1 00:00:01,215 --> 00:00:04,009 DANIEL: The one day of the week I have no lectures, 2 00:00:04,093 --> 00:00:06,261 no office hours, no obligations of any kind. 3 00:00:06,345 --> 00:00:07,429 -MAX: Doc... -The one day 4 00:00:07,513 --> 00:00:08,889 that I get a little solitude, you know, 5 00:00:08,972 --> 00:00:10,766 a little "me" time, a chance to do some actual writing. 6 00:00:10,849 --> 00:00:12,059 Haley twisted my arm. 7 00:00:12,142 --> 00:00:15,479 Your arm is mine to twist, not Haley's. Did he even say what this was about? 8 00:00:15,562 --> 00:00:16,605 (APPLAUSE) 9 00:00:16,688 --> 00:00:18,023 (CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKING) 10 00:00:18,107 --> 00:00:21,485 Daniel, it is my honour to inform you that you have been awarded 11 00:00:21,568 --> 00:00:25,239 this year's Davenport Prize for exploration in science. 12 00:00:25,322 --> 00:00:28,534 -(APPLAUSE) -Doc, I swear, I knew nothing about this. 13 00:00:28,617 --> 00:00:30,244 And, as I'm sure you are aware, 14 00:00:30,327 --> 00:00:34,957 this award is not just about the laurels you bring to yourself and the university, 15 00:00:35,040 --> 00:00:39,878 it's also about the $50,000 cheque that goes along with it. 16 00:00:40,796 --> 00:00:41,839 To Daniel Pierce. 17 00:00:41,922 --> 00:00:44,174 (CHEERS AND APPLAUSE) 18 00:00:45,592 --> 00:00:46,885 (CORK POPS) 19 00:00:46,969 --> 00:00:48,804 (CAMERA SHUTTERS CLICKING) 20 00:00:49,680 --> 00:00:56,103 (DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYS) 21 00:00:59,565 --> 00:01:01,900 -Daniel. -How could you blindside me like that? 22 00:01:01,984 --> 00:01:04,611 You are making me look bad in front of the chancellor. 23 00:01:05,863 --> 00:01:08,615 The man put you up for this prize, for goodness' sakes. 24 00:01:09,450 --> 00:01:11,410 Just one handshake, that's all I'm asking. 25 00:01:11,493 --> 00:01:12,536 Kate. 26 00:01:13,370 --> 00:01:15,456 Please tell me you're here about a case. 27 00:01:15,539 --> 00:01:16,582 Yes, I am, but this... 28 00:01:16,665 --> 00:01:19,543 Ms Moretti, I agreed to allow Daniel to consult with the FBI 29 00:01:19,626 --> 00:01:22,046 so long as it didn't interfere with his academic duties. 30 00:01:22,129 --> 00:01:24,089 And right now, you are interfering with... 31 00:01:24,173 --> 00:01:25,632 Actually, I'm here to talk to you. 32 00:01:27,384 --> 00:01:28,886 -To me? -Yeah, listen, 33 00:01:28,969 --> 00:01:32,139 a jogger was found shot in the back in the National Forest Preserve. 34 00:01:32,222 --> 00:01:33,724 We're having trouble making an ID. 35 00:01:33,807 --> 00:01:35,934 There's no wallet on him, no match on the fingerprints. 36 00:01:36,060 --> 00:01:37,186 What has this got to do with him? 37 00:01:37,644 --> 00:01:39,897 All we've got to go on are some tattoos on the body 38 00:01:39,980 --> 00:01:41,482 which appear to be religious in nature, 39 00:01:41,607 --> 00:01:44,568 and Dean Haley's course on spiritual iconography 40 00:01:44,651 --> 00:01:47,404 was one of the best classes I ever took. 41 00:01:47,488 --> 00:01:48,739 I'm flattered you remember. 42 00:01:49,031 --> 00:01:51,575 Anyhow, I'm hoping you could take a look at the tattoos, 43 00:01:51,658 --> 00:01:53,118 let me know if there's anything about them 44 00:01:53,202 --> 00:01:54,495 that could help me ID the victim. 45 00:01:55,162 --> 00:01:57,581 I confess I've always been something of an armchair detective. 46 00:01:57,664 --> 00:02:00,209 Paul, you couldn't possibly. The chancellor. 47 00:02:00,334 --> 00:02:03,504 I just tell him that it's a murder investigation, right? 48 00:02:03,587 --> 00:02:06,465 Come on, Daniel. You'll need to keep him entertained while I'm gone. 49 00:02:06,548 --> 00:02:07,591 (WHISPERS) Help me. 50 00:02:08,717 --> 00:02:10,219 Dean Haley, 51 00:02:10,302 --> 00:02:13,389 actually, our victim may have suffered some head injuries, 52 00:02:13,472 --> 00:02:16,183 so I do need a brain specialist to review the X-rays. 53 00:02:16,266 --> 00:02:19,144 You couldn't possibly spare Daniel just for an hour? 54 00:02:20,479 --> 00:02:22,815 I'm sure the chancellor will understand. 55 00:02:23,023 --> 00:02:25,359 This is very exciting. 56 00:02:26,276 --> 00:02:27,486 (RETCHING) 57 00:02:28,445 --> 00:02:29,655 (SPITTING) 58 00:02:30,364 --> 00:02:31,990 (SNIFFS) 59 00:02:33,283 --> 00:02:36,245 Probably a little too much bubbly at the reception, I think. 60 00:02:36,703 --> 00:02:39,915 Okay, let's see what we've got here. 61 00:02:40,374 --> 00:02:44,294 Well, the angel appears to draw from Christian influences, 62 00:02:45,337 --> 00:02:47,756 but these eight wings 63 00:02:47,840 --> 00:02:50,926 probably represent the eight arms of Shiva, 64 00:02:51,009 --> 00:02:52,511 the Hindu god of destruction. 65 00:02:52,803 --> 00:02:53,971 Uh... Uh-huh. 66 00:02:54,221 --> 00:02:55,806 Which would make this simian figure 67 00:02:55,889 --> 00:02:58,767 representative of Hanuman, the Hindu monkey god. 68 00:02:58,851 --> 00:03:01,895 And I'd say these numbers represent 69 00:03:02,104 --> 00:03:05,190 the Book of Ruth, chapter one, verse 16. 70 00:03:05,357 --> 00:03:07,526 "Thy people shall be my people." 71 00:03:07,651 --> 00:03:08,694 The words Naomi spoke 72 00:03:08,777 --> 00:03:10,779 when converting to the faith of her mother-in-law. 73 00:03:11,071 --> 00:03:14,158 So, you probably want to make inquiries at a local Hindu temple 74 00:03:14,241 --> 00:03:17,369 frequented by converts from the Judeo-Christian tradition. 75 00:03:17,745 --> 00:03:20,080 You might want to inquire at a local methadone clinic. 76 00:03:20,664 --> 00:03:21,707 Why do you say that? 77 00:03:21,790 --> 00:03:24,001 I think it's a pretty safe bet your victim here was a junkie. 78 00:03:24,084 --> 00:03:26,712 "Monkey on my back," is a common term for heroin addiction. 79 00:03:26,920 --> 00:03:29,631 1:16 is probably a sobriety date, 80 00:03:29,715 --> 00:03:31,759 which a lot of addicts tattoo on their bodies. 81 00:03:31,884 --> 00:03:33,177 If he got sober with the help of methadone, 82 00:03:33,260 --> 00:03:35,345 maybe somebody at a clinic would recognise him. 83 00:03:35,429 --> 00:03:38,599 Of course, I don't want to contradict the expert. 84 00:03:40,476 --> 00:03:41,935 (RETCHES) 85 00:03:49,443 --> 00:03:51,403 KATE: I'm here about your son, Mrs Baker. 86 00:03:51,904 --> 00:03:53,113 What's Jared done now? 87 00:03:53,447 --> 00:03:55,866 Well, he's listed you as his emergency contact 88 00:03:55,949 --> 00:03:58,786 on his intake form at the 7th Street methadone clinic. 89 00:04:00,704 --> 00:04:04,041 Your son's body was found yesterday in the forest preserve. 90 00:04:04,124 --> 00:04:07,753 It appears he was murdered. I'm very sorry. 91 00:04:15,135 --> 00:04:17,304 Thank you for bringing me the news in person. 92 00:04:20,724 --> 00:04:23,519 I always thought I would get a call in the middle of the night. 93 00:04:24,103 --> 00:04:25,854 You were expecting this? 94 00:04:25,938 --> 00:04:27,398 I tried everything. 95 00:04:27,481 --> 00:04:31,443 Therapists, rehab, a clinic in Switzerland. 96 00:04:32,361 --> 00:04:37,157 But when he turned 21 and came into his grandfather's trust, 97 00:04:37,783 --> 00:04:41,370 he had money for all the drugs he could possibly desire. 98 00:04:42,996 --> 00:04:44,665 When was the last time you saw him? 99 00:04:45,791 --> 00:04:47,501 Four months ago, maybe five. 100 00:04:48,210 --> 00:04:49,253 Okay. 101 00:04:49,336 --> 00:04:51,046 And do you know where he was living? 102 00:04:51,839 --> 00:04:53,632 With some kind of religious cult. 103 00:04:53,966 --> 00:04:56,510 It bled him of every last cent he had left. 104 00:04:56,844 --> 00:04:59,680 (VOICE BREAKING) He said he found the voice of God 105 00:04:59,763 --> 00:05:01,640 and was finally getting clean. 106 00:05:05,227 --> 00:05:07,813 Some good the voice of God did him. 107 00:05:09,231 --> 00:05:10,691 KATE: It's called Haven House. 108 00:05:11,775 --> 00:05:12,985 Looks like some sort of commune. 