1 00:00:05,380 --> 00:00:07,842 (Nova) 2 00:00:05,380 --> 00:00:07,842 A beginning is 3 00:00:05,380 --> 00:00:07,842 a very delicate time. 4 00:00:07,883 --> 00:00:09,551 Much more so an ending. 5 00:00:09,593 --> 00:00:14,097 Know then that, 6 00:00:09,593 --> 00:00:14,097 this is the year 10,191. 7 00:00:14,139 --> 00:00:16,725 We, the Annunaki, 8 00:00:14,139 --> 00:00:16,725 travel between 9 00:00:16,767 --> 00:00:18,602 layers of the many universes. 10 00:00:18,644 --> 00:00:21,563 We came to help 11 00:00:18,644 --> 00:00:21,563 you grow, evolve. 12 00:00:21,605 --> 00:00:23,398 But not all of us are good. 13 00:00:23,440 --> 00:00:26,819 Some are evil, wanting 14 00:00:23,440 --> 00:00:26,819 only to feed on your energies. 15 00:00:26,861 --> 00:00:28,821 This most evil of all 16 00:00:26,861 --> 00:00:28,821 be imprisoned in 17 00:00:28,863 --> 00:00:32,825 a crystal sarcophagus between 18 00:00:28,863 --> 00:00:32,825 worlds so he can cause no harm. 19 00:00:32,867 --> 00:00:35,160 This evil desires 20 00:00:32,867 --> 00:00:35,160 to devour worlds. 21 00:00:35,202 --> 00:00:38,163 He manipulated groups 22 00:00:35,202 --> 00:00:38,163 of humans to set him free. 23 00:00:38,205 --> 00:00:41,500 The Mayan Hunters of Secrets 24 00:00:38,205 --> 00:00:41,500 and their jaguar, Spot. 25 00:00:41,542 --> 00:00:44,795 The Fraternitas Mysterium 26 00:00:41,542 --> 00:00:44,795 and their donkey, Gordo. 27 00:00:44,837 --> 00:00:48,382 The Alianzo Mysterio 28 00:00:44,837 --> 00:00:48,382 and their skunk, El Fuchy. 29 00:00:48,423 --> 00:00:50,300 The Mystery Gang 30 00:00:48,423 --> 00:00:50,300 with their bull, Tiny. 31 00:00:50,342 --> 00:00:52,051 The Benevolent 32 00:00:50,342 --> 00:00:52,051 Lodge of Mystery 33 00:00:52,093 --> 00:00:54,137 and their orangutan, 34 00:00:52,093 --> 00:00:54,137 Mr. Peaches. 35 00:00:54,179 --> 00:00:56,390 The Mystery Fellowship 36 00:00:54,179 --> 00:00:56,390 and their cat, Whiskers. 37 00:00:56,431 --> 00:00:59,935 Mystery Incorporated and their 38 00:00:56,431 --> 00:00:59,935 parrot, Professor Pericles. 39 00:00:59,977 --> 00:01:01,812 And the current 40 00:00:59,977 --> 00:01:01,812 Mystery Incorporated 41 00:01:01,854 --> 00:01:04,815 and their special companion, 42 00:01:01,854 --> 00:01:04,815 Scooby-Doo. 43 00:01:04,857 --> 00:01:07,192 The time of Nibiru has come. 44 00:01:07,234 --> 00:01:09,069 The moment when 45 00:01:07,234 --> 00:01:09,069 the planets align 46 00:01:09,110 --> 00:01:11,030 then the evil one's strength 47 00:01:09,110 --> 00:01:11,030 will be the greatest. 48 00:01:11,071 --> 00:01:15,158 Free in your world he will grow 49 00:01:11,071 --> 00:01:15,158 more powerful every second. 50 00:01:15,200 --> 00:01:18,537 He will destroy your city, 51 00:01:15,200 --> 00:01:18,537 your planet, your universe. 52 00:01:18,579 --> 00:01:24,793 Only one stands in his way, 53 00:01:18,579 --> 00:01:24,793 Scoobert Scooby-Doo. 54 00:01:24,835 --> 00:01:26,670 [evil laughter] 55 00:01:28,380 --> 00:01:30,382 [theme music] 56 00:01:57,076 --> 00:01:58,744 (Scooby-Doo) 57 00:01:57,076 --> 00:01:58,744 Scooby-Dooby-Doo! 58 00:02:03,749 --> 00:02:05,208 [evil laughter] 59 00:02:09,755 --> 00:02:11,799 Free. 60 00:02:11,840 --> 00:02:13,467 Free! 61 00:02:13,508 --> 00:02:17,220 I have been trapped too long. 62 00:02:17,262 --> 00:02:19,098 [evil laughter] 63 00:02:20,515 --> 00:02:22,101 - Oh! 64 00:02:20,515 --> 00:02:22,101 - Hey! 65 00:02:22,142 --> 00:02:24,603 (Fred) 66 00:02:22,142 --> 00:02:24,603 'What are you doing 67 00:02:22,142 --> 00:02:24,603 to Scoob? Hey!' 68 00:02:24,645 --> 00:02:27,439 Shaggy! Help! 69 00:02:27,481 --> 00:02:30,025 - Oh! 70 00:02:27,481 --> 00:02:30,025 - Uhh! 71 00:02:30,067 --> 00:02:31,819 Do not fight. 72 00:02:31,860 --> 00:02:36,031 The dog must die and be reborn, 73 00:02:31,860 --> 00:02:36,031 as a vessel to my darkness. 