1 00:00:01,818 --> 00:00:03,669 Narrator: Incredible designs found in 2 00:00:03,820 --> 00:00:05,170 Crop fields all across the world. 3 00:00:05,322 --> 00:00:08,323 You've got these magnificent works 4 00:00:08,417 --> 00:00:11,343 That span hundreds of feet. 5 00:00:11,570 --> 00:00:14,179 Narrator: Their origins often defy explanation. 6 00:00:14,331 --> 00:00:18,425 Andrew collins: Scientists have found evidence 7 00:00:18,519 --> 00:00:20,853 That microwave radiation 8 00:00:21,080 --> 00:00:24,672 Was present when the crop circle was formed. 9 00:00:24,767 --> 00:00:27,860 Narrator: Many believe that these formations are connected 10 00:00:28,011 --> 00:00:30,845 To visitations by otherworldly beings. 11 00:00:30,939 --> 00:00:34,682 Giorgio a. Tsoukalos: People have reported seeing lights 12 00:00:34,702 --> 00:00:37,519 Above a field and then within five minutes, 13 00:00:37,613 --> 00:00:39,354 There is a crop circle. 14 00:00:39,373 --> 00:00:43,024 Narrator: But if so, what is their purpose? 15 00:00:43,044 --> 00:00:46,103 David childress: Is it extraterrestrials trying to communicate with us? 16 00:00:46,121 --> 00:00:48,714 Trying to show us 17 00:00:48,941 --> 00:00:52,626 Certain cosmic truths that they want us to know? 18 00:00:52,778 --> 00:00:54,869 Jerry kroth: These are messages, 19 00:00:54,889 --> 00:00:55,203 And they're important. 20 00:00:55,297 --> 00:00:58,965 ♪ ♪ 21 00:00:59,060 --> 00:01:02,478 Narrator: There is a doorway in the universe... 22 00:01:03,547 --> 00:01:06,899 Beyond it is the promise of truth. 23 00:01:07,884 --> 00:01:10,477 It demands we question everything 24 00:01:10,629 --> 00:01:13,130 We have ever been taught. 25 00:01:13,223 --> 00:01:16,650 The evidence is all around us. 26 00:01:16,802 --> 00:01:19,152 The future is right before our eyes. 27 00:01:19,246 --> 00:01:22,306 We are not alone. 28 00:01:22,324 --> 00:01:26,335 We have never been alone. 29 00:01:39,934 --> 00:01:44,394 Narrator: A mysterious formation emerges in a field of mustard plants. 30 00:01:45,831 --> 00:01:49,090 The perfectly symmetrical design is a phenomenon 31 00:01:49,184 --> 00:01:50,859 Known as a crop circle. 32 00:01:52,187 --> 00:01:55,948 And it is just one of many strange patterns 33 00:01:56,099 --> 00:01:59,284 That appear in the english countryside every year. 34 00:02:01,104 --> 00:02:02,437 Mark olly: Crop circles are 35 00:02:02,531 --> 00:02:05,349 Basically, um, features, designs, 36 00:02:05,442 --> 00:02:10,278 Illustrations of high complexity in crops. 37 00:02:10,297 --> 00:02:14,466 They tend to be complicated designs of unknown origin. 38 00:02:14,618 --> 00:02:17,619 Richard taylor: In terms of the patterns themselves, 39 00:02:17,713 --> 00:02:19,696 They've been undergoing this amazing 40 00:02:19,789 --> 00:02:21,789 Sort of ramp-up in sophistication. 41 00:02:21,809 --> 00:02:26,311 You can find these huge-- what they call pictographs-- 42 00:02:26,538 --> 00:02:29,373 That span hundreds of feet across a whole field, 43 00:02:29,466 --> 00:02:32,209 And feature multiple components. 44 00:02:33,212 --> 00:02:35,970 And they're arranged with mathematical precision. 45 00:02:37,140 --> 00:02:40,492 Crop circles appear in more than 50 countries. 46 00:02:40,719 --> 00:02:43,737 And there literally have been thousands of them. 47 00:02:43,831 --> 00:02:46,890 Maybe over 10,000 crop circles 48 00:02:46,983 --> 00:02:50,318 That we're aware of in the modern era. 49 00:02:51,413 --> 00:02:55,399 Narrator: Today, thousands of people visit these formations, 50 00:02:55,417 --> 00:02:59,569 Including researchers who take measurements of the patterns, 51 00:02:59,663 --> 00:03:02,572 Collect stalks and soil samples, 52 00:03:02,666 --> 00:03:06,076 And record aerial images for further study. 53 00:03:07,095 --> 00:03:09,837 Documentation of these mysterious impressions 54 00:03:09,932 --> 00:03:12,173 May also include eyewitness accounts 55 00:03:12,267 --> 00:03:16,102 Of strange lights and objects seen around the same time 56 00:03:16,197 --> 00:03:18,422 A crop circle appears. 57 00:03:18,440 --> 00:03:23,927 Such accounts have been widely reported since the mid-1960s. 58 00:03:23,946 --> 00:03:27,206 The first modern example of the discovery 59 00:03:27,433 --> 00:03:29,691 Of a crop circle actually being made 60 00:03:29,710 --> 00:03:32,544 Was by george pedley in 1966 in australia. 61 00:03:32,771 --> 00:03:37,031 What george pedley saw was an object 62 00:03:37,125 --> 00:03:39,443 Rising out of a lagoon. 63 00:03:39,461 --> 00:03:43,447 And then the object-- he couldn't tell how they did it-- 64 00:03:43,540 --> 00:03:46,874 The object actually made a pattern 65 00:03:46,894 --> 00:03:49,119 In the foliage in the lagoon, 66 00:03:49,212 --> 00:03:52,555 A geometric pattern from that object. 67 00:03:53,625 --> 00:03:55,809 Henry: He finds a circular area where 68 00:03:55,903 --> 00:04:00,146 The grass in the swamp or the reeds are matted down. 69 00:04:00,241 --> 00:04:02,741 This is reported in the australian press, 70 00:04:02,968 --> 00:04:05,151 And they start labeling these ufo nests, 71 00:04:05,304 --> 00:04:08,138 Or flying saucer nests. 72 00:04:09,157 --> 00:04:11,399 Narrator: While crop circles have been documented 73 00:04:11,493 --> 00:04:13,159 For more than 60 years, 74 00:04:13,254 --> 00:04:16,480 There is evidence that these mysterious formations 75 00:04:16,498 --> 00:04:20,550 Have been appearing in farmers' fields for centuries. 76 00:04:26,325 --> 00:04:29,601 A woodcut pamphlet called "the mowing-devil" 77 00:04:29,828 --> 00:04:32,496 Is published that portrays a devilish figure 78 00:04:32,589 --> 00:04:35,274 Creating a circle in a field of oats. 79 00:04:35,501 --> 00:04:38,518 Collins: It refers to a supposedly true story 80 00:04:38,670 --> 00:04:44,691 Of a farmer that saw these mysterious lights in a field, 81 00:04:44,785 --> 00:04:47,452 And the next morning, when he went out there, 82 00:04:47,604 --> 00:04:51,681 He found these circular depressions in his land. 83 00:04:51,775 --> 00:04:54,108 You know, actually within the crop. 84 00:04:54,128 --> 00:04:56,019 Taylor: The stalks weren't broken, 85 00:04:56,112 --> 00:04:57,796 But they were folded over. 86 00:04:58,023 --> 00:04:59,372 And people even started to blame the devil, 87 00:04:59,525 --> 00:05:02,450 What was called the-the "mowing-devil." 88 00:05:02,469 --> 00:05:05,804 Narrator: While the mowing-devil woodcut attributed 89 00:05:06,031 --> 00:05:09,308 The mysterious crop formation to an evil entity, 90 00:05:09,459 --> 00:05:13,537 200 years later, english scientist john capron 91 00:05:13,555 --> 00:05:18,875 Applied a scientific analysis to what he witnessed in 1880, 92 00:05:18,968 --> 00:05:20,485 When he proposed that a "cyclonic wind 93 00:05:20,712 --> 00:05:23,471 Of unknown origin" created perfectly circular 94 00:05:23,565 --> 00:05:27,308 Patches of flattened crops. 