 00:00:58,131 -Well... -Well, no, not for you, because you're going to work. 23 00:00:58,284 --> 00:01:00,784 It kind of reminds me of Eve a little bit, right? 24 00:01:00,803 --> 00:01:02,636 Remember when Eve was that age? 25 00:01:02,730 --> 00:01:04,212 She didn't like the tree out front we just planted. 26 00:01:04,306 --> 00:01:05,747 -Ugh. (laughs) -We both loved that little tree. 27 00:01:05,808 --> 00:01:06,899 She didn't like that tree. 28 00:01:07,126 --> 00:01:08,400 Yup, she was a handful. 29 00:01:08,627 --> 00:01:10,977 She spent half her childhood in time-out. 30 00:01:11,072 --> 00:01:13,313 -And the other half trying to get into time-out. -Mm. 31 00:01:13,407 --> 00:01:15,132 Well, you know what? You might be right. 32 00:01:15,150 --> 00:01:17,134 I-I think maybe I need to set some firmer boundaries 33 00:01:17,227 --> 00:01:18,744 for Sarah when she's here. 34 00:01:18,895 --> 00:01:20,728 Yeah, that worked out real well with Eve. 35 00:01:20,823 --> 00:01:22,989 -Yeah. -Timber! Cuts the tree down 36 00:01:23,142 --> 00:01:24,566 -with a bowie knife. -I know. Ugh. Yeah. 37 00:01:24,660 --> 00:01:27,419 God, I miss that kid. 38 00:01:27,571 --> 00:01:29,713 ♪ ♪ 39 00:01:34,428 --> 00:01:36,744 (kazoo playing) 40 00:01:36,764 --> 00:01:39,056 Sarah? 41 00:01:40,267 --> 00:01:42,342 Sarah?! 42 00:01:43,104 --> 00:01:45,846 Okay, four dollars. That's my final offer. 43 00:01:45,998 --> 00:01:47,564 (plays kazoo) 44 00:01:49,668 --> 00:01:51,852 (laughs) Thanks for keeping an eye on her. 45 00:01:52,004 --> 00:01:53,612 I left your laundry on your bed. 46 00:01:53,763 --> 00:01:58,175 Could you go ahead and put that in my suitcase so I can move? 47 00:01:58,193 --> 00:01:59,860 Oh, no. Has she been a bit much? 48 00:02:00,012 --> 00:02:02,362 At one point, I was going to call the police, 49 00:02:02,456 --> 00:02:04,848 but I didn't want to endanger them! 50 00:02:04,941 --> 00:02:06,274 She's just a little girl. 51 00:02:06,368 --> 00:02:07,442 Why don't you just tell her to stop? 52 00:02:07,461 --> 00:02:09,202 Why didn't I think of that? 53 00:02:09,296 --> 00:02:11,964 Oh, yeah, I couldn't think of anything 54 00:02:12,191 --> 00:02:14,449 because someone was blasting the kazoo! 55 00:02:14,468 --> 00:02:18,028 I'll-I'll handle this. Sorry. Sarah, honey? 56 00:02:18,121 --> 00:02:19,713 Come here, Sarah. Listen. 57 00:02:19,865 --> 00:02:21,548 Music time is over, all right, 58 00:02:21,700 --> 00:02:23,475 and now we're going to read some books. 59 00:02:23,627 --> 00:02:25,477 -Okay? -No! 60 00:02:25,704 --> 00:02:28,054 -Yes. -No! 61 00:02:28,207 --> 00:02:30,816 I've tried this. She never changes her vote. 62 00:02:30,967 --> 00:02:33,059 All right, look, listen, sweetie, I mean it. 63 00:02:33,154 --> 00:02:35,379 Music time is over so give me the kazoo. Come on. 64 00:02:35,472 --> 00:02:37,881 -(playing kazoo) -Hey, Sarah? Hey, Sarah, stop! 65 00:02:37,974 --> 00:02:39,825 Sarah, give me the kazoo. 66 00:02:40,052 --> 00:02:41,451 (gasps) 67 00:02:43,497 --> 00:02:48,058 Oh, you just earned yourself a time-out, missy. 68 00:02:48,076 --> 00:02:50,060 Oh. Come over here. Sarah! 69 00:02:50,078 --> 00:02:52,629 I can still call the police. 70 00:02:55,401 --> 00:02:58,493 -Ooh, that's pretty good. -Yeah. 71 00:02:58,512 --> 00:03:02,997 What did you do? Tastes like a hot Popsicle. 72 00:03:03,091 --> 00:03:05,833 It's, uh, my little secret. 73 00:03:05,853 --> 00:03:07,019 Half coffee beans, 74 00:03:07,246 --> 00:03:09,062 half jelly beans. 75 00:03:10,357 --> 00:03:12,006 Please tell me, Joe, you're not making 76 00:03:12,100 --> 00:03:14,026 that Easter candy coffee again, 'cause if you are, 77 00:03:14,177 --> 00:03:16,177 you're fired. 78 00:03:16,197 --> 00:03:18,438 Uh, hey, Mr. B, I was able to find that bottle of whiskey 79 00:03:18,590 --> 00:03:20,440 you wanted me to pick up for Mr. Alzate. 80 00:03:20,534 --> 00:03:21,683 -Thank you. -Um... 81 00:03:21,777 --> 00:03:23,593 why is Ed getting whiskey? 82 00:03:23,687 --> 00:03:25,353 For not being you. 83 00:03:25,447 --> 00:03:27,931 It's celebrated throughout the world. 84 00:03:27,950 --> 00:03:30,951 Oh, every year, Mr. Alzate 85 00:03:31,045 --> 00:03:32,360 and Mr. B get each other gifts 86 00:03:32,454 --> 00:03:34,120 to celebrate their business anniversary. 