74 00:02:36,073 --> 00:02:38,283 You shall give me fuel. 75 00:02:38,325 --> 00:02:40,995 I shall walk this world a giant. 76 00:02:41,036 --> 00:02:43,831 Never! 77 00:02:43,872 --> 00:02:48,085 Nein! Nein! 78 00:02:43,872 --> 00:02:48,085 Forget the dog! 79 00:02:48,127 --> 00:02:52,171 Consume me. 80 00:02:48,127 --> 00:02:52,171 Give me the power! 81 00:02:52,213 --> 00:02:54,257 So be it. 82 00:02:59,763 --> 00:03:02,516 [screaming] 83 00:03:04,810 --> 00:03:07,395 [laughing] 84 00:03:07,437 --> 00:03:13,276 After all these years, 85 00:03:07,437 --> 00:03:13,276 I am unstoppable! 86 00:03:13,318 --> 00:03:14,319 [evil laughter] 87 00:03:14,361 --> 00:03:15,946 Dude, ha ha. 88 00:03:15,988 --> 00:03:18,740 Somehow that parrot 89 00:03:15,988 --> 00:03:18,740 just keeps on getting creepier. 90 00:03:18,782 --> 00:03:21,284 Und, I shall finally be rid of 91 00:03:21,326 --> 00:03:23,495 the Mystery Incorporated 92 00:03:21,326 --> 00:03:23,495 kingdom. 93 00:03:23,537 --> 00:03:25,622 Aah! 94 00:03:25,664 --> 00:03:28,375 [grunting] 95 00:03:28,416 --> 00:03:33,839 Something's wrong! 96 00:03:28,416 --> 00:03:33,839 What, what's happening to me? 97 00:03:33,881 --> 00:03:37,300 Aah! 98 00:03:37,342 --> 00:03:40,095 [evil laughter] 99 00:03:40,137 --> 00:03:42,056 Professor Pericles? 100 00:03:42,097 --> 00:03:43,974 [growling] 101 00:03:47,519 --> 00:03:52,273 The bird is gone. 102 00:03:47,519 --> 00:03:52,273 I am flesh now! Flesh! 103 00:03:52,315 --> 00:03:56,111 - Oh, Mighty One! 104 00:03:52,315 --> 00:03:56,111 - We are ready to serve. 105 00:03:56,153 --> 00:04:00,699 Good, for I hunger. 106 00:04:00,741 --> 00:04:03,410 [screaming] 107 00:04:07,539 --> 00:04:09,833 I am your master now. 108 00:04:09,875 --> 00:04:11,626 Jawohl, Mein Meister. 109 00:04:11,668 --> 00:04:14,922 Bring the humans closer 110 00:04:11,668 --> 00:04:14,922 so that I may feast upon them 111 00:04:14,963 --> 00:04:17,758 and grow powerful enough 112 00:04:14,963 --> 00:04:17,758 to break my bonds. 113 00:04:17,799 --> 00:04:19,801 [speaking German] 114 00:04:22,470 --> 00:04:24,765 I think now would be 115 00:04:22,470 --> 00:04:24,765 a very good time to-- 116 00:04:24,806 --> 00:04:26,225 Run! 117 00:04:28,435 --> 00:04:32,189 Like, Scooby-Doo, where are you? 118 00:04:32,231 --> 00:04:33,690 [gunfire] 119 00:04:35,859 --> 00:04:38,278 [evil laughter] 120 00:04:44,492 --> 00:04:46,120 Unh! 121 00:04:46,161 --> 00:04:48,580 Uh-oh! 122 00:04:48,622 --> 00:04:50,415 [evil laughter] 123 00:04:55,295 --> 00:04:59,674 You cannot escape! 124 00:04:55,295 --> 00:04:59,674 You are powerless against me! 125 00:04:59,716 --> 00:05:01,384 [screaming] 126 00:05:14,189 --> 00:05:16,566 [both screaming] 127 00:05:16,608 --> 00:05:19,319 Oh-oh-oh! 128 00:05:19,360 --> 00:05:20,904 Like, zoinks! 129 00:05:20,946 --> 00:05:23,240 These crazy lava pits 130 00:05:20,946 --> 00:05:23,240 are, like, everywhere! 131 00:05:34,876 --> 00:05:38,255 Hey, you tin cans! 132 00:05:34,876 --> 00:05:38,255 Over here! 133 00:05:38,297 --> 00:05:40,339 Aa-aa-aah! 134 00:05:40,381 --> 00:05:43,135 This is so wrong! 135 00:05:43,177 --> 00:05:44,303 [metal slamming] 136 00:05:50,184 --> 00:05:52,435 (Scooby) 137 00:05:50,184 --> 00:05:52,435 Shaggy, help! 138 00:05:52,477 --> 00:05:53,728 Shaggy! 139 00:05:53,770 --> 00:05:57,607 Three more Kriegstaffebots! 140 00:05:53,770 --> 00:05:57,607 Run! 141 00:05:57,649 --> 00:05:58,608 [gunfire] 142 00:06:01,736 --> 00:06:03,030 Get down! 143 00:06:03,071 --> 00:06:04,489 Aah! 144 00:06:04,531 --> 00:06:05,615 [canon firing] 145 00:06:10,704 --> 00:06:11,997 Way to go, gang! 146 00:06:12,039 --> 00:06:15,500 - Yeah! 147 00:06:12,039 --> 00:06:15,500 - Yes! 148 00:06:15,542 --> 00:06:19,629 (Evil Entity) 149 00:06:15,542 --> 00:06:19,629 'Bring them to me, 150 00:06:15,542 --> 00:06:19,629 metal minion. All of them.' 151 00:06:24,009 --> 00:06:26,011 [evil laughter] 152 00:06:29,388 --> 00:06:30,724 (Evil Entity) 153 00:06:29,388 --> 00:06:30,724 'Your strength shall be 154 00:06:29,388 --> 00:06:30,724 my strength.' 