1 00:00:04,900 --> 00:00:07,179 Accessing archive data... 2 00:00:07,362 --> 00:00:10,965 Everyone is overjoyed when a visitor comes to town. 3 00:00:11,057 --> 00:00:12,429 Oh, not him... 4 00:00:12,546 --> 00:00:14,736 Dyson! What a wonderful surprise! 5 00:00:14,860 --> 00:00:17,342 Tron remembers Dyson fondly. 6 00:00:17,452 --> 00:00:20,165 - Thanks. - Anytime, old friend. 7 00:00:20,478 --> 00:00:22,357 - Now! - Flynn, go! 8 00:00:22,452 --> 00:00:25,266 Dyson... I trusted you! 9 00:00:25,461 --> 00:00:29,364 And Beck realizes Tron is interested in more than reunion. 10 00:00:29,488 --> 00:00:32,175 I'm not letting you kill for revenge. 11 00:00:32,609 --> 00:00:34,996 I didn't ask your permission. 12 00:00:54,880 --> 00:00:58,003 Where're you going, Tron? 13 00:01:39,057 --> 00:01:42,074 Come on, Tron. This isn't you! 14 00:02:18,320 --> 00:02:20,069 Enough! 15 00:02:21,595 --> 00:02:23,960 Enough! 16 00:02:26,019 --> 00:02:35,519 S01E10 - Scars, Part 2 17 00:03:10,050 --> 00:03:12,026 Whoa. 18 00:03:24,378 --> 00:03:26,712 You had simple orders. 19 00:03:26,877 --> 00:03:31,250 Give Dyson a tour. Make sure it goes smoothly. 20 00:03:31,648 --> 00:03:33,026 So why didn't it?! 21 00:03:33,193 --> 00:03:37,080 There was a minor security lapse, but Dyson was unharmed. 22 00:03:37,202 --> 00:03:40,879 Fortunately, I was there to stop the Renegade from claiming his target. 23 00:03:40,980 --> 00:03:43,076 If I hear one more mention of him... 24 00:03:43,168 --> 00:03:46,459 Mention... of whom? 25 00:03:51,339 --> 00:03:53,654 Oh, no one important. 26 00:03:53,981 --> 00:03:58,599 Dyson. So glad to see you're treating my ship... 27 00:03:58,855 --> 00:04:00,620 as your ship. 28 00:04:01,186 --> 00:04:04,787 Is there a problem, Tesler? 29 00:04:04,991 --> 00:04:07,443 Not at all. Why would you say that? 30 00:04:07,699 --> 00:04:12,104 Because I sense surprising lack of control over the city. 31 00:04:12,253 --> 00:04:15,852 It might be necessary for me to stick around a while longer. 32 00:04:16,227 --> 00:04:18,253 Maybe indefinitely. 33 00:04:18,464 --> 00:04:23,001 Besides, I'm looking forward to meeting this... Renegade, 34 00:04:23,305 --> 00:04:27,642 but we'll never catch him if we're always sitting around on the job, 35 00:04:27,794 --> 00:04:30,095 will we? 36 00:04:31,009 --> 00:04:34,480 Doesn't this tour come with guides? 37 00:04:36,422 --> 00:04:40,161 I'll handle it. There won't be any more trouble. 38 00:04:48,430 --> 00:04:51,915 So, how long is Tesler going to keep on pretending 39 00:04:51,916 --> 00:04:54,239 he can handle this Renegade? Hm? 40 00:04:54,489 --> 00:04:56,662 - Permission to speak candidly? - Hm. 41 00:04:57,004 --> 00:04:59,664 He's shiftier than we gave him credit for, 42 00:04:59,801 --> 00:05:02,234 but hardly a threat. 43 00:05:05,811 --> 00:05:08,367 "Hardly a threat". 44 00:05:08,657 --> 00:05:12,567 You'll forgive me if I no longer trust your word in that. 45 00:05:13,034 --> 00:05:15,678 I'll be right back. 46 00:05:15,919 --> 00:05:20,988 Warning: Cooling failure. Overload imminent. 47 00:05:52,129 --> 00:05:53,862 Reeve? 48 00:05:54,278 --> 00:05:55,792 Reeve?! 49 00:05:56,053 --> 00:05:58,874 Hang tight until I can figure a way out of here! 50 00:05:59,076 --> 00:06:01,475 Executing "repurposing" protocol. 51 00:06:01,708 --> 00:06:03,978 Standby for code extraction. 52 00:06:04,082 --> 00:06:05,756 Reeve! 53 00:06:13,809 --> 00:06:15,661 No! 54 00:06:31,548 --> 00:06:32,965 Dyson. 55 00:06:33,607 --> 00:06:36,451 What have you done? 56 00:06:53,922 --> 00:06:55,387 Hello... 57 00:06:56,903 --> 00:06:59,426 ...old friend. 58 00:07:04,832 --> 00:07:07,004 You've found me. 59 00:07:07,570 --> 00:07:12,224 - I guess I should congratulate you. - I was trained by the best. 60 00:07:15,114 --> 00:07:18,065 You being here doesn't change anything. 