1 00:00:05,987 --> 00:00:07,307 Sigmund Freud may have been 2 00:00:07,474 --> 00:00:09,928 a cigar-chomping sexist pig with mommy issues. 3 00:00:11,494 --> 00:00:14,360 But when it comes to his theory of the unconscious, 4 00:00:14,395 --> 00:00:16,528 turns out he pretty much nailed it. 5 00:00:16,564 --> 00:00:18,698 The tools of modern neuroscience, 6 00:00:18,733 --> 00:00:20,852 functional brain imaging and EEG, 7 00:00:20,853 --> 00:00:25,738 support Freud's claim that consciousness is just the tip of the iceberg. 8 00:00:26,190 --> 00:00:27,462 Here's an iceberg. 9 00:00:27,497 --> 00:00:29,712 According to Herr Doktor Freud, 10 00:00:29,747 --> 00:00:31,971 the mind is divided into three levels... 11 00:00:32,447 --> 00:00:33,763 The conscious, 12 00:00:33,880 --> 00:00:38,084 the preconscious, submerged just below the surface, representing our memories. 13 00:00:38,537 --> 00:00:40,165 And the unconscious... 14 00:00:41,122 --> 00:00:42,898 where the id resides. 15 00:00:43,624 --> 00:00:46,625 You heard me. The id. 16 00:00:46,660 --> 00:00:51,397 The part of our personality that's primitive and instinctive, 17 00:00:51,432 --> 00:00:54,277 and wants what it wants, and it wants it right now. 18 00:00:54,302 --> 00:00:56,535 If the id were left unchecked, 19 00:00:56,571 --> 00:00:59,905 we might find ourselves grabbing things out of people's hands. 20 00:00:59,941 --> 00:01:03,609 Or... or acting out our kinkiest sexual fantasies in public. 21 00:01:03,919 --> 00:01:08,868 So, how do we stop our ids from ruining our lives? 22 00:01:24,098 --> 00:01:25,765 Agent Krueger. 23 00:01:25,800 --> 00:01:27,668 Agent Moretti, thanks for coming. 24 00:01:28,848 --> 00:01:30,603 I was told to brace myself. 25 00:01:30,738 --> 00:01:32,618 It's not, uh... Pretty. 26 00:01:32,974 --> 00:01:34,912 Walter and Janice Bosworth. 27 00:01:35,076 --> 00:01:36,942 Perp cut their throats while they slept. 28 00:01:36,978 --> 00:01:38,444 There's hardly any blood spatter. 29 00:01:38,479 --> 00:01:39,779 Their carotids were severed. 30 00:01:39,814 --> 00:01:41,947 So no spray, just a big flood. 31 00:01:41,983 --> 00:01:45,284 Which the mattress absorbed like a king-sized sponge. 32 00:01:45,319 --> 00:01:48,587 Next door, we've got the Bosworths' youngest. 33 00:01:48,623 --> 00:01:51,257 Ben, 22. 34 00:01:51,292 --> 00:01:53,317 He just graduated from Ohio State. 35 00:01:53,352 --> 00:01:55,895 He planned on opening a kayaking business in Wyoming. 36 00:01:55,930 --> 00:01:59,715 - Same M.O.? - Yeah, the killer was quick, efficient. 37 00:01:59,834 --> 00:02:03,435 But with the next victim, we got something a little different. 38 00:02:03,471 --> 00:02:05,471 The Bosworths' son-in-law, Roy Meier, 39 00:02:06,021 --> 00:02:07,634 was killed in the hall. 40 00:02:07,641 --> 00:02:09,909 Looks like he stepped out of the bedroom, 41 00:02:09,944 --> 00:02:13,045 took the intruder by surprise, and was stabbed in the gut. 42 00:02:13,081 --> 00:02:14,647 The murder weapon is over here. 43 00:02:14,682 --> 00:02:16,415 No prints. It was wiped clean. 44 00:02:16,450 --> 00:02:18,749 The knife came from a set in the Bosworths' kitchen. 45 00:02:18,986 --> 00:02:20,653 Written in blood. 46 00:02:20,688 --> 00:02:23,756 Yeah, I think... think the killer was trying to suggest 47 00:02:23,791 --> 00:02:25,825 this was an act of poetic justice. 48 00:02:25,860 --> 00:02:27,126 How so? 49 00:02:28,226 --> 00:02:29,691 Let's get some air. Come on. 50 00:02:32,166 --> 00:02:35,163 Walter and Janice owned J.W.B. Meats, 51 00:02:35,469 --> 00:02:38,304 one of the midwest's largest pork producers. 52 00:02:38,339 --> 00:02:41,155 They've been getting hassled by an animal-rights group called BARN. 53 00:02:41,209 --> 00:02:44,109 What's that stand for? "brutal assholes" something? 54 00:02:44,145 --> 00:02:46,297 Better animal rights now. 55 00:02:46,914 --> 00:02:48,981 They started out doing peaceful protests, you know, 56 00:02:49,017 --> 00:02:51,617 like staging petting zoos at grocery stores. 57 00:02:51,652 --> 00:02:56,288 But they got themselves added to the joint terrorist task force watch list 58 00:02:56,324 --> 00:03:00,046 by sabotaging factory farms, arson, death threats. 59 00:03:00,081 --> 00:03:02,394 Sounds like they're not messing around. 60 00:03:02,430 --> 00:03:03,863 How'd they get into the house? 61 00:03:03,898 --> 00:03:05,231 Well, we're not sure. 62 00:03:05,266 --> 00:03:07,410 Uh, there's no sign of forced entry. 63 00:03:07,549 --> 00:03:11,457 Their neighbor spotted a gray van cruising the area 64 00:03:11,509 --> 00:03:13,138 several times in the past few weeks. 65 00:03:13,174 --> 00:03:14,308 - Plates? - No. 66 00:03:14,386 --> 00:03:15,662 Was she the one who called the cops? 67 00:03:15,838 --> 00:03:18,290 No, it was the Bosworths' middle child, Connie Meier. 68 00:03:18,613 --> 00:03:20,775 She was married to the dead guy in the hall. 69 00:03:21,182 --> 00:03:25,317 She survived by locking herself in the bathroom and calling 911. 70 00:03:25,353 --> 00:03:27,956 I guess she came out at some point, because when the cops showed up, 71 00:03:28,208 --> 00:03:30,522 she had the victims' blood on her. 72 00:03:30,793 --> 00:03:33,180 - What did she say? - Nothing. That's the problem. 73 00:03:33,427 --> 00:03:36,397 I mean, she was too shell-shocked to speak. Paramedics took her to the hospital. 74 00:03:36,441 --> 00:03:38,463 She has one surviving brother. 75 00:03:38,633 --> 00:03:40,399 He's there with her. 76 00:03:40,434 --> 00:03:43,069 I, uh... I was told you work with some kind of head doctor 77 00:03:43,104 --> 00:03:45,135 who's good with these sort of things? 78 00:03:48,476 --> 00:03:50,934 Special Agent Moretti. This is Dr. Daniel Pierce. 79 00:03:51,426 --> 00:03:54,523 - Tom. - We're very sorry for your loss. 80 00:03:55,149 --> 00:03:57,116 We were actually hoping to speak with your sister. 81 00:03:57,151 --> 00:03:58,684 The doctor sedated her. 82 00:03:58,719 --> 00:04:01,420 Did she say anything to you before they put her under? 83 00:04:01,455 --> 00:04:03,088 She wouldn't talk to me. 84 00:04:04,050 --> 00:04:06,220 What can you tell us about BARN? 85 00:04:06,866 --> 00:04:08,298 They're lowlifes. 86 00:04:08,333 --> 00:04:10,371 The reason that Connie, Roy, and Ben flew in 87 00:04:10,386 --> 00:04:12,961 was because my parents called a family meeting. 88 00:04:13,668 --> 00:04:15,367 They were sick and tired of being terrorized. 89 00:04:15,403 --> 00:04:16,902 Terrorized how? 90 00:04:17,119 --> 00:04:19,405 It started when those scumbags went undercover 91 00:04:19,440 --> 00:04:21,240 at one of our processing facilities. 92 00:04:21,275 --> 00:04:23,208 Caught some animal abuse on camera. 93 00:04:23,352 --> 00:04:27,780 My parents didn't even know about it, but BARN publicly crucified them anyway. 94 00:04:27,815 --> 00:04:30,282 Then they sabotaged a meat locker. 95 00:04:30,318 --> 00:04:32,671 Caused $100,000 worth of damage. 96 00:04:33,081 --> 00:04:36,349 They... they threw pig's blood on my brother, Ben, 97 00:04:36,384 --> 00:04:38,285 during his college graduation. 98 00:04:39,994 --> 00:04:42,964 I think that's what convinced my parents they had to do something drastic. 99 00:04:43,297 --> 00:04:46,065 Well, we're selling the business. 