155 00:06:30,765 --> 00:06:34,228 I shall consume you 156 00:06:30,765 --> 00:06:34,228 and grow in power! 157 00:06:38,148 --> 00:06:39,941 [speaking German] 158 00:06:44,071 --> 00:06:45,613 Way to go, Mr. E. 159 00:06:45,655 --> 00:06:49,076 Run, kids! 160 00:06:45,655 --> 00:06:49,076 Get out of here now! 161 00:06:49,117 --> 00:06:50,660 [grunting] 162 00:06:52,246 --> 00:06:54,289 Hang on, E! 163 00:06:52,246 --> 00:06:54,289 We'll save you! 164 00:06:54,331 --> 00:06:56,041 It's too late for me, Velma. 165 00:06:56,083 --> 00:06:58,877 - Unh! 166 00:06:56,083 --> 00:06:58,877 - Save yourself. 167 00:06:58,919 --> 00:07:00,545 [evil laughter] 168 00:07:06,260 --> 00:07:08,387 Now it is your turn! 169 00:07:08,427 --> 00:07:09,846 [evil laughter] 170 00:07:17,145 --> 00:07:18,980 Like, what was up with that? 171 00:07:19,022 --> 00:07:21,233 I need more. 172 00:07:21,275 --> 00:07:24,027 I shall feast on 173 00:07:21,275 --> 00:07:24,027 all of Crystal Cove! 174 00:07:28,031 --> 00:07:29,657 - Oh! 175 00:07:28,031 --> 00:07:29,657 - Huh? 176 00:07:29,699 --> 00:07:32,452 [rumbling] 177 00:07:33,536 --> 00:07:36,331 [thunderclap] 178 00:07:36,373 --> 00:07:38,083 [people screaming] 179 00:07:41,711 --> 00:07:44,589 [evil laughter] 180 00:07:47,426 --> 00:07:52,973 This world shall be mine. 181 00:07:47,426 --> 00:07:52,973 Then, I shall devour galaxies. 182 00:07:53,014 --> 00:07:55,642 [evil laughter] 183 00:07:55,683 --> 00:07:58,061 'Come to me, my minions.' 184 00:08:00,563 --> 00:08:04,109 'Come to me 185 00:08:00,563 --> 00:08:04,109 through this portal.' 186 00:08:04,151 --> 00:08:09,072 'Gather all from this place 187 00:08:04,151 --> 00:08:09,072 so I may feed and grow strong!' 188 00:08:11,283 --> 00:08:13,827 [shrieking] 189 00:08:13,868 --> 00:08:15,495 [intense music] 190 00:08:15,536 --> 00:08:17,331 [screaming] 191 00:08:21,918 --> 00:08:23,170 [growls] 192 00:08:23,211 --> 00:08:25,672 [screaming] 193 00:08:25,713 --> 00:08:27,841 [glass shattering] 194 00:08:27,882 --> 00:08:30,302 [people screaming] 195 00:08:34,597 --> 00:08:36,057 We have to do something. 196 00:08:36,099 --> 00:08:38,477 Yeah, but like, what? 197 00:08:38,518 --> 00:08:40,854 What about the spear, 198 00:08:38,518 --> 00:08:40,854 the Heart of the Jaguar? 199 00:08:40,895 --> 00:08:42,147 (Scooby) 200 00:08:40,895 --> 00:08:42,147 It's broken. 201 00:08:42,189 --> 00:08:43,440 It's just a stick. 202 00:08:43,482 --> 00:08:48,028 I bring oblivion to this world! 203 00:08:48,069 --> 00:08:49,946 [evil laughter] 204 00:08:52,573 --> 00:08:54,034 It's the end. 205 00:08:57,162 --> 00:08:59,747 [people screaming] 206 00:08:59,789 --> 00:09:01,375 [screaming] 207 00:09:09,007 --> 00:09:10,384 [evil laughter] 208 00:09:11,259 --> 00:09:12,886 Uhh. 209 00:09:25,648 --> 00:09:28,943 - Like, no way out! 210 00:09:25,648 --> 00:09:28,943 - What'll we do? 211 00:09:31,154 --> 00:09:34,324 Nova! 212 00:09:31,154 --> 00:09:34,324 Help me please! 213 00:09:36,784 --> 00:09:39,037 Huh? 214 00:09:36,784 --> 00:09:39,037 Huh? 215 00:09:39,079 --> 00:09:41,122 Duh? 216 00:09:42,290 --> 00:09:43,291 Huh? 217 00:09:47,504 --> 00:09:48,796 Huh? 218 00:09:51,007 --> 00:09:52,926 Nova, what do I do? 219 00:09:52,967 --> 00:09:54,969 The Heart of the Jaguar 220 00:09:52,967 --> 00:09:54,969 is broken. 221 00:09:55,011 --> 00:09:57,514 The spear was never 222 00:09:55,011 --> 00:09:57,514 the Heart of the Jaguar. 223 00:09:57,556 --> 00:10:00,058 The Heart of the Jaguar is 224 00:09:57,556 --> 00:10:00,058 something else, Scooby-Doo. 225 00:10:00,100 --> 00:10:02,727 At the right moment 226 00:10:00,100 --> 00:10:02,727 when the heart is clear 227 00:10:02,769 --> 00:10:05,439 you will know what to do. 228 00:10:05,480 --> 00:10:09,150 Seriously? 