1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:03,720 Subs created by: David Coleman. 2 00:00:04,027 --> 00:00:07,087 Does free will exist? 3 00:00:08,896 --> 00:00:13,696 Do I exert conscious control over my actions? 4 00:00:14,974 --> 00:00:16,890 Did I do that on purpose? 5 00:00:16,891 --> 00:00:19,472 I'm pretty sure you did. 6 00:00:19,473 --> 00:00:24,196 Or was I forced to do it by some unseen neural process? 7 00:00:24,197 --> 00:00:30,097 Fact is, most of the neuroscientific data suggests free will is an illusion. 8 00:00:30,135 --> 00:00:34,272 So if that's true, are we simply meat puppets? 9 00:00:34,273 --> 00:00:37,409 All of our choices made for us? 10 00:00:37,410 --> 00:00:41,279 The answer to that can be found.. 11 00:00:41,280 --> 00:00:44,520 In our next class. Bye! 12 00:00:45,077 --> 00:00:47,212 That's brilliant, Daniel. 13 00:00:47,213 --> 00:00:50,512 Ending the class on a cliffhanger always keeps them coming back for more. 14 00:00:50,513 --> 00:00:51,980 - The answer is "no". - To what? 15 00:00:51,981 --> 00:00:53,716 To whatever it is you're about to ask me. 16 00:00:53,717 --> 00:00:56,069 Unless I'm misinterpreting the blatant ego stroking. 17 00:00:56,070 --> 00:00:57,985 I simply want to make sure that you're planning to 18 00:00:57,986 --> 00:01:00,522 attend the Chicago Science Foundation Gala on Friday. 19 00:01:00,523 --> 00:01:02,421 Ah, you lost me at "gala". 20 00:01:02,422 --> 00:01:03,822 I really need you there, Daniel. 21 00:01:03,823 --> 00:01:05,353 - Why? - Because.. 22 00:01:05,354 --> 00:01:07,374 Jonathan Bannister's widow is gonna be there. 23 00:01:07,375 --> 00:01:09,572 - I don't know who that is. - Class of '49. 24 00:01:09,573 --> 00:01:11,844 Anyway, I played golf with him a couple of months ago. 25 00:01:11,845 --> 00:01:13,997 And by the end of the 8th hole.. 26 00:01:13,998 --> 00:01:17,242 I have him verbally committed to funding the new Life Sciences building. 27 00:01:17,243 --> 00:01:20,216 But a couple of days later, before I can get it in writing, 28 00:01:20,217 --> 00:01:22,055 the guy goes and dies of a heart attack. 29 00:01:22,056 --> 00:01:23,646 How inconsiderate of him. 30 00:01:23,647 --> 00:01:26,505 I feel badly about it, of course, but I am hoping 31 00:01:26,506 --> 00:01:28,766 to get his widow to honor her husband's promise. 32 00:01:28,767 --> 00:01:30,494 I'm still waiting to hear what this has to do with me. 33 00:01:30,495 --> 00:01:35,349 Well, as luck would have it, Mrs. Bannister is a fan of yours. 34 00:01:35,350 --> 00:01:37,945 No. No. No, no, Paul. No, no, no. 35 00:01:37,946 --> 00:01:40,899 I am not gonna let you pimp me out to some blue hair just so the 36 00:01:40,900 --> 00:01:43,932 undergraduates have a shiny new building to store their mice. 37 00:01:43,933 --> 00:01:45,390 No, I.. I don't have time anyway. 38 00:01:45,391 --> 00:01:48,917 I'm right in the middle of some very important experiments. 39 00:01:48,918 --> 00:01:51,618 What experiments? 40 00:01:57,660 --> 00:01:59,700 Daniel? 41 00:02:00,262 --> 00:02:01,399 What are you doing? 42 00:02:01,400 --> 00:02:04,429 Did you know that pigeons' brains contain magnetite? 43 00:02:04,430 --> 00:02:05,906 I did not know that. 44 00:02:05,907 --> 00:02:08,371 It lets them sense the Earth's magnetic field and orients them 45 00:02:08,372 --> 00:02:10,377 so they can get where they're going without getting lost. 46 00:02:10,378 --> 00:02:12,625 Here's the thing.. Pigeons mate for life. 47 00:02:12,626 --> 00:02:15,985 So I'm wondering, after a while, does the female just follow her chosen male, 48 00:02:15,986 --> 00:02:19,616 or does she still use the magnetite in her brain to choose her own route? 49 00:02:19,617 --> 00:02:23,172 It probably depends on whether he's buying her dinner. 50 00:02:23,173 --> 00:02:27,340 You don't think they're gonna follow me home, do you? 51 00:02:27,341 --> 00:02:29,750 To what do I owe the pleasure? 52 00:02:29,751 --> 00:02:34,236 How would you like to help the FBI bring down a big, bad insurance company? 53 00:02:34,237 --> 00:02:37,025 See, I knew this was gonna be a good day. 54 00:02:37,026 --> 00:02:39,050 What'd they do.. Deny somebody benefits? 55 00:02:39,051 --> 00:02:43,551 Actually, they might have committed murder. 56 00:02:48,041 --> 00:02:49,681 Sanjay Patel. 57 00:02:49,682 --> 00:02:51,923 A couple months ago, he was admitted to the E.R. 58 00:02:51,924 --> 00:02:55,186 Complaining of severe depression and suicidal thoughts. 59 00:02:55,187 --> 00:02:57,782 Jan Star Health was his insurance provider at the time. 60 00:02:57,783 --> 00:03:00,528 They authorized one day of hospitalization. 61 00:03:00,529 --> 00:03:02,812 - That's generous. - It gets worse. 62 00:03:02,813 --> 00:03:06,002 After he's discharged, Jan Star recommended outpatient 63 00:03:06,003 --> 00:03:09,469 treatment by a psychiatrist, Doctor Julian Corvis. 64 00:03:09,470 --> 00:03:14,875 Corvis treats Sanjay for four sessions, then stops treatment, says Sanjay is cured. 65 00:03:14,876 --> 00:03:18,337 Of severe depression? In four sessions. Bullshit. 66 00:03:18,338 --> 00:03:21,712 Yeah. I'm sure Sanjay's Mother shares your skepticism. 67 00:03:21,713 --> 00:03:24,613 The next morning, she found him hanging in his closet. 68 00:03:24,614 --> 00:03:27,406 How does a Doctor that incompetent keep his medical license? 69 00:03:27,407 --> 00:03:28,834 I do not know. 70 00:03:28,835 --> 00:03:34,735 What I do know is that he will never be treating patients again. 71 00:03:35,141 --> 00:03:39,652 He was found dead in his office yesterday.. Shot in the face by a .38. 72 00:03:39,653 --> 00:03:41,551 Wallet was still on him, so robbery's out. 73 00:03:41,552 --> 00:03:44,904 Safe was open, but there were still valuables inside. 74 00:03:44,905 --> 00:03:47,818 It's unclear whether or not anything was removed. 75 00:03:47,819 --> 00:03:50,749 Sanjay's family seeking payback? 76 00:03:50,750 --> 00:03:52,477 They seem to be going through the proper channels. 77 00:03:52,478 --> 00:03:55,900 They filed a wrongful-death suit against Jan Star and Corvis 78 00:03:55,901 --> 00:03:59,673 and alerted the U.S. Attorney's office, which launched an investigation. 79 00:03:59,674 --> 00:04:03,306 FBI approached Corvis about testifying against Jan Star, 80 00:04:03,307 --> 00:04:06,226 - and he agreed, on one condition. - Immunity. 81 00:04:06,227 --> 00:04:10,241 The terms of which were still being negotiated when he was killed. 82 00:04:10,242 --> 00:04:12,502 So you think Jan Star hired a hit man to silence him. 83 00:04:12,503 --> 00:04:16,362 I am not assigned to investigate the murder. 84 00:04:16,363 --> 00:04:18,139 - But you said.. - My involvement in this case 85 00:04:18,140 --> 00:04:20,591 is limited to the wrongful-death suit. 86 00:04:20,592 --> 00:04:22,989 I need to find out what was in Corvis' files. 87 00:04:22,990 --> 00:04:25,249 Well, you can't look at medical files. They're confidential. 88 00:04:25,250 --> 00:04:28,229 That's why I need a special master. 