1 00:00:12,960 --> 00:00:15,959 RADIO: 'Got an RTC. Terrace Road. Anybody nearby to respond?' 2 00:00:15,960 --> 00:00:17,319 So, how far to Terrace Road? 3 00:00:17,320 --> 00:00:19,959 Er, about five minutes? Well, go on, then. 4 00:00:19,960 --> 00:00:21,959 This is Romeo Six. We are on route. 5 00:00:21,960 --> 00:00:25,960 SIRENS BLARE 6 00:00:43,960 --> 00:00:44,959 RADIO: 'Reports of a break-in. 7 00:00:44,960 --> 00:00:47,959 'Suspect is male, dressed in black-and-white hoodie.' 8 00:00:47,960 --> 00:00:49,960 Copy that, we're on our way. 9 00:00:53,960 --> 00:00:54,960 THUD 10 00:01:09,960 --> 00:01:13,999 RADIO: 'We have reports of domestic violence at Jermaine Street flats.' 11 00:01:14,000 --> 00:01:16,959 INDISTINCT SHOUTING 12 00:01:16,960 --> 00:01:18,959 MAN: You know what? I've had enough of this place! 13 00:01:18,960 --> 00:01:20,319 WOMAN: God's sake, what have you done?! 14 00:01:20,320 --> 00:01:22,959 I've had enough! Next time, I'll kill you, woman! 15 00:01:22,960 --> 00:01:23,959 RADIO: 'Romeo Six. 16 00:01:23,960 --> 00:01:26,959 'Can you conduct a welfare check? 70-year-old lady in distress.' 17 00:01:26,960 --> 00:01:28,959 RADIO: 'We have a drunk and disorderly 18 00:01:28,960 --> 00:01:30,960 'at the chicken shop on Southern Avenue.' 19 00:03:37,160 --> 00:03:38,960 Oh, give me a break. 20 00:03:40,960 --> 00:03:41,960 ENGINE STARTS 21 00:04:27,960 --> 00:04:32,159 Did a stint down here when I was in Uniform back in the day. Mm. 22 00:04:32,160 --> 00:04:33,960 I used to see a girl from here. 23 00:04:34,960 --> 00:04:37,960 Arlene, her name was. Arlene Potts. 24 00:04:39,960 --> 00:04:41,960 Came through to see her one Sunday. 25 00:04:42,960 --> 00:04:44,960 Went for a walk on Steeley Pier. 26 00:04:45,960 --> 00:04:48,959 She dumped me halfway across. Ah. 27 00:04:48,960 --> 00:04:52,960 And there's you coming all that way. I know, but... I liked her. 28 00:04:53,960 --> 00:04:54,959 A lot. 29 00:04:54,960 --> 00:04:56,959 Have you finished? Yeah, sorry. 30 00:04:56,960 --> 00:05:00,799 Are you gonna fill me in or what? Well, Leanne Waller. Park warden. 31 00:05:00,800 --> 00:05:01,959 On her rounds this morning 32 00:05:01,960 --> 00:05:03,959 when she sees the body of a male in the pond. 33 00:05:03,960 --> 00:05:05,159 So she wades in, pulls him out... 34 00:05:05,160 --> 00:05:07,959 Ah, forensics won't be best pleased about that. 35 00:05:07,960 --> 00:05:10,159 And that's when she sees his head's bashed in. 36 00:05:10,160 --> 00:05:13,959 Do we know who he is? No ID. No wallet. No phone. 37 00:05:13,960 --> 00:05:15,959 But get this - the responding officer 38 00:05:15,960 --> 00:05:18,960 recognised him as PC Joel Kingston. 39 00:05:20,800 --> 00:05:22,960 He's a copper? Worked out of Morgan Road. 40 00:05:24,480 --> 00:05:25,959 Is that who ID'd him, Ken? 41 00:05:25,960 --> 00:05:28,159 Aye, Ma'am. It's a Constable Pearson. 42 00:05:28,160 --> 00:05:30,959 She said she done her training with him. 43 00:05:30,960 --> 00:05:33,960 Well, we better check with the station anyway. 44 00:05:34,960 --> 00:05:35,960 Right. 45 00:05:44,000 --> 00:05:45,960 She pulled him out of the water. 46 00:05:46,960 --> 00:05:48,959 Well, what was she supposed to do? 47 00:05:48,960 --> 00:05:50,960 She should've secured the area and waited for us to arrive. 48 00:05:51,960 --> 00:05:53,959 She's a park keeper. 49 00:05:53,960 --> 00:05:56,959 I doubt they teach 'em crime-scene management. 50 00:05:56,960 --> 00:05:57,959 So, what have we got? 51 00:05:57,960 --> 00:06:01,959 He's taken multiple blows on the left side of his skull and face. 52 00:06:01,960 --> 00:06:04,959 Looks like a particularly violent attack with a weapon. 53 00:06:04,960 --> 00:06:06,959 Before you ask, I've no idea what it was. 54 00:06:06,960 --> 00:06:08,959 Well, it must've been something heavy 55 00:06:08,960 --> 00:06:09,960 to inflict those sort of injuries. 56 00:06:10,960 --> 00:06:13,799 Can't confirm exact cause of death right now, 57 00:06:13,800 --> 00:06:15,959 but I can tell you he's got some defence wounds. 58 00:06:15,960 --> 00:06:19,959 And forensics found blood spots over there. 59 00:06:19,960 --> 00:06:21,960 Could be it was an altercation that escalated? 60 00:06:22,960 --> 00:06:24,960 Seems he was a police officer. Mm, fit too. 61 00:06:25,960 --> 00:06:28,959 Well, I don't think that's appropriate. 62 00:06:28,960 --> 00:06:29,999 CHUCKLES SOFTLY I meant physically fit. 63 00:06:30,000 --> 00:06:31,959 As in he would've been hard to overpower. 64 00:06:31,960 --> 00:06:33,960 Mm-hm. 65 00:06:39,960 --> 00:06:42,959 Morning, Ma'am. This is Leanne. She's the one who found the body. 66 00:06:42,960 --> 00:06:46,959 'Ey, that must've been a shock. 67 00:06:46,960 --> 00:06:49,959 Putting it mildly. Well, we'll not keep you long, love. 68 00:06:49,960 --> 00:06:52,959 You tell me, what time did you find him? 69 00:06:52,960 --> 00:06:54,959 Just after nine. 70 00:06:54,960 --> 00:06:58,799 And presumably, the park had been open for a couple of hours by then. 71 00:06:58,800 --> 00:06:59,959 Unlocked the gates at six. 72 00:06:59,960 --> 00:07:03,960 Had you seen the lad before you found him in the pond? 73 00:07:04,960 --> 00:07:07,959 Or anyone else, for that matter? 74 00:07:07,960 --> 00:07:09,959 Been on the other side of the park all mornin'. 75 00:07:09,960 --> 00:07:12,959 Someone'd set fire to the dog crap bins again. 76 00:07:12,960 --> 00:07:14,959 I didn't get up to here until later, 77 00:07:14,960 --> 00:07:17,799 but there was no-one around at that time. 78 00:07:17,800 --> 00:07:20,800 Well... save for the poor lad. 79 00:07:22,480 --> 00:07:24,960 Right. Thanks, love. Ma'am? 80 00:07:26,960 --> 00:07:29,959 Morgan Road just sent through a photo? 81 00:07:29,960 --> 00:07:32,960 Ah, yeah, that looks like him. 82 00:07:33,960 --> 00:07:37,639 So, what d'you reckon? Well, no phone, no wallet. 83 00:07:37,640 --> 00:07:38,960 Could be a robbery gone wrong. 84 00:07:40,000 --> 00:07:42,799 But then the timing's weird. 85 00:07:42,800 --> 00:07:45,959 I mean, Saturday morning's hardly a right time for muggings, is it? 86 00:07:45,960 --> 00:07:48,159 Ideal location, though. Quiet. 87 00:07:48,160 --> 00:07:50,959 Lots of cover. Time to pick your victim. 88 00:07:50,960 --> 00:07:53,479 Yeah, but there must be easier prey. 89 00:07:53,480 --> 00:07:56,320 Why pick a young, fit fella in his twenties? 90 00:07:58,160 --> 00:07:59,960 Best get over to Morgan Road. 91 00:08:16,960 --> 00:08:18,959 I suppose it could happen to anybody, really, 92 00:08:18,960 --> 00:08:20,959 so you've got to be careful when you're out there. 93 00:08:20,960 --> 00:08:23,959 Jim? Oh, so it's yourself. 94 00:08:23,960 --> 00:08:26,959 Hey. JIM CHUCKLES 95 00:08:26,960 --> 00:08:30,959 DS Aiden Healy. Aiden, this is Sergeant Jim McDonnagh. 96 00:08:30,960 --> 00:08:32,959 Are you still working? 97 00:08:32,960 --> 00:08:34,959 I thought you'd be well retired by now. 98 00:08:34,960 --> 00:08:37,159 Well, days like today, I wish I was. 99 00:08:37,160 --> 00:08:40,959 Ah, so word's out, then, is it? Yeah, I'm afraid so. 100 00:08:40,960 --> 00:08:41,960 Look, come on through. 101 00:08:42,960 --> 00:08:44,999 Struggling to think what to fathom. I mean... 102 00:08:45,000 --> 00:08:47,960 I watched him clock off just a few hours ago. 103 00:08:48,960 --> 00:08:50,959 He was working last night? 104 00:08:50,960 --> 00:08:52,320 Yeah. Just starting a week of nights. 105 00:08:53,960 --> 00:08:55,959 So what time did he finish this morning? 106 00:08:55,960 --> 00:08:56,960 Just after six. 107 00:08:58,960 --> 00:08:59,959 Anything happen on his shift? 108 00:08:59,960 --> 00:09:02,959 As far as I know, it was just the usual Friday night. 109 00:09:02,960 --> 00:09:04,319 Was he working with anyone? Yeah, Naz Singh. 110 00:09:04,320 --> 00:09:06,479 She's a probationer. Oh, is she here? 111 00:09:06,480 --> 00:09:07,960 No. She went home before Kingston. 112 00:09:09,640 --> 00:09:11,959 What was he like? Good lad. 113 00:09:11,960 --> 00:09:14,959 Capable. Smart. Had a bright future ahead of him. 114 00:09:14,960 --> 00:09:17,800 Is it true? Aye. 115 00:09:20,960 --> 00:09:21,959 What happened? 116 00:09:21,960 --> 00:09:23,959 Oh, well, we're still trying to work that out, love. 117 00:09:23,960 --> 00:09:26,159 Oh, DCI Stanhope. DS Healy. 118 00:09:26,160 --> 00:09:29,959 This is Gary Sickert, Lisa Hendrix. They were on last night, as well. 119 00:09:29,960 --> 00:09:31,959 Were you workin' with PC Kingston? 120 00:09:31,960 --> 00:09:35,639 No, Ma'am. We were in town centre all night, dealing with the carnage. 121 00:09:35,640 --> 00:09:36,960 So, when did you last see him? 122 00:09:38,800 --> 00:09:39,959 Er, yesterday morning, was it? 123 00:09:39,960 --> 00:09:41,959 When he and Naz got off the last shift. 124 00:09:41,960 --> 00:09:44,319 How'd he seem? He seemed fine, didn't he? 125 00:09:44,320 --> 00:09:46,960 Yeah. What happened to your hand? 126 00:09:47,960 --> 00:09:50,320 Er, some scrote thought it would be funny to smash up a bus stop. 127 00:09:51,960 --> 00:09:53,959 I cut myself on the glass when I tried to pin the bugger down. 128 00:09:53,960 --> 00:09:55,959 You had that looked at? Aye. 129 00:09:55,960 --> 00:09:59,960 It's nothing. All right. Go on. Off you go. 130 00:10:04,960 --> 00:10:06,959 Was Kingston popular? 131 00:10:06,960 --> 00:10:09,959 How d'you mean? Well, with the other officers? 132 00:10:09,960 --> 00:10:11,960 Ah, we're just one big, happy family here. 133 00:10:12,960 --> 00:10:15,959 SHE INHALES OK, Jim. You got an address for us? 134 00:10:15,960 --> 00:10:18,959 Yeah, lives with his mum and dad. His old man's Phil Kingston. 135 00:10:18,960 --> 00:10:20,959 THE Phil Kingston? 136 00:10:20,960 --> 00:10:22,960 Aye. They're knocking on his door now. 137 00:10:28,960 --> 00:10:31,959 We'll get someone to pick up this probationer, Singh. 138 00:10:31,960 --> 00:10:34,959 Get her in for a statement. So, who is this Phil Kingston? 139 00:10:34,960 --> 00:10:37,959 Oh, ex-police sergeant. Retired. 140 00:10:37,960 --> 00:10:39,959 A bit of a legend amongst the old guard, 141 00:10:39,960 --> 00:10:44,320 {\an8}and if he's anything like he used to be, this is gonna be tough. 142 00:10:48,800 --> 00:10:51,959 Er, yeah, I think she's just arrived. 143 00:10:51,960 --> 00:10:53,960 Yeah. Right. 144 00:10:54,960 --> 00:10:57,479 Yeah. Phil? 145 00:10:57,480 --> 00:11:00,799 Uh-huh. Did someone do him? 146 00:11:00,800 --> 00:11:01,959 I think we should go inside. 147 00:11:01,960 --> 00:11:04,960 Did someone kill my son? 148 00:11:06,000 --> 00:11:08,960 It looks that way, yes. 149 00:11:09,960 --> 00:11:12,959 Er... L... 150 00:11:12,960 --> 00:11:14,960 Let me talk to his mother. 151 00:11:24,960 --> 00:11:27,959 SOBBING 152 00:11:27,960 --> 00:11:30,959 Come on now, pet. Don't you touch me! 153 00:11:30,960 --> 00:11:32,960 SOBBING INTENSIFIES 154 00:11:40,960 --> 00:11:42,960 Laptop. 155 00:11:44,960 --> 00:11:48,959 Hey, I'm sorry, Phil. Any idea who did it? 156 00:11:48,960 --> 00:11:50,959 Hey... Early days. 157 00:11:50,960 --> 00:11:52,959 You must have a theory? 158 00:11:52,960 --> 00:11:55,959 Well, we still have to ascertain whether it was a random attack 159 00:11:55,960 --> 00:11:58,959 or if was he targeted. Oh! 160 00:11:58,960 --> 00:12:00,960 When'd you last see him? 161 00:12:01,960 --> 00:12:03,959 Yesterday afternoon. About five. 162 00:12:03,960 --> 00:12:06,959 So just before his shift? Yeah. 163 00:12:06,960 --> 00:12:08,959 And how did he seem? 164 00:12:08,960 --> 00:12:12,159 He seemed absolutely fine. And not worried about anything? 165 00:12:12,160 --> 00:12:15,959 Like what? Well, I don't know. Work? 166 00:12:15,960 --> 00:12:18,799 No, no. Joel lived for his job. 167 00:12:18,800 --> 00:12:21,159 And what about mates? Girlfriends? 168 00:12:21,160 --> 00:12:23,959 Had a couple of mates from school, but, er, 169 00:12:23,960 --> 00:12:26,959 they fell by the way side when he joined up, you know how it goes. 170 00:12:26,960 --> 00:12:29,959 Oh, aye. As for girlfriends? 171 00:12:29,960 --> 00:12:33,479 There were a few lasses, but nothing serious. 172 00:12:33,480 --> 00:12:34,960 And his brother? 173 00:12:35,960 --> 00:12:37,959 They were close? You mean Shane? 174 00:12:37,960 --> 00:12:41,960 They got on, er... To be honest, they're different people. 175 00:12:43,960 --> 00:12:45,959 Mrs Kingston, she wants all Uniform to leave, 176 00:12:45,960 --> 00:12:47,959 including the family liaison. 177 00:12:47,960 --> 00:12:49,960 Oh. I'll go speak to her. 178 00:13:12,000 --> 00:13:16,799 SHE SIGHS PC Joel Kingston. 25 years old. 179 00:13:16,800 --> 00:13:19,959 Been working out of Morgan Road nick since he graduated. 180 00:13:19,960 --> 00:13:24,959 His body was found this morning at 9am in Foxwood Park Pond. 181 00:13:24,960 --> 00:13:27,479 Now, we're still waiting on pathology, 182 00:13:27,480 --> 00:13:30,639 but it's clear to say he'd suffered a violent attack. 183 00:13:30,640 --> 00:13:32,959 He doesn't look old enough to be a copper. 184 00:13:32,960 --> 00:13:33,959 He looks like a kid. 185 00:13:33,960 --> 00:13:37,959 Now, I know this hits close to home, 186 00:13:37,960 --> 00:13:40,959 but we treat this victim the same as we treat any other. 187 00:13:40,960 --> 00:13:45,959 He was last seen leaving Morgan Road at around 6am. 188 00:13:45,960 --> 00:13:48,959 And it's about a 20-minute walk to the park, 189 00:13:48,960 --> 00:13:50,959 so let's track his route. 190 00:13:50,960 --> 00:13:53,319 Start collecting CCTV. 191 00:13:53,320 --> 00:13:54,959 I want those three hours accounted for. 192 00:13:54,960 --> 00:13:56,959 Ma'am. Are we saying this was a robbery? 193 00:13:56,960 --> 00:13:58,959 Well, it's something we have to consider, Jac, 194 00:13:58,960 --> 00:14:01,959 seeing he was without a wallet or phone. 195 00:14:01,960 --> 00:14:05,960 So, flag his cards and see if you can trace his phone. 