229 00:10:05,480 --> 00:10:09,150 Just tell me what to do! 230 00:10:09,192 --> 00:10:11,694 You will know. 231 00:10:09,192 --> 00:10:11,694 You will see. 232 00:10:11,736 --> 00:10:13,780 'You will feel.' 233 00:10:16,074 --> 00:10:17,534 [screaming] 234 00:10:20,287 --> 00:10:23,081 [grunting] 235 00:10:23,123 --> 00:10:26,460 My power approaches 236 00:10:23,123 --> 00:10:26,460 the infinite. 237 00:10:26,501 --> 00:10:29,796 Then, I will absorb you 238 00:10:26,501 --> 00:10:29,796 and your friends. 239 00:10:29,837 --> 00:10:33,300 I will be unstoppable! 240 00:10:35,676 --> 00:10:37,554 [growls] 241 00:10:39,264 --> 00:10:42,142 You will know. 242 00:10:39,264 --> 00:10:42,142 You will see. 243 00:10:42,183 --> 00:10:45,103 You will feel. 244 00:10:45,145 --> 00:10:46,438 Hmm. 245 00:10:46,480 --> 00:10:47,564 [grunting] 246 00:10:47,606 --> 00:10:49,232 [screams] 247 00:10:49,274 --> 00:10:51,485 Wait. That's it? 248 00:10:51,526 --> 00:10:52,902 Where you going, Scoob? 249 00:10:55,363 --> 00:10:56,864 Uh. 250 00:10:56,906 --> 00:10:59,784 [grunting] 251 00:10:59,826 --> 00:11:01,077 [screaming] 252 00:11:11,087 --> 00:11:13,840 The heart is us. 253 00:11:11,087 --> 00:11:13,840 It's always been us. 254 00:11:13,881 --> 00:11:16,092 Jinkies! Scooby's right. 255 00:11:16,134 --> 00:11:17,885 It can't devour us now 256 00:11:17,927 --> 00:11:19,929 and it couldn't touch us 257 00:11:17,927 --> 00:11:19,929 earlier, remember? 258 00:11:19,971 --> 00:11:21,848 Not when we stood together. 259 00:11:21,889 --> 00:11:22,932 The five of us. 260 00:11:22,974 --> 00:11:24,184 Our friendship. 261 00:11:24,225 --> 00:11:25,893 Our love for one another. 262 00:11:25,935 --> 00:11:28,605 Like, that's the true 263 00:11:25,935 --> 00:11:28,605 Heart of the Jaguar. 264 00:11:28,647 --> 00:11:32,066 And that is something, that 265 00:11:28,647 --> 00:11:32,066 monster can never take away. 266 00:11:32,108 --> 00:11:36,279 Something it can never defeat. 267 00:11:32,108 --> 00:11:36,279 It's now or never. 268 00:11:36,321 --> 00:11:38,281 Let's do this. 269 00:11:38,323 --> 00:11:40,659 - Aah! 270 00:11:38,323 --> 00:11:40,659 - Yaah-aaw! 271 00:11:44,579 --> 00:11:46,831 - Wait. Think it through. 272 00:11:44,579 --> 00:11:46,831 - Huh? 273 00:11:46,873 --> 00:11:48,291 (Velma) 274 00:11:46,873 --> 00:11:48,291 'The entity is still 275 00:11:46,873 --> 00:11:48,291 drawing power' 276 00:11:48,333 --> 00:11:50,210 'from the crystal sarcophagus.' 277 00:11:50,251 --> 00:11:52,795 It's some kind of portal 278 00:11:50,251 --> 00:11:52,795 between dimensions. 279 00:11:52,837 --> 00:11:54,464 That means if we shatter it 280 00:11:54,506 --> 00:11:56,216 then we cut 281 00:11:54,506 --> 00:11:56,216 that thing's lifeline. 282 00:11:56,257 --> 00:11:57,676 [people screaming] 283 00:11:59,969 --> 00:12:01,221 [growls] 284 00:12:02,763 --> 00:12:06,017 They must be stopped. 285 00:12:02,763 --> 00:12:06,017 Bring them! 286 00:12:08,269 --> 00:12:10,855 Gang, as a team, go! 287 00:12:13,149 --> 00:12:16,194 - Unh! 288 00:12:13,149 --> 00:12:16,194 - Daph! 289 00:12:16,236 --> 00:12:18,779 [grunting] 290 00:12:20,990 --> 00:12:22,158 Huh? 291 00:12:22,200 --> 00:12:24,703 Uh! Velma, catch! Uh! 292 00:12:30,250 --> 00:12:32,502 Shaggy! 293 00:12:30,250 --> 00:12:32,502 Unh! 294 00:12:32,544 --> 00:12:34,045 [grunting] 295 00:12:51,020 --> 00:12:53,022 The crystal, Scooby-Doo! 296 00:13:02,365 --> 00:13:03,450 Huh? 297 00:13:08,413 --> 00:13:11,249 No! 298 00:13:14,753 --> 00:13:16,671 [grunting] 299 00:13:19,758 --> 00:13:24,178 No, it cannot be! 300 00:13:19,758 --> 00:13:24,178 This shall not be! 301 00:13:24,220 --> 00:13:26,973 Aaa-aah! 302 00:13:27,014 --> 00:13:29,850 - Aaaah! 