1 00:00:03,712 --> 00:00:06,214 (female narrator) 2 00:00:03,712 --> 00:00:06,214 Previously on 3 00:00:03,712 --> 00:00:06,214 "Mystery Incorporated.." 4 00:00:06,256 --> 00:00:08,550 (Daphne) 5 00:00:06,256 --> 00:00:08,550 The heart of the jaguar 6 00:00:06,256 --> 00:00:08,550 is supposed to be able 7 00:00:08,592 --> 00:00:11,762 to destroy this evil entity 8 00:00:08,592 --> 00:00:11,762 and undo all of its evil. 9 00:00:11,804 --> 00:00:14,723 The Planispheric Disk showed 10 00:00:11,804 --> 00:00:14,723 us the location of four keys. 11 00:00:14,765 --> 00:00:16,767 (Shaggy) 12 00:00:14,765 --> 00:00:16,767 'The old pistol, the helmet' 13 00:00:16,809 --> 00:00:18,185 the mortar bowl thingy 14 00:00:18,226 --> 00:00:20,437 and a piece of old sailcloth. 15 00:00:20,479 --> 00:00:22,523 (Pericles) 16 00:00:20,479 --> 00:00:22,523 'The doorway at last!' 17 00:00:22,564 --> 00:00:24,483 Now I can finally claim 18 00:00:24,525 --> 00:00:26,610 what is rightfully mine. 19 00:00:26,652 --> 00:00:28,278 (Mr. E) 20 00:00:26,652 --> 00:00:28,278 'Won't the kids just 21 00:00:26,652 --> 00:00:28,278 follow us in?' 22 00:00:28,320 --> 00:00:29,989 I need them to. 23 00:00:30,030 --> 00:00:32,533 'I need Scooby-Doo, 24 00:00:30,030 --> 00:00:32,533 if I'm to take control' 25 00:00:32,574 --> 00:00:33,868 'of the great power below.' 26 00:00:33,909 --> 00:00:36,036 (Pericles) 27 00:00:33,909 --> 00:00:36,036 The dog must be destroyed 28 00:00:36,077 --> 00:00:38,038 at just the right moment. 29 00:00:38,079 --> 00:00:38,998 Ready? 30 00:00:39,039 --> 00:00:40,040 Professor Pericles 31 00:00:40,081 --> 00:00:41,583 is gonna regret the day he ever 32 00:00:41,625 --> 00:00:45,212 messed with 33 00:00:41,625 --> 00:00:45,212 Scooby...Dooby...Doo. 34 00:00:47,214 --> 00:00:49,299 (Nibiru) 35 00:00:47,214 --> 00:00:49,299 Soon! 36 00:00:49,341 --> 00:00:51,886 Soon I will be free. 37 00:00:51,927 --> 00:00:56,097 The time of Nibiru 38 00:00:51,927 --> 00:00:56,097 is nearly at hand. 39 00:00:56,139 --> 00:00:59,100 The planets are coming 40 00:00:56,139 --> 00:00:59,100 into alignment 41 00:00:59,142 --> 00:01:01,645 working toward my release 42 00:01:01,687 --> 00:01:03,772 as are you. 43 00:01:03,814 --> 00:01:06,525 Even though you know it not 44 00:01:06,567 --> 00:01:08,485 I forged you. 45 00:01:08,527 --> 00:01:12,280 You are my proudest creation. 46 00:01:12,322 --> 00:01:14,157 So come now 47 00:01:14,199 --> 00:01:17,160 children of Nibiru. 48 00:01:17,202 --> 00:01:18,996 Be strong 49 00:01:19,038 --> 00:01:21,957 and set your master free 50 00:01:21,999 --> 00:01:29,130 so that I may bathe 51 00:01:21,999 --> 00:01:29,130 this world...in fire. 52 00:01:34,219 --> 00:01:36,805 [theme music] 53 00:02:01,246 --> 00:02:03,958 (Scooby) 54 00:02:01,246 --> 00:02:03,958 Scooby-Dooby-Doo! 55 00:02:05,084 --> 00:02:07,628 [water gurgling] 56 00:02:18,055 --> 00:02:19,473 Judy, I have to say 57 00:02:19,514 --> 00:02:22,517 this dark cave is doing 58 00:02:19,514 --> 00:02:22,517 wonders for your complexion. 59 00:02:22,559 --> 00:02:25,312 Really? It's so nice 60 00:02:22,559 --> 00:02:25,312 of you to notice. 61 00:02:25,353 --> 00:02:28,440 - Thank you, Brad. 62 00:02:25,353 --> 00:02:28,440 - You're welcome, Judy. 63 00:02:28,482 --> 00:02:30,651 In this light, I can barely 64 00:02:28,482 --> 00:02:30,651 see your multitude 65 00:02:30,692 --> 00:02:33,278 of wrinkles and your mouthful 66 00:02:30,692 --> 00:02:33,278 of decaying teeth. 