1 00:00:34,894 --> 00:00:36,894 Boss wants to see you. 2 00:00:38,414 --> 00:00:39,894 Get in. 3 00:00:48,894 --> 00:00:50,413 There you go, Nadya. 4 00:00:50,414 --> 00:00:51,734 Oh, hi! 5 00:00:56,979 --> 00:00:58,893 Nadya, hurry up, love! 6 00:00:58,894 --> 00:00:59,894 Yeah. 7 00:01:19,894 --> 00:01:22,200 What's up, freak? 8 00:01:23,768 --> 00:01:25,181 - Freak! - Freak! 9 00:01:25,182 --> 00:01:26,353 Oi! 10 00:01:26,354 --> 00:01:27,720 Leave him alone! 11 00:01:27,721 --> 00:01:29,820 Unless you lads want to get off and walk? 12 00:02:59,894 --> 00:03:01,894 Come on, mate, wake up! 13 00:03:04,894 --> 00:03:06,894 Hey, get over here, have you seen this? 14 00:03:23,894 --> 00:03:25,893 Boss is here. 15 00:03:28,894 --> 00:03:30,698 Luke Sumner. 27 years old. 16 00:03:30,698 --> 00:03:32,217 Had his wallet and keys on him. 17 00:03:32,218 --> 00:03:34,057 Yeah, and good morning to you, too. 18 00:03:34,058 --> 00:03:36,180 Sorry. Morning, Ma'am. 19 00:03:36,698 --> 00:03:39,537 So, money and card in his wallet? 20 00:03:39,538 --> 00:03:41,897 Yeah, had a debit card and 25 quid. 21 00:03:41,898 --> 00:03:44,100 So, likely not a mugging. 22 00:03:44,738 --> 00:03:46,697 - Phone? - Not on him. 23 00:03:46,698 --> 00:03:48,697 He was found by the binmen. 24 00:03:48,698 --> 00:03:50,697 He'd been punched in the face. I've secured the flat, 25 00:03:50,698 --> 00:03:52,697 it's over at Stannersby House... 26 00:03:52,698 --> 00:03:54,697 - which is just... - Ah, I know it. 27 00:03:54,698 --> 00:03:56,698 Yeah, that's not far. 28 00:03:57,698 --> 00:04:00,058 Well, let's have a look at him. 29 00:04:03,698 --> 00:04:05,697 So, what can you tell us, Malcolm? 30 00:04:05,698 --> 00:04:08,697 Well, he's been dead six or seven hours. 31 00:04:08,698 --> 00:04:12,058 Sometime between midnight and 1:00AM. 32 00:04:13,206 --> 00:04:14,697 I couldn't swear on a cause yet... 33 00:04:14,698 --> 00:04:16,174 But what...? 34 00:04:16,175 --> 00:04:18,697 Well, he's received multiple blows, 35 00:04:18,698 --> 00:04:22,697 including one to the face with an associated head injury. 36 00:04:22,698 --> 00:04:24,408 Oh, something interesting, 37 00:04:24,409 --> 00:04:27,697 there are no defensive wounds on his hands. 38 00:04:27,698 --> 00:04:30,897 So someone attacks him and he just stands there and lets them? 39 00:04:30,898 --> 00:04:32,377 Possibly. 40 00:04:32,378 --> 00:04:37,057 I'd say it's highly likely that he died as a result of an assault. 41 00:04:37,058 --> 00:04:38,416 Did he die here? 42 00:04:38,417 --> 00:04:39,697 I don't know that yet. 43 00:04:39,698 --> 00:04:42,537 Well, if they were trying to hide the body, 44 00:04:42,538 --> 00:04:43,697 they did a terrible job. 45 00:04:46,698 --> 00:04:47,738 Malcolm. 46 00:04:49,378 --> 00:04:50,698 Unzip his jacket. 47 00:04:53,698 --> 00:04:56,252 "ECS"? 48 00:04:56,253 --> 00:04:57,478 What's that? 49 00:04:57,479 --> 00:04:58,698 I have no idea. 50 00:04:59,440 --> 00:05:02,267 Mark, can you find out what ECS stands for? 51 00:05:02,268 --> 00:05:03,697 It's a company logo on his T-shirt. 52 00:05:03,698 --> 00:05:05,697 Look, I'm afraid that's your lot for the time being. 53 00:05:05,698 --> 00:05:07,737 Yeah, OK, Malcolm. I know the drill. 54 00:05:07,738 --> 00:05:09,377 Glad to hear it. 55 00:05:09,378 --> 00:05:12,580 I look forward to sharing my findings with you ASAP. 56 00:05:14,698 --> 00:05:16,697 Right. Anything? 57 00:05:16,698 --> 00:05:19,697 Er, ECS. Eldon Cleaning Services. 58 00:05:19,698 --> 00:05:22,697 They're a corporate cleaning company based down by the quayside. 59 00:05:22,698 --> 00:05:25,697 That's the old oil distribution place, hmm? 60 00:05:25,698 --> 00:05:26,737 Er, yeah, looks like it. 61 00:05:26,738 --> 00:05:28,697 Right, so, get hold of them, Mark. 62 00:05:28,698 --> 00:05:31,697 And see if they can tell us the lad's whereabouts last night. 63 00:05:31,698 --> 00:05:35,697 And collect any CCTV between here and Stannersby House. 64 00:05:35,698 --> 00:05:38,463 - Ma'am. - Jac, we're going over to Stannersby. 65 00:05:38,464 --> 00:05:41,697 Grab some uniforms, and talk to everyone who lives there. 66 00:05:41,698 --> 00:05:42,698 Yes, Ma'am. 67 00:05:42,699 --> 00:05:44,384 You got the key? 68 00:05:44,385 --> 00:05:46,698 Uniform will have it. 69 00:05:47,268 --> 00:05:49,377 Lift's out of order. 70 00:05:49,378 --> 00:05:50,697 What floor's it on? 71 00:05:50,698 --> 00:05:51,698 Seven. 72 00:05:53,698 --> 00:05:55,697 You're not even breaking a sweat! 73 00:05:55,698 --> 00:05:57,737 I'm in training for the Great North Run. 74 00:05:57,738 --> 00:05:59,377 Training? 75 00:05:59,378 --> 00:06:00,697 What, on top of your hours? 76 00:06:00,698 --> 00:06:02,478 I bet the missus is pleased with that. 77 00:06:02,479 --> 00:06:04,697 I don't know. She likes me fit. 78 00:06:04,698 --> 00:06:06,538 Oh, that's too much information. 79 00:06:13,528 --> 00:06:15,368 Bleach. 80 00:06:17,292 --> 00:06:20,580 Either our lad's been cleaning, or someone else has. 81 00:06:28,643 --> 00:06:30,843 Well, he could've been working till past midnight, 82 00:06:30,868 --> 00:06:32,708 if these are his shifts. 83 00:06:33,140 --> 00:06:35,698 Hello. There's a phone here. 84 00:06:38,698 --> 00:06:40,697 "Nadya", three missed calls. 85 00:06:40,698 --> 00:06:41,698 Yeah, well, who's Nadya? 86 00:06:41,699 --> 00:06:42,897 Phone's locked. 87 00:06:42,898 --> 00:06:45,698 I'll get onto the mobile provider. 88 00:06:47,698 --> 00:06:50,698 Well, kept himself tidy. 89 00:06:52,058 --> 00:06:53,698 Very tidy. 90 00:06:56,448 --> 00:06:59,448 And it looks like someone's kicked the door in here. 91 00:07:00,698 --> 00:07:02,698 Looks recent. 92 00:07:03,698 --> 00:07:06,697 Now, was that Luke, or somebody else? 93 00:07:06,698 --> 00:07:08,291 You were right about the bleach. 94 00:07:08,292 --> 00:07:09,698 There's gallons of the stuff in here. 95 00:07:15,221 --> 00:07:16,897 Get forensics up here. 96 00:07:16,898 --> 00:07:19,698 See if they can pull up anything interesting. 97 00:07:23,221 --> 00:07:24,697 Had he just moved in? 98 00:07:24,698 --> 00:07:27,392 Neighbours told uniform he'd been living here for over four years. 99 00:07:27,393 --> 00:07:29,697 You'd never know it, would you? 100 00:07:29,698 --> 00:07:32,697 No telly, no radio, no laptop, 101 00:07:32,698 --> 00:07:34,220 nothing. 102 00:07:36,058 --> 00:07:37,698 Living like a monk. 103 00:07:53,698 --> 00:07:55,697 Ah, thanks, Kenny. 104 00:07:55,698 --> 00:07:59,697 Ma'am, ECS have confirmed that Luke worked for them. 105 00:07:59,698 --> 00:08:00,698 Right. 106 00:08:02,898 --> 00:08:05,150 - There's sugar in that! - Yeah. 107 00:08:05,151 --> 00:08:07,338 Now, have we found next of kin? 108 00:08:07,339 --> 00:08:10,377 Er, Carmel Sumner. Lives in Lingford, near Rothbury. 109 00:08:10,378 --> 00:08:11,697 She doesn't know yet. 110 00:08:11,698 --> 00:08:13,424 How do I know that name? 111 00:08:13,425 --> 00:08:15,017 Seth Sumner, Ma'am. 112 00:08:15,018 --> 00:08:16,392 The boy's dad. 113 00:08:16,393 --> 00:08:18,306 Seth Sumner! 114 00:08:18,307 --> 00:08:21,697 Of course, killed in his home by a burglar, right? 115 00:08:21,698 --> 00:08:24,267 Yeah, must be 12, 13 year ago? 116 00:08:24,268 --> 00:08:26,384 - The burglar got life. - Kayle?! 117 00:08:26,385 --> 00:08:27,697 Terence Kayle. 118 00:08:27,698 --> 00:08:29,897 Had a failed parole hearing three weeks ago. 119 00:08:29,898 --> 00:08:33,537 And didn't Kayle's brother have some history with us? 120 00:08:33,538 --> 00:08:34,697 Rings a bell. 121 00:08:34,698 --> 00:08:37,197 Get your shovel out, Kenny, do some digging. 122 00:08:37,198 --> 00:08:38,697 Yes, Ma'am. 123 00:08:38,698 --> 00:08:40,697 Mark, find me anything you can, 124 00:08:40,698 --> 00:08:43,050 and piece together his last 24 hours. 125 00:08:43,075 --> 00:08:44,143 Ma'am. 126 00:08:46,140 --> 00:08:49,660 Now, how on Earth are we going to tell that lad's mam? 127 00:09:29,409 --> 00:09:30,409 Mrs Sumner? 128 00:09:30,980 --> 00:09:32,378 Aye. 129 00:09:34,245 --> 00:09:35,697 How did he die? 130 00:09:35,698 --> 00:09:39,057 Oh, well, we're not sure yet, love. 131 00:09:39,058 --> 00:09:41,509 But we'll know very soon. 132 00:09:41,510 --> 00:09:43,697 But you think someone else was involved? 133 00:09:43,698 --> 00:09:47,150 I mean, you must do, a DCI coming round. 134 00:09:47,151 --> 00:09:50,860 Well, we're keeping all lines of enquiry open, pet. 135 00:09:52,698 --> 00:09:55,698 This is like some sort of a sick joke. 136 00:09:56,698 --> 00:10:01,299 His dad, he was murdered here, protecting us. 137 00:10:01,300 --> 00:10:02,698 Aye. I know he was. 138 00:10:03,886 --> 00:10:05,526 Now I've lost them both. 139 00:10:08,620 --> 00:10:09,620 Oh, God. 140 00:10:12,698 --> 00:10:15,698 - I'll get you a drink of water. - I'll get it. 141 00:10:24,440 --> 00:10:25,698 Here you go. 142 00:10:26,362 --> 00:10:28,820 Aye, than... thank you. 143 00:10:32,944 --> 00:10:36,424 Mrs Sumner, when did you last have contact with your son? 144 00:10:38,491 --> 00:10:40,331 Erm, he came to see me... 145 00:10:41,503 --> 00:10:43,503 ...about a month ago. 146 00:10:43,698 --> 00:10:45,697 You hadn't spoken since? 147 00:10:45,698 --> 00:10:47,378 No. 148 00:10:48,065 --> 00:10:49,940 He was always busy working. 149 00:10:51,268 --> 00:10:52,268 Cleaning. 150 00:10:54,378 --> 00:10:57,058 Can you think of anyone who would have wanted to harm him? 151 00:10:58,077 --> 00:10:59,557 No. 152 00:11:02,534 --> 00:11:04,534 Did he have a partner? 153 00:11:06,093 --> 00:11:07,573 I don't know. 154 00:11:08,698 --> 00:11:10,698 I don't know. 155 00:11:12,698 --> 00:11:14,697 This can wait, love. 156 00:11:14,698 --> 00:11:15,698 We'll go. 157 00:11:21,698 --> 00:11:24,980 Is there someone we can call for you? 158 00:11:26,014 --> 00:11:28,220 I just want to see me son. 159 00:11:28,698 --> 00:11:30,698 We'll let you know as soon as you can. 160 00:11:58,698 --> 00:12:01,494 Luke Sumner, aged 27, 161 00:12:01,495 --> 00:12:03,158 his body was found this morning 162 00:12:03,159 --> 00:12:06,697 by binmen in the underpass, off Ayrton Road. 163 00:12:06,698 --> 00:12:09,697 He's thought to have been the victim of an assault. 164 00:12:09,698 --> 00:12:13,697 Now, he was wearing a T-shirt with an ECS logo on it. 165 00:12:13,698 --> 00:12:15,697 And that's a cleaning firm in Newcastle. 166 00:12:15,698 --> 00:12:19,697 And DC Edwards is interviewing staff as we speak. 167 00:12:19,698 --> 00:12:22,291 Now, er, is he on the system? 168 00:12:22,292 --> 00:12:25,697 He got a caution for possession of half a gram of cannabis in 2008. 169 00:12:25,698 --> 00:12:27,697 2008, nothing more recent? 170 00:12:27,698 --> 00:12:28,897 OK. 171 00:12:28,898 --> 00:12:32,697 Run a check on his medical history as a matter of priority. 172 00:12:32,698 --> 00:12:34,697 - Yep. - Now, Kenny, phone records? 173 00:12:34,698 --> 00:12:37,697 Oh, I've put a request into his mobile service provider. 174 00:12:37,698 --> 00:12:38,698 No response yet. 175 00:12:38,699 --> 00:12:40,970 Yeah, well, put a rocket under them, Kenny! 176 00:12:40,971 --> 00:12:43,158 We need to know who this Nadya is. 177 00:12:43,159 --> 00:12:45,166 - Ma'am. - Bank records? 178 00:12:45,167 --> 00:12:48,869 Well, apart from rent and bills, he withdrew money every Friday. 179 00:12:48,870 --> 00:12:51,447 For the last two weeks, it's been £150. 180 00:12:51,448 --> 00:12:55,205 But for the seven months before that, it was £250. 181 00:12:55,206 --> 00:12:57,697 - Yeah, how much in the account? - Erm... 182 00:12:57,698 --> 00:12:59,698 nearly £5,000. 183 00:12:59,723 --> 00:13:02,100 So he was a saver. 184 00:13:03,698 --> 00:13:07,322 I want to know what that extra hundred quid a week was for. 185 00:13:07,323 --> 00:13:08,897 And why it stopped. 186 00:13:08,898 --> 00:13:12,377 I mean, his flat was hardly flash, was it? 187 00:13:12,378 --> 00:13:14,697 More the opposite. He had a credit card as well, 188 00:13:14,698 --> 00:13:18,283 which wasn't in his wallet, and forensics haven't found it yet. 189 00:13:18,284 --> 00:13:21,698 Oh, right, well, let's keep an eye out for that, hmm? 190 00:13:22,432 --> 00:13:24,478 Er, what about his neighbours, Jac? 191 00:13:24,479 --> 00:13:25,737 Oh, they last saw him yesterday morning. 192 00:13:25,738 --> 00:13:27,697 They only know if he's in if his light's on, 193 00:13:27,698 --> 00:13:28,698 and it wasn't last night. 194 00:13:28,699 --> 00:13:30,698 Oh, well, that's helpful 195 00:13:31,698 --> 00:13:34,306 Kenny, what about the burglar's brother? 196 00:13:34,307 --> 00:13:36,057 Name's Raymond Kayle, Ma'am. 197 00:13:36,058 --> 00:13:38,697 Er, he's been inside for GBH a couple of years ago. 198 00:13:38,698 --> 00:13:39,698 Has he? 199 00:13:39,699 --> 00:13:43,306 He now runs the Wayside Gym. It's a not-for-profit gym. 200 00:13:43,307 --> 00:13:46,314 Oh, and the lad's mother, Carmel Sumner, 201 00:13:46,315 --> 00:13:47,853 sent a letter that was read 202 00:13:47,854 --> 00:13:50,697 at Terence's most recent parole hearing. 203 00:13:50,698 --> 00:13:51,897 Did she? 204 00:13:51,898 --> 00:13:55,697 It was pretty damning, it's one of the reasons he wasn't released. 205 00:13:55,698 --> 00:14:00,392 Well, there could be a grudge there, it's a possible link. 206 00:14:00,393 --> 00:14:02,697 Good work, Kenny! 207 00:14:02,698 --> 00:14:03,698 Mark? 208 00:14:03,699 --> 00:14:05,737 Er, Luke walked off his shift yesterday. 