196 00:14:06,960 --> 00:14:09,960 And check recent robberies in the area. 197 00:14:10,960 --> 00:14:12,959 Let's look into his private life. 198 00:14:12,960 --> 00:14:16,319 Phone records, social media, emails, the lot. 199 00:14:16,320 --> 00:14:20,959 And find out who his mates were, what he was into. 200 00:14:20,960 --> 00:14:24,959 Kenny, I need you to liaise with Jim McDonnagh at Morgan Road. 201 00:14:24,960 --> 00:14:27,959 I want a blow-by-blow account of his last shift - 202 00:14:27,960 --> 00:14:31,959 arrest reports, radio comms, body-cam footage. 203 00:14:31,960 --> 00:14:34,159 He's already sent some stuff through, Ma'am. I'll go through it. 204 00:14:34,160 --> 00:14:38,319 And find out what his standing was with the other coppers. 205 00:14:38,320 --> 00:14:39,959 If anyone had any issues. 206 00:14:39,960 --> 00:14:42,959 OK. Naz Singh is in the soft suite. 207 00:14:42,960 --> 00:14:44,959 Who? Kingston's work partner. 208 00:14:44,960 --> 00:14:46,480 Oh, right. 209 00:14:48,640 --> 00:14:51,959 I'm sorry to keep you. I don't understand. 210 00:14:51,960 --> 00:14:54,959 I was with him this morning. How can he be dead? 211 00:14:54,960 --> 00:14:56,959 Ah, well we're not sure yet, love. 212 00:14:56,960 --> 00:14:59,959 That's why we're talking to you. 213 00:14:59,960 --> 00:15:02,959 Now, you and Joel worked together, is that right? 214 00:15:02,960 --> 00:15:05,959 Er, yes, Ma'am. Past few months. 215 00:15:05,960 --> 00:15:07,960 And how was he last night? 216 00:15:08,960 --> 00:15:12,959 Good. I mean, Joel's always good. 217 00:15:12,960 --> 00:15:15,159 Ah. You two were close, were you? 218 00:15:15,160 --> 00:15:17,959 We weren't mates or anything like that. 219 00:15:17,960 --> 00:15:19,960 Joel was baby-sitting me. 220 00:15:20,960 --> 00:15:23,960 So, last night. How was it? 221 00:15:24,960 --> 00:15:28,959 Just the usual nightmare. Any confrontations? 222 00:15:28,960 --> 00:15:32,959 There was a domestic, Ma'am. Jermaine Street flats. 223 00:15:32,960 --> 00:15:36,959 Lass was assaulted by her boyfriend. He had a go at Joel. 224 00:15:36,960 --> 00:15:39,959 This boyfriend got a name? Er, Dean Lennon. 225 00:15:39,960 --> 00:15:43,479 Girlfriend was Ria Leggate. The neighbour called it in. 226 00:15:43,480 --> 00:15:46,480 It must've happened before because Joel called them "frequent flyers". 227 00:15:47,960 --> 00:15:48,960 Right. 228 00:15:49,960 --> 00:15:50,960 Well done, love. 229 00:15:53,960 --> 00:15:56,160 Hey? Come on, then. You want some? 230 00:16:00,960 --> 00:16:04,960 You're a dead man. You're a dead man! 231 00:16:06,960 --> 00:16:09,160 Right, let's bring him in. 232 00:16:33,960 --> 00:16:36,959 Kingston wasn't lying when he told Singh he'd been here before. 233 00:16:36,960 --> 00:16:39,959 Neighbours made about a dozen calls in the last six months, 234 00:16:39,960 --> 00:16:42,960 all of them about Lennon and his girlfriend rowing. 235 00:16:43,960 --> 00:16:47,959 What do we know about this fella? 32 years old. 236 00:16:47,960 --> 00:16:49,959 Previous convictions for drugs and assault. 237 00:16:49,960 --> 00:16:52,639 And what about his girlfriend, Ria Leggate? 238 00:16:52,640 --> 00:16:54,959 There's nothing apart from a minor skirmish at a supermarket. 239 00:16:54,960 --> 00:16:56,960 Mm. LIFT DINGS 240 00:17:07,960 --> 00:17:10,959 It's, what, a 15-minute walk to the park from here? 241 00:17:10,960 --> 00:17:13,640 About that. Mm. Ten if you were running. 242 00:17:16,960 --> 00:17:17,960 Ria Leggate? 243 00:17:22,960 --> 00:17:24,959 He's not here. Right. 244 00:17:24,960 --> 00:17:27,960 Er, your lad, love? Carter, go to your room. 245 00:17:31,960 --> 00:17:35,319 Now, then, the night before last, love, 246 00:17:35,320 --> 00:17:37,479 one of your neighbours called the police here. 247 00:17:37,480 --> 00:17:38,959 Yeah. Right. That were a mistake. 248 00:17:38,960 --> 00:17:41,319 Said you were being assaulted by your boyfriend. 249 00:17:41,320 --> 00:17:42,960 We were just having a row. 250 00:17:43,960 --> 00:17:45,639 Look, we'd had a couple of vodkas. 251 00:17:45,640 --> 00:17:47,959 Got a little bit loud. There were no need for them to call. 252 00:17:47,960 --> 00:17:52,959 We also know Mr Lennon attacked one of the officers attending that call. 253 00:17:52,960 --> 00:17:55,959 A PC Joel Kingston. Don't remember that. 254 00:17:55,960 --> 00:18:00,999 Ah, but that attack was recorded on the bodycam of PC Kingston. 255 00:18:01,000 --> 00:18:03,959 Along with your fella threatening to kill him. 256 00:18:03,960 --> 00:18:05,959 Why are you lot making such a big issue out of it? 257 00:18:05,960 --> 00:18:07,959 Dean had a go at him. So what? He was angry. 258 00:18:07,960 --> 00:18:10,479 Is this what they're sending detectives out to investigate now? 259 00:18:10,480 --> 00:18:12,959 Ah, no. PC Kingston's dead, love. 260 00:18:12,960 --> 00:18:15,959 Killed yesterday morning not far from here. 261 00:18:15,960 --> 00:18:21,319 And the reason they send us out is because we deal with murder. 262 00:18:21,320 --> 00:18:25,960 So I'll ask you again. Where's your boyfriend? 263 00:18:26,960 --> 00:18:28,959 He went out. I don't know where. 264 00:18:28,960 --> 00:18:31,959 When did he leave? Couple of hour ago. 265 00:18:31,960 --> 00:18:35,959 And after he attacked the officer on Friday night, where did he go? 266 00:18:35,960 --> 00:18:39,960 Nowhere. He stayed here all night. And then all day. 267 00:18:42,480 --> 00:18:45,959 Well, she's lying. Ah, well, cos she's scared. 268 00:18:45,960 --> 00:18:47,959 What d'you wanna do now? 269 00:18:47,960 --> 00:18:50,959 Oh... get Uniform to talk to the neighbours. 270 00:18:50,960 --> 00:18:53,959 And get someone from Domestic Crime to chat with her. 271 00:18:53,960 --> 00:18:56,959 She may not be interested, but you never know. 272 00:18:56,960 --> 00:18:59,960 And we need to find Dean Lennon. Today. 273 00:19:00,960 --> 00:19:03,959 PHONE RINGS Paula? 274 00:19:03,960 --> 00:19:05,959 'Ma'am, we're ready.' 275 00:19:05,960 --> 00:19:07,960 Right. Give us half an hour. 276 00:19:09,480 --> 00:19:10,960 My God! 277 00:19:11,960 --> 00:19:13,959 What d'you think you're doing? That's a private. 278 00:19:13,960 --> 00:19:16,639 They're giving you the Outstanding Service medal. 279 00:19:16,640 --> 00:19:19,959 Why didn't you tell us? Because it's none of your business. 280 00:19:19,960 --> 00:19:22,319 That's just brilliant. Really. Oh, shut up. 281 00:19:22,320 --> 00:19:24,959 There's no medals going anywhere. What d'you mean? 282 00:19:24,960 --> 00:19:26,959 Because I'm not accepting it. And why not? 283 00:19:26,960 --> 00:19:29,960 Because I don't want to, all right? 284 00:19:34,960 --> 00:19:36,999 He was dead before he went into the pond. 285 00:19:37,000 --> 00:19:39,159 Cause of death was a cerebral haemorrhage 286 00:19:39,160 --> 00:19:41,959 caused by significant blunt-force trauma. 287 00:19:41,960 --> 00:19:43,959 So someone bashed his head in? 288 00:19:43,960 --> 00:19:45,960 At least four separate blows. 289 00:19:46,960 --> 00:19:49,959 Can you narrow down time of death? 290 00:19:49,960 --> 00:19:50,959 He wasn't in the water for long, 291 00:19:50,960 --> 00:19:53,959 and assuming he went in just after he died, 292 00:19:53,960 --> 00:19:56,959 I'd say some time between seven and nine that morning. 293 00:19:56,960 --> 00:19:58,959 And are you any further forward on the weapon? 294 00:19:58,960 --> 00:20:01,959 As you could see, there were dirt and rock particles 295 00:20:01,960 --> 00:20:02,959 around the wounds. Mm-hm. 296 00:20:02,960 --> 00:20:05,959 And the forensic team discovered that a rock near the pond 297 00:20:05,960 --> 00:20:06,959 had blood traces on it. 298 00:20:06,960 --> 00:20:09,959 Still testing, but looks like a strong candidate. 299 00:20:09,960 --> 00:20:13,959 Which means our killer didn't come prepared. 300 00:20:13,960 --> 00:20:14,959 It's improvised. 301 00:20:14,960 --> 00:20:16,959 Which fits with our random attack theory. 302 00:20:16,960 --> 00:20:18,960 Mm. And there was one other thing. 303 00:20:20,960 --> 00:20:23,959 He has a wound on his upper left arm. 304 00:20:23,960 --> 00:20:27,959 Recent injury. Looks fresh. Can't be more than a week old. 305 00:20:27,960 --> 00:20:30,959 Is that a stab wound? More than likely. 306 00:20:30,960 --> 00:20:32,960 It's been treated. By a medical professional, I'd say. 307 00:20:34,960 --> 00:20:36,959 Jim McDonnagh says there's no record 308 00:20:36,960 --> 00:20:40,959 of Kingston sustaining a knife injury while he was on duty. 309 00:20:40,960 --> 00:20:42,959 So it must've happened outside of work. 310 00:20:42,960 --> 00:20:45,959 Well, that narrows it down. Are we sure it's related? 311 00:20:45,960 --> 00:20:50,159 Ah, we're not sure of anything, Jac, but it's worth checking out. 312 00:20:50,160 --> 00:20:53,799 Kenny, Paula said this injury was treated by a doctor, 313 00:20:53,800 --> 00:20:56,959 so ring round the hospitals, see if you can get some details. 314 00:20:56,960 --> 00:20:57,959 Will do. Yeah. 315 00:20:57,960 --> 00:21:00,959 And, Mark - Kingston's phone, where are we? 316 00:21:00,960 --> 00:21:03,959 Er, we know it went dead at 8:56 the mornin' he died. 317 00:21:03,960 --> 00:21:05,999 The last ping was off a tower in the city. 318 00:21:06,000 --> 00:21:08,959 Right, and what about CCTV? Did you check his route? 319 00:21:08,960 --> 00:21:11,959 I'm still working through it, Ma'am. Well, get a wiggle on. 320 00:21:11,960 --> 00:21:13,159 Jac, what have you got? 321 00:21:13,160 --> 00:21:15,959 Er, I looked at recent crimes in the park area, Ma'am. 322 00:21:15,960 --> 00:21:17,959 It's hardly a hot spot for muggings. 323 00:21:17,960 --> 00:21:19,959 No more than a half a dozen incidents in the last year. 324 00:21:19,960 --> 00:21:21,959 What about around the time of the killing, 325 00:21:21,960 --> 00:21:23,959 just before or just after? 326 00:21:23,960 --> 00:21:26,479 Not much. Car theft, and a break-in at a flat near the marina. 327 00:21:26,480 --> 00:21:29,159 Place was smashed up, but nothing taken. 328 00:21:29,160 --> 00:21:30,959 What about his private life? 329 00:21:30,960 --> 00:21:32,959 I checked his laptop, socials, call records. 330 00:21:32,960 --> 00:21:34,479 There's barely anything there. 331 00:21:34,480 --> 00:21:35,999 Didn't have much of a life outside of work. 332 00:21:36,000 --> 00:21:38,479 Well, there's gotta be something, Jac. 333 00:21:38,480 --> 00:21:40,959 Supported his local rugby club? 334 00:21:40,960 --> 00:21:42,959 Ah, well, keep looking. 335 00:21:42,960 --> 00:21:46,959 OK, Kenny, check out this knife wound. Ma'am. 336 00:21:46,960 --> 00:21:51,640 Aiden, find Dean Lennon. I'm going to see the Kingstons. 337 00:21:55,960 --> 00:21:58,960 Well, looks like Joel was well loved. 338 00:21:59,960 --> 00:22:00,960 What? 339 00:22:02,320 --> 00:22:03,480 The flowers. 340 00:22:05,960 --> 00:22:07,480 They're from Phil's friends. 341 00:22:09,800 --> 00:22:10,959 Here we go. 342 00:22:10,960 --> 00:22:12,960 Hey, thanks, love. 343 00:22:15,960 --> 00:22:19,959 Do you know who killed him? Er, not yet, pet. 344 00:22:19,960 --> 00:22:22,960 But we will. When you do... 345 00:22:23,960 --> 00:22:27,639 ..you tell them what a wonderful lad Joel was. 346 00:22:27,640 --> 00:22:30,959 You tell them they took away a pure soul. 347 00:22:30,960 --> 00:22:33,319 You said you had a question? Oh, aye. 348 00:22:33,320 --> 00:22:37,959 Erm, I wanted to ask you about an injury Joel picked up recently. 349 00:22:37,960 --> 00:22:40,959 What injury? A stab wound on his upper arm. 350 00:22:40,960 --> 00:22:43,959 What d'you mean, "a stab wound"? Well, that's what it looks like. 351 00:22:43,960 --> 00:22:46,959 We asked at the station, but... 352 00:22:46,960 --> 00:22:48,959 they said it hadn't happened on duty. 353 00:22:48,960 --> 00:22:50,959 Why would anyone stab Joel? 354 00:22:50,960 --> 00:22:52,959 Ah, well, I was hoping you could tell me, pet. 355 00:22:52,960 --> 00:22:54,960 First we're hearing of it. 356 00:22:56,960 --> 00:22:58,959 Shane? Aye. 357 00:22:58,960 --> 00:23:01,960 Er... it was my fault. 358 00:23:04,800 --> 00:23:06,959 About a week ago, me and Joel went out clubbing. 359 00:23:06,960 --> 00:23:08,959 I got into an argument with some guy at the bar, 360 00:23:08,960 --> 00:23:10,959 and things kicked off with him and his mates. 361 00:23:10,960 --> 00:23:13,959 Joel had to jump in to get us out of there. 362 00:23:13,960 --> 00:23:16,959 But one of them must have had a blade, and they stuck Joel. 363 00:23:16,960 --> 00:23:18,959 But we didn't notice until we were out of there. 364 00:23:18,960 --> 00:23:21,959 Well, why didn't he report the assault? 365 00:23:21,960 --> 00:23:23,959 Said it'd be too much hassle. 366 00:23:23,960 --> 00:23:27,319 Which club was this? Emerge. In the city centre. 367 00:23:27,320 --> 00:23:30,999 Emerge. And did you know these lads? So it was you. 368 00:23:31,000 --> 00:23:33,959 You got him killed! Phil! 369 00:23:33,960 --> 00:23:35,959 Please! Stop it! 370 00:23:35,960 --> 00:23:38,959 Too stupid to see. They could've tracked him down! 371 00:23:38,960 --> 00:23:40,959 Got him back for the trouble YOU caused! 372 00:23:40,960 --> 00:23:42,960 Phil, enough! 373 00:23:47,960 --> 00:23:49,960 DEB SOBS 374 00:23:51,320 --> 00:23:52,960 DOOR OPENS 375 00:23:58,960 --> 00:23:59,959 He's a bloody waste of space. 376 00:23:59,960 --> 00:24:02,479 Nothing but trouble since the day he was born. 377 00:24:02,480 --> 00:24:05,960 Don't give me that look. You don't know the half of it. 378 00:24:06,960 --> 00:24:10,959 He's a junkie. Three stints in rehab. 379 00:24:10,960 --> 00:24:11,959 Not that they did any good. 380 00:24:11,960 --> 00:24:14,959 Jack, that lad's just lost his brother. 381 00:24:14,960 --> 00:24:17,960 And I've lost my son. So you're both hurting. 382 00:24:20,960 --> 00:24:22,960 What's with this Dean Lennon? 383 00:24:23,960 --> 00:24:25,960 Might be retired, still got contacts. 384 00:24:27,960 --> 00:24:30,959 Who told you that? Don't matter. Did he kill Joel? 385 00:24:30,960 --> 00:24:34,959 You need to take a step back, Phil. I'm just asking a question. 386 00:24:34,960 --> 00:24:35,959 And I'm just warning you. 387 00:24:35,960 --> 00:24:38,959 This is my investigation. Stay out of it. 388 00:24:38,960 --> 00:24:40,640 He's just been taken in. 389 00:24:41,960 --> 00:24:44,960 What? Lennon. He's in custody. 