1 00:00:05,750 --> 00:00:07,384 Accessing archive data... 2 00:00:07,451 --> 00:00:08,771 Tron continues to encourage Beck. 3 00:00:08,795 --> 00:00:11,120 This isn't a game, Beck. 4 00:00:11,155 --> 00:00:13,989 - You did pretty good up until then. - Pretty good won't cut it. 5 00:00:14,023 --> 00:00:17,592 Zed builds a light cycle to impress Mara, 6 00:00:17,626 --> 00:00:19,827 but it impresses the renegade instead... 7 00:00:19,862 --> 00:00:22,020 - Sorry about this. - Hey! Hey! 8 00:00:22,055 --> 00:00:23,835 We could use someone like you. 9 00:00:23,870 --> 00:00:25,954 - For what? - To stop the renegade. 10 00:00:25,990 --> 00:00:28,764 ...as Tesler spreads the myth of Tron's demise. 11 00:00:28,799 --> 00:00:30,685 Tron is dead. 12 00:00:30,719 --> 00:00:35,573 And I assure you this renegade will be brought to justice! 13 00:00:40,950 --> 00:00:43,802 I'm flattered, but I like my privacy. 14 00:01:06,871 --> 00:01:09,417 Please stand clear. 15 00:01:09,451 --> 00:01:10,710 Attention, programs. 16 00:01:10,745 --> 00:01:17,264 There has been a security breach. Prepare your discs for scanning. 17 00:01:17,299 --> 00:01:19,893 Oh, great. 18 00:01:24,106 --> 00:01:28,616 Hey, something tells me you don't want these goons poking around your disc either. 19 00:01:28,650 --> 00:01:31,949 Nah, I'm just late for work. I hope this doesn't take long. 20 00:01:31,984 --> 00:01:34,520 Yeah, right. 21 00:01:34,554 --> 00:01:37,760 Look, they don't need to see what we're up to before we got here. 22 00:01:37,794 --> 00:01:39,667 Right? 23 00:01:39,701 --> 00:01:41,381 Hey, you can't just take my disc like that! 24 00:01:41,405 --> 00:01:43,252 Stand down or you will get derezzed. 25 00:01:43,286 --> 00:01:45,197 Now's our chance. Follow me. 26 00:01:45,231 --> 00:01:46,537 No! 27 00:01:55,597 --> 00:01:59,465 Next stop, Argon park. Please stand clear. 28 00:02:07,983 --> 00:02:11,529 Well, this is where we split up. 29 00:02:11,564 --> 00:02:12,675 Hey, thanks. 30 00:02:12,710 --> 00:02:13,710 Next stop Purgos. 31 00:02:14,668 --> 00:02:18,421 This is an express line. There will be no further stops. 32 00:02:24,174 --> 00:02:25,254 He stole my disc! 33 00:02:26,289 --> 00:02:28,199 Way to go, Beck. 34 00:02:28,233 --> 00:02:30,531 You just lost everything. 35 00:02:33,046 --> 00:02:42,576 S01E05 - Identity 36 00:02:46,843 --> 00:02:50,579 - It doesn't work. - That's because it's a fake. 37 00:02:50,614 --> 00:02:52,817 You need to wear something on your back. 38 00:02:52,851 --> 00:02:54,755 If you're spotted without a disk, 39 00:02:54,789 --> 00:02:59,560 Tesler's guards will pick you up as a stray in no time. 40 00:02:59,595 --> 00:03:03,532 How long do I have before I really do become a stray? 41 00:03:03,566 --> 00:03:07,536 Not long. You've already lost valuable time. 42 00:03:07,570 --> 00:03:10,505 And if we don't get my disc back? 43 00:03:10,540 --> 00:03:12,407 Your memory will fade. 44 00:03:12,442 --> 00:03:15,677 Everything you've ever seen or experienced... 45 00:03:15,712 --> 00:03:16,779 you'll forget. 46 00:03:16,813 --> 00:03:20,449 So I really screwed up. 47 00:03:20,483 --> 00:03:25,759 I've put you, my friends, and the revolution in danger. 