1 00:00:03,754 --> 00:00:06,966 (female narrator) 2 00:00:03,754 --> 00:00:06,966 Previously on 3 00:00:03,754 --> 00:00:06,966 "Mystery Incorporated.." 4 00:00:07,007 --> 00:00:08,759 (Nova) 5 00:00:07,007 --> 00:00:08,759 The Hunters of Secrets. 6 00:00:08,801 --> 00:00:10,886 They were the original 7 00:00:08,801 --> 00:00:10,886 group manipulated 8 00:00:10,928 --> 00:00:13,305 by the evil entity 9 00:00:10,928 --> 00:00:13,305 in hopes they would 10 00:00:13,347 --> 00:00:15,641 set him free from his 11 00:00:13,347 --> 00:00:15,641 crystal sarcophagus. 12 00:00:15,683 --> 00:00:17,977 Instead of setting 13 00:00:15,683 --> 00:00:17,977 the evil one free 14 00:00:18,018 --> 00:00:20,437 they were about to destroy it 15 00:00:20,479 --> 00:00:23,273 with the Heart of the Jaguar. 16 00:00:23,315 --> 00:00:24,483 (Velma) 17 00:00:23,315 --> 00:00:24,483 'Jinkies!' 18 00:00:24,525 --> 00:00:26,694 After all we've 19 00:00:24,525 --> 00:00:26,694 been through 20 00:00:26,735 --> 00:00:27,987 only to find out 21 00:00:26,735 --> 00:00:27,987 that we've been 22 00:00:28,028 --> 00:00:30,489 manipulated by 23 00:00:28,028 --> 00:00:30,489 some evil entity. 24 00:00:30,531 --> 00:00:31,991 What are we gonna do? 25 00:00:32,032 --> 00:00:33,534 We have to find 26 00:00:33,575 --> 00:00:35,744 the Heart of the Jaguar! 27 00:00:37,204 --> 00:00:38,372 [crickets chirping] 28 00:00:42,292 --> 00:00:45,212 [forest ambience] 29 00:00:50,049 --> 00:00:51,134 [grunts] 30 00:00:52,135 --> 00:00:53,261 [bats screeching] 31 00:00:57,766 --> 00:00:58,851 [cell phone dials] 32 00:00:58,893 --> 00:01:00,268 [cell phone rings] 33 00:01:00,310 --> 00:01:02,229 Hi-hoo. 34 00:01:00,310 --> 00:01:02,229 Angie Dinkley speaking. 35 00:01:02,270 --> 00:01:05,440 (Enrique) 36 00:01:02,270 --> 00:01:05,440 'Angie! 37 00:01:02,270 --> 00:01:05,440 I mean, Senora Dinkley.' 38 00:01:05,482 --> 00:01:06,650 'It is I, Enrique.' 39 00:01:06,692 --> 00:01:08,652 It's Professor Andelusossa. 40 00:01:08,694 --> 00:01:10,070 I have found it. 41 00:01:10,111 --> 00:01:11,530 I have found the temple 42 00:01:11,572 --> 00:01:12,948 of the dark altar. 43 00:01:12,990 --> 00:01:14,324 Has he got it? 44 00:01:14,366 --> 00:01:15,868 Does he have 45 00:01:14,366 --> 00:01:15,868 the Heart of the Jaguar? 46 00:01:15,910 --> 00:01:18,453 All my research indicates 47 00:01:15,910 --> 00:01:18,453 the sacred spirit 48 00:01:18,495 --> 00:01:20,664 is located underneath 49 00:01:18,495 --> 00:01:20,664 this temple. 50 00:01:20,706 --> 00:01:23,124 Oh. Enrique, be careful. 51 00:01:23,166 --> 00:01:24,083 [laughs] 52 00:01:24,125 --> 00:01:26,253 Do not worry, senora. 53 00:01:26,294 --> 00:01:28,672 There is nothing here 54 00:01:26,294 --> 00:01:28,672 but myself and the jungle. 55 00:01:28,714 --> 00:01:31,258 I have nothing to fear. 56 00:01:31,299 --> 00:01:34,011 I only must make sure 57 00:01:31,299 --> 00:01:34,011 this is the right temple. 58 00:01:34,053 --> 00:01:35,554 [intense music] 59 00:01:38,181 --> 00:01:39,934 Huh? Huh? 60 00:01:39,975 --> 00:01:41,936 [grunting] 61 00:01:41,977 --> 00:01:44,187 Enrique, 62 00:01:41,977 --> 00:01:44,187 what's going on? 63 00:01:44,229 --> 00:01:46,105 [grunting] 64 00:01:46,147 --> 00:01:48,108 Enrique? 65 00:01:46,147 --> 00:01:48,108 Enrique! 66 00:01:48,149 --> 00:01:50,444 Aah! 67 00:01:50,485 --> 00:01:52,529 [growling] 68 00:01:52,571 --> 00:01:55,074 The jungle is consuming me. 69 00:01:55,115 --> 00:01:58,702 Angie, I must tell you now, 70 00:01:55,115 --> 00:01:58,702 before I am gone. 71 00:01:58,744 --> 00:02:01,830 I...have always.. 72 00:02:01,872 --> 00:02:05,292 ...loved...you. 73 00:02:05,333 --> 00:02:07,920 [Enrique screaming] 74 00:02:12,841 --> 00:02:15,469 [cackling] 75 00:02:17,054 --> 00:02:18,680 [cackling] 76 00:02:19,640 --> 00:02:20,849 (both) 77 00:02:19,640 --> 00:02:20,849 Oh! 78 00:02:20,891 --> 00:02:22,810 - Jinkies! 79 00:02:20,891 --> 00:02:22,810 - Jinkies! 80 00:02:25,312 --> 00:02:27,898 [theme music] 81 00:02:53,882 --> 00:02:56,010 (Scooby-Doo) 82 00:02:53,882 --> 00:02:56,010 Scooby-Dooby-Doo! 83 00:03:03,182 --> 00:03:04,434 (Daphne) 84 00:03:03,182 --> 00:03:04,434 'An ancient evil has been' 85 00:03:04,476 --> 00:03:06,020 'manipulating us all along.' 86 00:03:06,061 --> 00:03:08,522 It controlled our thoughts, 87 00:03:06,061 --> 00:03:08,522 our feelings. 