1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:01,882 Subs created by: David Coleman. 2 00:00:01,883 --> 00:00:04,366 How bad do you want it? 3 00:00:04,367 --> 00:00:09,167 Whether "it" be a 4.0 GPA, a million bucks.. 4 00:00:09,368 --> 00:00:12,142 Or just getting laid. 5 00:00:12,143 --> 00:00:15,292 Ambition drives us all.. What William James called 6 00:00:15,293 --> 00:00:18,953 "the worship of the bitch Goddess success". 7 00:00:18,954 --> 00:00:23,900 Now, Freud would have us believe that all drives stem from the libido. 8 00:00:23,901 --> 00:00:24,982 Sorry, Sigmund. 9 00:00:24,983 --> 00:00:30,883 Success is neurologically determined by one's ability to stay focused on a task, 10 00:00:30,902 --> 00:00:36,482 and persistence is a function of an active Limbic System. 11 00:00:37,982 --> 00:00:41,493 Take, for instance, gridiron guy here. 12 00:00:41,494 --> 00:00:46,010 Clearly, his Limbic System isn't firing on all cylinders. 13 00:00:46,011 --> 00:00:50,593 Either that, or his ambition to win The Heisman supersedes his desire.. 14 00:00:50,594 --> 00:00:53,534 To pass this class! 15 00:00:53,785 --> 00:00:55,801 - Sorry. - Morning, sunshine. 16 00:00:55,802 --> 00:01:00,236 Speaking of passing this class, please pass your Midterm papers to Mr. Lewicki here. 17 00:01:00,237 --> 00:01:02,839 His ambition is to read them all.. 18 00:01:02,840 --> 00:01:04,940 Tonight. 19 00:01:06,202 --> 00:01:10,213 I don't think any of them even remembered to spell-check. 20 00:01:10,214 --> 00:01:15,788 Persistence, Lewicki. Once in a while, a student surprises you. 21 00:01:15,789 --> 00:01:18,103 Actually, Brian Cahill did. 22 00:01:18,104 --> 00:01:19,697 I don't know who that is. 23 00:01:19,698 --> 00:01:21,029 "Gridiron guy"? 24 00:01:21,030 --> 00:01:23,970 Ah. Sleeping beauty. 25 00:01:24,131 --> 00:01:28,061 Maybe your lecture wasn't interesting enough to keep him awake, 26 00:01:28,062 --> 00:01:30,961 but his paper's actually pretty good. 27 00:01:30,962 --> 00:01:32,330 Too good. 28 00:01:32,331 --> 00:01:36,483 His paper is obviously plagiarized. There's no way that kid wrote this. 29 00:01:36,484 --> 00:01:39,827 I'm not so sure. Cahill's been getting pretty good grades. 30 00:01:39,828 --> 00:01:43,656 Clearly from teachers who turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of a "student-athlete". 31 00:01:43,657 --> 00:01:45,517 There's an oxymoron if I've ever heard one. 32 00:01:45,518 --> 00:01:47,614 Well, I'm not dazzled by his athletic prowess. 33 00:01:47,615 --> 00:01:50,186 We have an honor system here. He should be out. 34 00:01:50,187 --> 00:01:51,797 You're getting ahead of yourself, Daniel. 35 00:01:51,798 --> 00:01:54,136 Now, first of all, there's no proof that he cheated. 36 00:01:54,137 --> 00:01:56,533 And let me guess.. Second of all, he's a football star. 37 00:01:56,534 --> 00:01:59,603 I'm not gonna deny having an all-American is good for recruiting. 38 00:01:59,604 --> 00:02:00,967 Not to mention the bottom line. 39 00:02:00,968 --> 00:02:03,812 Look, have you any idea how much we earn in broadcast fees alone? 40 00:02:03,813 --> 00:02:06,122 It's not like my department sees any of that. 41 00:02:06,123 --> 00:02:08,484 No, but you don't have to explain to the board of trustees why you 42 00:02:08,485 --> 00:02:12,098 expelled a star linebacker and screwed up a shot at a bowl berth. 43 00:02:12,099 --> 00:02:13,491 - Dean Haley. - Great. 44 00:02:13,492 --> 00:02:16,861 Great. So, w.. We jettison our academic standards for filthy lucre. 45 00:02:16,862 --> 00:02:20,820 What's next, automatic GPA inflation every time some yahoo scores a touchdown? 46 00:02:20,821 --> 00:02:23,312 Hang on. I'm gonna have to deal with this later, something's come up. 47 00:02:23,313 --> 00:02:25,604 What's more important than a campus cheating scandal? 48 00:02:25,605 --> 00:02:28,305 A campus murder. 49 00:02:32,363 --> 00:02:33,882 Dinner was amazing. 50 00:02:33,883 --> 00:02:38,018 I got the recipe from an ancient Berber woman in Marrakech. 51 00:02:38,019 --> 00:02:40,567 Of course, to be truly authentic, I should have made it with pigeon, 52 00:02:40,568 --> 00:02:43,228 but the butcher at Whole Foods was appalled when I asked for it, 53 00:02:43,229 --> 00:02:45,493 so we had to settle for chicken. 54 00:02:45,494 --> 00:02:47,843 Well, it was absolutely delicious. 55 00:02:47,844 --> 00:02:49,392 Thank you. 56 00:02:49,393 --> 00:02:52,453 I pull my own Warka. 57 00:02:53,324 --> 00:02:54,568 The dough. 58 00:02:54,569 --> 00:02:56,849 Of course. 59 00:03:08,999 --> 00:03:11,639 Aah. Excuse me. 60 00:03:11,650 --> 00:03:13,630 Hello? 61 00:03:15,858 --> 00:03:18,858 I'll be right over. 62 00:03:19,143 --> 00:03:20,876 I have to go. 63 00:03:20,877 --> 00:03:23,538 I'm s.. It's Daniel. 64 00:03:23,539 --> 00:03:26,299 Of course it is. 65 00:03:28,591 --> 00:03:31,544 You look lovely. I'm sorry if we ruined a special evening. 66 00:03:31,545 --> 00:03:34,422 Oh, no. Not at all. 67 00:03:34,423 --> 00:03:36,503 The multi-talented Professor Hathaway? 68 00:03:36,504 --> 00:03:39,349 I understand you two might be quite an item. 69 00:03:39,350 --> 00:03:43,155 W.. Why don't you tell me, uh, more about the murder? 70 00:03:43,156 --> 00:03:47,650 Well, campus security discovered a body in Brooks Hall. 71 00:03:47,651 --> 00:03:49,796 A Junior, Christina Lake. 72 00:03:49,797 --> 00:03:51,506 Okay. Do they have a cause of death? 73 00:03:51,507 --> 00:03:53,042 A broken neck. 74 00:03:53,043 --> 00:03:55,450 Ooh. That's awful. 75 00:03:55,451 --> 00:03:59,851 But I'm.. I'm sorry. I'm just, I'm still a little confused as to why I'm here. 76 00:03:59,852 --> 00:04:01,992 I mean, Chicago P.D. will catch this case. 77 00:04:01,993 --> 00:04:03,615 Well, they did. 78 00:04:03,616 --> 00:04:06,476 But I wanted to send a message to the parents and alumni 79 00:04:06,477 --> 00:04:08,959 that we're doing everything we can to keep the campus safe. 80 00:04:08,960 --> 00:04:12,051 So I made a request that the FBI investigate. 81 00:04:12,052 --> 00:04:16,220 Well, not to beat a dead cliché, but this is not exactly a federal case. 82 00:04:16,221 --> 00:04:18,642 I mean, it's not terrorism or a school shooting. 83 00:04:18,643 --> 00:04:22,539 So I'll talk to the investigating officer, but he might not like me butting in. 84 00:04:22,540 --> 00:04:25,876 Also, my boss might have an issue with it, but, um.. 85 00:04:25,877 --> 00:04:28,157 Excuse me. 86 00:04:28,618 --> 00:04:30,880 Wow. Speak of the devil. 87 00:04:30,881 --> 00:04:32,981 Moretti. 88 00:04:35,085 --> 00:04:37,845 Yes. I'm on it. 89 00:04:40,145 --> 00:04:41,914 You called Reardon? 90 00:04:41,915 --> 00:04:44,600 I just.. Wanted to remind her the.. 91 00:04:44,601 --> 00:04:47,170 How many cases I've helped the Bureau close. 92 00:04:47,171 --> 00:04:50,346 And it would be a shame if I got so busy that I couldn't keep.. 93 00:04:50,347 --> 00:04:51,501 Helping. 94 00:04:51,502 --> 00:04:55,719 I don't know whether to be shocked or impressed. 95 00:04:55,720 --> 00:04:58,231 We should start at Brooks Hall, talk to Christina's friends. 96 00:04:58,232 --> 00:05:01,174 Whoa, whoa, whoa. This is not your case. There's no "we". 