209 00:14:05,738 --> 00:14:07,697 Any idea why? 210 00:14:07,698 --> 00:14:10,698 Had an argument with one of their minibus drivers. 211 00:14:11,503 --> 00:14:13,023 Did he indeed?! 212 00:14:34,417 --> 00:14:35,417 Poor lad. 213 00:14:35,418 --> 00:14:37,236 He'd worked with us two-and-a-half years. 214 00:14:37,237 --> 00:14:38,416 Longer than anyone. 215 00:14:38,417 --> 00:14:41,416 Two-and-a-half years? Well, that's not very long. 216 00:14:41,417 --> 00:14:43,056 Oh, that's a lifetime here. 217 00:14:43,057 --> 00:14:44,416 We have a high staff turnover. 218 00:14:44,417 --> 00:14:46,616 It's hard work, night shifts. It's not for everyone. 219 00:14:46,617 --> 00:14:49,416 Oh, this is Clive, my husband. 220 00:14:49,417 --> 00:14:51,416 This is DCI Stanhope and DS Healy. 221 00:14:51,417 --> 00:14:53,456 I couldn't believe it when I heard. 222 00:14:53,457 --> 00:14:56,416 It's such a shame. 223 00:14:56,417 --> 00:14:57,752 We only saw him yesterday. 224 00:14:57,753 --> 00:14:59,416 Oh, what time was that? 225 00:14:59,417 --> 00:15:02,256 About half 12, when he went off to a shift. 226 00:15:02,257 --> 00:15:04,416 One of our drivers was bringing him back here for his next one, 227 00:15:04,417 --> 00:15:06,416 when he got really upset on the minibus. 228 00:15:06,417 --> 00:15:08,416 Yeah, we heard they'd argued? 229 00:15:08,417 --> 00:15:10,416 Wait, Luke argued. 230 00:15:10,417 --> 00:15:13,257 Jojo just wanted him to stay calm. He was scaring folk. 231 00:15:14,198 --> 00:15:16,198 Had Luke kicked off like that before? 232 00:15:16,223 --> 00:15:18,223 Oh, never. He was our most reliable cleaner. 233 00:15:18,248 --> 00:15:20,248 - He was a team leader. - Aye, but... 234 00:15:20,273 --> 00:15:21,633 Oh, come on... 235 00:15:23,307 --> 00:15:24,307 But what? 236 00:15:25,476 --> 00:15:27,476 He hadn't been quite as reliable recently. 237 00:15:27,501 --> 00:15:29,301 He was turning up late. 238 00:15:29,417 --> 00:15:31,416 Had an attitude. 239 00:15:31,417 --> 00:15:33,456 Jojo told him I wanted a word with him, 240 00:15:33,457 --> 00:15:36,256 and that's when he kicked off. 241 00:15:36,257 --> 00:15:38,456 So what was going on with him last week? 242 00:15:38,457 --> 00:15:40,416 Why the attitude? 243 00:15:40,417 --> 00:15:42,416 That's what I wanted to ask him about. 244 00:15:45,937 --> 00:15:48,416 Hey, it's a big set-up you've got here. 245 00:15:48,417 --> 00:15:50,416 Aye, one of the biggest in the region. 246 00:15:50,417 --> 00:15:52,416 250 cleaners. 247 00:15:52,417 --> 00:15:55,416 Ooh, that must take some organising. 248 00:15:55,417 --> 00:15:58,416 Staff clock in here every shift, collect their equipment. 249 00:15:58,417 --> 00:16:01,166 Then our minibuses take them to work and bring them back. 250 00:16:01,167 --> 00:16:02,456 We give them a structure. 251 00:16:02,457 --> 00:16:05,456 Strict timekeeping, you know, the discipline of clocking in. 252 00:16:05,457 --> 00:16:08,416 We also give them housing and transport. 253 00:16:08,417 --> 00:16:10,417 You provide accommodation? 254 00:16:11,261 --> 00:16:13,101 Oh... 255 00:16:13,126 --> 00:16:15,286 But Luke wasn't in one of your places, was he? 256 00:16:15,417 --> 00:16:17,416 No, no, he already had his own place when he came to us. 257 00:16:17,417 --> 00:16:19,776 But we do provide accommodation for the others. 258 00:16:19,777 --> 00:16:22,822 Make sure they've got somewhere safe and decent to put their heads down. 259 00:16:22,823 --> 00:16:24,189 Well... 260 00:16:24,190 --> 00:16:25,417 Impressive. 261 00:16:26,417 --> 00:16:29,776 Right, I'm gonna need everything you've got on Luke 262 00:16:29,777 --> 00:16:31,127 for the last three months. 263 00:16:31,128 --> 00:16:33,416 Time sheets, who he was working with, where. 264 00:16:33,417 --> 00:16:35,416 I'll get straight on it. 265 00:16:35,417 --> 00:16:37,150 Thanks, love. 266 00:16:37,151 --> 00:16:38,416 Oh. And, er... 267 00:16:38,417 --> 00:16:40,936 do you have a Nadya working here? 268 00:16:40,937 --> 00:16:43,417 Erm... got a Nadya Dinev? 269 00:16:44,417 --> 00:16:47,416 She and Luke worked together a lot. Made a good team. 270 00:16:47,417 --> 00:16:49,936 Oh, well, where will I find Nadya? And Jojo? 271 00:16:49,937 --> 00:16:51,417 I'll just check. 272 00:16:54,417 --> 00:16:57,416 Yeah, they are both at Towfield Shopping Centre. 273 00:16:57,417 --> 00:16:58,937 Ah, thanks, love. 274 00:17:09,617 --> 00:17:11,416 He totally overreacted. 275 00:17:11,417 --> 00:17:13,416 All I said was Mr Brock wanted to see him. 276 00:17:13,417 --> 00:17:15,416 - Did it get physical? - Only on his side. 277 00:17:15,417 --> 00:17:17,416 He kept booting the door. 278 00:17:17,417 --> 00:17:19,416 I just told him to stop damaging the bus. 279 00:17:19,417 --> 00:17:21,416 Hey! Moz! 280 00:17:21,417 --> 00:17:23,257 Not on my time! 281 00:17:25,205 --> 00:17:27,205 Surprised me, going off like that. 282 00:17:27,417 --> 00:17:28,776 Usually good as gold. 283 00:17:28,777 --> 00:17:30,416 It's always the quiet ones, though, in't it? 284 00:17:30,417 --> 00:17:32,776 Oh, is that what he was, quiet? 285 00:17:32,777 --> 00:17:35,416 Yeah. Bit of a pushover. 286 00:17:35,417 --> 00:17:37,416 Why was he worried about seeing Mr Brock? 287 00:17:37,417 --> 00:17:38,417 I don't know. 288 00:17:38,418 --> 00:17:40,776 - I just let him out, and he ran off. - Right. 289 00:17:40,777 --> 00:17:43,236 - Well, can you tell us where, love? - Yeah. 290 00:17:43,237 --> 00:17:45,417 - Have you got an address? - Er, yeah... 291 00:17:48,417 --> 00:17:49,417 Nadya Dinev? 292 00:17:49,418 --> 00:17:51,416 Erm. Unit number five. 293 00:17:51,417 --> 00:17:52,937 Thanks, love. 294 00:17:59,417 --> 00:18:01,417 I'm sorry, pet. 295 00:18:06,417 --> 00:18:08,257 Nadya Dinev? 296 00:18:09,617 --> 00:18:12,936 DCI Vera Stanhope. 297 00:18:12,937 --> 00:18:16,417 Er, I need to talk to you about Luke Sumner. 298 00:18:19,417 --> 00:18:22,417 Well, I'm guessing you've heard what's happened to him. 299 00:18:23,784 --> 00:18:25,824 Why'd you call him last night? 300 00:18:27,260 --> 00:18:28,456 I mean, what was that? 301 00:18:28,457 --> 00:18:30,416 Work, or...? 302 00:18:30,417 --> 00:18:32,416 It wasn't like him to miss a shift. 303 00:18:32,417 --> 00:18:36,244 So it was nothing to do with the argument he had with Jojo? 304 00:18:36,245 --> 00:18:37,416 What argument? 305 00:18:37,417 --> 00:18:39,417 Well, on the minibus between shifts. 306 00:18:41,417 --> 00:18:43,417 You don't know what that was about? 307 00:18:45,417 --> 00:18:47,416 But you called him three times, love, 308 00:18:47,417 --> 00:18:50,150 so it must have been something important. 309 00:18:50,151 --> 00:18:52,416 Please, we're not supposed to make phone calls at work. 310 00:18:52,417 --> 00:18:54,306 We get into trouble. 311 00:18:54,307 --> 00:18:55,588 Well, what sort of trouble? 312 00:18:55,589 --> 00:18:57,096 Nadya. 313 00:18:57,097 --> 00:18:59,417 You finished in here? We need to go. 314 00:19:00,417 --> 00:19:01,417 If that's all right? 315 00:19:02,417 --> 00:19:04,417 Yep. I'm done. 316 00:19:05,807 --> 00:19:06,807 For now. 317 00:19:18,457 --> 00:19:20,256 Do you think she's involved? 318 00:19:20,257 --> 00:19:21,940 She's something. 319 00:19:22,740 --> 00:19:24,417 Definitely scared. 320 00:19:25,143 --> 00:19:27,143 We need to keep our eye on her. 321 00:19:39,417 --> 00:19:42,416 He died from an extradural haematoma. 322 00:19:42,417 --> 00:19:46,417 Now, as I suspected, he didn't die immediately. 323 00:19:47,307 --> 00:19:49,307 The impact damaged a blood vessel. 324 00:19:49,332 --> 00:19:51,385 The bleed got trapped inside his skull cavity, 325 00:19:51,417 --> 00:19:54,616 started coning, compressed the brain. 326 00:19:54,617 --> 00:19:58,095 Specifically, the area controlling his respiratory system. 327 00:19:58,096 --> 00:19:59,978 He would've become increasingly confused. 328 00:19:59,979 --> 00:20:02,416 And then stopped breathing. 329 00:20:02,417 --> 00:20:03,936 So, when did the trauma happen? 330 00:20:03,937 --> 00:20:05,776 Up to five hours before he died. 331 00:20:05,777 --> 00:20:08,416 He was a dead man walking, as soon as he received the head injury. 332 00:20:08,417 --> 00:20:11,416 - So between 7:00PM and 1:00AM? - Yeah. 333 00:20:11,417 --> 00:20:14,416 Well, I presume he wasn't standing there for five hours 334 00:20:14,417 --> 00:20:16,174 where we found him, waiting to die. 335 00:20:16,175 --> 00:20:19,220 So the crime scene was somewhere else. 336 00:20:19,221 --> 00:20:21,456 Agreed. Now, we did find some alcohol 337 00:20:21,457 --> 00:20:23,416 in his system, not a significant amount. 338 00:20:23,417 --> 00:20:25,236 About three units. 339 00:20:25,237 --> 00:20:29,416 But whatever caused the impact was completely smooth. 340 00:20:29,417 --> 00:20:31,416 Because his skin remained unbroken. 341 00:20:31,417 --> 00:20:35,416 Or maybe someone punched him, and he fell and hit his head? 342 00:20:35,417 --> 00:20:37,417 Or they hit Luke with something. 343 00:20:38,937 --> 00:20:41,205 Well, look at that. That's some punch! 344 00:20:41,206 --> 00:20:43,416 - Yes. I want to show you that. - Are these linked? 345 00:20:43,417 --> 00:20:45,096 Er, possibly. 346 00:20:45,097 --> 00:20:47,096 Now, there's something interesting going on 347 00:20:47,097 --> 00:20:48,238 in the centre of that abrasion. 348 00:20:48,263 --> 00:20:49,416 - Can you see? - Mm-hm. 349 00:20:49,417 --> 00:20:52,119 I'd like to get in a specialist infrared photographer 350 00:20:52,120 --> 00:20:53,416 to take a closer look at that. 351 00:20:53,417 --> 00:20:56,416 Is that your way of asking if I'll pay for it? 352 00:20:56,417 --> 00:20:57,417 Yes. 353 00:20:58,417 --> 00:21:00,017 Oh, go on, then. 354 00:21:00,018 --> 00:21:01,416 Will you pay for it? 355 00:21:01,417 --> 00:21:03,417 - Yes. - Good. 356 00:21:05,182 --> 00:21:06,416 Now... 357 00:21:06,417 --> 00:21:11,416 there are multiple bruises on Luke's shins. 358 00:21:11,417 --> 00:21:14,416 And then, further up, we have these. 359 00:21:14,417 --> 00:21:17,776 They are small areas of burn scarring 360 00:21:17,777 --> 00:21:19,936 and patches of linear abrasion. 361 00:21:19,937 --> 00:21:21,416 You said he was a cleaner? 362 00:21:21,417 --> 00:21:22,697 Commercial cleaner. 363 00:21:22,698 --> 00:21:24,416 Right, well, looking at the shape of these, 364 00:21:24,417 --> 00:21:26,416 they could well be chemical. 365 00:21:26,417 --> 00:21:28,417 - Could it be bleach? - Quite possibly. 366 00:21:29,237 --> 00:21:31,892 And has he done this himself, or has someone done it to him? 367 00:21:31,925 --> 00:21:34,776 Either. They're all in places which are easy to hide. 368 00:21:34,777 --> 00:21:37,456 But they're definitely deliberate, not accidental. 369 00:21:37,457 --> 00:21:41,936 So, just to recap, it was a blow to Luke's temple 370 00:21:41,937 --> 00:21:44,416 which led directly to his death. 371 00:21:44,417 --> 00:21:45,417 Right. 372 00:21:45,418 --> 00:21:48,416 Now, was there anything else in his system 373 00:21:48,417 --> 00:21:49,612 other than the alcohol? 374 00:21:49,637 --> 00:21:52,416 No traces of drugs, prescribed or otherwise. 375 00:21:52,417 --> 00:21:54,417 - Right, thanks, Malcolm. - Thank you. 376 00:22:18,417 --> 00:22:21,416 Jojo Walters, minibus driver for ECS, thank you, 377 00:22:21,417 --> 00:22:23,416 he confirmed that he dropped Luke off 378 00:22:23,417 --> 00:22:27,416 at 6:15PM on the corner of Romer Street and Hargreaves Road. 379 00:22:27,417 --> 00:22:30,416 Now, that was about an hour before 380 00:22:30,417 --> 00:22:33,416 Malcolm estimates Luke got this head injury. 381 00:22:33,417 --> 00:22:37,078 So what happened to him after he got off that minibus? 382 00:22:37,079 --> 00:22:39,416 We need to find the crime scene. 383 00:22:39,417 --> 00:22:43,039 Jac, check CCTV, see if you can trace his journey. 384 00:22:43,040 --> 00:22:45,416 - Ma'am. - His co-worker didn't say much. 385 00:22:45,417 --> 00:22:46,417 Hmm. 386 00:22:46,418 --> 00:22:49,416 The bosses seemed nice enough, didn't they? Caring. 387 00:22:49,417 --> 00:22:51,416 I wasn't keen on Jojo Walters. 388 00:22:51,417 --> 00:22:52,417 No. 389 00:22:52,418 --> 00:22:55,416 You can check him out, Kenny, see if he's on the system. 390 00:22:55,417 --> 00:22:57,094 - Ma'am. - And, Mark... 391 00:22:57,095 --> 00:22:59,258 run a background check on the company. 392 00:22:59,259 --> 00:23:01,616 - Might as well touch all bases. - Ma'am. 393 00:23:01,617 --> 00:23:04,416 Now, where are we with the lad's phone records? 394 00:23:04,417 --> 00:23:06,250 Er, they're just in, Ma'am. 395 00:23:06,251 --> 00:23:07,750 Er, used it mainly for work, 396 00:23:07,751 --> 00:23:10,172 apart from four calls over four weeks. 397 00:23:10,173 --> 00:23:13,416 The number's registered to Jasmine Ashers. 398 00:23:13,417 --> 00:23:15,617 Er, the last call he made to her was for over an hour. 399 00:23:15,618 --> 00:23:17,648 - Hour?! - Aye, that was seven days ago. 400 00:23:17,649 --> 00:23:19,456 Well, our lad wasn't that quiet, 401 00:23:19,457 --> 00:23:21,456 - then, was he? - No. 402 00:23:21,457 --> 00:23:24,416 - You got an address? - Er, they're sending it over. 403 00:23:24,417 --> 00:23:27,936 Right, Jasmine Ashers. 404 00:23:27,937 --> 00:23:29,416 See if she's at ECS. 405 00:23:29,417 --> 00:23:30,570 Will do, Ma'am. 406 00:23:30,571 --> 00:23:32,416 Oh, I checked Luke's medical records. 407 00:23:32,417 --> 00:23:34,096 There's nothing recent. 