109 00:05:13,485 --> 00:05:16,864 It's all centered around this kid, Kyle Jensen. 110 00:05:17,030 --> 00:05:19,074 Sixteen years old. 111 00:05:19,450 --> 00:05:20,784 They say he talks directly to God. 112 00:05:21,535 --> 00:05:23,871 And your victim gave all his money to this wacko cult? 113 00:05:23,954 --> 00:05:26,749 -Almost $500,000. -What? 114 00:05:26,832 --> 00:05:27,875 That's the way it works. 115 00:05:27,958 --> 00:05:29,835 Everyone who joins gives every dime they have. 116 00:05:30,169 --> 00:05:31,795 (LAUGHS) It's a haven, all right, 117 00:05:31,879 --> 00:05:34,798 for anybody with money in the bank and no brain in their skull. 118 00:05:35,090 --> 00:05:38,177 I swear, it staggers me. 119 00:05:38,385 --> 00:05:39,803 Millennium after millennium, 120 00:05:39,887 --> 00:05:42,056 no matter how many of these charlatans are unmasked, 121 00:05:42,139 --> 00:05:43,766 people keep shoveling gold into the pockets 122 00:05:43,849 --> 00:05:45,017 of the next crook who claims to speak 123 00:05:45,100 --> 00:05:48,228 in the name of some nonexistent Santa Claus in the sky. 124 00:05:48,312 --> 00:05:50,606 -It's unbelievable. -I thought you'd be interested. 125 00:05:51,023 --> 00:05:52,107 Do you want to tag along? 126 00:05:52,191 --> 00:05:53,400 Try and stop me. 127 00:06:06,121 --> 00:06:07,164 (ALARM CHIRPS) 128 00:06:07,706 --> 00:06:10,000 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS) 129 00:06:11,210 --> 00:06:14,213 Hi. Are you here for Kyle? 130 00:06:14,421 --> 00:06:16,507 He'll be talking to everybody in just a couple of minutes. 131 00:06:16,590 --> 00:06:17,925 We're with the FBI. 132 00:06:18,175 --> 00:06:20,469 The FBI? Is there something wrong? 133 00:06:20,594 --> 00:06:22,679 We'd like to talk to whoever's in charge. 134 00:06:23,055 --> 00:06:25,391 Well, nobody's really in charge. 135 00:06:25,474 --> 00:06:28,185 This is Tom and Sandy's house, but they're in with Kyle right now. 136 00:06:28,894 --> 00:06:30,562 Could this wait till he's finished? 137 00:06:30,646 --> 00:06:32,689 He really likes to tell us what God said to him 138 00:06:32,773 --> 00:06:34,233 while it's still fresh in his head. 139 00:06:34,983 --> 00:06:38,070 Any chance we could listen to the word of God while we wait? 140 00:06:38,278 --> 00:06:39,696 Everyone is welcome. 141 00:06:42,032 --> 00:06:44,952 Behave yourself, Daniel. 142 00:06:45,035 --> 00:06:47,788 TOM: It's wonderful to see all of you here. 143 00:06:47,913 --> 00:06:49,415 So many new faces here today. 144 00:06:49,498 --> 00:06:52,668 I'm Tom Shelby, and this is my wife, Sandy. 145 00:06:53,127 --> 00:06:54,628 Hi, everybody. 146 00:06:54,795 --> 00:06:57,756 And these are the two boys I was lucky enough 147 00:06:57,840 --> 00:06:59,883 to get in the package deal when I married her. 148 00:06:59,967 --> 00:07:02,636 -(LAUGHTER) -Greg and Kyle. 149 00:07:03,095 --> 00:07:05,389 Now, as much as I'd like to believe otherwise, 150 00:07:05,472 --> 00:07:07,599 I know you didn't come to hear me flap my jaw, 151 00:07:07,683 --> 00:07:11,395 so I'm gonna shut up and turn the floor over to Kyle. 152 00:07:11,729 --> 00:07:13,355 (APPLAUSE) 153 00:07:16,734 --> 00:07:18,485 Thanks, Tom. 154 00:07:19,737 --> 00:07:20,946 God picks the craziest times 155 00:07:21,029 --> 00:07:23,240 to tap me on the shoulder and start talking. 156 00:07:23,574 --> 00:07:24,825 Today, it was while I was doing the dishes, 157 00:07:24,908 --> 00:07:26,285 and I want to apologise to my mom 158 00:07:26,368 --> 00:07:28,078 for the pitcher I dropped when I checked out. 159 00:07:28,162 --> 00:07:30,164 (LAUGHTER) 160 00:07:30,664 --> 00:07:33,208 Today, God talked to me about doubt 161 00:07:33,625 --> 00:07:36,545 and how important it is for us not to be scared of it. 162 00:07:36,795 --> 00:07:38,547 He said he gave us doubt so that we'd always 163 00:07:38,630 --> 00:07:41,425 be trying to figure out how things really work 164 00:07:41,508 --> 00:07:42,926 and how we can make them better. 165 00:07:43,927 --> 00:07:47,181 Now, there are people in this room who have no doubt, 166 00:07:47,431 --> 00:07:49,516 and that is a beautiful thing. 167 00:07:49,892 --> 00:07:51,477 But God also talked to me 168 00:07:51,560 --> 00:07:54,104 about how being too sure of anything can be dangerous. 169 00:07:55,814 --> 00:07:59,234 And there is somebody here who has only doubt. 170 00:08:00,027 --> 00:08:02,154 Who doesn't believe at all. 171 00:08:06,700 --> 00:08:09,036 But I'm really glad he's here. 172 00:08:21,382 --> 00:08:22,466 (SANDY SIGHS) 173 00:08:22,549 --> 00:08:25,511 Jared was such a beautiful person. 174 00:08:25,719 --> 00:08:27,304 When was the last time you saw him? 175 00:08:28,097 --> 00:08:30,641 About 6:00 just yesterday morning. 176 00:08:30,724 --> 00:08:32,559 He went out on his jog. 177 00:08:32,893 --> 00:08:35,687 And you didn't wonder why he didn't come home last night? 178 00:08:35,813 --> 00:08:37,564 No. Everybody here is free to come and go. 179 00:08:38,232 --> 00:08:40,651 -Okay. -NIKKI: I was worried, actually. 180 00:08:40,734 --> 00:08:42,945 He said he'd been seeing his old friends from K-Town, 181 00:08:43,028 --> 00:08:44,113 where he used to score. 182 00:08:44,655 --> 00:08:47,366 I was scared that he might be going back to drugs. 183 00:08:48,409 --> 00:08:50,911 Did he mention any of these old friends by name? 184 00:08:52,121 --> 00:08:53,914 -No. -Shane. 185 00:08:53,997 --> 00:08:55,040 -Who? -(SIGHS) 186 00:08:55,124 --> 00:08:57,960 Shane Flannery. (CLEARS THROAT) He used to live here. 187 00:08:58,502 --> 00:09:00,421 Well, turned out, he was kind of a fanatic. 188 00:09:01,338 --> 00:09:03,757 He didn't think we were doing enough to protect Kyle. 189 00:09:03,841 --> 00:09:06,593 He thought we were letting in the scum of the earth, 190 00:09:06,677 --> 00:09:09,221 addicts and prostitutes and all kinds of sinners. 191 00:09:09,304 --> 00:09:11,140 That's who comes in need of God's healing. 192 00:09:11,223 --> 00:09:13,267 Shane threatened to burn us all alive in the house. 193 00:09:13,767 --> 00:09:16,645 Jared asked him to leave, and when he refused, 194 00:09:16,854 --> 00:09:17,896 Jared threw him out. 195 00:09:17,980 --> 00:09:19,022 Yeah, and when he left, 196 00:09:19,106 --> 00:09:21,650 he was ranting about Jared paying for his sins. 197 00:09:22,276 --> 00:09:24,403 Okay. Well, we'll certainly look into it. 198 00:09:24,486 --> 00:09:26,780 Jared Baker signed over his entire trust fund to you. 199 00:09:27,030 --> 00:09:28,198 Half a million dollars. 200 00:09:28,949 --> 00:09:30,159 What'd you do with the money? 201 00:09:30,284 --> 00:09:32,119 Everything we take in goes to the shelter, 202 00:09:32,202 --> 00:09:34,747 the food bank, or the school in Afghanistan. 203 00:09:34,830 --> 00:09:37,458 Did Jared ever question how you were spending his inheritance? 204 00:09:37,833 --> 00:09:39,376 (STAMMERS) I don't know what you're insinuating. 205 00:09:39,460 --> 00:09:41,045 If you're implying that we had something to do with... 206 00:09:41,128 --> 00:09:42,588 Tom, it's okay. 207 00:09:44,548 --> 00:09:46,508 People give us their money because of the first thing 208 00:09:46,592 --> 00:09:47,801 God ever said to me, 209 00:09:48,594 --> 00:09:51,638 "I only ask for one thing, everything. 210 00:09:52,681 --> 00:09:54,808 "But in exchange, I give everything." 211 00:09:55,851 --> 00:09:57,186 NIKKI: I came here with nothing, 212 00:09:57,478 --> 00:09:59,396 just a coke habit and a lot of fear, 213 00:09:59,480 --> 00:10:02,649 and these people took me in like a daughter. 214 00:10:02,733 --> 00:10:04,735 And God kept his promise. 215 00:10:04,943 --> 00:10:06,987 He gave me everything. 216 00:10:07,488 --> 00:10:09,782 Even the man that I'm going to marry. 217 00:10:10,699 --> 00:10:12,159 TOM: You need to find Shane Flannery. 218 00:10:12,493 --> 00:10:15,496 If he did kill Jared Baker, he might kill somebody else. 219 00:10:21,543 --> 00:10:23,837 KATE: Yes. Shane Flannery. 