1 00:00:00,010 --> 00:00:02,190 Suspect heading west along Hilford Road. 2 00:00:02,240 --> 00:00:05,550 - Backup required. Any units available? - I have a visual on Hilford Road. 3 00:00:05,600 --> 00:00:07,950 He's turning right onto... Stand by. 4 00:00:08,000 --> 00:00:10,670 Turning right onto Gleneagle Road. 5 00:00:12,040 --> 00:00:14,510 Oscar 1. All units, this is a dead end ahead. 6 00:00:14,560 --> 00:00:18,790 Suspects may be preparing to abandon vehicle. Traveling at speed along Gleneagle Road. 7 00:00:18,840 --> 00:00:22,440 Slowing down, turning left, dirt track towards the woods. 8 00:00:24,160 --> 00:00:26,070 Gleneagle. They're bailing! 9 00:00:26,120 --> 00:00:28,110 Stop! Police! 10 00:00:28,160 --> 00:00:29,670 Stop! 11 00:00:29,720 --> 00:00:33,240 ...a dark and defining moment in British history. 12 00:00:34,480 --> 00:00:38,430 Now, 30 years on since one of the most bitter industrial disputes in living memory, 13 00:00:38,480 --> 00:00:40,420 we will speak to... 14 00:00:41,120 --> 00:00:43,240 Stop! Now! 15 00:00:44,600 --> 00:00:46,350 Get back here! 16 00:00:46,400 --> 00:00:49,160 ...the miners and their families. 17 00:00:50,600 --> 00:00:54,350 Not just the loss of a whole community, but the loss of a way of life, 18 00:00:54,400 --> 00:00:57,140 still keenly felt three decades on. 19 00:00:58,880 --> 00:01:00,620 Come here, son! 20 00:01:03,080 --> 00:01:05,400 Second suspect westbound. 21 00:01:14,160 --> 00:01:15,880 Stay down! 22 00:01:20,160 --> 00:01:21,840 Argh! 23 00:01:52,560 --> 00:01:55,670 - You're wet through... - I'm fine. It's just a bit of rain. 24 00:01:55,720 --> 00:01:58,110 You want to get down to army surplus. 25 00:01:58,160 --> 00:02:01,520 - I was on my balcony last night. - Oh. Microclimate. 26 00:02:02,360 --> 00:02:04,430 Keeps us on our toes. 27 00:02:04,920 --> 00:02:08,030 What about these joyriders? They still in custody? 28 00:02:08,080 --> 00:02:10,230 - No, they've been cautioned. - Who by? 29 00:02:10,280 --> 00:02:13,510 Well, they've been ruled out. Historical, he reckons. 30 00:02:13,560 --> 00:02:15,230 How historical? 31 00:02:15,280 --> 00:02:17,590 Battle of Britain or the Battle of Hastings? 32 00:02:17,640 --> 00:02:19,310 He's working on it. 33 00:02:19,360 --> 00:02:21,360 Course he is. 34 00:02:26,880 --> 00:02:28,510 - Marcus? - Ma'am. 35 00:02:28,560 --> 00:02:30,560 Ohh... 36 00:02:34,320 --> 00:02:38,590 - It's a young girl. Probably late teens. - How about a date? 37 00:02:38,640 --> 00:02:41,110 I'd say 20, maybe... 30 years. 38 00:02:42,000 --> 00:02:44,360 And there's this. 39 00:02:45,040 --> 00:02:47,310 The straps were around her neck. 40 00:02:47,360 --> 00:02:49,710 What? As in "throttled with"? 41 00:02:49,760 --> 00:02:51,710 No, more as in "buried with". 42 00:02:51,760 --> 00:02:55,270 If it was a ligature, it would hang differently, I think. 43 00:02:55,320 --> 00:02:56,800 Mm. 44 00:02:58,520 --> 00:03:00,390 CT. 45 00:03:00,440 --> 00:03:02,270 Could be her initials. 46 00:03:02,320 --> 00:03:04,790 Get onto that new girl. Helen. 47 00:03:05,400 --> 00:03:08,150 Get her to look up missing persons list. 48 00:03:08,200 --> 00:03:11,350 Tell her to start 20 years ago, then work backwards. 49 00:03:11,400 --> 00:03:15,160 I should warn you. Any assailant DNA is probably too degraded to get a profile. 50 00:03:18,120 --> 00:03:20,310 Hold on. 51 00:03:20,360 --> 00:03:24,480 I spy with my little eye... 52 00:03:29,920 --> 00:03:32,070 "Coal not dole." 53 00:03:32,120 --> 00:03:34,550 - It's the miner's strike. - '84, '85. 54 00:03:34,600 --> 00:03:36,310 Hey. Well done. 55 00:03:36,360 --> 00:03:38,630 Brought up shouting "Maggie out", wasn't I? 56 00:03:38,680 --> 00:03:40,750 Where, from your pram? 57 00:03:42,040 --> 00:03:43,990 Why? What were you doing? 58 00:03:44,040 --> 00:03:47,040 Well... Working for the police, wasn't I? 59 00:03:48,920 --> 00:03:51,320 "CD." As in Charlie Delta? 60 00:03:52,080 --> 00:03:54,830 Or Charles and Di, I suppose, as it's the '80s. 61 00:03:54,880 --> 00:03:57,150 No, "CT" as in Charlie Tango. 62 00:03:57,200 --> 00:04:01,070 Female teenager, with a camera, in Hollowthorp Woods. 63 00:04:01,120 --> 00:04:05,000 I know it's pre-HOLMES. But any leads doesn't matter how vague. 64 00:04:06,320 --> 00:04:08,710 Carrie Telling, 17. 65 00:04:08,760 --> 00:04:12,070 Reported missing by her parents in June 1984. 66 00:04:12,120 --> 00:04:15,360 - Would that do you? - Right. Did somebody call you before I did? 67 00:04:15,560 --> 00:04:17,030 Nope. Just feeling lucky. 68 00:04:17,080 --> 00:04:20,270 Local papers better at archiving than we ever were. 69 00:04:20,320 --> 00:04:25,030 Right, looks like this girl's parents lived about two miles away from where you're stood. 70 00:04:25,080 --> 00:04:26,990 Well, I'm impressed. 71 00:04:27,040 --> 00:04:30,440 That's why they call it "intelligence", love. Not just a pretty face. 72 00:04:31,400 --> 00:04:35,910 Boss. Possible ID, ma'am. Sounds promising. 73 00:04:35,960 --> 00:04:38,910 Right, get uniform to the family. 74 00:04:38,960 --> 00:04:41,750 No. Second thoughts, we'll go with. 75 00:04:41,800 --> 00:04:44,800 They've waited long enough. It's the least we can do. 76 00:04:46,080 --> 00:04:49,350 Helen, good work in identifying the lass. 77 00:04:49,400 --> 00:04:51,910 Now, get down the basement and pull the file. 78 00:04:51,960 --> 00:04:57,030 Find witnesses, school mates, surviving family, CID team. The lot. 79 00:04:57,080 --> 00:04:59,950 Always a pleasure. Kenny. 80 00:05:00,000 --> 00:05:03,200 She wants you down the basement on this one. 81 00:05:19,800 --> 00:05:22,600 You wait here. We might not need you. 82 00:05:23,200 --> 00:05:27,440 Keep a low profile. There's no love for the police around here. 83 00:05:28,160 --> 00:05:30,280 Ex-mining town. 84 00:05:33,960 --> 00:05:35,630 - Morning. - Aye. 85 00:05:51,600 --> 00:05:53,070 William Telling? 86 00:05:53,120 --> 00:05:54,590 That's me. 87 00:05:54,640 --> 00:05:57,790 DCI Vera Stanhope. Northumberland And City Police. 88 00:05:57,840 --> 00:06:00,240 - And this is DS Healy. - Right. 89 00:06:01,280 --> 00:06:03,910 Is it about Carrie... or something else? 90 00:06:03,960 --> 00:06:05,430 It's about Carrie. 91 00:06:05,480 --> 00:06:08,190 - Have they found her? - Well, we don't know but... 92 00:06:08,240 --> 00:06:10,440 Is she dead or alive? 93 00:06:11,600 --> 00:06:13,560 Dead or alive? 94 00:06:15,040 --> 00:06:16,830 We have found a body, sir. 95 00:06:16,880 --> 00:06:18,950 In Hollowthorp Woods. 96 00:06:20,600 --> 00:06:22,320 Righto. 97 00:06:27,880 --> 00:06:29,880 Best come in, then. 98 00:06:38,480 --> 00:06:42,160 - What do you think? - Oh, it's hers all right. I know that. 99 00:06:44,000 --> 00:06:46,600 Bought it for her 16th birthday. 100 00:06:47,040 --> 00:06:50,160 She was doing photography O level. She was gonna take it for her A's. 101 00:06:51,320 --> 00:06:54,260 You say "a body". Do you mean, like... 102 00:06:54,720 --> 00:06:57,520 ...a woman who's just died or... 103 00:06:58,200 --> 00:07:01,920 The remains are skeletal, sir. 104 00:07:03,400 --> 00:07:05,400 Of a teenage girl. 105 00:07:06,640 --> 00:07:09,040 That's... That's that, then. 106 00:07:10,840 --> 00:07:13,550 No, we'd need DNA to confirm... 107 00:07:13,600 --> 00:07:18,550 Oh, right, so it's another teenage girl buried with her camera, is it? 108 00:07:18,600 --> 00:07:20,310 I'm sorry. Just sometimes... 109 00:07:20,360 --> 00:07:24,440 Uh... We think you should prepare yourself for bad news, sir. 110 00:07:25,360 --> 00:07:29,110 Now, is there someone who can sit with you while we ask you some questions? 111 00:07:29,160 --> 00:07:31,070 - No. I'll be right. - Carrie's mam? 112 00:07:31,120 --> 00:07:34,470 - No. Long gone. - We have a family liaison officer... 113 00:07:34,520 --> 00:07:36,560 No, I'll be right. 114 00:07:37,240 --> 00:07:38,710 Ask away. 115 00:07:40,400 --> 00:07:43,880 Can you tell me about the last time you saw your daughter? 116 00:07:49,880 --> 00:07:52,590 Outside Hattington Colliery. 117 00:07:52,640 --> 00:07:56,160 Monday June 25th. About half one-ish. 118 00:07:56,760 --> 00:07:59,710 She brought some sandwiches up to the lads on the line. 119 00:07:59,760 --> 00:08:01,390 And then what? 120 00:08:01,440 --> 00:08:04,520 I sent her home cos I thought it was gonna kick off. 121 00:08:05,160 --> 00:08:08,440 And no-one... ever saw her again. 122 00:08:10,160 --> 00:08:12,710 Was she upset or angry about anything? 123 00:08:12,760 --> 00:08:14,630 Anyone bothering her at all? 124 00:08:14,680 --> 00:08:16,790 Here we go. That one. 125 00:08:16,840 --> 00:08:19,630 No. She didn't run away. 126 00:08:19,680 --> 00:08:22,350 - I wasn't... - If she'd have been upset, 127 00:08:22,400 --> 00:08:24,870 she would have said something. 128 00:08:25,600 --> 00:08:28,950 She went down to London the weekend before with her mate Claire. 129 00:08:29,000 --> 00:08:33,910 I think if she was gonna run away, she'd have stayed there, don't you? 130 00:08:33,960 --> 00:08:36,240 I've thought about it. 131 00:08:37,840 --> 00:08:40,310 I've been over every scenario. 132 00:08:40,680 --> 00:08:44,160 We were good pals, me and Carrie. 133 00:08:46,400 --> 00:08:49,800 She wouldn't have left without saying goodbye. 134 00:08:50,120 --> 00:08:54,150 So, when you got back that night... What... She wasn't there? 135 00:08:54,200 --> 00:08:56,390 I didn't get back. 136 00:08:56,440 --> 00:08:59,940 I spent a couple of nights at Hunston Road nick. 137 00:09:00,000 --> 00:09:02,600 - She'll know it. - Aye, I do. 138 00:09:04,160 --> 00:09:06,520 Cells smelt like fish. 139 00:09:07,360 --> 00:09:10,230 - What had you done? - Given one of yours a going over. 140 00:09:10,280 --> 00:09:13,150 Oh, well. We gave as good as we got. 141 00:09:13,200 --> 00:09:15,390 Vicious, you lot were. 142 00:09:15,440 --> 00:09:17,310 And vindictive. 143 00:09:17,360 --> 00:09:19,350 Why do you think they never found Carrie? 144 00:09:19,400 --> 00:09:22,390 - Well, I... - Because they didn't give a damn. 145 00:09:22,440 --> 00:09:27,160 Miner's daughter "half-caste" - that's the words they used. 146 00:09:28,200 --> 00:09:30,940 "Must be trouble. Must've run off." 147 00:09:31,520 --> 00:09:34,160 - Well, I'm sorry. - Oh, shove it! 148 00:09:37,120 --> 00:09:40,200 I've heard it all before. 149 00:09:42,680 --> 00:09:45,000 I'm sorry. 150 00:09:45,720 --> 00:09:49,280 I'm not a great fan of coppers, if I'm honest. 151 00:09:50,720 --> 00:09:52,880 Difficult times past. 152 00:09:55,080 --> 00:09:57,420 I never wanted to be right. 153 00:09:58,520 --> 00:10:00,830 All these years... 154 00:10:00,880 --> 00:10:03,550 I never wanted to be in the right. 155 00:10:05,640 --> 00:10:07,280 Ta. 156 00:10:14,000 --> 00:10:16,120 - There you go. - Cheers. 157 00:10:34,280 --> 00:10:36,310 Don't you lose anything. 158 00:10:36,360 --> 00:10:40,110 No, if we take anything, he'll write it down. 159 00:10:40,160 --> 00:10:43,150 Don't move too much. This was how she liked it. 160 00:10:43,200 --> 00:10:46,240 I'll put it all in my phone, keep track of everything. 161 00:10:47,480 --> 00:10:49,880 These her college pals? 162 00:10:51,000 --> 00:10:53,270 Most of them have got kids of their own now. 163 00:10:53,320 --> 00:10:57,630 - Which one of them is her mate Claire? - None of them. I don't know where she is. 164 00:10:57,680 --> 00:10:59,590 It's OK. We'll track her down. 165 00:10:59,640 --> 00:11:01,240 Bonny lass. 166 00:11:02,760 --> 00:11:05,230 - Did she have a boyfriend? - No. 167 00:11:06,080 --> 00:11:08,360 Too young for any of that. 168 00:11:10,160 --> 00:11:12,430 Chanel. Health visitor. 169 00:11:12,480 --> 00:11:14,640 Won't leave me alone. 170 00:11:24,960 --> 00:11:26,910 Pam saw the police outside. 171 00:11:26,960 --> 00:11:28,700 It's my Carrie. 172 00:11:29,360 --> 00:11:32,310 - They've found her? - Hollowthorp Woods. 173 00:11:32,360 --> 00:11:34,190 Oh, Bill. 174 00:11:34,240 --> 00:11:37,040 Oh, I am so, so sorry, man. 175 00:11:41,640 --> 00:11:45,670 - Hidden? Didn't like her wearing it? - No, it doesn't mean anything. 176 00:11:45,720 --> 00:11:48,660 Means there was stuff Dad didn't know. 177 00:11:52,800 --> 00:11:54,910 Kenny. 