408 00:23:34,097 --> 00:23:36,416 I mean, he didn't register with a GP once he left Lingford, 409 00:23:36,417 --> 00:23:37,595 and that was nine years ago. 410 00:23:37,620 --> 00:23:39,416 Yeah, well, what about hospital records? 411 00:23:39,417 --> 00:23:40,634 Nothing. There weren't any. 412 00:23:41,060 --> 00:23:44,616 Ma'am, Luke's mother is on her way to ID his body. 413 00:23:44,617 --> 00:23:46,616 Shall I go? 414 00:23:46,617 --> 00:23:48,417 Mm. 415 00:23:53,928 --> 00:23:55,088 No... 416 00:23:55,417 --> 00:23:56,740 No, I'll do it. 417 00:24:13,417 --> 00:24:16,256 Oh, I know this isn't the right time to tell you, 418 00:24:16,257 --> 00:24:19,416 Mrs Sumner, but we now know Luke was assaulted. 419 00:24:19,417 --> 00:24:22,417 There was someone else involved in your son's death. 420 00:24:24,457 --> 00:24:26,936 Do you know who it was? 421 00:24:26,937 --> 00:24:28,417 Not yet. 422 00:24:29,417 --> 00:24:32,416 So I am gonna have to ask you some tricky questions. 423 00:24:32,417 --> 00:24:34,789 But that's only because I need to... 424 00:24:34,790 --> 00:24:37,417 Look, I know how this works. I've done it before. 425 00:24:38,417 --> 00:24:40,417 Aye, I know you have, love. 426 00:24:42,276 --> 00:24:43,540 And I'm sorry. 427 00:24:45,417 --> 00:24:49,416 But are there any issues I should be made aware of? 428 00:24:49,417 --> 00:24:51,416 What kind of issues? 429 00:24:51,417 --> 00:24:53,416 Well... 430 00:24:53,417 --> 00:24:55,257 Luke's mental health? 431 00:24:57,269 --> 00:24:58,500 No, I don't know. 432 00:24:59,923 --> 00:25:02,416 I mean, he always kept his business very private. 433 00:25:02,417 --> 00:25:03,711 Deep waters, that was Luke. 434 00:25:03,712 --> 00:25:07,416 Ah, well, it must've been hard on him... 435 00:25:07,417 --> 00:25:09,936 when his dad died the way he did. 436 00:25:09,937 --> 00:25:11,777 Yeah, course. He was heartbroken. 437 00:25:14,417 --> 00:25:16,547 It was a very difficult time for us... 438 00:25:16,548 --> 00:25:20,416 Yeah, I can imagine, and I'm sorry to have to ask, 439 00:25:20,417 --> 00:25:24,417 but did Luke ever harm himself deliberately, hmm? 440 00:25:26,937 --> 00:25:29,117 I'm sorry, what do you mean? 441 00:25:29,118 --> 00:25:34,109 Well, we found some unexplained scarring on his body. 442 00:25:34,110 --> 00:25:35,780 Did he ever talk to you about that? 443 00:25:38,069 --> 00:25:39,229 No. 444 00:25:40,417 --> 00:25:41,937 No, I never knew anything. 445 00:25:43,417 --> 00:25:45,417 Luke hardly talked to me. 446 00:25:46,260 --> 00:25:48,860 He always had some excuse not to come home. 447 00:25:49,417 --> 00:25:51,417 Why was that, do you think? 448 00:25:53,417 --> 00:25:56,616 I wasn't in a good place after Seth died, 449 00:25:56,617 --> 00:25:59,417 and I took it out on Luke. 450 00:26:01,417 --> 00:26:02,860 I drove him away. 451 00:26:04,417 --> 00:26:07,417 I thought he'd be better off away from me. 452 00:26:09,245 --> 00:26:11,245 I got that wrong. 453 00:26:19,417 --> 00:26:20,417 Well, here's another one 454 00:26:20,418 --> 00:26:22,417 you probably won't be able to answer, love. 455 00:26:23,777 --> 00:26:26,416 Er, Jasmine Ashers... 456 00:26:26,417 --> 00:26:27,580 Mean anything? 457 00:26:28,417 --> 00:26:30,417 She lives in Lingford with her mam. 458 00:26:32,937 --> 00:26:35,416 So, was she and Luke mates? 459 00:26:35,417 --> 00:26:36,616 No, I don't think so. 460 00:26:36,617 --> 00:26:39,256 I mean, they saw each other for a couple of months 461 00:26:39,257 --> 00:26:40,416 when they were kids. 462 00:26:40,417 --> 00:26:42,297 She was getting married soon. 463 00:26:42,298 --> 00:26:44,417 He... he wasn't invited. 464 00:26:48,284 --> 00:26:52,124 So you heard Terence Kayle applied for parole? 465 00:26:52,149 --> 00:26:53,502 - Day for celebration, 466 00:26:53,527 --> 00:26:55,514 - that was, when he didn't get it. - Aye. 467 00:26:55,539 --> 00:26:58,416 Do you know that his brother came round to see me? 468 00:26:58,417 --> 00:27:00,417 He wanted me to help him! 469 00:27:01,323 --> 00:27:02,740 That was a mistake. 470 00:27:04,331 --> 00:27:06,331 Raymond Kayle came to your house? 471 00:27:06,417 --> 00:27:09,416 Aye, I slammed the door in his face. 472 00:27:09,417 --> 00:27:11,416 The police came round later, 473 00:27:11,417 --> 00:27:13,417 I think one of my neighbours must have called them. 474 00:27:23,354 --> 00:27:25,354 Listen to this. 475 00:27:25,696 --> 00:27:30,203 Raymond Kayle paid a visit to Luke's mam four weeks ago. 476 00:27:30,204 --> 00:27:34,257 Someone called the police, and I wanna know who that was. 477 00:27:36,284 --> 00:27:38,940 Er, Ma'am, I checked out Jojo Walters. 478 00:27:38,965 --> 00:27:41,485 Clean as a whistle. Not even a parking ticket. 479 00:27:41,510 --> 00:27:43,990 Well, tell Mark to carry on sniffing about. 480 00:27:44,015 --> 00:27:46,560 - He's talking to someone now. - Yeah, good. 481 00:27:46,585 --> 00:27:48,745 Boss, about Jasmine Ashers... 482 00:27:48,770 --> 00:27:50,770 Yeah, well, if you're gonna tell me she lives in Lingford, 483 00:27:50,795 --> 00:27:51,795 I already know. 484 00:27:51,820 --> 00:27:54,820 She's a geography teacher at The Woodrow Academy. 485 00:27:54,845 --> 00:27:56,845 Yeah, right. Well, that's local. 486 00:27:56,870 --> 00:27:59,390 - Go fetch her in. - A bit tricky. 487 00:27:59,415 --> 00:28:02,735 She went on a school trip yesterday at 5:00AM with 30 year 12s. 488 00:28:02,760 --> 00:28:04,120 But she's back tomorrow. 489 00:28:04,145 --> 00:28:06,945 Right, the second she's back, I want to see her. 490 00:28:15,447 --> 00:28:18,447 Kenny. Which neighbour called uniform? 491 00:28:21,927 --> 00:28:23,688 So, what's the name again? 492 00:28:23,689 --> 00:28:26,926 Jason Hay, he called the evening of the 17th. 493 00:28:26,927 --> 00:28:27,927 Right. 494 00:28:38,927 --> 00:28:40,447 Come on in. 495 00:28:41,927 --> 00:28:44,926 I'll have to sit. It's my back. 496 00:28:44,927 --> 00:28:46,516 I can't stand too long, 497 00:28:46,517 --> 00:28:48,926 I can't sit too long. Nightmare. 498 00:28:48,927 --> 00:28:50,926 So, is this about Raymond Kayle? 499 00:28:50,927 --> 00:28:52,602 Er, partly. 500 00:28:52,603 --> 00:28:56,126 Yes, we wondered why you called the police four weeks ago. 501 00:28:56,127 --> 00:28:57,617 Haven't you read the report? 502 00:28:57,618 --> 00:28:59,926 Oh, aye, but it's always good to hear it direct. 503 00:28:59,927 --> 00:29:01,926 - Can I? - Yeah, er, right. 504 00:29:01,927 --> 00:29:04,446 OK, well, er, Kayle had no right coming round. 505 00:29:04,447 --> 00:29:05,926 I'm protective of Carmel. 506 00:29:05,927 --> 00:29:08,926 She's been through enough, and I told him so, too! 507 00:29:08,927 --> 00:29:10,926 - Told him to leave her alone! - How did that go? 508 00:29:10,927 --> 00:29:12,926 - He started on me. - He threatened you? 509 00:29:12,927 --> 00:29:15,148 He didn't actually threaten me. 510 00:29:15,149 --> 00:29:17,141 But I know his type. 511 00:29:17,142 --> 00:29:19,602 It would've escalated if I hadn't said I'd call the police. 512 00:29:19,603 --> 00:29:21,926 Why are you asking about him? 513 00:29:21,927 --> 00:29:23,060 Hiya, Dad. 514 00:29:24,665 --> 00:29:25,926 Georgia, love, it's the police, 515 00:29:25,927 --> 00:29:28,286 they've come round about Raymond Kayle. 516 00:29:28,287 --> 00:29:30,927 That was weeks ago... Did he come back? 517 00:29:31,247 --> 00:29:33,247 Dad was dead shaken up after. 518 00:29:33,927 --> 00:29:35,967 What's Raymond done now? 519 00:29:36,860 --> 00:29:41,926 Well, we're also here... about Carmel's son, Luke. 520 00:29:41,927 --> 00:29:43,926 What about him? 521 00:29:43,927 --> 00:29:46,926 He's dead, love. His body was found in Newcastle. 522 00:29:46,927 --> 00:29:48,260 Yesterday. 523 00:29:50,927 --> 00:29:52,420 I'm sorry. 524 00:29:54,927 --> 00:29:56,447 Sit down, love. 525 00:30:00,020 --> 00:30:01,447 How did it happen? 526 00:30:01,700 --> 00:30:04,336 Well, he'd been assaulted. Head injury. 527 00:30:04,337 --> 00:30:06,966 Where was it? Where did it happen? 528 00:30:06,967 --> 00:30:08,286 We don't know. 529 00:30:08,287 --> 00:30:12,446 Well, his body was found near to his flat. But... 530 00:30:12,447 --> 00:30:13,926 Oh, that's awful. 531 00:30:13,927 --> 00:30:16,286 He was like a brother to Georgia when she was younger. 532 00:30:16,287 --> 00:30:17,926 He was a lovely young man. 533 00:30:17,927 --> 00:30:19,926 - So you were in touch? - Not really. 534 00:30:19,927 --> 00:30:22,926 Saw him when he came back a few weeks ago to see Carmel, 535 00:30:22,927 --> 00:30:25,926 but only through the window. Haven't talked to him in years. 536 00:30:27,689 --> 00:30:29,927 I'm sorry. I've got to take this. 537 00:30:31,927 --> 00:30:34,927 Now, do you know Jasmine Ashers? 538 00:30:35,340 --> 00:30:37,926 She lives round the corner. We're both going to her wedding. 539 00:30:37,927 --> 00:30:40,926 I'm told she used to go out with Luke, is that right? 540 00:30:40,927 --> 00:30:42,570 Yeah. 541 00:30:42,571 --> 00:30:45,446 For about two minutes when they were younger. 542 00:30:45,447 --> 00:30:47,719 - She looked down her nose at him. - You don't know that. 543 00:30:47,720 --> 00:30:49,100 Oh, come on, of course she did. 544 00:30:50,967 --> 00:30:52,126 Ma'am... 545 00:30:52,127 --> 00:30:55,926 Right. Now, if you do think of anything else, 546 00:30:55,927 --> 00:30:57,927 could you just give us a ring, love? 547 00:31:02,927 --> 00:31:05,926 Mark's sent a copy of Luke's shifts and a client list. 548 00:31:05,927 --> 00:31:07,927 There's one client you need to look at. 549 00:31:10,786 --> 00:31:12,786 He was a cleaner at Raymond Kayle's gym! 550 00:31:14,287 --> 00:31:16,927 Try telling me that's a coincidence! 551 00:31:26,927 --> 00:31:28,927 Decent gym, this. 552 00:31:29,927 --> 00:31:30,927 Is it? 553 00:31:32,287 --> 00:31:34,446 It's full of posers and sweat! 554 00:31:34,447 --> 00:31:35,926 Well, I'll give you the sweat. 555 00:31:35,927 --> 00:31:37,688 But the mirrors, that's not for posing. 556 00:31:37,689 --> 00:31:39,926 That's about good form, technique... 557 00:31:39,927 --> 00:31:41,127 There's Kayle. 558 00:31:43,610 --> 00:31:46,926 What Terry did was wrong, I'm not excusing it. 559 00:31:46,927 --> 00:31:48,126 But Seth used undue force. 560 00:31:48,127 --> 00:31:50,606 And not for the first time. 561 00:31:50,607 --> 00:31:54,126 I wanted Carmel to go on the record, say he could be aggressive. 562 00:31:54,127 --> 00:31:57,927 So who said he'd used force before? 563 00:31:58,418 --> 00:32:00,418 I thought it was common knowledge. 564 00:32:01,180 --> 00:32:03,767 When did you last see Luke Sumner? 565 00:32:04,595 --> 00:32:06,102 Why are you asking about him? 566 00:32:06,103 --> 00:32:09,927 Oh, because he's dead, love. Victim of an assault. 567 00:32:10,420 --> 00:32:13,461 Now, we know he worked here six weeks ago. 568 00:32:13,462 --> 00:32:14,926 He requested it. 569 00:32:14,927 --> 00:32:17,926 And then a week later, you ring his bosses 570 00:32:17,927 --> 00:32:20,539 and say you don't want him here. 571 00:32:20,540 --> 00:32:22,060 I haven't seen him since he left. 572 00:32:22,927 --> 00:32:25,927 He wanted to talk about Terry. I said I wouldn't. 573 00:32:26,927 --> 00:32:28,926 Where were you two nights ago? 574 00:32:28,927 --> 00:32:30,926 - Why? - Where were you? 575 00:32:30,927 --> 00:32:31,927 Here. 576 00:32:31,928 --> 00:32:34,926 Painting a changing room till midnight. Then I went home. 577 00:32:34,927 --> 00:32:35,927 Anyone confirm that? 578 00:32:35,928 --> 00:32:37,286 It was midnight. 579 00:32:37,287 --> 00:32:39,767 The gym was closed. What do you think? 580 00:32:52,564 --> 00:32:55,966 Do you believe what he said about Seth Sumner having a temper? 581 00:32:55,967 --> 00:32:58,539 There was nothing in the police report. 582 00:32:58,540 --> 00:33:00,126 He seemed shocked about Luke. 583 00:33:00,127 --> 00:33:01,926 Well, he would be, wouldn't he? 584 00:33:01,927 --> 00:33:05,927 If it was him who assaulted him five hours before he died. 585 00:33:15,607 --> 00:33:16,607 Jac. 586 00:33:17,509 --> 00:33:20,926 I need you to check out Raymond Kayle's alibi. 587 00:33:20,927 --> 00:33:22,926 Reckons he was sprucing up his changing rooms 588 00:33:22,927 --> 00:33:24,602 in the middle of the night. 589 00:33:24,603 --> 00:33:25,664 Will do. 590 00:33:25,665 --> 00:33:27,926 Oh, Ma'am, I tried to get hold of Nadya Dinev 591 00:33:27,927 --> 00:33:29,927 to take a statement, but she didn't show up for work. 592 00:33:31,723 --> 00:33:32,723 Did you try calling her? 593 00:33:32,748 --> 00:33:34,588 She didn't answer. 594 00:33:35,489 --> 00:33:36,489 Hmm... 595 00:33:36,927 --> 00:33:39,126 That doesn't sound right. 596 00:33:39,127 --> 00:33:40,926 Have you got an address for her? 597 00:33:40,927 --> 00:33:41,927 Oh, yeah. 598 00:33:41,928 --> 00:33:44,926 She's in one of the properties owned by ECS. 599 00:33:44,927 --> 00:33:47,286 Apparently, they've got loads. They house most of their staff. 600 00:33:47,287 --> 00:33:50,780 Aye, the Brocks mentioned that. Thanks, Jac. 601 00:33:52,114 --> 00:33:53,794 Right, Aiden. 602 00:33:54,927 --> 00:33:56,927 - See you later. - Yeah, see you in a bit. 603 00:34:19,447 --> 00:34:22,927 They've got two people sharing in here. 604 00:34:24,287 --> 00:34:25,927 Size of it! 605 00:34:26,927 --> 00:34:29,656 I thought that Sonia said she looked after her staff... 606 00:34:29,657 --> 00:34:30,926 What you doing? 607 00:34:30,927 --> 00:34:32,926 Northumberland and City Police. 