1 00:00:04,129 --> 00:00:06,089 (male narrator) 2 00:00:04,129 --> 00:00:06,089 Previously on 3 00:00:04,129 --> 00:00:06,089 "Mystery Incorporated." 4 00:00:06,131 --> 00:00:07,633 Mr. E. 5 00:00:07,675 --> 00:00:10,845 I put you in there 6 00:00:07,675 --> 00:00:10,845 as my eyes and ears. 7 00:00:10,886 --> 00:00:14,598 Well, um, Marcy, 8 00:00:10,886 --> 00:00:14,598 remember how I brought you in 9 00:00:14,640 --> 00:00:19,019 to take Daphne's place? 10 00:00:14,640 --> 00:00:19,019 Now that Daphne's back, I, we.. 11 00:00:19,060 --> 00:00:20,938 'It's always been 12 00:00:19,060 --> 00:00:20,938 the five of us.' 13 00:00:20,980 --> 00:00:23,691 (E on phone) 14 00:00:20,980 --> 00:00:23,691 A team without hot dog water? 15 00:00:23,732 --> 00:00:26,318 That was wrong move number two. 16 00:00:26,360 --> 00:00:28,612 (Mr. Shepherd) 17 00:00:26,360 --> 00:00:28,612 'The planospheric disc.' 18 00:00:28,654 --> 00:00:32,658 'There are six pieces. 19 00:00:28,654 --> 00:00:32,658 Where are the other five?' 20 00:00:32,700 --> 00:00:35,285 Why did you come to 21 00:00:32,700 --> 00:00:35,285 Crystal Cove, Mr. Shepherd? 22 00:00:35,327 --> 00:00:37,287 (Mr. Shepherd) 23 00:00:35,327 --> 00:00:37,287 'It was the cheese.' 24 00:00:37,329 --> 00:00:40,165 'The cheese told me 25 00:00:37,329 --> 00:00:40,165 to come here.' 26 00:00:40,207 --> 00:00:43,544 To a future of 27 00:00:40,207 --> 00:00:43,544 unimaginable wealth. 28 00:00:43,585 --> 00:00:47,882 To the treasure, for with it 29 00:00:43,585 --> 00:00:47,882 we shall rule the world. 30 00:00:50,926 --> 00:00:53,888 [wind blowing] 31 00:00:53,929 --> 00:00:56,431 [intense music] 32 00:00:56,473 --> 00:00:57,850 [grunts] 33 00:00:57,892 --> 00:00:59,518 Mountain climbing rules, brah! 34 00:00:59,560 --> 00:01:02,312 I'm gettin' an unbelievable 35 00:00:59,560 --> 00:01:02,312 calf workout! 36 00:01:02,354 --> 00:01:04,523 Righteous. 37 00:01:02,354 --> 00:01:04,523 Only one question. 38 00:01:04,565 --> 00:01:07,192 Why are you dressed up 39 00:01:04,565 --> 00:01:07,192 like Baron Von Dorkenstein? 40 00:01:07,234 --> 00:01:09,319 Ignorant Ethan say what? 41 00:01:09,361 --> 00:01:11,238 What? Uh! 42 00:01:11,279 --> 00:01:14,408 You're the ignoramus one, Gary. 43 00:01:14,449 --> 00:01:15,784 Give me the team's 44 00:01:14,449 --> 00:01:15,784 lucky soccer ball. 45 00:01:15,826 --> 00:01:17,202 It's my turn to bond with it. 46 00:01:17,244 --> 00:01:19,287 I thought you bonded 47 00:01:17,244 --> 00:01:19,287 in the car. 48 00:01:19,329 --> 00:01:21,999 Sure sounded like it. Mwah. 49 00:01:22,041 --> 00:01:23,709 Uh, what was that? 50 00:01:25,168 --> 00:01:26,962 Probably just your mom 51 00:01:25,168 --> 00:01:26,962 out here to tell you 52 00:01:27,004 --> 00:01:28,630 you're late 53 00:01:27,004 --> 00:01:28,630 for being a bonehead. 54 00:01:28,672 --> 00:01:30,799 No, you're late 55 00:01:28,672 --> 00:01:30,799 for being a bonehead. 56 00:01:30,841 --> 00:01:33,468 So's your mom and your mom's mom 57 00:01:30,841 --> 00:01:33,468 and her mom's-- 58 00:01:33,510 --> 00:01:34,929 [screeching] 59 00:01:36,972 --> 00:01:39,725 [grunting] 60 00:01:39,767 --> 00:01:41,602 [screaming] 61 00:01:43,687 --> 00:01:45,606 [screeching] 62 00:01:45,647 --> 00:01:48,067 [screaming] 63 00:01:51,862 --> 00:01:54,155 (both) 64 00:01:51,862 --> 00:01:54,155 Aah! Not the ball! 65 00:01:54,197 --> 00:01:55,282 thud 66 00:01:55,323 --> 00:01:58,035 (both) 67 00:01:55,323 --> 00:01:58,035 Aah! Unh! Aah! 68 00:01:58,077 --> 00:01:59,870 [music continues] 69 00:01:59,912 --> 00:02:03,749 Away, stay away. 70 00:02:03,791 --> 00:02:07,461 As far as the wicked eye 71 00:02:03,791 --> 00:02:07,461 can see 72 00:02:07,502 --> 00:02:11,840 'this wicked mountain 73 00:02:07,502 --> 00:02:11,840 belongs to me!' 74 00:02:16,470 --> 00:02:18,179 [engine revving] 75 00:02:18,221 --> 00:02:21,141 [theme music] 76 00:02:44,706 --> 00:02:46,708 ♪ Scooby Dooby Doo ♪♪ 77 00:02:47,668 --> 00:02:49,586 [birds chirping] 78 00:02:51,296 --> 00:02:53,715 [intense music] 79 00:02:56,802 --> 00:02:59,429 Guys, we heard what happened 80 00:02:56,802 --> 00:02:59,429 and rushed right over. 81 00:02:59,471 --> 00:03:01,098 Why? 82 00:03:01,140 --> 00:03:03,058 Because what happened to you 83 00:03:01,140 --> 00:03:03,058 is a mystery 84 00:03:03,100 --> 00:03:04,101 isn't it? 85 00:03:04,143 --> 00:03:05,435 The only mystery is how 86 00:03:05,477 --> 00:03:07,604 Captain 87 00:03:05,477 --> 00:03:07,604 Fumblethumbs McMountaindork 88 00:03:07,646 --> 00:03:09,773 lost the team's 89 00:03:07,646 --> 00:03:09,773 lucky soccer ball. 90 00:03:09,815 --> 00:03:12,109 It wasn't my fault. 