95 00:05:27,402 --> 00:05:31,555 Capron might be the first person to connect crop circles 96 00:05:31,648 --> 00:05:33,557 To what we today call uaps or-or ufos, 97 00:05:33,650 --> 00:05:37,318 Because he's describing some kind of a whirlwind 98 00:05:37,338 --> 00:05:39,396 That is coming out of the sky 99 00:05:39,414 --> 00:05:42,007 And is having this effect on the ground. 100 00:05:42,234 --> 00:05:44,468 It's creating what we call a crop circle. 101 00:05:46,513 --> 00:05:50,757 Narrator: Ancient astronaut theorists suggest that these incidents, 102 00:05:50,909 --> 00:05:53,668 Along with modern crop circle accounts, 103 00:05:53,687 --> 00:05:56,746 Provide evidence that these strange formations 104 00:05:56,765 --> 00:06:00,859 May be connected to visitations by otherworldly beings. 105 00:06:01,862 --> 00:06:05,939 The eyewitnesses who have reported seeing crop circles 106 00:06:06,033 --> 00:06:08,683 Manifest have described some extraordinary phenomena. 107 00:06:08,702 --> 00:06:11,611 They describe tubes of light, 108 00:06:11,705 --> 00:06:13,521 Swirling beams of light. 109 00:06:13,540 --> 00:06:16,766 Very famously back in the 1990s, 110 00:06:16,860 --> 00:06:18,877 There was, uh, balls of light 111 00:06:19,028 --> 00:06:21,955 Flying across a field that were actually seen 112 00:06:22,049 --> 00:06:24,049 To lay the crops flat. 113 00:06:24,276 --> 00:06:26,126 And within a space of only a couple of minutes 114 00:06:26,220 --> 00:06:29,370 They were filmed actually producing one of those designs. 115 00:06:29,390 --> 00:06:33,466 Narrator: Many researchers suggest there are now enough reports 116 00:06:33,619 --> 00:06:36,786 Of unusual activity around crop circles to disprove 117 00:06:36,805 --> 00:06:41,233 A highly publicized claim made over 30 years ago 118 00:06:41,384 --> 00:06:44,403 That all such formations are man-made. 119 00:06:45,797 --> 00:06:47,631 The ministry of defence in the u.K. Started 120 00:06:47,649 --> 00:06:49,633 Looking at the crop circle mystery in 121 00:06:49,726 --> 00:06:53,153 The late '80s and the early '90s. 122 00:06:53,305 --> 00:06:59,476 And in 1991, two men came forward and said that they had 123 00:06:59,494 --> 00:07:02,254 Been responsible for the entire crop circle phenomenon. 124 00:07:02,405 --> 00:07:06,258 Doug bower and dave chorley said we fooled the world. 125 00:07:06,485 --> 00:07:08,652 We've been making these things for years. 126 00:07:08,745 --> 00:07:11,504 Narrator: For much of the general public, 127 00:07:11,598 --> 00:07:14,991 Doug and dave's claim of creating the mysterious giant 128 00:07:15,010 --> 00:07:18,995 Patterns reinforced the belief that crop circles were a hoax. 129 00:07:19,014 --> 00:07:22,666 Yet the frequent appearance of crop circles around the world, 130 00:07:22,759 --> 00:07:26,686 And the geometric detail found in many patterns, 131 00:07:26,780 --> 00:07:31,098 Left researchers with numerous questions about how two men 132 00:07:31,193 --> 00:07:34,435 Could possibly be responsible for the global phenomenon. 133 00:07:35,605 --> 00:07:38,198 Collins: Doug and dave said, "we have created 134 00:07:38,292 --> 00:07:42,202 "all of these formations just using planks of wood 135 00:07:42,296 --> 00:07:43,778 And lengths of rope." 136 00:07:43,797 --> 00:07:45,464 But there are 137 00:07:45,691 --> 00:07:49,450 Thousands and thousands of crop formations. 138 00:07:49,544 --> 00:07:53,972 And it cannot possibly be that two men made them all. 139 00:07:56,125 --> 00:07:58,810 Howe: They were in what I consider to be 140 00:07:59,037 --> 00:08:00,553 The counterintelligence units that were trying, 141 00:08:00,647 --> 00:08:04,207 Uh, to make everybody go away 142 00:08:04,300 --> 00:08:06,226 And not take crop formations seriously. 143 00:08:06,378 --> 00:08:09,879 In their own admission, which they said, 144 00:08:09,898 --> 00:08:12,398 "we made the formations in hampshire 145 00:08:12,551 --> 00:08:14,551 And we made the formations in wiltshire." 146 00:08:14,644 --> 00:08:17,496 Well, there had been formations in many 147 00:08:17,723 --> 00:08:21,333 Parts of England, let alone 22 other countries. 148 00:08:21,484 --> 00:08:24,894 And on their demonstration 149 00:08:24,913 --> 00:08:27,747 Of how they made their formation, 150 00:08:27,841 --> 00:08:28,898 They were off-kilter. 151 00:08:28,917 --> 00:08:31,901 And for those of us who have been 152 00:08:31,920 --> 00:08:35,830 In real crop formations, there's just no comparison. 153 00:08:35,924 --> 00:08:38,350 Let's say that you're tired. 154 00:08:38,577 --> 00:08:42,354 And you make one step into that crop formation 155 00:08:42,581 --> 00:08:45,582 And it is as if you've entered into 156 00:08:45,600 --> 00:08:50,103 A completely different space, energy, frequency. 157 00:08:50,847 --> 00:08:53,014 Tsoukalos: The way you can tell 158 00:08:53,033 --> 00:08:56,034 That it's a man-made circle is 159 00:08:56,261 --> 00:08:58,870 As you use the boards to push everything down, 160 00:08:59,097 --> 00:09:02,874 Not only are the stalks sometimes broken, 161 00:09:03,101 --> 00:09:05,860 But they're in complete disarray. 162 00:09:05,954 --> 00:09:09,439 In one that's not man-made, 163 00:09:09,457 --> 00:09:13,885 You can see that the stalks are sometimes 164 00:09:14,112 --> 00:09:17,297 Braided and intertwined with each other. 165 00:09:17,391 --> 00:09:21,709 So many formations had braids, and no creases. 166 00:09:21,803 --> 00:09:26,213 Try as a human to do that with wheat. 167 00:09:27,717 --> 00:09:31,461 Monique klinkenbergh: We have 300-plus eyewitnesses of seeing 168 00:09:31,554 --> 00:09:32,720 An authentic crop circle form. 169 00:09:32,739 --> 00:09:35,240 And they have one thing in common: 170 00:09:35,391 --> 00:09:38,635 They see the flattening of the crop happening 171 00:09:38,653 --> 00:09:40,561 In a matter of minutes, 172 00:09:40,655 --> 00:09:44,974 Or even seconds, by this mysterious force or source. 173 00:09:45,068 --> 00:09:46,734 Sometimes, there are light phenomena 174 00:09:46,828 --> 00:09:50,738 And sometimes strange sounds... 175 00:09:50,757 --> 00:09:53,833 But it happens in just 176 00:09:53,985 --> 00:09:55,510 A very short time span. 177 00:09:56,930 --> 00:10:00,265 Sometimes, there is a mist hanging above the field, 178 00:10:00,416 --> 00:10:03,843 The mist is gone, and there is the formation. 179 00:10:03,937 --> 00:10:06,012 So, the question then arises: 180 00:10:06,106 --> 00:10:08,181 How was that done? 181 00:10:08,275 --> 00:10:09,524 And who did it? 182 00:10:11,002 --> 00:10:12,760 Narrator: Do these eyewitness accounts offer 183 00:10:12,779 --> 00:10:16,840 Compelling evidence that extraterrestrials 184 00:10:16,858 --> 00:10:19,859 Could be responsible for the crop circle phenomenon? 185 00:10:19,953 --> 00:10:24,030 If so, what is their purpose? 186 00:10:24,124 --> 00:10:27,183 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest that the answers 187 00:10:27,202 --> 00:10:30,795 May be encoded within the crop circles themselves... 188 00:10:30,947 --> 00:10:34,215 And might have critical implications for mankind. 