1 00:00:02,228 --> 00:00:03,243 Narrator: Mysterious encounters 2 00:00:03,337 --> 00:00:05,229 Reported in the same locations 3 00:00:05,247 --> 00:00:06,897 For thousands of years. 4 00:00:06,915 --> 00:00:09,174 Giorgio tsoukalos: In delphi, you see 5 00:00:09,401 --> 00:00:12,160 Aerial phenomena that can be traced back 6 00:00:12,179 --> 00:00:15,072 All the way to ancient times. 7 00:00:15,165 --> 00:00:18,166 Narrator: Places where mass ufo sightings 8 00:00:18,185 --> 00:00:20,001 Are a common occurrence. 9 00:00:20,095 --> 00:00:21,669 William henry: The hudson valley 10 00:00:21,689 --> 00:00:24,857 Exploded with sightings of ufos. 11 00:00:25,008 --> 00:00:28,418 Philip imbrogno: We're not talking about one or two people seeing something. 12 00:00:28,512 --> 00:00:31,271 The number of witnesses go into the thousands. 13 00:00:31,423 --> 00:00:34,516 Narrator: Areas known for even stranger 14 00:00:34,610 --> 00:00:37,094 And often disturbing phenomena. 15 00:00:37,112 --> 00:00:39,020 Skinwalker ranch is a place 16 00:00:39,114 --> 00:00:42,282 That produces anomalous lights, 17 00:00:42,376 --> 00:00:44,025 We have cow mutilations, 18 00:00:44,119 --> 00:00:46,027 Portals opening up, 19 00:00:46,047 --> 00:00:49,106 Giant wolves coming out of these portals. 20 00:00:49,124 --> 00:00:52,033 Narrator: Could so-called ufo hot spots 21 00:00:52,127 --> 00:00:54,869 Reveal important clues about 22 00:00:54,963 --> 00:00:56,704 An alien presence on earth? 23 00:00:56,724 --> 00:00:59,633 Nick pope: I think these hot spots 24 00:00:59,727 --> 00:01:01,618 Are hugely significant 25 00:01:01,711 --> 00:01:04,521 For our understanding of ufos. 26 00:01:06,975 --> 00:01:09,068 Narrator: There is a doorway 27 00:01:09,219 --> 00:01:12,053 In the universe. 28 00:01:12,073 --> 00:01:14,907 Beyond it is the promise of truth. 29 00:01:16,635 --> 00:01:18,652 It demands we question everything 30 00:01:18,804 --> 00:01:20,987 We have ever been taught. 31 00:01:21,082 --> 00:01:25,309 The evidence is all around us. 32 00:01:25,327 --> 00:01:28,736 The future is right before our eyes. 33 00:01:28,831 --> 00:01:31,406 We are not alone. 34 00:01:31,500 --> 00:01:34,885 We have never been alone. 35 00:01:42,678 --> 00:01:46,939 San diego. July 15, 2019. 36 00:01:48,334 --> 00:01:49,942 In the middle of an otherwise peaceful night, 37 00:01:50,169 --> 00:01:54,429 The uss omaha combat information center 38 00:01:54,523 --> 00:01:56,115 Records an astonishing event 39 00:01:56,342 --> 00:01:58,433 Off the coast of southern california. 40 00:01:58,452 --> 00:02:02,012 An unidentified, oval-shaped craft 41 00:02:02,030 --> 00:02:04,681 Is witnessed performing mysterious maneuvers 42 00:02:04,700 --> 00:02:09,035 In restricted airspace around a u.S. Navy destroyer. 43 00:02:09,188 --> 00:02:11,296 It is an amazing piece of footage 44 00:02:11,523 --> 00:02:14,299 Showing a ufo hovering over the sea. 45 00:02:17,454 --> 00:02:19,388 Pope: And then, apparently, descending into the ocean. 46 00:02:22,143 --> 00:02:25,126 Narrator: When the footage is leaked to the public 47 00:02:25,146 --> 00:02:28,981 By investigative filmmaker jeremy corbell two years later, 48 00:02:29,132 --> 00:02:32,943 Its authenticity is quickly confirmed by the pentagon. 49 00:02:34,488 --> 00:02:36,380 Jeremy corbell: I knew that it would strike a chord. 50 00:02:36,398 --> 00:02:37,881 You can see the structure 51 00:02:37,974 --> 00:02:39,741 Of the craft being oval or circular. 52 00:02:41,311 --> 00:02:43,887 You can see that it doesn't have these plumes of exhaust 53 00:02:43,980 --> 00:02:46,223 Or heat trails or any traditional propulsion. 54 00:02:46,316 --> 00:02:48,909 What you're seeing is a technology 55 00:02:49,061 --> 00:02:51,003 That is so far advanced 56 00:02:51,154 --> 00:02:53,154 From anything that we have ever created 57 00:02:53,248 --> 00:02:55,007 Or shown in the theater of war, 58 00:02:55,234 --> 00:02:57,259 Which is where we show our greatest technologies. 59 00:02:58,846 --> 00:03:01,180 Narrator: The strange incident was more than intriguing 60 00:03:01,407 --> 00:03:03,590 To ufo researchers, 61 00:03:03,684 --> 00:03:05,517 Not only because of how the craft maneuvered, 62 00:03:05,744 --> 00:03:09,646 But also because of the area where it appeared. 63 00:03:11,266 --> 00:03:13,841 Andrew collins: Off the coast of san diego in california 64 00:03:13,861 --> 00:03:17,529 Is somewhere that ufos or uaps 65 00:03:17,756 --> 00:03:21,091 Have been appearing regularly for decades. 66 00:03:21,184 --> 00:03:23,851 Narrator: Since 1995, 67 00:03:23,871 --> 00:03:26,263 More than 1,000 ufo sightings 68 00:03:26,281 --> 00:03:29,208 Have been reported in the san diego area. 69 00:03:29,359 --> 00:03:32,936 Ralph blumenthal: All these reports of sightings were not just made up. 70 00:03:32,955 --> 00:03:34,046 They can be photographed. 71 00:03:35,290 --> 00:03:36,364 There's something up there, 72 00:03:36,383 --> 00:03:38,032 And sometimes down in the water, 73 00:03:38,052 --> 00:03:39,551 That no one understands. 74 00:03:41,780 --> 00:03:43,113 More and more, the military 75 00:03:43,206 --> 00:03:45,799 Is acknowledging that it's interested, 76 00:03:45,893 --> 00:03:49,953 Giving credibility to the fact that these things exist. 77 00:03:50,046 --> 00:03:54,048 Bill birnes: When you realize that the san diego naval base 78 00:03:54,068 --> 00:03:57,069 Is one of the most restricted naval bases, 79 00:03:57,220 --> 00:04:00,388 Restricted areas, in the country, 80 00:04:00,482 --> 00:04:04,534 Ufos are flying back and forth over the ships, over the base. 81 00:04:05,804 --> 00:04:08,138 Narrator: The number of ufo reports 82 00:04:08,156 --> 00:04:11,899 Occurring in san diego may appear quite significant. 83 00:04:11,994 --> 00:04:14,644 However, it is just one 84 00:04:14,663 --> 00:04:17,405 Of several locations around the globe 85 00:04:17,424 --> 00:04:19,649 Where similar incidents are often reported 86 00:04:19,668 --> 00:04:21,426 And documented. 87 00:04:22,763 --> 00:04:26,598 Locations that have come to be known as ufo hot spots. 88 00:04:26,750 --> 00:04:29,843 A ufo hot spot is a physical space 89 00:04:29,937 --> 00:04:34,439 Where sightings of unusual aerial phenomena are common. 90 00:04:36,018 --> 00:04:40,687 There's usually a perceivable unusual energy at the site. 91 00:04:40,781 --> 00:04:44,074 There's been a long history of sightings at these places. 92 00:04:45,602 --> 00:04:50,122 Collins: Ufo hot spots are places where ufos occur 93 00:04:50,349 --> 00:04:55,460 Not just across a few years but across decades. 94 00:04:55,687 --> 00:04:58,038 And of course the question becomes, 95 00:04:58,190 --> 00:05:00,190 You know, why are these places so important? 96 00:05:00,283 --> 00:05:04,361 Why is it that ufos can appear at them 97 00:05:04,379 --> 00:05:06,722 More frequently than anywhere else? 98 00:05:08,642 --> 00:05:12,536 Imbrogno: One well-known hot spot in the united states 99 00:05:12,629 --> 00:05:16,056 Is the hudson valley in new york state. 100 00:05:16,150 --> 00:05:19,709 Here, we not only have dozens of witnesses, 101 00:05:19,728 --> 00:05:21,469 But over a period of years, 102 00:05:21,563 --> 00:05:24,156 We have thousands of witnesses. 