89 00:04:28,230 --> 00:04:30,393 A special what? 90 00:04:30,394 --> 00:04:35,248 A knowledgeable and impartial third party to review the files 91 00:04:35,249 --> 00:04:37,987 and report on what Corvis was gonna tell the U.S. Attorney 92 00:04:37,988 --> 00:04:41,944 without revealing any personal information. 93 00:04:41,945 --> 00:04:45,521 That's why I convinced the US Attorney to appoint you. 94 00:04:45,522 --> 00:04:46,743 Ah. 95 00:04:46,744 --> 00:04:50,930 Well, as flattered as I am that you think I'm special, I know you, Kate. 96 00:04:50,931 --> 00:04:54,838 And there's no way you're not curious about who killed Corvis. 97 00:04:54,839 --> 00:04:58,097 I've been in some hot water with the boss lately. 98 00:04:58,098 --> 00:05:02,448 Says I keep stepping outside my "circle of responsibility". 99 00:05:02,449 --> 00:05:07,309 So this time, I am staying inside the circle. 100 00:05:07,688 --> 00:05:10,126 So, what exactly is the diameter of this circle? 101 00:05:10,127 --> 00:05:12,262 Pretty small. 102 00:05:12,263 --> 00:05:13,537 - Hey, Kate! - Michael. 103 00:05:13,538 --> 00:05:16,131 Let me guess.. You're here to take me to lunch. 104 00:05:16,132 --> 00:05:18,451 Actually, I am here to see Daniel. 105 00:05:18,452 --> 00:05:20,620 Sorry, sorry. Do you two know each other? 106 00:05:20,621 --> 00:05:22,708 Of course. I mean, half the reason I joined the faculty 107 00:05:22,709 --> 00:05:25,384 was to say that I've worked with the great Dr. Pierce. 108 00:05:25,385 --> 00:05:26,968 Good to see you, Daniel. 109 00:05:26,969 --> 00:05:29,589 So, when are we getting together again? 110 00:05:29,590 --> 00:05:31,270 - Well, uh, I don't know. - I might have the.. 111 00:05:31,271 --> 00:05:34,572 We have something that we're doing. 112 00:05:34,573 --> 00:05:36,100 Yeah, sorry. 113 00:05:36,101 --> 00:05:37,566 Totally understand. I'll call you. 114 00:05:37,567 --> 00:05:39,487 Okay. 115 00:05:45,158 --> 00:05:46,457 Where do you think you're going? 116 00:05:46,458 --> 00:05:48,132 I'm the only one who's allowed to look at these files. 117 00:05:48,133 --> 00:05:49,982 I'm only going up to unlock the office. 118 00:05:49,983 --> 00:05:51,233 Just so you remember. 119 00:05:51,234 --> 00:05:55,434 You're the special master. I got it. 120 00:05:58,027 --> 00:06:01,763 It's a fresh crime scene. This seal's supposed to be intact. 121 00:06:01,764 --> 00:06:04,044 Wait here. 122 00:06:23,682 --> 00:06:25,536 Mrs. Corvis? 123 00:06:25,537 --> 00:06:29,557 It was our honeymoon in Bora-Bora. 124 00:06:30,142 --> 00:06:33,772 It was the happiest week of my life. 125 00:06:33,773 --> 00:06:36,553 The FBI should have protected Julian. 126 00:06:36,554 --> 00:06:38,955 Maybe you should get her home. 127 00:06:38,956 --> 00:06:40,657 You sure? 128 00:06:40,658 --> 00:06:41,705 I'll be fine. 129 00:06:41,706 --> 00:06:47,606 Mrs. Corvis, we're gonna do everything we can to find the person who did this. 130 00:07:26,463 --> 00:07:27,903 How is she? 131 00:07:27,904 --> 00:07:29,785 Getting some rest. 132 00:07:29,786 --> 00:07:31,480 You find anything? 133 00:07:31,481 --> 00:07:34,238 Apparently, Corvis was miraculously curing his Jan Star 134 00:07:34,239 --> 00:07:37,237 patients of major disorders in just a few sessions. 135 00:07:37,238 --> 00:07:42,323 Where as patients from other carriers, same disorders, he'd see 30 or 40 times. 136 00:07:42,324 --> 00:07:45,889 So you think Jan Star was getting Corvis to churn their patients and then dump 'em. 137 00:07:45,890 --> 00:07:49,372 Yeah. They paid him a major bonus every time he cut somebody loose. 138 00:07:49,373 --> 00:07:52,387 They'd save a bundle, and he'd fill his schedule with patients 139 00:07:52,388 --> 00:07:54,470 that were from other carriers or paying cash. 140 00:07:54,471 --> 00:07:55,925 Nice work, Daniel. 141 00:07:55,926 --> 00:07:59,495 You testify to this, the U.S. Attorney should be able to nail Jan Star. 142 00:07:59,496 --> 00:08:02,070 There's something else. Look at this. 143 00:08:02,071 --> 00:08:06,214 Corvis was diagnosing a disorder called "Transferential Dopamine Deficiency". 144 00:08:06,215 --> 00:08:08,843 - Never heard of it. - Neither have I. 145 00:08:08,844 --> 00:08:11,820 That's not in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual. 146 00:08:11,821 --> 00:08:13,323 You think it's related to the Jan Star scam? 147 00:08:13,324 --> 00:08:16,965 No. Everyone with this diagnosis was paying cash. 148 00:08:16,966 --> 00:08:19,489 Suspicious, right? 149 00:08:19,490 --> 00:08:22,114 If it's not related to Jan Star, it's outside the circle. 150 00:08:22,115 --> 00:08:27,335 - It doesn't make any sense.. - Outside the circle. 151 00:08:27,881 --> 00:08:30,287 You found the smoking gun. 152 00:08:30,288 --> 00:08:32,166 I'll buy you a celebratory slice of pizza. 153 00:08:32,167 --> 00:08:33,720 Malnati's? 154 00:08:33,721 --> 00:08:35,675 Did you know that humans are the only species 155 00:08:35,676 --> 00:08:37,302 that drinks the milk of another animal? 156 00:08:37,303 --> 00:08:40,093 It's unnatural.. All the lactose churning away, 157 00:08:40,094 --> 00:08:45,994 - wreaking havoc on your.. - Okay, Daniel. I am not hungry any more. 158 00:09:01,818 --> 00:09:03,918 Lewicki. 159 00:09:04,253 --> 00:09:07,553 Oh, hi, Professor Pierce. 160 00:09:08,373 --> 00:09:10,953 Come out here? 161 00:09:15,092 --> 00:09:16,285 Yes? 162 00:09:16,286 --> 00:09:17,680 What is that girl doing here? 163 00:09:17,681 --> 00:09:20,351 Uh, I'm Karyn's teaching assistant. She asked me for help, and I'm helping her. 164 00:09:20,352 --> 00:09:23,124 Oh, so you couldn't help her at the dorm or at the library? 165 00:09:23,125 --> 00:09:25,417 - What's your point? - My point is that that girl stalked me! 166 00:09:25,418 --> 00:09:27,774 She almost got me fired, now she's finagled her way into my house! 167 00:09:27,775 --> 00:09:29,660 - She has ulterior motives. - Okay, maybe she does. 168 00:09:29,661 --> 00:09:31,629 Okay, now that we see eye to eye, get her out of here. 169 00:09:31,630 --> 00:09:34,681 Ever occur to you her ulterior motive is to get with me? 170 00:09:34,682 --> 00:09:39,155 Hey, Max, I should go. It's getting late. 171 00:09:39,156 --> 00:09:44,004 Um, okay. Yeah, I.. I'll walk you back to your dorm. 172 00:09:44,005 --> 00:09:46,378 See ya, Professor Pierce. 173 00:09:46,379 --> 00:09:48,258 I think you're just jealous. 174 00:09:48,259 --> 00:09:49,329 Of Lewicki?! 175 00:09:49,330 --> 00:09:51,197 That girl took her shirt off in your office, 176 00:09:51,198 --> 00:09:53,459 and you didn't find her the least bit attractive? 177 00:09:53,460 --> 00:09:54,794 I may be crazy from the neck up. 178 00:09:54,795 --> 00:09:57,134 But from the waist down, I assure you I'm perfectly healthy. 179 00:09:57,135 --> 00:09:59,481 When was the last time you had a date? 180 00:09:59,482 --> 00:10:02,084 - Is that a proposition? - In your dreams. 181 00:10:02,085 --> 00:10:03,553 Hey, we had fun together. 182 00:10:03,554 --> 00:10:06,990 "Had".. Past tense. You need to find somebody in the here and now. 183 00:10:06,991 --> 00:10:09,458 Like your friend Kate is doing with Michael Hathaway. 184 00:10:09,459 --> 00:10:13,752 Ohh, that's called setting the bar so low that anyone's acceptable. 