61 00:07:18,331 --> 00:07:20,884 I'm still gonna finish what I came to do. 62 00:07:21,117 --> 00:07:23,623 And I'll still stop you. 63 00:07:23,880 --> 00:07:27,634 Come with me. We can get Dyson's disc the right way. 64 00:07:27,863 --> 00:07:30,362 Without derezzing him. 65 00:07:32,894 --> 00:07:34,930 Please. 66 00:07:51,511 --> 00:07:53,056 My disc! 67 00:07:53,372 --> 00:07:56,166 The cuffs work on a timer. 68 00:07:56,350 --> 00:08:00,431 By the time they unlock, Dyson will be dead. 69 00:08:04,802 --> 00:08:06,092 Tron! 70 00:08:06,914 --> 00:08:11,902 Don't end the revolution before it has a chance to start. 71 00:08:16,229 --> 00:08:19,391 Danger: Pressure level critical. 72 00:08:19,556 --> 00:08:22,427 Prepare to evacuate. 73 00:08:23,989 --> 00:08:27,539 Danger. Please evacuate... 74 00:08:28,894 --> 00:08:33,053 - That really hurt! - Trying to cause an overload? 75 00:08:33,268 --> 00:08:36,205 No... I found them like this... 76 00:08:36,314 --> 00:08:39,866 - It must've been the Renegade. - Don't insult me. 77 00:08:40,038 --> 00:08:43,700 You're trying to undermine Tesler since the moment Dyson landed. 78 00:08:43,883 --> 00:08:47,310 - Lies. - I have proof on my disc! 79 00:08:47,507 --> 00:08:49,227 How about I show Tesler? 80 00:08:49,325 --> 00:08:52,135 How fast do you think he'd throw you into the games? 81 00:08:52,296 --> 00:08:54,679 Wait! Isn't it obvious? 82 00:08:54,890 --> 00:08:57,218 Tesler's on his way out. And when he goes down, 83 00:08:57,318 --> 00:09:00,011 his most loyal soldiers are taking the plunge with him. 84 00:09:00,156 --> 00:09:04,270 But it doesn't have to be that way! Not for us! 85 00:09:04,756 --> 00:09:08,531 You really wanna form a secret alliance with me? 86 00:09:09,972 --> 00:09:13,036 - Maybe... - It is amazing, 87 00:09:13,137 --> 00:09:16,951 how you keep finding new ways to disgust me. 88 00:09:17,555 --> 00:09:20,462 Oh... and no. 89 00:09:39,643 --> 00:09:44,270 Renegade. I know you're here. 90 00:09:44,595 --> 00:09:46,730 Why don't you come out? 91 00:09:48,228 --> 00:09:51,233 You see me. I'm not hiding. 92 00:09:54,461 --> 00:09:59,065 So you tricked a meagre few into thinking you're Tron. 93 00:10:04,081 --> 00:10:07,541 We both know that's a lie. 94 00:10:10,612 --> 00:10:15,908 You're just playing dress up, wearing a dead program's... 95 00:10:16,167 --> 00:10:18,392 emblem! 96 00:10:21,060 --> 00:10:24,311 Please proceed to nearest exit. 97 00:11:07,986 --> 00:11:11,582 Everyone else screams. Why doesn't he? 98 00:11:12,561 --> 00:11:17,456 - He's Tron. - Tron... 99 00:11:25,084 --> 00:11:27,929 You haven't said a word. 100 00:11:28,208 --> 00:11:30,784 I'm starting to think you don't like me anymore. 101 00:11:31,042 --> 00:11:33,528 - What have you done to them? - Who? 102 00:11:33,760 --> 00:11:35,953 Oh... our team. 103 00:11:36,134 --> 00:11:39,489 That's just Clu's latest project. 104 00:11:39,705 --> 00:11:43,454 He calls it... repurposing. 105 00:11:43,847 --> 00:11:47,117 - How many have you repurposed? - Under your command? 106 00:11:47,273 --> 00:11:48,735 Everyone. 107 00:11:48,991 --> 00:11:51,681 You are Flynn's last soldier, 108 00:11:51,818 --> 00:11:53,782 old friend. 109 00:11:57,158 --> 00:11:59,970 If I'm next, then get it over with already. 110 00:12:00,144 --> 00:12:05,491 No. Repurposing is cruel, leaves little of the personality intact. 111 00:12:05,799 --> 00:12:08,644 I'd rather you join Clu willingly. 112 00:12:08,754 --> 00:12:10,816 - Never... - Are you blind? 113 00:12:10,954 --> 00:12:14,198 By overthrowing Flynn, Clu will bring order to the Grid! 114 00:12:14,332 --> 00:12:17,759 Only through perfection can all programs be truly liberated! 115 00:12:17,882 --> 00:12:20,049 You're delusional, Dyson. 116 00:12:20,240 --> 00:12:23,002 Clu didn't improve your face, 117 00:12:23,211 --> 00:12:26,466 he made you harder to look at! 118 00:12:27,236 --> 00:12:31,358 I didn't wanna do this... but you forced my hand. 119 00:12:31,689 --> 00:12:34,925 I am going to show you what it's like... 120 00:12:34,926 --> 00:12:38,161 to be imperfect. 