1 00:00:25,160 --> 00:00:26,160 BARKING 2 00:00:27,199 --> 00:00:29,480 INDISTINCT CONVERSATION 3 00:00:30,600 --> 00:00:32,759 PA: 'There's now two minutes to the off. 4 00:00:34,920 --> 00:00:37,119 'And away they go.' 5 00:00:37,159 --> 00:00:40,280 INDISTINCT COMMENTARY AND YELLING 6 00:01:01,759 --> 00:01:03,039 Yes! 7 00:01:14,200 --> 00:01:15,640 Thanks for coming. 8 00:01:16,840 --> 00:01:18,359 Hey, Alun. Really appreciate it. 9 00:01:18,400 --> 00:01:19,400 Excuse me. 10 00:01:22,439 --> 00:01:25,319 Alun, go home. To your family. 11 00:01:25,359 --> 00:01:27,719 I'll see you bright and early tomorrow. 12 00:01:28,920 --> 00:01:30,439 Send me that agenda. 13 00:01:34,040 --> 00:01:35,840 Congratulations. 14 00:01:50,599 --> 00:01:52,719 Where's the safe? 15 00:01:54,959 --> 00:01:56,959 THEY WHIMPER 16 00:02:26,520 --> 00:02:28,520 SHE CRIES OUT 17 00:02:43,439 --> 00:02:44,919 We've gotta warn him. 18 00:02:49,520 --> 00:02:50,800 Please! 19 00:02:50,840 --> 00:02:52,840 Please, please! 20 00:02:58,360 --> 00:02:59,879 Louise? 21 00:03:01,159 --> 00:03:02,159 Louise? 22 00:03:12,280 --> 00:03:13,319 Just let her go. 23 00:03:15,599 --> 00:03:16,919 SHE CRIES 24 00:03:16,960 --> 00:03:19,439 GRUNTING, GUNSHOT 25 00:03:19,479 --> 00:03:22,199 Dad? Dad? CRYING 26 00:03:22,240 --> 00:03:23,400 Call an ambulance! 27 00:04:16,120 --> 00:04:17,600 Morning Ma'am. 28 00:04:17,639 --> 00:04:19,839 Middle-aged man, Alun Wilmott. 29 00:04:19,879 --> 00:04:23,199 Was murdered last night as he confronted a couple of intruders. 30 00:04:23,240 --> 00:04:25,800 One of them was armed. Apparently, the gun went off in a struggle. 31 00:04:25,839 --> 00:04:28,399 This Alun Wilmott, the betting magnate? 32 00:04:28,439 --> 00:04:32,000 Yeah, his wife and daughter were in the house, Louise and Jess Wilmott. 33 00:04:32,040 --> 00:04:33,759 So where are they now? 34 00:04:33,800 --> 00:04:36,600 Erm, over at the neighbours. I've got Jac to keep an eye on 'em. 35 00:04:36,639 --> 00:04:38,079 Right. 36 00:04:38,120 --> 00:04:41,399 24/7 security? Lot of good that did. 37 00:04:42,720 --> 00:04:44,720 Ma'am. Thanks. 38 00:04:44,759 --> 00:04:47,000 Now, I'm gonna need a word with the hired muscle. 39 00:04:47,040 --> 00:04:51,439 And put out a press statement, so get in touch with the Press Office. 40 00:04:52,639 --> 00:04:54,439 Papers'll be all over this. 41 00:05:02,720 --> 00:05:03,759 Malcolm? 42 00:05:03,800 --> 00:05:05,639 Watch where you're putting your feet, please. 43 00:05:05,680 --> 00:05:08,240 Oh, I'll come in again through the back door, shall I (?) 44 00:05:08,279 --> 00:05:10,079 Well, the scene's already been compromised. 45 00:05:10,120 --> 00:05:11,800 There's boot treads all over the hallway. 46 00:05:17,759 --> 00:05:19,120 So, what can you tell us? 47 00:05:20,639 --> 00:05:22,160 Single bullet wound to the chest. 48 00:05:22,199 --> 00:05:24,519 He was dead by the time the paramedics arrived. 49 00:05:24,560 --> 00:05:28,560 Now, there's some tattooing on his shirt around the bullet hole. 50 00:05:28,600 --> 00:05:30,360 Hot discharge residue. 51 00:05:31,680 --> 00:05:33,959 No sign of an exit wound. 52 00:05:35,399 --> 00:05:38,399 If we find the bullet intact, might well help us trace the weapon. 53 00:05:38,439 --> 00:05:39,879 Mm... 54 00:05:44,079 --> 00:05:46,000 Fancy place. 55 00:05:46,040 --> 00:05:48,879 Well, it's just lost a chunk of its real estate value. 56 00:05:48,920 --> 00:05:49,920 SHE TUTS 57 00:05:51,000 --> 00:05:52,879 We'll start a sweep of the downstairs 58 00:05:52,920 --> 00:05:54,759 as soon as we get him bagged and tagged. 59 00:05:54,800 --> 00:05:57,319 Well, let us know if you find anything. 60 00:05:57,360 --> 00:06:00,600 Watch where you put your feet. I heard you the first time, Malcolm. 61 00:06:10,720 --> 00:06:11,839 DS AIDEN: Ma'am. 62 00:06:13,279 --> 00:06:14,920 Safe's been cleaned out. 63 00:06:16,360 --> 00:06:19,040 It's a combination lock... 64 00:06:19,079 --> 00:06:21,240 so, someone must have opened it for 'em. 65 00:06:21,279 --> 00:06:23,439 I've got the inventory of the contents that were taken. 66 00:06:23,480 --> 00:06:27,519 There's passports, jewellery... couple of watches. 67 00:06:27,560 --> 00:06:28,920 Expensive watches. 68 00:06:30,040 --> 00:06:31,480 20 grand in cash! 69 00:06:31,519 --> 00:06:32,959 20 grand. 70 00:06:34,199 --> 00:06:36,920 That's just pin money to a fella like Wilmott. 71 00:06:36,959 --> 00:06:39,480 Wife and daughter were home alone when they broke in. 72 00:06:39,519 --> 00:06:40,759 So where was he? 73 00:06:40,800 --> 00:06:42,480 He was in town at a charity race night. 74 00:06:42,519 --> 00:06:44,279 That dog track he owned in the city. 75 00:06:44,319 --> 00:06:45,800 Moorden Fields? 76 00:06:47,879 --> 00:06:50,040 So it would've been common knowledge, then, 77 00:06:50,079 --> 00:06:51,199 that he was at the track. 78 00:06:51,240 --> 00:06:53,480 Maybe someone thought they'd be an easy target. 79 00:06:53,519 --> 00:06:56,319 So why bring a firearm? 80 00:06:56,360 --> 00:06:57,360 Hmm? 81 00:06:57,399 --> 00:06:59,519 That's just asking for trouble. 82 00:07:06,680 --> 00:07:09,519 They came in over the garden fence at the back. 83 00:07:09,560 --> 00:07:12,199 Smashed the patio doors. 84 00:07:12,240 --> 00:07:14,480 I'd say this was a botched burglary. 85 00:07:14,519 --> 00:07:16,319 Husband came home, disturbed them in the act. 86 00:07:16,360 --> 00:07:19,639 No, they knew there was a safe in the house. 87 00:07:20,720 --> 00:07:22,519 But 20 grand in cash? 88 00:07:24,480 --> 00:07:28,800 Either it was their lucky day, or someone gave 'em the heads-up. 89 00:07:35,480 --> 00:07:37,160 MAN: What do you reckon? By the front gate. 90 00:07:37,199 --> 00:07:38,519 Ma'am! 91 00:07:41,360 --> 00:07:43,000 This is Ciaran Duggan. 92 00:07:43,040 --> 00:07:44,839 He's the head of the neighbourhood security. 93 00:07:44,879 --> 00:07:47,639 Right, DCI Stanhope. I'm running this investigation. 94 00:07:48,959 --> 00:07:50,240 Right, any way we can help? 95 00:07:50,279 --> 00:07:53,240 Well, you can start by telling us who was on patrol last night. 96 00:07:53,279 --> 00:07:55,079 That would've been Ryan. Ryan? 97 00:07:55,120 --> 00:07:56,839 Get over here. 98 00:07:58,439 --> 00:08:02,720 Right, the, er... your gaffer says you were working the evening shift. 99 00:08:02,759 --> 00:08:04,360 Aye, that's right. 100 00:08:04,399 --> 00:08:07,279 I did a drive past the Wilmotts' at... 101 00:08:07,319 --> 00:08:09,600 20:55. 102 00:08:09,639 --> 00:08:11,639 You see anything out of the ordinary? 103 00:08:11,680 --> 00:08:13,800 It was pretty quiet, like. 104 00:08:13,839 --> 00:08:15,240 Usually is around here. 105 00:08:16,759 --> 00:08:18,920 So when did you hear about the break-in? 106 00:08:18,959 --> 00:08:20,480 I got a call from the control room, 107 00:08:20,519 --> 00:08:22,439 someone in the house had pressed a panic button. 108 00:08:22,480 --> 00:08:25,240 Yeah, what time was that? Just after 9pm. 109 00:08:25,279 --> 00:08:27,720 The police were informed at the time. 110 00:08:27,759 --> 00:08:30,399 We'll look into it. Well, I drove here as soon as I heard. 111 00:08:30,439 --> 00:08:32,720 You weren't on duty yourself, then? 112 00:08:32,759 --> 00:08:35,320 No, I was, er, working back at the office. 113 00:08:35,360 --> 00:08:36,960 Right. 114 00:08:38,440 --> 00:08:41,440 Now, did either of you enter the property? 115 00:08:42,720 --> 00:08:44,200 Well, er, a man had just been shot. 116 00:08:44,240 --> 00:08:46,600 Aye, trampled all over the crime scene. 117 00:08:46,639 --> 00:08:49,279 Given the circumstances, I think we acted appropriately. 118 00:08:49,320 --> 00:08:52,399 Now, can you take your boots off, give 'em to DC Lockhart. 119 00:08:52,440 --> 00:08:54,399 Need to rule them out as evidence. 120 00:08:54,440 --> 00:08:56,200 Well, come on, we haven't got all day! 121 00:08:56,240 --> 00:08:58,200 And the same goes for you. Get 'em off! 122 00:08:59,559 --> 00:09:02,919 So, how long have you had this security company? 123 00:09:02,960 --> 00:09:05,840 We won the tender.... six months ago. 124 00:09:05,879 --> 00:09:07,159 Four-man team. 125 00:09:07,200 --> 00:09:09,159 Roving patrols and alarmed response. 126 00:09:09,200 --> 00:09:11,120 Ah, all right, if you can afford it. 127 00:09:11,159 --> 00:09:12,919 We're a visible deterrent. 128 00:09:12,960 --> 00:09:16,159 Oh, that's obvious, all that bling you're wearing. 129 00:09:17,200 --> 00:09:21,039 Right. Logs, CCTV, body cams, dashcams, the lot. 130 00:09:21,080 --> 00:09:23,879 See if we can find anything Ryan might have missed. 131 00:09:45,799 --> 00:09:48,480 I found some more tyre tracks further down the lane. 132 00:09:48,519 --> 00:09:49,519 Hmm? 133 00:09:49,559 --> 00:09:52,039 They took off on a getaway bike, out of sight of any cameras. 134 00:09:52,080 --> 00:09:54,399 This must've taken some planning. 135 00:09:54,440 --> 00:09:56,639 Chances are they'd been watching the place. 136 00:09:56,679 --> 00:10:00,919 Well, then they'd have known about the security patrols, wouldn't they? 137 00:10:00,960 --> 00:10:04,799 Get the CSI team down here. Cordon off the whole lane. 138 00:10:06,679 --> 00:10:10,480 Now, we know your husband had been at the race track last night. 139 00:10:10,519 --> 00:10:11,879 Charity event. 140 00:10:11,919 --> 00:10:14,080 He'd messaged me to say he was on his way home. 141 00:10:14,120 --> 00:10:15,360 Right. 142 00:10:15,399 --> 00:10:18,440 I heard talking downstairs. I thought it must be Alun. 143 00:10:18,480 --> 00:10:20,000 Then I heard Jess scream. 144 00:10:21,279 --> 00:10:24,039 So you were the first one to see these intruders? 145 00:10:24,080 --> 00:10:28,720 No, I didn't see their faces. They were both wearing masks. 146 00:10:28,759 --> 00:10:30,960 So, what about their voices? 147 00:10:31,000 --> 00:10:34,120 They sounded local. I think one of them was older. 148 00:10:34,159 --> 00:10:36,399 Oh, what makes you say that, love? 149 00:10:36,440 --> 00:10:38,440 Just the way he talked. 150 00:10:38,480 --> 00:10:41,240 Clearly he was the one calling the shots. 151 00:10:42,919 --> 00:10:43,919 Right. 152 00:10:45,519 --> 00:10:48,559 Did you tell him there was a safe in the house? 153 00:10:48,600 --> 00:10:52,600 We didn't tell him anything... until we saw the gun. 154 00:10:52,639 --> 00:10:55,480 What about this other fella, hmm? 155 00:10:56,600 --> 00:10:58,279 Anything stand out? 156 00:10:59,639 --> 00:11:04,320 He was wearing trainers... like, flash stripes. 157 00:11:05,519 --> 00:11:07,679 It just stayed in my head, you know? 158 00:11:07,720 --> 00:11:11,120 Look, I know this is hard, love... 159 00:11:12,360 --> 00:11:15,960 ..but if there's anything at all you can tell us... 160 00:11:16,000 --> 00:11:17,679 that might help us to catch 'em. 161 00:11:19,440 --> 00:11:21,159 There was a struggle out in the hall. 162 00:11:22,200 --> 00:11:23,519 The gun went off. 163 00:11:24,639 --> 00:11:28,279 Next thing I knew, he was lying there, bleeding. 164 00:11:28,320 --> 00:11:31,840 Now, did either of you notice anything suspicious, 165 00:11:31,879 --> 00:11:34,320 weeks leading up to this? 166 00:11:34,360 --> 00:11:37,360 We have been getting nuisance phone calls. 167 00:11:37,399 --> 00:11:40,480 Landline. We hardly use it. 168 00:11:40,519 --> 00:11:43,240 But the caller always hung up when I answered. 169 00:11:43,279 --> 00:11:44,279 Mm. 170 00:11:45,639 --> 00:11:47,960 Right, so, er... 171 00:11:48,000 --> 00:11:50,000 Now, is there somewhere else you can stay, 172 00:11:50,039 --> 00:11:52,240 other than here with your neighbours? 173 00:11:52,279 --> 00:11:54,799 My mum's. She's over in South Shields. 174 00:11:54,840 --> 00:11:58,600 We'll need to get some swabs and prints. No rush. 175 00:11:58,639 --> 00:12:00,919 Yeah, we'll get someone to drive you over. 176 00:12:02,799 --> 00:12:05,480 I'll need to fetch a few things... from the house. 177 00:12:05,519 --> 00:12:08,240 Right. Well, that can be arranged... 178 00:12:08,279 --> 00:12:10,480 after forensics have finished. 179 00:12:11,759 --> 00:12:13,000 Maybe tomorrow. 180 00:12:26,840 --> 00:12:30,000 Ma'am, these are the owners of the house, Gayle and Iain Beecher. 181 00:12:30,039 --> 00:12:31,240 Right. 