1 00:01:00,600 --> 00:01:02,477 The more jobs we do with these guys... 2 00:01:03,640 --> 00:01:05,949 The more they squeeze us. 3 00:01:06,040 --> 00:01:07,439 Fucking Russians. 4 00:01:07,520 --> 00:01:09,238 Well, Vassili kept things tight, 5 00:01:09,320 --> 00:01:10,600 at least you knew where you were. 6 00:01:10,640 --> 00:01:12,153 But this bitch... 7 00:01:13,400 --> 00:01:14,435 I don't know. 8 00:01:14,520 --> 00:01:15,999 Man, no shit. 9 00:01:16,680 --> 00:01:19,069 I can almost feel her breathing down our necks. 10 00:01:22,000 --> 00:01:23,718 I'll tell you what though, man. 11 00:01:24,200 --> 00:01:27,272 This job, it's keeping her up nights. 12 00:01:28,440 --> 00:01:31,193 Yeah. Well, the less we know, the better. 13 00:01:33,200 --> 00:01:34,474 All right, so what we're talking about, 14 00:01:34,560 --> 00:01:35,993 we're gonna need more bodies. 15 00:01:36,360 --> 00:01:38,555 Franco and Marcus? 16 00:01:38,680 --> 00:01:39,908 That's our move? 17 00:01:40,000 --> 00:01:41,718 Well, we could do it ourselves, but... 18 00:01:42,680 --> 00:01:44,477 Inside three minutes? 19 00:01:44,560 --> 00:01:46,039 No, it's not possible. 20 00:01:47,200 --> 00:01:49,430 Job needs to be done in broad daylight. 21 00:01:50,120 --> 00:01:52,588 That means civilians, that means terrain. 22 00:01:54,040 --> 00:01:55,234 We need them. 23 00:01:56,040 --> 00:01:57,075 Don't worry. 24 00:01:57,720 --> 00:01:59,631 I trained with Marcus. 25 00:02:01,080 --> 00:02:02,957 Ah, shit. Fuck. 26 00:02:03,080 --> 00:02:04,638 Hey, watch the leather, man. 27 00:02:04,720 --> 00:02:05,994 Yeah. 28 00:02:06,080 --> 00:02:08,674 So, yeah, these guys, 29 00:02:09,720 --> 00:02:11,995 they can handle themselves. Trust me. 30 00:02:12,560 --> 00:02:16,030 I'm telling you, Mike. Me and Marcus go way back. 31 00:02:16,120 --> 00:02:17,758 It ain't Marcus I'm worried about. 32 00:02:22,040 --> 00:02:23,473 All right. 33 00:02:23,560 --> 00:02:25,278 We go in two weeks. 34 00:03:26,240 --> 00:03:27,593 What the fuck is that supposed to mean? 35 00:03:27,680 --> 00:03:29,033 I just don't get how you can love 36 00:03:29,120 --> 00:03:30,473 a dog more than a chick is all. 37 00:03:30,560 --> 00:03:31,595 Well, you got a girlfriend, 38 00:03:31,680 --> 00:03:33,557 now you can talk about women, huh? 39 00:03:33,640 --> 00:03:35,198 Hey, Russell, where did you say 40 00:03:35,280 --> 00:03:36,793 your brother met that girlfriend he has now, 41 00:03:36,920 --> 00:03:37,875 the one he's in love with? 42 00:03:37,960 --> 00:03:38,960 All right. 43 00:03:39,800 --> 00:03:41,153 I need you all to tighten it up for me now. 44 00:03:41,320 --> 00:03:42,799 Hey, you heard him. 45 00:03:42,920 --> 00:03:44,319 - Tighten it up. - All right. 46 00:03:45,760 --> 00:03:47,910 You better be right about this, Mike. 47 00:03:56,840 --> 00:03:59,798 "One day, the czar's gardener came to report 48 00:03:59,880 --> 00:04:02,872 "that someone had been stealing the fruits from the garden. 49 00:04:03,000 --> 00:04:05,070 "Determined to catch the thief... 50 00:04:05,160 --> 00:04:07,151 "...the czar ordered his three sons 51 00:04:07,280 --> 00:04:10,795 "to watch his precious garden through the night." 52 00:04:38,120 --> 00:04:40,953 "Elizabeth was loved by everyone in town." 53 00:04:54,760 --> 00:04:56,591 Let's make this one for the books, huh? 54 00:04:59,080 --> 00:05:00,718 Here's some paperwork to get it done. 55 00:05:13,560 --> 00:05:14,675 Check them! 56 00:05:16,920 --> 00:05:19,753 Radio check. Check, check. One, two. 57 00:05:21,080 --> 00:05:22,274 We're good. 58 00:05:23,400 --> 00:05:24,594 - We good? - Yeah. 59 00:06:01,320 --> 00:06:03,595 Down! Everybody down! 60 00:06:04,080 --> 00:06:05,400 Everybody down! 61 00:06:15,240 --> 00:06:16,560 Franco, guy on your left. 62 00:06:31,920 --> 00:06:33,638 What the hell do you think you're doing? 63 00:06:36,160 --> 00:06:38,276 Advise if responding, robbery in progress. 64 00:06:38,360 --> 00:06:39,554 First City National... 65 00:06:40,240 --> 00:06:41,639 Mike, call just went out. 66 00:06:42,320 --> 00:06:44,311 Stand by for responder ETAs. 67 00:06:46,600 --> 00:06:49,114 Hands out where I can see them, cabrón! 68 00:06:49,200 --> 00:06:50,519 You too! 69 00:06:51,320 --> 00:06:52,400 Come on, put your hands out. 70 00:07:07,400 --> 00:07:08,515 Face on the floor! 71 00:07:10,840 --> 00:07:11,875 Don't move! 72 00:07:16,000 --> 00:07:17,035 Open your mouth. 73 00:07:17,160 --> 00:07:19,390 All right, 512 and 11 responding. 74 00:07:19,520 --> 00:07:21,670 Three en route. They're getting close, Mike. 75 00:07:21,840 --> 00:07:22,840 Two and a half minutes. 76 00:07:45,520 --> 00:07:46,873 Open it. 77 00:08:12,960 --> 00:08:14,598 ETA is one minute, Mike. 78 00:08:14,760 --> 00:08:16,591 Response is coming from the south. 79 00:08:24,800 --> 00:08:26,950 Working on a game plan. One sec. 80 00:08:36,280 --> 00:08:37,838 I'm on it! 81 00:08:37,920 --> 00:08:39,399 Don't move! 82 00:08:58,280 --> 00:08:59,872 Everybody in the vault! 83 00:09:04,120 --> 00:09:08,432 Gabe, remember, north on Hill and east on Ninth. 84 00:09:10,120 --> 00:09:11,997 Copy. North on Hill and east on Ninth. 85 00:09:16,360 --> 00:09:17,360 Go! 86 00:09:19,800 --> 00:09:20,835 Yeah! 87 00:09:24,160 --> 00:09:25,388 That's what I'm talking about! 88 00:09:29,480 --> 00:09:30,629 Yeah! 89 00:09:30,760 --> 00:09:32,796 Okay, you're approaching an intersection. 90 00:09:33,160 --> 00:09:35,196 You've got a window. Take it. 91 00:09:35,600 --> 00:09:36,840 Here. Right here. 92 00:09:45,680 --> 00:09:46,680 Fuck! 93 00:09:46,720 --> 00:09:48,472 Shit. Shit. 94 00:09:50,720 --> 00:09:53,080 Gabe, you're gonna take the highway entrance ahead. 95 00:09:56,800 --> 00:09:57,835 What the fuck? 96 00:09:59,560 --> 00:10:01,118 Do not let him decelerate, Mike. 97 00:10:01,200 --> 00:10:02,713 Do not let him decelerate. 98 00:10:02,840 --> 00:10:04,068 Take this oncoming lane. 99 00:10:04,200 --> 00:10:06,077 I can't see shit! What fucking lane? 100 00:10:06,200 --> 00:10:07,200 Now! 101 00:10:07,320 --> 00:10:08,320 What the fuck? 102 00:10:08,360 --> 00:10:10,794 No way, no fucking way. I can't get it. 103 00:10:12,440 --> 00:10:13,668 Whoa! 104 00:10:22,080 --> 00:10:23,200 Oh, oh, fuck! 105 00:10:27,400 --> 00:10:28,435 Oh, shit. 106 00:10:28,560 --> 00:10:30,440 I'm cut off behind the collision, Mike. 107 00:10:30,520 --> 00:10:31,873 You're on your own. 108 00:10:42,880 --> 00:10:45,269 Franco, make some noise. Keep these people back. 109 00:10:53,760 --> 00:10:54,760 Fuck. 110 00:11:01,120 --> 00:11:03,111 Gabe, let's move. Get the box! 111 00:11:03,240 --> 00:11:05,071 - Come on! - Fuck! 112 00:11:16,640 --> 00:11:18,551 Franco, you've made your point. Stand down. 113 00:11:18,640 --> 00:11:19,755 Let's go! 114 00:11:21,920 --> 00:11:23,751 Let's go, let's go, let's go! 115 00:11:24,760 --> 00:11:25,760 Shit. 116 00:12:22,480 --> 00:12:24,755 Goddamn stupid bullshit! 117 00:12:24,840 --> 00:12:26,239 Yeah, yeah, yeah, like I was planning that shit! 118 00:12:26,320 --> 00:12:28,038 God damn it, Gabe, you still a fucking amateur. 119 00:12:28,160 --> 00:12:29,160 What the fuck! 120 00:12:29,280 --> 00:12:30,280 Shut up! 121 00:12:30,320 --> 00:12:31,912 The fuck you thinking you greedy piece of shit? 122 00:12:32,000 --> 00:12:34,036 They put the bait in there for dumb fucks like you! 123 00:12:34,160 --> 00:12:35,229 Marcus! Put your shit in the trunk, man. 124 00:12:35,320 --> 00:12:36,469 Fuck! 125 00:12:38,520 --> 00:12:40,351 - Bitch! - Three days. 126 00:12:40,480 --> 00:12:41,833 Unless you hear from me different. 127 00:12:41,960 --> 00:12:44,474 Yeah, you know what? It was a gamble! 128 00:12:44,560 --> 00:12:45,788 But you'd all be blowing me right now 129 00:12:45,880 --> 00:12:47,120 if that shit hadn't been rigged. 130 00:12:47,200 --> 00:12:48,519 Fuck you! And you know it! 131 00:12:48,960 --> 00:12:50,473 Is this a game? 132 00:12:50,560 --> 00:12:52,551 Yo, put it away, Franco. 133 00:12:54,560 --> 00:12:56,039 Franco, man. 134 00:12:57,400 --> 00:12:58,680 You ever point a gun at me again, 135 00:12:58,720 --> 00:12:59,709 you'd be a fool not to use it. 136 00:12:59,880 --> 00:13:01,233 You understand me? 137 00:13:01,360 --> 00:13:02,998 - Copy that. - Copy that shit. 138 00:13:08,480 --> 00:13:11,074 Go catch some bad guys, detectives. 139 00:13:46,880 --> 00:13:48,029 You pull that shit out there, 140 00:13:48,120 --> 00:13:49,553 what you think's going to happen? 141 00:13:49,680 --> 00:13:50,680 Huh? 142 00:13:50,760 --> 00:13:52,352 What the fuck you think is going to happen to you? 143 00:13:52,440 --> 00:13:53,634 What? 144 00:13:54,280 --> 00:13:56,316 Can't you see what I'm trying to do here? 145 00:14:00,000 --> 00:14:01,831 - Get off me. - No, I ain't gonna get off you, little brother, 146 00:14:01,920 --> 00:14:04,070 because you're going to end up fucking dead. 147 00:14:05,680 --> 00:14:07,989 You didn't see the same shit me and Marcus seen. 148 00:14:09,160 --> 00:14:11,116 Fuck, what? Navy SEAL shit again? 149 00:14:11,520 --> 00:14:13,272 Huh? 150 00:14:17,040 --> 00:14:18,519 Mike is pissed. 151 00:14:19,160 --> 00:14:20,752 But Mike's still Mike. 152 00:14:22,280 --> 00:14:24,555 These other two, Marcus and Franco... 153 00:14:24,640 --> 00:14:25,640 Hey. 154 00:14:27,440 --> 00:14:29,431 Do we have to worry about them? 155 00:14:31,200 --> 00:14:33,031 Cops look after cops. 156 00:14:33,120 --> 00:14:35,270 Same as you Special Ops do. 157 00:14:35,680 --> 00:14:36,999 It's fine. 158 00:14:40,520 --> 00:14:41,635 All right. 159 00:14:41,760 --> 00:14:42,795 All right? 160 00:14:46,120 --> 00:14:48,429 Gabe's been clean for six months. 161 00:14:48,840 --> 00:14:50,353 He's trying. 162 00:14:50,440 --> 00:14:52,112 He was a good cop. 163 00:14:53,840 --> 00:14:55,319 Look, I know you give a fuck. 164 00:14:57,080 --> 00:14:59,310 We're family, man. We're family. 165 00:15:58,160 --> 00:16:00,390 God and righteousness will prevail. 166 00:16:00,520 --> 00:16:02,351 Death to the ways of the devil. 167 00:16:03,120 --> 00:16:04,519 All will prevail. 168 00:16:04,680 --> 00:16:07,877 Goodness will prevail. 169 00:16:07,960 --> 00:16:10,474 White devil establishes himself by rape! 170 00:16:10,560 --> 00:16:11,595 That's right. 171 00:16:11,680 --> 00:16:14,353 Murder! Robbing people! 172 00:16:15,080 --> 00:16:16,274 God hates the white devil. 173 00:16:16,360 --> 00:16:17,360 True, brother! 174 00:16:17,440 --> 00:16:19,112 He's the illegal immigrant. 175 00:16:19,720 --> 00:16:21,199 You, sir! 176 00:16:21,840 --> 00:16:25,594 You have the sign of the beast around your neck like a hangman's noose. 177 00:16:25,680 --> 00:16:28,319 God and righteousness will prevail. 178 00:16:28,400 --> 00:16:30,550 The original man will rise. 179 00:16:31,040 --> 00:16:33,156 He will rise again! 180 00:16:33,320 --> 00:16:34,355 Death to the ways of the devil. 181 00:16:34,440 --> 00:16:35,873 Detective Allen. 182 00:16:37,320 --> 00:16:40,039 Goodness will prevail. 183 00:16:41,560 --> 00:16:43,160 Well, they fired a warning shot. 184 00:16:44,440 --> 00:16:46,271 Uh, 12-gauge tactical round. 