100 00:04:46,913 --> 00:04:48,300 You're all doing very well, 101 00:04:48,336 --> 00:04:50,803 so instead of leaving an inheritance, 102 00:04:50,838 --> 00:04:52,604 which you don't really need, 103 00:04:52,640 --> 00:04:56,408 we figured we'd make a big contribution to a worthy charity 104 00:04:56,644 --> 00:04:58,166 and be done with BARN 105 00:04:58,596 --> 00:05:01,146 and the pork business once and for all. 106 00:05:01,974 --> 00:05:05,068 We'll be making an official announcement tomorrow, 107 00:05:05,711 --> 00:05:08,404 but we wanted to let all of you know first. 108 00:05:11,392 --> 00:05:13,990 And how did you feel about their decision? 109 00:05:14,128 --> 00:05:16,362 I hated that they were knuckling under BARN's pressure, 110 00:05:16,397 --> 00:05:18,430 but I couldn't care less about the inheritance, 111 00:05:18,466 --> 00:05:20,933 if that's what you're getting at. I have all I need. 112 00:05:20,968 --> 00:05:23,702 And what about your sister? Was she as blithely indifferent 113 00:05:23,738 --> 00:05:25,505 to losing the family fortune as you were? 114 00:05:25,536 --> 00:05:28,173 No. She wasn't "blithely indifferent." 115 00:05:28,418 --> 00:05:29,863 She was supportive. 116 00:05:30,811 --> 00:05:33,060 She said that they were ready to retire anyway. 117 00:05:33,414 --> 00:05:35,547 If selling the business would give them peace of mind, 118 00:05:35,583 --> 00:05:37,280 we should support that. 119 00:05:37,385 --> 00:05:41,181 So you just went over there for dinner and then you left? 120 00:05:41,189 --> 00:05:44,004 I live 15 minutes away. There was no reason for me to stay over. 121 00:05:44,826 --> 00:05:49,878 If I had, maybe... I could've done something. 122 00:05:54,335 --> 00:05:55,783 Anyone want a t-shirt? 123 00:05:55,803 --> 00:05:58,203 Got to hand it to them... What they lack in subtlety, 124 00:05:58,239 --> 00:06:00,769 - they make up for in irony. - You really think this group 125 00:06:00,771 --> 00:06:03,537 does everything they can to stop the butchering of farm animals 126 00:06:03,586 --> 00:06:06,320 and then suddenly decides to kill four human animals? 127 00:06:06,385 --> 00:06:09,178 No offense, Dr. Pierce, but you're an expert on the brain, 128 00:06:09,463 --> 00:06:11,112 not terrorism. 129 00:06:11,147 --> 00:06:15,027 Plenty of groups that espouse altruistic ideas resort to violence. 130 00:06:15,086 --> 00:06:17,322 Sure, but what's more likely? 131 00:06:17,358 --> 00:06:20,390 That the killer's the woman with motive and the victims' blood on her, 132 00:06:20,456 --> 00:06:24,496 or the vegans did it and left a giant arrow on the wall, pointing in their direction? 133 00:06:24,532 --> 00:06:27,699 Hey, Connie Meier was severely traumatized. 134 00:06:27,735 --> 00:06:31,163 No offense, Agent Krueger, but you're an expert on terrorism, not the brain. 135 00:06:31,186 --> 00:06:33,497 Her trauma could stem from having killed her family, 136 00:06:33,707 --> 00:06:35,361 or it could be an act. 137 00:06:35,709 --> 00:06:37,408 You think you can get her to talk? 138 00:06:37,443 --> 00:06:40,237 - You're new here, yeah? - Hey, listen, pal... 139 00:06:40,501 --> 00:06:41,974 Daniel. 140 00:06:43,885 --> 00:06:45,870 I'll let you know what she has to say. 141 00:06:45,953 --> 00:06:47,115 Good. 142 00:06:47,188 --> 00:06:49,149 Of course, we'll look at anyone who could've had a grudge 143 00:06:49,184 --> 00:06:50,560 against the Bosworths. 144 00:06:50,694 --> 00:06:53,310 Meantime, JTTF will keep focusing on BARN. 145 00:06:53,345 --> 00:06:54,770 Knock yourself out. 146 00:06:55,896 --> 00:06:57,629 From what the neighbor said about the van, 147 00:06:57,665 --> 00:06:59,681 it seems like they were doing surveillance on the house. 148 00:06:59,686 --> 00:07:00,874 Yeah, yeah. 149 00:07:00,906 --> 00:07:02,949 We also got a lead on how they could have gotten in. 150 00:07:03,571 --> 00:07:06,837 Bosworths' house cleaner called in sick a couple weeks back, 151 00:07:06,974 --> 00:07:08,467 had her daughter fill in. 152 00:07:08,676 --> 00:07:10,275 Gave her the security code. 153 00:07:10,423 --> 00:07:13,612 Turns out, the daughter "liked" BARN on Facebook. 154 00:07:13,648 --> 00:07:15,098 Anyone question her yet? 155 00:07:15,183 --> 00:07:17,649 We verified her alibi on the night of the murders, 156 00:07:17,685 --> 00:07:19,736 but, um, she wouldn't say anything about BARN. 157 00:07:19,854 --> 00:07:22,479 No one involved with that group talks to outsiders. 158 00:07:22,490 --> 00:07:24,887 They all live together like a... a damn cult. 159 00:07:24,922 --> 00:07:27,126 Well, can you get someone on the inside, earn their trust, 160 00:07:27,161 --> 00:07:28,515 find some hard evidence? 161 00:07:28,562 --> 00:07:31,100 We've been trying to infiltrate for months. 162 00:07:31,239 --> 00:07:35,178 The problem is this woman... Reagan Harper. 163 00:07:35,342 --> 00:07:36,856 She's the ringleader. 164 00:07:36,937 --> 00:07:40,491 She likes to recruit people, but so far, she hasn't taken our bait. 165 00:07:40,816 --> 00:07:42,152 What do you know about her? 166 00:07:42,187 --> 00:07:46,311 32, highly educated, strong-willed, 167 00:07:46,347 --> 00:07:48,379 acutely attuned sense of justice. 168 00:07:49,021 --> 00:07:51,801 What we need is someone she'll relate to. 169 00:07:54,555 --> 00:07:57,689 Man, these people don't just have radical beliefs about food. 170 00:07:57,725 --> 00:08:00,411 They're also anti-consumer, anti-government, 171 00:08:00,446 --> 00:08:02,491 and all about living off the grid. 172 00:08:02,693 --> 00:08:05,239 And you're just planning on moving in with these people? 173 00:08:05,274 --> 00:08:08,204 Well, first I have to gain their trust, but if I'm lucky, yeah. 174 00:08:08,674 --> 00:08:10,769 Kate, we're getting married in a month. 175 00:08:10,804 --> 00:08:12,905 Donnie, I'm not gonna miss our wedding. 176 00:08:12,940 --> 00:08:15,640 But these freegan freaks might've killed four people. 177 00:08:15,999 --> 00:08:17,509 You're right. 178 00:08:18,512 --> 00:08:21,147 I guess we should reschedule the tasting with the caterers tomorrow. 179 00:08:21,186 --> 00:08:24,329 No. No, don't put it off. Just do it without me. 180 00:08:24,385 --> 00:08:25,757 You know what I like. 181 00:08:27,488 --> 00:08:28,850 Just promise me you'll be safe. 182 00:08:28,856 --> 00:08:32,227 Relax. I know what I'm doing. I'm a trained FBI Agent, remember? 183 00:08:32,262 --> 00:08:33,525 How could I forget? 184 00:08:33,561 --> 00:08:35,627 All I have to do is stick to my cover story, 185 00:08:35,663 --> 00:08:39,496 do whatever it takes to make friends, even if it means eating tofu, and... 186 00:08:39,633 --> 00:08:43,245 Oh, that reminds me... don't forget to pick a vegetarian option for Daniel, okay? 187 00:08:44,872 --> 00:08:48,738 Meat is murder! Meat is murder! Meat is murder! 188 00:08:51,779 --> 00:08:54,356 Meat is murder! Meat is murder! 189 00:08:54,448 --> 00:08:56,715 Do you have any idea what sort of unconscionable cruelty 190 00:08:56,750 --> 00:08:58,754 - went into making these hot dogs? - Please leave me alone. 191 00:08:58,786 --> 00:09:00,989 No, not until you learn how those meat sticks get made. 192 00:09:01,136 --> 00:09:05,105 After all the pigs and chickens are forced to live miserable lives on factory floors, 193 00:09:05,226 --> 00:09:06,558 they are then murdered. 194 00:09:06,594 --> 00:09:09,883 And then their flesh is mechanically separated from their bones. 