220 00:10:24,254 --> 00:10:28,425 I'm e-mailing a photo and a description. I want every man on it we can spare. 221 00:10:28,592 --> 00:10:29,843 -Great. -(CELLPHONE BEEPS) 222 00:10:29,927 --> 00:10:32,304 I'm gonna stick around. I want to talk to Kyle. 223 00:10:32,513 --> 00:10:33,931 About what? 224 00:10:34,807 --> 00:10:37,017 I'm just curious about something. 225 00:10:40,479 --> 00:10:41,688 Kyle? 226 00:10:42,439 --> 00:10:43,482 Do you have a minute? 227 00:10:44,691 --> 00:10:46,151 Sure. 228 00:10:49,405 --> 00:10:51,782 How did you know that I was a non-believer? 229 00:10:51,865 --> 00:10:53,784 Did God tell you that? 230 00:10:53,867 --> 00:10:55,035 (CHUCKLES) 231 00:10:56,120 --> 00:10:57,538 I could just see it in your face. 232 00:10:58,580 --> 00:11:01,375 It takes work not to believe in God, and the effort shows. 233 00:11:01,542 --> 00:11:04,712 I think it takes a lot more effort to believe in something you can't see. 234 00:11:04,962 --> 00:11:06,046 Are you kidding? 235 00:11:12,261 --> 00:11:14,555 How could anybody look at something so perfect 236 00:11:14,680 --> 00:11:16,181 and beautiful and delicious 237 00:11:16,265 --> 00:11:18,183 and think that it got that way by accident? 238 00:11:18,434 --> 00:11:20,436 Well, there's a scientific answer to that, Kyle. 239 00:11:20,519 --> 00:11:23,439 Earlier versions of the raspberry weren't so beautiful and delicious, 240 00:11:23,522 --> 00:11:26,150 so they couldn't attract enough birds to spread their seeds around. 241 00:11:26,233 --> 00:11:28,068 I know how evolution works. 242 00:11:28,694 --> 00:11:29,737 I love Darwin. 243 00:11:30,571 --> 00:11:33,240 He was the first person in history to look behind the curtain 244 00:11:33,323 --> 00:11:35,409 and see how God actually makes it all work. 245 00:11:37,327 --> 00:11:41,165 When did God first start talking to you? 246 00:11:41,749 --> 00:11:43,167 (CHUCKLES) 247 00:11:43,250 --> 00:11:44,710 When I was 12. 248 00:11:44,793 --> 00:11:46,086 But you're not fooling me. 249 00:11:46,211 --> 00:11:49,423 I know you think I'm either totally full of it or just plain crazy. 250 00:11:49,590 --> 00:11:51,300 And so did my parents, at first. 251 00:11:52,426 --> 00:11:55,929 What does it feel like when you're hearing God's voice? 252 00:11:58,390 --> 00:11:59,767 It's beautiful. 253 00:12:00,934 --> 00:12:02,561 Everything kind of disappears. 254 00:12:03,020 --> 00:12:05,439 It's like I'm asleep and awake at the same time. 255 00:12:05,939 --> 00:12:07,858 Do you get headaches when that happens? 256 00:12:07,941 --> 00:12:08,984 Feel nauseated? 257 00:12:09,109 --> 00:12:10,152 Yeah. How did you know? 258 00:12:11,236 --> 00:12:12,613 Just a hunch. 259 00:12:13,447 --> 00:12:15,991 Well, anyway, it's totally worth it 260 00:12:16,075 --> 00:12:19,620 'cause I also get this amazing, like, euphoria. 261 00:12:21,497 --> 00:12:25,042 Headaches, nausea, euphoria, voices, 262 00:12:25,125 --> 00:12:28,420 these are classic symptoms of temporal lobe epilepsy, 263 00:12:28,629 --> 00:12:30,172 which could be caused by a tumor. 264 00:12:30,255 --> 00:12:33,050 I don't understand. He has a check-up every year, 265 00:12:33,133 --> 00:12:34,635 and his doctor has never said anything. 266 00:12:34,760 --> 00:12:36,303 Did you ever take him to a neurologist? 267 00:12:36,762 --> 00:12:38,639 There was no reason to. He's in perfect health. 268 00:12:38,722 --> 00:12:40,808 I'm sorry, but he's not. 269 00:12:41,058 --> 00:12:43,936 This kind of tumor can also press on neighbouring areas of the brain. 270 00:12:44,019 --> 00:12:46,397 It can be life-threatening if it's not treated, 271 00:12:46,480 --> 00:12:48,816 or Kyle could have a seizure while he's driving. 272 00:12:48,899 --> 00:12:50,275 I'd like to bring him in for some tests. 273 00:12:50,359 --> 00:12:52,152 And if they show what I think they'll show, 274 00:12:52,236 --> 00:12:53,487 he may need surgery. 275 00:12:53,946 --> 00:12:55,823 Well, I could bring him in tomorrow when... 276 00:12:55,906 --> 00:12:56,949 KYLE: Mom, wait. 277 00:12:57,950 --> 00:13:01,078 Are you saying this condition is what's making me hear God's voice? 278 00:13:01,829 --> 00:13:03,288 It's not God, Kyle. 279 00:13:03,372 --> 00:13:05,290 It's a neurological abnormality. 280 00:13:05,416 --> 00:13:07,459 Well, if it is, God must have given it to me 281 00:13:07,668 --> 00:13:10,003 so he could have a way to talk to me. I'm not getting rid of it. 282 00:13:11,004 --> 00:13:12,840 This could be a fatal condition. 283 00:13:12,923 --> 00:13:14,341 Being alive is a fatal condition. 284 00:13:14,550 --> 00:13:16,343 -Kyle. -I'm not doing it, Mom. 285 00:13:16,593 --> 00:13:19,638 Mrs Shelby, I understand Kyle's commitment to his beliefs, 286 00:13:19,722 --> 00:13:22,850 but he is still a minor. You can compel him to get treatment. 287 00:13:23,183 --> 00:13:25,436 Dr Pierce, we'll discuss what you've said. 288 00:13:25,519 --> 00:13:26,812 We'll talk to Kyle about it. 289 00:13:26,895 --> 00:13:29,481 But we are not gonna force him to do anything against his will. 290 00:13:43,036 --> 00:13:44,079 DANIEL: This is child abuse. 291 00:13:44,246 --> 00:13:45,622 They're not forcing him to get tested 292 00:13:45,706 --> 00:13:48,459 because they don't want the goose to stop laying the golden eggs. 293 00:13:48,542 --> 00:13:49,960 (CHUCKLING) It's what I've always said, religion. 294 00:13:50,044 --> 00:13:52,463 And, you know, if it's not about blood or oppression, 295 00:13:52,546 --> 00:13:54,131 it's about money in the bank. 296 00:13:54,214 --> 00:13:58,844 That is a gross generalisation, not to mention totally offensive. 297 00:13:58,927 --> 00:14:02,306 I mean, what about the Dalai Lama or Martin Luther King? 298 00:14:02,389 --> 00:14:05,559 Or the Inquisition or 9/11 or Giordano Bruno? 299 00:14:05,642 --> 00:14:06,685 Who? 300 00:14:06,769 --> 00:14:08,187 They didn't teach you about him in Sunday school? 301 00:14:08,270 --> 00:14:11,732 1592, Giordano Bruno makes the wild, satanic claim 302 00:14:11,815 --> 00:14:13,734 that the Earth revolves around the Sun. 303 00:14:13,817 --> 00:14:15,486 So the holy fathers pray to God 304 00:14:15,569 --> 00:14:17,780 and are told that this wicked man must die. 305 00:14:17,863 --> 00:14:19,823 They clamp his tongue to the roof of his mouth, 306 00:14:19,907 --> 00:14:20,949 and they burn him alive, 307 00:14:21,033 --> 00:14:22,367 which must have been the right thing to do 308 00:14:22,451 --> 00:14:23,911 'cause God told them to do it. 309 00:14:24,078 --> 00:14:26,163 Look, yes, that is a horrible story, 310 00:14:26,246 --> 00:14:28,290 but Haven House isn't burning people alive. 311 00:14:28,874 --> 00:14:32,002 You made a snap diagnosis after talking to that kid for five minutes. 312 00:14:32,086 --> 00:14:35,339 You don't think that that might be your prejudice against religion talking? 313 00:14:35,422 --> 00:14:37,508 I didn't make the condition up. 314 00:14:37,591 --> 00:14:39,259 -It's what Joan of Arc had. -What? 315 00:14:39,343 --> 00:14:41,553 Joan of Arc had temporal lobe epilepsy. 316 00:14:41,637 --> 00:14:43,847 It's why she thought that angels were talking to her. 317 00:14:43,931 --> 00:14:45,808 Did you examine her, too? 318 00:14:45,891 --> 00:14:47,768 It's the conclusion of medical historians 319 00:14:47,851 --> 00:14:49,937 based on her description of her own experience. 320 00:14:50,020 --> 00:14:51,146 And we all know what happened to her. 321 00:14:51,230 --> 00:14:54,691 Yes. She became a great leader. She liberated France. 322 00:14:54,775 --> 00:14:57,319 She was burned at the stake at age 19. 323 00:14:57,403 --> 00:15:00,280 She was a deluded girl whose illness led to her disaster. 324 00:15:00,614 --> 00:15:01,949 She was a hero. 325 00:15:02,032 --> 00:15:05,035 At a time when women had less power than farm animals, 326 00:15:05,119 --> 00:15:06,328 she led an army. 327 00:15:06,745 --> 00:15:08,414 I used to carry her medal when I was a kid, 328 00:15:08,497 --> 00:15:10,791 and I still light candles in church for her on Sunday. 