1 00:00:43,960 --> 00:00:45,960 Only two today. 2 00:00:47,840 --> 00:00:49,110 Goran. 3 00:00:52,120 --> 00:00:53,190 Zamir. 4 00:00:53,240 --> 00:00:54,800 Get in. 5 00:01:54,200 --> 00:01:56,140 Here comes trouble. 6 00:02:03,040 --> 00:02:04,180 Hi. 7 00:02:05,960 --> 00:02:07,430 Why are you here? 8 00:02:07,480 --> 00:02:09,470 It's a school day. 9 00:02:17,480 --> 00:02:18,830 Oh, Zaboga! 10 00:02:18,880 --> 00:02:20,990 What's up? 11 00:02:21,040 --> 00:02:22,980 It's blocked again. 12 00:02:23,600 --> 00:02:26,270 Oh, OK, I'll be there in a minute. 13 00:02:26,320 --> 00:02:27,800 Thank you. 14 00:03:10,480 --> 00:03:12,470 Just up there, mam. Just up there. 15 00:03:12,520 --> 00:03:14,520 Thanks, love. 16 00:03:49,360 --> 00:03:50,760 Morning. 17 00:03:51,400 --> 00:03:52,670 Morning. 18 00:03:52,720 --> 00:03:55,760 Got any nose pegs back there? Smells worse than my old man's lavvy. 19 00:03:56,760 --> 00:03:58,630 You've been living in the city too long. 20 00:03:58,680 --> 00:04:01,350 That's just country air. 21 00:04:01,680 --> 00:04:04,630 - So what have we got? - A dead man face-down in a slurry pit. 22 00:04:04,680 --> 00:04:08,680 IC-1 male, about 5'11", 160 pounds. 23 00:04:09,400 --> 00:04:11,350 Two farmhands found him this morning 24 00:04:11,400 --> 00:04:14,500 Milosh Beqiri and Danny Pryor, the owner. 25 00:04:14,960 --> 00:04:17,630 Pryor? What time? 26 00:04:17,680 --> 00:04:19,950 - Just before eight. - Gosh. 27 00:04:25,400 --> 00:04:27,600 - So, is that them? - Yeah. 28 00:04:28,680 --> 00:04:31,350 - Beqiri - where's he from? - Kosovo. 29 00:04:33,160 --> 00:04:35,760 - What's that for? - For the fumes. 30 00:04:42,720 --> 00:04:44,280 Phwoar! 31 00:04:46,640 --> 00:04:48,630 So how did he end up in there? 32 00:04:48,680 --> 00:04:51,350 He was an avid swimmer. Maybe the pool was shut. 33 00:04:51,400 --> 00:04:53,040 Very funny. 34 00:04:54,000 --> 00:04:57,300 - And this was eight o'clock? - Just before eight. 35 00:04:58,400 --> 00:05:00,940 Float him carefully towards me. 36 00:05:02,000 --> 00:05:03,750 He been in there long, Marcus? 37 00:05:03,800 --> 00:05:06,070 It's hard to say. 38 00:05:06,520 --> 00:05:09,590 The nitrate in the slurry affects the decomposition. 39 00:05:09,640 --> 00:05:12,310 Ohh, can't breathe in this thing! 40 00:05:16,600 --> 00:05:18,590 Well, what's your best guess? 41 00:05:18,640 --> 00:05:20,270 Hours? 42 00:05:20,320 --> 00:05:22,310 Days, weeks, what? 43 00:05:22,360 --> 00:05:24,270 I don't know. A while. 44 00:05:24,320 --> 00:05:26,660 If anything, I'd say weeks. 45 00:05:27,200 --> 00:05:30,550 Right, boys, let's get these bags on his hands. 46 00:05:30,600 --> 00:05:34,400 Is it possible he could have fallen in by accident... 47 00:05:34,560 --> 00:05:36,550 ...overcome by the fumes? 48 00:05:36,600 --> 00:05:39,900 It's unlikely. There's a blockage in the tank. 49 00:05:40,120 --> 00:05:44,480 The older fella, Danny Pryor, he was clearing it and up popped the body. 50 00:05:46,840 --> 00:05:48,590 Be careful to preserve the scene. 51 00:05:48,640 --> 00:05:50,350 On one, two... 52 00:05:50,400 --> 00:05:52,630 - Marcus... Marcus! - Lift. 53 00:05:52,680 --> 00:05:54,480 Hey, be careful! 54 00:05:58,560 --> 00:06:02,040 I want this tank dredged and I want you two to do it. 55 00:06:05,160 --> 00:06:07,500 Bit of a turn-up, isn't it? 56 00:06:09,240 --> 00:06:11,510 Yeah, you could say that. 57 00:06:12,320 --> 00:06:13,910 Pryor's Farm. 58 00:06:13,960 --> 00:06:17,060 Didn't this used to be Samuel Pryor's farm? 59 00:06:17,560 --> 00:06:19,550 Yeah, he's my uncle. 60 00:06:19,600 --> 00:06:25,150 My brother Rob and myself moved down and took the farm on when he passed away. 61 00:06:25,200 --> 00:06:27,190 Oh, does he still work here? 62 00:06:27,240 --> 00:06:30,040 No, no, he's too much of a night owl. 63 00:06:30,320 --> 00:06:32,520 He's a pub landlord now. 64 00:06:33,760 --> 00:06:36,160 Did you know my uncle, then? 65 00:06:36,320 --> 00:06:40,000 I came up here a couple of times to talk to him about disturbances. 66 00:06:41,240 --> 00:06:45,600 Had a habit of chasing travelers off his land waving a shotgun. 67 00:06:46,400 --> 00:06:48,670 Actually, as I remember, it was a hunting rifle. 68 00:06:52,440 --> 00:06:55,470 And you've no idea who that poor fella is? 69 00:06:55,520 --> 00:06:57,520 No, none at all. 70 00:07:02,880 --> 00:07:04,870 How many acres do you manage? 71 00:07:04,920 --> 00:07:06,790 Close to 600. 72 00:07:06,840 --> 00:07:09,670 Phew. It must take quite a workforce. 73 00:07:09,720 --> 00:07:11,660 All that livestock. 74 00:07:13,480 --> 00:07:16,020 Have you got a kettle in there? 75 00:07:16,520 --> 00:07:20,800 I was just out the shower when I heard Danny shouting and I went to take a look. 76 00:07:21,440 --> 00:07:24,640 My first thought was Toby had had an accident, 77 00:07:25,680 --> 00:07:27,190 and then I saw the body. 78 00:07:28,920 --> 00:07:31,590 In the slurry pit, of all places. 79 00:07:34,160 --> 00:07:35,600 Hello. 80 00:07:36,480 --> 00:07:38,470 Keeping your lad at home today? 81 00:07:38,520 --> 00:07:40,510 Yeah, that's probably wise. 82 00:07:40,560 --> 00:07:42,830 No. Toby's home-schooled. 83 00:07:47,720 --> 00:07:49,710 He wants to know who you are. 84 00:07:49,760 --> 00:07:51,710 Ah. Ooh! 85 00:07:51,760 --> 00:07:53,750 My name is... 86 00:07:53,800 --> 00:07:56,140 See if I can remember this. 87 00:07:59,320 --> 00:08:01,310 I think you meant E. 88 00:08:01,360 --> 00:08:03,560 Unless your name's Vira? 89 00:08:04,520 --> 00:08:06,200 Oh, right! 90 00:08:07,320 --> 00:08:10,520 My deaf awareness training, oh, was way back. 91 00:08:11,160 --> 00:08:14,030 I'm impressed. Most people just stare like statues. 92 00:08:14,080 --> 00:08:16,020 Kids are the worst. 93 00:08:16,400 --> 00:08:18,540 Why do you home-school? 94 00:08:19,560 --> 00:08:21,550 We just thought it was best for Toby. 95 00:08:21,600 --> 00:08:23,510 Karen used to be a teacher. 96 00:08:23,560 --> 00:08:24,910 Oh, right. 97 00:08:24,960 --> 00:08:26,760 A long time ago. 98 00:08:28,120 --> 00:08:30,320 We'll just be next door. 99 00:08:36,640 --> 00:08:39,630 So why the delay before calling the police? 100 00:08:39,680 --> 00:08:41,000 Mm? 101 00:08:43,360 --> 00:08:45,350 You said you called just before eight? 102 00:08:45,400 --> 00:08:46,630 Yeah. 103 00:08:46,680 --> 00:08:48,950 And you called as soon as you found the body? 104 00:08:49,000 --> 00:08:51,000 Shortly after, yeah. 105 00:08:51,800 --> 00:08:55,480 Only some of the muck on the body had been washed clean in patches. 106 00:08:58,000 --> 00:09:01,520 So it must have surfaced before that downpour at seven. 107 00:09:04,240 --> 00:09:06,240 So why did you wait? 108 00:09:08,960 --> 00:09:10,430 Sorry. 109 00:09:10,480 --> 00:09:13,150 I thought I was doing them a favor. 110 00:09:13,200 --> 00:09:15,030 - Who? - My laborers. 111 00:09:15,080 --> 00:09:18,710 I err... figured they wouldn't want police sniffing round them 112 00:09:18,760 --> 00:09:21,950 so I paid them for the day and told them to knock off early. 113 00:09:22,000 --> 00:09:24,070 Right, I'm gonna want their names. 114 00:09:24,120 --> 00:09:27,430 You collect your men from Morris Road in Alnwick? 115 00:09:27,480 --> 00:09:29,870 - And always the same men? - The same pool of men. 116 00:09:29,920 --> 00:09:31,910 It's first come, first serve. 117 00:09:31,960 --> 00:09:33,950 Milosh? 118 00:09:34,000 --> 00:09:38,000 DCI Stanhope needs contact details for Zamir and Goran. 119 00:09:38,920 --> 00:09:42,030 Zamir Ilic and Goran Vlasic. I don't know their addresses. 120 00:09:42,080 --> 00:09:44,390 - But they're foreign nationals? - Serbian. 121 00:09:44,440 --> 00:09:46,550 Can you write their names down for me, please? 122 00:09:46,600 --> 00:09:50,100 And I'll need to check your work permit and visa. 123 00:10:00,800 --> 00:10:04,640 I worked here last summer and then enquired about this place. 124 00:10:05,880 --> 00:10:08,390 Back then, it was used for storage. 125 00:10:08,440 --> 00:10:10,580 All windows boarded up, 126 00:10:11,120 --> 00:10:14,120 holes in the roof big enough for rain to pour through. 127 00:10:20,000 --> 00:10:22,270 Here. These are my papers. 128 00:10:22,800 --> 00:10:25,390 I'll need to photograph these and send them in. 129 00:10:25,440 --> 00:10:27,430 I won't be a minute. 130 00:10:27,480 --> 00:10:29,080 Oh. 131 00:10:31,080 --> 00:10:32,920 A lot of work! 132 00:10:36,960 --> 00:10:39,670 - Do you pay Danny Pryor rent? - Of course. 133 00:10:39,720 --> 00:10:41,670 - Is he a good boss? - Danny? 134 00:10:41,720 --> 00:10:44,390 Yes, he's a good man. Very honest. 135 00:10:49,120 --> 00:10:52,200 Oh. This is my wife, Milanka, and my son, Tomas. 136 00:10:52,920 --> 00:10:55,110 - How old's your son? - Four. 137 00:10:55,160 --> 00:10:58,360 Everything is spaceships and astronauts at the moment. 138 00:10:59,000 --> 00:11:00,750 They're not here with you? 139 00:11:00,800 --> 00:11:02,790 No, they're back home in Pristina. 140 00:11:02,840 --> 00:11:05,070 It's not ideal, but this is where the work is. 141 00:11:05,120 --> 00:11:07,830 They'll come here once I've finished their home. 142 00:11:07,880 --> 00:11:09,750 Thank you. 143 00:11:09,800 --> 00:11:11,790 They've found something at the pit. 144 00:11:11,840 --> 00:11:13,350 Right. 145 00:11:13,400 --> 00:11:15,400 Thanks, Mr. Beqiri. 146 00:11:17,640 --> 00:11:19,640 Another body? 147 00:11:21,080 --> 00:11:23,080 It's not, is it? 148 00:11:30,200 --> 00:11:31,800 Ballast. 149 00:11:32,760 --> 00:11:35,230 So our man WAS weighted down. 150 00:11:42,000 --> 00:11:44,270 Feeling spiritual are you? 151 00:11:46,480 --> 00:11:49,110 Help yourself. Old med school trick for cadaver day. 152 00:11:49,160 --> 00:11:51,700 Some of them weren't too fresh. 153 00:11:55,520 --> 00:11:57,060 Not a word. 154 00:12:02,600 --> 00:12:05,550 - Ah, a young fella. - 23, 24. 155 00:12:05,600 --> 00:12:07,230 You ran his prints? 156 00:12:07,280 --> 00:12:09,680 Nah, he's not on the system. 157 00:12:10,520 --> 00:12:13,270 What's your estimated time of death? 158 00:12:13,320 --> 00:12:17,310 The farmer doesn't keep a log of how much nitrate he adds, but from his estimates, 159 00:12:17,360 --> 00:12:20,510 time of death would be some time in the last four to five weeks. 