121 00:12:48,154 --> 00:12:50,858 Take him to the throne ship. 122 00:12:56,363 --> 00:12:57,735 Oh God... 123 00:13:11,863 --> 00:13:15,034 Rejoice, my soldiers. 124 00:13:15,159 --> 00:13:21,210 You have been repurposed into a supreme party. 125 00:13:21,890 --> 00:13:28,257 Together we'll cleanse the Grid from imperfection! 126 00:13:28,379 --> 00:13:35,235 Together we will bring down the agents of terror! 127 00:13:40,383 --> 00:13:41,995 No! 128 00:13:48,275 --> 00:13:52,315 Goodbye, old friend. 129 00:14:50,605 --> 00:14:52,578 Show yourself, Renegade. 130 00:14:52,771 --> 00:14:55,863 I'd like to see you before you're cubes. 131 00:15:03,277 --> 00:15:05,810 Come on, Renegade! 132 00:15:06,391 --> 00:15:08,900 Tron wouldn't have given up this easily. 133 00:16:14,375 --> 00:16:15,529 No! 134 00:16:16,231 --> 00:16:18,462 No, it's not possible! 135 00:16:18,842 --> 00:16:21,196 I watched you die! 136 00:16:21,435 --> 00:16:23,794 You watched me die. 137 00:16:24,060 --> 00:16:27,035 I'll watch you die! 138 00:16:34,390 --> 00:16:38,730 You may have escaped. But it's not much of a life, is it, Tron? 139 00:16:40,206 --> 00:16:41,529 Let me guess... 140 00:16:41,629 --> 00:16:46,000 you live in a cave, feeding from your own energy source. 141 00:16:46,446 --> 00:16:49,670 Normal programs just get tired without energy, 142 00:16:49,821 --> 00:16:53,179 but not you, you'll die without it! 143 00:16:53,466 --> 00:16:55,006 That was my gift. 144 00:16:55,137 --> 00:16:58,306 A modification I added to your code, 145 00:16:58,475 --> 00:17:01,977 as a safeguard. I can fix you! 146 00:17:02,156 --> 00:17:05,985 Make you perfect, again. If... you'll join us... 147 00:17:06,105 --> 00:17:07,666 join Clu! 148 00:17:07,981 --> 00:17:12,127 I'd rather stay like this for ever than be a puppet of a tyrant! 149 00:17:27,039 --> 00:17:29,347 No! Tron. 150 00:17:53,215 --> 00:17:56,743 - Who are you? - My name is Cyrus. 151 00:17:57,090 --> 00:18:00,910 - I'm a friend. - You... you work for Dyson! 152 00:18:01,099 --> 00:18:02,454 For Clu! 153 00:18:02,649 --> 00:18:05,386 Not anymore. Now, jump! 154 00:18:23,936 --> 00:18:27,856 Hey, stay with me. That's it. 155 00:18:28,153 --> 00:18:30,307 You're gonna be alright. 156 00:18:30,532 --> 00:18:34,343 You did this... Why? 157 00:18:35,500 --> 00:18:40,818 I can't let your revolution end before it has a chance to start. 158 00:18:53,843 --> 00:18:56,597 You're only alive for one reason. 159 00:18:57,170 --> 00:18:59,719 To deliver a message. 160 00:19:20,111 --> 00:19:22,814 Sir, I've lost track of Dyson. 161 00:19:23,029 --> 00:19:25,409 I take full responsibility. 162 00:19:25,839 --> 00:19:28,788 It's a shame she let you down, your excellency. 163 00:19:29,024 --> 00:19:34,047 What are you talking about? Paige, you've outdone yourself! 164 00:19:34,358 --> 00:19:37,344 Wait. Did Dyson leave Argon? 165 00:19:37,576 --> 00:19:40,219 Long gone, quaking in fear. 166 00:19:40,386 --> 00:19:43,899 I should have you two work together more often. 167 00:20:10,389 --> 00:20:13,641 It was never about getting Dyson's disc, was it? 168 00:20:14,410 --> 00:20:15,725 No. 169 00:20:16,713 --> 00:20:20,037 We both know what I was looking for, 170 00:20:20,824 --> 00:20:23,240 but you helped me find my way. 171 00:20:23,473 --> 00:20:26,311 I owe you thanks, 172 00:20:26,312 --> 00:20:29,149 and an apology. 173 00:20:29,515 --> 00:20:33,147 So... does that mean I get time off? 174 00:20:33,596 --> 00:20:35,728 What do you think? 175 00:20:59,256 --> 00:21:04,145 I've just returned from Argon, with a message from an old friend. 176 00:21:04,364 --> 00:21:06,920 I saw him with my own eyes. 177 00:21:08,273 --> 00:21:10,702 Tron lives. 178 00:21:13,535 --> 00:21:15,670 Interesting. 179 00:21:15,863 --> 00:21:19,454 Who else... knows about this? 180 00:21:26,921 --> 00:21:29,069 Nobody. 181 00:21:29,070 --> 00:21:31,217 Only us. 182 00:21:32,254 --> 00:21:35,245 Good. Let's keep it that way.