390 00:24:45,960 --> 00:24:46,959 Don't your people tell you anything? 391 00:24:46,960 --> 00:24:50,000 PHONE RINGS That'll be them now. 392 00:24:53,960 --> 00:24:55,959 What? 393 00:24:55,960 --> 00:24:57,959 I called you as soon as I knew. Aye. 394 00:24:57,960 --> 00:25:00,959 And that was still 15 minutes after Phil Kingston knew. 395 00:25:00,960 --> 00:25:04,959 How did he find out so quick? Because Morgan Road is like a sieve! 396 00:25:04,960 --> 00:25:07,160 '..dead man. You're a dead man!' 397 00:25:08,960 --> 00:25:09,960 That you on the tape, Dean? 398 00:25:11,960 --> 00:25:15,960 Looks like me, yeah. Threatening a police officer. 399 00:25:16,960 --> 00:25:18,959 It was a stressful situation. 400 00:25:18,960 --> 00:25:20,959 Got angry. Said things I didn't mean. 401 00:25:20,960 --> 00:25:23,959 Plus your man, he was kind of interfering in a personal matter. 402 00:25:23,960 --> 00:25:27,319 That "personal matter", would that be you assaulting Ria Leggate? 403 00:25:27,320 --> 00:25:29,959 She's Carter's mum. I'd never hurt her. 404 00:25:29,960 --> 00:25:33,959 Ah, well, now, here's the thing, Mr Lennon. 405 00:25:33,960 --> 00:25:36,959 Not seven hours after you threatened to kill him, 406 00:25:36,960 --> 00:25:39,960 PC Kingston was murdered. 407 00:25:40,960 --> 00:25:44,479 Very sad to hear that. Yeah, you look heartbroken (!) 408 00:25:44,480 --> 00:25:47,959 Were you near Foxwood Park early yesterday morning? 409 00:25:47,960 --> 00:25:51,959 No. I was with Ria. At the flat. 410 00:25:51,960 --> 00:25:54,960 Oh. Well, you weren't with her this morning. 411 00:25:57,960 --> 00:26:00,800 I had some business. What kind of business? 412 00:26:01,960 --> 00:26:03,960 It was a personal matter, actually. 413 00:26:11,960 --> 00:26:13,959 I think he's lying. 414 00:26:13,960 --> 00:26:15,959 Ah, doesn't matter what you think, does it? 415 00:26:15,960 --> 00:26:17,959 Ma'am? What? 416 00:26:17,960 --> 00:26:19,959 It's what you can prove that matters, 417 00:26:19,960 --> 00:26:21,959 and right now, Ria Leggate's giving him an alibi, 418 00:26:21,960 --> 00:26:23,959 so were gonna have to let him go. 419 00:26:23,960 --> 00:26:27,959 What? Er, I've managed to pull together that CCTV. 420 00:26:27,960 --> 00:26:31,959 So, this is Kingston leaving work at 6:42am. 421 00:26:31,960 --> 00:26:34,959 And the next time we see him is here, 422 00:26:34,960 --> 00:26:37,640 crossing Arnholt Street, at 6:51. 423 00:26:38,960 --> 00:26:40,479 And then this is around 7am. 424 00:26:40,480 --> 00:26:41,959 He goes into this building on the right... 425 00:26:41,960 --> 00:26:45,479 What's that place? Er, place called City Works Gym. 426 00:26:45,480 --> 00:26:47,959 It's new. It's been open for about a month... 427 00:26:47,960 --> 00:26:50,959 He's in there for around 30 minutes, and then he leaves. 428 00:26:50,960 --> 00:26:52,959 And then we pick him up for the final time 429 00:26:52,960 --> 00:26:55,959 back on Arnholt Street at 7:42. 430 00:26:55,960 --> 00:26:58,959 How far is that from the park? It's still a good ten minutes away. 431 00:26:58,960 --> 00:27:02,000 Hang on. Go back to where he went into the gym. 432 00:27:03,960 --> 00:27:04,960 Yeah, now stop it there. 433 00:27:06,960 --> 00:27:09,959 Well, am I the only one seeing this? What? 434 00:27:09,960 --> 00:27:11,959 Where's his kit? 435 00:27:11,960 --> 00:27:15,959 He was in there for half an hour. What was he doing? 436 00:27:15,960 --> 00:27:18,639 Wasn't working out, not unless he was doing it in his kecks. 437 00:27:18,640 --> 00:27:20,640 Find out why he was there. 438 00:27:21,960 --> 00:27:23,959 Ma'am? Kingston's debit card just got flagged. 439 00:27:23,960 --> 00:27:26,959 Someone tried to access an online gambling site an hour ago. 440 00:27:26,960 --> 00:27:29,640 Good work, Jac. 441 00:27:44,000 --> 00:27:47,960 I think you should join us down at the station, pet. 442 00:27:54,960 --> 00:27:57,960 BREATHES SHAKILY 443 00:28:00,960 --> 00:28:03,959 DOOR OPENS, CLOSES 444 00:28:03,960 --> 00:28:06,999 Now, I hear you're a fan of poker, Leanne. 445 00:28:07,000 --> 00:28:09,479 DCI Stanhope has entered the room. 446 00:28:09,480 --> 00:28:11,319 Wouldn't exactly say a fan. 447 00:28:11,320 --> 00:28:13,159 Well, you must like it a bit. 448 00:28:13,160 --> 00:28:16,799 Then why else would you use a dead man's debit card 449 00:28:16,800 --> 00:28:18,479 to play online? 450 00:28:18,480 --> 00:28:22,799 Now, we found this wallet in your kitchen. 451 00:28:22,800 --> 00:28:24,959 I would ask you how you came by it, 452 00:28:24,960 --> 00:28:26,999 but since it was you who found his body, 453 00:28:27,000 --> 00:28:31,959 I think it's safe to assume you took it from PC Kingston. 454 00:28:31,960 --> 00:28:34,959 Oh, aye, off-duty police officer, love. 455 00:28:34,960 --> 00:28:38,959 Now, the question is, did you kill him for it? 456 00:28:38,960 --> 00:28:40,959 What? Course I didn't kill him! 457 00:28:40,960 --> 00:28:42,959 So you just robbed a corpse? N... 458 00:28:42,960 --> 00:28:44,960 No, that's not what happened. No? 459 00:28:46,480 --> 00:28:50,799 I saw the wallet first on the ground, next to the pond. 460 00:28:50,800 --> 00:28:51,959 Must've fallen out of his pocket. 461 00:28:51,960 --> 00:28:54,159 Then I saw him floating in the water. 462 00:28:54,160 --> 00:28:57,959 So why didn't you hand it to a police officer when they arrived? 463 00:28:57,960 --> 00:28:58,959 I meant to, but... 464 00:28:58,960 --> 00:29:01,959 Well, I'd just pulled a dead man out the pond. 465 00:29:01,960 --> 00:29:03,959 I didn't think. 466 00:29:03,960 --> 00:29:07,000 Now, we've been taking a peek at your bank records, love. 467 00:29:08,960 --> 00:29:11,959 Eh... You're in a deep hole. 468 00:29:11,960 --> 00:29:14,959 How long you had a problem? 469 00:29:14,960 --> 00:29:17,960 About a year. Year and a half. 470 00:29:18,960 --> 00:29:20,959 How's it come to this? 471 00:29:20,960 --> 00:29:25,959 One night, I was on my own, bored, saw one of the adverts on telly. 472 00:29:25,960 --> 00:29:28,159 Thought, "Why not have a flutter?" 473 00:29:28,160 --> 00:29:31,160 I won on my third go. 474 00:29:32,960 --> 00:29:36,639 Didn't even know what I was doing. Just hitting buttons. 475 00:29:36,640 --> 00:29:39,999 Bang! There you go - £900. 476 00:29:40,000 --> 00:29:42,959 Been chasing that feeling since. 477 00:29:42,960 --> 00:29:44,959 I know I should've given you the wallet. 478 00:29:44,960 --> 00:29:47,959 Oh, aye. I wanted to. I did. 479 00:29:47,960 --> 00:29:51,960 I'm not this person. Honestly. 480 00:29:55,160 --> 00:29:59,959 Well, how about PC Kingston's phone? 481 00:29:59,960 --> 00:30:02,959 Did you pocket that, as well? 482 00:30:02,960 --> 00:30:04,959 Oh, is that why you pulled him out of the water? 483 00:30:04,960 --> 00:30:06,960 To check what else he had on him? 484 00:30:08,320 --> 00:30:10,479 No! I... 485 00:30:10,480 --> 00:30:14,959 I couldn't leave him in there. I was trying to help him. 486 00:30:14,960 --> 00:30:16,000 So where is it? 487 00:30:18,480 --> 00:30:20,159 His phone? Where is it? 488 00:30:20,160 --> 00:30:24,639 I couldn't get it to work, so I threw it in a bin by the pond. 489 00:30:24,640 --> 00:30:27,319 Oh... Give me strength. 490 00:30:27,320 --> 00:30:29,639 Get Uniform on to it. 491 00:30:29,640 --> 00:30:33,959 Now, that wallet and his phone are evidence, love, 492 00:30:33,960 --> 00:30:36,959 and to hang onto them is a crime. 493 00:30:36,960 --> 00:30:39,959 That's not to mention using a dead man's bank card, 494 00:30:39,960 --> 00:30:40,960 cos that's fraud. 495 00:30:42,000 --> 00:30:44,960 We will be charging you, pet, do you understand? 496 00:30:46,960 --> 00:30:49,960 Can't gamble in prison, can you? 497 00:30:50,960 --> 00:30:54,319 Did she really think she could use his card without us finding out? 498 00:30:54,320 --> 00:30:56,960 Oh, I doubt the women's thought further than her next bet. 499 00:30:58,960 --> 00:30:59,959 Poor woman's desperate. 500 00:30:59,960 --> 00:31:01,959 Desperate enough to kill? 501 00:31:01,960 --> 00:31:03,959 No, she's no murderer. 502 00:31:03,960 --> 00:31:07,640 Looting corpses is about her limit, but... 503 00:31:08,960 --> 00:31:11,319 ..her evidence proves that Kingston 504 00:31:11,320 --> 00:31:14,159 still had his belongings with him after he was killed, 505 00:31:14,160 --> 00:31:16,159 which means robbery's no longer a motive. 506 00:31:16,160 --> 00:31:18,959 I mean, it could still've been a random attack, 507 00:31:18,960 --> 00:31:21,959 but my money's on him being targeted. 508 00:31:21,960 --> 00:31:23,959 Yeah, but by who? Well, we've got two candidates. 509 00:31:23,960 --> 00:31:26,479 First up is Dean Lennon. 510 00:31:26,480 --> 00:31:29,959 Now, he threatened Kingston the night before he was murdered. 511 00:31:29,960 --> 00:31:31,959 We've got evidence of that, 512 00:31:31,960 --> 00:31:35,159 but the girlfriend is saying he was with her. 513 00:31:35,160 --> 00:31:37,959 Now, Jac, I wanna know everything about Dean Lennon, 514 00:31:37,960 --> 00:31:39,959 especially where he was yesterday morning. Ma'am. 515 00:31:39,960 --> 00:31:43,959 Next stop is the fella who did this. 516 00:31:43,960 --> 00:31:45,959 Now, the brother is saying 517 00:31:45,960 --> 00:31:48,959 it happened at the Emerge night club a week ago. 518 00:31:48,960 --> 00:31:51,959 Maybe the fella came back to finish the job. 519 00:31:51,960 --> 00:31:53,959 So, Mark, get over to that nightclub, 520 00:31:53,960 --> 00:31:55,959 see if you can find me a name. Ma'am. 521 00:31:55,960 --> 00:31:58,959 We might want to add Gary Sickert to your list of suspects, Ma'am. 522 00:31:58,960 --> 00:32:01,959 According to HR, Kingston made a formal complaint 523 00:32:01,960 --> 00:32:03,959 against Sickert last month for racial harassment. 524 00:32:03,960 --> 00:32:05,799 Racial harassment? 525 00:32:05,800 --> 00:32:07,959 How the hell was Kingston being racially harassed? 526 00:32:07,960 --> 00:32:09,159 Oh, he wasn't. 527 00:32:09,160 --> 00:32:11,960 He made the complaint on behalf of his colleague, Naz Singh. 528 00:32:13,960 --> 00:32:15,960 Well, she never said anything. 529 00:32:17,960 --> 00:32:21,639 OK, Aiden, you get over to this gym, 530 00:32:21,640 --> 00:32:24,960 and I'll go and have a word with Naz Singh. 531 00:32:26,960 --> 00:32:28,959 NAZ: Any progress on who did this? 532 00:32:28,960 --> 00:32:32,960 Not yet, but we are looking at a couple of candidates. 533 00:32:33,960 --> 00:32:35,959 Including PC Sickert. 534 00:32:35,960 --> 00:32:37,959 What? Gary Sickert? Why? 535 00:32:37,960 --> 00:32:40,959 We know that Kingston made a complaint against Sickert 536 00:32:40,960 --> 00:32:42,319 on your behalf. 537 00:32:42,320 --> 00:32:45,959 I-I never asked him to do that. It was all off his own back. 538 00:32:45,960 --> 00:32:48,959 Is it true Sickert harassed you? 539 00:32:48,960 --> 00:32:50,960 He made a few comments. 540 00:32:51,960 --> 00:32:53,959 More than a few, actually. 541 00:32:53,960 --> 00:32:56,959 Just the usual racist jokes. 542 00:32:56,960 --> 00:32:58,960 I was just in the door. 543 00:32:59,960 --> 00:33:01,799 I tried not to let it bother me, you know? 544 00:33:01,800 --> 00:33:02,960 But it bothered Joel? 545 00:33:03,960 --> 00:33:05,959 At first, he went to McDonnagh about it, 546 00:33:05,960 --> 00:33:07,959 but he didn't wanna know. 547 00:33:07,960 --> 00:33:09,959 Jim McDonnagh didn't do anything? 548 00:33:09,960 --> 00:33:11,960 Well, he told Sickert to apologise. 549 00:33:13,320 --> 00:33:14,479 And did he? 550 00:33:14,480 --> 00:33:17,959 Yeah, but that wasn't enough for Joel. 551 00:33:17,960 --> 00:33:19,000 So he made the complaint formal. 552 00:33:21,960 --> 00:33:23,959 The thing you have to understand about Joel, 553 00:33:23,960 --> 00:33:25,959 he never compromised. 554 00:33:25,960 --> 00:33:27,959 There was right and wrong. 555 00:33:27,960 --> 00:33:31,959 So this complaint caused a lot of tension? 556 00:33:31,960 --> 00:33:34,959 Joel and Sickert had a row in the rec room. 557 00:33:34,960 --> 00:33:37,799 Did they? It were just words. 558 00:33:37,800 --> 00:33:40,959 But then Sickert got the others to freeze him out. 559 00:33:40,960 --> 00:33:42,960 And how did Joel feel about that? 560 00:33:43,960 --> 00:33:46,480 To be honest, he... he didn't care. 561 00:33:47,480 --> 00:33:48,960 He was in the right. 562 00:33:53,960 --> 00:33:54,960 Can I help you? 563 00:33:56,960 --> 00:33:58,960 DS Healey, Northumberland City Police. 564 00:33:59,960 --> 00:34:01,480 Recognise this fella? 565 00:34:03,960 --> 00:34:06,959 Never seen him before. He was here yesterday morning. 566 00:34:06,960 --> 00:34:08,959 If you say so. For about half an hour. 567 00:34:08,960 --> 00:34:10,800 And then he left, and then someone killed him. 568 00:34:14,960 --> 00:34:17,959 Sorry, I don't remember him. Do you have a sign-in policy? 569 00:34:17,960 --> 00:34:19,959 Presumably, you don't just let anyone walk in here. 570 00:34:19,960 --> 00:34:22,960 It's members only. Was this guy a member? 571 00:34:29,960 --> 00:34:30,959 What did you say his name was? 572 00:34:30,960 --> 00:34:32,959 Joel Kingston. 573 00:34:32,960 --> 00:34:35,319 PHONE RINGS 574 00:34:35,320 --> 00:34:37,960 He's not a member. So how did he get in here? 575 00:34:38,960 --> 00:34:40,959 Hello? 'Where are you?' 576 00:34:40,960 --> 00:34:42,959 I'm checking out Kingston's gym visit. 577 00:34:42,960 --> 00:34:44,959 'And?' Well, the bloke can't remember him. 578 00:34:44,960 --> 00:34:46,479 And I can't decide whether he's stupid 579 00:34:46,480 --> 00:34:48,639 or just lying through his teeth. 'Probably both.' 580 00:34:48,640 --> 00:34:49,959 'What did Singh say?' 581 00:34:49,960 --> 00:34:53,959 Well, Sickert had an issue with Kingston over that complaint. 582 00:34:53,960 --> 00:34:54,999 'See if you can track him down, 583 00:34:55,000 --> 00:34:58,959 'find out if he caught up with Kingston yesterday morning.' 584 00:34:58,960 --> 00:34:59,960 I will do. 585 00:35:18,960 --> 00:35:20,800 Could be trouble, boss. 586 00:35:25,960 --> 00:35:28,959 JIM: That Sickert's gonna put me in an early grave. 