329 00:15:10,916 --> 00:15:13,210 -You still go to church? -Yes, Daniel, I do. 330 00:15:13,293 --> 00:15:15,295 And I pray, too, if you want to know. 331 00:15:15,379 --> 00:15:16,422 Why? 332 00:15:16,505 --> 00:15:18,132 Because I believe in God. 333 00:15:18,215 --> 00:15:20,467 It comforts me to talk to him about my problems. 334 00:15:20,551 --> 00:15:22,886 And does he answer you back like he does with Kyle? 335 00:15:22,970 --> 00:15:24,054 Okay. You know what? 336 00:15:24,138 --> 00:15:26,640 I do not have time to get into a theological debate with you. 337 00:15:26,724 --> 00:15:28,225 I need to find Shane Flannery. 338 00:15:28,308 --> 00:15:31,979 Which is exactly what our friends at Haven House want you to be doing. 339 00:15:32,062 --> 00:15:35,065 How do you know that Jared Baker didn't just get pissed off one day 340 00:15:35,149 --> 00:15:37,735 that his entire trust fund was going into their pockets, 341 00:15:37,818 --> 00:15:39,695 so he tried to get it back, and they offed him for it? 342 00:15:39,903 --> 00:15:42,197 Because the IRS is all over places like that. 343 00:15:42,281 --> 00:15:43,991 And nothing ever gets past Uncle Sam. 344 00:15:44,450 --> 00:15:46,452 All right, fine, if it would make you feel better, 345 00:15:46,535 --> 00:15:48,328 I will put in a call to the IRS, 346 00:15:48,412 --> 00:15:50,414 but my money is on Shane. 347 00:15:54,918 --> 00:15:56,587 ETHAN: I was exactly where you are, Dr Pierce. 348 00:15:56,670 --> 00:16:00,049 I was positive a place raking in that kind of cash had to be a scam, 349 00:16:00,132 --> 00:16:02,384 but I've been tearing their books apart at the seams for two years, 350 00:16:02,468 --> 00:16:04,094 and I got to tell you, it's legit. 351 00:16:04,178 --> 00:16:06,597 We're talking about millions of dollars. Where is it all going? 352 00:16:06,680 --> 00:16:08,807 Well, about 2% goes to administrative expenses, 353 00:16:08,891 --> 00:16:11,185 which is as low as it gets in nonprofit-land, 354 00:16:11,602 --> 00:16:13,437 and some goes to local charities, 355 00:16:13,520 --> 00:16:15,647 food bank, meals on wheels, shelter. 356 00:16:16,023 --> 00:16:17,608 Biggest chunk goes to the school in Afghanistan. 357 00:16:17,691 --> 00:16:18,984 -(CELLPHONE RINGS) -Moretti. 358 00:16:19,068 --> 00:16:21,737 Isn't it possible they're fooling you? That they're cooking the books? 359 00:16:22,780 --> 00:16:24,615 I'd like to think, after 20 years in this place, 360 00:16:24,698 --> 00:16:26,158 that I'm a pretty hard guy to fool. 361 00:16:26,617 --> 00:16:29,203 -(CELLPHONE BEEPS) -CPD just found our suspect. 362 00:16:30,287 --> 00:16:31,538 Thank you. 363 00:16:32,414 --> 00:16:34,208 KATE: Mr Flannery, 364 00:16:34,291 --> 00:16:36,627 did you threaten to burn down Haven House, 365 00:16:36,710 --> 00:16:38,295 send all its residents to hell? 366 00:16:38,379 --> 00:16:40,381 I spoke the truth. 367 00:16:40,506 --> 00:16:43,092 I said that God would bring the fire of his vengeance 368 00:16:43,175 --> 00:16:44,551 down on that house. 369 00:16:44,635 --> 00:16:47,888 Did you specifically threaten to kill Jared Baker? 370 00:16:48,222 --> 00:16:51,183 It was God who delivered his judgement on that heretic. 371 00:16:51,308 --> 00:16:53,310 Okay. Where were you last Tuesday morning? 372 00:16:53,519 --> 00:16:55,729 Across the street from Haven House, guarding the Chosen One. 373 00:16:55,813 --> 00:16:56,855 I was there all night. 374 00:16:56,939 --> 00:16:58,232 Can anyone verify that? 375 00:16:58,565 --> 00:17:01,610 Only God, who will purify all the sinners in that house 376 00:17:01,735 --> 00:17:03,695 with the fires of his vengeance... 377 00:17:04,696 --> 00:17:07,241 Starting with those who trample on the seventh commandment. 378 00:17:08,075 --> 00:17:10,160 Okay, I'm a little rusty on my commandments, 379 00:17:10,244 --> 00:17:12,246 but I think I remember which one the seventh is. 380 00:17:12,329 --> 00:17:14,790 Now, who in the house was committing adultery? 381 00:17:14,873 --> 00:17:16,333 That lying whore, Nikki. 382 00:17:17,459 --> 00:17:19,128 She's engaged to Kyle's brother, 383 00:17:19,420 --> 00:17:22,423 so why was she rutting like a sow with the dead man? 384 00:17:23,424 --> 00:17:28,220 Okay, so, you're saying Nikki was rutting like a sow with Jared Baker? 385 00:17:28,846 --> 00:17:30,180 It was after midnight. 386 00:17:30,264 --> 00:17:32,266 I saw the light go on in his window. 387 00:17:32,599 --> 00:17:35,644 She came into his room and took him in her arms. 388 00:17:35,936 --> 00:17:38,522 Maybe Kyle's brother saw what I saw. 389 00:17:38,772 --> 00:17:41,900 Maybe God entrusted him with the fire of his vengeance. 390 00:17:42,276 --> 00:17:44,528 (FRENCH ACCENT) He is not the killer. 391 00:17:47,322 --> 00:17:50,409 Have you ever met a holy warrior who shot his victim in the back? 392 00:17:50,659 --> 00:17:53,078 Normally, they burn their victims, or crucify them 393 00:17:53,162 --> 00:17:55,122 or ritually drain their blood. 394 00:17:56,290 --> 00:17:57,958 She's chasing the wrong cat. 395 00:17:59,293 --> 00:18:01,587 I was sent to help you catch the right one. 396 00:18:02,629 --> 00:18:04,465 What do you mean, "sent"? Who sent you? 397 00:18:05,090 --> 00:18:06,383 God, of course. 398 00:18:08,969 --> 00:18:10,846 Messenger of God. 399 00:18:11,263 --> 00:18:12,598 French accent. 400 00:18:12,973 --> 00:18:14,808 Late medieval, homespun tunic. 401 00:18:15,642 --> 00:18:16,727 Great. 402 00:18:17,436 --> 00:18:19,229 I'm hallucinating Joan of Arc. 403 00:18:19,563 --> 00:18:20,981 Enchantée. 404 00:18:27,488 --> 00:18:29,239 Evil is in the eye of the beholder, 405 00:18:29,323 --> 00:18:31,867 especially if that beholder is Shane Flannery. 406 00:18:31,950 --> 00:18:34,369 So, you admit that you were in Jared's room that night? 407 00:18:34,995 --> 00:18:37,998 Yes, but not for anything sinful. 408 00:18:38,082 --> 00:18:39,208 Jared needed my help. 409 00:18:39,458 --> 00:18:40,501 At 2:00 in the morning? 410 00:18:40,876 --> 00:18:44,463 My room is right next door to his. I woke up. I heard him crying. 411 00:18:44,546 --> 00:18:46,548 I was worried, so I went and knocked on his door. 412 00:18:46,673 --> 00:18:49,676 Do you think that your fiancé might have seen you knock on his door? 413 00:18:49,760 --> 00:18:52,471 No. Greg's room is downstairs in the back. 414 00:18:53,180 --> 00:18:54,973 Jared was in a terrible state. 415 00:18:55,265 --> 00:18:57,935 He told me he had been seeing his friends in K-Town 416 00:18:58,018 --> 00:18:59,728 and that he was worried he might slip. 417 00:19:00,521 --> 00:19:03,357 So we prayed together. I held him. 418 00:19:03,440 --> 00:19:05,984 He read that the wrong way and made a pass at me. 419 00:19:06,068 --> 00:19:09,029 I told him I would never betray Greg, and I went back to my room. 420 00:19:09,947 --> 00:19:11,740 Why didn't you tell us any of this before? 421 00:19:12,282 --> 00:19:14,618 I told you that I thought Jared was having a rough time. 422 00:19:14,701 --> 00:19:18,705 I didn't tell you the rest because Greg loved Jared. 423 00:19:19,248 --> 00:19:21,792 It would have only upset him, and for what? 424 00:19:27,673 --> 00:19:30,259 Hey. I heard you guys were back. 425 00:19:30,509 --> 00:19:31,885 -Did you find Shane? -KATE: Yes. 426 00:19:32,010 --> 00:19:33,762 -But we don't think he did it. -Daniel. 427 00:19:35,723 --> 00:19:38,267 We're not really supposed to discuss an open investigation. 428 00:19:39,768 --> 00:19:41,687 Well, what were you talking to Nikki about? 429 00:19:41,812 --> 00:19:43,188 Does she know something? 430 00:19:43,272 --> 00:19:44,398 Kyle, I... 431 00:19:44,898 --> 00:19:46,191 Okay. 432 00:19:47,276 --> 00:19:49,194 Dr Pierce, can I talk to you for a minute? 