1 00:00:01,120 --> 00:00:03,160 TENSE MUSIC 2 00:00:11,360 --> 00:00:13,400 MUFFLED ANNOUNCEMENT OVER TANNOY 3 00:00:50,200 --> 00:00:51,600 PHONE BLEEPS 4 00:01:00,120 --> 00:01:02,719 Get off my bus. Now! 5 00:01:02,720 --> 00:01:04,720 Or I'll report you. 6 00:01:29,400 --> 00:01:31,800 TENSE MUSIC 7 00:01:42,040 --> 00:01:44,159 Pathetic - both of you. 8 00:01:44,160 --> 00:01:46,439 Lyle! 9 00:01:46,440 --> 00:01:47,720 PHONE VIBRATES 10 00:01:49,800 --> 00:01:52,360 Gotta go - it's work. It can't wait. 11 00:02:26,160 --> 00:02:28,200 TENSE MUSIC 12 00:02:37,840 --> 00:02:39,880 SEAGULLS CAW 13 00:04:16,680 --> 00:04:17,960 Morning, Ma'am. 14 00:04:19,040 --> 00:04:21,079 Malcolm's in a foul mood. 15 00:04:21,080 --> 00:04:22,639 Oh, nothing new there, then. 16 00:04:22,640 --> 00:04:25,199 The victim's male, looks to be in his 40s. 17 00:04:25,200 --> 00:04:26,399 A lighthouse technician. 18 00:04:26,400 --> 00:04:28,519 Amy Watson saw him on the boat and called it in. 19 00:04:28,520 --> 00:04:30,919 I've left a message with Missing Persons. 20 00:04:30,920 --> 00:04:32,359 Morning, Jac. Morning, Ma'am. 21 00:04:32,360 --> 00:04:34,199 Have we got a name for our sailor yet? 22 00:04:34,200 --> 00:04:35,999 No ID was found on the victim or the boat, 23 00:04:36,000 --> 00:04:37,999 but there was a registration number on its radio. 24 00:04:38,000 --> 00:04:40,039 I'll run it through the UK Ship Register. Great. 25 00:04:40,040 --> 00:04:42,639 How about the coastguard? Any distress signals? 26 00:04:42,640 --> 00:04:43,720 No, nothing. 27 00:04:52,920 --> 00:04:55,560 That boat could've come in from anywhere. 28 00:04:59,320 --> 00:05:00,840 Right, come on. 29 00:05:02,360 --> 00:05:06,280 Let's check the tides, see if we can narrow it down. Ma'am. 30 00:05:10,160 --> 00:05:14,479 Ah. And another police officer tramples all over the crime scene. 31 00:05:14,480 --> 00:05:18,119 I'd just prefer it if people didn't stomp all over the evidence. 32 00:05:18,120 --> 00:05:19,679 I'm funny like that (!) 33 00:05:19,680 --> 00:05:21,960 I've never known you to be funny, Malcolm. 34 00:05:25,320 --> 00:05:26,879 So, what can you tell us? 35 00:05:26,880 --> 00:05:29,039 You know the score, DCI Stanhope. 36 00:05:29,040 --> 00:05:31,959 I'll know an awful lot more once I get him back to the lab. 37 00:05:31,960 --> 00:05:34,079 What time of death? 38 00:05:34,080 --> 00:05:36,679 It doesn't look like he died this morning. 39 00:05:36,680 --> 00:05:38,959 Rigor mortis is absent, so the best I can offer you 40 00:05:38,960 --> 00:05:41,679 is some time in the last two or three days. 41 00:05:41,680 --> 00:05:44,000 So Friday or Saturday. 42 00:05:45,520 --> 00:05:47,839 Any clue as to how he died? 43 00:05:47,840 --> 00:05:50,079 At the risk of repeating myself, DCI Stanhope... 44 00:05:50,080 --> 00:05:52,200 Yeah, well, something happened here. 45 00:05:53,360 --> 00:05:57,119 Yes, the injury on his cheekbone was sustained shortly before he died. 46 00:05:57,120 --> 00:05:58,279 There is minor swelling, 47 00:05:58,280 --> 00:06:00,960 but not the colour change I'd expect from an older bruise. 48 00:06:05,920 --> 00:06:07,080 Move. 49 00:06:09,360 --> 00:06:12,600 There's a nastier head injury back here. 50 00:06:13,600 --> 00:06:14,679 Assaulted? 51 00:06:14,680 --> 00:06:17,160 Too early to tell. He could've injured himself on the boat. 52 00:06:18,160 --> 00:06:21,799 Ah, come on, Malcolm, give us something to go on. 53 00:06:21,800 --> 00:06:24,199 Right, well... 54 00:06:24,200 --> 00:06:27,559 See this lividity pattern on the side of his face? 55 00:06:27,560 --> 00:06:29,999 This tells me that he was lying on something very specific 56 00:06:30,000 --> 00:06:32,039 for several hours after he died, 57 00:06:32,040 --> 00:06:34,479 and that pattern doesn't match anything in the vicinity. 58 00:06:34,480 --> 00:06:37,079 Are you saying he's been moved? 59 00:06:37,080 --> 00:06:39,240 Or whatever it was was washed overboard. 60 00:06:40,760 --> 00:06:42,560 Right, thanks, Malcolm. 61 00:06:43,800 --> 00:06:46,159 As quick as you can on this one 62 00:06:46,160 --> 00:06:49,079 cos if he has been dead a couple of days, 63 00:06:49,080 --> 00:06:52,199 could be someone at home needs to know about it. 64 00:06:52,200 --> 00:06:55,400 Don't forget to trample on more evidence on the way out (!) 65 00:07:01,800 --> 00:07:04,959 Ma'am? Oh, tell me you've got a name. 66 00:07:04,960 --> 00:07:07,239 Frank Channing. Missing Persons got back to us. 67 00:07:07,240 --> 00:07:09,639 He lived in Tritlington. Oh, so he's local. 68 00:07:09,640 --> 00:07:11,519 Yeah, I checked the electoral register as well 69 00:07:11,520 --> 00:07:12,959 and got his next of kin. 70 00:07:12,960 --> 00:07:16,199 Great work, Jac. Now, when you get back to the station, 71 00:07:16,200 --> 00:07:17,799 make a start on the timeline. 72 00:07:17,800 --> 00:07:19,959 I want to know where he was last week, 73 00:07:19,960 --> 00:07:21,559 what he was doing, and who he met. 74 00:07:21,560 --> 00:07:23,159 Ma'am. 75 00:07:23,160 --> 00:07:24,959 So, who is the next of kin? 76 00:07:24,960 --> 00:07:26,800 Looks like his wife, Julia Channing. 77 00:07:28,760 --> 00:07:31,600 SHE EXHALES I hate this bit. 78 00:07:33,480 --> 00:07:35,080 Right. Wish me luck. 79 00:07:48,800 --> 00:07:50,040 Dad! 80 00:07:59,240 --> 00:08:01,200 I'm very sorry, Mrs Channing. 81 00:08:03,320 --> 00:08:05,240 What am I gonna tell Lyle? 82 00:08:06,920 --> 00:08:08,640 Er... our, our son. 83 00:08:09,920 --> 00:08:11,160 Just turned 18. 84 00:08:12,320 --> 00:08:13,839 They were tight... 85 00:08:13,840 --> 00:08:17,320 More mates than father and son. 86 00:08:19,040 --> 00:08:20,640 Well, at least they used to be. 87 00:08:22,200 --> 00:08:24,600 I can tell him what's happened, if you want. 88 00:08:25,800 --> 00:08:28,159 Mrs Channing, when did you last see your husband? 89 00:08:28,160 --> 00:08:30,159 She's already said this to Missing Persons. 90 00:08:30,160 --> 00:08:31,879 Don't you lot speak to each other? 91 00:08:31,880 --> 00:08:33,119 The Friday. 92 00:08:33,120 --> 00:08:36,759 He came back for lunch just before one, and... 93 00:08:36,760 --> 00:08:38,800 and then he left almost straightaway. 94 00:08:39,880 --> 00:08:41,039 Said it couldn't wait. 95 00:08:41,040 --> 00:08:43,000 So what was the emergency? 96 00:08:44,040 --> 00:08:46,279 I don't know. He, he didn't say... 97 00:08:46,280 --> 00:08:47,880 What was his job? 98 00:08:48,920 --> 00:08:52,640 Principal licensing officer, Northumberland And City Council. 99 00:08:56,040 --> 00:09:00,439 Why didn't you report him missing on Friday? Why wait until Sunday? 100 00:09:00,440 --> 00:09:02,959 He messaged me Friday. 101 00:09:02,960 --> 00:09:04,959 Said he was going sailing. 102 00:09:04,960 --> 00:09:07,439 He said he'd be back Sunday. 103 00:09:07,440 --> 00:09:11,439 Sunday. And where would he have launched from? 104 00:09:11,440 --> 00:09:13,040 It varied on the tide. 105 00:09:14,120 --> 00:09:16,760 And then he'd just moor up wherever the fancy took him. 106 00:09:18,120 --> 00:09:19,520 OK, love. 107 00:09:21,880 --> 00:09:26,319 Erm, now, can you let me have your husband's car registration number? 108 00:09:26,320 --> 00:09:27,919 What's that got to do with anything? 109 00:09:27,920 --> 00:09:31,120 Well, presumably, it'll be parked wherever he set sail, love. 110 00:09:32,160 --> 00:09:34,960 Oh, yes, right. Sorry. 111 00:09:36,760 --> 00:09:38,520 Thanks, love. 112 00:09:41,680 --> 00:09:45,279 Was it usual for your husband to go sailing all weekend? 113 00:09:45,280 --> 00:09:49,199 Aye. Weekend, night sailing. 114 00:09:49,200 --> 00:09:52,720 He, he just liked the solitude of being out on his boat. 115 00:09:54,200 --> 00:09:56,959 And he'd normally be back by Sunday? 116 00:09:56,960 --> 00:09:58,440 He'd arranged to meet Lyle. 117 00:09:59,640 --> 00:10:02,919 Him and Frank are doing up a... an old boat. 118 00:10:02,920 --> 00:10:05,519 Working on it together at Hauxley Sailing Club. 119 00:10:05,520 --> 00:10:08,359 And is that where your husband kept his own boat? 120 00:10:08,360 --> 00:10:11,359 Aye. He was a member. 121 00:10:11,360 --> 00:10:12,919 It was practically his second home. 122 00:10:12,920 --> 00:10:15,359 Oh... 123 00:10:15,360 --> 00:10:16,960 WHISPERS: It's all right. 124 00:10:18,200 --> 00:10:20,679 Well, that's it for now, love. 125 00:10:20,680 --> 00:10:23,000 Thanks for your time, Mrs Channing. 126 00:10:23,960 --> 00:10:25,400 Mr Allen. 127 00:10:31,520 --> 00:10:35,119 If you told your missus on a Friday you'd be back Sunday, 128 00:10:35,120 --> 00:10:37,639 she'd want to know chapter and verse about what you were doing, 129 00:10:37,640 --> 00:10:38,919 where you were, wouldn't she? 130 00:10:38,920 --> 00:10:41,279 She'd be ringing you up to complain. 131 00:10:41,280 --> 00:10:43,719 ON PHONE: 'So, what's the next step, Ma'am?' 132 00:10:43,720 --> 00:10:46,159 ON PHONE: 'Now, Frank was a licensing officer, 133 00:10:46,160 --> 00:10:48,719 'with the Northumberland City Council.' 134 00:10:48,720 --> 00:10:51,719 Some sort of emergency there on Friday, so meet me there. 135 00:10:51,720 --> 00:10:53,800 ON PHONE: 'Let's see what they can tell us.' 136 00:11:10,240 --> 00:11:13,639 We've only just heard about Frank. Couldn't this have waited? 137 00:11:13,640 --> 00:11:15,559 Er, no, pet, it can't. 138 00:11:15,560 --> 00:11:17,919 How long had Frank been at the council? 139 00:11:17,920 --> 00:11:22,160 Since university, but in licensing... five years? 140 00:11:23,320 --> 00:11:25,839 He was practically part of the furniture. 141 00:11:25,840 --> 00:11:27,439 We know on Friday afternoon, 142 00:11:27,440 --> 00:11:29,959 he was dealing with an urgent work matter... 143 00:11:29,960 --> 00:11:31,599 Oh, no, no, no. That's incorrect. 144 00:11:31,600 --> 00:11:35,160 Frank wasn't at work. He'd taken the afternoon off to go sailing. 145 00:11:37,640 --> 00:11:39,799 Well, is it possible he'd changed his mind 146 00:11:39,800 --> 00:11:41,239 and decided to work instead? 147 00:11:41,240 --> 00:11:45,639 Frank was dedicated to the council and its values, 148 00:11:45,640 --> 00:11:48,160 but he had a good work-life balance. 149 00:11:50,400 --> 00:11:52,079 Where's his office? 150 00:11:52,080 --> 00:11:54,639 His desk is, er... It's over there. 151 00:11:54,640 --> 00:11:55,839 I'll check it out... 152 00:11:55,840 --> 00:11:58,359 Oh, no. I'd prefer it if we went through the proper channels. 153 00:11:58,360 --> 00:12:01,039 I need to inform our legal department, chief exec's office... 154 00:12:01,040 --> 00:12:03,639 We're not looking for state secrets, love. 155 00:12:03,640 --> 00:12:06,720 We're just trying to ascertain what sort of person Frank was. 156 00:12:15,840 --> 00:12:18,200 He was popular with everyone. 157 00:12:20,280 --> 00:12:23,959 So, no problems with disgruntled licensees, 158 00:12:23,960 --> 00:12:26,199 or friction with councillors? 159 00:12:26,200 --> 00:12:27,840 No, nothing like that. 160 00:12:29,480 --> 00:12:31,439 Did he ever talk about his home life? 161 00:12:31,440 --> 00:12:35,480 Frank was professional. He kept his private life out of the office. 162 00:12:41,640 --> 00:12:43,679 D'you have permission to do that? 163 00:12:43,680 --> 00:12:47,719 Detective Sergeant Aiden Healey - Northumberland and City Police. 164 00:12:47,720 --> 00:12:50,039 Oh. Did you work with Frank? 165 00:12:50,040 --> 00:12:52,919 Ever since I left college. 166 00:12:52,920 --> 00:12:54,760 I'm Leonie. Becker. 167 00:12:57,440 --> 00:12:59,359 How did he die? 168 00:12:59,360 --> 00:13:02,079 Bosses didn't tell us much. It's too early to say. 169 00:13:02,080 --> 00:13:05,079 But we believe that he may have been handling some kind of emergency 170 00:13:05,080 --> 00:13:06,799 on Friday? 171 00:13:06,800 --> 00:13:08,960 Anything major's flagged up on the staff intranet. 172 00:13:16,600 --> 00:13:18,439 It doesn't look like anything came in. 173 00:13:18,440 --> 00:13:21,719 We don't have major emergencies as such. 174 00:13:21,720 --> 00:13:24,439 You might get a nasty phone call if someone's lost their licence, 175 00:13:24,440 --> 00:13:25,839 but that's it. 176 00:13:25,840 --> 00:13:27,879 HE EXHALES OK. 177 00:13:27,880 --> 00:13:31,399 Day to day, what did his job entail? 178 00:13:31,400 --> 00:13:33,199 The usual management responsibilities. 179 00:13:33,200 --> 00:13:36,359 Staff appraisals, inspection regimes. 180 00:13:36,360 --> 00:13:38,639 I can send you a copy of his job description. 181 00:13:38,640 --> 00:13:40,639 That'd be helpful, thanks. 182 00:13:40,640 --> 00:13:43,679 Right, well, if that's everything... 183 00:13:43,680 --> 00:13:46,839 I'm surprised he wasn't running his own department, 184 00:13:46,840 --> 00:13:49,199 having worked so many years at the council. 185 00:13:49,200 --> 00:13:52,079 We both went for this job - head of licensing. 186 00:13:52,080 --> 00:13:53,999 Oh, but you got it? 187 00:13:54,000 --> 00:13:56,239 They liked the work I'd done in procurement. 188 00:13:56,240 --> 00:13:59,359 They wanted a fresh face, fresh ideas. 189 00:13:59,360 --> 00:14:01,559 Being overlooked, though, 190 00:14:01,560 --> 00:14:04,119 that must've been a bitter pill to swallow. 