182 00:12:33,399 --> 00:12:35,240 Right, you wanted to see me? 183 00:12:35,279 --> 00:12:38,240 You should know there's been a recent spike in crime. Huh? 184 00:12:38,279 --> 00:12:40,799 Thefts from cars. Kids hanging around on the streets. 185 00:12:40,840 --> 00:12:43,000 It's the reason we hired the security patrols. 186 00:12:44,159 --> 00:12:47,360 Now, who pays for these patrols? 187 00:12:47,399 --> 00:12:49,159 The residents, we all chip in. 188 00:12:49,200 --> 00:12:52,759 I'm away a fair bit with work. I suppose it puts my mind at rest. 189 00:12:52,799 --> 00:12:55,759 So, you would've known Alun Wilmott well enough? 190 00:12:55,799 --> 00:12:58,080 The Wilmotts kept themselves to themselves. 191 00:12:58,120 --> 00:13:00,840 I'd stop for a chat with Louise every time I ran into her, 192 00:13:00,879 --> 00:13:03,000 but I wouldn't say we were friends. 193 00:13:04,320 --> 00:13:06,440 I know Jess was close to her dad. 194 00:13:06,480 --> 00:13:09,519 She'd rather spend all his money than go out and earn it. 195 00:13:09,559 --> 00:13:11,039 Spoiled rotten, that one. 196 00:13:13,240 --> 00:13:14,480 BIKE CLATTERS 197 00:13:29,399 --> 00:13:30,960 KNOCK ON DOOR 198 00:13:36,000 --> 00:13:37,320 Can I come in? 199 00:13:40,639 --> 00:13:41,720 Wow! 200 00:13:42,840 --> 00:13:44,759 Constellations. 201 00:13:44,799 --> 00:13:45,799 Hmm. 202 00:13:47,879 --> 00:13:51,919 Wow! I bet you can name a few. 203 00:13:51,960 --> 00:13:54,279 My favourite is Orion. 204 00:13:54,320 --> 00:13:57,120 Ah! The Hunter. Hmm? 205 00:13:57,159 --> 00:13:58,519 HE CHUCKLES 206 00:13:58,559 --> 00:14:01,320 Its biggest stars are super giants. 207 00:14:01,360 --> 00:14:02,759 Right. 208 00:14:03,840 --> 00:14:06,559 I might go into space one day. 209 00:14:08,080 --> 00:14:09,799 Yeah? 210 00:14:09,840 --> 00:14:10,960 Wow! 211 00:14:15,759 --> 00:14:19,039 Now, were you looking at stars last night? 212 00:14:19,080 --> 00:14:20,960 Should've been in bed. 213 00:14:21,000 --> 00:14:23,919 Well, I won't say if you don't. 214 00:14:23,960 --> 00:14:26,919 You plainclothes, then? 215 00:14:26,960 --> 00:14:29,879 Well... Well, that's one way of putting it. 216 00:14:29,919 --> 00:14:32,720 Coppers can't be trusted. 217 00:14:33,840 --> 00:14:35,200 What makes you say that? 218 00:14:35,240 --> 00:14:37,399 They killed Jess' dad. 219 00:14:37,440 --> 00:14:40,960 No, the police didn't kill Jess's dad, love. 220 00:14:42,080 --> 00:14:44,519 And it's my job to find out who did, 221 00:14:44,559 --> 00:14:47,279 so if there's something you want to tell us... 222 00:14:49,039 --> 00:14:50,320 HE SIGHS 223 00:14:50,360 --> 00:14:52,720 They drove away on a motorbike. 224 00:14:52,759 --> 00:14:54,600 Did you see their faces? 225 00:14:56,120 --> 00:14:58,919 They were both wearing crash helmets. 226 00:14:58,960 --> 00:15:00,080 SHE GROANS 227 00:15:00,120 --> 00:15:01,879 It's the law. 228 00:15:01,919 --> 00:15:06,279 Well, if there's nothing else you want to tell us... 229 00:15:06,320 --> 00:15:08,919 I'd better get back to the station. 230 00:15:08,960 --> 00:15:11,480 I wrote down the number plates. 231 00:15:20,159 --> 00:15:22,399 Thought it might be important. 232 00:15:25,399 --> 00:15:27,279 Good lad. 233 00:15:32,960 --> 00:15:34,799 It's this one here. 234 00:15:37,519 --> 00:15:39,960 Adam's got it into his head that it was the police 235 00:15:40,000 --> 00:15:41,559 who killed Jess's dad. 236 00:15:41,600 --> 00:15:43,879 Adam has a vivid imagination. 237 00:15:43,919 --> 00:15:47,759 But there must've been something prompted that train of thought? 238 00:15:47,799 --> 00:15:50,320 He confuses the police with those security patrols. 239 00:15:50,360 --> 00:15:52,480 All he sees is a uniform. 240 00:15:55,480 --> 00:15:58,120 I get the impression you're not that enamoured. 241 00:15:58,159 --> 00:16:01,000 Glorified vigilantes. 242 00:16:01,039 --> 00:16:03,320 That one even threatened Adam. 243 00:16:03,360 --> 00:16:04,440 When was that? 244 00:16:04,480 --> 00:16:08,440 A few weeks ago. Accused him of loitering. 245 00:16:08,480 --> 00:16:10,399 He was just out on his bike! 246 00:16:20,120 --> 00:16:21,679 Alun Wilmott. 247 00:16:21,720 --> 00:16:25,440 Owner of OnTrack Bets, a company he founded in Newcastle. 248 00:16:25,480 --> 00:16:29,879 He was fatally wounded last night at his home in Loxmere. 249 00:16:29,919 --> 00:16:31,879 Aggravated burglary. 250 00:16:31,919 --> 00:16:35,519 His wife and daughter were held up at gunpoint 251 00:16:35,559 --> 00:16:38,519 by two unidentified male intruders. 252 00:16:38,559 --> 00:16:42,200 Our victim had been at a charity event at the track, 253 00:16:42,240 --> 00:16:44,639 and he returned home early and disturbed them. 254 00:16:44,679 --> 00:16:48,279 The area is patrolled by Duggan Security, 255 00:16:48,320 --> 00:16:50,480 and they were the first on the scene. 256 00:16:50,519 --> 00:16:53,360 Some watches and jewellery were stolen from the safe, 257 00:16:53,399 --> 00:16:55,279 insured for over £100,000. 258 00:16:55,320 --> 00:16:57,600 And not to mention 20 grand in cash! 259 00:16:57,639 --> 00:17:01,240 Now, the watches are personalised with the initials AAW. 260 00:17:01,279 --> 00:17:03,200 Alun Anthony Wilmott. 261 00:17:03,240 --> 00:17:07,440 So, what do we have to go on, hmm? 262 00:17:07,480 --> 00:17:09,640 CCTV? Camera's show... 263 00:17:09,680 --> 00:17:12,480 his car arrived back at 9:06. 264 00:17:12,519 --> 00:17:14,279 No sign of anything out of the ordinary. 265 00:17:15,480 --> 00:17:19,160 Now, there's a track, runs down the side of the house. 266 00:17:19,200 --> 00:17:23,119 And the intruders made access by climbing over the back fence. 267 00:17:23,160 --> 00:17:27,359 Now, the lad who lives next door said he saw these intruders 268 00:17:27,400 --> 00:17:28,720 leaving on a motorbike. 269 00:17:28,759 --> 00:17:31,400 And lucky for us, he took down the registration. 270 00:17:31,440 --> 00:17:34,000 That track has direct access to the main road. 271 00:17:34,039 --> 00:17:35,720 Leads straight back to Newcastle. 272 00:17:35,759 --> 00:17:38,359 And we've got an ANPR grab on that registration. 273 00:17:38,400 --> 00:17:41,000 Right. 9:24pm on the Loxmere Road roundabout. 274 00:17:41,039 --> 00:17:44,079 The plates have been doctored. Flagged up as a double-decker bus. 275 00:17:44,119 --> 00:17:46,599 Kenny, get on to the local nick 276 00:17:46,640 --> 00:17:49,480 and ask them to make a search of that area. Ma'am. 277 00:17:49,519 --> 00:17:52,839 Let's just assume that Wilmott and his family 278 00:17:52,880 --> 00:17:55,920 were specifically targeted. Mm? 279 00:17:55,960 --> 00:17:57,119 So, what do we know about him? 280 00:17:57,160 --> 00:18:01,079 Ah, he started off with a chain of, er, high street bookmakers. 281 00:18:01,119 --> 00:18:04,559 Expanded into online gambling about 15 years ago. 282 00:18:04,599 --> 00:18:08,359 He's been accused of making money by exploiting vulnerable customers, 283 00:18:08,400 --> 00:18:10,359 like low-income families, problem gamblers. 284 00:18:10,400 --> 00:18:13,000 Well, it's a mug's game, eh, Kenny? 285 00:18:13,039 --> 00:18:15,480 Only when you're losing, ma'am. SHE CHUCKLES 286 00:18:15,519 --> 00:18:18,079 Well, he was recently the target of a hate mail campaign. 287 00:18:18,119 --> 00:18:19,119 Was he? 288 00:18:19,160 --> 00:18:20,839 Er, threatening emails, 289 00:18:20,880 --> 00:18:23,440 suspect packages sent to the company offices. 290 00:18:23,480 --> 00:18:25,359 A report was made to the police 291 00:18:25,400 --> 00:18:28,119 by the Director of Operations, Orla Cossdale. 292 00:18:28,160 --> 00:18:29,920 Was anyone charged? 293 00:18:29,960 --> 00:18:33,039 Case was shelved due to lack of evidence. 294 00:18:33,079 --> 00:18:34,200 Well... 295 00:18:34,240 --> 00:18:36,599 Maybe we should to follow it up. 296 00:18:40,200 --> 00:18:43,799 So, what time did he leave the stadium last night? 297 00:18:43,839 --> 00:18:45,400 Must have been around 8:30. 298 00:18:45,440 --> 00:18:48,720 And the race meet was still in full swing? 299 00:18:48,759 --> 00:18:51,400 He'd been working too hard. I told him I had things covered. 300 00:18:51,440 --> 00:18:53,720 Charity event, wasn't it? 301 00:18:53,759 --> 00:18:55,559 Gateshead Community Foundation. 302 00:18:55,599 --> 00:18:57,160 How long had you worked for him? 303 00:18:57,200 --> 00:18:58,880 Must be ten years. 304 00:18:58,920 --> 00:19:02,000 Started on the phones, and worked my way up through the ranks. 305 00:19:02,039 --> 00:19:05,400 Oh, so, he took a bit of a punt on you, then, did he? 306 00:19:06,599 --> 00:19:08,759 Taught us everything I know about the industry. 307 00:19:08,799 --> 00:19:14,519 Now, we know the company was the target of a hate mail campaign. 308 00:19:14,559 --> 00:19:18,119 It started with threatening emails. 309 00:19:18,160 --> 00:19:22,359 Escalated to parcels of white powder, broken glass. 310 00:19:22,400 --> 00:19:25,079 And you've no idea who might've been behind it? 311 00:19:25,119 --> 00:19:28,079 I'd put money on a disgruntled punter. 312 00:19:28,119 --> 00:19:31,680 Anyone who's walked into a bookies and gambled away a month's pay. 313 00:19:31,720 --> 00:19:35,039 But unpleasant... vindictive... 314 00:19:36,519 --> 00:19:39,359 ..and yet you asked the police not to pursue it. 315 00:19:39,400 --> 00:19:41,720 We'd already increased security. 316 00:19:41,759 --> 00:19:43,920 And Alun thought it was best if we dropped it. 317 00:19:45,319 --> 00:19:47,240 These emails, do you have copies? 318 00:19:47,279 --> 00:19:50,200 You'll have to speak to Gareth. He's our IT technician. 319 00:19:50,240 --> 00:19:51,680 He's in the office at the end. 320 00:19:51,720 --> 00:19:53,920 Oh. Right. Thanks, love. 321 00:19:57,400 --> 00:20:00,440 DOOR OPENS, CLOSES 322 00:20:01,759 --> 00:20:02,880 Mm. 323 00:20:02,920 --> 00:20:06,160 They were sent from a burner account. Impossible to trace. 324 00:20:06,200 --> 00:20:08,960 "Alun Wilmott has blood on his hands." 325 00:20:09,000 --> 00:20:11,119 "OnTrack scum need to die." 326 00:20:11,160 --> 00:20:13,319 "We know where you live, and we're coming for you." 327 00:20:13,359 --> 00:20:16,039 Ah, right, we've got the gist. 328 00:20:17,240 --> 00:20:18,559 This about his murder, then? 329 00:20:19,960 --> 00:20:22,720 Why, you got something you want to share with us? 330 00:20:29,400 --> 00:20:31,559 Justice4Bookmakers. 331 00:20:31,599 --> 00:20:33,759 It's a... HE CLEARS HIS THROAT 332 00:20:33,799 --> 00:20:35,680 ..social media group page for bookies 333 00:20:35,720 --> 00:20:37,480 who've been screwed over by the industry. 334 00:20:37,519 --> 00:20:40,319 Plenty of inflammatory posts about OnTrack. 335 00:20:40,359 --> 00:20:43,279 A lot of them by former employees. 336 00:20:43,319 --> 00:20:45,119 Hang on... Hang on, what's that one? 337 00:20:45,160 --> 00:20:48,920 "Alun Wilmott has blood on his hands." 338 00:20:48,960 --> 00:20:50,799 Same wording. Same message. 339 00:20:50,839 --> 00:20:53,079 Who's that from? KathyB. 340 00:20:53,119 --> 00:20:56,279 Kathy Bennions. She managed one of our bookies in Low Fell. 341 00:20:56,319 --> 00:20:57,640 Assaulted by a punter. 342 00:20:57,680 --> 00:20:59,160 She was assaulted? 343 00:21:00,400 --> 00:21:01,440 When was that? 344 00:21:03,400 --> 00:21:05,519 Must have been about a year ago now. 345 00:21:05,559 --> 00:21:08,400 Wilmott offered her some risible compensation. 346 00:21:08,440 --> 00:21:10,720 He might have played the benevolent businessman, 347 00:21:10,759 --> 00:21:12,519 but he didn't give a stuff about his workers, 348 00:21:12,559 --> 00:21:14,039 as long as they were making him money. 349 00:21:15,200 --> 00:21:19,400 OnTrack had introduced a new company policy. 350 00:21:19,440 --> 00:21:20,720 "Single-manning". 351 00:21:22,480 --> 00:21:28,720 A recommendation... Orla Cossdale came up with to save money. 352 00:21:28,759 --> 00:21:29,720 Here. 353 00:21:32,000 --> 00:21:34,640 Ah, we reported our concerns to the unions, but... 354 00:21:35,960 --> 00:21:37,039 ..didn't do any good. 355 00:21:39,039 --> 00:21:42,240 What happened that night, if you don't me asking? 356 00:21:43,519 --> 00:21:44,559 The, er... 357 00:21:47,000 --> 00:21:50,440 ..shop was empty... save for one of the regulars. 358 00:21:51,640 --> 00:21:53,839 You know, you get used to seeing the same faces. 