88 00:03:08,563 --> 00:03:10,649 Everything we know 89 00:03:08,563 --> 00:03:10,649 could be a lie. 90 00:03:10,691 --> 00:03:13,192 Mystery Incorporated, 91 00:03:10,691 --> 00:03:13,192 your love of traps 92 00:03:13,234 --> 00:03:15,029 our entire relationship. 93 00:03:15,070 --> 00:03:16,363 Oh, no, never. 94 00:03:16,404 --> 00:03:17,948 Nothing could ever 95 00:03:16,404 --> 00:03:17,948 fake that feeling. 96 00:03:17,990 --> 00:03:21,409 I really do so 97 00:03:17,990 --> 00:03:21,409 sincerely love traps. 98 00:03:21,451 --> 00:03:22,452 [whimpers] 99 00:03:22,494 --> 00:03:24,705 And you. 100 00:03:24,746 --> 00:03:26,456 Our love is real, Daph. 101 00:03:26,498 --> 00:03:28,709 Oh, Freddie! 102 00:03:28,750 --> 00:03:32,004 (Shaggy) 103 00:03:28,750 --> 00:03:32,004 If some great big evil dude 104 00:03:28,750 --> 00:03:32,004 buried under Crystal Cove 105 00:03:32,046 --> 00:03:35,799 has been controlling us, like, 106 00:03:32,046 --> 00:03:35,799 we have to question everything. 107 00:03:35,841 --> 00:03:37,676 We've been best buds 108 00:03:35,841 --> 00:03:37,676 since you were a pup. 109 00:03:37,718 --> 00:03:40,721 But, like, how do we even 110 00:03:37,718 --> 00:03:40,721 know we're really best buds? 111 00:03:40,762 --> 00:03:43,390 Could not best buds do this? 112 00:03:55,152 --> 00:03:56,945 Like, not in a gazillion years. 113 00:03:56,987 --> 00:03:58,446 [burps] 114 00:03:58,488 --> 00:04:01,658 How do you know 115 00:03:58,488 --> 00:04:01,658 Professor Andelusossa anyway? 116 00:04:01,700 --> 00:04:03,702 Is there something 117 00:04:01,700 --> 00:04:03,702 I should know? 118 00:04:03,744 --> 00:04:06,080 Oh, no, sweetie. 119 00:04:06,121 --> 00:04:07,206 It was years and years 120 00:04:07,247 --> 00:04:08,874 before I ever met 121 00:04:07,247 --> 00:04:08,874 your father. 122 00:04:08,916 --> 00:04:11,210 I was 16, 123 00:04:08,916 --> 00:04:11,210 spending a year aboard 124 00:04:11,251 --> 00:04:14,004 studying to be 125 00:04:11,251 --> 00:04:14,004 a flamenco dancer. 126 00:04:14,046 --> 00:04:15,630 Enrique was 127 00:04:14,046 --> 00:04:15,630 a gardener's apprentice 128 00:04:15,672 --> 00:04:17,549 at one of the big resorts, 129 00:04:15,672 --> 00:04:17,549 but he longed 130 00:04:17,591 --> 00:04:19,718 to become an explorer 131 00:04:17,591 --> 00:04:19,718 and antique dealer. 132 00:04:19,760 --> 00:04:22,721 He had been so 133 00:04:19,760 --> 00:04:22,721 handsome and debonair. 134 00:04:22,763 --> 00:04:25,682 We danced on the beach, 135 00:04:22,763 --> 00:04:25,682 dove the coral reefs.. 136 00:04:25,724 --> 00:04:26,975 Ooh! 137 00:04:27,017 --> 00:04:29,352 The summer flings, 138 00:04:27,017 --> 00:04:29,352 they don't mean a thing. 139 00:04:29,394 --> 00:04:32,189 But oh, oh, oh, 140 00:04:29,394 --> 00:04:32,189 those summer nights. 141 00:04:34,191 --> 00:04:35,442 [sighs] 142 00:04:35,483 --> 00:04:37,652 They're very warm 143 00:04:35,483 --> 00:04:37,652 in the tropics. 144 00:04:38,987 --> 00:04:40,363 Oy, gevalt! 145 00:04:40,405 --> 00:04:42,657 I asked. 146 00:04:42,699 --> 00:04:44,325 [instrumental music] 147 00:04:50,457 --> 00:04:53,001 [Mexican music] 148 00:04:57,047 --> 00:05:00,842 Oh, the Yucatan is just 149 00:04:57,047 --> 00:05:00,842 like I remembered it. 150 00:05:00,884 --> 00:05:02,177 [honks] 151 00:05:03,386 --> 00:05:04,429 [whistles] 152 00:05:04,471 --> 00:05:06,347 Hola. 153 00:05:04,471 --> 00:05:06,347 Chiquita bonita. 154 00:05:06,389 --> 00:05:08,308 [all speaking Spanish] 155 00:05:08,349 --> 00:05:09,684 Muy bonita! 156 00:05:09,726 --> 00:05:12,938 Beautiful girl, please, 157 00:05:09,726 --> 00:05:12,938 take these flowers. 158 00:05:12,980 --> 00:05:14,397 Oh, thank you. 159 00:05:14,439 --> 00:05:15,732 Eh, no, no, no. 160 00:05:15,774 --> 00:05:17,151 For you, senorita. 161 00:05:17,192 --> 00:05:19,444 Uh, thanks? 162 00:05:19,486 --> 00:05:20,821 [instrumental music] 163 00:05:21,989 --> 00:05:23,282 Targets identified. 164 00:05:23,323 --> 00:05:25,159 They won't get away, 165 00:05:23,323 --> 00:05:25,159 you can count on it. 166 00:05:25,200 --> 00:05:27,286 Operation Nightmare is go. 167 00:05:31,123 --> 00:05:33,292 This is Enrique's 168 00:05:31,123 --> 00:05:33,292 antique store. 169 00:05:34,876 --> 00:05:35,961 [bell dings] 170 00:05:36,003 --> 00:05:37,462 Oh, my! 171 00:05:40,590 --> 00:05:43,635 Like, I think someone's 172 00:05:40,590 --> 00:05:43,635 been looking for something. 