185 00:16:47,000 --> 00:16:48,069 Run it. 186 00:16:48,160 --> 00:16:50,680 Yeah, we're dealing with a crash-and-bash, four-man team. 187 00:16:51,920 --> 00:16:53,512 We're pulling surveillance now. 188 00:16:53,600 --> 00:16:55,989 The dye pack destroyed most of what they took in cash. 189 00:16:56,080 --> 00:16:59,277 But their focus was on a security deposit box. 190 00:16:59,400 --> 00:17:00,435 Yeah. 191 00:17:00,520 --> 00:17:02,431 - Belonging to who? - It belonged to 192 00:17:02,560 --> 00:17:04,835 a wealthy Russian named Dimitrije Petkov. 193 00:17:04,960 --> 00:17:07,872 Family claims they have no idea why he would keep a box here. 194 00:17:07,960 --> 00:17:09,951 That's Walter Sims, the bank manager right there. 195 00:17:10,040 --> 00:17:11,189 Get me that report. 196 00:17:11,280 --> 00:17:12,508 Walter. 197 00:17:13,440 --> 00:17:15,556 Detective Allen. First time being robbed? 198 00:17:15,680 --> 00:17:16,749 No fun, right? 199 00:17:16,840 --> 00:17:18,398 They've got pictures of my family. 200 00:17:18,480 --> 00:17:19,879 My daughters. Where we live. 201 00:17:19,960 --> 00:17:21,075 My daughters' school. 202 00:17:21,160 --> 00:17:22,354 Walter, you're a bank manager. 203 00:17:22,440 --> 00:17:24,158 You should be smart enough to know 204 00:17:24,240 --> 00:17:26,276 that the monster has gone digital. 205 00:17:26,360 --> 00:17:29,716 Be careful what you insta-google-tweet-face. 206 00:17:29,800 --> 00:17:31,119 Fucking sons of bitches. 207 00:17:31,320 --> 00:17:32,958 Hey, hey, Walter. 208 00:17:42,400 --> 00:17:43,992 Give 'em hell, baby. 209 00:17:53,560 --> 00:17:54,788 Bye, Daddy. 210 00:18:07,920 --> 00:18:09,672 Everybody, listen the fuck up! 211 00:18:09,760 --> 00:18:12,593 I just found out Captain is still waiting 212 00:18:12,680 --> 00:18:15,433 on a current gang initiation report from some of you. 213 00:18:16,000 --> 00:18:17,000 - Smith. - Mmm. 214 00:18:17,400 --> 00:18:19,630 Uh, same as always, Sarge. Um... 215 00:18:20,280 --> 00:18:23,590 They get in a circle and they kick the shit out of each other. 216 00:18:24,160 --> 00:18:25,434 And then they hug it out. 217 00:18:25,520 --> 00:18:27,556 - Just get it done. - Sorry, Sarge. 218 00:18:29,640 --> 00:18:32,677 Also, First City downtown got held up this morning. 219 00:18:33,600 --> 00:18:36,034 Apparently, they were heavily armed and spoke Spanish, 220 00:18:36,160 --> 00:18:38,913 which narrows it down to just under a quarter of the city. 221 00:18:39,000 --> 00:18:41,514 Uh, I resent the racial implications of that remark there, Sarge. 222 00:18:41,640 --> 00:18:43,073 And they all live in your one-room duplex, 223 00:18:43,160 --> 00:18:44,354 so they shouldn't be too hard to find. 224 00:18:44,560 --> 00:18:46,278 Call Marcus's mom. She's at my place. 225 00:18:46,360 --> 00:18:48,032 Ooh! 226 00:18:48,120 --> 00:18:50,031 Make calls, check with our people. 227 00:18:50,160 --> 00:18:51,798 Jeffrey Allen from Major Crimes 228 00:18:51,880 --> 00:18:53,791 will be heading up the investigation. 229 00:18:53,880 --> 00:18:57,031 Speaking of, allow me to introduce his nephew, Chris. 230 00:18:57,120 --> 00:18:58,712 Where'd you come from again? 231 00:18:58,800 --> 00:19:00,552 Zone Two. Uh, FIT Unit. 232 00:19:00,640 --> 00:19:02,278 Mongrel territory. 233 00:19:02,360 --> 00:19:03,759 Crossing guard. 234 00:19:05,080 --> 00:19:06,479 Two, huh? 235 00:19:06,560 --> 00:19:08,471 Belmont. Pair up with Allen. 236 00:19:08,720 --> 00:19:09,789 Come on, man. 237 00:19:09,880 --> 00:19:11,640 Maybe he can get you to come to work on time. 238 00:19:11,720 --> 00:19:13,233 Are you serious? 239 00:19:13,360 --> 00:19:14,839 Now remember, 240 00:19:14,920 --> 00:19:17,150 first to find a gun out there gets the day off. 241 00:19:17,920 --> 00:19:18,955 That's all I've got. 242 00:19:19,040 --> 00:19:20,075 Hey, Sarge, can we talk about this? 243 00:19:20,160 --> 00:19:21,388 Hell no. 244 00:19:34,600 --> 00:19:36,440 Get the fuck out of the way, man. 245 00:19:43,240 --> 00:19:45,000 We looking for anything in particular? 246 00:19:46,280 --> 00:19:47,508 Always. 247 00:20:01,800 --> 00:20:04,030 Hey, Shanice, come on down from there now. 248 00:20:05,080 --> 00:20:06,832 Hey, Snap, baby! 249 00:20:07,080 --> 00:20:08,280 You're in trouble now. 250 00:20:08,400 --> 00:20:11,198 Look, I was minding my own till these motherfuckers showed up. 251 00:20:11,280 --> 00:20:12,520 Come on down from there. 252 00:20:12,600 --> 00:20:13,874 I'm just having me a good time. 253 00:20:13,960 --> 00:20:15,951 - Come your ass down! - Come on, baby. I got what you... 254 00:20:17,080 --> 00:20:18,080 Damn. 255 00:20:18,160 --> 00:20:19,479 How the fuck you got up there? 256 00:20:19,960 --> 00:20:21,393 All right, come on over here, boys. 257 00:20:21,480 --> 00:20:22,879 Come on, man. Y'all go over there and help. 258 00:20:22,960 --> 00:20:25,554 You better not be watching my motherfucking ass. 259 00:20:25,640 --> 00:20:28,154 Sources are saying the brazen robbery may have ties 260 00:20:28,240 --> 00:20:30,390 to cartels and even the Russian mafia. 261 00:20:30,480 --> 00:20:33,995 With more on this, our crime correspondent, William Moran. 262 00:20:34,120 --> 00:20:36,918 Thought to control 70% of the Russian economy, 263 00:20:37,000 --> 00:20:38,319 the Russian mafia is the... 264 00:20:40,400 --> 00:20:41,400 Huh. 265 00:20:42,960 --> 00:20:46,077 Yeah, listen, uh... I'm going to call you back. 266 00:20:46,480 --> 00:20:47,833 Yeah, thanks. 267 00:20:50,160 --> 00:20:52,230 How's work? Anything from Marcus? 268 00:20:52,320 --> 00:20:53,833 Quiet as a mother's prayer. 269 00:20:53,960 --> 00:20:56,315 Good. I'll see you guys in two days. 270 00:20:57,520 --> 00:21:00,353 A senior State Department official was quoted as saying, 271 00:21:00,440 --> 00:21:02,510 "There is not a major Russian organized 272 00:21:02,600 --> 00:21:04,591 "crime figure that we are tracking 273 00:21:04,680 --> 00:21:06,955 "who does not carry an Israeli passport." 274 00:21:21,880 --> 00:21:22,880 Come. 275 00:21:24,040 --> 00:21:25,996 You know how this works. 276 00:21:32,200 --> 00:21:34,555 Take it easy, man. The safety's off. 277 00:21:36,920 --> 00:21:38,035 Oh! 278 00:21:38,480 --> 00:21:39,520 Hello, little man! 279 00:21:39,560 --> 00:21:40,560 Daddy! 280 00:21:40,640 --> 00:21:41,959 How are you doing? All right? 281 00:21:42,040 --> 00:21:45,112 I missed you. 282 00:21:45,240 --> 00:21:48,869 There really is no love quite like a father's love for his son, no? 283 00:21:49,520 --> 00:21:50,520 Come. 284 00:21:53,080 --> 00:21:54,991 So, you know, Michael, 285 00:21:55,080 --> 00:21:58,231 Vassili will be calling. We are grateful for your work, 286 00:21:58,320 --> 00:22:01,153 but in this case, we need to withhold payment. 287 00:22:01,240 --> 00:22:03,196 - There is a second job. - No! 288 00:22:04,480 --> 00:22:06,630 We done the job. Pay the fucking money! 289 00:22:06,760 --> 00:22:08,239 Mmm. 290 00:22:08,320 --> 00:22:09,548 My sister... 291 00:22:09,720 --> 00:22:13,076 My sister always went for stupid men. 292 00:22:13,400 --> 00:22:14,913 Why? I do not know. 293 00:22:15,680 --> 00:22:18,558 Perhaps it is that my sister, too, is stupid. 294 00:22:20,080 --> 00:22:22,753 A terrible thing for a sibling to say, I know. 295 00:22:23,400 --> 00:22:24,600 But she is a great beauty, yes, 296 00:22:24,680 --> 00:22:27,353 which goes a long way in this world, 297 00:22:27,440 --> 00:22:30,079 but look in the eyes and you will see it. 298 00:22:30,200 --> 00:22:32,668 A great yawning stupidity 299 00:22:32,760 --> 00:22:35,479 and a complete and utter lack of judgment in men. 300 00:22:37,400 --> 00:22:39,356 But love... 301 00:22:39,440 --> 00:22:41,749 Love makes great demands of us all. Hmm? 302 00:22:42,840 --> 00:22:43,909 What do you want? 303 00:22:44,280 --> 00:22:46,271 He's going to be calling again. 304 00:22:48,560 --> 00:22:49,959 Hello, Michael. 305 00:22:50,920 --> 00:22:52,035 Elena. 306 00:22:53,760 --> 00:22:56,877 What's going on here, Irina? The fucking feds? 307 00:22:57,960 --> 00:22:59,760 What the fuck are you in? 308 00:22:59,840 --> 00:23:00,955 Thank you, Elena. 309 00:23:07,080 --> 00:23:09,116 Yes, I have just been speaking to Michael. 310 00:23:10,320 --> 00:23:12,320 Mmm-hmm, I was just about to discuss that with him. 311 00:23:12,560 --> 00:23:14,152 This wasn't the fucking deal. 312 00:23:16,480 --> 00:23:19,631 Michael is still resistant about the second job. 313 00:23:22,640 --> 00:23:23,709 I know this. 314 00:23:28,440 --> 00:23:30,396 The FBI have traced the files. 315 00:23:30,480 --> 00:23:33,472 They are in the possession of Homeland Security. 316 00:23:47,680 --> 00:23:48,829 Of course not. 317 00:23:58,680 --> 00:24:00,352 Yo, man. We got a problem. 318 00:24:00,440 --> 00:24:01,839 What's that? Irina? 319 00:24:01,960 --> 00:24:03,279 Yeah. 320 00:24:03,360 --> 00:24:06,113 Yeah, we need to meet now. All of us. 321 00:24:06,200 --> 00:24:07,679 They're fucking with us, man. 322 00:24:07,840 --> 00:24:09,592 There's another job they want us to do. 323 00:24:09,680 --> 00:24:11,955 Just ain't no dealing with these people. 324 00:24:12,040 --> 00:24:15,350 Man, we should have cut those ties years ago, after Iraq. 325 00:24:15,440 --> 00:24:17,560 Guess it's not so clean when you got a kid in the mix. 326 00:24:17,960 --> 00:24:19,871 I'll call your brother. See you in a few. 327 00:24:19,960 --> 00:24:21,279 Yeah, all right. 328 00:24:43,040 --> 00:24:45,190 ...and she's like, "Give me a kiss, give me a kiss, Daddy." 329 00:24:45,280 --> 00:24:47,396 And I'm like, "Whoa, baby, look, you're an informant. 330 00:24:47,480 --> 00:24:49,038 "That is against police protocol." 331 00:24:49,120 --> 00:24:51,839 Strictly speaking, you shouldn't even be sucking my dick. 332 00:24:52,760 --> 00:24:54,360 - Yo. - What are we doing here, Mike? 333 00:24:54,400 --> 00:24:56,391 - Where's Russell at? - I don't know, he's your boy. 334 00:24:56,480 --> 00:24:58,072 Put a GPS on his ass. 335 00:24:58,200 --> 00:25:00,077 Yo, Gabe. Where your brother, man? 336 00:25:00,680 --> 00:25:03,240 Don't ask me. He's a no-show. 337 00:25:04,000 --> 00:25:05,228 What are we doing here? 338 00:25:05,320 --> 00:25:06,548 She ain't paying. 339 00:25:06,640 --> 00:25:07,834 Bullshit. 340 00:25:07,920 --> 00:25:09,148 There's another job. 341 00:25:09,240 --> 00:25:10,434 The fuck you talking about? 342 00:25:10,560 --> 00:25:12,835 She says it's worth three mil on top of what she owes. 343 00:25:12,920 --> 00:25:16,071 Oh. Of course she did. She didn't pay now, why the fuck pay later? 344 00:25:16,240 --> 00:25:18,356 Bullshit, she's playing you. 345 00:25:18,920 --> 00:25:21,434 - She got what she wanted, right? - What? 346 00:25:21,520 --> 00:25:22,748 She got what she wanted! 347 00:25:22,840 --> 00:25:24,193 The fuck I got to deal with this bitch, huh? 348 00:25:24,280 --> 00:25:25,838 You're the one who got us hooked up with this bullshit. 349 00:25:25,960 --> 00:25:27,029 This come from your end. 350 00:25:27,120 --> 00:25:28,189 - You deal with it. - Uh-huh. 351 00:25:28,280 --> 00:25:29,508 - Yeah? - Yeah. 352 00:25:30,120 --> 00:25:32,190 You two are really in it now, Franco. 353 00:25:32,280 --> 00:25:33,474 How you figure? 