189 00:10:44,794 --> 00:10:46,645 Narrator: U.S. Billionaire and philanthropist 190 00:10:46,872 --> 00:10:50,482 Laurance rockefeller establishes a grant 191 00:10:50,709 --> 00:10:53,393 To assist with one of the largest studies 192 00:10:53,545 --> 00:10:56,321 Of crop circles in history. 193 00:10:56,548 --> 00:10:59,382 The donation reflects the growing interest 194 00:10:59,475 --> 00:11:02,568 In the scientific study of how and why 195 00:11:02,721 --> 00:11:04,996 Crop circles are created. 196 00:11:06,333 --> 00:11:09,668 There was a scientist by the name of w.C. Levengood 197 00:11:09,819 --> 00:11:12,486 Who did some very, very interesting work, uh, 198 00:11:12,506 --> 00:11:15,173 At various sites in southern England 199 00:11:15,400 --> 00:11:18,659 Where crop circles appeared in the 1990s. 200 00:11:18,753 --> 00:11:23,907 And he found some very strange things were going on. 201 00:11:24,000 --> 00:11:27,076 For instance, he found that some of the stalks 202 00:11:27,095 --> 00:11:31,005 Were blowing out, 203 00:11:31,024 --> 00:11:34,341 Which he felt was only replicable 204 00:11:34,436 --> 00:11:37,344 By microwave radiation. 205 00:11:37,364 --> 00:11:41,515 Levengood also found traces of 206 00:11:41,609 --> 00:11:43,593 Other forms of radiation. 207 00:11:44,596 --> 00:11:49,207 And he even found that some of the corn 208 00:11:49,358 --> 00:11:53,786 Would yield much better growth if it was actually taken 209 00:11:53,939 --> 00:11:57,698 From a crop circle formation. 210 00:11:59,294 --> 00:12:04,038 Tsoukalos: Dr. Levengood, he noticed that inside the crop circle 211 00:12:04,057 --> 00:12:06,891 The growth rate was five times as fast 212 00:12:07,118 --> 00:12:10,303 Than what's going on outside of that crop circle. 213 00:12:10,455 --> 00:12:12,789 And when he investigated this, 214 00:12:12,807 --> 00:12:15,641 He actually came up with a technique called 215 00:12:15,794 --> 00:12:18,403 Molecular impulse response. 216 00:12:19,573 --> 00:12:21,573 Henry: From this study he was able to 217 00:12:21,800 --> 00:12:24,984 Do a bit of reverse engineering, and he created 218 00:12:25,136 --> 00:12:26,986 Electrical pulse technology 219 00:12:27,080 --> 00:12:31,065 That is actually used to accelerate plant growth. 220 00:12:31,159 --> 00:12:35,420 Narrator: Scientists were astounded that the radiation research 221 00:12:35,571 --> 00:12:39,758 Of crop circles led to new innovations in plant growth. 222 00:12:39,985 --> 00:12:43,077 Radiation was also believed to be the source 223 00:12:43,171 --> 00:12:45,505 Of so-called "ghost formations" 224 00:12:45,599 --> 00:12:48,266 Where the stark impression of a crop circle 225 00:12:48,417 --> 00:12:51,853 Appears long after the field has been cleared. 226 00:12:54,107 --> 00:12:57,683 Taylor: There's photographic evidence of many examples, 227 00:12:57,836 --> 00:12:59,352 Where people have turned up 228 00:12:59,504 --> 00:13:02,021 After the farmer has harvested the crop, 229 00:13:02,115 --> 00:13:04,431 And they can still see 230 00:13:04,451 --> 00:13:07,176 Elements of the design persisting. 231 00:13:08,121 --> 00:13:11,364 Several people have come forward to claim 232 00:13:11,516 --> 00:13:13,850 That they actually witnessed 233 00:13:13,943 --> 00:13:17,687 Mysterious lights-- ufos, uaps-- 234 00:13:17,780 --> 00:13:20,873 In the vicinity of a particular field 235 00:13:20,967 --> 00:13:23,117 And then the next day, 236 00:13:23,136 --> 00:13:25,378 Crop circles are actually found. 237 00:13:25,530 --> 00:13:27,530 So, what is the relationship 238 00:13:27,549 --> 00:13:30,366 Between these mysterious globes of light 239 00:13:30,385 --> 00:13:34,720 And ghost formations revealing this negative 240 00:13:34,873 --> 00:13:38,132 Of the crop formation that had been there the previous year? 241 00:13:38,151 --> 00:13:41,135 Narrator: For ancient astronaut theorists, 242 00:13:41,154 --> 00:13:43,822 The appearance of aerial phenomena, 243 00:13:43,973 --> 00:13:47,641 Along with the emergence of ghostly pre-existing patterns, 244 00:13:47,735 --> 00:13:51,737 Supports the theory that some crop circles are not man-made, 245 00:13:51,832 --> 00:13:55,983 But instead could be an extraterrestrial creation. 246 00:13:56,002 --> 00:13:59,653 And they point to specific features 247 00:13:59,673 --> 00:14:03,424 In certain formations that may explain their purpose. 248 00:14:10,091 --> 00:14:13,017 A crop circle bearing the image 249 00:14:13,244 --> 00:14:16,503 Of a strange figure emerges in a wheat field. 250 00:14:16,523 --> 00:14:20,024 At its base is a disc-shaped object 251 00:14:20,176 --> 00:14:23,269 Containing what some believe to be binary code, 252 00:14:23,363 --> 00:14:28,182 A computer language consisting of ones and zeros. 253 00:14:28,201 --> 00:14:31,277 It wasn't one of these breathtaking geometries, 254 00:14:31,429 --> 00:14:33,096 But it was highly mysterious 255 00:14:33,189 --> 00:14:35,540 And here is what happened. 256 00:14:36,543 --> 00:14:39,952 In 2002 comes this enormous image 257 00:14:40,105 --> 00:14:43,197 Of what you would have to call 258 00:14:43,216 --> 00:14:46,533 The typical world's interpretation 259 00:14:46,553 --> 00:14:52,131 Of a grey alien being now holding a disc. 260 00:14:52,225 --> 00:14:56,227 It's binary code that had to be translated. 261 00:14:57,880 --> 00:15:00,881 Narrator: The binary code depicted in the crop formation 262 00:15:00,901 --> 00:15:02,716 Was translated as, 263 00:15:02,736 --> 00:15:03,976 "beware the bearers of false gifts 264 00:15:04,129 --> 00:15:06,887 "and their broken promises. 265 00:15:06,981 --> 00:15:11,300 "much pain, but still time. There is good out there. 266 00:15:11,319 --> 00:15:15,321 We oppose deception. Conduit closing." 267 00:15:15,473 --> 00:15:18,732 There is much happening here 268 00:15:18,826 --> 00:15:22,645 That is profound, is important, 269 00:15:22,664 --> 00:15:24,664 And we better pay attention 270 00:15:24,816 --> 00:15:27,166 Because it means that there is something 271 00:15:27,260 --> 00:15:30,002 That is non-human that is trying to convince us 272 00:15:30,155 --> 00:15:33,506 That this was the genuine intelligence behind 273 00:15:33,600 --> 00:15:37,251 The crop formations and that it was depicting itself 274 00:15:37,345 --> 00:15:39,829 As a grey and transmitting 275 00:15:39,847 --> 00:15:41,422 In binary code. 276 00:15:41,441 --> 00:15:45,944 Narrator: Could the binary code depicted in this crop formation 277 00:15:46,095 --> 00:15:51,023 Contain an otherworldly message sent to assist humankind? 278 00:15:51,117 --> 00:15:54,768 Perhaps clues can be found in another remarkable crop circle, 279 00:15:54,788 --> 00:15:57,363 One that appears to be responding 280 00:15:57,515 --> 00:15:59,624 To a message from earth. 281 00:16:08,451 --> 00:16:10,969 Astronomers at seti, 282 00:16:11,196 --> 00:16:14,046 The search for extraterrestrial intelligence, 283 00:16:14,140 --> 00:16:18,309 Aim the world's largest radio telescope at a cluster of stars 284 00:16:18,461 --> 00:16:23,039 25,000 light-years from earth and transmit a message. 