185 00:10:13,753 --> 00:10:15,839 As opposed to setting the bar so unrealistically high 186 00:10:15,840 --> 00:10:21,480 that you never have to show another person the real you? 187 00:10:23,740 --> 00:10:25,842 Are you feeling okay? 188 00:10:25,843 --> 00:10:28,751 I'm having some symptoms, but I know they're symptoms. 189 00:10:28,752 --> 00:10:29,809 Such as? 190 00:10:29,810 --> 00:10:32,766 I'm being followed by a Government Agent in a black S.U.V. 191 00:10:32,767 --> 00:10:34,749 Are you sure it's a hallucination? 192 00:10:34,750 --> 00:10:38,470 Black S.U.V.? Mirrored shades? 193 00:10:40,728 --> 00:10:45,468 Straight out of the Paranoid Schizo handbook. 194 00:10:49,209 --> 00:10:53,372 I dropped Karyn off at her dorm. Uh.. 195 00:10:53,373 --> 00:10:55,707 I'm gonna crash. You need anything first? 196 00:10:55,708 --> 00:10:59,577 Don't forget your umbrellas, or otherwise you could get all wet. 197 00:10:59,578 --> 00:11:01,561 50% chance of rain. 198 00:11:01,562 --> 00:11:03,521 How does this woman stay employed when her forecast 199 00:11:03,522 --> 00:11:06,027 is basically "it might rain or it might not"? 200 00:11:06,028 --> 00:11:09,622 Oh, I think she has other assets that keep her employed, Doc. 201 00:11:09,623 --> 00:11:12,412 .. High-pressure winds creeping in from northwest Indiana. 202 00:11:12,413 --> 00:11:14,688 Clearly, understanding Meteorology isn't one of them. 203 00:11:14,689 --> 00:11:18,186 That's not a very nice thing to say, Daniel. 204 00:11:18,187 --> 00:11:20,856 By the weekend, it looks like more of the same. 205 00:11:20,857 --> 00:11:23,432 So, I miss a tropical depression once in a while. 206 00:11:23,433 --> 00:11:26,026 You can miss a depression, too, can't you? 207 00:11:26,027 --> 00:11:27,733 But the weather should be improving later. 208 00:11:27,734 --> 00:11:29,888 - I missed something. - The good news is, 209 00:11:29,889 --> 00:11:32,067 we're not expecting any more rain on the horizon, 210 00:11:32,068 --> 00:11:34,680 and right now it's just a lovely evening out there. 211 00:11:34,681 --> 00:11:36,817 You okay, Doc? 212 00:11:36,818 --> 00:11:39,278 Get the car. 213 00:11:42,513 --> 00:11:45,236 Daniel, what are you doing?! You were supposed to wait for me. 214 00:11:45,237 --> 00:11:47,358 I think I know who killed Corvis. 215 00:11:47,359 --> 00:11:49,165 - Who? - I can't tell you. 216 00:11:49,166 --> 00:11:53,966 - Why not? - Because it's outside the circle. 217 00:11:57,378 --> 00:12:00,883 Your son was Dr. Corvis's patient? 218 00:12:00,884 --> 00:12:03,783 He just went the one time. 219 00:12:03,784 --> 00:12:06,365 Were you aware that.. 220 00:12:06,366 --> 00:12:07,718 Justin threatened to kill him? 221 00:12:07,719 --> 00:12:09,363 No. 222 00:12:09,364 --> 00:12:11,157 No, I wasn't. 223 00:12:11,158 --> 00:12:12,603 You don't think he had anything to do with.. 224 00:12:12,604 --> 00:12:15,349 At this point, we just want to talk to him. 225 00:12:15,350 --> 00:12:18,990 During the session, Justin became aggressive and violent.. 226 00:12:18,991 --> 00:12:22,225 So much so that Doctor Corvis recommended he find a new therapist. 227 00:12:22,226 --> 00:12:24,792 - Did he? - No. 228 00:12:24,793 --> 00:12:28,877 No, he came home that day shouting and screaming. And.. 229 00:12:28,878 --> 00:12:32,219 He was angry at me for sending him to see Corvis. 230 00:12:32,220 --> 00:12:34,393 And then he just.. 231 00:12:34,394 --> 00:12:36,962 Then he just took off. 232 00:12:36,963 --> 00:12:38,417 His Mother.. 233 00:12:38,418 --> 00:12:43,551 She knew how to handle Justin a lot better than I did. 234 00:12:43,552 --> 00:12:46,912 She died three years ago. 235 00:12:47,126 --> 00:12:51,768 It must have been very hard for both of you. 236 00:12:51,769 --> 00:12:54,402 Is that why you thought Justin should see a therapist? 237 00:12:54,403 --> 00:12:56,038 No, he.. 238 00:12:56,039 --> 00:12:57,784 He handled it pretty well, you know.. 239 00:12:57,785 --> 00:12:59,432 All things considered. 240 00:12:59,433 --> 00:13:01,186 He loved his music. 241 00:13:01,187 --> 00:13:04,781 He had plenty of good friends. And, uh.. 242 00:13:04,782 --> 00:13:07,079 And then everything just changed. 243 00:13:07,080 --> 00:13:08,940 How? 244 00:13:09,254 --> 00:13:11,860 Teenage stuff, mostly. 245 00:13:11,861 --> 00:13:14,247 He started running around with the wrong crowd, 246 00:13:14,248 --> 00:13:19,059 and I thought that Corvis could help him get back on the right track, you know? 247 00:13:19,060 --> 00:13:21,405 Dr. Corvis diagnosed him with something called, 248 00:13:21,406 --> 00:13:24,732 "Transferential Dopamine Deficiency". 249 00:13:24,733 --> 00:13:28,300 - Do you know what that means? - Um, I'm sorry. I don't. 250 00:13:28,301 --> 00:13:33,341 And you have no idea where Justin is right now? 251 00:13:33,372 --> 00:13:36,497 I haven't seen my son since he left this house. 252 00:13:36,498 --> 00:13:39,792 If you find him, please.. 253 00:13:39,793 --> 00:13:43,873 Will you tell him that I am sorry? 254 00:13:43,875 --> 00:13:46,575 About everything? 255 00:13:52,445 --> 00:13:54,485 Thanks. 256 00:13:54,534 --> 00:13:58,203 No hits on Justin Reycraft with FBI or Chicago P.D. 257 00:13:58,204 --> 00:14:00,132 - Think he'll turn up? - It's hard to say. 258 00:14:00,133 --> 00:14:03,083 Sometimes runaways do just drop off the grid completely. 259 00:14:03,084 --> 00:14:05,810 But we've got an APB out. 260 00:14:05,811 --> 00:14:07,527 So, uh.. 261 00:14:07,528 --> 00:14:10,215 Your boss knows you've drifted outside the circle? 262 00:14:10,216 --> 00:14:14,476 Yeah, he's giving me a little leeway. 263 00:14:14,487 --> 00:14:16,774 - What's up? - Nothing. 264 00:14:16,775 --> 00:14:22,415 I'm just trying to figure out what this diagnosis means. 265 00:14:24,240 --> 00:14:25,930 What the.. 266 00:14:25,931 --> 00:14:27,783 Federal Agent! Hands where I can see 'em! 267 00:14:27,784 --> 00:14:30,484 Out of the car! 268 00:14:32,028 --> 00:14:35,266 You better have one hell of a good reason 269 00:14:35,267 --> 00:14:38,598 for following us around the past couple of days. 270 00:14:38,599 --> 00:14:39,876 I don't believe it. 271 00:14:39,877 --> 00:14:42,398 Secret Service guy in aviator sunglasses and a black S.U.V. 272 00:14:42,399 --> 00:14:45,025 - Was really following us? - I know. 273 00:14:45,026 --> 00:14:48,086 What a cliché, right? 274 00:14:51,212 --> 00:14:53,490 Pulled your personnel file, Vincent. 275 00:14:53,491 --> 00:14:56,376 Nine complaints of excessive force. 276 00:14:56,377 --> 00:14:58,473 Drinking on the job. 277 00:14:58,474 --> 00:15:01,778 You want to tell me what a burnout cop's doing following around the FBI? 278 00:15:01,779 --> 00:15:05,525 Want to know what's great about not being on the job any more? 279 00:15:05,526 --> 00:15:06,434 Hmm? 280 00:15:06,435 --> 00:15:08,724 I don't have to talk to people like you. 281 00:15:08,725 --> 00:15:11,532 Want to know what else is great about you not being a cop any more, Vincent, 282 00:15:11,533 --> 00:15:13,327 is that no one will give a rat's ass 283 00:15:13,328 --> 00:15:16,391 when I ship you for assaulting a Federal Agent. 