97 00:05:01,175 --> 00:05:05,448 There's no Neurological or behavioral angle here. 98 00:05:05,449 --> 00:05:07,015 What? 99 00:05:07,016 --> 00:05:09,452 Sorry. One of my students hasn't been showing up to class. 100 00:05:09,453 --> 00:05:12,179 I assumed he was sick, but clearly he's well enough for a night out. 101 00:05:12,180 --> 00:05:14,333 Well, why don't you go deal with him? That is your job. 102 00:05:14,334 --> 00:05:15,958 After all, you're a Professor, not a cop. 103 00:05:15,959 --> 00:05:17,893 Nice try, Agent Moretti. 104 00:05:17,894 --> 00:05:21,464 This murder happened in my backyard. You're not kicking me to the curb. 105 00:05:21,465 --> 00:05:22,998 Shall we? 106 00:05:22,999 --> 00:05:24,572 My room is right beneath Christina's, 107 00:05:24,573 --> 00:05:28,071 so I can hear everything that goes on upstairs. 108 00:05:28,072 --> 00:05:29,983 Hmm. Did you hear anything tonight? 109 00:05:29,984 --> 00:05:33,294 She was cranking her tunes at full volume. 110 00:05:33,295 --> 00:05:37,840 I had been cramming for my MCATs for three days, and it was nonstop. 111 00:05:37,841 --> 00:05:40,453 Was Christina having problems with anyone? 112 00:05:40,454 --> 00:05:43,152 No way. She had tons of friends. 113 00:05:43,153 --> 00:05:45,749 I mean, you know the type.. All the girls want to be her, 114 00:05:45,750 --> 00:05:47,490 all the guys want to be with her. 115 00:05:47,491 --> 00:05:49,032 Was Christina dating anyone? 116 00:05:49,033 --> 00:05:53,429 She just broke up with Billy Mitchell. I have no idea why. He's so freaking hot. 117 00:05:53,430 --> 00:05:55,321 So, whose idea was the breakup? 118 00:05:55,322 --> 00:05:57,444 Well, Christina dumped him.. 119 00:05:57,445 --> 00:05:58,916 And Billy was not happy. 120 00:05:58,917 --> 00:06:00,739 They'd been arguing about it all week. 121 00:06:00,740 --> 00:06:02,742 You could hear the yelling all over the dorm. 122 00:06:02,743 --> 00:06:04,344 Were they fighting tonight? 123 00:06:04,345 --> 00:06:07,040 All I could hear was the music. 124 00:06:07,041 --> 00:06:09,327 But I.. I did pass Billy in the hall. 125 00:06:09,328 --> 00:06:10,859 Does Billy live in the dorm? 126 00:06:10,860 --> 00:06:16,760 No, in Farnsworth, but I just saw him at the vigil on the quad. 127 00:06:21,275 --> 00:06:22,282 That's Billy. 128 00:06:22,283 --> 00:06:25,223 Billy Mitchell? FBI. 129 00:07:01,447 --> 00:07:05,527 Billy Mitchell, you're under arrest. 130 00:07:10,137 --> 00:07:12,747 Look, you're crazy if you believe that I'd hurt Christina. 131 00:07:12,748 --> 00:07:15,673 She's been my girlfriend since freshman year in high school. 132 00:07:15,674 --> 00:07:19,544 Yeah, well, from what I've heard, there was trouble in paradise. 133 00:07:19,545 --> 00:07:22,223 What were you kids fighting about? 134 00:07:22,224 --> 00:07:24,561 I told her I was gonna transfer to M.I.T. 135 00:07:24,562 --> 00:07:26,349 Because they have a better chemistry program. 136 00:07:26,350 --> 00:07:29,208 She freaked out. She begged me not to leave Chicago. 137 00:07:29,209 --> 00:07:32,480 So two weeks after I promised I'd stay, she dumps me. 138 00:07:32,481 --> 00:07:33,562 Why? 139 00:07:33,563 --> 00:07:36,622 Because that piece of euro trash messed with her head. 140 00:07:36,623 --> 00:07:39,032 Which piece of euro trash are we talking about here? 141 00:07:39,033 --> 00:07:42,832 This guy Karl. Some Prussian Prince or something. 142 00:07:42,833 --> 00:07:45,499 Thinks, like, a title makes him better than the rest of us. 143 00:07:45,500 --> 00:07:47,067 This guy is a jerk. 144 00:07:47,068 --> 00:07:49,750 Goes through women like Kleenex in flu season. 145 00:07:49,751 --> 00:07:52,230 Guy stole your girl. 146 00:07:52,231 --> 00:07:53,673 That's got to be rough. 147 00:07:53,674 --> 00:07:55,309 No, no. This guy's bad news. 148 00:07:55,310 --> 00:07:57,511 I Googled him, found out all sorts of dirt. 149 00:07:57,512 --> 00:08:01,059 That's why I went to see Christina, to tell her not to get mixed up with the guy. 150 00:08:01,060 --> 00:08:04,024 And then when she didn't listen, you got angry. 151 00:08:04,025 --> 00:08:07,167 Yes, but.. But I didn't kill her. 152 00:08:07,168 --> 00:08:10,151 She was alive when I left. 153 00:08:10,152 --> 00:08:12,173 Anybody see you go? 154 00:08:12,174 --> 00:08:14,691 Yeah. Karl. Told me to leave Christina alone. 155 00:08:14,692 --> 00:08:17,516 I heard him yelling at her when I left. You know, maybe that creep killed her. 156 00:08:17,517 --> 00:08:19,225 Yeah, my money's still on you. 157 00:08:19,226 --> 00:08:20,475 I didn't do this. 158 00:08:20,476 --> 00:08:23,476 Then why'd you run? 159 00:08:24,113 --> 00:08:27,920 Because I had a joint in my pocket. 160 00:08:27,921 --> 00:08:30,073 I was afraid you were gonna bust me, so I flushed it. 161 00:08:30,074 --> 00:08:31,861 You should be talking to Karl. 162 00:08:31,862 --> 00:08:35,218 "Prince Karl of Hesse-Brandenberg". 163 00:08:35,219 --> 00:08:37,925 "Third son of a minor German noble family". 164 00:08:37,926 --> 00:08:42,486 So no power left, just titles and castles. 165 00:08:43,858 --> 00:08:47,461 According to "Lifestyles of the rich and infamous".. 166 00:08:47,462 --> 00:08:50,089 Karl is quite the problem child. 167 00:08:50,090 --> 00:08:53,567 Looks like he's been expelled from two boarding schools in England.. 168 00:08:53,568 --> 00:08:58,205 Accused of slapping a model in a discotheque in Monte Carlo.. 169 00:08:58,206 --> 00:09:03,225 Accused of the rape of a hotel maid in Ibiza, but no charges were ever filed. 170 00:09:03,226 --> 00:09:07,322 I'll bet a very fat check goes a long way to convincing a victim not to prosecute. 171 00:09:07,323 --> 00:09:10,210 The Agent I sent to Karl's condo called in. 172 00:09:10,211 --> 00:09:12,571 Doorman says he left last night for the airport. 173 00:09:12,572 --> 00:09:15,087 I'll call TSA, have them check airline manifests. 174 00:09:15,088 --> 00:09:17,565 You think the playboy of the Western World flies commercial? 175 00:09:17,566 --> 00:09:19,890 He's got a private plane. 176 00:09:19,891 --> 00:09:21,636 Well, he must have filed a flight plan. 177 00:09:21,637 --> 00:09:24,053 To St. Louis. It never got there. 178 00:09:24,054 --> 00:09:26,318 Reach out to Homeland, State, Interpol. 179 00:09:26,319 --> 00:09:28,202 Maybe somebody knows where this plane really went. 180 00:09:28,203 --> 00:09:30,063 Hmm. 181 00:09:38,327 --> 00:09:40,169 Hey. 182 00:09:40,170 --> 00:09:42,450 Smart guy. 183 00:09:43,040 --> 00:09:44,590 We need to talk. 184 00:09:44,591 --> 00:09:47,560 Yeah, I'm.. Kind of busy. 185 00:09:47,561 --> 00:09:52,121 That's okay. I've got to get some sleep. 186 00:09:56,316 --> 00:09:58,187 I'll catch up with you later. 187 00:09:58,188 --> 00:10:00,967 What the hell are you doing? 188 00:10:00,968 --> 00:10:02,882 - Excuse me? - You don't come to class, 189 00:10:02,883 --> 00:10:05,232 you don't hand in your paper, it's 7:00 A.M., you.. 190 00:10:05,233 --> 00:10:06,917 Have you been up partying all night? 191 00:10:06,918 --> 00:10:10,023 Since when is my social life your business? 192 00:10:10,024 --> 00:10:12,375 You're one of the brightest students at this university, 193 00:10:12,376 --> 00:10:15,494 and I can't remember the last time I saw you at one of my lectures. 194 00:10:15,495 --> 00:10:17,281 You're blowing your chances at med school. 