285 00:16:23,057 --> 00:16:26,209 It contains binary- encoded information 286 00:16:26,302 --> 00:16:29,045 Including the numbers one through ten, 287 00:16:29,138 --> 00:16:32,806 An image of human dna, a human figure, 288 00:16:32,826 --> 00:16:34,975 And a graphic of the solar system, 289 00:16:34,995 --> 00:16:37,903 Highlighting the position of earth. 290 00:16:38,056 --> 00:16:43,001 Remarkably, almost 26 years after the arecibo transmission, 291 00:16:43,152 --> 00:16:47,396 A crop circle nearly identical to the seti binary message 292 00:16:47,415 --> 00:16:50,091 Appears in a field in hampshire county, England. 293 00:16:52,086 --> 00:16:53,511 Henry: The formation that appeared next to 294 00:16:53,738 --> 00:16:56,330 The chilbolton radio observatory in 2001 295 00:16:56,349 --> 00:16:58,499 Echoed the message sent by seti, 296 00:16:58,593 --> 00:17:01,260 But it seemed to show a different system of planets, 297 00:17:01,412 --> 00:17:04,096 Suggesting that it's a different solar system. 298 00:17:04,190 --> 00:17:07,250 The dna was not double helix and instead of a human, 299 00:17:07,343 --> 00:17:12,605 We see a humanoid being with a larger head and a smaller body. 300 00:17:13,700 --> 00:17:16,367 This was clearly a message and perhaps even a response 301 00:17:16,519 --> 00:17:18,453 To the message transmitted by seti. 302 00:17:20,281 --> 00:17:23,357 Narrator: Could the crop circle that appeared in hampshire, England 303 00:17:23,376 --> 00:17:25,768 Have been an extraterrestrial response 304 00:17:25,787 --> 00:17:27,712 To seti's arecibo message? 305 00:17:28,956 --> 00:17:32,108 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes 306 00:17:32,126 --> 00:17:34,368 And suggest the formations 307 00:17:34,462 --> 00:17:37,296 That appeared in both hampshire and winchester, England 308 00:17:37,448 --> 00:17:40,558 Might also provide clues about how to communicate 309 00:17:40,709 --> 00:17:42,393 With alien beings. 310 00:17:44,472 --> 00:17:48,733 If these two formations were made by extraterrestrials, 311 00:17:48,884 --> 00:17:52,311 One possible interpretation is they were telling us we were 312 00:17:52,405 --> 00:17:54,980 On the right track with the message beamed 313 00:17:55,075 --> 00:17:57,483 From arecibo in 1974, 314 00:17:57,635 --> 00:18:00,303 That binary code and mathematics 315 00:18:00,396 --> 00:18:03,414 More generally is the language of the cosmos. 316 00:18:03,641 --> 00:18:05,658 And that's how to communicate with them. 317 00:18:07,069 --> 00:18:10,088 Narrator: Researchers suggest that while the formations 318 00:18:10,239 --> 00:18:12,256 That included binary code appeared to be attempts 319 00:18:12,408 --> 00:18:16,743 By otherworldly beings to communicate with humans... 320 00:18:16,763 --> 00:18:20,414 Other crop circles contain much more complex messages 321 00:18:20,508 --> 00:18:22,433 And instructions. 322 00:18:22,660 --> 00:18:25,010 And they believe that further clues can be found 323 00:18:25,105 --> 00:18:29,107 By examining a curious formation in wiltshire, England 324 00:18:29,334 --> 00:18:32,568 That contains a depiction of a wormhole. 325 00:18:37,617 --> 00:18:39,099 Narrator: Wiltshire, England. 326 00:18:39,119 --> 00:18:43,346 July 13, 2011. 327 00:18:43,364 --> 00:18:46,958 A crop formation featuring two connected spirals 328 00:18:47,109 --> 00:18:49,443 Appears on a prehistoric earthwork 329 00:18:49,537 --> 00:18:51,278 Known as windmill hill. 330 00:18:51,297 --> 00:18:55,858 The same day, another formation with a circular design 331 00:18:55,951 --> 00:18:58,636 Appears 20 miles directly to the south, 332 00:18:58,863 --> 00:19:02,140 At the ancient megalithic site of stonehenge. 333 00:19:04,051 --> 00:19:06,460 Intrigued by the appearance of two crop circles 334 00:19:06,479 --> 00:19:08,980 On the same day, and in the same area, 335 00:19:09,131 --> 00:19:10,648 At two historic sites, 336 00:19:10,875 --> 00:19:13,893 Researcher jerry kroth studies them 337 00:19:13,987 --> 00:19:17,321 To see if any other similarities are apparent. 338 00:19:19,066 --> 00:19:20,807 So, I see these two formations. 339 00:19:20,902 --> 00:19:23,052 They occur on the same day 340 00:19:23,070 --> 00:19:24,403 And I said how far are they? 341 00:19:24,497 --> 00:19:26,664 20 miles apart. 342 00:19:26,815 --> 00:19:30,001 I said, well, maybe put those things together, 343 00:19:30,152 --> 00:19:31,394 And I said, "oh, my god. 344 00:19:31,412 --> 00:19:33,171 There's a 3d element here." 345 00:19:34,415 --> 00:19:38,567 If you look at a neutron star, it looks like the crop circle 346 00:19:38,661 --> 00:19:41,086 With magnetic fields as those 347 00:19:41,239 --> 00:19:43,497 Swirling things and the stars in the middle. 348 00:19:43,516 --> 00:19:45,908 So, I thought maybe that's a neutron star. 349 00:19:45,927 --> 00:19:50,504 Do you know how wide a neutron star is? 38 miles. 350 00:19:50,523 --> 00:19:54,025 Like how could a star be 38 miles in diameter? 351 00:19:54,176 --> 00:19:56,152 Because it's so dense. 352 00:19:57,680 --> 00:20:01,032 And neutron stars sometimes collide. 353 00:20:02,035 --> 00:20:04,851 They collide and sometimes when they collide, 354 00:20:04,871 --> 00:20:07,187 They make a magnetar, 355 00:20:07,207 --> 00:20:11,191 Which is a star that's 18 miles wide. 356 00:20:11,211 --> 00:20:13,285 So, those two circles come together 357 00:20:13,438 --> 00:20:15,379 And make this little tiny dot 358 00:20:15,531 --> 00:20:17,289 And I said, "is this talking about 359 00:20:17,383 --> 00:20:21,719 A neutron star collision and a magnetar being born?" 360 00:20:23,706 --> 00:20:26,724 Narrator: A magnetar produces a magnetic field 361 00:20:26,951 --> 00:20:28,208 That is 100 million times stronger 362 00:20:28,228 --> 00:20:30,895 Than any man-made magnet 363 00:20:31,046 --> 00:20:32,713 And causes distortions 364 00:20:32,807 --> 00:20:34,807 In both space and time. 365 00:20:34,959 --> 00:20:36,234 Because of this effect, 366 00:20:36,385 --> 00:20:40,312 Some scientists believe the study of magnetars 367 00:20:40,465 --> 00:20:41,221 Could help us to develop craft 368 00:20:41,241 --> 00:20:44,075 That can bend space-time 369 00:20:44,226 --> 00:20:47,728 And travel faster than the speed of light. 370 00:20:47,747 --> 00:20:50,581 But could this have been what was depicted 371 00:20:50,733 --> 00:20:53,734 By separate crop circles that appeared on the same day 372 00:20:53,753 --> 00:20:55,995 In wiltshire, England? 373 00:20:56,147 --> 00:20:59,072 Kroth: There are only around ten magnetars in the milky way. 374 00:20:59,166 --> 00:21:01,150 They're extremely rare, 375 00:21:01,243 --> 00:21:03,335 The most magnetic objects in the universe, 376 00:21:03,488 --> 00:21:05,337 So I thought, "well, nice theory, jerry. 377 00:21:05,490 --> 00:21:06,989 No way to prove it." 378 00:21:07,008 --> 00:21:09,267 Narrator: Could the spiral crop circles 379 00:21:09,494 --> 00:21:12,495 Represent the creation of a magnetar? 