103 00:05:25,884 --> 00:05:29,219 Craig campobasso: Marfa is this mountain range 104 00:05:29,237 --> 00:05:30,978 In texas, 105 00:05:30,998 --> 00:05:34,833 And it's these strange anomalous lights 106 00:05:35,060 --> 00:05:38,003 That nobody has ever been able to figure out. 107 00:05:39,231 --> 00:05:41,823 It's such a hot spot 108 00:05:41,842 --> 00:05:44,901 That the actual state of texas 109 00:05:44,920 --> 00:05:47,571 Built a viewing station 110 00:05:47,664 --> 00:05:50,331 Where people can stop and rest 111 00:05:50,425 --> 00:05:52,934 And watch the marfa lights at night. 112 00:05:54,596 --> 00:05:56,246 Henry: The bermuda triangle 113 00:05:56,339 --> 00:05:59,749 Is also a well-known hot spot as well. 114 00:05:59,843 --> 00:06:02,752 Wiltshire, England is another. 115 00:06:02,846 --> 00:06:06,423 Sedona has become a very popular hot spot. 116 00:06:06,441 --> 00:06:09,534 And skinwalker ranch in northern utah 117 00:06:09,761 --> 00:06:12,112 Is an outstanding example of a hot spot. 118 00:06:12,264 --> 00:06:15,540 Native americans have said for centuries 119 00:06:15,692 --> 00:06:17,283 That this is a place where supernatural 120 00:06:17,436 --> 00:06:19,452 Ufo activity occurs. 121 00:06:19,546 --> 00:06:22,439 It seems that a large proportion 122 00:06:22,457 --> 00:06:25,125 Of sightings of ufos or uaps 123 00:06:25,219 --> 00:06:28,220 In the modern world do take place at-at hot spots. 124 00:06:29,723 --> 00:06:32,298 Narrator: The perception of so-called ufo hot spots 125 00:06:32,393 --> 00:06:34,467 Emerged in the aftermath 126 00:06:34,561 --> 00:06:37,562 Of two of the most highly publicized ufo incidents 127 00:06:37,714 --> 00:06:40,047 In u.S. History, which both took place 128 00:06:40,067 --> 00:06:42,526 In 1947. 129 00:06:45,572 --> 00:06:49,132 On June 27, near mount rainier in washington state, 130 00:06:49,151 --> 00:06:52,152 Pilot kenneth arnold reported seeing 131 00:06:52,246 --> 00:06:53,895 Nine saucer-shaped craft 132 00:06:53,989 --> 00:06:56,081 Flying in a coordinated pattern 133 00:06:56,232 --> 00:06:59,876 At a speed of approximately 1,200 miles per hour. 134 00:07:02,589 --> 00:07:05,573 Just one month later, the infamous report 135 00:07:05,667 --> 00:07:07,984 Of a ufo crash took place 136 00:07:08,003 --> 00:07:09,928 In roswell, new mexico. 137 00:07:11,657 --> 00:07:14,582 Linda moulton howe: The July 8, 138 00:07:14,601 --> 00:07:17,343 1947, headline 139 00:07:17,438 --> 00:07:19,396 Went around the world. 140 00:07:21,108 --> 00:07:23,016 In the roswell daily record, 141 00:07:23,110 --> 00:07:25,593 "flying saucer crashes 142 00:07:25,612 --> 00:07:28,864 Into a pasture near roswell." 143 00:07:30,451 --> 00:07:33,009 You start looking at the timeline, 144 00:07:33,102 --> 00:07:35,954 And what was happening through 1947 145 00:07:36,181 --> 00:07:38,348 And beyond. 146 00:07:38,366 --> 00:07:39,791 Our government, 147 00:07:39,943 --> 00:07:42,535 And other governments, were developing 148 00:07:42,629 --> 00:07:45,188 Gigantic, huge storage 149 00:07:45,281 --> 00:07:47,707 And files and folders and departments 150 00:07:47,859 --> 00:07:50,117 That were dedicated to the secret study 151 00:07:50,137 --> 00:07:53,763 Of ufos and ets on our planet. 152 00:07:57,219 --> 00:07:59,369 Narrator: Over the next two decades, 153 00:07:59,462 --> 00:08:01,462 Thousands of additional ufo sightings 154 00:08:01,556 --> 00:08:03,556 Were reported around the world, 155 00:08:03,650 --> 00:08:05,875 Prompting the u.S. Government 156 00:08:05,969 --> 00:08:08,487 To launch an investigation into the phenomenon. 157 00:08:08,638 --> 00:08:12,232 The study was given the code name "project blue book," 158 00:08:12,326 --> 00:08:16,236 And while the program's official findings were not definitive, 159 00:08:16,388 --> 00:08:20,073 A startling trend appeared in the data. 160 00:08:20,225 --> 00:08:22,334 Mike ricksecker: The renowned j. Allen hynek, 161 00:08:22,485 --> 00:08:24,394 Of project blue book fame, 162 00:08:24,412 --> 00:08:27,413 Wrote there's a statistical analysis 163 00:08:27,508 --> 00:08:31,251 That showed when and where these occurrences happened, 164 00:08:31,345 --> 00:08:33,494 And a pattern started to emerge, 165 00:08:33,514 --> 00:08:35,405 Such as ufo sightings, 166 00:08:35,498 --> 00:08:38,016 Lights in the sky, anomalous activity, 167 00:08:38,243 --> 00:08:40,352 In the american southwest, the northeast, 168 00:08:40,579 --> 00:08:42,837 The mississippi valley, and ufo researchers 169 00:08:42,931 --> 00:08:44,189 Took notice of this 170 00:08:44,416 --> 00:08:45,506 And began to flock to those areas 171 00:08:45,600 --> 00:08:47,025 To conduct their research. 172 00:08:48,344 --> 00:08:50,603 Researchers in the '50s and the '60s, 173 00:08:50,697 --> 00:08:52,756 They went back through the data, 174 00:08:52,774 --> 00:08:55,275 And sometimes, literally, they would get out 175 00:08:55,427 --> 00:08:58,595 A map, and x marks the spot. 176 00:08:58,613 --> 00:09:00,705 And then they would notice, 177 00:09:00,932 --> 00:09:03,616 Wait a minute, there are these clusters, 178 00:09:03,710 --> 00:09:06,119 These strange hot spots. 179 00:09:06,213 --> 00:09:09,214 Areas where these events 180 00:09:09,441 --> 00:09:12,125 Seem-seem to pile up 181 00:09:12,277 --> 00:09:13,677 For no apparent reason. 182 00:09:15,371 --> 00:09:17,204 Birnes: What researchers realized 183 00:09:17,299 --> 00:09:20,116 Was that 60% to 70% 184 00:09:20,135 --> 00:09:22,043 Of ufo sightings in america, 185 00:09:22,062 --> 00:09:24,470 Turn up in the same spots over and over again. 186 00:09:24,565 --> 00:09:26,790 And they realized 187 00:09:26,883 --> 00:09:29,550 That there was something about those spots 188 00:09:29,570 --> 00:09:31,795 That was drawing ufo. 189 00:09:31,813 --> 00:09:34,297 Ricksecker: If we're trying to solve a mystery, 190 00:09:34,316 --> 00:09:37,558 You want to go to a location that has the most clues. 191 00:09:37,578 --> 00:09:39,744 And these are the locations that could have the clues 192 00:09:39,896 --> 00:09:42,972 To connect our ancient past to our modern reality, 193 00:09:43,066 --> 00:09:44,708 And perhaps give us the answers we're seeking. 194 00:09:46,478 --> 00:09:49,312 Narrator: Could there really be certain locations on earth 195 00:09:49,405 --> 00:09:52,148 That attract extraterrestrial visitors, 196 00:09:52,241 --> 00:09:54,509 As ancient astronaut theorists suggest? 197 00:09:56,263 --> 00:09:58,504 Perhaps further clues can be found 198 00:09:58,657 --> 00:10:02,342 By examining what reportedly took place at one such location, 199 00:10:02,494 --> 00:10:04,327 Not in modern times, 200 00:10:04,420 --> 00:10:07,522 But thousands of years ago in israel. 201 00:10:14,172 --> 00:10:17,282 Narrator: October, 2000. 202 00:10:18,693 --> 00:10:21,102 While building a road just east of the city, 203 00:10:21,121 --> 00:10:23,771 A construction crew discovers the entrance 204 00:10:23,790 --> 00:10:26,683 To an ancient limestone cave dwelling. 205 00:10:26,701 --> 00:10:29,535 Archaeologists soon begin 206 00:10:29,688 --> 00:10:32,038 Excavating the site, known as the qesem cave, 207 00:10:32,190 --> 00:10:34,524 And are shocked to determine 208 00:10:34,542 --> 00:10:38,803 That it was inhabited by human beings 400,000 years ago. 209 00:10:41,290 --> 00:10:43,533 Collins: What archaeologists found 210 00:10:43,626 --> 00:10:45,885 Was a time capsule of human activity 211 00:10:45,979 --> 00:10:49,296 From around 400,000 years ago, 212 00:10:49,316 --> 00:10:51,891 Down to about 200,000 years ago. 213 00:10:51,985 --> 00:10:55,654 And when they started to investigate the cave, 214 00:10:55,881 --> 00:10:58,231 They realized that the so-called qesem people 215 00:10:58,383 --> 00:11:02,402 Were practicing shamanism at this early stage. 