195 00:09:09,886 --> 00:09:11,812 Yeah, but they don't get all the bones out. 196 00:09:11,999 --> 00:09:13,832 Some of it gets ground up with all the bits 197 00:09:13,867 --> 00:09:16,240 that nobody wants to eat, like the snouts and the tails. 198 00:09:16,275 --> 00:09:17,836 And then it all gets pureed into a sludge 199 00:09:17,871 --> 00:09:20,172 and stuffed into a synthetic collagen casing. 200 00:09:22,176 --> 00:09:25,343 Hey, enjoy your wieners full of sodium nitrates and suffering, lady. 201 00:09:27,648 --> 00:09:30,353 Break it up! You had your fun for the day! 202 00:09:30,386 --> 00:09:32,081 We have a right to peaceful assembly! 203 00:09:32,086 --> 00:09:34,468 We can stop you, and we will, if you don't move on. 204 00:09:34,486 --> 00:09:36,314 You know what? You're nothing but a pathetic, soulless pig 205 00:09:36,357 --> 00:09:38,090 who just likes to throw his power around. Hey! 206 00:09:38,125 --> 00:09:40,322 - We are running you in. - Unnecessary roughness, man. 207 00:09:40,357 --> 00:09:41,687 Is everybody seeing this?! 208 00:09:42,028 --> 00:09:44,847 I'm gonna need the full spelling of your name and your badge number. 209 00:09:49,243 --> 00:09:52,158 The next person who blocks ingress or egress 210 00:09:52,473 --> 00:09:54,155 will be arrested. 211 00:10:02,049 --> 00:10:03,448 You okay? 212 00:10:03,484 --> 00:10:05,786 Yeah. Just... I can't believe I did that. 213 00:10:06,620 --> 00:10:08,147 - Reagan. - Dani. 214 00:10:08,383 --> 00:10:10,289 Find me after this is over, Dani. 215 00:10:10,462 --> 00:10:11,879 - We'll grab a bite. - Cool. 216 00:10:11,925 --> 00:10:15,159 Meat is murder! Meat is murder! 217 00:10:20,839 --> 00:10:22,854 Welcome to the best dining spot in town. 218 00:10:23,226 --> 00:10:25,623 Oh. What's good on the menu here? 219 00:10:25,745 --> 00:10:27,604 Well, let's check out the daily specials. 220 00:10:35,054 --> 00:10:37,822 Oh, wow. Look at this one. 221 00:10:38,324 --> 00:10:39,994 Just the tiniest, little bruise. 222 00:10:40,426 --> 00:10:41,358 You interested? 223 00:10:41,393 --> 00:10:43,027 Looks great. 224 00:10:43,421 --> 00:10:44,793 Thanks. 225 00:10:46,076 --> 00:10:49,349 Did you see the look on that cop's face when you busted out the camera? 226 00:10:49,535 --> 00:10:50,900 That was awesome. 227 00:10:54,040 --> 00:10:55,793 How did you hear about our little shindig? 228 00:10:55,808 --> 00:10:57,297 Twitter. 229 00:10:57,443 --> 00:10:59,261 I follow a lot of animal-rights groups. 230 00:10:59,278 --> 00:11:01,646 I also volunteer at the cat shelter, you know? 231 00:11:03,216 --> 00:11:05,218 But this is my first time at a protest. 232 00:11:06,385 --> 00:11:07,846 Is it always like this? 233 00:11:07,987 --> 00:11:09,286 Like what? 234 00:11:09,321 --> 00:11:10,437 Kind of a rush. 235 00:11:10,594 --> 00:11:13,110 This was actually kind of tame compared to some of the stuff we've done. 236 00:11:13,145 --> 00:11:14,502 Seriously? 237 00:11:17,597 --> 00:11:18,946 Where do you live, Dani? 238 00:11:18,965 --> 00:11:21,849 Oh. Kind of couch surfing since I lost my job. 239 00:11:22,368 --> 00:11:24,032 Why don't you come back to my place? 240 00:11:24,553 --> 00:11:26,795 Communal pad. We got a whole bunch of couches. 241 00:11:34,443 --> 00:11:35,721 - Hello? - You hear anything yet? 242 00:11:35,748 --> 00:11:38,439 Daniel, relax. She knows what she's doing. 243 00:11:38,476 --> 00:11:41,141 She is a trained FBI Agent, remember? 244 00:11:41,146 --> 00:11:43,677 Is the federal bureau of ineptitude still tracking her burner phone? 245 00:11:43,776 --> 00:11:48,405 Look, Daniel, does the caveman in me want to protect my girl? 246 00:11:48,552 --> 00:11:51,794 Sure. But the more civilized side of me knows that she can take care of herself. 247 00:11:51,829 --> 00:11:53,706 You... you'll let me know if she calls? 248 00:11:53,741 --> 00:11:57,093 Hey, why do I get the feeling you're more worried about my fiancée than I am? 249 00:11:58,440 --> 00:12:01,288 I'm paranoid schizophrenic. It's in my nature to worry. 250 00:12:05,645 --> 00:12:06,942 I have to go. 251 00:12:08,019 --> 00:12:09,680 Ah, fresh meat. 252 00:12:10,720 --> 00:12:12,589 - Smells good, don't it? - No. 253 00:12:12,676 --> 00:12:15,420 Olfactory hallucination or not, it smells disgusting. 254 00:12:15,490 --> 00:12:19,259 Oh, there's nothing disgusting about a tender, juicy rump roast. 255 00:12:20,157 --> 00:12:22,359 Are you planning on eating that or just spanking it? 256 00:12:22,395 --> 00:12:23,610 I plan on enjoying it. 257 00:12:23,676 --> 00:12:25,471 Well, I'm sure the cow, whose sole reason for existence 258 00:12:25,476 --> 00:12:27,632 was to wind up on your plate, appreciates that. 259 00:12:27,667 --> 00:12:29,164 That from the guy who used to devour 260 00:12:29,168 --> 00:12:31,576 three Vienna Beef Chicago dogs in one sitting. 261 00:12:31,771 --> 00:12:33,671 Yeah, that was before I was worried about 262 00:12:33,706 --> 00:12:36,502 becoming one of the 600,000 Americans who die of heart disease every year. 263 00:12:36,531 --> 00:12:38,729 Who's talking about dying? I'm talking about living! 264 00:12:38,776 --> 00:12:40,416 Stop suppressing your appetite! 265 00:12:40,478 --> 00:12:44,114 I... how many times do I have to say it? I don't have an appetite for dead cow. 266 00:12:44,150 --> 00:12:45,798 I'm not talking about food. 267 00:12:46,352 --> 00:12:48,001 I'm talking about Kate. 268 00:12:48,321 --> 00:12:49,720 What? 269 00:12:49,756 --> 00:12:51,455 You know you want her, but you think you can't have her 270 00:12:51,490 --> 00:12:52,975 because you're not normal. 271 00:12:53,359 --> 00:12:55,989 Wait. You... you think I couldn't be with Kate 272 00:12:56,024 --> 00:12:57,287 because I have schizophrenia? 273 00:12:57,376 --> 00:12:58,660 No, that's what you think. 274 00:12:58,661 --> 00:13:02,262 I'm saying you're not a normal, red-blooded American guy that eats steak. 275 00:13:02,567 --> 00:13:06,603 Now, Donnie Ryan... That guy knows how to tear into a porterhouse. 276 00:13:06,639 --> 00:13:07,743 All right, that's it. 277 00:13:07,776 --> 00:13:10,749 All right, just go beat your meat in somebody else's kitchen. 278 00:13:11,043 --> 00:13:13,531 Um... Doc? 279 00:13:14,107 --> 00:13:19,029 It's 2:00, and you wanted to try to interview that woman at the hospital. 280 00:13:19,782 --> 00:13:21,244 Right. 281 00:13:32,131 --> 00:13:33,534 Connie? 282 00:13:38,638 --> 00:13:40,272 I'm Dr. Daniel Pierce. 283 00:13:40,476 --> 00:13:41,988 I work with the FBI. 284 00:13:42,675 --> 00:13:44,884 I spoke with your brother, Tom, earlier. 285 00:13:45,975 --> 00:13:50,406 The investigators think that you're traumatized by what happened. 286 00:13:51,784 --> 00:13:53,346 Well, who wouldn't be? 287 00:13:54,539 --> 00:13:57,934 If you're suffering from post-traumatic stress, 288 00:13:58,063 --> 00:14:01,068 I can find you a therapist, get you some treatment. 289 00:14:04,771 --> 00:14:07,364 Of course, some people might think 290 00:14:07,400 --> 00:14:11,414 you're choosing not to speak because you're hiding something. 291 00:14:15,474 --> 00:14:19,654 Like what really happened at your parents' the other night. 292 00:14:20,212 --> 00:14:22,457 You think I hurt my family? 293 00:14:24,982 --> 00:14:26,575 I didn't say that. 294 00:14:27,053 --> 00:14:29,520 But since we're talking... 