67 00:02:33,320 --> 00:02:35,614 Huh! That's it, Bradley! 68 00:02:35,656 --> 00:02:36,740 [grunting] 69 00:02:36,782 --> 00:02:37,866 Ah! Stop it! 70 00:02:37,908 --> 00:02:39,994 You two are behaving 71 00:02:37,908 --> 00:02:39,994 like children! 72 00:02:40,035 --> 00:02:41,536 [grunting] 73 00:02:41,578 --> 00:02:44,999 The cursed treasure 74 00:02:41,578 --> 00:02:44,999 is tearing us apart. 75 00:02:45,040 --> 00:02:49,086 I wish Cassidy were here 76 00:02:45,040 --> 00:02:49,086 to see you all go to pieces. 77 00:02:49,128 --> 00:02:53,423 Oh, Ricky, you always lacked 78 00:02:49,128 --> 00:02:53,423 the stomach for greatness. 79 00:02:53,465 --> 00:02:55,676 Forward! Marschieren! 80 00:02:56,969 --> 00:02:59,513 [intense music] 81 00:03:04,977 --> 00:03:07,228 They're on the move. 82 00:03:09,731 --> 00:03:12,526 Like, Scooby-Doo 83 00:03:09,731 --> 00:03:12,526 old pal, this is it. 84 00:03:12,567 --> 00:03:13,986 The last hamburger. 85 00:03:14,028 --> 00:03:16,446 We've already eaten 86 00:03:14,028 --> 00:03:16,446 all of our snacks. 87 00:03:16,488 --> 00:03:19,240 'I was saving this 88 00:03:16,488 --> 00:03:19,240 for an emergency.' 89 00:03:19,282 --> 00:03:21,284 This is an emergency. 90 00:03:21,326 --> 00:03:23,829 That's the last hamburger. 91 00:03:23,871 --> 00:03:25,039 chomp 92 00:03:28,375 --> 00:03:32,587 Ah, looks like we're 93 00:03:28,375 --> 00:03:32,587 roughing it from here, Raggy. 94 00:03:32,629 --> 00:03:35,174 [intense music] 95 00:03:40,428 --> 00:03:42,639 Beautiful. 96 00:03:42,681 --> 00:03:45,475 The house of the [indistinct] 97 00:03:48,854 --> 00:03:51,190 I'm sorry to ask, 98 00:03:48,854 --> 00:03:51,190 Professor Pericles but-- 99 00:03:51,231 --> 00:03:52,858 What are we waiting for? 100 00:03:52,900 --> 00:03:54,275 The kinder. 101 00:03:54,317 --> 00:03:57,071 I know they are out 102 00:03:54,317 --> 00:03:57,071 there following us. 103 00:03:57,112 --> 00:03:58,906 Give them a minute. 104 00:03:58,947 --> 00:04:02,659 They will soon understand 105 00:03:58,947 --> 00:04:02,659 their part in all this. 106 00:04:02,701 --> 00:04:07,873 But they must hurry, the planets 107 00:04:02,701 --> 00:04:07,873 are nearly in full alignment. 108 00:04:07,915 --> 00:04:12,377 (Pericles) 109 00:04:07,915 --> 00:04:12,377 The time of Nibiru 110 00:04:07,915 --> 00:04:12,377 is almost at hand. 111 00:04:17,298 --> 00:04:21,344 Oh, I dig those crazy symbols 112 00:04:17,298 --> 00:04:21,344 on those giganticos doors. 113 00:04:21,386 --> 00:04:23,722 Th-th-the dream world. 114 00:04:23,764 --> 00:04:26,725 - The what world? 115 00:04:23,764 --> 00:04:26,725 - The dream world. The keys. 116 00:04:26,767 --> 00:04:29,352 Everything we saw, 117 00:04:26,767 --> 00:04:29,352 it finally makes sense. 118 00:04:29,394 --> 00:04:31,688 Professor Karen did say 119 00:04:29,394 --> 00:04:31,688 that the dream world 120 00:04:31,730 --> 00:04:33,232 would show us what 121 00:04:31,730 --> 00:04:33,232 we needed to find. 122 00:04:33,273 --> 00:04:34,942 And it showed 123 00:04:33,273 --> 00:04:34,942 each of us the keys. 124 00:04:34,983 --> 00:04:36,568 And what they were for. 125 00:04:36,610 --> 00:04:39,738 (Daphne) 126 00:04:36,610 --> 00:04:39,738 The fourth key is 127 00:04:36,610 --> 00:04:39,738 the element of air. 128 00:04:39,780 --> 00:04:43,283 (Scooby) 129 00:04:39,780 --> 00:04:43,283 The third key is 130 00:04:39,780 --> 00:04:43,283 the element of earth. 