195 00:10:17,282 --> 00:10:21,012 Who says I want to go to med school? 196 00:10:21,013 --> 00:10:23,058 You're changing your major? 197 00:10:23,059 --> 00:10:24,569 Man.. 198 00:10:24,570 --> 00:10:28,440 It's not all about majors and cramming for midterms. 199 00:10:28,441 --> 00:10:30,429 I've got a band, a girlfriend.. 200 00:10:30,430 --> 00:10:33,136 And you'll have plenty of time for all of that once you flunk out. 201 00:10:33,137 --> 00:10:36,457 - Look, I'm working on the paper. - Work faster. 202 00:10:36,458 --> 00:10:38,566 I'm giving you till the end of the day tomorrow 203 00:10:38,567 --> 00:10:40,771 to turn in that paper, or I'm failing you. 204 00:10:40,772 --> 00:10:44,252 Now get your ass to class. 205 00:10:45,221 --> 00:10:46,416 Mister Lewicki here tells me that you've 206 00:10:46,417 --> 00:10:48,143 been falling asleep in section all week. 207 00:10:48,144 --> 00:10:50,494 - Are we boring you? - No, Sir. 208 00:10:50,495 --> 00:10:52,598 There's no need to deny it. 209 00:10:52,599 --> 00:10:54,322 I'm sure a student of your perspicacity 210 00:10:54,323 --> 00:10:57,285 must be unchallenged by intro to neuropsych. 211 00:10:57,286 --> 00:11:00,979 Y.. Your Midterm paper displays a brilliant grasp of the subject. 212 00:11:00,980 --> 00:11:06,100 I'd love to hear more about your alternative view of the mind-body link. 213 00:11:06,101 --> 00:11:09,281 You remember.. Page 12? 214 00:11:11,755 --> 00:11:15,595 You didn't write this, did you? 215 00:11:15,597 --> 00:11:17,875 No, Sir. I bought it. 216 00:11:17,876 --> 00:11:19,195 Who from? 217 00:11:19,196 --> 00:11:22,878 Rumor is he's a grad student, but I don't know the dude's name. 218 00:11:22,879 --> 00:11:25,485 Then how'd you get the paper? 219 00:11:25,486 --> 00:11:28,509 A guy on the team gave me an e-mail address. 220 00:11:28,510 --> 00:11:30,752 I sent the assignment and 200 bucks through PayPal. 221 00:11:30,753 --> 00:11:35,156 And a couple days later, the essay showed up in my e-mail. 222 00:11:35,157 --> 00:11:38,109 I.. I'm sorry. I've.. I've never cheated before. 223 00:11:38,110 --> 00:11:39,641 Oh, come on. I've seen your grades. 224 00:11:39,642 --> 00:11:41,404 You've been getting a free pass around here. 225 00:11:41,405 --> 00:11:44,855 But not this time, not from me. 226 00:11:44,856 --> 00:11:46,812 I swear, I used to be a good student. 227 00:11:46,813 --> 00:11:48,973 I just.. 228 00:11:49,355 --> 00:11:52,630 I can't concentrate any more. 229 00:11:52,631 --> 00:11:55,610 How long have you been feeling like that? 230 00:11:55,611 --> 00:11:59,991 I don't know. Pretty much all semester. 231 00:12:01,078 --> 00:12:04,678 Look me straight in the eye. 232 00:12:08,133 --> 00:12:09,441 You see this? 233 00:12:09,442 --> 00:12:11,710 See the disparity in pupil size? 234 00:12:11,711 --> 00:12:13,145 It's Anischoria. 235 00:12:13,146 --> 00:12:16,733 What is that? What are you talking about? 236 00:12:16,734 --> 00:12:18,475 Have you been having trouble breathing? 237 00:12:18,476 --> 00:12:19,485 A little. 238 00:12:19,486 --> 00:12:21,353 Headaches? 239 00:12:21,354 --> 00:12:23,622 Yeah. How did.. How'd you know? 240 00:12:23,623 --> 00:12:25,390 How long have you been playing football? 241 00:12:25,391 --> 00:12:29,694 I mean, I started pee-wee at 8, full contact when I was 9. 242 00:12:29,695 --> 00:12:32,805 Have you been hit harder than usual lately? 243 00:12:32,806 --> 00:12:35,239 I mean, I ended up at the bottom of a dog pile 244 00:12:35,240 --> 00:12:37,283 a couple months ago, and my helmet flew off. 245 00:12:37,284 --> 00:12:42,324 I mean, back of my head got stomped pretty hard. 246 00:12:57,724 --> 00:13:01,926 Well, as I suspected, you have a subdural hematoma. 247 00:13:01,927 --> 00:13:04,438 A brain bleed. 248 00:13:04,439 --> 00:13:06,265 Am I gonna miss the game on Saturday? 249 00:13:06,266 --> 00:13:09,268 Yeah. And every one after that. 250 00:13:09,269 --> 00:13:11,924 I'm out for the season? 251 00:13:11,925 --> 00:13:13,438 You're not getting it. 252 00:13:13,439 --> 00:13:17,519 You can't play football ever again. 253 00:13:19,143 --> 00:13:22,447 If I don't play, I'll lose my scholarship. 254 00:13:22,448 --> 00:13:25,816 It's either that, or risk permanent brain damage. 255 00:13:25,817 --> 00:13:28,217 Your choice. 256 00:13:30,959 --> 00:13:34,713 I found Karl.. In Cabo San Lucas. 257 00:13:34,714 --> 00:13:37,796 And they say there's no such thing as inter-agency cooperation. 258 00:13:37,797 --> 00:13:39,264 I'm glad State came through. 259 00:13:39,265 --> 00:13:40,465 They didn't. 260 00:13:40,466 --> 00:13:43,525 Then who located him? Homeland? 261 00:13:43,526 --> 00:13:44,812 Interpol? 262 00:13:44,813 --> 00:13:46,673 TMZ. 263 00:13:48,188 --> 00:13:51,743 I need you to sign off on a travel voucher so I can go down and pick him up. 264 00:13:51,744 --> 00:13:53,945 We're on an austerity budget. 265 00:13:53,946 --> 00:13:55,847 Let the Mexican police pick him up. 266 00:13:55,848 --> 00:13:59,818 Listen, the Federales aren't exactly known for their.. Integrity. 267 00:13:59,819 --> 00:14:01,313 The money gets into the right hands, 268 00:14:01,314 --> 00:14:06,774 Karl's off to a country where we can't extradite him. 269 00:14:13,881 --> 00:14:16,776 So, where to, chicas? 270 00:14:16,777 --> 00:14:18,589 The beach.. 271 00:14:18,590 --> 00:14:20,129 Or the pool? 272 00:14:20,130 --> 00:14:23,430 Adult swim's over, Karl. 273 00:14:25,679 --> 00:14:30,059 Pardon me, ladies. He's coming with me. 274 00:14:30,697 --> 00:14:33,885 You'll never get away with treating me like this! 275 00:14:33,886 --> 00:14:35,644 If I get a slap on the wrist, it's worth it, 276 00:14:35,645 --> 00:14:37,595 because I know that you murdered Christina. 277 00:14:37,596 --> 00:14:39,297 I didn't kill her! 278 00:14:39,298 --> 00:14:40,817 Oh, yeah? Tell me all about it. 279 00:14:40,818 --> 00:14:42,818 I'm not a moron. 280 00:14:42,819 --> 00:14:45,603 I'm not saying anything else without my lawyer. 281 00:14:45,604 --> 00:14:48,376 Then I guess my job here is done. 282 00:14:48,377 --> 00:14:49,972 Oh. Look at that. 283 00:14:49,973 --> 00:14:54,112 Right in time for the 4:00 flight. Hmm. 284 00:14:54,113 --> 00:14:57,233 Okay. Enjoy your stay. 285 00:14:58,748 --> 00:15:02,276 But, you know, I could take you with me. 286 00:15:02,277 --> 00:15:05,893 If you just sign this little waiver of extradition, 287 00:15:05,894 --> 00:15:07,892 we could be on our way to the airport. 288 00:15:07,893 --> 00:15:12,453 You could call your lawyer from the plane. 289 00:15:14,394 --> 00:15:16,065 Dr. Pierce. 290 00:15:16,066 --> 00:15:19,912 I finished the essay with a couple hours to spare. 291 00:15:19,913 --> 00:15:22,481 I'm surprised you put so much time into it. 292 00:15:22,482 --> 00:15:25,695 Hey, it's done, so save the lecture. 293 00:15:25,696 --> 00:15:27,616 Stay. 294 00:15:27,704 --> 00:15:30,584 I'll read it now. 295 00:15:33,323 --> 00:15:34,562 Is this a joke? 296 00:15:34,563 --> 00:15:37,082 Hey, I busted my ass on that paper. 297 00:15:37,083 --> 00:15:38,747 This isn't your work. 298 00:15:38,748 --> 00:15:41,798 Yesterday you told me that I was one of the smartest students here, 299 00:15:41,799 --> 00:15:44,771 so you know I don't need to cheat. 