178 00:11:54,960 --> 00:11:57,760 Oh, she sent you down there, did she? 179 00:11:58,480 --> 00:12:01,360 Right. Two pages of A4. 180 00:12:02,160 --> 00:12:06,030 Detective on the case reckons that she ran away to London. 181 00:12:06,080 --> 00:12:07,870 Did he, indeed? Who was that? 182 00:12:07,920 --> 00:12:11,150 Bloke called... James Bell. 183 00:12:11,200 --> 00:12:13,910 Dead, unfortunately. So is the sergeant. 184 00:12:13,960 --> 00:12:17,440 Ah, well, that's the canteen food, Kenny. It gets them young. 185 00:12:18,360 --> 00:12:20,760 There any witness statements? 186 00:12:21,400 --> 00:12:22,950 Couple from the parents. 187 00:12:23,000 --> 00:12:26,000 Is that all? What about the mate? Claire? 188 00:12:27,000 --> 00:12:29,080 Can't see any Claire. 189 00:12:29,560 --> 00:12:31,470 House-to-house didn't get very far. 190 00:12:31,520 --> 00:12:34,790 A couple of trips to London on expenses. 191 00:12:34,840 --> 00:12:39,310 So the emphasis was on missing person rather than possible murder? 192 00:12:39,360 --> 00:12:41,390 - Yeah. - Mm. 193 00:12:41,440 --> 00:12:43,070 Who was head of CID? 194 00:12:43,120 --> 00:12:44,710 Johnny Warrick. 195 00:12:44,760 --> 00:12:46,510 Oh. 196 00:12:46,560 --> 00:12:52,110 OK. See if you can get a number for whatever villa he's retired to. 197 00:12:52,160 --> 00:12:55,390 We're starting afresh. That's not necessarily a bad thing. 198 00:12:55,440 --> 00:12:58,120 - Thanks, Kenny. - Ma'am. 199 00:13:08,440 --> 00:13:09,910 Right. 200 00:13:09,960 --> 00:13:12,110 Kieran? Leanne? Can you get down here, please? 201 00:13:12,160 --> 00:13:15,160 - Yes, boss. - I can see some more effects. 202 00:13:17,760 --> 00:13:20,910 Uh... I'll stay with him till Chanel comes. 203 00:13:20,960 --> 00:13:22,430 Right. And you are? 204 00:13:22,480 --> 00:13:24,790 Stan. A mate. 205 00:13:24,840 --> 00:13:27,000 I live down the road. 206 00:13:28,680 --> 00:13:33,550 So the next stage is we'll get someone to come and take a DNA sample from you, 207 00:13:33,600 --> 00:13:36,310 so we can get confirmation it's Carrie. 208 00:13:36,360 --> 00:13:40,230 DNA... will get him, won't it? 209 00:13:40,280 --> 00:13:42,030 They have ways. Haven't you? 210 00:13:42,080 --> 00:13:45,080 Well, we're gonna do everything we can. 211 00:13:45,720 --> 00:13:48,120 We've heard that 'un before. 212 00:13:51,760 --> 00:13:54,190 Should never have brought uniform. 213 00:13:54,240 --> 00:13:56,790 Sore thumb. Winds people up. 214 00:13:56,840 --> 00:13:59,310 Ah, pensioners mainly, though, aren't they? 215 00:13:59,360 --> 00:14:01,510 - Meaning? - Less likely to jump us? 216 00:14:01,560 --> 00:14:04,390 Oh... They've got long memories, love. 217 00:14:04,440 --> 00:14:06,560 Not much forgiveness. 218 00:14:13,920 --> 00:14:15,950 Here you are. 219 00:14:16,000 --> 00:14:18,120 Ah. Thanks. 220 00:14:22,560 --> 00:14:24,630 Whoa. Here, let me... 221 00:14:27,240 --> 00:14:29,230 It's the shock. 222 00:14:29,280 --> 00:14:31,550 - It's just the shock. - Aye. 223 00:14:34,040 --> 00:14:36,640 Sad her mum won't see her buried. 224 00:14:37,440 --> 00:14:41,400 Oh, so that's what you took from "long gone"? Dead? 225 00:14:42,880 --> 00:14:44,830 I assumed "left". 226 00:14:44,880 --> 00:14:47,150 Oh, right. Maybe. 227 00:14:47,200 --> 00:14:49,830 Get Bethany to track her down, see which. 228 00:14:49,880 --> 00:14:51,750 And Carrie's mate, Claire. 229 00:14:51,800 --> 00:14:53,710 Were you on the front line, then? 230 00:14:53,760 --> 00:14:56,560 Cracking heads, doing Maggie's work? 231 00:14:56,840 --> 00:14:58,790 I was lucky. Didn't have a choice. 232 00:14:58,840 --> 00:15:02,150 My boss thought WPCs shouldn't do that sort of thing. 233 00:15:02,200 --> 00:15:04,510 Ah, different times, eh? 234 00:15:04,560 --> 00:15:07,160 I made a few arrests in the van. 235 00:15:07,680 --> 00:15:11,320 Oh... my dad didn't talk to me for a week. 236 00:15:12,200 --> 00:15:13,790 I knew people who resigned. 237 00:15:13,840 --> 00:15:16,350 They had family working down the pit. 238 00:15:16,400 --> 00:15:19,400 And I knew people who loved every minute. 239 00:15:20,160 --> 00:15:21,960 Up for a ruck. 240 00:15:30,480 --> 00:15:32,120 Right. 241 00:15:33,120 --> 00:15:35,310 Back to basics. 242 00:15:35,360 --> 00:15:41,590 Carrie Telling. Missing since June '84, found buried in Hollowthorp Woods. 243 00:15:41,640 --> 00:15:44,470 Now, what was found buried with her, apart from the camera? 244 00:15:44,520 --> 00:15:46,950 Bag containing a top and a skirt. 245 00:15:47,000 --> 00:15:49,096 Not gear you'd wear on a picket line, is it? 246 00:15:49,109 --> 00:15:49,870 Overnight bag? 247 00:15:49,920 --> 00:15:53,550 - Well, was there a toothbrush, soap? - It doesn't look like it. 248 00:15:53,600 --> 00:15:56,150 Well, she might have been going out on the town. 249 00:15:56,200 --> 00:15:59,630 - Doesn't indicate running away, does it? - A meet up later? 250 00:15:59,680 --> 00:16:02,150 Yeah. Change in the toilets. 251 00:16:02,200 --> 00:16:04,470 Spare Mum and Dad the worry. 252 00:16:04,520 --> 00:16:07,110 That was the advice they gave in Jackie in the '70s. 253 00:16:07,160 --> 00:16:09,160 "Spare Mum and Dad." 254 00:16:10,760 --> 00:16:12,230 Any intelligence? 255 00:16:12,280 --> 00:16:15,950 Nothing post-digital linked to the crime. No new leads or mentions. 256 00:16:16,000 --> 00:16:17,910 Well, anything similar? 257 00:16:17,960 --> 00:16:21,270 Manner of disposal, area she was buried in? 258 00:16:21,320 --> 00:16:23,310 Serial killers Kenny's missed? 259 00:16:23,360 --> 00:16:25,350 Oh, they're out there, believe me. 260 00:16:25,400 --> 00:16:27,630 Any arrests? Sex offenders nearby? 261 00:16:27,680 --> 00:16:29,590 No more than your usual. 262 00:16:29,640 --> 00:16:31,990 Releases on probation? Cell confessions? 263 00:16:32,040 --> 00:16:33,910 - Anything. - I'll keep looking. 264 00:16:33,960 --> 00:16:35,630 With previous, just what we know. 265 00:16:35,680 --> 00:16:38,270 Dad got a suspended sentence for assaulting an officer. 266 00:16:38,320 --> 00:16:40,950 Right, so a history of violence. Is that useful? 267 00:16:41,000 --> 00:16:44,590 I don't know. I mean, like I say, they gave as good as they got. 268 00:16:44,640 --> 00:16:46,780 Cheers for that. Ma'am. 269 00:16:48,040 --> 00:16:51,440 - Professor Warrick's home address. - "Professor"? 270 00:16:51,640 --> 00:16:54,040 He's gone to the university? 271 00:16:54,640 --> 00:16:56,790 Ooh, still lives local. 272 00:16:56,840 --> 00:17:00,270 Well, that and a consultancy in Bahrain, as far as I can gather. 273 00:17:00,320 --> 00:17:03,120 Oh, the lucrative second career, eh? 274 00:17:04,080 --> 00:17:07,120 So you weren't one of the ones that spoke up? 275 00:17:08,120 --> 00:17:10,520 No. No, I wasn't, Kenny. 276 00:17:13,440 --> 00:17:15,310 Is there a wallet? A purse? 277 00:17:15,360 --> 00:17:19,510 Yeah, there was a purse and this was inside, with a couple of pound notes. 278 00:17:19,560 --> 00:17:21,550 Company credit card. 279 00:17:21,600 --> 00:17:24,040 REC Imports limited. 280 00:17:25,120 --> 00:17:26,510 - Who are...? - Defunct. 281 00:17:26,560 --> 00:17:28,550 I'm onto Companies House. Give me an hour. 282 00:17:28,600 --> 00:17:31,510 Also a couple of return bus tickets to Carlisle, 283 00:17:31,560 --> 00:17:34,310 weekend before the alleged last sighting. 284 00:17:34,360 --> 00:17:38,200 Carlisle. No wonder there was no trace in London never went. 285 00:17:39,680 --> 00:17:41,430 So what's in Carlisle? 286 00:17:41,480 --> 00:17:43,590 St Cecilia's. 287 00:17:43,640 --> 00:17:45,590 The number was in her purse. 288 00:17:45,640 --> 00:17:49,310 It's the Carlisle area code. I've tried it but the line's out of service. 289 00:17:49,360 --> 00:17:53,400 - I'll get on that... - No, no. It's all right. I know it. 290 00:17:54,120 --> 00:17:55,437 All the lasses knew it. 291 00:17:55,450 --> 00:17:58,160 Well, its a mother and baby hospital, isn't it? 292 00:17:59,000 --> 00:18:00,590 So, what, she had a kid? 293 00:18:00,640 --> 00:18:03,110 No. You didn't go there to have a baby, love. 294 00:18:03,160 --> 00:18:05,700 You went there for an abortion. 295 00:18:16,120 --> 00:18:19,220 Let's hope Professor Warrick can remember. 296 00:18:26,320 --> 00:18:27,390 Hello, John. 297 00:18:27,440 --> 00:18:31,160 Is that PC Stanhope masquerading as a detective? 298 00:18:32,480 --> 00:18:34,430 Aiden Healy DS. 299 00:18:34,480 --> 00:18:36,080 DS? 300 00:18:36,720 --> 00:18:40,520 I know it's a cliche, but they really do get younger every year. 301 00:18:44,320 --> 00:18:47,430 Well, thanks for making the time. 302 00:18:47,480 --> 00:18:49,200 No problem. 303 00:18:50,120 --> 00:18:54,190 It's just... so that I can hear Charlotte if she calls. 304 00:18:54,240 --> 00:18:56,440 She's having a lay down. 305 00:18:58,720 --> 00:19:01,470 Vera, will you tell me honestly, 306 00:19:01,520 --> 00:19:03,710 am I a bit of a pariah back at CID? 307 00:19:03,760 --> 00:19:05,190 No. 308 00:19:05,240 --> 00:19:08,430 I mean, none of the old guard thought there was anything... 309 00:19:08,480 --> 00:19:12,150 - Did I ever make you feel uncomfortable? - No. Not at all. 310 00:19:12,200 --> 00:19:13,640 Exactly. 311 00:19:14,320 --> 00:19:17,240 All right, let's move on. 312 00:19:18,520 --> 00:19:20,260 Carrie Telling? 313 00:19:20,680 --> 00:19:25,070 Don't tell me Jimmy Bell made a pig's ear of the investigation. 314 00:19:25,120 --> 00:19:28,190 Well, I'll be polite and say it was perfunctory. 315 00:19:28,240 --> 00:19:29,950 In his defense, we were stretched. 316 00:19:30,000 --> 00:19:31,710 We were all hands to the picket line. 317 00:19:31,760 --> 00:19:33,110 Yeah, I know. 318 00:19:33,160 --> 00:19:36,870 All those extra hours to pay off the time-shares in the Algarve. 319 00:19:36,920 --> 00:19:38,710 He tried. 320 00:19:38,760 --> 00:19:41,830 But his relationship with the community were not good. 321 00:19:41,880 --> 00:19:44,070 Nobody came forward. Nobody wanted to help. 322 00:19:44,120 --> 00:19:48,830 - Not even for a miner's child? - They did a bit. But... it were all rumor. 323 00:19:48,880 --> 00:19:50,470 Nothing Jimmy could back up. 324 00:19:50,520 --> 00:19:52,124 What was the rumor? 325 00:19:52,137 --> 00:19:55,830 Oh, Vera, now you're asking me to speculate. 326 00:19:55,880 --> 00:19:58,750 Feeling was that she'd escaped the family. 327 00:19:58,800 --> 00:20:00,870 Her dad were a bit of a... Well, we didn't like him. 328 00:20:00,920 --> 00:20:04,190 - Was he a suspect? - No. He were up on the line on the day. 329 00:20:04,240 --> 00:20:06,870 No, the feeling was she'd run off. 330 00:20:06,920 --> 00:20:09,110 The thing is she'd gone missing before. 331 00:20:09,160 --> 00:20:11,950 Was she reported missing the previous time? 332 00:20:12,000 --> 00:20:15,520 - And was there a paper trail? - That I couldn't say, Vera. 333 00:20:17,200 --> 00:20:19,150 Hello, Charlotte. 334 00:20:19,200 --> 00:20:21,430 Vera Stanhope? 335 00:20:21,480 --> 00:20:22,950 Are you wearing makeup? 336 00:20:23,000 --> 00:20:26,000 No. No, the years have done this, love. 337 00:20:26,080 --> 00:20:30,350 - Are you on John's team now? - No, I'm at college now, Charlotte. 338 00:20:30,400 --> 00:20:32,720 I'm at college. Remember? 339 00:20:33,680 --> 00:20:36,470 - What do you want, love? - I've lost the remote. 340 00:20:36,520 --> 00:20:39,480 I'll come up, love. I'll come up. 341 00:20:42,040 --> 00:20:44,120 All right? 342 00:20:47,200 --> 00:20:49,630 It's Alzheimer's. 343 00:20:49,680 --> 00:20:53,110 She survived breast cancer twice, and now this. 344 00:20:53,160 --> 00:20:55,350 Well, erm, we'll... 345 00:20:55,400 --> 00:20:57,760 - Thanks, John. - All right. 346 00:20:58,800 --> 00:21:00,520 Take care. 347 00:21:03,400 --> 00:21:05,630 What was that? "Pariah"? 348 00:21:05,680 --> 00:21:08,120 Nothing. Leave it. 349 00:21:14,440 --> 00:21:18,840 He was done for inappropriate behavior a few years back. 350 00:21:19,800 --> 00:21:21,950 - He never erm... - No! 351 00:21:22,000 --> 00:21:24,600 He was funny. 352 00:21:25,280 --> 00:21:28,480 Bit smutty funny but never... you know. 353 00:21:29,600 --> 00:21:32,270 I'm not saying I don't believe the allegations. 