284 00:15:16,392 --> 00:15:18,638 Never laid a finger on you. 285 00:15:18,639 --> 00:15:21,469 It's too bad you didn't pay more attention in the academy, 286 00:15:21,470 --> 00:15:26,323 because then you would know that hitting my car qualifies as assault. 287 00:15:26,324 --> 00:15:28,904 A felony even. 288 00:15:30,710 --> 00:15:33,541 Working as an investigator for Jan Star. So what? 289 00:15:33,542 --> 00:15:34,679 So what happened? 290 00:15:34,680 --> 00:15:36,423 They find out Corvis was gonna testify 291 00:15:36,424 --> 00:15:39,888 so they sent you to dig up some dirt to blackmail him with? 292 00:15:39,889 --> 00:15:42,106 Or maybe.. 293 00:15:42,107 --> 00:15:45,175 They sent you to silence him for good. 294 00:15:45,176 --> 00:15:51,076 I was just hired to follow him, dig up dirt, like you said. 295 00:15:51,092 --> 00:15:54,960 Well, if you were following him, maybe you saw who killed him. 296 00:15:54,961 --> 00:15:56,882 I was at an A.A. Meeting when it happened. 297 00:15:56,883 --> 00:16:00,650 By the time I got back to his office, it was already a crime scene. 298 00:16:00,651 --> 00:16:04,084 Cop in me was curious, so I hung around. And when you and your.. 299 00:16:04,085 --> 00:16:06,876 Weird Professor friend show up, 300 00:16:06,877 --> 00:16:10,380 I run a background, find out who he is, report back to Jan Star 301 00:16:10,381 --> 00:16:13,248 that maybe he was gonna testify in Corvis' place. 302 00:16:13,249 --> 00:16:16,780 So they told you to follow Dr. Pierce, dig up some dirt on him, too? 303 00:16:16,781 --> 00:16:18,384 Instead of riding me, why aren't you looking for the guy 304 00:16:18,385 --> 00:16:20,417 who threatened Corvis last week? 305 00:16:20,418 --> 00:16:21,684 Keep talking. 306 00:16:21,685 --> 00:16:23,770 He goes to some girl's apartment. 307 00:16:23,771 --> 00:16:25,119 Comes out about an hour later. 308 00:16:25,120 --> 00:16:27,109 Some big guy is waiting for him, 309 00:16:27,110 --> 00:16:30,569 throws Corvis up against a car, threatens to break his head. 310 00:16:30,570 --> 00:16:31,859 Give me a name. 311 00:16:31,860 --> 00:16:36,755 I didn't get his name, but I got the girl's. 312 00:16:36,756 --> 00:16:38,195 I loved Julian. 313 00:16:38,196 --> 00:16:40,237 But you knew he was married, Misty. 314 00:16:40,238 --> 00:16:44,135 I couldn't help myself. We just had this crazy connection. 315 00:16:44,136 --> 00:16:48,516 And the sex was absolutely mind-blowing. 316 00:16:48,660 --> 00:16:50,878 I would know, too. I've had like a ton of sex. 317 00:16:50,879 --> 00:16:52,679 Oh. 318 00:16:52,766 --> 00:16:54,551 But with Julian it was different. 319 00:16:54,552 --> 00:16:56,647 He was so into experimenting and exploring. 320 00:16:56,648 --> 00:16:59,867 Sounds awesome, Misty, but this is a murder investigation. 321 00:16:59,868 --> 00:17:03,297 Now, a witness says they saw Corvis being threatened outside your place. 322 00:17:03,298 --> 00:17:05,734 What do you know about that? 323 00:17:05,735 --> 00:17:07,950 It was probably Toby, my ex. 324 00:17:07,951 --> 00:17:09,526 He's got a really bad temper. 325 00:17:09,527 --> 00:17:15,407 And he was pretty upset when I started sleeping with Julian. 326 00:17:22,350 --> 00:17:26,970 All right. I need you to wait in the car. 327 00:17:33,407 --> 00:17:35,648 Toby Mulligan? 328 00:17:35,649 --> 00:17:36,819 Who's asking? 329 00:17:36,820 --> 00:17:39,487 FBI. I got a couple questions for you. 330 00:17:39,488 --> 00:17:41,568 Just let me finish this set. 331 00:17:41,569 --> 00:17:45,424 Actually, I need to talk to you right now. 332 00:17:45,425 --> 00:17:47,765 Okay, sure. 333 00:17:55,924 --> 00:17:59,404 What? I waited in the car. 334 00:18:02,170 --> 00:18:04,748 Yeah, I got in his face. But it didn't hurt him. 335 00:18:04,749 --> 00:18:06,502 I wasn't even in town last Friday. 336 00:18:06,503 --> 00:18:10,741 - Then why'd you run? - I thought this was about the steroids. 337 00:18:10,742 --> 00:18:14,625 I totally have a prescription for those, by the way. 338 00:18:14,626 --> 00:18:18,579 Admit it, Toby. You were pissed off because some Joe schmo Doctor half your 339 00:18:18,580 --> 00:18:22,699 size was giving it to your girl and she was liking it. So you made him pay. 340 00:18:22,700 --> 00:18:25,426 I told you. I didn't kill him. 341 00:18:25,427 --> 00:18:27,642 When'd you find out she was seeing him? 342 00:18:27,643 --> 00:18:30,394 You mean sleeping together or as his patient? 343 00:18:30,395 --> 00:18:32,158 Misty was Corvis' patient? 344 00:18:32,159 --> 00:18:35,118 She started seeing him for her self-esteem issues. 345 00:18:35,119 --> 00:18:36,575 She seemed pretty confident to me. 346 00:18:36,576 --> 00:18:38,011 Maybe he cured her. 347 00:18:38,012 --> 00:18:40,301 He got inside her head.. Tricked her somehow. 348 00:18:40,302 --> 00:18:44,837 There's no way she'd have cheated on me otherwise. 349 00:18:44,838 --> 00:18:46,960 I even told his wife about it. 350 00:18:46,961 --> 00:18:51,307 I thought that would end it, but it didn't. 351 00:18:51,308 --> 00:18:56,127 Of course I knew. I knew about all my husband's affairs. 352 00:18:56,128 --> 00:18:58,007 How many were there? 353 00:18:58,008 --> 00:19:01,164 A few. Nothing out of the ordinary. 354 00:19:01,165 --> 00:19:03,657 I liked that other women found my husband attractive. 355 00:19:03,658 --> 00:19:05,264 It made me feel lucky to have him. 356 00:19:05,265 --> 00:19:08,550 Well, you have a very progressive attitude 357 00:19:08,551 --> 00:19:11,808 towards your husband's extracurricular activities. 358 00:19:11,809 --> 00:19:15,649 That's just what normal men do. 359 00:19:16,679 --> 00:19:18,535 That woman is lying. 360 00:19:18,536 --> 00:19:21,569 Everyone has a different attitude when it comes to sex. 361 00:19:21,570 --> 00:19:24,104 You get cheated on, you feel angry, betrayed. 362 00:19:24,105 --> 00:19:26,407 You want someone to pay. Trust me. 363 00:19:26,408 --> 00:19:29,383 Doesn't sound like you're being entirely objective, Agent Moretti. 364 00:19:29,384 --> 00:19:30,389 Sorry. 365 00:19:30,390 --> 00:19:33,770 I'm just saying, she might seem like the poster child for cool right now, 366 00:19:33,771 --> 00:19:36,096 but maybe when she found out Corvis was cheating on her, 367 00:19:36,097 --> 00:19:37,799 she got jealous and killed him. 368 00:19:37,800 --> 00:19:39,257 But you didn't accuse her. 369 00:19:39,258 --> 00:19:41,329 That's because I don't have any evidence.. Yet. 370 00:19:41,330 --> 00:19:43,619 I got to look into her movements on the day of the murder. 371 00:19:43,620 --> 00:19:46,920 Drop you back at campus? 372 00:19:48,007 --> 00:19:50,458 Look at us.. Just a couple of higher-order primates 373 00:19:50,459 --> 00:19:52,193 competing for a sexual partner. 374 00:19:52,194 --> 00:19:53,210 I beg your pardon? 375 00:19:53,211 --> 00:19:54,874 I'm talking about Kate, of course. 376 00:19:54,875 --> 00:19:58,825 And, well, I'll just say it.. I sense that she's very attracted to me. 377 00:19:58,826 --> 00:20:03,270 But if you're planning to plant your flag in that terra incognita, 378 00:20:03,271 --> 00:20:06,073 then just say the word and I'll gracefully withdraw. 