354 00:25:33,560 --> 00:25:35,000 She got the feds in her pocket, baby. 355 00:25:37,240 --> 00:25:39,356 - Yeah. - Feds? 356 00:25:39,440 --> 00:25:42,398 I've seen them. They're all up in there, one big happy family. 357 00:25:42,480 --> 00:25:44,198 And I ain't got to remind either one of you 358 00:25:44,280 --> 00:25:46,714 how much the feds love dirty fucking cops. 359 00:25:53,040 --> 00:25:54,951 Look who decided to show up. 360 00:26:07,280 --> 00:26:08,474 Check the side! 361 00:26:14,920 --> 00:26:16,273 Russell! 362 00:26:16,400 --> 00:26:18,311 - Back up! Back up! - Get it off! Get it off! 363 00:26:18,840 --> 00:26:19,955 Get him out of here! 364 00:26:20,040 --> 00:26:21,155 Get off me! 365 00:26:22,160 --> 00:26:24,151 Get him out, Michael. Come on. Get him out. 366 00:26:24,240 --> 00:26:25,992 No, his hands are tied. I can't get him. 367 00:26:26,160 --> 00:26:27,673 Get him out the car, Mike. 368 00:26:28,680 --> 00:26:29,680 All right. 369 00:26:32,280 --> 00:26:33,315 Oh, shit! 370 00:26:44,960 --> 00:26:46,359 How's it look? 371 00:26:46,920 --> 00:26:48,148 It ain't good, man. 372 00:26:52,840 --> 00:26:54,353 He ain't gonna make it. 373 00:27:00,800 --> 00:27:02,028 Russell. 374 00:27:06,360 --> 00:27:07,873 I'm going to take care of you now. 375 00:27:08,000 --> 00:27:09,149 Go on. 376 00:27:24,720 --> 00:27:26,517 Don't look at it. 377 00:27:49,600 --> 00:27:50,669 Fuck! 378 00:27:56,760 --> 00:27:57,760 Oh. 379 00:27:59,080 --> 00:28:00,752 It's Michael again. 380 00:28:01,600 --> 00:28:02,600 I know. 381 00:28:03,400 --> 00:28:04,515 You know? 382 00:28:08,720 --> 00:28:09,755 Here. 383 00:28:13,600 --> 00:28:15,511 He's not calling for me. 384 00:28:30,880 --> 00:28:32,472 I'm going to bed. 385 00:28:39,160 --> 00:28:41,276 My, what big teeth you've got. 386 00:28:42,800 --> 00:28:46,713 Some guy used this in a robbery a couple nights ago. 387 00:28:46,800 --> 00:28:48,153 Ingenious. 388 00:28:49,400 --> 00:28:51,470 Hit the lights, panda bear. 389 00:28:51,880 --> 00:28:55,236 So, we agree the whole Spanish-speaking thing is bullshit. 390 00:28:55,320 --> 00:28:57,436 No way these guys are Cartel. 391 00:28:58,600 --> 00:29:00,909 Tell me if you notice anything. 392 00:29:01,960 --> 00:29:03,313 Well, this isn't street. 393 00:29:05,920 --> 00:29:08,150 These guys have had tactical training. 394 00:29:08,640 --> 00:29:11,313 Some of these guys are military for sure. 395 00:29:19,640 --> 00:29:23,349 The czarina, what's she after? 396 00:29:24,000 --> 00:29:25,000 Psst. 397 00:29:25,680 --> 00:29:27,352 She ain't said yet. 398 00:29:29,320 --> 00:29:32,630 Whatever it is, it's in an unmarked Homeland Security building. 399 00:29:34,200 --> 00:29:36,839 DHS uses it as a weigh station for sensitive materials 400 00:29:37,000 --> 00:29:38,672 coming in and out of the country. 401 00:29:39,200 --> 00:29:40,235 How many guards? 402 00:29:40,320 --> 00:29:41,320 Unknown. 403 00:29:41,880 --> 00:29:43,677 Unknown. Probably a lot. 404 00:29:44,040 --> 00:29:45,996 Definitely some private tactical teams. 405 00:29:46,680 --> 00:29:48,272 Some kind of rent-a-SWAT. 406 00:29:48,360 --> 00:29:50,237 So what are we talking? Four maybe five minutes tops? 407 00:29:50,320 --> 00:29:51,719 No, man. No. 408 00:29:52,880 --> 00:29:54,199 We're looking at 10. 409 00:29:54,560 --> 00:29:57,154 Uh, yeah, that can't be done. 410 00:29:57,720 --> 00:30:00,109 Response would be on us in three minutes. 411 00:30:02,680 --> 00:30:05,877 Well, they'll kill every last one of us, we don't get this thing. 412 00:30:07,640 --> 00:30:09,631 We could pull a 999. 413 00:30:17,920 --> 00:30:19,319 That's not such a bad idea. 414 00:30:21,160 --> 00:30:22,718 That'd buy you 10 minutes. 415 00:30:24,400 --> 00:30:26,231 Oh, my God. Twenty minutes. 416 00:30:26,360 --> 00:30:27,839 You're kidding. 417 00:30:28,400 --> 00:30:29,753 Tell me you're fucking joking! 418 00:30:29,840 --> 00:30:31,400 Yo, yo, yo, yo. Enough of this cop shit. 419 00:30:31,520 --> 00:30:32,669 English. 420 00:30:32,760 --> 00:30:34,716 999? The fuck is that? 421 00:30:46,840 --> 00:30:48,239 Jesus Christ. 422 00:30:51,000 --> 00:30:52,433 You gotta fuckin' love this job. 423 00:30:52,760 --> 00:30:55,433 Hey, try not to get a stain on your shitty suit. 424 00:30:56,120 --> 00:30:58,350 I'm not worried. I've got two. 425 00:31:00,240 --> 00:31:02,310 Looks like the Lae Me sent us a kite from prison. 426 00:31:02,440 --> 00:31:04,431 Looks that way. 427 00:31:04,520 --> 00:31:06,560 Hey, genius, can one of y'all turn that off? 428 00:31:06,960 --> 00:31:08,029 Fuck. 429 00:31:08,600 --> 00:31:12,275 Chris, this is Sergeant Franco Rodriguez. Detective. 430 00:31:12,520 --> 00:31:13,839 Detective, that's Chris. 431 00:31:14,280 --> 00:31:15,633 Homicide. 432 00:31:16,280 --> 00:31:19,192 This is my new partner. Got called up from "Zone Two." 433 00:31:20,080 --> 00:31:22,958 So what does working in Zone Two tell you about all this? 434 00:31:24,400 --> 00:31:27,472 Uh, I don't know. Let's see. 435 00:31:32,400 --> 00:31:34,391 Which means loose lips sink ships. 436 00:31:35,640 --> 00:31:37,073 In American. 437 00:31:38,480 --> 00:31:39,480 Right? 438 00:31:40,400 --> 00:31:41,913 Something like that? 439 00:31:42,000 --> 00:31:43,600 Okay, I'm going to go look for a witness. 440 00:31:43,640 --> 00:31:45,756 Nice to meet you, Rodriguez. 441 00:31:50,000 --> 00:31:51,319 Any familiar faces? 442 00:31:52,320 --> 00:31:54,993 Well, not these two losers, but this right here 443 00:31:55,120 --> 00:31:56,838 is Pedro Marquez. 444 00:31:57,480 --> 00:31:58,629 Affiliated? 445 00:31:58,720 --> 00:31:59,948 Locos o Trece. 446 00:32:00,480 --> 00:32:01,629 Next county over. 447 00:32:01,800 --> 00:32:03,836 But I don't know why the fuck they'd be over here, man. 448 00:32:03,920 --> 00:32:05,560 Probably looking for their bodies. 449 00:32:07,520 --> 00:32:08,999 Hey, Ed you talk to these guys yet? 450 00:32:09,120 --> 00:32:10,473 Not yet. 451 00:32:11,640 --> 00:32:13,358 What's going on, guys? 452 00:32:14,840 --> 00:32:16,671 Y'all been out here a while? 453 00:32:18,440 --> 00:32:21,034 Hey, I'm just going to ask you some questions, man. 454 00:32:21,120 --> 00:32:22,599 You don't have to square up on me. 455 00:32:22,680 --> 00:32:25,877 You come over here and blame us for them fools, huh, puto? 456 00:32:26,600 --> 00:32:27,600 I didn't say that. 457 00:32:27,680 --> 00:32:29,193 That's exactly what you said, motherfucker. 458 00:32:29,360 --> 00:32:32,875 I didn't. I'm just trying to find out if somebody saw something. 459 00:32:33,440 --> 00:32:34,873 Fuck you, jura. 460 00:32:35,720 --> 00:32:36,789 All right. Tell you what, 461 00:32:36,880 --> 00:32:39,553 I'll get balls deep in your pink, you fucking feel me? 462 00:32:47,040 --> 00:32:49,713 You, uh, want to take care of your partner over there? 463 00:32:50,480 --> 00:32:51,549 Motherfucker. 464 00:32:53,560 --> 00:32:55,232 Them cuffs a little too tight. You fucking punk bitch... 465 00:32:55,360 --> 00:32:56,793 Shut the hell up! 466 00:32:57,480 --> 00:32:58,595 Yo, Snaps. What's up with your hyna here... 467 00:32:58,680 --> 00:32:59,715 Shut the hell up. 468 00:32:59,800 --> 00:33:00,800 Pinche mayate! 469 00:33:00,880 --> 00:33:03,553 Hey, didn't the cop tell you to shut the fuck up? Listen! 470 00:33:03,680 --> 00:33:05,477 - Fuck you... - Get him. Come with me. 471 00:33:06,240 --> 00:33:08,310 Back up. Back the fuck up! 472 00:33:09,040 --> 00:33:10,189 Come with me. 473 00:33:17,240 --> 00:33:19,834 Hey, homeboy. Hey, go get a cigarette. 474 00:33:22,040 --> 00:33:23,519 Come on, man. 475 00:33:24,360 --> 00:33:26,191 You're closed for five minutes. 476 00:33:28,240 --> 00:33:30,151 The fuck are you doing, man? 477 00:33:30,240 --> 00:33:31,514 I could ask you the same thing. 478 00:33:31,600 --> 00:33:33,909 I didn't throw a guy on the ground and try to incite a fucking riot. 479 00:33:34,000 --> 00:33:35,274 He was running his mouth. You didn't hear him. 480 00:33:35,400 --> 00:33:36,992 Running his mouth? What, he hurt your feelings? 481 00:33:37,080 --> 00:33:39,116 It's the fucking streets, that's what people do. 482 00:33:39,200 --> 00:33:40,428 You even know who that is? 483 00:33:40,520 --> 00:33:41,669 - That was obstruction. - Oh. Ha-ha! 484 00:33:41,760 --> 00:33:43,751 He was getting in the way of my investigation. 485 00:33:43,840 --> 00:33:46,434 Get out of school, man. There ain't no obstruction up here. 486 00:33:46,760 --> 00:33:50,070 That's Luis Pinto. He's a Mara Salvatrucha lieutenant. 487 00:33:50,400 --> 00:33:52,436 You think somebody gonna talk now? 488 00:33:52,560 --> 00:33:53,675 - Oh, he's a lieutenant? - Yeah. 489 00:33:53,800 --> 00:33:55,995 I didn't realize. Well, I'll just go and apologize to him, then. 490 00:33:56,080 --> 00:33:57,718 This ain't a fucking game, Chris. 491 00:33:57,800 --> 00:33:59,233 The rules around here are different. 492 00:33:59,320 --> 00:34:00,958 This ain't Buckhead, all right? 493 00:34:01,040 --> 00:34:02,712 So you better learn fast. 494 00:34:03,600 --> 00:34:04,953 Hey, let me tell you something. 495 00:34:05,080 --> 00:34:07,036 You got a problem with me, put it on the table, 496 00:34:07,120 --> 00:34:08,473 but don't pull me aside and question me 497 00:34:08,560 --> 00:34:09,834 like you know something I don't know. 498 00:34:09,920 --> 00:34:11,560 You let an asshole like that bow up on you 499 00:34:11,640 --> 00:34:12,868 in front of the whole neighborhood, 500 00:34:12,960 --> 00:34:14,996 you're the one who's got some explaining to do. 501 00:34:15,800 --> 00:34:18,234 Now, get off my back and let me do my job. 502 00:34:18,320 --> 00:34:20,117 Oh, you know the whole game now, huh? 503 00:34:20,960 --> 00:34:22,757 Unlock the door, stupid. 504 00:34:29,320 --> 00:34:32,756 So what? We do this Triple 9, we get 10 clear minutes? 505 00:34:34,600 --> 00:34:37,160 Kill a cop? You get all damn day. 506 00:34:38,400 --> 00:34:40,675 A 999 gets called in, 507 00:34:40,800 --> 00:34:43,394 all units in the area converge on the downed officer. 508 00:34:43,480 --> 00:34:45,072 It's open-season. 509 00:34:45,160 --> 00:34:47,310 Everybody wants a piece of a cop killer. 510 00:34:47,400 --> 00:34:50,836 It's like pulling the plug and the whole force going down the drain. 511 00:34:50,920 --> 00:34:53,514 And you're absolutely sure that you can make this happen? 512 00:34:53,640 --> 00:34:54,755 Oh, yeah. 513 00:34:59,120 --> 00:35:00,269 All right. 514 00:35:02,360 --> 00:35:03,793 You the police. 515 00:35:04,640 --> 00:35:05,675 But you... 516 00:35:05,800 --> 00:35:06,869 You're gonna have to hard check that 517 00:35:07,000 --> 00:35:08,479 fucking liability. 518 00:35:12,640 --> 00:35:14,870 Worry about the 999, Franco. 519 00:35:15,360 --> 00:35:16,679 I'm going to go bury my friend. 520 00:35:17,200 --> 00:35:18,200 His brother. 521 00:35:19,040 --> 00:35:21,349 Unless you want to help us dig a hole. 522 00:35:25,800 --> 00:35:28,030 Yeah, I didn't fucking think so. 523 00:35:33,520 --> 00:35:34,520 Yo. 524 00:35:34,840 --> 00:35:36,114 Yo, my man. 525 00:35:36,480 --> 00:35:38,835 Fucking come on, man. Let's get out of here. 526 00:35:41,880 --> 00:35:43,154 You good? 527 00:35:44,680 --> 00:35:46,398 All right. Come on. 528 00:35:59,040 --> 00:36:00,917 I should have known better. 