303 00:13:27,014 --> 00:13:29,850 - Wooaaah! 304 00:13:29,892 --> 00:13:32,895 Waaa-aaa-ah, uh. 305 00:13:40,737 --> 00:13:44,031 Aaah-ah-uh. 306 00:13:44,073 --> 00:13:47,118 - Whoo-aa! 307 00:13:44,073 --> 00:13:47,118 - Aaah-uh-huh! 308 00:13:49,788 --> 00:13:51,581 (Fred) 309 00:13:49,788 --> 00:13:51,581 Hold on! 310 00:13:55,918 --> 00:13:57,712 [Evil Entity screaming] 311 00:14:11,768 --> 00:14:13,561 [screaming] 312 00:14:16,731 --> 00:14:18,941 [instrumental music] 313 00:14:21,110 --> 00:14:25,906 (Shaggy) 314 00:14:21,110 --> 00:14:25,906 Like, whoa! Dudes! 315 00:14:25,948 --> 00:14:28,242 (Velma) 316 00:14:25,948 --> 00:14:28,242 The town looks untouched. 317 00:14:28,284 --> 00:14:30,537 We, we did it! 318 00:14:30,578 --> 00:14:33,748 [all cheering] 319 00:14:33,790 --> 00:14:35,625 We saved Crystal Cove. 320 00:14:35,667 --> 00:14:36,876 We destroyed the monster! 321 00:14:36,917 --> 00:14:38,127 Let's celebrate. 322 00:14:38,169 --> 00:14:40,046 Yeah, celebrate. 323 00:14:41,255 --> 00:14:43,424 (Stone) 324 00:14:41,255 --> 00:14:43,424 Hey, you kids. 325 00:14:43,466 --> 00:14:48,179 Nice to see you out and about 326 00:14:43,466 --> 00:14:48,179 on such a lovely day. 327 00:14:48,221 --> 00:14:49,889 Sheriff Stone? 328 00:14:49,930 --> 00:14:53,226 Like, dudes, where did 329 00:14:49,930 --> 00:14:53,226 that pint-sized posse come from? 330 00:14:53,267 --> 00:14:55,478 Mayor wife and I 331 00:14:53,267 --> 00:14:55,478 are taking the kids 332 00:14:55,520 --> 00:14:56,896 down to the beach. 333 00:14:56,937 --> 00:14:59,315 Mayor wife? 334 00:14:56,937 --> 00:14:59,315 Kids? 335 00:14:59,357 --> 00:15:01,401 You seem awfully forgetful, 336 00:14:59,357 --> 00:15:01,401 Daphne. 337 00:15:01,442 --> 00:15:03,027 I hope you remember you promised 338 00:15:03,069 --> 00:15:05,739 to baby-sit tomorrow night. 339 00:15:05,780 --> 00:15:08,157 Now, Eastwood, Norris 340 00:15:05,780 --> 00:15:08,157 and little Billy Jack 341 00:15:08,199 --> 00:15:10,159 need to be asleep by 8:00. 342 00:15:10,201 --> 00:15:12,620 Linda Carter, here can stay up 343 00:15:10,201 --> 00:15:12,620 as long as she likes 344 00:15:12,662 --> 00:15:15,623 on account of her being more 345 00:15:12,662 --> 00:15:15,623 adorable than her brothers. 346 00:15:15,665 --> 00:15:18,626 Oh, we better run. 347 00:15:15,665 --> 00:15:18,626 See you tomorrow. 348 00:15:21,003 --> 00:15:23,381 Okay, that was odd. 349 00:15:23,423 --> 00:15:24,465 - Gang. 350 00:15:23,423 --> 00:15:24,465 - Huh? 351 00:15:24,507 --> 00:15:25,842 Look at the sign. 352 00:15:25,884 --> 00:15:27,218 (Daphne) 353 00:15:25,884 --> 00:15:27,218 'Didn't it always used to say' 354 00:15:27,260 --> 00:15:30,221 'the most haunted-est place 355 00:15:27,260 --> 00:15:30,221 on Earth?' 356 00:15:30,263 --> 00:15:32,014 (Shaggy) 357 00:15:30,263 --> 00:15:32,014 And like, check out that sign. 358 00:15:32,056 --> 00:15:34,308 (Fred) 359 00:15:32,056 --> 00:15:34,308 'Visit historic Darrow Mansion?' 360 00:15:34,350 --> 00:15:36,477 Darrow Mansion sank underground. 361 00:15:36,519 --> 00:15:40,273 And Danny Darrow was some kind 362 00:15:36,519 --> 00:15:40,273 of horrible old troll, remember? 363 00:15:40,314 --> 00:15:41,649 I mean, wasn't he? 364 00:15:41,691 --> 00:15:44,444 Ah, what's going on? 365 00:15:44,485 --> 00:15:48,782 Scooby, I think that's exactly 366 00:15:44,485 --> 00:15:48,782 what we need to find out. 367 00:15:48,823 --> 00:15:50,575 (Fred) 368 00:15:48,823 --> 00:15:50,575 'Mom, dad, be honest.' 369 00:15:50,617 --> 00:15:52,744 Are you sure you two have 370 00:15:50,617 --> 00:15:52,744 never touched a trap 371 00:15:52,786 --> 00:15:54,161 in your entire lives? 372 00:15:54,203 --> 00:15:56,581 Traps? Fred, 373 00:15:54,203 --> 00:15:56,581 you know we're both.. 374 00:15:56,623 --> 00:16:00,042 Obstetricians. We bring 375 00:15:56,623 --> 00:16:00,042 babies into the world. 