295 00:14:30,648 --> 00:14:33,322 Why don't you tell me what happened? 296 00:14:39,120 --> 00:14:41,331 When I think about it... 297 00:14:41,367 --> 00:14:42,611 I can't breathe. 298 00:14:42,676 --> 00:14:44,769 That's an anxiety attack. I can help with that, too. 299 00:14:44,776 --> 00:14:47,555 My memory is... foggy. 300 00:14:48,441 --> 00:14:50,831 I took a sleeping pill for the jet lag... 301 00:14:51,017 --> 00:14:52,500 Just take your time. 302 00:14:58,818 --> 00:15:00,515 Roy woke me up. 303 00:15:00,719 --> 00:15:02,342 Connie, I think somebody's in the house. 304 00:15:02,388 --> 00:15:04,488 - What? - Go in the bathroom and call 911. 305 00:15:04,523 --> 00:15:05,779 Go, go. 306 00:15:05,814 --> 00:15:07,328 Lock the door. Go! 307 00:15:13,022 --> 00:15:14,698 911. What's your emergency? 308 00:15:14,733 --> 00:15:16,840 Uh, yeah, my husband thinks there's an intruder. 309 00:15:16,842 --> 00:15:19,557 - What's your address, ma'am? - 978 Tiehack Court. 310 00:15:19,617 --> 00:15:20,973 And where are you now? 311 00:15:21,040 --> 00:15:22,720 I'm locked in the bathroom. 312 00:15:22,776 --> 00:15:24,847 Okay, ma'am, I need you to stay where you are. 313 00:15:24,848 --> 00:15:26,460 - Help! - My God! I think someone is hurting him! 314 00:15:26,495 --> 00:15:27,892 - Ma'am, just calm down. - Somebody! 315 00:15:27,927 --> 00:15:30,147 - Stay where you are. - Oh, my God! Oh, my God! 316 00:15:32,638 --> 00:15:33,851 But you did leave. 317 00:15:33,886 --> 00:15:35,236 I had to. 318 00:15:35,775 --> 00:15:37,517 I couldn't stand not knowing. 319 00:15:37,706 --> 00:15:38,949 And what did you see? 320 00:15:38,958 --> 00:15:40,482 Roy... 321 00:15:42,609 --> 00:15:44,161 All the blood... 322 00:15:44,196 --> 00:15:46,264 Okay. Just... just take... take a deep breath. 323 00:15:46,398 --> 00:15:48,300 - Just listen to the sound of... - Connie? 324 00:15:48,335 --> 00:15:49,409 No more questions. 325 00:15:49,426 --> 00:15:50,526 - What are you doing? - I can help her. 326 00:15:50,531 --> 00:15:51,979 Her own doctor will help her. Nurse! 327 00:15:52,004 --> 00:15:53,652 - That's not necessary. - You need to leave. 328 00:15:53,806 --> 00:15:54,960 - If you'd just give me a chance... - Get out. 329 00:15:55,141 --> 00:15:56,713 - This is very... - Get the hell out of here! 330 00:16:07,205 --> 00:16:09,433 - Like it? - You have to give me the recipe. 331 00:16:10,423 --> 00:16:12,691 No one makes better Dandelion Wine than Jeremy. 332 00:16:13,993 --> 00:16:15,677 Fire smells great, too. 333 00:16:17,663 --> 00:16:20,101 We had this musician staying with us. 334 00:16:21,760 --> 00:16:25,277 He recycled our coffee grounds and made them into these logs. 335 00:16:25,844 --> 00:16:29,740 Said they burn 85% less carbon than traditional firewood. 336 00:16:30,996 --> 00:16:33,249 I really admire how committed you are. 337 00:16:36,615 --> 00:16:39,356 My dad worked for a company that made pesticides. 338 00:16:39,618 --> 00:16:43,954 And... and when I was a kid, in 4th grade, I had this teacher 339 00:16:43,989 --> 00:16:48,903 who talked about how pesticides killed the birds and make the grass scream. 340 00:16:50,092 --> 00:16:51,714 How does the grass scream? 341 00:16:51,749 --> 00:16:53,381 I asked my dad the same question. 342 00:16:53,733 --> 00:16:55,096 He said my teacher was a moron. 343 00:16:55,278 --> 00:16:56,789 Mm. 344 00:16:57,242 --> 00:17:00,424 Anyway, long story short... 345 00:17:02,074 --> 00:17:04,374 I realized he was destroying the earth, 346 00:17:04,410 --> 00:17:06,655 and I didn't want to grow up and be the same way. 347 00:17:08,338 --> 00:17:12,069 When I was little, my best friend lived on a farm. 348 00:17:12,318 --> 00:17:14,949 And we saw all these little pigs be born. 349 00:17:15,358 --> 00:17:19,006 And we raised two of them like they were dogs. 350 00:17:19,258 --> 00:17:21,923 We put them on leashes, and we took them for walks, 351 00:17:21,976 --> 00:17:23,626 and we taught them tricks. 352 00:17:23,662 --> 00:17:25,252 I think I know where this story is going. 353 00:17:25,732 --> 00:17:29,178 No. No, it's... it's not like they got slaughtered or anything, but... 354 00:17:30,454 --> 00:17:33,537 My friend's pig did get really sick, and she died, 355 00:17:33,572 --> 00:17:36,073 which was super sad, of course, 356 00:17:36,108 --> 00:17:40,740 but what really upset me was watching my pig, Lulu, grieve. 357 00:17:41,670 --> 00:17:43,294 She stopped eating. 358 00:17:46,352 --> 00:17:49,855 I remember she just laid down on her sister's grave one day, 359 00:17:49,922 --> 00:17:51,688 and... that's when I knew that 360 00:17:51,724 --> 00:17:55,746 I could never eat anything that could feel emotion again. 361 00:17:58,631 --> 00:17:59,777 Hey. 362 00:18:00,332 --> 00:18:01,665 Hey. 363 00:18:01,700 --> 00:18:03,155 Sorry. 364 00:18:03,789 --> 00:18:05,154 Don't cry. 365 00:18:12,378 --> 00:18:13,543 Um... 366 00:18:14,947 --> 00:18:17,360 I'm actually... Uh, I kind of got somebody. 367 00:18:20,336 --> 00:18:22,915 - What, and this someone doesn't have a couch? - What you mean? 368 00:18:24,813 --> 00:18:27,185 I'm just trying to figure out if you're a tease 369 00:18:27,812 --> 00:18:29,183 or if you wearing a wire. 370 00:18:30,678 --> 00:18:33,194 A wire? Where is that coming from? 371 00:18:33,374 --> 00:18:35,239 You showed up to the protest today all wide-eyed 372 00:18:35,301 --> 00:18:37,133 and ready to set the world on fire. 373 00:18:38,745 --> 00:18:41,216 And then you get all reckless with that cop who... 374 00:18:42,620 --> 00:18:43,914 He never actually arrested you. 375 00:18:43,915 --> 00:18:45,770 Reagan, I'm not wearing a wire. 376 00:18:45,885 --> 00:18:47,225 Prove it. 377 00:18:51,565 --> 00:18:52,967 Ok. 378 00:19:04,716 --> 00:19:06,173 Satisfied? 379 00:19:07,809 --> 00:19:09,209 Not really. 380 00:19:12,113 --> 00:19:13,556 But I can deal. 381 00:19:27,699 --> 00:19:31,080 I think Connie's trauma is real. She's not our killer. 382 00:19:31,105 --> 00:19:33,472 Oh, so the great Dr. Pierce is wrong. 383 00:19:34,035 --> 00:19:36,583 - Stop the presses. - I just had the wrong sibling. 384 00:19:36,618 --> 00:19:38,984 The brother couldn't wait to shut that interview down. 385 00:19:39,019 --> 00:19:40,506 He's the one we should be looking at. 386 00:19:40,541 --> 00:19:41,760 No, we already checked him out. 387 00:19:41,795 --> 00:19:44,077 No... no criminal record, no history of violence. 388 00:19:44,112 --> 00:19:46,976 Plus, we've confirmed he was home during the murders. 389 00:19:47,011 --> 00:19:48,321 Confirmed how? 390 00:19:49,467 --> 00:19:52,119 A neighbor saw him come home that night. 391 00:19:52,362 --> 00:19:54,580 Plus, we tracked his cellphone from the time of the dinner 392 00:19:54,615 --> 00:19:55,947 to the time of the murders. 393 00:19:56,250 --> 00:19:57,330 His story holds up. 394 00:19:57,365 --> 00:20:00,347 He went home, went to sleep, found out what happened in the morning. 395 00:20:00,372 --> 00:20:03,311 Just because his cellphone didn't leave the house doesn't mean he didn't. 396 00:20:03,352 --> 00:20:06,212 Look, it can't be a coincidence that the Bosworths were slaughtered 397 00:20:06,246 --> 00:20:08,799 hours after telling their kids they'd been disinherited. 398 00:20:08,834 --> 00:20:10,695 I... I need to speak to that brother again. 