300 00:15:44,772 --> 00:15:46,500 I wrote this. 301 00:15:46,501 --> 00:15:49,082 25 years ago, to be exact, when I was an undergrad. 302 00:15:49,083 --> 00:15:50,953 Did you think I wouldn't recognize my own words, 303 00:15:50,954 --> 00:15:52,209 or are you just trying to be cute? 304 00:15:52,210 --> 00:15:54,273 I'm telling you I wrote it. 305 00:15:54,274 --> 00:15:56,863 You've just destroyed your academic future. 306 00:15:56,864 --> 00:15:58,000 Fine. 307 00:15:58,001 --> 00:16:03,223 You think I want to sit in a dusty, old office all day, like you? 308 00:16:03,224 --> 00:16:04,619 No freaking way. 309 00:16:04,620 --> 00:16:08,175 Your life is sad and pathetic.. 310 00:16:08,176 --> 00:16:10,336 Old man. 311 00:16:10,477 --> 00:16:12,352 Who the hell do you think you are? 312 00:16:12,353 --> 00:16:16,458 Oh, I'm.. I'm sorry. Did.. Did you forget my name? 313 00:16:16,459 --> 00:16:18,799 It's D.J. 314 00:16:18,964 --> 00:16:22,444 Short for Daniel J. Pierce. 315 00:16:23,537 --> 00:16:25,757 I'm you. 316 00:16:26,623 --> 00:16:30,426 Before you cracked up and forgot how to have a life. 317 00:16:30,427 --> 00:16:33,547 Hey, Doc, we're late. 318 00:16:34,656 --> 00:16:37,176 Are you okay? 319 00:16:44,017 --> 00:16:46,714 How could I not recognize myself? 320 00:16:46,715 --> 00:16:49,015 I didn't make the connection until he told me his name. 321 00:16:49,016 --> 00:16:52,428 You don't remember any of your students' names. 322 00:16:52,429 --> 00:16:57,058 It's always "gridiron guy," "goth girl". Why do you do that? 323 00:16:57,059 --> 00:17:00,629 Oh, come on, Daniel. It's psych 101. It's a defense mechanism. 324 00:17:00,630 --> 00:17:02,789 You keep your students at arm's length because you don't 325 00:17:02,790 --> 00:17:04,352 want to remember what it was like to be their age. 326 00:17:04,353 --> 00:17:06,653 That's bullshit. 327 00:17:06,654 --> 00:17:08,154 Is it? 328 00:17:08,155 --> 00:17:09,892 What were you like at 19? 329 00:17:09,893 --> 00:17:11,589 Insufferably cocky. 330 00:17:11,590 --> 00:17:13,674 I thought I was smarter than most of my teachers, 331 00:17:13,675 --> 00:17:16,839 didn't care much about my education because it all came so easily. 332 00:17:16,840 --> 00:17:18,545 And what did you want to do with your life? 333 00:17:18,546 --> 00:17:20,799 Travel the world. 334 00:17:20,800 --> 00:17:23,942 Climb Kilimanjaro. Tour with my band. 335 00:17:23,943 --> 00:17:25,897 You wanted to go to med school. 336 00:17:25,898 --> 00:17:26,813 No. 337 00:17:26,814 --> 00:17:28,306 That was just a fallback, in case I didn't make 338 00:17:28,307 --> 00:17:30,324 the cover Rolling Stone by the time I was 25. 339 00:17:30,325 --> 00:17:34,253 Yet for all that ambition and such an active Limbic System, 340 00:17:34,254 --> 00:17:35,573 none of that ever happened. 341 00:17:35,574 --> 00:17:39,177 Yeah. A little thing called paranoid schizophrenia kind of got in the way. 342 00:17:39,178 --> 00:17:42,058 So you got diagnosed, and your dreams died. 343 00:17:42,059 --> 00:17:44,672 No wonder you didn't recognize D.J. 344 00:17:44,673 --> 00:17:49,714 You wanted to forget everything that you'd lost when you got sick. 345 00:17:49,715 --> 00:17:54,016 Gee, thank you for making me feel like a complete failure. 346 00:17:54,017 --> 00:17:57,872 - You're missing the point. - Please, skewer me with it. 347 00:17:57,873 --> 00:18:01,722 Look at what you've accomplished in spite of your diagnosis. 348 00:18:01,723 --> 00:18:04,796 Top of your class in med school, you've written seven books, 349 00:18:04,797 --> 00:18:06,798 won the Davenport Prize. 350 00:18:06,799 --> 00:18:11,787 Compared to where you could have ended up, you've truly climbed Kilimanjaro. 351 00:18:11,788 --> 00:18:15,473 So I repressed my tragic past rather than confront my shortcomings. 352 00:18:15,474 --> 00:18:17,008 How very freudian of me. 353 00:18:17,009 --> 00:18:19,672 Tell me, frau doktor, in your hallucinatory opinion, 354 00:18:19,673 --> 00:18:23,030 why am I being haunted by the ghost of Christmas past now? 355 00:18:23,031 --> 00:18:26,885 Because your unresolved issues are keeping you from dealing with your students. 356 00:18:26,886 --> 00:18:29,888 - I deal with my students every day. - You lecture them. 357 00:18:29,889 --> 00:18:32,256 But emotionally, you're totally disengaged. 358 00:18:32,257 --> 00:18:35,627 - I'm a Professor, not a wet nurse. - Now, what about Brian Cahill? 359 00:18:35,628 --> 00:18:38,029 He had his future taken away because of a brain injury. 360 00:18:38,030 --> 00:18:39,997 You of all people should be able to relate to that. 361 00:18:39,998 --> 00:18:43,106 But, no, you just made the diagnosis and walked away. 362 00:18:43,107 --> 00:18:45,493 Hey, I saved that kid's life. 363 00:18:45,494 --> 00:18:50,354 But was the life you saved the one he wanted? 364 00:18:51,347 --> 00:18:52,973 You asked to see me? 365 00:18:52,974 --> 00:18:56,574 I just.. Wanted to apologize. 366 00:18:58,005 --> 00:18:59,031 What for? 367 00:18:59,032 --> 00:19:01,457 I was a little perfunctory about your diagnosis. 368 00:19:01,458 --> 00:19:05,139 I.. I should have done more to help you acclimate to your condition. 369 00:19:05,140 --> 00:19:07,659 Have you spoken to your parents? I.. I could call them. 370 00:19:07,660 --> 00:19:09,514 Ah, no. It's okay. 371 00:19:09,515 --> 00:19:12,132 I told Dean Haley that your injury was sustained on the field, 372 00:19:12,133 --> 00:19:14,732 so your scholarship won't be revoked. 373 00:19:14,733 --> 00:19:17,286 You don't have to play to stay in school. 374 00:19:17,287 --> 00:19:22,846 Um, here's a referral to a therapist who specializes in Neurological issues. 375 00:19:22,847 --> 00:19:24,391 Talking helps. 376 00:19:24,392 --> 00:19:27,070 And don't worry about the paper you bought. 377 00:19:27,071 --> 00:19:29,861 We'll, uh.. We'll let that slide. 378 00:19:29,862 --> 00:19:33,354 Thanks, Dr. Pierce. I really appreciate it. 379 00:19:33,355 --> 00:19:35,167 Hey, Doc. 380 00:19:35,168 --> 00:19:37,555 - Oh. Hey, Brian. - Hey. 381 00:19:37,556 --> 00:19:40,278 - Oh, right. - Sorry to interrupt, but, um, Kate called. 382 00:19:40,279 --> 00:19:43,519 She's back from Mexico. 383 00:19:44,027 --> 00:19:46,240 Karl did not kill Christina. 384 00:19:46,241 --> 00:19:49,181 Witnesses place him in her dorm room right before her death. 385 00:19:49,182 --> 00:19:50,690 She was alive when I took off. 386 00:19:50,691 --> 00:19:52,704 Yeah, but you were arguing. 387 00:19:52,705 --> 00:19:55,187 I wanted her to come with me to a party in Mexico, 388 00:19:55,188 --> 00:19:58,515 but she thought a Midterm in sociology was more important. 389 00:19:58,516 --> 00:19:59,484 So I left. 390 00:19:59,485 --> 00:20:02,540 Yeah, and you took some of her DNA with you. 391 00:20:02,541 --> 00:20:05,616 We searched your apartment, and we found smears of Christina's blood 392 00:20:05,617 --> 00:20:08,202 all over your floor. 393 00:20:08,203 --> 00:20:11,507 You must have tracked it in on your shoes. 394 00:20:11,508 --> 00:20:15,108 Give us a moment, would you? 395 00:20:16,014 --> 00:20:18,174 Attagirl. 396 00:20:21,700 --> 00:20:23,422 Thank you. 397 00:20:23,423 --> 00:20:27,958 Last week, Christina was over at my place, and she had a nosebleed. 