608 00:34:32,927 --> 00:34:35,453 I'm DS Healy, this is DCI Stanhope. 609 00:34:35,454 --> 00:34:36,656 Is this your room, love? 610 00:34:36,657 --> 00:34:37,750 Yeah. 611 00:34:37,751 --> 00:34:39,380 I'm gonna go and get a residents list. 612 00:34:41,927 --> 00:34:43,926 We're looking for Nadya. 613 00:34:43,927 --> 00:34:45,927 Why, what's she done? 614 00:34:53,967 --> 00:34:55,926 Where's all her stuff? 615 00:34:55,927 --> 00:34:58,926 Well, we were hoping you could tell us that. 616 00:34:58,927 --> 00:35:00,727 I've only just finished work. 617 00:35:00,728 --> 00:35:02,781 I've been on since yesterday afternoon. 618 00:35:02,782 --> 00:35:04,926 Can I ask you a couple of questions? 619 00:35:11,927 --> 00:35:13,927 Can I help you? 620 00:35:18,927 --> 00:35:20,926 Look, we need to have a chat, love. 621 00:35:20,927 --> 00:35:21,927 I've got nothing to say. 622 00:35:21,928 --> 00:35:23,260 What's your name? 623 00:35:23,927 --> 00:35:24,927 Daisy. 624 00:35:24,928 --> 00:35:27,926 Daisy, I'm going to be in the Wexford Cafe 625 00:35:27,927 --> 00:35:29,926 that's just around the corner, 626 00:35:29,927 --> 00:35:32,926 and I'd very much like it if you'd come and have a chat, 627 00:35:32,927 --> 00:35:35,927 if you change your mind. Hmm? 628 00:35:37,927 --> 00:35:39,927 Please. For Nadya. 629 00:35:40,927 --> 00:35:42,927 Cos I'm worried about her. 630 00:35:57,927 --> 00:36:01,260 Have you got any idea at all where she might have gone? 631 00:36:02,801 --> 00:36:04,481 You sure about that, love? 632 00:36:06,594 --> 00:36:08,620 Or what do you think happened to her? 633 00:36:09,927 --> 00:36:11,927 We won't say that you talked to us. 634 00:36:14,824 --> 00:36:18,824 Look, if nobody says anything, nothing's gonna change, is it, pet? 635 00:36:18,849 --> 00:36:19,849 Hmm? 636 00:36:24,485 --> 00:36:26,926 Stuff happens to people the bosses don't like. 637 00:36:26,927 --> 00:36:29,767 Rooms get cleared out, people disappear. 638 00:36:30,298 --> 00:36:32,926 So what sort of people do the bosses not like? 639 00:36:32,927 --> 00:36:34,926 Anyone that doesn't do what they say, 640 00:36:34,927 --> 00:36:36,926 complains, talks back. 641 00:36:36,927 --> 00:36:38,926 Oh, was that what she did? Talk back? 642 00:36:38,927 --> 00:36:40,966 I don't know. We're never really on the same shifts. 643 00:36:40,967 --> 00:36:43,606 And when you talk about "the bosses", 644 00:36:43,607 --> 00:36:45,926 does that include Jojo, the driver? 645 00:36:45,927 --> 00:36:47,926 Jojo just does what he's told. 646 00:36:47,927 --> 00:36:49,926 I'm on about Mr and Mrs Brock. 647 00:36:49,927 --> 00:36:51,266 The Brocks punish us. 648 00:36:51,267 --> 00:36:52,926 Dock our wages, cut our shifts. 649 00:36:52,927 --> 00:36:56,926 They charge for everything. Rent, electricity, transport. 650 00:36:56,927 --> 00:36:58,606 How much is your rent? 651 00:36:58,607 --> 00:36:59,926 £200 a week. 652 00:36:59,927 --> 00:37:02,446 It's a zero-hour contract. 653 00:37:02,447 --> 00:37:04,926 You've got to get there an hour before, get your equipment, 654 00:37:04,927 --> 00:37:06,117 get on the minibus... 655 00:37:06,118 --> 00:37:08,926 They don't pay you for travelling, only when you're cleaning. 656 00:37:08,927 --> 00:37:10,926 They call travel time break time. 657 00:37:10,927 --> 00:37:12,966 I did 60 hours straight once. 658 00:37:12,967 --> 00:37:15,926 Minibus to shift to minibus to shift. 659 00:37:15,927 --> 00:37:17,927 I only got paid for 40 hours. 660 00:37:18,927 --> 00:37:20,927 What about Luke Sumner? 661 00:37:21,927 --> 00:37:23,926 Their golden boy? 662 00:37:23,927 --> 00:37:25,126 Didn't trust him. 663 00:37:25,127 --> 00:37:27,607 Must be a reason he'd been there so long, right? 664 00:37:29,669 --> 00:37:31,460 Well, thanks for coming over, love. 665 00:37:33,598 --> 00:37:35,220 Did the Brocks do something to him? 666 00:37:36,879 --> 00:37:39,620 Well, we'll be exploring every avenue. 667 00:37:40,560 --> 00:37:42,080 But if I were you, pet... 668 00:37:42,447 --> 00:37:44,287 I'd start looking for another job. 669 00:37:48,927 --> 00:37:52,926 Nadya Dinev's missing. She's a person of interest. 670 00:37:52,927 --> 00:37:55,926 So get in touch with airport, train stations, 671 00:37:55,927 --> 00:37:57,766 and the port authority. 672 00:37:57,767 --> 00:37:59,633 Get her ID out there. 673 00:37:59,634 --> 00:38:02,336 She might be trying to get back home to Bulgaria. 674 00:38:02,337 --> 00:38:03,830 - Yes, Ma'am. - Er, has anyone tried 675 00:38:03,855 --> 00:38:04,961 contacting the family? 676 00:38:04,962 --> 00:38:07,926 - Oh, I've been trying, but no answer. - Yeah, well, keep trying, Jac. 677 00:38:07,927 --> 00:38:10,926 Er, I did some more background work on ECS. 678 00:38:10,927 --> 00:38:12,926 Me and Kenny spoke with some of the ex-staff. 679 00:38:12,927 --> 00:38:14,286 The Brocks are bad news. 680 00:38:14,287 --> 00:38:16,926 Intimidation, threats, you name it. 681 00:38:16,927 --> 00:38:19,926 Hmm, right, did any of the staff mention Luke? 682 00:38:19,927 --> 00:38:21,594 Weren't sure about him. 683 00:38:21,595 --> 00:38:22,926 Thought he was too quiet. 684 00:38:22,927 --> 00:38:24,926 Never knew if he was reporting back on them. 685 00:38:24,927 --> 00:38:27,926 Yeah, they didn't trust him. They thought he was stand-offish. 686 00:38:27,927 --> 00:38:29,926 Yeah, but that could be because he was quiet 687 00:38:29,927 --> 00:38:31,926 - and had his own place. - Well, I also spoke with all the companies 688 00:38:31,927 --> 00:38:33,446 that Luke cleaned for, 689 00:38:33,447 --> 00:38:35,766 and there was something Clive and Sonia held back. 690 00:38:35,767 --> 00:38:36,926 What? 691 00:38:36,927 --> 00:38:39,926 Well, last month at Hazelwoods, it's an office in town, 692 00:38:39,927 --> 00:38:41,286 they caught Luke stealing. 693 00:38:41,287 --> 00:38:43,060 They reported it to Sonia Brock. 694 00:38:46,927 --> 00:38:48,927 Well, well, well... 695 00:38:53,927 --> 00:38:57,926 Well, yes, I've been so worried. Haven't seen her since yesterday. 696 00:38:57,927 --> 00:39:00,926 Do you think she might have something to do with Luke's death? 697 00:39:00,927 --> 00:39:02,286 You were worried? 698 00:39:02,287 --> 00:39:03,641 Of course. 699 00:39:03,642 --> 00:39:05,727 But not enough to report it? 700 00:39:05,728 --> 00:39:06,926 Well, I didn't know until first thing, 701 00:39:06,927 --> 00:39:08,926 when she missed her shift. She's not a child. 702 00:39:08,927 --> 00:39:11,926 Yeah, but you knew we'd been asking after her. 703 00:39:11,927 --> 00:39:13,926 Her co-worker has been murdered. 704 00:39:13,927 --> 00:39:15,926 When you put it like that... 705 00:39:15,927 --> 00:39:17,141 And why didn't you tell us 706 00:39:17,142 --> 00:39:19,446 he'd been caught stealing from Hazelwoods? 707 00:39:19,447 --> 00:39:21,336 You told them you were gonna deal with it in-house. 708 00:39:21,337 --> 00:39:22,927 Why didn't you tell us that? 709 00:39:23,927 --> 00:39:25,926 He never did anything like it before. 710 00:39:25,927 --> 00:39:27,766 I didn't think it was important. 711 00:39:27,767 --> 00:39:29,926 I decide what's important, love. 712 00:39:29,927 --> 00:39:31,125 So what did he steal? 713 00:39:31,126 --> 00:39:33,926 £60 of petty cash. 714 00:39:33,927 --> 00:39:35,742 Someone left it open on a desk. 715 00:39:35,743 --> 00:39:38,926 And this theft wasn't reported to the police, at your request. 716 00:39:38,927 --> 00:39:40,926 He didn't lose any shifts. 717 00:39:40,927 --> 00:39:44,927 And it's not on record. So how did you deal with it? 718 00:39:46,470 --> 00:39:48,966 I'm admin, Clive's more HR. 719 00:39:48,967 --> 00:39:51,641 You'll have to talk to him. I'll call him. 720 00:39:51,642 --> 00:39:53,180 Don't bother, pet! 721 00:39:59,618 --> 00:40:01,926 I gave him a verbal warning and the benefit of the doubt. 722 00:40:01,927 --> 00:40:03,926 It was a one-off. 723 00:40:03,927 --> 00:40:05,926 Well, isn't that generous of you? 724 00:40:05,927 --> 00:40:06,927 Come on. 725 00:40:06,928 --> 00:40:09,926 He'd been with us for years, he was a hard worker. 726 00:40:09,927 --> 00:40:11,926 I kept a closer eye on him, of course. 727 00:40:11,927 --> 00:40:13,180 Oh, I bet you did. 728 00:40:14,127 --> 00:40:16,446 So why did he get so worked up 729 00:40:16,447 --> 00:40:18,926 when Jojo said you wanted to see him? 730 00:40:18,927 --> 00:40:19,927 I don't know. 731 00:40:19,928 --> 00:40:21,926 All I was gonna do was give him a written warning. 732 00:40:21,927 --> 00:40:23,926 I'd given him a verbal one over the theft. 733 00:40:23,927 --> 00:40:27,220 Whatever was going on with Luke was nothing to do with me. 734 00:40:51,840 --> 00:40:53,840 I don't believe a word that they said. 735 00:40:53,865 --> 00:40:56,225 Acting like they care about their staff... 736 00:40:56,287 --> 00:40:57,926 Nonsense. 737 00:40:57,927 --> 00:40:59,926 60 quid out of petty cash? 738 00:40:59,927 --> 00:41:01,926 I mean, why would he do that? 739 00:41:01,927 --> 00:41:04,926 Temptation? Saw the money and grabbed it? 740 00:41:04,927 --> 00:41:06,926 But the fella lived like a monk! 741 00:41:06,927 --> 00:41:09,140 Plus he'd got five grand in his bank. 742 00:41:10,762 --> 00:41:12,762 No, there's something else going on here. 743 00:41:14,754 --> 00:41:17,794 I reckon those two are as dirty as they come. 744 00:41:33,927 --> 00:41:34,927 Night. 745 00:41:38,447 --> 00:41:42,926 Will someone please give me some news on Nadya's whereabouts? 746 00:41:42,927 --> 00:41:44,359 Sorry, Ma'am. We've got nothing yet. 747 00:41:45,607 --> 00:41:47,758 - Well, any luck with her family? - Er, yeah. 748 00:41:47,759 --> 00:41:48,926 Yes? 749 00:41:48,927 --> 00:41:51,926 Yeah. I've just heard from her grandma in Bulgaria. 750 00:41:51,927 --> 00:41:53,926 - But she hasn't heard anything. - Do you believe her? 751 00:41:53,927 --> 00:41:55,926 Well, yeah. She sounded worried. 752 00:41:55,927 --> 00:41:57,926 And she looks after Nadya's two daughters. 753 00:41:57,927 --> 00:41:58,927 Oh... 754 00:41:58,928 --> 00:42:01,446 Also, Nadya sends money home each week. 755 00:42:01,447 --> 00:42:02,926 Only up until recently, 756 00:42:02,927 --> 00:42:04,695 she was sending more than she was earning. 757 00:42:04,696 --> 00:42:06,102 How much more? 758 00:42:06,103 --> 00:42:07,570 A hundred quid a week. 759 00:42:07,571 --> 00:42:09,926 That'll be that extra hundred quid a week 760 00:42:09,927 --> 00:42:11,926 Luke was drawing out! He was giving it to her. 761 00:42:11,927 --> 00:42:13,508 Why? 762 00:42:13,509 --> 00:42:15,926 Ma'am, that was Luke's neighbour on the phone, 763 00:42:15,927 --> 00:42:18,926 they said they heard an argument on the first and again on the 10th. 764 00:42:18,927 --> 00:42:20,926 - Both times with a woman. - The same woman? 765 00:42:20,927 --> 00:42:22,287 They didn't know. 766 00:42:23,020 --> 00:42:25,446 Ma'am, Jasmine Ashers is downstairs. 767 00:42:25,447 --> 00:42:26,926 Just back, came straight here. 768 00:42:26,927 --> 00:42:28,446 At last! 769 00:42:28,447 --> 00:42:30,927 Kenny, have someone bring her up! 770 00:42:34,927 --> 00:42:37,127 - Thanks for coming in, love. - It's all right, yeah. 771 00:42:38,447 --> 00:42:39,926 I couldn't believe it when I heard. 772 00:42:39,927 --> 00:42:41,664 His mam'll be devastated. 773 00:42:41,665 --> 00:42:43,446 Aye. 774 00:42:43,447 --> 00:42:45,926 - Erm... - Why did you want to see me? 775 00:42:45,927 --> 00:42:48,398 Er, because... 776 00:42:48,399 --> 00:42:53,926 you had a phone call with Luke a week before he died. 777 00:42:53,927 --> 00:42:57,286 Erm, what did you talk about? 778 00:42:57,287 --> 00:42:58,926 Why is that relevant? 779 00:42:58,927 --> 00:43:01,926 Because this is a murder enquiry, love. 780 00:43:01,927 --> 00:43:03,055 Everything's relevant. 781 00:43:03,056 --> 00:43:05,446 In fact, you had four calls, 782 00:43:05,447 --> 00:43:08,586 and this last one was for over an hour. 783 00:43:08,587 --> 00:43:09,926 So... 784 00:43:09,927 --> 00:43:12,926 what did you talk about? 785 00:43:12,927 --> 00:43:14,286 Just... stuff. 786 00:43:14,287 --> 00:43:15,927 Catching up. 787 00:43:16,927 --> 00:43:19,140 - My wedding. - Your wedding. 788 00:43:19,927 --> 00:43:22,742 Which Luke wasn't invited to, is that right? 789 00:43:22,743 --> 00:43:24,927 Well, I hadn't seen him for ages. 790 00:43:25,739 --> 00:43:28,260 Was he upset he wasn't invited? 791 00:43:30,287 --> 00:43:31,926 Yeah... 792 00:43:31,927 --> 00:43:34,586 Yeah, but you didn't talk for an hour 793 00:43:34,587 --> 00:43:36,609 about a wedding he wasn't invited to. 794 00:43:36,610 --> 00:43:39,927 So what did you talk about? 795 00:43:41,927 --> 00:43:44,926 You asked if he was upset he wasn't invited to my wedding. 796 00:43:44,927 --> 00:43:46,927 He was upset, full stop. 797 00:43:47,927 --> 00:43:49,926 We went out when we were 16. 798 00:43:49,927 --> 00:43:50,927 He said he was still in love with me. 799 00:43:50,928 --> 00:43:53,767 He said I couldn't get married because I was meant to marry him. 800 00:43:54,564 --> 00:43:55,926 He was in love with you? 801 00:43:55,927 --> 00:43:57,926 That's what he said. 802 00:43:57,927 --> 00:43:59,926 He started turning up near work, trying to talk to me, 803 00:43:59,927 --> 00:44:01,227 and watching me. 804 00:44:01,228 --> 00:44:03,926 Well, why didn't you report that? 805 00:44:03,927 --> 00:44:05,926 Because what good would that do? 806 00:44:05,927 --> 00:44:06,927 Oh... 807 00:44:07,927 --> 00:44:08,927 You want to know the truth? 