91 00:03:09,815 --> 00:03:12,109 The bag ripped! 92 00:03:12,151 --> 00:03:13,819 It hurts my feelings 93 00:03:12,151 --> 00:03:13,819 that you think 94 00:03:13,861 --> 00:03:15,612 I did that on purpose, Ethan. 95 00:03:17,031 --> 00:03:18,782 I, I'm sorry. 96 00:03:18,824 --> 00:03:20,450 Psych! Ow. 97 00:03:20,492 --> 00:03:22,410 My feelings are 98 00:03:20,492 --> 00:03:22,410 completely intact. 99 00:03:22,452 --> 00:03:23,912 [growls] 100 00:03:23,954 --> 00:03:26,832 I hate you. 101 00:03:26,874 --> 00:03:29,417 Guys, don't worry. 102 00:03:26,874 --> 00:03:29,417 Good ol' Freddy's here. 103 00:03:29,459 --> 00:03:31,837 I'll get the ball back. 104 00:03:29,459 --> 00:03:31,837 What are friends for? 105 00:03:31,879 --> 00:03:33,922 Dude, we've never been 106 00:03:31,879 --> 00:03:33,922 your friend. 107 00:03:33,964 --> 00:03:36,091 I'd pay someone to make you 108 00:03:33,964 --> 00:03:36,091 leave you town again 109 00:03:36,133 --> 00:03:37,342 if my allowance was bigger. 110 00:03:37,384 --> 00:03:40,095 [chuckles] 111 00:03:37,384 --> 00:03:40,095 You two, such kidders. 112 00:03:40,137 --> 00:03:41,262 Come on. Come here. 113 00:03:41,304 --> 00:03:43,640 [groaning] 114 00:03:46,060 --> 00:03:47,728 (Daphne) 115 00:03:46,060 --> 00:03:47,728 'For attacking Ethan and Gary' 116 00:03:47,769 --> 00:03:49,688 'we should find this monster 117 00:03:47,769 --> 00:03:49,688 and give her a medal.' 118 00:03:49,730 --> 00:03:51,439 Hey, Ethan and Gary 119 00:03:49,730 --> 00:03:51,439 aren't that bad. 120 00:03:51,481 --> 00:03:53,400 - Yes, they are. 121 00:03:51,481 --> 00:03:53,400 - They mean well. 122 00:03:53,441 --> 00:03:55,777 - No, they don't. 123 00:03:53,441 --> 00:03:55,777 - You're with me, right, Velma? 124 00:03:55,819 --> 00:03:57,946 - It's a mystery, right? 125 00:03:55,819 --> 00:03:57,946 - I sure hope so. 126 00:03:57,988 --> 00:03:59,823 Because there isn't 127 00:03:57,988 --> 00:03:59,823 any other reason 'to go to 128 00:03:59,865 --> 00:04:01,950 a place called Scorpion Wells. 129 00:04:01,992 --> 00:04:04,411 [eerie music] 130 00:04:10,167 --> 00:04:12,044 Like, are you sure 131 00:04:10,167 --> 00:04:12,044 this is a town? 132 00:04:12,086 --> 00:04:15,422 'It looks more like a place 133 00:04:12,086 --> 00:04:15,422 where old trailers come to die.' 134 00:04:22,721 --> 00:04:24,223 Huh? 135 00:04:24,264 --> 00:04:25,766 [gasps] 136 00:04:28,685 --> 00:04:30,604 [music continues] 137 00:04:32,397 --> 00:04:34,024 [Scooby whimpers] 138 00:04:39,988 --> 00:04:43,784 Well, howdy there, folks! 139 00:04:39,988 --> 00:04:43,784 Welcome to Scorpion Wells! 140 00:04:43,825 --> 00:04:45,577 [speaking gibberish] 141 00:04:47,287 --> 00:04:50,582 - How are you doin'? 142 00:04:47,287 --> 00:04:50,582 - Name's Granny Snaggletooth. 143 00:04:50,624 --> 00:04:53,961 This here's Lobster Man, 144 00:04:50,624 --> 00:04:53,961 Bucket Head Brenda 145 00:04:54,002 --> 00:04:57,714 and, uh, 146 00:04:54,002 --> 00:04:57,714 the Hideous Ugly Jimmy. 147 00:04:57,756 --> 00:04:59,258 Ahh! 148 00:04:59,299 --> 00:05:00,926 He don't quite fit 149 00:04:59,299 --> 00:05:00,926 around here 150 00:05:00,968 --> 00:05:05,139 what with him bein', uh, 151 00:05:00,968 --> 00:05:05,139 so deformed and all. 152 00:05:05,180 --> 00:05:06,473 Hubba, hubba. 153 00:05:08,433 --> 00:05:11,228 Uh, thank you strange 154 00:05:08,433 --> 00:05:11,228 and kindly desert folk. 155 00:05:11,270 --> 00:05:13,272 Uh, we're investigating 156 00:05:11,270 --> 00:05:13,272 a mystery. 157 00:05:13,354 --> 00:05:15,398 We'd like to ask a few 158 00:05:13,354 --> 00:05:15,398 questions if you don't mind. 159 00:05:15,440 --> 00:05:16,900 Don't mind at all. 160 00:05:16,942 --> 00:05:19,111 Long as this tall 161 00:05:16,942 --> 00:05:19,111 drink of water's 162 00:05:19,153 --> 00:05:22,948 doing the askin'. 