529 00:36:02,400 --> 00:36:05,073 There's got to be a different way. 530 00:36:05,160 --> 00:36:06,673 What, are you suddenly getting saintly 531 00:36:06,760 --> 00:36:08,398 because this FNG wears a shield? 532 00:36:08,520 --> 00:36:10,320 There's a difference, Franco, and you know it. 533 00:36:10,560 --> 00:36:12,073 - Really? - Yeah. 534 00:36:12,200 --> 00:36:13,599 Bullshit. 535 00:36:13,720 --> 00:36:17,156 How many cop funerals have you been to in the last five years, huh? 536 00:36:17,240 --> 00:36:18,878 And you tell yourself the same thing 537 00:36:18,960 --> 00:36:20,712 that every cop sitting there tells himself. 538 00:36:21,400 --> 00:36:22,913 "Better him than me." 539 00:36:26,360 --> 00:36:28,920 If you're having a problem with this, Marcus, 540 00:36:29,600 --> 00:36:31,352 I'll do it. 541 00:36:31,440 --> 00:36:33,749 I don't have a problem taking out a cop. 542 00:36:34,440 --> 00:36:36,431 I'll do a cop just like... 543 00:36:42,160 --> 00:36:44,276 Oh, ho, ho. A little to the right. 544 00:36:48,600 --> 00:36:50,556 - Let's reload. Don't let 'em know. - Missed. 545 00:36:50,640 --> 00:36:52,631 What are you doing in there, Uncle Jeff? 546 00:36:52,760 --> 00:36:54,751 Nothing's happening over here. 547 00:36:55,240 --> 00:36:57,117 How's your job going? 548 00:36:57,200 --> 00:36:59,395 I don't know, it's going all right, man, 549 00:36:59,480 --> 00:37:01,550 but I would like to make a difference. 550 00:37:02,160 --> 00:37:04,400 I know how that sounds. What are you laughing at? 551 00:37:04,440 --> 00:37:06,237 You're gonna make a difference. 552 00:37:06,320 --> 00:37:08,470 You ain't going to make a fucking difference. 553 00:37:08,560 --> 00:37:10,312 Get that notion out of your head. 554 00:37:11,560 --> 00:37:13,516 You know what you need to do? 555 00:37:13,600 --> 00:37:16,637 Your job, keep your head on a swivel, 556 00:37:16,720 --> 00:37:18,711 out-monster the monster, 557 00:37:18,840 --> 00:37:20,990 and get home at the end of the night. 558 00:37:21,520 --> 00:37:22,555 Uncle Jeff. 559 00:37:22,640 --> 00:37:24,392 - Can you do that? - Are you kidding me? 560 00:37:24,480 --> 00:37:25,675 - No. - You know what kind of spots, 561 00:37:25,800 --> 00:37:27,994 I've been in? A lot hairier than this... 562 00:37:28,080 --> 00:37:30,435 - So don't worry about me. - No. I am worried about you. 563 00:37:31,160 --> 00:37:32,832 You don't realize... 564 00:37:32,960 --> 00:37:37,670 Any one of these little fucking snake-eyed motherfuckers, 565 00:37:38,360 --> 00:37:41,670 you know, could be strapped right now. 566 00:37:43,000 --> 00:37:44,831 I owe it to your mother. 567 00:37:46,320 --> 00:37:47,912 I owe it to her. 568 00:37:48,520 --> 00:37:51,273 Look, it... I can't look after you... 569 00:37:51,840 --> 00:37:53,512 Fuck these motherfuckers. 570 00:37:53,640 --> 00:37:55,039 Any one of these cocks... 571 00:37:55,120 --> 00:37:56,155 Hey! 572 00:37:56,520 --> 00:37:57,520 Hey! 573 00:37:57,600 --> 00:38:00,433 Are any of you cocksuckers strapped right now? 574 00:38:00,520 --> 00:38:01,520 - You? - Jeff... 575 00:38:01,600 --> 00:38:02,953 You got a gun on you, huh? 576 00:38:03,040 --> 00:38:05,270 Jeff, hey. Sit down. Sit down. 577 00:38:13,560 --> 00:38:16,472 Hey, what does little Trevor want for his birthday? 578 00:38:18,800 --> 00:38:21,268 Uh, he wants a gun. 579 00:38:23,680 --> 00:38:25,033 A gun? 580 00:38:25,120 --> 00:38:26,951 No. He wants a toy gun. 581 00:38:27,040 --> 00:38:28,314 Another toy gun. 582 00:38:28,720 --> 00:38:30,676 Yeah, yeah. Of course. 583 00:38:35,200 --> 00:38:36,792 How you doing, boy? 584 00:38:38,080 --> 00:38:39,479 - You good? - Yeah. 585 00:38:39,560 --> 00:38:40,560 Okay. 586 00:38:41,560 --> 00:38:43,080 All right. Let's get this off you, man. 587 00:38:43,120 --> 00:38:44,519 Go on, sit down. 588 00:38:46,520 --> 00:38:48,556 There you go. There it is. 589 00:38:49,200 --> 00:38:52,112 Just sit there for a second while I go speak to your mother. 590 00:38:54,840 --> 00:38:56,353 You fucking late. 591 00:38:57,400 --> 00:38:59,072 You're lucky you get to see him at all. 592 00:38:59,200 --> 00:39:00,758 I need to see your sister. 593 00:39:00,880 --> 00:39:03,678 Why the fuck ain't she answering my calls? 594 00:39:03,760 --> 00:39:05,990 Michael, I had to convince my sister 595 00:39:06,080 --> 00:39:07,274 to spare you, okay? 596 00:39:07,360 --> 00:39:08,554 Have a little gratitude. 597 00:39:08,640 --> 00:39:09,993 You need to do this for me, okay? 598 00:39:10,240 --> 00:39:12,151 Or you need to get the fuck out. 599 00:39:15,120 --> 00:39:16,838 I'll see what I can do. 600 00:39:19,200 --> 00:39:20,713 Now, hurry, okay? 601 00:39:21,600 --> 00:39:23,397 I only have an hour. 602 00:39:39,000 --> 00:39:41,309 Felix! Felix, come here. Come here. 603 00:39:47,160 --> 00:39:49,993 No, no. You ain't gonna do that in front of my son. 604 00:39:50,400 --> 00:39:52,152 Go on. Find your mother. 605 00:40:03,320 --> 00:40:05,038 Sit down, Michael. 606 00:40:05,160 --> 00:40:07,515 Have some tea. We have much to discuss. 607 00:40:07,640 --> 00:40:08,993 We do? 608 00:40:09,080 --> 00:40:10,280 What do you want to talk about? 609 00:40:10,880 --> 00:40:12,200 Do you want to talk about Russell? 610 00:40:12,440 --> 00:40:13,440 Hmm. 611 00:40:14,160 --> 00:40:15,309 Yes. That. 612 00:40:15,400 --> 00:40:16,640 You want to get this thing done, 613 00:40:16,720 --> 00:40:18,790 you stay the fuck away from my crew! 614 00:40:23,920 --> 00:40:25,672 There you go, sweetie. 615 00:40:26,000 --> 00:40:29,834 Hmm, so now that all of that is out of the way, 616 00:40:33,880 --> 00:40:36,838 Vassili would like to know how things are progressing. 617 00:40:40,520 --> 00:40:42,590 Tell him we've got a way to make it work. 618 00:40:45,920 --> 00:40:48,036 This is fantastic news. 619 00:40:49,360 --> 00:40:50,395 Yes. 620 00:40:59,000 --> 00:41:00,638 You know, I think I'd prefer it 621 00:41:00,720 --> 00:41:02,472 if you just watched porn. 622 00:41:03,120 --> 00:41:04,599 I was about to. 623 00:41:04,840 --> 00:41:06,193 Oh, good. 624 00:41:08,560 --> 00:41:10,312 Are you sulking, baby? 625 00:41:11,280 --> 00:41:12,280 No. 626 00:41:12,800 --> 00:41:14,791 You look like you're sulking. 627 00:41:20,880 --> 00:41:25,078 Listen, you wanted this job, remember? 628 00:41:25,560 --> 00:41:26,675 We... Yea... 629 00:41:28,560 --> 00:41:32,235 That was before I knew that it came with a fucking asshole of a partner. 630 00:41:33,600 --> 00:41:35,318 Come on, baby. 631 00:41:36,080 --> 00:41:38,230 You need to work with these guys. 632 00:41:41,040 --> 00:41:43,600 Since when does my tough guy 633 00:41:44,400 --> 00:41:46,595 let anyone get to him. 634 00:41:49,080 --> 00:41:50,752 Nobody got to me. 635 00:41:51,640 --> 00:41:54,598 Now, stop feeling so sorry for yourself. 636 00:41:56,080 --> 00:41:57,752 And come to bed. 637 00:42:20,640 --> 00:42:22,040 My partner is not a problem. 638 00:42:22,120 --> 00:42:23,553 Are you sure about that, man? 639 00:42:23,640 --> 00:42:25,517 Look, I don't give a fuck about this guy, all right? 640 00:42:25,640 --> 00:42:28,757 He's perfect. The minute Jeffrey Allen hears his nephew is down, 641 00:42:28,840 --> 00:42:30,876 he'll send every cop to the call. Right, Franco? 642 00:42:30,960 --> 00:42:31,995 I've seen him. 643 00:42:32,360 --> 00:42:33,554 He's our guy. 644 00:42:33,640 --> 00:42:34,834 Look, I got a spot in mind. 645 00:42:34,960 --> 00:42:37,520 Those abandoned projects over on Washington. 646 00:42:37,640 --> 00:42:38,709 All right. 647 00:42:43,960 --> 00:42:45,678 Sounds like it's settled. 648 00:43:00,680 --> 00:43:02,352 This guy's done nothing. 649 00:43:03,680 --> 00:43:07,150 Does he have a family? Do you even know? 650 00:43:09,920 --> 00:43:11,194 I don't care. 651 00:43:12,920 --> 00:43:14,319 If it comes down to us or some cop, 652 00:43:14,400 --> 00:43:16,197 I'll be damned if it's not us who walk away 653 00:43:16,320 --> 00:43:18,038 from this thing, you understand? 654 00:43:20,200 --> 00:43:21,428 Say it, man. 655 00:43:21,920 --> 00:43:23,592 Say you understand. 656 00:43:28,840 --> 00:43:31,195 Russell would've found another way. 657 00:43:34,680 --> 00:43:37,877 Look, it's one more fucking job. 658 00:43:39,280 --> 00:43:41,191 Just another fucking job. 659 00:43:42,040 --> 00:43:43,109 If you in, 660 00:43:43,840 --> 00:43:45,956 get your shit together right now. 661 00:43:46,440 --> 00:43:47,953 There must be... 662 00:43:52,080 --> 00:43:54,036 Don't do this, Mike. 663 00:43:56,720 --> 00:43:58,392 You got a better idea? 664 00:43:59,920 --> 00:44:00,920 You? 665 00:44:04,560 --> 00:44:06,596 Fucking look at yourself, man! 666 00:44:08,160 --> 00:44:11,072 Fucking look at... Fucking... 667 00:44:11,160 --> 00:44:13,071 Get the fuck out, man! 668 00:44:13,560 --> 00:44:15,232 Get the fuck out! 669 00:44:34,960 --> 00:44:36,951 Now this is the house, right here. 670 00:44:37,960 --> 00:44:39,996 That's our boy. Fat one on the porch. 671 00:44:44,280 --> 00:44:46,236 I'm going to talk to my source. 672 00:44:46,320 --> 00:44:48,151 You want to come with me, see if that great police work 673 00:44:48,240 --> 00:44:50,117 you did yesterday paid off? 674 00:44:50,600 --> 00:44:52,352 - You're a riot. - All right. 675 00:45:11,080 --> 00:45:12,080 Who are you? 676 00:45:13,640 --> 00:45:15,596 - Who are you? - Don't tell him your name, homie. 677 00:45:15,680 --> 00:45:17,910 You that cop who busted up Luis the other day? 678 00:45:18,720 --> 00:45:20,358 That was a misunderstanding. 679 00:45:20,800 --> 00:45:23,473 Like, why don't you go bother some other homies, know what I'm saying? 680 00:45:23,560 --> 00:45:25,391 Why don't y'all go to school, you know what I'm saying? 681 00:45:25,480 --> 00:45:27,232 Man, this homie's getting homeschooled, bro. 682 00:45:27,320 --> 00:45:28,320 By who? 683 00:45:28,400 --> 00:45:29,389 By me. Teaching 'em mad skills, yo. 684 00:45:29,480 --> 00:45:31,516 For real? Well, I got a question for you. 685 00:45:33,160 --> 00:45:35,390 The Mara Salvatrucha sign, where's it come from? 686 00:45:35,920 --> 00:45:36,989 It's from here. 687 00:45:37,080 --> 00:45:38,638 This is from here? 688 00:45:40,200 --> 00:45:41,679 Black Sabbath. 689 00:45:42,160 --> 00:45:43,991 Who the fuck is Black Sabbath? 690 00:45:44,120 --> 00:45:46,680 Hey, y'all rug rats don't go to school? 691 00:45:46,760 --> 00:45:48,671 Get out of here. Go to school, man. 692 00:45:50,320 --> 00:45:51,992 I will arrest your little ass. 693 00:46:05,280 --> 00:46:07,120 - Okay, stay on that. - Okay. 694 00:46:07,360 --> 00:46:09,828 I got two or three more sources to check in with. 695 00:46:10,400 --> 00:46:11,753 I'll call in later. 696 00:46:11,840 --> 00:46:13,319 Yeah. Oh, uh... 697 00:46:13,400 --> 00:46:16,631 Hey, someone named Sweet Pea called you back. 698 00:46:16,720 --> 00:46:17,720 Okay. 699 00:46:23,600 --> 00:46:25,556 - Come on, girl. - Hey, hey. 700 00:46:25,640 --> 00:46:28,154 Girl, do me a favor. Go and set the bar. I need five minutes. 701 00:46:28,280 --> 00:46:30,111 - Girl, I got you. - Thanks. 702 00:46:30,200 --> 00:46:31,235 Come here, boy! 703 00:46:31,360 --> 00:46:32,634 You're looking good, Sweet Pea. 704 00:46:32,720 --> 00:46:34,438 Thank you, Daddy. 