379 00:20:06,074 --> 00:20:10,292 Look, if you're done mangling metaphors, I have a class. 380 00:20:10,293 --> 00:20:13,293 So, you don't mind? 381 00:20:17,641 --> 00:20:19,801 Lewicki?! 382 00:20:21,289 --> 00:20:23,389 Lewicki! 383 00:20:24,973 --> 00:20:27,073 Lewicki! 384 00:20:28,738 --> 00:20:30,221 Lewi.. Where the hell were you? 385 00:20:30,222 --> 00:20:33,108 You were supposed to bring my notes for the Neuroanatomy seminar.. I had to cancel it! 386 00:20:33,109 --> 00:20:35,652 I'm sorry, Doc. I'm sorry. What.. 387 00:20:35,653 --> 00:20:38,276 What happened was I had to take my clothes off.. 388 00:20:38,277 --> 00:20:41,817 To do the laundry. And, uh, I put my clothes in the wash, and, uh, 389 00:20:41,818 --> 00:20:44,798 when I came back to check on them, the washer was set on delicate. 390 00:20:44,799 --> 00:20:48,118 So I had to wash them all over again. 391 00:20:48,119 --> 00:20:51,179 Hey, Professor Pierce. 392 00:21:10,364 --> 00:21:14,984 Yeah, I.. I.. I told you she was into me. 393 00:21:17,870 --> 00:21:20,605 Uh, Dr. Pierce's residence. 394 00:21:20,606 --> 00:21:22,369 One sec. 395 00:21:22,370 --> 00:21:24,241 It's Kate. 396 00:21:24,242 --> 00:21:25,073 Hello? 397 00:21:25,074 --> 00:21:27,722 Chicago P.D. picked up Justin Reycraft.. 398 00:21:27,723 --> 00:21:29,659 You know, the kid who was threatening Corvis. 399 00:21:29,660 --> 00:21:31,954 He was panhandling in Millennium Park. 400 00:21:31,955 --> 00:21:34,387 They're bringing him in to talk to me. You want to come say hi? 401 00:21:34,388 --> 00:21:37,868 You have no idea how much. 402 00:21:41,367 --> 00:21:43,907 So, then, you won't be back for a while?! 403 00:21:43,908 --> 00:21:45,701 Why'd you run away, Justin? 404 00:21:45,702 --> 00:21:47,982 I didn't. 405 00:21:48,140 --> 00:21:50,544 My Dad kicked me out. 406 00:21:50,545 --> 00:21:52,628 Why.. Why'd he do that? 407 00:21:52,629 --> 00:21:55,924 Because I wouldn't go back to see that weirdo Corvis. 408 00:21:55,925 --> 00:21:59,257 Mr. Corvis says here in his files that you threatened him. 409 00:21:59,258 --> 00:22:00,835 - Did you kill him? - No. 410 00:22:00,836 --> 00:22:02,177 I didn't kill him. 411 00:22:02,178 --> 00:22:03,817 What made you so angry at him? 412 00:22:03,818 --> 00:22:05,593 That guy was a total freak! 413 00:22:05,594 --> 00:22:10,874 Okay. We just want to hear your side of the story. 414 00:22:13,383 --> 00:22:16,597 My Dad forced me to go see Corvis. 415 00:22:16,598 --> 00:22:18,983 And then he gives me some pill. 416 00:22:18,984 --> 00:22:20,502 What kind of pill? 417 00:22:20,503 --> 00:22:22,534 I don't know. 418 00:22:22,535 --> 00:22:27,543 Maybe one of those pills they give to old men to make them all hot and bothered. 419 00:22:27,544 --> 00:22:30,505 I guess it was supposed to do the same thing to me. 420 00:22:30,506 --> 00:22:34,274 And then he makes me watch all this porn. 421 00:22:34,275 --> 00:22:36,956 It was girls with other girls. 422 00:22:36,957 --> 00:22:40,344 And then he wants me to.. 423 00:22:40,345 --> 00:22:42,094 You know.. 424 00:22:42,095 --> 00:22:46,653 While I'm watching the porn in front of him. 425 00:22:46,654 --> 00:22:49,819 He said it would help re-teach my brain. 426 00:22:49,820 --> 00:22:52,374 He said it was "part of the cure". 427 00:22:52,375 --> 00:22:54,841 The cure for what? 428 00:22:54,842 --> 00:22:58,082 The cure for being gay. 429 00:23:02,915 --> 00:23:05,195 Thank you. 430 00:23:05,684 --> 00:23:08,114 Well, Justin's alibi checks out. 431 00:23:08,115 --> 00:23:10,116 He was at the Mercy Shelter the night Corvis was killed. 432 00:23:10,117 --> 00:23:11,517 Of course he didn't do it. 433 00:23:11,518 --> 00:23:13,808 He's a sweet kid whose philistine Father 434 00:23:13,809 --> 00:23:16,244 conveniently fails to mention that he threw his own son 435 00:23:16,245 --> 00:23:17,733 out of the house for being gay. 436 00:23:17,734 --> 00:23:19,928 Or how did he put it? "Hanging with the wrong crowd". 437 00:23:19,929 --> 00:23:22,445 He sounded pretty remorseful when I talked to him 438 00:23:22,446 --> 00:23:24,815 and incredibly relieved that Justin was okay. 439 00:23:24,816 --> 00:23:27,028 You know, I think there's a chance that those two could work things out. 440 00:23:27,029 --> 00:23:29,669 At least now we know what "Transferential Dopamine Deficiency" is. 441 00:23:29,670 --> 00:23:31,956 It's Corvis' code for homosexuality. 442 00:23:31,957 --> 00:23:34,879 It's so sad that someone could be so ashamed of who they are 443 00:23:34,880 --> 00:23:37,304 that they'd go to some quack Doctor to cure them. 444 00:23:37,305 --> 00:23:40,223 You grow up in a family that tells you your basic impulses are morally repugnant? 445 00:23:40,224 --> 00:23:43,047 You might try anything to make yourself feel.. Normal. 446 00:23:43,048 --> 00:23:44,583 Kids kill themselves because of it. 447 00:23:44,584 --> 00:23:49,504 Okay, but is it relevant to who killed Corvis? 448 00:23:49,552 --> 00:23:52,336 He creates a disorder that doesn't exist. 449 00:23:52,337 --> 00:23:54,809 Then he comes up with a treatment regimen for it. 450 00:23:54,810 --> 00:23:57,283 And Justin was pretty angry at Corvis for putting him through it, 451 00:23:57,284 --> 00:24:00,111 so maybe one of his other patients is angry, too. 452 00:24:00,112 --> 00:24:02,847 We can't interview them because of confidentiality. 453 00:24:02,848 --> 00:24:06,028 You can't, but I can. 454 00:24:06,232 --> 00:24:09,120 - Because I'm.. - The special master. 455 00:24:09,121 --> 00:24:11,846 How could I forget? 456 00:24:11,847 --> 00:24:13,357 This is completely confidential. 457 00:24:13,358 --> 00:24:16,527 The only way I'd divulge anything is if it were relevant to the Doctor's murder. 458 00:24:16,528 --> 00:24:20,002 We'll do whatever we can to help. 459 00:24:20,003 --> 00:24:22,180 How did you find Dr. Corvis? 460 00:24:22,181 --> 00:24:23,019 Church. 461 00:24:23,020 --> 00:24:24,214 A support group. 462 00:24:24,215 --> 00:24:26,300 My pastor recommended him. 463 00:24:26,301 --> 00:24:29,140 And why did you go to him? 464 00:24:29,141 --> 00:24:32,911 I'd been struggling with these urges for years. 465 00:24:32,912 --> 00:24:36,281 I'd tried everything already.. Support groups, counseling. 466 00:24:36,282 --> 00:24:37,861 Nothing helped. 467 00:24:37,862 --> 00:24:40,286 Dr. Corvis said his treatment was different. 468 00:24:40,287 --> 00:24:41,060 Different how? 469 00:24:41,061 --> 00:24:43,570 He said the thing I'd struggled with my entire life, 470 00:24:43,571 --> 00:24:49,471 the thing that has given me so much heartache wasn't my fault. 471 00:24:49,892 --> 00:24:51,111 It wasn't a choice. 472 00:24:51,112 --> 00:24:52,713 He said it was a disease. 473 00:24:52,714 --> 00:24:57,694 A Neurochemical Disorder, and he could treat it. 474 00:24:57,815 --> 00:24:59,819 What was the treatment regimen? 475 00:24:59,820 --> 00:25:02,722 First, he would give me a pill. 476 00:25:02,723 --> 00:25:05,064 - What pill? - We only got it in his office. 477 00:25:05,065 --> 00:25:06,413 He promised us it was safe, 478 00:25:06,414 --> 00:25:09,413 but he said it wasn't approved for sale yet or something. 479 00:25:09,414 --> 00:25:10,581 But you took it anyway? 