354 00:21:32,320 --> 00:21:33,950 It's just... 355 00:21:34,000 --> 00:21:36,800 With me, he was always supportive. 356 00:21:37,680 --> 00:21:40,350 He gave me a lot of encouragement. 357 00:21:43,120 --> 00:21:45,350 Oh, get over yourself. 358 00:21:45,400 --> 00:21:49,560 Call Helen. Tell her to follow up any reports on Carrie running away. 359 00:21:50,280 --> 00:21:53,220 So what about this mate Claire? A lie? 360 00:21:53,880 --> 00:21:57,270 Possibly. Question is: Whose lie? 361 00:22:00,160 --> 00:22:03,920 Marcus. He's got a positive match on the DNA. Wants us there now. 362 00:22:04,920 --> 00:22:08,120 All right. Get Bethany over to tell the dad. 363 00:22:18,760 --> 00:22:20,760 Right. 364 00:22:21,680 --> 00:22:24,600 Blunt trauma. Left to right? 365 00:22:25,280 --> 00:22:27,070 Very good. 366 00:22:27,120 --> 00:22:29,550 - Single blow. - This would've knocked her out. 367 00:22:29,600 --> 00:22:31,230 Well, that's something. 368 00:22:31,280 --> 00:22:33,430 So a surprise attack? 369 00:22:33,480 --> 00:22:36,110 I would say she was... 370 00:22:36,160 --> 00:22:38,160 turning like that. 371 00:22:42,000 --> 00:22:44,800 Caved in the skull and broke the jaw. 372 00:22:47,680 --> 00:22:50,020 So might've seen it coming. 373 00:22:51,520 --> 00:22:54,270 Can you tell if she was pregnant? Or had had an abortion? 374 00:22:54,320 --> 00:22:56,060 Circumstantial. 375 00:22:56,680 --> 00:22:59,710 There's no way of telling from the remains. 376 00:22:59,760 --> 00:23:02,590 And the same goes for sexual assault, I suppose? 377 00:23:02,640 --> 00:23:04,310 Yes. 378 00:23:04,360 --> 00:23:05,950 Ma'am. 379 00:23:06,000 --> 00:23:09,000 Alice from forensics just sent me these. 380 00:23:09,680 --> 00:23:12,470 Wow. Those from the camera? 381 00:23:12,520 --> 00:23:14,670 A photography enthusiast, Alice, isn't she? 382 00:23:14,720 --> 00:23:18,030 Some of the last things that she saw. It's a bit weird, isn't it? 383 00:23:18,080 --> 00:23:20,150 Last things she saw... 384 00:23:22,200 --> 00:23:24,800 Apart from her killer, of course. 385 00:23:26,680 --> 00:23:29,070 Do we go back to the dad, push him on the termination? 386 00:23:29,120 --> 00:23:30,990 - Think she'd have told him? - I don't. 387 00:23:31,040 --> 00:23:32,910 I'm just saying maybe he found out. 388 00:23:32,960 --> 00:23:36,910 - Form for violence. Is he a suspect? - Of course he is, till he isn't. 389 00:23:36,960 --> 00:23:39,300 Still to pelt your own kid. 390 00:23:39,680 --> 00:23:41,910 Oh, spur of the moment. 391 00:23:41,960 --> 00:23:44,960 Maybe she cheeked him and he was having none of it. 392 00:23:46,800 --> 00:23:50,310 Can we confirm his story - he was on the picket line all day? 393 00:23:50,360 --> 00:23:52,590 - Before they brought him in. - Ma'am. 394 00:23:52,640 --> 00:23:55,110 Traced REC Imports. 395 00:23:55,160 --> 00:23:58,110 They became Corrington Cloth, then Corrington Coats, 396 00:23:58,160 --> 00:24:00,760 based in wait for it Corrington. 397 00:24:01,080 --> 00:24:03,390 - They still trading? - Looks like it. 398 00:24:03,440 --> 00:24:04,910 Manufacture mackintoshes. 399 00:24:04,960 --> 00:24:08,040 Not, like, cool ones. Like stuff like your Nan wears. 400 00:24:09,800 --> 00:24:12,950 Right, Kenny, see if you can do a timeline for Dad's movements. 401 00:24:13,000 --> 00:24:14,150 Will do. 402 00:24:14,200 --> 00:24:16,910 And you see if there's any note of her going missing before. 403 00:24:16,960 --> 00:24:18,910 And don't palm it off on him. 404 00:24:18,960 --> 00:24:21,030 Aiden, with me. 405 00:24:21,080 --> 00:24:23,310 We're going to Corrington's. 406 00:24:23,360 --> 00:24:26,720 If nothing else, we can get you kitted out for the weather. 407 00:24:45,320 --> 00:24:48,960 Thanks, love. Here's what you want. One of these. 408 00:24:50,280 --> 00:24:53,230 Excuse me. Are you here for the inspection? 409 00:24:53,280 --> 00:24:56,510 Oh, we're looking for Mr. Banerjee, love. Is he around? 410 00:24:56,560 --> 00:24:59,320 Goodness. Right. Sure. 411 00:25:00,760 --> 00:25:02,790 Sorry. Has something bad happened? 412 00:25:02,840 --> 00:25:05,640 No, no. Just routine inquiries, love. 413 00:25:06,880 --> 00:25:08,750 Dad. 414 00:25:08,800 --> 00:25:10,510 Police. 415 00:25:10,560 --> 00:25:13,030 Ah, you've caught up with me. 416 00:25:13,080 --> 00:25:17,240 DCI Vera Stanhope, Northumberland And City Police. 417 00:25:18,200 --> 00:25:19,670 What can I do for you? 418 00:25:19,720 --> 00:25:23,870 We found a credit card we're trying to trace back. 419 00:25:23,920 --> 00:25:27,430 - Belonging to REC Imports. - Right. 420 00:25:27,480 --> 00:25:29,870 It was found on the body of a young girl. 421 00:25:29,920 --> 00:25:31,790 A Carrie Telling. 422 00:25:32,280 --> 00:25:35,920 She disappeared in... 1984. 423 00:25:37,680 --> 00:25:40,280 And we are treating it as murder. 424 00:25:40,920 --> 00:25:43,080 Let's go to my office. 425 00:25:44,360 --> 00:25:46,190 How did she get the card? 426 00:25:46,240 --> 00:25:48,310 That's what we're trying to find out, love. 427 00:25:48,360 --> 00:25:51,950 Did she know one of the girls in the accounts, maybe? 428 00:25:52,000 --> 00:25:54,430 Look, do you remember a card going missing? 429 00:25:54,480 --> 00:25:58,070 It would've been June '84. 430 00:25:58,120 --> 00:26:01,910 To be honest, those were difficult times. You know, the miners' strike. 431 00:26:01,960 --> 00:26:05,110 People were struggling. Lots of things went missing. 432 00:26:05,160 --> 00:26:07,990 Does this ring any bells? Was it lost? 433 00:26:08,040 --> 00:26:11,190 Like I say, things went missing. 434 00:26:11,240 --> 00:26:16,320 You could try the bank. Or we have an archive of our accounts, if that would help. 435 00:26:17,640 --> 00:26:19,150 Hang on, Dad. 436 00:26:19,200 --> 00:26:20,830 What about... that boy? 437 00:26:20,880 --> 00:26:23,980 You got him to sweep the floors, remember? 438 00:26:25,520 --> 00:26:27,870 Boy called Michael stole a card. 439 00:26:27,920 --> 00:26:29,790 Well, could it have been this one? 440 00:26:29,840 --> 00:26:31,430 He said he'd found it. 441 00:26:31,480 --> 00:26:34,220 But he never actually handed it in. 442 00:26:34,600 --> 00:26:36,550 We presumed he'd destroyed it. 443 00:26:36,600 --> 00:26:38,990 - You didn't report it? - They were stony broke. 444 00:26:39,040 --> 00:26:40,910 Dad was on the picket line. 445 00:26:40,960 --> 00:26:43,710 It just felt churlish to report him when he'd confessed. 446 00:26:43,760 --> 00:26:46,310 Did any money go missing from the account? 447 00:26:46,360 --> 00:26:49,230 You'll just have to check the statements. 448 00:26:49,280 --> 00:26:51,550 Can you remember his surname? Michael...? 449 00:26:51,600 --> 00:26:54,510 Michael Tennant. Done well for himself. 450 00:26:54,560 --> 00:26:56,430 Not as in the Right Honorable? 451 00:26:56,480 --> 00:26:58,760 Yeah. That's the guy. 452 00:27:00,720 --> 00:27:03,060 House Of Commons. Local MP. 453 00:27:07,560 --> 00:27:13,590 I've seen the toll it takes on families, attainment in schools, on marriages. 454 00:27:13,640 --> 00:27:16,390 Oh, so we know he can gob on with the best of them. 455 00:27:16,440 --> 00:27:17,910 What else have we got? 456 00:27:17,960 --> 00:27:22,430 Michael Tennant. Left school when he was 15. Considered to be on the left of the party. 457 00:27:22,480 --> 00:27:24,590 - Is this Wikipedia? - Helen swears by it. 458 00:27:24,640 --> 00:27:27,910 Married to a lawyer. He's got a house in Darras Hall. 459 00:27:27,960 --> 00:27:30,590 - I've seen innovation... - His kids go to private school. 460 00:27:30,640 --> 00:27:32,760 Ha. Course they do. 461 00:27:33,560 --> 00:27:37,470 I've seen people with very little give to those who have less. 462 00:27:37,520 --> 00:27:40,520 Get me from the trolley when he's done. 463 00:27:47,400 --> 00:27:49,990 Sorry, sir. We thought it was just ribbon-cutting. 464 00:27:50,040 --> 00:27:52,990 - We didn't mean to cut you short. - Ah, I'm sure they're grateful. 465 00:27:53,040 --> 00:27:56,390 Nobody wants to hear a politician banging on, do they? 466 00:27:56,440 --> 00:28:00,790 - Has there been an incident? - No. We're here on an historic inquiry. 467 00:28:00,840 --> 00:28:02,070 Oh? 468 00:28:02,120 --> 00:28:07,240 Do you remember finding a credit card belonging to REC Imports? 469 00:28:07,920 --> 00:28:10,190 You'd have been, what, 16? 470 00:28:10,240 --> 00:28:13,510 I do, indeed. Biting me on the bum, is it? 471 00:28:13,560 --> 00:28:17,240 Well, that same card has been found on the body of a young girl... 472 00:28:18,200 --> 00:28:19,750 ...a Carrie Telling. 473 00:28:19,800 --> 00:28:22,900 We're treating it as murder at the moment. 474 00:28:23,560 --> 00:28:25,750 - Right. - You knew her, then? 475 00:28:25,800 --> 00:28:27,710 Yeah. Of course. 476 00:28:27,760 --> 00:28:29,870 Best mates. 477 00:28:29,920 --> 00:28:32,460 I'm sorry. I'm just... shocked. 478 00:28:33,760 --> 00:28:36,760 Can I get myself a tea, and I'll be right with you? 479 00:28:39,120 --> 00:28:41,030 Just Carrie... 480 00:28:41,080 --> 00:28:42,960 So young. 481 00:28:43,680 --> 00:28:46,550 She was the first girl I hung around with, really. 482 00:28:46,600 --> 00:28:48,160 I was 16. 483 00:28:48,840 --> 00:28:51,710 - I fancied her rotten. - How did you meet? 484 00:28:51,760 --> 00:28:54,750 I knew her from about. She was popular. 485 00:28:54,800 --> 00:28:56,790 A world apart. 486 00:28:56,840 --> 00:28:58,550 She was doing A levels. 487 00:28:58,600 --> 00:29:02,350 I was an apprentice at the Mileside Colliery. She had me under her thumb. 488 00:29:02,400 --> 00:29:04,030 In a nice way. 489 00:29:04,080 --> 00:29:06,030 I mean, I worshipped her. 490 00:29:06,080 --> 00:29:09,150 I would've done anything to get in her... 491 00:29:09,200 --> 00:29:12,270 I could say "good books" here but you'd know I wasn't being honest. 492 00:29:12,320 --> 00:29:14,120 Aye, I would. 493 00:29:14,880 --> 00:29:18,030 Anyway, she asked me to go to the owner 494 00:29:18,080 --> 00:29:19,670 Mr. Banerjee his name is 495 00:29:19,720 --> 00:29:21,870 and say I'd found the card. 496 00:29:21,920 --> 00:29:23,030 Why? 497 00:29:23,080 --> 00:29:27,070 I don't know. Didn't want her dad to find it on her, I think. 498 00:29:27,120 --> 00:29:30,670 Can you remember exactly when she asked you to lie about the card? 499 00:29:30,720 --> 00:29:32,870 Um... She rang me. 500 00:29:32,920 --> 00:29:36,870 It must've been a Sunday night because we'd just got in from church. 501 00:29:36,920 --> 00:29:38,950 So the night before she disappeared? 502 00:29:39,000 --> 00:29:42,110 The night before they reported her missing. Aye. 503 00:29:42,160 --> 00:29:45,790 We were meant to meet at the cinema, on the Monday night, 504 00:29:45,840 --> 00:29:47,710 so she could give me the card. 505 00:29:47,760 --> 00:29:49,950 But she didn't turn up. 506 00:29:50,000 --> 00:29:55,360 Idiot that I am, I went to Banerjee and said I'd found the card and then lost it. 507 00:29:56,040 --> 00:29:59,760 I looked completely daft but I was just doing what I thought she wanted. 508 00:30:00,480 --> 00:30:03,230 I don't think anyone believed me but I stuck to my guns. 509 00:30:03,280 --> 00:30:05,680 Oh. Training for the future. 510 00:30:08,560 --> 00:30:11,590 Do you know how she came by the card in the first place? 511 00:30:11,640 --> 00:30:16,000 I suppose, looking back, she'd taken it or been given it. 512 00:30:16,960 --> 00:30:19,870 Were you having a sexual relationship with her? 513 00:30:19,920 --> 00:30:21,030 No. 514 00:30:21,080 --> 00:30:23,390 We weren't really a couple. We were just kids. 515 00:30:23,440 --> 00:30:25,870 - Did she ever mention an abortion? - No. 516 00:30:25,920 --> 00:30:29,440 Now, that's just speculation at the moment. 517 00:30:31,040 --> 00:30:35,070 - Did you ever go with her to Carlisle? - No. 518 00:30:35,120 --> 00:30:37,350 When she vanished, where did you think she'd gone? 519 00:30:37,400 --> 00:30:39,110 - London. - Why London? 520 00:30:39,160 --> 00:30:41,640 Well, it's where people went. 521 00:30:42,480 --> 00:30:44,750 Sorry, I just need you... 522 00:30:44,800 --> 00:30:46,750 Can I give you my home number? 