87 00:03:34,215 --> 00:03:36,773 And every year, Baxter passes it off on Kyle. 88 00:03:36,792 --> 00:03:40,034 I do the hard part-- I decide it's got to be booze. 89 00:03:40,054 --> 00:03:42,554 Otherwise, it would be booze. 90 00:03:42,781 --> 00:03:46,040 All right, I'm gonna go pick that up and some jelly beans. 91 00:03:46,060 --> 00:03:48,143 Mandy is in for a surprise. 92 00:03:49,788 --> 00:03:51,713 You know, it's pathetic, okay? 93 00:03:51,807 --> 00:03:53,214 Gifts are supposed to be personal. 94 00:03:53,234 --> 00:03:55,067 They're supposed to mean something. 95 00:03:55,294 --> 00:03:57,569 Like when I gave my mom... 96 00:03:57,721 --> 00:04:00,130 the other half of this. 97 00:04:00,148 --> 00:04:02,132 Could you please button your shirt? 98 00:04:02,225 --> 00:04:04,968 People are eating food in here. 99 00:04:05,061 --> 00:04:06,803 Joe's right. If you told me 100 00:04:06,822 --> 00:04:08,896 to run an errand like that, I'd tell you to shove it. 101 00:04:08,916 --> 00:04:10,415 -Would you? -Mm-hmm. 102 00:04:10,567 --> 00:04:12,642 Morning, gentlemen. Morning, morning, morning. 103 00:04:12,661 --> 00:04:14,978 Hey, Chuck, did you take care of the thing 104 00:04:15,071 --> 00:04:16,237 with the thing for the guy? 105 00:04:16,331 --> 00:04:17,647 You're not doing anything for Ed. 106 00:04:17,666 --> 00:04:19,149 You'd tell him to shove it, wouldn't you? 107 00:04:19,242 --> 00:04:21,576 Mm-mm. I have to do stuff for Ed. 108 00:04:21,595 --> 00:04:23,929 If he orders something off the Internet 109 00:04:24,156 --> 00:04:26,098 without me, we all get a virus. 110 00:04:26,249 --> 00:04:27,657 Boo, hiss! You know, I thought 111 00:04:27,676 --> 00:04:29,417 you guys were supposed to like each other, okay? 112 00:04:29,436 --> 00:04:31,995 If you want to do something special, make something. 113 00:04:32,014 --> 00:04:33,179 That's a present. 114 00:04:33,274 --> 00:04:35,515 Hmm, a homemade present, uh-huh. 115 00:04:35,609 --> 00:04:37,276 He's drunk. He's been drinking all morning. 116 00:04:37,427 --> 00:04:39,185 I was just writing him up when you walked in. 117 00:04:39,280 --> 00:04:41,505 Oh, well, I think it's nice. 118 00:04:41,523 --> 00:04:43,840 Showing someone you care should take a little effort. 119 00:04:43,933 --> 00:04:47,119 This took three years. 120 00:04:48,363 --> 00:04:51,348 Sounds warm, Mikey. You know how much I love warm. 121 00:04:51,441 --> 00:04:53,941 Come on, remember the first time you saw me cry? 122 00:04:53,961 --> 00:04:56,128 '78-- I made you a brass lure 123 00:04:56,279 --> 00:04:58,112 out of a bottle cap. 124 00:04:58,132 --> 00:05:01,449 I know exactly what I'm making for you, Mikey. 125 00:05:01,468 --> 00:05:04,528 Chuck, cancel the thing with the thing for the guy. 126 00:05:04,546 --> 00:05:06,388 Right? Yeah. 127 00:05:07,141 --> 00:05:09,057 What the hell is this? 128 00:05:13,963 --> 00:05:15,129 Hey. 129 00:05:15,223 --> 00:05:16,315 It's your favorite daughter. 130 00:05:16,542 --> 00:05:19,985 Well, it's one of my favorite daughters. 131 00:05:20,212 --> 00:05:21,903 It was worth a try. 132 00:05:22,806 --> 00:05:25,048 So, how was your day with Sarah? 133 00:05:25,067 --> 00:05:26,383 You know what, it was great. 134 00:05:26,401 --> 00:05:29,386 I think we came to a bit of a rapprochement. 135 00:05:29,404 --> 00:05:30,645 Oh, my God. You taught her French? 136 00:05:30,664 --> 00:05:32,556 -I can't wait to hear it. -No. No, honey. 137 00:05:32,649 --> 00:05:34,482 No, no, no, I mean we-we came to an understanding. 138 00:05:34,501 --> 00:05:37,243 Look, I feel like I've been making your job 139 00:05:37,396 --> 00:05:39,579 as a mom a bit harder by letting her run wild 140 00:05:39,731 --> 00:05:41,155 when she comes over here. 141 00:05:41,175 --> 00:05:42,490 What do you mean? Where is she? 142 00:05:42,509 --> 00:05:45,235 She's-she's just looking at books on the couch. 143 00:05:45,253 --> 00:05:48,088 Well, geez, Mom, that's hardly running wild. 144 00:05:48,215 --> 00:05:49,681 No, no, no, this was earlier. 145 00:05:49,833 --> 00:05:52,684 She misbehaved, and I put her in a little time-out. 146 00:05:52,836 --> 00:05:54,578 Oh, no. Sarah? 