160 00:12:20,560 --> 00:12:23,910 - You can't be more accurate than that? - Best guess only, I'm afraid. 161 00:12:25,480 --> 00:12:28,150 So if he'd stayed in that muck... 162 00:12:29,160 --> 00:12:31,750 ...how long before he disappeared completely? 163 00:12:31,800 --> 00:12:36,310 Six months to a year? I mean, the nitrate would break everything down eventually. 164 00:12:36,360 --> 00:12:38,990 Everything but his pearly whites. 165 00:12:39,040 --> 00:12:42,440 What's he done to deserve that, eh, Marcus, hm? 166 00:12:42,680 --> 00:12:44,670 The why is your field. 167 00:12:44,720 --> 00:12:46,440 But the how... 168 00:12:47,160 --> 00:12:49,030 See this bruising? 169 00:12:49,520 --> 00:12:52,620 He was strangled by someone right-handed. 170 00:12:52,920 --> 00:12:54,910 It was probably a man. 171 00:12:54,960 --> 00:12:57,600 - Grabbed from behind. - Strangled? 172 00:12:58,520 --> 00:13:03,160 These marks on his torso, from the rope and the weight of the sandbag. 173 00:13:03,920 --> 00:13:06,710 Good news - if you want to call it that - is that they're... 174 00:13:06,760 --> 00:13:08,830 - Post-mortem. - Exactly. 175 00:13:09,560 --> 00:13:12,070 So, dead before he was dumped? 176 00:13:12,120 --> 00:13:13,880 Yes. 177 00:13:15,240 --> 00:13:17,110 Well, that's something, I suppose. 178 00:13:17,160 --> 00:13:20,870 No surprises in his bloodwork - just traces of nicotine and alcohol. 179 00:13:20,920 --> 00:13:23,520 And... this. 180 00:13:25,800 --> 00:13:27,800 What's that? 181 00:13:28,880 --> 00:13:30,880 A scar, a birthmark? 182 00:13:32,320 --> 00:13:34,150 You know what? 183 00:13:34,200 --> 00:13:36,870 This fella's had a tattoo removed. 184 00:13:37,240 --> 00:13:39,510 Yes, he has, and recently. 185 00:13:44,440 --> 00:13:48,670 Now our farmer, Danny Pryor, hires migrant workers. 186 00:13:48,720 --> 00:13:52,960 So is it possible our fella is an old employee of his? 187 00:13:53,640 --> 00:13:56,990 Kenny, check missing persons, immigration advice groups, 188 00:13:57,040 --> 00:14:00,140 drop-in centers, benefits offices, the lot. 189 00:14:00,280 --> 00:14:03,220 Er... the Slurry Appreciation Society? 190 00:14:03,560 --> 00:14:06,660 Very funny. Let's find the fella a name, eh? 191 00:14:07,000 --> 00:14:09,950 A forensic artist just sent this through. Say hello to Slurry Man. 192 00:14:10,000 --> 00:14:11,750 Great. 193 00:14:11,800 --> 00:14:14,800 - Here, Ken, get these circulated. - Ma'am. 194 00:14:15,440 --> 00:14:18,740 Our fella, we think, has had a tattoo removed. 195 00:14:18,880 --> 00:14:21,310 So let's check all of those places that do that 196 00:14:21,323 --> 00:14:23,510 sort of thing. Someone might remember him. 197 00:14:23,560 --> 00:14:27,230 Helen, Danny Pryor and Milosh Beqiri - have you got anything on them? 198 00:14:27,280 --> 00:14:30,910 No. The only blip in the radar was 2007, 199 00:14:30,960 --> 00:14:33,559 when Danny Pryor made page four of the Gazette 200 00:14:33,572 --> 00:14:35,960 for evicting some travelers off his land. 201 00:14:37,240 --> 00:14:39,351 Well, keep digging and call the Kosovan 202 00:14:39,364 --> 00:14:42,030 Embassy, see if they've got anything on Beqiri. 203 00:14:42,080 --> 00:14:44,790 What about our two missing farm workers? Anything? 204 00:14:44,840 --> 00:14:48,350 - We found something on Goran Vlasic. - I pulled in a favor from a mate at CID. 205 00:14:48,400 --> 00:14:50,516 And I answered the call and spoke to him, so... 206 00:14:50,529 --> 00:14:51,550 So what have you got? 207 00:14:51,600 --> 00:14:54,830 It turns out, last year, Goran Vlasic popped up on CID's radar. 208 00:14:54,880 --> 00:14:57,510 His name was linked with a gun-running case. 209 00:14:57,560 --> 00:15:01,550 CID thought he was just a low-level grunt providing security for the guy in question. 210 00:15:01,600 --> 00:15:03,590 They couldn't pin anything on him. 211 00:15:03,640 --> 00:15:05,390 Right, have you got the address? 212 00:15:05,440 --> 00:15:07,040 - Mm. - Great. 213 00:15:24,600 --> 00:15:26,590 WOMAN: Sorry, I'm not interested! 214 00:15:26,640 --> 00:15:29,740 It's the police, love. Can you let us in? 215 00:15:39,760 --> 00:15:41,750 How can I help you both? 216 00:15:41,800 --> 00:15:44,600 DCI Vera Stanhope. That's DS Healey. 217 00:15:45,200 --> 00:15:48,990 Mr. Vlasic - do you know where we might find him, Mrs...? 218 00:15:49,040 --> 00:15:51,110 Ms Johnson, caretaker. 219 00:15:51,840 --> 00:15:54,940 I saw Goran leave about half an hour ago. 220 00:15:55,720 --> 00:15:59,230 What about a bloke called Zamir Ilic? 221 00:15:59,280 --> 00:16:02,470 Goran and Sammy both mixed up in something, are they? 222 00:16:02,520 --> 00:16:04,310 Sammy Ilic? 223 00:16:04,360 --> 00:16:06,960 He lives upstairs. Second floor. 224 00:16:07,760 --> 00:16:09,790 AIDEN: How well do you know them? 225 00:16:09,840 --> 00:16:11,830 We have a chat now and then. 226 00:16:11,880 --> 00:16:13,880 Nice men - foreign. 227 00:16:14,680 --> 00:16:18,270 But they always pay their rent on time. 228 00:16:18,320 --> 00:16:20,710 He got any friends or family that you know of? 229 00:16:20,760 --> 00:16:22,720 I'm not one to pry. 230 00:16:24,680 --> 00:16:26,680 He's nipped out too. 231 00:16:33,560 --> 00:16:35,120 Mr. Ilic? 232 00:16:38,040 --> 00:16:40,310 Mr. Ilic, it's the police. 233 00:16:41,640 --> 00:16:44,040 Could you unlock this, love? 234 00:16:45,400 --> 00:16:46,630 Mr. Ilic? 235 00:16:46,680 --> 00:16:48,360 Sammy? 236 00:16:57,800 --> 00:17:00,270 Just wait here, Miss Johnson. 237 00:17:00,560 --> 00:17:02,160 Mr. Ilic? 238 00:17:07,480 --> 00:17:09,480 Are you in here? 239 00:17:18,240 --> 00:17:20,040 Mr. Ilic? 240 00:17:31,800 --> 00:17:34,190 Mr. Ilic, stay with us, love. 241 00:17:34,240 --> 00:17:36,910 Mr. Ilic, you stay with us. Aiden! 242 00:18:04,560 --> 00:18:08,760 For someone who hated mess, he chose a messy way to go out. 243 00:18:09,960 --> 00:18:13,710 So Zamir Ilic kills our Slurry Man, and then when he resurfaces, 244 00:18:13,760 --> 00:18:16,860 he panics and tries to take his own life? 245 00:18:17,120 --> 00:18:18,750 Did you find the bullet? 246 00:18:18,800 --> 00:18:21,470 What's left of it is still jangling around in his neck. 247 00:18:21,520 --> 00:18:23,590 Walther 9mm automatic. 248 00:18:24,960 --> 00:18:27,700 Serial number's been scratched out. 249 00:18:27,840 --> 00:18:30,697 Yeah, and a workmate who was affiliated with a 250 00:18:30,710 --> 00:18:33,640 gun-running case living a couple of doors away. 251 00:18:35,360 --> 00:18:39,270 Right, get all this to the print lab, get Edwards over to the hospital. 252 00:18:39,320 --> 00:18:43,200 I want Ilic printed and as soon as he's lucid, we need to question him. 253 00:18:45,960 --> 00:18:48,500 Has Goran Vlasic been in touch? 254 00:18:48,880 --> 00:18:51,390 And do you know where he might have gone? 255 00:18:51,440 --> 00:18:52,870 No. 256 00:18:52,920 --> 00:18:56,150 Just my luck, eh? I get all the lowlifes working on my farm. 257 00:18:56,200 --> 00:19:00,310 Well, it's just a shame you gave those lowlifes a chance to scarper. 258 00:19:02,560 --> 00:19:05,590 Where were you, ten o'clock this morning? 259 00:19:05,640 --> 00:19:07,630 I was here. Why? 260 00:19:07,680 --> 00:19:09,870 - And Milosh Beqiri? - He was here too. 261 00:19:09,920 --> 00:19:11,470 Are you sure? 262 00:19:11,520 --> 00:19:15,270 I've checked with the uniform on the gate. Nobody left since they got here at 8:30. 263 00:19:15,320 --> 00:19:17,040 Right. 264 00:19:18,920 --> 00:19:24,360 Look, this is a reconstructed photo-fit picture of the fella we found in your pit. 265 00:19:25,960 --> 00:19:28,360 Either of you recognize him? 266 00:19:29,160 --> 00:19:30,390 KAREN: No. 267 00:19:30,440 --> 00:19:32,430 Do you have a name? 268 00:19:32,480 --> 00:19:34,480 No, not yet. 269 00:19:35,360 --> 00:19:36,990 Mr. Pryor? 270 00:19:37,040 --> 00:19:39,030 No, I don't. 271 00:19:39,080 --> 00:19:40,870 Are you sure? 272 00:19:40,920 --> 00:19:44,620 Is he not someone who could have worked here before? 273 00:19:45,080 --> 00:19:46,750 No. Sorry, I can't help. 274 00:19:46,800 --> 00:19:50,510 I can take a copy and put it on my market stall tomorrow, if you like. 275 00:19:50,560 --> 00:19:51,830 Yeah. 276 00:19:51,880 --> 00:19:53,870 Yeah, great Dan, advertise. 277 00:19:53,920 --> 00:19:56,430 People really want to shop at the murder farm. 278 00:19:56,480 --> 00:19:57,910 I'm just trying to help. 279 00:19:57,960 --> 00:19:59,560 Hello, love. 280 00:20:01,480 --> 00:20:03,190 You finished early today? 281 00:20:03,240 --> 00:20:06,320 He's just on a break. Four minutes and counting. 282 00:20:09,520 --> 00:20:11,910 So where is he, then, Mr. Beqiri? 283 00:20:11,960 --> 00:20:13,710 He's in the south field. 284 00:20:13,760 --> 00:20:15,830 - Which is...? - You can follow Toby. 285 00:20:15,880 --> 00:20:17,630 He's playing postman. 286 00:20:17,680 --> 00:20:19,200 Right. 287 00:20:21,440 --> 00:20:22,960 Thank you. 288 00:20:40,760 --> 00:20:42,040 Hey! 289 00:20:45,720 --> 00:20:47,190 Thank you. 290 00:20:49,280 --> 00:20:51,910 Wow, ham and cheese! 291 00:20:51,960 --> 00:20:53,960 My favorite. 292 00:20:55,360 --> 00:20:59,040 You should get back. We don't want teacher to keep waiting. 293 00:21:13,880 --> 00:21:15,420 He's great. 294 00:21:15,880 --> 00:21:17,880 Any news? 295 00:21:18,560 --> 00:21:22,120 Zamir Ilic... he's been rushed to hospital. 296 00:21:22,880 --> 00:21:25,880 We think he tried to take his own life. 297 00:21:28,520 --> 00:21:30,990 I will pray for his recovery. 298 00:21:31,120 --> 00:21:34,470 Have you heard from Goran Vlasic since he left the farm this morning? 299 00:21:34,520 --> 00:21:36,030 No, why? 300 00:21:36,080 --> 00:21:38,070 He's legged it. 301 00:21:38,120 --> 00:21:40,390 I should've known. 302 00:21:41,040 --> 00:21:43,950 Goran mixes with some undesirable types. 303 00:21:44,000 --> 00:21:47,000 And lately, he's... Well, he's been on Zamir's case. 304 00:21:47,640 --> 00:21:50,750 Like, whatever Zamir does, Goran is on his back. 305 00:21:50,800 --> 00:21:53,190 You wouldn't happen to know where Goran would be? 306 00:21:53,240 --> 00:21:55,590 Does he have any girlfriends? 307 00:21:55,640 --> 00:21:58,640 I don't ask questions. I have a family. 308 00:21:58,880 --> 00:22:02,280 I can't afford to poke my nose into other people's business. 