163 00:05:19,153 --> 00:05:22,948 What's your name, handsome? 164 00:05:22,990 --> 00:05:27,119 [whimpers] 165 00:05:22,990 --> 00:05:27,119 Like, Shaggy? 166 00:05:27,161 --> 00:05:28,829 What would you all like 167 00:05:27,161 --> 00:05:28,829 to know? 168 00:05:28,870 --> 00:05:30,789 How you got 169 00:05:28,870 --> 00:05:30,789 such broad shoulders 170 00:05:30,831 --> 00:05:33,000 and that cute little dimple 171 00:05:30,831 --> 00:05:33,000 on your chin.. 172 00:05:33,041 --> 00:05:35,376 Don't look at me. 173 00:05:33,041 --> 00:05:35,376 I'm hideous! 174 00:05:36,962 --> 00:05:38,797 Miss Snaggletooth, 175 00:05:36,962 --> 00:05:38,797 we're here because 176 00:05:38,839 --> 00:05:40,799 a couple of fellow students 177 00:05:38,839 --> 00:05:40,799 recently fell off 178 00:05:40,841 --> 00:05:42,550 your mountain, Mount Diabla. 179 00:05:44,385 --> 00:05:47,722 What you wanna go messin' 180 00:05:44,385 --> 00:05:47,722 around on that mountain for? 181 00:05:47,764 --> 00:05:48,765 - Huh? 182 00:05:47,764 --> 00:05:48,765 - Huh? 183 00:05:48,807 --> 00:05:50,225 Tell you what. 184 00:05:50,267 --> 00:05:52,269 We havin' ourselves 185 00:05:50,267 --> 00:05:52,269 a barbecue tonight. 186 00:05:52,311 --> 00:05:55,063 Stay and eat, and we'll tell you 187 00:05:52,311 --> 00:05:55,063 all about Mount Diabla 188 00:05:55,105 --> 00:05:58,441 and why you should just forget 189 00:05:55,105 --> 00:05:58,441 you ever heard of it. 190 00:05:59,400 --> 00:06:01,820 [intense music] 191 00:06:09,077 --> 00:06:10,453 slurp 192 00:06:12,039 --> 00:06:15,500 Gee, Granny Snaggletooth, 193 00:06:12,039 --> 00:06:15,500 this is a lovely.. 194 00:06:15,542 --> 00:06:17,169 ...tire fire. 195 00:06:17,211 --> 00:06:21,215 Yep! Smoke gets the skin 196 00:06:17,211 --> 00:06:21,215 all nice and oily, don't it? 197 00:06:21,256 --> 00:06:23,424 Flamin' tire roasted lizard 198 00:06:21,256 --> 00:06:23,424 on a stick? 199 00:06:23,466 --> 00:06:25,177 - Uh, no, thank you. 200 00:06:23,466 --> 00:06:25,177 - No, thank you. 201 00:06:26,385 --> 00:06:28,471 Suit yourselves. 202 00:06:28,513 --> 00:06:30,098 [munching] 203 00:06:30,140 --> 00:06:31,892 So now that we're all friends. 204 00:06:31,933 --> 00:06:33,392 What's the deal 205 00:06:31,933 --> 00:06:33,392 with Mount Diabla? 206 00:06:33,434 --> 00:06:37,522 [spits] 207 00:06:33,434 --> 00:06:37,522 It's an evil, horrible place. 208 00:06:37,564 --> 00:06:39,482 Now, don't you move. 209 00:06:40,859 --> 00:06:42,610 [clicks] 210 00:06:42,652 --> 00:06:44,738 I'm gonna get me 211 00:06:42,652 --> 00:06:44,738 some more meat. 212 00:06:44,779 --> 00:06:47,657 [music continues] 213 00:06:47,699 --> 00:06:49,534 Dark Lilith 214 00:06:47,699 --> 00:06:49,534 protects Mount Diabla 215 00:06:49,576 --> 00:06:52,411 from all trespassers. 216 00:06:49,576 --> 00:06:52,411 Nobody goes up there. 217 00:06:52,453 --> 00:06:53,454 [screeches] 218 00:06:53,496 --> 00:06:54,915 [Dark Lilith screaming] 219 00:06:54,956 --> 00:06:56,457 Like, what is that? 220 00:06:56,499 --> 00:06:58,293 Dark Lilith! 221 00:06:58,335 --> 00:07:00,295 [screeching] 222 00:07:00,337 --> 00:07:02,547 [crashing] 223 00:07:04,383 --> 00:07:06,051 [whimpering] 224 00:07:06,093 --> 00:07:08,011 [screeching] 225 00:07:10,264 --> 00:07:11,806 Aah! 226 00:07:11,848 --> 00:07:13,641 [screeching] 227 00:07:15,352 --> 00:07:17,187 [grunts] 228 00:07:17,229 --> 00:07:19,147 [evil laugh] 229 00:07:20,399 --> 00:07:23,026 Seek not this mountain. 230 00:07:23,068 --> 00:07:24,986 For if you do. 231 00:07:25,028 --> 00:07:28,323 I will prove 232 00:07:25,028 --> 00:07:28,323 my threats are true. 233 00:07:28,365 --> 00:07:31,451 Forever in pain shall ye be 234 00:07:31,492 --> 00:07:36,164 as I feast upon your life 235 00:07:31,492 --> 00:07:36,164 for all eternity. 236 00:07:36,206 --> 00:07:37,332 [screeches] 237 00:07:37,374 --> 00:07:39,500 [dramatic music] 238 00:07:40,835 --> 00:07:42,462 [crashing] 239 00:07:42,503 --> 00:07:44,214 [gasps] 240 00:07:44,256 --> 00:07:45,632 [screaming] 241 00:07:45,673 --> 00:07:47,592 crash 242 00:07:51,846 --> 00:07:54,515 You brought the wrath 243 00:07:51,846 --> 00:07:54,515 of Dark Lilith upon us with 244 00:07:54,557 --> 00:07:57,144 all your fancy talk of climbing 245 00:07:54,557 --> 00:07:57,144 that forbidden mountain! 