191 00:14:04,120 --> 00:14:07,639 Well, if it was, he never showed it. 192 00:14:07,640 --> 00:14:10,119 Now, I'm gonna need access to Frank's computer 193 00:14:10,120 --> 00:14:12,039 and any other devices he might've used. 194 00:14:12,040 --> 00:14:15,519 Well, I'll have to refer up. We handle sensitive data here. 195 00:14:15,520 --> 00:14:17,159 Oh, well, while you're doing that, 196 00:14:17,160 --> 00:14:19,519 I'll refer up to the magistrate, come back with a warrant. 197 00:14:19,520 --> 00:14:22,560 Maybe get access to everyone's computer? 198 00:14:23,960 --> 00:14:25,800 I'll see what I can do. 199 00:14:34,480 --> 00:14:35,919 Anything useful in that diary? 200 00:14:35,920 --> 00:14:39,159 Cos talking to her was like wading through red tape and treacle. 201 00:14:39,160 --> 00:14:41,119 Endless meetings. 202 00:14:41,120 --> 00:14:43,719 He had one on the Friday morning, but nothing in the afternoon. 203 00:14:43,720 --> 00:14:45,799 Oh, cos he knew he'd be away. 204 00:14:45,800 --> 00:14:48,079 You know, maybe Frank was seeing someone on the quiet. 205 00:14:48,080 --> 00:14:50,159 Aye, that's what I'm thinking. 206 00:14:50,160 --> 00:14:53,399 It's just that his colleague said there was no emergency on Friday. 207 00:14:53,400 --> 00:14:56,000 They all seem to think he was off on his boat. 208 00:14:57,520 --> 00:14:59,719 So let's get over to that sailing club 209 00:14:59,720 --> 00:15:03,040 and find out if anyone saw him, and if he was alone. 210 00:15:16,000 --> 00:15:19,479 Frank was one of the good ones. The family must be in bits. 211 00:15:19,480 --> 00:15:21,639 Mm. That's a bit of an understatement. 212 00:15:21,640 --> 00:15:24,040 Yeah. Pulled that footage you asked for. 213 00:15:25,200 --> 00:15:27,759 So, he arrives at 14:40... 214 00:15:27,760 --> 00:15:29,400 And he left at... 215 00:15:33,080 --> 00:15:34,319 ..16:30. 216 00:15:34,320 --> 00:15:37,959 So, do members need some sort of code to access their boats? 217 00:15:37,960 --> 00:15:41,239 Key fob. How much does the CCTV cover? 218 00:15:41,240 --> 00:15:43,079 Everything around the main gate here. 219 00:15:43,080 --> 00:15:45,319 It's not bad, considering we're a small club. 220 00:15:45,320 --> 00:15:48,640 Well, I'll need to see all the footage covering the last month. 221 00:15:49,960 --> 00:15:52,159 Aye, no problem. 222 00:15:52,160 --> 00:15:54,679 Can anyone get near the boats without a fob? 223 00:15:54,680 --> 00:15:57,479 Not by car, but you could walk in, yeah. 224 00:15:57,480 --> 00:15:59,479 Can you show me where Frank kept his boat? 225 00:15:59,480 --> 00:16:00,920 Yeah. 226 00:16:05,800 --> 00:16:07,560 It was just here. 227 00:16:10,800 --> 00:16:14,520 And you don't have a camera covering this area? No. 228 00:16:15,520 --> 00:16:17,479 But sailors are a close-knit community. 229 00:16:17,480 --> 00:16:20,239 They'd have gone to help Frank if he was in trouble. 230 00:16:20,240 --> 00:16:22,760 Yeah, only if they could actually see what was happening. 231 00:16:27,840 --> 00:16:30,759 How long does it take to hitch a boat? 232 00:16:30,760 --> 00:16:35,839 Varies. Experienced sailors - around 30 to 35 minutes. 233 00:16:35,840 --> 00:16:38,240 Well, Frank was here knocking on two hours. 234 00:16:39,920 --> 00:16:44,360 So, he hitches his boat to his car and drives off at 4:30. 235 00:16:45,680 --> 00:16:47,679 Other than Amble and Alnwick, 236 00:16:47,680 --> 00:16:49,759 where else could he have set sail from? 237 00:16:49,760 --> 00:16:51,439 Anywhere with a proper launch ramp, 238 00:16:51,440 --> 00:16:53,040 or that's shallow enough to drive in. 239 00:16:54,160 --> 00:16:56,999 Aye. And the tide wasn't right to launch from here? 240 00:16:57,000 --> 00:16:59,519 Not on Friday, not at that time. 241 00:16:59,520 --> 00:17:02,679 Well, he wouldn't have sailed far. 242 00:17:02,680 --> 00:17:05,839 He had plans for Sunday afternoon. 243 00:17:05,840 --> 00:17:08,399 He was doing up an old boat here with his son, Lyle. 244 00:17:08,400 --> 00:17:09,719 Mm. 245 00:17:09,720 --> 00:17:11,799 Is that it? Yeah. 246 00:17:11,800 --> 00:17:14,120 No-one saw him coming or leaving Friday. 247 00:17:16,160 --> 00:17:19,559 And is the son a regular face down here at the club? 248 00:17:19,560 --> 00:17:21,200 He is... 249 00:17:22,600 --> 00:17:24,679 But what, love? PHONE RINGS 250 00:17:24,680 --> 00:17:25,839 Nothing. 251 00:17:25,840 --> 00:17:27,879 No, come on. You were gonna say something. 252 00:17:27,880 --> 00:17:29,799 He's a teenage lad. Do I need to say any more? 253 00:17:29,800 --> 00:17:31,320 Aye, you do, pet. 254 00:17:32,520 --> 00:17:33,600 I dunno. 255 00:17:34,840 --> 00:17:36,760 He's gone into himself lately. 256 00:17:38,040 --> 00:17:40,559 You look at him in the wrong way, and you'll get a mouthful. 257 00:17:40,560 --> 00:17:43,040 Ma'am? They've found Frank's car. 258 00:17:50,520 --> 00:17:53,199 We have to stop meeting like this, DCI Stanhope. 259 00:17:53,200 --> 00:17:54,639 Yeah, say that again. 260 00:17:54,640 --> 00:17:56,880 Right, well, we found droplets of blood in the car. 261 00:17:58,240 --> 00:18:00,680 Samples are on the way to the lab. Right. 262 00:18:09,200 --> 00:18:13,079 Is there any evidence to suggest he was assaulted at this site? 263 00:18:13,080 --> 00:18:15,199 None whatsoever. We found no blood on the ground, 264 00:18:15,200 --> 00:18:17,879 and there's no trace evidence of an assault. 265 00:18:17,880 --> 00:18:20,280 One more thing - come and have a look at the boot. 266 00:18:24,640 --> 00:18:25,960 Recognise that? 267 00:18:28,840 --> 00:18:30,840 You've got to be kidding me. 268 00:18:33,160 --> 00:18:36,719 That's the same pattern Frank had on the side of his face. 269 00:18:36,720 --> 00:18:38,000 Correct. 270 00:18:39,080 --> 00:18:43,960 So he was killed and then dumped in the boot of his car. 271 00:18:45,560 --> 00:18:48,920 Which means we still don't have a crime scene. 272 00:18:52,440 --> 00:18:55,040 And that could be anywhere. 273 00:19:01,240 --> 00:19:04,879 Now we've seen footage of his car, leaving the sailing club, 274 00:19:04,880 --> 00:19:07,959 but we've got no idea who's driving it. 275 00:19:07,960 --> 00:19:10,799 Could be Frank or his killer. 276 00:19:10,800 --> 00:19:13,759 Or anyone in between, come to that. 277 00:19:13,760 --> 00:19:16,279 Did SOCOs find anything at the sailing club? 278 00:19:16,280 --> 00:19:17,999 They're going down there this morning. 279 00:19:18,000 --> 00:19:20,439 They've not been yet?! What are they waiting for?! 280 00:19:20,440 --> 00:19:23,439 They've got major staffing issues, but the site's been cordoned off. 281 00:19:23,440 --> 00:19:25,519 Jac, where are we on the timeline? 282 00:19:25,520 --> 00:19:28,199 Frank might've had an early morning inspection, Ma'am. 283 00:19:28,200 --> 00:19:29,599 His car pinged the ANPR, 284 00:19:29,600 --> 00:19:31,879 then we see him arrive in Menton Road at 7:33AM. 285 00:19:31,880 --> 00:19:35,279 His boss gave us a copy of his job description. 286 00:19:35,280 --> 00:19:37,199 He didn't do inspections any more, 287 00:19:37,200 --> 00:19:39,639 so he must've been there for some other reason. 288 00:19:39,640 --> 00:19:42,079 He returns to his car at 9:15AM. 289 00:19:42,080 --> 00:19:44,199 Mark and I questioned shop owners, no-one saw him. 290 00:19:44,200 --> 00:19:47,399 Er, yeah. We also checked out a nearby bus station. 291 00:19:47,400 --> 00:19:49,999 Now footage shows someone who could be Frank waiting for a bus. 292 00:19:50,000 --> 00:19:51,920 This time, wearing a cap. 293 00:19:55,160 --> 00:19:56,759 Yeah, that's him. 294 00:19:56,760 --> 00:20:00,639 But where's that bag? Didn't find that in his car, 295 00:20:00,640 --> 00:20:02,559 hasn't been found anywhere else. 296 00:20:02,560 --> 00:20:05,239 Maybe that's what the killer was after. 297 00:20:05,240 --> 00:20:07,959 Ma'am, Frank bought a laptop a month ago. 298 00:20:07,960 --> 00:20:12,039 Did he? We need to find them both. 299 00:20:12,040 --> 00:20:13,919 But why would he be at the bus station 300 00:20:13,920 --> 00:20:16,679 when he's got his own motor? Picking somebody up? 301 00:20:16,680 --> 00:20:18,439 On his own when he returned to his car. 302 00:20:18,440 --> 00:20:22,199 Let's get the internal CCTV from all the buses. 303 00:20:22,200 --> 00:20:25,639 From say 7:30 to 9:15. 304 00:20:25,640 --> 00:20:27,679 That's gonna take some time to get through. 305 00:20:27,680 --> 00:20:29,879 Yeah. Well, they better get started, then! 306 00:20:29,880 --> 00:20:31,999 JAC: On it, Ma'am. 307 00:20:32,000 --> 00:20:35,159 Now, by all accounts, Frank was a popular fella. 308 00:20:35,160 --> 00:20:39,119 Someone killed him, dumped him in his boot. 309 00:20:39,120 --> 00:20:41,999 Let's look at Friday. He lies to his missus about 310 00:20:42,000 --> 00:20:45,359 some emergency at work. Then tells her he's gonna be off 311 00:20:45,360 --> 00:20:47,519 for the weekend. Now what does that sound like? 312 00:20:47,520 --> 00:20:48,639 Problems at home. 313 00:20:48,640 --> 00:20:50,959 So let's take a look at the Channings' marriage. 314 00:20:50,960 --> 00:20:55,679 And run a check on the son and Glynn Allen, the lad's grandad. 315 00:20:55,680 --> 00:20:57,559 Now, Kenny, phone records? 316 00:20:57,560 --> 00:21:01,319 Er, well, the "urgent text" that, er, Frank received at 13:17 317 00:21:01,320 --> 00:21:03,679 was from an unregistered device in Acklington. 318 00:21:03,680 --> 00:21:06,239 But Frank's own phone pings off the same tower 319 00:21:06,240 --> 00:21:07,999 about 20 minutes later. 320 00:21:08,000 --> 00:21:10,399 So looks like he's driven straight there. 321 00:21:10,400 --> 00:21:13,319 And we know he's at the sailing club by 14:40, 322 00:21:13,320 --> 00:21:15,959 so he dealt with that emergency pretty quickly. 323 00:21:15,960 --> 00:21:19,359 Well, and at 15:15, he calls a "Callum Terry". 324 00:21:19,360 --> 00:21:21,599 But the call only lasted about 20 seconds, so... 325 00:21:21,600 --> 00:21:23,280 could've been a butt dial. 326 00:21:24,600 --> 00:21:26,519 Could've been a what? A butt dial. 327 00:21:26,520 --> 00:21:28,879 When you sit on your phone, and accidentally call someone. 328 00:21:28,880 --> 00:21:30,239 Oh... 329 00:21:30,240 --> 00:21:34,159 Do that a lot, do you, Kenny, talk out your backside? 330 00:21:34,160 --> 00:21:35,559 I learnt from the best, Ma'am. 331 00:21:35,560 --> 00:21:37,599 HE LAUGHS 332 00:21:37,600 --> 00:21:41,679 Well, we need to track down this Callum Terry. 333 00:21:41,680 --> 00:21:45,720 Top priority, the CCTV from the, er, bus company. 334 00:21:50,720 --> 00:21:52,959 So, Mr Channing suffered a head injury. 335 00:21:52,960 --> 00:21:54,599 I already know that. 336 00:21:54,600 --> 00:21:56,999 Is it from an assault or what? Accident? 337 00:21:57,000 --> 00:21:58,559 Well, it could've been either. 338 00:21:58,560 --> 00:22:00,719 Is that what killed him? No, it isn't. 339 00:22:00,720 --> 00:22:02,679 He would've suffered a mild concussion. 340 00:22:02,680 --> 00:22:05,879 Been back on his feet within a couple of days. So, what? 341 00:22:05,880 --> 00:22:09,119 Er, cause of death was blunt force trauma to the ribs. 342 00:22:09,120 --> 00:22:10,879 Caused by? 343 00:22:10,880 --> 00:22:14,079 Well, it's the kind of injury you see a lot in car crashes, 344 00:22:14,080 --> 00:22:16,039 or people falling from significant heights, 345 00:22:16,040 --> 00:22:17,279 out of windows, for example. 346 00:22:17,280 --> 00:22:19,559 Obviously we can rule both those things out. 347 00:22:19,560 --> 00:22:21,879 I'm not ruling anything out. Good for you. 348 00:22:21,880 --> 00:22:25,759 So you think he was hit with something... 349 00:22:25,760 --> 00:22:26,959 or kicked? 350 00:22:26,960 --> 00:22:29,399 Well, I'd be minded to opt for the kick, 351 00:22:29,400 --> 00:22:32,199 judging by the shape of the bruising. 352 00:22:32,200 --> 00:22:33,679 You see here. 353 00:22:33,680 --> 00:22:36,599 Now, the blunt force trauma would've caused 354 00:22:36,600 --> 00:22:39,199 a hemopneumothorax. Hm? 355 00:22:39,200 --> 00:22:42,679 No? Oh, disappointing, DCI Stanhope. 356 00:22:42,680 --> 00:22:45,280 His lungs collapsed and he would've died shortly afterwards. 357 00:22:48,080 --> 00:22:51,799 And those injuries to his wrists and fingers... 358 00:22:51,800 --> 00:22:52,999 They're historic injuries. 359 00:22:53,000 --> 00:22:54,759 What, sailing-related? 360 00:22:54,760 --> 00:22:57,439 Er, hard to tell without more context. Right. 361 00:22:57,440 --> 00:22:58,999 Thanks, Malcolm. 362 00:22:59,000 --> 00:23:00,840 Oh, I nearly forgot. 363 00:23:02,040 --> 00:23:03,080 Here you are. 364 00:23:05,240 --> 00:23:06,759 Animal, vegetable or mineral? 365 00:23:06,760 --> 00:23:08,919 It's a bacon bap. My treat. 366 00:23:08,920 --> 00:23:11,759 I know it's not much of a leaving present, but... 367 00:23:11,760 --> 00:23:13,959 Oh, news travels fast. 368 00:23:13,960 --> 00:23:16,359 So when where you thinking of telling us? Erm... 369 00:23:16,360 --> 00:23:18,359 Or were you just gonna disappear? 370 00:23:18,360 --> 00:23:21,999 No. Well, I've been invited to join a wonderful institute in Copenhagen, 371 00:23:22,000 --> 00:23:25,199 who are doing the most remarkable work in the field of paleology, 372 00:23:25,200 --> 00:23:28,039 which is the study of grains and pollens in forensics... 