380 00:21:12,588 --> 00:21:15,439 Within 24 hours of the mysterious 381 00:21:15,666 --> 00:21:18,517 Patterns' discovery, jerry kroth's theory 382 00:21:18,611 --> 00:21:23,355 Would be played out in a real-time astronomical event. 383 00:21:23,449 --> 00:21:27,526 Kroth: July 14th, an astronomer in madrid 384 00:21:27,678 --> 00:21:30,195 And an astronomer in sicily 385 00:21:30,348 --> 00:21:33,291 Say a magnetar has just appeared. 386 00:21:33,518 --> 00:21:37,611 Now, when they appear, they shoot pulses 387 00:21:37,630 --> 00:21:40,464 At like 700 revolutions a minute. 388 00:21:40,616 --> 00:21:43,801 Really, really fast. (whooshing) 389 00:21:43,952 --> 00:21:45,469 And I wrote to them. Is... 390 00:21:45,621 --> 00:21:47,621 Could anyone have seen it July 13th? 391 00:21:47,640 --> 00:21:49,048 They said no. 392 00:21:49,200 --> 00:21:49,956 So... 393 00:21:50,051 --> 00:21:54,145 A magnetar appears on July 14th 394 00:21:54,372 --> 00:21:56,889 And is studied by every astronomer in the world 395 00:21:56,983 --> 00:21:59,224 And they're going nuts about it and they're seeing 396 00:21:59,377 --> 00:22:02,135 These spectral lines and pulses 397 00:22:02,155 --> 00:22:04,880 And it goes on for six months. 398 00:22:04,899 --> 00:22:07,383 But on July 13th, 399 00:22:07,401 --> 00:22:13,313 There are two crop circles doing this 24 hours before 400 00:22:13,333 --> 00:22:16,625 And that's when I was convinced this was a magnetar. 401 00:22:18,079 --> 00:22:21,063 Narrator: Is it possible that extraterrestrials 402 00:22:21,082 --> 00:22:23,582 Created the two crop circles in wiltshire 403 00:22:23,676 --> 00:22:27,069 To forecast the imminent appearance of a magnetar? 404 00:22:27,162 --> 00:22:30,330 And if so, what could the purpose be? 405 00:22:30,350 --> 00:22:32,833 Perhaps further clues can be found 406 00:22:32,852 --> 00:22:36,354 By examining another crop circle formation 407 00:22:36,505 --> 00:22:40,524 That many believe represents one of albert einstein's theories. 408 00:22:42,177 --> 00:22:45,345 Collins: On the 26th of July 2022, 409 00:22:45,439 --> 00:22:49,992 A remarkable crop formation appeared in tawsmead copse. 410 00:22:51,186 --> 00:22:55,097 And this consisted of three overlapping 411 00:22:55,190 --> 00:22:58,951 Series of concentric circles. 412 00:22:59,045 --> 00:23:00,378 Some researchers 413 00:23:00,529 --> 00:23:02,195 Have interpreted this 414 00:23:02,289 --> 00:23:04,790 As a two-dimensional form 415 00:23:04,942 --> 00:23:07,626 Of a einstein-rosen bridge. 416 00:23:07,778 --> 00:23:13,391 Narrator: In 1935, physicists albert einstein and nathan rosen 417 00:23:13,542 --> 00:23:16,394 Theorized that with enough energy, 418 00:23:16,545 --> 00:23:20,456 Space could be bent in order to connect two separate points 419 00:23:20,474 --> 00:23:23,976 Through what they called an "einstein-rosen bridge." 420 00:23:24,070 --> 00:23:27,129 This connection, it is believed, could make it possible 421 00:23:27,148 --> 00:23:29,815 To quickly travel to even the most remote stars 422 00:23:29,909 --> 00:23:31,575 In the universe. 423 00:23:33,061 --> 00:23:36,229 When molecular biologist and crop circle researcher 424 00:23:36,249 --> 00:23:40,084 Dr. Horace drew saw the tawsmead copse crop circle 425 00:23:40,311 --> 00:23:44,738 In 2022, he remarked that the design 426 00:23:44,757 --> 00:23:47,833 "clearly shows the image of a space-time wormhole." 427 00:23:47,985 --> 00:23:48,742 Henry: It seems very apparent 428 00:23:48,836 --> 00:23:51,411 That crop circles are messages. 429 00:23:51,431 --> 00:23:54,056 They're coded messages for us. 430 00:23:55,417 --> 00:23:57,751 When we look at that crop circle, 431 00:23:57,770 --> 00:24:01,254 What dr. Horace drew proposed is that 432 00:24:01,348 --> 00:24:02,848 It has what appears to be 433 00:24:02,942 --> 00:24:07,278 A tube or a portal that links the vortices points 434 00:24:07,429 --> 00:24:10,263 And also the bending of space-time. 435 00:24:11,342 --> 00:24:12,508 Childress: If you look at a theoretical model 436 00:24:12,526 --> 00:24:15,786 Of an einstein-rosen bridge, 437 00:24:16,013 --> 00:24:17,455 What is commonly called a wormhole, 438 00:24:17,682 --> 00:24:22,868 You see this formation and how it looks, 439 00:24:22,962 --> 00:24:25,871 You have to wonder, are they extraterrestrials 440 00:24:26,023 --> 00:24:28,299 Telling us how they got here? 441 00:24:29,302 --> 00:24:32,377 Narrator: Is it possible that astronomical events 442 00:24:32,530 --> 00:24:35,881 And geometric patterns displayed in crop circles 443 00:24:36,033 --> 00:24:40,202 Could be pointing humankind towards future technologies? 444 00:24:40,221 --> 00:24:43,481 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes 445 00:24:43,632 --> 00:24:49,044 And suggest some formations may be telling us how to communicate 446 00:24:49,063 --> 00:24:51,780 With extraterrestrials. 447 00:25:01,834 --> 00:25:05,503 Narrator: An intricate formation of concentric circles, 448 00:25:05,730 --> 00:25:08,580 Featuring a number of smaller semicircles 449 00:25:08,733 --> 00:25:10,566 Appears in a field of wheat. 450 00:25:10,659 --> 00:25:13,919 While the design may appear random, 451 00:25:14,071 --> 00:25:16,755 Some researchers believe it contains a message 452 00:25:16,849 --> 00:25:19,833 That can be both seen and heard. 453 00:25:19,852 --> 00:25:22,261 Because it is a perfect match 454 00:25:22,413 --> 00:25:26,431 For what is known as a cymatic pattern. 455 00:25:26,842 --> 00:25:29,860 When we talk about cymatic patterns, 456 00:25:30,012 --> 00:25:33,922 We're talking about a frequency that will create 457 00:25:34,016 --> 00:25:36,091 An image that has a complexity to it. 458 00:25:37,278 --> 00:25:41,038 So, specific frequencies relate to specific patterns. 459 00:25:44,544 --> 00:25:48,212 Narrator: The origins of cymatics among human civilizations 460 00:25:48,363 --> 00:25:52,291 Can be traced back more than ten centuries to west africa. 461 00:25:52,385 --> 00:25:55,869 There, tribal rituals involved sprinkling 462 00:25:55,888 --> 00:25:59,056 Grains of sand on the surface of drums. 463 00:25:59,283 --> 00:26:02,042 Striking the drums created specific audio tones, 464 00:26:02,136 --> 00:26:07,639 Causing the sand to be instantly shaped into distinct formations. 465 00:26:07,733 --> 00:26:10,717 From the resulting formations on the drum's surface, 466 00:26:10,736 --> 00:26:13,295 Tribal elders believed it was possible 467 00:26:13,314 --> 00:26:15,656 To predict future events. 468 00:26:17,301 --> 00:26:19,559 Childress: With cymatics, you have these patterns that 469 00:26:19,653 --> 00:26:25,082 Are a visualization really of-of sound and vibration. 470 00:26:25,309 --> 00:26:29,478 And physicists tell us that the entire universe 471 00:26:29,496 --> 00:26:33,332 Comes down to vibration and sound patterns, 472 00:26:33,484 --> 00:26:36,485 And these patterns that can be visualized. 