147 00:05:54,671 --> 00:05:56,003 No, honey, it's okay. 148 00:05:56,098 --> 00:05:58,248 Look, she's been a perfect little angel since then. 149 00:05:58,266 --> 00:05:59,841 No, it's not okay, Mom. 150 00:05:59,860 --> 00:06:01,676 -There needs to be an apology. -Honey, 151 00:06:01,695 --> 00:06:04,178 it's over-- she did the crime, she did the time. 152 00:06:04,198 --> 00:06:06,990 Oh, it was only five minutes. 153 00:06:09,018 --> 00:06:11,036 (sighs) Sarah, honey? 154 00:06:11,263 --> 00:06:12,596 Is it okay to be mean to people? 155 00:06:12,614 --> 00:06:15,615 -No, Mommy. -That's right. It never is. 156 00:06:15,767 --> 00:06:17,283 And so... 157 00:06:17,378 --> 00:06:19,961 Grandma has something she'd like to say to you. 158 00:06:21,790 --> 00:06:23,030 What? 159 00:06:23,050 --> 00:06:24,608 Apologize. 160 00:06:24,626 --> 00:06:25,775 Me? 161 00:06:25,869 --> 00:06:27,886 You put her in a time-out. Apologize to her. 162 00:06:28,113 --> 00:06:30,113 I'm not going to apologize. 163 00:06:30,206 --> 00:06:32,449 It's okay, Grandma. 164 00:06:33,635 --> 00:06:36,803 What a beautiful, loving heart you have, my little angel. 165 00:06:36,897 --> 00:06:38,713 She forgives you. 166 00:06:38,807 --> 00:06:41,048 But I don't need to be forgiven. 167 00:06:41,068 --> 00:06:42,216 Too late. She already did. 168 00:06:42,310 --> 00:06:44,127 Okay, go get your jacket. 169 00:06:44,220 --> 00:06:45,887 Mandy... (scoffs) 170 00:06:45,981 --> 00:06:47,464 what I did was right. 171 00:06:47,574 --> 00:06:49,816 When she misbehaves, she needs to know there are consequences. 172 00:06:49,910 --> 00:06:52,560 Uh, no, the only thing she needs to know is that I love her. 173 00:06:52,579 --> 00:06:54,971 And the only thing you need to know is this: 174 00:06:54,990 --> 00:06:57,807 time-out is the opposite of love. 175 00:06:57,826 --> 00:06:59,325 Mandy. Mandy... 176 00:06:59,420 --> 00:07:02,546 Oh, you want to hear French? I got some French for you. 177 00:07:08,929 --> 00:07:10,912 VANESSA: No, I don't know, I don't know. 178 00:07:10,931 --> 00:07:12,914 It's something... 179 00:07:12,933 --> 00:07:14,674 (groans) 180 00:07:14,826 --> 00:07:17,102 -What's going on? -Hmm? 181 00:07:18,497 --> 00:07:21,088 I'm sorry. I was trying to be quiet. 182 00:07:21,183 --> 00:07:22,832 Well, I was trying to sleep. 183 00:07:22,851 --> 00:07:25,502 -Looks like we both failed. -Mm. 184 00:07:25,562 --> 00:07:28,095 It's this thing with Mandy and Sarah, 185 00:07:28,190 --> 00:07:30,023 it's really bothering me. 186 00:07:30,117 --> 00:07:32,617 I guess-- what time is it? 187 00:07:33,620 --> 00:07:35,102 This can't be right. 188 00:07:35,122 --> 00:07:36,513 No, if you think about it... 189 00:07:36,531 --> 00:07:38,515 -Honey, listen, can we just... -Um... 190 00:07:38,608 --> 00:07:40,625 Don't turn the light on, please don't turn it, please... 191 00:07:40,852 --> 00:07:42,535 -You know... -Okay, good, 192 00:07:42,688 --> 00:07:44,688 now I'm totally awake. This is perfect. 193 00:07:44,781 --> 00:07:47,632 Mandy didn't spoil Sarah when they lived here. 194 00:07:47,784 --> 00:07:49,283 Uh-huh. 195 00:07:49,303 --> 00:07:51,878 I mean, I-I'm not trying to take credit, um... 196 00:07:52,030 --> 00:07:54,473 but when she left here... 197 00:07:54,624 --> 00:07:56,624 I don't know. Uh, where are you going? 198 00:07:56,643 --> 00:07:57,867 It's the middle of the night. 199 00:07:57,961 --> 00:07:59,460 My prostate and bladder are going, 200 00:07:59,480 --> 00:08:02,129 "Hey, make him think he can pee." 201 00:08:02,224 --> 00:08:03,723 I can hear you. 202 00:08:03,875 --> 00:08:05,375 Yeah, but I don't want to hear you. 203 00:08:05,468 --> 00:08:07,560 So I'll aim for the side of the bowl. 204 00:08:07,713 --> 00:08:08,728 (scoffs) 205 00:08:08,822 --> 00:08:11,138 I'd be happy if you just got it in the bowl. 206 00:08:11,233 --> 00:08:13,066 MIKE: What? 207 00:08:13,160 --> 00:08:14,567 Yep, like sand 208 00:08:14,661 --> 00:08:17,621 dripping through an hourglass if you know what I mean. 209 00:08:18,832 --> 00:08:20,907 You know, ever since they moved there, 210 00:08:21,059 --> 00:08:24,652 I bet, I bet Ryan has been brainwashing her 211 00:08:24,746 --> 00:08:27,747 with his, with his trendy parenting techniques. 212 00:08:27,899 --> 00:08:31,234 You know, like-like "no is a no-no" theory. 213 00:08:31,253 --> 00:08:33,160 -(toilet flushes) -MIKE: Uh-huh. 214 00:08:33,180 --> 00:08:35,847 So, um, so we're getting screwed up 215 00:08:35,999 --> 00:08:38,517 by Ryan's absurd philosophies? 