246 00:07:57,185 --> 00:08:00,230 Now, leave, 247 00:07:57,185 --> 00:08:00,230 before things get ugly. 248 00:08:00,272 --> 00:08:01,940 [speaking gibberish] 249 00:08:01,982 --> 00:08:03,984 - Get out of here. 250 00:08:01,982 --> 00:08:03,984 - You're so weird. 251 00:08:04,025 --> 00:08:07,279 You don't belong here. 252 00:08:04,025 --> 00:08:07,279 That's right. Keep going. 253 00:08:07,321 --> 00:08:09,030 You could still swing by 254 00:08:07,321 --> 00:08:09,030 my trailer 255 00:08:09,072 --> 00:08:11,116 a little later on, 256 00:08:09,072 --> 00:08:11,116 Shaggy the man. 257 00:08:11,158 --> 00:08:14,035 I'll show you how I can 258 00:08:11,158 --> 00:08:14,035 open dog food cans 259 00:08:14,077 --> 00:08:15,996 with my fancy can opener tooth. 260 00:08:16,037 --> 00:08:17,372 [grunting] 261 00:08:17,414 --> 00:08:18,748 plop 262 00:08:19,916 --> 00:08:21,584 Like, ew. 263 00:08:21,626 --> 00:08:24,087 [dramatic music] 264 00:08:24,129 --> 00:08:26,673 Those poor people! 265 00:08:26,714 --> 00:08:30,218 They can't help it. 266 00:08:26,714 --> 00:08:30,218 Their fear is very reasonable. 267 00:08:30,260 --> 00:08:31,678 [tires screeching] 268 00:08:31,719 --> 00:08:33,263 [groans] 269 00:08:33,305 --> 00:08:34,931 (all) 270 00:08:33,305 --> 00:08:34,931 Ugly Jimmy? 271 00:08:34,973 --> 00:08:37,476 - Hubba, hubba. 272 00:08:34,973 --> 00:08:37,476 - W-why are you here? 273 00:08:37,517 --> 00:08:40,103 I want to help you kids solve 274 00:08:37,517 --> 00:08:40,103 the mystery of the Dark Lilith 275 00:08:40,145 --> 00:08:42,314 and get your lucky 276 00:08:40,145 --> 00:08:42,314 soccer ball back. 277 00:08:42,356 --> 00:08:44,316 I'll guide you up Mount Diabla. 278 00:08:44,358 --> 00:08:47,402 - But why? 279 00:08:44,358 --> 00:08:47,402 - I'm so tired! 280 00:08:47,444 --> 00:08:51,031 Tired of living in fear 281 00:08:47,444 --> 00:08:51,031 of that horrible hag! 282 00:08:51,072 --> 00:08:53,116 Granny Snaggletooth 283 00:08:51,072 --> 00:08:53,116 likes you, too? 284 00:08:53,158 --> 00:08:56,370 No, no Lilith. 285 00:08:53,158 --> 00:08:56,370 She needs to go away. 286 00:08:56,411 --> 00:08:58,205 There's already 287 00:08:56,411 --> 00:08:58,205 enough fear in town. 288 00:08:58,246 --> 00:09:03,043 Thanks to my hideously ugly 289 00:08:58,246 --> 00:09:03,043 and tragically deformed face. 290 00:09:03,084 --> 00:09:06,171 Look, Jimmy? 291 00:09:03,084 --> 00:09:06,171 About the whole ugly thing. 292 00:09:06,213 --> 00:09:07,755 You really need to know-- 293 00:09:07,797 --> 00:09:09,216 We're happy 294 00:09:07,797 --> 00:09:09,216 to accept your help. 295 00:09:09,257 --> 00:09:11,676 [music continues] 296 00:09:20,935 --> 00:09:23,397 Hmm. Interesting. 297 00:09:23,438 --> 00:09:25,273 [screaming] 298 00:09:25,315 --> 00:09:27,401 [groaning] 299 00:09:27,442 --> 00:09:30,529 Ooh. Ooh. 300 00:09:27,442 --> 00:09:30,529 Mountain climbing hurts. 301 00:09:31,779 --> 00:09:33,698 [intense music] 302 00:09:35,783 --> 00:09:38,286 There's the summit. 303 00:09:38,328 --> 00:09:39,454 crash 304 00:09:39,496 --> 00:09:41,415 [screaming] 305 00:09:43,041 --> 00:09:45,960 Aa-aa-aah! 306 00:09:46,002 --> 00:09:47,087 Oh! 307 00:09:47,128 --> 00:09:49,214 Boy, it sure is dark in here. 308 00:09:49,256 --> 00:09:51,716 Hang on. I have a lantern. 309 00:09:51,758 --> 00:09:53,009 Hey! 310 00:09:53,051 --> 00:09:54,553 Jimmy! 311 00:09:54,594 --> 00:09:56,513 [grunting] 312 00:10:01,642 --> 00:10:03,186 [gasps] 313 00:10:04,687 --> 00:10:06,273 Alright. Alright. 314 00:10:06,314 --> 00:10:08,858 You got, you got me. 315 00:10:06,314 --> 00:10:08,858 I-I-I give up. 316 00:10:10,318 --> 00:10:12,404 Who are you 317 00:10:10,318 --> 00:10:12,404 and why did you attack us? 318 00:10:12,446 --> 00:10:14,239 Who am I? 319 00:10:12,446 --> 00:10:14,239 That's a good question. 320 00:10:14,281 --> 00:10:17,367 I-I...I call myself Boron. 321 00:10:14,281 --> 00:10:17,367 Yeah. 322 00:10:17,409 --> 00:10:20,078 Because I'm a, uh, 323 00:10:17,409 --> 00:10:20,078 yeah, I remember. 324 00:10:20,120 --> 00:10:22,539 I'm a Boron miner. 