523 00:30:46,800 --> 00:30:49,430 Just make another time to talk. 524 00:30:49,480 --> 00:30:51,230 - Just should... - Right. 525 00:30:51,280 --> 00:30:55,070 - People have made the effort to come. - Thanks for being so open. 526 00:30:55,120 --> 00:30:58,120 We weren't really trying to trip you up. 527 00:30:58,720 --> 00:31:00,720 Thanks. 528 00:31:02,160 --> 00:31:04,390 Now who's the politician? 529 00:31:04,440 --> 00:31:08,590 Maybe she was just using him... to cover up stealing the credit card. 530 00:31:08,640 --> 00:31:10,950 Maybe fitting him up. 531 00:31:11,000 --> 00:31:13,070 Maybe got knocked up by another bloke. 532 00:31:13,120 --> 00:31:17,230 So... she used the credit card to pay for the abortion? 533 00:31:17,280 --> 00:31:19,670 Maybe. Who knows? 534 00:31:19,720 --> 00:31:23,230 - Maybe it was for "coal not dole" fund. - Mm. 535 00:31:23,280 --> 00:31:25,750 Gives him a motive, I suppose. 536 00:31:26,240 --> 00:31:27,960 Jilted John. 537 00:31:38,080 --> 00:31:41,470 - Come on, look lively. - I've looked into Carrie's class history. 538 00:31:41,520 --> 00:31:43,670 Photography tutor now living in the Languedoc. 539 00:31:43,720 --> 00:31:46,870 Most of her pals have moved out of the area. I'm tracking them down. 540 00:31:46,920 --> 00:31:50,950 I've got a mention of her running away on a PC notebook. But false alarm. 541 00:31:51,000 --> 00:31:55,070 She was found at the neighbors' the next morning. Stanley and Pamela Conville. 542 00:31:55,120 --> 00:31:57,830 - Stan? Isn't that the bloke we met? - Yeah. 543 00:31:57,880 --> 00:32:00,830 Also. There's an intelligence file on him. But it's not much. 544 00:32:00,880 --> 00:32:03,870 Just his name and a couple of sightings. 545 00:32:03,920 --> 00:32:06,830 Well, keep digging. Why were we watching? 546 00:32:06,880 --> 00:32:09,880 All right, Raiders Of The Lost Archive? 547 00:32:10,320 --> 00:32:13,790 Footage of the picket line the day she disappeared, ma'am. 548 00:32:13,840 --> 00:32:16,400 Well done, Kenny. 549 00:32:17,440 --> 00:32:19,440 I could hug you. 550 00:32:20,280 --> 00:32:23,750 Now let's see if Dad was where he said he was. 551 00:32:32,560 --> 00:32:34,150 Break for popcorn, anyone? 552 00:32:34,200 --> 00:32:35,800 Oh, shut up! 553 00:32:36,440 --> 00:32:38,150 This may be ancient history to you 554 00:32:38,200 --> 00:32:41,350 but these people are fighting for their lives. 555 00:32:41,400 --> 00:32:44,700 Just watch the screen, see if we can see him. 556 00:32:44,880 --> 00:32:48,480 Just look for the angry bloke with the dodgy 'do. 557 00:32:56,840 --> 00:32:58,510 Stop! Go back. 558 00:33:01,600 --> 00:33:03,320 Hold it there. 559 00:33:05,720 --> 00:33:07,990 There. 560 00:33:08,040 --> 00:33:10,710 Bloody hell. That's her, isn't it? 561 00:33:11,560 --> 00:33:16,120 I'd say that's Carrie. So she didn't go home like her dad said. 562 00:33:29,640 --> 00:33:31,550 - Have you got him? - Afraid not. 563 00:33:31,600 --> 00:33:33,190 It's still early days. 564 00:33:33,240 --> 00:33:35,710 Oh, here we go. It's the brush-off. 565 00:33:35,760 --> 00:33:38,390 It's no brush-off. It just takes time. 566 00:33:38,440 --> 00:33:40,630 Come back when you've got something to tell me. 567 00:33:40,680 --> 00:33:43,190 Actually, we've got some questions for you. 568 00:33:43,240 --> 00:33:45,710 "She'll come home when she's hungry." 569 00:33:45,760 --> 00:33:48,910 That's what they said. Like she was a lost dog! 570 00:33:48,960 --> 00:33:51,350 Barely lifted a finger. 571 00:33:51,400 --> 00:33:54,030 It was me and the lads doing house-to-house wor selves. 572 00:33:54,080 --> 00:33:57,080 Look, should we do this somewhere else? 573 00:33:57,640 --> 00:33:59,590 You know, away from prying eyes? 574 00:33:59,640 --> 00:34:02,480 No, I've got nothing to hide. 575 00:34:03,360 --> 00:34:05,430 Come on, then. 576 00:34:05,480 --> 00:34:07,070 Give me your best shot. 577 00:34:07,120 --> 00:34:08,630 What is it you want to ask? 578 00:34:08,680 --> 00:34:12,030 We believe your daughter came upon a stolen credit card. 579 00:34:12,080 --> 00:34:14,750 Her boyfriend took the blame for it at the time. 580 00:34:14,800 --> 00:34:16,310 She didn't have a boyfriend. 581 00:34:16,360 --> 00:34:20,110 She also had a change of clothes with her. We think she was going to meet someone. 582 00:34:20,160 --> 00:34:22,910 Hold up. When you say "boyfriend", 583 00:34:22,960 --> 00:34:26,190 do you mean that Michael that used to hang around after her? 584 00:34:26,240 --> 00:34:27,310 Mm. 585 00:34:27,360 --> 00:34:29,750 She wasn't a thief. She did the change down the club. 586 00:34:29,800 --> 00:34:32,150 Nah, she was never light-fingered. 587 00:34:32,200 --> 00:34:35,320 Was your daughter pregnant, Mr. Telling? 588 00:34:36,320 --> 00:34:38,590 No, she bloody was not. 589 00:34:38,640 --> 00:34:40,630 - Who's saying that? - No-one. 590 00:34:40,680 --> 00:34:43,080 It's just a line of inquiry. 591 00:34:43,480 --> 00:34:46,390 Would she have told you, had she been pregnant? 592 00:34:46,440 --> 00:34:49,630 Oh, you're enjoying this. 593 00:34:49,680 --> 00:34:51,280 No, I'm not. 594 00:34:52,800 --> 00:34:55,030 Now, you told us... 595 00:34:55,080 --> 00:34:59,470 you sent your daughter home directly after she brought you sandwiches. 596 00:34:59,520 --> 00:35:01,750 At 1:30-ish? Hm? 597 00:35:01,800 --> 00:35:07,030 Now, is that what happened? Or did she get caught up in the unrest? 598 00:35:07,080 --> 00:35:10,430 She got a bit caught up. Frightened the hell out of me. 599 00:35:10,480 --> 00:35:13,110 That's why I lost it with you lot. 600 00:35:13,160 --> 00:35:17,550 And did you lose it with your daughter, love, because she wouldn't go home? 601 00:35:17,600 --> 00:35:20,270 - It happens. - What are you saying? 602 00:35:20,320 --> 00:35:22,529 I'm saying you lied to me about the sequence of 603 00:35:22,542 --> 00:35:24,670 your daughter's movements on the picket line. 604 00:35:24,720 --> 00:35:27,310 I never lied. I told her to go home. 605 00:35:27,360 --> 00:35:29,910 She hung around a bit... and then I sent her home. 606 00:35:29,960 --> 00:35:33,680 - That's the same thing. - I mean, how forceful were you? 607 00:35:34,800 --> 00:35:37,790 Did you lash out? It would be understandable. 608 00:35:37,840 --> 00:35:40,150 That's a dangerous place for a young girl to be. 609 00:35:40,200 --> 00:35:42,510 Are you saying... 610 00:35:42,560 --> 00:35:45,600 I dragged her body to the woods and buried her? 611 00:35:46,560 --> 00:35:48,190 That is an evil thought. 612 00:35:48,240 --> 00:35:51,870 Oh, Bill. Howay, man. She's just trying to wind you up. 613 00:35:51,920 --> 00:35:55,630 Maybe you found out she had an abortion and that's why you lost it? 614 00:35:55,680 --> 00:35:57,830 - Ab... - Bill! Bill! 615 00:35:57,880 --> 00:36:00,750 We know you've got a trigger for violence, Mr. Telling. 616 00:36:00,800 --> 00:36:04,960 - I have... You lot! - Bill, leave it. Go and cool off. 617 00:36:08,680 --> 00:36:11,510 And you're trying to fit me up. 618 00:36:11,560 --> 00:36:14,270 Bloody perfect. 619 00:36:14,320 --> 00:36:16,720 I should've seen that coming. 620 00:36:21,080 --> 00:36:23,590 Is your wife dead, Mr. Telling? 621 00:36:23,640 --> 00:36:25,550 She's dead to me. 622 00:36:25,600 --> 00:36:28,030 Only, we can find no trace of her. 623 00:36:28,080 --> 00:36:31,160 - Have you got an address? - Somewhere in hell, I hope. 624 00:36:48,360 --> 00:36:52,470 There you go again... with your size nines. 625 00:36:52,520 --> 00:36:55,550 - I've had worse. - Yeah, me too. 626 00:36:55,600 --> 00:36:58,630 Leaves a nasty taste, though, doesn't it? 627 00:36:58,680 --> 00:37:01,030 When it's not just an investigation. 628 00:37:01,080 --> 00:37:04,590 When the reputation of the entire service is under attack. 629 00:37:04,640 --> 00:37:07,510 Try being under investigation for 18 months. 630 00:37:07,560 --> 00:37:09,600 Yeah. 631 00:37:10,480 --> 00:37:12,480 We just knock heads. 632 00:37:13,000 --> 00:37:15,800 You went the extra mile, didn't you? 633 00:37:19,360 --> 00:37:21,640 What's he want? 634 00:37:24,360 --> 00:37:27,790 Look, I know you're trying to smoke it out. 635 00:37:27,840 --> 00:37:30,470 But if you're looking at Bill, you're on the wrong track. 636 00:37:30,520 --> 00:37:32,510 He'd never have harmed her. Never. 637 00:37:32,560 --> 00:37:36,800 We've got a file on you, actually, Mr. Conville, from way back. 638 00:37:37,560 --> 00:37:39,390 Noting a couple of your movements. 639 00:37:39,440 --> 00:37:42,390 Now, why do you think you were under surveillance? 640 00:37:42,440 --> 00:37:45,470 They were sniffing about, trying to blackmail people 641 00:37:45,520 --> 00:37:48,920 so we'd give over our mates during the strike. 642 00:37:49,120 --> 00:37:50,790 Serious allegation. 643 00:37:50,840 --> 00:37:53,670 Serious... but true. 644 00:37:53,720 --> 00:37:55,990 She ran away to yours once, didn't she? 645 00:37:56,040 --> 00:37:57,990 - No. - Oh? 646 00:37:58,040 --> 00:38:00,870 She came round to wors and stayed over. 647 00:38:00,920 --> 00:38:03,710 I thought Bill and Beryl knew she was at wors. 648 00:38:03,760 --> 00:38:06,590 When I realized they were looking, I took her straight back. 649 00:38:06,640 --> 00:38:09,390 Mr. Conville, did you know she was dead? 650 00:38:09,440 --> 00:38:11,430 Of course not. 651 00:38:11,480 --> 00:38:13,550 Everything I know, you know. 652 00:38:13,600 --> 00:38:16,110 Well, apart from... 653 00:38:18,840 --> 00:38:20,910 Beryl's still around. 654 00:38:21,600 --> 00:38:24,470 Goes by her mother's maiden name. 655 00:38:24,520 --> 00:38:26,440 Doyle. 656 00:38:27,080 --> 00:38:32,230 If this couldn't get back to Bill... I'd appreciate it. 657 00:38:32,280 --> 00:38:34,480 Ended nasty. 658 00:39:09,220 --> 00:39:10,890 Where are you going? 659 00:39:10,940 --> 00:39:12,530 - With you. - No, you wait here. 660 00:39:12,580 --> 00:39:15,580 I don't want you starting another fight. 661 00:39:33,060 --> 00:39:34,940 Are you Beryl? 662 00:39:36,900 --> 00:39:39,100 Beryl Telling? 663 00:40:02,300 --> 00:40:04,300 There you are, love. 664 00:40:04,660 --> 00:40:06,660 Thank you. 665 00:40:07,860 --> 00:40:10,660 - Sorry, sorry. - No, you're all right. 666 00:40:12,300 --> 00:40:15,100 Would she... Would she have suffered? 667 00:40:15,460 --> 00:40:17,500 No, they think not. 668 00:40:19,940 --> 00:40:22,530 She hadn't been taken anywhere or...? 669 00:40:22,580 --> 00:40:24,730 There's no suggestion of that, love. 670 00:40:24,780 --> 00:40:29,060 She was still wearing the same clothes she was wearing at the picket line. 671 00:40:30,100 --> 00:40:32,890 I thought she'd run. That's what I told myself. 672 00:40:32,940 --> 00:40:35,940 - I thought... - Why? Why did you think that? 673 00:40:37,980 --> 00:40:39,580 We fell out. 674 00:40:40,180 --> 00:40:42,180 Before she left. 675 00:40:43,300 --> 00:40:46,060 She told me she hated me. 676 00:40:47,380 --> 00:40:49,690 Now, let's just take this slowly. 677 00:40:49,740 --> 00:40:51,260 Hm? 678 00:40:52,660 --> 00:40:56,500 Are you able to tell me about the last time you saw your daughter? 679 00:40:59,260 --> 00:41:01,290 At home. 680 00:41:01,340 --> 00:41:03,210 I shouted at her. 681 00:41:03,540 --> 00:41:06,140 I told her not to go to the pit. 682 00:41:06,540 --> 00:41:08,650 I slammed the door. 683 00:41:08,700 --> 00:41:11,370 I felt he was drawing her into it. 684 00:41:15,460 --> 00:41:17,500 No, that's not true. 685 00:41:19,660 --> 00:41:21,890 I've just lied to you. 686 00:41:21,940 --> 00:41:24,020 All right. 687 00:41:25,860 --> 00:41:28,820 So let's just try being honest. 688 00:41:30,220 --> 00:41:33,940 Carrie knew I'd been unfaithful to her dad. 689 00:41:35,100 --> 00:41:36,500 Right... 690 00:41:37,540 --> 00:41:39,810 I mean, it wasn't like an affair or anything. 691 00:41:39,860 --> 00:41:41,530 It was a fling. 692 00:41:41,580 --> 00:41:44,580 A couple of months before she vanished. 693 00:41:45,780 --> 00:41:49,340 I mean, I thought it... drove her away. 694 00:41:50,180 --> 00:41:52,380 She'd caught me with him. 695 00:41:53,540 --> 00:41:55,460 In the cafe. 696 00:41:56,300 --> 00:41:59,600 Anyway, we ended it pronto after that, but... 697 00:42:01,820 --> 00:42:04,010 ...it broke her heart, I think. 