216 00:08:38,744 --> 00:08:40,243 How-how crazy is that? 217 00:08:40,262 --> 00:08:42,245 You know, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go talk to her. 218 00:08:42,338 --> 00:08:43,580 (chuckles) Right now? 219 00:08:43,673 --> 00:08:45,582 No, honey, it's the middle of the night. 220 00:08:45,675 --> 00:08:48,026 That would be rude. 221 00:08:48,253 --> 00:08:50,487 And yet you woke me up for it. 222 00:08:52,941 --> 00:08:55,659 (sighing) 223 00:08:58,597 --> 00:09:00,521 Did you wash your hands? 224 00:09:00,541 --> 00:09:03,124 Ah, didn't pee on them. 225 00:09:10,050 --> 00:09:12,467 (mouth full): You wanted to see me, Baxter? 226 00:09:13,387 --> 00:09:14,201 Yeah. 227 00:09:14,296 --> 00:09:15,703 The etiquette school called. 228 00:09:15,797 --> 00:09:18,298 They'd like you to teach a class. 229 00:09:18,450 --> 00:09:20,374 You know, very funny, okay? When you figure out 230 00:09:20,468 --> 00:09:22,285 another way to talk while eating, 231 00:09:22,378 --> 00:09:23,711 let me know, will you, okay? We through? 232 00:09:23,730 --> 00:09:25,546 No, no, no, where'd you come up with this idea 233 00:09:25,640 --> 00:09:27,957 about handmade gifts? You know, I think that's why God 234 00:09:27,976 --> 00:09:30,627 invented cash, so he wouldn't have to do this. 235 00:09:30,645 --> 00:09:33,296 You know, I happen to know six cats in a castle 236 00:09:33,389 --> 00:09:36,316 made of toilet paper rolls that would disagree with you. 237 00:09:36,410 --> 00:09:38,134 Well, I happen to have three daughters 238 00:09:38,153 --> 00:09:40,136 who would disagree with you. You know what they gave me 239 00:09:40,229 --> 00:09:41,746 every year from their art class? 240 00:09:41,898 --> 00:09:44,231 It was construction paper with macaroni 241 00:09:44,251 --> 00:09:45,825 cemented all over it, right? 242 00:09:45,919 --> 00:09:47,644 I have enough of that pasta around the house still 243 00:09:47,662 --> 00:09:49,662 to feed an Italian village. 244 00:09:49,756 --> 00:09:51,923 Okay, we've established you're a cold-hearted bastard. 245 00:09:52,150 --> 00:09:53,925 What else do you want from me? 246 00:09:54,152 --> 00:09:56,336 Hey, listen, I... I'm asking for some ideas 247 00:09:56,488 --> 00:09:58,263 of handmade gifts. I've been looking at this list. 248 00:09:58,414 --> 00:10:00,599 I can... How much for the thing around your neck? 249 00:10:01,993 --> 00:10:03,417 It isn't hard, okay? 250 00:10:03,437 --> 00:10:06,512 You need to be original, thoughtful, 251 00:10:06,665 --> 00:10:08,589 and personal, okay? 252 00:10:08,683 --> 00:10:10,758 Like a Steven Seagal movie. 253 00:10:10,777 --> 00:10:14,170 Let's just pretend I could understand what you just said. 254 00:10:14,263 --> 00:10:15,780 I don't have time for this. 255 00:10:16,007 --> 00:10:17,282 I'm not Santa Claus. 256 00:10:17,433 --> 00:10:19,451 Look, if you can't think of anything personal, 257 00:10:19,678 --> 00:10:21,511 I don't know what to tell you, okay? 258 00:10:21,529 --> 00:10:24,122 Uh, why don't you just give Ed a check? 259 00:10:25,183 --> 00:10:26,516 That's not a bad idea. 260 00:10:26,609 --> 00:10:28,442 I'm kidding. That's not a personal gift! 261 00:10:28,462 --> 00:10:31,296 Listen, I'm saying it's a pretty good idea. 262 00:10:31,523 --> 00:10:33,781 A-And thanks so much for letting me watch you eat. 263 00:10:33,800 --> 00:10:35,759 It's been fun. 264 00:10:42,701 --> 00:10:43,883 -Hey. -Hey. 265 00:10:44,035 --> 00:10:45,310 Mandy will be right out. 266 00:10:45,461 --> 00:10:47,553 Sarah likes us both to put her down for her naps. 267 00:10:47,706 --> 00:10:50,498 And of course you do it because you love her. 268 00:10:50,500 --> 00:10:51,632 Right. 269 00:10:51,726 --> 00:10:53,543 Because if you didn't, that would be mean, 270 00:10:53,561 --> 00:10:56,971 and it's not okay to be mean to people. 271 00:10:57,065 --> 00:10:59,382 I want to say yes? 272 00:10:59,401 --> 00:11:00,717 No. 273 00:11:01,644 --> 00:11:04,478 Sometimes we have to be mean because we love someone. 