325 00:10:20,120 --> 00:10:22,539 Yeah! Ha ha. 326 00:10:22,581 --> 00:10:25,166 Don't think I don't know 327 00:10:22,581 --> 00:10:25,166 you're up here to steal my man. 328 00:10:25,208 --> 00:10:27,794 Hmph! Stay where you are, honey. 329 00:10:27,835 --> 00:10:30,464 I got these punks covered. 330 00:10:30,505 --> 00:10:32,382 The lucky soccer ball! 331 00:10:32,424 --> 00:10:35,510 You can't take him. He's 332 00:10:32,424 --> 00:10:35,510 the only man who ever loved me. 333 00:10:35,552 --> 00:10:37,053 He feels my pain! 334 00:10:37,095 --> 00:10:39,473 Don't worry. 335 00:10:37,095 --> 00:10:39,473 Nobody's taking anything. 336 00:10:39,514 --> 00:10:40,807 (Daphne) 337 00:10:39,514 --> 00:10:40,807 'Fred.' 338 00:10:40,848 --> 00:10:42,016 [grunting] 339 00:10:44,685 --> 00:10:46,146 Now, Miss Boron. 340 00:10:46,187 --> 00:10:48,482 Oh, please, call me Boron. 341 00:10:48,523 --> 00:10:50,400 Why did you attack 342 00:10:48,523 --> 00:10:50,400 Scorpion Wells? 343 00:10:50,442 --> 00:10:53,153 And where's your crazy 344 00:10:50,442 --> 00:10:53,153 flying demon woman costume? 345 00:10:53,194 --> 00:10:56,156 Demon woman? 346 00:10:53,194 --> 00:10:56,156 That's not me. 347 00:10:56,197 --> 00:11:00,952 That is the Dark Lilith. 348 00:10:56,197 --> 00:11:00,952 She's evil! 349 00:11:00,994 --> 00:11:02,662 [all gasps] 350 00:11:02,703 --> 00:11:04,664 [intense music] 351 00:11:04,705 --> 00:11:07,959 It's her! 352 00:11:04,705 --> 00:11:07,959 Evil girl lives on his boat! 353 00:11:08,001 --> 00:11:11,338 - The mountain boat. 354 00:11:08,001 --> 00:11:11,338 - Quiet, old woman. 355 00:11:11,379 --> 00:11:13,923 Since my warnings went unheeded. 356 00:11:13,965 --> 00:11:17,260 Now, your lives 357 00:11:13,965 --> 00:11:17,260 shall be deleted. 358 00:11:17,302 --> 00:11:19,638 [screeching] 359 00:11:19,678 --> 00:11:22,349 [dramatic music] 360 00:11:22,390 --> 00:11:23,808 [screaming] 361 00:11:29,981 --> 00:11:31,732 [grunts] 362 00:11:32,733 --> 00:11:34,693 Honey! 363 00:11:34,735 --> 00:11:36,988 - Yikes! 364 00:11:34,735 --> 00:11:36,988 - Jimmy, no! 365 00:11:37,030 --> 00:11:39,115 You aren't hurting my friends! 366 00:11:39,157 --> 00:11:40,783 Whoa-a-a! 367 00:11:42,577 --> 00:11:44,996 [grunting] 368 00:11:45,038 --> 00:11:46,373 [chuckles] 369 00:11:49,543 --> 00:11:51,961 [music continues] 370 00:12:04,349 --> 00:12:07,602 Poor Jimmy. 371 00:12:04,349 --> 00:12:07,602 He saved us. 372 00:12:07,644 --> 00:12:11,398 Weird. There's a smell up here 373 00:12:07,644 --> 00:12:11,398 that reminds me of.. 374 00:12:11,439 --> 00:12:13,191 I don't know about you guys 375 00:12:13,233 --> 00:12:16,277 but I don't think Ugly Jimmy's 376 00:12:13,233 --> 00:12:16,277 bravery should go to waste. 377 00:12:16,319 --> 00:12:18,737 Could you lead us 378 00:12:16,319 --> 00:12:18,737 to where Dark Lilith lives? 379 00:12:18,779 --> 00:12:21,824 We have to find her 380 00:12:18,779 --> 00:12:21,824 and stop her. For Jimmy. 381 00:12:22,701 --> 00:12:24,827 Follow me. 382 00:12:24,869 --> 00:12:27,622 Yonder she lives, in this boat. 383 00:12:27,664 --> 00:12:31,209 (Fred) 384 00:12:27,664 --> 00:12:31,209 'Wow! Now, that is a mystery.' 385 00:12:34,546 --> 00:12:36,715 [dramatic music] 386 00:12:36,755 --> 00:12:40,719 - Gang, is that-- 387 00:12:36,755 --> 00:12:40,719 - An old Spanish galleon. 388 00:12:40,759 --> 00:12:42,887 Like, what's it's doing 389 00:12:40,759 --> 00:12:42,887 on top of a mountain? 390 00:12:42,929 --> 00:12:45,223 Boron, do you know why? 391 00:12:45,265 --> 00:12:47,016 Boron? 392 00:12:48,602 --> 00:12:50,729 Come on, gang. 393 00:12:48,602 --> 00:12:50,729 Let's check it out. 394 00:12:50,769 --> 00:12:53,189 [music continues] 395 00:12:57,611 --> 00:13:01,239 (Daphne) 396 00:12:57,611 --> 00:13:01,239 How in the world did 397 00:12:57,611 --> 00:13:01,239 a ship get all the way up here? 398 00:13:01,281 --> 00:13:04,451 (Velma) 399 00:13:01,281 --> 00:13:04,451 Maybe this can tell us. 400 00:13:01,281 --> 00:13:04,451 It's the ship's manifest. 401 00:13:06,453 --> 00:13:09,956 The writing's in Espanol 402 00:13:06,453 --> 00:13:09,956 but I aced Honors Spanish. 403 00:13:09,997 --> 00:13:11,832 I can translate. 