399 00:20:10,730 --> 00:20:13,877 Thanks for the input, Dr. Pierce, but we'll take it from here, okay? 400 00:20:17,337 --> 00:20:19,336 - You've got a lot of nerve... - I just wanted to apologize. 401 00:20:19,371 --> 00:20:21,353 For accusing my sister of killing our family? No, thanks. 402 00:20:21,388 --> 00:20:24,081 I know that seemed extreme, but the longer your sister went 403 00:20:24,116 --> 00:20:25,164 without talking about what happened, 404 00:20:25,199 --> 00:20:27,731 the more detrimental it would be to her mental health. 405 00:20:28,276 --> 00:20:31,400 I was trying to provoke a reaction, and it worked. 406 00:20:33,223 --> 00:20:34,635 Look, I just... 407 00:20:35,366 --> 00:20:39,077 I want to make sure that you both get the help that you need. 408 00:20:44,438 --> 00:20:45,803 Come in. 409 00:20:56,447 --> 00:20:57,875 Oh, thank you. 410 00:20:58,030 --> 00:20:59,433 That's quite a collection. 411 00:20:59,948 --> 00:21:03,176 My dad took me to a reenactment of the Battle of Gettysburg when I was 10. 412 00:21:03,211 --> 00:21:05,952 Been a Civil War Buff ever since. Have a seat. 413 00:21:08,728 --> 00:21:11,348 You look tired. Are you getting enough sleep? 414 00:21:12,322 --> 00:21:15,121 No matter how much sleep I get, I wake up feeling tired. 415 00:21:15,836 --> 00:21:17,329 Been that way my whole life. 416 00:21:18,566 --> 00:21:19,876 Just worse now. 417 00:21:20,446 --> 00:21:23,273 I don't usually do this, but I could prescribe something. 418 00:21:23,428 --> 00:21:25,499 Thanks, but I got something already. 419 00:21:26,868 --> 00:21:28,215 How's Connie? 420 00:21:28,250 --> 00:21:30,270 She's getting released from the hospital today. 421 00:21:30,802 --> 00:21:33,701 She'll stay with me while we sort out the funeral arrangements. 422 00:21:33,736 --> 00:21:37,610 Well, it's a good thing she's got you. You, uh, always protective? 423 00:21:39,510 --> 00:21:40,772 I'm the oldest. 424 00:21:40,807 --> 00:21:42,377 I always looked out for the other two. 425 00:21:44,463 --> 00:21:46,497 Obviously, I've failed horribly. 426 00:21:48,908 --> 00:21:50,168 Thank God for Roy. 427 00:21:50,203 --> 00:21:51,422 What do you mean? 428 00:21:51,457 --> 00:21:53,853 Well, if it hadn't been for him waking Connie up 429 00:21:53,888 --> 00:21:56,257 and telling her to go into the bathroom and lock the door, 430 00:21:57,774 --> 00:21:59,522 she probably would've been killed, too. 431 00:22:01,295 --> 00:22:04,079 To be perfectly honest with you, I'm feeling pretty guilty about Roy. 432 00:22:04,270 --> 00:22:05,558 Why is that? 433 00:22:05,593 --> 00:22:06,871 I never liked him. 434 00:22:06,906 --> 00:22:10,011 When my parents told us they were selling the business and donating the money, 435 00:22:10,046 --> 00:22:12,418 I was pretty sure he was pissed about losing the inheritance. 436 00:22:12,981 --> 00:22:16,101 Instead of leaving an inheritance, which you don't really need, 437 00:22:16,136 --> 00:22:19,544 we figured we'd make a big donation to a worthy charity. 438 00:22:21,485 --> 00:22:23,281 Did he say something? 439 00:22:23,316 --> 00:22:24,834 No. Just a vibe I got. 440 00:22:27,226 --> 00:22:28,526 Now he's dead. 441 00:22:29,055 --> 00:22:33,159 So, uh, what are you and Connie gonna do about the business? 442 00:22:33,861 --> 00:22:35,471 Haven't talked about it yet. 443 00:22:35,506 --> 00:22:37,402 You think you'll ultimately sell and donate the money 444 00:22:37,437 --> 00:22:38,825 the way your parents wanted? 445 00:22:39,428 --> 00:22:42,270 - Why are you asking? - Oh, just curious, you know? 446 00:22:42,305 --> 00:22:45,703 I... I know you didn't agree with their decision before they died. 447 00:22:45,738 --> 00:22:48,194 I wondered if you'd handle things differently. 448 00:22:49,159 --> 00:22:51,741 Christ. You didn't come here to apologize at all, did you? 449 00:22:52,335 --> 00:22:54,864 First you're accusing my sister. Now you're accusing me. 450 00:22:55,923 --> 00:22:57,260 What the hell were you thinking? 451 00:22:57,295 --> 00:22:59,265 You're not authorized to conduct your own interrogation. 452 00:22:59,300 --> 00:23:00,923 I went there as a concerned doctor. 453 00:23:00,958 --> 00:23:03,062 You think you're smarter than everyone, don't you? 454 00:23:03,097 --> 00:23:04,305 Well, not everyone. 455 00:23:04,340 --> 00:23:05,754 That's Moretti. 456 00:23:06,120 --> 00:23:07,629 Hold on. We're not done here. 457 00:23:08,223 --> 00:23:08,892 Hello? 458 00:23:08,930 --> 00:23:10,831 - Something's going down. - Is she all right? 459 00:23:11,389 --> 00:23:12,433 What's... what's happening? 460 00:23:12,468 --> 00:23:16,208 I'm not sure, but I'm watching about seven of them load into a gray Ford van. 461 00:23:16,243 --> 00:23:17,696 It's got to be the one that the neighbor spotted. 462 00:23:17,731 --> 00:23:19,003 Any idea what they're up to? 463 00:23:19,038 --> 00:23:21,217 No, but I can give you a plate. Got a pen? 464 00:23:21,449 --> 00:23:22,658 Sure. Go ahead. Shoot. 465 00:23:22,855 --> 00:23:25,411 Okay, 7-4-Bravo... 466 00:23:25,430 --> 00:23:27,313 I got to go. 467 00:23:27,348 --> 00:23:28,706 Uh, just a minute! 468 00:23:34,441 --> 00:23:35,849 I need your cellphone. 469 00:23:37,048 --> 00:23:38,243 Why? 470 00:23:38,278 --> 00:23:40,789 We can't take any chances with the NSA tracking us. 471 00:23:41,467 --> 00:23:42,690 Um... 472 00:23:42,865 --> 00:23:45,318 Well, if you're not cool doing this, it's okay. I get it. 473 00:23:45,475 --> 00:23:48,374 There's no pressure. I just thought you were looking for some excitement. 474 00:23:49,353 --> 00:23:51,021 I am. 475 00:23:51,575 --> 00:23:52,923 You're gonna need this. 476 00:23:52,958 --> 00:23:54,511 - What for? - You'll see. 477 00:24:15,596 --> 00:24:17,176 So, what are we doing? 478 00:24:17,211 --> 00:24:20,196 These chicken strips are headed to 15 fast-food restaurants in the region. 479 00:24:20,231 --> 00:24:22,630 They get put on top of salads and stuffed into wraps. 480 00:24:23,231 --> 00:24:25,955 By tomorrow evening, there's gonna be nationwide news coverage 481 00:24:26,283 --> 00:24:29,971 on how people got sick from eating chicken contaminated with arsenic. 482 00:24:30,006 --> 00:24:31,655 Um, what's the point of that? 483 00:24:32,341 --> 00:24:34,989 Chickens are the most widely abused animals on the planet. 484 00:24:35,136 --> 00:24:38,327 More than 7 billion are killed every year in this country alone. 485 00:24:39,960 --> 00:24:42,951 On big egg farms, when male chicks are born, 486 00:24:42,986 --> 00:24:46,114 they're either suffocated or ground up alive. 487 00:24:46,149 --> 00:24:47,272 That's messed up. 488 00:24:47,307 --> 00:24:50,317 Until recently, farmers were allowed to put arsenic in their feed 489 00:24:50,329 --> 00:24:52,056 to reduce infections. 490 00:24:52,891 --> 00:24:57,920 But it also makes the birds' flesh an appetizing shade of pink. 491 00:24:58,483 --> 00:25:00,124 The poultry industry claims 492 00:25:00,159 --> 00:25:02,155 they're not doing it anymore, but we don't believe them. 493 00:25:02,190 --> 00:25:04,917 - So when people eat this... - They'll get sick. 494 00:25:05,124 --> 00:25:07,442 We'll stir the pot with a social-media campaign. 495 00:25:08,567 --> 00:25:09,955 And there'll be a giant recall, 496 00:25:09,990 --> 00:25:11,688 and if we're lucky, people will stop eating chicken. 