705 00:46:36,360 --> 00:46:37,713 What have you got for me? 706 00:46:37,800 --> 00:46:40,314 Child, I don't want no parts of this. 707 00:46:48,400 --> 00:46:49,719 I'm listening. 708 00:46:51,280 --> 00:46:52,554 Baby-doll. 709 00:46:52,640 --> 00:46:54,949 Mama will get killed if the tea gets out. 710 00:46:55,560 --> 00:46:57,278 So this shit here is going to cost you, 711 00:46:57,360 --> 00:46:58,952 and I ain't talking shortbread. 712 00:46:59,480 --> 00:47:01,948 You gonna have to show me a whole lot of coin. 713 00:47:08,240 --> 00:47:10,310 Five G's if it goes anywhere. 714 00:47:11,080 --> 00:47:14,629 All right, look. I'm going to tell you, but this is it, Jeffrey. 715 00:47:14,760 --> 00:47:16,352 I mean, I'm working here now, okay? 716 00:47:16,440 --> 00:47:18,396 I'm doing what I do, 717 00:47:18,520 --> 00:47:20,590 so no more favors. 718 00:47:20,680 --> 00:47:21,829 Okay. 719 00:47:24,240 --> 00:47:25,434 Anyway. 720 00:47:27,080 --> 00:47:30,629 The other night, I heard some fucked-up bitch talking to another girl 721 00:47:30,720 --> 00:47:32,711 about some creepy motherfucker, 722 00:47:32,800 --> 00:47:35,598 some fierce, scary shit like out of a horror movie. 723 00:47:36,280 --> 00:47:37,872 Now, I only heard bits and pieces, 724 00:47:38,000 --> 00:47:40,275 but this bitch kept going on and on 725 00:47:40,360 --> 00:47:42,271 about some dude covered in red dye 726 00:47:42,360 --> 00:47:43,952 looking like the devil's dick. 727 00:47:44,880 --> 00:47:46,916 The bitch that was doing all the talking, 728 00:47:47,000 --> 00:47:50,595 she said that this man of hers said that he robbed a bank, 729 00:47:50,720 --> 00:47:53,188 and, honey, all hell broke loose. 730 00:47:54,880 --> 00:47:59,237 Oh, now, the girl who told you this, what was her name? 731 00:48:00,920 --> 00:48:02,592 She go by Leah. 732 00:48:03,160 --> 00:48:05,276 Some old working junkie bitch. 733 00:48:06,200 --> 00:48:07,713 She dance here off and on, 734 00:48:07,800 --> 00:48:09,995 and I see her in the street from time to time. 735 00:48:19,120 --> 00:48:20,109 They don't have a baby. 736 00:48:20,200 --> 00:48:22,111 They just got a stroller full of dope. 737 00:48:26,760 --> 00:48:27,875 He did good with that stroller. 738 00:48:27,960 --> 00:48:30,713 Kicked it, folded it up like a pro. 739 00:48:36,280 --> 00:48:37,280 Oh. 740 00:48:38,040 --> 00:48:40,190 Unit 406 to perimeter. We're going to let the woman leave. 741 00:48:40,320 --> 00:48:42,436 Pick her up once she's out of the complex. 742 00:48:43,680 --> 00:48:46,148 Fernando Rivera, AKA Termite. 743 00:48:46,440 --> 00:48:48,908 Hitter for the Mexican Mafia, fresh out the pen. 744 00:48:49,000 --> 00:48:51,355 Just did an eight-year stretch for trafficking. 745 00:48:51,440 --> 00:48:53,715 His PO issued us a violation warrant 746 00:48:53,840 --> 00:48:56,798 so we can talk to him about the severed heads last week. 747 00:48:56,880 --> 00:48:58,836 Let's see what he's got to say, boys. 748 00:49:05,560 --> 00:49:09,189 Barry, you're shield. Smith, you're second. Gomez, breach. 749 00:49:09,680 --> 00:49:13,355 Second team. Jackson, shield. Buck will be first cover. 750 00:49:13,520 --> 00:49:15,875 Hey, Chris, you up to take the lead on this? 751 00:49:30,200 --> 00:49:31,394 Window! 752 00:49:50,400 --> 00:49:51,400 Go! 753 00:49:59,080 --> 00:50:00,080 Going up! 754 00:50:02,440 --> 00:50:03,555 What the fuck are y'all doing? 755 00:50:03,680 --> 00:50:05,636 - Get the fuck back in the house. - Fuck you! 756 00:50:05,760 --> 00:50:07,200 This is my house. Don't be telling me 757 00:50:07,280 --> 00:50:08,720 to get the fuck back inside my house. 758 00:50:08,800 --> 00:50:09,994 Breach! 759 00:50:13,360 --> 00:50:14,429 Police! 760 00:50:30,760 --> 00:50:32,113 Check that closet. 761 00:50:33,000 --> 00:50:34,000 Clear! 762 00:50:35,200 --> 00:50:36,713 Couch on the left, stairs on the right. 763 00:50:36,800 --> 00:50:37,920 - Copy. - Moving. 764 00:50:39,640 --> 00:50:41,949 Check that couch, check that couch. 765 00:50:42,440 --> 00:50:44,032 Cover. Cover. 766 00:50:44,440 --> 00:50:45,440 Moving up. 767 00:50:55,960 --> 00:50:57,916 Get down! Get down, motherfucker! 768 00:51:03,160 --> 00:51:04,639 Check that bathroom. 769 00:51:04,720 --> 00:51:05,720 Go. 770 00:51:09,640 --> 00:51:10,868 Clear. 771 00:51:11,000 --> 00:51:12,831 There's a baby in the bed in the bedroom on the right. 772 00:51:12,920 --> 00:51:14,558 I'm going right. Go left. 773 00:51:14,720 --> 00:51:15,755 Go, move. 774 00:51:17,240 --> 00:51:18,240 Clear. 775 00:51:19,160 --> 00:51:20,832 Check the closet behind me. 776 00:51:21,840 --> 00:51:23,831 Get some hands for that baby. 777 00:51:23,920 --> 00:51:25,592 - Contact. - Clear. 778 00:51:26,160 --> 00:51:27,840 Termite, come on out, you dumb-fuck. 779 00:51:27,880 --> 00:51:29,518 Let's not get your fucking baby killed! 780 00:51:36,080 --> 00:51:37,991 Gomez, go for that door. 781 00:51:38,080 --> 00:51:39,195 Cover me. 782 00:52:01,440 --> 00:52:03,749 Two, go closet on left. Three, go behind the door. 783 00:52:03,880 --> 00:52:05,393 Closet on left. I got it. 784 00:52:06,080 --> 00:52:07,832 - Door clear. - Closet clear. 785 00:52:08,880 --> 00:52:10,108 Moving up. 786 00:52:11,720 --> 00:52:13,199 Bathroom on the right. 787 00:52:16,120 --> 00:52:17,553 Bathroom clear. 788 00:52:21,560 --> 00:52:23,357 Three, clear the closet on the left. 789 00:52:23,440 --> 00:52:24,509 Two, go right. 790 00:52:24,600 --> 00:52:26,272 - Got the closet. - Check under that bed. 791 00:52:27,720 --> 00:52:28,720 Clear. 792 00:52:31,440 --> 00:52:32,589 Moving up. 793 00:52:33,600 --> 00:52:34,669 Three, go bedroom on the right. 794 00:52:34,760 --> 00:52:35,988 - Two, go bathroom. - Got it. 795 00:52:37,720 --> 00:52:39,392 - Bathroom's clear! - Bedroom's clear! 796 00:52:40,600 --> 00:52:42,238 Moving down. 797 00:52:51,040 --> 00:52:52,678 He's out, he's on foot. He's on the run! 798 00:52:52,760 --> 00:52:53,829 Go, go, go! 799 00:52:56,520 --> 00:52:57,999 Get down, get down! 800 00:53:13,600 --> 00:53:15,352 Get down! Get on the ground! 801 00:53:25,000 --> 00:53:26,000 Fuck! 802 00:53:28,280 --> 00:53:29,952 - Hey, you good? - I'm good. 803 00:53:52,320 --> 00:53:53,320 Go! 804 00:54:11,160 --> 00:54:12,160 Chris. 805 00:54:21,000 --> 00:54:22,000 Chris! 806 00:54:28,440 --> 00:54:30,237 Chris, come on, man. Come on. 807 00:54:32,240 --> 00:54:33,593 Are you okay? 808 00:54:34,120 --> 00:54:36,031 - You all right? - Go, go, go. 809 00:55:07,760 --> 00:55:10,274 South side, heading east. Marcus, give me your 20, man. 810 00:55:28,440 --> 00:55:30,237 Hands! Show me your hands! Get on the ground! 811 00:55:30,320 --> 00:55:32,390 Get on the ground! Hey, did you see somebody? 812 00:55:32,480 --> 00:55:33,913 Where'd they go? 813 00:55:38,400 --> 00:55:39,435 Fuck. 814 00:55:46,360 --> 00:55:47,918 Get back, motherfucker, or he die! 815 00:57:56,640 --> 00:57:58,232 What was his name? 816 00:57:59,560 --> 00:58:00,595 Tank. 817 00:58:03,400 --> 00:58:04,992 - That's a good name. - It's a great name. 818 00:58:05,080 --> 00:58:06,718 - That's a good name. - Yeah. 819 00:58:09,440 --> 00:58:10,919 Sorry, man. 820 00:58:14,000 --> 00:58:16,594 I can't remember one shot from yesterday. 821 00:58:18,920 --> 00:58:20,478 Is that weird? 822 00:58:20,600 --> 00:58:23,239 No, man, it's called survival stress reaction, you know? 823 00:58:23,360 --> 00:58:24,509 Mmm-hmm. 824 00:58:24,600 --> 00:58:26,431 Chemicals flood your brain. 825 00:58:27,440 --> 00:58:29,795 Forebrain stops working, your amygdala fires up 826 00:58:29,880 --> 00:58:31,108 - and you're just... - Mmm. 827 00:58:33,520 --> 00:58:35,272 I didn't see him coming. 828 00:58:35,840 --> 00:58:38,308 Right? I mean, he just came out of nowhere. 829 00:58:39,160 --> 00:58:41,116 It could happen to anybody, man. 830 00:58:41,960 --> 00:58:43,518 Well, it didn't happen to you. 831 00:58:47,000 --> 00:58:49,275 I'm a badass motherfucker, dude. 832 00:58:53,840 --> 00:58:55,751 I'm going to take a piss. 833 00:58:55,840 --> 00:58:57,034 Have fun. 834 00:59:05,360 --> 00:59:07,715 Do you know what this song is about, Michael? 835 00:59:09,000 --> 00:59:10,000 No? 836 00:59:11,640 --> 00:59:13,119 Then I will tell you. 837 00:59:14,880 --> 00:59:19,670 It is about two lovers betrayed by the secrets they keep for others. 838 00:59:19,760 --> 00:59:21,432 And they must choose. 839 00:59:21,520 --> 00:59:23,078 Exile or death. 840 00:59:25,080 --> 00:59:27,230 Like me and my dear Vassili. 841 00:59:28,480 --> 00:59:31,074 Vassili is finally coming home to me. 842 00:59:32,480 --> 00:59:34,630 Once you have completed this job, 843 00:59:34,720 --> 00:59:36,870 they will release him into Israeli custody. 844 00:59:38,880 --> 00:59:40,711 We are going to be a family again. 845 00:59:42,160 --> 00:59:43,160 Where's Felix? 846 00:59:43,240 --> 00:59:46,232 We own the secrets of kings, me and him. 847 00:59:46,320 --> 00:59:48,709 This is why we have survived so long. 848 00:59:51,560 --> 00:59:52,913 Where's Felix? 849 00:59:53,360 --> 00:59:58,957 Felix and Elena won't be joining us tonight. 850 01:00:02,680 --> 01:00:04,830 Here. Hear it for yourself. 851 01:00:14,920 --> 01:00:16,512 - Elena? - Michael. 852 01:00:17,120 --> 01:00:18,792 Where are you? 853 01:00:18,880 --> 01:00:20,313 Irina didn't tell you? 854 01:00:21,720 --> 01:00:23,790 I'm gonna ask you one last time, Elena. 855 01:00:23,880 --> 01:00:25,029 The fuck are you? 856 01:00:25,120 --> 01:00:28,317 Felix, baby. It's your dad. Daddy wants to speak with you. 857 01:00:28,960 --> 01:00:31,838 I swam with the dolphins, Daddy, me and Mommy. 858 01:00:31,920 --> 01:00:32,955 Where you at? 859 01:00:33,040 --> 01:00:34,109 We're staying at the beach 860 01:00:34,320 --> 01:00:37,312 and Auntie Irina said we're going 861 01:00:37,400 --> 01:00:40,278 to come here to take me to the zoo... 862 01:00:40,360 --> 01:00:41,475 - What do you mean? - ...for my birthday. 863 01:00:41,560 --> 01:00:42,879 Okay, love you. Bye. 864 01:00:42,960 --> 01:00:44,393 No, no... Wait a second. 865 01:00:44,480 --> 01:00:46,436 Felix. No, Felix... 866 01:00:58,240 --> 01:01:00,276 Elat. Our family home. 867 01:01:00,360 --> 01:01:02,078 Three hours south of Tel Aviv. 868 01:01:03,360 --> 01:01:04,998 Felix seems to love it. 869 01:01:05,320 --> 01:01:06,673 He loves the sea. 870 01:01:06,760 --> 01:01:08,273 Me, I do not like it much myself. 871 01:01:08,360 --> 01:01:10,351 There is something idiotic about it. 872 01:01:10,440 --> 01:01:12,795 Take a look. He is so cute. 873 01:01:17,760 --> 01:01:19,671 Yeah, see, there is Elena. 874 01:01:19,760 --> 01:01:20,829 No, no, no, Irina. 875 01:01:22,520 --> 01:01:23,839 We're doing the job. 876 01:01:25,000 --> 01:01:26,558 We're doing the job. 877 01:01:28,560 --> 01:01:30,630 She has a very nice ass, my sister. 878 01:01:32,560 --> 01:01:35,996 So, this is the objective. 879 01:01:43,640 --> 01:01:46,791 The security key and gate codes you will need. 880 01:01:47,640 --> 01:01:49,517 The case arrives tomorrow night, 881 01:01:49,640 --> 01:01:51,949 is there for 24 hours, then it ships. 