473 00:26:37,504 --> 00:26:42,248 Narrator: In 1787, german physicist and musician 474 00:26:42,343 --> 00:26:45,344 Ernst chladni offered a breakthrough on the subject 475 00:26:45,438 --> 00:26:50,332 When he published discoveries in the theory of sound. 476 00:26:50,351 --> 00:26:54,111 In the writing, chladni revealed that specific tones 477 00:26:54,338 --> 00:26:56,947 Consistently create the same visual pattern. 478 00:26:57,174 --> 00:27:01,193 By applying sound vibrations to metal plates covered in sand, 479 00:27:01,287 --> 00:27:03,103 He identified the images 480 00:27:03,122 --> 00:27:05,539 Produced by various frequencies. 481 00:27:07,868 --> 00:27:11,036 Henry: When we look at so many crop circles, 482 00:27:11,188 --> 00:27:13,705 They're consistent with what we see in research on cymatics. 483 00:27:13,858 --> 00:27:18,377 We find the same shapes that are created on chladni plates. 484 00:27:18,529 --> 00:27:19,862 We find the same shapes 485 00:27:19,955 --> 00:27:22,139 That are created in sound experiments. 486 00:27:22,290 --> 00:27:24,049 So, there's a very key connection 487 00:27:24,201 --> 00:27:25,309 That is to be made here. 488 00:27:26,628 --> 00:27:29,888 Taylor: Quite a few crop circles are very similar 489 00:27:30,040 --> 00:27:33,208 To the cymatic patterns, again demonstrating 490 00:27:33,301 --> 00:27:37,546 That there's a deep geometric harmony at play, 491 00:27:37,639 --> 00:27:40,399 Something that appeals directly to us. 492 00:27:41,068 --> 00:27:45,145 Narrator: But why would cymatic patterns appear in crop circles? 493 00:27:45,164 --> 00:27:48,982 Could extraterrestrials be using audio frequencies 494 00:27:49,001 --> 00:27:51,168 As a method of communication? 495 00:27:52,338 --> 00:27:55,397 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest further clues 496 00:27:55,416 --> 00:27:56,823 Can be found by examining the teachings 497 00:27:56,842 --> 00:28:00,160 Found in ancient hindu religious texts 498 00:28:00,254 --> 00:28:02,421 Known as vedas. 499 00:28:03,407 --> 00:28:07,500 Dominic steavu: The word "veda" means knowledge in sanskrit. 500 00:28:07,520 --> 00:28:09,745 There is this close association with 501 00:28:09,838 --> 00:28:12,839 A special type of wisdom or knowledge 502 00:28:12,858 --> 00:28:14,841 That is transmitted through the vedas. 503 00:28:16,011 --> 00:28:19,922 Now, originally the vedas were revealed by the gods 504 00:28:20,015 --> 00:28:23,867 To a certain class of spiritual elect. 505 00:28:24,019 --> 00:28:28,263 And they contain, again, these primordial sounds 506 00:28:28,356 --> 00:28:30,432 That are associated with the creation 507 00:28:30,451 --> 00:28:32,951 Of the universe and its proper functioning. 508 00:28:33,954 --> 00:28:37,881 Narrator: In the vedic texts, it is said that the gods 509 00:28:38,033 --> 00:28:41,460 Gave humankind a visual guide to sacred sounds 510 00:28:41,554 --> 00:28:45,130 In the form of elaborate patterns called "mandalas." 511 00:28:45,282 --> 00:28:48,041 Like chladni's experiments, 512 00:28:48,060 --> 00:28:52,137 The mandalas translate sound into visual patterns, 513 00:28:52,289 --> 00:28:56,141 But for a profound and otherworldly purpose. 514 00:28:56,293 --> 00:28:58,977 In hinduism, mandalas are considered to be 515 00:28:59,129 --> 00:29:02,740 Visual translations of primordial sounds. 516 00:29:04,243 --> 00:29:07,652 And these are the sounds that gave rise 517 00:29:07,747 --> 00:29:11,415 To the universe, and to the very nature of reality. 518 00:29:11,642 --> 00:29:17,237 And they are divine, they were uttered cosmically 519 00:29:17,256 --> 00:29:21,166 By supernatural beings, by gods. 520 00:29:21,318 --> 00:29:25,837 Henry: The vedas tell us that the gods taught humans how to chant. 521 00:29:25,990 --> 00:29:28,156 How to pray and to sing 522 00:29:28,175 --> 00:29:30,583 In order to communicate with the gods. 523 00:29:32,162 --> 00:29:37,165 Narrator: The most powerful hindu mantra is the sound "aum," 524 00:29:37,184 --> 00:29:40,260 Which is visually represented by a simple circle 525 00:29:40,354 --> 00:29:42,671 With a dot in the middle: 526 00:29:42,689 --> 00:29:45,841 The fundamental element of a mandala. 527 00:29:45,859 --> 00:29:49,769 Incredibly, when the "aum" frequency 528 00:29:49,863 --> 00:29:54,458 Is applied to a chladni plate, the exact same pattern emerges. 529 00:29:57,354 --> 00:30:01,965 Higher-toned frequencies result in more complex arrangements 530 00:30:02,117 --> 00:30:06,220 That also identically match the ancient mandala symbols. 531 00:30:07,698 --> 00:30:10,699 Collins: Is it conceivable that the writers 532 00:30:10,717 --> 00:30:13,126 Of the ancient vedic texts 533 00:30:13,145 --> 00:30:15,554 Were given advanced knowledge 534 00:30:15,648 --> 00:30:18,373 On how sound frequencies 535 00:30:18,466 --> 00:30:21,652 Can be converted into visual patterns? 536 00:30:23,397 --> 00:30:25,547 Some of the crop circle designs 537 00:30:25,640 --> 00:30:29,734 Are very clearly reflections of sound. 538 00:30:29,829 --> 00:30:33,905 Is it therefore possible that what we're looking at 539 00:30:34,058 --> 00:30:40,653 Is sound signatures and that this is telling us in some way 540 00:30:40,673 --> 00:30:42,898 That sound is an important means of 541 00:30:42,916 --> 00:30:47,803 Communication with such higher intelligences? 542 00:30:50,240 --> 00:30:51,923 Narrator: Many cultures around the world 543 00:30:52,017 --> 00:30:55,093 Believe it is possible to commune with a higher realm 544 00:30:55,187 --> 00:30:59,690 Through ritualistic chanting, singing and prayer. 545 00:30:59,841 --> 00:31:02,584 Like mandalas, could crop circles 546 00:31:02,677 --> 00:31:04,695 Contain an otherworldly message for humanity, 547 00:31:04,922 --> 00:31:08,365 One that is based on sacred sounds? 548 00:31:10,185 --> 00:31:15,021 Tsoukalos: I certainly think that crop circles are messages by 549 00:31:15,115 --> 00:31:20,377 Other beings who are trying to make contact with us, 550 00:31:20,604 --> 00:31:24,030 Or at least letting us know they're there. 551 00:31:24,866 --> 00:31:27,109 And the entire basis of the universe 552 00:31:27,127 --> 00:31:31,013 Is vibration, and sound is vibration. 553 00:31:32,040 --> 00:31:34,391 When we talk about different ways 554 00:31:34,618 --> 00:31:37,636 With which to communicate with different civilizations, 555 00:31:37,788 --> 00:31:41,790 Scientists have proposed that can be achieved 556 00:31:41,808 --> 00:31:43,458 With sound frequencies. 557 00:31:43,477 --> 00:31:47,237 Childress: What they're doing is putting sound and vibration 558 00:31:47,464 --> 00:31:51,057 Into a communication device of some sort, 559 00:31:51,076 --> 00:31:52,910 But exactly what they're trying to communicate 560 00:31:53,061 --> 00:31:55,412 To us is the big question. 561 00:31:56,564 --> 00:31:58,490 Narrator: Might extraterrestrials 562 00:31:58,642 --> 00:32:01,084 Be trying to communicate with humans through 563 00:32:01,311 --> 00:32:04,713 The visual representation of certain sound frequencies? 