698 00:42:04,060 --> 00:42:06,660 Did you tell this to the police? 699 00:42:08,260 --> 00:42:10,850 Well, who was this man? 700 00:42:10,900 --> 00:42:13,490 Did she know him? Was he a friend of the family? 701 00:42:13,540 --> 00:42:15,740 His name was Alan Dawson. 702 00:42:17,900 --> 00:42:20,210 He was in my class at evening college. 703 00:42:20,260 --> 00:42:22,130 Pathetic, I know. 704 00:42:22,180 --> 00:42:25,010 I'd gone to do this politics course when the strike started, 705 00:42:25,060 --> 00:42:27,660 to try and make up my mind but... 706 00:42:29,100 --> 00:42:32,860 And this was when? April... ish? 707 00:42:34,020 --> 00:42:36,490 I was just desperate, I think. 708 00:42:37,140 --> 00:42:38,970 He was around... 709 00:42:39,020 --> 00:42:40,610 more than Bill ever was. 710 00:42:40,660 --> 00:42:43,960 And she actually said she was going to leave? 711 00:42:45,660 --> 00:42:48,000 Said she couldn't stand me. 712 00:42:48,420 --> 00:42:51,570 I thought she was punishing me, but as time passed... 713 00:42:51,620 --> 00:42:54,770 I thought, "Maybe it's too hard for her to come back." 714 00:42:54,820 --> 00:42:56,900 I'm sorry. 715 00:43:17,500 --> 00:43:19,620 Did you erm... 716 00:43:21,380 --> 00:43:24,330 Did you ever tell your husband... 717 00:43:24,380 --> 00:43:25,930 Carrie was going to leave? 718 00:43:25,980 --> 00:43:29,890 No. I think Bill would've killed us. He was that mad about it all. 719 00:43:29,940 --> 00:43:32,530 What? He was violent towards you? 720 00:43:32,580 --> 00:43:34,580 Only with words. 721 00:43:36,380 --> 00:43:38,980 We did find a bag... with Carrie. 722 00:43:39,860 --> 00:43:42,460 But there was no overnight stuff. 723 00:43:44,300 --> 00:43:47,300 Do you think she'd have come home, then? 724 00:43:50,180 --> 00:43:55,650 One theory we're working on... is that Carrie had a boyfriend. 725 00:43:55,700 --> 00:43:57,770 No. 726 00:43:57,820 --> 00:44:00,690 There was Michael who followed her around. 727 00:44:00,740 --> 00:44:04,170 He's an MP now. Other than that... 728 00:44:04,220 --> 00:44:09,300 she carried a candle for a lad called... Terry Manttan, lived on our street. 729 00:44:10,140 --> 00:44:12,050 Naughty boy. Trouble. 730 00:44:12,100 --> 00:44:14,140 No, troubled. 731 00:44:16,660 --> 00:44:19,730 I think that's where her affections lay, after me and her dad. 732 00:44:19,780 --> 00:44:21,730 Might she have been meeting him? 733 00:44:21,780 --> 00:44:24,170 - Is that a possibility? - No. 734 00:44:24,220 --> 00:44:28,060 Bill thought that for a while, too, but Terry was in prison when she disappeared. 735 00:44:30,980 --> 00:44:33,090 Do you know which prison? Remember? 736 00:44:33,140 --> 00:44:35,410 Where was it? Somewhere... 737 00:44:36,420 --> 00:44:38,380 Carlisle. 738 00:44:55,340 --> 00:44:57,480 Sorry. I was just um... 739 00:45:07,860 --> 00:45:11,050 Helen, we need to trace a bloke called Alan Dawson. 740 00:45:11,100 --> 00:45:14,500 Check the FE college. See if there's a record. 741 00:45:15,260 --> 00:45:17,650 All right. That is interesting. 742 00:45:17,700 --> 00:45:18,970 What? 743 00:45:19,660 --> 00:45:22,170 Terry Manttan inherited the house from his mum. 744 00:45:22,220 --> 00:45:24,890 He still lives on the same street. 745 00:45:26,180 --> 00:45:28,650 Yeah, we're back by Bill's now. Yeah. 746 00:45:28,700 --> 00:45:30,820 Number 24, boss. 747 00:45:31,900 --> 00:45:33,500 Hold on. 748 00:45:40,620 --> 00:45:42,220 Mr. Manttan? 749 00:45:48,300 --> 00:45:51,330 Well, it makes sense. He knows we're sniffing about. 750 00:45:51,380 --> 00:45:53,650 Helen, have you got anything else? 751 00:45:53,700 --> 00:45:57,860 Yeah. He was inside in Carlisle during that period, by the looks. 752 00:45:58,540 --> 00:46:00,850 Someone will have to go digging for exact dates. 753 00:46:00,900 --> 00:46:03,130 If I ask, they'll go all data protection on me. 754 00:46:03,180 --> 00:46:06,010 He was definitely in Carlisle. She's getting exact dates. 755 00:46:06,060 --> 00:46:08,650 - Are the offences violent? - Theft. 756 00:46:08,700 --> 00:46:11,130 Long history of fraud and burglaries as an adult. 757 00:46:11,180 --> 00:46:14,610 Ah, well, that's where he learnt his trade, then. The short, sharp shock. 758 00:46:14,660 --> 00:46:16,450 Another one of their brilliant ideas. 759 00:46:16,500 --> 00:46:18,210 He's working on the coast. 760 00:46:18,260 --> 00:46:21,170 It's on Facebook, apparently. Got a job at a fairground. 761 00:46:21,220 --> 00:46:23,770 Is everyone on Facebook? 762 00:46:42,100 --> 00:46:44,500 - Is that him? - Terry Manttan? 763 00:46:46,020 --> 00:46:48,260 Can we have a quick word? 764 00:46:50,380 --> 00:46:52,060 Oi! 765 00:46:54,380 --> 00:46:55,580 Oi! 766 00:46:56,220 --> 00:46:58,260 Come here! 767 00:47:17,260 --> 00:47:18,530 Terry! 768 00:47:34,740 --> 00:47:37,740 I said... I said a quick word. 769 00:47:50,580 --> 00:47:52,730 You're lucky. 770 00:47:52,780 --> 00:47:55,180 He's been known to be lethal. 771 00:48:00,620 --> 00:48:03,050 Why'd you run? 772 00:48:03,100 --> 00:48:05,130 Missed my court date. 773 00:48:05,180 --> 00:48:08,490 When you say "missed", do you mean "didn't appear"? 774 00:48:08,540 --> 00:48:12,570 - What was it for? - Failure to produce a license. 775 00:48:12,620 --> 00:48:14,290 Course it was. 776 00:48:16,980 --> 00:48:20,980 - Do you know why we're here? - I've won the Premium Bonds? 777 00:48:23,300 --> 00:48:26,420 Do you remember a lass called Carrie Telling? 778 00:48:28,380 --> 00:48:30,410 Yeah. 779 00:48:30,460 --> 00:48:34,290 - Why? Has she turned up? - Mm. Manner of speaking. 780 00:48:34,340 --> 00:48:36,740 She was in Hollowthorp Woods. 781 00:48:40,500 --> 00:48:42,900 Where did you think she was? 782 00:48:43,740 --> 00:48:47,490 London. What...? You mean she's been dead this whole time? 783 00:48:47,540 --> 00:48:49,610 We believe so. Mm-hm. 784 00:48:49,660 --> 00:48:52,980 - What happened to her? - Well, that's what I'm gonna find out. 785 00:48:54,420 --> 00:48:57,020 - How well did you know her? - Well. 786 00:48:57,340 --> 00:48:59,290 Really liked her. 787 00:48:59,340 --> 00:49:02,370 Not like that. She was too young. 788 00:49:02,420 --> 00:49:04,890 - Did she like you? - Oh... 789 00:49:04,940 --> 00:49:06,410 Think she fancied me, yeah. 790 00:49:06,460 --> 00:49:09,290 Bad boy, weren't I? Look where that got me. 791 00:49:09,340 --> 00:49:13,370 I might've kissed her once or twice, but nothing more. She was my sister's age. 792 00:49:13,420 --> 00:49:18,530 You were in a young offenders' institute in Carlisle, right? 793 00:49:18,580 --> 00:49:20,290 I was, yeah. 794 00:49:20,340 --> 00:49:22,480 Beginning of my career. 795 00:49:23,820 --> 00:49:25,810 Did she come and visit you there? 796 00:49:25,860 --> 00:49:28,050 Loads of times, yeah. 797 00:49:28,100 --> 00:49:30,730 More than family even. Like I say, nice girl. 798 00:49:30,780 --> 00:49:35,020 And did she visit you just before she went missing? 799 00:49:37,140 --> 00:49:39,700 - No. - Are you sure? 800 00:49:40,780 --> 00:49:44,420 No, she said she might but... she was a no-show. 801 00:49:46,060 --> 00:49:49,660 I think she had stuff going on at home, you know. 802 00:49:50,020 --> 00:49:52,930 - Maybe she found herself a new boyfriend? - Maybe. 803 00:49:52,980 --> 00:49:54,530 Not that I would've minded. 804 00:49:54,580 --> 00:49:57,090 Deserved better than the likes of me. 805 00:49:57,140 --> 00:50:00,370 - Do you know the name Michael Tennant? - Someone like him, yeah. 806 00:50:00,420 --> 00:50:02,690 We used to take the mick out of him. 807 00:50:02,740 --> 00:50:05,290 He's an MP now. Careful who you tread on, huh? 808 00:50:05,340 --> 00:50:07,530 - Did she dump you for Michael? - No. 809 00:50:07,580 --> 00:50:10,050 Cos we weren't going out. 810 00:50:10,100 --> 00:50:13,040 She was just a mate I lost touch with. 811 00:50:16,300 --> 00:50:18,900 Did she like that Michael, then? 812 00:50:20,820 --> 00:50:22,890 Only, she never said. 813 00:50:23,540 --> 00:50:27,570 And you're gonna put all this in a statement for me, aren't you? 814 00:50:27,620 --> 00:50:30,180 - On paper. - Of course. 815 00:50:32,460 --> 00:50:35,860 Might even bring my driving license down, huh? 816 00:50:41,340 --> 00:50:43,570 Do we believe him? 817 00:50:43,620 --> 00:50:46,610 He didn't take advantage of her fancying him? 818 00:50:46,660 --> 00:50:49,650 I do, actually. I've got sisters. 819 00:50:49,700 --> 00:50:52,570 I don't know, it makes you feel a bit... 820 00:50:52,620 --> 00:50:56,210 - You stand back. - Yeah, I can see you with sisters. 821 00:50:56,260 --> 00:50:58,140 Big brother. 822 00:50:58,700 --> 00:51:01,410 - How many you got? - Four. 823 00:51:01,460 --> 00:51:03,730 Sometimes they all blur into one. 824 00:51:03,780 --> 00:51:06,130 I bet they got you wrapped around their little fingers. 825 00:51:06,180 --> 00:51:09,450 Oh, yeah. I've got two of them kipping on the floor at the minute. 826 00:51:09,500 --> 00:51:11,640 Yakking all night long. 827 00:51:12,780 --> 00:51:15,050 Dates. First thing in the morning. 828 00:51:15,100 --> 00:51:19,370 The body of Miss Telling was found in an unmarked shallow grave 829 00:51:19,420 --> 00:51:22,370 at Hollowthorp Woods on Tuesday morning. 830 00:51:22,420 --> 00:51:25,250 - She'd last been seen taking photographs... - Come on, Dad. 831 00:51:25,300 --> 00:51:26,810 ...between police and miners 832 00:51:26,860 --> 00:51:30,100 at Hattington Colliery in June 1984. 833 00:51:30,540 --> 00:51:33,640 Thanks, Kate. Coming up after the break... 834 00:52:00,140 --> 00:52:02,940 She's expecting you. She's just here. 835 00:52:07,060 --> 00:52:08,890 John. 836 00:52:08,940 --> 00:52:12,140 So... resisted open plan, then? 837 00:52:13,300 --> 00:52:15,770 Yeah, I'm sorry to drag you down here. 838 00:52:15,820 --> 00:52:19,130 It's all right. I came under cover of darkness. 839 00:52:20,980 --> 00:52:24,420 Only, I've some more questions for you and it's uh... 840 00:52:25,220 --> 00:52:28,380 - It's a bit delicate. - Isn't it always? 841 00:52:29,420 --> 00:52:31,100 Oh... 842 00:52:32,700 --> 00:52:34,610 Hm. 843 00:52:34,660 --> 00:52:36,570 So... 844 00:52:36,620 --> 00:52:38,770 Go on, then. 845 00:52:38,820 --> 00:52:40,660 Right. 846 00:52:42,300 --> 00:52:46,340 Did CID ever put miners under surveillance? 847 00:52:47,140 --> 00:52:52,330 Well... we needed to find out if they planned any violence. 848 00:52:52,380 --> 00:52:56,930 Only, there's a bloke we're looking at... reckons we tried to blackmail him. 849 00:52:56,980 --> 00:52:58,250 Who? 850 00:52:58,300 --> 00:53:00,890 Oh, just someone of interest. 851 00:53:00,940 --> 00:53:03,050 Was he a scab? 852 00:53:03,100 --> 00:53:05,130 We did go after the scabs. 853 00:53:05,180 --> 00:53:06,820 Blackmail? 854 00:53:07,620 --> 00:53:09,820 - I suppose. - Mm. 855 00:53:10,700 --> 00:53:13,580 And did the ends justify the means? 856 00:53:15,860 --> 00:53:19,660 Ah, come on, it's not a tribunal. I'm trying to solve a murder. 857 00:53:21,940 --> 00:53:24,330 Oh, help me out here, John. 858 00:53:24,380 --> 00:53:28,690 Did you find out anything that way that you wouldn't have done otherwise? 859 00:53:28,740 --> 00:53:33,850 Well, Jimmy Bell was sure the lad that Carrie was hanging around 860 00:53:33,900 --> 00:53:36,900 had something to do with her vanishing. 861 00:53:37,620 --> 00:53:40,160 - Which lad? - Kid called Manttan. 862 00:53:41,540 --> 00:53:43,130 Little thug. 863 00:53:43,180 --> 00:53:45,330 Beat his mother up. 864 00:53:45,380 --> 00:53:47,290 Or could've been his sister. 865 00:53:47,340 --> 00:53:49,810 Anyway, he liked to hit women. 866 00:53:49,860 --> 00:53:51,850 We did him for theft in the end. 867 00:53:51,900 --> 00:53:54,570 And was the violence investigated? 868 00:53:54,860 --> 00:53:56,330 Domestic? 869 00:53:56,940 --> 00:54:00,250 We wouldn't be rude enough to investigate domestic back then, Vera. 870 00:54:00,300 --> 00:54:02,060 Mm. 871 00:54:03,500 --> 00:54:05,500 Oh, well. 872 00:54:06,420 --> 00:54:09,420 Maybe I can use something to smoke him out. 873 00:54:12,300 --> 00:54:15,860 Anything else... here's my number. 