373 00:23:28,040 --> 00:23:31,319 Well, I've gotta crack on, love. You know how it is. 374 00:23:31,320 --> 00:23:34,719 But, Malcolm... Yeah. 375 00:23:34,720 --> 00:23:36,200 Good luck, love. 376 00:23:37,800 --> 00:23:39,120 Well, it's been fun. 377 00:23:42,000 --> 00:23:43,560 Sort of. 378 00:23:48,480 --> 00:23:49,679 What? 379 00:23:49,680 --> 00:23:51,920 SOCOs have found blood on Lyle's boat. 380 00:23:54,800 --> 00:23:57,240 If that is our victim's blood... 381 00:23:58,760 --> 00:24:01,119 ..not looking good for his son, is it? 382 00:24:01,120 --> 00:24:04,280 D'you want me to bring him in? Aye. 383 00:24:08,560 --> 00:24:09,799 And bag this fleece up. 384 00:24:09,800 --> 00:24:12,319 Look, just let me past! DS Healy. 385 00:24:12,320 --> 00:24:14,399 What do you mean I can't go through? It's my boat! 386 00:24:14,400 --> 00:24:15,519 Look, move out the way! 387 00:24:15,520 --> 00:24:17,439 What are the chance of that being Frank's son? 388 00:24:17,440 --> 00:24:20,119 OFFICER: Hey, calm yourself down. 389 00:24:20,120 --> 00:24:22,719 DCI Stanhope, I'm in charge here. 390 00:24:22,720 --> 00:24:24,759 I'm very sorry about your dad, love, 391 00:24:24,760 --> 00:24:26,759 but you DO NOT shout at my officers. 392 00:24:26,760 --> 00:24:29,439 I just wanna work on me boat. Well, you can't! 393 00:24:29,440 --> 00:24:30,919 That's me dad's fleece. 394 00:24:30,920 --> 00:24:33,159 Yeah, well, thanks for confirming that, pet. 395 00:24:33,160 --> 00:24:35,119 Now, I need you to go with my officer. 396 00:24:35,120 --> 00:24:37,880 You think I killed my own dad? This way, please. 397 00:24:41,240 --> 00:24:44,159 Now, do you want your mam or a duty solicitor to be with you? 398 00:24:44,160 --> 00:24:45,319 It's your right. 399 00:24:45,320 --> 00:24:47,119 Ask your questions so I can get out of 'ere. 400 00:24:47,120 --> 00:24:49,720 Oi, show some respect. 401 00:24:54,520 --> 00:24:56,959 Tell me what you can remember about Friday. 402 00:24:56,960 --> 00:25:00,440 What, all day? No, lunchtime onwards. 403 00:25:04,800 --> 00:25:07,399 I went to college. Came home for lunch - 404 00:25:07,400 --> 00:25:10,760 didn't have money for canteen. Did you see your dad? 405 00:25:11,800 --> 00:25:13,160 Aye. 406 00:25:14,960 --> 00:25:17,639 Did you talk to him? Not really. 407 00:25:17,640 --> 00:25:19,319 Him and my mum were sitting holding hands 408 00:25:19,320 --> 00:25:22,639 like they were on a date. And why did that bother you? 409 00:25:22,640 --> 00:25:24,920 Well, they're a bit too old for all that, aren't they? 410 00:25:27,440 --> 00:25:30,799 I hear you and your dad weren't as close as you used to be. 411 00:25:30,800 --> 00:25:34,080 We had different ideas about things. Like? 412 00:25:35,440 --> 00:25:38,519 He let people walk all over him. That's not being a man. 413 00:25:38,520 --> 00:25:40,320 Anyone in particular? 414 00:25:42,640 --> 00:25:44,440 Take your pick. 415 00:25:46,200 --> 00:25:49,000 So where'd you go after you had lunch at home? 416 00:25:51,400 --> 00:25:54,439 Answer me, love! I went back to college. 417 00:25:54,440 --> 00:25:56,800 Well, that'll be easy enough to check out, Ma'am. 418 00:26:06,840 --> 00:26:08,599 It's not enough he's lost his dad, 419 00:26:08,600 --> 00:26:10,599 now you're treating him like a suspect. 420 00:26:10,600 --> 00:26:13,879 I'm sorry, love, but until I find out who killed your husband, 421 00:26:13,880 --> 00:26:15,919 I'm ruling nobody out. 422 00:26:15,920 --> 00:26:18,959 Now then, we're working on a theory that Frank was assaulted 423 00:26:18,960 --> 00:26:21,319 at the sailing club. Lyle couldn't have done it, 424 00:26:21,320 --> 00:26:22,759 there or anywhere else. 425 00:26:22,760 --> 00:26:25,239 And the next time you want to talk to my son, 426 00:26:25,240 --> 00:26:26,880 you come through me first. 427 00:26:28,480 --> 00:26:31,399 Ah. I need to ask you about Frank's laptop. 428 00:26:31,400 --> 00:26:33,720 What laptop? The one he bought recently. 429 00:26:36,600 --> 00:26:39,040 Well, if you don't know about it... 430 00:26:40,280 --> 00:26:43,319 ..I'm afraid we're gonna have to formally search your home. 431 00:26:43,320 --> 00:26:46,119 Do it now, if you want. We've nothing to hide. 432 00:26:46,120 --> 00:26:47,439 Anything else? 433 00:26:47,440 --> 00:26:50,839 Aye, we found Frank's car and trailer at the side 434 00:26:50,840 --> 00:26:54,759 of the River Kern. Has he launched from there before? 435 00:26:54,760 --> 00:26:58,519 Dunno. You're the detective. 436 00:26:58,520 --> 00:27:01,119 Right, are we done 'ere? I'm going round Jayden's. 437 00:27:01,120 --> 00:27:03,880 I'm taking you home, son. See you later. 438 00:27:07,760 --> 00:27:09,999 Do you fancy a brew? 439 00:27:10,000 --> 00:27:11,960 BARISTA: There you go. Thanks, love. 440 00:27:19,080 --> 00:27:21,560 Sorry for before. Nah. 441 00:27:24,960 --> 00:27:26,440 Lyle's a good kid. 442 00:27:28,080 --> 00:27:32,000 It's only recently he's become... difficult. 443 00:27:33,360 --> 00:27:36,199 Lyle accused his dad of being weak. 444 00:27:36,200 --> 00:27:38,719 Says that's why they drifted apart. 445 00:27:38,720 --> 00:27:41,879 Does that ring true? Frank wasn't weak. 446 00:27:41,880 --> 00:27:43,760 But he was diplomatic. 447 00:27:44,760 --> 00:27:47,280 Lyle sees the world in black and white. 448 00:27:50,800 --> 00:27:52,839 Has anything... 449 00:27:52,840 --> 00:27:57,159 significant happened in the family over the past few weeks? 450 00:27:57,160 --> 00:27:58,719 I don't know what you mean. 451 00:27:58,720 --> 00:28:03,520 Are there any particular issues at home I should know about? 452 00:28:05,400 --> 00:28:07,919 And I thought you were being genuine. 453 00:28:07,920 --> 00:28:12,279 I was. I am, cos I want to find your husband's killer. 454 00:28:12,280 --> 00:28:14,679 And that means uncomfortable questions. 455 00:28:14,680 --> 00:28:17,039 We were just a bog-standard married couple. 456 00:28:17,040 --> 00:28:21,519 So did your husband often spend weekends away from the house? 457 00:28:21,520 --> 00:28:26,000 I've got a funeral to plan, so you'll have to excuse me. 458 00:28:28,400 --> 00:28:32,479 Does the name Callum Terry mean anything to you? 459 00:28:32,480 --> 00:28:34,559 Your husband called him on Friday. 460 00:28:34,560 --> 00:28:38,040 It's his best mate. They talked all the time. 461 00:28:41,360 --> 00:28:44,000 Frank and I were married 20 years. 462 00:28:45,440 --> 00:28:48,279 We'd learned to give each other space. 463 00:28:48,280 --> 00:28:50,959 And we trusted each other. 464 00:28:50,960 --> 00:28:53,480 That's what real love is. 465 00:29:24,520 --> 00:29:26,439 None of this feels real. 466 00:29:26,440 --> 00:29:28,640 We couldn't believe it when Julia phoned. No. 467 00:29:30,360 --> 00:29:33,439 I believe you're both friends of the family. 468 00:29:33,440 --> 00:29:36,959 Yeah. In fact, we're Lyle's godparents. 469 00:29:36,960 --> 00:29:39,280 Cal and Frank were friends all the way back from uni. 470 00:29:40,960 --> 00:29:45,119 Mr Terry, Frank's phone records show us that he called you 471 00:29:45,120 --> 00:29:48,039 at 3:15 on Friday. Aye. 472 00:29:48,040 --> 00:29:50,239 Confirming a night out. 473 00:29:50,240 --> 00:29:52,719 I-I was at work, so I couldn't stay on long. 474 00:29:52,720 --> 00:29:55,559 Where d'you work? In the hospital. 475 00:29:55,560 --> 00:29:58,839 We both do. I'm a nurse manager, A&E. 476 00:29:58,840 --> 00:30:00,240 Surgeon. Orthopaedics. 477 00:30:01,800 --> 00:30:05,360 Friday was the last time me and Frank spoke. 478 00:30:07,480 --> 00:30:10,919 And how did he seem? Erm... 479 00:30:10,920 --> 00:30:14,280 same as usual. Said he was going sailing. 480 00:30:16,080 --> 00:30:21,839 Over the last couple of weeks, did he mention any problems at work 481 00:30:21,840 --> 00:30:23,679 or at home? 482 00:30:23,680 --> 00:30:26,839 Er, he-he never said anything to me. 483 00:30:26,840 --> 00:30:32,080 He mainly talked about, erm... sailing... Lyle. 484 00:30:35,120 --> 00:30:37,719 Lying's not gonna help anyone. 485 00:30:37,720 --> 00:30:39,519 We're not lying... He'd moved out. 486 00:30:39,520 --> 00:30:41,439 Oonagh! What? 487 00:30:41,440 --> 00:30:44,079 They're gonna find out anyway, aren't they? And like she said, 488 00:30:44,080 --> 00:30:46,000 how is any of this helping Frank? 489 00:30:47,240 --> 00:30:49,520 It was a couple of weeks ago. Why did he move out? 490 00:30:50,760 --> 00:30:52,879 Things had become stale between him and Julia. 491 00:30:52,880 --> 00:30:56,199 Lyle says they were holding hands on Friday, 492 00:30:56,200 --> 00:30:58,320 so maybe things were on the mend? 493 00:30:59,840 --> 00:31:02,200 I got the opposite impression. 494 00:31:03,320 --> 00:31:05,159 Where'd he go? 495 00:31:05,160 --> 00:31:08,239 We just assumed that he'd booked into a hotel or a B&B. 496 00:31:08,240 --> 00:31:12,239 He didn't tell his best mate where he was going? 497 00:31:12,240 --> 00:31:13,759 That was Frank all over. 498 00:31:13,760 --> 00:31:18,040 He was a great bloke, but he kept his private life... private. 499 00:31:20,040 --> 00:31:22,999 Right. Come on. Where are we up to? 500 00:31:23,000 --> 00:31:25,319 Jason's sent through the footage from the sailing club, 501 00:31:25,320 --> 00:31:26,919 but, er, some of it's missing. 502 00:31:26,920 --> 00:31:28,639 Missing? Yeah, it's odd. 503 00:31:28,640 --> 00:31:30,559 Well, get a warrant for the hard drive. 504 00:31:30,560 --> 00:31:32,999 I wanna see that footage by the end of the day. 505 00:31:33,000 --> 00:31:35,319 And we need to get hold of the deceased's medical records. 506 00:31:35,320 --> 00:31:39,559 Malcolm's flagged up some unexplained historic injuries. 507 00:31:39,560 --> 00:31:42,919 Ma'am, Frank was renting a lock-up for years from Brigant Security. 508 00:31:42,920 --> 00:31:44,879 Maybe the laptop's up there. 509 00:31:44,880 --> 00:31:46,200 In a lock-up? 510 00:31:47,160 --> 00:31:50,239 Now that's a long shot, but check it out, Mark. Ma'am. 511 00:31:50,240 --> 00:31:52,719 Kenny, what've you got? Well, over the last month, 512 00:31:52,720 --> 00:31:56,439 Frank talked to an "Alison Ayad" 14 times. 513 00:31:56,440 --> 00:31:58,399 Well, they don't sound like butt dials. 514 00:31:58,400 --> 00:32:00,639 Far from it. These are long conversations. 515 00:32:00,640 --> 00:32:01,879 And she's from Acklington. 516 00:32:01,880 --> 00:32:05,999 Not a million miles from where he was on Friday. 517 00:32:06,000 --> 00:32:08,559 When I talked to her social housing provider, 518 00:32:08,560 --> 00:32:12,119 they told me that she shares the tenancy with her husband, 519 00:32:12,120 --> 00:32:13,439 Nitesh Ayad. 520 00:32:13,440 --> 00:32:17,759 He was the bus driver involved in that crash about three years back. 521 00:32:17,760 --> 00:32:20,839 Care worker was killed, had four bairns. 522 00:32:20,840 --> 00:32:22,079 Kylie Summerley. 523 00:32:22,080 --> 00:32:24,479 Well, Nitesh Ayad got six years for it, 524 00:32:24,480 --> 00:32:26,559 but he was released two weeks ago on licence. 525 00:32:26,560 --> 00:32:29,159 And who do you think was the witness for the prosecution? 526 00:32:29,160 --> 00:32:31,119 Frank Channing?! Yeah. 527 00:32:31,120 --> 00:32:35,679 So, Frank's evidence helped put that driver in jail. 528 00:32:35,680 --> 00:32:38,919 Three years later, old Franky boy's having long, 529 00:32:38,920 --> 00:32:41,560 cosy chats with the driver's missus. 530 00:32:43,080 --> 00:32:45,240 And now he's dead. 531 00:32:52,840 --> 00:32:56,199 Maybe Frank's the reason she stayed put. 532 00:32:56,200 --> 00:32:58,079 I mean, she must've come in for some stick 533 00:32:58,080 --> 00:33:00,319 after her husband was banged up. 534 00:33:00,320 --> 00:33:02,480 She probably didn't want to uproot the kids. 535 00:33:12,640 --> 00:33:15,199 DCI Stanhope, DS Healey. 536 00:33:15,200 --> 00:33:16,639 Tesh! It's the police! 537 00:33:16,640 --> 00:33:18,280 Thank you so much for coming. 538 00:33:24,160 --> 00:33:27,679 D'you wanna take my statement here, or down at the station? 539 00:33:27,680 --> 00:33:30,799 We're here about Frank Channing. We know. 540 00:33:30,800 --> 00:33:33,639 I was beginning to think he was all mouth... 541 00:33:33,640 --> 00:33:34,760 but he's come good. 542 00:33:36,600 --> 00:33:38,880 I think we're at crossed purposes, love. 543 00:33:40,120 --> 00:33:42,240 We're investigating Mr Channing's death. 544 00:33:46,000 --> 00:33:49,600 That's it. It's over! 545 00:33:53,120 --> 00:33:54,759 He's dead. 546 00:33:54,760 --> 00:33:57,400 I'm sorry, why did you think we were here? 547 00:33:58,400 --> 00:34:00,680 It doesn't matter now. Well, let me decide that. 548 00:34:02,920 --> 00:34:07,919 Last few years can't have been easy for you, love. After the crash... 549 00:34:07,920 --> 00:34:09,439 That wasn't my fault... 550 00:34:09,440 --> 00:34:11,479 You fell asleep at the wheel, Mr Ayad. 551 00:34:11,480 --> 00:34:13,799 So would anyone, if they'd been working my hours! 552 00:34:13,800 --> 00:34:16,479 I just wanted to be vindicated. 553 00:34:16,480 --> 00:34:19,839 That's why Mr Channing was helping us. 554 00:34:19,840 --> 00:34:23,519 To prove that Through-Bus are still putting people's lives at risk. 555 00:34:23,520 --> 00:34:25,359 They're totally bent. In what way? 556 00:34:25,360 --> 00:34:27,439 Making drivers work illegal hours. 