480 00:25:10,582 --> 00:25:12,183 I was desperate. 481 00:25:12,184 --> 00:25:13,551 I was willing to try anything. 482 00:25:13,552 --> 00:25:15,519 What happened after you took the pill? 483 00:25:15,520 --> 00:25:17,801 I got this.. 484 00:25:17,802 --> 00:25:20,191 Incredible feeling of love. 485 00:25:20,192 --> 00:25:21,459 It got me excited. 486 00:25:21,460 --> 00:25:22,727 I'd become aroused. 487 00:25:22,728 --> 00:25:24,428 And we made love. 488 00:25:24,429 --> 00:25:25,796 We would have sex. 489 00:25:25,797 --> 00:25:27,214 In front of him? 490 00:25:27,215 --> 00:25:30,232 Sometimes he would make me watch porn. 491 00:25:30,233 --> 00:25:34,113 Other times he brought in a sexual surrogate. 492 00:25:34,114 --> 00:25:36,260 He forced you to have sex with a woman? 493 00:25:36,261 --> 00:25:38,135 No. I wanted to. 494 00:25:38,136 --> 00:25:39,677 And how did the treatment work? 495 00:25:39,678 --> 00:25:43,281 We haven't had a treatment in almost six weeks. 496 00:25:43,282 --> 00:25:45,879 We.. We haven't needed it. 497 00:25:45,880 --> 00:25:47,485 Dr. Corvis saved our marriage. 498 00:25:47,486 --> 00:25:48,887 He was a miracle worker. 499 00:25:48,888 --> 00:25:52,248 Dr. Corvis saved my life. 500 00:25:53,893 --> 00:25:55,681 "The sex was mind-blowing". 501 00:25:55,682 --> 00:25:57,091 Wow, that must have been some interview. 502 00:25:57,092 --> 00:26:00,569 No, it's what Misty said about her bedroom gymnastics with Corvis, remember? 503 00:26:00,570 --> 00:26:02,188 He must have been giving her the drug, too. 504 00:26:02,189 --> 00:26:04,909 - What, Viagra? - No, Viagra only affects blood flow. 505 00:26:04,910 --> 00:26:08,793 Corvis told his patients that being gay is a Neurochemical Disorder. 506 00:26:08,794 --> 00:26:10,728 And since the feeling of being in love originates 507 00:26:10,729 --> 00:26:12,747 in the paraventricular nucleus of the Hypothalamus.. 508 00:26:12,748 --> 00:26:14,397 Oh, Daniel, you're such a romantic. 509 00:26:14,398 --> 00:26:16,691 The drug must have been something that affected the brain. 510 00:26:16,692 --> 00:26:19,479 I'm guessing some sort of selective dopamine agonist 511 00:26:19,480 --> 00:26:21,995 that produces the sensation of being in love. 512 00:26:21,996 --> 00:26:24,902 Then Corvis incorporates some cognitive behavioral techniques.. 513 00:26:24,903 --> 00:26:28,636 So the patient experiences those feelings while having sex with a female, 514 00:26:28,637 --> 00:26:31,884 and that behavior imprints on them and creates a new normal. 515 00:26:31,885 --> 00:26:35,432 - Somebody paid attention in class. - Wait, so this treatment actually works? 516 00:26:35,433 --> 00:26:38,169 Temporarily, maybe, but it's not sophisticated enough 517 00:26:38,170 --> 00:26:40,739 to create the kind of lasting neurobiological changes 518 00:26:40,740 --> 00:26:43,110 that could actually alter a person's sexuality. 519 00:26:43,111 --> 00:26:44,460 But it's possible. 520 00:26:44,461 --> 00:26:47,941 Theoretically, but ethically? 521 00:26:50,224 --> 00:26:52,877 If the drug is still in any of the patients' systems, 522 00:26:52,878 --> 00:26:55,117 we test their blood, we find out exactly what it is. 523 00:26:55,118 --> 00:26:57,390 We don't have enough probable cause to get a blood order. 524 00:26:57,391 --> 00:27:00,313 Plus, it might be pretty difficult to get permission from the patients. 525 00:27:00,314 --> 00:27:03,843 It'd be an admission that they're doing something illegal. 526 00:27:03,844 --> 00:27:07,079 Silly Daniel, you don't need anyone's permission. 527 00:27:07,080 --> 00:27:08,387 What are you talking about? 528 00:27:08,388 --> 00:27:09,818 I'm just saying it might be pretty difficult, 529 00:27:09,819 --> 00:27:11,931 to get the patients to cooperate. 530 00:27:11,932 --> 00:27:17,342 That's true, but you can't refuse to cooperate if you're dead. 531 00:27:17,343 --> 00:27:20,373 Did the Medical Examiner's office keep samples of Corvis' blood? 532 00:27:20,374 --> 00:27:23,301 Yeah, of course. Why? 533 00:27:23,302 --> 00:27:26,317 I think we're gonna find traces of the drug in his system. 534 00:27:26,318 --> 00:27:29,320 Because he wanted to have mind-blowing sex, just like his patients. 535 00:27:29,321 --> 00:27:34,292 I think it's more than that. I think he was trying to cure himself. 536 00:27:34,293 --> 00:27:37,473 Because Corvis was gay. 537 00:27:40,773 --> 00:27:43,832 The M.E. tested your husbands blood Mrs. Corvis. 538 00:27:43,833 --> 00:27:45,616 Turns out your husband's he was treating himself 539 00:27:45,617 --> 00:27:49,649 with a drug called ZR-121, which causes.. 540 00:27:49,650 --> 00:27:51,466 Feelings of love and arousal. 541 00:27:51,467 --> 00:27:54,727 Now, the FDA hasn't approved it yet because of pervasive side effects 542 00:27:54,728 --> 00:27:57,461 like Hypertension, Ptosis, Dry Mouth. 543 00:27:57,462 --> 00:27:59,298 What's your point? 544 00:27:59,299 --> 00:28:02,601 Your husband was trying to cure himself.. 545 00:28:02,602 --> 00:28:05,015 Of being gay. 546 00:28:05,016 --> 00:28:07,769 He did cure himself. 547 00:28:07,770 --> 00:28:09,865 Julian was a revolutionary. 548 00:28:09,866 --> 00:28:12,768 His methods were saving marriages.. Saving lives. 549 00:28:12,769 --> 00:28:15,594 Except being gay isn't a disease. 550 00:28:15,595 --> 00:28:17,937 Clearly, that's a matter of opinion. 551 00:28:17,938 --> 00:28:21,855 My husband offered hope to people who shared our beliefs. 552 00:28:21,856 --> 00:28:26,116 Except he never actually cured himself. 553 00:28:26,433 --> 00:28:30,056 We tracked his credit-card bill and found numerous charges 554 00:28:30,057 --> 00:28:34,304 to a company called C.K.L. Restaurant and Lounge Group. 555 00:28:34,305 --> 00:28:38,733 Seems it's a holding company for a bar in boystown. 556 00:28:38,734 --> 00:28:42,284 We sent an Agent down there to see if anyone recognized your husband. 557 00:28:42,285 --> 00:28:45,297 And turns out, he was a regular. 558 00:28:45,298 --> 00:28:49,821 I'm sure he was just offering to help those poor men. 559 00:28:49,822 --> 00:28:53,515 You wanted your husband to be straight so badly.. 560 00:28:53,516 --> 00:28:56,882 That you even encouraged him to cheat on you with other women, 561 00:28:56,883 --> 00:29:01,371 because, as you said, "that's just what normal men do". 562 00:29:01,372 --> 00:29:04,797 But when you found out that it was all a lie, 563 00:29:04,798 --> 00:29:09,388 that he was never gonna be what you considered normal, you couldn't take it. 564 00:29:09,389 --> 00:29:11,865 And that's when you killed him. 565 00:29:11,866 --> 00:29:17,347 I'm not saying another word until I speak with my attorney. 566 00:29:17,348 --> 00:29:18,894 Moretti. 567 00:29:18,895 --> 00:29:21,368 Oh, hey, Max. 568 00:29:21,369 --> 00:29:23,626 He says it's an emergency. 569 00:29:23,627 --> 00:29:25,727 Lewicki? 570 00:29:28,032 --> 00:29:30,276 She's been like that for hours. 571 00:29:30,277 --> 00:29:33,195 She says she'll only talk to you. 572 00:29:33,196 --> 00:29:35,013 All right. Get her some water. 573 00:29:35,014 --> 00:29:36,934 Okay. 574 00:29:39,626 --> 00:29:41,966 Uh.. Karyn? 