433 00:19:49,486 --> 00:19:50,571 Not about the case. 434 00:19:51,739 --> 00:19:53,073 I'll be in the car. 435 00:19:55,367 --> 00:19:56,744 What's on your mind? 436 00:20:01,165 --> 00:20:04,752 A while ago, God told me I wasn't gonna be alive for very long. 437 00:20:07,421 --> 00:20:09,089 I guess he's saying the same thing you are. 438 00:20:09,465 --> 00:20:11,967 You know I don't believe in God, Kyle. 439 00:20:12,051 --> 00:20:14,428 But if a gut instinct is telling you you're not well, 440 00:20:14,511 --> 00:20:16,597 you should listen to it and get treatment. 441 00:20:17,389 --> 00:20:18,724 I'm not doing that. 442 00:20:19,475 --> 00:20:22,311 I just want to know how long I have so I can, 443 00:20:23,270 --> 00:20:24,772 you know, make plans. 444 00:20:25,481 --> 00:20:26,940 Your condition isn't always fatal. 445 00:20:28,108 --> 00:20:30,402 And there's no way to predict 446 00:20:30,486 --> 00:20:33,280 how long it'll take any illness to cause someone's death. 447 00:20:33,697 --> 00:20:35,657 So, science doesn't have all the answers? 448 00:20:36,825 --> 00:20:38,118 I suppose not. 449 00:20:39,286 --> 00:20:40,704 That's okay. 450 00:20:41,038 --> 00:20:42,706 Neither does God. 451 00:20:43,248 --> 00:20:44,583 He spends most of his time trying to figure out 452 00:20:44,666 --> 00:20:46,585 why we do the crazy things we do. 453 00:20:47,336 --> 00:20:50,005 That's why he made brain scientists like you 454 00:20:50,172 --> 00:20:51,882 to help him figure it all out. 455 00:20:52,007 --> 00:20:53,175 -(CHUCKLES) -Hey. Sorry to interrupt. 456 00:20:53,258 --> 00:20:54,343 I need to get back to the office. 457 00:20:54,843 --> 00:20:56,261 What's going on? 458 00:20:56,804 --> 00:20:58,889 CPD found a witness in K-Town 459 00:20:58,972 --> 00:21:01,642 who said they saw a guy roughing up Jared Baker a few days ago. 460 00:21:01,725 --> 00:21:03,435 We're looking for him now. 461 00:21:03,519 --> 00:21:04,895 Listen. 462 00:21:05,354 --> 00:21:09,942 Call me anytime to talk about your health or just to talk. 463 00:21:10,150 --> 00:21:12,444 Thanks. I'll do that. 464 00:21:12,861 --> 00:21:14,822 (PIANO MUSIC PLAYING) 465 00:21:14,905 --> 00:21:17,241 DANIEL: How could such an intelligent, level-headed kid 466 00:21:17,324 --> 00:21:19,451 be so medieval at heart? 467 00:21:19,535 --> 00:21:21,453 Not to mention Kate. 468 00:21:21,537 --> 00:21:26,125 Daniel, that man whose music you're playing was a devout believer. 469 00:21:26,208 --> 00:21:29,712 Bach lived 300 years ago. Science was in the cradle. 470 00:21:29,795 --> 00:21:32,214 Isn't science just another kind of faith 471 00:21:32,297 --> 00:21:34,675 with its own scriptures and its own dogmas? 472 00:21:34,758 --> 00:21:36,093 -(MUSIC STOPS) -Science is based on fact. 473 00:21:36,218 --> 00:21:38,721 It must be exhausting to be so cynical all the time. 474 00:21:39,930 --> 00:21:42,307 It's not cynicism, it's reality. 475 00:21:42,391 --> 00:21:45,519 And, of course, we all know what a firm grip you have on reality. 476 00:21:45,686 --> 00:21:46,895 That's very funny. 477 00:21:46,979 --> 00:21:49,064 I think you're jealous of people with faith. 478 00:21:49,148 --> 00:21:51,191 You wish you could find that kind of solace and comfort. 479 00:21:51,275 --> 00:21:52,568 (MUSIC RESUMES) 480 00:21:52,943 --> 00:21:54,153 -(OFF-KEY CHORD PLAYS) -Listen to that treble. 481 00:21:54,236 --> 00:21:57,948 -(TELEPHONE RINGS) -Like a chicken screaming for its life. 482 00:21:58,115 --> 00:22:01,785 I've seen you looking longingly at a satin-finish ebony grand 483 00:22:01,869 --> 00:22:03,787 in the Steinway showroom downtown. 484 00:22:03,871 --> 00:22:06,415 Yeah, well, that particular satin-finish ebony grand 485 00:22:06,498 --> 00:22:08,125 costs as much as most cars. 486 00:22:08,208 --> 00:22:11,170 Daniel, you just got a cheque for $50,000. 487 00:22:11,253 --> 00:22:13,172 You can buy anything you want with it. 488 00:22:14,006 --> 00:22:16,050 That would be an insane indulgence. 489 00:22:16,133 --> 00:22:17,718 You've done crazier things. 490 00:22:19,011 --> 00:22:20,304 You really think I should buy it? 491 00:22:20,763 --> 00:22:23,265 Hey, Doc. Kyle Jensen's mother is on the phone. 492 00:22:23,348 --> 00:22:24,933 She sounds pretty upset. 493 00:22:28,062 --> 00:22:29,938 SANDY: (VOICE BREAKING) Kyle runs up and down those stairs 494 00:22:30,022 --> 00:22:31,065 20 times a day. 495 00:22:31,148 --> 00:22:33,442 He must have gone into one of his trances and fallen. 496 00:22:33,525 --> 00:22:35,944 (SIGHS) Why would God choose a moment like that? 497 00:22:36,945 --> 00:22:38,113 DOCTOR: Mr and Mrs Shelby, 498 00:22:38,947 --> 00:22:41,533 Kyle suffered a major head trauma in the fall, 499 00:22:41,617 --> 00:22:43,035 causing his brain to bleed. 500 00:22:43,452 --> 00:22:45,245 In a way, the fall may have been fortunate, 501 00:22:45,329 --> 00:22:46,705 because the scan revealed something 502 00:22:46,789 --> 00:22:49,041 we might not have caught until it was too late. 503 00:22:49,917 --> 00:22:53,504 Kyle has an invasive tumor in his left temporal lobe. 504 00:22:54,171 --> 00:22:55,798 It's possible the fall dislodged it, 505 00:22:56,090 --> 00:22:57,925 which is what's causing the severe bleeding. 506 00:22:59,551 --> 00:23:01,053 -Lord in heaven. -(SIGHS) 507 00:23:01,136 --> 00:23:02,846 That's what you told us yesterday. 508 00:23:02,930 --> 00:23:06,266 We should have listened to you. We should have brought him in for tests. 509 00:23:06,350 --> 00:23:07,976 I need to operate immediately 510 00:23:08,060 --> 00:23:09,561 to relieve the pressure from the bleeding. 511 00:23:10,020 --> 00:23:12,147 If we can remove the tumor, we will. 512 00:23:12,314 --> 00:23:14,274 Kyle made it clear that he didn't want to do anything 513 00:23:14,358 --> 00:23:15,984 that might cut him off from God. 514 00:23:16,068 --> 00:23:18,987 You can't leave a dislodged tumor inside your son's brain. 515 00:23:19,071 --> 00:23:20,906 I'm just thinking of what Kyle would want. 516 00:23:20,989 --> 00:23:22,157 You might as well shoot him in the head. 517 00:23:22,241 --> 00:23:23,283 Daniel. 518 00:23:23,367 --> 00:23:24,660 SANDY: Dr Pierce is right. 519 00:23:25,411 --> 00:23:28,497 (CRYING) I know Kyle may be angry with me, 520 00:23:30,290 --> 00:23:32,626 but I am not going to lose my son. 521 00:23:32,960 --> 00:23:34,169 We'll prep him for surgery. 522 00:23:36,672 --> 00:23:38,090 Doctor, did... 523 00:23:38,173 --> 00:23:40,801 Did Kyle have elevated prolactin levels when he came in? 524 00:23:41,176 --> 00:23:44,179 No. They were normal, but I need to get started, so... 525 00:23:44,722 --> 00:23:45,764 What was that about? 526 00:23:46,557 --> 00:23:48,934 Elevated prolactin would mean that Kyle had a seizure 527 00:23:49,017 --> 00:23:50,936 in the last couple of hours, but he didn't. 528 00:23:51,145 --> 00:23:53,439 So he didn't fall because he went into a trance. 529 00:23:53,689 --> 00:23:55,691 Maybe he figured out who killed Jared. 530 00:23:55,899 --> 00:23:57,359 And someone pushed him. 531 00:24:07,786 --> 00:24:10,038 KATE: Did any of you see Kyle fall? 532 00:24:10,581 --> 00:24:12,958 I was in the den reading and... 533 00:24:13,041 --> 00:24:15,502 And heard a crash and ran into the foyer. 534 00:24:15,586 --> 00:24:18,630 Jake and Tina came to my room and told me what happened. 535 00:24:18,714 --> 00:24:22,259 I was making dinner, and I heard Tom yell for help. 536 00:24:22,342 --> 00:24:25,012 When I saw him on the ground, all that blood... 537 00:24:25,095 --> 00:24:26,805 -(CELLPHONE RINGS) -Excuse me. 538 00:24:26,889 --> 00:24:28,140 Moretti. 539 00:24:28,223 --> 00:24:30,392 Why's she asking all these questions? 540 00:24:30,476 --> 00:24:32,394 Nobody in the house would want to hurt Kyle. 541 00:24:32,644 --> 00:24:33,729 Are you sure about that? 542 00:24:33,896 --> 00:24:35,064 KATE: Daniel. 