48 00:03:28,466 --> 00:03:30,601 Hey, by the way, this is the part 49 00:03:30,635 --> 00:03:33,437 where you're supposed to cheer your friend up. 50 00:03:33,471 --> 00:03:35,706 I'd rather just get your disc back. 51 00:03:35,741 --> 00:03:40,577 Okay, so we're not friends. Got it. Where do we start? 52 00:03:40,611 --> 00:03:43,514 There's a black market for stolen discs, 53 00:03:43,548 --> 00:03:45,582 but you can't go there alone... 54 00:03:45,617 --> 00:03:47,618 not in your condition. 55 00:03:47,652 --> 00:03:50,621 I wonder if he's really Tron like they're saying. 56 00:03:50,655 --> 00:03:52,456 I actually kinda hope he isn't. 57 00:03:52,491 --> 00:03:54,759 I like his whole aura of mystery. 58 00:03:54,793 --> 00:03:58,597 Mystery? Yeah, right. More like scared to show his face. 59 00:03:59,866 --> 00:04:03,602 Uh, what are they doing here? 60 00:04:07,474 --> 00:04:12,412 Commander Paige's renegade task force is operational. 61 00:04:12,446 --> 00:04:15,581 This could be a big deal for all of us if we catch him. 62 00:04:15,615 --> 00:04:18,651 - Yeah, about that... - I want you to make a light cycle mod, 63 00:04:18,685 --> 00:04:21,587 a weapon that could stop stop the renegade in a chase. 64 00:04:21,621 --> 00:04:24,423 You do that and this is yours. 65 00:04:25,892 --> 00:04:29,560 Look, I agree the renegade is making things worse in Argon, but... 66 00:04:29,594 --> 00:04:32,564 What did I tell you? Waste of time. I knew he didn't have the guts. 67 00:04:32,598 --> 00:04:34,799 The renegade stole your bike. 68 00:04:34,834 --> 00:04:37,836 Do you like being a laughing stock? 69 00:04:49,849 --> 00:04:52,650 Wait... I'm in. 70 00:04:57,922 --> 00:05:00,890 Pergos... the original settlement of Argon. 71 00:05:00,925 --> 00:05:03,894 Before the war, this was a boom town. 72 00:05:03,928 --> 00:05:05,795 Now it's a garbage heap. 73 00:05:05,830 --> 00:05:08,731 You'll start with the pawn shops. 74 00:05:12,436 --> 00:05:14,737 You didn't answer my question. 75 00:05:14,772 --> 00:05:16,672 I'm not sure I heard it right. 76 00:05:16,706 --> 00:05:19,508 You're asking me if I have identity discs? 77 00:05:19,543 --> 00:05:21,677 Real identity discs? 78 00:05:21,711 --> 00:05:24,547 I know you have a secret stash somewhere. 79 00:05:24,581 --> 00:05:28,552 Look, I don't know what you think, but I run a clean shop here. 80 00:05:28,586 --> 00:05:32,489 If you want stolen goods, you'll have to try elsewhere. 81 00:05:32,524 --> 00:05:35,392 Please. We've been to three shops already. 82 00:05:35,426 --> 00:05:36,727 This is very important. 83 00:05:36,761 --> 00:05:38,729 If you know anything, you have to tell us. 84 00:05:38,763 --> 00:05:42,732 I know when I see a program in trouble. 85 00:05:42,767 --> 00:05:44,734 I'll help you. Let me ask around. 86 00:05:44,769 --> 00:05:46,469 We'll come with you. 87 00:05:46,504 --> 00:05:49,673 Alone. Sorry, that's just how it's gotta be. 88 00:05:49,707 --> 00:05:52,842 There's an energy canteen around the corner. I'll meet you there. 