874 00:54:18,500 --> 00:54:20,490 Well, well, well. 875 00:54:20,540 --> 00:54:25,370 After all these years, she finally gives a bloke her number. 876 00:54:25,420 --> 00:54:27,700 Oh, very funny. 877 00:54:28,860 --> 00:54:31,410 Did it ever work out for you and that er... 878 00:54:31,460 --> 00:54:33,450 - Chap? - Peter? 879 00:54:33,500 --> 00:54:35,620 That's him. 880 00:54:35,980 --> 00:54:37,500 Nah. 881 00:55:02,100 --> 00:55:04,130 He's slimmed down, hasn't he? 882 00:55:04,180 --> 00:55:07,020 Canteen food. I told you. 883 00:55:07,740 --> 00:55:11,330 - So did he redeem himself? - No, not exactly. 884 00:55:11,380 --> 00:55:15,530 - Owned up to witness intimidation. - Wandering hands and corrupt? 885 00:55:15,580 --> 00:55:17,410 He didn't er...? You know. 886 00:55:17,460 --> 00:55:19,210 No, he didn't! 887 00:55:19,260 --> 00:55:21,330 Well, cos I wouldn't have messed with you. 888 00:55:21,380 --> 00:55:23,530 Well, thanks very much, Kenny. 889 00:55:23,580 --> 00:55:25,570 I'll take that as a compliment. 890 00:55:25,620 --> 00:55:28,730 - So do you reckon he was stitched up? - Who knows? 891 00:55:28,780 --> 00:55:30,810 Anyone who worked in the '80s... 892 00:55:30,860 --> 00:55:33,250 You're the fall guy for everything these days. 893 00:55:33,300 --> 00:55:36,930 Yeah, well, that kind of thing only happened in the past, eh? Didn't it? 894 00:55:36,980 --> 00:55:39,380 - Night, Kenny. - Night, ma'am. 895 00:56:15,700 --> 00:56:19,770 - What the hell do you think you're doing? - I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you. 896 00:56:19,820 --> 00:56:22,220 I have to tell you something. 897 00:56:22,380 --> 00:56:24,130 I'm Carrie's friend. 898 00:56:24,180 --> 00:56:25,820 I'm Claire. 899 00:56:39,700 --> 00:56:43,260 Around the time that she died, we went on a trip... 900 00:56:43,980 --> 00:56:45,900 ...to Carlisle. 901 00:56:47,020 --> 00:56:50,220 - There was a clinic there... - An abortion clinic. 902 00:56:51,300 --> 00:56:53,650 I just didn't want to bring it up if I didn't have to. 903 00:56:53,700 --> 00:56:55,530 You made out you hardly knew her. 904 00:56:55,580 --> 00:56:56,920 I know. 905 00:56:57,420 --> 00:56:59,050 I know. 906 00:56:59,100 --> 00:57:03,140 It was just... Well, my dad was a bit funny about who I was gonna be mates with. 907 00:57:04,060 --> 00:57:05,650 Carrie was a good mate. 908 00:57:05,700 --> 00:57:08,820 She found me in college the week before. I was in a bad way. 909 00:57:09,660 --> 00:57:11,130 She took me in hand. 910 00:57:11,180 --> 00:57:13,520 Sorted the whole thing out. 911 00:57:13,660 --> 00:57:15,970 Were you in Carlisle the whole weekend? 912 00:57:16,020 --> 00:57:19,220 I stayed a couple of nights in the hospital. 913 00:57:19,820 --> 00:57:21,290 She was in a B & B. 914 00:57:21,340 --> 00:57:24,640 Did she meet anyone else while she was there? 915 00:57:26,940 --> 00:57:31,060 There was this lad... in the young offenders'. 916 00:57:32,420 --> 00:57:34,410 I don't know if she visited him. 917 00:57:34,460 --> 00:57:37,500 So it was you who took the credit card? 918 00:57:42,100 --> 00:57:45,700 I didn't think he would miss it over the weekend. 919 00:57:46,300 --> 00:57:48,970 When I got home it was all kicking off. 920 00:57:49,020 --> 00:57:51,170 I called Carrie. 921 00:57:51,220 --> 00:57:54,330 She said she'd ask her friend Michael to say that he'd found it. 922 00:57:54,380 --> 00:57:57,930 - Did you know him? - No, not at the time. No. 923 00:57:57,980 --> 00:58:00,810 She'd arranged to meet him on that Monday night 924 00:58:00,860 --> 00:58:03,060 the day she disappeared. 925 00:58:03,740 --> 00:58:07,210 I offered to go with her but she didn't want me to. 926 00:58:07,260 --> 00:58:09,060 Why not? 927 00:58:09,940 --> 00:58:13,770 I got the impression that she was hacked off with him about something. 928 00:58:13,820 --> 00:58:15,460 Mm. 929 00:58:16,420 --> 00:58:18,930 Well, thanks for coming in, love. 930 00:58:18,980 --> 00:58:21,250 It's the least I could do. 931 00:58:24,420 --> 00:58:26,850 I might just go and see my dad. 932 00:58:26,900 --> 00:58:29,170 Tee him up for the big revelation. 933 00:58:29,220 --> 00:58:33,050 You don't think maybe he knew the truth? 934 00:58:33,100 --> 00:58:35,730 - Or perhaps had a sense of it? - No. 935 00:58:35,780 --> 00:58:37,860 Mm. Oh, just thinking. 936 00:58:38,700 --> 00:58:41,210 Maybe that's why he didn't push it... 937 00:58:41,260 --> 00:58:43,290 and had Michael sweep the floors instead? 938 00:58:43,340 --> 00:58:45,940 I hadn't thought of it like that. 939 00:58:47,580 --> 00:58:50,660 Don't always work with words, dads. 940 00:58:51,540 --> 00:58:54,740 Sometimes they operate from the side-lines. 941 00:58:56,420 --> 00:58:58,220 Thanks. 942 00:59:48,220 --> 00:59:52,290 I can't find a record of this domestic. Do you think she didn't report? 943 00:59:52,340 --> 00:59:53,850 Of course not. 944 00:59:53,900 --> 00:59:56,980 That's how domestic violence works. In silence. 945 00:59:57,700 --> 01:00:01,000 Am I the only one sticking up for women here? 946 01:00:01,460 --> 01:00:04,130 Uh, Stan Conville... I've been asking about. 947 01:00:04,180 --> 01:00:07,370 A few of the old timers reckon he's not to be trusted. 948 01:00:07,420 --> 01:00:12,770 Right. Now, those fellas on the scab bus... On the footage. 949 01:00:12,820 --> 01:00:14,970 Someone see if you can get some close-ups. 950 01:00:15,020 --> 01:00:17,650 Well, he's not gonna be a scab, is he? 951 01:00:17,700 --> 01:00:19,287 Bill wouldn't have stood for it. 952 01:00:19,300 --> 01:00:21,650 Well, not if he knew. Could've been on the QT. 953 01:00:21,700 --> 01:00:24,490 But what if he'd been shagging that Beryl? 954 01:00:24,540 --> 01:00:27,540 Uh. Sorry, ma'am. Making love to Beryl. 955 01:00:28,860 --> 01:00:31,090 - Did we ever find that Alan fella? - No. 956 01:00:31,140 --> 01:00:33,770 The college have got him on a list but the trail goes dry. 957 01:00:33,820 --> 01:00:37,820 Keep digging with this Stan bloke, every angle. 958 01:00:38,780 --> 01:00:40,860 Maybe he's this Alan. 959 01:00:42,140 --> 01:00:44,140 Where's Aiden? 960 01:00:47,700 --> 01:00:49,330 Ring him. 961 01:00:49,380 --> 01:00:51,720 Tell him I'm not impressed. 962 01:00:52,380 --> 01:00:55,250 Right, that was the young offenders' at Carlisle. 963 01:00:55,300 --> 01:00:59,020 Confirm Manttan was there in June 1984. 964 01:00:59,860 --> 01:01:04,100 But also reckon he might've done a few day releases around that time. 965 01:01:05,940 --> 01:01:08,540 So could have had an opportunity. 966 01:01:33,740 --> 01:01:36,330 Ma'am. Manttan's not home. 967 01:01:36,380 --> 01:01:38,980 And there's no answer from Aiden. 968 01:01:51,740 --> 01:01:53,330 Where the hell are you? 969 01:01:53,380 --> 01:01:55,490 It's half nine. 970 01:01:55,540 --> 01:01:57,260 Call me! 971 01:02:16,060 --> 01:02:17,490 Where are you? 972 01:02:17,540 --> 01:02:22,020 Look, I'm sorry. I'm just jumping in the car now. I couldn't hear my mobile. 973 01:02:22,940 --> 01:02:26,890 I've got my sister staying so I had to drop her off at college. 974 01:02:26,940 --> 01:02:29,340 I don't care. It's no excuse. 975 01:02:30,100 --> 01:02:34,850 Listen, Manttan has got form. Violence against women. 976 01:02:34,900 --> 01:02:36,810 I'll get to the fair asap. 977 01:02:36,860 --> 01:02:40,620 - Only if you've got a minute. - You're already there, aren't you? 978 01:03:49,980 --> 01:03:52,339 Multiple stab wounds, laceration to the 979 01:03:52,352 --> 01:03:55,330 jugular. He would've died in about two minutes. 980 01:03:55,380 --> 01:03:58,050 - Is that the weapon? - Oh, no flies on him. 981 01:03:58,100 --> 01:04:00,770 Kenny, get it to the boys at the lab. 982 01:04:00,820 --> 01:04:02,690 Right we are. 983 01:04:02,740 --> 01:04:07,530 - How long before I arrived? - He's not yet cold. So... maybe an hour? 984 01:04:07,580 --> 01:04:10,130 - You just missed him. - Oh, he wasn't here, Marcus. 985 01:04:10,180 --> 01:04:13,490 I was just dropping my sister off. She's got a job interview. 986 01:04:13,540 --> 01:04:17,650 - What did he have on him? - Not much. It was a set of keys. A mobile. 987 01:04:17,700 --> 01:04:20,610 Right, Ken, get onto those last calls. 988 01:04:20,660 --> 01:04:23,010 And 200 quid in notes in his back pocket. 989 01:04:23,060 --> 01:04:26,650 I don't know if they tip at fairgrounds these days, but struck me as odd. 990 01:04:26,700 --> 01:04:28,450 New ones, too. 991 01:04:28,500 --> 01:04:32,850 Right. And, Kenny, see if you can trace those serial numbers. 992 01:04:32,900 --> 01:04:35,900 - Will do. - See if that gives us anything. 993 01:04:36,700 --> 01:04:38,570 Any idea of the MO? 994 01:04:38,620 --> 01:04:40,210 The direction of the blood spatter 995 01:04:40,260 --> 01:04:43,650 suggests he was assaulted from behind and fell onto his face. 996 01:04:43,700 --> 01:04:45,850 So, similar to Carrie? Approach from behind. 997 01:04:45,863 --> 01:04:46,690 No, not really. 998 01:04:46,740 --> 01:04:49,130 This was a knife. That was blunt trauma. 999 01:04:49,180 --> 01:04:51,490 I'd say less impulsive, more committed. 1000 01:04:51,540 --> 01:04:55,690 So planned it, we think? Not spur of the moment. No fight? 1001 01:04:55,740 --> 01:04:57,210 No. No defensive injuries. 1002 01:04:57,260 --> 01:04:59,730 So it wasn't us turning up that triggered it? 1003 01:04:59,780 --> 01:05:01,650 But you didn't turn up, did you, love? 1004 01:05:01,700 --> 01:05:03,730 I'm just saying it wasn't our fault. 1005 01:05:03,780 --> 01:05:06,971 That your specialty, is it, not taking the blame? 1006 01:05:06,984 --> 01:05:08,050 Excuse me. 1007 01:05:08,100 --> 01:05:11,810 We should have brought him in yesterday. He might still be alive. 1008 01:05:11,860 --> 01:05:14,010 He moved in circles. He had form. 1009 01:05:14,060 --> 01:05:16,450 This could easily be nothing to do with Carrie. 1010 01:05:16,500 --> 01:05:18,290 I'm not being a smart-arse. 1011 01:05:18,340 --> 01:05:21,440 I'm just saying it could be a coincidence. 1012 01:05:21,700 --> 01:05:24,330 Right. You should hear this. 1013 01:05:24,380 --> 01:05:27,290 Placed the call at about 6:30 last night. 1014 01:05:27,340 --> 01:05:30,450 You have reached the voice-mail of Michael Tennant. 1015 01:05:30,500 --> 01:05:33,440 Please leave a message after the tone. 1016 01:05:52,660 --> 01:05:54,650 Sorry, this is a private view. 1017 01:05:54,700 --> 01:05:56,730 We're open to the public in the morning. 1018 01:05:56,780 --> 01:05:59,050 Special dispensation, pet. 1019 01:05:59,300 --> 01:06:01,440 Yeah, of course. Sorry. 1020 01:06:02,820 --> 01:06:06,500 You can take the lad out of the village but you can't... 1021 01:06:09,060 --> 01:06:11,600 Well... you can make him drink. 1022 01:06:12,060 --> 01:06:13,850 We move on. 1023 01:06:13,900 --> 01:06:17,290 - We don't forget, but we move on. - Mr. Tennant. 1024 01:06:17,340 --> 01:06:20,130 - Yes. Do you need to talk to me? - I do, sir. 1025 01:06:20,180 --> 01:06:22,810 Sorry. Could you find us a room? It's a police briefing. 1026 01:06:22,860 --> 01:06:25,980 No, it's all right. It's an investigative matter. 1027 01:06:26,620 --> 01:06:29,420 I'd rather we did it at the station. 1028 01:06:29,580 --> 01:06:32,330 Terry Manttan found dead this morning. 1029 01:06:32,380 --> 01:06:35,010 Oh... I don't know who he is. 1030 01:06:35,060 --> 01:06:36,530 Oh, well, you should. 1031 01:06:36,580 --> 01:06:39,250 You spoke to him for half an hour. 1032 01:06:41,940 --> 01:06:43,420 Sorry. 1033 01:06:45,220 --> 01:06:49,850 According to Manttan's phone log, he called you last night 1034 01:06:49,900 --> 01:06:53,610 and again at eight o'clock this morning. 1035 01:06:53,660 --> 01:06:57,010 - So what did you talk about? - He wanted my help as his MP. 1036 01:06:57,060 --> 01:06:58,250 Oh. 1037 01:06:58,300 --> 01:07:00,730 He was worried he was in trouble with the police. 1038 01:07:00,780 --> 01:07:03,490 I told him he'd be fine if he cooperated. 1039 01:07:03,540 --> 01:07:05,740 Mm. That's good advice. 1040 01:07:06,420 --> 01:07:11,650 For the benefit of the tape, I am showing Michael Tennant £200 in new notes. 1041 01:07:11,700 --> 01:07:14,300 This was found on Manttan's body. 1042 01:07:14,500 --> 01:07:16,370 And it's... it's new issue. 