359 00:21:54,960 --> 00:21:58,400 He told us that one of the machines weren't working, so... 360 00:21:59,599 --> 00:22:02,960 ..I unlocked the counter and came round to check it. 361 00:22:06,000 --> 00:22:07,559 That's when he hit us with a hammer. 362 00:22:09,200 --> 00:22:11,480 She hasn't worked since. 363 00:22:11,519 --> 00:22:12,680 Too scared to go out. 364 00:22:14,279 --> 00:22:16,519 Ronnie pops round when she can. 365 00:22:16,559 --> 00:22:18,559 That must be a struggle, when you've got a child. 366 00:22:18,599 --> 00:22:20,880 Zak's no trouble, really. 367 00:22:22,160 --> 00:22:25,279 And you sued Alun Wilmott for damages. 368 00:22:26,680 --> 00:22:29,880 50 grand compensation! With all his millions! 369 00:22:29,920 --> 00:22:31,759 Lawyers cost us more! 370 00:22:31,799 --> 00:22:35,319 Well, I can see why you might have had a grievance, love. 371 00:22:37,039 --> 00:22:41,240 So, is that why you sent those packages to head office? 372 00:22:41,279 --> 00:22:42,559 What? 373 00:22:42,599 --> 00:22:44,920 We also traced a series of nuisance phone calls. 374 00:22:44,960 --> 00:22:48,920 All made to the Wilmott house, from a phone box, 200 yards away. 375 00:22:48,960 --> 00:22:49,960 Mam? 376 00:22:51,200 --> 00:22:54,480 So, not quite housebound, eh, pet? 377 00:22:54,519 --> 00:22:56,720 It was just a few emails. I never sent no packages! 378 00:22:56,759 --> 00:22:58,039 What the hell were you thinking? 379 00:22:58,079 --> 00:23:02,039 He thought he could buy me silence! Someone had to make him pay. 380 00:23:02,079 --> 00:23:04,319 Well, maybe someone did, love. 381 00:23:04,359 --> 00:23:06,759 Cos he was murdered last night. 382 00:23:10,079 --> 00:23:15,160 So, you can see why we're taking these threats very seriously. 383 00:23:18,200 --> 00:23:21,960 You might want to get in touch with that lawyer again, love. 384 00:23:27,720 --> 00:23:28,720 DOOR OPENS 385 00:23:33,480 --> 00:23:36,759 She had a cast iron motive for going after Wilmott. 386 00:23:36,799 --> 00:23:38,759 Can't say I blame her. TEXT ALERT BEEPS 387 00:23:38,799 --> 00:23:40,599 Though she's hardly in a fit state 388 00:23:40,640 --> 00:23:43,039 to go climbing over anyone's garden fence. 389 00:23:43,079 --> 00:23:44,799 Here you are. 390 00:23:44,839 --> 00:23:49,079 "Local businessman, Royce Hobson, has offered a reward of 25 grand 391 00:23:49,119 --> 00:23:52,759 "for any information regarding Alun Wilmott's murder." 392 00:23:52,799 --> 00:23:54,279 That's all we need. 393 00:23:55,359 --> 00:23:56,480 HE SIGHS 394 00:24:16,000 --> 00:24:19,440 You should have spoken to us first before going public with this. 395 00:24:19,480 --> 00:24:21,640 Alun Wilmott was a personal friend of mine. 396 00:24:21,680 --> 00:24:23,960 I'll do whatever it takes to catch the people who did this. 397 00:24:24,000 --> 00:24:26,640 Oh, we'll catch 'em, love, I can promise you that. 398 00:24:26,680 --> 00:24:28,920 But this just complicates things. 399 00:24:28,960 --> 00:24:33,559 We're holding a memorial fundraiser in a few days over at the stadium. 400 00:24:33,599 --> 00:24:35,319 Proper send off. 401 00:24:35,359 --> 00:24:37,519 What? You'll not wait till the fella's buried? 402 00:24:42,240 --> 00:24:44,759 You a regular, are you? Down at the dog track? 403 00:24:44,799 --> 00:24:47,079 Alun sold us some shares in the stadium. 404 00:24:47,119 --> 00:24:48,319 DS JOE: Generous of him. 405 00:24:49,640 --> 00:24:51,640 The place was on its arse. 406 00:24:51,680 --> 00:24:53,400 He was looking for trusted investors. 407 00:24:53,440 --> 00:24:56,559 Were you there last night, this charity benefit? 408 00:24:56,599 --> 00:24:59,400 Never miss a meet if I can help it. 409 00:24:59,440 --> 00:25:01,960 So, how did Wilmott seem? 410 00:25:03,200 --> 00:25:04,839 He was on decent form. 411 00:25:06,680 --> 00:25:09,079 Working the room, as usual. 412 00:25:09,119 --> 00:25:10,799 Left it early, didn't he? 413 00:25:10,839 --> 00:25:13,359 There was a shareholders' meeting set up for this morning. 414 00:25:14,680 --> 00:25:15,680 Oh. 415 00:25:16,920 --> 00:25:18,599 And what's on the agenda? 416 00:25:18,640 --> 00:25:22,279 The falling share price was an ongoing concern. 417 00:25:22,319 --> 00:25:24,880 There were rumours of impending job losses. 418 00:25:26,079 --> 00:25:27,920 Betting industry's not what it was. 419 00:25:27,960 --> 00:25:31,880 Ah, well, we'd heard it'd had a bit of bad publicity 420 00:25:31,920 --> 00:25:33,000 the last few months. 421 00:25:33,039 --> 00:25:36,720 The fine, you mean? Alun took it as a personal slight. 422 00:25:38,119 --> 00:25:40,440 The fine? What fine's that, then? 423 00:25:40,480 --> 00:25:43,680 A rap on the knuckles from the Gambling Commission. 424 00:25:43,720 --> 00:25:45,359 £2 million. 425 00:25:45,400 --> 00:25:47,400 Lost the company a sponsorship deal. 426 00:25:54,160 --> 00:25:55,640 Listen to this. 427 00:25:55,680 --> 00:25:57,319 OnTrack Bets. 428 00:25:57,359 --> 00:25:58,400 What? 429 00:25:58,440 --> 00:25:59,759 They were officially censured 430 00:25:59,799 --> 00:26:01,720 for offering bonuses to problem gamblers. 431 00:26:01,759 --> 00:26:05,720 Were they? Failure to perform social responsibility checks. 432 00:26:05,759 --> 00:26:08,039 Well, that's what you call turning a blind eye! 433 00:26:08,079 --> 00:26:09,680 There's no proof of any criminal intent. 434 00:26:09,720 --> 00:26:11,839 What, £2 million? 435 00:26:11,880 --> 00:26:13,599 They've got to have been up to something. 436 00:26:13,640 --> 00:26:15,559 That sheds a new light on Alun Wilmott. 437 00:26:15,599 --> 00:26:17,519 Aye, doesn't it just? 438 00:26:17,559 --> 00:26:18,960 Bit of a ruthless operator. 439 00:26:30,200 --> 00:26:33,119 DRIVER: Hang on! Not on the track. 440 00:26:33,160 --> 00:26:37,400 Oh, right, er... DCI Vera Stanhope. 441 00:26:37,440 --> 00:26:39,559 Looking for Orla Cossdale. 442 00:26:39,599 --> 00:26:41,240 Is this about Alun? 443 00:26:41,279 --> 00:26:45,119 Aye it is, love. We're investigating his murder. 444 00:26:45,160 --> 00:26:46,880 News hasn't really sunk in yet. 445 00:26:48,119 --> 00:26:50,759 You know him personally, did you? 446 00:26:50,799 --> 00:26:53,119 I've been a kennel hand here for 25 years. 447 00:26:53,160 --> 00:26:55,359 He always found time for a chat. 448 00:26:55,400 --> 00:26:57,559 Did you talk to him last night at the benefit? 449 00:26:57,599 --> 00:27:02,039 Why, he came down to the track for a photo call, you know. 450 00:27:02,079 --> 00:27:03,640 How did he seem? 451 00:27:03,680 --> 00:27:04,880 Worn out. 452 00:27:06,319 --> 00:27:07,680 Any reason for that? 453 00:27:07,720 --> 00:27:11,720 A man like Alun Wilmott, everybody wanted a piece of him. 454 00:27:13,559 --> 00:27:16,400 She'll be up at the bar. Top of the stands. 455 00:27:17,799 --> 00:27:19,440 Right, thanks, love. 456 00:27:46,839 --> 00:27:49,519 Thought you'd like an update. 457 00:27:49,559 --> 00:27:53,279 Now, that compo claim, Kathy Bennions. 458 00:27:53,319 --> 00:27:55,119 Yeah. What about it? 459 00:27:55,160 --> 00:27:58,559 Well, it's her, who's been sending these emails. 460 00:28:00,440 --> 00:28:03,759 You must have known she'd be harbouring a grudge? 461 00:28:03,799 --> 00:28:05,519 I knew she was trouble. 462 00:28:05,559 --> 00:28:08,480 Well, maybe she had cause to be aggrieved, love. 463 00:28:08,519 --> 00:28:11,559 She was alone in the shop, she was assaulted at work. 464 00:28:11,599 --> 00:28:14,000 The high-street bookmakers don't earn their keep. 465 00:28:14,039 --> 00:28:15,640 We needed to cut costs. 466 00:28:15,680 --> 00:28:17,799 SHE LAUGHS 467 00:28:17,839 --> 00:28:20,039 Well, that fine wouldn't have helped, would it, love? 468 00:28:20,079 --> 00:28:22,200 £2 million? 469 00:28:22,240 --> 00:28:24,720 Failure to monitor problem gamblers? 470 00:28:24,759 --> 00:28:27,720 The fine was an oversight. We updated our compliance policy. 471 00:28:28,759 --> 00:28:30,079 Right. 472 00:28:30,119 --> 00:28:33,200 Well, I'm going to need a list of these problem punters. 473 00:28:33,240 --> 00:28:35,720 The accounts will have been closed by now. 474 00:28:35,759 --> 00:28:37,920 All the personal details removed from the database. 475 00:28:39,599 --> 00:28:41,880 So, if that's all, I'm due at the Head Office. 476 00:28:53,039 --> 00:28:56,440 Oh, ma'am, I've been going through those door-to-door statements. 477 00:28:56,480 --> 00:28:58,440 One of the neighbours reported seeing a vehicle 478 00:28:58,480 --> 00:29:02,160 parked up outside the Wilmott house on two separate occasions. 479 00:29:02,200 --> 00:29:04,039 A blue BMW. When was this? 480 00:29:05,559 --> 00:29:06,799 Two weeks ago? 481 00:29:06,839 --> 00:29:08,400 Well, could have been casing the house. 482 00:29:08,440 --> 00:29:12,000 She said that she'd passed on the details to Ciaran Duggan. 483 00:29:12,039 --> 00:29:14,519 Well, why didn't he mention that? 484 00:29:14,559 --> 00:29:17,960 Funny you ask that, ma'am. I've just run a background check. 485 00:29:18,000 --> 00:29:21,799 Ciaran Duggan, previous for ABH. 486 00:29:21,839 --> 00:29:24,359 Has he now? 487 00:29:24,400 --> 00:29:27,480 He would have been vetted, wouldn't he? Criminal record check. 488 00:29:27,519 --> 00:29:29,720 Well, clearly he knows how to work the system. 489 00:29:29,759 --> 00:29:31,920 Ma'am, I've been trawling through that footage 490 00:29:31,960 --> 00:29:33,079 that they handed over. 491 00:29:33,119 --> 00:29:36,160 So, according to the log, Ryan Derring did a drive past 492 00:29:36,200 --> 00:29:38,039 the Wilmott house at 20:55. 493 00:29:38,079 --> 00:29:39,400 Yes, he told us that. 494 00:29:39,440 --> 00:29:42,319 There's nothing on the camera that verifies that. 495 00:29:42,359 --> 00:29:44,079 So, either Ryan got his times wrong... 496 00:29:44,119 --> 00:29:46,279 Or he lied to us about his movements that night. 497 00:29:47,599 --> 00:29:50,319 So this could be an inside job. 498 00:30:02,799 --> 00:30:04,279 Have you got a minute? 499 00:30:04,319 --> 00:30:06,039 I'm late for a shift at the Retail Park. 500 00:30:06,079 --> 00:30:08,400 We need to clarify that statement that you gave us. 501 00:30:09,640 --> 00:30:10,799 What about it? 502 00:30:10,839 --> 00:30:13,240 Well, it didn't stack up, that's what! 503 00:30:13,279 --> 00:30:16,319 Now, if you'd driven past the house at the time you said you did, 504 00:30:16,359 --> 00:30:19,200 you'd have seen Alun Wilmott returning home. 505 00:30:19,240 --> 00:30:23,200 I was parked up on Millerton Lane. Must have dozed off. 506 00:30:23,240 --> 00:30:26,160 I'm working double shifts at the minute, all right? 507 00:30:26,200 --> 00:30:28,200 Maintenance payments for a kid I never see. 508 00:30:28,240 --> 00:30:30,559 What, so you lied about your movements? 509 00:30:30,599 --> 00:30:33,359 I got a call saying Wilmott had been killed on my watch. 510 00:30:33,400 --> 00:30:36,359 All I did was fill in the logs and keep quiet about it. 511 00:30:36,400 --> 00:30:40,400 Look, if the boss finds out about this, I'm finished here. 512 00:30:40,440 --> 00:30:43,319 And if I find out you've been lying to me again, son, 513 00:30:43,359 --> 00:30:45,079 that's gonna be the least of your worries. 514 00:30:53,559 --> 00:30:55,279 Any reason you're harassing my staff? 515 00:30:55,319 --> 00:30:58,000 Just a couple of follow up questions, that's hardly harassment. 516 00:30:58,039 --> 00:31:01,279 Night of the break-in, you said you went inside the house. 517 00:31:01,319 --> 00:31:02,839 I checked the body for a pulse. 518 00:31:02,880 --> 00:31:04,200 Made sure the property was clear, 519 00:31:04,240 --> 00:31:06,039 then I went outside and called an ambulance. 520 00:31:06,079 --> 00:31:08,759 Yeah, did you touch anything else? Not that I remember. 521 00:31:08,799 --> 00:31:11,720 So how come your prints are all over the house? 522 00:31:13,599 --> 00:31:15,759 I might have opened the patio doors. 523 00:31:15,799 --> 00:31:18,799 Ah, you installed the alarm system, hmm? 524 00:31:18,839 --> 00:31:21,000 So you'd know the layout of the place. 525 00:31:21,039 --> 00:31:22,519 The location of the safe. 526 00:31:22,559 --> 00:31:24,440 It's my business to know. 527 00:31:24,480 --> 00:31:28,400 Ah, now that's the thing that's been niggling me, love. 528 00:31:28,440 --> 00:31:29,839 Mm-hm? 529 00:31:29,880 --> 00:31:32,160 The alarm system was down that night. 