557 00:34:27,440 --> 00:34:29,799 They covered it up then, they're covering it up now. 558 00:34:29,800 --> 00:34:32,160 Have you got proof of that? No. 559 00:34:33,760 --> 00:34:38,479 Because after the crash they stopped. Went by the book. 560 00:34:38,480 --> 00:34:40,519 But now they've started up again. 561 00:34:40,520 --> 00:34:42,720 How d'you know that? 562 00:34:44,880 --> 00:34:47,039 "Carmen". 563 00:34:47,040 --> 00:34:50,359 Another driver that used to work with Tesh. 564 00:34:50,360 --> 00:34:52,279 She came to see me, 565 00:34:52,280 --> 00:34:54,679 she was upset because she'd had a near miss. 566 00:34:54,680 --> 00:34:57,999 So what made you reach out to Frank, of all people? 567 00:34:58,000 --> 00:34:59,879 I felt he should help put things right. 568 00:34:59,880 --> 00:35:02,879 He was at the trial, standing up for the council. 569 00:35:02,880 --> 00:35:06,320 Saying they didn't put a foot wrong and it was all Tesh's fault. 570 00:35:07,360 --> 00:35:08,759 It wasn't true. 571 00:35:08,760 --> 00:35:10,600 D'you have this Carmen's details? 572 00:35:11,880 --> 00:35:14,479 She'd been working with Frank, gathering evidence. 573 00:35:14,480 --> 00:35:16,959 She's got cold feet now, but... 574 00:35:16,960 --> 00:35:19,399 PAPER RIPS ..you never know... 575 00:35:19,400 --> 00:35:21,600 she might still help. Thanks, love. 576 00:35:23,080 --> 00:35:27,160 Now, did either of you see Frank on Friday? Maybe in the afternoon? 577 00:35:28,320 --> 00:35:32,239 No, we were... doing a weekly shop in Morpeth. 578 00:35:32,240 --> 00:35:35,040 In Morpeth? They won't serve us round here. 579 00:35:42,960 --> 00:35:46,919 VERA: Do we believe that? Frank was turning whistleblower? 580 00:35:46,920 --> 00:35:48,959 What would be in it for him? 581 00:35:48,960 --> 00:35:50,799 Clear his conscience? 582 00:35:50,800 --> 00:35:53,319 Cos if it turns out Through-Bus is dodgy, 583 00:35:53,320 --> 00:35:55,920 it was Frank who let 'em slip through the net. 584 00:35:56,960 --> 00:35:59,039 Now, at the time of the fatal crash, 585 00:35:59,040 --> 00:36:02,679 Frank's job included overseeing inspections, 586 00:36:02,680 --> 00:36:05,599 which means he must've signed off on all the ones 587 00:36:05,600 --> 00:36:07,039 relating to Through-Bus. 588 00:36:07,040 --> 00:36:10,399 Jac, dig out the transcripts and witness statements 589 00:36:10,400 --> 00:36:12,439 from that public inquiry. 590 00:36:12,440 --> 00:36:14,799 And let's take a look at Frank's inspection reports. 591 00:36:14,800 --> 00:36:17,879 Cos if he was following up on what this fella says, 592 00:36:17,880 --> 00:36:19,359 maybe that's where he started. 593 00:36:19,360 --> 00:36:21,399 Tech didn't find anything about Through-Bus 594 00:36:21,400 --> 00:36:22,839 on Frank's work computer. 595 00:36:22,840 --> 00:36:27,199 Well, maybe he was looking at them, off the books. 596 00:36:27,200 --> 00:36:29,839 HEALEY: Without running it past his boss first? Mmm. 597 00:36:29,840 --> 00:36:32,079 He might have had a good reason, Ma'am. 598 00:36:32,080 --> 00:36:34,559 JAC SIGHS What am I looking at? 599 00:36:34,560 --> 00:36:36,639 These initials, "SR". 600 00:36:36,640 --> 00:36:38,479 Frank met up with his union rep, Sue Ronsel, 601 00:36:38,480 --> 00:36:41,359 several times in the past few weeks. Did he? 602 00:36:41,360 --> 00:36:43,279 PHONE RINGS HEALEY: 'Hello, CID.' 603 00:36:43,280 --> 00:36:46,439 So, was his work life difficult? 604 00:36:46,440 --> 00:36:49,999 Well, that's a different story to the one given us by his boss. 605 00:36:50,000 --> 00:36:51,919 The rep's based over in Blyth. 606 00:36:51,920 --> 00:36:53,999 Take a run over there, Jac, have a chat. 607 00:36:54,000 --> 00:36:55,719 See what she can tell us. Ma'am. 608 00:36:55,720 --> 00:36:57,839 MOBILE RINGS, BEEPS 609 00:36:57,840 --> 00:37:00,279 Yeah. I'm on me way. 610 00:37:00,280 --> 00:37:02,000 Julia's at the mortuary. 611 00:37:03,080 --> 00:37:06,680 Ma'am, you need to take a look at this. What? 612 00:37:10,440 --> 00:37:11,480 SHE CLICKS TONGUE 613 00:37:35,800 --> 00:37:37,200 It never gets any easier. 614 00:37:39,800 --> 00:37:41,479 My mam died when I was ten. 615 00:37:41,480 --> 00:37:43,719 That's tough going. 616 00:37:43,720 --> 00:37:46,120 Aye. But I had my dad. 617 00:37:47,320 --> 00:37:51,399 Before you go, could you just clear something up for me, pet? 618 00:37:51,400 --> 00:37:54,839 You see, you didn't mention that your husband 619 00:37:54,840 --> 00:37:57,719 had moved out of the marital home. 620 00:37:57,720 --> 00:37:58,760 Who told you that? 621 00:38:00,680 --> 00:38:03,479 Oh, don't tell me, Oonagh. 622 00:38:03,480 --> 00:38:06,199 Look, I just need to know where he was living, pet. 623 00:38:06,200 --> 00:38:07,680 Why would he tell me? 624 00:38:09,240 --> 00:38:12,079 The grieving widow knew nothing about her husband. 625 00:38:12,080 --> 00:38:13,799 Her marriage was going down the toilet. 626 00:38:13,800 --> 00:38:15,639 All right, love... It's the truth, Dad. 627 00:38:15,640 --> 00:38:16,760 It's embarrassing! 628 00:38:18,040 --> 00:38:20,719 Frank was the only man I ever wanted to be with. 629 00:38:20,720 --> 00:38:23,680 Now give her a moment. I need a word anyway. 630 00:38:24,920 --> 00:38:26,919 As part of our investigation, 631 00:38:26,920 --> 00:38:29,239 we've been looking into your background. 632 00:38:29,240 --> 00:38:32,519 Oh. So you'll know, I used to be a naughty boy... 633 00:38:32,520 --> 00:38:35,999 If that's what you call ABH and fleecing your customers. 634 00:38:36,000 --> 00:38:38,079 I've been straight since Lyle was born. 635 00:38:38,080 --> 00:38:39,879 I'd never do anything that'd hurt him. 636 00:38:39,880 --> 00:38:40,920 Is that right? 637 00:38:41,960 --> 00:38:44,599 Look, I wasn't the best dad. 638 00:38:44,600 --> 00:38:46,399 And when Lyle came along, 639 00:38:46,400 --> 00:38:48,159 I wanted to do right by him and my daughter. 640 00:38:48,160 --> 00:38:50,519 Ah, commendable. So, you wouldn't've been best pleased 641 00:38:50,520 --> 00:38:52,719 when you found out Frank was leaving your daughter. 642 00:38:52,720 --> 00:38:55,479 He did right by her in the end. He was coming back to her. 643 00:38:55,480 --> 00:38:59,039 That's all that matters. He loved her and he loved his son. 644 00:38:59,040 --> 00:39:01,199 Now, hang on, hang on. 645 00:39:01,200 --> 00:39:04,719 So, did the pair of them still work on the lad's boat together, 646 00:39:04,720 --> 00:39:06,879 even though Frank was living elsewhere? 647 00:39:06,880 --> 00:39:08,359 As far as I know. 648 00:39:08,360 --> 00:39:11,879 D'you think Lyle knew where his dad was living? 649 00:39:11,880 --> 00:39:13,999 No-one knows what the lad's thinking these days. 650 00:39:14,000 --> 00:39:15,520 You'll have to ask him yourself. 651 00:39:32,320 --> 00:39:35,240 You weren't at the morgue with your mam and grandad. 652 00:39:36,400 --> 00:39:38,600 Yeah, well, it's not exactly a nice day out, is it? 653 00:39:40,520 --> 00:39:43,399 And you didn't go back to college on Friday afternoon, 654 00:39:43,400 --> 00:39:44,440 like you told us. 655 00:39:47,160 --> 00:39:49,800 Look, lying's not gonna do anyone any good is it, love? 656 00:39:52,080 --> 00:39:55,440 I came down here on Friday afternoon. I couldn't face college. 657 00:39:57,080 --> 00:39:59,720 What, after seeing your mam and dad together again? 658 00:40:00,920 --> 00:40:01,960 Just to sit. 659 00:40:05,080 --> 00:40:06,440 Did you see your dad here? 660 00:40:08,640 --> 00:40:09,680 Yeah, and he saw me. 661 00:40:12,120 --> 00:40:14,679 It was about... half two. He waved at me from the boat. 662 00:40:14,680 --> 00:40:16,400 I just pretended he wasn't there. 663 00:40:17,600 --> 00:40:20,839 Then I went to the Black Horse, in town. Had a couple of jars. 664 00:40:20,840 --> 00:40:22,960 Ah, well, my officers will check that. 665 00:40:24,800 --> 00:40:27,799 Here, d'you know when I'm gonna get my dad's fleece jacket back? 666 00:40:27,800 --> 00:40:29,600 Aye, when forensics have finished with it. 667 00:40:36,160 --> 00:40:39,719 You know, Lyle, you and your dad, 668 00:40:39,720 --> 00:40:41,959 I think you'd have worked things out. 669 00:40:41,960 --> 00:40:43,359 You know what I thought of him. 670 00:40:43,360 --> 00:40:45,799 Aye, but you still turned up here, on Sunday, didn't you, 671 00:40:45,800 --> 00:40:47,040 to work on the boat? 672 00:40:48,160 --> 00:40:49,960 Expecting your dad to turn up. 673 00:40:52,600 --> 00:40:57,280 And I reckon he would've, love, if he'd been able. 674 00:41:03,240 --> 00:41:06,160 Er... The fleece... 675 00:41:08,000 --> 00:41:10,160 ..he was wearing it last time he worked on the boat. 676 00:41:16,520 --> 00:41:18,240 You never said why were you looking for me. 677 00:41:19,960 --> 00:41:23,159 Ah, well, I was hoping you could tell me where your dad was staying 678 00:41:23,160 --> 00:41:24,359 when he left home. 679 00:41:24,360 --> 00:41:25,559 Cal and Oonagh's. 680 00:41:25,560 --> 00:41:28,359 Ah, no. They said they didn't know. 681 00:41:28,360 --> 00:41:31,680 Course they did. He was at their flat. In Bedlington. 682 00:41:33,480 --> 00:41:34,600 Thanks, love. 683 00:41:36,440 --> 00:41:38,679 VERA'S KEYPAD BEEPS 684 00:41:38,680 --> 00:41:41,360 PHONE RINGS Aiden... 685 00:41:48,680 --> 00:41:51,199 While we're doing our best to find your friend's killer, 686 00:41:51,200 --> 00:41:53,959 all you're doing is withholding vital information. 687 00:41:53,960 --> 00:41:56,439 Well, what difference does it make, whether he was here or... 688 00:41:56,440 --> 00:41:59,439 or in a hotel? Cos this is a murder inquiry. 689 00:41:59,440 --> 00:42:02,999 I've a good mind to arrest you and your missus for wasting police time! 690 00:42:03,000 --> 00:42:05,440 No. Oonagh doesn't know he was here. Oh? 691 00:42:06,600 --> 00:42:08,840 I thought Frank was her friend as well. 692 00:42:10,240 --> 00:42:12,719 This flat is supposed to be a holiday let. And? 693 00:42:12,720 --> 00:42:14,919 I didn't tell her Frank was staying here. 694 00:42:14,920 --> 00:42:16,480 It was... It was only temporary. 695 00:42:23,360 --> 00:42:25,919 Ah, well, it's a nice view... 696 00:42:25,920 --> 00:42:28,879 so two weeks here, what's that, a grand? 697 00:42:28,880 --> 00:42:30,319 Something like that... 698 00:42:30,320 --> 00:42:32,560 Aye, I can see that'd put a hole in your pocket. 699 00:42:34,280 --> 00:42:35,799 But why keep it from her? 700 00:42:35,800 --> 00:42:40,399 I mean, don't suppose you'd get many bookings this time of the year. 701 00:42:40,400 --> 00:42:43,839 We agreed we'd never let it out for free to friends or family. 702 00:42:43,840 --> 00:42:45,759 But Frank would've done the same for me. 703 00:42:45,760 --> 00:42:47,919 You won't tell Oonagh about this, will you? 704 00:42:47,920 --> 00:42:50,880 You're in no position to be making deals, pet. 705 00:42:55,320 --> 00:43:00,639 I'm gonna ask you something again, and I want the truth. 706 00:43:00,640 --> 00:43:03,840 Did Frank mention any problems at work? Yes or no? 707 00:43:05,160 --> 00:43:06,199 Aye. 708 00:43:06,200 --> 00:43:09,919 He said his boss wanted him gone. But he wouldn't say why. 709 00:43:09,920 --> 00:43:12,159 There's no laptop. I told you that. 710 00:43:12,160 --> 00:43:15,400 Well, you're hardly a reliable witness, are you, love? 711 00:43:16,640 --> 00:43:19,039 And next time you lie to me, 712 00:43:19,040 --> 00:43:22,120 you're gonna be getting a taste of my hospitality. 713 00:43:24,840 --> 00:43:27,480 VERA: So, Frank's boss wanted him gone. 714 00:43:29,080 --> 00:43:32,719 It looks like all roads lead back to the council and that bus company. 715 00:43:32,720 --> 00:43:35,919 HEALEY: What I don't get is if Frank starts poking around, 716 00:43:35,920 --> 00:43:38,999 discovers something dodgy about the bus company, 717 00:43:39,000 --> 00:43:40,919 why would Belinda be bothered? 718 00:43:40,920 --> 00:43:42,559 I mean, does it make her look bad? 719 00:43:42,560 --> 00:43:45,559 Oh... Ooh, it's a possibility. MOBILE RINGS 720 00:43:45,560 --> 00:43:50,359 Or maybe there's another connection between her and Through-Bus. 721 00:43:50,360 --> 00:43:51,519 Jac... 722 00:43:51,520 --> 00:43:53,999 Ma'am, I've spoken to Sue Ronsel, Frank's union rep. 723 00:43:54,000 --> 00:43:56,759 She says Leonie Becker filed a formal complaint against Frank, 724 00:43:56,760 --> 00:43:59,239 accused him of "unfair treatment in the workplace". 725 00:43:59,240 --> 00:44:00,519 Apparently he singled her out, 726 00:44:00,520 --> 00:44:02,679 and when she challenged him, he blew up in the office. 727 00:44:02,680 --> 00:44:04,599 And what was the outcome? 728 00:44:04,600 --> 00:44:07,039 Frank was about to get sacked. 729 00:44:07,040 --> 00:44:09,720 BEEP We're onto something. 730 00:44:18,080 --> 00:44:20,800 INDISTINCT CHATTER 731 00:44:30,600 --> 00:44:34,599 You failed to mention Frank was being forced out. 732 00:44:34,600 --> 00:44:37,959 He was dead - why sully his name? 733 00:44:37,960 --> 00:44:41,279 It could've been relevant to our investigation! 734 00:44:41,280 --> 00:44:43,559 "Popular with everyone", you told us. 735 00:44:43,560 --> 00:44:45,759 So, why was he being chucked out, after one row? 736 00:44:45,760 --> 00:44:49,399 He was undermining junior staff. In what way? 737 00:44:49,400 --> 00:44:52,119 I can't divulge confidential information. 738 00:44:52,120 --> 00:44:56,159 But I can tell you, that Leonie was... affected. 