587 00:35:28,960 --> 00:35:32,959 Why are you still working? Can't afford not to. 588 00:35:32,960 --> 00:35:36,479 Ha'way. You've done your time and then some. 589 00:35:36,480 --> 00:35:38,959 What about your pension? Made some rash investments. 590 00:35:38,960 --> 00:35:41,159 Don't tell me you bought a pub? 591 00:35:41,160 --> 00:35:42,959 No, Spanish holiday flats, 592 00:35:42,960 --> 00:35:45,160 but the deal went bust before they broke ground. 593 00:35:46,960 --> 00:35:49,959 Look, it wouldn't have mattered how I handled Sickert. 594 00:35:49,960 --> 00:35:52,319 Kingston was still gonna lodge that complaint regardless. 595 00:35:52,320 --> 00:35:54,959 What do you mean by that? 596 00:35:54,960 --> 00:35:58,479 The lad's dead. And I'm sad and I'm angry about that. 597 00:35:58,480 --> 00:36:00,479 But there's no denying he was difficult. 598 00:36:00,480 --> 00:36:03,999 Why? Because he didn't like his partner being racially abused? 599 00:36:04,000 --> 00:36:05,959 Sickert's got a big mouth, 600 00:36:05,960 --> 00:36:07,959 and more often than not, he's got his foot in it. 601 00:36:07,960 --> 00:36:08,959 But he's a good copper. 602 00:36:08,960 --> 00:36:10,959 And a complaint like that could put the kibosh 603 00:36:10,960 --> 00:36:11,959 on the rest of his career. 604 00:36:11,960 --> 00:36:13,959 So he had motive? 605 00:36:13,960 --> 00:36:15,959 I'll pretend I didn't hear that. 606 00:36:15,960 --> 00:36:17,959 Oh, you can pretend what you like, Jim. 607 00:36:17,960 --> 00:36:20,959 But you and I both know there was bad blood 608 00:36:20,960 --> 00:36:22,960 between Sickert and the dead lad. 609 00:36:27,960 --> 00:36:30,959 Right, look, as soon as I realised she was upset, I apologised. 610 00:36:30,960 --> 00:36:32,959 Naz accepted. 611 00:36:32,960 --> 00:36:35,959 I mean, that would've been it if Kingston hadn't stuck his oar in. 612 00:36:35,960 --> 00:36:37,959 That must've been a worry for you... 613 00:36:37,960 --> 00:36:39,479 something like that hanging over you? 614 00:36:39,480 --> 00:36:41,959 Nah, not really. They don't have a case. 615 00:36:41,960 --> 00:36:43,959 Especially with Kingston dead. 616 00:36:43,960 --> 00:36:45,959 You and Hendrix came off your shift 617 00:36:45,960 --> 00:36:47,799 after Kingston and Singh, that right? 618 00:36:47,800 --> 00:36:49,479 We were on the overlap. 12 till 9. 619 00:36:49,480 --> 00:36:53,799 But you didn't get back to Morgan Road until mid-morning. 620 00:36:53,800 --> 00:36:55,959 This feels like a conversation we should be having with my rep. 621 00:36:55,960 --> 00:36:57,960 Just asking a question, Gary. 622 00:37:00,960 --> 00:37:02,479 Lisa? 623 00:37:02,480 --> 00:37:03,960 You got a second? 624 00:37:06,800 --> 00:37:07,959 What's up? 625 00:37:07,960 --> 00:37:09,959 Detective Sergeant here wants to know 626 00:37:09,960 --> 00:37:12,959 why we were late back to the station Saturday morning. 627 00:37:12,960 --> 00:37:14,960 Had to go to the hospital. 628 00:37:20,960 --> 00:37:23,959 Ma'am? The hospital have confirmed that Sickert 629 00:37:23,960 --> 00:37:27,959 was treated for lacerations on his hand at around ten that morning. 630 00:37:27,960 --> 00:37:29,479 Well, he could've killed Kingston 631 00:37:29,480 --> 00:37:30,999 and then taken himself to the hospital. 632 00:37:31,000 --> 00:37:33,959 Risky. Getting yourself treated for an injury you picked up 633 00:37:33,960 --> 00:37:34,959 whilst killing a colleague. 634 00:37:34,960 --> 00:37:36,959 Are you not just drawing attention to yourself? 635 00:37:36,960 --> 00:37:39,959 Might seem more odd if you didn't get it treated. Yeah. 636 00:37:39,960 --> 00:37:41,959 But then we've got the Hendrix problem. 637 00:37:41,960 --> 00:37:43,959 She's backing Sickert up. 638 00:37:43,960 --> 00:37:45,959 Ma'am? We've just identified Kingston's last incoming call. 639 00:37:45,960 --> 00:37:48,959 It was from his brother before he started work on Friday night. 640 00:37:48,960 --> 00:37:50,959 Right. There's this, which is a bit weird. 641 00:37:50,960 --> 00:37:53,959 An online booking Kingston made with a guest house two weeks ago. 642 00:37:53,960 --> 00:37:55,639 Well, what's weird about that? 643 00:37:55,640 --> 00:37:56,959 Well, he paid for three nights, 644 00:37:56,960 --> 00:37:58,959 but I checked the dates, and he was on night shift. 645 00:37:58,960 --> 00:38:00,960 Why book a room if he couldn't use it? 646 00:38:02,160 --> 00:38:04,960 Where's this guest house? Whitley Bay. 647 00:38:12,960 --> 00:38:13,959 IRENE: Kingsley, was it? 648 00:38:13,960 --> 00:38:15,960 Kingston. 649 00:38:16,960 --> 00:38:17,959 And when was he here? 650 00:38:17,960 --> 00:38:19,959 Well, the payment was made on the 19th, 651 00:38:19,960 --> 00:38:21,959 so in the last two weeks. 652 00:38:21,960 --> 00:38:24,959 Do you not keep your bookings on a computer? 653 00:38:24,960 --> 00:38:26,959 Oh, I don't touch those, love. 654 00:38:26,960 --> 00:38:28,959 It's Darren who deals with that sort of stuff. 655 00:38:28,960 --> 00:38:31,960 Ah, is he here? No, love. 656 00:38:32,960 --> 00:38:37,959 Thing is, we haven't had many guests in the past two weeks. 657 00:38:37,960 --> 00:38:39,959 Oh - right, we had the Marshalls. 658 00:38:39,960 --> 00:38:41,999 Now, they come every year. 659 00:38:42,000 --> 00:38:45,960 But apart from them, there was just the lass. 660 00:38:47,960 --> 00:38:48,999 And who was she? 661 00:38:49,000 --> 00:38:51,959 A young woman. With her little lad. 662 00:38:51,960 --> 00:38:53,799 Yeah. What was her name? 663 00:38:53,800 --> 00:38:55,480 Oh, now you're asking. 664 00:38:56,960 --> 00:38:59,960 Oh, was it... Mia? 665 00:39:00,960 --> 00:39:02,959 Could it be Ria? 666 00:39:02,960 --> 00:39:05,960 Aye. That's it. Ria. 667 00:39:15,960 --> 00:39:19,959 So me and Carter went to the beach for a few days. What's the big deal? 668 00:39:19,960 --> 00:39:23,959 The big deal is that Joel Kingston paid for your accommodation. 669 00:39:23,960 --> 00:39:26,959 Ah, listen, you can shrug all you like, love, 670 00:39:26,960 --> 00:39:30,960 but both you and I know this is not a normal situation. 671 00:39:31,960 --> 00:39:35,160 Now, why was a police officer paying for your holiday? 672 00:39:36,960 --> 00:39:38,959 It's hard to explain. Were you in a relationship? 673 00:39:38,960 --> 00:39:42,960 What? No. It wasn't like that. He was just helping us out. 674 00:39:44,960 --> 00:39:46,480 SIGHS 675 00:39:48,960 --> 00:39:51,640 A couple of week ago, me and Dean had a row. 676 00:39:52,960 --> 00:39:53,959 A serious one. 677 00:39:53,960 --> 00:39:56,959 I mean, it were my fault. I wound him up. 678 00:39:56,960 --> 00:39:58,960 Ria, love... I'm telling you what happened. 679 00:40:00,640 --> 00:40:03,959 Anyway, that cow upstairs calls the police again. 680 00:40:03,960 --> 00:40:06,159 Kingston shows up, sees my face 681 00:40:06,160 --> 00:40:08,959 and says he's taking me to a women's shelter. 682 00:40:08,960 --> 00:40:09,959 I told him he was overreacting. 683 00:40:09,960 --> 00:40:13,959 Well, it doesn't sound like he was. He wouldn't let it go. 684 00:40:13,960 --> 00:40:15,479 In the end, we compromised, 685 00:40:15,480 --> 00:40:18,479 and I agreed to him helping us get away for a few days. 686 00:40:18,480 --> 00:40:19,959 Drove us up there, an' all. 687 00:40:19,960 --> 00:40:23,960 It were a nice thing for him to do. And did Dean know about this? 688 00:40:24,960 --> 00:40:27,960 I told him we were staying at my mum's, but Carter let it slip. 689 00:40:29,480 --> 00:40:32,960 When did the lad let it slip? Couple of nights ago. 690 00:40:33,960 --> 00:40:36,959 The same night Dean threatened to kill Kingston? 691 00:40:36,960 --> 00:40:38,959 Well, that's why he lost it. 692 00:40:38,960 --> 00:40:41,959 A copper helping you out behind his back. 693 00:40:41,960 --> 00:40:43,959 Now, listen, I'm gonna ask you one last question. 694 00:40:43,960 --> 00:40:45,960 And I want the truth, love. 695 00:40:46,960 --> 00:40:49,960 Was Dean here on Saturday morning? 696 00:40:51,960 --> 00:40:53,959 He left on Friday night. 697 00:40:53,960 --> 00:40:56,959 After Joel and that lady copper went. 698 00:40:56,960 --> 00:40:57,960 Came back Saturday lunchtime. 699 00:40:59,960 --> 00:41:00,960 Thanks, love. 700 00:41:02,160 --> 00:41:05,159 DOOR OPENS, CLOSES 701 00:41:05,160 --> 00:41:07,959 Get an alert out for Lennon. 702 00:41:07,960 --> 00:41:10,800 I want him in a cell by this afternoon. 703 00:41:22,960 --> 00:41:25,960 What are you doing here, Phil? You let him go. 704 00:41:26,960 --> 00:41:29,959 You need to go home. Is he up there? 705 00:41:29,960 --> 00:41:33,960 Go home, Phil! I'll not tell you again. 706 00:41:41,960 --> 00:41:44,959 How did Phil know to find Lennon at Ria Leggate's flat? 707 00:41:44,960 --> 00:41:48,959 Same way he knows everything. He's got a mate in every nick. 708 00:41:48,960 --> 00:41:49,959 You don't think he's gonna hurt Lennon? 709 00:41:49,960 --> 00:41:51,959 Well, I'd rather not tempt fate. 710 00:41:51,960 --> 00:41:54,959 We need to get Lennon in custody and quick. 711 00:41:54,960 --> 00:41:58,639 Ma'am, you got a call from Jenny from the Chief Constable's office. 712 00:41:58,640 --> 00:41:59,959 Er... right. 713 00:41:59,960 --> 00:42:01,960 Wants you to call her back? Yeah, OK. 714 00:42:03,960 --> 00:42:04,959 She said it was urgent. 715 00:42:04,960 --> 00:42:06,960 Yes, all right, I got it, Kenny! 716 00:42:07,960 --> 00:42:08,960 Why are you ignoring them? 717 00:42:09,960 --> 00:42:12,160 Who? Chief Constable's office. 718 00:42:14,960 --> 00:42:17,959 Because I don't want a medal. All right? 719 00:42:17,960 --> 00:42:20,959 Aw, you're being daft. Excuse me? 720 00:42:20,960 --> 00:42:22,959 Well, you are, Ma'am. KNOCK ON DOOR 721 00:42:22,960 --> 00:42:24,959 Er, I've just been over to Emerge nightclub. 722 00:42:24,960 --> 00:42:27,959 I spoke to the doorman working the night Kingston was stabbed. 723 00:42:27,960 --> 00:42:28,959 Yeah, and? 724 00:42:28,960 --> 00:42:31,959 Well, he swears it was Kingston that started the fight, not his brother. 725 00:42:31,960 --> 00:42:34,960 Says Shane Kingston had to drag Joel out of there. 726 00:42:35,960 --> 00:42:39,160 Now, why would Shane lie about that? 727 00:42:42,800 --> 00:42:44,959 How long you been in recovery? 728 00:42:44,960 --> 00:42:46,959 Officially? Eight years. 729 00:42:46,960 --> 00:42:48,960 But I was only clean for about two of those. 730 00:42:50,960 --> 00:42:52,959 Still, you've been going to the meetings. 731 00:42:52,960 --> 00:42:55,639 Free coffee's free coffee. THEY CHUCKLE 732 00:42:55,640 --> 00:42:56,959 Ah... 733 00:42:56,960 --> 00:42:59,959 I guess I kept going for Joel. He never gave up on me, y'know? 734 00:42:59,960 --> 00:43:02,960 And speaking of Joel, love... 735 00:43:04,320 --> 00:43:07,479 ..I need to ask you about that ruck at the nightclub. 736 00:43:07,480 --> 00:43:10,319 Aye. I, er... I lied about it. 737 00:43:10,320 --> 00:43:11,959 I'm sorry. Now, why'd you lie? 738 00:43:11,960 --> 00:43:15,959 I don't know. For Mam, I suppose. 739 00:43:15,960 --> 00:43:18,959 Just... I didn't want her thinking badly of Joel. 740 00:43:18,960 --> 00:43:22,640 She's fragile at the best of times. And now she's... 741 00:43:24,960 --> 00:43:26,959 Anyway, like, even if I had told the truth, 742 00:43:26,960 --> 00:43:28,959 Dad still would've found a way to make it my fault. 743 00:43:28,960 --> 00:43:31,959 You and your dad don't get on, eh? 744 00:43:31,960 --> 00:43:34,959 He hates my living guts, man. I'm sure that's not true. 745 00:43:34,960 --> 00:43:37,959 Look, I... I don't blame him. 746 00:43:37,960 --> 00:43:41,319 I've been a pain in the arse since I was 12. 747 00:43:41,320 --> 00:43:43,959 It's not like he hasn't tried with us. 748 00:43:43,960 --> 00:43:45,320 Just a bit of a crap son. 749 00:43:47,960 --> 00:43:48,960 Joel, on the other hand... 750 00:43:49,960 --> 00:43:52,960 ..he was everything Phil wanted in a boy. 751 00:43:53,960 --> 00:43:55,959 Did you resent your brother for that? 752 00:43:55,960 --> 00:43:59,480 God, no. No. I loved him for it. 753 00:44:00,960 --> 00:44:02,959 Him being the favourite meant the focus was off of me. 754 00:44:02,960 --> 00:44:05,960 I was free to screw up my life in the way I wanted. 755 00:44:06,960 --> 00:44:10,319 Well, this fight at the club... 756 00:44:10,320 --> 00:44:13,959 Aye. Joel started it. 757 00:44:13,960 --> 00:44:15,959 You know, one minute, he was fine, having a laugh, 758 00:44:15,960 --> 00:44:19,959 next, he was... kicking off with those lads. 759 00:44:19,960 --> 00:44:21,639 What was it that set him off? 760 00:44:21,640 --> 00:44:23,959 I asked him what happened at the hospital later, 761 00:44:23,960 --> 00:44:26,959 and he said that one of them found out he was a copper 762 00:44:26,960 --> 00:44:29,479 and made some smart remark. 763 00:44:29,480 --> 00:44:30,999 Joel just blew up. 764 00:44:31,000 --> 00:44:33,319 Was it like him to react like that? 765 00:44:33,320 --> 00:44:36,960 No. Joel was always the calm one. It's usually me who kicks off. 766 00:44:38,800 --> 00:44:40,960 I guess they just got him on the wrong night. 767 00:44:42,960 --> 00:44:45,960 OK, right, come on. I'll give you a lift home. 768 00:44:57,960 --> 00:45:01,800 Er, just one more thing before you go. 769 00:45:02,960 --> 00:45:05,959 The last call Joel received was from your phone 770 00:45:05,960 --> 00:45:07,959 just before his shift. 771 00:45:07,960 --> 00:45:11,959 Aye. I was getting back to him. What about? 772 00:45:11,960 --> 00:45:14,959 He'd asked if I wanted to go to the rugby with him on Saturday. 773 00:45:14,960 --> 00:45:16,000 I was calling to say I couldn't make it. 774 00:45:18,960 --> 00:45:20,960 Wish I'd said yes now, like. 775 00:45:22,960 --> 00:45:24,000 I'd better go. 776 00:45:40,960 --> 00:45:45,159 Shane Kingston's confirmed it was Joel who started that fight. 777 00:45:45,160 --> 00:45:47,959 Apparently, these lads had a go at him about being a copper. 