497 00:25:11,723 --> 00:25:13,854 Hey, Reagan, check this out. 498 00:25:21,119 --> 00:25:22,372 Hey. 499 00:25:23,975 --> 00:25:26,266 Hey, um, Reagan says she needs your help. 500 00:25:26,301 --> 00:25:27,408 All right. 501 00:25:27,443 --> 00:25:29,110 I-it's okay. I'll keep watch. 502 00:25:40,665 --> 00:25:43,540 - Whoa, whoa, whoa, Dani! - What the hell? 503 00:25:43,575 --> 00:25:44,790 Dani, what are you doing?! 504 00:25:44,825 --> 00:25:46,049 My name isn't Dani. 505 00:25:46,085 --> 00:25:49,371 It's Special Agent Kate Moretti, and you're all under arrest. 506 00:25:49,406 --> 00:25:50,732 You've got to be kidding me! 507 00:25:58,990 --> 00:26:01,007 I have been craving one of these for days. 508 00:26:01,042 --> 00:26:03,594 So everything about you was complete bullshit. 509 00:26:03,775 --> 00:26:05,224 Just doing my job. 510 00:26:05,259 --> 00:26:07,166 - Really? - Mm-hmm. 511 00:26:07,685 --> 00:26:09,911 They teach you how to kiss like that in FBI school? 512 00:26:11,504 --> 00:26:14,530 Okay. No more games, Reagan, okay? 513 00:26:15,089 --> 00:26:17,454 I've already got you on felony destruction of property, 514 00:26:17,489 --> 00:26:21,035 conspiracy to commit domestic terrorism, and conspiracy to commit murder. 515 00:26:21,648 --> 00:26:23,092 Murder? 516 00:26:23,335 --> 00:26:26,307 Wow. Making stuff up really is your specialty. 517 00:26:26,714 --> 00:26:29,790 Well, I didn't imagine 200 pounds of chicken strips 518 00:26:29,826 --> 00:26:31,341 getting marinated in arsenic. 519 00:26:31,376 --> 00:26:34,397 Hang on. We never meant to kill anyone. 520 00:26:34,432 --> 00:26:37,651 There was just enough arsenic to give people stomachaches. 521 00:26:37,686 --> 00:26:40,383 Our goal is to save lives, not take them. 522 00:26:40,418 --> 00:26:43,254 Then how do you justify murdering the Bosworths? 523 00:26:44,653 --> 00:26:46,184 You think we did that? 524 00:26:46,219 --> 00:26:48,244 Come on, Reagan. You were harassing that family for months. 525 00:26:48,269 --> 00:26:49,708 Honestly, "Dani", 526 00:26:49,997 --> 00:26:52,993 I'm not sorry there are four fewer animal torturers out there, 527 00:26:53,028 --> 00:26:54,797 but that doesn't mean we killed them. 528 00:26:54,832 --> 00:26:57,581 Then why did you get their security code from the housekeeper's daughter? 529 00:27:00,287 --> 00:27:02,171 We know that you were there. One of the Bosworths' neighbors 530 00:27:02,205 --> 00:27:04,032 spotted your van in the vicinity. 531 00:27:10,389 --> 00:27:12,073 Okay. Fine. 532 00:27:12,280 --> 00:27:13,588 We were there. 533 00:27:15,620 --> 00:27:17,009 But it wasn't to hurt them. 534 00:27:17,522 --> 00:27:19,488 Their youngest kid posted on Facebook 535 00:27:19,524 --> 00:27:22,399 how he was gonna hang with the whole family that weekend. 536 00:27:22,710 --> 00:27:25,357 So we thought it was a perfect time to send them another message. 537 00:27:25,585 --> 00:27:28,664 Our plan was to hook their sprinkler system up 538 00:27:28,700 --> 00:27:32,237 to a few tanks of de-coagulated pigs' blood. 539 00:27:32,272 --> 00:27:35,842 And when the sprinklers went on in the morning... whoosh! 540 00:27:37,511 --> 00:27:39,542 The front lawn would be soaked in the same blood 541 00:27:39,577 --> 00:27:42,972 that pours across the floors of their slaughterhouse every day. 542 00:27:43,783 --> 00:27:45,901 I was punching in the code when... 543 00:27:46,629 --> 00:27:48,397 Suddenly this car pulls out. 544 00:27:51,275 --> 00:27:54,411 He must have seen me, so I jumped in the van, and we took off. 545 00:27:54,446 --> 00:27:58,671 Next thing I know, it's all over the news how half the family had been murdered. 546 00:27:59,088 --> 00:28:00,548 Can you describe the driver? 547 00:28:00,731 --> 00:28:02,046 It was dark. 548 00:28:02,081 --> 00:28:03,847 And his lights were in my eyes. 549 00:28:05,579 --> 00:28:06,864 But I can try. 550 00:28:06,899 --> 00:28:08,973 So, basically, we're looking for someone 551 00:28:09,008 --> 00:28:11,543 with a mouth, a nose, and possibly two eyes. 552 00:28:11,743 --> 00:28:14,643 So, the great Agent Krueger has no idea who this is? 553 00:28:14,679 --> 00:28:17,079 Of course not. Who could get an I.D. from a picture like that? 554 00:28:17,114 --> 00:28:18,433 Me. 555 00:28:18,468 --> 00:28:21,230 You were wearing this cap when you committed the murders. 556 00:28:21,265 --> 00:28:22,766 We have a witness who saw you. 557 00:28:22,801 --> 00:28:24,530 Your witness couldn't have seen me. 558 00:28:24,718 --> 00:28:27,009 I never went back to my parents' house that night. 559 00:28:27,736 --> 00:28:29,158 I was asleep. 560 00:28:29,193 --> 00:28:30,453 This is insane. 561 00:28:30,675 --> 00:28:32,334 Found this in the garage. 562 00:28:36,376 --> 00:28:40,055 I'm guessing the gun's about 150 years older than the blood. 563 00:28:40,204 --> 00:28:41,610 Tom? 564 00:28:43,106 --> 00:28:45,174 You gutted your brother-in-law with the bayonet. 565 00:28:45,209 --> 00:28:46,575 Now, what I don't understand 566 00:28:46,611 --> 00:28:49,909 is why you then took it home with you and then you left the knife 567 00:28:49,948 --> 00:28:51,914 that you used to kill the others with stuck in the wall? 568 00:28:51,949 --> 00:28:53,415 He's being set up. 569 00:28:53,451 --> 00:28:55,493 BARN obviously planted the blood on the bayonet. 570 00:28:55,519 --> 00:28:58,054 Don't you think if he'd killed them, he'd have gotten rid of the evidence? 571 00:28:58,224 --> 00:29:00,514 Yeah, a good butcher always cleans his knives. 572 00:29:00,549 --> 00:29:03,290 I mean, what kind of guy slaughters his whole family in his sleep 573 00:29:03,325 --> 00:29:06,043 and then doesn't bother to wash the blood off the murder weapon? 574 00:29:06,228 --> 00:29:08,012 Slaughters his family in their sleep. 575 00:29:08,047 --> 00:29:09,376 You said in his sleep. 576 00:29:09,411 --> 00:29:10,740 Freudian slip. 577 00:29:16,643 --> 00:29:18,440 Didn't you say you were taking sleep medication? 578 00:29:18,476 --> 00:29:20,758 - Who the hell are you? - Dr. Pierce is one of our consultants. 579 00:29:20,769 --> 00:29:22,335 What was the name of the medication? 580 00:29:22,580 --> 00:29:25,112 I don't know. I-I got a few pills from my sister. 581 00:29:25,312 --> 00:29:26,549 What's that got to do with anything? 582 00:29:26,584 --> 00:29:28,217 Time-out. I'd like a minute alone with my client. 583 00:29:28,252 --> 00:29:30,521 Did you have a nightmare the night of the murders? 584 00:29:31,790 --> 00:29:34,376 - How did you know that? - Educated guess. What was the dream? 585 00:29:34,411 --> 00:29:35,874 You don't have to answer that. 586 00:29:38,776 --> 00:29:40,253 I was in a field. 587 00:29:42,152 --> 00:29:43,560 And it was really foggy. 588 00:30:00,625 --> 00:30:02,516 My parents were on the ground. 589 00:30:03,977 --> 00:30:05,313 It was terrible. 590 00:30:08,796 --> 00:30:10,753 And my Springfield Rifle was there. 591 00:30:14,643 --> 00:30:17,426 And it was... it was so hard to see. 592 00:30:21,378 --> 00:30:22,871 Ben was dead, too. 593 00:30:24,052 --> 00:30:25,828 And then Roy came out of nowhere. 594 00:30:26,249 --> 00:30:27,861 Unh! 595 00:30:32,543 --> 00:30:34,067 Oh, my God. 596 00:30:35,563 --> 00:30:37,307 I think I killed my family. 