808 00:44:10,560 --> 00:44:13,560 I was terrified of what Luke might do to me. 809 00:44:26,494 --> 00:44:28,813 If Luke was obsessed with Jasmine, 810 00:44:28,814 --> 00:44:30,813 maybe he was obsessed with Nadya too. 811 00:44:30,814 --> 00:44:33,813 I mean, they've got to be connected, 812 00:44:33,814 --> 00:44:35,813 his murder and her leaving. 813 00:44:35,814 --> 00:44:38,333 Well, maybe he got too full-on and Nadya attacked him? 814 00:44:38,334 --> 00:44:41,813 Yeah, but then we've checked, haven't we? 815 00:44:41,814 --> 00:44:44,814 She was working a shift for ECS at the hospital. 816 00:44:49,814 --> 00:44:52,443 I couldn't believe it when I heard Luke was dead. 817 00:44:52,444 --> 00:44:53,813 Same age as my Jas. 818 00:44:53,814 --> 00:44:55,412 Did you know him? 819 00:44:55,413 --> 00:44:57,521 A bit. He was a quiet boy... 820 00:44:57,522 --> 00:44:58,813 deep. 821 00:44:58,814 --> 00:45:01,333 Obviously hard for him after his father was killed. 822 00:45:01,334 --> 00:45:03,813 We heard that he used to see Jasmine. 823 00:45:03,814 --> 00:45:04,814 Hm. 824 00:45:06,304 --> 00:45:09,814 Well, she told us that she was scared of him. 825 00:45:11,174 --> 00:45:13,813 To be honest, I had issues. 826 00:45:13,814 --> 00:45:15,813 What sort of issues? 827 00:45:15,814 --> 00:45:17,381 I didn't trust him. 828 00:45:17,382 --> 00:45:19,813 He took advantage of her when she was vulnerable. 829 00:45:19,814 --> 00:45:21,813 Found his way in. 830 00:45:21,814 --> 00:45:23,459 What do you mean, "took advantage"? 831 00:45:23,460 --> 00:45:25,853 Well... after Thea died. 832 00:45:25,854 --> 00:45:27,813 Thea? Who's Thea? 833 00:45:27,814 --> 00:45:29,813 Jason Hay's daughter. 834 00:45:29,814 --> 00:45:32,813 Jas and Thea had been best mates since they were little. 835 00:45:32,814 --> 00:45:35,813 So, were they all friends together, then, 836 00:45:35,814 --> 00:45:38,813 this Thea, Luke and Jasmine? 837 00:45:38,814 --> 00:45:39,814 Oh, no. 838 00:45:39,815 --> 00:45:42,813 Thea and Jas were at the girls' school, Luke at the boys', 839 00:45:42,814 --> 00:45:43,951 they were very different. 840 00:45:43,952 --> 00:45:45,814 So, what happened with Thea? 841 00:45:46,586 --> 00:45:48,586 She killed herself. 842 00:45:49,814 --> 00:45:51,814 She was just 16. 843 00:45:52,814 --> 00:45:55,084 She'd told Jas she was depressed. 844 00:45:55,085 --> 00:45:57,529 Jas didn't realise how serious it was, well... 845 00:45:57,530 --> 00:45:59,813 you don't at that age, do you? 846 00:45:59,814 --> 00:46:01,813 One night... 847 00:46:01,814 --> 00:46:03,333 Thea jumped off Jackson's Crag. 848 00:46:04,814 --> 00:46:06,814 Jason never recovered. 849 00:46:07,561 --> 00:46:09,813 How was Jasmine afterwards? 850 00:46:09,814 --> 00:46:10,853 Devastated. 851 00:46:10,854 --> 00:46:14,494 Felt guilty that she hadn't helped Thea, hadn't stopped her. 852 00:46:15,642 --> 00:46:17,642 Then, Luke started coming round. 853 00:46:17,814 --> 00:46:20,814 Said he knew what she was going through, cos of his dad. 854 00:46:21,420 --> 00:46:24,389 At first, I thought he was just being kind. 855 00:46:24,390 --> 00:46:26,396 He was using her grief to get to her. 856 00:46:26,397 --> 00:46:28,813 And once they were together, he wouldn't leave her alone. 857 00:46:28,814 --> 00:46:30,813 He was here day and night. 858 00:46:30,814 --> 00:46:32,854 In the end, Jas had to tell him to back off. 859 00:46:33,220 --> 00:46:35,813 He left Lingford a year or so later. 860 00:46:35,814 --> 00:46:37,813 So, when did you last hear from him? 861 00:46:37,814 --> 00:46:40,813 He called Jas a week or so ago. 862 00:46:40,814 --> 00:46:44,653 On the phone for an hour, she said he'd called before. 863 00:46:44,654 --> 00:46:48,814 Jas was terrified he was getting all intense again. 864 00:46:52,814 --> 00:46:58,506 So, where were you and your daughter on the night of the 15th? 865 00:46:58,507 --> 00:46:59,813 The night before Jas' school trip? 866 00:46:59,814 --> 00:47:01,173 Hm. 867 00:47:01,174 --> 00:47:02,813 I was here with her. 868 00:47:02,814 --> 00:47:04,678 She had to nip back to school, 869 00:47:04,679 --> 00:47:06,813 forgotten something or other. 870 00:47:06,814 --> 00:47:09,813 She'd been on her phone half the night, stressing. 871 00:47:09,814 --> 00:47:10,814 Why? 872 00:47:10,815 --> 00:47:13,813 Er, just routine, love. 873 00:47:13,814 --> 00:47:16,639 Er, thanks very much for your time. 874 00:47:16,640 --> 00:47:17,814 We'll leave you to it. 875 00:47:26,334 --> 00:47:28,813 So, what are they saying, that he's some kind of a stalker? 876 00:47:28,814 --> 00:47:30,813 No, they didn't actually use that word. 877 00:47:30,814 --> 00:47:32,333 No, that's what they meant, though! 878 00:47:32,334 --> 00:47:34,813 Did Luke spend time at Jasmine's when they were younger? 879 00:47:34,814 --> 00:47:35,814 No! 880 00:47:35,815 --> 00:47:37,813 Look, I don't know. 881 00:47:37,814 --> 00:47:39,813 I-I can't remember. 882 00:47:39,814 --> 00:47:42,813 Luke, he told me that he was there 883 00:47:42,814 --> 00:47:44,813 because Jasmine said she was having panic attacks. 884 00:47:44,814 --> 00:47:47,568 So, you remember that? 885 00:47:47,569 --> 00:47:50,013 Luke was not a bad lad. 886 00:47:50,014 --> 00:47:52,813 He was just troubled. He broke up with her, 887 00:47:52,814 --> 00:47:53,814 he knew I needed him. 888 00:47:53,815 --> 00:47:55,693 It wasn't all about Jasmine! 889 00:47:55,694 --> 00:47:58,333 Hang on, he broke it off with her? 890 00:47:58,334 --> 00:48:00,813 That is what he said, yes. 891 00:48:00,814 --> 00:48:04,303 She's a pretty girl, but not on the inside. 892 00:48:04,304 --> 00:48:05,813 Were Luke, Jasmine and Thea close? 893 00:48:05,814 --> 00:48:06,814 No! 894 00:48:06,815 --> 00:48:09,013 They hardly gave him the time of day. 895 00:48:09,014 --> 00:48:12,340 Thea, she just did whatever Jasmine told her. 896 00:48:13,814 --> 00:48:16,813 Look, Jasmine was popular... 897 00:48:16,814 --> 00:48:19,813 she didn't want to be seen with someone like Luke. 898 00:48:19,814 --> 00:48:21,814 You know what teenage girls are like. 899 00:48:23,814 --> 00:48:25,493 My Luke... 900 00:48:25,494 --> 00:48:27,498 he was a good boy. 901 00:48:27,499 --> 00:48:28,813 Protective. 902 00:48:28,814 --> 00:48:30,854 He would never have hurt Jasmine. 903 00:48:37,814 --> 00:48:40,813 'Ma'am, we've got Nadya. Port authority just rang.' 904 00:48:40,814 --> 00:48:43,813 Thanks, Jac, we're on our way, and can you pull up 905 00:48:43,814 --> 00:48:47,180 - the police report on a Thea Hay? - 'Yes, Ma'am.' 906 00:49:02,854 --> 00:49:05,451 'Please ensure that all unchecked baggage...' 907 00:49:05,452 --> 00:49:06,814 Nadya... 908 00:49:08,431 --> 00:49:09,951 Well... 909 00:49:10,334 --> 00:49:11,814 we've been worried about you. 910 00:49:12,814 --> 00:49:15,380 Why did you up and leave, Nadya? 911 00:49:17,814 --> 00:49:18,854 I was scared. 912 00:49:20,174 --> 00:49:21,814 Right, sit yourself down. 913 00:49:26,719 --> 00:49:27,719 Go on. 914 00:49:32,814 --> 00:49:35,814 OK, so let's talk about Luke. 915 00:49:36,814 --> 00:49:40,813 Now, I believe he'd been giving you money to send home. 916 00:49:40,814 --> 00:49:43,814 So, were you together, you and Luke? 917 00:49:48,272 --> 00:49:49,814 We saw each other for a few months. 918 00:49:51,311 --> 00:49:53,271 We split up two weeks ago. 919 00:49:53,272 --> 00:49:55,814 So, why'd you split up? 920 00:49:56,814 --> 00:49:59,814 We were arguing about work, at his flat, and... 921 00:50:00,650 --> 00:50:04,490 ...he started shouting and kicked a hole in the wardrobe. 922 00:50:04,515 --> 00:50:06,675 I ended it the next day. 923 00:50:06,711 --> 00:50:08,358 So, did he get heavy with you? 924 00:50:08,460 --> 00:50:10,653 No, said he didn't blame me. 925 00:50:10,654 --> 00:50:12,813 Not after how he behaved. 926 00:50:12,814 --> 00:50:14,814 So, why did you leave? 927 00:50:33,654 --> 00:50:35,653 Mr Brock forced me to go. 928 00:50:35,654 --> 00:50:38,813 He said I was bringing too much unwanted attention to the company. 929 00:50:38,814 --> 00:50:40,300 Mr Brock did that? 930 00:50:45,696 --> 00:50:49,696 It was you who stole that cash, wasn't it? 931 00:50:56,814 --> 00:50:58,813 When Luke found out I was stealing, he... 932 00:50:58,814 --> 00:51:02,814 he tried to put it back, and then they thought he'd done it. 933 00:51:03,814 --> 00:51:06,813 He took the blame, but Mr Brock knew it wasn't him, 934 00:51:06,814 --> 00:51:08,014 knew it was me. 935 00:51:08,540 --> 00:51:11,813 Well, that didn't give him any right to assault you, love. 936 00:51:11,814 --> 00:51:12,814 Hm? 937 00:51:18,494 --> 00:51:19,814 Mind your head. 938 00:51:46,334 --> 00:51:48,653 There must be some kind of misunderstanding, 939 00:51:48,654 --> 00:51:50,310 we had nothing to do with Luke's death. 940 00:51:50,311 --> 00:51:52,813 Oh, we'll get to Luke in a minute, love. 941 00:51:52,814 --> 00:51:56,813 Look, I've been doing some research into your company. 942 00:51:56,814 --> 00:51:58,813 All the paperwork's present and correct. 943 00:51:58,814 --> 00:52:01,813 Oh, you're right there, you've been very careful. 944 00:52:01,814 --> 00:52:03,813 You've got certificates for everything. 945 00:52:03,814 --> 00:52:07,814 But I'm willing to bet some of them are bought. 946 00:52:08,125 --> 00:52:09,420 Of course they're not! 947 00:52:10,727 --> 00:52:13,727 'Ey, that was a good act you put on there, love... 948 00:52:13,814 --> 00:52:15,813 the caring boss. 949 00:52:15,814 --> 00:52:18,045 Hey, you had me fooled the first time we met, 950 00:52:18,046 --> 00:52:19,521 but not any more, love, 951 00:52:19,522 --> 00:52:22,013 not now I've seen how you run your business. 952 00:52:22,014 --> 00:52:26,599 Threats, intimidation, blackmail... 953 00:52:26,600 --> 00:52:28,568 - We look after our staff! - No, you don't. 954 00:52:28,569 --> 00:52:30,326 You do the bare minimum. 955 00:52:30,327 --> 00:52:33,813 Apart from your houses, when you do even less. 956 00:52:33,814 --> 00:52:36,174 I doubt they meet occupancy standard. 957 00:52:38,174 --> 00:52:40,068 There's a couple that are a little busy, 958 00:52:40,069 --> 00:52:41,493 but we're buying more houses. 959 00:52:41,494 --> 00:52:43,584 I can't put staff out on the street! 960 00:52:43,585 --> 00:52:46,173 Er, none of your rooms are registered for multi-occupancy. 961 00:52:46,174 --> 00:52:49,813 Yet, all 12 of your houses are crammed to the gills. 962 00:52:49,814 --> 00:52:52,813 We had a cash flow problem, but we were working on it, 963 00:52:52,814 --> 00:52:54,813 - I've had electricians in. - Yeah, cos you knew you were 964 00:52:54,814 --> 00:52:57,813 on our radar, you knew we'd be checking. 965 00:52:57,814 --> 00:52:59,813 Now, then... 966 00:52:59,814 --> 00:53:02,813 ...your husband did this two days ago, 967 00:53:02,814 --> 00:53:05,814 removing someone from your property. 968 00:53:11,188 --> 00:53:12,388 He did this? 969 00:53:14,814 --> 00:53:17,256 Oh, I didn't know... 970 00:53:17,257 --> 00:53:19,813 This has got nothing to do with me. 971 00:53:19,814 --> 00:53:21,814 Are you sure about that, love? 972 00:53:27,654 --> 00:53:31,814 Now, there is one way you could help yourself here, pet. 973 00:53:33,014 --> 00:53:35,814 And that's if you help us with Luke. 974 00:53:36,814 --> 00:53:40,173 So, what else is it you're not telling us, hmm? 975 00:53:41,640 --> 00:53:44,220 Something did happen with Luke, but he wouldn't tell me what. 976 00:53:44,814 --> 00:53:47,333 You'll have to talk to Clive. 977 00:53:47,334 --> 00:53:50,076 I brought Luke in for the stealing, I-I knew it wasn't him, 978 00:53:50,077 --> 00:53:51,813 he was covering for his girlfriend. 979 00:53:51,814 --> 00:53:54,076 But when I got him in, he insisted it was him. 980 00:53:54,077 --> 00:53:55,813 Got arsey, threatened us. 981 00:53:55,814 --> 00:53:57,180 Threatened you with what? 982 00:53:58,814 --> 00:54:01,813 Nah, Luke had worked for you long enough to know 983 00:54:01,814 --> 00:54:04,813 all the ins and outs, all the shortcuts. 984 00:54:04,814 --> 00:54:07,333 That's why he had his own flat, for a start. 985 00:54:07,334 --> 00:54:09,813 You were scared how much he knew. 986 00:54:09,814 --> 00:54:10,814 Ridiculous. 987 00:54:10,815 --> 00:54:13,178 These are completely unsubstantiated claims. 988 00:54:13,179 --> 00:54:15,813 So, what happened, did he offer to turn a blind eye 989 00:54:15,814 --> 00:54:17,568 if you did the same? 990 00:54:17,569 --> 00:54:19,076 We agreed not to pursue the matter, 991 00:54:19,077 --> 00:54:22,493 because the cash had been returned and no-one was hurt. 992 00:54:22,494 --> 00:54:24,185 But recently, he'd got cocky. 993 00:54:24,186 --> 00:54:26,813 Turning up late, talking back. 994 00:54:26,814 --> 00:54:29,493 - Sets the wrong example. - The wrong example?! 995 00:54:29,494 --> 00:54:31,813 I wasn't having him make a mug out of me. 996 00:54:31,814 --> 00:54:34,813 Oh, is that what he did, made a mug out of you? 997 00:54:34,814 --> 00:54:36,813 Well, you wouldn't have liked that. 998 00:54:36,814 --> 00:54:38,813 So, what did he do, push you too far, 999 00:54:38,814 --> 00:54:42,813 you had to shut him up? Because I believe you are capable of it! 1000 00:54:42,814 --> 00:54:45,170 I had nothing to do with Luke's murder. 1001 00:54:45,171 --> 00:54:46,493 So YOU say. 1002 00:54:46,494 --> 00:54:48,813 Do you have any evidence my client was involved? 