89 00:05:52,877 --> 00:05:56,779 My name's Cobol. You know, it's good you found me. 90 00:05:56,814 --> 00:06:01,651 In Pergos, you can't trust anyone. 91 00:06:06,793 --> 00:06:09,428 - He was lying. - You mean Cobol? 92 00:06:09,462 --> 00:06:12,431 The only solid lead we've come up with so far? 93 00:06:12,465 --> 00:06:14,667 If it's a lead at all. 94 00:06:14,701 --> 00:06:16,502 Beck, in case we don't find your disc, 95 00:06:16,536 --> 00:06:18,671 I need to prepare you for the memory loss. 96 00:06:18,705 --> 00:06:20,372 This should be fun. 97 00:06:20,407 --> 00:06:23,376 It's a glitch. It comes without warning. 98 00:06:23,410 --> 00:06:26,050 One moment you're normal, the next you're forgetting your own name. 99 00:06:26,074 --> 00:06:30,684 But you'll recover. At least, the first few times. 100 00:06:30,718 --> 00:06:33,654 And after the first few times? 101 00:06:33,688 --> 00:06:37,792 Permanent amnesia. You won't know who you are anymore. 102 00:06:37,826 --> 00:06:40,461 Well, it's not going to come to that. 103 00:06:40,495 --> 00:06:42,563 We're going to find the program who did this to me 104 00:06:42,597 --> 00:06:44,799 and put him out of business. 105 00:06:44,833 --> 00:06:51,405 - Beck, we're being followed. - You mean surrounded. 106 00:06:51,440 --> 00:06:53,441 Let me handle this. 107 00:06:53,475 --> 00:06:59,547 We didn't come here for trouble. We're just passing through, that's all. 108 00:06:59,581 --> 00:07:04,552 You passed into our territory. This street belongs to me... 109 00:07:04,586 --> 00:07:07,555 and you'll pay for trespassing. 110 00:07:42,592 --> 00:07:45,461 What's going on? Where am I? 111 00:07:45,495 --> 00:07:46,662 Take him. 112 00:08:06,442 --> 00:08:07,676 Come on! 113 00:08:09,845 --> 00:08:11,846 Beck! 114 00:08:18,622 --> 00:08:21,758 I think I just had my first glitch. 115 00:08:21,792 --> 00:08:24,594 We should keep moving. 116 00:08:24,628 --> 00:08:27,364 Oh. But I'm glad you care. 117 00:08:27,398 --> 00:08:29,833 Why'd you help us? 118 00:08:31,735 --> 00:08:36,605 Because you needed it. You're welcome, by the way. 119 00:08:36,639 --> 00:08:40,409 - I'm Lux. - Uh, I'm... I'm Beck. 120 00:08:40,444 --> 00:08:43,479 And this is, uh... my friend. 121 00:08:43,514 --> 00:08:45,781 - Huh? - What? I'm improvising. 122 00:08:45,816 --> 00:08:48,617 I've seen programs like you before, Beck. 123 00:08:48,652 --> 00:08:51,587 - What do you mean? - Strays. 124 00:08:51,622 --> 00:08:53,489 I'm not a stray yet. 125 00:08:53,524 --> 00:08:58,395 Well, it's only a matter of time. But I can help you. 126 00:08:58,430 --> 00:09:01,699 I know my way around Pergos. 127 00:09:01,983 --> 00:09:04,258 Ooh. If my memory's going, 128 00:09:04,386 --> 00:09:07,989 at least the last thing I'll remember will be her. 129 00:09:08,023 --> 00:09:09,858 Focus, Beck. 130 00:09:15,435 --> 00:09:17,769 You still haven't told me what this is for. 131 00:09:17,804 --> 00:09:22,407 Allow me to introduce my masterpiece. 132 00:09:23,643 --> 00:09:26,411 Eventually we'll put it on the front of a cycle, 133 00:09:26,445 --> 00:09:30,615 but for our test right now, this'll do. 134 00:09:49,439 --> 00:09:51,776 It worked! 