575 00:29:43,140 --> 00:29:45,021 Why don't you, uh.. 576 00:29:45,022 --> 00:29:49,222 Why don't you tell me what's wrong? 577 00:29:49,478 --> 00:29:52,765 You're an expert on the brain, right? 578 00:29:52,766 --> 00:29:54,986 And why.. 579 00:29:55,403 --> 00:29:57,504 Why people do the things that they do? 580 00:29:57,505 --> 00:30:00,841 Yes, but to be honest, human behavior continues to mystify me. 581 00:30:00,842 --> 00:30:04,165 Oh, you have to help me! 582 00:30:04,166 --> 00:30:07,286 Tell me why I do it. 583 00:30:07,357 --> 00:30:08,555 Do what? 584 00:30:08,556 --> 00:30:10,514 I've.. 585 00:30:10,515 --> 00:30:14,070 I've been sleeping around lately. 586 00:30:14,071 --> 00:30:17,251 - A lot. - Okay. Okay. 587 00:30:17,712 --> 00:30:21,908 I have these urges, and.. And I can't control them. 588 00:30:21,909 --> 00:30:25,032 But I got excited watching the golf channel the other day. 589 00:30:25,033 --> 00:30:28,632 It just.. It doesn't make any sense! 590 00:30:28,633 --> 00:30:31,873 Like sleeping with Max.. 591 00:30:31,886 --> 00:30:35,246 He's a really nice guy.. 592 00:30:35,443 --> 00:30:38,550 But I'm not that into him. 593 00:30:38,551 --> 00:30:43,411 God.. I would.. I would kill for a cigarette. 594 00:30:44,492 --> 00:30:46,936 I didn't know you smoked. 595 00:30:46,937 --> 00:30:50,777 Well, I've been trying to quit. 596 00:30:52,138 --> 00:30:55,716 Are you taking a prescription to help you with that? 597 00:30:55,717 --> 00:30:58,138 How did you know? 598 00:30:58,139 --> 00:31:00,317 Karyn, one of the side effects of some of 599 00:31:00,318 --> 00:31:03,794 those anti-smoking drugs is hyper-sexuality. 600 00:31:03,795 --> 00:31:06,325 Maybe that's what's happening to you. 601 00:31:06,326 --> 00:31:08,606 You think? 602 00:31:10,112 --> 00:31:12,503 I know the Head of Counseling at the Student Health Center. 603 00:31:12,504 --> 00:31:15,940 She can talk to you about your meds and your other.. 604 00:31:15,941 --> 00:31:16,692 Issues. 605 00:31:16,693 --> 00:31:19,926 So why don't I take you to see her? 606 00:31:19,927 --> 00:31:23,707 Oh, thank you, Professor Pierce! 607 00:31:23,723 --> 00:31:26,483 You're.. Welcome. 608 00:31:30,767 --> 00:31:32,014 Dean Haley. 609 00:31:32,015 --> 00:31:34,181 Uh, Dr. Pierce should be back any minute. 610 00:31:34,182 --> 00:31:38,089 No, I'm actually here to see you Mister Lewicki. 611 00:31:38,090 --> 00:31:42,572 Look, look, I.. I.. If it's about that girl, I can totally explain. 612 00:31:42,573 --> 00:31:46,511 It's about the Chicago Science Foundation benefit. 613 00:31:46,512 --> 00:31:48,099 Oh.. 614 00:31:48,100 --> 00:31:50,880 Right, of.. Of course. 615 00:31:50,881 --> 00:31:53,775 It would behoove the university greatly, Mr. Lewicki, 616 00:31:53,776 --> 00:31:58,615 if Dr. Pierce were there this evening on time, wearing a tux.. 617 00:31:58,616 --> 00:32:01,076 And a smile. 618 00:32:01,633 --> 00:32:03,400 The problem is, Sir, 619 00:32:03,401 --> 00:32:06,362 Dr. Pierce would rather eat a plate of warm mayonnaise than.. 620 00:32:06,363 --> 00:32:09,443 Yeah, but you see, tonight could mean a lot of funding 621 00:32:09,444 --> 00:32:14,390 for very important programs at the school, including teacher assistant-ships 622 00:32:14,391 --> 00:32:17,278 in the Neuroscience Department. 623 00:32:17,279 --> 00:32:20,385 But on the other hand, if that funding should.. 624 00:32:20,386 --> 00:32:22,309 Come up short.. 625 00:32:22,310 --> 00:32:25,283 Do we understand each other, Mr. Lewicki? 626 00:32:25,284 --> 00:32:26,350 Perfectly, Sir. 627 00:32:26,351 --> 00:32:28,390 I'm so glad. 628 00:32:28,391 --> 00:32:31,602 You enjoy the rest of your day, Mister Lewicki. 629 00:32:31,603 --> 00:32:34,243 I know I will. 630 00:32:34,488 --> 00:32:35,662 Daniel. 631 00:32:35,663 --> 00:32:37,275 Ha! 632 00:32:37,276 --> 00:32:38,409 What was he doing here? 633 00:32:38,410 --> 00:32:40,927 Nothing. How's Karyn? 634 00:32:40,928 --> 00:32:45,186 She'll be fine. She was pretty ashamed. 635 00:32:45,187 --> 00:32:47,091 Yeah, me too. 636 00:32:47,092 --> 00:32:50,616 I'm Karyn's T.A. and I took advantage of that. 637 00:32:50,617 --> 00:32:53,737 I abused my authority. 638 00:32:54,027 --> 00:32:56,695 You abused your authority. 639 00:32:56,696 --> 00:32:58,038 Geez, Doc. 640 00:32:58,039 --> 00:33:00,874 You don't have to rub it in, okay? I feel bad enough. 641 00:33:00,875 --> 00:33:03,452 Don't be a narcissist, Lewicki. This isn't about you. 642 00:33:03,453 --> 00:33:05,071 I need to call Kate. 643 00:33:05,072 --> 00:33:06,932 Why? 644 00:33:07,200 --> 00:33:11,373 Because I think Corvis might have abused his authority, too. 645 00:33:11,374 --> 00:33:16,354 And I'm pretty sure it's what got him killed. 646 00:33:17,631 --> 00:33:20,186 - Thank you for coming back. - Hi. 647 00:33:20,187 --> 00:33:23,367 Hi, Agent Moretti, FBI. 648 00:33:24,624 --> 00:33:26,901 I.. Don't understand why she's here. 649 00:33:26,902 --> 00:33:29,626 I thought everything we talked about was confidential. 650 00:33:29,627 --> 00:33:30,738 It is.. 651 00:33:30,739 --> 00:33:35,847 Unless it's relevant to the Corvis murder investigation. 652 00:33:35,848 --> 00:33:38,428 - Hello. - Hi. 653 00:33:38,608 --> 00:33:41,711 Thomas, I noticed your eye before. 654 00:33:41,712 --> 00:33:44,281 How long has it been like that? 655 00:33:44,282 --> 00:33:46,615 This? I don't know. 656 00:33:46,616 --> 00:33:48,211 A couple weeks, maybe. Why? 657 00:33:48,212 --> 00:33:51,099 One of the side effects of the drug Corvis was giving you is Ptosis, 658 00:33:51,100 --> 00:33:54,160 otherwise known as "drooping eyelid". 659 00:33:54,161 --> 00:33:56,091 What's this all about? 660 00:33:56,092 --> 00:33:58,515 Your husband shouldn't still be experiencing side effects 661 00:33:58,516 --> 00:34:01,615 from a drug he supposedly quit taking six weeks ago. 662 00:34:01,616 --> 00:34:03,400 Look, I don't know what this has to do with anything. 663 00:34:03,401 --> 00:34:08,251 You told Dr. Pierce the last time you took the drug was at your last session. 664 00:34:08,252 --> 00:34:10,654 Why are you lying, Thomas? 665 00:34:10,655 --> 00:34:13,381 - I'm not.. - Thomas? 666 00:34:13,382 --> 00:34:19,104 Okay, I was still taking it, the drug, but only so that I could be with you. 667 00:34:19,105 --> 00:34:21,473 It helps with my condition. 668 00:34:21,474 --> 00:34:22,913 Where'd you get it? 669 00:34:22,914 --> 00:34:24,428 I had some left over. 670 00:34:24,429 --> 00:34:30,329 You both said Corvis insisted you only take the drug in his office. 671 00:34:30,912 --> 00:34:33,733 I was having a relapse, so I went back to see him on my own. 672 00:34:33,734 --> 00:34:36,553 I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to get upset. 673 00:34:36,554 --> 00:34:39,290 Yeah, but that's not why he gave you the pills, is it? 674 00:34:39,291 --> 00:34:40,992 You and Corvis were sleeping together, 675 00:34:40,993 --> 00:34:43,971 and you were taking the drugs to enhance the sex. 676 00:34:43,972 --> 00:34:46,162 Thomas, what's he talking about? 677 00:34:46,163 --> 00:34:49,592 That's a pretty good act, Mrs. Akers. 