739 00:44:56,160 --> 00:44:58,720 Well, I need to hear that from her. 740 00:45:00,440 --> 00:45:01,999 Where is she? 741 00:45:02,000 --> 00:45:05,239 Court. For a licensing case. 742 00:45:05,240 --> 00:45:08,439 And another thing, did you know Frank was looking into 743 00:45:08,440 --> 00:45:11,439 that Through-Bus crash from three years back? 744 00:45:11,440 --> 00:45:13,759 No. Why? 745 00:45:13,760 --> 00:45:15,399 He believed he'd found evidence 746 00:45:15,400 --> 00:45:18,479 that that crash wasn't entirely the driver's fault. 747 00:45:18,480 --> 00:45:20,719 Well... 748 00:45:20,720 --> 00:45:22,080 why didn't he tell me? 749 00:45:23,080 --> 00:45:24,400 Why indeed? 750 00:45:25,480 --> 00:45:30,079 His silence could've cost lives. Passengers, drivers... 751 00:45:30,080 --> 00:45:32,319 Well, I'll have to advise the Chief Exec, 752 00:45:32,320 --> 00:45:34,799 institute an emergency inspection. 753 00:45:34,800 --> 00:45:37,319 Inform the Health and Safety Commission. 754 00:45:37,320 --> 00:45:39,400 Have you got access to this information? 755 00:45:40,560 --> 00:45:44,079 Well, we're still dotting the i's, as it were. 756 00:45:44,080 --> 00:45:46,200 Well, as soon as you know anything, you let me know. 757 00:45:48,000 --> 00:45:50,080 I'll do everything I can to help. 758 00:45:55,920 --> 00:45:57,159 Aiden? 'Ma'am.' 759 00:45:57,160 --> 00:46:00,519 Get over to the court and find Leonie Becker. 760 00:46:00,520 --> 00:46:04,319 I want chapter and verse on that row she had with Frank. 761 00:46:04,320 --> 00:46:05,919 If she put in a complaint, 762 00:46:05,920 --> 00:46:09,039 it must've been one helluva row. 'OK.' 763 00:46:09,040 --> 00:46:13,840 And chase up the inspection reports for Through-Bus. 764 00:46:15,120 --> 00:46:17,439 There's something's not right here. 765 00:46:17,440 --> 00:46:19,800 MAN: It's all detailed in the report. 766 00:46:21,200 --> 00:46:23,679 You made a complaint against Frank. 767 00:46:23,680 --> 00:46:26,599 That's right. And he deserved it. 768 00:46:26,600 --> 00:46:30,839 Cos he was nitpicking my work. Micro-managing me. 769 00:46:30,840 --> 00:46:34,799 We used to get on really well. And then things suddenly changed. 770 00:46:34,800 --> 00:46:36,239 I challenged Frank about it, 771 00:46:36,240 --> 00:46:39,919 and he blew up at me in front of the whole office. 772 00:46:39,920 --> 00:46:42,959 I was getting upset. And my boyfriend got worked up... 773 00:46:42,960 --> 00:46:44,039 How worked up? 774 00:46:44,040 --> 00:46:46,840 Not enough to harm Frank, if that's what you're thinking. 775 00:46:48,320 --> 00:46:50,999 Jason said I should make a formal complaint, 776 00:46:51,000 --> 00:46:53,279 and I thought, he's right. Jason...? 777 00:46:53,280 --> 00:46:58,280 Hewley. Works at the sailing club. Thank you. 778 00:47:09,200 --> 00:47:12,400 D'you recognise this, Jason? It's from a couple of weeks ago. 779 00:47:13,840 --> 00:47:16,959 See, there's Frank arriving and now he's leaving. 780 00:47:16,960 --> 00:47:19,599 That's peculiar, isn't it, DS Healey? 781 00:47:19,600 --> 00:47:22,639 There's some footage missing from the CCTV. 782 00:47:22,640 --> 00:47:24,159 How d'you explain that? 783 00:47:24,160 --> 00:47:28,119 Happens sometimes, the system cuts out, reboots itself. 784 00:47:28,120 --> 00:47:31,519 Oh, I see. Erm, but luckily for us... 785 00:47:31,520 --> 00:47:34,319 We got access to the sailing club's hard drive. 786 00:47:34,320 --> 00:47:37,679 They're like elephants - they never forget. 787 00:47:37,680 --> 00:47:40,480 See, here's the missing footage. 788 00:47:44,240 --> 00:47:45,799 VERA: Oof! 789 00:47:45,800 --> 00:47:47,519 I just wanted him to back off with Leonie. 790 00:47:47,520 --> 00:47:50,119 And you let your fists do the talking. 791 00:47:50,120 --> 00:47:52,159 Dress rehearsal for Friday, was it... 792 00:47:52,160 --> 00:47:53,639 I never saw Frank on Friday, I swear! 793 00:47:53,640 --> 00:47:55,799 ..when you kicked seven bells out of the fella? 794 00:47:55,800 --> 00:48:01,279 No! Now, on Friday, Frank turned up at 14:40. 795 00:48:01,280 --> 00:48:03,039 And you disappeared. 796 00:48:03,040 --> 00:48:05,559 You were missing for nearly two hours. 797 00:48:05,560 --> 00:48:07,439 Means, motive, opportunity... 798 00:48:07,440 --> 00:48:09,600 I wasn't there. I was... 799 00:48:11,360 --> 00:48:14,640 ..in a meeting. OK. 800 00:48:15,680 --> 00:48:17,160 So, where was the meeting? 801 00:48:19,720 --> 00:48:21,800 That's a simple enough question, love. 802 00:48:24,040 --> 00:48:27,079 Client's property. Well, that narrows it down! 803 00:48:27,080 --> 00:48:28,560 Business premises? 804 00:48:29,640 --> 00:48:32,080 Not exactly. Their house? 805 00:48:34,520 --> 00:48:38,079 I've had enough of this, take him back to the cell. 806 00:48:38,080 --> 00:48:39,120 Their car! 807 00:48:41,480 --> 00:48:44,600 What were you doing having a meeting with a client, in their car? 808 00:48:46,520 --> 00:48:48,000 Name and address of this client. 809 00:48:52,600 --> 00:48:53,760 She's married. 810 00:48:57,080 --> 00:48:58,719 Oh, now we get it. 811 00:48:58,720 --> 00:49:01,719 I'll lose everything. My job. Leonie. 812 00:49:01,720 --> 00:49:05,720 You're gonna have to tell us, love. Or risk facing a murder charge. 813 00:49:09,080 --> 00:49:10,840 Leonie's boss. 814 00:49:14,680 --> 00:49:16,280 Belinda Rayford? 815 00:49:20,840 --> 00:49:22,720 You were seeing Belinda Rayford? 816 00:49:25,160 --> 00:49:26,400 Since when? 817 00:49:27,760 --> 00:49:28,880 Christmas. 818 00:49:31,000 --> 00:49:33,279 Last Friday, we met outside the club, 819 00:49:33,280 --> 00:49:34,720 drove to a lay-by. 820 00:49:36,520 --> 00:49:40,319 Leonie's complaint to HR about Frank, 821 00:49:40,320 --> 00:49:42,199 she told my officer here, 822 00:49:42,200 --> 00:49:44,639 that is was you who egged her on to make that complaint. 823 00:49:44,640 --> 00:49:46,679 Aye. She wanted to let it go, 824 00:49:46,680 --> 00:49:49,319 but what about all the other women he might do it to? 825 00:49:49,320 --> 00:49:51,639 Yeah, well, that's a fine sentiment, love. 826 00:49:51,640 --> 00:49:55,599 Now, during this meeting in the back of Belinda's car, 827 00:49:55,600 --> 00:49:58,679 did she happen to suggest that the likes of Frank Channing 828 00:49:58,680 --> 00:50:00,360 shouldn't be working at the council? 829 00:50:03,400 --> 00:50:07,039 Did she? Answer the question. 830 00:50:07,040 --> 00:50:10,359 No. Are you sure? 831 00:50:10,360 --> 00:50:12,159 Yeah, but the way she said it, 832 00:50:12,160 --> 00:50:14,199 his behaviour was affecting other people... 833 00:50:14,200 --> 00:50:17,719 Jason, love. She played you. You're wrong. She cares about me 834 00:50:17,720 --> 00:50:21,079 and she wants to do right by Leonie. She was stoking the fire. 835 00:50:21,080 --> 00:50:22,719 Nothing to do with Leonie. 836 00:50:22,720 --> 00:50:27,119 Belinda had her own reasons to get rid of Frank Channing. 837 00:50:27,120 --> 00:50:28,919 And you helped her! 838 00:50:28,920 --> 00:50:30,879 We're checking Belinda's alibi. 839 00:50:30,880 --> 00:50:32,599 Her and Jason, though... 840 00:50:32,600 --> 00:50:34,399 Nah, well, takes all sorts. 841 00:50:34,400 --> 00:50:36,479 Her office said that she's at a welcome brunch 842 00:50:36,480 --> 00:50:39,999 for European dignitaries, some kind of twinning event. 843 00:50:40,000 --> 00:50:43,559 Well, let's gatecrash the party. 844 00:50:43,560 --> 00:50:45,360 INDECIPHERABLE CHATTER 845 00:50:47,360 --> 00:50:49,119 Can I get a quick photo? 846 00:50:49,120 --> 00:50:51,440 Oh, yes. Lovely, thank you. 847 00:50:56,840 --> 00:50:58,800 CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS 848 00:51:05,680 --> 00:51:10,439 Well, I've just had a long chat with Jason Hewley. 849 00:51:10,440 --> 00:51:12,759 Hmm. 850 00:51:12,760 --> 00:51:14,839 Bit close to home, isn't it? 851 00:51:14,840 --> 00:51:16,560 We're two consenting adults. 852 00:51:17,560 --> 00:51:19,759 Now I'm single, I'm just having fun. 853 00:51:19,760 --> 00:51:21,879 Well, he thinks you're married. 854 00:51:21,880 --> 00:51:24,079 Well, we all need a get-out clause, don't we? 855 00:51:24,080 --> 00:51:25,839 No-one's getting hurt. 856 00:51:25,840 --> 00:51:27,839 Does that include Leonie? 857 00:51:27,840 --> 00:51:32,039 The way I see it, Frank's snooping around into the bus company, 858 00:51:32,040 --> 00:51:35,160 and for some reason, you want him gone. 859 00:51:36,720 --> 00:51:39,199 You're way off base, Inspector. Am I? 860 00:51:39,200 --> 00:51:41,599 Yes. His behaviour fell below the standards 861 00:51:41,600 --> 00:51:45,279 we expect in this organisation. Leonie's no pushover. 862 00:51:45,280 --> 00:51:47,439 I reckon she was handling the row just fine. 863 00:51:47,440 --> 00:51:50,079 Hmm, so you wind Jason up, 864 00:51:50,080 --> 00:51:52,719 send him off to find Frank to wallop him, 865 00:51:52,720 --> 00:51:55,879 now, he's a big lad, doesn't know his own strength, 866 00:51:55,880 --> 00:51:58,839 and, oops, he's killed him. 867 00:51:58,840 --> 00:52:00,159 Ridiculous. 868 00:52:00,160 --> 00:52:02,639 Now, you weren't to blame for those inspections, 869 00:52:02,640 --> 00:52:05,279 they come under Frank's remit. You told me that yourself. 870 00:52:05,280 --> 00:52:08,639 So, what did Frank have on you? 871 00:52:08,640 --> 00:52:10,519 Hmm? 872 00:52:10,520 --> 00:52:12,840 Was he blackmailing you about something? 873 00:52:16,360 --> 00:52:19,199 I've answered your questions, Inspector, 874 00:52:19,200 --> 00:52:24,680 so, if there's nothing else, I have guests to attend to. 875 00:52:32,720 --> 00:52:38,199 There's a connection between Belinda Rayford and Through-Bus. 876 00:52:38,200 --> 00:52:40,639 Are we any closer to finding it? Nothing so far, Ma'am. 877 00:52:40,640 --> 00:52:43,399 We've been going through footage from the bus station and the buses. 878 00:52:43,400 --> 00:52:45,639 Yeah, well, keep looking, all of you! 879 00:52:45,640 --> 00:52:49,479 Because this woman is in it, up to her neck! 880 00:52:49,480 --> 00:52:51,759 MOBILE RINGS 881 00:52:51,760 --> 00:52:54,039 Mark! Where are you? 882 00:52:54,040 --> 00:52:56,559 Er, Frank's storage unit. The place is a right mess. 883 00:52:56,560 --> 00:52:59,039 He's still got his parents' old furniture here. 884 00:52:59,040 --> 00:53:00,839 I'm not after a three-piece suite, love. 885 00:53:00,840 --> 00:53:02,799 VERA: 'Did you find that bag?' 886 00:53:02,800 --> 00:53:05,199 Ah, yes, Ma'am. It was on a desk. 'And?' 887 00:53:05,200 --> 00:53:06,919 Er, well, his laptop was inside. 888 00:53:06,920 --> 00:53:08,719 Good work, Mark. 889 00:53:08,720 --> 00:53:11,199 I've had a quick look, but he's got everything encrypted. 890 00:53:11,200 --> 00:53:12,719 I'm gonna get it send over to Tech. 891 00:53:12,720 --> 00:53:15,479 Yeah, well, keep me informed. BEEP 892 00:53:15,480 --> 00:53:16,719 Mark's found the laptop. 893 00:53:16,720 --> 00:53:17,959 Now, as soon as we get it, 894 00:53:17,960 --> 00:53:20,760 I want everyone going through those files. 895 00:53:21,920 --> 00:53:23,839 Ma'am, Frank did get a bus! 896 00:53:23,840 --> 00:53:26,920 He boarded the L80 to Alnwick on Friday. 897 00:53:28,440 --> 00:53:32,239 All right, that's him. Being thrown off. 898 00:53:32,240 --> 00:53:34,199 What's that driver's name? Carmen Harris. 899 00:53:34,200 --> 00:53:35,399 Carmen... 900 00:53:35,400 --> 00:53:37,720 She was the one helping Nitesh. 901 00:53:43,160 --> 00:53:45,240 WOMAN: See you, Carmen. Bye. 902 00:53:47,360 --> 00:53:49,479 HEALEY: There's an investigation going on. 903 00:53:49,480 --> 00:53:51,880 INDECIPHERABLE CHATTER 904 00:53:54,400 --> 00:53:57,320 TOOLS CLATTER 905 00:53:59,200 --> 00:54:00,920 FAINT DRILLING 906 00:54:02,360 --> 00:54:04,440 Fancy a cuppa? Oh! 907 00:54:07,280 --> 00:54:09,400 VERA: I know this is hard for yer... Do you? 908 00:54:10,920 --> 00:54:13,439 From where I'm sitting, I'm the only one who loses my job. 909 00:54:13,440 --> 00:54:17,079 Not you or Nitesh. Well, Frank lost his life, pet. 910 00:54:17,080 --> 00:54:19,120 Principles don't put food on the table. 911 00:54:21,240 --> 00:54:23,479 What were you and Frank arguing about on Friday? 912 00:54:23,480 --> 00:54:25,719 You kicked him off your bus. He was filming me. 913 00:54:25,720 --> 00:54:29,040 But wasn't that part of his investigation into Through-Bus? 914 00:54:32,280 --> 00:54:36,599 A few weeks back, I nodded off behind the wheel. 915 00:54:36,600 --> 00:54:38,079 It's happened to other drivers. 916 00:54:38,080 --> 00:54:40,040 It's only luck there's not been another crash. 917 00:54:42,280 --> 00:54:45,760 So, you went to see Nitesh's missus? Aye. 918 00:54:47,200 --> 00:54:48,839 Then Frank got in touch. 919 00:54:48,840 --> 00:54:50,999 I did everything I could to help him. 920 00:54:51,000 --> 00:54:52,240 In what way? 921 00:54:58,800 --> 00:55:00,680 These are my tachographs. Tachographs? 922 00:55:02,800 --> 00:55:05,239 They record driver information. 923 00:55:05,240 --> 00:55:08,479 How long we've been driving, speed, distance. 924 00:55:08,480 --> 00:55:09,880 Why've you got two? 925 00:55:13,160 --> 00:55:17,319 So we can work illegal hours, double shifts. 