131 00:04:43,324 --> 00:04:46,120 (Fred) 132 00:04:43,324 --> 00:04:46,120 The second key is 133 00:04:43,324 --> 00:04:46,120 the element of water. 134 00:04:46,161 --> 00:04:49,497 (Velma) 135 00:04:46,161 --> 00:04:49,497 And the first key 136 00:04:46,161 --> 00:04:49,497 is the element of fire. 137 00:04:49,539 --> 00:04:52,459 (Velma) 138 00:04:49,539 --> 00:04:52,459 'Each one of the four keys 139 00:04:49,539 --> 00:04:52,459 opens a gate leading down.' 140 00:04:52,500 --> 00:04:56,004 'That first gate is covered 141 00:04:52,500 --> 00:04:56,004 with alchemy symbols for air.' 142 00:04:56,046 --> 00:04:57,923 But if that's the first gate 143 00:04:57,965 --> 00:05:00,425 why is it attached 144 00:04:57,965 --> 00:05:00,425 to the fourth key? 145 00:05:00,467 --> 00:05:02,261 Because it's in reverse. 146 00:05:02,302 --> 00:05:03,762 Of course it is 147 00:05:03,804 --> 00:05:05,931 Like, why would any 148 00:05:03,804 --> 00:05:05,931 of this make sense? 149 00:05:05,973 --> 00:05:08,100 It makes perfect 150 00:05:05,973 --> 00:05:08,100 sense, Shaggy 151 00:05:08,142 --> 00:05:10,477 we're working outside in. 152 00:05:10,518 --> 00:05:12,104 'This is the fourth gate.' 153 00:05:12,146 --> 00:05:13,730 'The next one will 154 00:05:12,146 --> 00:05:13,730 be the third.' 155 00:05:13,772 --> 00:05:14,940 'And then the second.' 156 00:05:14,982 --> 00:05:16,900 'And then, 157 00:05:14,982 --> 00:05:16,900 ultimately the first.' 158 00:05:16,942 --> 00:05:20,403 And then...the evil entity. 159 00:05:22,614 --> 00:05:25,575 Alright, 160 00:05:22,614 --> 00:05:25,575 you Mystery Incorporated 161 00:05:25,617 --> 00:05:29,704 I know you're out there 162 00:05:25,617 --> 00:05:29,704 and you have the key. 163 00:05:29,746 --> 00:05:32,749 (Ricky) 164 00:05:29,746 --> 00:05:32,749 'Even if the Mystery 165 00:05:29,746 --> 00:05:32,749 Incorporated kids are out there' 166 00:05:32,791 --> 00:05:35,127 what makes you think 167 00:05:32,791 --> 00:05:35,127 you can make them 168 00:05:35,169 --> 00:05:37,045 do what you want? 169 00:05:37,087 --> 00:05:39,338 Because, my dear Ricky 170 00:05:39,380 --> 00:05:41,091 everyone has their weakness. 171 00:05:41,133 --> 00:05:42,425 [speaking German] 172 00:05:46,721 --> 00:05:49,057 Marcy! No! 173 00:05:49,099 --> 00:05:50,475 Good, kinder. 174 00:05:50,517 --> 00:05:51,852 Now come cooperate 175 00:05:51,893 --> 00:05:54,188 and I will not harm 176 00:05:51,893 --> 00:05:54,188 the Hot Dog Water. 177 00:05:56,898 --> 00:05:58,608 I'll do it. 178 00:05:56,898 --> 00:05:58,608 I'll go. 179 00:05:58,650 --> 00:06:02,361 No, we all go together. 180 00:05:58,650 --> 00:06:02,361 No splitting up. 181 00:06:02,403 --> 00:06:04,114 Never again. 182 00:06:11,121 --> 00:06:12,206 Mom, dad. 183 00:06:12,247 --> 00:06:14,124 (in unison) 184 00:06:12,247 --> 00:06:14,124 Son. 185 00:06:16,710 --> 00:06:19,296 Ah, the fourth key. 186 00:06:19,338 --> 00:06:21,464 I knew you had found them. 187 00:06:21,506 --> 00:06:25,093 Here, allow my Kriegstoppabots 188 00:06:21,506 --> 00:06:25,093 to open the gate 189 00:06:25,135 --> 00:06:27,095 it is very dangerous. 190 00:06:27,137 --> 00:06:31,016 I don't need your 191 00:06:27,137 --> 00:06:31,016 help, Pericles. 192 00:06:31,058 --> 00:06:33,476 As you wish, Frederick. 