564 00:32:06,150 --> 00:32:09,426 And could these images have a subconscious effect 565 00:32:09,577 --> 00:32:11,820 On those who witness them? 566 00:32:11,838 --> 00:32:15,081 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 567 00:32:15,175 --> 00:32:18,101 And speculate that humans could already 568 00:32:18,253 --> 00:32:22,347 Be in the process of responding to these otherworldly signals... 569 00:32:22,499 --> 00:32:24,691 Without even knowing it. 570 00:32:29,523 --> 00:32:31,114 Narrator: When doug bower and dave chorley 571 00:32:31,266 --> 00:32:33,450 Came forward in 1991 572 00:32:33,677 --> 00:32:36,269 To admit that they had been making crop circles 573 00:32:36,288 --> 00:32:39,623 Throughout England, they were labeled as hoaxers. 574 00:32:40,775 --> 00:32:43,627 But today, creating designs in crops 575 00:32:43,778 --> 00:32:47,965 Has become an artform practiced by people all over the world. 576 00:32:49,635 --> 00:32:51,951 William russell: Being an artist, this seemed to sort of 577 00:32:51,971 --> 00:32:52,861 Resonate that you could go out 578 00:32:52,954 --> 00:32:56,289 And you could make an artwork 579 00:32:56,383 --> 00:32:59,309 In a field, um, anonymously. 580 00:32:59,536 --> 00:33:02,795 I'd spend all night making one of these things, 581 00:33:02,889 --> 00:33:05,207 And then in the morning, it appears on the internet. 582 00:33:05,225 --> 00:33:08,134 And from that, it sort of gathers power. 583 00:33:08,153 --> 00:33:12,047 Narrator: But while artists have become increasingly proficient 584 00:33:12,065 --> 00:33:13,898 At making crop circles, many of them say 585 00:33:13,993 --> 00:33:18,495 They still see formations that defy explanation, 586 00:33:18,722 --> 00:33:20,998 And believe they are carrying on the work 587 00:33:21,149 --> 00:33:24,418 Started by extraterrestrial beings. 588 00:33:25,912 --> 00:33:28,505 Childress: With some of these man-made crop circles 589 00:33:28,656 --> 00:33:31,900 The perpetrators will say that they were inspired 590 00:33:31,993 --> 00:33:35,178 To create these crop circles. 591 00:33:35,405 --> 00:33:37,239 And they think that extraterrestrials 592 00:33:37,332 --> 00:33:39,574 Are somehow contacting them 593 00:33:39,593 --> 00:33:44,187 And influencing them to go out and create these. 594 00:33:44,414 --> 00:33:46,506 I've been making circles for over two decades 595 00:33:46,525 --> 00:33:49,918 Mainly in and around wiltshire, but I'm not a skeptic. 596 00:33:49,936 --> 00:33:53,697 We've had some pretty interesting experiences 597 00:33:53,924 --> 00:33:54,773 When we've been out making circles 598 00:33:54,867 --> 00:33:57,034 That are inexplicable. 599 00:33:58,537 --> 00:34:02,039 Russell: You have experiences which would lead you 600 00:34:02,190 --> 00:34:06,268 To think that you're being shown things, such as 601 00:34:06,286 --> 00:34:09,938 Flashes of light, or more 602 00:34:09,956 --> 00:34:12,466 Extraordinary events in the night sky. 603 00:34:13,777 --> 00:34:15,886 The strangest one, we were leaving a field 604 00:34:16,113 --> 00:34:18,780 And there was a great big white burst of light, 605 00:34:18,799 --> 00:34:20,632 Enough to light 606 00:34:20,726 --> 00:34:24,227 The whole area we were in up for maybe a second. 607 00:34:24,379 --> 00:34:28,899 And exactly where I was looking a big orange ball 608 00:34:29,050 --> 00:34:33,737 Of light emanated from nothing to a circular formation. 609 00:34:33,888 --> 00:34:36,406 And then blinked out. 610 00:34:37,409 --> 00:34:39,801 There's a rich tradition with circle makers 611 00:34:39,894 --> 00:34:42,412 Of us seeing strange lights. 612 00:34:42,564 --> 00:34:46,157 Rob irving: What I will say is that the first person 613 00:34:46,310 --> 00:34:51,479 I personally know who made one, doug bower, 614 00:34:51,498 --> 00:34:54,332 Made it on the back of an existing phenomenon. 615 00:34:54,484 --> 00:34:59,179 So, the circles existed long before human circle making. 616 00:35:02,175 --> 00:35:05,677 Narrator: Some circle-makers not only report being compelled 617 00:35:05,771 --> 00:35:09,331 To create crop formations, but also claim to experience 618 00:35:09,349 --> 00:35:11,024 Other mental anomalies. 619 00:35:12,427 --> 00:35:13,685 Monique klinkenbergh 620 00:35:13,837 --> 00:35:16,929 Of the crop circle information and research centre 621 00:35:17,023 --> 00:35:21,860 Has personally experienced what are known as "time slips." 622 00:35:21,954 --> 00:35:24,346 Klinkenbergh: We have people losing track of time. 623 00:35:24,439 --> 00:35:26,272 It also happened to me once. 624 00:35:26,291 --> 00:35:29,534 It's very strange and, uh, you are just blown away. 625 00:35:30,462 --> 00:35:34,038 I was in a car driving towards an appointment, 626 00:35:34,191 --> 00:35:37,134 Regarding crop circles. 627 00:35:37,285 --> 00:35:39,285 And I remember 628 00:35:39,304 --> 00:35:41,120 Thinking, "oh, my god, I'm too late, 629 00:35:41,140 --> 00:35:42,472 I'm not gonna make it in time." 630 00:35:42,624 --> 00:35:45,124 The next thing I knew, 631 00:35:45,218 --> 00:35:47,702 I was on this parking lot. 632 00:35:47,795 --> 00:35:50,313 And I was very much in time. 633 00:35:51,558 --> 00:35:55,710 There is a theory that something out there 634 00:35:55,803 --> 00:35:57,637 Is interacting with our thoughts, 635 00:35:57,656 --> 00:36:02,567 So basically you can request or wish 636 00:36:02,719 --> 00:36:06,404 For a formation to happen and we did experiments with it 637 00:36:06,556 --> 00:36:10,816 And we have many, many reports of people thinking or discussing 638 00:36:10,911 --> 00:36:15,839 A certain thing and then it was manifested in the field. 639 00:36:19,586 --> 00:36:21,827 Narrator: Similar to the cymatic experiences 640 00:36:21,922 --> 00:36:23,905 Of ancient tribes in africa, 641 00:36:23,998 --> 00:36:26,499 And the mandalas of hinduism, 642 00:36:26,518 --> 00:36:29,835 Is it possible that otherworldly beings 643 00:36:29,930 --> 00:36:31,579 Are communicating with, 644 00:36:31,598 --> 00:36:34,006 And influencing humankind, 645 00:36:34,026 --> 00:36:37,194 Through the creation of crop circles? 646 00:36:37,345 --> 00:36:40,755 I've heard reports from some of the circle makers 647 00:36:40,774 --> 00:36:43,107 That they've created a whole crop circle, 648 00:36:43,202 --> 00:36:45,276 And they've gone back to check it out the next day 649 00:36:45,370 --> 00:36:47,278 And extra elements have even been added to it 650 00:36:47,431 --> 00:36:48,622 That none of them did. 651 00:36:50,024 --> 00:36:53,526 And so you have this strange kind of connection, uh, 652 00:36:53,620 --> 00:36:56,880 Like a human connection between the mysterious forces 653 00:36:57,107 --> 00:36:59,549 That may have made the original ones 654 00:36:59,776 --> 00:37:02,385 And the humans who are making them today. 655 00:37:03,613 --> 00:37:05,555 Narrator: Could there be a connection between 656 00:37:05,782 --> 00:37:09,392 Circle-makers and an extraterrestrial force? 