882 01:01:52,880 --> 01:01:55,110 We meet one more time after this. 883 01:01:55,200 --> 01:01:56,474 How that goes is up to you, 884 01:01:57,680 --> 01:02:01,992 and then we decide when Felix comes home from vacation. 885 01:02:03,240 --> 01:02:05,037 It would seem the house is burning 886 01:02:05,120 --> 01:02:06,951 and the clock is ticking, Michael. 887 01:02:41,400 --> 01:02:42,594 The room goes quiet. 888 01:02:42,680 --> 01:02:43,920 All right, everybody, listen up. 889 01:02:44,480 --> 01:02:47,278 This is a cop's brain. All right? 890 01:02:47,360 --> 01:02:50,033 This is a cop's brain on some shit. 891 01:02:50,160 --> 01:02:52,958 This is a cop asshole. 892 01:02:53,840 --> 01:02:57,310 This is a cop's asshole in supermax. 893 01:02:57,400 --> 01:02:58,833 Any questions? 894 01:02:58,960 --> 01:03:00,279 That's a big asshole. 895 01:03:06,400 --> 01:03:07,833 Hey, I've got to talk to you. 896 01:03:07,920 --> 01:03:09,797 - Who the fuck is this? - Uh, Don't worry, boys. Wait. 897 01:03:09,880 --> 01:03:11,029 Hey, Jack, get them some drinks. 898 01:03:11,120 --> 01:03:12,235 Man, come on, get them some drinks. 899 01:03:12,320 --> 01:03:13,753 All right, you got it. 900 01:03:13,840 --> 01:03:15,990 All right, you heard the man. Drinks on Marcus. 901 01:03:18,000 --> 01:03:19,120 You fucking nuts coming here! 902 01:03:19,160 --> 01:03:21,640 You don't think somebody from the precinct might recognize you? 903 01:03:24,480 --> 01:03:25,959 Get up, you stupid fuck! 904 01:03:27,160 --> 01:03:28,479 Don't fucking do this, Marcus. 905 01:03:29,720 --> 01:03:33,952 You come near me again, I swear to God, I will fucking kill you! 906 01:03:35,680 --> 01:03:37,716 You ever actually used your gun, huh? 907 01:03:37,800 --> 01:03:39,791 Put one in someone that doesn't have it coming to them? 908 01:03:39,920 --> 01:03:41,035 - Shut up. - I know you, man! 909 01:03:41,160 --> 01:03:43,037 - You might not think I do, but I know you! - Shut the fuck up! 910 01:03:43,120 --> 01:03:44,838 - You ain't gonna do this! - Shut up! 911 01:03:44,920 --> 01:03:46,512 Look, I can see it in your eyes. 912 01:03:46,600 --> 01:03:48,830 You are a fucking coward, all right? 913 01:03:48,920 --> 01:03:50,148 What, you think this is gonna make you a man? 914 01:03:50,240 --> 01:03:51,240 Shut up! 915 01:03:51,280 --> 01:03:53,919 Shut up! Shut the fuck up! 916 01:04:04,360 --> 01:04:05,509 Is that him? 917 01:04:05,600 --> 01:04:07,636 It's all right, guys. He was just leaving. 918 01:04:07,720 --> 01:04:09,631 Didn't you hear the officer? 919 01:04:14,760 --> 01:04:16,079 What was that all about, man? 920 01:04:16,160 --> 01:04:18,993 Some piece-of-shit source I used to use. 921 01:04:19,080 --> 01:04:20,877 All right, let's go get a drink. 922 01:04:21,000 --> 01:04:22,228 Forget about it. 923 01:04:24,680 --> 01:04:28,673 Get the fuck inside. Just get the fuck inside! 924 01:04:28,800 --> 01:04:29,789 Like you know who you trying to tell? 925 01:04:29,880 --> 01:04:31,359 Get your ass inside! No, you're not doing this tonight. 926 01:04:31,440 --> 01:04:32,555 Get your hands off me! 927 01:04:32,680 --> 01:04:34,636 You're not pulling any more tricks tonight. 928 01:04:34,720 --> 01:04:36,756 - That's the boyfriend? - Yep. 929 01:04:37,400 --> 01:04:38,435 Hmm. 930 01:04:38,600 --> 01:04:39,999 Piece of work. 931 01:04:40,840 --> 01:04:42,637 We'll put a tail on both of them. 932 01:04:42,720 --> 01:04:45,075 All right. I've got four in tail, so... 933 01:04:45,160 --> 01:04:46,878 Not a very healthy diet. 934 01:04:51,040 --> 01:04:52,314 Sweet. 935 01:05:01,080 --> 01:05:02,559 That's disgusting. 936 01:05:04,920 --> 01:05:06,672 Waste not, want not. 937 01:05:07,880 --> 01:05:08,915 Speak. 938 01:05:09,000 --> 01:05:10,400 Uh, hey, I got you that info. 939 01:05:10,480 --> 01:05:12,516 Gabriel Charles Welch, 35. 940 01:05:12,720 --> 01:05:14,950 He, uh, served three years on the force. 941 01:05:15,360 --> 01:05:16,839 Oh, you sure? 942 01:05:16,920 --> 01:05:18,320 Yeah, racked up a slew of reprimands 943 01:05:18,360 --> 01:05:21,352 before getting dismissed for a questionable shooting. 944 01:05:21,880 --> 01:05:23,199 Questionable how? 945 01:05:23,280 --> 01:05:24,793 Suicide by cop. 946 01:05:26,440 --> 01:05:27,475 Associates? 947 01:05:27,800 --> 01:05:29,358 Yeah. None on file. 948 01:05:29,520 --> 01:05:31,511 Oh, if there's one, there's another. 949 01:05:31,600 --> 01:05:33,352 Ling, you always come through for me. 950 01:05:33,600 --> 01:05:35,477 I have no doubt you will again. 951 01:05:37,880 --> 01:05:39,313 Fucking cop. 952 01:05:56,720 --> 01:05:57,720 Come on. 953 01:06:03,280 --> 01:06:05,350 That's it. 954 01:06:10,560 --> 01:06:11,560 Hmm. 955 01:06:16,360 --> 01:06:17,793 Kicking dope, huh? 956 01:06:20,440 --> 01:06:22,317 No fun, right? 957 01:06:40,240 --> 01:06:41,240 Oh... 958 01:06:44,240 --> 01:06:46,390 Oh, it kicks in nice. 959 01:06:52,720 --> 01:06:53,948 Oh, whoa. 960 01:06:56,040 --> 01:07:00,591 This can go down one of two ways for you. 961 01:07:41,440 --> 01:07:45,274 The girlfriend says Gabe and his brother run with a Michael Atwood. 962 01:07:45,360 --> 01:07:47,078 Get eyes on him. 963 01:07:47,160 --> 01:07:49,515 Uh, she also claims that Gabe's brother, Russell, 964 01:07:49,600 --> 01:07:51,955 wound up dead the other day. 965 01:07:52,040 --> 01:07:53,871 Let's see if we can't turn up a body. 966 01:07:53,960 --> 01:07:55,560 Got you. Uh, hold on a sec. Look. 967 01:07:55,600 --> 01:07:57,670 Ling's been trying to get a hold of you. 968 01:07:57,800 --> 01:08:00,519 She said that, um, Gabe Welch 969 01:08:00,600 --> 01:08:03,068 finally stopped in Highland Park. 970 01:08:03,160 --> 01:08:05,310 And he's been on his bike in front of some house. 971 01:08:05,400 --> 01:08:08,312 Highland Park. What's the address? 972 01:08:08,400 --> 01:08:10,356 Um... 806 Willow Drive. 973 01:08:10,480 --> 01:08:12,152 Apprehend him right away. 974 01:08:12,240 --> 01:08:14,390 Get every available unit to that address! 975 01:08:14,480 --> 01:08:15,720 Copy that, boss. 976 01:08:52,240 --> 01:08:53,309 Are you guys okay? 977 01:08:53,440 --> 01:08:54,475 Yeah, we're fine. 978 01:08:54,880 --> 01:08:57,075 Hey, boss. We lost him. 979 01:08:57,160 --> 01:08:58,639 - Oh, God damn it. - Sorry. 980 01:08:58,720 --> 01:09:00,039 Lost who? 981 01:09:00,520 --> 01:09:02,192 Why weren't you answering your phone? 982 01:09:02,320 --> 01:09:03,514 I'm sorry. Look, Jeff, we're fine, man. 983 01:09:03,600 --> 01:09:04,635 Everything's all right. 984 01:09:05,200 --> 01:09:06,315 Who is this guy? 985 01:09:06,400 --> 01:09:07,469 Gabe Welch. 986 01:09:08,320 --> 01:09:10,117 Ring any bells? 987 01:09:10,200 --> 01:09:11,200 No. 988 01:09:11,280 --> 01:09:12,269 I never heard that name in my life. 989 01:09:12,360 --> 01:09:14,078 Well, he was a cop... 990 01:09:14,160 --> 01:09:16,037 Hey, there, little buddy. 991 01:09:17,360 --> 01:09:19,669 - How are you doing? You okay? - All right, baby. Come on. 992 01:09:20,880 --> 01:09:22,074 I'll get him back. 993 01:09:22,160 --> 01:09:23,195 Go ahead. 994 01:09:23,840 --> 01:09:27,276 He was a cop. And now, he's part of the crew we're investigating. 995 01:09:28,600 --> 01:09:30,397 Why would he come here? 996 01:09:32,960 --> 01:09:34,552 I don't know. You're investigating him, 997 01:09:34,640 --> 01:09:36,437 maybe he came looking for you? 998 01:09:37,960 --> 01:09:39,951 I mean, that's just too coincidental. 999 01:09:45,560 --> 01:09:46,560 Speak. 1000 01:09:46,600 --> 01:09:47,635 Michael Atwood. 1001 01:09:47,720 --> 01:09:50,837 Ex-private security contractor. He worked for Blackwater. 1002 01:09:50,920 --> 01:09:53,275 He and Russell Welch were set to be indicted for arms smuggling 1003 01:09:53,360 --> 01:09:56,716 in a federal investigation with Vassili Vlaslov in '08. 1004 01:09:57,000 --> 01:10:00,879 The case was dropped after four witnesses went missing. 1005 01:10:00,960 --> 01:10:03,394 What's a Vassili Vlaslov? 1006 01:10:03,480 --> 01:10:04,480 A Russian Jew. 1007 01:10:04,560 --> 01:10:06,118 Russian mob boss to be exact. 1008 01:10:06,200 --> 01:10:08,111 Get this. Putin's so scared of this guy, 1009 01:10:08,200 --> 01:10:10,794 he put him in the Gulag four years ago without charges. 1010 01:10:11,240 --> 01:10:12,798 Vlaslov's wife, Irina, has been 1011 01:10:12,920 --> 01:10:14,717 running the organization from here. 1012 01:10:14,800 --> 01:10:16,028 Totally visible. 1013 01:10:16,120 --> 01:10:17,394 It's the big, bad wolf, baby. 1014 01:10:17,920 --> 01:10:19,876 The fucking La Kosher Nostra. 1015 01:10:19,960 --> 01:10:22,428 Exactly. Uh, the captain wants us to put eyes on her. 1016 01:10:22,520 --> 01:10:24,238 He's already detailed us bodies. 1017 01:10:33,480 --> 01:10:34,674 What? 1018 01:10:34,760 --> 01:10:36,751 You're doing something about Gabe. 1019 01:10:38,400 --> 01:10:39,674 I told you, I'm handling it. 1020 01:10:39,760 --> 01:10:40,988 Oh, really? 1021 01:10:41,640 --> 01:10:44,359 Gabe now is under fucking surveillance, Mike. 1022 01:10:44,480 --> 01:10:47,153 They got people all over him right now, as we speak. 1023 01:10:47,960 --> 01:10:48,995 How? 1024 01:10:49,080 --> 01:10:51,719 Oh, that whore girlfriend of his talked. 1025 01:10:52,720 --> 01:10:54,153 They on me? 1026 01:10:54,240 --> 01:10:55,958 Not yet. 1027 01:10:56,040 --> 01:10:57,598 But soon. 1028 01:10:57,680 --> 01:10:59,432 And he knows it all. 1029 01:11:00,080 --> 01:11:03,789 I ain't asking you. I'm telling you. 1030 01:11:03,880 --> 01:11:05,313 Do something about Gabe. 1031 01:11:24,080 --> 01:11:25,080 Mike... 1032 01:11:25,160 --> 01:11:26,229 You see what you made me do, man? 1033 01:11:26,320 --> 01:11:27,355 You see what you've made me do? 1034 01:11:27,440 --> 01:11:28,429 I'm sorry. 1035 01:11:28,520 --> 01:11:30,511 - Mike, Mike, Mike. Please, don't. - You're out, Gabe! 1036 01:11:30,640 --> 01:11:32,790 I'm through with you! I'm through with you, do you understand? 1037 01:11:32,880 --> 01:11:34,233 Mike, Mike, Mike. 1038 01:11:34,320 --> 01:11:36,072 If it weren't for your brother, I'd bury you 1039 01:11:36,160 --> 01:11:37,593 and your fucking whore right now! 1040 01:11:37,720 --> 01:11:39,756 It's going down and you need to stay the fuck away! 1041 01:11:39,840 --> 01:11:41,512 Fine, fine, fine. Please. 1042 01:11:41,600 --> 01:11:42,794 What happens to Leah? 1043 01:11:42,880 --> 01:11:44,029 Just disappear, man! 1044 01:11:44,840 --> 01:11:48,355 I'm gone, I'm gone. I promise, I promise. Mike, Mike... 1045 01:11:48,440 --> 01:11:52,592 Mike. Mike. Hey, I promise! 1046 01:11:53,200 --> 01:11:54,315 Mike! 1047 01:11:54,400 --> 01:11:55,515 Fuck! 1048 01:12:25,200 --> 01:12:26,599 Have we found Gabe Welch? 1049 01:12:27,080 --> 01:12:29,719 Uh, no, we're still looking. 1050 01:12:31,360 --> 01:12:33,351 What about Michael Atwood? 1051 01:12:33,440 --> 01:12:36,398 Uh, I got units placed outside his place, but it's empty. 1052 01:12:36,600 --> 01:12:37,828 Mmm-hmm. 1053 01:12:37,920 --> 01:12:39,558 Irina Vlaslov? 1054 01:12:39,640 --> 01:12:42,438 Uh, judge denied our request for a surveillance warrant. 1055 01:12:42,520 --> 01:12:43,520 Hmm. 1056 01:12:44,240 --> 01:12:46,629 Well, have you followed up on ex-military with records? 