678 00:34:49,593 --> 00:34:53,754 But we ran a trace, and we found the .38 that you registered in college. 679 00:34:53,755 --> 00:34:56,263 Police are executing a search warrant on your house right now, 680 00:34:56,264 --> 00:35:00,164 and they're gonna find that gun. 681 00:35:01,991 --> 00:35:03,202 Michelle.. 682 00:35:03,203 --> 00:35:04,542 What happened? 683 00:35:04,543 --> 00:35:08,400 You find out he was sleeping with Corvis, so you shot him? 684 00:35:08,401 --> 00:35:09,849 That's not.. 685 00:35:09,850 --> 00:35:12,769 You're right. I did it. I'm sorry. 686 00:35:12,770 --> 00:35:14,936 Michelle, don't. 687 00:35:14,937 --> 00:35:16,977 Don't. 688 00:35:20,280 --> 00:35:23,813 I just wanted a regular marriage.. 689 00:35:23,814 --> 00:35:28,014 Like the kind you see in the movies. 690 00:35:30,203 --> 00:35:33,464 That's why I forced Thomas to go see Dr. Corvis. 691 00:35:33,465 --> 00:35:36,015 Because I thought he would fix our marriage. 692 00:35:36,016 --> 00:35:38,836 But he ruined it. 693 00:35:40,933 --> 00:35:44,649 So I got my gun, and I shot him. 694 00:35:44,650 --> 00:35:48,059 I understand what you're doing, Mrs. Akers. 695 00:35:48,060 --> 00:35:49,783 You pushed Thomas into the treatment. 696 00:35:49,784 --> 00:35:51,524 - You feel responsible for what happened. - No. No. 697 00:35:51,525 --> 00:35:54,742 And you love him, so you want to protect him. 698 00:35:54,743 --> 00:35:57,087 But you're not really gonna let your wife 699 00:35:57,088 --> 00:36:01,901 take the fall for something you did, are you, Thomas? 700 00:36:01,902 --> 00:36:05,382 Thomas, don't say anything. 701 00:36:09,461 --> 00:36:10,525 No. 702 00:36:10,526 --> 00:36:11,596 No, he's right. 703 00:36:11,597 --> 00:36:13,697 Don't.. 704 00:36:15,251 --> 00:36:20,951 He's right. I've been carrying this around far too long. 705 00:36:26,141 --> 00:36:30,256 When Michelle and I first started seeing Dr. Corvis.. 706 00:36:30,257 --> 00:36:32,592 The treatment was working. 707 00:36:32,593 --> 00:36:35,935 I would take the drug, and it would make me feel things for my wife. 708 00:36:35,936 --> 00:36:41,836 But as the sessions continued, I started having feelings for Julian. 709 00:36:43,159 --> 00:36:47,937 So he called me, and he asked me to come in for a private session. 710 00:36:47,938 --> 00:36:50,875 We started talking about my problem, but.. 711 00:36:50,876 --> 00:36:54,356 We couldn't help ourselves. 712 00:36:58,448 --> 00:37:01,388 But I hated myself. 713 00:37:01,963 --> 00:37:07,863 Michelle and I went to Julian so that I could be with her, because I love her. 714 00:37:10,319 --> 00:37:12,533 What we were doing was wrong. 715 00:37:12,534 --> 00:37:18,434 So I went back to his office to get the pills so I could use them with my wife. 716 00:37:19,559 --> 00:37:22,839 What you and I are, what we want, it's not a disease. 717 00:37:22,840 --> 00:37:24,040 I realize that now. 718 00:37:24,041 --> 00:37:27,618 I.. I've been trying to convince my patients, convince myself! 719 00:37:27,619 --> 00:37:29,485 But I've been living a lie. 720 00:37:29,486 --> 00:37:31,441 - I see that now. - No. 721 00:37:31,442 --> 00:37:34,238 We can be together. 722 00:37:34,239 --> 00:37:36,240 I want to be with my wife! 723 00:37:36,241 --> 00:37:38,092 But.. 724 00:37:38,093 --> 00:37:40,493 I love you. 725 00:37:48,052 --> 00:37:50,692 And I'm sorry. 726 00:37:55,608 --> 00:37:58,308 I am so, sorry. 727 00:38:02,836 --> 00:38:05,296 It's tragic. 728 00:38:05,362 --> 00:38:08,755 Three people's lives destroyed because they couldn't accept who they really were. 729 00:38:08,756 --> 00:38:12,550 The notion that some magic pill could take away all that pain? 730 00:38:12,551 --> 00:38:14,507 It must have been pretty tempting. 731 00:38:14,508 --> 00:38:16,987 There are pills you can take, Daniel. You know that. 732 00:38:16,988 --> 00:38:19,471 Ain't no pill gonna cure my ill. 733 00:38:19,472 --> 00:38:21,973 It would probably help with your symptoms. 734 00:38:21,974 --> 00:38:24,575 Maybe my symptoms make me who I am. 735 00:38:24,576 --> 00:38:25,976 That's a cop-out. 736 00:38:25,977 --> 00:38:28,410 You know you should be on meds. 737 00:38:28,411 --> 00:38:32,011 Let's go, Doc. You're late. 738 00:38:34,753 --> 00:38:36,191 You think I should go? 739 00:38:36,192 --> 00:38:38,610 Stop avoiding this conversation. 740 00:38:38,611 --> 00:38:43,891 Okay, either you put it on, or I stuff you in it. 741 00:38:45,599 --> 00:38:48,479 You heard the man. 742 00:39:07,531 --> 00:39:09,571 Daniel! 743 00:39:10,507 --> 00:39:12,936 - Oh, Kate. - Please tell me you've got another case 744 00:39:12,937 --> 00:39:14,544 and you're getting me the hell out of here. 745 00:39:14,545 --> 00:39:17,216 - I wouldn't say.. - So, sorry. Hi, Daniel. 746 00:39:17,217 --> 00:39:22,557 I had some trouble finding a parking spot. Allow me. 747 00:39:24,178 --> 00:39:25,810 You look beautiful. 748 00:39:25,811 --> 00:39:28,511 Well, thank you. 749 00:39:29,753 --> 00:39:31,867 You clean up pretty well yourself. 750 00:39:31,868 --> 00:39:33,615 Ah. 751 00:39:33,616 --> 00:39:35,281 We were gonna go grab a drink. Care to join us? 752 00:39:35,282 --> 00:39:39,476 No, I.. I think I am gala'd out tonight. 753 00:39:39,477 --> 00:39:43,437 Right, well, some other time then. 754 00:39:44,900 --> 00:39:47,600 See you, Daniel. 755 00:39:47,647 --> 00:39:49,701 Daniel. There you are. Come on. No, oh.. 756 00:39:49,702 --> 00:39:51,855 - No, no, no, no, no. Come on! - Please, don't make me. 757 00:39:51,856 --> 00:39:53,479 She's a big fan! No, no, no. 758 00:39:53,480 --> 00:39:58,640 I just want to introduce you to Allison Bannister. 759 00:40:03,913 --> 00:40:07,033 Wow. You are not old. 760 00:40:07,945 --> 00:40:12,215 Well, you are quite the observational scientist. 761 00:40:12,216 --> 00:40:15,227 Mrs. Bannister, I'm told that I can be, uh, overly blunt, 762 00:40:15,228 --> 00:40:19,454 so forgive me in advance when I say that I am only here tonight 763 00:40:19,455 --> 00:40:23,083 because I'm interested I.. In procuring sex. 764 00:40:23,084 --> 00:40:24,875 I mean, money.. 765 00:40:24,876 --> 00:40:27,516 For a donation. 766 00:40:27,971 --> 00:40:29,647 Who knows? 767 00:40:29,648 --> 00:40:35,548 If you play your cards right, Dr. Pierce, you might just get both. 768 00:40:39,805 --> 00:40:41,472 Wow. 769 00:40:41,473 --> 00:40:44,113 Nice work, hmm? 770 00:40:45,836 --> 00:40:48,300 Is there something wrong with me? 771 00:40:48,301 --> 00:40:50,848 It's a question we all ask ourselves. 772 00:40:50,849 --> 00:40:56,749 We all wonder why we don't look like, act like, feel like everybody else. 773 00:40:56,819 --> 00:41:00,023 Each of our brains has the exact same parts.. 774 00:41:00,024 --> 00:41:04,027 Cortex, Hypothalamus, Fornix, Septal Nucleus, so on. 775 00:41:04,028 --> 00:41:08,528 And yet, no two brains are exactly alike. 776 00:41:10,559 --> 00:41:13,559 So, being different.. 777 00:41:18,635 --> 00:41:21,155 Being unique.. 778 00:41:23,787 --> 00:41:28,347 Is undeniably a fundamental characteristic.. 779 00:41:29,884 --> 00:41:32,524 Of being human. 780 00:41:34,006 --> 00:41:37,726 Subs created by: David Coleman.