216 00:11:02,554 --> 00:11:06,406 Narrator: Evidence from the cave shows that the qesem people 217 00:11:06,500 --> 00:11:09,984 Had skills considered impossible for that time, 218 00:11:10,003 --> 00:11:13,897 Including the ability to make and use fire at will, 219 00:11:13,915 --> 00:11:16,490 Craft stone tools 220 00:11:16,584 --> 00:11:18,843 And even preserve food. 221 00:11:20,329 --> 00:11:22,681 But why did early humans with such advanced abilities 222 00:11:22,908 --> 00:11:26,000 Choose to inhabit this particular cave, 223 00:11:26,019 --> 00:11:30,188 And live there for more than 200,000 years? 224 00:11:30,339 --> 00:11:33,841 Ancient astronaut theorists believe the answer may lie 225 00:11:33,860 --> 00:11:35,694 In the fact that the qesem cave 226 00:11:35,921 --> 00:11:38,512 Sits in the shadow of mount gerizim, 227 00:11:38,532 --> 00:11:40,681 Where mysterious aerial phenomena 228 00:11:40,701 --> 00:11:43,493 Have been reported for thousands of years. 229 00:11:45,430 --> 00:11:47,521 Newman: Mount gerizim in israel 230 00:11:47,541 --> 00:11:50,783 Was considered the original dwelling place of god 231 00:11:50,936 --> 00:11:52,877 In the old hebrew bible. 232 00:11:54,715 --> 00:11:58,107 And god's presence would take the form of a shekinah, 233 00:11:58,201 --> 00:11:59,718 Or some kind of bright light 234 00:11:59,869 --> 00:12:02,053 That would emanate from this mountain. 235 00:12:03,223 --> 00:12:05,965 The earliest biblical patriarchs 236 00:12:06,117 --> 00:12:07,800 Came to this mountain, 237 00:12:07,953 --> 00:12:11,730 And had visions of the blinding lights, 238 00:12:11,957 --> 00:12:14,733 What we'd call ufos or uaps today. 239 00:12:16,903 --> 00:12:18,552 Mount gerizim has been a hot spot 240 00:12:18,572 --> 00:12:20,071 Where mysterious lights appear 241 00:12:20,223 --> 00:12:22,240 Both in modern times and historically. 242 00:12:23,635 --> 00:12:25,818 For example, in the 1720s an english cleric 243 00:12:25,971 --> 00:12:27,470 By the name of thomas shore 244 00:12:27,489 --> 00:12:29,655 Was exploring the vicinity of mount gerizim, 245 00:12:29,808 --> 00:12:31,975 And he and his team saw this 246 00:12:32,068 --> 00:12:34,994 Incredible light phenomena around the mountain. 247 00:12:35,146 --> 00:12:37,663 Collins: He referred to it as "ignis fatuus," 248 00:12:37,758 --> 00:12:40,074 Which means, "the foolish fire." 249 00:12:40,168 --> 00:12:42,927 And he observed this for hours, 250 00:12:43,079 --> 00:12:47,098 Changing different forms, coming forward, going backwards. 251 00:12:47,325 --> 00:12:49,008 Narrator: Thomas shore's encounter at mount gerizim 252 00:12:49,160 --> 00:12:50,827 Is just one of many 253 00:12:50,845 --> 00:12:52,996 That have been reported over the centuries, 254 00:12:53,014 --> 00:12:56,332 Including sightings in modern times. 255 00:12:56,425 --> 00:12:58,259 Collins: An english journalist 256 00:12:58,278 --> 00:13:00,094 By the name of wilkins 257 00:13:00,113 --> 00:13:03,764 Wrote a book entitled flying saucers uncensored. 258 00:13:03,784 --> 00:13:07,176 And this talks about a group of bedouin 259 00:13:07,270 --> 00:13:11,030 In the vicinity of mount gerizim in the 1950s, 260 00:13:11,124 --> 00:13:13,533 Encountering this strange object 261 00:13:13,627 --> 00:13:16,352 Which was interpreted 262 00:13:16,445 --> 00:13:19,255 In terms of a flying saucer. 263 00:13:20,616 --> 00:13:24,118 Wanting to confirm that ufos are still seen 264 00:13:24,212 --> 00:13:26,863 In the area of mount gerizim today, 265 00:13:26,881 --> 00:13:28,956 I climbed the mountain, 266 00:13:28,975 --> 00:13:33,144 And I was able to speak with one of the highest-ranking priests 267 00:13:33,296 --> 00:13:37,223 Of the samaritan community who lived there to this day. 268 00:13:37,317 --> 00:13:40,393 And he was able to confirm that, 269 00:13:40,487 --> 00:13:44,572 Indeed, strange, mysterious lights are seen there. 270 00:13:46,642 --> 00:13:48,551 Narrator: Considering the long history 271 00:13:48,570 --> 00:13:51,721 Of strange lights being reported over mount gerizim, 272 00:13:51,739 --> 00:13:54,481 Is it possible that extraterrestrials 273 00:13:54,576 --> 00:13:56,483 Have been visiting the same locations 274 00:13:56,578 --> 00:13:58,169 For thousands of years? 275 00:13:59,655 --> 00:14:02,156 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 276 00:14:02,175 --> 00:14:06,736 And suggest that ufo hot spots can even help explain 277 00:14:06,754 --> 00:14:09,755 Several mysteries of the ancient past, 278 00:14:09,908 --> 00:14:11,999 Including why certain sites 279 00:14:12,018 --> 00:14:15,928 Are designated as places of spiritual worship, 280 00:14:16,081 --> 00:14:19,265 And why some of the most enigmatic temples 281 00:14:19,417 --> 00:14:22,435 And monuments in the world were created. 282 00:14:22,587 --> 00:14:25,012 Ricksecker: In ancient times, strange lights 283 00:14:25,031 --> 00:14:27,699 Were seen repeatedly in the same locations, 284 00:14:27,850 --> 00:14:31,427 And in a number of cases, these areas were marked 285 00:14:31,446 --> 00:14:35,114 By some sort of monuments to memorialize 286 00:14:35,266 --> 00:14:38,209 These beings and these gods visiting the people. 287 00:14:39,454 --> 00:14:41,695 Tsoukalos: The reason why delphi, greece, 288 00:14:41,789 --> 00:14:43,623 Became a place of worship 289 00:14:43,775 --> 00:14:46,959 Is because local legends say 290 00:14:47,112 --> 00:14:50,204 That someone descended from the sky there 291 00:14:50,298 --> 00:14:52,965 And imparted knowledge. 292 00:14:53,118 --> 00:14:54,800 Now, in my opinion, 293 00:14:54,895 --> 00:14:58,621 You would not build something of that scale 294 00:14:58,714 --> 00:15:01,065 If it really didn't happen. 295 00:15:01,217 --> 00:15:03,476 And in the area of delphi, 296 00:15:03,628 --> 00:15:06,053 To this day, you see aerial phenomena 297 00:15:06,072 --> 00:15:07,980 That are very strange. 298 00:15:08,133 --> 00:15:10,557 Narrator: Much like delphi, 299 00:15:10,652 --> 00:15:12,911 The ancient site of stonehenge is a place 300 00:15:13,062 --> 00:15:16,730 Where ufos are frequently reported today. 301 00:15:16,750 --> 00:15:19,751 A photo of a disk-shaped object 302 00:15:19,978 --> 00:15:21,920 Hovering over the megalithic structure 303 00:15:22,071 --> 00:15:25,572 Was even included in a british ministry of defence file 304 00:15:25,592 --> 00:15:29,243 That was declassified in 2009. 305 00:15:29,262 --> 00:15:31,412 Stonehenge is a great example 306 00:15:31,431 --> 00:15:34,157 Of a ufo hot spot in England. 307 00:15:34,175 --> 00:15:36,100 Over the lifetime 308 00:15:36,252 --> 00:15:38,752 Of the ministry of defence's ufo project, 309 00:15:38,846 --> 00:15:41,773 There have probably been several hundred, 310 00:15:42,000 --> 00:15:44,108 If not low thousands, of sightings 311 00:15:44,260 --> 00:15:47,019 Recorded around stonehenge 312 00:15:47,172 --> 00:15:49,280 In the county of wiltshire. 