404 00:13:11,874 --> 00:13:13,501 "I fear I may have doomed 405 00:13:11,874 --> 00:13:13,501 us all. 406 00:13:13,543 --> 00:13:15,878 After months of filling 407 00:13:13,543 --> 00:13:15,878 our hold.." 408 00:13:15,920 --> 00:13:18,839 (Fernando) 409 00:13:15,920 --> 00:13:18,839 With all manner of treasure, 410 00:13:15,920 --> 00:13:18,839 we were about to set sail 411 00:13:18,881 --> 00:13:21,301 when word was delivered 412 00:13:18,881 --> 00:13:21,301 of an even greater prize. 413 00:13:21,342 --> 00:13:24,387 A sarcophagus 414 00:13:21,342 --> 00:13:24,387 of the purest crystal 415 00:13:24,429 --> 00:13:28,182 filled to the brim with 416 00:13:24,429 --> 00:13:28,182 black pearls of immense value. 417 00:13:28,224 --> 00:13:29,892 A king's ransom! 418 00:13:29,934 --> 00:13:32,562 The men and I were overtaken 419 00:13:29,934 --> 00:13:32,562 with a desire 420 00:13:32,604 --> 00:13:34,355 to find this great treasure. 421 00:13:36,357 --> 00:13:40,945 And after several months 422 00:13:36,357 --> 00:13:40,945 of searching find it we did. 423 00:13:40,987 --> 00:13:42,905 [instrumental music] 424 00:13:47,368 --> 00:13:50,163 What we didn't realize was 425 00:13:47,368 --> 00:13:50,163 that the entity that dwelled 426 00:13:50,204 --> 00:13:51,998 inside that crystal sarcophagus 427 00:13:52,039 --> 00:13:54,041 had been searching 428 00:13:52,039 --> 00:13:54,041 for us as well. 429 00:13:54,083 --> 00:13:56,294 In our thirst 430 00:13:54,083 --> 00:13:56,294 for power and wealth 431 00:13:56,336 --> 00:13:58,546 we had discovered 432 00:13:56,336 --> 00:13:58,546 a terrible evil. 433 00:14:00,006 --> 00:14:01,758 It preyed upon our fears 434 00:14:01,800 --> 00:14:05,428 driving us to commit 435 00:14:01,800 --> 00:14:05,428 horrible acts. 436 00:14:05,470 --> 00:14:06,887 [screaming] 437 00:14:08,389 --> 00:14:10,266 Finally in an act 438 00:14:08,389 --> 00:14:10,266 of desperation 439 00:14:10,308 --> 00:14:11,976 to stop what we had become. 440 00:14:12,018 --> 00:14:14,521 I set the ship ashore 441 00:14:12,018 --> 00:14:14,521 on the mission coast 442 00:14:14,562 --> 00:14:17,856 in a cove we named after 443 00:14:14,562 --> 00:14:17,856 what we would soon bring there. 444 00:14:17,898 --> 00:14:19,442 Crystal Cove. 445 00:14:19,484 --> 00:14:21,944 Zoinks! Ha ha! 446 00:14:19,484 --> 00:14:21,944 Like, that means.. 447 00:14:21,986 --> 00:14:24,489 These are the conquistadors 448 00:14:21,986 --> 00:14:24,489 that founded our town! 449 00:14:24,531 --> 00:14:27,867 The ones that disappeared! 450 00:14:27,908 --> 00:14:30,203 (Fernando) 451 00:14:27,908 --> 00:14:30,203 I used the arcanical disc, 452 00:14:27,908 --> 00:14:30,203 the planisferico 453 00:14:30,244 --> 00:14:32,664 to map our location 454 00:14:30,244 --> 00:14:32,664 and we buried 455 00:14:32,706 --> 00:14:36,125 the evil treasure deep, 456 00:14:32,706 --> 00:14:36,125 deep underground. 457 00:14:36,167 --> 00:14:38,252 Then, we broke the disc 458 00:14:36,167 --> 00:14:38,252 into six pieces 459 00:14:38,294 --> 00:14:40,129 and went our separate ways. 460 00:14:40,171 --> 00:14:42,340 I concealed my piece 461 00:14:40,171 --> 00:14:42,340 aboard the ship 462 00:14:42,382 --> 00:14:44,843 and artfully protected it 463 00:14:42,382 --> 00:14:44,843 by a large number 464 00:14:44,884 --> 00:14:46,761 of lethal mechanical devices. 465 00:14:46,803 --> 00:14:50,515 I brought the ship here 466 00:14:46,803 --> 00:14:50,515 to the top of this mountain 467 00:14:50,557 --> 00:14:55,770 to stay hidden forever. 468 00:14:55,812 --> 00:14:58,022 It's signed Fernando El Aguirre 469 00:14:58,064 --> 00:15:00,483 captain of the Santa Lucia 470 00:14:58,064 --> 00:15:00,483 of Spain. 471 00:15:00,525 --> 00:15:02,318 Jeepers! You know 472 00:15:00,525 --> 00:15:02,318 what this means? 473 00:15:02,360 --> 00:15:04,153 The fifth piece 474 00:15:02,360 --> 00:15:04,153 of the planospheric disc 475 00:15:04,195 --> 00:15:05,530 is right here on this ship. 476 00:15:05,572 --> 00:15:07,073 Then let's find it 477 00:15:05,572 --> 00:15:07,073 and get out of here 478 00:15:07,114 --> 00:15:10,117 before that crazy chick 479 00:15:07,114 --> 00:15:10,117 shows up again. Hoo hoo. 480 00:15:10,159 --> 00:15:12,245 - Yeah! 481 00:15:10,159 --> 00:15:12,245 - Hold on. 482 00:15:12,286 --> 00:15:14,205 My trappy sense is tingling. 