173 00:05:43,677 --> 00:05:47,597 Or this Mr. Andelusossa is 174 00:05:43,677 --> 00:05:47,597 a seriously sloppy hoarder. 175 00:05:47,639 --> 00:05:49,308 Whatever attacked 176 00:05:47,639 --> 00:05:49,308 Enrique 177 00:05:49,348 --> 00:05:51,685 must have been 178 00:05:49,348 --> 00:05:51,685 here, too. 179 00:05:51,726 --> 00:05:53,728 Like, Velma, why is 180 00:05:51,726 --> 00:05:53,728 there a picture of you 181 00:05:53,770 --> 00:05:55,981 taken years before 182 00:05:53,770 --> 00:05:55,981 you were born? 183 00:06:00,277 --> 00:06:01,569 [paper crackles] 184 00:06:02,237 --> 00:06:04,489 Mom, it's you. 185 00:06:04,531 --> 00:06:06,033 Oh, that explains the flowers. 186 00:06:06,074 --> 00:06:08,451 Those men remembered you 187 00:06:06,074 --> 00:06:08,451 from all those years ago. 188 00:06:08,493 --> 00:06:11,330 A pretty girl leaves quite 189 00:06:08,493 --> 00:06:11,330 an impression in the Yucatan. 190 00:06:11,370 --> 00:06:12,622 What do you mean pretty? 191 00:06:12,664 --> 00:06:14,208 You look just like me. 192 00:06:14,249 --> 00:06:16,960 Yes, you were lucky not 193 00:06:14,249 --> 00:06:16,960 to get your father's looks. 194 00:06:17,002 --> 00:06:19,046 Besides, true beauty 195 00:06:17,002 --> 00:06:19,046 is on the inside. 196 00:06:19,087 --> 00:06:21,380 Just like 197 00:06:19,087 --> 00:06:21,380 cream filling. 198 00:06:21,422 --> 00:06:23,342 I can taste 199 00:06:21,422 --> 00:06:23,342 the true beauty. 200 00:06:23,382 --> 00:06:24,676 [chomp] 201 00:06:25,468 --> 00:06:26,469 Terrible. 202 00:06:26,511 --> 00:06:28,055 Terrible monster! 203 00:06:28,096 --> 00:06:30,015 [spits] 204 00:06:28,096 --> 00:06:30,015 Huh? 205 00:06:30,057 --> 00:06:33,560 Hi, there. We're looking 206 00:06:30,057 --> 00:06:33,560 for Professor Andelusossa. 207 00:06:33,601 --> 00:06:35,270 Why don't you 208 00:06:33,601 --> 00:06:35,270 ask her? 209 00:06:35,312 --> 00:06:36,395 [spits] 210 00:06:36,437 --> 00:06:37,814 Angie Dinkley, the temptress 211 00:06:37,856 --> 00:06:39,649 who has stolen my Enrique. 212 00:06:39,691 --> 00:06:41,151 Ugh. 213 00:06:41,193 --> 00:06:42,277 [gasps] 214 00:06:43,570 --> 00:06:45,613 With one phone call, 215 00:06:43,570 --> 00:06:45,613 she sends him out into 216 00:06:45,655 --> 00:06:47,866 the jungle like 217 00:06:45,655 --> 00:06:47,866 un hombre bobo 218 00:06:47,908 --> 00:06:49,743 looking for some 219 00:06:47,908 --> 00:06:49,743 silly spear. 220 00:06:49,784 --> 00:06:52,246 That silly spear is 221 00:06:49,784 --> 00:06:52,246 the Heart of the Jaguar. 222 00:06:52,287 --> 00:06:54,248 It's the only thing 223 00:06:52,287 --> 00:06:54,248 that can save the world 224 00:06:54,289 --> 00:06:55,582 from total 225 00:06:54,289 --> 00:06:55,582 and utter evil. 226 00:06:55,623 --> 00:06:57,376 And save my girlfriend, too. 227 00:06:57,416 --> 00:06:59,502 That's why we need 228 00:06:57,416 --> 00:06:59,502 to find your husband. 229 00:06:59,544 --> 00:07:01,796 You leave 230 00:06:59,544 --> 00:07:01,796 my husband alone. 231 00:07:01,838 --> 00:07:03,506 Or you will pay dearly. 232 00:07:03,548 --> 00:07:04,841 All of you! 233 00:07:04,883 --> 00:07:08,262 Well, I guess we 234 00:07:04,883 --> 00:07:08,262 should be going. 235 00:07:08,303 --> 00:07:09,637 [instrumental music] 236 00:07:10,347 --> 00:07:11,681 thud 237 00:07:21,191 --> 00:07:22,901 Okay, gang, start looking. 238 00:07:22,943 --> 00:07:24,485 What are we looking for, 239 00:07:22,943 --> 00:07:24,485 exactly? 240 00:07:24,527 --> 00:07:25,820 Clue-shaped things. 241 00:07:25,862 --> 00:07:27,406 Like, there's 242 00:07:25,862 --> 00:07:27,406 a million of 'em. 243 00:07:27,447 --> 00:07:29,824 It's a regular 244 00:07:27,447 --> 00:07:29,824 clue disco in here. 245 00:07:30,825 --> 00:07:32,077 (Scooby) 246 00:07:30,825 --> 00:07:32,077 I found something. 247 00:07:32,119 --> 00:07:33,745 (Fred) 248 00:07:32,119 --> 00:07:33,745 'What is it?' 249 00:07:34,329 --> 00:07:35,289 [gulps] 250 00:07:35,330 --> 00:07:37,291 Never mind. 251 00:07:37,332 --> 00:07:38,541 It's nothing. 252 00:07:38,583 --> 00:07:39,709 Move along, move along. 