313 00:15:51,342 --> 00:15:53,192 Narrator: Ancient native american sites 314 00:15:53,344 --> 00:15:55,769 Where petroglyphs depict strange beings 315 00:15:55,863 --> 00:15:58,347 Often identified as "star ancestors," 316 00:15:58,441 --> 00:16:02,852 Have also become ufo hot spots in modern times. 317 00:16:02,870 --> 00:16:05,855 David childress: Rock art at these ancient sites 318 00:16:05,948 --> 00:16:10,284 Depicts a multitude of strange beings, 319 00:16:10,378 --> 00:16:13,287 Large eyes, elongated heads, 320 00:16:13,306 --> 00:16:17,475 Often looking like some kind of extraterrestrial creation. 321 00:16:19,128 --> 00:16:22,796 And it would seem that these ancient sites 322 00:16:22,890 --> 00:16:27,986 Have been having ufo activity for thousands of years. 323 00:16:28,213 --> 00:16:33,324 And this ufo activity is continuing even today. 324 00:16:37,739 --> 00:16:42,000 Collins: One very good example is lake titicaca, 325 00:16:42,227 --> 00:16:44,727 On the borders between peru and bolivia. 326 00:16:44,746 --> 00:16:48,064 There's an island there 327 00:16:48,082 --> 00:16:50,508 By the name of the island of the sun, 328 00:16:50,735 --> 00:16:53,252 And this is well-known for strange lights 329 00:16:53,404 --> 00:16:54,762 Rising up out of it. 330 00:16:56,574 --> 00:16:58,257 They've been seen, uh, by locals, 331 00:16:58,351 --> 00:17:00,501 They've been seen by visitors. 332 00:17:00,520 --> 00:17:03,337 The island of the sun is also seen 333 00:17:03,356 --> 00:17:05,598 As the point of creation 334 00:17:05,692 --> 00:17:10,194 By the local aymara and quechua peoples of the region, 335 00:17:10,346 --> 00:17:14,106 And what they say is that the sun 336 00:17:14,259 --> 00:17:17,035 Rose up out of that island, into the air. 337 00:17:18,946 --> 00:17:21,597 Birnes: There are ancient hot spots that are modern hot spots, 338 00:17:21,616 --> 00:17:23,766 And when you draw a map 339 00:17:23,859 --> 00:17:27,270 Of all the hot spots around the world, 340 00:17:27,363 --> 00:17:29,455 What you find is that the ancients 341 00:17:29,549 --> 00:17:31,957 And the moderns are the same. 342 00:17:32,110 --> 00:17:34,552 It never went away. 343 00:17:35,889 --> 00:17:38,723 Pope: Is there something about these sites 344 00:17:38,950 --> 00:17:41,559 That attracts ufos? 345 00:17:41,710 --> 00:17:44,228 It's maybe why the ancients built them 346 00:17:44,380 --> 00:17:46,564 In those locations in the first place. 347 00:17:48,902 --> 00:17:51,885 Narrator: Is it possible that mysterious ancient sites 348 00:17:51,905 --> 00:17:53,071 Such as mount gerizim, 349 00:17:53,298 --> 00:17:55,222 Stonehenge, 350 00:17:55,241 --> 00:17:56,799 Chaco canyon, 351 00:17:56,818 --> 00:17:58,467 And many others 352 00:17:58,486 --> 00:18:01,895 Offer evidence that extraterrestrials 353 00:18:01,915 --> 00:18:04,657 May have been visiting earth for thousands of years 354 00:18:04,809 --> 00:18:06,751 At very specific locations? 355 00:18:06,902 --> 00:18:09,087 If so, why? 356 00:18:10,406 --> 00:18:12,406 Ancient astronaut theorists believe 357 00:18:12,500 --> 00:18:13,907 That the answer may be found 358 00:18:13,927 --> 00:18:16,669 By looking not toward the sky, 359 00:18:16,763 --> 00:18:19,722 But deep underground. 360 00:18:28,499 --> 00:18:29,756 Narrator: Kent cliffs, new york, 361 00:18:29,776 --> 00:18:32,944 New year's eve, 1982. 362 00:18:34,280 --> 00:18:37,022 Shortly before midnight in this small town 363 00:18:37,175 --> 00:18:38,932 Just north of new york city, 364 00:18:39,026 --> 00:18:41,101 New year's eve revelers 365 00:18:41,195 --> 00:18:42,436 Are struck by the sight 366 00:18:42,455 --> 00:18:44,029 Of an unusual aircraft 367 00:18:44,182 --> 00:18:46,273 In the sky. 368 00:18:46,367 --> 00:18:49,794 The ship appears to be as large as a commercial jet, 369 00:18:49,945 --> 00:18:51,612 But has a v-shape, 370 00:18:51,631 --> 00:18:54,781 Moves slowly, and makes no sound. 371 00:18:54,801 --> 00:18:59,028 The incident is the first in a wave of ufo sightings 372 00:18:59,121 --> 00:19:01,213 That would shake the surrounding area, 373 00:19:01,366 --> 00:19:03,558 Known as the hudson valley. 374 00:19:04,869 --> 00:19:08,980 The hudson valley is your classic hot spot. 375 00:19:09,131 --> 00:19:13,967 Here, ufos appeared from 1983 to 1986, 376 00:19:13,987 --> 00:19:16,904 And was witnessed by thousands of people. 377 00:19:18,974 --> 00:19:21,717 A triangular, boomerang-shape object, 378 00:19:21,810 --> 00:19:24,829 Very well-lit, flew very low 379 00:19:25,056 --> 00:19:26,330 Over the community, 380 00:19:26,557 --> 00:19:30,984 And it was photographed, videotaped, 381 00:19:31,004 --> 00:19:34,079 And it was seen from people from all walks of life 382 00:19:34,232 --> 00:19:36,990 Who were sure they saw something strange 383 00:19:37,010 --> 00:19:39,343 That was not from this planet. 384 00:19:40,922 --> 00:19:44,164 This caused people to pull off the side of the road 385 00:19:44,184 --> 00:19:46,184 And actually start calling home, 386 00:19:46,411 --> 00:19:48,835 Thinking there was some type of an invasion. 387 00:19:48,855 --> 00:19:51,689 And they were executive doctors, 388 00:19:51,840 --> 00:19:55,008 Scientists and so on, meteorologists, 389 00:19:55,102 --> 00:19:56,527 And they all reported something 390 00:19:56,754 --> 00:19:58,103 That they have never seen before. 391 00:19:58,256 --> 00:20:00,773 Narrator: Over the span of three years, 392 00:20:00,867 --> 00:20:03,776 Officials received more than 9,000 reports 393 00:20:03,870 --> 00:20:07,705 From eyewitnesses describing the same, v-shaped craft. 394 00:20:09,191 --> 00:20:11,858 Not only was there a ufo sighting in hudson valley, 395 00:20:11,878 --> 00:20:16,005 But it came back night after night after night. 396 00:20:17,700 --> 00:20:21,034 Imbrogno: These are people who would not normally come forward 397 00:20:21,128 --> 00:20:23,387 To say that they saw a ufo. 398 00:20:34,400 --> 00:20:36,067 Imbrogno: Yet, what they saw 399 00:20:36,218 --> 00:20:38,903 Was so convincing and so frightening to them, 400 00:20:39,130 --> 00:20:43,466 That they went on record to report what they saw. 401 00:20:43,559 --> 00:20:45,076 I mean, it's just amazing. 402 00:20:47,062 --> 00:20:48,412 Narrator: During the two-year wave 403 00:20:48,564 --> 00:20:50,639 Of ufo sightings in the hudson valley, 404 00:20:50,658 --> 00:20:54,159 Author philip imbrogno investigated the area 405 00:20:54,312 --> 00:20:56,921 On behalf of the center for ufo studies, 406 00:20:57,148 --> 00:20:59,648 Which was founded by j. Allen hynek 407 00:20:59,667 --> 00:21:01,759 After his work with project blue book. 408 00:21:03,321 --> 00:21:05,504 Imbrogno conducted hundreds of interviews 409 00:21:05,656 --> 00:21:07,431 With residents of the area, 410 00:21:07,583 --> 00:21:10,101 And even witnessed the v-shaped craft himself. 411 00:21:11,587 --> 00:21:13,162 Imbrogno: This object, 412 00:21:13,255 --> 00:21:16,256 Whatever it was, the size of a football field, 413 00:21:16,276 --> 00:21:19,259 Came over the highways and hovered, 414 00:21:19,279 --> 00:21:23,930 And, at times, projected down a brilliant beam of white light. 415 00:21:23,950 --> 00:21:25,950 Usually, ufo researchers 416 00:21:26,177 --> 00:21:28,193 Don't see the ufo that they're investigating. 417 00:21:28,288 --> 00:21:30,454 I saw this object three times. 418 00:21:31,849 --> 00:21:33,791 So, it was amazing. 