543 00:24:38,817 --> 00:24:40,527 They found the guy who beat up Jared in K-Town. 544 00:24:40,611 --> 00:24:42,446 -We got to go. -What about Kyle? 545 00:24:42,529 --> 00:24:44,490 Well, the family will call us if there's any news. 546 00:24:44,573 --> 00:24:45,991 No, I mean about protecting him. 547 00:24:46,075 --> 00:24:47,993 Somebody tried to kill him. They may try again. 548 00:24:48,118 --> 00:24:49,495 You got to put a guard on him. 549 00:24:49,578 --> 00:24:51,497 Daniel, I'm not gonna be able to get approval for a guard 550 00:24:51,580 --> 00:24:52,998 on a hospital room 24/7 551 00:24:53,082 --> 00:24:55,376 just because we have an unsubstantiated theory. 552 00:24:55,459 --> 00:24:56,668 (SIGHS) 553 00:24:56,752 --> 00:24:57,836 Well, I'm staying. 554 00:24:59,380 --> 00:25:00,672 All right. 555 00:25:02,591 --> 00:25:04,218 AARON: Are you saying that I killed Jared Baker? 556 00:25:04,676 --> 00:25:07,012 Witnesses saw you two get into a shoving match 557 00:25:07,096 --> 00:25:08,639 a few days before he was murdered. 558 00:25:09,723 --> 00:25:11,433 Look, I do outreach for the VA, 559 00:25:11,517 --> 00:25:13,977 and we get a lot of these vets living on the street around here. 560 00:25:14,061 --> 00:25:16,563 So, yeah, it pisses me off when these jackasses come down 561 00:25:16,647 --> 00:25:18,982 and try to scam these guys out of their SDI checks. 562 00:25:19,775 --> 00:25:21,735 Jared Baker was scamming veterans? 563 00:25:21,902 --> 00:25:23,737 Passing out pamphlets, hawking some church 564 00:25:23,821 --> 00:25:26,323 that's about donating every cent they got. 565 00:25:26,407 --> 00:25:29,118 So I tossed his pamphlets and told him to take his scam elsewhere. 566 00:25:29,284 --> 00:25:31,620 And then when he didn't get the message, you got physical. 567 00:25:33,747 --> 00:25:35,874 After he took off, I felt bad about the whole thing, 568 00:25:35,958 --> 00:25:38,752 so I fished one of the pamphlets out of the trash and took a look. 569 00:25:38,919 --> 00:25:40,838 And guess what? I was right. 570 00:25:40,963 --> 00:25:43,632 It's all a big fake, at least the school in Afghanistan is. 571 00:25:44,550 --> 00:25:46,218 That place does not exist. 572 00:25:47,302 --> 00:25:48,804 How do you know that? 573 00:25:49,012 --> 00:25:52,433 Picture in the pamphlet. School kids in front of a big lake? 574 00:25:52,516 --> 00:25:53,892 School's supposed to be in Maimana. 575 00:25:54,017 --> 00:25:57,271 I was stationed in Herat, a stone's throw from there. 576 00:25:57,438 --> 00:25:59,606 There's no lake in that valley, just sand. 577 00:26:00,566 --> 00:26:02,860 -This picture? -Yeah. 578 00:26:05,070 --> 00:26:06,280 See the writing on the blackboard? 579 00:26:06,530 --> 00:26:07,656 That's Farsi. 580 00:26:07,781 --> 00:26:09,199 In Maimana, they speak Arabic. 581 00:26:09,450 --> 00:26:11,160 I called a bunch of guys who served over there. 582 00:26:11,243 --> 00:26:12,911 Nobody ever heard of an international group 583 00:26:12,995 --> 00:26:14,955 operating a school anywhere near Maimana. 584 00:26:15,789 --> 00:26:17,249 You report this to anyone? 585 00:26:18,000 --> 00:26:19,543 Just Jared Baker. 586 00:26:20,044 --> 00:26:21,211 Wait. Jared knew? 587 00:26:21,545 --> 00:26:24,923 Next time he came down to K-Town, I told him exactly what I just told you. 588 00:26:25,340 --> 00:26:26,717 How did he take it? 589 00:26:27,176 --> 00:26:28,218 It shook him up. 590 00:26:28,302 --> 00:26:29,470 He said he wanted to report it to somebody, 591 00:26:29,553 --> 00:26:31,305 so I told him he should start with the IRS. 592 00:26:31,889 --> 00:26:34,725 The IRS gave Haven House a clean bill of health. 593 00:26:49,531 --> 00:26:51,158 Last-minute vacation, Ethan? 594 00:26:54,119 --> 00:26:56,371 We removed the tumor and stopped the bleeding. 595 00:26:56,455 --> 00:26:57,498 (SIGHS) 596 00:26:57,581 --> 00:26:59,875 But there were complications. 597 00:27:00,292 --> 00:27:02,419 Kyle suffered a ruptured aneurysm. 598 00:27:03,170 --> 00:27:04,755 He's in a coma. 599 00:27:04,838 --> 00:27:06,340 (SOBS) Oh, my God. 600 00:27:06,423 --> 00:27:09,385 -Will he be all right? -The situation doesn't look good. 601 00:27:12,471 --> 00:27:13,514 Could he die? 602 00:27:15,182 --> 00:27:18,268 I think you need to prepare yourselves for that possibility. 603 00:27:19,103 --> 00:27:20,145 I'm sorry. 604 00:27:21,021 --> 00:27:22,606 -(CRYING) -Can we see him? 605 00:27:22,940 --> 00:27:24,775 Sure. I'll take you in. 606 00:27:36,787 --> 00:27:38,455 (SIGHS) 607 00:27:39,957 --> 00:27:41,625 It is a pity. 608 00:27:41,750 --> 00:27:43,043 N'est-ce pas? 609 00:27:44,211 --> 00:27:46,255 They call you "The Messenger," right? 610 00:27:46,964 --> 00:27:49,591 Well, I want you to deliver a message to God. 611 00:27:49,967 --> 00:27:51,510 I thought you don't believe in him. 612 00:27:51,593 --> 00:27:52,636 I don't. 613 00:27:52,845 --> 00:27:56,098 But you do, so I want you to tell him from me 614 00:27:56,181 --> 00:27:57,766 that I think he's an asshole. 615 00:27:58,308 --> 00:28:01,019 That is blasphemy, Daniel. It is a sin. 616 00:28:01,103 --> 00:28:02,438 No. No. No. 617 00:28:02,521 --> 00:28:05,399 A sin is giving a brain tumor 618 00:28:05,482 --> 00:28:08,444 to a kid who's never done a bad thing in his life. 619 00:28:08,986 --> 00:28:11,405 A sin is letting whoever killed Jared Baker run free 620 00:28:11,488 --> 00:28:12,823 while that boy lies dying. 621 00:28:14,116 --> 00:28:16,285 What? Does God enjoy this? 622 00:28:16,368 --> 00:28:18,579 Watching mothers sobbing their eyes out? 623 00:28:18,662 --> 00:28:20,205 What is that, his thing? 624 00:28:20,289 --> 00:28:21,498 Is that entertaining to him? 625 00:28:21,582 --> 00:28:22,708 What are we? Is that what we are? 626 00:28:22,791 --> 00:28:23,917 Some sort of entertainment? 627 00:28:26,128 --> 00:28:28,839 Give him the message. Tell him. Go on. Tell him, tell him... 628 00:28:29,339 --> 00:28:30,674 Tell him to go to hell. 629 00:28:33,469 --> 00:28:35,846 ETHAN: That audit is accurate to the best of my knowledge. 630 00:28:35,929 --> 00:28:38,432 What about your knowledge of the seven cash deposits 631 00:28:38,515 --> 00:28:42,603 made into your account, each in the amount of $9,900, 632 00:28:42,686 --> 00:28:45,939 just a squeak below what the bank would be required to report? 633 00:28:46,482 --> 00:28:48,275 I won that money playing poker. 634 00:28:48,358 --> 00:28:49,526 I see. 635 00:28:49,610 --> 00:28:50,903 And with your poker winnings, 636 00:28:50,986 --> 00:28:53,781 you decided to buy yourself a one-way ticket to the Maldives, 637 00:28:53,864 --> 00:28:57,076 a country that just happens to have no extradition treaty 638 00:28:57,159 --> 00:28:58,619 with the United States? 639 00:28:58,786 --> 00:29:00,454 I always wanted to go there. 640 00:29:01,371 --> 00:29:04,416 Jail is nothing like the Maldives, Ethan. 641 00:29:04,500 --> 00:29:07,211 There are no crystal-clear waters, no palm trees, 642 00:29:07,378 --> 00:29:10,714 no waiters fetching you brightly coloured drinks. 643 00:29:16,553 --> 00:29:17,763 I want full immunity. 644 00:29:18,055 --> 00:29:19,390 That's not gonna happen. 645 00:29:20,224 --> 00:29:23,394 But if you give me the name of whoever bribed you to falsify this audit, 646 00:29:23,811 --> 00:29:25,479 I'll ask the judge to let you plead down 647 00:29:25,562 --> 00:29:28,065 to receiving improper benefits. 648 00:29:28,565 --> 00:29:30,442 You'd get off with six months. 649 00:29:32,319 --> 00:29:33,946 This offer expires in 10 seconds. 650 00:29:34,029 --> 00:29:35,948 Nine... 651 00:29:36,156 --> 00:29:38,075 Eight... 652 00:29:38,158 --> 00:29:39,368 Three... 653 00:29:39,451 --> 00:29:40,911 Okay, okay, okay. 654 00:29:43,247 --> 00:29:45,082 I took a bribe. 655 00:29:46,917 --> 00:29:48,085 Who from? 656 00:29:53,799 --> 00:29:58,929 (MONITOR BEEPING) 657 00:30:01,974 --> 00:30:03,058 (KNOCK ON DOOR) 658 00:30:03,726 --> 00:30:05,853 Mr Shelby, could I speak to you in the hallway? 659 00:30:05,936 --> 00:30:07,229 TOM: What's this about? 