778 00:45:47,960 --> 00:45:49,959 Probably happens every day of the week. 779 00:45:49,960 --> 00:45:51,959 Yeah, Shane said it was out of character 780 00:45:51,960 --> 00:45:52,999 for him to react like that. 781 00:45:53,000 --> 00:45:56,959 In fact, everyone we've spoken to about PC Kingston's 782 00:45:56,960 --> 00:45:59,960 confirmed that he's level-headed. 783 00:46:01,480 --> 00:46:03,959 So what was it that tipped him over? 784 00:46:03,960 --> 00:46:05,959 Now, do we know who did this yet? 785 00:46:05,960 --> 00:46:07,959 Er, still working in it, Ma'am. 786 00:46:07,960 --> 00:46:09,959 All right. Where are we with Dean Lennon? 787 00:46:09,960 --> 00:46:11,959 We've got an alert out on him. I'll chase it up. 788 00:46:11,960 --> 00:46:13,959 I spoke to a contact in Vice about him. 789 00:46:13,960 --> 00:46:15,959 They know Lennon but consider him a small-time player. 790 00:46:15,960 --> 00:46:17,959 Everything about him is small time, Jac. 791 00:46:17,960 --> 00:46:20,959 Except his debt. He owes money to some serious people. 792 00:46:20,960 --> 00:46:22,959 Let's hope we get to him before they do. 793 00:46:22,960 --> 00:46:25,479 I did some digging on Hendrix and Sickert, Ma'am. 794 00:46:25,480 --> 00:46:28,959 Sickert's been complained about before. Has he? 795 00:46:28,960 --> 00:46:31,959 Yeah, he's disciplined twice in the last 18 months 796 00:46:31,960 --> 00:46:33,959 for comments he made about female officers. 797 00:46:33,960 --> 00:46:34,959 Sounds like a pattern. 798 00:46:34,960 --> 00:46:36,959 Aye. One that could get him his jotters. 799 00:46:36,960 --> 00:46:37,959 Mm... And Kingston's complaint, 800 00:46:37,960 --> 00:46:39,959 that's just one step closer to him getting chucked out. 801 00:46:39,960 --> 00:46:41,319 Anything else? 802 00:46:41,320 --> 00:46:43,959 Well, I checked into Hendrix and Sickert's radio log 803 00:46:43,960 --> 00:46:45,959 from their night shift. 804 00:46:45,960 --> 00:46:46,959 They both had their radios turned off 805 00:46:46,960 --> 00:46:48,960 for nearly two hours that morning. What? 806 00:46:51,640 --> 00:46:54,000 What time was this? Er, between seven and nine. 807 00:46:58,480 --> 00:47:01,959 GARY: This always happens! I think the effort should be made. 808 00:47:01,960 --> 00:47:03,960 You're ridiculous, Gary. I've got to go. 809 00:47:05,960 --> 00:47:08,639 Can I help you? We're looking for Gary. 810 00:47:08,640 --> 00:47:09,960 I've made us dinner! 811 00:47:10,960 --> 00:47:14,960 He's in there. Help yourself. Hmm. 812 00:47:15,960 --> 00:47:17,800 Hello? 813 00:47:19,960 --> 00:47:21,959 We, er, must have forgot to log back in. 814 00:47:21,960 --> 00:47:22,959 What, both of you? 815 00:47:22,960 --> 00:47:25,999 We'd been working the city centre Friday night. It was full-on. 816 00:47:26,000 --> 00:47:28,959 Ah, well, I'm not talking about Friday night, love. 817 00:47:28,960 --> 00:47:30,959 I'm talking about Saturday morning. What's the difference? 818 00:47:30,960 --> 00:47:32,959 Well, Kingston wasn't killed on Friday. 819 00:47:32,960 --> 00:47:34,959 What, you think me and Lisa clocked off 820 00:47:34,960 --> 00:47:35,959 so we could go kill Kingston? 821 00:47:35,960 --> 00:47:38,959 Well, maybe you didn't mean to kill him, pet. 822 00:47:38,960 --> 00:47:42,959 Maybe you just went to have it out with him and things escalated. 823 00:47:42,960 --> 00:47:45,959 I'm hardly gonna murder a man over a poxy little complaint. 824 00:47:45,960 --> 00:47:47,959 Not just one complaint, Gary. 825 00:47:47,960 --> 00:47:51,159 This is your third in 18 months. The other two were dropped. 826 00:47:51,160 --> 00:47:53,959 Ah, still on your record, though, isn't it? 827 00:47:53,960 --> 00:47:57,959 And they'll be taken into account every time you go for a promotion. 828 00:47:57,960 --> 00:48:00,959 Yeah, well, I'm not ambitious. 829 00:48:00,960 --> 00:48:02,959 Wanna keep your job, though, don't you? 830 00:48:02,960 --> 00:48:05,959 And Kingston put that in jeopardy. 831 00:48:05,960 --> 00:48:07,800 Do you know what gets me about this? 832 00:48:08,960 --> 00:48:10,959 You lot make out like he was a saint. 833 00:48:10,960 --> 00:48:14,960 Oh, he's got you all fooled. The guy was bent as they come. 834 00:48:15,960 --> 00:48:19,480 You saying he was corrupt? Heard he was taking backhanders. 835 00:48:20,960 --> 00:48:23,959 From who? Someone big. 836 00:48:23,960 --> 00:48:26,959 Why haven't you mentioned this before? I dunno. 837 00:48:26,960 --> 00:48:30,999 Bad-mouthing dead coppers isn't my style, I guess. 838 00:48:31,000 --> 00:48:33,959 You didn't like him, though, did you? True. 839 00:48:33,960 --> 00:48:36,959 But he was still one of us. 840 00:48:36,960 --> 00:48:37,959 'Sickert's lying.' 841 00:48:37,960 --> 00:48:39,959 He's trying to distract us from looking at him 842 00:48:39,960 --> 00:48:41,959 by tainting Kingston. 843 00:48:41,960 --> 00:48:42,959 Kenny, what do you think? 844 00:48:42,960 --> 00:48:45,959 Well, I've chatted to a few of the coppers at Morgan Road, 845 00:48:45,960 --> 00:48:48,159 and none of them mentioned Kingston as being corrupt. 846 00:48:48,160 --> 00:48:50,159 Ma'am? Background on City Works Gym. 847 00:48:50,160 --> 00:48:54,959 Jac, is there anything in Kingston's accounts to suggest dirty money? 848 00:48:54,960 --> 00:48:55,959 No, Ma'am. Oh, there you go. 849 00:48:55,960 --> 00:48:57,959 There's no evidence to back Sickert up. 850 00:48:57,960 --> 00:48:59,959 Maybe we just haven't found it yet. Oh, come on. 851 00:48:59,960 --> 00:49:03,959 He said he'd heard he was taking money from someone big. Who? 852 00:49:03,960 --> 00:49:05,959 How about Gerry Farr? 853 00:49:05,960 --> 00:49:06,959 Who's Gerry Farr? 854 00:49:06,960 --> 00:49:08,959 Oh, he's a medium-sized drug dealer. 855 00:49:08,960 --> 00:49:11,159 But he's got his finger in a lot of pies, Ma'am. 856 00:49:11,160 --> 00:49:13,319 Yeah, including City Works Gym. 857 00:49:13,320 --> 00:49:14,960 Gerry Farr's the owner. 858 00:49:28,480 --> 00:49:29,960 ENGINE REVS 859 00:49:31,960 --> 00:49:33,320 TYRES SCREECH 860 00:50:13,960 --> 00:50:16,959 Hello, love. Need to speak to your boss. 861 00:50:16,960 --> 00:50:17,959 Mr Farr's not here. 862 00:50:17,960 --> 00:50:19,959 Oh, do you mind if we check? He's busy. 863 00:50:19,960 --> 00:50:21,160 So he is here? 864 00:50:23,480 --> 00:50:24,960 It's OK, Kyle. I'm free now. 865 00:50:27,960 --> 00:50:30,479 Gerry Farr. How can I help? 866 00:50:30,480 --> 00:50:32,959 DCI Stanhope, DS Healy. 867 00:50:32,960 --> 00:50:34,960 Is there somewhere we could talk? 868 00:50:37,960 --> 00:50:39,959 Nope. I don't know him. 869 00:50:39,960 --> 00:50:41,960 Well, he was in here Saturday morning. 870 00:50:43,960 --> 00:50:45,479 I'll take your word for it. 871 00:50:45,480 --> 00:50:50,959 And soon after he left, he turned up at Foxwood Park... 872 00:50:50,960 --> 00:50:51,960 dead, in the pond. 873 00:50:53,000 --> 00:50:56,479 Sorry to hear that. Were you here on Saturday morning? 874 00:50:56,480 --> 00:50:59,959 Come to think of it, I was, yeah. And you never saw this fella? 875 00:50:59,960 --> 00:51:03,959 No. But I was, cooped up in here, the entire day, doing the accounts. 876 00:51:03,960 --> 00:51:05,959 Until when? Around four? 877 00:51:05,960 --> 00:51:08,959 And did you leave the gym at all during that time? 878 00:51:08,960 --> 00:51:10,959 Not that I can recall. 879 00:51:10,960 --> 00:51:15,959 So, why d'you think he came in here? And we know he came in. 880 00:51:15,960 --> 00:51:19,799 To work out? Come on, guys, we are a gym. 881 00:51:19,800 --> 00:51:22,959 Do you get many coppers at your gym? We've got a varied membership. 882 00:51:22,960 --> 00:51:25,960 Yeah. Except this fella wasn't a member, was he? 883 00:51:26,960 --> 00:51:28,999 But he managed to get past your front desk 884 00:51:29,000 --> 00:51:30,959 and stay for half an hour. 885 00:51:30,960 --> 00:51:34,959 Oh, dear. Looks like I'm gonna have to have a word with Kyle. 886 00:51:34,960 --> 00:51:35,959 Tighten up our security. 887 00:51:35,960 --> 00:51:37,959 Hmm, and talking of security, 888 00:51:37,960 --> 00:51:40,959 how come you've got no cameras in the building? 889 00:51:40,960 --> 00:51:42,960 They're yet to be installed. 890 00:51:44,960 --> 00:51:46,959 Look, guys, I'm really sorry to hear about your colleague. 891 00:51:46,960 --> 00:51:48,959 Really, I am. 892 00:51:48,960 --> 00:51:49,959 And I wish I could be of more help, 893 00:51:49,960 --> 00:51:51,960 but I've absolutely no idea why he came in here. 894 00:51:59,320 --> 00:52:02,960 No way a copper walks into that gym and Farr doesn't know about it. 895 00:52:04,640 --> 00:52:07,959 And the fact he pulls up the drawbridge makes me suspicious. 896 00:52:07,960 --> 00:52:11,959 I don't think Kingston's corrupt. He sounded like an exemplary copper. 897 00:52:11,960 --> 00:52:14,959 Oh, well, I've met a few bent coppers in my career - 898 00:52:14,960 --> 00:52:16,959 every one of 'em seemed exemplary. 899 00:52:16,960 --> 00:52:18,959 On the subject of your career... VERA SIGHS 900 00:52:18,960 --> 00:52:20,959 Well, why won't you accept this medal? 901 00:52:20,960 --> 00:52:24,959 Because I don't want one. I just do my job. I catch killers. 902 00:52:24,960 --> 00:52:26,479 And very good at it you are, too. 903 00:52:26,480 --> 00:52:29,959 I know! I don't need some shiny bauble to prove it. 904 00:52:29,960 --> 00:52:32,959 They want to go handing out medals, give it to the families. 905 00:52:32,960 --> 00:52:34,159 What families? 906 00:52:34,160 --> 00:52:35,959 The victims'. 907 00:52:35,960 --> 00:52:39,959 The husbands, the wives, the fathers, the mothers, the kids. 908 00:52:39,960 --> 00:52:42,959 All those who's had to cope with their loss. 909 00:52:42,960 --> 00:52:45,959 PHONE RINGS Are still coping with their loss. 910 00:52:45,960 --> 00:52:46,959 Where are their medals, eh? 911 00:52:46,960 --> 00:52:48,959 Jac. 'Ma'am, there has been an incident. 912 00:52:48,960 --> 00:52:51,959 'Dean Lennon's at the hospital.' Right. We're on our way. 913 00:52:51,960 --> 00:52:53,800 Drink up. We're going. 914 00:52:56,960 --> 00:52:59,960 It'll be all right. Yeah? 915 00:53:00,960 --> 00:53:02,960 Just don't stress yourself. 916 00:53:03,960 --> 00:53:05,959 Hey, love. 917 00:53:05,960 --> 00:53:06,959 So, what's happened? 918 00:53:06,960 --> 00:53:09,959 One of t'neighbours found him lying outside the flats last night. 919 00:53:09,960 --> 00:53:10,959 They said it were a hit-and-run. 920 00:53:10,960 --> 00:53:13,959 Is he all right? They had to operate. 921 00:53:13,960 --> 00:53:15,960 Said he's gonna be in there for a week. 922 00:53:16,960 --> 00:53:20,959 Well, you two better get off back home. Get some rest. 923 00:53:20,960 --> 00:53:22,959 I can't. What d'you mean, you can't? 924 00:53:22,960 --> 00:53:26,479 Dean says we're to stop here. He don't want to be on his own. 925 00:53:26,480 --> 00:53:28,799 Well, you can't stop here for the week, love. 926 00:53:28,800 --> 00:53:29,960 It's not an hotel. 927 00:53:31,960 --> 00:53:32,960 Now, look here. 928 00:53:33,960 --> 00:53:36,960 You see this here? That's my warrant card. 929 00:53:37,960 --> 00:53:41,319 And this is me ordering you to go home. 930 00:53:41,320 --> 00:53:43,000 You too, young man. Come on. 931 00:53:44,960 --> 00:53:48,159 Oh, don't worry. I'll make sure he knows you had no choice. 932 00:53:48,160 --> 00:53:49,959 Now, go on. 933 00:53:49,960 --> 00:53:51,959 Oh, and Ria? 934 00:53:51,960 --> 00:53:54,959 You might wanna spend the next seven days 935 00:53:54,960 --> 00:53:57,159 thinking about your and Carter's future. 936 00:53:57,160 --> 00:53:58,960 Now, here... 937 00:53:59,960 --> 00:54:02,960 You need anything, you call me. 938 00:54:03,960 --> 00:54:05,960 Thanks. 939 00:54:08,960 --> 00:54:11,960 Someone tried to kill me. Did you see the driver? 940 00:54:12,800 --> 00:54:14,480 I was too busy running. WINCES 941 00:54:15,960 --> 00:54:16,959 Where's Ria? 942 00:54:16,960 --> 00:54:19,639 Ah, I sent her and the lad home, pet. 943 00:54:19,640 --> 00:54:21,959 What d'you do that for? Well, to keep 'em safe. 944 00:54:21,960 --> 00:54:26,959 I mean, whoever did this to you might come back to finish the job. 945 00:54:26,960 --> 00:54:29,959 Wouldn't want your family in danger. 946 00:54:29,960 --> 00:54:31,159 I can protect my family. 947 00:54:31,160 --> 00:54:33,959 What, in this state? I don't think so. 948 00:54:33,960 --> 00:54:38,959 The best thing you can do, love, is to tell us who you've crossed. 949 00:54:38,960 --> 00:54:41,479 I ain't crossed anyone. SHE CHUCKLES 950 00:54:41,480 --> 00:54:44,959 With your debts? You owe a lot of dangerous people. 951 00:54:44,960 --> 00:54:46,959 I settled up. 952 00:54:46,960 --> 00:54:48,959 Really? When was that? 953 00:54:48,960 --> 00:54:50,959 Saturday morning. 954 00:54:50,960 --> 00:54:53,000 That's what I was doing when Kingston got done. 955 00:54:54,480 --> 00:54:56,319 So who did this to you? 956 00:54:56,320 --> 00:54:58,159 It was one of your lot who did it. 957 00:54:58,160 --> 00:55:00,960 Ever since you two brought me in, I've had someone following me. 958 00:55:03,000 --> 00:55:05,319 Who's been following you? 959 00:55:05,320 --> 00:55:07,959 Probably one of Kingston's copper mates. 960 00:55:07,960 --> 00:55:09,959 I know how you lot operate. 961 00:55:09,960 --> 00:55:12,959 You're not so big on your "due process" 962 00:55:12,960 --> 00:55:14,160 when it comes to one of your own, are you? 963 00:55:17,000 --> 00:55:19,959 Just because he's hanging round the flat doesn't mean it's him. 964 00:55:19,960 --> 00:55:22,959 Would you still be saying that if Phil Kingston wasn't an ex-copper? 965 00:55:22,960 --> 00:55:25,959 No, but he is, so I am. Get yourself over to Ria's. 966 00:55:25,960 --> 00:55:28,960 Find out what the RTC investigator's saying. 967 00:55:54,320 --> 00:55:55,959 Is your dad in, love? 968 00:55:55,960 --> 00:55:57,960 Yeah? Excuse me, pet. 969 00:56:05,960 --> 00:56:07,960 Where were you last night? 970 00:56:10,960 --> 00:56:13,959 Last night. Where were you? Hell's it got to do with you? 971 00:56:13,960 --> 00:56:16,959 Because somebody tried to kill Dean Lennon last night, 972 00:56:16,960 --> 00:56:18,959 mowed him down on that estate. 