193 00:06:37,522 --> 00:06:39,358 If this gate is 194 00:06:37,522 --> 00:06:39,358 what I think it is 195 00:06:39,398 --> 00:06:41,276 and I think it's 196 00:06:39,398 --> 00:06:41,276 a big fat trap 197 00:06:41,318 --> 00:06:42,777 it might work in our favor. 198 00:06:42,819 --> 00:06:44,946 Hold on to something. 199 00:06:44,988 --> 00:06:47,532 [intense music] 200 00:06:48,033 --> 00:06:49,826 Hmm. 201 00:06:51,619 --> 00:06:53,247 [whistling] 202 00:06:53,288 --> 00:06:55,957 [speaking German] 203 00:06:56,791 --> 00:06:58,960 Ah! 204 00:06:59,002 --> 00:07:01,546 [dramatic music] 205 00:07:04,383 --> 00:07:06,968 [music continues] 206 00:07:13,183 --> 00:07:15,727 [all screaming] 207 00:07:19,606 --> 00:07:22,192 Ah! 208 00:07:23,985 --> 00:07:25,237 The redhead! 209 00:07:25,279 --> 00:07:26,571 [speaking German] 210 00:07:30,533 --> 00:07:31,534 [screaming] 211 00:07:31,576 --> 00:07:34,788 Daphne! No-o-o! 212 00:07:36,957 --> 00:07:38,792 [dramatic music] 213 00:07:38,833 --> 00:07:41,420 [screaming] 214 00:07:42,087 --> 00:07:44,672 [screaming] 215 00:07:46,174 --> 00:07:47,508 [grunting] 216 00:07:51,096 --> 00:07:53,681 [instrumental music] 217 00:07:57,894 --> 00:08:00,563 Aah! What is 218 00:07:57,894 --> 00:08:00,563 the meaning of this? 219 00:08:00,605 --> 00:08:02,774 Put me down, 220 00:08:00,605 --> 00:08:02,774 you horrible girl! 221 00:08:02,816 --> 00:08:05,235 Not a chance, 222 00:08:02,816 --> 00:08:05,235 you nasty little monster. 223 00:08:05,277 --> 00:08:07,737 Move and the bird gets it! 224 00:08:07,779 --> 00:08:09,530 [grunting] 225 00:08:09,572 --> 00:08:11,699 Back off! 226 00:08:09,572 --> 00:08:11,699 No one move! 227 00:08:11,741 --> 00:08:14,535 You guys go! 228 00:08:11,741 --> 00:08:14,535 Do what you have to do. 229 00:08:14,577 --> 00:08:16,288 I've been trapped 230 00:08:14,577 --> 00:08:16,288 in that box long enough 231 00:08:16,330 --> 00:08:19,666 to hear everything Professor 232 00:08:16,330 --> 00:08:19,666 Creepy Bird has in mind. 233 00:08:19,707 --> 00:08:22,419 Find that entity 234 00:08:19,707 --> 00:08:22,419 and destroy it. 235 00:08:22,461 --> 00:08:24,212 I'll hold them off 236 00:08:22,461 --> 00:08:24,212 as long as I can. 237 00:08:24,254 --> 00:08:25,797 Go! Now! 238 00:08:25,839 --> 00:08:28,508 No, Marcy, I won't. 239 00:08:25,839 --> 00:08:28,508 I can't. 240 00:08:28,549 --> 00:08:31,470 You have to. 241 00:08:28,549 --> 00:08:31,470 The world needs you. 242 00:08:31,511 --> 00:08:33,638 Don't worry about me, V. 243 00:08:33,680 --> 00:08:35,974 I'll see you when this is over. 244 00:08:40,395 --> 00:08:44,149 One more move and I pluck 245 00:08:40,395 --> 00:08:44,149 this ugly little chicken. 246 00:08:44,191 --> 00:08:48,153 Ow! Nein! Nein! Stop! 247 00:08:48,195 --> 00:08:49,904 Heh. 248 00:08:55,243 --> 00:08:57,787 [wind whooshing] 249 00:09:05,212 --> 00:09:08,673 E, I guess I expected 250 00:09:05,212 --> 00:09:08,673 more from you. 251 00:09:08,715 --> 00:09:10,800 So did I, little girl. 252 00:09:10,842 --> 00:09:13,053 So did I. 253 00:09:15,138 --> 00:09:17,807 It's all in your 254 00:09:15,138 --> 00:09:17,807 hands now, Judy. 255 00:09:17,849 --> 00:09:19,184 [grunting] 256 00:09:20,852 --> 00:09:22,687 Ow. 257 00:09:22,729 --> 00:09:23,938 Silly child. 258 00:09:23,980 --> 00:09:25,815 We were springing 259 00:09:23,980 --> 00:09:25,815 impromptu traps 260 00:09:25,857 --> 00:09:27,359 before you were born. 261 00:09:27,401 --> 00:09:30,778 - That's right, Brad. 262 00:09:27,401 --> 00:09:30,778 - Thank you, Judy. 263 00:09:30,820 --> 00:09:33,407 [grunting] 264 00:09:36,117 --> 00:09:38,661 [dramatic music] 265 00:09:43,083 --> 00:09:45,210 bratatat 266 00:09:47,379 --> 00:09:49,964 [whimpering] 267 00:09:52,050 --> 00:09:56,763 Come on, Scooby, 268 00:09:52,050 --> 00:09:56,763 we have to keep going. 