926 00:55:17,320 --> 00:55:18,359 We get paid, 927 00:55:18,360 --> 00:55:21,959 but once you've done it, they've got yer. 928 00:55:21,960 --> 00:55:24,560 So you gave those to Frank? Yeah. 929 00:55:25,680 --> 00:55:27,919 He downloaded all the original data. 930 00:55:27,920 --> 00:55:29,719 When he checked it against the time sheets 931 00:55:29,720 --> 00:55:31,119 given by the bus company... 932 00:55:31,120 --> 00:55:34,079 They'd altered the hours? It was a whitewash. 933 00:55:34,080 --> 00:55:35,720 And Frank were gonna expose them. 934 00:55:37,320 --> 00:55:39,879 Why did you back out of the investigation? 935 00:55:39,880 --> 00:55:41,719 Cos... 936 00:55:41,720 --> 00:55:46,519 Frank wanted time to persuade other drivers to join us. 937 00:55:46,520 --> 00:55:48,199 He was on a mission. 938 00:55:48,200 --> 00:55:49,559 They wanted none of it 939 00:55:49,560 --> 00:55:51,480 and started making life difficult for me. 940 00:55:52,600 --> 00:55:54,839 Told Frank I were backing out. 941 00:55:54,840 --> 00:55:58,600 Tesh was angry with me and Frank. 942 00:55:59,720 --> 00:56:02,959 He's been getting it in the neck from his neighbours. 943 00:56:02,960 --> 00:56:04,879 CARMEN: They were upset that he was released 944 00:56:04,880 --> 00:56:07,079 after only serving only half his sentence. 945 00:56:07,080 --> 00:56:10,759 GLASS SHATTERS, SCREAMS 946 00:56:10,760 --> 00:56:12,199 Are you all right? 947 00:56:12,200 --> 00:56:15,919 CARMEN: That sort of personal stuff didn't seem to register with Frank. 948 00:56:15,920 --> 00:56:18,679 He had tunnel vision about the investigation. 949 00:56:18,680 --> 00:56:20,959 Said he was gonna "present his findings", 950 00:56:20,960 --> 00:56:23,599 to Health and Safety. At the council? 951 00:56:23,600 --> 00:56:25,039 No, he were going to the top - 952 00:56:25,040 --> 00:56:27,079 straight to the Health and Safety Commission. 953 00:56:27,080 --> 00:56:29,400 Which would take time, and... 954 00:56:30,400 --> 00:56:32,120 ..Tesh wasn't happy. 955 00:56:36,280 --> 00:56:37,639 VERA: Just for the record, 956 00:56:37,640 --> 00:56:41,679 where were you, between the hours of four and 6pm on Friday? 957 00:56:41,680 --> 00:56:44,759 L114 to Bamburgh Castle. Feel free to check. 958 00:56:44,760 --> 00:56:46,079 Yeah, I will, love. 959 00:56:46,080 --> 00:56:48,079 Someone bricked the Ayads' house. Anyone hurt? 960 00:56:48,080 --> 00:56:50,999 Alison's in a state, and Nitesh has gone after Belinda. 961 00:56:51,000 --> 00:56:53,679 BANGS BRICK DOWN You're a killer! 962 00:56:53,680 --> 00:56:56,959 Hey! GRUNTING 963 00:56:56,960 --> 00:56:59,640 THUD, GROANS 964 00:57:10,320 --> 00:57:12,399 What did you think you were going to achieve, 965 00:57:12,400 --> 00:57:14,519 threatening Belinda Rayford? Justice. 966 00:57:14,520 --> 00:57:17,119 Why target her? She's in charge. 967 00:57:17,120 --> 00:57:18,399 She's always in the papers, 968 00:57:18,400 --> 00:57:20,639 shaking hands with VIPs, living it up. 969 00:57:20,640 --> 00:57:23,599 Yeah, and you end up almost lamping a security guard? 970 00:57:23,600 --> 00:57:26,359 It's not looking good for you, Nitesh. 971 00:57:26,360 --> 00:57:27,879 You can't pin Frank's death on me. 972 00:57:27,880 --> 00:57:31,399 Your alibi doesn't check out. Only Alison went shopping. 973 00:57:31,400 --> 00:57:35,119 Look, I get it. You thought Frank was dragging his heels... 974 00:57:35,120 --> 00:57:38,319 D'you blame me? My girls are crying themselves to sleep every night, 975 00:57:38,320 --> 00:57:40,599 and he's talking about "due process" 976 00:57:40,600 --> 00:57:43,639 and that we need more drivers to come forward? 977 00:57:43,640 --> 00:57:47,479 So, did you try to persuade Frank to speed up his investigation? 978 00:57:47,480 --> 00:57:49,679 Nah. I decided to do things my way. 979 00:57:49,680 --> 00:57:51,319 And what did that involve? 980 00:57:51,320 --> 00:57:53,279 Tracking him down at the sailing club? 981 00:57:53,280 --> 00:57:55,279 He was alive when he left mine! 982 00:57:55,280 --> 00:57:59,240 So, you did meet Frank on Friday. What? 983 00:58:01,600 --> 00:58:04,239 Yeah... I messaged him. 984 00:58:04,240 --> 00:58:05,800 The mystery text. 985 00:58:06,920 --> 00:58:08,400 Why'd you message him? 986 00:58:09,480 --> 00:58:12,919 Cos I was at her place, Kylie's. 987 00:58:12,920 --> 00:58:14,319 The woman I killed. 988 00:58:14,320 --> 00:58:17,599 Her family were harassing my daughters. 989 00:58:17,600 --> 00:58:19,039 I wanted them to stop! 990 00:58:19,040 --> 00:58:21,439 And how were you gonna get 'em to do that? 991 00:58:21,440 --> 00:58:23,360 Don't know. Start by asking them. 992 00:58:24,560 --> 00:58:27,799 Frank texted back. Told me to hang fire, 993 00:58:27,800 --> 00:58:28,840 that he'd come over. 994 00:58:30,240 --> 00:58:32,080 But I was already at Kylie's house. 995 00:58:33,920 --> 00:58:36,359 I walked up the path, ready to have it out and... 996 00:58:36,360 --> 00:58:37,919 And what? 997 00:58:37,920 --> 00:58:39,280 And I thought, "What's the point? 998 00:58:40,600 --> 00:58:44,079 "Nobody bloody listens." VERA TUTS 999 00:58:44,080 --> 00:58:48,479 Frank arrived. We sat in his car, he calmed me down, 1000 00:58:48,480 --> 00:58:51,040 and he made sure I got home OK. 1001 00:58:52,240 --> 00:58:55,000 He said the next couple of weeks were gonna be a rollercoaster. 1002 00:58:58,480 --> 00:58:59,640 And now he's dead. 1003 00:59:01,560 --> 00:59:03,880 How am I gonna protect my daughters? 1004 00:59:10,640 --> 00:59:12,520 What is it we're missing? 1005 00:59:14,520 --> 00:59:16,920 Frank was a by-the-book kinda fella. 1006 00:59:18,800 --> 00:59:21,799 I reckon he'd have told Belinda what he was doing. 1007 00:59:21,800 --> 00:59:24,199 Cos back then, he had no reason to not trust her. 1008 00:59:24,200 --> 00:59:26,119 But why was she so worried? 1009 00:59:26,120 --> 00:59:30,399 Like she said, inspections came under Frank's remit. 1010 00:59:30,400 --> 00:59:31,720 Well, she'd end up looking bad. 1011 00:59:33,360 --> 00:59:36,360 Or it was something else he discovered. 1012 00:59:37,680 --> 00:59:40,159 Mark, did Tech come back with anything we can use 1013 00:59:40,160 --> 00:59:43,039 from Frank's laptop? Emails and such. 1014 00:59:43,040 --> 00:59:44,599 Aye, but they're pretty generic. 1015 00:59:44,600 --> 00:59:47,679 Stuff like, "The issue we discussed today". 1016 00:59:47,680 --> 00:59:50,320 Ah, see, she's not daft, that one. 1017 00:59:51,560 --> 00:59:54,839 How long have Through-Bus had the council contract? 1018 00:59:54,840 --> 00:59:57,279 Er, by the looks of it, four years. 1019 00:59:57,280 --> 01:00:00,479 And she's been head of licensing for three. 1020 01:00:00,480 --> 01:00:04,639 Well, she boasted about having a senior position in procurement, 1021 01:00:04,640 --> 01:00:06,559 before she was promoted to licensing. 1022 01:00:06,560 --> 01:00:09,599 Which means she'd have seen all the bits that came in 1023 01:00:09,600 --> 01:00:14,759 and would've had a hand in awarding that contract to Through-Bus! 1024 01:00:14,760 --> 01:00:16,359 What do we know about them? 1025 01:00:16,360 --> 01:00:18,759 Major shareholders, directors? 1026 01:00:18,760 --> 01:00:21,079 Er, Tabuk Holdings owns a 52% stake, 1027 01:00:21,080 --> 01:00:23,679 and Strieber Finance, a 40% holding. 1028 01:00:23,680 --> 01:00:26,599 Right, well let's start with the first one - Tabuk Holdings. 1029 01:00:26,600 --> 01:00:27,639 Who's the top dog there? 1030 01:00:27,640 --> 01:00:30,359 A William Patrick Sandown. Managing director. 1031 01:00:30,360 --> 01:00:33,359 Strieber Finance is a Wilbur Morgan. 1032 01:00:33,360 --> 01:00:35,439 Right, now, we need to find a connection 1033 01:00:35,440 --> 01:00:39,319 between Belinda Rayford and either of those companies. 1034 01:00:39,320 --> 01:00:41,519 And check the society pages. What? 1035 01:00:41,520 --> 01:00:44,519 Well, why not? She likes hobnobbing with VIPs. 1036 01:00:44,520 --> 01:00:49,519 I bet she's got a shedload of ballgowns. Now, come on! 1037 01:00:49,520 --> 01:00:53,319 Ma'am. There's no connection between Belinda Rayford 1038 01:00:53,320 --> 01:00:54,760 or any of the companies mentioned. 1039 01:00:57,960 --> 01:00:59,000 SHE EXHALES DEEPLY 1040 01:01:01,520 --> 01:01:04,119 Try Belinda Morgan. HEALEY: What? 1041 01:01:04,120 --> 01:01:05,839 Or Belinda Sandown. 1042 01:01:05,840 --> 01:01:09,439 D'you remember when we confronted her about carrying on with Jason? 1043 01:01:09,440 --> 01:01:12,759 Said she was single. No, she said she was single "now". 1044 01:01:12,760 --> 01:01:15,039 There's still nothing listed with Companies House. 1045 01:01:15,040 --> 01:01:16,679 Oh, there's got to be something. 1046 01:01:16,680 --> 01:01:20,159 Er, Ma'am! The electoral register from four years ago, 1047 01:01:20,160 --> 01:01:22,919 shows William Patrick Sandown living with his wife, 1048 01:01:22,920 --> 01:01:25,880 Belinda Evelyn Sandown, in Newcastle. 1049 01:01:27,560 --> 01:01:30,639 We need to find out which contracts she approved, 1050 01:01:30,640 --> 01:01:32,239 and how many of those were given 1051 01:01:32,240 --> 01:01:35,319 to companies owned by William Patrick Sandown. 1052 01:01:35,320 --> 01:01:37,519 He got a sneak preview of his competitors' bids, 1053 01:01:37,520 --> 01:01:40,199 undercuts them, and then splits the cash with his missus. 1054 01:01:40,200 --> 01:01:42,439 Unmitigated fraud. 1055 01:01:42,440 --> 01:01:45,759 And I think that's what Frank uncovered. 1056 01:01:45,760 --> 01:01:48,679 Nitesh Ayad will be going back to prison. 1057 01:01:48,680 --> 01:01:50,960 He's breached the terms of his probation. 1058 01:01:52,160 --> 01:01:54,559 There are no winners in a situation like this. 1059 01:01:54,560 --> 01:01:57,600 Are you including yourself in that? He's the victim here. 1060 01:02:00,200 --> 01:02:02,519 Now, we've read Frank's report. 1061 01:02:02,520 --> 01:02:07,759 It seems, that Through-Bus were ordering the tachographs. 1062 01:02:07,760 --> 01:02:10,439 Slashing wages, piling on the hours. 1063 01:02:10,440 --> 01:02:14,839 Drivers were sleeping at the depot, taking speed to stay awake. 1064 01:02:14,840 --> 01:02:19,279 I mean, how did you feel when he presented you with this evidence? 1065 01:02:19,280 --> 01:02:21,279 He never showed me any evidence of wrongdoing. 1066 01:02:21,280 --> 01:02:22,760 No? 1067 01:02:24,120 --> 01:02:26,279 Well, how about when he found out 1068 01:02:26,280 --> 01:02:29,799 you used to be married to William Patrick Sandown, 1069 01:02:29,800 --> 01:02:32,719 Managing Director of Tabuk Holdings, 1070 01:02:32,720 --> 01:02:36,360 who have lucrative shares in Through-Bus? 1071 01:02:41,320 --> 01:02:44,520 You brought me in here to discuss Frank Channing's death... 1072 01:02:46,320 --> 01:02:48,119 ..not my marriage status. Hmm. 1073 01:02:48,120 --> 01:02:50,639 But you were a senior officer in the department 1074 01:02:50,640 --> 01:02:52,879 who awarded those contracts. 1075 01:02:52,880 --> 01:02:55,359 Did you declare a conflict of interest? 1076 01:02:55,360 --> 01:02:56,600 You can't ask me about this. 1077 01:02:57,640 --> 01:03:01,200 I didn't kill Frank. Check my alibi. 1078 01:03:03,200 --> 01:03:04,360 I was with Jason. 1079 01:03:05,400 --> 01:03:07,999 You've got nothing on me. Ah, but you had motive, love! 1080 01:03:08,000 --> 01:03:13,039 Frank was about to blow up your cosy arrangement with your ex... Cosy? 1081 01:03:13,040 --> 01:03:15,799 While you were swanning around in your designer heels, 1082 01:03:15,800 --> 01:03:17,359 families were grieving. 1083 01:03:17,360 --> 01:03:19,199 I got nothing out of this! Pull the other one. 1084 01:03:19,200 --> 01:03:20,320 He left me! 1085 01:03:21,320 --> 01:03:24,200 It's Will and his new family that are living the high life. 1086 01:03:25,680 --> 01:03:27,039 He left me with nothing! 1087 01:03:27,040 --> 01:03:29,719 Oh, well, I'll shed no tears for you, pet. 1088 01:03:29,720 --> 01:03:34,600 Did you pass on details of rival tenders to your husband? 1089 01:03:38,560 --> 01:03:41,080 It's a simple yes or no, pet. 1090 01:03:46,880 --> 01:03:48,320 Yes, I did. 1091 01:03:51,000 --> 01:03:53,040 Then the bastard left me. 1092 01:03:55,040 --> 01:03:56,080 And that was it. 1093 01:03:57,800 --> 01:03:59,159 I wanted nothing to do with it. 1094 01:03:59,160 --> 01:04:01,719 Ah, well, it's a bit late for that, Frank was already on to you. 1095 01:04:01,720 --> 01:04:03,839 He wouldn't give me time to fix things. 1096 01:04:03,840 --> 01:04:05,159 What, get rid of him, d'you mean? 1097 01:04:05,160 --> 01:04:07,799 And when your ploy to give him the sack didn't work, 1098 01:04:07,800 --> 01:04:10,639 you roped in The Hulk to put the frighteners on him. 1099 01:04:10,640 --> 01:04:12,559 Jealous, are you? Come on, love. 1100 01:04:12,560 --> 01:04:15,079 You can sneer all you like about Jason. 1101 01:04:15,080 --> 01:04:17,760 But at least I've got a man who'll do anything for me... 1102 01:04:20,040 --> 01:04:21,400 ..makes me feel attractive. 1103 01:04:23,960 --> 01:04:27,800 But then, you wouldn't know anything about that, would you? 1104 01:04:36,400 --> 01:04:40,519 If you hadn't helped your husband win that contract, 1105 01:04:40,520 --> 01:04:43,600 maybe Kylie Summerley would still be alive. 