1057 01:12:47,480 --> 01:12:48,993 Yeah, I mean, there's hundreds. 1058 01:12:49,080 --> 01:12:51,036 We're still going through 'em. 1059 01:12:52,400 --> 01:12:53,992 So that's it? 1060 01:12:54,080 --> 01:12:56,071 - So far, but we... - Yeah. 1061 01:12:56,160 --> 01:12:58,435 I got Patterson working on something. 1062 01:13:05,560 --> 01:13:07,790 Does anyone believe in Jesus Christ, 1063 01:13:07,880 --> 01:13:10,030 our Lord and fucking savior 1064 01:13:10,120 --> 01:13:13,078 and all his miserable, dog-faced saints? 1065 01:13:14,880 --> 01:13:16,029 I was raised Jehovah, so... 1066 01:13:16,160 --> 01:13:17,195 Can't say I do, boss. 1067 01:13:17,360 --> 01:13:20,636 Mmm-hmm. So does anyone believe 1068 01:13:20,720 --> 01:13:23,154 that cops have a sixth sense, 1069 01:13:23,240 --> 01:13:24,639 can intuit things? 1070 01:13:25,040 --> 01:13:27,235 - Hmm... - Yeah, I mean, you do, yes. 1071 01:13:27,320 --> 01:13:28,514 You... 1072 01:13:28,600 --> 01:13:33,230 So does anyone believe maybe something very big 1073 01:13:33,320 --> 01:13:34,958 is about to go down? 1074 01:13:36,840 --> 01:13:38,159 Sure, boss. 1075 01:13:38,240 --> 01:13:39,753 Yeah, of course. 1076 01:13:39,840 --> 01:13:44,197 So, does anyone believe that maybe it's better 1077 01:13:44,880 --> 01:13:47,713 to do something more than sitting around 1078 01:13:47,800 --> 01:13:50,792 giving me a bunch of "I don't fucking knows"? 1079 01:13:53,000 --> 01:13:54,000 Huh? 1080 01:13:59,880 --> 01:14:01,871 Yeah? 1081 01:14:02,800 --> 01:14:04,028 Right. 1082 01:14:05,520 --> 01:14:07,431 Give a holla if anything changes. 1083 01:14:08,920 --> 01:14:10,638 Surveillance lost Gabe last night. 1084 01:14:10,880 --> 01:14:12,950 And Major Crimes is looking for you. 1085 01:14:14,480 --> 01:14:17,233 Well, they'll be looking a long time after today. 1086 01:14:23,360 --> 01:14:24,839 You all right with this, man? 1087 01:14:27,240 --> 01:14:28,832 Everything cool with you? 1088 01:14:29,720 --> 01:14:31,233 Yeah, homeboy. 1089 01:14:31,360 --> 01:14:33,555 We've got him right where we want him. 1090 01:14:34,680 --> 01:14:37,717 Detective Belmont, you ready to do some dirt? 1091 01:14:37,840 --> 01:14:39,114 Huh? 1092 01:14:39,240 --> 01:14:40,958 - I'm dirty. - Yeah, you are. 1093 01:14:41,800 --> 01:14:43,358 I know you are. 1094 01:14:44,400 --> 01:14:45,879 We got here. 1095 01:15:01,840 --> 01:15:02,909 You all right? 1096 01:15:03,440 --> 01:15:05,635 Yeah, man, I'm good. You? 1097 01:15:05,720 --> 01:15:07,073 - Yep. - Good. 1098 01:15:07,800 --> 01:15:08,835 So where are we going? 1099 01:15:08,920 --> 01:15:09,955 Going to see an informant of mine. 1100 01:15:10,040 --> 01:15:12,076 A dough boy named Cory Dubose. 1101 01:15:14,960 --> 01:15:17,110 So every time he hears the Rollin 40s moving something 1102 01:15:17,240 --> 01:15:19,470 he, uh, gives me a call, lets me know what's up. 1103 01:15:23,600 --> 01:15:25,318 Let's see what he's got. Let's go. 1104 01:16:06,720 --> 01:16:08,520 1012, Smith and Marietta. 1105 01:16:13,920 --> 01:16:16,229 1086, domestic dispute in progress. 1106 01:16:52,280 --> 01:16:54,191 Now, where's this guy at? 1107 01:17:18,000 --> 01:17:19,194 Marcus? 1108 01:17:34,000 --> 01:17:35,558 Hey, man, where you at? 1109 01:17:40,320 --> 01:17:41,912 Marcus, where'd you go? 1110 01:18:13,560 --> 01:18:14,680 Oh, shit. 1111 01:18:15,240 --> 01:18:16,240 Oh, shit. 1112 01:18:16,840 --> 01:18:17,909 Shit. 1113 01:18:22,120 --> 01:18:23,155 Shit. 1114 01:19:03,080 --> 01:19:04,479 Police! Atlanta Police Department. 1115 01:19:04,600 --> 01:19:06,397 Put your gun down! Put it down! Put it on the ground, man. 1116 01:19:06,480 --> 01:19:07,960 - Wait, wait. - Put it down on the ground. 1117 01:19:08,000 --> 01:19:09,069 - You're a mark. - I'm going to shoot you. 1118 01:19:09,160 --> 01:19:10,229 Drop the fucking weapon. I will shoot you. 1119 01:19:10,320 --> 01:19:11,389 Will you please shut up? 1120 01:19:11,480 --> 01:19:13,000 - You're a mark... - Drop it on the ground. 1121 01:19:13,280 --> 01:19:14,280 Behind you! 1122 01:19:23,680 --> 01:19:24,999 Shit! 1123 01:19:39,600 --> 01:19:41,750 342, shots fired. Subject down. 1124 01:19:42,040 --> 01:19:44,110 Uh, Eighth and Washington. 1125 01:19:44,920 --> 01:19:47,150 Perp running is ID'd Luis Pinto. 1126 01:19:53,120 --> 01:19:55,953 Hey, man, talk to me. 1127 01:20:04,600 --> 01:20:06,556 How are you doing, man? 1128 01:20:13,360 --> 01:20:14,360 Huh? 1129 01:20:15,160 --> 01:20:16,479 Marcus! 1130 01:20:17,320 --> 01:20:18,389 Marcus! 1131 01:20:19,480 --> 01:20:20,913 Hey, Marcus! 1132 01:20:23,120 --> 01:20:24,712 Hey, man, look at me. 1133 01:20:26,480 --> 01:20:29,358 What's your name, man, huh? 1134 01:20:29,440 --> 01:20:30,920 What's your name? You'll be all right. 1135 01:20:31,000 --> 01:20:32,194 You'll be all right. 1136 01:20:32,280 --> 01:20:33,280 You're all right. 1137 01:20:33,760 --> 01:20:36,035 I'll just put my hand here, it'll help you a little bit. 1138 01:20:36,120 --> 01:20:37,960 It'll help with the blood. 1139 01:20:38,320 --> 01:20:39,594 Hey. 1140 01:20:39,680 --> 01:20:40,749 Listen to me. 1141 01:20:42,760 --> 01:20:43,795 It's all right. 1142 01:20:44,600 --> 01:20:46,238 Hey. 1143 01:20:46,920 --> 01:20:48,069 What's your name? 1144 01:20:49,720 --> 01:20:51,597 Shh. Slow down. 1145 01:20:52,280 --> 01:20:53,838 Call it in, man. He's bleeding out. 1146 01:20:53,920 --> 01:20:54,920 Call it in. 1147 01:20:55,000 --> 01:20:57,912 Pinto came through. He came out of nowhere, man. 1148 01:20:58,080 --> 01:20:59,400 He just shot him. Call it in, man. 1149 01:20:59,440 --> 01:21:00,589 Hey, what the... 1150 01:21:18,280 --> 01:21:19,280 Marcus. 1151 01:21:21,640 --> 01:21:22,709 Oh, shit... 1152 01:21:25,480 --> 01:21:27,118 Hey. Marcus... 1153 01:21:27,640 --> 01:21:28,959 You hear me, man? 1154 01:21:33,800 --> 01:21:36,792 This is Unit 342, I have an officer down. 999! 1155 01:21:37,880 --> 01:21:40,872 Unit 342. Officer down. Triple 9! 1156 01:21:45,720 --> 01:21:48,314 Advise if responding. Shots fired on scene. 1157 01:21:49,240 --> 01:21:51,595 All units copy. Triple 9. Eighth and Washington. 1158 01:21:51,680 --> 01:21:53,159 There it is! 1159 01:22:16,560 --> 01:22:18,516 No, no, no. Wrong entrance. 1160 01:22:19,520 --> 01:22:20,669 Back it up. 1161 01:22:21,200 --> 01:22:22,713 Back it up. 1162 01:22:22,880 --> 01:22:24,199 You guys have been here before. 1163 01:22:25,760 --> 01:22:26,760 You know what? 1164 01:22:26,840 --> 01:22:27,955 I don't even... 1165 01:22:52,600 --> 01:22:54,591 Let's go. Triple 9. Let's go! 1166 01:22:56,240 --> 01:22:58,470 Jeff, did you hear the dispatch? 1167 01:22:58,560 --> 01:23:00,391 - Yeah. Triple 9. - It's Chris. 1168 01:23:01,720 --> 01:23:03,119 - Fuck! - Let's go! 1169 01:23:03,200 --> 01:23:04,315 Lock down the scene. 1170 01:23:04,400 --> 01:23:05,435 Ling, get Colby! 1171 01:23:06,720 --> 01:23:07,720 Heads up. 1172 01:23:40,760 --> 01:23:42,034 You know who made the call? 1173 01:23:42,160 --> 01:23:44,116 I don't know. Jeff! 1174 01:23:44,600 --> 01:23:46,113 I see him. 1175 01:23:52,600 --> 01:23:53,920 So we don't know if Chris is down? 1176 01:23:53,960 --> 01:23:55,154 We're not sure. Jeff! 1177 01:23:56,320 --> 01:23:58,276 - Jesus fucking... Get a grip! - I got it! 1178 01:24:18,680 --> 01:24:20,033 Move! 1179 01:24:20,120 --> 01:24:21,269 Talk to her. Talk to her! 1180 01:24:21,360 --> 01:24:22,759 Just do what the fuck they want! 1181 01:24:23,120 --> 01:24:24,678 Just do what the fuck they want! 1182 01:24:24,760 --> 01:24:26,352 Just do it! 1183 01:24:27,800 --> 01:24:28,800 All right, up! 1184 01:24:28,880 --> 01:24:31,189 On your feet. Hands up. Come here. Against the wall! 1185 01:24:31,680 --> 01:24:32,874 Come on. Move! 1186 01:24:35,160 --> 01:24:37,230 - Come on. Down. Down! - All right. 1187 01:24:38,320 --> 01:24:41,551 I need a unit for a 211-Adam in progress at DHS Holding. 1188 01:24:41,680 --> 01:24:43,193 Repeat. 211-Adam. 1189 01:24:43,320 --> 01:24:44,992 Should we respond to that? 1190 01:24:48,880 --> 01:24:50,757 Are you guys hearing this 211? 1191 01:24:50,840 --> 01:24:52,717 Yeah, I fucking hear it! 1192 01:24:52,880 --> 01:24:53,880 Jeff! 1193 01:24:56,720 --> 01:24:58,756 Northwest corner of Eighth and Washington. He's lucid. 1194 01:24:58,840 --> 01:25:00,034 Officer is down. 1195 01:25:07,680 --> 01:25:09,398 What the fuck is going on? 1196 01:25:12,440 --> 01:25:14,954 All right. That's good enough, right there. 1197 01:25:21,040 --> 01:25:23,600 You're going to do exactly what we ask of you. 1198 01:25:47,240 --> 01:25:50,232 You got 10 times that amount strapped to your head. 1199 01:25:50,320 --> 01:25:53,790 We can't open the vault. It's on a rotating time lock. 1200 01:25:53,880 --> 01:25:55,233 There's no override. 1201 01:26:01,200 --> 01:26:02,838 Received. Any units in vicinity? 1202 01:26:02,920 --> 01:26:04,353 Fuck me! Send the other car! 1203 01:26:04,440 --> 01:26:05,953 Ling, you guys are on the 211. 1204 01:26:09,040 --> 01:26:10,040 No, no. Jeff! 1205 01:26:11,920 --> 01:26:13,399 Watch it! No! 1206 01:26:23,440 --> 01:26:26,273 Dispatch, this is Charlie 463 responding to the 211. 1207 01:26:26,480 --> 01:26:27,840 Fuck. Jesus fucking Christ. 1208 01:26:27,920 --> 01:26:29,273 I'm seven out. Send more units. 1209 01:26:47,720 --> 01:26:48,835 Fire in the hole. 1210 01:26:48,960 --> 01:26:50,313 Two, one. 1211 01:27:17,720 --> 01:27:19,199 Response is in. 1212 01:27:19,320 --> 01:27:21,834 One car so far. ETA is seven minutes. 1213 01:28:47,120 --> 01:28:48,155 Whoa, whoa... Jeff, watch it. 1214 01:29:02,080 --> 01:29:03,957 - Back it up. Back it up. - Let's back it up. 1215 01:29:04,080 --> 01:29:05,957 - Chris Allen. Where's Chris Allen? - This way. 1216 01:29:06,040 --> 01:29:07,712 No. Don't shoot! 1217 01:29:11,760 --> 01:29:14,479 Be advised, Atlanta PD en route. ETA currently unknown. 1218 01:29:14,600 --> 01:29:17,433 Tac team, Mike. Eleven o'clock high. Four guns. 1219 01:29:18,440 --> 01:29:20,680 Tac team, hold until transmitter is out of range. 1220 01:29:27,400 --> 01:29:29,914 Okay, that's it. Green, green, green. Weapons free. 1221 01:29:44,680 --> 01:29:46,193 Get an updated ETA on this. 1222 01:29:46,440 --> 01:29:48,874 So this guy's a Latino, about 30 years old. 1223 01:29:48,960 --> 01:29:50,951 Very slight build. Local tattoos, yeah... 1224 01:29:52,160 --> 01:29:53,320 - Jeff. - Are you doing all right? 1225 01:30:43,760 --> 01:30:45,113 Captain, it's Franco. 1226 01:30:45,680 --> 01:30:47,636 I'm on the 999. 1227 01:30:48,280 --> 01:30:50,475 En route now. 1228 01:30:53,880 --> 01:30:54,880 Damn it. 1229 01:31:06,200 --> 01:31:09,715 Are you sure you haven't seen this Gabe Welch before? 1230 01:31:12,560 --> 01:31:13,709 I saw him about a week ago. 1231 01:31:13,800 --> 01:31:15,916 He came to a bar Marcus and I were at. 1232 01:31:17,600 --> 01:31:20,194 They got into an argument. I don't know... I didn't hear much of it. 1233 01:31:20,280 --> 01:31:24,398 But Marcus said that he was just some CI he was working with. 1234 01:31:24,480 --> 01:31:29,076 Man, so you saw him at the bar, at your house, here. 1235 01:31:29,200 --> 01:31:32,715 Now, that is a cosmic series of coincidences. 