530 00:31:32,200 --> 00:31:35,839 So either security didn't do their job properly, 531 00:31:35,880 --> 00:31:38,240 or else someone was looking the other way. 532 00:31:38,279 --> 00:31:39,799 You're trying to pin this on me? 533 00:31:39,839 --> 00:31:44,359 Previous for ABH. Bet that's not on your website! 534 00:31:44,400 --> 00:31:45,680 That were over ten year ago. 535 00:31:45,720 --> 00:31:47,359 Oh, reformed character? 536 00:31:47,400 --> 00:31:49,279 I don't think so, love. 537 00:31:49,319 --> 00:31:52,160 Not if that bogus accreditation is anything to go by. 538 00:31:52,200 --> 00:31:53,920 I built this business up from nothing. 539 00:31:53,960 --> 00:31:55,920 You think I'd throw it all away for a burglary? 540 00:31:55,960 --> 00:31:58,880 I think you're the sort of fella who likes to throw his weight around! 541 00:31:58,920 --> 00:32:01,559 We've even got a neighbour said you'd threatened her son. 542 00:32:01,599 --> 00:32:03,799 I caught him hanging around outside the Wilmott house. 543 00:32:03,839 --> 00:32:05,240 Not the first time, neither. 544 00:32:05,279 --> 00:32:08,279 We've also got a statement from another neighbour... 545 00:32:08,319 --> 00:32:12,359 who said she reported a car parked up outside the Wilmott's house. 546 00:32:12,400 --> 00:32:14,240 Blue BMW. Followed it up myself. 547 00:32:14,279 --> 00:32:15,720 She said she was visiting someone. 548 00:32:17,680 --> 00:32:18,960 Driver was a woman? 549 00:32:19,000 --> 00:32:22,200 Late 40s, dark hair, disabled badge in the window. 550 00:32:22,240 --> 00:32:25,240 You know, she didn't look the type to be breaking into houses. 551 00:32:28,039 --> 00:32:31,559 Right, well, we found some of his prints on the patio door frame, 552 00:32:31,599 --> 00:32:32,839 on a couple of kitchen drawers, 553 00:32:32,880 --> 00:32:35,480 but they may well have been left there when he entered the house. 554 00:32:35,519 --> 00:32:38,359 So, stacks up with what Duggan told us. 555 00:32:39,839 --> 00:32:41,640 Any other prints I should know about? 556 00:32:41,680 --> 00:32:43,319 None that haven't been accounted for, 557 00:32:43,359 --> 00:32:47,559 but we did get a lift off some gloves. 558 00:32:47,599 --> 00:32:49,000 Dot grips. 559 00:32:49,039 --> 00:32:51,200 Ah, yeah, I wear those when I'm weeding. 560 00:32:51,240 --> 00:32:54,119 Well, burglars get careless wearing them, because what you won't know 561 00:32:54,160 --> 00:32:57,000 is they leave an impression as unique as a fingerprint. 562 00:32:57,039 --> 00:32:58,920 Yeah, I knew that. 563 00:32:58,960 --> 00:33:00,279 Of course you did. 564 00:33:02,839 --> 00:33:05,960 So, what about the post-mortem, Malcolm, what can you tell us? 565 00:33:06,000 --> 00:33:08,440 Well, the bullet hit his chest bone, shattered on impact, 566 00:33:08,480 --> 00:33:10,799 so there's nothing for ballistics to work with. 567 00:33:10,839 --> 00:33:13,160 But something didn't stack up. 568 00:33:13,200 --> 00:33:15,359 What? Well, the trajectory. 569 00:33:15,400 --> 00:33:16,720 The angle of the impact. 570 00:33:16,759 --> 00:33:18,400 According to those witness statements, 571 00:33:18,440 --> 00:33:20,599 the gun went off during a struggle. 572 00:33:20,640 --> 00:33:23,799 Yeah, well, that's what Jess, the daughter, told us. 573 00:33:23,839 --> 00:33:25,759 Well, the entry wound was clean and round. 574 00:33:25,799 --> 00:33:27,000 That tattooing on his shirt, 575 00:33:27,039 --> 00:33:29,920 it suggests to me the shot was carefully aimed. 576 00:33:29,960 --> 00:33:33,759 Sees him in the hallway, points the gun, fires. 577 00:33:33,799 --> 00:33:35,519 Clear shot? 578 00:33:35,559 --> 00:33:36,839 Nice and tidy. 579 00:34:10,320 --> 00:34:13,519 Makes you realise just how little you actually need. 580 00:34:15,840 --> 00:34:18,199 How's Jess bearing up? 581 00:34:18,239 --> 00:34:19,719 You tell me. 582 00:34:19,760 --> 00:34:22,159 Ah, well, she's grieving. 583 00:34:24,159 --> 00:34:26,719 Alun always indulged her. 584 00:34:26,760 --> 00:34:29,360 Past few months, they'd not been getting on. 585 00:34:31,960 --> 00:34:34,719 And why was that, if you don't mind my asking? 586 00:34:34,760 --> 00:34:37,960 Jess started staying out late. God knows who with. 587 00:34:38,000 --> 00:34:40,559 Answering back. Bit of a mouth on her. 588 00:34:40,599 --> 00:34:43,480 Ah, well. No telling 'em at that age. 589 00:34:43,519 --> 00:34:46,840 Alun said she never understand the value of money. 590 00:34:46,880 --> 00:34:49,039 Even threatened to cut off her allowance. 591 00:34:49,079 --> 00:34:50,480 Did he? 592 00:34:52,079 --> 00:34:54,360 Oh, er... 593 00:34:54,400 --> 00:34:58,599 I found out who'd been making those anonymous phone calls. 594 00:34:58,639 --> 00:35:02,519 Woman called Kathy Bennions. 595 00:35:02,559 --> 00:35:04,079 I know who she is. 596 00:35:04,119 --> 00:35:06,920 Oh, well, then you'll know about the assault. 597 00:35:06,960 --> 00:35:09,880 Alun was gutted when he found out what had happened. 598 00:35:09,920 --> 00:35:12,440 Did his best to put things right. 599 00:35:12,480 --> 00:35:14,320 He paid her that money out of his own pocket. 600 00:35:16,400 --> 00:35:20,320 You're not saying that she had anything to do with this? 601 00:35:20,360 --> 00:35:23,199 Ah, we're still following it up, love. 602 00:35:30,519 --> 00:35:33,519 I'll walk you to the car. I think I know the way, thanks. 603 00:35:40,960 --> 00:35:43,840 Ma'am. Something I noticed when she started packing. 604 00:35:48,199 --> 00:35:50,559 None of her husband's clothes are in here. 605 00:35:50,599 --> 00:35:53,400 All his stuff is in a bedroom across the way. 606 00:35:55,800 --> 00:35:57,280 Separate rooms. 607 00:36:00,400 --> 00:36:02,000 DS AIDEN: Boss? What? 608 00:36:02,039 --> 00:36:03,239 That blue BMW. 609 00:36:03,280 --> 00:36:06,480 We can rule out Kathy Bennions as the woman in the car. 610 00:36:06,519 --> 00:36:07,639 She doesn't drive. 611 00:36:09,519 --> 00:36:11,239 Looking for anything in particular? 612 00:36:11,280 --> 00:36:13,960 Well, Malcolm reckons Jess's statement 613 00:36:14,000 --> 00:36:15,840 is at odds with these finding. 614 00:36:15,880 --> 00:36:18,599 And I got the impression she was holding something back. 615 00:36:18,639 --> 00:36:21,639 Well, her dad had just been shot. She can't be thinking straight. 616 00:36:21,679 --> 00:36:26,440 Plus, her mam thinks she's going through a rebellious stage. 617 00:36:47,159 --> 00:36:50,800 Did you know Adam had been watching the Wilmott house? 618 00:36:50,840 --> 00:36:53,039 Surveillance, he calls it. 619 00:36:53,079 --> 00:36:56,199 He was worried the police were gonna hurt Jess. 620 00:36:56,239 --> 00:36:59,199 Oh, and by "police", you mean Ciaran Duggan and his heavies. 621 00:36:59,239 --> 00:37:02,239 Adam has a tendency to form close attachments. 622 00:37:02,280 --> 00:37:06,320 And did he form a close attachment to Jess Wilmott? 623 00:37:07,800 --> 00:37:10,280 Adam sees the world differently to other kids. 624 00:37:10,320 --> 00:37:12,519 People tend to misjudge his behaviour, 625 00:37:12,559 --> 00:37:16,119 when it's all perfectly innocent. I'm not judging him, love. 626 00:37:16,159 --> 00:37:18,480 But you should have been straight with us. 627 00:37:27,000 --> 00:37:29,000 I wish I'd had one of these when I was your age. 628 00:37:38,880 --> 00:37:41,000 Is Jess in prison? 629 00:37:42,760 --> 00:37:44,920 What makes you think that, love? 630 00:37:44,960 --> 00:37:47,760 They took her away in a police car. 631 00:37:47,800 --> 00:37:50,719 Aye, not much gets past you, does it? 632 00:37:52,559 --> 00:37:54,920 I've been doing my own patrols. 633 00:37:54,960 --> 00:37:58,960 So, er, do you wanna tell us what you've found out? 634 00:37:59,000 --> 00:38:01,840 He was in Jess' bedroom. 635 00:38:01,880 --> 00:38:04,960 Who? The policeman. I saw them. 636 00:38:05,000 --> 00:38:07,400 Was this the night of the burglary? 637 00:38:07,440 --> 00:38:09,159 Day before. 638 00:38:11,960 --> 00:38:14,159 Would you recognise this fella again? 639 00:38:14,199 --> 00:38:17,280 Jess say's it was our secret. 640 00:38:17,320 --> 00:38:18,519 OK. 641 00:38:21,159 --> 00:38:22,800 She tell you his name? 642 00:38:34,000 --> 00:38:36,320 The police have been asking us questions. 643 00:38:36,360 --> 00:38:38,880 Is that why you wanted to see me? 644 00:38:38,920 --> 00:38:41,599 What have you told them, Jess? Nothing. 645 00:38:44,119 --> 00:38:46,119 I didn't tell him anything! 646 00:38:54,119 --> 00:38:57,400 Take your time, Adam. He can't see or hear you. 647 00:39:02,719 --> 00:39:04,519 Good lad. OK. 648 00:39:06,840 --> 00:39:08,960 DCI Stanhope has entered the room. 649 00:39:11,639 --> 00:39:15,639 Right, Jess Wilmott's phone records. 650 00:39:15,679 --> 00:39:19,400 And messages to your mobile. 651 00:39:19,440 --> 00:39:22,760 Yeah, we'd been messaging. So what? 652 00:39:22,800 --> 00:39:26,679 Oh, I think things have moved on from texting, love, 653 00:39:26,719 --> 00:39:31,920 cos we have a witness who can place you inside the Wilmott house. 654 00:39:31,960 --> 00:39:35,079 More precisely, in Jess's bedroom, 655 00:39:35,119 --> 00:39:37,280 just the day before her dad was killed. 656 00:39:37,320 --> 00:39:40,440 That little creep's been spying on us, has he? 657 00:39:40,480 --> 00:39:45,559 Mm. Which makes us wonder what else it is you've been up to, 658 00:39:45,599 --> 00:39:47,719 apart from the obvious. 659 00:39:47,760 --> 00:39:51,000 Maybe casing the place for a burglary, mm? 660 00:39:51,039 --> 00:39:55,239 Memorising the alarm code, clocking where the safe is. 661 00:39:55,280 --> 00:39:57,599 What? You think I had something to do with the break-in? 662 00:39:57,639 --> 00:39:59,800 You told us yourself you were strapped for cash. 663 00:39:59,840 --> 00:40:01,440 Those child maintenance payments. 664 00:40:01,480 --> 00:40:04,360 Oh, another poor lass who'd succumb to your charms. 665 00:40:04,400 --> 00:40:06,519 I had nothing to do with it! 666 00:40:06,559 --> 00:40:09,320 Did you see Jess Wilmott on the night of the murder? 667 00:40:14,320 --> 00:40:16,960 We met up in The Bailer, early doors. 668 00:40:17,000 --> 00:40:19,760 Just before I started me shift. 669 00:40:19,800 --> 00:40:23,360 Now, did she tell you her dad had gone out for the night? 670 00:40:24,760 --> 00:40:26,440 She might've mentioned it. 671 00:40:26,480 --> 00:40:28,639 Did you give the heads-up to your mates? 672 00:40:28,679 --> 00:40:31,440 No! No? Well, that's strange, 673 00:40:31,480 --> 00:40:33,320 because not two hours later, 674 00:40:33,360 --> 00:40:37,559 those intruders had broken into the house on your watch, 675 00:40:37,599 --> 00:40:40,960 while you just happened to have fallen asleep at the wheel. 676 00:40:42,920 --> 00:40:45,039 Me and Jess had a bit of a barney. 677 00:40:47,840 --> 00:40:49,960 I was in the pub until closing time. 678 00:40:50,000 --> 00:40:52,440 Yeah, because you knew what was going down that night. 679 00:40:52,480 --> 00:40:55,519 Do you think that I would have let her leave, hey? 680 00:40:55,559 --> 00:40:57,880 Knowing there was a fella with a gun in the house? 681 00:40:57,920 --> 00:40:59,639 Lover's tiff, was it? 682 00:41:01,559 --> 00:41:04,679 I told her that I wanted to finish things. 683 00:41:06,280 --> 00:41:09,079 She got upset. Stormed off home. 684 00:41:09,119 --> 00:41:13,599 Now, then, we've found a couple of grand in your bank account. 685 00:41:13,639 --> 00:41:17,639 Cash deposit, just three days ago. 686 00:41:17,679 --> 00:41:19,119 You said you were skint! 687 00:41:21,440 --> 00:41:24,039 Jess told her dad that we were getting a place together. 688 00:41:25,599 --> 00:41:27,599 No idea where that one came from. 689 00:41:30,559 --> 00:41:34,760 I'm working the evening patrol. Parked up in the street. 690 00:41:34,800 --> 00:41:37,519 And Wilmott taps on the window. Calm as you like. 691 00:41:37,559 --> 00:41:39,719 Tells us how everything's gonna play out. 692 00:41:39,760 --> 00:41:42,239 Tells us that I should walk away from Jess. 693 00:41:42,280 --> 00:41:43,679 Tells us that I need to leave me job. 694 00:41:45,719 --> 00:41:46,880 Then... 695 00:41:49,320 --> 00:41:52,280 Then he hands us an envelope full of cash. 696 00:41:52,320 --> 00:41:56,199 OK, so, there you were, in the pub, all night, 697 00:41:56,239 --> 00:42:00,800 drowning your sorrows and spending Wilmott's bribe money. 