1003 00:54:48,814 --> 00:54:50,178 Not yet. 1004 00:54:50,179 --> 00:54:53,813 In that case, as Mr Brock has assisted fully in your enquiries, 1005 00:54:53,814 --> 00:54:55,013 he now has work to do. 1006 00:54:55,014 --> 00:54:57,813 Ah, no, your client's going nowhere, love. 1007 00:54:57,814 --> 00:54:59,568 Sit down, pet. 1008 00:54:59,569 --> 00:55:02,813 Because I have a witness making a formal complaint 1009 00:55:02,814 --> 00:55:05,814 - at this very moment. - What about? 1010 00:55:06,103 --> 00:55:07,103 Assault. 1011 00:55:14,814 --> 00:55:16,813 This is totally ridiculous. 1012 00:55:16,814 --> 00:55:18,260 Just keep calm, we'll sort it out. 1013 00:55:21,319 --> 00:55:22,482 I hate to say it, 1014 00:55:22,483 --> 00:55:25,813 but I don't think either of 'em had anything to do with Luke's death. 1015 00:55:25,814 --> 00:55:29,493 And they wouldn't do anything to bring us to their doorstep. 1016 00:55:29,494 --> 00:55:30,607 But we can't rule them out! 1017 00:55:30,608 --> 00:55:32,813 I'm not ruling anybody out! 1018 00:55:33,815 --> 00:55:36,813 Now, Luke suddenly started fighting back, 1019 00:55:36,814 --> 00:55:38,813 after two years of towing the line. 1020 00:55:38,814 --> 00:55:41,813 So, something happened recently to make him start. 1021 00:55:41,814 --> 00:55:45,260 Hm? That's what we need to find out. 1022 00:55:51,814 --> 00:55:53,654 Good lass. 1023 00:55:55,814 --> 00:55:56,814 Please! 1024 00:55:58,814 --> 00:56:00,814 It wasn't fair, what I said about Luke. 1025 00:56:01,420 --> 00:56:03,814 He was ashamed for losing his temper. 1026 00:56:04,814 --> 00:56:08,053 Well, you thought if he'd done it the once... 1027 00:56:08,054 --> 00:56:10,813 No, he-he wasn't like that. 1028 00:56:10,814 --> 00:56:11,854 He was... 1029 00:56:12,173 --> 00:56:13,333 kind and gentle. 1030 00:56:14,814 --> 00:56:16,814 I don't think he'd had a happy life. 1031 00:56:18,727 --> 00:56:20,727 A couple of weeks before we split up, 1032 00:56:21,016 --> 00:56:23,016 he had a day off and... 1033 00:56:23,814 --> 00:56:25,654 ...the next day, he was different. 1034 00:56:26,358 --> 00:56:27,854 In what way different? 1035 00:56:28,660 --> 00:56:30,701 He'd changed, he... 1036 00:56:30,702 --> 00:56:32,814 avoided me, made excuses. 1037 00:56:34,814 --> 00:56:38,300 Went to the pub and got drunk after every shift. 1038 00:56:38,325 --> 00:56:40,020 I just gave him some space. 1039 00:56:41,556 --> 00:56:44,556 Now, during our examinations, 1040 00:56:44,735 --> 00:56:47,095 we found scars on Luke's legs, 1041 00:56:47,120 --> 00:56:48,800 old scars, 1042 00:56:49,060 --> 00:56:51,607 did you ever notice them? 1043 00:56:51,632 --> 00:56:53,813 Yeah. I saw him in the shower once, 1044 00:56:53,814 --> 00:56:56,814 scrubbing himself with a brush until it bled. 1045 00:56:57,814 --> 00:56:59,813 It hurt him. 1046 00:56:59,814 --> 00:57:01,814 The bathroom smelled of bleach after that. 1047 00:57:03,382 --> 00:57:04,813 Did he do that often? 1048 00:57:04,814 --> 00:57:06,814 I only saw him do it once. 1049 00:57:08,814 --> 00:57:10,814 I really liked him, you know? 1050 00:57:14,814 --> 00:57:18,333 I looked into Jasmine Ashers' fiance, a Richard Sarenden, 1051 00:57:18,334 --> 00:57:22,813 he was the keynote speaker in Belfast on the 15th. 1052 00:57:22,814 --> 00:57:24,813 So, with a room full of witnesses? 1053 00:57:24,814 --> 00:57:26,100 Yeah, 300 of them. 1054 00:57:29,507 --> 00:57:33,814 You know, Nadya's Luke couldn't be more different from Jasmine's. 1055 00:57:34,380 --> 00:57:36,813 Doesn't sound like he preyed on the vulnerable. 1056 00:57:36,814 --> 00:57:38,220 Hm... 1057 00:57:38,626 --> 00:57:41,820 See if you can find out when his day off was. 1058 00:57:44,673 --> 00:57:46,673 That part of your training, is it? 1059 00:57:52,814 --> 00:57:53,814 Ma'am... 1060 00:57:53,815 --> 00:57:57,173 Luke's bank card was handed in by a Phil Annerly yesterday lunchtime, 1061 00:57:57,174 --> 00:57:59,813 but he found it on the evening of the 15th. 1062 00:57:59,814 --> 00:58:02,240 That's the night Luke died. Where did they find it? 1063 00:58:02,241 --> 00:58:05,514 At his pub, The Brickmakers Arms, he's the landlord. 1064 00:58:05,515 --> 00:58:07,814 Luke went there after walking off his shift. 1065 00:58:20,814 --> 00:58:24,333 I found his card in the toilet, the other night. 1066 00:58:24,334 --> 00:58:28,396 I thought I'd hold onto it in case he came back, but he never showed. 1067 00:58:28,397 --> 00:58:29,813 And you're sure it was the 15th? 1068 00:58:29,814 --> 00:58:32,653 Oh, aye, we had the football on. 1069 00:58:32,654 --> 00:58:34,514 Place was busy. 1070 00:58:34,515 --> 00:58:37,420 He came in about, what, 20 minutes beforehand. 1071 00:58:38,665 --> 00:58:41,665 It'll be on CCTV, if you want to come through. 1072 00:58:41,690 --> 00:58:43,530 He should be on it. 1073 00:58:49,814 --> 00:58:50,814 There we go. 1074 00:58:50,815 --> 00:58:52,814 There he is, there's our lad. 1075 00:58:56,814 --> 00:58:58,334 That's Raymond Kayle! 1076 00:58:59,334 --> 00:59:01,814 You've gotta be kidding me! 1077 00:59:04,014 --> 00:59:05,813 Is Raymond a regular? 1078 00:59:05,814 --> 00:59:08,260 This is his local, he's in here most nights. 1079 00:59:09,696 --> 00:59:11,220 I've not seen him this week, though. 1080 00:59:14,688 --> 00:59:16,740 - That through to the gents'? - Aye. 1081 00:59:17,814 --> 00:59:19,854 Is there an exit through the back there? 1082 00:59:20,596 --> 00:59:22,076 Aye. 1083 00:59:36,743 --> 00:59:38,743 Er, you need to come out, love. 1084 00:59:48,814 --> 00:59:50,006 He could've got out this way. 1085 00:59:50,007 --> 00:59:52,060 Aye, or been taken out. 1086 00:59:53,014 --> 00:59:54,813 Er, can I get you a coffee? 1087 00:59:54,814 --> 00:59:56,813 Hey, don't come in here, pet, 1088 00:59:56,814 --> 00:59:58,813 it's a possible crime scene. 1089 00:59:58,814 --> 01:00:00,333 Well, shall I close the pub up? 1090 01:00:00,334 --> 01:00:01,814 Aye, you better had, love. 1091 01:00:03,494 --> 01:00:04,654 Right. 1092 01:00:19,174 --> 01:00:20,814 This lock's broken. 1093 01:00:21,814 --> 01:00:23,814 Anybody could have come in and gone out. 1094 01:00:27,814 --> 01:00:30,334 Ma'am, look, fibres. 1095 01:00:31,384 --> 01:00:33,704 - That could be from Luke's T-shirt. - Hm. 1096 01:00:33,977 --> 01:00:36,977 Maybe Raymond assaulted him here, then dragged him out? 1097 01:00:37,720 --> 01:00:40,180 Or Luke could've just left by himself. 1098 01:00:41,041 --> 01:00:43,001 And if so, where'd he go? 1099 01:00:44,610 --> 01:00:47,610 Right, get it sealed off and get forensics in. 1100 01:00:51,174 --> 01:00:53,813 Jac, now, listen... 1101 01:00:53,814 --> 01:00:57,521 Luke left the pub after 7:45PM, 1102 01:00:57,522 --> 01:00:58,813 but we don't know where he went. 1103 01:00:58,814 --> 01:01:02,813 So, I'm gonna need uniform to canvas the area. 1104 01:01:02,814 --> 01:01:04,853 'He could have gone anywhere. 1105 01:01:04,854 --> 01:01:06,813 'Have you got that?' 1106 01:01:06,814 --> 01:01:08,020 I-I'm on it, Ma'am. 1107 01:01:28,654 --> 01:01:29,813 Raymond... 1108 01:01:29,814 --> 01:01:33,814 you should've told us you saw Luke on the night he died. 1109 01:01:40,374 --> 01:01:42,373 You knew Luke would be in your local, 1110 01:01:42,374 --> 01:01:44,893 you knew everyone'd be watching the football, 1111 01:01:44,894 --> 01:01:47,373 - and you went there to hurt him. - No... 1112 01:01:47,374 --> 01:01:49,373 Take it out on him for your brother not being released! 1113 01:01:49,374 --> 01:01:51,982 - No! No, I didn't. - You've told us a pack of lies! 1114 01:01:51,983 --> 01:01:54,224 You told us you hadn't spoken to Luke. 1115 01:01:54,225 --> 01:01:56,373 I avoided him at work, I got him moved. 1116 01:01:56,374 --> 01:01:58,053 But he door-stepped me. 1117 01:01:58,054 --> 01:01:59,373 He wanted to talk. 1118 01:01:59,374 --> 01:02:01,373 He knew Terry's parole was coming up. 1119 01:02:01,374 --> 01:02:04,373 Luke actually believed it WAS self-defence. 1120 01:02:04,374 --> 01:02:05,374 Are you buying this? 1121 01:02:05,375 --> 01:02:08,373 Are you expecting us to believe he wanted to help your brother, 1122 01:02:08,374 --> 01:02:10,373 who'd killed his dad? 1123 01:02:10,374 --> 01:02:12,374 Luke was terrified of his dad. 1124 01:02:13,225 --> 01:02:14,373 Seth made his life a misery. 1125 01:02:14,374 --> 01:02:16,733 He-he used to knocked him about, and his mam. 1126 01:02:16,734 --> 01:02:19,373 That's why Luke wanted to help me. 1127 01:02:19,374 --> 01:02:21,733 It was his idea that I talk to Carmel. 1128 01:02:21,734 --> 01:02:23,733 He made me think that she might actually listen. 1129 01:02:23,734 --> 01:02:26,373 Yeah, yeah, we know all about that. I wanna know what happened 1130 01:02:26,374 --> 01:02:28,068 on the night he died! 1131 01:02:28,069 --> 01:02:31,373 CCTV from The Brickmakers Arms shows you arguing with him that night. 1132 01:02:31,374 --> 01:02:35,014 You went to that pub to find Luke and to attack him! 1133 01:02:35,015 --> 01:02:37,170 No, he was waiting for me. 1134 01:02:37,171 --> 01:02:39,373 He knew it was me regular, he wanted to talk. 1135 01:02:39,374 --> 01:02:41,573 Yeah, well, that doesn't look much like talking to me, pet. 1136 01:02:41,574 --> 01:02:44,006 He said he was sorry about Terry. 1137 01:02:44,007 --> 01:02:46,053 Me talking to his mam had only made it worse. 1138 01:02:46,054 --> 01:02:47,373 I told him to go away, just leave us alone. 1139 01:02:47,374 --> 01:02:50,373 No, you went to the gents', where it's a bit more private, 1140 01:02:50,374 --> 01:02:53,170 - cos you knew he'd follow you. - I didn't know he'd come after me! 1141 01:02:53,171 --> 01:02:55,733 And once you'd got him in there, you attacked him. 1142 01:02:55,734 --> 01:02:58,373 No, I didn't! That's not how it happened. 1143 01:02:58,374 --> 01:03:02,373 Look, he said he blamed me for Terry not getting his parole, 1144 01:03:02,374 --> 01:03:04,373 that it was my fault, that I hadn't tried hard enough. 1145 01:03:04,374 --> 01:03:07,374 He was goading me, so I hit him! 1146 01:03:11,303 --> 01:03:13,823 I lost control! 1147 01:03:13,894 --> 01:03:16,373 I never should have, but at least I only hit him the once. 1148 01:03:16,374 --> 01:03:18,540 - And the rest! - Once. 1149 01:03:20,374 --> 01:03:21,734 I didn't kill him. 1150 01:03:23,257 --> 01:03:27,257 I know how it looks, but, I mean, why do you think I lied? 1151 01:03:29,225 --> 01:03:31,896 Right, so, just let me get this straight. 1152 01:03:31,897 --> 01:03:34,373 You're telling us, for the tape, 1153 01:03:34,374 --> 01:03:36,740 that you only threw one punch? 1154 01:03:37,649 --> 01:03:38,809 Yeah. 1155 01:03:40,991 --> 01:03:41,991 OK. 1156 01:03:44,374 --> 01:03:45,639 Where'd you hit him? 1157 01:03:45,640 --> 01:03:47,374 Ribs. 1158 01:03:48,921 --> 01:03:51,374 I lost control, but only for a second. 1159 01:03:53,374 --> 01:03:56,620 I was so disappointed in myself, I left him and went back to the gym. 1160 01:03:57,414 --> 01:03:59,540 It was weird... 1161 01:04:01,374 --> 01:04:03,373 ...after I hit him... 1162 01:04:03,374 --> 01:04:05,373 he seemed pleased. 1163 01:04:05,374 --> 01:04:07,006 Said he deserved it. 1164 01:04:07,007 --> 01:04:08,620 Were you wearing those that night? 1165 01:04:11,374 --> 01:04:12,620 Your rings? 1166 01:04:14,155 --> 01:04:15,373 Yeah... 1167 01:04:15,374 --> 01:04:17,413 I always wear 'em when I'm not working out, 1168 01:04:17,414 --> 01:04:19,373 - they were me dad's. - Mm. 1169 01:04:19,374 --> 01:04:20,580 Right, well, take 'em off. 1170 01:04:21,374 --> 01:04:22,374 What? 1171 01:04:22,375 --> 01:04:24,214 Take 'em off. 1172 01:04:29,374 --> 01:04:30,374 That's it. 1173 01:04:30,374 --> 01:04:31,374 Hm. 1174 01:04:34,374 --> 01:04:37,076 God help you if you're lying to me, love. 1175 01:04:37,077 --> 01:04:38,374 Take him back down. 1176 01:04:43,280 --> 01:04:46,280 Raymond has admitted to the assault, but not the head injury. 1177 01:04:46,305 --> 01:04:50,305 Aye, but he claims he only punched the lad once, so we need evidence. 1178 01:04:50,330 --> 01:04:54,170 Now the rings have gone over to Malcolm 1179 01:04:54,214 --> 01:04:57,373 to see if they match this blow to Luke's torso. 1180 01:04:57,374 --> 01:05:01,060 Right, now, has anybody got anything else? 1181 01:05:01,061 --> 01:05:03,374 Uh, the forensic report is just in, Ma'am. 1182 01:05:05,374 --> 01:05:07,373 Uh, Luke's fingerprints were found 1183 01:05:07,374 --> 01:05:10,893 on the emergency exit door and on the back gate. 1184 01:05:10,894 --> 01:05:13,373 The rest of it's just a mess of DNA and prints. 1185 01:05:13,374 --> 01:05:16,373 Which means he got himself out of that pub? 1186 01:05:16,374 --> 01:05:17,498 Looks like it. 1187 01:05:17,499 --> 01:05:21,573 Which means, the crime scene is somewhere else. 1188 01:05:21,574 --> 01:05:25,373 Any ideas, anyone, where he might've gone? 1189 01:05:25,374 --> 01:05:28,132 I haven't seen him on CCTV. 1190 01:05:28,157 --> 01:05:30,014 But then again, there's not much out there. 1191 01:05:30,015 --> 01:05:32,373 Oh, there are some bus stops nearby though. 1192 01:05:32,374 --> 01:05:35,373 He could've had his pick of 15 buses after leaving the pub. 1193 01:05:35,374 --> 01:05:37,573 Aye, well that makes sense. 1194 01:05:37,574 --> 01:05:40,374 He would've wanted to get away from there. 1195 01:05:41,734 --> 01:05:45,373 And if he's on a bus, that would explain why he's not on any CCTV. 1196 01:05:45,374 --> 01:05:47,131 Good thinking, Jac. 1197 01:05:47,132 --> 01:05:48,209 Right. 