1043 01:07:16,420 --> 01:07:21,500 So we were able to trace the serial numbers to a cash machine at Lewiston. 1044 01:07:23,460 --> 01:07:28,610 And we also have footage of you drawing cash from that same machine 1045 01:07:28,660 --> 01:07:32,980 just 20 minutes after that call this morning. 1046 01:07:34,940 --> 01:07:38,730 I met him briefly near the fair. He was short of cash. 1047 01:07:38,780 --> 01:07:40,921 I've known him ages. That's why I helped him. 1048 01:07:40,934 --> 01:07:41,650 Mm. 1049 01:07:41,700 --> 01:07:44,700 So it wasn't just a constituency matter? 1050 01:07:47,820 --> 01:07:51,420 What did he say that prompted you to give him the money? 1051 01:07:55,180 --> 01:07:58,860 He'd got it in his head... that I killed Carrie. 1052 01:08:00,180 --> 01:08:03,170 The bloke's brain is addled, I know, but... 1053 01:08:03,220 --> 01:08:04,700 Anyway... 1054 01:08:06,100 --> 01:08:09,570 ...he said he was gonna go on Twitter and reveal I was Carrie's killer. 1055 01:08:09,620 --> 01:08:13,700 To be honest, 200 quid seemed worth not having the hassle. 1056 01:08:14,340 --> 01:08:16,980 - And are you Carrie's killer? - No. 1057 01:08:20,140 --> 01:08:24,900 Where were you the afternoon of the day she went missing? 1058 01:08:26,100 --> 01:08:27,116 I've no idea. 1059 01:08:27,129 --> 01:08:30,210 Did you fall out just before she went missing? 1060 01:08:30,260 --> 01:08:31,410 No. 1061 01:08:31,460 --> 01:08:33,810 There's a pal believes she was angry with you. 1062 01:08:33,860 --> 01:08:35,380 What pal? 1063 01:08:37,700 --> 01:08:39,290 We were teenagers. 1064 01:08:39,340 --> 01:08:41,170 Feelings ran high. 1065 01:08:41,220 --> 01:08:44,580 They also ran high on the picket line, didn't they, love? 1066 01:08:45,380 --> 01:08:46,850 For the benefit of the tape, 1067 01:08:46,900 --> 01:08:50,060 DCI Stanhope is showing Michael Tennant photographs. 1068 01:08:51,060 --> 01:08:57,770 Now, these were the last pictures taken by Carrie on the day she disappeared. 1069 01:08:57,820 --> 01:09:00,060 We had them developed. 1070 01:09:00,580 --> 01:09:06,220 Now, did she find out that you are a liar? 1071 01:09:09,980 --> 01:09:12,050 That's you, isn't it? 1072 01:09:12,300 --> 01:09:14,380 With the other scabs. 1073 01:09:26,100 --> 01:09:29,380 We didn't have any money coming in. 1074 01:09:30,460 --> 01:09:33,610 - We were desperate. - So were a lot of people. 1075 01:09:33,660 --> 01:09:35,130 My dad couldn't do it. 1076 01:09:35,180 --> 01:09:37,370 They'd have crucified him. 1077 01:09:37,420 --> 01:09:39,770 I only crossed a couple of times. 1078 01:09:39,820 --> 01:09:43,580 How did Manttan know you'd crossed the picket? 1079 01:09:45,140 --> 01:09:47,090 His uncle crossed with me. 1080 01:09:47,140 --> 01:09:49,490 I think it must've been him. 1081 01:09:49,540 --> 01:09:52,450 Others, there was an unspoken code. 1082 01:09:52,500 --> 01:09:55,530 Mm. Honor amongst scabs. 1083 01:09:55,580 --> 01:09:58,340 If you like. But this fella... 1084 01:09:59,500 --> 01:10:01,690 ...he must've told Terry, who told Carrie. 1085 01:10:01,740 --> 01:10:03,050 When. 1086 01:10:03,100 --> 01:10:04,490 At Carlisle? 1087 01:10:04,540 --> 01:10:07,980 That's what he told me. When she went to visit him that weekend. 1088 01:10:08,700 --> 01:10:12,180 I guess she didn't believe it, wanted to see for herself. 1089 01:10:13,780 --> 01:10:17,100 I wasn't sure that she'd seen me. 1090 01:10:18,180 --> 01:10:20,580 Had no idea she'd taken this. 1091 01:10:21,100 --> 01:10:24,090 Look, I'm not proud of it. 1092 01:10:24,140 --> 01:10:26,130 I was just trying to help my family. 1093 01:10:26,180 --> 01:10:28,180 Mm. 1094 01:10:29,300 --> 01:10:33,660 They'd vote you out round here, wouldn't they, if this got out? 1095 01:10:34,540 --> 01:10:36,290 Yeah, they would. 1096 01:10:36,340 --> 01:10:38,930 Did you kill Terry Manttan to make sure it stayed secret? 1097 01:10:38,980 --> 01:10:40,330 No. 1098 01:10:40,380 --> 01:10:42,090 Cos I'm not a psycho. 1099 01:10:42,140 --> 01:10:46,370 Did you kill him because he twigged there was a connection between you and Carrie 1100 01:10:46,420 --> 01:10:48,730 now that her body has been found? 1101 01:10:48,780 --> 01:10:51,770 I'm used to people not thinking much of us. But this? Come on. 1102 01:10:51,820 --> 01:10:53,890 It's your livelihood. 1103 01:10:53,940 --> 01:10:56,410 And you know, from experience, 1104 01:10:56,460 --> 01:10:59,810 desperate people... desperate measures. 1105 01:10:59,860 --> 01:11:01,130 No. 1106 01:11:01,180 --> 01:11:03,260 Makes sense to me. 1107 01:11:14,980 --> 01:11:17,450 Please... don't do this to me. 1108 01:11:18,180 --> 01:11:19,850 Please, don't stitch me up. 1109 01:11:19,900 --> 01:11:24,130 Whatever point you're trying to make, I'll listen. I'll cut a deal. We'll work something 1110 01:11:24,180 --> 01:11:26,780 But just, please, don't ruin me. 1111 01:11:31,300 --> 01:11:33,340 I've got a family. 1112 01:11:35,780 --> 01:11:38,320 This isn't us playing politics. 1113 01:11:39,140 --> 01:11:42,980 This is about a young lass with her head smashed in. 1114 01:11:43,820 --> 01:11:48,820 So stop crying for yourself and shed a few tears for her. 1115 01:11:51,260 --> 01:11:53,020 Ma'am. 1116 01:12:03,060 --> 01:12:06,410 - What? - Forensics have got a print from the knife. 1117 01:12:06,460 --> 01:12:08,570 It's not him. 1118 01:12:08,620 --> 01:12:11,620 But... they have got an historical match. 1119 01:12:42,380 --> 01:12:44,780 - Mr. Telling? - Is he dead? 1120 01:12:45,700 --> 01:12:47,770 Will you come with me now, sir? 1121 01:12:47,820 --> 01:12:49,570 Give over. 1122 01:12:49,620 --> 01:12:51,700 I can manage myself. 1123 01:12:52,380 --> 01:12:56,490 Fella your age took out a bloke 30 years younger. 1124 01:12:56,540 --> 01:12:59,930 If you hadn't ruined so many people's lives, I'd be impressed. 1125 01:12:59,980 --> 01:13:01,730 Rage gives you strength. 1126 01:13:01,780 --> 01:13:03,570 Snuck up, didn't I? 1127 01:13:03,620 --> 01:13:05,690 Like he did with Carrie. 1128 01:13:05,740 --> 01:13:07,290 And I got him in the back. 1129 01:13:07,340 --> 01:13:09,330 I got him back! 1130 01:13:09,380 --> 01:13:11,250 Bill, shut up, man. 1131 01:13:11,300 --> 01:13:13,850 Don't say another word until we get a solicitor. 1132 01:13:13,900 --> 01:13:17,330 That man saw me every day. 1133 01:13:17,380 --> 01:13:19,650 He watched my life fall apart. 1134 01:13:19,700 --> 01:13:22,810 He saw me lose my wife, lose everything, 1135 01:13:22,860 --> 01:13:26,860 and there he was two doors up... knowing. 1136 01:13:27,940 --> 01:13:32,060 William Telling, I'm arresting you for the murder of Terrence Manttan. 1137 01:13:32,780 --> 01:13:34,650 You do not have to say anything 1138 01:13:34,700 --> 01:13:37,810 but it may harm your defense if you fail to mention, when questioned, 1139 01:13:37,860 --> 01:13:40,660 something you later rely on in court. 1140 01:13:41,340 --> 01:13:43,480 Sorry. These can pinch. 1141 01:13:44,660 --> 01:13:47,660 And I believe we owe you an apology, sir. 1142 01:13:47,900 --> 01:13:51,780 Our line of inquiry regarding the abortion came to nothing. 1143 01:13:52,780 --> 01:13:55,610 I'm sorry if we caused you any distress. 1144 01:13:55,660 --> 01:13:58,090 Shove your "sorry" up your arse. 1145 01:13:58,140 --> 01:14:00,080 I knew that anyway. 1146 01:14:10,700 --> 01:14:13,250 - You feel sorry for him, don't you? - No. 1147 01:14:13,300 --> 01:14:16,330 - A bit. - Did you oversleep? 1148 01:14:16,380 --> 01:14:18,210 Yeah. I'm... 1149 01:14:18,260 --> 01:14:20,210 I'm sorry. I should've come clean. 1150 01:14:20,260 --> 01:14:21,810 Aye, you should have done. 1151 01:14:21,860 --> 01:14:23,490 I was... 1152 01:14:23,540 --> 01:14:25,450 - I was just being an idiot. - Hoo! 1153 01:14:25,500 --> 01:14:28,800 - It won't happen again. - No, it had better not. 1154 01:14:29,060 --> 01:14:32,410 What's the betting he goes for diminished responsibility? 1155 01:14:32,460 --> 01:14:34,090 Playing the doddery old fella. 1156 01:14:34,140 --> 01:14:35,610 Least he confessed. 1157 01:14:35,660 --> 01:14:37,730 But I could've got Manttan in the dock. 1158 01:14:37,780 --> 01:14:40,380 He could've had justice that way. 1159 01:14:41,540 --> 01:14:44,730 Why do people insist on messing their lives up? 1160 01:14:44,780 --> 01:14:47,290 Guess he thought it was justice. 1161 01:14:47,340 --> 01:14:50,850 Well, would his daughter have wanted that? For him to die in jail? 1162 01:14:50,900 --> 01:14:54,460 Bad news. Carlisle young offenders' finally found the dates. 1163 01:14:55,260 --> 01:14:58,650 He was definitely inside, Manttan, on the day Carrie died. 1164 01:14:58,700 --> 01:15:02,900 - His mum's on the visitors' log. - Oh... That is not good. 1165 01:15:04,980 --> 01:15:07,180 That is not good at all. 1166 01:15:08,860 --> 01:15:10,730 This is our fault. 1167 01:15:11,220 --> 01:15:13,180 I don't know how... 1168 01:15:13,860 --> 01:15:16,010 ...but an innocent man... dead. 1169 01:15:16,060 --> 01:15:18,260 That's not good. 1170 01:15:25,760 --> 01:15:29,780 Terry Manttan was behind bars on the day Carrie was murdered. 1171 01:15:33,000 --> 01:15:35,030 - I don't believe you. - Mm. 1172 01:15:35,080 --> 01:15:37,880 - You're protecting him. - No, I'm not. 1173 01:15:39,600 --> 01:15:43,280 I have a log of his movements on the day. 1174 01:15:47,720 --> 01:15:51,390 But you lot, you came in all guns blazing... 1175 01:15:51,440 --> 01:15:54,920 And you thought we were after him. Mm? 1176 01:15:57,000 --> 01:15:59,790 But then you've suspected him all along, haven't you? 1177 01:15:59,840 --> 01:16:02,790 Yes. He was no good. 1178 01:16:02,840 --> 01:16:04,590 The family was no good. 1179 01:16:04,640 --> 01:16:07,230 When I arrested you, 1180 01:16:07,280 --> 01:16:11,760 you said you were only doing to Manttan what you thought he'd done to your daughter. 1181 01:16:12,480 --> 01:16:14,310 What did you mean? 1182 01:16:14,360 --> 01:16:16,500 Sneaking up unexpected. 1183 01:16:17,200 --> 01:16:18,750 Coward's way. 1184 01:16:18,800 --> 01:16:22,640 But we didn't reveal to you the manner of your daughter's death. 1185 01:16:23,640 --> 01:16:25,840 So how did you know that? 1186 01:16:28,000 --> 01:16:32,270 Who is it thought they'd got you the inside track? 1187 01:16:32,320 --> 01:16:36,360 Someone who couldn't stick how you were fobbing me off! 1188 01:16:37,040 --> 01:16:38,630 I know it all. 1189 01:16:38,680 --> 01:16:41,550 How she died, what he did. 1190 01:16:41,600 --> 01:16:45,070 Fact that you cocked up the DNA evidence. 1191 01:16:45,120 --> 01:16:46,830 That's true, isn't it? 1192 01:16:46,880 --> 01:16:50,270 So even if you did find him, he'd walk away scot-free! 1193 01:16:50,320 --> 01:16:53,440 - Let's keep it focused, Mr. Telling. - I did you a favor! 1194 01:16:54,840 --> 01:16:57,510 I got the fella when you couldn't. 1195 01:16:58,720 --> 01:17:00,920 Or... I thought I did. 1196 01:17:02,200 --> 01:17:06,070 I'd like to make an official request that we take a break. 1197 01:17:06,120 --> 01:17:08,790 It was your mate, Stan, wasn't it? 1198 01:17:09,880 --> 01:17:12,550 So where did he get that information? Hm? 1199 01:17:12,600 --> 01:17:14,470 Did he say? 1200 01:17:14,520 --> 01:17:17,120 I think he got it from your lass. 1201 01:17:17,400 --> 01:17:21,710 - What lass? - That... girl you fobbed me off with. 1202 01:17:21,760 --> 01:17:23,800 Bethany. 1203 01:17:24,320 --> 01:17:28,710 I mean, I didn't. I swear I barely said a word to him. 1204 01:17:28,760 --> 01:17:30,870 That's not even true, is it, about the DNA? 1205 01:17:30,920 --> 01:17:34,350 Are you sure you didn't say anything that could've been misinterpreted? 1206 01:17:34,400 --> 01:17:36,470 Of course she didn't. 1207 01:17:37,440 --> 01:17:41,000 Stan made it up, didn't he? To set Bill off. 1208 01:17:42,320 --> 01:17:44,920 Knew his mate had a hair-trigger. 1209 01:17:45,120 --> 01:17:47,350 Manttan knew that Stan was a scab. 1210 01:17:47,400 --> 01:17:49,390 So Stan set Bill off to silence him. 1211 01:17:49,440 --> 01:17:50,510 No... 1212 01:17:50,560 --> 01:17:52,597 Why reveal it now after all these years? 1213 01:17:52,610 --> 01:17:54,950 Maybe he was paying him off all these years. 