973 00:56:18,960 --> 00:56:20,999 The same estate you were parked on yesterday morning. 974 00:56:21,000 --> 00:56:22,959 You've got a bloody nerve. 975 00:56:22,960 --> 00:56:24,959 So did you go back there, Phil? 976 00:56:24,960 --> 00:56:27,959 HE SCOFFS I was a copper for 30 years. 977 00:56:27,960 --> 00:56:28,959 I swore to uphold the law. 978 00:56:28,960 --> 00:56:32,959 Oh, spare me the "protect and serve" speech. 979 00:56:32,960 --> 00:56:35,959 I remember you, Phil. You and your cronies weren't averse 980 00:56:35,960 --> 00:56:37,959 to bending those rules when it suited. 981 00:56:37,960 --> 00:56:39,959 How dare you! 982 00:56:39,960 --> 00:56:42,959 This family is grieving! 983 00:56:42,960 --> 00:56:44,999 Our son is dead. Murdered! 984 00:56:45,000 --> 00:56:47,959 And you're the one who's supposed to be getting us justice! 985 00:56:47,960 --> 00:56:48,959 Instead, you come in here, 986 00:56:48,960 --> 00:56:52,959 throwing accusations over some low life! 987 00:56:52,960 --> 00:56:53,960 What about us?! 988 00:56:56,160 --> 00:56:58,479 I need to know where you were, Phil. 989 00:56:58,480 --> 00:57:01,960 He was here, with his family! 990 00:57:10,960 --> 00:57:13,959 I don't want Mam upset like that. I have to do my job, love. 991 00:57:13,960 --> 00:57:15,999 I get that, but Dad was home last night. 992 00:57:16,000 --> 00:57:18,800 He was helping Mam pick out a casket for Joel. 993 00:57:20,960 --> 00:57:22,959 SIGHS 994 00:57:22,960 --> 00:57:24,960 PHONE RINGS 995 00:57:29,320 --> 00:57:30,959 What's the verdict? 996 00:57:30,960 --> 00:57:32,959 No evidence that the vehicle tried to brake. 997 00:57:32,960 --> 00:57:35,959 In fact, it looks like it was accelerating when it hit Lennon. 998 00:57:35,960 --> 00:57:38,159 Any witnesses? 'Nobody's come forward.' 999 00:57:38,160 --> 00:57:40,479 Well, what about CCTV? 1000 00:57:40,480 --> 00:57:41,959 The nearest traffic camera 1001 00:57:41,960 --> 00:57:43,999 is on the main road, leading into the estate. 1002 00:57:44,000 --> 00:57:46,959 'What did Kingston say?' That he was home all night. 1003 00:57:46,960 --> 00:57:48,959 So where does that leave us? 1004 00:57:48,960 --> 00:57:51,479 Well, this stuff with Gerry Farr bothers me, 1005 00:57:51,480 --> 00:57:54,960 so... I'm to going to see the lad's partner again. 1006 00:58:02,000 --> 00:58:05,639 Hey, going a fair old lick there, pet. 1007 00:58:05,640 --> 00:58:06,960 NAZ EXHALES DEEPLY Takes me back. 1008 00:58:08,960 --> 00:58:11,799 Yeah, I'm just... trying to clear my head. 1009 00:58:11,800 --> 00:58:13,960 Ah. Thinking about Joel? 1010 00:58:15,960 --> 00:58:17,959 Yeah, him. 1011 00:58:17,960 --> 00:58:20,959 And whether or not I want to be a police officer any more. 1012 00:58:20,960 --> 00:58:21,960 NAZ SIGHS I dunno. 1013 00:58:23,960 --> 00:58:25,959 Not sure I'm cut out for this. 1014 00:58:25,960 --> 00:58:29,959 Well, the decision's yours, of course, pet. 1015 00:58:29,960 --> 00:58:32,960 And I wouldn't judge you if you did decide to quit. 1016 00:58:33,960 --> 00:58:38,960 But I will say this - no-one is cut out for this job. 1017 00:58:39,960 --> 00:58:44,959 You grow into it. You get better at it. 1018 00:58:44,960 --> 00:58:45,960 And you cope. 1019 00:58:46,960 --> 00:58:49,999 No such thing as a natural copper. 1020 00:58:50,000 --> 00:58:52,799 Except maybe for Joel. 1021 00:58:52,800 --> 00:58:55,960 Well, now, he's the reason I'm here. 1022 00:58:57,960 --> 00:59:00,159 No way was Joel corrupt. 1023 00:59:00,160 --> 00:59:03,959 Now, we haven't found any concrete evidence, 1024 00:59:03,960 --> 00:59:05,800 but we are looking. 1025 00:59:06,960 --> 00:59:10,959 Now, on the day he died, he paid a visit to the City Works Gym. 1026 00:59:10,960 --> 00:59:11,959 Do you know it? 1027 00:59:11,960 --> 00:59:15,959 Don't think so. He didn't mention going there? 1028 00:59:15,960 --> 00:59:17,159 Not to me. 1029 00:59:17,160 --> 00:59:19,959 Well, that gym is owned by a Gerry Farr. 1030 00:59:19,960 --> 00:59:21,959 Now, the fella keeps his head down, 1031 00:59:21,960 --> 00:59:24,960 but he's known to be involved in organised crime. 1032 00:59:27,640 --> 00:59:28,959 What? 1033 00:59:28,960 --> 00:59:30,960 Nothing. It's just... 1034 00:59:32,160 --> 00:59:33,480 Just what? 1035 00:59:34,800 --> 00:59:37,960 It was a stop. Last week. 1036 00:59:38,960 --> 00:59:41,479 Car was driving erratically, so we pulled him over. 1037 00:59:41,480 --> 00:59:42,959 Joel got out and spoke to the driver, 1038 00:59:42,960 --> 00:59:45,959 and I stayed in the car and ran the registration details. 1039 00:59:45,960 --> 00:59:48,320 And it was Gerry Farr? Yeah. 1040 00:59:49,640 --> 00:59:50,959 What happened? 1041 00:59:50,960 --> 00:59:53,959 Nothing. Joel dealt with him. 1042 00:59:53,960 --> 00:59:55,959 I was sure he was gonna get arrested, 1043 00:59:55,960 --> 00:59:57,959 cos he seemed out of it. 1044 00:59:57,960 --> 00:59:59,959 But they must've spoke for about ten minutes, 1045 00:59:59,960 --> 01:00:02,319 and then Joel just let him go. 1046 01:00:02,320 --> 01:00:03,959 Did he say why he let him go? 1047 01:00:03,960 --> 01:00:07,959 No. In fact, he snapped my face off me 1048 01:00:07,960 --> 01:00:09,960 when I tried to ask him about it. 1049 01:00:12,960 --> 01:00:16,959 Well, whatever Kingston's reasons were for letting Farr go that night, 1050 01:00:16,960 --> 01:00:18,159 he didn't put in a report. 1051 01:00:18,160 --> 01:00:19,999 And there was no record of the stop, Ma'am. 1052 01:00:20,000 --> 01:00:22,959 Yeah, but Singh said she accessed the database, 1053 01:00:22,960 --> 01:00:23,999 so it should've been flagged. 1054 01:00:24,000 --> 01:00:27,479 I'll check it out. Shouldn't we bring Farr in, Ma'am? 1055 01:00:27,480 --> 01:00:30,479 He said he didn't know Kingston, but this stop proves he was lying. 1056 01:00:30,480 --> 01:00:31,959 Ah, it's not enough, Jac. 1057 01:00:31,960 --> 01:00:34,959 We're gonna need more than that if we're gonna sit him down. 1058 01:00:34,960 --> 01:00:38,959 Mark, see what you can do to track Farr's movements 1059 01:00:38,960 --> 01:00:40,959 on the morning Kingston died. 1060 01:00:40,960 --> 01:00:42,959 Ma'am? Come and take a look at this. 1061 01:00:42,960 --> 01:00:45,959 I went through the personal call records 1062 01:00:45,960 --> 01:00:47,959 of Hendrix and Sickert? 1063 01:00:47,960 --> 01:00:49,959 Now, she called him four times on the morning that Kingston died. 1064 01:00:49,960 --> 01:00:53,159 What time was that? Between 7-8am. 1065 01:00:53,160 --> 01:00:54,960 When they both said they were together. 1066 01:00:57,960 --> 01:00:59,959 Then I can't explain it. 1067 01:00:59,960 --> 01:01:02,959 Well, I'll have a go, then, shall I? 1068 01:01:02,960 --> 01:01:06,959 Now, you and Sickert weren't together the entire shift 1069 01:01:06,960 --> 01:01:08,959 that morning like you said. 1070 01:01:08,960 --> 01:01:10,959 Seems you needed to contact him, 1071 01:01:10,960 --> 01:01:13,799 but you couldn't do that on the radio. 1072 01:01:13,800 --> 01:01:15,319 Because you switched it off. 1073 01:01:15,320 --> 01:01:17,959 So you tried to call him on his mobile - 1074 01:01:17,960 --> 01:01:20,959 four times in the space of an hour. 1075 01:01:20,960 --> 01:01:24,480 Now, what was it that was so urgent? 1076 01:01:26,960 --> 01:01:28,159 Now, listen, love, 1077 01:01:28,160 --> 01:01:30,959 you covering for your mate, that's one thing. 1078 01:01:30,960 --> 01:01:32,959 Now, I get that. 1079 01:01:32,960 --> 01:01:35,960 But we're talking about the death of an officer here. 1080 01:01:36,960 --> 01:01:42,960 So, did PC Sickert disappear during his shift? 1081 01:01:45,960 --> 01:01:47,160 Where did he go? 1082 01:01:48,960 --> 01:01:50,959 Just said he had something to take care of 1083 01:01:50,960 --> 01:01:52,999 and that I was to cover for him. 1084 01:01:53,000 --> 01:01:54,960 How long was he gone for? 1085 01:01:56,320 --> 01:01:59,959 About an hour. He came back eventually. 1086 01:01:59,960 --> 01:02:00,960 Said everything was sorted. 1087 01:02:04,480 --> 01:02:06,960 That's when I noticed his hand was all cut up. 1088 01:02:07,960 --> 01:02:10,960 After he came back. 1089 01:02:18,640 --> 01:02:20,960 Why you arresting him? What's going on, Gary? 1090 01:02:22,960 --> 01:02:23,960 I love you. 1091 01:02:41,960 --> 01:02:44,999 You need to calm down, love. This is out of order, this is. 1092 01:02:45,000 --> 01:02:47,959 Keeping me in overnight. I know people in this nick. 1093 01:02:47,960 --> 01:02:50,479 Now, what did you need to take care of? 1094 01:02:50,480 --> 01:02:52,639 What are you on about? 1095 01:02:52,640 --> 01:02:56,959 Well, the morning Kingston died, you asked Hendrix to cover for you. 1096 01:02:56,960 --> 01:03:00,639 And when she asked why, you said you had something to take care of. 1097 01:03:00,640 --> 01:03:01,960 Now, what was it, Gary? 1098 01:03:03,960 --> 01:03:04,959 Well, it must've been urgent 1099 01:03:04,960 --> 01:03:07,959 if it couldn't wait till the end of your shift. 1100 01:03:07,960 --> 01:03:11,159 And it must've been dodgy, cos you turned your phone off. 1101 01:03:11,160 --> 01:03:14,319 Which means we can't account for your whereabouts that morning. 1102 01:03:14,320 --> 01:03:19,159 Now, given your recent history with Kingston... 1103 01:03:19,160 --> 01:03:21,960 I have to ask, were you in Foxwood Park? 1104 01:03:22,960 --> 01:03:24,959 I had no reason to kill Kingston. 1105 01:03:24,960 --> 01:03:26,959 Now, that's not strictly true, is it? 1106 01:03:26,960 --> 01:03:29,959 He'd recently filed a complaint against you. 1107 01:03:29,960 --> 01:03:31,959 And your coat was on a shaky peg as it was. 1108 01:03:31,960 --> 01:03:32,959 I don't care about that. 1109 01:03:32,960 --> 01:03:34,959 Naz Singh thinks that you did. 1110 01:03:34,960 --> 01:03:37,959 She says that you tried to confront him about it. 1111 01:03:37,960 --> 01:03:39,959 And why did you lie about your hand? 1112 01:03:39,960 --> 01:03:42,959 I didn't. Yes, you did. 1113 01:03:42,960 --> 01:03:45,959 You told us you did that arresting some scrote 1114 01:03:45,960 --> 01:03:47,959 who was smashing up a bus shelter. 1115 01:03:47,960 --> 01:03:49,959 But Hendrix told us you did that 1116 01:03:49,960 --> 01:03:52,959 doing whatever it was you were doing elsewhere. 1117 01:03:52,960 --> 01:03:55,960 Now sit down! 1118 01:04:01,960 --> 01:04:07,959 Now, our pathologist swears Kingston put up a fight before he died. 1119 01:04:07,960 --> 01:04:11,960 Now, did you do that while you were smashing his head in? 1120 01:04:12,960 --> 01:04:14,959 Is that what you think I am? 1121 01:04:14,960 --> 01:04:16,959 Oh, I know what you are, love. 1122 01:04:16,960 --> 01:04:19,959 I've met dozens of coppers like you. 1123 01:04:19,960 --> 01:04:22,959 They join up because they like the power. 1124 01:04:22,960 --> 01:04:24,959 They like pushing people around. 1125 01:04:24,960 --> 01:04:26,959 Bullies in uniforms. 1126 01:04:26,960 --> 01:04:29,959 Out there every bloody night, I am. 1127 01:04:29,960 --> 01:04:32,959 Risking my life, dealing with all sorts of scum. 1128 01:04:32,960 --> 01:04:34,959 Now, that's the job, love. 1129 01:04:34,960 --> 01:04:37,960 Yeah, what thanks do I get? Bugger all. None. 1130 01:04:38,960 --> 01:04:41,959 Yeah, I've got less rights than the criminals I lock up. 1131 01:04:41,960 --> 01:04:43,800 SCOFFS 1132 01:04:44,960 --> 01:04:49,479 You arrested me at my house, in front of my neighbours. 1133 01:04:49,480 --> 01:04:51,999 You've dragged me in here. You've kept me in a cell. 1134 01:04:52,000 --> 01:04:54,959 My wife watched me being cuffed. 1135 01:04:54,960 --> 01:04:56,640 Cuffed! 1136 01:04:57,960 --> 01:04:59,959 Not that she gives a shit. Hm! 1137 01:04:59,960 --> 01:05:03,959 Yeah, she's probably with him now, probably delighted. 1138 01:05:03,960 --> 01:05:04,959 GARY SNIFFS 1139 01:05:04,960 --> 01:05:07,960 Yeah, she thinks I don't know, but I found out. 1140 01:05:08,960 --> 01:05:09,959 It's her boss, you know? 1141 01:05:09,960 --> 01:05:14,960 Name's Martyn Taylor. Owns the restaurant she works at. 1142 01:05:15,960 --> 01:05:18,959 I found out about a month ago. I... Where's all this going, love? 1143 01:05:18,960 --> 01:05:20,960 That's where I was on Saturday morning. 1144 01:05:21,960 --> 01:05:24,960 I went over to see if I could catch them out, but they weren't there. 1145 01:05:27,960 --> 01:05:31,480 SIGHS So I broke in, all right? 1146 01:05:32,960 --> 01:05:36,999 I mean... you want to see this flat. It... It's huge. 1147 01:05:37,000 --> 01:05:39,959 Brand-new Audi parked outside. 1148 01:05:39,960 --> 01:05:41,960 You can't compete with that, can you? 1149 01:05:42,960 --> 01:05:44,800 Where was this flat? 1150 01:05:45,960 --> 01:05:48,959 It's, er... one of the posh ones on the marina. 1151 01:05:48,960 --> 01:05:51,959 Oh, my good godfathers. 1152 01:05:51,960 --> 01:05:55,960 I ended up smashing the place up. And I cut my hand on his juicer. 1153 01:05:59,960 --> 01:06:02,959 Cut his hand on a juicer. DOOR OPENS 1154 01:06:02,960 --> 01:06:07,959 Jac, the list of reported incidents the morning Kingston was killed. 1155 01:06:07,960 --> 01:06:10,959 The break-in at the marina - who owns that flat? 1156 01:06:10,960 --> 01:06:12,959 Owner is a Martyn Taylor, Ma'am. 1157 01:06:12,960 --> 01:06:15,959 Ah. Well, get on to whoever's dealing with it 1158 01:06:15,960 --> 01:06:18,479 and tell 'em Gary Sickert's the one they want. 1159 01:06:18,480 --> 01:06:21,959 Are you kidding? I wish I was, Jac. 1160 01:06:21,960 --> 01:06:24,999 So, Sickert is out of the frame. Who else have we got? 1161 01:06:25,000 --> 01:06:28,959 Er, well, there's a traffic cam near Ria's flat 1162 01:06:28,960 --> 01:06:30,959 clocked a vehicle leaving the estate 1163 01:06:30,960 --> 01:06:32,959 around the time of Lennon's hit-and-run. 1164 01:06:32,960 --> 01:06:33,959 The plates are stolen. 1165 01:06:33,960 --> 01:06:35,959 They're still trying to trace the driver. 1166 01:06:35,960 --> 01:06:38,959 Yeah, well, tell 'em to get a move on! 1167 01:06:38,960 --> 01:06:43,959 Kenny, that pull-over involving Gerry Farr - 1168 01:06:43,960 --> 01:06:45,639 have we got confirmation of that? 1169 01:06:45,640 --> 01:06:49,959 Naz Singh ran Farr's registration at 10:15 last Friday night. 