398 00:20:27,959 --> 00:20:30,546 Why? Because you backhanded her? 399 00:20:30,547 --> 00:20:32,248 I don't like your attitude, Agent Moretti. 400 00:20:32,249 --> 00:20:34,209 My client has nothing more to say. 401 00:20:34,210 --> 00:20:37,802 That's fine. I've got enough to hold him. 402 00:20:37,803 --> 00:20:41,943 Yeah, just one small problem, though. 403 00:20:42,082 --> 00:20:43,725 Karl has an alibi. 404 00:20:43,726 --> 00:20:45,596 I just got a text from my investigator. 405 00:20:45,597 --> 00:20:51,497 He's bringing a witness down now who can prove Karl had nothing to do with this. 406 00:20:53,396 --> 00:20:57,301 I was heading back from the library, and I ran into Karl outside the dorm. 407 00:20:57,302 --> 00:20:59,497 So you two know each other. 408 00:20:59,498 --> 00:21:03,570 Well, he's kind of hard to miss. He.. He drives a Ferrari. 409 00:21:03,571 --> 00:21:05,447 Okay. Did you talk to him? 410 00:21:05,448 --> 00:21:09,830 He looked upset, so I asked him if he was okay, and.. 411 00:21:09,831 --> 00:21:12,230 He said he just had this big fight with his girlfriend. 412 00:21:12,231 --> 00:21:15,574 Did he say anything else? 413 00:21:15,575 --> 00:21:20,195 No. He just got in his car and drove off. 414 00:21:20,629 --> 00:21:23,263 So now you know he didn't do it, right? 415 00:21:23,264 --> 00:21:24,854 No. I'm sorry, Shannon. 416 00:21:24,855 --> 00:21:27,276 Your story does not prove that Karl's innocent. 417 00:21:27,277 --> 00:21:29,424 I mean, for all we know, he could have looked 418 00:21:29,425 --> 00:21:31,761 upset because he had just murdered Christina. 419 00:21:31,762 --> 00:21:34,560 No way. She was still alive. 420 00:21:34,561 --> 00:21:35,768 How do you know that? 421 00:21:35,769 --> 00:21:39,799 I saw her yelling out the window at him as he drove off. 422 00:21:39,800 --> 00:21:44,600 I saw her, so Karl couldn't have killed her. 423 00:21:52,473 --> 00:21:53,807 I just don't buy it. 424 00:21:53,808 --> 00:21:56,229 Shannon pops up out of nowhere with an alibi 425 00:21:56,230 --> 00:21:59,032 that Karl forgot to mention in Mexico? 426 00:21:59,033 --> 00:22:00,564 So, what's your theory? 427 00:22:00,565 --> 00:22:04,444 The first time the lawyer mentioned a witness was right after he got a text, 428 00:22:04,445 --> 00:22:06,636 so I think he had his investigator go out and 429 00:22:06,637 --> 00:22:08,366 find somebody who was willing to lie for money. 430 00:22:08,367 --> 00:22:11,136 I mean, it's the Hesse-brandenburg M.O. 431 00:22:11,137 --> 00:22:13,647 Spread a little cash around, make the charges go away. 432 00:22:13,648 --> 00:22:19,288 Break the alibi, Agent Moretti, or your boy's gonna walk. 433 00:22:19,850 --> 00:22:21,180 Okay. 434 00:22:21,181 --> 00:22:25,772 If you've got one of your brilliant Daniel Pierce ideas, I'm all ears. 435 00:22:25,773 --> 00:22:27,731 Search her room. My guess.. 436 00:22:27,732 --> 00:22:31,669 You're gonna find an envelope full of cash. 437 00:22:31,670 --> 00:22:34,125 But I.. I don't have grounds for a warrant. 438 00:22:34,126 --> 00:22:39,706 I mean, without one, I can't so much as open her door. 439 00:22:41,134 --> 00:22:42,656 Dr. Pierce! 440 00:22:42,657 --> 00:22:44,962 - How can I help you? - Oh, sorry. 441 00:22:44,963 --> 00:22:47,261 I thought this was Shannon Duquesne's room. 442 00:22:47,262 --> 00:22:48,699 I'm her roommate. 443 00:22:48,700 --> 00:22:51,208 Ah. Well, um.. 444 00:22:51,209 --> 00:22:53,583 I lent Shannon a book. 445 00:22:53,584 --> 00:22:55,392 I didn't know she was in your class. 446 00:22:55,393 --> 00:22:59,209 She isn't, but, uh, she expressed interest in taking it next term, 447 00:22:59,210 --> 00:23:03,443 and I suggested she do some reading first, but I need the book for a lecture. 448 00:23:03,444 --> 00:23:06,342 Oh, well, that's Shannon's desk over there. 449 00:23:06,343 --> 00:23:08,416 I'd offer to help, but I'm late for study group. 450 00:23:08,417 --> 00:23:10,071 - Midterm tomorrow. - I think I can manage. 451 00:23:10,072 --> 00:23:13,019 - All right. - Won't be a minute. 452 00:23:13,020 --> 00:23:15,540 This is nuts. 453 00:23:47,796 --> 00:23:50,676 You're kidding me. 454 00:23:58,065 --> 00:24:01,327 You're obsessed with Karl. 455 00:24:01,328 --> 00:24:03,637 I don't know what you're talking about. 456 00:24:03,638 --> 00:24:07,718 "My Prince Charming"? Your scrapbook? 457 00:24:07,742 --> 00:24:10,012 That.. That is private. You had no right.. 458 00:24:10,013 --> 00:24:13,608 You lost the right to privacy when you decided to lie to the FBI. 459 00:24:13,609 --> 00:24:19,509 Now tell us the truth about what happened the night of the murder. 460 00:24:21,813 --> 00:24:23,510 Shannon, you're absolutely right. 461 00:24:23,511 --> 00:24:27,561 I had no business looking at your private things. 462 00:24:27,562 --> 00:24:33,322 But it did make me realize how deeply you care about Karl. 463 00:24:33,492 --> 00:24:37,685 You've obviously felt that way for a long time. 464 00:24:37,686 --> 00:24:41,766 Do you remember h.. How it started? 465 00:24:44,227 --> 00:24:49,362 Well, when I was 12, I saw a picture of him playing polo in people magazine. 466 00:24:49,363 --> 00:24:51,250 He was.. 467 00:24:51,251 --> 00:24:54,519 All in white, on this gorgeous horse, and.. 468 00:24:54,520 --> 00:24:57,471 I just.. I knew he was my destiny. 469 00:24:57,472 --> 00:25:00,124 So you came here to go to school, to be near him. 470 00:25:00,125 --> 00:25:04,210 Well, I was never gonna meet Karl back home in Pittsburgh, so.. 471 00:25:04,211 --> 00:25:10,111 I signed up for the same classes, and I gave him my notes a couple of times. 472 00:25:11,071 --> 00:25:14,611 He didn't really notice me. 473 00:25:14,809 --> 00:25:18,829 Um, so I.. I went to this party.. 474 00:25:19,349 --> 00:25:22,431 And he was there, and finally.. 475 00:25:22,432 --> 00:25:24,250 It happened. 476 00:25:24,251 --> 00:25:27,425 You mean you slept with him. 477 00:25:27,426 --> 00:25:31,446 It was the best night of my life. 478 00:25:32,994 --> 00:25:35,080 But then.. 479 00:25:35,081 --> 00:25:36,927 Then he started dating Christina Lake. 480 00:25:36,928 --> 00:25:40,622 I tried to tell him how much I love him, 481 00:25:40,623 --> 00:25:44,504 but he said he only slept with me because he was drunk. 482 00:25:44,505 --> 00:25:46,969 I begged him to give me a chance. 483 00:25:46,970 --> 00:25:49,316 I told him that I would do anything for him. 484 00:25:49,317 --> 00:25:51,885 And then when Karl got arrested, he remembered 485 00:25:51,886 --> 00:25:54,613 what you'd said and told his lawyer. 486 00:25:54,614 --> 00:25:58,086 The investigator said that Karl was in trouble. 487 00:25:58,087 --> 00:26:01,655 That it would really help him if I remembered seeing him drive away. 488 00:26:01,656 --> 00:26:05,736 Do you know how much trouble you're in for lying to the FBI? 489 00:26:05,737 --> 00:26:08,061 It's worth it. 490 00:26:08,062 --> 00:26:12,682 Now Karl will realize how much I love him. 491 00:26:13,461 --> 00:26:15,491 Karl's back on the hook for the murder. 492 00:26:15,492 --> 00:26:16,793 He's not the only one. 493 00:26:16,794 --> 00:26:20,024 - You think Shannon could have done it? - You heard her. She idolizes Karl. 494 00:26:20,025 --> 00:26:21,988 And he only has eyes for Christina. 