483 00:15:17,542 --> 00:15:19,960 [coin clinking] 484 00:15:20,002 --> 00:15:21,337 (all) 485 00:15:20,002 --> 00:15:21,337 Whoa! 486 00:15:21,379 --> 00:15:22,797 Just as I thought. 487 00:15:22,839 --> 00:15:25,258 This place is booby-trapped 488 00:15:22,839 --> 00:15:25,258 out the wazoo. 489 00:15:25,299 --> 00:15:27,802 - How do we know where to look? 490 00:15:25,299 --> 00:15:27,802 - Easy, Scoob. 491 00:15:27,844 --> 00:15:30,430 The traps themselves 492 00:15:27,844 --> 00:15:30,430 will lead us right to it. 493 00:15:30,471 --> 00:15:33,266 Don't worry. 494 00:15:30,471 --> 00:15:33,266 I was born for this. 495 00:15:33,307 --> 00:15:35,727 [dramatic music] 496 00:15:44,861 --> 00:15:46,780 [whirring] 497 00:15:49,616 --> 00:15:51,451 (Daphne) 498 00:15:49,616 --> 00:15:51,451 'The piece must be in there!' 499 00:15:51,492 --> 00:15:55,162 As far as I can tell, 500 00:15:51,492 --> 00:15:55,162 it's clean. 501 00:15:55,204 --> 00:15:57,039 [gasps] 502 00:15:57,081 --> 00:15:58,374 [Fred groans] 503 00:15:58,416 --> 00:16:00,000 [screeching] 504 00:16:02,336 --> 00:16:04,839 Many thanks 505 00:16:02,336 --> 00:16:04,839 for all of your time 506 00:16:04,881 --> 00:16:08,259 but I take this now 507 00:16:04,881 --> 00:16:08,259 as it is mine! 508 00:16:08,301 --> 00:16:09,719 [grunts] 509 00:16:09,761 --> 00:16:11,971 Aah! Get the piece! 510 00:16:13,765 --> 00:16:14,849 [growls] 511 00:16:14,891 --> 00:16:16,893 Aah! Unh! 512 00:16:16,935 --> 00:16:19,353 [music continues] 513 00:16:21,689 --> 00:16:23,232 Ah! Unh! 514 00:16:24,984 --> 00:16:26,611 [screeching] 515 00:16:28,279 --> 00:16:30,657 Aah! Unh! Ah! 516 00:16:31,908 --> 00:16:34,452 [evil laugh] 517 00:16:34,494 --> 00:16:36,537 Oh, no, you don't. 518 00:16:36,579 --> 00:16:37,997 [dramatic music] 519 00:16:38,038 --> 00:16:40,458 [laughing] 520 00:16:42,460 --> 00:16:44,504 [grunts] 521 00:16:44,545 --> 00:16:46,130 [rumbling] 522 00:16:48,048 --> 00:16:49,759 - Hold on, gang! 523 00:16:48,048 --> 00:16:49,759 - Unh! 524 00:16:50,718 --> 00:16:52,637 [whimpering] 525 00:16:52,679 --> 00:16:55,097 [screaming] 526 00:17:03,356 --> 00:17:06,025 [groaning] 527 00:17:06,066 --> 00:17:08,235 Like, Scooby Doo, 528 00:17:06,066 --> 00:17:08,235 grab the wheel! 529 00:17:09,821 --> 00:17:11,739 [music continues] 530 00:17:13,658 --> 00:17:15,075 - Go left! 531 00:17:13,658 --> 00:17:15,075 - Left? 532 00:17:15,117 --> 00:17:17,453 - Right. 533 00:17:15,117 --> 00:17:17,453 - Right? You said go left. 534 00:17:17,495 --> 00:17:19,497 I said right, go left. 535 00:17:19,539 --> 00:17:20,874 Right? Right. 536 00:17:20,915 --> 00:17:23,125 No, left! Go left! 537 00:17:24,669 --> 00:17:26,796 [music continues] 538 00:17:29,215 --> 00:17:32,134 [grunting] 539 00:17:38,140 --> 00:17:39,141 [rumbling] 540 00:17:39,183 --> 00:17:40,560 Huh? Oh! 541 00:17:40,601 --> 00:17:43,521 [screaming] 542 00:17:44,856 --> 00:17:46,106 clink 543 00:17:49,485 --> 00:17:52,112 Oh, no. 544 00:17:49,485 --> 00:17:52,112 Everybody, brace for impact. 545 00:17:53,740 --> 00:17:56,659 boom 546 00:18:00,496 --> 00:18:02,916 [music continues] 547 00:18:06,335 --> 00:18:07,879 [gasps] 548 00:18:07,921 --> 00:18:10,840 [screaming] 549 00:18:14,719 --> 00:18:15,720 [groans] 550 00:18:15,762 --> 00:18:18,097 [screams] 551 00:18:26,856 --> 00:18:28,775 Oy! That's a pain 552 00:18:26,856 --> 00:18:28,775 that's gonna linger. 553 00:18:30,150 --> 00:18:31,485 [gasps] 554 00:18:33,905 --> 00:18:37,033 [sniffing] 555 00:18:33,905 --> 00:18:37,033 There's that smell again. 556 00:18:37,075 --> 00:18:39,410 Of course. Hot dog water. 557 00:18:43,330 --> 00:18:45,291 Marcy! Wait! 558 00:18:45,332 --> 00:18:46,876 [dramatic music] 559 00:18:48,711 --> 00:18:50,463 Hello, Velma. 560 00:18:51,672 --> 00:18:53,466 Why would you.. Wait. 561 00:18:53,507 --> 00:18:57,428 Of course, Mr. E. 562 00:18:53,507 --> 00:18:57,428 You're still working for him. 563 00:18:57,470 --> 00:19:00,389 But you couldn't outwit the 564 00:18:57,470 --> 00:19:00,389 captain's traps without Fred. 565 00:19:00,431 --> 00:19:05,394 That's right. So humiliating 566 00:19:00,431 --> 00:19:05,394 to have to rely on a guy. 567 00:19:05,436 --> 00:19:07,855 I repurposed 568 00:19:05,436 --> 00:19:07,855 my old manticore outfit 569 00:19:07,897 --> 00:19:12,902 and super helium technology to 570 00:19:07,897 --> 00:19:12,902 create the Dark Lilith disguise. 