1170 01:06:49,960 --> 01:06:52,640 But that's all we've got, Ma'am. Hm. 1171 01:06:53,960 --> 01:06:56,959 How about Farr's movements the morning of the murder? 1172 01:06:56,960 --> 01:07:00,959 Nothing that contradicts his claims he was in the gym all day. 1173 01:07:00,960 --> 01:07:03,479 Well, we've got confirmation of the stop, 1174 01:07:03,480 --> 01:07:05,640 so let's pay him a little visit. 1175 01:07:13,960 --> 01:07:15,959 AIDEN: I was expecting a mansion. 1176 01:07:15,960 --> 01:07:19,960 Ah, well, he's a smooth operator. Knows better than to flash the cash. 1177 01:07:21,160 --> 01:07:24,799 MUFFLED MUSIC, EXCITED CHATTERING 1178 01:07:24,800 --> 01:07:26,959 He's having a party. 1179 01:07:26,960 --> 01:07:29,800 Maybe he knew we were coming. 1180 01:07:33,960 --> 01:07:36,960 GERRY: Wahey! I'm coming, guys! I'm coming! Hang on, hang on. 1181 01:07:44,960 --> 01:07:46,999 Come on, guys. Whatever this is about, can it wait? 1182 01:07:47,000 --> 01:07:49,959 Oh. Bad timing? 1183 01:07:49,960 --> 01:07:51,639 Er, yeah, it's the twins' birthday party. 1184 01:07:51,640 --> 01:07:52,959 Well, this won't take long, love. 1185 01:07:52,960 --> 01:07:55,320 A quick chat. You'll be back in time for cake. 1186 01:08:05,960 --> 01:08:07,960 I hear you got pulled over the other night. 1187 01:08:08,960 --> 01:08:10,999 SIGHS What night was this? 1188 01:08:11,000 --> 01:08:12,960 Oh, a week ago Friday. 1189 01:08:15,960 --> 01:08:17,159 Yeah, I was pulled over that night, yeah. 1190 01:08:17,160 --> 01:08:19,639 By PC Kingston. 1191 01:08:19,640 --> 01:08:20,959 What, the copper who came into the gym? 1192 01:08:20,960 --> 01:08:23,959 Aye, the one who turned up dead soon after. 1193 01:08:23,960 --> 01:08:25,959 I don't know what to say. I had no idea. 1194 01:08:25,960 --> 01:08:28,799 So, what happened during that stop? 1195 01:08:28,800 --> 01:08:29,959 Usual. 1196 01:08:29,960 --> 01:08:33,639 He asked me my name, my address, where I was going to. 1197 01:08:33,640 --> 01:08:34,959 I told him I was going home. 1198 01:08:34,960 --> 01:08:36,959 He checked my licence, and he sent me on my way. 1199 01:08:36,960 --> 01:08:40,959 And you hadn't had a drink? Nope. Stone-cold sober. 1200 01:08:40,960 --> 01:08:43,959 So... why'd he pull you over? 1201 01:08:43,960 --> 01:08:45,959 I don't know, you tell me. 1202 01:08:45,960 --> 01:08:47,959 Don't you think it's odd 1203 01:08:47,960 --> 01:08:50,639 that that same copper who pulled you over 1204 01:08:50,640 --> 01:08:52,959 turned up at your gym on the day he died? 1205 01:08:52,960 --> 01:08:54,959 Yeah, I suppose it was a little odd, yeah. 1206 01:08:54,960 --> 01:08:56,959 Aye. So, here's what we're gonna do. 1207 01:08:56,960 --> 01:08:59,959 Er, we'll make your twins' birthday one they won't forget... 1208 01:08:59,960 --> 01:09:02,959 cos it'll be the one their dad was arrested. 1209 01:09:02,960 --> 01:09:05,960 Give us a minute. I don't think so, mate. 1210 01:09:07,960 --> 01:09:09,800 Come on. 1211 01:09:19,960 --> 01:09:21,959 I didn't wanna say before. 1212 01:09:21,960 --> 01:09:22,959 Oh, come on, the kid's dead. 1213 01:09:22,960 --> 01:09:24,959 I don't wanna be the one to tarnish his reputation. 1214 01:09:24,960 --> 01:09:28,959 Well, that's very considerate of you. 1215 01:09:28,960 --> 01:09:30,960 So, the night Kingston pulled me over... 1216 01:09:31,960 --> 01:09:33,959 ..I'd had a couple over the limit. 1217 01:09:33,960 --> 01:09:36,639 He could've arrested me. I had no defence. 1218 01:09:36,640 --> 01:09:39,959 So why didn't he arrest you? Because he made me a proposition. 1219 01:09:39,960 --> 01:09:42,959 Said he knew who I was, that he could be useful, 1220 01:09:42,960 --> 01:09:44,799 give me information. 1221 01:09:44,800 --> 01:09:48,959 Then he said he was gonna let me go as a... a gesture of good faith. 1222 01:09:48,960 --> 01:09:51,959 He said he'd come and see me to confirm the arrangement. 1223 01:09:51,960 --> 01:09:53,959 And what did you say to that? 1224 01:09:53,960 --> 01:09:55,959 Like I said, I'd had a couple over the odds, 1225 01:09:55,960 --> 01:09:56,999 so I just went along with it. 1226 01:09:57,000 --> 01:09:59,159 Ah, so I suppose you're gonna tell me next 1227 01:09:59,160 --> 01:10:02,959 that's why he turned up at your gym, to discuss the matter further. 1228 01:10:02,960 --> 01:10:03,959 He took me by surprise. 1229 01:10:03,960 --> 01:10:05,959 He came in, shooting his mouth off about money. 1230 01:10:05,960 --> 01:10:08,999 Oh, course, you wouldn't entertain that (!) 1231 01:10:09,000 --> 01:10:12,960 Why would I need an informant? Why indeed? 1232 01:10:13,960 --> 01:10:15,159 SCOFFS 1233 01:10:15,160 --> 01:10:17,959 So, you told him to clear off? 1234 01:10:17,960 --> 01:10:19,959 Yeah. He wasn't too happy about it, 1235 01:10:19,960 --> 01:10:21,959 but in the end, he just went away empty-handed. 1236 01:10:21,960 --> 01:10:22,960 And that's the last I ever saw of him. 1237 01:10:23,960 --> 01:10:25,800 I swear. 1238 01:10:27,960 --> 01:10:29,960 Well, thanks very much, Mr Farr. 1239 01:10:36,960 --> 01:10:39,959 He expects us to believe that Kingston offered up his services? 1240 01:10:39,960 --> 01:10:41,960 Ah, well, he knows we can't prove him wrong. 1241 01:10:43,960 --> 01:10:46,799 There were only two people privy to that conversation, 1242 01:10:46,800 --> 01:10:47,959 and one of them's dead. 1243 01:10:47,960 --> 01:10:50,960 You arrested one of my coppers without even letting me know! 1244 01:10:52,960 --> 01:10:55,959 Well, I don't need your permission, Jim. 1245 01:10:55,960 --> 01:10:58,959 And where's Sickert now? He's probably being charged. 1246 01:10:58,960 --> 01:11:00,319 What, you're charging him for murder?! 1247 01:11:00,320 --> 01:11:03,959 No. For trashing the flat of the fella who's been tupping his missus. 1248 01:11:03,960 --> 01:11:05,959 What?! He admitted to it. 1249 01:11:05,960 --> 01:11:07,479 Bloody idiot. 1250 01:11:07,480 --> 01:11:09,959 Yeah. But since you're here, love, 1251 01:11:09,960 --> 01:11:13,959 er, I want to ask you a question about Joel. 1252 01:11:13,960 --> 01:11:17,319 Now, is it possible the lad could've been corrupt? 1253 01:11:17,320 --> 01:11:21,959 We're looking into any association he might've had with Gerry Farr. 1254 01:11:21,960 --> 01:11:23,959 No, you're way off base. 1255 01:11:23,960 --> 01:11:28,959 Look, I know he's Phil's son, and I know you two go way back. 1256 01:11:28,960 --> 01:11:31,959 Couldn't give a damn about Phil. No? So it wasn't you, then, 1257 01:11:31,960 --> 01:11:34,159 who's been passing on information on this case? 1258 01:11:34,160 --> 01:11:36,959 He's the reason I'm still working at my age. 1259 01:11:36,960 --> 01:11:39,959 It was Phil who persuaded me to invest my pension in those flats. 1260 01:11:39,960 --> 01:11:42,159 Lost our shirts, him included. 1261 01:11:42,160 --> 01:11:44,959 He's the last person I'd do any favours for. 1262 01:11:44,960 --> 01:11:47,479 Look, I'm telling you as his superior officer, 1263 01:11:47,480 --> 01:11:49,960 there is no way Joel Kingston was corrupt. 1264 01:11:56,960 --> 01:11:59,959 KENNY: Yeah. Got it. Cheers, man. PHONE CLICKS 1265 01:11:59,960 --> 01:12:02,959 Ma'am, we found the car. From the Lennon hit-and-run. 1266 01:12:02,960 --> 01:12:05,799 It's been, er, abandoned on some waste ground. 1267 01:12:05,800 --> 01:12:06,959 All right. Mark's at the scene. 1268 01:12:06,960 --> 01:12:08,799 I'm heading down. All right. 1269 01:12:08,800 --> 01:12:09,959 Kenny, do you know anything 1270 01:12:09,960 --> 01:12:12,959 about that Spanish property deal McDonnagh lost money on? 1271 01:12:12,960 --> 01:12:14,959 Me? No. 1272 01:12:14,960 --> 01:12:17,959 But, hey, wouldnae be the first time a copper blew his pension. 1273 01:12:17,960 --> 01:12:20,159 Well, he wasn't the only one, there were a few of them. 1274 01:12:20,160 --> 01:12:22,959 Including Phil Kingston. Ah, doesn't matter, Kenny. 1275 01:12:22,960 --> 01:12:23,959 Ma'am. 1276 01:12:23,960 --> 01:12:27,959 I mean, there's Jim, still working at his age, 1277 01:12:27,960 --> 01:12:31,959 Phil Kingston driving around in his fancy motor. 1278 01:12:31,960 --> 01:12:33,959 You're wondering where Phil got his money from? 1279 01:12:33,960 --> 01:12:35,959 Yeah, too right, I am. 1280 01:12:35,960 --> 01:12:39,959 Jac, while we're out, see if you can pull up Phil Kingston's accounts. 1281 01:12:39,960 --> 01:12:40,960 Yes, Ma'am. 1282 01:12:45,960 --> 01:12:48,960 OK, yeah, I'll pass that on. The boss has just got here now. 1283 01:12:54,960 --> 01:12:55,959 So, who found it? 1284 01:12:55,960 --> 01:12:58,959 MARK: Anonymous caller reported it earlier this morning, Ma'am. 1285 01:12:58,960 --> 01:13:03,639 The owner's a Steven Dale. He's a teacher... from Jesmond. 1286 01:13:03,640 --> 01:13:06,959 He says the car was stolen three nights ago front of his house. 1287 01:13:06,960 --> 01:13:08,959 His story checked out. 1288 01:13:08,960 --> 01:13:10,799 Forensics say the interior's gone. 1289 01:13:10,800 --> 01:13:12,959 They've salvaged what they can, but it's slim pickings. 1290 01:13:12,960 --> 01:13:15,960 Is there any witnesses? Ah, nah. Place is a ghost town. 1291 01:13:26,960 --> 01:13:28,960 EXHALES 1292 01:13:31,960 --> 01:13:33,960 Hold on. 1293 01:13:40,960 --> 01:13:44,320 What does that look like to you? Hm? 1294 01:13:50,960 --> 01:13:52,320 HE PANTS 1295 01:13:55,960 --> 01:13:58,960 Got a new inhaler, have you, pet? 1296 01:14:11,960 --> 01:14:14,959 Right, Kyle, now, here's where we're at. 1297 01:14:14,960 --> 01:14:19,959 We found the car that was used in the hit-and-run on Dean Lennon. 1298 01:14:19,960 --> 01:14:21,959 Someone had torched it, 1299 01:14:21,960 --> 01:14:24,959 but our forensics team are a persistent lot, 1300 01:14:24,960 --> 01:14:26,799 and I'm sure they'll find something. 1301 01:14:26,800 --> 01:14:27,959 KYLE: No comment. 1302 01:14:27,960 --> 01:14:31,159 Ah, well, that wasn't actually a question, love. 1303 01:14:31,160 --> 01:14:34,959 Now, we searched your house. Er, your mam was there. 1304 01:14:34,960 --> 01:14:37,959 And she told us you weren't at home three nights ago, 1305 01:14:37,960 --> 01:14:40,959 the night that Dean Lennon was run over. 1306 01:14:40,960 --> 01:14:41,959 No comment. 1307 01:14:41,960 --> 01:14:44,959 Again, not a question. 1308 01:14:44,960 --> 01:14:49,959 But we did find a pair of trainers your mam said belong to you. 1309 01:14:49,960 --> 01:14:52,959 Now, those trainers bore a trace of accelerant, 1310 01:14:52,960 --> 01:14:56,639 the same accelerant used to torch the car. 1311 01:14:56,640 --> 01:14:59,999 So, between the car, your mam and those trainers - 1312 01:15:00,000 --> 01:15:04,959 oh, and the inhaler - I'm confident we'll be charging you 1313 01:15:04,960 --> 01:15:08,319 with the attempted murder of Dean Lennon. 1314 01:15:08,320 --> 01:15:09,960 Is there anything you'd like to say? 1315 01:15:13,960 --> 01:15:16,960 And that was actually a question, love. 1316 01:15:20,960 --> 01:15:23,959 Hey, your mam's a nice woman. 1317 01:15:23,960 --> 01:15:25,480 I hear she's not been well. 1318 01:15:26,960 --> 01:15:28,959 And there's only you to look after her. 1319 01:15:28,960 --> 01:15:32,960 So who's gonna take care of her if you go to prison? 1320 01:15:34,160 --> 01:15:35,959 And you will. 1321 01:15:35,960 --> 01:15:40,160 But for how long... depends on you. 1322 01:15:42,800 --> 01:15:43,960 All right. 1323 01:15:44,960 --> 01:15:46,960 Have it your way. 1324 01:15:48,480 --> 01:15:50,959 I was just trying to scare him! 1325 01:15:50,960 --> 01:15:51,960 Lennon. 1326 01:15:52,960 --> 01:15:55,999 I was supposed to give him a scare. That's all. 1327 01:15:56,000 --> 01:15:57,959 BREATHES SHAKILY 1328 01:15:57,960 --> 01:16:01,960 But he ran out in front of me. I... I couldn't stop. 1329 01:16:02,960 --> 01:16:05,960 Why were you scaring him? Because I was told to. 1330 01:16:07,960 --> 01:16:09,960 By Gerry Farr? 1331 01:16:11,960 --> 01:16:13,960 Farr owed Kingston a favour. 1332 01:16:16,480 --> 01:16:17,999 Joel Kingston? 1333 01:16:18,000 --> 01:16:19,960 Phil Kingston. 1334 01:16:21,640 --> 01:16:23,960 Thought Lennon killed his son. 1335 01:16:26,160 --> 01:16:28,959 All right, listen up. You're gonna love this. 1336 01:16:28,960 --> 01:16:33,959 It's Phil Kingston, not Joel, who's been working for Gerry Farr. 1337 01:16:33,960 --> 01:16:36,959 So when his lad dies, naturally, he wants revenge, 1338 01:16:36,960 --> 01:16:40,319 so he gets Farr to do it, keeps his hands clean. 1339 01:16:40,320 --> 01:16:42,959 And Farr gets his minion to give Lennon a good scare, 1340 01:16:42,960 --> 01:16:45,959 but Kyle being Kyle, he makes a pig's ear of it. 1341 01:16:45,960 --> 01:16:49,959 So, where does Joel fit into this? Well, according to Kyle, he doesn't. 1342 01:16:49,960 --> 01:16:52,479 First time he'd clapped eyes on the lad's when he turned up 1343 01:16:52,480 --> 01:16:53,959 at the gym Saturday morning. 1344 01:16:53,960 --> 01:16:55,959 Did you pull up Phil Kingston's accounts? 1345 01:16:55,960 --> 01:16:58,959 Yes, Ma'am. He looks solvent. There's a lot out of outgoings. 1346 01:16:58,960 --> 01:17:00,960 Well, he's certainly not struggling. 1347 01:17:02,960 --> 01:17:05,159 Is that his phone records? 1348 01:17:05,160 --> 01:17:09,959 Kenny? Remind me when Gerry Farr got pulled over in his motor? 1349 01:17:09,960 --> 01:17:10,959 Er, 10:15 last Friday night, Ma'am. 1350 01:17:10,960 --> 01:17:17,959 Well, Phil received a call from Joel at 10:18 that night. 1351 01:17:17,960 --> 01:17:19,960 He called him during the stop? 1352 01:17:45,960 --> 01:17:47,960 Wow, this is swanky. 1353 01:17:49,960 --> 01:17:52,959 What are the fees on this place? 1354 01:17:52,960 --> 01:17:56,960 You thinking of joining? Oof. Doubt I could afford it, Phil. 1355 01:17:57,960 --> 01:17:59,959 And I'm surprised you can, 1356 01:17:59,960 --> 01:18:02,959 having sank your pension into those Spanish flats. 