135 00:09:55,682 --> 00:09:58,818 Okay, well, I checked with all my contacts, 136 00:09:58,852 --> 00:10:01,587 and none of them have heard of any stolen discs recently. 137 00:10:01,621 --> 00:10:03,489 And Cobol's a no-show. 138 00:10:03,523 --> 00:10:07,560 Beck, there's a program in the back who seems awfully interested in you. 139 00:10:07,594 --> 00:10:09,696 He's been staring since we walked in. 140 00:10:09,730 --> 00:10:12,465 I think that's the program who conned me. 141 00:10:12,499 --> 00:10:14,667 His name's Galt, a small-time thief. 142 00:10:23,780 --> 00:10:24,880 - Galt. - No! 143 00:10:26,549 --> 00:10:28,517 I didn't get your name last time... 144 00:10:28,552 --> 00:10:30,653 when you were stealing my disc. 145 00:10:30,687 --> 00:10:32,855 I don't know what you're talking about. W-what disc? 146 00:10:32,890 --> 00:10:34,624 Looks a lot like this one. 147 00:10:34,659 --> 00:10:37,894 Okay, I took it, but I don't have it anymore. 148 00:10:37,929 --> 00:10:39,930 - I swear! - Who'd you give it to? 149 00:10:39,964 --> 00:10:41,932 You think I'd tell you? 150 00:10:41,966 --> 00:10:44,701 He's not as polite as you two. 151 00:10:44,735 --> 00:10:46,870 Everyone's gonna know your secret. 152 00:11:35,654 --> 00:11:36,688 Beck! 153 00:11:40,726 --> 00:11:41,927 Pardon me. 154 00:11:41,961 --> 00:11:44,696 I'm sorry. Sorry. Coming through! 155 00:11:57,611 --> 00:11:59,679 Beck, look out! 156 00:12:16,664 --> 00:12:18,804 Wow. That could do a lot of damage. 157 00:12:18,838 --> 00:12:20,607 Isn't it great?! 158 00:12:22,544 --> 00:12:26,848 Oh, this is for your friends Bartik and Hopper, isn't it? 159 00:12:26,882 --> 00:12:30,518 They're on a task force to hunt the renegade, I'm trying to join. 160 00:12:30,553 --> 00:12:33,555 I know you think the renegade is helping, but he's not. 161 00:12:33,589 --> 00:12:36,491 - This can stop him. - Or worse. 162 00:12:36,525 --> 00:12:38,860 Zed, this could derez him. 163 00:12:38,895 --> 00:12:42,564 I'm... I'm just trying to do the right thing. 164 00:12:42,598 --> 00:12:46,902 I didn't think you were like Bartik and Hopper, Zed, 165 00:12:46,936 --> 00:12:52,975 but if joining their task force is what you want, best of luck. 166 00:12:57,847 --> 00:13:01,551 Nice place. How'd you get it? 167 00:13:01,585 --> 00:13:04,721 I have my ways. 168 00:13:04,756 --> 00:13:07,725 Without your disc, this is the best I can do. 169 00:13:11,930 --> 00:13:14,732 Learn anything from Galt's disc? 170 00:13:14,766 --> 00:13:17,568 He was scum, which is hardly news. 171 00:13:17,603 --> 00:13:20,705 I did find the memory where he robbed you. 172 00:13:20,739 --> 00:13:24,709 - Who is that? - Beck, it's you. 173 00:13:24,743 --> 00:13:28,513 - What am I doing there? - You are fighting a revolution. 174 00:13:28,547 --> 00:13:31,883 - What revolution? - Beck, stay with me. 175 00:13:31,917 --> 00:13:34,235 Who's Beck? Who are you? 176 00:13:34,236 --> 00:13:36,554 Why are you hiding your face? 177 00:13:36,589 --> 00:13:38,723 Beck! 178 00:13:40,824 --> 00:13:43,788 It's okay. It's okay. 179 00:13:43,822 --> 00:13:46,586 Everything will be clear soon. 180 00:13:46,620 --> 00:13:48,617 We're here to help you. 181 00:13:48,652 --> 00:13:49,652 We? 182 00:13:51,617 --> 00:13:58,755 I told you... don't trust anyone. 