309 00:22:03,400 --> 00:22:04,830 Ma'am? 310 00:22:04,880 --> 00:22:07,480 We've got to go. Tyneside ferry. 311 00:22:08,440 --> 00:22:10,918 Well, if you hear of anything, you let us know. 312 00:22:10,931 --> 00:22:11,760 Of course. 313 00:22:22,680 --> 00:22:24,630 - Cheers, thank you. - Have a nice trip. 314 00:22:24,680 --> 00:22:26,150 Yes, sir? 315 00:22:27,720 --> 00:22:29,630 One way to Amsterdam, please. 316 00:22:29,680 --> 00:22:33,670 I need you two on this door. This is Goran Vlasic, keep an eye out for him. 317 00:22:33,720 --> 00:22:36,720 You two at that door at the back, yeah? 318 00:22:41,800 --> 00:22:44,000 Excuse me? Goran Vlasic? 319 00:22:45,520 --> 00:22:47,120 Agh! 320 00:22:54,680 --> 00:22:56,040 Urgh! 321 00:22:57,000 --> 00:22:59,388 Now, I take that as a yes. Do you mind if I ask 322 00:22:59,401 --> 00:23:01,600 you a couple of questions about Zamir Ilic? 323 00:23:06,960 --> 00:23:08,950 Here we are. 324 00:23:09,000 --> 00:23:12,270 Mr. Vlasic, were you working at Pryor's Farm this morning? 325 00:23:12,320 --> 00:23:14,590 - Yes. - With Zamir Ilic? 326 00:23:14,640 --> 00:23:17,740 - What's this about? - Just answer the question. 327 00:23:17,920 --> 00:23:19,430 Yes, I worked with Ilic. 328 00:23:19,480 --> 00:23:22,830 And where did you go when you left the farm? 329 00:23:22,880 --> 00:23:24,710 I went home by bus. 330 00:23:24,760 --> 00:23:27,990 - And once you were home? - I packed a bag and headed to train station. 331 00:23:28,040 --> 00:23:30,590 What for? Were you fleeing? 332 00:23:30,640 --> 00:23:33,670 - Sorry? - Running away, legging it. 333 00:23:33,720 --> 00:23:36,510 No. I fancied a holiday. 334 00:23:38,040 --> 00:23:39,950 What train did you catch? 335 00:23:40,000 --> 00:23:42,000 9:50 to Newcastle. 336 00:23:51,880 --> 00:23:54,710 See, this doesn't explain why you ran at the ferry terminal. 337 00:23:54,760 --> 00:23:58,120 - I thought you were Immigration. - There's a problem with your papers? 338 00:24:00,800 --> 00:24:02,940 Do you know this fella? 339 00:24:04,520 --> 00:24:06,240 - No. - No? 340 00:24:07,320 --> 00:24:11,670 Now, this is the gun Zamir Ilic was shot with this morning. Do you recognize it? 341 00:24:11,720 --> 00:24:13,110 What? 342 00:24:13,160 --> 00:24:14,750 Ilic was shot? 343 00:24:14,800 --> 00:24:18,710 Do you know who supplied him with this weapon? We know you have contacts. 344 00:24:18,760 --> 00:24:21,310 Whoa, whoa, I don't know what you're talking about. 345 00:24:21,360 --> 00:24:23,350 Don't you? 346 00:24:23,400 --> 00:24:26,870 Now, you see, Milosh Beqiri told us 347 00:24:26,920 --> 00:24:32,360 you and Zamir had a volatile relationship and sometimes, on occasion, you bullied him. 348 00:24:37,400 --> 00:24:41,800 Look, Ilic was a lazy man and I had no time for him, OK? 349 00:24:45,040 --> 00:24:47,110 I'd like to speak to my solicitor now. 350 00:24:47,160 --> 00:24:50,280 Yeah, I think that's a very good idea, sir. 351 00:24:52,320 --> 00:24:54,230 You see, you never asked. 352 00:24:54,280 --> 00:24:55,390 What? 353 00:24:55,440 --> 00:24:57,310 You never asked how Zamir was doing. 354 00:24:57,360 --> 00:25:00,560 - I assume he's dead. - No. No, he's still alive. 355 00:25:00,920 --> 00:25:04,000 And when he speaks, you'd better hope he backs up your story. 356 00:25:33,760 --> 00:25:35,030 Bethany? 357 00:25:35,080 --> 00:25:37,350 Boss, I'm at the hospital. 358 00:25:38,040 --> 00:25:39,870 Zamir Ilic has just passed away. 359 00:25:39,920 --> 00:25:41,360 Oh. 360 00:25:42,200 --> 00:25:44,870 He got rushed into surgery just after I got here. 361 00:25:44,920 --> 00:25:47,460 He died on the operating table. 362 00:25:48,120 --> 00:25:51,710 - You're not in the bath, are you? - There's nothing we can do till morning, 363 00:25:51,760 --> 00:25:53,710 so get yourself home, pet. 364 00:25:53,760 --> 00:25:56,097 One of the paramedics who treated him stopped 365 00:25:56,110 --> 00:25:58,510 by. They found some car keys in the ambulance. 366 00:25:58,560 --> 00:26:01,660 They reckon they fell out of Zamir's pocket. 367 00:26:03,760 --> 00:26:06,430 I'll pick you up in half an hour. 368 00:26:34,960 --> 00:26:36,510 It's a taxi. 369 00:26:36,560 --> 00:26:39,560 Brown's Mini Cabs? Are they still going? 370 00:26:40,480 --> 00:26:43,150 - You know 'em? - Well, they're up by the station. 371 00:26:43,200 --> 00:26:47,000 Used give me a ride home, you know, after a night out. 372 00:27:05,640 --> 00:27:09,350 Well, unless you find anything better in the flat, we can use that. 373 00:27:09,400 --> 00:27:11,310 OK. 374 00:27:11,360 --> 00:27:13,360 I'll circulate it. 375 00:27:19,960 --> 00:27:21,440 Spotless. 376 00:27:22,640 --> 00:27:25,430 As if it's just been driven off a garage forecourt. 377 00:27:25,480 --> 00:27:27,040 Yeah. 378 00:27:38,640 --> 00:27:40,440 Poor Sammy. 379 00:27:41,520 --> 00:27:43,510 It's always the quiet ones. 380 00:27:48,320 --> 00:27:50,720 How long had he worked here? 381 00:27:51,760 --> 00:27:53,750 Since November last year. 382 00:27:53,800 --> 00:27:57,400 He does the graveyard shift - 8:00 till 4:00, four on, three off. 383 00:27:58,680 --> 00:28:00,680 Have a look at this. 384 00:28:02,680 --> 00:28:04,670 Did you ever see him with this fella? 385 00:28:04,720 --> 00:28:06,430 No. 386 00:28:06,480 --> 00:28:09,310 But Sammy doesn't... didn't like to come into the office. 387 00:28:09,360 --> 00:28:11,110 He had a thing about mess, you see. 388 00:28:11,160 --> 00:28:12,630 What, OCD? 389 00:28:12,680 --> 00:28:15,243 Usually when the drivers bring their cars back, 390 00:28:15,256 --> 00:28:17,830 I need to crack out the dust buster and bleach, 391 00:28:17,880 --> 00:28:21,360 but with Sammy, it's... it was always immaculate. 392 00:28:23,000 --> 00:28:25,270 Did anyone hold a grudge? 393 00:28:25,800 --> 00:28:29,300 One of the other drivers, perhaps, or a customer? 394 00:28:29,760 --> 00:28:32,160 Wouldn't say boo to a goose. 395 00:28:34,360 --> 00:28:36,350 How'd you contact him? 396 00:28:36,400 --> 00:28:37,870 By mobile? 397 00:28:37,920 --> 00:28:39,120 Aye. 398 00:28:41,280 --> 00:28:43,550 - It's this number. - Thanks. 399 00:28:49,440 --> 00:28:51,310 Anything? 400 00:28:51,360 --> 00:28:53,350 No, it's just going to voice-mail. 401 00:28:53,400 --> 00:28:57,670 We turned that flat upside-down today, there definitely wasn't a phone there. 402 00:28:57,720 --> 00:29:00,510 First thing in the morning, get onto the phone company. 403 00:29:00,560 --> 00:29:02,950 I want to know when his mobile was last used. 404 00:29:03,000 --> 00:29:05,600 Now, I've got something for you. 405 00:29:08,160 --> 00:29:11,150 Now, see if you can do something with that for me, pet. 406 00:29:11,200 --> 00:29:12,600 There. 407 00:29:13,720 --> 00:29:15,710 It's only my mac. 408 00:29:15,760 --> 00:29:17,760 Leave it with me. 409 00:29:32,920 --> 00:29:34,310 Hiya. 410 00:29:34,360 --> 00:29:36,700 DS Healey and DCI Stanhope. 411 00:29:37,320 --> 00:29:40,120 I understand you remember this fella? 412 00:29:40,480 --> 00:29:43,710 You told one of my officers he had a tattoo removed. 413 00:29:43,760 --> 00:29:45,790 Yeah, that's him. Young chap. 414 00:29:45,840 --> 00:29:47,950 Skinny. Nice eyes. 415 00:29:48,000 --> 00:29:49,870 I've got a thing for eyes. 416 00:29:49,920 --> 00:29:51,510 When was this? 417 00:29:51,560 --> 00:29:54,030 - Two, three months ago. - You don't recall his name? 418 00:29:54,080 --> 00:29:56,704 I didn't speak to him. Geoff dealt with him. 419 00:29:56,717 --> 00:29:57,670 Is that Geoff? 420 00:29:57,720 --> 00:29:59,790 No. Er... Geoff left. 421 00:30:00,360 --> 00:30:02,150 Know where we can get hold of him? 422 00:30:02,200 --> 00:30:04,740 He's in India, finding himself. 423 00:30:06,200 --> 00:30:07,710 Thanks, love. 424 00:30:07,760 --> 00:30:09,150 Hang on. 425 00:30:09,200 --> 00:30:11,070 Geoff took before and afters. 426 00:30:11,120 --> 00:30:13,460 Not for posterity, neither. 427 00:30:13,960 --> 00:30:15,870 The insurance company insisted on it. 428 00:30:15,920 --> 00:30:19,430 He got sued a while back - before he started here, I might add. 429 00:30:19,480 --> 00:30:21,230 Here it is. 430 00:30:21,280 --> 00:30:23,420 - What, this one? - Mm-hm. 431 00:30:26,320 --> 00:30:29,060 Well, what sort of a design's that? 432 00:30:34,480 --> 00:30:36,470 Get Helen onto POLCA. 433 00:30:36,520 --> 00:30:38,968 See if she can get one of them... What do you 434 00:30:38,981 --> 00:30:41,600 call it?.. cryptologists to take a look at that. 435 00:30:44,000 --> 00:30:45,990 See this discoloration here? 436 00:30:46,040 --> 00:30:48,030 What, bruising from the surgery? 437 00:30:48,080 --> 00:30:49,750 Some. 438 00:30:49,800 --> 00:30:52,240 But this part is older. 439 00:30:53,200 --> 00:30:58,870 Maybe the placing of the entry wound was designed to cover something up. 440 00:30:58,920 --> 00:31:00,030 Oh. 441 00:31:00,080 --> 00:31:03,510 Also, one side of his windpipe is concave. 442 00:31:03,560 --> 00:31:05,870 Could be crush trauma, could be impact damage. 443 00:31:05,920 --> 00:31:07,230 Come on, Marcus! 444 00:31:07,280 --> 00:31:11,110 The tissue damage and surgical scarring make it difficult to say one way or the other. 445 00:31:11,160 --> 00:31:14,160 I have to write this up as inconclusive. 446 00:31:14,560 --> 00:31:16,550 - You're kidding me? - No. 447 00:31:16,600 --> 00:31:18,080 I'm not. 448 00:31:20,240 --> 00:31:22,240 Off the record? 449 00:31:24,640 --> 00:31:27,234 I'm inclined to say someone tried to strangle Ilic 450 00:31:27,247 --> 00:31:29,750 and then put a gun to his throat to cover it up. 451 00:31:32,560 --> 00:31:34,120 What? 452 00:31:35,440 --> 00:31:37,430 What? Thanks, Marcus. 453 00:31:37,480 --> 00:31:39,350 Who authorized that? 454 00:31:39,400 --> 00:31:41,470 That's off the record! 455 00:31:43,160 --> 00:31:44,790 Hold, hold, hold, hold, hold. 456 00:31:44,840 --> 00:31:47,790 Raymond Bourne, Mr. Vlasic's legal representative. 457 00:31:47,840 --> 00:31:51,070 Well, bully for you! You're not taking him anywhere. 458 00:31:51,120 --> 00:31:53,830 Your client's charged with assaulting a police officer. 459 00:31:53,880 --> 00:31:56,150 - Those charges can't stand. - Want to bet? 460 00:31:56,200 --> 00:32:00,950 Witnesses at the scene confirmed that said police officer failed to identify himself. 