571 00:19:12,944 --> 00:19:14,821 Then, I lured 572 00:19:12,944 --> 00:19:14,821 Gary and Ethan here 573 00:19:14,862 --> 00:19:17,448 by falsely telling them 574 00:19:14,862 --> 00:19:17,448 professional soccer players 575 00:19:17,490 --> 00:19:19,659 worked their calf muscles 576 00:19:17,490 --> 00:19:19,659 on Mount Diabla. 577 00:19:21,368 --> 00:19:23,079 I knew Fred 578 00:19:21,368 --> 00:19:23,079 would talk you guys into 579 00:19:23,121 --> 00:19:25,331 investigating what happened 580 00:19:23,121 --> 00:19:25,331 to them. 581 00:19:25,372 --> 00:19:27,583 Then, Fred could spring 582 00:19:25,372 --> 00:19:27,583 the traps 583 00:19:27,625 --> 00:19:29,543 and I could get the piece. 584 00:19:29,585 --> 00:19:33,213 [sighs] 585 00:19:29,585 --> 00:19:33,213 But you're a hard girl 586 00:19:29,585 --> 00:19:33,213 to fool, V. 587 00:19:34,590 --> 00:19:36,968 I'm glad you recognized me. 588 00:19:37,010 --> 00:19:40,429 Me, too. 589 00:19:37,010 --> 00:19:40,429 So...how's this gonna end? 590 00:19:43,766 --> 00:19:46,019 (Marcy) 591 00:19:43,766 --> 00:19:46,019 Here. 592 00:19:46,060 --> 00:19:48,729 Friendship should always 593 00:19:46,060 --> 00:19:48,729 come first, and.. 594 00:19:48,771 --> 00:19:52,232 ...well, you're the only friend 595 00:19:48,771 --> 00:19:52,232 I've ever had. 596 00:19:52,274 --> 00:19:53,693 What about Mr. E? 597 00:19:53,734 --> 00:19:56,278 He'll hunt you down 598 00:19:53,734 --> 00:19:56,278 and destroy you. 599 00:19:56,320 --> 00:19:58,197 He'll have to catch me first. 600 00:19:58,238 --> 00:20:00,366 See you around, Velma Dinkley. 601 00:20:01,408 --> 00:20:03,828 [instrumental music] 602 00:20:15,131 --> 00:20:16,799 [grunts] 603 00:20:24,473 --> 00:20:25,892 Way to go, Velma! 604 00:20:25,933 --> 00:20:27,393 I thought Dark Lilith 605 00:20:25,933 --> 00:20:27,393 was going to end up 606 00:20:27,434 --> 00:20:28,978 with the fifth piece for sure. 607 00:20:29,020 --> 00:20:30,771 Oh, where'd the evil lady go? 608 00:20:32,190 --> 00:20:34,316 No idea. 609 00:20:32,190 --> 00:20:34,316 Flew away, I guess. 610 00:20:36,360 --> 00:20:38,779 [intense music] 611 00:20:43,826 --> 00:20:46,829 How about a little smooch 612 00:20:43,826 --> 00:20:46,829 for the road, Shaggity man? 613 00:20:46,871 --> 00:20:49,999 Zoinks! Ooh! 614 00:20:46,871 --> 00:20:49,999 Like, how about not? 615 00:20:50,041 --> 00:20:51,959 (Jimmy) 616 00:20:50,041 --> 00:20:51,959 'Hello, my friends.' 617 00:20:54,336 --> 00:20:56,797 - Ugly Jimmy? 618 00:20:54,336 --> 00:20:56,797 - Not any more. 619 00:20:56,839 --> 00:21:01,094 Thanks to the fall, they're 620 00:20:56,839 --> 00:21:01,094 calling me Handsome Jimmy now. 621 00:21:01,135 --> 00:21:02,720 What do you think, Daphne? 622 00:21:02,762 --> 00:21:07,058 I-I, ugh. 623 00:21:02,762 --> 00:21:07,058 I think I'm gonna hork. 624 00:21:07,100 --> 00:21:09,309 - Huh? 625 00:21:07,100 --> 00:21:09,309 - 'Don't mind her, Jimmy.' 626 00:21:09,351 --> 00:21:12,063 - I think you look great! 627 00:21:09,351 --> 00:21:12,063 - Thanks, Fred! 628 00:21:12,105 --> 00:21:14,356 And look what I found 629 00:21:12,105 --> 00:21:14,356 falling down the mountain. 630 00:21:14,398 --> 00:21:16,150 The lucky soccer ball. 631 00:21:18,819 --> 00:21:21,655 Well, gang, 632 00:21:18,819 --> 00:21:21,655 with the three pieces we have. 633 00:21:21,697 --> 00:21:24,366 The two pieces Pericles stole, 634 00:21:21,697 --> 00:21:24,366 that means there's-- 635 00:21:24,408 --> 00:21:26,619 Just one more piece to go. 636 00:21:26,660 --> 00:21:28,662 Yeah, and why do I get 637 00:21:26,660 --> 00:21:28,662 the feeling 638 00:21:28,704 --> 00:21:30,957 that even if we don't find 639 00:21:28,704 --> 00:21:30,957 number six 640 00:21:30,998 --> 00:21:32,750 it'll end up finding us? 641 00:21:32,792 --> 00:21:34,543 [engine revving] 642 00:21:34,585 --> 00:21:36,963 [eerie music] 643 00:21:42,927 --> 00:21:45,138 Nibiru. 644 00:21:45,179 --> 00:21:47,514 [laughing] 645 00:22:04,531 --> 00:22:06,951 [theme music]