269 00:09:56,804 --> 00:09:58,139 [whimpers] 270 00:10:03,895 --> 00:10:06,022 (Ricky) 271 00:10:03,895 --> 00:10:06,022 You make me sick, Pericles. 272 00:10:06,064 --> 00:10:09,359 I wish I had never 273 00:10:06,064 --> 00:10:09,359 saved you all those years ago. 274 00:10:09,401 --> 00:10:12,028 Hmm, do I care? No. 275 00:10:12,070 --> 00:10:13,696 Maybe you should care! 276 00:10:13,738 --> 00:10:15,740 Perhaps you should 277 00:10:13,738 --> 00:10:15,740 care more about 278 00:10:15,782 --> 00:10:20,120 the poisonous cobra larvae 279 00:10:15,782 --> 00:10:20,120 implanted in your spine. 280 00:10:20,161 --> 00:10:22,414 Now, let's move! 281 00:10:24,124 --> 00:10:26,667 [intense music] 282 00:10:37,429 --> 00:10:40,307 Like, the second gate! 283 00:10:40,348 --> 00:10:42,934 [instrumental music] 284 00:10:43,851 --> 00:10:45,937 Hmm. 285 00:10:45,979 --> 00:10:48,773 Somebody hand me 286 00:10:45,979 --> 00:10:48,773 the mortar bowl. 287 00:10:48,815 --> 00:10:51,359 Like, Fred is really 288 00:10:48,815 --> 00:10:51,359 in his element here, huh? 289 00:10:51,401 --> 00:10:53,445 Pun intended. 290 00:10:57,157 --> 00:10:59,618 Earth. 291 00:10:59,659 --> 00:11:02,203 [dramatic music] 292 00:11:07,501 --> 00:11:09,586 [door creaking] 293 00:11:09,628 --> 00:11:12,755 Like, that was 294 00:11:09,628 --> 00:11:12,755 very anti-climactic. 295 00:11:30,148 --> 00:11:32,984 [clattering] 296 00:11:33,026 --> 00:11:34,693 Huh? 297 00:11:34,735 --> 00:11:36,112 [roaring] 298 00:11:36,154 --> 00:11:37,656 Like, zoinks! 299 00:11:37,696 --> 00:11:39,407 Rock monster! 300 00:11:39,449 --> 00:11:41,075 Jeepers! Freddy? 301 00:11:41,117 --> 00:11:44,120 Ah! Let's see...a-a trap, trap. 302 00:11:44,162 --> 00:11:45,580 I really don't have one handy. 303 00:11:45,622 --> 00:11:47,666 Maybe we should fall back 304 00:11:45,622 --> 00:11:47,666 on our old standard. 305 00:11:47,706 --> 00:11:49,000 Run! 306 00:11:53,421 --> 00:11:54,755 bash bash 307 00:11:56,715 --> 00:11:59,844 Aah! 308 00:11:59,886 --> 00:12:02,430 [dramatic music] 309 00:12:05,684 --> 00:12:07,101 (Shaggy) 310 00:12:05,684 --> 00:12:07,101 'Faster!' 311 00:12:14,275 --> 00:12:16,861 [panting] 312 00:12:22,409 --> 00:12:24,952 [dramatic music] 313 00:12:26,204 --> 00:12:28,331 [both chuckle] 314 00:12:28,373 --> 00:12:29,832 [roaring] 315 00:12:29,874 --> 00:12:32,210 [screaming] 316 00:12:32,252 --> 00:12:34,795 [dramatic music] 317 00:12:37,840 --> 00:12:40,093 [chuckling] 318 00:12:40,134 --> 00:12:41,428 bash bash bash 319 00:12:42,721 --> 00:12:44,055 (Shaggy) 320 00:12:42,721 --> 00:12:44,055 'Whoa!' 321 00:12:47,892 --> 00:12:50,437 [dramatic music] 322 00:12:53,189 --> 00:12:55,734 [panting] 323 00:12:56,775 --> 00:12:57,902 [grunts] 324 00:13:00,821 --> 00:13:04,783 Velma, what kind of rock 325 00:13:00,821 --> 00:13:04,783 is this behind us? 326 00:13:04,825 --> 00:13:07,036 It's granite. 