461 00:32:01,000 --> 00:32:02,590 You what? 462 00:32:02,640 --> 00:32:07,110 So unless you have evidence enough to charge my client with another crime, 463 00:32:07,160 --> 00:32:09,160 he's homeward bound. 464 00:32:19,800 --> 00:32:21,870 AIDEN: I know, I know. 465 00:32:22,160 --> 00:32:26,440 Now, Marcus is recording Zamir Ilic's death as inconclusive, 466 00:32:27,120 --> 00:32:29,630 which means we may be looking at a double murder. 467 00:32:29,680 --> 00:32:32,510 And now our main suspect is back on the street. 468 00:32:32,560 --> 00:32:34,550 - I know. - No, pet. 469 00:32:34,600 --> 00:32:37,540 If you knew, he'd still be in custody. 470 00:32:40,080 --> 00:32:43,510 And why are we still referring to our victim as Slurry Man? 471 00:32:43,560 --> 00:32:46,510 How hard can it be to find a name? 472 00:32:46,560 --> 00:32:49,920 - I'm trying. - Well, try harder, Kenny. Come on, man! 473 00:32:52,800 --> 00:32:54,710 That's your fault, upsetting her. 474 00:32:54,760 --> 00:32:57,110 Zamir Ilic's phone records. 475 00:32:57,160 --> 00:33:00,670 It's a pay as you go. Multiple calls made to and from the same number. 476 00:33:00,720 --> 00:33:02,750 - Brown's Mini Cabs. - No friends, family? 477 00:33:02,800 --> 00:33:07,270 No, it's just the last ping which registered at 10:02 this morning to Ilic's address. 478 00:33:07,320 --> 00:33:10,230 - After that, the signal goes dead. - So someone turned it off? 479 00:33:10,280 --> 00:33:12,080 Or destroyed it. 480 00:33:13,000 --> 00:33:15,830 Aiden, what have you got with the gun? 481 00:33:15,880 --> 00:33:17,636 Zamir's thumbprints are on the trigger, 482 00:33:17,649 --> 00:33:19,870 partials on the handle, nothing on the bullets. 483 00:33:19,920 --> 00:33:21,920 Put it on the board. 484 00:33:22,920 --> 00:33:24,910 Kenny, cameras? 485 00:33:24,960 --> 00:33:29,200 The nearest CCTV is er... round the corner in... Talbot Road. 486 00:33:29,840 --> 00:33:33,950 What, is that all we have? Have we nothing, apart from your overtime sheet? 487 00:33:34,000 --> 00:33:39,600 I might have something. I spoke to a Professor McLeish at Newcastle Uni. 488 00:33:40,080 --> 00:33:43,670 After a long, boring lecture about masculine versus feminine 489 00:33:43,720 --> 00:33:46,190 and pagan symbolism, blah, blah, 490 00:33:46,240 --> 00:33:51,320 he identified Slurry Man's tattoo as a luck charm, designed to... 491 00:33:52,240 --> 00:33:55,840 ".. make those you need to impress well-disposed towards you." 492 00:33:56,360 --> 00:33:58,500 Well, that worked well! 493 00:33:58,920 --> 00:34:01,320 - Pagan? - No, no, it's Romany. 494 00:34:01,760 --> 00:34:03,750 Romany? 495 00:34:03,800 --> 00:34:06,000 What, as in a traveler? 496 00:34:29,600 --> 00:34:31,160 Keep that. 497 00:34:38,720 --> 00:34:40,710 Oh, that smells better! 498 00:34:40,760 --> 00:34:42,760 Good as new. 499 00:34:48,760 --> 00:34:51,110 You all right? Can I help you? 500 00:34:51,160 --> 00:34:54,280 Is there a site manager, pet, someone in charge? 501 00:35:02,560 --> 00:35:04,550 Morning. 502 00:35:04,600 --> 00:35:06,590 - Da! - Yeah? 503 00:35:06,640 --> 00:35:08,840 - Police to see you! - Huh? 504 00:35:17,160 --> 00:35:20,230 - Did you say anything to 'em? - They want to talk to you. 505 00:35:20,280 --> 00:35:22,270 Now, how can I help you, ladies? 506 00:35:22,320 --> 00:35:24,320 DCI Vera Stanhope. 507 00:35:25,720 --> 00:35:27,590 Do you know this man? 508 00:35:27,640 --> 00:35:29,710 And what's it to you? 509 00:35:32,120 --> 00:35:35,560 - Do you recognize him, pet? - Sig, get inside now. Rene! 510 00:35:36,480 --> 00:35:38,550 Come and get Sig, take her in, please. 511 00:35:38,600 --> 00:35:40,310 What's going on? 512 00:35:40,360 --> 00:35:42,750 Some police ladies asking questions. Sig, inside! 513 00:35:42,800 --> 00:35:46,100 Come on, Sig, give us a hand letting this out. 514 00:35:49,200 --> 00:35:51,990 Is he in trouble or did he win a good citizen award? 515 00:35:52,040 --> 00:35:55,340 No, this man was found dead yesterday morning. 516 00:35:56,720 --> 00:35:58,190 No... How? 517 00:35:58,520 --> 00:36:01,260 His body was found at Pryor's Farm. 518 00:36:02,080 --> 00:36:04,310 We believe he was murdered. 519 00:36:04,360 --> 00:36:06,760 - Oh, Jesus. - Do you know him? 520 00:36:09,280 --> 00:36:12,380 That's Jack, Jack Reeves. He's one of ours. 521 00:36:21,500 --> 00:36:22,900 Billy? 522 00:36:24,420 --> 00:36:27,820 - Morning. - These are the police. It's about Jack. 523 00:36:28,820 --> 00:36:30,140 Yeah? 524 00:36:38,220 --> 00:36:40,170 Is this your son? 525 00:36:40,220 --> 00:36:42,220 Jack Reeves? 526 00:36:43,100 --> 00:36:44,570 That's him. 527 00:36:44,620 --> 00:36:47,090 But if you're looking for him, he ain't here. 528 00:36:47,140 --> 00:36:50,440 No, they found him, Billy, up at Pryor's Farm. 529 00:36:52,060 --> 00:36:53,610 I think we better go inside, sir. 530 00:36:53,660 --> 00:36:57,450 If my Jackie's in trouble, that's his lookout. What did he do? 531 00:36:57,500 --> 00:37:00,900 - Was he caught nicking? - He's been murdered, sir. 532 00:37:02,740 --> 00:37:05,340 I think we had better go inside. 533 00:37:17,340 --> 00:37:18,820 Sir. 534 00:37:35,780 --> 00:37:38,120 What was that look for, eh? 535 00:37:38,700 --> 00:37:41,530 - Could you give him some space? - See that look he just gave me? 536 00:37:41,580 --> 00:37:44,860 Just think about what's happening here, sir. Just think. 537 00:37:46,180 --> 00:37:48,320 Now, if you don't mind? 538 00:37:50,620 --> 00:37:52,890 How long was he in there? 539 00:37:53,300 --> 00:37:55,570 We think about four weeks. 540 00:37:58,460 --> 00:38:00,460 It's definitely him? 541 00:38:00,660 --> 00:38:04,380 Well, we're gonna need someone to make a formal identification, but... 542 00:38:05,380 --> 00:38:07,850 - There must be some mistake. - I can do that. 543 00:38:07,900 --> 00:38:10,570 That's not why I'm looking at you. 544 00:38:10,860 --> 00:38:13,570 How can our Jack be in Alnwick still? How can that be? 545 00:38:13,620 --> 00:38:15,290 I don't know. 546 00:38:17,900 --> 00:38:20,980 You say he left home about three months ago? 547 00:38:21,540 --> 00:38:22,680 Hm? 548 00:38:23,420 --> 00:38:25,410 Yeah, about that. 549 00:38:25,460 --> 00:38:27,770 So where was he staying after he left here? 550 00:38:27,820 --> 00:38:30,220 No idea. We lost touch. 551 00:38:33,940 --> 00:38:37,050 Did something happen between yourselves and your son, 552 00:38:37,100 --> 00:38:39,840 something that made him leave home? 553 00:38:45,780 --> 00:38:46,970 Drugs. 554 00:38:47,020 --> 00:38:49,020 Oh. He was using? 555 00:38:50,300 --> 00:38:51,740 Yeah. 556 00:38:58,940 --> 00:39:01,280 Do you recognize this, pet? 557 00:39:11,420 --> 00:39:13,090 That's Jack's. 558 00:39:13,940 --> 00:39:18,240 I'll make some tea. Would you like some tea? I'll make a pot. 559 00:39:23,300 --> 00:39:25,700 Which school did Jack go to? 560 00:39:26,420 --> 00:39:28,420 Millerbridge. 561 00:39:30,140 --> 00:39:31,650 Good student? 562 00:39:31,700 --> 00:39:33,330 Aye, he put in the hours. 563 00:39:33,380 --> 00:39:35,380 Bloody thing! 564 00:39:36,380 --> 00:39:39,410 Did you replace the can? I asked you twice to replace the can. 565 00:39:39,460 --> 00:39:42,330 - I'll do it in a minute. - Jesus, Billy. 566 00:39:43,100 --> 00:39:45,090 How can he end up on that farm? 567 00:39:45,140 --> 00:39:47,130 He moved away. 568 00:39:47,180 --> 00:39:49,320 He left and moved away. 569 00:39:57,660 --> 00:40:00,460 Where do you keep your glasses, love? 570 00:40:04,460 --> 00:40:07,560 Jack let himself get infected by that muck. 571 00:40:09,100 --> 00:40:11,090 There was no helping him after that. 572 00:40:11,140 --> 00:40:13,410 What drugs was he taking? 573 00:40:13,660 --> 00:40:15,650 Heroin, I think. 574 00:40:15,700 --> 00:40:17,690 Using a pipe. 575 00:40:17,740 --> 00:40:20,680 And that's why you asked him to leave? 576 00:40:21,020 --> 00:40:24,220 I couldn't have that going on under our roof. 577 00:40:27,100 --> 00:40:29,240 Has he been back since? 578 00:40:30,100 --> 00:40:31,570 No. 579 00:40:31,620 --> 00:40:33,760 I kept hoping he would. 580 00:40:35,180 --> 00:40:38,780 And you can't think of anyone who might have fallen out with him? 581 00:40:48,620 --> 00:40:51,700 Right, erm, we'll be... 582 00:40:53,020 --> 00:40:55,940 So, when you're ready, Mr. Reeves... 583 00:41:08,980 --> 00:41:11,490 That lad had no signs of drug use. 584 00:41:11,540 --> 00:41:14,010 Maybe he'd got himself clean. 585 00:41:17,940 --> 00:41:20,810 Get on at Aiden and Kenny. Tell them we've got an ID. 586 00:41:20,860 --> 00:41:22,340 Yeah. 587 00:41:35,820 --> 00:41:37,810 You all right, pet? 588 00:41:37,860 --> 00:41:39,860 Yeah, fine. 589 00:41:42,380 --> 00:41:45,480 I saw your dress. Oh, it's beautiful, that. 590 00:41:46,460 --> 00:41:48,450 When's the big day? 591 00:41:48,500 --> 00:41:50,490 Oh, no. It's not mine. 592 00:41:50,540 --> 00:41:52,250 Ma's re-shaping it for my cousin. 593 00:41:52,300 --> 00:41:54,290 - Oh. - She gets married next month. 594 00:41:54,340 --> 00:41:55,780 Right. 595 00:41:57,140 --> 00:41:59,810 Da told us what happened to Jack. 596 00:42:01,700 --> 00:42:05,100 Pryor's Farm too. Bit weird, that. 597 00:42:06,100 --> 00:42:07,690 Why's that? 598 00:42:07,740 --> 00:42:11,500 What with him being born in the field beside it. Same as me. 599 00:42:16,380 --> 00:42:18,850 - I'd better go inside. - Right. 600 00:42:42,140 --> 00:42:45,460 Dear God, have mercy on my boy. 601 00:42:47,380 --> 00:42:49,650 Let him into your kingdom. 602 00:42:51,740 --> 00:42:53,050 Forgive him his sins. 603 00:42:53,100 --> 00:42:56,580 Whatever he did, whatever he was, my Jackie couldn't help it. 604 00:42:57,500 --> 00:43:00,500 He couldn't fight the temptations that came for him. 605 00:43:05,540 --> 00:43:07,100 Amen. 606 00:43:13,340 --> 00:43:15,330 Bethany, did you find anything? 607 00:43:15,380 --> 00:43:18,690 Oh, yeah, turns out the travelers weren't on Danny Pryor's land. 608 00:43:18,740 --> 00:43:20,770 They were in a neighboring field, 609 00:43:20,820 --> 00:43:25,170 then Danny Pryor bought the field from under the travelers' feet and gave them the boot. 610 00:43:25,220 --> 00:43:27,010 That must've stuck in their throats. 611 00:43:27,060 --> 00:43:29,800 And he paid above the market price. 