698 00:42:03,719 --> 00:42:06,599 I got a call around closing time. 699 00:42:08,559 --> 00:42:10,800 And that was the first thing I heard about the murder. 700 00:42:13,599 --> 00:42:16,800 Did Jess know her dad had given you a bung? 701 00:42:17,920 --> 00:42:19,639 She worshipped her dad. 702 00:42:22,559 --> 00:42:24,440 I wasn't about to burst her bubble. 703 00:42:27,000 --> 00:42:29,159 He was always so wrapped up in the business, 704 00:42:29,199 --> 00:42:32,280 he's never, ever had time for any of us. 705 00:42:32,320 --> 00:42:35,559 Oh, so, was that why you mentioned you'd met someone, 706 00:42:35,599 --> 00:42:36,920 to get his attention? 707 00:42:37,960 --> 00:42:39,840 Maybe. 708 00:42:39,880 --> 00:42:42,719 Come on, love, help me here. 709 00:42:45,119 --> 00:42:48,199 When he found out about me and Ryan... 710 00:42:48,239 --> 00:42:51,199 And suddenly, he started taking an interest. 711 00:42:51,239 --> 00:42:54,039 Where was I going, what time I would come home. 712 00:42:54,079 --> 00:42:56,800 It was like he wanted to keep us locked up. 713 00:42:58,719 --> 00:43:01,800 Look, I am sorry to have to ask you this, love... 714 00:43:03,599 --> 00:43:07,440 ..but did you find out that your dad had paid Ryan off? 715 00:43:08,480 --> 00:43:10,599 No, I don't believe you. 716 00:43:10,639 --> 00:43:12,559 My dad would never have done anything like that. 717 00:43:12,599 --> 00:43:14,320 Oh, he did. 718 00:43:14,360 --> 00:43:17,360 So did you try to get your own back on him, hmm? 719 00:43:17,400 --> 00:43:20,760 You told Ryan your dad was going out that night 720 00:43:20,800 --> 00:43:22,920 and there was money in that house. 721 00:43:22,960 --> 00:43:26,679 No. Now, we know Ryan had been to the house. 722 00:43:28,840 --> 00:43:30,159 No? 723 00:43:31,960 --> 00:43:33,199 Oh, well. 724 00:43:36,440 --> 00:43:42,159 Now, you said in your statement that the gun went off in a struggle. 725 00:43:43,880 --> 00:43:46,320 Did you see the shot fired? 726 00:43:52,360 --> 00:43:54,320 My dad was out in the hall. 727 00:43:55,719 --> 00:43:57,920 The fella with the gun went out to meet him. 728 00:43:59,079 --> 00:44:01,880 I tried to warn him, but then the other one grabbed me, 729 00:44:01,920 --> 00:44:03,800 and that's when I heard the shot. 730 00:44:05,039 --> 00:44:09,280 You just heard the shot? You didn't see it? 731 00:44:25,159 --> 00:44:26,719 Ryan's alibi checks out. 732 00:44:26,760 --> 00:44:29,000 He was propping up the bar until closing. 733 00:44:29,039 --> 00:44:30,639 Bit of a regular by all accounts. 734 00:44:30,679 --> 00:44:32,679 Doesn't mean he wasn't involved. 735 00:44:32,719 --> 00:44:34,280 Set up his mates for the burglary. 736 00:44:34,320 --> 00:44:38,360 So what if we've been looking at this the wrong way, mm? 737 00:44:38,400 --> 00:44:40,880 He hadn't been himself for the past few weeks, 738 00:44:40,920 --> 00:44:43,199 paranoid about security. 739 00:44:43,239 --> 00:44:47,559 Cameras, new alarm systems, neighbourhood watch. 740 00:44:48,800 --> 00:44:50,280 Now, what does that tell us? 741 00:44:51,320 --> 00:44:52,480 Someone was out to get him. 742 00:44:52,519 --> 00:44:54,639 Victim of a hit? 743 00:44:54,679 --> 00:44:55,639 Right. 744 00:45:20,239 --> 00:45:23,599 He certainly gets around. Oh, staff meeting, is it? 745 00:45:23,639 --> 00:45:27,440 We were just reviewing security. Alun Wilmott's memorial fundraiser. 746 00:45:27,480 --> 00:45:31,679 Ah, well, you can't be too careful. Not in light of recent events. 747 00:45:33,920 --> 00:45:37,440 Oh, by the way, we pulled in Ryan Derring for questioning. 748 00:45:37,480 --> 00:45:40,760 He lied on his statement about his movements that night. 749 00:45:40,800 --> 00:45:44,679 Which makes me wonder what else it is you're all hiding. 750 00:45:53,920 --> 00:45:55,599 KNOCK ON DOOR, DOOR OPENS 751 00:45:56,639 --> 00:45:57,760 Can we come in? 752 00:46:02,000 --> 00:46:03,199 Another update? 753 00:46:03,239 --> 00:46:05,800 Ah, well, you could say that, love. 754 00:46:05,840 --> 00:46:10,119 Er, see, we're pursuing the possibility 755 00:46:10,159 --> 00:46:13,199 that Alun Wilmott's murder was premeditated. 756 00:46:13,239 --> 00:46:15,719 Just dressed up to look like a burglary. 757 00:46:17,519 --> 00:46:18,679 So why are you talking to me? 758 00:46:18,719 --> 00:46:23,760 Because you told us yourself that security had been stepped up. 759 00:46:23,800 --> 00:46:26,199 This cosy arrangement with Ciaran Duggan. 760 00:46:26,239 --> 00:46:28,440 So he must have known there was a tangible threat. 761 00:46:32,920 --> 00:46:35,559 Our operating system was hacked. 762 00:46:35,599 --> 00:46:38,519 A denial of service attack. Customer accounts were compromised. 763 00:46:38,559 --> 00:46:41,800 A few hours later, we received a threat. 764 00:46:41,840 --> 00:46:44,519 Another attack was imminent, unless we paid a ransom. 765 00:46:45,719 --> 00:46:47,840 How much were they asking for? 766 00:46:48,840 --> 00:46:50,039 50,000. 767 00:46:50,079 --> 00:46:53,159 Who else in the company knew about this? 768 00:46:54,440 --> 00:46:56,360 Apart from Alun and myself... 769 00:46:56,400 --> 00:46:59,360 erm, his PA, Ciaran Duggan, 770 00:46:59,400 --> 00:47:03,599 and, er, a couple of the employees from internet security. 771 00:47:03,639 --> 00:47:06,039 Any money change hands? 772 00:47:06,079 --> 00:47:08,400 Alun said he didn't want to give in to blackmail. 773 00:47:08,440 --> 00:47:13,840 Ah, but you, on the other hand, had no such qualms. Mm? 774 00:47:13,880 --> 00:47:17,840 Paid up anyway behind the boss's back, am I right? 775 00:47:20,519 --> 00:47:23,719 I thought the threat had been dealt with. 776 00:47:23,760 --> 00:47:26,840 But they came back and asked us for twice as much. When was this? 777 00:47:26,880 --> 00:47:30,199 A few days ago. But this time, I said I wouldn't pay. 778 00:47:30,239 --> 00:47:33,039 And you thought you'd keep this little nugget to yourself 779 00:47:33,079 --> 00:47:35,440 in the face of a murder enquiry? 780 00:47:51,400 --> 00:47:54,639 Oh... Am I disturbing you, pet? 781 00:47:54,679 --> 00:47:56,079 I was just having me dinner. 782 00:47:56,119 --> 00:47:59,800 Right, well, you going to invite us in? 783 00:48:13,000 --> 00:48:14,840 Sorry about the mess. 784 00:48:22,480 --> 00:48:23,920 Toon Tipster? 785 00:48:25,280 --> 00:48:28,960 I, erm... I do a bit of moonlighting. 786 00:48:29,000 --> 00:48:30,760 Online pundit. 787 00:48:30,800 --> 00:48:32,679 What, insider tips? 788 00:48:33,960 --> 00:48:35,639 Quantitative analysis. 789 00:48:37,519 --> 00:48:39,519 Say we're looking at some horseflesh. 790 00:48:39,559 --> 00:48:42,719 We feed the runner's stats into the computer. 791 00:48:42,760 --> 00:48:45,320 Speed, power, form and handicap. 792 00:48:46,519 --> 00:48:48,880 This system details over a hundred different variables 793 00:48:48,920 --> 00:48:50,320 in order to predict race outcomes. 794 00:48:51,639 --> 00:48:54,199 I pick out the most profitable bets. 795 00:48:54,239 --> 00:48:58,559 What, and then you pass all that knowledge onto your punters, right? 796 00:48:58,599 --> 00:49:01,280 In return for a small premium. Ooh! 797 00:49:07,079 --> 00:49:08,920 So, why the home visit? 798 00:49:10,960 --> 00:49:14,440 OnTrack accounts system was recently hacked. 799 00:49:14,480 --> 00:49:17,320 You must've known about that. Hmm? Hmm. 800 00:49:17,360 --> 00:49:20,000 Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack. 801 00:49:20,039 --> 00:49:24,519 A network of zombie PCs infected with Trojan horse backdoor tools. 802 00:49:24,559 --> 00:49:28,480 They can be remotely directed to packet a targeted online suspect 803 00:49:28,519 --> 00:49:29,639 with spurious traffic. 804 00:49:29,679 --> 00:49:32,000 You lost me at Trojan horses, love. 805 00:49:32,039 --> 00:49:34,039 A few thousand up front can get rid of the threat. 806 00:49:34,079 --> 00:49:36,559 Either that, or you risk losing millions. 807 00:49:37,800 --> 00:49:41,199 And is there any way of tracing who was behind it? 808 00:49:41,239 --> 00:49:44,239 It's usually organised crime. Gangs in Eastern Europe. 809 00:49:44,280 --> 00:49:46,519 They're experts at covering their tracks. 810 00:49:46,559 --> 00:49:49,119 This fine by the Gambling Commission, 811 00:49:49,159 --> 00:49:52,800 OnTrack customers pegged with being problem gamblers. 812 00:49:52,840 --> 00:49:56,199 You must have their names on your database, hmm? 813 00:49:56,239 --> 00:49:59,239 I should be able to find them. Excellent. 814 00:49:59,280 --> 00:50:02,639 So you'll be able to give me all their details. 815 00:50:06,159 --> 00:50:08,920 Right, listen up everyone. 816 00:50:08,960 --> 00:50:14,679 Now, Alun Wilmott was the victim of an online extortion plot. 817 00:50:14,719 --> 00:50:16,559 A dressed-up protection racket. 818 00:50:16,599 --> 00:50:19,079 Now, we could be looking at organised crime, 819 00:50:19,119 --> 00:50:22,239 but whoever it was, he refused to pay up. 820 00:50:22,280 --> 00:50:25,480 Jac, get onto the Cyber Crime Unit, 821 00:50:25,519 --> 00:50:28,960 see if they can put a trace on that, mm? 822 00:50:29,000 --> 00:50:32,280 Meanwhile, Kenny, check out this list of people. 823 00:50:32,320 --> 00:50:33,880 They're problem gamblers. 824 00:50:33,920 --> 00:50:36,679 See if there's any connection, money laundering, drugs, 825 00:50:36,719 --> 00:50:38,360 or anyone you wouldn't want to mess with. 826 00:50:38,400 --> 00:50:40,960 Er, ma'am? That Blue BMW you asked us to trace, 827 00:50:41,000 --> 00:50:42,880 I've got a fix on some plates. 828 00:50:42,920 --> 00:50:45,639 Owner's registered as Wilma Howland. 829 00:50:45,679 --> 00:50:48,000 A business address in Wallsend. 830 00:50:48,039 --> 00:50:50,360 It's listed as a Private Investigators. 831 00:50:51,480 --> 00:50:52,519 What? 832 00:50:52,559 --> 00:50:56,039 Your car was witnessed on a couple of occasions 833 00:50:56,079 --> 00:50:58,400 parked up outside Alun Wilmott's house. 834 00:50:58,440 --> 00:50:59,519 Blue BMW. 835 00:51:01,119 --> 00:51:02,239 Hmm. 836 00:51:02,280 --> 00:51:04,079 Gonna tell us why? 837 00:51:04,119 --> 00:51:07,519 I was out on a job. Basic surveillance. 838 00:51:07,559 --> 00:51:08,719 Mm... 839 00:51:08,760 --> 00:51:11,840 So, who were you keeping tabs on? 840 00:51:11,880 --> 00:51:14,199 I'm not obliged to share that information. 841 00:51:14,239 --> 00:51:15,800 Look, he's dead, love. 842 00:51:15,840 --> 00:51:20,559 So cut the flannel, and I'll turn a blind eye to that disabled badge. 843 00:51:23,199 --> 00:51:26,679 Alun Wilmott hired me to follow his wife. 844 00:51:26,719 --> 00:51:28,719 Now, why would he want to do that? 845 00:51:28,760 --> 00:51:30,679 Well, he suspected she was playing away. 846 00:51:31,719 --> 00:51:32,840 And was she? 847 00:51:36,639 --> 00:51:42,119 Louise Wilmott's private life was... fairly mundane. 848 00:51:42,159 --> 00:51:44,280 Didn't get out much... 849 00:51:44,320 --> 00:51:48,519 aside from regular visits to South Shields. 850 00:51:48,559 --> 00:51:51,760 That's where her mum lives. Yes, Trethaway Street. 851 00:51:51,800 --> 00:51:54,760 Turned out her mam was covering for her. 852 00:51:56,159 --> 00:51:58,960 I found out her secret soon enough. 853 00:51:59,000 --> 00:52:01,280 Gave my client a full report, 854 00:52:01,320 --> 00:52:03,440 and advised him to drop the case. 855 00:52:04,880 --> 00:52:07,000 So, are you gonna enlighten us? 856 00:52:08,239 --> 00:52:12,920 Tuesdays and Thursdays. St Kea's Church Hall. 857 00:52:27,119 --> 00:52:31,119 It's been two days since my husband was murdered. 858 00:52:34,000 --> 00:52:35,119 And... 859 00:52:37,719 --> 00:52:39,519 ..I really need a drink. 860 00:52:39,559 --> 00:52:41,000 This is a closed meeting... 861 00:52:42,239 --> 00:52:45,039 ..so, I... I'm going to have to ask you to leave. 862 00:52:45,079 --> 00:52:47,840 It's OK. I know her. 863 00:52:54,760 --> 00:52:56,639 So, how long have you been clean? 864 00:52:58,039 --> 00:53:01,320 Six months. Hey, that's good. 865 00:53:02,559 --> 00:53:04,119 With the help of my support group. 866 00:53:06,000 --> 00:53:10,400 They had no idea who I was married to, and they really didn't care. 867 00:53:12,039 --> 00:53:15,719 Did your husband know about these meetings? 