274 00:11:04,572 --> 00:11:08,833 Sometimes being nice is the cruelest thing you can do. 275 00:11:08,985 --> 00:11:10,059 You understand, Kyle? 276 00:11:10,078 --> 00:11:12,987 I-It was just a nap. 277 00:11:13,081 --> 00:11:14,822 Hey, hey, what's going on? 278 00:11:14,916 --> 00:11:17,158 Your mom, she hates naps. 279 00:11:17,177 --> 00:11:19,585 That's not what I was trying to say. 280 00:11:19,680 --> 00:11:21,738 Did you tell him about what happened yesterday? 281 00:11:21,831 --> 00:11:23,164 Yesterday? What happ-- Oh. 282 00:11:23,183 --> 00:11:24,590 Or is this, like, an opposite thing, 283 00:11:24,743 --> 00:11:27,577 like, mean is nice and we're talking about tomorrow? 284 00:11:27,670 --> 00:11:28,761 (Mandy laughs softly) 285 00:11:28,914 --> 00:11:29,913 No, it's nothing. 286 00:11:29,931 --> 00:11:32,582 I put Sarah in a little time-out. 287 00:11:32,600 --> 00:11:34,859 So? I put her in those all the time. 288 00:11:35,011 --> 00:11:36,861 That kid is a handful. 289 00:11:37,013 --> 00:11:37,937 MANDY: There. 290 00:11:38,031 --> 00:11:39,013 He's not upset. 291 00:11:39,032 --> 00:11:40,773 Thanks for stopping by, Mom. 292 00:11:40,867 --> 00:11:42,349 What-- No, hey. 293 00:11:42,444 --> 00:11:44,761 So-so you're okay with time-outs? 294 00:11:44,854 --> 00:11:46,763 I mean, Ryan didn't tell you that you shouldn't? 295 00:11:46,781 --> 00:11:50,099 Why would I listen to Ryan when I can learn from the parents 296 00:11:50,118 --> 00:11:53,044 who turned out the most perfect woman on the planet? 297 00:11:53,271 --> 00:11:54,546 Aw, that's so sweet. 298 00:11:54,697 --> 00:11:57,698 Let's not ruin this moment by talking more. 299 00:11:57,718 --> 00:11:59,867 Mandy, what's going on? 300 00:11:59,928 --> 00:12:03,112 -Yeah, babe. -Oops, we woke up Sarah. 301 00:12:03,131 --> 00:12:05,114 -I don't hear anything. -You don't hear that?! 302 00:12:05,208 --> 00:12:06,466 SARAH: Daddy! 303 00:12:06,618 --> 00:12:08,685 All right, now I do. I'll be right back. 304 00:12:10,805 --> 00:12:12,263 (scoffs) What was that about? 305 00:12:12,415 --> 00:12:13,898 Because I didn't want to have this conversation 306 00:12:14,125 --> 00:12:15,216 in front of him. 307 00:12:15,310 --> 00:12:17,460 Okay, all right, well-well, now he's gone. 308 00:12:17,479 --> 00:12:19,904 I also don't want to have it in front of you. 309 00:12:20,056 --> 00:12:21,555 Mandy, I-I'm your mother, I... 310 00:12:21,575 --> 00:12:23,408 I-I love you. If something's bothering you, 311 00:12:23,635 --> 00:12:25,485 just come on, just-just let me help. 312 00:12:25,579 --> 00:12:28,154 Okay, if-if I tell you, will you drop it? 313 00:12:28,248 --> 00:12:29,973 Yes. 314 00:12:29,991 --> 00:12:32,158 Probably not, but... 315 00:12:32,310 --> 00:12:34,568 You may have noticed that Sarah's turned 316 00:12:34,588 --> 00:12:36,070 into a real handful. 317 00:12:36,164 --> 00:12:37,330 Oh, yeah. Wow. 318 00:12:37,424 --> 00:12:38,572 I just-- I'm sorry. 319 00:12:38,592 --> 00:12:40,425 That-that came out a little more strongly 320 00:12:40,576 --> 00:12:42,151 than I-I wanted. 321 00:12:42,245 --> 00:12:44,320 Well, she's really been pushing it with me lately, 322 00:12:44,339 --> 00:12:45,913 and, I don't know, it just feels like 323 00:12:46,007 --> 00:12:47,766 -we're fighting all the time. -Mm-hmm. 324 00:12:47,917 --> 00:12:50,251 Well, that-that's normal for a mom. 325 00:12:50,345 --> 00:12:53,997 Well, you know what's sick for a mom? 326 00:12:54,090 --> 00:12:57,150 I really don't like my kid. 327 00:12:58,278 --> 00:13:01,004 Okay, she is back down. 328 00:13:01,097 --> 00:13:03,097 Uh, but I-I hear her crying! 329 00:13:03,191 --> 00:13:04,991 SARAH: Daddy! 330 00:13:11,866 --> 00:13:14,441 What? What do you mean, you don't like your daughter? 331 00:13:14,461 --> 00:13:16,519 No... (sighs) Only sometimes. 332 00:13:16,538 --> 00:13:18,296 I mean, it's not like she's an evil person. 333 00:13:18,523 --> 00:13:20,039 -No, no. -You should hear her play the kazoo. 334 00:13:20,133 --> 00:13:22,449 She's an angel. 335 00:13:22,469 --> 00:13:25,470 Um, well-well, honey, when don't you like her? 336 00:13:25,621 --> 00:13:27,305 Uh, mostly when she's doing something 337 00:13:27,532 --> 00:13:29,882 that she's not supposed to and I tell her to stop 338 00:13:29,976 --> 00:13:31,976 and then she tells me that she hates me. 339 00:13:32,128 --> 00:13:33,669 She tells you she hates you? 340 00:13:33,671 --> 00:13:37,707 No, but the tone in her voice is very mean. 341 00:13:37,767 --> 00:13:41,210 All right, look, Mandy, honey, look, I-I know you think 342 00:13:41,229 --> 00:13:43,637 you're very special, but I have some bad news for you. 343 00:13:43,657 --> 00:13:47,826 This has happened to every mother that has ever lived. 