253 00:07:39,751 --> 00:07:41,086 [gulps, burps] 254 00:07:42,796 --> 00:07:44,005 [slurps] 255 00:07:44,047 --> 00:07:46,466 Look, there must 256 00:07:44,047 --> 00:07:46,466 have been a map here. 257 00:07:48,427 --> 00:07:51,305 But, sweetie, how are we going 258 00:07:48,427 --> 00:07:51,305 to find out where it led? 259 00:07:56,351 --> 00:07:58,312 See, here's where we are now. 260 00:07:58,353 --> 00:08:01,940 The Professor's research led 261 00:07:58,353 --> 00:08:01,940 him along the Apacu River. 262 00:08:01,982 --> 00:08:04,818 The last flag is 263 00:08:01,982 --> 00:08:04,818 precisely, here. 264 00:08:05,944 --> 00:08:07,821 That's where 265 00:08:05,944 --> 00:08:07,821 the temple must be. 266 00:08:07,862 --> 00:08:09,614 Way to catch up, mom. 267 00:08:09,656 --> 00:08:11,825 All we have to do now 268 00:08:09,656 --> 00:08:11,825 is go to the temple 269 00:08:11,866 --> 00:08:14,869 find Enrique, and get 270 00:08:11,866 --> 00:08:14,869 the ancient spear. 271 00:08:14,911 --> 00:08:17,331 Trust us, 272 00:08:14,911 --> 00:08:17,331 it's never that simple. 273 00:08:18,206 --> 00:08:19,540 Huh? 274 00:08:21,209 --> 00:08:23,044 Like, see what we mean? 275 00:08:23,086 --> 00:08:24,045 [gasps] 276 00:08:24,087 --> 00:08:26,673 [eerie music] 277 00:08:31,219 --> 00:08:32,720 Ah! 278 00:08:31,219 --> 00:08:32,720 Woah! 279 00:08:33,554 --> 00:08:34,848 Uh, ha! 280 00:08:33,554 --> 00:08:34,848 Argh! 281 00:08:34,889 --> 00:08:36,224 Huh? 282 00:08:38,393 --> 00:08:40,979 [all grunting] 283 00:08:44,399 --> 00:08:46,985 [growling] 284 00:08:50,947 --> 00:08:53,074 [growling] 285 00:08:53,116 --> 00:08:54,742 We've got to get free. 286 00:08:54,784 --> 00:08:56,119 Uh, like, hurry, 287 00:08:54,784 --> 00:08:56,119 or I'll be 288 00:08:56,161 --> 00:08:58,497 saving a lot of money 289 00:08:56,161 --> 00:08:58,497 on shoes and gloves. 290 00:08:58,538 --> 00:09:00,623 Scooby, throw me that sword! 291 00:09:04,169 --> 00:09:05,337 Got it. 292 00:09:05,379 --> 00:09:06,921 [grunting] 293 00:09:06,963 --> 00:09:09,883 Whoa-oh-oh! 294 00:09:19,142 --> 00:09:21,144 [growling] 295 00:09:27,025 --> 00:09:28,151 [chuckling] 296 00:09:29,528 --> 00:09:30,611 [intense music] 297 00:09:34,991 --> 00:09:37,452 [cackling] 298 00:09:38,161 --> 00:09:39,662 Hear my curse! 299 00:09:39,704 --> 00:09:43,166 Do not enter the jungle 300 00:09:39,704 --> 00:09:43,166 or you will all be doomed! 301 00:09:43,208 --> 00:09:45,085 Especially you! 302 00:09:45,126 --> 00:09:46,586 Who, me? 303 00:09:46,627 --> 00:09:48,129 No, her! 304 00:09:48,171 --> 00:09:50,257 Oh, thank goodness! 305 00:09:53,843 --> 00:09:56,137 Well, I think we know 306 00:09:53,843 --> 00:09:56,137 what got the professor. 307 00:09:56,179 --> 00:09:58,348 Yeah, and what's waiting 308 00:09:56,179 --> 00:09:58,348 for us at that temple. 309 00:09:58,390 --> 00:10:00,016 T-t-t-temple? 310 00:10:00,058 --> 00:10:02,394 Didn't you hear what that 311 00:10:00,058 --> 00:10:02,394 scary priestess just said 312 00:10:02,436 --> 00:10:04,521 about being doomed 313 00:10:02,436 --> 00:10:04,521 if we go in the jungle? 314 00:10:04,563 --> 00:10:07,274 Yeah! And she seemed to know 315 00:10:04,563 --> 00:10:07,274 what she was talking about. 316 00:10:07,315 --> 00:10:09,526 Guys, we're 317 00:10:07,315 --> 00:10:09,526 Mystery Incorporated! 318 00:10:09,568 --> 00:10:12,112 Intimidation tactics 319 00:10:09,568 --> 00:10:12,112 don't work on us. 320 00:10:13,405 --> 00:10:15,031 Oh, yes, they do! 321 00:10:16,366 --> 00:10:18,201 Hmm. 322 00:10:16,366 --> 00:10:18,201 Interesting. 323 00:10:18,243 --> 00:10:21,621 Fred, honey, would you mind 324 00:10:18,243 --> 00:10:21,621 bringing these canisters along? 325 00:10:21,662 --> 00:10:22,872 I think they may come in handy. 326 00:10:22,914 --> 00:10:25,083 Sure thing, 327 00:10:22,914 --> 00:10:25,083 Mrs. Velma's mom. 328 00:10:26,376 --> 00:10:27,919 [instrumental music] 329 00:10:31,631 --> 00:10:32,799 This is the life. 330 00:10:32,840 --> 00:10:33,883 Deep in the jungle 331 00:10:33,925 --> 00:10:35,009 the promise of adventure 332 00:10:35,051 --> 00:10:36,511 the river rushing by. 333 00:10:36,553 --> 00:10:40,014 They bite me, 334 00:10:36,553 --> 00:10:40,014 I bite 'em back. 335 00:10:40,056 --> 00:10:41,308 Whoo. 336 00:10:45,520 --> 00:10:46,729 We're getting close. 337 00:10:46,771 --> 00:10:48,189 Just keep following 338 00:10:46,771 --> 00:10:48,189 the river. 