495 00:26:21,989 --> 00:26:25,035 So you think Shannon could have killed Christina to get her out of the way. 496 00:26:25,036 --> 00:26:26,331 Mm-hmm. 497 00:26:26,332 --> 00:26:28,533 From no suspects to a twofer. 498 00:26:28,534 --> 00:26:30,736 - You just made my day. - Good. 499 00:26:30,737 --> 00:26:34,393 And because they conspired to lie about Karl's alibi, 500 00:26:34,394 --> 00:26:38,443 I've got enough to hold both of them while I figure out who the killer is. 501 00:26:38,444 --> 00:26:40,193 Moretti. 502 00:26:40,194 --> 00:26:42,615 Wait. Wait. Hey. Hold on. It's Max. 503 00:26:42,616 --> 00:26:44,504 Yeah. 504 00:26:44,505 --> 00:26:46,605 Lewicki? 505 00:26:47,353 --> 00:26:49,273 What? 506 00:26:52,504 --> 00:26:54,424 Okay. 507 00:26:55,176 --> 00:26:56,333 Bad news? 508 00:26:56,334 --> 00:27:00,469 One of my students got injured playing football. 509 00:27:00,470 --> 00:27:03,530 Try moving your toes. 510 00:27:04,195 --> 00:27:05,552 You're lucky. 511 00:27:05,553 --> 00:27:10,171 After the craniotomy, the paralysis disappeared. 512 00:27:10,172 --> 00:27:13,760 What the hell were you thinking? I told you I fixed your scholarship. 513 00:27:13,761 --> 00:27:17,121 You didn't have to play. 514 00:27:17,130 --> 00:27:23,030 - You don't understand. - Why would you take a risk like this? 515 00:27:23,647 --> 00:27:28,867 Since I was a little kid, football's been my life. 516 00:27:28,895 --> 00:27:33,095 If I wasn't playing, I was training. 517 00:27:35,443 --> 00:27:38,068 I never wanted to do.. 518 00:27:38,069 --> 00:27:40,589 Anything else. 519 00:27:42,302 --> 00:27:45,159 So what the hell am I.. 520 00:27:45,160 --> 00:27:48,880 If I'm not a football player? 521 00:27:56,662 --> 00:27:58,513 You told Shannon to lie. 522 00:27:58,514 --> 00:28:00,308 I haven't told anybody anything. 523 00:28:00,309 --> 00:28:01,834 Yeah, but you talked to your attorney. 524 00:28:01,835 --> 00:28:04,031 And everything we discussed is privileged. 525 00:28:04,032 --> 00:28:06,416 Not if it constitutes a crime. 526 00:28:06,417 --> 00:28:09,046 And manipulating an obviously disturbed young woman 527 00:28:09,047 --> 00:28:11,266 into lying to Federal Agents certainly qualifies.. 528 00:28:11,267 --> 00:28:14,357 It's obstruction of justice and witness tampering. 529 00:28:14,358 --> 00:28:17,899 We've answered all of your questions, some of them twice. 530 00:28:17,900 --> 00:28:22,520 So either charge my client, or let him go. 531 00:28:22,865 --> 00:28:25,985 You're free to leave. 532 00:28:26,380 --> 00:28:29,140 Nice knowing you. 533 00:28:30,073 --> 00:28:32,029 Not my call. 534 00:28:32,030 --> 00:28:34,279 U.S. Attorney's office declined to file charges. 535 00:28:34,280 --> 00:28:37,511 - I don't believe this. - I don't like it any more than you do. 536 00:28:37,512 --> 00:28:40,639 But State's getting pressure from the German Ambassador. 537 00:28:40,640 --> 00:28:45,677 They're afraid it might lead to a diplomatic incident. 538 00:28:45,678 --> 00:28:48,206 - What happens to Shannon? - I had to let her go, too. 539 00:28:48,207 --> 00:28:50,181 She lied to a Federal Agent. That's a crime. 540 00:28:50,182 --> 00:28:53,254 Yeah, but the A.U.S.A. doesn't want to prosecute a lovesick girl 541 00:28:53,255 --> 00:28:55,996 for protecting a boy who may very well be innocent himself. 542 00:28:55,997 --> 00:28:58,459 Karl's not innocent. He's just rich enough to afford immunity. 543 00:28:58,460 --> 00:29:00,152 - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! - What? 544 00:29:00,153 --> 00:29:03,774 .. The U.N. summit on Africa last month, and I'll tell you what I told him.. 545 00:29:03,775 --> 00:29:05,746 That without a paradigm shift, we will never end 546 00:29:05,747 --> 00:29:09,100 the famines, no matter how many T-shirts we sell. 547 00:29:09,101 --> 00:29:11,703 Why are you hiding from Professor wonderful? 548 00:29:11,704 --> 00:29:14,715 He's such a nice guy. And he's funny.. 549 00:29:14,716 --> 00:29:17,538 And he's.. Smart, and he cooks. 550 00:29:17,539 --> 00:29:19,611 I mean, he's perfect, but I just.. 551 00:29:19,612 --> 00:29:22,288 I keep pushing him away, and I don't know why. 552 00:29:22,289 --> 00:29:24,269 I do. 553 00:29:24,673 --> 00:29:26,833 Because she's into you. 554 00:29:26,834 --> 00:29:28,031 I mean, I just don't know, really, 555 00:29:28,032 --> 00:29:30,074 - how to handle it, you know? - Listen, tell her to dump him. 556 00:29:30,075 --> 00:29:31,942 - I care, obviously, but I just don't.. - Then you can make your move. 557 00:29:31,943 --> 00:29:33,865 Daniel. Look at me, how long are you gonna let this go on for? 558 00:29:33,866 --> 00:29:35,647 I can't seem to make up my mind is what I'm trying to say. 559 00:29:35,648 --> 00:29:37,207 - I'm sorry I'm rambling. - She clearly wants you. 560 00:29:37,208 --> 00:29:38,790 She doesn't want Hathaway. 561 00:29:38,791 --> 00:29:40,535 Stop! 562 00:29:40,536 --> 00:29:41,606 - Sorry. - No. 563 00:29:41,607 --> 00:29:43,553 - Oh, so sorry. I wasn't trying to.. - I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. 564 00:29:43,554 --> 00:29:46,060 You didn't. I.. I.. I just meant you should. 565 00:29:46,061 --> 00:29:49,025 You should stop talking to me.. 566 00:29:49,026 --> 00:29:52,028 And you should tell Hathaway how you.. 567 00:29:52,029 --> 00:29:54,340 How you feel. 568 00:29:54,341 --> 00:29:57,161 I.. I got to go. 569 00:30:01,379 --> 00:30:04,286 Doc, there you are. I was looking for you. 570 00:30:04,287 --> 00:30:06,494 Why? What are you so chipper about? 571 00:30:06,495 --> 00:30:10,311 Well, I got to wondering about the whole paper-selling business. 572 00:30:10,312 --> 00:30:13,799 Cahill said it was a grad student, so I took a little initiative. 573 00:30:13,800 --> 00:30:15,848 Oh, you're playing Junior Detective now? 574 00:30:15,849 --> 00:30:18,281 I e-mailed the paper writer, and I told him I needed a paper 575 00:30:18,282 --> 00:30:22,489 analyzing Viznevsky's Neurological Anatomy of Psychopathology. 576 00:30:22,490 --> 00:30:25,461 That's a terrible idea. Nobody would ever do a paper on Viznevsky. 577 00:30:25,462 --> 00:30:29,578 His thinking is totally outdated. I'm surprised the book's even in print. 578 00:30:29,579 --> 00:30:31,047 It's not. 579 00:30:31,048 --> 00:30:33,068 It's not even online. 580 00:30:33,069 --> 00:30:35,847 That's the genius of it. 581 00:30:35,848 --> 00:30:39,508 You knew he'd have to go to the library to get it. 582 00:30:39,509 --> 00:30:42,908 - Lewicki, you sly dog. - He walked right into my little trap. 583 00:30:42,909 --> 00:30:45,692 The dude's a PHD student in English Lit. 584 00:30:45,693 --> 00:30:48,993 His name's Andre Lustig. 585 00:30:50,532 --> 00:30:53,307 I've been working on my PHD for six years. 586 00:30:53,308 --> 00:30:57,209 I'm $70,000 in debt. I have no idea how I'm gonna pay that back. 587 00:30:57,210 --> 00:31:00,810 My specialization is in Late Medieval poetry. 588 00:31:00,811 --> 00:31:03,906 Give me a list of every student you wrote a paper for, 589 00:31:03,907 --> 00:31:06,085 and I'll allow you to withdraw from CLMU. 590 00:31:06,086 --> 00:31:08,850 But no other school will take me. I'll never finish my doctorate. 