1106 01:04:45,040 --> 01:04:47,999 And maybe her daughters would still have a mam. 1107 01:04:48,000 --> 01:04:49,599 But they don't, 1108 01:04:49,600 --> 01:04:54,119 because people like you care more about holidays and fast cars 1109 01:04:54,120 --> 01:04:55,920 than they do about anything else. 1110 01:04:57,440 --> 01:04:58,679 Now, just for the record, 1111 01:04:58,680 --> 01:05:01,959 we will be passing Frank's files on to Health and Safety, 1112 01:05:01,960 --> 01:05:06,120 the council... and the CPS. 1113 01:05:08,000 --> 01:05:10,560 Interview terminated. BEEP 1114 01:05:14,400 --> 01:05:18,439 Kenny. Have we checked Belinda Rayford's alibi? 1115 01:05:18,440 --> 01:05:20,879 Er, yeah, but you're not gonna like it. 1116 01:05:20,880 --> 01:05:23,839 ANPR got a hit on a vehicle registered in her name, 1117 01:05:23,840 --> 01:05:26,759 on the way to Alnwick at 13:00 hours. 1118 01:05:26,760 --> 01:05:27,959 VERA SIGHS 1119 01:05:27,960 --> 01:05:31,119 Well, if she's not our killer, where does that leave us? 1120 01:05:31,120 --> 01:05:33,799 What about the Channings' alibis, have they all been verified? 1121 01:05:33,800 --> 01:05:36,400 I'm-I'm still going through it all, Ma'am. 1122 01:05:37,920 --> 01:05:39,679 We're getting nowhere fast here, Kenny. 1123 01:05:39,680 --> 01:05:42,319 Ma'am. I've got a detailed report on Frank's work computer. 1124 01:05:42,320 --> 01:05:45,879 Now, apparently he'd copied a few files off the system, 1125 01:05:45,880 --> 01:05:48,119 and deleted a few. Well, first thing in the morning, 1126 01:05:48,120 --> 01:05:50,199 get over to Leonie Becker. 1127 01:05:50,200 --> 01:05:53,000 See if she can shed some light. Ma'am. 1128 01:06:09,800 --> 01:06:13,840 Leonie? How you doing? Great. 1129 01:06:15,040 --> 01:06:17,600 Apart from finding out my boyfriend was sleeping with my boss. 1130 01:06:18,920 --> 01:06:20,520 I've pulled the files you wanted. 1131 01:06:22,720 --> 01:06:25,319 Most of these are records of standard licence applications. 1132 01:06:25,320 --> 01:06:27,239 We keep those for a couple of years. 1133 01:06:27,240 --> 01:06:30,679 So, what happens now? Who's taking over? 1134 01:06:30,680 --> 01:06:33,239 They've asked me to step up - temporarily. 1135 01:06:33,240 --> 01:06:34,319 Is that good news? 1136 01:06:34,320 --> 01:06:36,320 I mean, I couldn't do a worse job, could I? 1137 01:06:37,400 --> 01:06:38,560 Well, good luck. 1138 01:06:40,280 --> 01:06:42,520 I don't know if it's worth me mentioning... 1139 01:06:44,360 --> 01:06:46,159 These came in at around about the time 1140 01:06:46,160 --> 01:06:48,559 Frank started acting weird. Did they? 1141 01:06:48,560 --> 01:06:51,200 He told me not to worry about them, and that he'd deal with it. 1142 01:07:06,160 --> 01:07:07,959 KEYPAD BEEPS, MOBILE RINGS 1143 01:07:07,960 --> 01:07:10,879 BEEP Aiden. 1144 01:07:10,880 --> 01:07:14,039 I've got the printout of all the files that Frank deleted. 1145 01:07:14,040 --> 01:07:15,760 You'll never guess who's on one of them... 1146 01:07:17,880 --> 01:07:19,999 Who? 1147 01:07:20,000 --> 01:07:22,280 INDECIPHERABLE CHATTER 1148 01:07:36,360 --> 01:07:40,199 Look, I had nothing to do with whatever Frank was up to. 1149 01:07:40,200 --> 01:07:42,519 The council issued you with a closure order, 1150 01:07:42,520 --> 01:07:44,839 on the tenth of last month, 1151 01:07:44,840 --> 01:07:47,719 and soon after that it conveniently disappeared. 1152 01:07:47,720 --> 01:07:50,719 So, did you threaten Frank? Tell him to make it go away? 1153 01:07:50,720 --> 01:07:52,839 It's all right, mate, this is nothing. 1154 01:07:52,840 --> 01:07:54,079 I've got a living to make. 1155 01:07:54,080 --> 01:07:55,919 Yeah, and I've gotta find Frank's killer. 1156 01:07:55,920 --> 01:07:57,960 Well, you're looking in the wrong place. 1157 01:07:59,680 --> 01:08:01,959 I might've asked him for a favour. 1158 01:08:01,960 --> 01:08:03,879 A favour, well, it's a big bloody favour. 1159 01:08:03,880 --> 01:08:07,959 I never threatened him. I find that hard to believe. 1160 01:08:07,960 --> 01:08:11,319 Cos he'd have taken some persuading. Frank made the right choice. 1161 01:08:11,320 --> 01:08:15,079 To do right by his family. I didn't force him. 1162 01:08:15,080 --> 01:08:19,119 You told my officers you were in Hexham on Friday afternoon. 1163 01:08:19,120 --> 01:08:20,319 I was. 1164 01:08:20,320 --> 01:08:24,079 So, how come your mobile phone signal puts you miles away, 1165 01:08:24,080 --> 01:08:27,399 near Cal and Oonagh's flat, where Frank was staying. 1166 01:08:27,400 --> 01:08:30,399 Grandad? Grandad? 1167 01:08:30,400 --> 01:08:32,279 No. He's helping us with our enquiries, Lyle. 1168 01:08:32,280 --> 01:08:33,959 Mum's having one of her meltdowns. 1169 01:08:33,960 --> 01:08:36,199 HEALEY: We need to speak to him about your dad. 1170 01:08:36,200 --> 01:08:37,559 Hang on. Hang on... 1171 01:08:37,560 --> 01:08:39,720 How did you know where to look for Frank? 1172 01:08:43,920 --> 01:08:46,519 It was me. Yeah, I told me mam where he was staying... 1173 01:08:46,520 --> 01:08:48,119 Why? 1174 01:08:48,120 --> 01:08:51,079 She was upset, missing my dad. I didn't know what else to do. 1175 01:08:51,080 --> 01:08:52,279 But please can we go? 1176 01:08:52,280 --> 01:08:54,879 That's one hell of a black eye, Lyle. 1177 01:08:54,880 --> 01:08:57,600 Does your mam often have these meltdowns? 1178 01:08:59,600 --> 01:09:00,679 Now and again. 1179 01:09:00,680 --> 01:09:02,720 Ah, so, what's triggered this one? 1180 01:09:04,040 --> 01:09:06,039 Something stupid. 1181 01:09:06,040 --> 01:09:07,559 OK, Oonagh came round with flowers. 1182 01:09:07,560 --> 01:09:09,279 And when she'd left, Mam started ranting 1183 01:09:09,280 --> 01:09:11,399 about how she's rubbing her face in it. 1184 01:09:11,400 --> 01:09:13,240 What did she mean by that? 1185 01:09:14,520 --> 01:09:15,560 An affair? 1186 01:09:17,360 --> 01:09:18,560 Oh, Julia... 1187 01:09:19,960 --> 01:09:21,240 Well? 1188 01:09:22,440 --> 01:09:24,199 I had no designs on Frank. 1189 01:09:24,200 --> 01:09:26,719 Why would she think that you and Frank were in a relationship? 1190 01:09:26,720 --> 01:09:27,879 Because she's insecure. 1191 01:09:27,880 --> 01:09:30,719 You know, Frank and I, we came from very similar backgrounds, 1192 01:09:30,720 --> 01:09:32,119 we were on the same wavelength. 1193 01:09:32,120 --> 01:09:34,279 Julia can be paranoid. Yeah. 1194 01:09:34,280 --> 01:09:36,079 No, it was Lyle who told us. 1195 01:09:36,080 --> 01:09:38,279 I wasn't sleeping with Frank. 1196 01:09:38,280 --> 01:09:41,239 Look, I would never do anything to hurt Lyle. 1197 01:09:41,240 --> 01:09:42,719 Well, someone did. 1198 01:09:42,720 --> 01:09:44,959 He turned up at the scrapyard with a black eye. 1199 01:09:44,960 --> 01:09:46,440 Said it happened down at college. 1200 01:09:47,880 --> 01:09:49,519 That was probably a lie. 1201 01:09:49,520 --> 01:09:51,039 What do you mean by that? 1202 01:09:51,040 --> 01:09:52,839 Don't do this... This is about Lyle, now. 1203 01:09:52,840 --> 01:09:54,479 Look, one of you better start talking, 1204 01:09:54,480 --> 01:09:56,160 or you're both down the nick. 1205 01:09:57,760 --> 01:09:59,959 It was one time, erm, 1206 01:09:59,960 --> 01:10:02,119 it was 18 months, maybe two years ago, 1207 01:10:02,120 --> 01:10:05,479 Frank presented with an unexplained serious wrist fracture. 1208 01:10:05,480 --> 01:10:07,679 And we, I patched him up. 1209 01:10:07,680 --> 01:10:09,799 Why unexplained? 1210 01:10:09,800 --> 01:10:12,119 Well, he refused to tell us what had happened. 1211 01:10:12,120 --> 01:10:13,599 Anyway, we agreed, didn't we? 1212 01:10:13,600 --> 01:10:15,399 That we'd never do anything like that again. 1213 01:10:15,400 --> 01:10:17,240 For Frank's sake, and for our careers. 1214 01:10:18,600 --> 01:10:20,120 Well, who do you think hurt him? 1215 01:10:21,880 --> 01:10:23,440 Isn't it obvious? 1216 01:10:25,800 --> 01:10:27,200 Ah, about time. 1217 01:10:28,360 --> 01:10:30,119 I'm sitting here like a plum, waiting. 1218 01:10:30,120 --> 01:10:33,519 Oh, just had to check a couple of things, Mr Allen. 1219 01:10:33,520 --> 01:10:35,599 I won't keep you here much longer. BEEP 1220 01:10:35,600 --> 01:10:39,399 Er, commencing interview with Glynn Allen. 1221 01:10:39,400 --> 01:10:41,919 Now, I don't need to remind you, you're still under caution. 1222 01:10:41,920 --> 01:10:44,999 Where's my grandson? Oh, don't worry, he's safe. 1223 01:10:45,000 --> 01:10:48,479 Now, then, Friday - you went to find Frank. 1224 01:10:48,480 --> 01:10:50,600 No, Julia was worried about him. 1225 01:10:52,160 --> 01:10:54,319 I went to make sure everything was OK, 1226 01:10:54,320 --> 01:10:56,159 and he wasn't there. 1227 01:10:56,160 --> 01:10:58,359 So, I went back to the, to the yard. 1228 01:10:58,360 --> 01:11:00,040 What d'you mean - "safe"? 1229 01:11:01,160 --> 01:11:03,119 Well, that's some shiner he's got. 1230 01:11:03,120 --> 01:11:07,399 And you think I did it? Did you? 1231 01:11:07,400 --> 01:11:09,799 I'd never lay a hand on my grandson. 1232 01:11:09,800 --> 01:11:11,039 Well, you've got form. 1233 01:11:11,040 --> 01:11:13,559 Maybe you were punishing him for keeping Frank's secrets, 1234 01:11:13,560 --> 01:11:14,759 upsetting your daughter? 1235 01:11:14,760 --> 01:11:16,239 Someone assaulted him. 1236 01:11:16,240 --> 01:11:18,439 The same as someone assaulted Frank! 1237 01:11:18,440 --> 01:11:19,639 I never touched Frank. 1238 01:11:19,640 --> 01:11:22,079 His friends reckon you're perfectly capable of it. 1239 01:11:22,080 --> 01:11:25,119 They would. Looking down their noses at anyone not like them. 1240 01:11:25,120 --> 01:11:26,959 OK, if it wasn't you, who do you think 1241 01:11:26,960 --> 01:11:28,479 might've wanted to hurt him? 1242 01:11:28,480 --> 01:11:30,359 I mean, two members from the same family. 1243 01:11:30,360 --> 01:11:32,320 It's my fault Frank's dead, OK! 1244 01:11:37,680 --> 01:11:39,720 Would you care to elaborate on that? 1245 01:11:42,160 --> 01:11:43,760 I-I didn't know what to do. 1246 01:11:45,360 --> 01:11:47,999 I should've got help. Aye, love, you should've. 1247 01:11:48,000 --> 01:11:50,440 But then it was too late. 1248 01:11:51,800 --> 01:11:56,039 She-She-She's a good person, deep down. I promise you. 1249 01:11:56,040 --> 01:11:57,880 Who's a good person? 1250 01:12:00,880 --> 01:12:03,599 Julia. Hold on... 1251 01:12:03,600 --> 01:12:07,360 She's just insecure, needs to be in control, you know. 1252 01:12:08,760 --> 01:12:13,840 So, what happens when Julia's not in control? Hmm? 1253 01:12:15,960 --> 01:12:18,360 Does she have one of those meltdowns? 1254 01:12:22,040 --> 01:12:23,800 She's not a monster. 1255 01:12:25,320 --> 01:12:28,879 It all started with her just shouting at him. 1256 01:12:28,880 --> 01:12:31,559 A little bit of name calling. Nothing serious... 1257 01:12:31,560 --> 01:12:34,280 It-It just got worse. 1258 01:12:37,040 --> 01:12:39,919 If Frank was late back from work, or made a mess, 1259 01:12:39,920 --> 01:12:41,600 or said something she didn't like... 1260 01:12:43,840 --> 01:12:45,160 ..she'd beat him... 1261 01:12:48,000 --> 01:12:49,720 ..sometimes really badly. 1262 01:12:51,720 --> 01:12:53,399 But-But she was always sorry, 1263 01:12:53,400 --> 01:12:56,599 and I told her it weren't right. 1264 01:12:56,600 --> 01:13:00,799 Then she'd start getting upset and crying, and... 1265 01:13:00,800 --> 01:13:02,559 Like she did when she was little. 1266 01:13:02,560 --> 01:13:05,759 It's to stop you being angry with her. 1267 01:13:05,760 --> 01:13:09,399 I thought one day Frank'd stand up for himself, 1268 01:13:09,400 --> 01:13:12,240 and everything'd get sorted. 1269 01:13:13,640 --> 01:13:17,360 Well, maybe he did... on Friday. 1270 01:13:20,880 --> 01:13:22,160 Mr Allen... 1271 01:13:24,760 --> 01:13:28,600 ..do you think your daughter killed Frank? 1272 01:13:41,400 --> 01:13:44,000 Ah, can you tell me about Friday, pet? 1273 01:13:47,320 --> 01:13:48,480 Frank was leaving me. 1274 01:13:50,640 --> 01:13:53,080 Must've come as a terrible shock for you. 1275 01:13:58,360 --> 01:14:01,040 I thought he just needed a bit of time. 1276 01:14:02,720 --> 01:14:04,759 But he only came home to pick up his things. 1277 01:14:04,760 --> 01:14:06,560 Did he say why? 1278 01:14:08,840 --> 01:14:10,960 We barely had a chance to talk, 1279 01:14:12,120 --> 01:14:15,640 what with Lyle coming home and Frank getting that message. 1280 01:14:17,400 --> 01:14:18,799 Twenty years of marriage, 1281 01:14:18,800 --> 01:14:22,439 and he can't be bothered explaining why. 1282 01:14:22,440 --> 01:14:24,159 Mm-hm. 1283 01:14:24,160 --> 01:14:29,080 Was it the beatings you gave him that made up his mind? 1284 01:14:32,720 --> 01:14:34,919 I don't know who's been spreading lies... 1285 01:14:34,920 --> 01:14:36,960 Your dad's told us the truth, love. 1286 01:14:39,880 --> 01:14:41,639 He promised. 1287 01:14:41,640 --> 01:14:45,279 So, Friday, er, you want answers, Frank's left the house, 1288 01:14:45,280 --> 01:14:46,400 what happened next? 1289 01:14:48,560 --> 01:14:49,959 Dad went to the flat. 1290 01:14:49,960 --> 01:14:54,520 So, did you clobber Lyle as well to get the address out of him? 1291 01:14:57,880 --> 01:15:00,239 SHE WHISPERS: Aye... He wasn't there. 1292 01:15:00,240 --> 01:15:02,759 So I called the office 1293 01:15:02,760 --> 01:15:06,039 and a colleague told me he'd taken the afternoon off, 1294 01:15:06,040 --> 01:15:07,359 to go sailing. 