344 00:13:47,977 --> 00:13:49,402 My God. 345 00:13:49,554 --> 00:13:52,055 -Why do people have kids? -(laughs) 346 00:13:52,073 --> 00:13:55,408 It's because we love our kids, even though, 347 00:13:55,560 --> 00:13:58,670 even though sometimes we may not like them very much. 348 00:13:58,897 --> 00:14:02,081 So there were times where you didn't like me? 349 00:14:02,233 --> 00:14:05,510 Oh, honey. Especially you. 350 00:14:06,179 --> 00:14:07,679 -I can see that. -Mm. 351 00:14:07,830 --> 00:14:11,516 And it's only natural for kids to-to not like us. 352 00:14:11,667 --> 00:14:13,910 I mean, I'm sure you felt that way plenty of times. 353 00:14:13,928 --> 00:14:16,245 (laughs): Oh, yeah. 354 00:14:16,264 --> 00:14:17,413 Sorry, I didn't mean for that to come out 355 00:14:17,506 --> 00:14:19,006 -as strongly as it did. -Mm. 356 00:14:19,100 --> 00:14:22,026 Look, but the thing is, you don't want to stop 357 00:14:22,178 --> 00:14:25,938 being a parent just because you might upset them. 358 00:14:26,091 --> 00:14:28,107 Yes, I do. 359 00:14:28,201 --> 00:14:31,110 Mandy, look-look, Sarah's your daughter, 360 00:14:31,262 --> 00:14:33,020 so-so this is your decision. 361 00:14:33,039 --> 00:14:34,521 If you want to be a good friend, 362 00:14:34,616 --> 00:14:36,933 then you just, you keep doing what you're doing. 363 00:14:36,951 --> 00:14:38,601 But if you want to be a good parent, 364 00:14:38,620 --> 00:14:40,879 you really need to set some boundaries. 365 00:14:41,030 --> 00:14:46,217 Is it okay if I don't really like you that much right now? 366 00:14:46,369 --> 00:14:49,462 Okay, she is finally back down. 367 00:14:49,614 --> 00:14:51,781 Boy, sometimes you really have to 368 00:14:51,799 --> 00:14:53,057 lay the law down with that one. 369 00:14:53,284 --> 00:14:55,118 I heard her already. Get off my back! 370 00:14:55,211 --> 00:14:57,145 SARAH: Daddy! 371 00:14:58,899 --> 00:15:00,523 (laughs) 372 00:15:02,385 --> 00:15:04,143 (laughter) 373 00:15:04,237 --> 00:15:06,145 This-this is 35-year-old Scotch. 374 00:15:06,297 --> 00:15:09,390 -Uh-huh? Oh, that's good. -Mikey gave it to me last year for our anniversary. 375 00:15:09,484 --> 00:15:11,634 -Even wrote a poem on the note. -Yeah. 376 00:15:11,727 --> 00:15:14,895 Yeah, and he spelled "anniversary" the Kyle way. 377 00:15:14,915 --> 00:15:16,030 ED (laughs): Yeah. 378 00:15:16,141 --> 00:15:17,415 -Boys. This'll do it. -ED: Hey. 379 00:15:17,566 --> 00:15:19,325 -Hey, Mikey. -Ed, happy anniversary, 380 00:15:19,419 --> 00:15:21,568 uh, blah-blah, blah-blah-blah. 381 00:15:21,663 --> 00:15:23,146 Eh. 382 00:15:23,239 --> 00:15:24,647 Okay, this is going well. 383 00:15:24,740 --> 00:15:26,332 -Maybe we should leave. -JOE: Oh, no, no. 384 00:15:26,426 --> 00:15:28,760 I live to see Baxter humiliated. 385 00:15:28,911 --> 00:15:32,454 It doesn't happen that often, so my life can be pretty empty. 386 00:15:32,456 --> 00:15:35,324 So, Mikey, tell me, what did you come up with? 387 00:15:35,343 --> 00:15:38,344 MIKE: Actually, I-I got this with Joe's help. 388 00:15:38,496 --> 00:15:40,496 No, Ed, I had nothing to do with any of this. 389 00:15:40,589 --> 00:15:41,514 It's a check. 390 00:15:41,608 --> 00:15:43,975 I wasn't even here that day. 391 00:15:44,127 --> 00:15:45,777 This is incredible. 392 00:15:46,004 --> 00:15:49,280 I mean, he said it was, you know, my idea, so... 393 00:15:50,358 --> 00:15:52,024 Okay, well, what-what am I missing? 394 00:15:52,177 --> 00:15:55,119 Well, when I started Outdoor Man, things were... 395 00:15:55,346 --> 00:15:56,512 slow. 396 00:15:56,531 --> 00:15:59,515 -Yeah. Yeah. -Mikey wanted to be my partner. 397 00:15:59,608 --> 00:16:02,852 And he was the smartest, hardest-working man I ever met, 398 00:16:02,945 --> 00:16:04,611 so I said yes. 399 00:16:04,631 --> 00:16:07,298 And I wrote him a check to buy into the business 400 00:16:07,450 --> 00:16:10,451 and he tore the check in-in half. 401 00:16:10,470 --> 00:16:13,972 Well, hey, I-I've got, I've got half a necklace. 402 00:16:14,123 --> 00:16:16,549 I think you're half-drunk. 