591 00:31:08,851 --> 00:31:12,579 Your M.A. might allow you to get a job at a prep school. 592 00:31:12,580 --> 00:31:14,889 Now, I want a list of those customers. 593 00:31:14,890 --> 00:31:19,787 I don't remember their names. I've had like 100 clients this semester. 594 00:31:19,788 --> 00:31:21,641 How is that possible? 595 00:31:21,642 --> 00:31:23,213 I churn out a couple papers a day. 596 00:31:23,214 --> 00:31:24,643 Bullshit. 597 00:31:24,644 --> 00:31:26,573 I was a great student before I turned into you, 598 00:31:26,574 --> 00:31:28,931 and even I couldn't write two papers a day. 599 00:31:28,932 --> 00:31:31,150 The paper you wrote for Brian Cahill was good. 600 00:31:31,151 --> 00:31:33,252 It's hard to believe you wrote that in a day. 601 00:31:33,253 --> 00:31:35,011 I don't sleep very much. 602 00:31:35,012 --> 00:31:38,513 What do you take, Andre? Cocaine? Speed? 603 00:31:38,514 --> 00:31:42,495 Just a study aid. Helps keeps me awake and my brain razor-sharp. 604 00:31:42,496 --> 00:31:44,433 What kind of "study aid"? 605 00:31:44,434 --> 00:31:48,767 It's just some pill some brainiac kid in the Chem Department makes. 606 00:31:48,768 --> 00:31:51,649 Our Chem Department might not be as good as M.I.T.'s, 607 00:31:51,650 --> 00:31:53,473 but it turns out some high-end product. 608 00:31:53,474 --> 00:31:55,941 All right. Who's the dealer, Andre? 609 00:31:55,942 --> 00:31:57,556 I don't know his name. 610 00:31:57,557 --> 00:31:59,537 I do. 611 00:32:05,178 --> 00:32:07,953 What's cooking, Billy? 612 00:32:07,954 --> 00:32:11,640 Wouldn't be a batch of methamphetamine, would it? 613 00:32:11,641 --> 00:32:13,353 - What's going on? - You claimed that you ran 614 00:32:13,354 --> 00:32:15,286 from me to flush some marijuana. 615 00:32:15,287 --> 00:32:18,074 And then I remembered, you're a chemistry major. 616 00:32:18,075 --> 00:32:20,369 Yeah? So? What's that got to do with anything? 617 00:32:20,370 --> 00:32:22,826 We all know about your little sideline. 618 00:32:22,827 --> 00:32:27,139 Your magic pills are what went down the drain in that bathroom, am I right? 619 00:32:27,140 --> 00:32:29,546 It's just a study aid. The pills aren't even illegal. 620 00:32:29,547 --> 00:32:32,547 Then why'd you run? 621 00:32:34,114 --> 00:32:38,918 Trust me, Billy. You don't want to screw with me twice. 622 00:32:38,919 --> 00:32:42,139 Because I stole the pills. 623 00:32:42,140 --> 00:32:44,360 From who? 624 00:32:45,039 --> 00:32:46,392 Professor Emmett. 625 00:32:46,393 --> 00:32:50,599 They're from an experiment she's been working on. 626 00:32:50,600 --> 00:32:52,176 The drug was a major breakthrough. 627 00:32:52,177 --> 00:32:55,039 The rats could run the maze for 36 hours straight, 628 00:32:55,040 --> 00:32:57,767 and their problem-solving abilities skyrocketed. 629 00:32:57,768 --> 00:32:59,266 Are you in FDA trials? 630 00:32:59,267 --> 00:33:00,860 It wasn't for the open market. 631 00:33:00,861 --> 00:33:02,765 My funding came from the Defense Department. 632 00:33:02,766 --> 00:33:06,650 They wanted a pill that would keep a soldier awake and alert in combat.. 633 00:33:06,651 --> 00:33:09,049 Without a negative impact on cognitive ability. 634 00:33:09,050 --> 00:33:11,767 Our government trying to create chemically enhanced super-soldiers. 635 00:33:11,768 --> 00:33:12,681 Why am I not surprised? 636 00:33:12,682 --> 00:33:14,563 - Daniel.. - Oh, it's historical fact. 637 00:33:14,564 --> 00:33:16,607 Hitler revolutionized the production of crystal meth. 638 00:33:16,608 --> 00:33:18,561 Japanese Kamikaze pilots popped Dexedrine so 639 00:33:18,562 --> 00:33:19,926 they could fly all the way to Pearl Harbor. 640 00:33:19,927 --> 00:33:22,717 It's true. Stimulants have always been a part of combat, 641 00:33:22,718 --> 00:33:24,619 but the problem is that sleep deprivation 642 00:33:24,620 --> 00:33:27,103 diminishes a soldier's ability to make good decisions. 643 00:33:27,104 --> 00:33:29,910 But your rats didn't dumb down. The Pentagon must be thrilled. 644 00:33:29,911 --> 00:33:31,778 At first, they were over the moon. 645 00:33:31,779 --> 00:33:33,473 But we had to terminate the study when we 646 00:33:33,474 --> 00:33:35,530 discovered the pill had some serious side effects. 647 00:33:35,531 --> 00:33:36,379 Which were.. 648 00:33:36,380 --> 00:33:38,810 After two days, about 20% of the rats 649 00:33:38,811 --> 00:33:42,269 started to attack each other and self-mutilate. 650 00:33:42,270 --> 00:33:44,074 That's one hell of a side effect. 651 00:33:44,075 --> 00:33:45,492 And why we ended the study. 652 00:33:45,493 --> 00:33:46,808 What happened to the pills? 653 00:33:46,809 --> 00:33:49,009 They were destroyed by my lab assistant. 654 00:33:49,010 --> 00:33:51,590 Billy Mitchell. 655 00:33:52,352 --> 00:33:54,649 We're lucky the campus isn't a bloodbath. 656 00:33:54,650 --> 00:33:56,217 Yeah, but why isn't it? 657 00:33:56,218 --> 00:33:58,586 You said on some of the rats became violent? 658 00:33:58,587 --> 00:34:03,535 We isolated the trigger.. The pill made the rats hypersensitive to loud noises. 659 00:34:03,536 --> 00:34:06,217 Auditory stimulation made them snap. 660 00:34:06,218 --> 00:34:10,639 The pill would never have worked on the battlefield. 661 00:34:10,640 --> 00:34:13,296 Karl didn't kill Christina. 662 00:34:13,297 --> 00:34:16,297 But I know who did. 663 00:34:22,333 --> 00:34:24,133 Hi. 664 00:34:25,567 --> 00:34:26,640 - Can I help you? - Yeah. 665 00:34:26,641 --> 00:34:30,857 We just have a few more questions to ask you, Annie. 666 00:34:30,858 --> 00:34:33,185 Sure. I mean, I'm kind of busy. 667 00:34:33,186 --> 00:34:37,347 I have my biology Midterm tomorrow, and I still have six chapters to cover. 668 00:34:37,348 --> 00:34:40,948 - That's a lot to cram in one night. - Well, I have to get it done. 669 00:34:40,949 --> 00:34:45,701 Med schools check Midterm grades, so I have to, you know.. 670 00:34:45,702 --> 00:34:47,682 Sorry. 671 00:34:49,092 --> 00:34:51,192 You're a little jumpy. 672 00:34:51,193 --> 00:34:53,002 Guess I'm just over-caffeinated. 673 00:34:53,003 --> 00:34:56,534 You're taking Billy Mitchell's study aid, aren't you? 674 00:34:56,535 --> 00:35:00,195 He said the pills were legal. 675 00:35:00,495 --> 00:35:01,854 I didn't do anything wrong. 676 00:35:01,855 --> 00:35:05,396 But Billy did, and we need your help to nail him. 677 00:35:05,397 --> 00:35:09,023 I needed an edge for the MCATs, and Billy said that the 678 00:35:09,024 --> 00:35:11,440 pills would help me study harder and better than ever. 679 00:35:11,441 --> 00:35:14,017 - Mm-hmm. - He was right. I.. 680 00:35:14,018 --> 00:35:16,155 I studied for days and remembered everything I read. 681 00:35:16,156 --> 00:35:21,304 Wow. But did you find that loud noises became unpleasant, like Christina's music? 682 00:35:21,305 --> 00:35:24,173 Mm-hmm. It was driving me crazy. 683 00:35:24,174 --> 00:35:26,156 I had.. I'd been cramming for three days. 684 00:35:26,157 --> 00:35:30,700 And then she started blasting her tunes. Pretty inconsiderate. 685 00:35:30,701 --> 00:35:32,345 Thank you. 686 00:35:32,346 --> 00:35:34,786 Did you ask her to turn it down? 687 00:35:34,787 --> 00:35:39,227 I went up to her room to talk to her.. 688 00:35:40,158 --> 00:35:42,157 - Yeah? - Could you please turn the music down? 689 00:35:42,158 --> 00:35:46,118 - I'm trying to study. - Whatever. 