419 00:21:35,628 --> 00:21:38,779 Narrator: As imbrogno spent months crisscrossing the area, 420 00:21:38,798 --> 00:21:41,357 He noticed something curious: 421 00:21:41,375 --> 00:21:44,284 The volume of mysterious reports during this time 422 00:21:44,304 --> 00:21:47,471 Were not only focused on a strange craft in the sky, 423 00:21:47,623 --> 00:21:50,215 But also on bizarre sounds 424 00:21:50,368 --> 00:21:53,311 Coming from somewhere deep below ground. 425 00:21:56,541 --> 00:21:59,375 Henry: People start to wonder why are these hot spots 426 00:21:59,468 --> 00:22:01,060 Hot spots? 427 00:22:01,212 --> 00:22:03,062 And one explanation is that 428 00:22:03,214 --> 00:22:05,898 What is actually going on is underneath the ground. 429 00:22:06,050 --> 00:22:08,975 That these hot spots are in fact entrances 430 00:22:08,995 --> 00:22:12,330 To vast underground caverns, or even secret bases. 431 00:22:13,982 --> 00:22:16,909 Campobasso: In the hudson river there, especially in the '80s, 432 00:22:17,003 --> 00:22:18,669 I spoke to a few researchers, 433 00:22:18,821 --> 00:22:21,246 And they said that the locals used to hear things 434 00:22:21,399 --> 00:22:23,674 Coming up from underground, 435 00:22:23,901 --> 00:22:26,585 And they weren't really quite sure what it was, 436 00:22:26,679 --> 00:22:28,587 But they figured there was a base below ground. 437 00:22:28,681 --> 00:22:32,808 A military/alien base. 438 00:22:35,413 --> 00:22:36,929 Narrator: Arguably, the most famous sighting 439 00:22:37,023 --> 00:22:38,914 In the hudson valley hot spot 440 00:22:39,007 --> 00:22:41,007 Concerned beings from underground, 441 00:22:41,027 --> 00:22:42,843 As was the case 442 00:22:42,862 --> 00:22:45,921 With best-selling horror novelist whitley strieber, 443 00:22:46,014 --> 00:22:47,848 Who wrote about his own experience 444 00:22:47,942 --> 00:22:50,117 In his book, communion. 445 00:22:51,687 --> 00:22:54,113 Whitley strieber: My wife and I had bought a cabin 446 00:22:54,265 --> 00:22:57,449 In the western extreme edge of the whole hudson valley. 447 00:22:57,543 --> 00:23:01,194 And in December of 1985, 448 00:23:01,288 --> 00:23:05,274 I woke up in a room, not my bedroom, 449 00:23:05,367 --> 00:23:06,959 In the middle of the night, 450 00:23:07,053 --> 00:23:10,462 And the room was filled with two kinds of figures. 451 00:23:10,556 --> 00:23:13,465 These willowy figures with big black eyes, 452 00:23:13,618 --> 00:23:16,519 And dark blue short figures. 453 00:23:17,880 --> 00:23:20,064 Then I began to hear a voice say, 454 00:23:20,291 --> 00:23:22,566 "what can we do to help you stop screaming?" 455 00:23:22,793 --> 00:23:24,819 And I thought, "I'm screaming?" and I was screaming. 456 00:23:29,409 --> 00:23:31,817 And the next morning, I woke up 457 00:23:31,969 --> 00:23:34,319 Extremely confused and disturbed, 458 00:23:34,414 --> 00:23:37,415 Without any real understanding of what happened to me. 459 00:23:37,642 --> 00:23:40,251 Narrator: While many presume that streiber's 460 00:23:40,402 --> 00:23:43,403 Alien abductors descended from the skies, 461 00:23:43,497 --> 00:23:47,758 In fact, he described them as coming up from below, 462 00:23:47,910 --> 00:23:50,502 And their presence was marked by sounds 463 00:23:50,596 --> 00:23:52,263 Deep beneath his mountain cabin. 464 00:23:54,583 --> 00:23:56,600 Strieber: In the cabin, 465 00:23:56,752 --> 00:23:59,437 We used to hear drilling underground. 466 00:24:02,183 --> 00:24:04,349 And we could hear this taking place under the cabin. 467 00:24:04,444 --> 00:24:06,944 In fact, it was so loud one day, 468 00:24:07,095 --> 00:24:09,021 I was sitting with one of my neighbors 469 00:24:09,115 --> 00:24:11,840 And this sound kept coming up, 470 00:24:11,859 --> 00:24:13,692 And you could kind of feel it in your teeth. 471 00:24:13,844 --> 00:24:15,194 It was not pleasant. 472 00:24:15,288 --> 00:24:18,681 (low buzzing) 473 00:24:20,126 --> 00:24:23,461 Narrator: The idea that hot spots mark entrances to the underworld 474 00:24:23,688 --> 00:24:26,964 Is a phenomenon seen across the planet. 475 00:24:27,115 --> 00:24:28,023 Childress: This can be what's happening 476 00:24:28,042 --> 00:24:29,950 In, say, lake titicaca. 477 00:24:29,969 --> 00:24:32,044 And then you have other places like, say, 478 00:24:32,138 --> 00:24:34,029 Mount shasta, 479 00:24:34,122 --> 00:24:36,548 Or certain volcanoes in mexico, 480 00:24:36,642 --> 00:24:39,643 Where ufos are seen, and there's a lot of activity. 481 00:24:41,814 --> 00:24:43,314 Pope: Where do people allege 482 00:24:43,541 --> 00:24:46,208 That there are underground bases? 483 00:24:46,227 --> 00:24:47,876 Well, in new mexico, of course. 484 00:24:47,895 --> 00:24:50,070 And what do you have in new mexico? Roswell. 485 00:24:51,157 --> 00:24:54,049 And it's alleged that there is 486 00:24:54,068 --> 00:24:56,719 A secret underground base 487 00:24:56,812 --> 00:24:58,996 Off the coast of san diego. 488 00:25:00,166 --> 00:25:01,815 And, of course, that's the focus 489 00:25:01,834 --> 00:25:04,409 Of a lot of the modern ufo activity 490 00:25:04,562 --> 00:25:05,836 Involving the u.S. Navy. 491 00:25:07,915 --> 00:25:10,824 Narrator: Could the strange sounds reportedly emanating 492 00:25:10,918 --> 00:25:12,659 From beneath the hudson valley, 493 00:25:12,678 --> 00:25:16,238 And many other hot spots, be evidence 494 00:25:16,257 --> 00:25:19,908 Of hidden underground structures, as some speculate? 495 00:25:20,002 --> 00:25:22,520 Or might there be another explanation 496 00:25:22,671 --> 00:25:26,190 For these areas of high ufo activity? 497 00:25:26,417 --> 00:25:29,101 Perhaps further clues can be found 498 00:25:29,195 --> 00:25:31,086 By examining the power 499 00:25:31,179 --> 00:25:33,447 Of earth's magnetic field. 500 00:25:43,376 --> 00:25:46,602 Narrator: In this small town outside of paris, 501 00:25:46,620 --> 00:25:49,454 Numerous eyewitnesses report several mysterious 502 00:25:49,607 --> 00:25:51,774 Oval-shaped craft above the seine river, 503 00:25:51,792 --> 00:25:53,867 Traveling at great speeds 504 00:25:53,961 --> 00:25:56,887 Before suddenly vanishing into thin air. 505 00:25:58,373 --> 00:26:02,226 It is the first of more than 300 ufo incidents 506 00:26:02,453 --> 00:26:04,562 That would take place in France during the year. 507 00:26:05,731 --> 00:26:09,049 Journalist aimé michel begins studying 508 00:26:09,068 --> 00:26:11,569 The reported flight paths of many of these accounts, 509 00:26:11,720 --> 00:26:14,572 And makes an astonishing observation. 510 00:26:16,150 --> 00:26:18,467 Newman: All these ufo sightings appeared to move 511 00:26:18,485 --> 00:26:21,486 In dead straight lines, often crisscrossing. 512 00:26:21,639 --> 00:26:23,414 And as he kept getting reports coming in, 513 00:26:23,565 --> 00:26:25,065 And he kept plotting them, 514 00:26:25,084 --> 00:26:27,643 He kept finding the same system happening, 515 00:26:27,661 --> 00:26:30,421 The same lines, the same movements of these ufos. 516 00:26:31,999 --> 00:26:35,150 Narrator: In 1958, michel published his research 517 00:26:35,243 --> 00:26:39,171 In a book called flying saucers and the straight-line mystery. 518 00:26:40,582 --> 00:26:44,326 In the book, he introduced a principle he called orthoteny, 519 00:26:44,345 --> 00:26:46,753 Which held that clusters of ufo activity 520 00:26:46,847 --> 00:26:49,181 Over a short period of time 521 00:26:49,333 --> 00:26:52,735 Usually occur along straight lines that often intersect. 