327 00:13:07,078 --> 00:13:09,289 [screaming] 328 00:13:09,330 --> 00:13:13,167 Shaggy, Scooby, over here. 329 00:13:09,330 --> 00:13:13,167 Run this way! 330 00:13:13,209 --> 00:13:14,919 [intense music] 331 00:13:14,961 --> 00:13:17,756 Wait...wait for it. 332 00:13:18,715 --> 00:13:20,425 Wait. 333 00:13:20,467 --> 00:13:22,135 And...now! 334 00:13:22,176 --> 00:13:23,511 crash 335 00:13:26,097 --> 00:13:27,140 Okay, that doesn't really 336 00:13:27,181 --> 00:13:28,558 count as a trap, but-- 337 00:13:28,600 --> 00:13:32,186 - Works for me! Hoo-hoo! 338 00:13:28,600 --> 00:13:32,186 - Me, too. 339 00:13:33,229 --> 00:13:35,814 [instrumental music] 340 00:13:42,947 --> 00:13:44,115 Huh? 341 00:13:44,157 --> 00:13:46,785 [instrumental music] 342 00:13:46,825 --> 00:13:49,370 (Daphne) 343 00:13:46,825 --> 00:13:49,370 The third gate. 344 00:13:49,412 --> 00:13:52,206 (Velma) 345 00:13:49,412 --> 00:13:52,206 And the second key. Water. 346 00:14:00,839 --> 00:14:03,468 Looks like there's only 347 00:14:00,839 --> 00:14:03,468 one place to fill it up. 348 00:14:08,640 --> 00:14:11,267 splash 349 00:14:11,309 --> 00:14:13,311 [all screaming] 350 00:14:14,228 --> 00:14:16,773 [dramatic music] 351 00:14:28,117 --> 00:14:30,578 (Shaggy) 352 00:14:28,117 --> 00:14:30,578 'Oh, no! No!' 353 00:14:30,620 --> 00:14:33,164 [all screaming] 354 00:14:36,835 --> 00:14:39,420 [groaning] 355 00:14:40,254 --> 00:14:41,589 [grunting] 356 00:14:43,924 --> 00:14:46,511 [all groaning] 357 00:14:53,393 --> 00:14:55,603 Like, dudes, where are we? 358 00:14:55,645 --> 00:14:57,438 And for that matter 359 00:14:55,645 --> 00:14:57,438 where the heck have we 360 00:14:57,480 --> 00:14:59,566 been for 361 00:14:57,480 --> 00:14:59,566 the last two keys? 362 00:14:59,607 --> 00:15:01,984 We're traveling through 363 00:14:59,607 --> 00:15:01,984 different dimensions. 364 00:15:02,026 --> 00:15:05,196 An intriguing feature of string 365 00:15:02,026 --> 00:15:05,196 theory and advanced physics 366 00:15:05,238 --> 00:15:07,156 is that it predicts 367 00:15:05,238 --> 00:15:07,156 extra dimensions. 368 00:15:07,198 --> 00:15:09,617 'In classical string theory, 369 00:15:07,198 --> 00:15:09,617 the number of dimensions' 370 00:15:09,659 --> 00:15:12,161 'is not fixed by any 371 00:15:09,659 --> 00:15:12,161 consistency criterion.' 372 00:15:12,203 --> 00:15:14,997 - What is she talking about? 373 00:15:12,203 --> 00:15:14,997 - You're asking me? 374 00:15:15,039 --> 00:15:18,668 The Planispheric Disk not only 375 00:15:15,039 --> 00:15:18,668 maps three dimensional space 376 00:15:18,710 --> 00:15:20,837 but the fourth dimension 377 00:15:18,710 --> 00:15:20,837 of time and beyond. 378 00:15:20,879 --> 00:15:22,463 Worlds between worlds. 379 00:15:22,505 --> 00:15:24,507 Like, dude, that's 380 00:15:22,505 --> 00:15:24,507 all well and good-- 381 00:15:24,549 --> 00:15:26,760 Even if we don't 382 00:15:24,549 --> 00:15:26,760 understand a word of it. 383 00:15:26,801 --> 00:15:29,220 But, like, how are we 384 00:15:26,801 --> 00:15:29,220 gonna find the last gate? 385 00:15:29,262 --> 00:15:31,431 Yeah. All I see is water. 386 00:15:31,472 --> 00:15:32,891 Endless water. 387 00:15:32,932 --> 00:15:35,476 Jinkies! 388 00:15:32,932 --> 00:15:35,476 Shaggy and Scooby are right. 389 00:15:35,518 --> 00:15:37,978 (Daphne) 390 00:15:35,518 --> 00:15:37,978 'We're trapped in 391 00:15:35,518 --> 00:15:37,978 the middle of nowhere' 392 00:15:38,020 --> 00:15:40,314 'with no way out!' 393 00:15:44,611 --> 00:15:46,946 [instrumental music] 394 00:15:55,705 --> 00:15:57,998 Looks like the kinder 395 00:15:55,705 --> 00:15:57,998 are having fun 396 00:15:58,040 --> 00:16:00,293 and they're all 397 00:15:58,040 --> 00:16:00,293 still alive. 