1198 01:05:48,210 --> 01:05:53,893 Go talk to the drivers, get their CCTV and take uniform with you. 1199 01:05:53,894 --> 01:05:56,374 I'm gonna go and chivvy Malcolm on. 1200 01:05:58,374 --> 01:06:02,374 Right, come on, everyone, I want some news when I get back! 1201 01:06:04,374 --> 01:06:09,951 I would say that these abrasions on Luke's torso are related to ring A. 1202 01:06:09,952 --> 01:06:12,131 - That's the right hand. - That's correct. 1203 01:06:12,132 --> 01:06:15,373 But there is no evidence that he caused any of the other injuries, 1204 01:06:15,374 --> 01:06:18,213 including the one to the head. 1205 01:06:18,214 --> 01:06:20,373 There's no sign of any more ring abrasions at all. 1206 01:06:20,374 --> 01:06:21,717 What, none?! 1207 01:06:21,718 --> 01:06:24,374 None. I had expected to see some, but there's nothing. 1208 01:06:24,820 --> 01:06:29,139 So you're saying, Luke was assaulted twice? 1209 01:06:29,140 --> 01:06:31,373 First by Raymond, and then by somebody else. 1210 01:06:31,374 --> 01:06:34,374 Looking at the evidence, I can't link him to the fatal blow. 1211 01:06:34,749 --> 01:06:37,749 The head injury was within the next five hours. 1212 01:06:41,374 --> 01:06:43,373 Thanks, Malcolm. 1213 01:06:43,374 --> 01:06:46,373 Oh, there was one more thing. 1214 01:06:46,374 --> 01:06:50,373 I did re-examine the historical scars on Luke's body, 1215 01:06:50,374 --> 01:06:52,373 and they do match what you were told. 1216 01:06:52,374 --> 01:06:54,373 It's very likely that he was alternating 1217 01:06:54,374 --> 01:06:57,373 between using a nail brush and bleach on himself. 1218 01:06:58,375 --> 01:07:02,574 He'd done it twice in the last year, the others were older. 1219 01:07:03,898 --> 01:07:05,058 Hm. 1220 01:07:08,374 --> 01:07:12,373 - Yes, I know Raymond has, previous. - And he lied to us... 1221 01:07:12,374 --> 01:07:15,373 True, but I can't link him to that fatal blow to the head. 1222 01:07:15,374 --> 01:07:17,068 You can't believe him? 1223 01:07:17,069 --> 01:07:21,373 Look, Luke was deep waters like his mam said. 1224 01:07:21,374 --> 01:07:23,373 Hmm? He was troubled, intense, 1225 01:07:23,374 --> 01:07:25,373 and if what Raymond said is true, 1226 01:07:25,374 --> 01:07:29,374 his dad was a brute and that messes with your head. 1227 01:07:33,374 --> 01:07:37,374 Luke wanted to be punished, felt guilty. 1228 01:07:38,374 --> 01:07:39,374 For what? 1229 01:07:46,374 --> 01:07:48,373 Right, now, how we doing with these bus drivers? 1230 01:07:48,374 --> 01:07:50,373 Anyone see him? 1231 01:07:50,374 --> 01:07:52,374 I'll go check. 1232 01:07:55,241 --> 01:07:58,241 - And you're sure this is the fella? - Yeah. 1233 01:07:58,266 --> 01:07:59,786 How did he seem? 1234 01:07:59,894 --> 01:08:03,373 Some lads were hassling him and I warned them off. 1235 01:08:03,374 --> 01:08:06,373 He looked in a state. Got off at the Walton Crossroads. 1236 01:08:06,374 --> 01:08:08,373 It's a stop in the middle of nowhere, 1237 01:08:08,374 --> 01:08:10,374 about 18 miles from here. 1238 01:08:10,945 --> 01:08:13,945 That's two miles from Lingford! 1239 01:08:20,020 --> 01:08:23,076 We suspect that Luke was in Lingford the night he died. 1240 01:08:23,077 --> 01:08:24,734 He got a bus to Walton Crossroads. 1241 01:08:26,241 --> 01:08:27,761 Well, he didn't want to see me. 1242 01:08:29,264 --> 01:08:33,264 Last time that I saw Luke we argued. 1243 01:08:33,374 --> 01:08:35,373 I argued. 1244 01:08:35,374 --> 01:08:39,740 I was angry that he'd brought Raymond to my door, to my home. 1245 01:08:41,233 --> 01:08:45,233 Well, we do know there was something going on with Luke. 1246 01:08:45,258 --> 01:08:49,258 Something he blamed himself for, felt guilty about. 1247 01:08:49,283 --> 01:08:51,963 Have you got any idea what that could've been? 1248 01:08:53,374 --> 01:08:55,373 Terence Kayle. 1249 01:08:55,374 --> 01:08:59,803 Luke wanted me to say that his dad was violent. 1250 01:08:59,804 --> 01:09:02,998 That Terence could've been defending himself. 1251 01:09:02,999 --> 01:09:07,894 Well, we had heard that your husband was violent towards Luke... 1252 01:09:09,194 --> 01:09:11,034 ...and to yourself. 1253 01:09:13,038 --> 01:09:15,878 Seth never meant to hurt us. 1254 01:09:15,903 --> 01:09:19,063 I tried to stop him, but it just made it worse. 1255 01:09:19,088 --> 01:09:21,088 So it was better to say nothing. 1256 01:09:21,113 --> 01:09:23,820 Luke and me would both learn that. 1257 01:09:26,003 --> 01:09:29,163 I know I should've protected Luke. 1258 01:09:31,186 --> 01:09:33,820 His dad was not all bad. 1259 01:09:34,374 --> 01:09:37,540 He was always sorry afterwards. 1260 01:09:39,139 --> 01:09:41,580 And you loved him, hmm? 1261 01:09:44,374 --> 01:09:46,373 But you've got to be honest, pet. 1262 01:09:46,374 --> 01:09:48,414 Especially to yourself. 1263 01:09:49,260 --> 01:09:51,214 Luke said that. 1264 01:09:52,894 --> 01:09:55,054 Said that we had to tell the truth. 1265 01:09:56,265 --> 01:09:59,265 If we didn't, neither of us would be able to move on. 1266 01:10:00,374 --> 01:10:02,374 Wise words, pet. 1267 01:10:07,952 --> 01:10:10,460 Er, hold on. 1268 01:10:12,738 --> 01:10:15,218 When Luke last came to see you, 1269 01:10:15,243 --> 01:10:18,243 is that when he found out about Jasmine's wedding? 1270 01:10:18,374 --> 01:10:21,373 Yeah. I asked him to come with me. I thought he'd like it. 1271 01:10:21,374 --> 01:10:23,420 And what did he say? 1272 01:10:23,445 --> 01:10:26,700 No. He was really upset. 1273 01:10:26,894 --> 01:10:29,373 He left soon afterwards. 1274 01:10:29,374 --> 01:10:32,374 Told me to think about what he said. 1275 01:10:35,374 --> 01:10:37,374 Well, thank you for your help. 1276 01:10:43,374 --> 01:10:45,373 Do you reckon that Luke was attacked in Lingford? 1277 01:10:45,374 --> 01:10:47,990 Aye, it'd mean he would've had four hours to get back home. 1278 01:10:47,991 --> 01:10:49,123 Wouldn't he? 1279 01:10:49,124 --> 01:10:52,373 And you heard what Malcolm said, he was a dead man walking. 1280 01:10:52,374 --> 01:10:53,374 Hm. 1281 01:10:54,858 --> 01:10:56,140 And another thing... 1282 01:10:57,952 --> 01:11:01,160 Didn't Nadya say Luke changed four weeks ago, 1283 01:11:01,195 --> 01:11:02,555 completely changed? 1284 01:11:02,580 --> 01:11:03,740 Yeah, I checked on that. 1285 01:11:03,765 --> 01:11:05,310 That was the day after he came to see his mum. 1286 01:11:05,335 --> 01:11:09,110 Aye, but the big thing that happened that day wasn't about Raymond, 1287 01:11:09,135 --> 01:11:12,295 it was finding out Jasmine was getting married. 1288 01:11:12,320 --> 01:11:13,680 Well, maybe he came to see Jasmine. 1289 01:11:13,705 --> 01:11:15,545 Could still have been obsessed with her? 1290 01:11:15,574 --> 01:11:17,373 - Aye. What you doing? - What? 1291 01:11:17,374 --> 01:11:18,893 Come on, I thought you was in training. 1292 01:11:18,894 --> 01:11:20,373 It's only around the corner. 1293 01:11:28,374 --> 01:11:29,733 Mrs Ashers. 1294 01:11:29,734 --> 01:11:33,373 Let's talk again about the night of the 15th. 1295 01:11:33,374 --> 01:11:36,373 Did you see Luke? 1296 01:11:36,374 --> 01:11:37,974 Of course not. Why would I? 1297 01:11:37,975 --> 01:11:41,373 Cos he got off a bus, not two miles from here, 1298 01:11:41,374 --> 01:11:43,373 and that's the night he died. 1299 01:11:43,374 --> 01:11:46,373 Now, you say Jasmine went to work. 1300 01:11:46,374 --> 01:11:48,373 Well, it's a bit of a coincidence, 1301 01:11:48,374 --> 01:11:52,373 she went out round about the same time as he arrived in the area. 1302 01:11:52,374 --> 01:11:55,060 Hmm? I think she went to meet him... 1303 01:11:55,061 --> 01:11:57,631 Why would she do that? She was scared of him! 1304 01:11:57,632 --> 01:12:00,373 - She, she wouldn't. - What time did she get back? 1305 01:12:00,374 --> 01:12:03,373 - I don't know, I went to bed. - Well, what time did you go to bed? 1306 01:12:03,374 --> 01:12:04,374 Ten? 1307 01:12:04,375 --> 01:12:07,053 Jas couldn't have been much later. She had an early start. 1308 01:12:07,054 --> 01:12:09,170 She can't have seen him, she'd have said. 1309 01:12:09,171 --> 01:12:11,573 Ah, and kids tell their parents everything, do they? 1310 01:12:11,574 --> 01:12:14,733 I don't know about other parents, but we do! 1311 01:12:14,734 --> 01:12:17,373 I didn't want Luke anywhere near Jas. 1312 01:12:17,374 --> 01:12:18,374 He was dangerous. 1313 01:12:18,375 --> 01:12:20,373 We couldn't have a repeat of last time. 1314 01:12:20,374 --> 01:12:24,373 And that gives her, and you, a motive to hurt him. 1315 01:12:24,374 --> 01:12:25,734 Doesn't it? 1316 01:12:28,374 --> 01:12:30,373 Yeah, Jac, listen. 1317 01:12:30,374 --> 01:12:34,029 I want you to run an ANPR on Jasmine Ashers' car, 1318 01:12:34,030 --> 01:12:35,373 and her mam's, too. 1319 01:12:35,374 --> 01:12:36,654 On it. 1320 01:12:36,655 --> 01:12:40,053 Oh, Ma'am, I've just heard back from Woodrow Academy. 1321 01:12:40,054 --> 01:12:42,373 Er, Jasmine's pass card wasn't used on the night of the 15th. 1322 01:12:42,374 --> 01:12:45,053 And no printers were used. 1323 01:12:45,054 --> 01:12:48,373 And CCTV shows nobody entering or leaving. 1324 01:12:48,374 --> 01:12:50,374 So she lied. 1325 01:12:51,132 --> 01:12:52,340 Thanks, Jac! 1326 01:12:53,241 --> 01:12:56,241 Right, this is starting to make sense. 1327 01:13:12,414 --> 01:13:15,373 Jasmine Ashers, I'm arresting you on suspicion of the murder 1328 01:13:15,374 --> 01:13:16,413 of Luke Sumner. 1329 01:13:16,414 --> 01:13:19,373 - You do not have to say anything... - What? But I haven't done anything. 1330 01:13:19,374 --> 01:13:22,373 ...if you do not mention something you later rely on in court. 1331 01:13:22,374 --> 01:13:23,413 - What? - Anything you do say 1332 01:13:23,438 --> 01:13:26,054 may be given in evidence. Do you understand? 1333 01:13:30,734 --> 01:13:31,992 - Now why did you lie 1334 01:13:32,017 --> 01:13:33,896 - about seeing Luke? - I didn't. 1335 01:13:33,897 --> 01:13:38,054 Oh, stop playing the innocent, love, it won't wash. We know you saw him. 1336 01:13:38,921 --> 01:13:41,373 And when we run your fingerprints through our system, 1337 01:13:41,374 --> 01:13:44,240 I'm pretty sure they're gonna match those we found at his flat. 1338 01:13:44,241 --> 01:13:46,990 ANPR shows five days before Luke died, 1339 01:13:46,991 --> 01:13:50,053 your car passed 200 metres from his home. 1340 01:13:50,054 --> 01:13:54,357 And then, 30 minutes later, it passed in the opposite direction. 1341 01:13:54,358 --> 01:13:57,068 Plus, we have a statement from a neighbour, 1342 01:13:57,069 --> 01:13:59,373 saying she heard an argument in Luke's flat 1343 01:13:59,374 --> 01:14:02,748 at the time between these two readings. 1344 01:14:02,749 --> 01:14:06,170 Now, you say he was obsessed with you, 1345 01:14:06,171 --> 01:14:10,100 well, we never found any photos or anything in his flat. 1346 01:14:10,710 --> 01:14:15,373 And four phone calls in four weeks, that's hardly evidence of stalking. 1347 01:14:15,374 --> 01:14:19,373 And the last time you saw him, you went to his! 1348 01:14:19,374 --> 01:14:24,373 So will you stop lying and start telling us the truth! 1349 01:14:24,374 --> 01:14:26,413 You didn't know him like I did. 1350 01:14:26,414 --> 01:14:28,373 He was intense and scary. 1351 01:14:28,374 --> 01:14:31,373 Well, from what we can gather 1352 01:14:31,374 --> 01:14:33,373 he was a hard-working, troubled young man 1353 01:14:33,374 --> 01:14:35,724 who helped those who were vulnerable! So... 1354 01:14:35,725 --> 01:14:37,084 It wasn't like that. 1355 01:14:37,085 --> 01:14:38,894 So what was it like? 1356 01:14:39,663 --> 01:14:42,373 After Thea, he said he understood how I felt cos of his dad. 1357 01:14:42,374 --> 01:14:44,373 Said the grief bonded us. 1358 01:14:44,374 --> 01:14:47,213 I was upset, all over the place. 1359 01:14:47,214 --> 01:14:49,053 Next thing I know, we're going out, 1360 01:14:49,054 --> 01:14:50,893 but he wanted to be with me all the time. 1361 01:14:50,894 --> 01:14:53,373 I could hardly breathe. I had panic attacks. 1362 01:14:53,374 --> 01:14:55,374 Well, that could be guilt about Thea. 1363 01:14:56,374 --> 01:14:57,733 What, what d'you mean? 1364 01:14:57,734 --> 01:15:01,373 Well, weren't you the only one she told she was depressed? 1365 01:15:01,374 --> 01:15:05,213 Well, yeah, and I did try to help her. 1366 01:15:05,214 --> 01:15:08,373 But she'd started smoking weed heavily, only it made her worse. 1367 01:15:08,374 --> 01:15:10,373 I told her to stop, but she wouldn't listen. 1368 01:15:10,374 --> 01:15:13,374 So why is there no mention of that in the report? 1369 01:15:14,374 --> 01:15:16,373 I didn't want to upset her dad and sister. 1370 01:15:16,374 --> 01:15:19,374 Well, that wasn't your decision to make, love. 1371 01:15:19,944 --> 01:15:24,373 Now, I think Luke got back in touch with you, came to Lingford... 1372 01:15:24,374 --> 01:15:27,373 Well, maybe he was jealous you were getting married, I don't know. 1373 01:15:27,374 --> 01:15:31,374 ...and you arranged to meet him, to warn him off. 1374 01:15:33,007 --> 01:15:35,373 So what happened, love, hey? 1375 01:15:35,374 --> 01:15:40,053 Did he say something wrong? Things escalate and you lashed out. 1376 01:15:40,054 --> 01:15:41,573 I didn't. I didn't! 1377 01:15:41,574 --> 01:15:44,733 So where were you then, on the night he died? 1378 01:15:44,734 --> 01:15:46,413 And don't tell us you went into school, love, 1379 01:15:46,414 --> 01:15:48,374 because we know you didn't. 1380 01:15:49,374 --> 01:15:51,373 Where were you, Jasmine? 