597 00:30:40,482 --> 00:30:41,782 Oh, my God. 598 00:30:49,165 --> 00:30:51,522 Tom's been a sleepwalker since we were kids. 599 00:30:52,233 --> 00:30:53,490 One Christmas, he went downstairs 600 00:30:53,525 --> 00:30:55,964 in the middle of the night and unwrapped all the presents, 601 00:30:55,999 --> 00:30:58,131 but the next morning, he didn't remember doing it. 602 00:30:58,690 --> 00:31:02,516 And another time, when he was 16, he took dad's truck out for a joyride. 603 00:31:02,551 --> 00:31:04,364 We wouldn't have even known, except a month later, 604 00:31:04,399 --> 00:31:06,214 we got a speeding ticket in the mail. 605 00:31:07,407 --> 00:31:09,016 Thank you, Connie. 606 00:31:09,051 --> 00:31:11,223 Give me a minute alone with Mr. Ryan. 607 00:31:16,748 --> 00:31:19,436 Obviously, Tom committed these crimes while he was asleep. 608 00:31:19,624 --> 00:31:21,530 We're arguing an automatism defense. 609 00:31:21,565 --> 00:31:23,576 - Good luck with that. - Oh, we don't need luck. 610 00:31:23,611 --> 00:31:26,064 Juries consistently side with the defendant in these cases. 611 00:31:26,099 --> 00:31:28,750 - In quadruple homicides? - There's no actus reus here. 612 00:31:29,057 --> 00:31:31,418 Tom's actions weren't controlled by his conscious mind. 613 00:31:31,453 --> 00:31:33,996 You can't possibly expect a jury to believe 614 00:31:34,031 --> 00:31:37,329 he drove 10 miles, punched in a security code, 615 00:31:37,364 --> 00:31:39,598 slaughtered four people, then drove himself home, 616 00:31:39,633 --> 00:31:41,077 all while he was asleep. 617 00:31:41,112 --> 00:31:45,248 Other exonerated sleepwalkers have engaged in elaborate and violent behavior. 618 00:31:45,283 --> 00:31:49,461 Come on! He wrote "Meat is Murder" on the wall in blood. 619 00:31:49,496 --> 00:31:51,534 Obviously, he was trying to frame BARN. 620 00:31:51,569 --> 00:31:54,439 That is conscious, intentional behavior. 621 00:31:54,474 --> 00:31:56,037 You're sticking your neck out, Ryan. 622 00:31:56,421 --> 00:31:58,985 - You take this to trial, you'll lose. - I don't think so. 623 00:31:59,628 --> 00:32:01,435 Even if Tom is a sleepwalker, 624 00:32:01,470 --> 00:32:04,324 you can't prove he was sleepwalking during the crime. 625 00:32:04,359 --> 00:32:05,728 I don't have to. 626 00:32:05,880 --> 00:32:07,769 You have to prove that he wasn't. 627 00:32:07,804 --> 00:32:10,834 But even your own government expert thinks that he was. 628 00:32:12,304 --> 00:32:13,707 Nice work, Daniel. 629 00:32:13,742 --> 00:32:16,658 You handed a quadruple murderer a cockamamie defense 630 00:32:16,693 --> 00:32:18,484 that, unfortunately, just might work. 631 00:32:18,519 --> 00:32:19,614 It's not cockamamie. 632 00:32:19,649 --> 00:32:22,117 Homicidal somnambulism is a well-documented phenomenon. 633 00:32:22,152 --> 00:32:24,180 It's a bullshit excuse to get away with murder. 634 00:32:24,215 --> 00:32:26,530 Not if Tom has REM Behavioral Disorder. 635 00:32:26,686 --> 00:32:29,648 If he does, it means that his brain fails to release the chemicals 636 00:32:29,683 --> 00:32:31,898 that normally paralyze our muscles when we dream, 637 00:32:31,933 --> 00:32:34,364 so he acts out his dreams without even being conscious of it. 638 00:32:34,399 --> 00:32:36,666 On top of that, the sleep aid that his sister gave him 639 00:32:36,701 --> 00:32:38,296 could have exacerbated his condition. 640 00:32:38,331 --> 00:32:39,662 Donnie, if Daniel's right, 641 00:32:39,663 --> 00:32:42,000 do you really want to try to put Tom away for the rest of his life 642 00:32:42,035 --> 00:32:44,166 for something that he might not have meant to do? 643 00:32:48,101 --> 00:32:49,529 I need proof it's true. 644 00:32:54,357 --> 00:32:57,541 He's been sleep-deprived for the past 25 hours 645 00:32:57,576 --> 00:33:00,526 to increase the likelihood that he'll experience a sleepwalking episode. 646 00:33:01,073 --> 00:33:04,267 We'll use video-polysomnography to measure his brain waves 647 00:33:04,302 --> 00:33:06,121 and monitor his REM sleep. 648 00:33:13,030 --> 00:33:15,423 I can barely keep my eyes open. 649 00:33:16,901 --> 00:33:19,282 You're doing better than Sleeping Beauty over there. 650 00:33:28,602 --> 00:33:34,084 So, if Tom did kill his parents in his sleep, 651 00:33:35,179 --> 00:33:39,143 you think it's because he had some secret desire to off them? 652 00:33:39,178 --> 00:33:43,233 Freud said all dreams are attempts by the unconscious to resolve repressed conflicts, 653 00:33:43,405 --> 00:33:45,955 even daydreams and hallucinations... 654 00:33:45,990 --> 00:33:47,721 Well, that explains what I'm doing here. 655 00:33:47,836 --> 00:33:50,271 She's a repressed conflict if I've ever seen one. 656 00:33:50,686 --> 00:33:52,438 Come on, pal. Resolve it. 657 00:33:56,055 --> 00:33:58,675 So, uh, how... how did it go undercover? 658 00:33:58,710 --> 00:34:01,246 Well, uh, I got rowdy with some cops, 659 00:34:01,281 --> 00:34:03,910 I ate some food out of a dumpster... 660 00:34:05,342 --> 00:34:08,563 I jumped in a van full of terrorists who had box cutters, 661 00:34:08,598 --> 00:34:10,371 even though I didn't know where we were going, 662 00:34:10,603 --> 00:34:15,125 I arrested nine people without backup, and, uh... 663 00:34:15,197 --> 00:34:16,531 I made out with a woman. 664 00:34:16,566 --> 00:34:18,773 Oh, sounds juicy. Ask her for details. 665 00:34:18,808 --> 00:34:20,029 I am not asking for details. 666 00:34:20,065 --> 00:34:21,925 It's okay, Daniel. I'm not embarrassed. 667 00:34:22,085 --> 00:34:23,513 Happy to talk about it if you want. 668 00:34:23,548 --> 00:34:25,673 No! No, no, it's... It's none of my business 669 00:34:25,708 --> 00:34:28,123 - if you're into women or... - I'm not into women. 670 00:34:28,158 --> 00:34:29,584 Bummer. 671 00:34:29,619 --> 00:34:31,086 I was just playing a role. 672 00:34:32,072 --> 00:34:33,637 But I have to admit, 673 00:34:34,338 --> 00:34:36,854 it was pretty exciting being someone else for a couple days. 674 00:34:38,160 --> 00:34:40,280 Being Kate Moretti isn't exciting enough? 675 00:34:40,315 --> 00:34:43,006 No, it... it is. I have a great career. 676 00:34:43,549 --> 00:34:45,054 I'm about to marry a great guy. 677 00:34:45,090 --> 00:34:46,993 Right, right. Right. 678 00:34:48,554 --> 00:34:50,326 But I always used to be the person 679 00:34:50,361 --> 00:34:54,046 who was always stepping outside the circle, you know? 680 00:34:54,227 --> 00:34:57,939 And now I just feel like... the circle is... 681 00:34:58,885 --> 00:35:00,240 A little small. 682 00:35:01,705 --> 00:35:02,758 What about you? 683 00:35:02,793 --> 00:35:07,278 You ever just think about just doing something different? 684 00:35:12,410 --> 00:35:16,238 Well, lately, uh, I-I've been... thinking about... 685 00:35:17,214 --> 00:35:19,739 Go on, pal. Take a bite. 686 00:35:20,014 --> 00:35:21,809 Thinking about...? 687 00:35:22,055 --> 00:35:23,429 Maybe... 688 00:35:27,356 --> 00:35:28,915 S-s-starting to eat red meat again. 689 00:35:28,950 --> 00:35:30,457 That's great! 690 00:35:30,581 --> 00:35:31,875 That's great. 691 00:35:31,910 --> 00:35:33,167 - Yeah. - Yeah. 692 00:35:33,202 --> 00:35:35,554 I could finally take you to the Billy Goat for a hamburger. 693 00:35:35,735 --> 00:35:37,603 If that's not an invitation, I don't know what is. 694 00:35:37,638 --> 00:35:40,393 - That's not an invitation. - Okay. You know what, Daniel? Forget it. 695 00:35:40,756 --> 00:35:41,523 No, no, no... 696 00:35:41,558 --> 00:35:42,757 Breckinridge! 