612 00:43:30,860 --> 00:43:35,380 Well, maybe Jack Reeves took it upon himself to confront Danny Pryor about that. 613 00:43:37,620 --> 00:43:39,770 Right, I'm off. Night. 614 00:43:39,820 --> 00:43:41,090 Night. 615 00:44:24,700 --> 00:44:27,820 Aiden, turn your car round. How about I buy you a shandy? 616 00:44:36,380 --> 00:44:38,370 And you want to buy me a drink here, why? 617 00:44:38,420 --> 00:44:40,410 It's not a blanket party, is it? 618 00:44:40,460 --> 00:44:41,890 A what? 619 00:44:41,940 --> 00:44:43,940 Have a look at this. 620 00:44:44,340 --> 00:44:48,810 Incident report filed by a John Reeves - AKA Jack Reeves - 621 00:44:48,860 --> 00:44:51,690 two months ago for assault. 622 00:44:51,740 --> 00:44:53,490 - Filed by? - Mm. 623 00:44:53,540 --> 00:44:56,080 - He was the complainant? - Right. 624 00:45:01,900 --> 00:45:03,890 Look at the landlord's name. 625 00:45:03,940 --> 00:45:05,930 "Robert Pryor". 626 00:45:05,980 --> 00:45:07,810 Pryor? As in the farm? 627 00:45:07,860 --> 00:45:09,850 He used to co-own it. 628 00:45:09,900 --> 00:45:12,240 He's Danny Pryor's brother. 629 00:45:18,140 --> 00:45:19,730 What can I get you? 630 00:45:19,780 --> 00:45:23,290 We wondered if we could have a word with your landlord, pet. 631 00:45:23,340 --> 00:45:25,330 Yeah, er... 632 00:45:25,380 --> 00:45:27,850 Rob, mate! Some people to see you! 633 00:45:27,900 --> 00:45:29,130 Hark. 634 00:45:29,180 --> 00:45:31,290 Who calls my name? 635 00:45:31,340 --> 00:45:33,810 DCI Vera Stanhope, DS Healey. 636 00:45:35,700 --> 00:45:40,460 He came in here, causing a disturbance, so I asked him to leave and he kicked off. 637 00:45:41,300 --> 00:45:42,970 That's funny. 638 00:45:44,060 --> 00:45:47,730 There's nothing in the witness statements about a disturbance. 639 00:45:47,780 --> 00:45:51,050 Oh, you say "witness statements", I hear "beer goggles". 640 00:45:51,100 --> 00:45:53,570 - Did you know Jack Reeves? - No. 641 00:45:54,020 --> 00:45:58,130 So why do the witnesses say you just walked up to him and asked him to leave? 642 00:45:58,180 --> 00:46:00,980 That sounds to me like you knew him. 643 00:46:03,620 --> 00:46:05,450 Fine. 644 00:46:05,500 --> 00:46:08,690 Look, I didn't know him... but I knew what he was. 645 00:46:08,740 --> 00:46:10,410 Oh, what's that? 646 00:46:10,460 --> 00:46:12,370 A traveler. And I don't like them. 647 00:46:12,420 --> 00:46:13,850 No? Why's that? 648 00:46:13,900 --> 00:46:18,300 Because there used to be a bunch of them buzzing around that farm like mosquitoes. 649 00:46:19,060 --> 00:46:21,250 Drove my uncle to an early grave. 650 00:46:21,300 --> 00:46:24,570 Just so happens, Jack Reeves was one of those mosquitoes. 651 00:46:24,620 --> 00:46:25,930 What? 652 00:46:25,980 --> 00:46:29,340 Up until 2007, Jack lived beside Pryor's Farm. 653 00:46:32,700 --> 00:46:35,210 - Well, what are the odds? - What are the odds? 654 00:46:35,260 --> 00:46:37,850 Seven weeks ago, you had an altercation with a man 655 00:46:37,900 --> 00:46:40,690 who yesterday turned up murdered on your brother's farm? 656 00:46:40,740 --> 00:46:43,330 - What ARE the odds? - I know what it looks like. 657 00:46:43,380 --> 00:46:45,370 - So do we. - You're barking up the wrong tree. 658 00:46:45,420 --> 00:46:48,940 Really? So which tree should we be barking up? Your brother's? 659 00:47:01,300 --> 00:47:03,410 £2.60, please. Smashing. 660 00:47:03,460 --> 00:47:06,200 Thanks very much. Enjoy it. Cheers. 661 00:47:15,820 --> 00:47:17,540 Morning. 662 00:47:18,340 --> 00:47:19,740 Morning. 663 00:47:20,340 --> 00:47:23,410 My brother called, said you'd been in touch. 664 00:47:23,460 --> 00:47:26,250 Did he tell you we've ID'd the body found at your farm? 665 00:47:26,300 --> 00:47:28,050 Would you mind just... 666 00:47:28,100 --> 00:47:30,900 Can you keep your voice down, please? 667 00:47:32,660 --> 00:47:35,130 Yes, he said that is was... Jack Reeves. 668 00:47:35,180 --> 00:47:37,170 Mm, ring a bell? 669 00:47:37,220 --> 00:47:38,890 Should it? 670 00:47:38,940 --> 00:47:42,020 You evicted his family off your land eight years back. 671 00:47:45,380 --> 00:47:49,450 Erm... I needed to expand my business, so I took out a bank loan, 672 00:47:49,500 --> 00:47:52,900 I paid off my brother and bought up some of the neighboring land. 673 00:47:54,100 --> 00:47:56,600 In one of the fields, there were some travelers. 674 00:47:56,613 --> 00:47:57,820 Yeah, who you evicted. 675 00:47:58,860 --> 00:48:01,570 I needed the field for my livestock. 676 00:48:01,620 --> 00:48:05,120 Oh, so it was just for business purposes, was it? 677 00:48:05,260 --> 00:48:07,250 I didn't lose much sleep over it. 678 00:48:07,300 --> 00:48:12,170 Did Jack Reeves pay you a visit recently at the farm, to confront you about this? 679 00:48:12,220 --> 00:48:13,450 No. 680 00:48:13,500 --> 00:48:17,700 - You sure about that? - Yeah, hand on my heart, no, he didn't. 681 00:48:17,860 --> 00:48:20,170 What about Zamir? I thought you had him pinned for this? 682 00:48:20,220 --> 00:48:22,090 I never said that. 683 00:48:23,540 --> 00:48:25,010 No. 684 00:48:25,060 --> 00:48:28,060 We're looking at a possible double murder. 685 00:48:40,340 --> 00:48:42,410 You all right, pet? Do you want a lift? 686 00:48:42,460 --> 00:48:45,490 No, you're all right. Bus'll be along in a minute. 687 00:48:45,540 --> 00:48:47,610 Come on. I don't bite. 688 00:49:04,020 --> 00:49:06,690 Keep you company till it gets here. 689 00:49:06,740 --> 00:49:08,170 You don't have to. 690 00:49:08,220 --> 00:49:10,220 Oh, I know that. 691 00:49:11,500 --> 00:49:14,290 So do you want to tell me about you and Jack Reeves? 692 00:49:14,340 --> 00:49:16,330 Nothing to tell. 693 00:49:16,380 --> 00:49:18,580 That tattoo on your arm. 694 00:49:19,940 --> 00:49:21,930 That's the same as Jack's. 695 00:49:21,980 --> 00:49:23,980 Don't mean nothing. 696 00:49:24,540 --> 00:49:27,130 - So who gave them to you? - Someone on the site. 697 00:49:27,180 --> 00:49:29,530 - Recently? - Six months ago. 698 00:49:29,580 --> 00:49:32,740 Mm? Jack had his removed, did you know that? 699 00:49:33,380 --> 00:49:35,090 After he left home. 700 00:49:35,140 --> 00:49:36,850 Now, why would he do that? 701 00:49:36,900 --> 00:49:38,890 You two have a falling out? 702 00:49:38,940 --> 00:49:40,290 No. 703 00:49:40,340 --> 00:49:42,210 Was it the drugs? 704 00:49:42,540 --> 00:49:44,410 Yeah, that was it. 705 00:49:46,980 --> 00:49:50,050 How much is a return fare to Grangewood? 706 00:49:50,100 --> 00:49:52,170 I'll keep you company. 707 00:49:54,220 --> 00:49:56,220 Now, you and Jack... 708 00:49:57,380 --> 00:49:59,130 ...were you sweethearts? 709 00:49:59,180 --> 00:50:00,690 No. 710 00:50:00,740 --> 00:50:03,530 - Have you seen him since he left home? - God, no! 711 00:50:03,580 --> 00:50:06,090 - So what's with the tattoo? - It's tradition. 712 00:50:06,140 --> 00:50:08,480 Tradition? How do you mean? 713 00:50:13,140 --> 00:50:15,140 That wedding dress? 714 00:50:16,820 --> 00:50:19,490 Was that dress meant for you, pet? 715 00:50:19,740 --> 00:50:23,020 Can you stop asking about Jack? I don't want to talk about him. 716 00:50:39,660 --> 00:50:42,210 - Morning. - They were getting hitched. 717 00:50:42,260 --> 00:50:44,730 - Who? - Sigourney O'Brien and Jack Reeves. 718 00:50:44,780 --> 00:50:49,020 Bethany checked with the registry. They were due to marry three months ago. 719 00:50:52,180 --> 00:50:55,610 The day before the wedding, Jack came to see me to say it was canceled. 720 00:50:55,660 --> 00:50:57,530 Did he give a reason? 721 00:50:57,580 --> 00:51:00,890 There was little discussion, but it was clear that it was his decision. 722 00:51:00,940 --> 00:51:03,130 Why's that? 723 00:51:03,180 --> 00:51:04,850 Father. 724 00:51:04,900 --> 00:51:07,650 - Milosh. See you on Sunday? - Of course. 725 00:51:10,180 --> 00:51:12,920 Maybe it was the lure of the hills. 726 00:51:13,100 --> 00:51:17,020 Maybe Jack just didn't have enough in common with a 16-year-old girl. 727 00:51:19,140 --> 00:51:23,650 After the wedding was called off, was there any fallout from the families? 728 00:51:23,700 --> 00:51:26,850 I don't want to cast aspersions, considering what's happened to Jack. 729 00:51:26,900 --> 00:51:28,930 Please, cast away. 730 00:51:28,980 --> 00:51:31,370 - We had some trouble. - With Jack? 731 00:51:31,420 --> 00:51:33,330 The fathers. 732 00:51:33,380 --> 00:51:35,890 I recall Mr. O'Brien threatening Mr. Reeves. 733 00:51:35,940 --> 00:51:39,060 He said if he ever saw Jack again, he would rip him apart. 734 00:51:39,820 --> 00:51:41,410 Those were his exact words? 735 00:51:41,460 --> 00:51:43,330 That was the gist. 736 00:51:44,300 --> 00:51:46,700 Right, well, thanks, Father. 737 00:51:47,540 --> 00:51:49,989 You know, I ran into Jack, just over a month ago 738 00:51:50,002 --> 00:51:52,210 at the food bank we run in our church hall. 739 00:51:52,260 --> 00:51:54,210 What, he came in for a food parcel? 740 00:51:54,260 --> 00:51:56,250 No, he volunteered. 741 00:51:56,300 --> 00:52:00,020 Ended up spending the whole weekend with us, packing and sorting. 742 00:52:00,500 --> 00:52:02,490 Jack Reeves had a good soul. 743 00:52:02,540 --> 00:52:04,480 I always liked him. 744 00:52:05,260 --> 00:52:07,250 I hope you find whoever did this. 745 00:52:07,300 --> 00:52:10,380 Ohh, so do we, mate... I mean, Father. 746 00:52:13,140 --> 00:52:16,170 Gives O'Brien motive - anger over the slight. 747 00:52:16,220 --> 00:52:20,250 Well, get a search warrant for his caravan and look into his background. 748 00:52:20,300 --> 00:52:23,300 See if you can link O'Brien to Zamir Ilic. 749 00:52:23,860 --> 00:52:26,800 Ma'am, you should take a look at this. 750 00:52:28,980 --> 00:52:30,970 Footage from the Fox and Hounds pub. 751 00:52:31,020 --> 00:52:34,260 DS Uttley had archived a copy to the server. 752 00:52:35,260 --> 00:52:38,060 Robert Pryor throws Jack Reeves out. 753 00:52:38,260 --> 00:52:40,800 BETHANY: What are you watching? 754 00:52:41,700 --> 00:52:43,330 Footage of two men wrestling. 755 00:52:43,380 --> 00:52:46,480 Are you showing us your home movies, Kenny? 756 00:52:47,220 --> 00:52:49,660 23:11. Jack comes back. 757 00:53:02,020 --> 00:53:03,650 Is that the barman... 758 00:53:03,700 --> 00:53:05,340 Ben Marsh? 