339 00:10:48,231 --> 00:10:49,774 What's that? 340 00:10:51,692 --> 00:10:52,819 [gasps] 341 00:10:52,860 --> 00:10:54,321 That's Enrique's boat! 342 00:10:54,362 --> 00:10:57,115 Mom, how could you 343 00:10:54,362 --> 00:10:57,115 possibly know that? 344 00:10:57,157 --> 00:11:00,910 Well, it is called 345 00:10:57,157 --> 00:11:00,910 "The Angie." 346 00:11:00,952 --> 00:11:03,538 The priestess must have 347 00:11:00,952 --> 00:11:03,538 attacked Professor Andelusossa 348 00:11:03,580 --> 00:11:05,832 on the river and 349 00:11:03,580 --> 00:11:05,832 caused him to crash! 350 00:11:08,001 --> 00:11:10,420 There's something strange 351 00:11:08,001 --> 00:11:10,420 about these vines. 352 00:11:11,254 --> 00:11:12,589 [all gasp] 353 00:11:13,423 --> 00:11:14,673 Zoinks! 354 00:11:14,715 --> 00:11:15,842 Like, abandon ship! 355 00:11:15,883 --> 00:11:17,135 Oh! 356 00:11:21,556 --> 00:11:22,849 Darn! 357 00:11:21,556 --> 00:11:22,849 Oh, well! 358 00:11:22,890 --> 00:11:24,559 I guess we'll just 359 00:11:22,890 --> 00:11:24,559 have to go back! 360 00:11:24,601 --> 00:11:26,353 No, we're 361 00:11:24,601 --> 00:11:26,353 going forward. 362 00:11:26,394 --> 00:11:28,313 On foot! 363 00:11:26,394 --> 00:11:28,313 This way. 364 00:11:29,523 --> 00:11:30,815 [sighs] 365 00:11:33,360 --> 00:11:35,736 (female #1) 366 00:11:33,360 --> 00:11:35,736 'Targets moving through 367 00:11:33,360 --> 00:11:35,736 jungle on foot.' 368 00:11:35,778 --> 00:11:38,365 'Operation Nightmare continues.' 369 00:11:40,283 --> 00:11:41,826 [screeching] 370 00:11:41,868 --> 00:11:43,453 (Velma) 371 00:11:41,868 --> 00:11:43,453 'Local legend has it that this' 372 00:11:43,495 --> 00:11:46,206 'tomb is the burial place 373 00:11:43,495 --> 00:11:46,206 of the Hunters of Secrets.' 374 00:11:46,247 --> 00:11:47,374 The Heart of the Jaguar 375 00:11:47,415 --> 00:11:49,584 should be buried 376 00:11:47,415 --> 00:11:49,584 here with them. 377 00:11:49,626 --> 00:11:51,378 Shaggy, this 378 00:11:49,626 --> 00:11:51,378 looks just like 379 00:11:51,419 --> 00:11:53,254 the temple 380 00:11:51,419 --> 00:11:53,254 from our dream. 381 00:11:53,296 --> 00:11:56,216 Like, don't remind me, Scoob! 382 00:11:53,296 --> 00:11:56,216 Ooh-hoo! 383 00:11:56,257 --> 00:11:59,886 According to these hieroglyphs, 384 00:11:56,257 --> 00:11:59,886 which fortunately I can read 385 00:11:59,927 --> 00:12:01,971 because I took a course 386 00:11:59,927 --> 00:12:01,971 in long dead languages 387 00:12:02,013 --> 00:12:05,225 at the Crystal Cove 388 00:12:02,013 --> 00:12:05,225 Learning Annex, this reads.. 389 00:12:05,266 --> 00:12:09,896 "You must face your fears 390 00:12:05,266 --> 00:12:09,896 to enter here." 391 00:12:09,937 --> 00:12:12,106 Face. 392 00:12:12,148 --> 00:12:14,025 Hmm. 393 00:12:14,067 --> 00:12:15,151 [grunts] 394 00:12:22,450 --> 00:12:23,784 [instrumental music] 395 00:12:25,744 --> 00:12:27,455 (Fred) 396 00:12:25,744 --> 00:12:27,455 Hold up, Mrs. Velma's mom. 397 00:12:27,497 --> 00:12:28,707 If I've learned 398 00:12:27,497 --> 00:12:28,707 anything from 399 00:12:28,747 --> 00:12:29,916 Dr. Rick Spartan's 400 00:12:29,957 --> 00:12:31,501 Online Adventure 401 00:12:29,957 --> 00:12:31,501 University 402 00:12:31,543 --> 00:12:34,087 it's that ancient 403 00:12:31,543 --> 00:12:34,087 burial tombs are filled 404 00:12:34,128 --> 00:12:35,171 'with diabolical traps!' 405 00:12:35,213 --> 00:12:36,464 [whimpering] 406 00:12:36,506 --> 00:12:39,217 Ooh! Oh, like, lucky us! 407 00:12:39,259 --> 00:12:40,719 You said it, 408 00:12:39,259 --> 00:12:40,719 Shaggy. 409 00:12:40,759 --> 00:12:42,303 This is gonna be 410 00:12:40,759 --> 00:12:42,303 the best ever. 411 00:12:42,345 --> 00:12:45,348 Oh, Freddie, you're so 412 00:12:42,345 --> 00:12:45,348 strong and self-assured. 413 00:12:45,390 --> 00:12:47,141 It's so hot! 414 00:12:48,351 --> 00:12:49,936 [instrumental music] 415 00:13:03,366 --> 00:13:04,701 [instrumental music] 416 00:13:11,124 --> 00:13:12,500 [eerie music] 417 00:13:12,542 --> 00:13:14,335 (Velma) 418 00:13:12,542 --> 00:13:14,335 The Heart of the Jaguar. 419 00:13:14,377 --> 00:13:16,463 This must be the right place. 420 00:13:18,548 --> 00:13:19,633 [growls] 421 00:13:21,008 --> 00:13:22,343 [chuckling] 422 00:13:24,262 --> 00:13:25,430 [sniffs] 423 00:13:25,472 --> 00:13:27,682 Hmm, if I'm 424 00:13:25,472 --> 00:13:27,682 not mistaken 425 00:13:27,724 --> 00:13:29,850 this is an Arc-Rite's 426 00:13:27,724 --> 00:13:29,850 hidden net trap 427 00:13:29,892 --> 00:13:32,353 with patented pressure 428 00:13:29,892 --> 00:13:32,353 plate trigger. 