660 00:30:07,479 --> 00:30:09,314 It would be best if we spoke outside. 661 00:30:09,940 --> 00:30:12,484 Anything you have to say, you can say in front of my family. 662 00:30:13,527 --> 00:30:15,654 I'm placing you under arrest for the murder of Jared Baker. 663 00:30:15,738 --> 00:30:17,865 -What are you talking about? -That's insane. 664 00:30:17,948 --> 00:30:20,075 -You have the right to remain silent. -No, let go of him! 665 00:30:20,159 --> 00:30:22,578 Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. 666 00:30:22,661 --> 00:30:24,371 -Stay here with Kyle. -You have the right to an attorney. 667 00:30:24,455 --> 00:30:25,706 I can stay here with Kyle. Greg, take your mom. 668 00:30:25,789 --> 00:30:27,791 No, everybody stay here, please. 669 00:30:27,875 --> 00:30:29,418 God knows the truth. He'll set everything right. 670 00:30:29,626 --> 00:30:32,421 Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you? 671 00:30:33,255 --> 00:30:35,507 So, how do you know Tom did it? 672 00:30:35,591 --> 00:30:37,760 Picked up the IRS auditor on his way to the airport 673 00:30:37,843 --> 00:30:39,928 with a one-way ticket to the Maldives. 674 00:30:40,012 --> 00:30:41,889 Said Tom bribed him for a clean audit. 675 00:30:41,972 --> 00:30:43,557 You were right. Tom was pocketing all the money. 676 00:30:43,640 --> 00:30:44,683 Okay, but why kill Jared? 677 00:30:44,767 --> 00:30:45,851 Well, Jared was on to the scam. 678 00:30:45,934 --> 00:30:47,728 Tom found that out the night before the murder. 679 00:30:47,811 --> 00:30:50,355 Look, we got to get going. I'll tell you all about it in the car. 680 00:30:50,439 --> 00:30:52,191 You're sure that no one else is in on it? 681 00:30:53,025 --> 00:30:55,819 Until you're sure, I'm staying with Kyle. 682 00:30:55,986 --> 00:30:57,404 Why would I kill Jared? I loved him. 683 00:30:57,488 --> 00:31:01,116 We got a warrant to search your house, including your safe, 684 00:31:01,200 --> 00:31:03,077 and we found records of the cash payments 685 00:31:03,160 --> 00:31:04,912 you made to the IRS auditor. 686 00:31:04,995 --> 00:31:06,872 I swear to God, I never gave him anything. 687 00:31:06,955 --> 00:31:08,832 He told us about how you did your research on him 688 00:31:08,916 --> 00:31:10,417 when he first started the audit. 689 00:31:10,751 --> 00:31:13,087 You knew that he had alimony, gambling debts. 690 00:31:13,170 --> 00:31:16,465 You knew that if you offered him a bribe for a clean audit, that he'd take it. 691 00:31:16,548 --> 00:31:18,008 -He's lying. -We also found 692 00:31:18,092 --> 00:31:20,594 the incorporation documents for the shell organisation 693 00:31:20,677 --> 00:31:22,805 that runs the fake school in Afghanistan. 694 00:31:22,888 --> 00:31:24,723 What are you talking about? The school is real. 695 00:31:24,932 --> 00:31:27,059 The state department has no record 696 00:31:27,142 --> 00:31:30,270 of a foreign charity operating a school in Maimana. 697 00:31:30,354 --> 00:31:32,356 We send them almost $1 million a year. 698 00:31:32,439 --> 00:31:34,775 No, you send almost $1 million a year 699 00:31:34,858 --> 00:31:37,528 to an account in your name at the Bank of Kabul. 700 00:31:37,778 --> 00:31:41,615 From Kabul, it's transferred to the ever-popular Cayman Islands. 701 00:31:41,698 --> 00:31:44,868 Now I know why you were so eager to put us onto Shane Flannery. 702 00:31:44,952 --> 00:31:46,245 No. I would never do that. 703 00:31:46,328 --> 00:31:47,663 You were raking it in like crazy, 704 00:31:47,788 --> 00:31:50,541 until Jared Baker found out that the school was fake. 705 00:31:50,791 --> 00:31:52,793 And he called Ethan over at the IRS. 706 00:31:52,876 --> 00:31:55,129 Ethan called you and said you had a problem. 707 00:31:55,504 --> 00:31:56,630 And then, according to Ethan, 708 00:31:56,714 --> 00:32:00,217 your exact words were, "I'll take care of it." 709 00:32:02,302 --> 00:32:03,721 I guess you did. 710 00:32:06,056 --> 00:32:08,267 I need to find Tom a lawyer. 711 00:32:08,726 --> 00:32:11,520 Sandy, let Greg make the calls. You need to rest. 712 00:32:11,603 --> 00:32:13,188 She's right, Mom. Let me take you home. 713 00:32:13,272 --> 00:32:14,898 No. I can't leave Kyle. 714 00:32:14,982 --> 00:32:17,901 I'll be right here. I'll call you the second he wakes up. 715 00:32:17,985 --> 00:32:19,069 I'll stay, too. 716 00:32:22,156 --> 00:32:23,824 -Thank you, Nikki. -Sure. 717 00:32:26,452 --> 00:32:27,870 And thank you, Dr Pierce. 718 00:32:40,132 --> 00:32:42,551 Dr Pierce, if it's all right, 719 00:32:42,843 --> 00:32:44,762 I'd like some time alone 720 00:32:45,637 --> 00:32:46,722 to pray. 721 00:32:46,805 --> 00:32:48,974 Of course she wants time alone, 722 00:32:49,767 --> 00:32:51,935 because as soon as you leave the room, 723 00:32:52,019 --> 00:32:53,812 she is going to kill the boy. 724 00:32:58,484 --> 00:33:00,152 Nikki, if it's all the same to you, 725 00:33:02,321 --> 00:33:04,031 I'm gonna stay. 726 00:33:11,663 --> 00:33:12,998 Look at her. 727 00:33:13,082 --> 00:33:15,876 The soul of piety and devotion. 728 00:33:16,668 --> 00:33:18,212 But doesn't it bother you 729 00:33:18,295 --> 00:33:21,465 how eager she has been to get everybody out of the room? 730 00:33:24,343 --> 00:33:26,595 The boy was very curious 731 00:33:26,678 --> 00:33:28,389 as to why you were talking to her. 732 00:33:28,555 --> 00:33:31,225 Maybe he had asked too many questions 733 00:33:32,017 --> 00:33:33,477 and she pushed him. 734 00:33:33,560 --> 00:33:34,603 And think, 735 00:33:34,686 --> 00:33:37,606 think of that tax man flying off to the Maldives. 736 00:33:37,689 --> 00:33:40,192 Of all the countries in the world, 737 00:33:40,275 --> 00:33:42,694 why would he choose a romantic tropical island? 738 00:33:43,362 --> 00:33:46,532 Unless he wasn't planning to go there alone. 739 00:33:48,617 --> 00:33:52,788 Yes, she is very beautiful, no? 740 00:33:53,205 --> 00:33:55,124 Just the perfect type of woman 741 00:33:55,249 --> 00:33:58,502 a lonely tax man would dream of running away with. 742 00:33:58,627 --> 00:33:59,878 That's still not proof. 743 00:34:00,879 --> 00:34:02,631 What? 744 00:34:03,090 --> 00:34:05,217 Nothing. 745 00:34:05,384 --> 00:34:07,469 It's hardly enough to get her burned at the stake, 746 00:34:08,804 --> 00:34:10,681 but it's more than the British had on me. 747 00:34:11,306 --> 00:34:13,142 NIKKI: Please, Dr Pierce, 748 00:34:13,225 --> 00:34:15,394 I'd really like some time alone with Kyle. 749 00:34:17,396 --> 00:34:18,897 (SIGHS) 750 00:34:20,524 --> 00:34:22,568 What are you going to do? 751 00:34:27,906 --> 00:34:31,702 (MONITOR BEEPING) 752 00:34:35,622 --> 00:34:37,332 (BEEPING) 753 00:34:37,416 --> 00:34:39,168 (FLATLINE) 754 00:34:39,251 --> 00:34:41,045 What? What is that? 755 00:34:41,128 --> 00:34:42,963 Why is it making that sound? 756 00:34:43,047 --> 00:34:46,216 (FLATLINE) 757 00:34:48,385 --> 00:34:49,595 He's gone. 758 00:34:50,929 --> 00:34:53,015 What? What are you talking about? No. He's breathing. 759 00:34:53,098 --> 00:34:55,142 This monitors neuroelectrical activity. 760 00:34:56,852 --> 00:34:58,020 Kyle's brain-dead. 761 00:34:59,313 --> 00:35:01,065 Oh, my God. 762 00:35:01,148 --> 00:35:03,108 I have to call his parents. 763 00:35:03,484 --> 00:35:06,570 (FLATLINE) 764 00:35:06,653 --> 00:35:10,657 Oh, sorry. I must have knocked this out by mistake. 765 00:35:13,577 --> 00:35:15,621 (MONITOR BEEPING) 766 00:35:15,996 --> 00:35:17,498 There. Good. 767 00:35:17,790 --> 00:35:18,874 (BEEPING) 768 00:35:18,957 --> 00:35:20,417 -Moretti. -DANIEL: Tom isn't the killer. 769 00:35:20,501 --> 00:35:21,877 -It's Nikki. -What? 770 00:35:21,960 --> 00:35:23,045 She says she loves Kyle. 771 00:35:23,128 --> 00:35:24,630 But when he died, she didn't even look at him. 772 00:35:24,713 --> 00:35:26,048 She just took off like a bat out of hell. 773 00:35:26,131 --> 00:35:28,092 -Oh, my God. Kyle died? -No, no, no, no. 774 00:35:28,175 --> 00:35:29,385 That was just pretend. 