183 00:14:07,100 --> 00:14:08,934 His helmet won't come off. 184 00:14:08,968 --> 00:14:12,837 Forget that, he's nothing. We have bigger things to worry about. 185 00:14:12,872 --> 00:14:14,039 See that light? 186 00:14:14,073 --> 00:14:17,175 That's where your friends are gonna meet us. 187 00:14:17,209 --> 00:14:19,010 We're taking you back home. 188 00:14:19,044 --> 00:14:23,181 Beck! That is an emergency beacon to summon the military! 189 00:14:23,215 --> 00:14:25,884 They're turning you in to the occupation! 190 00:14:25,918 --> 00:14:28,920 I'm part of the military. Cobol told me. 191 00:14:28,955 --> 00:14:31,756 Beck, no! He is lying to you! 192 00:14:31,791 --> 00:14:35,793 Don't listen to him. You're an officer in Tesler's army. 193 00:14:35,828 --> 00:14:40,798 You just lost your disc. If you go back with Cobol, you'll get it back. 194 00:14:40,832 --> 00:14:43,768 Oh, she's lying to you, Beck! They both are! 195 00:14:43,802 --> 00:14:45,937 Enough! 196 00:14:45,971 --> 00:14:48,940 If you derez him, you could lose Beck's trust. 197 00:14:48,974 --> 00:14:51,142 How dare you question me! 198 00:14:53,111 --> 00:14:55,113 Watch him until I get back. 199 00:14:56,882 --> 00:14:59,117 Lux, you have to let me go! 200 00:14:59,151 --> 00:15:01,986 Cobol's taking Beck to be derezzed! 201 00:15:02,021 --> 00:15:05,726 No, repurposed. 202 00:15:05,761 --> 00:15:09,871 My job was to follow you until Beck forgot who he was. 203 00:15:09,906 --> 00:15:15,854 Then he'd be easier to take. And it worked. 204 00:15:15,888 --> 00:15:19,025 Free me. Your own life is in danger. 205 00:15:19,060 --> 00:15:23,096 Cobol derezzed Galt. He almost derezzed me. 206 00:15:23,130 --> 00:15:25,098 Soon it'll be your turn. 207 00:15:25,132 --> 00:15:28,068 Mm-mm. No, you're wrong. 208 00:15:28,102 --> 00:15:32,973 Cobol would never hurt me. He loves me. 209 00:15:34,109 --> 00:15:36,844 Who is it you're trying to convince? 210 00:15:49,959 --> 00:15:53,963 This thing better be lethal. We stuck our necks out for you. 211 00:15:53,997 --> 00:15:56,131 It's a killer all right. 212 00:15:56,166 --> 00:15:59,001 - Sorry I'm late. - What's she doing here? 213 00:15:59,036 --> 00:16:02,272 This program claims she's assisting the demonstration. 214 00:16:05,209 --> 00:16:09,112 She just did. I'm really glad you're here, Mara. 215 00:16:09,146 --> 00:16:11,882 I'm on a tight schedule, so let's cut to the chase. 216 00:16:11,916 --> 00:16:14,785 You brought me here for a new light cycle mod? 217 00:16:14,819 --> 00:16:17,220 A weapon, actually. Um... 218 00:16:17,255 --> 00:16:20,157 I have to make one quick adjustment first. 219 00:16:26,999 --> 00:16:28,799 Whoa! 220 00:16:30,269 --> 00:16:33,972 Oops. Guess it still needs work. 221 00:16:34,006 --> 00:16:36,808 You're a joke. And you two... 222 00:16:36,843 --> 00:16:39,811 whose idea was it to waste my time with this imbecile? 223 00:16:39,846 --> 00:16:40,979 - All Hopper. - Hopper?! 