522 00:26:53,854 --> 00:26:55,354 Collins: What aimé michel 523 00:26:55,506 --> 00:26:57,114 Started to realize was 524 00:26:57,265 --> 00:26:58,782 That there seemed to be a pattern 525 00:26:58,934 --> 00:27:02,861 In where these objects were appearing, 526 00:27:03,013 --> 00:27:05,197 And also their flight paths. 527 00:27:05,349 --> 00:27:09,609 He saw that they actually use specific lanes, 528 00:27:09,703 --> 00:27:12,278 Which he felt were connected 529 00:27:12,298 --> 00:27:15,049 With the magnetic forces of the earth. 530 00:27:16,969 --> 00:27:21,287 Henry: He's noticing that these ufos are traveling in straight lines, 531 00:27:21,307 --> 00:27:23,641 Using latitudes, and that, in fact, 532 00:27:23,868 --> 00:27:27,202 This can be extrapolated into an entire grid 533 00:27:27,295 --> 00:27:29,563 That encapsulates the entire planet. 534 00:27:30,966 --> 00:27:33,150 Narrator: Is it possible that aimé michel 535 00:27:33,301 --> 00:27:35,653 Successfully identified a grid pattern 536 00:27:35,880 --> 00:27:39,214 Across the earth of highly magnetized regions 537 00:27:39,233 --> 00:27:42,409 That have come to be known as ufo hot spots? 538 00:27:43,904 --> 00:27:46,738 Ancient astronaut theorists believe that further clues 539 00:27:46,832 --> 00:27:51,168 Can be found by examining an area that has become notorious 540 00:27:51,319 --> 00:27:54,129 For mysterious phenomena and strange disappearances... 541 00:27:55,675 --> 00:27:57,490 The bermuda triangle. 542 00:27:57,584 --> 00:27:58,992 Tsoukalos: With the bermuda triangle, 543 00:27:59,086 --> 00:28:01,845 It is an irrefutable fact 544 00:28:01,997 --> 00:28:06,742 That planes and ships of various sizes 545 00:28:06,760 --> 00:28:09,812 Have disappeared without a trace. 546 00:28:11,023 --> 00:28:13,440 You also have ufo and uap stories. 547 00:28:15,528 --> 00:28:18,529 Narrator: In the last century, roughly 50 ships 548 00:28:18,680 --> 00:28:21,532 And 20 airplanes have vanished without a trace 549 00:28:21,759 --> 00:28:25,277 Within this infamous 500,000-square-mile stretch 550 00:28:25,429 --> 00:28:27,262 Of the atlantic ocean. 551 00:28:27,281 --> 00:28:29,707 According to scottish biologist 552 00:28:29,934 --> 00:28:32,951 And paranormal researcher ivan t. Sanderson, 553 00:28:33,103 --> 00:28:36,696 The bermuda triangle is just one of a strange 554 00:28:36,790 --> 00:28:39,124 And disturbing kind of ufo hot spot 555 00:28:39,276 --> 00:28:43,387 That he described as the world's 12 "vile vortices." 556 00:28:45,040 --> 00:28:48,133 He was able to identify, he believed, 557 00:28:48,285 --> 00:28:50,802 Certain spots like the bermuda triangle, 558 00:28:50,896 --> 00:28:52,212 The dragon's triangle, 559 00:28:52,231 --> 00:28:55,140 Places like the great pyramid, 560 00:28:55,234 --> 00:28:58,293 And other huge monument areas, 561 00:28:58,312 --> 00:29:00,479 And there was activity going on at these places, 562 00:29:00,631 --> 00:29:03,056 Disappearing ships and airplanes, 563 00:29:03,075 --> 00:29:04,983 Ufo activity, 564 00:29:05,077 --> 00:29:08,637 Lights and unusual phenomenon 565 00:29:08,655 --> 00:29:10,497 That were occurring constantly. 566 00:29:12,234 --> 00:29:15,252 Narrator: In his 1972 article entitled 567 00:29:15,403 --> 00:29:18,330 "the 12 devil's graveyards around the world," 568 00:29:18,424 --> 00:29:22,000 Sanderson mapped these sites at equidistant points 569 00:29:22,152 --> 00:29:23,910 Above and below the equator, 570 00:29:23,929 --> 00:29:26,171 And discovered they formed a mysterious 571 00:29:26,265 --> 00:29:30,434 Geometrical pattern on the earth's surface. 572 00:29:30,661 --> 00:29:32,919 Ricksecker: There are 12 of these across the globe. 573 00:29:32,938 --> 00:29:35,847 Now, five of them are within the tropic of cancer, 574 00:29:36,000 --> 00:29:38,350 Five of them within the tropic of capricorn, 575 00:29:38,444 --> 00:29:40,927 The other two, the north pole and the south pole. 576 00:29:40,946 --> 00:29:43,763 What's interesting is if you connect all of these 577 00:29:43,783 --> 00:29:45,524 Through the sphere of our globe, 578 00:29:45,618 --> 00:29:49,620 They make an icosagon, or a 20-sided polygon. 579 00:29:49,771 --> 00:29:52,030 So, this is showing us how all of these 580 00:29:52,182 --> 00:29:55,275 Type of hot spots are connected to each other. 581 00:29:55,369 --> 00:29:58,203 Narrator: The hot spot sites sanderson identified 582 00:29:58,297 --> 00:30:01,799 Share more than just a unique history and geometry. 583 00:30:03,285 --> 00:30:06,878 Many of these so-called vile vortices have strong 584 00:30:07,031 --> 00:30:09,714 Magnetic anomalies caused by variations or disturbances 585 00:30:09,809 --> 00:30:13,293 In the earth's magnetic field. 586 00:30:13,312 --> 00:30:15,704 If you take a look at the earth, 587 00:30:15,722 --> 00:30:17,981 The earth has a magnetic field like a bar magnet. 588 00:30:18,133 --> 00:30:21,301 The field of the magnetism 589 00:30:21,395 --> 00:30:24,546 Comes out from the north pole and goes into the south pole. 590 00:30:24,565 --> 00:30:27,065 It comes from the fact that inside the earth, 591 00:30:27,159 --> 00:30:29,326 There is churning electricity. 592 00:30:29,477 --> 00:30:33,055 And we now know that there are anomalies there. 593 00:30:33,148 --> 00:30:35,648 It's as if our entire earth 594 00:30:35,668 --> 00:30:37,984 Is one gigantic battery. 595 00:30:38,003 --> 00:30:39,895 And if one were to argue 596 00:30:39,913 --> 00:30:42,564 That the entire planet is a battery, 597 00:30:42,583 --> 00:30:44,490 Well, what's it used for? 598 00:30:44,510 --> 00:30:47,235 I think our planet could serve 599 00:30:47,254 --> 00:30:50,755 To power whatever exotic device 600 00:30:50,850 --> 00:30:55,519 Extraterrestrials use to get here and leave. 601 00:30:57,005 --> 00:30:59,764 Narrator: Incredibly, powerful magnetic anomalies 602 00:30:59,859 --> 00:31:02,918 Are found at many ufo hot spots, 603 00:31:03,011 --> 00:31:05,103 Including the san diego bay, 604 00:31:05,197 --> 00:31:07,105 The bermuda triangle, 605 00:31:07,199 --> 00:31:09,107 And the hudson valley. 606 00:31:09,201 --> 00:31:13,019 Perhaps a lot of this has to do with interstellar travel. 607 00:31:13,038 --> 00:31:15,430 Maybe these hot spots 608 00:31:15,449 --> 00:31:17,690 Are where they get that energy. 609 00:31:17,784 --> 00:31:20,544 Maybe the ufos can literally 610 00:31:20,695 --> 00:31:23,438 Suck up the power, 611 00:31:23,457 --> 00:31:27,533 The power that the ancients, for example, could sense 612 00:31:27,553 --> 00:31:29,720 When they built these monuments in the first place. 613 00:31:29,947 --> 00:31:32,297 Narrator: Are all ufo hot spots 614 00:31:32,449 --> 00:31:35,617 Part of a natural worldwide power grid? 615 00:31:35,636 --> 00:31:38,453 Could learning how to access the energy 616 00:31:38,472 --> 00:31:41,381 At these sites one day equip mankind 617 00:31:41,400 --> 00:31:45,068 With advanced extraterrestrial technology and capabilities? 