398 00:16:00,334 --> 00:16:01,836 That's our Fred. 399 00:16:01,878 --> 00:16:04,004 A chip off the old block. 400 00:16:04,046 --> 00:16:08,008 - Blockhead, more like. 401 00:16:04,046 --> 00:16:08,008 - Thank you, Judy.. Hey! 402 00:16:08,050 --> 00:16:10,177 You're insane! 403 00:16:08,050 --> 00:16:10,177 All of you! 404 00:16:10,219 --> 00:16:12,722 None of us are going 405 00:16:10,219 --> 00:16:12,722 to make it out of this alive. 406 00:16:12,764 --> 00:16:14,223 None of us! 407 00:16:14,265 --> 00:16:16,810 And I'm glad. 408 00:16:23,065 --> 00:16:25,192 (Shaggy) 409 00:16:23,065 --> 00:16:25,192 I can't take it! 410 00:16:23,065 --> 00:16:25,192 I can't take it! 411 00:16:25,234 --> 00:16:26,986 It's okay, Raggy. 412 00:16:27,027 --> 00:16:29,572 No, Scoob, it is not okay! 413 00:16:29,614 --> 00:16:31,324 We're totally lost at sea. 414 00:16:31,365 --> 00:16:33,409 No wait, correction! 415 00:16:33,451 --> 00:16:37,747 Lost on an interdimensional 416 00:16:33,451 --> 00:16:37,747 sea, alone and adrift 417 00:16:37,789 --> 00:16:39,206 between universes. 418 00:16:39,248 --> 00:16:44,253 Dudes, life is completely 419 00:16:39,248 --> 00:16:44,253 turned upside down! 420 00:16:44,295 --> 00:16:45,713 Upside down. 421 00:16:45,755 --> 00:16:47,882 Shaggy Rogers, you're a genius. 422 00:16:47,924 --> 00:16:49,592 Like.. Like, huh? 423 00:16:49,634 --> 00:16:51,761 It's not up, it's down. 424 00:16:51,803 --> 00:16:54,138 The gate is down. 425 00:16:54,180 --> 00:16:55,431 Ooh. 426 00:17:00,436 --> 00:17:02,689 Hey, look! 427 00:17:05,525 --> 00:17:08,653 Jeepers, you think the fourth 428 00:17:05,525 --> 00:17:08,653 gate is down there? 429 00:17:08,695 --> 00:17:10,780 Only one way to find out. 430 00:17:10,822 --> 00:17:11,865 Come on, gang. 431 00:17:11,906 --> 00:17:13,282 [inhales deeply] 432 00:17:14,158 --> 00:17:15,493 splash 433 00:17:17,578 --> 00:17:20,164 [instrumental music] 434 00:17:27,005 --> 00:17:28,297 [gasps] 435 00:17:29,966 --> 00:17:32,552 Freaky. 436 00:17:35,013 --> 00:17:36,472 Over there! 437 00:17:38,725 --> 00:17:41,352 [intense music] 438 00:17:52,238 --> 00:17:54,032 (Velma) 439 00:17:52,238 --> 00:17:54,032 The last gate. 440 00:17:54,073 --> 00:17:56,283 This is it. 441 00:17:54,073 --> 00:17:56,283 We made it, gang. 442 00:17:56,325 --> 00:17:59,203 I don't like what's 443 00:17:56,325 --> 00:17:59,203 waiting for us beyond that door. 444 00:17:59,245 --> 00:18:01,330 - Evil. 445 00:17:59,245 --> 00:18:01,330 - Pure evil! 446 00:18:01,372 --> 00:18:04,834 That we must destroy 447 00:18:01,372 --> 00:18:04,834 with the heart of the jaguar. 448 00:18:04,876 --> 00:18:06,586 Let's get this done. 449 00:18:06,627 --> 00:18:09,923 Wait, if things prove 450 00:18:06,627 --> 00:18:09,923 to be bigger than us 451 00:18:09,964 --> 00:18:11,841 I just want to tell you guys-- 452 00:18:11,883 --> 00:18:14,301 No. Nothing is bigger than us. 453 00:18:14,343 --> 00:18:15,762 It's the five of us. 454 00:18:15,803 --> 00:18:18,598 We can do this...together. 455 00:18:21,768 --> 00:18:26,606 Here, let me do the honors. 456 00:18:26,647 --> 00:18:29,233 [instrumental music] 457 00:18:32,946 --> 00:18:34,280 ptaff 458 00:18:37,533 --> 00:18:39,994 I don't get it. 459 00:18:37,533 --> 00:18:39,994 The key didn't work. 460 00:18:40,036 --> 00:18:43,539 That's because the flintlock 461 00:18:40,036 --> 00:18:43,539 itself isn't the key. 462 00:18:47,001 --> 00:18:48,836 Look, it's the flint. 