1295 01:15:07,360 --> 01:15:09,719 So, you went to the sailing club. 1296 01:15:09,720 --> 01:15:11,599 He was by his boat. 1297 01:15:11,600 --> 01:15:13,240 He looked so happy... 1298 01:15:14,360 --> 01:15:16,400 ..and he didn't have a care in the world. 1299 01:15:18,720 --> 01:15:23,240 I called him all the names under the sun, and I shoved him. 1300 01:15:24,680 --> 01:15:26,760 He fell, hit his head. 1301 01:15:28,640 --> 01:15:31,080 I went to help, but he wouldn't let me near him. 1302 01:15:32,440 --> 01:15:35,079 So, is that why you kicked him? What? 1303 01:15:35,080 --> 01:15:36,520 You kicked him! 1304 01:15:37,920 --> 01:15:39,440 I didn't. 1305 01:15:40,480 --> 01:15:44,480 He didn't want anything from me. Not even help. 1306 01:15:46,360 --> 01:15:48,679 Well, that must've been hard to take. 1307 01:15:48,680 --> 01:15:51,520 Nah. It was typical. 1308 01:15:53,400 --> 01:15:55,560 I should've got out years ago. 1309 01:16:00,480 --> 01:16:03,640 SHE QUIETLY SOBS 1310 01:16:07,160 --> 01:16:09,840 Those tears won't wash with me, pet. 1311 01:16:15,880 --> 01:16:17,160 Look... 1312 01:16:18,680 --> 01:16:20,519 ..I didn't kill Frank. 1313 01:16:20,520 --> 01:16:22,960 So, you're saying you just left him there... 1314 01:16:24,880 --> 01:16:26,119 ..with a head injury? 1315 01:16:26,120 --> 01:16:29,000 I knew he was gonna get looked after. 1316 01:16:36,080 --> 01:16:39,599 Now, then, Cal and Oonagh Terry... 1317 01:16:39,600 --> 01:16:42,279 Right, listen to this, Friday, 1318 01:16:42,280 --> 01:16:45,119 Julia's just told us, she did go down to the sailing club 1319 01:16:45,120 --> 01:16:48,079 to try and persuade her husband not to divorce her. 1320 01:16:48,080 --> 01:16:49,959 They get into a row, she pushes him 1321 01:16:49,960 --> 01:16:51,399 and he falls and bangs his head. 1322 01:16:51,400 --> 01:16:52,919 And she just leaves him there... 1323 01:16:52,920 --> 01:16:55,159 Frank's injured, we know that he calls Cal... 1324 01:16:55,160 --> 01:16:57,599 Who's a nurse. And his best mate. 1325 01:16:57,600 --> 01:17:00,239 Now, what would you do, if your best friend called you, 1326 01:17:00,240 --> 01:17:02,039 in a desperate situation? I'd go over there. 1327 01:17:02,040 --> 01:17:05,159 Of course you would. Now, if that is what happened, 1328 01:17:05,160 --> 01:17:07,840 why didn't Cal tell us he saw Frank? 1329 01:17:09,800 --> 01:17:11,839 Get your coat. 1330 01:17:11,840 --> 01:17:13,999 We need to talk to Cal, love, where is he? 1331 01:17:14,000 --> 01:17:16,519 He's out walking, clearing his head. What... What's going on? 1332 01:17:16,520 --> 01:17:19,999 Now, we believe Frank planned to go sailing on Friday, 1333 01:17:20,000 --> 01:17:21,439 but he injured his head. 1334 01:17:21,440 --> 01:17:23,640 And he rang Cal, as you know, just after three. 1335 01:17:25,320 --> 01:17:28,480 Now, what would Cal's response have been? 1336 01:17:30,840 --> 01:17:33,400 He would've triaged him over the phone and got down there. 1337 01:17:36,920 --> 01:17:38,160 Where is he, love? 1338 01:17:39,360 --> 01:17:42,439 Cal would never hurt Frank. Ever. 1339 01:17:42,440 --> 01:17:45,719 If Cal went out to the sailing club to help Frank, 1340 01:17:45,720 --> 01:17:47,959 he needs to tell us what happened. 1341 01:17:47,960 --> 01:17:50,919 There might be a simple explanation. He loved Frank. 1342 01:17:50,920 --> 01:17:52,799 Look, I need to speak to your husband, love. 1343 01:17:52,800 --> 01:17:53,919 Now, where is he? 1344 01:17:53,920 --> 01:17:55,759 Maybe try him down at the hospital later. 1345 01:17:55,760 --> 01:17:58,640 He's been working double shifts. Sleeping in the on-call room. 1346 01:18:01,280 --> 01:18:03,840 And how long's he been doing that? 1347 01:18:06,280 --> 01:18:07,760 Last couple of weeks. 1348 01:18:09,680 --> 01:18:10,760 Mrs Terry... 1349 01:18:12,560 --> 01:18:17,239 ..Frank's injury on Friday was concussion, 1350 01:18:17,240 --> 01:18:21,959 and yet when we asked Cal how Frank was, he said he was fine. 1351 01:18:21,960 --> 01:18:24,680 "Just confirming a night out", he said. 1352 01:18:26,080 --> 01:18:29,759 You must have misunderstood. Why would he lie? 1353 01:18:29,760 --> 01:18:31,719 Cos if he went down to see Frank, 1354 01:18:31,720 --> 01:18:35,279 he was probably the last person to see him alive. 1355 01:18:35,280 --> 01:18:37,879 That's why he lied. No, because he loved him. He did. 1356 01:18:37,880 --> 01:18:39,679 I-I'm sorry, love. 1357 01:18:39,680 --> 01:18:40,919 No, he did! 1358 01:18:40,920 --> 01:18:43,959 Put out on all units for Cal Terry. 1359 01:18:43,960 --> 01:18:48,120 Cover the hospital, the flat, anywhere he might've gone. 1360 01:18:52,160 --> 01:18:54,559 SHE SOBS 1361 01:18:54,560 --> 01:18:56,639 A uniform posted at the flat, no sign of him. 1362 01:18:56,640 --> 01:18:58,679 Nothing on ANPR either. 1363 01:18:58,680 --> 01:19:00,319 Ma'am. Hospital's clear. 1364 01:19:00,320 --> 01:19:02,119 Boss, I think we've got him. 1365 01:19:02,120 --> 01:19:04,479 The women at the lighthouse just reported seeing a man 1366 01:19:04,480 --> 01:19:07,239 acting strangely on the sea wall. Matches Cal's description. 1367 01:19:07,240 --> 01:19:09,959 Right. Kenny, alert uniform, 1368 01:19:09,960 --> 01:19:12,840 but tell 'em not to approach until I get there. Yes, Ma'am. 1369 01:19:53,520 --> 01:19:56,560 INDECIPHERABLE CHATTER 1370 01:20:00,960 --> 01:20:03,200 Where is he? He's around there! 1371 01:20:04,240 --> 01:20:06,159 Right, thanks, love. 1372 01:20:06,160 --> 01:20:07,520 Wait here. 1373 01:20:18,520 --> 01:20:20,560 OCEAN GENTLY RUMBLES 1374 01:20:26,720 --> 01:20:28,760 SEAGULLS SQUAWK 1375 01:20:35,960 --> 01:20:37,760 Do you wanna talk to me, Cal? 1376 01:20:43,960 --> 01:20:45,040 I'm not a killer. 1377 01:20:46,280 --> 01:20:47,560 No matter what you might think. 1378 01:20:49,880 --> 01:20:51,160 I loved Frank... 1379 01:20:52,760 --> 01:20:54,560 ..for more than 25 years. 1380 01:20:56,360 --> 01:20:59,800 Well, I reckon he thought a lot of you, too. 1381 01:21:00,840 --> 01:21:03,479 Cos after Julia assaulted him, 1382 01:21:03,480 --> 01:21:06,600 he rang the one person he knew he could trust. 1383 01:21:08,400 --> 01:21:10,519 I was on shift, but, er, 1384 01:21:10,520 --> 01:21:13,040 I dropped everything and went straight to the sailing club. 1385 01:21:14,840 --> 01:21:16,479 And how was he? 1386 01:21:16,480 --> 01:21:18,479 A bit woozy. 1387 01:21:18,480 --> 01:21:20,319 I told him I should take him to the hospital, 1388 01:21:20,320 --> 01:21:22,399 but he insisted he was fine, so, I... 1389 01:21:22,400 --> 01:21:25,160 I stayed with him and we were just talking and... 1390 01:21:26,680 --> 01:21:28,360 ..and he told me the marriage was over. 1391 01:21:30,200 --> 01:21:31,880 And what was your reaction? 1392 01:21:32,920 --> 01:21:34,040 Relief. 1393 01:21:35,720 --> 01:21:37,280 You know what she did to him. 1394 01:21:38,360 --> 01:21:39,480 She's evil. 1395 01:21:43,160 --> 01:21:47,759 Those two weeks we had together, when we were in the flat, 1396 01:21:47,760 --> 01:21:50,359 it was like old times... 1397 01:21:50,360 --> 01:21:52,680 laughing, it was just easy, you know. 1398 01:21:54,560 --> 01:21:58,080 And then one night, after all these years... 1399 01:21:59,640 --> 01:22:01,560 ..I finally kissed him. 1400 01:22:05,560 --> 01:22:09,039 Frank just stared at me, shocked. 1401 01:22:09,040 --> 01:22:10,760 I thought I'd ruined everything. 1402 01:22:12,800 --> 01:22:14,040 And then he kissed me back. 1403 01:22:16,600 --> 01:22:19,240 I've never felt so completely at home. 1404 01:22:23,640 --> 01:22:26,040 Last Friday at the sailing club... 1405 01:22:27,840 --> 01:22:30,760 ..he's acting like it'd all been a big mistake. 1406 01:22:31,840 --> 01:22:33,439 Like it had never happened. 1407 01:22:33,440 --> 01:22:34,880 Hmph. 1408 01:22:35,880 --> 01:22:40,159 Frank said he'd have to find somewhere new to live, but I... 1409 01:22:40,160 --> 01:22:41,839 I didn't get it. 1410 01:22:41,840 --> 01:22:43,559 We had the flat. 1411 01:22:43,560 --> 01:22:46,800 I-I-I told him I was ready to leave Oonagh, but... 1412 01:22:48,400 --> 01:22:50,480 ..but he was talking about him and Lyle. 1413 01:22:52,000 --> 01:22:53,760 I didn't feature in his plans. 1414 01:22:56,320 --> 01:22:58,840 You thought he'd left Julia for you? 1415 01:23:02,880 --> 01:23:04,639 SNIFFS 1416 01:23:04,640 --> 01:23:06,520 I felt like such a fool. 1417 01:23:07,960 --> 01:23:09,800 The betrayal - it was unbearable. 1418 01:23:11,840 --> 01:23:13,359 He could tell I was upset, 1419 01:23:13,360 --> 01:23:16,359 and as I was about to walk away, he put his hand on me shoulder, 1420 01:23:16,360 --> 01:23:17,520 but I didn't want his pity. 1421 01:23:19,320 --> 01:23:22,319 So, I turned round and... 1422 01:23:22,320 --> 01:23:24,479 I-I caught him in the face with my elbow. 1423 01:23:24,480 --> 01:23:25,920 And he went down, and... 1424 01:23:26,960 --> 01:23:28,000 It was an accident. 1425 01:23:29,440 --> 01:23:31,559 He swore at me, 1426 01:23:31,560 --> 01:23:34,600 and he said, "You're as bad as Julia". 1427 01:23:36,120 --> 01:23:37,920 I mean, how could he compare me to her?! 1428 01:23:40,200 --> 01:23:43,080 And I felt this rage. 1429 01:23:44,520 --> 01:23:46,080 Before he could even get up... 1430 01:23:48,400 --> 01:23:49,720 ..I kicked him. 1431 01:23:50,760 --> 01:23:53,320 Just the once. But so hard. 1432 01:23:58,440 --> 01:24:00,120 How could I do that? 1433 01:24:04,560 --> 01:24:05,720 And then what? 1434 01:24:09,240 --> 01:24:12,879 I told him I was so sorry, I tried to help him up, 1435 01:24:12,880 --> 01:24:15,279 but he... he didn't want me anywhere near him. 1436 01:24:15,280 --> 01:24:17,280 He said he didn't even know who I was anymore. 1437 01:24:18,640 --> 01:24:21,880 So, I went off, just... just to calm down, you know. 1438 01:24:23,800 --> 01:24:25,879 Then I realised, I had blood on me. 1439 01:24:25,880 --> 01:24:29,400 Er... Frank's blood. 1440 01:24:30,680 --> 01:24:33,879 So, I rushed back to him and... 1441 01:24:33,880 --> 01:24:36,320 and... there was no pulse. 1442 01:24:38,440 --> 01:24:40,359 Poor Frank. 1443 01:24:40,360 --> 01:24:42,000 I didn't know what to do. 1444 01:24:43,880 --> 01:24:45,999 But what you did do 1445 01:24:46,000 --> 01:24:48,879 was dump his body into the boot of his car 1446 01:24:48,880 --> 01:24:50,479 and drive off. 1447 01:24:50,480 --> 01:24:53,359 I loved him. I didn't mean to kill him. 1448 01:24:53,360 --> 01:24:55,920 Then stop romanticising, pet. 1449 01:24:56,920 --> 01:24:59,199 You kicked him so hard, 1450 01:24:59,200 --> 01:25:02,399 his lungs were punctured and collapsed. 1451 01:25:02,400 --> 01:25:03,960 Now, you could've got help. 1452 01:25:05,080 --> 01:25:07,959 But, no, you were too busy covering your tracks. 1453 01:25:07,960 --> 01:25:11,079 You even texted Julia from Frank's phone, 1454 01:25:11,080 --> 01:25:14,559 making her think he was alive and going off sailing. 1455 01:25:14,560 --> 01:25:16,839 I felt detached, 1456 01:25:16,840 --> 01:25:19,559 like it was happening to someone else, I.. 1457 01:25:19,560 --> 01:25:21,079 I sat in the car for hours. 1458 01:25:21,080 --> 01:25:23,319 Yeah, waiting for it to get dark, 1459 01:25:23,320 --> 01:25:25,839 so you could dispose of your best friend's body. 1460 01:25:25,840 --> 01:25:30,199 You hauled him onto his boat and pushed him out on the tide, 1461 01:25:30,200 --> 01:25:32,920 hoping his death couldn't be traced back to you. 1462 01:25:35,240 --> 01:25:37,279 Ah, save it, love. 1463 01:25:37,280 --> 01:25:40,159 You robbed a son of his father. 1464 01:25:40,160 --> 01:25:43,079 HE SOBS 1465 01:25:43,080 --> 01:25:47,400 And you were right, what Julia did, it was unforgivable... 1466 01:25:48,760 --> 01:25:50,640 ..but here's the thing, love... 1467 01:25:51,600 --> 01:25:53,920 ..you're the one who killed him. 1468 01:26:00,160 --> 01:26:01,599 HEALEY: Callum Terry, 1469 01:26:01,600 --> 01:26:04,079 I'm arresting you for the murder of Frank Channing. 1470 01:26:04,080 --> 01:26:05,679 You do not have to say anything, 1471 01:26:05,680 --> 01:26:07,559 but it may harm your defence 1472 01:26:07,560 --> 01:26:09,239 if you do not mention when questioned 1473 01:26:09,240 --> 01:26:10,960 something you later rely on in court... 1474 01:26:19,920 --> 01:26:21,400 Poor old Frank, eh. 1475 01:26:22,720 --> 01:26:24,359 Where does that leave his son? 1476 01:26:24,360 --> 01:26:26,440 Aye, it's going to be tough on Lyle. 1477 01:26:27,640 --> 01:26:31,560 And he's going to come to realise his dad wasn't weak at all. 1478 01:26:32,960 --> 01:26:35,959 Hey, come on. I'll drop you home. 1479 01:26:35,960 --> 01:26:39,360 Maybe you can get in some quality time with your bairn. 1480 01:27:00,560 --> 01:27:02,120 CALLUM: Ah, wait here. 1481 01:27:07,960 --> 01:27:10,760 Relax, I'm not coming to arrest you. 1482 01:27:14,480 --> 01:27:15,960 How's he doing? 1483 01:27:17,040 --> 01:27:18,280 Ah. Doesn't say much. 1484 01:27:19,800 --> 01:27:22,599 Well, this is Frank's fleece, it was on Lyle's boat. 1485 01:27:22,600 --> 01:27:24,160 The lad's been waiting for it. 1486 01:27:25,640 --> 01:27:26,960 Look after him. 1487 01:27:35,760 --> 01:27:37,160 A present for you. 1488 01:27:38,200 --> 01:27:40,720 MELANCHOLY PIANO PLAYS 1489 01:28:17,440 --> 01:28:19,480 Subtitles by accessibility@itv.com