429 00:13:32,395 --> 00:13:33,730 [metal clangs] 430 00:13:35,231 --> 00:13:36,190 thud 431 00:13:36,232 --> 00:13:37,358 Thanks, Fred. 432 00:13:52,582 --> 00:13:55,918 A light-activated number three 433 00:13:52,582 --> 00:13:55,918 blow dart device. 434 00:13:55,960 --> 00:13:59,422 Hmm, it's old school, 435 00:13:55,960 --> 00:13:59,422 but, whoo, effective. 436 00:13:59,464 --> 00:14:01,048 [intense music] 437 00:14:09,015 --> 00:14:10,141 thud 438 00:14:14,604 --> 00:14:17,649 Side-crushing 439 00:14:14,604 --> 00:14:17,649 compound trap. Nice! 440 00:14:17,691 --> 00:14:20,234 [dramatic music] 441 00:14:26,616 --> 00:14:28,034 [gasps] 442 00:14:30,370 --> 00:14:33,039 Hmm? 443 00:14:30,370 --> 00:14:33,039 Whoa! 444 00:14:33,080 --> 00:14:35,249 Breath-sensitive 445 00:14:33,080 --> 00:14:35,249 spinning blades? 446 00:14:35,291 --> 00:14:36,459 Textbook! 447 00:14:36,501 --> 00:14:38,419 Alright, gang, 448 00:14:36,501 --> 00:14:38,419 hold your breath. 449 00:14:38,461 --> 00:14:39,504 [inhales] 450 00:14:39,546 --> 00:14:41,047 [bridge creaks] 451 00:14:43,508 --> 00:14:44,801 [intense music] 452 00:14:55,353 --> 00:14:56,896 [eerie music] 453 00:15:00,483 --> 00:15:01,693 Stop, stop! 454 00:15:01,735 --> 00:15:03,611 [all gasp] 455 00:15:03,653 --> 00:15:05,613 My shoe's untied. 456 00:15:05,655 --> 00:15:07,866 [all groan] 457 00:15:39,564 --> 00:15:42,066 The Heart of the Jaguar! 458 00:15:46,404 --> 00:15:47,988 [sniffing] 459 00:15:49,073 --> 00:15:52,243 Ehh. 460 00:15:49,073 --> 00:15:52,243 Hmm. 461 00:15:52,285 --> 00:15:56,664 Hm, I give it the Fred Jones 462 00:15:52,285 --> 00:15:56,664 certified trap-free guarantee. 463 00:15:56,706 --> 00:15:58,249 Like, go on, 464 00:15:56,706 --> 00:15:58,249 Scooby-Doo. 465 00:15:58,291 --> 00:15:59,793 It's all yours, 466 00:15:58,291 --> 00:15:59,793 buddy! 467 00:16:02,545 --> 00:16:03,880 [whimpering] 468 00:16:04,547 --> 00:16:05,882 crunch 469 00:16:06,883 --> 00:16:08,175 [rumbling] 470 00:16:06,883 --> 00:16:08,175 Uh-oh! 471 00:16:09,719 --> 00:16:11,262 [all yelling] 472 00:16:11,304 --> 00:16:13,097 No way was that spear trapped! 473 00:16:13,139 --> 00:16:16,267 Everyone makes mistakes 474 00:16:13,139 --> 00:16:16,267 now and then, Freddie! 475 00:16:16,309 --> 00:16:18,060 Whoa! 476 00:16:18,102 --> 00:16:19,437 [cackling] 477 00:16:21,063 --> 00:16:23,441 Yes! 478 00:16:21,063 --> 00:16:23,441 That is great news. 479 00:16:23,483 --> 00:16:25,610 I knew that spear 480 00:16:23,483 --> 00:16:25,610 wasn't trapped. 481 00:16:25,652 --> 00:16:28,237 [cackling] 482 00:16:30,573 --> 00:16:32,158 [cackling] 483 00:16:33,701 --> 00:16:36,663 It's the priestess come to 484 00:16:33,701 --> 00:16:36,663 grind our bones into powder! 485 00:16:36,704 --> 00:16:39,373 How dare you come to 486 00:16:36,704 --> 00:16:39,373 this hallowed place 487 00:16:39,415 --> 00:16:41,835 and disrupt the sacred spear! 488 00:16:41,876 --> 00:16:44,420 We, uh...we only 489 00:16:41,876 --> 00:16:44,420 wanted to borrow it. 490 00:16:44,462 --> 00:16:46,547 Like, we promise that 491 00:16:44,462 --> 00:16:46,547 we're gonna put it back. 492 00:16:46,589 --> 00:16:47,632 As soon as 493 00:16:46,589 --> 00:16:47,632 we destroy 494 00:16:47,674 --> 00:16:49,091 an ancient evil 495 00:16:47,674 --> 00:16:49,091 entity with it! 496 00:16:49,133 --> 00:16:51,010 You came only for the spear? 497 00:16:51,051 --> 00:16:55,598 Do not you wish to find out what 498 00:16:51,051 --> 00:16:55,598 became of Professor Andelusossa? 499 00:16:55,640 --> 00:16:57,600 I totally forgot 500 00:16:55,640 --> 00:16:57,600 about that guy. 501 00:16:57,642 --> 00:16:59,435 Then you will perish! 502 00:16:59,477 --> 00:17:00,812 'Especially you!' 503 00:17:00,854 --> 00:17:02,480 - Whoa! 504 00:17:00,854 --> 00:17:02,480 - Mom! 505 00:17:02,522 --> 00:17:06,400 Fre-Fred dear, 506 00:17:02,522 --> 00:17:06,400 get the canisters! 507 00:17:06,442 --> 00:17:07,819 10-4, Velma's mom. 508 00:17:08,444 --> 00:17:09,445 Yeah! 509 00:17:09,487 --> 00:17:10,822 [groaning] 510 00:17:12,031 --> 00:17:13,282 [growling] 511 00:17:13,324 --> 00:17:14,325 [priestess shrieking] 512 00:17:14,367 --> 00:17:15,743 What is that stuff? 513 00:17:17,119 --> 00:17:18,287 Cha3co2. 