690 00:35:49,832 --> 00:35:51,947 Ugh. You must have been upset. 691 00:35:51,948 --> 00:35:54,445 Okay. All she cared about was partying. 692 00:35:54,446 --> 00:35:57,327 It didn't bother her that she was messing with my life. 693 00:35:57,328 --> 00:36:00,214 And she didn't turn it down, did she? 694 00:36:00,215 --> 00:36:03,035 She turned it up. 695 00:36:09,540 --> 00:36:11,820 Not again. 696 00:36:12,676 --> 00:36:15,859 Stop being such an uptight bitch.. 697 00:36:15,860 --> 00:36:18,980 .. And join the party. 698 00:36:21,172 --> 00:36:22,593 Oh, that would have pissed me off. 699 00:36:22,594 --> 00:36:24,341 - Mm. - What did you do? 700 00:36:24,342 --> 00:36:26,082 Went back to my room and I put in earplugs. 701 00:36:26,083 --> 00:36:28,869 And they didn't work, I'm guessing. 702 00:36:28,870 --> 00:36:33,773 I feel for you, Annie. I do. There you are, working on the biggest test of your life, 703 00:36:33,774 --> 00:36:35,642 the one that's gonna determine your future. 704 00:36:35,643 --> 00:36:39,770 And there's Christina, just screwing any chance you have of success. 705 00:36:39,771 --> 00:36:42,077 - Yeah. - Sounds to me like she was the bitch. 706 00:36:42,078 --> 00:36:43,445 - Yeah! - You were working so hard, 707 00:36:43,446 --> 00:36:45,117 the music's blaring, it's driving you nuts. 708 00:36:45,118 --> 00:36:47,334 You can't let her wreck your life. 709 00:36:47,335 --> 00:36:48,681 I mean, you did what you had to do. 710 00:36:48,682 --> 00:36:52,342 Of course. Of course you did. 711 00:36:53,732 --> 00:36:55,882 I told you to stop bugging me, bitch. 712 00:36:55,883 --> 00:36:58,877 I went back up. Karl was gone, and Christina was even nastier. 713 00:36:58,878 --> 00:37:00,512 Screw you, Karl! 714 00:37:00,513 --> 00:37:02,802 I hope you get AIDS banging hookers in Cabo! 715 00:37:02,803 --> 00:37:03,638 Aah! 716 00:37:03,639 --> 00:37:08,739 I took the window, and I slammed it on her neck. 717 00:37:09,951 --> 00:37:14,185 She knew I had the MCATs, and she didn't even care. 718 00:37:14,186 --> 00:37:15,827 What did you do then? 719 00:37:15,828 --> 00:37:19,128 I turned off the music.. 720 00:37:25,645 --> 00:37:29,845 .. Went back to my room, and studied. 721 00:37:31,610 --> 00:37:34,774 Without all that freaking noise, I could get a lot done. 722 00:37:34,775 --> 00:37:37,949 Now I knew that I could totally ace the MCATs. 723 00:37:37,950 --> 00:37:39,210 Hmm. 724 00:37:39,211 --> 00:37:41,551 And I did. 725 00:37:42,584 --> 00:37:46,191 Her lawyer is arguing that taking the drugs caused "diminished capacity". 726 00:37:46,192 --> 00:37:50,295 Diminished capacity? She nailed the MCATs, practically got a perfect score. 727 00:37:50,296 --> 00:37:52,664 Okay, so the drugs helped her nail a test, 728 00:37:52,665 --> 00:37:55,149 but is it also what made her a stone-cold killer? 729 00:37:55,150 --> 00:37:57,330 Maybe. Or maybe she's just wired that way. 730 00:37:57,331 --> 00:37:59,851 - Hmm. - Kate! 731 00:38:00,767 --> 00:38:03,107 I don't think you're gonna be able to duck him. 732 00:38:03,108 --> 00:38:04,725 It's okay. 733 00:38:04,726 --> 00:38:08,675 I'm gonna take your advice. I'm just gonna.. Gonna talk to him. 734 00:38:08,676 --> 00:38:10,956 Good luck. 735 00:38:11,313 --> 00:38:13,737 - Hi. - I hear you solved the case. 736 00:38:13,738 --> 00:38:15,598 I want to hear all about it over dinner tonight. 737 00:38:15,599 --> 00:38:17,247 I found this amazing new Sushi bar. 738 00:38:17,248 --> 00:38:20,692 They fly in their Uni straight from the Tsukiji market in Tokyo every day.. 739 00:38:20,693 --> 00:38:22,975 - It's amazing. - Michael, um.. 740 00:38:22,976 --> 00:38:24,861 I don't think it's gonna work. 741 00:38:24,862 --> 00:38:28,196 Not the Sushi. I mean the whole.. Us. 742 00:38:28,197 --> 00:38:29,198 Kate.. 743 00:38:29,199 --> 00:38:31,915 Maybe it's because I'm technically still married, or maybe 744 00:38:31,916 --> 00:38:34,252 because I'm kind of married to my job. I don't know. 745 00:38:34,253 --> 00:38:35,817 - Kate. - I don't know what's wrong with me. 746 00:38:35,818 --> 00:38:40,411 It's just, you're so nice, you're so smart, and you're handsome and funny. 747 00:38:40,412 --> 00:38:43,232 - I.. - I get it. 748 00:38:44,232 --> 00:38:45,882 You do? 749 00:38:45,883 --> 00:38:47,526 Of course. 750 00:38:47,527 --> 00:38:49,636 But you know what I think? 751 00:38:49,637 --> 00:38:52,572 It's not the job.. Or the divorce. 752 00:38:52,573 --> 00:38:53,810 It's, uh.. 753 00:38:53,811 --> 00:38:56,767 It's just that I'm not the guy for you. 754 00:38:56,768 --> 00:38:59,468 Take care, Kate. 755 00:39:10,939 --> 00:39:12,109 What's this? 756 00:39:12,110 --> 00:39:13,428 University catalog. 757 00:39:13,429 --> 00:39:16,530 Astronomy, music theory, modern art.. 758 00:39:16,531 --> 00:39:19,346 The world's your oyster. 759 00:39:19,347 --> 00:39:23,787 I'm not sure I'm going back to school. 760 00:39:27,208 --> 00:39:29,209 Listen.. Listen to me, Brian. 761 00:39:29,210 --> 00:39:32,855 When I.. When I was your age, something happened to me.. Too. 762 00:39:32,856 --> 00:39:38,756 I was.. I was locked in a hospital, and I thought my life was over. 763 00:39:39,943 --> 00:39:43,538 All my dreams went out the window. 764 00:39:43,539 --> 00:39:46,299 What did you do? 765 00:39:47,036 --> 00:39:50,096 I found a new dream. 766 00:40:04,378 --> 00:40:05,912 Came to say goodbye. 767 00:40:05,913 --> 00:40:08,602 My hallucinations don't usually have such good manners. 768 00:40:08,603 --> 00:40:13,141 I'm going away. Time to travel, see the world. 769 00:40:13,142 --> 00:40:17,012 First stop is Africa, to climb Kilimanjaro. 770 00:40:17,013 --> 00:40:19,518 I'm sorry you didn't get to go, but.. 771 00:40:19,519 --> 00:40:23,630 You know, sometimes plan "B" turns out pretty good, too. 772 00:40:23,631 --> 00:40:27,053 Our ambitions and our dreams.. 773 00:40:27,054 --> 00:40:31,554 Give us a glimpse of a beautiful someday. 774 00:40:32,123 --> 00:40:37,379 And they can help us get through a sometimes less-than-beautiful today. 775 00:40:37,380 --> 00:40:40,446 It's a tricky thing, though, ambition. 776 00:40:40,447 --> 00:40:44,947 It can blind us to the price of success. 777 00:40:45,106 --> 00:40:47,738 It can consume us.. 778 00:40:47,739 --> 00:40:51,519 Leading to dangerous obsessions.. 779 00:40:51,523 --> 00:40:54,343 Or empty hedonism. 780 00:40:55,753 --> 00:41:01,653 But no matter how much we're fueled by this natural Neurological impulse. 781 00:41:01,697 --> 00:41:05,477 Ambition isn't carved in stone. 782 00:41:06,370 --> 00:41:08,308 Dreams change. 783 00:41:08,309 --> 00:41:13,169 And even if we don't get to climb mountains.. 784 00:41:13,266 --> 00:41:16,751 There's still a chance that we can move them. 785 00:41:16,752 --> 00:41:20,244 In the words of those old english poets.. 786 00:41:20,245 --> 00:41:24,385 You can't always get what you want. 787 00:41:24,708 --> 00:41:27,619 But if you try sometime.. 788 00:41:27,620 --> 00:41:31,880 You might find you get what you need. 789 00:41:33,737 --> 00:41:39,637 Sync & corrections by P2Pfiend. 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