224 00:16:41,013 --> 00:16:42,113 - Yes. - No, not Hopper! 225 00:16:42,148 --> 00:16:45,917 Thanks, that was a real blast. 226 00:16:53,826 --> 00:16:58,063 There they are, Beck. You'll be home soon. 227 00:16:58,097 --> 00:17:01,900 Back away from him, Cobol. 228 00:17:05,172 --> 00:17:07,907 Is this the disc you're looking for? 229 00:17:30,963 --> 00:17:31,963 Who are you? 230 00:17:47,045 --> 00:17:49,046 Derez him! He's the enemy! 231 00:17:52,873 --> 00:17:55,170 Do it! I command you! 232 00:17:56,171 --> 00:17:58,138 I know you're still there, Beck. 233 00:17:58,173 --> 00:18:02,809 The memory loss hasn't taken all of you. 234 00:18:02,843 --> 00:18:05,010 Killing is not your way. 235 00:18:09,815 --> 00:18:10,882 Tron. 236 00:18:13,118 --> 00:18:14,886 Tron lives. 237 00:18:14,920 --> 00:18:18,956 Beck, this is about more than the uprising. 238 00:18:18,990 --> 00:18:21,124 You're my friend. 239 00:18:21,158 --> 00:18:24,894 I didn't say it before because I didn't think I could, 240 00:18:24,928 --> 00:18:29,164 but that was wrong of me. We are friends. 241 00:18:29,198 --> 00:18:32,200 Be who you are. 242 00:18:32,234 --> 00:18:34,935 You don't need your memories for that. 243 00:18:34,970 --> 00:18:38,004 What are you doing?! You work for Tesler! 244 00:18:38,038 --> 00:18:41,140 I'm not a killer. I don't derez programs. 245 00:18:41,174 --> 00:18:45,109 Too bad... because I do. 246 00:18:47,045 --> 00:18:49,947 I thought I had something with the renegade, 247 00:18:49,981 --> 00:18:52,015 but now I've got Tron! 248 00:18:56,253 --> 00:18:59,054 Beck, your disc! 249 00:19:06,161 --> 00:19:09,730 Guess what? I'm back. 250 00:19:20,739 --> 00:19:23,006 - We should go. - We can't just leave Cobol here. 251 00:19:23,040 --> 00:19:26,175 - He knows your identity. - Then we bring him with us. 252 00:19:26,210 --> 00:19:31,980 Bring me where, renegade? 253 00:19:42,756 --> 00:19:45,991 You being alive changes everything. 254 00:19:46,026 --> 00:19:48,827 If I had only known earlier... 255 00:19:54,166 --> 00:19:57,902 Look, we... we can't let them get to you. 256 00:19:57,936 --> 00:20:00,804 Take Cobol's disc. Destroy it. 257 00:20:00,839 --> 00:20:03,173 I'll hold them off. 258 00:20:03,207 --> 00:20:08,744 - The disc. No! - She wants us to escape, Beck. 259 00:20:08,778 --> 00:20:10,945 No! Lux! 260 00:20:46,143 --> 00:20:48,977 She sacrificed herself to save us. 261 00:20:49,012 --> 00:20:52,247 That's who Lux really was... 262 00:20:52,282 --> 00:20:54,015 a hero. 263 00:20:55,250 --> 00:20:57,852 She also became a friend. 264 00:20:59,053 --> 00:21:01,121 I remember what you said to me back there. 265 00:21:01,155 --> 00:21:04,790 Got a little emotional, huh? 266 00:21:04,824 --> 00:21:08,893 Don't worry, I won't hold it against you. 267 00:21:08,927 --> 00:21:11,962 A long time ago, I misjudged someone. 268 00:21:11,996 --> 00:21:14,030 Clu? 269 00:21:14,065 --> 00:21:17,967 I let friendship cloud judgment... 270 00:21:18,002 --> 00:21:20,736 and paid a heavy price. 271 00:21:20,771 --> 00:21:23,905 But I didn't misjudge you, Beck. 272 00:21:23,940 --> 00:21:26,774 With you, I chose well.