1214 01:17:55,000 --> 01:17:59,520 Or because Manttan knew something that's important now. 1215 01:18:00,360 --> 01:18:04,520 Something that could link Stan to Carrie's death. 1216 01:18:05,280 --> 01:18:07,230 Let's get him in. 1217 01:18:07,280 --> 01:18:11,110 I told Bill that, aye. He's a right to know what happened to his daughter. 1218 01:18:11,160 --> 01:18:14,230 You're lying. You weren't divulged that information. 1219 01:18:14,280 --> 01:18:16,150 Well, it's the truth, isn't it? 1220 01:18:16,200 --> 01:18:18,190 No, you're wrong. 1221 01:18:18,240 --> 01:18:20,640 Manttan didn't kill Carrie. 1222 01:18:21,280 --> 01:18:23,990 You set Bill onto an innocent man. 1223 01:18:24,040 --> 01:18:26,310 What do you think to that? 1224 01:18:27,080 --> 01:18:31,550 You had something to hide, so you set Bill onto Manttan to protect yourself. 1225 01:18:31,600 --> 01:18:34,430 - Do what? - Did Carrie know something about you? 1226 01:18:34,480 --> 01:18:38,030 Something that might have caused a confrontation? 1227 01:18:38,080 --> 01:18:40,790 No. Me and Carrie never had a cross word. 1228 01:18:40,840 --> 01:18:42,430 Where's this come from? 1229 01:18:42,480 --> 01:18:45,720 How would people feel, eh, to know that you were a scab? 1230 01:18:46,640 --> 01:18:48,710 A scab? 1231 01:18:48,760 --> 01:18:50,310 Now you have lost me. 1232 01:18:50,360 --> 01:18:52,190 Why have we got a file on you? 1233 01:18:52,240 --> 01:18:54,910 Or was there some other reason we were blackmailing you? 1234 01:18:54,960 --> 01:18:56,550 You've got it wrong. 1235 01:18:56,600 --> 01:18:59,000 No-one's ever blackmailed me. 1236 01:19:00,800 --> 01:19:01,870 No. 1237 01:19:01,920 --> 01:19:05,400 You weren't a scab, were you? 1238 01:19:06,880 --> 01:19:09,040 You were an informant. 1239 01:19:13,360 --> 01:19:17,070 There was an officer I talked to... 1240 01:19:17,120 --> 01:19:19,510 to try to simmer down the hatred, you know. 1241 01:19:19,560 --> 01:19:22,760 It was setting the community against itself. 1242 01:19:23,400 --> 01:19:26,340 Me and this other fella tried to talk. 1243 01:19:26,680 --> 01:19:30,110 And have you spoken to this fella recently? Mm? 1244 01:19:30,160 --> 01:19:31,630 Your contact? 1245 01:19:31,680 --> 01:19:33,720 This officer? 1246 01:19:34,600 --> 01:19:36,590 I felt you were fobbing Bill off. 1247 01:19:36,640 --> 01:19:39,600 Have you spoken to him recently? 1248 01:19:41,720 --> 01:19:45,110 I met him the other night. He gave me some details. 1249 01:19:45,160 --> 01:19:47,560 What was this officer's name? 1250 01:19:48,800 --> 01:19:51,030 - Alan. - Alan what? 1251 01:19:51,080 --> 01:19:52,680 Alan Dawson. 1252 01:19:56,080 --> 01:19:57,480 Aiden. 1253 01:20:04,120 --> 01:20:06,670 You told us you met him at evening classes? 1254 01:20:06,720 --> 01:20:08,070 Yes. 1255 01:20:08,120 --> 01:20:12,030 - Now, come on, love. What's his real name? - He told me it was Alan. 1256 01:20:12,080 --> 01:20:14,470 Turned out he was married, so it could've been a lie. 1257 01:20:14,520 --> 01:20:18,030 - Did he know you were married? - Oh, yes. I think that was the point. 1258 01:20:18,080 --> 01:20:21,920 Look, any little detail. Anything that's going to help us to trace him. 1259 01:20:22,520 --> 01:20:25,640 - His home, his family... - No. Nothing. 1260 01:20:26,240 --> 01:20:28,640 I never asked. He never told. 1261 01:20:29,320 --> 01:20:31,910 The only thing he said when we were ending it was... 1262 01:20:31,960 --> 01:20:33,750 that his wife had breast cancer. 1263 01:20:33,800 --> 01:20:37,750 We talked about that for a while. He wanted to care for her and he wanted to be... 1264 01:20:37,800 --> 01:20:39,950 Supportive. 1265 01:20:40,000 --> 01:20:41,630 Thanks, love. 1266 01:20:41,680 --> 01:20:43,080 Come on. 1267 01:20:58,600 --> 01:21:01,870 Did you tip off Stan Conville about Terry Manttan? 1268 01:21:01,920 --> 01:21:05,150 No, I presumed our conversation were confidential. 1269 01:21:05,200 --> 01:21:08,500 Mm. But you know who I mean by Stan Conville? 1270 01:21:08,920 --> 01:21:11,950 - You're a good detective, Vera... - Don't patronize me. 1271 01:21:12,000 --> 01:21:14,160 I never did, did I? 1272 01:21:18,480 --> 01:21:20,990 Stan wanted to know the inside track. 1273 01:21:21,040 --> 01:21:23,110 I felt as if I owed him. 1274 01:21:23,160 --> 01:21:25,750 You made me see how I'd let that community down. 1275 01:21:25,800 --> 01:21:28,110 Yes, it was inappropriate for me to tell him. 1276 01:21:28,160 --> 01:21:31,470 And if I'd anticipated the consequences, I wouldn't have. 1277 01:21:31,520 --> 01:21:33,190 There. You have my confession. 1278 01:21:33,240 --> 01:21:35,670 Yeah? Well, I don't believe you. 1279 01:21:35,720 --> 01:21:38,270 Because a couple of months before Carrie died, 1280 01:21:38,320 --> 01:21:40,390 you were having an affair with her mother. 1281 01:21:40,440 --> 01:21:42,670 - That's not strictly true. - No? 1282 01:21:42,720 --> 01:21:44,870 I was sourcing important information. 1283 01:21:44,920 --> 01:21:48,470 And she caught you both together in some cafe, didn't she? 1284 01:21:48,520 --> 01:21:51,230 - Beryl's told us. - Yeah, she did. 1285 01:21:51,280 --> 01:21:53,190 And I broke it off immediately. 1286 01:21:53,240 --> 01:21:55,108 That were around the time Charlotte were 1287 01:21:55,121 --> 01:21:57,470 diagnosed with breast cancer for the first time, 1288 01:21:57,520 --> 01:21:59,510 and I couldn't continue in this line of work. 1289 01:21:59,560 --> 01:22:01,750 Oh, an officer and a gentleman. 1290 01:22:01,800 --> 01:22:03,790 I never blatantly lied. 1291 01:22:03,840 --> 01:22:06,880 No, you just left out a little detail on the work front. 1292 01:22:08,600 --> 01:22:12,440 Did Carrie recognize you on the picket line, the day she died? 1293 01:22:14,000 --> 01:22:17,510 Only, I thought these shots were just random. 1294 01:22:17,560 --> 01:22:19,070 They're from Carrie's camera. 1295 01:22:19,120 --> 01:22:21,350 But when I looked again... 1296 01:22:21,400 --> 01:22:24,550 they're nearly all of the same officer. 1297 01:22:24,600 --> 01:22:27,400 It's funny, that. Look. There's one. 1298 01:22:30,280 --> 01:22:33,480 As if she was trying to tell us something... 1299 01:22:34,720 --> 01:22:36,660 ...gather evidence. 1300 01:22:41,760 --> 01:22:44,700 This one, you can even see his number. 1301 01:22:45,440 --> 01:22:47,710 What do you think of that? 1302 01:22:48,080 --> 01:22:50,880 Did she threaten to blow your cover? 1303 01:22:51,640 --> 01:22:54,110 - Is that why you killed her? - No. 1304 01:22:54,160 --> 01:22:55,630 No. 1305 01:22:55,680 --> 01:22:58,910 - What about your marriage? - I love my wife. 1306 01:22:58,960 --> 01:23:02,640 Oh, says he who was touching up anything with a pulse. 1307 01:23:03,320 --> 01:23:05,460 It was them against us. 1308 01:23:06,040 --> 01:23:09,390 I needed an advantage and I felt if I went undercover... 1309 01:23:09,440 --> 01:23:12,830 And took advantage of a miner's wife? 1310 01:23:12,880 --> 01:23:14,750 I made a mistake. 1311 01:23:15,520 --> 01:23:17,320 I miscalculated. 1312 01:23:17,560 --> 01:23:21,350 I did believe that the future of this country lay in me infiltrating... 1313 01:23:21,400 --> 01:23:24,190 Oh, what a load of rubbish. 1314 01:23:24,240 --> 01:23:27,550 You just didn't want to get caught playing away. 1315 01:23:27,600 --> 01:23:30,390 No-one asked you to go undercover. 1316 01:23:30,440 --> 01:23:33,550 Alan bloody Dawson! 1317 01:23:33,600 --> 01:23:35,630 What a charade! 1318 01:23:35,680 --> 01:23:38,480 Just an excuse to get your leg over. 1319 01:23:39,240 --> 01:23:41,320 Shame on you. 1320 01:23:42,640 --> 01:23:46,360 Don't blame the times, blame yourself. 1321 01:23:47,400 --> 01:23:51,080 You followed Carrie Telling and you killed her. 1322 01:23:52,160 --> 01:23:54,100 I did go after her. 1323 01:23:54,360 --> 01:23:56,840 I just wanted to talk. 1324 01:23:57,440 --> 01:23:59,440 She had a camera. 1325 01:23:59,920 --> 01:24:02,070 I wanted it. 1326 01:24:02,120 --> 01:24:03,920 She refused. 1327 01:24:04,640 --> 01:24:06,691 I made a grab for it and there were a fracas. 1328 01:24:06,704 --> 01:24:07,390 A "fracas"? 1329 01:24:07,440 --> 01:24:11,030 Ha. The size of you and a young lass? 1330 01:24:11,080 --> 01:24:12,840 Liar! 1331 01:24:18,240 --> 01:24:21,540 You murdered her and you buried the evidence. 1332 01:24:26,120 --> 01:24:27,950 That's your problem, Vera. 1333 01:24:28,000 --> 01:24:31,320 You've always been a little bit too clever for your own good. 1334 01:24:32,280 --> 01:24:34,470 That's why you never found yourself a husband 1335 01:24:34,520 --> 01:24:37,520 Oh, that's a dagger in my heart. 1336 01:24:39,200 --> 01:24:42,630 Arrest him for murder. I'll wait in the car. 1337 01:24:42,680 --> 01:24:44,470 Mr. John Warrick, I am arresting you... 1338 01:24:44,520 --> 01:24:48,230 Before I go with you, I'd like to give my wife her medication... 1339 01:24:48,280 --> 01:24:50,400 and say goodbye. 1340 01:24:51,280 --> 01:24:52,880 Please. 1341 01:24:54,080 --> 01:24:55,420 Please. 1342 01:25:05,440 --> 01:25:07,990 This is just for Charlotte's sake. 1343 01:25:08,040 --> 01:25:09,960 But you... 1344 01:25:13,160 --> 01:25:15,760 I can hardly bear to look at you. 1345 01:25:40,160 --> 01:25:44,830 We have just been informed that local MP Michael Tennant has resigned. 1346 01:25:44,880 --> 01:25:48,350 The former pitman had recently been helping police 1347 01:25:48,400 --> 01:25:51,270 with the investigation into the disappearance and murder 1348 01:25:51,320 --> 01:25:54,160 of teenager Carrie Telling in 1984. 1349 01:25:55,600 --> 01:25:59,830 Although Mr. Tennant was not suspected of any involvement in her death, 1350 01:25:59,880 --> 01:26:04,910 the inquiry revealed the MP repeatedly crossed the picket lines during the strikes, 1351 01:26:04,960 --> 01:26:08,460 something he has strenuously denied in the past. 1352 01:26:11,480 --> 01:26:13,520 They don't work. 1353 01:26:18,320 --> 01:26:21,440 So what are we gonna do about your timekeeping? Mm? 1354 01:26:22,480 --> 01:26:24,430 I'm on sleeping pills. 1355 01:26:24,480 --> 01:26:26,600 I've had insomnia. 1356 01:26:28,000 --> 01:26:31,000 - Last couple of months. - I thought as much. 1357 01:26:31,560 --> 01:26:34,960 I don't miss everything that's in front of me. 1358 01:26:36,160 --> 01:26:39,150 It was a cold case. You couldn't have got there any sooner. 1359 01:26:39,200 --> 01:26:41,630 Try telling that to Terrence Manttan's family. 1360 01:26:41,680 --> 01:26:44,420 Warrick had people going for years. 1361 01:26:45,880 --> 01:26:48,590 Where do you hide a tree, Aiden? Hm? 1362 01:26:48,640 --> 01:26:50,110 Come on. Where? 1363 01:26:50,160 --> 01:26:51,550 - In a wood. - Right. 1364 01:26:51,600 --> 01:26:54,150 Where do you hide outrageous behavior? 1365 01:26:54,200 --> 01:26:56,400 In outrageous behavior. 1366 01:26:57,960 --> 01:26:59,990 The rumors were a sign. 1367 01:27:00,040 --> 01:27:03,270 The smutty jokes, jokes about rumors. 1368 01:27:03,320 --> 01:27:05,750 And I chose to ignore it. 1369 01:27:05,800 --> 01:27:07,880 All the innuendo. 1370 01:27:09,000 --> 01:27:13,990 He was charming, yes, but he never once tried it on with me. 1371 01:27:14,040 --> 01:27:16,200 And before you laugh... 1372 01:27:16,960 --> 01:27:20,460 ...I haven't always looked like this, you know. 1373 01:27:21,120 --> 01:27:23,190 It was because you were too smart. 1374 01:27:23,240 --> 01:27:25,550 You'd have sussed him out. 1375 01:27:25,600 --> 01:27:27,720 Yeah, maybe. 1376 01:27:28,840 --> 01:27:31,040 Yeah, maybe you're right. 1377 01:27:48,600 --> 01:27:51,550 Do you want to wait until Beryl's done? 1378 01:27:51,600 --> 01:27:53,350 No. 1379 01:27:53,400 --> 01:27:56,700 Carrie would want us to be together, I think. 1380 01:27:59,400 --> 01:28:01,750 Oh... Uncuff him. 1381 01:28:01,800 --> 01:28:03,880 A bit of dignity. 1382 01:28:04,680 --> 01:28:06,670 Go on. Where's he gonna run? 1383 01:28:06,720 --> 01:28:08,520 Thank you. 1384 01:28:10,000 --> 01:28:13,640 Well, on behalf of Terrence Manttan's family, 1385 01:28:14,480 --> 01:28:17,880 you know where you can stick your "thank you". 1386 01:28:20,760 --> 01:28:22,320 What?