463 00:18:48,878 --> 00:18:51,464 Daphne, you figured it out 464 00:18:51,505 --> 00:18:53,591 you do the honors. 465 00:18:58,429 --> 00:18:59,388 crackle crackle 466 00:18:59,430 --> 00:19:00,640 [all gasping] 467 00:19:10,733 --> 00:19:12,401 (Shaggy) 468 00:19:10,733 --> 00:19:12,401 Whoa! 469 00:19:12,443 --> 00:19:15,571 This place is like 470 00:19:12,443 --> 00:19:15,571 mega creepy and scary. 471 00:19:15,613 --> 00:19:17,197 Is it too late to turn back? 472 00:19:17,239 --> 00:19:19,700 Yes. Way too late. 473 00:19:22,578 --> 00:19:25,123 [intense music] 474 00:19:38,803 --> 00:19:41,055 Hmm? 475 00:19:41,097 --> 00:19:42,723 What do I do now? 476 00:19:42,765 --> 00:19:45,434 Open the sarcophagus. 477 00:19:45,476 --> 00:19:47,145 It...it spoke! 478 00:19:47,186 --> 00:19:48,855 Turn the lock. 479 00:19:48,896 --> 00:19:50,606 Set me free. 480 00:19:50,648 --> 00:19:52,399 We aren't here to free you. 481 00:19:52,441 --> 00:19:54,068 We're here to destroy you. 482 00:19:54,110 --> 00:19:56,570 Destroy me? Never. 483 00:19:56,612 --> 00:19:58,447 You have no choice. 484 00:19:58,489 --> 00:20:00,491 This is your destiny. 485 00:20:00,533 --> 00:20:03,744 Everything you have done, 486 00:20:00,533 --> 00:20:03,744 you have done for me. 487 00:20:03,786 --> 00:20:06,205 I brought you together 488 00:20:03,786 --> 00:20:06,205 as I brought all those 489 00:20:06,246 --> 00:20:07,665 together before you. 490 00:20:07,707 --> 00:20:09,042 'I made you into friends.' 491 00:20:09,083 --> 00:20:10,209 (both) 492 00:20:09,083 --> 00:20:10,209 Huh? 493 00:20:10,250 --> 00:20:11,961 Forced you into a group. 494 00:20:12,003 --> 00:20:15,756 I am the author of 495 00:20:12,003 --> 00:20:15,756 your every hope and dream. 496 00:20:15,798 --> 00:20:17,466 All to this purpose 497 00:20:17,508 --> 00:20:21,595 to set me free. 498 00:20:21,637 --> 00:20:24,182 [intense music] 499 00:20:37,319 --> 00:20:40,573 Like, i-is this...this evil 500 00:20:40,614 --> 00:20:41,824 telling the truth? 501 00:20:41,866 --> 00:20:42,909 Like our whole life 502 00:20:42,950 --> 00:20:44,869 our friendship 503 00:20:42,950 --> 00:20:44,869 has been a lie? 504 00:20:44,911 --> 00:20:47,329 Maybe everything we 505 00:20:44,911 --> 00:20:47,329 think we know 506 00:20:47,371 --> 00:20:48,748 none of it is real. 507 00:20:48,789 --> 00:20:51,918 No. I-I refuse to believe it. 508 00:20:55,504 --> 00:20:57,297 My love for Fred is real. 509 00:20:57,339 --> 00:20:58,799 I know it. 510 00:20:58,841 --> 00:21:00,718 And I love you all. 511 00:21:00,760 --> 00:21:01,844 You're my best friends. 512 00:21:01,886 --> 00:21:02,929 Daphne's right. 513 00:21:02,970 --> 00:21:04,180 Every word this thing 514 00:21:04,222 --> 00:21:06,265 spits out is a lie. 515 00:21:06,306 --> 00:21:07,683 Destroy it. 516 00:21:07,725 --> 00:21:09,060 This ends now. 517 00:21:09,102 --> 00:21:11,687 We'll never set you free. 518 00:21:11,729 --> 00:21:15,024 (Pericles) 519 00:21:11,729 --> 00:21:15,024 'That's too bad.' 520 00:21:15,066 --> 00:21:18,027 Because I will. 521 00:21:18,069 --> 00:21:19,946 [grunting] 522 00:21:19,987 --> 00:21:21,697 [grunting] 523 00:21:24,324 --> 00:21:26,869 [intense music] 524 00:21:28,746 --> 00:21:32,583 The time of Nibiru has come. 525 00:21:43,552 --> 00:21:46,097 [evil laughter] 526 00:21:48,515 --> 00:21:51,102 [laughing continues] 527 00:21:54,354 --> 00:21:56,732 [theme music]