376 00:16:00,084 --> 00:16:01,335 Happy babies, Judy. 377 00:16:01,377 --> 00:16:04,213 Thank you, Brad. 378 00:16:01,377 --> 00:16:04,213 Happy babies. 379 00:16:04,255 --> 00:16:07,467 But that still doesn't explain 380 00:16:04,255 --> 00:16:07,467 why you're here, mom and dad. 381 00:16:07,508 --> 00:16:10,094 - Uh, simple, dear. 382 00:16:07,508 --> 00:16:10,094 - We're planning your wedding. 383 00:16:10,136 --> 00:16:11,763 Our wedding? 384 00:16:11,805 --> 00:16:15,516 Why, princess, you're almost 18. 385 00:16:11,805 --> 00:16:15,516 High time you tied the knot. 386 00:16:15,558 --> 00:16:18,895 I only wish we could find more 387 00:16:15,558 --> 00:16:18,895 perfect specimens of manhood 388 00:16:18,937 --> 00:16:21,898 like Fred, 389 00:16:18,937 --> 00:16:21,898 for your underachieving sisters. 390 00:16:24,317 --> 00:16:25,944 Huh? 391 00:16:25,985 --> 00:16:28,112 Don't be silly, Norville, 392 00:16:25,985 --> 00:16:28,112 we're so proud. 393 00:16:28,154 --> 00:16:30,239 Our son, President 394 00:16:28,154 --> 00:16:30,239 of the Chef's Club 395 00:16:30,281 --> 00:16:32,575 winner of the ultimate teen chef 396 00:16:30,281 --> 00:16:32,575 award and you've won 397 00:16:32,617 --> 00:16:34,661 'the National Junior Epicurean 398 00:16:32,617 --> 00:16:34,661 of the year award' 399 00:16:34,702 --> 00:16:35,954 'three times in a row.' 400 00:16:35,995 --> 00:16:39,206 But, I, I'm like a slacker. 401 00:16:39,248 --> 00:16:41,876 I don't buy that story 402 00:16:39,248 --> 00:16:41,876 for a second. 403 00:16:41,918 --> 00:16:43,962 Shaggy, look. 404 00:16:44,003 --> 00:16:48,007 Here at Creationex we've been 405 00:16:44,003 --> 00:16:48,007 blessed with inventing clean 406 00:16:48,048 --> 00:16:50,927 sustainable fusion-based energy. 407 00:16:50,969 --> 00:16:54,138 Now, my beautiful husband and I 408 00:16:50,969 --> 00:16:54,138 want to pass that blessing 409 00:16:54,180 --> 00:16:58,852 on to you by radically reducing 410 00:16:54,180 --> 00:16:58,852 our prices. Mwah. 411 00:16:58,893 --> 00:17:03,105 Creationex makes life 412 00:16:58,893 --> 00:17:03,105 better for everyone. 413 00:17:03,147 --> 00:17:05,316 Oh! 414 00:17:05,358 --> 00:17:06,943 (Velma) 415 00:17:05,358 --> 00:17:06,943 'Please, Marcy, please.' 416 00:17:06,985 --> 00:17:08,528 Tell me what's going on? 417 00:17:08,569 --> 00:17:11,197 V, this is no time 418 00:17:08,569 --> 00:17:11,197 for fooling around. 419 00:17:11,238 --> 00:17:14,868 We're preparing for this year's 420 00:17:11,238 --> 00:17:14,868 Tri-state Olympiad of Science 421 00:17:14,909 --> 00:17:17,203 which, we have always won. 422 00:17:17,244 --> 00:17:19,246 - Schrodinger's cat! 423 00:17:17,244 --> 00:17:19,246 - Huh? 424 00:17:19,288 --> 00:17:21,415 Our event is about 425 00:17:19,288 --> 00:17:21,415 mineral erosion. 426 00:17:21,457 --> 00:17:23,167 What's the many worlds 427 00:17:21,457 --> 00:17:23,167 interpretation of quantum 428 00:17:23,209 --> 00:17:24,460 physics have to do with it? 429 00:17:24,502 --> 00:17:26,880 Everything! 430 00:17:24,502 --> 00:17:26,880 I gotta tell the gang. 431 00:17:28,798 --> 00:17:30,257 That's my girl. 432 00:17:34,554 --> 00:17:37,515 Fred! Broh! 433 00:17:34,554 --> 00:17:37,515 You are the coolest. 434 00:17:37,557 --> 00:17:39,726 Cooler than cool, 435 00:17:37,557 --> 00:17:39,726 the king of cool. 436 00:17:39,767 --> 00:17:41,519 The lord king of goal keepers. 437 00:17:41,561 --> 00:17:43,354 Those crazy talented 438 00:17:41,561 --> 00:17:43,354 hands of yours 439 00:17:43,396 --> 00:17:44,981 blocked every shot last night. 