868 00:53:15,760 --> 00:53:18,239 No, he didn't. Hmm. 869 00:53:18,280 --> 00:53:20,039 Why d'you ask? 870 00:53:21,480 --> 00:53:23,119 Well... 871 00:53:24,679 --> 00:53:27,880 ..because he'd been having you followed, love. 872 00:53:27,920 --> 00:53:29,440 Private detective. 873 00:53:33,880 --> 00:53:37,119 Alun always hated the idea of me airing dirty linen. 874 00:53:38,960 --> 00:53:41,440 I'd already embarrassed him at too many functions. 875 00:53:43,199 --> 00:53:44,880 It was easier to leave me at home. 876 00:53:47,039 --> 00:53:50,719 Now, a couple of witnesses have told us 877 00:53:50,760 --> 00:53:53,760 that your husband hadn't been himself lately. 878 00:53:57,119 --> 00:54:00,199 We'd been living separate lives for a while. 879 00:54:00,239 --> 00:54:02,400 I'm not sure he would have confided in me. 880 00:54:02,440 --> 00:54:05,480 So there's nothing you can tell us that... 881 00:54:05,519 --> 00:54:07,800 might've been ringing alarm bells? 882 00:54:08,920 --> 00:54:11,039 Work always came first. 883 00:54:13,840 --> 00:54:17,440 He was worried that one day, it would all come crashing down. 884 00:54:21,639 --> 00:54:25,000 Ma'am, we've had a breakthrough. They've found the stolen motorbike. 885 00:54:25,039 --> 00:54:27,239 Oh, at last! 886 00:54:43,119 --> 00:54:45,440 Malcolm, tell me you've got something. 887 00:54:45,480 --> 00:54:48,119 They did make a decent attempt to destroy the evidence. 888 00:54:48,159 --> 00:54:51,679 Unlikely we'll lift any finger prints or DNA, 889 00:54:51,719 --> 00:54:54,119 but there is a ray of light. 890 00:54:54,159 --> 00:54:56,800 The letters on this plate have been altered. 891 00:54:56,840 --> 00:55:00,159 Someone turned the L into an E. Well, I could have told you that! 892 00:55:00,199 --> 00:55:04,559 Using black insulation tape. Impossible to handle with gloves on. 893 00:55:04,599 --> 00:55:07,280 We picked up latent prints from the sticky side. 894 00:55:07,320 --> 00:55:09,800 And they gave us a match on the PNC. 895 00:55:13,599 --> 00:55:15,079 Leon Wilson. 896 00:55:15,119 --> 00:55:17,599 Yeah, he's got previous for possession with intent to supply. 897 00:55:17,639 --> 00:55:19,320 He was pulled in 12 months ago. 898 00:55:19,360 --> 00:55:21,639 Address unknown. SHE TUTS 899 00:55:22,719 --> 00:55:24,920 Leon Wilson? Aye. 900 00:55:24,960 --> 00:55:28,159 His name's on this list of problem gamblers, ma'am. 901 00:55:28,199 --> 00:55:30,000 There's our connection to Wilmott. 902 00:55:30,039 --> 00:55:34,719 So OnTrack must have his personal details. 903 00:55:34,760 --> 00:55:36,880 No, there's nothing there. 904 00:55:43,519 --> 00:55:45,800 Aiden, with me. 905 00:56:01,559 --> 00:56:04,119 Mrs Wilmott, can we have a word? 906 00:56:04,159 --> 00:56:05,440 Of course, come in. 907 00:56:12,480 --> 00:56:16,079 I think we might be getting somewhere with the intruders. 908 00:56:16,119 --> 00:56:21,360 Erm... Does the name Leon Wilson mean anything to you? 909 00:56:21,400 --> 00:56:22,599 Leon Wilson? 910 00:56:22,639 --> 00:56:26,079 My dad took him on. He helped out in the garden. 911 00:56:26,119 --> 00:56:28,679 I thought the gardener had been accounted for? 912 00:56:28,719 --> 00:56:32,039 Sometimes he'd need a little help. Heavy lifting. 913 00:56:33,119 --> 00:56:35,440 So how long had this lad worked for you? 914 00:56:37,000 --> 00:56:39,239 Six months, on and off. 915 00:56:39,280 --> 00:56:41,599 He didn't turn up for a shift, that was the last we saw of him. 916 00:56:41,639 --> 00:56:45,239 So, is that where you got your weed from? 917 00:56:46,400 --> 00:56:48,280 Drugs? 918 00:56:48,320 --> 00:56:51,400 Look, I just want to know when he was up at the house, love. 919 00:56:51,440 --> 00:56:54,360 I might have scored off him once or twice. 920 00:56:54,400 --> 00:56:55,719 Hadn't seen him in weeks. 921 00:56:55,760 --> 00:56:59,119 Well, if he was on the payroll, you'll have an address. 922 00:56:59,159 --> 00:57:01,679 Alun always paid him cash in hand. 923 00:57:01,719 --> 00:57:03,840 Like I said, it was casual labour. 924 00:57:06,239 --> 00:57:08,000 He brought his son to work once. 925 00:57:08,039 --> 00:57:10,199 I remember him playing in the garden. 926 00:57:11,199 --> 00:57:12,840 I think his name was Zak. 927 00:57:22,320 --> 00:57:24,440 Jac, Mark... 928 00:57:24,480 --> 00:57:26,119 round the back. 929 00:57:37,119 --> 00:57:38,760 It's the police. Can you open up, please? 930 00:57:44,679 --> 00:57:47,280 What? You can't just barge in here! 931 00:57:47,320 --> 00:57:50,599 Can you step outside, love? Come on, Zak. Out you come. 932 00:57:50,639 --> 00:57:52,960 There's a good lad. Mum? 933 00:58:11,440 --> 00:58:13,760 All rooms check out clear, ma'am. 934 00:58:13,800 --> 00:58:14,880 No sign, ma'am. 935 00:58:16,400 --> 00:58:17,880 So, where is he, love? 936 00:58:17,920 --> 00:58:20,559 I have no idea. 937 00:58:43,360 --> 00:58:45,480 She's just grieving, love. 938 00:58:45,519 --> 00:58:47,960 And I'm not? I miss him so much, Nan. 939 00:58:48,000 --> 00:58:50,280 I know love, I know. 940 00:59:13,880 --> 00:59:16,679 Alun Wilmott's watch. 941 00:59:16,719 --> 00:59:21,079 Now, that was stolen from his house on the night that he was murdered. 942 00:59:21,119 --> 00:59:24,639 So, how did it end up in your biscuit tin? 943 00:59:28,639 --> 00:59:30,800 If I'd have known it was there, I would have dumped it. 944 00:59:32,719 --> 00:59:37,079 Now, we know Leon did a bit of gardening for the Wilmotts. 945 00:59:37,119 --> 00:59:38,920 He packed in the job a few weeks ago. 946 00:59:38,960 --> 00:59:41,199 Oh, got in the way of the bookies, did it? 947 00:59:41,239 --> 00:59:43,719 Leon doesn't gamble any more. 948 00:59:43,760 --> 00:59:45,920 Well, that's very wise, love, because... 949 00:59:47,400 --> 00:59:50,079 ..he's nearly six grand in debt. 950 00:59:50,119 --> 00:59:52,880 Ran it up after OnTrack extended his credit. 951 00:59:54,039 --> 00:59:58,679 Oh, and we also found his gardening gloves. 952 00:59:58,719 --> 01:00:00,039 Kitchen cupboard. 953 01:00:00,079 --> 01:00:03,840 Now, the impressions on the tips 954 01:00:03,880 --> 01:00:06,960 match those found at the murder scene. 955 01:00:08,159 --> 01:00:09,760 Doesn't mean he was there. 956 01:00:09,800 --> 01:00:11,719 Ah, that's true that. 957 01:00:11,760 --> 01:00:13,000 But... 958 01:00:14,239 --> 01:00:17,960 ..this here is a tape used to tamper with 959 01:00:18,000 --> 01:00:20,400 the number plates on the getaway bike. 960 01:00:20,440 --> 01:00:23,760 And Leon's finger prints are all over it. 961 01:00:23,800 --> 01:00:26,400 Leon did not kill anyone. 962 01:00:26,440 --> 01:00:29,480 So did he take that job so he could case the house? 963 01:00:29,519 --> 01:00:33,519 Alun Wilmott offered Leon that job! Now, why would he go and do that? 964 01:00:33,559 --> 01:00:35,400 He got in touch with us after the trial. 965 01:00:35,440 --> 01:00:37,119 Thought he was making amends. 966 01:00:37,159 --> 01:00:40,440 I told Leon not to take it, but he said he needed the money. 967 01:00:40,480 --> 01:00:43,639 You knew Leon was wrapped up in that burglary, 968 01:00:43,679 --> 01:00:46,400 and you just sat there when we talked to your mam, 969 01:00:46,440 --> 01:00:47,840 and you didn't say a word. 970 01:00:47,880 --> 01:00:50,039 I didn't know he'd got himself mixed up in a murder! 971 01:00:50,079 --> 01:00:51,880 When was the last time you spoke to him? 972 01:00:54,199 --> 01:00:56,119 He came home late that night. 973 01:00:57,360 --> 01:00:58,840 Pocket full of money. 974 01:01:00,079 --> 01:01:01,679 Said he needed to lie low for a while. 975 01:01:01,719 --> 01:01:05,239 Left first thing next morning. I haven't heard from him since. 976 01:01:05,280 --> 01:01:07,719 So who else was involved? 977 01:01:07,760 --> 01:01:09,360 He must have told you. 978 01:01:09,400 --> 01:01:12,079 He said it was best if I didn't know anything. 979 01:01:13,679 --> 01:01:16,000 I don't believe you, love. 980 01:01:16,039 --> 01:01:17,800 He was frightened. 981 01:01:22,039 --> 01:01:24,039 More scared than I've ever seen him. 982 01:01:58,239 --> 01:01:59,360 HE GRUNTS 983 01:02:07,440 --> 01:02:09,039 HE YELLS 984 01:02:13,000 --> 01:02:15,760 CAR HORN BLARES 985 01:02:25,079 --> 01:02:26,719 Hi, can I have quick word, please? 986 01:02:33,239 --> 01:02:34,840 Patched you up, then? 987 01:02:36,840 --> 01:02:38,719 Mild concussion. 988 01:02:38,760 --> 01:02:41,239 Whiplash. Could have been worse. 989 01:02:41,280 --> 01:02:43,239 She was lucky. 990 01:02:43,280 --> 01:02:45,840 This is Tony, my sponsor. 991 01:02:45,880 --> 01:02:47,760 From the meeting? 992 01:02:47,800 --> 01:02:49,599 Can you give us a minute, love? 993 01:02:50,679 --> 01:02:51,679 Sure. 994 01:02:53,239 --> 01:02:55,199 I'll be out in the corridor. 995 01:02:55,239 --> 01:02:57,000 I'm sorry. 996 01:02:58,239 --> 01:02:59,440 It's fine. 997 01:03:00,480 --> 01:03:01,760 It's what I'm here for. 998 01:03:13,840 --> 01:03:16,480 Whatever possessed you to get into a car? 999 01:03:18,639 --> 01:03:20,239 I went out looking for Jess. 1000 01:03:22,800 --> 01:03:24,199 We'd had a bust up. 1001 01:03:25,440 --> 01:03:27,719 About that lad selling her drugs. 1002 01:03:27,760 --> 01:03:30,880 Well, we can talk to her, if you like? 1003 01:03:31,920 --> 01:03:34,079 I don't want her to see me like this. 1004 01:03:37,920 --> 01:03:42,480 Oh, er, we've arrested Kathy Bennions' daughter 1005 01:03:42,519 --> 01:03:44,880 in connection with your husband's murder. 1006 01:03:44,920 --> 01:03:46,639 Her daughter? 1007 01:03:46,679 --> 01:03:48,239 Hmm. 1008 01:03:48,280 --> 01:03:50,800 Did you know she was Leon Wilson's partner? 1009 01:03:52,079 --> 01:03:55,079 Like I said... I barely knew him. 1010 01:03:59,119 --> 01:04:01,239 It was my fault. 1011 01:04:04,639 --> 01:04:06,559 I wanted him home for dinner that night... 1012 01:04:08,320 --> 01:04:10,000 ..to sort things out with Jess. 1013 01:04:11,559 --> 01:04:14,320 I wanted us to talk, as a family. 1014 01:04:15,599 --> 01:04:18,360 "For once in your life, don't be late." 1015 01:04:21,599 --> 01:04:24,320 That was the last thing I said to him. 1016 01:04:35,159 --> 01:04:36,880 They're discharging her this afternoon. 1017 01:04:36,920 --> 01:04:39,840 Oh, well, that's something, I suppose. 1018 01:04:39,880 --> 01:04:42,159 Tony, isn't it? 1019 01:04:42,199 --> 01:04:43,400 How's she doing? 1020 01:04:43,440 --> 01:04:45,639 Ah, she'll be fine once she's sobered up. 1021 01:04:45,679 --> 01:04:47,599 I've been there myself. 1022 01:04:47,639 --> 01:04:51,000 Er... she's had a run-in with her daughter. 1023 01:04:51,039 --> 01:04:52,920 Doesn't want to see her. 1024 01:04:52,960 --> 01:04:54,920 I'll see if I can talk her round. 1025 01:04:54,960 --> 01:04:58,079 Make sure she's looked after. Thanks, love. 1026 01:05:17,119 --> 01:05:20,559 Tendon injury. Picked it up in her last ever race. 1027 01:05:22,800 --> 01:05:25,119 What's his name? Lucky Lass. 1028 01:05:25,159 --> 01:05:27,960 Guess her luck ran out today, though. 1029 01:05:28,000 --> 01:05:30,360 Is there something I can help you with? 1030 01:05:30,400 --> 01:05:32,719 Erm, aye. Erm... 1031 01:05:32,760 --> 01:05:36,280 25 years, you said you'd been working for Alun Wilmott, 1032 01:05:36,320 --> 01:05:38,480 so you must know him as well as anyone. 1033 01:05:38,519 --> 01:05:40,440 Well enough. 1034 01:05:40,480 --> 01:05:42,960 Did he ever mention crossing someone? 1035 01:05:43,000 --> 01:05:45,159 There were always plenty of characters. 1036 01:05:47,039 --> 01:05:48,360 What about this fella? 1037 01:05:48,400 --> 01:05:50,519 Oh aye, I know him. 1038 01:05:50,559 --> 01:05:52,079 Leon Wilson. 1039 01:05:52,119 --> 01:05:53,719 Bit of a gambling habit. 1040 01:05:53,760 --> 01:05:58,480 Now, we think, possibly, he had something to do with that break-in. 1041 01:05:58,519 --> 01:06:00,679 Well, you're not likely to find him down here anymore. 1042 01:06:00,719 --> 01:06:02,400 He's been barred from the stadium. 1043 01:06:02,440 --> 01:06:04,039 Aye. On whose say so? 1044 01:06:04,079 --> 01:06:07,519 Aye. You need to talk to security. And that'd be Ciaran Duggan? 1045 01:06:07,559 --> 01:06:10,039 Ciaran and Alun gan way back. 1046 01:06:10,079 --> 01:06:12,920 They grew up together in Backworth. 1047 01:06:16,360 --> 01:06:19,800 You also said you thought Alun changed 1048 01:06:19,840 --> 01:06:21,559 the weeks leading up to his death. 