403 00:16:16,701 --> 00:16:18,534 All I wanted from him was his word, 404 00:16:18,553 --> 00:16:20,536 his smarts and his dedication. That's it. 405 00:16:20,629 --> 00:16:23,539 "You can't put a price on that." That's what you said to me. 406 00:16:23,558 --> 00:16:25,984 Yeah. So we spit in our hands and shook on it. 407 00:16:26,135 --> 00:16:28,969 Back then you could do that without gargling hand sanitizer 408 00:16:28,989 --> 00:16:30,229 and taking your temperature 409 00:16:30,381 --> 00:16:32,323 before you took your temperature. 410 00:16:32,550 --> 00:16:35,159 -That was 30 years ago. -CHUCK: Mm. 411 00:16:35,386 --> 00:16:37,978 I don't know if my gift can follow this. 412 00:16:38,072 --> 00:16:39,572 You know, you don't need to. I was going through 413 00:16:39,724 --> 00:16:42,408 all those boxes of, uh, memories in this place 414 00:16:42,502 --> 00:16:44,243 and I think I... I think I'm good. 415 00:16:44,395 --> 00:16:45,670 Wow, look at this, guys. Look at this. 416 00:16:45,897 --> 00:16:48,155 Hey, uh, where do you want your conga drum, Mr. Alzate? 417 00:16:48,174 --> 00:16:51,175 Oh, right-right over there-- right there, my boy. Yes, yes. 418 00:16:51,327 --> 00:16:53,160 I composed a little song for this occasion 419 00:16:53,179 --> 00:16:55,329 -called "Mi Amigo Miguel." -CHUCK: Ah. 420 00:16:55,348 --> 00:16:57,256 You know what that means? "My Lover Mike." 421 00:16:57,408 --> 00:16:59,091 (sighs) Loosen your necklace. 422 00:16:59,185 --> 00:17:00,834 You're not getting enough blood to your head. 423 00:17:00,854 --> 00:17:03,246 So you wrote me a song. You know, before you get going, 424 00:17:03,264 --> 00:17:05,264 I think we got to send you out for more booze. 425 00:17:05,358 --> 00:17:07,841 ♪ Ooh ♪ 426 00:17:07,935 --> 00:17:09,676 ♪ My amigo Miguel, he is so swell ♪ 427 00:17:09,696 --> 00:17:13,923 ♪ So he won't go to hell, my amigo Miguel... ♪ 428 00:17:13,941 --> 00:17:15,575 CHUCK: Yeah. 429 00:17:19,430 --> 00:17:20,429 Building blocks? 430 00:17:20,523 --> 00:17:22,281 Are those for when Sarah gets here? 431 00:17:22,433 --> 00:17:24,283 Uh, yeah, I know they're kind of old-school, 432 00:17:24,435 --> 00:17:26,269 but all kids love playing with blocks. 433 00:17:26,362 --> 00:17:29,696 Not me. My dad was a civil engineer. 434 00:17:29,716 --> 00:17:32,275 It was less "playing" and more 435 00:17:32,368 --> 00:17:35,887 "structural reinforcement analysis." 436 00:17:36,038 --> 00:17:37,555 Well, I'm pretty sure 437 00:17:37,782 --> 00:17:40,374 that's not what Sarah's gonna be doing with them. 438 00:17:40,468 --> 00:17:42,635 No. What Sarah will be doing with them 439 00:17:42,787 --> 00:17:44,729 is chucking them at our heads. 440 00:17:47,400 --> 00:17:49,625 (mouths) 441 00:17:49,718 --> 00:17:50,810 Yay! 442 00:17:50,904 --> 00:17:53,296 -There's my little honeybunch. -Hi, Grandma. 443 00:17:53,389 --> 00:17:54,797 Hi, cutie-pie. 444 00:17:54,890 --> 00:17:58,725 Yeah, are you ready to have some fun with Grandma today? 445 00:17:58,820 --> 00:18:00,578 Yeah, Sarah and I had a big talk 446 00:18:00,805 --> 00:18:02,246 about how to behave at Grandma's. 447 00:18:02,398 --> 00:18:04,731 -Didn't we, baby? Mm-hmm. -Yes, Mommy. 448 00:18:04,751 --> 00:18:06,900 And she is gonna be a good girl today, right? 449 00:18:06,920 --> 00:18:08,735 -Yes, Mommy. -Yeah. 450 00:18:08,755 --> 00:18:10,755 What a sweet little scrumble-bumble you are. 451 00:18:10,982 --> 00:18:12,239 Oh. Why don't you go in the kitchen, 452 00:18:12,333 --> 00:18:13,666 put your backpack down? 453 00:18:13,760 --> 00:18:16,152 Then we're gonna play, play, play. 454 00:18:16,170 --> 00:18:17,578 (quietly): How's it going? 455 00:18:17,597 --> 00:18:19,580 Pretty good. Yeah, she hasn't pushed it with me yet... 456 00:18:19,599 --> 00:18:21,657 -Okay. -...but I realize I have to hold the line when she does. 457 00:18:21,676 --> 00:18:24,268 Uh, yes, you do. You imagine what would have happened 458 00:18:24,437 --> 00:18:26,996 if your father and I didn't hold the line with Eve 459 00:18:27,089 --> 00:18:30,983 and she wound up using her powers for evil? 460 00:18:32,428 --> 00:18:35,429 (laughs): Right. Hey, here she is. 461 00:18:35,448 --> 00:18:36,856 Listen, I have an idea. 462 00:18:37,008 --> 00:18:40,526 What if we put the easel outside and do a little painting? 