440 00:17:45,023 --> 00:17:47,734 Thanks for winning us 441 00:17:45,023 --> 00:17:47,734 the championship. You rock! 442 00:17:47,775 --> 00:17:50,319 Yeah! And thanks for 443 00:17:47,775 --> 00:17:50,319 letting us borrow your van. 444 00:17:50,361 --> 00:17:52,321 You double rock! 445 00:17:52,363 --> 00:17:54,323 This, this is my van? 446 00:17:54,365 --> 00:17:57,577 Galloping goalies, Fred, 447 00:17:54,365 --> 00:17:57,577 of course it's your van. 448 00:17:57,618 --> 00:17:59,579 Now, will you kindly 449 00:17:57,618 --> 00:17:59,579 get it off my field? 450 00:17:59,620 --> 00:18:00,997 Mayor dad? 451 00:18:01,039 --> 00:18:03,041 You've called me 452 00:18:01,039 --> 00:18:03,041 a lot of things over the years.. 453 00:18:03,082 --> 00:18:05,543 Mr. Jones, Coach Jones, 454 00:18:03,082 --> 00:18:05,543 Principal Jones 455 00:18:05,585 --> 00:18:09,964 but definitely not "Mayor" 456 00:18:05,585 --> 00:18:09,964 and never "Dad." 457 00:18:10,006 --> 00:18:11,424 I gotta say I like it. 458 00:18:11,465 --> 00:18:12,967 You know, since I never 459 00:18:11,465 --> 00:18:12,967 had kids of my own 460 00:18:13,009 --> 00:18:14,552 I've always thought 461 00:18:13,009 --> 00:18:14,552 of the students here 462 00:18:14,594 --> 00:18:18,723 at my high school 463 00:18:14,594 --> 00:18:18,723 as all my kids, but you, Fred 464 00:18:18,765 --> 00:18:20,058 you were always special. 465 00:18:20,099 --> 00:18:22,602 I've always been 466 00:18:20,099 --> 00:18:22,602 extra proud of you. 467 00:18:22,643 --> 00:18:25,104 By the way, my colleague 468 00:18:22,643 --> 00:18:25,104 at Miskatonic University 469 00:18:25,145 --> 00:18:26,940 sent this for you 470 00:18:25,145 --> 00:18:26,940 and your friends. 471 00:18:30,902 --> 00:18:32,987 (Velma) 472 00:18:30,902 --> 00:18:32,987 With no actuality 473 00:18:30,902 --> 00:18:32,987 of wave function collapse 474 00:18:33,029 --> 00:18:35,031 alternative histories 475 00:18:33,029 --> 00:18:35,031 and futures are real. 476 00:18:35,073 --> 00:18:37,408 I know why 477 00:18:35,073 --> 00:18:37,408 everything's different. 478 00:18:37,450 --> 00:18:41,203 We destroyed the entity 479 00:18:37,450 --> 00:18:41,203 and by destroying it 480 00:18:41,245 --> 00:18:43,581 it was as if it never existed. 481 00:18:43,623 --> 00:18:48,544 So, everything it touched, 482 00:18:43,623 --> 00:18:48,544 all the evil, all of the curse 483 00:18:48,586 --> 00:18:50,546 all of the losers 484 00:18:48,586 --> 00:18:50,546 in rubber masks 485 00:18:50,588 --> 00:18:52,632 and the dumb monster 486 00:18:50,588 --> 00:18:52,632 attractions 487 00:18:52,673 --> 00:18:55,509 none of it ever happened. 488 00:18:55,551 --> 00:18:57,511 By destroying the evil entity 489 00:18:57,553 --> 00:19:00,347 we created an entirely 490 00:18:57,553 --> 00:19:00,347 different timeline. 491 00:19:00,389 --> 00:19:03,267 Our neighbors, our families, 492 00:19:00,389 --> 00:19:03,267 they've never been 493 00:19:03,309 --> 00:19:05,895 negatively influenced 494 00:19:03,309 --> 00:19:05,895 by the Evil Entity. 495 00:19:05,937 --> 00:19:08,731 It's come undone, 496 00:19:05,937 --> 00:19:08,731 all of it. 497 00:19:08,773 --> 00:19:10,524 Our actions created 498 00:19:08,773 --> 00:19:10,524 a better world 499 00:19:10,566 --> 00:19:12,860 where we all have normal 500 00:19:10,566 --> 00:19:12,860 and productive lives. 501 00:19:12,902 --> 00:19:15,237 Lives that really aren't ours. 502 00:19:15,279 --> 00:19:16,656 Worse than that, gang 503 00:19:16,697 --> 00:19:19,158 we've created a world 504 00:19:16,697 --> 00:19:19,158 without mysteries. 505 00:19:19,199 --> 00:19:22,662 What kind of a world 506 00:19:19,199 --> 00:19:22,662 doesn't have mysteries? 507 00:19:22,703 --> 00:19:24,204 A world where we don't belong. 508 00:19:24,246 --> 00:19:25,247 Hmm. 509 00:19:25,289 --> 00:19:26,958 What do we do now? 510 00:19:27,000 --> 00:19:30,878 Well, I just got this disc 511 00:19:27,000 --> 00:19:30,878 from Miskatonic University. 