1049 01:06:21,599 --> 01:06:23,159 What did you mean by that? 1050 01:06:23,199 --> 01:06:25,559 He was worried about losing the business. 1051 01:06:25,599 --> 01:06:27,760 Some sort of takeover bid. 1052 01:06:27,800 --> 01:06:29,920 Do you know the details? 1053 01:06:29,960 --> 01:06:31,519 He tell'd us not to worry. 1054 01:06:31,559 --> 01:06:34,199 Said, you know, he'd got things covered. 1055 01:06:40,280 --> 01:06:41,519 What you looking at? 1056 01:06:41,559 --> 01:06:43,800 She's looking forward to retirement. 1057 01:06:43,840 --> 01:06:46,639 She's earned that, right enough. 1058 01:06:47,960 --> 01:06:49,239 Right, thanks. 1059 01:06:51,239 --> 01:06:53,199 If Alun Wilmott was facing a corporate takeover, 1060 01:06:53,239 --> 01:06:55,599 he's not the kind of bloke who'd take it lying down. 1061 01:06:55,639 --> 01:06:58,239 You're right, the vultures were circling. 1062 01:06:58,280 --> 01:07:00,880 And I want to know what his trusted friend and shareholder 1063 01:07:00,920 --> 01:07:02,440 has to say for himself. 1064 01:07:02,480 --> 01:07:05,000 Those shares you bought in the dog track... 1065 01:07:05,039 --> 01:07:06,440 Ah, what about them? 1066 01:07:06,480 --> 01:07:08,760 Well, the site must be worth a bit these days, 1067 01:07:08,800 --> 01:07:11,079 all this urban regeneration. 1068 01:07:11,119 --> 01:07:13,599 Alun would never have sold it. Sentimental value. 1069 01:07:13,639 --> 01:07:16,920 Well, maybe that's why you wanted to force him out. 1070 01:07:16,960 --> 01:07:19,280 That takeover bid that's been brewing? 1071 01:07:19,320 --> 01:07:22,519 I had nothing to do with that. You knew of it, then. 1072 01:07:22,559 --> 01:07:24,360 Ah, now, now, see. 1073 01:07:24,400 --> 01:07:27,039 That's the thing about reward money. 1074 01:07:27,079 --> 01:07:29,559 It often smacks of a guilty conscience. 1075 01:07:32,960 --> 01:07:36,719 Orla Cossdale approached us with a business proposal. 1076 01:07:36,760 --> 01:07:40,079 She was considering a bid from some Chinese investors. 1077 01:07:40,119 --> 01:07:42,800 They'd shown an interest in redeveloping the stadium. 1078 01:07:42,840 --> 01:07:45,679 An injection of cash would've turned the company around. 1079 01:07:45,719 --> 01:07:49,039 Oh, aye, not to mention a tidy packet for yourself, 1080 01:07:49,079 --> 01:07:50,840 once Wilmott was out of the picture. 1081 01:07:50,880 --> 01:07:52,360 It wasn't personal. 1082 01:07:52,400 --> 01:07:54,920 No, selling out a mate for a profit? 1083 01:07:54,960 --> 01:07:56,239 It was me that tipped him off! 1084 01:07:57,440 --> 01:07:59,559 Told him what was going down. 1085 01:08:00,679 --> 01:08:02,800 That company was his life. 1086 01:08:02,840 --> 01:08:04,719 I wasn't about to ruin him. 1087 01:08:08,719 --> 01:08:11,880 Orla Cossdale's planning a boardroom coup, 1088 01:08:11,920 --> 01:08:14,119 and now we know Wilmott was onto her. 1089 01:08:14,159 --> 01:08:16,079 Hardly gives her motive for wanting him dead. 1090 01:08:16,119 --> 01:08:19,239 Doesn't it? Her days would've been numbered. 1091 01:08:19,279 --> 01:08:21,159 She'd have lost everything. 1092 01:08:21,199 --> 01:08:24,119 That makes her a suspect in anybody's book. 1093 01:08:26,920 --> 01:08:29,439 Ma'am, we've had an update from forensics. 1094 01:08:29,479 --> 01:08:32,000 They didn't find any gunshot residue on the gloves 1095 01:08:32,039 --> 01:08:34,800 that Leon Wilson was wearing, rules him out as our shooter. 1096 01:08:34,840 --> 01:08:38,600 So the sooner we find him, the sooner we'll know who was! 1097 01:08:38,640 --> 01:08:41,840 Ma'am, I signed up to that gambling blog. 1098 01:08:41,880 --> 01:08:43,560 The Toon Tipster. 1099 01:08:43,600 --> 01:08:47,399 Well, I'm pleased you found the time, Kenny! 1100 01:08:47,439 --> 01:08:49,119 Got any hot tips for us? 1101 01:08:49,159 --> 01:08:53,359 Well, to gain access to any picks, the punter has to sign up 1102 01:08:53,399 --> 01:08:55,560 to an affiliated bookmakers. 1103 01:08:55,600 --> 01:08:57,560 The bookies in question, OnTrack. 1104 01:08:57,600 --> 01:09:01,079 Well, that's a conflict of interest. 1105 01:09:01,119 --> 01:09:03,560 The tipster builds up a following on social media. 1106 01:09:03,600 --> 01:09:06,760 The punters get some money back, while they're building up a pot. 1107 01:09:06,800 --> 01:09:10,319 Then, they bet big on a dead cert from the tipster. 1108 01:09:10,359 --> 01:09:12,680 That loses, bookies clean up. 1109 01:09:12,720 --> 01:09:14,439 The whole thing's a scam. 1110 01:09:14,479 --> 01:09:18,159 And Gareth Wyatt's up to his eyes in it. 1111 01:09:18,199 --> 01:09:19,199 DOORBELL RINGS 1112 01:09:19,239 --> 01:09:21,399 It was one of Orla's hush-hush initiatives. 1113 01:09:21,439 --> 01:09:23,680 A way of attracting more attention to OnTrack. 1114 01:09:23,720 --> 01:09:25,319 Yes, so, what's in it for you? 1115 01:09:25,359 --> 01:09:27,079 10% of every punter's losses. 1116 01:09:27,119 --> 01:09:29,279 Well, rent on this place must have cost a bit. 1117 01:09:29,319 --> 01:09:32,760 Look I don't give a stuff about your little scam, love. 1118 01:09:32,800 --> 01:09:36,720 But a fella called Leon Wilson was one of those targeted. 1119 01:09:36,760 --> 01:09:38,760 He was a name that Orla gave to me, that's all. 1120 01:09:38,800 --> 01:09:42,239 Yeah, well, he's now a suspect in Alun Wilmott's murder enquiry. 1121 01:09:42,279 --> 01:09:43,439 That's nothing to do with me. 1122 01:09:43,479 --> 01:09:46,039 No? Well, you can explain yourself to the Gambling Commission. 1123 01:09:46,079 --> 01:09:47,479 We're obliged to report it. 1124 01:09:47,520 --> 01:09:49,319 There's no need for that. 1125 01:09:49,359 --> 01:09:53,079 You must have known Orla Cossdale was planning a takeover bid, 1126 01:09:53,119 --> 01:09:55,600 seeing as the pair of you were thick as thieves. 1127 01:09:55,640 --> 01:09:56,840 Which takeover bid was this? 1128 01:09:56,880 --> 01:09:58,800 Oh, don't give me that, love. 1129 01:09:58,840 --> 01:10:01,239 You had access to the database. 1130 01:10:01,279 --> 01:10:02,520 Personal emails. 1131 01:10:02,560 --> 01:10:05,600 And don't tell me you didn't hack into them. 1132 01:10:07,640 --> 01:10:09,039 I might have read something. 1133 01:10:10,159 --> 01:10:11,640 A Chinese conglomerate. 1134 01:10:11,680 --> 01:10:14,159 Macau Sun Casino. 1135 01:10:14,199 --> 01:10:16,359 Orla had been sounding out shareholders. 1136 01:10:16,399 --> 01:10:17,399 Why? 1137 01:10:18,640 --> 01:10:21,199 To call for a vote of no confidence at the next general meeting. 1138 01:10:21,239 --> 01:10:24,119 To oust Alun Wilmott as CEO. 1139 01:10:26,000 --> 01:10:28,560 Now, I'm guessing this meeting was cancelled? 1140 01:10:28,600 --> 01:10:30,880 Orla rescheduled it for this afternoon. 1141 01:10:30,920 --> 01:10:32,800 The memorial benefit, over at the stadium. 1142 01:10:39,399 --> 01:10:41,039 BUZZER 1143 01:10:41,079 --> 01:10:42,960 COMMENTATOR SPEAKS OVER PA 1144 01:11:06,119 --> 01:11:07,840 We're about to go into a meeting. 1145 01:11:07,880 --> 01:11:10,239 Oh, no, that's gonna have to wait, love. 1146 01:11:10,279 --> 01:11:15,199 Now, we can talk here, if you like, in front of your foreign investors, 1147 01:11:15,239 --> 01:11:18,239 or you can talk to us down at the station. 1148 01:11:21,119 --> 01:11:22,399 Excuse me. 1149 01:11:33,680 --> 01:11:36,039 Leon Wilson. 1150 01:11:36,079 --> 01:11:37,600 That name ring a bell? 1151 01:11:39,279 --> 01:11:40,279 Can't say I know him. 1152 01:11:40,319 --> 01:11:42,119 Ah, that won't wash, love. 1153 01:11:42,159 --> 01:11:44,319 That's Ronnie Bennions' partner. 1154 01:11:44,359 --> 01:11:46,479 A regular down at the dog track. 1155 01:11:46,520 --> 01:11:48,000 Currently missing. 1156 01:11:48,039 --> 01:11:50,760 And I think you paid him to disappear. 1157 01:11:50,800 --> 01:11:52,279 Now, why would I want to do that? 1158 01:11:52,319 --> 01:11:56,520 Well, maybe he could tie you to Alun Wilmott's murder. 1159 01:11:56,560 --> 01:11:58,520 Hmm? 1160 01:11:58,560 --> 01:12:01,000 That takeover bid you'd been planning. 1161 01:12:03,159 --> 01:12:06,199 I already had the numbers. And I didn't need him dead. 1162 01:12:06,239 --> 01:12:08,479 Are you sure about that, love? 1163 01:12:08,520 --> 01:12:13,359 Because... Royce Hobson had already changed his mind. 1164 01:12:13,399 --> 01:12:16,439 Hmm. Crisis of conscience. 1165 01:12:16,479 --> 01:12:18,119 Alun was finished as CEO. 1166 01:12:18,159 --> 01:12:20,000 And you thought you could do a better job? 1167 01:12:20,039 --> 01:12:22,399 He could have stood down with his dignity intact. 1168 01:12:22,439 --> 01:12:25,159 You knew he was onto you! 1169 01:12:26,520 --> 01:12:29,680 You have got nothing to tie me to any of this. 1170 01:12:29,720 --> 01:12:31,880 KNOCK ON DOOR What? 1171 01:12:32,840 --> 01:12:34,720 Sorry, ma'am. A word. 1172 01:12:35,800 --> 01:12:38,000 I wouldn't be too sure about that, love. 1173 01:12:43,439 --> 01:12:45,439 This'd better be important, Kenny. 1174 01:12:45,479 --> 01:12:47,359 We've found Leon Wilson, ma'am. 1175 01:12:47,399 --> 01:12:50,880 Oh, it's about bloody time! 1176 01:12:50,920 --> 01:12:53,680 His body was pulled out of the river this morning. 1177 01:13:08,880 --> 01:13:10,479 Is it definitely him? 1178 01:13:10,520 --> 01:13:12,960 Yep, we found ID in his wallet. Right. 1179 01:13:13,000 --> 01:13:14,560 Who called it in? 1180 01:13:14,600 --> 01:13:16,520 One of the dockers. Saw the body in the water. 1181 01:13:16,560 --> 01:13:20,119 Well, I want 'em all questioned. And CCTV. 1182 01:13:20,159 --> 01:13:22,399 And find out who was working the evening shift. 1183 01:13:22,439 --> 01:13:24,640 Keeping you busy, Malcolm? 1184 01:13:24,680 --> 01:13:27,319 Blunt injury trauma to the head. 1185 01:13:27,359 --> 01:13:30,640 The body is still swollen. You're lucky he didn't sink. 1186 01:13:30,680 --> 01:13:34,600 Could he have gone in somewhere else and floated in on the current? 1187 01:13:34,640 --> 01:13:36,399 No, we found blood over on the quayside. 1188 01:13:36,439 --> 01:13:37,880 He was definitely murdered here. 1189 01:13:40,640 --> 01:13:43,439 Middle of the night, the place would've been deserted. 1190 01:13:43,479 --> 01:13:47,760 Someone lured him down here, with every intention of killing him. 1191 01:13:56,119 --> 01:13:59,840 Now, I think someone wanted to silence him. 1192 01:13:59,880 --> 01:14:03,159 Someone connected to that break-in. 1193 01:14:03,199 --> 01:14:05,159 The best chance for you and that lad of yours 1194 01:14:05,199 --> 01:14:06,600 is for you to cooperate us. 1195 01:14:08,920 --> 01:14:10,920 They were only supposed to rob the place. 1196 01:14:13,600 --> 01:14:15,760 Wilmott came home early, caught them in the house. 1197 01:14:15,800 --> 01:14:17,640 Leon didn't even know the other fella had a gun. 1198 01:14:17,680 --> 01:14:20,279 Ah, I'm gonna need a name, love. 1199 01:14:20,319 --> 01:14:21,840 I swear he didn't tell us. 1200 01:14:21,880 --> 01:14:24,439 Just some fella he got talking to. 1201 01:14:24,479 --> 01:14:25,920 What, down at the dog track? 1202 01:14:25,960 --> 01:14:27,239 No, I think... 1203 01:14:28,279 --> 01:14:29,399 ..it was one of the clubs. 1204 01:14:32,159 --> 01:14:35,840 He knew Leon had worked at the Wilmotts. 1205 01:14:35,880 --> 01:14:37,479 Knew the layout of the house. 1206 01:14:37,520 --> 01:14:39,199 How well did he know him? 1207 01:14:39,239 --> 01:14:40,640 He'd seen him around. I... 1208 01:14:42,279 --> 01:14:43,880 ..he might've worked on the doors there. 1209 01:14:43,920 --> 01:14:45,520 Which club was this? 1210 01:14:45,560 --> 01:14:47,000 Could've been anywhere in Jarrow. 1211 01:14:47,039 --> 01:14:50,439 All depended on which bookies he'd spent the afternoon in. 1212 01:14:50,479 --> 01:14:53,920 Did he ever cross paths with Orla Cossdale? 1213 01:14:55,439 --> 01:14:57,399 That feud with OnTrack? 1214 01:14:57,439 --> 01:14:59,119 Only at the trial. 1215 01:14:59,159 --> 01:15:00,960 What, your compensation claim? 1216 01:15:02,000 --> 01:15:03,359 Orla offered Leon a deal. 1217 01:15:03,399 --> 01:15:07,199 She said she'd pay off his debts, provided we agreed to drop the case. 1218 01:15:07,239 --> 01:15:08,880 I told her where to stick her offer. 1219 01:15:08,920 --> 01:15:10,520 And how'd she take that? 1220 01:15:10,560 --> 01:15:14,279 She said we'd be sorry we ever crossed her. 1221 01:15:19,800 --> 01:15:24,000 Leon Wilson met his accomplice in a boozer in Jarrow. 