759 00:53:08,580 --> 00:53:12,020 The two of us... We used to be an item. 760 00:53:15,140 --> 00:53:17,610 You were in a relationship with Jack Reeves? 761 00:53:17,660 --> 00:53:19,130 Yes. Yes. 762 00:53:22,140 --> 00:53:24,490 I mean, Jack was a really hard person not to like. 763 00:53:24,540 --> 00:53:27,970 That was his problem, he was always trying to please everyone. 764 00:53:28,020 --> 00:53:30,250 The whole wedding thing, it broke his heart. 765 00:53:30,300 --> 00:53:32,290 Oh, so you knew about that? 766 00:53:32,340 --> 00:53:34,930 In my defense, I told them to go through with it. 767 00:53:34,980 --> 00:53:38,130 The day before, he turned up on my doorstep with his bags 768 00:53:38,180 --> 00:53:40,980 and said he'd left home and he was... 769 00:53:41,780 --> 00:53:45,050 he was tired of pretending to be something that he wasn't. 770 00:53:45,100 --> 00:53:46,890 So he moved in with me. 771 00:53:46,940 --> 00:53:48,530 Why didn't you tell us this before? 772 00:53:48,580 --> 00:53:50,850 It sounds silly, but I'm up for bar manager here 773 00:53:50,900 --> 00:53:52,890 and if Rob knew about my personal life... 774 00:53:52,940 --> 00:53:55,080 He was living with you? 775 00:53:55,700 --> 00:53:58,040 Only for about three weeks. 776 00:53:58,780 --> 00:54:01,130 Then one day, he left, called it his "awakening", 777 00:54:01,180 --> 00:54:05,180 said he'd discovered something amazing and had to follow another path. 778 00:54:07,380 --> 00:54:09,370 He headed back home, to Grangewood. 779 00:54:09,420 --> 00:54:13,700 I knew he really missed his mum and dad, but his dad didn't want him, turned him away. 780 00:54:15,460 --> 00:54:18,200 So after his dad turned him away... 781 00:54:19,220 --> 00:54:20,770 ...where did he go? 782 00:54:20,820 --> 00:54:22,810 Er... he said he was... 783 00:54:22,860 --> 00:54:26,020 living out of an old camper up in Thropton Woods. 784 00:54:31,940 --> 00:54:34,410 D'you think he's having us on? 785 00:54:39,300 --> 00:54:40,860 Now what? 786 00:54:43,420 --> 00:54:46,520 - Now, the main road's that way, right? - Yeah. 787 00:54:47,100 --> 00:54:50,180 So... up here. 788 00:54:59,940 --> 00:55:01,740 There it is. 789 00:55:12,540 --> 00:55:14,380 Phew! 790 00:55:44,860 --> 00:55:46,140 Hm... 791 00:55:49,140 --> 00:55:51,130 Well, he's not one for home cooking. 792 00:55:51,180 --> 00:55:54,420 So why's the oven handle in constant use? 793 00:55:56,260 --> 00:55:57,940 Open it. 794 00:55:59,900 --> 00:56:01,840 Go on, have a look. 795 00:56:12,380 --> 00:56:13,490 What? 796 00:56:13,540 --> 00:56:15,540 False back plate. 797 00:56:17,580 --> 00:56:20,580 Hey, I hope there's nothing that explodes. 798 00:57:03,320 --> 00:57:05,310 920 quid. 799 00:57:05,360 --> 00:57:06,990 Maybe he WAS a drug dealer. 800 00:57:07,040 --> 00:57:10,350 Nah! No, his boyfriend said he wasn't into drugs. 801 00:57:10,400 --> 00:57:12,710 Bethany ran the camper's numberplates. 802 00:57:12,760 --> 00:57:17,470 It was registered SORN four months ago and marked as scrapped - place in Bedlington. 803 00:57:17,520 --> 00:57:20,310 - Right. - She's chasing the named owners. 804 00:57:20,360 --> 00:57:25,110 SOCO were still dusting inside for prints. We've got multiples, some for Jack Reeves, 805 00:57:25,160 --> 00:57:28,160 but we've also got Frank O'Brien's prints. 806 00:57:28,520 --> 00:57:30,660 Frank O'Brien was here? 807 00:57:32,680 --> 00:57:34,590 We've got your record here. 808 00:57:34,640 --> 00:57:38,640 A handful of ASBOs, disturbing the peace, three charges of assault... 809 00:57:39,880 --> 00:57:41,590 Well, that was when I was younger. 810 00:57:41,640 --> 00:57:44,591 Want to tell us about the time you tried to strangle a man? 811 00:57:45,640 --> 00:57:48,180 Is that what this is about, eh? 812 00:57:48,360 --> 00:57:51,590 I was a bouncer in a nightclub and I got into a few scrapes, nothing more. 813 00:57:51,640 --> 00:57:53,780 Do you know this fella? 814 00:57:55,200 --> 00:57:57,190 - No. - Zamir Ilic. 815 00:57:57,240 --> 00:58:00,360 - Recognise the name? - I don't know him. 816 00:58:00,920 --> 00:58:03,560 What about Goran Vlasic? 817 00:58:04,680 --> 00:58:05,990 No. 818 00:58:06,040 --> 00:58:07,320 Hm? 819 00:58:08,480 --> 00:58:10,390 Did Jack Reeves have a drug problem? 820 00:58:10,440 --> 00:58:13,051 Well, that's what they told everyone, wasn't it? 821 00:58:13,064 --> 00:58:14,400 Who, Billy and Deirdre? 822 00:58:15,200 --> 00:58:17,270 I never saw no drugs. 823 00:58:18,120 --> 00:58:19,280 Hm. 824 00:58:20,000 --> 00:58:22,990 Now, this is where Jack had been living. 825 00:58:23,040 --> 00:58:25,040 Do you recognize it? 826 00:58:31,240 --> 00:58:34,040 - Your prints were all over it. - Yeah. 827 00:58:35,360 --> 00:58:37,350 I tell you what. 828 00:58:37,400 --> 00:58:41,400 Let's go back three months when Jack dumped your daughter. 829 00:58:42,680 --> 00:58:45,220 Ooh, how'd you feel about that? 830 00:58:46,680 --> 00:58:48,390 - I was angry. - Mm? 831 00:58:48,440 --> 00:58:49,950 My Sig was devastated. 832 00:58:50,000 --> 00:58:53,120 And I bet it hurt, him coming out of the closet like that? 833 00:58:54,400 --> 00:58:56,870 Wait... Out the what? 834 00:58:56,920 --> 00:58:59,260 All that money you'd spent. 835 00:58:59,600 --> 00:59:03,270 Oh, that must have been hard to live with. The humiliation. 836 00:59:03,320 --> 00:59:04,800 Ooh! 837 00:59:06,200 --> 00:59:08,350 That why you went after him, is it? 838 00:59:08,400 --> 00:59:09,880 Look... 839 00:59:11,520 --> 00:59:15,510 My prints are all over that because a few months back, I tried to fix it, 840 00:59:15,560 --> 00:59:19,160 but it was just a piece of junk, so I gave it to Billy to strip down. 841 00:59:21,000 --> 00:59:23,910 - You gave this vehicle to Billy? - Yeah. 842 00:59:23,960 --> 00:59:25,790 As for Jack... 843 00:59:25,840 --> 00:59:29,520 I had no idea he dumped my Sigourney because he preferred blokes. 844 00:59:31,240 --> 00:59:34,240 And you know what? I wish you hadn't have told me that. 845 00:59:42,040 --> 00:59:44,580 CHILD: You'll have to be small. 846 00:59:45,200 --> 00:59:47,670 I wondered when you'd be back. 847 00:59:52,280 --> 00:59:54,280 What did Frank say? 848 00:59:55,800 --> 00:59:57,510 Did he do it? 849 00:59:57,560 --> 01:00:00,300 You've been lying to us, Mr. Reeves. 850 01:00:01,520 --> 01:00:03,390 I'll start with the drugs. 851 01:00:03,440 --> 01:00:06,440 Your Jack wasn't taking heroin, was he? 852 01:00:13,240 --> 01:00:15,190 We had to tell the site something. 853 01:00:15,240 --> 01:00:18,800 - You couldn't tell them the truth? - We didn't know the truth. 854 01:00:20,680 --> 01:00:24,920 Jack just changed his mind the day before the wedding, just like that. 855 01:00:25,960 --> 01:00:28,960 We had to cover for him, send him away. 856 01:00:30,040 --> 01:00:33,040 Except we've also found his camper van. 857 01:00:33,640 --> 01:00:36,520 - Jack's what? - In Thropton Woods. 858 01:00:37,920 --> 01:00:39,910 What are you going on about? 859 01:00:39,960 --> 01:00:43,760 Frank O'Brien told us he gave you that van for scrap. 860 01:00:45,320 --> 01:00:46,590 Billy? 861 01:00:47,880 --> 01:00:51,680 Mr. Reeves... when did you last see your son? 862 01:00:53,560 --> 01:00:55,360 Tell them, Bill. 863 01:00:58,000 --> 01:00:59,470 Mr. Reeves? 864 01:01:01,400 --> 01:01:03,070 Six weeks ago. 865 01:01:04,840 --> 01:01:07,180 You knew where my Jack was? 866 01:01:09,000 --> 01:01:11,340 We also spoke to Ben Marsh. 867 01:01:12,720 --> 01:01:14,790 Do you know Ben Marsh? 868 01:01:16,080 --> 01:01:18,550 - I know the name. - Mrs. Reeves? 869 01:01:18,600 --> 01:01:20,710 She doesn't know about it, any of that. 870 01:01:20,760 --> 01:01:22,990 Someone please tell me what you're all talking about. 871 01:01:23,040 --> 01:01:24,510 It's Jack! 872 01:01:28,680 --> 01:01:31,350 The reason why he called off the wedding was because... 873 01:01:31,400 --> 01:01:33,200 Because what? 874 01:01:34,840 --> 01:01:37,780 Because he said he thought he was gay. 875 01:01:40,600 --> 01:01:43,910 - Oh, my God, Billy, what have you done? - I've done nothing. 876 01:01:43,960 --> 01:01:47,670 I just said it was best if he went away for a bit, laid low for a while. 877 01:01:49,600 --> 01:01:53,600 He also told us Jack came to you, three weeks after he left here, 878 01:01:54,360 --> 01:01:57,760 and asked if he could come back and you said no. 879 01:01:57,840 --> 01:02:01,000 Gave him the camper van so he'd have somewhere to stay. 880 01:02:01,840 --> 01:02:03,710 - I was looking out for him. - Don't! 881 01:02:03,760 --> 01:02:06,500 I couldn't have that going on here. 882 01:02:07,880 --> 01:02:09,750 Not under my roof. 883 01:02:10,840 --> 01:02:13,390 And if Frank had found out, he would've killed him. 884 01:02:13,440 --> 01:02:15,230 You told him he couldn't come home? 885 01:02:15,280 --> 01:02:16,990 I was protecting him. 886 01:02:17,040 --> 01:02:18,980 Listen to yourself! 887 01:02:19,640 --> 01:02:23,920 All of this mess because of your stupid bloody pride! 888 01:02:49,200 --> 01:02:50,750 Morning. Anything? 889 01:02:50,800 --> 01:02:53,400 If you'd like to step on, ma'am. 890 01:02:54,640 --> 01:02:57,640 I've got something to show you. John... 891 01:03:05,080 --> 01:03:07,350 They're a child's prints! 892 01:03:15,720 --> 01:03:17,660 They're everywhere. 893 01:03:18,960 --> 01:03:21,070 Have you got a map on that phone? 894 01:03:21,120 --> 01:03:23,120 Yeah, of course. 895 01:03:25,080 --> 01:03:27,150 Whatever happened to paper maps, hm? 896 01:03:27,200 --> 01:03:29,190 I'll make sure I carry one next time. 897 01:03:29,240 --> 01:03:31,510 What do you make of that? 898 01:03:33,600 --> 01:03:35,550 - Do you hear that? - No, I can't hear... 899 01:03:35,600 --> 01:03:37,590 Ssh, ssh. 900 01:03:37,640 --> 01:03:40,840 Can you hear that? 901 01:03:51,640 --> 01:03:55,440 We're less than a quarter of a mile from Pryor's Farm. 902 01:03:55,960 --> 01:03:57,320 Toby! 903 01:04:01,160 --> 01:04:02,830 Let him go! 904 01:04:02,880 --> 01:04:05,350 We know where's he's heading. 905 01:04:05,520 --> 01:04:07,120 Aiden. 906 01:04:12,760 --> 01:04:14,350 Hello, pet. 907 01:04:14,400 --> 01:04:16,470 You remember me, Vera? 908 01:04:20,320 --> 01:04:22,710 - Would you translate for me, love? - Yeah. 909 01:04:22,760 --> 01:04:27,240 I want you to ask your son what he was doing in the woods just now. 910 01:04:29,880 --> 01:04:33,320 You, in the woods, before, doing what? 911 01:04:37,920 --> 01:04:40,390 He says he was just exploring. 