775 00:35:30,135 --> 00:35:31,553 Daniel, what are you talking about? 776 00:35:31,637 --> 00:35:32,721 It was all Nikki. 777 00:35:32,805 --> 00:35:34,765 Killing Jared, pushing Kyle down the stairs. 778 00:35:34,848 --> 00:35:36,850 She's been waiting to get him alone so she can finish the job. 779 00:35:36,934 --> 00:35:38,811 You've got to stop her before she leaves the country. 780 00:35:38,894 --> 00:35:40,479 Do you have any proof of this? 781 00:35:40,979 --> 00:35:42,523 -No, but... -Okay. 782 00:35:42,606 --> 00:35:43,649 Then we need to put a tail on her, 783 00:35:43,732 --> 00:35:45,192 find out where she's headed in such a hurry. 784 00:35:45,317 --> 00:35:46,610 Right. 785 00:35:52,366 --> 00:35:54,326 (DOOR OPENS) 786 00:35:54,576 --> 00:35:55,953 Hey, need a hand with those? 787 00:35:58,497 --> 00:35:59,957 ETHAN: I already told you the whole story. 788 00:36:00,332 --> 00:36:03,585 The problem is that Nikki Atkins is telling us a different version. 789 00:36:03,752 --> 00:36:07,214 And in hers, the Afghan scam, framing Tom Shelby, 790 00:36:07,297 --> 00:36:10,676 murdering Jared Baker, that was all you. 791 00:36:10,843 --> 00:36:13,011 She says you blackmailed her into going along with it. 792 00:36:13,095 --> 00:36:14,555 (CHUCKLES) 793 00:36:15,848 --> 00:36:17,141 You're making that up to trap me. 794 00:36:17,433 --> 00:36:19,601 We picked her up at a bank with two sacks full of cash. 795 00:36:19,685 --> 00:36:21,353 Her next stop was the airport. 796 00:36:21,437 --> 00:36:23,105 She had her boarding pass all printed up. 797 00:36:23,188 --> 00:36:27,192 Yeah, see, except she was not going to the Maldives. 798 00:36:32,489 --> 00:36:34,533 (SIGHS) 799 00:36:36,452 --> 00:36:39,747 It was all her. The scam, everything. 800 00:36:40,539 --> 00:36:41,874 She killed Jared. 801 00:36:45,127 --> 00:36:47,046 (SIGHS) 802 00:36:47,713 --> 00:36:50,674 I met her when I started the audit on Haven House. 803 00:36:56,722 --> 00:36:58,057 I actually let myself believe 804 00:36:59,099 --> 00:37:01,268 it was about more than business. 805 00:37:04,855 --> 00:37:08,150 Once she was sure that she had me, she told me about her scam. 806 00:37:08,901 --> 00:37:12,529 Offered to cut me in 50-50 if I made the audit come out clean. 807 00:37:12,821 --> 00:37:14,698 How'd she get the con going to begin with? 808 00:37:15,074 --> 00:37:16,742 She heard about this place where morons 809 00:37:16,825 --> 00:37:20,829 signed over fortunes and didn't ask questions. 810 00:37:21,580 --> 00:37:25,751 She showed up, pretending to be a lost little lamb, 811 00:37:26,168 --> 00:37:30,506 hooked up with the older brother so she could be on the inside. 812 00:37:30,839 --> 00:37:33,384 What about the school in Afghanistan? Where'd that come from? 813 00:37:33,717 --> 00:37:36,261 She scanned some pictures from National Geographic, 814 00:37:36,345 --> 00:37:40,224 put together a website and e-mailed Tom, asking for his help. 815 00:37:41,975 --> 00:37:43,477 Seemed like we pulled it off. 816 00:37:43,560 --> 00:37:45,521 Until Jared Baker started asking questions 817 00:37:45,604 --> 00:37:47,189 about the school in Afghanistan. 818 00:37:47,773 --> 00:37:49,108 Yeah, after I talked to Jared, 819 00:37:50,943 --> 00:37:53,570 I called up Nikki, and I told her we had a problem. 820 00:37:55,864 --> 00:37:57,783 Next day, Jared turns up dead. 821 00:37:58,784 --> 00:38:00,702 I called her, and I said, "What the hell is going on? 822 00:38:00,786 --> 00:38:02,037 "No one's supposed to get hurt." 823 00:38:02,788 --> 00:38:05,833 She told me to keep quiet and to get out of town. 824 00:38:06,458 --> 00:38:07,918 So I went home, and I got my bags. 825 00:38:08,001 --> 00:38:09,253 You guys picked me up. 826 00:38:09,962 --> 00:38:12,965 And that is the entire story. I swear. 827 00:38:13,590 --> 00:38:16,927 Just one problem, it's your word against hers. 828 00:38:17,344 --> 00:38:19,096 I might be an idiot, 829 00:38:19,304 --> 00:38:20,681 but I am not stupid. 830 00:38:22,224 --> 00:38:24,435 Check the lining in my suitcase. 831 00:38:24,685 --> 00:38:27,646 There's a flash drive with some sound files on it. 832 00:38:28,439 --> 00:38:30,357 One thing you learn when you work for the IRS 833 00:38:30,441 --> 00:38:33,026 your whole life is the value of keeping good records. 834 00:38:36,947 --> 00:38:39,032 NIKKI: They aren't buying that Shane killed Jared. 835 00:38:39,450 --> 00:38:41,452 Oh, baby, calm down. 836 00:38:41,535 --> 00:38:42,703 Okay. We're going to be all right. 837 00:38:42,786 --> 00:38:44,246 I've got the room all booked 838 00:38:44,329 --> 00:38:45,956 on the most beautiful beach in the Maldives. 839 00:38:46,540 --> 00:38:49,209 KYLE: Nikki, what's going on? Who are you talking to? 840 00:38:49,293 --> 00:38:50,461 NIKKI: Hey. I got to go. 841 00:38:50,544 --> 00:38:52,713 No, I think Kyle heard me. Okay. 842 00:38:52,796 --> 00:38:55,340 I love you. I'll see you at the airport. 843 00:38:55,424 --> 00:38:57,426 Kyle wanted to know why you were talking to us. 844 00:38:57,718 --> 00:38:59,011 That's why he knocked on your door. 845 00:38:59,178 --> 00:39:00,387 KATE: But he overheard too much, 846 00:39:00,471 --> 00:39:02,848 and that's why you pushed him down the stairs. 847 00:39:03,223 --> 00:39:04,475 Do you think I don't know 848 00:39:04,558 --> 00:39:06,935 that a sound recording can be manipulated? 849 00:39:08,520 --> 00:39:11,065 Do you even know that you're doing Satan's work? 850 00:39:14,068 --> 00:39:18,113 Please, God, I pray that you will forgive these people for their blindness. 851 00:39:18,197 --> 00:39:20,824 I pray that you will show them the truth. 852 00:39:20,908 --> 00:39:22,451 While you're at it, you might want to also pray 853 00:39:22,534 --> 00:39:25,412 for a judge who doesn't believe in the death penalty. 854 00:39:27,915 --> 00:39:29,458 DOCTOR: It's a miracle, really. 855 00:39:29,666 --> 00:39:31,335 Kyle's awake and eating chocolate pudding 856 00:39:31,418 --> 00:39:32,753 like there's no tomorrow. 857 00:39:32,878 --> 00:39:34,213 How much tissue damage? 858 00:39:34,296 --> 00:39:36,632 Some swelling. He'll need to take it easy for a while, 859 00:39:36,715 --> 00:39:38,425 but he should make a good recovery. 860 00:39:39,843 --> 00:39:40,886 (ELEVATOR BELL DINGS) 861 00:39:47,351 --> 00:39:50,604 That message you sent God must have done the trick. 862 00:39:52,106 --> 00:39:53,857 Sometimes he needs a kick in the pants. 863 00:39:54,400 --> 00:39:56,985 People make amazing recoveries all the time 864 00:39:57,069 --> 00:39:59,696 with no help from some nonexistent deity. 865 00:40:00,030 --> 00:40:03,283 If he doesn't exist, then why would you send him a message? 866 00:40:04,952 --> 00:40:06,745 Because I'm a stark, raving lunatic. 867 00:40:10,874 --> 00:40:12,626 We are closing Haven House, 868 00:40:12,793 --> 00:40:15,921 but we're keeping the broken promise, opening a school in Afghanistan. 869 00:40:17,631 --> 00:40:19,174 I know it's what God wants. 870 00:40:19,425 --> 00:40:21,802 You're still hearing a voice even after the operation? 871 00:40:22,970 --> 00:40:25,305 Not an actual voice in my head like before. 872 00:40:26,223 --> 00:40:28,225 But I still hear God every second, 873 00:40:29,143 --> 00:40:30,811 the way anybody can if they just listen. 874 00:40:39,069 --> 00:40:40,821 Here. 875 00:40:43,449 --> 00:40:46,326 Maybe this will buy a few books for the new school. 876 00:40:49,580 --> 00:40:50,831 Wow! 877 00:40:51,373 --> 00:40:52,750 That's a lot of books. 878 00:40:54,960 --> 00:40:56,754 Does this mean you believe in God now? 879 00:40:57,171 --> 00:40:58,922 Absolutely not. 880 00:41:00,466 --> 00:41:01,800 But I believe in you. 881 00:41:04,094 --> 00:41:06,513 I got something for you, too. 882 00:41:09,850 --> 00:41:12,770 Kyle, what kind of present is that? 883 00:41:12,895 --> 00:41:14,855 I think Dr Pierce will appreciate it. 884 00:41:14,938 --> 00:41:16,940 (CHUCKLES)