512 00:19:30,920 --> 00:19:32,839 Might as well see what it is. 513 00:19:34,465 --> 00:19:38,552 Harlan Ellison here. 514 00:19:34,465 --> 00:19:38,552 You can call me Mr. E. 515 00:19:38,594 --> 00:19:41,764 I know who you kids are 516 00:19:38,594 --> 00:19:41,764 and I know that you created 517 00:19:41,806 --> 00:19:45,434 'an alternate timeline 518 00:19:41,806 --> 00:19:45,434 by destroying that evil entity.' 519 00:19:45,476 --> 00:19:46,936 'How do I know this?' 520 00:19:46,978 --> 00:19:49,355 'How you ask 521 00:19:46,978 --> 00:19:49,355 in your purblind ignorance?' 522 00:19:49,396 --> 00:19:52,316 It's obvious 523 00:19:49,396 --> 00:19:52,316 as antlers on a chihuahua. 524 00:19:52,358 --> 00:19:53,860 I'm a genius! 525 00:19:53,901 --> 00:19:56,278 'All my years of writing 526 00:19:53,901 --> 00:19:56,278 speculative fiction' 527 00:19:56,320 --> 00:19:58,614 'has hyper tuned my psychic 528 00:19:56,320 --> 00:19:58,614 mnemonic connection' 529 00:19:58,656 --> 00:20:00,366 with alternate dimensions. 530 00:20:00,407 --> 00:20:04,037 That's why I am able to remember 531 00:20:00,407 --> 00:20:04,037 every timeline ever created. 532 00:20:04,078 --> 00:20:06,622 And believe me, 533 00:20:04,078 --> 00:20:06,622 this has happened before 534 00:20:06,664 --> 00:20:09,500 but you kids have slipped 535 00:20:06,664 --> 00:20:09,500 the time stream with me. 536 00:20:09,542 --> 00:20:12,461 Very rare. 537 00:20:09,542 --> 00:20:12,461 You're very strange. 538 00:20:12,503 --> 00:20:15,089 That's why I sent you 539 00:20:12,503 --> 00:20:15,089 this message. 540 00:20:15,131 --> 00:20:16,883 I've taken up residence 541 00:20:15,131 --> 00:20:16,883 as professor 542 00:20:16,924 --> 00:20:20,636 of sub-nuclear sciences 543 00:20:16,924 --> 00:20:20,636 at Miskatonic University. 544 00:20:20,678 --> 00:20:22,138 [thunderclap] 545 00:20:22,180 --> 00:20:24,974 I want you in my class 546 00:20:22,180 --> 00:20:24,974 next semester. 547 00:20:25,016 --> 00:20:28,978 I've already got you all 548 00:20:25,016 --> 00:20:28,978 admitted, even that weird dog. 549 00:20:29,020 --> 00:20:31,022 'There's a lot of 550 00:20:29,020 --> 00:20:31,022 meddling to do' 551 00:20:31,064 --> 00:20:33,816 'and a lot of mysteries 552 00:20:31,064 --> 00:20:33,816 out there that need solving.' 553 00:20:33,858 --> 00:20:37,111 Don't miss it. 554 00:20:37,153 --> 00:20:38,571 Hold the phone! 555 00:20:38,612 --> 00:20:39,655 Jeepers! 556 00:20:39,697 --> 00:20:41,490 - Jinkies! 557 00:20:39,697 --> 00:20:41,490 - Zoinks! 558 00:20:41,532 --> 00:20:45,161 Miskatonic University! 559 00:20:41,532 --> 00:20:45,161 Amazing! 560 00:20:45,203 --> 00:20:47,705 But it's all the way on 561 00:20:45,203 --> 00:20:47,705 the other side of the country. 562 00:20:47,747 --> 00:20:49,040 How are we gonna to get there? 563 00:20:49,082 --> 00:20:51,209 We'll drive, 564 00:20:49,082 --> 00:20:51,209 starting right now. 565 00:20:51,250 --> 00:20:54,128 And we'll stop and solve every 566 00:20:51,250 --> 00:20:54,128 mystery we find along the way. 567 00:20:54,170 --> 00:20:58,091 Whoo-hoo! A mystery solving road 568 00:20:54,170 --> 00:20:58,091 trip! Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! 569 00:20:58,132 --> 00:21:01,094 Like, can we also stop and eat 570 00:20:58,132 --> 00:21:01,094 at every burger place 571 00:21:01,135 --> 00:21:03,930 and pizza joint 572 00:21:01,135 --> 00:21:03,930 we find along the way, too? 573 00:21:03,971 --> 00:21:08,059 Absolutely. But first, we need 574 00:21:03,971 --> 00:21:08,059 to do something about this van. 575 00:21:08,101 --> 00:21:09,727 [instrumental music] 576 00:21:36,087 --> 00:21:38,839 [instrumental music] 577 00:21:40,424 --> 00:21:42,051 Thank you, Scooby-Doo. 578 00:21:42,093 --> 00:21:45,554 You are the bravest dog 579 00:21:42,093 --> 00:21:45,554 that ever lived. 580 00:21:45,596 --> 00:21:48,348 Scooby-Dooby-Doo! 581 00:21:56,774 --> 00:21:58,692 [theme music]