912 01:04:42,560 --> 01:04:47,830 Now, that field, that backs onto that path... was that the one you bought in 2007? 913 01:04:47,880 --> 01:04:49,750 Yeah. Why? 914 01:04:49,800 --> 01:04:52,800 Well, Jack Reeves, the man from the pit, 915 01:04:53,520 --> 01:04:56,840 has being living out of a camper van in the woods near there. 916 01:04:57,680 --> 01:05:01,600 Now, I want you to ask your son, does he recognize this man? 917 01:05:50,880 --> 01:05:54,470 He says he came across the camper van a couple of weeks back. 918 01:05:54,520 --> 01:05:57,620 But he didn't go near it, cos it scared him. 919 01:05:58,280 --> 01:06:01,710 He was just plucking up the courage to go inside. 920 01:06:01,760 --> 01:06:04,630 He wanted to keep it a secret. You know, like a camp. 921 01:06:04,680 --> 01:06:07,080 You know what kids are like. 922 01:06:09,160 --> 01:06:12,640 He says he's sorry he went off the farm. It won't happen again. 923 01:06:13,560 --> 01:06:15,760 You all right, Mr. Pryor? 924 01:06:17,120 --> 01:06:18,660 Yeah, fine. 925 01:06:19,360 --> 01:06:20,680 Hm. 926 01:06:22,200 --> 01:06:25,800 Yeah, just relieved that nothing happened to Toby. 927 01:06:26,440 --> 01:06:29,800 So would you like us to bring our own signing interpreter? 928 01:06:31,560 --> 01:06:32,870 No, why? 929 01:06:32,920 --> 01:06:36,870 Well, I can't be sure you're accurately translating what your son's telling us. 930 01:06:36,920 --> 01:06:38,910 So should we start again? 931 01:06:38,960 --> 01:06:40,350 I'm sorry? 932 01:06:40,400 --> 01:06:45,670 Because we have prints from inside that camper van that we believe belong to Toby. 933 01:06:45,720 --> 01:06:47,230 No. 934 01:06:47,280 --> 01:06:51,120 And I'm sure I saw make the sign for "friend". 935 01:06:52,480 --> 01:06:53,920 You? 936 01:07:04,040 --> 01:07:07,360 He said that he'd promised Jack not to tell. 937 01:07:09,280 --> 01:07:11,820 It was just their secret and... 938 01:07:12,840 --> 01:07:15,310 He did meet Jack in the south field, 939 01:07:15,360 --> 01:07:19,460 they became friends and they used to talk by the old gate. 940 01:07:20,000 --> 01:07:21,270 Sorry. 941 01:07:22,160 --> 01:07:23,830 Sorry, sorry. 942 01:07:25,600 --> 01:07:27,150 Daddy's just a little bit tired. 943 01:07:27,200 --> 01:07:28,640 OK? 944 01:07:33,560 --> 01:07:35,960 So how did they communicate? 945 01:07:36,600 --> 01:07:39,000 Do ask him, could Jack sign? 946 01:07:50,520 --> 01:07:52,790 He knew basic signs but... 947 01:07:53,840 --> 01:07:55,270 ...Toby helped. 948 01:07:55,320 --> 01:07:57,790 He helped teach him some more. 949 01:08:01,920 --> 01:08:03,590 Anything else? 950 01:08:06,760 --> 01:08:09,860 Yeah, he said Jack used to buy him sweets... 951 01:08:10,400 --> 01:08:12,870 We don't always allow sweets. 952 01:08:14,920 --> 01:08:17,860 ...and one day he would take him away. 953 01:08:31,440 --> 01:08:33,430 We should call social services. 954 01:08:33,480 --> 01:08:36,070 - What for? - What for? He was grooming the boy. 955 01:08:36,120 --> 01:08:38,960 No. No, I don't think he was. 956 01:08:40,120 --> 01:08:42,720 What was it that Ben Marsh said? 957 01:08:43,400 --> 01:08:45,670 Jack had discovered something amazing. 958 01:08:45,720 --> 01:08:47,720 - Yeah. So? - Get in. 959 01:08:51,320 --> 01:08:55,800 Patience, DCI Stanhope, I know you think I'm a living, breathing Wikipedia... 960 01:09:01,280 --> 01:09:03,680 Oh, come on, come on, Helen! 961 01:09:05,600 --> 01:09:06,870 Anything? 962 01:09:06,920 --> 01:09:12,880 Jack Reeves attended Millerbridge High School until 2007. 963 01:09:14,160 --> 01:09:15,750 And... 964 01:09:15,800 --> 01:09:18,270 Just checking the staff list. 965 01:09:19,080 --> 01:09:22,350 "Parker, Pilcher, Pryor..." Bingo! 966 01:09:22,400 --> 01:09:27,150 So Karen Pryor was a teacher at Millerbridge whilst Jack Reeves was a pupil there? 967 01:09:27,200 --> 01:09:28,920 Yep, correct. 968 01:09:41,080 --> 01:09:42,870 MAN: Karen wasn't a teacher here. 969 01:09:42,920 --> 01:09:44,270 She wasn't? 970 01:09:44,320 --> 01:09:47,990 No, she was our SENCO - our Special Education Needs Coordinator. 971 01:09:48,040 --> 01:09:50,790 What, so she didn't teach Jack Reeves? 972 01:09:50,840 --> 01:09:52,840 No, not formally. 973 01:09:53,480 --> 01:09:57,720 You see, Jack wasn't statemented. I don't think his parents acknowledged his problem. 974 01:09:58,440 --> 01:10:02,310 But we have a policy here of allowing full access to the curriculum for all children 975 01:10:02,360 --> 01:10:05,030 and Jack thrived because of that. 976 01:10:05,480 --> 01:10:08,590 Mrs. Pryor was able to organize some one-on-one sessions, 977 01:10:08,640 --> 01:10:11,740 extra help during exams, that sort of thing. 978 01:10:12,080 --> 01:10:15,630 - His problem? - For want of a better word, his disability. 979 01:10:15,680 --> 01:10:18,430 Was he, by any chance, hard of hearing? 980 01:10:18,480 --> 01:10:20,990 Well, he rarely made a fuss about it, but, yes. 981 01:10:21,040 --> 01:10:23,580 Jack Reeves was partially deaf. 982 01:10:25,400 --> 01:10:27,270 Thanks, Dr Moore. 983 01:10:31,560 --> 01:10:33,750 - Well, have you checked his notes? - I did. 984 01:10:33,800 --> 01:10:34,830 And? 985 01:10:34,880 --> 01:10:39,160 The hearing loss isn't severe enough to be flagged. He's not registered disabled. 986 01:10:40,720 --> 01:10:44,120 Check Billy Reeves' notes. See if he's got any hearing loss. 987 01:10:45,320 --> 01:10:49,240 "William Michael Reeves." 988 01:10:50,280 --> 01:10:51,510 Same. 989 01:10:51,560 --> 01:10:55,040 - A mild hearing loss in one ear. - The condition runs in the family, right? 990 01:10:56,360 --> 01:11:00,360 So it's possible young Toby is Jack Reeves's son. 991 01:11:11,320 --> 01:11:13,390 - Ma'am. - Thanks, Janet. 992 01:11:16,760 --> 01:11:19,470 Oh, Mrs. Pryor, thanks for coming in. 993 01:11:19,520 --> 01:11:21,990 I wasn't aware I had a choice. 994 01:11:24,560 --> 01:11:28,880 So, how old was Jack Reeves when you began sexual relations with him? 995 01:11:32,800 --> 01:11:34,790 Let's have a look. 996 01:11:34,840 --> 01:11:38,270 According to our records, he was 16, you were 26. 997 01:11:38,320 --> 01:11:40,920 - 25. - Right. 998 01:11:41,400 --> 01:11:45,120 25. And he was a student of yours? 999 01:11:47,840 --> 01:11:50,580 It only happened a couple of times. 1000 01:11:53,360 --> 01:11:55,830 Oh... I'd married Danny and... 1001 01:11:58,080 --> 01:12:02,400 ...I probably thought being a farmer's wife was gonna be all Darling Buds Of May. 1002 01:12:04,360 --> 01:12:06,360 But I was bored. 1003 01:12:07,640 --> 01:12:10,790 I'd come home and there was no-one to talk to. 1004 01:12:10,840 --> 01:12:12,910 I guess Jack was the same... 1005 01:12:12,960 --> 01:12:16,680 lonely, lost, a little bit broken. 1006 01:12:19,080 --> 01:12:21,080 So what happened? 1007 01:12:22,920 --> 01:12:25,520 We spent a lot of time together. 1008 01:12:26,760 --> 01:12:28,430 We were close. 1009 01:12:29,440 --> 01:12:33,080 I really liked him and one day it just happened. 1010 01:12:33,920 --> 01:12:35,990 You tell your husband? 1011 01:12:36,720 --> 01:12:38,320 No. 1012 01:12:39,160 --> 01:12:41,560 No, not straightaway, but... 1013 01:12:42,400 --> 01:12:45,070 ...when I fell pregnant I had to. 1014 01:12:46,320 --> 01:12:48,590 Danny can't have children. 1015 01:12:49,000 --> 01:12:50,600 Oh, right. 1016 01:12:52,560 --> 01:12:55,360 And this was in 2007? 1017 01:12:57,560 --> 01:13:00,880 So, is that why Danny evicted the travelers off your land? 1018 01:13:01,920 --> 01:13:06,800 Yeah, we both didn't want Jack to find out, so we thought that was the easiest solution. 1019 01:13:08,880 --> 01:13:13,160 I thought once Toby was born, it wouldn't really matter who his real dad was. 1020 01:13:15,120 --> 01:13:17,670 Then he was diagnosed with a hearing loss. 1021 01:13:17,720 --> 01:13:20,910 So you home-schooled to keep him hidden? 1022 01:13:20,960 --> 01:13:23,190 I was trying to protect him. 1023 01:13:23,240 --> 01:13:25,310 How did Jack find out? 1024 01:13:26,240 --> 01:13:29,950 A couple of months ago, Danny's birthday was at The Fox and Hounds. 1025 01:13:30,000 --> 01:13:32,940 I was leaving early to take Toby home. 1026 01:13:33,360 --> 01:13:36,880 Rob was walking us to the car and we bumped into Jack outside. 1027 01:13:38,240 --> 01:13:42,360 I hadn't seen him since school, so I barely recognized him, but he knew me. 1028 01:13:42,960 --> 01:13:45,430 And as soon as he saw Toby... 1029 01:13:46,880 --> 01:13:48,990 ...I could see it in his eyes, he knew. 1030 01:13:49,040 --> 01:13:51,780 And after that, did he contact you? 1031 01:13:52,520 --> 01:13:55,390 He came to the farm, but Danny confronted him 1032 01:13:55,440 --> 01:13:58,350 and threatened to call the police if he didn't leave. 1033 01:13:58,400 --> 01:14:00,870 That's the last I saw of him. 1034 01:14:00,920 --> 01:14:03,630 And Toby never mentioned seeing him? 1035 01:14:03,680 --> 01:14:04,820 No. 1036 01:14:06,320 --> 01:14:09,260 Did Danny know where Jack was staying? 1037 01:14:10,000 --> 01:14:12,000 No, I asked him. 1038 01:14:14,200 --> 01:14:17,200 I actually asked him if he killed Jack. 1039 01:14:18,280 --> 01:14:20,680 What kind of wife does that? 1040 01:14:27,960 --> 01:14:29,950 This is our fault. 1041 01:14:30,000 --> 01:14:31,270 My fault. 1042 01:14:31,320 --> 01:14:35,360 I should've kept more of an eye on Toby. I shouldn't have given him so much freedom. 1043 01:14:35,920 --> 01:14:40,440 How did your brother react when you told him a traveler had fathered your child? 1044 01:14:41,760 --> 01:14:44,430 I didn't go into detail, I just... 1045 01:14:45,680 --> 01:14:48,030 I just told him a gypo was bothering Karen. 1046 01:14:48,080 --> 01:14:50,830 Mm, then you and your brother pay him a little visit? 1047 01:14:50,880 --> 01:14:51,950 No. 1048 01:14:52,000 --> 01:14:54,470 Slurry pit your idea, was it? 1049 01:14:55,400 --> 01:14:59,960 You bought the earth from beneath his feet eight years ago and this time... what? 1050 01:15:00,560 --> 01:15:03,360 Wipe him off the face of it for good? 1051 01:15:04,000 --> 01:15:05,740 For God's sake! 1052 01:15:07,280 --> 01:15:08,680 No. 1053 01:15:09,560 --> 01:15:13,070 If I had, I would've buried him as far away from the farm as possible, 1054 01:15:13,120 --> 01:15:16,440 somewhere where no-one would ever find him, especially... 