514 00:17:18,329 --> 00:17:20,790 He means CH3CO2. 515 00:17:20,832 --> 00:17:22,082 Pickling vinegar? 516 00:17:22,124 --> 00:17:24,043 I've been using it 517 00:17:22,124 --> 00:17:24,043 for years in my garden. 518 00:17:24,084 --> 00:17:25,920 Best organic weed killer 519 00:17:24,084 --> 00:17:25,920 I've found. 520 00:17:27,672 --> 00:17:29,131 [crunch] 521 00:17:29,173 --> 00:17:32,051 Mmm! Pickled vine monster, 522 00:17:29,173 --> 00:17:32,051 delicious! 523 00:17:32,092 --> 00:17:34,554 [priestess screaming] 524 00:17:38,432 --> 00:17:42,353 Like, Scoob, grab the spear and 525 00:17:38,432 --> 00:17:42,353 let's skadoodle mucho pronto! 526 00:17:43,688 --> 00:17:45,773 [priestess screaming] 527 00:17:56,784 --> 00:17:58,661 [growling] 528 00:18:05,292 --> 00:18:06,627 thud 529 00:18:15,177 --> 00:18:16,637 Jump, Scoob! 530 00:18:18,556 --> 00:18:19,557 Argh! 531 00:18:19,599 --> 00:18:20,934 Whoa! Ah! 532 00:18:22,518 --> 00:18:25,063 [groaning and grunting] 533 00:18:27,565 --> 00:18:29,067 [forest ambience] 534 00:18:36,282 --> 00:18:38,034 It's time to see 535 00:18:36,282 --> 00:18:38,034 who this ancient 536 00:18:38,076 --> 00:18:40,453 jade mask wearing 537 00:18:38,076 --> 00:18:40,453 weirdo really is. 538 00:18:41,454 --> 00:18:43,748 (all) 539 00:18:41,454 --> 00:18:43,748 Professor Andelusossa! 540 00:18:43,790 --> 00:18:45,083 Enrique! 541 00:18:45,124 --> 00:18:47,167 It was staring us 542 00:18:45,124 --> 00:18:47,167 in the face all along. 543 00:18:47,209 --> 00:18:49,712 When the men in the village 544 00:18:47,209 --> 00:18:49,712 thought I was my mom 545 00:18:49,754 --> 00:18:51,798 it was clear that no one 546 00:18:49,754 --> 00:18:51,798 was able to forget her 547 00:18:51,839 --> 00:18:52,924 over all these years. 548 00:18:52,966 --> 00:18:54,258 Then there were the vines. 549 00:18:54,300 --> 00:18:56,343 This plant isn't native 550 00:18:54,300 --> 00:18:56,343 to the Yucatan. 551 00:18:56,385 --> 00:18:58,721 Only someone with a background 552 00:18:56,385 --> 00:18:58,721 in gardening could have 553 00:18:58,763 --> 00:19:00,848 cultivated it 554 00:18:58,763 --> 00:19:00,848 and made it grow so quickly. 555 00:19:00,890 --> 00:19:04,268 Professor Andelusossa's 556 00:19:00,890 --> 00:19:04,268 first job was as a gardener. 557 00:19:04,310 --> 00:19:07,688 Finally, the vines on the boat 558 00:19:04,310 --> 00:19:07,688 had been tied to the wheel. 559 00:19:07,730 --> 00:19:09,273 The boat had been 560 00:19:07,730 --> 00:19:09,273 scuttled to make it 561 00:19:09,315 --> 00:19:11,484 look like the professor 562 00:19:09,315 --> 00:19:11,484 had been attacked. 563 00:19:12,192 --> 00:19:13,694 But why, Enrique? 564 00:19:13,736 --> 00:19:15,113 For love. 565 00:19:15,154 --> 00:19:18,032 Angie, when you left me 566 00:19:15,154 --> 00:19:18,032 that summer decades ago 567 00:19:18,074 --> 00:19:20,284 you took my heart with you. 568 00:19:20,326 --> 00:19:22,787 Every night seems 569 00:19:20,326 --> 00:19:22,787 I dreamed of you. 570 00:19:22,829 --> 00:19:25,539 'When you called asking 571 00:19:22,829 --> 00:19:25,539 about the Heart of the Jaguar' 572 00:19:25,581 --> 00:19:28,375 I knew it was my only 573 00:19:25,581 --> 00:19:28,375 chance to lure you back 574 00:19:28,417 --> 00:19:31,378 and find out if you 575 00:19:28,417 --> 00:19:31,378 still cared for me. 576 00:19:31,420 --> 00:19:34,007 So you decided to test 577 00:19:31,420 --> 00:19:34,007 her love by crushing 578 00:19:34,048 --> 00:19:36,467 her with fast-growing 579 00:19:34,048 --> 00:19:36,467 killer plants! 580 00:19:36,509 --> 00:19:39,553 Wow, that's exactly 581 00:19:36,509 --> 00:19:39,553 what I would have done. 582 00:19:39,595 --> 00:19:42,222 Oh, Freddie. 583 00:19:39,595 --> 00:19:42,222 That's so romantic. 584 00:19:42,264 --> 00:19:44,475 In your usual, 585 00:19:42,264 --> 00:19:44,475 unique kind of way. 586 00:19:44,517 --> 00:19:47,603 And I would have gotten 587 00:19:44,517 --> 00:19:47,603 away with it, too, if.. 588 00:19:47,645 --> 00:19:49,022 [sighs] 589 00:19:49,063 --> 00:19:51,024 ...if you had really loved me. 590 00:19:51,065 --> 00:19:54,944 Oh, Enrique, sweetie, 591 00:19:51,065 --> 00:19:54,944 that was all years ago. 592 00:19:54,986 --> 00:19:57,113 There's only one man 593 00:19:54,986 --> 00:19:57,113 I ever truly loved 594 00:19:57,155 --> 00:19:59,323 and that's my husband, 595 00:19:57,155 --> 00:19:59,323 Mr. Dinkley. 