463 00:18:40,620 --> 00:18:42,011 Can I watch TV? 464 00:18:42,029 --> 00:18:44,455 Oh, you know what, honey? Watching TV is no fun. 465 00:18:44,682 --> 00:18:47,016 Don't you want to paint outside with Grandma? 466 00:18:47,034 --> 00:18:48,609 No, I want to watch TV. 467 00:18:49,537 --> 00:18:53,038 Uh, maybe no TV right now, honey. Okay? 468 00:18:53,133 --> 00:18:55,299 (cartoon music playing) 469 00:18:55,451 --> 00:18:59,387 (clears throat) Uh, Sarah, honey? Mommy said no. 470 00:19:01,032 --> 00:19:03,057 Sarah. 471 00:19:04,385 --> 00:19:05,810 Mommy said no TV. 472 00:19:06,037 --> 00:19:08,813 Now please turn it off and give the remote back to Grandma. 473 00:19:08,964 --> 00:19:11,149 (TV turns off) 474 00:19:11,300 --> 00:19:13,651 Okay, next time I want you to listen to me the first time. 475 00:19:13,878 --> 00:19:15,319 -Do you understand? -Yes, Mommy. 476 00:19:15,471 --> 00:19:17,688 Okay. Thank you. 477 00:19:17,915 --> 00:19:20,366 Thank you for being a good girl. 478 00:19:21,644 --> 00:19:26,747 Oh, I think it's okay to watch a little TV. 479 00:19:27,575 --> 00:19:29,408 (laughs): Hey! 480 00:19:29,560 --> 00:19:31,560 I thought you were teaching me how to be a good mother. 481 00:19:31,579 --> 00:19:32,895 I was. 482 00:19:32,988 --> 00:19:35,464 Now I'm teaching you how to be a good grandmother. 483 00:19:41,255 --> 00:19:44,098 Structurally perfect. 484 00:19:46,001 --> 00:19:48,603 Go ahead. Try and break it. 485 00:19:50,765 --> 00:19:52,273 Go ahead. 486 00:19:53,418 --> 00:19:55,267 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. 487 00:19:55,420 --> 00:19:57,528 (laughs) 488 00:20:03,261 --> 00:20:04,702 Hey, Mike Baxter here for Outdoor Man. 489 00:20:04,853 --> 00:20:07,263 If you've been watching these vlogs for the last ten years, 490 00:20:07,281 --> 00:20:08,931 you probably feel like my friend, right? 491 00:20:08,950 --> 00:20:10,599 And if you celebrate these words of wisdom 492 00:20:10,618 --> 00:20:12,359 by clicking on a link and buying something, 493 00:20:12,378 --> 00:20:15,104 -well, that feeling is mutual. -(dings) 494 00:20:15,197 --> 00:20:16,605 But if you're just freeloading, 495 00:20:16,624 --> 00:20:18,216 enjoying the wisdom without buying the cow, 496 00:20:18,367 --> 00:20:20,626 I'm gonna have to reconsider our friendship. 497 00:20:20,778 --> 00:20:23,870 Now this month only, if you purchase over $300 498 00:20:23,965 --> 00:20:25,948 of high-end sporting goods, you qualify 499 00:20:25,967 --> 00:20:28,801 for the Mike Baxter Best Friend Circle. 500 00:20:28,895 --> 00:20:30,970 You might be thinking, wait a minute, 501 00:20:31,064 --> 00:20:33,289 how can somebody have more than one best friend? 502 00:20:33,382 --> 00:20:36,459 Well, I'm just that likable. 503 00:20:36,477 --> 00:20:38,294 And truthfully, it's okay for multiple people 504 00:20:38,387 --> 00:20:39,570 to think they're your best friend, right? 505 00:20:39,797 --> 00:20:41,888 As long as none of those people are your kids, 506 00:20:41,908 --> 00:20:43,966 because being best friends with your kid 507 00:20:44,059 --> 00:20:46,410 is a formula for disaster. 508 00:20:46,562 --> 00:20:47,970 Now, for most of you, it's pretty easy 509 00:20:48,063 --> 00:20:49,747 not being friends with your kids because, 510 00:20:49,974 --> 00:20:53,417 let's be honest, young people are terrible. 511 00:20:53,569 --> 00:20:55,235 But do you know how hard it is not to be friends 512 00:20:55,329 --> 00:20:57,421 with your kids when they're as awesome as mine? 513 00:20:57,648 --> 00:20:58,647 My daughters? 514 00:20:58,741 --> 00:21:01,650 Hell, I got a kid who's a fighter pilot. 515 00:21:01,669 --> 00:21:02,985 Yes. 516 00:21:03,004 --> 00:21:04,095 Because I did something right 517 00:21:04,246 --> 00:21:05,504 and I didn't try to be her best friend. 518 00:21:05,598 --> 00:21:06,913 She'll always look up to me. 519 00:21:06,933 --> 00:21:08,266 Even when she's looking down at me 520 00:21:08,417 --> 00:21:12,177 from 30,000 feet keeping us safe. 521 00:21:12,272 --> 00:21:14,163 Damn, she's cool. Baxter out. 522 00:21:14,181 --> 00:21:15,922 Captioning sponsored by 20th CENTURY FOX TELEVISION 523 00:21:15,942 --> 00:21:17,424 and TOYOTA. 524 00:21:17,518 --> 00:21:19,151 (chicken clucks)