657 00:37:09,619 --> 00:37:12,044 And is there direct communication, 658 00:37:12,064 --> 00:37:14,731 On a subconscious level, that is guiding 659 00:37:14,882 --> 00:37:19,051 The designs and execution of these elaborate formations? 660 00:37:19,071 --> 00:37:22,388 Newman: One of the things was the makers would have 661 00:37:22,407 --> 00:37:25,725 Visionary experiences like when they were going out 662 00:37:25,744 --> 00:37:26,484 In the fields and they would change 663 00:37:26,636 --> 00:37:29,061 Their plans in the moment. 664 00:37:29,081 --> 00:37:31,564 And sometimes, they would even turn up 665 00:37:31,658 --> 00:37:34,325 At a crop circle location where they planned to make one 666 00:37:34,478 --> 00:37:35,827 And something had already been created there 667 00:37:35,921 --> 00:37:37,403 Before they got there. 668 00:37:37,422 --> 00:37:40,315 Collins: Are the crop circle makers, 669 00:37:40,333 --> 00:37:43,334 The people who create many of the formations, 670 00:37:43,487 --> 00:37:46,821 Are they themselves inspired 671 00:37:46,840 --> 00:37:48,490 To create what they do? 672 00:37:48,583 --> 00:37:50,658 I think the answer is yes. 673 00:37:51,919 --> 00:37:54,437 Narrator: Could it be that the most shocking revelation 674 00:37:54,664 --> 00:37:56,831 Regarding the crop circle phenomenon 675 00:37:56,924 --> 00:37:58,850 Is that even formations known 676 00:37:58,944 --> 00:38:03,596 To be man-made contain an extraterrestrial message? 677 00:38:03,615 --> 00:38:06,432 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 678 00:38:06,451 --> 00:38:11,195 And point to recent disclosures involving ufos 679 00:38:11,290 --> 00:38:13,373 And the u.S. Government. 680 00:38:24,970 --> 00:38:27,362 Narrator: Near an old british royal air force base 681 00:38:27,455 --> 00:38:29,789 In the small hamlet of temple balsall, 682 00:38:29,883 --> 00:38:33,217 An intricate crop circle appears, 683 00:38:33,370 --> 00:38:35,127 Featuring an eight- and 16-pointed star 684 00:38:35,147 --> 00:38:37,889 Around a central sun, 685 00:38:38,041 --> 00:38:40,650 Alongside pyramids and oval-shaped "helmets." 686 00:38:41,878 --> 00:38:44,988 Curiously, as researchers attempt to investigate 687 00:38:45,215 --> 00:38:47,899 The formation, they are prevented from doing so 688 00:38:47,993 --> 00:38:52,162 By the authorities, leading many to question why. 689 00:38:52,389 --> 00:38:55,573 Nick pope: A lot of people can't help but wonder whether the government 690 00:38:55,667 --> 00:38:59,151 And the military were as curious as everyone else. 691 00:38:59,171 --> 00:39:01,245 There has been some british government 692 00:39:01,398 --> 00:39:04,156 Interest and activity on this. 693 00:39:04,176 --> 00:39:07,510 Questions were formally asked 694 00:39:07,662 --> 00:39:09,846 In the british parliament about this. 695 00:39:10,073 --> 00:39:11,514 Klinkenbergh: What I do know for a fact, 696 00:39:11,741 --> 00:39:15,668 That I've once been contacted by someone 697 00:39:15,687 --> 00:39:20,248 Who said he was from the mi6 and he wanted to speak to me. 698 00:39:20,341 --> 00:39:22,600 But I had to come on my own, 699 00:39:22,694 --> 00:39:24,694 And it had to be under the chatham house rule. 700 00:39:24,846 --> 00:39:28,756 That's meaning you have to keep all the information inside. 701 00:39:28,775 --> 00:39:31,183 And that's the opposite of what I want. 702 00:39:31,203 --> 00:39:34,262 I wanted transparency, so I declined. 703 00:39:34,280 --> 00:39:37,189 But it makes you think, why should a government 704 00:39:37,209 --> 00:39:39,667 Want to talk to me about crop circles? 705 00:39:40,879 --> 00:39:42,379 I just don't know. 706 00:39:44,031 --> 00:39:46,866 Childress: Many of the crop circles in England are happening 707 00:39:46,960 --> 00:39:48,943 Near the salisbury plain, 708 00:39:49,036 --> 00:39:51,946 Which is a big military area. 709 00:39:52,039 --> 00:39:55,450 So, that is curious in itself. 710 00:39:55,543 --> 00:39:58,395 The high concentration of crop circles 711 00:39:58,622 --> 00:40:01,623 Is very close to a military base. 712 00:40:01,716 --> 00:40:05,068 Henry: It's very conceivable that in fact it's the british government 713 00:40:05,219 --> 00:40:08,146 That is involved in making the man-made crop circles 714 00:40:08,298 --> 00:40:13,076 As a way to return the messages that are coming from the stars. 715 00:40:14,971 --> 00:40:16,654 Narrator: For more than 60 years, 716 00:40:16,748 --> 00:40:19,323 Crop circles have made headlines around the world. 717 00:40:19,418 --> 00:40:24,145 And during that time, the united states, England, 718 00:40:24,164 --> 00:40:26,497 And other governments have either ignored it 719 00:40:26,650 --> 00:40:28,574 Or dismissed crop circles 720 00:40:28,593 --> 00:40:32,077 As nothing more than elaborate hoaxes. 721 00:40:32,097 --> 00:40:34,322 But like with the u.S. Government's leaked 722 00:40:34,340 --> 00:40:38,601 Investigation into uap activity in 2017, 723 00:40:38,753 --> 00:40:41,754 Could a similar disclosure concerning crop circles 724 00:40:41,773 --> 00:40:43,773 Be on the horizon? 725 00:40:46,169 --> 00:40:47,685 Childress: With crop circles, 726 00:40:47,837 --> 00:40:51,096 There has been always this indication of... 727 00:40:51,191 --> 00:40:53,950 Ufo or uap activity. 728 00:40:55,345 --> 00:40:57,937 People are seeing lights, they're seeing perhaps 729 00:40:58,031 --> 00:41:02,200 Flying saucers and other things flying around in this area. 730 00:41:02,352 --> 00:41:05,778 And perhaps with disclosure, we'll eventually 731 00:41:05,797 --> 00:41:08,539 Be told and we'll find an answer 732 00:41:08,692 --> 00:41:11,301 Of why all these crop circles are occurring. 733 00:41:11,786 --> 00:41:14,787 Henry: What I think we're seeing in the crop circles 734 00:41:14,881 --> 00:41:16,698 Is a calling card. 735 00:41:16,716 --> 00:41:18,366 It's a message from a higher 736 00:41:18,384 --> 00:41:21,961 Intelligence that's asking us to crack the code. 737 00:41:22,055 --> 00:41:24,388 And as we crack the code, we're gonna undoubtedly develop 738 00:41:24,483 --> 00:41:27,650 New technologies and new abilities to communicate. 739 00:41:27,877 --> 00:41:30,545 Not just between ourselves, but also with 740 00:41:30,638 --> 00:41:32,280 These higher intelligences. 741 00:41:34,326 --> 00:41:36,993 Narrator: Is it possible that many of the crop circles 742 00:41:37,220 --> 00:41:39,329 Found around the world contain important messages 743 00:41:39,480 --> 00:41:43,333 Left by extraterrestrial visitors? 744 00:41:43,560 --> 00:41:46,410 Are they attempting to communicate 745 00:41:46,563 --> 00:41:49,488 Critical warnings about the future, 746 00:41:49,508 --> 00:41:53,084 Profound truths about the cosmos, 747 00:41:53,178 --> 00:41:57,588 And the keys to incredible new technologies? 748 00:41:57,741 --> 00:42:00,591 Perhaps as more formations are deciphered, 749 00:42:00,744 --> 00:42:03,836 We will continue to move closer to a reconnection 750 00:42:03,930 --> 00:42:05,855 With our alien ancestors. 751 00:42:06,007 --> 00:42:07,649 Captioning provided by a+e networks