697 00:35:43,605 --> 00:35:44,951 You bastard! 698 00:35:49,511 --> 00:35:51,071 Look what you did to them. 699 00:35:57,693 --> 00:36:00,303 All right, easy, easy. Tom, easy. Easy. 700 00:36:00,338 --> 00:36:01,717 Oh, God! 701 00:36:02,252 --> 00:36:03,281 Where am I? 702 00:36:03,316 --> 00:36:05,200 It's all right, Tom. You're in the sleep lab now. 703 00:36:09,269 --> 00:36:10,603 Was I doing it? 704 00:36:10,787 --> 00:36:12,147 - Sleepwalking? - Yes. 705 00:36:12,182 --> 00:36:14,341 - Do you remember your dream? - I was, uh... 706 00:36:16,212 --> 00:36:18,586 I was standing on my... On my parents' front lawn. 707 00:36:19,933 --> 00:36:21,335 And then, uh... 708 00:36:22,085 --> 00:36:24,327 There were graves... fresh ones. 709 00:36:25,448 --> 00:36:27,505 And then I heard a pig snorting behind me. 710 00:36:27,705 --> 00:36:29,849 But when I turned around, it was Breckinridge, 711 00:36:29,884 --> 00:36:32,795 standing there with a... with a bloody knife in his hands. 712 00:36:33,919 --> 00:36:36,014 We fought, and I stabbed him. 713 00:36:36,049 --> 00:36:37,987 - Breckinridge? - General Breckinridge. 714 00:36:38,296 --> 00:36:40,322 Kentucky Senator during the Civil War. 715 00:36:40,538 --> 00:36:43,127 He was denounced as a traitor and a Confederate sympathizer. 716 00:36:43,162 --> 00:36:44,831 I have no idea why I was dreaming about him. 717 00:36:44,866 --> 00:36:47,952 Tom, how many graves did you see in your dream? 718 00:36:49,376 --> 00:36:50,676 Three. 719 00:36:54,835 --> 00:36:56,879 We got it all wrong. Tom didn't kill his family. 720 00:36:57,170 --> 00:36:58,215 Then who did? 721 00:36:58,250 --> 00:36:59,670 The traitor. 722 00:37:03,808 --> 00:37:06,906 Okay, Daniel, you've kept me in suspense long enough. 723 00:37:06,941 --> 00:37:09,253 Tell me your theory of what happened. Start at the beginning. 724 00:37:09,289 --> 00:37:11,678 Okay, okay. So, the night of the murders, the Bosworths sit down 725 00:37:11,713 --> 00:37:13,490 with their family at the dining table. 726 00:37:13,524 --> 00:37:15,901 They tell their kids they're selling the business. 727 00:37:15,937 --> 00:37:19,183 Tom's upset, so he goes home, takes a sleeping pill, goes to bed. 728 00:37:19,218 --> 00:37:21,399 The rest of the family goes to sleep here in the house. 729 00:37:21,434 --> 00:37:22,626 - With you so far. - Okay. 730 00:37:22,661 --> 00:37:24,718 So then the killer, while they're sleeping, 731 00:37:25,216 --> 00:37:27,445 the killer goes into the kitchen, 732 00:37:27,480 --> 00:37:29,243 takes one of the knives... 733 00:37:29,398 --> 00:37:33,648 Makes his way through the house, into the parents' room. 734 00:37:35,255 --> 00:37:36,816 After he murdered them... 735 00:37:37,483 --> 00:37:40,081 He goes across the hall, he takes care of the younger one, Ben. 736 00:37:44,726 --> 00:37:47,781 The only thing left to do is frame BARN for the murders... 737 00:37:53,096 --> 00:37:54,522 And get rid of the evidence. 738 00:37:56,928 --> 00:38:00,089 Okay. But what's new here? I mean, this is Tom we're talking about, right? 739 00:38:00,124 --> 00:38:01,788 No. Tom didn't arrive at the house 740 00:38:01,823 --> 00:38:04,923 until after his parents and his brother were already dead. 741 00:38:05,214 --> 00:38:07,362 He had a bad feeling after that dinner, right? 742 00:38:07,397 --> 00:38:10,803 So he goes home. He has a nightmare. He starts sleepwalking. 743 00:38:10,838 --> 00:38:13,423 He puts on his Civil War cap. He... he grabs his rifle. 744 00:38:13,458 --> 00:38:15,983 He saw himself as their protector. 745 00:38:16,528 --> 00:38:18,687 He drove here because, on a subliminal level, 746 00:38:18,722 --> 00:38:19,970 he knew they weren't safe. 747 00:38:20,005 --> 00:38:22,256 But by the time he got here, he was too late. 748 00:38:22,290 --> 00:38:25,756 Now, in his dream, he saw his parents lying dead in a foggy field, 749 00:38:25,793 --> 00:38:29,761 but that was really just his conscious mind conflating what he saw in reality 750 00:38:29,796 --> 00:38:31,704 and transposing it to his dreamscape. 751 00:38:32,709 --> 00:38:34,961 Okay. But if Tom didn't kill his family, then who did? 752 00:38:34,997 --> 00:38:36,753 I told you... the traitor. 753 00:38:37,535 --> 00:38:38,920 Which was who, exactly? 754 00:38:38,955 --> 00:38:41,443 The one that wanted the inheritance all along. 755 00:38:43,878 --> 00:38:45,293 His brother-in-law, Roy. 756 00:38:49,830 --> 00:38:50,578 Unh! 757 00:38:50,613 --> 00:38:53,494 Help! Somebody! 758 00:38:58,772 --> 00:39:00,162 So how do we prove it? 759 00:39:00,514 --> 00:39:02,919 We ordered a bloodstain-pattern analysis. 760 00:39:02,954 --> 00:39:06,644 Turns out there was arterial spray across Roy's shirt. 761 00:39:08,481 --> 00:39:10,725 It was Walter's blood. 762 00:39:14,195 --> 00:39:17,672 My... my husband killed my family? 763 00:39:19,520 --> 00:39:21,859 If Roy hadn't run into you in the hall, 764 00:39:21,894 --> 00:39:24,445 we believe he would've gone outside, broken a window, 765 00:39:24,480 --> 00:39:26,633 and told everyone he fought off the intruder. 766 00:39:28,355 --> 00:39:29,840 Am I going to jail? 767 00:39:31,806 --> 00:39:33,748 Plead to involuntary manslaughter, 768 00:39:33,783 --> 00:39:36,191 agree to get treatment for your sleep disorder, 769 00:39:36,226 --> 00:39:38,730 and I will recommend you get a suspended sentence. 770 00:39:51,209 --> 00:39:52,561 Can't sleep? 771 00:39:52,859 --> 00:39:55,142 I just can't believe the wedding's so soon. 772 00:39:56,735 --> 00:39:58,439 How was the tasting, by the way? 773 00:39:59,137 --> 00:40:02,819 Eh, not nearly as exciting as yours, apparently. 774 00:40:04,498 --> 00:40:08,390 I got to admit, hum... tofu was kind of interesting. 775 00:40:08,943 --> 00:40:10,305 Really? 776 00:40:11,124 --> 00:40:12,486 What was it like? 777 00:40:12,621 --> 00:40:15,118 It was... soft. 778 00:40:15,845 --> 00:40:17,414 It was smooth. 779 00:40:20,012 --> 00:40:22,423 You thinking about mixing up your diet, are you? 780 00:40:24,033 --> 00:40:27,025 I'm pretty happy with what's on the regular menu. 781 00:40:28,770 --> 00:40:32,452 Each of us thinks that we're at the center of our own little universe. 782 00:40:32,655 --> 00:40:36,521 But the conscious mind is... is like 783 00:40:36,556 --> 00:40:39,474 a planet on the edge of a distant galaxy, 784 00:40:39,509 --> 00:40:42,429 far away from where all the cool stuff is happening. 785 00:40:42,681 --> 00:40:47,282 Just as stars are pulled by the gravity of objects yet to be discovered, 786 00:40:47,954 --> 00:40:51,285 so are we influenced by unconscious feelings and desires 787 00:40:51,320 --> 00:40:54,633 that drift just beyond our ability to perceive them. 788 00:40:55,652 --> 00:40:57,770 Now, occasionally, in our dreams, 789 00:40:57,805 --> 00:40:59,590 we act on these impulses... 790 00:40:59,945 --> 00:41:03,158 Which is probably safer than doing it in the real world... 791 00:41:04,929 --> 00:41:08,133 But when powerful desires do enter our orbit, 792 00:41:08,739 --> 00:41:10,409 could be tough to ignore them. 793 00:41:13,430 --> 00:41:16,683 The question is, should we always force these primal urges 794 00:41:16,718 --> 00:41:18,960 back into the darkness from whence they came? 795 00:41:20,721 --> 00:41:22,714 Or is it sometimes... 796 00:41:25,769 --> 00:41:27,581 Okay to be bad?