596 00:20:00,491 --> 00:20:03,202 Enrique! 597 00:20:00,491 --> 00:20:03,202 You are not a man! 598 00:20:03,243 --> 00:20:04,495 You're a fool! 599 00:20:04,537 --> 00:20:05,579 [spits] 600 00:20:05,621 --> 00:20:06,747 Daw! 601 00:20:05,621 --> 00:20:06,747 Ugh! 602 00:20:06,789 --> 00:20:09,000 Mrs. Dinkley, 603 00:20:06,789 --> 00:20:09,000 you have won. 604 00:20:09,042 --> 00:20:09,959 You can have him! 605 00:20:10,001 --> 00:20:11,127 But I don't 606 00:20:10,001 --> 00:20:11,127 want him. 607 00:20:11,169 --> 00:20:13,462 - Then I'll take him! 608 00:20:11,169 --> 00:20:13,462 - Huh? 609 00:20:13,504 --> 00:20:15,715 - Who are you? 610 00:20:13,504 --> 00:20:15,715 - Tomina Kasanski. 611 00:20:15,756 --> 00:20:17,633 Call sign, 612 00:20:15,756 --> 00:20:17,633 Ice princess. 613 00:20:17,675 --> 00:20:20,302 I've been tracking you ever 614 00:20:17,675 --> 00:20:20,302 since you left Crystal Cove. 615 00:20:20,344 --> 00:20:21,637 Like, why? 616 00:20:21,679 --> 00:20:23,056 Because I 617 00:20:21,679 --> 00:20:23,056 asked her to. 618 00:20:23,097 --> 00:20:25,432 - Huh? 619 00:20:23,097 --> 00:20:25,432 - Huh? 620 00:20:25,474 --> 00:20:27,226 Mayor Nettles. 621 00:20:27,267 --> 00:20:28,519 Lieutenant Kasanski 622 00:20:28,561 --> 00:20:29,645 is an old 623 00:20:28,561 --> 00:20:29,645 friend of mine 624 00:20:29,687 --> 00:20:30,980 from fighter 625 00:20:29,687 --> 00:20:30,980 weapons school. 626 00:20:32,732 --> 00:20:34,150 But why are you following us? 627 00:20:34,192 --> 00:20:36,235 Well, it's...it's 628 00:20:34,192 --> 00:20:36,235 kind of embarrassing. 629 00:20:36,276 --> 00:20:38,821 But three days ago, 630 00:20:36,276 --> 00:20:38,821 I-I had a nightmare. 631 00:20:38,863 --> 00:20:40,239 It told me you 632 00:20:38,863 --> 00:20:40,239 were in trouble 633 00:20:40,280 --> 00:20:41,908 and that I had to 634 00:20:40,280 --> 00:20:41,908 come to the Yucatan 635 00:20:41,949 --> 00:20:44,118 to help you get some 636 00:20:41,949 --> 00:20:44,118 spear thingie. 637 00:20:44,160 --> 00:20:45,703 The Heart of the Jaguar. 638 00:20:45,745 --> 00:20:47,038 Yeah, that! 639 00:20:47,080 --> 00:20:48,622 I'm supposed to help 640 00:20:47,080 --> 00:20:48,622 you get it back 641 00:20:48,664 --> 00:20:50,750 over the border and 642 00:20:48,664 --> 00:20:50,750 home to Crystal Cove. 643 00:20:50,791 --> 00:20:53,086 Okay, that's it. 644 00:20:50,791 --> 00:20:53,086 I give up. 645 00:20:53,127 --> 00:20:54,962 Grab your prisoner, 646 00:20:53,127 --> 00:20:54,962 and let's haul. 647 00:20:55,004 --> 00:20:58,424 I got a C-130 waiting in an 648 00:20:55,004 --> 00:20:58,424 air strip 30 clicks from here. 649 00:20:58,465 --> 00:20:59,800 [instrumental music] 650 00:21:01,135 --> 00:21:03,387 Well, gang, 651 00:21:01,135 --> 00:21:03,387 let's go home. 652 00:21:03,429 --> 00:21:06,057 We have an evil 653 00:21:03,429 --> 00:21:06,057 entity to destroy. 654 00:21:07,683 --> 00:21:10,269 [forest ambience] 655 00:21:12,063 --> 00:21:14,607 Dear, 656 00:21:12,063 --> 00:21:14,607 is something wrong? 657 00:21:14,648 --> 00:21:16,358 Well, 658 00:21:14,648 --> 00:21:16,358 it's just that 659 00:21:16,400 --> 00:21:18,194 everything that's 660 00:21:16,400 --> 00:21:18,194 been happening lately 661 00:21:18,236 --> 00:21:20,196 I've always thought 662 00:21:18,236 --> 00:21:20,196 I could count on logic 663 00:21:20,238 --> 00:21:22,198 deductive reasoning, 664 00:21:20,238 --> 00:21:22,198 facts. 665 00:21:22,240 --> 00:21:23,783 But all that's gone. 666 00:21:23,824 --> 00:21:25,952 I never believed in the 667 00:21:23,824 --> 00:21:25,952 supernatural like you did, and-- 668 00:21:25,993 --> 00:21:27,828 Oh, sweetie, 669 00:21:25,993 --> 00:21:27,828 you were never wrong. 670 00:21:27,870 --> 00:21:29,122 Believe in yourself. 671 00:21:29,163 --> 00:21:32,041 Everything will 672 00:21:29,163 --> 00:21:32,041 work out just fine. 673 00:21:32,083 --> 00:21:33,417 [instrumental music] 674 00:21:39,715 --> 00:21:41,592 Now, come on. 675 00:21:41,634 --> 00:21:43,594 I've been wearing the same 676 00:21:41,634 --> 00:21:43,594 girdle for five days 677 00:21:43,636 --> 00:21:46,889 in the jungle, and I really 678 00:21:43,636 --> 00:21:46,889 need to get a change of clothes. 679 00:21:48,766 --> 00:21:51,310 [dramatic music] 680 00:21:55,106 --> 00:21:56,398 [theme music]