1055 01:15:17,320 --> 01:15:19,260 ...especially Toby. 1056 01:15:20,520 --> 01:15:22,510 Check his story with his brother. 1057 01:15:22,560 --> 01:15:25,100 I want all eyes on Danny Pryor. 1058 01:15:58,440 --> 01:16:00,510 DIANE: Won't be long. 1059 01:16:02,040 --> 01:16:05,240 That's Sammy's fares for the last two months. 1060 01:16:07,240 --> 01:16:08,720 Thanks. 1061 01:16:13,640 --> 01:16:17,470 The 12th of last month, he had a fare up to Pryor's Farm. 1062 01:16:17,520 --> 01:16:20,640 - That's four weeks ago. - Yeah, from St Paul's Church in Alnwick. 1063 01:16:24,040 --> 01:16:26,510 And "ZI", that's Zamir, right? 1064 01:16:26,720 --> 01:16:28,910 Oh, yeah. I need to update that, don't I? 1065 01:16:28,960 --> 01:16:31,900 Yeah, so what happened four weeks ago? 1066 01:16:32,760 --> 01:16:34,750 He suddenly switched to nights? 1067 01:16:34,800 --> 01:16:38,520 Oh, that happens a lot. They get regular day work and ask to switch. 1068 01:16:40,640 --> 01:16:42,310 Thanks, love. 1069 01:16:45,800 --> 01:16:47,800 Regular day work. 1070 01:16:49,240 --> 01:16:54,640 What if Ilic saw something when he was dropping off his fare at the farm? 1071 01:16:57,000 --> 01:17:01,150 I mean, he had OCD, so what's he doing shoveling muck, anyway? 1072 01:17:01,200 --> 01:17:03,190 Work's work. 1073 01:17:03,240 --> 01:17:05,590 Yeah, but Goran said he was lazy. 1074 01:17:05,640 --> 01:17:09,670 Well, that's no wonder, he was working two jobs. When did the man sleep? 1075 01:17:09,720 --> 01:17:15,750 So how come, a month back, he suddenly starts getting regular shifts on the farm? 1076 01:17:15,800 --> 01:17:17,790 He was bribing Danny Pryor? 1077 01:17:17,840 --> 01:17:19,830 Danny doesn't hire the workforce. 1078 01:17:19,880 --> 01:17:21,760 Get in. 1079 01:17:43,720 --> 01:17:45,040 Aiden. 1080 01:17:49,160 --> 01:17:50,800 Milosh? 1081 01:17:56,720 --> 01:17:58,440 Mr. Beqiri? 1082 01:18:17,920 --> 01:18:19,990 Got it, thanks. Ma'am? 1083 01:18:22,720 --> 01:18:24,110 Ma'am. 1084 01:18:24,160 --> 01:18:25,670 He's not here. 1085 01:18:25,720 --> 01:18:27,910 We found his tractor in the south field. 1086 01:18:27,960 --> 01:18:31,710 No Milosh, but there's some fresh bike tracks on the footpath. 1087 01:18:31,760 --> 01:18:34,870 Right, check around the farm and put out an all-ports. 1088 01:18:34,920 --> 01:18:37,520 And see what Helen's got on him. 1089 01:18:38,840 --> 01:18:40,110 Helen? 1090 01:18:40,160 --> 01:18:42,160 I've got something! 1091 01:18:45,880 --> 01:18:47,870 Smashed up mobile phone. 1092 01:18:47,920 --> 01:18:49,470 Could be Ilic's. 1093 01:18:49,520 --> 01:18:51,080 And... 1094 01:18:51,960 --> 01:18:54,030 - A memory card. - Bingo! 1095 01:18:55,880 --> 01:18:56,950 Milosh? 1096 01:18:57,000 --> 01:18:59,830 No, no, no, you've got this all wrong. 1097 01:18:59,880 --> 01:19:01,710 He's part of our family. He eats with us. 1098 01:19:01,760 --> 01:19:03,990 He spent last Christmas with us, for God's sake! 1099 01:19:04,040 --> 01:19:06,190 - What was the date Zamir's cab was up here? - 12th. 1100 01:19:06,240 --> 01:19:09,950 What about his family? He wouldn't jeopardize everything here. This is their home! 1101 01:19:10,000 --> 01:19:11,790 - Mr. Pryor... - They're coming next month! 1102 01:19:11,840 --> 01:19:13,710 He has no family! 1103 01:19:15,280 --> 01:19:17,870 We talked with the Kosovan Embassy in London. 1104 01:19:17,920 --> 01:19:21,390 Milosh Beqiri's wife and son were killed in a car crash 1105 01:19:21,440 --> 01:19:23,750 two years ago in Pristina. 1106 01:19:23,800 --> 01:19:25,400 I'm sorry. 1107 01:19:26,800 --> 01:19:28,790 Milosh was the driver. 1108 01:19:28,840 --> 01:19:32,240 Ma'am, here it is. Ilic filmed the whole thing. 1109 01:19:41,440 --> 01:19:42,920 No... 1110 01:19:44,120 --> 01:19:46,120 Oh, God. 1111 01:19:56,560 --> 01:19:58,350 I don't understand. 1112 01:19:59,800 --> 01:20:03,430 Maybe he wanted you to accept him, to be his family. 1113 01:20:03,480 --> 01:20:05,680 Do you know where he is? 1114 01:20:55,000 --> 01:20:56,990 Is that Milosh Beqiri? 1115 01:20:57,040 --> 01:20:58,560 Yes. 1116 01:21:10,560 --> 01:21:12,630 - Does Danny know? - Yes. 1117 01:21:15,360 --> 01:21:18,360 You knew Jack Reeves from the food bank? 1118 01:21:18,960 --> 01:21:20,310 Yes. 1119 01:21:20,360 --> 01:21:22,230 Did you kill him? 1120 01:21:23,880 --> 01:21:25,880 Milosh? No! 1121 01:21:26,760 --> 01:21:28,760 Jack was a good man. 1122 01:21:32,200 --> 01:21:34,190 It was an accident. 1123 01:21:34,240 --> 01:21:36,240 What happened? 1124 01:21:47,160 --> 01:21:50,100 We were volunteering at the food bank. 1125 01:21:51,400 --> 01:21:54,500 And the church supplied a crate of beers. 1126 01:21:55,240 --> 01:21:57,510 We all had a bit too much. 1127 01:21:59,840 --> 01:22:02,580 Jack said he lived near the farm... 1128 01:22:03,760 --> 01:22:05,900 ...so we shared a taxi. 1129 01:22:06,760 --> 01:22:08,750 Zamir Ilic was the driver? 1130 01:22:08,800 --> 01:22:10,240 Yes. 1131 01:22:13,320 --> 01:22:17,120 On the way, I told Jack about my wife and son. 1132 01:22:19,880 --> 01:22:22,880 I told him they were back in Pristina... 1133 01:22:23,520 --> 01:22:25,990 ...told him how I missed them. 1134 01:22:26,200 --> 01:22:28,340 He understood, he said, 1135 01:22:28,600 --> 01:22:30,670 he missed his son too. 1136 01:22:33,400 --> 01:22:35,670 And then he said his name. 1137 01:22:37,920 --> 01:22:39,190 Toby. 1138 01:22:41,520 --> 01:22:44,390 I'd heard Karen and Danny talking in the farmhouse 1139 01:22:44,440 --> 01:22:49,560 about a boy called Jack who Karen used to know. 1140 01:22:50,800 --> 01:22:53,270 And I pieced it all together. 1141 01:22:54,200 --> 01:22:55,740 And then... 1142 01:22:58,000 --> 01:23:02,880 ...Jack told me how much it hurt to be without his son. 1143 01:23:05,960 --> 01:23:08,640 And that moment... I saw it. 1144 01:23:11,560 --> 01:23:14,360 I saw the pain he was going to cause. 1145 01:23:15,480 --> 01:23:17,190 I said to him... 1146 01:23:17,240 --> 01:23:20,240 "You know what it's like to lose a son, 1147 01:23:20,320 --> 01:23:23,820 to have someone you love snatched away from you." 1148 01:23:25,320 --> 01:23:28,720 So I grabbed him around his neck and I squeezed. 1149 01:23:30,880 --> 01:23:32,590 And Ilic... 1150 01:23:32,640 --> 01:23:36,120 Ilic stopped the car and he started yelling at me to let him go. 1151 01:23:39,680 --> 01:23:41,480 So I did... 1152 01:23:44,120 --> 01:23:46,190 ...but Jack was dead. 1153 01:23:52,240 --> 01:23:54,150 What did Zamir Ilic do? 1154 01:23:54,200 --> 01:23:56,190 Did he help you dispose of the body? 1155 01:23:56,240 --> 01:23:57,840 No. 1156 01:23:58,880 --> 01:24:00,670 He couldn't bear to touch it. 1157 01:24:00,720 --> 01:24:03,590 I carried it myself to the slurry pit. 1158 01:24:03,640 --> 01:24:05,710 Ilic promised me he wouldn't tell anyone. 1159 01:24:05,760 --> 01:24:08,860 In return, I'd find him work on the farm. 1160 01:24:09,560 --> 01:24:11,030 And I did. 1161 01:24:13,320 --> 01:24:16,270 But when the body resurfaced, I panicked. 1162 01:24:16,320 --> 01:24:18,914 I went to Ilic to try and scare him off, but he 1163 01:24:18,927 --> 01:24:21,640 told me he'd filmed the whole thing on his phone. 1164 01:24:23,720 --> 01:24:25,860 For insurance, he said. 1165 01:24:28,400 --> 01:24:30,470 So you killed him too? 1166 01:24:32,280 --> 01:24:34,840 Things got out of hand. 1167 01:24:43,080 --> 01:24:48,600 Milosh Beqiri, I'm arresting you for the murders of Jack Reeves and Zamir Ilic. 1168 01:24:49,400 --> 01:24:51,470 You do not have to say anything, 1169 01:24:51,520 --> 01:24:55,240 but it may harm your defense if you fail to mention, when questioned, 1170 01:24:56,080 --> 01:24:58,880 something you later rely on in court. 1171 01:25:04,680 --> 01:25:06,670 One more thing. 1172 01:25:06,720 --> 01:25:08,710 Where did you get the gun? 1173 01:25:08,760 --> 01:25:09,910 Vlasic. 1174 01:25:09,960 --> 01:25:12,300 I got it from Goran Vlasic. 1175 01:25:15,280 --> 01:25:17,030 Be sure to speak clearly. 1176 01:25:17,080 --> 01:25:20,480 Oh, don't worry, I'll shout my name in his ear. 1177 01:26:12,320 --> 01:26:14,310 You going somewhere? 1178 01:26:14,360 --> 01:26:17,100 Not that it's any of your business. 1179 01:26:18,000 --> 01:26:19,990 Just for a few days. 1180 01:26:20,040 --> 01:26:22,030 So, where's Billy? 1181 01:26:22,080 --> 01:26:24,080 Over by the lake. 1182 01:26:41,880 --> 01:26:43,880 Nice spot. 1183 01:26:46,240 --> 01:26:48,030 No. No, ta. 1184 01:26:48,080 --> 01:26:51,760 If you're going to stand there, you might as well have a drink with me. Here. 1185 01:26:59,360 --> 01:27:01,350 I heard you caught him. 1186 01:27:01,400 --> 01:27:02,830 Mm-hm. 1187 01:27:02,880 --> 01:27:05,310 Is that what you came to tell me? 1188 01:27:05,360 --> 01:27:06,760 Mm... 1189 01:27:09,280 --> 01:27:11,280 ...and er... 1190 01:27:12,560 --> 01:27:14,560 ...to give you this. 1191 01:27:24,680 --> 01:27:26,080 Ta. 1192 01:27:34,360 --> 01:27:38,400 We used to come up here, me and Jackie, when he was a boy. 1193 01:27:40,040 --> 01:27:45,920 Used to walk down from that road there and we'd sit here for hours, casting off. 1194 01:27:49,600 --> 01:27:51,600 This was our spot. 1195 01:27:56,960 --> 01:27:59,030 I heard about the boy. 1196 01:28:00,400 --> 01:28:02,150 Jack's boy. 1197 01:28:02,200 --> 01:28:05,630 The last time I saw Jack, he said he had something to tell me. 1198 01:28:05,680 --> 01:28:07,150 Some news. 1199 01:28:07,920 --> 01:28:09,990 He said I'd be proud. 1200 01:28:13,960 --> 01:28:16,030 I should've listened. 1201 01:28:20,120 --> 01:28:22,920 Do you think they'll let me see him? 1202 01:28:24,200 --> 01:28:26,070 I don't know, pet. 1203 01:28:26,600 --> 01:28:28,430 Well, I could ask. 1204 01:28:28,480 --> 01:28:29,640 Mm. 1205 01:28:31,360 --> 01:28:33,900 Maybe I could take him fishing. 1206 01:28:34,880 --> 01:28:36,360 Yeah. 1207 01:28:37,560 --> 01:28:39,630 Maybe he'd like that. 1208 01:28:42,760 --> 01:28:45,230 Are there still fish in there? 1209 01:28:45,440 --> 01:28:47,110 In there? 1210 01:28:47,160 --> 01:28:48,680 Nah. 1211 01:28:51,160 --> 01:28:53,160 There never was.