618 00:31:46,238 --> 00:31:49,555 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 619 00:31:49,575 --> 00:31:51,967 And believe that extraterrestrials 620 00:31:52,060 --> 00:31:55,470 Are already using this electromagnetic energy, 621 00:31:55,489 --> 00:31:58,473 Not to travel to ufo hot spots, 622 00:31:58,566 --> 00:32:01,501 But possibly through them. 623 00:32:09,577 --> 00:32:11,345 Narrator: The uintah basin, utah. 624 00:32:12,990 --> 00:32:16,658 Skinwalker ranch is a 512-acre property 625 00:32:16,677 --> 00:32:18,584 Where, for more than two centuries, 626 00:32:18,679 --> 00:32:20,679 Mysterious and terrifying 627 00:32:20,773 --> 00:32:22,755 Phenomena have been reported, 628 00:32:22,775 --> 00:32:24,441 Including ufos, 629 00:32:24,592 --> 00:32:26,426 Cattle mutilations 630 00:32:26,520 --> 00:32:29,029 And otherworldly creatures. 631 00:32:31,525 --> 00:32:33,617 Skinwalker ranch in northern utah 632 00:32:33,844 --> 00:32:36,344 Is an outstanding example of a hot spot. 633 00:32:36,363 --> 00:32:38,288 It's one that is a crossover location 634 00:32:38,440 --> 00:32:42,125 Because native americans have said for centuries 635 00:32:42,352 --> 00:32:45,020 That this is a place where supernatural activity occurs, 636 00:32:45,038 --> 00:32:47,189 And it's still occurring today, and is now being 637 00:32:47,207 --> 00:32:49,049 Very well-documented and thoroughly studied. 638 00:32:51,303 --> 00:32:53,044 Narrator: In 2019, 639 00:32:53,138 --> 00:32:55,788 Astrophysicist dr. Travis taylor 640 00:32:55,808 --> 00:32:59,201 Joined a team of scientists and researchers 641 00:32:59,219 --> 00:33:02,980 To investigate the bizarre phenomena on the property. 642 00:33:03,207 --> 00:33:04,964 -Man: To the south. -There it is! 643 00:33:05,058 --> 00:33:06,149 Man 2: It's moving real slow. 644 00:33:06,301 --> 00:33:08,376 Man: That thing is big and spherical. 645 00:33:08,395 --> 00:33:10,636 Travis taylor: Yes, it is, and it's got a black dot in the center of it. 646 00:33:10,731 --> 00:33:12,731 That ain't an airplane! 647 00:33:12,825 --> 00:33:15,325 Since I've been out there at skinwalker ranch, 648 00:33:15,477 --> 00:33:17,552 I've seen so many different things 649 00:33:17,571 --> 00:33:21,331 That before, I would have not really believed they existed. 650 00:33:21,558 --> 00:33:23,316 Man: Travis, you got to see this. 651 00:33:23,335 --> 00:33:25,577 Okay. Well, there's the lasers. 652 00:33:25,729 --> 00:33:27,087 -Yeah, I'm doing instant playback. You see this? -Oh. Yeah. 653 00:33:29,082 --> 00:33:31,341 Taylor: Wow. What the crap is that? 654 00:33:31,493 --> 00:33:33,826 And I can say that I'd never seen a ufo 655 00:33:33,846 --> 00:33:35,345 Before I went to skinwalker ranch, 656 00:33:35,497 --> 00:33:37,639 And now I've seen so many, I can't count them. 657 00:33:39,576 --> 00:33:41,076 Brandon fugal: Skinwalker ranch is, without question, 658 00:33:41,094 --> 00:33:42,835 The most scientifically studied 659 00:33:42,929 --> 00:33:46,598 Hot spot on the planet. 660 00:33:46,692 --> 00:33:49,434 To be able to take a more advanced scientific effort 661 00:33:49,586 --> 00:33:52,587 Forward to better understand 662 00:33:52,606 --> 00:33:54,256 What is really happening there, 663 00:33:54,274 --> 00:33:55,774 I mean, it's... 664 00:33:55,868 --> 00:33:57,868 It's the greatest science project of our time. 665 00:33:59,521 --> 00:34:03,615 Narrator: Between 1996 and 2016, 666 00:34:03,709 --> 00:34:06,935 The federal government helped fund investigations on the ranch 667 00:34:07,028 --> 00:34:09,546 That were led by aerospace entrepreneur 668 00:34:09,773 --> 00:34:12,198 Robert bigelow and his organization 669 00:34:12,217 --> 00:34:15,627 Known as the national institute for discovery science. 670 00:34:15,779 --> 00:34:19,205 Thomas winterton: People ask me, hey, what did bigelow find? 671 00:34:19,224 --> 00:34:22,284 And the interesting thing is, is that we haven't received any, 672 00:34:22,302 --> 00:34:26,288 Not a single bit of data, 673 00:34:26,381 --> 00:34:29,140 From the previous team, so it must be classified. 674 00:34:29,234 --> 00:34:31,568 Bigelow never shared it with us. 675 00:34:33,463 --> 00:34:35,405 Narrator: Although much of what the bigelow team discovered 676 00:34:35,557 --> 00:34:37,482 Has never been released to the public, 677 00:34:37,634 --> 00:34:39,559 It has been suggested 678 00:34:39,578 --> 00:34:41,394 That some of the hot spot phenomena 679 00:34:41,488 --> 00:34:43,563 Witnessed on the ranch may be related 680 00:34:43,582 --> 00:34:45,665 To a portal through spacetime. 681 00:34:47,419 --> 00:34:50,328 Taylor: Skinwalker ranch appears to be the epicenter 682 00:34:50,422 --> 00:34:53,315 Of some really strange energy measurements, 683 00:34:53,333 --> 00:34:55,333 Strange electric and magnetic field. 684 00:34:55,485 --> 00:34:57,652 There's been a lot of speculation 685 00:34:57,745 --> 00:35:01,005 That skinwalker ranch is the site of a portal 686 00:35:01,158 --> 00:35:03,916 Or a wormhole where alien civilizations, 687 00:35:03,936 --> 00:35:05,751 Or maybe even extra-dimensional creatures, 688 00:35:05,771 --> 00:35:07,270 Are using as a transit station. 689 00:35:07,422 --> 00:35:08,522 They're moving in and out. 690 00:35:10,350 --> 00:35:12,609 Narrator: Could wormholes really be an explanation 691 00:35:12,836 --> 00:35:15,112 For why hot spots like skinwalker ranch 692 00:35:15,339 --> 00:35:17,072 Exist where they do? 693 00:35:18,283 --> 00:35:20,175 The idea of a wormhole-- 694 00:35:20,268 --> 00:35:22,360 A shortcut through time and space-- 695 00:35:22,512 --> 00:35:25,288 Was proposed in 1935 696 00:35:25,440 --> 00:35:29,017 By physicists albert einstein and nathan rosen. 697 00:35:29,035 --> 00:35:31,777 Using the theory of relativity, 698 00:35:31,797 --> 00:35:33,855 They showed that these pathways 699 00:35:33,948 --> 00:35:35,966 Could exist as a tunnel structure, 700 00:35:36,193 --> 00:35:39,636 Connecting two very distant points through space and time... 701 00:35:41,365 --> 00:35:43,807 ...Making travel to the most remote parts of the universe 702 00:35:43,958 --> 00:35:45,976 A theoretical possibility. 703 00:35:47,888 --> 00:35:50,814 Pope: Some believe that extraterrestrials 704 00:35:51,041 --> 00:35:54,058 Would use wormholes, 705 00:35:54,153 --> 00:35:58,638 And ufos would then, apparently, 706 00:35:58,657 --> 00:36:01,232 Arrive out of nowhere, seemingly, 707 00:36:01,385 --> 00:36:02,808 And disappear into nowhere, 708 00:36:02,828 --> 00:36:04,977 Which is very often what you get 709 00:36:04,997 --> 00:36:08,573 At locations that are ufo hot spots 710 00:36:08,667 --> 00:36:10,500 Like skinwalker ranch. 711 00:36:10,652 --> 00:36:13,628 What do you find? The idea that there's a portal there. 712 00:36:14,748 --> 00:36:16,581 It's within the laws of physics 713 00:36:16,675 --> 00:36:20,326 To use the wormhole as a gateway 714 00:36:20,420 --> 00:36:23,405 To another distant part of the galaxy 715 00:36:23,423 --> 00:36:26,332 Faster than the speed of light. 716 00:36:26,351 --> 00:36:27,926 We don't have that kind of technology. 717 00:36:28,078 --> 00:36:31,246 But perhaps an advanced civilization 718 00:36:31,264 --> 00:36:33,172 Already mastered this technology, 719 00:36:33,266 --> 00:36:36,918 And use it to crisscross the galaxy. 720 00:36:36,937 --> 00:36:38,445 That cannot be ruled out. 721 00:36:40,106 --> 00:36:43,182 Narrator: Is it possible that advanced intelligent beings 722 00:36:43,276 --> 00:36:45,017 Exist in other parts of the universe 723 00:36:45,037 --> 00:36:48,020 Who have the technology to create portals 724 00:36:48,114 --> 00:36:50,932 Through time and space? 