1381 01:15:51,374 --> 01:15:52,374 Hmm? 1382 01:15:54,265 --> 01:15:55,265 I was with someone. 1383 01:15:56,414 --> 01:15:58,374 He's married. 1384 01:15:58,937 --> 01:16:00,937 Luke was blackmailing me. 1385 01:16:01,374 --> 01:16:02,374 That's why I went to see him. 1386 01:16:02,375 --> 01:16:04,373 He'd followed me, and saw us together. 1387 01:16:04,374 --> 01:16:08,006 Oh, first obsession, now blackmail? 1388 01:16:08,007 --> 01:16:11,374 He said if I didn't meet him, he'd tell my fiance. 1389 01:16:12,937 --> 01:16:14,937 Right, a married man. 1390 01:16:15,374 --> 01:16:18,374 Come on, details, name and address, please? 1391 01:16:21,374 --> 01:16:23,373 I can see why she wanted to keep it quiet. 1392 01:16:23,374 --> 01:16:25,373 He's Chair of the Governors at her Academy. 1393 01:16:25,374 --> 01:16:27,373 They've been together for six months. 1394 01:16:27,374 --> 01:16:29,373 He's married with three kids, all under five. 1395 01:16:29,374 --> 01:16:36,373 Now, the CCTV on his road shows Jasmine arriving at 9:10PM 1396 01:16:36,374 --> 01:16:39,373 and leaving at 10:36PM. 1397 01:16:39,374 --> 01:16:41,373 His wife and kids were away. 1398 01:16:41,374 --> 01:16:44,374 He's paranoid his missus is gonna find out. 1399 01:16:45,374 --> 01:16:49,374 Well, if she's got an alibi, we're gonna have to let her go. 1400 01:16:50,053 --> 01:16:52,053 But the girl is a liar. 1401 01:16:52,374 --> 01:16:55,373 Luke was way too busy to go stalking her. 1402 01:16:55,374 --> 01:16:58,576 But it was her wedding that unsettled him. 1403 01:16:58,577 --> 01:17:00,374 Hmm? We know that much. 1404 01:17:01,374 --> 01:17:05,060 And then he goes back to work, shuts himself off, 1405 01:17:05,061 --> 01:17:07,374 and starts to unravel. 1406 01:17:12,014 --> 01:17:15,014 Where's Thea Hay's toxicology report? 1407 01:17:22,108 --> 01:17:24,108 We need to see Malcolm. 1408 01:17:30,374 --> 01:17:32,374 Er, Malcolm! 1409 01:17:36,894 --> 01:17:38,373 I'm in the middle of a supervision. 1410 01:17:38,374 --> 01:17:40,733 Yeah, and I'm in the middle of a murder enquiry. 1411 01:17:40,734 --> 01:17:42,373 Take a look at that. 1412 01:17:42,374 --> 01:17:43,413 It's about Luke Sumner. 1413 01:17:43,414 --> 01:17:45,896 Well, why have you given me this? It says Thea Hay on it. 1414 01:17:45,897 --> 01:17:47,732 Yes, I know it does. 1415 01:17:47,733 --> 01:17:50,327 Now, she grew up in the same village as Luke, 1416 01:17:50,352 --> 01:17:51,795 - killed herself. - Right. 1417 01:17:51,796 --> 01:17:55,374 Take a look at the toxicology report. 1418 01:17:57,738 --> 01:18:00,218 Now her best friend has just told us, 1419 01:18:00,243 --> 01:18:04,923 that Thea was a heavy cannabis user before she died, hmm? 1420 01:18:04,948 --> 01:18:07,268 There's no mention of that in there. 1421 01:18:07,293 --> 01:18:09,020 Well, why would there be, if that wasn't the case? 1422 01:18:09,045 --> 01:18:12,045 Well, is it possible she just didn't use on day she died? 1423 01:18:12,070 --> 01:18:14,590 Traces of THC stay in the body for 30 days. 1424 01:18:14,894 --> 01:18:18,373 I would say, that this girl had, at most, one joint in her system. 1425 01:18:18,374 --> 01:18:20,373 And they only found the one butt at the scene. 1426 01:18:20,374 --> 01:18:21,834 Her father said that she never smoked, 1427 01:18:21,835 --> 01:18:22,920 rarely drank. 1428 01:18:22,921 --> 01:18:24,959 There was no alcohol found in her body either. 1429 01:18:24,960 --> 01:18:27,214 And no suicide note. 1430 01:18:27,999 --> 01:18:29,999 - Anytime - Thank you, Malcolm. 1431 01:18:30,374 --> 01:18:31,920 Sorry about that. 1432 01:18:31,945 --> 01:18:35,785 Now, when was Luke cautioned for cannabis possession? 1433 01:18:35,810 --> 01:18:37,200 Six weeks before Thea died. 1434 01:18:37,225 --> 01:18:38,460 Right, now listen... 1435 01:18:39,800 --> 01:18:42,349 See, I think all of Luke's self-harming 1436 01:18:42,374 --> 01:18:46,374 and all the rest of it, was because of Thea's death... 1437 01:18:47,574 --> 01:18:51,374 ...and I don't think that lass was alone when she died! 1438 01:18:59,937 --> 01:19:02,936 It was Thea's death that bonded Luke and Jasmine. 1439 01:19:02,937 --> 01:19:05,936 Because they were both with her when she died! 1440 01:19:05,937 --> 01:19:09,456 And whilst Luke spent his life tormented by the memory, 1441 01:19:09,457 --> 01:19:13,936 there's Jasmine gaily making wedding plans as if nothing had happened. 1442 01:19:13,937 --> 01:19:15,467 ANPR have confirmed 1443 01:19:15,468 --> 01:19:18,396 Jason Hay's vehicle was sighted at Ayrton Road, 1444 01:19:18,397 --> 01:19:20,456 at 23:45 on the 15th. 1445 01:19:20,457 --> 01:19:23,936 Right... See, Luke needed the truth to come out 1446 01:19:23,937 --> 01:19:26,638 and I think he gave Jasmine an ultimatum. 1447 01:19:26,639 --> 01:19:28,412 Tell the truth with me or I do it alone? 1448 01:19:28,413 --> 01:19:32,937 Aye. He went to Lingford to confess to Thea's dad! 1449 01:19:41,937 --> 01:19:45,474 - Police are here for you, Dad. - Oh, what now? 1450 01:19:45,475 --> 01:19:48,936 Er, look can we have a word with your dad, in private, love? 1451 01:19:48,937 --> 01:19:51,326 I told you about Kayle. Should've arrested him by now! 1452 01:19:51,327 --> 01:19:53,936 We're not here to talk about Raymond Kayle, pet. 1453 01:19:53,937 --> 01:19:55,937 We want to talk about Thea. 1454 01:19:56,937 --> 01:19:58,936 - Thea? - Aye. 1455 01:19:58,937 --> 01:20:00,506 Well, what do you want to know? 1456 01:20:00,507 --> 01:20:04,936 Well, can you tell us a bit more about the night your daughter died. 1457 01:20:04,937 --> 01:20:06,616 Hmm? 1458 01:20:06,617 --> 01:20:08,700 Just so as we're clear. 1459 01:20:12,617 --> 01:20:14,937 She seemed really happy the day she died. 1460 01:20:15,977 --> 01:20:17,977 I thought we'd had a nice day. 1461 01:20:18,500 --> 01:20:20,460 We watched a film... 1462 01:20:21,397 --> 01:20:23,397 ...we went to bed... 1463 01:20:24,030 --> 01:20:26,460 ...then, in the middle of the night, she just crept out... 1464 01:20:28,155 --> 01:20:30,155 ...walked to Jackson's Crag. 1465 01:20:32,233 --> 01:20:34,233 It was depression. 1466 01:20:35,069 --> 01:20:37,069 I had no idea. 1467 01:20:38,937 --> 01:20:43,780 I play it over and over, about how I could've stopped her. 1468 01:20:44,937 --> 01:20:47,521 About why I didn't spot it. 1469 01:20:47,522 --> 01:20:48,937 Working out why she didn't tell me. 1470 01:20:49,937 --> 01:20:51,936 Was it because she was too proud? 1471 01:20:51,937 --> 01:20:53,936 Was it because she was too ashamed? 1472 01:20:53,937 --> 01:20:55,937 Was it because her mam left when she was little? 1473 01:20:57,100 --> 01:20:59,100 I'll never forgive myself for missing it. 1474 01:21:03,187 --> 01:21:04,547 Mr Hay... 1475 01:21:05,937 --> 01:21:10,937 ...we know Luke Sumner came to Lingford on the night he died. 1476 01:21:11,359 --> 01:21:12,719 Did he? 1477 01:21:13,812 --> 01:21:16,812 - Why? - Well, we're hoping you could tell us that 1478 01:21:16,837 --> 01:21:19,837 cos we believe he came to see you. 1479 01:21:19,937 --> 01:21:22,776 Well, I... I wouldn't know if he did. 1480 01:21:22,777 --> 01:21:24,617 I'd been in the pub. 1481 01:21:25,140 --> 01:21:26,936 Doesn't mix with my meds. 1482 01:21:26,937 --> 01:21:31,349 The landlord sent me home, I was in bed asleep by half seven. 1483 01:21:31,350 --> 01:21:32,678 Can anyone verify that? 1484 01:21:32,679 --> 01:21:34,936 - What? - Could Georgia? 1485 01:21:34,937 --> 01:21:39,300 She was doing a double shift at her care home. She slept over. 1486 01:21:39,937 --> 01:21:41,936 How does she get to and from work? 1487 01:21:41,937 --> 01:21:44,937 She uses my car. I can't drive it. I... 1488 01:21:46,146 --> 01:21:47,146 ...lost my license. 1489 01:21:47,171 --> 01:21:49,171 Why? 1490 01:21:49,937 --> 01:21:51,937 Will you excuse us, love? 1491 01:21:53,937 --> 01:21:55,220 Georgia! 1492 01:21:56,710 --> 01:21:57,940 Georgia! 1493 01:22:11,457 --> 01:22:14,131 I know what you did. Luke told me everything. 1494 01:22:14,132 --> 01:22:15,662 - Is she here? - Yeah. 1495 01:22:15,663 --> 01:22:16,921 - You need to admit it. - Call for back up. 1496 01:22:16,946 --> 01:22:19,031 - Let's talk about this later. - Oh yeah, that would suit you, right. 1497 01:22:19,056 --> 01:22:20,084 Away from your mam? 1498 01:22:20,085 --> 01:22:21,456 Why won't you let me speak? 1499 01:22:21,457 --> 01:22:24,241 - Because it's private. Please? - Jas, love? 1500 01:22:24,272 --> 01:22:27,357 Please? You don't deserve pity. 1501 01:22:27,358 --> 01:22:29,959 How could you do it? How? 1502 01:22:29,984 --> 01:22:31,143 Georgia, you need to calm down. 1503 01:22:31,144 --> 01:22:33,143 She had nothing to do with Luke. 1504 01:22:33,144 --> 01:22:36,143 Well she's not talking about Luke, pet. 1505 01:22:36,144 --> 01:22:37,144 Please don't say anything. 1506 01:22:37,145 --> 01:22:39,420 You are nothing but a coward! 1507 01:22:39,421 --> 01:22:42,521 You ruined my life, my dad's life! 1508 01:22:42,522 --> 01:22:45,143 - Georgia, let's take this outside. - No! 1509 01:22:45,144 --> 01:22:47,143 No. You're not letting her get away with it. Not any more. 1510 01:22:47,144 --> 01:22:49,143 Tell the truth. Admit it! 1511 01:22:49,144 --> 01:22:51,143 Look, I know the truth, Georgia. 1512 01:22:51,144 --> 01:22:54,412 I know. So come with me, and we can talk this through. 1513 01:22:54,413 --> 01:22:55,678 Come on, pet. 1514 01:22:55,679 --> 01:22:58,685 - Jas, what's this all about? - Look at you. 1515 01:22:58,686 --> 01:23:01,709 This is your last chance to do it yourself. 1516 01:23:01,710 --> 01:23:03,701 Look, she doesn't have to. 1517 01:23:03,702 --> 01:23:06,824 We'll re-open the inquest into your sister's death. 1518 01:23:07,542 --> 01:23:09,062 You will? 1519 01:23:13,344 --> 01:23:14,824 C'mon. 1520 01:23:16,144 --> 01:23:18,143 - What's this got to do with Thea? - Nothing, Mum, nothing. 1521 01:23:18,144 --> 01:23:20,144 - Jasmine? - I'll tell you. 1522 01:23:25,144 --> 01:23:27,144 She was with Thea that night. 1523 01:23:28,057 --> 01:23:30,057 Her and Luke. 1524 01:23:30,144 --> 01:23:33,143 She dared Thea to stand on the edge of the crag. 1525 01:23:33,144 --> 01:23:34,580 And when Thea fell... 1526 01:23:35,752 --> 01:23:38,340 ...she let us think it was all our fault! 1527 01:23:39,387 --> 01:23:41,380 They both did. 1528 01:23:45,380 --> 01:23:47,143 It's not true, Mam. 1529 01:23:47,144 --> 01:23:49,824 I'd never. I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't! 1530 01:23:57,542 --> 01:23:59,542 Come on, pet. 1531 01:24:19,392 --> 01:24:21,432 You look hollowed out. 1532 01:24:21,820 --> 01:24:24,417 I haven't slept in days. 1533 01:24:26,339 --> 01:24:29,539 Look, I know the truth was important to Luke. 1534 01:24:31,917 --> 01:24:33,917 Did he come to see your dad? 1535 01:24:34,700 --> 01:24:37,143 I was so happy to see him. 1536 01:24:37,144 --> 01:24:39,143 But he was upset, he wouldn't look at us. 1537 01:24:39,144 --> 01:24:41,143 Kept saying he wanted to speak to me dad, 1538 01:24:41,144 --> 01:24:43,144 but I told Luke I wouldn't wake him. 1539 01:24:44,144 --> 01:24:47,540 Luke looks in a bad way. Whatever it was, was hurting him. 1540 01:24:49,144 --> 01:24:51,504 I begged him to tell us what it was and... 1541 01:24:53,144 --> 01:24:54,984 ...eventually, he did. 1542 01:24:59,026 --> 01:25:03,026 Luke could see Thea was wasted when Jasmine dared her. 1543 01:25:03,051 --> 01:25:05,051 He tried to stop her. 1544 01:25:05,076 --> 01:25:09,076 But Jasmine just kept pushing her on and on, and so... 1545 01:25:12,144 --> 01:25:15,143 Afterwards, Luke wanted to go to the police, 1546 01:25:15,144 --> 01:25:17,620 but Jasmine said that they'd end up in prison, 1547 01:25:17,945 --> 01:25:20,745 that she'd kill herself, that it would destroy his mam. 1548 01:25:21,839 --> 01:25:23,519 She's just a kid, love. 1549 01:25:23,544 --> 01:25:26,093 Just a stupid scared kid. 1550 01:25:26,144 --> 01:25:30,144 Yeah, well, that KID made up that Thea had depression. 1551 01:25:30,620 --> 01:25:34,143 Said people'd believe it was suicide and Luke just went along with it. 1552 01:25:34,144 --> 01:25:36,865 I wanted to hurt him, like he'd hurt us. 1553 01:25:36,866 --> 01:25:40,763 I kicked him, hit him, punched him. He just let me. 1554 01:25:40,764 --> 01:25:43,144 Until he fell, and he banged his head, hard. 1555 01:25:44,144 --> 01:25:46,143 Straight away, I came to my senses. 1556 01:25:46,144 --> 01:25:48,143 I was sorry. I wanted to help him, 1557 01:25:48,144 --> 01:25:50,143 but it... it wasn't bleeding, he was OK. 1558 01:25:50,144 --> 01:25:51,144 He just wanted to go home. 1559 01:25:51,145 --> 01:25:54,343 And you drove him back, did you? 1560 01:25:54,344 --> 01:25:56,143 Yeah. 1561 01:25:56,144 --> 01:25:58,144 And how did he seem? 1562 01:26:00,060 --> 01:26:03,300 Bit drunk. Slurring. 1563 01:26:06,495 --> 01:26:08,495 Was that because of his head? 1564 01:26:17,144 --> 01:26:19,144 Ma'am. 1565 01:26:22,144 --> 01:26:24,144 I'm sorry. 1566 01:26:26,144 --> 01:26:28,143 C'mon. 1567 01:26:28,144 --> 01:26:30,143 What'll happen to Jasmine? 1568 01:26:30,144 --> 01:26:32,143 She's got to admit the truth. 1569 01:26:32,144 --> 01:26:33,503 Oh, she will. 1570 01:26:33,504 --> 01:26:35,143 She's got no choice, love. 1571 01:26:35,144 --> 01:26:36,184 C'mon. 1572 01:27:58,964 --> 01:28:01,324 Um... I... 1573 01:28:07,378 --> 01:28:08,898 C'mon.