1236 01:31:33,320 --> 01:31:35,550 Remind me to get a lottery ticket. 1237 01:31:35,640 --> 01:31:38,029 Now, what about Luis Pinto? 1238 01:31:38,120 --> 01:31:40,953 Luis Pinto's surrounded by SWAT a couple of blocks from here. 1239 01:31:41,800 --> 01:31:43,916 Detective Rodriguez. Homicide. 1240 01:31:44,440 --> 01:31:46,271 Detective Allen. Major Crimes. 1241 01:31:47,160 --> 01:31:49,549 All right, well maybe we'll get some answers out of him. 1242 01:31:49,640 --> 01:31:52,234 What, you think they're just going to arrest him... 1243 01:31:52,520 --> 01:31:53,635 Put him in a comfy cell? 1244 01:31:53,720 --> 01:31:54,755 They're not. 1245 01:31:55,120 --> 01:31:56,758 He's right. 1246 01:31:56,840 --> 01:31:58,273 You know this guy? 1247 01:32:01,480 --> 01:32:03,118 No, I didn't know him. 1248 01:32:03,200 --> 01:32:04,792 But Marcus sure did. 1249 01:32:06,680 --> 01:32:09,114 Oh, if you gentlemen will excuse me. 1250 01:32:16,360 --> 01:32:18,430 Rest of you get the hell out of here. 1251 01:32:19,280 --> 01:32:21,157 We need to get to that 211, boss. It's a clusterfuck. 1252 01:32:21,280 --> 01:32:23,316 Let me guess. Our crew. 1253 01:32:24,360 --> 01:32:25,873 That's what it sounds like. 1254 01:32:27,120 --> 01:32:28,678 Well, not all of them. 1255 01:32:59,480 --> 01:33:01,550 What the fuck is this? Did you wrap it for us? 1256 01:33:02,160 --> 01:33:03,479 No, man, it's for Felix. 1257 01:33:24,360 --> 01:33:26,237 I was not sure you could pull it off. 1258 01:33:27,360 --> 01:33:28,793 I wasn't left much choice. 1259 01:33:31,520 --> 01:33:33,670 What about the rest of your crew, huh? 1260 01:33:34,640 --> 01:33:36,596 I should like to meet them finally. 1261 01:33:37,040 --> 01:33:38,040 They're gone. 1262 01:33:40,240 --> 01:33:41,719 Are they? 1263 01:33:41,800 --> 01:33:44,320 So you don't think I could shake some trees around the department 1264 01:33:44,360 --> 01:33:47,193 and watch a few dirty cops fall from the limbs? 1265 01:33:47,280 --> 01:33:48,952 Don't give me that look. 1266 01:33:49,800 --> 01:33:51,313 You and I, we pray at the same altar! 1267 01:33:51,400 --> 01:33:53,994 Irina, I've been listening to you talk 1268 01:33:54,080 --> 01:33:56,674 just about as long as I'm gonna. 1269 01:34:40,440 --> 01:34:42,078 Where's my son? 1270 01:34:43,280 --> 01:34:46,272 Where's my son, you wretched fucking cunt? 1271 01:34:47,640 --> 01:34:48,755 Felix! 1272 01:35:24,520 --> 01:35:26,670 We train dogs to fuck our prisoners. 1273 01:35:27,880 --> 01:35:29,359 Can you imagine? 1274 01:35:29,480 --> 01:35:30,629 That's what they say. 1275 01:35:30,720 --> 01:35:33,439 That we degrade them with trained dogs. 1276 01:35:33,520 --> 01:35:35,397 I can only guess this is how Elena felt 1277 01:35:35,480 --> 01:35:37,630 every time she was fucked by a monkey. 1278 01:35:41,560 --> 01:35:43,835 I should kill you, I really should. 1279 01:35:43,920 --> 01:35:46,514 But my fucking sister would never forgive me. 1280 01:35:48,680 --> 01:35:51,672 And more importantly, how would Felix go on loving me so? 1281 01:35:53,680 --> 01:35:56,638 Take your money and go, Michael. 1282 01:35:56,720 --> 01:35:58,278 Do not look for Felix. 1283 01:35:58,360 --> 01:35:59,873 Because I will hear it. 1284 01:36:18,120 --> 01:36:19,473 I would be happy to tell him 1285 01:36:19,560 --> 01:36:22,028 that this is a good-bye gift from his father. 1286 01:36:23,080 --> 01:36:25,116 Anything for that boy. 1287 01:38:00,880 --> 01:38:01,880 Hey. 1288 01:38:01,960 --> 01:38:03,712 The bullet fragment is embedded in the medial... 1289 01:38:07,560 --> 01:38:08,993 Are you okay? 1290 01:38:09,120 --> 01:38:10,951 I'm fine. I'm fine. 1291 01:38:12,560 --> 01:38:14,232 You're bleeding. It's not mine. 1292 01:38:14,720 --> 01:38:16,790 How's he doing? He's out of surgery. 1293 01:38:16,880 --> 01:38:18,950 He's got a bullet lodged in his skull, 1294 01:38:19,080 --> 01:38:21,480 and they can't get it out because of the swelling in the brain 1295 01:38:21,520 --> 01:38:23,476 which may or may not go down. 1296 01:38:24,480 --> 01:38:25,799 - Hey, Chris. - Go on. 1297 01:38:28,080 --> 01:38:29,752 What's up, man? 1298 01:38:29,880 --> 01:38:32,189 Sergeant Nelson just phoned. Pinto's dead. 1299 01:38:33,080 --> 01:38:35,150 SWAT put a dozen holes in the motherfucker. 1300 01:38:35,560 --> 01:38:37,790 He went out blazing. 1301 01:38:37,880 --> 01:38:39,199 They brought him in about an hour ago. 1302 01:38:39,280 --> 01:38:40,800 I haven't had a chance to clean him up. 1303 01:38:42,840 --> 01:38:45,149 - Are those his things there? - Yeah. Those are them. 1304 01:38:49,000 --> 01:38:50,672 Is this everything? 1305 01:38:50,800 --> 01:38:52,119 Yeah, that's it. 1306 01:39:55,760 --> 01:39:57,751 Hey, Mike, it's me. Franco. 1307 01:39:58,160 --> 01:39:59,878 Take it easy, man. 1308 01:39:59,960 --> 01:40:01,757 Just fucking with you. 1309 01:40:03,960 --> 01:40:06,633 You're a fucking funny guy, Franco. 1310 01:40:07,320 --> 01:40:08,753 You got our money? 1311 01:40:11,800 --> 01:40:12,994 We're all good. 1312 01:40:15,160 --> 01:40:16,354 How's Marcus? 1313 01:40:17,920 --> 01:40:19,638 That dumb fuck's still breathing. 1314 01:40:21,800 --> 01:40:23,438 I'll take care of that. 1315 01:40:24,440 --> 01:40:26,112 Just like I took care of Gabe's whore. 1316 01:40:26,280 --> 01:40:28,748 Left her body in the shopping cart. 1317 01:40:31,960 --> 01:40:33,439 Are you all right? 1318 01:40:34,040 --> 01:40:35,519 I'm a little sore. 1319 01:40:38,480 --> 01:40:39,600 Yeah. 1320 01:40:41,280 --> 01:40:42,793 So that's it, huh? 1321 01:40:44,480 --> 01:40:45,993 Until the next one. 1322 01:40:48,320 --> 01:40:51,312 Yeah, Franco. Yeah. 1323 01:41:43,560 --> 01:41:44,913 Come here, dude. 1324 01:41:45,000 --> 01:41:47,673 So my boss, he's got a rule, right? 1325 01:41:48,880 --> 01:41:51,758 First one of us who takes a gun off the street gets the day off. 1326 01:41:51,840 --> 01:41:54,115 Get to go home. Sit around, put my feet up. 1327 01:41:55,400 --> 01:41:57,080 See that, dude? You just told me something. 1328 01:41:57,600 --> 01:42:00,512 I bet if I lifted up your shirt, you'd have a gun. 1329 01:42:01,240 --> 01:42:02,593 You know what I'm saying? 1330 01:42:03,280 --> 01:42:05,077 - Yeah. Yeah. - Huh? 1331 01:42:05,920 --> 01:42:08,798 Now, tell me something and I'll forget about that gun. 1332 01:42:09,720 --> 01:42:10,755 What do you want to know? 1333 01:42:11,200 --> 01:42:12,918 You know my partner Marcus? 1334 01:42:13,720 --> 01:42:14,755 Yeah. 1335 01:42:14,880 --> 01:42:16,480 Was he here the morning that he got shot? 1336 01:42:16,520 --> 01:42:19,193 Was he at the park without me? 1337 01:42:20,240 --> 01:42:24,074 That morning, pulled up, talked to my boy, Luis. 1338 01:42:26,240 --> 01:42:28,470 Marcus came here and he talked to your boy, Luis, 1339 01:42:28,560 --> 01:42:29,709 on the morning that he got shot? 1340 01:42:29,800 --> 01:42:30,800 Yeah. 1341 01:42:32,240 --> 01:42:34,959 - Don't mess with me, man. - No, man, I'm serious. 1342 01:42:44,920 --> 01:42:46,911 All right, dude. Hey, give me the gun. 1343 01:43:04,080 --> 01:43:06,310 - Who is it? - Jeff, it's Chris. 1344 01:43:11,440 --> 01:43:12,793 Jesus, man. 1345 01:43:15,760 --> 01:43:17,751 If your mother could see me now. 1346 01:43:17,960 --> 01:43:20,758 There's people you can talk to about that, man. 1347 01:43:21,120 --> 01:43:22,712 There's no shame in it. 1348 01:43:24,760 --> 01:43:25,954 What's IA saying? 1349 01:43:29,320 --> 01:43:31,880 IA is saying nobody's above suspicion, including me. 1350 01:43:31,960 --> 01:43:35,635 And Rodriguez from homicide is dismissing the thing as pure coincidence. 1351 01:43:36,920 --> 01:43:37,955 What? 1352 01:43:39,480 --> 01:43:42,438 You know, I think it might be worse than that. 1353 01:43:43,680 --> 01:43:46,797 I think that Marcus was in on it. 1354 01:43:48,760 --> 01:43:51,149 I think he had Luis Pinto try to kill me. 1355 01:43:53,200 --> 01:43:54,952 Can you prove that? 1356 01:43:55,120 --> 01:43:56,473 Maybe I can. 1357 01:43:57,480 --> 01:43:59,471 Marcus and Gabe had history. 1358 01:43:59,600 --> 01:44:02,751 They were both stationed at the same precinct together. 1359 01:44:02,880 --> 01:44:04,074 Oh. 1360 01:44:04,160 --> 01:44:06,037 So, four-man crew... 1361 01:44:06,160 --> 01:44:10,756 Michael Atwood and one-and-a-half dead cops. 1362 01:44:10,840 --> 01:44:14,628 You've got to ask yourself, who's that fourth guy? 1363 01:44:18,160 --> 01:44:19,160 Hey. 1364 01:44:19,680 --> 01:44:21,591 Gabe Welch's girlfriend, my CI. 1365 01:44:21,680 --> 01:44:25,116 Took two in the chest and one in the back of the head. 1366 01:44:26,840 --> 01:44:28,360 I should have seen that coming. 1367 01:44:28,840 --> 01:44:30,990 Somebody's cleaning up after himself 1368 01:44:31,080 --> 01:44:33,230 and my bet is he wears a badge. 1369 01:44:39,840 --> 01:44:42,115 - Boss? - I need a favor. 1370 01:44:42,200 --> 01:44:43,474 Anything. 1371 01:44:43,600 --> 01:44:46,353 I need a hard copy on Leah Green's murder. 1372 01:44:46,800 --> 01:44:49,394 I need the name of the lead cop on the scene 1373 01:44:49,480 --> 01:44:50,754 when they found the body. 1374 01:44:52,880 --> 01:44:55,758 Sure, it has to be our little secret though. 1375 01:45:29,400 --> 01:45:30,753 Look at you. 1376 01:45:32,080 --> 01:45:34,753 Look at you, you little worthless motherfucker. 1377 01:45:52,920 --> 01:45:55,639 Figured I'd find you here. How's he doing? 1378 01:45:55,760 --> 01:45:56,875 What's up? 1379 01:45:56,960 --> 01:45:58,359 I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind 1380 01:45:58,440 --> 01:46:00,510 coming back to the station with me. 1381 01:46:02,480 --> 01:46:05,278 I still need to get a full statement from you. 1382 01:46:06,640 --> 01:46:08,312 - Oh, really? - Yeah. 1383 01:46:16,560 --> 01:46:17,913 All right. 1384 01:46:56,200 --> 01:46:58,794 Hey, Jeff, I'm in an elevator. I might lose you. 1385 01:46:58,880 --> 01:46:59,915 Chris? Chris? 1386 01:47:00,000 --> 01:47:01,069 Yeah, yeah. I can hear you. Go. 1387 01:47:01,160 --> 01:47:02,639 Don't do anything. 1388 01:47:02,720 --> 01:47:04,278 It's Rodriguez. 1389 01:47:05,160 --> 01:47:06,309 Hey, say that again? 1390 01:47:06,560 --> 01:47:08,949 It's Detective Franco Rodriguez. 1391 01:47:10,880 --> 01:47:13,678 All right. Yeah, I'll come by in a bit. 1392 01:47:16,640 --> 01:47:17,834 Bye-bye. 1393 01:47:23,160 --> 01:47:24,388 You all right, man? 1394 01:47:57,040 --> 01:47:59,076 My car is over there. 1395 01:47:59,240 --> 01:48:01,356 I'll see you over at the station. 1396 01:49:07,440 --> 01:49:10,830 Unit 342, shots fired. All Saints' Memorial. 1397 01:49:10,960 --> 01:49:13,190 The roof of the parking structure. Repeat, shots fired. 1398 01:49:13,280 --> 01:49:15,635 - 999. All Saints' Memorial. - Oh, fuck. 1399 01:49:27,120 --> 01:49:29,350 Unit 342, copy 999. 1400 01:49:29,440 --> 01:49:31,351 All Saints' Memorial. Officer down. 1401 01:49:31,440 --> 01:49:35,319 All units switch to Channel 2 for 999. Third and North Avenue. 1402 01:49:52,600 --> 01:49:55,910 All units, copy. Triple 9. Shots fired on scene. 1403 01:49:56,000 --> 01:49:58,036 Advise if responding. 1404 01:50:20,999 --> 01:55:45,666 Improved By: Fidel33 Sub Upload Date: May 17, 2016