1357 01:18:02,960 --> 01:18:06,959 Oh, Jim McDonnagh's still upset about that, by the way. 1358 01:18:06,960 --> 01:18:08,479 What do you want? 1359 01:18:08,480 --> 01:18:10,959 Gerry Farr - how long you been working for him? 1360 01:18:10,960 --> 01:18:12,959 Don't know what you're on about. 1361 01:18:12,960 --> 01:18:14,479 Yeah, well, that's all right, 1362 01:18:14,480 --> 01:18:16,319 because we've got a witness who does. 1363 01:18:16,320 --> 01:18:20,959 Reckons you've been in Farr's pocket for a few years. 1364 01:18:20,960 --> 01:18:21,959 I think we're done here. 1365 01:18:21,960 --> 01:18:25,960 This will come out, Phil. You might as well co-operate. 1366 01:18:27,960 --> 01:18:30,959 Do you think Gerry Farr'll stand by you? 1367 01:18:30,960 --> 01:18:32,959 How long before he throws you under a bus? 1368 01:18:32,960 --> 01:18:35,960 He's already tried telling us Joel was corrupt. 1369 01:18:36,960 --> 01:18:43,159 Oh, aye, your best pal dragging your son's reputation through the mud. 1370 01:18:43,160 --> 01:18:45,960 Joel wasn't corrupt. Ah, no. 1371 01:18:46,960 --> 01:18:50,959 But you are, and Joel found out about it, didn't he? 1372 01:18:50,960 --> 01:18:54,959 And he called you that night he pulled Gerry Farr over in his motor. 1373 01:18:54,960 --> 01:18:56,959 Now, what was that call about? 1374 01:18:56,960 --> 01:18:58,959 HE SIGHS 1375 01:18:58,960 --> 01:19:00,959 Did you love your son? Course I did. 1376 01:19:00,960 --> 01:19:03,959 Then honour the lad's memory. 1377 01:19:03,960 --> 01:19:06,319 OK, fine. 1378 01:19:06,320 --> 01:19:09,959 Farr was paying me now and then for information. 1379 01:19:09,960 --> 01:19:13,799 But it was minor stuff - background on a dealer, an address, 1380 01:19:13,800 --> 01:19:15,959 running a plate or two - you know, nothing major. 1381 01:19:15,960 --> 01:19:16,999 Ah, nothing major? 1382 01:19:17,000 --> 01:19:19,959 We're talking about drug dealers, addicts. 1383 01:19:19,960 --> 01:19:20,959 They don't matter. Scum. 1384 01:19:20,960 --> 01:19:24,959 Scum? What, like Shane? 1385 01:19:24,960 --> 01:19:26,959 Well, that phone call, Phil? 1386 01:19:26,960 --> 01:19:29,959 Farr wanted to prove to Joel that he couldn't be touched, 1387 01:19:29,960 --> 01:19:31,959 so he made him call me. 1388 01:19:31,960 --> 01:19:32,999 So, what did you say? 1389 01:19:33,000 --> 01:19:35,960 I told him to let Farr go. 1390 01:19:36,960 --> 01:19:38,159 SHE CHUCKLES 1391 01:19:38,160 --> 01:19:41,319 Right, see, everyone I've spoken to 1392 01:19:41,320 --> 01:19:44,959 told me that Joel was a stickler for the law. 1393 01:19:44,960 --> 01:19:48,959 He was hard line, so I wonder how he felt 1394 01:19:48,960 --> 01:19:50,960 when he found out his dad was corrupt. 1395 01:19:51,960 --> 01:19:54,959 I tried to explain, but he wouldn't listen. 1396 01:19:54,960 --> 01:19:57,959 Said, er, I had a choice - 1397 01:19:57,960 --> 01:20:00,799 turn myself in and testify against Farr, 1398 01:20:00,800 --> 01:20:01,959 or he'd do it himself. 1399 01:20:01,960 --> 01:20:04,959 Yeah, well, that's quite an ultimatum. 1400 01:20:04,960 --> 01:20:06,959 Think I worked all those years as a copper 1401 01:20:06,960 --> 01:20:07,959 to spend my last days in prison? 1402 01:20:07,960 --> 01:20:09,960 Yeah. So, what did you do, Phil? 1403 01:20:12,960 --> 01:20:13,960 Told him I couldn't do it. 1404 01:20:15,160 --> 01:20:16,800 And then what? 1405 01:20:17,960 --> 01:20:20,959 Oh, Jesus. You think I killed my son? 1406 01:20:20,960 --> 01:20:23,959 Well, maybe you did the same as you did with Lennon 1407 01:20:23,960 --> 01:20:25,999 and got Farr to do it. 1408 01:20:26,000 --> 01:20:28,960 I loved my boy. I'd never hurt him. 1409 01:20:30,960 --> 01:20:34,159 Anyway, I didn't need to. Joel decided not to say anything. 1410 01:20:34,160 --> 01:20:36,480 That's why he went to see Farr that morning. 1411 01:20:37,640 --> 01:20:39,959 Farr called me when he left, 1412 01:20:39,960 --> 01:20:43,959 said Joel told him to cut me loose or he'd turn both of us in. 1413 01:20:43,960 --> 01:20:45,960 My own son... bargaining for me. 1414 01:20:47,960 --> 01:20:49,960 Because I'm a bloody coward. 1415 01:20:57,160 --> 01:20:58,959 AIDEN: 'I reckon Farr did kill him. 1416 01:20:58,960 --> 01:21:01,959 'Even if the lad kept schtum, he was still a threat to him.' 1417 01:21:01,960 --> 01:21:03,959 Yeah, and Farr had the opportunity. 1418 01:21:03,960 --> 01:21:05,479 All he had to do was follow him to the park. 1419 01:21:05,480 --> 01:21:07,959 No, if Farr wanted him dead, he'd have been more discreet. 1420 01:21:07,960 --> 01:21:09,959 Not a brick to the head. That's not him. 1421 01:21:09,960 --> 01:21:12,799 Well, maybe he got Kyle to do it. 1422 01:21:12,800 --> 01:21:14,960 Well, even he would've made a better job of it. 1423 01:21:15,960 --> 01:21:18,960 No, this is messy. It's rash. 1424 01:21:20,960 --> 01:21:22,480 It's emotional. 1425 01:21:24,960 --> 01:21:27,959 We know next to nothing about the deceased, 1426 01:21:27,960 --> 01:21:29,959 except he was an exceptional copper. 1427 01:21:29,960 --> 01:21:33,959 No girlfriend... or boyfriend. 1428 01:21:33,960 --> 01:21:35,960 No mates at all, come to that. 1429 01:21:37,960 --> 01:21:38,960 Liked rugby. 1430 01:21:40,000 --> 01:21:42,959 What's the name of the club he supported? 1431 01:21:42,960 --> 01:21:44,999 Hartlepool Tigers, Ma'am. He never missed a home game. 1432 01:21:45,000 --> 01:21:46,959 Posted photos all over social media. 1433 01:21:46,960 --> 01:21:50,480 So, when was he last at a match? Weekend before he died, Ma'am. 1434 01:21:52,960 --> 01:21:55,320 So, this past weekend... 1435 01:21:56,320 --> 01:21:58,959 ..would've been an away match, right? 1436 01:21:58,960 --> 01:21:59,960 Yep. 1437 01:22:01,640 --> 01:22:04,959 Where were they playing? Erm... 1438 01:22:04,960 --> 01:22:05,960 Portsmouth, Ma'am. 1439 01:22:20,160 --> 01:22:22,320 Let's go inside, Phil. 1440 01:22:24,960 --> 01:22:25,960 CAR LOCK BEEPS 1441 01:22:28,960 --> 01:22:29,960 DOOR CLOSES 1442 01:22:31,960 --> 01:22:33,960 Well, hello, Shane, love. 1443 01:22:34,960 --> 01:22:37,959 Oh, could you clear something up for me? 1444 01:22:37,960 --> 01:22:41,159 Joel was due to work nights all this week. 1445 01:22:41,160 --> 01:22:43,960 Is that right? Aye. I think he preferred them. 1446 01:22:45,000 --> 01:22:48,639 So how was he gonna get to Portsmouth and back 1447 01:22:48,640 --> 01:22:50,959 in time to clock on? 1448 01:22:50,960 --> 01:22:52,319 What's she talking about? 1449 01:22:52,320 --> 01:22:57,159 I'm talking about a call Shane made to Joel on Friday night. 1450 01:22:57,160 --> 01:23:00,959 That wasn't about the rugby match, was it, pet? 1451 01:23:00,960 --> 01:23:03,159 It was about your dad. Just a second, Vera... 1452 01:23:03,160 --> 01:23:06,959 Now, that fight at the club, when Joel got stabbed, 1453 01:23:06,960 --> 01:23:08,960 wasn't Shane who started it. 1454 01:23:09,960 --> 01:23:11,639 It was Joel. 1455 01:23:11,640 --> 01:23:13,799 Completely out of character, you said. 1456 01:23:13,800 --> 01:23:14,959 Well, that's hardly surprising, 1457 01:23:14,960 --> 01:23:18,960 since he'd just found out his dad was working for a criminal. 1458 01:23:21,960 --> 01:23:24,799 So, when did he tell you? That night? 1459 01:23:24,800 --> 01:23:26,959 Did he tell you he was turning your dad in? 1460 01:23:26,960 --> 01:23:28,959 Don't say a word. It's all right, Mam. 1461 01:23:28,960 --> 01:23:30,959 No, no, it's not. You just shut your mouth. 1462 01:23:30,960 --> 01:23:32,960 Don't say a word. It's all right. 1463 01:23:35,960 --> 01:23:37,159 Joel was a mess, like. 1464 01:23:37,160 --> 01:23:39,959 Couldn't believe HIS dad took dirty money. 1465 01:23:39,960 --> 01:23:43,159 He said he'd given Dad a chance to do the right thing, 1466 01:23:43,160 --> 01:23:45,959 but, er, you wouldn't take it, would you? 1467 01:23:45,960 --> 01:23:47,959 And you know that's what hurt him most? 1468 01:23:47,960 --> 01:23:49,959 It's not what you did, right, 1469 01:23:49,960 --> 01:23:52,960 it's that you were too scared to take the punishment. 1470 01:23:54,960 --> 01:23:56,959 But it was Mam I was worried about, 1471 01:23:56,960 --> 01:23:59,959 so I tried to talk Joel out of turning him in. 1472 01:23:59,960 --> 01:24:02,959 Like, why wreck Mam's life because of something Dad had done? 1473 01:24:02,960 --> 01:24:06,479 He wouldn't listen. Joel never saw the grey in anything. 1474 01:24:06,480 --> 01:24:07,960 That was you. You made him like that. 1475 01:24:12,960 --> 01:24:16,159 So, er, that's why I called him on the Friday night... 1476 01:24:16,160 --> 01:24:17,960 find out what he was planning to do. 1477 01:24:20,160 --> 01:24:21,959 So what did you do, love? 1478 01:24:21,960 --> 01:24:24,480 Nothing. He didn't do anything. 1479 01:24:25,960 --> 01:24:26,960 You don't get him. 1480 01:24:27,960 --> 01:24:30,959 I've already lost one son. You're not getting another. 1481 01:24:30,960 --> 01:24:31,959 You can take Phil. 1482 01:24:31,960 --> 01:24:33,959 Deb. Shut up! 1483 01:24:33,960 --> 01:24:36,959 You're to blame for all of this! You and your stupid schemes. 1484 01:24:36,960 --> 01:24:41,959 So, what? Did you think I didn't know what was going on? 1485 01:24:41,960 --> 01:24:44,959 You lost everything we had on those poxy flats! 1486 01:24:44,960 --> 01:24:47,959 I knew the money was coming from somewhere dodgy. 1487 01:24:47,960 --> 01:24:49,959 Wasn't from a copper's pension, was it?! 1488 01:24:49,960 --> 01:24:50,959 No, Phil's the one you want. 1489 01:24:50,960 --> 01:24:52,960 He's to blame for all of this. Take him! 1490 01:24:55,000 --> 01:24:56,959 Phil didn't do it, love. 1491 01:24:56,960 --> 01:24:58,960 TEARFULLY: He might as well've! 1492 01:24:59,960 --> 01:25:03,800 Shane... I need to hear you say it. 1493 01:25:04,960 --> 01:25:06,800 Erm... 1494 01:25:08,960 --> 01:25:10,959 I... thought if I... 1495 01:25:10,960 --> 01:25:13,959 if I could just talk to Joel coming off his shift, then... 1496 01:25:13,960 --> 01:25:16,959 I knew he had to go through the park to get his train, 1497 01:25:16,960 --> 01:25:19,959 so I went there and waited. 1498 01:25:19,960 --> 01:25:22,959 When he turned up, he told us... 1499 01:25:22,960 --> 01:25:25,960 Yeah, he told us it was done and dusted, just like that. 1500 01:25:27,960 --> 01:25:31,959 I mean, who did he think he was? Wrecking Mam's life like that? 1501 01:25:31,960 --> 01:25:33,959 All because he suddenly discovered 1502 01:25:33,960 --> 01:25:35,960 his dad wasn't as clean as he made out to be? 1503 01:25:37,320 --> 01:25:38,960 I lost it. Went for him. 1504 01:25:40,960 --> 01:25:42,960 He knocked us on my arse and walked away. 1505 01:25:43,960 --> 01:25:46,640 So I, er... I picked up this rock. 1506 01:25:49,960 --> 01:25:52,639 And I... I smashed him across the head with it. 1507 01:25:52,640 --> 01:25:54,960 But he... he went down, and, erm... 1508 01:25:57,960 --> 01:25:59,960 ..I still had this rage in us. 1509 01:26:00,960 --> 01:26:04,959 And that's why I just... I didn't stop hitting him. 1510 01:26:04,960 --> 01:26:06,159 DEB WAILS 1511 01:26:06,160 --> 01:26:09,800 You killed your brother? You killed him first. 1512 01:26:10,960 --> 01:26:12,960 He thought you were a god, man. 1513 01:26:13,960 --> 01:26:15,960 BREATHES DEEPLY 1514 01:26:17,960 --> 01:26:19,960 He changed his mind, love. 1515 01:26:20,960 --> 01:26:22,959 What? Joel... 1516 01:26:22,960 --> 01:26:24,960 He changed his mind. 1517 01:26:26,960 --> 01:26:27,999 What are you talking about? 1518 01:26:28,000 --> 01:26:30,960 Decided not to turn your dad in after all. 1519 01:26:32,960 --> 01:26:34,960 No... 1520 01:26:36,960 --> 01:26:38,320 But he would've said. 1521 01:26:50,640 --> 01:26:52,000 W-Why didn't he say? 1522 01:27:06,960 --> 01:27:08,959 KENNY: Are you sure she's coming? 1523 01:27:08,960 --> 01:27:11,959 She said she was coming. She said she was coming? 1524 01:27:11,960 --> 01:27:14,960 I wouldn't have thought a service medal was her thing. 1525 01:27:16,800 --> 01:27:18,959 Shall we go for a bevvy after? I think she'll want one before. 1526 01:27:18,960 --> 01:27:20,799 THEY LAUGH 1527 01:27:20,800 --> 01:27:22,800 "Outstanding service", that's a big thing. 1528 01:27:23,960 --> 01:27:24,959 Is she definitely coming? 1529 01:27:24,960 --> 01:27:26,959 Well, she's not gonna stand up the top brass, is she? 1530 01:27:26,960 --> 01:27:28,959 Well, she's done it before. 1531 01:27:28,960 --> 01:27:31,960 Has she? Didn't go down well. 1532 01:27:32,960 --> 01:27:35,159 Don't worry. She's coming. 1533 01:27:35,160 --> 01:27:36,960 PHONE BUZZES 1534 01:27:38,480 --> 01:27:42,479 Well? Yep. She's not coming. 1535 01:27:42,480 --> 01:27:43,960 Oh! 1536 01:27:46,960 --> 01:27:48,960 You going for a bevvy? Aye. 1537 01:27:57,000 --> 01:27:59,639 ANNOUNCER: 'Please do not leave your luggage...' 1538 01:27:59,640 --> 01:28:01,159 All right, love? 1539 01:28:01,160 --> 01:28:02,960 Right, Carter, got your rucksack? 1540 01:28:07,800 --> 01:28:10,959 So, you're all set? Aye. Think so. 1541 01:28:10,960 --> 01:28:13,959 And you've got someone at the other end? 1542 01:28:13,960 --> 01:28:15,959 Mum's going to pick us up. 1543 01:28:15,960 --> 01:28:17,959 Thank you for everything. 1544 01:28:17,960 --> 01:28:19,959 Come on, let's go. 1545 01:28:19,960 --> 01:28:22,960 Now, you have a good trip. And, Carter, look after your mam. 1546 01:28:25,480 --> 01:28:27,159 Hey, thanks for picking them up, love. 1547 01:28:27,160 --> 01:28:29,959 No worries. 1548 01:28:29,960 --> 01:28:32,319 So, you decided to stick it out? 1549 01:28:32,320 --> 01:28:35,959 Yeah. Figured I would... for Joel. 1550 01:28:35,960 --> 01:28:39,959 Plus somebody told me that you grow into the job 1551 01:28:39,960 --> 01:28:41,959 and eventually get better. 1552 01:28:41,960 --> 01:28:43,959 RADIO: 'Control to Romeo Six...' I hope they're right. 1553 01:28:43,960 --> 01:28:45,959 Yeah, this is Romeo Six. Coming, Control. 1554 01:28:45,960 --> 01:28:47,959 'Domestic disturbance in progress on the south side of...' 1555 01:28:47,960 --> 01:28:49,960 Yeah. I'm on my way. 1556 01:28:57,960 --> 01:28:59,960 You go get 'em, pet. 1557 01:29:31,960 --> 01:29:33,960 Subtitles by accessibility@itv.com