1222 01:15:24,039 --> 01:15:25,760 Now, he could have been a doorman. 1223 01:15:25,800 --> 01:15:28,680 Now, I want door-to-door enquiries. 1224 01:15:28,720 --> 01:15:31,479 Bars, clubs, anywhere with a licence. 1225 01:15:31,520 --> 01:15:32,880 That's gonna take a while. 1226 01:15:32,920 --> 01:15:34,359 So, why you still here? 1227 01:15:35,840 --> 01:15:40,279 Er, ma'am, I got some intel back from Cyber Crime. 1228 01:15:40,319 --> 01:15:44,199 Erm, a recent payment was made by OnTrack, 7.6 Bitcoin. 1229 01:15:44,239 --> 01:15:45,880 How much was that in real money? 1230 01:15:45,920 --> 01:15:47,439 About £50,000. 1231 01:15:48,720 --> 01:15:50,840 That's our ransom demand! 1232 01:15:50,880 --> 01:15:52,520 Looks like we've hit a wall though. 1233 01:15:52,560 --> 01:15:54,560 The payment was sent to a public IP address. 1234 01:15:55,720 --> 01:15:57,880 An internet cafe in Ouseburn. 1235 01:16:10,479 --> 01:16:12,760 Sorry to have kept you, love, 1236 01:16:12,800 --> 01:16:16,319 only we've just pulled Leon Wilson's body out of the river. 1237 01:16:16,359 --> 01:16:19,720 So we're now looking at a double murder. 1238 01:16:19,760 --> 01:16:22,600 Silenced before he could implicate anyone. 1239 01:16:22,640 --> 01:16:25,319 So, did one of the bookies tip you off, love? 1240 01:16:25,359 --> 01:16:28,039 Are you seriously suggesting I had him killed too? 1241 01:16:28,079 --> 01:16:31,039 Only when we broke the news to Ronnie Bennions, 1242 01:16:31,079 --> 01:16:34,800 she told us you offered to write off Leon's debts. 1243 01:16:34,840 --> 01:16:37,760 I advised them to drop the case, that's all. 1244 01:16:37,800 --> 01:16:40,239 Well, it sounded like a threat to me. 1245 01:16:40,279 --> 01:16:42,920 I was the one that was keeping that company afloat. 1246 01:16:42,960 --> 01:16:45,119 It was only that Alun couldn't see it. 1247 01:16:45,159 --> 01:16:48,359 Nah, he saw right through you, love! Saw you for what you really are. 1248 01:16:48,399 --> 01:16:50,840 If I'd been looking for someone to kill Alun Wilmott, 1249 01:16:50,880 --> 01:16:52,600 he's the last person I'd have trusted. 1250 01:16:52,640 --> 01:16:55,319 Leon Wilson was a business opportunity. 1251 01:16:55,359 --> 01:16:57,960 A gullible punter who made us some money. 1252 01:16:58,000 --> 01:17:01,079 Well, now he's dead too, love, 1253 01:17:01,119 --> 01:17:04,079 and you're as much to blame as anyone. 1254 01:17:04,119 --> 01:17:05,920 I've got nothing to do with any of this. 1255 01:17:05,960 --> 01:17:08,439 So, unless you're gonna charge me with something... 1256 01:17:09,760 --> 01:17:11,720 ..there's a shareholders' meeting I'm missing. 1257 01:17:21,760 --> 01:17:24,159 Won't sit too well with those shareholders, will it, 1258 01:17:24,199 --> 01:17:27,640 when they find out that you paid off that ransom demand, 1259 01:17:27,680 --> 01:17:29,640 misappropriating company funds? 1260 01:17:29,680 --> 01:17:30,920 ORLA SCOFFS 1261 01:17:30,960 --> 01:17:35,760 Ah, we established the identity of that cyber extortionist. 1262 01:17:37,119 --> 01:17:39,079 Seems it was an inside job. 1263 01:17:42,359 --> 01:17:46,319 You've been played, love, by the Toon Tipster. 1264 01:17:54,000 --> 01:17:57,840 Ma'am, forensics have just released Leon Wilson's personal effects. 1265 01:18:04,800 --> 01:18:07,119 Branhill Road Social Club. 1266 01:18:09,920 --> 01:18:11,720 Who works the doors there? 1267 01:18:11,760 --> 01:18:13,640 That'll be Duggan Security, ma'am. 1268 01:18:16,880 --> 01:18:18,800 You're a diamond, Kenny! 1269 01:18:27,600 --> 01:18:29,720 Leon Wilson. 1270 01:18:29,760 --> 01:18:32,239 You must have heard we found his body. I heard. 1271 01:18:33,880 --> 01:18:36,800 Now, I think he was killed to silence him 1272 01:18:36,840 --> 01:18:39,560 by the same person who killed Alun Wilmott. 1273 01:18:39,600 --> 01:18:41,520 You still think it might be me? 1274 01:18:43,039 --> 01:18:45,359 I heard the pair of you grew up together. 1275 01:18:45,399 --> 01:18:46,800 He never forgot where he came from. 1276 01:18:46,840 --> 01:18:49,479 Money might've changed him, but he was still one of us. 1277 01:18:49,520 --> 01:18:51,359 Now, listen... 1278 01:18:51,399 --> 01:18:56,000 Leon Wilson's accomplice worked at Branhill Road Social Club. 1279 01:18:56,039 --> 01:18:58,279 And if I'm not mistaken, that's one of your gigs. 1280 01:18:58,319 --> 01:19:00,560 Nah. Nah, it weren't one of my boys. 1281 01:19:00,600 --> 01:19:02,760 Are you sure about that, love? 1282 01:19:02,800 --> 01:19:04,119 I know 'em all too well. 1283 01:19:04,159 --> 01:19:09,279 But you must've bumped heads with plenty of hard cases in your time. 1284 01:19:09,319 --> 01:19:11,720 What about a former employee? 1285 01:19:11,760 --> 01:19:13,600 Think! 1286 01:19:13,640 --> 01:19:14,720 Branhill Road. 1287 01:19:20,760 --> 01:19:23,039 Any number of faces in there. 1288 01:19:23,079 --> 01:19:25,520 You want to pull 'em all in, be my guest. 1289 01:19:44,800 --> 01:19:46,000 Tony Hinshaw. 1290 01:19:46,039 --> 01:19:49,000 We only hired him for a few months. Bit of a drink problem. 1291 01:19:55,800 --> 01:19:57,960 No sign of Gareth Wyatt. Looks like he's done a runner. 1292 01:19:58,000 --> 01:19:59,000 'Never mind him!' 1293 01:19:59,039 --> 01:20:01,920 I think I know who killed Alun Wilmott. 1294 01:20:01,960 --> 01:20:05,079 Tony Hinshaw, Louise Wilmott's sponsor. 1295 01:20:05,119 --> 01:20:08,359 He's got previous. Two DUIs and assault. 1296 01:20:08,399 --> 01:20:10,600 Well, make sure Louise is all right. 1297 01:20:10,640 --> 01:20:12,399 Get someone over to her mam's house to check. 1298 01:20:12,439 --> 01:20:13,439 We've got an address. 1299 01:20:13,479 --> 01:20:15,760 Cullyston Burn. It's boat on the river. 1300 01:20:15,800 --> 01:20:18,840 Now, I'm already over in Towden, so I'll see you there. 1301 01:20:18,880 --> 01:20:20,439 Boss, wait! 1302 01:21:18,720 --> 01:21:20,239 Tony's boat, isn't it? 1303 01:21:21,520 --> 01:21:23,359 Tony Hinshaw. 1304 01:21:23,399 --> 01:21:25,640 He's gone to the garage. Cigarettes. 1305 01:21:28,279 --> 01:21:31,199 Well, it's time for a quick chat, then. Just the two of us. 1306 01:21:32,239 --> 01:21:33,239 OK if I come up? 1307 01:21:36,239 --> 01:21:38,760 This is DS Healey on route to Cullyston Burn. 1308 01:21:38,800 --> 01:21:41,640 Solo officer dealing with a suspect in connection with a murder. 1309 01:21:41,680 --> 01:21:44,520 Request armed response attend, with additional units as back-up. 1310 01:21:48,920 --> 01:21:52,880 Now, Jess'll be worried if you've not been home yet. 1311 01:21:52,920 --> 01:21:55,039 She's better off without me. 1312 01:21:55,079 --> 01:21:56,479 I doubt that, love. 1313 01:21:57,640 --> 01:21:59,760 She's only just lost her dad. 1314 01:21:59,800 --> 01:22:02,720 I mean how's the poor lass gonna feel, eh, 1315 01:22:02,760 --> 01:22:05,439 when she hears what her mam has done? 1316 01:22:11,680 --> 01:22:14,279 Your husband got it right, didn't he, 1317 01:22:14,319 --> 01:22:16,640 when he suspected you were playing away? 1318 01:22:16,680 --> 01:22:19,720 Is that when you and Tony came up with the plan? 1319 01:22:19,760 --> 01:22:22,159 Hey, you played your part well enough. 1320 01:22:22,199 --> 01:22:24,680 Made sure those alarms were turned off. 1321 01:22:24,720 --> 01:22:26,600 Even had your daughter there as a witness. 1322 01:22:27,840 --> 01:22:29,159 Alun would never have let me go. 1323 01:22:29,199 --> 01:22:31,520 That must've taken some planning. 1324 01:22:31,560 --> 01:22:34,479 All those afternoon meetings at the church hall. 1325 01:22:36,000 --> 01:22:37,960 I tried to stop him. 1326 01:22:38,000 --> 01:22:39,439 I told him I'd changed my mind. 1327 01:22:39,479 --> 01:22:42,359 He could have taken the money and walked away. 1328 01:22:43,720 --> 01:22:45,880 You might have wanted to change your mind, love, 1329 01:22:45,920 --> 01:22:49,640 but you stood there in that house and watched it all play out. 1330 01:22:49,680 --> 01:22:51,840 And after the job was done, you lied to us, 1331 01:22:51,880 --> 01:22:53,319 you lied to your daughter. 1332 01:22:54,359 --> 01:22:57,720 And then you just carried on covering your tracks. 1333 01:22:57,760 --> 01:22:59,000 I think we're done talking. 1334 01:23:04,199 --> 01:23:06,760 She was on her way to warn you, wasn't she, 1335 01:23:06,800 --> 01:23:08,479 when she crashed her car? 1336 01:23:08,520 --> 01:23:10,920 And you went to the hospital cos you were afraid 1337 01:23:10,960 --> 01:23:12,960 the booze might've loosened her tongue. 1338 01:23:13,000 --> 01:23:16,800 I told you, didn't I? I said I had everything covered. 1339 01:23:16,840 --> 01:23:20,039 Was that before or after you killed Leon Wilson? 1340 01:23:21,359 --> 01:23:22,359 Tony? 1341 01:23:24,520 --> 01:23:26,680 What else was it she offered you, love? 1342 01:23:26,720 --> 01:23:28,079 Widow's insurance money? 1343 01:23:28,119 --> 01:23:29,760 I didn't do it for the money! 1344 01:23:32,239 --> 01:23:33,680 I love her! 1345 01:23:33,720 --> 01:23:36,600 POLICE SIRENS More than her husband ever did. 1346 01:23:42,720 --> 01:23:44,479 Eyes on the suspect. 1347 01:23:49,239 --> 01:23:51,760 What the hell is she doing? 1348 01:23:54,039 --> 01:23:56,520 Put the gun down, love. 1349 01:23:56,560 --> 01:23:58,520 Or are you planning on killing me, too? 1350 01:23:58,560 --> 01:23:59,960 Don't think I wouldn't. 1351 01:24:00,000 --> 01:24:04,239 What... two dead souls not enough for you? 1352 01:24:04,279 --> 01:24:06,640 Tony... Stay where you are, love! 1353 01:24:06,680 --> 01:24:09,159 Tell them to hold back. OFFICER: Stand down. 1354 01:24:09,199 --> 01:24:10,680 Tony... 1355 01:24:12,199 --> 01:24:13,319 ..it's finished. 1356 01:24:13,359 --> 01:24:14,520 Don't, love. 1357 01:24:16,880 --> 01:24:18,039 SHE SCREAMS 1358 01:24:18,079 --> 01:24:20,680 I'll shoot her too! Do you hear me? 1359 01:24:20,720 --> 01:24:21,840 All right. OK. 1360 01:24:21,880 --> 01:24:24,119 Tony, put it down, love. 1361 01:24:24,159 --> 01:24:28,520 There's a team of armed officers, and if they give the order to fire, 1362 01:24:28,560 --> 01:24:32,279 you know as well as I do, they're not gonna be aiming at me. 1363 01:24:34,680 --> 01:24:37,439 Look, after everything you've done, 1364 01:24:37,479 --> 01:24:39,079 if you harm her... 1365 01:24:41,039 --> 01:24:43,039 ..you'd never be able to live with yourself. 1366 01:24:44,199 --> 01:24:47,199 Put the gun down, love. 1367 01:24:49,119 --> 01:24:51,039 I'm so sorry. 1368 01:24:51,079 --> 01:24:52,199 I'm sorry. 1369 01:24:54,760 --> 01:24:56,880 Armed police! Show me your hands! 1370 01:24:56,920 --> 01:24:58,399 SHE SOBS 1371 01:25:19,520 --> 01:25:22,319 That's it, keep going. Keep moving. 1372 01:26:08,520 --> 01:26:09,840 I'll be outside. 1373 01:26:29,119 --> 01:26:31,439 I hope they lock you up for life. 1374 01:27:03,279 --> 01:27:05,279 Get the measure of him, did they? 1375 01:27:07,479 --> 01:27:09,880 "Titan of industry". 1376 01:27:09,920 --> 01:27:13,239 All the money in the world's not gonna bring him back, is it? 1377 01:27:15,479 --> 01:27:18,239 Ma'am, thought you might need a wee drink. 1378 01:27:18,279 --> 01:27:20,640 Eh, thanks, Kenny. 1379 01:27:22,119 --> 01:27:26,039 I tell you what, you keep that cold for us, cos, er... 1380 01:27:26,079 --> 01:27:27,920 I've just got to nip out. 1381 01:27:37,479 --> 01:27:38,479 Where's she off to? 1382 01:27:38,520 --> 01:27:41,039 All right, place your bets. 1383 01:27:41,079 --> 01:27:42,800 Hairdresser's, what are the odds? 1384 01:27:42,840 --> 01:27:44,960 1,000 to one. 1385 01:27:45,000 --> 01:27:46,960 She probably cuts her hair herself. 1386 01:27:49,439 --> 01:27:51,560 £20 says she's halfway home already. 1387 01:27:52,680 --> 01:27:54,119 The day she's had. 1388 01:28:13,119 --> 01:28:15,119 Well, come on, if you're coming. 1389 01:28:19,319 --> 01:28:20,800 Someone I want you to meet. 1390 01:28:26,159 --> 01:28:28,680 Well, here you are, Adam. 1391 01:28:30,079 --> 01:28:32,239 She's all yours. What's his name? 1392 01:28:32,279 --> 01:28:35,439 Well, she answers to the name of Lucky, 1393 01:28:35,479 --> 01:28:38,359 so I should stick with that, all right? 1394 01:28:40,720 --> 01:28:42,000 Bye-bye, Lucky. 1395 01:29:14,920 --> 01:29:16,920 Subtitles by ITV Signpost