725 00:36:50,951 --> 00:36:54,527 And if so, could ufo hot spots be gateways 726 00:36:54,621 --> 00:36:56,671 Where they are able to reach earth? 727 00:36:58,108 --> 00:37:01,626 It might explain why, on our earth, 728 00:37:01,720 --> 00:37:03,778 That places where ufos 729 00:37:03,871 --> 00:37:07,039 Of any shape, size, color, 730 00:37:07,059 --> 00:37:09,801 Are seen on a repeated basis, 731 00:37:09,953 --> 00:37:11,786 It's exactly the same thing. 732 00:37:11,879 --> 00:37:14,547 They're coming in and out of 733 00:37:14,641 --> 00:37:17,642 Electromagnetically created portals, 734 00:37:17,736 --> 00:37:19,978 And that's why there seems to be 735 00:37:20,130 --> 00:37:23,965 A pattern of coming and going on this planet. 736 00:37:23,984 --> 00:37:26,868 They are with us on our planet. 737 00:37:28,805 --> 00:37:31,155 Narrator: Could it be that extraterrestrials 738 00:37:31,308 --> 00:37:35,401 Are actually traveling to earth through wormholes or portals? 739 00:37:35,420 --> 00:37:39,481 If so, where are they coming from? 740 00:37:39,574 --> 00:37:42,650 There are those who believe that it may not be 741 00:37:42,744 --> 00:37:45,095 From distant points in the cosmos, 742 00:37:45,322 --> 00:37:48,431 But possibly from other dimensions. 743 00:37:59,278 --> 00:38:02,337 Narrator: Famed author and ufologist john keel 744 00:38:02,430 --> 00:38:04,188 Publishes his second book: 745 00:38:04,283 --> 00:38:07,617 Ufos operation trojan horse. 746 00:38:08,845 --> 00:38:11,270 In the book, keel asserts 747 00:38:11,290 --> 00:38:13,681 That earth is being visited by extraterrestrials, 748 00:38:13,700 --> 00:38:16,200 Not from distant planets, 749 00:38:16,353 --> 00:38:19,020 But from parallel universes. 750 00:38:19,113 --> 00:38:21,464 He believed this could be the real explanation 751 00:38:21,616 --> 00:38:23,258 For ufo hot spots. 752 00:38:24,861 --> 00:38:28,621 Pope: John keel believed that these visitors 753 00:38:28,715 --> 00:38:30,715 Were from other dimensions, 754 00:38:30,809 --> 00:38:33,201 But that in the past, 755 00:38:33,294 --> 00:38:35,628 They had been misperceived 756 00:38:35,647 --> 00:38:39,816 As gods, devils, angels, demons, 757 00:38:39,967 --> 00:38:43,278 Other sorts of supernatural entities. 758 00:38:44,898 --> 00:38:49,141 But he said this is something that has always been with us. 759 00:38:49,161 --> 00:38:50,902 It's just that they don't come from 760 00:38:50,996 --> 00:38:52,737 Where we think they come from. 761 00:38:52,889 --> 00:38:54,722 Henry: John keel said 762 00:38:54,741 --> 00:38:57,650 Those beings are not from other planets. 763 00:38:57,669 --> 00:38:59,727 They're from other dimensions. 764 00:38:59,821 --> 00:39:02,255 And this is called the interdimensional hypothesis. 765 00:39:03,658 --> 00:39:06,158 And when they do appear in our reality, 766 00:39:06,252 --> 00:39:08,160 They can violate our laws of physics. 767 00:39:08,180 --> 00:39:10,663 They can travel faster than light. 768 00:39:10,682 --> 00:39:12,331 It's because they're coming from 769 00:39:12,425 --> 00:39:13,850 Higher dimensional realms. 770 00:39:15,336 --> 00:39:17,745 Narrator: According to the interdimensional hypothesis, 771 00:39:17,839 --> 00:39:20,932 Hot spots are simply locations on earth 772 00:39:21,084 --> 00:39:25,086 Where the dimension we inhabit crosses over into another. 773 00:39:25,179 --> 00:39:27,922 It may sound like science fiction, 774 00:39:28,015 --> 00:39:31,092 But it actually fits neatly into a branch of theoretical physics 775 00:39:31,111 --> 00:39:33,428 Known as string theory. 776 00:39:33,521 --> 00:39:35,705 In string theory we play with different 777 00:39:35,857 --> 00:39:37,832 Kinds of universes in different dimensions. 778 00:39:39,102 --> 00:39:41,619 There are tunnels that connect one universe 779 00:39:41,713 --> 00:39:43,529 With another universe. 780 00:39:43,548 --> 00:39:46,031 And how many universes are there in string theory? 781 00:39:46,126 --> 00:39:48,218 Perhaps an infinite number. 782 00:39:50,630 --> 00:39:53,890 Narrator: In the end, hot spots remain an enduring mystery. 783 00:39:55,619 --> 00:39:58,953 Are ufo hot spots gateways to other dimensions? 784 00:39:58,972 --> 00:40:01,956 Portals to other places in the universe? 785 00:40:01,975 --> 00:40:05,460 The locations of underground alien bases? 786 00:40:05,553 --> 00:40:09,406 Or is it possible that all three are true? 787 00:40:11,576 --> 00:40:13,317 There's no, you know, theory of everything 788 00:40:13,470 --> 00:40:15,561 When it comes to this sort of phenomena. 789 00:40:15,580 --> 00:40:17,655 It seems like there are a lot of different reasons 790 00:40:17,749 --> 00:40:21,233 As to why a ufo may be attracted to something, 791 00:40:21,327 --> 00:40:23,253 Why activity happens over here. 792 00:40:23,404 --> 00:40:26,047 There are a variety of different reasons, and not just one. 793 00:40:27,651 --> 00:40:31,744 Pope: I think these hot spots are hugely significant 794 00:40:31,763 --> 00:40:35,098 For our understanding of ufos. 795 00:40:35,249 --> 00:40:39,418 There might be a dimensional solution to this. 796 00:40:39,512 --> 00:40:41,996 There could be multiple explanations, 797 00:40:42,015 --> 00:40:44,774 And these aren't mutually exclusive. 798 00:40:44,926 --> 00:40:47,185 So it's perfectly possible to have 799 00:40:47,279 --> 00:40:51,172 Visiting extraterrestrials, interdimensional intrusion 800 00:40:51,265 --> 00:40:54,117 And time travelers from the future. 801 00:40:55,528 --> 00:40:58,179 Henry: We don't fully understand hot spots. 802 00:40:58,198 --> 00:41:00,031 However, there's never been 803 00:41:00,183 --> 00:41:02,183 A time in history that I'm aware of 804 00:41:02,202 --> 00:41:04,368 Where so much science and technology 805 00:41:04,463 --> 00:41:07,613 Has been directed now in trying to figure them out. 806 00:41:07,707 --> 00:41:09,466 And what will be the benefit of that? 807 00:41:09,617 --> 00:41:11,859 Well, we will come to a conclusion 808 00:41:11,953 --> 00:41:14,195 About who we are, where we came from, 809 00:41:14,214 --> 00:41:17,140 And ultimately where we go from here. 810 00:41:18,626 --> 00:41:21,719 Tsoukalos: If one day the mainstream accepts the idea 811 00:41:21,813 --> 00:41:23,371 That these ufo hot spots 812 00:41:23,464 --> 00:41:27,225 Do have an extraterrestrial connection, 813 00:41:27,319 --> 00:41:29,227 Then that would be 814 00:41:29,321 --> 00:41:33,490 A profound conclusion in the history of humanity. 815 00:41:34,976 --> 00:41:37,218 Narrator: Could ufo hot spots hold the key 816 00:41:37,311 --> 00:41:39,220 To understanding strange phenomena 817 00:41:39,313 --> 00:41:41,405 That has been witnessed on our planet 818 00:41:41,558 --> 00:41:43,224 For thousands of years? 819 00:41:43,317 --> 00:41:46,394 Might these locations contain portals 820 00:41:46,487 --> 00:41:48,896 That lead not only to other worlds, 821 00:41:48,990 --> 00:41:52,008 But also to other dimensions? 822 00:41:53,178 --> 00:41:55,345 If so, perhaps one day 823 00:41:55,496 --> 00:41:56,904 We will be able to harness 824 00:41:56,998 --> 00:41:59,407 The power of these hot spots ourselves, 825 00:41:59,500 --> 00:42:02,577 And discover a reality far beyond 826 00:42:02,595 --> 00:42:06,247 What we ever believed was possible. 827 00:42:06,340 --> 00:42:07,607 Captioning provided by a+e networks